#itch game jam
efangamez · 8 months
GRIM-tober, a GRIM centered game jam on itch.io, is here!
Have you wanted to create content for GRIM, my Quake-inspired TTRPG, but didn't know where to start?
Well, this jam is a PERFECT place to start!
By using GRIM's handbook, you can create and SELL your own content using GRIM's world and mechanics! All you have to do is properly credit me, as listed in the handbook!
To get the handbook, purchase the game below (or snag a community copy, but please remember to RATE the game and tell your friends, please!)
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manonamora-if · 9 months
Ectocomp 2023
The Ectocomp is back!
You can submit in English, French or Spanish (or all of them) in two categories:
La Petite Mort for works created in 4h or less
Le Grand Guignol for longer works!
This is a ranked jam.
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neointeractives · 1 month
Locus Jam (a mini-jam)
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Happy places or spots of nightmares… Bring that locus to life!
The Locus Jam is an interactive fiction mini-jam all about places, spaces, and rooms. Come create an IF piece set in one specific place!
This jam is a commemoration of Porpentine’s Locus Jam.
Constraints and Rules:
The Setting of the game must be confined to a single building/location.
The smaller the location, the better!
[OPTIONAL] The story of the game only happens inside ONE room.
[OPTIONAL - PARSER] The entry only includes ONE room/location (code).
The Jam is open to any program/medium, as long as the piece can be considered Interactive Fiction (i.e. the game is interactive, and its focus is on the text).
The Jam is open to any language.
You can submit up to 3 entries!
You should aim for a 15-30min maximum gameplay.
Entries can have NSFW content, as long as it is indicated in your submission.
You must credit any asset used in your entry, or it will be removed (ex: code, images, sound, etc…)
Entries using AI or LLM will be removed.
Spam or hateful content will be removed.
Come join us!
Join the Neo-Interactive Discord 
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stargazersasha · 2 months
stargazersasha & Moira Campbell present:
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stargazersasha & Moira Campbell present:
join the jam on itch (submissions open in 10 days!): https://itch.io/jam/transoracular
join the jam community on discord: https://discord.com/invite/rBFYk5fa4m
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stickyhunter · 2 years
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Goncharov: Goncharova
Goncharov: Goncharova is a short journaling game following you —a screenwriter, given Martin Scorsese's personal blessing to create a sequel to Goncharov. This sequel will follow Goncahrov's wife, Katya Goncharova, framing the events of the first movie through the lens of her own experiences.
What kind of script will you write?
Goncharov: Goncharova is a pay what you want game, and you can find it here!
[Twitter] [Mastodon] [DMsGuild] [Itch.io] [Mailing List]
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dungeonofthedragon · 1 month
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Which would you choose?
My current project, Explorers of the Forever City, is a rules light, prep light game built on the 24XX system. Explore the Forever City's ancient secrets as an acrobat, historian, mage, scoundrel, musician or tinkerer!
This game is being submitted to this jam and will subsequently be available in a bundle with the other submissions.
Art by Dean Spencer (human and elf), Indi Martin (wildling) and Jarek Madyda (elemental.)
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seedcomp-if · 1 year
The Results are In!
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We have finished tallying up the votes and created all the stickers submitted by voters. It is now time to reveal the results!
Congratulation to Passerine with the entry Free Bird !
You can find the results to all categories in the link below or under the cut.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this first edition of the SeedComp!
We hope to see you again for the next one!
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SeedComp! Organisers Stickers!
Four Special stickers were created by the organisers this year to acknowledge some milestones :
The Seeder, for the user who submitted most seeds during the Planting round
The Farmer, for the user incorporating the most seeds in a game
Seed of All Trades, for the most used seed
The Broadcaster, for the most registered seed
And here are the winners!
The Seeder
Charm Cochran, for submitting 10 seeds!
The Farmer
KADW, who incorporated 11 seeds in the entry Cozy Simulation 2999
Seed of All Trades (tie)
Regions of the Acid Factory by KADW
No Exit by Charm Cochran
music by Sul_iac
The Broadcaster
List of Dreams by KADW
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SeedComp! Nomination Results!
Seed Awards
Most Innovative Seed
Room; Closed Door by Charm Cochran
Best Seed (tie)
The Witch’s Bakery by Ramona G.
Prufrock by Amanda Walker
Game Awards
Best Seed Hybridization
free bird. by Passerine
Best Seed Subversion
In a minute there is time by Aster
Most Sequel-Worthy
prepare for return by MuffiTuffiWuffi
Best Puzzles
The Magic Word by bjbest60
Best UI/Visual
Best Prose/Writing
After the Accident by Amanda Walker
Best Technical
In a minute there is time by Aster
Best Story
After the Accident by Amanda Walker
And finally…
The Best Overall is awarded to free bird. by Passerine !
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Congratulations to all winners!
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All awards and stickers (including the ones submitted by voters) were each given a separate graphic (such as the one above). Participants can find and download them form this Folder. (If there is a typo, please let me know, and I’ll fix it)
You can find all Seeds submitted to the Planting round here, and all Games created during the Sprouting round here or on the IFDB. If you are interested in seeing the breakdown of the votes, you can find those in the Excel Sheet 2. The Sheet also includes all the awarded stickers !
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itchy-indie · 2 days
Game 4: Goodbye, Doggy
Goodbye, Doggy by Pictogram is a short game jam pixel puzzle game about a family dealing with the grief of losing their dog. help your family by cheering them up from beyond the grave!
Tags: Puzzle, 16-bit, game jam
TW's: loss of a pet
Platforms: Web exclusive
Notes: bark button, computer recommended but mobile not impossible
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sleepy-hart · 10 months
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A few test renders from mine and @lemonpoppyseedgames 's upcoming game, "Seven Steps to Limbo" - a visual novel for the #SingleChoiceJam hosted by @neointeractives
@lemonpoppyseedgames 's written a really interesting story about a Jazz Quartet stuck in Limbo, forced to play well to escape the afterlife. I'm handling the visuals and going for a real old school-y aesthetic. Currently blasting my way to get 100 or so shots blocked and rendered!
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rottenmatcha · 16 days
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had the pleasure of participating in @JustPlayJam for their game jam!
here’s the cover i did for of earth & sky (and the sea between). it’s a text based game about a mother coming to terms with her miscarriage.
more assets and the link to play on itch down below
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some of the character sprites i made for the game
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as well as a cutscene illustration i also did
here’s the link to play our game. please check it out as well as the other participants who made their own games!
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loressa · 3 months
Another month, another game jam. This one's theme was space and updating a minigame, so I took my very basic archery setup from Delve and turned it into a space western yeehaw game with an anti-capitalist story.
Learned a lot about svg and CSS. Box shadow and drop shadow are awesome!
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efangamez · 1 year
Introducing the March Magic Jam, a monthly game jam series on itch.io!
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Welcome to the 1st monthly game jam that will be hosted on my itch.io page! (link here!)
In this game jam, your objective is to create a game where magic is the main focus. What does that mean?
Well, you can make a game where your world revolves around the magical arts, a game about magical beings in a non-magical world, or even have a game that is in a fantasy world that’s main premise is that it is NOT magical. Either way, magic MUST be a core part of your game, whether in setting or mechanics.
Your games can be tabletop games OR digital games. Anything that gets your mind in the realm of game design is all that matters to me!
IMPORTANT: Please only begin making a game when you hear of this game jam. No previously made games please!
ALSO IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances are people who submit games with bigoted tones, ideologies, or dogwhistles allowed in this game jam. If your work is bigoted in any way, it can and will be rejected for submission. Also, please no NSFW submissions (you know what I mean by that).
(This is part of a game jam series where, every month, I will host a game jam focused on a theme that begins with the same letter as the month. Please feel free, even after the game jam ends, to make your game if you didn’t meet the deadline. I believe in you!)
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manonamora-if · 4 months
Interactive Fiction Showcase 2024
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Showcase your Game!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is a year-long "jam" meant to collect and showcase Interactive Fiction games completed in 2024, and show how diverse the Interactive Fiction scene is! And maybe: build more bridges between the community, help people finding their new favourite game/author...
Whether it is long or short, an easy adventure or a complicated puzzle, a strange experiment, a quick creation, or a years-in-the-making game, come show off what you've made!
Are you more of a player? Then, come check this page regularly for new submissions! Maybe leave a rating or a comment too :)
This is an unranked event.
The Showcase is open to IF games in all of its forms: kinetic, choice-based, hyperlinks, parser, visual novels... As long as it is Interactive Fiction (there is interactivity and the focus of the game is on the text), the entry will be accepted.
The Showcase is open to IF games in any language.
Entries must be playable and in its complete form when submitted. Completed games in 2024, whose demo was previously public, are welcome. Games submitted to other events (jams/competitions) are welcome.
Entries can include NSFW content, as long as it is indicated in the submission.
Entries should not include any generated AI content - or it will be removed.
Spam or hateful content will be removed.
Creating Interactive Fiction:
Interactive Fiction is a text-based narrative medium, where players can interact with the story in some fashion (input commands, click a link/button, press key). There are many different ways of creating IF, and many different programs to do so. You can find some mentioned below:
Primarily HyperText/Choice-Based: Twine,  Ink, ChoiceScript, Dendry
Primarily Parser/Input: Inform 6, Inform 7, PunyInform, Adventuron, ADRIFT
Other: Bitsy, Binksi, Ren'Py
and many more can be found listed in the IF Wiki.
If you are looking for other Interactive Fiction Events, discuss general IF, or ask question, you can visit the IntFiction Forum. (we also have monthly IF events over at @neointeractives)
Interactive Fiction Database and Archive:
The IFDB, or Interactive Fiction Database, is an IF game information catalogue, creating a historical record of the IF landscape. The database is a community project, updated by its members, by adding titles to the directory, ratings games, writing reviews... If a listing has not yet been created for your game, please consider making one!
IF Archive
The IF Archive is an archive of Interactive Fiction games, and IF-related elements (walkthroughs, interpreters, articles, collections...). The Archive’s mission is to preserve the history and practice of interactive fiction and make it freely available to the public. If you wish to, you can upload a copy of your game to the IFArchive, through the IFDB listing of your game (recommended) or directly to the archive.
The IFDB and IFArchive, as well as the IntFiction Forum and Twine, are managed by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. These programs are funded through individual donations.
Visual Novel Database
The VNDB, or Visual Novel Database, is a community project that strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels. The database is updated by its members, by adding titles to the directory, ratings games, writing reviews... If a listing has not yet been created for your visual novel, please consider making one!
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neointeractives · 4 months
Smoochie Jam!
A Valentine's Interactive Fiction Jam
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For this Valentine's month, you can help make romance happen with a smooch!
The Smoochie Jam is a month-long unranked jam all about kisses, real or imagined, love and romance.  The name and concept of this jam were inspired the original SmoochieComp in 2001, hosted by Emily Short.
Games should be about romance, kissing, or the deliberate subversion thereof. Here is an optional list of story ideas and concepts:
♡ first kiss, last kiss ♡ kissing in the rain ♡ kiss of life (or kiss of death) ♡ sealed with a kiss ♡ kiss with a fist ♡ spaghetti kiss
Constraints and Rules:
Your Entry should relate to romance, love, kisses, or the deliberate subversion thereof.
The Jam is open to any program/medium, as long as the piece can be considered Interactive Fiction (i.e. the game is interactive, and its focus is on the text).
The Jam is open to any language.
You can submit up to 3 entries!
You should aim for a 15-30min maximum gameplay.
Entries can have NSFW content, as long as you indicate it in your submission.
Entries should not include any generated AI content.
Spam or hateful content will not be accepted.
Join the Neo-Interactive Discord 
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neo-twiny-jam · 11 months
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12h left to submit!!
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kykennedyart · 9 months
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I had a lot of fun making the art for Celestial Frontier! A game made for GBJam11
Collect resources, maintain your ship, and above all - survive!
Play now on itch: https://sleepyseals.itch.io/celestial-frontier-gbjam11-submission
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