#its not that he pushes people away or lies abt things.
gloopdimension · 1 year
Getting to Talk to leo casually(outside of his work) isnt too difficult. but getting to know him is trickier
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alyimoss · 2 months
I don’t actually know anything about your underswap I’d love to hear about it!
explodes ok so.
this ended up being the length of the average one-shot so it has to go under the cut
tbf my underverse is not super developed. i mostly just have. sans, papyrus, alphys, and undyne figured out (though not fully) and the rest im still thinking through. but nevertheless i love my swaps and would die for them.
between those four, the swaps are pretty standard (so sans and papyrus swap, and so do alphys and undyne), but they generally have a bit more like?? backstory as to why they are the way that they are?? my underswap is like. base ut but something went sideways and now shit's weird. so these characters, for the most part, started out like their classic counterparts, and this is why my swaps have more of their base ut traits than some other swaps.
like- for example, my swap papyrus started out more or less like classic papyrus. he's energetic and ambitious and he puts his all into the things that he does and he believes in everyone!! but he lets his reality wear him down more than classic: where classic keeps up his "fake it til you make it" kind of attitude towards his own popularity and just keeps trying even if he fails, my swap pap realizes that no matter what he does, he's not the person he wants to be. he wants to be the cool popular guy that everyone wants to be friends with, but… through years of rejection and failure, he eventually resigns himself to just being some fucking guy. not important. forgettable.
so he stops trying. he stops trying to make friends, trying to put himself out there, etc. the thought of joining the royal guard doesnt even cross his mind because he'd preemptively decided that its pointless — he wont get in and hell just make a fool of himself trying. why bother? the funny thing, though, is that, as a papyrus, i guess he can never truly stop trying, because he kind of does a 180 here. instead of being some cool extrovert popular guy, he assumes the persona of just the average guy. he masks his effort levels, trying to make it seem like he's someone who really doesnt try that hard (because he doesnt want to look like a tryhard), so like for example, where classic papyrus speaks in all caps to show his effort (and classic sans, conversely, speaks in all lowercase to show the exact opposite thing), my swap papyrus speaks with proper capitalizations because thats what normal, average people do!! and hes just a perfectly normal, average guy… just your average, completely forgettable rando…
i guess at his core, hes someone influenced wildly by shame and a fear of being his true self, because he doesnt see that self as being worthy enough because it doesnt fit his specific criteria (this is smthn that also applies to classic papyrus, at least to a certain extent, but thats not what im here to yap abt)
and then his spiral into depression is what pushes my swap sans into becoming a proper swap. he, like classic, knows about the timeline and resets and whatnot, and has, too, given up. why bother? nothing matters. except then he looks around and he sees the townspeople notice. his friends at the bar ask if hes okay, and when he blatantly lies to them, he can feel their hopes dwindle. he feels the whole town almost become darker, heavier. he cant fathom himself having this kind of impact on others, but he feels it and even if its not his fault, if its just a byproduct of them all being stuck underground for so damn long, he feels like hes doing something wrong. he feels guilty. and then he sees papyrus. his brother, who had always shined like the brightest star in the sky, giving up and losing hope and hiding away from the world. and sans feels responsible.
so he does the only thing he can think of — he decides to try. of course, that doesnt mean that he actually feels any better. he doesnt think this will do anything in the larger scheme of things. but he cant stand seeing his brother like that. he cant stand the guilt. and so he becomes more like classic papyrus — he enrolls in the guard, he makes rounds around snowdin, he cooks and cleans and drags his brother out of the house with him. and even if he has no energy and he feels like hes drowning but the waves are still crashing on top of him one after the other, he keeps going because anything is better than the feeling of failure.
this is where id go in on his backstory and why he feels this way about failure, but. i kind of. dont have anything. and anyway i keep these two's backstories brief in most aus bc canonically we do not know what the fuck is up w them and i dont know if we ever will. and really im fine with that, the mystery makes them. but yeah anyway, due to circumstances, my swap sans is riddler with guilt and the fear of failure, and he will do anything to prove he is not a failure, that he can at least do something right.
oh and also speaking of guilt, papyrus notices this change in his brother. and he recognizes that he has a part in it. and as grateful as he is for his brother's attempts to cheer him up, he also feels immensely guilty because he can see better than anyone else in the whole underground just how much his brother's self-imposed duty weighs on him. he blames himself for letting himself get so bad that now his brother is suffering from it as well, but he also cant get any better. cue the self-loathing cycle. anyway, as a result, he ends up sharing less with sans. its a means of lessening his burden — if he doesnt know the things going wrong in papyrus's life, he wont have to waste time and energy on him and wont have to have more on his already overloaded plate!! its the perfect plan except they drift apart and now their closeness feels so surface-level and papyrus feels guilty about lying and he knows his brother is still worried, perhaps moreso now that he knows less and he's so scared theyll drift further apart but he's committed fully to this so he just keeps digging the hole and he doesnt know how to stop. (theyre still close, but less so than the classic bros, id say)
ok enough abt those two alphyne time.
these two are actually. less developed. and theres one specific part ill talk abt a bit later that im rlly not sure what to do with. but anyway. they, too, had their original roles at first. undyne, the rambunctious, hotheaded kid who kept getting into fights and couldnt sit still long enough to read one paragraph, and alphys, the nerdy kid who practically lived at the dump, collecting comics and anime… and yeah they somehow ended up the royal scientist and head of the royal guard, respectively.
i havent fully thought through why undyne would end up the scientist, but itd probably have something to do with injury. she keeps her eye injury in my swap. but as evidenced by base ut, a simple missing eye cant stop undyne! so she probably had a more. extensive injury, likely coupled with other factors. im not fully sure what happens, but what i am sure of is i want her to have a similar focus on robotics as alphys. she decides that if she cant fulfill the hopes and dreams of monsterkind on the frontlines, she'll become a different kind of hero. i think she mostly makes prosthetics, likely coupling them with weaponry bc thats just cool. she finds the best ways to combine mobility and magic efficiency and is widely respected by monsters for what she does (also, if youre wondering why monsters would need prosthetics when they have op healing and are made of magic, it comes from my personal theory that the longer a wound is left unhealed, the harder it is to heal it perfectly. so like, for example, it's possible to use magic healing to do things like reattach limbs. it will work as long as the recipient of the healing isnt dead. however, this reattachment needs to happen quick. depending on how long you wait, you could lose significant mobility in the limb, or just not be able to attach it at all. also, theres monsters like monster kid who dont have certain limbs. so i guess where some monsters get prosthetics to replace lost body parts, others get them to have entirely new body parts. anyway.)
meanwhile, alphys becomes a guard through a series of events. i think she signs up to be a sentry in hotland or something at first, because positions were open and they didnt exactly have many requirements, and she needed money. she ended up being like- exceptional. she's detail oriented and driven and is good at problem-solving, and her reviews were always stellar, so at some point i think she was approached about a promotion. which i think she took because, again, money. i think the guard has good benefits and pay.
to explain how she becomes the head of the guard, i want to take a moment to talk abt the guard in my swap. because toriel is the queen and is not thrilled at the prospect of killing humans, i think the guard isnt a thing at all until a couple humans in. i think several were less than friendly, killing several monsters. at first, when people brought this up, i think toriel would defend the humans by saying that they were just scared or acting in self-defense etc. but 1) i doubt monsters particularly liked their ruler defending people who killed their loved ones and 2) the human that got the guard established was. probably pretty bad. dont ask me which soul this was, i wont tell you bc i dont know. but they killed a sizeable number of monsters, to the point where not even toriel could defend them. they were probably the only human she killed (ill get to that later). after their death, the guard was established. still not really to kill humans as much as to ensure they got to the queen quickly and safely, as well as to protect monsters in case a particularly violent human fell down.
anyway yeah with this context, alphys was more fitting to be the head of the royal guard than undyne, id say. she's less violent and more mindful than undyne. i think toriel herself talked to her about becoming head of the guard. she said no at first, i think. she still had her ambitions of being a scientist, she was just doing this whole guard thing for the money. i think what pushed her to accepting was undyne getting the position of royal scientist.
this is another part im. not fully sure of. theres something that gets toriel's attention in regard to undyne, but i really dont know what. maybe just her reputation as someone who's making monster lives better day by day. toriel wants to give someone like that more resources and more voice as hope dwindles in the underground (i think its a bot of a more bleak situation in underswap like theyre just. sad. for reason and not. because where in base ut the underground is full of hope because they only need one human soul before theyre freed, interspersed with quiet dread because they dont know when they'll get that final soul, i think its more of the latter in my swap. theres more reason to this but ill touch on that in a bit).
anyway yeah undyne becomes the royal scientist and alphys is like welp. and accepts the position of head of the royal guard on the condition that she is trained to fight (as a member of the guard already, she had some training, but being the head is like. a whole other ballpark, yknow?) and yeah she as a character is. still pretty unsure of herself. she's a bit more confident than classic alphys because of her position and her training, but she's still got a lotta self-loathing and self-esteem issues. she still has her stutter, but she's managed to work through it enough to give speeches and shit without stuttering. catch her off-guard tho and she'll stutter and generally be kinda awkward (her stutter is like one of my fav things abt her as someone who also has a stutter i will never get rid of it ever).
she's very unsure of herself as a leader and constantly wonders if shes worthy of this position. she thinks she got it by pure luck when someone better suited couldve gotten it instead. i think she felt very resentful at the beginning, too. abt someone else getting the job of royal scientist before her. and its interspersed with the self loathing like "of course someone else got it before you, what did you ever do to work towards it? god, why did you accept this job? you shouldve just done fast food or something. or just stuck to science as best you couldve. god, no wonder someone got it before you. youre not worthy of it." i think she held a sort of resentment toward undyne too at first, but after they met and she realized that undynes. kinda chill, actually, she felt incredibly guilty about it. its not like she did this on purpose, she doesnt deserve this hatred…
anyway yeah shes head of the royal guard and she hires sans and trains him and their training is half actual training and half just fucking around and watching anime/movies and whatever. and her training/fighting i think are more. formulaic than classic undyne's. she's more about plan and strategy than raw power. also her section would still be in hotland. mostly because i didnt want to put undyne in hotland bc she hates it. lmao.
anyway undyne!! i think she has some regrets about not being able to become the hero she'd dreamed of being, but she also has come to accept her new role. she's more or less satisfied being who she is. she's one of the few characters who doesnt really feel that pressure of "was i supposed to be something else?" in this au. because at the end of the day, her goal stays the same: help monsterkind and crush humanity!! and she can do that as a nerd, too. i think toriel isnt too thrilled abt her attitude toward humans, but theres not much she can do abt it. i think the underswap underground is generally like. slightly less hostile to humans than undertale? (because the queen doesnt want humans dead, but monsters remember the hurt theyve suffered at the hands of humans) but undyne grew up on stories of the war from gerson and stuff like that, so she feels pretty strongly abt who's right and who's wrong and what should be done about that. i do also think she knows asgore, but this is a part im not fully sure of because i dont fucking know what to do with asgore.
also alphyne are still canon of course they are. this isnt glitchtale. they probably also meet at the dump, as alphys is contemplating things and undyne is searching around for junk to work on. and they talk and share their theories about where that creepy void leads. and they start hanging out and alphys shows undyne anime (and inspires her to go crazier with her prosthetics and other robotics works) and they work on battle strategies as a way of flirting /hj. and theres one problem that they kinda share bc i dont know what to do with it. that being the amalgamates.
so its unclear if the amalgamates would even exist in this au actually, but if they do i have two routes i can go with them i think: 1) undyne is the one responsible for them, but she doesnt lie and hide about it (not that i think she could do that much bc toriel would be expecting reports and stuff). she tells everyone whats going on, letting them see their families and whatnot, but still working on them and trying to figure out how to. fix them. and as a result theres just. amalgamates shambling around the underground sometimes. and the last human runs into them sometimes and gets freaked out and it serves as this foreshadowing moment to who undyne is as a character and serves to paint her as someone absolutely terrifying (which isnt necessarily true but also not necessarily untrue). or 2) alphys is the one responsible.
deciding to do one final science thing because fuck it, shes got nothing to lose (she has everything to lose), she decides to try to make a monster's soul last after death. how would she do this in a position where she cant easily get access to the things she'd need? god fucking knows. the main thing about this route is that it adds even more guilt to alphys's plate, which is pretty fitting for her as a character. and also guilt hi hello another guilt mention. this seemed more thought out in my head moving on.
some minor details abt this swap also are that mtt and mew mew are swapped, and mew mew is a popular streamer (and livestreams herself kicking your ass); bp and catty and bratty are swapped just bc i think its funny; grillby and muffet are in a weird territory of swap. i think theyre swapped but still in the same places as base game (bc grillby likes the cold and muffet will literally die dont do this to her), and maybe grillby gets the miniboss instead of muffet (she just forces you to give her money lolol).
and now the final thing: the dreemurrs. listen. i do not know what the fuck to do with these guys. they kinda fuck with the whole story if swapped in ways that are. not good at all. im including chara and frisk in "the dreemurrs" btw for reasons.
because like- we know what toriel would do if she was queen. she tells us. she would get one soul, cross the barrier, get six more, and then free the underground. and if she did that, there would be no story to tell. so. and asgore couldnt just lock himself in the ruins or smthn like toriel does in base ut, because toriel would break that fucking door down trying to get to him because she knows the humans come from the ruins, and she does not trust asgore in the slightest. and i dont even want to touch on the implications of asriel being alive in underswap. so i do not know what to do with him period. chara and frisk seem like a simple swap, but. theyre still distinct characters, whose personalities and actions do have an effect on the plot of undertale. and swapping them has repercussions. mostly in shit like philosophy which im notoriously bad at. so for now im just not thinking abt them.
ok back to toriel and asgore. i have like. an inkling of an idea as to what to do with them. that idea being that asgore, angry after the deaths of his children, wants to wage war, but toriel gets wind of the idea before he's able to make an official declaration, and grows absolutely disgusted with him. she banishes him and assumes the position of single ruler of the underground. i honestly dont know what to do with asgore past this point, but i do know that at least in the beginning, he is under strict supervision (likely by gerson bc gerson).
so what does toriel do as queen? she waits for a human to fall. she welcomes them as she did the first one. she does not take their soul. she cares for them and gives them the best life she can. as they grow older, she talks to them about using their soul to cross the barrier after they die. and they agree. the first (second) human dies of old age after a good, peaceful life in the underground. toriel absorbs their soul, crosses the barrier… and is nearly killed by the humans, still fearful and angry because it hasn't been that long since the last time they saw a monster. she goes back, deciding to instead wait a little longer. in that time, another human falls, then another… but after the first soul, i think most dont die of old age. several die by accident, several are killed in self defense. as mentioned above, at some point the guard is established due to the violence of one of the humans. toriel doesnt absorb these souls, instead keeping them safe in containment.
we know that when a human's soul is absorbed, they still persist (as evidenced by 1) asriel telling us that chara told him to do things and had control over their body when he absorbed their soul and 2) the photoshop flowey fight), i think toriel kind of feared losing herself and/or hurting the humans somehow by absorbing their souls. and with some of the more violent humans, i think the fears of losing herself grew stronger. so yeah she chooses to wait until the humans no longer fear/want to kill monsters or whatever.
and this has influence on the underground of course because imagine your ruler acquires the necessary means to cross the seal trapping you underground and you think that finally, finally youre free!! and then she comes right back like "yeah uh actually they still want us dead so lets wait a bit longer…"
how crushing is that? knowing that not only was your freedom a lie, you now know for sure that the humans outside want you dead? that chances are that even if you do manage to leave the underground, youll either be killed or forced right back under? this i think is a major reason the underswap underground is lacking in hope compared to the undertale underground. but yeah i. dont know if ill end up going with this, actually. because, again, i do not know what the fuck to do with the dreemurrs and i hate it.
another thing im not sure of is the whole "sans's promise to toriel" thing?? bc i kinda still wanna have that in some form, yknow? and i think it works if he's a guard and shes the queen. he visits her at some point to do a report or smthn (maybe bc alphys is busy who knows) and he notices shes looking kinda gloomy. so he gives her his best knock knock joke and she absolutely loves it. so he keeps going and then she gives him a couple of her own and yeah you get it. i just like sans and toriel they are the besties ever.
anyway yeah i think?? thats it?? for now, anyway. i probably forgot to mention smthn but who cares this is like. wayyyy too fucking long already anyways. thank you for letting me yap, i will continue to do so… forever.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Hi Naeomi 👋
Thank you for replying to my inquiry so diligently (omg, me trying to sound like Baxter XD dead)!
For my Baxter request, I want to understand his character more, so I wanna pick ur brain for some ideas 😄
He is a very considerate person as his approach to the MC's comfort level changes between nervous, relaxed, and direct (i think 🤔😅). I just want to know how he reacts with an MC (on crush/love) who is only anxious around him but relaxed with everyone else. MC would be trying to fluster the crap out of Cove and talking excitedly about nerdy stuff (anime/manga, video games, books, random facts on their interests, a tv series, etc.), but when Baxter comes around they simmer down and smile all giddy his way and talk about stuff they he may like or be interested in.
Honestly, my MC would feel a bit unsure how to act around Baxter at first, but eventually, they become more comfortable over time as he is revealed to be easygoing and welcoming to MC's quirky side. Makes my heart flutter just thinking about it, so cute~ 🥰☺️
hii !!! omg your mc sounds so cute n honestly like me when I was younger lol, so sweet<33 excuse to the format I'm on mobile rn and I'll fix text color n format n stuff once I'm on my computer😎👍👍👍👍honestly i had fun writing this, two darlings taking their time to open up n love each other, embracing each others quirks... its so sweet, pls i feel like i could write another lil drabble abt how happy n cute baxter would be w a playful reader like this, mmm many thoughts
tags : fluff, nervous crush/love status w baxter, multiple choice text, headcanons/drabbles
*edited for format
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this man is too cocky for his own good, baxter can easily tell how someone feels about him.
but I think that excludes people he has a crush on, as you couldn't possibly like/love him back.
he has some shame! although it's only enough to not assume everyone is in love with him or likes him in any capacity...
anyway, we'll get to that later~
at first he thinks it's because you want to impress him or maybe you don't want to bore him with what you think is brain rot to someone so mature and elegant as him.
(+ a "small" but darker part of him thinks you might hate him, that you don't want to show a piece of yourself to this weird stranger on your block. he squishes the thought)
so he finds out your interest through terri/terry and by spying on snippets of your conversations with your family or with cove.
and even though he will only admit it if you threaten him with something terrifying, like angry dragons, early mornings, or worse- color. then and only then will he admit he wants you to tease him the same way you do with cove.
you're so close with him, snuggling up to cove's side, and you smirk so tantalizingly as you lean i. close to whisper it in his ear, and you say something dirty or perhaps its something cove finds especially scandalous but now cove is blushing and he's pushing you away with a chastising "y/n!"
and baxter wishes it was him...
he wants you to curl up behind him and blow on his ear the way you do cove. he wants you to pinch his butt as he walks by and he wants you to flirt with him.
and he wants you to show up on his temporary doorstep to show him your favorite volume of a manga that you finally got your hands on.
and when baxter is a hopeless romantic because he's so vulnerable under the blanket of night, he imagines you laying next to him in this big bed and he imagines the music is blending in with your voice as you babble on about something before it drifts off into your soft breath when you fall asleep due to the late hour.
but time goes on and his vacation nears the quarter mark and whenever you two talk he notices that you are getting into some of the things he likes, like rock music, and when you see him walking lazily back to his condo you come rushing off the steps of your porch, abandoning your snickering moms, and showing baxter the new song you found that he had not listened to before.
you light up at the praise in a way that makes him wish he could capture it forever...
finally baxter comes to the conclusion that he should speak to you about the things you like, and the first time he mentions something about your hobby you clam up a bit.
you don't want to bore him or scare him off with your excitement but in the end you're showing him your craft/collection and telling him every shiny detail and he's so happy to watch the light in your eyes as you speak.
eventually though you two get to the point where you try to fluster him.
it's not often, baxter makes you far too nervous and he can see anything coming from a mile away. he's so cool and you love him for it but God is his smirking face irritating when you just want him to blush, giggle and kick his feet like a love sicken school girl.
but you finally get him to flush. it takes more than half his vacation for it to happen but you're standing behind him as he works away at plating the dinner you two cooked up together.
it's simple, both of you combined have the cooking skills of a sea turtle but it's good enough for one night and it's edible.
it's good enough, you know your way around a stove well enough not to burn the house down and with baxter as your assistant you're more focused on how fun it was than anything.
it's perfect, you know how to whip up something delicious and baxter did more chopping and passing of the seasonings than anything.
he doesn't process it at first but then it hits him like a ton of bricks.
you just... said something flirty?
he's short circuting and his ears are red, and baxter pretends that his blush isn't spread down to his neck.
it's such a reward for you, you can't help but gape for a moment because baxter alexander ward is walking away from you with a blush from his ears to below the collar of his shirt and he definitely squealed a bit when he beckoned you to the living room.
it takes a whole summer of talking to you about things you like that he has little or no knowledge in, doing an activity that caters to/is apart of your interest, and soothing you when you cut yourself off when talking (it's okay, he does want to hear whatever you're looking to ramble about, be it something exciting, something that happened when practicing your hobby, or venting about something you thought was terrible or sad in a show/comic you saw earlier that week.)
and he finally gets to a point where you're teasing him a bit more often, even if you don't get the flustered reaction you want, and you're taking a page out of cove's book and the two of you spent a secret night in baxter's condo, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time.
but then he leaves, and he let's you down gently but his rejection stabs like a knife anyway.
so when you meet again, half a decade later, baxter feels his heart fall out his stomach so bad he sucks it in to try and make up for the way his heart clocks out and air leaves his lungs...
you look sad. this wasn't what you either of you were expecting to be faced with and having no time to prepare yourself to face the man who ended your relationship that summer has your eyes glassed over and your fingers dig into your skin to ground yourself.
you look indifferent. somehow that hurts more than if you were sad or angry at him, not that he'd prefer it but the smaller part of him thinks that your empty gaze shows he's lost any part in your life and you stare through him like you can see the rawness of his heart...
your face is schooled into a stony expression and you've folded your arms to match the rest of tour cold posture. he can't tell what you're thinking even though he's searching your eyes and this time baxter can't tell if you want to cry, scream at him, or if you're looking past him to the scenic view. but he sees your fingers twitch, like you want to either grab him by his tie or run.
you look angry. you try to mask it, not wanting to display the unadulterated rage you feel but your lip quirks up and your eyes are sharp and the words that escape your lips lick at baxter's ears like fire. if your thunderous glare could kill a man he'd be a goner..
he knows he's fucked up either way.
and the whole time you're working together, you're distant. although sometimes you snap back, you confront him and you joke with him sometimes.
you're both too nostalgic, you're both too in love.
somehow, you let him start over.
perhaps its the nostalgia and sentiment that came from making the groom cake together, or how beautiful scott and jude's wedding went, or perhaps its the way the other person laughs and smiles that has you drunk.
but now you two are sitting on baxter's couch and you're letting him start over.
he messed up, it's something hard to move past. something you did, for better or for worse but now it's for the better and you're moving on together.
and you're almost as nervous as you were when you first met but this time it's more that you're reserved than anything else.
sometimes he thinks he's fucked up too much, that when you cut yourself short while rambling and when you take more interest in his hobbies than your own, baxter puts a stop to it quickly.
it takes while. you both try too much to insert yourself into the other person's likes, as if that will make the comfortable relationship you had once come back quicker.
but finally, you and baxter are sharing a bed in the middle of your new apartment, and you're laughing about something funny Miranda sent you earlier that day and in the morning you two are spinning around your new kitchen in a guideless dance with your hands intertwined and you're laughing...
and baxter loves both versions of you.
the version of you that's so in love with him you quiet down, letting him take up all the space in the world and the other version of you that rants about something stupid in an anime and pinches his pale thigh when he's searching through his messy pile of clothes for that one specific shirt.
and he's so happy you opened up to him and you still open up to him everyday, loving him the same no matter how shy you are that day <333
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inkybinkyboink · 1 year
thinking abt howards insomnia. we never hear about his mom so what if she wasnt there when he was a kid so what if that’s what started it all. and then it got better and then his dad pushed him to become a lawyer and then it got worse again, and so his dad got chuck to mentor howard and his insomnia got a little better, things made more sense now. but everything feels wrong? at the same time? and he just kind of keeps pushing through it until one day his body just shuts it away and suddenly he’s howard hamlin, partner at HHM, and he’s got a wife and everything is Fine and he hasn’t slept for more than 5 hours a night since he was 22 but its Fine because he’s howard hamlin, owner of HHM and chuck is always staring over his shoulder- he’s his mentor after all- but it’s Fine. and then chuck gets sick and its just howard in the office and...for the first time- very briefly- things are quiet and..peaceful. and he gets a full night’s rest for the first time in decades and he feels free. and then..chuck dies. and suddenly everything starts to crumble and howard doesnt know what he’s doing anymore and he jjust lies awake at night alone in bed without his wife in a gigantic house that’s way too big and he thinks about everything on earth that he’s done wrong and oh look at that it’s dawn and he’s only slept an hour and thirty-six minutes. he gets to the office, and he’s shaking. his therapist tells him it’s just nerves- not to think so much about sleeping. a watched kettle never boils. it works for a while, until it doesnt. it works until people at the office start whispering about how he’s addicted to drugs, that he’s compensating for his wife’s absence by filling the empty time with whores and prostitutes. he cant find the original photos on his desk and he stands there shaking and sobbing because why cant he sleep? there’s a gun to his head and howard finally gets to sleep undisturbed. the salty sea water feels nice on his soul, and he feels free being rid of landlocked new mexico.
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wooahaes · 2 years
i know how much you love yoshinori, he is our angel baby…but what a should cause you and yosh to be enemies to lovers 🤔
oof isa this hurts me... its so hard to see yoshi hating Anyone enough to be flat-out enemies with them. im stealing from my seungkwan one where its "enemies but we were also like 4 when we became enemies" and they just never fully let go of it until now.
insert misunderstanding between you and yosh, both children at the time, that results in you yelling at him that you hate him forever (again, you're like 3-4 here) and him crying over it. despite the talking to you get from your parents, you (in your infantile rage) stick to it rather than forget about it like everyone kind of expects? which. yknow, not ideal, but the two of you aren't in the same class after that year so people just kinda forget. every time u see him tho u are filled with rage and he scowls at u. both of ur parents are sure the two of you will grow out of it, but pushing you two back together is only gonna make things worse. you're kids, sure, but you're allowed to be upset. yosh doesn't forgive you right away bc it rly hurt his feelings, and the two of you don't rly ever reconcile. ur later interactions growing up end up being arguments, and the two of u just end up avoiding each other as much as u can
blah blah post-college you start an internship at a new company only to run right back into yoshi, a new hire at the same place, and all of tht bad blood kinda comes back for you (and him, a little, too--but he doesn't think he seriously hates you at all anymore). its less mutual enemies to lovers and more "you're still upset with him bc the two of you used to be close as tiny kids and then never reconciled" and "yosh is visibly awkward around you to the point where other ppl comment on it since he's unsure of how to tread this."
... alternatively: supervillain au where ur the villain and yosh is one of the ppl trying to stop you until the truth comes out abt the ppl ur trying to bring down and the two of you (maybe w others) are made into a team to stop (insert corrupt business) from harming more ppl. the two of you are openly against the idea of working together, but you've got the common goal tht makes you set it aside... even if theres some messy spots there. probably results in one of you getting injured and having the other watch over u and some deep talks. maybe even a panicked confession later. ooough i can imagine like. serious moment of maybe reader having to sacrifice themself to stop shit from going back and yosh yelling that he Loves you and he doesnt want to lose you, but you let him go in order to save the greater good........ lies down on the floor
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amyelevenn · 2 months
hiii pookie 🎀
can i request a lando fic where he's streaming and f!reader (who is chronically online) uses like tiktok references and talks to the chat while lando just sits there clueless?? and its like super funny and wholesome and the reader teases him abt it??
have an amazing day!
chat, am I cooked?
PAIRING; Lando Norris x f!reader
SUMMARY; lando's chronically online girlfriend teases him on stream for not knowing any tiktok brain rot.
WARNINGS; none, just fluff
A/N; aaaa what I cute request!! I really hope I did your idea justice! pls pls pls let me know thoughts and feelings
1.1k words masterlist
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You can’t help but grimace as Lando manages to somehow get killed. Again. For the 11th time. Not that you were counting, or anything like that.
You didn’t even know what game he was playing, or who he was playing with. All you really knew was that dying was bad. But that is kind of a universal thing so, really, you didn’t know much of what was going on.
His pretty face is contorted in an expression that you can tell is anger, but he is attempting to conceal it for yours and chat’s sake.
“Well,” you sigh, trying to lighten the mood, “that was not a sigma male moment.”
The slow turn of his head to your direction, slack jaw and wide eyes makes you quietly giggle to yourself. You try and stay stone faced, maintain the façade of being a loving girlfriend who takes her boyfriend’s games (and deaths) as serious as he does.
“…What did you just say?”
“Umm… I’m just saying you lost a few aura points for that one, Lan.”
He looked like a deer in headlights, and you love every moment of it.
“Chat, what the hell is she on about?” turning back to face his set up, he sees multiple comments of laughter, crying emojis and people trolling him, and yet none of them can offer him an explanation.
“Chat do not tell him what is up. That would not be very sigma of you,” you smile, struggling to contain your enjoyment of his befuddlement. “You are very cute when you don’t know what I’m saying.”
He pouts, pulling your chair closer to him in an act of defiance. You could tell he just wanted to know what you were saying, but you were keen on not giving in. “Sometimes it is as if you are speaking a different language,” he huffs, and you know he said it to get laughs out of his viewers, but the proximity of him whispering it into your ear sent chills down your spine.
The move had multiple viewers commenting things along the lines of:
“DAMNNNN LANDO GOT RIZZ”, “oh em gee he is the rizzler!!” and “rip carlos you would’ve loved to see Lando’s rizz.”
“Ha! I know that one! I’ve got lots of rizz, chat, how do you think I bagged this baddie?” he grins, slinging his arm around the back of your chair. It was comfortable, familiar for the two of you.
“He is lying chat he has no skibidi rizz don’t listen to his lies!!!”
He gasps, pretending to be offended by your insinuation. Lando breaks into laughter, and the melody was music to your ears. With how much fun the pair of you and the viewers were having, you both had forgotten that you had even ordered take-away for dinner. It was only until you heard numerous knocks on the front door of your shared apartment that you were broken out of your trance, lost in the comedy of the stream.
As you move to get up and answer the door, Lando stops you. His hand lands softly on your shoulder, gently pushing you back into your seat.
“You stay right there baby, I’ll get the food for us,” he smiles. The moment was sweet, endearing. If anything, it made you fall in love with him anymore. He places a soft kiss to the top of your head, warming your heart and your cheeks.
He hopped off his chair, and you saw he was wearing those grey trackies of his that made his butt look oh-so-good.
“Ooohhhh chaaat,” you started, making Lando turn around just as his made it to the bedroom door. “Chat I GYATT something in my eye!”
You double over in laughter as his sends you a puzzled look, muttering some nonsense under his breath as he leaves. You watch as the viewers spam their two cents, laughing alongside you at his innocence to internet brain rot.
He isn’t gone for long, and when he comes back, he has dinner from your favourite Italian place in hand. You gasp, ecstatic to devour the deliciousness of Papa John’s homemade pasta.
“Thank you, Italy, for inventing Papa John’s! if only Italy were real,” you fake frown, making sure Lando saw your sad expression.
“Italy?? Italy is real?? I don’t get it,” he huffs, placing the takeout bag on the desk.
You go to reach for your dinner, but your boyfriend is quick to whip it out of your reach.
“Explain what the hell you are saying to me and how Italy isn’t real, then you get dinner.”
You faux gasp, acting all shocked that he would have the audacity to withhold food from you.
“Well… i’m doing it, are you?”
“That doesn’t even make sense??”
“Chat am I cooked?” you giggle, no longer able to hide your amusement of his obliviousness.
“SHE IS CONSTANTLY SAYING THIS!! when it’s just her and I alone, she always asks chat if she is cooked,” Lando bursts, pleading and pleading with the viewers the help him understand the voodoo that you constantly say. His ignorance to your silly sayings always made your day, adding to the vibrance of your relationship as you would poke fun at him for not understanding you. 
He finally gives in and hands you your dinner, unable to refuse your warm smile and glimmering eyes. God, the things he would do to make sure you would never lose your spark.
“Well, we are going to eat in peace now, so goodnight chat!” Lando announces, moving to shut off the stream. “Say goodbye for forever to my beautiful girlfriend chat, she is banned from here on out!”
“You know what that means chat, we are gonna go fu-”
“BYEEEE!” he yells over the top of you, ending the stream before you could finish your sentence. It closes, and he turns to you with a sly grin.
“You little muppet!” it only takes a second for you to recognise the mischievous look breaking out on his face; it was a look you knew all too well.
“Noooooo Lan no don’t do it!” you squeal, already sprinting out the door before he could catch you.
“Get back here you rascal!”
Two steps out the door, and he had already caught you. He lifts you off the ground and spins you around, all while you are squirming in his grasp. You are both laughing your heads off, and he finally puts you back on your feet.
You look up at him, but you can’t get any words in before he presses a chaste kiss on your lips. You melt into him, unable to resist his temptations. The warmth of his body radiates onto you, pulling him closer.
“I love you,” he mumbles between quick pecks.
You had never felt more complete within your life than you did in that moment.
as always, feedback is appreciated!
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princeanxious · 3 years
Still thinkin about anxceit but like, reverse what I usually view as their normal dynamic of janus being naturally witty and smooth and Virgil being openly jittery and cautious to say, like:
Janus being a runnaway of some sort to escape, having stark heterochromia, still using lies to protect himself even when he learns that Virgil, who is distinctly Not Human(think more fae prince like from LAOFT or otherworldly being, its at least LAOFT inspired tho) can see right through his lies without trying, not that Virgil really understands Why Janus generally keeps impulsively lying in general(its a fun thing to taunt other far with, I suppose? Aside from being a bad habit anyway), but he doesnt push abt it.
Virgil actually saved Janus's life from a grievous head wound, being the first being to treat Janus gentle and without disgust or hatred. It's only sort of a gift that Virgil gives Janus, as the only way Virgil could save Janus from bleeding out was mending the one side of his face and head with something new, thus gifting him shimmering scales as both a gift of health and a representation of Virgils otherworldly claim on Janus.
It takes a while for Janus to adjust to it, as his heterochromia had often been the source of so much of his past abuse, but the way the Virgil gazes at him unflinchingly and with reverance convinces him over time that he is worth that gaze.
I really just have this scene stuck in my head, heed the warnings in the tags tho:
Janus stumbling into the forest after escaping being attacked by some people from his village, bleeding out, desprate and exhausted and panicked.
In his delirium he ends up stumbling into a fairy circle or smth of that nature, and it summons Virgil who is luckily rather sympathetic to humans, on rare occasions at least. And Virgil sees this weak dying human, exhausted and scared, sobbing and just seeking safety, comfort, something to make it all stop.
Virgil is quick to reach out, putting a stasis on the humans wounds to cease the bleeding, unable to immediately heal the boy but it works nonetheless to stop the pain and temporarily remove one of the many things distressing the poor thing.
He then uses a lure within his voice to calm the trembling human down, cooing softly in a way that fogs Jan's frazzled brain in a warm hazy way. Janus is immediately away of the charm, the being clearly being transparent with it.
"Come, dear, its alright. Ive got you. Your hurt, let me help you? Please? Then you can rest, i'll keep you safe, I promise. Please, let me keep you?"
Janus knows what the fae is asking, knows exactly what it means, knows that he ahould be all accounts be terrified and refuse and run.
But hes tired, and this fae is cradling his face so nicely and speaking so comfortingly, and hes so tired. So tired of being scared and being hurt, and he just wants it to stop. He's exhausted from running, hes lost so much blood, and knows he'll likely die if he says no, if not today then could be tomorrow, next week, hes never going to be safe.
He hiccups, and reaches for the fae who catches him easily, his lanky arms surprisingly strong and warm, drawing him into a safe embrace in an instant.
"Please, keep me?"
He feels the taller lean down, cradling him closer, to kiss his forehead.
"I promise."
Janus's world goes dark after that.
When he wakes up, his face is tucked snuggly into the crook of Virgils neck and his body cradled safely in the others arms, tucked safely in a patched cloak for warmth, for once feeling fully rested and safe. Theres no more pain or fear, just a deep warm contentment as the fae cards his fingers through the human's soft hair, occassionally stroking the sensitive shimmering patches of scales that have replaced the wounds.
Janus never does regret letting Virgil keep him, not when it meant safety. Not when it meant spending his life at Virgil's side. Perhaps it's a little obvious, that Janus is owned by Virgil, that he belongs to Virgil more than to himself, but he doesnt really care, doesnt have the space in his mind to care, doesnt make space to care that he could be more independent if he asked to be, if he wanted to be. He's perfectly content where he is, safe and sound and at Virgil's side.
No one else seems to believe that theres nowhere else he'd rather be.
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springatito-moved · 3 years
C!Quackity really does care a lot about other people considering he seems to be a firm believer in doing the exact opposite. They say to preach what you believe, but he came into this world as a politician. He’s built for lying. It’s in his blood. So he denies it these days, but he’s a modern day Atlas. He takes the world on his shoulders even though it hasn’t done the same for him. (Signed, A.D.)
one of my favorite things ive ever said abt him was that he says he trusts no one and then outwardly & consistently trusts c!tommy with everything.
but i think thats because his relationship w/ c!tommy is different from all of his others. its unique. because where everyone else is a friend or a lover or a business partner or parent, a normal labeled relationship, tommy is more. he helped save quackity. he pushed all past conflicts aside and welcomed him into pogtopia. his first friend and the person who got him out of the hell that was manberg... that's special. he's not good at pvp but he has fought time and time again for tommy. and is continuing to do so.
he lies to a lot of people, either to get what he wants or for what he considers their own good, but he mostly lies to himself. that's why charlie became so important to him. charlie made him realize that everything he knew, he didn't believe was good or fair. it was all just... safe. because quackity likes feeling safe. but he threw away safety every time he helped tommy or tubbo. when he jumped in that lava. he's certainly learning to come to terms with the truth.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Yo smth abt the daisy lore au is very like??? Small town with an older generation who are hiding are dark secret type beat? In like a good way except instead of the dark secret being that somebody’s kid was born out of wedlock or smth its the death and torture of a former friend
yeahhh, that’s the vibe !!!! the adults / those who actually know c!dream keep trying to cover up this secret with stories and lies and half-truths but it turns out kids are Remarkably Stubborn when they want to be - daisy lore is far from the exception to this rule :D consider this the first ‘chapter’ of this au !!
read chapter 2 here / read chapter 3 here
warnings: mentions of prison, death mentions, dehumanisation
Their world is called the Dream SMP because it makes all their dreams come true. Or so the story goes.
None of the children are strangers to it. The story has become a bedtime ritual for most of them; they’ll settle down in bed, swaddled in blankets, eyes heavy, and their mother or father or parent or sibling will smooth their hair back from their face and begin telling the tale in a low, hushed voice. The tale of the discovery of this place: how they’d settled down and lived happily ever after, how the Heroes defeated the Monster and how they had all come together to defeat the evil.
“The key,” the children are always told, “is working together.”
And the children never have any reason to question this, not at first. They accept the story, the same way they accept Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and the strange rule of their parent to never travel to the flower field no matter what. For a while, the Dream SMP remains that way: a dream come true.
“Dad?” One girl asks one day, sleepily. “What was the name of the Monster?”
Her dad freezes, pushes his glasses up his face further. “What,” he tries to deflect jokingly, “is Monster not creative enough for you?”
She frowns, not looking amused. “All things have names, don’t they? I’m not just called Girl. You’re not just called Dad. An’ you said the Heroes had names, too-”
“Tommy,” her father agrees, running a hand through his hair and sighing, “Tubbo.”
“-So that means the Monster has a name too.”
“Daisy,” her father says, looking tired, “come on, it’s time for bed.”
“I’m not even tired,” she whines, “I wanna know. You’re not telling me on purpose.”
Something gives in her father’s face. “It’s-”
“When people become Monsters,” her uncle says from the doorway, a glint in his eyes, “they lose their names. They lose every part of themselves that had been human. That’s what makes them Monsters, you get me?”
Daisy shuffles upright in bed, more curious than ever. “So it had a name and then lost it?” She asks.
“Right, yeah, it lost it,” her uncle agrees, shooting her a soft smile, but there’s something heavy in the look, something guilty when his eyes flicker to her father, “it’s like when you do bad things and we take away your toys, yeah? When you do really, really bad things, and you become a Monster, you lose... other things.”
Her father’s head snaps up. “Quackity,” he says, voice tight, “that’s enough. Don’t tell her that.”
“She asked,” Quackity replies defensively, “I just wanted to tell her the truth.”
“The truth.” Daisy’s dad looks tired, shaking his head. “Yeah, the truth.” He gets to his feet, ruffling her hair and heading for the door that he pushes her uncle through half-heartedly. “Goodnight. Sweet dreams.”
“Dad?” She whispers, snuggling up under the blankets. “What was the Monster’s name, then?”
Her father glances back in at her, an unfathomable expression crossing his face. If she had been more awake, she might have realised it had been pained.
“Dream,” her father tells her, voice wobbling, and then she’s left alone in the darkness, frowning at the closed door. Dream is too nice a name for a monster, of that Daisy is certain. Monsters are supposed to have evil names - Ripper, or Killer, or something, and she doesn’t think this monster got the memo.
But it’s after this that she realises just how little people are willing to talk about Dream. 
“That’s enough, Daisy,” her teacher Puffy tells her, interrupting her talk on Monsters, “it’s a super good talk, but I don’t think we have time for-”
“Can I do it next week?”
Puffy hesitates. “If we have time,” she says evasively.
(They never do.)
“Did you ever meet the monster?” Daisy asks her other uncle, whose hands flicker with flames before dying down sharply. “My dad says-”
“Your dad says a lot,” Uncle Sapnap says tightly, casting a resentful look at her father across the room, talking to Uncle Karl and too immersed in conversation to hear, “don’t listen to him, okay? None of us knew the Monster.”
Daisy frowns, but doesn’t push the subject.
(She never does.)
“I got detention,” Daisy tells her best friend Michael proudly, “for punching Emmeline in the face.”
Michael grins. “That’s cool. Why?”
“She was bullying me ‘cause I spoke about the Monster again.” Daisy sighs, flopping down next to Michael and gazing up at the open blue sky. “She says I’m too old to believe in fairytales. She sucks.”
“Well.” The smile falls from her friend’s face, and Michael turns to her, looking uncertain. “I mean, you are a little bit too old. You prob’ly should tone it down.”
Daisy blinks. “Huh?”
Michael doesn’t elaborate. 
Her father does that night, when she presses him anxiously about it.
“The Monster isn’t real,” he tells her, adjusting his glasses and forcing a feather-light laugh, “it’s just a story we tell kids to stop them misbehaving. Don’t misbehave or you’ll turn into the Monster. Don’t stay out past dark or the Monster will get you. Don’t go to the flower fields: it’s where the Monster used to live. Things like that, you know? But he’s just a story, Daisy. I promise.”
Daisy stares at her father in wordless dismay. “You lied to me,” she says, hurt, “I don’t like it when you lie to me.”
And her father opens his mouth, goes to make excuses, but Daisy is pushing past him to her bedroom, littered with childish drawings and wobbly writings of monsters redeemed and humans vilified. For the first time, she thinks her father is wrong.
Because the Monster is real. It has to be.
It has to be, because two years ago her father had told her that the Monster’s name was Dream, and Dream is too nice a name for a monster.
Flopping back on her bed and staring up at the ceiling, sniffling, Daisy’s misery turns to stubborn determination. She’s going to prove that the Monster is real, once and for all. She is: no matter how hard or impossible it seems.
After all, she thinks, if there’s no reason not to go to the flower fields anymore, then she’s not breaking any rules by going there, is she? It’s a good place to start, and she resolves to go there first thing tomorrow.
“I promise, Dream,” she whispers, and for a moment, a man with a cracked smiley face mask flickers through her mind, “I’m gonna remember you.”
Please, something echoes in her mind, and Daisy falls asleep, dreaming of a blackstone building where someone’s screams ring too human to be coming from a monster, remember me.
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rabbitcrimes · 3 years
I love so many things about the moral ambiguities of the bitches in the untamed but one of my favorite little nuances is that wwx has absolutely no problem with lying if he thinks it’s what he needs to do to accomplish something, even (and especially!) if that means hiding something from or str8 up lying to the people who love him the most. I just think that’s such an interesting characterization for a character that wants desperately to be on the side of justice. That he’s a liar! That he’s a liar and that he lies specifically to keep himself at a safe emotional distance from the people who love him and to try to stay in control of his relationships and doesn't think twice about it.
This strategy works honestly very well for him ESPECIALLY with Jiang Cheng, who usually knows something is up but is baited so easily that he can’t see the smoke and mirrors for what they are. And then you have Jiang Yanli who knows he’s lying to her BUT who he allows to be as close to him as anyone because she lets him lie and pretends she doesn’t know he's doing it, actively choosing loving him over the truth. And then you have Wen Qing, who I think has a pretty real idea of what he’s capable of both in terms of heroism and horrors and is absolutely playing her own game of lies and love and distance with him. She lets him play his little games but there’s this sense with her that she's letting him think he's winning, which I LOVE for them. Like a sort of third path, where she's like 'ok, we can lie to each other, but I'll gut you like a fish if you make me, be apprised' and he's like 'cool cool cool noted, very fair.'
But Lan Wangji...... sweet Lan Wangji :((( Like okay the worst part is that lying is obviously forbidden in cloud recesses and lwj has all of his moral codes but Lan Wangji of ALL people sees the value of a well placed lie and the VALUE of keeping people at a safe emotional distance. Like that's his Whole Thing but he doesn't want to do that with Wei Wuxian, he wants them to be each others' exceptions and he’s waiting for wwx to just fucking ASK him to risk it all and wwx WON'T and it’s HORRIBLE!! Like for me it all comes back to that confrontation where Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng first see wwx play the flute. It's the first time that wwx puts lwj at a distance and lwj pushes back on that distance because he thinks he's wwx's exception. But wwx doesn't know he feels that way!! He sees lwj pushing him to open up to him as a threat and a betrayal!! And Lwj is so shocked by wwx pushing him away that he panics and pushes back harder and in the span of like five minutes wwx has shut him out completely!!!! That’s!!!!!!!!!! Lwj realizing in hellfire slow motion that wwx has given him an ultimatum and that ultimatum is 'let me lie to you or leave me alone,' and lwj has no idea how to argue with that in a way that doesn’t push wwx further away.
And what rlly hits me abt all of this is that at some point I do think lwj realizes that wwx has his reasons for not trusting lwj and that half of them are that wwx cares about lwj too much to feel safe in honesty. Like I think he knows that, particularly after wwx comes back from the dead. He knows that wwx will lie to the people whose judgement actually matters to him specifically bc it matters to him. But there’s no way lwj can articulate that to him! And not only does wwx lie, but he throws his entire heart into the smoke and mirrors of the lie. And how that must break lwj's heart, to have him back after so many years and still wonder when and how wwx is lying to him and know that there's no small chance that he wouldn't know and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it and it’s horrible !!!! Lwj is practically skywriting 'YOU CAN TELL ME ANYTHING I DON'T CARE HOW MANY MURDERS YOU DO WE'RE WELL PAST THAT' and wwx is like 'hmmmm we will see.' And all lwj wants is to be wwx's exception!!! Extremely ‘you will do the thing you always do /and I’ll watch/‘ like WHAT a nuance!! Ahh!!!!!
And OKAY the place that it all really turns for me is that scene where Lan Wangji is like asking Wei Wuxian where he was for sixteen years and wwx is like "If I say I don't know, would you believe me" and lwj is like "I believe you." As a contrast to when lwj asks where he was when he was missing for three months and pushes and pushes until wwx shuts him out. And I love this moment because it's ostensibly the truth but maybe it's not, you know? Wei Wuxian doesn't say 'I don't know' he says '/if/ I said I didn't know, would you believe me?' And it doesn't seem to matter if it's the truth to either of them. It's Wei Wuxian saying 'do you trust me to do what I need to do and tell you what I need to tell you' and Lan Wangji saying 'of course I do.' Like it's not that they grow to a place where wwx always tells the truth or that lwj just has to accept that wwx lies its like they've moved to a place where something like that is secondary. Bc they've moved past the smoke and mirrors. Pretty sexy of them honestly
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shattersstar · 4 years
here r my jason headcanons abt his scars and general feelings about his appearance + how the reader deals with it
disclaimer: wrote these in my notes within half and hour and i’m tipsy but i hope u enjoy these thots
jason wasn’t overly aware of his appearance growing up, until he moved in with bruce. he was aware he was a bit rough around the edges, growing up as he did was direct influence of that, but it wasnt until he had to interact with high society he was made aware of how looks mattered. he didn’t get the same treatment as dick, maybe the novelty of bruce’s wards had worn off come the second robin, or maybe they all recognized a poorness in him that left his toothy grin a little smaller. he tried not to care but those things bite at the back of your mind and leave residual scars to trace in years to come.
and years later, he had come to hate his body. it was something mangled, mashed and stitched back together, barely holding itself together in the first few years after the pit. his autopsy scars stayed too, every injury from being robin, from his life on the streets healed into a nothing but those fucking scars stayed. they were a harsh reminder of how his life panned out and would follow him around till he died—again.
the distaste from the socialites he had nearly forgotten about seemed to burn through his veins each time he passed a mirror. as he grew and accumulated more wounds, ones that healed and others that didn’t, the more he stopped looking at himself. he wanted to feel the vanity others had thrusted upon him, wanted to relish in the sly glances he got as he aged into his (forever handsome) features, but all he felt was lies. They wouldn’t be as bold with their eyes if they knew about him, about what hid under the layers of clothes, what phantoms hung on his shoulders and the blood he washed away, that never truly left. He couldn’t find a rugged appreciation in the crooked bend of his nose of the scar that clung to his cheekbone, another slicing through his left brow bone.
he felt like he had grown into what he was always seen as, some rough kid from the streets of gotham. he didn’t hate looking mean, it had its advantages. he liked the surprised reactions he got from his apartment neighbours who assumed he was just some criminal kid trying to make his stake in the crime ridden city. but then he’d help them carry groceries, let them drop off their pets at his place when they went out of town for the weekend, helped esl kids with english homework when he had free time. part of him wished he didnt have to win over people to get him to accept and trust him but he understood nonetheless
that was until you showed up. you moved in across the hall and asked him the day you met to help you move the couch the movers put in the wrong spot. “if you’re busy its all good.” you added at the end with a shrug, likely due to his own stunned silence at your request. he agreed, pulling his key from the lock and spent the evening setting up your living room. you paid him in a beer your friend had given as a house warming gift and asked him about the floor. you were a bit nosy, a little gossipy but something about it felt sincere. just a genuine curiosity about the inner workings of the place he called home. actually—everything about you just felt sincere.
you were kind to him, treated him like a neighbour and not a cautionary tale and jesus that scared the shit outta him. you popped up in his life a few times after your first meeting, inviting him over when you made way too much food or asking him for a good grocery store nearby. it wasn’t until you knocked on his door, asking if he wanted to hang out—no conditions, no help or anything needed. “do you like movies?” you asked, swaying on the balls of your feet as jason stood in his doorway, it barely cracked open out of habit.
“as long as its not based on a book.” he replied, ignoring how dry his throat was.
“you’re a ‘book is better then an adaptation’ kinda guy huh?”
“because its true.”
“unless the book already sucks.” that made him chuckle.
“but yeah i like movies.”
“cool the things is—“
“u dont have a tv.”
“exactly, we can squish onto my bed or watch it at your place if you’re cool with that. can’t lie i am curious to see how you live.” you admitted, jokingly pushing yourself onto your tippy toes and pretending to peer over his shoulder.
“my place then.”
“tomorrow night?”
it quickly became a weekly tradition, you’d bring popcorn and something you stressed baked and alternate between picking films. most were spent in his living room, but after a while you managed to get him back into your place. you did exactly what you said and squished into your bed, laptop balancing on your lap desk. jason was in his usual long sleeve and sweats. you were in a tshirt and pj shorts. it was summer and he knew you were going to ask. “you wanna go back to your place in change? its kinda warm and as much as i like you, i dunno how i’d feel about you overheating on me.”
despite your attempt at humor he muttered a quick, “i’m fine.”
you shrugged it off and jason should’ve known better. should’ve known you weren’t going to drop it, that wasnt how you worked. you were nosy and talkative and curious and pushy and caring and you hated the idea of a wall between you two. so when you slipped into his lap one day, some early 2000s romcom droning on behind you, he knew exactly what you were up too.
your knees dug into the side of his couch and your hands landed on his shoulders. “were friends right?” you asked, and something about how your nose bumped his felt anything but platonic.
“yeah.” he breathed, hyper aware of your thumb brushing against the collar of his shirt. one of his scars peaked through, and a jagged knife wound that left him half dead on a rooftop two years ago.
your thumb brushed it and his fingers clasped to your forearms in warning.
“this is why you’re always in sweaters right? what you’re trying to hide.” your eyes were fixed on it, still rubbing small circles against the skin around it. he didn’t say anything, you had were more observant than he gave you credit. “friends dont keep secrets jay.” you all but pouted at him, forehead resting against his.
“they’re...bad.” was all he could stress, eyes downcast to where your thighs met his.
“they’re apart of you which means they cant be bad. not to me.”
and it was like the hesitation in which people would approach him, the disgusted whispers about the newest wayne ward, the eyes that were fearful to meet his all vanished. all the left over pain and hate for his tired and broken body was put somewhere he couldnt reach even if just for this moment.
he still had a hard time looking in the mirror, wished his battered knuckles didn’t stand out so much when your fingers locked with his, wanted to kiss you without feeling the small scar from his  near constantly split lip, wanted to be able to wear the more revealing clothes you thought he’d look good in, and more. there were still things to want and wish and hate and push away. but there was also your voice now living in his mind whispering the words he hadn’t known he needed to hear since he was a kid.
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seaquestions · 3 years
im sorry to the fetts, to anakin and obi-wan, but ive been thinking about quickswitch and sixshot’s story since before i got into star wars and ever since i saw the prequels i cant help it [copies homework but changes it as much as i can so its not similar] (long post ahoy)
anyway!! i started working on a lil comic script some time ago (which im not gonna finish anytime i bet but it still gave me Ideas). sixshot is taken prisoner by the autobots, and theyre gonna experiment on him to try and make their own six-changer. unfortunately sixshot wakes up, trashes the place and escapes before they could finish the full scope of the project but they did manage to create... a baby clone of sixshot (our boy, quickswitch). they get magnus/minimus to take care of the kid because a) not a lot of ppl have the clearance to know abt the project and he’s one of the few b) of the people who do know, he’s the only beastformer c) since he’s so dedicated to the cause, it would ensure that quickswitch grows up to be a loyal autobot, yes? so here. take care of this child.
things go wrong eventually. but for the time being minimus is an adequate dad to quickswitch, for someone who had zero prep or warning that he was going to care for sixshot’s baby clone. and they do love each other. minimus cares about the pup more than most things in life. maybe even more than properly filled paperwork. he has to be actually minimus way way more often too, and thats probably good for him and his identity issues. quickswitch‘s dad is minimus ambus, not ultra magnus. its a secret thats hard to keep, very hard now that he doesnt hide in the armour as often, but minimus follows the rules; not even his own pup can know.
and, naturally, quickswitch finds out. but not before he finds out the truth about his origins first. he’s a curious kid, yknow. and he’s different. people treat him different. nobody else is like him, he’s special. he’s going to grow up to become the hero of cybertron. (he’s going to grow up to become a weapon.) and it takes a little push from an anonymous message, telling him that he needs to know the truth. to know why he exists, and where he came from. and he sneaks around and finds out about the whole project, confronts his dad, and asks what other secrets have been kept from him and, well, the kid doesnt take well to being lied to his whole life. doesnt take well to the realisation that his whole purpose is to be used. he runs away, scratching the autobot insignia off his chest.
and as all this is happening, sixshot does his job, does his duty: committing acts of violence for the decepticon cause with indifference and existential loneliness. to someone like him, its a simple life. he’s been bored since he was born, really. he’s not had a challenge for a long time now. and unlike others he’s disinterested in fighting his fellow decepticons. whats the point, if they all end up in the same medbay? besides, he’d win anyway. he lets shockwave examine him, mess around and experiment, because what’s the point of saying no?
(shockwave found out about quickswitch very quickly, and decides to shelve the “cloning sixshot” project idea. if someone beat them to the punch, might as well not waste any resources. no, lets just take the already finished product, and make him think it was his idea too.)
quickswitch grows up, roams around the galaxy, unaffiliated. takes in a few bounties for cash, ends up making himself known against his will. well, its kinda hard to be inconspicuous when youre this big and you’ve got six altmodes, just like that very infamous decepticon, sixshot. quickswitch doesnt know if he wants to meet him. he’s afraid, a little bit. but he’s also so curious. think about it. thats his dad, right? well, his template at least. in his dreams, sixshot takes him under his wing and becomes his new mentor, maybe even recognises him as his son. in his nightmares, he is an autobot still, and he is pitted against the very person who he is made from, and he dies a brutal death. quickswitch still holds a grudge. he misses minimus but if he wants to stay, he’d have to rejoin the autobots, and he Does Not Want That. no telling how he’d be treated too.
minimus retreats into the armour. he’s ultra magnus nearly 24/7 now. he thinks about reaching out, of finding quickswitch and reconciling, but he’s afraid of being rejected. the magnus armour doesnt do anything against his son. its minimus who fucked up. he knows it, and he hates it. hates himself.
maybe they cross paths once in a while. but quickswitch just glares at ultra magnus’ face and walks away.
quickswitch gets swayed towards the decepticons. the idea of meeting sixshot is compelling, and as he grows into his own strength, he’s less and less scared, and more just curious, excited maybe. and he will meet him.
..... this is the part where im not quite sure how i want the story to go. the things that are definitely going to be a thing: quickswitch meets sixshot. sixshot is initially like “what the fuck” but slowly comes to like quickswitch. ultra magnus shows up at some point and all three have a confrontation. minimus and quickswitch reconcile, at some point. but idk what actually does happen??
either QS and 6S meet in a string of coincidences, or QS joins the decepticons? maybe?? i feel like either way QS is factionless by the end at least. thats just the vibe im getting. kinda wanna say “and then quickswitch gets two dads and they all live happily ever after” but ahh.... it just doesnt feel right for the tone of the story so far. but anyway thats what i got!!! the ending is!! not really there yet!! but ive been typing for like an hour so sksbjsjak im wrapping this up.
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fiercewings · 4 years
i have. been listening to one song on loop and it makes me think abt mukuro and byakuran so hello. it is time for meta
 i think that byakuran is like an angel that is falling into hell while mukuro is a demon who could possibly ascend at their core i think they're both heavy liars but they do it for very different reasons 
 mukuro - a kid who was traumatized from a young age and had to go to extreme measures to save himself and those he cares about. he lies to protect his friends, basically keeping up a facade that he's an overpowered monster in order to intimidate others from getting to close. he constantly tries to assert that he doesn't care about everyone at kokuyo - they're just his pawns to reach his own goals with - so that they aren't targeted for being his "weakness." i also think that its because mukuro himself goes through life and death situations a lot, and he doesn't want his friends to be sad if he dies. therefore, he tries to push them away by calling them pawns. essentially, mukuro has been going through life without ever having the chance to be a good person 
 byakuran - a kid who had definitely been traumatized by the knowledge of thousands of parallel worlds and the mare rings. but unlike mukuro, he has the chance to be a good person. if he wanted to, he could basically steer clear of any mafia business. yuni isn't the type to force people into doing things they don't want to, and gamma barely trusts him on the battlefield anyways. but he doesn't. it's a source of entertainment for him, just like lying. he lies and plays tricks on the people he cares about, completely for his own gain and personal enjoyment. he doesn't need a reason behind lying except "because i wanted to." he's a wild card with a god complex who COULD be a benevolent god if he wanted to. he just won't because it doesn't interest him like hurting others does basically
tl;dr i guess its just a matter of 
mukuro - lies to help others
 byakuran - lies to help himself
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azuwulastan · 4 years
Share your Jetko hcs please??
 andso the background for these hcs is basically that the ba sing se story arc is abt zuko struggling over his quest for ozai’s approval, his birthright, fire nation supremacy etc vs iroh’s influence to take care of himself, stop chasing after a false dream (as far as i remember iroh doesn’t fully switch sides until book 3 (?). zuko tries iroh’s way but ultimately returns to the fire nation with azula. he wasn’t satisfied with working in a tea shop w iroh (hence that weird post fever optimism ooc stuff.. what was With that).
as for jet, he has decided to “go straight,” leave the forest and stop fighting fire nation people. he wants a little peace, but he’s still in survival mode, looking for threats everywhere. i feel like he wasn’t quite ready to leave his life behind.
in each other they might find a different way of living in this city - together. jetko doesn’t work after jet finds out theyre firebenders. so imo this could only really happen if jet doesn’t spoke iroh fire bending.
so.... headcanons.
neither of these boys have had friends their age before. zuko was the leader on his ship, and jet led his band of merry fire fighters. theyve never really had fun for its own sake before. so i think they see in each other an equal, who both get up to as much trouble as the the other does.
jet’s far more comfortable w his sexuality (seems bi to me) and he’s the more forward of the two. he’s the one who reaches out to zuko first and i don’t see that changing much. i can imagine that after they part ways on the boat, they happen across each other and have to work together to solve some kind of problem. maybe someone steals something from zuko and jet helps him replace it or something. zuko wouldnt start helping jet’s crew out of the kindness of his heart. bk 2 zuko is selfish. he’d work with jet (at first) bc he gets something out of it. then maybe he starts learning to be less single minded about finding the avatar/conforming to iroh’s expectations, and start leaning into the goodness he does have. it would take a while though. as for jet, he sees a useful ally who happens to be hot. hes a simple boy what can i say lol
as they spend more time togetther, i imagine they’d escalate their activities . maybe start fucking around with the dai li or gangs that operate in the lower ring. maybe fucking up businesses that rip ppl off. theyre both kind of rebelling - zuko against both his dad and iroh, and jet against the freedom fighters who want him to settle down. .but these are two messed up teen boys. they lash out and destroy stuff and push each other on.
zuko has a lot to hide about himself. he would share very little about himself to jet. and i think jet would get it. he wouldnt pressure him to talk - he is used to silence, being friends w longshot after all. they’d just spend time together. and maybe through that silence, zuko would begin to share a little more about himself and his family in ways that didnt give away his identity. as for jet, he loves to brag abt the shit he’s done, and he’d talk abt the wrongs done to him by the fire nation, but there would be lots of things he doesnt talk about- how scared he is, how much he worries abt his freedom fighters, guilt he might feel about his past actions.but he plays it cool.
imagine the sparring between these two. i think jet would be one of those guys really into warrior male. he’d love getting sweddy w some ripped sword wielding dude. he’d call zuko his brother but in a gay way.
i dont think zuko would ever acknowledge whats happening between them. like, i doubt they would have a romantic kiss, but def would mess around in a way that it was just guys being dudes it doesnt mean anything we’re just letting off steam bro..
i dont think zuko would acknowledge to himself that maybe he did want to kiss jet until after he got back to the fire nation. he may or may not be into mai, but something is definitely missing from that relationship and maybe when he’s kissing mai he’s wishing he got to kiss jet too.
jets got a big chip on his shoulder. when iroh and zuko get invited up to the upper ring, jet definitely feels betrayed. he might go up to visit zuko at the jasmine dragon one day, cause a big scene bc zuko doesn’t act happy enough to see him (bc umm... iroh is there.. he doesn’t know abt us bro) and thinks its bc zuko thinks he’s too good for him now
they are both prone to anger, right? we zuko has a temper and have low frustration tolerance. however jet’s hotheadedness is linked to a tenuously inflated ego. he reacts very poorly to slights. zuko doesnt notice slights half the time. conversely jet can keep his cool until triggered by something. so he balances of zuko’s impulsivity/lashing out bc of small irritation.
but always... as soon as jet begins to suspect zuko is fire nation its over. and zuko knows it. its not exactly healthy. but there is something there. in an ideal world, jetko would end with jet never figuring out who zuko was. he would just fondly remember that sexi dao sword dude he used to mess around w . wonder whatever happened to lee ? yk...
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dantelionwishes · 4 years
I WANNA HEAR D'S THOUGHTS ON JEN'S QUESTION Spill the beans! You've even got me curious now!
“Do you think Rose is a good person?”
I’ll answer not just Jen’s question, but generally thoughts surrounding D and Rose’s relationship!! It’s gonna be long because I think about this a WHOOOOOOLE lot, and I seriously mean a whole lot,,, so read ahead!
btw, if you think Rose is a bad person and D hates him, that’s where you’re mistaken! IT’S MY STORY MY HEADCANONS SO IF U DONT WANNA READ THIS THEN DONT BRO HJASGJHASHJ
Ive mentioned before, but D and the chairman had a fairly good relationship!!
In-game, rose is very interested in the player and talks to you a lot, so honestly not much changes here
D, in his challenger phase, is forcibly very loud and flamboyant. being overly animated and confident, he’s able to keep up with rose who likes to chat and banter with him 
When d talks to people, he KNOWS he’s being over-the-top, which is why he feels very awkward doing it (when people point it out, it makes it painfully awkward and embarrassing for them. Point in case: bede and Marnie!)
Rose finds him a very interesting trainer and observes D a lot. Its not hard to notice how hard he’s trying, but rose doesn’t point this out and genuinely moves along with what D’s vibes are as to not make him feel any more humiliated 
D is aware that Rose is playing along with his act, and thanks to this it really builds up trust like!! Oh the chairman isn’t making fun of me and genuinely finds me interesting and strong!!!! the chairman!! What a morale boost!!!!!! 
Again, its genuinely (funny and) awkward when D is being his over-the-top animated self, and its easy to point this out (which most people do, from his rivals to other trainers, to even gym leaders) but the only people who dont actively point it out AND act along would be his mom, hop, Leon, and rose! 
in addition, D has a pretty high-pitched voice so its easy to tell he’s trans?? He was worried he was going to be misgendered by such an all-important person like the chairman, but was surprised when rose immediately was just comfortable with calling him a “young man”
Another cute trivia thing during this stage was that they both are wearing shades for their “incognito mode” and D even gives the chairman some fashion tips for the next time he goes out!
It actually pisses off bede with how much rose and d talk;;;;;;  def one of the reasons why d and bede fight hhhh
The part of the plot where they head to rose tower, D was actually very against it in the beginning, saying that he could actually just try and call up the chairman if he wanted to! He tries and tries, but then starts to panic once he does in fact realise that something isnt right 
Even after storming thru rose tower and defeating oleana, d eVEN TRIES TO INVITE ROSE TO THEIR DINNER (MY BOY IS THINKIN: A DINNER WITH HIS FAV PPL!! HOP, LEON, AND ROSE!! the only one missing would be his mom) ……….but r-rose dismisses it with a smile, saying maybe next time…………..
D is a meek, insecure person who is easily broken down, so he really needs a lot of support to keep moving sO JUST IMAGINE this baby boy who puts trust in someone suddenly goes batshit and you have to defeat them with ur own hands????? Wowza. 
Ive already shown this via an illustration + a short Drabble, but its only after the eternatus battle that their father-son relationship is revealed
The game really doesnt show how serious the eternatus battle was, but for me: Leon was hospitalised for quite some time and wasn’t allowed to battle D until he healed up. At the same time, this gave D a lot of time to think about wHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED
I dont mention it, but this is where his gym leader au starts off from the canon timeline!! At this point, D is calling his mom or talking to hop or just locking himself up and is just generally in a panicked state where he feels like dropping out of the challenge, feeling overwhelmed with what just happened
ANYWAY IM HERE TO TALK ABT ROSE AND D but lets just say his Pokemon convince him to continue!!   
at the same time of his win, gossip went around quick and not only is D now very popular for suddenly defeating the unbeatable champion Leon, but is actually the “villainous” chairman rose’s son!??!?!?!??!! 
He actually escapes to the isle of armour + crown tundra as a way to give him time to think about this more (isle of armour: personal time for himself to think alone, crown tundra: chance to spend time with relatives he didn’t know he had) 
After becoming champion, he really didnt go see rose at all, feeling a plenty mix of frustration, sadness, anger, betrayal, but!! his feelings dont simply surround the “oh the adult I trusted was actually bad and lied to me“ or “wtf hes the dad who wasn’t there for me and is the reason why mom is alone how dare he” IT REALLY WAS A MIX OF BOTH HGHHGHH
But its BECAUSE he was close to him in the first place that he knows rose wasn’t just….straight up a bad person or a villain
The important part here was that rose and D were close during the challenger part, and our lad had a lot of time to think about how he was simply a good, misguided man
rose is very passionate about the things he cares about, to the point of doing anything and everything for them (ex. Awakening eternatus for Galar’s sake to the point of accidentally getting darkest day, or even working hard for Miriam’s sake to the point of accidentally never being there for her anymore) 
Yeah, d talked to a whole lot of people to think this over. He learned what happened between rose and his mom while talking to her, and D also learned what happened between peony and rose to further understand what’s up!!
In the process, I like to think both Miriam and peony dont hate rose! D was also an important factor in helping the both of them realise and clear up a few things, and at least, in their minds, stay on good terms with rose 
During both DLC arcs, D is silent at first but slowly n surely starts sending small letters to Rose :’))
After a lot of thought on his self-journey, its safe to say that D had felt a lot more comfortable, finally talking to rose after the galarian star tournament arc !!
Ive mentioned before, but its not like D has to start from scratch since they had a good relationship as challenger and chairman beforehand anyway
D wants a dad! He does want to meet his dad, and at the same time rose regrets not making time for his lover and future family, so I’d say after pushing away the initial negative awkwardness they do both have the same, genuine goal in mind to talk to each other and build a good relationship with each other!!!!!!
Ive also said before but like ONE OF D’S FEARS IS…..”WHAT IF I MEET MY DAD AND HES TRANSPHOBIC” YKNO???? So knowing that rose already thinks hes already perfect in his eyes, IT REALLY DOES WONDERS TO A YOUNG BOY YKN O ?? ? ? ? ?? 
Uhhhhh honestly I really dont know how jail works and shit sO LETS JUST SAY D VISITS REGULARLY IF HES NOT BUSY WITH CHAMPION DUTIES!!!
Also I have nO idea what oleana means by “WHERE IS CHAIRMAN ROSE” cos like….iSNT HE JUST VIBIN IN JAIL??????? Lets just say he is sdghjjhsdhj
D had a lot, and I mean A LOT, of time to think about Rose. He does not have any ill intentions or feelings towards him, and the two have a hopeful, slowly budding father-and-son relationship. 
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ncvcmbcrflush · 4 years
It is 1am and i just finished s2, so this is gonna be long and rambling and misspelled and im sorry okay?
I am not thrilled with the writing of klaus this season, can I just say? They completely undid all of his substantial development in s1, while also removing a good chunk of his positive qualities.
There were scenes where s1!klaus shined through (any of the scenes with Allison and vanya, mainly, and i was really worried abt the scenes with bby!Dave but they were handled really well imo) but those scenes were vastly overshadowed by the unnecessary cruelty? Why did they make my boy so mean this season, I am asking this question for real. S1!klaus was wild and a disaster and heartbreaking, but he was also so kind, and willing to grow as a person in ways that his siblings actively avoided most of the time.
How do you go from beautifully empathetic s1!klaus crying in response to his abusive father's suicide, protesting luther locking up vanya and later being so adamant that they take vanya back in time with them that he literally clings to her feet, to s2!klaus who seems to not care much about anything or anyone at all?? The man is dead in heaven with his father telling him point blank what a let down he is, and he still has enough love in him to cry for him, but 3 years pass and suddenly he doesn't shed a tear for his brother who just died saving their sister?? They took away so much of his emotionality and I do not understand why.
S1!klaus also absolutely would have been open to trying possession with Ben imo, and we could have avoided the intensely uncomfortable possession sequence, which should not have been played off as a joke because it wasn't funny at all, and instead just highlights how little autonomy klaus actually has- but that is a rant that needs way more brain power and research lmao.
S1!klaus also would never have hid ben from his siblings, after spending literal years telling them that ben was there with them??? He would not have done that.
And the scene where they try to save vanya was intensely ooc in my opinion- even high off his ass klaus is quick to react and jump into action- helpful or otherwise (throwing the fire extinguisher, improvising at the prosthetics lab for 5, trying to save luther in the club, running into the theater when they hear gunshots despite having no idea how to use his powers offensively, even in s2 when he finds allison at the protest) and I refuse to believe he would need to be pushed into trying to save vanya, who he has put his life at risk to save before.
The cult thing will be getting a post of its own because I have so many feelings about that whole deal but I again, am too incoherent currently.
I loved him and allison so so much, and he and vanya just break my heart together bc they are such opposite sides of the same coin and the show doesn't seem interested in exploring that whatsoever? I was a bit bummed to not really see him interact with the boys at all though. He and Diego seemed pretty close in s1, 5 and klaus have some good scenes together, and he and luther had some good interactions at the end of s1 as well, and i wish they had kept going with that.
It just feels like they were so busy with the others, and klaus got lost along the way. We do nothing with his powers except for the possession thing, like literally besides ben and the two ghosts at the very end of the last episode klaus doesn't use his powers at all during the entire season! I loved watching everyone else kind of come into their own, but that just never happened for klaus this season- if anything, he devolved.
And I think as a side effect of fucking up klaus, they fucked up his relationship with ben, and the other boys to a lesser extent, as well.
S1 ben and klaus is what i would expect from a pair of siblings stuck together for 17 years- nagging and sarcastic and judgemental but also loving and close and they work well together. They are both dumbasses who do things like play patty cake to test ben's tangibility, and decide that tossing a bowling ball is a good way to prove that ben is present.
S2 ben and klaus are entirely antagonistic; more in line with luther and diego in s1. I have seen lots of comments saying that anyone upset with ben and klaus's dynamic in s2 doesn't have siblings, and to that i have to say- people who think their dynamic in s2 is normal don't have abusive parents. There are lines that you absolutely do not cross, and comparing a sibling to your abuser is one of them. And you don't need to have siblings to know that dismissing the death of a loved one like, isn't a good thing to do? This is especially jarring given their relationship in 2019 and as children- there is no set up for this kind of behavior from either of them.
And the others were just so overall dismissive of klaus in a way that goes beyond just sibling annoyance. During the family dinner no one bats an eye when ben jumps into him, causes his body to jerk around, and literally says that he's ben?? He lies on the floor of the elevator looking like death and we don't so much as ask what's wrong? Klaus pukes out the contents of 7 fully grown humans practically and no one offers a tums, or a ride to the damn hospital?? Like wasn't diego a fuckin cop, he should know that none of this is the result of an overdose??? As far as i can recall,, klaus doesn't even use drugs in this season? We see him drink but that's it unless I'm forgetting, which is entirely possible since it is now 2am lmao. And they just play it off as jokes, we are meant to find this funny?
And just like, he wasn't involved in the actual plot of this season much, if at all, besides being a largely unwilling catalyst for ben. Nothing would change in this season if they had cut him out completely, and i really hate that.
I'm not upset at all really- despite sounding upset and writing a long ass rant lmao- the let down of one character doesn't ruin the season for me, and honestly, given how other shows have failed me this year (looking at you, the politician) , i count this season as a win overall. Luther especially has changed so much for the better, and he was probably the highlight of this season. I'm just bummed because klaus was s u c h a good character in season one, easily one of the most interesting characters, and they did nothing with him this season.
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