#it's too much to explain
the-way-astray · 9 months
theory (there's a tldr at the bottom):
so we know that in legacy, lord crustius tells sophie and keefe that gisela wanted a very specific type of child. she wanted a son who would be a powerful empath, which she got. now, at the beginning of the series, we're told that the elves don't have sexism, like at all. so why would gisela want a son in specific when it's established that the elves don't have any sort of gender prejudice? (side note: they obviously do have gender prejudice. but that clearly was not intentional on shannon's part, so i'm just gonna roll with it for the sake of the theory.) what could a son offer that a daughter wouldn't be able to in a society that values both equally?
the answer ( . . . which is very homophobic, but i think we've already established that the elves are not exactly lgbtq+ allies):
a boy can be in a romantic relationship with a girl. (once again, i'm not saying this is actually true, i'm just saying that this is how i think gisela would view it. you know. since she lives in a homophobic society.)
but why would gisela want a child that could be in a romantic relationship with a girl?
because she'd found out about project moonlark and had somehow found out that sophie was a girl. so, she wanted a son who she hoped she'd be able to encourage into a romantic relationship with said girl once they were of a reasonable age. but why would she want that? so she could spy on the black swan. by continually using keefe and erasing his memories, she'd be able to use him to unknowingly wheedle information out of the girl (sophie) for her own purposes. which would be far easier if they dated.
but wait! but keefe is older than sophie! so how did gisela get her hands on any of this information when sophie wasn't even born?
probably because the black swan knew they were trying to make a girl before sophie was even born. so gisela would've gotten her hands on that information, as well. once she knew that, she wanted keefe to be a powerful empath so that he'd be able to tell if the girl (sophie) was ever lying to him, so that he could be the perfect spy for his mom.
and that is why i think that keefe can read sophie's emotions without touching her. because he was genetically modified to do specifically that. he was created by gisela specifically to get as much information as possible out of the black swan through sophie. so of course, gisela wanted keefe to be able to pick up on sophie's emotions without ever touching her so that he'd be able to see if she was hiding anything. she wanted him to be male because she lives in a heteronormative society and wanted her child to date the black swan's creation.
so how come lord crustius can also read sophie's emotions without contact?
because he was also genetically modified (kinda). remember the vials of light and shadow he drank? those are what made his empathy strong enough to pick up sophie's emotions without contact. he was basically a necessary in-between step that gisela needed to do to get the son she so badly wanted.
tldr: the reason keefe and lord crustius can read sophie's emotions through the air without contact is because they were specifically designed to be able to do so by gisela, who wanted keefe to be male in order to date the black swan's creation (which she knew would be a girl) and a strong empath so he'd know if she was lying to him. she wanted this so she'd be able to manipulate keefe into spying on sophie and the black swan for herself and her own gains.
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glorious-spoon · 8 months
i know we all laugh (mostly fondly) about the paper-thin plots in porn that only exist to make the sex happen, but i was reading some old stargate fic over the weekend, and i really think we're sleeping on the paper-thin hurt/comfort plot that only exists to force the characters to FEEL THINGS.
like, is this scenario realistic? no. does it make any rational sense? no. does it provide a built-in excuse for a character to collapse, bloody and disoriented, into the arms of his beloved/friend/partner? obviously, that's the whole point of this exercise.
i love it. it's my favorite thing in the world.
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screamingblogger · 3 months
answering “are you dating” with “it’s complicated” when the complicated part is that hes a manifestation of your worst fears that tried to fucking kill you is insane btw
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solroskajan · 2 months
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Okay but Donna. DONNA. She gets to live her life with both her husband AND her platonic life partner. She'd wanted to be with him forever and now she CAN. She gets both a permanent romantic and permanent platonic partner. Who like each other. Who don't resent the other's existence. Do you understand how MONUMENTAL that is???
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itislils2004 · 4 months
"i love your designs" GOOD because I have MANY IDEAS and even MORE designs. Feast/j
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There's one more version/ending of the lamb I have in mind that is when they choose to just, sacrifice themselves (aka give up the crown) but I have already drawn too much today and it's time to sleep....maybe another day
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
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They are trying to flirt :)
N secretly likes watching when they do that.... i mean... just in case he has to stop them if they get too violent ofc 6v6;;; 👉👈
also meet lil "Sugar Cube" :D ill explain more about it... soon 9v9;;;
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shit-talker · 5 months
The 141 have a ridiculous run of inside jokes that is continuosly ruining their lives, such as;
1.) If someone says, "You love it really," to you, you immediately have to agree with them, no matter what the circumstances. Otherwise, you lose the ability to do it back. This has resulted in many weird fake confessions, including one time in which Soap got fed up with people making your mom jokes at him and went on a rant about it. Ghost glanced at him in front of a room full of cadets and just went, "You love it really, though," and Soap almost died as he sadly nodded and replied, "Yeah, I do."
2.) If something even remotely sexual sounding is said about you, you must always say, "You're damn right I do/am/will," back. This backfired once when they were in a defreif and Price said something about Gaz "coming through the back door" and Gaz, without think, winked and replied "You're damn right I did," In front of everyone and got in trouble for mild insubordination. (The others almost died laughing as he realised what he'd done, who he'd done it to, and who he'd done it in front of (aka Price's bosses))
3.) When talking about Roach, they will always act like he's died. He hasn't, but none of them can stop the joke, and it always makes all of them crack up, even Roach. This once caused major panic, as once when Ghost was discussing their latest mission with Laswell, he said, "It was fine because Roach - God rest his soul -" and Laswell had about two minutes where she thinks Roach has dropped dead and she didn't fucking know.
4.) They will always make up bad stories for how they met Ghost, if anyone ever asks. It doesn't matter what the truth is, or who they're speaking to, when asked, all three of them will reply with some made up, overly dramatic or down right boring story on how they met. These stories ranged from Ghost, saving them from a shark attack (Gaz), Ghost selling them assorted drugs as a teenager (Roach), and most devastatingly is when Soap told a distant relative of his that he met Ghost after "finding him with my older brother, behind his wifes back" he does not have an older brother, and so there is no wife.
5.) They always reference the "Malibu incident." None of them have ever been to Malibu. Nothing bad has ever happened there, but now they've created a whole conspiracy in the British Army about a coverup that happened in Malibu. Price knows about this one and finds it endlessly funny, so he goes along with it, never directly mentioning it but refusing to deny it when someone asks. If anyone ever asks about the details of it, they just give a deadpanned look as if the other person should already know and say; "Don't make me say it." There are rumours. Like, a lot of rumours.
6.) Roach claps every time someone says, "I'll be there for you" because once he clapped at the wrong time during the friends intro and had been paying the price ever since. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you'll just hear him clapping - not even in the tune to the friends theme. Just random clapping. If any of the others hear it, they almost always reply with "That's a fuckin' joke" in a really disappointed tone. It's confused a lot of people.
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oflights · 6 months
i have been laughing about this to myself all day
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juha-art · 8 months
Tula's heart
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Touching her heart in the character art
Edit: Tularemia is a disease that can infect animals and people. Rabbits, hares, and rodents are especially susceptible and often die in large numbers during outbreaks.
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Something settles heavy on your heart
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Edit: Tula only lost health from using Lay on Hands to cure a disease, not every time she healed
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Her magic feels wrong for the first time
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There's a little too much in common
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Listen to your heart / something foundational to her is a lie
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
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nelkcats · 11 months
Blob Meditation
It was no surprise that Sam had the worst temper among the three of them, Danny thought it was because she worried too much, Tucker thought it was accumulative stress. The thing is, nothing she did helped with calm her down, which was why she suggested her friends to leave her alone for a few minutes, she didn't want to punch them.
They agreed and Sam sat on the castle stairs, she was stressed about her parents, college and Danny's safety. She was thinking about how to get him to move with them to Gotham, where Jazz was working but Danny wasn't comfortable with that. He wanted to help as much as they did, and it was obvious he wouldn't be able to contribute anything if he moved.
The fact that he had to hide from vigilantes who never paid him any attention before also frustrated him.
As she was thinking, some blob ghosts came bounding up to her, she pushed them away and continued on, but they swarmed and enveloped her. In a few seconds all her stress was gone and Sam looked at the blobs in dismay, though they gave her an idea.
Frostbite commented to her that the Blob ghosts were relaxing due to the fact that they purify, negative emotions were part of that. Sam smiled and offered Danny his business idea, the halfa looked at Sam doubtfully but hesitantly accepted.
Soon there was a new business popping up in Gotham. A relaxation and meditation center run by a young man, although it seemed to have a confidentiality agreement if you became a member. Strangely, both Rogues and regular people were attending.
The Batfamily became suspicious and sent Red Hood to investigate. A few days later, Jason was a member and was as calm as they had seen him in years, not even angry with Tim or calling him replacement for a whole week. Bruce began to worry that he had been caught in some kind of mind control.
Sam was happy that the business turned out good, seeing the room full of Blob ghosts was not surprising, they all floated around Danny and his "clients" happily, she guessed they were feeding well, Danny also seemed happy to contribute something to pay his University and their shared department so everyone was winning.
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uglygirlstatus · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped: Honesty Edition
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falseflea · 7 months
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sometimes you just have to give some guys you like warrior cats designs
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dragonsareverycool · 4 months
The figure turned to look at Damian and seemed to freeze before its form shifted, rings of light covering it as it did. When the rings faded, there they floated with white hair that moved like it was uneffected by gravity and was moved by wind that wasn’t there. Freckles that looked like stars covered the beings skin, tanned but washed out and ashen, like a corpse. Wide, expressionless eyes that glowed a bright eeire green. Despite this, Damian recognized that face. He recognized that expression too. Despite looking like Tim’s dead eyed stare to most anyone else, Damian knew the expression as one of surprise, of shock. And that face was almost identical to the one in his nightmares of the worst day of his life. He knew that face every time he glanced in a mirror.
“Danyal” he said softly, his own face almost certainly in an identical expression. Despite the distance and chaos between them, Damian was certain Danyal heard him, as Danyal perked up a bit. Then, his form seemed to glitch, colors distorting as his body twitched and part of his body seemed to disappear for a moment. Then, he seemed to fade into nothing, leaving Damian to start panicking. He worried that he had just lost Danyal again.
Then he reappeared startlingly close, putting his hand on Damian’s chest “Here,” he said, the difference in how he spoke compared to Damian achingly familiar, “A drop of your blood and an offering of food if you’re feeling nice. Call my name, it may take a moment but I will appear” he removed his hand, and a piece of neon green glowing paper with strange symbols on it floated after Danyal’s hand before Damian caught it. Danyal’s form glitched again, harder, and his face set in a grimace before he faded into invisibility again.
Fun fact! Sometimes when the grief got bad enough, Damian would mimic how Danny talked and would recite stories about constellations like Danny did. He took many, many precautions to make sure that no one, not even Talia knows that he’s done this. Only Alfred the cat and maybe Alfred the Human knows, and neither will speak a word to anyone about it.
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raticalshoez · 4 months
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is this too niche.
aka i SWEAR i've seen a total drama life series art thing but when i went to go look for it i couldn't find any SOOOOOOO i made it myself
Alenoah as that one desert duo scene because i was stumped on who i should've drawn for that scene
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