#it's so beautifully tragic
lastbluetardis · 1 year
🎵 i just think we, as a society, need more taylor swift-inspired tenrose fics & james x rose AUs 🤍💫 (sorry i’m late btw)
I agree this fandom needs way more TSwift-inspired Ten/Rose AUs 😂
Song: Ivy
AU Idea: Another somewhat angsty song and idea, also with themes of infidelity due to the nature of the song.
This would make for another good ye olde time piece where James and Rose are each in an arranged marriage/betrothal to other people, but neither of them particularly ever wanted to get married, and they especially didn't want to be forced into a marriage. Both their marriages/betrothals are loveless and as a result, they're each miserable and depressed and want to burn the world down.
James is taking his betrothed out on the town, chaperoned of course 'cos God forbid anything untoward happen if he and his fiancée are left alone, even though everyone is aware of how much James hates being engaged. Perhaps Rose is a barmaid or something at the little pub James and his partner are at, and while she isn't his server directly, they keep locking eyes from across the room. James had never seen anyone so beautiful, and he's enchanted by her easy smiles and bright eyes whenever she interacts with a customer. Rose, meanwhile, thinks he's gorgeous and it's the first time she ever considered wanting to corner a stranger in a dark hall and kiss him silly.
Rose's shift ends before James and his fiancee finish their meal, and James sees her leaving and panics, because even though it's stupid and irresponsible, he wants to know her name and wants to see her again. He pretends he needs the toilets, and he follows her out the back door of the pub.
"Excuse me!"
She turns, and a delighted smile crosses her face to see the man she's been lusting over for the past hour. She smooths her hair back, and James's stomach sinks to see the wedding band on her finger. He nearly stutters out an apology, because surely she's a better person than him and doesn't despise her husband, but Rose saw the way he went a little dumbstruck at the sight of her ring, and she grimaces. He's confused, so he oh so loquaciously asks, "Er... married?"
She sighs. "Unfortunately. Earlier this year. Never met him 'til my wedding day."
Part of him aches that someone as seemingly lovely as her seems so unhappy, yet another part of him rejoices that he's not the only terrible person that hates their soon-to-be spouse.
"Yeah, I know what that's like."
"Oh? Miss blonde in there...?"
"Arranged. Parents need me to "carry on the bloodline"."
Rose giggles a little, and she holds out her hand. "I'm Rose."
"James." He shakes it, and it's like electricity shocks through him, stealing his breath and making his heart stutter deliciously in his stomach. "Say... I know this is odd and improper... but d'you... d'you maybe want to... take a walk with me sometime?"
Rose considers, and he's almost certain she's going to decline, but then she nods and says, "I take morning walks through the farm fields. I like watchin' the cows. I start my route on Henrick's street. Maybe I'll see you there?"
And she walks away, leaving him feeling giddy but so, so wretched.
And so a routine is borne. James and Rose regularly take morning walks together. Not every day, and not the same routes, because they're trying to avoid being noticed. It takes all of a week for James to tentatively reach for her hand while they stroll, and another week before he braves kissing said hand. They're each sick with guilt that they're essentially courting each other while they're promised to someone else.
But they can't seem to stop.
After the first month, they share their first kiss.
After the second, they make love in the shadow of an unoccupied barn.
That's their new routine. Walking and kissing and making love. But one day they're caught by the farmer whose barn they regularly commandeer, and word gets back to Rose's husband. He beats her to within an inch of her life.
James only finds out through whispers going 'round the town that Rose cuckolded her husband, and that she deserved the punishment she got, and that really, it could have been a lot worse.
He runs to her house to check on her, but she dismisses him and slams the door in his face when she sees him. It wasn't quick enough, because James hears a man shouting down the hall, asking who it was, and soon this hulking mass of a man is on the porch and takes a swing at James. The two of them skirmish, exchanging blows, with Rose pleading for them to stop. But all James sees in the swollen, bruised mess of her face and the arm she's got cradled in a sling. James punches her husband right in the nose, knocking him out.
James holds out his hand for Rose. "Run away with me?"
"Run away? Where are we going to go?"
"Does it matter? Anywhere is better than here. I know this is mad, but I'm in love with you, and I can't bear the thought of you staying in this house a moment longer. I can't bear the thought of not being with you, of not falling asleep and waking up beside you. Sod the rules and sod the expectations, and especially sod this horrible brute of a man you call a husband."
Rose wavers for a few seconds, eyes filled with tears, but she nods. She wiggles her wedding band off of her finger and slips it onto her husband's pinkie.
James almost collapses with relief, but he takes her hand and ushers her away into the morning. James has a bit of money saved up, so he sneaks into his house and grabs it all, leaving behind all of his material valuables. After all, he's got Rose. What else could he possibly need?
Send me a 🎵 and I’ll shuffle my Taylor Swift playlist
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ezralva · 3 months
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Gege is still recovering and goes on extended hiatus but turns out was secretly drawing and now releasing this new official art of Yuuji and Choso! 😭 they look so relax and happy, outside having picnic together! Choso is napping on the rattan mattress while smiling and Yuuji is waving at the cameraman. Between them two cans of beverage. The left one a can of tea and the other one written either Pokka or Ponka? (Pokka Sapporo is a JP's manufacturer of canned and bottled beverages)
This is an official art by Gege Akutami that will be made into lenticular bookmark as natsucomi freebie in (participating) bookstores coming July
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jbmar · 4 months
twitter is crazy because somebody like sunday can say plain as day “i hate the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ because i view myself as weak and understand how other fellow weak people feel, so i want to make a paradise where the weak and strong are equal and everybody can be protected under my watchful gaze” with very clear connotations towards catholicism/orthodoxy, the sacrifice of christ, and ‘the ones who walk away from omelas’ by ursula le guin (a story about a perfect utopian world that only remains such at the expense of a small child below the surface that is left alone to suffer) and be equated to that of a fascist ableist in support of real world eugenics that wants to kill minorities to create a perfect paradise.
tldr; learn to read before you make your ‘informative threads.’
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shipinsight · 23 days
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So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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livinginadumpster · 2 months
I just rewatched ep 4 (which was very healing for my soul, it had been too long) and I noticed for the first time that when they're at Tragic Mick's, Niko notices the bear charm and asks about it, and Tragic Mick very firmly tells her it's not for sale.
(In addition, when the boys first go to Tragic Mick's, the camera lingers on the bear charm then, too)
It's fun to see that plot point laid out so clearly from the start, and to know that the trinket that intrigues Niko on this first visit is what ultimately saves her. But it also makes you think, like, Tragic Mick was saving that until just the right person came along, someone who really needed and deserved it, and just by listening to his story, Niko became that person.
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transldpdl · 4 months
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Claudia • No Pain
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literariyumi · 9 months
This sequence really hurt me in the movie. It's just beautiful how Varadha could trust that one person, be vulnerable in front of him and him alone, without fear.
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zyana-wyvern · 10 months
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"The Moon...
My one trusted companion these hundreds of years, but I am a traitor and I would trade her cold light for the scorching, cleansing warmth of the Sun..."
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kadextra · 7 months
I’ve slept on it, it’s a new day, I feel like can say that Sweet Despair is the best lore stream I’ve ever watched
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sheryl-lee · 2 years
idk if this makes sense. but i kind of love that the last of us makes me cry and viscerally FEEL true emotions on a weekly basis. like i cant remember the last tv show i watched that had me consistently bawling my eyes out and so immersed in a show because of the characters, the story, the incredibly strong writing, etc. and it doesn't feel manipulative. it just feels profound and beautiful and poetic but also tragic and... human.
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whatkindofnameisella · 4 months
me when im having a normal day but then i think about lady patience
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tthelady · 6 months
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
The simultaneous hilarity and tragedy of looking at a character whose arcs all center around "I feel so lonely and isolated and just wish I had someone to lean on" and deciding to ship them with the character I've been planning to kill from the beginning.
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neighborhoodlum · 4 months
I can't stop thinking about Art and Patrick as yin and yang (respectively), two halves of one whole without which the other would not exist, meaning Tashi will never be able to get all of what she needs from either of them regardless of an injury & how that implies they really ARE a package deal because they balance each other out in ways all THREE of them need.
I can't stop thinking about Tashi, Art, & Patrick as the three-body problem, Tashi being the third object in their orbit that throws that yin-yang balance off entirely which in turn renders them chaotic and unpredictable, impossible to quantify yet wholly reliant on one another's gravitational pull to keep them grounded (all the while knowing any tiny variable change can and will send them spiraling).
I can't stop thinking about Tashi and tennis as star-crossed lovers, fated yet doomed from the start by a momentary lapse in judgment, by a would-have-been that rejected the only love language she values most, by a star that loves her too much and it not enough, soulmates forced apart by all of this like some kind of cosmic punishment.
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wylanslcve · 1 year
Do you ever think about just how powerfully symbolic Matthias killing the wolf in Hellgate at the beginning of SOC is? How him killing the animal sacred to Djel is a representation of him "killing off" the values imposed on him? Of him "killing" his old self, the drüskelle who'd sworn an oath to his country and to its cause, the boy who'd been manipulated and had his grief and pain exploited to fuel hatred, forced to drink the poison Brum had forced down his throat his entire life? Of how he recognises that "the life you live, the hate you feel – it’s poison. I can drink it no longer", but then there's the bitter irony of how that poison still kills him in the end as he's shot by another drüskelle, as he's "killed" by his past and the boy he'd been? Because I think about that a lot.
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iwozlegit · 9 months
|| 🍍• I love how Megatron in Transformers: Prime acts as if he’s constantly surrounded by idiots, and yet he’s the complete normal one who had to ingest literal ‘spooky wooky space crack’ to see Optimus Prime for the first time in three years…
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