#its not really anti anything
rathockey · 1 year
Oi I would love to hear about why you didnt like that last part of TL
I mean I liked that they kept RoyJamieKeeley as friends and shit but I didnt not like Jamie forgiving his asshat of a father like not so soon at least acting like a greay father and shit.
Didn't mind the rest all that much really besides the wedding of Jane and Beard cos she is toxic af
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE END OF TED LASSO (obviously) AND NEGATIVE CRITICISM OF THE FINALE DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE GOING TO GET MAD AT ME (putting this under a read more in case it shows up in the tag)
i was totally on board with the finale up until the end. now it seems likely that what we saw, that montage, was just ted's dream of how all his friends ended up. i don't like that way of ending the show for several reasons. now, i understand they may have been trying to leave it open ended for future spin off possibilities. but they could have easily done that without all this nonsense. SO. let's get into it.
I don't love "everyone ends up perfect and happy yay nice little bow" endings. I think they're INCREDIBLY difficult to do in a satisfying way. So regardless of whether or not this was ted's dream, I find it kind of boring and unsatisfying. (Going to discuss this ignoring the aspect of this being ted's dream, i'll discuss that in another point). Some of the endings felt SO shoved in when it felt like there should be more importance placed on them. Like the Rebecca wanting to be a mother storyline. Also, in general, it felt like the show was about the push and pull of wanting to be better but that not being linear, and how even when things are low, there's life worth living and it doesn't mean things are bad. So it felt a little cheap to focus on everyone being perfectly happy and getting all the things they hoped for and wanted in a perfect little montage. (This is largely personal preference, but I do feel it cheapens some of the show's message. I just don't think it was a good way to wrap up).
Ted dreams about his friends lovely futures Definitely feels like a weird ending when just previously he told Trent to rename "The Lasso Way" bc it was never about him, and yet we end with him imagining happy endings for all his friends. Also, if you're GOING to do a "everyones stories wrapped up with a nice little bow" ending, at least commit to it. Don't make it all about Ted and what he wants for his friends.
I think Ted leaving 100% was a bad move I think there should have been some. In between. Maybe he's not head coach anymore, passing that torch to Roy, but an assistant coach who can spend off season time back in Kansas with his son. Or have Henry spend the summers with Ted. I just felt like it undermined a lot of the show for him to just leave. If they had done it in a different way, maybe I could have liked it. But ultimately it just felt. Odd.
Beard and Jane Clearly such a fucked up relationship that was in no way good and that disappoints me. Not once did they convince me that it was a good relationship. Beard should have gotten off the plane because he'd found a home, a life for himself, one he can have without Ted, who he's been linked to since his early twenties!
Ultimately, everything was both "too neat" and unsatisfying. I love an open ending, where not everything's perfect, but life goes on.
There were things I liked! Colin's ending was perfect, love Roy being the new head coach, the fans getting shares of the club was great, love Keeley coming to Rebecca with a women's soccer program initiative! All things that could have been done without this weird dream thing.
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tabbyrocks · 1 year
one thing I don't see talked about enough is how much better prototype Bakugo is compared to current bakugo.
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I mourn the loss of prototype bakugo EVERY. DAY. he would of been funny. and not actually an asshole.
but most importantly, he would have been autistic coded.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 13 days
The fact that its now being rumored/gossiped that the HP reboot resorted to open casting calls because they failed to get any famous child actors to play the leads and very likely do the same with other kid characters and even the adults (if they don't resort to getting the worst adults in hollywood) because its being rumored/gossiped even adult actors are hard to get on board, all due to JKR, has me like:
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...So essentially, they preying on kids right now who aren't actors and either want to be an actor or being dragged into the audition by their parents wanting a big break (or because they a potterhead who forces their shit onto their kids)??? That's just fucking great.
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searchforahero · 1 month
it makes me so insane that WFA took jason’s trauma response and like… flattened it… made it easier to handle… if i see one more person say comics!jason doesn’t act traumatized/the comics don’t acknowledge his trauma i’m going to lose it. what do you think UTH was. what do you think lost days was. what do you think basically every comic jason appeared in from his revival to 2011 was. no jason is not a “good” victim. he is angry and violent and he burns all of his bridges then desperately tries to reach across the gaping maw anyways. but i don’t see why he has to be a “good” victim for it to count!!! he went through something incredibly traumatic and he obviously isn’t in therapy. not everyone responds to trauma in easy to understand non-harmful ways like jason does in the crowbar chapter of WFA. and like no jason’s actions aren’t okay in the comics, no i don’t think he’s absolved of his actions because he was traumatized, or that the people he hurt have to forgive him but to suggest that comics!jason has not responded to his trauma when that’s about 99% of what he does preboot is baffling.
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evelynpr · 2 months
Looking back at it, Kacchako is really funny to look back on given everything that's happened. Like I really wished they had more interactions about their motivations and heroism, and even their blunt demeanor and so many more things (also how they feel about Deku but this isn't about him).
This isn't meant to shit on people who ship it in any way, because back then I kinda digged it. Like genuinely thought it was cool and an interesting direction to take...but that was 5 years ago.
At one point, we saw the two of them on a battlefield, ending with Ochako losing but Bakugo having a lot of respect for her. This really could have been expanded a lot more, like them training together or just talking.
How he started calling her by her actual name much earlier than others, how she saw right through his "anger" at Deku being fear, how Ochako also trained to be stronger- there really was potential for something deeper between them beyond acquaintances, romance, or something.
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confession time!!! can't wait for bt bones
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
imma be so fr rn i think its homophobic when people are fine with yuri but go up in arms about yaoi. like seriously. because its so fucking stupid to act as though yuri is somehow less fetishistic than yaoi when legit the entire fetish appeal of lesbianism in yuri is the fact that its "so pure and untainted by men". Straight men who consume yuri love it because they have a thing for purity in a similar vein as straight women love yaoi for being guys "sinning" and shit. I think both of these sentiments are foul in their own respective ways and its plain ignorant to act as though the "purity" of yuri is made out of a respect for lesbians instead of fetishistic appeal. And dont get it twisted rn and think im saying yaoi and yuri both suck; you know i love both of these genres, but i can criticize it without saying the genre as a whole is some evil demon shit. Straight erotica also houses a plethora of problematic themes and sentiments because every genre is going to have issues, especially when its lewd content. Lewd content is made TO BE fetishistic because well... its lewd; the problems that arise are not black or white matters and I think that if people are willing to enjoy straight erotic manga critically but unwilling to give the same grace to yaoi or yuri then thats plain homophobic. Because when people act as though yaoi and yuri having these problems means that the genres as a whole are unsalvagable while straight erotica can still be excused, it implies that homosexuals are obligated to be BETTER than heterosexual content to be accepted. It creates this idea that homosexual content is somehow inherently more dirty and needs to make up for this fact by being morally superior in other ways. 50 shades of gray and twilight can exist with a littany of foul tropes and problematic themes that are completely put into a fetishistic light, and yes it recieves mockery and is called cringe (because it is), but how come thats all it gets while some yaoi has the same shit going on and is treated like the entire genre as a whole needs to be exterminated??????? nobody has ever said that all shitty novels made for lonely women need to be demolished because of twilight and 50 shades of gray, and anyone who has gets called out for their misogyny because its fucking stupid to act like an entire genre of content should be killed for some cringe loser shit being mixed in with it. All porn has problematic tropes, and its so homophobic to act like specifically the genre of gay men having sex is the most egregious offender of these tropes while passing off yuri as fine because the problematic tropes it houses feed into the idea of purity.
Like oh my god, the majority of yuri is not made for lesbians. Even though it is made by women, these women are not fucking queer women. They're straight women who are feeding into the misogynistic ideals of pure, feminine women remaining pure and feminine by keeping untainted by men while exploring eachothers bodies. thats why yaoi and yuris problems mirror eachother in that you see an abundance of heteronormativity in yaoi (big semes, small ukes; with the smaller feminine one being lured into a tainted world of sin by being gay or whatever) while yuri has the opposite problem with a lack of body diversity because it focuses on ideal feminine ladies remaining untouched by "sin" by only touching eachother. Why do you think that around the same time yaoi was full of shit like junjou romantica bullshit yuri was also notorious for being boring as hell with two girls thats have no personalities making out together? Because BOTH of these genres had these issues much more severely in the 2000s-2010s. Yaoi was too crazy with that sinning fetish while Yuri was too boring with that purity fetish. Its also so stupid when people keep using examples from that era of yaoi as evidence that western mlm work is sooooo much better and superior compared to the entire fucking genre because its comparing shit from ten years ago to shit made now. Idk if you remember but literally ten years ago pedo bear was a normal thing that was goddamn EVERYWHERE online. Culture changes and i can assure you western gay media was not so squeaky clean during that time either; but this is a whole 'nother enchilada to be devoured another time.
Anyways in short; its homophobic as hell if you embrace yuri but shun yaoi. All you're doing is showing you have a fundamental lack of understanding concerning the roots of yuri and who yuri is actually made for. You're acting like gay men having sex is inherently "dirtier" than straight people having sex and that they need to compensate by being more morally righteous. I'm not saying that the different problematic tropes found in each type of erotica is good and shouldn't be changed, but its homophobic to excuse straight porn while refusing that same grace to yaoi. And it disgusts me seeing people continue to perpetuate the sentiment of gay men being seen as sin and lesbian women being seen as pure (in an almost baby-fying way) only wrapped up in a new convoluted form of packaging while acting like theyre protecting homosexuals.
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atanx · 5 months
Forever thinking of that one post or sth where someone went like "Sasuke is such a bad character he wanted to destroy Konoha even tho that's the opposite of what Itachi wanted" like??? Whyyyy would Sasuke do what Itachi wants?
Like yeah Sasuke loves him, but you can love someone and utterly disagree with their motives. You can love and hate someone at the same time. You can love someone and still want to destroy everything they fought for.
Sasuke might love Itachi, and Itachi might have loved him in his own twisted way, but in the end Itachi still killed hundreds of people. He still took away Sasuke's entire world. He massacred his family for wanting something more out of life other than being constantly discriminated against. Itachi still chose to psychologically torture Sasuke, forcing him to watch Itachi slaughter the Uchiha for three days straight. Itachi still manipulated Sasuke into killing him.
And Itachi did it all in the name of a village. He was a thirteen year old boy. Think about it. Itachi was a seventh or eighth grader. He was indoctrinated, made into nothing but a tool by the village. And the village took his sacrifice and gave him nothing in return. The village moved on from the Uchiha massacre like nothing ever happened.
None of the hidden villages are good. They're literally all mercenaries, killers for hire who don't care who they kill. But Konoha is extra disgusting in how duplicitous it is. How it pretends that it's the nice village. How it pretends to be good, with all that 'Will of Fire' bullshit.
The scene where the Sandaime propaganda'd to a bunch of academy students before the third round of the chunin exams comes to mind. He claimed that every single person in the village was his precious person.
I couldn't help but feel outraged at that, disbelieving that he would actually say such an obvious lie. I guess the entirety of the Uchiha were just an exception! I guess the people he lets Danzo kidnap and indoctrinate, the shinobi he sends on suicide missions, the shinobi that are traumatised by their service, the entirety of thr Hyuuga side branch, they're all just exceptions! Those don't count!
If I can feel that much disdain and disgust, I can't imagine how much Sasuke feels.
Like, I want to destroy Konoha and I'm just reading a fictional work.
Konoha is the village that twisted Sasuke's brother. That took his childhood, his innocence and his happiness. That made him kill Sasuke's entire clan. That still kept its claws in him even years after the fact. Why wouldn't Sasuke want to destroy it?
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haunted-xander · 3 months
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This broken robot from one of Sho's flashbacks looks unsettlingly similar to 024
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
My thoughts,
I feel like the biggest disconnect with all the discourse going around is that, (mainly twitter) users automatically assume that combining two peoples names is 'shipping' when that's really not why.
If you were looking for content surrounding 2 certain people but only tagged their names separately you would be getting EVERY single post. Posts that could have other people in it, and not be the two you were looking for (if I were to look for posts about Ian and Anthony, I would trust the Ianthony tag more than just looking through their regular tags, because people tag them in a lot of other Smosh related content)(same thing for Damien and Shayne, if I was looking for them as a duo I would look through the Shaymien tag)(it simply sorts posts better)
They don't seem to grasp the fact that tagging 'Damangela' is because that's how the tagging culture works over here, and not because we're 'shipping' them.
I thought it was common practice, everyone understands in the fandom world that when you combine people's names it's at it's CORE, a 'Duo Name' before ANYTHING ELSE.
I'm just going to automatically assume that most people getting their feathers all ruffled, just haven't been in fandoms spaces as much, AND THAT'S OKAY!!!
But please, if you take anything away from this, most people doing a lot of shipping is young people, so keep that in mind.
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yuridovewing · 11 months
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oh yall weren't joking frostpaw actually might have gotten spayed
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themoonking · 1 year
im all for making fun of and criticizing the way booktok (and booktube) aestheticize reading to an insane degree, making it more about being percieved as a reader more than like. actually reading. but some people on here lump the most normal things ever into the booktok consumerism pile?
like yes, booktok/tube places a lot of emphasis on the visuals of "reading", but then someone on here just went and said that simply "not wanting to damage your books" is a stupid booktok thing??? what? it's not vain or pretentious to care about your posessions, especially if they mean a lot to you. simply wanting your books to remain in good condition is not the same as having 100 unread books, or five editions of the same book, or books you hated, purely because they look nice.
and someone else said that having a yearly reading goal was also a stupid booktok/tube thing? since when? i've met people who set themselves yearly reading goals before youtube even existed. it's literally just a new years resolution, but tailored to a specific hobby?
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unforth · 1 year
I. Hurt.
And I was hurting anyway, I'm pretty down this morning, but this hurt came from an outside source, and affected me in a way I'd honestly not have expected.
See, we bought Nimona last week. After seeing the movie, my kids wanted to read it. And I ended up reading ahead, and I just finished it.
Bonus content at the end, it said, and I was like, oh, an epilogue to the epilogue maybe? That'd be nice. I don't love bittersweet endings, I'd rather...
...no, it's not the conclusion.
In a book that'd had no religion that I noticed up to that point, BOTH bonus extras...were Christmas.
Ya know, usually it doesn't bother me. Usually I just suck it up. I think it helps that I was raised around mostly Jews and people who, if Christian, it didn't matter much to them. I'm from the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the descendent of Lower East Side immigrants, and while the world outside was brutal - my grandfather was a World War 2 veteran and among the soldiers who liberated Dachau, I can't remember a time when I didn't know that most people would look the other way if people like me were slaughtered wholesale - my bubble was safe, we were accepted, we were insiders.
I honestly can't think of another time I've interacted with a piece of media and felt so immediately, instantly knocked across the face by OUTSIDER as I just did when I excitedly turned the page to see what these fun extra bonuses were...and it was fucking Christmas.
I didn't even read them.
I'm honestly. So disappointed.
I don't have a thick armor for this kind of hurt. I'm Jewish, and as an adult living outside my old UWS bubble, that's often meant I've felt like an outlier, but I've hardly ever had this feeling where I was welcome to something only to be suddenly, violently shoved out the door.
And I've heard nothing, n.o.t.h.i.n.g. but praise for this book. And on another day, it might not have bothered me. I've never really felt like I had to fight to be seen, especially since I'm tremendously secular. I mean, I've celebrated Christmas my entire life, for starters.
But why. Why was this fantasy setting suddenly Christian? Why was this the touted extra content? Why is THIS special, when the areligious world established to that point was apparently not special enough?
I can't say yet if this ruined the story for me. It's far too soon. But I'm *intensely*, viscerally let down, and...I hurt.
Christians...maybe stop doing this shit.
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arlovegood · 1 year
I just saw the most offensive edit ever (to me obviously). Someone putted Alicent in the Valyrian wedding garbs. THATS DEFAMATION, god, I can’t believe my eyes just had to witness this. My poor heart.
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thottybrucewayne · 2 years
No, let's talk about it.
If it ever seems like there are very little active Black star wars fans in online spaces, just know reylos did that.
Even before the laying pipe situation and the freemyniggajay incident, a vast majority of them were either being viciously antiblack or closing rank around reylos who were being viciously antiblack.
They mass reported Black fandom blogs and propped up Black reylos whenever they were called out for doing so, they edited Kylo over Finn during intimate scenes between Finn and Rey then acted like Black fans were overreacting when we pointed out how racist that was, the mountains of racist fanfiction they wrote about finn then posted in the finn tag including one where he was a slave and so much more.
They worked hard to push Black fans out of these spaces and they did it on purpose, dont let the rebrand fool you.
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
everyday im fighting for my life because i always hate the sex parts of my gay porn comics
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