#it's very freeing once you realize that literally no one can stop you
osarina · 2 days
Waking up next to Chuuya or Dazai must feel like heaven, because who wouldn't wanna have a handsome lad next to themselves ? So if the waking part is that good, then it means that the former moment, aka the ZZzzzz , must have some disadvantage to it.
First off, Dazai: this guy has NO bed etiquette whatsoever. The very first time you share the bed you can already say bye bye to your blanket because he is HOGGING that shit!!! If that was not enough for you to send him straight to the couch then maybe the fact that he will absolutely not stay still, always moving and changing positions, which sends you to the good ol' floor ™ , will make you do it. I could also go on that he is a sleeptalker and one of those weird af individuals that undress themselves to literal nakedness while asleep but I feel like he has been flamed enough already.
Chuuya whereas snors like a middle aged father of 4 (and shockingly, gets louder when he drank beforehand, how is this even possible????), runs hot 24/7 and sends you temperature wise straight to Florida Keys and Miami because he is not just the big spoon, he is the iron one (which is sooooo cute and romantic at first, to be held like that until it turns into an oh no! situation once you realize that you gotta go to the toilet though)
Feel free to add more stuff or disagree
(and just to be clear, this review is very /lh, love these two dummies)
dazai TRULY has 0 bed etiquette, and yk what, the night starts out fine too. he lays on his side of the bed or he curls up at your side, and it's soooooo precious to see him sleeping for once because this man RARELY lets himself sleep, but once he's knocked out ... the first time you're woken up, it's because he's literally sprawled entirely on top of you and his elbow is digging into your side. you have to shove him off of you because you literally cannot BREATHE. the second time you wake up, it's cuz you're literally SHIVERING because this man has taken all of the blankets and demands for the AC to be cranked even though he's always cold. the third time you wake up, it's because he literally can't sleep if he's not touching you in some manner, so he becomes restless and starts moving in his sleep trying to seek you out. you get a foot to the shin and a hand to the face before he finally manages to get his arms around you to curl back up next to you ... and of course the cycle repeats after that. dazai is a HELLISH bed partner but </3 he's pretty so it makes up for it
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO CHUUYA SNORING HELP ME WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE, and you know this man adamantly denies it too. "wdym i don't snore" and he gets SOOO passionate about it. even when you take a video to show him, he accuses you of editing it bc he refuses to admit he snores like a fucking truck. IM CRYING BC NOT ONLY DOES HE RUN HOT BUT YOU LITERALLY CANNOT ESCAPE HIM, so not only do you have to pee desperately but you're also sweating because he's literally a FURNACE
they're such LOSERS i love them pls this made me giggle i love YOU
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
You know what? YOLO. I'm doing that WIP Title ask game even though nobody tagged me. I just want to.
rules that I sort of remember: put the names of all of the documents in your WIP folder here and then let people send you an ask with one of the titles and you ramble about it or whatever.
without further ado, *thor meme* Behold! My WIPs!
Gaze Into The Night
Yes, I've Been Brokenhearted (Blue Since The Day We Parted)
In My Garden
the promises AU
Matchmaking, Mad Science, And Accidental Child Acquisition: How To Annoy Your Bodyguard, Befriend Some Social Outcasts, Raise A Foundling, And Survive The Ongoing Sheevery (You Might Just Fall In Love, Too)
Paint Bombs, Pixie Cuts, And Elopement: How To Spite Your Mother, Troll Your Friends, Scandalize High Society, And Escape An Arranged Marriage (You Might Just Save The World, Too)
Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Time Tells Most Secrets (quinlan tells the rest)
follow the silver wolves
Runie Kressa Wridger's Guide To Human-Merfolk Relationships: Friends, Enemies, And Really Hot Guys You're Gonna Marry Some Day
Parenting for Dummies
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
how to train your loth wolf (no loth wolves included)
road! trip! road! trip!
the princess bride rebels edition
local teenagers' vacation ruined by tropes, more at six
For Never And Ever
Even More Adoption
Twin Blades and Beskar
miraculous rebelbug (makenna this is your hecking fault)
if you see this and want to do the game, consider it a sign that you can go right ahead, no tagging necessary. Who's gonna stop you, the WIP Ask Game Police? lol i dont think so
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starryeyedjanai · 5 months
Steve and Eddie meet through their local buy-nothing-sell-nothing group when Steve’s getting ready to move in with Robin and he realizes he can't keep everything he owns while trying to merge households with her.
The first time they meet, Steve hadn't even been meaning to actually meet the person picking up the free toaster oven he’s giving away.
He’s setting his toaster oven outside his house on the porch when Eddie hops out of his van to pick it up and it would be rude to duck back inside without saying anything since he obviously sees him coming up, so they make small talk for a minute and Steve has to keep his eyeballs in check because they keep wanting to rake all the way down this guy’s body.
He’s covered in tattoos and so extremely Steve's type, but he knows better than to hit on someone who lives in his neighborhood and is not here for that reason.
He laments to Robin about it the next day, about the hot guy who’s probably using Steve's toaster oven as they speak, who he’ll probably never see again.
Robin rolls her eyes fondly at him and tells him that maybe if he puts more stuff up for grabs on the facebook group, he might see him again, but Steve suspects she just wants him to get rid of more of his stuff so it doesn't overcrowd their new apartment.
The set of items he puts up in the group next is an old blender and a butcher block that has three of the knives missing—seriously where did those knives go? He has yet to find them.
He tries to pretend he isn't secretly hoping Eddie will comment under his post that he wants the items, but he isn't fooling himself when his heart literally skips a beat when the first comment is from Eddie. He messages him and tells him to stop by later that day.
When Eddie shows up, they talk for longer than last time, Eddie asking why Steve needs to get rid of so much stuff and Steve asking why Eddie needs all this stuff—especially considering Steve snooped through the group and saw that Eddie joined over a year ago and hadn't once commented before now (he doesn't mention that thought, but he is thinking it real hard).
Eddie laughs and says he was in the market for a toaster oven when Steve posted one and wouldn't you know it? He also needs a blender—the knife set is just a bonus, he says.
Steve tries not to read too much into it, but his brain is spinning the interaction around in his head for the next week.
He puts up a space heater in the group and within minutes, Eddie has claimed it.
“I should just get your number and text you directly when I find something I want to get rid of next time,” Steve says flippantly when Eddie comes by to grab it that night. “Instead of clogging up the facebook group.”
Eddie smirks at him and steps a little closer. He says, “Maybe you should.”
His neighbor’s car alarm decides to go off right at that moment, ruining the flirty atmosphere with its incessant shrill. They can barely hear each other over the drone of it, so Eddie leaves without giving Steve his number and Steve is left feeling like he keeps having these missed connection moments with Eddie.
In a fit of desperation to see Eddie again, Steve puts up a bunch of random stuff in the group the next day—a shoe rack that’s missing a piece, a step stool, a cheap side table he got from Ikea—and Eddie is still the first person to comment like he’s been refreshing the page, just waiting for Steve to post.
“I left without giving you my number last time and I didn't want to be creepy and message you unprompted,” Eddie says as they load the side table into his van. “I think I was overthinking things and then got kind of spooked.”
“It doesn't look like anything could spook you,” Steve says.
When they get the side table inside the back of the van, Eddie turns to him and admits, “A very pretty boy could.”
Steve can feel his face getting hot. “You think I’m pretty?” he asks.
Eddie nods. “Why do you think I keep coming here? There's no way a person who’s lived here for as long as I have would need all this stuff.”
“Did you need any of it?” Steve asks in a teasing voice. “Or were you just so blown away by how cute my profile picture is that you just had to meet me?”
“Oh, I needed the toaster oven, but everything after that was just to see you again,” Eddie says before biting his lip.
There’s an entire swarm of butterflies in his stomach when Eddie's hand brushes his, when Steve takes Eddie's hand in his and leads him inside his box-filled house.
Later, when they’re making out on Steve's couch—when Steve really should still be packing since he has to move in less than a week—he pulls back to ask, “Wait, so are you gonna put the rest of the stuff you don't need back up for grabs in the group? I feel like that would start so much neighborhood gossip.”
Eddie grins wide and Steve wants to kiss him again, wants to feel his smile against his mouth.
“Oh, we’ll be the talk of the town, baby,” Eddie says, pulling him back in.
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Aaah, look at that, some more headcanons no one asked for but that I will be subjecting everyone to anyway.
Was in the process of trying not to hack up a lung when I started this, so logical train of thought went to how our One Piece boys handle being sick.
May do a sister-post of how they handle it when you’re sick, too. But. Like. Not right now.
Anyway here we gooooo
Sick Day
Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Sir Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
SFW! Very fluff! Much cringe!
Wordcount: Like 1.6k-ish
Warnings also include very fluff and much cringe, but not much else. All character x reader relationships are implied to be already established and consensual.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to drop a donation in my ko-fi. My financial situation is quite unstable right now and anything is helpful.
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“Look, I’m fine, alright? Just...lay off.”
Insisting he is absolutely not sick right from the start, only reason he looks so flushed is because he’s been training harder than usual.
And also because you’re irritating him stop saying he’s sick, dammit—
You’re not going to be able to get him to rest until he literally collapses, hopefully not directly onto the business end of one of his katana.
For someone who enjoys napping so much, he’s still adamant that he does not need to lay down.
Once you finally manage to get him shoved into his preferred hammock he’s going to turn into a clingy baby.
Convincing him to take any medicine would take an act of god. Most he’ll let you do is drape a damp cloth over his forehead.
Which does feel nice, and does calm down most of his protest.
After that he’s going to drag you in with him and use you as a human teddy bear, where you will likely be forced to remain while he sleeps it off.
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“Well, of course I don’t want to contaminate the food, love, but I don’t want anyone burning my kitchen to the ground either—”
He’s usually awake before anyone else to make breakfast, so you’re concerned from the moment you wake up and find the kitchen empty.
Even more concerned when you find him still in bed, face flushed, grimacing and shivering in his sleep.
Barely wakes up and manages a weak smile when you sit at the edge of the mattress, a contented little sigh when you lay your palm across his forehead.
Admits he might be a little under the weather.
Briefly lapses into panic when he realizes what time it is, immediately trying to get up and go handle breakfast—
All you have to do is give him a firm poke in the chest and he just falls right back into bed, pouting a bit when you point out he could contaminate the food and get the entire crew sick.
Gazing up at you like you’re some sort of celestial being when you assure him you’ll take care of it, and that you’ll make sure no one burns down the kitchen in his absence.
He’s already asleep again when you return with a bowl of miso with rice, but when you set them to the side and sit at the edge of the bed to feel his forehead, he immediately shifts over, drapes an arm across your lap and lays his head there, with a contented sigh and smile.
You’re trapped now. Good luck escaping.
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“Oh, I’ll be fine, beautiful, you don’t need to make such a fuss over it.”
He plays it off so well that it takes you a while to notice anything is amiss.
There are a couple hints. He’s just not quite as chipper and animated as he usually is, lazing around and looking a bit sour about something, a bit distracted.
Tries to brush it off as a hangover when you ask.
Heavy sigh and defeated pouting when you press your lips to his forehead and inform him he’s burning up.
Lamenting that he doesn’t want to be sick, it will surely sort itself out if he just ignores it.
Maybe a little booze to burn it out of his system—
Pouting only intensifies when you confiscate every bottle you can find in the captain’s cabin, and step out to hand it off to Beckman and explain the situation like he wasn’t already aware, you swear these two have some kind of psychic link
Immediate puppy dog eyes when you return, you’re literally so mean to him how could you, you wound him.
He will only consider forgiving this clear act of mutiny if you agree to get in bed and be his pillow until he’s on his feet again.
Preferably with fewer clothes than you’re wearing at the present.
You’re already rolling your eyes and dressing down as he continues his overly dramatic lamentations.
He’s really too drained and tired to do anything apart from roll over and use your chest as a pillow, draping his arm across your shoulder and combing his fingers against your hair.
Nuzzling down and letting out a contented sigh, commenting with a little smirk that maybe he should fall ill more often.
Sir Crocodile
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“I’m not clearing my entire schedule over a runny nose, darling, just leave me be.”
In the foulest of moods about being sick.
Yes, he’s aware his face looks like a tomato, thank you for pointing that out, brat.
No, he is not going to rest, he doesn’t have time to be sick, and if you so much as think of suggesting he put out his cigar—
You’re not going to have any luck in convincing him otherwise, nor any choice but to leave his stubborn ass alone in his office and stealthily check on him every so often.
You can only let out a weary sigh when you find him slumped over his desk hours later, half-conscious and drenched in sweat because he won’t take off that damned fur-lined coat.
You practically have to drag him to the bathroom to get him into a lukewarm bath to help bring down his fever, and he’s still complaining through the whole process about how he doesn’t have time for this nonsense.
Your offer to help finish his paperwork while he recuperates is met with an immediate growl of protest.
Like hell you are. No, if he has to suffer through this pointless ice-bath then you’re getting in with him. He will not be accepting any arguments on the matter.
It’s definitely best to just undress and not protest, as he’s going to pick you up and hold you back against his chest while he gets in whether you’re still clothed or not.
Letting out a low, somewhat weak, still incredibly smug chuckle when you shiver and shift closer to him in the water, wrapping an arm tight around your waist to prevent you from escaping any time soon.
Finally letting out a sigh and laying his head back against the tile wall behind him, admitting to himself (but definitely not to you) that you might be right, and it might not be the worst idea to clear his schedule for at least a day.
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“That wasn’t a cough, I was simply clearing my throat. Don't be a pest.”
Only initial signs you’ll have that he’s ill are that he’s somehow napping even more than usual, and he’s more snippy than usual.
It’s not long before his pale complexion makes it clear that he’s feverish, the slightest signs of flushed skin and dark circles under his eyes immediately noticeable.
Rolls his eyes when you mention it and brushes it off, perhaps he just had a bit too much wine last night.
Glares at you any time he sneezes or coughs, like he’s just daring you to say something about it.
It’s allergies. Or it’s this-damned-old-castle-is-too-drafty. Or it’s nothing, stop looking at him like that, he doesn’t get sick, you’re the one who’s being ridiculous about this.
Your best bet at getting him to rest is going to be convincing him that you want to take a nap.
Yes, with him.
Yes, now, unless he has some important plans other than flipping through the newspaper and being impossibly stubborn for the rest of the day.
Your commentary earns you another roll of his eyes, but...well, maybe he is just a bit tired. And he might have a bit of a headache—the latter of which he will be attributing entirely to your badgering.
Still insisting you’re being ridiculous when you shove him into bed and proceed to wipe a damp cloth across his brow, glaring daggers at you when you chide him for acting like an overgrown toddler.
Assures you there will be repercussions for your insolence…at least there will be once he—resigned sigh, rolling eyes—isn’t feeling so under the weather.
That’s as close to an admission as you’re going to get.
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“I fear these may be our final days together, my dearest! Please remember me fondly--”
Can you not see that he is literally dying??
He is not long for this world, please retrieve a pen and a pad of paper posthaste to take down his last will and testament, everything is fading, he can see the light approaching—
You make use of his lamenting monologue as an opportunity to shove a thermometer in his mouth, more than used to his theatrics, patting him on the head as he stares up at you like you’ve committed some unspeakable crime by interrupting him.
He doesn’t get sick often, he has a fairly strong constitution, but oh boy when he does…
No objections at all to being waited on hand and foot. You don’t really have any issue with it either, he’d do the same for you.
And likely will have to within the next few days—as clingy as he gets, you’re definitely going to end up catching whatever he has.
Oh! but he would give an arm and a leg to be in good health again and so help you if he removes any limbs for a stupid joke you’re going to beat him with them.
Pouting and sniffling at your obviously idle threat, even as you pet his hair and he lays dramatically across your lap.
He’s already on his deathbed how dare you.
At least his sense of humor is still intact. Or he’s delirious with fever. Perhaps both.
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candylix · 5 months
one little lie | hyung line (part 3)
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Pairing • FWB!Minho x Fem!Reader x Hyung Line
A/N • This is part 3! You can see the series masterlist here.
Summary • The boys have one rule in their shared apartment. Don't bring girls over for sex. So when Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin walk in on Minho fucking the living daylights out of you in the living room, he has to lie to save his own skin. His excuse? That's not a girl under him... you're a sex robot. And now they all want to try you out.
Genre • smut, sci-fi ish? (sex robots are a thing in this world that people know about and use)
WC • 2.9k
Content • reader pretends to be a sex robot, free use, dubcon, groping, dry humping, sexual comments, piv penetration (with feelings!), clit stimulation, orgasm denial, riding
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Minho walks you out of the bathroom, and you arrive to the empty living room. Chan was definitely still recovering after what he just did, but where were the other two?
You sit on the couch, right in front of the coffee table that started it all. This would have been a completely different day if you fucked in his room instead. Maybe you would've had to try and sneak out of the apartment without being caught. That would've been thrilling.
But you have to admit, today was fun too.
You hear Minho's phone vibrate in his pants, and he takes it out to see who's texting him.
"Oh, it's Jisung. He says he's gonna be here very soon."
"Talking to the robot? I know you're lonely, but come on."
Hyunjin strolls into the room, wearing nothing but loose, cotton pajama pants. You freeze, eyes staring straight ahead. As soon as he sees you sitting pretty in the middle of the couch, he stops caring about whatever he was going to do, and makes his way towards you.
Minho's eyes furrow, but he ignores Hyunjin's teasing to text Jisung back.
Hyunjin takes a seat behind you, and snakes one hand under your shirt to fondle your boobs.
"Do we have to give her back?" he whines.
"Yes..." Minho says, and looks back up from his phone, only to see Hyunjin groping you like he wasn't even there. "Do you have to be doing that? Have some decorum."
"I literally saw you with your dick in her a few hours ago. You don't get to talk."
As if to spite Minho, he moves himself to sit behind you, and both his hands travel under your shirt and to your chest. He continues squeezing you, palms rubbing over your nipples until they poke out under his hands. He pulls and pinches them, and you try to suppress the noise you make, but a soft whimper slips out anyway. You feel something hard press against your lower back— he's turned on. You sit there as he fondles you, and his erection grows stiffer. Suddenly, you feel movement, and you realize Hyunjin has started rubbing his dick against you. He grinds his cock against your ass, slightly bouncing you up and down, and Minho just stares in silence at the scene unfolding in front of him. His own erection forms as he watches Hyunjin grope and dry hump you. Unconsciously, his hand lowers down to palm at his crotch.
Finally, Changbin walks in, and when he sees Hyunjin humping you on the couch, he kicks him out from behind you. Reluctantly, Hyunjin stops, and his hands come out from under your shirt. He moves to sit beside you once again.
"Do that in private, man. Gross."
"Well, Minho liked it," Hyunjin says, and Minho's cheeks flush.
"What? No! I was in shock! I can't believe you did that."
"Mmhm. Sure. Look where your hand is right now."
Minho looks down, and his eyes widen when he sees his hand mindlessly rubbing his bulge. He yanks his hand away, and you can see the huge mound that has formed.
"Both of you need help," Changbin says, and leaves for the kitchen.
A moment later, Chan walks in, and sees you on the couch.
"Oh, she comes with clothes?" he asks
"Of course she has clothes," Minho says pointedly, "I had to bring her here, and I'm not gonna be seen carrying a naked woman around with me."
"I don't know what you're into," Chan says, and walks to take a seat on the couch beside you. You're sandwiched between these two men, and Chan's hand lays itself on your thigh. Unlike Hyunjin, he doesn't go any further than that.
"He's into watching people fuck the sex robot," Hyunjin says, snickering at Minho's face getting progressively more red.
Chan's face drops. Apparently, it wasn't just 'bros helping bros' for Minho.
You hear someone pounding on the front door, startling everyone in the room, and saving Minho from this uncomfortable conversation. The door knob rattles frantically, but the door is locked, so whoever's there goes back to banging on the door.
Minho is more than happy to leave them and go open the door, and no one is surprised when Jisung reveals himself on the other side. He barrels into the apartment, almost pushing Minho down, and his eyes fix on you.
He swings his arm out to point at Chan.
"Get your nasty ass hand off of her, fiend!" he yells.
Chan raises his hands up, and Jisung points at Hyunjin next.
"And you. Put a shirt on!"
"This is literally my apartment," Hyunjin says, shrugging off Jisung's complaint.
Changbin runs back into the living room with a half empty water bottle, raised like a club.
"What the hell is that- oh. Hi, Jisung." He lowers down his improvised weapon.
"Hey," Jisung says calmly, as if none of that just happened.
"Here for your girlfriend?" Changbin asks, intending to make fun of him, but his words bounce off Jisung easily.
"Yes," he says, and turns to the men on the couch, "Now bring her to me!"
Chan and Hyunjin look at each other, look back to Jisung, and when he signals for them to come, they lift you up and walk you to him. Jisung gently grasps your shoulders, and looks into your eyes.
"Blink once if you're ok."
The two men standing behind you roll their eyes at his theatrics, unaware that you can and do respond. You blink, and he breathes a sigh of relief. Jisung holds you close to his chest, and looks back at the men in the room.
"Well, thanks for using my robot without permission. I definitely wanted you to do that," he says, fake annoyance in his voice.
"Not sorry," Changbin says, walking over to where the rest of you are standing. "She was great."
"Can you send me the link to the store? I want one for myself," Hyunjin asks.
"You can't buy these online," Jisung responds, not missing a beat.
Unlike Minho, Jisung is good at coming up with excuses that are actually believable. You've known him a long time; it's a skill he developed while asking for homework extensions and calling in sick to work.
"Oh," Hyunjin says, "is there a physical location I can go to?"
"No the store burnt down. It's closed forever," Minho says, words tumbling out of his mouth faster than he can think. Jisung side-eyes him.
"Anyway, I gotta go now," Jisung interjects. He opens the door to leave, and Minho wraps an arm under you to walk you out.
"Bring her back sometime!" Chan yells out.
"No!" Jisung yells back, and closes the door.
When they're finally out in the hallway, Jisung smacks the back of Minho's head.
"Ow, what was that for!?"
Minho unwraps his hand from around you, and clasps the sore spot on his head.
"Everything," Jisung says. "Never try to lie again. You're terrible at it."
"Agreed," you say.
You walk back to Jisung's car. Minho takes the front seat, so you sit at the back while Jisung drives. Everyone sits in silence, not sure what to say after all that happened. You take this time to reflect. You know what a rational person would think about all this, but they've fucked the rationality out of you. All things considered, if Minho wanted to 'borrow' you again… you don't know that you'd be opposed.
"So…" Jisung starts, interrupting the silence. "Can I use the sex robot too?"
This time it was Minho's turn to smack him on the head.
"I was joking!" Jisung says defensively. Minho raises his hand again, and Jisung shields himself with his arm.
"Hide your boner before you say that," Minho responds.
"What? I'm not-" he glances down, noticing the tent springing up in his pants. "This is just because I love driving. Traffic is so sexy."
"God, you're so annoying. Why am I even friends with you?"
"Excuse me. I just saved your ass."
You laugh at your two friends bickering in the front seats. They can be stupid sometimes, but you're glad to have them around.
"Thank you, Jisung," you say, and they both quiet down.
"Thanks," Minho says softly.
You can see a smile form on Jisung's face in the rear view mirror.
"Don't mention it. I'll always be here for you both."
You finally arrive back home, and you hug Jisung goodbye. Minho walks with you into your apartment.
The first thing you do is collapse onto the couch. It was a long day, you're tired, and all you want to do is lie down.
"Come on, you need to wash up properly," Minho says, attempting to lift you up.
You don't budge. Minho gives up, and falls on top of you, squishing you under him.
"Hey!" you laugh, and you try to push him off, but he holds onto you.
"I thought we were laying down," he says, smiling as you struggle under him, until you finally manage to push him off. He rolls onto the floor, laying on his back. He looks up at you, and sighs.
"I'm sorry about all that. I should've just..."
"It's ok," you say, and he sits up.
"No, that was a shitty thing to do."
"Minho, really. I had fun."
His face finally softens up.
"Yeah, I could see that," he says, smirking. You throw a cushion at him.
"Don't give me that look. I saw you jerking yourself off in the living room."
He pauses.
"Fuck. They saw me do that. I'm never gonna live that down. And I didn't even get to cum," he says, collapsing back to the floor. "Why did they come home so early."
You feel bad for the guy. All his roommates got to fuck you, when the whole plan was for him to do it. You saw his dick bulging in his pants more times than you actually saw his dick today. He was probably horny as hell, but trying to keep it together.
His face is buried in his hands as he thinks about all the embarrassing things he did in front of his roommates.
You just wanted to tease him more.
"Yeah, I bet they're talking about it right now," you say. He groans. "I bet they're talking about how you helped Chan fuck me. How you bounced me on his dick and watched him cum inside me."
He squeezes his legs together. The teasing is working.
"I bet you wanted to watch the others too, right? You didn't get to see Hyunjin fucking himself on my boobs."
Minho moans, and you can tell he wasn't expecting it, because he turns to hide his face from you.
"And Changbin... he was so thick. He completely stretched me out. You should've seen the way he pounded into me. He could barely fit inside."
"You're killing me," Minho whispers.
"Remember what Jisung said in the car? I'm sure you would've loved to see him pull over and fuck me in the backseat-"
"Alright!" he shouts, interrupting you.
He suddenly stands up, with a massive protrusion in his crotch. Without warning, he pulls down your pants, and then his own, and you see his hard, leaking cock throbbing in front of you. He wastes no time climbing on top of you. He pulls off your shirt, and throws it across the room.
"You really want to see me horny, huh? Well guess what, it worked."
He grabs your wrists and holds them over your head with one hand. He did this after your time with Hyunjin, when he was wiping you down, but you don't think he'll be as gentle this time.
"Do you know how hard it was, seeing their cum all over you, and not fucking you then and there?"
At those words, you can feel yourself getting wet. You've never seen him like this before.
His free hand goes to his cock, positioning it at your entrance. He pushes it to your core, but doesn't put it in. It throbs against you, desperate and needy, and your pussy throbs with it.
"I was trying not to overwhelm you, but it looks like I should've just fucked you every time we went to the bathroom together."
He punctuates his sentence by ramming his cock in you. It hits you hard, and you can't help the moan that comes out.
"While I was waiting for you to finish, you were getting drunk on all their cocks, huh? You like getting fucked like a sex toy?"
He rams his dick inside you again, and you moan louder.
"I'll use you like one, then."
His hands move to your waist, and he thrusts into you, again and again, finally getting to fuck you after watching all his friends fuck you first. His bucking is desperate and frantic, and you barely have time to process the way his dick plows into you before it's taken out and slammed back in.
One hand moves to your clit, and you moan out his name as he rubs circles around it. You twitch under his touch, the stimulation from inside and out of your pussy leaving you unable to control yourself. He watches you writhe on the couch, brain turned to mush as he fucks you senseless.
How he feels is paradoxical— he liked watching you get fucked, but he needed you to want him more.
He leans over you, thrusting into you deeper, and grabs your boobs.
"Did you like it when Hyunjin did this?" he asks, and gives them a squeeze. You answer his question with a moan, and he kneads into your breasts. You can feel your orgasm growing as he continues bucking into you, and your nipples harden under his hands. He pulls your nipples when he thrusts into your g-spot, and you can feel yourself about to reach your climax.
"I'm gonna cum," you moan, and he immediately stops. You feel his dick slide out against your walls, and you whimper at the empty feeling he leaves you with. Your core aches from the loss of contact, throbbing as your orgasm slowly disappears.
"Not yet."
He carries you up from the couch, making you stand up while he takes a seat. His legs are slightly spread apart, and he holds his throbbing cock up, but it's so hard that it might as well be standing up on it's own.
"Sit down," he commands, and you waste no time climbing onto his lap. He guides you onto him, and you feel his cock fill you up as you lower yourself down. Soon, his entire dick throbs inside you, hot and stiff as it presses into a sensitive spot.
"I'll make you feel better than Chan did," he whispers, and a chill runs down your spine.
He takes one of your nipples into his mouth, licking on and around it, and he kneads your other boob with his hand. He rolls his hips into you, his free arm holding your waist to keep you steady, and you melt into the feeling. His cock pumps into you, slow at first, but he speeds up as his own need builds. Your head leans back as you feel your orgasm coming, and you buck into him. His dick hits you harder as you bounce into it, and he moans into your boob. He breaks away from your chest to watch you fuck yourself on his dick. Your eyes are closed, mouth slightly open, and you moan loudly when he bucks his hip forcefully into you.
His hips roll into you faster now, watching you moan and twitch on his lap. You can feel your orgasm come quickly, and one last thrust into your g-spot takes you over the edge. You feel his dick keep pounding into you as your walls clench, and you gush around his cock. The pressure on his dick, and moan that comes out of you, are enough to take him into his own orgasm. He bucks into you wildly, and you feel his hot liquid spurt out inside you as he moans your name.
He leans back into the couch in exhaustion. You're too tired to get yourself off him, so you grab his chest to hold yourself up.
He admires how you look, breathing heavily after being fucked, sitting on his lap with his cock still buried deep inside you. He could stay here forever with you like this.
"Who was better?" he asks, "Me, or them?" He rolls his hips into you, and you twitch from how sensitive you are.
"You," you say, still breathless from what just happened.
"Of course I am."
He helps you off of his lap, and you collapse onto the couch next to him.
"Still, if you want me to 'borrow' you again, let me know. I'm sure they'd love to see you again."
You're too tired to respond, so you just nod your head.
The atmosphere surrounding the rest of the evening is very warm. He cleans you up thoroughly, and you order takeout to eat for dinner. He puts on a movie, and you fall asleep on his shoulder halfway through. When the movie ends, he carries you to your bed and tucks you in. He considers leaving, but you look so comfortable, so instead he joins you under the covers and snuggles up to you. Soon, he falls asleep too.
He dreams of Jisung fucking you in the backseat of his car.
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Here's what Jisung was up to during the events of the story
@loeyscock @0325tiny @5starlee @miupow @mapofthemazeinthemirror @sadrosessing @luminouskalopsia @minghaosimp @curiousgworge @azuna-sz @piscesrising01 @g-bbzz @extrhotjne @nabi-tokoshi @kpopsstuffs
@weareapackofstrays @jabmastersupriseee @neko-squidblog @lurking-coconut @kiaralynn3838
@chanssmiles @linos-kitten
This is the end! Thanks for reading everyone! This was meant to be the end of the series, but a lot of people have asked for more, and I really enjoyed writing it, so eventually there will be more parts! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! For now, here's the series masterlist, and maybe by the time you see this I've already written more.
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
So bc u requested Adam and/or Lute stuff I'd like to request Adam x male!reader? Like literally anything that comes to your mind, idc if it's sfw or nsfw I just crave it °^° (also if you're not comfy with writing male reader that's totally cool too, in that case just ignore this)
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, male!reader, overall adam's usual shenanigans
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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you can NOT look me in the eyes and tell me adam does not have some form of internalized homophobia, and the minute he starts catching feelings for you i genuinely think he'd have a mini crisis
because of his major fuckboy personality he has a LOT of experience with flirting with women, but literally no experience with flirting with men
adam is still pretty confident however, and would probably approach you first.
i think he'd have to be friends with you to catch feelings for you in the first place, so he's probably around you pretty often
adam is very subconsciously flirty with you, but in a much more genuine way without his usual bravado. he doesn't even realize how soft he acts around you, but others can tell by the way his eyes always follow you and how he seems to orbit around you, or the way he'll purposefully stand as close as possible when he's talking to you. theres also the fact that he's literally always touching you, whether it be an arm around your shoulders or a hand resting on your back, he just needs to be close to you. you attract him like a moth to a flame, even when he's in a crowded room all adam is focused on is getting your attention. even his casual hookups stop as he literally focuses all his time on winning you over, even he doesn't realize how much he likes you (everyone else can tell. theres a betting pool in heaven on when you both will get together and who will confess first, etc)
adam definitely acts like a BUFFOON around you, deep down he doesn't think someone like you would want to be with him and overcompensates by bragging constantly about all the woman he's liked in a slightly pathetic attempt to flirt with you and literally CONSTANTLY trying to get your attention. think of his usual flaunting attitude and then turn up the dial by 100%. he wants to be on your mind 24/7 the same way your on his mind all the time
meanwhile ur lowkey heartbroken, bc you think adam is straight and yet you can't get rid of your stupid ass crush on his stupid face!!!! it's honestly especially irritating because he'll flirt with you and call you so many petnames and nicknames and will always be touching you, so you think you have a chance, then all of a sudden he's talking about some girl he banged and you just feel a bit led on
its very amusing for lute to watch the both of you dance around eachother and your feelings, when you both so clearly like eachother but are too scared to do anything about it
honestly i think you'd both end up confessing to eachother in the middle of an argument, maybe your pissed at adam for bragging about the "super hot girl he banged last night" (she isn't real and he spent the entire night thinking about you) and he's pissed off that your getting mad at him instead of being impressed or falling in love with him
definitely one of those dramatic "because i LOVE you, okay?!" confessions i am cringe but i am free and adam just kinda stares at you for a hot minute
adam would literally be like "wait... YOU like ME???? i thought you HATED me????? IM the one who likes YOU!" in usual adam fashion, and you would literally be like -_-"YOU LIKED ME THIS WHOLE TIME??? WHY DIDNT U SAY ANYTHING????" his dumbass would literally be like "I WAS TRYING TO??????" and all of this useless dialogue would literally just end in the two of you admitting your true feelings (much to lute's amusement who was recording the entire thing bc she NEEDS to win that bet)
once you both are officially together? prepare for adam to be the clingiest mf alive (in a cute way tho). he waited so long to be with you and literally became solely devoted to you for a WHILE before winning you over and it's probably been a hot minute since he's genuinely dated someone. sure, he's had hookups, but real, soulful relationships aren't common with him.
adam is ridiculously loyal to you, definitely one of those people who will be like "i have a bf 🙄" when someone random texts them, even if that person wasn't even interested in them romantically
LOVESSS flaunting you!! adam will bring you to every event he attends, he loves bragging about you and showing you off to all of heaven
if anyone ever gave you any shit about your relationship adam would literally drop kick them, he's very defensive about your guys' relationship and wants everyone to know that he loves you.
adam doesn't know shit about labels or sexuality so you probably have to teach him some things, i honestly think he'd be pansexual or just queer/unlabeled (i am totallyyy nooot projecting)
adam has been alive a long time and thought he tried everything sex related under the sun, but being with a guy opened a whole new world of possibilities
adam had explored with anal a bit before, but never with a partner. only in the late hours of the night when jerking off just wasn't enough, and he found himself with a strange temptation, his hands creeping lower and lower until he finally began to thrust his fingers in and out of his aching hole, tears welling in his eyes from a mix of humiliation and pure pleasure. yet, when he admitted to having tried fingering himself before, he also admitted something else- he had never managed to make himself cum, and had always gotten too embarrassed to push himself over the edge
he is a switch FIGHT ME. the first time your both intimate, adam absolutely talks so much shit about topping yet starts whining the second he begins fucking your tight cavern. this leads to you taking control and fucking him senseless, and adam is shocked at how much he enjoys it
he takes dick like a champ, he's a bratty sub at first but once you praise or degrade him, he's melting like putty in your hands
adam is sooo loud, he's a shameless moaner and everyone within a mile radius can hear his screams
you have to teach him how to give head, and he is surprisingly a very fast learner. adam lowkey gets off on how humbling it is to be below you, and he's also the type to get off on his partner's pleasure.
adam definitely has some sort of breeding kink, and when he's fucked dumb and so, so needy, he'll beg you to cum inside, whining about fucking a baby into him and babbling pure nonsense
even though it is quite literally impossible for either of you to get pregnant, he loves that kind of dirty talk. adam will pretend to be embarrassed about it but the thought of you breeding him or him breeding you is genuinely such a turn on for him
yall literally never use a condom im sorry 💀
adam would enjoy topping as well, i def think he enjoys fucking you and he loves fucking you senseless with pleasure
the first time he tops adam goes slow, he wants to learn more than anything and becomes incredibly skilled at reaching that sweet spot inside of you
adam is the first man, the original dick, and he definitely knows how to use it. he's such a fast learner when it comes to sex-related things, and memorizes everything about you and your body. he wants to know what makes you tick, and everything that pleases you or turns you on
adam is a pretty big guy and he can easily maneuver you into any position you want, he really likes hitting it from the back and loves fucking you from behind. he'd definitely pull your hair, forcing your head back so he could whisper absolute filth in your ear
i really really enjoyed writing this urgrhrgregregeh i love me some adam- im an afab person but im genderqueer/unlabeled and sometimes feel more masculine or more feminine, snd this was very fun to write bc i usually don't get requests for male reader or more masculine reader so yea i really really enjoyed this!!! also happy easter to anyone else who celebrates lmao i can't believe yall r getting smut from me on easter 💀
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stunie · 3 months
Zevie it is I, the maid cafe anon once again coming to you to request more cute(or lewd, it’s your choice like fr) maid cafe content.
Maybe they show up when it’s like a day for a different costume(OH MY GOD A PLAYBOY BUNNY OUTFIT DAY??? A CUTSIE ANIMAL ONESIE DAY??? CHEONGSAM DAY??? MAGICAL GIRL DAY???????) or literally ANYTHING, whatever inspires you.
The only characters I’ll specifically ask for are kiryu, suo, and Kaji if possible!!!!!
WELCOMMEEE !! u r now snail anon and no longer maid cafe anon !! i hope u and the others r comfy here ໒꒰ྀི ˃ ∩∩ ˂ ꒱ྀི১ <3 i made this sfw <: also pls im gonna share my snack with you (it’s a mango roll cake!)
hayato suo, kiryu mitsuki, & kaji ren x maid cafe!f!reader
sfw. ft. costumes (animal onesies), you call them ‘master’
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HAYATO SUO gives you an all-too-warm smile when you’re shyly handing him a menu, tensing when his fingers briefly brush over the paws of your onesie.
“a kitten? how cute,” he teases, hand coming to cheerfully rub at the top of your head. it was only your second week since you’ve started your job here, and yet he’s made it very clear that he’d be paying you a visit every single shift.
a part of you wishes he had never found your cafe’s instagram, where they uploaded each week’s theme on sundays without fail. you can only imagine how ecstatic suo must’ve been when he saw what was scheduled for today— because he was stepping through the door only fifteen minutes into the start of your shift.
“c-can i get you anything else, master..?” you stammer, eyebrows deeply furrowed in embarrassment as you hug the extra menus to your chest. he’s only chuckling at your nerves, back of his hand coming to mask his laugh as you give him your best attempt at a glare. “you’re not supposed to laugh,” you whisper through your teeth, “stop being like that..!”
“oh, sorry,” your shoulders relax a bit when his laughter dies down, and he’s smiling back at you all over again. “then i’ll just have you stay beside me until i’m done with my tea. that won’t be a problem, right?”
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KIRYU MITSUKI’s mouth parts open in surprise when you come to serve him his food, cute little bear ears sticking out from the hood as you set down his plate in front of him.
“this is your omelette, master!”
“oh, thank you,” his voice comes out soft, but he’s tugging you by the little bear tail at the back of your outfit as soon as you turn to check on your next table, “but don’t leave just yet.”
your head turns back, gaze shifting back and forth between his hand and his face. “..is something wrong?”
he doesn’t respond.
you sigh when he still doesn’t let go of your tail, not even looking at you as his free hand comes to click at his screen. “wait just a couple more seconds…” he says, scrolling through his apps. “ah..! here it is. okay~”
some of the other visitors are turning their heads to look at you as soon as they hear his chair abruptly scooting backwards, body leaning back a bit to angle his phone’s camera towards you with a content hum.
“k-kiryu!” you huff under your breath when you realize exactly what he’s doing, “that’s so embarrassing..!”
he only chuckles in response. “but you look so cute,” he coos, “smile nice and big for me, okay?”
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KAJI REN’s lollipop falls out of his mouth as soon as he sees you dressed up in a bunny onesie, one ear flopping over your face when you do a little bow to greet him and the two standing behind him.
“oh, it’s kaji’s girl working today! what a nice surprise, huh kaji?” you hear enomoto’s voice loud and clear, followed by a loud ‘tch’ from your boyfriend.
those two— enomoto and kusumi— didn’t say a single word about this. he was wondering just exactly what they were snickering about so loudly earlier before they were suddenly at his side to ask if they could stop by your cafe before heading home.
something about a deal on coffee? he can’t believe he actually fell for that.
“oh, kaji!” you gleam, lips tugging into a huge smile. “oops— i meant master. your table is over here. follow me.”
he’s clenching his jaw in place of his lollipop, eyes narrowed into a deep scowl in his attempt to dissipate the blush rising to his cheeks. you looked cute, big ears flopping up and down with each step you take, and you’re practically drowning in the excess fabric.
did they not have your size?
“oh,” enomoto interrupts his train of thought, and he turns to see him and kusumi are suddenly checking their phones, the weather app- specifically. “we gotta leave, actually. we’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
and they’re gone just like that.
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cyberpunkgyu · 6 months
SERIES: The Sun and the Sunflower / P. Sunghoon
genre: fluff, romance
introduction: these series include random one shots of tsundere! sunghoon and bubbly! reader’s relationship, more chapters/parts will follow in the future! this part shows the softer side of sunghoon but next chapters/parts will show his more “tsundere” side
a/n: i decided to make it one shots because i realized i suck at making long stories so hopefully this turns out alright! let me know what you think :D
warnings: suggestive, and not proofread cause i’m lazy
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I. Jealousy *ੈ✩‧₊˚ — when you get jealous
Sunghoon is someone who doesn’t show a lot of affection when there are other people around you both. If a stranger saw the two of you, they might not even think you both are in a relationship because of how casual he is around you in public. You didn’t mind, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable in anyway, and you respected that (though there were times where he would peck your lips when no one is looking).
But there were times you wish you could just kiss him to show others that he is yours. Like right now.
You always thought you weren’t a jealousy person. What’s there to be jealous about? You know Sunghoon is a loyal person and would never do anything to hurt you. He is a whole green flag, a green forest even.
But you can’t help it when you see girls flirting with him out in the open.
He has asked you out for a night out in a nearby art museum that just opened. Of course you agreed, making sure you were free and don’t have anything else planned, you definitely wouldn’t pass any opportunity to spend time with him.
The night has been going well so far. You two went around to see different exhibitions, taking photos of one another (you even secretly took photos of him when he wasn’t looking because he looked so dreamy).
He was wearing a suit and tie with his glasses on, which you have always told him how handsome he looks with it on. Sunghoon is very handsome in general, but when he wears his glasses on, it just hits different. There’s just something about it that makes your stomach flutter ten times more.
You have also dressed up quite nicely, wearing the dress Sunghoon gifted you for your birthday which wasn’t too long ago. It was a pretty long white dress, and you felt very confident in it. Spending almost two hours doing your hair and makeup, your craft not going unnoticed by your boyfriend.
He is quick to notice your appearance, staring at you in awe when he picked you up from your apartment. He had literal heart eyes for you, a soft smile on his face.
For a quick moment you have left him outside to use the bathroom, to freshen up and all that. Once you got out, you didn’t expect to see him talk to someone, and a woman. And he was smiling?
What caught you off guard is when the girl placed her hand by his bicep, though Sunghoon didn’t seem bothered by it, just nodding to what she was saying. Does she really have to be touchy?
You pouted to yourself, watching the scene in front of you, not knowing if you should let them be or approach them. Before you could even decide, Sunghoon has already spotted you, excusing himself.
“You ready to go and see more exhibits? There’s more upstairs.”
“Hmm, sure.”
Your voice came out soft and quiet, something out of the ordinary as you often talked with such excitement. His thick brows furrowed, but he pushed it off, nodding at you. Maybe you were just getting tired? He thought.
Crossing your arms, you began to walk to the escalator, Sunghoon following by your side. Who was that girl? Is that someone he knows? Or did they just met? Why were they smiling? They looked so happy together. Is that his ex? He never told you about an ex…
You shook your head to yourself, feeling yourself overthink. Stop it, yn.
“Hey… you alright? I can take you home if you’re feeling tired.” Sunghoon looked at you with such concern, both of you getting off the escalator as you got to the next floor up.
You looked up at him, quickly shaking your head. “No! Uh, I’m alright. Don’t worry. I want to see more of the exhibits.” You forced a grin, though it came out so fake that Sunghoon can sense something was definitely wrong.
You got startled when he took your hand, pulling you to the side. Your back was suddenly pressed on a wall, gasping softly as his hand found your hips, looking at him with wide eyes. Your cheeks reddened so quickly, heart beating hastily.
“Is something wrong? You can tell me.”
His eyes stayed on you, waiting for your response, though you felt your throat dry during to how close the two of you are. When you opened your lips, nothing came out.
“Nothing! I just- I…”
“You can tell me what’s wrong. I don’t like seeing you so quiet. It’s weird.”
That made your heart flutter, blinking up at him. He was so close that you could smell his sweet scent, making you feel fuzzy inside.
"I would rather hear you talk non-stop than be quiet. I like hearing you," he whispered softly, feeling his fingers run through your hair, making you feel giddy.
"It's just... it's nothing. It's stupid." you felt yourself pout softly, looking away from him, but you felt his hand grip your chin gently, making you look up at him. "Well it's not stupid if it's bothering you right?"
"The woman earlier. You know her? Is she-"
"She's a childhood friend during my ice skating years. We just quickly catched up, that's all."
Ah, right. You nodded, feeling yourself embarrassed.
"Were you… jealous?"
"What? Why would you ask that." you huffed, suddenly getting defensive. He found it cute how pouty you got, feeling himself smile down at you. Gosh, you're cute.
"You can be friends with anyone you want, I don't care. It's the same with me, I can be friends with whoever, talk to whoever I want. And also, why did she have to be touchy-"
Sunghoon looks at you with adoration, his eyes flickering between your eyes down to your lips. He loves it when you ramble, pouting your lips whenever you do. Your voice was going in from one of his ear to the other, everything in the background becoming a blur.
You were suddenly cut off by Sunghoon's soft lips, your eyes widening before they fluttered shut, putting your hands into a fist as you didn’t know what to do with it.
His lips were hot and plump, his hands going up to your waist, pulling you slightly up, causing you to go on your tippy toes.
You wish you could kiss him for longer, though he definitely took your breath away, pulling away from to the kiss to catch your breath. Your cheeks flushed, as well as your lips, and definitely swollen.
“Sorry. I couldn’t help it… you were talking too much.”
A giggle escaped your lips, looking up at him shyly. “I thought you weren’t a fan of PDA.” you teased, smiling shyly up at him.
“I could do much more if we weren’t in public.”
He grinned cheekily, his fangs on display, chuckling lowly. “Cute…”
Your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. He really knew how to make you fold, huh? His eyes never left yours, caressing your waist ever so gently, eyes full of love.
“Why don’t we just go back to my apartment?”
“Hm, are you tired?”
“Then why? Aren’t we going to see more exhibits?”
“I did. But now all I want is to able to kiss my pretty girlfriend longer.”
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rfxiii · 10 months
could I request hcs for franklin, trevor, and michael on how they would go about apologizing or making it up to you after they did something wrong (I feel like I'm not making sense lol 😆 but basically I'm asking how would they get back on your good side after messing up big time) if requests are close, I apologize!!
(This totally makes sense, no worries! And my requests are always open, so feel free to send an ask whenever you’d like- I’m just a little slow atm. Also, I’m sorry about the long wait, and I hope you like it ☺️)
Franklin, Trevor, and Michael making up with you after an argument:
Franklin Clinton:
Arguments with Franklin are fairly rare. He’s a pretty level headed, loyal partner. But, like every relationship, arguments do happen.
Despite being kind, loyal, and loving, Franklin is also stubborn. It can be the cause of several of your arguments. And can also lead to him refusing to admit he’s wrong right away.
But once he does realize he’s been wrong, and understands that he’s upset you, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make it up to you.
He’ll come to you like a sad puppy- curling up beside and gently taking your hands in his. He’s had time to think about what went wrong, and what was done to start the argument to begin with. He wants to talk it over, wants to get to the root of the problem to make sure it never happens again. He’ll stay up all night talking with you, and apologizing, until he’s sure everything is resolved and that you’ve forgiven him.
He may buy you something small and sweet the day after the fight. A teddy bear or a bouquet of roses aren’t uncommon after the two of you have had a disagreement. And for a few days afterwards, he treats you especially gently. He hates hurting your feelings or making you mad. So, he wants to prove just how much he does love you. Even if you two do argue.
Trevor Philips:
Arguments with Trevor are fairly commonplace. He’s set in his insane ways, and always self assured that he’s right. He’s more apt to listen to reason when it comes to you. But his erratic, wild behavior, and bad, dangerous habits are normally the root of arguments between you two.
There are several ways things can go after you two argue. But more often than not, it’s a couple days of passive aggressive comments and the silent treatment, until he’s convinced that this is the fight that’s going to split you guys apart. And then comes the waterworks.
He comes, literally, crawling back to you on his hands and knees, sobbing and snot nosed as he begs you not to leave him. He’s usually fairly high when he breaks down like this, so talking to him is slightly difficult. But he babbles at you non stop- telling you how much he loves you, how sorry he is, how he’s “such a worthless shit”.
The true talking it out usually comes the next morning, or afternoon, depending on how fucked up he got. But after his tears dry up and he’s caught his breath from all the sobbing, his usual method of making up with you is desperate, clingy sex. He doesn’t have a very good grasp on such big emotions, so he shows them physically instead of verbally. And you can feel his love and remorse through every press of his lips and every touch of his rough, scarred hands.
Michael De Santa:
He has issues with loyalty and honesty. You knew that before you got with him. But it doesn’t make the arguments that ensure because of it any easier.
He’s stubborn, self assured, and hot headed. Getting Michael to admit he’s wrong is like pulling teeth. And getting him to apologize is harder than winning a one man war. Once you two start to fight, it can last for days. And because of his petty, passive aggressive attitude, he sometimes tends to make things twice as bad.
It’s almost never that you hear him actually say “I’m sorry”. But eventually, after a few days of fighting, he realizes he’s being a child and understands that he was wrong. Even if he won’t admit it. So, he shows it the best way he knows how. Through gifts.
You’ll come home to find expensive jewelry on your pillow, or a new outfit hung up for you in the closet. He’ll have your favorite dinner made, and he’ll buy the wine he knows you like the best. He won’t apologize to you. But over dinner, he’ll take your hand, tell you how beautiful you look, and say something like “Let’s not fight anymore, angel. You know I hate seeing you upset.”
You know he’s too prideful to apologize. So, usually it’s just easier to cut your losses and accept that, while he’ll never verbally apologize, this is his version of saying “I’m sorry”. You know he truly is apologetic, and you love him, so you both agree to let this go and move on. He’s a good man, he’s just a little emotionally immature at times.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
Heya!! Could I please ask for hc with Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki and Dabi (if you cant do that many feel free to cut any one of them) and meeting their s/o's parents for the first time? How do you think the encounter would go? (Ps I'm so glad your requests are open but dont overwork!! Take care of yourself and stay hydrated or I WILL make you òwó) 💓
he does NOT want to do this.
he genuinely pushed this off as much as he physically could. like youve probably been together for like a year already, you met his parents, he secretly thinks youre 'the one' or whatever, but hes scared to meet your parents
he doesnt want to deal with trying to put up a nice attitude for them, but he also doesnt want them to think hes a dick or mistreats you because they might convince you to leave him
however, this meeting comes without his consent, as you two are out in town and you bump into your parents at a store. They see you before you do them, so you couldn't even warn him before your parents were coming over to you, very openly eyeing Bakugou
they knew what he looked like, they had bugged you for details multiple times, so they knew who he was right away
Katsu immediately felt himself getting a little sweaty under his clothes, he couldnt help he was naturally sweaty already and now hes overthinking every posibility in his head
Luckily, you talk about him like hes the sweetest most perfect person on earth, and so your parents don't really have anything negative to say or act on
They just go "Oh, Bakugou, right? It's so nice to finally meet you!"
He tries to be as polite as he can, he tries to smile nicely (even though he makes such an ugly face when he forces a smile), and luckily they are on their way again soon
He literally sighs in relief once theyre out of sight and you laugh at him, asking if hes doing alright after meeting your 'oh so scary' parents
he is not amused
Honestly he probably was excited to meet them, and probably asked you if you could introduce him fairly early in the relationship
Not too early, but like once he was sure this was a serious relationship and that he really loved you, he wanted to do things 'the right way' (as hed heard)
So you tell your parents about your boyfriend who things are going great with, and how he really wants to meet them, so they invite him over for dinner
He wasn't stressed about it until it came time to get ready to go, then suddenly he's overthinking everything and doesn't know what to wear, what if he smells, what if he says something dumb
Hes ready to go find a suit to wear before you tell him its not that formal
You also assure him that people love him naturally, as long as he stays calm everything will go fine
and as expected it does, your parents love him. He is definitely a little awkward and a bit too polite towards them, but your parents take it as a good thing
once he relaxes though it really does go great, your parents adore him and 100% accept him as your boyfriend
afterwards he acts like he wasn't overreacting the entire time
also nervous as hell to meet your parents
he would never ask to do so, but he wouldn't tell you no if you asked him if hed be okay meeting them
if its important to you, its important to him
your parents had recently brought up that you should bring over your boyfriend whenever youre both free, and you told them that youd let him know and figure something out
and this time came when a school dance came around, obviously Denki was your perfect date. Even though most everyone got ready at the school, your parents lived near by and you realized that you had a better pair of shoes to match with your outfit there, so figured you could stop by real quick and brought denki
he originally was just going to wait in the car, but once your parents found out he was out there they started screaming for pictures
hes kinda awkward in them, because how does one pose cutely with their s/o in front of their parents. He feels wrong for even touching you for some reason
some pictures he kinda looks like he was electrocuted in, with a goofy smile and a thumbs up
but some of the pictures came out really good and he was happy that your parents forced you two to take them
it also helped that the pictures became the main focus of this meeting rather than getting to know him, he got to do the basic introductions and leave
he knew that next time he saw them hed probably be asked more questions, but he felt more comfortable having already seen what theyre like
plus he got cute pics
adamantly refuses to meet them
genuinely hed have to be insanely in love with you to even consider it
he knows full well that even based on appearance alone no parent wants to see their kid with someone like him, and he simply doesn't care enough to try and be nice to some rando just because youre related to them. He likes you, thats it
Hed be more likely to 'meet' your parents if they were awful. Because if theyre nice, then he wonders how you ended up with someone like him in the first place. But if theyre awful, he would totally get rid of them for you if you want
plus after years of holding onto his hatred for his own parents, its hard for him to conceptualize parents that dont suck
so unless he's going to kill your parents, and by some stroke of luck you do actually have great parents, hes not meeting them unless its by accident
and he will not stay and chat with them either, only if your parents are incredibly important to you then he'll make sure to tell them that he knows he doesnt look it, but he loves their kid and he'll do anything for them. but thats it
and his face is everywhere, hes a villain, so even if theyre okay with the idea of you dating a villain he reminds them to not say anything that would jeopardize your safety
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munson-blurbs · 4 months
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: Perhaps Eddie Munson was someone you could lean on--literally and figuratively. (4.7k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, anxiety, parental conflict, poverty, vandalism, so much yearning, an accidental boner, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult
chapter nine: rest for the weary
That was the only thought fleeting through your mind when you approached Eisen’s shattered door, jagged edges like rows of shark teeth. Your hand faltered, stopping just before the knob, like the whole store would disintegrate at the slightest turn.
Eddie stepped aside and gently opened the door, the bell jingling mockingly, watching to ensure that no more glass fell from the panes. “Careful,” he murmured, fingers ghosting over the middle of your back for just a second while you stepped over the threshold. Goosebumps formed beneath your shirt at his unexpected touch, brief as it was. 
Your heart lurched once more as you entered the store, the normally meticulously organized shelves now coated in spray painted tags and profanities. A crudely drawn phallic symbol, complete with testicles and pubic hair, took up most of the front of the desk. The office door bore another one with a similar resemblance. 
You were definitely surprised by Eddie’s offer to help out at Eisen’s, but nothing compared to the blatant shock on Ben’s face when he saw who accompanied you to the store. Your friend’s jaw clenched instinctively, and you realized he must have thought you brought Eddie here to confess. 
“We came to help clean,” you quickly clarified, hoping Eddie didn’t sense the reasoning behind your explanation. 
Silent tension thickened between the two men, your words your sole weapon to tear into it. “What can we do?” You asked Ben, volunteering yourself and Eddie in hopes of derailing potential conflict.
Ben cleared his throat, eyes swooping over the store that was still very much in disarray. Glass shards glittered across the floor despite his previous claims to have swept up, though you imagined that it was difficult to see clearly through his cloud of exhaustion. When he didn’t answer, you grabbed a broom from beside the door. 
“I just got off the phone with the—” Aunt Tam walked in from the office, pausing mid-sentence when she spotted you. Her lips curled into whatever semblance of a smile she could muster as she shuffled over to wrap you in a hug. Her dark brown curls brushed your cheek. 
When she pulled back, you hardly recognized her. Besides the passage of time carving wrinkles into her forehead and the bridge of her nose, her skin was free of make-up. You couldn’t remember the last time you saw her without at least mascara coating her lashes. 
“We’re here to help with whatever you need.” You swallowed the lump in your throat at the sight of her bare face, the worry now permanently sealed into her eyes. 
At the mention of a we, Aunt Tam glanced at the man beside you. Tepidly, Eddie stepped forward and held out his hand to shake hers. “Eddie Munson,” he said, posture straightening as he braced himself for a reaction. But if Ben truly suspected that Eddie had vandalized the store, he hadn’t shared that theory with his mother, because she shook Eddie’s hand without hesitation. 
“Eddie can help remove the graffiti,” you offered, and Eddie nodded. 
“Just need some WD-40,” he added with a small smile. “Maybe some steel wool if it’s really stubborn.” 
Aunt Tam’s eyes lit up, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze that leaves your bones aching. “Thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion as she turned to face Eddie. “Thank you, Eddie.” She wiped at her nose with one shirt sleeve. “We should have all of that in the back, if you’ll follow me…”
Eddie nodded again, stuffing his hands in his pockets and trailing behind her. “Yes, ma’am.”
When you could be sure that both he and Aunt Tam were out of earshot, you shuffled over to Ben. “It wasn’t him,” you said under your breath. “He was at a concert that night, and even if he wasn’t—he wouldn’t do this.” You gestured at the destruction. 
Not fully convinced of Eddie’s innocence, Ben narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. “How do you know?”
“The first night he stayed at the motel, he was smoking pot in his room. And when I told him not to, he listened.” You thought back to that moment, to his smirk that had you wondering if he would light another joint as soon as you turned your back. “And even though I basically accused him of vandalizing Eisen’s—before I knew where he really was—he still brought my essay to school today.” 
Ben breathed out a defeated sigh. “Okay, fine,” he conceded, scratching at the back of his neck. “Is it bad that I wished it was him, so that we could stop worrying about whoever it was coming back and doing it again?”
You wrinkled your nose. “Kind of, yeah.” He scowled, playfulness stronger than any contempt, and you tapped the broomstick against his arm. “I’m guessing you didn’t share your theory with your parents?”
He shook his head. “My dad’s at the police station right now to see if any other shops caught the person on camera.”
“Yours didn’t?”
“Never installed any. Safe neighborhood, no need, y’know?” He rolled his eyes at his family’s naivety. “Seems like everyone else on the block felt the same way.”
You wanted to say more, to properly convey your sympathy, but your aunt and Eddie returned with the spray paint removal supplies. The broom suddenly became more interesting than ever before, your eyes glued to it as you brushed it against the floor. You didn't dare look at Eddie until he turned his back to you. 
“All right,” he murmured to himself, tossing a rag over his shoulder and placing his hands squarely on his hips. The paint cans that had been sprayed were a lost cause, the veins in his biceps pulsing as he grabbed two at a time and heaved them onto the floor with soft grunts. 
A teasing whisper tickled the shell of your ear. “Wipe your drool.” You could feel Ben’s smile as he spoke but didn’t have time to swat at him before he jogged over to help Eddie. 
You preventatively swiped at your chin, relieved that you weren’t actually drooling. And why would you be? Eddie was your friend; nothing more, and sometimes a whole lot less. The excitement you’d felt when he’d shown up with your paper this afternoon was relief, not some burgeoning crush. Your hope that he would visit the front desk during your shifts could easily be explained as an eagerness for conversation, the ultimate cure for boredom. And the way you felt your heart beating in your stomach when he’d held your hand earlier–
It was only because it had been a long time since anyone had reached for you with an intimate gesture, you told yourself, save for Nora briefly squeezing your hand just before Eddie had taken it. But there was no flutter with Nora. A surge of gratefulness, maybe, but nothing compared to what Eddie’s touch had evoked.
Your head swiveled towards the sound of your nickname being called. Eddie looked at you, puzzled and impatient. “You okay? I’ve called your name, like, fifty times.”
“Twice,” Ben said; the clarification could have been a reassurance that you hadn’t spaced out for that long, or just a belated dig at Eddie. Either way, you appreciated it.
“Do you have one of those hair tie things?” Eddie shook his hair, which was already frizzing from perspiration.
You nodded dumbly, fingers fumbling for the elastic shoved deep into the abyss of your purse. Had you been staring at him? Gawking, even, as you silently tried to sort out your feelings? 
“Thanks.” Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t draw your gaze from him as he tied back his mess of curls into a bun at the nape of his neck.
Sweep. Sweep, and stop thinking about how his stubble-coated jawline might feel beneath your lips.
This desire, this lust–it was all temporary. Fleeting. It would swiftly exit once the rush of exhilaration from his rescue fully wore off, and you would once again be content with a platonic friendship.
Your insides backflipped once more when Eddie rubbed the rag over the shelf, wiped away the graffiti, and flashed a million-watt smile in your direction. 
If you had your way, ‘moving on’ would happen sooner rather than later. 
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Pristine wasn’t the right word to describe Eisen’s state when you finally left a few hours later, but the clean floor was a definite improvement. The graffiti was still visible on the shelves, but it had faded considerably with Eddie’s hard work. He stood next to Ben now, explaining how often to apply the WD-40 without ruining the finish. 
Were they friends? Not even close. But each had let down their guard an inch more, though you remained unclear of the reason why Eddie’s was up in the first place.
A weighty exhaustion reminded you that you were surviving on pure adrenaline that had been steadily waning and was nearly depleted. A gentle hand rested on your shoulder as you returned the broom to its corner. 
“Go home and rest,” Aunt Tam said kindly. “Ben told me you’ve been working nights and going to school. You need your sleep.”
“I know.” It was easier to agree than to argue, but the shop would be a mess if you had spent the afternoon sleeping. 
Your aunt cocked her head and assessed you; whether you were too tired to properly fib or just her mother’s intuition, she didn’t believe you. “Well,” she sighed, “I told your boyfriend to get you home—”
Heat crept up your neck as she gestured a thumb towards Eddie. “Eddie’s not my boyfriend.” 
Aunt Tam raised her eyebrows. “Oh, I just…he didn’t correct me earlier when I called you his girlfriend…and the looks you were giving each other…I figured…” She stopped, shaking off the notion as ridiculous. 
Because it is ridiculous, you thought. 
“We’re just friends.” That ‘just’ was cumbersome, like there was something inherently wrong with you and Eddie being friends. “We’re friends,” you amended, complete with a tired smile. 
She fixed her composure, swiping her brunette bangs from her line of vision. “Well, we can’t thank you and your friend enough.” 
She said that word like she knew something you didn’t. Worse, like you knew but refused to admit it. 
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Grogginess slowed your usual fast pace, and you stepped into the subway car with only a second to spare. 
The adrenaline fully wore off once you sat down; the plastic subway seat might as well have been a plush mattress swathed in Egyptian cotton sheets. It wasn’t until you allowed yourself to sit back and breathe that the achiness crept in. Your lower back twinged; your shoulders and biceps remained tense from sweeping and scrubbing the shelves for so long. If you could feel your feet, they would probably hurt, too.
The yawn you let out stretched the skin on your face and brought reflexive tears to your eyes, and you wiped them away with the back of your hand. 
“Tired?” Eddie asked, the question warped by a heavy yawn of his own. 
You nodded, blinking a few times to keep your eyes open; your head felt like it could loll right off of your neck without warning. 
Eddie shifted slightly and patted his right shoulder with his left hand. “Rest.”
“S’okay,” you mumbled, heaviness tugging at your eyelids even as you spoke. Exhaustion had its grip on you, tight enough that you barely noticed your stomach fluttering at the thought of resting on him. “I’ll just pass out when we get home.”
But he took one look at you, at the fogginess that draped over your body like a weighted cloak, and promptly vetoed that idea. “Rest,” he said again; this time, his words held a commanding air. 
You clocked his concern, so unused to the way you ran yourself ragged until the kettle ran empty, until the match burned out. Another yawn escaped you, bringing a single hot tear with it, and any attempt to convince him that this was normal instantly became obsolete. 
Sparing yourself the argument, you laid your head atop his shoulder. His cotton t-shirt was soft against your ear, somewhat muffling the train’s clanking and other passengers’ conversations. As quiet as the subway could be at seven o’clock in the evening. 
“Our stop is—”
“I know.” The vibrations of his voice, your head so close to his throat, punctuated the reassurance. “You sleep, Heiress.”
The last thing you remembered was your grip loosening on the backpack strategically placed between your feet, your fingers unfurling from the strap as you succumbed to a dreamless sleep. 
A hand on your knee gently shook you awake just as the conductor’s muffled voice announced that the train was approaching Forest Hills, and you felt a yank on your consciousness that pulled you out of your seat and towards the open doors. 
“My backpack—” The icy panic that flooded your veins was enough to jar you awake. When you turned back, you saw that the train had already pulled away from the track. 
“Right here.” Eddie patted the bag now slung over his shoulder. Your heart rate returned to its normal beat as relief washed over your skin, a wave crashing into the surf at high tide. 
The station’s stale air covered you like a quilt, and the conductor had barely announced the grating reminder to stand clear of the closing doors before unconsciousness again hooked its claws into you. 
“There ya go,” Eddie whispered when you rested your head on his shoulder once more. “Comfy?”
“Mhm.” And you were–unnervingly so. You hadn’t been this relaxed in a long time; no moment in recent memory came to mind. The questions you desperately sought answers to–why he hesitated to tell you about the concert, why he let Aunt Tam believe that he was your boyfriend–seemed utterly inconsequential. 
You could vaguely feel Eddie fidgeting as you drifted in and out of consciousness, struggling to adjust his posture and avoid any unwarranted touch. 
Sleep transformed your body into that of a ragdoll, slumped over and limp, moving only as the train car swayed. Your limbs felt disconnected from your torso, which was why you barely registered the urgent grasp around your wrist. 
“Hmm?” You blinked awake, blurred vision sharpening to reveal Eddie’s hand holding yours. No, not holding it; he was moving it. Moving it away from the denim that creased along his inner thigh. 
“Shit, I—” Humiliation stole your words, stabbed at them with its forked tongue and left you scrambling for an explanation. “I didn’t mean to.”
Eddie’s own cheeks turned a rosy pink, as though his fingers had been accidentally creeping towards the inseam of your jeans. “No, I—I know,” he stammered, clocking the horror on your face and offering a sheepish smile. Your fingertips burned where he’d touched them, where you’d touched him.
There was no way you could sleep after that, your body far too alert despite the ever-increasing weight of your eyelids. You sat up straighter; as you did, Eddie placed your backpack on his lap. When you reached for it, he shook his head and pulled back slightly, and your brows furrowed at your misinterpretation.
“I got it,” he said, a hoarseness in his voice that you weren’t able to place. “You can keep resting.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yup,” he answered too quickly, wrapping one arm around the bag and tugging it even closer to his chest. “S’all good.”
A strange tension lingered, one that differed from the anger that pulled the conversation taut during your last subway ride home together. Eddie was physically beside you, but his eyes searched the car like he was gearing up for another round of I Spy. 
You needed to speak and move past the embarrassment that tethered you to silence. 
“Eddie?” Your voice was a whisper, barely audible over the train’s clacking and your own internal monologue.
You swallowed. “Why didn’t you tell me about going to see your old band?” 
Eddie froze, his arm still tight around your bag; for a moment, you wondered if you crossed the line. 
Finally, he spoke. “Didn’t want to.”
An answer and a non-answer simultaneously, telling you to back off. But you’d be damned if you let today’s progress be soured.
“I wouldn’t have judged you.” Slowly, you let your eyes fall on him, noticing his fingers picking at a loose thread on his jeans. “You don’t have to tell me. But just so you know.” 
He nodded, and you prayed he absorbed the reassurance as it traveled from your lips to his ears. His response was not what you expected, although nothing with Eddie has gone to plan thus far.
“Why haven’t you told your parents about school?”
He knocked you off-kilter despite his calm tone; surprisingly, there was no judgment from him, either. “I don’t want to disappoint them.” When Eddie just looked at you, palms open and brows raised, you realized you’d just answered your own question. “How would you seeing Death’s Echo disappoint me?”
“I dunno.” One scuffed sneaker squeaked against the floor. “I talked a big game about how the music industry is all bullshit and how I didn’t care about the band anymore, but…”
“You miss it,” you filled in.
He sucked his lips to his teeth before nodding. “I miss it,” he said with a reluctant chuckle. “I miss it so fuckin’ much.” 
Exhaling a long breath, he continued. “I mean, I really don’t miss being the record label’s bitch. And I hate the thought of being a sellout. But nothing beats that adrenaline rush you get when you walk on stage and the crowd is screaming your name, or when they sing your lyrics back to you. Lyrics you wrote.”
You stayed silent for a minute, letting the heaviness of his statement sink in. Important. He felt important, wanted, needed. Without saying so, it was evident that working at the motel would never give him that same satisfaction. No amount of desecrated wasp nests or perfectly glued wallpaper could ever compare to the cheers of adoring fans. 
“It’s not over, you know. Your chance to have that again.”
Eddie’s eyes locked onto yours, chocolate irises swimming with a juxtaposing combination of hope and defeat. “No one’s exactly lining up to sign me,” he said. 
“They will.” You smiled, lips together. “You’re too talented to slip under the radar.”
He returned the smile, reaching out his pinky and interlocking it with yours as a thank you. You gave it a tiny pulse in recognition. 
“The other night…” Eddie started. He still looked at you, but the twitch of his nose told you that it was harder to hold than before. “I shouldn’t have said that you’d treat your clients badly.”
“It’s fi—”
“It’s not.” Eddie’s voice was stern, unwavering, but not cold. “And I’m sorry.”
Your pinky remained wrapped around his. “We both said some shitty things that we didn’t mean,” you offered.
“Yeah.” The right side of his mouth turned up, not a full smile, but one filled with compassion nonetheless. “Forgive and forget?”
You cocked your head to give him a knowing look. “One other thing to know about New York women,” you said, “we might forgive, but we never forget.”
Eddie’s half-smile turned into a grin, and he leaned in closer to whisper. “Y’know, for a bookworm, you’re kind of a badass.” 
Trying to ignore the now-familiar tingles that accompanied his tobacco-scented breath on your ear, you resumed your previous position of your head on his shoulder, humming in agreement. There was no hiding how pleased you felt from his praise, his newfound ability to see you beyond a singular dimension.
He peered down at you, his lips brushing your scalp. “Still tired?” 
“Not really.”
He chuckled, leaning back in his seat and stretching out his legs in front of him. “Okay, then,” he murmured, and from the subtle movement in his jaw, you knew he was still smiling as he said it.
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Consciousness was a drifting cloud, one that passed overhead quickly to make room for thunderous exhaustion. The storm hit the moment you walked into your room as you flung your backpack and your body onto the bed. 
Your eyes didn’t flutter closed like a fairy tale princess; they snapped shut like an iron gate, impenetrable to any forces. 
Including a clock radio alarm. 
The digital numbers stared at you, harsh and blinding, as though they also couldn’t believe the time. The alarm you’d set for 9 PM was clearly ineffective, seeing as you were over two hours late to work. 
“Shit!” Whatever spell had enchanted you instantly broke, and you jolted out of bed with such ferocity that you briefly saw stars. 
You smoothed down your T-shirt from where it wrinkled against the starchy comforter. Chalky white deodorant remnants stained the black fabric, right along your ribcage, and you hastily undressed and threw on the nearest clean shirt. 
Sleep tainted your tongue and dried saliva decorated the corner of your mouth, your slumber so deep that you’d drooled. 
“Son of a bitch,” you grumbled, grabbing your toothbrush from its place at the sink and brushing just long enough to chase away the stale taste. 
Was Mom still at the desk? Did Dad have to take over your shift? Had they both assumed you’d show up on time and left the desk unmanned for what they thought would only be a few minutes?
Your blood ran cold. Anyone could have taken a key off of the wall, could have broken into the register and taken what little money you had…
Feet flying, you push open your door and squint to adjust to the harsh hallway lighting. 
Before you did anything else, you needed to apologize profusely to whatever parent had the misfortune of still being behind the desk. Offer to do some extra chores, or take on a few hours of their shift. 
But that plan is stalled when you run into the lobby and see neither your mom nor your dad. Only Eddie, hunched over a stack of scribble-filled papers. 
When he hears your panicked footsteps, he looks up and grins cheekily. “Morning, Sunshine.”
You would have flipped him off if it weren’t for the overwhelming relief that your mistake hadn’t burdened your parents. 
“You know,” he continued, tapping his pen against his teeth, “this gig isn’t half bad. I’m almost finished with these lyrics.”
Your eyes blinked rapidly of their own accord. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?”
Eddie snorted. He put his pen down on the desk and folded his arms across his chest. “Sweet, naive Sleeping Beauty,” he tutted, adopting a playful tone. “I knocked on the door not once, not twice, but thrice to no answer.”
“Thrice?” You raised a brow at his formal word choice. 
“Thrice.” He held up three fingers and wiggled them for emphasis. “But I figured you must really need the sleep, so…” He gestured vaguely as if to say, here I am. 
One foot in front of the other, right arm still crossed over the left and showing off a litter of inked bats, he sauntered over to you. “I believe this is where you thank me for saving your ass.”
He was teasing, though he did deserve your gratitude, but your mind only focused on the reason why. 
“My parents—”
“Adore me,” Eddie cut in with a knowing grin. “Even gave me the whole ‘any friend of our daughter’s is a friend of ours’ spiel.”
There was that word again: friends. It rubbed you raw, salt on an open wound, and it stung even more coming from his mouth. 
Eddie remained oblivious to your inner turmoil, still ranting about his successful encounter. “Maybe I should be thanking you, since this scored me some major points.”
It was a lifeline; something onto which you could latch instead of letting your thoughts spin in never-ending circles. “Well, then, you’re welcome.”
He noticed the hesitation, even without the context of its cause. “Look, you got a few extra hours of sleep and nothing happened. The place didn’t burn down, didn’t spontaneously combust, and I only accepted one bad check.”
“You what?!”
Eddie guffawed at your widened eyes. “Kidding. Besides,” he added, “you wouldn’t even know it bounced until you took it to the bank.”
“Go fuck yourself.” But the corners of your mouth turned up in a smile, betraying the annoyance you’d tried to present. 
“Will do.” He gave a small salute, two fingers to his forehead, and grabbed his papers off of the desk. “But before I get to that, we need to talk about you not going to your graduation.”
For a moment, you forgot about Nora’s comment earlier that day. It seemed like weeks ago, rather than mere hours. “I can’t.”
Eddie quirked a brow. “Can’t talk about it or can’t go?”
He blew out a breath, equal parts frustration and disappointment. Like he was invested in this, perhaps more so than you were. 
It was enough to pull a genuine explanation from you. “I can’t afford the cap and gown,” you said, “and even if I could, the ceremony starts at nine in the morning. That’s when I sleep.”
He nodded, incisors digging into his lower lip while he digested the information. “So…you’re not doing anything to celebrate?”
“Not having to drag my ass to classes anymore is celebration enough.” Until graduate school starts, you thought wryly, the sinking feeling returning to your stomach. 
Eddie wasn’t accepting that answer, shaking his head so his curls were a brunette blur across his face. “No. No.” His tone was insistent, teetering on the brink of stern. “You worked hard, and you should do something fun.” He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he considered his options, his brown eyes sparkling as an idea came to him. “Let me take you out for a drink.”
“With what money?”
He scoffed playfully. “I think I can splurge on one drink. No specialty cocktails, though.” He pointed his forefinger in your direction, emphasizing his point. “And house liquor only.”
You wanted to–more than anything, you wanted to. Each weekend, you felt taunted by the sounds of friends traipsing down the street, sharing inside jokes and making memories that would either last a lifetime or be washed away with a few more beers. It was an experience you’d never had, but there was little time for friendship outside of school. 
“I can’t,” you said finally, feeling just as dejected as Eddie looked. “My shifts start at ten.”
“So I’ll get you back by ten,” Eddie said with a shrug, no big deal. “And it’s one drink; ‘s not like you’re gonna be wasted.”
You hesitated before responding, your brain already churning out a thousand excuses to bail. 
I’ll be too tired. 
I don’t want to smell like booze when I’m working. 
I have a cult meeting right before my shift. 
“I…yeah, okay. I can do that.”
Eddie nearly did a double-take at your acceptance; truthfully, you surprised yourself. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sure.” He cleared his throat and regained his composure with astonishing speed. “I’ll pick you up at 8 tomorrow?”
You shook your head. “The bars around here always overcharge on weekends. Let’s do Monday.” And maybe by then I’ll conjure up a solid escape plan. 
He grinned, jogging back to the desk and grabbing his pen. “Monday…8 PM…Heiress.” You watched as he wrote the words on his palm, going over the spots where the ink flow weakened. 
Eddie’s hand found yours, left fingers grasping your wrist to keep you steady, his right fingers busy decorating your skin in black ink. His tongue poked out from between his lips as he focused on writing without applying too much pressure, and you tried not to squirm whenever the pen grazed a ticklish spot.  
When he pulled back, your own palm bore a near-identical message to his: 
Monday 8 PM Eddie
Like you could forget. 
-- taglist:
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98
@squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @munson-mjstan @loves0phelia
@kthomps914 @aysheashea @munsonsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock
@ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975
@yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @foreveranexpatsposts
@mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank
@sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles
@the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl
@fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Pissa Headcanon Post:
1) Philza likes to hug Missa with his wings a lot. He is always sorta hovering next to Missa. Missa is cold? Wing. Missa is hot? Wing. Missa is happy? Wing. Missa is sad? Wing. Missa despite this doesn’t realize this is unusual for a avian to be so affectionate. I like to imagine Missa just think this is normal for avians to act like this.
2) Philza is protective of their shared home because in his avian brain that’s their nest. Which is why he is so reluctant to let people access and why he always reminds people it’s “Phil and Missa”. Because it’s theirs. Not his. Missa doesn’t realize this is big. Someone needs to slap his brain with a book about avian courting rituals. Philza has started courting Missa from practically day 1. Missa doesn’t know this. Again someone help him.
3) Missa has been gifted Phil’s feathers and the fact that avians only gift feathers to someone they are courting. Philza would even braid the feathers into Missa hair. As a subtle way to say back off.
4) Missa is taller than Phil. Despite this Phil will pick up Missa easily. I imagine soon into their government assigned marriage Phil realized it’s the best course of option to do to get Missa out of sticky situations. Phil will also perch on his shoulder when he really decides to be playful.
5) Because of Avian instincts Philza really want to preen Missa. But obviously he doesn’t has wings. So instead he tends to play with his hair a lot. And take out whatever debris Missa managed to get in it. He will literally take out like twigs out of Missa hair in front of people once it started bothering him.
6) Missa had to learn quickly how to preen Phil’s wings. And high-key he is the best at preening on the island. Even more so than other Avians. Because boy was high-key must be the best for his husband. Especially considering Phil tends to get his wings dirty easily from all the exploring and adventuring.
7) Like most Avians if you touch his wings randomly Phil would probably attempt some sort of violence. The only people that have unlimited wing access without asking is literally his family and Missa. Again Missa would not realize how big a deal this is. Missa can fully touch Phil’s wings anytime. And knowing Missa would take advantage because softness.
8) Phil avian side immediately found Missa attractive because he was a good singer (a common way for avians to court). Phil is abyssal at singing so the common way he courted is with so much gifts and acts of service.
9) The reason Phil stopped sleeping in the double bed Missa and him shared is because Missa scent left and that made him low key depressed. The main reason behind once Missa came back Philza and him had a massive cuddle.
10) I like to imagine once Missa came back Philza was finally free of most of his stress. His wings not a mess. No eye-bags. Skin clear. Smiling at everything and nothing. And the only thing that happened was Missa coming back. And others that never met Missa and Philza before Missa went away are kinda scared. Because Philza the angel of death himself is all soft and happy. Not dying of stress 24/7.
11) It’s my personal belief that Avians are private but very affectionate. So Philza is actually very affectionate towards Missa. Missa meanwhile can’t handle Philza complimenting him and saying good things about him. Missa is so weak for verbal affection. Please somebody give the poor guy some confidence.
12) Philza is one of the few people that Missa feels safe enough around to take off his skull mask. Most of the island has never seen Missa without his mask.
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sturn3 · 5 months
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i lowkey really got out of hand, girl... i'm sorry, i can re-do it if you'd like!!! (btw im not really sorry, im kinda proud of the smut i wrote) tw: not proofread cause im kinda lazy rn
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matt's girlfriend was the sweetest angel anyone had ever met. always putting everyone's needs before her own. never wanting to disappoint anyone and she just had a very motherly nature, needing to take care of everyone around her.
so, that translated that she was a pathological people pleaser. taking up extra shifts at her work, always saying yes to her boss even though she didn't want to do something he suggested, giving her coworkers rides home, baking them the cookies she once brought to work and everyone continuesly asked for, giving rides to her coworkers and so much more.
her natural instinct of saying yes to everything to please everyone left her exhausted all the time. so, when she did have free time all she'd do is nap, that would be the case, of course, if no one of her friends called her to hang out or have her do some kind of chore. matt had finally had enough of missing his girlfriend so much and never having any time with her. and that's when he decided to intervene.
firstly, he decided to mix up her white laundry with a piece of red clothing, painting all of her formal clothes and cute lingerie, pink. you moved on and said, "That's fine, sweetie. everyone makes mistakes." matt had to work harder to pull out the beast he knew you were hiding.
secondly, he started messing up all of your orders. putting onion and peppers in every order, two vegetables you hated passionately.you did show a little more aggression towards that, but you picked the disgusting veggies off and made no deal about it.
thirdly, matt thought this was his best shot at getting out the worst version of you. you were currently enjoying a party at full swing, everyone was having fun and drinking. you were with your girlfriends a few feet away from where you had last left matt. what you had failed to realize yet was that matt had some added companion from the last time you looked over to him. a girl glued to his side. at that moment ,you didn't think you'd ever been angrier. matt tried to hide his smirk as he saw you stalking over to him with crossed arms over your chest. when you got there, you tapped the girl aggressively on her shoulder, causing her to turn around and give you a look as if you were the one interrupting something. she suddenly spoke, "what do you want?" she said as her big brown eyes bored over your figure,"for you to stop talking to my boyfriend." you said as you pushed her out of the way and grabbed matt by his hand.
you had to managed to get away from the crowded house party and inside his parked car."can you tell me why the fuck that bitch was on you like that? you fucking bored of me or something?" you said as you slapped down his neck, matt couldn't help but smile wickedly. "maybe." he replied testing you even more, he knew he was playing with fire. "maybe, huh?? i'll fucking show you how boring i am, matt. get in the back and strip." he knew not to piss you off more so that's what he did. finally, you climed to the backseat right after he had obeyed and done everything you had asked him to.
"so, you think you're funny, matt, yeah? you think i'm such a people pleasure who would let you fuck some random dumb whore?" oh my god, did he love seeing this side of you. he made a mental note to piss you more often. he was getting a bit too excited while you were sat on top of his lap and quite literally could feel his dick stood up against your thigh. "no, no that's not what i was trying to do. i love you, baby." you laughed bitterly at that, grabbing him by his face and pulling his lips close enough to yours, touching but never kissing, "well, i think you deserve a lesson, baby." you said mocking him. so you got to work. you were currently on your knees on the floor of his car, leaving kisses on the length of his dick and occasional "kitten" licks on his tip. taking your sweet time teasing him and making it more painful each moment you passed without doing anything further. the growns you'd hear of him, making your core drip to the carpet of his car, due to your lack of underwear. whenever he'd to push your head so you could take him further into your mouth, you'd shake your head and shot him a disapproving look and he'd quickly let go. after a while of teasing him, you decided to fully take him in your mouth. he almost came when your warm mouth came into contact with his dick. your movements slow and steady. keeping him guessing your next movement. he knew not to try you, either. but when you felt his dick twitch in your mouth, you decided it was time to let go. you had brought him to such point of overstimulation and overwhelm that he could feel tears spill from his eyes. sat perched up on his lap with your legs spread, your skirt so shirt, giving him a view of your pantie-less pussy, he wanted to cry. so, when you finally leaned in to kiss him, he sighed in relief. your lips moving so hungrily against each other, his kiss so bruising. you could feel his hands grab the bottom of your tight crop top and pull it off your head. hands immediately going to grab at your breasts, meanwhile kissing and sucking your collarbones. then, he went down to suck your nipples, paying equal attention to both of them, his hands dropping to play with you clit. your pornographic moans filling the silence of his car. when you pulled his hands away to replace them with his dick he was gone for. he came almost immediately, as expected. but that didn't stop you. you weren't gonna stop if you didn't get to cum. so you eagerly moved on his dick trying to reach your high. your breasts jumping up and down on his face, a sight he wishes he could see every waking second of his life. that fueled him to thrust up inside you, not being able to resist but play with your tits once more. kissing and sucking. "you're so perfect, baby. no one could compare to you, my love." he said as he pulled from your tits and looking up at you with a lust filled gaze. both of you came to a high eventually. completely spent from your actions. "you love this side of me, don't you?" you accused matt, he couldn't help but let out the biggest smile "mhm yeah really turns me on how crazy you can get.", "oh, is that so?" "yes, i love my sweet kind girlfriend but baby you need to let out more the insane girl only i get to see."
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cxtori · 2 months
Osamu Dazai ✮ Reckless (Angst Version)
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summary: you vent your frustrations to Dazai after the crazy stunt he pulled with Fyodor
genre: angst, kiiinda comfort, cleaning his injuries, Dazai being a protective idiot
warnings: n/a, some Dead Apple spoilers
tori’s note: I’m posting a second version of this story that will be more lighthearted/fluffy than this one. I just liked the concept and when I started writing I realized this could go two different ways. So I just wrote both lmao. Here's the fluffy version!
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You were frustrated. No, that only begins to describe it. You were pissed, furious, irate. Whatever other powerful words there are to describe extreme anger, you were feeling it. 
You pour some antiseptic onto the cotton pad in your fingers, the fibrous material soaking up the liquid quickly. You raise it to Dazai’s back and press it against the deep wound resting there.
“Ahh,” Dazai hisses. “Jeez, you could be a little more careful.” You can hear the pain in his voice, but you can also hear the teasing tone underneath it. Your face scrunches in annoyance.
“Shut up. I’m still mad at you,” you huff and continue to clean his wound. 
He’d explained what had happened, how he’d been quite literally stabbed in the back with a poison coated dagger. looking at its placement, it’s a miracle the blade didn’t hit his spine. just an inch further to the right and this whole situation could have been very different.
“I can’t believe you left like that. You should have told me,” you say quietly. 
“I couldn’t. It wouldn’t have worked out like this if I did, you know that.”
And you did. But still. He disappeared so suddenly and the next thing you knew he was working with someone who planned to destroy your home? You knew Dazai would never betray you like that, not seriously. But at the same time, seeing him in that light scared you.
You finish cleaning his back and apply antibiotics and bandages, adding to the many that were already wrapped haphazardly around him. 
Once you’re done, you move to stand in front of him and begin to clean the various cuts and scrapes on his front side. You prepare another cotton pad and swipe over the wounds, none of them being severe enough to require much attention.
As you work, Dazai’s eyes are keenly focused on you. He watches as you carefully clean him up, a soft but determined look on your face, though it’s almost entirely hidden by the frustration distorting your features. 
A smile spreads across his lips and he wraps a hand around your free one. You ignore him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of falling for his flirty little tricks. 
You were both aware of the effects he had on you and, though he didn’t use it against you often, he would use it to his advantage. And right now it was in hopes of getting you to not be angry at him.
As your eyes scan over the marks scattering his body, your vision begins to blur. Before you can stop it, there are tears falling from your eyes. Are these angry tears, sad tears or relieved tears? You have no idea. Maybe it’s all of them at once.
“You idiot. Why do you have to be so careless?” You ask, your voice just above a whisper. Dazai looks at you, his smile slowly fading into a thoughtful but somber expression. He knows you aren’t expecting an answer, but he replies anyway.
“Because I care for you.” And that’s really all it boiled down to. He recklessly puts himself in dangerous situations if he knows that’s what it’ll take to protect his home and friends. To protect you. Even so, you hated his methods.
“I was so worried, Osamu,” you say quietly, afraid that your voice will crack too much if you speak normally. Despite your low tone, the pain and fear in it rings loud and clear. Dazai’s hand grips yours tighter.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to act like you’re working alone.” He doesn’t reply, only drops his gaze to where his hand is wrapped carefully around yours. 
You’d had this conversation countless times before. That he is part of a team that is more than capable of handling serious situations. That he doesn’t have to jump head first into danger to solve problems. That he has other’s to lean on. That he has you. 
But no mater how many times you said this, it never changed. And it terrifies you.
“It’s just… what if you had-”
“I didn’t, that’s what matters,” Dazai says, cutting you off. His hand leaves yours to rest on your face instead, his palm cupping your jaw as his thumb strokes over your cheek, wiping away your drying tears. 
“Please, don’t ever do that again.”
“You know I can’t make that promise.”
He was right. He will continue to keep you in the dark if he knows that’s what it takes to keep you safe, even if you both hate it. There was no point in promising that he wouldn’t. 
His hand moves from your face to the back of your neck, tangling his fingers into your hair. He brings your face closer to his, his dark brown eyes looking into yours intently.
“I love you, more than anything,” He whispers and places a kiss to your forehead. “And I only want to protect you.”
And that’s what he’ll continue to do.
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©Cxtori 2024 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate any of my works. reblogs are appreciated
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atelierlili · 6 months
In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs
Got asked to give some fanfic recommendations for In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs so here we are. Most of them (if not all of them) are gonna be fluffy and happy tbh because i can't take my pookies being hurt ):
A New Path (138k words) by Endlessnightlock
The day after aging out of the Reaping, Katniss crosses paths with Peeta. She thanks him for the bread and to her surprise, a tentative friendship begins.
One of my favourites. I love the direction the author took with this story. Always made me want more!
Go Slow, Peeta (20k words) by Oakfarmer
The era of the Hunger Games has come to an end. How Everlark slowly happened anyway.
This was the one that started it all for me. Short, simple and to the point! A classic in my opinion.
Nothing Owed for a Gift (10k words) by orphaned account
Lately, Merchants have taken to flirting with unwitting Seam folk as a joke, sometimes going so far as to ask them out on a date. I've even heard of a couple instances of a Merchant asking someone from the Seam to marry them, and then laughing hysterically when the poor recipient says 'yes'. So, when Peeta Mellark approaches me after the reaping, red with nerves and pushing his lips together as if he's trying very hard not to do something like laugh, I'm immediately wary. Peeta can't possibly be asking me to marry him for real. ... right?
Urgh. Literally one of my favourite one-shots.
Inevitability (44k words) by Xerxia
What if? What if Peeta and Prim hadn't been reaped?
Definitely not the fluffiest fics in the list, but Katniss absolutely SHINES here. And Peeta stays very true to his character as well. Absolutely worth the read.
It Takes A District (55k words) by MTK4FUN
Thinking her mother is dying, Katniss Everdeen marries Peeta Mellark to keep her sister out of the Community Home.
I love this fic. I don't know what it is, but there's something about it that makes it standout on its own.
Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker (241k words) by MegaAuLover
Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger?
This is the one. Easily one of the bestest AUs imo. Very long read- but I will be naming my first born after the squirrel. The Everlark relationship here is A+++.
( I know its weird to recommend incomplete fics, some these ones are legitimately my favourite fics and think are still worth the read.)
Cavedweller (79k words) by Jennajuicebox (last update: 2021-01-25)
Her mother once told her she was brave. A word Katniss wouldn't have chosen for herself. Brave implies that you run headlong into the scary unknown. Brave implies you face the things that want you dead. It dredges up thoughts of conquering armies and swords raised over head. Katniss isn't brave. As much as she would never admit it to herself she is scared out of her wits. She is staring into a gaping chasm, waiting for it to swallow her whole.
I love AUs that explore Katniss otherside of the family so much. As always, the Everlark development here is absolutely heartwarming and delicious. 10/10
On the Threshold ( 97k words) by ghtlovesthg (last update: 2020-06-26)
Nineteen and free from the Reapings forever, Katniss finds a token on her doorstep commemorating her passage over the threshold of adulthood. Discovering the identity of the sender will start Katniss on a road that leads toward life's other milestones.
This is exactly how I envisioned Everlark would get together had it not been for the Reapings. So so so so good. There is just enough here to be satisfied that the fic is unfinished ; w;
hope you find something you like! I always have more if you want more to sink your teeth into <3 Happy readings!
@heartforeyes @the-tiny-fangirl
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whoistartaglia · 1 year
Stawwwwp your stuff is so cute!!💖💖💖
If requests are open, may I ask for playing with Wanderer, Tighnari, and Kaeya's hair?
Thank you! And I hope you have a great rest of your day/night ✨️
very thankful for this request💪 i’ve been thinking about this idea for a while now
playing with his hair
wanderer usually likes it when it’s him playing with your hair, but tonight you wanted to switch it up a bit. when you’re cuddling together and your hands start to thread into his hair, wanderer point blank turns to you and asks in an almost offended tone, “what are you doing?”
“playing with your hair,” you respond, gently tugging on another lock. you pause and look into his eyes. “is that okay?”
when wanderer doesn’t respond, you let his hair slip through your fingers.
“i’ll stop,” you whisper.
“no, it’s…” wanderer searches for the right word.
you wait patiently in silence. wanderer thinks you look like a confused puppy with your head tilted to the side. your eyes certainly remind him of one, always filled with adoration. for him. sometimes, he still can’t believe it.
“nice,” he finishes at last, sounding like it’s the first time he’s ever said the word. wanderer settles back down so you don’t have to see his face—though, that doesn’t hide the redness in his ears. he clears his throat. “you can keep going.”
his voice is ridiculously soft, but when you let out a teasing, “are you sure?” it turns back to rought concrete.
“yes,” tight, unyielding. you can picture him rolling his eyes. “i’m sure.”
you laugh and once again start running your fingers through his hair. he eventually falls asleep, and if you manage fight through your own dropping eyelids, you’ll hear him murmur your name, said like a scared prayer to a benevolent god.
oh, when you start playing with tighnari’s hair, the man turns to puddy in your hand. nevermind the teasing attitude or sarcastic indifference he gives you during the day. at night, when you’re massaging his head with small, light circles, tighnari’s edges smooth out. not that they were never too rigid to begin with—at least, not with you—but the tension in his face will evaporate and he’ll have this content, peaceful smile on his face that lingers even into sleep.
and if you start playing his ears? first, consider yourself lucky that you’re allowed such a privilege; second, he might literally melt like ice under the desert sun; third, should you call him out on such softness, he will absolutely deny it.
“blushing?” he muses. he blinks open his eyes, and you feel bad you woke him from sleep. your guilt vanishes when he states: “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“oh?” you bring the back of your hand to his cheek. “i don’t know. seems pretty warm to me…”
he brushes off your hand with a small protest in the back of his throat.
“it’s warm because it’s hot here. that’s all.”
“oh, yes. i’m freezing.”
“[name],” tighnari sighs.
“tighnari,” you respond. he looks up at you with a pout—a pout, for archon’s sake—and you can’t help but laugh. “okay, okay. i’ll let it go.”
tighnari relaxes back down. you start running a light finger over the back of his ears, and tighnari sighs again, content. quietly, you lean down and whisper, barely able to keep the amusement from your voice: “but you totally are blushing.”
kaeya loves it when you braid his hair. he just thinks your fingers are so gentle when you’re tugging and pulling at his hair in forming the braid. honestly, he’ll let you do anything you want to his hair, aside from cutting it all off. (even then, he might at least consider it, though he’d never let you go through with it).
you’ll be braiding his hair one night, same routine as ever, when you realize something. you tug on a strand and it doesn’t come free; neither does the adjcent strand next to it.
your fingers still, and your heart drops to the bottom of the ocean. in trying a new type of braid, you’ve created a knot in kaeya’s hair.
“well?” kaeya asks some time after you stopped. “did you finish?”
he goes to run a hand over the braid and you stop him, quickly lacing it with yours. now kaeya does turn, an eyebrow raised, a pointed glance at your entwined hands.
“not that this isn’t lovely,” he starts, squeezing your hand lightly, “but i do feel like there’s another motive at play here.”
“not at all,” you say, averting your gaze.
kaeya makes to touch his hair with his other hand, to which you also grab and hold in your own.
“okay, [name], sweetling, now i’m a concerned. please tell me you didn’t rip off a chunk of my hair.”
“you would’ve felt it,” you grumble. but then you sigh and shyly tell him, “…but i might have made a knot.”
kaeya studies your face, and after a second, he surprises you by placing a peck on your lips.
“what was that for?” you ask, embarassed.
“because you look so worried,” kaeya responds with a sigh. he worries for you sometimes, he really does. “don’t worry. it can’t be that bad. though,” he glanced at your hands again, still entwined, “i’d find some comfort in finding out for myself.”
you reluctantly release one hand. kaeya touches the knot and reassures you once again it’s really nothing. you both work to get it out before you’re back to braiding it again. though, it’s kind of difficult now.
kaeya still won’t let your other hand go.
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