#its so annoyingly english sometimes and i feel at the moment its got such a smug and self congratulatory tone and pretty much all the
aiteanngaelach · 4 months
the problem with dr who is that its got so many fundamentally shitty and annoying aspects and half that shit appeals to me. and the other half annoys the shit out of me
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fireflyinsummer · 3 years
An Amalgamation Waltz 1839. |01|
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> pairing: min yoongi x reader
> genre: FallenAngel!AU
> words: 23k
> warnings: hints of smut (heavy make out), a scene of harassment (nothing explicit), violence. possible heresy. forgive me. a third party’s unrequited feelings for OC. don’t know if i did this right, it’s 3 am right now.
> summary: When it comes to the both of you, a lifetime is not enough. And when it comes to you, there’s really no lines he wouldn’t be willing to cross. Even on the brink of a war that could destroy the world as we know it, you’re everything.
  “ (...) ‘Would you be able to love someone as tainted as him?’ he asked wistfully.
  You lifted your upper body, compelling him to a sitting position as well.
   ‘I’ve never had to,’ you pecked his lips chastely, even though he still kept his eyes trained on the grass underneath you.”
a/n: my love for Paradise Lost gave birth to this. i really like this one :) gonna be posting the second (and last) part soon! no need to say that PL was just an inspiration, this isn’t exactly based on the poem. 
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                                               “(…) Here at least
We shall be free, the almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in hell:
Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.”
     The sudden thud on the wooden surface of the table made you jolt and close the book, heart rate increasing considerably.
  “Y/N.” His voice was deep, dragging your name through his teeth to evince his annoyance. The bustling café was already at its peak hours and you didn’t even notice the time as it passed you by.
  “Yes, Taehyung?” You ogled your grumpy friend, his noisy arrival being due to the study material he tossed in front of you.
  “You said you’d help me with English lit. I was waiting for you at the library for about an hour and your phone is off.” As you remembered why you were even in the café in the first place, you threw him a guilty look. He pouted. “Hey, what does that Milton guy have that I don’t? And the fancy words don’t count.” You giggled.
  “John Milton has nothing on you, Tae. He’d probably need my help to get through this semester as well.” The joke seemed to almost let you in his good graces again, but you knew he still needed the bribery. “I’ll buy you your favorite if you forgive me.” You could tell he was fighting back a smile upon hearing your offer, his mood suddenly uplifted.
  “Okay. But don’t think I’ll let you off the hook that easily.”
  “I wouldn’t dare. Wait here.” You went to the balcony to pay the check and get his frappuccino to go. Taehyung was a sweet guy who liked sweet things, and that also applied to his coffee. His sweet tooth earned him a nickname from you – Marzipan. Waiting for the bartender to finish your order, you looked over where your best friend was digging through your copy of Paradise Lost without much enthusiasm.
   You had moved in next door to his house about fifteen years ago, and you two instantly initiated a solid friendship. As much as you could say about three-year-olds. Despite him being one of your favorite people in the whole world, the both of you were into totally different things. He went to parties, you enjoyed some lone quality time. He played all sorts of sports, you preferred to stick to your writing and, sometimes, the piano. You were still working on the latter. But even though you seemed to be totally opposites, he still got you like no one else could. He was the person you told all your secrets to, not that you had that many anyway, and you liked to think – no, you were sure of it – he felt the same way about you.
  “Here’s your overly-sweet drink, Marzipan. I don’t even know if you can still call it coffee,” you scowled.
  “Don’t diss my frappuccino, it’s the sole reason of my forgiveness.”
  “Yeah, right. So, you wanna get going? I’m sure you have a lot of thoughts on that book already.”
  “It was very average so far, if I do say so myself. I don’t know why you like it so much,” he teased you.
  “Well, that’s what the private lessons are for. So I can teach you good taste.” You pushed the door open and immediately shivered as you felt a cold gush of air. It was snowing.
  “Here, take my coat. Why don’t you ever wear decent clothes in the winter? I swear to God, I don’t know how you never caught something serious, like pneumonia or whatever,” he scolded.
  “You don’t have to. We’re near home anyway,” you tried to reassure him, but he was, as usual, outwardly ignoring it. “Really, Tae, it’s no big deal. Let’s go.” He was ready to fight you on this one, but you were already walking away. He took a few hurried steps to catch up.
  After a ten-minute walk, daylight was almost completely gone, lit lampposts following its wake. You both hit the front door rug with your feet several times before getting inside, your mom was a bit freaky when it came to cleaning.
  “Mom, Tae’s here!” You shouted from the living room, guessing she was in the kitchen. “We’re going upstairs for a bit! School work!”
  “Okay, honey! Tell him that dinner will be ready soon!” She responded.
  “I love you, Ms. D’Angelis!” He shot back. Yes, you had an italian background. When she heard his voice, she made sure to come out and greet him.
  “Love you, too, honey”, she pecked his forehead and he beamed. They liked each other way too much for their own good. “And you,” she pointed in your direction, “give mamma a kiss.”
  You sighed before attending to her request. It was in your best interest not to fight it. “Okay, enough of this. We’ll be upstairs if you need us.”
  “Have fun, kids.” You sure would. Taehyung might beg to differ.
  The rest of the night was somewhat peaceful. You had helped Taehyung as much as you could before your mother called you out to eat, claiming that you shouldn’t starve the boy and then make him eat a cold meal. He couldn’t agree fast enough. For the most part, that was your life. Uncomplicated and comfortable, which was plenty for an eighteen year old. When you went to bed after practicing the piano for a little while, you were completely unaware of the pair of pitch black eyes that observed you through the window. But he was fully aware of you.
                                                                    [Fear of the Water, by SYML]
  You knew it was a dream. From the moment your brain processed the heavenly sight that unrevealed before your eyes, you knew. It was breaking dawn, the soft orange light kissing the ocean like a long lost lover. You were at the end of a cliff, but couldn’t find it in yourself to be afraid. You looked down at the waves that broke into the rocks almost violently, the salty breeze somewhat comforting. You loved the sea.
  Taking a few deep breaths, you barely noticed the crack. The sound came from somewhere behind you, but you didn’t want to look away from the view, neither did you want to wake up. When you heard it again, you recognized footsteps. You turned around lazily, curious as to whom it would be the visitor of your reverie. When you fixed your eyes on him, though, you stopped breathing for a moment and your heart surely skipped a beat. He was a stranger in a number of ways, for he was seemed truly unworldly. Maybe ethereal was the word you were looking for. His violet eyes were scrutinizing you from head to toe. Beautiful. His hair was dark as it fell like a silky curtain on his forehead. Not a single flaw on his skin or his body, but none of that was as breathtaking as what lied on his back. Great, large white wings, so beautifully outstretched that you felt unworthy of looking at them.
  You opened your mouth a few times, but nothing would come out. Probably for the best, you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of what was probably your mind’s greatest creation. How you could come up with him was beyond you. You wanted to ask his name before it all ended and you had to go back to real life, back to average. You wanted to touch his face, his wings, see for yourself if they felt as they looked. You wished you never woke up. As he took a step closer, you took your own back, startled at the sudden movement. Before you realized your mistake, it was too late. You had lost your balance. You knew it would be over soon. Taking one last look at the stranger, you saw as he stretched one arm to reach you, but to no avail. Too soon, the wind was ricocheting your skin and you were falling.
  You woke up with a loud gasp as you searched for air, finding it oddly rarefied. When you registered the annoyingly high pitch of your alarm, you whined. Real life was the last thing you wanted to face right now, but if you told your mother that you’d stay in bed daydreaming about a figment of your imagination, she would personally retrieve you from the bed and toss you into the shower. Made sense.
  Getting ready as quickly as you could manage, you felt excited for no obvious reason. Maybe it was the afterglow of the dream, but now you were eager to get out of the house, as if you wanted to find him. Which was insane, because you knew he did not exist. Come to think about him now, it was getting harder by the minute to remember his face. You panicked.
  Running towards your desk and grabbing a pencil and your notebook, you tried to recreate him on paper, which was a lost battle from the start. Even if you were some doodling genius – you were definitely not – you would never be able to do him justice. You doubted anyone who had ever stepped on this planet, past or present, ever would. It was not the kind of beauty that could be explained or demonstrated, but rather felt. He wasn’t just inhumanely pretty, wings and all. There was something about him that you couldn’t quite pinpoint. It may sound cheesy and totally deranged, but you felt whole in those few shared moments, like you knew him your entire life. Your mind didn’t recognize him, but your body did.
  Groaning at the piece of paper and throwing the pencil at your baby-blue wall in annoyance, you gave up. It was pointless, his features were already escaping your mind. You didn’t know why you were so hung up on a dream, honestly. Seeing that you were a little riled up, you decided to let it go and just finish getting ready for class. You could see through the window that Taehyung was already waiting for you.  
 “So, how did it go?”
  He pouted before answering. “It went alright.” Lies, he was a big fat liar.
  “C’mon, Marzipan, be honest with me for a second.”
  The nickname finally broke him down. “Fine, I hated it. I remember you telling me about every important detail of the subject yesterday, but I couldn’t put it on paper. Plus, why the fuck does he have to elaborate the questions so much? Most of the time I didn’t even understand what was being asked. Literature sucks,” he whined indignantly. You could tell it was taking a toll on him.
  “Don’t worry too much about it, okay? I will help you. We’ll both graduate this year, yeah?” you reached his hand on a reassuring squeeze.
  “If you say so.”
  “I do.”
  “Then sure. But you have to take me seriously, Y/N,” he warned you. “No more losing track of time in coffee shops.”
  “Hey, I bought you a frappuccino, that incident should be six feet under by now,” you accused and he mumbled a grumpy response.
  The both of you spent half of the morning taking the lit test. You thought you did fine, though the questions really were a little bit tricky. Walking side by side with Taehyung, you didn’t notice him at first. But once you realized there were no seats available right next to each other, your eyes eventually landed on his.
  “We can’t sit together through this class, we’re too late,” Tae grumbled, trying to get your attention back to himself, but to no avail. “Y/N? Hey!” He flicked your forehead and you yelped.
  “Did you just… flick me?” you seethed.
  “I wouldn’t have had to if you weren’t lusting over the new guy. Who is he, by the way?” If you acknowledged the hint of jealously in his tone, you didn’t show it.
  “I was not lusting over anybody,” you huffed.
  “If you say so.”
  “Stop saying that.”
  “Grumpy. Is it because I caught you?” You just snarled and took a seat at the front row, while he chuckled and chose the one in the back.
  To be honest, you were lusting a little. Those eyes seemed oddly familiar, though you couldn’t quite put a finger on why. The rest of the day passed by smoothly; you were able to sit with Taehyung for the remaining classes you had together and even helped him a bit with some homework. After a while, your new classmate was nowhere near your mind, despite that funny feeling you got every time you looked at him. Maybe it was because he was stunningly handsome. Who knows? You never cared much about those things, but you were only human.
  On your way home with Taehyung, you felt eyes burning on your back. You turned around and found him staring, expression unfathomable. He wore a black lather jacket, jeans and a black shirt, his dark hair beautifully disheveled. He gave you a wanton grin and you scoffed. Well, you knew his type, and it unnerved you to death.
  Preppy playboy. Nothing more, nothing less.
  He cut off the eye contact abruptly, heading towards a grey motorcycle. No shit, huh? You almost laughed at the predictability. You weren’t exactly into bikes, but that looked expensive. And it suited him perfectly.
  “Holy-… do you see that? That’s a Triumph fucking Rocket,” Taehyung gasped, shaking your elbow lightly. “A 2500cc engine capacity Triumph Rocket. Man, his parents must be loaded. That’s not a high schooler’s bike,” he said, almost dreamy. Yeah, you saw that coming from a mile away.
  “You talking about the new guy?” You asked nonchalantly, turning your head as you resumed walking.  
  “Don’t even try to pretend you weren’t ogling just now,” he accused.
  “You’re obsessed with our new-found bad boy. Maybe you should date him, Tae,” a snicker left your lips at his appalled expression.
  “Shut up,” he pushed your shoulder. “I’m just curious.”
  “As in bi-curious?”
  “Okay, that’s it, I’m leaving you behind,” he grumbled as he fastened his pace. You chuckled, trying to catch up with his long legs.
  When you arrived home, you noticed an attempt of a drawing on top of your bed. It looked like a poorly doodled angel. First things first: though it definitely looked like something made by your hands, you didn’t have any recollection of it, let alone of leaving it on display like that. You looked around, searching for something, but nothing else seemed out of place. Trying to shrug the uneasiness off, you picked some clothes off the wardrobe and went for a warm bath.
  It was a Saturday afternoon, so you planned to do the usual: hit the library and grab some coffee on your way home. Taehyung had promised to watch a movie with you this weekend, but a surprise party to one of his friends came up. He’d invited you to tag along, more out of habit than anything else. Your answer was always the same when he asked you to spend time with his peers; you weren’t even remotely fond of them. They had maybe one functioning braincell and a whole lot of conceit. Not your crowd at all.
  “Mom, I’m leaving. Do you need me to get you anything?” You said, already on your way to the front door.
  She was sprawled on the couch, gazing attentively at the TV.  “No, honey, thank you. Are you going out with Tae?”
  “Nope, something came up, we rescheduled. I won’t be long.”
  “Okay, then. Be careful!”
  “Will do!”, you shouted from the outside.
  It was closing time when the sweet old lady had to gently kick you out. You weren’t surprised when you found out your phone was dead; you probably had a billion calls from your mother and, if she was desperate enough, maybe even Taehyung. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed your stuff quickly and waved goodbye to the librarian as you made your way out the door, grumbling to yourself about not being able to pick up some coffee now.
  The air was hazy and cold, you couldn’t see more than ten feet ahead, and the streets were oddly empty. You tightened your coat around your body and quickened your pace, not willing to spend more time outside than you needed to. Seeing that all the stores were closed, you realized that Martha (the librarian) probably let you outstay your welcome a little bit. You cursed at the freezing night and your cheap coat. Taehyung was right, you should buy warmer clothes.
  Lost in thoughts, you were stupid enough to miss the drunken noises coming from the end of the street. There was a group of three men coming your way and they all seemed to have ingested an unhealthy amount of booze, laughing loudly and pushing each other playfully. You felt cold sweat fall down your spine but just tried to ignore it, hoping that you’d be able to pass them by without being noticed.
  “Y/N?” His voice was dragged, and he was tumbling around the words. It was only then you realized they were from your school, the boy in the middle being Jimmy, Taehyung’s drink buddy.
  “Hi”, you tried to stay as far away as possible, but the one with the fashionably boring rectangular glasses didn’t let you, hooking his arm around your neck. He reeked of cigarettes and whiskey.
  “C’monnn-“ he hiccupped, “don’t you wanna par-tay with-“ another one, “-us?”
  You repressed the urge to gag as your pulse quickened.
  “Not really. I have to go,” you almost managed to untangle his disgusting arm from you, but he kept it in place, holding you tighter. “Let go of me.”
  You were annoyed. And scared to death, to be honest. These boys didn’t exactly live by a moral code, and the four of you were alone in the middle of nowhere. You didn’t trust them.
  “Aww, don’t be shy, princess. You’re always so… boring. Makes me curious about what you’ve got going on under all… that.” The last one, Ian, made his way towards you, snickering menacingly. He wasn’t as drunk as the other two, and if you could give a hunch, you’d say he knew exactly was he was doing. That scared you even more. Feeling the brick-wall hit your back, you realized you were cornered, a curse escaping your dry lips.
  “Look, I really have to g-“ he cut you off by pressing his body into yours, making you lose your breath for all the wrong reasons. “What the fuck, man?! Let go of me!” You were visibly growing desperate as you tried to punch his face and his chest, but that only earned you a chuckle from him as he held both your wrists with one hand.
  “Feisty. I like it.” You almost puked right then and there, the bile stuck in your throat making you scowl. He let his filthy fingers slide down your sides, until he could grope your ass.
  Your stomach sank, heart drumming against your ribcage as you held back a whimper.
Okay, think.
  Taehyung had taught you the basics about self defense a thousand moons ago. And yet, you realize that it was nothing like the real thing. You balled your clammy fingers tightly, knuckles white as you scanned every corner of your brain to try and find a way out.
  “Tae will kill you if you touch me,” your voice trembled. You couldn’t help it.
  He laughed whole-heartedly. As if the mere thought was actually funny to him.
  “He wouldn’t dare, sweetheart. Besides, I think he actually wouldn’t mind sharing his bitch with us for the night,” he stated. “He’s not using it anyways,” he punctuated with a roll of his hips and, this time, as you felt the pathetic bulge inside his pants, you couldn’t hold back a tiny sob. Because fuck, this was it. There was no way you could take down three grown men on your own.
  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The voice was low and steady. It made your skin crawl. You snapped your head and looked at the dark haired man standing behind the boys. Ian lazily turned around, still keeping your wrists wrapped tight in his hand.
  “None of your business, newbie. Now get out of my sight before I lose my patience.”
  When he chuckled, it was different from Ian’s. It was darker, rougher, and concealed a vicious ferocity that you knew was there. You knew because, as he disregarded your aggressor and looked you in the eyes, you almost feared for them.
  “Ian, dude, let it go.” Jimmy instantly sobered up and tried to avoid any confrontation. To think he spent time with your best friend but would let Ian harass you without saying a word was disgusting. “Come on, your old man will kill you if you get in trouble again.” So that was his main concern. Still looking out for his shitty, abusive friend. Men’s sorority really is misogyny.
  “You should listen to your friend. Believe me, you won’t survive me when I get my hands on you,” he stated matter-of-factly. You felt the sincerity in your bones. And so did Ian and his stupid cavalry. “Leave.”
  Ian sighed, but relented. You felt a hot wave of relief as he disconnected his body from yours, leaning on the wall for balance as your legs wabbled.
  “You better watch out,” he spits.
  “Y/N, I... I’m really sorry,” Jimmy said as he scooped his friends and dragged them away from you. “You too, Min. He’s just drunk. We would’ve stopped him if it got too far.”
  He’s lying. You can tell.
  “Get the fuck out of my sight,” he growls, his composure faltering for a minute. As they stray out of view, he turns his gaze to you.
  “Care to tell me what the hell are you doing walking alone in the middle of the night?”
  He’s angry.
  You scoffed, adjusting your coat around your shoulders and straightening your back.
  “Thank you for the help, but I’m too old for a babysitter,” you say. “Besides, I don’t even know you.”
  He looks at you and, as if trying to regain some sense and control a fit of rage, he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose before exhaling a long puff of air.
  “Alright. My name is Yoongi,” he takes you by surprise as he snatches your wrist in an iron grip, “And I'm fucking walking you home.”
  As he drags you across the street, you want to yell at him. You want to tell him to fuck off, you preppy bastard. But you don’t.
  Because the truth is, you’re so fucking grateful. God knows what would’ve happened if it wasn’t for him. As he calms down, he drops your hand and slows his pace, allowing you to catch up without having to make an effort. You want to talk, but you choose to stay quiet.
   Now that you weren’t so skittish anymore, it finally dawned you how the snow was beautifully spread throughout the streets, the trees, the buildings. Everything that was cool, cold, blue, held some fascination to you. Summer was never really your season – it had always been winter. To be able to curl up on your couch with a warm blanket and a hot cup of coffee, it was heavenly. You always thought that, if you could see the world through a color palette, it would be in different shades of blue.
  The snow was not the only thing that you were entranced by, though. Yoongi was, from what you saw so far, much like winter to you. Harsh when needed, cool, but also peaceful and comforting. He didn’t urge you to talk about the incident; he didn’t urge you to talk at all. His mannerisms caught your attention from time to time – how he constantly ran his long fingers through his hair, how his eyes seemed to flutter shut lazily a few times in a row, or how he carried himself so elegantly that it almost made you jealous. He looked terribly familiar, too.
  “Why are you staring?” His bluntness caught you off guard, but still couldn’t disturb the peacefulness of the moment.
  “Just curious.” It was true. “Apart from the motorcycle and the superhero complex, I don’t know much about you.”
  “Well, there’s not much to know.”
  You hummed in response. “What are you doing here, then?” You ask, and his feet come to a halt.    
  “What is this, an interrogation?”
  You scoff, and you both start walking again. “Just trying to make conversation. Besides, I’m actually curious,” you ponder. “People don’t move into this town very often,” you kick the snow under your feet. He sighs.
  “I’m here with my… brother,” he hesitated before continuing, “he’s my guardian, sort of. We used to move a lot. Work thing.” He couldn’t hold back a grimace, but it disappeared in a second. You wanted to ask about his parents, but felt like you’d be crossing a line, so you kept your curiosity to yourself. “Now you tell me,” he said.
  “Tell you what?”
  “About yourself. Your family. Whatever you want to.”
  “Um, let me see. I live with my mom. We moved from Italy when I was about three years old. My dad… my dad stayed.” You didn’t want to get into it, and he immediately noticed, just nodding for you to continue. “She’s been taking care of me by herself since then.”
  He hummed in understanding, sparing you a few glances that you couldn’t quite decipher.
  Before you knew, your house was already in sight. You wished you lived farther, just so you could keep that strange interaction on for a little longer.
  “Well, this is me,” you announced. Lying about your address had crossed your mind somewhere along the way.
  “Sorry if I was a jerk,” he surprised you by saying. You mouth opens and closes a few times before you say anything.
  “It’s okay, I guess. I was pretty riled up, too.”
  He nodded. “See you Monday, then?” His voice was deep and silky.
  “Yeah. Hey, I… I’m glad you showed up when you did.”
  “I am, too,” there was a dark undertone in his voice. “Good night, Y/N,” he surprised you by leading his right hand to the top of your head and lightly messing your hair before walking away. You stood still for a minute, until your mother opened the door.
  “Y/N?! Darling, why did you take so long? I was so worried!”
  “Um… Sorry, mom. I ran into a friend and my phone was off.”
  “Well, you should’ve at least borrowed your friend’s phone to let me know, things aren’t like they used to be around these parts anymore, it’s getting pretty danger-“
   She kept talking as she let you in, but you couldn’t concentrate. That night, you dreamt of him.
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 “(…) Farewell happy fields
Where joy for ever dwells: hail horrors, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest hell
Receive thy new possessor: one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”
     You didn’t think of yourself as an early riser, but when Monday morning came, you woke up before the alarm – and seemed almost delighted to do so. To be honest, you really tried to ignore the eagerness to see him again, but to no avail. The day before was thoroughly torturous, flashes of the short period of time you spent together coming back to haunt you now and then. At some point, you were so annoyed that you just lied on the bed and attempted to blast your eardrums off by listening to some crappy rock band at full volume. It didn’t work, obviously, and now you probably had hearing damage. The cons and cons of obsession.
  At this exact moment, for the first time in your entire friendship, you were banging on Taehyung’s door first. Because you just couldn’t wait a minute longer.
  “Damn it, woman, was is it with you today?” The sound of his voice was muffled. That, or you were going deaf, there was no way to tell for sure.
  “You’re going to make us late, Marzipan!” At that, he opened his bedroom door slightly, just enough so you could peek at his disheveled hair and sleepy face.
  “It’s dick o’clock in the morning, we have at least forty minutes until we leave,” his voice was rugged and he had an aggrieved look plastered on his pouty face.
  “I brought you coffee,” you smiled at him while raising the thermal cup.
  “Stop the madness and go wait for me downstairs, Gilmore girl,” he grunted. “Dad probably misses you, the poor old man. Keep him company, will ya?”
  “Don’t be silly, Mrs. Kim need his sleep in the morning.”
  “Then shut up and don’t wake him,” he grunted, closing the door shut, but it took him just a second to reopen it. “Wait, if dad’s asleep, how did you get in?”
  “I, uh… Might or might not know that you keep a spare key inside the porcelain elf’s hat,” your lips tugged upwards sheepishly.
  “Of course you do, you little imp. I’ll be down in a sec,” he grumbled and shut the door again.
  Taehyung had asked you a couple of times why you were so anxious to get to school that morning, but you just brushed it off with an excuse that you knew he wouldn’t buy. There were several reasons as to why you wanted to keep things to yourself for now. Mainly, it was because you were afraid that he’d be furious enough to break Ian’s face in front of everybody once you told him the whole story. Not that you felt any sympathy, but rather that you didn’t want Tae to get in trouble. You’d tell him as soon as you could, though. You didn’t care for the idea of him being friends – or whatever they were – with Jimmy.
  As soon as you stepped into school ground, you discreetly searched for his motorcycle in the parking lot. It wasn’t there. You tried not to let the disappointment show on your face, but you couldn’t help it. He didn’t come today. Who cares? As much as you wanted to force some sense into your stubborn brain, you were still hoping he’d show up, even if you didn’t talk to each other. You just wanted to see him, is all. Great time to start acting like a stupid teenager, Y/N. Kudos.
  You were in the middle of a pretty heated argument with yourself as you entered the classroom. Taehyung picked a desk in the middle, as he usually did when the both of you were able to sit next to each other. You were almost putting your stuff down at his side when something caught your attention. There. You felt a girlish jolt of excitement when you saw Yoongi sitting at the last row. His silky black hair was damped, probably from the shower, and he was wearing a black, long sleeved shirt, v cut. You were about to divert your eyes, but then he stared right at your face and calmy removed his bag from the chair next to his. He smirked, as if defying you to take a seat. Annoying little piece of-
  “Tae, do you mind if I sit somewhere else today?”
  “What?” He looked at you, confused. “Where do you want us to…” Your eyes flashed to the end of the room and he followed your gaze. “What? Why would you-”
  “Do you mind?”
  “Uh… No?”
  “Okay, great. See you soon.” You knew Taehyung was confused, so you should probably be thinking of what to tell him when this class was over. But for now, you just carried yourself to the empty spot in the back. Yoongi was looking at you with an amused expression, hiding his little smile behind his intertwined hands. You wanted to wash that smug off his face so bad. You took a seat and his scent assaulted you, warm and musky. Almost irresistible. You saw Taehyung from across the room gazing at the both of you with an inscrutable countenance.
  “Is your boyfriend mad that you sat with me today?” He audaciously asked.
  “He’s not my boyfriend.”
  “I see. Must be hard, then,” he looked almost sympathetic.
  “What?” Your face contorted into confusion.
  “Nevermind. Tell me how was your Sunday,” he said while opening his notebook and doodling something you couldn’t decipher yet.
  “So we’re friends now?”
  “Pretty much.”
  “Shouldn’t you ask me first?” You lifted your brow.
  “You’re bossy today.”
  You were about to give him a proper answer when the teacher barged in, almost breathless. As the class began, focusing on Hess’s Law was your main priority, it really was. But you couldn’t help the tingle crawling up your skin every time he unintentionally bumped his arm into yours, because he was still drawing, keeping his head down since Mrs. Edwards started talking. Still, you couldn’t move. No. Focus. You held onto the edge of your desk with one hand, knuckles white, as you kept the other taking notes on the subject.
  “Relax,” he softly whispered, not taking his eyes away from his notebook. You immediately loosened the tight grip of your left hand.
  “I’m relaxed,” you lied, imitating his tone. He chuckled, lifting his head to show you the most beautiful gummy smile. God, why was he so distractingly handsome? His soft, pale skin, his cat-like eyes. His hands, Lord, you wouldn’t even dwell on his hands. Everything about him was appealing, alluring. His voice, his smell, his gaze. He was devilish.  
  All of a sudden, he ripped off the page he was working on. You tried not to get even more distracted, keeping your eyes on the board, until he touched your arm with his hand. You tensed. “Here, keep this if you want to,” he said, passing the folded paper to you. Curiosity washed over your face and you were about to unfold it, but he stopped you. “I don’t think you should open it now.”
  “Why? Is it, like, an erotic sketch?” You could tell you broke his demeanor a little, he seemed both shocked and amused.
  “I wonder if that kind of thought crosses your brain very often. You’re filthy, Y/N,” he smirked. You almost choked at his tone and his words. He was teasing you, and you refused to go down without a fight.
  “Well, I don’t exactly know you, do I? You could be a perv.” He bit back a chuckle.
  “I’m an honorable man. You’ll see.”
  “Will I, now?”
  “Yes. We’re friends now, aren’t we?”
  “You haven’t convinced me yet.”
  “Challenge accepted.” The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds, then the bell rang. He grabbed his stuff and got up, then tilted his head and asked, “Do you want a ride… friend?”
  “I thought you didn’t ride here today.” Confusion stained his expression before he realized the meaning behind your words. You could see the enlightenment in his face and suddenly banging your head on a wall wasn’t all too bad. He was too cocky for his own good, and now you’ve just made it worse. Way to go.
  “I parked on a different spot,” he responded.
  “Yeah, sure. Uh, anyways… Thanks for the offer, but I’m going home with Tae.”
  “Suit yourself.” Before walking away, he turned around and said, “I’ll save you a seat tomorrow, Y/N.” Before you could elaborate an answer, he was already out the door, and Taehyung was in front of you with that ‘what-the-actual-fuck’ face he made every time he was caught off guard.
  “I’ll explain on the way home,” you sighed.
  You were both in the safety of your bedroom when you told Taehyung everything. From how Ian tried to do God knows what with you, to why he wasn’t able to. Pure luck. It was pure luck that Yoongi happened to be passing by, and it was pure luck that he’d bothered to check what was going on. You told him Jimmy was there. You saw the guilt and rage clawing their way to his chest, and there it was; the reason you were wary to tell him in the first place. Taehyung was explosive, a force of nature when he let himself indulge.
  “I’ll kill him. Why did you hide that from me?” Even though he was trying his best to hold back, you could still tell how furious he truly was. “Answer me, Y/N, I’m not fucking around here,” he didn’t mean for it to sound like a scold, but it still did.
  “I knew you’d be mad,” you retorted.
  “Of course I’d be fucking mad. I don’t think you understand just how mad I am.”
  “I know. Tae, really, nothing serious happened. It’s not worthy getting yourself in trouble for it.”
  “How can you even say that?” he barked.
  “Promise me you’ll let it go,” you asked softly.
  He looked like he’d just heard the worst profanity fall from your lips. “I don-“
  “Promise, Tae,” you were using your serious voice now, the one you used to tell him that no, it was not okay for him to mess with your books back when you were kids. You took it to the heart too often. He stared at you for a moment or two before sighing.
  “Okay,” he grudgingly said. “If that’s what you want.”
  “Thank you.”
  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he said after a moment.
  “It’s not your fault. Really, it’s not.”
  “I know. I’m just… sorry,” he let his head rest on your lap. You hummed and stroke his hair for a while. These little moments of utter understanding and peace was one of the reasons he was your best friend. The person you could rely on, always. And he could always rely on you, too.
   A few weeks passed you by in the blink of an eye. After the infamous events of that night, you and Yoongi grew closer each day. Not that it was always easy, he was infuriating at times; you had to be sharp to keep up with the incessant bickering. But, for what it’s worth, you were able to gather that he was much more than just a little shit, even though he tried to deny it. 
   And you suppose that’s one of the reasons to why your stomach flutters and your heart skips a couple of beats when he gets too close. 
   Probably a month too late, you come across that piece of paper Yoongi had mysteriously given you the first morning you sat together.  You took it in your hands with a gasp and carefully unfolded it, taking a sharp intake of breath at the drawing. It was a pair of eyes – your eyes, perfectly detailed by strong, yet delicate, traces. It was beautiful and left no room for doubts as to whose they were. The cocky bastard was actually pretty talented, you had to give him that. Before you had much time to think about it, your phone rang. You hesitated a moment before picking up, the number was unknown.
  “Did you like it?” The voice on the other line was coarse and drawn, and you recognized it immediately.
  “How did you get my number?” You asked while laying yourself on the bed, staring at the ceiling. 
   He had become a constant whenever you were at school or at the library. Nothing beyond that. The call was a pleasent surprise.
  “I have my ways. Will you answer at least one of my questions anytime soon?” There was a hint of a boyish amusement in his tone, and that instantly made you lighter. You liked him better in a good mood.
  “You don’t answer any of mine, so why should I bother?” You shrugged, even though he couldn’t see you.
  “That’s hardly fair. What do you want to know, George?”
  You scoffed at the nickname. “First things first. I want to know how you got my number.”
  “It’s not so hard to get privileged information on the students’ personal data if you’re charming enough. Ms. Parker has a soft spot for me.” Of course. You should’ve seen it coming.
  “You’re shameless,” you scolded half-heartedly, taking a plushie in your hands and squeezing it.
  “It’s one of my many qualities. So, can you answer me now?”
  “Hmm… I might’ve liked it,” you stated, referring to the book he’d recommended. “But you’re already a pretty conceited man, so I should probably spare you the details.”
  He was silent for a while, and you almost mention the drawing you found in your backpack. But then, he’s talking again. “So you think I’m pretty, huh?”
 “Are you… Have you-“ you stammered in astonishment and he chuckled. “Do you actually select the words you want to hear?” you asked and he hummed.
  “Where are you?”
  “Home,” you answered without much thought.
  “I’ll pick you up in ten. Be ready.”
  “Wait, what?” You jolted out of the bed, dropping the plushie on the floor. “You can’t just… decide that. What if I’m busy?”
  “You’re not.”
  “What if I don’t want to?”
  “But you do,” He sounded almost confused. And he was right, you did want to. Somewhere deep inside your brain there was a voice saying that you should’ve objected at least a little bit more. But, against your better judgement, you kept quiet, and soon enough your silence gave you away. “I’m hanging up now. See you soon, George.” You meant to talk back to him, but he’d already ended the call. That, arrogant, insolent, contemptuous jer-
  Before finishing that thought, you remembered you didn’t have much time. So you took a five minute shower, put on a little mascara and went out of the bathroom to find something to wear. There wasn’t enough time to go wild, so you just went for your favorite pair of mom jeans and tucked a burgundy sweater in. After brushing your hair and your teeth, you were ready.
  As soon as you were done, you heard a horn and rushed to the window. There he was, in all his glory, hips resting against his stupidly cool Triumph Rocket. Black boots, black jeans, black long-neck shirt and his usual leather jacket. Wonder what his favorite color might be, you scoffed. He shot you a smirk that made you hold your breath for a moment. It now occurred to you that you had no idea as to where he was taking you. Also, was it a date? A friend thing? Shit. You should’ve said no. You sighed. It was too late now.
  Before running downstairs, you sprayed a little bit of perfume on the nape of your neck and your wrists. Chloé, your signature scent.
  “I’m going out for a bit.”
  She was sitting by the window with a hot beverage on her hands and a book on her lap. Like mother, like daughter.
  “Last time you said that…”
  “I know,” you cut her off gently. “But I have class tomorrow. I promise I won’t be long.”
  “Is your phone charged, young lady?”
  “Yep, it is.”
  “Then call me if anything happens, alright?”
  “Sure thing. Bye, mom,” you gave her a brief peck on the forehead and rushed out the door.
  He was waiting for you at the porch, even more breathtaking now that you could see him up close. His musky scent was stronger and his pale skin was glowing. He was drinking you in with mysteriously piercing eyes.
  “Come,” he said, taking you by the hand.
  “Where are we going anyway?” you asked. As the both of you approached his motorcycle, you were trying your best not to trip.
  “You’ll see.” He took a helmet off a compartment that you didn’t know to exist and cupped your face to hold you still before he put it on you.
  “Is this like a Hitchcock movie? Will you take me just far enough so I can meet my fate by the end of the night?” A hint of dread crossed his features, but he composed himself soon enough.
  “Do you believe in fate, Y/N?” He asked, fixing the straps under your chin, his fingers setting your skin aflame.
  “I don’t know,” you couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, but his countenance urged you to provide a proper answer. “Faith is just not my strong suit, I guess,” you mumbled.
  Yoongi pondered about what you said for a moment. “Hold that thought, yeah?” Then he climbed the vehicle. “Hop on,” he started the engine. You were now too aware of the fact that you had never ‘hopped on’ one of those. “Don’t worry, I’m a really good driver,” he tugged his lips upwards.
  “I just… I’ve never done this.”
  “What, ride a motorcycle?” He asked and you nodded. “Trust me. I wouldn’t let anything happen,” he reassured you.
  I know. So you climbed the damn thing and held tight onto his waist, almost comforted by his warmth. He felt the sensitive skin on his back crawl at the contact. Especially between his shoulder blades.
     You spent the entire ride with your eyes closed. If you had any doubt that Yoongi was a mad man, those god-knows-how-many minutes on the back of his motorcycle had erased them completely. He was going fast. You could feel the wind ricocheting your face relentlessly, and every time he had to make a turn, your stomach fluttered. Sometimes, he turned his head just a little bit, as if checking if you were at least breathing, but you would grit your teeth and snap at him to look ahead, tightening your grip. You could feel him chuckle, his whole upper body being assaulted by small tremors.
  But when you finally arrived at your destination, it was all worth it.
  “Do you like it?” Expectation washed all over his ethereal features.
  “Do I… like it? It’s amazing,” your eyes sparkled with wonder and astonishment at the sight of the ocean. You were at a relatively high spot, like a small cliff, and you could smell the delicious salty breeze that you adored so much. But what truly amazed you, what really took your breath away, was the electric blue lights sparkling all over the wave crests. “Bioluminescence! How did you find this place? Can we go down?” You asked with the biggest smile, a childish excitement seeping through your tone. He giggled, the most magnificent, angelic sound you had ever heard.
  “I’d rather if we didn’t. I don’t want you to meet your fate at those slippery rocks, it wouldn’t be very Hitchcock-y,” he joked. You felt a bit disappointed but chose to let it go. The night, the sea, the sky; it was all too beautiful for you to allow yourself to be petty.
  He took a few steps ahead and sat closer to the edge, wind whisking his hair and making his catlike eyes narrow. You followed suit, sitting in lotus by his side. You both took a minute to appreciate the sight, falling into a comfortable silence, that was soon broken by his husky voice.
  “I come here a lot when I need to remind myself of who I am. Of where I’m from,” he said, still looking at the waters below, eyebrows furrowed. “I never thought of bringing anyone else here before.”
  “So why did you?” Your voice was small, whispered.
  “I don’t know. I guess…” he stopped for a moment. “I possibly just wanted to make sure you were okay. And I don’t know any place else that feels more like home to me. Perhaps I also wanted to share it with you.” Then he turned his gaze to you, eyes reflecting the moonlight. He was divine, bewitching. Especially now, when he seemed to be opening up to you for the first time. You felt your heartbeat speed up at his confession.
  “Thank you,” you said softly, diverting your gaze to the waves. “I can understand why you’re so fond of this place. It’s blissful, feels like heaven.”
   He humms, fixing his gaze on the crashing waves above you.
  “Y/N.” He was surveying your face now, as if trying to read you. Expectant. 
  “Do you believe in heaven?” His voice is a whisper and, for a moment, you wonder if you’d heard him correctly. 
  That was probably the last question you’d expected from him, it took you completely by surprise. You inhaled deeply, searching for the right words, but ended up blurting what first came to mind.
  “For all I know, heaven is here. Hell, too. I want to be better, yes, for the people I love. I want to be better for whoever needs me to be, because I know how tough this can get. If there’s an afterlife… at least I’ll know that I tried to be good for the right reasons. So yeah, let’s say I don’t dwell on it. Whatever happens, happens.”
   By the time you finished talking, there was something sparkling deep inside his onyx eyes that you couldn’t recognize.
  “That’s sort of refreshing,” and there it was again. The sheepish gummy smile you adored so much, so utterly genuine and divine you thought you’d die.
  “What about you?”
  “Yes. Heaven, Hell, the whole ordeal. Except for God.”
  “But… How would it be possible for all those things to exist without God?”
  “That is not what I said,” he let out a humorless little chuckle. “Let it suffice that God is… I believe, much too real. Just not how humankind paint him to be. I believe God exists; I just don’t believe in him. Not anymore.” His tone was raw and melancholic. You ached with the need to console him, because he seemed adrift; and that bothered you more than it should.
  Without realizing, your face had gotten closer to his, and suddenly he was all over the place. All you could see, smell, hear, it was all him. He must have known, because then he traced your features lightly with his long, graceful fingers. You thought that was it. That was heaven.  
  You closed your eyes so you could savor every second of it, heartbeat going wild and butterflies assaulting your stomach. He lifted his other hand, and now he was cupping your face gingerly, like you were made of glass. Every touch ignited something foreign and glorious inside of you.
  He shifted, moving closer, and his scent hit you, unyielding, but you didn’t dare to open your eyes. When his lips finally brushed against yours, it was enough to set something off, and your hands made their way to his neck on their own as you let out a shaky breath. You pressed yourself harder and sucked on his bottom lip, before caressing it with the tip of your tongue, earning a groan from him.
   Well, shit.
  He took the hair in the nape your neck in a dainty – yet firm – fistful, asking permission with his tongue to deepen the kiss. There was no denying him, you could never. His taste, God, you could spend eternity tasting every single bit of him. When he licked past your teeth, you moaned, and it was so utterly pleasing, sinful, that he felt compelled to go harder, mercilessly swirling his tongue inside your mouth. There was no room to breathe, the neediness for one another unbending.
  You don’t know how much time you spent in that haze of mind-numbing desire, but neither of you dared to stop. Until your phone rang.
  You jerked away, pupils blown wide from the intensity of the moment, skin flushed. You were both panting, eyes trained on each other, searching, scrutinizing, waiting for a reaction. His reddened, glistening lips were parted slightly and he seemed displeased to cut the moment short. Even so, he managed to talk.
  “You should probably get that,” he gusted, trying to catch his breath.  You couldn’t find it in yourself to do anything but nod.
  You took the device out of your back pocket and checked the ID caller, brows furrowing. He mirrored your expression.
  “Who is it?”
  “It’s a girl from school. We have history class together. That’s… odd,” you said. You and Sarah have never had a real conversation, one that didn’t involve Napoleon or Julien Sorel. You just had her number saved because of a paper you had to do together a while ago. “Hello?”
  “Y/N? Thank God,” she sounded truly relieved. “Look, I’m sorry to bother you but… We’re at the school’s gym and-“ she let out a loud gasp, and only then you noticed the noise in the background, an uproar of voices and… Did you did hear a punch?
  “Sarah? What is it?”
  “Tae’s here. Y/N, you should come…”
  Your blood ran cold.
  “What? Is he okay? Sarah, tell me what’s going on. Now,” you blurted, already standing, missing the way Yoongi’s face contorted in confusion and concern.
  “We tried to stop them, we really did, I-“
  “Sarah,” you grunted.
  “Okay, yeah. Him and Ian are at each other’s throats right now, it’s pretty bad. Y/N, I don’t think it’ll be long before someone calls the cops. I just thought I’d let you know, ‘cause-“
  “I’ll be there in a minute,” you cut her off, and then hang up.
  You were a lot of things at that moment, but mostly worried and angry. You had told him not to, you had told him to let it go, and he went behind your back. You heart rate was through the roof, adrenaline rushing through your veins. But this time, it wasn’t out of passion.
  “Y/N,” Yoongi had a wary look on his face. “Tell me.”
  “Can you take me back? Tae’s in trouble.”
  He hadn’t meant to. He really hadn’t meant to break his promise, but he knew it was bound to be broken the minute he made it. The idea of someone else touching you was torturous enough, but to think of them doing it without your consent actually drove him crazy with rage. Those unbidden images of you scared, asking that piece of shit to stop, only for him to hold you tighter, closer, wrapping his filthy hands around you… it wouldn’t stop coming to him, even though he’d tried his hardest to restrain them. It had haunted him ever since you told him. He felt sick. He hated himself for not being there for you, with you. Like the disgraceful best friend he was, he’d canceled movie night to get wasted. Ugly feelings, even the ones he didn’t care to admit, pierced their sharp claws at his chest. Guilt, exasperation, jealously.
  He’d tried to suppress the bitterness from watching you with the new guy, he tried to be just glad that he was there and hold out against it, because if he wasn’t… The point is: he really tried. But the way you looked at him made Taehyung’s stomach sink. He’d never seen it before, and he craved it like a man in the desert did a single drop of water. He wanted to be on the receiving end of that gaze more than anything.
  He’d go mad if he stayed inside, so he went out for a jog. Your mother had told him you weren’t home, and he figured you’d be at the coffee shop near school. What a big surprise it was when he found Ian next to a blue SUV that was parked near the gymnasium. He choked out a chuckle; it was just too tempting. Rage boiled trough his veins, and at that moment he knew he couldn’t hold back. He couldn’t not break that scumbag in half, even if that meant he’d be going against your wishes.
  So he did. Every punch, given or taken, satisfied him little by little. Because he also deserved to be punished, he thought.
    “What was that shit that you pulled? After I explicitly told you to stay out of it! Why now?”
  Taehyung had a bloody nose, a deep cut just above his eyebrow and some pretty ugly purple spots all over his upper body, staining his previously pristine skin. When you and Yoongi had arrived at school, you discovered he’d been taken. By a police officer, nonetheless.
  You’d been so mad. But now that he was in front of you, all screwed up in torn clothes, the speech you had prepared escaped your mind. You just couldn’t understand his impulsiveness, and the fact that he was in a tiny, smelly cell because of you was infuriating.
  “We both knew it was bound to happen eventually, so I figured rather sooner than later,” he answered nonchalantly.
  “Taehyung,” you said through gritted teeth
  “What, Y/N?!” He snapped. “You wanted me to let him get away with it?���
  “Yes! Yes, I literally told you that that’s what I wanted!”
  “Well, too bad,” he darkly said. He knew he was in the wrong here. But he was just too riled up to think straight.
  “Okay,” you said, taking a sharp intake of breath while running your fingers through your hair, “Okay, let’s be practical about this. Your dad is coming, right? We can talk about it at home.”
  “Fine,” he said, avoiding your eyes.
  “Fine,” you, too, knew how to be petty. “I’ve got to go outside for a minute. Behave,” your gaze flashed to an officer for a second, but quickly made its way back to Taehyung. When you realized he wouldn’t give you an answer, you just sighed and carried yourself out the door.
  As soon as you stepped out of the threshold, you saw Yoongi leaning on his motorcycle, arms crossed and head hanging from his shoulders. You didn’t know what tonight had meant. You wanted to at least try to figure out if he felt the same as you did, but you had bigger problems. And to be honest, you’d rather sleep on it. It was all too intense and hazy.
  “Hey,” you said, walking slowly towards him. He lifted his head and offered a tiny smile.
  “Your boyfriend really hates my guts, doesn’t he?”
  “He’s not-“ you cut yourself off when you realized he was just messing with you again. Of course he is, he stuck his tongue down your throat just an hour ago. “Anyways. I guess Tae will be out in a couple of hours, but I have to stay here and wait for Mr. Kim. Thank you for… tonight.”
  He nodded. “No problem, George. I’ll call y-“
  Suddenly, his eyebrows knitted together and his whole body tensed as he straightened himself. If you ever told anyone about this, you’d probably be admitted in a mental facility. But you swore that, for an instant, his eyes changed colors, going from pitch black to a deep violet. It happened in a heartbeat, and then he wasn’t looking at you anymore, but at something past your shoulder. You felt a chill run down your spine as you turned around to see what caught his attention.
  A tall, broad-shouldered man was walking towards you. As his lean figure got closer, the tension grew almost palpable, and you could see from afar he had a small smile plastered on his plump lips. But it wasn’t comforting at all. Instead, it was vile, almost sadistic. Your head snapped to Yoongi again, and you saw how he didn’t move a muscle, fists closed tight and jaw clenched. That made you panic a little.
  “Yoongi, what-“
  “Y/N, go inside,” his voice was hoarse and restrained, like he hadn’t talked in weeks.
  No, you wanted to say. That man, whoever he was, screamed bad news. He walked like a predator, and you felt like his prey. Though your self-preservation instincts were going wild with every step he took, something stronger made you want to stay. You knew he wasn’t here for you, but for him. And that sparked a need to protect him that you didn’t know to exist, nor where it came from. However, you just kept quiet and waited for the man to catch up, not missing the murderous aura emitted from Yoongi.
  At last, he stood in front of you, reddish hair and twisted smirk still on his face. You could see him clearly now, and he was beautiful. The kind of beauty you’ve only seen once.
  “Has anyone actually pressed charges this time, little brother?” His voice was deceivingly soft.
  “How did you find me?” Yoongi asked with an icy voice that almost made you shudder.
  “Is that how you greet your elders? Father would not be pleased.”
  “Well, you’re one to talk, aren’t you?”
  “People are still hung up on that, I see,” the man chuckled. “Yoongi-ah,” he said, his feet taking him closer at a slower pace. Yoongi kept his ground, knuckles white from his balled-up fists, while you instinctively took a step back. That’s when they both seemed to acknowledge your presence. Yoongi’s eyes bulged slightly, his pale skin becoming ever paler, while the other wore an unreadable expression on his face.
  “I told you to go inside,” he almost growled, taking your wrist in an iron grip and pulling you to stand behind his back. You didn’t understand. You didn’t understand any of it. Why did he seem so threatened by his own blood? The man was scary, sure, but was he actually dangerous? Your head was spinning, so you held onto his jacket to keep yourself vertical.
  “Were you not planning on introducing me to your friend, baby brother? That’s just rude, you know how much I love meeting new people.”
  “I’d advise you to be careful now, Jin.” The threat in Yoongi’s low voice was noticeable even to you, but Jin didn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, he relished on it. His little brother didn’t get all protective over just anyone, and the fact that he didn’t want the eldest to know about you pointed straight to a weak spot. One which he intended to take full advantage of.
  “Easy, Prince, no need to get riled up,” Jin chuckled again, lifting both hands in a sign of peace. “What do you take me for?”
  “Neither of us can deny your nature, can we, brother? It’s the reason why we’re here in the first place.”
  “It’s true. Have you told her your name yet? Since you appear very comfortable sharing such details in front of her.”
  “What are you doing here? I thought I had made myself clear the last time we saw each other,” Yoongi changed the subject, hoping you wouldn’t pay much attention to his question.
  Jin’s face turned serious for the first time before he spoke. “They approached me, Yoongi-ah. It would seem that they need their Flam-“
  “Quit it!” Yonngi growled. “Hold your tongue, I don’t want to hear any of it. You need to go.”
  “Not until I have delivered my message.” The well-proportioned man stood his ground.
  Yoongi took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He could not have this kind of conversation in front of you – in front of anyone, for that matter. Jin was breaking the rules; an old habit of his. “Then I need you to wait for me at home. I suppose you already know where I live, don’t you? I’ll meet you there soon.”
  “Alright then. Y/N, it was splendid meeting you. I do hope I get to see you again soon.”
  Yoongi scowled as he watched Jin turn on his heels and disappear in the night. For all he knew, Jin would never get this close to you ever again. He was caught off guard today. He then turned around, black orbs scrutinizing you for a reaction.    
  There were many things going through your mind at that exact moment. Too many questions, he could tell. You looked at him in a grimace of confusion and horror.
  “How did he know my name?” That was the first thing that popped into your mind. You hadn’t said your name, neither did Yoongi. “And who’s ‘they’? And did he really just call you prince? Is that a pet name or something?” You blurted out, sensing you wouldn’t have too much time to elaborate the questions the way you wanted to.
  He looked into your eyes, face contorted in what you could only describe as a desperate hesitation, brows furrowed and lips pressed into a fine line. He was pondering his options. You knew that because, when he made up his mind, you could clearly see the taint of resolution.
  “I can’t answer your questions,” he muttered.
  “Why not?”
  “I’m really sorry, Y/N. Please, just forget about this. All of it.”
  “What are you talking about?” you were on the brink of losing it at this point. First Taehyung, and now this. He wasn’t making any sense. But his eyes spoke to you in ways he couldn’t. Only then, you understood. “No,” you said with a resolution of your own. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Listen, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me right away, whatever it is, just don-“
  “Close your eyes.”
  “Listen to me just this once,” he groaned, stepping into your personal space. He twisted your hair in one hand, holding your face securely to his. When he rested his forehead on yours, your eyes gave into his wishes, closing on their own. “I’ll be gone for a little while, George,” your breath hitched, but you didn’t interrupt him. He gave you a light peck on the mouth, lips soft and moist, breath hot on your face. “I have to settle some things straight. Be good for me while I’m gone, yeah? Don’t do anything stupid,” he frowned.
  “Will you come back?” your voice almost cracked, ‘cause you weren’t so sure of his answer. You felt foolish. You’ve only known him for a short period of time, after all. But the intensity of your feelings, though you couldn’t discern them clearly yet, scared you.
  This felt horribly like goodbye – it was, at least for now – and you hated it.
  “Do you want me to?”
  “Yes,” you answered straight away.
  “Alright,” he nodded. “Then I will.”
  You didn’t dare open your eyes when he stepped away from you after one last chaste peck on your lips, nor when you heard him start the engine of his Triumph. But when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder, you jolted slightly and your eyes fluttered open.  
  “Let’s get you inside, kid” Mr. Kim said softly, brushing away a lonesome tear from your cheek. “Then you can help me scold my boy for making us come all the way to the police station on a school day, how does that sound?” he tried to uplift your spirit, and you offered him a half-hearted smile.
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                                                       “Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell;
And in the lowest deep a lower deep
Still threatening to devour me opens wide,
To which the hell I suffer seems a heaven.
Oh then at last relent: is there no place
Left for repentance, none for pardon left?”
     It’d been four weeks since the last time you saw him. A whole month since he’d disappeared completely. At first, you waited anxiously for him to reappear out of nowhere. For him to just slide into the classroom, like he’d done the first time. But as time passed by and the third week came, you grew worried. He didn’t get specific about how much time it would take for him to do whatever it was, but you imagined it would be one, maybe two weeks. But now, a month later, you were beginning to wonder if he’d even come back at all. If something had happened, if he was okay…
  No. He promised.
  You’d rather not dwell on the possibility of something going wrong – hell, you didn’t even know what he was doing or what was that strange conversation he had with his deviant brother in front of the police station. You had a few theories, though. Not that you’d ever utter them out loud.
  Number one: mafia. Maybe not The Godfather sort of thing, since that seemed pretty outdated, but rather… Scarface, perhaps? So you had come up with the idea of Jin being a druglord; nothing more, nothing less. It made sense, to be honest.
  Number two: well, number two wasn’t exactly clear on your mind, but had something to do with super rich parents and an insane heritage. He could be the prince of an empire, right? You didn’t know anything about his family, except that his brother was blood-curdling.
  You just wished to keep your head in the right place until he explained the situation to you. If he explained, that is. Sighing, you tried to contain your derailed thoughts and get back to the real world, where Taehyung needed you to pay attention to Mamma Mia! for the nth time.
  “Alright, that’s it. You didn’t even sing along during S.O.S and that’s where I draw the line,” he said, taking the remote from your hand and pausing the movie. It was a cozy night and you were both plopped on the couch wearing socks and sweatpants.
  “When have I ever sang along during S.O.S, Tae?”
  “I remember it vividly, we were eleven. But that’s not the point,” he retorted. You bit your lip and kept your eyes trained on the frozen screen of the TV, already sensing where this was going. “You’ve been like this for a while now.”
  “Like what?” you pushed, trying to feign innocence. You were not in the mood for this right now. You just wanted to stare unseeingly at the TV and have some private time with your own thoughts until the movie was over.
  He sighed. “Look, I can only guess what’s going on,” he scowled, but tried to compose his features into a serene mask before speaking again. “But I need you to not be in your own head for a minute.”
  “I’m sorry.”
  “Don’t apologize. I want to help,” he said, taking your hand in his. The touch was warm and familiar.
  “I know, Marzipan,” another sigh. You took your hand from his carefully and got up. “I’m going to the store, you want something?”
  “What, now? Y/N-“
  “I just-, I need coffee and snacks if we’re pulling this off. If you want me to keep my eyes opened during Moulin Rouge, that is,” you pointed out matter-of-factly
  Taehyung shifted in his seat, face contorted in confusion, wariness and a hint of hurt. “Do you want me to go with you? It’s late.”
  “No, it’s fine. You can stay and plan ahead, I’m sure we’re not stopping at the next one.”
  He watched you silently while you fumbled for your keys. When you found them, he muttered: “Don’t be too long.”
  “I won’t.”
  As soon as you crossed the threshold, the cold air of the night hit your skin, making you shiver slightly. You closed the door and hid your hands in the pockets of your sweater, bringing it closer to your body in a poor attempt to keep the warmth from escaping.
  Walking towards the convenience store located a couple of blocks from your house, you let yourself get lost in headspace again. You knew you weren’t being fair to Taehyung. As much as you wanted to talk about this situation with him, you couldn’t. It felt like betraying someone who hadn’t even put their trust in you to begin with. Yes, it was unfair, and maybe you were being a shitty friend every time he tried to have a serious conversation about the subject and you brushed him off with an excuse, like getting coffee in the middle of the night.
  You sighed, not really willing to wallow in guilt tonight, and just tried to focus on your immediate task. One step after the other, then one more, and you could already see the lights of a tiny single shop, the only one opened this late at night. It belonged to Mr. Newton, a sweet old baker who treated you kindly every time he was filling up for his cashier.
  You entered the store and heard the little bell announce your arrival. Much to your surprise, Mr. Newton was working there that night. As he saw your expression of detachment, he frowned. So you tried to arrange your features in a polite smile before speaking.
  “Hello, Mr. Newton.”
  “Y/N, child, why are you wandering alone when it’s already this late?” he asked softly, though clearly concerned for your safety.
  “Don’t worry, sir,” you answered, walking towards the cooler where they kept the iced coffee and taking two in one hand, as you went for the chips next. “Tae and I needed a little snack. Movie night.”
  He nodded and you placed the items on the counter for him to scan.
  “Well, then. Tell that kid to come by whenever he can. My wife wants to send some essential oils for Mr. Kim’s aromatherapy sessions,” just as he’d said it, he got a bit closer to you, as if the next words to come out of his mouth were a secret. “Truth is, she misses him. The boy is the only one who can stand her cooking.”
  Despite being moody, you chuckled wholeheartedly. No one could be indifferent to Taehyung’s charms, it seemed.
  “Yes, sir, I’ll tell him.”
  As you went through your wallet to pay the old man, you heard the little bell once again. Mr. Newton greeted the new client, but you were too engrossed in finding the right bills to snap your head in the newcomer’s direction. However, the inquisitive sound that left the old man caused you to steal a glimpse, catching auburn hair and broad shoulders in their wake. You stood still for a moment, trying to recall why those locks seemed so familiar. Until it hit you.
  “Jin?” you breathed, not loud enough for anyone in the store to actually hear you. Just as you muttered his name, he closed the door and turned left, disappearing from your sight. You gasped. “Keep the change, Mr. Newton!” you said – audibly, this time – leaving a ten dollar bill on the counter and grabbing your stuff as gracefully as you could muster, rushing to the door like your life depended on it.
  “No running in the store, kid!” he tried to scold you, but could already feel the cool breeze as you opened the door and looked around, expecting to find his brother. Only this time around you weren’t scared, no. You wanted answers, heart beating fast at the possibility of hearing from Yoongi, maybe even seeing him… Okay, no, not the time for this, first things first.
  When you realized he was nowhere to be found, you ran. Left. He went left. You passed by a few houses and almost tripped on a stray cat, turning your head to the side to check on it and apologizing profusely as you picked up your pace again. A few blocks later, you were already out of breath. You came to a halt and put both hands on your knees, gasping and feeling your lungs burn.
  Trying to ease your labored breathing, you realized that you were probably going crazy. A halfhearted chuckle escaped your parted lips. You were disappointed, even if actually meeting the redhead meant trouble. Trying not to let frustration and melancholy get the best of you, you decided to just let it go and head back home. Even if it was Jin, he probably wouldn’t tell you anything anyway.
    The snow under your feet was slippery as you got out of the library, leather backpack and navy-blue beanie on. You held a large cappuccino on one hand, careful not to spill it as you dodged passers-by and umbrellas every now and then. The streets were a little crowded that afternoon, and you were dying to get home and relish on Mrs. D’Angelis’ famous chicken noodle soup. Maybe she’d even grant you a warm glass of wine if you asked properly. You tried to occupy your mind with ordinary, day-to-day thoughts, trying to ignore the flutter on the pit pf your stomach.
  During that entire week, you were constantly under the impression that something was off. When you were going to school with Taehyung, or grocery shopping for your mother, there was always that tingling feeling on the nape of your neck that told you that someone was watching. Then you’d turn around and nothing. No one was ever there. The uneasiness was uncomfortable, but you didn’t feel endangered, just really jittery. And your motto was: no better medicine for anxiety than tons of caffeine.
  “Mom, I’m home!” you crooned, taking your coat off and discarding the empty thermal cup.
  “In the kitchen, honey!”
  The smell was splendid. You took a deep breath, already yearning for the hot meal, and kissed your mother on the cheek while she stirred… something.
  “Uh, smells nice,” you praised, making your way to the fridge for a glass of water. “I’m shocked Tae hasn’t come knocking on our door yet. Maybe his flair is broken because of the flu.”
  “Is Taehyungie sick, honey? Why didn’t you tell me?” she almost whined.
  “It’s nothing, just a bit of phlegm. But I’ll take some of these,” you pointed to the pots, “for him and his dad later.”
  “You really should. Now go upstairs and change before dinner.”
  You mumbled a response and climbed the stairs to put on some good old band t-shirt and sweatpants. You didn’t notice the broad-shouldered frame behind the door, and as soon as you closed it behind you, you felt a cold hand covering your mouth, while the other held you in place by the waist. Your whole body tensed, eyes bulged and breath hitched. Fuck. You were prepared to let out a loud scream, but his whispered voice stopped you.
  “It’s me, it’s me,” he shushed you. As a reflex, your muscles relaxed. “Gonna take my hand off your mouth now, George,” he informed, slowly moving his hand from your face.
  Of course it was him. His smell was all over the place, his touch still left little electric jolts on your skin. You snapped your head and turned around to face him. You realized your memories could never do him justice. He was so heartbreakingly handsome, you could cry. Pale skin, shiny disheveled raven hair. You noticed the circles under his eyes were darker and he seemed exhausted. Regardless, when your eyes fell on his lips, your body reacted before your mind could.
  Your hands made their way to the nape of his neck, caressing and gently pulling his hair. At the same time, you clasped your lips together on a desperate kiss. His surprise didn’t stop him from matching your frenzy, grunting as he sucked your upper lip and asked permission with his tongue, one that you promptly granted. Henceforth, your tongues performed an erotic, lewd dance as they fought for dominance, swirling and exploring each other’s mouths.
  Only when the back of your knees touched the bed did you realize he was moving you towards it. He broke the kiss for a moment to mercilessly throw you on the soft duvet, and you let out a surprised moan when he immediately covered your body with his, mouth returning to yours. A primal need surged from within you when you felt one of his hands roaming at your side lustfully, gabbing tight on your ribcage, your waist, your hip. He hoisted your leg and you hooked it around him, holding back a loud moan when he pressed his erection to your groin. You could feel your panties drenching from the sudden contact, a new wave of desire making your core ache.
  “Y/N-“ he tried to speak through heavy breathing, his lips never leaving yours long enough for him to finish a sentence. “Baby,” he groaned, obviously trying to say something, but you weren’t ready yet. You rocked your hips against him, earning another lecherous noise from his rosy lips as he closed his eyes shut.
  You used that moment of weakness to knock him to his side, climbing on top of him as you clamped your thighs harder on his hips. His eyes went dark at the sight, a devilish smirk tainting his beautiful features. You didn’t give him time to say anything, taking his lips on another bruising kiss. His hands on your ass, squeezing and groping, and you felt him throb inside his pants. You moaned, a gush of wetness coming out as you clenched around nothing. You couldn’t form coherent thoughts anymore, pressing yourself harder against his bulge as you rolled your hips, searching blindly and desperately for a sweet release that was already so close…
  “Hold it, baby.” His voice was stern, and he pinned both your wrists on your back, his hands seeming incredibly big when closed around them. He was sitting now, hot, labored breath hitting your lips, heightening your senses and sending shivers down your spine. You crumbled under his dominant demeanor, feeling an inconceivable need to obey, and instantly stood still. It surprised him as much as it did you, and you saw a smug grin plaster itself on his face. “That’s it. Be good for me so I don’t lose my mind.”
  You let out a breath you didn’t know to be holding and weakly nodded, mind still clouded with want. He let go of your wrists and gently pecked your lips, sitting you down on the bed instead of his lap. Father knows he would be physically uncapable of having a proper train of thought if he didn’t.
  “So… I guess we have a lot to discuss first, don’t we?” his smile was sheepish now, hands going through his hair in a nervous tick.
  “Yes,” you breathed out. “What happened? I was so worried, Yoongi, you have no idea. I didn’t even know where you were or what the hell you were up to, I-“ you took a moment in order to stabilize your voice. You knew you were affected by his sudden absence, you just didn’t know how much until now that he was actually in front of you. “I don’t even know what the worst case scenario could be, but I bet my thoughts came pretty close,” you chuckled humorlessly.
  “I’m sorry, I never meant to worry you. If I knew I’d be gone for that long, I would’ve told you before I left. I missed you so much,” he confessed, voice lower than before, and rested his forehead on your own.
  “Tell me. Please, I need to know,” your brows furrowed.
  “I met my brothers,” he paused, waiting for a reaction that never came. It’s not that you were not surprised by the information that he had other siblings, you just wanted him to finish it before you spoke. “Jin aside, I spent… years apart from my family. You could say that we didn’t leave things on the best of terms when I left father’s, so it was a surprise for me when I learned that they wanted to talk. Notwithstanding that it’s out of need, not love.” His heavenly features contorted in hurt and resentment, and you felt you own heart clench. You gave him an eskimo kiss as a sign of reassurance and he smiled timidly. “They offered to take me back. It’s… certainly a grand gesture for the likes of us,” he shook his head slightly and knitted his brows.
  “Isn’t that a good thing? Don’t you miss them?” you didn’t know why your voice was so small.
  “Not anymore, no.” His gaze was intense and made your heart beat impossibly faster. “I do miss them. They used to be my whole existence, the reason for every breath of mine. But now… now everything’s changed.”
  “What’s changed?”
  Your breath hitched. If it was anyone else, if it was any other situation, you’d laugh at the cheesy line. But this was him, and that, too, changed everything. That one word was enough to unleash butterflies in your stomach, enough of them to knock you breathless. The truth behind his statement carried a heavy meaning, one that you yearned for and that made you giddy. His onyx orbs were wary, and you wondered if he was blind to the utter relief plastered on your face. It was selfish, but you couldn’t help it. Not when it came to him.
  “H-How come?”
  He chuckled. “Don’t get bashful on me now, George, I’m pretty sure you understand.”
  You tried to scowl, but the grin was insistent on your lips. “Alright, let’s put a pin on that. You still haven’t told me everything. What did your brothers want?”
  “Y/N, there are certain things about me and my family that I cannot tell you. It wouldn’t be safe.”
  “You don’t trust me?” you were mainly curious, but a hint of hurt could be heard, too.
  “That’s not it. It just wouldn’t be safe for you.”
  “Is your family involved in something… illegal? Is that why?”
  “Not illegal, no,” he chuckled.
  “Then I don’t understand.”
  “I know. But please, George, don’t be stubborn about this one. All I’m asking for is a leap of faith,” his eyes were pleading as they bore into yours. Was he aware that he could probably convince you that the sky was neon green if he looked at you like that?
  “It’s a big leap,” you mumbled.
  “I know. Just trust that I have good reasons,” he smiled softly.
  You sighed. “Fine, Romeo, keep your secrets. Just tell me if you get too deep into whatever it is that the Min’s are hiding. I care about your safety just as much as you care about mine.” You forced the heat back, secretly hoping that it did not reach your face in time for you to actually blush.
  “Doubt it,” he grinned. “Dinner is ready, Mrs. D’Angelis will be coming for you soon. I should get going.”
  Your face paled as you rushed to the wardrobe, retrieving some clean clothes from your drawer. “Wait,” you stopped on your tracks in the middle of the room, glaring at Yoongi through narrowed eyes. “How do you know that?”
  “I have my ways,” he shrugged, then tugged his lips upwards on a daring smirk. “It’s a secret.”
  “If you keep giving me clues I might just figure it out. Go on.”
  He chuckled and stood up from the bed, walking languidly in your direction. He touched your nose with the tip of his index finger, tracing it’s way all up to your forehead, then coming down to your jaw, where he grabbed firmly. His lips were smooth and slightly damped as they softly touched yours in a chaste kiss. A ragged sigh of pure bliss escaped you, and you tried to fight the haziness.
  “Bye, George,” he was still lingering when he spoke. As he broke the contact and turned to the window, you woke up from the trance.
  “Stay,” you breathed out. He looked at you with a hint of confusion. “I-I mean, you can stay if you want. I can bring you some of mom’s soup and we can eat it here. But you don’t have to, if you’re bus-“
  “Okay,” he deadpanned.
  “Okay. Yeah, uhm… I’ll go change in the bathroom, you can make yourself comfortable.”
  “Already am,” he said as he threw himself on the bed, bouncing a little. His countenance was amused and he eyed you intently, toying with the elephant plushie.
  “Of course you are,” you snorted, carrying yourself to the bathroom.
  That night, you both relished on your mother’s cooking while watching some old movie about Cole Porter on your laptop. You were sure that it wasn’t his cup of tea, but he payed attention to it nonetheless. After you were done, you offered to take the dishes downstairs, since your mother would probably have a stroke if she knew there was a boy in your room. You stopped by Taehyung’s to check on him and offer his favorite hot meal, but it didn’t take more than five minutes. You were on a hurry, and he knew better than to question it.
  Back upstairs, you and Yoongi curled up under the covers and tried to find something interesting enough to watch for what seemed to be ages, your head resting on his chest and his hands holding you securely by the waist. It wasn’t long until you fell asleep, and only then did he leave, pecking your forehead gently before jumping out the window.
  “Get in.”
  “No,” you tried to end the discussion then and there. As expected, you failed.
  “Y/N, you can’t go back on pinky promise. You should’ve thought this through.” His goal was to sound stern, but in reality you could see the hint of a pout on his lips. “It’s my birthday.” Okay, there it was. That was definitely a pout.
  “No,” you closed your eyes shut and facepalmed – for good measure. “Don’t give me those eyes, I’m not looking,” the sound was muffled by your hands.
  He wrapped his incredibly large fingers around your wrists and whined: “Come on, we’re already here. What’s the worst that could happen?”
  “Why on earth would you say that?” you instantly took your hands from your face and shot him a glare. He had the nerve to chuckle.
  “You can’t possibly expect me to do this alone.”
  “You can’t possibly expect me to do this at all,” you retorted, kicking the snow piled up near the curb, shunning away from his puppy dog eyes.
  “You promised you would! I’ll do it, Marzipan. If you win this round, I’ll get a tattoo with you as a birthday present,” his voice was high pitched.
  You snorted. “I was out of it, mental faculties completely fried. Drunk on power and merlot. Plus, I’m pretty sure you cheated, you could never beat me at Mario Kart,” you grumbled.
  “I did not cheat,” he was outraged. “I’m a lawful man, I abide by the rules, and they are clear: a bet is a bet.”
  You honestly have no idea why you let him talk you into this. Perhaps because you’ve been feeling guilty lately, and therefore didn’t have the heart to turn him down when he broke into your room to collect his victory this morning. It’s a good present, right? To get tattoos with your best friend? He had been trying to convince you since three birthdays ago. You hoped it would be enough to ease a bit of the weight on your chest.
  Truth is, you had been spending too much time with Yoongi these past few weeks. After what happened when he showed his face again, it became routine that he came by almost every night when your mom fell asleep. You’d talk, watch movies, kiss… But what you enjoyed the most were those moments where you curled up in his embrace, face buried in the crook of his neck, and neither of you would say a word. You’ve always appreciated peaceful silence, but those moments were so much more. You felt truly connected to him, in a way you’d never felt with anyone else. Like you were both pieces of the same puzzle, cheesy lines aside.
  Or when he would be the one to rest his head on your chest, blinking lazily as you twisted his silky, raven locks in your fingers. Perhaps those were truly your favorites, as you felt the incontrollable urge – need – to be protective of him, to never let anything disturb his serene, almost childlike countenance, so bare before you in the night’s veil. Before the sun came up and brought back the little wrinkle between his eyebrows.
  During the day, you often returned to his safe haven – one that ultimately became yours, too. The waves breaking against the rocks, the salty breeze, the deep blue of the ocean, you had gotten acquainted to it all in a heartbeat. On occasion, you’d bring warm, fuzzy blankets, hot cocoa and books, spending an entire afternoon on your own personal eden.
  You never meant for any of it to get in the way of your friendship with Taehyung, but counterbalancing proved to be harder than you first thought. Although you may have gotten too caught up, inevitably distancing yourself a bit, you were now eager to make it up to him. He was like family, after all. So here you were.
  “Fine, have it your way. But I’m telling mom that you put me up to this,” you threatened. The snow under your boots making a crunchy noise while you crossed the street to get to the tattoo parlor.
  “She won’t believe you. I’m a saint. I’m her Taehyungie.” He was beaming.
  As soon as you got in, you saw a man sitting behind the counter. He was buff, and you’d bet that pretty much his whole body was covered in piercings and tattoos – mostly about dragons and snakes. Looks aside, his voice was warm and welcoming when he greeted you.
  “Welcome, kids. My name is Eli, how may I help you today?”
  All the drawings and pictures on the walls seemed to have detained Taehyung’s attention, so you plastered a polite smile on your face before answering.
  “Hi. My friend over here came to get a tattoo,” you pointed at the boy beside you and he scowled.
  “We both did,” he smiled at the receptionist.
  “Alright. You have to sign a couple of forms before we get into details. You’re both legal, right?” the receptionist asked and you nodded. “Peach. Just a second,” he turned his attention to the computer in front of him, taking a couple of papers from the printer soon after. He handled you each a consent form. Before you signed yours, you exchanged a look with Taehyung, almost having a whole conversation – bickering – with him through knowing looks.
  “Here you go,” Taehyung handed the papers to Eli.
  “Cool. Do you guys have something in mind? We have a few drafts you can check out. But if you already know what you want, Hyunjin can draw it when you get inside. Don’t worry, he’s good.”
  “I have something in mind,” Taehyung offered a bright boxy smile. “I guess I’ll just explain it to him, then.”
  “Great,” Eli turned his eyes to you, realizing that you definitely had not made up your mind just yet. “If that’s the case, I’ll let him know that you’re going in,” he said to Taehyung, who nodded in response. When the buffy man went to the back, he glared at you through narrowed eyes.
  “I’ll come back with permanent ink on my skin. You better not chicken out by the time I’m done,” he threatened.
  “Hope you don’t regret it within the year,” you taunted.
  “I won’t,” he snorted.
  Eli returned a second later, excusing himself to lead Taehyung to the tattoo artist. In the meantime, you picked a binder that was resting on top of the counter to take a look at the drawings he’d mentioned, hoping to find something you’d actually like – or at least an inspiration. Most of them were very intricate, and although they were beautiful, you wanted something simple. Less is more when you’re tainting your skin for life because of a bet.
  You were turning the pages with such disinterest that you almost missed it. It seemed unfinished, just a sketch, and you couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason as to why it caught your attention in the first place. It was a dragon intertwined in a circle, it’s countenance exuding fierceness and strength. Inside the circle, however, was just an unembellished arrangement of lines, one that was strangely familiar and alluring. 9-7-1-12-6, if you think about a clock.
  “Oh, I see you’ve found Lee’s work. What do you think?” Eli pulled you out of your headspace.
  “Uhm… Yeah, he’s great. His drawings are pretty authentic.”
  “Uh huh, he’s been working on those for a while now. So, do you have any idea what you’re gonna get yet?”
  “Not really. I mean, I liked this one,” you pointed to the page you were previously analyzing. “Do you know if it means anything in particular?”
  “Yes! Actually, it does, but I can’t really remember what. I think it’s a sigil, though. You know, one of those thingies people believe to be magical.”
  “Mhm.” You really didn’t know why you felt the need to purge those next words, but you were saying them before you could stop yourself. “This is it.”
  “What? You’re gonna tattoo that?” Without even knowing what it means?
  “Yes. I liked the dragon.”
  His lips were soft against your collarbone, leaving a trail of goosebumps on their wake when he moved them lazily to your jawline, wet little kisses making you squirm and sigh. His index finger was tracing patterns on your bare thigh, caressing and examining as if he’d never done it before, as if you were a made of glass. The sun had graced you with its appearance for the first time in weeks, and you wanted to enjoy the good weather as much as possible, so you had convinced Yoongi to lay on the grass by your side.
  “Tired of Miss Brontë already, love?” his velvety voice evinced his amusement.
  “Can’t read. You’re distracting me.”
  He chuckled lightly, delivering small puffs of air on the crook of your neck, and raised his head just enough to look at you, blocking the sunlight and making it possible for you open your eyes. Before he’d made his mission to disturb your concentration, you were reading for him, like people do with kids before they go to bed. It became a thing after the first time you did it, and now he picked a different book every week or so. When you’d asked about it, he just shrugged and declared that ‘It’s just nice. I like hearing you.’ This week, it was Wuthering Heights.
  “Continue, please,” he adjured, laying his head on your chest as a demonstration of good will. You grabbed the book you’d previously set aside and opened it, leaving one hand free to play with his locks.
  “That, however, which you may suppose the most potent to arrest my imagination, is actually the least, for what is not connected with her to me? and what does not recall her? I cannot look down to this floor, but her features are shaped on the flags. In every cloud, in every tree—filling the air at night, and caught by glimpses in every object by day, I am surrounded with her image. The most ordinary faces of men and women—my own features—mock me with a resemblance. The entire world is a dreadful collection of memoranda that she did exist, and that I have lost her.”
  His eyes were no longer closed, he was gazing at you.
  “Do you pity him?” he suddenly asked.
  “Heathcliff? I don’t.”
  He nodded slowly. “So, you think there’s no redemption, then?”
  “Not for him. He lived and died as an antagonist. Some might think his cruelty is just an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine, or that he conceals at least some virtue, a romantic heart. They expect him to be anything but what he constantly proves to be, they expect misunderstood heroes. But he himself acknowledges his sadistic nature.”
  He stood still, seeming to be lost in thoughts while tracing invisible patterns on your shoulder and refusing to meet your eyes.
  “Would you be able to love someone as tainted as him?” he asked wistfully.
  You lifted your upper body, compelling him to a sitting position as well.
  “I’ve never had to,” you pecked his lips chastely, even though he still kept his eyes trained on the grass underneath you. “Hey,” you dig your nails gently on the nape of his neck, asking for his attention. When he raised his head, the wrinkle between his eyebrows was there again. It worried you that, since he’s been back, it’s been a constant feature of his. Every now and then, his face twisted into an inscrutable grimace. “You understand, don’t you?”
  A half-hearted nod was your response, and he built up the mask to conceal his discomfort once again.
  “Enough vitamin D for you? I can’t stand the heat,” he grumbled.
  “Yeah,” you chuckled, pressing your lips to his forehead and standing up, stretching a helping hand. “Where do you want to go?”
  “My place.”
  Which was code for: Your mom is home and I want to pass out on my bed nuzzling you.
  “Whatever you want, grandpa.”
  “Be a brat and I’ll hit the throttle,” he threatened, positioning himself on top of his Triumph. Sometimes he took full advantage of just how dreadful you found his two-wheeled vehicle. And it always worked. You snorted, climbing on the back seat and wrapping your arms around him. “Hold tight, George.” His warning was delivered with amusement, but you knew better than to take it lightly.
  The fifteen-minute trip went as smoothly as it could, and even though you’d made sure to keep your eyes closed, you still felt dizzy and light-headed when he parked into the old building’s garage. He sensed your distress and got off the motorcycle slowly, careful when untangling you’re your arms from his waist and never completely breaking physical contact.
  “Open your eyes,” he murmured, one hand on the small of your back and the other placed on your hip. You took a deep breath and your eyelids tentatively fluttered. His lips brushed your right cheek as he effortlessly lifted you and put you down on the floor, covering the entirety of your hand with his and making a beeline for the elevator.  
  Yoongi’s apartment was on the fourth floor, which happened to be the last one – the building was a small, fading-yellow rectangle in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. In a way, it suited him. Secluded and discreet. Perfect for a misanthrope such as himself, given that you’d never even bumped into one of his neighbors – and you’d been visiting quite regularly. On another note, however, it was uncannily unpretentious for someone like him.
  He stopped for a moment on the front door, fumbling for the keys in his pocket. As soon as he opened it, you made your way to the couch, crashing with a sigh, face buried in the cushion. A minute had passed before he plopped on top of you, compelling a puff of air out of your lungs. You grumbled something about manslaughter, but the sound was muffled. He ignored you, making himself comfortable by nuzzling your neck and taking off his shoes using only his feet. You chuckled, making an effort to turn on your back so you could catch a breath.
  “Sleepy?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair. He hummed a response, content with your ministrations. “I, uh… have something to show you.”
  He raised his head from your throat, eyeing you curiously. “What is it?”
  “Bedroom,” you commanded.
  “Oh, I see,” he taunted, but stood up nonetheless. You rolled your eyes.
  You guided him to his room and closed the door behind you. He leisurely sat on the bed, waiting cautiously for you to proceed. You sucked in a deep breath, growing doubtful under his gaze. Pushing all insecurities aside, you unzipped your shorts.
  “Y/N, what are you doing?” he warned in a low-pitched, deep voice, orbs darkening considerably. You dismissed it, tiptoeing closer to him. He straightened his back and raised his eyes to meet yours, searching for any indication of what you intended to do. You pushed the waistband down, letting the piece of clothing pool on the floor, but he didn’t flinch, attention still focused on your features. When you hooked one finger on the hem of your white panties, he quickly snatched your wrist on a tight grip, brows knitting together. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with, baby. You know that, right?”
  Your chest swelled with warmth and affection. After the night he came back, things heated up a couple of times. Once he’d realized how tense and anxious you got at first, he began to hold back, withstanding your advances. You never verbalized anything, but he had a hunch, and pressuring you was definitely not on his to-do list. He was being respectful and caring, and although you shouldn’t accept nothing less, it made you feel safe. He made you feel safe, always.
  “Let me show you,” you murmured, a soft smile blooming on your face. He seemed puzzled, but ended up nodding warily. When you moved your finger, slightly pushing the fabric down to expose your hip, he finally had the guts to jeopardize his restraint and look down. You didn’t know what you expected his reaction to be, but that certainly wasn’t it.
  His breath hitched and he paled, eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. He didn’t move a single muscle, whole body tensing up. It was as if he couldn’t fully comprehend the sight before him, like he couldn’t believe. He composed himself soon enough, but you could still see the glint of shock in his eyes. It didn’t make any sense.
  “When did you get that?” his voice came out flat and a few octaves lower than usual.
  “A couple of weeks ago,” you frowned. The tattoo that marked your hip was now almost fully healed. You were doubtful in the beginning, but now you kind of grew fond of it. “What’s wrong?”
  “Do you know…” he cleared his throat, fingers twitching. “Do you know what it means?”
  “Not exactly,” you confessed sheepishly. “The tattoo artist said it was a religious symbol and… Truth be told, I’m not even sure why I did this. Just felt right,” you mumbled, realizing then that you probably sounded a tad out of it. You held your lip between your teeth, unsettled.
  “Yes. It’s the sigil of one of the seven archangels, love. It’s… Michael’s… sigil,” his jaw clenched, but his tone was now softer. “It’s used to invoke strength and protection. The ancients believed that, if you will it enough, he will be able to hear your prayers and, perhaps, be of assistance,” he laid his hand flat on your skin, stroking the symbol with his thumb, oblivious to the little jolts of electricity the simple gesture sent through your body. An unfamiliar mixture of dejection, despair and awe flashed through his onyx eyes, and you wondered what it was that he wasn’t telling you that could’ve possibly elicited such reaction.  
  “How do you know all that?” you wanted him to focus on something other than whatever it was that poisoned his thoughts.
  “Father taught me,” he shrugged.
  It’d been a while since he last mentioned his family. But you knew he was thinking about them whenever you saw the accentuated wrinkle every time he furrowed his brows, or when his muscles felt so tense to the touch that he was akin to marble against your skin. He was worried, he had been for a while now. And it scared you. You needed to know.
  “Yoongi…” the uncertainty that laced your tone made him squeeze your flesh encouragingly. “Where is he? Your dad.”
  “Home,” he stated tersely.
  “I know, but… Where is home? And what about your brothers? I know you said you don’t speak to them anymore, you just never explained why.”
  “We’ve already talked about this. They’re home, too. Y/N, just forget it,” he shook his head, avoiding your gaze.
  “Why do you build this wall between us every time? It’s frustrating. I can help-“
  “You can’t,” he deadpanned, breaking off any contact when he got up, making his way to the door. His demeanor screamed for you to back off, that he had no interest in continuing the conversation. But you were done being left in the dark.
  “Why is it so hard for you to trust me, huh?”
  “I already told you that it’s not a trust issue,” he raised his voice. “Why can’t you accept that I don’t want you to get caught up in the middle of my mess?”
  “Well, I am caught up in the middle of your mess!” you roared. “You were gone for an entire month and have been on edge ever since you got back. Something’s going on, I’m not stupid.”
  “Jesus Christ, Y/N,” a deep growl escaped his throat. “It’s none of your business, if we’re being honest here. They’re my problems, I’m the only one who can fix them – hell, not even that.”
  “If you could stop being such a jerk for a second, you’d realize that they became my problems, too, as soon as I fell in love with you. But you’re so far up your own ass that we can’t even discuss things without yelling at each other,” you spit the words. “Do you know what it’s like for me to watch you struggle like you’ve got the whole world on your shoulders? Especially when my hands are tied,” you stepped closer to his figure, heart hammering on your chest after your little speech. It was nothing but a whisper when you said, “You’re not alone, you idiot.”
  His whole expression softened, and you could recognize a faint smile on his velvety lips. Taking a deep breath, he closed the distance between the both of you and let his hand rest on the column of your neck.
  “I am an idiot,” he nodded, visibly calmer. “And you’re stubborn, you know that?”
  “Might have heard something about it,” you grumbled.
  He hummed. “Forgive me. Could you?”
  “Maybe. Will you… I mean, I just wish you’d open up a little. I’m scared, Yoongi,” you confessed.
  “Me, too.”
  “I know. That’s why.”
  He shook his head and lowered it until his skin touched yours. “I’m scared of your reaction, baby. I don’t know if you’ll want me once you discover the truth,” he murmured, more to himself than to you.
  “I’d say you’re safe. Unless your family is trying to coerce you into becoming a real life Michael Corleone. You didn’t shoot anyone in the head, did you?”
  He chuckled wholeheartedly and took a step back to maintain eye contact and mock you properly. “That’s your theory? That I’m a mobster?”
  You looked down sheepishly, before answering nonchalantly in a small voice, “One of them.” He couldn’t help himself, even though his hand was pressed tight against his mouth and his eyes were glistening with unshed tears of amusement. He tittered.
  “May I know the others?”
  “No,” you glared.
  “Oh, George, what if I ask nicely? What if I say please?”
  “Not even then.”
  “How about pretty please?” You shook your head, trying to pass through him to get to the kitchen, but he encircled his arms around you from behind before you could grasp the knob. “And what if I tell you that I am, too?” he breathed in the shell of your ear and you held your breath for a second. You didn’t need him to vocalize what you already knew, but you felt butterflies fluttering anyways. Still, you kept your ground, suddenly very conscious of the fact that your shorts were still pooled on the floor near the bed.
  “Closer, goodfella. But not enou-“
  The loud bangs on the front door cut you midsentence. You felt Yoongi’s body stiffen before something that sounded terribly similar to a low growl broke out of his throat.
  “Get dressed and stay here,” he ordered, authoritative. He didn’t spare you a glance before exiting the bedroom, and you felt a dreadful feeling claw up your insides, piercing your gut and making you nauseous. Pulse thrumming viciously under your skin, you fetched your shorts and wiggled it up, fastening the belt with shaky hands. Stop overreacting, you told yourself over and over, growing more anxious by the second. You couldn’t understand why, to be honest.
  Taking deep breaths, you forced your fidgety fingers to stay still as you fell limp on the soft mattress, eyes closed. Your mind wandered to the safe haven: cotton clouds and baby blue sky, the smell of the grass, the books scattered around you and him. For a minute, you could truly take the edge off. Until you heard the noise of glass shattering on the wall.
  Getting off the bed as fast as you could, your head spun. You opened the door quietly, careful not to expose the presence of another person in the house, and made a beeline to the kitchen. While you looked franticly for something that could be useful as a weapon, you tried to stay attentive to the sounds. They were muffled, but you could discern at least two voices, apart from Yoongi’s.
  Alright. Great.
  As any sane person who’s watched more than a few movies would do, you went for the most obvious choice. Knives. Better safe than sorry.
  Almost counting your steps, you tiptoed your way to the living room. The voices were not very loud, but you could easily understand what was being said now that you were closer.
  “It’s imperative that you return with us now,” a dulcet, almost high-pitched voice uttered softly. “I am sure you are aware of your responsibilities. It’s time.”
  You stayed hidden behind the icy-white wall that separated the two rooms, gripping the hilt of the knife so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Maybe you shouldn’t be eavesdropping, that was clearly a family matter. Maybe you should lock yourself in Yoongi’s bedroom and do as he said. But the truth was that you were far too curious – and now far too enchanted by the childlike voice – to stop yourself from prying.
  “I believe you have already forgotten about the current state of affairs, then? Father exempted me from my duties as soon as he banished me from the Gates and sent me to exile,” Yoongi spit. You could see it clearly in your head as he ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance. He sounded… different. You didn’t have the courage to tilt your head and steal a glance, afraid they’d catch the motion.
  “Father warned you about the consequences of your stubbornness, Michael, but you were very much unyielding in your misconceptions,” the second person said, gruffy and curt.
  “It is not a misconception to care for our own flesh and blood.”
  Wait. Michael? Had he been listening to your conversation earlier? If the man wasn’t so deadly serious and the air so dense, you would’ve laughed – although you felt that it was probably not the right time to let out a full-throated  guffaw to mask an anxiety attack.
  “Our own flesh and blood abused his role as a persecutor and bent the rules for his own selfish purposes. Azrael is fortunate if Father ever forgives him, albeit we both know he will. Brother, I know you hold the highest regards for truth and justice, but it was not your place to question an order.”
  You could hear the crude man pacing around the room as he spoke. Hoping to stay unnoticed, you sneaked a peek. The first person you landed eyes on was not at all taller than you, and you supposed that was the first man you’d heard. His hair was silvery, almost platinum blonde, styled in a way that evinced his beautiful forehead. The way he carried himself was elegant and graceful, like a ballerina, and his appearance suited his youthful voice perfectly. The second figure to catch your eye, though, was the complete opposite. Tall, lustrous olive skin and brown hair, he was intimidating at first glance. His steps were heavy on the floor, nearly clumsy.
  “Perhaps there lies the problem. We are never to question, even whilst we deem fit. Azrael is the embodiment of corruption and amorality; it’s consensual, we are well aware. No matter how devious, he is needed. Casting one of the Seven out ought to never be an option. Be that as it may… There are only five of us within the Gates now. Was I supposed to receive graciously the task of exiling our own brother?”
  You were growing considerably annoyed by their choice of words. Why the hell would they be talking like your great-grandparents? All cells in your body were telling you that it was supposed to be cringey, but in reality it was nothing but alluring. Charming. And that’s where all the annoyance came from.
  “It is unwise to go against His instructions. Are you a rebel at heart, Prince?” The man stopped his pacing to let the words tumble out of his mouth, venomous. You could tell by Yoongi’s countenance that he was about to lose his composure, and in a way you were yet to see. His body were trembling slightly in fury, and his lips were compressed together in a well-defined line. You were astounded, however, by his eyes. In that moment, you couldn’t move even if you intended to. They were tinted in a deep violet, just like you had seen before at Jin’s encounter, except that, this time, they hadn’t gone back to black.
  “This has nothing to do with the Rebellion, Raph-“
  “Then why disobey? Do you plan to defy Father as well? It would be entertaining to watch you fight your antithesis for the throne of the underworld,” he chuckled.
  It all happened in an instant, but for you it felt like slow motion. Yoongi was convulsing within himself, as if attempting to refrain a great deal of energy from breaking free. Once you saw blood oozing from his closed fists, you knew it was a lost battle. But never, ever, could you have foreseen what came next, what kind of energy – power – exactly he was trying to repress. For a very brief moment, everything stood still. If you had been able to avert your eyes from him, you’d see the silvery-hair figure shudder. You’d see the faint smirk on the lips of the man who caused Yoongi’s outburst, even though he was, deep down, a tad terrified. But you did not have time, nor will-power, to pay attention to anyone but him, ablaze amethysts shooting daggers at the man before them.
  Then everything came crashing down. Your beliefs, the world as you knew it, it was all taken away ruthless and abruptly once you saw white feathers rip through black shirt. You gasped audibly, falling to the floor with a dull thud as the knife clinked at your feet. None of them noticed, too entranced by the interaction that unrevealed itself. Yoongi got to his prey at an unhuman speed, grabbing him by the throat and caging him against the door. The horrid sound was enough to make you wince through your stupor, and, if it were anybody else, their skull would have cracked. The man, however, only clenched his jaw to suppress a whimper.
  “How dare you speak ill of your Leader like this?” as his voice went down a few octaves, Yoongi’s hold tightened visibly. The man-child seemed as ready to meddle as he would ever be, though still too frightened to actually move. “How dare you, brother, mention the Chief of the Heavenlies in the same breath as his nemesis? Mere one hundred and fifty years, Raphael, and you already built the temerity of being impertinent towards me? Or have you simply forgotten who I am?” his wings were whooshing, as if he was preparing to – quite literally – take flight at any given moment. They were stupendous, bigger than he himself, and so snowy-white, so untainted. Truly immaculate, contrasting with his raven hair.
  His angelic features, albeit glorious, could never outstand the magisterial way to which he spoke, imposing authority. Like he was born for it. Everything about him in that moment urged you to bow before his feet, and you weren’t even the one holding his darkened glare. It was entirely alien to you, a facet of him you could barely conceive, let alone process. Raphael undoubtedly recoiled at his words, but tried to conceal it.
  “Then show me. Do your title justice and lead us to victory, as I know there is no wrath nor passion greater than yours. Not for a moment have I forgotten who you are, Flaming Warrior, but you certainly have.” Raphael spoke, and it fell to the ears like a prayer.
  As Yoongi’s wings retracted once again, you breathed what seemed to be the first intake of air in hours. He slackened his grip on Raphael’s throat, who then bent over in a fit of coughing. The boyish man’s shoulders visibly relaxed, and he let out a sigh. Of course, the little truce was bound to be broken the minute one of them laid eyes on you. It happened to be the blonde.
  “Michael, there is a human on your floor,” he whispered, resembling a kid more than ever with his eyes wide open. “Why is there a human on your floor?” he snapped his head, shooting the question directly to Yoongi’s face, and you saw his body stiffen. “Oh, Father! She’s heard our names! Brother…”
  “Silent,” his voice was gruff, and he turned to scrutinize your figure. You weren’t sure of how you looked from the view of an outsider, but you felt… Shock, maybe? Fright? You didn’t know who and what was in front of you, and all you could think was how come his eyes are pitch black now?
  “Yoongi, we violated the law,” the man you now identified as Raphael said.
  “Namjoon,” his eyes never left you as he spoke, “take our brother home and certify yourself that he does not mention today’s events within the Gates.”
  “B-But the protocol-“
  “Does not apply to her, Jimin-ah,” Yoongi cut him off, “If you still need me to fight by your side, that is.”
   He seemed appalled by the perspective of that being an option. “Needless to say, brother, of course we do!”
  “That means I am in charge, then. So, at your superior’s orders, will you be able to keep this to yourself?” Yoongi craned his neck to glance at them through his peripheral vision.
  “If it is what you want, brother,” he mumbled, averting his gaze to the floor in respect.
  “Well, that being the case, I fear we might have to end this dreadful visit already. Notify our soldiers that I am to be expected soon.”
  “Yes, sir,” Raphael responded with a worried frown tainting his beautiful face. He touched the cherubic-like man on the shoulder and they both left the apartment.
  Yoongi’s feet were glued to the floor, the same spot he’d been standing since landing eyes on you. Your breathing was labored and hitched; your throat so dry that it felt like sandpaper. He took a little step forward, slowly stretching one hand in your direction. You let out a low whimper, recoiling until you were almost balled up, knees pressed tight against your chest. He immediately withdrew his arm and flinched.
  “I told you to stay in the bedroom.” His voice was flat, it wasn’t a scold.
  “W-What- What the hell just-“ a sob broke through your throat, and only then did you notice hot tears striking your cheeks. “Y-Yoongi,” you weren’t sure of what to say, let alone if you were actually able to choke a whole sentence out.
  “Are you afraid?”
  Fuck, yes.
  Were you afraid of him, though? Granted, his whole countenance while exerting power over someone else sent chills through down your spine. But that was not the man standing before you now, no.
  “Who are you?” you asked, trying too hard to keep a clear head.
  He straightened his back. “My true name is Michael,” he muttered.
  “You know that’s not what I asked,” you objected.
  “Yes,” he sighed, “I know. Can you keep an open mind?”
  “An open mind?” you scoffed. “I’m here, aren’t I? After seeing a pair of wings growing out of your shoulder blades.”
  “You are,” he chuckled humorlessly. He then walked tentatively in your direction, sitting on the floor as well when he deemed close enough. “I’m one of the Seven.”
  Your face twisted in confusion. Your brain was trying to deny what your subconscious already knew. “Go on.”
  “My brothers and I… we are one of Father’s first creations. Have you ever heard of the seven archangels, George?”
  “Yeah,” your voice was nearly inaudible.
  “It’s easier for you to understand, then. We are responsible for maintaining harmony in Heaven. That, occasionally, includes keeping things in order between the Gates and Earth,” he paused, searching for anything in your face that would require him to stop. “I am… let’s say, of great importance to keep the balance between our worlds, including the nether regions. You might have already gathered that I’m their leader, so to speak. I am in charge of all heavenly troupes, every single one of Father’s soldiers is under my command, as well as I am under His. In times of war, I am indispensable. That’s why they call me Warrior Prince; amongst other things.”
  “So it’s… all real?” your voice almost cracked. “Hell, heaven… God?”
  “Pretty much, yeah.”
  “Then why are you here?” you murmured under your breath and his expression darkened.
  “Immortality can make you petty. Do you remember meeting Azrael? I guess you know him as Jin. Azrael is… unique. Known as the Persecutor, he was the first reaper to ever exist – created before I was, even. He harvests human souls in due time and delivers them to a realm that suits them best. Paradise, Purgatory or Hell. My brother can be misunderstood very easily; his job has brought to the surface a sadistic persona. We all deal with evil from time to time, it was born in our home, but… Azrael is death, it’s a heavy burden to carry. Infinite lifetimes dealing with the worst sentiments a human can ever experience is bound to leave some scars. He can be mischievous and quite a pain in the ass, to be honest,” he huffed, “but his loyalty is admirable. So, when he made an egocentric mistake, Father reunited us all to discuss the best course of action. Much like a trial, if you will. The point is: they banished him to live amongst his… victims for a certain period of time. I could never agree to that, I believe every single one of the Seven serves a purpose, we are all needed to maintain natural balance.”
  “So you rebelled?”
  “No,” he scowled. “I’m not a rebel, I’m… a nonconformist.”
  “It’s the same thing.”
  “Not for us, it’s not.”
  “Okay. Then what happened?”
  “It’s a long story, if you want me to explain it correctly.”
  “I do. And you’re everlasting, so I bet we have some time to spare.”
  “Right,” he snorted. “My people is a bit traumatized when it comes to defiance, you probably know why.”
  “Because of the devil, right?”
  “Lucifer deeply despises all of his nicknames. But yeah, he’s the reason. A very long time ago, Father decided to expand our family. My brothers and I were content, but when He presented the idea of more… more of us, more love, we agreed on the spot. See, He was never, ever, the tyrant your kind makes him to be. Until Lucifer, that is. He was… exquisite, my brother. From his birth, each and every angel to exist used to say that Father got inspired by me when creating him, but in a very distinctive way. As much as possible, we were the flip side of each other, although extremely similar still, if that makes sense. With time, our bond grew stronger; we became inseparable. Almost everything we did was in each other’s company: from training in the fields to reading manuscripts under the sunlight. My brothers and I didn’t have much to worry about, it was a very peaceful existence. We had not come to know sin yet.
   Needless to say, it did not last. Because we were oddly alike and yet so different, comparisons were nearly inevitable. I didn’t mind them back then, so I thought he would never take it to the heart either. I was wrong. Lucifer distanced himself slowly but surely, and with each passing day, he tried harder to triumph over me in a childish competition, one that existed strictly in his head. He’d become resentful, and his animosity soon spread like wildfire towards the others, too. None of us were able to comprehend a feeling we had never experienced ourselves, so it took us years to make sense of the situation. By the time we did… I guess it was already too late.
   When Father created your kind, the hierarchy became even more apparent: only us, the archangels, were allowed to interact with humans – even so, only to a certain degree and always serving a purpose. Father wished your… species to stay untouched by our graces. Masterpieces, as long as kept apart, he had said. You see, your people got it terribly wrong. Lucifer was never jealous of humans – in fact, he holds deep contempt for them. He was jealous of us, of me, because my new responsibilities evinced that we had different roles on the chain of command. If rancor was his first sin, fury came to be the second. He endeavored to make a point of how unfair it was of Father to ‘play favorites’ and provide the Seven with greater might. My brother was a very shrewd, intelligent being, but his envy made him blind to a lot of things.
  Lucifer used the following years to spread his beliefs right under our noses, and therefore was able to gather a herd of angels who succumbed to blatant lies just as much as he did. That was the beginning of the rebellion. His ability to lead was remarkable, but he could never be a true leader – not that he intended to, anyway. The reason is pretty obvious: my brother did not care the least about those under his directions, they were means to an end. His main goal was to dethrone the Seven, and for that he forged a deadly weapon: the flaming sword. The uprising initiated a war that none of us were ready for, not even him. For seven days, we fought. For seven days, we continuously killed our own. I suppose you already know the end to that story.”
   You were so fascinated by his narrative that you’d already forgotten the reason he brought up the subject.
  “I think so,” you said. “The real thing is actually so… different from everything I’ve ever heard.”
  “I know. Tales never accomplish the whole truth.”
  “But what does that have to do with the reason you’re here?”
  “Like I said, my kind does not tolerate defiance after everything that happened. When Azrael was sentenced, I didn’t exactly make an effort to hide how I felt about it. They didn’t take it very well, so if you ask any of them why I was exiled, they’ll say it was for disobedience. When, in fact, it was because I reminded them too much of him,” he sighed, and you both fall into a pregnant pause. “How are you taking this?”
  “I’m not sure. I guess I just didn’t have enough time to process yet.”
  “I know,” he twisted a strand of your hair in his slender index finger.
  All of a sudden, a realization fell heavy on your heart.
  “Is your time up?”
  His brows knitted themselves together. “My time?”
  “Yeah. You said you’d stay here… for a predetermined amount of time. Is that why they came to get you?”
  “No, George,” he let out a puff of air from his nose, “that’s not why they came for me.”
  “Then why?”
  “Think about it. Why would they need their General for?”
  You shook your head, trying to make sense of what he was telling you. Oh.
  “You said you were indispensable in times of…” your whisper faded to an end.
  “War,” he completed.
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                                                                                                                                  “While they adore me on the throne of hell,
With diadem and sceptre high advanced
The lower still I fall, only supreme
In misery; such joy ambition finds.
But say I could repent and could obtain
By act of grace my former state; how soon
Would height recall high thoughts, how soon unsay
What feigned submission swore: ease would recant
Vows made in pain, as violent and void
For never can true reconcilement grow
Where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep:
Which would lead me to a worse relapse
And heavier fall: so should I purchase dear
Short intermission bought with double smart.”
      There was a thin layer of snow covering the streets once again. The friction between the tires and the asphalt was barely there, and if the circumstances were different, that would be your main concern. The wind howled as you cut through it like bullets, and you tightened your embrace around his waist, somehow enjoying the numbing air of a cold late-afternoon. Eyes wide opened this time. When he finally parked in front of the porch, you quickly hopped down and took the helmet off, placing it in the seat you had previously taken. Before you could say or do anything, Yoongi seized your wrist with a leather-gloved hand.
  “I’m positively opposed to this,” he blurted in a last attempt to change your mind.
  “I know.” You tried to free yourself from his iron grasp, but to no avail. It was getting easier to read his features, and you could tell he was still unsure. But you were not. “Yoongi, it’s my call.”
  “Don’t I have a say in it?”
  “Ultimately… no.”
  “Want you to be safe, that’s all. Let us be reasonable about this, why don’t you?”
  “I thought you understood better than anyone that I don’t get to be reasonable about this,” you sighed with impatience. “Please, I—”
  “Okay,” he loosened his grip. “I’ll wait here.”
  The light was off in the living room, your mother wasn’t home yet. You told yourself that it was better this way. Making a beeline to the stairs, you went over the little list in your head once again before entering your bedroom.
  Set of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, laptop… What else?
  You looked around, the baby-blue walls somehow mocking you, an excruciating reminder of simpler times. Memories of your childhood swirled inside your mind. All the times you and Taehyung would play hide and seek, the squeals he’d let out whenever you caught him off guard, how he was certainly faster than you, but would let you win a childish race every now and then. The familiar scent of caramel and coffee roaming around the house in the wee small hours of the morning after movie nights, your mom’s chocolate chip pancakes for lunch on Sundays. It all felt like a lifetime ago.
  Hauling your backpack across your shoulder, you had a weird feeling that that was it. That was goodbye. Although Yoongi had promised you’d be back safe and sound in a couple of days, you knew things could go wrong. It was a pondered decision; you were aware of the risks, he’d made sure of it. Still, leaving his side when there was a real possibility that he might not get out alive was just… not conceivable. Logically, you understood that, if things went south, you would not be able to do much. You did not care much for logic these days, anyway.
                                     [Cheers Darlin’, by Damien Rice]
  Stepping out of the room and shutting the door as quietly as possible—for no apparent reason—you hopped downstairs two steps at a time, making sure to avoid staring at other parts of the house that could trigger another episode of nostalgia. Too focused on the task of trying not to focus, you missed the six feet tall barricade blocking the entrance to the living room, crashing into it face-first. If it wasn’t for the unrelenting grip keeping you in place, you would’ve certainly hit the floor.
  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the flat baritone voice resonated throughout the empty space.  
  Of course. You closed your eyes tightly, taking a deep breath before even contemplating lifting your head to make eye contact.
  “Do you need something?” in a poor attempt to shield yourself, you parroted his dead intonation.
  “Do I need something,” he hummed. Then he chuckled, fists clenching around your forearms. “Are you leaving?” he spat. “What about your mom, huh?”
  “It’s just a couple of days. I’ll call her.”
  By the scowl plastered on his face, your dismissive attitude hadn’t worked the way you planned it to. You had to do this quick, like ripping off a bandage. If anyone could give you a run for your money in this situation, that would be Taehyung. You knew he’d try to persuade you into staying, so you couldn’t risk it. For both your sakes.
  “I see,” he remarked. “Were you planning to tell me you’re running off with your boyfriend or you’d just leave me to figure it out on my own?”
  His venomous words burned out of his mouth at lightning speed, tainting his tongue with a pungent aftertaste.
  “You know I would never do something like that,” the hurt that laced your voice was evident, but, maybe for the first time, it didn’t make him feel half as bad as it should.
  “Do I?” he scoffed. “For the past few months, it feels like you’ve already left. Wouldn’t make much of a difference if you actually did, I guess.”
  That did it. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you were determined to not let them fall.
  “Okay, I’m not doing this,” you whispered, not trusting your voice enough to speak properly, and pulled your arms out of his grasp roughly. You darted for the closed front door, feeling sick to your stomach at the thought of spending another minute inside the house. He clutched your shirt tightly, as if it was a lifeboat.
  “Wait,” his fists clenched tighter. You could sense him getting closer, but you didn’t have the guts to turn around and face him just yet. He buried his face on your right shoulder, holding your hip now, nails bound to leave little crescent moons on your skin. “M’sorry,” he mumbled. “I hate this.”
  Your heart ached. You hated it, too. Pushing Taehyung away was never your intention, but you finally came to understand all the times Yoongi had kept a safe distance before. To keep you safe. You couldn’t risk it, not with Marzipan.
  “It’s fine, Tae.”
  “It’s not,” he shook his head, brushing his nose on the fabric of your blouse. Inhaling deeply, he moved to the nape of your neck. You shuddered. “None of this is fine,” a peck on the bare skin of your neck, and your entire body tensed.
  “Taehyung…” you warned.
  “Don’t,” he begged, turning you around. You were adamant on avoiding his gaze, so your eyes kept darting between your feet and your hands. “Don’t go.”
  While he rested his forehead on yours, one hand on your cheek and the other thumbing your collarbone, you knew what was about to happen. You knew, and, still, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him. You knew, but it was Taehyung, your best friend. Marzipan, the little boy from the house next door. Boxy smile, disheveled hair, sweet-toothed Taehyung. How wrong could it be? You were saying goodbye to a part of your own soul. How wrong could it be?
  When his lips touched yours, soft and ravenous, you really wanted it to feel right. But the answer to your previous question was: too wrong. You loved him, yes. But he wasn’t him. Didn’t taste the same, didn’t feel the same. His movements weren’t slow yet demanding, his hand wasn’t drawing invisible patterns on your lower back, his smell wasn’t musky enough. It just didn’t feel right.
  “Tae,” you tried to end the kiss, but he led his mouth back to yours like in a trance, nibling on your lower lip. “Taehyung, stop!”
  By the end of it, you were both panting. It dawned you how big of a mistake you had just made, and guilt made you nauseous. Neither of them deserved what you’d just done, neither of them deserved to have their hearts broken because you were such a fuck up.
  “I-I’m so sorry, Tae,” your voice cracked. He was about to answer, but you didn’t want to hear it. You couldn’t breathe, your skin was on fire and there was a big, nasty lump in your throat. You bolted out the door, only to be met with Yoongi’s inquiring gaze. It seemed to have broken a damn, and heavy tears tumbled down your cheeks. He rushed to meet you halfway, brushing the tears away as soon as his hands reached your face.
  “Hey,” he shushed you. “What happened, baby?”
  “Can we go home, please?”
 The crease between his furrowed eyebrows deepened, but still, he chose not to pry any further.
  “Of course, love. Of course we can,” he softly muttered, although still hesitant to take his hands off you.
  You climbed onto the familiar grey motorcycle and hid your damped cheeks on his jacket. The beast rumbled, gaining speed as you cut through the air. The ghost of Taehyung’s lips on yours haunting you the entire way back.
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glbertblyth · 3 years
AN: It’s been a long time shirbert fans... anybody still up for some fake-dating shenanigans? 
It was raining by the time Diana arrived—the sort of rainfall Anne might have basked in and even written a poem or two about if she’d had a mind for it. Instead, with Gilbert’s short visit still fresh in her mind, it only exacerbated her horrible mood.
Once out the door (slammed behind her, much to Marilla’s great woe), Anne threw her denim jacket overhead to avoid the inevitable ruination of the pretty outfit she’d decided on that day. The walk to the back door of her friend’s car was all it took to dampen her hair and muddy up her beloved white hightops. She didn’t even want to begin to imagine what the state of her hair might be once dry again. The half hour she’d spent on taming the wild red lockes surely going down the drain with every squelching step she took. She shuddered to picture the disobedient strands frizzing and curling annoyingly around her shoulders.
“Anne!” was the first thing she heard when she opened the car door, her hands cold and clammy from grasping the freezing handle.  
It was Diana who had exclaimed it, smiling brightly from her spot in the driver’s seat. At its most brilliant sight, Anne’s sour mood nearly melted away - she did so love Diana’s smiles. So for a fleeting moment it was as if it were summer again and they were having one of their lovely days of sloth, with the sun vibrant on their skin as they lay in the fields behind Diana’s house watching the clouds slowly drift across the sky. No school to worry about or boys to try and decipher.
Then thunder rumbled and she was brought back to the present. Sitting wetly in the backseat of Diana’s car next to Jane and catching the very last few syllables of words mumbled from the front.
The brunette beside Anne reached across the gap in the seats to pinch Ruby, who squeaked indignantly.
“We brought coffee,” Diana went on, pulling out onto the road. The higher octave of her voice gave way to the obvious—she was being purposely breezy. Acting as if Anne hadn’t just opened the door and interrupted a conversation in which they had most definitely been talking about her. “I had them put an extra shot in yours because I know that’s the way you like it. Ruby? The coffee?”
Ruby rolled her eyes as she passed the drink to Anne. But she didn’t turn back around when it was in the red-head’s grasp, instead hovering there with an oddly expectant look on her face. A look, Anne realized, that was present on the other girl’s faces as well. Even Diana, big brown eyes wide like a doe’s in the rearview mirror.
“What?” she asked, pausing with her mouth halfway to the straw of her coffee and glancing around awkwardly.
When the only response was the low and torrid voice of Harry Styles drifting through the stereo and a raise of Jane’s eyebrows, Anne’s lips thinned in realization. The very word she had interrupted when she’d opened the door hadn’t been a word at all. It had been a name. Gilbert’s name.
Anne flopped her head back onto the cushioned seat, “Oh god,” she bemoaned. Could she not escape it for five minutes? Not even amongst her most beloved kindred spirits?
But there was nowhere to hide. Not with the three sets of eyes watching her so curiously. Waiting for her to give an explanation that she surely did not have. She was beginning to grow tired of Avonlea’s uncanny ability to spread gossip like wildfire.
“Watch the road,” Anne snapped at her best friend,  “or you’ll kill us all.”
Diana gasped and averted her gaze, focusing instead on navigating the road through the pelting rain.
“You can’t deny it happened,” Jane said matter-of-factly. “It’s all over everything.” Then she whipped out her phone, pulling up twitter as a way to prove her point.
“Don’t believe everything you read.” Anne snapped at her.
“So you’re saying it’s just a made up rumor?” asked Ruby, almost hopefully—because while Anne had despised Gilbert since the time she’d first laid eyes on him, Ruby had simply adored him. While Anne would spend every single valuable and precious minute of her English classes poking holes in Gilbert’s foolish arguments, Ruby was sitting not two seats away, mooning. It was exasperating.
“I’m just saying,” Anne folded her arms defensively across her chest, “there was a lot more to it than that.”
“So it happened?!” Ruby exclaimed, with such force she knocked her binder into Diana’s lap and almost spilled both of their drinks.
“Well I’m sorry but—this is—you can’t just act like this isn’t a big deal, Anne! He’s Gilbert! ”
“I’m well aware of who he is.”
“You hate him!”
Anne bit the inside of her cheek. Of course she hated him. Of course. But it’s not as if she could tell the truth: that she had used Gilbert as a mere line of defense against dearest Diana’s cousin—her very own flesh and blood. Though how that was possible was beyond Anne considering he was so insufferably annoying, whereas Diana was so sweet and kind and considerate. She never would have pushed anyone the way that Roy had Anne. She never would have refused to take ‘no’ for an answer, never would have imposed so thoroughly on Anne’s personal space that she felt as if suddenly all of the oxygen in the world had run out except what was left in her lungs.
Hell, even Gilbert had taken Anne’s ‘no’ at face value. He had nodded and left, much to her great relief. And how terrible a concept to consider: Marilla inviting him to stay for breakfast! What would she have done then?
“Anne,” Jane poked her cheek. “You’ve got some serious explaining to do.”
Like hell she did. Maybe the decision to kiss Gilbert had been rash, but she wouldn’t have done it had she not felt as though she’d been forced into a corner. And while she did hate Gilbert’s guts, the mere aspect of her kissing him shouldn’t have been ground breaking news. He’d been there. She’d used him as a shield. That was it.
Even if the memory of his lips moving fervently against her own had haunted her dreams all night, it was nobody else's business. After all, he’d technically been her first real kiss. And even if she did think him an insufferable pompous ass, she wasn’t entirely incapable of admitting that he was a rather good-looking boy. She wasn’t blind for chrissake.
But even so, she had absolutely no intention of that little tidbit of information ever leaving the confines of her own mind. Nobody needed to know that she found Gilbert Blythe attractive. Or that she may have very mildly delighted in the fact that he’d been so quick to kiss her back. Or—or that she’d felt a bit of a thrill when she’d seen him again that very morning; a thrill that may or may not have caused her to even entertain the plan that he’d so eloquently presented to her.
The severity of the realization jolted her. Rose her blood levels to an alarming height. Had she just admitted to anticipating Gilbert’s presence?
“I don’t have to explain myself to any of you!” Anne exploded. Though she couldn’t tell if her anger was directed at her friends, at herself, or at the mere prospect of having anything but ill feelings toward her long time rival.  “What I do with my life is nobody’s business but my own! I don’t intrude on your private lives like this.”
Ruby shrunk back, but Jane wasn’t deterred. Everyone knew Anne had a terrible temper sometimes. When she yelled it was usually because she felt like she’d been backed into a corner and couldn’t see an escape besides pushing everyone else away.
“Sorry, Anne, but I’m your friend. Friends talk about this stuff. They don’t keep secrets.”
“It’s not a secret.” Anne grumbled. But she knew it was a weak argument. That her friend was right and that she had absolutely no excuse as to why she should keep the truth from them.
Because you’re actually considering Gilbert’s offer, a vexing voice said in her head,  And telling them you only did it as a way to escape Royal would ruin it. The voice only annoyed her more despite its truth.
Anne took a sip of her coffee with far more enthusiasm than necessary. Any excuse to avoid talking on the subject further. Avoid meeting the tense stares of her friends.
“I don’t see why it would be such a big deal that you kissed him anyway. Half of our grade has been expecting you two to jump each other’s bones for years.” Jane shrugged nonchalantly.
Anne felt the large gulp lodge in her throat as she choked out a cough, “What?”  
Ruby craned her neck around to face her, baby blue eyes wide and vulnerable. Diana released a quiet titter of laughter but didn’t take her eyes off the road.
Jane rolled her eyes exasperatedly, briefly meeting the hurt look of their sensitive friend,  “Oh give up, Ruby. He’s known you his whole life and hasn’t made an attempt at you,” When Ruby faced the front again, lower lip jutted out in a pout, her dark gaze swiveled back to Anne’s, “ You , however, caught his attention from the moment you arrived.”
Anne flared her nostrils indignantly, “Not true.”
The girl next to her threw her hands up in frustration, “It is too!”
“Is not.”
“What are we, five?” Jane quipped. And then her face turned smug, “Besides, you guys did end up kissing, didn’t you?”
Jesus, it was a good thing they’d barely missed seeing Gilbert at green gables. Anne hated to think how insufferable her friends might have been had they known he’d stopped by that morning.
She let out a dramatic huff, placing her coffee in the cupholder between them and then crossing her arms to her chest. “Do you just believe everything that Josie Pye posts?”
Jane opened her mouth to retort, but before she could, Ruby turned around in her seat again, “We don’t have to. You’ve been evasive enough to answer the question on if you kissed him or not for us.” She said with an adorable scrunch to her eyebrows. It was obvious she was stung but didn’t want to be left out of the conversation.
A loud clap of thunder sounded outside of the car, mirroring Anne’s emotions perfectly. Oh, how she wished she were a storm cloud sometimes. Floating above it all, no care in the world. No expectations except for that of releasing their torrential rage on unsuspecting passers-by. Perhaps if that were her, she wouldn’t have gotten herself in such a messy situation.
She watched as the windshield wipers slapped at the front window, avoiding looking her friends in their eyes. “How far are we from the school?” she grumbled. Though it was certainly going to be a tough task in it’s own, it would be better than sitting under the excruciating scrutiny of the three girls she was trapped in the small car with.
Diana cleared her throat. “Just another block,” she said.
“If you want me to make sure Josie stays off your back today, I need to have the details.” Jane stated simply.
Anne ground her teeth at the annoying tenacity of her friend.  “There aren’t any.”
“There aren’t any? ”
“That’s what I said.”
“How could there possibly not be—“
“Jane!” Anne snapped, teeth gnashing out like that of a caged dog’s, “Just drop it!”
There was a stunned silence for a moment as Jane snapped her mouth shut. No other sound but the constant pattering of the rain against the windows and the quiet hum of the radio. In the rearview mirror, Diana exchanged a sympathetic look with Anne.
“Fine,” Jane said finally, a cool resolve in her brown eyes, “But just because you hate Gilbert doesn’t mean everyone else does. If I can’t get the answer from you, I’ll just ask him.”
Anne stiffened—every muscle in her body pulling taut as she fought the urge to strike out with her constant weapon of choice: words.
Gilbert wouldn’t sell her out… would he? Not when he himself was riding on the possibility of a public relationship saving face.
God, would pretending to date him actually work? Could they even do it? Could she do it? Certainly he’d do something to piss her off. Something that would cause her to lash out and make it obvious that they were not, and would never actually be, in a relationship.
The thoughts tormented her as Diana pulled the car into the student parking lot. As she parked in her normal spot near the entrance. As she turned off the engine and they were swallowed by the sound of the falling rain. How fitting to see that Mother Nature bore such a pitiful mood—gray clouds swirling in the sky the very same way Anne’s feelings were swirling in her head.
As her friends giggled amongst themselves—already having moved on to the next subject of interest and opening their car doors—she took a shaking deep breath. Steeling herself against whatever the day might throw at her and clambering out of the car into sheets of cold rain.  
When the lunch bell rang, releasing students from their third period classes, Anne’s relief was as palpable as a cool wave crashing against a hot sandy shore. She gathered her things hastily—stuffing them into her bag and barely zipping it back up before hurrying from her calculus class and out into the crowded hallway.
She had very little want of being left in the classroom with a certain tall, dark, and tousled boy. And since that was how things normally went—since Anne and Gilbert were usually the last two left in the classroom, quickly scrawling the last of their work out on the worksheets before them—her rush to leave the confines of the classroom wasn’t without warrant.
Not for the first time since being acquainted with Gilbert Blythe, Anne cursed the fact that they shared a fair amount of classes. (Or unfair if you’d asked her.) But this day… This day had taken her dislike to an entirely different level.
Or maybe dislike wasn’t the correct word for the churning she felt in her stomach every time she’d caught a glimpse of his disheveled dark curls across the room. Maybe awkwardness was the proper noun with which to describe the tension she felt pulled taut between them. If she could even assume it was a reciprocated tension in the first place, that is. She certainly felt it—choking the air around her like a thick and unwanted layer of dust. But… Gilbert hadn’t necessarily shown any discomfort at the sight of her. He’d backed off on making his usual snide comments or witty remarks, yes, but she wasn’t positive that it was because he was playing an angle or if he genuinely thought it better to leave her alone.  
Nevertheless, it made Anne’s gut twist uncomfortably. And because the whole school seemed to already know what had transpired the previous afternoon, she loathed to even look in his direction let alone exchange their usual haughty comments. She had, in not so many words, been avoiding him for the entirety of the school day—ducking out of shared classes with all the speed of a bulleting train and keeping her line of vision pinned straight ahead even when she felt his warm honey gaze settle on the side of her face.
This, of course, did not escape the notice of her ever so nosy classmates. In fact, the fervent silence between the two known rivals after such an unexpected public display of affection had only caused an even deeper upset among her peers. Anne liked to think she had learned to never underestimate the might of a small town’s grape vine, but she certainly hadn’t expected such… such backlash from one simple spontaneous moment in time.
To walk through the hallways of her familiar high school and notice the boisterous noise of groups dwindle around her felt much like her early days in Avonlea—except this time, instead of having smacked the town’s golden boy with a heavy textbook, she’d kissed him. And apparently that warranted an even more uproarious reaction.
Anne pushed through the crowd of students and scrambled to her locker—head down in an attempt to ignore the whispers around her. She’d thought that, after three and a half years, she had moved past the days of being an outcast; past the days of being a subject of interest on nearly every one of her classmate’s tongues.
Apparently she’d been wrong. All this time they’d only been hiding in the shadows, waiting for the precise moment she did anything out of the ordinary, so that they could pounce.
As she exchanged binders and textbooks with what had been stacked neatly in her locker, she was so thoroughly enveloped in her own vortex of thoughts that she hadn’t noticed the tall and skinny figure approach her.
“Anne,” the figure said. And despite the familiar trill of the voice, she startled, nearly slamming her fingers in the locker as she’d closed it.
“Dammit, Cole,” she hissed, but there was a smile beneath it.
She turned to her friend, a feeling of ease settling on her shoulders as it always had around Cole Mackenzie. He was leaning against the lockers with his hands wrung loosely around the straps of his backpack and his familiar blue eyes were warm with affection. After a moment, Anne realized there was a dark smudge just under his right eye—more than likely a result of wiping at his face after working with charcoal or graphite. A quick glance at his smeared hands confirmed just as much.
“You’ve got art on your face,” she said, gesturing at her own as a way to show him.
He released a breathy laugh before using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe it off. “Sorry I wasn’t able to get here sooner, I got caught up in class.”
Anne snorted despite herself. “Sure you did,” she said. “Keep acting like you weren’t flirting with that new exchange student.” She twisted her mouth into a feigned look of utter despair, “You left me to the wolves.”
Cole laughed as she schooled her features back to their normal, friendly state and swung her bag around her shoulder. She entwined her hand with his as they made their way in the direction of the cafeteria.
He fixed her with a faux imperious look. “I was only showing Gabriel the precise way of shading. Charcoal is a difficult medium to work with.”
“Don’t tell me,” Anne lowered her voice, acting as though what she was about to say was an absolute scandal, “You stood behind him and guided his hand with your own, heart pounding against his back as he leaned into you.” She caught at her chest with her free hand, “Oh, how romantic! ” she squealed, much louder than she’d meant to. A few students looked in their direction.
An exasperated laugh burst from her friend’s lips and he squeezed her hand lightly. “Not so loud, Anne.”
She shrugged. “People are gay, Cole. They can get over it.”
Cole wasn’t necessarily closeted. It was a pretty well-known fact within their friend group that he was very much homosexual—you have one conversation with him and he just couldn’t hold back his flamboyancy— but the world was still filled with small-minded bigots. And in a small town like the one they lived in, it was easier just to keep the knowledge of his sexual preference to a minimum.
“I suppose this means our vow to marry one another is broken,” she continued forlornly. It was a joking promise they’d made to one another when they were fifteen and certain they’d be deemed outcasts forever—no one but each other to lean on.
Of course, she’d had Diana. Beautiful Diana. But there were many things Anne experienced that her beloved best friend just couldn’t understand. Diana was popular, beautiful, a glittering star among the backdrop of the night sky—something with which Anne found little to no relatability being the scrawny ostracized girl that she was. But Cole’s friendship allowed a quiet solace; a person who knew what it was like to feel unwanted and unpopular.
Cole snorted. “You broke it first,” he said, “What do Gilbert Blythe’s lips feel like?”
Anne nearly tripped over her own two feet, having briefly forgotten the mess she’d gotten herself into. She snapped her head to look at the tall boy beside her and fixed him with a desperate glare. The look on his face was nonchalant, but she knew he was dying with curiosity.
“Why’d you have to bring that up?” she said, unable to help the whiny tone that had weaved itself into her words.
Cole clucked his tongue. “You left me on read last night. You deserve it.”
“I think I’ve gotten punishment enough,” she replied, a frown twisting at her lips. “It’s all anybody can talk about when they see me.”
He looked at her. “Anne. You kissed Gilbert Blythe . ”
“Yes, I know what I did.”
“Gilbert. Blythe.”
Anne unlatched her hand from Cole’s and threw her arms up exasperatedly. “Can people stop saying his name as if I don’t know who he is!?”
They turned down a slightly less crowded hallway, taking a shortcut they’d found halfway through their freshman year. “Can you stop brushing it off like it’s no big deal?”
“It isn’t a big deal.” Anne grumbled.
He ignored her. “How’d it happen anyway?”
There was a tearing feeling in her stomach—indecision on if she should tell him the truth of the matter or not. The small part of her brain that was hung on Gilbert’s earlier suggestion rioted at her to choose not.
It won. “It just—happened. Okay?”
Cole screwed his nose up. “What does that even mean? ” he said. “What, did you just randomly see him and say ‘fuck it, I’mma give into the three years of overwhelming sexual tension’ and decide to eat his face off?”
Anne blanched at him, stopping dead walk in the middle of the hallway. “Sexual tension?” she sputtered. “Have you been talking to Jane?”
Cole released a light laugh at the expression on her face. “No, but I’m not surprised she feels the same way. Everybody does.”
“I hate it here.” Anne said sadly, mouth turning down at one corner. What a piteous thing to confuse hatred with sexual desire. Because certainly— certainly —Cole and Jane were wrong. There was absolutely no sexual tension between her and Gilbert Blythe. None whatsoever. And she was positive in the fact that there never would be.
“Drama queen.”
“How observant of you,” Anne replied, beginning to make her way down the hallway again. “It’s as if we’re friends. Almost like you know me.”
Her blonde companion snorted, but followed after her.
“Apparently not,” he continued vexingly. “Not if you’re sucking face with Gilbert frickin’ Blythe.”
“Cole, I love you, I really do. But if you don’t shut up right this very moment, I will not hesitate to murder you.”
“I’m serious,” she said, “I live on a farm—lots of sharp tools at my disposal, Mackenzie. Don’t push me.”
He laughed—a short and exasperated release of breath. “Has anybody ever told you you’re kinda scary when you want to be?”
She glanced over to where he was matching her stride beside her, smiling crookedly and impishly.
Cole’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Please don’t flash me your murder eyes. It gives me the creeps.”
Reaching across the space between them with her arm, she patted his shoulder lightly. “Good.”
They lapsed into casual conversation then, walking quickly the rest of the way to the cafeteria and occasionally bumping each other’s shoulders teasingly. She really did appreciate Cole, she decided. Well, she’d always appreciated him—but unlike the rest of her companions, he never pushed her to talk about the things he knew she was most uncomfortable with. Teased her relentlessly maybe—okay, certainly —but he always, always, knew when enough was enough.
As they passed through the metal-doored threshold of Avonlea High’s sorry excuse for a cafeteria, (even their library was larger than the sparsely decorated area—hardly even eight long tables adorning the length of the walls and smaller rounded ones few and far between) Anne startled at the absolute terror she was faced with.
Being such a small school, the majority of the senior class was pushed into the same lunch schedule. Meaning all the kids she’d grown with for the past few years—all the classmates that knew most definitely about Anne’s adamant hatred towards one Gilbert Blythe—paused fractionally when they noticed her fiery mane out of the corners of their eyes.
Anne’s heart rate kicked up, stomach twisting painfully as the cafeteria quieted ever so slightly and heads swiveled to gawk at her.
She felt Cole’s hand squeeze hers. “Christ,” he mumbled beside her. “They really don’t have any lives do they.”
She snorted, eased slightly by his encouraging and easy-going presence. “Our school doesn’t even have a total of five-hundred students. This is probably the most exciting thing that’s happened since you showed sophomore year and Billie Andrews made it his mission to torment you.”
Her friend winced. “Don’t remind me.”
“Shit, sorr—“
The breath that had frozen in Anne’s chest upon realizing the upset she’d caused when first entering the cafeteria thawed the rest of the way at the familiar cadence of Diana’s voice. She could see her friend’s veil of dark hair, her infectious smile big and bright as she stood from their usual table tucked in the far corner of the room. The rest of her friends, still sitting, waved to her gregariously.
Friends, Anne reminded herself. Those are your friends and not even the disastrous evening before and whatever trouble Gilbert Blythe insights next can take them away from you.
She felt a warm smile tug at her lips as she moved toward the familiar corner, pulling Cole behind her as she went. But as she got closer, doubt crept into her mind. She saw the nervous glances Tillie, Jane and Ruby exchanged with one another—however miniscule they might have tried to make them seem. The scrunch of Diana’s nose, bringing her hand down from her enthusiastic wave and rubbing at a non-existent itch. Anne recognized it immediately as her bosom friend’s nervous tick.
Her steps slowed as she approached the table, nearly causing Cole to stumble into her from where he’d been following behind. Josie Pye—she was sitting straight backed, arms folded across her chest and an accusing glare flashing in her blue eyes.
Oh no.
Now this— this was the part she’d forgotten all about. Josephine Pye and her ridiculous aversion to amiable conversation. Her insufferable adamance on making Anne’s existence appear as a show for all the school to see. Josie fancied herself a puppet master, tugging at the strings on Anne’s back from the very first moment they’d met. And though a tedious friendship had developed between the two over the last few years, some things just never changed.
“Hey,” Anne squeaked out, instantly noticing how guilty she already sounded. She winced, sat stiffly on the stool across from her friends.
Cole rolled his eyes and plopped down beside her, shoved his bookbag towards the end of the table and folded his artist hands in front of him as he leveled Josie with a shockingly protective gaze.
“There will be absolutely no mentions of a certain happening with a certain someone taking place at a certain time yesterday afternoon, got it?” His voice left no room for discussion.
Diana nodded eagerly, reaching across the table and giving Anne a sympathetic squeeze of the hand. Jane pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, anything, about the unfinished conversation the girls had all had in the car that morning—but seemed to think better of it. Tillie and Ruby, always the more soft spoken of the group, simply sat quietly, glancing between Cole and Josie, the latter of which had narrowed her eyes in an obvious challenge.
The blonde grenade snapped her eyes to Anne instead. “I think that—“
“No.” Anne said icily, surprising herself. She’d never been one to overtly challenge Josie. But after dealing with Royal Gardner and Gilbert Blythe and every single pair of eyes that had followed and judged and questioned her all morning, she’d had enough.
She cleared her throat, “No,” she tried again, less hostile this time. “We will not be discussing the kiss because it’s my business and I owe absolutely nobody an explanation.”
“Periodt,” chimed Cole, snapping his fingers. Diana giggled, attempting to smother it with her hand but failing rather obviously.
Tillie’s eyes had turned wide as saucers. “So it’s true? You and Gilbert kissed?”
“Of course it’s true, I saw it with my own two eyes.” Josie snapped, “And obviously—“
“Josie, Anne literally just said we weren’t discussing it.” Diana huffed. It was the most annoyed Anne had ever seen her act with Josie—it made her want to tackle her best friend in a hug. “Please just drop the subject, okay? If she wants to explain herself then she will.”
“Must I repeat myself?” Cole raised an eyebrow at the blonde dragon across from him who was just barely containing the angry smoke Anne was sure to pore from her nostrils.
“Please,” replied Jane, amused.
“Periodt!” And he gave another flamboyant snap of his fingers.
Josie rolled her eyes imperiously. “You guys are dumb,” she said to the snickering gaggle of girls beside her, then she faced Anne again. “Look, I’m not one to really care all that much about your romantic life—“
Cole opened his mouth to protest but without even glancing his way, Josie cut herself off and snapped, “Shut it, Mackenzie.”
He raised his hands in the universal sign of defeat.
“But as your friend,” loosely Anne had to bite back from commenting as Josie continued, “I worry about what this means for your… reputation.”
“Oh, for the love of god, Josephine Pye. We’re in high school, not running for the frickin’ electoral college. I promise you, me kissing somebody is not that deep.”
Did any of them have lives?
A throat cleared beside her—Cole’s. “I mean,” he said quietly, “it kind of is when you’ve vowed to hate said kissee for the rest of your days. ‘So long as you bring air into your lungs’ I believe were your exact words.”
Anne snapped her head over to her traitorous friend, one who’d not moments ago was just defending her.
“Whose side are you on?”
“The gays,” he said solemnly. And then, upon seeing Anne’s unamused look, “Joking, joking—I mean, not joking obviously, but… Look, Anne. As overdramatic as Josie is being—“ said girl harrumphed impertinently, “—Everybody and their mother knows how much you hate Gilbert. I’ll fight tooth and nail for you, girl, but this whole situation is questionable in the least.”
“I just want you to know,” began Anne, “How much I hate all of you right now, nevermind Gilbert.”
“Hey!” Tillie protested, “I haven’t done a single thing besides ask if the rumor was true in the first place.”
“Tillie Boulter with-holding.”
Jane opened her mouth, “I—“
“You’re on thin fuckin’ ice, Jane Andrews.”
Anne was so incredibly and entirely tired of this entire situation. So much for not talking about it… God, she should just out and admit the reasoning already. Clear the air, make sure that everybody knew it was a farce. A ploy to get Roy Gardner to finally leave her alone.
Who was she kidding anyway? Even entertaining the idea that Gilbert had planted in her head earlier that morning was absolute insanity. Them? Dating? Imagine the uproar then. If her classmates were so nosy as to be absolutely entranced by the fact that they simply kissed, imagine if they announced they were dating .
Oh dearest Snow Queen, she asked of her longest comfort, What would you do?
She set her jaw then, determining it was time to come clean. “Listen, guys. Gilbert and I didn’t actually—“
She froze. Didn’t blink. Didn’t take a single breath for what felt like a solid thirty seconds. Her friends all startled to look behind her, Cole craning his neck to meet the gaze of probably the absolute last person Anne wanted to see right then.
“Roy!” Diana chirped with false cheer. Her eyes flit between Anne and the monstrous cad that stood behind her, betraying the panic she felt on behalf of her best friend. “I thought you had B lunch?”
Anne refused to turn around, still frozen as she watched, horrified, as all her friends looked at each other confused and curious.
“Well, I did. But the adviser decided to switch some of my classes around. She thought it would be best if I stayed with the rest of the senior class even if British academia didn’t quite meet up with American—Anne, are you trying to hide?”
She was, she totally, full-heartedly was. She’d sunk into herself, almost as if she were trying to allow the lunch table to swallow her whole.
“Anne, sit up ,” Josie hissed at her. Was she—god, was she batting her eyelashes at the boy behind her? The boy in which Anne could very clearly feel inching closer to her with every second she didn’t acknowledge him?
She took a deep breath, turned around in her seat finally for fear that he might reach out and touch her, place his disgustingly delicate and nimble hand on her shoulder. “Roy,” she said, not meeting his eyes. “Hi.”
“Hullo.” Roy replied, probably smiling in a way he thought was enormously charming. “Your dress is quite beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the one wearing it, I might say. Almost .”
Oh, for the love of all that is good and— He was insufferable. Anger, white hot and immediate bubbled in her blood.
“What do you want?” She said, rather bluntly. Cole elbowed her in the arm, shot her a confused look. I’ll explain later, she hoped her face portrayed to him.
Diana, ever the mediator, cleared her throat. “Royal. These are my friends. Tillie, Ruby, Jane, Josie, and Cole.” Cole watched him hesitantly, the girls all exchanged giddy glances. “Of course, you already know Anne.”
“How could I ever forget.”
Anne had to resist the urge to feign a gag.
“Anyways. Guys, this is my cousin Royal.”
“Roy. Call me Roy,” he said. But he didn’t even glance at them, his eyes were trained solely on Anne’s. And Anne rather wanted to punch him in his obnoxiously pert nose.
“It’s nice to meet you, Roy—“ Ruby had begun, but the miscreant cut her off, paying sweet Ruby no attention.
“Anne, I was hoping we might talk?”
Anne clenched her jaw, fought to keep from squeezing her eyes closed in exasperation at the sheer audacity Roy had to even ask that of her.
Right. This was why she’d entertained Gilbert’s plan. This was why she had desperately kissed him. Because Royal Gardner had no boundaries and despite being related to her best and closest friend, every moment spent in his presence was a moment she knew she’d never get back.
“Talk,” she said stiffly. She stood up, grabbed a confused Cole’s hand and yanked him up beside her. “But make it fast because Cole and I still haven’t had a chance to get in the lunch line.”
“I am… so confused.” Anne heard one of the girls say behind her. Diana shushed her.
“Privately? Perhaps?”
She was seriously going to punch this boy in the face. Like, actually. Right there in front of everybody.
“Privately?” Anne snapped coldly, her fury like fire in her veins. She stepped around him, cornered him to the table, making sure her back was to the rest of the cafeteria. Too many rumors were already circulating around her. If she caused a scene, lord knew she’d never come back from it. “Are you joking?”
She saw Cole step back from the corner of her eye, scuttle to the other side of the cafeteria table with the girls. All their eyes were wide and unsure of what to make of the situation.
“Anne, there’s no need for such hostility. I was just trying to—“
“Deliberately make her uncomfortable?” a new voice chimed in from behind her. There was an unrecognizable hardness to it, incongruous to all of the other times she had heard it before. Across from her, her friends' eyes widened impossibly, gazes landing on the new addition to the already intolerable conversation.
Anne could feel as all the eyes in the cafeteria turned toward them, a sure spectacle to behold.
She watched as Roy’s jaw hardened, eyes trained behind her with a new intensity as he tracked the movements of Gilbert Blythe lazily sidling up beside Anne.
“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of properly meeting,” Gilbert said as he threw an arm around Anne’s shoulders. She had to fight to keep from stiffening up, knew what he was doing, knew exactly what game he was playing at as he pulled her closer to his side and tucked her neatly beneath his arm. And while her blood boiled at his intrusion, at the audacity he had to come running in like he thought he was  some god-awful knight-in-shining-armor, at the way her friends’ expressions all changed immediately—all smirking and knowing and not nearly as surprised as she thought they’d be—the smallest part of her was relieved.
Like she’d still been gunning for that stupid, ludicrous plan that Gilbert had blabbered on about that very morning to actually work. Which in itself was most positively and unmitigatedly not going to happen in a million—
“Right. Is this him then?” The accusation in Roy’s voice broke Anne from her spiraling thoughts, solidifying the situation she was in. There, in front of all of her friends and essentially the entire senior class, she was facing off with one of the most impudent males she’d ever had the displeasure of meeting.
And, lord above, Gilbert Blythe of all people was the only person with the ability to make Roy leave her alone.
“Just a few months.” His words pinged around in her mind, “We get Royal and Winnie off our backs. And then we never have to deal with each other outside of class again .”
She scowled, resisting the urge to fidget beneath Gilbert’s arm. The heat radiating from his body where their sides were pressed flush together was rather difficult to ignore. She felt as though she could feel it fuse with her blood, travel through her veins and warm her cheeks, her toes, clog up her lungs.
“Is this who?” Anne replied, her scowl deepening.
“The boyfriend. The reason I can’t pursue you… or so you say.”
A choking sound came from her group of friends, though she absolutely refused to look in their direction. She was positive that the fire she felt across her cheeks no longer had anything to do with Gilbert’s body heat.
Roy raised a single brow when she opened her mouth, snapped it back shut immediately—a fish floundering on dry land. Gilbert’s arm tightened around her shoulder, probably meant to be comforting, reassuring, but it only made her want to elbow him in the side. The mortification leaching any and all relief she’d previously felt by his presence.
“I—uh,” she stuttered. Oh god, ohgodohgodohgodohgod. How in the hell had she gotten herself into this situation?
“My god, he broke her,” she heard Cole whisper.
“Anne? You did tell me you had one, right?” Roy’s eyebrow was still raised, the brazen confidence leaking from every pore. She hated him, she decided. Hated him more than the curly haired boy whose arm was wrapped around her and whose current silence felt like a ticking time bomb.
“I did,” she replied, and to her utmost horror it came out weakly.
“As much as I love being talked about as if I’m not standing right here,” Gilbert interjected, and Anne wasn’t sure if he’d noticed it but his thumb had started rubbing tiny comforting circles where it rested on her upper arm, “Anne doesn’t owe you an explanation. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t owe you a damn thing. So whether she has a boyfriend or not—whether I’m that boyfriend or not—is none of your business.”
Wait a minute, not woah , what the hell? Had he really said that? Had it really made her heart rate kick up in her chest at the way he’d not only defended her but her right to make her own choices without explanation?
Royal blinked, opened his mouth, closed it. But Gilbert ignored him, turned his head to face Anne. The expression on his face said It’s up to you , the small curve at the corner of his mouth added, Carrots.
She closed her eyes, counted one, two, before opening them back up and meeting Roy’s gaze.
God help her.
“Yeah, Roy,” she said, swallowed thickly, “Gilbert is my boyfriend."
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cloudywriter · 3 years
i never got to say i love you - 3
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honestly no idea how this actually worked out but i did find it in me to pick it up where i had left off. i’ll keep working on this story and see where it goes but i think i have a few ideas. it’s not very long but it’s a start ya know. it looks nice right now too but don’t worry the angst will be there soon. xoxo
masterlist, main masterlist, AO3
From that fateful night on, Feyre spent all of her free time in the art building’s studio not even returning to her dorm until long after dark. Quite frankly, she was a little embarrassed. She showed up outside of Mor’s door fully prepared to ask her to please quiet down only to be reminded of how ridiculously dressed she was and then to top it all off after that all she did was stare at Rhysand until she ran off stuttering like a fool which was so unlike her. 
She had a close call one afternoon in the dining hall but was able to make a speedy escape. 
Of course, the one time she decided she should work and study somewhere that wasn’t the art studio she ended up in the library. It had been fine until they strutted in, strolling down the center of the library as if it it was a catwalk. A group of girls next to her looked up at them, giggling and blushing, and quickly averted their gazes when Cassian shot them a swift wink. 
Feyre just kept her head down, trying to concentrate on the book of art history in front of her but just knowing he was in the same room as her, that she was in his vicinity had her mind unable to comprehend anything but that fact. Should she just stand up and leave? Would that draw more attention to herself? 
She quickly deduced she could not wiggle her way out of this one. 
Feyre propped up her textbook in hopes it would shield most of her face while she finished up the chapter and then she promised herself she could make her leave. 
The scraping of a chair across the tile floor informed her she was not going to be so lucky. She zoned in on the words in front of her, she was not going to look up.
“Art history,” a voice read aloud.
Feyre looked up and arched an eyebrow at the man in front of her. “Congrats, you can read.”
“Are you an art major?” He asked, leaning back in his chair.
“I could be or maybe I just enjoy a little art history. What are you majoring in making obvious observations?”
“Is that a new major? Because I’ll admit I’d love to take it up,” Cassian commented, crossing his arms and tucking his fist underneath his chin.
Feyre didn’t deign to respond instead she leaned further back in her chair once again focusing on the textbook. 
That was until the remaining members of the trio wandered up to Feyre’s table as well.
Cassian turned around a little and gestured to Feyre, “Hey guys, I’m just hanging with my girl, Fey. You know, the one who came to yell at us last week and then drooled over Rhys.”
Feyre slammed her book flat on the table, “I did not drool!”
Cassian shrugged, “I don’t know I think I had to whip up a few drops after you left.” 
Feyre just knew her bright red face betrayed her. 
Rhys only laughed, a deep, sultry laugh that sounded the way expensive velvet felt. “It’s alright Feyre, darling, I’m used to it obviously.”
“Oh, don’t call me darling,” Feyre sighed, burying her face in her hands. Rhysand only smirked in response, drumming his fingers on the edge of the desk. 
Azriel and Cassian were hunched over, studying something on Cassian’s phone while Feyre desperately tried to pretend they weren’t there. Rhys kept on drumming his fingers, completely disrupting Feyre, to be fair she was dyslexic and she required quiet in order to sit and read. 
Feyre reached out her hand, holding a pencil, and wacked Rhysand’s fingers. “Stop it!” She whisper-yelled at him. 
“Feyre, darling, you wound me,” he purred, leaning back to slip his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. On almost anyone else Feyre would’ve thought the leather jacket looked stupid but it just worked on Rhysand. 
Rhysand was quiet for a moment when he spoke back up, “What does one do with an art degree?” 
Feyre lifted her eyes from the page in front of her, “Gods, you sound like my sister.”
Rhys cracked a smile at that, “I don’t mean it in a negative way, of course, just curious.” 
“I just want to spend the rest of my life doing something I love and I happen to love painting. I know it's not the standard but I wouldn’t be happy in a 9 to 5 desk job,” Feyre explained. 
Rhys nodded, he looked as though that statement had resonated with him.
At that moment both Cassian and Azriel stood up, “Hey, Rhys, Mor is texting us that she wants to meet at Rita’s for lunch. You coming?” 
Feyre glanced up, making direct eye contact with Rhys, “No,” he says in a husky voice, still looking into her eyes, “I think I’ll stay.” Feyre concentrates on her book again, a small, secret smile poised on her lips. Cassian and Azriel make their exit with knowing glances passed between them. 
Cassian and Azriel had only been gone for around five minutes, Feyre was trying her hardest to appear unruffled by Rhysand’s presence, her eyes glued to her book though they weren’t reading a thing. Rhys then broke the silence, “Are you hungry?” 
Feyre raised an eyebrow, “Are you?”
“Strange, pretty sure I saw you turn down an invite to lunch a few minutes ago,” she replied simply. 
“I go to lunch everyday with Az, Mor, and Cas, but I don’t go to lunch with you, Feyre, darling. I thought I might switch it up.”
Feyre gave him her best unimpressed expression even though her heart was pumping in her chest. “You’re a shameless flirt.” 
“Well, what do you say?”
Despite Feyre finding Rhysand annoyingly attractive she was hesitant to accept his invitation. She had just transferred schools, she was in the market for some friends, but the haunting memory of her failed relationship crept in like a spider knitting a web of doubt. 
Feyre banished that spider, “Fine.”
Rhys had taken Feyre to a cute little coffee shop that served the best sandwiches in Prythian as Rhysand had claimed. Feyre didn’t have any room to disagree. Their conversation came easy, it felt natural, not stiff like the beginning of most budding friendships. They argued, joked, and even poked fun at each other the entire time. 
Rhysand continued with his brazen, flirty attitude and persistent usage of the endearment ‘darling’ much to Feyre’s dismay. It was irritating but charming, it just seemed to be wholly Rhys. 
Now, Rhys and Feyre were walking side by side back towards the dorm buildings. The conversation proceeded to flow easily. When they were about to enter the courtyard adjoining the separate dorm buildings, Rhys flopped onto a bench just a little ways off the sideway. Feyre raised her eyebrow at him. 
“Sit, darling. All this walking after eating and I’ll get a cramp,” he reasoned. 
Feyre rolled her eyes, it certainly wasn’t that but she entertained him. She took a spot a little bit down the bench from him and leaned her head back, staring up at the tree overhead and the afternoon sun beaming through its leaves. 
A question popped into Feyre’s mind and she pivoted towards Rhys, “What are you majoring in?”
Rhys’s beautiful face turned into a grimace as he turned his attention from the same tree back to her. 
“Business,” he finally supplied.
“You seem disappointed by that,” Feyre commented. Rhysand looked away as his head bobbed in a noncommittal yes. 
“I wanted to major in English, really. I love books, stories, even poetry as mind boggling as it may be sometimes,” Rhys let out a small chuckle, mostly to himself. “I love language too, the way you can manipulate and articulate it, it’s remarkable. I would be more than content to pour over books the rest of my life or share my passion for stories and language with others.”
“Then why do business?” Feyre knew she was probably prying but her curious nature always got the best of her. 
“My father,” Rhys admitted. “He’s a businessman you know, convinced it's always the way to go whether you truly enjoy it or not. Doesn’t matter if you’re happy if you have a stable job and are making good money in his eyes. Not to mention, he demands I work with him at his company after school. I lost the will to fight him on it, just easier to appease him at this point. Books will still be there.”
Feyre let the words hang in the air between them. She knew, of course, the feeling of being unsupported but still her family hadn’t forced her hand. Feyre reached out, resting her hand lightly over Rhysand’s in silent support while still giving him the option to pull away. 
He didn’t. He wrapped her small hand in his own and turned his head toward her. 
The wind tousled his black hair back and forth with each turn of its direction. In the sun’s light his eyes were bright, framed by thick lashes. Feyre wished she could freeze time and pull out her paints to capture the image. The overwhelming desire to do so took Feyre by surprise. Since leaving for Velaris that deep yearning to paint a particular scene, a moment of inspiration so strong it paralyzed her, hadn’t been prominent. Truly, it hadn’t been there for a while. She usually had to force out a drawing or painting for an assignment. 
Then Rhys gave her a gentle smile, it looked how Feyre imagined touching clouds would feel. It brought a funny feeling to her stomach. 
“Do what makes you happy, Rhys, always,” she added so quietly she thought her words might’ve been blown away by the breeze before they even reached his ears. 
Yet, Rhys squeezed her hand the smallest bit. 
well this is for you @maybekindasortaace​
let me know if you wanted to be added to my feysand taglist or my rowaelin taglist or both, ya know 
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skampi835 · 4 years
Letters (Mitsunari x reader x Ieyasu)
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This is another contribution for the Unloved Characters Month event, hosted by @the-moonlight-dreams. Because I had so much fun writing the two before. Motonari: Hell of the Living & Yoshimoto: Corolla Promise. I really wanted to do another one (like an addict).
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Starring: Mitsunari x reader x Ieyasu (no real pairing though)
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: none
Prompt: Day 22 - Letters
Word Count: 1.400
Also I have absolutely NO IDEA why the heck Mitsunari’s on this list of unloved characters!😳 I mean, come on!😭😭 Mitsunari’s like the politest, sweetest cinnamon roll on earth (besides Vincent). Hope you enjoy!
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"You're smiling like sunshine, again. Is there any good report?" You’re asking, while pouring tea into cups, which sit on the desk. Mitsunari’s raising his head thoughtfully, with that warm, angelic smile of his. "Yes, Lady (y/n). There was a very lovely letter in between again."
“Oh, was there?" Jokingly replying, you’re placeing the teapot on the desk between the two of you. You just brewed it a few moments ago, even though Mitsunari insisted in offering you tea in the first place, when you arrived with his mailing. But you're quite aware, that under no circumstances you should letting him work with boiling water or tealeaves, because you knew how clumsy Mitsunari could be sometimes. Besides it doesn't bother you at all, spending some time with Mitsunari and getting a break from your chatelaine duties, for he was always the politest among the warlords, when you’d first arrived in the Sengoku period. "Is it one of those love-letters?"
You are calling them love-letters in jest, since the first one had arrived a few weeks ago. "You know it's not such a thing." Mitsunari snickers lightly and its sound is warming your heart with delight. "But it's a very comforting letter with good advices I'll have to reconsider. Whoever's sending me this letters must care deeply for me."
A soft smile blooms on your lips as you’re reaching for your cup. "That's awesome. I'm so happy for you, Mitsunari.” Honestly you are more than relieved and thankful as you’ve thought, ever since these short messages from an anonymous individual started.
Mitsunari had a rough time lately, struggling with his self-care, after an incident that happened one month ago. During a combat against some threats from the Ouchi-clan, almost a devastating mistake had slipped through Mitsunaris calculations. It was thanks to Mitsuhide, that nothing dangerously had happened, for he was the one in charge of Azuchi, while Nobunaga was fighting on the front. Prescient thinking, Mitsuhide assumed a siege towards Azuchi, whereas the war had focused with the heated battle. This had made him evacuate the civilians inside the castle walls. Thanks to the kitsunes quick thinking he averted bloodshed among the village and prevented a great loss for Azuchi and the Oda.
Sadly though, Mitsunari’s miscalculation had left him so deeply crestfallen, that he’d fallen back in his old bad habits, even more than usual. It took you an amount of effort, dragging Mitsunari out step by step, of the cloudy thoughts, he’d locked himself to. Lastly it was thanks to those words written in these letters Mitsunari had received for a while, that he’s finally able to smile again, honest and candid.
Plus Mitsunari’s doing a great job, caring about himself again, besides for a few known issues. His place looks more organized, although with a few stacks of books. He’s even almost having a proper meal daily, looking rested and at ease. You had not enough words of gratitude for this unknown individual, who had sent Mitsunari the letters, lifting his spirit in a quite peculiar way.
Mitsunari was so confused when the first letter arrived and after your request, he had lent it to you.
“Stop worrying the people and get some sleep already!
You made a mistake, so what? It happens sometimes. Nothing bad happened, so pull yourself together.
The townspeople are talking that you’re looking tired and they were annoyingly noisy, that you weren't smiling during your last visit. You know how pesky that blabber is?”
There wasn’t any hint to the sender of this letter and after you finished reading, you were puzzled and worried about those harsh words towards poor Mitsunari. You recommended to just ignoring it, but Mitsunari was strangely solemn. “Ignore it? But Lady (y/n), the writer of this letter is probably right.” He confessed mournful and guilty. “I am worrying you and the others, don’t I?”
He’d looked so sad and lost, but after a good night’s rest, like the writer has requested, Mitsunari opened up again. He allowed you to help him, eliminating the mess in his room. Together you slowly established a new routine, that’s good for his self-care. Every time when one of these few letters arrived once in a while, Mitsunari’s amazing bright smile returns on his lips.
“What does this one say?” Curiously you’re asking over the rim of your teacup, that you just had a sip of. Mitsunari’s gently folding the letter and circumspectly tucking it back into its cover, while he's gifting you with an honest and featherlight smile. “It says that I’m not alone, when there’s a tough decision.” He answers with calm in his voice, pausing for a little while, searching for his following words. “I am sorry, but I’d prefer to keep the accurate choice of words a secret this time if you don’t mind.”
“Oh... But of course not.” Compliable you nodded, smiling mindful. “It’s a message just for you, after all.”
Mitsunari’s radiant smile’s remaining ever so lightly and beautiful on his handsome face, brightening even the sunny day outside. “Thank you, for your kindness, Lady (y/n).”
After your nice break, with a delicious cup of tea and some pleasurable chat with Mitsunari, you’d left Hideyoshi’s manor with a good feeling, in order to continue your duties as chatelaine. It was nice, seeing polite Mitsunari so much calmer, than a few weeks ago. His reservation had occupied and saddened you very much, to the point of aching. Seeing him now with the same charming smile and kind yet clear alertness in his amethyst eyes, that you’ve grown so familiar with, makes you almost impossibly happy.
As you returned to Azuchi castle you’re catching sight of someone familiar who was just about to leave, before he spotted you. “Just when I decided not wasting my time any longer.” He mutters in his usual snarky tone. “Ah, Ieyasu, I totally lost track of time.” And you’ve nearly forgotten! For a while now Ieyasu had finally given in to your constant whinings and secretly prosecutions - that weren’t that secret at all - to teach you medical herbalism, biweekly. But telling him that, would’ve make him reconsider this decision, so you quickly add: “I’m so sorry, Ieyasu. I visited Mitsunari before and I guess I’d got a little distracted.”
“You guess?” Ieyasu’s bored scrutinizing glare is drilling through you, while he crossed his arms before his chest. But after a while, he unpleasant sighs. “It can’t be helped. It’s too late for your lesson today.” You’re sighing distressful, which made Ieyasu even looking more annoyed. Exasperated he avoids your gaze. “I can spare some free time tomorrow afternoon. But don’t you dare set me off again! My time’s too valuable.”
With relief you’re smiling happily. “I would never! Thank you, Ieyasu!” -- “You don’t have to thank me for that.” He’s answering stroppy, lifting his gaze again. “How is he doing?”
“He...? Oh, you mean Mitsunari?” You’re asking amazed, before a cute, joyful smile is curving your lips. “He’s doing great, lately. I’d like to believe he’d got over his personal rock bottom.” Suddenly you’re beaming a grateful smile towards Ieyasu. “Your letters helped a lot, truly.”
Regardless of Ieyasu, narrowing his eyes doubtfully, you go on: “Mitsunari showed me the first two letters and the characters are quite similar with your scrawly handwriting in some way. So I figured, that maybe you’re the unknown writer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I don’t care. I don’t write letters.” Ieyasu answers brusque shooting a tetchy frown in your direction like a silent warning. But it couldn’t blur your smile nor falter the knowing look in your eyes. “You always insult Mitsunari, when he’s around you. Yet the last time you spoke with Masamune you’ve said, that it irritades you, seeing Mitsunari’s letting himself being pushed around, when he’s got such an extensive knowledge. I’d like to think, that you’re secretly admiring him.”
If Ieyasu was shooting with his glare before, now he’s definitely striking you down with his killing glance. “What are you babbling?” He blurts out, snapping a painfully irritated “Idiot.” as an extra. Without any hesitation, Ieyasu’s trudging off, his scarf fiercely wafting behind him.
“See, now I have a reason! Thank you, Ieyasu! See you, tomorrow!” You shouted cheerfully after him, whereas Ieyasu just grumpily groans, while he’s hurrying to leave the castle.
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ninja-muse · 4 years
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Crow Winter - Karen McBride
In brief: Hazel Ellis has an English degree and no job, so she’s back home being a good daughter and grieving her father. Then Nanabush the trickster turns up, saying things like, “end of the world” and “destiny”, and people start talking about developing the quarry on the Ellis land.
Thoughts: This was a satisfying read, a story of a young woman finding her place, reconnecting with her heritage, and fighting injustice. It’s quiet, with tropes and beats that sneak up on you, and has a beautiful, positive portrayal of modern Indigenous life. There’s also some great dialogue. Unfortunately, I’ve read a lot of stories that use the same tropes and beats, and though McBride uses them well, they don’t seem to have much spark here. Still, it’s a solid debut and I’ll be interested to see where she goes from here.
My favourite parts, surprising nobody who knows me, were whenever Nanabush turned up, and the way McBride realizes the spirit world and its “magic”. Nanabush is wonderfully cranky and annoyingly cryptic (though I got frustrated a few times that he couldn’t just say something or understand where Hazel was coming from more), and McBride writes his crow body language wonderfully. And the spirit world? Lovely and eerie at the same time, definitely a timeless and separate world and exactly how it should be. The more magical elements of the story were great, and not overdone. I really liked how those worked and the sense of power behind them. There were a couple scenes where I thought, “Oh, that is cool.”
But enough about that. McBride’s also good with character. Her secondary characters shine especially, every one different and none of them playing to “type”. Even Hazel’s dad, who's only really seen in occasional flashbacks, is rounded and vibrant. Going along with the characterization are a strong ear for dialogue and an ability to create very solid, complex relationships. A lot of the conversations are snappy and realistic—McBride’s great at sass—and Hazel and her mom, to pick one example… that’s a mother and daughter, definitely.
That said, Hazel’s own personality didn’t always feel solid. Sometimes she was a believable twenty-something, and other times she seemed older and more jaded than she probably should have. Trying to get a handle on her was hard. I also struggled with some of her interactions with Nanabush—how long it had been since her last one, why she flipped between annoyance with him and a sort of angry, desperate need for his company, that sort of thing. I’m not sure if these are white reader problems, though. They certainly could be.
The same might go for my problem with the tropes and beats in general, or it could just be that I’ve read a lot of urban fantasy and know how these sorts of stories go. Even if McBride gets to the same places without the same kick as pure urban fantasy does, I was rarely surprised when one chapter had a moment of self-doubt or another featured an antagonist and a setback. That said, I appreciated that so much of the climax was still unexpected, and felt much the same as Hazel afterwards.
The final thing I liked about this book is McBride’s ability to interweave Hazel’s growing confidence in herself with the problems with the quarry, the white guy from town, and the spirit world. I loved seeing Hazel come into herself and her power and solve the mystery, but the parallels and complexities don’t stop there. McBride’s doing some interesting, clever things there, though it might be a white reader thing again that I felt they never quite clicked into place.
So yeah, there’s lots I liked about this, and some things that left me profoundly meh, and that evened out to an all right read. Can’t say I loved it or hated it. It’s a worthwhile read though, and like I said, a solid review. I suspect people who’re less familiar with urban fantasy plots would enjoy this more than I did.
To bear in mind: Contains racist and misguided white people, the past death of a parent, attempted suicide, and land rights … shenanigans, to put it nicely.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
[found at: zelthie]
What were you doing before you got on the computer? I took a long-ass shower after the humid nightmare that was today.
Is there anything you really want right now? I wish I had some pastry to go with my iced coffee. I miss my studying sessions at coffee shops :( and it’s not like I’ll get to have them again once Covid is over, because I’m not even in school anymore. Sigh. Also, a longer weekend. I can hardly believe it’s Sunday again tomorrow, and that after that will be Monday again. I love my work, but I also want to reeeeeeeeest.
What's the best gift you've ever gotten? Probably the front-row concert tickets my dad got me for Paramore. Outside of my parents, I really appreciated the scrapbook Gabie made for me three years ago. It turned out to be the first and only handmade gift she’d ever make for me, so I think of it fondly.
What's a song you think the world needs to listen to? Idk, people have different tastes and so it may not be possible to name a song that would successfully appeal to everybody.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with? As much as I like to firmly believe that regretting friendships should be avoided as much as possible because those people made me happy at one point, I’ve got nothing nice to say about Marielle.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love? I don’t know anything anymore.
You just discovered a new color! What would you name it? No thanks, please don’t ask me to be creative any time of the day.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and cream, and recently, chocolate chip cookie dough.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon? I have not had one but should I do, I’d love to go somewhere non-beachy for a change.
What's one thing you remember learning in school? Spelling difficult words. English (the language, not literature) was my favorite subject in middle school and I always liked the pop spelling quizzes we had. There are some words I could still remember getting wrong, like ‘rendezvous’ and ‘coup d’etat’ but I was always excited about learning their correct spellings so that I could start using them on my own time as well.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? Dog for sure.
How do you want to be remembered by people? [trigger warning] Idk. Whenever I think about...leaving, I always also think about leaving some kind of note instructing whoever’s in charge of stuff to keep things hushed, because I don’t want the whole thing to be a big deal and for it to spread. I don’t really want to be remembered for anything.
Do you like road trips? Yaaaaaaaaas. As long as I’ve got the right playlist that’s also long enough as well as several seasons of Friends, I’d be good to go.
Do you think Medical Marijuana should be legalized? I haven’t read much about it and that topic in general is still widely taboo over here, but I personally have nothing against it.
If you were forced to dye your hair another color, what color would you get? Brown.
Excited for anything? My first paycheck :D :D
What do you think of your parent(s)? They’re doing their best.
Are your grandparents dead? Just one.
What celebrity do you think should have never become famous? Amber Heard and the Paul brothers.
What's your favorite thing to do online? Watch stuff on YouTube. These days I’ve been revisiting wrestling again so I’ve been watching loads of matches and promos I enjoyed throughout my teenage years. I’m scared to dip my toes into today’s content though, because I barely know anyone anymore and there would be a lot of storylines I’d have to get acquainted with; but idk, I might get there someday.
Are you glad George W. Bush is out of office? I didn’t know his presidency all that well because I was way too young when he was still in office. Apparently he’s not very popular.
If you could appear on any TV show, what show would you choose? I’ve always wanted to try out The Amazing Race. I was definitely hooked to that show as a kid.
What does your full name look like without the letters t,a,i,o,e,l,n or s? Rby.
Your mood summed up into one word? Emotionless. I’m literally not feeling anything at the moment, but this is still a lot better than being miserable so I’ll take it.
How often do you talk to other people about the weather? Only when we’re experience extremes, like if it’s painfully, annoyingly hot out or if there’s a bad typhoon. Otherwise I try to find something else to talk about.
Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey right now? Nope, my full attention is on here.
What's a name you wouldn't mind having? At this point, I’ve learned to be okay with my name and don’t feel the need to whine about it anymore.
What's your favorite thing to wear that you own? My mom jeans or denim jacket.
What do you think of Barbie dolls? Boring, mostly. I grew up with boys, so we had more toys marketed for boys and those are what I ended up liking more.
When you were little, did you ever want to go to Disneyland? Not really.
Do you currently have a job? What kind of job do you *want* to have? I do. I’m already in the job/career I had wanted and aimed to be in.
What do you like to do on your free time? Being on YouTube, playing with my dogs, surveys, eating.
What's your relationship with your parents like? With my mom, it’s permanently strained after years of verbal and emotional abuse, but at some point I just learned to live with the trauma – it’s like, we get along these days and we barely get into screaming matches anymore, but at the back of my head I’m still constantly reeling from the hurt she had put me through when I was younger.
My dad and I act like each other’s buddies, but we silently look out for one another. For example he’ll sometimes make a plate of corndogs just for me while I’m at work, and that’s his way of saying “Are you ok? Here, have this. I’m worried about you” without ever having to say it to my face.
Do you own any pets? Yes, I’ve got two dogs.
How many places have you traveled to? Six countries and all over my own country, except Mindanao.
Do you own a cell phone? If so, what kind? iPhone 8.
What are your goals for the future? For things to fall into place, whatever that would bring me.
What's your favorite kind of drink? Just plain old cold water, or coffee.
Did you ever get into the Twilight saga craze? What about the Harry Potter craze? I was (and am, heheh) into Twilight; I wasn’t into Harry Potter.
Where is your mind at: The Past, the Present, the Future, or all around? My mind tends to make space for all three of these.
What's a really good movie you've seen recently? I haven’t seen any films recently but I am planning to watch Ammonite, which I have high hopes and expectations for.
Are you happy where you are right now? Career-wise, yes. As for everything else...could be a little better.
What's the first thing you thought in your head when you woke up today? AHHHHHHH SATURDAY.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would...? Ask how they were able to get such an ability.
Write a random quote that comes to your head: I’ve been watching Friends all day so the first set of quotes I thought of upon reading this question was, “I just don’t want to face three failed marriages.” “At what point did you think this was a successful marriage?” hahahahaha.
What's your opinion on milk chocolate? Like it, but sometimes can be too sweet.
What about Dark Chocolate? I don’t like dark chocolate bars themselves – too bitter; but I don’t mind it being incorporated in other sweets, like cookies that have dark chocolate bits.
You do know that white chocolate isn't even really chocolate, right? Yes. But it’s my favorite kind.
Do you get annoyed when surveys mention a band you've never heard of? If they mention it excessively or if they name too many unfamiliar bands, then I’m likely to get annoyed, yeah. But I skim through potential surveys anyway, so if I observe that a survey has too many music references I can’t relate to then I just don’t take it.
What's your opinion about Katy Perry's song "I kissed a girl"? Cool song and ahead of its time tbh, but she has so many other better singles.
What's your least favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni, beef, and pineapples.
What would you do if you discovered the US was now drafting for the war? Don’t care.
Are you even living in America, or are you from another country? Bingo for the latter.
What's your favorite social website? Twitter.
Do you believe in heaven? If so, what's it like? If not, why? No. I associate heaven with gods or higher beings, so believing in it would just kill the point of being atheist. I do like to find comfort in some sort of afterlife where I’m not in pain and am reunited with all my loved ones, though. I don’t necessarily believe in it, but it’s just comforting to think about and makes death a lot less scary.
What's your favorite video game? Super Smash Bros. Brawl would probably be my all time favorite. I do plan to get Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Switch, so that might get dethroned soon.
In your opinion, is Bzoink the best place to find fun surveys? Yes.
What's your opinion of high school? It only got fun once I found the right friends. Without them, I’m sure my experience would have been miserable.
Do you prefer the country or city? City.
Texting: Is it fun, evil, boring, or none of the above? It can be all of these things depending on the context of the conversation.
What email service do you use for your main (or only) email account? I’m mainly on Gmail. I have an Outlook account that’s still active, but I’ve been listing it less and less for social media sites.
What's your favorite dumb pick-up line? I don’t do pick-up lines, really. I find the entire concept pretty lame.
What are your plans for the next 48 hours? I got hooked to Friends again, so I’ll probably continue watching for the whole of tomorrow. For Monday, I’ll be at work again.
Did you ever read "Captain Underpants" when you were little? Yes. I lovedddd those books, but I always had to read them in secret (my cousin owned the books and I just asked to borrow) because my mom disapproved of them. My favorites were the Flip-O-Rama sections.
What's better: The old Cartoon Network, or the new one? Or do you not care? I’m not aware of the new version, so that leaves me with one choice. Generally, though, Cartoon Network was my least favorite channel out of the big 3 of kids’ channels.
Disney Channel shows are all pretty cheesy, aren't they? The ones they air today are, but maybe I’m just saying that because I’m already outside of their target demographic.
What's your opinion on the Jonas Brothers? I can’t think of a reason to dislike them. They’ve always been likeable, whether as individuals or as a band.
What are some of your favorite singers/bands? Beyoncé, Paramore, Hozier, alt-J, Coldplay, Against Me!, The Japanese House are the main favorites I like mentioning.
Why do the lead singers in bands always get the most recognition?! Probably because they’re the ones mainly heard. I always recognize all the members in my favorite bands, though.
Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy? I did, but when I didn’t receive any money  after placing my tooth under my pillow, my hopes and belief got shattered pretty quickly.
What's your favorite type of weather? Cold, cloudy, and rainy.
What's your opinion on reading books? I think it’s great when people are able to find the time to read books, and lots of them. I wish I didn’t grow out of it.
You're given a chance to act in a Hollywood Blockbuster! Would you accept? Nope.
What it if it was a movie directed by Tim Burton?(He directed Sweeney Todd) He ranks pretty low for me. He’s a great director and I respect his craft, but his filmography is not a personal favorite of mine.
How do you feel about Taco Bell? I wish I can have it more often, but we only have two branches in the Philippines and they are both far away.
Are you hungry right now? I can honestly go for a snack right now :/ Like chicken tenders or pad thai. I’m super tempted to order from Grab since I have more than enough cash on me, but I don’t want to be irresponsible with my money so very early on lol
How often do you go on to Youtube? Everyday, and most of everyday.
It's possible to be addicted to anything... What are you addicted to? Curry.
What's your opinion of Wallgreens? Unfamiliar.
Back when Spongebob Squarepants was famous, were you interested in it? Yes, it was my favorite cartoon.
What's your dream pet? Dogs.
You see a mermaid while relaxing on the beach with friends. What now? Think that it’s probably a social experiment and let them be.
Who's been your favorite teacher growing up, and why? My music teacher always gave amazing life advice alongside her lessons, and she was so graceful and so classy and she simply invited respect everywhere she went. I’ve always wanted to be like her.
When you were little, did you ever like Pokemon? Yes. I watched the anime and collected Pokemon pogs and cards. My cousin had a lot of the video games and I’d watch him play those, while my sister had a couple of Pokemon books that explained each Pokemon.
How often do you get headaches? These days, everyday. Hahaha work is super hectic.
Do you have any songs stuck in your head right now? If so, what? Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House.
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ronniesshoes · 5 years
Keep Yourself Alive
Here we are again! It’s been a very long wait but this chapter is both the longest yet and absolutely packed so I hope it’s worth it! Huge thanks to everyone who interacts, I love you & couldn’t do it without your support, patience and encouragement! And thanks to @theseasofrhye for your massive help and for being an inspiration every day 💛 Enjoy!
Brian doesn’t remember how or when he returns from the party, but when he wakes up the next morning, he almost wishes he hadn’t. His mouth tastes like something has crawled in there and died, and his head feels stuffy and achy, though whether it’s from his hangover or the cold he’s still nursing is anybody’s guess. The groan that leaves his abused throat sounds pitiful even to his own ears, and when he forces his sticky eyelids open, Freddie and John, curled up in Freddie’s bed, are looking at him with poorly concealed amusement. 
The pair of them look annoyingly fresh-faced and impossibly cosy, and Brian sends them a hateful look before he forces his heavy body out of bed. He trips over his shoes and is momentarily confused as to what they’re doing in his room. His stomach lurches unpleasantly. 
As quickly as his aching body allows him to, he gets to the loo, but when he crouches in front of the toilet, nothing comes up, and he settles for a morning piss instead. He winces when he catches sight of his pale reflection in the mirror as he reaches for his chewed up bamboo toothbrush in an attempt to remove the taste of death from his mouth.
He doesn’t think he can stomach breakfast so soon after waking up, but he gulps down two glasses of water and samples a vitamin from each of the bottles in the cupboard. Remembering Freddie’s warning on Solaray on an empty stomach, he returns the multivitamin to its proper bottle and swallows down the remaining five pills with a third glass of water. He can’t pretend to know what Damiana is good for, but he probably needs it.
Putting on the kettle, he leans against the worktop but jumps back when pain shoots down his thigh, and he tugs down the waistband of his boxers, revealing a dark bruise blooming over his hip. He carefully prods a finger at it, trying to recall an event from the night before that could have possibly led to it, but comes up short. Sighing, he picks out a mug and drops the last bag of English Breakfast in it, folds up the cardboard and throws it in the bin. He tugs at the sleeves of his jumper in a fruitless attempt to cover his freezing fingers. Now that Christmas and New Year’s are over, there’s nothing to distract him from the dull coldness that seems to have seeped into his bones, robbing him of the ability to concentrate on anything for long. If only it had been raining—or better yet, snowing—but the sky is overcast and mute, the ugly building on the other side of the street barely visible through the heavy fog.
The hiss of the kettle pulls him out of his thoughts, and he opens the fridge, his eyes stinging ridiculously as he discovers he’s out of oat milk. The two cartons of regular milk seem to mock him from their place on the shelf, and for a moment, he rests his head against the cool edge of the door. He could do with a proper cup of tea—black with milk and one sugar—but all the stores are closed today, and even if they weren’t, the thought of putting on clothes makes his head hurt. He stares at the milk until the fridge starts beeping and he peels his forehead off the door and closes it.
Nausea rolling in his stomach, he picks up the kettle and fills his mug with water, idly dunking the teabag with his spoon. Perhaps he really is uptight and in dire need of loosening up a little, but so far the consequences don’t seem to be worth it.
His chair is littered with crumbs when he brings his mug to the table so he opts for Freddie’s usual instead and tucks one foot beneath him. He puts his hands over his tea until they’re damp and warm, then wipes them on his jumper and gazes wearily out the window. He misses summer, misses being able to study in the sun outside uni or hop off the tube a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. He misses dad and their annual one-day camping trip to go stargazing and he misses not being tired all the time. His thoughts skirt the topic of Tenerife; glittering Lonely Planet guides in Foyles and his bookmarked The World’s Best Stargazing Spots.
Mentally shaking himself, he wraps his hands around the hot ceramic of his mug and keeps them there until they sting. The decision has been made, and even entertaining the idea of changing his mind is a waste of time and energy. He has plenty on his mind as it is, and so does professor Harrison, he imagines—he’s not about to make a nuisance of himself just because he’s feeling a little hungover.
Through the slowly dissolving fog, Brian makes out the already sinking sun. It looks angry, Brian thinks; spilling sickly red over the paling horizon. He swallows down his tea, bitter without milk to sweeten it, and his heart suddenly aches for someone to talk to. He doesn’t want to go back to his room and disturb Freddie and John, and he doesn’t think he can handle the confusion that seems to be ever-present when he talks to Roger. On the outside they’re fine—Roger’s apology seemed genuine enough even though Brian suspects it was not offered entirely voluntarily, but sometimes he’ll look at Roger and remember his words, and petty anger will claw at his insides.
He knows Roger will never understand his relationship with his parents—the fact that he knows his mother had desperately wanted a daughter instead made it complicated from the beginning, but Brian supposes that's his cross to bear. His coming out was another blow, he thinks, and of course his sudden illness not five months later that almost cost him his life. He doesn’t blame his parents for their worrying and their aspirations on his behalf. They’ve always wanted what’s best for him.
Quelling the sting of loneliness, he reaches for his planner and begins flicking through it. Try as he might, he can’t force excitement when he looks at the handful of gigs spread over the months of January and February. And on the 23rd of February, penned in with more force than the others, the lines thick and graphite, the entry only says Tenerife. The rest of the month is empty.
He stares at the page for a long while, then reaches for a pen and slowly strikes it out, once, twice, keeps going until the word is illegible. He closes his planner with more force than necessary and stretches to steal a pink sticky note from Freddie’s pile of sketchbooks and stationery to write himself a reminder to plan his tutoring sessions with Liam, Ben, and Kate for the upcoming months.
Brian leans back in his chair with a sigh. A new year, and if anything, the prospect of dragging himself through it seems even more impossible than it did just a few weeks ago. He can’t for the life of him understand why he’s not feeling more optimistic, why he doesn’t have his resolutions in bold letters above his bed, why the prospect of going on tour fills him with dread. Tomorrow they’re going to evaluate, and Brian doesn’t know how to explain to them that he doesn’t care. Doesn’t care about their performance yesterday, doesn’t care about the upcoming gigs, doesn’t care about anything other than catching a fucking break. If only time could stand still for a little while, give him an hour or two to pull himself together, to sort out his buzzing mind.
John’s laughter from the other side of the wall startles him out of his thoughts. He wonders if Roger is up yet because he fears that if he doesn’t talk to someone, he might genuinely lose the plot.
Filled with sudden determination, he pushes back his chair, cringing at the ugly scraping sound, and makes for Roger’s room.
Just as he passes the bathroom, the door swings open, and Brian almost jumps out of his skin. Roger’s laughter is loud in the empty living room, and Brian glares at him to distract himself from his racing heart.
“How long have you been out there?” he demands, determinedly not looking at the way the water beads on his shoulders or the hair plastered to his forehead, taking years off his face. He briefly wonders if being so caught up his own thoughts that he has failed to notice the water running should be a cause of concern, then decides it’s best not to dwell on it.
Roger shrugs, securing the towel that hangs indecently low on his hips. “40 minutes? Freddie taught me how to make a body scrub using sugar and coconut oil,” he says, holding out his arm to stroke the damp skin, “it’s supposed to scrub away the last year. Load of bollocks if you ask me, but satisfying all the same.”
He drops his arms and smiles up at him. Brian scowls.
“You did it on purpose.”
“What, scared you?” Roger asks, raising his eyebrows in question. Brian nods, not caring that he doesn’t make sense. “Yes, I’ve been standing here for ten minutes waiting specifically for you to pass just so I could scare you. Like I don’t have better things to do. The floor is wet.”
“Do you?” Brian wonders out loud, stepping back to allow Roger to pass.His feet leave wet prints on the floor.
Roger puts his hand on the door handle to his room but doesn’t enter. “Course, I have at least ten New Year’s resolutions I intend to break.”
“I wasn’t aware you’d made any,” Brian says, amused and secretly curious.
“Nothing I intend to keep,” Roger says dismissively, pushing down the door handle, “still, it’s tradition. Don’t let me keep you. Bathroom’s free.”
“Actually,” Brian says just as Roger disappears into his room. He pauses in the doorway. “I wanted to, um, chat. If you’re not too tired. Or busy. And when you’ve got dressed, obviously.”
“Oh,” Roger says, “come in, then.”
Brian hesitates but follows him inside, shutting the door behind him like Roger tells him to. The difference in temperature is staggering.
“Good to know where all the heat goes,” he comments drily. He attempts to determine which messy bed looks the least uninviting, and ends up on the edge of John’s.
“I’m sorry your king-sized beds and lush bedding can’t keep your skinny arses warm,” Roger shoots back, opening his closet doors wide.
Brian snorts softly and then almost chokes on his breath when Roger loses the towel around his waist and starts drying his hair while he studies the contents of his closet.
Roger turns around at the sound. “Alright?”
“I’m fine,” Brian says weakly, silently grateful that the closet door blocks most of the view. Still, that’s a lot of skin.
He shakes himself. It’s not like he’s attracted to Roger, or ever has been. There’s no reason he should be—Roger has plenty of flaws, and as he picks them out—his skinny legs, the dumb mole that’s shaped a bit like a small heart, and the tattoo he spies when Roger reaches for a shirt—Brian feels slightly better. It’s not about looks, anyway, and personality-wise, Roger is annoying at best and constantly driving him to the brink of insanity at worst. As for last week … well, he was just helping out a friend.
“Wouldn’t you say these two shirts are the exact same shade?” Roger asks. His wet towel lies forgotten on the floor and he is stepping out from behind the closet door holding two shorts.
“Uhm,” Brian says. His eyes hurt with the effort of not looking down.
“Freddie seems to think this one goes with my tat and the other doesn’t. I’m pretty sure he makes it up.”
“Please put some clothes on.”
“But I’m not dry yet,” Roger reasons.
Brian’s entire face hurts. “Underwear will do, just—please.”
“Keep forgetting how much of a prude you are,” Roger says, but he does put on a pair of boxers, and possibly the most garish pair Brian has ever seen; tiger-striped in pink and silver. He grins. “I believe you’ve seen it all already. On multiple occasions, in fact.”
“Can we not talk about that?” The question comes out a bit more harshly than intended, and Roger frowns.
He sits down on his bed opposite of Brian and looks him in the eye. “It really bothers you, doesn’t it?”
Brian's heart sinks. “No, Roger, it doesn’t bother me, it’s just—” He pauses to drag in a breath, then throws out the first thing that comes to mind in the tangle of confusion that seems to have taken permanent residence in his brain, “look, I know John and maybe Freddie made you apologise to me, and I don’t know if you even felt like you had anything to apologise for, and I just … I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings.”
Roger looks slightly taken aback. “No hard feelings.”
Brian forces himself not to fiddle under his stare.”I just mean that … I shouldn’t have made you fool around with me, and I’m—”
“Hold on,” Roger interrupts him. He leans slightly forward, eyes pinning Brian to the spot. “You—I flirted with you for ages, you did not make me do anything. Come on, Brian, that’s ridiculous. Give me some credit.”
Brian’s mouth feels impossibly dry. His empty stomach aches. “I shouldn’t have said yes.”
“Didn’t you want to?” Roger throws back, and Brian knows he’s gonna regret everything he says in this room, but he presses on nonetheless.
“It doesn’t matter what I wanted or didn’t want at the time,” he says, hurrying to continue as Roger opens his mouth to argue, “it was not your fault and it won’t happen again, I promise. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. I know you probably wish it didn’t happen and that’s fine, I promise not to tell anyone.”
“Brian,” Roger says, looking slightly bewildered, “relax. It’s just sex.”
“We didn’t have sex,” Brian reminds him.
Roger scrubs at his hair and grins. “Seemed pretty sexy to me.”
Brian rolls his eyes in an attempt to cover the wave of relief that crashes over him. “So you’re not upset?” he asks, just to make sure. He doesn’t look it, but if the roles were reversed, Brian’s not sure he’d be quite as forgiving.
“It’s fine,” Roger says with a dismissive wave of his hand, “I’ve bedded a bloke now, I can cross that off the list.”
“Flatterer,” Brian says drily.
Roger tilts his head. “You said you didn’t fool around with friends, right. I had fun but I’m not asking for your hand in marriage.”
Roger rearranges himself on the bed so he’s lying on his side, head propped up on his elbow. He looks at Brian with drowsy eyes and a lazy smile. “So how’d you find the party last night?”
“I had fun.”  He’s lying, of course—he’d spent most of the night alone in a corner, surrounded by obnoxious art and literature students he didn’t care for and who most certainly did not care for him, but for some reason, he can’t tell Roger the truth. He’s not sure why it matters. “Got chatted up by this bloke.”
“Oh?” Roger says, looking at him with interest, and Brian wants to claw the lie back.
“Yes, in the loos,” he continues, at the same wondering what it’s going to take for him to shut up. 
“Good place, the loos,” Roger says with a grin.
Brian nods. He’s not sure it looks convincing. “And did you have fun?” he asks tentatively.
“Was alright, wasn’t it? Good show, free drinks.” He sends Brian a sly smile. “Clean loos.”
The implication is not lost on Brian, and he forces a smile. 
Before he can think of a suitable answer, Roger throws him off with a new topic. “I can’t believe Fred and Deaks are together.”
Brian shrugs. In all honesty, it annoys him a little—just knowing that the two of them are having a cuddle fest in his room makes him exhausted.
“I’m amazed I didn’t see it coming, really,” Roger continues, “makes sense when you think about it.”
Brian hasn’t. And it’s not that’s he’s not happy for John and Freddie—he is, definitely—but he can’t say he’s put much thought into their compatibility or been dying to congratulate the happy couple. “I suppose.”
“Wouldn’t kill you to show some enthusiasm,” Roger says with a wry smile.
“It might,” Brian says, “and I better not risk it.”
♛ ♛ ♛
He leaves Roger’s room feeling cautiously optimistic. So much in fact that he sits down next to his abandoned cup of tea and pulls a book from his bag.
It’s fine for the first few pages. Then his concentration starts to waver, and thoughts creep in between the words on the page, unbidden.
If he’s honest, he doesn’t feel better at all. Mortifying as his conversation with Roger was, he felt more at ease in his company, was able to forget himself for a few moments. Now that he’s alone again, he doubts they made any progress at all. He knows Roger is a big boy, that he can make decisions for himself, but Brian can’t quell the worry that lingers in the back of his mind. The whole mess is his own fault, and it doesn’t matter that Roger assures him it’s fine—it clearly isn’t.
He presses the heels of his hands against his dry, tired eyes, letting a groan slip out because he’s alone and there’s no one there to judge or pity him.
He just wants everything to go back to normal. He doesn’t like this new feeling he gets around Roger, this feeling of unease, the way his heart beats faster with fear of another argument. And all because he wanted to go to Tenerife. Because that’s the root of it, he thinks, that’s how it all started—suddenly everyone was afraid he would leave, give up the band, his friends.
There’s a tight ache in his chest, and he wants to gather them all and apologise. Tell them he never wanted to go, not really, that it was a stroke to his ego but no more than that. He knows he made the right decision, and he’s sure he would have come to that conclusion even if Roger and the rest had not expressed their concern. After all, the band is what he really wants, and his study … If they do make it, he can put it on the shelf. At least for a few years.
He pushes his chair back and lowers his forehead to his open book on the table. Unbidden, a memory of Freddie’s birthday all those months ago enters his mind. The weather had been unusually warm for September, and they had gone for drinks in a rooftop bar in Mayfair, pretending they could afford the overpriced drinks. He remembers the walk back from the station, the pleasant buzz and the silk-like fabric of Freddie’s jacket brushing against his bare forearm, John’s laughter and Roger’s smile, bright and pleased because he had made his friend laugh.
The liquor they consumed back at the flat had been cheap and dreadful, drunk out of mugs and water glasses, and the contrast between that and their first drinks of the evening had been almost comical, but Brian had thought to himself that he much preferred their own living room and Tesco’s cheapest vodka—there he could listen to the hum of the voices of the people he loved the most, his head pillowed on Roger’s thigh, deft fingers gently scratching his scalp.
For a fleeting moment, he is reminded of a similar occasion, but before he can catch the memory, it’s gone again.
Lifting his head from the table, he rolls his shoulders and gets up. He passes Ziggy who’s asleep in his favourite chair, and he pauses to stroke the soft fur. The cat makes a disgruntled sound, stretches, hops off the chair, and leaves.
The fridge is depressingly empty so he sits down again, drinks his cold tea. The sun has long gone down, but he feels disinclined to get up again and switch on the lights. He thinks about what Roger said, about their hookup not being a big deal. And Brian suspects it isn’t, but at the moment, everything kind of feels like a big deal, and he wonders what’s wrong with him, if this is how he’s going to feel for the rest of his life.
He doesn’t know how long he sits there in the darkness, but when the door to his room opens, he winces. He barely has time to adjust his eyes before they’re assaulted once again when Freddie switches on the overhead lights in the living room.
“Could you maybe warn me next time?” Brian asks, squinting at the pair.
“Sorry darling, didn’t mean to disturb your gloom.”
“Well, you did.”
“What are you doing here all by yourself anyway?” Freddie asks, briefly putting a hand on his shoulder as he passes. He instantly misses the touch.
“I was just thinking,” he says, watching John cross the living room to rap at the door to his own room.
“Terribly unhealthy for you, dear,” Freddie says, and Brian turns in his seat to look at him. “Are we all out of tea?”
“There’s some of your herbal stuff somewhere, I think.”
Freddie stands on his toes to rummage through the contents of the top shelf, letting out a small “ah!” when he finds the brightly patterned box. “Would you like a cup?”
“No, thanks,” Brian says, distracted by the reappearance of John, this time with Roger in tow, playfully draped all over him, arms around his neck.
“Alright, Bri?” Roger greets, and Brian feels his lips pull into an automatic smile. He lets go of John and throws himself on the couch, effectively startling Ziggy. “I’m starving!”
“We’re waiting for you to make the call, love,” Freddie says, pouring boiling water into two cups and releasing fragrant steam into the air.  
“One day you three need to learn how to make a phone call,” Roger advises, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“Why would we when you seem to enjoy it?” John asks, accepting the proffered cup from Freddie.
“We’re on first-name basis,” Roger says, but whether it’s supposed to be an argument for or against is unclear to Brian. “Fine. I’m going out for a smoke anyway. The usual?”
“Will you ask if there’s eggs in the noodles?” Brian asks.
“On it,” Roger says, shrugging into his jacket. “See you in a bit!”
Brian looks up at the sound of a chair being pulled out. John smiles at him. “How are you feeling?”
Brian doesn’t even know where to begin.
“You look a bit worn out is all,” John continues after a beat.
“I’m fine,” Brian says with a tight smile.
John says nothing, and Brian instantly feels bad. It’s not John’s fault he feels like he’s spiraling down into insanity, or that he’s fighting just to stay afloat. “Think I had a bit too much last night.”
“Yeah,” John agrees, expression unreadable. Brian decides it’s best ignored instead of attempting to find meaning behind it.
“I think I’m gonna go back to sleep, actually,” he says, scraping his chair back.
Freddie is behind him in an instant. “Oh no, you aren’t. We’re gonna sit down, have a meal, and discuss last night.”
Brian’s heart thuds. He searches his brain for anything he could have done last night that could possibly lead to an intervention from all three of them. “What happened last night?”
Freddie walks around his chair to look at him. “We played a concert,” he says slowly.
“Oh,” Brian says, “that.”
“Yes,” Freddie says, giving him a strange look. “And now we’re gonna evaluate, talk about what can be improved. Like we do every time we’ve played a concert.”
“But if you’ve got any stories, we’d love to hear them,” John chimes in. 
“I don’t,” Brian says tonelessly. 
He doesn’t miss John and Freddie’s exchanged glances. Annoyed, he pushes his chair back and leaves them to their looks and their being in love to sprawl on the couch. 
A few minutes later, the front door bangs open, followed by a small crash and Roger’s shout of “I’m back.”
“We heard,” John says.
“Food should be here in about half an hour,” Roger says, appearing in the doorway, cheeks flushed with cold.
Brian is surprised and slightly alarmed when Roger steers towards him with impressive speed and a manic grin; he doesn’t have time to prepare himself, let alone get away, before pressed against him on the couch.
“Feel how cold my hands are,” Roger says, and before Brian can stop him, he has reached up to put his freezing hands on Brian’s neck. Brian jerks away. “You didn’t feel it.”
“I did,” Brian says, rubbing at the skin of his neck, “and it was highly unpleasant.”
“Are you not gonna help me warm them?” Roger asks, all faux innocence.
“No,” Brian says, edging away from him. “Were the noodles alright?”
“Totally egg-free,” Roger says, getting up to target John instead. 
John rolls his eyes but obediently takes Roger’s hand between his own. Brian looks away.
“Should we watch a movie?” Roger asks.
“Depends on the movie,” Freddie says.
Brian tucks his feet under him. “Seconded.”
John lets go of Roger’s hands and gets up to crouch in front of their impressive DVD collection. “There’s Mamma Mia, of course.”
Roger puts down John’s tea. “I’m too straight to watch it twice within a month.”
“Sounds like a you problem.”
“I’m with Roger,” Brian says, glancing at him where he’s seated next to Freddie, “not to the straight part, mind.”
“Rocky Horror? Titanic? Mr. Fantastic?”
“Which one is that?” Freddie asks.
“Viggo Mortensen lives in the woods with a bunch of children and teaches them to fight.”
“Isn’t that Lord of the Rings?”
John sends Brian a long-suffering look, and Brian hides a smile.
Freddie leans forward eagerly, almost knocking his tea off the table. “We should watch Harry Potter!”
“They’re so bad,” Brian says, “nothing like the books.”
“Go read a book, then,” Roger says.
Brian scowls. He knows Roger doesn’t like the movies either. 
“How about a Disney movie?” John asks.
“No more Disney movies.”
“I think Harry Potter’s a good idea, actually,” Roger says, putting his feet in Freddie’s lap.
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen,” John says, and Brian can’t help but feel just a little smug.
Freddie covers a yawn. “Fine.”
“You should’ve seen my pull last night,” Roger says, “looked like Jasmin, actually.”
“Roger,” Freddie says, exasperated.
“What? I’m not being racist,” Roger insists. Pauses. “Am I?”
“Yes,” Freddie says bluntly. Brian’s skin crawls with discomfort.
Roger scrunches his nose up guiltily. “Sorry. I’ll do better.” 
Freddie almost smiles. “Was there more to the story?”
“Not really,” Roger admits, moving past his mishap with an ease Brian could never match, “except she had these huge tits.” He cups his hands to illustrate. 
Freddie’s eyes light up with intrigue. “Did you ask her?”
Roger frowns. "I just met her, I can't just ask her that."
"Why not?” Freddie asks, hooking his foot around the ankle of John, who has since given up on the movies and returned to his seat. “You shagged her."
"It's impolite to ask someone you've just met if you can fuck their tits," Roger opines. 
John’s face is a picture of distress when he catches Brian’s eye. "Are your ears also bleeding?" 
"The images in my mind are much, much worse," Brian says, trying valiantly to suppress the disturbing scenario.
"Don't knock it till you've tried it," Roger says knowingly.
Brian makes a face. “I think I will.”
♛ ♛ ♛ 
“I think it went alright,” Roger says between mouthfuls of egg rolls, “not terrible. I’m almost positive we were celebrating when Veronica drank me under the table. Just wish I hadn’t lost my shoe.”
Freddie folds his hands on his crossed legs. "The crowd seemed pretty receptive.”
"Really?" Roger swallows his mouthful. "Not from where I was sitting."
"It was a subtle eye contact thing," Freddie tells him. 
"Bugger," Roger says with a grin, "can't believe I missed out on that!"
"Better than that concert we played in September," John says, looking up from where he’s inspecting a noodle, "at least there were no drunken offenses this time."
Brian hands Freddie his glass of water, pushes Roger’s feet off his chair, and reclaims his seat. 
"So our audience wasn’t exactly successful," Freddie says, "that doesn't mean we weren’t."
"I thought they seemed to have a good time," John says, and Brian has to agree even though he can’t muster up much enthusiasm, "they made noise. Our friends did, at any rate."
"Ugh," Freddie says, "this truly is traumatising. I'll be glad once we make it and get to play for bigger crowds."
"Let's get signed first, eh?" Roger says, "self-publishing albums is all very well, but it'd be nice to have someone reach out to us."
"Well, they won't," Freddie snaps. Brian suppresses a sigh and pokes at his food. "We've got to put ourselves out there. Did you call that venue in Brixton?”
"I did, yeah," Roger says, stealing a spring roll from John's box. Brian makes sure his own is well out of reach. "I'm not gonna repeat what they said because they were not very polite."
Brian lets out a snort, and Roger grins at him. 
"There must be something else we can do," Freddie muses, "all this waiting around is not good for my health."
"These next few concerts will probably help," John says. He's not usually one to offer empty platitudes, and Freddie looks at him with suspicion.
"Why would you say that?"
"The concert went well. If we keep playing like that, it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Someone will discover us, and soon."
"That's not you," Freddie says with narrowed eyes, "that's one of those horrible women speaking!"
"Chrissie told me the same thing," Roger says, "but I was, er, a bit busy. Or about to be."
John groans.
"What did you say to her?" Freddie wants to know.
"That she could maybe come back later."
"Not you! John, what did you say to her?"
"I didn't say anything," John murmurs. He taps his fingers against his can of coke, then admits, "I just told Veronica it was frustrating, a bit. That we all feel it. We're so close."
"I heard her and Chrissie talk," Brian offers, "I think it's Chrissie’s project."
"That little minx," Freddie groans, "the last thing we need is someone trying to cheer us up when what we need to do is work."
“Jesus,” John mumbles.
"I think it's nice they support us," Roger offers.
"Do you know how many times I've heard this from Mary? We wouldn’t be where we are if we’d listened to useless shit like that."
"Alright, Fred," Brian sighs, “what do you suggest we do, then?"
"We'll keep practicing, keep making music, keep reaching out," Freddie says, moving his food far enough out of reach that Roger can't get it. John steals a spring roll and sticks out his tongue at Roger. Brian pushes his leftovers towards him. "We have a decent following on SoundCloud, and we got around 30 new likes on Facebook since last night. Did we have some video we can put up?"
"That's pretty good," Roger says, putting his feet in Brian's lap. Brian shoves them away, ignoring Roger’s pout.
“We do have a few videos,” John says, “but I haven’t received them yet.”
"We need to get into the spotlight," Freddie says, apparently too caught up in his vision to hear the answer. Brian and John trade glances. "We need to really utilise this next month where we don’t have classes."
Brian doesn't think now is the time to mention he's already picked up some extra shifts at the bookstore.
"I watched these classes on skillshare this morning," Freddie continues, “and—”
"Morning," Roger interrupts with a groan, "you went home half-past three."
"And I still got six hours of sleep.”
Roger gives him a long-suffering look.
"We seem to be doing much of it already, " Freddie continues, "of course these people are nobodies and we'll surely surpass them once we get going, but some of their tips did stand out to me."
"Let’s hear it," Brian says, failing to put much enthusiasm into his voice.
"Right," Freddie says, launching into a lengthy monologue. 
Brian nods along in an attempt to look like he cares, but he’s distracted by Roger picking up a banana fritter, spilling powdered sugar over his trousers. Brian gazes at him warily as he attempts to brush it off, only succeeding in spreading it further, then shrugs it off and looks back at Freddie. He can’t understand how Roger’s got the energy or attention to be listening, and he watches him as he eats the last of his dessert, tongue flicking out to clean no doubt sticky lips. Brian swallows in an attempt to lubricate his dry mouth, forcing himself to look away when Roger licks his fingers.
"Sounds doable," Roger says, effectively reclaiming Brian’s attention. "I can get Instagram."
"Watch out," John whispers, catching Brian’s eye and smiling. Brian weakly returns it.
"Unfortunately their guidelines prevent too much nudity,” Freddie says, “but I think we should still be able to post our new pictures."
"What a shame," John comments and receives an elbow in the side for his trouble.
"If only we could warm up for someone," Roger says, leaning his elbows on the table, "someone who's good, who knows what they're doing."
"No one cares about the warm-up act," Brian says, beginning to tear up a piece of kitchen roll.
"It’s still exposure," Roger says. "I always check out the band afterward, unless they're shit of course."
"Most bands are," John opines.
"So we want to warm up for a real band so people can talk about how shit we are?" Brian wonders aloud.
"We're different, darling," Freddie says, "you know we are. We have something no one else has. And I think the world is ready for glam again. Just look at people like Adam Lambert and Harry Styles—it's finally in to be fab." 
Brian wishes he believed him.
♛ ♛ ♛ 
Despite the exhaustion weighing his body down, Brian lies awake for long, lonely hours. He can’t seem to quiet the whirring in his mind, and pillow he’s wrapped himself around is cold and shapeless.
At last, he slips out from under his covers and pads across the room, careful to mind the squeaking door handle.
He’s surprised he can’t see his own breath when he enters the living room, and he has his hand on the radiator before he remembers last month’s bill and lets it go with a shudder. There’s a threadbare blanket carelessly thrown over the arm of the couch which he hasn’t seen before, and he picks it up and wraps it around his shoulders. It’s got a bit of a weird smell, but he figures it’ll do. 
Not fancying Freddie’s herbal tea, he rummages through the cupboards and after a bit of a search, he finds a beat-up pack of strawberry tea whose origins are dubious to say the least. At least it’s warm, he thinks as he pours hot water in his cup and a sickly sweet scent arises.
He brings the cup with him to the couch, wrapping the blanket tighter around himself. It's not three hours since they all sat there, the living room filled with chatter and brightly lit. Now it's cold and dark, the single lamp he's switched on making the room appear more gloomy than cosy, and he wishes he’d appreciated the company while he had it. 
Drawing his knees up, he takes a sip of his scalding tea, lets the too-sweet liquid warm him up from the inside. This day has been so fucking long, he thinks, just one long train loaded with dread and disappointment and a loneliness he just can’t seem to shake. He doesn’t remember feeling this when they were on stage 30 hours prior; he remembers a thrill and a sense of purpose, of unity, but it seems to achingly far away; a vague, glittering dream.
A door opens, and Brian spills tea all over himself, wets his tee and the front of his pants. He scrubs at his thigh and wipes his hand on the armrest, looking up to see Roger, ruffled and sleepy, eyes squinting against the light. He smiles faintly and yawns, playfully tugging at Brian’s hair as he passes him on the way to the bathroom.
He doesn’t bother closing the door; Brian hears the clang of the toilet seat and the sound of piss hitting the bowl.
Brian puts his empty cup on the coffee table and sinks deeper into the couch until his spine and shoulders create a C shape that hurts his neck. The toilet flushes, the sound so loud in his ears he’s amazed it doesn’t wake up Freddie and John.
"What are you doing out here all alone?" Roger asks as he reappears to settle on the couch, close to Brian but not quite touching. Brian wishes he would.
"Couldn't sleep."
"I think Freddie's got some supplements, some kind of herb," Roger says, picking at his too-big ABBA shirt. Brian is not sure if he's joking.
“Good to know.” 
He wishes he were brave enough to ask for a hug or fingers in his hair, even brave enough to move that inch closer so their arms press together, but he isn’t, is too afraid of what will happen if he gives in again. He’d hoped their trading of orgasms would satisfy his need for touch for a few days at least, but if anything, it has just made it worse, and he wonders if it’ll ever go away.
Roger yawns, wide and obnoxious, sticking a hand inside his collar to rub his shoulder. He looks at Brian with eyes that are more heavy-lidded than usual, lips curving into a smile. “Bored tonight?”
“Tired,” Brian says, and it’s not a lie.
“Not used to you being so quiet.”
Brian forces a smile. “Exhausted.”
“Bit silly to sit out here, then,” Roger says, blinking slowly like he can barely keep his eyes open. “Especially when you’re sick.”
Brian sits up, drawing his knees to his chest and wrapping his hands around his freezing feet. He closes his eyes. “Going back in a minute.”
“‘kay,” Roger says softly. Brian feels the cushion move when Roger gets up, but he keeps his eyes closed, waiting for a parting touch that never comes. “I’m going back to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Brian whispers, opening his eyes only when he hears the door handle being pushed down. 
His spilled tea has cooled but not dried, and Brian shivers every time he inhales and his stomach touches the wet fabric.  
At last, he gets up, folds the ratty blanket, brings his cup to the sink, and switches off the lamp. The walk to his bedroom is too short; too soon he’s standing in the doorway gazing at his huge bed, the one mum had lovingly presented him just before he moved out because he was an adult now, and that even though his moving out was to a soon to be messy flat with three other blokes. He’s grateful for it, of course, but sometimes he feels lost there, misses the solid presence of a wall to knock a knee into.
He can’t go back to bed. A knot of fear pulls tight at his chest, and before he can stop himself, he’s grabbing a warm shoulder and shaking Freddie awake.
A soft groan issues, then Freddie pushes himself up on one elbow and squints up at him. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs, voice soft and confused. 
The knot tightens in Brian’s chest. “I can’t get out of my head.”
Freddie lowers himself back onto the mattress and scoots back. “Come lie down, hon.”
Brian does as he’s told, crawling into a bed that’s warm and comfortable and smells like home. 
“Just give me a minute,” Freddie whispers, closing his eyes. The words come out slow and thick, like spoken through syrup, and Brian wishes he’d let him sleep.
He tightens his hold of the duvet around him, relishing the heat Freddie’s body radiates. It’s the first time he’s been in Freddie’s bed like this, he thinks, Wonders if it would have made a difference if it wasn’t.
Freddie sighs, brings up a hand to rub at his eyes, and rolls over to face Brian. “Sorry,” he says, “I’m here.”
Brian looks at him, picks out the familiar features in the dark. “It’s all too much,” he whispers, surprised by how easily the words come, “nothing excites me, the band … I don’t care, or I do, just not—what if I’ll feel this way forever?”
“It’s okay,” Freddie says, scooting closer to run fingers through his hair. Brian shivers with pleasure. “You’re working yourself too hard, love.”
“I’m not,” Brian insists, turning away to cough into the crook of his elbow. When he’s settled, Freddie’s fingers return to his hair. “I just need more time.”
“Time for what?”
“Time to think,” Brian says, closing his eyes, “to sort myself out.”
“You don’t need more time to think,” Freddie says softly, “you need to ask for help.”
“I’m not very good at that.”
“I know.”
Freddie is studying him when he opens his eyes again, but it doesn’t feel intrusive. He just feels cared for. Safe, for once. 
“Do you think I made a mistake in hooking up with Roger?”
Freddie’s lips curl into a small smile. “No,” he says, “I think the mistake was all that happened afterward.”
Brian sighs. “I wish everything would go back to normal. I shouldn’t have dragged him into all of this.”
“Brian, I say this with love only, but sometimes you are tragically clueless.”
“Thanks,” Brian murmurs. The touch and proximity are making him feel wonderfully drowsy.
“You need to focus on one thing,” Freddie says, “then the rest will follow.”
“And what do you suggest I focus on?”
Freddie smiles again. “Come on, Brian, you’re smarter than that. You know this already.”
Brian suspects he’s beginning to.
♛ ♛ ♛ 
The next day, it clear to him that he definitely does not know what he should be focusing on.
One thing he does know—it’s not work. He supposes he should be grateful for that realisation.
It’s getting dark when he steps outside the second-hand book store to trudge through the slush filled London streets to the Tube. The Christmas decorations have long since been taken down, but fairy lights still glitter overhead, and a few places patches of white snow stubbornly cling to eaves. 
At the station, he waits nine long minutes for Circle, blowing at his hands and thinking about his earlier interaction with a particularly difficult customer. He hopes John is home—when it comes to complaints about customers, he can always count on him to listen with sympathy and eye rolls in abundance. 
He’s lucky enough to find a seat on the Tube, but drops his bag on the floor so all his stuff falls out. Bending down to pick it up again, he accidentally steps on his book, his boot leaving a streak of dirt on the front cover. Embarrassed, he picks it up and wipes it with the sleeve of his jacket before quickly stuffing the rest of it in his bag, watching as the apple he forgot to eat rolls away from him to disappear under the seat in front of him. His earphones are a tangle of black at the bottom of his back, and when he eventually untangles them, he finds that only one ear is working. 
He's quietly relieved when he steps inside the flat and lets his boots join the pile of shoes on the floor. The flat is unusually quiet, and when he enters the living room, only John is there, sprawled in the armchair, Winnie the Pooh socked foot bopping along to the beat of the record he’s put on.
"Hi, Brian," he greets with a warm smile. "Wanna play a round of Mario Kart?" 
"Not really," Brian says, picking up a stack of window envelopes from the kitchen table. "Does anyone have plans for dinner?"
"Freddie and Roger are out," John says, "but if you want to, we can make some together."
Finding that none of the letters are addressed to him, Brian puts them down again. "Yeah, that sounds great."
"Great! Let's play Mario Kart first."
Brian makes a face, but he doesn’t really mind. "Fine, just let me make a cup of tea."
He hums along to the record as he walks into the kitchen, trying to remember the name of the song. Without thinking, he opens the fridge and is just about to close it again when he notices an unopened carton of oat milk. Mouth dry, he looks over at John, who’s setting up the Wii. 
“Did you—?” He asks, gesturing uselessly to the open fridge.
John looks up. “Yeah. Is it not the right brand?”
Brian nods slowly, words stolen by the ridiculous surge of affection he feels for his friend. John quirks an eyebrow and turns back to the Wii, one corner of his mouth turned up in amusement, and Brian sets about making his cup of tea, unable to wipe the smile off his face. 
Later, when they're sitting on the couch with steaming plates of pasta, the initial exhaustion he’d carried with him from yesterday and his trying day at work has seeped out of Brian. He’s lost two rounds of Mario Kart to John, which came as no surprise, but his competitive streak ensured he didn’t have time to think about anything but winning the game.
He’s looking at John now, licking tomato sauce from his lip, and he looks so relaxed and at ease. He’s wearing one of Freddie’s shirts, and Brian can’t believe how uncomplicated their relationship seems to be—he knows Freddie still blames himself for what happened to Jim, knows there’s a hurt there that never healed, how Freddie for years has engaged in casual sex in an attempt to make the pain go away, much like Brian himself, but perhaps Roger is right. Perhaps it does make sense, the two of them being together. Perhaps John makes Freddie feel anchored. 
Brian wonders if he will ever find someone who makes him feel that way. “John?”
He doesn't have much more to say that that, doesn't know how to put words to his feelings, wonders if his questions are too intrusive. “Nevermind.”
"How was work?" John asks instead.
"It was quite eventful today actually," Brian says, spearing a piece of pasta on his fork. "Not in a good way of course."
"Never in a good way," John supplies with a grave expression. "What happened?"
"A customer," Brian says, punctuating the air with his fork, "came in today to complain about the fact that the copy she'd bought yesterday appeared to be creased."
"Right," John says, "hate when that happens. Don't want my used books to have been used by anyone before me."
"It gets worse," Brian says, "because this was a first edition, not a book I was familiar with but of course it'd been quite expensive still. Usually we check the books beforehand and price accordingly but she was very adamant about this apparent crease."
John nods, a painful expression on his face. God, how he loves John sometimes. No one seems to get it quite like John.
"So I asked her where the crease was, and lo and behold, when she opens up the book, there was nothing. I swear, not a single crease, no spots, no nothing. So I ask her very politely what the problem is—"
"I would've told her to fuck off," John interrupts.
"That's why you don't work behind the counter."
"No, thank fuck for that."
Brian laughs. "Anyway, this lady is really insistent now, you know how you can just feel when a customer is about to throw a fit? And she points to, and by God, I wish I were kidding, she points to the stitching."
John buries his head in his hands. 
"She points to the stitching," Brian repeats, unable to hold back a smile at the absurdity of it all, "and she tells me she hasn't paid for these to be here, that it makes a crease appear, and I tell her that this is what holds the book together, and she gets offended! She wants me to remove them because she thinks they're ugly. Honest to God, John, I'm quitting."
"Oh I would've," John says, “I hate customers so much, but this might just be the worst."
"Worse than 5 pence Petra?"
John drags his hands away from his face, helplessly laughing. "How could I forget 5 pence Petra?"
"Didn't she ask you out once?"
John groans. "You promised you would never mention it again!"
"Don’t tell me if you don't want me to remind you," Brian says with a shrug-
"I should probably take your advice, but at the same time, I need to share with someone who understands the pain. Freddie claims he’s never had an annoying customer, can you believe that?” John says, and Brian looks at him in disbelief. “By the way, did I tell you what happened last week?"
"No, what happened?" Brian asks, curious. He scrapes the last of the sauce onto his fork.
"This very drunk lady, she was Scandinavian I think, came in, bought a birthday card and asked if I could keep an eye on her plastic bag which contained at least a dozen bottles, and tried to pay me in cigars."
"You're joking.”
"Oh I wish," John says, putting his plate down.
“Did you accept it, then?”
“God, no. Might have if she’d offered one of the bottles instead.”
“She sounds like someone who’d be open for negotiation, I’m sure you could’ve just asked,” Brian says with a grin.
“Always miss my chance with those ladies,” John sighs.
Brian kicks him lightly, and John smiles wryly. “Better luck next time.”
♛ ♛ ♛ 
He's stretched out on the couch a few days later, still caught up in the disappointing ending of the book he just finished, when the front door opens followed by a shout of “busy?”
Brian twists around to watch Roger kick off his boots and step out of his snowsuit. "Not at all," he says, "why?"
"I've had this riff in my head all day,” Roger says, kicking the snowsuit closer to the wall. When he steps into the living room, he’s red-cheeked and slightly out of breath. “I want to use it for one of my songs."
"Oh," Brian says, interest piqued, "sure, let's see what we can make of it."
"Great," Roger enthuses, "now?"
"You're very energetic," Brian says, stretching lazily. 
"I'm afraid I'll forget it! Do you know how difficult it is to keep a song in your head when you're trying to make people care about human rights?"
"No," Brian says, amused, "but do tell me."
Roger sticks his tongue out at him. 
“Have you done something with your hair?” he asks, thinking Roger looks different somehow.
“No,” Roger says, looking puzzled. 
“Oh,” Brian says. He studies him for a moment—the fringe that falls into his eyes in quite a charming way and the hair at the back of his neck that brushes the hood of his hoodie—and wonders how he has failed to notice how much his hair has grown in less than two months. “Nevermind.”
Roger sends him a curious look, so Brian gets up from the couch and opens the door to their makeshift studio. “Coming?”
The smile Roger sends him is strange, and Brian hides his confusion by leaving Roger to himself and going inside.
Roger follows shortly, starting to rifle through a pile of loose sheets on top of his drums. Brian picks up his guitar to tune it but finds that he can’t help glancing at Roger. 
"Right," Roger says, stepping closer with a piece of paper in hand. Brian instantly spots one of his trademark Ys. “These are the lyrics so far. Could use some improvement, but here's so you get the idea."
Brian looks at him, surprised. Roger never shows anyone his lyrics before they're done—Brian knows he scraps double the amount of songs than he ever shows them.
He looks back at the sheet in Roger's hand, scans over the lyrics. Tries to ignore the warmth from Roger's shoulder pressed against his.
"The melody is quite simple," Roger says, handing him the paper to plug in the keyboard, "well, at least until the middle part." 
Before Brian can think of anything to say, Roger has sat down in front of the keyboard and started playing. The words on the page swim before Brian’s eyes.
“It’s nice,” Brian croaks when he’s done. He clears his throat, musing that this cold may never leave him. "What are you thinking with the drums?".
"Quite energetic," Roger says, twisting in his seat to look around the cramped room. "Where'd I put my sticks?"
Brian looks at him wordlessly. He really does look … quite handsome today. 
“Oh, here's one," Roger says, getting up to collect a drumstick from behind his kit. "Where's the—oh, it's behind you."
"My drumstick. Right behind you. Chuck it over here?"
Bewildered, Brian turns around, and there it is, next to John’s bass. Not trusting Roger's ability to catch it he steps over to where he has settled behind his kit. Their hands brush when he hands it over, and there's an odd tingly sensation in his hand afterward. He wipes it on his trouser leg. 
Roger starts a quick beat, and Brian forces himself to join. It doesn’t sound right. When Roger stops, he lets out a quiet sigh of relief. 
"So for the riff, "Roger says, "it would sound something like this."
He vocalises the riff, and Brian tries to copy it, but he can see it’s not what Roger’s after. Brian feels warm—usually he prides himself in being able to catch on quickly, to be so in tune with the other three that he can easily translate their ideas; after all, that’s what makes their playing together so special.
"Bugger,” Roger says, wiping his brow. “Wish I had my guitar."
Brian hesitates, swallows the annoying lump in his throat. He pulls the strap off his shoulder. "You, uh. You can borrow mine."
Roger looks at him, surprised. His fringe gets in his eyes, and he pushes it away. "What?"
"You can use it," Brian says, feeling silly, "I mean, if you want to."
He hands it over to Roger, who wordlessly accepts it. He looks up at Brian, eyes searching, and something tugs painfully at his heart. Has he been so distant that his best friend is surprised he hands over his guitar willingly? Ridiculously, he wants to reach out to touch Roger, but then Roger is smiling and pulling the strap over his shoulder, adjusting it a little before he experimentally runs his fingers over the fretboard.
Brian watches him, face a picture of concentration, and suddenly, it makes sense; he gets it now, anticipates each note almost before it’s played. Every once in a while, Roger looks up as if to check in with Brian, and each time, it startles him just as much. He tries to remember the lyrics, but can’t bring himself to look down at where he’s holding them in a too-tight grip, can’t look away from Roger. 
He breathes in deeply, desperate to get air into his lungs.
"What do you think?" Roger asks. 
The question startles him. He can’t recall a time those words have ever been directed at him inside this room—he knows the others talk about him when he's not there, knows they think he's being a pain, and Roger in particular is not afraid to voice it. Freddie will ask for his opinion occasionally, but not the other two. Never Roger.
He could tear him down if he wanted to, Brian realises. He's asking for it, almost. But the way Roger looks at him, guarded but with a glimmer of hope, makes something expand inside his chest, press against his insides until he forgets to breathe.
He breathes in deeply, exhales messily. Smiles tentatively. “It definitely has potential.”
♛ ♛ ♛ 
Inspired by their jamming session, Brian sits down after dinner with pen, paper, and a vague idea he hopes to turn into a song. Freddie is making his own dinner and John and Roger are in their room so it's quiet enough, and the dining table has much better lighting than their small shared desk in their room. 
The melody he gets down quickly enough, but he struggles to find words to go along with it, and pauses to chew at the end of his pencil. He watches Freddie put his instant soup—organic and supposedly healthy, but instant soup nonetheless—in the microwave, then stares hard at his sheet of paper in an attempt to force the words. 
A moment later, Roger and John appear, and Brian listens with half an ear to their discussion about garlic bread until suddenly, inspiration strikes him, and his handwriting becomes a messy scrawl as he attempts to keep up with his brain.
When he looks up again, hand cramping from the tight hold on his pen, the others have gathered around the dining table as well and seem to be halfway through their meal. 
”You're quite a good kisser, though," Freddie says, removing his elbows from the table so John can reach over to clean his empty soup bowl with a piece of garlic bread. 
“How can you tell, you’ve been piss drunk every time,” Roger says, “but you’re right, I am a good kisser. Years of practice, kids.”
“You make me sound so unromantic,” Freddie says. John snorts softly.
Brian looks between them, trying to process what he’s just heard."What?"
Roger glances at him. "Hm?"
"Did you—” He starts, then catches Freddie’s eye. “How do you ... How would you know?” 
"I talk from experience, darling,” Freddie says, “I would never make guesswork of something as serious as that."
Roger lets out a soft snort.
"You've—Freddie and you? You’ve kissed?”
"Er," Roger says. “Yeah?”
"How can you—doesn't this bother you?" he demands, turning to John.
John shrugs. "Not really. I already knew."
"You knew?"
"Brian, they're not exactly subtle. Surely you've seen them kiss before?"
Brian sits back. "When?"
“It’s not like I stuck my tongue down his throat just yesterday,” Roger says, “it’s months ago.”
Brian stares at him, trying to formulate a response. He can’t picture Roger and Freddie together; it’s not right. His brain won’t go there. 
“Still,” he says, mind whirring, "how can you talk so casually about this in front of John? That's bad form."
Roger glances at Freddie and John. “He just told you he doesn't care. It didn't mean anything. We were drunk."
Three pairs of eyes turn to Brian, and he glares back.
"Have you really never seen us kiss?" Freddie asks, looking at him with a curious gaze.
"No," Brian says, crossing his arms. "When?"
Roger shrugs. "At parties and such.”
"So what else has happened? John performs strip teases in public?"
"Didn't the last time checked, but he's got the body for it," Roger says. Freddie nods energetically.
"These hips don't lie," John deadpans.
"I just didn't know you were that kind of friends," Brian says, trying to keep his voice neutral.
"Ah, he's jealous!" Freddie says. "Are you sad you're the only one who hasn't got a taste of the famous Freddie Bulsara, darling?"
John dissolves into helpless laughter. 
Brian rolls his eyes and says, with as much dignity as he can muster, "I was just surprised, is all.”
"Aw, darling, don't be like that,” Freddie says, leaning forward, “we're only joking!"
Brian frowns, then makes a show of ignoring them as he stares sullenly at his paper. He can’t say he cares too much about John’s feelings on the matter, but hearing them talk so casually about it makes something bitter and unpleasant rise in his throat. 
He knows there’s no such thing as a casual kiss, and it’s not that he’s jealous, but he thinks Roger could have told him that he was into kissing other men—a public service announcement, really, so Brian doesn’t end up looking like an utter tit when it’s inevitably sprung on him. 
A light kick to his ankle makes him look up. Roger’s smile is tentative, and something like confusion bubbles in his chest.
Brian nods slowly. 
Roger drags his chair closer and pokes him in the side. "You're all quiet."
"I was just thinking," Brian says, squirming away from Roger's prodding finger.
"We were just having fun," Roger says, letting his hand fall to his side. "You're not gonna leave, are you?"
Brian glances at Freddie and John, but they seem to be deep in conversation and are not paying attention to him at all. He lowers his voice. "I’m not leaving. It was just a surprise."
"What, me and Freddie?" 
"Yeah," Brian says, hating the way Roger says it so casually. "I didn't know."
"It didn't mean anything," Roger says, expression earnest. "We were drunk and silly. You know how it is"
"I'm not sure I do,” Brian says, because he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to kiss his friends, drunk or not.
Roger smiles. "Hm, no, I can see that. But you gotta admit kissing is nice." 
Brian's eyes drop to Roger's mouth entirely without his permission. He swallows. "Perhaps," he allows, "if one is into that sort of thing."
Roger puts his elbow on the dining table and rests his chin in hand. "You never told me why."
Brian looks away. "I did."
"Remind me again?"
"It makes me become attached."
"And is that so bad?" Roger asks, eyes searching Brian’s face.
Brian laughs, a strangled, bitter sound. "Are you never afraid to burn your fingers?"
"Sucks the fun out of life, doesn’t it? Being afraid."
He’s suddenly very aware that Freddie and John have fallen silent, and when he glances at them, they are watching their conversation with interest.
“Do you mind?” he asks them. When he turns back to Roger, he’s gazing calmly at him, and Brian takes in the familiar features, lets the trust and safety that come with years of friendship wrap around him. His voice is weak when he says, “I don’t know.”
Roger’s eyes soften. “Nothing bad’s gonna happen.”
Brian closes his hot, stinging eyes. He wishes he could believe him.
♛ ♛ ♛ 
 Despite the light from his bedside lamp, a soft blue glow still emits from the bottom drawer of his nightstand when he sits down on his bed and opens it. He can’t help but let out a soft snort—he’d almost forgot about it. 
The cock ring is smooth and cool in his palm when he picks it up, and he turns it in his hands as he thinks back on how angry and, for a second, humiliated, he’d felt when he unwrapped it in front of Freddie and Roger. Perhaps he should’ve seen it coming—Roger’s like that, he knows, always taking his jokes too far—but right after their awful hookup? If touching him hadn’t been the last thing he wanted at that moment, Brian would have strangled him. And then his eyes had dropped to the certificate, and he’d hated Roger, hated how he couldn’t even stay angry with him because he wasn’t just a regular prick, he had to be a thoughtful prick. 
Brian puts the cock ring down on his nightstand and reaches for the certificate, scanning the coordinates and his name in big letters on a glittering, starry background. He hasn’t visited his parents since Christmas, but when he does, he’ll have to set up his telescope and see if he can find his star. 
No one but Roger could come up with something so at once ridiculous and thoughtful, and it makes Brian ache when he thinks about it, so it’s rare that he does. He can’t help it now, and he unbuttons and pulls off his trousers and crawls into bed.
He thinks about their time in the studio earlier, how it had felt like a punch in the stomach when he’d watched Roger play, the strange feeling in his chest that’s been there all day. And he thinks that maybe he wants Roger, and the thought makes him feel warm and prickly. He can’t recall the last time he’s allowed himself to want something and he’s not about to start now, not when his friendship with Roger is at stake, not when he knows Roger’s only looking to experiment.
He thinks Roger’s curiosity has been sated, that those two times were more than enough, but maybe he’ll decide he wants to go further one day, and Brian can’t bear the thought of it, is afraid he’s going to hook up with a stranger in a club, somebody who doesn’t care he hasn’t been with man, who doesn’t know him like Brian does.
Stomach tightening with sudden anxiety, Brian is halfway out of bed before he remembers himself. He can’t just go in there and tell Roger not to hook up with other men. He’s a big boy, Brian knows that, but he’s also chaotic and reckless and far too nice. 
If only he didn’t care—it’s not like Roger cares about Brian’s hookups, and maybe if Brian put more energy into finding someone to blow off steam with, he wouldn’t have to think about any of this.
By the time Freddie lets himself into their bedroom and starts undressing, Brian has almost calmed down enough to go to sleep.
He closes his eyes, returns Freddie’s goodnight, and listens to the sounds of Freddie crawling into bed; the rustle of the sheets and the click of the lamp. 
It’s quiet for a moment, then comes Freddie’s “where the fuck does that light come from?”
Brian opens his eyes, momentarily confused by the soft, blue light coming from his nightstand, before he suddenly realises what it is. Struck by horror, he grabs the cock ring, throws it into the still open drawer, and forcefully closes it.
“Was that—?” Freddie says, losing a splutter of amusement.
Brian’s cheeks burn, and he turns to his other side. “Goodnight, Freddie.”
♛ ♛ ♛
The next morning, Brian wakes up from a vague dream that leaves him confused and impossibly horny, mind whirring and dick aching.
It’s inconvenient, to say the least—he doesn’t have time to be horny, nor does he have time to analyse why his subconscious thought it a good idea to put him in weird, uncomfortable lingerie at Roger’s request. 
Quietly horrified with himself, he gets out of bed and puts on his robe. He fully blames the unfortunate incident—trauma—last night for his fucked up dream, but he’s still hard, and finding the cause does nothing to soften it.
Securing his robe, he slips out of his bedroom, mind filled with strong hands in his hair and a bright smile that makes him ache. He’s disappointed to hear John dueting with Bonnie Tyler in the bathroom, and is just about to go back to his bedroom for a long, luxurious wank, when a door opens and Roger appears in old man slippers and the Marlboro windbreaker John got him for Christmas, eyes small with sleep.
"Are you heading out?" Brian asks, even though the question is quite obviously yes. 
Roger nods, holding up his lighter and pack of cigarettes as a way of explanation.
"Mind if I go with you? I could do with some fresh air."
"Sure," Roger says, throwing glances at him like he's grown an extra head. Brian doesn't blame him; if he's not going to work or uni, he prefers to stay inside.
“Let me just put on some trousers,” he says, hurrying back to his bedroom to pull on trousers and two woolen jumpers.
Logically, he knows no good can come out of this, and he almost pauses, but then he remembers Roger’s words from the night before, and he doesn’t want to be afraid, not anymore.
And if he’s rejected, well. At least he’ll know.
Outside, Roger shakes out a cigarette and puts it between his lips, turning toward Brian to shield the flame from the wind. There’s a small furrow between his eyebrows as he flicks the lighter and his eyelashes seem impossibly long. Brian can't help but stare.
"Slept well?" Roger asks conversely, rubbing the crust out of his eyes.
"Um," Brian says, distracted by Roger’s eyes on him. He really needs to just go for it. "I did, thanks. Listen—" 
He takes a fortifying breath, racking his brain for a way to word his proposal that doesn’t make him sound like a loon. Considering that he hasn’t spent a minute thinking it through, he’s not too optimistic. 
"What's up?" Roger prompts.
"Right," Brian says, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket, "I've been thinking and ... I'm sorry if this is blunt, but ... I was wondering ... Do you maybe want to fool around?"
"What?" Roger lets out a laugh, and when Brian looks at him, his face is a picture of disbelief.
"Do you want to shag?" He's not sure that's much better, but at least now it's out in the open.
Roger rubs his face with the hand holding his cigarette. It makes Brian nervous. “Uhm,” he says. “I suppose..?”
“Right,” Brian says, stomach dropping, “convincing.”
“No, I just—I suppose I don’t need to remind you of last time. I’m a little apprehensive. I don’t know what you want.”
“You,” he says before he can stop himself, “for real this time.”
Roger swallows. “Why? I mean … I thought you didn’t—”
“I do,” Brian urges. He pauses, scratches the side of his nose with his middle finger. “I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday.”
Roger takes a long drag of his cigarette. “It’s unlike you to make a decision so fast.”
“I know,” Brian says. The conversation feels surreal. “It’s been a long time coming, I think.”
“You want to have sex,” Roger says, “with me.”
Brian chances a step closer. He reaches out to brush his thumb over the back of Roger’s hand. Roger looks down, then his eyes snap to Brian’s. 
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” Brian admits. “I want to know what it feels like when you fuck me.”
He doesn’t think he imagines the hitch of Roger’s breath. “That’s a lot to process this early in the morning.”
“You don’t have to decide yet,” he says, touching Roger’s arm and wondering just when he became this fucking bold. He steps back. “I’m going back inside. See you in there?”
Roger’s voice is hoarse when he replies, “see you.”
Brian turns around and walks inside, mind spinning. He doesn’t think he’s ever been that blatant before, but as he replays their conversation in his mind, he has a sneaking suspicion that he might have been missing out.
♛ ♛ ♛
As it turns out, Roger is quick to decide. 
"Please, John," Roger is saying not 10 minutes later, "it's a tiny favour I'm asking you."
"I'm not doing it," John says, hanging his wet towel over the back of a chair. "It's freezing outside, and besides, it's your crap."
"John!" Roger's voice has taken on a decidedly whiny tone, "just this once."
John folds his arms over his chest. "Give me one reason."
"You'd get to spend the entire day with your boyfriend!”
"No, give me a reason why you want me to do it."
"I'm—" Roger's eyes flick to Brian. "I'm getting a cold." 
"You're never sick," John says with narrowed eyes. "Though God knows you should be suffering from horrible vitamin C deficiency."
"Well, you go out for a smoke in your underwear, see how you fare," Roger says, adding a sniff at the end of his sentence.
“He does look a bit pale,” Brian says, thinking he should probably attempt to help.
John ignores him. "Unless you have a fever, I'm not even gonna consider it," he says, picking up his tangle of earphones from the dining table and walking into the kitchen to start on the dishes. 
"I do have a fever," Roger insists, "come, feel my forehead, I'm burning up!"
"I'm not gonna feel your forehead," John says, "take a couple of paracetamols if it's so bad or talk to Freddie, I'm not going."
"I can't believe you hate me," Roger says sullenly.
John puts his earphones in.
Roger turns to Brian, an exasperated look on his face. He does a little toss of his head towards his room. Brian follows him. 
"Sorry, really thought he'd go," Roger says when they’re inside and he’s closed the door behind them.
“It’s okay,” Brian lies, disappointment mingling with the slow slide of arousal in the pit of his stomach. "We'll do it some other time." 
Roger steps closer until Brian is pressed against the door. He lifts his hand to trace Brian’s jaw, then latches a soft mouth over his pulse point. 
Brian closes his eyes, greedily inhales the sweet scent of Roger’s hair. He wants to say something, but no words leave his mouth.
“Really want you,” Roger murmurs into the skin of his neck, his hands low and tight on Brian’s hips.
Surprise unsticks his throat. “Really?”
“You’re funny,” Roger says, looking up at him as he presses closer, a delicious hardness against Brian’s thigh. “Wanted you for so long, I don’t think I can—please don’t change your mind again, I can’t—”
“I won’t,” Brian promises, gasping as Roger smiles and sucks a line of kisses up the column of his throat. 
“Good,” Roger says, breath catching as Brian grinds against him. “I wanna fuck you.”
“Don’t,” Brian groans, his hands coming up to push against Roger's shoulders. "If you don't stop, we'll do it here, I don't care. Freddie and John can watch."
“Kinky,” Roger says, smiling up at him. His hands stroke Brian’s sides, and Brian’s exhale is messy. He wonders if Roger can feel it on his face.
His eyes drop to Roger’s mouth entirely without his permission, and he wants to give in so, so badly. He wonders what he tastes like, wonders how their mouths fit together, but he can’t, knows that if this is going to end well, he has to keep himself in check—Roger clearly doesn’t have any qualms about tempting him into things he’s surely going to regret later.
“Freddie will wonder where you are,” he whispers, hands sliding down to rest on Roger’s upper arms. 
The disappointment he expects on Roger’s face doesn’t come, and Brian feels a strange drop of his stomach when he merely squeezes his sides and steps back.
Brian thinks he should be able to breathe again but for some reason, it’s harder without Roger pressed against him.
"Are you gonna think about me?" Roger asks, annoyingly charming grin in place as he puts his hand on the door handle when Brian steps away.
Brian swallows. He doesn’t trust his voice to lie so he says nothing. 
Roger presses a quick kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
The blood in Brian’s veins thrums in approval.
♛ ♛ ♛
When the front door slams a few minutes later, Brian unpeels himself from the door and slips into his bedroom to collect a towel. He sends a weak smile John’s way when he passes him in the living room and tries not to look like he’s up to something when he hurries to the bathroom. 
Making sure to lock the door, he strips off his clothes, giving his cock a quick squeeze as he waits for the shower to warm. He doesn’t think—he lets out his breath when he steps under the spray, lets the water warm him up as he reaches for his shower gel. Catching sight of the bottles, he hesitates, and then, quelling the spike of guilt, takes Roger’s instead.   
He has a vague memory of Roger saying he'd stolen it somewhere because it smelt so good, but Brian is not sure he believes it, and if it is, he really doesn’t want to know. His soapy hands slide easily over his skin, the honeyed scent of the lather flooding his senses with images of Roger pressed against him, of strong hands on his hips. Closing his eyes, he trails a hand down his torso and closes a fist around his cock and groans, recalling Roger's expression as he'd sucked him off, the sounds he’d made, the quiet inhalation. The tiles are shockingly cold against his back, and he wonders what would have happened if Roger had convinced John to go, if he'd been on his stomach right this moment, and he can't stop the stuttering moan that leaves his mouth. His hand speeding up, he grinds back against the wall, needing to feel the solidity of it, and wishing it was warm and soft flesh instead of cold, wet tiles.
Roger's words run through his head; of want and need and wanna fuck you, and Brian feels the build in his groin, lets his head fall back against the tiles while he slows his hand, panting softly. He looks down as he comes, on his flushed cock, on the come that is quickly rinsed away by the spray of the shower, and he can barely believe what he’s just done.
He waits for the guilt to come but oddly, it doesn’t. Catching his breath, he pushes himself away from the wall, uncaps his shampoo and works it into his hair, thinking about Roger and Freddie at the stall and wondering whether Roger has thought about him at all. 
It scares him how much he wants now that he's allowed himself to, but he does, and he supposes there's no use in denying it anymore. He wants to feel Roger's mouth on him, wants to get fucked into the mattress, wants a lot of other things he's not allowed to think about yet.
He can't stop picturing Roger's smile, can't stop thinking about his words. He thinks about it as he rinses the shampoo out of his hair, thinks about it as he dries off and puts on clothes. He's still thinking about it when he waits at the bus stop, is reminded of it again when he opens a message from Roger after his tutoring, thinks about it when he goes to bed at night.
When three days have passed, Brian thinks he might actually, genuinely go insane. He can’t pretend he’s not bothered, not when Roger is there, not when he knows, when he uses every excuse he can to touch or brush against him. The whole thing is endlessly frustrating, and Brian has resorted to wanks in the shower—he might’ve worried about using too much water, but has found that he finishes embarrassingly quickly lately.
His cock stirs at the thought, and he shifts on the couch; the movement causes Roger to look away from the television screen and up at Brian, a soft smile on his lips. 
Glancing at Freddie and John curled up in the armchair and finding that their attention is on the screen, Brian slides his fingers into Roger's hair and doesn’t think he imagines the sound of Roger's breath hitching a little. Unthinkingly, he scratches his scalp lightly, and Roger presses into the touch, cheek pressing against Brian’s thigh.
Heart in his throat, Brian extends his thumb and tentatively brushes over the shell of Roger's ear, causing him to still. He turns slowly, enough to look Brian in the eye, and Brian feels suddenly shaky with want. Mouth twisting, Roger turns back to look at the screen, and Brian tries to relax, to enjoy the movie and the company of his friends, but the only thing he can think about is how close his cock is to Roger's head, and how good his mouth felt around him. 
"Right," John says half an hour later, getting to his feet with impressive ease considering the depth of the chair and the fact that he’s got one Freddie Bulsara wrapped around him, "I should be going."
"What time is it?" Freddie asks, following John with his eyes and hugging a pillow to his chest.
"A quarter past, and my shift starts at noon."
Freddie pouts. "I'll miss you."
John smiles. "I'll keep that thought for when I'm about to commit arson."
"You're exaggerating," Freddie says, getting up to follow him to the door. Brian knows he most likely isn't.
He listens to their quiet bickering in the hallway, trying his best not to squirm, but Roger’s head seems to have moved from his thigh to his crotch, and his dick has unfortunately taken an interest.
The front door clicks open, and Roger waves in the direction of the hallway even though Brian doubts he can see anything from his reclining position. "Bye, John," he shouts, "don't kill anyone!"
"I make no promises," John yells back. The door slams, and they both listen for a while for Freddie to return, but he appears to have followed John outside. 
"You've got to move," Brian whispers, "you're driving me nuts."
Roger smiles, slow and sly. "I'm driving you nuts now?"
"Stop it," Brian says, pushing at his shoulder, but Roger just grins, easily resisting.
“Am I turning you on?” he asks, looking very, very pleased.
Brian scoffs. “Of course not.”
“Liar,” Roger whispers and grabs his wrist.
Brian’s pulse thrums against Roger’s fingers.
“You’re not—” Roger begins, but Brian doesn’t get to find out what he isn’t, because just then, the door opens, and a moment later, Freddie enters the living room.
“Don’t the two of you look cosy,” he comments, picking up his iPad from the dining table.
Brian flushes. 
“Oh, we are,” Roger says, stretching out on the couch. 
“I’ll let you get on with it, then,” Freddie says, an amused glint in his eyes.
Brian swallows. "Don't you wanna stay and watch the movie?"
Freddie wrinkles his nose. "It's dreadful."
Roger snorts. "See you later, Fred."
The second the door to their room has closed behind Freddie, Roger sits up, bringing his face close to Brian’s. "Wanna come to my room for a cuddle?" 
Brian swallows. He can only think of one way this could possibly go, and suddenly he's afraid. Roger leans in to press a kiss to his cheek. His skin tingles.
"Okay," Brian whispers, and follows him into Roger's room.
He almost regrets it when he discovers the floor is barely visible underneath clothes and uni books, but then Roger is bouncing on his bed and gesturing for Brian to lie down. 
Brian does, stepping over piles of clothes to press their bodies together, to line kisses up Roger's throat. Roger sighs and Brian reaches for his belt.
“No,” Roger says, and Brian stills, almost thinks he’s misheard.
"What's wrong?"
"Not in here."
Brian stares at him, uncertain. "What's wrong with in here?"
Roger picks at a loose thread on Brian’s jumper. "It's not fair to John."
"That we have sex and he doesn't?" Brian ascertains, just so Roger can hear how ridiculous it sounds.
"No, that he'll have to start thinking about whether he can enter his own room or not. I promised him long ago I wouldn't bring people home."
"It's not like we're doing it on his bed,” Brian says, desperate now, “he’s not even home.”
Roger shakes his head. "Brian, I don't want to do it in here."
Brian suppresses a groan. Where else can they go? Rent a hotel room? "We might not get the chance again."
"I promise you we will," Roger says, brushing his hand over Brian’s cheek. 
Brian closes his eyes. He can’t stand Roger this close, can feel the pull of his lips and is suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to lean in and kiss him, and it startles him a little. He wonders if it would make Roger change his mind. 
He opens his eyes again, presses his cheek against Roger’s palm. “Okay,” he says. Sighs, knowing he can’t possibly stay. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”
♛ ♛ ♛
On Thursday afternoon, it finally happens. There’s a gorgeous sunset outside their window, shining large blocks of golden orange on the couch Roger’s stretched out on, and Brian is sitting at the kitchen table, valiantly trying to pay attention to the book he’s reading. So far he’s not succeeding.
The door to his room opens, and Freddie appears with John in tow, both heading straight for the hallway. Roger looks up from his phone to peer curiously at them. 
"Behave, darlings," Freddie says, popping his head in again a moment later, now dressed in fur coat and heeled boots. John appears behind him in a charming windbreaker in pink and blue. 
"Are you leaving?"
Freddie lets out an exaggerated sigh. "We told you this, dear. Remember that play Chrissie’s in? Or not in, she works there. I’d wanted to go anyway, but then she invited me along, and Deaky darling was kind enough to offer his delightful company."
"That's very kind of you, John," Brian says, remembering absolutely no such thing and deciding to focus on the one thing he understands. John's eyes crinkle as he smiles. "Are you gonna be home for dinner?" He aims for casual, but his heart is beating fast suddenly.
Freddie looks to John. "I think we're eating at theirs, yes."
"Right," Brian says, voice faint.
He doesn't dare look at Roger. Thinks he might combust if he does. 
"Say hello to Chrissie from me," Roger says, sounding decidedly cheerful, "and Veronica if she's around."
"We will," Freddie promises, waving at them over his shoulder. John grins at them and follows. 
For long, painful seconds, neither of them move. The front door closes, and Brian listens as two pairs of feet descend the stairs, then hears the creak and slam of the other door. His heart thrums painfully as he reads the same sentence over and over, his body tense and alert.
The couch creaks when Roger shifts, but Brian keeps reading, more desperately now. He tries to ignore the soft padding of Roger's feet on the hardwood floors, tries to control his breathing, but it's not until Roger is standing next to him, warm hand on the back of his neck, thumb lightly caressing the skin until the fine hairs stand on end that he stops pretending. 
He exhales long and slow, closes his eyes against the caress. It's like warmth spreads from that touch, leaving his whole body tingling and desperate for more. Roger kicks out a chair, lets his hand slide off. 
Brian looks at him. 
"Do you still want this?" Roger asks, expression open and genuine. 
Brian swallows. "Yes."
A gorgeous smile spreads on Roger's lips, one that makes his heart beat faster in his chest. His lips feel heavy and hot. 
"I don't know what to do now," Roger admits, scrubbing at his hair.
This makes Brian snap out of it. Sex is something he knows, something he can relax into, and that no matter if it's a stranger or his unfairly good looking friend. 
He grabs Roger’s wrist, thumb brushing over the inked skin. His pulse thrums. 
"My suggestion would be the bedroom," he says, "depending on how adventurous you're feeling."
Roger laughs, a bright, startling sound. "Not very. I prefer the bed."
Brian smiles. "Me too."
When they enter his room, he’s embarrassed to note that his bed is unmade and there’s a pair of boxers that didn’t quite make the hamper, and he casts an envious glance on Freddie’s half of the room, on his huge, pristine bed. He opens his mouth to apologise, but before the words come out, a gentle push from Roger makes him sit down on the bed. 
“Don’t apologise,” Roger says, looking down at him with amusement.
“I wasn’t going to,” Brian lies, his hands moving to Roger’s hips on their own accord. He can scarcely believe he’s allowed to touch now, and he experimentally lets them slide down further, over Roger's backside. 
The hitch of Roger’s breath makes his own stutter in his throat, and his fingers are clumsy and uncooperative as he reaches for Roger’s zipper. Warm hands on his face steady him, and he pushes Roger’s trousers down, runs his hands up his thighs, stares, dry-mouthed, at the semi visible through the thin cotton fabric. 
Roger's fingers caress his cheek, run over his lips. He smiles.
Lowering his gaze, Brian pushes his hands under the hem of Roger's jumper, lets his hands slide over the warm skin. He presses kisses to Roger's stomach, mouths at the edge of his boxers. Roger's hands slide into his hair, and Brian doubles his efforts, kisses the visible bulge, and Roger cants his hips forward, exhaling messily. Brian's own cock twitches at the sound, at the thought of taking him into his mouth, of finally getting fucked, and he has to force himself to remain seated, to not let Roger take him right then and there. 
“Fuck,” Roger breathes, pulling at his hair. Brian’s breath catches. “Been thinking about your mouth.”
Brian removes his mouth from the damp fabric and looks up at him, at his flushed cheeks and blown pupils. He can't stand it much longer. 
"Yes," he rasps, and Roger's hands slide down his neck; a warm, solid weight there that sends shivers down Brian's spine. 
Mouth filling with saliva, Brian swallows and lets go of him, unbuttons his trousers and pushes them down over his hips along with his underwear. Pulling off his socks, he glances up at Roger again, stilling when he finds he’s just standing there, staring. It makes Brian feel warm all over, and he’s quick to scoot back on the bed, pulling off his jumper and his tee and shivering slightly as he’s exposed to the cool air. 
As their eyes meet again, Roger seems to shake himself and follows quickly, ridding himself of socks, jumper and boxers. Once he’s naked, he slowly lowers himself onto the mattress, and lifts a hand to skim down Brian's side. Brian suppresses a shiver as it follows the curve of his arse.
A faint smile on his lips, Roger dips down his mouth to kiss him, and Brian is just about to jerk away when he stops himself, places an apologetic hand on his arm.
“Sorry,” Roger says, “it’s just—I don’t know how to go about this without kissing. It’s so impersonal.”
Brian scoots back to look at him properly. “Does it have to be? It’s not a problem if we don’t make it one.”
Roger looks like he’s going to argue, and Brian feels a spike of annoyance. Then Roger idly swats his arm. “You’re such a prostitute.”
Brian relaxes. “You couldn’t afford me if I were.” He imagines it’s the kind of thing Freddie would say, and feels a bit silly, but it has the desired effect when Roger laughs.
“Because I’m dirt poor or because you’re that good?”
“Because I’m that good, of course.”
Roger runs a hand up his thigh. “Sounds very promising.”
Hiding a smile, Brian turns to his nightstand to retrieve lube, condoms, and baby wipes. The condoms and wipes he carelessly throws on the bed, but the lube he uncaps and squeezes onto his palm before passing the nearly empty bottle to Roger. 
“So you do this a lot, then?” Roger asks as Brian is slicking up his fingers, turning the bottle in his hand. 
Brian snorts gently. “Have sex? Occasionally.”
“No, I mean—” Roger waves the bottle uselessly.
“I didn’t know you were so prissy.”
“Shut up,” Roger says with an embarrassed grin. It’s a good look on him.
“Hurry up, then—no, grab me a pillow first.”
“I have tried anal before, you know,” Roger says. Brian looks at him doubtfully.
“With girls,” he clarifies.
"Hopefully this will feel a bit better for both parts,” Brian says, suppressing a laugh when he sees Roger’s put-out expression.
He takes the pillow from Roger and lies down on the bed, lifting his hips to push it underneath him. When he’s settled, Roger scoots closer to sit between his bent legs.
“Move,” Brian says, slick fingers hovering over his entrance, “I need more room if I don’t want to bump my hand into you every time.”
“Sorry,” Roger says, scooting back a bit, “I’m not wearing my contacts.”
This strikes Brian as terribly funny, and he can’t help the snort of laughter that escapes him. The expression on Roger’s face doesn’t help matters, and Brian dissolves into helpless laughter.
“Have you quite finished?” Roger asks, going for unimpressed but ending up with a grin stretching his lips.
“Sorry,” Brian says, even though he doesn’t feel sorry at all. Then his eyes drop to Roger’s erection, and, inhaling deeply through his nose, he slowly works himself open. 
Roger watches him, enthralled, and a warm hand drops to Brian’s thigh, the other wrapping around his own flushed cock. It’s intense and impossibly arousing, the way Roger is looking at him like he’s a delectable treat while he fingers himself open. 
“God,” Roger breathes, “you’re so fucking gorgeous. Can barely contain myself.”
The words make Brian’s head spin, and he chokes out a moan as his fingers press against his prostate. He feels desperate to be filled, and the fact that he can see the tight fist around Roger’s cock doesn’t help matters.
Carefully, he removes his fingers, and Roger drops a kiss to his bent knee. Brian returns the caress with his dry hand and rolls over on his stomach.
"What are you doing?"
Brian twists his neck to look at him, surprised. "I'm getting ready for you to fuck me."
"No?" Brian repeats, incredulous. He suppresses the urge to grab Roger by the shoulders and shake him.
"I don't want you on your stomach," Roger says, flushed but determined.
Brian sits up again. "It's much easier this way," he says, aware that “pull yourself together and fuck me” probably isn’t the best way to go about it in a situation like this.
"Roger, come on."
"Stop repeating yourself and give me a proper answer," Brian says, losing patience. "Why don't you want me on my stomach?"
"It's too impersonal," Roger says, "we're not strangers, are we?"
"You're putting too much into this."
"If it doesn't matter to you, why don't you want to be on your back?" Roger says, crossing his arms. Brian thinks he looks ridiculous.
"Because it really isn't the ideal position for anal sex!" he says, and it's no lie. Missionary is just weird, besides.
Roger picks up the pillow he used before. "Let's just use a pillow underneath your hips."
"You can tie me up if you want to," Brian says instead.
"I don't want to tie you up! Why are you being so weird?"
"Why are you so stubborn?" Brian snaps, stung.
"I'm not doing it if you're on your stomach," Roger says, face set.
"Christ," Brian says, dragging a hand over his face. "You lie down, then."
Surprise flickers across Roger's face. "What?"
"On your back," he says, pushing gently at Roger's chest, "I'll be on top."
"I'll ride you, alright?" he says, "Christ, you do know how to kill the mood."
"What, because I want to see your face?" Roger says, but he scoots back on the mattress, his hands skimming over Brian's sides as he climbs on top of him.
"You really are a sap," Brian says.
"And you're impossible," Roger says, but his hands are warm and sure on Brian's hips. "Not complaining about the view, though. Or the fact than I can just lie back and watch."
Brian lets out a snort. "Of course you don't." 
He grabs hold of Roger's cock then, and Roger inhales sharply through his nose. He lifts his hips and guides the tip to prod at his entrance, balancing precariously on his knees on the mattress. 
Roger’s eyes flick over his face. Brian pauses. "Are you alright?" 
Roger shakes his head, tightens his hands on Brian's hips. "A little nervous. You look so fucking good."
Brian’s not sure what to say—he can't imagine Roger being nervous about anything, and especially not something as simple as sex. Concerts, maybe, in the form of an obnoxious amount of jokes and tapping on every available surface, but sex? 
"No need to be," he says, and impales himself on Roger's cock, slowly, and God, how good it feels to be filled. 
"Fuck," Roger says, stroking his sides with strong, sure hands.
Brian stills for a long moment, reveling in the light touch and the feeling of fullness. It feels like he can breathe again, like he can finally relax, which is ridiculous when he thinks about what they’re about to do. 
Once he’s adjusted, he experimentally lifts his hips, and the hard flesh of Roger’s cock slides deliciously against his sensitive inner walls. 
“Gorgeous,” Roger says as Brian lets him fill him up again. 
It’s not long before Brian’s panting and his thighs are starting to ache, and he folds himself over to catch his breath. He's almost forgotten how much work it is.
"Your hair is getting long," Roger says, brushing it away from his face, and Brian’s heart squirms uncomfortably in his chest.
As if feeling Brian’s discomfort, Roger starts kissing up his neck, along his jaw, presses a kiss to his chin, to his cheek. Brian jerks away. 
"Relax,” Roger mumbles, “I’m not doing anything." He lifts his hips, thrusts into him slow and shallow. 
Brian moans and grinds into it, causing Roger to swear. He's panting already, and Brian doesn't think he's ever looked better. His chest is flushed, hair sticking to his forehead, and his pupils are blown. He's also smiling, and really he shouldn't look that good when fucking someone, and Brian tightens around him just to have his face contort. 
"Fuck, do that again," Roger says. His hands tighten on Brian's hips, run up his back to lay possessively behind his shoulder blades. 
Brian does as he’s told and is rewarded with a particularly deep series of thrusts that steal his breath away. He's awash with sensation, and he has to slow down, save his thighs and the orgasm that is nearing with alarming speed. 
Sliding his hands up Roger’s chest, he rocks gently back and forth, leans forward to suck kisses up the line of Roger's throat, to the corner of his jaw. There he pauses, nose almost touching Roger's. He can feel his breath on his face, and he wants to lean in, he really does, but knows he can't let it happen if he wants this to stay a one-time thing. Chest tight, he slowly straightens, starts a slow roll of his hips in an effort to coax grunts and swears out of Roger to distract him from the tangle of feelings that seems to have taken permanent residence in his stomach.
“Hold on,” Roger says, hands tight on his hips. “Let me sit up.”
Brian’s heart hammers. He knows what it means, and he doesn’t think he can contain himself if he does. He shakes his head, puts on a smile he hopes looks sexy. “I think I rather like you on your back.”
Roger frowns slightly. Not so sexy, then.
He hates that Roger has this much power over him, that he makes Brian doubt what he wants, and it almost makes him want to start a fight.
Focusing on that frown, he opens his mouth to snarl at him, but then Roger grins, almost embarrassed, and the irritation seeps out of him at once. “Yeah?”
Brian trails his fingers over Roger’s chest, brush over a peaked nipple. “Very much so.”
“I don’t think I’ll last long,” Roger admits, “but I want to, because God, you’re so lovely.”
Brian thinks they both deserve for it to last if this is going to be a one-time thing, but he’s impatient, has wanted this for days now. 
“Me neither,” he whispers, “but it’s alright, isn’t it?”
Roger nods, strokes his sides, and Brian thinks he’ll miss it. He lifts his hips again, this time aiming for his prostate, and moans thinly when he hits it. 
Roger meets him halfway, hits his prostate with pinpoint accuracy, and Brian hurls towards his orgasm with alarming speed. 
It’s rare that he’s on top, and this time, there’s a chance he gets to come first. The thought spurs him on, and he wraps a hand around his cock, making Roger swear and his mouth falls open.
“Brian—” “No, don’t come, don’t come,” he chants, one hand braced against Roger’s chest, the other tugging at his cock. He’s so close, his orgasm within a hair’s reach, and he so badly wants it, just this one time—
His hips come down again, and he chokes out a moan, the double stimulation too much, and then he’s bending over, spilling his load over his hand and Roger’s stomach.
Completely spent, he rolls off him and lets himself fall back on the bed. He doesn’t want to move in a million years. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Roger pull off the condom and throw it in the waste bin. Brian lies still, heart slamming against his ribcage, and Roger settles next to him, one leg thrown over Brian’s hips. 
“Brian,” Roger whispers between kisses to his neck. He starts a slow grind against Brian’s side. “Brian.”
“In a second,” Brian says, sighing as Roger nips at his earlobe.
“No,” Roger says, getting up to straddle his chest. He nudges his cock towards Brian’s mouth. Brian laughs tiredly and bats him away. 
“Alright,” he says, sliding his hands over Roger’s arse. “Wanna try something fun?” 
“Are you joking?” Roger says, crawling off him to give space to get up.
“Lie back, then,” Brian instructs, searching between the sheets for the bottle of lube, “where’d you put the lube?”
Roger stills, his eyes searching Brian’s, and Brian is reminded of his own first time, of the reassurance he needed but never got.
“Relax,” he soothes, briefly touching Roger’s arm before uncapping the found bottle. “You remember how much I was into it, don’t you?”
“I doubt I’ll ever forget that!”
Brian slicks up his fingers. “You won’t forget this either.”
Nodding his head once, Roger grabs a pillow and places it under his hips. His legs instantly fall open, and Brian kneels between them.
“I know it feels weird at first, but try to relax,” he says, rubbing a slick thumb over Roger’s entrance to test how tight he is. Roger lets out an appreciative moan. “Feels good?”
Brian pushes his finger past the ring of muscle. Roger stills. 
Roger looks like he’s not sure what to think. He meets Brian’s eyes and huffs out a laugh. “It does feel weird, a bit. But in a good way. You can go on.”
Surprisingly, Roger doesn’t tense up, and Brian slides his finger in easily. It’s been a long time since he’s had a finger up somebody’s arse, and it’s gloriously hot and tight. He checks Roger’s face for any sign of discomfort. Finding none, he slowly fucks him with his finger.
“Uhh,” Roger breathes. Brian lightly tugs at his balls. “Feels so good.”
Brian’s cock twitches. Roger bites his lip.
"More," he says, and Brian adds another finger.
He can't stop watching him; the light lashes and colour high on his cheeks, the twist of his mouth and how he rocks into it, and it scares Brian how easily he gives into it, how open and trusting he is.
He keeps his pace achingly slow, longs to prolong the moment even if it feels like something is breaking inside of him. Roger's knuckles go white around the sheets.
"Do you want lube?" Brian asks, voice dropped low, hand already hovering over the bottle. 
"Please," Roger says, gasping and empty when Brian removes his fingers. Brian knows how he feels.
He squirts a bit of lube out in Roger's outstretched hand, and Roger envelopes his dick in a loose fist.
"I've never been this strung up," he says around a breathless laugh. Brian runs a thumb over his twitching opening. "I feel like I'm falling apart."
Brian looks at him then, really looks as they begin a slow rhythm. Roger is hot and tight around his fingers, his cock heavy and glistening in his hand, but it's his eyes that draw him in, and Brian can't look away.
Roger falls to pieces with a quiet noise, and Brian helps him through it until he receives an accidental knee in the side and Roger slumps back into the sheets, completely spent.
Brian very carefully removes his fingers and locates a box of baby wipes from his bedside drawer, cleaning first himself and then Roger. He feels slightly dazed which he thinks is good because otherwise, his emotions would threaten to overflow. Discarding the used baby wipes in the wastebasket, he carefully lowers himself onto the spot next to Roger.
Roger's chest is still moving a little too fast but his eyes are drowsy and his smile looks like it could give way to laughter at any second. 
Brian leans in and kisses him.
Roger stunned noise gets lost between their mouths, but Brian feels the vibrations in his throat where his hand has moved to on its own accord, feels the slide of Roger's thigh against his own, the chapped lips and a tease of tongue. 
Roger smiles into the kiss, which is a ridiculous thing to do, and one that Brian can’t help but mirror.
"So you do kiss on the lips," Roger says when they break apart, followed by the less romantic, "I would murder for a smoke right now."
Brian skims a hand down his side, buries his nose in Roger's shoulder. "You're so dramatic," he murmurs against warm skin. "Crack the window open."
Roger lets out a soft snort and slides out of his embrace. Brian watches him as he saunters towards the door, completely unbothered by his state of undress. He throws a pillow after him.
"Put something on," he says, "it worries me how comfortable you are walking around naked. Idiot."
Roger sticks out his tongue and slips out the door.
When he reappears a moment later to settle in the windowsill with his smoke, Brian has curled up in bed. There's a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach, and he knows he should have thought this through, knows he shouldn't have rushed into having sex with Roger, and he definitely shouldn't have kissed him. It's not like Roger hasn't had girlfriends before, but Brian knows he loves being single, loves the freedom and the adventure of it, loves knowing he can get anyone he wants. That Roger has decided to live out a fantasy with Brian is lovely, is a stroke to his ego, but no more than that, and he thinks he needs to hear that, even if it hurts.
Roger looks down at him, eyes warm. The winter sunshine spills over his naked, goosebumped skin. 
Brian just looks for a moment, tries to find comfort in the familiar features of his friend. He doesn't know what to say—he feels like he should apologise, or ask what this all means.
"It was a really shitty thing to say about my parents," is what leaves his mouth instead.
Roger’s eyebrows rise in surprise. He takes a drag of his smoke and looks out the window, shivering slightly in the cold. Glances back at Brian. "I know," he says. 
"I was pretty shitty, too."
"Is that an apology?"
"I don't know how to navigate this,” Brian says, smoothing a hand over the duvet. “I know you were only looking to experiment, but—”
“What?” Roger lets out a sound of disbelief. “I never said that.”
Brian looks up, surprised. “You did. Before Christmas. We were in my room, you asked if I knew someone.”
Roger stares at him. Then he drags a hand over his face and lets out a small groan. “That was a come on, Brian.”
Brian looks down at his hands. “Oh.” 
He’d suspected, of course, that it might be, but it’d felt good to have the upper hand for once, to tease, and he hadn’t put much thought into it. Still, now that they have slept together and Roger has surely had his fill of experimentation, Brian can’t think of anything more he can give. He takes a fortifying breath. He might as well ask. 
“Will you want more?"
Roger looks out the window again. Brian’s hand tightens on the duvet. 
There's silence for a while. Roger takes a last drag and stubs out his cigarette, depositing the butt on the pavement. "I do."
Brian’s heart thrums madly in his chest. "What sort of things?"
"Whatever you want to give me." Roger hops down from the windowsill. “Just don’t shut me out again.”
Brian lifts the duvet so Roger can crawl in. The smell of fresh smoke hits his nostrils and he wrinkles his nose.
“Sorry,” Roger says, “I smell.”
“It’s okay,” Brian says, allowing Roger’s freezing, heat-seeking limbs to wrap around him. He shivers. “I won’t shut you out. But I’m scared.”
“What for?”
"If I become attached and it doesn’t work out, what’s gonna happen then?”
Roger rubs his thumb over Brian’s spine. “You’re so much in your head,” he says softly. “It wouldn’t make a difference.”
“Of course it would,” Brian snaps, frustrated that Roger doesn’t seem to understand the seriousness of his concerns. “It’ll ruin our friendship, it’ll break up the band—”
“Freddie and John seem to be doing alright.”
“Freddie and John are very different people,” Brian says. “Come on, Rog, you’ve got to admit this would never work. We’re too different, we don’t have time to make this work. I have my work and my studies and you have yours, and besides, you love single life. And I couldn’t—we should stop this now. It’s gonna be a mess, I know it will.”
“You don’t know anything,” Roger says, but his voice is soft. He removes his hand from Brian’s back to thread their fingers together. “You’re getting ahead of yourself again. I want this, and I think you do, too. We’ll find a way to work through it.”
“You’ll get bored with me,” Brian whispers, shutting his eyes briefly, “you’ll miss being single, you’ll miss women, you’ll—”
“Stop telling me how I feel,” Roger interrupts. “You don’t know. Just relax. Why are you so afraid of getting hurt?”
Brian withdraws his hand and shifts onto his back, eyes finding the ceiling. “I don’t know. Suppose I’ve always feared it.”
“Inevitable, isn’t it? Getting hurt,” Roger says, voice soft. “What is it you think will hurt you?”
“Losing people.” Roger slides a hand over his stomach, pauses to trace the scar there. “It only got worse after what happened to Freddie.”
“That was a terrible, terrible accident,” Roger says, “but the risk of something like that happening is practically non-existent.”
Brian knows that’s not true, but he doesn’t argue. “I wonder how he’s doing,” he says instead, thinking of the many months after the accident where Freddie had been almost unrecognisable, guilt eating him up like poison. “Does John even know?”
Roger’s hand stills. “I don’t think so.”
“Do you think he’ll tell him?” Brian doesn’t blame him for keeping it a secret—he’s certain he would, too.
They’re silent for a while. Roger resumes his idle caress, and Brian looks at the ceiling, mind wonderfully silent even though he has thousands of things to think about. Then Roger speaks.
“Brian,” he starts, clearly hesitant.
Brian turns his head. “What?”
“Have you thought about … have you ever considered therapy?”
Brian’s stomach tightens. He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again. He’s not sure what there is to say.
“I just don’t want you to feel this way,” Roger says softly, “I worry about you, and—maybe if we’re gonna try this, now would be a good time to start. Might help you with your worries.”
“I’m sorry,” Brian whispers, shutting his eyes to avoid Roger’s concerned expression.
“Why are you sorry?” Roger says, lips brushing over his jaw.
“I’m sorry I’m like this—God, even talking about this is …” He trails into silence.
“I care so much about you,” Roger whispers, pressing himself impossibly closer. “All I want is for you to be happy.”
“I know,” Brian says, and almost means it. 
“Just think about it,” Roger says, taking his face in his hands and gently tipping it so he can press a kiss to his lips. 
Brian’s heart stutters, and he opens his mouth around Roger’s, kisses him long and indulgent.
“Do you really want this?” he asks when they break away. His whole body is thrumming, and he wants nothing more to press their mouths together again, to reach for Roger’s hardening cock, but he knows that this conversation is an important one. 
“I do.” Roger’s eyes are bright and honest. “But keep in mind that it’s all new for me, this. You did say I’m comfortable enough with my sexuality to fool around with whoever takes my fancy, but I do have feelings, too.”
Brian winces. “I know. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You’re not wrong per se,” Roger says. “But there’s more to it this time, isn’t there?”
Brian looks into pale blue eyes. “We'll fight a lot."
Roger cracks a smile. "I think we'll fight no matter what." He works a hand into Brian’s hair, and Brian closes his eyes and hums. “I don’t want us to, though. Not about the important stuff.”
“Me neither,” Brian says. He’s not sure it can be avoided, no matter their intentions, but he keeps that to himself. “Don’t you think it’s too easy, though? This?”
Roger’s hand stills. “It took me two months to get you in bed and you think taking it further is too easy?” 
He sounds so incredulous that Brian can’t help but laugh. He opens his eyes and draws Roger in for another kiss. 
“We don’t have to rush,” Roger speaks between their mingling breaths. He finds the inside of Brian’s wrist. “But I think this could work.”
“Yeah,” Brian whispers and brings his hand up to cup Roger’s face.
♛ ♛ ♛
The next morning, Brian gets up early to take a detour to uni before work. A recent graduate agreed to meet up and sell their used books for the upcoming semester for cheap, and by the time he stops by one of the coffee vending machines, books secured under one arm, Brian feels wonderfully accomplished.
He's just put his coin in when someone taps him on the shoulder, and he turns around to find Tim looking slightly harassed but with a friendly smile on his face. 
Brian instantly returns his smile. "Tim! What are you doing here?"
Tim's smile turns wry. "Study group."
"Already?" He's not even surprised. Where university is concerned, Tim's work ethic has always impressed him. Brian feels a spike of worry—classes are still four weeks away, but the upcoming semester is going to be a tough one from what he’s heard. He suddenly feels stupid for not having begun studying yet.
Tim shrugs. "I like to get ahead, you know." He peers at the books under Brian's arm. "New books?"
Brian punches the button for a cappuccino. He suspects it doesn't make much of a difference—all the variants contain too much milk sugar and a minimal amount of actual coffee. "Yeah, got them pretty cheap. Got time for a cup of coffee?"
The machine is unusually slow today. Brian pushes the button again.
“How’s Freddie?” Tim asks, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “And … everyone else?”
“Good,” Brian says distractedly, pushing buttons at random now, “they’re good—the machine took my coin!”
“There’s a Starbucks nearby,” Tim offers, drumming his fingers on the side of the coffee vending machine.
Brian resists the urge to kick it. “I’m not gonna pay 6 pounds for a coffee when I can get it for 50 pence here!”
“Right,” Tim says.
“What’s wrong with it?” Brian asks, getting increasingly frustrated. He’s paid for it, god damn it.
“You know what?” Tim has pulled out his phone. “On second thought, I am in a bit of a hurry.” He claps Brian on the shoulder. “I’ll see you around. And, eh … good luck with your coffee.”
When Tim has turned the corner, Brian gives into the urge and kicks the machine.
♛ ♛ ♛
“Hey, babe." 
Brian looks up at the sound of Roger's voice and finds a warm smile for him. He closes the door to the store behind him. "What are you doing here?"
Roger smiles brightly. "Thought you might need some company on the way home." He holds up the two to-go cups he’s holding. "I brought you coffee!"
Brian feels warm with gratefulness. Then a thought strikes him, and he hesitates.
He doesn’t want to be rude, he really, really doesn’t, and it’s not Roger’s fault, but he thought of drinking milk again makes him sick. He can’t do it. But at the same time, he can’t not drink it when Roger’s gone through the trouble of buying and bringing it.
“You look like I just handed you a cup of poison,” Roger says. “It’s just coffee, don’t worry. I got it with soya for you. No animals harmed, I promise. Look, the cup is even made from recycled cardboard!”
“Thank you,” Brian says, weak with relief and suddenly shy. Their fingers brush when Roger hands the cup over.
“Do I get a kiss for the trouble?” Roger grins. “When we get home?”
Brian rolls his eyes, doing his utmost to control the smile that tugs at his lips. He covers it with a sip from his coffee, which is scalding hot and foamless, just as he likes it.
“Maybe,” he allows, starting to walk towards the bus stop.
Roger smiles as he falls into step with him. "You seem happy today.”
"Sorry," Brian says, "won't happen again."
Roger gives him a light shove. "Come off it."
Brian laughs and almost spills his coffee.
They’re lucky enough to find seats opposite of each other on the bus, and their knees knock together until Roger loops his legs around Brian's and pulls.
"Behave," Brian warns him, sitting back in his seat but allowing Roger's legs to press against his own; a wonderful, solid warmth.
He looks out the window but can feel Roger's eyes on him.
“Would you quit staring at me,” he says, covering his self-consciousness with a scoff. He’s not used to this much attention, and while it's not exactly unwelcome, it’s vaguely unsettling all the same. 
"Can't help it," Roger says, "you're so bloody gorgeous."
"Well, do something about it, then. Therapy or something. It freaks me out."
Roger laughs but relents. "Wonder what Fred&Deaks are up to," he says after a moment. "John told me Fred wanted to take him to this strange gallery."
"Good for him," Brian says, distracted by an email notification on his phone.
"Reckon you'd hate it," Roger continues, seemingly unfazed by his less than enthusiastic reply, "full of paintings of ladies and that. Not exactly your thing. Seems to be Freddie's at times."
"Just because he doesn't want to shag them doesn't mean he can't appreciate them," Brian says, "you're so black and white at times, it’s astounding really."
Roger nudges his knee. "I'm black and white, huh?"
Brian gives him a withering look. He suspects it’s not entirely working. "Whatever it is you're implicating ..."
Roger grins. "You're so suspicious of me."
Returning his smile, Brian leans onto his elbows, balancing on his knees. "I can't stop thinking about yesterday,” he confesses. “Reckon it's the best I've had in ages."
"You weren't too bad yourself," Roger says with a grin, "but my memory's terrible, I might need a repeat performance before I can give you a proper review."
Brian lifts an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Roger leans back, looking pleased. “Yeah.”
♛ ♛ ♛
Brian looks up from his attempted songwriting at the sound of a soft but fervent “yes”. He glances at the screen of Roger’s phone and is not surprised to see he’s still playing Candy Crush. Perhaps he’s finally reached next level after being stuck for two days. 
Shifting slightly on the couch, Brian puts his hand on Roger’s thigh and exchanges amused glances with Freddie, who has paused his sketching to curiously peer at Roger. He’s sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the armchair, one of John’s legs at his side. Roger, too engrossed in his phone, doesn’t look up.
As Freddie returns to his iPad, John's hand drops to his hair, his fingers lightly scratching his scalp as he reads Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time, and Freddie closes his eyes, his face a picture of wellbeing. Smiling to himself, Brian removes his hand from Roger’s thigh to pick up his hand instead, idly playing with his fingers as he tries to come up with the next line of his song.
In his peripheral vision, the corners of Roger’s mouth turn up, and Brian swipes his thumb over the Leo constellation on the inside of his wrist, follows its pattern of stars. Unthinkingly, he picks up his uncapped pen and carefully marks down the stars of his own Cancer constellation next to the tattoo. Roger’s smile is closer to that of a smirk when he turns his head to inspect the new addition to his wrist, and Brian is mortified with himself. 
"Sap," Roger simply says, dropping a kiss to Brian’s hair before he resumes his Candy Crush.
Brian doesn't dare look up, but when he does, a mischievous pair of grey-green eyes is trained on him. Catching his eye, John slowly lifts an eyebrow, looking very, very pleased. Brian promptly flips him off. 
A moment later, Roger pockets his phone and yawns widely. "Gonna go out for a smoke and some groceries," he says, putting his newly decorated hand on Brian’s knee to lever himself to his feet. "John, you ready?"
Brian can’t help the smile that tugs at his lips as John and Roger disappear into the hallway to put on their coats and boots. “Don’t forget the shopping bag,” he says, listening to the creak of the floorboards and accepting a kiss from Roger on the way out.
At the sound of the front door slamming, he stretches out his legs, glad to have the couch to himself. Freddie covers a yawn and gets to his feet.
“Cup of tea?” he asks, and Brian hums in reply, closing his eyes as Freddie gets up to clank around with cups and spoons. 
Brian is not sure when he last felt this happy and relaxed, and quietly resolves to do what he can to hold on to this feeling. He’s beginning to suspect that how he felt over Christmas and New Year’s is not entirely normal or healthy. 
He feels around for his pen between the cushions and picks up his notebook from where it’s ended up on the floor, and manages to get a few more lines down before Freddie presents him with a steaming, perfectly made cup of tea.
Brian thanks him with a smile, greedily inhaling the fragrant steam, and watches him take his own cup to the dining table to sit down with a loose sheet of paper, presumably inspired by Brian’s own songwriting.
Brian finishes his tea around the same time he finishes his song, and has just got up to get his book when the phone rings, mum’s name flashing on his screen.
"Hi, mum," he says, glad she called on a day where he feels as good as he does. He should visit them soon. "How are you?"
"Brian." Something in her tone of voice makes Brian pause. His heart thuds against his chest.
"Hi, mum," he repeats, uncertain. The line is silent for a while. "Mum?"
"Do you want to come have dinner with dad and I, honey?" She sounds strange, and Brian swallows a sudden sting of fear.
"I'm sorry, I already planned to eat at home." He pauses. “Mum, you sound so strange. Is everything alright?"
"Nothing's wrong, honey," she assures, voice slightly hysterical, "nothing that can't wait. Are you free tomorrow?"
"Mum," he says, putting on his best stern voice. "Something is wrong and I want to know."
"I really shouldn't tell you over the phone."
"Mum." He resists the urge to stomp his foot. Anxiety thrums under his skin.
"Alright." She sighs, and Brian doesn't think he imagines her shuddery intake of breath. "Brian, you remember how dad's bronchitis has been worse lately, don’t you?"
"Yes," he says, voice coming out as a whisper. He tightens his grip around the phone. It's nothing, he tells himself. Bronchitis is not dangerous, mum is just overreacting as usual. "Did he see a doctor yet?"
"He went before Christmas, we just got the results." Her voice breaks now, and Brian feels sick.
"It's not bronchitis," she says. She's crying now. "It's cancer."
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zombiequincy · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I’d like to think I follow canon fairly decently in regards to Giselle’s powers but then again there really isn’t much to follow. So we’ll go with a shaky ‘ehhhh’.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  She’s one of the most objectively fucked up Sternritter. Her powers completely spit in the face of everything the Soul Reapers try to abide by and their cycle of life and reincarnation by basically crushing it under her heel and refusing to allow the process of death to run its course. She’s also just such a cheery and utterly irredeemable villain which is so refreshing sometimes. None of that brooding ‘woe is me my powers and situation makes me so sad’ no no no, she is here to FUCK shit up for everyone and laugh while doing it. Also the whole idea of forcing someone to fight against their will is just so supremely fucked up but always interesting to see in action. She could have singlehandedly turned the tides of the Quincy invasion if she got her hands blood on the right people and that’s a terrifying though. Also a lot of her motif and powers link closely to the sort of biblical fucked up imagery of angels that you can see in novels like Paradise Lost or Dantes Inferno or the Old Testament, that just themeatic attitude of like show no mercy even to the weak and how morals are meaningless in the face of war and if you’re doing everything in the service of god then even the most fucked up actions can be justified, so if like me, you’re a huge nerd for that shit, she is PERFECT.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  She’s one of the most objectively fucked up Sternritter. She’s annoyingly over powered in the sense that she just doesn’t die, which can really be a sticking point for some people because it just seems like there’s no threat present when she’s around. I also don’t blame anyone for being disinterested with her portrayal and character as it is in the manga since her whole identity seems to just be a shitty allusion to predatory lesbian trope and god awful transphobic jokes, so seeing those it can be easy to think that’s all there is to her character and not even want to entertain everything else she has to offer. Also the way that she treats Bambi, turns even my stomach, so I absolutely do not blame anyone who might want no interest in any of that and the implication of those scenes.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  (Kaiman lol) She was one of the femritters I naturally gravitated towards because of her fight with Mayuri and I fucking hate Mayuri soooo, queen rights! Also I just love characters who can like puppeteer and control others against their will, there’s something so really interesting about that power in fiction and it always gives way to tons of angst and sadness which is absolutely my shit. I also had a ton of issues with the way that Kubo presented her in canon, especially in regards to her trans identity and I kept obsessing over that and wanted to kinda push away from all those shitty moments and try to focus more on her powers and attitude as a young Quincy who was eager to join a war and murder her way up the ranks. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My love for evil women. But you know, mainly music and goth aesthetic posts. Also other pieces of gothic literature and undead monster lore and mythos. If there’s a will and way, I will always find a way to bring it back to Giselle.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Haven’t gotten any yet but I am always open to it. I know there’s a ton of choices I’ve made in my portrayal that are open to heavy scrutiny, like making her very young contrasted against the other Sternritters, making her a serial killer, making her a self declared man eater etc etc. Even though my main goal with rp is to just have fun, I’d never want to do so at the expense and well being of others, so if anyone has some serious critiques to make about Giselle or to say that she’s making them feel uncomfortable, then it’s the absolute bare minimum for me to listen and be considerate about that criticism! 
Do you like questions which help you explore your character?  —  If I say no that makes me look like a mad woman and an asshole but like GKJLASDKDJSA look its really hard to try to explore a lot of the inner depths of a character like Giselle who just joyfully takes pleasure in others suffering. Like she’s just here to kill and eat people, trying to explore the why and how and who led her into that way of thinking and informed her deeper beliefs, high key gives me a headache. Sometimes she’s just evil and a dickhead for the sake of being an evil dickhead. I have to be in a very specific headspace and mood to want to discuss in detail her attitudes and beliefs and how certain personality traits of her came to be and even when I do that, it’s not usually public. As I write with more and more people, her views and ideals begin to reveal itself in the threads and situations so I prefer to do the exploration that way via my writing and threads. I’m always open to questions which help me explore her ideals and beliefs and reckoning with her past but because I haven’t made any plans for her to really confront or express those beliefs directly yet, it’s hard for me to explain them accurately or correctly.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Yes! I’d never declare myself as an expert on Bleach since I learn a lot of the nitty gritty details through osmosis of people who do know more than me, so if I get something wrong or a headcanon is a little bit far fetched, I’m always open to hearing the details as to why and how I can improve it. Also a lot of my headcanons are just stupid jokes so if you have one that’s funnier, then I will always love to hear it.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  In my stride. I always say this Giselle is mainly just a goof so I don’t take it too personally if someone thinks I’m doing her wrong, half the time it’s just be making bad jokes about murder and maiming and cannibalism. There are about a hundred different ways to approach someone like Giselle and mine is FAR from being the most accurate or correct one.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I can certainly understand why considering her actions in canon and how brutal and cruel she was. She kinda is a figure made to be hated and disgusted by and in certain threads I do really lean into her more ‘evil’ side. So I’d never take it personally. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Dear god please do it. I’m dyslexic and English technically isn’t even my first language I struggle with this VERY bad. Let me know please please PLEASE.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think sooo? I’ve never rushed anyone for replies, I take my own sweet time to get stuck into threads and I approach any headcanons or ideas people have for Giselle with a sense of optimism and good faith! I’m always down for some silliness but I’m always cautious about how far to go with her considering that the way she acts can be triggering in some regards so I like to think I’m both pretty careful and laid back!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @windstormwielding cheers my dear !! Tagging: @fleshpurifies @bazzardburner @hyouketsu @oscuras and YOU!
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moondustis · 6 years
see saw
pairing: kang seulgi + reader genre: fluff, angst  song rec: a world alone - lorde word count: 4,7k summary: idol!au; it’s natural how you become close. like she says, it feels like it was meant to be all along. you became friendly with all the other girls (...) but even in the chaos of it all seulgi was always the one you would end up with.
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you remember very well the day were it all began, the starting point. you’re in your last year of high school, not the best student and too uninterested about the world around you, when you get approached by some woman on the street that asks what you want to do when you graduate. it hits you that you have no idea, never thought deeply about it and now what felt like a very far reality was staring at you right in the face, about to explode. you want go home and think about it, have a good cry that lasts about an hour thinking that you are about to fail your entire existence but the lady offers you a better alternative.
“would you be interested in auditioning for an entertainment agency?” she asks and it’s too suspicious, too out of nowhere but you accept the card she gives you, emptily promising to show up at an audition that was taking place next week somewhere you have no idea how to get to.
for some reason you decide to do it, taking the subway to the location and finding hundreds of girls there. they’re probably ten times more beautiful and prepared than you but still, for some reason, you make in.
it’s sudden and terrifying how that changes everything. things you don’t even know will change and things that don’t even exist yet to change. and now this is not a tale about how your dreams came true. it’s a story about how you met her, how it starts and how it ends. the slow burn wait before it gets dark.
there’s a storm happening outside that makes the whole sky dark and you’re sure there’s thunders but you can’t hear anything over the loud music playing in the room you’re in.
you arrived at the sm entertainment building at 8am, signed papers, got all types of instructions and got introduced to all types of people. at 10am a woman that is introduced to you as a manager takes you to your now dormitory.
“the rooms are separated by schedules.” she tells you after handing a paper with what you assume is the agenda you’ll be following. “there’s four girls by room and one assigned leader that is in charge of making sure you stay on schedule.”
you mostly nod and ask few questions about things like food and showers.
after the small dorm tour she takes you back to the main building and into a practice room. the storm still going at full force.
you’ve never been one for superstition but this is an important day, the most important day that has happened in your life so far. so you can’t help but think that maybe the storm is a sign, that maybe things won’t work out and you’re not good enough to be here. there’s about fifteen girls dancing in the not big enough room and they’re all so good that it makes you feel small.
there’s a bright blue wall with clouds on it behind the girls. it’s such a huge contrast to the storm happening that you decide that this is probably a sign too. of what, you are not sure yet.
when the song stops playing, the manager clears her throat and all the girl, who are reaching for water bottles and moving to sit on the floor, turn their heads to her.
“girls, this is the new trainee, ______”she introduces you “please look after her and make sure she’s well adapted. seulgi, seungwan and hyori, she will be staying in your room so i’m sure you girls will do your best to help with the schedule.”
they all say yes in unison and you can see a bit of nonchalant in their faces, like they are tired of new trainees being introduced. like they are tired of getting more competition.
the manager leaves and you’re left there, standing awkwardly not knowing exactly what to do with yourself but stare at the fake blue sky. the girls have moved on to talking in small groups or just stirring completely on the floor, trying to get a minute of relaxing.
“hey, ______” the sudden sound of your name gets you out of your trance, eyes following the source of it. “come and sit here.”
the girl talking has a gentle face and she is with three other girls around her, two of them laying on their stomachs and watching something on a cellphone. the third is smiling at you, eyes turning into crescents and you’re stunned by how cute she is.
“it’s nice to meet you, i’m seungwan.” the girl says when you sit down, crossed legs. “and this is seulgi, we are your roommates.”
seulgi is the girl that was smiling, still is. you wonder if she has been trained to look so friendly and comfortable.
“hello, it’s nice to meet you too.” you reply awkwardly.
“we have vocal practice in like 20 minutes, and then we can have lunch.” seulgi tells you.
“the vocal teacher is a bit mean so don’t take it personal if she says anything to you.” wendy complements.
the vocal teacher does end up hurting your feelings but you don’t care that much after the other girls pat you in the back and tell you’ll improve with time.
it’s hard getting used to the routine in the first few weeks. you wake up at 6am, usually with seungwan nudging your shoulder. you eat breakfast and then the practices start: vocal, dance, english classes and more dance.
you end everyday exhausted and most of them wanting to cry, but sometimes the girls gather together in the living room and order take food without any of the managers knowing or sometimes one if them will give you a facemask just because she had an extra one. small things like that make it better.
seulgi becomes a strong presence in your life. on the first week she wakes you up with an annoying song on her phone that stays in your head for the rest of the day. the next week she asks if you want to have eggs for breakfast with her, and by the next one she already knows you prefer to eat cereal to start the day. on your one month anniversary of being a trainee she gives you a funny card that says congrats on not giving up, that you keep glued to a wall next to your bed. by the third month you two are making jokes and sharing headphones on every break you manage to get.
it’s natural how you become close. like she says, it feels like it was meant to be all along. you became friendly with all the other girls, sharing a dorm has the power of bringing people closer amongst the fights over who has to wash the dishes. but even in the chaos of it all, seulgi is always the one you would end up with. you have more in common that you would ever imagine and the conversation never seems to run short. if you weren’t out of breath during dance practices, you are sure you two would find a way to talk even there.
on free days you watch movies on a tiny phone screen, usually romantic ones that leave seulgi sighing and with eyes sparkling while you just roll yours at the cheesiness. she calls you frozen heart because of that. sometimes you’ll draw together, her teaching you about pointillism and you teaching her about watercolor and its wonders.
it’s amazing having a friend like that on a place like this, you often think. it’s almost a survival technique, having someone to rely on when practice goes on for extra hours, when you make a mistake and the world seems to fall upon you.
practice is hard and the thought of giving up crosses your mind more than two times.
“i’m so tired.” seulgi’s voice is tired and she plops on the couch you’re sitting on. it is one of the improvements they made on the dance practices rooms to make rest time more comfortable.
“me too, i wish i could take a 12 hours nap.” you whine.
“that’s not even a nap anymore, it’s almost a small coma.”
“i said what i said.”
“you know what we should do?” she asks, voice mischievous, moving down to unlace her shoes and take them off along her socks “not we, you actually. you should give me a foot massage.”
her voice is joyful and playful as she puts both her legs on your lap.
“no way i’m massaging your stinky feet.” you joke.
“shut up!” her offended half shout makes you laugh. “my feet smell like roses and baby wipes, mind you.”
you bite your lips to avoid the smile that's trying to spread on your face, doing your best to look unimpressed. “i doubt that profoundly, you just danced for 3 hours”
“please, ____,  my angel from above.” she says, voice annoyingly high pitched, a pout forming in her face and feet wiggling in your face“ gimm
e a foot massage.”
you both burst out laughing after that, the other trainees around giving you weird looks.
you end up doing it, of course, and thinking that even with all the hard moments of this whole thing, she makes it worth it.
on your birthday she takes you to an empty cupboard she found on the 4th floor. it’s small and smells slightly like cleaning products. still it’s cozy enough for you both to sit down on the floor and lay your backs against the wall.
she smiles deviously at you. you know she has been planning a surprise all week because she’s bad at hiding things, her silly actions giving it all away.
“close your eyes.” she says, the smallest resquice of a laugh in her voice. you know what’s inside the bag, it’s too predictable, but you still close your eyes because that will make her happy.
you hear the crumpling of her open the bag and what you think is attempts to light up a candle. you shouldn’t think too much about this but there’s still a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, and your hands are shaking just slightly. when she finally tells you to open your eyes they are met with her perfect smile and the infamous overly colorful cake with a number “3” candle on top in front of the two of you. it’s so perfect that it almost makes you cry.
“happy birthday!” it’s adorable how excited she is about this. “congrats on turning 3 years old, you don’t look a year older.”
“shut up.” you say laughing with her. “why did you even get this candle?”
“i’m sorry that it was the only one available at the store.” she says “now stop complaining and blow your candles so we can eat.”
when you go to blow the candles she hurriedly tells you to not forget your wish and you just roll your eyes. you don’t believe in stuff like that, never did, but still you can’t help but wish for more good days like this when you close your eyes.
it’s funny how celebrating your birthday in a cupboard with seulgi makes you the happiest you have been in months. the way she thought about all these tiny details make your heart melt and once again you get the weird feeling in your stomach.
after you blow the candle you two eat the slice of cake in comfortable silence, mouths turning pink from the colored glacé and sprinkles melting into sugar in your tongues. it’s hard hiding how hungry you both are with the crazy diets they’ve been putting you on and this cake is like paradise compared to the sweet potatoes you eat religiously.
“this was the best cake in the world.” you mutter after your last piece and seulgi looks just as pleased as you are.
“i think artificial strawberry flavor is my favorite now.” she says and your eyes automatically go notice her lips are slightly more pink than usual.
she must have been doing the same as you because she suddenly moves closer, knees touching yours and speaks very softly “you have something here.”
it goes very slow and very quick at the same time. she moves to remove the glacé from your lips with her thumb, bringing it to her mouth and licking it clean. you can’t look away, amazed by the whole scene but, still, when she tells you to close your eyes again, you do in a heartbeat. another one and she’s kissing you. then it’s a million heartbeats, so fast you think your heart will burst out of your chest.
it feels new and like everything you wished for. like the butterflies that were secretly living in your stomach this whole time are finally free but still completely at her mercy.
no one can know, that’s something you both agree on. there’s not a need to tell anyone after all, having this as your own safe heaven is what you want. and if someone were to know you are sure that would mean the end, with not only hearts shattered but dreams as well.
keeping it a secret is easy, you two have always been close so the too long and unnecessary touches are ignored and the nights slept in each other’s bed not a thing anyone frowned upon. what changes is that now she will press soft kiss against your lips when everyone is asleep on the quiet of the night.
and when the two of you manage
escaping practices you’ll hide inside the empty cupboard and make out until you’re both out of breath.
“what’s your zodiac sign?” you ask her out of nowhere one day, when you’re both sitting on your bed. seulgi taking full advantage of your pillow, legs on your lap while you are sat with you back against the wall.
it’s finally a day off and you’re enjoying it inside because of a sudden rainstorm. some of the girls went out anyway so it’s relatively quiet and one bothers the two of you.
“i’m an aquarius, why?” she replies “are you gonna make a compatibility test?”
“no, shut up.” you say, rolling your eyes. “i was reading about this thing called astrocartography and i wanna do it for you. now tell me the hour you were born in.”
she tells you the hour while moving closer so she can see your phone screen and what you’re doing.
“see, these are your lines and each of them represent a planet. like for example mars is the planet of war, so in the places the mars line is crossing is possible that you’d have some kind of conflict.” you explain after you get the results.
“wow. there’s a lot of lines here.” she says, snatching your phone from your hands and using a finger to zoom in on the continents  “what’s purple one for? there’s one that passes right through seoul.”
“it’s the venus line, it represents love and the possibility of finding a lover. something like that.”
“oooh, and i happened to have found you just here.” her voice is teasing and you can’t help but laugh at the way she raises her eyebrows suggestively at you.
“you’re so silly.” you say before moving and pressing a peck to her lips. she takes it as a cue to do more than that.
moving a hand to your cheek she kisses you with a little more force but softer as always. she tastes like the chocolate you two shared and the way her lips move against yours makes your mind go blank of any thoughts but the ones of her.
“what would you say if i told you i’m in love with you?” she asks, disconnecting your lips and looking at you.
“i would say i’m in love with you too, dummy.” you reply, moving a strand of her hair out of her face. “you know that.”
“well, you never said it.”
“if i said it as much as i want to you would be annoyed with me by now.” it’s your reply.
she giggles and tells you that she’ll never be while pressing butterfly kisses all over your face.
after four years of training with a group of 20 girls you get assigned into groups. sooyoung, seungwan, joohyun, seulgi and you. it’s exciting and you’re all tricked into the feeling of hope. you get a group name, a concept, stage names and endless more hours of practice.
the training gets harder somehow, 10 hours a day, 1, 2, 3 and step. 1, 2, 3 and lay down for a minute because you can barely feel your legs at this point.
by the end of april you have the group’s greeting stuck in your head and are closer to the the ideal weight they set for you.
seulgi is announced as a sm rookie alongside irene and they’re beyond entranced by how good just the small taste of a debut feels. they have different schedules and when you search their name on the internet there’s numerous of praise and comments on how exciting their official debut is going to be.
you get closer to sooyoung than ever, having become her roomate in the new dorm you five moved in. irene and seulgi share a room since their schedules fit together and seungwan has the privilege of sleeping alone.
sometimes you get the feeling seulgi is slipping away from you, even if some nights she slides in your bed and kisses your worries away. still it’s weird when you go days without seeing each other.
on the 27th of july, red velvet debuts with an exciting and colorful song. it’s a bit shaky, some mistakes here and there, but still a success as expected from a sm group.
you get told two weeks before it that  because of some internal issues and their thorough analysis, you won’t be a part of the group anymore. the internal issue in case  is your relationship with seulgi. they found out about everything, from another trainee apparently, and can’t risk a scandal because of it, so the best solution was keeping the two of you apart from each other.
a manager tells you all that in an all white office, his tone extremely professional and when he adds that even if you won’t be making into the group they still have exciting plans for you in the future, you feel like punching him in the face.
a lie. a blatant and well executed lie, you tell yourself as you throw cold water in your face to try and calm yourself down. crying in a bathroom is not by far the most humiliating moment you had in the last four years but it is definitely the one you felt the most vulnerable and broken.
you know the full choreography to the damn song and every word to it, your hair tips colored an annoying shade of purple that you absolutely hate and when you click on the video of red velvet’s exciting comeback, you’re not there.
seulgi has no time to see you after the debut, she calls and makes promises and apologizes and cries with you. you know this is not her fault and you know she’s angry and sad too, but still you feel no comfort in her words like you used to.
training goes from hard to unbearable. the looks you get from the other trainees makes you want to rip your hair out of your head. pity or mockery, whatever it is sets you in reclusion and from there your days are a blur of waking up, practice, sleeping. when you look at the card glued to your wall, the words congrats on not giving you seem to laugh at you.
you see her again a few day later. she cries with you in the empty cupboard and you tell her you’re proud of how great she’s doing. you don’t have much time, you know it, there’s probably a show she had to attend or something like that.
she doesn’t know the truth yet, the real reason why you’re not in the stage with her. they probably told her it was because of internal issues because the truth would upset her too much, and the last thing they needed was an rookie unable to perform their best false positivity.
“i’m so sorry.” she says, and it’s not her fault. you both know that.
“it’s okay.” and it’s not. you both know that.
it feels like everything is melting away when she kisses you. like it’s escaping your fingers and you can’t grasp it anymore. this is over too, and it hurts. it hurts so much that you stop feeling it.
she says she has to go and you nod, with promises of taking care of yourself and not giving up on your lips. there’s also a promise to see each other soon, and it’s empty as every other one.
you keep in touch with half hearted texts of “how are doings” and “thought of you today”. she apologizes a lot, for taking too long to reply, for not being able to make it to lunch with you again. all you do is tell her it’s okay and that you understand.
she’s busy, it’s all over social media and tv. red velvet is the next big sm success and they are unstoppable.
kim yerim makes into the group after two years of training and for their second comeback. it’s bittersweet. more bitter than sweet. you like her, she’s cute and suits the group well but it’s still like a punch to your face.
red velvet gets their first tv show win with ice cream cake and managers throw a little party on the old practice room to celebrate it. the thought of seeing seulgi both excites and scares you.
there are a number of things you could have said. good job, congrats, i am proud of you, you deserve this, no one deserves this more than you, but instead you ask “is it everything you thought it would be?”
it’s a vague question that could have many meanings but she understands it somehow. she remembers all the conversations you two had about this, about this dream.
“not really.” is her reply and you are confused, how come being in one of the most popular girl group is not all that. it leaves you with a weird feeling.
“how come?”
“i don’t know.” she avoids your eyes. “i always thought you would be by my side  when all this happened.” your heart shatters again in million pieces.
again, there's a lot of things you could have replied with, but this last year has sh
aped you into a person you’re not sure you know anymore.
“well it’s not my fault” the words spill out of your mouth without you noticing and the regret is immediate when you the flash of hurt go through her eyes.
“i know that. i know it’s not your fault. i’m just saying that in my mind things always played differently.” she says “we would make plans and daydream about these moments together and now that i’m living them by myself i keep catching myself thinking if you are happy.”
“i am happy for you.” is that enough?
she’s looking at you now, the stage outfit she has on too out of place for this conversation.
“that's not what i mean.”
“well, what do you want me to say? that i’ve been having the time of my life being a trainee while everyone else is living my dreams?” your worlds are fast and if the tears start falling you don’t notice. “that it’s the best feeling of the world being lied to many times and exhausting myself over nothing?”
“i want you to do something about it.” she speaks over you.
“what can i do? i’m lost and i don’t even know if i want any of this anymore, okay?” your voice is desperate, like a cry from help.
she comes closer and moves a strand of your hair out of your face. “you say i’m leaving my dream but this is not it. my dream was for both of us to make it.” the tears just come out of your eyes nonstop. “even if it’s not together i still want you to make it, i want you to be happy. if you give up then my dream is over.”
her arms embrace your body and you almost laugh because it’s been a year but her hug still feels like home to you.
“do you remember when we would stay until 1am practicing that girl’s generation song?” she asks, making you laugh amidst your tears.
“yeah, it took us a long time to get it right.”
she brings a thumb to wipe them clean, a sad smile crossing her face. “and when i said i wanted to go home you asked me to stay beca-“
“because it was only worth it if you were there with me.” you finish it for.
there’s a knock on the door followed by a call of her name. they have to leave in 5 minutes.
“i think about that almost every time i’m on stage, how i want to see you there doing what we worked hard to get.” she says “and i know it’ll happen, i’ll see you on that stage and we’ll be together. like we are supposed to.”
you initiate the hug this time, muttering a thank you and telling her you couldn’t possibly love someone more in your entire life. there’s two minutes left and she uses it to press a kiss to your lips, quick but sweet. you both know and don’t that that was the last kiss you would share for a long time, but this time it doesn’t feel so much like a goodbye.
a month later your contract with sm entertainment expires and you leave without looking back.
two months later a new entertainment company scouts you and even if it’s smaller and a lot less known, you still feel good and excited like you haven’t feel in years.
the girls are nice and most of them don’t comment on the fact that you just left the biggest entertainment to be there. it’s pleasant even it the training is still exhausting and sometimes you still think about giving up, but you don’t.
a year later red velvet has a comeback, another success. you text seulgi for the first time in 10 months and it’s as short lived as you thought it would be.
13 months later you debut in a group with six other girls and it’s a small success. you get to do all the things you trained so long for, it’s a good feeling.
you know you’ll end up seeing her one way or another, you just didn’t think it would be this fast. one moment you’re in the dressing room getting ready to perform live and the next your manager is telling you have to go say hi to the other groups that are performing.
on the way your group mates chatter on how excited they are to meet the boy group that’s there and you share some of that excitement too.
not a lot of things could’ve prepared for when your manager opens the door and red velvet stands there. she stands there.
they’re sitting around the dressing room and all get
up as fast as they notice someone got it in. it takes a few moments for them to realize it’s you.
“_____!” seungkwan exclaims but you pay no mind to it. you can’t pay no mind to anything besides seulgi’s eyes on yours. you wish you could go there and touch her, kiss her, anything.
your manager introduces the group and your group leader gives them your album, which joohyun accepts with the promise of “taking care of ____’s group.”
you hug all of them after that and when it finally gets to seulgi it’s like a deep breath of relief is left out. like a weight is out of your shoulders.
“you made it.” she tells you simply, a blinding smile on her lips.
“yes. we made it.” there’s years of shared dreams and experiences in those words and in the hug you two share. “we finally made it.”
it’s not anything you expected, not what you thought it would be when you would lay down on your bed and look at the annoyingly colorful “congrats on not giving up” card. but it’s enough and she’s here.
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Take a chance | Part one [t.h]
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: for this chapter, none I don’t think. It’s all set up and secret pining. 
Summary: Making friends is hard enough, let alone when you have a massive crush on one of them. But what do they say, things always have a way of working themselves out in the end.
Word Count: 2.8k
Prompt: ‘Take a chance. Live a little.’
That picture has mad boyfriend vibes.  This was meant to be my submission for @madmadmilk summer writing challenge but whoops life happened and its now September... This is part 1 of five, I think. I haven’t posted in a while and I’ve had this in my drafts so thought i would just post something. 
happy reading, lovelies
masterlist part 2
You always loved people watching, wondering where these people had been and where they were headed. Each person has their own life, their own problems and their own people that they care about, trying to figure all that out had become a sort of game to you. You imagined the man walking past in a clean-cut navy suit, with a briefcase in hand and a disgruntled expression, had realised he had picked up his partner’s bag by mistake, and was now power walking to get to his next meeting after collecting the right notes. The group of teenagers, school shirts untucked, and ties pulled loose, laughing hysterically because one of them had called their English teacher Mum and the others wouldn’t let it go. The woman in her 50’s wearing the bright scarlet coat with the fur trim, on her way back from a meeting with the executors of her husbands will, who died under mysterious circumstances.
Okay, that last one may be a bit of a stretch, but it was fun to theorise about the exotic lives people lead. Especially when your own was far from that definition.
Drawing your attention away from the people, the glass of the café window came back into view, condensation coating patches of it. You had drawn a small smiley face in it earlier, although as the droplets dripped from the eyes and mixed with the curve of the smile, it didn’t look so happy anymore. That felt weirdly more accurate though.
“What do you think, Y/N?”
Two voices filtered into your subconscious, “huh.”
You turned your head back to the two boys in front of you. One brown haired and one blond. Both irritatingly handsome.
The brown-haired boy tilted his head, “are you alright, Y/N? You’re being quiet today.”
The blond boy chuckled, “she’s just people watching, aren’t you.”
You had only known Tom and Harrison for three months, but you were always surprised by how much they remembered about you. Even the smallest details. They were annoyingly good about remembering those. You tried to keep up, listening intently every time they mentioned something new about themselves, but they seemed to know stuff you were sure you had never told them. You weren’t sure how they were doing it. You suspected witchcraft.
“Because she thinks they are more interesting than the people right in front of her,” Harrison continued.
“Hey, I don’t think that,” you retorted.
“Oh no, I’m sure,” Harrison said, quickly followed by a wink. He often needed to make sure people knew he was joking, his sarcasm often got him in trouble.
You couldn’t help but blush slightly, warmth spreading across the apple of your cheeks. It’s not like you fancied Harrison, you just weren’t used to it. You weren’t exactly the most promiscuous of people. At least you could maintain eye contact with Haz though, if it was Tom that winked, your brain would have flatlined for a few seconds.  
Tom’s fingers curled around his mug, his bruised and calloused knuckles prominent against the white ceramic.
Oh my god, Tom’s hands. The dreams you had had about those; entangled in your hair, squeezing slightly too hard on your hip, entwined with your own. Your breath hitched just thinking about it.
He brought the cup up to his mouth, pausing mid-way.
“Well she wouldn’t be wrong, Haz. I know tax reports more entertaining than you.”
Tom instantly erupted in laughter, his eyes crinkling and his tongue sticking out. He pulled his neck back into him as his body rocked. Haz landed a punch on his shoulder, coffee sloshing up the sides of the mug from the movement.
“I’m so sorry, Movie Star, what was that?” Haz stared down his best friend.
Tom was still shaking from laughter, his coffee dangerously close to spilling on his lap.
The boys had these moments when it was blindingly clear they were completely comfortable around each other. They said things that you would only dare say to your best friend. They were totally in sync. You loved watching them, feeling free to truly be themselves. Especially as they spent a lot of time in the public eye and you could sense they were concealing something, holding themselves back partially. But it did feel like just that, you were watching, a spectator at their best friend show and for the most part you didn’t mind at all. But have you ever tried to third wheel a pair of best friends, it’s worse than hanging out with any couple. They are just so many inside jokes and little looks, memories and experiences that you don’t understand, you’re not a part of. Sometimes you can feel a little lost but that’s natural. You know it will come with knowing them longer.
You didn’t ever want to interrupt their friendship. You just weren’t sure how to act in moments like these. You tended to sit back and let them relish it.
Maybe you should get involved or maybe you shouldn’t. You were never good at making decisions.
“Don’t call me, Movie Star,” Tom replied, his laugh now coming out low and slow.
Haz turned in his seat to face Tom, the leather rustling underneath him.
“Is, Movie Star, not good enough anymore? I’m so sorry,” he placed his hand on his chest, “what would you prefer? Mr Holland, Spider-man, a god among men?”
“Well, I am Spider-man so yeah, that works,” Tom raised his eyebrows and brought his mug to his lips, sipping gently at the coffee whilst looking into Haz’s eyes.
The cheeky shit.
Harrison rolled his eyes, “the big man.”
You watched them play fight, noting the slight smirk on both of their faces throughout, signalling they didn’t mean any harm by what they were saying.
God, Tom looked hot when he smirked.
“Care to weight in, Y/N,” Tom directed at you, a mischievous look behind his eyes.
“It’s so hard to be boring when you’re a movie star,” you say, sarcasm evident in your tone.
“Hey, you can’t both gang up on me,” Tom said, placing his mug back on the table and then combing his hand through his hair. You watched his movements intently, the veins on his hands tensed against his skin.
You caught yourself before the staring became weird and uncomfortable, forcing your eyes away from the beautiful boy and focusing on the small vase of pink flowers in the middle of the table. If you could, you would watch Tom for hours. Watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest, the way he would drink from a bottle without it ever touching his lips, watch the muscles in his back shift as he stretched at the end of the film. You weren’t sure if this was borderline creepy but there was something about him that was so entrancing. Somehow everything he did was able to capture and keep your attention. You knew you weren’t the only one either. You saw the way other people looked at him when he walked in a room or engaged them in conversation. Not that you were jealous, he wasn’t yours to be jealous over.
Can’t help but wish he was.
Tom was not what you expected. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t get him out of your mind. He intrigued you in a way no one had in a really long time.
In a really really long time.
“Anyone else hungry? Think I’m going to get a snack,” Tom said.
He pushed himself out of his chair and faced you and Haz.
“I’m offering,” he added.
Haz placed his hand on his stomach knitting his brows, trying to determine if he was hungry or not.
“Nah, I’m alright, mate,” he said.
Tom turned to you, “Y/N, can I tempt you with some food?”
“Not hungry, but you can get me another drink,” you replied.
Tom beamed, “sure, same again?”
“Yes, please.”
Tom patted his pocket, checking his wallet was still there and then headed towards the counter.
You settled back into your chair, sighing heavily.
You wished you could be as relaxed around Tom as you were with Harrison. A big part of you fizzled with a nervous energy when he was around, although you never realised until he left when you felt your shoulders drop and you stopped grinding your teeth.
But then I guess you didn’t have a thing for Harrison.
“So, how have you been, Y/N?” Harrison asked.
“Not too bad, uni has been hectic but only a few weeks left now.”
“Did you manage to get your final assignment finished? Last I heard was you spamming me with messages saying how close to death you were.” His lips turned up into a small smile.
You chuckled.
“Yeah, I finished, thank god. I think I started to lose my mind for a bit there but it’s all done now.”
“Good to hear, is that all your assignments done now?” Haz questioned.
“Got a couple left but they are practically done so I’m not too worried.” You picked up your mug and drained the last few drops of your coffee, ready for the one Tom was getting you.
“Now that you’re finished with uni, does that mean we will be seeing you a lot more, then? You’ll stop being so boring and staying in all the time.” Haz asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Hey, I’m not being boring, I have work to do,” you countered, your mouth hanging open in mock offense.
“So, you say…” he continued to tease.
You picked up a crumpled-up napkin from the table and flung it in his direction, but it never reached him. Instead it fluttered back down to the table, only causing more laughter to erupt from his body.
“Look,” you began, trying to regain some of your composure, “not all of us can rely on our unnecessarily good looks to get us jobs.”
“I don’t do that.”
“Haz, you’re a model, that’s literally your job.” Now you’re the one shaking with laughter.
“Fuck, yeah, you got me there.”
You brought your hand up to your face, covering your mouth, trying to stifle the laughs. Harrison grabbed his drink- not being a fan of coffee he had gone for a coke- and unscrewed the cap, taking a swig. Even with the bottle covering most of his face you could see the pink wash over his cheeks.
A faint shadow casted over Haz, you looked up and saw Tom. He was balancing a tray, laden with food and drink on one hand, whilst trying to shove his wallet into his pocket with the other. The tray wasn’t lying even on his hand and hot liquid trickled down the side of the mugs. You jumped up taking the tray from him and set in down on the table. When you looked back up at him he greeted you with a warm smile, crinkles forming around his eyes.
Tom looked between you and Haz, titling his head slightly.
“I feel like I just missed something,” he said.
“Oh, nothing much, just me being an div,” Haz said.
“Just the usual then, mate,” Tom snickered.
Haz jumped up, “here mate, take my seat.” He wriggled past the low table and stood next to Tom.
“Wait, where are you going?” you questioned.
“I’ve got that casting call remember.” Haz whipped his jacket out from the seat just before Tom sat on it. He walked around to where you were gaping at him and planted a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Panic set in, it wasn’t often that you were left alone with Tom, usually you could count on someone else to be a buffer to your anxiety. When you were alone you were worried that he would finally catch on how you feel, there is only so long you can stare at someone without talking before it becomes weird. Having a crush on a friend can be impossible at times. It’s like you forget how to act around them, suddenly everything becomes a what did they mean by that?  Are they flirting? No, surely not, but what if they are? What if they think you’re flirting? There is already an established connection there and you don’t want to disturb the equilibrium between you but then everything they do takes your breath away. It feels like too much of a risk.
It wasn’t particularly a problem at the start, you always thought Tom was attractive, but it takes you time to get to know someone. You must know who they are as a person before you start to crush on them. But then you got to know him.
What could you do though? You wanted to be his friend. If nothing else came from it (and you were almost certain nothing would) you still wanted to be his friend.
“What no kiss for me?” Tom teased his friend.
Haz brought his hand to his open mouth, “oh, I’m sorry darling, please forgive me.”
He leaned over and kissed the top of Tom’s curls.
Tom held Haz’s chin, “I can’t stay mad at that face.”
All three of you let out breathy laughs.
“Alright I really gotta go now.”
Haz slung his bag onto his shoulder, “don’t you two kids have too much fun without me. Actually, forget that, it’s impossible to have too much fun without me.”
Tom shoved his friend light-heartedly, “alright, get lost.”
Now the two of you were alone, you took a shaky sip of coffee.
Tom leaned back in his chair, spreading his body fully out, his feet sliding underneath the table. You both settled into silence for a few moments whilst sipping your drinks.
You knew you needed to sort your feelings out. You couldn’t go on like this forever. Maybe you should tell Tom but then what would he think? What would Haz think? You valued them both so much as friends, the thought that that could all be stripped away was scary. And there was the being vulnerable thing, which had never been your forte. Laying yourself bare like that, waiting for someone else’s response sounded terrifying.
That was a problem for another day though, for now it wouldn’t be so bad if you watched the way Tom’s fingers flexed around his mug and the way his tongue glided over his bottom lip after he took a bite of food, right?
“Oh hey, Y/N,” Tom said through a mouth full, “if you’re free tomorrow.”
He swallowed down the sandwich.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over, we could watch a movie or something, order some food.”
Tom always got distracted when watching films, checking his phone every half an hour, which would usually bother you a lot. But you could never find it in yourself to get mad at him. Besides you liked showing him your favourites and watching his reactions at pivotal moments, when he was watching at least.
“Yeah, sure, sounds fun. That film I was telling you about just came out.”
You waggled your eyebrows at him, sinking into your chair.
“Perfect,” he took a swig of coffee, looking at you over the rim, “it’s a date.”
What? A date? Hahahah, what? He doesn’t mean an actual date. It’s just a figure of speech, yeah just a figure of speech.
“Uhhh.” You tried to scrabble for a semblance of thought.
“Harrison?” you muttered, your brain still processing.
“Huh,” Tom raised an eyebrow.
“I mean Harrison is going to be there too, right?”
“Oh no, Haz is going out tomorrow.”
He noted the dumbfounded look on his face.
“If you don’t want to come then-” he trailed off.
“No, no, I do,” you chimed in. “I do,” you whispered to yourself.
Tom perked up at that, “great, I’ll text you a time later or something.”
What is going on? He had never invited you to hang out alone with him before. Best not to panic. Oh who are you kidding, you wouldn’t be able to stop panicking.  
This was just two friends hanging out together, right? It had to be.
But then he did call it a date and you had never heard him call a casual hang out a date before.
No, no, no. You’re being silly, reading too much into this, it definitely wasn’t a date. Why would Tom Holland, who could have any girl ask you out on a date? It just wasn’t plausible. No, this wasn’t a date.
Then why did he call it a date. Guess you had a date with Tom Holland tomorrow?
Tagging some mutuals who may be interested below:  @tomhollandthirst @uglypastels @spidey-pal @spideyfield @onedustyboi @h-osterfield @starkravingparker @mysteryavengers @aw-hawkeye
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malfoyfamilycrest · 5 years
fanfiction: i’m not the auror here...
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter) Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, minor Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom Rating: T Warning: mentioned potions abuse (not by the main characters)
Summary: Malfoy only ever talks about his work ... or does he? Harry is investigating.
Also available on my AO3 (see the link in my profile).
“A customised version of the Draught of Living Death.” Malfoy gets straight to the point when Harry enters the Potions Research office. “It’s not unheard of for wizards with sleep disorder to switch to a weakened version of Living Death over time. The human body develops a resistance to Dreamless Sleep after long-term use. However...” Malfoy studies the medical records in front of him. “You need some talent to get this potion right. Talent the person you found unconscious in Diagon Alley clearly didn’t possess.” He glances up at Harry. “I’m not the Auror here, but I believe this is an accident, not a criminal case.”
I’m not the Auror here, but... Harry has heard that phrase many times since Malfoy started to work for Potions Research. He has always been annoyingly correct with his predictions. Otherwise, Malfoy seems to speak little that isn’t related to his work.
That’s why Harry doesn’t expect Hermione to invite Malfoy to a get-together of Ministry workers from their year at Hogwarts. He learns Malfoy moved out of the Manor because he needed a break from Pureblood values and family responsibilities. Hermione also tells him how hard Malfoy worked to make amends with her and everyone else who suffered his bullying back in the day.
It’s even stranger to watch Malfoy chat with Ron about Quidditch statistics, listen to Neville’s stories about the pranks of his charges at Hogwarts and admire Hermione’s work at the Ministry. Harry starts to wonder why it’s only him with whom Malfoy talks about nothing but potions.
When Malfoy leaves for the cloakroom, Harry follows and corners him in the corridor.
“I’ve got a complicated investigatory question,” he tells Malfoy. “What reasons could someone have to make amends with everyone save for one person?”
“I’m not the Auror here, Potter.” Malfoy sounds defiant.
“Has that ever stopped you?” Harry retorts. “So tell me, does that mean they only hate this one person?”
“I’d rather assume the opinion of this one person is so important to them that they don’t know how to approach the situation,” Malfoy says cautiously. “Rejection from other people would be tolerable. Rejection from this one person would not. It is therefore better to keep all interactions on a strictly professional level.”
“But what about the other person?” Harry asks. “Wouldn’t they feel rejected instead?”
“Would they?” Malfoy’s jaw is working. “Do you?” He stops pretending not to know what they’re talking about.
“Would I be here if I didn’t care?”
Malfoy doesn’t reply. The answer is all too obvious.
“Maybe we can talk about this over lunch sometime?” he suggests eventually.
“Tomorrow?” Harry asks enthusiastically.
Malfoy looks as if he wants to back out for a moment. Then he squares his shoulders and straightens his spine.
“Yes. Tomorrow.”
This month’s prompt was “Different”.
Since people asked for a continuation in the comment doc: I haven’t planned anything yet, but I’d definitely love to expand on a verse in which Draco's the know-all Potions Master who meddles in Auror Potter’s work!
This is actually loosely inspired by Tatort Münster, with Draco as Professor Karl-Friedrich Boerne, a snobbish know-it-all forensic medical examiner, and Harry as Detective Chief Inspector Frank Thiel who is down-to-earth, a bit uncommunicative but also very good at his job. xD (Tatort, literally “Crime Scene”, is a police crime drama series set in various cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Tatort Münster even has its own Wikipedia article in English (search for “Thiel and Boerne” if you want to learn more about them).
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!svt // boo seungkwan
♥ fluffy!
♥ 3k words
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this cutie full of sass and just overflowing love is the heir to his mother’s infamous jeju tangerine company
yeah people might think, oh thats nothing
but hoo boi they’re the no. 1 selling jeju tangerines in korea
because they’re so sweet just like the boo family :O
and sometimes they even import their goods worldwide, ITS THAT GOOD
back to our boo
he may seem pretty eccentric, especially when he’s around seokmin or soonyoung, but he’s also a sweetheart who takes care of his juniors and friends
like he will always remind them of their worth and sometimes get really clingy
but of course his sassy side is one of the many reasons that people love him too!!
they find it funny whenever he goes on a savage strike and literally drag anYone
like he doesnt care who your parents are, he will drag you down to hell
but everyone knows he doesnt mean it half the time, but when he actually does, it will bring shivers down your spine
since his well-loved among the students, he’s literally friends with everyone
especially the younger ones because he like to feel like an older brother and feels proud when his juniors look up to him
this is so soft fk
but he also has his moments where he wants to be taken care of too so he simply just joins his closest group of friends aka the big bunch of thirteen boys
people wonder how the heck they seem so close when all of them could form a class
anyWays, onto you
so theres two groups of people when it comes to seungkwan
1) you’re friends with him or 2) youre not
lucky you, you drop in the first category because if you dont, you’re just a sad outcast who doesnt like the cutest squishy boy
but even if you were friends with him, you werent as close to the extent where you guys hang out often
its the little greetings you guys say to each other in the hallways that keeps this acquaintance going
and its not like youre scared of him or anything
in fact its a little bit more than that
you’ve always admired him for being such a positive light in Pledis High along with his friends
and he’s someone that you aspire to be like - to be fearless and firm in yourself as well as be a pillar of strength for everyone else around
but you’re just that shy student who stammers during presentations because being in the center of attention scares the living heck out of you
he’s practically your aspiration
and its pretty difficult to get close to someone who has 46389392 other people to choose from to hang out with
but thats just you overthinking it because seungkwan has been wondering if he should just ask you to join him for lunch
on the other hand, seungkwan sees you as someone who works diligently behind the scenes
yeah sure you might not be able to lead people in a group project or voice out your opinions
but you do research like a mad scientist and quietly lead the group to an A for a project by leaving notes for improvement in their files
hell yeah he sees you, he sees potential in everyone
but its also because he thinks you’re pretty cute when you get so into the textbook that you’re literally inches away from kissing the pages
but he threatened vernon not to tell you that because he cant just mAke A MoVe
he wants to get to know you more first, about your favourite colour or what you think about when you daydream in class or how your brain manages to store so much information about general facts
most of the random facts you remember is from snapple bottles but no one needs to know that
so yeah maybe boo seungkwan is a little bit Whipped™ for you h a h a a little bit???
like every other day when seungkwan passes by your class, he sees you in your seat scribbling on your notes with furrowed eyebrows and your bottom lip between your teeth
and you just tugged on his heartstrings because how can someone look this good while doing something so,,, normal
and vernon has to snap him out of it
“dUde you’re really not making this crush thing any less subtle,”
and seungkwan nearly wants to hold him in a chokehold and make him regret his words
but when he takes another glance at you, you’re staring back and he’s quickly covering up his slightly blushed cheeks with a little wave
while you shot a shy smile towards him and waved back
and that simple action of yours just saved vernon from being suffocated
which also makes seungkwan say fuck it and ask you to join him for lunch or a study session after school that day
he wasn’t able to catch you at lunch that day, probably because you felt more comfortable in the quiet and cool library of the school
so when he sees you preparing your things to leave the school, he jogs right after you and nearly slams himself into your locker door
“hi! yn right?” he asks you, as if he’s never repeated your name in his mind every time he sees you
“y-yeah, what’s up?” you inquired back, zipping up your backpack and closing the locker door shut
“i was thinking, if you had the time, if you could join me on a study session today,”
and as much as you want to confirm his words, the way he looks at you with the hopeful sparkle in his eyes confirmed itself
boo seungkwan was asking you to hang out, and he chose you out of everyone else
“oh,, im free but i have a curfew so i hope you dont mind if we dont stay out too long,” you mustered every ounce of courage you had as you slung your bag over your shoulder
“great!! i know just the right place for us to study at,” he smiles, taking the spot next to you as he guide the both of you out of school
throughout the walk to the study spot seungkwan had planned, he had been talking about the stories about his friends and the way they have been annoyingly him lately - but of course they did it out of affection
“they say i pout alot when i get angry but i dont pout that much >:((” 
and as he whined about the statement, his lips indeed formed into a big sad pout just as his friends had said
as you tried to hold back the giggle, that is until he brows began going up and down in frustration like a rollercoaster
and that was the trigger 
you burst out laughing, covering your mouth even though it was too late to cover up
while he looked back at you with a confused look - although his chest felt entirely different
the way your eyes turned into crescent moons when you smiled really wide as well as the way your voice sounded harmonious to him
“i’m so sorry,, it’s just that,, your friends are totally right. look at you!!” you attempted to catch your breath while you held your phone to him, the front camera had indeed showed him the pouty face his friends had mentoned
“even you too??? but its not that bad right?” seungkwan looks back at you with pitiful puppy eyes and a part of you melts at the adorable sight
“no its not bad!! its actually pretty cute,” you reassured him, still recovering from your laughing fit
cute?? did you just call boo seungkwan cute??
he’s smile starts to radiate and his cheeks turn bright red from being flustered
but you were too busy chuckling at the accidental selfie he had taken on your phone
before he could even mention the compliment, the both of you had reached the cafe, swinging the door gently as you entered first while he followed behind you
you guys grabbed a spot by the corner, it being one of the best place, as recommended by seungkwan himself
“i’ll order the drinks and you can start studying first,” he shoots you a kind smile before sliding out from his chair
“oh yeah, what would you like?” he inquired, quickly giving him your normal order before he went to the counter
the place was beyond amazing and you werent sure how you havent seen it before when the shop had been placed near the school
the calm and soothing ambient given by the soft jazz playing in the speakers and the bright light illuminating the place was not glaring either
as you began flipping through your notes and your textbooks, seungkwan arrives with a tray of your drinks as well as slice of cake on a plate
“we didn’t order cake but the owner of the shop gave it to us on the house. maybe its because i’ve become a regular,” he chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck after he had placed the tray to the side
“really?? ah we should thank them,” you turned towards the cashier where a man with circular glasses had a smile plastered on his face
and is that a,,, thumbs up?? did he just mouthed ‘good luck’?
“i think he wished us good luck for our exams since exam season is coming up,” but when you turn back to face seungkwan, he has his hand motioning back and forth across his neck, mouthing something along the lines of “shh”
“you actually know him?” you inquired, catching his attention as he nearly cracked his neck from turning too fast
“o-oh yeah sure! i come here pretty often remember? besides, we should really start studying before its too late,” he laughed nervously, slipping back into his seat and fetching out his required materials
and hour pasts and the pain in your neck starts to grow from facing your textbook from a weird angle, making you stretch in your seat while it captures his attention
“10 minute break?” he asks with a knowing smile as you nodded a little too enthusiastically, immediately regretting your decision while you held your drink in your hands, taking a few sips every so often
“did you get a lot done? i barely got the english practice questions done,” he sighed, taking a sip from his own cup
“yeah i guess. i managed to finish my english assignment too so i can help you if you want!” 
“reALLy?? ugh you’re a life savior yn. but enough of studies for now, LETS DIG IN,” he excitedly exclaims, placing the sliced cake between the both of you and handing a dainty small fork that matched his
your eyes sparkled in delight when you tasted the light whip cream along with the soft and spongy cake, eliciting giggles from seungkwan as your shoulders danced in elation
“you’re too adorable,” seungkwan complimented you on instinct
and its only when you look at him with wide eyes that he realized his action
“a-ah am i too straightforward?? i’ll stop if its uncomfortable,” 
but that compliment had brought a shy smile to your face, tinting the edges of your ears while you shook your head
you were slightly confused then - was your heart racing because you were with someone you admired, or was it because you began to see him in a different light
in a span of a few hours, seungkwan was more than you had assumed and you really meant that he was more than just an embodiment of positivity and sassiness
you werent sure what words you would exactly use to describe him now that you knew him a little more
but it was definitely not in a way where you saw him as an aspiration any longer
and more on seeing that smile on his face
“yn? yN? are you really sure its ok?” and that cute pout is on his face once again
“y-yeAH its totally fine!! we better finish this cake quick, my curfew is in another hour,” you smiled apologetically before taking another bite
“it’s alright, we can study together again if you want to,” 
and minutes just as fast as the time the both of you had spent together
in a split second, you had arrived at your door - although with many times you had reassured him you would be able to walk home alone, seungkwan wouldnt budge an inch
“i guess i’ll see you at school tomorrow?” he questioned, a small shy smile on his face
and as the both of you waved goodbye and went your separate ways, neither of you could wipe the wide smiles on your faces
days turn into months and a year felt like it had passed in a blink of an eye
so many things had happened during that period of time
without a doubt, you had become one of his closest friends (but others think otherwise when they see you two linking pinkies in the hallways)
and as we all know, all 13 boys came as a package, so it was only a matter of time until you met all 13 of them
it was a chaotic meeting, having to meet all of them at once made remembering names wayy more difficult
but after a while of getting to know them, you had grown accustomed to their personalities
like that one time that the noticeboard fell off the wall for some reason and you immediately thought of mingyu
you turn around and mingyu is standing right beside that noticeboard, with his entire body frozen into place
or like that one time seungkwan was telling about a prank that happened to him and asked if jeonghan was in charge of it and he just goes yEAH AND I GOT MY HAIR DYED BLUE FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK
and seungkwan was relieved that his friends had accepted you as a person
because they can get pretty protective of each other #squadgoAls 
but also because he wouldnt know what to do if they didnt like you when his crush on you is mAssive
it has grown to the point where he’s so close to confessing, but he never knows the right time to do so
on the other hand, you had begun to see him more than just a friend
the way he looked so worried when you had a little papercut on your finger
or when he stopped the other boys from teasing you because he feels this weird sense of anger boiling in the pit of his stomach
its called jealousy but boy has a little bit of a problem seeing it as it is
and anytime seungkwan initiates skinship with you, you feel your body heat up but its not to the point where you feel its overwhelming??
its more like this comfortable warmth that you can never get enough of
the kind of feeling you dont get with anyone else
and that was the moment you had finally accepted the fact that it had grown into a full-fledged Crush
either of you is still oblivious to each others feelings but its wayy to obvious to everyone else that theres something else brewing than ‘just friends’
but your thoughts and doubts get the best of you
because what if seungkwan is just this nice to everyone else?? i mean he did help out most of his juniors with their homework
and its normal seeing him hold hands and hug his other friends
and it kind of has your hopes lowered but it didnt hurt having a harmless crush right??
they come and go anyway
but seungkwan’s crush on you hasnt gone ever since his heart raced at the sight of you with the widest smiles
and he wasn’t planning to ignore it either
as per normal, the both of you walked into the cafe the both of you now frequented together, ordering the same drink but a different kind of cake to try every week
its come to the point where you guys have nearly tried every pastry there was in the cafe
but this time, seungkwan doesnt take out his notes or his pencil case with the matching tangerine keychain which you had gotten for him as a gift while your similar keychain hung on your bag
“what’s wrong?? no assignments this week?” you questioned, debating if you should finish yours alone
“well,,, not quite actually. but i felt like we needed a little break from studying since exams are over,” his eyes remain glued to the cup of iced americano in front of him 
which was weird since he would usually shoot you that warm smile you’ve grown to love so much
“is there anything wrong?” you had held onto his arm instinctively, thinking that maybe he just needed a little push to tell you whats on his mind
“i dont want to scare you or anything, so you dont need to answer back if you dont want to,” he rubbed the nape of his neck, playing nervously with the end of his hair
you nod along for him to continue, letting your hand linger on his while his eyes glanced towards the skin contact
“do you,, see me as anything more than a friend- you really dont have to answer it if it makes you feel-”
“yeah, is there something wrong with it?” you answered with a tiny bit of confidence
meanwhile your feet was bouncing under the table and your cheeks had already turned as bright as the red velvet cupcake between the both of you
and you answer shuts him up quickly
and it had been the first time he had looked back into your eyes ever since the both of you had stepped into the cafe
and they still look as sparkling as ever, if not, even more than you have ever seen them
his lips slowly curled into a bashful grin, accompanying his flushed red cheeks
“then i guess its appropriate to ask if,, if you’d be my,,,lover?” the term rolling off his tongue sends shivers down his spine
but when you bring his hand towards your lips, placing a quick peck, he nearly explodes and shortcircuits
“how could i ever say no?”
a/n: im so soft for seungkwan??? like i would squish his cheeks all day if i could o k also as per usual i’ll proofread this tomorrow morning because i can never get as inspired when it isnt 3 in the morning oops
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wannawrite · 6 years
serendipity 🌨️ (三)
[ 君を守りたくて 涙に変わる前に もう一度. ]
I want to hold you once more before you melt into tears.
group: seventeen
member: joshua hong
genre: a surprise :)
others: italics = thoughts, josh and vern speaking in English
sorry for the long wait friends, Japan gave me so much inspiration !!
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forgive me, the story only gets better at the end because I improved a lot so this was prewritten and continued again a lot later on !!
“No one?”
You nodded firmly, as the teacher gave you a glance of disdain through her pink framed glasses. Her eyebrows raised haughtily as she quickly looked back to her worksheets, flipping through them casually-as if you didn't matter anymore. At her acts of defiance, you cursed her under your breath. Standing alone at the teacher’s table stupidly just seemed to enlarge your figure in the crowd of the class, bringing the sunlight to all the flaws engraved stubbornly onto your face.
You didn't understand why the school needed to hire such sadistic teachers, and inwardly, you cursed the school too under your breath. You could already feel the gazes of all the students seated behind you thrust into your back like spears, one by one. Maybe this was what they meant when they wanted to teach all of you to be ‘confident and cultured students’.
Finally, the teacher looked up, her gaze still bored and tired under her heavy bags and wrinkles. What a mood.
“Go partner the new kid.” her despairing monotone drawled out, in her absolutely enchanting, seductive Daegu satoori.
But that wasn’t really the thing you were most concerned about right now.
Involuntarily, your eyes widened, and you could feel everything that you had painstakingly built up raze to the bottomless of your heart as the teacher called out Joshua’s name, which included that non existent good mood you had while (reluctantly) getting back your maths results two hours ago. 
“Oh, you’re Hansol’s friend, right? You seem very shy, let’s get along well together.” his sweet, slightly American accentuated Korean made an entrance smoothly, the sort of voice you wouldn't mind cutting into all of your conversations. 
That was when you realised, that Joshua was someone you really wanted to be close to-like getting as close to the fire as you could without touching it.
You sighed.
“Sure.” you tried for a smile to maintain a certain level of politeness (and to not feel so shitty about your already dying reputation) as you followed the tall figure with soft, slightly overgrown raven locks back to his desk. 
This was undeniably, the epitome of sadistic.
“Hey, don’t look so tense, I won’t actually bite.” the boyish, balmy voice purred into your senses again, caressing your ears gently yet magically, making you jump and look to his beautiful face yet again. It seemed to work like a charm-you kicked yourself inside when you realised that Joshua’s every action had you firmly wrapped around his finger...
“R-Right.” you managed, following up with a small, coy cough-you had to give him an answer at some point, to mask your big, protruding girl crush on him. The small lift of his eyebrow, the twitch of his lips when he saw that you were incredibly shy around him was a confusing mix of attractive and unnerving to look at.
Why can’t I just talk to him, who’s a normal human being like me...
Subsequently, a new voice came into the scene.
“Ayyyy, Josh, what did you do to my friend? She looks so scared, I’ll hog the PC room all to myself if you keep disturbing her.”  a teasing, laid-back voice rolled out the English language smoothly as the hint of a brown curl plunged into your vision before jumping up again and clambering over to Joshua’s side. You died inside for the umpteenth time today as Hansol shot you a cheeky, knowing wink-if he told Joshua even an inkling about your feelings towards him, you’d probably harp on it for the rest of your life.
“Nothing? Maybe she’s just shy, I don’t know...dude, you know her better, do something. I can’t do social situations.” A helpless reply came from Joshua's mouth fast and painful, seeping out all the effervescence from his vibrant, yet gentle demeanour.
You sighed. Not being able to gather yourself in front of him, seemed to be way worse than talking to him directly.
"I-I can talk, you know." you managed awkwardly, barely meeting his eyes as the language that your tongue had conquered your whole life turned to gibberish in front of a beautiful boy.
At this, Joshua broke into a casual, yet such enchanting smile-looking just like a prince as the sun skated across his features like the most shining, elegant masterpiece in the world. You tried to focus on the now, but he was incredibly distracting.
"It's okay." he said politely, turning to you, "Everyone gets shy sometimes, right? I’m sure we’ll get along well, I can see that you know a lot about me already.” 
At this, Joshua’s gently bridged kitten eyes shot you a small, seemingly chaste wink which had in fact, thrust right through your heart like an arrow, and realising that you probably looked like the most uncontrolled mess for the umpteenth time today, you tried to articulate your words properly.
“Y-Yeah. You’re actually, I don’t know, my favourite trainee?” Crap, wrong thing to say. The words coming out of your mouth slapped you in the face hard, stringing in a small trail of regret.  To your surprise, instead of cringing Joshua laughed softly, yet somehow wholeheartedly before the table legs contrastingly, echoed out the most deafening screech as you felt the bit of wood press into your stomach area.
He had stood up from the chair, leaning in at just the perfect distance and striking the perfect balance between curiosity and suggestiveness, and that’s when the sun slicing through his ashy bangs dawned the truth on you yet again-that Joshua’s whole being exuded such a gentle, caressing aura. Tangible to your eyes, yet so intangible to your feelings-from the way his eyes fluttered gently yet quickly like butterflies in a secret garden, from the way he treated you with such gentleness yet tore your heart apart. 
Just then, in all his beauty, you felt your soul surface onto the tip of your tongue as his deeply dimpled lips mouthed these words.
“I want to know more about you.”
The whole world stopped for a while.
Your speech went into a momental rut, as you stared awkwardly and embarrassedly at his features.
“You know? Since you know so much about me, I’m curious about you, too.” his innocent voice pushed forth your consciousness from its transit stop as you snapped back into reality. 
You looked at his smile briefly before shutting down any forms of attraction towards him, and gulped down your feelings before opening your mouth.
“So, after school today? At 2?” 
His gentle, merry lips had lifted into a sunny smile, coincidentally in the shape of a long, angled up feather-just as gentle as he was.
At this, you blushed before nodding vigorously,
His smile got wider.
“See you then!” 
With that, Joshua left the room with his wallet casually, and the world came back into your orbit. Hansol was gone, so had the math teacher and practically the rest of the class, which had seemed so annoyingly insignificant in comparison to the boy you loved.
Then, as your consciousness slowly surfaced back into your memory, you realised-your cousin would be coming today, and if it was for a school project, you’d have little to no time to spend with her...
But you thought back to Joshua’s pleading gaze, and you sighed.
There was no way you were saying no to that smile.
to prepare the blog for my long desert era LOL I'm sorry this took way longer than it should have :(
also day6′s cb is such a bop PLEASE STREAM DAYS GONE BY my boys really deserve it ^^ 
I hope I captured the feeling here well!! the reason why the descriptions on joshie’s features are so excessive because thats how you feel when you crush on someone la HHAHAHA like somehow you just start noticing everything small and insignificant about that, so I apologise if the story didn't flow so well because of that :( I REALLY tend to notice all these things about Joshua’s beautiful personality though (esp as he was my ult of ults last year so yes I am still low-key whipped HAHAAHA)
ill be growing spiritually the next few days and going to hk, idk if I can update overseas but ill see again!! love yall, thanks for reading and supporting!!
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                                            ——— (part 3) ——–
Fandom: TeenWolf
Even longer list of fanfics :)….
top favourites, more top favourites, part 1, part 2
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The Devil You Know
Author: Triangulum
Summary: Hell is busy and Peter is understaffed. There are too many evil people being sent down below and there are only so many demons Peter has to torture them with. He needs to reorganize. They don't utilize group torture nearly as much as they should. Stiles probably has some ideas on that.OrPeter is King of Hell, Stiles is his second in command, and Talia summons them for a favor.
Can I Keep Him?
Author: Therapeutic_Steter
Summary: Let's try... Red Panda stiles? looove red panda stiles!
I’m Not Your Nephew
Author: Therapeutic_Steter
Summary: "Derek! Guess what!" "What, Stiles?" "I can call, you nephew now!!" "What. The hell. Are you talking about." "Didn't you listen? Peter and I are together!" 
Words Upon Skin
Author: Therapeutic_Steter
Summary: Soulmate words were treasured. People spent their whole lives waiting for their treasured phrase, that magic moment.Stiles had spent his whole life plagued by his words. He wondered just what he could do, to disappoint his soulmate so completely in their first meeting. He had approximately ninety nine self-confidence issues and they were all because of those damned words, printed in elegant script across his heart.‘Words cannot describe how pathetic you look.’
Let Me Hold You, Forever
Author: lavenderlotion
Summary: It was too much. To loud and too quiet and too, too much. He had to get out, to get away and just be somewhere different. He couldn’t - he couldn’t keep watching her like that, watching her lay there as she did.He needed a break.And he found it, with Peter Hale. Peter who was scarred skin and blank eyes. Peter who he sat with for hours a day, reading and ranting and just being with. Peter, who over four years he fell in love with.
A Spoonful Of Sugar
Author: Twisted_Mind
Summary: He blames Lydia. He would never have even considered this if she hadn't mentioned it like it was legit. But short of falling down the rabbit hole of student debt, he doesn't have a whole lot of options. So, whatever, he can try the sugar baby thing. No one has to know.Of course Peter has to go and ruin everything.
Across Your Skin, My Love
Author: lavenderlotion
Summary: Stiles knew he had a soulmate - had gotten his mark when he was fourteen like everyone else. He just - he just didn’t think he would meet the man for years to come. he knew the statics, knew that most people didn’t meet their bonded until their early-mid twenties.So he was really not been expecting to his name on the arm of his hot new English teacher.He had to admit it turned out pretty amazing, though.
Don’t Come For His Family
Author: lavenderlotion
Summary: In the three years Stiles had been with Peter, the man had only talked about his family a handful of times - and as far as Stiles knew had never once spoken to them. So he wasn’t exactly excited to see the mans family, even though that’s exactly what they were about to do.It does not go to plan.
You Wouldn’t Believe Me
Author: gryvon
Summary: The Hales are famous. Their emissary is infamous.
Wrong Number
Author: SushiOwl
Summary: "What do you and your coven desire from the dark?" Sometimes he liked be cheesy. Humans were into it, otherwise they wouldn't put it in their insipid (but wildly entertaining) TV shows.The witch boy finally set down his reading material. Peter had thought it was a book, but it was actually a plastic folder with photocopies of pages from a book. Peter would have to decided if he was insulted later."No coven, just me," the witch said, closing his folder. There was a Batman symbol on the front, so Peter was certainly insulted.He was not about to put on such a show for one human either. He let his mist drop and gave the boy an unimpressed expression that included a lifted brow and lips tilted down at the corners. "Alright then, just you. What deal are you looking for?""Will you take my virginity for bragging rights?"
Boy Who Cried Wolf
Author: ladypigswagon
Summary: Peter is hungry. It’s a raw ache, the kind that drives Peter to hunt almost desperately. His paws pound against the earth, kicking up black dirt and fallen leaves as he runs. It’s early afternoon, sunlight streaming through the gaps in the canopy, dappling the ground. Peter can hear a herd of deer a few miles west, but deer are tricky. There are too many variables, too many antlers and hooves. He could probably pick off a few with a pack.
The Fourth Prince Of The First Realm
Author: RebaK1tten
Summary: “My god, Peter, only you!” Derek whispers. “You didn’t rescue just any old fairie, you rescued their Queen!”“Am I supposed to apologize? I didn’t ask for credentials before I helped her, you know,” he hisses back. “See, this is what happens when you do something nice, it just bites you on the ass.”** Peter rescues the fairie queen and as a reward, he's told he'll marry her son. It's not an option.
The Snake And The Otter
Author: Therapeutic_Steter
Summary: When Stiles was born, a black snake appeared into his crib on the first full moon and never left.Claudia, whose soulmate animal was a lion, hadn't even flinched, smiling and cooing at the little snake in welcome. It flicked its tongue at her, beady eyes sparking blue, and let Claudia gently stroke it's head. John, whose soulmate animal was a bear, just shook his head, wondering at what kinds of trouble his son and his soulmate would get in to.
If I Were ‘A Were’
Author: syriala
Summary: Stiles knew that he wasn’t the most subtle person to ever grace this earth. But compared to the Hale’s he was a fucking ninja. He couldn’t believe that no one had figured out yet that they were actually werewolves. Real, actual, honest to god werewolves.That no one knew about.Stiles really started to question this town’s intelligence.But Stiles was determined to find out how many dog/wolf related puns he could make before someone caught on to the fact that he actually knew.
I’ll Watch Anything As Long It Is With You
Author: Sage_Speight_Trickster_In_Training
Summary: Ever since Stiles was a kid and first hear his parent's story about how they met with their soulmark he couldn't wait until his showed up. He would always marvel how some day he would look down and see the first words his soulmate would say to him. His best friend Scott got his words when he was eight and ever since those words showed up he would carry at least four pens with him everywhere he went, waiting for the moment when someone asked him to borrow one. The prettiest girls is school, Lydia, got hers when she turned ten and Stiles felt his first heartbreak when they weren't his words. That was also the year his mother got sick and the words on his father's lower left knee , written in his mother´s hand writing, began to fade. Stiles knew that when soulmates faded that that meant their soulmate was dead. That same year he went with his father when he went to a tattoo parlor to get his mother's first words tattooed onto him so they would stop fading.
Naked Terror
Author: Bunnywest
Summary: Peter's only here to inspect the fire extinguisher. The last thing he expects is for a naked man to come charging at him, swinging a baseball bat and screaming.
Kiss Me Once, Shame On Me
Author: yesterday
Summary: “I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you,” Stiles said.“Where is your holiday spirit, Stiles? This is for charity; it said so outside.” Peter was smirking. He was right. Stiles set the sandwich board out there himself this morning— “For every smooch under the mistletoe, one dollar will be donated to Beacon Hills Children’s Hospital!” 
Forget everything Stiles ever said about Christmas cheer. He officially hated the holidays.
The (Sometimes) Happy Holidays Series
Author: Potrix
Part 1: (Not So) Silent Night
Summary: “Santa Claus, 42, looking for a sweet angel, 18+, with big or small Christmas ornaments for not so silent nights together. Tree stand available and ready. No Santa hat, no action.”Several people swivel around to glare at Stiles, but, really, he can’t be held responsible for this. Sure, a waiting room isn’t the best place to suddenly burst out laughing, but it’s totally the fault of whoever laid out the latest issue of Bella Diva. It’s not like Stiles normally makes a habit of buying and reading women’s magazines.Apart from the occasional Cosmo. The quizzes are always hilarious.
Part 2: (Annoyingly) Happy Valentine’s Day
Summary: “Welcome to the Beacon Blossom!” the saleswoman behind the counter chirps happily, and Peter watches, a little dazed, as the blinking plastic hearts attached to her headband bounce back and forth. “What can I do for you on this fine day?”Peter deposits the bouquet of red roses on the counter, and nearly drops his wallet when the woman coos—actually coos—and says, nodding her head, “A classic. Your wife will absolutely love them, I guarantee it.” She swipes Peter’s card when he hands it to her, then points it at a basket stuffed full with some of the most garishly pink teddy bears Peter’s ever had the misfortune of seeing. “Now, since today’s a special day, if you buy a bouquet and one of our Sweetheart Bears, the cheaper item is 50% off.”It takes some effort, but Peter manages to bite back his initial, sarcastic retort about the bear clashing with his furniture. Or anything else not absolutely, horrifyingly hideous, for that matter. “Just the roses, please.”
The Holly Bears A Berry Red As Any Blood
Author:  ladypigswagon
Summary: Stiles swears as the car hits another pothole dead on and he goes flying out of his seat, hardly restrained by the seat belt, smacking his head on the roof.“Language,” John says mildly, turning the page of his newspaper. Stiles grumbles, rubbing the back of his head. He can feel a lump developing.“Every year,” Stiles says, “every goddamn year, the Hales send their craziest driver to pick us up. Every year we hit every pothole and every year I get a lump on my head. In the same place! How this hasn’t damaged me permanently I don’t know?!”
Winding Roads To Flowering Fields Series
Author: Tahlruil
Part 1: Deserving Him
Summary: Scott couldn't even seem to live comfortably in his world of black and white absolutes. He could understand why the Lahey boy had broken with Derek, he supposed - his nephew was never meant to be an Alpha, and that had always been painfully obvious. What Peter didn't understand was why he'd then put himself deliberately in Scott's pack. He didn't understand why anyone would align themselves with someone so pathetic when it came to leading others. He didn't understand why new betas, humans and other supernaturals alike flocked to him, an Alpha who had no true understanding of what it meant to be pack. Peter didn't understand why Stiles - beautiful, intelligent, deadly Stiles - chose to call Scott his Alpha.'Peter has been watching Stiles for quite some time now, and he has trouble understanding why Stiles chooses to align himself with Scott. The McCall Alpha doesn't even seem to notice that his best friend is still reeling from his encounter with the Nogitsune... or that Peter is the one trying to soothe that hurt.Stiles, Peter is sure, deserves better.
Part 2: Not An Idiot
Summary: Maybe in some places an idiot could get elected Sheriff - not in a town like Beacon Hills. Dumb deputies (or just very unlucky ones) tended to die before they got the chance to try to move up the ranks. So John Stilinski isn't an idiot even if he (on occasion) chooses not to see the whole picture. Stiles is getting better and he's grateful - he just wishes that maybe it was someone else getting his kid get there.Even though it's not the smartest move, he calls a friend about it.He's not an idiot, okay, he's not. He just... needs a little help, and who better to help with a werewolf problem than an Argent?
Part 3: Ground Me
Summary: "...this is not 'guard duty', you idiot. This is pack - the way pack is supposed to be." Stiles probably should have been freaked out or maybe turned on by the way Peter pressed his nose to the crook of Stiles' neck and breathed in deep. He definitely should have felt one of those things when Peter dragged his cheek upward and then skimmed it over Stiles' jaw. He didn't though, not with what he knew about werewolves; all he felt when his wolf scented him was a sense of comfort, belonging and home. "And you don't take 'nights off' when it comes to being pack."
Part 4: Coming Home Is Something Strange
Summary: Two weeks into living under John's roof, Chris realized that all four of them were settling into a routine that was decidedly, disturbingly, domestic. He and Peter banded together in the fight to keep the Stilinskis healthy, and half the time they seemed to end up doing the grocery shopping together. So long as they only talked about things like how many apples they should get and if they needed to pick up some detergent, things between them were just fine.They'd only tried to discuss the deeper things once. It had ended in a bloody nose for Chris and a knife laced with wolfsbane sticking out of Peter's thigh. Neither Stilinski male had been happy about it. Their reactions forced Chris and Peter into another unspoken truce, and that was... okay. Maybe they didn't need to hash out everything between them. Things had been a fucking mess between their families for centuries; their best bet seemed to be to let sleeping dogs lie.
Part 5: A Surprising Visit
Summary: "No! It's not... it's nothing like that. Hi Stiles. I'm sorry for just, you know. Showing up like this? But I thought that if I called or texted you might not. Uhm. Open the door. I still should have texted. I'm sorry. It's just that you mentioned watching Mulan and I really love that movie. And we've all been being really bad friends except maybe you and I weren't friends? Because with everything that happened I feel like I never got to know you, not really. And then I guess I got caught up in trying to get to know Scott. Have I mentioned I'm sorry?""Couple times," Stiles said, blinking a few times as he tried to process what was going on. "So you came over to hang out?""You sound surprised," Kira said quietly. She looked kind of sad, which he didn't completely get but whatever. "Which means I'm a terrible friend. But!" Kira reached into her bag and pulled out a DVD - it was Mulan, and Stiles felt something warm and sort of gooey unfurl in his chest. He already had a copy, but that she had brought one meant that she really had come to watch it. She had come just to hang out with him without pack business forcing her to, and that was pretty awesome. "I'm going to try and change that."
Part 6: When I Have A Pack, Things Will Change
Summary: "Well it is a grocery store, Scott," he said without looking up from the package of steak in his hand. John had been having a difficult time at work with all those pesky disappearances and Peter thought the man deserved a treat. He had to weigh that against the knowledge that Stiles would be upset, however, which had him debating if he shouldn't grab the 'extra lean' cut instead of going with the regular kind of lean. "Even us deviously evil masterminds must eat and the takeout in this town is deplorable."Peter heard a subsonic growl leave McCall's throat and let himself smirk with satisfaction. Frustrating the so-called Alpha was different than pissing him off, surely...
A Match Made In Hell Series
Author: JPA
Part 1: Marked
Summary: Stiles is eleven when he gets the courage to look into the mirror and see what his soulmate mark reads.
Part 2: I Wish
Summary: Peter had been born without a soulmark.
Part 3: Revelations
Summary: “Ah, Stiles,” Peter says, eyes gleaming. “It’s so nice to see you again.”
Author: Ragga
Summary: So Stiles may be having a bad day. Or a week. Or a semester. But he knows he just needs to blow off some steam and then he will be better than ever. And accosting a random guy and blurting out his entire life story? That sounds like the perfect idea!And as it turned out, it was. OR Stiles rants a lot and then Peter feeds him. And soulmates.
Merry Christmas, Dude!
Author: lostwithoutmyanchor (mysourwolf)
Summary: The beat was pressing down on Stiles in a pleasant way, pushing out some of the worry and tension. It was the last week before finals and Stiles just couldn’t take it anymore. He’d been studying non-stop for three weeks and had felt like his head would explode. Even the promise of going home to spend Christmas with his family was barely holding him up. Also with it being his last year of college and completely packed, he hadn’t had time to get laid at all. Which was totally unacceptable. OR, the one where Stiles has mind-blowing sex with a hot stranger.
Cookies & Mates
Author: withinmelove
Summary: Stiles doesn't expect to enjoy pretending to be Peter's mate. Surprises are in store for him.
Shifter Criminal Investigative Service Series
Author: Heather_Night
Part 1: Vanilla
Summary: Cutie startled violently, crying out, and Peter’s wolf demanded he take care of the creature.The vanilla scent meant being in close proximity wasn’t a hardship so Peter lifted the lightly squirming body into his arms and shushed him.Thank the moon neither his nephew nor niece could see him now as he was pretty certain this qualified as cuddling.Peter did not cuddle. Ever.
Part 2: En Garde
Summary: Usually it was the third date when things went to hell for Stiles. Maybe he tried too hard or maybe he just wasn’t that likeable but usually after meeting up one-on-one for the third time the person he was interested in either gave him the ‘let’s be friends’ speech or they lost his number.This time felt different but Stiles tried to tamp down on his soaring hopes. Peter was an off-the-scales out-of-his-league level of hot, and he was also smart, accomplished and older. What did he see in a spaz like Stiles?
Part 3: Transformation
Summary: Now was not the time to lose his focus as the Shifter Criminal Investigative Service was in the midst of a big investigation regarding a new series of seemingly connected homicides. Unfortunately his wolf, and his human side for that matter, wanted to see Stiles and make sure the younger man was okay.
Part 4: Unfettered
Summary: “It’s what? You obviously don’t want me in Beacon Hills. Is it that you think your dad will disapprove of me because of our age difference, your alpha will disapprove of me because I’m not good enough, you don’t want to be seen with a werewolf or what exactly is the issue here?” Peter’s tone was as bland as the expression on his face. The more upset Peter became, the more dispassionate he appeared.Not good. It was time for damage control. Check that; it was time for the truth. Stiles gathered his courage. “I don’t want you to see me the way everyone in Beacon Hills does. There, are you happy?”
Black Fire
Author: Green
Summary: Deaton is all about the balance of the universe, about order. Stiles's new magic - gifted to him from the Nogitsune - is the complete opposite of that. Deaton calls Stiles's magic "dark" and seeks to imprison him in Eichen where he's no threat to the balance. Peter and Stiles go on the run - but they can't run forever.
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Escalate The Problem
Author: Julibean19
Summary: “I didn’t tell you because I knew what you were going to say,” Stiles hedges, shrugging his shoulders.“And what am I going to say?” John challenges, raising his eyebrows.“That he’s too old for me and you hate him.”Peter pushes the screen door open with one hand, the other balancing a perfectly browned quiche. He’s dressed in a dark blue cashmere sweater and grey slacks. To Stiles, he looks like a dream. To his father, he’s sure to look like his worst nightmare.“He’s too old for you and I hate him,” John says immediately.
Ink And Unanswered Questions
Author: Callidostreet
Summary: Talia was always covered in marks from her soulmate: reminders to feed the dog, interesting words-of-the-day, random stick doodles. They didn't meet face-to-face until middle school, but they'd known each other inside out long before then. When Peter is old enough to understand what the word 'soulmates' entails, he can't wait until he finds his."Are you there?" Is the first thing Peter writes on his body, his excitement is practically tangible.He won't get a reply for another 10 years.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil (Doesn't Mean There Is No Evil)
Author: syriala
Summary: Stiles knew that something was wrong. He had a very perceptive eye for evil and things that were going wrong and something in his life was going very wrong. But when neither Scott nor Derek believed him it was up to Peter to keep Stiles safe.
Could Frame Thy Mortal
Author: orphan_account
Summary: "It’s normal. Spending every waking second watching Hale is normal. In many ways, Hale is his whole universe: tracking his movements, waiting for what he does next, wondering what he’s thinking. The only outside stimulation he gets otherwise is the shower visits, and even then it’s only when Chris is the one taking him that he gets any engagement. Stiles knows Hale like he knows the water pipe. The sixty two bars that line the side of their cage. Like the minute of cold water that hits Stiles’ skin before the heat finally comes in the shower block. "Held in an Argent facility, never knowing who he can trust, Stiles pays for his survival with the only currency he has.
more fics: part 4
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michameinmicha · 7 years
if u want to do all the sp asks...? i'd like to read that honestly ._. hope this ain't weird...
noooo thats not weird thats super sweet thanks anon
30 South Park Asks(this got really long somehow so i put a cut here)
1. Favorite main character and why they’re your favorite?
Kenny McCormick and because he’s the best.(i think he’s super cute but also kinda disgusting and also funny and also loyal and loving and multi-faceted and i just love him okay)
2. Least favorite main character and why they’re your least favorite?
uh this is kind hard? depends i guessi don’t like Cartman for example but i think he’s an interesting character…?maybe Randy Marsh? i don’t like him and i don’t like his Stories in the show usually… ahhhh idk this is a hard question…..
3. Favorite side character and why?
ohhhh i love Karen so muchh she’s not really that much of an interesting Character on her own but i love her relationship with Kenny obviouslyplus i love most of the fourth graders and the goth kids omgthat’s all i can think of rightnow
4. Least favorite side character and why?
i don’t like most of the grown ups they’re boring and annoyingand they sometimes steal the spotlight (especially in new seasons) that i think should be more about the kids but w/e
5. List as many of the South Park kids as you can in order from fave to least fave!
oh god uhhhhhhKenny, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Wendy, Ike, Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, Bebe, Nicole, David, Karen, Token, Heidi, Cartmanuhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm is that enough? i feel like my brain doesn’t work right today sry…
6. Any characters you feel you can relate to?
Obviously Kenny, couldn’t tell u why thoStan especially the assburgers episodesKyle every time he gets angrysame with Wendy
7. Favorite adult and why?
oh man…. Sheila Broslovski…?she’s annoying but also pretty badass
8. Least favorite adult and why?
pretty much all of themmr garrison is bad pc principal is bad randy marsh is bad i cant even remember that many spontaneously but i dont like most of them so…
9. Any characters that you think deserve more spotlight?
KENNY most of the girlsCraigs gangthe goth kids are always super enterntainingu get my drift
10. Any dead/one-time characters that you want back?
loved damien he was greatalso le mole
11. Are you someone who has a lot of headcanons for SP characters?
i have headcannons for my faves (especially kenny ahhhhhhhhhh)i think i have a lot of ideas for most of the kids but idk how accurate they are so i mostly just kinda keep them to myself i guess
12. Tell me a headcanon that you have for [character name]!
theres no character name here so u get one for kenny (Hah! who wouldve guessed): i imagine he’d have pretty crooked teeth but his parents can’t afford braces for him and he’s kinda envious of stan and kyle who both get braces in their teens (i imagine cartman has annoyingly perfect teeth and kyle hates him for it) and he thinks they look really cute and wishes he could have them too. when he’s older he saves up for a while and get himself these invisiline thingies and he likes them even though they’re not as cute as normal braces
this kinda got outta hand i’m sorry
13. Favorite ship? Tell us why!
Stenny (also like k2) (and stylenny)i honestly dunno why i guess kenny’s just my fave and stan’s my second fave and also i just think they would have such a sweet friendship to lovers thing and i love them dearly ok
14. Least favorite ship? Tell us why! (But don’t tag it; that’s rude!)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwell since literally everything gets shipped by someone i feel the need to say kid/adult, non-con and incest (fucking obviously)i don’t really like cartman in any relationship because i dont really like cartman(i’m not very interested in style although it can be very sweet don’t get me wrong i wouldnt put it as my least favourite i just think it’s a little overrated)i just generally could get into most ships if its well written and the other way around i guess…?
15. List as many SP ships as you can think of in order of fave to least fave!Stenny, K2, styenny, creek, Style, stylendy, bunny, crenny, staig, stendy, cryle, kenman(?), kyman
(can’t think of more spontaneously)
16. Favorite episode and why?
i love the super hero ones and the lord of the rings-y ones and also episodes that are about kennyalso the ones about the kids are usually good i just like them to go on adventures and have fun ok
17. Least favorite episode and why?
episodes about the grown ups i feel like i’m repeating myself here but yeah they’re boring and annoyingironically enough i don’t like most of the topical, political episodes too much
18. Describe an episode you’d like to see happen someday!
i think i saw this described by someone once and it kinda stuck with mean episode where kenny’s family get super rich for some reason (and probably loses all their money again by the end of the episode since this is still south park) i just think that’d be interesting and also a good setup for some much needed character development 
19. To you, what’s the most meaningful moment in the show?
i have no idea how to answer this honestly?
20. To you, what’s the most disgusting/worst moment in the show?
oh god are you kidding me? the whole show is disgusting…
21. Do you enjoy episodes that have a focus on the parents/adults?
ummmmmm i think there are some that i liked…? 
22. Do you enjoy when episodes/seasons have an overarching plot?
oh dudey that’s a question to write a book on…i think it could be good but they’re not very good at it yet…?maybe in a few seasons… there’s potential definitely but i’ts kinda hard to answer because the old seasons dont have an overarching plot but to me are way better than the newer ones which haveif that makes any sense…?about episodes i loved the two parters of the lord of the rings thingy so yeah…?
23. What’s the first episode you ever watched?i’m not sure but the first one i remember watching on german mtv in the middle of the night once was the wikileaks lemmiwings one (with the hamster trying to destroy that gossip site (god i’m bad at describe stuff today)) then i saw the assburgers ones in the netherlands on tv before i actively watched all seasons starting with the first
24. What’s your favorite South Park song?
la resistance!!!!!minorities at my waterpark is a sweet one too tho
oh god and the lets make bullying kill itself is so gooood too yes!
25. How and why did you get into South Park?
because of fanart i saw and i wanted to get to know the charactersi bingewatched it all like two years ago (?) in the summer holidaysbefore that i had only come across it on tv in german only and i really don’t like the dubbed version but when i saw it in the netherlands in english with subs i realised it’s way funnier in the original so i started watching it
26. Have you ever felt weird for liking South Park?
kinda when i try to explain why i love the characters to friends who haven’t really seen the show (or who have seen it and thought it was bad) but generally i dont hang out with people who make me feel weird for liking the things i like so its not really a problem
27. Have you watched every single episode?
i think i didnt see some of the latest season
28. Have you played any South Park games? Which ones?
i really wanted and still want to get the stick of truth but its kinda hard to get the uncut version here so i haven’t
29. How well would you say you know South Park trivia?
not very; i’m so bad at remembering stuff
30. Tell us a SP fact; any one will do!
there’s very little cannon facts about how the kids are gonna grow up and pretty much a lot about them and their appearance and stuff at all and you can literally imagine them in any way you want and i think that’s beautiful
i’m sorry this got kinda confusing and repetitive and vague (my brain didn’t cooperate with me as much as i wouldve expected)but thank you for asking me it was fun still 
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