#its so fricking interesting it makes me want to screech
We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.
--- 1984, by George Orwell.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 26: Aim - Would You Like Some Bullets With That, Sir?
Vlad would absolutely have a few people who want him extra dead and maybe one or two actually willing to try. Too bad that doesn’t really work when the guy’s already half-dead. In fact, it does pretty well nothing other than provide mild amusement. Danny gets more of a kick out of it than the billionaire does though.
Danny and Vlad were having a decent walk and talk, a decent bonding experience. Surprising, he knows. But one of the key words there was ‘were’, because of course him and Vlad can’t be getting along without pissing off the universe.
Danny had been pointing the straw of his green tea matcha Frappuccino, with more than a couple espresso shots mixed in, at Vlad; trying to explain the nuances of food-related puns, because if he’s going to influence one thing it’s going to be Vlad’s tendency to use foods as swears. Vlad wasn’t exactly being receptive but hey, neither was Danny on the whole ‘etiquette’ lessons the man was trying to give him. But all that got interrupted when a big ass stereotypical white van pulled up with a screech and the doors slide open to a dude with a fucking machine gun. Well fine, handheld Gatling gun is more accurate but sounds a little less cool; besides it’s still technically a machine gun. Which is, in Danny’s opinion, massive fucking overkill. Vlad would be inclined to agree.
Needless to say, they get shot. A lot. Repeatedly. It’s very loud.
All the bystanders around physically pause, stunned a bit stupid that this was happening in Amity of all places not to mention rather desensitised to violence; regardless everyone starts booking it because, y’ know, big ass gun. Vlad actually crouches and moves to cover his head while flashing angry red eyes, he’s dealt with a fair few assassination attempts but in broad daylight? Really? He’ll give them a few points for having the guts. Danny meanwhile, is way too used to getting shot at to even react beyond just standing there at first, before glancing at his cup -which is draining all its contents through the holes onto the road- and grumbling a bit. The gun man stops when Danny bends over and starts laughing though. Even Vlad gives Danny some concerned looks as Danny waves the gun guy off with one hand on his knees, “sorry! It’s- it’s just! Just that! No ones ever-ever shot me! Shot me with a real- real gun!”. Danny sits on the ground and continues laughing while effectively bleeding out of multiple holes as flesh starts moving to slowly repair itself; which clearly the men have noticed and are scared shitless by, as both he and Vlad can feel, see, and smell the fear coming off the truck.
Vlad huffs, stands himself upright and goes about brushing off and inspecting his suit. Huffing again and turning to the van, crossing his arms, “I do believe you owe me a new suit, young man”. Someone inside the vehicle chokes. Danny thinks that’s a pretty reasonable reaction here. But there’s literally zero fucking point of them acting human here, because fuck they were both riddled with bullet holes and their blood was very literally splattered around the ground. Might as well scare these assholes a little.
Hence why Danny sticks a finger in one of the larger holes due to multiple bullets going through the same general area and giggles, “huh, that tickles”, and grins meanly at the driver who looks absolutely disturbed and too far into shock to try driving away yet. Though thinking of it, Vlad might actually try to kill them; tit for tat was absolutely Vlad’s primary go-to in any situation. Hence their arguably insanely prank wars. So Danny stands up and promptly launches himself inside the vehicle, knocking over the man with the bloody machine gun -seriously, how is that not overkill- and landing with his feet on the guys chest. Danny’s pretty sure the guy wet himself. Which, ew, but understandable.
“Okay I’m feeling nice because this is absurdly hilarious and would qualify as some ridiculous ass overkill for normal folks. Kinda pointless against immortals though, dontcha think?”, turning his head to look at Vlad -who’s quirking a single well-groomed eyebrow while his eye goes about repairing itself- through the door, “what do ya think?”.
Vlad walks over calmly and humming, “well I’ll give them points for accuracy, they hardly damaged the surroundings at all. Which I find I can appreciated since that avoids me having to make yet another dip into the damages funds. And I’ll be generous and give another point for dramatics; board daylight, middle of the city, biggest high-powered rapid-fire weapon anyone’s ever aimed at me, the sudden loud noise. Why I’m almost impressed. But I do find the overall end result to be rather lacking”. Vlad kicks one of the front tires hard enough to puncture it while the driver starts scrambling and fumbling to attempt at driving off. The psssssh sound the tire makes actively increases the smell of fear filling the van. Understandable, these guys had effectively just lost their getaway vehicle.
Danny chuckles, “aww, looks like someone’s not going anywhere anytime fast”, Danny grins meanly and flashes his green eyes. The guy passes out. “Ah damn, he passed out”, shrugging, “eh, hopefully he’ll think this was just some bad dream”.
Vlad hums as he climbs in, ecto-beaming another guy in the head to knock him out. Huh, guess Vlad’s really truly genuinely chilled out some in the evil villain department. “Yes that would be preferred, Daniel. I take it Phantom will be delivering these men to the jailhouse after having shielded the mayor and a young boy at the last second”.
Danny snorts as he gets off the gunman and kicks the driver in the head; the guys head bouncing off the steering wheel and obviously knocking him the Hell out. “Obviously. And hey, why not say Phantom healed any injuries to boot. Not like anyone’s sure about the power set of that spooky bastard”, and smirks. Talking about himself like a different person was arguably not necessary right now, no one was around after all, but hey it was kinda funny.
Vlad nods, riffles through the mens’ pockets and pockets all their cash. Which Danny rolls his eyes at, “old bank robber habits die hard?”. Vlad rolls his eyes, “hardly. This is simply to repay me for the damages. This was a nice suit I’ll have you know”. Which Danny rolls his eyes right back at him over while Vlad hops out of the vehicle, looks around, readjusts the remaining scraps of his suit, and saunters off; grabbing a surprisingly intact handkerchief from a definitely not intact pocket and starts dabbing blood off his face, hair, and hands. Danny’s not going to question why the man doesn’t just phase it off or reabsorb it into his body again.
Danny closes the vehicle doors purely to attempt at not transforming directly in open view in the middle of the street. Grabbing up the three guys before pausing and deciding eh why not and telekinetically floating the freaking machine gun onto his back and making that invisible. Flying off through the vehicle's roof.
Danny unceremoniously drops the men on the jailhouse floor, “gotcha a present. They tried to unload, like, a bazillion bullets into the dear ol’ mayor”.
Officer Jay sighs, “we were getting some calls about a shooting? But with regular guns”, motioning a few other cops to drag the guys away.
Danny chuckles and nods, “try machine gun”, the cop almost chokes while Danny continues, “not that that is particularly effective on intangibility”.
The cop looks him over, obviously noticing the healing bullet wounds here and there. Healing however many bullet holes takes time you know! “Obviously you weren’t quite fast enough”.
Danny shrugs, “eh, blowing a bunch of holes in a ghost doesn’t really do much other than make a mess. Mayors cool though”.
“That’s... good”, Jay shakes his head, “well, we’ll take care of these guys and I doubt they legally had a machine gun. You didn’t just leave that out in the street did you?”. Danny waves the guy off nonchalantly, “Fenton was there too, took it as his plundered booty”, he makes a point to make that last bit sound pirate-like. The cop sighs and rubs his temples, “so there’s a seventeen-year-old running around with a machine gun”.
“Yup”, absolutely popping the ‘p’.
Danny easily hears the guy mutter, “somedays I would really like to quit”, before looking back to him, “well that family has every weapon license known to man, so I’m not even going to bother. Have a good day and a fulfilling afterlife”. Danny salutes with a cheeky grin before phasing up through the roof.
Sam and Tucker don’t so much as blink from Danny suddenly appearing from around a corner and barging in-between the two of them, “hey guys, some guys left me a little present”
Both give a mildly interested and slightly worried, “oh?”. Which is fair, Danny has described getting a taser stuck in his leg as ‘a present’ before.
He grins a bit psychotically, makes the gun visible, and whips it around to be holding it in his hands, “a machine gun!”.
Sam slows her pace slightly, just enough to no longer have a freaking mini-gun pointed at her stomach, ��that’s nice Danny”. While Tucker looks much more excited, “Holy frick that’s awesome. Where’d that come from though?”.
Sam sighs, “or more specifically how and why. Ghosts don’t exactly use human weapons and ‘some guys’ is vague as shit”.
Danny chuckles, because that who ordeal was still stupid funny. “Curtsy of one poorly informed assignation attempt in dear ol’ uncie Vlad”.
Tucker blinks, “wait, someone actually tried to assassinate him”, then pauses, “wait no, of course someone tried to assassinate Vlad. He’s Vlad”. Making all three chuckle while Danny fiddles with the massive ass barrel.
All three grin viciously when they spot Dash and co. across the street. Danny deciding to yell, “hey Dash!”, and easily tilting the machine gun up due to, y’ know, super strength, and fires off a bunch of bullets into the air; extending his intangibility to the bullets of course so that they don’t actually hit anything and forming some ectoplasm ‘round his friends' ears so he doesn’t, like, blow out their eardrums or some shit.
Dash stares at him a little bug-eyed before scowling, sticking his arms out to the side, and shouting back, “I haven’t bullied you in a year! Why you still giving me vague ass death threats!”.
Danny cackles, aims the gun to shoot the sign over the assholes head, and riddles it with bullets, “it’s payback bitch!”. Sure Danny would never have done that if he wasn’t absolutely certain his aim was so fucking flawless that there was zero chance of him hitting anything other than what exactly he wanted to. And sure, maybe he swirled some invisible ectoplasm around the bullet trajectory too but no one needs to know that. Dash predictably staggers back, flips him off, and books it down the road.
Danny lowers the gun with a chuckle, “that was fun. So worth getting shot a few times”. Sam blinks at him and looks more than a little not impressed, “you actually got shot, Danny”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “what, in any world, would make you think I didn’t get shot”. Sam just huffs, obviously having no argument for that. Because yeah, Danny always got shot or stabbed or electrocuted or set on fire or a lot of other things.
Tucker shakes his head, “and yet you look totally fine”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “Tuck, what can a regular ol’ bullet do to me”. That gets both his friends to blink and give him disbelieving, “wait, they weren’t even ecto-bullets”. Tucker shaking his head with a laugh at Danny’s nod, “wow, whoever really did, like, zero research”.
“I know right. We scared them real good though”.
Tucker laughs a bit more, “never before have I actually wished to be at a shooting”, shrugging, “first for everything”.
“Amen to that”, Danny emphasises that statement by smacking the gun.
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Power Rangers AU
A Sanders Sides fanfiction.
Relationships: romantic Logicality, Demus, Prinxiety, Remile
Warnings: swearing(mainly Remus and Virgil), poorly written fight scenes/minor violence, stupid pining, kissing/making-out/PDA(no smut cause I can’t write that. . . sorry), sympathetic Deceit and Remus, food mentions, more warnings/warning details will be at the tops of chapters
Credit for this AU goes to @when-day-met-the-knight (specifically this post).
This fic has been under review for a long time and I hope you all like it. More chapters to follow!
2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38
Chapter 1-Red and Green
Roman wasn't the biggest fan of fifth hour. Sure, school would be out soon and he wouldn't have to deal with the disgrace of a teacher his peers had nicknamed 'Ms. Demon', but that simply wasn't good enough. An hour in her class felt like months to Roman and his B- reflected that perfectly. Roman felt the world grind to a halt and begin a sluggish jog the second that fifth hour bell rang and there was no way of getting out of it. The only upsides to the class were his passing grade and the ability to listen to music without his teacher realizing. Most of the time Roman found himself discretely nodding his head to a spotify broadway playlist and doodling aimlessly, wishing to whoever could read his thoughts, that something interesting would happen.
On this particularly sunny day, his prayers would receive an answer. 
'Ms. Demon' was twenty minutes into her monotone explination of another pre-calc unit, when the alarm system went off. Roman along with thirty other sleep-deprived teenagers jumped and looked around panicked. If he remembered correctly, this alarm meant they were under attack yet again.
Fricking Dragon Witch always interrupting me while I’m listening to The Prom, Roman thought, begrudgingly taking out his earbuds.
The P.A. system crackled to life and everyone turned to face the speakers. 
"Students, remain calm, this is not a drill, we are under attack." The voice of the vice-principal stated, clearly shaken. "Your instructions are as follows, leave your belongings where you are and stay in your classrooms. I repeat, stay calm and stay in you-"
The power cut off. People began quietly standing up and searching for their phones. A few students even began a hesitant walk to the door. Roman felt his heart beat and breathing quicken as a girl in his class opened the door and examined the hall, no other students had dared to walk the hallways. It was eerily quiet in the school as the hairs on Roman's arms and neck stood up. Suddenly a scream down the hall echoed to everyone's horror, followed by the collapsing of a wall and thunderous yells of fear and anguish. A wave of students began racing down the hall. Screaming and crying filled Roman's ears. Roman jumped up, he shoved his phone and ear buds in his pocket and hopped over desks to get out of the door. He looked down the hall to see a part of the building completely in rubble and more students running for cover. He began following the crowd, helping fallen students and frantically searching for his brother. 
Remus has world economics this hour I think. Run, run, turn left, run, on your right. Find Remus, find Remus. Roman began chanting instructions to himself. He reached Remus' classroom and looked inside to find it empty. Hoping that his twin had run for cover with the others, Roman ran to leave the school. He continued calling Remus's name and ran himself winded, letting the crowd pull him along. Remus was nowhere to be found. Roman’s twin was strangely tall and wore obnoxious clothing, so he should be easy to spot, but as hard as Roman tried, he couldn’t see him. 
Roman stopped where he was, a mistake as he soon learned after getting run into by several other students. He knew his brother would have grabbed his phone, so Roman pulled up Snapchat and checked the map to see if Remus was there. He found the icon and saw that Remus was quickly leaving the McDonald's across the street. 
"Remus I swear." Roman grumbled and continued his run. 
He made it out of the school and was immediately bombarded by the sound of the fight behind him. Roman wasted no time racing to find Remus. 
"Remus! Remus! Where are you?! For godsake Remus! I will-"
"ROMAN!!!" Remus' screeching was heard above the crowd and Roman ran to him. 
"You were at McDonald's!?!?!" Roman scolded once he had reached Remus. 
"I was skipping alright! You try sitting in that class for an hour everyday!" Remus retaliated. 
"I do sit in that class for an hour everyday Remus!" Roman yelled back. Remus looked like he was going to give a snarky retort, but suddenly he grabbed Roman's shirt and pulled the both of them to the right. Roman stumbled around and looked to where he had previously been standing, to see that Remus had pulled him away from falling debris just in time. He shook off Remus's hand and the two began sprinting for cover behind the nearest building.  
The twins leaned against it, catching their breaths. Roman ran his hands along his face, wiping off sweat and dust. He decided to sneak a look at the battle from where he was and peeked around the brick building. There the Black Ranger was wielding his axe and attacking the Dragon Witches's minions. He sliced through several of them and proceeded to dash through another horde of them, cutting each one down. Roman watched, mesmerized, barely noticing Remus move beside him to watch the battle unfold. The aliens appeared to have stopped arriving and the Black Ranger made quick work of the remaining ones. The battle looked almost won. 
Then Roman saw it. A hurling ball of purple fire rappidly falling from the sky. The Black Ranger didn't seem to have noticed it and Roman began to fear he wouldn't have time as it continued its descent. Suddenly he felt his body get the best of him and Roman jumped out from his hiding place. 
"BLACK RANGER, ABOVE YOU!!!!" Roman shouted. 
"What the hell are you-" Remus tried to pull him back, but looked over to see the Black Ranger narrowly dodge out of the way of the purple fire. 
More fire began raining from the sky directed at the Black Ranger who managed to dodge it the best he could. 
"Can you just stop moving!" A voice suddenly yelled out.  
A humanoid figure dropped from the sky and looked at the Black Ranger, more annoyed than angry, certainly a change from the typical attacker. The villain’s black and purple armor spiked up and circled their body. Six purple eyes glowed bright under the shadow cast by their hair and pointed crown. Considering the other cartoonish monsters the Black Ranger has fought, this one was pretty minimalistic.
"Sorry, but I don't exactly plan on dying any time soon." The Black Ranger stated. "You on the other hand-"
"Yes, yes, justice will be served, peace will be restored, blah blah, trust me buddy, no one wants me dead more than I do m’kay." The villain crossed their arms and shook their head. "But look, my mom is pissed and if I die she's just gonna bring me back and have me fight you all over again. So do us both a favor and let me capture you." 
"Not a chance!" 
"Ugh." The villain threw their head back and whined. "Why can't this ever be easy."
"Being evil will never be easy as long as heroes are around to stop you!" 
"I. Get. It." The villain puncutated each word with a clap. “Look, just turn yourself in and let's get this over with."
"I'll never surrender to you!" 
"Great." The villain groaned again before disappearing and reappearing behind the Black Ranger. 
The Ranger turned around and blocked the purple fire that was blasted at him. He continued dodging each fireball thrown. The fight continued as the villain lobbed purple fire and the Black Ranger battled on the defensive, clearly trying to minimize futher damage. Then, an opening appeared and the Ranger charged, shoving his axe at the villain who dodged and blasted him with fire on the back. The Ranger fell to the ground in pain and accidentally dropped the axe as he rolled. He began crawling to his weapon as the villain approached. 
“Remus! We gotta help!” Roman whisper-yelled at his brother.
“Why?!” Remus exclaimed. 
“C’mon just grab something!” Roman told him. 
Remus and Roman quietly snuck out of their hiding place and each grabbed the closest heavy object. Roman found a street sign that had been uprooted while Remus grabbed the nearest trash can. The two snuck closer to the villain and Ranger as fast as they could. 
"I'm not gonna do any of that 'any last words?' stuff.” They said, looming over the Black Ranger, fire swirling around their hand as it pointed at his chest. “We both know I'm not gonna kill you so-"
That was when Remus full-force chucked the trash can at the back of the Villain. They stumbled and flailed a little before regaining composure and turning to face the brothers.
"Ow, what the-dude!" They rubbed the back of their neck. 
Roman chose that moment to swing the sign at the at the villain who teleported away.
"You have no clue what your doing now, do ya?" The villain asked from behind the two condescendingly. 
Suddenly, the Black Ranger's axe was thrown into the villain's side. They winced and looked down at the wound. Roman saw as purple blood began seeping out of their newest gash.
"Dammit." The villain said flatly before disappearing, the axe dropping to the ground.
Roman and Remus looked around for them fervently.
"Don't worry, he's not coming back." The Ranger told them, in clear pain. 
"He isn't?" Roman asked. 
"No, but he'll be sending more minions to attack us. You two need to run." The Ranger told them. 
"No way! You're hurt!" Roman protested. 
"How did you get hurt anyway, doesn't that suit make you basically indistrucable?" Remus raised his eyebrows.
"To some weaker attacks yes, but a full strength blast from Prince Virgilius is gonna hurt bad." The Ranger winced. 
"I didn't understand anyting you just told me." Remus stated matter-of-factly.
"That's because you have an I.Q. of negative twenty." Roman sneered.
"Says the one who almost failed seventh grade social studies." Remus retorted.  
"Geography is a hack and you know it!" Roman huffed.
Remus looked ready to say something in return, but was cut-off when hordes of minions began spilling into the Earth through a breach in dimension. 
"Like I said, minions." The Black Ranger sighed. "Run."
Roman raced beside the Ranger and put his left arm over Roman's shoulders. He began helping the Ranger along and the three began trying to get away from the swarms of minions, but were caught up to quickly.
"Roman, you need to leave me so I can fend them off. You and Remus have to run." The Black Ranger told them.
"No, you need help Sir, we can't let you-" Roman started.
"How does he know my name?" Remus asked no one in perticular.
"-protect us when you’re injured and I know you’re the Black Ranger, but you can’t fight all of them off alone!” Roman finished.
“Please listen!” The Ranger interrupted the both of them. “We don’t have much time before we’re completely surrounded, so you two better start running!”
“We are not leaving you!”
“You don’t decide who I can and cannot leave behind Roman!” Remus screeched.
“Will you shut up!” Roman stopped him. “I’m sorry, but like I said, Power Ranger or not, you shouldn’t be fighting alone like this. So, Remus, grab the nearest stabby-thing and let’s help him defend Earth from aliens.”
It was quiet for a bit. The Ranger didn’t seem to want to argue any longer and was more focused on the massive amount of aliens running toward the three. Remus laced his fingers together in front of his face like he was praying and looked at Roman.
“Ro Ro-“
“Please don’t call me that.”
“You had me at ‘stabby-thing’.” Remus sighed before turning away and beginning his search for said 'stabby-thing'.
Roman did the same, quickly scrambling over to pick up the sign he had used earlier. Roman stood next to the Ranger and smiled at him. Preparing himself for the battle before him. Then the minions were on them.
One after another the monsters attacked Roman and the Ranger. Roman slapping one with the sign and forcefully jabbed at the others. He swung the sign around and tried to knock out as many as possible. He wasn’t as effective as the Ranger, who though he was hurt, had an actual weapon that could hurt the minions. 
Roman realized his brother was no longer in his line of sight and accidentally let his guard down. Remus, stop going where I can’t see you- Roman’s thoughts were interrupted as one of the aliens grabbed him and held him down. Roman struggled against the grip and tried to pull himself free, but to no avail. 
Then, something happened. Roman wished he had been able to fully see what was actually going on, but all he really understood was; a red glowing object had come from nowhere and wrapped itself around Roman’s right wrist. 
“Roman!” The Black Ranger called from a ways away. “Listen to me!”
“Okay!” Roman yelled back, trying to get a better look at what had just attached itself to his wrist, but the minion just tightened its grip.
“I need you to say, ‘Red Ranger, activate!’." The Black Ranger told him, trying to keep his voice steady as he fended off the monsters.
"What!?!" Roman squeaked.
"Say it! Trust me!!" The Ranger called.
"Red Ranger!! Activate!!!" Roman yelled. 
Then his world dissolved. Everything was gone, no monsters, no Ranger, no Remus, nothing. Just a blank area. Roman looked around, it was silent except for his own shuffling as Roman stood up. Roman looked toward his hand, finding a red bracelet that had wrapped around his right wrist, seeping red light. The light spread, covering Roman's body. It began to solidify into armor. Roman closed his eyes to protect himself from the brightness, only to open them and find his head in a helmet. He stared at his body, now covered in a suit similar to that of the Black Ranger. In front of him a red glowing blob began taking form. Roman stared, bewildered, as the red light formed a sword, the blade jagged and intricately designed, the hilt pointed toward Roman, as if imploring him to take hold of it. Roman complied, gripping the sword tight, and closing his eyes once again as he was fully enveloped in red light. 
Roman opened his eyes and found himself standing in a small clearing of monsters. The minions staring at him an awe. Roman felt a grin stretch across his face as he brought the sword back a little and thrust it forward into one of the monsters. It collapsed into dust and Roman continued. The monsters fell out of their daze and Roman made his way to the Black Ranger helping him cut each of the aliens down. 
A long ways away, Remus was running like a mad man trying to escape the aliens who had followed him. He cursed them and their bloodline, soon finding his breath shortnening. He cursed his dramatic brother one last time before collapsing on the ground. He took in several deep breaths and tried to get up, only to have his vision turn blurry and his head spin. The boy fell back down again, waiting for the aliens to come and eat him alive. However, before he could meet his demise, Remus felt a sharp pressure apply itself to his left wrist. A cool metal object had encircled around him and Remus could feel it pulse a little. He tried to look at it but was once again met with a dizzy, sickening feeling. 
Then, his world was white. 
Roman saw from the other side of the block as a green flash exploded from the ground. Before he could ask the Black Ranger what that was about, he was attacked by another swarm of aliens. Which he made quick work of. The ground became littered in dust and it looked like the aliens were losing their high numbered advantage.
“Roman!” Remus’ voice cut across the courtyard.
“What?!” Roman shouted back snappily.
Roman turned to his brother’s voice and saw a suit much like his own and the Black Ranger’s, but green. Remus barreled toward the two swinging a spiky mace in his hands. He turned several of the minions to nothing and met Roman and the Black Ranger in the middle of it all.
Soon, each alien had been destroyed and the three stood among dust. 
“This is amazing.” Remus breathed swiftly. He swung the mace around playfully.
“This is insane.” Roman nodded aggressively. Catching his breath forthe first time in a while. “Are-are we Rangers now?”
“Welcome to the team.” The Black Ranger laughed weakly. He grabbed his side yet again and looked at the twins. “You two need to come with me.” 
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werkwerkelizaaa · 5 years
Empire, part 1
Words: 4182 in its entirety.
Not even fifteen and she was already the king of Brooklyn. Spot played by the rules, but she did it her own way.
If you're a man and you get angry and violent, you're tough and no one except the very brave or the very foolish dares messing with you. If you're a woman, you're emotional and can't control yourself.
Even growing up, when people would talk about what a fine young lady Spot's younger sister was becoming, they always seemed at a loss for words when they looked at her.
Spot had never considered herself better or different than the other girls.
She could see the resigned sadness behind her friends' eyes whenever they tried to act excited about getting married to someone they'd never met for the betterment of their family name, as was their duty. She noticed the way they looked wistfully at the horizon, imagining what it would be like to just let go and give in to the suppressed urge of running, running to nowhere as fast as they could until they were out of breath, skirts torn to shreds and hair wild and free.
The world was changing, but not nearly fast enough.
The only difference between them? Spot did something about it. She asked herself almost daily if it was worth it.
Most times she told herself yes, but there were others where she wondered if the life she left behind really was as terrible as she had made it out to be. Still, she made her decision long ago, and she was going to stick with it if it killed her.
She wasn't stupid, she knew class differences were as much as, if not more, a factor in how people were treated, and she wasn't going to be able to do much social climbing the way she was made.
Maybe 'society' would never accept Spot for who she was, but she never resented them for it. She had bigger problems to worry about.
One of them in the form of a human disaster with golden curls and piercing blue eyes.
Spot had beat herself up for letting it slip for days afterwards. Really, by his reaction she almost thought he hadn't noticed. Of course, she wasn't that lucky.
Race had skedaddled into their territory, as he was in the habit of doing at the most inconvenient times. "Tell me I'm pretty."
Spot rolled her eyes and didn't bother looking up from what she was doing. "You're pretty fricking annoying, Higgins."
Race shrugged and leaned against the wall. "You know what? I'll take it. Hey, what do you call a fake noodle?"
He didn't give Spot a chance to answer before gleefully delivering the punchline. "An impasta!"
Spot gave him a blank stare.
Race rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks flushed. "Albert thought it was funny."
Spot shook her head. "I'm sure he did."
She huffed and turned to face Race head-on. "Don't you have some girl to go bother?
Race smirked, removing the cigar from his lips and pointing it at her. "Hey, you don't know which way I swing! Maybe I'd rather spend time with you."
Spot crossed her arms. "Well, that's ironic, 'cause—" She scowled, but the damage had already been done.
The only sign that Race had even heard her was the way his eyes widened slightly in realization, frozen on the spot.
Spot squared her shoulders and resisted the very tempting urge to start slamming her head against the brick wall, putting her out of her misery.
Race shifted his weight, sizing her up. "I'm assuming you still want me to refer to you with masculine pronouns?"
Spot took a step forward, eyes narrowed. "What are you trying to pull—"
Race put a hand up to stop her. "Hey, I get it. We do what it takes to survive."
Spot exhaled slowly, nails digging into the flesh of her arms. "You're not gonna tell anyone, right?"
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Depends on my mood. Later, potater!" He pointed at her with his index fingers and stuck his thumbs up simultaneously, then turned and skipped away.
Spot groaned and collapsed onto a crate, head in her hands.
Her only saving grace was the hope that if Race let anything slip, accidentally or otherwise, the rest of the Manhattan pretty paperboys would just take it as another one of his weird jokes.
Spot didn't know what kind of angle Race was playing at, but she stayed on guard, even more than usual. There's no telling what would happen if he opened his big mouth.
She wasn't even sure if she could count on her own to back her up. In all probability, they'd throw her out and support a new leader.
If not for being a girl in and of itself, then for keeping it from them all this time.
Race ran down the docks, screeching "Semi-Conlon!" at the top of his lungs.
Spot pulled herself out of the water and rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Higgins?"
Race plopped down, smiling from ear to ear. "I want attention."
Spot resisted the urge to smack him across the face right then and there. That would instigate a slap fight, and the King of Brooklyn did not engage in slap fights.
"Is that all?"
Race reached over and squeezed her shoulder quickly before folding his hands in his lap. "Yeah."
Luckily, what would've been an awkward silence was interrupted by Graves shouting and running after something that rolled by too fast for Spot to identify, Hot Shot not far behind him.
"After that cart!"
Graves skidded to a stop and waved excitedly, grinning. "Hi, Spot!"
Hot Shot groaned and grabbed the back of Graves's undershirt as he ran past, dragging him along.
Graves kept waving even as he was being pulled.
"Bye, Spot!"
Race looked past her shoulder, gazing into the water below. "What were you doing down there, anyway? Hunting for ersters?"
Spot blinked. She was used to Race saying dumb things, but was a whole 'nother level of idiocy entirely. "For... for what now?"
Race gestured around with his hands. "Ersters. The fancy clams with the poirls inside—"
Spot dragged a hand down her face in exasperation. "Freaking oysters, Higgins? Really?"
Race let out some sort of sound to indicate he was offended by that. "Well–"
Spot shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. "Gotta deal with the heat somehow."
Race nodded slowly. "I can't swim, so that's not really an option for me."
"You can't swim?" Spot grinned mischievously and grabbed his hand.
"Well, there's no time like the present to learn!"
Race blinked dumbly. "Th wha?"
Spot took a deep breath and let out a loud whoop as she jumped off the dock, taking Race with her.
The gears in Race's head clicked just in time for him to open his mouth to scream right as his head hit the water.
Spot surfaced and treaded water, watching Race flail about with an amused smile on her face.
Race was keeping his head above the water well enough, but he wasn't using his energy efficiently, tiring himself out more than anything else.
"This is it, Dottie. This is how I die. Tell—"
Spot resisted the urge to facepalm and did her best to be patient. "Use your legs."
"I'm trying, but mine were made for showing off, not swimming!" He wailed pathetically.
Spot sighed and pushed against the ground with her feet, water coming up to about her shoulders. "No, I mean it's shallow for both of us to stand here."
Race stood up, face beet red from equal parts embarrassment and exhaustion. "This is cruel and unusual punishment."
Spot was cautiously relieved Race hadn't said anything already, but maybe he was just biding his time until it would be most entertaining for him.
Unfortunately for her, as the days went by she found it harder and harder to not like him.
How could she not, with his stupid fluffy hair that resembled finely spun gold in the twilight, and his stupid shiny eyes that held the intensity of the entire sky, and his stupid laugh that could light up the whole state of New York.
Normally they played cards on the Brooklyn Bridge in near silence, using as few words as possible.
Spot had been fiddling with the hem of her sleeveless shirt and arguing with herself before finally deciding on just going for it.
"What do you think is out there? You know, across the horizon."
Race looked out at the water. "Albert says his family comes from somewhere called Middle Oireland or Middle Zealind or something like that. They grow a lot of potatoes and have red hair."
Spot tucked her cards into her shirt so Race wouldn't be able to take a peek and watched the waves dance. "Someday I wanna sail across the sea."
Race grinned and did the pointing/thumbs-up at her again. "To sea what you can sea?"
Spot rolled her eyes at him. "I'm gonna travel the world once I'm gray and old, play matchmaker for the young'uns on the boat and come back here when I'm done."
Race shook his head. "That's if you survive the sea monsters."
Spot took her cards back out and grinned. "Please. Monsters have butts, and butts can be kicked."
Race ran a hand through his hair as he examined his cards. "Interesting philosophy."
Spot tucked her foot underneath herself. "It's worked for me so far."
"Hey, if you do end up slaying a sea monster, you better bring back the corpse."
Spot sighed and shuffled her hand. "Sure. How do you explain your absence?"
Race looked up, startled. "They all think I'm hooking up with you and know better than to ask me for details, because I wouldn't hold back. Jack gave me a whole 'remember where you came from' speech."
He grimaced and pulled his legs closer to himself, suddenly looking very uncomfortable.
"Then I think he was going to give me some weird version of the talk, but Albert distracted him long enough for me to make my exit."
Spot raised an eyebrow. "You and me? Isn't that a wild thought."
Race snorted, unconsciously mirroring the way her arms were positioned. "Right? Absolutely ridiculous..."
Spot leaned in before she realized she was doing it, quickly forcing herself back once she noticed. "I mean, I have standards."
Race cocked his head at her. "Why you gotta be so cynical? I might surprise you."
Spot threw her cards down and ran a hand through her hair. "Just kiss me, bro."
Race licked his lips and scooted forward on his knees, hands moving to rest on Spot's hips.
Spot threw her arms around his neck and took a deep breath, losing herself in sheer bliss as his mouth met hers.
She didn't realize how much she held her breath around Race until she could finally breathe again. And then he had to open his mouth.
"Heh, gay." He winked at Spot and nudged her with his shoulder.
Spot sighed, leaning her head against his chest. "You're impossible."
Race stuck his tongue out at her. "Even that word says 'I'm possible'."
Spot blinked and looked up at him. "There's no way you came up with that on your own..."
Race shook his head and clicked his tongue.
"Les to Davey, having about the same conversation. You could instantly see the look of regret in Davey's eyes for teaching Les the perfect retort."
Spot nodded and grinned. "That kid is going places."
Maybe they were inevitable.
But the brightest sparks fade the fastest.
It had started out well enough, Race sneaking out under the cover of darkness claiming 'he slept better since there weren't any fire stations near the Brooklyn Lodging House' and dancing back and forth over the line between charming and annoying her boys.
Normally he would talk about random things or make up stories off the top of his head, but for the past two nights it was 'Strike Strike Strike' and Spot was more than sick of it.
"If the fearless Jack Kelly, leader of the Manhattan newsies can't convince me, what makes you think you can?"
Race's only reply was to smile and waggle his eyebrows at her.
Spot rolled her eyes. "Uh-huh. Look, I get where you're coming from, but are you sure you know what you're doing? How do we know you won't run at the first sign of trouble?"
Race leaned back and folded his arms behind his head. "You don't. All you have is our word."
Spot furrowed her brows and shifted her weight from one side to the other. "That's not good enough."
Race shrugged, palms held upward. "Well, you know I'm not."
Spot cocked her head and snorted in disbelief. "You're going to fight everyone all by yourself?"
Race nodded determinedly, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "If that's what it takes. Jack believes in us, and so do I."
Spot raised her head and looked pointedly at him. "Then what are you doing here? Remember where your loyalties lie, because the lines are getting blurred."
Race got up in her face, causing her to inhale sharply.
"So that's how it is. I'll always be your second priority. And you expect me to be the same way?"
Spot pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm saying I don't want you to needlessly get hurt."
Race threw his arms out to the side. "I don't need you to protect me!"
Spot did her best to draw herself up to her full height, staring at him without blinking. "I don't need you!"
Race swallowed, hurt evident in his expression. "I should go."
Spot watched him silently compose himself, hands running through his mussed-up hair.
Race paused and looked back one last time once he reached the door, almost as if he was expecting her to apologize, but she didn't and then he was gone.
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magic-and-myths · 6 years
Dragonfly Masterpost
Recently I’ve gained an immense amount of followers (thanks so much I love all of you, keep writing you’re all worth it) and I thought I’d get y’all up to speed on where Dragonfly is at.
Summary: Dragonfly is a high/Celtic fantasy story in which I break every single expectation and hope any fantasy reader has ever had. I also explore the depths of humanity, the repercussions of physically existing gods, and whatever the hell magic is. It centers mostly around young adults and immortal beings (it’s a good mix trust me), and is a little gory for YA but I’m not exactly sure what age group I’m aiming for.
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Characters: I have four main characters, and one antagonist who I love more than anything.  We have Rin, the shy but knowledgeable bard who may not be very good at fighting, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try. He worships Tora, the goddess of the night sky, and his faith is absolute. He’s the hardest for me to write because my faith is very shakable  while his is not. Fern is a druid who travels with her lovable animal companions Sanji the stag, and Mira the screech owl. She’s always looking on the bright side and being a ray of sunshine (this is also hard for me to write), but if anyone threatens her adventuring family or her god (Kolesh, god of nature) she won’t hesitate to beat the crap out of them with her living wood staff or awesome botany skills. Zoe is genius inventor and engineer with rune crafting skills that are completely unmatched. She’s brash and confident and will never back down from any fight. She abandoned her origin god, Tunosi goddess of knowledge, in favor of Halor, the god of strength. If there’s the slightest bit of trouble she will instantly be in the fray, throwing flaming punches or pulling various explosives out of her signature enchanted dress that HAS POCKETS?! Kaya is the main focus of the first book. She’s a conjurer of immense power but limited social skills. As a child she was abused and then abandoned after her only parent figure, her sister, died (more on that later). She begged all the gods for help, and when none came she decided to fend for herself. This has led her to become an unfiltered pessimist, and an anarchist whose been trying to overthrow the gods for years. Despite this, she’s caring and always ready to help someone in need, just maybe not to trust them. “What’s the point of having power if you don’t use it to help a little kid?” And last but not least is Luma, the antagonist. At the start of the novel Luma has been dead for eight years. She was slain in a struggle known as the Wasting of the Wandering Woods, cut down by the Brightbringers, armored knights loyal to Orathia, goddess of the sun (it was in this battle that Kaya’s sister was killed).  Luma is a chosen one. She was born with a gift for magic. She can physically see it, flowing around the world. This has allowed her to master all eight types of magic when nobody other than the gods has even managed more than one. She believes (correctly) the gods have become corrupt, vain, and complacent, and is doing her absolute best to get them the frick outta town. Even if she has to kill every civilian that gets in her way.
World: Oh boy is this the best part. I have spent years with this world stuck inside my head, and now it’s coming out. So everyone, meet Arcana. Arcana is a forest covered world, geographically based on the North Eastern portion of North America. It’s an old world with old rules and threats that boil just beneath the leafy green exterior. It’s ruled by eight gods, eight forms of magic, and eight chaotic beasts called “terrors.” It is not a world of kings, or empires, or armies. It’s a world of individual people, doing their absolute best to survive in conditions that are so far out of their control. You see, magic and gods are dangerous to have around, and if you don’t have a god or magic on your side the people who do are going to murder the crap outta you. You won’t find any civilization larger than an alliance of city states, and even those aren’t safe.
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Plot: Surprise, Luma’s back! I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming. Haha I got you. After discovering that the woman who murdered her sister is no longer dead, Kaya sets off on a quest to kill her. She somehow manages to find Rin, Zoe, and Fern who tag along on this world saving quest. However, when Kaya realizes that she’s doing exactly what the gods want her to do, and that Luma might be her best shot at overthrowing the deities that failed her, she has a choice to make. She can side with the her sister’s killer and cleanse the world of hypocrisy and corruption, and leave nothing but ash behind, or she can side with the gods that she so despises and save a world that will always be ruled by fear.
Title: At this point you’re probably thinking “wow Nathan Dragonfly is a super badass title, how did you come up with it?” Well first off, thank you dear reader, I’m flattered. And secondly: I made up a myth. In Arcana there’s an ancient myth that when the gods were creating animals, the created the dragonfly. But soon they became jealous of its beauty, and sought to destroy it. However they had made the dragonfly too fast, and could not catch it. So now the dragonfly lives on, both faster and more beautiful than the gods, but always having to look over its shoulder. The dragonfly is never safe. You can probably tell that Kaya is a dragonfly. While she’s not beautiful in the typical boring way, her soul is ablaze with beauty and strength far beyond what the gods could imagine. And she’s much faster than they are. (now you all can see why my name’s magic and myths we have plenty of both here).
What it’s not: If you’re looking for any of these things then I’m sorry, because they are not going to be in Dragonfly. I hope you find them though, sometimes I’m sad I’m not writing about them. 1. a chosen one story. Nobody in this book was chosen for anything. They’re all fighting and running and living and dying on their own strength and merit. There are no prophesies. Although I do include some predictions of the future from Tora in the night sky, they’re mostly to validate how much prophesies do not belong in this story. 2. a battle saga on an epic scale. I mentioned this earlier, but there are no massive armies in Arcana. I find them unrealistic in the setting and very impersonal. If someone is swinging a sword in this story you know their name, and why they’re swinging. 3. a romance. There is little to no romance in this book. Feel free to ship all you want, but chances are that nothing is making it into the final cut. This isn’t because I’m a heartless monster who wants all of my characters to die alone and afraid. I just think that romance is going to get in the way of the story that I’m trying to tell. And we need more I-will-die-for-you platonic relationships anyways. 4. anything edgy. While some of my themes and situations can get really dark really fast, writing edgy just isn’t my style. There will be very few dramatic or somber moments in this book. My characters are human, and they try to undercut fear or awkwardness with humor just like anybody. My writing style is made to not take itself seriously. Characters will poke fun at names like the Wasting of the Wandering Woods. Why so much alliteration? Was this made for a children’s story? 5. filled with fantasy races. I’m going to do my absolute best to represent humans from all different races, as far as fantasy races go we have jack squat in Dragonfly. I find that humans are dramatic, complicated, and interesting enough on their own; they don’t need help from outside species. While I do have various creatures like fae and spirits and dragons, they are not widespread or civilized. Humans are all we have, and oh boy is it still enough.
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skizmin · 6 years
haunted house!au with lee minho
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prompt: minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
genre: fluff???? would it be anything else???? in my happy angst-makes-me-cry household???? pfft.
for: im sorry this one is lightly gender specific for females!! but the only female not made is about dressing as wendy for a costume party which some of my male readers might be uncomfortable with!! (i didnt even think abt it when writing it bc me and one of my guy friends have respectively gone as peter and wendy to costume parties)
warnings: gore mention stuff but its haunted house costumes, swearing ofc but nothing extreme (no slurs).
yo anyway so minhos one of my three ults wowzas Can He Not?
alright lets get to it
You Are Broke.
your major subject at uni really does cost a lot of money. money you have to provide. it sucks basically
whenever you think abt money you have to hold back tears bc You Have None.
sorry anyway
one of your housemates is also broke and loves scouring the internet for quick and easy ways to get money, no matter how crazy they are
one night she comes back with an idea that peaks your interest, probably purely bc your card just got declined ordering a coffee at mcdonalds
“y/n you HAVE to do this one!!!!!”
you sigh like “if its selling my sub topic notes online again, im not doing it. i didnt even know someone could be so harsh about highlighter use???”
your housemate is all pfft im not putting you thru that again
“no!! basically, you get $80 to show up for 2 and 1/2 hours at the haunted house place at that carnival nearby!! dude we gotta, its just to scare the fuck outta people and we can like!! cover ourselves in blood!! n stuff!!”
at first your mind was like lmfao 2&1/2 hours at a haunted house?? no fuckin way
but then you remembered your job only paid you $14.78 an hour so you were doubling your pay in half the amount of time
“20 minutes, get out a creepy white dress or something that looks creepy that you can get dirty.”
you fricken ran to your room
you ended up getting a cheap nightgown that you bought to dress up as wendy from peter pan to a costume party, it cost like $2 you really werent sad to see it go
“y/n!! hurry up!! they have makeup there!!”
you bolted out the front door in your nightgown, runners and a big coat with nothing but your wallet phone and keys in your pocket
you were really broke and desperate, youd already accepted it
when you got to the carnival you were in awe, it had been a fair few years since your last one and the colours and lights and pounding music and laughter just
wow, carnivals are so pretty
the guy running the haunted house came in and let you guys in so you didnt pay admission and quickly sat you down at some tables and told you you could do the makeup yourself or got someone else to
you, feeling daring and thinking fuck it, im gonna make the haunted house goers shit their pants, decided to do your own makeup
to pair with your blue nightgown you simply gave yourself extremely dark and sullen eyes with the power of purple eyeshadow, you paled out your lips and gave yourself a lil nosebleed, and on top of that you painted a random creepy looking symbol on your forehead in blood, blackening it our a little with an eyeliner pen to make it seem like it was cut open.
you were lowkey proud of your work
okay now it was show time, you were briefed on where in the house you could stay and you were told how to act and basic rules (no touching, get help if theyre freaking out too much, etc)
so now, you were in the dimly lit narrow hallways of this makeshift house when you heard the tell tale screams of your housemate meaning theres a group coming and theyd just attempted to jump scare them
you hid behind a black sheet, disguised as a wall, before your victims came up through your hallway
you heard some talk of “felix you know its fake, calm down.” before you saw some shadows pass by
the group was big, maybe 10 people? you werent sure, but you went forward with your plan anyway
just after theyd passed your hiding place, you stepped out from behind them and stood idly and innocently in the centre of the corridor before you put your head down and started whistling a nursery rhyme
you heard a few gasps and a few squeaks before you looked up with an unreadable expression
you saw them looking at you and some of the guys ushered some of the others away though one guy stood there looking at you strangely
you just tilted your head at him before taking your OPERATION: SCARE mission a step farther
bringing your hands up to your ears you let out a ear piercing scream and squeezed your eyes shut before running through the group and turning the corner at the end of the small corridor
you heard a soft what the fuck was that and a less soft language! before you turned and waited for them to turn the corner
as they were walking up the corridor however (theyd resolved to moving with just shuffles of their feet) you heard a new voice speak up. it was somewhat playful and honeydew like, especially with the phrase “not gonna lie, they were really fucking pretty.” which was followed by a chorus of “miNHO”’s and “thIs iS NoT The TiME bUddY” and “i think felix is crying”
you were taken aback
did he mean that? was that the one looking at you earlier? what the frick?
you were still blanking out, completely flabbergasted even when the group turned the corner
of course, you were unprepared, you planned to scream a loud “GET OUT!” to them but all that left your mouth was a squeak as you met eyes with the stranger again, red flushing up your neck
you ran away quickly, ducking into one of the rooms dressed up to look like a metal asylum holding centre
“hyung wtf theyre the scariest one yet”
“you guys go ahead, ill be there in a second”
“let go jisungie, hyunjins looking at you like you disgust him right now”
a chorus of laughs echoed through the hall
why was honeydew voice not going ahead?
your cheeks were still kinda red as you waited, listening for the male to go away
you slowly inched towards the doorway of the small room you were in, the flashing light behind you somewhat hindering your senses as you peeked through the shredded and knotted white sheet hanging from the top of the doorway but you couldnt see anyo-
“BOO!” “HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK” you scReAmed and jumped backwards, only to hear some cakcling from behind the sheet where the boy from earlier had appeared
“heck knuckles?”
“hmm? really?” you looked up to see the boy smirking playfully at you. 
he looks like a cat
“aH yeAh??? you just scared the crap out of me!!!1!1!!!” you huffed, amused by him behaviour. you heartbeat still hadnt calmed down
“oh? you sure it wasnt just from looking at me?” he leaned in slightly, making the question seem innocent
“mmhm, youre that ugly that i flew halfway across a room.” though the comment was monotonous and you had a bored look in your eyes, it was purely for bantering
“nice try pumpkin, nice try. anyway, when do you finish with the whole im an ugly ghost coming to kill you thing? youre terrible at it by the way.”
your breath hitched and a blush came up your neck
“o-okay listen here, uh, boy! 1, i am Not a Pumpkin. 2, i dont know you. 3, im fucking amazing at this ask your friends and 4, i dont know you” you awkwardly coughed at the end
he furrowed his eyebrows at you “its minho, and the whole point is i want to get to know you.” he beamed at you after this
you felt lightheaded honestly, it was all happening very quickly under weird circumstances
but still, you muttered back to him a soft “i get off at 10:30″
he smiled wider, triumphantly, “10:30?”
you nodded and he took a couple of steps back, out of the room
“see you then i guess!” at this, he winked, before he jogged off to find his friends
you fell back against a wal
lwhat the frick frack paddy whack just happened?
you sighed, hearing the screeching and slam of a metal door, knowing you had to get back to scaring others
like,,, @ 10:33
you had all your stuff and you were walking out from behind the haunted house set up, waiting for your housemate
you honestly didnt think youd see minho. no guy is that persistent, right?
“h-hey!!! demon child person!!!” you looked up at this
who the fuck just called me demon child person 
you saw him and holy shit
the haunted house was dark with red lighting in some places and flashing blinding white lights in others, you saw minho and you saw what he looked like, but wow, he was so much clearer now
he was absolutely gorgeous
the carnival lights against his tan skin, his dark hair, his skinny black jeans and big parka coat? you were absolutely mesmerised
suddenly you realised you were staring and he was standing right in front of you
“o-oh, uh, hi?” you could already feel the red on your cheeks
“mm, hey, wanna hang out for a bit?” he smiled at you, you saw a tinge of red on his nose from the cold
“oh, actually i uh, i came with my housemate and-”
suddenly your housemate was next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and telling you to get home safely and asking you to not be too loud before shes nudging you closer to the attractive minho boy and speed walking off
“i gotta say, i like your housemate” minho looked to you with a wide smile. “should we get you some food first?”
you offered him a meek smile and shyly nodded. which he laughed at
“alright then, lets go!” he gripped you lightly by the elbow and led you through the crowd, passing some speedy and tall and colourful rides. you decided to speak up.
“sooo... after you get food, whatd you wanna do?” minho made a contemplating sound before simply saying “i dont mind, i just want to get to know you.”
“uh, okay then, well uh, what do you wanna know?” “to be honest, a name would be great.” minho laughed goodheartedly, you saw the apples of his cheeks rise up and his nose scrunching slightly
“oH! riGht! im uh, im y/n”
this time he turned to you “y/n?” you nodded. “thats a pretty name, it matches you.”
you turned away mumbling a thanks before you realised he’d called you pretty
“woAh wait whAt??? do you?? have no shame??”
this time he giggled
oh my god your heart practically stopped especially when he steered you to a table for the both of you to sit down
“y/n, i dont know if you noticed but i basically sorta asked you out like 2 hours ago while you were trying to scare me dressed as a demonic creepy child, a really fucking cute one at that, you need to teach me how to do that im in awe. but yeah and then now we’re here on a spontaneous first date which i have no clue what im doing for and i really dont know you at all apart from you act in a haunted house which is pretty interesting but you were just that pretty that i stayed behind in a haunted house to talk to you. now ask yourself again, does minho ever feel ashamed of his blatantly obvious attempts at flirting? the answer however is: when it comes to you? no, never.”
he was smiling proudly at his little monologue whilst you were catching flies in your open mouth
“you...are actually the cheesiest person ive ever fucking met.”
minho laughs once again.
“honestly, ill give you all the compliments in the world if it means youll give me your number or something, even the ones that arent true”
you leaned over the table and slapped his arm lightly, grumbling under your breath about fliritng getting you nowhere in life
he simply rested his elbow on the table and his cheek in his hand, gazing at you and asking you what food you wanted
you ended up being so strung in by his his gorgeous eyes and soft looking cheeks that he had to call your name 3 times and repeat the question
after eating some gross junk food and watching the midnight fireworks, minho bought you both fairyfloss and insisted on walking you home saying “its what anyone in their right mind would do” 
you walked along, him explaining his fear of heights and you explaining your situation of brokeness where you take almost any opportunity available
along the way he slinked his fingers through yours and placed them in the pocket of his big parka coat, smiling at you as you ducked your head to look at the ground, where youd started kicking your feet out extra to distract yourself from the affectionate gesture and calm the burning of your cheeks
when you arrived at your house, you fought over who should eat the leftover fairy floss.
you viciously shoved it into his hand, 
“you paid for it and you walked me home even though its late and cold, you keep it.”
minho looked like he was going to fight back for a minute before his eyes lit up
“ill take it on one condition, i get to feed a piece to you.” he beamed at you and you looked at him confused and skeptic
“uhhh, okay i guess?”
he picked a piece off of the stick and held it in front of you, you opened your mouth for it and he placed it in
before it could melt and you could smile at him however, you felt his hand on your cheek and a hand on your lower back tugging you forward to rest his lips on yours, moving his lips against them a total of three times before pulling back
“i know i shouldve asked, but id buy you fairy floss every day if i got to do that once.”
you were a stuttering mess, your mind was fuzzy, you missed the feeling of him so close to you already
“uh-i, i um. wow uh yeah. uhhh, yeah no its fine i um,,,, i didnt mind it actually. wait no, i uh, i really liked it?”
biggest smile of the century goes to lee minho, born in 1998
youre so red it isnt funny and he just moves the hand that was on your cheek to loosely grab at your fingers
“mm, okay then y/n, maybe if you wash the fake blood off of your face and text me ill kiss you again, for as long as you want.”
if your face was red before
oh god
oh god
you squeaked and nodded as he chuckled, lightly kissing your cheek before backing away
“get some sleep y/n, and message me tomorrow.” with that, he was walking away, leaving you to enter your house and be greeted by a squealing housemate who had witnessed the whole thing
(you took minho up on that offer, and he did kiss you, and it was longer, and it was great until his friend chris walked into minhos living room and saw you both and started screaming about keeping it PG because there were (17 yr old) kids around.)
finish! hope you like it!!
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what are your feelings on the buffahuman book?
Short opinion: I can admit that there are some cool concepts in this book if I’m willing to overlook its three or four glaring plot holes.
Long opinion:
It seems like Cassie’s books tend to be either earth-shattering adventurefests that sweep the plot of the series forward in leaps and bounds (#4 and Ax, #19 and Aftran, #29 and the YPM, #34 and Aldrea, #50 and the Auximorphs) or they are extremely random asides that have no connection to the main plot and never come up again after they’re over (#14 and the andalite PortaPotty, #24’s Helmacron battle, #44 and the Random Australian Field Trip, #39′s buffahuman) and there’s pretty much no in-between.  And yeah, this book is both totally random and objectively bad.
However, criticizing this book also kind of feels like swatting a fly: the poor fly already has enough problems what with being small and ugly and disease-ridden and only having 28 days to live, so smearing it on the ceiling is just mean.  I’m happy to lovingly poo-poo on the Animorphs books that have a fair number of admirers among the fandalites but don’t personally appeal to me (#41, #30) and the ones whose issues have Deeply Unfortunate real-world implications (#40, #46) but kicking this one while it’s already down is like… like shooting a buffalo that never asked to get accidentally turned into a freak of nature and is just trying to go about its buffalo life without bothering anyone.  Bearing that in mind, I’d like to start by mentioning a few things this book does right.
The Good
Once again, this book shows off Cassie’s strengths.  She can run and keep running for a long time while also refusing to compromise her morals (no matter how idiotic the resultant decisions might be under pressure), she can work well alone, she can do nearly-impossible things with morphing, and when necessary she can fall from the sky in order to squash her problems flat on the ground.  Cassie is awesome in this book, mostly by being Cassie.
This plot also starts with an emergency right in the first couple pages, and the tension does not let up until the very end.  The plot-driving problem is a pretty simple one, but it does excuse the Animorphs’ needing to run and keep running for several hours.  The entire story takes place in just a few hours, which gives this one a very tight feel with no room for unnecessary frills.
There are a couple of mind-blowingly simple tactics—throwing the morphing cube across the roadblock, shoving several controllers off a cliff, dropping an “anvil” on the helicopter—that the kids use to get around the yeerks, which I always have a soft spot for because it makes it feel realistic that six children could figure out how to defeat an empire.  They might not be the Justice League (and portraying them as chessmasters of strategy would be silly and unrealistic), but they get by anyway through coming up with creative solutions to complex problems.
I love that their plan to drop whale-Cassie on the helicopter fails.  I have a huge soft spot for plots in which the heroes’ grand master idea simply does not work (something that happens a lot in this series) just because, once again, it feels realistic.  There are a ton of risks inherent in their plan: Cassie could miss the helicopter, Cassie could end up unable to catch the helicopter at all, Cassie could hit the helicopter but be wood-chipperified by its rotors, Cassie could hit the helicopter and survive but squash her friends on the landing… The fact that it doesn’t go according to plan just makes more sense under those circumstances.
Speaking of the ending, I freaking love this dialogue:
«You missed all the fireworks, Cassie,» Marco said, swimming circles around us. «One minute we’re watching this whale the size of a FedEx truck dropping out of the sky and we’re thinking, Uh-oh, she’s not big,enough to take down that helicopter and live through it—»
«You weren’t thinking it, you were screaming it,» Rachel said sweetly.
«Screeching like a bad set of brakes,» Jake teased. 
«Emitting a loud and continual series of high- pitched shrieks similar to an unauthorized entry into a Dome ship air lock,» Ax added.
«Well, it was an accurate comparison,» Ax said defensively.
It’s just so them.  We need a moment of lightness after the tension of the rest of the book, and the characterization is spot-on, especially because we can feel the giddiness of their relief that the helicopter is destroyed and they’re not all gonna die.  
If this book had found a different way to get there, the idea of having a nonhuman morpher explore the experience of humanity might actually be pretty interesting.  Science fiction has been all about exploring the boundary conditions of what it means to be human pretty much since Day One, and this series embraces that concept in spades with characters like Elfangor, Tobias, Aftran, Menderash, Toby, and Ax.  However, the buffahuman never does anything interesting or useful while it’s there on screen, and its very existence is rendered idiotic by the nature of its creation, so this book doesn’t exactly capture the same degree of uncomfortable meditation on human nature vs. human culture that, say, The Experiment does.
The Bad
The Andalite’s Gift called, and it wants its plot back.
Seriously, though, this exact same premise—the yeerks can detect morphing energy, and the only way the kids can keep from getting caught is through an elaborate game of keep-away—has already been explored, and better, in an earlier book.  
It would also make a fair amount of sense for the yeerks to make a second attempt at using a veleek, or a second pass at destroying the local forest, or to reuse any of their plans from earlier books.  Instead we get them arriving at a similar place through using Helmacron tech, which would fit better if there were any hints at all in #24 or #42 that the yeerks had access to Helmacron tech.  Which there aren’t.
Not only does this book present approximately the same conflict as MM1, but it also offers the exact same resolution: drop whale-Cassie on one’s problems.  Couldn’t the ghost come up with anything better than that?
«You had an aunt who tried to kill you with her pincers?» Rachel said, giving me a playful nudge. «Boy, and I thought Tobias’s family was bad.»
IS IT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE TO CRINGE SO HARD THAT YOU COLLAPSE INTO A BLACK HOLE OF SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT FOR THE WRITER?  Seriously, what even is this line?  Why would Rachel even think that Cassie’s aunt would be hiding out in the woods in the first place?  Would she SERIOUSLY make a comment like that about Tobias’s abusive relatives?  Doesn’t Rachel already know Cassie’s family well enough to make the question “which aunt” (assuming charitably that Rachel actually wants to know) the more logical one?  For that matter, wouldn’t “are you okay” be a better fricking question to ask your best friend who just survived a near-death experience?  
Why does Cassie consider the buffalo “human” if it has morphed one?  
Rachel makes a really straightforward argument—that the buffalo is no more a human than she is a grizzly bear—and that should basically be the end of the discussion.  Jake makes the really straightforward argument on top of that that the buffalo could get them all killed/captured if the yeerks decide to infest it, and again that should be the end of the discussion.  Cassie doesn’t balk at predators killing seals to stay alive (#25), and she understands that sometimes you have to let a deer die to save a human (#9), so it makes no sense whatsoever that she is that obsessed with saving a creature which has the means to kill them all.
Also, Cassie doesn’t consider her ant-copy “human” like 15 pages later when she stomps it to death, and she doesn’t consider herself a wolf-human hybrid, so WHY does she keep insisting that the buffalo is a person?  It’s just idiotically unCassieish.
Also also: no offense Cassie, but this book ends with you killing at least two or three humans who are inside that helicopter.  When you factor in the yeerks, that is four to six murders at minimum and possibly as many as fifteen to twenty depending on the size of the chopper.  What makes buffaChapman more worthy of life than those people are?
Three words: deus ex seagull.
Tobias’s brief explanation about the sheer gross horror of birds sucked into jet engines is not sufficient setup to justify a seagull happening to meet an untimely end AT THE EXACT MILLISECOND it needed to do so in order to stop Cassie from getting food-processed, Marco and Tobias from getting eaten by sharks, and the others from getting squashed or shot to death.  
I’m actually a fan of the Animorphs getting accidentally assisted by real animals, since it fits well with the theme of the books, but the animals’ existence has got to be justified somehow by the plot.  In #27 the presence of the random-ass whale whose DNA lets them morph squids is justified by Crayak’s meddling, in #4 the random-ass whale who saves their butts from Visser Three is explained by their own desire to save it from sharks, in #36 the random-ass whales who try to help them out only to get shot by the Sea Blade are attracted by the calls of other pod members, my god I am only just realizing how many random-ass whales there are in this series… Anywhoo, the presence of the plot-saving seagull is not remotely explained by anything that happens at any point earlier in the book.  Couldn’t the author(s) have left out one of the 70-odd scenes with the buffalo sadly wandering around and thrown in some kind of setup for this ending instead?
The Ugly
That’s not how the morphing cube works.
In #1, Jake picks up the morphing cube inside Elfangor’s ship and only mentions that it feels “heavy;” he doesn’t mention the “tingle” that other people also describe when acquiring the ability to morph until he’s touching it at the same time as Elfangor.
The rule about needing to have one morpher touch the cube in order to “pass on” the morphing appears to hold true throughout the rest of the series.  David carries the cube around for a while but again doesn’t get the zap of morphing energy until he touches it at the same time as Ax (#20).  Tom doesn’t appear to be able to morph until after the battle in the hospital garage, given that the yeerk makes no attempt to acquire or use any of the oodles of hork-bajir or taxxon DNA lying around even when injured; presumably the yeerks later passed the ability from Alloran to him (#50).  The narration’s a little ambiguous as to whether Tobias is touching the cube at the same time as Loren when she gains the ability (#49), but Cassie or Rachel definitely has to be holding the cube for any of the Auximorphs to get it (#50).  
Point being, Cassie is definitely not touching the cube at the time when the buffalo brushes against it, and probably not when the ant crawls on top of it.
That’s not how acquiring DNA works.
If all it took was brushing against someone to pick up their DNA, then all the Animorphs would be able to morph their parents, their friends, various taxxons and hork-bajir, family pets, stray cats, head lice, baby goats from the petting zoo, skin mites, the school nurse… etcetera.  For that matter, Ax and Tobias would also be able to morph Alloran by now, which is the kind of incredibly useful morph that I’m pretty sure the series would have mentioned if one of them had.
The series mentions 700-odd times that acquiring DNA requires deliberate concentration on the part of the morpher.  Why would any self-respecting buffalo in a dominance-fueled rage be thinking “man, I should really try and shapeshift into that human over there”?
That’s not how morphing works.
Morphing requires concentration.  Jake first describes the process as “So I have to, like, meditate on becoming a dog” (#1), and any time the kids’ focus is interrupted, they’re unable to continue morphing.  The most interesting example of that is when Marco can’t morph normally at all because he’s so freaked out over his dad remarrying (#35) but the series mentions time and again that anything from pain to sudden noises can interrupt the process enough to sabotage it.  We’re supposed to believe that a buffalo was capable of directing sustained attention to an abstract task in order to morph, when no mammals other than humans have shown signs of this ability?
More importantly, morphing requires focusing on a mental image of oneself as the desired animal.  When first explaining it to Jake, Tobias says the key is “forming this mental picture of [the animal], right? I thought about becoming it" (#1).  When talking Marco down from nearly being stuck in morph, Cassie says “Focus on the picture of yourself. Form the picture in your mind. Let go of the fear and focus on the picture of your own body” (#21).  WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT AN ANT CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE TO PICTURE ITSELF AS A CASSIE?  
Morphing also doesn’t happen accidentally.  The only times we ever see involuntary morphing are when Rachel has allergies (#12) and when Ax has brain-appendicitis (#29).  So unless that one buffalo and that one ant both happened to be suffering from illnesses that led to hallucinations, this plot makes no sense.
That’s not how ants work.
The narration of the very scene in which the ant morphs Cassie describes all the ways that it would be pretty much impossible for an ant to imagine itself—and only one self—as a human being.  If an ant cannot wrap its little hive-insect mind around the idea of an independent consciousness, then it also should not be able to wrap that mind around the idea of only changing the one body it happens to possess into something different like a human.
Luckily for that one ant, it’s apparently an estreen, since it chooses to demorph just its pincers while keeping an otherwise human body.  Yes, ladies and gentlebeasts: THE ANT IS AN ESTREEN.  Why.  Just… why.  
Don’t get me wrong; I think that there are justifiable reasons to stretch or even break the rules of one’s own applied phlebotinum, provided that the resultant plot is cool enough or character-advancing enough or mind-blowing enough to be worth it.  This mess?  Is not worth all the rule-breaking that goes on.  It’s not the most Deeply Unfortunate Animorphs book, nor is it my personal least favorite, but it’s also not good enough to justify its existence built on a tower of plot holes and logic failures.  
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blueseadespair · 7 years
Drv3 Alernative Mastermind AU Chapter 1 Investigation
Disclaimer: I don’t own Danganronpa. The usuall.  
No, there was no way.  There was no way That Tsumugi was dead.  She was just with us this morning spending fun together.  This had to be a bad dream.  But as much as I wished that, that wouldn’t be the case.  So everyone came to check out what the commotion was.
 Kaito: What happened!?  Why is there a dead body!?
Kirumi: It would seem like she was killed.
Tenko: Then it must have been one of you filthy men here.
Himiko: A, a dead body.  I think I’m going to be sick.
Rantarou:  It defiantly doesn’t look like suicide.
Shuichi: So you think it might be murder?
Kochiki: But, by who?  One of us?
Kaede: No, no way, Monokuma must have done something.
 As I said that Monokuma pop up out of no where.
 Monokuma: Upupupu, how mean~.  I did no such thing.  I won’t tell you who the killer is, but they are one of you.  One of you here is her killer!  Oh, man I thought nothing was going to happen.  I was getting sooo bored.  So, I gave one of you a push.  Bravo! Bravo!  You guys better do well to find the killer, or your going to find your selves punished. An now I present you the Monokuma file!
 After he said that, he vanished.  With his words though the atmosphere grew cold.  That there was a killer among us, distrust started to breed. After all that time trying to get everyone closer together for one of us to suddenly kill her.  It was unthinkable, but it happened.  Everyone was giving each other looks trying to analyze them.
 Maki: So, one of us actually killed her.
Kaito: D-don’t say that.
Kirumi: But that seems to be the case.
Tenko: We were getting along so well.  Who would want to do something like this?
Rantarou:  We don’t know that yet, but we have to investigate so we all don’t get punished.
Kokichi: Seems like a good plan, but, I’m investigating on my own.
Kaede: But wouldn’t I be easier to investigate together?
Rantarou: You can’t be that naïve, after all one of us here is her killer.
Ryoma: It would be wise to distrust each other until they’re found innocent.
Gonta: Gonta, will try and help out thought, if you need just call on Gonta for anything.
Korekiyo: Kukuku, then I will just watch all of you investigate.  I look forward to the results.
Tenko: Tenko will not let you!  Tenko will guard Tsumugi’s body!
Shuichi: Hm, that sound like a good idea, we don’t know if someone will try and mess with the evidence.
Ryoma: Then I don’t mind guarding as well.  Please go easy on me Tenko.
Tenko: Ke, at least your athletic, so you could help Tenko.
Angie: Angie will help out too, after all it happened in Angie’s room.
Shuichi: okay, now we should start with the investigation.
 As he said that, we all split up and did our own investigation. I decided to look at the Monokuma file.
Tsumugi Shirogane: Dead- Time of death 12:15. Multiple wounds are found on the body. Victim was also struck on the head, with what seems to be a blunt object.
As I read it, I realized that it didn’t say what the cause of death was, and that 12:15 was about 5 minutes after we found the body. So then she was just recently killed. She was still alive when we were trying to open the door.  So that was the voice that I heard, but it didn’t sound like her.  I went over to the body to check it out.  Over there Kokichi, Rantarou, and Shuichi were there also investigating the body.  I turned away reflexively, but had to resolve myself to look at it.
 Kaede: Did you guys find anything?
Rantarou: A couple of things, actually.
Kokichi: It seems like the Monokuma file didn’t have all the information, or was trying to hide some from us.
Shuichi: Like the true cause of death.
Kaede: What do you mean?
Shuichi: Look closely at the body.
 We called Gonta over to help us with the wires and were able to lay down her body.  Gonta then left the area to wash his hands. I did so, and found that Tsumugi’s ribbon was tied around her neck.  I also saw that a lot of blood was coming out of her body, so I didn’t notice, some blood coming out of her neck, as well as her mouth.  I also saw the blow to the head as well.  It seemed like a cruel way to die.  I saw her dead eyes, and they were full of pain, anger, and tears. After having a good look at the body Shuichi untied the ribbon.  It revealed a slit in the throat area.  I realize that that must been why it didn’t sound like her.  But that must have been what finally caused her to die.  I stepped out and looked at her body once again. There was still some heat coming off of her body.  Who could have done something like this?  When I thought that there was a figure that came into my vision.
 Angie: Angie found one of her hammers in a corner.
Kaede: This is-
Angie: Look~ It has blood on it.
Kaede: So this is what caused that wound.
Angie: If your suspecting Angie, It’s not her.  Angie didn’t use any of her hammers to make these statues~.  Also the wires hanging her aren't from this room either.
Kaede: I see.  Say weren’t you supposed to be in this room preparing for the event?
Angie: Angie had to get something so, she left her room for a bit.  When Angie came back the room to her door was closed.
Kaede: Did you see anyone suspicious during that time?
Angie: Nope.  And if you suspect Angie, you will be punished.
Kaede: O-okay.
 As I said that Angie walked off.  I say that, but she is suspicious.  But I might need to check Tsumugi’s room to see if there were any clues. I should also check the warehouse to see if there anything was taken from there.
 I decided to check the warehouse, there I found Kirumi, and Korekiyo.
 Kaede: Did you find anything interesting here?
Kirumi: Not much but just some missing wire.
Korekiyo: The rope seems to be all here though.
Kaede: I see. Say, Koekiyo, did you notice anything strange between Tsumugi’s event and Angie’s?
Korekiyo: Hm, Well I guess I could say that Tsumugi was acting a bit strange this whole day, Like she was waiting for something to happen almost.
Kaede: You mean like someone what trying to target her?
Korekiyo: I wonder.
Kirumi:  I too noticed that she was acting differently, perhaps she knew something we didn’t.
Kaede: I wished she would have told us something.
Kirumi: May be that would have inconvenienced her.
Kaede: What do you mean.
Kirumi: Perhaps she didn’t want to worry us, and kept it to herself.
Korekiyo: Humans sure are interesting.  I’m grateful for this opportunity.
Kaede: Tsumugi… Why?
 I felt bitter, but I had to continue to look for more clues. I decided to search Tsumugi’s talent room.  I went into it and found Kaito, Kiibo and Miu there.
 Kaito: It’s hard to believe that we were just here spending time and having fun here.
Miu: Kek, then one of us decide to kill.  But still I looks like she did clean up here.  It’s a fricking mess in here!
Kaede: True, I mean there was supposed to be a 1 hour break before we all meet each other again.  So she wouldn’t have time to clean up.
Kiibo: I suggest searching the place.  There might be clues here.
Kaede: Good idea, you search the stage area, I’ll search the bar area, Kaito can search the boxes, and Miu can search the clothes.
Miu: Kek, who do you think your ordering around chopping board?
Kaede: Then you suggest something good cow udders!
Miu: Cow, Udders! Hrng!
Kiibo: Please calm down!  Now is not the time!
Kaito: Yah, we have to search!
Miu: Fine, fine.  I just have to search these clothes huh?
Kaede: Yup.
Miu: Kek, you should be grateful that- OW!
Kaito: What’s up? Did you find something?
Miu: More like it found me!  Looks like it nicked me.  Hey robot!  What is this?
Kiibo: It would appear to be thread scissors.
Kaito: Hey it has some of you blood on it!
Kiibo: Wait, it also seems to have some old blood on it as well, one that has not come from Miu.
Kaede: So you think it is someone else blood?
Kiibo: Most likely.
Kaito: Good going Robo boy! And you too Miu for finding it!
Kiibo: Don’t be rude I have a name!
Miu: Kek, Natrually.
Kaede: Hrm, that seems to be all that we can find that can help us here huh?  Well I should go back, you guys keep on looking.
 As I said that I went back to the art room.  There I found that there was another clue.  They had discovered a ladder that had been used, by the blood splatter on the side.  Then Shuichi came to talk to me.  He said we should look at the body one more time.  As he said that Kokichi and Rantarou had come back for their own investigations.  When we were going to inspect her face, we found out that it had some powder on it, kind of like makeup.  Although when were going to search her limbs, we found the wire practically sewed around her joints. Shuichi decided that I should check her leg area, because he didn’t want to upset Tenko who was on guard, lifting up a dead girl’s skirt.  I agreed, and  nervously checked under her skirt to notice the blood that was coming from her legs were because wire was threaded around her knees.  We decided to undo the wires to figure out why they were tired up like that.  Though just when we were about to undo the sewing the announcement screen turned on.
 Monokuma: I grow tired of waiting and it looks like you all have screeched enough.  Now it’s time to begin the class trial.  I’ll be waiting.
Monotarou: Heh, looks like its finally begun!
Monosuke: You’d better be ready, because it’s going to be the time of your lives.
Monofunny: Just meet outside the water fountain!
Monokid: No way you could miss it!
Monotarou: I can’t wait to see papa in action!
Monosuke: I know, It’s been awhile.
Monofunny: I don’t know It hasn’t been that long, has it?
Monokid: Hell who cares?  We weren’t even born yet!
Monosuke: Well you better hurry up, or else those who are late are going to receive a punishment.
Monotarou: Well good luck.
Monokid: Your going to need it.
Monofunny: Don’t overwork yourself now.
 With that it shut off.  We had to halt our investigation, and head over the water fountain.  When we all got there the Monokuma statue began to move, and reviled a secret passage behind it.  We all stood in front of it, in awe, and fear.  Cautiously we moved toward it, and went through the passage. It soon led to an elevator.  The tension was thick and the rumblings of the elevator didn’t help.  We were all nervous.  It was the time for judgment.  It was at time for mysteries.  It was a time of life and death.  It was time for a class trial full of lies and truths.
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Dark Blue Kiss Ep.7: Review
Y'all I am so ready to watch my boys Pete and Kao conquer the world together and watch my other boys, Mork and Sun get together so lets get this BREAD
Section 1/4
Pete practicing for his speech has me all over the place omfg I love him
can y’all believe they are dating like frick I forget sometimes lmao because I’m constantly watching BL’s where they are getting together not where they are already together lol but they have such a sweet relationship I loveeeeeee ittttttttt
“who is a hot guy from our faculty” lmao I love that
you got this Petey boy
Kao’s reassurance I love it’
Oh my god he did the smirky eyebrow raise smh
Oh he’s doing so good YAAAAYYYYYY
Ugh we love a man who can remember his speeches
I’m so proud omfg
wow he is a natural and he stressed for nothing ugh we love a king!!!!
Ugh an Kao giving him that half hug uwuwu
omg I love their relationship
Pete that’s such a great idea I love it!!!! (he thought of making plushies with a voice recording option)
They are literally so cute and Non is about to make Pete mad I already know
jk that didn’t happen LMAO
Pete smiling and having fun is my new religion
Kao is so cute lol
Kao is acting a little suspicious……………..
“Wanna take a shower together” Bruh Pete will do anything to be closer and spend time with his many
Kao is a lot more built then I thought lol
“kids don’t do this” OH
This is the one time Non has spoken I haven’t gotten pisses lol
Bruh everyone reacted so badly it low-key makes me sad but whatevs
Section 2/4
I feel like Non tries tooooooooo hard to get with Kao and to get on Pete’s nerves that’s why this mans annoys me y’all
I knew this bitch would ask about Pete
Kao also kinda confirmed about him and Pete being together by saying that Non is too young lol
They look fucked up LMAO but I know they are just tired
When did Sun sprain his wrist? Because I KNOW it wasn’t when that dude literally just SCRATCHED HIM
Sun needs to let Mork figure his shit out lol
Also Mork’s hair when wet is BEAUTIFUL
Ohhhhh so it’s not that Mork doesn’t want to have a relationship with him nor that he doesn’t necessarily like Sun back, but he just can’t fathom that Sun is interested in him since he always thought Sun hated him
They put a pillow to separate themselves lmao that’s such a classic middle school boy move
That girl is so skinny like low-key goals
and oof Mork is kinda into her? Or at least I thought he was but now he seems jealous that she is helping Sun with created a coffee for the competition? Idk y’all
Section 3/4
I think Mork’s a little jealous OOOOOH
Mork is a little tooo jealous lmao
oH he’s remembering everything
Pete is so happy about punishing Non lmaooo
I just realized how freaking tall Non is lol
“I haven’t done shit” Bitch why the fuck you lying
I find it funny how they said that Pete and his friends are shitty but then they went for them for help lol 
Kao standing up for Pete I love ittttt
don’t touch his hand please bruh
Okay Pete does need to chill tho like damn I get it but sometimes he goes a little too far
Pete take a chill pill my dude
Section 4/4
I love Sandee haha
BRO IM GOING TO FIGHT NON he just has a punchable face I”M SORRY
remember when non spoke that one time and I didn’t get annoyed yeah this is not a part 2 
he really wants to catch these hands y'all
Sandee stopping Pete from completely murdering Non has my brain saying yes but my heart saying NO!
Also side note, the way Pete said Sandee’s name under his breath was low-key hot bYE
At least he’s not looking for Non or we’d know he’s about to beat his ass
who texted Pete thooooooo
“just that I don’t like younger people” lmaoooo he crushed his dreams yet Non seemed happy so I think it’s because its at least confirmed that Kao likes guys 
“You are number one in my life” I AM SCREECHING ALSDJ
“I love you” BOY IM
“you're lame at it” FREAKING PETE LMAO
“Im happy to have you everyday with me” OMG I CANNOT
Guys that ending was so beautiful like wow I want that type of love bruhs Ive been waiting for them to do something really romantic together and that exceeded what I had hoped for!! They truly are a cute couple and that’s all Ive got to say - see y’all tomorrow for Tharntype!!
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