#its like the tuxedo mask meme
violets-arepurple · 2 years
I love that Akutagawa let Atsushi go after the headmaster died like "you know what? That does suck I'll let you have today for free"
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gamercats-fight · 1 month
Morgana from Person 5 vs Krampy from Cattails: Wildwood Story. Vote for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
Morgana - P-Studio - 2016 - Anthropomorphic tuxedo cat:
-If we’re including his abilities in Mementos/Palaces then he has a clear advantage of being able to use his persona to cast spells as well as fight. He also uses a curved sword and a slingshot. If hurt he also has healing spells. His appearance in this form is mascot-esque, but don’t let his big head fool you—he’s quite agile. Having a persona at all grants the wielder extreme abilities. Fast enough to dodge lightning, take incredible damage and even able to fight against gods. This strength is only granted in places they can summon their persona, i.e. not the real world.
Even in his cat form while in the real world, he is extremely dexterous: able to pick locks. He’s also taken a kick from a guy and having a metal briefcase land directly on his head following a bit of a fall. Not altogether impressive but still something for a cat to endure. He’s also smarter than the average cat, giving him a nice advantage.
He does eventually become human in Persona 5 Royal, but is just a cat at the end of the original game.
-He can turn into a car and run over any competition. He’s a master thief and fought god once. Also he has a slingshot.
-1: THIS CAT IS A HEALER! He gets the best healing spell in the entire game and when I got it on him, I don't think he ever left my party
2: THIS CAT CARES ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING! It's become a meme at this point, but Mona wants you to go to sleep >:(
(P5 Spoilers Beyond this Point)
3: THIS CAT IS THE COLLECTIVE HOPE OF HUMMANITY! It's explained late game, but Morgana was created through the last scraps of humanities hope against the false god that the party eventually fights
4: THIS CAT EXPOSED A MURDERER! Its not important but the scene IS funny so I feel obligated to mention it.
-Everyone hates him for the stupid “go to sleep” mechanic + some of his issues with another character but he’s such a good boy i love him so much. he’s always with you, helping you out and supporting you! plus he’s so little brother coded oh my god. baby. baby boy. spoilers for p5: also he’s literally the manifestation of hope like guys. hope is a cat. hope is stored in the cat.
Krampy - Falcon Development - 2023 - Gray tabby medicine cat
-He's so autism
-Cattails is like Stardew Valley for warrior cat fans, and Krampy is a fan favorite for several good reasons. He's a kind of eccentric medieval doctor who also has trouble relating to other cats because of his weird experiments and love of leeches, but that passion also makes him very charming as a character. He's got a tendency to ramble and tell long stories and is just really wholesome all around. Also he wears a plague doctor mask which is just a really cool design choice.
-The iconic doctor of the Mystic Colony. Who doesn't want a medicine cat with a plague mask?? And they are a real character too. Some of their best quotes:
"“Actually, I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Krampy the doctor, and don't worry! I am not a bird. Although when I had that concussion, I did think I was... ... What was I saying again?"
“Greetings young kitten. Do you mind if I put leeches on your tail? It's for science. And, I think it would be funny. Or I could do it to myself... But then what will I do tomorrow?"
“I think you should wear a beaky mask, it will protect you in this world. I wish not to see my friends hurt. Although that is bad for business... bit of a double-edged sword. Don’t get hurt too often!”
“You have the worst-smelling miasma I have ever smelled! I can smell you from miles away! Why don't you roll in some garbage? - It can only improve your odor, and you end up where you belong!"
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shadow-genesis-yay · 7 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
anyway tho like. now that ive played the 1.2 story and sat on it a bit id say my overall thoughts are def mixed. i enjoyed a lot of it but theres some things that sorta just stick out or dont work and the pacing definitely worked against the story
(just a long rant/ramble upcoming its not coherent at all lol)
one thing that rly rubbed me the wrong way was like. while overall this story rly sold fu xuan as a character to me (i was a huge fan of her presence overall) the dan shu thing just felt? wrong? and like to be clear it wasnt just fu xuan the scenes writing was off in general but her role in being the one countering dan shus points just made her p central to the problem.
but like my issue is that dan shu is previously established as having very understandable reasons behind her resentment of lan that made her compelling as twist villain imo. Yet that resolve was nowhere in the scene in her rebuttal of the xianzhous ways?? when i think that shouldve been The moment of her calling out the xianzhou and actually challenging fu xuan properly. it wouldve been an even better opportunity to expand upon how fu xuan responds to being confronted with the xianzhous flaws and hypocrisy and problems. but somehow yassified dan shu really just. had a generic villain speech and thats it. the callback to their heritage as former followers of abundance was... fine? but like it wasnt that impactful. and fu xuan essentially calling her nothing but a power hungry villain when thats very much Not what dan shus motivation boils down to sucks and now players who didnt read her diary or play/pay attention to her side quest will think of her as just a generic bad guy and not a very tragic complex figure of her own
then the like. underutilization of blade was just like. ok what was the point. it IS funny to reference the tuxedo mask meme and how he skewers his ex yet immediately gangs up with him against yanqing and all but honestly he shouldve gotten to be more feral and present than he did like its just meh. ig its kafka keeping him from messing up elios script but cmon. i want more of him. yanqing also got done so dirty in that scene like. he shouldve gotten some more screentime and focus even if his job was p much to just get bodied. kid just watched jing yuan make deals with criminals no way he isnt affected by it
in general i was p shocked how inexistent the high cloud quintet was from the story. but ig w how rushed the pacing was for dan hengs backstory reveals at times already ig its better left for later (hopefully). i just rly hope this means that the topic get its time to shine properly in the future. esp since im p sure they never even named any of dan fengs crimes outright which is a curious choice.
jing yuan got a rly solid characterization and i definitely enjoyed it!!! even if im a little miffed at how they didnt give dan heng enough breathing room to come to terms with the emotional impact of facing his past and memories thanks to the plot moving forward so fast and he was kinda the one leading that. but he was still great - i liked the scheming side to him and the arguably pretty ruthless way he leveraged dan hengs exile status to force his hand to cooperate a lot. his reasoning makes sense obvi but its still a very brutal and utilitarian approach and i like that energy for his character. his duty is to the luofu above all else even if thats far from all he is about. overall his and dan hengs interactions including dan heng very much emphasizing his desire to be seen as separate from dan feng were a highlight for sure. and jing yuans final showdown moment against phantylia slapped obviously
and then w dan heng im torn between like. really loving all the good stuff we got with the insane cutscenes and the vidyadhara echoes and then wishing that he got just that little bit more for his own realizations and inner conflict. and the part about not properly featuring blade also hurt his story too imo bc the anticlimactic nature of the scene where blade confronts him and forces the transformation and how he n kafka just... leave rly kinda flattens the impact of the reveal moment esp since thats when jing yuan just all but openly says ok time for the plot. but they still did a great job selling DHIL and i think im overall a fan of how they seem to have handled the dan feng vs dan heng thing (and its roughly what i was expecting). dan feng is dead but its never just that simple either. i hope theyll be exploring the exact nature of dan fengs sins and the sedition in the future
im so mad i spoiled myself the tingyun thing bc jfc the neck snap wouldve hit So hard if the reveal itself was also a complete surprise. and its sth that was genuinely well built up like i remember thinking her 1.0 dialogue was kinda sus but wouldve never imagined the actual truth. dont do leaks folks sometimes this happens and it sucks :/ but i have to say phantylia herself was kinda? underwhelming. i liked when she picked up jing yuan like a little bug she wanted to squish and the boss fight was cool but to be fair. this was like 50% bc of how bad the sound mixing was for all of her dialogue that overlapped w in game battle. she rly lacks the necessary menace and imposing energy when u can barely even make out what shes saying 😭 her voice shouldve been as loud and large as her..... Presence. jing yuan carried the boss fight and the final cutscene but man the fade to black rly didnt do the abrupt ending any favors like we just teleport to exalted sanctum and thats it???? maybe jing yuan dies maybe not!!!
overall my prime issue is p much just how like. it feels like they shoved 3-4 mini arcs worth of stuff into one speedrun when all of them deserved more focus and exploration and the pacing rly got rough at times. it wasnt like inazuma level bad but it does get me wondering if hoyos just bad at doing these big conclusions to prior build up and holding the story threads tightly together until the end.
this comes off as super negative helpp but like. by no means did i hate all of it so dont take it the wrong way lmao. its more that there was good stuff there but also wasted potential. for the most part i was having a blast but to be fair that was 40% just playing blade ridiculously underleveled through it all. i only got him to lvl 80 for the boss fight
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midigated · 1 year
Comprehensive Survey for Sailor Moon Cosmos!
Hello! Popular Comprehensive Sailor Moon Fan Blog TwitTumblr here with an exciting post about our favorite anime/manga Sailor Moon!!!!
With the new release of Sailor Moon Cosmos on its way, we decided to take a Comprehensive Survey with the fans on what YOU want to see in the upcoming movie release of all-time Sailor Moon Cosmos.
Let's check it out!
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This pie chart reflects the results of YOU! the Moonies wanted to see in the upcoming movie 2023's Sailor Moon Cosmos.
Here are the results:
· A Remake of the Stars Theme!
· Give Hotaru a Gun
· Give Chibiusa a Gun (again)
· Therapy for everyone
· h̵̨̻̤̥̖̤̥̞͍̰͓́̓̿̓̂̀̑̀͜͝ͅa̶̛̻̪̰̪͖͕̹͛̄̔̒́̋̌͘ŗ̸͚͖͙̱̣̞͓̱̱̘͙̠͒͊͆̈́̇̀́̉̐̚͘͝ͅͅå̸̤̺̬͔̺̫͙͉͝s̷͙͓̟͇̭͈̖̗̦̮̻̈̃̿́̂͂͊̓̚͘s̶̨̛̺͚̱͇̼̲͚̓́͗̉͛̎̑́̐ ̸̳͖̫̽́͆̔̑̾͗͠͠a̸̧̧̦̲̦͍̔̒͐͋̑̃̿̉̅̽̈́̀ ̵̺̜̙͍̦͎̙̔̄́̏̚ͅr̸̨͍̲̰̝͙̞̲̘͎̞̲̦̯͊͒̄̎̿́̄͌̔̓̍̓̏͝ȩ̵͎̜͗͗̉̆̈́̏̂̚̚s̵̨̰̞͍͈̰̳̃̈͐͛̈́͊́̚̕̕̚p̴̨̲͙͚̫̜͈̪̙̥͎̯̤̈́̀͋̍̍͗͊̋̀͘̕͝e̷̤̲̪̣͉̠̖̘̺͑̐̃̆̍̇̍͝c̶͓͙͍̲̞͇̲̗̲̦̍̇͗͘͜ţ̷͚̯͍̪͉̳̼̳́͛͊͆̈̀̓̄͐͘̕͜͜͠͝͝͝ě̴̱̙̰͓̠̯̍̃d̶͖̟̱͕͚͉̤̻̠̄͘͜ ̵̛̜̤̩̟̹̆̒̏͗̀̒̄͘͜͝a̴̺͚̯̙̹̖̞̠̟͈͇̭̩̪͌͌̀͘̕ç̸̨̨̹̜̙̟͎̭̱̥̩̠͎̼̑̚t̸͚̳̟͊͛̓͊̽͑̾̕r̷͓̺̱̭̎͌͌͂̅̾̔͠ë̷̩̠͕̖̦̖̤͈͒͒̄̄͆͗̕͘͘s̷̢̼͖̠̹̗̀̓̀͊̕̚̚̕s̸̢̭̩̰̽̌̾͒̔̅̂̚͘͜͝͝ͅ
· Haruka and Michiru kiss! (but no homo)
· Can Doom run on Sailor Moon Cosmos?
· Tuxedo Mask dies when Galaxia serves cunt over his fashion
· Galaxia Yandere Simulator
· Sailor Moon Eternal Cosmos Perfect Edition Final Final Last Final-Final REVISED RETRANSLATED.pdf
· My Ranma 1/2 Sailor Moon crossover fic from 1998 on FFML and FFnet. It's really good. I swear Naoko and Rumiko would totally make a manga of it if I only knew how to speak Japanese!!!
· Inbetween animation frame memes because animation is weird and we don't understand how it works and it's not like it hasn't been beaten to death but we're gluttons for punishment when it comes to QUALITY
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Here's another chart to represent another graphical representation! It's extremely clever, I am very smart.
What a robust and varied survey! It's comprehensive! I hope they put all of these into the new 2023 Upcoming Highly Anticipated Piece of High Value Cinema Release of All-Time Sailor Moon Cosmos! Imagine how exciting it would be. Because I am the Most Comprehensive Sailor Moon Fan Blog TwitTumblr Fan Person on the planet, I think I have the most authority to say if anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and I will find you and shit on your grave politely engage in discourse.
Follow my Twitter for more of my shit takes!
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The 1992 anime is on Hulu and I, like every american anime fan that is terminally online, has heard both the titles “Sailor Moon” and “Dragon Ball” kicked around as like the two main shows that put anime on the map for american audiences back in the 90s. So it’s been on the list for awhile.
Usagi literally wins the episode by crying. Crying!! She’s 14 and actually ACTS like it! Perhaps i’m projecting, but like, i’m a very emotional person and when i was little i did cry at school when i was overwhelmed. I hated it. I still cry when i’m overwhelmed but i’m better at waiting until i’m out of a professional setting. Anyway, Usagi. She’s perpetually late! She’s terrible at school! She loves to sleep! She really doesn’t know what the heck is going on, which isn’t great but still it sure is fun to watch and i get that these early episodes it certainly functions as exposition so i’ll give it a pass lol
The bad guy is a pretty lady! Their goal is to “steal human energy for the great ruler”! The tuxedo mask guy is literally the meme where he appears, throws a rose, and runs away! Its hilarious!!
I’m watching the dub on purpose because i want to get the original experience that put this on the map, and seriously its good! Sometimes anime dubs can be a little wonky with the dialogue trying to match the lip flaps but so far this one is honestly pretty good! I also prefer the Naruto dub tho, which is something i watched dub first then transitioned to sub. Speaking of Naruto its real funny some of Usagi’s facial expressions and actions are exactly the same as things Naruto does and i think it’s more a medium thing but still interesting to see!
Yeah basically this show is great, i love it dearly and i am very excited to continue watching it!
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towerlesskey · 1 year
Wait did the Syndicate actually *do* anything? Like they were supposed to be against corrupt governments and stuff but like the only thing I can recall is breaking Dream outta jail.
Like granted my knowledge is limited but like... was that it?
No shade if it was honestly its 1000% more hilarious that there's whole songs (that are absolute BANGERS btw) about how they've saved nations, plural, from corruption and they just... fucking haven't. It's like that fucking Tuxedo Mask meme.
Like great concept but absolutely No execution (PUN INTENDED)
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waveoftheocean · 4 years
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sometimes your two most trusted advisors will not stop with the FLIRTING and the PINING and so you must take matters into your own two hands 💪💪
(4.17.20 a bit late now but happy happy birthday hubert!!!)
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hivyn · 2 years
Psychic damage? on Amazon? More likely than you think
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howtodigatrench · 2 years
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happy 15th anniversary to my favourite video game series !!! here is my very first guild from oct 2014 when i bought the first etrian at an anime convention ! they only made it to the 8th floor, and was officially terminated nov 2016 (new game -> guild blighted). still, they paved the way for me to play the rest of the series !
rest in peace guild [???]
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Im honestly confused and mad about Ontario's stay at home order, and im sure im not the only one. Im in full support of a properly planned stay at home order, but whatever is going on aint it chief...
I was under the impression, when it was announced, that people have to stay at home unless going out for essential reasons. My mom is not an essential worker and still has to go to work, because apparently businesses are allowed to self determine their essentialness. Not only that but I keep seeing outdoor ice rinks absolutely PACKED and crowded, and I know people from Gatineu who keep coming into Ottawa to hang out. Not to mention the sens v leafs game, which??? ok.
I dont know if anyone's getting fined or how people are being impacted by enforcement, ive read a couple articles where people have been fined but i dont know the scope. Sure doesnt seem like it judging by the fact that people are still congregating en masse.
It genuinely feels like Ford issued this order to get people who are complaining about the lack of proper COVID control to fuck off, but also to appease those who rather people die as long as we save the economy.
"Hey, you cant call me out for poorly handling this situation! Here's a stay at home order! Oh what does it mean? Well thats up to you to interpret as you desire ;) "
Its like that tuxedo mask/sailor moon meme, where Ford is tuxedo mask and sailor moon is Ontarians. Thanks for nothing jackass.
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ihopesocomic · 2 years
I know y'all guessing the legend's backstory in My Pride as not being the complete truth was a coincidence, but tbh- I like your take on it better than canon. Instead of Kyoga wanting Lite to be spared for no reason which not only invalidates the loss of Karabi's kingdom, but leads to her death and Kyoga proving once again to not get shit done by placing the most useless curse on him I ever seen in fiction. I just found yours a little more grounded and believable in the long run.
Yeah RJ and I literally thought that's where the series was going. It... sort of did but lol no. That was a bad execution. Like that "curse" was a joke. What's the difference between divine intervention and no divine intervention when it's just a MP version of the Tuxedo Mask meme? If you have a god literally show up and they don't do anything, they tend to not leave an impact on the story or the audience. And this happens with lots of media. So many series hype up a god-tier character and then they show up and end up not having as much of an impact as when you couldn't see them.
It would've made more sense to keep the goddesses some sort of faceless entity, at least until later. (Well it would've made more sense to have the goddesses be male but I won't get into that right now) because now we have a goddess show up and let a war criminal not only get away with his crimes against humanity (so to speak) but build an entire religion based around his hurt feels. -goes on an 8 year tangent about how Pride Law doesn't make sense- And his "punishment" is that he gets killed. But next time. Cuz she didn't do it this time. He gets to live, BUT JUST YOU WAIT, she gonna get you in round 2, you rascal. That'll show ya.
And besides diddley-squat, what did Asra do? She made things more confusing because did she possess Kyoga or IS she Kyoga and what does that say about Nothing's agency?? It made more sense when it was just revealed that she was Kyoga's reincarnation and that's why Nothing said "Asra may take me but you will never win" but then Kyoga digivolves into Asra and its like???? And people get mad at us in our review that we confused Kyoga for a goddess but can you really blame us? The lore is confusing! That would've at least had a fun payoff if Nothing hulked out in episode ten when Feather was "killed" but we don't get that either LOL
That's not even getting into the setup of how lion spirits are trapped as ghosts on earth, but ideally everyone else gets to go to lion heaven, but Nothing/Kyoga get to be reincarnated because Asra was white-knighting for her favorite lesbian ship or something I dunno, it's convoluted and messy. Sorry for the rant, I clearly have more feelings on this than I thought. - Cat
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 66 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch has to stop the execution of all his side characters while dealing with his Fake Za Warudo little brother. Eventually he hacks his way into Rolo’s tragic backstory and plans out a cheesy sitcom character arc for him where found family wins out even though they’re enemies which someone as lovestarved as Rolo can’t help but eat up. It’s almost like sending someone who does exclusively assassinations and has never been in social situations long enough to form a personality and stops time to murder people at the drop of a hat to do a deep cover year long infiltration mission where he has to get emotionally close to the target was a terrible idea. Anyway Lelouch has Rolo on his side now and I’m sure that won’t backfire in any way.
Inuyasha: Muso continues to try and capture Kagome before getting Wind Scar’d into an existential crisis and going back to Onigumo’s cave to remember his shit. Kaede immediately puts together who Muso is and leads Kagome there but Inuyasha and co. are too stupid to figure it out so Naraku straight up takes Kagura out of gay baby jail for betraying him to send her to go tell them the answer. Naraku goes to brag about being able to go kill Kikyo like Voldermort touching Harry in Goblet of Fire but it backfires since apparently simping for Kikyo is engraved in his soul and he still can’t hurt her which makes his attempt at bragging really awkward and he has to go get Muso back. Meanwhile Muso’s turned into a demon scorpion, and stabs Inuyasha through the gut, as you do.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara starts up his fight with Byakko, the beast that chases Botan and Keiko in the opening even though they’re barely in this arc. Weirdly enough he shows off his new powers BEFORE the fight so there’s no suspense to getting his new move when he finally pulls it out. Not sure if this is cool or not, on the one hand it means that Kuwabara has to do more than just show a new technique to be cool enough to finish on, on the other hand the fight is still basically using that technique and slightly altering it, and knowing that his sword can get long now takes some of the punch out of it, kinda mixed on this one.
Fate Zero: Okay so this first episode is long so I’mma try to cliffnotes this shit. Basically the Grail War starts up ad we have our combatants, a high schooler because every anime needs one of those, male Homura Akemi, Priest Alucard who’s acting more like Father Anderson in this role, Rin’s dad Miles Edgeworth, the current host of the Aburame Clan’s secret bug jutsu who’s just trying to save a child and must be punished for it, and that one racist teacher you had in high school that everyone has to pretend to respect. Last person’s still unaccounted for but this seems fun so far, the fucking lore is still dense as stone but the premise is ‘bunch of assholes want fight for big wish’ so I can get around that part.
Konosuba: Kazuma is run over by a car and… BECOMES A SPIRIT DECTIVE, FIGHTING GHOSTS AND DEMONS WITH HIS FINGERTIP LASERS! Wait, wrong anime, still kinda makes me laugh though out of all the weird isekai premises that kill off the main character, Konosuba ups the anty on the whole “Oh no, the person you saved would’ve been better off if you left them alone” thing from Yu Yu Hakusho. Anyway I’m pretty sure you guys all know the story of Konosuba by now, useless goddesses, RPG worlds, isekai shenanigans. I kind of really like how even though it’s cynical and sarcastic, it’s not a dour hopeless affair, there’s this odd upbeat charm that even though nothing’s going our heroes’ way that they’ll still be okay and find happiness where they can. This very easily could’ve become an Everybody Hates Chris thing where the world’s just shitting on them all the time and the story becomes predictable because you know nothing will every work out for them but this does a good job of making them underdogs while still throwing them bones every now and them, underbones for underdogs.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Usagi is an average kid, that no one understands… actually she’s quite a bit below average, she kinda gives Aqua a run for her money in uselessness, she’s essentially High School Dropout Barbie in this episode which is weird but I also know it’s to give her room to grow and also that she’s not meant to carry the whole show by herself. It’s just kinda amusing how the whole episode paints Usagi as not particularly good at anything or even all that nice, even after she gets her powers they essentially run on autopilot and beat the monster for her. Still it is a good spot that she wants to help her friend and I like how they keep Tuxedo Mask’s involvement to a minimum, like he doesn’t actually do anything (memes) and is just like “you got this” which is not necessarily the reaction you’d have to someone who literally beat a crowd into submission by crying at them but it’s nice to have him in an emotionally supportive role for this first outing. I’m not quite sure how this series will sit with me overall but I feel like I’ll get a better feel for it once we have the ensemble gathered and hit our stride here.
Durarara!!: The Human traffickers from Episode 1 screw up and take a totally legit Japanese man who’s definitely not an Italian illegal immigrant for Seiji’s sister’s fucked up pharmaceuticals experiments. Unfortunately said totally legit Japanese man is a tertiary friend of Dotachin’s group and they hunt their asses down. Celty’s also on the case but by the time she gets there they’ve already found them and given them manga-based torture sessions to find out their secrets so everything’s cool. Man these guys ride or die like nobody’s business, they freaking love this Italian dude for getting their friend tickets to an Idol show and giving language-based malapropisms, what bros they are.
Overall the three new shows worked out pretty well this week, Sailor Moon’s a bit of a rocky start but I knew that getting into it. I like the setup for Fate Zero a lot better than the start of Unlimited Blade Works so I’m excited for where that’ll go. And Konosuba did put a big dumb smile on my face with its hard luck lighthearted antics so I’m looking forward to the future of the block for the next few weeks.
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mcfiddlestan · 4 years
Last 10 Fics Tag Meme
Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics read or written and then tag others to do the same.
No one tagged me, but I saw it in the tags of one of my ships and it looked fun.
1. Untitled WinterFrost Single Dad AU (Bucky/Loki)
The sound of his front door opening and closing pulled Loki from a deep sleep. So deep, it took him a moment to remember where he was and how he knew that was his front door. His eyes opened slowly once, twice, and then again, to nothing but the darkness of what he was sure was his bedroom. Then the pounding started. Incessantly, pulsing around his entire head. Damned migraines. Loki let out a low grain, thought fuck it, and buried his face deeper into his pillow. Moments later, the door to his bedroom pushed open.
“Time to rise, Sunshine.”
Loki grumbled at the familiar voice, and slowly, he turned his body, rolling onto his back. “Why are you always so chipper in the morning? Oh, for Norn’s sake!” He threw a pillow over his face as the curtains were pulled open and let the blinding daylight flood the room. “I’ve got a damn migraine!”
2. Untitled Stucky Modern AU (Steve/Bucky and a healthy side of Sam/Natasha)
Bucky, his mind drawing a blank, was idly strumming his guitar when he heard the hard slam coming from next door. He surmised his neighbor and best friend, Natasha, had returned from her date, and assumed she’d be over in a few minutes to tell him about it. But when he heard a couple more distant slams and one very heavy thump against their shared wall, his curiosity got the better of him. Setting aside his black Fender, and stepping carefully over a dozing Avalanche, his tuxedo cat, Bucky walked barefoot through his apartment, into the hall, and breezed right into Natasha’s apartment.
He didn’t see her, but Bucky heard Natasha swear sharply, followed by something rattling against the hardwood floor. Waiting, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his dark sweatpants. Bucky watched as the top of Natasha’s head, burgundy hair in a stylish messy bun, popped up as she’d bent to pick up what he suspected was the cap to the bottle of vodka in her hand. “Hey, babe.”
Natasha turned dark green eyes on him, a sour expression pinching her usually attractive features, and said nothing, only moving to pour herself a full tumbler glass of the clear liquor. Bucky watched her swallow down most of it then waited silently as she filled it up once again.
He moved to rest his elbows on her pub height dining table. “Bad date?”
“You think?”
3. A Boyfriend for Christmas (Bucky/Loki)
“I need your help.”
Loki stared at the man in his doorway for a good five seconds, his lips in a thin red line, and his perfectly groomed black brows arched in curiosity. The man — his neighbor, Loki knew — was good-looking, Loki thought as he took the time to look him over, lips turning up in a soft grin. “Good evening to you, too, 9B.” The man’s lashes fluttered as they did a quick change from widened panic to a more relaxed gaze. Norns, his eyes were an impossible blue. “I can’t promise to help, but try me,” Loki drawled, taking a casual stance, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door jamb.
“Okay. Believe me, I know how this is gonna sound, and I swear I’ll make it up to you — somehow — but…well…okay. Here goes…” Loki cocked a brow, amused. “I need you to be my boyfriend for one night.”
Surprised, and maybe even surprising his neighbor, too, Loki laughed, a tickled near-giggle, and straightened. “You need me to do what now?”
4. Welcome Home -- working title (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky woke with a start, shooting up in his bed, and opening his eyes to near darkness, but for the faint orange glow of the streetlamps outside his bedroom window. For a moment, he was still in the dream; back in the desert, embedded in dirt, surrounded by heat. And flanked by Steve. On his right. He rubbed at his eyes, harder than necessary, willing the image of his best friend smiling and laughing to fade away again. 
Two years had passed since it all happened. The first year was the hardest. Stuck in the hospital, healing, speaking to no one but nurses and doctors — and the occasional military personnel, looking for the gory details. The minute he was out, Bucky was hounded by government officials wanting him to attend various memorials in the good captain’s name. Wanting him to relive the worst day of his life — which is saying a lot for a kid from Brooklyn who wasn’t far from ground zero on September 11, 2001. Was it any wonder that Bucky chose to up and disappear and go into hiding once it all finally ended?
5. WinterFrost Tumblr PWP Prompt (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky barged into the loft apartment, a dark expression screwing up his face, and paused just as the door slammed closed. His eyes, hidden beneath the black face paint smeared around them, like a burglar’s mask, did a quick scan of the layout of the open space before him. He kicked off his muddy boots, leaving them near the door, knowing his ‘loftmate’ wouldn’t take kindly to him leaving a dirt track through the well-kept place. He made a quick mental note to take care of the boots first thing in the morning. His mouth in a deep pout, Bucky thought to himself that it was times like this when he returned from a mission exhausted and not in the mood for company, that he wondered why he ever decided to move in with Loki, resident God of Mischief.
6. Post-Civil War/Ragnarok Frostiron AU (Tony/Loki)
There was no doubt in Tony’s mind just exactly what -- or rather who -- brought that subtle shift in atmosphere into the lab. He’d been expecting it, at some point, if he was honest with himself. And while a small part of him felt relief, there was, always had been, that slightly narcissistic part of his personality that would resent not being at the top of a certain someone’s to-do list.
Tony felt the faint flutter of air sweep across the back of his neck first, which reminded him he really needed to get a haircut. His nose tickled at the sharp tang the wafting scent of ozone often left in its wake. Realization about what exactly was about to transpire had Tony’s stomach doing a bit of a flip; pride, though, forced him to remain with his back to where he felt someone else’s presence. For a fleeting moment, Tony wondered if he could handle this.
Recalling everything that had happened since he last saw his visitor -- the mess with Ultron, the devastating truth about his parents’ deaths, the ends of friendships he actually mourned, the airport, Rhodey, the kid, the Accords -- all of it was a rollercoaster ride for which Tony had never signed up. But this...this one had hurt. The worst part was having to hide the hurt, the heartbreak, because no one knew. No one; not Pepper, not Happy. Not even Rhodey. Nobody knew the blow it was to the one they called Iron Man. How could they? No one knew that Iron Man had fallen in love with the God of Mischief.
7. Untitled Royals AU (Tony/Loki, with a splash of Bucky/Loki)
“Do you enjoy embarrassing me like this?”
Odin, King of Asgard, aimed a dark look across the conference table at Loki, the younger of his two sons, his anger and frustration growing by the second. The air of arrogance and disinterest emanating from Loki, raven-haired and more handsome than was good for him at an aggravating twenty-four years old, was making Odin curl his weathered hands into tight fists on top of the table. Loki looked at him, a questionable flash of surprise crossing his pale, chiseled features, his mostly-green eyes all but twinkling at him, mocking and laughing. 
“Of course I don’t.”
He was no fool; not Odin Borson. His expression darkened further, as he waited for the next words to come from Prince Loki’s mouth. 
“It’s not that I don’t enjoy embarrassing you. It’s more that it’s…a perk.” He smirked at Odin, like the brat he was, and Odin’s response was interjected by the Queen’s subtle astonishment. 
“Loki.” His eyes moved to her, and her disapproving look, and the smirk vanished. 
Odin slammed the newspaper that he’d been keeping in his lap to the glossy top of the long mahogany table. The headlines of Loki’s chaotic week in the States screamed about alcohol, fast cars, and the general recklessness of a perceived overly-spoiled son of royalty. “This is not a joke, Loki.”
8. Take A Bow (Tony/Loki)
Loki rushed through the narrow hallway, coughing to clear his throat of the makeshift fog that had filled the stage for the final moments of the play. By the time he reached the haven of his dressing room, his necktie was undone and his shirt was half unbuttoned. The hurried shouts and stomps of people working backstage were blissfully drowned out as Darcy, his new young assistant, quickly closed the door behind him.
“Great show tonight, Boss,” Darcy chirped as she took the discarded tie Loki handed over and waited to take his costume jacket and vest. Loki chuckled a thank you as she turned away from him. He urged her several times already to just call him by his name, but she insisted on calling him Boss, like he was a gangster in the 1930s. Darcy returned with a glass of water and Loki smiled his thanks before taking a long drink.
9. The House Guest (genderswapped FrostIron, fem!Toni/fem!Loki)
Loki sat in the front seat of a beat-up red convertible and stared blankly ahead. A mixture of hurt and anger had her brow furrowing, her lips pressed tightly together, and her chin, goddammit, was trembling. As Fandral droned on, giving his pathetic explanation, Loki did her best to focus on the other sounds around her — the birds chirping in the late summer morning; a neighbor’s dog barking in the distance; someone’s car alarm down the street malfunctioning — and fought to keep her eyes, fixated now on the white garage door in front of the car, from filling with tears.
Bullshit. She was hearing noting but utter bullshit. Her high school days behind her, Loki had spent the summer constructing plans for the next few months that didn’t involve going to her father’s alma mater in New York and spending the next four years of her life behind more piles of books. She had no interest in swapping high school jocks for frat boys. What she’d had were plans to go on a road trip across the States — and beyond — with Fandral, making love and making music.
But, apparently, Fandral had other plans. And the shitty reasons he was giving for not staying with Loki weren’t helping her understand any better.
10. WinterIron Bodyguard AU (Bucky/Tony)
“Founder and CEO of Stark International and Columbia professor wife critically injured in car accident.”
“Howard Stark, 69, runs car off-road in upstate New York.”
“Socialite couple Howard and Maria Stark injured in car accident. Condition, for both, critical.”
Tony watched the words all but screaming at him from the two flat-screen televisions mounted side-by-side on his bedroom wall, frozen in the spot where he stood by his bed. The words the news anchors spoke, giving details of the accident, were nothing but white noise in his ears. He’d gone numb. He processed nothing. Except that his parents had been in a horrific car accident — a shot of what was left of father’s silver Cadillac made Tony’s knees give out and he dropped to the foot of his bed.
How could anyone survive that? he thought to himself.
Tagging @teadrinkingwolfgirl @incredifishface @maeve-curry-writes @stephrc79 and literally anyone else who wants to/feels like doing it (tagged peeps, don’t feel obligated!)
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
For "Hard Mode" Character Development Meme: 6,7, 11, 24, 30 for Cat. 5,10, 17,27, 28 for Chance. 8,19,29,33, for Lance. :) :)
Thank you for asking!  (✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。 。.。:∞♡*♥
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
In a normal dream they can just get weird but there’s always something fun that happens at one point. She’s had multiple dreams where she’s flying and falls into a misty meadow and is lying down with someone she knows and loves and they talk while they watch others join them in meadow.  
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Her nightmares involve people getting hurt or killed. She always had to call or text the person involved just to make sure they were okay. another one is being rejected and left all alone.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
After her first attempt to kill herself she had to stay in the hospital for a few days and she worried that her mom was going to lock her up there. While Cat was an adult she wasn’t married yet and so she feared that the doctors would defer to her mom, given her mental state. Cat felt her mom wouldn’t have her interests at heart and wouldn’t listen to her soon to be son in law. She was scared that her mom was going to have them lock her up and throw away the key.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Catlina is a very trusting person actually. She will give the benefit of the doubt on first impressions. It’s gaining it back after you’ve lost it that’s harder with her.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
The maltreatment and harm of others. 
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Chance will have a lighter, some crumpled receipts, headphones, and his phone. A few coins on a good day. 
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
He likes more clothing actually. Boy was used to dressing layers as a teen and somethings never leave. He also isn’t the most confident in his looks, even though he tries to act like it.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
So when Chance was little he loved Sailor Moon and wanted to be Tuxedo Mask. He would take his dad’s suit jackets and wear them as the cape and try to throw roses. One year at the craft store around Halloween there was some pretty sturdy fake roses so Chance’s dad and grandfather both had the idea, which they did not coordinate, to buy a dozen of them for Chance to play with as a birthday present for his sixth birthday. But Chance’s grandfather decided to put little spikes on his set so they could stick to the ground like they did in the show, much to his dad’s dismay.  
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
He tends to deal with head on once it comes to him. He will try to avoid it but sometimes he just can’t or doesn’t want to. He will also play it up as a joke cause he gets nervous.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
This depends on the person, some he can be quicker with while others get more chances. In general he gives the person three chances to solve it without violence.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Lance has fired off multiple guns in his lifetime. His first target was when he was about five. The neighbor that watched him while his mom worked said he needed to learn to shoot and took him target practice in his backyard, this same neighbor also took him to hunt some invasive species once Lance was six. Small town country boy.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
He tends to make decisions for himself even when he thinks its to help others. He always moved his family when his wife wanted to stay put which caused friction and their breaking point was when he made the choice to go overseas when his wife needed him especially since his daughter was still so young. But to him if he went it would mean more money and chances to get higher rankings which meant they could have a more comfortable life. Then again he joined Eden’s Gate hoping to saving his daughter and be able to find a way to take them down from the inside.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
He wanted to settle down in a fairly small city after seeing the world in some way, maybe become a mechanic or something that would allow him to spend time with his family while providing for them. That dream didn’t come true how he wanted it to. He did get to see the world, but at the cost of his marriage. He was able to provide and see his child very often but it was harder because she grew up in a big city that Lance couldn’t handle after coming back from his deployment. 
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
He can get defensive still. He’s a bit hard headed and feels that he knows the most. But if you keep bringing it up he does start to improve, it just takes him awhile because he has to throw his own little fit in his head.
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👀👀 one writing and one drawing wip mayhaps :3a
WIP meme (source) 
 Mystery huffed a breath and rolled his eyes, hitting Arthur’s leg with his shoulder. “You are too hard on yourself. When have you ever been afraid for no reason?” He frowned as Arthur looked downwards, fingers twisting into the elastic of his prosthetic’s wristband.
All four of them took turns being the responsible one in the past for the other three. Lewis had been the voice of reason when food and rest were involved, mothering his teammates to take care of themselves. Even now upon his return, he was slowly finding that role again, if slower for Arthur as he adjusted. Vivi herself was best when it became crunch-time; she was adept at sussing out even the most obscure of factoids, and she could delegate her team with practiced ease. She knew every members’ weaknesses and strengths, and how to play them to their advantage.
Even he oversaw them all, in moments when it was needed. He played Lewis’s role when he had been missing from their lives, and he took on Arthur’s when the foolhardy boy lost his head in his need to fix everything. And, in moments of panic, he played the role of the one who could snap all his charges into action should they need it. Vivi tended to freeze now, when faced with pain or panic from her teammates.
He was sure it linked to what she had seen the night Lewis was lost. Still, a momentary bark or word from him was more than enough to bring her back into the moment. And when she returned, she could in turn bring out the mettle in her boys and set into motion what needed doing, to solve whatever dilemma came their way.
And of the other three, Arthur was the one who took on the most duteous task on their trips; he often became the voice of reason when Vivi was lost in her enthusiasm, and when Lewis let her carry him on the same avid current. Arthur was the one who could see the danger in places strange and wondrous. He was the realist of the three. While he could and would follow them to the ends of the earth, he still tried to keep them safe with warnings of how he or a place felt, of what could be around the corner, and what they should be wary of. Theperfect anchor, to keep excitement from sweeping the other two away and landing them in far worse situations than they found themselves in with his presence. 
And now, there he stood in the snow, staring out over a lake and thinking thoughts Mystery could see so tangibly on his face; Arthur was transparent in his doubt of his ability to warn them of trouble now. Of protecting them, and of his instincts being accurate. And his newfound fascination with his left band told him its origins.
He was no mind-reader, but he didn’t need to be one, to see Arthur agonizing; he could practically hear Arthur telling himself– in some form of dramatic irony– that letting the worry consume him had led to the team’s fragmentation. How in some way he was culpable, and brought nothing of import to his friends or Mystery Skulls. That he didn’t belong. It was mapped out on his face; every forced connection he made, like mismatched jigsaw pieces jammed together. Arthur wanted to see one picture, even if it wasn’t the one on the cover of the box. He let his regret tell him that was the only way the pieces fit.
Thrice damn that cave for doing this to him. For breaking them all. And for shaking them to their very cores.
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I think you might’ve seen this, but Lewis in an au in which he broke his anchor because he couldn’t separate from his anger when that was what brought him back. Arthur and Vivi built him a new one to keep him from fading. this time, he stayed for the need for his family and protecting what he loved. His skeletal form changed, and it ended up being one more inspired by tuxedo mask and Dia de los Muertos. These were two things that embody something important to him because of what they stand for and being something he loved watching or being a part of.
he also wanted a cloak to be stylish like Mask, but chose feathers since he wanted to act as guardian angel to his friends and family. but he had to go with black feathers to match the aesthetic!!
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