#its probably just random background music but i really like the sound of it and im suspicious af rn
blush-and-books · 9 months
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illuminakisser · 6 months
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ok info about whats theorized to be medkits nightmare GO
Title of game : . (its a period)
Icon is the same as base game, background is the default one
The music playing is just overtime slowed down by a lot
1. MAP
You spawn on a road with sidewalks that have candles, you have a lantern in your inventory.
As you walk you will occasionally see an exit sign.
Halfway, pillars stretch up from the ground, most are normal but some are shaped like hands that reach to the sky. On top of the hands are weird figures with glowing green eyes and horns that look like something from the flaming horns series?
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(thats the closest thing i could find,,,)
At the end of the road is the default Happy Home, though with minor modifications. An exit sign is right at the stairs and pointing at the door. Tube tvs are inside the home, a giant one at the middle against the wall with two stacks of tvs in the corners. The left side has one tv off, while the others are full of red static. They don't do anything when interacted with.
Note: This sorta resembles the thumbnail for scythe's teaser.
They also look like the TVs in broker's secret room (i reached the image limit so cant show ough)
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Outside to the left and on top of the house are the same weird green eyed figures.
There are many figures running around saying various phrases,
phrases that ive seen:
"you traitor"
"do something"
"be useful"
"please help me"
"Useless support"
"Help me!"
"please just heal me"
"Please heal me"
"How's your eye?" (Idk if this is random dialogue or subspace dialogue)
Though, some of these figures are saying things from medkit ally dialogue.
Ingame dialogue phrases:
"Do I really want to work with a rebel on my team?" - Banhammer
"Hey!! Great seeing you!!" - Subspace
"How's that eye doing??" - Subspace
You are chased by an overseer eye, it can't be stopped permanently. Though, it can be halted by positioning yourself in the right area, however, it has good pathing and can jump extremely high, so you can't hide from it.
Getting caught by it results in an image showing up on the screen, this rewards you a badge the first time you see it.
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Random note: the eye is weirdly clean? im not sure if its medkit's eye or not since I remember soda saying that subspace just threw the eye away,, (not sure if this is still canon)
After this you get kicked from the game with the message "You must kill him to become him."
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The interesting thing is that this is the description of the overseer eye cosmetic.
This probably means something like "you must kill overseer to become him" or something but what does that mean who is killing overseer huh what
↑ ok theories have been made (thank u discord user ankles0560 for the medkit part)
The one killing him might be either medkit or katana.
KATANA : there is dialogue between katana and ban hammer
Ban Hammer: "You can't get involved with the business of the dudes higher up." Katana: "And who will stop me?"
↑ I will expand on this later but im eepy rn help
MEDKIT : ok the whole thing is about Medkit so the kick message is probably the overseer eye talking to Medkit,,
Soda has said that if Katana knew more about Medkit, he would kill him. This could mean multiple things but very interesting hm
Another interesting thing is the jumpscare noise, it is a jumpscare noise used in old games.
The interesting part is what it is, the noise is actually the sound of the subspace tripmine slowed down, whether this was just coincidence or because of the subspace thing is unknown, it might even be both?
Not really related to the tower but just what we know about the cult
A religious group within lost temple, not everybody from lost temple is a member of it.
It is mentioned in Medkit's phone dialogue.
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Every member of the cult is missing an eye.
Soda has mentioned that the reason why Sword's eye isn't missing is because he wasn't born in lost temple.
CORRECTION: Sword was born in lost temple, but wasn't raised in it. The point still stands that this is the reason why he hasn't lost an eye.
Based on dialogue between medkit and banhammer, it has been around for a while now. (THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME)
It is unknown what the goals or structure of the cult are currently.
They have a uniform, Medkit, Scythe, and Broker share the motif of outfits of mostly teal.
Scythe calls Vine Staff "blessed" in her dialogue with her, this is related to the cult somehow since in the same conversation Vine says "No! You and your creepy family can buzz off!"
^ According to broker, her curse is rare but she isn't the first one to have it.
They call themselves a family, and call Overseer their Father.
Overseer info:
There is barely any, but this is what we know.
They are referred to as a leader, it is unknown whether they are the faction leader or just the cult leader.
Scythe refers to him as a deity, whether they truly are one, manipulated the cult into believing they are, or the cult simply calls him a deity is unknown.
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An alternative is that she isn't talking about overseer here at all, though if that is so we don't know if she's talking about a sfoth deity or a different one. ← if it is a sfoth deity, it is most likely to be darkheart or venomshank (or maybe even ghostwalker? idk)
btw soda said this. soda wdym
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Feel free to add more info or things i missed/got wrong in reblogs or comments!!
pls do say more info if you have it im making this based on what the guys im theorizing with are saying i didnt have time to do more than 1 playthrough
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spookberry · 6 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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onlyrains · 2 months
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—t/w: angst, mention of death and alcohol
watching someone slowly lose themselves is probably the last thing you would ask for.
it's been an hour since you noticed jay was in the same room as you. knowing his true nature while watching him hitting on random girls at a bar like this makes your heart ache. this wasn't him at all.
having sudden mind reading power, you knew he was still grieving on his ex—who also your sister—unexpected death. because so were you. that's why you ended up at this bar alone on a weekday night.
from not too far away, you saw him gradually closing the gap between him and the poor girl. they were kissing mindlessly. she even held him so tight, without any sign of wanting to let go soon.
his messy slicked back hair was still as beautiful as ever. you always praised him for his looks and fashion choices since you used to see him around your house almost everyday. but tonight, seeing him with his collar sticking out, rolled up sleeve, and smirk plastered on his lips was really something. it was new to you.
you turned around and chugged your drink. you just realized losing someone could cause a huge impact like this.
a moment later, you overhear him, “can i call you her name?”
you turned. your heart almost sank then you see her palm going so fast to slap him with all her guts.
he froze before standing up. he nodded a few times as a sign that he understood the situation—without a significant change in his expression. “okay, okay.” he said, raising both hands.
so he walked in your direction.
you turned to face the bar, pretended to be busy ordering a new drink with the bartender.
“a whisky, please,” he ordered, taking a seat next to you. you held your breath when his perfume hit your nose, bringing back memories you didn't want to remember.
“hi?” he greeted, like nothing just happened to him a few seconds ago.
“hi?” you replied with the same tone.
“eh? you do really look like her.” his hazy eyes stared at you deeply. you watched him place his head on the bar.
he scoffed. “sorry, maybe it's the hallucination again.” he laughed, probably for expecting another slap.
but you laughed with him, for silently wanting to hug him while he didn't recognize you.
“you still refuse to believe we've lost her.” you mumbled, head bowed weakly so he didn't hear you.
“are you okay?” he asked.
you glanced, only to met his eagle eyes.
“i'm not.”
“ah, c'mon. let's have some fun then.” he stood up and offer his hand for you to take.
you looked up at him. “'m sorry?”
“dance with me.”
you bit your inner lip, contemplating the nice offer before finishing your newly-served drink. you thought you just need to be as drunk as him to do this.
“okay.” you held his rough hand to let him led you to the dance floor.
you were melted with the background music for a moment and let your body moved the way they want it. jay, on the other hand, busy to maintained his eyes at yours. his hand wandered around your back before finally took its place on your waist.
“aren't your head spinning?” oh, you used to ask your sister that question too. you held your sweated fist tightly.
he smiled. “a little.” he paused. “where did you know that?”
you frowned, feeling the palpitation in your chest. “uh?”
“the 'head spinning' question. how do you know?”
“is that something i supposed to know? it's just you look so wasted? i don't know, just wondering,”
he lets out a soft chuckle, “thank you. that's make me feel better,”
your knees almost lost its strength.
“do i know you?” he asked again.
“no, you don't.”
“but you do really sound like her.”
“am i?”
“…can i ask you something?”
you nodded hesitantly.
“can i call you her name?”
a single tear dropped from your eye.
you swore you never seen him with this wide smile before.
a/n: sorry if this too angsty. its inspired by a song <iykyk> and i barely awake when i wrote this so please bear with me ><
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eluminium · 1 month
WOOO! WE MADE IT LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN AND OUTSIDE! SKIZZ WEEK 2 DAY 7!!! YIPPIE! Can't believe I managed to actually get all the days! Crazy ngl. As your reward, and mine, have some Imp and Skizz being silly and dancing with each other. Is it platonic or romantic? Eh, that's up to your interpretation.
AS ALWAYS BUT DIFFERENT, thank you to @skizzlemanweek for organizing this round of Skizz Week! It was really fun to do! You better go to their blog and look at the other Skizz Week 2 creations when you're done here!
Prompt 7: Free day!
It's not often Skizz finds himself in an environment like this. Specifically, he hasn't been at an off-server party in lord knows how long. He got most of his partying out of his system by the time he was 25, if not even earlier. So excuse him if he's a bit rusty, he's doing his best. His best being standing on the sidelines with a glass of overly fancy strong cider in his hand and watching the whippersnappers have fun on the dance floor. The noise of people having fun and partying is music to his ears, if a bit loud. Above him, beautiful light shows play out in the dark sky to the beat of the generic but still bopping music discs the DJ is playing. The massive and beautifully decorated Decision Dome stands proudly in the background.
He's honestly grateful that they're outside, not just because of the beautiful view but because it keeps the temperature comfortable. Back in his day, they used to party in whatever run-down shack they could find, and those turned into SAUNAS by the end. And they were TIGHT too, which sucked for a guy like him, with his clumsily large wing span. Said wings puff up at the memory and he makes sure to stretch them out just to bask in the fact that he has enough personal space to do that without knocking someone flat on their ass! It may not be fully fair to compare those parties to this one though, considering this isn't just some random party. This is the afterparty of one of the biggest events in the multiverse. MCC. Of course, it would be a bit fancier!
Skizz brings the glass to his lips and takes a tasteful sip. The refreshing taste of pear hits his tastebuds gracefully, hiding the mild but fulfilling taste of popped chorus fruit. The alcohol leaves its familiar burn as he swallows, his eyes wandering back to the dance floor. It's like a little rainbow in there, everyone's color-coordinated outfits blending together into a light show of its own. Various wings, tails, ears, horns, antlers, and other distinguishing features stick out of the crowd, clearly enjoying the opportunity to stretch out as much as Skizz. He can't help but smile, a sappy happiness rising in his chest at the sight. Although that may be the alcohol making him soft.
"Hey man, you thinkin' about something nice?"
Skizz looks to his side and meets a pair of kind chocolate brown eyes and a teasing grin. "Nah, not really Dipple Dop. Just enjoying the moment," he responds, patting the spot next to him. Impulse takes the hint and sits down next to him, a fresh new drink in his clawed grip. His second that night, surprisingly.
"Where's Top? Did he decide to head home with Etho?" Skizz asks when he notices a lack of firey hair anywhere nearby. Impulse takes a sip of his drink before he answers.
"No, he's still here. He got caught in a conversation with Cub about Railroad Rush. They're in the Dome, by the bar, if you're wondering."
"Aha, I see," Skizz responds with a nod. A little bit of pride hits him at the information. Usually, Tango avoids busy social events like the plague. It's nice to hear that he decided to stay a bit longer! As for Etho, there's no convincing him. He dipped as soon as it was socially acceptable. Mysterious as always, although maybe it's because many of the players here are Etho fans. Sounds like his worst nightmare to be stuck in a conversation with people who admire him and are probably drunk. Maybe he should consider not being as awesome then, but Skizz digresses.
Suddenly, a very familiar sound reaches his ears. Specifically, a song. He can't help but snort.
"Oh my god." Impulse says with a surprised and slightly flustered laugh as he also realizes what song they're playing.
It's an oldie, but a goodie. A tune from when they were but naive teenagers. But it's not the song itself that tickles Skizz's funnybone. It's the fact that, with this song, comes a specific dance that was all the rage back then. A partner dance. If you wanted a girlfriend, or a boyfriend back then, this was what you practiced to perfection before you took them to the club.
Oh, he remembers it like it was yesterday! How a soft-faced Impulse timidly approached him and asked him to be his practice dummy for the dance because he wasn't satisfied with just practicing it in front of a mirror and he really wanted to impress this one girl. And of course, a younger Skizz helped him out, after laughing at him for a minute for being such a cheesy romantic. He remembers every attempt, every re-try, and that's impressive because there were a LOT of them. Bless his best friend and his need for perfection.
Skizz meets Impulse's gaze again, and it's clear that he also had the exact same flashback. Skizz can't help but giggle, a giggle that turns into a full-blown laugh as Impulse covers his face with his hand.
"I'm never escaping this! It haunts me!" He exclaims as he takes a deep swig from his drink like a depressed alcoholic detective in a mystery movie.
Skizz has to wipe a tear from his eye with how hard he's laughing. "Come on, dude! You got SO good at it! You were great!"
Impulse gives him a playful glare. "Oh yeah, I got SO good at it, huh?" He shoots back, his voice dripping with salty sarcasm, which causes another bout of cackling from Skizz.
"It's not your fault she was a lesbian! If she wasn't I'm sure you would have had her smitten with your dance skills!" He knows he's rubbing salt in a decades-old closed-up wound but in his defense, it's funny.
Impulse struggles to hold his faux seriousness in the face of a torrent of Skizzleman laughing. "God, I still can't believe I didn't know! I was so in love yet I couldn't figure out something so obvious!" He says with a barely repressed snort.
Skizz's laughing eventually dies back down into giggling. "Come on, you were both still cool with each other after that! No harm, no foul."
"Yeah, except my dignity," Impuse quips in an overly whiney and weepy tone.
Skizz rolls his eyes fondly. "Shut up, man!" He fires back. They both giggle and Skizz takes a gulp of his cider. A comfortable silence settles between them as they both look back to the dance floor. Multiple people have paired up with each other for the song. Others have created some sort of three-people version of the dance. One is even a group of five! Makes sense that the dance has evolved to be more casual as the years have gone by. Now not just couples and potential couples get to enjoy it, but friends too!
However, there is one difference Skizz spots that he's less than impressed by.
"Wow, they kinda suck at this." Impulse dryly comments before Skizz can even say anything. He can't help but laugh at Impulse's uncharacteristically sharp observation. The booze is getting to him for sure.
"What, you think us old farts can do it better?" He pokes back with a raised eyebrow.
Impulse splutters a bit, borderline offended at the mere suggestion. "Yeah, obviously! They don't even know where their feet are!"
Skizz is content to laugh it off at this point. The song is basically over by now, so it's not like they'll get a chance to prove-
The sudden cries of "ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!" force him to reevaluate. Well, that changes things quite drastically!
"You wanna go put your money where your mouth is, Dipple Dop?" He jokingly says, pretty sure he's gonna need more than just that if he wants to convince Impulse of anything. He has to swallow his prejudice when he meets Impulse's gaze one more time. His best friend's face is flushed from the alcohol, and his eyes are a bit glazed over. But even more terrifyingly, he can see that familiar glint of competitiveness in his eyes as well. And if Skizz is honest with himself, he can feel the buzz of his own drink clouding his brain. He's ready to make some questionable decisions.
Impulse doesn't even respond, he simply slams the rest of his drink, places the glass down, and starts walking towards the dance floor, tail whipping back and forth. Skizz quickly slams his own and follows him.
They get there just in time for the encore to start. Impulse lunges to grab Skizz's hands in time so they don't miss the rhythm. Skizz raises an amused eyebrow at his best friend's antics, and he gets an unimpressed look in return. Impulse's slightly scaled hands rub up against Skizz's scarred ones, but it's a feeling Skizz is extremely familiar with. It's like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Then the melody starts, and it's off to the races.
Skizz can't lie and say he isn't impressed by both himself and Impulse's ability to remember the motions. Moving around each other almost feels subconscious, each sway to the left and right perfectly timed. At first, they're both looking down at their feet to make sure they aren't stomping on something important, but they quickly realize they don't need to. Their gazes slowly connect instead, and a dumb goofy smile graces Impulse's face. Skizz feels himself responding with just as stupid of an expression, but he can't help it. It's like he's back in that memory again, except without any teenage awkwardness.
One step left, two steps right, twirl back around, two hands connected reaching for the stars above. It's silly, really. Two middle-aged men dancing in a crowd where the max age is early thirties, to an old love song, with a dance originally meant for wooing potential partners, after competing in the biggest competitive event in the multiverse. But Skizz never cared about useless details like that. He's having fun with his best friend, m'kay? And they're smoking the competition at the same time!
Skizz eventually gets lost in the motions, lost in orbiting around his other half in long-ago practiced steps. For all he cares, the only things that exist to him right now are Impulse, the music, and the ground they're standing on. His best friend's familiar marrone eyes keep his blue ones locked, and the few times their bodies graze each other in the dance it causes a certain softness in Skizz's heart to spike. Impulse's hand in his is solid, but the hold is gentle, casual, despite the energy in their motions. But eventually, the song starts winding down, each step taking them closer to the end. As the singer lets out the final words, and the instruments their final notes, their right hands detach and fly out behind them. At the same time, both their right feet take a step backward. They strike the final pose perfectly.
The song ends, and the new one that plays plunges Skizz right back into reality. Oh my god, he doesn't remember being this tired afterward! He lets go of Impulse's hand to place both his hands on his knees so he can try and regain his breath. Impulse seemingly has the same idea, but he also has the brain cells to grab Skizz by the shoulder and lead them out of the crowd and off the dance floor. They both crash on a nearby bench.
"I am so sweaty dude, holy moly" Impulse exclaims as he wipes his forehead.
"That was fun though, man!" Skizz responds between his huffing. Impulse gives him an acknowledging noise, but not much more.
Suddenly, someone is applauding.
"Wow, didn't know you guys could dance like that!"
Skizz looks up to see Jojo.
"Thanks, Junior Shabado," He says with a kind smile. "What he said," Impulse adds on.
"Maybe next time we have a training session, you could teach me!" She adds on, a slight slur to her words. Skizz has to fight for his life to not start laughing.
"Yeah, I'm sure Impulse would love to pass down the tradition!"
The unexplainable noise that Impulse emits at his suggestion will fuel him for the decades to come.
(What he'll also be fueled by was that someone managed to record them dancing and posted it online. Sober Impulse's flustered but still proud reaction was nothing short of glorious. Because yes, as the comments on the clip point out many times, they really did SLAY the competition.)
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lemon-dokuro · 1 month
Yesterday, I watched Sound Holic's 2007 Touhou fan film, Touhou Project Side Story ~ Memory of Stars.
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The plot is about Kaguya's father, the Moon's ruler, coming to take her and Eirin back. Makes heavy use of sci-fi aesthetics and is mostly set in space. Naturally, because it was released before Bogetsusho/Silent Sinner in Blue, all it had to go off of for the state of the Moon civilization and Kaguya's relationship to it were the 8th Touhou game and maybe Reisen's route/interactions in the 9th. It's a little interesting to see the creators' interpretation because of that, but... It was recieved very poorly by the japanese Touhou fandom in 2007 when it came out, you can even find comparisons to the infamous Cookie series. The reception is understandable — it really isn't good. I actually wouldn't call the story or the premise bad, they're just kitschy in a way characteristic of the otaku culture of its time, but they are ruined completely by the wonky presentation and especially the incomprehensible pacing. I don't want to recap it here because the anime isn't even that long or hard to find, but if I did, I'd have a fair bit of trouble. It feels like one of those 90s OVAs that tries to cram 4-6 volumes of a manga in about 40 minutes, so most things happen too fast to have an impact. There's a whole character that makes absolutely no sense because she has too little screen time and too little actually explained about her (Sphere Sieben, the redheaded space commander lady). Sakuya is there for a barely explained reason. Mokou comes out of nowhere in the middle (well, at least that had a point, ridiculous as it was). And considering this, bizzarely, the movie also has a lot of pointlessly drawn-out scenes where not much happens, like they were trying to pad out the runtime, even though there's a lot of substance they could have added. I have no idea what kind of constrains they were working with, but it's not like they couldn't have just written it more tightly. If not better, then, you know, at least. Even though I don't think the general premise and the story are bad per se, they are very unfitting for Touhou. The creators are obviously going for space opera aesthetics, which is a really weird fit for Touhou. They don't even really try to make it fit. Egregiously, Kaguya's presumably biological father, Luna Marius, has a sci-fi-ish western-style name for absolutely unexplained reasons. Of course, that kind of naming difference is not implausible at all, but it's a really weird creative choice, especially considering it's never adressed, not even in a throwaway line or anything. One could say it's emblematic of the work not compromising the conflicting aesthetics in any way. The visuals are often criticized for obvious reasons. They are great to me because I'm an oldschool doujin fetishist, but it's clearly all very stiff, mildly inconsistent, generally amareurish and feverishly oversaturated with bright flashing effects half the time. The backgrounds mostly consist of said effects. A lot of the animations are obviously reused. That being said, the original character designs are pretty well done. The bunny girl looks especially good, the artist absolutely nailed the early windows Touhou design style. Also, naturally, because Sound Holic is mainly a music circle, the soundtrack is decent. It's not remarkable, but there's nothing wrong with it, it's standard for 2007 Touhou arrange tracks. There's not much to say about the voice acting either — standard for doujin anime. The voice actors are inexplicably pretty well-known, but it's not that uncommon to see big names on the most random 2000s doujin projects. That's probably how these people become popular in the first place.
Well, what can I say overall. It's a weird little movie. I can't recommend it, but maybe you'll get a laugh out of it, or maybe you'll like the visuals as much as I did.
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Also, that rabbit's names are both mochi types...
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starsoftheeye · 5 months
TMAGP Live Reaction - Ep 13
This probably won't be a regular thing since I usually listen to the new episodes on my way home from school, but I wanted to do it today and no-one can stop me
Aw this dedication is so nice, reminds me of how I used to sign off on social media when I was younger
omg samcelia date samcelia date
they're so cute omg
"she also said that you dont know how cute you are" alice dyer youre not fooling anyone
i wanna hear what this interaction sounded like between alice and celia
"nobody, i'm mysterious" this isnt gonna come back to haunt us im sure
omg samcelia dating reveal already
"wild couple of years after i moved here" does this mean that celias way of coping with being dropped in a different universe was to just fuck... iconic
either that or jack got brought along with her and shes just covering it up. or jack has some mysterious origins that we dont know about
omg a horror protagonists with loving, alive parents wow
i was not expecting sam to be this relatable oh no
sam :(
oh no an "incident"
alice :(
i love celia just being "i know we're on a date and thats great and all but what do you think about the Horrors"
ofc you know theyre real you lived through the apocalypse
ah hello lena and gwen
ah gwen is learning about the consequences of delivering a random address to a living mr blobby knockoff
ooh are we gonna get some exposition
yes we are
these are our Fears i presume
you work in the government responsible for discarding peoples experiences and traumas gwen you werent exactly one of the good guys to begin with
guys i dont think shes gonna sort it
hold music?? hello?? do we recognise this voice?? needles??
i cannot understand what the name of this company is but i do not like them
the autoresponder sounds so cunty who are they i must know
oooh a scottish guy we love a scottish guy
"i pay your wages" sounding ass. telling the autoresponder that youre the highest investor in a gambling app isnt the flex you think it is dude
i think if a website that directly involves the handling of your money does "weird background checks" and has a "janky interface", staying is less of a feat of loyalty and more a feat of stupidity
oh this guy does nfts for sure
are you allowed to blame the warning you didnt listen to for the consequences?
oh his friends suck too
damn all jokes aside i feel bad for this dude
ohhh so is this like the dice where things can only get so good before they go terribly? or is it like a "when your life gets bad your money goes up" thing
ah its the second option
tbf if its not against the law its not against the law
this guy is the definition of "20 pounds is 20 pounds"
suddenly i dont feel as sorry for this guy
i have a sneaking suspicion that this guy did not get his money
oh nevermind
Ooooh he got pished
Alice really out here dissing every kind of date I've ever been on
oh no :(
sam no :(
sam apologise please
shes right tho youre in the wrong place if you don't want weird
alice :(
this is why a polycule would fix everything
alice i love you
sam i love you but you deserved that
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iheartchv · 8 months
Only do this if it’s no trouble to you please!! :)
Can I get a romantic COD matchup?
So my description is:
I’m 5’8-5’9-ish, I’m pretty strong, but it doesn’t show, I’m normal weight (literally I’m in the middle of how much I’m supposed to weigh), I dye my hair a lot, but right now it’s a navy blue, almost black. Despite the fact that I dye my hair so much, because of the hair dye I use and my amazing genes, I have really thick hair and it’s soft. My hair is semi curly, I’m pale, I have blueish grey eyes, and I have scars on my hands from playing guitar.
I work at Hot Topic right now so I mostly wear band shirts and Hot Topic pants. My favorite bands are Korn, Slipknot, and System of a Down. I have ADHD and anxiety (mostly internal). I can stay alone for very long periods of time, but I like having a background sound. It can be very quiet in a room and I’ll think of some random meme or something funny and I’ll start laughing, or I’ll stare off into space and zone out and when someone asks what I’m thinking about my dumbass goes “no one plans murder out loud”… so in my free time I research historical murders and tragic history facts! I also have a deep love for horror movies and I have an Irish accent.
Anyway, hope this finds you well and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. :)
🤔 hmm... I match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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I think Ghost would be the best match
You both are alike in some ways
But you two are actually opposites that compliment each other
From time to time you'd see Ghost walk by when you were working
It was hard to not remember him because... who else wore a skull balaclava out in public?
He became acquainted with you as he rescued you when you were picked to be a random hostage by someone working for a terrorist group
You knew who he was and was surprised that he was a member of the SAS
That was when you learned his name: Ghost
Thinks you have a great taste in music
He'd hear what would be playing loudly from your earphones
But at the same time would probably tell you to turn the volume down
"You're gonna burst your eardrums"
I think you two would have fun with the witty banter
Very much like with him and Soap
Except when you try to be flirty with him, and it's like he malfunctions
If he catches you zoning out, and notices something off about you, he will ask if you're alright
He will sit and watch a horror movie with you, just because you begged him
He likes holding you against him
Likes playing with your hair
It calms him
Actually, being around you brings a sense of peace to him
When you play your guitar he'll listen to you
He can tell when your passionate about it
He'd feel the music just sink into his soul, pull him into a world of serene bliss
He wants that, with you, even if its just for a moment
When he's sure about his feelings for you, he'll tell you that he really cares for you
And that he wants to protect you and keep you safe
...And wants you to be his
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If you'd like a love letter from Ghost, check out my Valentine event💗
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Why You Should Watch Romantic Killer
This is the new anime series that premiered on Netflix a few days ago! Before you inevitably cancel your subscriptions, give this show a go! Trust me, it'll all be worth it! (I'm personally riding on my sibling's Netflix, so I got to watch it officially!)
Edit: I think it’s important to mention since it’s in the very nature of the show that nobody is actually forced to fall in love with Anzu or vice-versa. It’s all purely consensual in terms of that even though the wacky circumstances are not.
I even made gifs for this post just to convince you, reader of this post!
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A high schooler named Anzu Hoshino is living the life. She has games, chocolate, and a cat named Momohiki. One day, her life is turned upside down by the devil-- I mean wizard, Riri. Riri confiscates her three most prized possessions with the ultimate ultimatum: Fall in love or live life without your most cherished commodities. Living in this awful world, Anzu swears to not fall in love out of pure spite for this arrangement and for Riri, but unfortunately, Riri has plans in store that might make things harder than they seem. (source: me)
For such a nonsensical story, it fricking works. I like it. As someone who's aroace, I feel this. I really do. I don't object romance, but I sure am not looking for it, and I would be pissed and spiteful too if my belongings were taken.
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Anzu is so much fun. She has got to be my favourite reverse harem protagonist of all time. Her reactions to everything are absolutely priceless, and I love how they incorporate random references. I never thought I'd see Kazuo Umezu face incorporated into a fricking romcom! Characters like her and Bakarina make the genre worth watching (even if Bakarina is too... baka at times). I want everyone to experience this anime without me giving too much away.
The side characters are good in their own right. Sure, Riri is annoying, but that's kind of the point. They canonically don't have a gender so the "they/them" pronouns were used in the subtitles I'm pretty sure. Tsukasa is pretty cold, and I felt indifferent about him until I found out his reasoning for being like that in the last few episodes, and let me just say, whatever you're expecting, it's probably not going to be that. I've never seen a show handle that type of situation for men quite like this RANDOM ROMCOM did. It puts its male characters into situations where they don't need to be strong, and they aren't criticized for it. That right there is positive masculinity. I like it. It diverts the idea of traditional macho masculinity, especially those of archetypes in dating sims. The characters and their dynamics actually seem pretty natural for such an unnatural situation and setting.
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Yooo, that soundtrack fricking fits. I like it. Sure, it doesn't stand out, but with the absurdity of this series, I'd be lying if I didn't laugh when a certain string track came on. I don't even think that was the point (I think it's supposed to be when the audience swoons).
That ending theme fricking slaps harder than it needs to. I watched the opening once. Look, that opening skip button is so tempting. I only watched the ending once, but it was the background music for the voice actor interviews, so I got to know it better.
Voice acting
YOOOO, THIS IS THE PART I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT. Sure, they hired your local "ikemen" to play the "ikemen" characters, but can we talk about Rieri for a second? She makes this show good. Her and Mikako Komatsu apparently auditioned in a pair, and you can see, hear, and feel that chemistry. It is absolutely fantastic. Not many anime have had me laughing out loud, but I kid you not, I laughed a few times watching this. And yes, Umehara and Gakuto did sound good. I will give them credit where it's due. They did fulfill the ikemen part really well. Almost too well.
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You know what? Even though the art was pretty mediocre, I'm going to give it a pass. It's hard to make a coloured manga. And it's hard to make an anime look good. Plus, they probably spent all of the budget on Anzu's face to the point where the guys look mediocre at best and can only be given "ikemen status" based on their voices alone.
I get why this anime might be a bit mixed in the aroace community, but I think we should enjoy media as it's handed to us. And what was handed to us is a genuinely good show that requires zero brain cells until the last half! Zero brain cells? That's me too!
Unlike most of the shows that I watch, I will rewatch this. Without a doubt. I'm rewatching it as we speak. Even for specific moments that made me laugh.
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imaddicted2hs · 2 years
ONE SHOT- Broken Mirror
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Its going to be sad sad so brace yourself guys.
And yes hey, posting after like decades lmao. Its just a little something i have been feeling lately so if you wanna feel a lil sad, this is the one shot maybe.
Word Count- 1.4k
Warnings- Angst
Happy Reading!!
I slowly breathe in as I mindlessly open my case. I grab the neck of my black guitar, pulling it out carefully. “You will play great y/n I know, don’t stress it too much yeah?” I give my friend a small tight lipped smile and look around to see if he’s there.
We don’t have the same class anymore but he has friends in my section so he often visits during the common break. I have spent nights memorising this very song by heart. I learned to play it on guitar so that I could sing it all out, all my feelings for him. But it will be like a knife was stabbed in my heart if he doesn’t show up. I notice a few heads turn towards me as I sit on the desk, positioning my guitar. I feel the coarse strings on my fingertips as I hold some random chords and give it a light strum. Before beginning with it I quickly glance at the door and to my surprise I make eye contact with him. It’s so quick that I barely see anything other than his green orbs looking at me and his body leaning at the door frame basically effortlessly. Without giving it a second thought I start strumming the intro attracting a few more half interested peeps around me. I get lost in singing right away because I have always felt those lyrics deep in my bones. I was in no way a singer but I was fine enough to not make other people’s ear bleed and sound tolerable if there was light music in the background.
“I wanna taste his lips, yeah cause they taste like you, I wanna drown myself in a bottle of his perfume.”
I made sure to change the pronouns as I sang the song and I tried my best, I really did, to not turn my head to the left as I said the you part but it was almost like my actions were out of my control. Ofcourse I regretted doing that because as soon as I turned my head, he stared right at me and I saw his eyebrows shoot up, which was almost unnoticeable, but I caught the slight surprise in his eyes. Regardless I continued and it felt like the song ended too fast or I swallowed a whole verse or something but maybe I was just being paranoid. My idiotic brain made sure to not skip looking at him at any of the ‘yous’. It was almost embarrassing because I felt like a few people noticed it. I strum the last chord and let it echo as I pull my hand away and smile at the small crowd in front of me. I didn’t even notice that I’d attracted a good amount, probably around 50 people, as I played. Not even a second later I heard a small applause and my friend's rushing words like “dude how” or “damn girl” as she gave me a side hug. I didn’t have the guts anymore to look at him again and my only friend who knew about him gave me a sympathetic look which I just shrugged to in response. So what really was the deal? Harry Styles. The boy I have liked since 7th grade, which means it’s been almost 5 years now. We were not strangers no but we weren’t close friends either. The dynamic we had was too confusing for me to understand properly. We actually did pretty great when it came to texting but it all came down to puddles of awkwardness and almost forced conversation whenever we tried to talk face to face. It wasn’t like that for the first year I’d met him but after two years of not seeing each other and only texting at times, it all ended in this weird ball of confusion. Almost like an intangible mess of lose threads. And what made it worse was my old ex best friend, now like a frenemy, was closer to him than I could ever be. It was almost excruciating to watch them talk so freely and even laugh together. It’s a thought that can make me bust into tears at anytime of the day so I won’t go down that road. I hear a few “that was really nice” and “great job, keep it up” as I start to put my guitar back in because boys around here can’t be trusted. All the compliments made sure to put a permanent smile on my face but my bubble is popped as soon as I see him approach me. “You looked adorable while playing the guitar.” It takes me a second to get a grasp of what he said but I mutter a quick thanks as I try to find something, anything, to do with my hands as we talked. “Could we talk for a moment?” I close my eyes and mentally curse myself because I had a feeling that this would happen but I also had a small hope that he won’t find the guts to do this. “Sure ofcourse” I reply as coolly as I could. I follow him as he tries to make small talks. I know I can break the ice and make it less hard but something inside me doesn’t want me to. Almost as if my soul is enjoying watching him struggle. “So how’s life treating you?” “Nothing much, what about you?” Him and his dry replies again. I just shrug in response to challenge that response. “So who’s the guy crush?” He askes me all of a sudden and I just scoff as a reflex. “Are you really asking me that right now?” My question is laced with annoyance and I can see that he’s taken back by my sudden change in mood but I’m done pretending now. Before he can say anything I attack him with my words. “Not a single glance I gave you was the answer to the question you just asked? I can’t take it anymore Harry, I can’t. Either you are just naive or you just don’t want to see what’s right in front of you.” My voice is shaking but I continue because his face portrays not a single emotion right now.
“You give me all of these mixed signals and I almost believe that you like me but then you sometimes say stuff that screams ‘we are friends’ right in my face. I like you Harry and this all is killing me.” I just stare at him because I know he deserves atleast a little time to comprehend it all. He sighs before he makes a go for it. “Y/n you’re cool and a nice friend but I’m just not looking for a relationship right now. But I promise that we can be really good friends. You can trust me.”
“That’s it? Good friends after this? What? Okay not looking for a relationship. With me or in general? And why didn’t I hear you say that you don’t reciprocate these feelings? What if that girl you like liked you back? You would date her I’m sure.” I can’t think straight as I bombard him with all these questions with tears daring to fall from my eyes. He just gives me a look from which I can’t make out anything and I just stand there watch him leave after he mutters an apology. I want to scream at him. I want to yell and let him know that now also he did nothing but communicate badly and I hate him for not liking me back but I don’t say any of that. Instead I break into tears and let all the frustration out because it really isn’t his fault. He never asked me to fall for him and he never asked me to get attached to him. He didn’t promise me a strong bond or a friendship. He didn’t because he didn’t need to. I fell into the ugliest trap of one sided love and I resent the fact that anything like that exists. I get a hold of myself and I sprint into the nearest restroom. I wash my face, tell myself everything is fine and somehow make it out alive of the next three hours of school. I reach home and in no time I lay on my bed and I cry and cry until I have no tears left. He didn’t feel the same. It felt like I had looked in a mirror, but it was broken. I’d shouted but the voice hadn’t echoed. I had thrown a pebble in the lake and the droplets hadn't repeled. I didn’t like this feeling and I just wanted to wallow in my sadness for the whole night. And that’s exactly what I did.
Thoughts??? Constructive criticism is welcomed, reblogs are appreciated and I hope I have improved. I'll writing something longer and better soon maybe. See ya till then;)
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nick--knack · 30 days
What's your favorite music album(s)?
oh my god. alright. i have so many in mind that i really like. so.
Well my all-time favourite has gotta be none other than Viribus Unitus by Dragony. I fucking love this album so much, the premise is so ridiculous but also fun and goofy and it feels like it was written specifically for me. The album tells a story about WW1 and Austria-Hungary's participation in it while putting a massive spin on history that includes dark magic, a zombie apocalypse, and more. I'm not good at explaining things but if you want, you can read the entire synopsis here and I guess there are a couple songs that I tend to skip while listening to it but nontheless it is a very good album. cough cough Love You To Death is the best song cough cough. Oh, and since we're talking about Dragony, Masters of the Multiverse is also worth checking out. That album is also full of bangers.
There is also Into The Enchanted Chamber by Timeless Miracle. Its the only album that the band released before disappearing, and every power metal fan eventually discovers it either as a blessing or a curse i'm sure, but goddamn its so good. I really love the sorta dark and gothic theme that the entire album has with its songs - again it's another album thats right up my alley. Good shit.
The last power metal albums I really like is The Monumental Mass: a Cinematic Metal Event by Powerwolf. If you listen to it in order, the songs are set up so the ending of one song blends into the other and I just really love it when albums do that. Also the slightly more intense and... well... cinematic sounding covers of their songs sound nice - Dancing With The dead in particular sticks out to me especially with the loud drums in the latter half. I often listen to this while i'm playing minecraft alone.
If you like folk rock, Herzblut by dArtagnan is absolutely full of bangers. Ruf der Freiheit, Mosqueteros, and The Riddle are my personal favourites, I couldn't stop listening to them on repeat the moment it came out. I also still find it a little crazy that they did some collabs with Visions of Atlantis, like I did not expect them to do a song together, this is like the music equivalent of some crazy cartoon crossover for me. Speaking of, Pirates II - Armada by Visions of Atlantis has SOOO many good songs aswell, this band in particular just keeps getting better with every release. Hellfire is peak.
For more history stuff, Foreign Skies by the Dreadnoughts is an album about WW1. Black Letters and Back Home in Bristol always get me a little emotional, and there's an EP that goes with this album called Foreign Sides (B-Sides) that you don't want to miss. Additionally, I've already mentioned it before but Pack Up Your Troubles - Wartime Favourites by The Billy Watson Band & Singers has a bunch of good history songs and its one of few albums where theres not one song that I skip.
As for classical music, my go-to for when I want some nice calming background music is this nifty little album simply called Viennese Violin by Michael Snyman and the Brooklyn Theatre Salon Ensemble. Alot of the songs in it are pretty short compared to the regular pieces that I listen to, and they all sound very nice so I guess thats another no-skip album on my list. This one is a bit of a random one but Komzák, Kmoch, Fučík: Old Czech Marches and Dances by Czech Philiharmonic also has a nice collection of songs, all of them sound very regal and/or energetic. We got some songs by our boy Fučíc in here. You know, the guy who wrote the circus theme. If regular old classical is too boring then you can listen to the album Wiener Blut by Céline Roscheck which are essentially violin dubstep remixes of a bunch of Strauss songs. I fucking love Strauss, he's probably my favourite classical music composer, so I really lost my shit when I first listened to her remix of Tritsch Trastch Polka and Radetzky March.
If you want something darker and cabaret-ish, Red Hot & Holy by Sarah and the Safe word and Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James are good to check out. I don't really know what else to say, just go listen go them.
As for lately, i've been listening to did an oopsie by Uamee alot. It's his latest release and I dunno man, he kinda cooked with this one - ESPECIALLY Dirst Ej Cake. I've also been listening to Rokotsu by syundou lately, it wasn't recently released or anything but that one is also great.
ANYWAYS im cutting the rant short here otherwise i'll be up all night talking about music. As much as I would love to, I have to work tomorrow so I can't.
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as Shit I've Heard This Week 5
Another a long one🙃
Medda: Hows it going?
Davey: Not terrible
Medda: Ah... well we aren't aiming for terrible so I guess we're on the right track
Elmer: Do you have memories by Taylor Swift?
Jojo: Do you like Jesus?
Crutchie: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Race: Probably that random guys sweat shirt
Crutchie: Which random guy
Race: The one from freshman year
Crutchie: From the football game?
Race: No the basketball game
Crutchie: Ohh the blonde freshman basketball guy
Race: No the one who had purple highlights
Crutchie: Oh! Okay that guy
Race: Yeah
Spot: Why the fuck did you pull so many guys as a freshman?
Race: You say it like I don't still pull
Jack, either about Medda or his partner: She spewed words at me over the phone but I was mad and I wasn't listening so I have no clue what she was trying to tell me
Race: I was hot. Right? Spot?
Spot, either not listening or avoiding his feelings: That car was going way too fast
Jojo: Is that your stuff??
Elmer: No?
Jojo: Who's stuff is on your chair??? Ugh! Excuse her! What is this
Race, after getting a concussion: This Barbie has brain damage
Race: Okay I woke up and I felt like shit, lately I've always felt like shit when I wake up but it was extra bad today so I just started crying
Davey, who's learned sometimes Race just needs to talk and not be consoled: It be like that sometimes
Race: So I was trying to do my eyeliner but I was crying and that- well that doesn't go too well
Davey: Right because your eye liner isn't waterproof
Race: I really need to invest in waterproof liner but the guy I'm seeing thinks it's hot when my makeup gets fucked up when I suck hi-
Davey: that took a turn a little too far for your volume to still be this loud
Crutchie: are you ready for Mandatory Corn Hole?
Buttons: Have you found the post where she talks about eggs growing on trees?
Jojo: What's being in the school musical like?
Elmer: Uh so do you know Stockholm Syndrome? It's like that
Jack: It's that time the moment you've all been waiting for: me to stop talking
Graves: Hey if you're gonna die just lemme know *gestures to shirt advertising a cemetery he works at*
York: You can get me in there?
Graves: I can dig your grave for you
York: That almost sounds like a threat but I know you
Jack: He's such a little dictator !!!
Medda: I didn't know what you were going to say-
Jack: He's such a dick /tator/
Jojo: Is the test tomorrow going to take all period?
Medda: The way this review is going? Probably
Davey, who recently began to gage his ears and has noticed an accompanying smell: I was trying to read an article-
Race: Was it about how your ears smell like cheese?
Crutchie: ... What
Romeo: I saw you holding out your hands like you were showing the size of something
Race: Oh yeah someone's dick
Romeo: :0
Romeo: I'm gonna go back to reading my gay webtoon now
Oscar: *in the background* I shaved my pubes earlier
Davey: 😟
Crutchie: Did you hear that too??
Davey: I heard it
Crutchie: Who the fuck just says??
Davey: out loud??
Race: *holds out an entire handful of quarters* I put a 10 in the vending machine because I got thirsty
Albert, cishet: shut up
Race, gay and afab nonbinary: Are you???
Albert: Yes.
Race: You just???
Albert: Yes.
Race: You hate gay people!
Albert: Yes!
Race: You hate women!
Albert: Yes!
Race: You just called me a tranny!!!
Albert: Yea!!
Race: :0
(They're best friends)
Davey: I tried washing it off but my hand is still sticky
Race: That's what she said
Davey: :0 you're the reason why non binary peo aren't recognized by the LGBT community
Race: :00
Race, to Albert: DID YOU HEAR THAT
Albert: No. He got away with it. I didn't hear a thing.
Romeo, in an official award acceptance speech: I would like to thank my peers for voting for me to receive this honor, my dad for always supporting me, peanut butter for its buttery goodness, and my friends for always having my back
Elmer, to Buttons in the audience: did he just-
Buttons: thank peanut butter for its buttery goodness? Yeah. Yeah he did.
Elmer: isn't he-
Buttons: yeah he's allergic to peanuts.
Race: Whenever I hear "terrible towel" from the sports ball people I think "cum rag"
Spot: you think WHAT
Sarah: I love sexism I have sexism every night
Race, looking in his phone camera: I am so hot omg
Jack: I'm actually kinda col- oh. I thought you were talking about temperature
Graves: Why's he got his shirt unbuttoned like he's prince Sebastian
Graves: from the little mermaid??
Sarah: Don't worry I would never trade you for money. Only Bitcoin
Davey: Kill yourself. Die
Sarah: You first!
Davey: Kill yourself!
Sarah: You first!
Sarah: Faggot!
Davey: You're a faggot first!
Sarah: Faggot! You like men!
Davey: You like women first!
Sarah: At least they're better!
Davey: Ah- yeah...
Elmer, walking into Brooklyn for the first time: Oh my god! WEAR YOUR CLOTHES!!!
Denton, an english teacher who's never met Jack: Did you know that the West symbolizes death and endings?
Jack: What.
Davey: Legend has it- or SCIENCE has it-
Albert: Shut the fuck up
Race: Sit on my lap
Medda: I would crush you
Race: I've gotten crushed in football I'm used to it
Medda: Not this much buddy
Buttons: It's like when your dog runs away. That's how I feel without Splasher... Fido come home...
Race: It was dark and windy and there were no lights on and suddenly there was a machette
Davey: I was gone for 2 seconds what did I walk into
Specs: This freaks me out. I can't deal with things touching my eye. It's why I don't wear contact lenses. Cuz I'm a big baby
Davey: You get rid of noro virus by... *vague hand gestures* both ends... As people say... And that doesn't mean you play both quarterback and line backer it's... It's not good
Splasher: Will that thing we did last year work again?
Medda: No, I don't think so... It's cool but it's not that cool
(You don't understand how funny this was, it was our (very conservative) biology teacher talking about baiting his freshmen to bring back "phat with a ph" for bonus points)
Davey: I could light myself on fire and I don't think they'd even notice. At some point I think someone would go "...*sniff* *sniff* ugh I don't think lunch is gonna be good today" and they would have no idea that I burned to death
Davey, teacher: *drawing examples on the board* how about that? I'm hard pressed to make anything else because I can't draw but you get the point
Denton: It's like you're stabbing Ms. Medda in the eye
Crutchie: What.
Denton: Like a jump scare like- TRUTH
Crutchie: What compels you to say that? You could have said anything else
Denton: Because that's what it feels like!
Albert: We have a pep assembly on a Tuesday? What has the world come to?
Romeo: Do you want some gmo rats? They count as fruit
Jack: Maybe I'll just wallow in depression and everyone who's here can observe like I'm a zoo animal
Davey: I think that's less likely than biological warfare- which is real. Biological warfare is REAL
Jack: Dave, I love you, but what the fuck does that have anything to do with me asking if it's pizza day?
Davey: sorry I'm in a mood and all I can think about is bio-
Jack: biological warfare? Yeah I noticed
Jack: Some of my answers are like a politician. Like... "He talked a lot but... he didn't really say anything... Like that really wasn't an answer that... I was looking for"
Davey: They're serial killers!
Jack: But the good kind?
Davey: *overjoyed* BUT THE GOOD KIND!! A VIGILANTE!!!
Race: It's science but Master Chef
Davey, tutoring a large group: When these cells mature, they no longer laugh at potty jokes. Until then they're insufferable to be around...
Literally everyone: *silence*
Davey: You guys can laugh that was funny
Everyone: *nothing*
Davey: A... Science joke...
Albert: *exaggerated* Ha ha
Davey: I appreciate that, thank you Albert
Finch: Ah!! A freshman left his water bottle here!! *drags trash bin across the floor and knocks water bottle into it with a meter stick* gross. Infectious. That's how you take care of that
Denton: The original Trojan horse
Race: *gasps* transgender!
Race: Spray tan or tanning bed?
Spot: ...What?
Race: Spray tan or tanning bed?
Spot: ...Neither? Go outside?
Albert: *Sarcastic* yeah go phospholipids
Davey: *excited* yeah! Phospholipids!! That's what's up!
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Brief Introduction to Kleo’s Approach to Cartomancy
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Hello my dear followers and random visitors of this blog.
Welcome here and make yourself at home.
Recently this little blog of mine is attracting some attention and not only from those who are into tarot or cartomancy in general.
I get messages from people who are not completely sure what to think about tarot or they haven’t encountered this ancient art often in the future. To make things easier for all of you, I think it’s about time I give you a very brief introduction to my approach to cartomancy and tarot, how I do readings, pick the topics, assemble the spreads and choose the wording. And maybe some little tips and tricks on how you can spice up your own tarot experience, too.
What is Cartomancy?
Cartomancy is fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards. You can literally use any deck of any cards to start fortune-telling. You don’t even have to be a psychic. You can be sitting in a comfy chair, being bored by Netflix and just grab a deck of playing cards and start with cartomancy.
Yes, it sounds simple when I put it like this. And it actually is simple. Obviously, like any other skill, cartomancy improves with practice. If you’re a psychic or have stronger intuition, your progress is likely to be faster. It’s like some children are born with a musical talent and can play piano compositions at the age of 5 while you are 30 and still struggling with Mary had a Lamb. Some people have a natural talent for cartomancy but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it without the talent. You can. You’re only going to need more time, more practice, more studying. But you, too, can become an awesome tarot fortune-teller. If that’s your goal.
I said you can use any deck of any cards and it’s true but there are types of cards that are specifically designed for cartomancy purposes. You probably have already heard about tarot. Tarot is recently the most popular method but it’s not the only one. You can use oracle cards, Lenormand, Kipper or even runic cards for fortune telling. Each type has its pros and cons, you might find out you really vibe with oracle cards but can’t find a meaning in Kipper for example. It’s really individual and depends on your personal taste.
My approach to cartomancy
In my practice, I use all the mentioned types of cards. I especially love tarot. Why? Because there’s a psychological depth to the card meanings and there’s a certain pattern or order. I love patterns and order. Excel is my favourite Microsoft tool.
Anyway! My personal approach to cartomancy is less psychic or magical and more psycho-analytical. Carl Gustav Jung, one of the fathers of psycho-analysis, had a great respect towards tarot as the Major Arcana cards are describing the basic archetypes most people on the planet will understand regardless of their cultural background. The Empress symbolises the archetype of mother, and mother is something that holds similar meaning to all nations - a person who gives life, creates, brings abundance. Ask anyone in the world about the characteristics of a mother and they will give similar answers. Jung called it collective unconscious - some terms are perfectly understandable for mankind as a whole. And tarot is an awesome tool to connect with your own collective unconscious. I believe there's no magic behind my tarot readings. The cards will never tell me something I didn’t know at all. They will simply bring to the spotlight something I have known, something my mind has already noticed, only pushed it to the back because at the moment it wasn’t necessary to be further examined. When tarot cards talk to me, they make me face things I subconsciously pushed away for some reason. The cards simply pull it back and make me deal with it. Or when I do readings for other people, they unknowingly give me hints. Through the cards, I can better decipher those hinds and find the right wording. You don’t realise it but the way word requests, the information you give me about yourself, even the time of day you requested, everything gives hints. I might not be able to decipher everything and also the communication online is limited but the cards will help me to recognize what you have hinted to me so I can tell you something that resonates with you. Because it’s something you already indirectly told me. Lol… Now I’m not sure if it makes sense.
Anyway! Let’s move on!
Kleo’s tarot readings
I prefer to do psycho-analytical tarot readings, obviously. I love psychology. I never studied it but I read many books as a hobby. I like to observe people and how they behave. And I like to use this knowledge in my tarot readings.
I also prefer to look at things from unusual perspectives. It can happen that I will refuse to do a reading which sounds like something that has been done a million times before. Sorry about that but you can always ask a different tarot reader.
Kleo’s tarot spreads
I love to make tarot spreads! The mere idea of a reading with clear structure and order is just fabulous! (We are back to my Excel obsession.)
I assemble spreads in a way so they describe a certain situation or scenario. There’s usually some development through the spread. I try to make them fun and interesting, too. I’m not a very serious person myself and I truly prefer to have fun when doing tarot reading. You can disagree with me or say I’m somewhat ruining the sacred tradition but that’s your opinion. Just unfollow me if you have a problem with my approach to tarot.
Kleo’s wording
I never use an accusatory tone in my readings. Every person has a reason to act the way they do. Nobody is born a mean b*tch. If people see you that way, it’s because they don’t know about your past traumas or unsettled issues. I have several tarot spreads describing the more negative characteristics of personality and I even have an astrology based series Idols After Dark describing the dark sides of celebrities and never ever use an accusatory tone. Once again we are back to Carl Gustav Jung. He believed that every person has their dark sides. The trick to handle them is to thoroughly examine them, embrace them, love them, accept them the way they are and bring them to light. Jung thought that suppressing your dark sides, chaining them, hiding them in the corners of your mind will only result in serious mental issues and life resentment. And I agree. And honestly, imperfect people are so much more interesting. People who acknowledge their dark sides and aren’t ashamed of them are the ones who made my life so much richer and taught me things I would never learn from anybody else.
So! If you feel like you are a dark, damaged, crooked, unlovable person, chances are I will actually love you. And I will encourage you to embrace all your imperfections and turn them into your beauty traits. And suddenly you become popular and loved by many and you will leave me for someone prettier than me and here go my trust issues. I’m embracing them, just haven’t found how to actually make them attractive yet. Working on it.
How to do kinky or spicy tarot readings?
Association game. You know how therapists will tell you a word and you are supposed to tell them the first word that comes to your mind? Do the same with tarot only limit the scope of your answers to kinky. Take the keywords for the card and associate something spicy with them. Or just examine the imagery of the card and find something kinky in there. It’s not easy at first but with practice you will be able to see sexy positions in anything. Now I’m not sure if it’s actually good to teach you this. I mean… You have your own free will.
I’m not sure if I have made things easier for you, guys, or maybe I confused you even more now. My brain, unfortunately, is a little scattered. It doesn’t follow my love for order and structure. 
If you have any questions regarding tarot or cartomancy as a whole, or regarding my tarot readings, feel free to ask. My inbox is at your service, my DMs are open, my email address is [email protected]. If you want me to recommend some tarot reading you should check out, just tell me what you are interested in and I will direct you to something I think could be your taste.
I wish you all a blessed time!
Your Oracle Kleo 🦄
P.S. Do you feel tempted to request for a reading now? Check the open games below!
Tarot Games 🎲
Do you prefer PAC readings?
Pick-A-Pile (PAC) Masterlist
And if you like my work and would like to support me financially so I can further cultivate my tarot skill and grow my deck collection, you can always make a voluntary donation through my ko-fi.
LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
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wonder-teo · 5 months
Entry 3
Date: 4/26/2024 Approx. Time Frame: 10:56am-11:50am Days Since First Contact: 10 Locations Visited: 4 - Tsubu Woods - Secret Inlet - Amile Forest - Nest Creatures Sighted: - Finfin (With picture!) - Heartbird - V-Rex (Sound only) - Palm Tree Snake (With pictures!) - Unidentified dolphin-bird - Piki Seal (With pictures!) - Floating Flora (With pictures!) - Shulu Bird (With picture!) - Windy Bird (With pictures!) - Hawatchi-Bird (With picture!) - Finfin Jr. (With pictures!) - Blue Eye (With picture!) - Pokari (With pictures!) - Hoverfly (With pictures!) - Finnina (With pictures!)
Notes and sightings under cut. Notes I deemed important are in pink bold italics. As you can see, I took a lot of pictures today, so this entry may be longer than normal. I will make separate posts of the pictures for each creature later.
Tsubu Woods - Visited Finfin in Tsubu Woods - He was in the middle of flying around the right tree and singing - He flitted around for a bit before returning to the right tree and singing his song again - Finfin left, now there is only the sound of howling wind - Picture of the Tsubu Woods today (~11am)!
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[Similar but notably different color from my picture in Entry 1] - The wind stopped. Now, only silence. Eerie...
Secret Inlet - Noting the Tsubu Wood's color reminded me to check the Perna Lotus Flowers, relating to an odd observation back in Entry 2 where they just disappeared out of nowhere - The lotuses are still absent. Maybe rollover to Late April really did occur at a bizarre time back then - Heartbird sighting - I heard V-Rex! No visuals to accompany it that I saw. I know in Rem River Bank, you can see V-Rex in the background sometimes, but I didn't spot anything in the background here - Palm Tree Snake! Took some pictures of her majesty
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[Can you tell she's my favorite?] - Unidentified dolphin-bird stuck their head out of the water and sighed. Who are you??? I've heard speculation, but I need confirmation! Tell me your name! - Piki Seal! Grabbed a couple pics! Here's one of them
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[How darling! I wonder if it's looking for Finfin]
Amile Forest - Caught up with Finfin in the Amile Forest - He was on the close branch when I arrived, but when I offered a yellow Lemo Fruit, he flew off to the far treetop - He soon flew to the left branch, and I took a pic (~11:20am)!
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[Something to note is that the clouds in the background are in these sort of cirrus shapes] - We had a nice moment as I dictated out loud while writing my notes and Finfin listened - Finfin flew away. See you later! - A lovely little plant driften across my screen! Got a bunch of pictures! Here are a couple of them
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[Seems to be a Floating Flora. It seems to be orange instead of the light pink seen in the Encyclopedia. Maybe color is random or seasonal?] - Shulu Bird! It's far in the distance, but I grabbed a picture anyway
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[I probably won't make this one into its own post, given the quality] - Windy Bird! Took some pictures, here are a couple
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[It appears to be green instead of the blue coloration in the Encyclopedia. I guess it's a similar situation to the Floating Flora] - Hawatchi-Bird! Got a picture
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[Lots of birds today!]
Nest - Finfin Jr. was already outside of the den when I arrived!
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[Just chilling!] - He soon kinda danced in place while singing softly
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[Getting lost in his own music] - After a bit, he turned around and walked towards the water, showing off his cute back stripes!
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[Bright green and beautiful!] - Blue Eye sighting with a picture!
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[Seems like it's enjoying the partly cloudy weather on Teo right now!] - Pokari sighting! Got a bunch of pictures, here's my favorite!
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[Even Finfin Jr. looked on at it!] - I am so scared for Finfin Jr.... He got so close to the lemodoki on the right multiple times. I kept thinking he was going to try to eat it - Hoverfly! Got a couple of pictures of it and Finfin Jr.!
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[I think it's stated in the Encyclopedia that Hoverfly and Finfin are friends. I wonder if they will be, too] - Seems like Finfin Jr. is trying to get the hang of flying!
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[He got a little bit off the ground for a while, just gotta work on that endurance!] - Finfin Jr. kicked a rocked up in the air, and it landed on his head. The poor thing began crying. Pictures if you're a miserly old coot who loves to see children in distress
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[Would it be a bad look to post these pictures separately? Eh, I'll decide later] - Finfin Jr. went back to the den and is calling out. Finfin come pick up your son from soccer practice - Finnina's here!
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[Momma's here to save the day!]
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[Oh, she's just getting fish for Finfin Jr.!] - Finnina fed Finfin Jr.! Cute - I think Finnina has it from here. I'll leave them be
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walkyjake · 1 year
Meu Listens to Teenage Gizzard (2010-2011)
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Main Post - Optional Supplementary Post
Technically this was a 2020 release, but the songs are from the very very early days of gizz ^_^ then one day they decided to put them out into the world for real... some of these songs were made before Ambrose was even in the band!
It’s a garage punk, surf kinda psych rock compilation album. Its very lo-fi, like you can hear the noise bouncing off of the walls. Made back when Stu was still couch surfing I reckon, and they were just playing at random shows and probably weren’t even called King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard yet. it’s cool to think about that kind of era, for any band i think. The novelty of being just a whatever group of guys playing music just cuz! it’s kind of beautiful.
This is actually the first gizz album I got on vinyl (along with Butterfly 3000). It was a gift from my mother... ^_^ she must’ve just picked the first albums she saw on the Gizzverse store HA! I havent listened to it yet but the disc is SUPER pretty, honestly one of my fav I own. it’s the... blue cloudy holy water pressing by needlejuice. cool..!
Oh yeah... so given this is the first one I’m listening to, and I know that there won’t be much to say about the songs, this will be quite simple. That is the nature of this album.
I basically am just listening + writing + have the Genius page open on another monitor for lyrics. And then maybe I’ll look for related things about this album (and all the others) like live vids and trivia and yeah. ok.
king gizzard is born!!!
1. Hey There (3:57)
It’s a song about falling in love. It’s cute. I did not know that in the middle of the song he goes “Girl what’s in my hair?” a buncha times. I like how jumpy that part sounds! It’s a simple garage song. It feels really laid-back, like compared to how the gizz albums after this open. Like I think of Elbow from 12 Bar Bruise and it has a bit more of a punchy and organized vibe than this. Teen Gizz is like the most barebones sound… it’s cool.
2. Ants & Bats (3:13)
The like, bassline I think, that plays throughout the whole song is so cool. This song feels menacing. Ohh the part at around 1:40 where the key changes! What that’s so cool I didn’t expect that. This song feels like bugs crawling, I guess that makes sense. Bugs stalking around their environment being evil and awesome. These lyrics here are also very good:
Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo
3. Sleep (3:40)
Stu loves writing songs about sleep! (Sleep Drifter, Sleepwalker, I’m Sleepin’ In) Wow!
I got up early And you've got up too And you pull me under And you say "My leg" But I don't wanna go back to sleep again But I don't wanna stay like this for five more minutes
This is cute, he’s writing about his partner. I guess that is kind of a theme in this album because you will hardly see that in the music going forward (here and there, like in Honey, or the Butterfly 3000 title track)
It’s very bouncy! A lot of these songs are just bouncy and are a little bit hard to distinguish from each other. And it seems Stu is always making noises like he sounds like he’s running around in circles in a chamber or something.
4. Summer! (2:48)
I’ve seen this before! In the future!
It's hot, it's mean, summer, to me Green grass, won't last, sky blue, me too
These are lyrics that are repurposed in the Gumboot Soup song Muddy Water!!! It’s cute. Absolutely a summer feeling song ^_^
Ah now this album is starting to make sense to me. It’s the kind of album I will have on in the background. But that’s good. Some music is like that, where it sounds better when they are played as “accompaniment music.” I’d listen to this while I’m outside and it’s really hot. Since I’m traveling this summer to go see Gizz play live, maybe I’ll listen to this a bunch while I am outside. I think that would be nice.
I’ve always loved how, in both this song and Muddy Water, that there’s kind of a movement the song simulates in my mind. It feels like stepping one foot in front of the other but not at the same time. Like the left foot stays in the air for a long time as you bring it over and the right foot comes over really quickly. And you wave your arms out like an airplane would make turns. Kind of like how a drunk person would walk maybe, lol? Like in a comical sense. A lot of songs can evoke this imaginary feeling of a specific kind of movement/kinesthetic sensation.
5. Eddie Cousin (2:38)
The lyrics here are very simple!!! OK, kind of goes without saying because thats how this album is. Hehe. Also there’s a female vocalist in the back here huh? This definitely seems like the most garage song so far. Like I actually feel like I’m in a garage with a buncha people because some friend told me that they know some guys who play music and they invited me to go listen and it’s just this really freeball kinda party thing happening its sooooo funny. This song is cool.
Also they played it on TV? Lol. This is a funny video. Look how young they are ‘_ `
6. Fried (3:10)
Ohh, the beginning kind of reminds me of how Eyes Like The Sky sounds. But then it gets back to more garage. Yknow how it is !!!
I suppose another part of the album where I am thinking, “this is so funny, to think about the kind of music Stu is writing nowadays, and how complex it all has become.” And that’s literally just how evolution is. Over 12 years or so. But even then this is still good ^_^
7. Good To Me (2:23)
Oh yeah I like this one! It has a more sudden start and it’s just a catchy tune idk. It’s swing?? ohhh. And that female voice is back. Oh but “The repetitive lyrics make it very clear that the girl in the song doesn’t treat the narrator well.” Oh How Unfortunate. Neat song though.
8. Tomb/Beach (3:46)
OHH ^_^ Woa this one is especially good! Like all the rest are nice quaint songs but this one has a much cooler vibe to me. It has more interesting lyrics, I love how it opens, it sounds like a wave crashing a lot into like a really small cave so there’s a lot of pressure into one small space. Like a whirlpool.
Lie in the whirl Makes you hurt Lie in the sky Makes you high In my tomb, in my tomb In my tomb, in my tomb
Definitely makes sense!!! But yeah, the guitar soundsss or whatever that play in the beginning and the end of the song cus that’s where you hear them more isolated. I love those. Awesome song.
9. Trench Foot (1:55)
AHHH this song is hitting me with a pool noodle thats what it feels like. OHH THERES HARMONICA!!! Hello Ambrose =D I love all the chanting and yelling.
There’s a lot more instrument sounds here with that harmonica like I kind of hear some kinda clanging and ohh its cool. Short song but cool.
10. Life Is Cool (2:10)
YEAHH!!! I already listen to this a bit, out of all the songs in the album! This my favorite! It’s so so so fun and I think encapsulates very very early gizz the best!
Life is cool Then you die Stick a needle in your eye Cars are fun Then you crash
Omg, there’s also a little more lyrics about self harm… Interesting because this is the most cheerful sounding on this album I think. But I suppose I can understand it. It’s kind of a careless attitude song.
I can not describe specifically how wondrous this song is though. Like the rest of this album it’s like awesome crashing waves. No wonder the album cover is Like That. But it’s so so cute. I like that it’s the closer.
This is such a “King Gizzard” song to me. The gizz songs that have this particular effect on me, where they make me particularly happy in a sense separate from how usually makes me happy. From the specific composition of the song, there is like this Minutia of high twangy guitar notes that play at the second set of verses about a minute in the song and I think they are cute. All the woos and chanting and stuff. They’re in all the other songs but it seems special here I think. It is sooo joyous on somewhat of a more overarching scale. OK, I realize now that it literally just makes me think about how “life is cool,” isn’t that so silly. Well it’s awesome and I love it.
And that is kind of a feeling that I experience throughout all of the discog. This really intense feeling of insurmountably and awe and like gratefulness, or something. Some songs just REALLY capture that and so. Life Is Cool is definitely one of those.
I wish I could hear it live someday but. They’ve only played it once ever. Alas!
Theres so much noise in this album. I love the guitar feedback sounds and how rough it is. It sounds like they made the songs on this album with a metal can and some nails. And they kicked some dirt around and it got eeeverywhere <- they just did that for fun though.
I think it’s cute! There really is not much else to say but having the context of all the music I have to listen to next is really cool... Because I already see the path of progression and evolution of the band and whatever. Humble beginnings... ‘w` Consensus: cool kicky summer album. life is cool is my favorite. so cute, so youthful.
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Hi hello !!! I'm here for the Redacted Audios match-ups, sooo Here ya go !!!
Punching Bag by Set it off, I love that band. I've been listening to them since middle school. I like when it says, “So say goodbye to your Mr.Nice Guy you got your wish, he’s rotting in hell..”, cuz that’s when the beat drops and I just like how it sounds. 
So I took the test just for this and apparently I’m type 5 “the investigator”. I don’t really know much about this but hope that tells you whatever you need to know. 👁👄👁👍
Not really, but I do love watching movie and drama video essays as background noise while I’m doing something else.
I didn’t have an imaginary friend...so…💀👌. Nah you know what let me make up one. His name was Bob the builder and he was the filler for my absent father figure. 😀👍
I usually end up falling asleep while listening to ASMR, I mean one of the reasons I love ASMR is cuz its great background noise.
I’ve never really wanted to change my name, but I think names like Hyacinth and Rain are pretty cool. They sound like character names and also I love nature so it’s like the perfect match up.
At the moment I really like listening to Milo’s play-through of the Mortuary Assistant. I just find it entertaining to watch and, again, I like to put it as background noise.
Ollie (sorry), I just don’t really find him interesting at all. Which I get he isn’t trying to be a super complex character, like that isn’t his purpose, but because I just don’t have much feelings for him.
H2O just add water and Mako Mermaids were my shit when I was little, and even now I still go back from time to time, I’ve watched all the seasons of both series multiple times over and to this day I continue to be a mermaid fanatic.
Not really, at least not that I know of, but I do love knowing random fun facts about miscellaneous subjects. More specifically about Greek mythology, space, and folklore.
Gatorade with a ham sub sandwich.
I don’t really know if you are asking about music or ASMR so I will give you both. I’m currently obsessed with ‘EPIC the musical’ . It's a musical about the Greek poem ‘The Odyssey’.
My guilty pleasure is, very predictably, ASMR. I just find it relaxing and I love the stories that can be told through. 
Other stuff about me: I’m a Taurus and my mbti is INTJ. uuh I don’t really know what else to say so I hope this is enough info about me. This was pretty fun. I felt like I was having an interview about myself. :]
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Ahhh, a Type Five, INTJ, oh, that is fun (and the same stats as Sherlock Holmes probably). Intellectual, curious, thoughtful, always thinking, always learning… I think a little serenity might do you some good.
Something about the way you talk about background noise while you work and relax makes me wonder how busy your brain must be; does that make sense? (I’m the same way, like I need mental fidget toys to focus properly?) I imagine Cam would be so helpful in that respect, with his even voice and his soothing demeanor.
You know what would be so lovely that I could absolutely imagine? Cam strikes me as a pretty old daemon, not as old as Vega but older, distinguished… the type to love Shakespeare, Dickens, the classics. Just imagine leaning your head on his shoulder as he reads to you, whatever book of whatever country’s lore your heart fancies that day. You get a nap, he gets a snack, everybody’s happy~!
When your legs don't work like they used to before/ And I can't sweep you off of your feet/ Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love/ Will your eyes still smile from your cheek
I don’t know how I feel about mixing Cam with Ed Sheeran either, I’ll admit, but it’s the vibes. Man strikes me as a romantic who likes a slower, sweeter kind of song- the kind you don’t necessarily dance to but hold each other and sway, you know? (Also, to throw a little bitter in with that sweet, he would actually love you until your legs don’t work like they used to before… and then some. Probably forever.)
Lowkey, I like Morgan for you because he gives off a lot of the same vibes as Cam: sweet, understanding, a good listener. Elliott, I like for you because he would have lost his mind at your absent father figure joke. Don’t ask me how I know that, but he just would definitely have that sense of humor. It would make him literally lol, and that’s just fun /pos
Note: I feel you I’ve had Warrior of the Mind stuck in my head for weeks
Tell me about yourself, answer some fun questions, and I’ll match you with the Redacted boy I ship you with the most! 💌
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