#its about the last great american dynasty
billysboner · 6 months
miranda hamilton you are so folklore coded to me
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smolandweirdwriter · 9 months
istg Taylor Swift has taught me more vocab than my english class
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Love when my sis calls me and is like "oh i ran into our old hs professor w his niece and he asked the kid if she knew who i was and she said no, and then he said 'well if you remember the story about Akira, this is her sister' and the kid went all wide-eyed at me anyways he says hi" and im left here like "what story?? Which story?? What?"
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matan4il · 9 days
An incomplete "there's a good chance the icon you love and support is a Zionist" list
🌟 Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, whose family was murdered during it. Lemkin is responsible for coining the term "genocide," and for every legal provision that exists today against it. His work against genocide was inspired by his Zionism.
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🌟 Martin Luther King, Jr., who did not only support Israel and its right to security, a fellow participant at a dinner with MLK shortly before his assassination quotes him as having stopped a student attacking Zionism, and replied, "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism." He also encouraged Americans in 1967 to support the Jewish state, as Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran, endangering Israeli citizens by cutting the country off from its oil supply.
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🌟 Emma Lazarus, a Jewish American poet, whose words ("Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free") are engraved on the Statue of Liberty's pedestal, after they helped raise the money needed for its completion. Drawing from the value of Jewish solidarity, she also wrote, "Until we are all free, we are none of us free," adopted as a slogan by intersectionality (while many in the movement exclude Jews from it). She was a great supporter of establishing a state for Jews in the Jewish homeland, having argued for this idea years before the word "Zionist" was even coined.
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🌟 The 14th Dalai Lama, the leader of the fight against the occupation of Tibet, who was invited in 1994 to Israel, at a time when China's communist regime did its best to prevent his visits anywhere in the world, and who came to Israel more than once, talking about the 2000 years long Zionism of Jewish culture in exile as an inspiration and role model for Tibetans. "Among Tibetan refugees, we are always saying to ourselves that we must learn the Jewish secret to keep our traditions, in some cases under hostile circumstances."
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🌟 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who spoke more than once about how her pursuit of justice is a continuation of that very same thing in Jewish tradition. She had repeatedly referred to American Zionist Jews as sources of inspiration. For example, in 2018, during her fifth visit to Israel, in a speech she gave when receiving the Genesis Award, she mentioned two such women, Emma Lazarus and Henrietta Szold.
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🌟 Nelson Mandela had an ambivalent view of Israel, but repeatedly recognized its right to exist, which makes him a Zionist, he also called upon Arab states to do the same, and was favorable towards the Zionist Jews who supported him during his underground days. Mandela being critical of Israel and still a Zionist is an apt reminder that criticizing the Jewish state and opposing its very existence are NOT the same thing, and only one's antisemitic.
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🌟 Felix Salten, the Jewish author of Bambi (the book Disney's movie is based on). The tale was originally a metaphor for Jews suffering antisemitism, something Salten personally had to cope with. He was also an ardent Zionist, feeling the self-liberation at the core of this ideology suited his idea of how to deal with Jew hatred.
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🌟 Sun Yat-Sen, who helped end the rule of China's last imperial dynasty, was its first provisional president, and is nowadays honored as an important Chinese leader in both China and Taiwan (sometimes referred to as "Father of the Chinese Nation"). He was an enthusiastic supporter of Zionism. Among other instances of expressing that, he wrote in a 1920 letter to a leader of the Jewish community in Shang Hai about Zionism that it is, "one of the greatest movements of the present time. All lovers of Democracy cannot help but support wholeheartedly and welcome with enthusiasm the movement to restore your wonderful and historic nation, which has contributed so much to the civilization of the world and which rightfully deserves an honorable place in the family of nations."
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🌟 Magnus Hirschfeld, a gay Jewish sexologist, nicknamed among other things "The Einstein of Sex" and "The Father of Gay Liberation," because his medical and scientific work on human sexuality, as well as social advocacy for women's, gay and trans rights, was nothing short of pioneering. He was persecuted by the Nazis to the point where he died in exile. They broke into his institute of sexual research, where the world's first clinic performing sex reassignments surgeries was located, and burned down the institute's library. Hirschfeld had attended a Zionist conference following the Balfor Declaration of 1917, and his work on sexual liberation found inspiration in young socialist Jewish Zionist workers he met during a visit to the Land of Israel in 1931-2.
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🌟 Marcia Langton, a professor and prominent Aboriginal rights activist from Australia, who has been leading the fight against racism and for her community. She spoke out against the hijacking of native rights movements by terrorist sympathizers and antisemites, and has clearly stood against all loss of life, including that of Israelis.
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🌟 Felix Zandman, a Holocaust survivor whose work on resistors is integrated into many smartphones, laptops, cars, satellites, hospital ventilators (saving many Covid patients), airplanes and more. Whenever the anti-Israel crowd is scrolling social media on their phones, they're enjoying the work of a Zionist, who enthusiastically supported the State of Israel, and even introduced an important improvement to the Israeli Merkava tank, which has likely saved many Israeli lives, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, and others like him, since Israel's high tech is considered only second to Silicon Valley (going back to at least the 1990's). If they truly wish to boycott everything that's been "contaminated" by Zionism, they should probably just boycott technology.
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🌟 Rosa Parks, an African American leader of the civil rights movement (and someone who personally demonstrated how one can resist without turning violent). She was one of 200 notable black American leaders who publicly organized to express their support and respect of Zionism as the Jewish right to self-determination, and Israel as the manifestation of that right.
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-> Like I said, this is VERY incomplete, even just in terms of how the overwhelming majority of Jews are Zionist, and have been since the inception of Judaism, which is itself Zionist. Over the years, this led to many non-Jewish human and native rights champions to be supportive of Zionism, too. Take note of who is being vilified, when the term "Zionist" is ignorantly used as if it means anything other than belief in the equal right of Jews to liberation and self-determination in the Jewish ancestral land. Especially when it is used as being inherently evil.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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missdawnandherdusk · 7 months
All Good Things to Those Who Wait
Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
There goes the last great American dynasty
Who knows if she never showed up, what could have been
There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen
She had a marvelous time ruinin' everything
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8
Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11  Chapter 12
The Chapter That Never Happened  Chapter 13
Chapter 14  Chapter 15
Summary: tying up some loose ends :)
A/n: *emerges from the void*
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Everything has an ending. The best stories, and the worst ones. Looking back at my story, there was no better ending I could have asked the stars for. I lost people I loved but I also stood for what I believed in and led an army to victory. No one would forget what had happened in those days. The days of the Great War. 
But what is life without tying up a few loose ends. You’ve come with me this far on this journey, and now as I look back, perhaps there are some things that you’d like to know. Some conversations you’d like to hear. Some people you’d like to meet or see again. So, here are those loose ends, tied together.
I stepped onto the porch of my childhood home. It was in the efforts to try and find my mother, and try to find some peace and meaning after the past years. Draco came with me, at my side. 
“She’s not here,” I sighed, knowing before we even stepped foot in the house that my mother wasn’t waiting for me. “And somehow that hurt’s more,” 
“She’ll come in her own time love,” Draco soothed. Maybe he was right, or maybe I’d always be searching for her in the stars like I looked for my father. 
Draco and I sat on the porch that night, watching the sun set and the fireflies come to life in the meadow that blanketed around us. 
“You cast a patronus,” Draco said as I laid my head on his shoulder, watching the wildflowers dance in the wind. 
“I know,” A smile touched my lips. 
“It was a dragon,”
“Yeah,” I took his hand into mine, thinking back to the first night Draco cast his own patronus with my father’s wand. How things had changed since then. “My mother always told me that one day I’d find my patronus and it would watch over me like my father,” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. 
“I don’t think you need anyones protection,” The humor in his voice gave way to the smile that I couldn’t see. 
“It’s still nice to have someone beside me—to fight alongside me,” 
He was quiet a moment before airing his doubts. “Do you think that maybe…” I knew where he was going with the thought, because it had been chipping at the back of my mind. 
“Because they’re so different we’re not meant to be together?” I mused, finishing his worried thought. 
“Yeah,” He sighed.
“No,” I sat up, facing him. “I think they’re just right for us. I’ve thought about it—more than I should. But in reality… if we think about it, your lion,” 
“Aslan,” Draco’s fingers brushed over my locket. A smile crept to my lips and I nodded. 
“And the first task,” 
“The what?” I had caught him off guard, a beautiful sight to behold. 
“Our fourth year, that first task of the tournament.” Realization struck him. 
“Our patronus’ show the start of us—when we really first started to trust each other.” I took his hand back into mine. “They’re not so different after all,” 
He laughed without fear and kissed me softly, before pulling me closer. “The start of us,” Draco mused, and maybe he could see them like I could: a younger me standing there, skeptically looking at a younger Draco. Before the war, before the long nights, secret kiss, tears, laughter, love and loss. Two kids who took a chance. 
When the sun cleared the horizon and its final rays fading, Draco and I headed inside—to the empty house that still promised to protect me. 
There was a knock on the door. In the week that we had been here, no one had disturbed out haven. No one knew we were here.
Draco looked up from his book. I dislodged myself from the couch and his arms, and went to answer the door, on guard. I stared at the one standing before me, not knowing how to quite process it. 
“Hi, mum,” I whispered. 
Time stilled around us. Everything came rushing to the surface only to be stopped by my unparted lips. One thought escaped. 
“I did it,” my voice was barely audible. 
“I’m so proud of you,” 
Tears stung my eyes. After all was said and done relief flooded through me more than anger did. Perhaps it was the peace that blanketed the Wizarding world that calmed my hurt. 
“Mum,” My voice broke into tears. Amity wrapped around us as—after years—I got a hug from my mother. 
“I’m so sorry, honey,” She whispered, stroking my hair. “I’m so sorry,” 
I nodded into her shoulder, letting all of my bottled-up tears come out. All of the stresses from war and the nightmares that plagued me at night—my mother was still there to hold me tight. It didn’t matter that I was still hurting from wounds she inflicted, to know she was there, willing to hold me tight, and call me hers was enough. 
“Y/n, are you—” Draco came out and paused. I pulled away from my mother and looked at him. He gave me a soft smile and nodded, heading back into the house. 
“Is he upset with me?” My mother asked. I laughed hopelessly. 
“I don’t know,” I said, wiping away my tears. 
“Are you?” She asked. 
“I don’t know,” My voice softened. “There’s so much right now… so much to sort through…” 
“There is.” She didn’t deny it, and maybe it was comforting that someone outside of my peers acknowledged that I had been through a lot, and in turn that had caused a lot of heavy burdens on my heart and soul. 
My gaze drifted back to hers. 
“Do you wanna come in?” I asked. 
She shook her head. “That’s not what you want, nor need,” Reaching our she placed per hand on my arm, soothing me before I could argue. “I’ll be around if you need me, but until then, the house is for you—it always has been. Build a life,” She smiled and looked through the window—probably at where Draco was inevitably spying on us. “You’ve found a good one,” 
A smile touched my lips. 
“Thanks mum,” 
My mother inhaled sharply and nodded. “I’ll be off then,” Turning to go down the porch stairs, she paused. “He would be so proud of you,” 
Tears burned my eyes again, as I wrapped my arms around her, needing her to hold me just once more before I could let her go. Because in her arms was also the love of my father that was taken from me too soon by this war. A war that I saw an end to. And maybe in that moment, the war within me ended too. I wasn’t the daughter of a Death Eater and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. I was the daughter of Walt and Elizabeth. And that was enough
“Goodbye my love,” My mother said softly. “I’ll always be around.” 
“Bye mum,” I smiled as she wiped away my tears. “I love you,” 
“I love you too sweetheart,” 
I waved goodbye, and with a spell, she was gone. I turned to go inside. The door clicked softly behind me. 
“Professor McGonagall?” My brows pulled together. “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?” 
“This is a summons for you,” She held out a parchment, the usual stern look on her face was replaced with pity. 
I took the parchment and opened it, scanning the delicate print. My heart sank. 
“This is… this—“ I gaped. 
“I’m afraid so,” McGonagall sighed. “There was nothing I could do,” 
“Draco?” I called into the house. He was beside me in a moment. I handed him the parchment. “This is serious?” She nodded again. 
“I’m sorry my dear,” 
“A court summons? They’re putting her in trial!?” Draco demanded. 
“Kingsley is very set on it. And he is the new Minister,” 
“I saved the school! I helped defeat the Dark Lord! I—really!?” Tears pricked my eyes. 
“There’s got to be some mistake,” Draco insisted. “She’s not a Death Eater, she doesn’t even have the mark!” 
“I’m sure that the ministry will see that, but I’m afraid that I cannot do anything about the summons,” 
I scrubbed my face and sighed. “Thank you Professor. Can I invite you in for some tea?” 
“That’s very kind dear, but I’m afraid I must be on my way,” She bowed slightly then disaperated from the porch. 
I stood there a while, lost in my thoughts. Draco gave me a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of my head before disappearing inside. My feet took me off the wood of the porch and into the softness of the grass. I sank to the ground beside a fence post. The sun began to set. My eyes watched the horizon. Millions of thoughts swirled around my mind with no discernible direction. 
Was there even a case for me to be innocent? Is this what everything I had worked for come to? To be seen as a criminal for holding a crumbling cause together? 
“Where is she?” Abby asked, helping Pansy through the fireplace. 
“Out front, watching the sunset,” Draco sighed, opening the front door. “She’s been out there a while,” 
“Can’t imagine why,” Pansy muttered. “They’re seriously putting her on trial?” 
“Yep,” Draco sighed. “All this time I thought I’d be the one, and yet…” 
“I’ll go talk to her,” Abby kissed Pansy’s cheek. “You guys get to work,” 
“Thank you, both,” Relief flooded Draco’s voice. 
Abby snagged an old afghan off the back of the armchair and went out through the small meadow. She draped the blanket around your shoulders and sat beside you in the grass. You laid your head on her shoulder. She could see the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. 
“How—how could they do this?” Your weak voice held deep betrayal. 
“I don’t know,” Abby answered honestly, taking your hand into hers. “But we’re not going to let them get away with it.” 
“I don’t—I can’t defend myself in court—I,” You dissolved into tears. “Haven’t I done enough?” 
“More than enough,” Abby affirmed. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna work it out—you’ll see,” 
“How?” You asked. 
“Well, you’ve gathered quite a few allies who owe you once or twice,” Abby pointed out. “And others who just love you anyway. Draco and Pansy are working on it now,” 
“We’re gonna build your case,” Abby promised. “And get you acquitted.”  
“They’re…” A sad laugh left your lips. You laid back on the grass. Abby knew you were searching for the first stars in twilight. 
“Don’t worry about a thing,” Abby smiled at you. “Just rest,” 
The days past and my trial date approached like a storm on the horizon—but whether it was just rain or a hurricane, I couldn’t tell. Draco assured me that it would all be okay—he tried to tell me about everything done to build my case, but I wasn’t interested. Grateful, thoroughly, but I knew that if I learned anything about it, I would pick it up myself and try to fix it and my weary heart couldn’t handle that and keep beating like it was supposed to. 
So, I dressed smartly and took Draco’s hand before we took the Floo to the Ministry. I kept my head low, and tears at bay. 
Though Draco, Abby and Pansy accompanied me into the court room, I had to sit alone for the trial. The distance was drowning. I sat in the hard wooden chair, facing malice and prejudices. Kingsley looked almost predatory, as if he could pin the entire war on my shoulders, casting the blame on me. 
I flinched as the charges were read against me. The list of dead was longer than I thought. I didn’t dwell on the days of the Battle of Hogwarts, nor the events that occurred. They haunted me in my dreams, make no mistake, but what was real and what was a nightmare I lost the ability to discern. 
Was that much blood really on my hands? 
My faith in myself began to waver. Maybe I did deserve to be locked up. A few years in Azkaban with dementors sucking my life force might make me forget what I had done. 
Surprise flickered on my face as I saw Remus Lupin stand to my defense as an attorney. It was the first time that I had actually taken note of who was in the room. There had to be at least thirty people all gathered behind Draco and Pansy that I could see—more filed out the door in the back. All faces of those I loved, I had fought beside, I had grown up with. 
The static in my ears tuned in and out of Lupin and Kingsley conversing. It wasn’t until their voices raised to shouting that the static was drowned out. My eyes flickered up from he thread in my hands. 
“She cast unforgivables! She killed! She’s dangerous!”
“Death Eaters who were threatening our lives! The lives of wizard kind everywhere! She stopped a genocide!” Remus shouted back, obviously frustrated. “She showed remarkable strength and courage in a time of great darkness, and you will not diminish that.” 
“They are unforgivables! We have laws for a reason!”
“If I may,” McGonagall stood and the entire room quieted. “That list of names that you read was a long list of Death Eaters who have either escaped from Azkaban, or are known Death Eaters and have killed before. Miss Y/n had very hard decisions to make. The ministry found itself incompetent for lack of a better word. She, along with her friends, engineered an army to face the Dark Lord. Over the years what she went through has turned her into who she is today. She fought along side the other heroes who stand before you. She will be counted among them. You would not punish an Auror for the same thing and you will not punish her.”
“But—” Kingsley was red in the face. 
“If you put her in jail, you put the rest of the rebellion too,” The voice that piped up from the crowd surprised me. It was Harry. He stood and all eyes went to him. “Without her, I never would have been able to defeat Voldemort. Dozens more would be dead. You send her to Azkaban… then you’ll send me too,” A hushed gasp filled the room. A small one escaped my own lips.
“Mr. Potter,” Kingsley tried to regain control of the room. 
“And me,” Abby spoke up. 
“And me,” Neville stood. 
Soon everyone around me was standing on my behalf. Pansy, Luna, Ginny, all of the Weasleys actually, Ernie, Hannah, Emme, Blaise, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fleur, Tonks, Remus, McGonagall, Moody, Sprout, Flitwick, and others I couldn’t see in the vast room. Kingsley faltered at the large defense behind me. 
“You send her then you send each one of us,” Harry spoke clearly. “I’m your stupid chosen one, even if she did something wrong, don’t I have clearance to pardon her or something?” 
A smile crossed my face. Intense silence stretched on consuming time and space until it was suffocating me. 
“Very well,” Kingsley sank back into his chair. “Y/n you have been cleared of all charges and sentencing. You are free to go,” 
Relief flooded through me as the room erupted in cheers. I met Draco’s eyes and he was smiling with pride. I collapsed back into that wooden chair in tears. There was a swarm of people around me, all making sure that I was alright, but they all parted for Draco to reach me. 
“Love?” He asked softly, kneeling before me. “I’m here,” He pulled me into his arms and we shared the embrace of lovers. As I exhaled, the weight of the world fell to the floor. 
I was free. 
I was acquitted. 
Now, I just had to find my innocence. 
“Draco?” It was a crisp autumn morning. He looked up from the newspaper. “I’ve been thinking,” 
He smiled and set down the paper, giving me his full attention. I almost wished he didn’t. 
“I… I know it’s been a long road here… and since we’ve met it’s kinda been hell.” A sad laugh left my lips. “There’s a whole world out there Draco,” My eyes flickered to the willow growing outside the kitchen window. 
“Yeah?” He prompted softly. 
“Don’t you want to go see it? Be young and reckless and not have to feel like—like you’re running an entire school?” I gestured. 
“I do,” He confessed softly. “We are still young Y/n, we have a long life ahead of us,” 
“…You still want it with me?” I felt as if the oxygen was being vacuumed from my lungs. “We were just kids when we met Draco. We went through a war together—and now it’s over. The war. You don’t have to stay here,” This house was just as haunted as I was.
“What—where is this coming from?” Draco stood, rounding the small breakfast table. “I want to be with you. I want to share my life with you,” He took my hands into his. “So, let’s go travel the world together—learn who we are outside of the war.” 
Hope sparked in my chest. “Really?” 
He laughed softly. “Oh my darling, you are one of my best friends, I’ll go anywhere with you,” His words lured me to melt into his warm embrace. We sat on the kitchen floor. He stroked my hair softly. 
“Just for a while,” I mumbled. “There’s so much we haven’t seen,” 
“I know,” The smile was evident in his voice. “And it’s going to be incredible—and we’re going to learn how to heal along the way,” I nodded into his shoulder. 
“I was thinking about maybe even living muggle for a little bit,” The confession was a weight from my shoulders. “I need space.” 
“Okay,” His soft agreeable caught me off guard. “I think it would be good for both of us actually. And maybe even fun,” 
I laughed softly as tears formed in my eyes. Leaning against him I watched the morning sun move across the wooden floor. 
“I love you,” I whispered softly. “And if you… if I’m not…”
“Hush,” it was a soft reprimand. “I think you’re right. We need time away from it all. To find who we are away from it all,” 
I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. 
“We’ll come back,” I promised. 
“I know we will,” Draco smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Knowing you, you’ll want to come back and help build a better system,” 
My cheeks flushed red. I hadn’t told anyone about my ideas to make Hogwarts better—to make the Ministry better, hell to even make Azkaban better. It was time for things to change. I smiled to myself. Maybe I was more rebellious than I thought. 
And yet, Draco knew—he knew all the little plans in my head that were hidden just for me. Being known felt like belonging—and I belonged with him. 
Traveling with Draco would always be saved in my memories until I died, and when it started to slip, it would be saved into a pensieve. I wouldn’t forget. 
We bought a muggle car and drove it until it felt right to stop. It wasn’t the famous places where we found ourselves, rather it was the forgotten places where we felt most at home. Where I could stand on a cliff edge and just scream and laugh and no one was around to hear me. Where Draco and I would sit at the edge of a river and send down leaves that held our biggest regrets, our losses, and our fears, learning to let go. Where we would sit in cafes and draw what we saw around us and enjoy pastries and tea. Where we could dance in the middle of a crowded room with other couples who didn’t know us from Adam. 
But that is a story for another time. 
For now, I’m sure you have a burning question that you’ve been waiting for me to answer. 
And yes. 
Draco did take me to go and see Phantom of the Opera in Paris like he promised. 
Oh, and we got married.
But, again, that is a story for another time. 
There is one last person I want you to meet before I close. 
My heart caught in my throat. 
“Draco?” I squeaked out, leaning against the bathroom counter. “Draco!” 
“What? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He was frantic, looking for danger. 
“I’m… pregnant,” I whispered, looking at him in wonder. “Draco… I’m—“
“Holy harpies,” 
Realization flickered across his face as it rose into an elated expression of joy. A victorious laugh as he scooped me up and twirled me around our lavish bathroom, in our muggle flat in the suburbs of London. His joy was contagious as I giggled in his arms, holding onto him. He set me down, stroking my face softly. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
Draco must have seen some fear linger in my stare. Some uncertainty that was well justified. 
“The war is over,” Draco reassured drawing me back into his arms. “They’ll be safe. We’ll make sure of it,” 
I nodded, curling my fingers into his sweater, my smile returning. 
“I’m gonna be a mum,” I laughed. 
“And you’re going to be absolutely brilliant.” He pressed a kiss to my lips. “Absolutely brilliant.” 
“And you’re gonna be a great dad,” Tears pricked my eyes. “God, I don’t know the first thing about being a parent,” A nervous giggle left my lips. 
“We’ll learn and figure it out,” He stroked my cheek softly, stealing another kiss. 
A thousand parenting books, a baby shower, and a few doctors appointments later, Draco and I were curled up on the couch in our flat as the fire crackled in the hearth. 
We had yet to settle on a name—to be fair we narrowed it down a lot, but with every new suggestion came a new round of anxiety that it wouldn’t be just right. It left me up at all hours thinking of it; so much so that Draco had to find a pregnancy safe sleeping potion so I could get proper rest. 
“Elizabeth?” Draco mused, after my mother. I pursed my lips. It had been a suggestion that circled around. 
“I’d like it as a middle name,” I decided, the thought had been mulling over in my mind. 
“Okay done,” He smiled, reaching over to stroke my stomach before resuming his massage of my sore feet. 
“Still need a first name.” I pondered, leaning my head against the back of the couch. “Narcissa?”
Draco snorted. “I’m not calling our daughter by my mothers name,” 
My heart fluttered when he said our daughter. 
“Well we need something,” 
“How about Lucy?” That was a new suggestion: one not voiced by either of us. 
“If that’s some way to get me to name her after your father I swear to Merlin—“
Draco burst out laughing shaking his head. 
“Godric, no. Ugh,” he chuckled. “No, love, Lucy as in the first one to find Narnia. Ya know, that book you read to me all those years ago. The current theme of our nursery?” 
“Oh,” my eyes widened at the thought, my heart softening. “Lucy,” I looked down, caressing my stomach when I felt something odd. Frowning I pressed my palm over the area. Draco caught my confusion and grew very concerned. 
“What? Is she alright? What wrong?” 
“Nothing,” I grinned. “She’s kicking—I think she likes her name,” I reached out for his hand and placed it in the same spot where mine resided as I felt her kick again. 
“Hello little Lucy,” Draco whispered softly. “I can’t wait to meet you,” 
Tears pricked my eyes as I watched him talk to her softly. And like every night, Draco got up and made me my tea that had Sleeping Draught in it—which he brewed specifically for me. It reminded me of our school days when he would spend class time brewing me anti-anxiety potions. It warmed my heart that his habit didn’t wane even with the years past.
That night my eyes fluttered open. I woke in the night, barely awake and ready to fall asleep again when I heard a soft voice. At first I thought Draco was trying to speak to me but I quickly realized that he was talking to someone else. 
“You’re going to be one of the greatest wizards to ever walk the earth,” he murmured softly. “You’ll be kind and smart like your mother. You’re going to love her so much. We already love you so much.” 
I let my eyes drift closed as a smile touched my lips. I resisted the urge to reach out and take Draco’s hand, in fear that he might become bashful about the situation. 
A small bundle of warmth rested on my chest, peacefully sleeping. My hand rose and cradled the small thing, tears pricking my eyes. My other hand was still clinging to Draco’s. 
 Lucy Elizabeth Malfoy. 
There were tears in Draco’s eyes as he reached out and with the softest touch caressed her tiny head. 
“She’s beautiful,” he murmured. “You did so well,” 
Exhausted, I let my eyes close, knowing that all was right with the world. Lucy would grow up in a world free from the threat of Voldemort and Draco would be by my side to protect her. We had already bled and fought and now we would make this new world we fought for, right for her. 
A new legacy. 
A new hope. 
more like this:
two by two
Beautifully Beastly
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proxima-writes · 2 months
✧*̥˚ my muses, acquired like bruises *̥˚✧
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a collection of my fics inspired by taylor swift songs/lyrics, in honor of the release of THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT
cruel summer | au | explicit | chapters: 6/6
Joel takes a contracting job renovating a master bedroom and bathroom while the homeowners are away for the summer on a cruise. He wasn’t expecting their twenty-three year old daughter and the thoughts he’d have about her.
↳AO3 | Tumblr: chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6
crimson red paint on my lips | post-outbreak | explicit | connected work
Joel Miller is an asshole. You should have known better than to show up at his door with your lips painted red. Connected to me and the devil and marked me like a bloodstain
↳AO3 | Tumblr
marked me like a bloodstain | post-outbreak | explicit | connected work
You save Joel’s life when the two of you are attacked on a smuggling run. He has an interesting way of saying thank you. Connected to crimson red paint on my lips and me and the devil
karma is my boyfriend’s dad | au | explicit | connected work
Your boyfriend, Sean Miller, is an asshole. The one redeeming thing about him? His dad, Joel Miller. And he's just invited you along on the family vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida.
in a feud with her neighbor | au | explicit | connected work
Five times you think Joel Miller is the worst neighbor ever, and the one time he isn’t.
bonus scenes: in a feud with her neighbor | au | PG-13 | connected work
Fluffy bonus scenes for "in a feud with her neighbor" as suggested by anon!
toyin’ with them older guys | au | explicit | one-shot
Joel Miller is the grumpy bartender and owner of your favorite bar near campus, where you attend trivia every Tuesday night. Thinking there’s no way Joel could return your feelings, your friend suggests trying out Tinder. But when you bring them to the bar for a date, they keep leaving mid date with no explanation. Maybe there’s something Joel isn’t telling you after all.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
help me hold onto you | post-outbreak | explicit | one-shot
Joel always tries his best to keep his mind from wandering to its darkest corners, but occasionally, the frayed threads holding him together with sloppy stitches start to unravel. Sometimes you need to give him something to hold onto.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
seven | post-outbreak | explicit | one-shot
Joel Miller has spent twenty years pushing the grief and guilt surrounding the death of his daughter, Sarah, to the darkest recesses of his brain in favor of survival. Living a more quiet life in Jackson means the ghosts of his past have returned to haunt him. He finds his solace in you, the town librarian.
the last great american dynasty | au | explicit | one-shot
Joel Miller has loved the historic Victorian home in his neighborhood since the first time he laid eyes on it. When the elderly owner passes, he thinks he might get his chance to finally buy it and fix it up. He doesn’t expect to find you, the granddaughter of the previous owner and trustee of her estate, standing in the way of his dream.
↳Tumblr | AO3
wrong place, right time | pre-outbreak | explicit | one-shot
What if Joel didn’t answer Tommy’s call from jail? And what if the waitress he’d been defending that night bailed him out instead?
i can see you (javier peña's version) | au | explicit | one-shot
When Javier Peña takes credit for your lead, you take revenge. Good thing you know Javier can't resist a girl in red lipstick.
my tears and my beers and my candles | au | explicit | one-shot
It’s been a bad week and you just need to have a good cry. You didn’t expect Frankie Morales, best friend and unrequited crush, to crash your pity party. He’s got some interesting ways of making you feel better. Maybe it’s not so unrequited after all.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
invisible string | au | explicit | one-shot
After fifteen years, the invisible string that ties you to Frankie Morales pulls you back together
i can see you (miguel o'hara's version) | au | explicit | one-shot
As Dr. Miguel O’Hara’s graduate teaching and research assistant, you’ve spent years pushing down the inappropriate thoughts you’ve had about the brilliant, gorgeous man. But what happens when a late night at the lab and a scientific breakthrough leads to a breakthrough of a different kind?
the mark you saw on my collarbone | vampire au | explicit | connected work
A snippet of life with your human and your monster. A oneshot in the bat out of hell series
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blythelyunaware · 2 months
On the "terrible lyrics" discourse...
It's always interesting to me when, right before an album rollout, we have a subsect of swifties and/or simply bad-faith haters who immediately pan a new album by plucking out lyrics out of context. It seems that the curse of folkevermore will forever loom over any new album rollout because most people aren't...that bright? Folkevermore is brilliant for many reasons, not least of all because it was perfectly timed to fit the tone of the socio-cultural time it was released in. People ate it up because a). those albums were pandemic albums and b). they were written mostly in the "quill pen" style. For some reason, and perhaps this is due to a lack of wider reading, people associate "good lyrics" with flowery prose that is reliant heavily on lots of figurative language and "bad lyrics" as simple statements. And so anything that has been released post-folkevermore has been panned as a "step down" because people think Taylor Swift is only worth listening to when she releases music that people perceive, through stereotypes or general insufferableness, as artsier and therefore of more value.
I don't know if it's just a universally bad education system or maybe we don't read contemporary literature enough, but that's just not true. I love folklore so very much, and its most Keats-style 19th-century poet song, "The Lakes," is perhaps one of its weakest because it's trying too hard and some of it, frankly, makes no sense ("Tell me what are my Wordsworth" ???? Like we know that clunky-ass lyric was only put in there for a dumb ass poet reference). And then we have The Last Great American Dynasty, which contains fairly simple/ slightly kooky statements such as: "And in a feud with her neighbour, she stole his dog and dyed it key lime green." Which is way better at characterising the person in that story!!!
It was the same with the "sexy baby" lyric in Anti-Hero (IMO a very interesting lyric!). It's not about how many metaphors she can pack in or the number of stars or 2 AM dancing-in-the-rain or running-down-a-field-to-her-prince, or other fairytale motifs that makes her songs so good. It's her ability to tie a concept together or create a thread of shared ideas within an album. People are clowning on the whole "Charlie Puth being a bigger artist" because Charlie Puth isn't typically considered "high brow" and has released some pretty cringey stuff. But if you look deeper into the reason for why she included that in her song: it fits into the album conceit. The album visuals are very much dark academia, college prep, intellectuals etc. etc. This lyric is not so much about Charlie Puth as it is about her relationship dynamic with the person she is singing about. It's about how they had shared intellectual values around music. And that is the genius of Taylor Swift. She does not need to point a gigantic neon sign at a lyric saying "LOOK! LOOK! THIS IS A METAPHOR AND I AM VERY CLEVER AND YOU CAN FEEL CLEVER FOR GETTING IT!".
To end it all I would urge swifties to please read more and read widely. (I also realise just how pretentious and obnoxious I sound but hey, if we're gonna play into the aesthetic, why not?)
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taylorswiftandx · 5 months
Taylor Swift and Cards
Note: This is for the word "card" including playing cards, greeting cards, and postcards, but not cardboard, which will have its own post. Specific playing cards (aces, etc.) will get their own post, too.
'Taylor Swift'
(no cards)
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
(no cards)
'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)'
Sparks Fly: They way you move is like a full-on rainstorm and I'm a house of cards
Superman: Right here wishing the flowers were from you, wishing the card was from you
Foolish One: My cards are on the table, yours are in your hand
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
(no cards)
'1989 (Taylor's Version)'
Say Don't Go: I'm trying to see the cards that you won't show, I'm about to fold unless you say, "Don't go"
(no cards)
Cornelia Street: Back when we were card sharks, playing games, I thought you were leading me on
The Last Great American Dynasty: And blew through the money on the boys and the ballet and losing on card game bets with Dalí
(no cards)
Midnight Rain: It came like a postcard, picture perfect shiny family
Other Songs written by Taylor
The Joker And The Queen (Remix): I've been played before if you hadn't guess so I kept my cards close to my foolproof vest
Official Alternate Releases
(no cards)
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likeadevils · 20 days
Rank Taylor songs which are titled starting with The?
a lot of these probably change day by day but for right now:
The Archer (song of all time cried for four hours listening to this on repeat the day it was released and almost cancelled plans with friends because i didn’t think my mood could recover)
The Black Dog (i’ve said it before but platonic ideal of a taylor swift song. woman has a talent for revealing heartbreak in small everyday moments that seem simultaneously intensely specific to one person but are in fact universal)
the 1 (don’t have words for how good this song is because like. it’s just self evident. it’s a good song)
The Story Of Us (you ever see me listening to this and the plagues from the prince of egypt on repeat assume i am plotting murder)
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (the BRIDGE?)
The Bolter (avoidant attachment style representation!!!!!!!)
The Outside (i feel like it’s revealing how high this made it on the list)
The Best Day (again just self evidently a good song idk what to say)
The Last Time (fun fact one of my dad’s favorite taylor swift songs. so. i guess this is the parent part of the list)
the lakes (good song!)
the last great american dynasty (if i can be evil for a second. i knew this was about her house the second she said “rhode island set”. so there’s my intensely niche intensely weird spot of pride)
The Manuscript (the perfect way to end the album tbh)
The Prophecy (“a lesser woman would’ve lost hope. a greater woman wouldn’t beg.” is one of her best lyrics it’s understated it’s efficient it packs a hell of a punch good job taylor)
The Very First Night (bop. lyrics make no sense but i forgive her because they make me chuckle)
The Other Side Of The Door (i will never turn down taylor ranting)
The Lucky One (might be my favorite intros of hers. like just production wise? gets me hooked every time)
The Moment I Knew (good song. ajay’s reaction to this means everything to me. personally don’t listen to it a ton)
The Albatross (again i like it i just dont listen to it a ton. but the verses are fantastic)
The Man (a weird case because most of the time i actively dislike it but i’ll listen to the bridge sometimes because like i said, will never shun a taylor rant)
The Tortured Poets Department (i don’t. like this song. i dont dislike it. but its a skip)
The Alchemy (again i don’t like. dislike it? it’s just kinda there.)
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
*parts of this article was written previously and then recently updated*
Taylor Swift isn't just a pop icon anymore; she's the next great American dynasty, singlehandedly steering some of the country's most vaunted brands and institutions.
Why it matters: She already fueled the nation's economy for much of the summer and drove thousands to register to vote. Now, she's a beacon of opportunity — and cash — for both the NFL and Hollywood.
The NFL: Swift was spotted cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs alongside Donna Kelce, mother of Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, during last Sunday's game against the Chicago Bears.
Throughout the broadcast, Fox panned over to Swift nine times throughout the game and social media was abuzz over her attendance.
The NFL flashed images of Swift in their game day graphics throughout the game, released 10 TikToks on the official NFL account — which changed its bio to read "9/24/23. Taylor was here' — and NFL on Fox even ran an ad capitalizing on her romantic link to Kelce.
Kelce is also a recipient of the halo effect. In the 24 hours following the game, he gained over 300,000 new social media followers, saw a 400% increase in merchandise sales and his podcast ranked #1 on the Apple charts.
By the numbers: Her attendance did in fact drive ratings, particularly among young, female viewers
The Chiefs vs. Bears game drew 24.3 million viewers, making it the most-viewed telecast of the week, and female viewership in the key 18-49 demo saw a 63% increase.
What they're saying: "This buzz around Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift isn't just about speculation about their relationship, it's about the Halo Effect at work - where one person's influence boosts the appeal of others around them. Suddenly, football is more than a game; it's a stage for pop culture," said communication expert Molly McPherson.
"It isn't just an academic theory; it's a savvy marketing move. When an All-Pro tight end like Travis Kelce invites Taylor Swift to a game, he's essentially inviting her entire fan base to tune in as well. Swift, Kelce, the NFL, and the Kansas City Chiefs all come out ahead. There was only one loser in Sunday's game, and it was the Chicago Bears."
Box office: With Hollywood mired in the depths of dual labor disputes, this fall's movie slate was looking pretty bare for theaters — until Swift delivered an unexpected jolt with the surprise announcement of her "Eras Tour" film, set for release this month.
Swift and her family directly negotiated a distribution deal with theater chain AMC, leaving out the traditional studio middlemen via an agreement that could upend how concert films are released in the future, per Puck's Matthew Belloni.
The concert film is tracking toward a $100 million opening weekend domestically — and likely much higher, according to Deadline, with one analyst calling it a "unicorn."
Its announcement also forced a last-minute jolt of Hollywood's release calendar, as Blumhouse head Jason Blum moved up the release of the forthcoming "Exorcist" sequel by a week, declaring "#TaylorWins."
The big picture: Swift has so much influence, clout and engagement for a reason.
She has won over the trust of her fandom — referred to as Swifties — through authentic and direct communication across social media and through fan experiences.
Her penchant for hiding clues and Easter eggs throughout her communiques is so well-known that she took over Google Search to reveal new song titles last month.
Music accolades aside, Swift gained even more respect from her fellow musicians by challenging the way artists were compensated across streaming platforms.
What's next: Swift is expected to attend this week's Chiefs vs Jets game, which could continue to bring more eyeballs, more chatter and more money to the NFL.
The bottom line: When Taylor Swift gets involved, the only blank space that matters is on the checks that'll inevitably be cashed.
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mythicalthing · 20 days
(stealing from my anon) Rank Taylor songs which are titled starting with The?
Ahhhhhhhhh okay okay Claire did it I can do it
1. The great war: song of all time. From the moment I heard it the melody just hooked me and the lyrics just tear me to pieces.
2. The Prophecy: this song is just so hauntingly beautiful and the lyrics also really resonate with me 🥺 could be recency bias but I just love it.
3. The albatross: similar to #2, the melody just hooked me and I love songs in minor keys and ugh. It's just so good.
4. The smallest man who ever lived: I'm just very into this bridge
5. The story of us: I just love love love this song and how catchy it is sorry no one can make me hate a speak now song
6. The way I loved you: bop of all time and I keep guessing it for surprise song night but keep getting disappointed
7. The lakes: this one has grown on me recently and just makes me feel really wistful
8. The archer: also one that has grown on me and sometimes it just hits really hard
9. The 1: such satisfying lyrics so this song has forcibly grown on me despite the melody not being that interesting
10. The lucky one: this is getting hard because a lot of these I like but don't feel that strongly about
11. The last great American dynasty: I think I listened too much at the beginning and now I don't listen to it often
12. The very first night: sometimes I just love jamming out to this
13. The last time: this is a pretty song and has grown on me a bit
14. The black dog: I have trouble listening to this bc I should not be hearing about taylor in the shower
15. The man: still a bop
16. The outside: good
17. The other side of the door: also good
18. The bolter: probably still needs to grow on me
19. The best day: wholesome but I never listen to it
20. The moment I knew: I just never listen to it
21. The alcott: I can't pass too much judgment but I do think it's pretty
22. The joker and the queen: same as above
23. The alchemy: I just find this song incredibly boring I'm sorry
24. The manuscript: same as above its just not interesting
25. The tortured poets department: I just ... don't love it
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drdemonprince · 1 month
i’ve been thinking about kontextmachine’s understanding of taylor swift and i find it really compelling. it’s made me think of the song ‘the last great american dynasty’ which tells the story of rebekah harkness but changes one small detail - in the song, taylor says she dyed the neighbor’s DOG green, when in reality it was a cat. if im looking at this from the frame of mind of kontextmachine, i wonder if she intentionally changed that detail to see what would happen. could she change the historical record bc her cultural force is that powerful. more ppl in this decade will understand her depiction of rebekah harkness than will understand/consume any other depiction of her. did taylor intentionally change cat to dog to sort of see if she could re write the popular understanding of that piece of history.
Omg if only kontext were alive to answer this. and to weigh in on TTPD and Taylor's backslide into bpd core obsession w matty healy (or, kontext might say, into selling the idea of herself as an unhinged girlie to a fan base and american public primed to find that version of her fascinating. he believed everything was an intentional act of image making with her). Taylor swift as god empress of america and epistemological threat? its more likely than you think
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bau as taylor songs
aaron hotchner: fearless, you’re not sorry, change, superstar, last kiss, superman, everything has changed, come back be here, style, getaway car, lover, false god, the last great american dynasty, cowboy like me
emily prentiss: cold as you, fifteen, haunted, sparks fly, speak now, red, i almost do, the lucky one, out of the woods, i wish you would, this love, i know places, dress, end game, look what you made me do, the archer, i think he knows, daylight, afterglow, the one, this is me trying, mad woman, peace, willow, right where you left me
derek morgan: tied together with a smile, white horse, mr perfectly fine, innocent, i knew you were trouble, girl at home, blank space, so it goes..., gorgeous, i forgot that you existed, hoax, tis the damn season, renegade
jennifer jareau: a place in this world, the way i loved you, you all over me, bye bye baby, mine, enchanted, that's when, state of grace, sad beautiful tragic, begin again, nothing new, how you get the girl, you are in love, delicate, dancing with our hands tied, the man, seven, ivy, gold rush
spencer reid: the outside, breathe, mean, eyes open, the last time, clean, bad blood, wonderland, new romantics, i did something bad, death by a thousand cuts, soon you'll get better, cruel summer, its nice to have a friend, cardigan, the lakes, tolerate it
penelope garcia: you belong with me, the best day, jump then fall, back to december, holy ground, forever winter, king of my heart, starlight, wildest dreams, call it what you want, cornelia street, london boy, mirrorball, champagne problems, marjorie
whole team: long live, this is why we can't have nice things, new years day, exile, my tears ricochet, august, epiphany, no body no crime, long story short, evermore, it's time to go, only the young
i highlighted any that i feel really strongly about for that character. so many of them ended up relating to the 'emily is dead' storyline (i almost do, the last time, sad beautiful tragic, everything has changed - it seems red is the album for that particular storyline, imo anyway) but others relate to character storylines (innocent for morgan, the best day and back to december for penny, clean for reid) idk it was fun and am excited to add midnights !! and i wanna know any u agree/disagree with also i couldn't assign atw
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catgirlforkaeya · 2 years
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various characters
headcanons of genshin characters i believe would listen to taylor swift along with their favorite songs and/or album
modern au
disclaimer: some of these may not be 100% accurate, it’s just for fun don’t get mad if your fav isn’t on here. i didn’t include every single character, so if ppl want i will do a part 2. also sorry if i picked the more “known”-songs, i’m drained from today and just going off the top of my head rn
a/n: in honor of me getting tickets to the eras tour today i decided to do this!! :D god bless my mom for sitting in the queue for 6 hours, i’ve been a taylor fan since red came out this is huge for me
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• starting off w my fav, of COURSE he would be a taylor swift stan. would be very vocal about it and not ashamed whatsoever. was def in the top 1% to listen to midnights upon its release
fav song: you’re on your own, kid + no body, no crime + wonderland
fav album: reputation + midnights
• i can definitely see him being one. he wouldn’t be as open about it like kaeya but he enjoys the music. his little siblings probably introduced him to it 😭😭
fav song: anti hero + innocent
fav album: midnights
• absolutely 100% a swiftie, not a doubt about it. when he’s doing chores around the house he’d definitely have a playlist of her songs for it
fav song: message in a bottle
fav album: red + 1989 + lover (he can’t pick)
• something about this man just SCREAMS swiftie. idk how to explain it but i’m right idc. he wouldn’t be a hardcore stan but wouldn’t just be a normal fan. he’s somewhere in the middle. he’d also def be a fan of her more up-beat albums, so like red, 1989, lover, those genres
fav song: all you had to do was stay + style
fav album: 1989
• this is probably ooc but idc he would be a swiftie, argue with a wall. kaveh yells at him to turn the music down but does he listen? no. and honestly good for him (he slowly turns kaveh into one too)
fav song: i did something bad + out of the woods
fav album: reputation + midnights
• lisa is a powerful woman so of course she’d love taylor. probably grew up with the music and fought for her life back in 2015-2017 when the world suddenly turned on taylor
fav song: last great american dynasty + tolerate it
fav album: folklore + evermore
• i don’t have much to say about my reasoning behind mona, she just fits the vibe y’know? probably also fought for her life alongside lisa
fav song: starlight + enchanted + the lakes
fav album: speak now
• same as mona, she just fits the energy. i can see her being like itto where she’s kinda in the middle of how much of a swiftie
fav song: wonderland + cornelia street
fav album: 1989 + lover
• a swiftie but she prefers the more country music albums over the pop ones
fav song: should’ve said no + the best day
fav album: debut + fearless
• at first she was iffy about the music because let’s be honest, rosaria probably isn’t a huge pop music fan. but kaeya and/or barbara probably played it enough to the point she made herself listen and liked it
fav song: i did something bad + look what you made me do
fav album: reputation
• a swiftie but she’s very quiet about it bc she doesn’t wanna get judged even though everyone around her probably also is a fan
fav song: lavender haze + karma
fav album: midnights
• same as keqing she’s quiet about it. definitely also listens to it whilst she’s doing whatever work she has though
fav song: paper rings + mad woman
fav album: lover
• how could i not include the music queen herself?? xinyan probably wouldn’t have any preference as to what type of genre she likes, so she’s happy to listen to any taylor song
fav song: the way i loved you + coney island + wildest dreams
fav album: any and all
yae miko
• i love yae but she’d be one of those long-time swifties who are honestly scary. not in a bad way, she’s just the type to have been there through every era so she’s considered ancient in terms of stan wise
fav song: midnight rain + the man + don’t blame me
fav album: lover + midnights
• also like yae, a long-time swiftie but not as intimidating. she probably bought extra tickets to give people who couldn’t get in because she just seems nice like that
fav song: all you had to do was stay + the great war
fav album: 1989 + evermore + lover
• in a modern au nilou would 100% create dances to taylor songs, probably posts them on tiktok and the dance goes viral too
fav song: dancing with our hands tied + this is me trying
fav album: speak now + red + midnights
• mona probably introduced her to the music and she fell down a rabbit hole and became a major swiftie. fought for her life to get into the presale for eras tour too
fav song: snow on the beach + never grow up + tolerate it
fav album: 1989 + lover + folklore
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© all rights reserved to catgirlforkaeya. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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ceoofmorro · 1 year
headcanons again !!
- • debut (taylor swift) — zane.
• fearless — zane, skylor.
• speak now — skylor, cole, jay, lloyd.
• red — kai (obviously).
• 1989 — skylor.
• reputation — harumi, morro, skylor.
• lover — jay, pixal, nya.
• folklore — lloyd, skylor, nya, morro, harumi.
• evermore — lloyd, morro, cole, skylor.
• midnights — cole, kai, skylor, lloyd.
- now for the songs.
— SKYLOR; picture to burn, TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR, FIFTEEN, hey stephan, THE WAY I LOVED YOU, speak now, DEAR JOHN, mean, the story of us, BETTER THAN REVENGE, HAUNTED, if this was a movie, state of grace, ALL TO WELL,
the last time, SAD BEAUTIFUL TRAGIC, THE LUCKY ONE, girl at home, STYLE, WILDEST DREAMS, this love, CLEAN, wonderland, NEW ROMANTICS, YOU’RE IN LOVE, delicate, so it goes .., GORGEOUS, GETAWAY CAR, call it what you want, DON’T BALME ME, cruel summer, MISS AMERICANA & THE HEARTBREAK PRINCE,
cornelia street, DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS, SOON YOU’LL GET BETTER, FALSE GOD, afterglow, ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND, THE 1, the last great american dynasty, EXILE, ILLICT AFFAIRS, AUGUST, mad woman, willow, ‘tis the damn season, NO BODY, NO CRIME , HAPPINESS, COWBOY LIKE ME, coney island, LONG STORY SHORT, closure,
RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT ME, mr. perfectly fine, BETTER MAN, babe, i bet you think about me, THE VERY FIRST TIME, lavender haze, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN, KID , BEJEWELED, vigilante shit, HITS DIFFERENT.
— LLOYD; TIM MCGRAW, should’ve said no, love story, YOU’RE NOT SORRY, NEVER GROW UP, ENCHANTED, mean, HAUNTED, last kiss, LONG LIVE, THE STORY OF US, if this was a movie, i knew you were trouble,
all too well, I ALMOST DO, WE ARE NEVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, sad beautiful tragic, THE LAST TIME, THE LUCKY ONE, the moment i knew,
come back... be here, ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS STAY, shake it off, BAD BLOOD, i wish you would, wildest dreams, CLEAN, wonderland, NEW ROMANTICS, endgame,
THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS, ME!, it’s nice to have a friend, I FORGOT YOU EXISTED, THE ARCHER, you need to calm down, cornelia street, DAYLIGHT, CARDIGAN, seven, MIRRORBALL, peace, epiphany, MY TEARS RICOCHET,
betty, HOAX, willow, DOROTHEA, IVY, marjorie, evermore, CLOSURE, ITS TIME TO GO, forever winter, NOTHING NEW, i bet you think about me, anti-hero, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN, KID , snow on the beach, BIGGER THAN THE WHOLE SKY, WOULD’VE, COULD’VE, SHOULD’VE.
— NYA; you belong with me, LOVE STORY, forever & always, YOU’RE NOT SORRY, ENCHANTED, SUPERMAN, red, state of grace, STAY STAY STAY, treacherous, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED, WILDEST DREAMS, i know places,
YOU’RE IN LOVE, WONDERLAND, king of my heart, getaway car, DRESS, new year’s day, CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT, cruel summer, paper rings, I THINK HE KNOWS, THE MAN, false god, LOVER, cornelia street, DAYLIGHT,
seven, INVISIBLE STRING, MAD WOMAN, haox, WILLOW, gold rush, evermore, it’s time to go, LONG STORY SHORT, the very first night,
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Hi Sarah! So my friend suggested we make an era tour set list….
Not sure if you have already done one but would love your take! 🩵
Only rules: you have to follow the current eras tour format below eg. Album 2 could be 1989 but you can only pick 3 songs off that album then it’s done and you can’t use it again etc
Album 1:
6 songs
Album 2:
3 songs
Album 3:
5 songs
Album 4:
4 songs
Album 5:
2 songs
Album 6:
4 songs
Album 7:
7 songs
Album 8:
5 songs
Album 9:
7 songs
Hi! This is such a fun thought exercise!
But honestly, I can understand why the Eras Tour setlist is structured the way that it is. We've talked about it on here before re: show pacing and having Lover, RED, and Midnights be the unmovable beginning, middle, and end with everything else
Genuinely the only changes I would make are:
Remove "the last great american dynasty" from the folklore set and move up "cardigan" into its place so the folklore set ends on "my tears ricochet"
Make "Our Song" the permanent guitar song in the acoustic set with the piano song being the surprise song
Remove "Mastermind" from the Midnights set and replace it with "YOYOK"
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