#it's where they each feature most heavily i guess idk
artyfartyliz · 6 months
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i love when loser brothers are eternally haunted by an elder god who just thinks theyre neat and wants to put them in a box and shake them around. me too tinky. me too.
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vampire-bite · 1 year
“Who did this to you” with Sam and Bright Eyes?
hi so fun fact i was not here for the frederick videos, i never saw them. but i love found family so i read through some recaps and. did my best. idk man, this isnt great but its self indulgent!
i guess im a bright eyes apologist now? i tried to make this pretty neutral cause I havent seen the videos but. i guess im an apologist
i also guess the end of this is open? sam and bright are not completely good with each other by the end of this theyve just started to open up to the idea that theyre more similar than they thought
if you prefer reading on AO3, its over here
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By the time Bright decided to show back up, the sun had already started to rise, enough that—although Frederick had only agreed to rest if he continued to look—Sam could do little more than stand on his porch and watch the woods around him for any sight of the unruly newborn vampire.
They'd stormed off the previous night, and despite the undeniable tension between the two, Frederick had nearly driven himself mad looking for them all day. He still cared about them, and probably always would, no matter what they were like. Sam really couldn't bring himself to be surprised, but he also knew that it wasn't safe for Bright to be out on their own when they were still in the bloodlust.
It had been over twenty-four hours since they’d disappeared, and they were bound to need blood soon. From the less-than-close eye he’d kept on them, he knew they left more time than ideal between feedings, but he hadn’t said anything. 
He recognized the actions, remembered doing them himself, but this was different. The situation was their own fault, and they should have known better.
The light from the rising sun filtered through the trees, meaning they would’ve had no real way of getting back even if they wanted to. He was getting ready to call Vincent and ask if he’d seen anything, when a figure broke through the treeline and practically threw themselves onto the porch to get out of the sun. 
Bright was panting heavily, had burns running down their arms and legs, and, most concerningly, was drenched in blood.
Sam felt his stomach drop at the sight of them, soaked in blood, and he wondered how much of a mess they’d left in their wake. He stared at them, feeling anger bubble up inside of him, and reached forward to grab their arm. “Where have you been? What the hell did you do?”
They just glared at him, yanking their arm away and scowling; it just made his annoyance rise. He wasn’t the one who had run off to god–only-knew where, likely leaving a trail of destruction.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You ran off. Do you know how worried Frederick was?”
Their expression darkened in response, and they snarled, something dangerous crossing their features. “Fuck that,” They cursed, trying to brush past him in a swift movement only for him to grab onto their arm hard enough that they yelped when his hand closed around a burn. 
He couldn’t even bring himself to feel bad, caught up in the anger he felt. “You’ve already been told that you can’t just run off on your own, and this is exactly why.”
“What does it matter? I came back. I’m still alive.” They tried to wrench their arm free from his grasp, and just glared at him when they failed, “I’m not listening to another lecture.”
His voice was darker when he spoke next, angry and harsh, “What. Did. You. Do?”
For a moment, he thought they weren’t going to respond at all, from the way they bared their teeth—fangs out—and how he could practically see their walls going further up. There was a long moment of silence.
Then, before he could say anything else, their bitter voice muttered, “Why don’t you just kill me already, since that’s clearly what you want?”
The words made his blood go cold. They were just trying to provoke a reaction, he knew it, but the words were still disturbing; as much as he didn’t want to dignify it with a response, he couldn’t help himself.
“You think that?”
They paused, eyeing him cautiously for a moment before they nodded and gave him a look like it was obvious. 
“I know it. I can see it in the way you act,” They said, no doubt or even anger left in their tone, just resignation, and it gave him pause, “You want to hit me.”
He reeled back, letting go of their arm and staring at them in horror. Of course he didn’t want that. It was hard to tell whether they were being serious or just trying to provoke him further, but their tone made him lean towards the latter. The words were chilling.
Their eyes were fixed on the ground, so he reached forward to put a hand on their shoulder to try to get their attention.
Once they saw his hand coming towards them, they flinched away, making him freeze.
Suddenly—with all the anger and resentment stripped away from them, without Frederick’s pain and his own self-hatred weighing down on him—it seemed like he was seeing, really seeing, them for the first time. And the person standing in front of him wasn’t the bitter, wrathful newborn who had bitten off more than they could chew. No, in front of him, their body trembling slightly, was a frightened kid.
“Shit,” He muttered, watching them shrink further away from him, “Kid—”
“I’m not a kid! Stop treating me like one!” They snapped, the venom in their voice falling short of hiding the hurt and fear behind it. Sam wondered whether that pain had always been there; if he’d just missed it because they’d done better at concealing it.
He remembered how he’d acted as a newborn, the anger that filled every moment, the pain and hate he’d felt. And suddenly, their actions seemed like more than just a bad attitude. 
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Their eyes barely flickered up to him, a scowl forming at the words. “You know that, right?” He spoke slowly, forcing himself to seem much calmer than he felt despite the guilt starting to build.
He stepped towards them, and they responded by continuing to back away, only stopping when they had almost gotten into the sun. They glanced back, clearly calculating, and then took another step back—apparently unconcerned about getting burned again as they got ready to bolt.
Rushing forward, Sam grabbed their arm and pulled them back against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them to keep them from running.
They fought against his hold, screaming at and fighting against him, but he didn’t budge.
Finally, when they found themselves completely unable to get free, their body went limp, legs giving way beneath them. And then they were crying, sobbing loudly and openly, and all he could do was hold them up as they broke apart.
All the fight had left them; they buried their face into his shoulder as they shook more intensely than before, clinging to him in a way that left him clueless of what to do. Something inside of him twisted violently at the sight of them so torn apart.
“I’m sorry…” They sobbed, tears soaking into the sleeve of his jacket, “It’s all my fault. You’re right to hate me.”
His heart twisted further at the words. The look they gave him, hopeless with guilt, made him feel sick. So he just held them tighter, resting his chin on top of their head and holding them to try to give them any sense of security he could.
Bright continued to shake in his arms, though their sobbing died down into whimpers that sounded like they were in pain; and Sam realized with even more clarity that they were just a kid. A kid who was scared, and angry, and resentful of having their life taken from them. A kid who was hurting just as deeply as he had been. As he still was. 
A kid who he had been failing since they were turned.
And, most pressingly now, a kid who was hyperventilating, breath coming out in short, rough bursts of air.
"It’s okay, kid. I’ve gotcha. Just—” Both blood and tears were soaking his clothes, he felt horribly out of his depth. His voice dropped to a quiet murmur as he tried to be soothing, “You've gotta breathe for me.”
For all of their fronting, when they were like this, he could see how utterly drained they were. He knew they hadn’t been feeding as often as they needed to be, and he was willing to bet they hadn’t been sleeping. They might’ve not needed to, technically speaking, but they were so clearly exhausted that he knew it’d do them good. 
They shook their head, wheezing as they grabbed at the back of Sam’s jacket desperately. He gently rubbed their back to try to get them calm, feeling obligated to at least do that much. “With me. In….And out…”
Their breathing began to even out slowly, still coming out in shaky hiccups but being more steady than the gasping they’d been doing before.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” They just sounded defeated, frame still trembling. “I don’t deserve it. And I don’t want you to pity me.”
He’d be the first to admit that he hadn’t kept as close of an eye on them.
It was just easier, letting them handle themselves with the bitterness they showed everyone. Besides, with the way they isolated themselves, the pain and hurt they caused Frederick couldn’t slip through their bond. But he was beginning to realize that it was likely a mistake.
He shook his head and frowned. “I ain’t pitying you. I don’t hate you, either.”
Really, when it came down to it, he didn’t. Attitude or not, he couldn’t bring himself to truly hate them.  And they were his responsibility.
“And you don’t need to deserve anything. I’m not doing anything except keeping you from having a damn panic attack.”
They didn’t seem convinced. 
Trembling fingers pulled up the bottom of their shirt, revealing several wounds on their torso and stomach, including one that looked like they’d been stabbed and another that looked like the imprint of teeth.
“The blood is mine,” They whispered, voice filled with shame and so quiet he could barely hear it even with his enhanced hearing, “Mostly, at least.”
Oh. Oh.
Suddenly, his earlier harshness seemed cruel. He’d assumed the worst of them. It wasn’t an unreasonable assumption, exactly, but he didn’t know if he’d have jumped so immediately if it had been anyone else.
They looked up at him, expression unreadable, and shrugged. "Someone attacked me."
Nonchalant. Stoic. It was like this was a regular occurrence, like they’d grown used to it.
“Who? Who did this to you?”
They frowned, looking hesitant to answer him.
“Who did this to you?” He pressed, trying to be at least slightly gentle with his pushing at them so that they wouldn’t bolt or panic again despite the force in his voice.
A protective feeling was flaring up in him, something he didn't expect to feel towards the sour teenager. And yet, he couldn't deny the urge to hold them close, make them feel safe; and he knew he had a responsibility towards them in this situation, no matter how either of them felt about it.
Even as he tried to be gentle, they still seemed panicked, shaking against him. He sighed softly, shaking his head and gently placing a hand on the stab wound on their stomach to start healing it. 
“I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do. But I can at least get the bleeding to stop,” He said, voice staying as soft as he could manage, “Talk to me, kid. If someone hurt you…”
They pushed at his chest, scowling once more, “What? You’ll pat them on the back?”
He rolled his eyes in response to their reply, but paused after a moment, a bit of guilt returning as he realized they were being completely genuine. It was almost hurtful that they thought so low of him. But he supposed he hadn’t given them much of a reason to think otherwise.
Keeping his hands firmly against them, one still healing them while the other rubbed soothing circles against their back, he watched them glance down at his hand and go to speak, only to just bite their lip and drop their gaze to the ground.
Their breath stuttered out, uneven as they seemed to melt into the gentle touch. Yet, despite how it was clearly easing them, they pulled away and sat on the edge of the porch. Their legs hung down, dangerously close to the sunlight, for only a moment before they pulled up their legs to their chest. 
A long silence fell between the two before they finally spoke.
“Don’t,” They started, a small whimper leaving them as they pressed their forehead to their knees, “Don’t do that.”
He reached his free hand out, hesitating before placing it against their jaw; he began rubbing his thumb along their jawline as they took another deep, shuddering breath.  They rubbed at their eyes as tears began to form again, and he swallowed thickly. 
Pulling the hand he was using to heal away from them, he looked over the—admittedly messily—healed wounds. The stab wound, at least, was completely healed, as well as the bite mark. Many slashes were scabbed over, but several smaller cuts were still open even if not actively bleeding. 
Brushing their hair out of their face felt like far too gentle of an action, considering their tumultuous relationship, but he did it anyway. “Do what?”
They sniffled, angrily wiping at their eyes once again before pulling their legs closer to themselves, arms wrapped around them tightly as they hugged their legs against their chest. “Pretend to care. I can’t stand it.”
That stung more than he wanted to admit, more than he understood, but he just nodded.
“Not pretending, kid.” The denial came easier than he’d expected, and quicker than Bright had expected if the look on their face was anything to go by. 
Still, they just scoffed, curling in on themselves more as they stared at the sun shining on the ground. They reached out one of their hands, tracing a finger along the edge of the light and staring at it longingly. Sam just watched, frowning, as moving forward and getting the slightest bit of sun on their skin made them wince and recoil before trying again.
Moving closer, he gently placed one of his hands over theirs, holding them down and out of the light. He squeezed them lightly, both to help keep them out of the shade, and to try and offer some form of comfort.
“Can you at least tell me why they did it?” They stubbornly shook their head and he sighed. “C’mon, kid. You’ve gotta give me something to work with here. I want to help you.”
The last part seemed to break them, but the response he got just left him more confused. “Everyone here thinks I’m just a screw up.” Muttered beneath their breath and dripping with unconcealed resentment. Yet, they didn’t look at him, eyes still firmly fixed on the light that they couldn’t truly feel on their skin ever again.
He knew the look in their eyes. He’d felt that same longing for over a decade now.
“There’s something wrong with me,” They whispered, voice breaking slightly, “And I don’t know what it is. But I know everyone can see it. And I know I can’t fix it.”
For all that they had tried to seem strong and rageful, there was an undeniable pain in them that he hadn’t seen before. Now that he had, he couldn’t believe that he’d ever missed it.
Then again, maybe he just hadn’t wanted to see it. It was too similar to the same pain that he had become intimately familiar with; that he felt every day since he was turned.
“I don’t want this. I never would have chosen this.”
He had been feeling thick, stinging guilt the whole time, and it had clouded his mind. It still did. But the sinking feeling that their two situations weren’t so different was starting to weigh down on him as strongly as an anchor. Now he was just feeling sick.  All he could manage was shaking his head and sighing. 
“Let’s get you inside,” Grabbing their hand and helping them to their feet, he tried extremely hard not to think about the realizations he was having, “And out of those clothes.”
As he shrugged off his jacket, they watched him with something like suspicion, which only worsened when he put it onto them. It practically swallowed them, and they just scowled and pulled it around themselves.  
He led them inside, his arm around their shoulder as they wordlessly followed and let themselves be set down on the couch. They looked lost, and smaller than he’d ever seen them; the sight made him pause.
They looked up at him questioningly, head tilting slightly to the side. 
“I don’t hate you. And whatever might’ve happened…. You didn’t deserve this. For whatever that’s worth.”
Their gaze softened, the change slight but distinctly noticeable due to their usual scowl and glare. He turned around before they could see his small smile, leaving to go get them clean clothes.
Luckily, Frederick was still asleep when he slipped into the room, and even with his conflicted emotions, Sam couldn’t stop himself from gently ruffling his hair with a fond look.
“Shit, kid. What have I gotten myself into?” He muttered, staying quiet to not wake him up.
That thought was only intensified when, by the time he had gone back to the living room, he found that Bright was also asleep. Curled up into a ball on the couch and holding tightly onto his jacket that was still around their body.
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Hi Pom💙 This is kind of a weird thing to ask and if you don’t wanna answer I completely understand.
What was your experience with getting diagnosed with autism? Was it hard, did you get diagnosed late, or misdiagnosed? The reason I’m asking is because I’ve been suspecting I have another neurodivergency besides dyslexia (most likely autism and/or ADHD). According to my mom, when I was getting diagnosed, the lady or whoever was diagnosing me said that I didn’t have autism (and my best guess is that they said I didn’t have anything else) but I have a really hard time believing that. I show a lot of traits that do with both experiences (hyper fixation, picky eating, eye contact issues, stimming, the list could probably go on) and it’s hard to believe I don’t have at least one. I know that autism and ADHD is harder to detect in women and I also heard about something called “masking” (which I’m pretty sure I do) so maybe that’s why? Or maybe I’m just a alltistic trying too hard to figure out what’s wrong with myself, idk. I want to talk to a therapist about it but 1) it’s kind of hard to talk to my mom about that stuff and 2) I’m pretty sure she’s ableist and would specifically tell me and my siblings not to do things in fear of people thinking there was “something wrong with us.” I try to talk to my friends about it but ofc, there neurotypical-selves water it down to “everyone does that” or “I do that” or something to ignore my feelings (not shocking bc they don’t like to hear about the things I’m interested either way and I usually don’t tell them because I feel like I’m always annoying them). Anyways, thank you for reading my half question/half rant thing💞. - 💌
Hey friend! I actually get this question more often than people probably think, lol. Unfortunately, my answer is a bit disappointing for many because I went through this process when I was a toddler. I wasn't late diagnosed, I've known since I was a child that I had a moderate developmental delay that was — not much later — labeled Autism. That being said, I have general advice and things to consider.
I think it's great to explore yourself and self-reflect to learn more about who you are and what identities you might possess. However, there is also a tendency as of late to conflate basically all neurodivergency together (not by you, but I'm afraid about the misinformation I see running rampant about what qualifies as an "Neurodivergent" trait). This becomes a problem because there are a few defining traits and features of each disorder, and it's virtually impossible for the person experiencing them to be able to distinguish most of them.
Also unfortunate is that most (good) psychiatrists will require testimony from your young childhood in order to establish a diagnosis. A lot of the distinguishing characteristics are most prevalent in the years you won't remember, which is why late diagnosis is so difficult. This means that, if your mother is unwilling to testify truthfully, a formal diagnosis is going to be a steep uphill battle for you. An expert and a family member are typically needed for a diagnosis, which leads me to my second and most important point.
Consider why you want a formal diagnosis. I've noticed a horribly unsettling trend where people are dramatically underestimating how much that piece of paper can affect your life. Your reliability, your parenting ability, your driving ability, your ability to get a job, your success in academia, your ability to immigrate to other countries, can all be affected by a formal diagnosis.
Autism, unlike more mainstream disorders like ADHD and Dyslexia (both with rich communities and unique struggles), is heavily stigmatized. You have a much higher risk of discrimination than the others. I don’t say this to be all oppression Olympics, but because it’s very important to consider whether you want to open yourself up to that specific brand of abuse.
It sounds to me like you feel that your environment would not welcome a diagnosis even if you had one. I am here to assure you that if you feel that way, it’s unfortunately probably true. That piece of paper does absolutely nothing to make people suddenly start caring or wanting to help you. In my experience, it’s usually just handing them another weapon to use against you.
The sad, upsetting reality is that people who don't believe won't ever believe you, no matter who else agrees with you. And I'm really sorry they are like that. You deserve better. You deserve people who care about your comfort. But I worry that people who seek out a late diagnosis for their own peace of mind are opening themselves up to more harm than they are anticipating.
For these reasons, I tend to only suggest people get a diagnosis if they need formal accommodations. For me, I needed a diagnosis because I was being put in SpEd, I was non-speaking for a decent amount of time, and I needed speech therapy when I did start speaking. As soon as I stopped needing accommodations, my family stopped telling people. Most people in my life have figured it out themselves or just write off my behavior as "quirky" or "odd."
As for masking, I think that's something that is essentially impossible for you to know if you're doing it (well). The idea that any disorder is "unique" for a specific gender has also been mostly debunked, because it's really just whether or not the symptomology is aligned with societal expectations, rather than actually presenting differently. Further, there are men who will present with the "female" Autism (now usually referred to as "atypical" autism). It is, after all, a wide spectrum.
At the end of the day, I believe self-diagnosis is acceptable, and probably the best option for many people. It takes years of self-reflection, investigation into your own childhood, and a lot of trial and error. That being said, I also don't think its necessary to live a full, comfortable life. If you find things people suggest for XYZ disorder help you, then by all means, DO IT. It doesn't matter if you have a pathology or not. Be friends with autistic people if it makes you happier. Enjoy and engage with the community if you want to! Accommodations and advocacy help everyone.
If you want to talk about it more, feel free to message me. Otherwise, I probably won't answer much else here because it's remarkably hard to discuss this stuff generally. Also, I don't know you so I can't really help without a lot more information. Neurotype really is unique to every individual person, and there actually is something to the idea that anyone can have traits from any neurodivergent condition without having a pathology. Most autistic traits are seen in neurotypicals to some degree, but that doesn't make them Autistic.
But again, regardless of pathology or neurotype, you deserve to be comfortable, and you deserve to have the conditions necessary to thrive. That's the most important thing to know. You don't need a psychiatrist for that to be true. I hope you find your answers and some peace ❤️
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jq37 · 3 years
The Case File – Mice and Murder Ep 4
The Case of the Puzzling Painting 
Welcome back to Loam Hall where our Sylvan Sleuths are still hanging out in a room with a dead body. When we left off, Gangie had been snooping into Sly’s conversation about Fletcher Cottonbottom and now, he uses his Criminal Contacts feature to see what he knows, if anything, about a recent return. With a 26 he knows that his family used to be well respected but after the whole business with the insurance fraud and Sly busting it, the family kind of fell out of favor. So Fletcher was in a weird position where he was rich and a part of high society and had enough dirt on everyone to get them to do things for him but couldn’t actually show his face because he was disgraced. Gangie also knows that it’s rumored that Fletcher’s weapons running scheme was actually a front for moving art. 
With regard to more recent news about Fletcher, Gangie was never in direct contact with him but he knows that 3-4 years ago, his most trusted henchmen started going missing--people attributed it to some kind of “Cottonbottom Curse” and that rumor is part of why Gangie decided to get out of dodge in the first place.
Buck does an insight check on the rest of the PCs and, with an 18, doesn’t clock anyone there as especially suspicious (Lars isn’t there but like..it’s Lars). Ian tries to give Squire Badger his last rites but ends up pulling the knife out, putting it back in, flapping blood everywhere with his feathers, and sending Constance into a badger rage. Buck tries to help smooth over things, claiming his big screw up was a new style of avant garde church ritual (Ian appreciates the support--who ministers to the ministers, you know?) and in the process sees his knife for the first time. Which, you know. He obviously suspected before but never nice to see.
While this is going on, Daisy sneaks off to try and check on the secret door and everyone sees her do it/eventually follows her but we’ll get back to her once we check in with Lars who is en route to the kitchen. Once in the hallway, they do a perception check and, on a 15, there are 3 doors and Ally gets to pick one. There’s a kitchen where Gilfoyle is talking to a group, a door where someone is crying behind it, and a door where they can hear nothing. Ally, the galaxy brained genius, goes for the quiet door. That’s the money door and with their ears pressed against the door, they can hear Edwina and Carolyn--the two mice maids that overheard Buck’s conversation with the Badger--whispering about what happened there and wondering if they should pay back the money they were paid to by Buck.
Gilfoyle walks out and sees Lars snooping but on a Nat 20 deception check, Lars is able to play dumb and skate by suspiciousness. Also, with a dirty 20 perception check, when the mice maids leave, Lars sees that they’ve been stealing silverware. 
OK, back to Daisy who is getting to the séance room as quickly as possible. She has two rounds before people catch up to her so she’s trying to make the most of it by Investigating the painting she noticed was bolted to the wall earlier. She first rolls an 11, getting no new information. This is so frustrating to her. She’s good at this dammit! But being around Sly is rattling her terribly. She has feelings for him--strong ones. But she isn’t herself around him. How can she be with him if he makes her so unlike herself? Her introspection is enough to earn her advantage from Brennan on her second roll and boom! 25! Daisy is back. 
With that roll, she notices that the eyes in the painting actually move and can be used as a spying post on the other side. Then Sly runs in and they start bickering immediately. Daisy throws a crystal ball at him and absolutely brains him on a nat 20--the first combat roll of this very RP oriented season. 
Buck and Ian are still in the room with the body for the moment and Buck asks Ian about the first few names on the list Gangie gave him. There were a bunch of members of the Burrows family--a working class family that all died of a consumptive illness. And then the Diggories who died in a carriage accident. The connecting thread? All badgers. Buck then zooms away to follow Daisy, Ian follows, and Lars, seeing them as they leave the kitchens, also follows. 
So all the PCs are in the séance room now and they kinda have the sense of, “OK y’all, we’re all screwed but we’re al screwed together so we better throw our lot in with each other and start working together so we don’t die because no one else here is on our side.” Buck proposes an alliance and they all agree to share info. Sly asks about Buck’s knife and Buck admits it’s his but says he didn’t do it. Sly believes him--not because he wouldn’t do it but because he has no motive (that he knows about anyway. Buck doesn’t spill about the contract). 
Gangie shares the list of names from before with the whole group.It’s like half badgers and then some other critters (full list here). Sly doesn’t share any of his secret info Grant got texted. Daisy and Buck don’t share about the key (though Sly you’ll remember sat her steal it). Buck does however mention his suspicion about the fact that Gilfoyle wasn’t around when Squire Badger gave his speech and Daisy does the same about the fact that he said he would call the cops but the cops haven’t arrived yet. Lar’s remembers that Jez’s husband is gunning for at seat in parliament and wonders if this is related somehow. Daisy mentions the eyes in the painting and everyone is like way to bury the lede dude! Especially when they’ve just all spilled their secrets. Everyone checks on the painting and with a 25 Gangie can intuit that this is probably used to spy on rich people when they’re mid-séance and vulnerable and spilling secrets (which he doesn’t share but Daisy comes to a similar conclusion on her own). Buck on a 23 can smell ledgers (idk how but the DM said so and I’m reporting it) and guesses that that’s where the Squire’s real office is which means that’s probably where the contract he needs to find and destroy is too. 
 The group makes a list of their loose ends which are what’s on the other side of the painting, what’s up with Fletcher, and the smell of ozone. Plus Ian remembers that the date on the bust in the study is wrong and shares with the class. 
Lars tries to get to the other side of the room by ripping the painting off the hinges with a very impressive 26 but there is fully a wall behind it and the noise brings Gilfoyle, Harding, and the Badger kids running. Lars notes that in the stone behind the painting it says “⅓”  and then hurriedly puts the painting back. Daisy thinks that might refer to a secret third floor or basement accessible by the elevator (but my first thought was that there were 2 other spying paintings in the house somewhere).
Everyone in the room hears the Gilfoyle and co. coming and try to act natural. There is a group stealth check that they all tank so heavily that all the suspicious staff and kids need to do to suss them out is roll above a 5.
With that, Lucretia appears, totally buys that they’re doing very important spiritual work in there, and in fact guards the door for them. They use the privacy bought by their very vigilant sentry to plan their next steps. Sly, Daisy, and Ian will check out the study while they rest of them check out the elevator. As they exit, Lucretia asks if they got the answers they needed out of the spirits.
Oh yes, says Daisy, echoing Lucretia’s nonsense prediction from last episode. Either something good or bad might happen. Either way, I’m excited! 
Case Notes
How baller of a player move is it to say a line so poignant that the DM is forced to let you roll with advantage? I have been on the other side of that as the DM and it’s so great. MAD respect to Rekha for that. AND THEN THE DICE COOPERATED. You simply love to see it. 
The other best Rekha line is Daisy to Sly upon being called out about stealing the key in his normal, coy, quippy way: You saw me bitch.
Shout out to Grant also for being constantly on as Sly. The guy is on point always. Impeccable.
I am SO SO SO happy Daisy and Sly are on the same mission team. If I was friends with either of them I’d be like, “This is a toxic relationship, they make you too crazy.” But as an outside viewer I want them to be within crystal ball throwing distance always.  
The question I’m sure we’re all asking: Is Brennan enough of a minx to invoke the butler did it trope? I know everyone at the table is thinking it even if none of them have said it outright. I figured the reason the cops haven’t showed up yet was the storm but who knows?
Two pieces of housekeeping, only Buck and Gangie know what the room behind the painting is with their high rolls and, after the bit of passing it back and forth with Buck, Daisy has the key. 
I really can’t do the bit about Gangie’s mom justice. I wish there was a comedy Emmy for actual play DnD shows so D20 could get the accolades it deserves just for that bit. 
Brennan indicated that the conversation between the mice maids was the most interesting info (Gilfoyle convo to staff was too public to be juicy/they could get the info from one of the many gathered staff people and crying is info on its own--though I am curious about who the crying person was) but I’m wondering what he meant by that. Because the fact that Buck paid them might be interesting if Buck did it. But we know he didn’t. Is it the fact that they were in the room at all? Again, info that the party knows if not Lars specifically.  The fact that they were stealing silverware? What’s Brennan’s game here?
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Iwaizumi, Ushijima and Kageyama reacting to their s/o wearing someone else’s jacket
requested: Hi !! Since requests are open I was wondering if you could write scenarios for Iwaizumi, Ushi & Kageyama with the sweater prompt you’ve written before !! Its the one where the reader borrows somebody else’s sweater/jacket ;; I hope you know which one I’m talking about qkdkwkf but anyways !! Thanks in advanced if you write this request & take care of yourself !!
Thank you for requesting! Who would’ve thought that I still had ideas for this but oh well here you go, please enjoy! I actually still like writing these lol
Also I got a bunch of requests with other boys for this so I guess this will be like aseries or something idk you guys really seem to like these :D
Iwaizumi Hajime:
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Okay so you’re in the same year as him and being thrid-years there are several traditions there are to keep, so one night moste of you meet up to roam the school in the most ungodly hours and do some shenanigans that the younger pupils and teachers would see in the morning.
As you were walking to your meet up point with your boyfriend and his friends, your body was hit by several cold breezes you didn’t expect from a summer night.
You wrapped your small cardigan even tighter around you, but it didn’t do much. (un?)fortunately a familiar figure came up behind you, immediately placing something warm around your shoulders.
“Y/N-chan~ I saw you freezing. Take my jacket for a while.” It was Oikawa, who was smiling as bright as ever. You just thanked him and then proceeded to walk with him to the crossroas in front of your school, where Iwaizumi was already waiting alongside Matsukawa and Hanamaki.
You expected a warm hug and sweet words as a greeting from your boyfriend, but you didn’t get any of it. Instead he just glared at Oikawa like he was already plotting his murder in 50 different ways.
You felt a little kick in your guts but tried to not think any of it, even when Iwaizumi fiddled out of Trashykawas grip when he tried to hug him. Maybe he was just tired and therefore a little moody?
You walked alongside each other across campus, until he suddenly stopped you both so you walked at the end of your group of friends. “Hajime, wha-” But you didn’t get the chance to finish the sentence, because you were caught in surprise as Iwaizumi carelessly took Oikawas jacket from your shoulders and replaced it with his own.
He threw Oikawas jacket straight at him when he turned around after hearing his name being called.
You just look at him confused and bewildered, though you suddenly understand what the whole thing was about. “The jacket-”
“Don’t ever wear his jacket again, yeah?”, he says quietly but assertively as he snakes an arm over your shoulders and pulls you close to kiss the top of your head. “He was lucky I didn’t kill him right then and there, he knew exactly what he was doing-”
“Hajime, it’s fine, alright?” You smile at him and press a kiss on his cheek, but that still doesn’t keep him from ignoring Oikawa for the next hours and possibly days until he’s learned his lesson.
Wakatoshi Ushijima:
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It was a normal day at school. Or so you thought, until the weather suddenly changed frantically and instead of sunshine you were greeted by a cloudy sky and hundreds of rain drops falling from the sky as you stepped outside for lunch break.
You sighed heavily and let your shoulders sink, resignating and preparing yourself for a long and wet run over campus.
Until a friend of yours came up next to you, quickly observed the situation and then placed his jacket over your head as a shield from the rain. “Your hair will look a lot more messier when wet.” he argues and you just thank him with a big smile. Then you both nod at each other as you start to sprint over practically the whole campus to lunch hall. Really, whose idea was it to make this campus so abnormously big?
When you arrived you were laughing and still a little damp, but your friends jacket kept you save from worse. “Really, thanks a lot. I’ll even wash it for you and bring it back tomorrow if it’s not too much.”
So you keep the jacket for the rest of the day. You almost forget about it until the school bell rings and your day is finally over. Well, almost. You get up and make your way to the gym to watch your boyfriend practice before you two would go to his dorm to study together.
But it was drizzling outside so without much thought you took your friends jacket and placed the hood over your head as you walked to your destination.
Ushijima already greeted you at the gates. He was not one to show a lit of emotion, but if you payed closer detail to his features you could see the way he tilts his head when he sees you and honestly this was more than enough for you.
You greet him with as warm hug as usual but he seems a little stiffer than usual, so you pull back and look at him in question. “Toshi, is something wrong?”
He just blinks at you before he points towards your head, which was still covered in the hood. “Y/N, whose jacket is that?”
“Oh! It belongs to my friend. he gave it to me as a shield from the weather and-”
“I don’t like it.” He simply says. You grew used to his straight forward demeanor, but you were still taken aback by his sudden outburst. “What?”
“I don’t think I like it when you wear other guys’ jackets. Something tells me this isn’t something you should do when you’re in a relationship.” You might be imagining things... But was that a slight pout appearing on his lips?
“Toshi...” Without further ado you take the jacket off, before you stuff it in your bag and hug your boyfriend tightly once more. “You’re so cute, do you know that?”
“Next time please ask for my jacket.”, he mumbles as he softly places his arms around your body.
“You were at the other end of the building-”
“Just ask.”
Kageyama Tobio:
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You were very excited. You were about to watch Kageyama at his first official match since you started dating and quite frankly you were a lot more nervous than him, even though you weren’t even standing on the field.
You found yourself shacking all the time, reacting a lot more sensitive to the not so cold weather. It was a bit windy, yeah, but that was it. But the nervousness did the rest to your body so you found yourself shaking all of the time, to the point where you even got goose bumps from just the cold and your constant shivering.
You were outside, trying to calm your nerves with some fresh air alongside some of the other boys of the team. It was Nishinoya who approached you first, his head slightly tilted as he looked at you with big eyes. “Y/N, are you alright? Are you getting sick or something?”
You try to smile at him but your overall situation didn’t really help you in succeding. “I’m a bit cold because I’m very nervous.” you admit, and Noya just instantly nods as he gives you his jacket. “here, you can have mine! And no worries, we’ll definitely ace this game! Just cheer for us, and especially Kageyama! He’s really excited because you’re here!”
Hearing him say those words realxed you a bit and you took his jacket and gently placed it over your shoulders, feeling better about everything in no time. You went back inside to go looking for your boyfriend, when you finally find him stretching and warming up with Hinata.
“I’m sure both of you will do great today.”, you greet them and find yourself looking into two smiling faces. “Of course we will!” Hinata jumps up and down. “We worked even further on our quick so our opponents will have- oh, are you wearing Nishinoyas jacket, Y/N?”
This is when Kageyama finally realizes it. The jacket you were wearing was not his, because his was still laying on the side on a bench. He had a questioning look on his face, but didn’t really comment on it further.
“He gave it to me outside so I could get a little warmer since I was freezing. But I’m feeling better now.” You take it off and place it next to the rest of the teams stuff.
“You can... You can take mine, if you want to.” Kageyama suddenly bursts out and he looks about as red as a tomato when you look at him in surprise. he sounded like he had to violently squeeze these words out of him. “Please.” He then adds, a bit quieter.
You’re still abit surprised, but then you soften and take his jacket with a lot more confidence. “Of course! I’ll cheer you on, alright? Just do your best, as always.” You walk up to kags to press a feather light kiss to his lips and he’s almost to shy to function properly after.
“Just keep the jacket. You don’t need to wear someone else’s anymore. That’s what I’m here for, right?”
You have to laugh as you look up to him. He looks a bit helpless but cute, so you hug him again and promise to do exactly that.
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coffeeshoptalkks · 3 years
nct 127 kibbe types
key: (D) dramatic, (SD) soft dramatic, (FN) flamboyant natural, (N) natural, (SN) soft natural, (DC) dramatic classic, (C) classic, (SC) soft classic, (FG) flamboyant gamine, (G) gamine, (SG) soft gamine, (TR) theatrical romantic, (R) romantic
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the boyss ! ! ! 
taeil: SG? little unsure about this one... i considered R but his limbs are longer than an Rs would be but i would probably say he has a R essence as flowier fabrics like this look good on him
relatively large head in comparison to body
isnt delicate the way a TR would be
also TR lines don’t look great on him
im so sorry i always use ten for TR but like, TRs are freaking hard to type and hes non ambiguous so whoops
you can really see the contrast here
i feel like they always style him as a FG? and he just doesn’t have the yang to handle it 
think all the hair colors, excess excess amount of details that ty wears a lot
johnny: SD - sliGht C undertone 
long and lanky ass balloon man
thats all i got... jk. kinda
not a D, too much yin.
i’ve seen FN but really, hes not frame dominant, just looks tallish with a little squish in him
handles details decently well - oversized isn’t the best look
the reason i said a tiny c essence/undertone is because i prefer him in more minimalist SD clothing, more detail does start to look a little ridiculous (i promise i mean that in the nicest way possible lol, don’t come for my entp ass)
the classic comes in cause he looks PHENOMENAL in traditionally classic lines with a little umph and also looser classic lines (the yin in SD)
i needed to include this masterpiece
taeyong: FG. ah yes, the debate about ty... some argue D but he just doesn’t have the vertical line
(sitting somewhere btween D and FG, but FG fits better)
obviously a yang type
but you immediately remove any sort of natural and SD cause he isn’t wide and he isn’t squishy
doesn’t have the vertical line for a D, even from a lower angle you don’t look at him and go “yes, hes really tall” and thats what Ds are really about
it doesn’t matter how tall someone actually is, its how tall they appear to be, and taeyong just looks his height
think about how well ty carries every concept
thats a FG thing. (i can’t find the exact quote but a staff member said that its really interesting to style ty because u can put so many elements on him without it overpowering him
yuta: FG. if taeyong is a FG then so is Yuta
somewhere on the spectrum between FG and D but has to be put in FG just cause a dramatic’s first and foremost trait is vertical line
my next guess would be SD but really he doesnt have enough yin in him, hes all sharp
but because hes sitting somewhere in between he’s not gonna carry as much detail as a “purer(?)” FG
hes 100% yang based but doesn’t have the vertical line of a pure D
this looks phenomenal
he looks like a friggin anime character excUse me sir
i’m fine no i’m not
doyoung (dongyoung): SD. i’ve seen DC, and i do get the argument, but he isn’t as sharp as a DC would be.
you take a look at this and he just isn’t sharp in the way that seonghwa or vernon are
hes definitely a yang type but hes got an undercurrent of yin 
how do i explain this
SDs actually have a lot more yin than DCs despite them being placed closer to dramatic in a lot of graphs. (you know the ones i’m talking about)
even if you could make an argument for vertical line (as i think doyoung has a moderate to long one)
kai (a DC/C) is over 180 and yes he has a vertical line, but he has more yang than doyoung - hes just more boxy and has less yin
when i’m having trouble typing an idol i start looking really heavily at outfits and how they suit each style
doyoung just doesn’t make classic suits pop in the way a DC would
he looks restricted and needs a little extra yin detail to match 
the neck scarf with the draping absolutely ties this look together and he absolutely rocks it
he just doesn’t give me DC vibes and i really do think that SD fits him better
jaehyun: SC. leaning on pure classic with some sort of yin essence
okay, ngl i had problems with this one
I saw somewhere (probably reddit lmao) that jaehyun has a SD head on a not SD body... and i couldn’t agree more
my first instinct was to go to SD but really, he doesn’t have the vertical line and details don’t feel right
idk if its just how he’s styled but i really can’t find an era where i lOve what jaehyun is in
i genuinely think he’s just a larger boned SC with some SD mixed in with a weird combo of essences
a good example of a SC ish look is this where you can see the moderate vertical line (despite being 5′11/180)
it might be my personal bias coming in but i really do like him in more minimal and somewhat looser clothing opposed to him drowning in details
this confuses me cause it feels like it should work but it doesn’t...
this looks awesome this is pretty darn decent but i still feel like something is missing 
i compared jae’s vertical line to the SC poster boy joshua (svt 5th from the left) and kai (DC/C) and felt they josh’s was pretty similar but really, i wouldn’t rule out any of the classics or SD
idk if its just how he’s styled but i really can’t find an era where i lOve what jaehyun is in
tldr: big boned SC and thats as close as i’m gonna get lol
mark: FG. pretty self explanatory lol
leaning yang but obviously not a natural or (S) dramatic or classic
leaves you with FG
very sharp facial features
sharp sharp sharp
and a decent vertical line (looks his height ish)
rocks pretty much every hair color on the planet
if you asked me to nail down an essence i wouldn’t be able to hes just a FG lol
jungwoo: FN. classic essence
heres my problem with jungwoo... like jaehyun his type gets really ambiguous cause of essences not matching his actual body type (classic essence, FN type in this case)
because really, hes just too tall to be a DC,
too box like for SD
and his skin is much too yin to be a pure D (he is very squish, a true D - wonwoo svt is taught and yang through and through)
and once you rule out DC cause of height you’re kinda left with??
but his vertical line is just too prominent to be a DC, but hes not as shoulder heavy as most FNs and just?
*insert clown face*
a DC wouldn’t carry an oversized outfit like this
i actually like him in stuff like this, if not a little less oversized, he just looks so cozy
this gets close-ish but he looks a tad bit constricted
the reason i finally just gave in to FN is cause its as close as i think i can get. SD and D aren’t right, hes not a SN or pure N (jun svt) and in this pic (and others) you can kinda start to see that he IS actually more frame dominant than you first expect. (think like yanan pentagon, - minus the shoulders - super long limbs, lanky but still relatively squarish)
so FN it is
tldr: FN with a classic essence cause really thats (imo) the closest and best option you have and confused kpop fan 
haechan (donghyuck): G. right now i would put him in pure G but he might hit FG at some point in the future cause he isn’t 21 in international age and his type is still settling
boom vs resonance
okay its not that different but i sWEar hes picked up more yang somewhere
not a SG because his isn’t absolutely massive in comparison to the rest of his body 
chenle i’m looking at you (fifth from the left)
moderate to short-ish vertical line
sharp jawline vs squish face but he doesn’t have the sharp yang of a FG (mark)
just still got some squish on him 
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scottspack · 4 years
Congratulations Jen @jlf23tumble on finishing The Untamed (tomorrow)! Now that you’re done with the show (tomorrow), you can finally dive into the wide and wonderful world of untamed fic!!! I’m ecstatic to be personally curating your reading experience! LET’S BEGIN!
I’ve started off with a list of 5 fics I think you should read in this specific order to 1. get some resolution from the end of the show and 2. get you acclimated to untamed fics! Then, I’ve listed a bunch of fics in different categories for your perusal to read at your leisure! This is an unbelievably long post holy shit brace yourself.
I’m like fairly certain that all of these follow the tv show canon BUT also its very typical for authors to combine many aspects of all of the different forms of canons to their liking. Therefore, I feel like I need to give a quick explanation of a couple things from the novel that show up frequently in fics that idk if you know already or not:
In the book, when Wei Wuxian is resurrected, he is brought back in Mo Xuanyu’s actual body and has his face and everything. Mo Xuanyu was pretty young when he died, I wanna say maybe 17 or 18??? and he was also short and pretty and flamboyantly gay. This is where the references to their crazy height difference come from, but again, I think I tried to include mostly fics that skew more heavily to the tv version where WWX keeps his same body and he and LWJ are more evenly matched physically.
Its novel canon that LWJ smells like sandalwood incense and has golden colored eyes. This is mentioned in like almost every single wangxian fic ive ever read, even if the author said they were strictly adhering to show canon lol
At the end of the novel wangxian run away together and elope! Obviously in the show that’s not how it goes down, but I think a couple of the fics I’ve recced might mention it in passing. (Oh also when they elope they make a pact to fuck “everyday,” a concept that might be mentioned as well.
Obviously, we have to kick it off with some fics that both reunite wangxian and give more resolution to the actual show. If you’re like me, it both took you a while to get all the way through the show AND took 100% of your brain power to remember all of the characters and plot lines. If that’s that case: these fics should be helpful in serving as a kind of emotional refresher for the show to wrap up some loose ends and to dive deeper into some of the things the show glosses over for one reason or another!
1. A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps by hansbekhart (Wangxian, E, 21k) 
The funny part is - and it is a little funny, even if Wei Wuxian has no one left to share the joke with - they never have. Not anything. He has never kissed any part of Lan Zhan besides his slim hands; never been even partially undressed with him anywhere besides a miserable, xuanwu-infested cave. It’s always been like this between them, this simmering need, this desperate understanding: a knowledge so deep that it lives somewhere in his bones, that if he wanted to have Lan Zhan he could have him, and if Lan Zhan wanted Wei Wuxian he could have that too. But they never have.
I found this fic on someone’s blog when they said that it was the definitive fic to read directly after finishing the series so i saved it, read it directly after finishing the series, and felt COMPLETE. Beautifully written, seamlessly fits with canon, and has a super fulfilling resolution. The perfect way to kick off reading untamed fic!
2. One Rogue Spark In My Direction by hansbekhart (Lan Wangji/Xiao Xingchen/Song Lan, E, 5k)
He’d thought, in Yueyang, that they’d seen something in each other, something familiar. That maybe they’d recognized something in him. But it’s been many years, and many things have happened since, and he’s guessed wrongly at other people’s hearts before. Lan Wangji looks back down at the table, at his steaming, bitter tea. He’ll beg if he has to.
In “A Lot Of Edges Called Perhaps” Wangji mentions that he has had sex before and this is the in-universe story of that time and WHEW BABY!!!! AHHHHHH!!! While this fic is like, almost pure smut, I think there is a ton of value to it in terms of emotional perspective on how fucked up LWJ was after WWX’s death. Also, it’s very hot.
3. Gathered Herbs & Sweet Grasses by hansbekhart (Laz Sizhui & Lan Wangji, G, 19k)
Later, when he’s older, it’s this that A-Yuan will remember most: the stretch of silence, the two of them both dirty and shaking with fever, as he looked at Brother Rich, and Brother Rich looked back at him.
This is a fic about Lan Wangji raising Sizhui from when he rescues Sizhui from the Burial Mounds until they bring WWX back to the Cloud Recesses after he’s resurrected. It made me cry about 18 times and I consider it fully canon in relation to the show. I think this gives a lot of emotional depth to the Wangji/Sizhui family relationship that is very important in most fics, so this acts as a good base since the show doesn’t really talk about it too much.
4. Your Name, Safe In Their Mouth by astrolesbian (Lan Sizhui & Wei Wuxian, G, 10k)
“You’ve got a fever,” Wei Wuxian says soothingly. “You just keep still as well as you can. We’ll have you fixed up soon.”
Lan Sizhui recognizes his tone—this is the voice that Wei Wuxian uses on hurt people and young children, a very calm and no-nonsense voice that has none of the mischief and cheer of the way he sounds the rest of the time. Lan Sizhui looks up and meets his eyes, and they are dark, stormy gray, muddled and concerned.
“I’m all right,” he croaks.
“Hush,” Wei Wuxian says, in a low croon, like someone quieting a baby. Then he blinks, and looks away, awkward. “I mean—you shouldn’t speak. You’re tired. Rest if you need to.”
or: lan sizhui gets sick on a night hunt. wei wuxian comforts him. they both have a lot of feelings about it.
The Wei Wuxian and Sizhui bonding fic that I so desperately desperately needed to read. Since we got the emotional depth to Wangji/Sizhui in the last fic, here’s some emotional resolution for Sizhui and his other dad!!!!!!!!!! Scratched the very particular itch of “but have they REALLY talked about what it means that they’re reunited after 16 years???”
5. climbing up that coastal shelf by Sour_Idealist (Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng, & Wei Wuxian, T, 15k)
Jin Ling had begun to suspect years ago that there were parts of his family history that had been crossed out; long streaks of black where Wei Wuxian had been. The truth is more like whole books being brought up from their hiding places again.
Or: Jin Ling tries to figure out what family means, now.
OKAY!!!! Last emotional resolution before I send you on your way to explore! This is the emotional resolution for the other half of WWX’s family. Featuring just a FUCK TON of family feels and a lot of TALKING that this fucked up family needs so damn bad. *chefs kiss* muy delicioso! ALSO i think this is a good introduction to a lot of the naming conventions that are used frequently in untamed fic that took me a while to pick up on!
WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that you’ve gotten some post-show catharsis in the form of a few extremely well-written fics, it’s time for a full rec! I’ve divided it up into seven categories: long fics, smutty one-shots, 3zun (lan xichen/nie mingjue/meng yao) fics, fics about the juniors, family fun fics, some miscellaneous fics, and then some yizhan RPF! I wouldn’t have put any of these fics on here if I didn’t think they were worth reading, BUT! I did mark my particular favorites with asterisks to demark the crème de la crème of the bunch. SO! LET’S DIVE IN!
My Age Has Never Made Me Wise by idrilka (Wangxian, E, 63k) ***
“We hear that His Excellency might be married by summer’s end,” the merchant’s wife says and Wei Wuxian freezes, his heart in his throat. “The Gusu Lan sect has been buying enough red silk and brocade that the merchants in Caiyi can’t satisfy the demand.”
He feels himself grow brittle inside, like a flick of a finger to his temple might make him shatter. His ears are ringing.
“Who’s the lucky bride?” he asks despite himself. His tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth.
Or: The story of a marriage.
I LOVE THIS FIC. YOU MUST PROMISE ME YOU’LL READ THIS FIC. The absolute best kind of slow burn and I think such an extremely accurate representation of the canon material. I’m always surprised by the authors in this fandom’s ability to write shit that is so concretely grounded in the universe. This could and should be a real companion novel. Amazing. I love it. (Also I know you said you’re not into fics that are long just to be long and I think this fic is the exact opposite of that, it’s long but for good reason and has such an insanely satisfying payoff that it’s completely worth dedicating a few hours to!)
The Year of Drought by idrilka (Wangxian, E, 24k)
Wei Ying could not be contained by the walls of the Cloud Recesses, alive again and overflowing with it, bursting like a dam in spring with the force of two lives unspent. And so he had to go. Lan Wangji understands that—he understood it when Wei Ying told him of his plans, looking at Lan Wangji above the rim of his cup with an apologetic smile, like craving freedom was something to apologize for.
Wei Ying would go, and Lan Wangji would see him off; this has always been the only way it could be.
Or: In the absence of Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji waits.
The previous fic but from Wangji’s perspective. Absolutely required reading if you read the other one. Wangji baby.......i love you.....
further than the grave by idrilka (Wangxian, E, 32k)
There is something about grief that turns Lan Wangji numb. He cannot be certain if it is not some kind of defect inside him that makes him so. But just as he grieved his mother’s passing with dry eyes and a stone in his chest, so he grieves Wei Ying: quietly, frozen inside, without tears. Beyond the Jingshi window it might be spring, but Lan Wangji’s body and mind are still held within the winter’s grasp.
As the anniversary of his leaving seclusion approaches, Lan Wangji ponders the nature of grief and healing.
One last fic from the same verse as the previous two, this talks about Wangji post-WWX’s death and then them dealing with the past post-marriage. Its just as good and immersive and amazing as the previous two parts, but this is the only untamed fic that actually made me gasp out loud and if you read this and can guess what it was we will be best friends forever. (There are two other fics in this verse that are also good but these three in particular are god-tier in my eyes.)
Vagabond by xantissa (Wangxian, E, 66k)
Wei Wuxian comes back to Cloud Recesses after a year of wandering the world, hoping to start a relationship with Lan Zhan. He doesn’t expect to come into the middle of a case of sleeping sickness mysteriously killing people, nor does he expect what follows, putting everything he holds dear on the line once again.
OOOWEE CASE FIC! CASE FIC! This is truly the twisty turny intense and INTERESTING type of fic from this fandom that blows my mind. This could fully be a stand alone novel its that good and there’s that much to it. Another one that isn’t long just to be long, it has so much PLOT!!!!! REAL GOOD SHIT!
Seldom All They Seem by Fahye (Wangxian, E, 25k)
or, one hundred and thirty-three principles of the Gusu Lan, pertaining to the state of marriage
He bows to Wei Wuxian, sword in hand, sleeves falling properly. Wei Wuxian bows in return, and the sect leaders begin the opening courtesies, and for all of ten minutes Lan Wangji is under the impression that he is betrothed to a boy who is perfectly normal and acceptable apart from an unfortunate tendency to fidget with his clothes.
That impression does not last.
A canon-divergent fic exploring “what if Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were betrothed from when they were young like Yanli and Jin Zixuan?” It’s extremely good and very compelling and also made me cry multiple times. (The confrontation in the rain doesn’t get any easier even if they’re betrothed!)
Half Cloak & Half Dagger by Fahye (Lan Xichen/Meng Yao, E, 13k)
Jin Guangyao lifts his head and smiles. "I'm considering a problem."
"Can I be of any assistance with it?"
He drops a kiss on Lan Xichen's chest. With the nail of one finger he lightly traces the characters for irony on Lan Xichen's side. "Not this one, er-ge."
A follow-up fic set in the “Seldom All They Seem” universe but focused on xiyao. Has hands down the best written characterization of meng yao in any fic ive read so far. I continuously come back to this fic just to read the absolutely genius way this author writes the Head Bitch In Control of the cultivation world.
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (Wangxian, T, 20k)
Wei Wuxian’s hand jolts, spilling a drop of wine onto the tabletop. “Love?” he croaks, then clears his throat and tries again. “Lan Zh— uh, Hanguang-jun, in love?”
“Have you not heard the story?” the other young woman asks, looking pitying. “You must, it is a truly heartrending tale of star-crossed romance and mutual pining — go to any storyhouse in town, everyone has been requesting a reading of this book.”
“There’s a book?” Wei Wuxian says blankly.
In which the junior disciples (namely, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen, and a reluctant Lan Sizhui) turn to RPF in an attempt to rehabilitate Wei Wuxian's reputation so that he and Hanguang-jun can get together and get married and live happily ever after. It's... surprisingly effective.
I kept avoiding this fic, even though it was really high up on the list of most popular fics in the fandom, bc the premise sounded pretty goofy BUT I finally bit the bullet one day and AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Very very very cute and fun, made me smile like an idiot throughout the entire thing. Heartwarming and very well written!!!
never let me go by yiqie (Wangxian, E, 69k)
Wei Wuxian has certainly hoped so ardently in his two lifetimes, for so many different things, in so many different ways, that he could have summoned the demon to his front door with his bare hands. His eyes wander to Lan Zhan, settle on the back of his head, the blue-black curtain of his hair. Oh, how he has hoped.
Another extremely good and super immersive case fic. If you ever just want to sink really deep into an untamed fic, this is a great one for it.
hunters seeking solid ground by Attila (Wangxian, E, 24k)
“Hanguang-jun,” Wei Wuxian repeats. His heart clenches. He wants—but he’d really meant to have this nightmare stuff down before they met again, so he wouldn’t find himself relying on Lan Wangji’s nearness. He’s not supposed to go back yet. But he’s so tired, and his will crumbles. “Yeah,” he says. “All right. Take me back to Gusu with you.”
You want hurt/comfort? I gotcha hurt/comfort RIGHT HERE!
shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (Wangxian, E, 25k) ***
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says, voice slow and a pitch too quiet. A second later Wei Wuxian understands why. “I cannot hear.”
Or; Lan Wangji is cursed into internal isolation. Their ability to understand one another remains as unwavering as ever.
OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. I have been thinking about this fic nonstop since I read it. It is…..fucking incredible. One of the best qualities of wangxian is that they’re so in tune with each other and able to work so cohesively with little communication and this fic is like “what if we take that and DIAL IT UP TO ELEVEN” and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
I hope that you will come and meet me by feyburner (Wangxian, M, 28k) ***
The second time Lan Zhan said Wei Ying, come back, Wei Wuxian did.
okay so this is literally getting added to the fic rec one day before i send it to you because i just finished it and WHEW BABY!!!!! YES it is just another wangxian post-canon reunion get-together fic, BUT 1. i cant get enough of that specific brand of fic and 2. ITS SO GOOD. ITS. SO. GOOD. achingly tender and incredibly soft but also funny and sweet and very in-character! i love it!
Sweet Night by corteae (Wangxian, E, 10k)
It was like coming back to life again, like being restitched into existence, cell by cell, nerve by nerve. From the surface of his skin to the marrow of his bones, everything new and purposeful. Like being pulled back from oblivion into an embrace of pure light. A feeling of absolute asylum.
That’s what it felt like, to realize Lan Wangji was in love with him.
An in-show au of “what if they just admitted they’re in love and fucked during episode 43?” Soft and romantic and hot!
the crucial point by dissembler (Wangxian, E, 7k) ***
Months after parting on the mountain, Lan Wangji makes up his mind, plots his course on a map, and has faith.
I LOVE THIS FIC! Very realistic and sweet wangxian reunion fic from wangji’s perspective. Has so many good little details and is very true to their characters. Good shit. Great.
Stainless by Fahye (Wangxian, E, 6k)
"I'm starting to feel," says Lan Xichen, "that this was a counterproductive suggestion."
Wei Wuxian looks down onto the pristine, tranquil cold springs of the Cloud Recesses. Sitting in the water, their bare shoulders rising like dumplings carefully spaced in a steaming-basket, are a large number of Lan disciples.
"They seem to be doing better," he says, encouragingly. "If they--oh, no, I see what you mean."
At the near bank, someone has pressed someone else against the rocks and is kissing them frantically.
What is getting into a new pairing if not an excuse to read sex pollen in new and exciting ways!
To Recklessly Confess by la_dissonance (Wangxian, E, 8k)
Lan Wangji has a fantasy. Wei Wuxian gets several clues.
The “what if they just fucked in episode 43” au but from a different angle.
all the depths of me, real by northofallmusic (Wangxian, E, 15k)
Wei Wuxian is dealing with a curse a little worse than he'd like to let on, and Lan Zhan is a little less than willing to let it slide.
Another “what if they just fucked in the show” fic, this time set when WWX has the curse on his leg and Wangji has to carry him back to the inn. 
Every Day, Learning More by phnelt (Wangxian, E, 6k)
The pink was high on Wei Wuxian’s cheeks. “I mean I haven’t been able to… that I can’t. Not without you.”
Lan Wangji stared. “In this body, the whole time you’ve had it -- you’ve never…”
Wei Wuxian kicked his heels into Lan Wangji’s back. “I just said that!”
I knew at least one of these was more book verse than show! WWX hasn’t been able to jerk off in his new body, LWJ helps him out :-)
the meaning of the ritual by newamsterdam (Wangxian, E, 8k)
“Lan Zhan… wants to bed me?”
The hand on his chest is shaking, slightly. “Mn.”
“Oh,” Wei Wuxian breaths out.
There’s something— something powerful, about that. Lan Wangji wants to bed him. Lan Wangji wants to sleep with him. Lan Wangji wants to touch him, and kiss him. The immovable, implacable Second Master of Lan, with a face and principles both carved from jade, wants him.
“Is this a fantasy of yours?” Wei Wuxian asks. “Forcing all the demonic energy out of me with your—”
Lan Wangji claps a hand over his mouth. “Silence, now.”
When the entire cultivation world turns against the Yiling Patriarch, Wei Wuxian makes a risky gamble— he'll agree to participate in an ancient ritual for cleansing the spirit, so that his character can no longer be called into question. The catch? He has no idea who his partner for the ritual will be.
This is also book-verse! As the tag says “Let Lan Wangji Fuck the Yiling Patriarch”!!!!!!!!!!!
Hurricane by gdgdbaby (Wangxian, E, 6k) ***
"Haven't you heard?" Nie Huaisang replied, clicking his tongue, though he was clearly pleased that he could be the one to break the news. He leaned in to announce with a dramatic flourish: "Lan Wangji just took emergency family leave this past weekend."
WANGXIAN AS SPIRK STAR TREK PON FAR AU!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEWOO WEEWOO WEEWOO!!!!!!!! This was actually recced to ME by CHI and I have not stopped thinking about this fic for a full month. It’s like author gdgdbaby sat down one day and was like “Tumblr user Liv Scottspack deserves everything she wants in this life.” and then wrote this fic. Thank you author gdgdbaby, I love you.
The body is a blade by rheawrites (3zun, E, 2k) ***
In which Lan Xichen is taken by surprise, Nie Mingjue takes what he can get, and Meng Yao gets what he wants.
This was the first 3zun fic I ever read and whew baby, got it in one! It’s actually a slight AU but it gets their characterization so right and is a very fun read. One of those fics I go back to frequently because it does so much with so few words.
shang tiantang by fuckwarlock (3zun, E, 4k)
They wanted so much, and with the way A-Yao gasps at the saber-calloused hand unfastening his belts, he does, too. The night air twirls with the scents of osmanthus and cinnamon and melon. Lan Xichen smiles, leans in, and ghosts his lips over the crook of A-Yao’s neck. What kind of brother would he be if he didn’t give A-Yao what he wanted? “I think it’s your turn to ascend, A-Yao.”
The Venerated Triad celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival the best way they know how.
Truly the only way the venerated triad works is if meng yao gets Destroyed :-)
Favour and Fate by soulgusttheguardian (3zun, E, 8k)
There have been times in Meng Yao’s life when he couldn’t help but wonder how he came to be in his current situation. Found himself reflecting on the choices leading up to whatever misfortune had befallen him that day, and pondering why fate hated him so.
Granted, there had also been times when he couldn't help but wonder just what he had done to earn the favour necessary to be rewarded with certain things...
The current situation he found himself to be in, however, was definitely the latter.
More of the same! Truly I personally can never get enough of the 3zun dynamic in smut fics its just too goddamn motherfucking GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
the stars do not take sides by everyearning (3zun, E, 4k)
Mingjue isn’t sure he’s ever seen Xichen do anything other than treat the boy like a porcelain doll and it’s laughable to him, to think of Meng Yao as something breakable, instead of the sharp, deadly object he is.
Okay one last “Destroy Meng Yao” 3zun fic! Enjoy!
never as alive as we are right now by ThirtySixSaveFiles (3zun, E, 12k)
Three perspectives on three sworn brothers, at three different times in their relationship.
(Or, three times 3zun got it on and some of the feelings they had along the way.)
Wait actually I want to end the 3zun fics on this one because it has true Emotional Resolution at the end and I think they deserve a little healing.
A Civil Combpaign by Ariaste (Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui, T, 20k) ***
“And,” said one of the pompous ministers, “there’s the matter of a marriage to consider as well!”
Jin Ling, who at the beginning of that sentence had expected to slam into the very last wall of his patience and lose his temper entirely, paused. “A what?”
Thing was… it wasn’t such a bad idea.
A MUST-FUCKING-READ!!! Jin Ling gets it in his head that as sect leader he should get married and sets his sights on Lan Sizhui. I cannot stress enough how FUCKING CUTE this fic is!!! Sizhui being the best boy! Jin Ling having more uncles than he knows what to do with! Jiang Cheng being the worst at relationship advice! It’s so fucking good it love it so much.
Anyway, Here’s Wuji by kakikaeru (Lan Jingyi/Lan Sizhui, T, 18k)
The melody gets a little clearer when he breaks out of the trees, and Jingyi changes course with certainty, barreling down the back hill and through the Cloud Recesses, dodging scandalized disciples left and right. He throws open the doors to the Receiving Hall without announcement and bows nearly double, eyes on the floor instead of on the shocked faces of the Mei delegation and the impenetrable gaze of the Chief Cultivator.
"Forgive this disciple," Jingyi shouts, because he's going to get punished for rule breaking regardless. "From the back hill, Hanguang-jun, there is a song in the wind!"
Lan Jingyi comes of age.
A Jingyi-central fic about Jingyi growing up and falling in love and being a hero and being the second best boy of my heart right after Sizhui. Not only is this fic sweet and romantic but it’s another one that explores a lot of interesting things within canon and all of the supporting characters are written very well and are just as interesting as second best boy Jingyi.
Ok, JiuJiu by kakikaeru (Jin Ling/Ouyang Zizhen, T, 16k)
Uncle's jaw works in the way that suggests he's about to say something irredeemable. Jin Ling, in a move of diplomacy he hopes the Chief Cultivator appreciates, distracts him with spicy food and his favourite subject: the incompetence of his own officials.
"I hear the lakes in the south east are having drainage problems?" he asks nonchalantly, sticking three big slices of braised pork belly into his Uncle's bowl.
Jin Ling just wants to get through the Discussion Conference with his Sect, his dignity, and his heart intact.
A follow up fic to “Anyways, Here’s Wuji.” I LOVE the Jin Ling/Ouyang Zizhen dynamic of Jin Ling having been raised by Jiang “I keep all my emotions right here and then one day I’ll die” Cheng AND being hopelessly charmed and smitten with Ouyang “President of the I Love Love Romance Novel Book Club” Zizhen! I LOVE IT! EXTREMELY CUTE!
Lan Sizhui's Guide to Courtship by Kimblydot (Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi, T, 23k)
In which Jingyi is a little oblivious, Sizhui is patient (and should have said something in the beginning), and everyone else is resigned to watching them dance around each other for far longer than necessary.
(Or: five things Sizhui tries to do in his courtship, and the one time Jingyi realizes there was one happening in the first place.)
I’ll stop describing fics about the juniors as being “cute” when they stop being SO FUCKING CUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
His Merit All My Fear by violettressed (Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi, G, 16k)
It’s too late for any of Hanguang-Jun’s rabbits to be awake -- one of the sundown chores for young disciples is to herd them back into their hutch -- but the rabbit field is as good a spot as any for quality sulking, so Lan Jingyi makes his way there.
Someone has beat him to it.
Lan Jingyi stares at Hanguang-Jun. Hanguang-Jun stares passively back.
When Lan Sizhui is swept away with the Ghost General, off on a new adventure, Lan Jingyi is the one who returns to Cloud Recesses alone.
Not only another extremely cute Sizhui/Jingyi fic BUT one that includes a Wangji/Jingyi friendship??? Incroyable! *chefs kiss*
spirit running wild by idrilka (Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi, E, 17k)
He doesn’t know, exactly, when the friendship he shared with Sizhui over the years has changed into something that’s made Jingyi finally understand why Hanguang-Jun always wears that expression whenever he looks at Senior Wei. There hasn’t been one single moment that he can point to and say, yes, this is where it started, because the thing about falling in love with your best friend is that it happens gradually, until it’s impossible to tell which step has been the deciding one.
Jingyi goes to Baling with a crush.
Written by the same genius that wrote the first three fics I made you read so you know it’s good. Its truly the childhood best friends to lovers of it all! Sizhui is adorable and Jingyi is a mess! *muah!*
Grow by cafecliche (Lan Sizhui & Wei Wuxian, T, 14k)
“Okay,” Jingyi says, as Sizhui puzzles this out aloud. “Okay! So the demon has been turning its victims into children.”
“I think so,” Sizhui says.
“To make them easier prey,” Jingyi says.
“Yes,” Sizhui says.
“So—” Jingyi’s voice cracks here, “this kid is Senior Wei.”
Wei Wuxian, still tangled in his own massive robes, blinks politely at them.
(Or: Wei Wuxian is cursed on a night-hunt, and the junior quartet rapidly finds themselves in over their heads.)
What I expected to be a goofy, silly fic turned out to be extremely emotional and made me FULLY CRY! It’s a very moving fic about Sizhui coming to understand himself and Wei Wuxian a lot better AND features all of the juniors arguing over who’s turn it is to hold 6 year old Wei Wuxian. A true win/win of a fic.
To The Act of Making Noise by words-writ-in-starlight (Lan Sizhui & Lan Wangji, G, 19k)
His father in white plays the song late into the night, and when A-Yuan wakes up confused and afraid, the guqin lulls him back to sleep.
Lan Sizhui hears his father play the same song every night for his whole life, and never, ever get an answer.
Another very moving and heartwarming fic about Lan Wangji raising Sizhui and Sizhui figuring out Wangji’s past and then eventually reconnecting with Wei Wuxian. It’s cute and soft and Sizhui is my best boy!
History (Proud To Call Your Own) by words-writ-in-starlight (Wen Ning, G, 5k)
“A-Yuan? Um—Lan-gongzi,” Wen Ning corrects, trying to set a good example. The children are young, seven and eight, exactly a dozen of them lined up in two crisp lines of tiny blue and white robes. Wen Ning can feel them staring at him, even though most of them have already mastered that Lan trick of neutrality. The smallest, a little girl with liquid dark eyes, is clinging to her nearest shijie’s sleeve and half-hiding. “Can I—what can I do for you?”
Wen Ning gets himself recruited for services, while he and Sizhui are visiting Cloud Recesses. Wei Wuxian gets a fan club.
Set in the same universe as “To The Act of Making Noise,” a very cute fic about Wen Ning finding his place in the post-canon world and being proud of Sizhui and being the world’s best substitute teacher. As the official Wen Ning Fan Club President, I had to include this.
the stone-filled sea by yukla (Lan Sizhui & Wei Wuxian, T, 9k) ***
He forgets how quickly Wei-qianbei changes faces, sometimes. Like pulling a theater mask over a bruise—color over color, a diversion with the swipe of his hand.
Lan Sizhui navigates a world that hates his father, one endless wave at a time.
Oh man oh man. I will never get enough of the fics where Sizhui (and the rest of the juniors) get ANGRY on Wei Wuxian’s behalf!! That’s their dad and their teacher and their friend and they will DEFEND HIM!!! YEAH BAYBEEEEEEEEEE!!!
This Side of Paradise by greenfionn (Wei Wuxian/Wen Qing, E, 3k)
Wei Wuxian does some very quick math in his head that goes something like this: He is pretty sure he’s in love with Lan Zhan - Lan Zhan is not here and likely never will be here - Wen Qing is here, not to mention very hot and let us not forget, actually interested in sex with him - there’s a solid chance he goes genuinely crazy or dies, or both, in the next few months and really, who wants to die a virgin?
Listen.......the fic premise is “Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing, noted bisexuals, figure life sucks enough at the Burial Mounds, they might as well have any fun they can before they die” and........I Am Looking Directly At It. It features Wen Qing bossing Wei Wuxian around and Wei Wuxian’s canon he-wants-to-be-pregnant kink. It’s........I liked it.
palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss by iodhadh (Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen, M, 15k) ***
The realization strikes Song Lan like a bolt of lightning: Xiao Xingchen laughs, and he wants with a sudden, stunning desperation to kiss the mirth from his beautiful mouth. How, precisely, he is meant to manage that—that, he has no idea at all.
Or: introspective meditations on touch, trust, and the problem of desire.
I Am Baby and for some reason cannot handle how sad the entire Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen storyline ended up so I rarely read songchen fics, and when I do they’re always soft pre-canon fics like this one. Luckily there are some very beautiful and moving pre-canon songchen fics!!! I love you fandom!!
purpose and ritual by iodhadh (Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen, E, 8k)
Song Zichen has beautiful hands. He's a powerful swordsman, strong and skilled, unfairly impressive and unreasonably handsome. He is devoted and self-disciplined and he takes direction like a dream. And he doesn't touch people—no one at all, if he can help it, except for Xiao Xingchen.
The poets might call him a saint, but Xiao Xingchen is so very, very human.
More of the same :-)
born to sweet delight by la_dissonance (Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen, E, 10k)
Xiao Xingchen lightly jumps into the center of the pool, the water a shock that cools his sticky, heated skin, and does nothing for the heat building inside him. When he surfaces, pushing the hair out of his face, he finds Song Lan's gaze and meets it. Between them, everything goes both ways. What Song Lan will offer, Xiao Xingchen will freely give too.
Or, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan meet, pledge their lives to each other, and then fall in love.
This is about the angstiest I will go for songchen and its still absolutely Baby Soft lmfao!!!!!!
Pin it down by rheawrites (Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixuan/Nie Mingjue, E, 2k)
“Yanli, I did not lie on our wedding night. You are the only woman I have gone to bed with. But… there was a man.”
“Oh?” Yanli blinks up at him. She does not appear horrified, or betrayed, which is surely a good sign.
Jin Zixuan swallows. “It was Sect Leader Nie,” he says quickly, as though that will make it easier.
“…Oh,” says Yanli, and her eyes are dark.
Jin Zixuan tells his wife a war story. Or, two thousand words of Jin Zixuan getting railed.
Have you ever looked at Jin Zixuan and been like “I bet that mf likes getting PEGGED!!!!!!!!” Well here’s the fic for you. 
never really over by gdgdbaby (Yizhan, E, 10k)
The thing is: it would be good to see Xiao Zhan again — if Yibo could just trust himself to be normal.
Author gdgdbaby is the yizhan master, so here are five of my personal favorites of their fics, starting with this post-filming reunion fic that was the first yizhan fic I ever read and HIT real good after having just finished the show myself.
pedagogy by gdgdbaby (Yizhan, E, 17k) ***
Yibo opens his mouth and says, "I want to learn," barreling past the rapid rise of Xiao Zhan's eyebrows. "To last longer. Will you teach me?"
Quick-fire Yibo comes too easily and Xiao Zhan helps train him to last longer :-)
you’re the reason that i just can’t concentrate by gdgdbaby (Yizhan, E, 10k)
Xiao Zhan hears about it from Yu Bin, which probably should've been the first warning sign.
Yibo was only 20 when they filmed the untamed, which lends itself perfectly to fics like this.
a truth so loud you can’t ignore by gdgdbaby (Yizhan, E, 5k)
It's their last day of filming in Hengdian when the secret comes out.
If yibo has to be a fictional virgin than SO DOES XIAO ZHAN!
if you would only let you by gdgdbaby (Yizhan, E, 32k) ***
"Well?" Yibo demands. Past the severe frown tugging at the corners of his mouth, a flicker of the old him slips through, the persistent boy who shoved his way into Xiao Zhan's space without a second thought and made a home for himself there. "Are you coming or not?"
Xiao Zhan's heart twists. He forcibly settles it back in his chest. He's only told Yibo no once in his entire life, and it was already the hardest thing he's ever had to do. "Okay," Xiao Zhan murmurs, quiet but decisive, and thumbs his phone off. "Let's go."
Like I said, all gdgdbaby fics are incredibly good, super well written, and very hot, but this one does stand out from the bunch for being a Full Epic Romance! This is one of Chi’s favorite fics so that should speak to it’s quality!
baby, who’s counting by nobirdstofly (Yizhan, E, 12k)
Xiao Zhan gasps, trying to rein in another peal of giggles. “What do I owe you anyway?”
Yibo shrugs one shoulder, and his smirk deepens. “Haven’t decided.”
Xiao Zhan’s still staring at him, laughter gone in his dry throat, when he hears someone yell for a reset. Yibo’s eyes are so, so dark, and he hasn’t stopped watching Xiao Zhan this whole time. Xiao Zhan swallows, nods, and pushes every dirty thought out of his head.
(Or: Yibo bets Xiao Zhan he'll break first during a take, Xiao Zhan loses, and it's all downhill from there.)
Ah sex bets, who doesn’t love sex bets!
Mystery Dance by mrsronweasley (Yizhan, E, 16k)
"That? That's your confession?" Yibo's toppled onto Xiao Zhan's side and is clutching his shoulder, trying not to fall over. "That's pathetic!"
"Oh, what, you can do better?" Zhuocheng is pretty flushed and there's a challenge in his voice that Yibo just can't walk away from.
"Hell yeah, I can. Hit me, Yu Bin." Yu Bin cheers and refills Yibo's shot glass. "All right!" Yibo downs the shot, gags only slightly, and says, "Everyone! I'm a fucking virgin!"
WHAT’S better than a Yibo virgin fic? A SECOND YIBO VIRGIN FIC!
This author also writes extremely good yizhan threesomes so here’s three of them!
Some Nights by mrsronweasley (Yizhan/Xuan Lu (Jiang Yanli), E, 2k)
Xuan Lu opened her legs to him and Xiao Zhan wasted no time diving in. He pressed his mouth against her pussy, licking her out steadily as her thighs trembled around him. She was nestled between Yibo's legs and if Xiao Zhan looked up, not only could he see the planes of her body, her small breasts going up and down with her breathing, ribs expanding, her tipped back head and open mouth, but Yibo, gaze boring into Xiao Zhan's as he ate Xuan Lu out.
The entire cast is hot and there is no reason they shouldn’t ALL fuck! Not one reason!!!!!!
gege loves you by mrsronweasley (Yizhan/Wang Zhuocheng (Jiang Cheng)), E, 7k)
"We are very sorry," Xiao Zhan murmured as he unbuttoned Zhuocheng's jeans while Yibo kissed his ear, "for how we've been acting."
"Is this how you apologize to everyone," Zhuocheng panted, hands already going for his zipper to help Xiao Zhan along, "or am I special?"
WHEW LORD!!!!!!!!! WHEW!!!!!!!
Talking in the Dark by mrsronweasley (Yizhan (Side Xiao Zhan/M/F), E, 14k)
Xiao Zhan has a light-hearted romp of a threeway with some friends, then makes the mistake of telling Yibo. It goes down.
A non-yizhan threesome BUT features jealous!yibo which is a ton of fun.
Finally, a couple AUs!
With Joy and Purpose by feenwitch (Yizhan, E, 30k) ***
Yibo has been alone for approximately five Earth years when Xiao Zhan crash lands on his planet.
YIZHAN ANDROID AU!!!!!!!! This is a very star trek-esque universe which is fun, but the fic itself is also CRAZY interesting and moving and beautiful!!!!!!!!! It’s A LOT! This was a rec from Nina, so thank you Nina!
Bound With a Same-Heart Knot by mrsronweasley (Yizhan, E, 59k)
London, 1892. Xiao Zhan, a promising young attache at the Chinese embassy is tasked with showing the new ambassador's son Wang Yibo around London. The inevitable happens.
Victorian AU! I actually think you already read this, but included for posterity.
AND SCENE! This is the result of two months of daily fic reading, having 50 tabs of fic open at any given time, reading truly anything and everything, and Loving The Untamed. I’m SO EXCITED you’re diving into fic for this show and I can’t wait to talk to you about all of them and to have someone to scream with! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
72 notes · View notes
scouts-mockingbird · 3 years
Fic Facts!
Thanks @lawlessferalgayor the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28 on one account and 33 on the other
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
965832 across both accounts
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Hmm... around 10 probably? Including things I didn’t publish because they weren’t very good lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That Girl I knew with 644. It’s a post-canon heathers fic where JD lives and he and Veronica accidentally move into the same apartment building, featuring my favorite cat I’ve ever written.
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades with 404. It’s a heathers fake dating au/christmas fic that’s very soft.
Saving Souls with 322, it’s a heathers ghost hunting au where Veronica is a medium. It’s one of my earlier works and uh... that shows lmao
Someone Else’s War with 259 I... god I love this fic. It’s a strange Heathers au with superpowers and dystopian vibes
(On my other account) No Answer Will Be Heard to the Question No One Asks with 257. My first spn fic. it’s a post-canon fix it situation that I’m actually very fond of.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
The Kind of Tired Sleep Can’t Cure. It’s one of my Haven fics and like... I mean no one dies but no one comes out of that one happy.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Uhhhmmm.... I guess probably Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. The ending is very soft and sweet. I smile when I read it
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I have. Saving Lives and The Victim Gets His Way both feature characters from musicals a little cringe lol but I do like the fics.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes I definitely do. Idk about what kind, it really depends on the characters and what their dynamics are, I’m always trying to work within that.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Depending on my mood and how much the comment gives me to work with, my responses might be more or less effusive, but I always like to thank people for taking the time to comment.
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah, I’ve received different random things. Sometimes I make dramatic choices for my fics that people don’t vibe with. I also recently got a comment that was... just disgustingly transphobic. I have no idea what about this fic set this terf off but it was horrible. Although they did say that they liked the fic, they were just upset that I was “not a real woman” whatever the fuck that means.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not really
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone reached out a while back about translating one of my heathers fics into Mandarin but I have no idea if it happened or not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, but I share the Mark and Mazz au with @penguinpatrolerarmy and we both wrote fics for it. It’s very near to my heart.
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
I don’t really have an all time favorite, I tend to just vibe heavily with my hyperfixation. I’ll always love Threegulls from Haven, JD and Veronica from Heathers, and uh... well to be honest I’ve been super into Destiel lately. The hyperfixation wants what it wants I guess
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Watching Supernovas, Starfall, Don’t Look the Other Way. I love the ideas but for various reasons don’t think I can return to them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions! in particular I’m proud of my descriptions of pain, it’s a weird thing but I think I do pretty well with those.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I hate it when people have to talk to each other, please just communicate with eye contact.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it, and I always try really hard to do my research and get it right, but I know there’s plenty that’s not great. I don’t include translations though, I like to let context carry it if I go for it.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Phantom of the Opera. I don’t think the fic still exists though. On here, Heathers.
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
That Girl I Knew remains one of the most important things I’ve ever written. It really helped me heal from some things and to this day it’s still something I find extremely comforting. I also really really love the series I’ve been working on lately for spn Lost in the Wilderness I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do it, please do and tag me, I love reading about other writers :)
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asteroiideae · 4 years
1, 4, and 7 for the meta writer ask!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Right now, I’m primarily writing on text-based rpg forums (specifically a Harry Potter one, at the moment, because I’m still a basic sixteen year old at heart I guess lol) but I’ve recently started writing a series of vignettes based on my Scum & Villainy TTRPG party, which has also been a lot of fun! It’s difficult to measure “progress” on my text-based rpg writing, but I’ve been on the same forum for about six months now, running 12 characters, and nearly all of them are heavily involved in the plot, which I consider an accomplishment! My S&V vignettes I’ve only just begun -- debating whether or not anyone would be interested in reading them/whether I should post them up anywhere. I think what I love most about both projects is that they’re purely collaborative! I’m working with other people, their concepts, their goals, and I have come to absolutely adore using my writing (and improv) to support other people’s creative pursuits. ** gonna go out of order so I can drop my writing under a read more, if I can lol 7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree? Oh man this is such a difficult one to answer???? I don’t really spend a lot of time thinking about my writing style, honestly. I tend to write from my gut -- I don’t pre-plan a lot, I just immerse myself into my character and then whatever gets written down is what’s happening? (pour one out for my writing partners who get a rough 20 minute response without my proof-reading or editing!) But I guess probably what I’d say I’m known for in my writing circles is my strong sense of character? I’m pretty good at shifting language/pacing/style to suit whatever character voice I’m attempting to convey, and I spend most of my focus on developing those voices. lol idk I don’t consider myself particularly gifted at, or known for, anything beyond that. (Maybe, negatively, I’m bad about utilizing setting. Where the fuck is this scene taking place???? I sure as shit don’t know. I’ve been trying to work on improving that, though.) 4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like) 
Jess, you really came in with the ones I knew I’d struggle with! lol I tend not to be shy about things I know I do well, but I always squirm a little when asked what I like about my writing, for some reason. But! I’ll share two recent pieces that I liked -- gonna drop them under a read more, but I’ll say what I like about them here. 1. The first is a post from my Harry Potter rpg? I really liked it because I don’t often write hardened/wearied characters in such long-standing relationships? So getting to do an entire thread between a mutually-battered couple cleaning each up after a fight is shockingly intimate, and heart-warming, and idk I really love the way this post in particular came out, as a result. 2. I wrote this literally last night as a warm-up! In my Scum & Villainy game I swap between playing twins, and I hadn’t gotten to play as Ditha for several months, so I wanted to get back into her headspace -- which I did by writing something not in her POV? It’s very short, but I love how neatly it captures and introduces who Ditha Thorn is as a woman, without being long or complicated. from this post, if anyone else wants to receive a novel about my writing I guess.
1. Csilla Voronin & Alastor Moody (from Lightning Struck Itself)  Csilla Voronin looks down at Alastor Moody, and raises her eyebrow just a fraction. "I'm in better shape than you are." It's probably true; she's still got all her parts attached, and only the one (admittedly larger and absolutely cursed) wound to contend with. What it isn't however, is entirely true. Csilla is good at lying to everyone but this man, which is why she usually deflects rather than tries to outright tell him an untruth. Her fingers gently run through Alastor's blood-matted hair. It's not worth pressing him to see someone tonight; not in the least, because she wants to tuck him into bed as badly as he wants her to. "Alright." "As if I've ever been paid a wage." The retort comes easier to her lips than the more honest answer: nothing about this relationship is above, or below, her. She draws her fingers from his hair, now safely pushed back from his ear, and studies the mess; sighs, a sound more empathetic than anything else. "It's going to hurt like a bitch." As she draws away, Csilla drops a brief kiss into the crease of Alastor's forehead, using her forearms against the tub to push herself upright. She picks up her wand in one hand, and disappears through the door into the hallway beyond - only to return a moment later with the first aid kit from the kitchen table. She drops the thing onto the sink, and begins to rummage through it. Alcohol wipes, and gauze, tumble out of the kit and into her hands, and she tucks a few between her palm and her wand. "Were you going to ask me something?" She reaches for the distraction, even as she pauses to shimmy out of her trousers, and drops them unceremoniously atop the messy sink. The first aid supplies go onto the toilet lid, while she toes out of her socks. "Or are you just tired?" Either is possible, but Csilla privately suspects the latter. Free of her socks, she balances one hand on the side of the tub, and carefully sets one foot in, nudging Alastor until she can lower herself into the water, knees trapping his thighs between them. She summons the first of the alcohol wipes into her hand with a lazy flick of her wand, and carefully tears it open. All the warning he gets is a steady, apologetic, glance -- and she presses the wipe to the soot-and-blood caked remains of his ear. Her free hand holds his shoulder back against the porcelain, and her legs pin him mercilessly down. Better to get it over with quickly, than to draw the affair out. 2. Ditha Thorn, Scoundrel (from Scum & Villainy; The Morning Glory) It’s just warm enough that the air carries the earthy aroma of cow dung; it’s hardly romantic, but that’s what spring smells like - the ground thaws, and with it, the excrement from innumerable livestock herds. The young woman sprawled on the faded plaid blanket doesn’t seem to notice it, though. She’s leaned back on her forearms, long hair brushing the blanket as she tips her head back to look at the stars. Beside her, a similarly aged boy traces a shape in the air. “Do you see it? Right there, that little blinking light.” He jabs his finger at the sky suddenly, a grin spilling out over his features. “That’s the place, I think. If they’ll take me, I’ll go there to train.” The girl’s expression cools as she narrows her eyes on that point; the youthful curves of her face going hard with disapproval. “What if they don’t?” He sighs, shrugging out of his jacket suddenly, and dropping it on the girl’s legs. For a while, the only sound is the rustling of the late winter breeze through the shorn stalks of corn in the field around them. Although the girl’s expression doesn’t change, she scoops up the leather jacket, slides her arms into the sleeves and wraps it around her shoulders. “Then I guess I’ll be stuck here, too.” He leans forward, wraps his arms around his knees. “I’m not stuck here,” the girl says suddenly. She sits up, drawing her knees to her chest in a mirror of his own posture. “I’m leaving after graduation, there’s nothing on this rock for me.” That uncomfortable silence returns, and the boy shifts back and forth, clearly trying to find a way to dispute her words - but unwilling to do so while sitting alone with her in the dark. The moons begin to creep towards the horizon, the light fades, before either of them speaks again. “Everyone’s stuck here, Ditha.” He drops his arms, pushes himself off the ground and onto his feet. “Maybe your sister’s smart enough to find a school or a job willing to take her, and maybe the Legion will take me, but what do you think you’re gonna do to get out of here?” The girl, Ditha, blinks several times - her eyes still fixed on the stars. “Sounds like a challenge.” A slight huff is the only response to her quiet statement; the boy has known Ditha long enough to know the worst thing to do is dare her to something. Instead he bends down to tug gently on the blanket. “Come on, Di. It’s time to go.” She stands up, lets him lift and shake the sandy dirt out of the blanket, watches him fold it with eyes that barely reflect the faint light in the dark. When he offers her his hand, after tucking the blanket under his arm, she shakes her head. “I’ll find my own way back to town,” she says, in a tone of voice he’s never heard before. He shrugs, turns toward his truck - she’ll probably follow, he thinks. Where else is she going to go? But when he reaches the vehicle, turns with his hand on the door, Ditha Thorn is nowhere to be seen.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 127 Poll Results
The chapter 127 poll closed with 1,993 responses. This month’s poll results were compiled by /u/alooulla, Crunchwrap, Giovata, @momtaku, @shifter-lines and  /u/staraves.
Thank you, as always, for your support!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,888 responses
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It’s time to get back on the hype train, y’all! Chapter 127 was a vast improvement over last month’s reception with close to 90% of respondents viewing it favorably.  By way of comparison, with chapter 126, that number was only 55%.
Fixed everything I didn't like about 126
This chapter was top quality. Jean and Yelena were great this chapter. Loved Reiner and Annie helping each other. But please Isayama stop torturing Reiner :(
Amazing and I agree with Hange completely
Wow, such an awesome chapter! It's been a while since a chapter like this has made me put my thinking cap to analyze the scenes in more detail and come up with theories regarding what's coming next!
Are there any words sweeter than "Save the world"?
Calm before the Storm in the SNK fashion
Finally Kiyomi! And some talk between the parts. Seeing the dead SC veterans made me cry a lot. I still care about them so much
I still don't like that the SC are just up and going forces with the Warriors, who are nothing more than unforgivable monsters, BUT I can admit the execution this month was much better.
Pretty damn tasty this month, not gonna lie. Hope to see more of that Floch in next month's dish, chef Isayama is a genius.
Guess you could say Gabi haters got a "kick" out of this month
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Hello JeanMarco fandom? Are you there? This is the fandom of 2020 telling you it’s time to come back to the series if only for a month.
It’s been 84 years but Jean finally learning the dark truth of Marco’s death topped our list of favorite moments with over one-third of the fandom selecting it (35.7%). “Yelena the shit stirrer” was second with 20.6%.This Jean-focused chapter netted Jean the third and fourth favorite spot as well. “Jean and Magath’s argument” and “Jean’s idealistic daydream” tied for third with 7.9% each.
"Erwin being implied to not support the rumbling" I wanted to choose this as one of my favorite scenes along with Hange's "I don't support genocide" <3
The biggest highlight of the chapter definitely has to be Jean punching Reiner upon learning that the latter was responsible for Marco's death. Ever since the truth about Marco's death was revealed a while back, I was awaiting the scene of Jean learning the truth about Marco's death and how he would react towards Reiner regarding it
Why is nobody talking about Yelena and Pieck pleaseeeee
I didn’t think it was possible to love Jean more than I already did but this chapter proved me wrong. I was so glad he finally learned what happened to Marco and at least got that closure.
Loved Yelena messing with everyone's emotions and calling out the truths that nobody wanted to recognize
Jean punching Reiner was my favorite moment of the chapter. Finally that evil fuck is getting what he deserves for what he's done.
The only people Yelena didn’t drag were Pieck and Falco. She has good taste.
Hange acknowledging their failure to stop Eren from getting to this point is 👌👌👌
Jean's and Magath's debate gave the vibes of 'what's older, the chicken or the egg' and I'm living for it lol
I actually found Jean’s dream sequence to be a little unsettling, maybe because of Isayama’s style of not drawing certain facial features clearly, like the eyes. It was almost more foreboding to me than sweet, peaceful, or nice to see.
My favorite moment was the reaction shot where Mikasa was going to charge Annie and everyone is freaking out but the last panel is Levi just sleeping.
I seriously want to see Mikasa vs Annie XD
Jean complementing Hanjis stew is the best moment in the manga
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,938 responses
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With Jean receiving the bulk of the focus and development it’s not a huge surprise that Jean (66.2%) was the landslide winner for chapter MVP, with Yelena (9.9%) as a distant, and we mean distant, second. What is a surprise is that Hange’s culinary creation (9.7%) beat out Hange themself (8.9%) for the number 3 spot.
yelena best girl 😔💕
I already knew that Hange was a queen, but I'm genuinely surprised with Annie too. While the first made a big part of the fandom shut up (genocide is never justifiable) the second one admitted her crimes and understood Mikasa better than anyone.
I love the chapter. It was satisfying to see Jean find out the truth to Marcos death.
I loved how Jean got focus and how he called everyone out on their bullshit.
Mikasa being a badass again. My girl<3
Hange’s stew!!!!
I love the chapter. It was satisfying to see Jean find out the truth to Marcos death.
I loved how Jean got focus and how he called everyone out on their bullshit.
Awesome, go Hanji ! And Levi ! Though he didn't do anything.
I just want some of Hanji's stew
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Was it Mikasa? Was it a girl with exactly the same hairstyle and scar who just happens to look like an older version of her? Most fans seem to think it was very clearly intended to be Mikasa with solid numbers. Or at the very least, considering the eyes were hidden (a common manga trope to confuse identities), proof that Jean has a definite type.
That woman in Jean's fantasy is very clearly Mikasa, you can even see the scar in one of the panels lol
I can't believe there are people denying it was Mikasa in jean's dream. What the actual fuck?
I think it isn't exactly Mikasa, but Jean *does* have a type and Mikasa heavily influenced it by being his big crush back when all his hormones were firing at 200%.
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Nearly half of respondents (45.1%) agree with Hange that genocide is non-negotiably wrong. However, those that said in certain circumstances it is perhaps unavoidable if one’s enemies are intent upon it (16.6%) or it truly is the last resort (29.9%), responded in numbers too large to be dismissed. Those that claimed it was unabashedly a good thing, lag behind (8.5%). The results of this question would seem to indicate that even the fans that support Eren’s actions are doing so, for the most part, reluctantly; because that's the only way they see Paradis surviving.
Hanji’s rejection of genocide in no uncertain terms—I’ve been waiting for that! I want to frame that panel on my wall!
Finally people are arguing against Eren's crazy ideas. Expected more from Hange's and Jean's points tho, they have the capacity to be more eloquent
Jean is so close to noticing that the rumbling is best for him…
Kinda disappointing to see the group take such a simplistic take on the Rumbling.
Hange wants paradis to die on the moral high ground
Hating on Hange puzzles me, I understand people who support the rumbling, but saying she is bad for wanting to stop the killing of billions is just frustrating to me.
I'm tired of negativity flowing from fanbase. Everyone would like to see genocide; blood and rotten bodies of innocent people, but even Eren doesn't want that!
Genocide is morally and ethically wrong as hanje said which I agree with. What I don't agree with is her acceptance that once eren dies the eldians on paradis are gonna genocide within a few years. That fact that she hadn't thought of anyway to get around this is disappointing.
If it was Isayama’s Intention to make me feel bad for the rest of the world, he should have focused on it for a larger portion of the story cause honestly, they all can burn in hell for all I care. Innocent or not.
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This poll team member, staring at the camera like Jim from The Office. While Hange has been proven to be a trustworthy character, one with 11/10 intelligence and someone who knew and worked with Erwin on the daily for years and years, and certainly knew him better than anyone aside from Levi, only a third of respondents (36.7%) trust Hange’s judgement on this.
Hanji is right y'all are just dumb
I love how when Isayama wants us to agree with a character he pulls out the Erwin card
I love that years later, Erwin has still not been forgotten.
Erwin would never support a full rumbling to genocide the entire world, and it saddens me that anyone would think otherwise.
We aren’t bad people for supporting Eren. Don’t let the Erwin stans throw hate at us. Erwin would have protected his home too.
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Kruger (58.3%), Kenny (57.4%) and Zackly (43.9%) top the list of characters we think would support the rumbling. Despite Hange’s confident declaration that no one in the Survey Corps would be so small minded, many disagreed choosing Ymir (31.3%) and Erwin (31%) as characters they think would support the Rumbling.
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This was definitely a Jean chapter, am I right? At 48.8 percent, Jean definitely won the debate according to most fans. In fact, poor Magath didn’t even get a result worth mentioning; ‘neither’ or ‘Hange’ both got reasonable responses, but this was unarguably a slapdown for Jeanbo!
Jean slapped Magath. Bonus points for including that they were totally ignorant even after the walls were attacked.
Magath's replies to Jean are weak. I believe I can do better than him on countering Jean's points.
Idk when they'll get that it doesn't matter how much they hate each other or who started it.
Magath sucks. "Your people did shitty things to us" stops being an excuse when you do things that are just as bad if not worse than what happened before.
This chapter just showed how fake magath is man wow
The argument felt a little? biased towards the paradis folk? i wasn't too bothered by it, but hey, if jean was going to get to punch reiner then reiner deserved to punch someone for bert too.
The argument of "Who is the real bad guy" was a circular "You're the bad guys!" "No u!" "NO U!" -- but by the end of the chapter, all of the arguing characters put aside their differences as they ~left the forest~
Everyone: *kids fighting*
Hange: *bass boosted* WOULD ANYONE LIKE SOME STEW
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Early in the chapter, Mikasa surprises Hange and Jean by stating without hesitation that she will help stop Eren, but when Annie forces her to confront how far she is willing to go, she is clearly reluctant to take extreme measures. Almost half of the respondents (49.1%) believe that this is something Mikasa will never be able to do, with a decently close remainder of respondents saying either yes, she could bring herself to do it (29.1%), or opting not to decide (21.8%).
I don't see Mikasa killing Eren but i ALSO also don't see her doing nothing about it. It's complicated
If she met Eren in her present state, she wouldn't be able to kill him. Perhaps if something else happens between now and then to really strengthen her stance, she could.
I literally have no idea but i have a feeling she will confront him either way
I think she will struggle first, but after she will gain the conviction to do it.
I think she'd be willing to kill him if he showed to be willing to kill the scouts.
Lol at Mikasa learning how to think independently of Eren
She probably won't be able to do it regardless of her conviction because of the Ackerbond, unless Eren allows her to.
Killing eren is kind of extreme isn't it?
She will join Eren!
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This one was all over the place! Proof if proof were needed of how impossible this particular subject is to predict right now; Mikasa’s strong feelings for Eren haven’t faded even though she has consistently demonstrated an opposition to his goals, and the poor girl is being torn to pieces. However, those that think Mikasa will ultimately be unable to bring herself to stop him if it means killing him are in the majority here. It’s still anyone’s bet though.
I dont think they can talk him out of it, but im not sure if killing him even stops the rumbling, hence i am not sure what to expect from this.
If Annie would turn out to be right with her suspection that Mikasa could turn her back to the alliance?
Mikasa is going to k-word Eren, isn't she? All the focus on her plus the uncomfortable question. Oh dear. Please no Isayama.
I feel like if Mikasa did end up killing Eren, she'd be even more hated than Gabi for killing Sasha.
Eren will accept his death . And itll be a suicide by forcing Mikasa and armin to kill him.
Eren will die because of the immense power his titan needs, Mikasa will be there to say "Farewell, Eren"
Armin will be the one who will finally take Eren down.
Armin and Mikasa try to talk, Armin die, Mikasa have no choice but try to kill Eren. Don't know if she succeed.
Armin is going to die with Eren while they look at the sunrise over the ocean
I don't think he will need to be killed. I believe that Eren will take all his squad to the paths and then they will talk. Eren will finally tell them everything. If he is going to destroy the world, Mikasa most likely will finish him off.
Eren won't be stopped
He'll confide in her and somehow convince her that he's in the right
Her and/or Armin's death(s) would be the only thing to stop Eren
If Mikasa comes into contact with Eren, she will confess her love for him because that's what she was last seen thinking about. If she couldn't do it before, better late than never.
It will be a group effort to finish him off
Mikasa will be killed (likely accidentally by Eren) in the process of trying to talk him around. Ironically, it will be this which finally causes him to question his current course of action.
Maybe she will kill Eren but it will destroy her
She'll let someone else do it. Maybe Jean?
She's probably just gonna scream "Ereh" all over again
Mikasa and Armin will confront Eren, no one will win but no one will die
No one will kill Eren because he's killing himself
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In this writer's opinion, I always bet on Annie winning their original first fight even though I was (and am) a massive Mikasa fan. Now though, I definitely agree with the majority of those who answered this question. That first fight might be debatable but this second one wouldn’t even be a contest. Mikasa has just had years more of training and growth, and we don’t even know if being in the crystal for so long has left Annie weakened in any way. 63% of respondents think this is Mikasa’s fight to win.
Hope mikasa mikasa fight annie it will be sweet
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Close to 74% of those who took the poll this month are still not convinced of Kiyomi being particularly loyal to anybody but herself. Is this a case of reading a book by its cover too soon? Or is she genuinely as snakelike as she appears to be? Just remember that people can still have the capacity to do good whilst putting their own interests first. Unfortunately the opposite is equally true.
She's double agenting everyone, like an arms dealer in a war. She sells to both sides and loses nothing in return
Her nation. She's putting her nations interests first.
She is loyal to Mikasa primarily for selfish reasons, but the rumbling threatens her home too, so she'll probably support Hange and co now.
Plot twist: the Yeagerists have been Kiyomi's pawns, in the next chapter Kiyomi will throw Floch and the Yeagerists under the bus AND pretends she is indeed a hostage.
Kiyomi is working for herself even not for Hizuru and she will double cross everyone
Kiyomi/Kruger/Willy 4D chess conspiracy ftw
I have no idea who's side she's on at this point.
Not conspiring with the Jaegerists but with Zeke and the euthenasia plan.
I have thin hopes she might be working with Eren and Historia who convinced her to join their side.
She lusts for the blue rock
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Eren didn’t enable infinite fuel in the PATHS console, and now everyone else has to deal with it. 40.3% of you think Eren has already left for the continent, 36.3% think he’s still on Paradis in his Founding Titan, 16.8% think he’s hiding somewhere in human form, and that leaves 6.6% who think he’s already reached the continent. Does anyone know the MPG on iceburst stone?
I'm going to be honest, I genuinely thought the plane was an aborted arc.
I find it funny that everyone is very concerned with catching up with Eren, even though they have no idea where he is, and have completely forgotten about Zeke. How do they know he's not lying in some rubble somewhere?
I just thought the plane idea was kinda....lame? I don’t know it just felt weird to me.
I can't stop picturing all the Wall Titans holding onto Eren's ribs for dear life as he crosses the ocean because they underestimated how deep it was.
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Nearly a quarter of you said that Yelena served Zeke to further his cause, 20.2% of you said that she did it because she was just really thirsty for Zeke, and 13.2% of you said that it has nothing to do with Zeke, and that she was just looking for fun and fame—in other words, SASUGA, PIECK! The fairly overbearing majority of you though, at 42.1%, said that it was some combination of all of the above answers.
I think Yelena's motivations for following Zeke are partly spiritual. She mentions his titan being godlike, and follows Zeke around like a disciple.
I was quite shocked to learn that Yelena was an average Marleyan herself who just made everything up about her coming from an annexed Marleyan nation and being saved by Zeke in some way.
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This question had an interesting response, because it was expectedly divided, but not in the way one might have guessed. 34.9% of you said it’s irrelevant whose crimes are greater, 34.1% said that it’s about equal, 30.2% said that the Warriors are most at fault, and only 0.8% of respondents said that the 104th were most at fault. When we see talk of blame, or right and wrong, we normally see a very even split—especially when it comes to Eren, so this is an interesting outcome!
It’s so brilliant on the way it shows war’s true face ... don’t have winners, don’t have losers, it doesn’t matter who started or who finished it, we are fighting each other and for whom? for those who died 2000 years ago? people are just sickening. this chapter showed a lot of that with Yelena’s speech
Fuck Marley, but the sc doesn't have the higher moral ground on the warriors.
They should stop choosing between evils and start forgiving, never forgetting, but forgiving so they all can live together when it all ends one way or the other.
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A clean 31% of you think that Yelena was “just taking the piss”, by bringing up everybody’s past, and I had to google what that British (Australian?) nonsense means, but hey, you learn something new every day. Following just behind that at 30.7%, you guys said that she wanted to create more conflict for an unspecified reason. 27.6% of you said that she was just venting frustrations, while only 10.7% thought she actually wanted to help Zeke, and bring everyone together to stop Eren.
Looking forward to seeing Yelena roasting everyone in season 4.
Someone should beat magath for being an ass and yelena for being so edgy
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Almost three quarters of people thought Jean was justified in giving Reiner a walloping, largely for killing Marco (36.7%), but also to knock sense into Reiner (21.6%). 15.6% thought it was justified but that Jean took it too far, and a fraction fewer (15.2%) thought both guys have been justified in their actions. Just 6% thought the beating wasn’t justified at all, as we readers are well aware of Reiner’s feelings of guilt already. If you expected the sufferboi saga to end any time soon, don’t hold your breath…
I wouldn't say Reiner deserved it, but Jean is definitely justified for it. I don't blame Jean since the guy who killed his "best" friend was sitting right in front of him.
Uuuh YES? Is that even a question? Imagine someone killing your best friend and then calmly talking about it like telling a story.
His feelings are justified, his actions aren't.
Nobody fucking reacts over Yelena stating "Armin stole Bert's power", and instead we're just getting wank over a plot device from 2013: I named Marco.
Yes, but Annie deserved a beating too.
It makes no difference, they both are wrong and bad guys right now
We the audience know Reiner's entire backstory but Jean does not, hence why we feel more sympathy for Reiner than Jean does to him.
No reaction to Bert being eaten by Armin and Porco's already forgotten when he literally died the day before, but more Marco angst? Alright then.
I'd say neither is truly 'justified', but it was an emotional purging they both needed. Jean for his anger over what and who Reiner's taken from him, and Reiner getting what he feels he must receive for what he's done.
He should've killed him
Leave Reiner alone already. He suffered enough. He understands his mistakes. He doesn't need to be punched anymore.
Reiner deserved it, but by now its been too long so it feels out of place.
It's understandable. Jean's hit his breaking point. Reiner I love you but please stop trying to provoke people into causing you bodily harm.
Jean should've hit him harder. And Reiner wanted to be hit cause he knows it himself that he deserves it. Give the boy what he wants 💅
Reiner needs a damn hug goddamnit.
Yes. Revenge is always justifiable
Pretty sure reiner liked it either way
Honestly, when Jean hit Reiner, I felt good. I think that Reiner and Jean will have a better friendship and I'm looking forward to that.
I really don't know.
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Magath is a complicated fellow isn’t he? He seems to treat Eldians better than most but has trouble getting over his own prejudices regarding them. Most of you seem to think it was character progression (56%) that he reached out to help Gabi in that moment as a man, instead of as her commanding officer. We shall have to see if Magath’s attitude continues to soften, and if so, could it potentially be a microcosm of the world’s attitude to Eldians in general?
Magath begins to have a real compassion for warriors, especially towards Gabi (already in one of the previous chapters, he had given her a hug).
Foreshadowing, he'll die for her. 100% sure.
Gabi apologized to the Devils, she asked them for help. Magath realized that Gabi is not a brainwashed fanatical degenerate anymore, even she is not on his side.
Good question. It seemed like he only know started to realize that Eldians are people with feelings, fears and hopes too, but didn't know how to interact or if he was even allowed to show that concern after all that time.
He doesn't know how to react to this because Hange's words from earlier struck him deeply.
He fill asham that she act more like an adult than him
He finally starts understanding he was being an ass. Better late than never!
He is not sure how to comfort her. The situation is a tough one.
He realises now that he needs to provide the better future for these young Eldians thus being the guy that will free the Eldians from the discrimination.
He realized that he cares about Eldians a lot and he doesn't see difference between them and other people.
He realizes that he’s one of the reasons why a kid like gabi is suffering and feels like he doesnt have the right to comfort her
He wants to help the warriors but feels guilt about all the pain he caused them
He's a bitch realizing it's kinda his fault
He's only shown to care for Gabi tbh. We've seen him humiliate all the kids over and over even when they were trying to help and give suggestions, so I don't accept it as development and much less as "caring for Eldians".
I really dont know wtf was happening in these panels
When not arguing with Jean, Magath was flabbergasted all the time about Eldians being more human instead of devils he thought them to be, so idk, this reaction kind of goes hand in hand with all that. He's kind of realising they're human as well and he's afraid of feeling compassion for them.
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66.6% agreed that Jean’s softer treatment of Gabi was the cutest shit they’d ever seen, or close to it. 23.5% were neutral on the matter, and a small proportion (4.6%) didn’t really care for it. Then there’s that little bump in 1 voters (5.4%), from those who didn’t like to see any kind of positive treatment of Gabi. My goodness, would Sasha hold a grudge this long?
Bless Jean and his kindness toward Gabi
Gabi is garbage
Gabi sucks
She shouldn't be the one to endure the kick of a seething horseface and explain why the warriors did what they did. Worse even, hiding her own pain to beg her aggressors for help. When her arc is all about leaving the forest, that's disgusting.
Haven't we had enough of Gabi Sue hogging the limelight? And the way she begs the SC to side with her after what she did to Sasha? Disgusting!
It kinda annoyed me that Gabi is apologizing to the 104 when they're the ones who destroyed her home and don't seem to feel guilty about it
idk but i love gabi
Gave the kick moment a 3. +4 because Jean is amazing, but -1 because Gabi should have gotten worse.
It really shows what a great character Gabi is because she can continue for vengeance but she is being a bigger person and choosing a more moral path.  
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Does Isayama read our posts? You might be forgiven for thinking so, considering the campfire discussions focused on so many different angles; the complexity of the situation was nailed, and the winner was Jean knowing Eren’s actions are best for the island but still morally wrong (35.1%), but Yelena’s little dialogue was appreciated enough to come a close second (31%). This was the moment where all of us felt like our view was taken on board however, and it was brilliantly done.
I wonder if Isayama actively collected all fandom ideas, because he NAILED it. Well, he did his part, right? In showing the complexity of the situation. He can't change the fandom's minds, but he can put his message out there.
Annie confronting Mikasa only to immediately back off, what she pointed out made sense, and yet they didn't even discuss what to do if Eren couldnt be persuaded to stop genocide.
This chapter was a beautiful reflection of the community's arguments.
The panel when they are eating around the campfire looks like 'The Last Supper' of Jesus and his 12 apostles.
+1 for Annie for calling the 104 out on their inability to kill Eren if need be, and for Hange for having some fucking common sense
I liked it more when they were all enemies tbh
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To me, Hange cheerfully knocking on the window to interrupt Jean’s idyllic daydream was pure comedy; what’s wrong with you people, am I the only one to find that funny? Sigh… Levi waking up to complain about the noise was alright though. I guess. And 50 percent of you seemed to like that one best. Comedy is wasted on you lot.
Sleepy Levi made me laugh out loud!
Levi was wholesome for once
Why would you think of Annie's asking if she's forgiven as a light-hearted moment?
I felt sad and grieved while reading this.
Loved Yelena with Titan Pieck, feel like she won't make it out of this alive and that's a shame since she's pretty interesting
I didn’t like the foodstuff. Isayama can’t make food jokes funny.
Isayama noticed Annie's favorable treatment so often he even slipped a joke about how nobody cares enough about the severity of her crimes to care... Haha...
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Mikasa’s gravity-defying locks assert dominance with 53.1% of the vote. Mankind’s strongest soldier makes an impressive debut in second place with his moment of dishevelment (21.2%), and Annie’s shaggy mane from all the way back in the Female Titan arc made it to third place (15.1%). We then have Gabi (4.6%) and Eren (4.1%) closely matched, and an honorable mention for Jean’s mild fluff from the days of Uprising (1.9%). Levi’s bedhead this chapter may well be the last in the series!
Levi taking his beauty sleep and being cranky after waking up by all the noise was the cutest thing on the entire manga. And talk about that bed hair... Can I tousle it, please?
[Levi’s] hair jkjkksksks KAWAII
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Break out your bingo cards! Love him or hate him, most people agree that Floch has by far the highest chance of meeting his demise at a hardy 67.7% of responses. Just over 50% have voted that Yelena will die; perhaps she’s too much of a wildcard to stick around for the long-term. It’s not looking good for the old guard as many people think Hange and Magath have a good chance of dying, 48.7% and 45.2% respectively. A lot of people have also interpreted Jean’s development this month as an ominous sign (37.9%); it would certainly be one way to follow in his commanders’ footsteps! On the other end of the scale we have the fewest votes for Gabi (8%), Mikasa (8.2%), Falco (9.5%), and Armin (9.8%). Those expecting all four to meet their end are imagining a very grim finale indeed.
Hanji please don't die!
They're gonna kill Floch :(
Can Floch just die? Please?
I feel like hange will come up with a plan to save paradis without genociding.... and then immediately die without telling anyone the plan :)
Fuck annie. just fuck her. i want her to die so fucking badly.
If Hange dies I’ll cry
If Jean fucking die I’ll RIOT !!
Isadistyama knows only too well how much we hate Floch, which obviously means he isn't going to fkn die.
Gabi must die
Someone need to die soon.
Reiner's will to die will keep him alive to the end of the series…
I hope Levi doesn't die.
Really hoping Hange's death wasn't just foreshadowed in this chapter.
Jean will definitely die. Too much protagonism around him in this chapter.
My guess about Mikasa's life chances are now 50/50. 50% dying chances if she would protect Eren by fighting against the alliance and the other 50% having a chance to live a normal life with turning back to her old self
Just not Levi, at least not yet, c'mon we barely got him back :(
Maybe this whole manga is one man's journey trying to die in vain, until he ultimately finds the will to live... Then dies.
Hope they all die
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With the worst rating in recent memory, chapter 126 was a disappointment to many readers, and we even saw some people losing faith in Isayama (the heresy!). So we asked the fandom about their feelings of the previous chapter in retrospect and knowing the continuation.
Surprisingly, the majority of respondents (48.9%) said their opinion of the previous chapter had not changed, but they felt positively about it, with 23% saying their unchanged feelings were negative. A remainder of 28.1% said their opinion of the previous chapter had in fact changed, with 26.1% expressing more positive feelings and 2% feeling more negatively.
A real improvement compared to Chapter 126.
Amazing, picked up on everything I thought 126 needed.
Definitely an improvement upon the last chapter
This chapter remedied most of my issues/concerns from the previous chapter
Chapter 127 was so awesome it made 126 even worse in comparison.
I prefer personally chapter 126, but this chapter had much better pacing
Everybody complaining about 126 were too impatient and short-sighted. This was always what was going to happen and both chapters did exactly what they were supposedly to do.
It really made me feel better about 126
Way better than 126 but still kinda cringe tbh
Much better chapter that made 126 redeemable
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Due to this chapter being dialogue-centric with character interaction galore, naturally it was bound to have an impact on the characters’ likeability. The significant focus on Jean’s inner turmoil evidently made him skyrocket in the eyes of the fans, with 80.6% of responses to him being on the favorable side, correlating with him being the fandom’s choice of MVP.
Jean's development is top tier.
I am so proud of how far and mature Jean has become! ;-;
Jean continues to show why he's the best character in the series
Other characters receiving a boost in favorability were Yelena, Hange and even Gabi (although in her case by only a smidge).
Yelena was my personal MVP this chapter
Mama Hange is the best
Gabi behaved like an adult and preferred to ask for forgiveness and help (she was adorable).
While many were relieved by Hange’s strong stance, it should be noted that Hange also received significant backlash this chapter, with ¼ of respondents viewing Hange less favorable.
Fuck hange
Hange is just making idiotic shitty points, and she has become one of my most hated character after this chapter. Jean's argument is one of the best, and almost everything he says this chapter made me love him even more.
People saying hange is acting based off emotion .. when literally all eren has done is act based off emotion. of course hange doesnt have a plan yet, eren is literally gonna annihilate the world
Though no characters had an overall less favorable response, Magath’s comments about the Paradis Eldians certainly almost landed him there.
Magath can suck a nut
Fuck off Magath
Magath really annoyed the hell out of me this chapter
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Dreamt up fantasy or not, this chapter gave us yet another plausible scenario for the long-haired man holding a baby, confirming that Isayama knew what he was doing when he released that final panel, and he will milk the speculation for all it’s worth. With over 50 custom write-in responses of people saying they have no idea, it’s clear we’re all just on Isayama’s wild ride.
The most popular option chosen was that it depicts Eren holding Historia’s child (38.9%), followed by Grisha holding Eren (29.1%), Jean holding Mikasa’s child (14.7%), and Farmer-kun holding Historia’s child (8%). We also found many trends in the write-in answers:
Eren holding his baby with Mikasa (11)
Jean holding Historia's child (9)
Grisha holding Zeke (4)
Eren holding ymir fritz (reborn) (4)
Zeke holding Eren’s child. (3)
Falco holding Gabi's child (2)
Armin holding Historia's child (2)
As well as multiple answers that it’s Isayama injecting himself into the manga. You’re all hilarious.
Eren holding Isayama
plot twist: its isayama's dad holding him. he is free of the manga now
Isayama holding baby Onsen
Some of you had some creative ideas that I enjoyed reading:
Eren holding historia’s dead baby. saying it’s free from this world’s cruelty
Eren holding the Crawling Titan's human form (the one they encountered when heading to the ocean).
The next inheritor of the Founding Titan is holding Historia’s child, Eren sees this as a future memory.
Two marleyans free of eldian rule
Zeke holding Yelena's child  
How did that last one get - actually, screw it, I’m on board. #Zelena4Life
We also had some voicing of concern regarding the lack of warning for final panel spoilers. To anyone who was spoiled by the final panel as a result of our actions, we apologise, and we will make sure any future polls that include discussion of external material will be appropriately tagged. This was Crunch’s fault, so please direct all of next month’s hatemail at him. He’s very sorry though.
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Before they can reach Eren, the Alliance needs to first get past the Jaegerist. Only 12% of respondents expect this to be easy. The vast majority (63.8%) are anticipating an Alliance win but at the cost of major character deaths. On the other end of the spectrum, close to 20% expect the Alliance to be defeated but think they will reach Eren another way. The tiniest percent (4.1%) think that the Jaegerists will win this battle and Eren will be successful.
I hope isayama wont nerf the alliance so hard in the upcoming battle. and pls no stupid death. make it glorious.
5 titan shifters versus a group of Jaegerist, I'm putting all my money on those well rested shifters to deal with a majority of the Jaegerist on the outside while the non-titans sneak in and rescue Kiyomi. And hopefully one of them can kill Floch while they are at it.
Super excited for next chapter! It was good exposition and a good setup for an epic fight! I also kind of hope that now that they've figured out the trick to stop fighting and finding diplomatic ways that they don't directly resort to violence but at least try to find a way to talk with the Jaegerists. If they don't try to talk and find a way around then the lessons learned won't have meant a thing. I'm super happy with the direction of the story
Even if you hate Floch you still have to give him credit for what he as done with taking over Paradis and mobilizing the Yeagerists in anticipation for the alliances next move
I swear if Armin doesn’t either turn into a titan now or in the final battle I’m gonna be saltier than the Dead Sea.
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God help us all... The bird’s nest hair is gone so there is nothing left to distract us from that rockin’ bod and fierce expression.  Please know that I am physically in pain that only ¼ of the fandom selected the “Ewwwwww no” option. The rest of us are apparently weak for thicc thighs bound by tight leather straps.
My hat is off to the 9.2% who selected “How ‘bout dat Kiyomi.” You have my respect for maintaining your dignity and opting out of this question entirely.
Floch based
Floch is a CHAD
Floch is a hottie
Floch NEEDS to die!!!
I hate floch but damn is he lookin fine af
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After another set up chapter amidst the scenery of the apocalypse, the chances of this arc wrapping up quickly are slimmer than ever, with only 2.2% of respondents believing the series to be in its final volume and ending at chapter 130. The 138-gang has officially taken over as the majority, with 43.9% of respondents expecting the story to wrap up in ten more chapters, beating out the 37.3% who think we will only get to chapter 134, and the 16.6% who think the story will go even further, to 142 chapters or beyond (for those counting at home, that’s at least midway into 2021).
I find it hard to believe that the story is getting wrapped up so soon… There’s so much that I feel like needs to happen before the story ends
I hope [Isayama] finishes the series without any rush.
I'm unsure if the manga will be able to end in 2020
I thought we were supposed to be approaching the end but now we go on a sidequest to free princess Kiyomi from a miniboss, huh?
The end is near and I already feel sad.
Whatever happens, it's been a wild ride up to this moment. I thank Isayama for everything.
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Eren’s POV (37.3%), a continuation of the present storyline (21.9%), and the return of Historia (19.1%) are our top hopes and dreams for the upcoming chapter. A major death (6.8%), Reiner finding the will to live (6.0%), news about our boy Zeke (5.6%) and the Rumbling (3.4%) round out the entries.
I'm kinda hoping we get a zeke pov I wonder how he feels abt eren betraying him.
Historia was named because she is history from the story YAMS I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU WHERE IS QUEEN BAE
I just miss eren and historia and zeke a lot, they're my favorite characters :(
I just want annie to see her father smh
I have faith in isayama's cruelty and I honestly hope to see someone die
Please get Eren or Historia on the screen for the love of god
Reiner's too tired to die now. Wondering at which time yam will give him a new motivation to live and fight.
I’m still hoping Mikasa and Armin will man up and realize that Eren may not be worth fighting for. Maybe next time!
Hype for that Floch death next chapter, cmon Yams
Watch it burn!
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The percentage of people who primarily discuss the series on Reddit is up from last month, while Tumblr and Discord’s percentage is down. People who don’t discuss the series, but participate in the poll are up 4.1% (of the whole, 73% relative to itself). The top 5 ranking order is: Reddit, I don’t, Facebook, Tumblr, and Discord. I’m surprised by the lack of Discord responses. If you voted Discord, but don’t see many people in your Discord communities aware of the poll, let them (or us!) know!
On that note, I have to give the Snapchat voters a hard time. Snapchat got 6 votes this time. Six. That’s the same as it was last month, but let me put this into perspective for you. Steam got three votes. There are twice as many people who voted Snapchat as there were people who voted Steam. Two. Times. Until I receive evidence to the contrary, I’m electing to believe that this is a Marleyan psyop, and I’m not falling for it.
Regardless of where you discuss the series though, we appreciate your contribution to the poll, and the SnK community as a whole! We literally could not do this without you guys, so thank you!
Nice prelude before the final confrontation(s)
Fantastic chapter with great development for Jean and Reiner.
Overall, this is exactly what I wanted after last chapter's fiasco.
Where is Zeke lmao
Kinda bummed there wasn't more Levi, but I'm always bummed when there's not a lot of Levi.
I don't like where this is going
I can't believe I'll be legit sad if Floch goes.
Erwin would have come up with another way to protect Paradis. He would have blackmailed and sweet-talked all the other diplomats lol. If Erwin was in charge he would have come up with a decisive plan and Eren wouldn't even have had to consider the rumbling, unlike Hange who is all talk but no plan and I guess that's why Erwin had to be nuked out of the story.  
F U L L  B O C C O
I live for character drama and Jean’s my favourite character so you know I loved this one.
I loved the Pieck x Yelena moment...and I Am Once Again Asking for Historia Comeback.
Mikasa. That’s it, that’s my thoughts,
Meh this arc has really a lot of problems with the characters, basically i dont care for anyone at all except eren and reiner, and that's a major flaw.
[Yelena] pointed everyones hypocrisy out that they aren't just victims who did nothing wrong. Everyone, except of Falco, has cover they hands with blood. It's not just ""muh Marley, muh Eldia or muh Yelena"". Everyone have started sins and are to blame for something. It was a really necessary wake up call, not only for the characters, but for this fandom as well. No matter if this was her intention to create more drama in the group or make them realize that they and not different from each other. GREAT MOMENT and Yelena absolutely slaying 👑
Please just make mikasa ended up with eren in the future. I dont really care bout anything
There really just aren't any good solutions, are there?
Isayama stop messin with my heart
Also I've seen people mad at Magath, but the only two charas I really hated here were Yelena and Floch. Both kinds of people are terrible in real life (usually minus the killing but eh)
Eren is gonna win and kill everyone
Can we stop the SUFFERING XD jokes with Reiner? The torture porn is seriously getting old and unnecessary. Can't believe I had to lower my opinion of him as well.
Every major character during this arc had moments of extreme fragility and desperation. mikasa, connie, armin, hanji, reiner and now jean. i love this because it would be extremely weird for a group of people who constantly put their sanity to test to remain the same (strong and capable of fighting and leading in every situation)
Bless Jean! He is such a good friend. I hope he can heal. That reveal with how Marco really died was very traumatizing. I hope all of the characters can heal.
BTW Isayama..It will be so pathetic if the Manga ended by Mikasa kill Eren..The worst and most unsuccessful end
Better than the previous one for sure. I love dialouges! Still expected Annie to interact with Armin and Levi not just sleeping through all of this like the sleeping beauty.
Annies back, back again. Annie's back, tell a friend.
Another banger
AoT is like good wine, it gets better with time.
AOT makes my life tolerable enough to live, thank you isayama
Boring chapter i wanna see eren ffs
Bitches really do be supporting genocide
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
10/10 as usual
127 was a totally piece of shit
I think jean and pieck will become a thing. if it doesnt, ill be sad lol
I'm confused.
I'm glad the situation of Marco's death and his importance to Jean was addressed. I just hope this won't be the last we see of it. Jean needs to heal and Reiner needs to do better.
I'm just happy that there will most likely not be a Cringevengers-like ending that seemed not too far-fetched after 126.
I want Eren to live
I want the recipe for that stew
I want to see Mikasa's POV
It feels as if Isayama has read our discussions and merged them into the story. Also I think Jean is the one who understands Eren's motivations the best at this point. Not Armin, not Mikasa.
It seems now that all the pieces are in place.  I believe from now until the end will be a constant and crazy ride
It was a great chapter, but where's Eren? Even the "Avengers Team" are wondering.
It was a great chapter, Isayama covered most of the topics that were hanging loose on the last chapter
Real Housewives of Eldia
It was a masterpiece
It was alright.
Some will die, Eren will do some bad shit, but he will fail somehow
Monthly dose of Reiner suffering
More Mikasa
More Reiner
None, just AOT
Nostalgic. Especially when Jean learns of Marco's demise.
Not enough action
Not enough suffering for Reiner.
Pieck Is hekkin cute
Pretty much what I expected after the events of last chapter, in a good way.
Reiner and Gabi both should have gotten so much worse from Jean, they have too much blood on their hands to be even remotely forgivable.
So long as the Jeagerists are resolved this volume, or something wilder - no more build-up. JUST FUCK EVERYTHING UP, ISAYAMAAA  (not like GoT fuck it up, but the good kind)
Somebody, please let Reiner sleep and wake up properly
Shit gonna hit the fan so hard
Shit is happening and I'm not ready. Wonder if the anime will make the chapters flow better like in Season 3 Part 1+2?
There going to set something big up soon and everyone will be hype for it but then it will show Marley perspective of the rumbling or something
Eren will succeed! All hail Eren!
This chapter was everything I wanted, thx Yams ily
Lets just say I have new ships
This chapter was intense and I love the debates around the fire.
Too long chatting
Chapter was good but the fandom is at its absolute lowest state at the moment, between the aggressive Eren cultists, warriors and 104 fans attacking one another, and crazy shippers. Stop this clownery
Crazy chapter, looking forward to the next one.
Fuck the Jaegerists, death to all empires. Everybody needs to be a republic already, this is getting old.
Great breath of fresh air chapter. Needed that after the quickly paced 126.
Very good.  i don't like the fandom,they are just children. i have always hated them.
Was a fantastic chapter overall and I hope for more of the same next chapter
We really missed Annie
Hype's alive again
I shit you not, He actually turned himself into a pickle. A pickle! He called himself pickle Rick. Now that's the funniest shit I have ever seen.
I liked that yams showed conflict in the gathering of the warriors and the 104th and that they weren’t going to forget each other’s crimes
I loved the arguing and tension in the alliance. I like how most of the chapter was around the campfire.
I prefer this chapter to have been the other half split of the previous one. And this one advanced to slowly, with unnecessary things
I'm still waiting for a crazy plot twist
When will the Ackertalk finally come
Where did mikasa go at then end!!!
Yelene spitting facts
Annie turned to alcohol
Im fine if this ends with the alliance stopping Eren but I'll find it dumb if Paradis isnt destroyed by the world afterwards. (which I highly doubt will happen)
It was pretty dope
It was really good but we all know I cannot wait another month for the next chapter release. And yes, I am extremely upset that we won't be getting another Levi x Zeke fight.
Honestly Erwins flashback looked forced, that space could've been used to yelena revealing Eren's location, or confirming who that guy from the building was(shadis?)
Love this shit.
Loved it! It's tied with 121 as my favourite chapter from this arc.
Loved it. Not much to say about this one, since it wasn't nearly as controversial as the last one :P
Hoping the deaths I picked are going to happen and I hope 🤞 that ema talk 2 will happen
I’ll die of the corona if eren dies
Jeans pretty cool ngl
pointless volume incoming with pointless battle vs floch. Waste of time
Pretty much what I expected after the events of last chapter, in a good way.
I don't forgive Annie
Thank you Yelena
Jeanstans: Attaboy Jean! Reinerstans: HOW DARE HE?! Reiner: Too bad that didn't kill me.
Loved this chapter but it was mostly playing catchup with the rest of the characters, still needed. Really shows how far ahead eren is.
Genocide supporter fans are just bunch of edgy teenagers. Let's see how they support Genocide when they get massacred irl.
More useless drama for a character who is progressively getting more annoying by the minute (hi Jean)
Since the end of the second world war, japan was reconstructed almost entirely by young people, so probably this story will end showing that with some analogy. making that previous statement, i think it won’t be eren, or any of the older characters, since they lived and did the horrors they did and must somehow pay for it(and specially the PTSD most would have, so they’ll be probably incapacitated in some way), i think it will be Gabi, or maybe Falco or someone else, because they are just lost, Gabi changed her mind and personality so well(progress, developed it), so that’s why i think it would or maybe even should be her. am i expecting too much from Isayama?
I believe in the Time-Loop still. But ya, hope Final Battle is with Levi and Eren teaming up. (Also Mikasa a bit before...)
Honestly wished the first few pages were real. I would love it for Jean and Mikasa to actually get together.
Annie clearly has no big role to play, & I think she’s going to go home & find her father dying. On a more positive note, we finally got some character interaction!!
That soup tho
Why should Mikasa be the one who confronts Eren? lmao According to the final exhibition would Armin be the one who will confront Eren, but I'm sure "talk-no-jutsu" will fail as an outcome. It doesn't worked in chapter 112, why should it be different?.
The award goes to Isayama for being the first person writing a story in which I have absolutely 0 clue about what will happen next. Like I never ever was at such a loss of theories. Never.This is both awsome and frightening. At least for that, props to Isayama
I love the cart titan
64 notes · View notes
taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
Here goes: wanted to request something for girls like me who are kinda chubby/thicc. Idk, I just read a few fics in the fandom where the Reader’s heavily implied/stated to be this super confident model who’s a size 0 (nothing wrong w/that but I can’t relate). I guess I’m asking for some body-positive fluff/smut that shows that everybody deserves lovin’. (Yes I’m living vicariously through Y/N oop lol).
Hi babe!
We love inclusivity on sojournmichael.tumblr.com 😤
Here’s a little smut piece based off of the sentence: “You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.” from a prompt request list. 
Featuring Mr. Shepherd, of course. 
Duncan stood in his kitchen, tapping his fingertips against the cold marble countertop. He was in nothing but his tight boxer briefs as he searched for something to have for breakfast. 
You woke up when you felt the warmth of his body was missing from your side. After you got up and went to the bathroom you were off to find where Duncan had gone. 
“Morning,” you offered a sleepy smile as you walked into the kitchen.  
“Morning,” he walks around the counter and places his hands on your hips. He noticed you trying to pull your shirt down to hide yourself, making his shake his head and stop you from covering yourself. “You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in this kitchen until you walked in.” the smugness in his tone dripped out of the smirk he gave you. 
All he can do is chuckle as he noticed the embarrassment wash over your face. You were flattered, really. But Duncan always loved getting you so flustered. 
He pushed you and had your trapped between his body and the counter. His blue eyes skimmed over your lips and down to your chest before meeting your own eyes. Duncan pushed his knee in between your legs and leaned forward to kiss you. 
Nothing about it was rushed. It was slow and sensual. His tongue glided inside your mouth and tasted every part of it. Plush pink lips brushed over yours over and over making you dizzy. 
His knee pressed against your panties; he moved it from side to side until a moan escaped your lips. 
Duncan chuckled and pulled away by biting down on your lower lip and tugging it with him. His hands were on your waist and traveled down to grope your ass. 
“Hop up, baby,” 
“I - I can’t,” you felt the panic on your face as you thought of Duncan trying to life you up. 
He shook his head, “You can do it. Hold on to me.” 
“Dunc -”
“Y/N.” he interrupted. “I’m right here.”
You placed your hands on the counter and tried to push yourself up. As soon as you were able to get some leverage, you held on to Duncan’s shoulders for support and he grabbed on to your thighs to make sure your balance was steadied. 
You let out a shaky laugh as you managed to get seated on his countertop. 
He stood between your legs and carefully pulled your shirt off. He watched in a daze of your breasts were out freely. Duncan smiled at you and pecked your lips, “So beautiful, baby.”
His lips quickly started to travel down your body, peppering kisses all over your tummy. 
Your hands grabbed on to his face to try and stop the attention he gave to your stomach, “Duncan,” you whined.
“Y/N,” he mocked your tone, smile in his voice. “Let me love you.” 
He grabbed on to your thighs and spread your legs open. “Can’t wait to taste you, baby.” 
Duncan hooked his fingers into your panties and pulled the down your legs. He noticed you squirming on the counter and flashed you a smile. His index finger made its was to your pussy to feel how wet you were. He collected your arousal on his finger and brought it to his lips to taste. 
“Taste so good,” he lowered himself until he was eye level with your dripping pussy. He nestled his face in between your thighs and held on to them, his fingers digging into your skin. 
His warm wet tongue swiped a long stripe down your core, coating his tongue in your wetness. He repeated his action a few more times until his tongue found your clit. 
“Oh God,” you moaned out, your back arching with each trick of his tongue. 
He mumbled against your pussy, curling his tongue inside of you. Your legs wrapped around him, instinctively and Duncan just about came in his pants from having your thighs wrapped around him. He grabbed on to them tighter and sucked harshly on your clit.
“Fuck, Duncan,” you tugged on his hair which resulted in a low desperate groan out of him. 
“Cum, baby,” he pulled away from your cunt and bit down on your inner thigh, “Cum for me,” he returned back mouth back to your most sensitive area, licking and sucking, and kissing you until your legs were shaking. 
It wasn’t long before you allowed the release to wash over you. 
Duncan licked every inch of you clean. 
When he finished he started a trail of kisses up your body - showering your tummy and breasts with so much love.
He took your nipple into his mouth and suckled on it gently while holding eye contact with you. 
“Who needs coffee with this wake up call?” you giggled grabbing on to his hair and pulling him up for a kiss. 
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admutual · 5 years
What do you think Roger’s childhood was like up in space?
oh god , i sdknsdkj have Some hcs for his childhood ,, but my hcs are kinda messy, so i’ll try to word this the best i can.
i’ll start with his relationship with his parents since i got a Lot to say here.
for starters,, his childhood was mostly ,, hh Not Great.
his mother was controlling, emotionally abusive, neglectful, and highly manipulative. she also kept roger a shut-in most of his childhood, so roger never really gained proper social skills and had to rely on her as his only source of interpersonal contact. she had this habit of bullying him and putting him down and just destroying his self-esteem, before softening up and drawing him back in with a faux sense of compassion and gentleness (she def tried to convince him that she was the only one who could possibly love him). she was sorta a ‘zira meets mother gothel meets rainflower from warrior cats, with a little frollo mixed in’ type. she was a mess.
his dad on the other hand was emotionally distant and absent and just utterly disinterested in roger, and the few times he was around he was loud, aggressive, and prone to fits of anger. he was also highly religious and it Showed. i don’t have the actual complete details for the religion he followed, all i really have is most of my inspiration for it stems from a lot of xenofiction i read (lapine mythology from watership down, starclan from warrior cats, the spirituality from tailchaser’s song ,, i’m like physically unable to make non-human creatures without drawing inspiration from xenofiction) and that roger definitely experiences some religious trauma from him.
his parents fought a Lot. and it did a number on roger,, kinda why i like to believe he’s so desperate for drama, it’s all he’s known and the peace of quiet living is unnerving to him.
roger was desperate to be on his parents’ good sides. his mother was unpredictable in this regard in that she bounced back and forth between being gentle and kind before switching to verbal abuse and aggression. his dad though never expressed any positive feelings for roger. rog tried really hard to earn his dad’s affection, but after he got older and started to realize that that just wasn’t gonna happen, his tone toward him shifted to disdain. it definitely helped that his mother was loud in her distaste for his father too and through her aforementioned behavior managed to keep roger on her side through it all. if his mom hated someone, roger did too.
that whole thing about roger eating his dad,, ye . gonna make that Edgier let’s go. i like to imagine it was long after roger had accepted that his dad sucked, he was alone with him, he got pushed a little too far, and he just snapped, killing him. as for the cannibalism thing, that religion i mentioned earlier? i still don’t have much details, but one thing i Do know is that one important belief in this religion is how their bodies are handled after death and it’s very important that funeral services are handled accordingly,, shit like don’t touch the body with bare skin after the passing, their grave must be lined with bark and leaves from a specific type of tree, no visiting the burial site for a set period of time after burial, etc. so roger, being the dramatic extreme petty bitch he is, decided to give one last ‘fuck you’ to his dad by eating him instead to fuck up the burial process. we love taking a generic primetime sitcom and making it edgier than it needs to be.
i kinda like to imagine roger’s relationships with his parents heavily influenced his relationship with stan and francine too:
for stan’s side, roger felt that stan reminded him a lot of his own father. like i said, roger felt a heavy resentment towards his father, and after coming to earth and finding he was going to be living with someone who all too closely resembled him, he put his foot down and refused to allow himself to keel over to what felt like mistreatment from him.
when roger first started to get to know stan, all he saw in him initially was the same anger and neglect he got from his own father, and in turn went out of his way to lash out and harass him as sort of a cathartic defense. but then time went on, the two started to see each other on their own level, and roger realized how stan below the surface was far from how his dad was, and he warmed up enough to view him as a close friend. i kinda like to think roger softened up to stan after finding out about jack too, as you know he could relate to him having a shitty neglectful dad himself.
as for francine, roger was drawn to her for the opposite reason in that she was nothing like his mom. roger was a total mama’s boy back home, like i said she kept him shut-in during his childhood to where she was the only one he could rely on. even after coming to earth, roger was still under the impression that she truly loved him and he had a habit of getting overly defensive of her (klaus makes a ‘your mom’ joke and roger’s in tears screaming at him to take it back). he started to question some of her treatment towards him the longer he stayed, especially with the more families he got close to where he got to observe other people’s parental relationships, but never enough to have an epiphany that she sucked. it wasn’t until after the events of ‘weiner of our discontent’ that he finally started to actively reflect on his past life on his home planet, now that he knew he was stuck on earth to stay, and he finally accepted that his mom wasn’t good to him.
as for how this influenced his relationship with francine, like i said francine was way different from roger’s mom. initially roger was super uncomfortable every time she treated him kindly and gently. he sorta held back from getting too close for a good month or two because he didn’t know which of her behavior was genuine and what was just a facade. but time went on, he decided to trust her by letting down his guard and allowing her to get close, and now the two are as tight-knit as can be. and roger’s still a total mama’s boy with her sometimes. also the aforementioned religious trauma roger experienced,, i like to believe that also drew him closer to francine after hearing her experiences growing up. roger’s just Shared Trauma Buddies with everyone.
anyways after years of constant abuse and neglect, he eventually finds a family that loves him unconditionally and he’s finally allowed to rest. i’m a slut for the ‘earn your happy ending’ trope and i’m pushing that onto roger.
(actually one last thing ,, this isn’t a set-in-stone hc, i’m not sure if i’m gonna keep it, but i like to bounce around the idea that maybe the reason his parents were so awful to him is because they believed he was responsible for a sibling’s death. like roger when he really little was out playing on the ice, things Went Wrong and it shattered, his older sib leaped in to rescue him, but things Went Even More Wrong, and his sibling managed to save him but not themself. and his parent’s (or at least his mom since i like to imagine his dad just from the start was pretty distant) immediately placed the blame on roger and never forgave. like i said idk if i’m gonna keep it as a hc, but whatevs thought i’d mention it anyway since the topic of roger’s childhood’s brought up)
and now that that’s done, the other stuff.
i like to believe because of roger’s kind’s practice of abduction, they have a decent enough study on various other planet’s species. and roger, from a young age, immediately built up a fascination with humans. he spent hours reading and rereading every study and book he could find on them. when he was given the choice to be The Decider, it was a complete dream come true for him, not only because he found what he felt was his life’s purpose, but also because he could finally study up close a species he’s admired all his life. (also once roger landed on earth his interest in humans quickly shifted from an ‘idk i just think they’re cute and fun and interesting creatures!!’ to an ‘oh fuck . o h god … humans are Hot what the hell ….’ like i make jokes about how ‘oh haha steve’s an alien fucker lol’ but tbh ……. roger’s the alien fucker in the relationship.)
bouncing off that, they definitely don’t have english as their main language. that’s always been a trope that’s annoyed me, the whole ‘every alien just inexplicably speaks english by default and can communicate with humans fluently’ trope. because of that, i like to believe roger self-taught himself multiple languages through earthling test subjects, listening to audio recordings and such. he wasn’t completely fluent, but it was enough that he could at least communicate enough once he landed on earth. and as for the mothership featured in ‘lost in space’,, hc that it’s installed with a universal translator. still kinda a lazy cop-out i guess, but whatever.
roger’s always been ,, idk,, softer than his species. not in an ‘uwu he’s actually a total sweetheart’ kinda way, but just in that unlike most of his kind, he can experience compassion (it’s rare and his conscience is still really weak, and empathy is still completely foreign to him, but he does experience compassion for those he allows to get close to him like the smiths), he’s always been too sensitive compared to most of his kind, he’s too emotionally-driven, he latches onto others and cares to much what others think of him, just a bunch of things that to most of his peers made him come across as ‘weaker’.
roger picked his own name!! i don’t really care for the trope of aliens having generic western names, so my hc is that when roger’s kind are born they’re given a placeholder name (or a title or something) and then they’re allowed to pick whatever name they want as they get older, which often times is influenced by other species. like i said earlier, roger’s always had a fascination with humans, and i like to think he decided to name himself after an abduction victim he read up on.
once roger was able to distance himself from his mom and was allowed on his own, he was a constant traveller, both in the sense of journeying across his home planet, and in finding any way possible to travel to other planets. sitting still for too long bored him and he needed to explore every possible place he could.
liste n ,,,,, roger loved building snowmen growing up. the few times he got the chance to get out was always spent building them and creating personalities for them. and he still finds himself building them on earth sometimes.
roger’s always loved reading. he can’t count how many times he flew through all the books they had around the house. and even now he just . really loves to read and can power through massive books in a matter of hours.
he loves watching the snow fall and blizzards always brought him a lot of comfort.
that whole thing about roger’s kind being 60% electricity? roger had a lot of trouble controlling excess electricity as a kid. his parents weren’t good teachers, so he just had a habit of accidentally jolting others on accident, sometimes while reading he’d get too excited and accidentally singe the papers a little, he was always pretty shaky as a kid just from how much electricity he had coursing through his body that he had zero clue how to process safely.
roger’s tendency towards playing characters came at a young age. he was always running around the house playing pretend as multiple characters and that habit just never went away.
i like to imagine roger enjoyed building little dens in the snow to chill in. for his kind, children tend to build snow dens to function in the same way human kids build treehouses,, just to vibe with their friends. and on earth sometimes during the winter roger will decide to build a den in the backyard and spend some of his nights down there.
roger’s kind love swimming. probably one of their more popular sports, hell some of them even choose to fish for their own food in the same way seals do. roger though? terrified of the water. nowadays he’s okay with it (still prefers to avoid it for the most part though), but as a kid it was one of his worst fears.
i feel like there’s something i’m missing? idk, this is long enough though so i’ll stop jsdgndks.
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Monsta X Reaction - Crush Confessions
Anonymous asked: Reaction? to how mx acts when they find out you like a member and they try to get you to confess cause they know the member likes you also.
Words: 410-530 each
Warning: Just a few cuss words but it’s really just fluff!
A/N: Oof, idk how great this is but I tried. My brain has not been working enough to write lately so I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to post something new. I hope this has been worth the wait. Probably not, I’m sorry! Anywho, here you go!
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This cutie would be so shy and giggly about it. He really wouldn’t have any idea how to get the point across without actually just coming out and saying it. But he would find it adorable and would want the both of you to be as happy as possible.
“Oh, so you like Jooheon.” Hyunwoo giggled quietly. “Well, um, that’s really...good. Yeah, it’s good. Because...um...”
“Why are you acting so weird? Are you uncomfortable now that I...?” You trailed off your sentence.
He quickly shook his head, “No, it’s not that at all! I just want you to be happy and so I...think you...I think you should tell him.”
You rolled your eyes, “And what makes you think that would be a good idea? I’m not really into the idea of being rejected.” Hyunwoo giggled again and you noticed his cheeks start to redden slightly. “Hey,” you shouted, “Are you laughing at the thought of me getting rejected? You ass, some friend you are!”
He waved his hands dramatically, “No, no! You won’t get rejected. I promise. You have to tell him. Please?”
You left his request hanging in silence for a while. “I can tell you’re keeping something from me, you know.”
He started to panic slightly and you could see his resolve slowly drain away, “Pfft, what makes you think that? I’m not. I don’t have. I...um…” You smiled and shook your head, amused at his inability to keep a secret without being completely obvious.
“Alright,” you sighed and Hyunwoo couldn’t help but grin widely. “Hey,” you pointed at Hyunwoo, causing the dorky smile to fall from his face just as fast as it appeared. “I didn’t mean I was gonna tell him. I mean I don’t know what you’re trying to keep from me, but I won’t bother you about it.” He knitted his brows together in confusion. You laughed lightly, “It’s just I can tell that if I say anything else, you’re gonna bust and spill everything. And I’m guessing it’s pretty important.”
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, but can you just talk to him about it?” You could tell he was choosing his words carefully.
Sighing as multiple thoughts ran through your head, you considered actually telling Jooheon. “Do you really think I should?”
Hyunwoo smiled warmly, eyes forming crescent moons and the cute pink tinge returning to his plump cheeks. You couldn’t imagine the secret he was so desperately trying to hold in. “Yes, I really think so.”
You chuckled, “Fine. I trust you, no matter how awful you are at not showing you have a secret. I know you’re trying your best. But I guess I should tell Jooheon now before you spill to him.” A brief look of hurt flashed over his features, but his expression quickly reverted back to eager happiness. You laughed again, patting his shoulder and pushing yourself off the couch to go find Jooheon.
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Poor thing would try his absolute best to be serious and he’d probably have some decently wise things to say. But, for the most part, he’d just end up laughing about it. Because why are you telling him and not the guy you’re crushing on? He’d listen but he’d end up telling you to stop wasting time and go tell the guy.
“I’m sorry. That probably made no sense at all.” You glanced nervously at Hoseok’s stern expression, waiting for some type of response to you suddenly unloading all your feelings on him at once.
He pursed his lips, “Hyungwon. Interesting.” You looked at him questioningly but stayed silent. “It made sense so don’t worry about that. It’s just…” His face contorted slightly and you started to get worried.
“You’re making that face again,” you stared at him, disappointed that he was clearly trying to hold in a laugh.
“What face?” The corner of his mouth twitched and he raised an eyebrow.
You sighed heavily, “The one you make when you’re trying not to laugh. That face.”
Hoseok’s lips quivered in an effort to hold back his chuckle but he failed and ended up basically laughing in your face, “OK, I’m sorry. It’s just, why are you telling me this?”
Knitting your brows together in embarrassment, your gaze fell to the floor, “I needed to tell someone! I thought maybe you’d understand. Guess I was wrong.”
“Hey, look at me,” he sighed and touched your arm, urging you to make eye contact again. “I do understand. I know what it feels like to be really interested in someone but afraid to admit it.”
Growing more annoyed, you pulled away from his reach, “Then what’s so funny? Is it because I have feelings for one of the members? Because you really can’t help who you fall for you know!”
“I know that. That’s not…” Hoseok sighed again in frustration, “I just find it funny that your telling me and not actually talking to Hyungwon about it. I mean you worked up the courage to tell me. You should’ve just used that courage to tell him!”
You slouched in aversion, “Dammit, why do you have to be right, right now?”
He grinned, “It’s just logic. Don’t overthink it. Just open your mouth and say whatever you feel like saying. Get everything off your chest even if he looks angry, because that’s just his face,” he paused, chuckling softly and glancing off to the side. You could tell he was thinking about something. “He won’t actually be angry, though,” Hoseok held up his hands, making eye contact again. “Trust me. In fact, I think he’ll be very excited to hear what you have to say. On the inside, of course.” He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled smugly.
“Alright, it’s now or never.” You nodded as if that would somehow motivate you to search out Hyungwon and spill all your feelings to him.
Hoseok chuckled again, “You’ll be fine.” He reached over to shove you slightly, “Go on.”
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This hopeless romantic would do everything in his power to make the situation as lovey dovey as possible. He’s the one off to the side giggling and squealing “Now kiss!” He would try to play matchmaker and get the two of you in some goofy situation where you just had to admit your feelings for each other. Setting you two up would be his absolute dream.
“I don’t want you to react weird.” You fiddled with a loose string on the pillow in your lap.
Minhyuk cocked his head, “React weird to what? I don’t react weird to things. Do I?”
You shot him a pointed look before returning your gaze to the fabric in front of you. “I’ve been trying to convince myself that it’s just a crush and not anything more.”
“You’re being cryptic.” He squinted in suspicion. “But,” Minhyuk squealed and wriggled in his seat, “A crush? On who? Tell me everything!”
You let out an exaggerated sigh, “You’re already acting weird and I’ve barely said anything!”
“Am not!” He protested, “Tell me!”
Throwing your hands up in frustration, you gave in, “Fine! It’s Kihyun. I have feelings for Kihyun. Happy?”
Minhyuk’s eyes widened, “I knew it!”
“What?” You squirmed nervously, “Did I make it that obvious?”
He grinned and rubbed his hands together maniacally, “Probably not to everyone else, and definitely not to Kihyun, but I always see these things.”
“OK, you’re acting weird like I said you would, but it’s not the weird I expected.” You stared at him, worried for more than one reason. “I thought you’d be freaked out that I like one of your group mates.”
He shook his head, still smiling, “Not at all! I’ve seen it for a while anyway. Honestly, I couldn’t be surprised if I tried. Now’s the fun part!”
You slouched in disappointment, immediately regretting telling Minhyuk of all people. “What terrible idea could you possibly have?”
He giggled and gestured vaguely, “I’m obligated to set this up. It’s my job as matchmaker.” You sighed loudly, trying to express your annoyance and disapproval without using words. “It’ll be great, don’t worry!”
“Oh, I’m worried!” You side-eyed him, “Don’t do anything stupid. This really isn’t something I want to admit to his face anyway. At least not right now.” You could almost see the gears turning in Minhyuk’s head as he formulated his plan.
He jolted suddenly, “Oh my god, I need to go to the store.” Minhyuk started to list off the things he needed for his plan, “I gotta pick up some wine and probably some rose petals. Maybe a nice table cloth. And-”
“Minnie, no!” You cut him off, panicked that he was going to make a big deal out of this when you felt that it would all end up horribly. “Please don’t make this a thing.”
He grinned, “Too late!”
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Staying silent most of the time, it would probably seem like he either didn’t care or wasn’t listening. But really, he’d just be taking everything in and trying to formulate the best words for the situation. He’d be very caring and reassuring but also try to keep your spirits up and encourage you in the best way he knows how.
“Are you even listening to anything I’m telling you?” Kihyun’s expression had been completely blank and he stayed silent the entire time you explained your feelings for Hoseok, making you wonder if he was actually paying attention.
His features softened into a gentle smile, “Of course I am.”
You tilted your head, “Then why do you look like your brain is somewhere else?”
Kihyun chuckled, shaking his head slightly and folding his hands across his lap. “I was concentrating on what you were saying. And I didn’t say anything because I wanted you to get everything off your chest first before I made any comments.” He studied your face intently. Your cheeks warmed under his gaze and you broke eye contact to stare at the floor, embarrassed that you had just assumed he didn’t care. “Like I told you before, anytime you need to talk about anything, I’m here and I will listen to everything you have to say. I was just keeping the promise I made to you. I’m sorry if-”
“No!” You cut him off, “Please don’t apologize. You don’t have anything to apologize for. I was the one that just assumed. I’m sorry.”
He smiled again, leaning back in his seat. “It’s OK. My face just does that, looking totally blank, I don’t know.”
You laughed, recalling many of the times Kihyun looked far off, “It does that a lot!”
He let a puff of air out his nose, “I know. Did you say everything you needed to?” You nodded and he rubbed his chin, still in and out of his thoughts. “You really don’t have to tell Wonho everything right now. But it would be easier to say things now than to let the feelings eat away at you for too long. It’ll be harder the stronger your feelings are,” he paused and tilted his head. “You know you don’t have to be afraid of this, right?” You knit your brows together, questioning him without words. Kihyun smiled slightly, “This is all perfectly normal. You two are pretty close. Feelings are usually bound to form, no matter the person. Friends first, lovers second--I’ve always felt things work out better that way.”
A blush crept onto your cheeks at the word ‘lovers’, “Kihyun! Don’t say stuff like that!”
His eyes sparkled in that unique way that always gave his teasing nature away, “Say what?” You swatted at him, silently hoping he wouldn’t stray off topic causing you to leave because of embarrassment. Kihyun shook his head, “This is a sit down kind of thing. It’s a situation where you both need to talk out all your thoughts and feelings about your relationship, no matter what they are.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, voice barely above a whisper.
Kihyun nodded and rose to his feet, “Like I said, it’s up to you when you tell him.” He winked, smiling brightly before heading off and leaving you with your thoughts.
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He’d be both serious and teasing about the situation. He would probably get irritated at your hesitation and would try to rush you into admitting your feelings. But he’d do it out of love, obviously. Just in his own weird, slightly uncomfortable and awkward way.
“Why is your home screen a photo of Changkyun?” Hyungwon’s voice startled you out of your trance your phone screen had put you in. You whipped around to look at him, quickly locking your phone and slipping it under your leg. He had his arms crossed over his chest and a very smug look on his face, standing behind the couch your were sitting on. “Hiding your phone doesn’t get rid of the fact that I already discovered your secret.” Your eyes widened at the thought that he knew more than just about the phone screen. “Are you ok?” Hyungwon noticed your fearful expression and came around to sit next to you.
“Sure, I’m fine. I-wait, you know my secret? Who told you?”
He squinted, lips parted slightly, “I just saw your phone two seconds ago. What do you mean who told me?” Countenance softening into realization, he smiled slyly, “Or do you have another secret I don’t know about?”
You avoided his gaze nervously, “Well, yeah, I guess I do.”
“And?” He leaned closer, prodding you for more information.
“I’m kinda, umm, I have...feelings for him. For Changkyun,” you mumbled slowly, unsure of his response.
“You can’t be serious.” Hyungwon looked at you pointedly but you noticed an unusual sparkle in his eye when you looked up at him.
You frowned, “Would you hate me if I was?”
“Of course not!” He huffed, “I just don’t understand how you fell for him. Changkyun’s kinda…you know what, I don’t even know. He’s just Changkyun I guess. But really, him out of all the guys? That’s a weird coincidence if you ask me.”
“I didn’t ask you,” you eyed him suspiciously, “and I don’t know what that means. But I’m sorry, I guess?”
Hyungwon sighed and shook his head, “No, don’t apologize. It’s a good thing. But it’s not really my place to tell you what I know.”
Looking at him out of the corner of your eye, you couldn’t help but to slowly become more and more confused. “Hyungwon, what are you talking about?”
He sighed more dramatically, “Look, it’s not my admission to make. You need to talk to Changkyun about this. He should be back any minute. You can tell him when he gets home.”
Your mouth fell open and you leapt to your feet in panic, “Like hell! Now is most certainly not the time to have this conversation! And I most certainly am not emotionally or mentally capable to admitting this to his face!”
“Admitting what to who’s face?” Changkyun’s voice came from the doorway.
You whipped around, fear painted all over your face, “How long have you been standing there?”
He chuckled, “Since ‘Like hell!’. What’s wrong?”
Standing motionless and trying to compose yourself enough to explain things, Hyungwon pushed himself off the couch and muttered in your ear, “You better actually tell him. You don’t wanna know what I’ll do if you don’t!” His voice was eerily singsongy and it made you almost as uncomfortable as his weird grin did.
“Asshole!” You called after him through gritted teeth as he rushed off and left you to fend for yourself.
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He’d be so smiley and blush so much, you’d think it was him you had admitted having feelings for. But he’d hear you out and probably get emotional right along with you. And he’d help you think up a plan of admission instead of telling you to just jump in head first. He would be supportive but still giggle about the cute factor.
Jooheon was hiding his face behind his hand. His eyes were peeking over his fingers, sparkling with laughter. “Why are you blushing so much? I said I was interested in Minhyuk, not-” you trailed off, uncertain if it would upset him to admit that it wasn’t him you had feelings for since you knew he’d always had a bit of a crush on you himself.
“No, I know that.” He spoke between giggles, “That doesn’t bother me. It’s just cute because, well, I don’t know, it’s cute!”
His smile being quite contagious, you couldn’t help but to laugh a little with him, “Why is it so cute to you? It’s a normal thing.”
Jooheon shrugged, deep dimples framing his grin, “Lots of normal things are cute. This just happens to be one of them.” You rolled your eyes playfully as he shifted in his seat and hugged the pillow in his lap tighter to his chest, setting his chin on it and looking at you intently. “So, do you have any idea how you’re actually gonna talk to him about this?”
Groaning and sighing deeply, you dragged your hands down your face dramatically. “No clue.”
He nodded slightly, “He’s really romantic, so any way you tell him, he’s gonna love it.”
You smiled softly to yourself, dropping your head on the back of the couch, “I know.”
“Yeah, so I don’t think you have to make a big deal out of it. How elaborate it is won’t have an effect on his answer.” You raised an eyebrow at him, silently wondering if he already knew what Minhyuk’s answer would be. Deciding against prodding him for information, you just nodded in response. “If you just sit him down, like we are right now, it should be easy enough. He feels so comfortable with you and I know the same goes for you, so you don’t have to worry about it being awkward.” Jooheon smiled reassuringly, twinkle still present in his eyes.
You furrowed your brow, “But don’t you think it at least has to be a bit more than just a “normal” conversation?”
He broke eye contact and stared off into space for a few seconds, thinking. “I mean, you could play 20 questions and maneuver them in your favor to get out what you want to say without straight up saying ‘I’m in love with you’ or whatever. If you’re gonna play a game or something, ‘Truth or Dare’ seems too obvious. Mainly because Minhyuk has a tendency to always choose dare and so he’ll probably end up making a fool out of himself.”
You chuckled, imagining the many ridiculous things Minhyuk has done in the past, “You’re probably right. And it’s not a bad idea. It would probably work.”
Jooheon sat up straighter, “OK, I’ll get him to invite you over for drinks and a movie in the next couple days. That should give you a bit of time to work out the details. I’ll help you with whatever!”
You leaned over to punch his arm, “This is why you’re my best friend. And the brains of the friendship, too.” He just chuckled and shook his head.
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He’d be very mellow about it. He would listen to everything you need to get off your chest. And he would probably think it’s really adorable but he definitely wouldn’t tell you that. As long as he didn’t actually spill the information he was supposed to keep secret, he’d be a good friend about the whole thing and push you in the most gentle way to tell your crush your feelings.
“Kyunnie, I’m worried. I don’t feel like I’m ready to actually tell him this face to face.” You bowed your head, avoiding eye contact, “Man, you don’t even know how much courage I had to muster up just to talk to you about this.”
He chuckled, “Honestly, you fell for the one out of all of us that would be the easiest to admit to.”
You knit your brows together in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Well, for one, Shownu’s so calm about everything. He wouldn’t overreact and he’d listen to everything you had to say. He’d try to make you feel comfortable about it because if you weren’t, he’d be really awkward.” Changkyun paused to laugh, “He would stare at you blankly for a while though. Which would be really funny to see, you admitting your feelings and him just standing there emotionless, silently absorbing everything you said.”
You slouched into the couch and threw your head back against it, “Is that supposed to make me feel better? ‘Cause it’s not working.”
You could see him smile out of the corner of your eye, “No, seriously. You shouldn’t worry too much about it. He might clam up but nothing would go wrong or end badly.”
“How do you know?” You crossed your arms over your chest, bad thoughts and outcomes whirling through your head. “For all we know, he might hate me for the rest of my existence if I told him I have feelings for him.”
Changkyun shook his head, “Not ‘for all we know’. For all you know.”
You looked at him, slightly shocked but mainly annoyed, “Are you still trying to make me feel better? Because you’re really failing miserably right now!”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” he sighed, dragging his hand down his face. “Look, he’s gonna be really shy about it when you tell him. And he probably won’t say everything he should.” Changkyun trailed off like he was about to say something he shouldn’t.
You scoffed, “‘When you tell him’. You actually think I’m gonna tell someone else about this, especially him? You’re insane.”
He nodded, laughing softly, “I know I don’t always have the best ideas, but trust me on this. You need to talk with him. It will not end badly. No matter what you’re imagining. I promise.”
You stayed silent for a while, pondering the situation. “Fine, but if things do end badly like I think they will, I’m taking the opportunity to kick your ass.”
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an-avid-reader · 4 years
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Legend (#1) - Marie Lu
my rating: 4/5 stars
In a world where the Patriots/Colonies and the Republic are at odds and there’s a plague in the poorer parts of the US, Day is an unstoppable street criminal with good intentions. When his family’s house gets marked by Republic soldiers, Day’s only thought is to steal a cure before his family member dies. June is a top student at Drake University—a prodigy. When her brother, Metias, gets caught in a cross-fire during a mission, June is fast-tracked to becoming a soldier. Her first mission: track down Day. As Day and June come from such opposite backgrounds, is it possible that their paths would’ve crossed otherwise? 
Link to Goodreads // Spoiler-free review below
It felt so weird to switch this book from “to-read” to “reading” and now to “read” on Goodreads—this was the first book I placed on my virtual tbr and now, 6 years later I’ve read Legend! Honestly, I didn’t know much about this story going in, besides the fact that it’s a dystopian trilogy...and that, after reading a bunch of those stories, I was skeptical going into this book however I was still really excited to pick it up and I’m glad that I did! 
Legend alternates between Day and June’s perspectives and we get to see how drastically their lives are; when their worlds collide it was super fascinating, even though they put A LOT of trust from nowhere into each other. I sort of wish we got a few chapters from other characters, such as Commander Jameson, Thomas, and Tess, but of course without ruining the story. The other reason I didn’t give a full 5/5 was because I was able to guess bits of the twist pretty early on, albeit I wasn’t sure how it was going to pan out until we came to that part of the story. (We also gotta leave some room for improvement for the subsequent books!)
So the main premise of the story is that there is a war between the Colonies/Republic and the Patriots. To be completely honest, I still can’t really explain why this war occurred, nor what either’s agenda is (except for maybe power, but in terms of politics I’m ???). One reason why I wish we got more POVs is to explore this issue a bit more, and what their motivation is—if two Patriots were in the same room, would there be a way for them to connect with each other (assuming that this is a large society), for example. There were some details that were slowly brought out, such as the coin found by Day’s father (which is incorporated into a very clever manner). To be completely honest, the one thing I took away from the political scene is how cult-like the US in this book (but also irl—I’ve never seen another country where pretty much everyone has their country’s flag on their front lawn or uhhh worship? their flag).
The other minor but also major detail is the virus (or the plague, but it has to be treated with a vaccine, therefore it’s a virus). We know that there’s a plague, and of course, the poorer parts of the rEpBuLiC, such as Day’s neighbourhood, are affected heavily, but that’s pretty much the extent that we know. I wonder if Legend was written/published today (or next year, let’s say), would the plague be different—would people be wearing masks, for instance?  What are the symptoms of the plague (I think there was some coughing and fever)—how do you know for sure it’s the plague and not a common cold or the chicken pox, for example o.O I definitely felt like I was over analyzing details at times because I was able to pick up on Lu’s foreshadowing pretty early on. 
Brief comment on Lu’s foreshadowing—she is clever in the sense that sometimes the details are right in your face, but you don’t realize it until a significant event happens. Sometimes it’s a really important part of the story, other times it’s just a subtle detail, like the coin. You can tell that Lu most likely planned Legend meticulously, and I’m sure that the next two books are crafted with this precise manner. I’m sure this is the type of book that when you reread it, you can pick out all the details that were planted along the way (or maybe I’m over analyzing again).
Something else that I appreciated in this book is that, although this is dystopian, it doesn’t feel like those typical dystopian tropes are there, if that makes sense. Yes, there’s a romance (and maybe a tad of insta love), but it’s not the driving factor of the plot. And there’s no love triangle (*throws confetti*). Besides the war and thus, the division of the population, the most obvious dystopian feature is the Trial—this is when you turn 10, you must take a test (physical, mental, and an interview). Based on your score, you either get placed into highschool, university, or you’re sent to labour camps if you fail. Honestly, as messed up as the Trial is, it’s almost like a reality today. I feel like people who are just entering middle school are already set on studying medicine or law, when at that age, you should be idk enjoying life and maybe start putting effort into what you enjoy, not choosing a career. Anyways, those are my 2 cents. 
Although Legend is written from our two main characters, I love how different their dynamic was, which made the story much more interesting. From Day’s point of view, I liked that we got to see the pain he feels for his family. I also appreciated Day’s relationship with Tess, who I feel like they’re more like brother and sister (and I’m glad there isn’t a love triangle...at this point of the trilogy anyways). While Day is a criminal, he’s such a softie when it comes to the people he cares about, whereas when he’s on a ‘mission’ he’s very sly. From June’s point of view, we are introduced to Thomas (which I thought he was like a butler but oop that’s not right), Metias (her brother), and Ollie (their doggo (yes?)). At first, it seems that June is like this kick ass girl, who is super young (ish, she’s 16) and she’s a trouble-maker, but I feel like her peers respect her. One thing I noticed is that June is such a compassionate person—I’m not sure how to explain it, but she’s more “human” than Commander Jameson, for example. Her element of humanity and being able to analyze a situation/emotions within a few minutes, it was super impressive—I feel like she makes working for the Republic very easy. We only get a few glimpses of her and Metias together, but what we see is so wholesome—you can tell that Metias is scared/deeply cares for his younger sister. And there’s Thomas...from the gecko he gave me weird vibes but man he is such an icky man. Also, seeing as June is a prodigy, it’s almost like her uh ‘bosses’ (?) treat her as a prized possession, which 100% made me feel like (more on that in the spoiler section below). For once, I didn’t really mind the insta love between June and Day, though whilst I was reading the book, I was a bit frustrated because I could see exactly where the story was going (I see you, Lu, I see you).
Finally, I appreciate that Lu’s characters are people of colour, specifically Asian/asian-mixed. I obviously can’t speak on her behalf, but I’m glad that she didn’t conform to the “norm” or “default” as she is Asian-american herself. Furthermore, I think it gives younger people the encouragement that yes, you can be an author, you don’t need to be a heterosexual, cis, white male. (I’m sorry for the crappy explanation, I guess what kinda sucks is that she had to explicitly mention it in the book). ANYWAYS moving on, I appreciated this book, though I didn’t really know what to expect from it. To be completely honest, I was also scared to read it because it had been on my TBR since 2014 (oops), but I think that in the end, it’s good thing I waited to start this trilogy; I think that otherwise, this would’ve been same-old-same-old vibes to other dystopian books/trilogies I’ve read in the past. I’m excited to see where the trilogy takes us and I’m excited to see how Lu will further develop our main characters, as well as see how her writing style changes over time!
If you’ve read this book, I’d love to know what your thoughts are, did you like this book or not? (and if you’ve read the other two books, did you find that overall, the series gets better/what book is your favourite from this series?).
Thank you for reading my review, I hope you are having a legendary day (sorry, I had to), wherever you are in the world!
~ Cassandra / an-avid-reader
I’ve decided to include a spoiler section of my reviews; continue reading for some spoiler-y content (you have been warned)
While I could see it coming that June was going to betray Day, she felt so bad when she called the cops on his family. Again, this goes back to the humanity thing. The fact that she actually listened to Day (and I guess respected him?) as opposed to merely judging him for “failing” his Trial and being poor is commendable. To be honest, I’d like to think that they had mutual respect for each other, Day has his reputation, and June unexpectedly kicked Kaede’s butt in the ring. I feel like there’s so much to uncover, there’s something so fishy with their government, and I think we’re just at the tip of the iceberg. It makes me think of what other contraband exists, besides the pendent/coin. Also, side note, isn’t one presidential term = 4 years, and the Elector has been the leader/uh President for 11 terms? I don’t remember it being mentioned, but I feel like the next Elector would be his son, sort of like a dictatorship…
Speaking of the fight scene, I’m honestly surprised that June didn’t put the pieces together. When she met Day for the first time (for the cure deal), she noted his dialect/the fact that he used the cousin. We’re not told how many other people use the same slang, nor do we encounter another character (such as the older man who helped Tess and Day early on in the story), using that slang. Thus, when Day said cousin in front of June, I’m surprised that she didn’t question whether that was Day or not. Then again, I feel like she needed more hints to corroborate her hypothesis—I’m just surprised that it didn’t even cross her mind, I guess. 
June = prized possession? Aka Thomas kissing her *vomits* I assumed that Thomas was an older guy, again, like he was her butler/guardian because her parents are dead. (LIGHTBULB MOMENT - we know that the Republic just kills people, so is it possible that Day’s father is still alive? We know for sure his mom is dead because she got shot in the head by none other than T h o m a s, but maybe there’s a chance that Day’s father was still alive). I feel like June was just even more ruplused when she found out that Thomas was actually the killer of her brother; I wonder if that’s what made him so “cold”, as June referred to later on in the story. Was he brainwashed or something? Commander Jameson gives me these weird vibes, like she has a bigger role in this story, but we don’t know yet. And then during the ceremony after June caught Day, there was Chian, Metias’ mentor (most likely also a snake) who was kinda hitting on her, and then there was the Elector’s son! I’m just speechless, can these people not force themselves onto June?? If she didn’t meet Day, would she fall for one of them, or would she just live her best life (part of me hopes for the latter, all those guys are creeps).
I also find it convenient that June knew exactly what to do with the computer/with Metias’ message? Albeit, she is clever (when her judgement isn’t clouded lmao). I knew that the letters were going to be a scramble, but I would’ve never thought it would lead to a website. Also, how was Metias sure that June would read through his stuff? If he were still alive, would he have told June about what he found (ever)? And how did he get wrapped up in all of this? So many questions!! Anyways, I guess that the two of them had a similar way of going about things/thinking similar enough so that they could find clues like that without raising too much suspicion (even though June did end up getting caught towards the end). 
One of the ways that Lu was able to sneak in some foreshadowing is when we’re in Day’s POV and we learn about his older brother, John. I remember that there was something along the lines of “oh we look so similar, it would be easy to mistake one for the other” and that sort of raised suspicion for me, which was confirmed when John sacrificed himself to let June and Day (and the others) escape. I didn’t catch that Day’s pendant was a coin, however, that was really clever. I wouldn’t say that being able to spot these things early on made me dislike the book, but it did take away the element of surprise. 
Onto book #2!
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Survey #236
“so i asked you once, and i ask you again: where do your roots start, and where do your roots end?”
Do you wear a ring on your finger? Yeah, a Supernatural reference best friend one. Do you listen to your friends’ advice when they give it to you? I mean, it depends on the kind of advice and the seriousness of the issue. I'd say in most cases, yes. What’re you listening to right now? "Angel Eyes" by New Years Day ft. Chris Motionless. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It has been, twice. I don't think I'll do it again because my glasses are just in the way and they come out and get lost too easily. Is your last ex still someone you care about and do you still have romantic feelings for your ex? Yes to both. My feelings towards her haven't changed at all, we just made a heavily-discussed, hard, but wise decision for the time being. Are you someone’s best friend? Sara. What’s the biggest annoyance in your life right now? Annoyance, ummm... oh, easy. Being poor as dirt. That's only slightly under my skin, y'know? Have you spoken to your mother today? Yeah, I live with her. When was the last time you cried and why? PTSD. It's started to become relevant again, jOY to THe WOrlD!!!!!1!!!1!!!!! Is there someone who makes you instantly smile when you receive a message from them? I mean I don't always smile, but I consistently do get excited. If someone loved you right now, would you want them to tell you? *confused screaming* Do you like to cuddle? If I'm seriously romantically into you, yes. Is any part of you sad at all? I think that's always going to be a thing for me, somewhere down in there. Do you like seafood? Only shrimp, and even that I don't like in some forms. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yeah. Does more than one person like you? Idk. Do you ever worry that people might be talking about you behind your back? Always. Fuck, I think Sara's the only person I can count on to never. Do you call your partner ‘baby’? I hated it and never used it 'til Sara. I eventually did, and somehow, it felt okay and not disrespectful??? Idk if I'll use it again. What's the most boring guy’s name out there? Like, "Bob" or something. Do you know how to play Mahjong? Nope. Ever had a promise ring? No. What’s the biggest turn off in the opposite sex? Send me a dick pic and I will actually KICK you in the dick. Fun fact, even though I'm still bi, visually, penises gross me the fuck out and so I'd rather see someone's as little as possible, m'kay? Doing that is like a surefire way for me to decide "oh no bye boy." How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? A whole lot. This time last year, were you single? No. Who is someone you’ll always hate? The doctor that put me on a medication that put around 100 pounds on me and blamed it aaaaaall on me. :^) Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Yeah, just spelled differently. Who knows your biggest secret(s)? Sara. Do you ever read the threads on r/AskReddit? No. Are you currently stressed out about anything? You have no fucking idea. What’s your Instagram @? brittanymphotography or eldritch_obscura, depending on what kind of photography you're into. Don't have a personal one. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? It's so complicated. I think, but I also question the "in" love part. That and just "loving" are different to me. I want her, I want Jason, and here I am strictly monogamous. I barely understand what I feel romantically rn. If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in? UM fuck that I'm calling the cops. Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing? Not really. How would you react if a friend started dating your ex? When "ex" is used singularly, I always assume you want The Ex. So, regardless of friend, that'd feel weird, but with certain people/levels of friendship, less so than others. If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first? So not family? Uhhh, I don't know. It depends on the kind of emergency. Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single? No. Other than that "someone who wasn't single" being my partner. Are you single? if no who are you dating and for how long? Not right now, no. What kind of music do you listen to? Tons of different forms of metal, rock, indie, and I'm even into some electro stuff now. Do you have any YouTube videos of yourself? Thank the merciful lord, not anymore. What’s your fave YouTube video? BIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHH the one featuring Dark in A Heist With Markiplier. I am not exaggerating my love of White Suit Dark. Use three words that best describe your best friend: Passionate, loyal, and resilient as a motherfucker. Now use three that best describe you: Also passionate, empathetic, and caring. List three things that describe your crush/love: Look I love someone but am also preoccupied with the idea of Jason coming back to me. It's not a "crush," it's being in love with a memory. I don't have a clue how to answer this rn. Is there someone in the family that no one really talks to? As far as extended family goes, yeah. Have you ever been romantically interested in a coworker? N/A What is the game you’re currently playing most often on your phone? None; I have no games on it because my phone has incredibly small memory. Same. Are you close to someone who is mentally unwell? Well, define "unwell." I have a load of friends and family with mental disorders, but calling them "mentally unwell" seems too severe. Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet? Adopt, dude. There are so, SO many cats and dogs and I'm sure more that need a home, but you'd rather pay hundreds for a dog with likely some sort of health problem from extreme breeding than adopt an animal for a far cheaper price that ALREADY needs a family? Come on, now. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies? I read Ozzy's autobiography. Do you know anyone who is freaked out by cats? ???????????? no????????????? What name would you pick for yourself? Probably "Zoey." Do you enjoy going to live shows? Do concerts count? 'Cuz yeah. Who do you spend the most time with? My mom, I guess? She's the only one I live with, but she's like, never home because she works more than she breathes. What color do you wish your hair was? Natural hair, blonde. So much easier to dye, jc. Does any of the jewelry you wear have sentimental significance? The ring mentioned earlier, as well as the bracelet Sara also gave me. Who is your favorite drummer? Eh, no op Do you find musicians attractive? This is a dumb question... It depends on the musician??? If you could get any piercing, what would it be? I want a microdermal below/near the outer corner of my eye NOW. But I have glasses so it would totally ruin the purpose, ugh. Do you scream, yell, jump around and dance at shows or do you stand still? Just cheer, really. I wouldn't call it "screaming." I guess I can yell, too? Have you ever lost your voice from screaming so much? "No. I’ve had a sore throat." <<<< This. What’s your favorite color on the person you have feelings for? Both Sara and Jason, as well as like anyone, I love wearing black. Actually, Sara is super cute in light colors, like baby pink. Ugh talking about them at the same time feels fuckin weird. Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer? Alright, let's just say like, the "traditional" guys. I suppose Jason? His silence, totally casual pursuit, and mask creep me out, man. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving? When I myself am driving, I don't want music on. I can't concentrate. Are you willing to board airplanes? I've gone up to see Sara like... three times within two years, I think? They don't scare me too much. I don't like takeoff, though. Too rocky and dizzying. Do looks really matter to you when it comes to friendship? ??????????? what?????????? the fuck??????????????? Do you accept friend requests from people you don’t know? Nope. I have to not only know you, but care more about you than like the average acquaintance of whatever. What is one of your best talents? Writing, I guess? Are/were you a rebellious youth or angsty teen? ha ha oh BOY Do you put your change in a jar for savings? No. How do you feel about transvestites? BITCH y'all great. I love you. Fuckin ROCK YA SHIT. Do you know anyone with a land line at their house? Yes, actually. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Certain kinds of daydreams. Have you been in a fist fight with someone you didn’t want to fight? I've never had a physical fight. Has anyone ever convinced you to do something you didn’t want to? Sure. Usually for my own benefit/growth, though. Are you a sensitive person? Yeah, quite a bit. Do you enjoy writing? Yep. Are you a germ-o-phobe? YEAH. Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog? I would TOTALLY have a sphynx. There's this one breed of dog too and is furless on most places but does have some furry areas and are so ugly they're cute, and I once almost did adopt a hairless rat. So there's your answer. Do you prefer big, fluffy towels or normal sized/smaller towels? BIG FLUFF What is the image on your beach towel? Don't have one of those. Are you good with making eye contact? NO. I never know how long to maintain it and overthink it HEAVILY. I avoid it most of the time. What is your favorite book that was turned into a movie? Probably The Outsiders. I thought it did the book great justice. Do you like the movie or the book better? I don't remember either well enough. Do you watch porn? No. I don't want to watch some strangers bang each other. It's in no way arousing to me. What’s your favorite flavor of applesauce, if any? I guess just normal? Do you go to a firework show every 4th of July? Nah. Are you diabetic? No. Are you allergic to gluten? No. I don't think I'd survive. Are you lactose intolerant? No. Do you live with your parents? Just my mom. Parents are divorced and Mom had full custody, and my two sisters are proper adults that can survive without their mommy. :^) How much experience do you have written down on your resume, approximately? NOT A LOT!!!!!!!! I only count like, one damn job that was valid/lasted a couple months, but only because I very rarely worked. I also only include my previous online college, and should I create a resume now, obviously the one I currently attend. What’s your favorite song to dance to? I do not dance, my friend. What do you think of your parents? Both of them are great. Mom is the reason I'm (in the big picture) healthy, even alive. I WOULD be dead, died a long time ago, if it was not for that woman. Saved my life again and again and again, been there for me through both the same old shit and new madness. I'mma stop here before I actually cry just thinking about how thankful I am for her. Dad, too, I love, and I aspire to be as positive as he seems nowadays. His loyalty to my sisters and me, especially after the shit I've said, is incredible. He doesn't take a lot too seriously, and that's nice, especially when you're having a hard time. He's an optimistic guy now that always makes an effort to cheer you up. He's a total goof, too. He's just fun to be around. What do you think makes you attractive to other people? HA, fuck if I know. I guess my vertical lip labret stands out? Everyone I've dated since having it has at some point pointed out that that's like, my trademark that makes me recognizable right off the bat and that it looks good on me. One of the few things I even like on myself. Would more money make you happier? Look me right in the fucking eye and answer "no" to this. What is one of your favorite memories as a child? Watching my older sister play demo discs' video games after waking up. It's something so simple, but idk, I love remembering that. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Probably red velvet, like gd that shit good. Who is your favorite sports team? Idc. Like I have a natural fondness towards the Carolina Hurricanes 'cuz they're Dad's favorite and we've gone to some games together, but I really don't care. Who would you like to get to know better? I have this high school acquaintance named Courtlynn on my Facebook that seems so cool and relatable. She seems to like me too (not romantically, but she's really supportive, hearts like everything, comments the sweetest stuff sometimes, all that), I just think both of us are shy to reach out. What is the strangest food you ever ate? "I don’t eat anything I consider strange. I’m so picky and basic." <<<< Big 'ole fat same. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? I exclusively only eat pork fried rice and/or egg rolls. Are you an organ donor? YES!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE ONE!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T NEED THEM ONCE UR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LIVING DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE SOME LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What’s your favorite candle scent? FRESH BAKED BREAD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What would you do if you found an abandoned animal? Check for identification and call if a number is given, offer it food and water, put a notification up on Facebook about a lost pet... all that stuff. We'd try to avoid a shelter, probably, because yeah. Euthanization is a thing. Have you ever kissed someone who had a tongue piercing? I am the one with the tongue piercing lmao. No. Is it easy for someone to make you cry? OH YES, QUITE. How many children can you see yourself having? IF I had kids, IF, I could not possibly imagine myself with more than two. What is your favorite PlayStation 1 game? SILENT HILL FUCK MAN I LOVE THAT SHIT. Are you competitive? Not really. Depends. Black and white or colored photos? It very much depends. Composition, lighting, content, all that contributes to what I find more aesthetically pleasing. Do you prefer to date younger, older, or the same age as you? Preferably around my age. What’s something from the past that you don’t miss at all? Being a depressed mess every waking moment of my life. Do you like ice cream cake? Not really. Do you wash your hair every day? No, every day is bad for your hair. Do you have trouble sticking to promises? Definitely not. I'm good at that. Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex? Very briefly. She thought she was ready, but not quite. What kind of headphones do you have? Right now they're literally just flimsy hot pink earplugs from a dollar store lmao. How often do you go to parties? Never. Do you sleep in awkward positions? I don't think so. Do you experiment a lot with new looks on yourself? Not really. Where is your favorite place to be kissed? Don't touch my tits with, like, anything. Do you ever quote your favorite movie in normal conversations? No? Do people ever tell you that you look stoned when you’re not? No. Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? *shrugs* why not both? Do hospitals freak you out? To a degree. Been there enough times to both get semi-used to it, but it also agitates old wounds and makes me antsy to get out. What about cemeteries at night? I've never experienced this, so I can't say. But the idea doesn't really creep me out, no. What is your favorite Nintendo 64 game? I never had one. Were you mean as a little kid? Nah, I was a good kid actually.
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pokii-jonas · 6 years
Accepting Deceit : Chapters 7 and 8
so... for the life of me, i can’t remember if i added chapter 7 to tumblr, so i figured i’d just do these 2 chapters together ;p
sorry about forgetting to update on here!!! if you want updates sooner, just see my AO3 here because i update that a day before tumblr usually :p
chapter 6 here
(chapter 7) -  light swearing (one f bomb), a lot of kissing (idk if that's a warning, but just in case)
(chapter 8) -  crying (i guess?)
When Remy first appeared in front of Roman, knocking his full mug to the ground and breaking it, Roman wasn’t entirely sure what was happening.
“Re-!” Roman started to say, only to be cut off my Remy putting his finger to his lips and saying, “Oh, shut up you idiot.”
Before anything else could be said, Remy was pressing his lips forcefully against Roman’s.
Roman simply kissed back, slowly at first but with more force as the kiss deepened and he finally convinced himself that yes:
This was fucking happening.
And oh god was it amazing.
They didn’t split for a while, but when they finally did it was Remy drawing back to take a deep breath.
They both were breathing heavily and their cheeks were slightly flushed a soft red as they stared at each other.
“W...where the heck did that come from?” Roman asked quietly, his voice slightly lower than usual which cause Remy to smirk.
Looking Roman up and down, Remy got off of him and went to sit at the other end of the couch while saying, “You’re an idiot. Why didn’t you ever tell me you liked me?”
Roman’s face flushed a little brighter.
“Well, I thought you didn’t like me! I… ya know… didn’t wanna ruin anything.” he said, starting off strong and confident but gradually getting quieter.
Remy gave a small laugh.
“Wow, you are so cute when making excuses.” he said sarcastically, a smirk playing across his face.
Roman glared over at him.
“Oh yeah ‘Mr. I Have a Crush on Roman and I’m Never Gonna Tell Him because He Doesn’t Feel the Same Way?’ Well then, I must say you’re on fire because I smell the smokey scent of a hypocrite.” Roman retorted, crossing his arms as he tried to hide his growing smirk.
Remy wanted to roll his eyes at the over complicated attempt at a joke, but instead jumped forward once again and pressed himself back onto Roman.
Roman, more prepared this time, kissed back with full force and flipped Remy underneath him with surprising strength.
Remy let out a startled mumble at this and Roman pulled back slightly to give him a sly smirk.
Remy smirked back but as Roman began to close the distance between their mouths again Remy’s eyes went wide and he pressed his hand to cover Roman’s mouth.
“Oop! One sec babe, I needa do something real quick.” he said, moving to sit up despite Roman still being on top of him.
Pouting slightly, Roman got up and let Remy fully sit up. His pout quickly turned into confusion as Remy waved his hand and conjured the same pen and journal he had out earlier.
“What’s that?” Roman asked, watching Remy scribble a few sentences on a half filled page and then let it disappear with the pen.
“Hm? Oh, I guess it’s kind of like a dream journal. Except instead of writing down dreams, I write down things that actually happen.” Remy responded, leaning back and placing his sunglasses on his face as they had fallen off during his earlier surprise attack.
“Why would you write down reality though?” Roman asked, confused.
Remy felt a light blush fall across his cheeks as he answered, “I have trouble, uh, telling the difference sometimes. Ya know, between dreams and reality. The journal helps me remember I’m awake.”
It occurred to him that only Logan really knew this bit of information, though he figured the others probably picked up on it. Logan, however, was the only one he had directly told before.
Roman looked Remy up and down, trying not to think about how cute he was when he was blushing.
“Oh, okay. That makes sense, actually. Now I feel dumb for not noticing sooner.” Roman said with a small frown.
However, that frown quickly turned into a mischievous smirk as he looked Remy up and down again.
Remy, after his momentary shock at Roman just accepting that bit of information, smirked back and pounced onto Roman, smashing their lips together once again..
‘Oh, I could get used to this.’ Roman thought, kissing back and wrapping his arms around Remy.
Patton led Logan back to his bedroom quietly, hoping they didn’t disturb the couple on the couch.
Reaching his room, he let go of Logan’s hand to hold the door open for him, giving a slight bow as he did so.
Logan repressed a grin and rolled his eyes at such a Roman mannerism coming from Patton as he walked into the room.
Patton felt a small grin grow on his face as he followed Logan, letting the door close behind him.
Finally alone and bathed in the calming glow of the blue fairy lights Patton had placed around his room, Logan felt himself at a loss of words.
He quietly made his way to the bed and sat down, trying to keep the best posture he could.
Patton smiled and sat down on the floor crossed legged across from him.
“There’s plenty of room on the bed you know.” Logan said as he looked down at Patton, confused.
Patton gave a cheery smile as he said, “Yeah, but the floor just feels better, you know?”
Logan did not know. He did not understand why people insisted on sitting on surfaces that weren’t designed to be sat on.
He was about to state this, but looking down at Patton’s face he knew that it would make no difference. He’d just argue that the logicality of it doesn’t change the ‘feelings’ or whatever.
If Patton wanted to sit on the floor then fine. Logan wouldn’t stop him.
Unfortunately, maintaining good posture was difficult when he had to keep his head tilted down to see Patton’s face.
Sighing and letting go of almost all the dignity and pride he had left, Logan gracefully slipped from the bed to the floor so he was sitting directly across from Patton.
Patton couldn’t control the smile that broke across his face, which he noticed happened around Logan quite often.
“How’s it feel?” Patton asked, bringing his legs to his chest to hug them. His eyes were shining with a joy that Logan couldn’t comprehend.
“It’s adequate I suppose. At least your rug is clean.” Logan stated, unconsciously running his hand over the dark blue fuzzy rug he was sitting on.
Patton opened his mouth at this, but quickly closed it as he decided not to tell Logan that he’d never cleaned his rug before.
Heck, he didn’t even know that was a thing people were supposed to do.
“So what do we do now?” Logan asked and Patton looked up from the floor to see Logan looking around the room inquisitively, quickly inspecting every item that caught his interest.
“Hmmm…” Patton hummed, resting his chin on his knees.
What did they do now? Remy and Roman were occupied and Virgil was still with Deceit.
Patton looked around his room as well, noticing a small dusty object hidden under his bed
“AHA!” he exclaimed, falling forward onto his stomach and stretching to pull it towards him.
Sitting up onto his elbows, he wiped the dust off of it and onto his rug.
Rolling onto his back, he tilted his head backwards to view Logan.
“Cards!” he shouted happily, thrusting the deck of cards he’d retrieved into the air above him with both hands.
Logan stared for a second, before reaching forward and grabbing the cards. Turning them over in his hands and examining them, he looked up to Patton with an excited glint in his features.
“I can’t believe you still have these. I thought Thomas lost them.” Logan said, looking back down at the playing cards. The playing cards that had a different star constellation on each card. The playing cards that he specifically remembers Thomas leaving on the subway in New York City.
“I keep everything, remember?” Patton said, giving Logan a breathtakingly gorgeous smile that left him staring at him for a few seconds before blushing and looking back down at the cards.
Pulling them out of their package, he felt a small smile grow on his face as he looked through all the different star constellations and their names.
Looking up again, he saw Patton looking at him, seeming to be completely enraptured with simply watching him.
Before Logan could really think about it, he felt himself inching closer to Patton until he was sitting directly next to him and their legs were pressed together.
Patton gave him a questioning look, but before he could ask what he was doing, Logan said, “This constellation is called Andromeda.”
Patton looked down and saw Logan holding one of the cards up.
Looking through the deck a little bit more, Logan pulled up another card.
“This constellation is called Cassiopeia. She’s the queen and the mother of Andromeda.”
“She looks like a chair.” Patton stated bluntly, tilting his head as he tried to see what was so queen-like about the seemingly random arrangement of stars.
Logan gave a small chuckle.
“Some people see a chair, but others see a ‘w.’ It all depends on how you are viewing it.”
Patton gave a small nod and Logan continued.
“This one is the king, otherwise known as Cepheus-“
“Wait, if people know that it doesn’t look like a queen, then why do they call it that? Also, how was it decided that Andromeda is related to the queen?” Patton asked, feeling as though his mind was about to catch fire as he tried to process and understand just the small amount of information that was being relayed to him.
Logan turned the corner of his mouth up in a small grin as he looked to Patton, who appeared to be deep thought.
“Would you like to hear the story?” he asked and Patton looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Story?” Patton asked curiously and Logan nodded.
“Yes. Most constellations have stories behind the name called ‘myths.’ Would you like to know the story of Andromeda?”
Patton’s eyes went even wider as he nodded his head enthusiastically, giving a bright smile.
Logan smiled to himself as he began to recount the classic Greek tale of how Andromeda was meant to be sacrificed to the sea monster Cetus after her mother Cassiopeia, who was married to the Ethiopian king Cepheus, bragged that Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids, or the sea nymphs. Poseidon, angered to hear this, sent Cetus the sea monster out to destroy devastate the land of Ethiopia by ravaging their coast. King Cepheus thus appealed to Zeus who decided the only way to appease the angered God would be to sacrifice Andromeda to Cetus.
Patton had tears sparkling in his eyes by this point.
“How could he agree to do that to his own daughter?” he asked, horrified.
“It’s just a story, Patton.” Logan said with a small frown, not happy with the effect the story seemed to have on Patton.
“That doesn’t make it any less horrible!” Patton exclaimed, hugging his knees close to his chest.
Logan’s frown deepened.
“Do you want me to continue?” he asked hesitantly, afraid of upsetting Patton even more.
Patton sniffled and vigorously nodded his head, wiping tears from his eyes.
Logan gave a small nod and continued.
“Well, the King did agree to this. He had Andromeda chained to the rocks to await her doom, but that’s when Perseus flew over head and spotted her.”
“Who’s Perseus?” Patton asked, once again quickly enraptured in the story.
“He’s a very well known figure in Greek Mythology. The son of Zeus and a human named Danae, he is most known for slaying Medusa-”
“WHAT?!?” Patton shouted, causing Logan to jump. “I thought that was Percy Jackson...” he continued, letting go of his knees and placing a hand to his chin in thought.
Logan sighed at this and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Patton, you do realize that that is a fiction book series and essentially none of those events actually transpired in mythology or reality, correct?”
“Can you tell me the real story next then?” Patton asked excitedly.
Logan looked up at this and, after taking in Patton’s excited face, smiled and nodded.
“Of course. Would you like me to finish the current story first?”
Patton nodded eagerly and Logan cleared his throat before continuing.
“Upon seeing the gorgeous Andromeda chained to the rocks, Perseus fell in love immediately. After killing Cetus and saving her, he asked King Cepheus for her hand in marriage.” Logan finished.
“Awwwww!” Patton breathily said, his eyes wet once again which caused Logan to panic.
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Here.” Logan said as calmly as possible, conjuring a tissue and handing it to Patton.
Patton laughed lightly, taking the tissue and blowing his nose.
“I’m not crying because I’m sad, Lo.” he said, looking to Logan with more tears forming in his eyes.
Logan started to panic further.
“Are you sure? I know really happy stories, I can tell you those if you’d rather or-” Logan started to ramble, cut off by Patton lightly pressing a finger to his lips.
“Calm down, mon étoile.” Patton said gently, removing his finger from Logan’s lips and smiling softly.
Logan promptly shut up, trying to ignore the fast beating of his heart.
“I loved the story.” he said, his smile growing just a bit.
“You did? Then why-”
“It was a good story-” Patton cut him off. “It was a good story, but that’s not what I liked the most about it.” Patton said, looking down at his hands with a small blush tinting his cheeks.
Logan tilted his head and looked at Patton curiously.
“What did you like about it then?” he asked, watching as Patton became increasingly flustered.
“I, well… I could listen to you talk all day. About anything. I… I just like your voice.” Patton said, his face getting redder as he stumbled over his words.
He was adorable. Logan felt himself short circuit as he looked at the flushing, adorable mess sitting next to him.
Distracted, Logan let the first thing he thought of slip out of his mouth.
“You’re Andromeda.” he whispered breathlessly and Patton looked up at him curiously.
“What?” Patton asked and now it was Logan’s turn to become a flustered disaster.
“I uh, well… You, umm- you are, uh, perfect- I mean, um, amazing- I mean nice! Just like, you know…” Logan said, words tumbling out of his mouth in a confusing mess.
Patton stared wide eyed at Logan before a huge smile took over his face.
“Does that mean you’re Perseus?” he asked brightly and Logan looked up at him.
“Wh-what do you mean?” he asked quietly.
Patton smiled as he stood up.
“Well, I can’t be Andromeda without a Perseus.” he said, holding out a hand towards Logan.
Logan looked at the outstretched hand for a second before grabbing it with his own hand and being helped up by Patton.
After brushing himself down, Logan looked back up to see Patton still smiling warmly at him.
“Why don’t we go back to my room? We can lie on my bed and I can show you more constellations.” Logan suggested, putting the cards back in their packaging and placing them on the bedside table.
Patton thought about it for a moment.
“Make it the floor and you have a deal.” he said, sticking out his tongue and clasping his hands behind his back.
Logan grinned despite himself.
Patton smiled and with a snap of his fingers he was wearing his cat onesie and Logan was wearing his unicorn one.
“Might as well do this the right way.” Patton said at Logan’s questioning glace.
Logan rolled his eyes.
“Fine, let’s go.” he said, grabbing Patton’s hand as he led him out the door and down the hallway to his room.
so yeet!
i’ll be going through and changing the chapter links in my old posts to make it easier to get from chapter to chapter :p
hope you enjoyed! (and please tell me if i’ve put these chapters up already, i have such a bad memory)
@hghrules @the-doctor-demigod-wizard @asexualsinner @unisaurioamorfo @virgil-angsty-sanders @xechoecho88x @thatonepersonwhoshippeople @septic-fallen @cyberpunkjinx@fabulousfanaticfander @miserykillme @iamjdelightful
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