#its so passionate and absolutely jam packed with information
sillysymbol · 11 months
read 4 chapters of understanding comics by scott mccloud and it was insanely insightful!!! i have a whole new perspective on comics now...i cant wait to read more
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battleshell · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: @dansiere whom im care tagging: extremely informative meme for ppl who have lots of cross-over interactions, i encourage u to steal it from me anyway BUT @sternenteile​ @twelvians​ @stellamris​ @grandtales​
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ he is a very, very minor NPC that i’ve essentially wrested from the game with my grubby hands; Gerson is a merchant NPC found in Waterfall, the third area of the game focused with water themes. he has less than 100 lines of dialogue (but jam-packed full of info) and doesn’t even have an overworld sprite. although noted to have a history with multiple major characters, it’s not often i’ve seen him be the main focus of any fanfics or art pieces. ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ put that faaaaaaaar away from me please tyty ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i personally believe that Gerson is a strong and potentially powerful monster with fighting capability that could rival some of the stronger Monsters in the Underground due to his background as a fighter during the Human-Monster War, but since has waned in both reputation and fighting skill. we never fight him in game and as such, will never see how he compares numerically, but it’s clear from his dialogue that he knows how to fight professionally/cleverly and would have given a hard challenge. ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mentioned before that Gerson has ties with lots of major characters - I hardly see it being put into action or talked about! i also have a soft spot for elder/older characters in general since they seem to be overlooked in favor for younger characters that carry the action of plots - which I understand and totally get, but I still like to put these characters out there for the sake of it ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ he was a funny merchant dude that said “wahaha” a whole bunch of times and carried a magnifying glass; sure he and Frisk would have been good friends after the golden ending but most people have forgotten about their interaction with Gerson once out of Waterfall ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ as one of the older if not oldest Monsters in the Underground, or from his reputation as the “Hammer of Justice” from wartime. he is also a historian and is noted to have written a few of the books in the Librarby. definitely known in the Underground, but probably only in that community ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ as mentioned before, a benefactor to the community and maybe even a sagely figure. a source of wisdom (even if cheeky) and a person of stability ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  — ehhhhhhhhhh both extremely canon compliant and then hands off the wheel, let jesus drive me away~ i only have so much canon material to work with so i have milked as much as offered to me, then went off to forge my own path in order to patch up the missing holes then add a few sprinkles. the base of the character is all there, but if you really want to get invested with him (or me) then we have a lot to walk through.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  old tortoise (NOT TURTLE) guy sells knick-knacks and cracks jokes, knows everyone’s dirty secrets but thinks they’re just funny to think about them than use them. an elder in the community who has stories to tell and lessons to teach, who has lived through half of recorded history and now spends his time just trying to make things around him interesting. a war veteran who protects his community and understands the horror of the world, but keeps eyes looking into the future even in the face of grimness itself. plays the accordion and harmonica, could probably square dance if he knew what that was. will call you kiddo.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  little to no motivation to find a passion for himself that would benefit or service just himself; his entire sense of worth comes from servicing others in some way (being a soldier and protecting people; recording history in order to teach future generations; maintaining a shop in order to literally service others) and lack of action due to decrepitude in old age. close-minded compared to other Monsters, as he doesn’t actually take to think of humans or outsiders kindly; judgmental to the point of being racist. proud and dislikes being one-upped that it could lead to pettiness, and despite his positive outlooks, very pessimistic worldview.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  funfact: Gerson is my first tumblr RP muse ever, and since i was worried about duplicate anxiety when i first started i specifically wrote him since he was a smaller character with less attention - i’ve since learned i have no anxiety about it so it’s no longer a problem, but what keeps me going today is the challenge of writing someone so different from me. the elder aesthetic along with homely, almost cottagecore kind of vibe is also appealing, and the humor that comes with gerson is a joy to write out.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  reading literature, music, artwork, pinterest, replaying the game, and doing little hobbies that would embody the character (collecting or sewing, for example) are things i can do by myself, but with other people i have the most drive when i can have friendly and nonpersonal arguments/debates about character motives or about source material like what made a character act like this or that, or about really anything as long as it makes me seriously think about characters critically and force me to recognize flaws.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ unfortunately i’m not a tortoise monster who lived for probably centuries if not decades older than myself, but i enjoy writing older characters and hope that other ppl see the potential gerson has like i do ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ you know when you have a concept and in your own mind you can see it clearly, without fuzziness or confusion, but you can’t seem to put it clearly into words without it turning into an essay because you need to connect all the other points that’s in the single concept you envisioned? yea. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ bro i should.. ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ hmu if you got pinterest and i’ll give u tons and tons of boards ]
Are you confident in your portrayal?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ this is unfair to answer as (AFAIK) i am the only person writing Gerson in... any capacity. despite that i like to think i bring out the humorous side of him, and show ppl that he and other NPCs are tons of potentials and shouldn’t be overlooked because they aren’t popular ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ i always believed my style and my skill in not only PSDs or aesthetics, but analysis or understanding was always a bit plain, without much flourish or complexity. while that is appealing on its own and has its own merits, i can’t help but feel i can always push myself to do a little more, add a little flavor, or paint an image that could only be done in writing. although i am doing enough to get the job done, i’m searching for a certain voice of writing that i like and want to integrate into creative writing in order to make it more personalized and more engaging. ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ i despise pussyfooting and will often tell ppl straight up if i have a problem with them or something about them; straightforwardness, honesty, and integrity are some of my core values and that includes being harsh if it comes to it in order to keep order ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  assuming it’s rooted in goodwill or from a point of analysis, absolutely! it’s one of the direct sources for growth and getting better at any craft, but as Tumblr loves to be.... jumpy, i’m always cautious when its not from someone i know.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  YEA BUDDYYYYY
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  absolutely, i thrive off friendly discourse as i mentioned.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  if we don’t discuss it as above, in lit any other case i’d say “well there are other blogs to follow” but since i’m like 99% sure i’m the only gerson blog that isn’t applicable lmao; the point still stands that everyone has the freedom to write a character as they wish. there are valid reasons to dislike a portayal but not a lot of valid reasons to attack someone for it - with the exception of ppl being gross. stop that, nasty.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  strangely. it’s not my job to make people like a character, you either like them or not. if you dislike them for unreasonable points then, to leave in the previous response, “clowns will be clowns, no matter what you do. I just don’t get why you would follow someone if you hate their character to begin with.”
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  of course, as long as it’s polite and all that jazz!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  depends on the meaning - i like making new friends and i find it easy to talk to new people, be it about roleplay or other things like organizing video game play sessions. however, i also have on multiple occasions have approached ppl privately saying “this is annoying/this is problematic/this is inappropriate, stop” and been met with general disdain for voicing such so Who Knows..... (tm). at least on a private level. here, publicly, i’m pretty relaxed! memes and jokes are abound. as long as a person can be mature and responsible for their actions we can vibe, yo.
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magnolia-penn · 5 years
Just a drabble that ended up being waaaay too long.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sex, Shitty writing
Under the cut cuz it’s long af
Life has never quite gone your way. There would be high moments that came with teaching high schoolers that strove to become heroes but the loneliness was unbearable. Living in Japan away from your family and friends left a hole in your heart that only got deeper after every failed date or hookup.
You had often joked about your high standards with your colleagues at UA, even to the point of openly wishing for a Build Your Own Boyfriend website. Everyone had laughed but continued to reprimand you for having your standards too high.
It was on your walk home that the ad had first caught your attention.
“Are your standards too high?” The smooth female advert cut through your epic jam session. “Well, do we have a solution for you.”
The advertisement had listed off a website that would allow you to custom order an intelligent robot that would learn and grow to your needs.
You blew it off as clickbait and skipped the ad as soon as you could. You finished your walk home and promptly took a shower. A certain ash blond in your heroics class had chased another student into the forest and you had to chase the both of them down.
As you settled into your nightly routine, you found it hard to keep your mind from wandering back to the ad, imagining the sort of man you’d order.
‘He’d have to be at least six feet tall and handsome as the devil. Hmm, punctual and unafraid to sleep until noon with a sense of humor.’
You continued to play with that idea through the evening and into your slumber, dreaming of what he might look like and how he would feel.
The next morning, you were awoken by a very flustered and excited Nemuri, who let herself in again.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!” The R rated hero shoved her phone into your face before you had even opened your eyes to process what was going on.
Her web browser was open to the website you heard about yesterday.
“Nem, you’re an absolute horndog and you don’t need a bishie boyfriend Colonel Sanders. What time is it?” You pulled some hair that had stuck you face via drool from your mouth and stretched.
“ITS 5:45 AM!”
You wrestled her into your guest bedroom and pushed an old wardrobe infront of the door to keep her in while you finished getting your beauty sleep.
When 7:00 rolled around, you released your friend and listened to her rant about the website over breakfast.
“Just look at it, Y/N. Please~” You swiped her phone from her hand and scrolles through the other tabs that held customization screens.
“Oh lord.” They had an entire tab for just his manhood.
“Pretty great, huh?”
The idea of customizing a boyfriend almost seemed taboo to you.
“It sounds like it could be clickbait or a way to steal your credit card information.” You returned her phone and turned to the stove to flip the egg you were cooking.
“Uh huh. And what if I told its not?” Nemuri pushes her chest against your back.
“Get off me, and how?” You gently pushed her away from you.
“I ordered one. He came last week.” The smirk she gave proved she was not kidding. “He’s absolutely perfect. After classes today, you can come and see him.”
She really did it? Strangely enough, you’re not surprised she did that.
“Wait, what about Snipe?” You thought everything was going smooth between them.
“Well, our relationship just was kind of a blur between dating and friends with benefits. Our sex was more chill and relaxed then it ever was actually passionate.” Nemuri reached into a cabinet and grabbed a plate.
You nodded in understanding. The majority of your dates ended up in friendships then actual relationships.
“And when I heard the ad for the boyfriend builder, he told me to get one. He said, and I quote, ‘You should get him. He’d make a better relationship. But if y'all ever need a real fuck, you know where to find me,’. AND I DID!”
Nemuri danced around with her egg on a plate before she sat down.
“Have you done anything with it yet?” You sat across from her and tilted your head in curiosity.
“Oh yes. We’ve been on dates and Hizashi is the absolute sweetest. I can’t wait to ravage him.”
“Hizashi?” It had a name?
She nodded. “The website has a name generator that you can use. They base their names off of the set personality. It chose Hizashi Yamada.”
“He sounds sweet.”
“Yep! He’s really loud though. They grow with you, so it’s understandable.”
You almost choked on your egg hearing that. “They’re practically sentient?!”
Nemuri nodded and quickly finished her egg. She washed her plate and announced that she had to go get ready for school. You followed her words and proceeded to get dressed. You lay everything out in the evening, so it didn’t take long to get ready. 
As you ran a comb through your hair, you opened the website on your phone. Deciding that there isn’t much to lose, you began to fill the order form out.
Six feet tall, Long Dark Hair, Just Enough Stubble To Be Sexy. The list went on. You managed to fill it out just in time to leave.
The daily trek to UA was as boring as ever, until you heard an strange noise. An animal in distress. Choosing that you’d rather be late to work then leave an animal hurt in the streets, you followed the noise. It lead to deep in an alley not far off your route.
You sifted through some garbage bags until you found the source of the noise. It was a mother cat with two little kittens. They were sickly thin and clearly struggling to survive. 
Evaluating your options, you came to the conclusion that instead of wasting more time to bring them to the vet all the way across town, you used your quirk to convince the mama cat to let you pick her and her babies up and quickly called up Recovery Girl to cash in a favor she owed you.
She agreed to help the cats and keep them in her office until the end of the day so you could take them home. Rushing to her office and then to your class left you breathless and dead on the floor in front of your students.
“Um, Miss. L/n? Are you alright?” Your problem student, Izuku Midoriya, asked.
“DANDY! JUST DANDY!” You yelled through the muffle of your hair and the floor. “I saved three cats from right outside my house, which is a half an hour walk from here, ran here, ran to Recovery Girl’s office, then up two flights of stairs to get here. I’m pooped.”
You got up and brushed yourself off. After apologizing to your class, you read off the daily announcements. You handed out graded papers and assisted students where they needed it until it was time for their first class of the day.
Using your free time, you stopped in to actually chat with Recovery Girl and check on the cats.
“They were malnourished and most likely wouldn’t of survived another day out there. Both kittens are sick but should recover swiftly, and the mom is already up and walking.” She explained.
“Have you figured out their genders?” You planned on keeping them and wished to find names for them as soon as possible.
“Ones a girl and the other is a boy. Are you going to keep them?”
You shook your head yes and squatted down to pet the mama who came up for some love. “I like the name Kayuma for the mother, but I still need some time for the babies. Maybe I’ll ask my class.”
Recovery Girl agreed and wrote some notes on the cats. You picked Kayuma up and pulled your phone from your pocket. You wanted to get a picture with your new cat, but your attention was pulled to a notification that went unnoticed.
Your order has been shipped! The package should arrive by 4pm!
“It’s already been shipped?” You wondered out loud.
“What’s been shipped?” You jumped at the new voice. Toshinori Yagi.
“Ah, some pet supplies for the cats. I ordered some after reading the announcements.” Technically not a lie because you really did.
“Oh! Already thinking about the newest additions to your family, how lovely.” Toshinori put a hand on your shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. “If you ever need any help or a cat-sitter, you can always ask me. My master loved cats so I know a thing or two.”
“Thanks for the offer, Tosh. You’ll be the first I call.”
The bell rung signaling the start of lunch and had the three of you scrambling to prepare for the second half of the day.
A few brief meetings and some class prep later, the day had finally ended. You sent out a quick email to your students asking about names for the cats and packed up your stuff, ready to go home and meet your new boyfriend.
“Hey! Y/n! Wait up!” Nemuri bounced up to you and clung to your arm. “Are you going to come over tonight?”
“Um…. No. I have the cats and I have to get everything ready for them.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, hoping she wouldn’t catch on.
“Uh huh. How about Hizashi and I come by to meet your new boy?” Nemuri placed her hand on her hip knowing full well that you weren’t paying attention to what she said.
“Oh yes, that would be lovely.” It took a bit before you processed what she said. “NEMURI, WAIT! THE CATS! I THOUGHT YOU MEANT THE CATS!”
“NOPE! WE’RE COMING OVER!” Nemuri skipped away before you could get a word in otherwise, leaving you alone and quite exasperated.
You picked up the cats and trekked home, a feat easier said than done with three now energetic cats in your arms. You pushed the door of your house open with your foot. 
Sighing, you let the cats roam for a bit as you set up the litter box and feeders from previous pets. It was almost four and the nerves were getting to you. Watching the new kittens romp around the living room while Kayuma lied on a pillow by the heating vent.
‘I hope my bot likes cats. I want so many.’ You didn’t get much time to think about your new boyfriend due to Nemuri and Hizashi bursting in at exactly four.
“WHERE IS HEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!” Nemuri squealed as soon as she entered the living room.
“Hey! He hasn’t arrived yet. Do you see a large crate?” Hizashi placed a hand on her shoulder to keep her from pouncing on you. “I apologize for her, she’s terribly excited.”
“Oh yeah, I know. She’s literally vibrating with excitement. I don’t think she’s calmed down since high school.” You stood from the couch where you had placed yourself in preparation for her outburst. “My name is Y/n Y/L. Nem sings praises of your name.”
“I’m Hizashi Yamada. She speaks about you quite often.” He extended his hand and you took it.
Your eyes widened at the warmth of his hand. You weren’t expecting him to feel so…
“Real? Is that what you were thinking?” Hizashi’s words startled you from your thoughts. “It’s always that look when people know I’m a robot.”
“I hope I didn’t offend you! I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Better to get the shock over with me then with him.” Hizashi pointed to the door a second before a knock resonated through off of the front door. 
You walked to the door and opened it up. A beautiful woman was standing next to a six-foot large wooden crate. She resembled Nemuri.
“Hello! My name is Kiara! Thank you for ordering a Boyfriend! May we come in?” You nodded and open the door wider.
She picked up the crate with a trolley and rolled it into the house. She wheeled it into the living room and stopped in surprise when she saw Nemuri and Hizashi.
“Well, hello! How have you two been faring?” She set the crate down and stepped up to Hizashi. “You’re looking good.”
“We’ve been fine. How about you?” Hizashi responded.
“Oh, you know, delivering joy and boyfriends. My life and passion.” Kiara patted his shoulder and turned back to you. “Hizashi is probably one of my best. I’m so proud he got placed with my amazing cousin.”
Nemuri blushed and buried her face in Hizashi’s neck.
“Do you… Do you make them all?” You looked to the crate and to Hizashi.
“Yep! I hand make all of them! My quirk makes it super easy to finish quickly!” She clapped her hands together and her expression turned serious. “But enough about me. It’s now about you and your future!”
She quickly walked over to the crate and pulled the front off, revealing your new bot.
No, Boyfriend.
He was everything you imagined him to be. He was just right. He was perfect. He was…
You quickly moved to throw a blanket over him while Nemuri cackled like a witch.
“Hah! You should’ve seen the look on your face! Oh, I should’ve gotten a picture!”
With that exchange, the two pro heroes pounced on each other in fight of friendly anger. With the attention on them, no one noticed the man in the crate open his eyes to the harsh light of the world. 
He looked down and noticed the blanket draped haphazardly across his body before readjusting it around his waist and stepping out of his container. 
A brief glance around with apathetic eyes shown that the room he was in was loud and obnoxious. Two people stood idly by as another two women fought on the floor. He padded up to the group undetected and observed the others in the room. With every attempt to tear his attention away from your form, the pull to you was overpowering.
Everything about you was mesmerizing. From your H/c hair to the gentle pull of your clothing around your curves. He was enthralled, absolutely enchanted.
“What the fuck is going on here. You two are squealing like pigs in the slaughter.” His mouth moved on its own, bringing the attention to him.
The look in our eyes is something that he’ll treasure forever. It was sweet and full of excitement and love. How he knew this, the answer never came to him, but he knew it was love and all he wanted was to see that look on your face forever.
“Oh! He’s awake! How are you feeling?” The woman in the business suit asked.
“Tired.” As much as he tried, he could not pry his eyes away from you. “Yet, I feel so full of energy.”
The only other male nodded. “Yep. When I first woke up, I felt like that.”
He cast his gaze to the male for as long as he could before his eyes trailed back to you. He smirked and took a step closer to you.
“Are you like us?”
You shook your head ‘no’, “Sadly, I am not. But I promise to love you like we are the same.”
“What’s his name?” The bluette asked suddenly. “Didja get one picked out from the site or did you have one in mind?”
With their eyes on you, it hit you like a truck when you realized that not only did you not have a name picked out for him, you forgot to click the enabler for the name generator.
“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit,”  you dragged out. “I was so busy with classes and the cats that I forgot. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’m a shitty girlfriend.”
“Cats?” He asked.
“Yeah. Three cats. They’re around here somewhere.” You flopped dramatically onto your couch and buried your face in your arms.
“Well, we could help. I made him and I know Hizashi’s creative. Not too sure about Midnight though.” Kiara suggested.
“Thanks Kiara. Nem, don’t take any offense to that. She doesn’t know you the way I do.” You peeked at your friends through your hair and noticed that your boyfriend has disappeared. Probably to find the cats.
“She’s right though.” Hizashi snickered.
Nemuri tackled him to the ground and all you could do was watch while they wrestled on the ground.
Suddenly, a knock at the door made you all jump.
“Shit, who is that?” You cursed before standing to get to the door when you heard it open.
A faint, “Um, hello sir. Is Y/n home?” was heard and then some shuffling. Toshinori.
“You’re fucked.” Nemuri said from the floor.
“Yeah, no shit.”
Not a second later, Toshinori followed him into the room where you all were. Thankfully he had found some clothes.
“Hey, Tosh~” You tried to say as casual as you could. “What brings you to this part of town?”
“Y/n, I live down the street from you and you left your papers back at U.A.” Toshinori held up the stack of paper you were certain you grabbed. “And I think you might have mine.”
“Oh yep! Probably. I was so frazzled and excited about the cats I must’ve grabbed the wrong stack. Here, come with me. They’re still in my bag.” You lead Toshinori into the hall where your bag was.
“The cats or him?” He asked and you choked on air. 
“W-wait. You’ve got the wrong idea.”
“Uh huh. And what of that giant crate in your living room? It looks suspiciously like the one Nemuri threw out when she met her boyfriend.” He cocked an eyebrow at you. 
“Ugh. You’re a dumbass but you’re too smart.” You looked around despite the fact everyone in the house already knew. “He’s a bot I ordered.”
“Do you like him?” He asked.
“Huh? I’m not sure.” You pulled your bag off of the hook and started rifling through it. “I’m definitely attracted to him, but feelings will take time.” 
“Yet I can see the empathy in your eyes. There is some infatuation there.” 
“LEAVE ME ALONE! STOP BEING SMART!” You found the papers and checked to see if they were his. “Here. Do you want to meet him? I was going to have everyone stay for dinner to get to know each other.”
Toshinori nodded and quickly tucked his papers in his bag.
You walked back into the living room and the sight made your heart swell. All three of the cats had curled up on his lap while he sat on the couch between Kiara and Hizashi as Nemuri brushed his hair. They were quietly chatting about the cats that paused when we came in.
“Didja get it all figured out?” Nemuri asked.
“Yep. And you’re all staying for dinner. No questions.” You crossed your arms. “And we have a big problem. His name.”
“Oh. We handled that already.” Hizashi said. “Nem emailed your class asking about real names for the cats and then we gathered the responses and let him choose.”
“Shota Aizawa.”
That name sent fuzzy feelings through you. It sounded perfect to you.
“Shota Aizawa.” You repeated. It rolled off the tongue beautifully.
“That’s my name. Don’t wear it out. I just got it.” Shota quipped.
Nemuri coughed to hide a laugh and spit out her two-cents, “She’ll definitely be wearing it out tonight.”
You chucked a decorative pillow at her and went for the tackle.
As the two of you wrestled on the floor and the other three attempted to pry you two apart, Shota couldn’t help but to smile at the new family he was gifted.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations DEAN! You’ve been accepted as ARIEL.
Dean, you don’t know how overjoyed I am to have you and your take on Lenox back in my life! Lenox is one of my favorite skeletons and you just capture him so perfectly. For Lenox, the devil is literally in the details, since he has the ability to control how they’re perceived. I love everything about him, especially when I view him through the lens you crafted (or is it the lens he crafted, and I’m actually under the spell of his powers right now? my brain hurts)! I can’t wait to see the havoc you and Lenox unleash on this dash.
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
its britney bitch
AGE: 22
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: GMT, i’m fairly active bean and am always here to plot
In Character Information:
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cismale, he/him
DETAILS & ANALYSIS: This is where you show us who the character is to you! The format of this doesn’t matter, whether it’s in bullet points or in para form, and can be as long as you’d like it to be. Feel free to get creative!
Lenox as a boy’s name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Lenox is “with many elm trees”.
Syed or Sayyid or Sayed (Arabic and Urdu: سيدعلی) is a family of Syeds in South Asia, notably India and Pakistan. Syeds are the direct descendants of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
Lenox is lost in his own fantasy world. Creating so many illusions for people each day that he has become lost in one of his own. With a lack of attention through his childhood, he craves the limelight and approval of everyone around him and will do pretty much anything to get it, even if it’s false or trickery.
He’s so painstakingly constructed, he’s his own work of art. Each detail of his personality and appearance delicately manipulated into something strikingly beautiful. Someone you can look at with awe just by the way they talk or move. It’s almost hard to realise there’s another man beneath the mask, someone raw and damaged. Like a bird with a broken wing.
Tw: Drug mention
His mother is just fifteen when she gives birth to him, swaddled in a blue blanket and passed immediately to the arms of a doctor; she never held him, never looked at his freshly reddened face as his cries wailed down the corridors. It’s not because of his mutation, not because his birth family couldn’t bare to raise a being burdened with powers. She was a child herself, naivety leaving adoption as the only logical decision.  
A foster home decides to take him in, raising him from infancy without any awareness of any abnormality. It’s where he stays for the first nine years of his life, a cosy house in Oregon that housed five other children. But the dormancy of his powers didn’t stay concealed forever. It started with his foster siblings sleepwalking, Lenox’s dreams imprinting on them accidentally as they’d trample through the house enthralled by the vivid illusions of his fantasy worlds. Then it began intertwining into everyday life, emotional outbursts of temper alluding unsafe situations like fire or monsters that hid under the bed. Games became near impossible to differentiate between make believe and reality from the second he joined in.  
“You’re unsafe,” it’s a comment he’d gladly wear as a badge of honour once he’d matured. But to the little boy being dragged away from his foster family, betrayed by his caregivers and turned in for research, the words grazed his skin like stinging nettles.
The four plain walls of the room only further ignite an overly active imagination, a tool that was dangerous to have with a power like his own. The eleven years he spends there does the opposite of what society would have hoped, boredom allows for focus and practice, it sharpens his talents and he’s able to put them to good use. By the end of his stay the doctors had favoured him among the rest, because he wills it so. They go easy on him, carefully placed illusions write false notes on his reports. Detailed and intricate enough so that he doesn’t get caught out, handwriting remarkably identical to each nurse or scientist that take their turn testing on him. He starts to admire the way it feels, too chaotic to be part of society and embedded with more potential than anyone could have known.
It’s when that potential reaches a point where imagination can no longer be imprisoned by those four walls that he decided enough was enough. The process of discharging himself was a meticulous operation. Theatrically staged and miraculously timed with an annual cell collecting test. Before he can be sedated he’s enticed the nurses into an imaginary induced coma, deep enough into his intoxication that he can use the poisoned needle on them. The theater only has the two women on the floor when the doctor enters, sly projections manipulating each person he’d bumped into on his way to the exit into that same sleep, a psychedelic world of kaleidoscope landscapes and stained glass colours, once awakening they would never see this boy again.
“You’re unsafe,” the same words, just a different context. An ally ushers him to leave Oregon and head to Chicago. A place where policies were loosened and his own kind somewhat tolerated.
The new city put Lenox’s own fresh start in full swing.
Fragile reality was a vehicle for his reinvention, so easily malleable that to change it was simpler and more natural to him than breathing. He’s masterful in the way it’s applied, diminishing a past life of shame and grit in place of high strung worth and superiority. He’d created himself with utter royalty, his own nobility evident by the way in which he moved, regally eloquent and unmistakably ethereal to anyone who crossed his path.
He builds his career on the sins he knows other’s desire. Selling crushed up aspirin as a party drug in the underbelly of the city’s night clubbing scene, using his power to make it seem as if it were the legitimate stuff and not something that cost him a couple bucks from the convenience store across the street. Lenox could make them see whatever he wanted, turn their evenings into a production of his own design and leave with none of the being any wiser. It’s how Benjamin Granger catches word of him, a supposed mutant that was living life as if he were a king. He’s the first person to ever acknowledge his capability, strikes him up an offer he couldn’t refuse. Drawn like a moth to a flame after the slightest suggestion of power and the infatuation that he was finally wanted by someone and to belong to something.
Chance Matthews: He’s the face he can’t erase from his mind, the curve of his lips engraved in deep fixations when he couldn’t fall asleep on a Sunday night. Perhaps it’s the fact that he shouldn’t do it that makes it more enticing, a lust to ignite underlying passion to unearth exactly what they had both been burying.
Jordan Rojas: Jordan is somewhat of a curiosity for Lenox to unpick. A closed book that is intriguing because of their close association together. Always keen to show his worth, to prove himself to those around him, perhaps it’s a dangerous combination should Jordan utalise the other’s naivety in combination of his powers in the way that Benjamin does.
Jack Mizuno: He likes that he can get so deep into their head, that he can have full control of a world that wasn’t Jack’s domain. It’s all to do with power and annoyance, a deep craving to see exactly how far he can push people before they hit their breaking point. Even then, it’s fun to flip that breaking point into a place of pure bliss and drop it again just when his subject is at ease. He’s like a lab rat, someone he tries his tricks on before taking them to the main show.
Lenox spends a lot of his spare time writing and doodling. It’s all extremely sketchy, there’s never any sort of final draft. It helps his imagination, which is a much exercised tool in his life.
He is probably more invested in mental health than most. Meditation and yoga being a crucial part of his daily routine after a bowl full of sugar packed cereal.
He’s naive and eager to please anyone that might create a bond with him, he craves companionship after never really understanding it due to the absence of it in his life.
Lenox works as a part-time artist and painter, he’s guilty of using illusions to get clients to buy his art by playing into their preferences .
He also works as a drug dealer, never selling legitimate stuff but using over the counter medicines with the combination of his powers to masquerade as the real stuff.
He has an unruly sweet tooth. He keeps lollipops in his back pocket and will order dessert off a menu at a restaurant instead of a main meal. His favourite thing on the planet is warm cookie dough and ice cream.
He listens exclusively to Grunge music. Celebrity Skin by Hole is his absolute jam and he only ever sings Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet is his go to karaoke song.
Lenox is openly proud of his sexuality as a homosexual, though he’ll flirt with anyone and anything for the fun of it.
He prefers tea over coffee.
He’s a bit of a poetry dork, he collects first edition poetry books and his most prized possession is a first edition of Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg.
He’s very judgemental of how others present themselves and will tell you if your new shirt is ugly.
Lenox lives in a small apartment, anyone that enters he’s carefully to make them see it as 3 times bigger than it actually is with far more light.
He has a fear of heights.
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Worlds Collide-Part 1
A/N: This story is a Marvel/Supernatural crossover and a collaboration between me and my wondertwin @kittenofdoomage   She’s been a saint because I know I have driving her NUTS with this story but I am just obsessed. It’s happened to all of us.
Two Years Earlier
This was supposed to be a milk run.  On the way back from another case, Sam had caught wind of a few deaths that sounded demonic so they had stopped to check it out.  He and Dean had both taken some hard hits during their last case. Sam had cut his hand pretty badly, and Dean had messed up his shoulder.  They really weren’t in fighting shape, though they would never admit it.
Two demons had Sam’s arms pinned behind his back, and one of then had jammed Ruby’s blade against his neck.  Another demon had Dean jacked up against the wall, slowly cutting off his air supply as he struggled and flailed in an effort to get free.
“Let them go.” a soft voice said.  Everyone turned to see who had spoken.  A young woman stood there, alone and weaponless.
“Get out of here!” Sam yelled.  “They’re demons!”
The woman rolled her eyes at him. “I KNOW that Stretch, thanks for the newsflash.”
The demon holding Dean dropped him suddenly, and he fell to the floor with a hard  “Uumph.”
“You must have a death wish, little one,” he said as he began to advance towards her.
A grin tugged at her lips. “I really wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
The demons closed in on the girl, as Sam struggled to break free of his captors. Dean was already on his feet.  The demons had almost reached her, when a strong wind began to kick up in the room, whipping the girl’s hair around her head like angry snakes.
“I’d get down if I were you two,” she yelled to Sam and Dean over the sound of the wind.  Her eyes began to glow with a bluish light and she held her hands out in front of her. It was as if she pulled lightning out of the ceiling, throwing it at the demons and instantly frying them.  
Sam and Dean dropped to their knees, covering their heads as the smell of burning flesh and the sizzle of ozone filled the air.  When they looked up, all the demons were dead; the girl put her hands down and her eyes gradually returned to normal.
“Are you okay?” she asked, running over to them.
Dean flinched away from her.  “Are you a witch?”
“What? No! I’m not a witch!” she replied quickly, frowning.  “I’m a hunter.”
Sam smiled gently at her. “I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean.  We’re hunters too.  What’s your name and how do you do that?”
“I’m Y/N. I’ve always been able to do this, so I can’t really answer that, sorry.  Do you guys want to discuss this somewhere else? Somewhere less demon-y?”
You crossed paths a few more times with the Winchesters, saving their asses again when a pair of ghouls were eating their way through a town in Mississippi, and later helping them save a tiny hamlet in Texas that was being held hostage by a pack of bloodthirsty vampires.  
After Texas, Sam and Dean invited you to come back to their bunker to hang out.  “You have a bunker?” You said with surprise.   “Are you guys survivalists or something?”
Dean rolled his eyes.  “It’s not THAT kind of bunker, Y/N. It’s not buried underground!”
Sam explained the whole Men of Letters deal and how they had commandeered the bunker.  
“It’s our Batcave,” Dean said with a smirk.
“We work well together, Y/N. We make a good team.” Sam commented, staring at you long enough to make you flush a little.
“This I gotta see.  I’m in.”
Despite promising yourself you wouldn’t stick with them for long, things with the Winchesters were more lively than you’d imagined. The bunker they’d told you about was a treasure trove of information and relics and it was less than a day before you were bonding with Sam over a love of books and history.
Friendship turned into something else and eventually, weeks dissolved into months. You admitted to yourself that you’d fallen in love with Sam and it was unlikely you’d be going anywhere soon. He was passionate and kind and brave and endlessly curious about your powers, which was kind of adorable.
“Can anyone else in your family do what you do?” he asked you one day when you were reading in the library.
You looked up and shrugged. “I don’t know.  I grew up in foster care.  I know nothing about my birth parents.”
“Well, I think your zappy-thing is awesome!” Dean said enthusiastically, shoveling a candy into his mouth as he walked into the room.
Sam snorted, leaning back in his chair. “Sure you do.  Weren’t you the one who thought she was a witch when we first met?”
“Shut up!” Dean scowled, folding his arms over his chest. “She’s proved she is definitely an asset. She can kick YOUR ass, Gigantor.”
“She can kick yours too, Dean.  And I’m her boyfriend, so I think my ass is safe.” Sam snapped back.
“Guys….” You tried to intervene, but they were on a roll.
Dean rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.  “Just because she is sleeping with you….”
“GUYS….” You said louder.  They ignored you as they tried to talk over each other.
Your eyes had begun to glow as papers began to blow around the room.  Then Castiel teleported into the bunker, and you were so happy to see the angel you instantly calmed down.  “Turn on the television,”  he growled.  “Now.”
“Cas, what’s wrong?”
“Aliens have invaded New York City.”
You, the Winchesters, and Castiel sat in front of the TV in disbelief watching the coverage of the “Battle of New York” and its aftermath. Buildings destroyed, thousands of lives endangered, hundreds dead… it was horrific.
Dean seemed more intent on focusing on one aspect of the reports. “Seriously? Aliens are real? With all the shit that we have dealt with, why haven’t we ever come across one?” He looked at Sam, who shrugged and held his hands up.
“There was that one time,” he offered, “but it turned out to be fairies.”
“I have never seen a creature like the Hulk before.  He seems very angry,” Cas observed, frowning at the screen.
“What about Tony Stark? Now there’s a genius! He actually built that suit.” You could tell by the tone of his voice that Sam was impressed. “I mean, we’ve all heard about it but we never thought it was an actual thing.”
“Did you see Captain America?  What a soldier! I used to love his comic books when I was a kid.”  Dean had a far-away look in his eye as he watched the reports and you recognized it as hero-worship.  He was suddenly 9 years old again, a goofy little kid and it just made you wanna pinch his cheeks.
On the screen, New York was in pieces. You’d never been to the Big Apple and now… aliens? It seemed unbelievable, despite your own abilities. And superheroes with powers you’d never seen.
“People are never going to leave them alone now.  The entire world knows what they can do,” you whispered.  You always did your best to only use your powers in public when absolutely necessary, and you tried to never let anyone capture you on film doing it - it was a can of worms you never wanted opened.
“You could be an Avenger, Y/N.  You are very powerful,” Cas murmured gravely, not taking his eyes off of the television screen.
You laughed, waving him off like he’d told the funniest joke ever. “I am happy hunting monsters with you guys,” you informed him, leaning back and picking up your soda. “Let’s leave the aliens for the superheroes, okay?”
Part 2
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @ @dorky-and-i-know-it@tokyoghoulyz @pinknerdpanda  @atc74 @jayankles  @notnaturalanahi @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker @we-are-band-sexuals @winchestergirl-love @gecko9596 @ronnie248-blog @essie1876 @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @keelzy2 @disneymarina @kittenofdoomage @mrswhozeewhatsis @oriona75 @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek    @luciisthebest  @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @kay18115@milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester @jennifromtheblock1013 @spnbaby-67 @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002  @negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @andkatiethings @thoughtfullyfurryangel @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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templeofgeek · 6 years
What makes Gallifrey One so special? What makes it the hot ticket for Whovians and DWeeks? We are going to give you a general overview about what Gallifrey One is, what you can expect there and tips on how to get your hands on these hard to get tickets!
Gallifrey One is the world’s largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who fan convention. It is a fully non-profit event founded in 1989 by active fans in local Los Angeles science fiction fandom. Gallifrey One boasts some of the best Doctor Who celebrity guests while still maintaining its small con feel. This convention is completely fan run. It features one of kind panels, guest from all walks of science fiction and the non fiction science community, not just the Doctor Who universe. Taking place every February over Presidents’ Day Weekend at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport Hotel, this con is an experience not to be missed.
2018 Highlights: 
Gally (as it is often called) is one of those cons that have a jammed packed schedule. Programming goes from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm. And even after there are after parties, screenings, dances, masquerades, karaoke events and so much more. There is probably way more that went on at the 2018 event than I could possibly list. I recommend checking out the 2018 Gallifrey One Wrap Up on the convention website. But for now, here are some attendee photos of some of the guest highlights from the con!
The Great Steven Moffat. Showrunner for #DoctorWho, #Sherlock and soon #Dracula. Still highly passionate about his work and at times combative. Struggling mightily against those who might accuse him of writing the same female characters over and over again and promoting a false image of sexism against the first Doctor. An extremely entertaining panel. #whovian #scifi #timelord #tardis #gallifreyone #thedoctor #gally1
A post shared by Ming (@franklin778) on Mar 21, 2018 at 3:27pm PDT
The beautiful #JemmaRedgrave #KateLethbridgeStewart enjoying herself at #Gallifreyone #DoctorWho #tardis #Timelord #whovian #brigadier #zygons #gally1
A post shared by Ming (@franklin778) on Mar 20, 2018 at 6:03pm PDT
#RachelTalalay speaking on #metoo #DoctorWho her work with #CW shows and her desire to helm a #Starwars film. Always generous and wonderful and such a pleasure to have at #Gallifreyone #gally1 #drwho #sherlock #supernaturaltv
A post shared by Ming (@franklin778) on Mar 17, 2018 at 1:41pm PDT
Beware when #DavidBradley shows up to your event especially if it’s a wedding. Here at #gallifreyone talking about his experience portraying the first #DoctorWho. No thoughts on #WalderFrey and #GameOfThrones. Spoke about his early days acting and meeting the family of #WillaimHartnell before he portrayed him. The great fun they had with the humorous cutting banter at the beginning of #TwiceUponATime #Tardis #gally1 #Timelord
A post shared by Ming (@franklin778) on Mar 18, 2018 at 3:48pm PDT
Sophie and Sylvester. ❤️❤️ • • • #doctorwho #gally1 #photography #portraitphotography #seventhdoctor #ace #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred
A post shared by Katie Be (@katiebe_photography) on Mar 2, 2018 at 9:21am PST
Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon) was impressed with my Cyberman. I think he’s seen one or two in his lifetime.
A post shared by Rick Callender (@rickamplified) on Mar 3, 2018 at 8:21pm PST
OMG, I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW YOU GUYS!!! xD ———- Gallifrey One: Day 3 ———- #drwho #doctorwho #twelfthdoctor #12thdoctor #firstdoctormarkii #petercapaldi #claraoswald #jennacoleman #billpotts #pearlmackie #nardole #mattlucas #nardolecosplay #dwcosplay #doctorwhocosplay #cosplay #screenaccurate #replica #tardis #whovian #whovians #gally1 #gallifreyone #gallifreyone2018
A post shared by #DoctorWho – The Doctor (@doc_in_the_box) on Feb 18, 2018 at 3:26pm PST
  I had the absolute pleasure to shoot with @BigFinishprod writers Matt Fitton and John Dorney while running around #GallifreyOne last weekend. Matt and John were the highlight on the panels they were featured and as you can see above, they brought their unique brand of mirth to these portraits! Be sure to check out their work by supporting #BigFinishProductions and a HUGE THANK YOU to both John and Matt for taking the time to work with me. • • • #mattfitton #johndorney #portraitphotographer #writersofinstagram #bigfinish #portraitphotographer #gally1 #doctorwho
A post shared by Katie Be (@katiebe_photography) on Feb 23, 2018 at 9:33am PST
Outside the Con: 
The convention is held at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport Hotel. It is just steps from LAX international airport. There are plenty of hotels in the area, as well as a variety of places to eat within walking distance.
  Child Friendly: 
This is probably the most child friendly convention I have come across. There is a ton of children’s programming available as well as babysitting available.  Children programming does fill up quickly, so I suggest keeping signing up as soon as the programming is announced. There is a courtyard just outside of the convention floor that gives children some room to run around and wind down a bit. There are plenty of food options available at the convention as well as in the nearby neighborhoods. I was able to find food options for even the pickiest of eaters.
Pros of this Con: 
There is so much great programming that there really is something for everyone. There are guest from the audio series, from the comic book creators, there are even guests from other fandoms. If you are interested in cosplay, there are panels on cosplay as well. There are writing workshops, discussion groups, ribbon trading, meet ups of all types. There is a bar and lounge area on the main floor of the hotel that is lovingly referred to as “Lobby Con”.  At this 2018 Convention Steven Moffat and Sylvester McCoy were both spotted in the lobby with fans, interacting and hanging out with fans. The con takes place in the same hotel that many of the guest stay in, so seeing the guest walk around is very common. They are not guarded by security like they are at larger conventions. This gives the convention a more intimate feeling and allows for experiences that would not normally happen at other conventions. One of the benefits of a convention that is specifically geared towards Doctor Who fans is that everyone at the convention is a Doctor Who fan. You are in a safe place to express your total love for Doctor Who. It creates a very welcoming and open environment. You are all there to celebrate the thing that you all have in common. The thing that you all love.
#Gally1 nights
A post shared by Monica Duarte (@thisdorkynerdgirl) on Feb 17, 2018 at 11:23pm PST
Cons of this Con: 
The Vendor/Dealer’s room at Gallifrey One is pretty small compared to most Southern California conventions. It boast only a few rows of vendors. It seems fine for a convention that holds less than 4,000 attendees and despite being small you can still find some truly unique merchandise that you wont find anywhere else, but it would be nice to see an artist alley with a nice variety of Doctor Who art for sale. The con takes place during a holiday weekend and it takes place at the same time as a gaming con in a neighboring hotel. This can make it difficult and pricey to find both room accommodations and parking. If you plan to stay at the hotel from Thursday until Sunday night, be prepared to spend upwards of $800 for the 4 days, 3 night stay.
A fullsize volunteer owned TARDIS on display at the end of the Dealers Room.
Rubber Toe Replica Booth at Gallifrey One 2018
The Cosplay is pretty top notch at Gallifrey One. The fun thing about cosplay at this convention as opposed to other pop culture conventions, is that because it all centers around one fandom, you find some of the most clever, creative and even obscure cosplays. At any given time you can fins cosplayers portraying characters from all walks of the Doctor Who universe. You can find cosplays from Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Class and even the Big Finish Audio Series (yes, they even cosplay from audio cover art).
Con Costs: 
$110.00 Adult Full Weekend $50.00 Teen Full Weekend (Ages 12-16) $20.00 Child Full Weekend (Ages 3-11) Note that the above prices do not include a small EventBrite processing fee, which will be added to each order ($6.22 per adult ticket, less for the others).
Gallifrey One only sells weekend badges. Single day passes are no available.
Parking for locals: 
Parking can be reserved in advance  (AND YOU SHOULD). Parking ranges anywhere from $15 a day to $35 a day. General airport parking lots are available within walking distance of the convention. Arriving early is highly recommened.
Hotel Accommodations: 
Hotel rooms at the Marriott are in high demand and are filled up almost immediately after reservations open. There are many hotels within walking distance near by.  *See YouTube Video Below*
We recommend turning on post notifications for the Gallifrey One Twitter and Facebook accounts so that you stay up to date on hotel announcements, ticket sales, guest announcements and programming information. If you are trying to get tickets or hotel room accommodations on the day they go live, don’t give up on the first sold out screen. try again for the first 20 minutes. Many times the systems just need to refresh and catch up, and you may be able to score the tickets/room that you need.
Overall Impression: It can probably best be explained in this quote from veteran Con-goer and Temple of Geek photographer, Nathaniel Peinado, “Gally isn’t just a convention experience. It’s a family. A yearly reunion, if you will. A chance to see your closest friends that come from distant places, and an opportunity to make new ones. It’s a place where everyone and everything is celebrated and it doesn’t matter if you’re there in an old TARDIS t-shirt or a screen accurate costume. The amount of joy and love you receive from this convention will leave you wishing the next one wasn’t another year away. It’s definitely an experience that makes you believe things really are bigger on the inside.”
My babies ❤
A post shared by Monica Duarte (@thisdorkynerdgirl) on Feb 17, 2018 at 12:28pm PST
Gallifrey One RETURNS February 14, 2019 – February 17, 2019. Tickets go on sale April 14th, 12:00 PM PST! 
How to get tickets? 
Check out our pro-tips from our whovian friend, Lady Of Time Cosplay. She gives a really great and really informative review on how to get tickets to Gallifrey One. If you are a first timer to Gallifrey One and serious about getting tickets, the video is worth the 15 min watch.
  Unless otherwise stated, photos provided by Temple of Geek photographers Monica Duarte and Nathaniel “Doc In The Box” Peinado 
Gallifrey One: The Ultimate Whovian Convention What makes Gallifrey One so special? What makes it the hot ticket for Whovians and DWeeks? We are going to give you a general overview about what Gallifrey One is, what you can expect there and tips on how to get your hands on these hard to get tickets!
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thebandcampdiaries · 5 years
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Frute - Frute Snacks Volume 2
February 2020 - Hailing from Atlanta, GA, Frute is a jam band with a diverse sound and a one-of-a-kind creative approach. Their music blurs the lines between psychedelic jam-band type material, as well as rock, progressive, and pretty much everything in between! What makes the band special is that they are quite eclectic, and they are able to achieve and impressively diverse variety of sounds with their music. Recently, the group set out to release an exciting new project named “Frute Snacks Volume 2,” now available on the web. This release features 3 songs, each setting the bar higher in terms of diversity and production aesthetics, revealing different sides to the band’s creativity. The opening track is a song titled “Sounds in Town,” which is an extended jam, informed by 70s psychedelic rock, funk music and everything in between. A bit Floydian, this song has a lush and textural approach to production, with clever use of guitar effects such as delay and phasing. One of the most thrilling elements of the song is definitely the fact that it often switches its mood, with tempo changes, different rhythms and sophisticated vocal parts that add to the musicality of the instrumental. This is a song that feels groovy and chill, yet energetic and upbeat. The drums and bass lock in together perfectly, creating a fantastic space for the other instruments to merge and come up with something amazing, relying on a solid backbone for the arrangement. I particularly love the breakout section at about 3 minutes in, which really takes the song somewhere else, in the vein of the best progressive rock music. This is a perfect example of the band’s open-ended creativity and the chemistry between the members. The next track “Us, the Jellyfish” kicks in with a stunning melodic introduction and a more understated feel. The lyrics are poetic and the voice is quite intimate, going for a more introspective vibe, but without undermining the song’s energy and upfront edge. The track has a dreamy atmosphere that makes me think of artists like The Pixies or The Flaming Lips, as well as Nick Cave. However, Frute has its own distinctive vibe and they do not necessarily sound like any of the artists that I mentioned - it’s more like a vibe that they exude with their production and verve! This is a more traditional song-format track and it is the shortest composition on the album, clocking in at slightly over the 3-minute mark. Last, but definitely not least, this release ends on “We Are the Bees,” a funk-rock banger with a unique vibe. Fans of artists like Minutemen or earlier Red Hot Chili Peppers might love the color quality of this song, as well as the fact that it highlights how these musicians are all about having some fun. They don’t take themselves too seriously, but they do take their music seriously, going for a distinctive and one-of-a-kind feel.
In addition to the band’s astonishing performances and world-class musicianship, the EP is also notable due to its production. There is a nice degree of separation between all the instruments, meaning that these songs don’t sound like an intelligible mush of reverb and delay, as it can be the case with some jam bands or psychedelic acts. On the contrary, there is a cool 70s vibe to the production of this record. The drums are punchy and lively, and the guitars have enough snap that allows them to cover a melodic and rhythmic function as well. The bass is big and powerful, yet it is also very nuanced and rich in terms of low-end detail, going for a classic vibe. The vocals are upfront and they are dynamically diverse, with softer, lower-register moments alternating brighter vocal parts and playful harmonies that bring something special to the mix. The vocals are never overpowered by the instrumentals and viceversa, they instrumental parts never do get in the way of the vocals. Everything is perfectly balanced, leading to a one-of-a-kind listening experience that sets the bar higher. The artwork cover is also worth mentioning because I feel that it really matches the aesthetics of the music and the personality of the band. The colors are bright and varied, and the drawings have a very iconic style, almost reminiscent of pop-art geniuses such as Andy Warhol, only to mention a few. Any fan of music that’s eclectic and performed with instinct and passion will definitely enjoy this one. From Floydian textures to Beatlesque vocal harmonies, as well as echoes of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Frank Zappa and Minutemen, the sound of this band has a lot to offer, and it is astonishing to hear how much music the group was able to pack in just a 3 songs EP! This also serves as a perfect introduction to Frute’s music, and a nice companion to their previous releases, including this release’s earlier companion, “Frute Snack Volume 1,” which is also up on Spotify and other streaming platforms on the internet. The band is on the way to keep building its online discography, and their music is absolutely astonishing, giving the audience a bright and varied sonic fabric, where the music is almost akin to a Jackson Pollock painting. You can hear the freedom in the band’s creativity, as they are not afraid to take chances with their songwriting, and ultimately, take the music to new, adventurous places that escape all boundaries and traditional genre definitions, which are so often self-imposed in the world of music. Why limit yourself? Get out there and explore!
Find out more about Frute, and do not miss out on “Frute Snacks Volume 2,” which is now available on Spotify and other music streaming platforms on the web.
Recommended if you like: Phish, The Menahan Street Band, Big Mean Sound Machine, Vulfpeck, and more.
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jo-shaneparis18 · 5 years
Île de la Cité & Paris Saint Germain
29/04/2018: It all started well though not as planned. The intention was that the boys go alone and queue up at the catacombs an hour before they opened, at ten. Shane ended up joining them but a late start meant that we arrived a half an hour after it opened and the queue was rather long. The catacombs are located within Square de l'Abbé Migne, a oval park surrounded by road and a few kilometres away from the apartment. By the time they got on the end of the queue they were almost back at the front door, so a wait was ahead. Little did they know how long.
As daunting as the queue was, the catacombs weren't that big so they were thinking that it may move quickly. That was not the case. The staff controlled the numbers entering and with skip the line tours at the front door as well, after forty-five minutes and some comment that the internet said queuing was between three and five hours with no guarantee of entry, they pulled the pin. The one hour walk to get there was just exercise.
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We waited at the Catacombs for nearly an hour and moved ten metres. A croissant and coffee from Paul's for breakfast
To not make the morning wasted, directions were set on Thomas' phone for Notre Dame. They headed then into Café Oz looking for bacon and eggs but only had a coffee due to $30 burgers being on offer. Upon leaving, the rain had started and walking down Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, it became heavier. They then questioned about how determined those still in the line would be now. Drowned rats. With a few short deviations it was forty minutes of walking straight to get there, jackets zippered to keep out the cold.
Cecilia and Jo had a slower start to the day. There was a restaurant down from our apartment called Angelina Tea House. It had a huge reputation for its hot chocolate which is said to be the best in Paris. Queues form outside the Tea House as customers wait their turn to sit. The Tea House was founded in 1903 by the Austrian confectioner, Antoine Rumpelmayer. He named the Tea House in honour of his daughter-in-law. Angelina Tea Rooms have been a favourite meeting place of Parisian gourmet fans for over a century with many famous people eating there.  The famous include Coco Chanel, Proust and many of Paris's greatest couturiers. The list of famous names will grow today as Cecilia and Jo will add their name to the list. It's two signature dishes are hot chocolate "L'Africain" and their signature pastry, Mont Blanc, the secret recipe is still closely guarded 100 years on. The ladies headed to the Tea House at ten and got straight in. The decor was amazing. It was like stepping back in time to an elite café of the roaring 20’s. There was a great variety to choose from on the menu and they decided to go all out and enjoy the experience to the fullest, so ordered the "Le Brunch" set meal deal for 39.50 Euros plus an extra 12 Euros for a glass of champagne. The menu was as follows;
Tea, Coffee or Angelina's Hot Chocolate. The girls chose the hot chocolate. The next choice on the set menu was freshly pressed fruit juice or healthy pure juice cocktail.  They chose fresh orange juice. Next on the menu was mini viennoiseries, croissant, chocolate filled pastries, raisin pastries, bread roll butter jam honey and chest nut cream. This was followed by Eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce, avocado, smoked salmon or bacon or Crossaint Angelina cheese or ham or smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, the girls chose the Eggs Benedict. This was followed by a choice of fruit salad, crunchy muesli or caramelised brioche. They chose the brioche. Most of the food and drinks came out all at once including the champagne. The verdict: The hot chocolate was to die for. The food abundant and delicious and way too much. The experience and cost absolutely worth it.
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Bacon and Eggs
The women were only half way through their gastronomic marathon when Tom phoned to tell of the change of plans, that catacombs were cancelled and that they were heading to Notre Dame if we wanted to meet them. That was the original agreement but not so soon. Tom was instructed to phone again when they were almost at Notre Dame to give the girls fair warning and enough time to walk to the Cathedral to meet them. After joining the queue at the cathedral, Tom rang again and told them what was going on. This did not please as they would have to be late. Anyway, the rain was heavy and the line long. But it was moving so Beau, Tom and Shane joined the end and put up with the Gypsies trying to sell umbrellas to everyone. As Beau commented, they were trying to sell umbrellas to people with umbrellas.
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Large crowd waiting to get in
As we approached the front door the bells rang, obviously signifying mass about to start. When inside it was packed as the centre section was full of worshipers and as such the public were confined to the peripherals. Very dark and very loud. The place was still interesting, maybe more so due to the added atmosphere of the mass but shuffling around for half an hour was enough. Tom and Beau were keen to climb the bell tower but they had to book a time, join the queue inside again, pay at the kiosk inside and then join the queue up the side street that would get them to the top. Nah, give it a miss. It was at this time that we found Jo and Cecilia who didn't want to join the queue. (Cecilia didn’t want to go in on her own). So off to Saint-Chappelle we all went.
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Queuing to pray
Not wanting to go inside, Cecilia perched herself at Le Soleil D'Or Brasserie nearby and had a coffee with the plan to look around the nearby shops for souvenirs for her grand kids while the rest of us queued. It wasn't too long before we were through the scanners, inside the courthouse precinct, buying tickets and entering Saint-Chappelle.
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Saint Chapelle from inside the court precinct
Built in seven years during the twelfth century, the marvel of Gothic architecture was commissioned by religious unrealist, King Saint Louis IX to house his relics of the passion, supposed objects that he was convinced were authentic. Ripped off by Baldwin II of Constantinople and King of the Byzantines, he purchased a large number of alleged relics that had been kept at Constantinople, including Jesus’ crown of thorns and a piece of the cross that Jesus was crucified on. Wonder what condition it was in even when he bought it. A piece of wood twelve hundred years old at the time. Anyway, he built Saint-Chappelle at a bargain price, less than half that spent on the relics. We are however, all wealthier for it with the magnificent cathedral resulting from his actions.
At first, we entered the lower section which was quite claustrophobic. Although ornate, the vaulted, fabric clad ceiling was quite low giving a closed in feeling. Very impressive though. The next and by far the best was yet to come. We climbed an extremely tight spiral staircase to the next level and were amazed by the tall leadlight windows that took up well over half of the building. Videos showed the glass had only recently been refurbished to remove the grime and pollution which coated it from many years of exposure to the elements. The process looked pain staking and must have cost a fortune. After the windows were reinstalled a glass protective layer was put on the outside to provide better protection.
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Bottom bit
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Top bit
Exiting through a side courtyard that for some reason was full of armed police officers (probably because of being law courts and police headquarters), we moved along the footpath a short distance, entering the second door facing Boulevarde du Palais, to the Conciergerie, the impressive Gothic palace built around the beginning of the fourteenth century only to be converted to a prison many years later. The Conciergerie had a couple of remnants linked to periods of history. The lower section was built around the same time as Saint-Chapelle and consisted of Salle des Gens d'Armes (hall of the soldiers) and Salle des Gardes, built during the reign of Philip the Fair, a kitchen built by John the Good and one other. The upper section or Revolutionary Rooms, was reconstructed much later and utilised as a torture chamber and place of terror during the revolution. The most notable prisoner was Marie-Antoinette who spent her last days there before heading off to the guillotine.
Being deprived of a few Euro each to get in, we were immediately confronted by an artistic trough full of flowing water. The contraption was designed by artist Stéphane Thidet and entered the Salle des Gens d'Armes via a cascade, wound in and out of the Gothic columns before rejoining the Seine between the two towers, Argent and Caesar, a little further down.
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The Seine entering Salle des Gens d’Armes again
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 Architectural or artistic?
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Water level 1910
Climbing a few steps to la Rue de Paris (bearing the executioner's nickname, Monsieur de Paris), we entered the Revolutionary Rooms which once housed the main institution for exceptional justice. The Revolutionary Tribunal. From there the rooms held displays and relics of the period with information boards explaining the First Republic, the period leading up to it and the Conciergerie's role in all of the action. Towards the end of the tour we entered the room that once held Marie-Antoinette, now a chapel.
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Off to a bloody end
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Where her cell used to be
Upon exiting the building, we sought out Cecilia where we left her, still indulging in a café and some sort of soup or stew (and a bag full of goodies for the kids). By now it was three o'clock and time to head back, for Shane and Thomas had a football game to attend. Taking the opportunity to return via the beautiful Place Dauphine, which unlike last time displayed blossoms on the trees, we strolled back across Pont Neuf, past the Louvre and through Place du Carrousel where we encountered an unusual character who sought attention from both passers-by and the local pigeon population by dropping wheat on the ground from his bulging pockets. One weird one there.  
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Pigeon Man
After pigeon man, the Africans and the gypsies were avoided, we wound up back at the apartment to get ready to go out again, where ever that may be.
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Not so squeezy. A tight trip in the elevator
Shane and Thomas left for the football a couple of hours before kick-off and arrived fifteen minutes later, greeted by barriers and security that wouldn't let them within cooee of the stadium without their ticket. Once they manoeuvered that hurdle, they walked through heavy rain to the entrance to scan their ticket. Immediately upon entering they were requested to put their arms out so they could be frisked. It was an infringement but okay considering the security issues within Europe recently. All said and done Shane waited patiently at the merchandise tent (with Tom watching), eventually picking up a cap and scarf, before both headed up the stairs to the concourse for a beer, watching the rain fall on all who were yet to gain admission.
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Getting ready for the match
After another beer and some indecision about where the access stairs were, they headed up for their first glimpse of Parc des Princes, the home ground of the Ligue 1 leaders Paris Saint-Germain. They were playing middle of the table side, Guingamp.
They were both seated well and truly up the top, in the nose bleed section only a row or two from the back. Although the grand stand roof was in the way there was still a good view of the video screen on the other side of the stadium and the pitch. With half an hour to go before kick-off the place was buzzing, particularly the home crowd behind the goals, waving flags and making a hell of a racket.
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Home crowd
A couple of milestones could have been achieved tonight, PSG were well ahead of their Ligue 1 opponents and already had the title sown up. A win would have given them a season of home victories, not achieved in Ligue 1 since the seventies. Uruguayan striker Edinson Cavani also had a chance to better Swede, Zlatan Ibrahimovic's 113 Ligue 1 goals for his club. He was equal before the match.
Guingamp came out strong early with PSG not seeming interested, their attack was ineffective and their defence left wanting. As such the visitors dominated the park and were one up at half time. After the break Guingamp went another up before Cavani broke Ibrahimovic's record with a seventy-fifth-minute dodgy penalty followed by a header to equal it up a few minutes later. Paris ended up getting away with an underwhelming draw.
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All square
Whilst they were engrossed in all of the action, Beau, Cecilia and Jo decided to go for a walk to Place De la Concorde to view the Eiffel Tower lit up at night and possibly go on the large enclosed Ferris Wheel for a bird’s eye view of the city. When they got to the area the Eiffel Tower was clouded in fog and rain. This also made the ride in the Ferris Wheel for a view of the city a bit useless so they done an about face with the intention of returning home.
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Too wet for the Ferris Wheel
That was until they happened across a bar done up in bright orange red and black looking very 70’s. They called in for a night cap. Service was almost non-existent. With one drink down it was a short stroll to the next bar for another drink, and then another (party animals, one at each venue). They then window shopped all the way back to the apartment, the ritzy upmarket part of Paris, the first arrondissement, Rue Rivoli. Clothing is over the top in price.
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Contemplating tomorrow
After the football had finished, we walked out of the stadium and back towards where the taxi had dropped us off before the start, turned left and looked for a taxi. It wasn't long before Tom said we were walking the wrong way as we intended to walk towards the apartment so if there wasn't one within an hour we would be almost home. We turned around and headed back in some general direction. We had earlier walked past a small restaurant but had kept going. This time though the rain was coming down fairly hard so we headed in for a feed and a beer with the theory being that the rain may lighten off and the crowds diminish. Due to the circumstances Shane thought it was the best pizza that he had ever tasted, accompanied by being entertained with a dude on the footpath making money from football fans paying him for valet parking. They would turn up at the restaurant, give him their keys and a few minutes later turn up with their vehicle. He was busy for ages and drenched. By the time that we had finished our feed the crowd had gone, the voiturier was almost finished but the rain was still falling. We hit the footpath looking for a cab. At Tom's mention of the word "taxi", the voiturier had in no time given a whistle and a passing taxi had pulled up across the road. Next thing we knew we were heading back to the apartment and out of the wet.
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The trip back
A great day today, tomorrow the opera house and visit Jim Morrison.
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The Art of Listening
When I was a little girl, my grandparents house was the absolute best place on the entire earth! Well. There are only so many places a seven-year-old has experienced within her brief time, but nevertheless, Papa and Teeter’s (thats what we always called my grandmother) house was my favorite place to spend my time.
I loved many things about being at my grandparents’ house; Teeter’s homemade biscuits and listening to her sweet voice teaching me the name of every flower as we sat on the front porch in the summertime. Helping feed the cows out at the barn. Listening to Papa play his vintage Gibson for what seemed like endless hours, singing about Jesus and about love. 
Listening, always listening...
The sound of the birds gathered at the bird feeders in the front yard. The constant tick of the clock on the hallway wall as you walk up the stairs. The sound of the screen door slamming, letting me know that Papa was back from the shop, and the room would soon be filled with the smell of Old Spice and grease from working on the tractor. The sound of dishes clanking together in the morning, the sure sign that the best pancakes and bacon were being prepared for breakfast. The sound of Papa’s harmonica or his mandolin flowing from the living room. The sounds... the many sounds...
I listened. 
I cannot efficiently tell you why these things have buried so deeply into my brain  as what seem to be never-ending memories. I cannot always remember the colors or the shapes, or even the words spoken... but the sounds... the beautiful sounds that come together in my mind as a spectacular symphony. I remember them so very well. 
 I am moved to believe that the art of listening is one of the most vital lessons we should all learn as human beings. How much of an impact can be made in our lives, or in anyone else’s, if we close our ears? We can scream the Gospel at all who have ears, and they will hear, but if they choose not to listen, what good does the effort do?
You know the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”? You can make a person hear, but you cannot make them listen. 
So what can you do? 
You can master the very thing that you want from others. Learn to listen. Listen to every detail. Learn the needs of individuals by listening to the way they speak, what they say when they think no one is really paying attention. What do they say when people are paying attention?  What are the lyrics to that favorite song they talk about all the time. What they repeat = what they are passionate for. Listen to it! Can you hear them? Can you hear the desire to help others? Can you hear the passion for art and music and mathematics and that ridiculous Netflix series!? 
Can you hear them?
Why doesn’t she speak anymore? Why is he suddenly silent? How long has it been since they have allowed themselves to mutter even the slightest of sound? Listen. Can you hear them? Can you hear the sound of brokenness? Heartache? Loneliness? You have to listen... real close... Listen for the silence just as much as you listen for the noise because the commas are just as important as the exclamations and the periods and the letters. In music they teach us that respecting the rests are just as important as singing the melody. 
Hear the rests. 
Learn the Art of Listening, I mean truly learn it. Sometimes you may forget. I know I do... Each day that my brain ages on, I swear it drops a bit of its jam-packed information, little by little, but the sounds... the sounds remain. Earworms and catchy tunes. Learn to listen... after all, who will ever hear the ones who will not first listen?
“I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned his ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.” Psalms 116:1-2
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atakportal · 6 years
Lift Weights Faster with Jen Sinkler
New Post has been published on https://atak.co/lift-weights-faster-with-jen-sinkler/
Lift Weights Faster with Jen Sinkler
Product Name: Lift Weights Faster with Jen Sinkler
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Do you want to lose body fat, but totally detest the things you’ve been told you “should” do?
Do you want to be able to see muscle in your arms, legs and abs, but feel like you’re just spinning your wheels with your efforts? Want to feel strong and capable, and excited to work out?
Specifically, do you avoid long “dreadmill” sessions at all costs, and skip the joint aches and pains that often accompany traditional cardio exercise?
I have a secret for you: You can.
Last year, the New York Times’ fitness story of the year was that short, intense workouts are incredibly effective for getting leaner, stronger, fitter and healthier overall. The type of sessions they covered ran the gamut from one (yes, one) minute to 30 minutes. (Insert joke about six- versus seven-minute abs here.)
In the vast majority of cases, something is better than nothing, sure, but a fast-paced workout can be better than just about anything.
No kidding. Some of us have known for a while now that doing super-short metabolic-resistance-training sessions — in other words, lifting weights faster — can burn more fat, build more muscle, rev your metabolism, and improve your work capacity better than typical aerobic exercise sessions (which often take much, much longer and deliver less of a payoff). In other words, strength training is pretty unapologetically awesome.
But nobody has time to work out. Or at least, that’s the refrain. Lack of time is the single most common reason given for not following a regular fitness routine.
And it can definitely be tricky to fit it in. Our lives are also often jam-packed with nonnegotiable obligations — working long hours or multiple jobs, taking the kids to their various activities, plus doing the general errands, tasks and upkeep of life in this century — that can send us careening through our days from dawn to dusk. Fitting fitness in on top of all that can genuinely seem like a daunting or even impossible task.
That means making it quick. Like…super quick. So quick that everyone has time to do this workout. No exceptions.
I’m Jen Sinkler. I’ve spent more than 13 years as a fitness editor, writer and personal trainer, with another two full decades also training as an athlete (many of those on the U.S. national rugby team). I’ve learned hands-on about what works and what doesn’t — not to mention what’s an absolute blast to do. My passion is providing information that will change your life in a way that won’t patronize or bore you (unfortunately, these often seem to be your options).
I want to tell you why so many people work their butts off, with nothing to show for it. I want to tell you why so many people just like you hate exercise, why it feels full of drudgery and “shoulds.”
I get it. I’ve been there: miserable in my own body, not making time for workouts, toiling away and not making a dent. In fact, it’s only because I’ve been there that I know how you can fix it.
And you can. Because — here’s a shocker — you don’t have to put yourself through long, laborious workouts to get the physique you want.
That’s how the idea for Lift Weights Faster was born.
I’m telling you, this method of training works, and works… faster.
Q:Cardio is for burning fat, strength training is for building size…right?
A:Not exactly. Not if you lift weights faster. This kind of hybrid training will help you get leaner, build muscle, move better, and feel better.
So, why does everyone think you have to do long, tedious or painful workouts? Why have we been conditioned to believe that traditional aerobic exercise is the best and only way to lose fat?
Here’s the scoop: Because of some research data that has been misinterpreted since the 1960s (maybe it was all the LSD?), we’ve been sold the idea that aerobic activities, such as swimming, biking and running, form the very essence of fitness and were the only way to get fit. In mainstream media outlets, we are still told that traditional cardio is the best and only way to burn off a donut.
Resistance training, on the other hand, has been positioned primarily as a bulk-building, bro-tastic activity that is a nice-but-not-necessary supplement to your fat-burning cardio routine.
Think about that for a second. For over 50 years, we’ve been told that. And, as a society, we believed it, because scientists told us it was true.
You see, new research shows that lifting weights is, in many ways, better than traditional cardio for fat loss, performance, and even overall health.
If you really want to see the best results possible, you don’t just need to “lift weights.”
You need to lift weights faster.
And I mean that literally: You take traditional weight-training exercises and do them faster, in every sense of the word. Lift light weights more explosively; decrease rest periods between sets; finish the workout more quickly and spend LESS time in the gym.
And when you do this correctly, you get many of the benefits of cardio and strength training at the same time, say more recent studies. Instead of going two steps forward and one step back (like most fitness programs), you’ll get the best of both worlds.
Let’s get something out of the way now: I’m not knocking traditional aerobic exercise, or saying it’s useless. It burns a calorie, it’s good for your heart, and many people enjoy it. But, a) It doesn’t build an appreciable amount of muscle — a major component in long-term fat loss; b) When done often, endurance training can lead to chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, which work against you pretty hard in terms of fat loss; and c) Many people flat-out can’t bring themselves to do it. And, frankly stated, the best exercise program in the real world is the one you will comply with.
In whatever form you choose to pursue it, exercise should be enjoyed — not dreaded.
The basis for Lift Weights Faster is to combine circuit training and sprint workouts, with a decided absence of long, slow, chore-like workouts and NO TREADMILLS. (It is absolutely every individual’s prerogative to do any activity you enjoy, of course, but contrary to popular belief, your fitness regimen doesn’t have to involve a dreadmill.) This combination of heavy lifting, moderate-load lifting, and sprinting is a super-effective training method for blasting body fat and building muscle. If your goals are that simple, look no further:
A related story: One of my clients says she has become the mom who can tuck a kid under each arm and run to the top of the sledding hill without even feeling tired or winded.
Think of how difficult that is: Running in deep snow, in the middle of winter, while awkwardly holding two tiny humans under each arm and running full speed up a hill – without breathing heavily.
That’s just what happens when you Lift Weights Faster.
You’ve got two options, both of which smoke you through a combination of carefully crafted full-body circuit workouts. One is Lift Weights Faster, the original: a 130-session choose-your-own-adventure-style fitness plan that created a movement. The second option is its sequel, which consists of 180 COMPLETELY NEW AND DIFFERENT workouts that dial things up yet another notch. Essentially, it’s the supercharged version. (With both, we’ve received hundreds of emails from people saying they can’t believe how much value they get for the money.)
Lift Weights Faster 1 & 2
Jen Gives Crystal Clear Coaching Cues
One of the best instructors EVER — just listen to her clear instructions and cues [in her videos]! I would like our class to re-learn windmills the way she teaches them. This is new to me, and I like the precision in her method.
LWF Is Worth Three Times the Price
I treated myself to LWF a few days ago and hands down it is easily worth three times as much as I paid. I HIGHLY recommend to anyone who is thinking about buying it to go ahead and go for it! Amazing deal and super quality information!
The Exercise Glossary is Superb
Your exercise glossary is superb! Very easy to follow. It was a pleasant surprise to see that this was a compilation of workouts from other fitness experts, as well. Makes for great variety. Overall a job really, really well done!
Encouraging and Inspiring
You encourage and inspire me to find what works for me on a daily basis, and to reconnect with my inner firecracker again. Your LWF package is incredible. Thank you. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you do.
Have Fun, Develop Radass Form
I can’t recommend LWF highly enough! It is so complete and awesome, and Jen is just fun to watch. I learned so much and my form is now pretty badass on account of this rad lady. Get this!
Considering Turning Myself In
I bought LWF yesterday and couldn’t believe the value! Feeling a little guilty, like maybe I robbed someone, but am thrilled to be armed the great information and workouts!
Challenging, Effective, Efficient, Fun Workouts
This is the program I treated myself to in January. Can’t even begin to tell you how much I love it! These workouts are challenging, effective, efficient and FUN. I genuinely look forward to every workout and my progress.
Love the workouts, and the content you post! Thanks for the inspiration
I’ll explain the how to get the best results possible (as well as cover the biggest conditioning mistakes). You’ll also learn how to use these workouts with a traditional strength program, if you choose.
The Lift Weights Faster conditioning libraries each include 130 and 180 done-for-you workouts, respectively in volumes 1 and 2, each with in-depth instructions, as well as sections broken down easily by equipment and expected workout times.
Step-by-step photos and clearly written coaching cues for every single exercise in the workout library so you know how to do exercises correctly and effectively. (These nearly 270 exercise how-to’s are a great value on their own!)
If you’re looking to pick up some equipment of your own, figuring out where to start can be challenging. My gear guide cuts through the fluff with solid recos.
Instant Access! For those who like to be talked through things live, I break down 30 of the most complicated exercises to help you perfect form, avoid injury and improve the way you move. PLUS a dynamic warm-up and five challenge workouts!
PLUS, included are FOUR comprehensive 12-week programs that explain how to use Lift Weights Faster as a stand-alone program with minimal equipment, as a stand-alone with a full gym, and how to combine it with a strength program.
To put the value of this package into perspective, if you were to get just three of these workouts per week training with me personally, you’d spend over a thousand dollars in a single month. With this package, you’re getting over a year’s worth of workouts for much less than the cost of a single session!
Lift Weights Faster 1 & 2
I hate to do that cheesy “But wait, there’s more!” thing, buuuuut…there is. And it’s something awesome. Not only do you get workouts from me and my team, all of which have been test-driven for the right mix of strength, balance, mobility, and toughness, but I also tapped 20 of the top fitness professionals in the industry to provide guest workouts.
You’ll get a little flavor from the best in the business at kettlebell training, Olympic lifting, brute strength and athleticism. (Plus one from the guy who is known for making butts as big, strong, and bubbly as possible.) Look for the corresponding workouts listed under each photo, plus nine more from experts not pictured here!
owner of Girls Gone Strong
kettlebell trainer and self-proclaimed “meathead yogi”
expert at snuggling and building bodies
body and mind transformer
Olympic weightlifting coaching standout
lifter, trainer, funnyman
elite powerlifter, figure competitor
“The 12 Days of Christmas”
integrative physician and fat-loss whisperer
master instructor with StrongFirst
Master RKC, master in badassery
great trainer but mean son of a gun
I’m just going to get this out of the way right now: Lifting weights faster, or metabolic resistance training, or cardio strength training, circuit training, or whatever label you choose to use, is absolutely fantastic. In terms of bang for your time-saving buck, there is no beating it. A tough circuit workout is like a sledgehammer of metabolic stress on your body, and the results make you look chiseled and feel fantastic.
As phenomenal as lifting weights faster is, however, there is a way you can make it even better.
The reality is, when you’re limited by how much weight you can lift quickly, it’s tough to build pure, max strength.
Of course, you will get stronger, up to a point. But, to build as much strength as possibly can, you need a program that’s going to make SURE you get everything you can possibly get out of your body. A program that will make you even stronger will make everything else even more effective.
Before you say that doesn’t matter, let’s just cover one thing: Strength ALWAYS matters!
Not only will greater all-around strength make you less likely to get injured, it also helps you lose fat faster. Just imagine doing the workouts in Lift Weights Faster with a bigger engine. You’ll be able to do them just as easily with more weight, which will require more calories, allowing you to burn more fat.
Whether your goal is purely to look better naked or to destroy the competition in your favorite sport, an intelligent strength-training program is critical to develop your work capacity and complement your conditioning.
I tapped my husband, David Dellanave, owner of The Movement Minneapolis and deadlift world record holder, to write a program that would do just that. Those who picked up the first version last year were NOT disappointed.
And this year’s is all new and even better. When you add Get Stronger Faster to your program, you’re going to:
And I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible…
Here’s what you’re snagging:
A detailed and comprehensive 12-week plan designed to get your whole body stronger than ever. Plus, two additional plans for minimal equipment and if your goal is to maximize muscle growth.
Easy to understand descriptions and photos of how to perform every single exercise in the entire program. These will ensure you’re doing the right thing and getting the intended effect.
The backbone of the Get Stronger Faster program that explains the biofeedback testing method that we use with all of our clients at The Movement Minneapolis and describes how to use it in your training. This manual includes both the philosophy behind the training principles you’ll be implementing, as well as how to apply them to turbocharge your progress.
I’m so confident that you’re going to feel that adding Get Stronger Faster to your program is going to be the best decision you’ve made that I’m offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee on anything you get today. All you have to do is give the program a shot, and if you don’t like it then you keep the program and I’ll give you a full refund.
It’s that easy, and if you follow the program, your results are going to be that good.
Lift Weights Faster 1 & 2
During my early training sessions with Jen, I thought I would never catch my breath after conditioning! Now, I come home excited about what I just accomplished — I talk about how I made it through an entire cycle without putting the kettlebell down!
One of the best moments for me was when I was teaching my daughter to ride a bike, and I could run alongside her effortlessly for as long as she needed. I couldn’t do that before Lift Weights Faster!
Alexis K., 41 – Minneapolis, MN
I’ve lost significant weight before and it was just not sustainable. The Lift Weights Faster workouts [coupled with a primal style of eating] were something that I KNEW I could do long term. Like the-rest-of-my life long-term. The workouts were easy to follow, easy to implement, easy to do. Even though many of them weren’t exhausting, they were effective. It has become part of my life.
I don’t know exactly how much I’ve lost. It’s over 50 pounds, and it took about 6 months to lose the weight. I’m not losing anymore, but my physique — and more importantly the way I feel about myself — continue to improve.
When people ask what I’ve been doing (and I get asked this all the time), my explanation always ends with “just give it a week.” If it doesn’t feel good after a week, quit. How could you possibly be worse off than when you started?
Brad – Undercover Cop Name and Photo Redacted
For me as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, the Lift Weights Faster site and workouts are FANTASTIC! I am a true kettlebell and lifting enthusiast and Jen brings a new fresh approach with her great ability to convey good form and instruction. The workouts on the site are new and challenging and that makes it FUN!
I have learned more about good form and maximizing my training time with the help of the Lift Weights Faster site and workouts.”
Astrid M., 38 – Grottoes, VA
I have been amazed by the progress and changes I’ve seen doing the Lift Weights Faster workouts.
I’m at a level of fitness I never thought I’d achieve. The ability to track my progression has also helped me become more disciplined both in and out of the gym, as I’ve become more conscious of my nutrition, too. Before starting the program, I simply wanted to get into better shape – and Lift Weights has far surpassed my expectations.”
Andy W., 26 – Minneapolis
Q: “I don’t want to have to join a gym – do I have to?”
A: You do NOT need a gym membership to do many of the workouts included in Lift Weights Faster.
One of the best parts about the program is that the workouts are organized by category, based on equipment you have on hand. You can choose from six different categories, including bodyweight, minimal equipment, dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell and full gym.
Over a third of the workouts are either bodyweight only or use a minimal amount of equipment.
Q: “The 10-, 20-, and 30-minute workouts don’t seem like they would be sufficient. Would Lift Weights Faster need to be supplemented with another workout program?”
A: You’d be surprised what kind of changes you can effect in that amount of time! If you’re doing the workouts correctly, with proper form and steadily increased weight over time, and completing them more quickly, you’ll continue to give your body reason to adapt.
While the Lift Weights Faster workouts can be used as a successful stand-alone program, the workouts can also very easily serve as conditioning finishers after your strength training session, if you’re following a more traditional strength program, such as Get Stronger Faster.
Q: “Which version should I get, the original Lift Weights Faster or Lift Weights Faster 2?”
A: Honestly, you can’t go wrong either way. The workouts are all new and completely separate from each other, and both resources are rich with video instructionals, high-definition photographs, and written descriptions of every single exercise that appears in any workout.
The main difference? Lift Weights Faster 2 is supercharged. It includes 50 more workouts than the original, taking its tally to over 180!
Q: “Is Lift Weights Faster a program or a collection of workouts? Should I do them in any particular order?”
A: Lift Weights Faster is a collection of full-body, strength-building, fat-burning workouts. You can do any of them in any order, OR you can use the workout calendars provided in No Assembly Required, and follow the plan as mapped out for you.
Just keep in mind that, as my friend Carla Birnberg writes, “It doesn’t MATTER what the ‘ideal’ is. What matters is what I will consistently do.” And I can promise you that you will do these workouts, which have all been tested on clients and other trainers, because you will love them.
Plus, as I said before, Lift Weights Faster workouts can easily provide the conditioning supplement to a progressive strength program.
Q: “I travel a lot for work. Will Lift Weights Faster be an effective workout for when I’m jet-setting from place to place?”
A: If you travel a lot, it’s not feasible to only train when you’re at home — I hear you loud and clear on that one! This conditioning library is the perfect thing to take with you on the go. Because the workouts are organized both by equipment and time, you can select the ones that are appropriate for you in any environment (and there are lots of options for limited equipment and space!).
Even if you’re limited on time and equipment, there are plenty of ways to keep your workouts fresh and challenging. Lift Weights Faster workouts include varying set and rep schemes, and different rest styles and workout structures, so cycle through different workouts to always present your body with a challenge.
Q: “Is LWF for men or women…or both?”
A: Lift Weights Faster is for anyone looking to enjoy their trip to the gym, their backyard or their living room. Lack of motivation doesn’t discriminate by gender, and neither do I. By enjoying your workout, you’re more likely to stick with the program and continue outdoing your expectations, whether man or woman.
With our library of exercises, videos, workouts and how-to’s, anyone can learn these the movements included in these workouts. If you’re already familiar, that’s great. If not, get ready to learn exercises and movements you’ll remember and use for the rest of your life!
Q: “Am I too old to do such fast-paced workouts?”
A: At the gym I co-own with my husband, called The Movement Minneapolis, I run classes with people anywhere from age 21 to 66, and we do Lift Weights Faster with them three times a week. I don’t believe limits should be placed on participants because of their age.
That said, I always start every client, regardless of age, off with just a little bit at a time. You want to give your muscles and connective tissues time to adapt, so go easy into the workouts.
If anything feels like too much — too much speed, too much weight — it probably is. That’s why absolutely everything is scalable. There are ways to dial back the intensity and get comfortable with the exercise before going any harder.
As we age, fat-burning hormones like growth hormone and testosterone begin to decline, so a program intended to spike these hormones, as Lift Weights Faster workouts do, can only benefit you in the long run, either young or old.
Q: “Jen, I’ve never really lifted or worked out before. Is this program for me?”
A: Everything Lift Weights Faster provides for you is meant to be learned by anyone who is interested.
If you’re a beginner — meaning you’ve never or rarely stepped foot in a gym — you can still get comfortable enough with the content to get started. Our Exercise Video Library and Exercise Glossary is intended to help walk you through each movement correctly so you can do it properly before going forward.
That being said, if you’re already a fitness enthusiast, this program is perfect for you, as well. The workouts are intended to challenge each participant — and that looks different for everyone.
Q: Done, deal, I’m in! How will Lift Weights Faster be shipped to me??
A: Shipping is so 1999. Both programs are a completely digital, downloadable series PDFs that you get instant access to as soon as you purchase. What’s more, you can download and access the entire system on any device that can read a PDF — which these days is nearly anything. You can read it on your computer, your tablet, or your phone, provided it doesn’t take up the entire passenger seat of your car. You can even print it out. Be forewarned – it’s about 9″ tall of printed paper.
People say you can’t have it all, but I’ve included a 30-day money-back guarantee so you have the comfort of knowing that if this incredible program doesn’t work for you, you get your money back, no questions asked. You have nothing to lose — except body fat and hesitations. Aside from that, you can only gain: confidence, muscle, and peace of mind. If it doesn’t work out for you, for whatever reason, your money and the program is yours.
I developed this program to let people know that it’s OK — and entirely possible — to enjoy your workouts. Traditionally structured workouts aren’t the “end all, be all” when it comes to the proper approach to fitness. If you dread the gym, you need to try something new.
I want you to get stronger in every direction. I want you to see results you never thought possible. I want you to perform better, be more confident, and — most importantly — I want you to enjoy yourself and be motivated to train. I want you to enjoy it so much that you never look back.
I’ve made it a point to help my audience and clients understand that you don’t need to force yourself into someone else’s routine. Find one that works for you, and one that gets you to your goals.
My confidence in the program is unwavering — hence the money-back guarantee. I know this flat-out works.
Lift Weights Faster 1 & 2
Legal Disclaimer: Due to recent changes in law from the FTC, it is required that all companies identify what a “typical” result is. The results depicted on this website are actual results of real clients who followed the workouts and principles described in Lift Weights Faster. If you don’t do anything, you can expect no results. If you want results, you should do this, too.
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Copyright © 2018 Sinkler Publishing LLC. 2100-B Lyndale Ave S – Minneapolis, MN 55405
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asentientlife-blog · 6 years
Spring Nutrition
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On behalf of Sentient Life, welcome to my new column and to the start of such a wonderful season. Ten years ago, I began a love affair with food. As an experienced Nutritional Therapist, I am truly passionate about real, honest food. They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but for me it’s all about nutrition; it’s ability to nourish us, to influence longevity and to inspire social connectedness. Healthy eating really does bring out the best in me, in us all. Over the years, I’ve gained a lot of invaluable knowledge, supporting individuals with numerous health concerns. As I’m so passionate about healthy food, I want to inspire you all to love nutrition as much as I do. For me, healthy eating is not about fad diets. It’s about eating real food and having the confidence to cook, from scratch, with fresh ingredients. It’s about making permanent, healthy changes and bridging the gap between farm and fork. Join me every month as we move through the seasons with a sense of optimism and vitality. Packed full of expert advice, each column will be brimming with exciting information to help get you looking and feeling your absolute best. I’m inviting you to join me on my journey, as I explore the world of nutrition and wellbeing. SPRING INTO NUTRITION I love Spring, it’s such a fresh and exciting season. When I think about Spring, I think about singing birds, the early daffodils and about the vast array of healthy produce that awaits us. In terms of both nutrition and wellbeing, Spring is all about growth and new beginnings, the perfect time of year to focus on your health. Spring is like Christmas for your taste buds and therefore an ideal time of year to experiment with new ingredients. The real key to a nutritious diet is variety. As the seasons change, so too should our food choices. I cannot stress enough the importance of eating produce that is in season. Fruits and vegetables grown within their season (and therefore in the most favourable conditions), exhibit far more nutrients than those grown out of season. The colours of fruits and vegetables are indicative of the disease-fighting nutrients inside, so it’s incredibly important to eat as many colours as possible. Eating a wide variety of colourful fruits and vegetables can help ward off chronic diseases. The beautiful palette of spring provides a great opportunity for us all to experiment with lots of colourful produce. OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW For me, the start of Spring is the ideal time of year for a fridge and cupboard overhaul. I love nothing more than to have a good clear out. All those years ago, when I first developed a love for nutrition, I adopted the philosophy of out with the old and in with the new. To better my relationship with food (I say relationship, because my connection with food is just that; an ever-changing, intimate relationship that requires tender love and care), I had to clear out the sugary convenience food and replace it with lots of fresh, delicious produce. I can tell you from my own experiences with nutrition that you don’t have to be a slave in the kitchen to enjoy all that nature has to offer. I feel that we are programmed to think that way (often to persuade us to buy convenience foods), but I can assure you that some of the most delicious meals can be prepared and cooked in a flash. Cooking is fun, especially when you have a greater appreciation of the ingredients you are using. Spring is a time when I like to pack my fridge with lots of seasonal goodies. In my mind, you can never have enough veg. I aim to eat at least five to six portions every single day. I’m always inspired by the following Michael Pollan quote, taken from his book ‘In Defense of Food.’
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So that I can inspire you to embrace all that Spring has to offer, I’d like to take you on a rather seasonal tour of my fridge.
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You may be wondering why my fridge isn’t jam packed. As I like to keep things fresh, I only have in exactly what I need. I try to plan my meals in weekly blocks, so that I know exactly what food items I require. That way, I avoid waste and I ensure that every meal is nutritionally dense. I can’t talk about spring without mentioning the humble egg, especially with Easter approaching. I always have eggs in my fridge. Eggs are such a fantastic source of protein, as well as a whole array of vitamins and minerals. When buying eggs, I always opt for farm fresh, organic and free-range eggs, as they are far superior to any other eggs. Whenever I eat eggs, I always combine them with vegetables. For breakfast during the Spring season, I often have poached eggs on a bed of seasonal greens or an omelette packed full of my favourite seasonal veggies. This was my breakfast earlier this week; two poached eggs on a bed of steamed rainbow chad with Soba/buckwheat noodles and extra virgin olive oil. This is one of my favourite breakfasts. It's so tasty and filling, a great way to BREAK the FAST.
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I always find it amazing how quickly you can transform something so simple into something so delicious. They say that you should eat breakfast like a king, so what better way to kick start your day. I've currently got some organic chicken carcasses chilling in the fridge, ready to make my own chicken broth/stock. You can see how I use fresh chicken stock in this month's watercress soup recipe below. I always have in a selection of nuts (usually walnuts and/or almonds) and nut butters. As you can see, I store my nuts in the fridge in an air-tight container. The essential fatty acids in nuts can become rancid at room temperature, especially during the warmer months, so it's important to keep them chilled. I like to have vegetables with most meal, so I’ve always got a lot of fresh vegetables in my fridge. I always try to focus on those that are in season. Let me talk you through what seasonal vegetables I currently have in my fridge. Rainbow Chard When it comes to eating the seasonal rainbow, it doesn’t get much better than rainbow chard.  Packed full of fibre, Vitamin A and K, this vegetable is a true delight to eat. This is definitely my vegetable of choice during the Spring. For me, healthy eating should be a visual delight, as well as a delight to the taste buds. With its array of colours, rainbow chard does not disappoint. You can use rainbow chard in the following recipe. Ginger and Honey Wild Salmon Parcels 1 wild salmon fillet 1 teaspoon Organic Raw Honey ½ lemon, juice and zest 1 clove garlic, minced/finely grated 1 x 5cm piece of ginger, minced/finely grated Rainbow chard, finely sliced Handful fresh parsley (option) Pinch Himalayan salt Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 or equivalent. In a small bowl/jug, whisk together the honey, lemon juice, ginger, garlic and Himalayan salt. Using one large sheet of baking parchment, place the rainbow chard onto the bottom. Position the wild salmon fillet on top of the chard. Drizzle over the honey and lemon dressing and top with a small handful of fresh parsley (optional). Wrap up each parcel using string, so that no juices can escape. I have left my parcel open, so that you can see how delicious it looks. Place on a baking tray and cook for 15 minutes. Only untie the parcels just before serving. Personally, I like to eat mine straight out of the paper. There's something so comforting about doing that. This dish is a real winner for me. Full of flavour and full of goodness. My partner, who I have to say is not mad on vegetables or oily fish, really enjoys this recipe. The ginger, lemon, honey and garlic bring everything together in such an exciting way. You can also experiment with fresh herbs for added flavour.
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Watercress Simplistic and fresh, watercress is brimming with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B12, manganese and calcium. Watercress is the perfect addition to homemade soups and salads. I think it has a rather peppery flavour, which is why it works so well in soups. As part of this month’s recipes, why not try the following watercress soup recipe. Not only does it taste great, it’s a great way to increase your intake of greens. Watercress soup 100g watercress 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 stick of celery, finely chopped 1 leek, washed and finely chopped 400ml fresh chicken/vegetable stock Himalayan salt (to taste) ½ teaspoon cold pressed virgin coconut oil This is such a fresh and vibrant soup and a great way of incorporating some seasonal greens into the diet. I always feel so clean and alive after I've eaten something like this. How can I not? It's a bowl of nature's finest. I personally use homemade chicken stock in this recipe. I slow cook two organic chicken carcasses in some filtered water, for about 12 hours, with fresh garlic, celery and carrots. You can of course buy fresh chicken/vegetable stock if you don’t wish to make your own. The taste and nutritional benefits of fresh stock are far superior to stock cubes, which are often high in salt and full of artificial ingredients.
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Finely chop the onion, leek and celery. Heat the coconut oil in a medium pan and fry the onions, leek and celery for five minutes, until softened and translucent. The aim is not to brown/caramelise the onions, but rather to soften them. Once softened, add in the watercress and fresh stock. Allow to simmer for just a couple of minutes. After cooling slightly, using a blender, Blend until smooth. Season to taste with a pinch of Himalayan salt. I often find that you don't need any extra seasoning. Just look at that. Surprisingly creamy and incredibly delicious!
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Purple Sprouting Broccoli Full of antioxidants, this vibrant vegetable can add a whole new dimension to your dinner plate. With longer stems and leaves, purple sprouting broccoli looks rather different when compared to the standard green variety. If you don’t like broccoli, you may well like purple sprouting broccoli, as it has a slightly sweeter taste. I like to lightly steam and serve warm, drizzled with cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Sometimes I sprinkle over some toasted pumpkin seeds. For added flavour, you can try steam frying the broccoli in coconut oil an water with some thinly sliced/minced garlic and some freshly sliced chilli. Celeriac In all honesty, I’ve only recently started to use celeriac. I think a lot of people struggle to know what to do with it. It certainly looks very extra-terrestrial doesn’t it? Celeriac is very closely related to celery (you may have already guessed that given the name), so has quite a unique flavour. An excellent source of vitamin K, phosphorus and vitamin C, celeriac makes a great alternative to traditional mashed potato. I like to mash together celeriac and cauliflower. Drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, it’s the perfect accompaniment to wild salmon or garlic chicken. Spinach I use spinach every single day. I have to say, I’m not a fan of cooked spinach (the texture can be a little sloppy), but I always add two large handfuls of raw spinach into my daily green smoothie. It works so well in smoothies, as it doesn’t have a strong flavour, so is very palatable. Rich in iron and loaded with powerful antioxidants, spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. During the Spring, you may choose to incorporate some of the following seasonal produce into your weekly meal plan. Asparagus Rich in vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin K, zinc, selenium and manganese, these little spears are truly delicious. Asparagus has its own unique flavour and I find it to be the perfect accompaniment to poached eggs, chicken and fish. I tend to steam the asparagus for just a few minutes and then drizzle with cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. It really is the best way to serve it. Parsley Renowned for being one of the best sources of calcium, this leafy herb packs a real punch on the nutritional front. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, potassium, zinc, copper and magnesium, parsley is one of the most nutritious herbs available during Spring. Parsley is also a natural diuretic, ideal for anyone who suffers with urinary tract infections, oedema and/or kidney stones. I find it compliments both fish and chicken very well and can even be added to smoothies for that additional nutritious boost. Purple sweet potatoes Packed full of fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, this antioxidant-rich purple beauty is as vibrant as it gets. With a similar comforting flavour to the standard sweet potato, purple sweet potatoes will be a real talking point at your dinner table.  I love to bake them in the oven for a healthier, more nutritious alternative to chips and wedges. These are a real winner with my young nieces and nephews; great news for all parents out there. KEEP IT LOCAL THIS SPRING My advice is to try and source your produce locally. Local produce is nutritionally superior, as it has not been shipped long distance. For the most part, I try to avoid the supermarkets and get most of my produce from local suppliers. If you can buy organic produce locally, even better. Here are my top tips to purchasing local organic produce. Get to know your local farmer and learn more about where your produce has come from and how it has been grown. Being more engaged in the farm-to-fork process means that you will have greater appreciation of the ingredients you are using. Venture out to your local farmer’s market and meet your local organic farmers face-to-face. On a warm Spring day, I love nothing more than to venture out to a local farmer’s market. You will find that the market sellers are extremely passionate about their produce and will be more than happy to engage in conversation and answer any questions you have. If you’re looking for convenience, the following companies will deliver farm fresh, organic produce directly to your door. I get a lot of my fresh produce delivered to me by Abel and Cole. They use local organic farms, so it’s a really convenient way of getting hold of quality produce. abelandcole.co.uk riverford.co.uk SPRING CLEAN YOUR DIET To give you a head start this Spring, here's five simple tips that you can introduce today to help spring clean your diet. Drink more water (1.5 - 2 litres daily) and filter it well. Thirst is your body's way of telling you that you are already dehydrated, so don’t let it get to this stage. Start each day with a pint glass of hot water and lemon to rehydrate your body after a long sleep. Drink water throughout the day, but not too late in the evening. Drinking too much water too late in the day can lead to disturbed sleep, due to a need to urinate. If you can incorporate this one step, you’ll notice a huge difference. If you don't know what's in it, bin it! If a product has a long ingredients list, the chances are it contains some hidden nasties. It’s best avoided. Using fresh ingredients means that you are in control of what you eat and not the manufacturer. Swap your tea and coffee for some cleansing herbal teas (I’m not referring to fruit tea here). Caffeine and tannins found within tea and coffee can inhibit the absorption of valuable nutrients. I love pukkaherbs.com and teapigs.co.uk for taste, quality and assortment. I love ginger and cinnamon tea, but there are many other varieties to choose form. On a warm day I like to make an iced cinnamon tea, an idea I picked up from a trip to New York. Simply make the cinnamon tea and leave to brew until the tea has completely cooled. Once cooled, remove the tea bag and add in some ice cubes or simply store in a glass jug in the fridge. I find this so refreshing, a great alternative to sugary drinks or squash. Increase your daily intake of vegetables, to include two leafy greens (spinach, kale, broccoli, savoy cabbage, Brussel sprouts, etc). Leafy greens are full of cancer-fighting nutrients, so it’s important to include them in your daily meals. This is the perfect way to maximise the nutritional content of your daily diet. I like to have a green smoothie everyday to ensure I’m getting enough greens. My recipe of choice is as follows: Green Goddess Smoothie ½ Avocado 2 handfuls of organic spinach 1 handful of broccoli sprouts (you can use a few broccoli florets if you can’t get hold of broccoli sprouts) 1 organic apple OR a large handful of mixed berries 1 tablespoon chia seeds Chilled almond milk and water Using a NutriBullet or equivalent device, blend all ingredients together until smooth and enjoy! Treat yourself to a new recipe book to help inspire you in the kitchen. Some of my best recipes have come from using my own imagination in the kitchen, often when trying to use up left-over ingredients. That said, sometimes you just need a little inspiration. I can highly recommend the following books: ‘Get the Glow’ – Madeleine Shaw ‘Cook, Nourish, Glow’ – Amelia Freer Raw Cacao Brownies During Lent and over Easter, the temptation to eat chocolate, especially when everybody else is delving into their Easter eggs, is all too real. Take it from me, these raw cacao truffles are to die for and they are packed full of wonderful nutrients. I have to say, they are a real favourite of mine, the perfect alternative to conventional processed, high-fat and high-sugar chocolate. This isn’t something I would have daily or even on a weekly basis, but they are my go to healthy treat when I need that chocolatey fix. Similar recipes use hazelnuts, but I much prefer to use walnuts in my recipe. Walnuts are a fantastic source of alpha-linolenic acid omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, in terms of nuts, walnuts are one of the best sources of ALA omega-3 fats.  Though not comparable to the omega-3 fats we get from oily fish, ALA omega-3 fats can support optimal brain and heart health. Walnuts are also a fantastic source of fibre, protein, magnesium, potassium and manganese. In this recipe, dates are a fantastic alternative to sugar, as they are naturally very sweet. I tend to find that they have a rather caramel/treacle-like flavour, which I think works really well in this recipe. They are also a great source of fibre, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B6. Sweet and nutritious, dates are a win win. Spirulina I hear you ask. What on earth is that? Spirulina is an algae powder that packs a real punch on the nutritional front. In fact, it is deemed to be a superfood. High in protein and rich in a whole host of vitamins and minerals, it really transforms this recipe into a nutritional delight. Taste wise, spirulina is not for the faint hearted, but you won’t taste it in this recipe. Sometimes I use a combination of green powders, such as chlorella, wheatgrass and hemp. Raw cacao powder is a far less processed version of cocoa powder. It comes from the cacao tree and is a natural source of chocolate, unlike the chocolate we are all familiar with (which contains no cacao at all). Rich in powerful antioxidants, as well as magnesium and iron, cacao powder is an ideal ingredient when making healthy snacks/deserts. 150g walnuts (unsalted) 150g Medjool dates (pitted) 50g organic cacao powder 2 pinches of Himalayan salt 3 teaspoons of spirulina powder 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (virgin, cold pressed), melted In a NutriBullet or blender, blitz the walnuts into a fine crumb. Once you have the fine walnut crumb, add in all other ingredients and blend until smooth. Using a spatula, transfer the mix into a rectangular dish, cover and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. After they have set in the freezer, transfer into the fridge for 1 hour. In terms of presentation, I personally like to cut the brownies into bite size morsels. I usually have one or two weekly, as part of my healthy diet.
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Your Weekly Spring Meal Plan You may wish to experiment with some of your own recipes, but hopefully this plan will offer you a little inspiration. BREAKFAST MID-MORNING LUNCH EVENING MEAL MONDAY Two poached eggs on a bed of asparagus Green goddess smoothie Open millet bread sandwich Roast chicken with cauliflower & celeriac mash TUESDAY Quinoa porridge with grated apple & cinnamon Green goddess smoothie Watercress soup with pumpkin seeds and buckwheat crispbreads Roast chicken with cauliflower & celeriac mash WEDNESDAY Quinoa porridge with pumpkin seeds & banana Green goddess smoothie Left-over vegetable stir-fry with buckwheat noodles and cashew nuts Chickpea chilli with brown rice THURSDAY Scrambled eggs with mushrooms on toasted millet bread Green goddess smoothie Watercress soup with pumpkin seeds and buckwheat crispbreads Honey & ginger wild salmon parcels FRIDAY Spinach and pea omelette Green goddess smoothie Large mackerel salad Vegan Thai coconut milk curry SATURDAY Quinoa porridge with grated apple & cinnamon Green goddess smoothie Left-over Vegetable stir-fry with buckwheat noodles and cashew nuts Honey & ginger wild salmon parcels SUNDAY Poached egg and mashed avocado on toasted millet bread Green goddess smoothie Watercress soup with pumpkin seeds and buckwheat crispbreads Kidney bean chilli   Shopping List Fresh  2 bags of spinach 2 sticks celery 100g portobella mushrooms 100g watercress 3 ripe avocados 2 medium apples OR 2 large handfuls of mixed berries 1 small banana Rainbow chard 2 leeks Stewing vegetables (onions, carrots, celery & parsnips) 1 Celeriac 1 Cauliflower 50g frozen peas 1 fresh red chilli 1 courgette Salad items of your choice (why not try cucumber, avocado, romaine lettuce, radish and spring onions) 150g Medjool dates (pitted) Fresh ginger root 2 cloves garlic 6 organic free-range eggs 500g stewing lamb (you can use mince if preferred) 1 organic whole chicken 2 wild salmon fillets 800ml fresh meat/vegetable stock (400ml for the soup and 400ml for the stew) Store Cupboard 3 slices of Biona organic gluten-free millet bread 6 handfuls of Amisa quinoa flakes1 small banana Small handful pumpkin seeds Cashew nuts 1 tin Biona organic chickpeas 1 tin Biona organic kidney beans 1 tin Biona organic coconut milk 1 teaspoon cumin 1 tin organic tomatoes Raw, organic honey (I use Hilltops Honey) Amisa buckwheat crispbreads Tinned mackerel (in extra virgin olive oil or spring water) 80g King Soba organic buckwheat noodles (40g per serving) 6 teaspoons thai green curry paste (3 teaspoons per recipe) 150g walnuts (unsalted) 50g organic cacao powder 2 pinches of Himalayan salt 3 teaspoons of spirulina powder 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (virgin, cold pressed) Unsweetened almond milk (opt for one with 6% almonds) Himalayan salt So, we’re all ready to embrace Spring. Today is a new day, a fresh start. Your opportunity to be healthy starts right now. Let’s embrace nutrition together! Read the full article
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timmynthnblg · 7 years
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How to Write a Essay Students must be sure the producing service that these essays are obtained by them from is just a reliable firm. Your college article will probably hold out the remainder of your app. Writing an excellent essay is tough, particularly for pupils who really don’t prefer to compose newspapers.The point is in writing college application essays important, it’s possible to even learn about writing a college application essay that is prosperous to find out more. Now it’s dependent upon your own interpretation of the price of one’s faculty essay and also to a extent that your financial plan. The faculty admission essay suggestion would be to relax as stated earlier. How to Become a Freelance Writer Clearly, regardless of what eligibility you have decided on to get achievement is a must for the upcoming livelihood. Though grades and evaluation scores stay critical it’s the application essay that may help split up applicants. These writers have a attention span or they tackle assignments . src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/qsIWYyKmalQ” allowfullscreen=”true” style=”margin:0px auto; display: block;” width=”426″ height=”240″ frameborder=”0″
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music-of-silence · 7 years
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Entertaining and informative Whether or not you are a country music fan, the title is intriguing enough to make you want to read this book. And once you do, you'll find it full of entertaining stories that are amusing, interesting, and at times sorrowful and thought provoking. Some of these stories you may have heard before, but many are told from conversations the author has had with his subjects and either aren't well known or known at all. And these stories are related in a "folksy" or conversational manner so that at times you may feel as though you are being spoken to directly. Go to Amazon
Any Country Music Fan Will Enjoy This One Cleverly and humorously written, this guide to Nashville country singers of the past four-plus decades is a real pleasure. It is jam-packed with astute observations and personal stories that even the most devoted country fan may find fresh and revealing. Alas, there is no real theme here, and the book has the feel of a collection of disconnected, loose-leaf notebook sketched stories strung together to earn its book cover. The musicians Cooper loves all seem to have earned the reputation as "the best ever ___" while other major figures are ignored or only briefly mentioned; this is the work of an unapologetic fan. A musician in addition to writer and historian, the author's insights are often invaluable; I have returned to check his litany of the best steel guitarists several times since finishing the book. Cooper's prose is folksy, well suited to honky tonk story-telling, but the throw-away transitions are occasionally wince-worthy, too cute by half. (But don't worry, there is nary a passage throughout as awful as the title, Jack Clement-authored or not.) Overall, this is a fun, fast summer ride and an absolute must-read for any serious country devotee. Go to Amazon
He tells the stories of the people and the music with a passion born of a love of country music and the people who helped make . There are two kinds of people in this world; those who have read Peter Cooper's book "Johnny's Cash & Charley's Pride" and those who ought to read it. Go to Amazon
Great Interviews And Great Stories There was a very good article and interview with the author in No Depression magazine last week which provided a great taste of the flavor of this book and compelling reasons to buy it. I'm part way through reading it and it has a very lively cool writing style, fascinating stories and lots of insight. Go to Amazon
Peter Cooper is my favorite Music Critic and Author Book came only yesterday. I read the first two chapters last night. Those two justified the purchase price. I can't wait to tear through this book. Thanks to Peter for a treasure! Go to Amazon
Entertaining & Educational Very informative and enjoyable book. History of Nashville, past and present famous performers and musicians on stage and off, and revealing events are well written too. Go to Amazon
so much humor and stories just beautifully told. Plus So much heart, so much humor and stories just beautifully told. Plus, when you scribble down every song you encounter from cover to cover, you get the best playlist you've ever made. Can't recommend Peter's book enough. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Great book to read - Go to Amazon
Great short stories of the sung and unsung Love this one!
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theseventhhex · 7 years
Haunt the Woods Interview
Haunt the Woods
Haunt the Woods are an exciting contemporary Folk band from the shires of Cornwall and the Rame Peninsula. The band have a new and unique sound incorporating an eclectic blend of traditional and contemporary folk influences, with beautiful melodies and spellbinding guitar. The unique and chilling vocals combined with 4 part vocal harmonies make the heartfelt and emotional lyrics extremely powerful. In addition, their live show really captures the energy and essence of the band’s love and passion for music and the true meticulous nature of their compositions… We talk to Alex Skinner about Cornish shire imagery, performing live and YouTube binging…
TSH: In the lead up to the line ‘The Line’, how did you feel about your songwriting evolving and the direction that you had in mind?
Alex: We don’t really put a huge amount of thought into the initial songwriting, it is very organic and although the lyrics are purely based upon personal experience, other than this initial inspiration, the songs just kind of write themselves if that makes any sense? We are more of a catalyst for the song rather than consciously sitting down and saying “right, today we are going to write a song and its going to be this structure and this long with this many verses and a solo here” – it doesn’t really work like that for us. However, we really feel our songwriting has progressed though on this record, I think our process has developed and Jon will take an initial idea to Phoenix and they will work on it together before we all jam it together and write our parts.
TSH: Does the band still gravitate to being inspired by the Cornish shire imagery?
Alex: It is pretty hard not to be inspired by your surroundings when growing up in such a beautiful part of the world! We have all lived here for the vast majority of our lives, and it’s definitely had an influence on our music and the imagery within and sound of our music. Its probably had a big effect on our personalities too – we’re all pretty chilled out!
TSH: What’s the studio dynamic like when you guys are crafting new music?
Alex: When we are in the studio, we have a laugh and we play around when the time is right, but we are all very focused and professional because we all want to get the absolute best sound for each track that we can. We often have a few beers in the evening and end up jamming new tunes and listening to music, and you can normally find Jon in the live room at some ridiculously early hour of the morning with a bottle of wine writing songs at the piano! All in all, the studio is one of our favourite places to be, and we have a very good dynamic when we work together!
TSH: Furthermore, with ‘Helter Skelter’, which part(s) required most focus as this track came together?
Alex: We record mostly live, and then do a few overdubs afterwards, so once we had the bare bones, which was the live take of the track, everything was already starting to come together. In ‘Helter Skelter’ Phoenix’s guitar is pretty complex at times but as well as this it really defines the sound of the track as well as Olly’s top work on the drums. Both the guitar and drums really make this track what it is so the most time was probably spent on these elements, making sure that the drums sounded huge and that Phoenix was achieving what he wanted with his guitar tone.
TSH: What does a track like ‘Lakehouse’ signify to you personally?
Alex: Too much to say really, sorry for this lame answer but no coherent words could possibly express what this song signifies. We would rather people hear the sounds and the lyrics and draw their own conclusions about what the songs mean to them individually and how it relates to their lives!
TSH: Is there a specific musical period/sound that inspires you?
Alex: I think we are all inspired by loads of different types of music rather than one particular sound or period of music. We all love Pink Floyd, and the psychedelic prog movement of the 60’s, but then on a musical level we are inspired by loads of other artists like Dry the River, Damien Rice, This Will Destroy You, Ben Howard, Half Moon Run, Jeff Buckley, there’s too many to name! On a social level we are massively inspired by artists like Bob Marley and The Beatles because of the social impact they had with their music. And then there’s Olly, who listens to Psychedelic, hand drum and woodwind based Middle Eastern electronic music!
TSH: Was there anything that you read, watched or heard the crept its way into your production for this EP?
Alex: In terms of artistic influences, I’m sure we all have influences that have crept into the songs without us realising. East of Eden by John Steinbeck and Asylum by Patrick Mcgrath are both amazing novels and Jonathan was reading these around the time we were doing the EP, so perhaps this literature crept in somewhere. We were also really fascinated by the terrible situations in North Korea and how the world is continually striving for peace but never finding it. This definitely informed the stock footage video that we put together for ‘Beautiful Catastrophe’.
TSH: How much are you looking forward to performing in a cave in Cornwall in May?
Alex: It is going to be rad, the most special gig we have done to date, and it’s almost sold out which is crazy! Playing to a packed cave full of people is going to be ace and we can’t wait, hopefully the audience will notice a step up in our set too, we have been working on loads of new tunes and we will be playing the tracks from our EP too.
TSH: What qualities do you bear in mind mostly with the band’s live offerings?
Alex: Our live show is the one area that we consciously put a huge amount of thought into. We are really pleased with how its progressed over the last couple of years, but we are a long way away from feeling it has reached what we are aiming for. We are really interested in the sound being as interesting and hard hitting as possible, and using visuals/videos in the background while we are playing to engage people and explore alternative/interesting meanings and depictions to the song. We always have the audience in mind when considering all of the aspects of our live show; we want it to be an interesting and engaging experience for them that they will really enjoy.
TSH: What brings about most happiness and laughter during your touring drives and travels?
Alex: Olly – our drummer! He is the biggest wind-up merchant you could ever meet, and Jonathan is the easiest person to wind-up in the world, so this can provide hours of entertainment for everyone. We love visiting different places, so we always try to spend as much time as we can walking around the cities that we go to and visiting all of the local city centres – it’s a big, fascinating world when you’re 4 Cornish hippies.
TSH: What gets heavy rotation on your YouTube binge watches?
Alex: It’s always changing really! Phoenix loves Pink Floyd, This Will Destroy You, Tesseract, Guthrie Govan, Low Roar and too many to name! He is also well into watching episodes of South Park! Anything Jeff Buckley, Nirvana, Bob Marley, John Mayer, John Lennon is always a definitely yes and we have recently discovered Alice Phoebe Lou who is an incredible artist. Jonathan seems to watch a lot of documentaries about the tragedy of North Korea at the moment for some reason and is also into old Charlie Chaplin movies! Alex is really into HMR, Alabama Shakes, The Paper Kites, Banfi, Fleet Foxes, Iron and Wine, Half Moon Run and he also regularly watches YouTube to learn how to do his super technical sound man things, he’s a bit of a genius when it comes to that kind of stuff. Olly is always showing us the most insane hand drumming, and silly parody songs too – which sounds funny but can get really annoying when you’re on tour. Olly is also really good at reading “The Lord of The Rings” in the style of the online audiobook – sounds crazy but he’s seriously good at it, especially all the voices.
TSH: What kind of diversity and variety do you look to embrace as Haunt the Woods progresses further?
Alex: We all feel we are only scratching the surface of our potential/ambitions as individual musicians and as a band, so we are really excited to see what future experiments result in. We will just continue experimenting and working hard to make music we love playing! We want to explore all areas of music, and don’t see ourselves as a band who is exclusively one genre. We are Haunt the Woods, and that Haunt the Woods will always mean 4 friends, having fun playing music together, that is purely about expression and raw emotion.
Haunt the Woods - “Beautiful Catastrophe”
The Line
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jamesovaluesmarter · 8 years
17 Things New Years Resolutions Do Not Do
The 17 Things New Year’s Resolutions Do Not Do
 A new year it is a fresh start with all the great things that will happen. Well, that is the story we tell ourselves. You see the calendar shows us the promise of a new fresh opportunity but in reality, it is still only a new day. So, before we deep dive into 2017, let us get realistic and explore what most New Year Resolutions not do for us.
Here is my contrarian list for your resolution contemplation.
1. Guarantee success
Just because you create a resolution, it does not guarantee success. It is fine to enter change in a positive way but beware of deluding yourself.
This is the week when many new knee supports are bought and ankle blister packs are sold for the new fresh runners. They quickly understand that running without a good warm up, in old trainers and poor socks is almost like asking for pain and disappointment.
Top Tip: Think carefully if you are prepared to experience setbacks.
2. Focus on the process
Success is 100% action. The process you take to achieve your resolution is as important as the resolution itself. If you choose the wrong timing, method, systems and process then there is little or no point in creating the goal to start with.
Top Tip: Invest the time, effort and be flexible but determined with a process.
3. Give you strength when others give up on their goals
Behavior science shows that we are influenced by other people’s actions. When you see friends, family and members of your new club stop attending the gym or giving up on their goals, it becomes easier for you to copy and do the same.
 Top Tip: Develop personal discipline and understand the path to success is your own.
4. Last the whole year
Many resolutions are life changing decisions. They are not limited to the new calendar year, so be prepared to stick with change over the long haul. It is not a question of days, or weeks, it is about a lifestyle change and commitment.
Top Tip: Break down your resolution to smaller achievement steps and celebrate them once attained.
5. Stop you from being marketed to in the same way
The power of marketing is amazing, it can be your friend and own worst enemy. Just because you have changed your normal browsing habits online from cookies to vegan recipes does not mean all the marketing algorithms have caught up with you yet.
Indeed the head of brands are prepared to be tempted and not advertise their cookies in the first week, expect to be marketed and tempted shortly after.
Top Tip: Use social media notification blockers to reduce the type of information were branded to you. Understand you are being marketed to.
    6. Prepare you for the reaction of friends/family/colleagues
Just because you have decided to learn Pawnee language, Aqua Yoga, run a 10K or start a new online side business, does not mean your circle of normal friends will share the same delight or passion. Indeed, some may project their own insecurities on you and provide negative or indifferent reactions.
Top Tip: Understand this is your New Year’s Resolution and no one else’s. Take the positive comments and ignore the negative ones (but be open enough to enquire why they say or feel what they do).
7. Have a plan B or C
Resolutions are often single actions, often people feel like a failure if their original goal is not achieved. However life throws many curve balls to us all.
Be prepared to be flexible with your methods and even results if needed to move your life forward.
Top Tip: Remain determined and committed to improvements, understand that changing plans may be needed. For example: Due to finances changing a planned trip around the world to an extended vacation in Africa is still a great improvement than not going anywhere!
8. Explain WHY you want it
One of the key elements to long term success is personal motivation. Resolutions such as “go to the gym more often” do not go far enough to explain why you want to or should. This will often mean your resolution becomes wider and more balanced and easier to manage and remain motivated.
Top Tip: Stick to the reasons why you want change and then focus on that.
9. Provide a system of goals, measures
Simply making a statement of an end result is not going to be robust enough for most people. Indeed this is exactly why so many different goal systems exist. A resolution is a great aim and target but requires a support system to create the success.
  Top Tip: Select an appropriate goal setting system with regular measures to support your resolution.
10. Remove daily temptation
The toughest thing with change is change itself. If you normally do not do the actions you seek in your new year’s resolution then expect to be tempted to continue with your normal habits and behaviors? Self-determination and discipline does not come easy to everyone so be prepared for a battle of the will!
Top Tip: Understanding the habit loop to manage and avoid temptation.
11. Ensure ALL aspects of life are covered
The most common New Year’s resolutions are skewed into certain parts of our lives. They often reflect an imbalance of how you wish your life should be. By then following these new areas people often find prior maintained parts of their life suffer.
Just ask anyone who has grown from half marathons to becoming an ultra-runner if it has impacted their relationships.
The simple truth and reality is to define the amount of time, quality of time and priority for each part of your life.
Top Tip: Seek clarification of goals and expectations across the main areas of your life: Health, Relationships, Spiritual/Philosophy, Financial, Mastery of skills
12. Work so well if you are over 50
The statistics are against you if you are over 50. Only 14% of people over 50 achieve their New Year’s resolutions compared to 39% for those in their twenties.
Top Tip: Seek goal setting methods to beat these statistics and ensure you are part of their success portion.
13. Help you lose weight at the best time of year to exercise
If you sit and think for a little while, when would be the best time of year to make significant diet change and health in someone’s life? Option A) In the spring with its warmer climate, more opportunity to be outdoors and less seasonal “goodies” on the food shelf or Option B) In the cold dark winter when you are most exposed to catching a cold, slipping on ice and being tempted with 50% off Santa chocolate bars.  Well the answer for most is simple, Option A
Top Tip: Be realistic about your personality type and environment you live. If you need to postpone your change to an easier time of year then do it. Just use the delay to prepare for the long term change.
14. Be specific enough
What exactly does “get organized” or “enjoy life to the fullest” or “lose weight” or “spend less and save more” mean? These common New Year’s resolutions are too vague. It is better to be more specific with these wide aims and targets. i.e. “Get Organized” becomes “Have a clean desk at work, have no clothes on the floor, dedicate time and tasks to all members of the house and create a chore Rota for the rest of the year. All to be in place by January. If we remain organized with this system then we shall go to the park in July for a picnic”
Top Tip: Use and implement SMARTER goals for your new year’s resolution.
15. Provide confidence during setbacks
When a person embarks on a significant change, setbacks should be expected. If you enter your resolution with pure optimism and do not have the determination to deal with setbacks on the journey then expect an impact to your confidence.
Indeed, many people go on a diet and start to exercise and relapse for a couple of days after a few weeks training. They feel so ashamed that they have “failed” they stop their resolution and blame lack of time etc. This ignores the outstanding success and steps already made.
Top Tip: Be realistic and expect setbacks with your New Year’s Resolution. Review your overall progress and focus on that instead of the best examples shown on social media!
16. Give insights to how impactful they are.
Idea creation is one of the easiest and most popular things we do as humans. However, for every success there are many more failures and setbacks. Creating your resolution without understanding how realistic or impactful they will be is an important phase and step. You just might find extra motivation during this discovery process.
Top Tip: Do not be put off by stretched or seemingly unrealistic goals. Instead, focus on resourcefulness and determination to overcome obstacles along the way.
17. Forgive you.
OK this at first sounds silly but stick with me. A New Year’s Resolution is most often a utopian commitment for improvement. They are mostly absolute terms and expectations.
When people improve their conditions and wellbeing they can still feel a failure as they had not fulfilled their original aim. So, in short the resolutions do not forgive your performance in anyway. They become absolute expectations.
Top Tip: Recognize that any improvement is better than no improvement. Reducing your smoking by 1 a day is better than getting worse or remaining the same. Over time you can use this improvement to motivate you to the next 1 or 2 or 3. Focus on your TREND OF PERFORMANCE as much as the absolute end goal. You may surprise yourself and over achieve, or need a little more time than hoped.
You can guess that I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I prefer continual goal setting. However here are the Resolutions I make most years. I make these resolutions with a calendar commitment, i.e. “for 2017”
  1)    No drinking of alcohol  (Not drank for almost 30 years)
2)    No taking of leisure drugs (I enjoy life and skydiving as my rush)
3)    No smoking (Never smoked)
Let me know your resolutions and comments to my comments and top tips.
Please share this article over one of your social media platforms and have a Happy New Year.
- Written by James Doyle - Founder of JAMSO
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
95% off #The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 – $10
Learn By Doing – build 25 websites and real mobile apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, MySQL and a lot more.
Beginner Level,  – 30.5 hours,  297 lectures 
Average rating 4.7/5 (4.7 (11,069 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
No pre-knowledge is required – enthusiasm is all you need! A PC or Mac is required No software is required in advance of the course (all software used in the course is free)
Course description:
You’re here because you’re ready to start building professional, career-boosting websites.
Or maybe you’re coding already and want to take things to the next level?
I’m here because I’m the creator of the best-selling, highest-rated coding courses on Udemy—and I love to share my secrets with you.
Welcome to The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0
Based on feedback from over 25,000 5-star reviews, I’ve created The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0, the sequel to my global smash-hit: Build 14 Websites course.
It’s my most current, in-depth and exciting coding course—to date.
Designed for you—no matter where you are in your coding journey—my next-generation web developer course is overflowing with fresh content. Jam-packed with high-quality tutorials. And crucially, features the most advanced, hot-off-the-press software versions.
It’s your fast-track to iron-clad coding results.
We’ve left no stone unturned.
I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date coding course available ANYWHERE on the market—or your money back.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an innovator or the next Mark Zuckerberg just waiting to happen, here you’ll find everything you need to get up and coding—fast.
And it’s all in one perfectly-packaged, super-convenient online solution.
“It is hard to find a complete course out there that is like this one. I am amazed at the value of the content and I would without a doubt recommend it to anyone looking for a complete web developing course.” -Daniel Lim
From zero to break-neck speed in just six weeks.
What else makes my course different? It’ll take you from beginner to expert in just six weeks (or take it at your own pace—whatever suits you).
“I went from total novice to getting my first paid client, before I’d even finished the course. Almost unbelievable!” Priti Palmer.
Don’t be the one to get left behind
Get started today and join millions of my happy students, many of whom have changed careers, created second incomes or added critical new skills to their tool kits.
Oh, and did I mention you get FREE unlimited hosting for one year?
Sign up to The Complete Web Developers Course 2.0 today and revolutionise your learning. Effortlessly embed the fundamentals. Refresh your groundwork. Dig deeper than ever. Start building powerful apps and cash-earning websites today—and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.
“Excellent course gives you everything you need to know for doing awesome websites!” – Steven De Jesús
Don’t believe me? I offer full money back guarantee if you haven’t earned your money back within 60 days of completing the course.
Ready to open new doors and become a smart, in-demand web developer?
Here’s what you get with The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0
You’ll get access to twelve chapters that dig deep into the nitty gritty of building successful websites.
Each chapter is supported with over 40 hours of clear, intelligent video tutorials and practical website challenges.
All at your fingers tips. Right now.
The course starts with the fundamentals. I’ll show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and Python. Once you’ve got that locked down, I’ll show you how to build your own responsive websites using more advanced techniques such as iQuery PHP 7, MySQL 5 and Twitter Bootstrap. By then you’ll be developing blogs and eCommerce sites with WordPress, and learn smart ways to add dynamic content, using APls to connect to sites such as Google Maps and Facebook. As we all know, the best way to learn is to do, so you’ll complete fun website challenges at every turn. Plus, as you fly through the course, you’ll use your skills to put a site together as you go. The final challenge is a full Twitter clone.
“Very easy to follow along with how the course has been divided into small topics. The summary pages at the end of each topic are very useful to review if you
“This is an excellent course that provides in-depth tuition from the very basics to quite advanced concepts. The extras that come with the course are very useful in putting the skills learned to practice, and I feel that I have learned a huge amount from this. Thank you Rob!” (Rebecca Seamer)
“I give it 4 stars because it is great to learn if you are an absolute beginner and being introduced to Web Development for the first time as it covers a great deal of languages. However the only downside is setting up your system for a true workflow of web development. such as integrating in Node.js and github. I’m still a newbie in the world of web development, but learnt early on its important to be familiar with industry standards as a bare minimum and build confidence.” (Gerard Ho)
“I am giving Rob Percival’s Web Development 2.0 course on Udemy 5 stars, if only for the huge amount of content in this course. There is a ton of information (and a lot of good bonuses) with this course that will provide students that are new to Web Development with a good foundation on the topic. As a noob myself, I considered this my 101 Web Development course. After taking this course, I am able to understand the differences between many of the most popular languages and libraries. I can read and recognize these languages and libraries, but I can only code in html and CSS and a little Javascript on my own. So despite the 5-star rating and my overall recommendation of this course, the rest of this review is going to be pretty critical. The intent of this criticism is (1) so save future students frustration by encouraging an approach to the course that will make the experience feel better, and (2) the hope that some of the things I write will encourage the teacher to tweak the course content to make it easier for beginner students to digest. The most frustrating thing about this course were the exercises because they are not easy enough for a beginner to figure out on his or her own, yet he says every time, “I hope you did most of that on your own,” which implies that people who DON’T complete the exercise on their own are falling behind and not absorbing the information well. In the beginning, this made me feel like I was pretty bad at learning the material, and I was especially critical of myself because I have a background in HTML and WordPress. As I got toward the end of the course (I am writing this after finishing everything) I realized that Rob believing everyone should be able to do most of the exercises on their own is a ridiculous notion. Even if a student tries to Google everything, a lot of the time as a beginner I didn’t even know what to search for, so that limited my ability to complete the exercise on my own. My advice to the beginner is to give yourself a time limit to complete each exercise you come to (like an hour or two) or just go ahead and code along with the video. And don’t feel bad about not being able to do it on your own. Additionally, I did one of the exercises at the end of the course but I could not get the code to do what I wanted it to do. I asked for help in the Q&A and the response I got was, “just compare your code to my [Rob’s] code”. I thought that was a bit of a brush off. Of course I compared the code before posting a question. If you think I hadn’t compared the code several times before posting a question,then that’s crazy. After watching 30 hours of video and spending many additional hours working to complete the advanced exercises, that response to my question has the subtext of, “You are lazy and you want me to solve this for you rather than figure it out yourself.” Actually, I compared his and my code multiple times, but sometimes when you’ve stared at your own code next to almost identical code for 2 hours, you don’t see the one semicolon (or whatever) that someone else (especially an expert) will find immediately. In the next section of the course I couldn’t get another page to work (Mastermind exercise). I looked over the code 8 times, comparing mine to his, and couldn’t find what was different. I didn’t bother to submit that one to the Q&A. I guess I’ll never know what went wrong… Also, I don’t know why the bonus section is there. That part is definitely way beyond what is taught in this course, but I suppose he can say it is there and pitch it as part of the course. CONCLUSION: Yes, take this course if you are a beginner because it is a great value and will give you a good foundation, but if you get frustrated and feel that the exercises are beyond the foundation material in each section, then you are probably right. Just keep plugging away, don’t believe him when he says, “You should have been able to do a lot of this yourself,” and have faith that some” (Leslie Lello)
  About Instructor:
Rob Percival
Hi! I’m Rob. I have a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge University and you might call me a bit of coding geek. After building websites for friends and family for fun, I soon learned that web development was a very lucrative career choice. I gave up my successful (and sometimes stressful) job as a teacher to work part time and today, couldn’t be happier. I’m passionate about teaching kids to code, so every summer I run Code School in the beautiful city of Cambridge. I also run the popular web hosting and design service, Eco Web Hosting which leaves me free to share my secrets with people like you. You wouldn’t believe the freedom that being a web developer offers. Sign up and find out for yourself why so many people are taking and recommending this course. I genuinely believe it’s the best on the market and if you don’t agree, I’ll happily refund your money. Sign up to my courses and join me in this amazing adventure today.
Instructor Other Courses:
The Complete Android N Developer Course Rob Percival, Web Developer And Teacher (876) $10 $200 The Complete Digital Marketing Course – 12 Courses in 1 The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course – Build 21 Apps …………………………………………………………… Rob Percival coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Web Development course coupon Udemy Web Development course coupon The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 course coupon The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 coupon coupons
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