#it's silly but annoying like are we really still so afraid to show two men kissing
dragontarts · 2 years
that TEDEd video on sir gawain and the green knight is so cowardly. why is gawain only allowed to kiss lady bertilak on the lips, while he kisses lord bertilak on the cheek. weak, cowardly and homophobic smh... 
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theemissuniverse · 2 months
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A/N : I don’t think anyone is going to read this because tftbl is so underrated but I’m bored soooo
WARNINGS : nsfw headcanons, MDNI
You and August? Nobody would have ever guessed you two were a couple. No one would have even assumed you two were a couple.
The two of you, surprisingly, were together since you were thirteen. At first it was just silly kid love but now that the two of you were grown adults, it turned into something serious.
August wasn’t expecting himself to fall in love with someone like you given you two were complete opposites. But he was. Madly in love with you. Even if he had a hard time of showing it. He was.
You were also the only one that could put August in check. That was something other people realized quickly.
You were only person allowed to kiss August, hug him, show him compassion and sympathy. Otherwise he didn’t care about it for anyone else.
“Be nice.” You told your boyfriend. You two had successfully kidnapped Fiona, Rhys and the rest of their friends while trying to unlock a vault.
August scoffed, crossing his arms. “I am nice.”
“To me.”
“Yeah, because you’re the only one that deserves it.”
You giggled a little and leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips. August accepted the kiss and pulled you closer to him.
The ones you kidnapped? Were further in the room and looked in complete confusion and disgust. “How did they end up together?” Rhys asked distraught.
“Talk about opposites attract.” Fiona mumbled.
You pulled away from him and walked out of the room. August turned towards the group and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “You people figure out a plan or what?”
“Do we have to suck your face too to get treated like a human being?” Sasha asked sarcastically.
August gave her a look full of disgust. “Don’t make me puke.”
August is protective but doesn’t breathe down your back. He knows you can handle yourself and that you don’t need a babysitter. But if anything were to happen, he’d burn the whole world down.
He isn’t the biggest on PDA but doesn’t mind to kiss you in front of everyone or even slap your ass.
He doesn’t really get jealous because he knows you love him. He’s more so just moderately irritated when he sees a man flirt with you or have a crush on you.
Which brings him to Rhys. He can tell Rhys has a crush on you because well, he is a man, and he’ll just roll his eyes half the time he sees you interact with Rhys. He’s not worried though.
While he may not be jealous, you are the one that is despite you being the more level headed one in the relationship and will all the time make remarks about him with other women or even Sasha. This annoys him because he genuinely doesn’t like any other women and has to remind you that he’s the one in love with you.
At first it was hard to get him to break his walls down but once you break them down, he is non stop saying he loves you. It kind of freaks people out seeing him so lovey with you and at the next minute wanting to shoot everyone in the face.
August doesn’t ever let you sit in a seat and makes you sit on his lap all the time.
He loves when you play with his hair. It releases some stress he’s feeling.
He has a rule where you two can never go to bed mad or walk out the door mad. He has abandonment issues so even if you’re extremely mad at him, you are forced to sleep in the same bed as him. Also if you’re leaving and are mad, you still have to tell him you love him.
August rarely gets mad at you. Or even irritated with you but if he ever does, he just needs a little space.
With how handsome August is and him owning a bar, he gets a lot of women trying to flirt with him. A lot of the time he gets really disgusted and just rolls his eyes. He’ll tell them he’s taken before walking away.
You on the other hand get the worst out of it because there’s a lot of drunk men at his bar that are not afraid to flirt with you openly. When August sees how uncomfortable they’re making you or if they make physical contact with you, he kills them instantly.
Speaking of, while you know you have to kill to survive on Pandora and do it out of necessity, August some times just kills if someone pisses him off which you don’t like. He tries not to do it in front of you.
August always kisses you on your knuckles.
When August messes up in the relationship, it’s hard for him to say he’s sorry but he will say it. If that doesn’t work, he’ll shower you with gifts to the point where you stop giving him the silent treatment and actually talk to him.
August is the dominant one in the relationship. While he is submissive to you outside the relationship like getting you anything you want and wanting to do things for you, August takes complete control in the bedroom. He is never really submissive but he’ll let you get on top of him though.
He loves to eat you out and probably prefers giving to receiving. He just loves making you feel good.
August prefers your ass more to your chest. He just likes grabbing it and giving it a smack and it happens frequently.
He’ll talk you through it. All the time. He sees how much it makes you squirm and loves seeing you all wind up. He’ll always praise you. He’s not the one to really degrade in the bedroom but if you ask then he’ll do it.
August likes all the sex positions to be completely honest but if he had to pick one, it would be cow girl. As dominant as he is, he loves when you ride him and seeing your chest bounce up and down. He’ll mainly have to help you through because the pleasure is too much for you to keep up the pace. Seeing you struggle turns him on even more.
He isn’t really into hurting you in the bedroom but if you ask him, he’ll do it.
He loves when you beg to cum. Not that he ever denies you. You’re just so desperate to cum on him and it turns him on so much that he is ready to cum inside of you.
Considering you’re in a long term relationship with him, August just prefers cumming inside of you. He doesn’t mind if you get pregnant and actually wants kids. Also it’s just hotter to do it inside of you.
He loves eye contact. He forces you to look at him through out the entire time and if you cum without looking at him, then you have rounds until you do.
2 times out of 10, you have to initiate intimacy. August gets turned on just by looking at you and is always on the go to have sex so you’re never really the one to start it.
When he is feeling he wants you to take control, he doesn’t mind if you tied him up to the bed.
August has a lot of stamina so he’s willing to go a long time until you want to stop.
He can cum just by looking at your body but even when he cums too quick, he keeps going until you do. If he can’t get back up, he just settles to eating you out.
He loves thigh riding. He’d watch you cum on his thigh every day if he could.
He loves when you leave hickeys on his body. Not until does it feel good but it looks good on his body.
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realcube · 4 years
The Maid Café || Saiki K x Reader
summary: nendou and kaidou keep pestering saiki to visit their favourite maid café but he shuts them down every time. however, after a bit of prying they manage to convince him to give the place a try and while they are there, you just so happen to be on shift. 
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tw// cussing, maid café, (she/her) reader
“non italicised text” = somebody besides Saiki speaking
“italicised text” = Saiki telepathically communicating
‘italised text’ = Saiki’s thought
‘Of course Nendou and Kaidou would be into maid cafés of all things — not cat cafés, not internet cafés — it just had to be maid cafés.’  
Saiki’s internal monologue began as Kaidou continued gushing on about the cute lady he met at the café a few days ago as an argument to why Saiki should join them next time they go. Not to say Saiki wasn’t listening as he felt extremely sorry for whatever lady had to tolerate Kaidou’s advances and his prayer went out to her but besides that, he really couldn’t care less about the maids or the café. 
Until, his attention was involuntarily aroused at the vocalisation of his name from Nendou, “Saiki’s definitely in for Friday, I’m pretty sure I sold him when I told him that the sandwiches there are almost as good as the ramen we usually get.”
‘No, you didn’t. I won’t be coming to join you on Friday. I’d much rather stay--’ 
Somehow Kaidou managed to cut off Saiki’s internal monologue with his annoying voice, “Don’t be silly, Nendou. You’re not going to win Saiki over with such a ridiculous comparison, one that he clearly doesn’t care about.” 
‘Am I delusional? Is this a hallucination? Or did Kaidou just say something logical and based in reality?’
Kaidou’s aura immediately changed to dark and sinister as a mischievous smirk crossed his face, the background squawks of the crows suddenly became much louder for some unknown reason. “Instead, you must locate your opponent's weak point before you can recognise the crucially important moment to exploit it. The process takes patience but it is one I have learned from my many years rebelling against Dark Reunion. Now, young Nendou, watch and learn.” He finished with a dramatic flip of his school jacket which was slung over his shoulders as a cape.
‘What was all that about?’
Saiki wondered before Kaidou turned to him, much less brooding than he was a few seconds ago, and said casually, “Your loss if you don’t come, Saiki — you’ll be the one missing out on some of the best desserts in our whole town — not to mention the coffee jelly.”
‘How do I always end up losing to these people? I am a psychic for god’s sake!’
Saiki mentally cursed himself out as he stood shamefully in front of the maid café, wearing a carefully curated outfit — including his germanium ring  — created especially to hide his identity from anyone from his school that might pass by the café and spot him in there through the window or something. Honestly, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a maid café, or so he thought.
However, all the reviews he read along with both Nendou and Kaidou’s thoughts helped him conclude that this place’s coffee jelly and general dessert selection is nothing to sneeze at. In fact, his favourite Tumblr blog - DeadlyDesserts11037 - visited the place and gave it a 5 star review, recommending everybody who happens to pass by the town to definitely check the place out. After that, he was sold.
Saiki looked over at his friends and couldn’t help but facepalm in response to their bright red, thrilled expressions. “Good grief, please don’t tell me you are both that excited over ladies in maid outfits.” As you might’ve guessed, Saiki didn’t really understand the concept of a ‘maid café’, so he simply assumed the male obsession with maids had something to do with the objectification of women hence he obviously did not want to take part.
“Saiki, you’re seriously just built different if this doesn’t touch your soul.” They both brushed the pink-haired boy’s comment off, completely mesmerised by the sight of a particularly pretty maid-lady walking by the window — probably on her way to serve a table — carrying a notepad in one hand and a plate with a scrumptious-looking coffee jelly on top. 
Saiki followed their gaze, his breath hitching at the sight. He was speechless; no sarcastic comment, no running commentary, nothing. Just..woah! If he had known that the girls that work at this place were so gorgeous and the food looked so delicious, he would’ve came a long time ago.
He wasn’t even sure which one he wanted more; the girl or the jelly. In a way, one wasn’t complete without the other because the coffee jelly which she held high next to her head brought out her (E/C) eyes while her shapely figure highlighted the defined curves of the jelly. Drool was quick to start forming at the corners of his lips but he was even quicker to wipe it away; he was starving.
“We’re going in.”
To Saiki’s dismay, it was not the stunning (H/C)-haired girl who he had caught a glimpse of through the glass that ushered them to their table. Rather, it was a slightly less gorgeous maid-lady who had long, bright purple hair which was clearly a wig. 
Fortunately for him, after she left Kadiou, Nendou and himself to take their seats, she rushed off saying that someone will come take their orders whenever they are ready.
Even with his psychic abilities, there wasn’t much he could think of to alter fate so the pretty coffee-jelly lady would end up serving their table, and besides that, he was way too caught up in gawking at all the mouth-watering desserts they had pictured on the menu. 
Simply glancing over the menu brought a stupid grin to his face, he wanted to try every delectable treat presented in front of him. However, he knew he must exhibit restraint, which was fairly simple as he knew deep down there was only one thing on the menu that he was truly after. You guessed it  — coffee jelly.
Usually, he couldn’t care less about what his friends comrades were going to order but in this case, he was tempted to try convince both Kaidou and Nendou to order something he liked so he could take a bite of whatever they were having, “What are you two going to order?”
Yet again though, he was ignored as Nendou and Kaidou were both too busy checking out other types of snacks to care about the ones on the menu. 
Then, a movement out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention so his head jolted from the menu to his new target, the beautiful girl he had saw through the window earlier. Previously, she was holding a coffee jelly but now she was basically empty handed, until she approached the table and pulled out a notepad and pen, “May I take your orders?” She asked in the most calming, melodious voice Saiki had ever heard, the sounds that left her mouth were nothing short of angelic. Which made sense since her serving their table must’ve been god’s gift to Saiki for all his hard work.
Chills, Saiki got literal chills before he mused, “A coffee jelly, and two brownies for the pair of clowns.” His blood ran cold; curse his smooth sarcastic comments! Most of the time, he was able to filter himself but due to the nerves that arose while talking to you, he probably shouldn’t be surprised that he had a little slip of the tongue. But now, you probably think he is a bitch that insults people on the regular; which he is, but not usually aloud! Plus, he couldn’t even tell what you were thinking due to his germanium ring and your distant expression, awful combo!
While he was in the middle of feeling bad for himself and considering teleporting away home, a miracle happened, you burst out laughing. And somehow, your laughter was even more silvery than your voice. 
Saiki had zoned-out from pure shock for a moment before coming back to reality, noticing that you had started jotting down something in your notepad, a sweet smile still lingering on your face despite the fact you had stopped laughing. “Alright, so one coffee jelly and two brownies. Anything else?” You asked, glancing back and forth between the three equally unique and strange men sitting at the table. 
“That’ll be all, thank you.” Saiki telepathically communicated as he usually did, considering actually using his mouth to speak for a change so he didn’t seem weird but in all honesty, he couldn’t be bothered. In any other situation, he would’ve gotten a drink of water or perhaps hot cocoa but right now he was way too afraid of making another error in his speech to request something else. 
Silently, he extended his arm to hand you the menu he was given when he entered the café, along with the ones Kaidou and Nendou were given too. His actions single-handedly shooting down your plan of leaning across the table to ‘take the menus’ but in reality it is just a subtle way of showing-off how nice your torso looked in this maid outfit, a trick you learned from your supervisor. 
You nodded, closing over your notepad and making your way over to the kitchen, being sure to swing your hips just a little bit extra to impress the pink-haired megane at the table you just took an order from. You mentally cursed your stupid brain though for always crushing on guys/gals who don’t seem the least bit interested in you. In this case, the guy’s attention was divided between his star-struck friends and the desserts on the menu, rather than you which was an unusual sight in a maid café considering that most people would only come to ogle at the waitresses. 
“So, Saiki.” Kaidou finally landed back into reality after a large chunk of the waitresses roaming around were now in the kitchen which he didn’t have viewing access to, “What did you order us?”
‘So, he was fully aware that the waitress came to take his order, he just chose to ignore her and left me to order his food. What a child, it must be a side-effect of his eighth grade syndrome.’
Saiki couldn’t help but sigh, “I ordered you both brownies.”
Kaidou stuck out his bottom lip to form a pout as he crossed his arm over his chest like a toddler, “I hate brownies.” He muttered to himself, realising that if he wanted something done right, he’d have to do it himself.
An amused smirk tugged at Saiki’s lips but he resisted the urge to laugh, ‘I know.’ He thought, his masterplan to eat more food without looking greedy falling into place. “Oh well, more for me then.”
Suddenly, Nendou spun his head around to abruptly join the conversation, “Hey guys, did you see the hottie that was serving our table?” He inquired with starry eyes, as if he was a kid in a candy store.
Saiki nodded, ‘Obviously I did, you moron. I was the one who ordered the food for goodness’ sake!’
Kaidou shook his head, his eyes lighting up as he leaned in close to Nendou, “Nope! I was busy looking at the other girls, but tell us!” 
Nendou chuckled at Kaidou’s enthusiastic reaction before glancing to the side, outstretching his arm and pointing at the waitress that was now approaching the table with the food in her hands. “There she is!”
‘Don’t point at her, you idiot!’ Saiki mentally insulted his friend but instinctively followed the guidance of the tip of his finger until his eyes landed on your shapely figure — accentuated by the nature of the maid outfit  — slowly heading toward his table, holding the coffee jelly and the plate of brownies in the same graceful way you did when he saw you through the window. 
The gleam of your gorgeous hair, the movement of your luscious lashes, the gentle bounce of your upper body, how your perfectly manicured nails clutched the base of the jelly glass; everything about what he was seeing made him believe that if/when he were to die, this would be his ideal first sight as he passed through the gates of heaven. 
Before he knew it, you had reached the table and placed his jelly down on the table, gently nudging it towards him, “One coffee jelly for the cute boy with antennas.” You mused, making Saiki’s heart flutter in a way he was unfamiliar with. Then, you placed the brownies in front of Kaidou and Nednou who sat opposite from Saiki, “And two brownies for the clowns.” 
If it wasn’t for the fact the pair of clowns were too busy leching over you in your maid outfit, they’d probably be curious as to your choice of words but luckily for both you and Saiki, they were way to entranced by your visible bra strap to care about the little nickname.
Saiki felt a light blush creep onto his face, which only got worse as you discretely sent him a playful wink before turning on your heels to stroll back to the kitchen, “If you need anything else, just give me a wave.” 
All of them hummed agreement in unison until the waitress was out of sight, giving Saiki a moment to process the events that had just went down. Not only did you refer to him as ‘the cute boy with antennas’ but you also winked at him, if that wasn’t a clear sign you were interested, what was? However, Saiki still had his doubts since this was a maid café after all, perhaps you were just trained to do that with all your customers.
Luckily, the had the foresight to slip off his germanium ring to read your mind and that helped him come to the conclusion that you were either interested in him or you were just very competitive as the whole time you were serving the table your thoughts were along the lines of;
‘I’ll adjust my skirt- Ha! You looked! Try resist falling for me now, you hot lil’ megane! Your heart is mine and I know it! See, I’ll fidget with my corset too-- just make a move already, pinkie!’
Although he didn’t appreciate being called ‘pinkie’, he had no right to judge what was going on in your brain. All he could do is be thankful that you didn’t say that aloud.
You sighed as you noticed the pink-haired boy and his little posy exit the establishment without so much as a goodbye, or even a wave! 
It was disappointing as you had already mentally planned your future with this guy and he had the audacity to do the real life equivalent of leaving you on read. But oh well, it would be approximately a week until you developed a crush on a random customer that lasts for around 30 minutes and for the time being, you can focus on doing your job.
You glumly shuffled over to their table to gather their plates to be washed, then a piece of colourful paper attached to the empty jelly glass caught your eye. As you held up the glass to inspect it further, you realised that it was a sticky note with a message written on it in black ink and neat, cursive handwriting. It read:
‘Dearest waitress,
Thank you for the excellent service, we (myself) tipped accordingly.’
You hadn’t finished reading yet but you were curious as to what he meant by that, and apparently you service must’ve been exceptional as the writer had left a whole ¥2000 tip. That’s a huge addition to the demonia fund.  
Followed by this charming little message was an extra tip for you; the writer’s phone number! Meaning that this little sticky note was something you had to protect with your life..so you shoved it in your bra for safe-keeping. 
But not before taking a moment to giggle with delight at who the note was signed by, 
‘Sincerely, the hot lil’ megane (aka Kusuo Saiki)’ 
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ickymichi · 4 years
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
<3 warning: none really! just slight mentions of nsfw but nothing brutal, swearing, v slight angst, mentions of insecurity.
<3 things to know!: set in the timeskip, unless i’m like ‘this was back in high school’. (implied female) reader and issei are in an established relationship.
<3 summary!: headcannons i have about issei and his appearance/body. :)
<3 a/n: see i genuinely had no idea what to call this. like it’s headcannons that i have about issei’s appearance/body?. and also to make some of the things named more normalised and to make ppl see how attractive they make ppl. reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to hotboyissei 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
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𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐒: listen to this okay. issei with freckles on his shoulders. beautiful i know. but just imagine it. those nice broad shoulders with thousands of freckles scattered across them from years of tanning and getting sunburned on the beach while on holidays or just from the numerous summers he spent in your backyard getting a tan. just running your hands across them seeing how some of them connected to form a bigger one. he always tells you it tickles. but never says stop. also in summer he gets them on his face from the sun.
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒: he definitely had them on like the part of his back where his arm meets his shoulders, on the under side of his biceps and definitely got some on his ass cause boy got cake. but he’s insecure about them and used to hate wearing tank tops cause you could see them. but you told him how much you love them and how cool they look. now mf thinks he’s hot shit (as he should) and walks around your house in them or just shirtless. if you have some to he would literally always be telling you how attractive it is. literally constantly.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑: he definitely is on the hairier side. like he got hairy ass legs let me tell you, but it thins out when it gets to his thighs a bit. definitely waxes or shaves his ass idc idc, was scared from this one time he was watching porn and it just got a shot of the guys hairy ass and he was disgusted. but also he got like, not a lot to where he has to constantly wax it, but a nice amount of chest hair, like it’s only on his pecs not on his stomach you know?. side story!: it was like, two months after you started dating and you were having a movie night at his and you were staying over. makki convinced, i mean convinced him you were going to have sex for the first time. so issei being afraid you’d think his chest hair is unattractive he booked a chest wax and made makki come with him. he recorded the whole thing and showed you two years later, big bad matsukawa issei himself, screaming from pain and nearly breaking makki’s hand with the grip he had on it. end of side story :). his happy trail? pheww that shit idky it’s just attractive to me for some reason. also has a bit of stubble but he shaves it cause of one time in third year he was just really lazy that week and didn’t shave and when the four of them went to go to the cinema on saturday oikawa said: “who’s uncles coming our way?”. from then on he never goes out with to them without shaving beforehand. if you tell him you find it attractive he’d grow it out a small bit just to see your reaction. but if you said you don’t like it he’d do it anyway to annoy you.
𝐀𝐂𝐍𝐄: high school issei definitely had acne. not like major but had some on his cheeks and his back. he hated it sm cause all his friends never had a problem with it. until you told him it doesn’t matter if he has it for not he’s still seggsy as fuck. now timeskip issei? not as much. he made sure to start taking care of his skin halfway through high school. that is until masks became a thing, poor guy has a love hate relationship with them now.
𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: listen, issei eats. mf has the biggest appetite you’ve ever seen. ceo of “you eating that?”. every time you see him on the couch he either has a bag of crisps, chocolate, popcorn, leftovers from last night or a takeout he ordered in his lap. man just loves food (i relate ‘sei dw). but all that eating makes boy bloat like crazy. like, he has a fast metabolism so mf never gains weight that much🙄. but he could literally eat half a sharing bar of chocolate and suddenly he’s eight weeks pregnant. also, he didn’t know what bloating was until you finished a movie night and mf took half the popcorn, had his own bag of jellies and three of the small multipack chocolate bars. so when he undressed for his shower and caught a glimpse of his stomach that normally only has a bit of pudge, pushed out to where it looks like he gained weight over night he has a stroke. this how shiz went down:
“(Y/N)!!” you literally sprinted to the bathroom thinking he fell or sum. “what issei? what happened?!”. “have i, have i always been this big?” “what? you look like you always do”. the distressed noise he let out along with him fake stumbling and grabbing the counter had you confused. “i look pregnant! what do you mean i always look like this? we’re getting a treadmill or at home gym or whatever i need to get back to how i was. good lord i really let myself go.” he ran a hand across his face while rubbing his stomach and looking in the mirror. then it hit you. “oh my god you fucking idiot, you do realise how much shit you are right? your just bloated.” “bloated? the fuck is that?”. you then spent the next fifteen minutes sitting on the toilet seat explaining what bloating was while he showered.
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇: i just know baby don’t got teeth that look like a fresh set of veneers. and it’s not like they crazy crooked, just slightly that you barley notice unless you’re up close and stare at his mouth. but because he’s always looking at himself it’s the first thing he sees. this leads to him covering his mouth whenever he laughs and only slightly smirking or lifting his mouth to a small closed lip smile when he’s told to smile. everytime he has to take a picture with his family one of his auntie who’s taking it shouts: “smile issei!” every time. and he always says: “i am though”which leads to his getting pinched in the side by his mother and her telling him: “fucking smile properly before i whoop your ass” through gritted teeth while she smiles brightly herself. he grew to not care as much when, you again, told him you love his smile when he threw his head back instead of covering his mouth when you told him a funny story.
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒/𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐒: heavenly i know, but bby doesn’t completely agree. we all know boy thick especially those gorgeously thick thighs! but he just thinks they’re too thick. he’s used to seeing oikawa and makki’s slender ones, so when he stands in front of the mirror in a pair of swim shorts he bought and they’re swinging on his waist but about to rip around his thighs he can feel himself start to tear up. and then, what a suprise, you walk in!
~ start story:)): “ ‘sei! you ready to go, oh are you okay?”. he whips his head around to see you standing in the doorway in the swim set you just bought your self. ‘god you look so good’ he thinks to himself. “uh yeah yeah i’m good just need a few minutes these uh, they don’t fit.” he brings a hand to his face and uses his index finger and thumb to wipe the tears in the corner of his eyes. “oh well then you can just tie the strings, that’s what they’re there for, i told you to go a size down silly”. you stand infront of him and start to tie the strings in the shorts around his waist. “no doll, they aren’t to big, they’re to small look” he motions his head to the way they’re straining around his thighs and he just wants to start crying again. “oh i see, we’ll theres nothing we can do there , is there? we’ll just buy another pair on the way.” how? he thinks. how are you not laughing in his face that his legs are to fat to fit in a pair of shorts that are 2 sizes to big for him? “i know what you’re thinking,” your soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts. “why is she not laughing at me huh? she probably thinks i’m fuckin’ ugly” you do your best to mimic his deep voice but just sound silly trying, making him let out a small laugh. “how many times have i told you how much i adore your legs hm? how many times have i done, such oh so sinful things on them while going on about how much i love them?. to many to count issei. so next time you think all those silly bad thoughts just think of me and every time i tell you nice things about them!”. now he’s definitely crying, but this time over how much your words helped him. and now he feels like a million dollars as he struts across the beach to the three men waiting for you with his neon orange shorts tied around his waist and clinging to his thighs. end story :))~
jesus i forgot about his legs. anyway, all his life he’s been told how ‘lanky he is’ and how long his legs are. this makes him feel like shit really,most of his jeans stop above his anlke so the only type of socks he had is the long ones that he uses to hide his ankles fromm people, making them think he has the perfect size. he’ll never forget the time he spent hours shopping with his mother and trying on countless pairs of trousers for an upcoming wedding that and they stop above his ankle. he feels embarrassed really, seeing the fitter tell him they can just get them custom made, but it’ll cost more plus the original price. watching how distressed his mother gets when he tells her how much it’ll be. he doesn’t want his mother spending that much money on a pair of trousers he’ll wear once so he butts in saying it’s fine and he’ll deal with it by wearing black socks and no one will notice. the same exact problem happens several years later except in his mother’s place is makki along with oikawa and iwa, watching him get fitted for your wedding. he tells himself ‘think of (y/n), think of (y/n) and how much she says she loves your legs’ but it’s hard to when all the other men have no problem finding the perfect suit size. he doesn’t want to pay extra for a custom suit but that’s what it looks like is going to happen.
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-end <3
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Book of Soulmates
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Pairing: Jin x reader
Premise: Everyone has a timer that counts down the time to when they’ll meet their soulmate. Jin’s time is nearing, and he’s getting really freaked out.
Jin wouldn’t say that he was a naturally anxious person, but if there was one thing that could set him on edge, it was the small numbers that were constantly ticking on his wrist.
When he asked the other members about it, they didn't give him very satisfactory answers. ‘Sure,’ they’d say. ‘I guess it’s annoying sometimes.’
That’s not the question he was asking.
Was the timer that was counting down the seconds, hours, and years until he met his soulmate annoying? Hardly. 
It was terrifying.
So when it came down to the destined week, staff were on the lookout for Jin’s other half to come stumbling across his path. The other members teased him mercilessly about it. Hoseok and Jungkook had already gone through this process, they were the only ones that occasionally had pity on him. However, they still reveled in telling horror-like stories about their own timers, that had long since disappeared since they had met their soulmates.
“Yeah, I had no idea where to go,” Jungkook says, everyone listening to him with unwavering attention. “So I just stood there on the side of the road, waiting.”
“And then?” Taehyung asks despite having already heard the story countless times.
“And then she just...showed up!” Jungkook laughs. “She was walking as fast as she could without running, and she looked like she was lost. She told me that she saw all of the security and thought for sure that she would miss me. But then she turned the corner and bumped into me and-”
“And you lived happily ever after, yeah. We know.” Jimin pats Jungkook’s shoulder. “We’ve heard this story a thousand and a half times. So what should Jin know going into this? You’ve got how long, Jin?”
Jin glances down at the timer, his heart picking up at the mere mention of his time ticking down. “T-two hours.”
The boys gasp. “That soon?”
Sitting inside their shared apartment, Jin was unsure of just how he was supposed to find his soulmate here. So what did he do in this type of stressful situation?
“I’m going out.”
The boys stare at him in confusion. “We’ll go with you!” Namjoon shouts, getting up from the couch. 
“No!” Jin shrieks. “No way! You’ll just stress me out more!”
“Jin,” Yoongi says quietly. “You can’t just go out into the night and wander around. Stay here for a little while, and then we’ll go out on a walk or something, ok?”
Jin shakes his head, grabbing his keys and scurrying toward the door. “Nope. No thank you. I’m out.”
He closes the door behind him, running down the stairs before they can rush out and change his mind. He’s just going for a drive to clear his mind, right? Tonight is just like any other night...right?
Jin’s head is full of static as he drives into the night, checking his timer every few seconds. Eventually the lights of the city begin to press in on him, making him feel like the car is too small for him to breathe properly anymore. 
He pulls over to a convenient store, checking his timer and noticing so crazy change. Sighing and wondering how he’s going to spend the next hour and a half, he decides that he at least needs a snack. 
He heads inside, making sure his hat is pulled down low over his face. Luckily there aren’t many people mulling about the small store at this time of night. He gives a small wave to the cashier who hardly looks up at him when he enters, and heads straight to the back. 
It’s when he’s trying to decide between different brands of chips that he realizes his timer has jumped.
To sixty seconds.
He grabs both bags of chips and a bottle of salsa for good measure, beelining it to the cash register. Shoving the items onto the desk, the cashier jumps up, clearly startled. 
“In a rush?” The cashier asks. Jin nods, fumbling for his wallet. 
“I...I’m supposed to-”
“Wasn’t asking for an answer,” the cashier remarks, scanning the items as slowly as possible. Jin jumps around on his toes, staring at his wrist. 
Thirty seconds. 
“I’m so sorry, you know what? Just keep it. I’ve got to get somewhere.” Jin goes to leave but stops as the cashier calls after him.
“So you’re just going to leave me here with this junk? Look man, I don’t know what your problem is, but if you’re going to-”
Jin groans, turning back around. “Fine. Yeah, whatever. Ring it up.” He clenches his jaw, trying his best not to raise his voice. “I’m going to be stuck in a convenience store while my timer counts down, it’s fine, not like I wanted this to be a nice experience anyways-”
“Dude.” The cashier holds up the salsa. “Chill.”
Jin is clenching his jaw so hard that he’s afraid it may break. “Oh, I’m chill.”
“Really, you don’t seem very chill.”
“Well maybe that’s because-”
“Excuse me?” A small voice comes from the entrance, a girl holding her knee as she looks back and forth between the two arguing men. “I think I’m supposed to meet my soulmate but I fell when I was running and...” her eyes drift to Jin, who pulls his sleeve up to check his timer. 
“Bandaid!” Jin shouts. “She needs a bandaid!”
As soon as the cashier jumps to life and heads back into the back room, Jin turns back to the girl that’s staring at him with wide eyes.
“Hey,” he breathes out. Then, he shows her the zeros in his wrist. The girl’s eyes grow even wider, and she lets out a soft laugh. 
“Huh.” Her giggle makes Jin smile. “I didn’t expect it to happen like this. Were you buying...snacks?”
Jin grabs his items off the counter, leaving some cash behind. “What? I stress eat.” Handing her one bag of chips, he delights in the way her eyes light up. “Hey, I have bandaids out in the car. Wanna ditch?”
As he comes closer, the girl gasps. “Oh, shut up. Kim Seokjin?”
Jin freezes before giving her a mock bow. “At your service.”
Instead of freaking out, the girl just laughs again before ripping open the bag of chips. “Is it weird to ask you for a piggy back to your car? My knee...”
Praying that his hat covers the redness in his ears, Jin shakes his head. “Hurry and hop on before that guy comes back out. He freaks me out.”
Wasting no time at all, Jin marvels at just how natural it feels to be with this girl. Especially as they head out toward his car and she pops a chip in his mouth. Munching on the salty snack, Jin smiles. 
How silly of him to be afraid of his timer.
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lassieposting · 3 years
okay but i'm still really salty that we don't see more of skulduggery and gordon's friendship because? all the indicators point to them being like, really really close. gordon probably sees more of skug in the 20-odd years pre-canon than ghastly does. like?
- let's go back to their first meeting. gordon is celebrating publishing his first book. he's like, 19. he throws up on skug's shoes outside a bar in new york. somehow a friendship comes out of this encounter? which? how the fuck do you go from upchucking on someone's bespoke footwear to ending up with their number and an introduction to the world of magic, gordon wtf did you do
- then we skip ahead to the horror writers' halloween ball. by this point, they're close enough that, when gordon is finally invited to a party he's been wanting to attend for years and has the opportunity to impress all these super-famous writers, he doesn't attend with one of his "numerous beautiful women" with whom he had "numerous torrid affairs". he looks at his invite, realises it's going to be a room full of writers in fancy dress, and calls skug like "so do you want to come to a pretentious event with me in a silly costume"
- then we skip ahead to the horror writers' halloween ball. by this point, they're close enough that, when gordon is finally invited to a party he's been wanting to attend for years and has the opportunity to impress all these super-famous writers, he doesn't attend with one of his "numerous beautiful women" with whom he had "numerous torrid affairs". he looks at his invite, realises it's going to be a room full of writers in fancy dress, and calls skug like "so do you want to wear a silly costume and be my plus one to a really pretentious party" and skug appreciates it so much and gordon knew he would and im just??? skug tells gordon outright that this is the first decent party he's been to in forever, because all the sorcerers walk on eggshells around him at the requiem ball and they're all afraid of him and that makes this gesture so sweet alskdfhsdlkfhdslfkh
- he also knows skug well enough by then to immediately get defensive when skug says his authoress friend seems "nice" and "looks a little like grace kelly", which is hilarious in and of itself because?? gordon??? how many women has skug "swept off their feet" right under your nose that you immediately feel the need to tell him to back off? what scandalous shit has skug been getting up to in the intervening ~10 years that he apparently has a history of cockblocking gordon?
- furthermore skug does not laugh at or mock gordon when he sends trays of drinks flying in his stupid fish costume which is. an admirable commitment to not hurting your buddy's feelings considering he laughs at val for falling over All The Time
- and then val is born! and gordon a) lets skug meet her and b) brags about her to him all the time, to the point that when she's 12 skug remembers the exact words he used to describe her. and it could easily come across as kind of insensitive that gordon talks about his niece so much when skug is a father without a child, but? honestly i always got the impression he's trying to include him in normal everyday family life stuff. Trying to prompt him to realise that he needs something in his life outside of getting revenge on Serpine.
- and then gordon dies, which is sad. but he hasn't been dead long by the time the funeral happens, google said you can go from death to funeral in less than a week, and skulduggery shows up at the funeral service. which means he knows gordon is dead.
now, none of the edgleys know skulduggery exists. gordon's lawyer only calls gordon's closest family - des and melissa - the day of the funeral to let them know about the will reading, and he has clearly never spoken to skulduggery before, so he didn't get a "hey your friend just died" heads up from the solicitor. it's possibly only been a few days since skulduggery last saw gordon. so the logical conclusion is that skug tried to call him, gordon never picked up, and skug went to the mansion when he got concerned, which would also imply that skug and gordon are in Very Regular Contact and gordon not returning his calls is Unsettling enough to warrant a house call.
- everything else we get comes from echo-gordon, but like.
- "The thing I still don’t understand, however, is why didn’t Gordon tell me about your family history? We were friends for years, we had conversations about the Ancients and the Faceless Ones that went on for days, so why didn’t he tell me?” JUST. IMAGINE THESE IDIOTS ON DAY THREE OF A CONVERSATION AND SKUG CALLS GORDON AT LIKE 3.45AM IN BETWEEN TWO MURDER CASES TO JUST BE LIKE "AND ANOTHER THING"
- gordon helped skug on cases? and "got [him] into a hundred fights, because [he'd] bring him somewhere and he wouldn't stop pestering people, but...fun times" I MEAN. really how often do u find someone more annoying than skug. he gets himself into plenty of fights as it is. and it's so satisfying to hang out with someone and then realise that for once you're not the annoying one like
- skug figured out echo-gordon existed but knew him well enough to let him reveal himself in his own time when he was comfortable?? im screeching into the void
anyway im just really salty that this is probably the closest friendship skug has had with anyone outside the dead men in?? at least a century?? possibly longer? and we only see them interact like three times we were cheated
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Daddy’s Best Friend
All Works Master List
DBF Master List
Word Count: 1021
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    Tom looked painfully beautiful in the black, form-fitting suit. His hair was slicked back, but his curls still held their form and framed his angelic face. Amaris shouldn't be thinking these things with her boyfriend next to her, but she couldn't stop looking at Tom.
    Amaris truly wasn't a kid anymore, Tom realizes for what feels like the millionth time since she came home. She looks like a confident young lady who wore a simple dress with purpose and perfection. It dropped just above her mid-thigh and hugged the perfect places to show off her lovely hourglass figure.  
    "Bonjour, Tommy," Amaris greets, trying to act like everything was normal and she wasn't having these conflicting feelings. She loved Armel, she did, but he wasn't Tom.
    Tom pulls Amaris into a quick hug before shaking Armel's hand. "Pleasure to see you again, Armel," Tom greets, fake smile plastered on his face. "Where's your father?"
    "I thought you had him last?" Amaris jokes, smiling as Tom chuckles. "I don't know; I just got here. He said we could get the table if we get here before him." Tom approaches the hostess with the young couple in tow, smiling that dazzling smile that could make any woman swoon.
    They sit down at the table, Amaris between the two men, by the time Will and the other two kids find their way to the back table. Armel grips Amaris's hand tightly, suddenly nervous about having a formal meeting with his girlfriend's family.
    Amaris could barely think, her head dancing with so many thoughts that by the time she processed one, three more were coming at her. Tom was to her left, smiling and laughing with the rest of the family. He was part of that family. They all adopted him as a member, and Amaris didn't want to ruin that relationship with her family.
    Armel was to her right, holding her hand and telling silly stories of Paris shenanigans. To say she was torn was an understatement. Amaris wasn't torn; she was already split. That kiss with Tom may not have meant anything to him, but to Amaris, it's everything she dreamt about for years. But Armel treats her so well. He treats her like a queen and always has.
    The waitress comes over, greeting the table with a bright customer service smile. She introduces herself as Alex and asks the usual question of what she can get us. The Clarke siblings all look at each other, Amaris hoping she gains a point.
    "A million dollars?" William jokes, causing Juno to wrinkle their nose. The oldest and youngest are now tied in points. Amaris does a silent celebration as she pulls out her phone to give herself a point while Armel giggles.
    "Mr. Clarke, you jokester." Alex teases. She's waited on Will multiple times, and every time she does, it's the same joke, but a generous tip is always left. William laughs and continues his usual drink order of whiskey on ice.
    Dinner seems to last forever to Amaris. Armel gets along swimmingly with her family, causing everyone to laugh and share the embarrassing stories they have with Amaris, much to her dismay. Tom laughed along, hoping no one can notice how forced it is.
    Tom wanted to leave the more he watched how lovesick Armel was with Amaris. He called her stupid pet names and smiled like an idiot when he looked at her. But Tom can't blame the latter. Tom can't help but smile when Amaris has her attention on him.
    "Oh my God," Danica exclaims, pulling both adults out of their thoughts. Amaris missed some of the conversations, having been lost in counting down the minutes until she can leave. "Did you know Mari had braces?"
    "Danny, I promise I am not afraid to jump across this table to strangle you if you show Armel shit," Amaris threatens. She wasn't secretive about her awkward pre-teens, but they weren't something she boasted about. Danica smiles mischievously and reaches for her phone. "I hate you," Amaris groans as Danica hands Armel her cellphone.
    On the screen is a picture of twelve-year-old Amaris smiling brightly with her braced teeth while holding a baby crocodile at the Australia Zoo. Armel laughs and then coes at the photo. "Adorable." Amaris hides her face in Armel's shoulder, making him laugh harder and rest a hand on her knee. "You were an adorable child, Mon Amour."
    "Shut up," Amaris whines, causing the table to laugh again.
    Tom remembered that picture. She was so excited to show him she got to hold a crocodile that she texted the photo to him right away, addressing him as Uncle Tom. That's all he was to her. Her adopted uncle. An adult figure that shouldn't be having these feelings for her, so why does he?
    He felt disgusted with himself for thinking the immoral things he was. How beautiful she'd look with her dress on his floor or how ethereal she'd sound with his name in her mouth. Tom takes a long drink of alcohol in front of him, drowning the thoughts in the liquid.
    It wasn't until dessert that Amaris noticed the change in Tom's demeanor. He stopped faking and slowly backed out of the conversation, focusing on his creme brulee. She leans over, whispering, "Are you okay? You kind of shut down, Tommy." Tommy. That fucking name makes his heart both soar in delight and sink in disgust with himself.
    He forces a smile just for her and replies, "Lovely, darling. Just a tad tired, I think." Amaris gives a small smile and rests a hand on his shoulder.
    "Thank you for coming. I really appreciate you putting effort into knowing Armel." Maybe it was a little backhanded, but Amaris wanted to get a rise out of Tom. She wanted to see if that kiss wasn't as drunk as he told her he was.
    Tom sniffles an annoyed sigh and kisses the girl's forehead tenderly. "Of course, darling. I'm really enjoying it," He says, trying his best to convey his disappointment.
    Neither one could wait for this night to be over.
Taglist: @queenofallhobos​ @kingtwhiddleston​ @cynic-spirit​
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literaila · 4 years
these memories live with me
spencer reid x reader
summary: a collection of letters the reader writes to spencer :D
warnings: fluffy. kinda cute. there are memories. some inferences to death. nothing too bad. and bad writing.. but yeah
Do you remember the time we went to the beach? 
You swore to me, over and over, that you weren't going. 
“Y/N, there is an average of 3,536 fatal drownings at the beach each year, not to mention the boat accidents. We aren't going.” 
I just laughed. I was pretty sure you’d never actually been to the beach before that. It didn't seem like it, seemed more like you were trying to protect us from danger that wasn't there. I’m not sure if it was for me or for you. 
Do you remember laughing? Do you remember how much fun we had? How sunburned we were the next day? 
Do you remember me running away from you, throwing me in the water? Do you remember that little boy coming up and asking you to build a sandcastle with you? Do you remember getting dinner later that night and spilling sand onto the booth? You hated that. Do you remember the glow we had for days after? The cold showers we had to take? 
I don't think anything could’ve wiped the smile off of your face that day. Before that, I don't think I’d ever seen you have so much fun. 
You’re usually so reserved, usually, you throw out facts to fill the silence, and explain to me everything about everything. Except for you. You never really told me anything about you before that. But that day, god that day you just lit up. Suddenly nothing had to be kept secret, suddenly you weren't afraid to be yourself, weren't afraid to tell me about the books you were reading, the thoughts you were thinking, the interesting little things that I didn't know could be so interesting. 
That day you told me about your Mom. You told me how you’d always felt guilty, guilty for not being there for her, guilty for letting her be alone all the time, you told me that you wished you could visit more, that your Mom deserved more visits, more time with her only family. You told me that you could never get the image of her begging you not to go to the hospital, to stay home, out of your head. You told me that was the one thing you wished you could forget. That having a memory like yours was only good when you needed to be a textbook. 
You told me that you felt really tired. 
But you were smiling. You were telling me all these things about you, all these things that would break a normal person down, that would crush anyone else's bones in half, but you were saying all of these horrible things, all of these things I wished I could erase from existing, and you were smiling. 
I still can't imagine how you were still smiling. 
I can't imagine how you could tell me all of that and still have fun, still mention loving the beach after we left. I can't imagine how that could be a happy memory for you. But I’m glad it was. I’m glad I was the first person to introduce you to the joys of the beach. 
You have always been stronger, been so much better, so much more than everyone else. I will never know how you turned out to be such an amazing person. I will never understand how good you are. I will never understand. 
But I still know that I wouldn't change a thing about you. 
You always smiled with me. I’ve never known why. 
That day at the beach you introduced a new side of yourself to me, you decided to tell me the truth, but you also didn't allow me any room to feel bad for you. You decided to smile instead, and ask me if I wanted to go swimming. 
That's one of my favorite days with you. One of my favorite nights. 
I wish we had taken more pictures. Wish I could look at you smiling all the time, and wish that I had more memories of that day. 
Do you remember going to the beach? 
That was fun. 
She sighed and dropped her pen. She rubbed her eyes. Maybe it was time for bed. 
Do you remember going to that pottery class? 
From our bed, I can see the distorted pot that we made together. 
You were the one who set up the date. We wanted to try something new together, something that wasn't just a movie. You said pottery was the perfect thing. And while I complained before going, secretly I was happy to go with you. Mostly because you were so excited.  
You explained it all to me before we were there, told me about the proper way to make a clay pot, the best way to spin on a wheel, you explained everything to me before we even left the car, crammed all that information into your brain for that one date. 
It was adorable. 
Your eyes were so bright that night, you looked so excited to be able to learn something new with me, even though you basically already knew how to do everything. You were practically buzzing in anticipation on the way over, you were jumping up and down in my car and you were still smiling. 
I love your smile. 
Have I ever mentioned that? That I love it almost as much as I love you? It's one of my favorite things about you, one of the only things that never ceases to make me amazed- besides your brain of course -because it's so beautiful. I hope you know that. 
But once we got there you pulled me out of the car, barely letting me get the keys out of the ignition. You begged me to hurry up, 
“This is exciting Y/N, come on!” 
And once we were in there, we had no idea what we were doing. 
Apparently, reading and watching videos is not the same as doing it. 
I think you were upset about that. 
I think you wanted to impress me, wanted to show me what amazing things we could make together. But, when we finally got to sit down, both of us were not really paying attention. I think it's partly your fault we weren't listening to the instructor because you told me you knew how to do it, but you’ve always disagreed and said it was my fault. 
In the end, we left with muddy hands, dirty clothes, and what looks like an oval-shaped vase. 
I love that vase. 
You got mad at me for putting it on display. Secretly I think you love it too. 
I can feel how warm you were even while writing this, I can still imagine your soft breath on my neck, the kisses you gave my neck and cheeks when we did something right together. I can still feel your hands on mine, trying to intertwine but never quite making it due to the slick. 
I still smile when I think of the pout on your face when the wheel stopped spinning. 
Although we have a terribly made pot sitting in our house due to your idea of a date, I’m glad we went. I’m glad I got to spend time with you. I’m glad that we have this memory, one that isn't perfect, just for the two of us. I’m glad we can look back on that night and laugh at it. I’m glad you decided that making pottery was a good idea. 
I’m glad that you enjoyed it as much as you did. Before and after. 
I’m glad you got the chance to plan something for us, I’m glad we found time in between your busy schedule. I’m glad I still have the pot. 
But I will admit, my favorite part of that night was sitting in your lap. 
Her head was falling from her body. Nothing could keep it up. Maybe some more sleep would help. 
Do you remember our first fight? 
Do you remember how scared I was, how used I was to all of my boyfriends leaving at any sign of danger, how terrified I was of you leaving me? Of you changing your mind. 
Because I was, I was so terrified. 
I will admit I don't have the best taste in men, that I choose guys that are bound to hurt me because I’m afraid, I’m afraid that I’m unloveable, I’m afraid that everyone will leave, that I’m not good enough for anyone to stay. I’m afraid that no matter what, nothing will last for me because that's just how I am, that's just how it's supposed to be. I was always afraid that the cards I had would never change. 
So, when you got mad, when I got upset, when we decided that it was time to fight, that not everything could be perfect for us, I froze. 
We were fighting over some silly little thing, about me going out late, being out too late for you. And looking back, I can see that you were just scared. I can see that it didn't matter how safe I could be, that you knew what kind of evil was in the world, that you understood all the bad people more than I could ever imagine. I can see that you just wanted me to be safe, that you just didn't want anything bad to happen for me. Looking back, and seeing the expression that remained on your face, the little bit of concern, the frustration which I now know was directed at yourself, rather than me. You were always so frustrated with yourself for wanting to keep me safe. 
I can see why you were upset now. I can understand it. But, I can also see myself, and I can see how annoyed I was with you taking care of me, I can see how annoying it was that you thought I couldn't take care of myself. 
I think that's why we started fighting. 
I think that even though my past was a big part of my fear, I think I was also scared because I knew you were just trying to protect me. I knew that you were only doing whatever you could to keep me from all the bad things you saw every day. 
I think I was scared that you would leave, that you would see I didn't want to be controlled, that one of us would leave and that would be it. 
I remember crying. Do you remember that? Do you remember the sobs that came out of my mouth once I saw what was happening, once I realized that we were actually fighting, that we were not perfect like I thought we were? 
I remember you being scared of my tears. I remember your face turning from irritation and concern to shock and worried. I can still hear your voice begging me to stop crying, that I didn't need to cry, that there was nothing wrong. 
I can still see the hurt in your eyes at my fear. I can still see how much it hurt you that I was upset. 
I can still hear you saying “I’m not going anywhere baby, shh, I’m not going anywhere without you beautiful.” 
I’m not sure how you knew exactly what to say, but you did. 
Sometimes, when I’m upset, when I don't feel good, I play your voice, your words on repeat in my head. I listen to your calm reassuring voice, I listen to the warmth that masked everything you said to me even then when our relationship was so young. 
I’ve always chosen bad guys, always picked from the bunch of people I knew would leave me, the people I knew I wouldn't get too attached too because I didn't want that. I didn't want to make a commitment and then lose it. I’ve always thought like that, always picked the people I decided to love like that. 
Except for you. 
I chose to love you because you were worth it. Because I knew that even if you left, even if we couldn't be together forever, that you were worth it, that even a day with you was better than nothing at all. Even when we didn't know each other well, I knew that. 
I’ve always thought you were so much better than everyone else. 
I was right. 
I’m so glad that our small fights taught us so much about each other. 
She yawned and looked at the clock. It was too late. She wasn't supposed to be up. She went to bed before anybody got there. 
Do you remember the first time I told you I love you? 
Because I do. Because I still live in that moment sometimes. My epiphany. 
I remember driving with you, for twelve hours, because that's what we liked to do. We liked to spend all day in the car together, all day just talking and listening to music and watching the world pass behind us. I remember that. 
Sometimes, I still want to go on long drives with you like I used to. 
I loved that so much. 
I remember you complaining about the music, I remember you looking over to me and covering your ears, I remember laughing. 
I remember you smiling at my laugh. You always smiled when I laughed. 
I remember asking you if you wanted something if there was any place you wanted to stop before I started driving home. 
At that point, I already knew I loved you. Before that moment it was clear to me that I loved you. It was the feeling of stars bursting in my stomach, the intense want to be around you whenever I could, the tears in my eyes at your pain, the laugh in my voice at just your smile. 
It was your warmth, your undying kindness, your much too willing acceptance of who I was. It was everything about you that I loved. There was nothing that I didn't love about you. 
But, in the end, I think it was your smile. 
Your smile always paved the way for me, always brightened up every day, always made me feel better, always filled my heart with nothing but bold emotions, with nothing but everything that I was feeling at once. 
Your smile was always so intense, always so loud and bright, always there when it could be because you rarely stopped smiling. 
I think that's what I loved most about it, that you never stopped. 
And, at that moment when you smiled at me, your happiness was as plain as day, at that moment, I couldn't stop myself from telling you that I was in love with you. 
Spencer, I know you’ve denied this before, I know that you’ve always said that you were never shocked, that it wasn't too fast because you loved me too. 
But you were surprised. Your face was frozen for a moment, and you looked at me, not in a bad way, no you never looked at me in a bad way, but this was an expression that I had never seen come from you before, this was something entirely new. 
You looked like you were in awe. 
Like you couldn't believe I could love you like you had just imagined the words in your head like they weren't actually real. 
And no matter how much you deny it, I know the truth. I don't need your words to confirm it. 
But after I blurted out the words, looked shocked at myself, after that, you looked at me and finally asked 
“Is it because I don't like this song?” 
And I laughed again. And you smiled again. 
I love you. 
I will always love you. 
The tears running down her face were nothing. The hand rubbing her shoulder was nothing. 
My shoulders hurt today. 
I’m not sure why. I haven't been doing much. I never really do much when you aren't here. 
But my shoulders hurt. 
I wish you were here. Whenever my shoulders hurt and you’re in bed, you always offer to give me a back rub, always persist at my initial refusal, always tell me that you just want to be close to me for a little while. 
And you’d always whisper little things to me, always telling me how beautiful I was, how amazing I looked without any makeup on, how incredibly harsh I was on myself. You were always telling me just how proud of me you were, just how much work you’d seen me do, you always made sure to let me know that I was appreciated. 
As if I wouldn't know that by the look in your eyes. 
I wish you were here now so I could feel that again. So I could feel your hands rub up and down my back, so I could feel the warm pressure you always use to get out the knots. I wish I could hear your voice in my ear, the breath on my cheek. I wish I could ask you to rub my shoulders, not take it for granted this time. 
I miss you, Spence. 
My shoulders are sore without you. 
Come back soon. 
She didn't utter a word after that. 
Dr. Reid, 
When we first met, when you first explained to me about your job, you persisted the fact that you weren't going to be there all the time, that I wouldn't get you whenever I wanted like a normal boyfriend. You told me that we were going to have to work to be together, that our relationship would take work, that you understood if I didn't want to do that if it was too much for me. 
And I don't think you ever understood. 
Although I knew that you were going to be gone a lot, that it would be hard nights alone, cold nights waiting for you on the couch. That there were going to be nights when I might regret it, nights that I might miss you so much that I’d wish that we had never known each other in the first place. I knew that there were going to be days where I was lonely, days that you couldn't help me with my feelings, days when you had to be an agent first, and a boyfriend second. I knew that my attachment issues were going to be a struggle, that it was going to take more work on my part to be okay with you leaving all the time, that it was going to be hard to be so far apart from you for so long. 
I knew all of these things. 
And you’d warned me about them, you’d looked at me with hard eyes and explained everything, explained everything as if it would matter to me. You frowned for the longest time, and all I could remember was wishing for your smile. 
You didn't understand then, and I still don't think you understand. 
I could never leave you. I could never ever let go of you. 
Almost as soon as we’d met, you became like a drug to me, so relaxing, so amazing, so perfect. I knew that I was obsessed with you far too quick, that my addiction was too intense too fast. I knew that, but you never did. 
You never understood how much I tried to resist, tried to keep myself apart from you so that I couldn't become addicted, you never knew how much I had failed at doing that. 
Two months in, and you warned me, but it was too late at that point. Your warning wouldn't do a thing because you were a drug I couldn't get off of, you were something that was permanently attached to me. 
You never understood that. 
I wish I understood more. 
She fell asleep at her desk. Pen in hand. 
I remember the first time you told me you loved me. 
I remember how elated I felt, how high my heart had soared. 
It was a couple weeks after I told you, a couple of weeks of pretending I wasn't hurt by your hesitation, a couple of weeks of trying to come to terms with the fact that you didn't love me yet. 
It was a rough couple of weeks for me. 
But you erased all of it, every inch when you mumbled the words while we were watching that movie, the one I can't remember the name of because I was so distracted by you. 
You have always been so amazing to me. 
Always so loyal, always so devoted. 
There has never been anyone who has loved anyone as much as I love you. I don't think any amount of words, any synonym for love will compare with how I feel. 
It's unfortunate I can't tell you exactly. 
I’ve always hoped you could feel it. That you didn't need words when you had me. 
I remember never being hesitant to say it again after you told me, I remember not being afraid anymore once I knew that you loved me back. 
It was a breaking point for us, the start of a new chapter. It was almost an entirely new book. 
I’ve always been sure that I loved you more. 
But, I think that as long as you loved me even a fraction of an inch as much as I loved you, it would be enough. 
It was enough that you loved me. 
Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted her head slightly. 
My love, 
They think I need to go someplace else. They think I need to getaway. 
Emily says I should stop writing. 
They all think that it isn't good for me. 
I love you. 
Do you remember the time you forgot about our anniversary?
Do you remember how tired you were? How exhausted you had been when you got home and I was waiting for you on the couch. 
You seemed so disappointed in yourself, so upset for disappointing me. 
I was worried about you that day. 
Because, no matter what I did, no matter how many things I had planned, that day there weren't enough smiles. 
It was okay though. 
Because the next day you made up for it. It was a day late, but it was perfect. 
Thank you for tying yourself to me. 
Thank you for devoting yourself to me. 
Thank you for remembering everything I’ve ever told you. 
I wish I could remember. 
When she handed over the journal, they all pretended not to notice the tear stains ratted along it. 
I unpacked some of your boxes today. 
I moved. 
I don't like it in this new apartment. 
It's too cold without you. It doesn't smell like you. It doesn't have the bookcases. It doesn't feel like ours anymore. 
I unpacked our vase. 
And the seashells we collected. 
And the movie ticket.
And the polaroid pictures. 
And the scrapbook. 
I found the ring today. 
I love you. 
I’ve always loved you. 
She sobbed as she pulled at her hair, as she fell to the floor, battered in scars and bruises that would never show up on her skin, battered in nothing but imaginary marks that she didn't think would never go away. 
She hated black dresses. 
You used to call me that. 
I miss it. 
I went to your funeral today. 
I don't think I’ll ever remember you the way I want to. 
I wish we had taken more pictures. 
This is the last letter for now. 
I’m not allowed to write anymore. 
Everyone has insisted I get out. So I’m going to. 
I’m moving even farther this time. 
It's been a year my love. 
I miss you. I love you. 
Please don't forget about me. I’ll never forget about you. 
She slammed the car door. She put on his jacket. She had a long way to drive.
Sorry! I was an idiot and something happened while editing. 
Heres the taglist (again): @missdowntonabbey @your-eternal-muse @qonble @bisoner @purelypanicking 
masterlist here
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Sunshine (Taeyong x reader + Jaehyun)
warning : death of pets, dogs
tagging @neopalette
community @multifandomnet @supermwritersnet
The empty spot next to his pillow greets Taeyong this morning. The young man wipes his swollen red eyes as he gets up to wash his face and gets ready for another boring regular day. His feet slip into the soft pairs of slippers on the ground and he shuffles his way to the bathroom. Lazily he washes his face and brushes his teeth, eyes wetting once again when he realizes his best friend is really gone. His favorite dog passed away last week and he still can’t get over it. A lot of activities remind him of the cute small angel who used to cling into his leg and follows him around, but not anymore. Ruby has left for a better place.
Taeyong checks his notification panel and closes it one more time after seeing messages from his bestfriends, family and colleagues. The wallpaper still hurt him, the last picture of Ruby smiling in his embrace, Taeyong promised himself he will stop crying when he sees Ruby’s wallpaper, but here he is still feeling his eyes tear up when Ruby is present.
He brushes away his brown fluffy hair and dresses himself up to finally walk to the office. He’s been asking the boss to let him work from home for the last week and since the boss is his friend, he could get his wish granted. But now he has to return to his regular life.
The bus ride was okay, he didn’t meet anyone annoying, instead he feels better seeing people he used to see commute with the same bus line in the morning. Taeyong plugs in his earphone and takes a look at the window. He feels better upon seeing the leaves, the busy streets and the warm sun kissing his cheeks when he steps down off the bus and walks to his office.
“Here we go,” he holds his breath for a while before finally letting it go as he steps into the tall building.
“Hey good morning Taeyong! It’s been awhile.” The front desk greeter smiles upon seeing him and Taeyong gets his morning boost already.
“Morning Jungwoo,” he smiles at the sweet guy and escapes his way to the lift.
His colleagues are all happy to see him again, everyone is considerate enough to not ask him about his dog and help him think of something else like a movie he should try watching and a new cafe he should try coming.
He concluded that today is not a bad day. He might even consider to visit the dog park, because he missed going to that park but a part of him tells him he’ll be sad remembering Ruby but another part says maybe this is the right time he tries to let the sadness go and see if he can be happy again when going to that park
So, in the afternoon, with his best friend Jaehyun, Taeyong visits the dog park near his house.
There in the park there’s a lot of people walking their dog around and the dogs are just having fun chasing balls and running around with other dogs.
Jaehyun picks a comfortable place to sit and Taeyong places his working bag down.
“So, how’s love life?” Jaehyun begins to ask him some questions all men their age ask each other about other than cars and footballs. Taeyong chuckles, “Single after the last break up.”
Jaehyun nods “Ah, still afraid of falling in love?” He knows his best friend, he knows the heartbreak Taeyong went through and he doesn’t want Taeyong to be uncomfortable.
Taeyong shakes his head “No one likes me.” to which Jaehyun snorts and hits his friend “No way! With that look, smile and gentle heart everyone is dying to have you!”
Taeyong has his eyes trembling but he laughs along to Jaehyun, that’s what his grandmother told him too but look at him being single till now.
“What about you Jae?” He asks his friend back while keeping his eyes focus on a big dog chasing a smaller dog. A small smile creeps up his face when he sees how silly the big dog looks.
“I found someone last week. We met in the bookstore, I was just looking for a cooking book and she recommended some to me, then we talked and eventually I got her number. We went for a coffee date. She’s interesting.” Jaehyun has a blush on his cheeks as he talks.
Taeyong nods “Must be nice.” He shrugs his shoulders only to suddenly hear some faint noise of a girl talking to her dog.
“Where are you going Amber,” your voice trails along your small dog that’s sniffing something on the grass then jumps to walk along the seating area like a wall but its short enough for people to sit around.
Amber, your small poodle, just keeps on sniffing and walking, as if following a trail and suddenly your eyes widen when your small poodle casually just jumps to a stranger’s lap and sniffs around his lap only to sit down and have the man pat her head.
You run to catch the naughty dog, and once you’re in front of the two good looking men you feel shy.
“I am sorry for my dog.” you bow to them but one of them, who has a sweet dimple, just laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, we love dogs.” He glances at his friend, Taeyong, who is busy rubbing the dog and smiling sweetly.
“Amber, what are you looking for from him? He has no dog treats.” you shake your dog's treat and that catches her attention but she doesn’t move an inch from Taeyong’s lap.
“Come here Amber, what did I tell you about greeting others?” You raise your brow and your dog just plants his chin on Taeyong’s arm and makes puppy eyes which of course melt the hearts of the three of you.
“Aww look at you, cute princess.” Taeyong baby talks to the dog while slowly picking it up to pass it to you back.
You take the dog and thank him before finally putting the leash on so she can’t run away.
“I am so sorry and thank you. Amber was not confident around other dogs, that’s why I brought her here to socialize and it looks like she loves people more than dogs.” you sit on the next empty spot.
“That’s okay, it’s cute to see her run to me.” Taeyong rubs at the dog that’s climbing up to sit on his lap again.
“Oh Amber, you really like him don’t you?” You grin at your dog and tuck a hair away from your face.
“I haven’t seen you around, my name is (y/n),” you introduce yourself.
They quickly exchange their names with you. The dimple guy is Jaehyun and the other one with brown wide eyes is Taeyong.
Both of you settle for a quick talk about dogs, you learn that Taeyong just lost his dog but he’s glad to find a cute Amber here now.
“I’m glad Amber is here now, right you cutie. I’ll see you next time around.” Taeyong grins to the dog after playing with her ears.
You smile “I live around here, I always take Amber to the park around this hour. It was nice meeting both of you, I’ll see you around.” you bid goodbye to Jaehyun who gets a call from his girlfriend.
Now it’s just you and Taeyong and he nicely offers you to buy a coffee someday to get to know each other more, now that he heard both of you are working on the same field and that both of you love dogs.
“I’ll have to bring Amber some good treats next time. She’s the one who lets me know you.” Taeyong already shows much love to your dog.
You smile back, liking how this might end. “Alright, I'll see you tomorrow for coffee and Amber will run to you again if you bring good snacks.”
Taeyong nods and hands you his phone so you can type in your number.
He saved your number and texted you a hi, so you can get his number too and check if it's a scam or not.
Both of you said goodbye and Taeyong took his bus back home. He glances to the sky, watching the cloud move with the sky and he smiles when he sees Ruby in one of the clouds.
“I miss you, but you go have fun there, I found someone that brings a smile to my face again.”
He correlates you and Amber to sunshine, the one that brightens his day, the one that brings a smile to his face, and of course back then Ruby was his sunshine. Now, he has two sunshine and that’s all he needs to be the Taeyong he was once again.
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alia-turin · 3 years
Could you maybe write a fanfic in which Eredin likes his future significant other but she spends time with Caranthir and he gets a little jealous and things get angsty.... in the end it turns out she returns Eredin's feelings too and they end up together so... fluff!
Hello my lurking friend. I’m not sure if I fulfilled your heart’s desire, but your story is below the cut. I would most likely that on AO3 as well, if I don’t forget. I hope you enjoy that.
Eredin had never been one to hide his feelings or afraid to show them, but he felt a loss right now. 
First time he saw her was a couple of weeks ago, she had been talking with Avallac’h in the courtyard, Eredin had just arrived back from a hunt with an unicorn’s head hanging from his saddle. Avallac’h was the first thing that attracted his attention, it has been a rare sight to see the man in the castle, but then he noticed his companion. She was just...perfect. Eredin never believed in perfection, nothing in this world had been created to be without a fault, but he had stared at her so long and couldn’t find a thing that was not created with excellence. He was going to approach her and talk to her, he wasn’t a shy man, but by the time he dismounted she was already gone. 
Since then he had seen her a few times, always in situations that were inconvenient for him to speak with her, or she disappeared the moment he could finally talk to her. She was like a ghost, never there when he could talk to her, but always haunting him. Eventually Eredin gave up on the random encounters. He was a predator and he was going to act like one. 
He went out of his way to learn about her, she was a daughter of a nobleman whose name he had never heard, but that was no surprise, Eredin did not care about politics. Recently she had started showing skill with magic and her father was hoping that Avallac’h could teach her a trick or two, the Sage had refused. Her father was planning to keep her around to see if he could find someone else, so Eredin concluded he had some time left.
His next opportunity came sooner than he had expected. He wanted to go for a ride, it had been a beautiful day. When he reached the stable’s door, he saw her. Eredin smiled at his luck and started walking to her then he suddenly froze. She was smiling and...blushing while talking. There was a tall figure next to her, his face covered by a hood, but Eredin could recognize the other man anywhere. Caranthir helped her on the horse, she was still all smiles, and then he got on his own horse. Neither of them noticed the king as he was behind them. 
Eredin’s fists were clenched so tight blood had stopped flowing to his knuckles. From all the people in the world Caranthir? Really? He could understand some of the appeal, he was a Navigator, the best ever, strong mage, as strong as Eredin, but that was about where it started and ended. Or where it should have started and ended. She was blushing, that was what he couldn’t understand. Eredin knew his men, Caranthir was a friend and he had learned to respect him, but he had the charm of a rock.
She was blushing. 
If Eredin was to say that the thought of killing Caranthir in this moment did not cross his mind, that would be a lie. He always got what he wanted and what was one Navigator in his way. 
Caranthir walked in the common room of the castle, it was already late at night and he did not expect to see anyone there. For his surprise Eredin and Imlerith were there sitting at the far end of the table and drinking. Caranthir did not need company, as per usual, but he didn’t mind sitting with them for a moment. 
“Where were you?” Eredin launched the question before Caranthir even sat down on the chair. 
“Out…” he answered very confused. Did he miss something? Was he supposed to be somewhere else? Looking at Eredin’s face he must have missed something important as the man was obviously angry with him. Caranthir turned to Imlerith who just shrugged and drank from his glass as an obvious statement that whatever was going on he did not want to be part of it. 
“Who was with you?” Eredin grinned. It wasn’t a friendly grin, that was more a dragon about to turn him into a pile of dust type of grin. 
“I was alone....” Carathir was getting the very unnerving feeling that Eredin was after him for something, but he could not figure out what. He tried running his day through his head, nothing had happened and he could swear that there was nothing he was supposed to be doing today that he might have forgotten. He went to town, he came back, he needed dinner. He looked at Imlerith again for help, the man had pushed his chair back as if expecting Eredin to crawl across the table and strangle Caranthir. 
“Really?” the grin was gone from Eredin’s lips now it was a very sarcastic curious look. “You were not with a woman?”
“A woman?”He was even more lost than he was before. “What would I do with a woman in town?”
“I have an idea or two…” Imlerith chuckled but the other two ignored him. They were just staring at each other, Eredin obviously upset about something Caranthir thinking how fast he can open and close a portal that the other man couldn’t track him through. 
“I saw you in the stables, before you went to town. Alone.” Eredin’s voice emphasized the last word as if there was some hidden meaning in it. Caranthir had no idea what that might be. “You were with that new girl, the one that was hoping Avallac’h to teach her. You were talking with her and you helped her on her horse and the two of you left.”
Caranthir started laughing, he knew he was taking his life in his own hands by doing so, but he just couldn’t stop. Eredin was jealous. He wasn’t good at dealing with his own feelings but that made him an expert in recognizing other people’s feelings, even in Eredin who usually kept most of that well guarded. 
“In all the years you have known me, how many times have I just gone to some random girl and asked her...what on date in town? Seriously?” Caranthir pointed at his face and shrugged in confusion. 
“He has a point.” Imlerith added but both Eredin and Caranthir glared at him and he pushed his chair even further away.. 
“I was saddling my horse, she came to me asking about magic and Avallac’h, I might have barked at her something. She apologized, I felt like an asshole, I told her if she wants to learn more about magic, there is a good section in the bookstore in town, I helped her saddle her horse, rode with her to town and I went on with my day and I have no idea what she did. We barely talked, not sure you have noticed but people tend to be intimidated by me, one has to wonder why, and I don’t talk to them. If you are going to kill me over that, do it faster, because I need a drink.” Caranthir couldn’t believe he had to even list all that for Eredin. He hardly remembered the encounter from this afternoon, he didn’t even recall what she had said about Avallac’h, beside his name, that had set him off. 
“That’s it?” Eredin narrowed his eyes as if trying to determine how likely it was for this story to be a lie. 
“We had wild sex between the stables and the main gate with seven unicorns, but that is not so important.” he deadpanned. Imlerith spit his drink sending the content from his mouth flying all over the table. “I don’t even know her name.” he added seriously. 
“Fine.” Eredin said as he poured a drink for Caranthir. That was the closest he would get to an apology and he accepted it. 
Eredin spent the night thinking about his conversation with Caranthir. In retrospect he might have overreacted. He wouldn’t go as far as to use the word jealous for his feelings, but certainly something in him stung when he had seen her talk to the other man and just...the way she was smiling and blushing. Caranthir’s words had definitely deemed him innocent but what if she was attracted to him? 
He was walking down the hallways of the castle when he saw her on the other end, her eyes fixed on the wall right of her staring at Ge’els paintings. Eredin smirked and walked with purpose toward her, right in her path until she bumped into him, she was going to fall but he placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her standing. 
“I’m so sorry…” she said as she lifted her head and saw him. “Lord Eredin! I truly apologize.”
“You should watch where you are walking.” he smiled with the corner of his lips, seeing the surprise in her eyes. His tone was not aggressive but intrigued. 
“I’m truly sorry! I was trying to find Lord Caranthir and then I saw the paintings…” she had the confused face of someone who saw Ge’els paintings for the first time, Eredin could relate, but he was too fixed on the first part of her sentence. 
“And what would you possibly need with Caranthir?” his hands were still on her shoulders, her eyes fixed on his face. She reminded him right now of a rabbit captured by a predator bird hoping she would survive. 
“It’s a bit silly…” she looked away and that blush from yesterday appeared again on her face. Eredin’s jaw clenched. “I ran into him yesterday in the stables and I feel like I offended him.” her eyes looked back at him, so innocent. “I’m leaving Tir na Lia in a couple of days and I wanted to take my goodby with the Sage Avallac’h, I thought Caranthir might know where he was, but I think I said something to offend him. I just wanted to apologize.”
Then it clicked in Eredin’s brain. That blush...it wasn't an attraction, it was embarrassment. Caranthir said that he had barked something at her, knowing him it probably was sarcastic even borderline humiliating. She was embarrassed by approaching him about something that she thought was offensive, but in Carantir’s mind it was just annoyance. Eredin wouldn’t admit that out loud, but he felt foolish for jumping into conclusions.
“He wasn’t offended. Probably annoyed, if his feelings reached even that far. I wouldn’t worry too  much. He is probably somewhere brooding and he does not remember that conversation.” he was sure about the brooding part, thanks to Eredin he most likely would remember the conversation for some time now.
“Really?” she looked at him hopeful. Based on how her body relaxed Eredin realized she didn't really want to see Caranthir again, he had that effect on people, she was just too kind and thought she did something bad. 
“He will be fine, trust me.” Eredin moved next to her, one hand still on her shoulder. “How about I show you the rest of Ge’els’ paintings. They don’t improve but they do get more interesting.” he lied, but she didn’t need to know that. His hand moved in the middle of her back and encouraged her to walk with him. “You said you are leaving Tir na Lia in a couple of days? I think you should stay a bit longer.”
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
breeding kink - aaron. (eng. ver.)
if you have issues with topics such as ruts, knotting and all that jazz don’t read. This not ABO considering i don’t like the whole concept, so if you don’t like ABO but don’t mind the rut thing, it’s safe y’all.
as promised, if one (1) person asked for it, i’d deliver bc i have a lot of free time in my hands today.
there might be a lot of mistakes as i didn’t write for a year and decided to combine this with a half-asleep translation.
warnings: smut, breeding kink, hybrid!aaron, biting, oral, knotting
enjoy this 2,684 words long nasty smut.
     Eloise was walking through the halls from side to side, trying to find out how she was supposed to calm the nerves in the manor. In the last few days, Aaron has been acting like a caged wolf. Walking around in the manor, a bit more stressed out, usually baring his long fangs and even growling. From time to time.
 Her sweet, patient boyfriend was usually easy to understand when it came to his feelings, but right now the only person who seemed to understand the situation was Beliath, who decided to shut his big mouth as soon as Eloise needed help except for a sentence without any details.
 “Many peculiar aspects come with the baggage of being a hybrid’s chalice when he’s a werewolf, my darling!” He said, shaking his hand in dismissal.
  Yet, everything started to be made clear when Eloise decided to take a jog. The bond with her boyfriend was making her feel like she was under confinement, so she decided to take a walk in the nearby forest. She also wanted to give him some space, therefore, knowing that her vampire would feel like he was outside if she went out for him, the girl took a thick comforter he gave her and planned to do exactly that.
 “Good evening, Eloise! What brings you here?” Raphael greeted her from the kitchen’s door frame, where he was having a conversation with Vladimir while he was in the garden. It was the night before a full moon, she noticed, and that thought worried her.
 “Good evening, Raphael. You seem excited! I’ll take a walk in the forest.” She looked at Vladimir from the corner of her eyes and caught him waiting for his good evening. If she squinted, the girl could think he blushed when he got caught. “Good evening, Vlad!” She said happily, finally. “Aren’t you, um, afraid of the clouds going away tonight?” She asked, a bit embarrassed.
 “With this cloudy weather, I don’t think so… But it is almost full moon… And yet…” He changed his position on the bench, preparing to say something he thought he shouldn’t. “You and Aaron should talk. He has been behaving weirdly. He is acting strangely before due time and his lack of cooperation is not making me happy.”
 Raphael nodded “It is true that the way he is carrying himself is not one of the most delicate ones no matter how hard I try to tell him so, as always. He even growled at me earlier tonight.” Raphael said, making the girl’s eyes widen. “It was a loud noise. Didn’t you hear it?”
 “I was asleep, I believe… But why would I hear it?” She asks.
 “You see, I was by your door to take back the book you said would be there earlier. That is where he found me. One could say he was walking around your room.”, He mused “But it is true that, if you allow me to say so, I think he did not like to see me near your door, but I do not think I gave the wrong idea, given that you were both reading the book together, no?
 "Raphael, you are babbling again,” Vladimir warned, a small smile on his lips.
 “Oh! Pardon me. I lose track of how much I can talk from time to time”, he chuckled briefly “I did not mean to get in your way.”
 “You guys never get in the way,” she said, patting both of their backs lightly — earning a scowl from Vladimir — and jumping the steps.
 “As I said, I’ll take a walk in the woods and I’ll be back later. I think you’re right… I thought Aaron needed space, but it didn’t work out as I planned. Anyways, see you later!
 They waved briefly and after a while resumed their conversation while she kept walking. The wind whipped her skin hard, but she still felt a hellish heat. For a moment, she worried about Aaron and thought about coming back.
 Eloise was never a fan of the dark. She still was not, but there was no fear of finding something uncalled for anymore because, at the moment, the creature in the dark was her.
 Even like this, her senses alerted her of a presence. A familiar one, that made itself knows with a growl close to her as soon as she slipped her shoes off and unfolded the comforter on the grass.
 "Uh… Aaron?” She should’ve said she paid attention to what he said, but the sight was far more interesting. Aaron partially left the shadows in the path, uncommon striped cotton pants hanging from his hips. “Where are your jeans? And the rest of your clothes? Are you okay? I’ve been knocking on your door!”
 “It doesn’t matter how much I get dressed, you coming outside to laugh with Raphael and Vladimir got me cold and annoyed.” He growled, an ominous glint in his golden eyes. She knew he didn’t mean what he said and he was in the middle of turning. His fangs were out and his nails we’re sharpened, but he looked, in a peculiar way, like he had the situation and Eloise under his control.
 She stepped back, leading him into coming out of the corner he was hiding in totally.
 He did it. The thin layer of sweat and his rapid breaths didn’t go unnoticed by his girlfriend, that was trying to get closer slowly but surely.
 “My love, what’s happening to you?�� She asked, laying her soft hands on top of the hybrid’s dark chest. He made a growl vibrate under her fingers. Eloise, however, didn’t feel endangered, he was just trying to say something but failed. Looking closely, she realized his ears were now two fluffy balls made of brown fur. She then tried to caress them to lessen some of the lover’s tension. He leaned against the touch, but the growling didn’t stop.
 “You aren’t in pain, I would feel it too…” She mumbled, touching him to check anyways. He arched against her hands to get more friction. “Raph told me you even growled at him earlier today!”
 The sentence had the wrong effect over the wolf, and she felt that when a soft tail wrapped around her upper leg and he made a small cut in the back of one of her hands, licking her blood right after. Eloise shivered. She really enjoyed it when he did this on another… Circumstances.
 “Raphael, huh?” He repeated sarcastically, which was strange for him and sniffed the air around her. “His and Vladimir scents are so strong in you…” He growled, “you’re my mate, my beloved, not theirs.” He simply said, shoving her softly so that she would be sitting on the blanket. She backed up on it slowly, teasing him, while he put himself in all fours and tried to cage her under him. She felt, then, the first strong sensation they’d share: hunger.
  It was not just some silly bloodthirsty hunger. Aaron was hungry for something, yes, but it wasn’t food. Beliath’s voice rang in her head.
  “Many peculiar aspects come with the baggage of being a hybrid’s chalice when he’s a werewolf, my darling!”
 She wouldn’t understand why he said that like she didn’t know already. But now, she realized what the godforsaken incubus was talking, coincidentally, of one of his favorite ways of feeding: sex.
 Ripping the first piece of clothing he found, in that case, her dress, and earning a surprised yelp, Aaron looked her in the eyes as he said the words “I’ve been trying to get away from you since it has begun, but you just smell so fucking good… It’s almost like you’re fertile too, isn’t it, my beloved?” She blushed. He could smell her this much all the time? What about the others?
 But the way he said it made it clear for her: Aaron was in a rut. Maybe months ago, not having a partner made it easy to suppress and forget, but now that they were always together, it was probably hard. She caressed his face lovingly.
 “I see why you’re saying such weird things then.” She pulled him closer and kissed his forehead under him. “Does it hurt?”
 “Yes.” He said, looking embarrassed now “I don’t mean to sound jealous when you talk about the guys, it’s just not all me who’s talking right now, I- 'm sor-” she shook her head for him to stop and he did.
 “But Beliath said that nobody but him can have children, so-” his loud growl confirmed that it would be better if she did not mention other men around him right now. “He said vampires can’t…”
  Aaron smirked, then laughed. It was just as unusual as his behavior. It was venomous, full of bad intentions… Extremely arousing.
 “And here I thought you knew just how much I’m different from the others,” he said as he ripped the last piece of clothing she had in her body, hinting at how many times they had been together like this. She gasped “We’re you trying to knock me up?!” He nibbles her earlobe then, making the shivers in her body worsen.
 “Hmm, I could have, I always felt like I should, but it’s not my decision, I didn’t have your consent. You’d look marvelous, though.” He caught her chin in his now black and sharp nails. “But unlike Beliath… I can give you a whole family if we do it twice.” He held the back of her neck with the right but of harshness, licking a stripe of skin from the base of her neck to her chin, and gave her a sly smirk. Where was the blushy and romantic Aaron? She didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to complain. This felt like he was holding back on her most of the time, just to make her comfortable, just so that she wouldn’t be… Scared? She felt like tonight, this should be about letting him do his thing. Show him she was not afraid of anything.
 There was not a lot of room for talking and thinking anymore. Aaron rolled his hips covered by the pants on top of her bare pussy, making her wail and curl her toes. The lack of stimulation she created when she started talking to him backfired. His growl mixed into it, being interrupted when he started to kiss her mouth. Weirdly, slowly at first, then it got needy, fervent like he wanted to devour her. Their tongues played together and she bit his lower lip. His mouth then dived into her shoulders, biting, licking, and kissing in between “I love you’s”, then lowered into her breasts, playing and complimenting her a bit too much for her sanity. She pulled him back and gave him a searing kiss, hooking her thumbs on his pants, pushing them down urgently.
 She moaned softly and opened her legs as wide as she could, spreading herself for him to see. She just wanted him to take her as hard as he possibly could. Aaron didn’t waste a second and stood at eye level with her sopping entrance. It was familiar for him, but now, it was more tempting, looked even tastier.
 He started licking greedily but he didn’t lack any skill, holding her hips in place while he feasted upon her. Eloise moaned loudly into the forest. His tongue lapped up her inner thighs and got back to business, licking and slurping as his life depended on it, making her keen in pleasure as she stroked his head.
 “Aaron… Aaron, please, I need more.” She pleaded, looking at him with a pained expression. He didn’t answer, but careful of his nails, he rubbed circles around her bud quickly, while his tongue worked in her right hole. When she was almost touching pure bliss, he completely stopped and looked at her with his pupils blown wide.
 “No. No, no, no, please just-Ah!” The feeling of Aaron burying himself to the hilt inside her was blissful, painful, arousing. However, something was different. Eloise usually struggled to accommodate all of him, but she definitely felt the pressure of something that would be just the beginning of her problems. Looking down, she realized that when he was halfway transformed, he didn’t have just cute ears and a fluffy tail: Aaron had a knot.
 "Is that- is that supposed to fit inside me?!“
 Her boyfriend was too far gone in pleasure to answer clearly, but he said something like "I’ll stop… Eloise… no need to…” And she took his half-words for it.
 Without wasting any time, he moved slowly but surely just waiting for her. He pushed her knees to her shoulders and held there with bruising strength. After a few minutes, he seemed to come back to his senses.
 “Hmm, I’ve been waiting so long to breed you like this… I can’t believe I tried to stop it.” He kissed the top of her head as he sped up. Eloise felt the know prodding lightly at her entrance, making a sloppy noise as he pushed harder and harder, making her cry out and claw at his strong back. His strokes we’re deep as to not pull out in any circumstances like he was really trying hard to breed her. She pulled him against her.
 “I’m not wasting a drop, don’t worry.” She said between deep breaths to see what he would say, but the snarl she received only made her chuckle and then keen again as he sped up. 
 “Do you think you can- fuck, stop squeezing, love, stop squeezing, not yet!” He hissed as his hips snapped harder against his will. “Do you think you can take my knot now? I don’t want to hurt you.” She smiled tenderly at her love, seeing his usual self seeping through.
 She wanted to say yes, wanted to say she’d do anything just to have him cumming inside her over and over, but she was just too lost in the way he dragged inside her, so harsh and strong and deep, she almost missed the way his hips stuttered and pushed harder as he said that. That would definitely throw him over the edge.
 Tears stained her face as she mumbled incoherent things and pushed upwards, being soothed by her vampire saying “not yet, it won’t fit” and asking her to wait. But she just could not stop crying softly as he rocked back and forth.
 “Please cum inside me. Give it to me, please.” Her weak whisper in his ear made him growl as he pushed all the way in, knotting her at once. She shouted the wave of pleasure and the dull stinging was taken by the wind as her first orgasm barreled through her. She tried to stop wailing by biting hard into Aaron’s shoulder. He growled her name out almost angrily as he milked her for all he was worth, yet, he didn’t stop.
  "I love you so much“ he cried out.
  She was still too far gone to answer, relishing on the feeling of his weight against her, his nice scent mixed with hers, the sweat and blood she took from the bite, the stretch, his beautiful eyes, and the way he just wouldn’t stop fucking her, his delicate nose and his lips, his red hair and his dark skin littered with scars. Everything made her vision blurry again, making her arch her back and chant his name like a prayer like she was momentarily obsessed. Having him cum inside her was just too much.
 She loved him, that’s all her mind could muster. And by the way, he smiled broadly at her and nuzzled her cheek, she knew he heard her calls for his name and the many things she absolutely loves about him in her head.
 Eloise rested as he cradled her in his arms, but soon the silence was broken.
 “You know this isn’t over yet, right?” He asked, now fully blushing as his tail swayed and his ears hung lowly from his head. His face was blushy.
 “Thank god! I thought you’d never say anything.” She laughed, pushing him down and sitting on top of him.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Linked Wilderness (Part 2)
Rhea shares her story with her “not-so-dead” brother.
Part 1 here
Sibling bonding is my favorite bonding. Also any singular mention of ‘Link’ is Wild in this case.
Most people would find long periods of silence awkward. Rhea was not most people.
All of the Links (that was weird to think about) were as silent as her brother. For the most part. So she was not surprised or nervous when she walked back into the house and found silence.
Most of the Link’s were gathered around the table, finishing off the last of the stew. Her brother was still by the fireplace with Twilight, if she recalled correctly. She smiled at the two before dropping the wood next to the fireplace. ‘This should last us the night.’ She signed quickly, the motions very familiar.
Link smiled back, hesitantly. ‘Thank you. For letting us stay here.’
‘What else would I do?’ Rhea winked. ‘Let you shiver in the cold? What would mother say?’
Link’s face fell. He chewed on his bottom lip, unsure of how to respond.
Rhea waved to get his attention. Then she put her hands on her hips, collected herself in a stern matter, then began to sign so rapidly, even Time had trouble keeping up. ‘Have I taught you children nothing? Why, when I was your age, I had to beg for food! Night and night again, I would huddle by any kind of warmth and was always thankful when someone offered me a warm hearth to huddle by. By Hylia, I would take a single torch over nothing! If I ever see you ignore a person in the cold, then I will beat you with a ladle, do you understand?’ Rhea’s stern expression slid away. She giggled at Link’s bewildered look. ‘That’s what mother would say.’
Link blinked a few times before a very small smile appeared. “Really?”
“Really,” Rhea finally spoke aloud. “I think she’s the reason you’re so quick at dodging. Her wooden spoons would fly about the house when we misbehaved.” She giggled. “Don’t get me wrong, she was a wonderful mother. But I do not think she ever knew how hard she hit us. You should have heard the ‘thwaks’ from her projectiles.
Link tilted his head to the side, clearly confused.
Rhea smiled. ‘How well do you know sign?’
‘... Well.’ Link admitted. ‘Though I do not remember why.’
‘We learned from mother. She was deaf.’ Rhea explained. ‘Father would speak and sign at the same time, so we would know verbal words as well.’ She paused. ‘Mother died when I was very young. I do not remember her well.’ Another pause. ‘For a long time, I was worried I would forget her. But you told me that as long as I continued to sign and cook, she would be a part of me.’ Rhea smiled sadly. ‘We always signed to one another. Silence was part of our lives. Most people never understand that.’
Link stared at her, eyes wide. He looked down at his hands, then over to the kitchen. ‘I... I had no idea.’
‘Now you do,’ Rhea felt her heart soar at that thought. She turned to the rest of the Link’s. “I’m afraid I don’t have enough beds for all of you.”
“It is fine,” Time reassured. “We’ve slept on the ground here before.”
“Before?” Rhea asked in surprise. “I do not remember my brother coming home with a group of heros in the past.”
“I bought this house,” Link explained. “In the future.” He looked around at the small building. “I had no idea that it was mine before the Calamity... they were going to tear it down, actually.” He paused. “I didn’t like that idea. So I bought it. Must have been a subconscious desire.”
It was Rhea’s turn to be surprised. “Tear down? Why would they tear it down?”
“No one had lived there for a long time,” Link shrugged. “No one remembered the original owner except that they were a knight who reported to the castle during the Calamity...” Link’s voice trailed off. “I guess it was me.”
Rhea slowly shook her head. “You moved into the Castle when you were appointed as Zelda’s knight.” She hesitated. “When Calamity Ganon appeared... Father took a small group of men to the castle for support.” She did not finish the tale, but she did not need to. Link’s eyes went wide before he bent his head in sorrow. 
“The Calamity took everything from you.” Link shook his head. “I’m sorry.”
“It was never your fault,” Rhea protested, “As your friends explained earlier, Hylia had another plan. Perhaps not a happy one, but a plan, nonetheless.” She sighed, “It is good to know the Calamity will be destroyed. One day...”
One of the others (Rhea did not remember the name, but it was the one with pink hair), spoke up next. “Where did you go after the Calamity?”
“I stayed right here,” Rhea pointed at the ground. “A few neighbors would check on me.” She shrugged, “But I was never concerned. Link and my Father taught me how to survive before disaster struck.” She patted the sword and quiver on her belt. “I can take care of myself.”
Warriors laughed. “Now that, I believe. My own sister cannot navigate to save her life, but she fires a mean crossbow.”
Wind shot to his feet. He glared at Warriors, “You have a sister too! Why didn’t you tell me?” He glared at the other Links, “Does anyone else have a sister? Or a brother? Speak now, or face my wrath later!”
After a moment, Legend hesitantly raised his hand. “Technically a half-sister. My father wasn’t exactly a loyal man.” His expression turned dark and the group quickly moved on.
Four made a so-so motion. “It’s complicated. If it ever comes up, I’ll explain then.” He refused to say more, despite Wind’s pleas.
Wind glared at the others. “Anyone else?”
Twilight tapped his chin. “Do ‘unofficially adopted siblings’ count? Because if so, then every child in the village.”
Rhea laughed at Wind’s annoyed look. “I take it you are very proud of your sister?”
“Proud?” Wind perked up, “She’s the best sister a hero could ever have! Uh... no offense.”
“None taken,” Rhea said. She gasped suddenly, hands flying up to her mouth. “By Hylia, wait there!” She dashed around the table and under the stairs to the second floor. A loud curse was heard before she dashed back, grabbed the nearest kitchen knife, then hurried back to the stairs. Loud scrapes were heard and after a moment, she returned. In one hand was a dead flower stem. The petals had long disintegrated, except for one, which had turned an ugly brown. In her other, a sealed letter.
She appeared apprehensive and put the items on the table. The signs were slow, and hesitant. ‘When you left, Link- my brother, Link, I mean- you would be gone for long periods of time. I was young and missed you. Everytime you left, you would leave something under the floorboard for me. Usually a flower or a silly drawing to make me smile, when I was down.’ She paused, touching the dead flower stem. ‘When you were appointed the Princess’s Knight, you put this envelope under the floorboard and told me not to read it until you came home, after the Calamity. You visited a few more times after that, but the letter remained. And after the Calamity... I haven’t had the courage to go back there.’
Rhea looked up. ‘If it is alright... I’d like to open it now.’
Link stared at the envelope, unable to speak.
Time stood up suddenly, taking the attention, “Boys, how about we step outside?”
Link looked down right terrified at that idea, “You don’t have to leave!”
“It is fine if you stay,” Rhea agreed. “I would not have brought it up in front of all of you, if I had been uncomfortable with the idea.” She picked up the envelope and looked at Link. “May I?”
He nodded and the nine heroes settled into their spots in chairs and the floor.
Rhea broke the seal, hesitated a moment, then opened the pages. Her voice was soft, but it carried.
“My dear little sister,
“If you are reading this, then I am home. This could mean one of two things:
The first situation is my favorite. You are reading this aloud, a big smile on your face as you finally get to read these ‘secret words’. I am standing, or perhaps sitting, smiling back. Father will be pretending not to hear, either upstairs or outside. I will be home with you. If this is the case, then--”
Rhea paused. Her voice wavered slightly on the next line. “--then there is no reason to read on. This is a happy day and there is no use on dwelling on what-ifs.”
It was Warriors who tried to excuse the group this time. Rhea ignored him and continued to read aloud.
“The second situation is harder to imagine. You are probably sitting at a table, Father across from you. There may have been an officer at the door just a few moments ago, or perhaps the Princess herself (I know you always wanted to meet her, Rhea). Or maybe someone in the streets informed you that I have gone home to...” Rhea stopped again. “I have gone home to mother.”
Link reached over and put a hand on Rhea’s arm. “Maybe we should leave.” His gaze was sad and full of regret.
“This is your letter!”
“A letter I do not remember writing,” Link replied. “These are my... his last words to you. It is private and words just for you.”
“I... I can’t do this alone, Link. Please...” Rhea begged. “I need to do this.”
Link hesitated, looking at the other heroes. Several nodded encouragingly and Time was already at the door. “We will see you all in an hour.” No one protested as the heroes stood and left the two siblings with their letter.
Link hesitated a moment, holding out his hand. “Would you like me to read it?”
“...Not yet, but maybe later.” Rhea’s fingers crinkled the paper and she began to read again.
“I pray that Hylia has at least left my body to be laid into the earth. I cannot imagine Father being able to move on without performing proper burial rights. I do have a few requests:”
Despite the subject, Rhea could not help but laugh at the next lines.
“First, I do not want a big show for the hero. A simple service with family and friends. Nothing more. Second, please do not put me in a cemetery of any sort. Cemeteries are full of sorrow and loss. I do not want you to visit me in such a place. I suppose I will not hate it if I am near Mother, if the cemetery is necessary, but I would prefer if you dragged me into Hyrule field. Remember the old tree we used to play under when you were younger? When we lived in Castletown? I would much prefer if you come visit me there. Then I may actually see you smile.”
Rhea was smiling now. Link shared a small one as well. “I can agree with that.”
“You would hate cemeteries.”
“They are dark, dreary, and dead.”
“It’s a cemetery!”
“And? Life should be celebrated, not mourned.”
Rhea rolled her eyes before she continued reading. “Second, I do not want you to cry every time you come to see me. You are allowed to cry at the funeral and for the first month. Then wipe up those tears and continue on, my little mountain.” The smiles had died now and it was silent for a moment.
“You would not remember this, but mother gave you that nickname. She always said you were the most stubborn little girl and that you would not bend for even Calamity Ganon. I must agree. But you are strong in ways I cannot even describe. And I know you can be strong now.” Rhea was now trying to hold back tears, her voice cracking.
“Please watch after Father. I know he will blame himself. Tell him that his failures are not the reason I am gone. I am so thankful for everything he did for me. He is the reason I am who I am today, and I would not change it for all the baked apples in the world (probably. You know how much I love baked apples).” The tears were now falling.
“As for you, my little sister: I want you to know that--” Rhea’s voice caught in her throat. 
Link gently took the paper from her hands and began to carefully read. “I want you to know that you are the reason I am fighting. Yes, being the Hero of Hyrule means I fight to protect everyone. But you have always been a constant, even before I pulled the sword. You are my rock; my mountain. No matter where you are, I will always be protecting you. You will always be my little sister and I will... always be your brother. That is something you must...” Link paused, his voice getting softer. “You must never forget.
“I love you, and we shall see one another again.
“Your brother,
Uh... apparently, I shall be writing a Part 3 to this. Whoops...
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ch4o7ix · 4 years
Edaclark - Singapore night
oh hello there. i said i was gonna post my edaclark fic here, so here i am. originally it was in portuguese, and for this i just googled, used an app and also made some modifications, but i think it’s okay! If the fic has any grammar mistake, feel free to say it.
Enjoy! <3
The cold night wind hit his face, his gaze distant, focused on the not-so-starry Singapore sky. Clark liked to be there at night, not only because of the pool he shared with beautiful ladies but also because of the beautiful view that the place affords him. Lowering his gaze, he could gradually see the illuminated city he loved so much. A smile formed on his face as he traced with his eyes the path he normally took during his runs. He really loved what he did, flying was wonderful but still ... the adrenaline he felt was not what he expected to feel.
Normally, the excitement of flying was not in the uncertainty of his victory, since it was guaranteed, but mainly in the fear of the plane falling in any way. And that was not a pleasant feeling to feel. He rested his head on his hands, a tired sigh coming out. He missed feeling the real thrill of a race, but the last time he tried to have a real competition it didn't end well.
Just thinking about the last race he had with Lewis made him feel guilty. He was not directly guilty of causing this accident, he knew very well who set up the veteran, but ... he still felt his chest tighten with the overwhelming sense of guilt. This feeling intensified when he remembered his newest mechanic, Edamura. Although he disguised it well, his look of disgust directed at the men who ruined his former employer's life was quite remarkable.
The young competitor, if he could really call himself that, just wanted to be able to have a real contest, without scripts, without frames. Sure, he loves his brother, but he couldn't deny that the methods he uses are, in addition to being harmful, dangerous. The prince was tired, tired of the guilt he carried, tired of his brother's "scripted entertainment", tired of this false emotion, tired of lying.
Clark takes one of his hands to his hair, pulling it back, letting out a long breath. Problems and guilt are not going to go away with that, but at least that little gesture calms the young man.
The man is startled to hear the sound of footsteps, accompanied by a relatively loud yawn. He turned around, hoping to find a guest coming to get some air or even the older Ibrahim. But he was surprised to find a well-known mechanic, Makoto Edamura, walking towards him with a small smile on his lips. He felt his heart skip a beat, smiling back at the Japanese.
— Good night, Clark! – he said, his lovely accent noticeable even with that simple sentence.
— Hi Edamura! – The older one smiled, watching the smaller one lean against the fence that prevented them from falling while looking at the sky with a frown. – What happened? Are you cold? – He asked, even though he knew that the white sweatshirt the other was wearing was probably warm enough.
— No, I just ... I imagined that the sky here would be more starry. When I talked to Cynthia she told me that the view from up here was so beautiful. – He sounded disappointed, turning to the one with the dark blue eyes as if silently asking: "Do you understand?", making him nod in understanding, looking away again at the sky.
— It's quite annoying that the city is so bright at night that we can't even see the stars in the sky. But still, it's a beautiful view, depending on where you look. – He lowered his vision, leading Makoto to follow his gaze to the illuminated city, a breathtaking sight. The mechanic's eyes shone and he smiled in awe at the view, the sounds of the city gradually synchronizing and forming a unique soundtrack for that moment, which was attentively watched by the younger Ibrahim, who felt his chest warm and the damn butterflies if they churn in your stomach.
Edamura's smile is beautiful. Clark would do anything to be able to see him smile like that more often and would do anything to be the reason for that smile. Since he talked to the man for the first time, the prince felt something for him. He didn't know how to name it, but he knew it was complex ... and good. When the brown eyes met him again, filled with enthusiasm and shining with the reflection of the Singapore lights, Clark felt his stomach turn seven times in clockwise and counterclockwise direction, causing some sickness in the older man. Sometimes the feeling was not so good.
— Do you come here a lot? You must come, I never got to see a city from above, and from here everything is so bright! It even makes me forget about the fear of heights, you know? – He looked back at the city, taking his cell phone out of his sweatshirt pocket to take a picture. The older one smiled silly, seeing his face concentrated to take a perfect picture.
— Yes, it is. – "but not as much as you", he wanted to say, however, kept the thought to himself. – But I thought you lived in Tokyo before, how have you never seen anything like it? – He asked, making Makoto turn his face to face him, lowering his cell phone slightly, beyond the glass fence. "Oh, oh, I already see where this is going," he thought, looking back into the man's chocolate eyes.
— I'm afraid of heights, so the most I've seen were in pictures. – he replied to the surprise of the Singaporean, who until then imagined that every Japanese would have seen the city from above at least once in his life, as cariocas would do with Christ the Redeemer.
— If you are afraid of heights, then don't worry, my little Edamura! – he dictated, placing his hand on his chest gloriously, before hugging the smaller one from behind, drawing a small exclamation followed by a laugh from him. – Your prince here will see to it that neither you nor your cell phone – he took the device from the other's hands, who were protesting with laughter. – fall from that deadly height! – Finally, Clark gave a kiss on the top of the mechanic's head, who stopped laughing, still surprised by the action of the bigger one.
Makoto turned in his embrace, raising his face with a frown, his cheeks so red it looked like he had even been slapped, not a hug. Clark felt his heart accelerate again, his mouth slightly open and his eyes locked on that beautiful face, in the eyes that he had so often compared with chocolate, in his slender nose, his lips forming that attractive pout, so inviting… His body moved involuntarily, and when he found himself, Clark was just inches away from kissing the brown-haired man, who was in shock in his embrace.
The proximity between them was sufficient for them to be breathing the same air, but still, neither of them dared to move for a good two minutes. Two minutes that lasted an eternity. An eternity that Clark was enjoying. He was enjoying feeling the synchrony between his breaths, his heart beating together with that of the Japanese, the looks they exchanged, and the fact that so far, the other has not retreated. That was good, right? Perhaps it was by surprise, but even after the time of the initial shock, he did not move.
The older man's unoccupied hand was placed on the other's back, a move that was enough to get Edamura out of the initial trance. He quickly emerged from the prince's embrace, whirling a little and then stopping some distance from him, showing a mocking smile and waving his cell phone over his head. Ibrahim was still processing the fact that the moment between the two ended when he realized that the device was no longer in his hands. When did he get it?
— I didn't know you were the type to steal, Edamura! – He laughed, one eyebrow raised while still trying to understand when the cell phone left his hands.
— It's that saying: thief who steals thief, has a thousand years of forgiveness! – He laughed, going to the pool area while unlocking the device, being followed by the pilot.
— I never heard that saying, but for me, if you rhyme, then I'll believe it. – he said, trying to get Makoto's cell phone again. This one, however, was faster, deviating fully while walking again, taking care not to get too close to the pool. – If a thief steals the thief who stole it, how many years of forgiveness would he gain?
— And you think you could steal me? – the brown-haired one asked in disbelief, crossing his arms and consequently hiding the cell phone from Clark's heavy hands, receiving only a smile from the other. – Okay, if a thief manages to steal the thief who stole it, I think he would have... Ten years of forgiveness!
— Only ten?! Why?
— Because that means the robbery was a success in the end. A thief was unable to steal, but the thief who was stolen in the beginning continued with the stolen item, so he remains guilty of theft. – He smiled victoriously as he faced the employer's expression of defeat, who only sighed in response to his hypothetical arrest.
Almost a second later, Clark surprised Makoto by jumping on him, but as usual, he swerved gracefully...
— Haha! I told you that you- –… to immediately take a step towards the edge of the pool. At that moment, Edamura could have sworn he saw his life passing like a short film before his eyes, one of the most striking phrases being that of Abby, calling him a virgin for the hundredth time.
Clark luckily held his hand, preventing the fall from occurring. Both smiled in relief before the betrayal occurred. Clark took the damn cell phone from the mechanic, who widened his eyes in disbelief at the older man's attitude. As soon as his objective was in his hands, a final evil smile was given towards his friend, before his hand dropped him to his icy death.
The sound of the fall was painful to hear, mainly because drops of cold water from the pool reached the prince, but in the end, he was still dry and had managed ten years of forgiveness.
— You are an asshole! – Makoto said as soon as he emerged, frowning and drenched, like a cat that ended up falling into the water unintentionally, which was not far from reality. – You are a bastard and an asshole!
— I am not the one in a pool, in the cold, and on top of clothes. – Ibrahim scoffed, placing the cell phone on one of the chairs that were nearby, to crouch in front of the angry Japanese. – But I can think of helping you with one condition! – he said with his index finger raised and a wide smile growing in his face. – For a kiss, I-
And again, the sound of a body submerging in the icy water was heard. Makoto gave a short and evil laugh with his revenge. Clark emerged quickly, already shivering with a frown instead of his usual smile.
— Ugly face for me is hunger. – Makoto said, resting his elbows on the edge of the pool as he watched the Singaporean dive and appear on his side, looking more comfortable with the temperature, although he still trembles slightly.
— Your luck is that it's not that cold today. – The pilot leaned on the edge of the pool sulking. – And you cursed me earlier, you cursed someone from royalty! – he exclaimed, almost convincing the minor that the offenses offended him, narrowly failing due to his exaggerated facial expression.
— Well, maybe I can think of helping you. – the scammer said, joining in the game and imitating the mocking air that the prince had taken when he offered him help. – For a kiss, maybe I can forgive you, how about? – He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Even though Clark knew it was a joke, he couldn't help the uncontrollable urge to try and get that forgiveness. And it was a stupid idea, he certainly shouldn't even consider it, since it would probably be a badly received kiss and would end any chance he had with the mechanic, even if they were tiny. But you know... Clark Ibrahim was never afraid to execute stupid ideas. Of course, the last one he executed ended up severely hurting one of his best friends, preventing him from doing one of the things he loved the most, but there were no lives at stake now! Maybe his, if he were to consider what his older brother used to be, but, no! No lives at stake!
And it was with this assurance of the only trusting voice in his head, that the Ibrahim approached the smaller one, who just looked at him with a small smile and a confused expression. He just smiled back, taking a hand to his chin and lifting him up, simultaneously bringing their faces together until their noses touched. His breathing was heavy and he could feel his hands tingling, just as he could feel the rhythmic heartbeat of the youngest. Before proceeding, he looked at those chocolatey eyes again, surprised to find that the man was also looking at him.
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and kissed the other one, still a little anxious about his response to the act. When he realized that he hadn’t moved, the man turned away regretfully, taking his hand to the back of the neck, and avoiding eye contact with the youngest, who just looked at him without understanding. Clark was sweating cold, the anxiety intensifying his shaking a little and causing a lump to form in his throat. Maybe he didn't like the kiss, maybe he was going to hate him for going out kissing him like it was nothing, maybe he was scared and so he didn't react, but that wasn't necessarily good, so...
"Oh, shit, I fucked it up!", The thought echoed in his mind, as he felt his breathing quicken, a whirlwind of hypotheses crossing his mind.
— Clark? – Edamura called, placing a hand on his shoulder.
— I’m sorry! I-I should have asked you before doing something like that, I know you were kidding, I just- – he didn't finish the sentence, since Makoto's moist and slightly cracked lips reached his before.
— It's ok! – he dictated as he parted their lips, getting closer to the pilot and placing a hand on his face, lightly brushing his beard. Makoto lightly stroked Clark's cheek with his thumb while watching him fondly. – It's okay, I was just a little surprised. I didn't think you were really going to kiss me! – He said with a smile, his accent pulled up again. The older man's cheeks heated up, and he finally looked into his friend's (Lover? It was just a kiss) eyes again. – When in doubt, it doesn't hurt to ask! – His warm smile touched the biggest one immensely.
Ibrahim nodded, holding it for a moment in Makoto's small hand, his eyes closed, appreciating the heat it emanated. He heard the water stir, and soon felt Makoto's body closer to his, the weight of his head on his shoulder and his free hand lightly caressing his arm. He soon wrapped him in a hug, and the two of them stood there, hugging each other, in their clothes in a pool, for a while.
Unlike the other moments of that night, when a touch that was even more intimate with Makoto made Clark's heart race, now the only things he felt were comfort and peace. Despite being exposed to the cold, he remained warm, the proximity of the bodies warming him, a smile on his face as he enjoyed the heat that settled in his chest and spread over his body, not wanting to leave that position. Just a few more minutes like that. It wasn't even so cold.
That was when the mechanic left a small kiss on his shoulder, taking the initiative to leave the position. Clark missed the heat, the icy water soon doing its job, and guaranteeing him another shaking crisis.
— I think it's time to leave, right? – damura said, sitting on the edge of the pool ready to leave the cover and go to a warmer place when his hand was held by the pilot's, who looked at him with an abandoned dog face. – Do you want to stay in the cold? Seriously? – he asked exaggeratedly disbelieving, getting a little laugh from the Ibrahim.
— Of course not, I just wanted to be with you more. Usually, when I'm in a pool with someone I like, the tendency is for me to use my princely skills to win over the beautiful lady! – the prince dramatized, following the movements of Edamura, who sat on the edge of the pool watching him with amusement. – It’s not always so… slow, i guess. – he ended simply.
— Yeah, but, unfortunately, the prince is awful with romance and was afraid to kiss his humble subject, and because of that, now he will be left in the infinity pool, dreaming with the lips of the beautiful young man who works for him! Am I right? – Edamura looked at him with irritating conviction, and Clark couldn't help but roll his eyes, inevitably smiling. Unfortunately, he was right. – But you know, – the man suddenly became shy, raising Clark's curiosity. – it's not like I'm going to deny you a kiss ... Not that I'm suggesting anything, far from me! It's just ... a reminder.
— Ah, good reminder! Really good, I will make good use of it! – The blue-eyed one exclaimed, not really sure if he would make good use of the reminder. And the minor noticed it, watching as it sank a little deeper. How can a guy as womanizing as he can't get a simple kiss?
Edamura sighed audibly and jumped back into the pool, right in front of Clark, who took a step back in reflex; however, the Japanese man prevented him from moving further, pulling him by the collar of his blouse and taking his lips, startling the man with the sudden act, who took a while to return the kiss. Edamura was soon in his arms again, his hands between Clark's messy, damp strands, pulling him closer, and seeking to deepen the contact. And, God, he was loving it!
Maybe it was the thrill of kissing someone after so long, but Makoto's body seemed to burn just with that simple contact. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered and his heart beat like a samba school drum, playing faster and harder with each little act of Ibrahim, losing the rhythm with each bite distributed over his lips. When Clark asked for permission to deepen the contact, he didn't think twice before giving in, allowing the eldest to guide him in that delightful dance.
However, the kiss was soon stopped, since they lacked air. They were panting, strangely hot, and flushed. Makoto smiled, leaning back against the edge of the pool. He pulled his hair back, receiving a curious look from Clark. He was very expressive, he thought, approaching and stealing a little kiss from him. He shouldn't be fraternizing with the enemy, at least, not like that, but since he was already breaking rules, he would enjoy it.
— So, – Clark began, leaning back beside him, both back in the same position they were in when they met that night. Thinking about it, Edamura looked at the sky again, now admiring how the pilot's eyes weren’t too far from matching that shade of blue. – How was it to kiss a prince, Mr. Edamura?
— Honestly, I should be the one asking this question. – He replied, again making Clark laugh, this time more restrained. – I kissed you, prince!
— Okay, okay, let's keep this part a secret for your sake! – Ibrahim replied while Makoto turned to face him, eyebrows raised in disbelief. – Imagine what a scandal it would be, a servant daring to steal the prince's lips?! It’s better to think that I seduced you. It will also be easier to believe since I am practically irresistible! – and as soon as he finished the sentence, the prince was hit with cold water, complaining soon after, while Makoto laughed at him.
— Clark! – Came a deep voice, which the lovers immediately associated with the older Ibrahim. A chill ran through Edamura's body, fearing Sam's reaction when he saw them in the pool. Well, at least he didn't arrive at a more compromising moment. – Clar- what the hell are you two doing here? – He asked as soon as he saw them, receiving an embarrassed smile from his younger brother and a grunt of shame from the mechanic.
— We fell. – Clark replied simply, scratching the back of his neck, while Makoto plunged in shame and cold water. But apparently, that simple excuse was enough to convince the organizer. It must have been something common, or maybe he just wasn't interested in what caused two people to fall.
— We have some things to talk about, so let's go. – Sam said, and from his tone, that was not a request.
With a sigh, Clark left the pool, following his brother, who was already heading for the elevator. The younger Ibrahim waved to Edamura, whispering "good night" and sending a puffed kiss to the mechanic. Edamura waved back, following him with her eyes until it was no longer possible. Her cheeks flushed and her chest warmed as he remembered the events of that night. Makoto was really screwed if he was forced to tell everything to the team, and honestly, he was no longer so attached to the idea of ​​deceiving those brothers ... well, just one of them.
He sat down on the edge of the pool again, reclining until his back touched the floor. Edamura looked at the sky, and the sky looked back. A few stars shone and brought a smile to the scammer's face. Singapore's sky might not have been the most beautiful he had ever seen, but it was certainly comforting. It reminded him of a certain pilot, whose eyes were similar in color to the sky, and who marked his stay in that country.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse: Mickey and the Culture Clash (Commission by WeirdKev27) or “What the Hell, Clarabelle?”
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Hello, hello, hello... I wish I could say I was in good spirits but i’m tired, have covid induced chills running down my spine.. and oh yeah there was an armed insurrection i the captial last night that showed just how broken this country was. And while Monster Bash would still be relevant... I couldn’t do it. I admit to being unable to do an episode where the millitant racist nutjob who harms people runs off into the night, and does much worse in later episodes, while the people she harassed are arrested the night after a bunch of millitant, racist, sociopathic, selfish nightmares sieged the captial, killed a woman, raised the fucking maga flag over the buildling and took pictures like they were goddamn heroes.  We got a stark reminder, not a wake up call, not an opening a REMINDER of just how badly broken our country is last night, and it wasn’t till this morning I found out just how BAD it was. The deaths, the flag, the fact josh fucking hawley, MY STAT’ES SENATOR and registered piece of shit, raised  A FUCKING FIST IN SOLIDARITY, which gives me the crippling fear his stupidity and unabashed racisim and support of a cou could mean riots at best and attempted uprisings at worst and who knows what kind of hate crimes against those of color and those in my own queer community. I am afraid, tired, and I am pissed and I feel we could ALL use something wholesome, warm and far removed from the shit going on. And in my hour of need to figure out something like that to put on the schedule.. Kev brought up a wonderfufl idea.  Every month this month till the end of it Kev is going to comission one episode of a show near and dear to both our hearts that has it’s 20th birthday this month. House of Mouse. He was intitally going to request Pete’s One Man Show, which is one of my faviorites, but was ironcially one I already planned to cover next month to celebrate both the show’s anniversary and Pete’s Birthday. But since he was happy to wait till then to comission it, he instead asked for another classic and one with easily my faviorite character on the show: Moritmer Mouse. 
One of the best things House of Mouse did was bring back Mortimer Mouse. Introduced in Mickey’s Rival, Mortimer was an ex of minnies who showed up for one short to be a dick to mickey before running off and leaving Minnie at the mercy of a bull he pissed off. He also weirdly kept electrodes and a car battery in his pants. The short itself is.. not great mostly because Minnie dimissies Mickey rightfully being pissed someone is hitting on his girlfriend in front of him, making jokes at his expense, and generally being a pillock as being jealous... which yeah, yeah he is. Most of the time jealousy and supscison of your partner is ugly, gross and damaging to a relationship.  You should trust them unless you’ve been given good reason not to, and if your paranoidly jealous about every friend she has she could be attracted to.. get some fucking help. Seriously, I need to, not for this for various other problems, but get some therapy to help with your trust issues or if your just being the kind of dick who naturally assumes men and women or men and men or women and women or men and nonibinary persons, or women and nonbinary peeps and so on and so on cannot be friends if they could possibly be togehter romantically... grow up.  I say all of that because those are serious underlying issues and I didn’t want it to seem like for a moment I was supporting them... and because sometimes i’ts OKAY to be jealous, to either just feel a little jealous of someone, or to you know be irate because your girlfriend’s ex is hitting on her in front of you and she’s being entirely receptive to it. 
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So yeah i’ts really hard to feel bad for minnie’s bull attack or find the ending sweet after Minnie was you know, what ramona said for an entire short. However my point for this rant, besides giving out about the short again because I clearly didn’t enough in my Mickey Birthday Special, is that Mortimer is still pretty great. He’s a frat bro in the 40′s sense sure, but the idea of a local douche hoping to swoop in and woo minnie away, who has an oddly specific sense of humor and a bizzare, memorable and wonderful walk, seriously the short is worth watching for mortimier’s “I got two car batteris in my pants’ walk, is a good one. While he’d naturally show up in comics and what have you Mortimer just sort of vanished. But clearly someone on the House of Mouse staff, and Mousewerks before it, agreed because Morty was made easily one of the best and most recurring characters in the HOM, and often more prominent than Horace or Gus. While he still tried his old “I’m gonna do your common law wife act” a few times he was mostly there to be an annoying douche when the ep needed one and to be taken down a peg by everyone in the house. And that VERY MUCH includes Mickey. That’s also part of why I love this show bringing him back: It gives Mickey someone besides pete to give out too on a regular basis. He’s still his charming self about it but it’s lovelyt os ee Mickey sarcastically roast someone. And I honestly attribute the main factor of his sucess on the show to VA Maurice LaMarche. While his original VA, Sonny Dawson, was fantastic.. it’s Maurice who very clearly made the character his. While others like Jeff Bennet have taken over since i’ts Maurice who gave him his signature “ha-cha-cha” catchphrase, swagger and signiture voice. And no i’ts not lost on me that one of Maurice’s OTHER best roles is another cartoon mouse.. and I now very badly want him to meet Pinky and the Brain. But yeah, Maurice just oozes the smarm that defines mortimer for me, oozes condescinon and assholery and he, is., glorious. He was a faviorite as a kid, he’s a faviorite now, and Disney needs to use him more.. and also have Maurice voice him for wonderufl world of mickey mouse, though Jeff Bennett is not bad at all I just prefer the master at the role. 
So obviously, after the nightmare of an evening america had yesterday, an episode not only about how wholesome mickey and minnie are but about Mickey teaming up with Mortimer was EXACTLY what i needed. So pitter patter, this is Mickey and the Culture clash. As always for house of mouse i’ll be chonking it up and since this one starts right with the wraparound, and sicnce you know I spent a godo few pagraphs going over mortimer and he’s only IN the wraparound this episode... let’s start there
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Mickey and the Culture Clash: Don’t Go Changin, To Try and Please Me So we open the episode and the review proper with Mickey performing a banjo sernade for Minnie, their song in fact. It’s a really sweet scene.. that’s quickly ruined by Clarabelle being an asshole, who says i’ts a bit crude. Minnie counters that while “It’s not mozart”, it’s nice and she clearly likes it and the gesture. Instead of you know leaving it there like a good friend, like she’s SUPPOSED to be to Minnie in most continuities, Clarabelle.. takes the things she said and her having to run out to wrangle pluto out of context, painting it as her thinking he’s not sophisticated and then running out because of it. Oh and she tops it by pointing to a classified add from a MM looking for sophisticated companionship. 
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It just paints Clarabelle not as Minnie’s friend or a chatty gossip, but as a heartless bitch who has no trouble implying one of her best friends would cheat on her boyfriend TO HIS FACE, and is fine wrecking a perfectly lovely relationship just to have more to talk about. Seriously she starts gossiping to everybody on top of it just in case you thought Clarabelle was a decent person in any shape this episode. She’s the one thing about this episode that dosen’t work despite being integral to it.. well two but hte other thing is a small, end of episode gag we’ll get to. This.. this is an integral part of the plot. It also relies on Daisy and Donald being absent for the episode for what I can only assume is their annual sex decathalon because otherwise the second she heard about her friend doing this, before reassuring Minnie, Donald would be holdiing her while Daisy beat the absolute shit out of her for hurting thier closest friend and not bothering to take a look into anything when leveling such a rough accusation at Minnie. In a really stellar, really well paced episode, Clarabelle being so heartless stands out. It’s also, might as well get this out of the way, teh final episode not inlcuding the two holiday specials.. and it’s a good note to go out on otherwise, I just can’t ignore the obnoxious cow in the room.. in both senses of the word. 
So yeah Mickey’s trying to be fancy, and Mortimer gets a good dig in about him reading “You having trouble sounding out the words”, but once he hears what’s going on, or rather once he realizes mickey things Mortimer’s personal add is in fact his girlfriend cheating on him, he decides to help Mickey. And to his credit for this con.. Mortimer actually thought things out on how to trick his rival, and his plan here is douchey as hell but incredibly genius: he offers to help mickey and while that’d normally be suspcious he offers a genuine, and very mortimer explination for helping him become a bit more sophisticated to win minnie back: if Minnie finds a handsome, sophisticated guy to date, what chance does MORTIMER have against that? At least with Mickey, in his deluded egocentric view of things anyway, he has a shot at beating him. 
So Mickey classes it up a bit, taking some sopshitcated stances when announcing and trying to woo minnie by talking in ye olde english. When that fails, she just finds it silly but charming, Mickey finds Jose.. hitting on her.
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Just.. I expect better from you man. Woo ladies all you like as long as your respectful but I expect better than to hit on someone else’s girlfriend.. which granted he has but given the last time we saw him do that, he nearly got stabbed a bunch and the last time he agressively hit on a woman he got punched in the beak as he should, you’d THINK he’d of learned something. Seriously once again Donald is only missing because this time Daisy would be holding Jose down while Donald hit him. Or possibly they’d take turns. Point is Jose REALLY shoudln’t be doing this and knows better.. marginally. But.. it is in character enough so ti’s not as bad as Clarabelle the homewrecker. 
So Mickey tries being fancy and goes on to do poetry instead of letting O’Malley and the Alley Cats play.. which is a nice running gag the series does as they NEVER get to play.. which while funny is a shame since I love the Aristocats. So then we finally get what Mortimer’s been playing at, he swoops in, claims MICKEY dosen’t need HER, and uses the same personal add to trick her. See, while what Mortimer’s doing is vile.. unlike clarabelle I can repsect it at least. I don’t condone it and i’m glad he gets foiled.. but as a bad guy plan it’s pretty clever and for someone like Mortimer whose usually pretty incompitent.. it’s pretty suprising he could pull this off. It’s still pretty damn low and scummy, no question, but props to being able to outwit and nearly outplay two people who deal with your crap on a regular basis and still convincingly conning both.  Thankfully while he tries to take Minnie out Mickey, in a great visual gag, puts two and two together, and busts out their song, with Mickey and Minnie heartwearmingly reuniting on stage as seen above. Then we get that gag I mentioned not liking: Mickey gets Morty back by planting a false marriage proposal from Moritmer to Clarabelle, again under MM and he gets carried off.. HAHA HE’S BEING FORCED INTO A MARRIAGE HE DOSEN’T. LAUGH. LAUGH AT IT. The gag just really hasn’t aged well, as otherwise it’s clever Mickey used Mortimer’s own trick against both him and the person who caused all of this but really.. Clarabelle gets no real compuance. At worse sshe finds out she was tricked.. but she again you know tried to break up her close friends relationship for shits and giggles. But .. it’s at the very end of the episode and very easy to ignore, so it dosen’t really bother me too bad, and compared to some gags of the type i’ve seen, it could be MUCH worse.  Overall this wraparound is one of the series best and a good one to go out on. it has a simple premise, a brilliant antagonist plot, some great bits from all involved, and even a great Belle and Beast cameo. All in all a really good wraparound only hampered by a sexist and dated ending and Clarabelle being portrayed as ...
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She’s the worst, in the world. Okay onto the shorts.
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Mickey’s Piano Lesson: That was a Fun One
It really was. It’s a simple premise: Minnie wants MIckey to do a piano recital and he decides “I don’t need practice i’m mickey mouse. “ And it’s REALLY nice to have a short that has, rather than aw shucks mickey, shenanigans mickey. While thanks to the new shorts we’ve had tons, it’s still nice to get one in the House of Mouse era, and it’s just fun to see Mickey take the usual donald roll of letting his overconfidence punch him in the face> It fits both though: Both are everyman and while I lean towards the duck, to no one’s shock, Mickey is just as capable, and his lack of practice comes off less like the angry and hostile way donald would dismiss it and mroe just loveable procastination. And as someone who REALLY struggles with procastination I related to this short, as Mickey does everything else he’d rather do from bathing the dog to skydiving till Minnie, in a great bit informs him everyone from the president, to several dignitaries from other countries, to a televised audience will see. We then get two really great and really beatuifully animated bits as MIckey wrestles with the notes on thep age then fights with his piano as he performs, still pulling it off but destroying the thing and rightfully earning a glare form his girlfriend. Just a fun, slapstick short with a great premise. 
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Dance of the Goofys: Scary Children Set to classical music, this one has a bunch of goofys as Fairy’s, who are making the flowers go and the one who sleeps in ends up saving the king from a horrifing looking little brat. He reminds me of Montanna Max a bit.. speaking of which Creer Summer recnetly announced Elmyra won’t be in the reboot. And while this does make me fear actually good characters like Fifi, Montana Max, and more will be cut like the animanics reboot and I do feel for Cree not getting to be involved and hope they find another roll for her as, given her status in the industry she deserves better.. THANK FUCKING GOD. I’ll go into this in another review I have planned for the future but unlike the cuts made to animaniacs this was a REALLY good decision i’m really greatful for. Thank you crew thank you. 
Back on topic, it’s just a fun, really beautifully animated short about the goofies and hteir shenanigans with a really great high concept. 
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Maestro Minnie: Brahm’s Lullabye: Simply Irresitable Another simple but clever and lovely to watch one, and one I like quite a bit more. Minnie is conducting some living violins to Brahm’s Lullabye to get a baby Violin to sleep, and we get some really beautiful shots of her as she does so.. only to get comically interuppted by other insteruments turning up the noise. Not much to say on this one as it’s short and simple.. but sometimes short and simple is just what you need and the fun premise nad really beautiful especially for tv animation at the time visuals really sell this one.  ONce again, good stuff. 
Overall: This was a REALLY good note to go out on. While as I said the Clarabelle stuff can eat my entire ass, everything else is really damn good and I highly recommend checking this one out. Next time, in about a month, we’ll be looking at Pete’s spotlight episode for his birfday. While you wait tommorow we have my first look at legend of the three cabs. But for now, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. 
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
For @suhdays numbers 27 & 6 from this list, I hope you like it 🙂 please ignore any mistakes I don’t usually type directly on tumblr 🙃 anyways idk if I did it justice and it got away from me lol
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It’s odd, the situation that is. Never in a million years would Yoongi have believed to be sitting opposite you in the diner he vividly remembered being your favorite place when you two had been dating. He remembers the happier times, the days and hours you’d spent tucked into his side wearing his letterman jacket, sharing a milkshake listening to the old rock songs playing from the jukebox. It’s strange that he can still vividly remember those feelings, even now years later after high school. After having gone off to college and gotten married to what he’d called the love of his life.
And yet despite all those obstacles, the long distance and the petty fights he’d married you. Your high school romance just wasn’t meant to last not when two years into marriage it had fallen apart. The divorce had been amicable, too clean cut almost as if you two hadn’t loved one another as long as you had, his coworkers that had later become his close friends had said it was a good thing. His marriage to you had been doomed to fail when he’d wanted to settle down and you’d still had so much life in you, so much you’d wanted to do. That you weren’t meant for the married housewife life. And he had somehow agreed, buried his life with you in the depths of his closet almost as he’d never wanted to be reminded of it. Never wanted to see just where his life had taken a turn, a life where he would have to live without you.
He’s staring at you with a furrow to his brow, his expression is one of distaste. Annoyance maybe, you aren’t quite sure anymore. Though if you’re sure about one thing it had to be just how much more handsome he’s gotten with age. The two of you are pushing your thirties but time has only done his wonders. If Yoongi was handsome as a young adult he was downright lethal as a man in his prime.
“What did you call me out here?” He asks face never portraying any emotion.
“You make it seem as we don’t regularly see each other at charity events.”
“That may be, but it’s not because I want to see you.” He almost spits taking note of the way you slightly flinch back at his words.
“Right, I could never dream of that. It’d be silly of me.” You laugh with a small smile he takes note of the way it doesn’t reach your eyes.
“So what did you want?” He asks again.
“Just to catch up, I heard you were engaged.”
“Let’s not do this ____, I know you’ll only hurt yourself.” You nod somewhat timidly a anguished look crossing your features.
“Right, I’m sorry to have called you out for something so mundane. I’ll take my leave then.” You say dropping a few bills on the table to pay for your untouched milkshake. It’s the same flavor you used to share all those years ago.
“So you just let her believe you were engaged?” Hoseok asks somewhat disgusted.
“It’s not important, do we have anything scheduled today?”
“I mean you have to pick up your daughter from your ex-wives house. The same one you let think you were engaged. The one who I’ve seen you make puppy eyes at like some lovesick teenager.” Yoongi scowls, but Hoseok is right. He hates to admit it but he’s still very much in love with you as he was when you got divorced. Now he has one more thing to love about you, his daughter was an unexpected surprise. One he’d received after your divorce, and he hated you just a little bit for keeping her a secret until the very day of her birth. But he knows why you did it, his career had taken off shortly after the divorce and you’d made yourself scarce. Virtually disappearing after he’d signed those papers, only popping back up when you’d gone into labor.
He’d made it his mission to avoid you at all cost, because even if he loved you he couldn’t handle the way you just left him. Had hidden your pregnancy from him, had stolen all the precious moments of your pregnancy from him because you were selfish. You wanted out and in the end it had hurt him. He sighs heavily, rubbing at his temples in exhaustion not because of his daughter but because he’d have to see you again after lying to you.
It’s some odd weeks later that he finally sees you again. After his little lie you’d done everything in your power to avoid him. You’d sent your daughter to his house with your best friend Taehyung, started skipping charity events, even had your nanny pick her up when he’d pulled up to your house. Frankly he was tired of it, more so because it seemed even Hoseok had seen you more than he had. Perhaps he was jealous, though did he really have any right to be? He’s thoroughly annoyed when he finally catches sight of you across the ballroom, dressed in a black dress that molds to your figure oh so perfectly. He’s more that a little annoyed at the way some of the men stare, and who wouldn’t. You look more than beautiful, it would take a lesser man to not see how beautiful you look, but his gaze it particularly glued to the low neckline that shows a little too much of your ample chest, what’s more is the way your dress not only dips too low in the front, it’s completely missing the back. From here he catches a faint glimmer, something that sparkles just so and disappears into your dress. It sends a rush of blood to his cock, a reaction that forces him to tear his gaze away for just a moment.
It seems though that he isn’t the only one interested in you this evening, but he will be as he easily makes his way over to you. There’s surprise written in your features with something like dread as he smiles politely while asking you to dance. He’s surprised when you take his hand easily allowing him to lead you onto the dance floor. You haven’t been this close since your wedding, he thinks as his hand finds the small of your back. Your skin is cool to the touch, shivering lightly as the warmth of his palm grazes the thin body chain that sits pretty against your spine. He wonders briefly what it’d look like without the dress, he’s quick to push the thought away as you avert your gaze.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He says as he spins you following the slow waltz he’s lead you into.
“I haven’t.” He scoffs pulling you closer to avoid a possible collision with another couple just behind you.
“You have, and I want to know why.”
“You have a fiancé.” You say.
“So what? I also have a daughter with you, does that mean my fiancé should avoid her?”
“No, but I don’t want to cause a scandal for you.”
“Who would think to cause a scandal.”
“I don’t know but I’m the ex wife, and you’re the ceo of a successful music company. I can see it now, ‘jealous ex wife clings to affianced ceo’ the women who hate me would make my life even more difficult.” You sigh.
“What women.” He asks suddenly interested in your life.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s enough for me that you love our daughter as much as you do.”
“And what about you?” He whispers. You pause, gaze meeting his, taking a moment to really look.
“Do you love me?” You ask afraid of his answer.
“Do I love you? Yes. Do I like you? That’s still up for debate.” He says smirking at you in a way that breathes life into the butterflies that had laid dorment for too long. You look away embarrassed, because the simple truth is that you love him too, will never stop loving him because Yoongi made loving him easy but you couldn’t be with him.
“You’re fiancé will be upset if she hears you.” You almost laugh.
“I don’t have a fiancé.” He says somewhat nonchalantly, noting the way you step on his toes. He’s not sure if it’s by mistake or on purpose.
“You’re the worst.” You say trying to hide a grin. He feels a warmth spread through his being, and here holding you close he considers proposing to you again. It feels like the stars are finally aligning, someone somewhere is blessing them and this time he knows it’ll work out. Because the simple fact is you two were meant to be.
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
This chapter is going to be fun my friends! We're meeting the families today! Next week's chapter is going to go up probably Tuesday, October 13th. Then we'll go back to Saturday updates. Have an amazing day! See you next week =)
Chapter 14
Victoire was unconsciously wringing her hands as she sat in Ted's car that Friday and he drove them to his flat.
"Vicky," Ted moved a hand from the steering wheel to her hands, gripping them in his gentle but firm grip that he always used when she was rubbing her skin raw. "What's wrong?"
Vic stilled her hands, turning one of them over to hold Ted's hand.
You are brave. Her mum's words echoed quietly in her mind. She took a deep breath and ripped off the metaphorical bandage.
"I, er, I was thinking, maybe, maybe we should meet each other's families." She spoke quickly trying to keep her voice from trembling.
Ted squeezed her hand, interlacing their fingers. "I would like nothing better than to get to know your family and to bring you home to mine."
Vic looked over at him to see him smiling. She really liked seeing him smile.
"Of course, would tonight be too soon?" He smirked at her and she knew he was teasing.
But even though she knew he was teasing, Vic suddenly wanted to get it done and over with. She wanted to take the fear out of it, to stop worrying over it.
"Let's do it."
Ted blinked as he chanced a glance back over at her.
"Really? Because we could. It's my parents' turn tonight to host the monthly dinner the Marauders hold; it would be my parents and my aunts and uncles; you'd meet the whole lot of Dad's side."
Vic swallowed. What he was describing was mildly terrifying if she was honest. But it also gave her an opportunity to meet nearly everyone in his family at once. It would be like ripping off the bandage in one go, instead of bit by bit, and that was just the slightest bit appealing.
Vic squared her shoulders and nodded.
"Yes, let's go introduce me to your family."
Ted glanced back at her again, and then drove past the turn he would have taken to get to his flat.
"Alright, let's go show my family that I'm not blowing smoke about how amazing you are."
Vic squeezed his hand and hoped she had made the right call. Maybe this is what her mum meant when she called her brave. Vic personally would have called this insane, but maybe her mum had the meanings of the words confused.
Ted seemed to be just a bit nervous as well, at least Vic assumed the way he'd gone quiet meant he was nervous. He kept his fingers intertwined with hers though, and that seemed to help reassure both of them. It certainly reassured her.
After twenty minutes or so, Ted pulled into the driveway of a beautiful old home.
"Last chance to back out," Ted pulled his hand from hers and put the car in park.
Vic bit her lip. Heaven knew how much a part of her wanted to turn back, but she was realizing that she did, in fact, love Ted, and she wanted to show him. She wanted him to have some substantial evidence of it when she finally mustered up the courage to say it out loud to him. So she took a deep breath and nodded.
"Let's go in, I want to meet your family."
Ted leant over and kissed her slowly, reassuringly.
"I love you." He whispered against her.
Vic smiled at him. She was going to say it back, not right now, but soon, she was going to tell him how she was head over heels for him too.
Ted held her hand firmly in his as he pushed open the door to his parents' home.
"Mum? Dad?" He called out as he led her into the small entryway.
"Teddy?" A woman an inch or so taller than Vic came around the corner with bubblegum pink hair and she nearly knocked over a hall lamp when her eyes landed on Vic, but a man with brown hair and a soft smile reached out and caught it just before it hit the floor.
"Hi Mum," Teddy pulled Vic closer to him. "Surprise."
Vic gave Ted's parents a nervous smile while his mum looked shocked and his dad had an amused twinkle in his eye.
It was Ted's dad who broke the silence.
"Teddy, the family is here you know?"
Ted nodded. "I warned her, she said she was brave enough to face them all at once."
Ted's mum seemed to get over her shock and moved to the door, her hand outstretched.
"It's so nice to meet you, Victoire, I'm Dora."
"She's Nymphadora if you want to tease her," Ted smirked as Vic shook his mum's hand.
"You may be taller than me but I can still smack you upside the head Edward Remus Lupin." Dora's hair seemed to almost glow with more intense color as she glared at her son.
"And I'm Remus," Ted's dad smoothly stepped between his son and wife to shake Vic's hand. "I have to say Victoire, I'm impressed with your willingness to meet all of us at once."
Vic gave a nervous laugh as she answered. "Ted talks about how wonderful all of you are. I didn't see the point of spreading it out if I could meet all of you at the same time."
"Why won't our nephew come in and say hello?" A man with black hair graying at the temples and rectangle framed glasses stuck his head around the corner. Vic could have sworn it was Uncle Harry for the brief glance she caught of him.
"Ted's on his way, James," Remus stepped in front of Vic and she didn't miss the mischief in his eyes. "Gives us a moment."
Vic couldn't see James' reaction but Ted grinned down at her and winked.
"I'm afraid we're surrounded by a bunch of boys who think they have a flair for the dramatic." Dora smiled at her. "But if you're ready, why don't we go say hello to our little family?"
"Yeah, I think I'm ready," Vic smiled as Ted moved to drape his arm across her shoulders.
Remus winked at her and led the four of them from the entryway to the sitting room where the Marauders were gathered.
"We have a guest with us tonight," Remus announced blandly, still standing in front of Vic.
"We all know Teddy," a man spoke up.
"Oh, yes, I suppose you're right, we all know Teddy. I won't worry about introductions then." Vic blinked up at Ted, who winked at her as he worked to keep his laughter in check. Then Remus moved so that she was in full view of the room and its occupants.
"I told you I saw someone with them!" James looked triumphantly at a woman with long auburn hair sitting next to him. She rolled her eyes at him but smiled. Vic stared at the resemblance Uncle Harry had to his dad. It was strangely comforting to see James and Lily there. They weren't Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, but simply knowing who they were, that they weren't complete strangers like everyone else in the room, made her feel a bit less like she was the main act for the evening.
"I knew you were more like me," a man with black hair and the face of a model spoke up. The woman sitting on his lap had long blonde curls and she laughed at his comment, turning to give Vic a bright smile.
"Oh, for heaven's sake," a woman with short-cropped brown hair stood and moved to where Vic was standing with Ted.
"I'm Teddy's Aunt Bridget," she took Vic's hand. "My Marauder is Pete over there." She gestured to a portly balding man who smiled and lifted his glass to her. "Those two," she pointed to the man with the blonde in his lap, "are Sirius and Marlene. And the one who swore he saw you at the door is James and that's Lily."
Vic smiled and held up her hand in what she realized at the last moment was probably a rather pathetic wave. This was far more intimidating than she'd originally expected.
Ted, however, was already moving right along.
"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Victoire. She felt brave enough to meet you all at once."
"Then she'll fit right in," Bridget put a hand on Vic's shoulder and gave her a warm smile.
Remus caught Vic's eye and winked at her. "Dora and I are rather happy to meet her as well. So why don't we move to the dining room and we can show her where Ted picks up all his annoying habits while we eat."
Ted's mum shook her head but laughed as she led everyone to the dining room, "Stop teasing her, Remus."
Vic spent the evening learning that Dora's assessment of their family was spot on. But what Vic also started to see was that the flair for the dramatic these men all seemed to have had a very specific purpose; it made their wives pay attention to them. And she realized that she was no different really than these ladies at the table with her. Every time Ted acted the way his dad or uncles were, she became his bated breath audience. Making her guess his name, never letting her pay for meals, all his teasing, it kept her eyes on him and her smile on her face. She suspected that if she watched Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny the next time, she saw them, she'd see the same thing.
It was in the midst of that realization that another epiphany came. No one had pulled her or Ted away from each other. No one seemed to hate her for what she put Ted through. No one was trying to scrutinize her. On the contrary, they seemed to like her, a lot. And they seemed to think of her as a permanent fixture as they described what to expect for birthday celebrations and Christmas.
Vic turned to Ted as he laughed at his dad's story, and she smiled at him. He had been using that dramatic flair from the moment she met him. He'd claimed her heart with a silly comment about an antique time stamp machine. And Vic finally felt like she knew what Ted meant when he said that it wouldn't matter what anyone said, he'd stay with her. She understood why Harry's comment about a possible end to their relationship had bothered him so much. When Vic had been with Sean, she constantly felt like she needed to defend him or his decisions, and more specifically her staying with him. But what she felt with Ted was different. She didn't feel the need to explain away his actions. She didn't really care what other people thought of Ted, because she knew who he was. He was the man she wanted to be with, regardless of what others might have thought about the start of their relationship or about either of them individually. She wanted to be with Ted, because she loved him.
Ted seemed to notice her eyes on him and turned toward her, his smile bright but his amber eyes questioning. Vic didn't respond to the unspoken question; she simply rested her head against his shoulder. She certainly wasn't going to say those three words to him for the first time in front of his family, even if she might be dying with the effort to keep it inside.
It wasn't much later that Ted suggested they head out and leave his crazy family to gossip about them for the rest of the night. There were a few indignant protests that the two of them certainly didn't need to leave in order for the group to gossip about them, but after a round of hugs and goodbyes, the two youngest members of the family that night moved to Ted's car.
"Well," Ted chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt, "You survived meeting all of them."
Vic laughed, "They're wonderful, Ted, I can see why you love them all so much."
"What would you like to do now, love?" Ted asked as he pulled out of his parents' drive.
Vic summoned her courage to ask if he wanted to keep pulling off the metaphorical bandage.
"Do you want to round out the evening and meet my family?"
Ted turned to look at her for a moment before remembering to watch the road.
"Er, I, yeah, are, are you sure you're alright with that?"
Vic felt the nervous pit in her stomach start to creep back up, but she pushed it down. She loved Ted, and nothing her family did was going to change that.
"If, if you're alright with it, I'd like to take you home to my family tonight." Vic managed a shy smile.
Ted came to a stop sign and leant over capturing her lips in a slow kiss.
"Is your dad going to threaten to chop me into bits?" Ted smirked as he pulled away and began navigating back to Vic's home.
"No," she laughed, "he usually lets the scars from his motorcycle accident be his intimidation." Vic slipped out her phone and let her mum know they were on their way.
Ted laughed, "I'll keep that in mind and try to look suitably intimidated."
"You're ridiculous," Vic grinned as Ted worked his magic on her.
"No, I'm in love with you." Ted grabbed her hand and moved it to kiss her knuckles.
Vic smiled, the anticipation of saying it back was starting to make her giddy. She had originally intended to wait a bit longer to say it, but as Ted drove them to her home, she realized that she wasn't going to be able to wait all that long. So rather than risk blurting it out in front of her whole family, Vic decided to be a bit more flexible with her assumed timeframe.
"Ted," she grabbed his hand as it went to undo his seatbelt in front of her home.
Ted stopped and looked up at her, his eyes holding that same questioning look they'd had at his parents' home.
Vic hadn't realized how nervous she'd be. It felt so natural to think about saying she loved him for the first time, but doing it was a completely different beast. A nervous chuckle escaped her lips and she tried to breathe a bit deeper.
"Ted, I love you." The words seemed breathless and Vic kicked herself as she went to say it again, intending to say it with more substance behind it.
But she didn't get the chance as Ted's hands pulled her face to his and kissed her passionately. Vic couldn't stop the smile that claimed her lips, making kissing Ted just a bit difficult, but he didn't seem to mind as he moved to kiss her jawline and behind her ear and along her neck.
"I love you," Vic laughed, feeling the elation that saying those words out loud gave her.
Ted finally pulled back and looked at her, his warm eyes filled with a kind of awe.
"I love you too," he laughed as his hand caressed her cheek. "I love you so much."
Vic moved to kiss him this time, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat, causing them to knock teeth more than anything.
"There is absolutely no way I'll be able to pretend to be intimidated by your dad, now." Ted laughed as he ran his tongue over his teeth.
"That's alright," Vic's smile was so wide her face was starting to hurt. "But we should probably go in. It's getting late."
"Why don't we," Ted kissed her once more before undoing his seatbelt.
Vic pushed open the front door and called out as she let Ted into the entryway.
"Mum, Dad, we're here."
"The lover boy has entered the building," Louis taunted from the den and Vic rolled her eyes before casting an apologetic look at Ted. To her surprise, he was trying very hard not to laugh.
"It's not a bad line, Vic," he defended as he regained his composure.
Vic smiled and led him into the den where her family was gathered.
"Mum, Dad, Dom, Louis, this is my boyfriend, Ted Lupin. Ted, this is Fleur, Bill, Dominique, and Louis."
Ted moved from her side and shook everyone's hands.
"It's wonderful to finally meet all of you," Ted commented as he sat down with Vic. "Now what did you all plan to interrogate me on first?"
Dom laughed, "At least he isn't under any illusions."
Vic rolled her eyes and went to grab her purse when she realized she'd left it in Ted's car.
"Can I borrow your keys? I left my purse in your car."
"I can grab it for you, love," Ted moved to stand.
"I'll run, don't worry, I won't leave you alone with my family for more than a few seconds."
Ted smirked, "Actually, that might be just enough time to get them started on some embarrassing story that you'd try and head off." He handed her his keys. "Or I can go grab it, of course."
Vic laughed and took the keys. "You'd learn all those stories eventually anyway."
Ted held onto her hand for just a moment longer before letting it slide from his as she sprinted for his car. She probably didn't have to run, but there were some stories she'd rather wait for a while longer for them to crop up if she could manage it.
She unlocked the car and snagged her purse, but in her haste, she didn't realize that the strap had caught and wedged between the dash and the corner of the glove box compartment.
"Oh, come on!" Vic gave the strap an upward tug but it wouldn't budge. Rather than risking breaking her purse, she quickly slid the key into the lock and unlocked the glove box, opening it to release her purse.
She stopped short when the compartment fell open.
A small burgundy ring box sat on top of a few other assorted papers and items.
Vic was frozen for a moment before she quickly shut the glove box and locked it again.
Slowly she picked up her now free purse and locked the car. She couldn't take her eyes off of the glove box as the door shut. Her emotions were a storm of excitement and nervousness and overwhelmed, and the knowledge that she needed to stop freaking out because Ted could absolutely not know that she had seen that box. Assuming that it was what she thought it was. But what else could he possibly have that would need to be in a ring box locked in the glove box of his car?
Vic bit her lip and smiled so wide that the reflection she saw in the car window made her wonder if she might crack her face. If the box was what she hoped it was, she already knew her answer.
Then she skipped back into her childhood home and to the man she was madly in love with.
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