#it's time to revise for tomorrow
reginrokkr · 11 months
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Tomorrow I start the midterms, so my activity will fluctuate depending on their difficulty. The one of tomorrow might be the trickiest one as it's the most unpredictable of all, so I don't really know what the teacher is going to do. So here's to hope for the best and that I can continue with the row of good grades I've been keeping since the beginning of this last year! Stay warm and safe ♥︎
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kate-bot · 1 year
You asked to send drawing ideas for vigilante and pepperman uhmm
Maybe Pepperman doodling something while Vigi talks to him??
Or just him very excited showing his art to Vigi
Wholesome stuff!!
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i have such a fat soft spot for these two idk why. theyre so cute . these were the good drawings based on the concept thank you anon ...
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gretagator · 8 months
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Some BCS sketches I did at school
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casbitchh · 3 months
i emailed my boss saying he needs to talk to the people developing a satellite i’m working on (unpaid) bc they’re giving me too much work and it’s unsustainable please clap
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hjemne · 4 months
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thejugheadparadox · 4 months
hmmm i think i might watch the devils chord but this time stoned so im not so like morose and angry about it
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lilacthebooklover · 7 months
it really annoys me how casual the invigilators are in exams. like today, i took an english lit paper. i was given 2 hours, fifteen minutes and a booklet with 13 pages to write on so i could answer four questions. 2 of those questions were worth 30 marks, 1 worth 24 marks, and the last worth 8 marks- so naturally, it took a lot of planning, and a lot of writing. i finished the booklet after answering the third question, so raised my hand to get someone's attention to be given more paper to write on. at this point, i had roughly 15 minutes left. it took 3 for someone to notice me, 30 seconds for them to walk over, a minute for them to get the paper, and another 30 secs back. i physically couldn't do anything to continue writing in the 5 minutes it took for them to get me another answer booklet, which i then had to re fill in with my details at the top. like this is?? my exam??? it's important?? they just do not give a single damn about the time limit hjhfkgkg
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 6 months
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placeofwonder · 7 months
I'm done!! all 4 exams in one week and they are OVER
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reginrokkr · 21 days
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𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. Vestiges of a quincentennial corruption —signs / symptoms and therapy—.
It is known that corruption makes its way to any creature's being via exposure to the Abyss no matter how brief it may be, its nature of precipitating everything to death permeating their body with symptoms of varying degrees and lengths depending on how swift the pursuit of a cure is.
Signs and symptomatology.
Among the symptoms connected to corruption, the affected individual may experience: warping one's senses, thus reality. It is known that the void energy magnifies one's negative traits and expands them tenfold (someone's sadness can be more than it really is, someone's paranoia will be fed with more reasons to keep it going that are actually nonexistent but in their mind they are existent); visions, dreams and thoughts of those who passed manifested through voices heard by those with a higher sentience to this type of energy; deception of the viewer's sights by presenting an idyllic atmosphere and location that in reality could have them walk in hell without them knowing unless they awaken that awareness in them; organ compromise leading to a faster failure of the same under the exposure of elemental concentration.
When combined with the curse of immortality, one of its prevalent symptoms is the degradation of the individual's physical body through numbness and loss of any skill that requires his body with the passages of time.
Other signs and symptoms not directly attributed to corruption (but equally to the Abyss in a higher or lesser degree) have different ways of manifestation depending if it's:
→ Via direct contact to an external agent like the Tatarigami: the beginning of symptoms starts with overall weakness and dizziness and nose bleeding. Nightmares that give the sign of a bad omen are also part of the symptomatology. As the chaos goes untreated, the host experiences strong headaches, rashes on the skin blood coughs and more frequent nightmares. All these effects are particularly intense when night falls. Lastly, during the last phases of the sickness, hosts experience gruesome hallucinations and they’re able to listen to fallen gods’ whispers until they fall to madness. Failure to treat any of the symptomatology in time can lead to death.
→ Via Delusions: it stands to reason that in order to create weapons of this caliber by using chaos, the amount of chaos infused in these weapons is controlled and aimed for its wielder’s longer lifespan depending on how strong/resistant they are. As such, the symptomatology may be gentler but in essence it will also lead to its host’s death. Given that chaos is all about life consuming, it saps away from people’s vitality which in turn causes an ageing acceleration with the issues that ageing entails. Additionally, chaos feeds more from negative feelings which includes wrath that makes it harder to get out of the vicious cycle Delusion wielders entered. Hosts may experience weakness and coughing alongside side effects byproduct of the deterioration that comes with the fast ageing until they reach their death.
Depending on certain requirements, being touched by the Abyss leads to three conditions said individual may experience: premature death, transcendence (abandoning one's own flesh to become a transcendent being, an abyssal monster) or, in the best of cases, the need to keep oneself on check in order to not aggravate the already existing symptoms.
Human intervention from those who are knowledgeable in the medical field proves to be effective in muting the symptomatology of the corruption if not much time passes between the abyssal exposure and the treatment. Nevertheless, this is a palliative remedy at best: the organs of those who have been touched by corruption are already compromised.
Other methods that are exceedingly harder to be within human reach have proven to hold a higher effectivity in their healing or even purification exist. 1) Ley Lines themselves, due to being carriers of the seven elements that sustain the world (among other elements) and thus extensions of Irminsul, which also holds purification and healing capabilities, count as one of them. The fact that Natlan's weaker Ley Line system caused the same nation to take a bigger grunt because of the Abyss in comparison to other nations suggests their effectiveness in keeping the void at bay. 2) Traveler's purification and lastly, 3) the celestial nails are also known for being effective, too.
In Dain's particular case, the clearest sign he has of corruption is that half of his body has turned black. Furthermore, his continuous exposition to the Abyss in his pursuit to frustrate the Abyss Order's plans —and by extension, his own brother's— in combination to the curse of immortality (potentially of abyssal connection too, despite being inflicted by a god) is enough reason for him to have multiple symptoms.
Lastly, Dain is known for being both corrupted and cursed, which might result in a higher chance at being affected by the aforementioned described symptoms more. Another reason to this cause is his connection to Irminsul for two reasons: 1) aether and void (abyss) when interacting are mutually toxic— given that both of them coexist in Dain's body, there is no denial that they may interact. And 2) the elements and the abyss repel each other, causing yet another negative effect).
Despite being highly susceptible to be in a really bad shape due to the abyssal influence within him, the reality is that he doesn't suffer much from these thanks to his connection to Irminsul. While contradictory all the same due to the toxicity that the interactions between the elements, aether and abyss may bring, he doesn't suffer from physical degradation and his corruption has been at an impasse for the past 500 years.
However, that doesn't mean that he can be careless with emotions running out of control or in his confrontations against the Abyss Order. And while his own symptoms may not be too bad, they are always present. Predominantly, they tend to flare up in moments of emotional vulnerability or if he lingers too much in places that have abyssal presence.
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ihamtmus · 1 year
i have the last exam of my university life tomorrow (except for the thesis defence) and i need your prayers again 🙏
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gxtzeizm · 7 months
this is how your (mini) birthday celebaration looks like when you're still stucked on your uni because you're still have another one exam left for tomorrow 🙃🙃🙃
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starbuck · 7 months
guess who fought god and won againnnnnnnnn…..?
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purplebass · 10 months
Tomorrow I have to take a test for a job selection. Pray with me that it goes well so I can get closer to stability (at least for a few years). But I have to pass first, so🤞🏻
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting 🕯️🕯️🕯️
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star-mum · 7 days
had an argument with my sister on the ride home from my friend's :-:
#I don't like when we argue cause we almost never do#like a serious argument#but you know what ? no ! I'm not completely inconsiderate because YOU put me in an uncomfortable situation and I said#“hey this sucked dont do that again”#if I'm so inconsiderate than you do all that stuff ON YOUR OWN !! I won't help you#no need to finish editing the video we did together FOR YOUR FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA#record your videos on ur own with no help#take pictures yourself#write scripts without asking me for my opinion#delete every single post from your account that I had ANYTHING to do with#delete every single comment and revision I made on your fucking book and see how many publishable pages you have left#get rid of every single casting I made for YOUR FUCKING STORY and see how many actors you have left#I do shit for you ALL THE TIME ! we BOTH DO ! But I don't think it's cool throw those things in your face to win an argument#SO I DONT !!!! doesn't matter how fucking vindicated I'd feel by doing it#I dont like it so I dont. it opens up a precedent if I say one thing and do the other when I'm mad#Saying “i feel you weren't considerate of me when you said this” is VERY DIFFERENT from just saying I'm COMPLETELY INCONSIDERATE#YOU DO THIS OUT OF OBLIGATION !!!! YOU ONLY DRIVE ME PLACES BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO NOT OF THE GOODNESS OF YOUR OWN HEART#AND YOU STILL CHOSE TO THROW THAT IN MY FACE WHEN YOU GOT UPSET#GROW UP !!!! GROW UP !!! GROW UP !!!#LEARN how to talk about your issues and ONLY the issue at hand !!!! you don't get to say what you want cause you think you're winning !!!!#NO ONE'S WINNING !!!! WE'RE BOTH UPSET !!!! WE'RE BOTH UPSET AND WE'RE BOTH FEELING LIKE GARBAGE TO THE OTHER !!!!#(yes i realize I cant actually grow tf up too and talk this out)#(tomorrow tho it's past 1am already and I gotta shower)
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kotaerukoto · 1 month
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[said with increasing distress and volume] fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball
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