#its such a fun concept that they invented time travel
sweet-potato-42 · 10 months
I swear if the admins allow tubbo and fit to use the short term time travel thing one day i would be so hyped. It owuld be so fun. Like i doubt they will but imainge if they did.
Like in the middle of a crisis they use the last resort trick and turn back time for liek a minute to avoid a death maybe
Id see it as a like hte admins allow them to use it once thing for hter sake of a cool story
chekhovs 3 million item chest time travel trick
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Cult of the lamb ask!
The reader is the god of adventure. They don’t really have a cult like the other gods did, being a person that was on the move too much to settle down and form one. But they frequently travel to places that are either in abundance of adventure or where the people desperately need one.
Lambert is constantly having to stop the reader from dragging their cultists into dangerous adventures or is having to deal with reader following them around as they crusade against the other gods and dragging him into some more adventures against his will.
(Reader isn’t malicious, perhaps just a little ignorant to how much damage the mortal body can take)
With nearly all of the old gods having fallen to the Bishops ages ago, Lamb never expected to meet any of them..
Until he did, in fact, meet one such god:
You, the God of Adventure, who only survived the wars/massacres by simply moving from place to place all the time.
This made you difficult for the Bishops to track.
Your singular purpose was to seek out people who were in desperate need of an escape from their routine lives and give them new adventures/quests to undertake.
You've basically invented crusading...so why the Bishops wanted to destroy you and that very concept was baffling.
In a way, you've helped the Old Faith grow stronger. They should've been thanking you instead of hunting you like an animal.
After a few centuries, you passed by Lamb's cult and quietly observed its growing size, never straying too far.
Despite having followers who worshipped you, you've never actually settled anywhere to start your own official cult. But they've adopted a nomadic lifestyle in your name.
Wherever you went, they were never far behind, spreading your gospel...although after Narinder's betrayal, many of them went into hiding or got captured, leaving you to be slowly forgotten about.
But seeing Lamb's followers going on missionaries gave you an idea..
Of course, an immortal god couldn't feel the thrill of "dangerous" adventures and would never know what it's like to have a close brush with death.
So..why not become mortal instead?
Thus, you made a pact with your Crown to dull its powers, showing up to Lamb's cult as a humble creature looking for a new home.
Obviously the Red Crown sensed your godhood and it made them wary of letting you stick around.
But you've proven you're trustworthy enough.
Now you're tasked with assigning missionaries to followers and accompanying them in the Bishops' domains.
If several are going at once to different places..you prioritize whoever had the lowest chance of survival to ensure a safe trip home (which may or may not involve you giving a few subtle blessings to them).
However you've found yourself dragging them into danger quite a few times while evading hostile creatures and traps (especially in Silk Cradle where they seemed to be at every turn).
Even when Lamb's crusading, you'll cross paths with them sometimes and end up running right into heretic territory.
While you can't die from old age, your mortal body still has its limits....and Lamb only had to revive you once.
Ofc you don't remember that and brush off their concerns.
"Oh come on, little Lamb. What's adventure without a little danger every now and then? There's no fun in beelining it to the Bishops and not exploring the world around you!"
"...the only things that are "around us" are centipedes that spit acid and giant axe traps-"
"Then let's go to where they reside!"
If Narinder ever found out who was the most recent cause of Lamb's death...he'd just roll his eyes.
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garkgatiss · 4 months
{{esquivalience}}, The Auteur, and Doctor Who the TV Show
alright so this novella.
First, its provenance: I was googling the Twist at the End song last week because it's catchy as hell. I ended up on the Tardis wiki and realized that there was a song by the exact same name that appeared in a licensed DWU novella that was published April 9th. As in, last month. Which is weird. It's hard to say how weird, but given the timing, it either has to be a) pure coincidence (lol), b) someone who worked on the show abusing their advance knowledge of plot details for personal gain, or c) intentional coordination between showrunner and novella-writer, a la Joe Lidster writing John Watson’s blog for BBC Sherlock.
The likelihood of (a) is decreasing by the week. I feel like I have to entertain the idea of (b) happening, but it's hard to square why a DWU-writing supernerd who is also involved somehow with the production of the show would risk a lifetime of blackballing from DW for a bit of cheap promotion for their extended-universe tie-in novella. I am so sorry to be saying this, but I think (c) might actually have legs.
The novella's title is {{esquivalience}}, which is a fake word invented in real life by editors of the New Oxford American Dictionary. The invented word means "deliberate shirking of one's official duties", and it was added to the dictionary to protect the copyright of the electronic version. In S9, Face the Raven showed us a “trap street", i.e. a fake street drawn on a map by a mapmaker to identify any copyright infringement of said map -- a dictionary entry for a word made up by the dictionary editors operates similarly as a copy-trap. The definition is apt for a copy-trap as well, because anyone illicitly copying a dictionary is themselves shirking a job they ought to be doing themselves... it's clever, it's very fun, we're off to a great start.
{{a crash course in esquivalience below the cut}}
The unnamed protagonist applies for a custodial job at this library that serves basically as a databank for the history of everything in the universe. If a book about something is thrown away, that something ceases to have ever existed. Exhibit A: Protagonist works in the Dead & Dying Language Department. They throw away The Book of Belgian Dutch, and a) a couple coworkers with Belgian Dutch heritage either disappear or get completely different names/family trees, and also b) everyone quickly forgets that Belgian Dutch was ever a thing to begin with.
The librarians cover for this accidental deletion of reality by copying/fudging a new book on "Belgian Gerench", their name for what they replace Belgian Dutch with. They try to catch most of the people who were deleted, bring them back, and fit them into that new language/culture/ethnicity bucket they just made up.
(The narration explains that because both Belgian and Dutch still exist separately as concepts, there aren't too many knock-on effects in terms of loanwords in other languages that needed to be modified/recovered. It also explains that time-traveling back to make an exact copy of The Book of Belgian Dutch wouldn't work because of the universe's copyright laws or something.)
Protag then comes after the head of their department, the Head Dictionary Contributor, or Head DC. They find him in a hidden room called the Internal Reference Room. Instead of languages, the books here hold the life stories of every employee, which auto-update as the person lives their life, but can also be edited or destroyed to alter that person's reality. Protag sits down with the Head DC's lifebook and starts adding and erasing things.
It turns out that Head DC knows how wrong editing these books can go from personal experience. Years ago, wanting to leave his mark on the universe, the Head DC chose to add his own copy-trap into The Book of Dutch -- the fake word "esquivalience". This action seemingly created the concept of cutting corners at your job, leading to the insufficient vetting of Protag for this job and therefore their subsequent hiring, which results in Head DC's eventual death.
Head DC pleads with Protag for his life, but Protag is undeterred. They finally tear out the final page in Head DC's book, which kills him. Protag then writes themselves in as Head DC. Settling into their new role, they turn their attention to The Book of English (8th to 25th Century). They first look up the dictionary entry for “esquivalience”, which says it came to English from Dutch, and then flips to the entries for “ravel" and “unravel”, described as contranyms from Dutch roots, both “meaning variably to tangle or to fray”.
This is the central story of the novella. There is also a Prelude and Postlude that describe the lives of two young men, first in a reality in which they never meet, and then in a reality in which they do meet and fall in love (their meeting is enabled by one of them skivving off work in time to make it to see the movie where they first meet -- esquivalience!)
Just before the Postlude, there is also printed the lyrics to a song (see below), and an excerpt from The Book of English, this volume covering the 4th to 5th billionth centuries of history. This excerpt again gives the definition of “unravel”, but refers the reader to an appendix for the full list of definition, and notes they are “largely in usage as reference to Unravel, The” and “N.B. to be used with extreme care and caution”.
Mavity [Wild Blue Yonder]: Mavity happened all the way back in Wild Blue Yonder, so it's not necessarily surprising to see it in a novella published in April 9, 2024, but there's a whole scene establishing that the M has seemingly replaced the G in all Romance languages, while Domhantarraingt in Irish-Gaelic is unaffected.
Rope [The Church on Ruby Road]: We're all learning the vocabulary of rope now! The Unravel is what the novella calls the meta-historical revisions caused by making edits to the books. There are also rope/weaving metaphors everywhere. Again, the rope themes of the TV show predate the April 9 novella just far enough that in theory it would have been possible for the novella to have taken inspiration from the 2023 Christmas Special. Except. The wiki page for The Unravel credits ownership of the concept to Jamie H. Cowan, the author of the novella. Not just that, but The Unravel was used – with credit to Jamie – in a DWU short story collection published December 26, 2023 – the day after The Church on Ruby Road aired.
Dot and Bubble [Dot and Bubble] : At this point, “Dot and Bubble” is a contextless episode title to me, first announced on March 31. In the novella, we get this:
The Twist At The End [The Devil’s Chord] : Just before the novella's Postlude, there are the lyrics to a song called “The Twist At The End”. Just listed there, no context, like an azlyrics.com entry. They are not the same lyrics as the song in The Devil's Chord, but then, meta-historical revision would kind of be the point, wouldn't it? There's just this sentence to connect it to anything happening in the narration: "Somewhere, in the far distance, as ______ continued to erase, an old 1960s Earth tune began to play."
EDITED TO ADD: @corallapis has pointed out to me that not only did the existence of the song "Twist at the End" by John Smith and the Common Men leak, but the novella's author tweeted about it in December 2023.
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The Chumerian languages of the planet B’llauit, for instance, needed much consideration. Particularly Krulvan. There was still a great deal of work to be done in compiling the post-technoweb aspects of Krulvan. Like how most emotional words and phrases contracted more and more, until finally, they were little more than abbreviations. The old dot-and-bubble effect.
A parent’s love was no longer expressed post-technoweb as “Kal-at lur amoi”, but instead as merely “KLA”. Which needed to be carefully distinguished in the relevant encyclopedia from another abbreviated Krulvan phrase “Kal’ati Lepr’en Acrumpsal” – which was something rather equivalent to the expletives of other languages like “D’Arvit”, or “Bleno”.
It's only a brief mention in the book, so it's possible in theory that it was added after the episode titles were released, or even after the novella’s publication (Amazon allows post-publication changes up to 10% of the text, and it’s not possible to track those changes). I’ve included the second paragraph because it’s interesting that the example they’ve given is the word for a parent’s love, which we can see as a running theme in this season of DW (though Moffat has said before that the only thing he writes about is a parent’s love, so who knows).
Not the strongest evidence of two-way coordination, but we may learn more when the episode airs.
Dutch [Space Babies, Boom]: Yeah, as in, the Dutch language. The words “spoor” & “smelt” both get a "oo, good word!" callout, spoor in Space Babies and smelt in Boom. These words both have Dutch roots. Splice, the daughter's name in Boom, is not only from a Dutch root, but also means the joining two pieces of rope. I read this novella just before Boom dropped on Disney+, so I can personally confirm that this is not a post-hoc addition to the novella. It hardly could have been anyway, this element is much more integral to the novella’s narrative than any of the other pieces.
The Auteur
This is where this all becomes relevant to the “Doctor Who is a TV Show” theory.
While the Protag is shredding the Head DC’s book, the Head DC is in the room, and what follows is an extremely meta narrative-aware pre-death monologue from the Head DC. He's pleading with Protag to stop changing things in his book, but he also refers to an "It" whose power surpasses them both.
He held eye contact with them as they looked up, “You didn’t pick up Belgian Dutch by chance. It’s how it plays. In weaving coincidences.”
“Just stop reading. Stop changing things. Stop, and we can be spared. Be free! If you keep going, then it will get what it wants. It is a happening [sic]. Out there, and in here in the basement. Everywhere. It will win if you keep going.”
“One day, you’ll make the same mistakes. Goddamn, you will. Because it’s all already written. It has already written it all. The paths, the choices. Rewrites, erasures, and even the contradictions. If you don't just... stop... it will... Unravel us all."
The "It" in question is presumably the author. Like an author writing a story, "It" plays by weaving coincidences, "It" gets what it wants when we keep reading, "It" has already written everything.
The Head DC mentions a special disposal chute, which had recently appeared as if by magic, which enabled Protag’s destruction of Belgian Dutch. Head DC’s references to this “It” suggest that his decision to create a word meaning cutting corners caused his eventual death, not by inventing the concept of cutting corners, but by creating a set-up that the Auteur, a godlike being that cares only for the rules of narrative, was compelled to write a satisfying follow-through for. The Auteur changed reality in order to weave a narratively-satisfying coincidence.
The Auteur is a character from the DW-spinoff series Faction Paradox. The creator of the Faction Paradox universe describes it as “on the surface an SF universe, but it works on the same principles as traditional folklore.”
I am but a humble Moffat scholar, so explaining the character of The Auteur is immediately getting into lore that I cannot even begin to decipher.
But it seems plausible that in the show we’re dealing with a godlike being, someone along the lines of Maestro or the Toymaker, but instead of caring only for the rules of play, cares only for the rules of narrative.
And this being, The Auteur, is altering reality and creating the narratively-satisfying coincidences in 14’s and 15’s timelines, possibly starting all the way back with the coincidence of 14 regenerating as David Tennant and immediately bumping into Donna Noble.
And it seems plausible that this season was created in cooperation with these DWU authors to whom concepts like The Auteur and The Unravel are licenced, and the novella is a tie-in text full of references to the current season to lead savvy superfans on a merry chase that foreshadows the season’s big bad.
Because I... don't really have another explanation for the existence of this novella at this point.
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askew-d · 6 months
Can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why you love them? Thx :D
here i go with another grand list that i was very happy to write! i’m in love with these asks, really. i’ll mention all of them, but at first i was in doubt if i could include one that isn’t ‘canon’, but rather rpf. either way, i added bonus couples for good reasoning! let’s go.
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1. wangxian (lan wangji x wei wuxian), from mo dao zu shi — they are THE moment, they are THE couple, they are THE goals. who ever could have imagined someone would come up and write a troublemaker who falls into demonic arts and gets reincarnated to fight together with a sucker-for-rules expressionless man and make it work? they fit into any au as well, this fandom rocks. my lovely cultivators!
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2. kagehina (kageyama tobio x hinata shouyou), from haikyuu!! — i dont even play volleyball. i dont even like sports! why do i love this anime and this duo specifically so much? they are so passionate about their hobbies, the rivalry and frenemy relationship? the POTENTIAL. the STORY they have. the "someone better will come and find you" promise. sheer beauty. they are silly and fresh and cute and i dont think i'll ever get tired of it.
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3. yizhan (wang yibo x xiao zhan), from the untamed cast rpf — i know all the problematics about writing real person fiction. i KNOW, okay?? but people, let me like them and support them in peace?? 😔 i have so much love for these men, and its overall hella fun following their life unfold, even if they are not working together anymore. nonetheless, they are my dose of serotonin when i need it.
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4. daiharu (kambe daisuke x katou haru), from fugou keiji: balance unlimited — i will not scream for a seson 2 here. i will scream for more FICS of them here! there ain't enough! its not even about the 'sugar daddy' appeal, its more about the 'partners in (solving) crime' appeal. oh and also the 'i hate you you arrogant prick but i WILL do anything for you' part. everything and every detail of this show.... seriously though: gold.
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5. hilson (gregory house x james wilson), from house m.d — oh, my sweet stupid and repressed doctors, i would do unspeakable things for you. wilson has been through every hard moment of house's life. you can name them, he's been there. through every ridiculous situation of his too. it is overwhelming, honestly. the ending couldn't have been more reasonable and fitting for them, in my opinion.
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6. hannigram (hannibal lecter x will graham), from hannibal — this gif alone of them with scratches and smiling conspiratorily to each other sums up their entire dynamic. they're toxic and no one's doing it like them. like, yeah, no shit, who would even dare, right? murder husbands can do anything and eat the rude as much as they want, i will be sipping on my drink and watching intently. (man truly looked at this detective he framed for murder and said he would remember their moment together forever??? just dont throw him in jail then???)
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7. shiguang (lu guang x cheng xiaoshi), from link click — these pretty boys traveling through time invented the concept of yearning, and i will not explain more to not give season 2 spoilers. i fell in love with them as soon as i saw the first shot of the anime. it doesnt help that they have the same dynamic as wangxian, too. cheng xiaoshi, my beloved, you would never do anything to harm anyone (not purposefully) and i (as well as lu guang) worship you 🙏
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8. renga (hasegawa langa x kyan reki), from sk8: the infinity — let's be true tho, can they never do a sports anime without pulling up homosexuals?? not that im complaining at all. please continue, in fact. every couple in this story is valid (adam does not exist), and i love this spirited, young concept of redescovering the beauty of a hobbie. lovely, all of them, but most specially my langa and his admiration for reki. their dynamic has no complications, its just so sweet.
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9. moshang (mobei jun x shang qinghua), from the scum villain self-saving system — i will not share a pic of moshang official art because i find shang qinghua appearence too much childlike and annoying, meanwhile i find him much more interesting in the book and fanarts. in any case, i love this couple more than the main couple simply because our airplane-bro can make everything so hilarious. there are fics of them out there which are peak entertainment (check this one!). mobei's tsundere attitude and shang qinghua's shamelessness are a great combo.
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10. hualing (hua cheng x xie lian), from heaven official’s blessing — the longing is unbearable. hua cheng loves this man so much, for real. waiting 800 fucking years?? being his most devoted believer? can you believe the audacity?? my man, though he has low self-steem, does anything to protect his god. he doesnt care about any realm. he only cares for xie lian, his dear god. they are the cutest couple.
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bonus: aziracrow, johnlock, tododeku, victuuri, blackbonnet, mafuyama, redblue (from this is how you lose the time war).
these are my favorite ships ever! they are what i scream about alternatively, and when i say so, i'm not joking. one week i'm freaking out over new link click content and in the other one i'm reviewing house m.d episodes. my life's a circle with my favorite ships in it and i ain't regretting anything.
thank you for asking, by the way! big hugs! 🤍
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psychopompsglomps · 2 months
followed by a math girl 😵‍💫😍 i have so much respect for u + ur people (mathematicians) i still dont rly get what a negative nukmber is. teach me a fun math fact pleeeaassee (even tho we arent friends yet ur bio made me so curious)
ooh hehe 1. i should probably update my intro im aconite and im more of a cat than a person or girl nowadays tho still in the area of girl
2. no one ever takes me up on that hehe :3
soooo if that's ur level im gonna assume ur joking but also my first idea for a "relatively low level" thing was induction versus strong induction, which is a Fundamentals of Proofs sorta topic which is! easy enough but functions in a context u likely have no experience in!
so instead im gonna pull up some dates for understanding of 0 and the creation of negatives and such!
first of all tho the fun thing to remember is:
the greeks? those bitches never even dreamt of 0. Pythagoras, Plato with his solids and his platonic ideals? they couldn't even tolerate the barest idea that we could numerically represent an absence, a null, with such a clever and useful tool as 0.
the romans aren't even worth mentioning. i could do an aside about the greeks and irrational numbers but i think u might be starting to realize how rambly i am already ^-^
there are ancient uses of symbols to represent similar ideas to 0, but the oldest proper 0, naught, that we have record of is from the Mayans and probably Olmecs as well, and apparently we have records dated to ~36 bce of that! babylonians had a *placeholder 0,* which the greeks adopted, but that was really just for writing out long numbers, like 101, where it simply represents an absence in the enumeration of digits, nyea? the greeks and romans did start to use their placeholder 0 in astronomical calculations and such but nor in formal mathematics so much, still as the additive identity (the extremely convenient property of not changing a value when added to it) but not so much for its other useful properties (everything going to it when multiplied by it, for instance).
china also had a placeholder 0 for a long while
but where we started seeing 0 used as an actual, proper number that we can do math on is in india, then it travelled via islamic scholarship around. apparently the word root for algorithm is from the persian scholar Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, whose multiplication tables in the 800s ce came to be known in the european powers in the 1100s under the latin title "algorithmi de numero Indorum." so 0 took a long time to spread but really did revolutionize math everywhere it was used.
it's weird and difficult to explain just how much of modern mathematics rests entirely on the concept of 0 as an identity, but it really does!
anyways negatives are an abstraction and they were made to represent subtracting an amount, they're very useful numbers in their own right as a result but that's literally the whole idea. -1 is what you would need to add to 1 to achieve the goal of subtracting and reaching 0, since subtraction was very much invented before negatives :3
one of my favorite numerical bases is base -2, as in u count the digits as 1, -2, 4, -8, 16, -32 etc. very cutesy, forms a legitimate and intensely annoying counting system, practically useless as such but can be helpful to think about
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everlasting-rainfall · 4 months
Hey, everyone. I'm on mobile right now so excuse any problems with what I'm doing
I have a request for all of you, and it's about requests. I'm requesting you to send more in but of specific types.
Im going through some stuff currently and it's very stressful...
So I'll get to the point. I'd like you all to please send in requests about certain things so I have something comforting to work on.
Im gonna answer them once everything has cleared up and gotten a bit better
Its something to keep me occupied when I'm bored of other things.
Now then the types of requests I'd like you to send in are basically things that bring me a lot of comfort
Ask me about my OC's like something simple like "What are their worst fears?", "How do they deal with *insert scenario*", and "What would happen if *insert scenario*?"
I do have a post about them and I do have a recent post about them that includes their designs. Plus a few old ones that describe in detail.
I don't know if it's in the masterlist though... Sorry!
Also I do have some other new ones too like Esme the Angel whose Nika's wife, Tender the Skeleton whose T-Bones Wife, Dot the Slime Girl whose Paulie and Iceberg's wife, etc
Another thing is to please send in requests for comfort characters of mine. I'll warn you though that some of my comfort characters are probably odd.
Theyre comfort in the sense of big scary evil thing that could and would squash you like an insect is kind hearted and soft with someone...
My comfort characters are the following...
-Figarland Garling
-Obscure Characters (It is always fun to write them!)
Another thing for comfort characters would probably be like platonic/familial yandere scenarios meaning no romance
My comfort characters for these are different of course and they're the following
-The Vegapunks
-The Marines of Navarone (G8)
-Movie Characters
-Accino Family (Ice Hunter Arc)
-Shanks and his Crew
-Straw Hats
-Kozuki Family
-Any Seven Warlords of the Sea Characters
Remember that there won't be any romance for you with these characters if you ask for platonic or familial
Another thing is that I like to write for new concepts. Since I don't have time to explain any of my AU's.
I'll list them off with a tiny summary and let you pick one that sounds interesting. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them when my internet is back on
-Crane Game AU
Reaching into a crane game to grav something only to be grabbed and pulled into a plush world
-Love Apocalypse AU
A virus turns people into zombies focused on love, you got it and wound up with someone. What happens when the virus is cured and the person doesn't wanna let you go?
-Fiction into Reality AU
Fictional character winds up in your world and wants to take you back with them
-Mystical Forest AU
Living in a town surrounded by a giant forest on all sides, it's full of monsters and one of the monsters decides they like you.
-Containment AU
Monsters have returned to be the dominant species of earth as humans hurt the earth. Monsters have been captured and it's basically SCP Foundation.
-Pastel Broadcast AU (Beware, this one is based off the Dark Web)
Being sold to someone on the dark web who hosts a pastel and cutesy broadcast where they do typical dark web stuff. You think you're next until they say the new episode of their broadcast is about introducing a new character. You.
-Coraline AU
Self explanatory I feel
-Time Traveller AU
Invent a time machine, go back in time, get mistaken for someone who passed away. Time is slowly modifying to turn you into that person for real.
-Toon AU
Find an old animation studio that brought its mascot to life. The mascot brings you to their world and you slowly are turning into a toon like them.
Those are the au's and you can suggest familial/platonic for any of these by the way.
You also don't have to request my comfort characters if you really don't want to
And that should be all that I have to say. Thank you so very much if you decide to send in a request.
And if you don't then still thank you for reading this.
See you later! And thank you again!
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ortofosforico · 9 months
Scientific snippets to help world building if you want to write abt the TVA but don't know where to look at.
(this is long/is me being a nerd/is me avoiding to study for my physics exams)
First things first: you don't need to put any science in it if you don't want to. It's your FF and you can have as much fun as you like with inventing science, since that's what they do in the show. Once you've found the scientific basis you like the most, go wild and make it science fiction. 💜
About that: Loki dumps a couple concepts here and there, but doesn't follow through with any of them. This is great because it leaves room for speculation and gives many different outcomes that we can play with.
At the same time though... Meh. Wasted potential.
Seriously, nothing is explained, no one knows anything- you're free to cause havoc!
Ok let's start!
1) anything is possible:
Loki breaks two very important rules of physics: it inverts entropy, and allows teleportation.
A positive, high entropy (let's call it chaos) is the most natural state of the universe, and it's either growing positive or constant. If you can find a way to invert entropy, you've completely destroyed the whole thermodynamics branch of science. I am very grateful to you, and so is every scientist in the world! Because thermodynamics prevents us from rendering possible things like perpetual motion, or energy without pollution. Entropy is one of the reasons why when you get a hole in your tires, air comes out in the atmosphere, instead of going into your tires from the outside. (It's complicated, I'm sorry lol)
Chaos is the most probable outcome, always. The branches of the different timelines can survive on their own, used to before the Loom, and the butterfly effect is very much real.
If you can find a way to contrast the destroying effect of the Loom, you can leave the branches alone.
Teleportation is a very interesting boundary.
In the show, they move in time and in space. Time, we don't really know for sure, there's another point for that; but space is a big no for now.
Teleporting somewhere would mean traveling faster than the speed of light. Nothing can break the wall of that speed: things are either faster (this is only an hypothesis, and a very recent one at that) or slower (us, yay!)
Now, these things seem impossible because we don't have the science to understand them completely; but as much as unlikely, it's not wrong to think that one day we'll be able to surpass these situations.
If you (Loki) live in a world that has managed to surpass the speed of light and invert entropy, you can do anything. Yes, even free Tom from Yddgrasil.
It does, we've seen it. It probably passes in the Citadel too. Why?
If you don't know, gravity modifies time, in a relative way. (We'll get back to that) I think the Loom/Yddgrasil absolutely creates a gravitational pit big enough to stretch time so much that it almost doesn't move anymore.
BUT there's a problem with that.
Time passes the same for everything. If you're on Earth or at the TVA for five years, you're still going to perceive five years passing; but the stretch of gravity made by the Loom will make it so that a minute at the TVA corresponds to years and years on Earth.
This is a nice plot point, because it gives conditions to time travel, makes it a bit harder: if you want to spend five minutes away from the TVA, but have a month long vacation, you need to find a place and a time that is just far enough for relativity to work its wonders.
The problem is:
Because she says she's spent aeons at the TVA.
AEONS. Darling, a aeon is half a billion years, the Earth is like 5 aeons old.
And getting back on point two, the TVA employees would have still experienced a normal passing of time. Maybe the brainwashing and the ambiance would have made it feel like endless, but if you're influenced by the Loom, and billions of years are passing in the multiverse, you've been at the TVA for a couple years tops. Especially because no one seems to be aging.
Let's dive into science fiction. Say Ravonna didn't shit out of the potty, and it's really been a billion years.
Maybe the TVA is on a completely different scale of time. Maybe the employees are still set on human time, but in reality, they are living in nanoseconds, or even lower. This would destroy their biological... Everything, but shh. It's fun.
They live at the TVA for billions of years, but their bodies register that time as a week or something like that.
But then what happens when they go to the timeline?
This is another problem, because if you spend a minute a day in the timeline, for 500.000.000 years (an aeon), you are going to die of old age anyway. It's a lot of fucking time.
Conclusion: they don't age. The TVA employees, due to some manipulation made by HWR, cannot age.
UNLESS there's a time limit to the TVA effect, and the employees could start aging after a certain time away from the TVA.
Look at that: three different outcomes, all valid because Marvel didn't set a canon. ✨✨
With our current knowledge we have two big time theories: one from the relativistic theory, one from quantum physics.
First: the past and the future are already there and the present is an illusion.
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The point in which the cones meet is the present, it's an asymptote and doesn't exist.
Talking science fiction: you can put your Citadel or TVA right there, OR outside of the cones completely.
(no graph for this, it's traumatic)
The present is real, the past doesn't exist anymore, and the future is yet to be determined because the nature of the universe and quantic fluctuations.
Now that there are branches, how does your universe work? If you go back in time in your timeline, changing the past will affect your future, create a new branch, or both?
Also, probability, the butterfly effect and our dear Entropy tell us that there are situations that are more likely to happen. If you have a thousand different Mobiuses, chances are the majority of them will have a very similar life; a couple hundred will have another, and finally a bunch of them will stray completely, all doing something different. Who knows, maybe the jet ski seller single dad is just one in a million, 👀 and the most probable form of Don is a miniature cowboy at war with his enemy-turned-lover Roman general.
Use this as you wish.
I have simplified a couple concepts for brevity, to keep focus, and to avoid opening the books I'm supposed to be studying.
Remember: science is cool, but science fiction and doing whatever the fuck you want is so much fun.
Especially because in this universe there's magic too!! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.
You could argue that only our universe works like this, and the multiverse could be different. It can be!
This, unlike time slipping (I will die on this hill) is a fiction problem!
If you made it this far and want to share your theories, go on!
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gaycavendish · 11 months
Ok ok ONE more question abt Time Travelers Trio. Are Cavendish and Dakota still time Travelers as well at this point, or have they like retired or smth? Just curious as to what's up with them? :^D
finally going to answer this question! i have thought long and hard about it and come up with two answers: the short one and the deranged rambling one!
the short, less satisfying answer being: i think it could go either way! i really truly could see them either scrambling their way back into time traveling or finding jobs in the 21st century. Although.. i find the latter choice not quite as entertaining. So i prefer to think on the idea of them returning to time travel!
Now, The long answer:
(TLDR for it first: I think they may continue time traveling. Eventually Cavendish & Dakota start their own, rival to the time bureau, Time Traveling Agency. Whether the trio will be part of this agency is undecided but a probable yes.)
ok, so, theyre banned from time travel, full stop... But i mean, they know the guy who INVENTED it. its a silly solution, really & truly very goofy (although i think in line with the silliness of dwampyverse overall) but .. They could ask doof to make a rule that theyre allowed to continue time traveling. Total oversight by block to trap them in the century where doof invents time travel. Of course block wouldn't just Let this happen, or anything, but cartoon shenanigans ensue and im sure you can picture something sufficiently entertaining and set to the scooby-doo-door-chase song here.
The interest for me in this theory lies also in what dakota and cavendish would do up until the point where they return to time traveling! Trying to imagine them working regular jobs for like, a 10-15 year period.. i simply cannot.! The one ive found myself having the most fun thinking about is the idea of them helping out with the creation of the time machine, as well as coaching the trio on it a bit once they start testing doof's prototypes (although, theyre not the best people to ask for time traveling help i imagine HAHA). But in any case.. i also think they would change what they do with their time traveling quite a bit. I mean, neither of them WANT to do the pistachio stuff.. It's shown you can travel through time AND space, although they never leave the planet on screen (for pistachio purposes i would think). If they were in charge of their own missions, i quite think they would be doing much more exciting things! and. hopefully dying less...! CAVENDISH...
OK I SWEAR IM GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS. Because at this point i feel they are getting old and perhaps wishing to do something less dangerous.. Ok get ready for this.. This has been my favorite thing to think about today... What if they started their OWN time travel agency! A Ha! I might find this more exciting than other people, but nonetheless, i think its fitting. I mean, Block is a terrible boss. The bureau of time travel was never very kind to cav and dakota, and given that they have the resources (Doofenschmirtz! Love That Guy!) why not, right? plus, this gives the opportunity for some Secret Agency vs Secret Agency goodness. Which I always love. I only thought of this concept recently, but It's definitely my favorite of the bunch, so probably what I'll go with! Just left to decide whether the trio are part of this agency or not (probably yes).
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years
Jihyo x F Reader- “Rewind”
Before I start, I want to reiterate the announcement I made regarding this one-shot in case any of you haven't saw yet. This one may also be read by male readers (but only if you want to), especially the climax itself because of a very important detail that I'm about to reveal there.  So, if you're a male reader reading this right now then good for you because you won't be missing this one but brace yourself for what's about to happen. You might be asking why I couldn't just make it into both Male and Female reader featured? Nope. This one is primarily about Jihyo and... just find out why I wanted male readers to read this as well. Lastly, this one is inspired by one of my favorite episodes from one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shows, "What If...? EPISODE 4 - What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands?", so yeah, this fanfic is going to be weird, tragic (?) and mindblowing; I'm just hoping that my writing does justice, so please understand as I'm doing my best to pull this one off... again. Have fun reading! 😉
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"The power of the time... in the palm of my hands."
Jihyo gazes admiringly at the work of art in front of her. A wide grin, a face splashed with many flashing lights from the astonishing invention shown next to her, and sparkling eyes, not from the lights but from the achievement she gained after going so far to make this happen.
Two years was worth it.
Now, the history is about to welcome another remarkable change thanks to the very successful and renowned scientist Park Jihyo.
The creator of the Project Rewind, with its sole purpose is to have Jihyo attempt erasing something impossible out of the book.
And specifically speaking, it's none other than the concept of time travelling.
"This is incredible feat of evolution, Miss Park. You're going down in history because of this.", her lab partner and fellow scientist; apparently in the lower level than her named Lisa compliments her game-changing mentor.
"Indeed I am.", Jihyo said before her beaming smile flickered into shutting its brightness off.
"...but I'm not concerned of any of that.", she looked at Lisa who captured her eyes in response.
"In fact, I didn't care about the acknowledgement and appreciation I'll be getting once this gets released in the public.", Jihyo sighed.
"Then what inspired you to build this?", Lisa curiously inquired.
Jihyo released another huge puff of breath to the air before grabbing her IPhone laying down on the cold steel long table.
She opened it, and the very first thing her eyes catched was the image of a person she holds dearly in her heart no one could outlimit that.
She gulped, opening her home screen and poking the app that directed her to the message list. The first one that was left unread was not like that no more as she decided to peek the content of it.
"Jihyo-ssi! See you there at my wedding okay? xoxo" Sent
Jihyo stared at it for a few seconds, her heart clenching at what she had just done, not only because she hadn't given it a thought, but because she had acted on the decision formed in her mind just days after receiving the invitation from her friend with whom she had secretly developed a deep loving fondness. "I wasn't going to show up at the lab today, Lisa, not even you." "Wait, Miss Park?" Jihyo handed her phone to Lisa so she could look at it. She just wants to cut the explanation short since it would pain her so much if it would last longer.
Lisa glanced back at Jihyo with a mixed of confusion and disbelief.
"You're... invited on her wedding?"
Jihyo only nodded.
"And you didn't came?"
Jihyo lowered her head in guilt.
"I can't, even if I want to."
"She's my love and life, and I... couldn't simply stand seeing her exchange vows with someone that wasn't me."
Lisa frowned at that information. She immediately felt pity for her friend and mentor now that she knew that whenever she enters this place and meets her again everyday to assist her on completing this project, she wasn't okay at all which she was hiding it at all time for them to keep their attention still on the construction of the machine.
"I know she won't like what I did, but for once I wanted to be selfish. Mind more than heart."
Jihyo fixated her eyes back at her time machine, confidence and motivated oozing from her aura as the image of the reason behind the making of the plan she was constructing appeared inside her head.
"And now... all I can think of to escape this reality I'm facing into is through this."
Jihyo pulls out the remote in her pocket and presented it to Lisa.
"What are you implying at, Jihyo-ssi?"
"With this time machine, I could use this to go back to that day where I could've repeat again the mistake I've done.
It's been more than half a decade, and I still wonder what it would look like if I- if I confessed to her on that day," Jihyo said, recalling the precise circumstances that culminated in her unsuccessful effort to confess her love back to YN." "Maybe I could have heard what she'll going to answer, and if she reciprocated... perhaps I was there at the altar, placing the wedding ring on her finger and kissing her to be my wife." "I should've gone all in," Jihyo said as a tear spilled from her eye, her breathing going rough and her chest becoming heavy. Lisa approached her mentor and softly caressed her back to console the distraught woman.
"It's okay, Jihyo-ssi. You don't have to worry about that now, because the solution you're looking for is right here.", Lisa referred to the invention in her sight.
"Does this mean you're going back to that time and try to rewrite what happened?"
"Oh...", Lisa understood; yet the uneasiness that crawls up in her skin prompted her to ask this again for clarification.
"Not that I'm taking this whole plan of yours differently, Jihyo-ssi but... do you think it'll work?"
Jihyo's head went back and forth, left and right as she switches her gaze to Lisa and the time machine, thinking about the possibility that might occur.
However, those initially ended up for her to not get affected by any of it.
"Only one way to find out."
Jihyo walked through the metal podium  and stood in the middle of it. Lisa hurriedly came closer to the unbothered scientist and a blend of nervousness and scared developed within her.
"Be safe, okay? Make sure to return back here.", Lisa reminded.
Jihyo bobbed her head in response. "See you in a minute.", she smirked. A tensed smile in return from Lisa. She watched Jihyo quite hesitatingly pressed the button in her hand as she stared at it.
"Let my love be known for you, YN."
Jihyo huffed in the air then dug the surface of her thumb at the button before the blue laser from the top struck her head first until she was covered up and vanished away from the light.
Few seconds after, the light returned and disappeared only to leave Jihyo out in a very familiar place that became a part of her memory she hugely regretted the most.
Her entire outfit changed from a scientist to a casual one also, the same attire she used to wore at that given night.
A gloomy environment, albeit visible thanks to the moonlight and stars illuminating the route down a Seoul street. Jihyo's eyes widened as she realized she had been transported back inside the identical car she had used at the time, with the windows pulled down, waiting for her presence to emerge. Side glancing outside, she saw the past variant of her love interest and bestfriend YN leave her house wearing a baby blue blouse, a pair of shoes, and a neat ponytail tie. Jihyo cannot believe what she is having right now. Repeating the moment she was eager for it to be rewritten and mended has finally provided her with an opportunity to make it real.
Down to the every exact detail and just like when this once happened, YN flashed her shy and soft smile seeing Jihyo looking very cool peeking in the window of her car.
"Evening, cool girl.", YN greeted her with that candy so sweet voice.
"Good evening. You look so great tonight, huh.", Jihyo traced her crush's outfit and as always, it didn't fail to have her attracted strongly into the young woman.
"You too. You're just as awesome as what your car is.", she patted the roof before opening the door and enters inside.
"So, where to at?"
"You'll see.", Jihyo looked at YN through the rearview mirror before kicking off the engine to start driving away ahead of their destination.
"Don't screw it up this time..." Jihyo kept on muttering to herself.
While driving, they paused for a while on a road where the streetlight blinked at green light.
Waiting patiently, Jihyo sneakily looked once again at the undoubtedly attractive woman behind her, sitting comfortably while scrolling down on her phone.
She was lost in a trance until YN woke her back up with a sudden question, raising her sight away from the phone thus making Jihyo return her gaze back at the road where the bypassers are still crossing down.
"You've never taken me to go outside with keeping a secret on what shall we going to do, Ji.", YN playfully told her. "Cmon, is this too special for me to know already?"
"We're almost there, YN. I can't give it to you yet, sorry. Just wait for a little more okay?", Jihyo apologetically said and grinned at YN who is visibly pouting now from the reflection of her in the mirror.
Jihyo felt like her heartbeat skipped when she caught that adorable action that she always loves to see from YN whenever they're together. She missed it a lot, she thought.
"You better make sure this is huge, Ji. The way you hype it gets me really engaged to learn what is it gonna be all about.", YN unsincerely cautioned the driver.
"This is just gonna be our night together, YN. Ofc-"
They are only 10km away from the mall when in an unexpected circumstances, their car got rammed over by a truck heading from another way. It didn't allow Jihyo to completely speak in response.
It collided first on the side where YN is located.
The shattered car rolled and flew through the road from the impact until it stopped, leaving it upside down with all the parts left unforgiven as it completely destroyed due to the crash.
Nevertheless, even in her condition of shock and distress, Jihyo slowly opened her eyes and quickly realized that YN was responding, eyes closed and head bleeding critically.
"W-what... no....", Jihyo murmured as she tried to touch YN again, hoping for a hint of recovery.
She didn't received any, which made her breath heavily to control her tears from bursting out.
"Oh my god, N-no... this can't be happening."
Jihyo pulls out the controller in her pocket again and clicked the button still set on the specific date, restarting everything what happened again.
Light engulfed her and everything, it worked as she was once again sitting relaxingly on the drivers seat, peeking out on the window as she watches YN slowly walk towards her after exiting the house.
"Evening, cool girl."
"Good evening. You look so great tonight, huh.", Jihyo smiled after greeting her back and also by putting a slight blush over the cheeks of lovely YN.
Minutes later, they were in the middle of the ride when right at the moment that Jihyo took a turn to enter a bridge, she horrifyingly observed that the brakes doesn't cooperate with her.
"Damn it! WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING!", she angrily push and pulled the handle which gained attention from YN herself.
"Jihyo, what's going on?"
"Th-this brake... it won't allow me to-"
And her sentence again got cutted off when they reached the end the bridge that's suppose to provide a turn that will led onto another uphill only for them to unable driving on to it.
Sibce the brake doesn't work, YN and Jihyo both shouted helplessly as the car crashed and smashed onto the railing, diving down through through high cliff and come crashing down along the ground.
Jihyo opened her eyes slowly and once again, she saw YN unconscious and pulse not beating along with a rapidly bleeding head causing her to panic and get afraid.
Instead of pushing the button to restart the scenario again, she returned back to the present time; changing her clothes once again to her laboratory outfit and meeting Lisa again who was busily writing a report on her desk.
The poor girl got startled when Jihyo quickly arrived back and kneeled on the floor.
She stood up and rushed towards the weakened scientist.
"What happened? Did it work?"
"I-I don't know what did I encountered, Lisa.", Jihyo remained her face hidden from her lowered head. "I haven't got to confess to her yet."
"What happened? Is there something that's stopping you?"
"Yeah!", Jihyo looked back at Lisa with a stressed expression. "The memory is still fresh on me and I'm not mistaken that I only haven't got to confess to her because I decided not to.
B-but... I-I don't know what we just faced earlier became very different. We got into a car accident instead. One was us getting crashed to a truck and the other was us falling on the cliff."
"Then s-she... she both died on those.", Jihyo ran her fingers across the length of her bob cut black hair with watery eyes and a increased heat temperature of her breaths.
"I don't know, Lisa. It seems like, it doesn't allow me to make it happen." Jihyo shrugged and shook her head.
"What are you going to do now, then? Shall we consider this project-"
"NO! I-....", Jihyo exhaled multiple times before proceeding to continue her words.
"I have to try again. I'll try not to come across into a mess again."
Lisa only nodded to support her mentor but the worries are starting to fill up inside of her, including a thought that this mission of Jihyo could be classified as dangerous.
Jihyo stood up and pressed again the button, returning her back to the past.
Same car. Same night. Same location. Same love of her life capturing her heart.
"Evening, cool girl."
"G-good evening. You look great tonight."
"Thanks, you too."
She closed the door and sat behind Jihyo who is hoping so bad nothing would screw up her chance this time...
While Jihyo was driving, YN sensed something wrong as she watched the outside of Seoul they're passing through became unfamiliar to her.
"Ji, what road is this? I've never been here before."
"U-uhh... we're just taking another route, Y/NN. Hang on, we're going there okay?", Jihyo assured YN who looked troubled and confused at the same time.
They were about to exit that turn but once again, for the third time... they got involved in another car crash when a lightpost collpased just right in front of a truck that was rolling down on the way too.
It made the driver to zigzag his direction as he tried to recover the balanced control of his driving but it didn't worked as he and your car collided together.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!", Jihyo frantically raged as she saw YN's unresponsive state after the impact.
Pressing the button for the fourth time... fifth time... sixth time and so on until she stopped at the tenth attempt, all of these only resulted negatively for her.
As expected, she encountered other various alternate causes to her unsuccessful confession for YN.
For example, on the 5th try; Jihyo and YN got into an accident which she got placed in a coma and forgot her memories with YN who still died.
6th try, Jihyo received an unlucky emergency when YN's father got stroke.
7th try,  YN getting kidnapped by unidentified men right when they are about to left YN's house.
8th try, YN immediately shared that her future wife confessed her feelings to her and she accepted.
9th try, YN suffered from a heart attack.
And in 10th try... all of these scenarios made Jihyo to pull out one last attempt and that is when she never showed up instead on that night only for the consequences though that it will still allow the future wife of Jihyo to confess to her first than her.
Returning back to the present, she got all fours on the floor and sobbed hardly as she banged her fist on the floor weakily.
"Jihyo! What happened now?!", Lisa ran through her and matched the same level as hers to easily access a comforting hug to her.
"What is it, Jihyo-ssi?"
"Why... why are these happening to us? A-aren't we allowed to be happy?", Jihyo's messed up mind speaking up to her. Lisa doesn't know what to answer as she has clearly no idea also why is Jihyo all unsuccessful on those several repeats she executed.
That is... until an idea showed up in her head. She knows this won't be too pleasant for Jihyo to know but she has no other choice but to inform this to her, probably might help and raise awareness for the poor secret admirer.
"Jihyo-ssi... it's not that I'm going against with you here but, do you think that this is still worth to continue?"
"Where are you going with this, Lisa?", Jihyo furrowed her eyebrows, teeth gritting in anger.
"H-hear me out first okay?", Lisa tried to calm down the supposedly offended Jihyo. "W-what if... what if the reasons why even after you try to repeat and change the mistake you've done on that night, it won't allow you in different ways or so is because...
... Jihyo, I'm afraid that YN not ending up with you can be considered as an absolute point of time. Meaning, it is a constant one in this world and you can't do anything about it because it only states that... the scenario cannot be changed.", Lisa explained her speculations about everything that has been going on to Jihyo.
Jihyo only chuckled, much to Lisa getting weirded out of the latter. Spreading herself apart from the empathic friend, she looked at her in a ridiculuous manner.
"No...", Jihyo sighed, shaking her head. "You told me... you told me everything is possible, Lisa and what do you think I'm trying to do here? Huh? Am I not trying to prove it?"
"No! You don't understand!", Jihyo objected, charging at Lisa as she grasped both her shoulders and wiggled her body aggressively.
Looking intently at Lisa who was left speechless, realizing how crazy she must've been looking because of this problem never wanting to leave her alone for years; she slid her hands to Lisa's arms and buried her face shedding tears on the younger's shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"It's fine. I may not know what could've felt like having that heartbreak being a burden for so long on you, but I just want help with everything I can. For my friend. For you, Jihyo.", Lisa caressed the back of Jihyo.
"This is a different thing, Ji. We don't even know if it can create a side effect and I just want you to be aware of the danger. Don't you even notice that not only you who's hurting here but also her? You're harming her also, Ji... might as well disturbing her past life that should've been put aside and moved on already in this present time."
"Jihyo, without that moment... you won't be stepping here in this laboratory, having me as your friend and lab partner while me having you as my mentor who is a well-knowned inventor and scientist to this field we took.
And most importantly...
... you won't be making her happy, even if it costs... without having you as her source of it."
Jihyo nodded her head and slowed down the sounds of her crying and heaving chest from pouring out all the emotions she's been keeping inside of her, in combination of everything she's been through for the past 6 years.
She lets go from Lisa, wiping out her tears. "I... I understand, Lisa....
... this is what I want to do, and I've gone so far to obtain this remaining opportunity that I have with me.", Lisa tilted her head and frowned in dismay as Jihyo made her final decision opposite to what she's expecting.
"I appreciate you sticking for my side as always, Lisa... and please, despite of me choosing this; I just want to ask for your support on this one like we usually do for each other.", Jihyo requested, pursing her lower lip and presented her glimmering puppy eyes on her apprentice,
Lisa slumped her shoulders, tightlipped, shutting her eyes and escaped a warm sigh before nodding her head in response. "Don't say I didn't warned you about this."
"I do."
Jihyo and Lisa exchanged a trusting gestures at one another before Jihyo took another try, pressing the button to teleport herself again into a different time, location and setting for a repeat she can't even count from all the fingers in her hands on how many she took a time travelling.
She monitored YN approaching her who's inside the car, but... Jihyo's forehead crumpled and eyebrows knitted in complete disordered perspective when she began observing something... strange.
YN stopped her tracks, only inches away from her peeking out of the window.
She watched YN looking around the neighborhood, her eyes even contacted at the spot where Jihyo is but she just swiftly lured her sight away at the unknown.
"YN?", Jihyo called her name but left no reply from the latter.
YN looked at the time from her wristwatch and sighed. "That little brat. She pranked me again."
Jihyo's confusion grew larger, assuming that YN doesn't see her at all when in fact, their gap is very narrow for them to reach theirselves.
"YN? YN?! HEY, I'M HERE!", Jihyo kept shouting at YN, hoping that atleast her presence will be felt and seen but to no avail.
"W-what's going on...", Jihyo panickedly cupped both her head and rubbed her hair on the sides as she's trying to process what kind of phenomenon is blocking her once again from confessing her feelings to Jihyo.
As she tried to reach and touch YN by expanding her arm to her, YN instead began walking away from her; supposedly returning back inside her house with a dissatisfied and annoyed feeling on her for not seeing any traces of YN in front of her residence.
"YN! DON'T GO!", Jihyo opened the door to hop out and try chasing the oblivious YN when all of a sudden the land they're stepping in began crumbling and wind hitting them strongly, causing them both to become alarmed and terrified at the instant earthquake intensified right at the moment.
Jihyo leaned at the car to gain support from her stance as she felt dizzy from the vibration and impact of the shaking ground while YN crashed on her knees, unable to maintain her balance.
She tried to help her friend, attempting to run her feet straight through her until the skies began switching colors from a dull grey and black into a bright blue and yellow, with the manner having it perceived as if everything is glitching around them.
The land splits into two, tearing both of them away from each other. Jihyo watched the ground began to float as well the what it looked like underneath her, which is nothing but also a glitching appearance of their entire background.
"J-JIHYO?!", Jihyo heard someone called her name, who's none other than YN staring at her in a dreadful expression.
She got somehow relieved that YN can finally see but how could she forgot how bad of a timing it occured as now they're witnessing each other and the entire world around them shattering into pieces.
Speculating that the warnings Jihyo received from Lisa ended up becoming true, now that she's about to experience what must've felt like having the whole reality she's seeing got slowly destroyed all because of her.
"YN!", Jihyo returned the name calling.
"I DON'T KNOW EITHER BUT STAY THERE, OKAY?!", Jihyo yelled at YN who followed her instructions.
Jihyo reaches for the time controller on the passenger's seat and hurriedly pressed the button to restart everything again.
It failed.
She pressed again.
No good.
She went into a rage spamming on the button in sync with the repeated cursing and pleading under her breath that it'll work.
It didn't.
Jihyo screamed in terror as she realized that the glitching and disturbed reality seems like it's shrinking carefully and it made her jump onto the conclusion that she believe they will end up being crushed by it.
"No... no, this can't be. I- I DIDN'T MEANT FOR ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN!", JIhyo panic-stricken, grabbing YN's attention even more.
"I JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HER!!!", waterfall of tears pouring out from her cheeks as she screamed in anguish at the weird skies above her.
"JIHYO, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!", Jihyo turned her head towards YN who looks very pitiful in her condition being all alone and terrified of the disaster she's about to accept.
As much as she want to do something, she can't. Lisa won't be able to save her since she's in a different period of time so the only solution she has in her was the controller... but it became unresponsive, leaving Jihyo facing the unknown.
A couple of inches remaining in distance from each of them, the unwell and shifting reality enveloped them altogether. Jihyo and YN's discomfort and horrible demeanor reached it's breaking point as the only thing they can do is to keep screaming in utter horror and desperate for help.
"NO.... NO... YN!", the walls of the reality pushed them, causing the measurement of the space between each other to lessen.
"JIHYO!!!", the pieces of the land they're stepping in finally compressed, and without any hesitation they immediately hugged together for one last time.
And then, Jihyo's begging screams echoed before everything disappears.
Jihyo opened her eyes, feeling nothing but herself floating at... nothing. All she can see it null and void. Black being the only existent color she can see around her.
No signs of YN, it urged her to got hit by a massive realization that not only she failed...but it left a complete destruction and extinction of the world she's living in, including the very important and special person in her whole life: YN.
She did prevented her to end up with her wife, but it costs her not letting her able to live the life she preferred to rather share happiness and love with.
She went for the worst instead for the better.
She lost everything.
She lost YN.
To pay for the sins she caused, it truly is deserving for her to be left all along in such a blank space. Leave her to die, she thought.
"No...no.... no.... I'm so sorry, YN...", Jihyo began crying hard again as she covered her face with both of her palms.
An unknown length of time she spent floating in mid-air of nothing, she unconsciously stared at nowhere with a blank and colorless expression in her face.
Her unbotheredness was broken when suddenly, a familiar voice speaks out from her behind.
"I assumed you learnt your lesson then.", Jihyo used her remaining force within her to turn herself around and face the owner of that voice.
It was Lisa, but her entire appearence looks very unnatural, ethereal and heavenly...
... because this ain't the same student and aspiring scientist Lisa Manoban she knew from before.
Instead, the Lisa floating in front of her now whilst wearing a white elegant and alluring dress exposing her well-built curvy figure is the god-like counterpart of the Lisa she's close with.
"L-Lisa?", Jihyo's face somewhat brightened as she recognized the unearthly woman talking to her.
"Jihyo-ssi.", Lisa smiled timidly.
"Y-you're alive... b-but why are y-"
"I may be the same as your bestfriend but also... I'm not.", Lisa clarified. "Your Lisa is now dead, and I'm honestly sad to know that my version is now gone too soon."
"So... now you, more than everyone else finally understand that meddling with time and reality would only result in chaos and destruction.", Lisa avoided Jihyo's confusion, saving the reveal later.
Jihyo frowned in guilt, knowing that's exactly what she should remember from now on, yet the only question is... for what? She doesn't have anything to do here. She's trapped in this prison she made for herself.
"As much as I want to help you, I cannot interfere. It's your destiny not to involved in a romantic relationship with YN, because you and her are only limited from crossing that boundary."
"I knew everything what you did and I have to admit... you surely did messed up a lot.", Lisa sarcastically reacted.
"Breaking the sole universe of where you live in-"
"Yeah, you think you only made Earth pop like a bubble?", Lisa raised her eyebrow. "No, silly. You eradicted the entire galaxy because of how stubborn and arrogant you are."
Jihyo winced at the another scolding she got. Harsh words stabbed her straight in the feels because Lisa spat all those truth like an acid to her.
"It wasn't m-my... intention, I swear.", Jihyo muttered. "I knew what I did was wrong... but I never wanted to affect others on my own deed."
"I know, and that's why I'm here."
Jihyo's curiously was piqued.
Lisa started to floated around on Jihyo who remained motionless. "Like what I said, you destroying the entire universe by a mortal like you definitely placed a lot of heavy toll within Gods like me."
"A god of what?"
"Gods of Redemption.", Lisa declared. "We're in charge of granting every being in this planet to have second chances, only and if necessary... the scenario is too unreversable to the mortal's hands... that being, death and if that being is very sincere and willingly to make something right again.
... which led me to you, Jihyo-ssi."
"The higher ranking Gods, ofcourse they didn't took it really well. They even almost finalized that they want to have you set up through an instant punishment, banishing your existence with their combined power so that you'll suffer the same as what you did along with your universe.", Jihyo's eyes widened and gulped at how terrifying and intimidating these Gods are.
"However, through my method of convincing; lucky you were spared from the doomsday you're about to meet.", Lisa added.
"Look, I know that you didn't intended to destroy everything but I just can't help but to be a little frustrated at you.", she pointed at Jihyo who remained speechless.
"You were warned, but this crazy little thing called love couldn't set you free isn't it?"
Lisa clicked her tongue irritably. "Well, we can't do anything about it. What's done is done. But... I figured a way to have you atleast serve a purpose not only for us... but for your own too."
"W-what is it?", Jihyo questioned.
"But first, are you willing to make things right everything first?"
Jihyo lowered her head and clasped her hands together to pose herself as if she's praying and begging for it. "Yes! Please. I'll do everything not to make mistakes this time."
Lisa shushed Jihyo, interrupting her pleadings. "No, scratch that part. Our life won't be complete if we don't make mistakes for us to improve further."
"Oh, yeah... s-sorry.", Jihyo apologized. "Okay, y-yes. I'll do my best to think of my actions first."
"That's better.", Lisa expressed her satisfaction. "Well, I won't be asking you anymore if you're willing to sacrifice your existence because... your universe came first before you so, are you ready to follow me?", she spreaded her arm and presented her free hand, directing it at Jihyo for her to accept.
"To where?", Jihyo innocently asked as she stared at the inviteful Lisa.
Lisa smiled before replying at the lonely scientist.
"To your new home."
Jihyo erased all the doubts she has within her, sensing that this Lisa has closely no differences with the one she used to know when it comes to their personality.
She also analyzed that she was right anyways, saving her from the combined wrath of the higher ranking Gods surely made Jihyo owe this Goddess Lisa a lot not only for her safety, but for another opportunity to have her life achieve a new and hopefully... an improved meaning and role in her life.
Jihyo gently reached for Goddess Lisa's hand and locked onto it, twirling her fingers and strengthened her hold as she watched Lisa gestured a trusting nod before they were covered in a blinding goldlish light, escaping the lifeless and ruptured universe of hers.
A few moments later, Jihyo and Lisa arrived in a place that surely does a great representation of what a paradise looks like.
Jihyo's mouth agaped, eyelids sprung upwards and face stretched in shock an surprise as she looked around at the new and most unique place she has ever seen in her entire life.
The structures, neither tall nor short are all white, a clean and refreshing air where the cotton-like fogs flowing through everywhere around on what it seems to be a town; contributing to the heavenly features of the place.
The people residing were wearing gold and white attires, only a thin cloth covering their bodies and every single one of them looks very appealing.
There's no vehicles to be seen around, since the people have the ability to fly through their angelic wings around and use it as their way of transportation around this place.
Jihyo learnt from Lisa that she was brought to this universe only occupied by the children of the Highness himself, the leader, the chief and the savior of all eternal and holy beings in this universe. "String theory... multi-dimensional reality... matter displacement, they're... they're all real?", she said to herself in awe.
They headed across the scared hall of the Holy Council, where the higher-ups has the pleasure to meet the mastermind and the sinner who is the main responsible for the destruction of one of the universe across the infinite numbers of the other universes scattered all over the galaxy.
Lisa repeated her request and pleads from the higher-up, which led from a short discussion and review of the judgment they're about to make.
Fortunately, they achieved all of their approval; and it resulted for Jihyo to be accepted and welcomed to stay in this unknown world full of gods and goddesses, only to pass a test that will be given to her first to prove if she's a worthy addition to their blessed land.
Because of that, it delivered a required new changes from Jihyo herself. She can't be a morttal anymore as she has to take her new responsibilities and duties to prove herself a worthy God Of Redemption just like Lisa.
She transformed from a devastated, lonely scientist to an almighty godly being.
She was tasked on her first ever service, and that is to guide all the 9 different multiverses assigned to her by Lisa.
Recently, her first mission was sent when she received a distress signal from one of the universes she's guarding.
She discovered that in this one, YN is a male assassin who both lost his wife and daughter in a brutal murder inside their house in the middle of the woods where they are hiding.
Jihyo watched how YN struggled in her guilt, longing and grief of losing all of his loved ones... until she decided to appear and offered him a chance of help after she made her research learning that in another universe, his wife... who was the same person her original YN married together with.
Her name is Sana and both of them lost theirselves in a tragic scenario, which on the other hand Sana lost YN in an unexpected car accident.
The first time she saw the assassin counterpart YN, she tried to keep her composure steady to not let out a different reaction of seeing another version of her beloved YN and stay still on being dedicated to her new embraced role as a God Of Redemption.
It pained Jihyo a lot, ofcourse. Secretly watching the huge grin and overload of sadness and longing he felt when he got to meet Sana again for the second time made her somehow wish she could experience the same and stand in Sana's position.
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Seeing that she will never have a chance to make YN fall in love with her even at every different universes along with the mistake she had done was an effective hard slap for her to woke up in the reality this time.
Her feelings for YN still remains in her heart, sometimes she uses it to secretly admire her male counterpart whenever he's asleep every night on the new universe Jihyo teleported him.
But on one night, she came to visit YN with another agenda.
She squatted beside the male YN's sleeping figure on the bed and traced his facial features even this version couldn't fail to make Jihyo go head over heels too and showcase the bisexuality effects on her.
Combing his hair with gentle stroke from the gaps of her slender, shining fingers, Jihyo smiled bitterly at the look of YN sleeping peacefully.
"You're still attractingly handsome even if you're a man.", she whispered, not leaving her sight away at YN.
"I promise, this time... I'll make you happy. As much as I want to be the one with you to share with, I know I can't... because you'll never be mine.", Jihyo's teardrop fell from YN's cheek.
"I'll still give it to you. You deserve and earned every special things, whether it may be big or small. Always for a wonderful person like you. That's how you meant so much to me, YN", her lips shuddered as she forces herself not to sob heavily from the hurtful heartbreak she's trying to heal and forget these days.
She placed her last kiss of acceptance for her destined fate on YN's lips before she slowly vanished away and returned from her private universe.
Jihyo successfully completed her first mission by being true to her words, making YN happy by having him reconcile with the another version of Sana.
She bid goodbye to them and headed back to her universe where she teleported right away in front of a massive and enchanted chapel being one of the main highlights of the entire town, along with the council hall where the higher-ups are slated.
Jihyo saw Lisa who's talking nicely with her other fellow guests and gods and politely excused herself to grab the attention of her friend.
"Oh, Jihyo-ssi! You made it on time!", Lisa pleasantly greeted her. "How's your very first mission?"
Jihyo blushed and smiled widely, hinting the victorious accomplishment she achieved. "They're back together now."
"Great!", Lisa clapped her hands in glee. "Congrats on completing your first mission! I'm sure the elders would be really happy to hear this such good news from you. Even better, you are now really proving that you can belong with us!"
"I am honored and overwhelmed if they confirm it.", Jihyo sweetfully smiled.
"Tsk, humble. I'm sure they will.", Lisa bounced her eyebrows as she said it confidence.
"Oh! By the way... someone wants to see you.", Lisa's face brightened up when she remembered the reminder given to her by that someone.
"Find it out yourself, she wants you to meet her on the balcony near the garden."
Jihyo furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of a possible identity of this mysterious being wanting to involve a conversation with her alone.
"What are waiting for? Go! The wedding's about to start in 10 minutes!", Lisa pushed Jihyo to hurriedly make her move her feet and ran to find this someone.
After asking courteously to some strangers around the chapel, the directions led her finally to the balcony to the garden where she saw a figure of a woman standing in her elegant and stupendous white dress in the middle of the marble railing.
Her long, curly brown hair organized with the assist of the matching white hairband is dancing with the waves of the fresh, clean air.
Jihyo can only see her alluring exposed milky, smooth skin of her back facing her until the mysterious woman rotated her body.
Jihyo couldn't react any other than to be bewildered and let her emotions arise in an instant.
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It was the goddess counterpart of YN, standing from a slight distance in front of her, smiling softly at the view of the taken aback woman in her eyes.
"You finally showed up.", YN said with her usual gentle and tender voice.
She nodded and smiled. "It's nice to see you... well technically I should say "again", Jihyo."
Jihyo stood frozen in her spot, still in disbelief that she's seeing another version of YN, in this one it looks very alike the same woman she loved for the longest time.
Not to mention, this goddess YN looks so more unbelievably beautiful.
"I knew what happened from Lisa. She told me everything.", YN began to explain, as she slowly approached the shocked Jihyo.
"You never had a chance to properly talk with me and released everything that you're carrying in your chest so... I thought of setting a perfect schedule where I could make it finally happen for you."
"I... I had to convince Sana for a while to let me allow to talk with you and gladly she did."
"So... Jihyo, anything you wanna say for me?", YN said, locking her hand altogether behind her back as she waited patiently.
Jihyo cleared her throat and closed her eyes for a few second before opening it.
"This is indeed real, she's here", she muttered.
"I-I am.", Jihyo stuttered nervously. She didn't wasted any longer time as she began saying her apology speech.
"YN... first and foremost, I just want to say sorry. For everything that I caused which led me to this.
Not that I'm sounding like I'm complaining about it, I'm just being conscious and minding still about the horrible truth behind all of these.
I... I admit that I became very desperate, selfish, arrogant, impulsive anything you want to call me that urged me to abuse my creation just to forcefully repeat that past that I regretted the most which I could never change.
From the bottom of my heart and soul, I sincerely apologize for the disturbance and misery I brought to your counterpart that I loved so deeply, YN.
But... since, all of you are just sharing the same identity of YN... I guess I could say the same thing I've been wanting to say for so long on you too."
Jihyo stepped forward, inching closer at YN who stared at her actions but freely lets the woman to proceed on doing so, understandably accepting why she has to do this.
"I love you. I love you in every universe, YN", Jihyo stared at YN's hypnotizing eyes as she swayed some strands of hairs behind the ear of YN before switching her hands to place it upon the plump cheeks of her lover.
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YN sighed heavily and smiled softly at the heartwarming message of her bestfriend and admirer.
But then, Jihyo's lips shifted to a frown. "But you're not mine... and I will never be yours, because that's what our fate dictates us so."
"I learned my lesson now, and after quite some time of recovering... I have no other choice but to do the only right option.
I have to let you go and be with Sana forever and after but... rest assured that I'll do my best to live with my promise, and that is to make you happier than you'll ever be eternally.", Jihyo reached for YN's hand and carefully squeezed it.
She gave the top a peck of her kiss before patting the spot and clenched it on her hold as she released the engaged woman's hand.
"I already forgave you, Jihyo. I'm just waiting for this time to declare it to you.", YN confessed to her which broke Jihyo's watery eyes to shed a wet path of teardrops full of joy down her cheek.
"You already succeeded your redemption arc, and I have nothing more to say than to express how much I'm proud of you from correcting your mistakes and didn't brought harm from anyone this time."
"Don't worry, Jihyo. You made me happy. You made Sana happy too, including Lisa. I just hope you're feeling the same too."
"I-I am very happy too, especially for you, YN.", Jihyo confirmed, nodding her head rapidly as she smiled with her face still stained and messy due to the tears of joy she shed. "Congratulations on getting married today, by the way."
YN chuckled, wiping also her watery eyes off. "Yeah, thank you so much Jihyo. Appreciated it, really."
"I'm relieved that you can tell the same too for yourself, Jihyo.", YN nodded and beamed.
"Before we go back inside, since we knew both that things didn't ended quite well between us..."
YN presented her pinky finger at Jihyo which the latter looked at it adorably.
"Do you accept my invitation for you to join me rewind our friendship together, Jihyo-ssi?"
Without thinking twice, Jihyo hooked her own pinky finger at YN's.
"I'm in for a new beginning, YN.", she grinned.
Jihyo and YN immediately crashed their bodies for a tight, warm, caring and comfortable hug which made Jihyo unable to resist pulling back her tears to come out by how she missed having this kind of moment with YN so much.
After that, YN looked at the huge antique clocktower for the time. Realizing that they only have 3 minutes to prepare, she let's go from the embrace and both of them looked at each other.
"Let's go?"
Jihyo nodded readily.
While they're walking straight back inside the chapel, YN initiated one last short topic in assurance for them to talk about.
"How's my counterpart that you were tasked by Lisa sent from the elders?"
"All good now, YN. He's been saved."
Jihyo cheered good luck on YN, waved off at one another as they went on to their respective spots: in front of the altar and one of the chairs where all of the guests are seated.
While they're waiting for the bride to come out, a golden purse suddenly fell from Jihyo's feet.
She was about to lower down and reach it when she noticed that another hand also touched the extravagant belonging.
Jihyo looked at the person who also did the same as she caught her eyes, and she wasn't lying to herself when she mentally stated that this girl looks so beautiful.
In result, both of them just lifted off the purse together and Jihyo instantly pulled back her hand, allowing the woman to recover her property.
"S-sorry for the inconvenience...", the short black haired woman said shyly.
"It's n-nothing. I'll take it r-randomly.", Jihyo assured.
Jihyo was about to focus herself back on waiting but the out of nowhere desire to continue talking to this very interesting woman made her disregard it.
"S-sorry, I just wanna ask. How come you became one of the guests today? Are you close with the newlyweds?", Jihyo curiously asked.
"Yes. Sana's my bestfriend and I'm pretty close now with YN too."
"Oh...", Jihyo expressed her satisfication  to that information.
"And you?
"I'm friends with YN.", the stranger nodded, lips formed an "o" shape.
"I haven't introduced myself yet, didn't I?", Jihyo sheepishly chuckled. "I'm Jihyo. Park Jihyo."
"I'm Jeongyeon. Yoo Jeongyeon.", the bobbed cut haired woman accepted her offer of handshake welcomely.
Unbeknownst to both of them, they finally met the right person for each other to love along with across the other multiverses where every counterparts of Jihyo and Jeongyeon were either soon to encounter each other in the middle of their paths or already living happily together no matter what happens.
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And that's that!
For those male readers of mine out here who decided to still read this one-shot until the end despite the story having female readers as the protagonist just to view the plot twist at the ending, I appreciate the consideration so much.
Now yall understand why I made the male readers also read this.
Yes, this entire one-shot is a prequel from my previous work from Set 3 which is the Sana x M (Male) Reader one-shot titled "The Multiversal Redemption Arc". It was the second most voted story in Set 3 after Mina x M (Male) Reader- "Unconditionally".
This one simply explored and explained Jihyo's origin on how and what led her become to be the Almighty God Of Redemption who helped the male reader reunite with Sana back in MRA.
For my female readers, if you haven't seen MRA on Set 3, I suggest to read it so that all of you could understand what just happened and the connection of Rewind to MRA. However, it's a male reader one... so I'll leave it up to you guys if you'll still take a peek there and pretend yourselves as an ooposite gender of yourself.
I hope you guys liked the twist I did and especially, if you guys enjoyed this latest work of mine so far.
See ya! - Knight
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Phantomborg - Phantom of the Opera AU
—-🎭-—-🕯️-—-🎭-—-🕯️-— »,”☆
In which tech theater is one of Melvin’s niches, a way to express himself and his innovation, a safe haven of self expression- little does he know it will become his only saving grace in more ways than one.
-•- 22 -•- it/he/shadow -•- Gay (but homoflexible) -•-
🫐—-—-—-—-—-— »,”☆
—-Information: his local theater was his outlet and safe space but nobody ever appreciates it (and especially notices tech theater for all the work they do.) often he invents his own things to make the shows even more amazing; set dressings and robotic things and fantastical inventions !! one such thing would be his hail-mary, a completely fed-up madman losing to his own need to be noticed. after the monstrous accident, he fixed himself and built himself his new form with great hodgepodge difficulty, then decided to never go out into the light of day again- the stage, his world, was the only thing that loved him, the only thing that found him beautiful and recognized him. he watches george and harold, the genius playwrights become more and more successful as their stories come to life, watching, wishing he could be viewed as a beautiful visionary just as that. also captain underpants sings opera. and is krupp when he’s offstage. —-The Accident: he planned a contraption that was a giant wooden puppet dragon, moving across the back of the stage as one of the most outstanding set pieces he'd ever made- hell, it would even breathe fire! it was so stressed against its capabilities that the machinery broke, unable to stop the movement. it careened backstage, running over melvin and causing the phantom's disfigurement; but instead of just his face, it was the entire half of his body. obviously lol. fun fact- in stead of the nonlinear time travel thing happening, the accident happens when melvin is 17 and already well-established. his fate was set in stone.
🫐—-—-—-—-—-— »,”☆
Interaction Log:
1. Poetry 2. Dream come true?! 🎁
🫐—-—-—-—-—-— »,”☆
Associated Media:
📚The Invisible Man
🎧Confrontation from the Jekyll and Hyde musical
📺Moulin Rouge, The Devil's Carnival
⚜️theater organs, Fyretri (one of our alters, the collagelike way her body is built), more archaic theater/engineering/astronomy aesthetics and concepts like astrolabes, Achilles' work, etc.
🫐—-—-—-—-—-— »,”☆
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elisedonut · 6 months
18 and 35 for the ask game please!
How i would combine a Circus AU + Bathtub Fic
thank you for participating with me!!
First thought was Weasley family circus au where the family itself is a travelling cirrus i have no idea if that's a thing i know most media I've seen is very found family vibes with characters coming into a new family. (or you know abusive situations but I'm electing to ignore those so yes
Weasley Family Circus
maybe it's still a magical world maybe its not
if it is magic somehow then i imagine it be a situation where they had to run during the first war instead of hunkering down and hiding
eventually figuring out they could make money by putting on shows and it spiraling a bit
but that depends a lot on how you think the statue of secrecy works
i think you could hand wave it by making it something that only matters when using wands which I've seen a few times
so like if they enchant say a balance bar to not have to worry so much about not falling off it since they didn't do that in front of the audience it doesn't count
the "if the audience doesn't realize its like legit magic then it doesn't trigger whatever they use to tell its been broken because its just a non issue" method which is also very fun imo though cant say I've seen it very often
so pretty much this is all set up for someone who also has magic
i don't know who because i would want it to be someone who doesn't know Percy but it needs to be some bad at keep their mouth shut i think
but someone visiting said circus and getting absolutely drenched but like not water
(what is it? Fred says you don't want the answer)
because of something the twins invented because i just think they would love being in the circus especially because i could see them getting more like support? from Molly specifically since its directly helpful to their act and such
but whatever it is. its obviously not muggle so the person outright asks about it and loudly which obviously they are brushed off but Percy still brings them to the family tent with the intention to get them a towel and maybe a change of clothes
now side note
the family tent has all sorts of muggle charms on it to make it look like well normal so it just looks like a few fairly large tents (it originally looked like a single one but as the kids got older Molly
(and by Molly i really mean Bill, she thinks it was her idea though)
started to notice people talking about them squishing the kids in such a small place and chose to adjust to wards to look like multiple
point is obviously that only effects Muggles so to magic people it looks like one large tent on the outside and obviously looks expansive on the inside pretty much the burrow but its a tent
also because the other prompt is bathtub fic I'm choosing to believe in this au their tub is actually pretty large and kinda nice because the tent was originally a fancy camping tent with a large one meant for relaxing that Arthur found on sale for cheap when Percy was 13
ok back on topic
Percy notices immediately that the person is also magic sense they look far too interested in what should be nothing and ends up letting them use the bath and then you get that fun scene where they get out and are really cute
and Percy gets a crush and penpal for awhile before he leaves the family behind after a few years because he wants to actually settle down somewhere and stuff still leads to a fight and a strained relationship because of the closer nature of the siblings (and because unlike og in this world Percy's the first to leave)
but uh yeah
a smaller secondary concept that crossed my mind was stealing the water transportation from kyo kara maoh but instead of the alternate word being a typical medieval-ish fantasy world its instead still a fantasy world but like Percy taking a bath in the prefects bathroom and wakes up in a circus that is also a kingdom
and now he has alternate vers of a bunch of people he knows wanting his attention due to some vague prophecy nonsense about the one who marries the visitor will prosper but like make it silly
on top of also having to solve different problems and always having a chance of being sent back to his world every time he takes a bath
in other words Percy Weasley gets to play an Otome game but in real life
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ankulometes · 7 months
The Travellers, Vol 12, Pt 3: The Civilization
Non-variants would soon enter the picture. The team members would have natural born offspring. They would encounter the pre-existing inhabitants of the British Isles. More newcomers might arrive from the continent. It was vitally important therefore that their culture and civilisation had a coherent and complete form. They needed concepts that were expressed in language, technology, art, music, myth, and philosophy to tell their own people, and those they met, who they were. Naturally, they all had their stories straight on this score. They had been thinking about it and trying stuff out for long enough. Their ideas would inevitably be subject to change over time as non-variants became increasingly significant players in the cultural, political, economic, and intellectual development of their society, and this was a desirable phenomenon from their perspective. Nevertheless, the starting position was critical.
On top of the increasing presence of non-variants, there were the criteria by which the team would ultimately judge the success or otherwise of their mission. Although they possessed more latitude than before in the means through which they might be realised, these were little different to the goals they had consistently pursued through all of their interventions.
The crew wanted the civilisation they built to be as equitable and meritocratic as possible without imposing oppressive homogeneity that impinged upon vital creativity, liberty, and difference. They aimed for it to value peace and be open and welcoming to others while being sufficiently strong and coherent to resist aggression and threats to its integrity when necessary. It was important that it would value and reward knowledge, skill, inventiveness, and human achievement yet possess a sufficient level of wisdom and humility to maintain a critical attitude towards itself and remain appreciative of its relationship to, and dependence upon, other cultures and the natural world. The people should be both capable of and willing to educate and nurture their young and care for their sick, elderly, and disabled. Also, it should be fun loving, not take itself too seriously, and have a sense of humour and an enjoyment of entertainment that did not revolve around cruelty and humiliation.
At the heart of many cultures, one can find a concept of truth, even if it is only tacit. Indeed, cultural identity as such might be described as a set of humans defined by the presence of a sufficient degree of correlation in their beliefs concerning what is or is not true. For everyday purposes, this concept of truth needs to be simple and intuitive enough for most people to be able to apply it instinctively most of the time.
The variants would deploy a concept of truth that drew on correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories. In broad outline, this held that something was true if it could be demonstrated in practice to correspond to an actual state of affairs and did not contradict other known truths (in which event one must be false). This formulation, which probably appears rather simple and obvious to someone from MOT raised in the Western philosophical tradition, has far reaching and significant implications.
Clearly, it demands a language grammar and vocabulary for expressing truth statements. However, it further suggests the concept of the “experiment” which necessitates shared systems of quantification and measurement. These amplify the importance of literacy and numeracy, which in turn transform one’s relationship to a host of phenomena, including time and memory. Although they would start slowly, the culture of “Albion” that the variants were developing would start at the outset with an alphabet based on Latin, a base-12 floating point numeric system with a zero concept derived from Indo-Arabic numerals, and units of measurement for length, angles, area, mass, volume, time (a lunisolar calendar, sundials, and sand or water timers), and even temperature (using bi-metallic strips).
They would benefit from a whole matrix of technologies that are either necessarily associated with, or can be easily inferred from, the existence of some of these ideas that would form the basis of their civilization. Some of these I have already mentioned: blades, bows, saws, shovels, picks, planes, hoes, wheels, sails, pulleys, levers, screws and the like. Others such as pens, ink, and paper were also in the mix. Indeed, there were so many that it is probably more illustrative to provide some examples of things that were most definitely not going to be given in this context.
Things like heat engines, electricity, the wave character of light and sound, the atomic nature of matter, the functioning of planetary and stellar rotations and orbits: all of these are non-obvious ideas that can be modelled in different ways for practical purposes and the accurate elaboration of which typically depends on a whole series of complex intellectual and technical developments. The new society the team was building would know nothing of these things at the outset. So long as you could potentially measure the angle of the sun, the speed of something or other, or the temperature of an oven, that was a sufficient starting point.
It should be self-explanatory by now that any society capable of developing this kind of intellectual and technical base within a fairly short period of time could not be theocratic. They had to have been people who valued knowledge and believed that it could be obtained through human action and thought, rather than simply being conferred upon them from above. Nevertheless, plenty of unknowns remained and they would require an ethical framework of higher order concepts to prevent them doing harm to themselves, others, or the world in general. Moreover, such matters would necessitate narratives to facilitate the effective communication of abstract ideas in addition to providing an explanatory structure for the origin of things and the nature of certain unknowns. Last, but by no means least, it would be convenient for the variants if these made it easier for them to do some of the more magical things they needed to do, such as substitution of their own children.
Despite their modernist aims and conceptions of truth, the variants were not naive positivists. They had no desire to peddle scientism and were well aware of the fact that people often need a belief system that provides meaning, purpose, and the possibility of redemption, even if it is essentially untrue. Shared systems of faith also provide a valuable tool for developing and sustaining social coherence. However, since they would almost certainly evolve into an organised religion over time that fed into myriad political and economic aspects of the civilisation, the choice concerning what to believe was vital.
Therefore, beyond simple binary notions of true and false, their frameworks of thought, language, and grammar would support ternary or even quaternary truth concepts, the additional positions within which might be summarised as “not true” and “not false”. These named the unknowable, the unnameable, or that which was in the process of being disclosed or concealed. Consequently, falsehood was not an absolute negation of truth per se but an independent idea of “untruth” that existed on a scale between it and the verified truth along which belief might be held as true or false in particular ways or pending certain facts.
At its root, the variants had developed a collection of mythological narratives over the years that told the story of the creation of the universe from the nothingness of the Big Bang and the ensuing collisions of matter in space, but in a highly simplified and anthropomorphised form. This creation myth ultimately ended with the births of numerous constellations of stars, the sun (“Haul”), the moon (“Lun”), and earth (“Naear”). Ultimately, there were also figures in this pantheon for all the major features of their immediate landscape, such as the British Isles as a whole (the giant “Albion”), the islands of Britain (“Pryddana”) and Ireland (“Eriu”), right down to important hills and rivers (such as “Tamesis” and “Hafren”).
At the outset at least, and on the part of the variants, there would be little pretence that these were anything other than stories which helped explain certain aspects of the world which they had left unexplained, guide ethical action, and aid a few more practical concerns, such as navigation.
The ternary concepts of nothingness and somethingness along with the disclosive space in between would be fundamental to their myths in other ways too. Aside from providing an illustration of numeric concepts, they established a context for the “otherworld” (which they called “Annwn”) of things like birth, death, dreams, and intuition. The emergence of life from nothingness and its subsumption into death was elaborated as a symbiotic cycle in which all the elements of the visible waking world were balanced by counterparts in the otherworld of Annwn.
Annwn provided a valuable spirit world which opened the way to the notion of communication with, traversal between, or even return from it. In addition to facilitating substitution, it enhanced the sacrality of the natural world in a manner that could be leveraged to promote care for it. It also riffed on ideas such as ying/yang and karma: a death and departure from the waking world was a birth or arrival in Annwn and vice-versa. The spirit of those thought to have been good in life might return in a new form to help overcome evil in this or those who had committed wicked acts might win redemption in the world of the spirits if they learned the error of their ways and atoned.
Over the long term, the maintenance and telling of these stories would be the province of a technocratic class of learned men and women known as the “derwid”. These people would be less a “priesthood” than an intellectual caste who, aside from telling didactic stories which made abstract concepts more tangible, would serve as philosophers, scientists, engineers, doctors, surgeons, architects, lawyers, historians, and artists. Their numbers would be heavily skewed toward variants, and their exclusive hold over advanced knowledge throughout the early years of their culture (before they began to write books) would help to obfuscate their origins in the mists of time.
Alongside these myths was another tranche of stories which we might call legends or folktales that, while still used by the derwid, were not their exclusive domain. These legends provided origin stories and role models through narratives that were centred around definitively human action. They involved figures such as the prototypal derwids, Orin and Aeron, the valiant leaders, Lugh and Lleua, and the nurturing leaders, Ceri and Carys, the smith, Gofannon, and the farmer, Amaethon among many others.
The myth and legend cycles also lent explanatory power to other phenomena and social structures, especially the calendar. As had been the case whenever possible on prior missions, the variants were going to be using their preferred perennial lunisolar system. However, they had made a few modifications to its structure.
The year would be split into 52 weeks (with 1 to 2 intercalary days) that provided a rhythmic structure with regular breaks from work every 7th day (known as the “setath”). These sat within a larger structure consisting of four seasons, each around 12 weeks long, that were divided by the week-long festivals of Ostara, Litha, Mabon, and Gheol that were set around the solstices and equinoxes. These seasons were further subdivided into two halves by the lesser festivals of Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. The precise points in the tropical year at which these occurred would move over the coming millennia as the inclination of the earth’s axis changed, so their calculation was inevitably the province of the derwid. The variants fully intended to introduce thematic ceremonies as a focal point of these festivals. However, they would mainly be an opportunity for people to let off steam and have a good time.
The cycles of the seasons were loosely reflected in a series of tripartite divisions for the path of life. The period from birth until 6 years of age was considered to be a period of infancy during which there were few social expectations other than to survive, grow, and learn the basics of movement and speech. Upon reaching one’s 6th summer, one would be initiated into the community during the festival of Litha. From then until the age of 12, one became properly a “child” and expected to learn the fundamentals of knowledge, including reading, writing, and maths that would lay the foundations for your participation in society. Another rite followed in your 12th summer when you officially became a “youth”. At this point, while still not a fully-fledged member of one’s tribe qualified to do things like swear oaths or bear witness, you would gain the right to do things like carry a knife (which you would be given) and would be held accountable for your actions. During one’s youth, between the ages of 12 and 18, you would continue to learn but also start to contribute by taking apprenticeships or being packed off to study with the derwid. At the age of 18, you became a fully-fledged adult with all the responsibilities that came with that status. In addition to being gifted symbolic artefacts during each of these rites of passage, one was tattooed as a permanent mark of attainment and belonging. However, your life was hopefully far from over.
The three stages of development (infancy, childhood, and youth) were followed by three further stages of adulthood, each again lasting 6 years, during which one was expected to gain first knowledge, then experience, and finally wisdom. If one reached the age of 36, one gained elevated status as an elder. Nevertheless, once again, one’s development was hopefully not finished yet. The third meta-phase of life was similarly divided into three stages of “evaluation” or “consideration”, “compassion” or “insight”, and “judgement” or “transcendence”. However, this time each period lasted 18 years. Frankly, if you lived much beyond 90 years in the absence of modern medicine, vaccines, and antibiotics it was a miracle. But it wouldn’t be unheard of in their society.
All these beliefs and rites naturally informed the political and economic structure that their civilisation would adopt, at least at the outset. It should come as no surprise that it would probably best be described as a technocratic gerontocracy.
Although their members would often be embedded within settlements, the derwid would ultimately form a tribe apart consisting of experts and specialists who were frequently itinerant. It was regarded as a vocation, rather than a job. While it would be taboo to refuse hospitality to one of their number, and unadvisable to shun their aid or advice, they would receive no remuneration for their work and would not constitute any formal part of political administration as such. Similarly, while everyone was required to learn a variety of combat skills from the age of twelve, train regularly, and do their duty when called upon to do so, derwid were not required or even expected to fight, although many would.
On a day-to-day basis, tribal affairs at a local level would be governed by a council or assembly of the elders (i.e. those of 36 years of age and above) known as the “laenoriad” who would elect a leader. This leader, who gained the honorific title “Ben”, did not necessarily need to come from among their number: it could be any nominated adult (i.e. at least 18 years of age). This chief would also serve as a judge with the laenoriad functioning as a jury. Thus, they would collectively form the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. Beyond these outline constraints, how they arranged their affairs internally was entirely up to them to decide, but the principle that power came with responsibility which could only exercised effectively by those in possession of wisdom and that power was conferred (or revoked) through an act of consensus were both key. Eventually, as the number and size of settlements increased, a hierarchical series of supra-tribal councils would emerge consisting of all the leaders from a particular region and from across the British Isles as a whole.
Another important problem that it was vital to nail early on were the systems of distribution and exchange. Even when they only had the one settlement, people would not be able to do everything for themselves and stuff would need to be shared around. There were several basic options.
Barter is commonly regarded as a kind of default solution to the problem of exchange. In the absence of any other formal mechanism, this is correct insofar as people will arbitrarily exchange things in their possession or power to obtain others that are not which they need or desire, on an ad hoc basis. As a fallback, it is something that is liable to occur in any context. However, as a systemic approach it is deeply flawed. Barter encourages the appropriation and hoarding of resources, often through the violent exercise of power. It rapidly degenerates into a social order based on brute force that exhibits extreme forms of oppression and inequality. This is why it is typically regarded as an inverse index of civilization. Its very presence is indicative of barbarism.
A widespread early alternative was the so-called “palace economy”, or command economy, in which all resources are pooled with a central authority that is subsequently responsible for their distribution based on whatever criteria are deemed to be appropriate. While this method can in theory be egalitarian, it is deeply susceptible to corruption and tyranny. Moreover, by building in a single point of failure it becomes prone to political instability since, whenever failure occurs, there is typically no fallback other than a return to barter.
Another solution that was often developed in the ancient world was that of the gift economy. These often demonstrated beneficial side effects in terms of things like social coherence and trust. They operate through the extension of a form of loan in which goods or services are advanced by one party in return for social credit and the expectation of a return on this investment at a later date. Such things are all well and good but, as an exclusive system, it rather limits the ability of people or groups to proactively secure the resources they need right now. Consequently, it often tends to exist in conjunction with other forms of exchange, such as barter.
Then of course there are market economies. Obviously, that is a big and complex topic. I use the plural “market economies” deliberately because there are many different types of market, only one of which is the ideologically charged concept of a “capitalist free market” economy. For my purposes here, I am going to define a market economy as a set of one or more governed forums that exist within the context of the same coherent legal framework in which individuals or groups exchange goods and services via an intermediate form that consists of a representation of value.
Markets are an excellent structure for exchange. Their capacity to adopt a distributed, cellular form gives them the potential to be flexible and resilient. However, from the standpoint of the above definition, they are merely the bread in an economic sandwich that one loads up with the desired ideological fillings. These fillings are typically embodied in the legal frameworks of governance and the intermediary form utilised to represent value as an exchange medium.
The variants had never lost their agreement with certain fundamental aspects of a Marxist analysis of capitalism. Indeed, they had developed their position to an unparalleled degree of refinement over the years. One of Marx’s arguments with which they agreed was that, within the context of a capitalist market economy, the exchange value of commodities is ultimately regulated by socially necessary labour time. However, unlike Marx, they did not support a commodity theory of money. In their view, things like the gold specie standard merely served to obfuscate the more accurate description of money as an expression of purchasing power that ultimately reflected social status and class. Money in this context was always an abstract relative value, even if one rather foolishly chose to base one’s currency system on a scarce commodity. On past missions, the team had adopted metallic currencies for reasons of expediency and inherited context. Now that they were freed from such constraints, they were going to go down a different path.
The unit of currency in their new civilization would be based on labour time. In principle, this can be used to determine both wages and prices. For example, let’s say that 1 currency unit is equal to 1 hour (as defined at the point of the summer solstice, since they were using sundials, and winter and summer time divisions were of differing absolute duration).
Now let’s say for the sake of an example that, on average, a baker can produce 10 loaves of bread per hour, a potter can make 1 pot per hour, and a blacksmith can make 1 blade in 10 hours. In theory, the baker’s “wage” production costs would be 0.1 currency units per hour while the potter would earn 1 unit and the blacksmith 10 units; i.e. assuming that all the commodities they produce have an equal use value, we can posit their wage rate as 1 hour divided by the average number of these commodities that are produced per hour. The sale price would then be the wage cost plus the price of the materials required to produce it. Thus, ignoring the cost of materials and other capital expenditure, they each earn 10 currency units from the sale of the produce from 10 hours of labour time.
However, this can penalise time intensive functions or promote redundant production on the false assumption that all commodities are of equal value. In reality, practically no one was a wage labourer in their society anyway. Certainly not yet. When that phenomenon did rear its ugly head, wage levels would be set in the usual “capitalist” way as a function of supply and demand combined with political pressure and negotiation. In the variants’ civilization, at least at the outset while the economy remained very small and simple, prices would be determined firstly by the derwid as a function of a determination of socially necessary labour time such that everyone possessed a more or less equal purchasing power that would enable them to obtain an equitable share of the total available produce, and secondly by the laenoriad as a means of promoting socially necessary production.
The critical point about using time hours as an index of currency value was that debts would be redeemable at the last resort through the one resource to which everyone had free access: time. Moreover, it provided a tangible baseline for assessments of value with easily understood judicial ramifications. Nevertheless, once again, it wouldn’t work in practice that if you lent your mate Bob a tenner and he failed to pay it back you could literally make him work as your own indentured slave for a period of time. Like any debt in our world, you would have to lodge your claim in court. If the loan agreement was deemed to be legal, and Bob was found to have defaulted, then the “state” would simply issue the money to pay you what was owed and a certain amount of either Bob’s time or income would revert to the state for use in the public interest. Or their own personal enrichment, depending on how your tribe was running itself at the time.
This legal procedure also indicates how money would come into existence: the state would simply create it and spend it into circulation. Once again, time-based monetary units help to provide an indication of how much money should be created since the total value of all currency in circulation should be sufficient to pay everyone for all their time. In the case of our crude baker, potter, and blacksmith example, if these were the only three people in your economy, then you would need to issue the equivalent of 11.1 units per hour of work to be completed.
One of the other major questions that needed to be addressed was the physical form that the currency would take. Part of the appeal of metallic currencies was that, even in the event of the collapse of the issuing authority, people still had faith in the idea that the base metal itself would be accepted widely enough as a barter exchange medium. Moreover, making coins from expensive scarce materials over which it was comparatively easy to exert monopoly control discouraged counterfeiting. Paper money, as one alternative, lacks both qualities. Matters such as theft and durability are also pertinent issues. For the variants, the answer to these questions lay in the comparative simplicity of their society and economy and the control it would exercise over markets through its legal framework.
They intended to largely resolve the questions of theft, counterfeiting, and durability by simply not issuing the currency in a physical form at all. Or, rather, by inventing a form of banking and operating this as an exclusive state monopoly.
On market days, or at any other time one wished to go shopping or do business, one would visit the bank and make a withdrawal from one’s balance. In return, one would receive some suitably authorised paper scrip (or a quantity thereof in various values) which named you as the owner of this money and detailed the date on which it was issued and the date when it would expire (usually no more than 1 day). When you purchased something, you would name the recipient and add your own signature in the relevant space. The recipient would then return it to the bank at the end of the day’s trading at which point a balance transfer would be completed.
If you wished to shop at another, more distant, market you could still use the same scrip, so long as it had not expired. It would eventually be reconciled and, if you ran up a line of credit this way by racing back home and withdrawing more, you would soon be caught and punished. You would owe money or labour time in accordance with the court’s estimation of the rate at which this should apply.
Alternatively, you could carry a simple dated balance statement which would be added to your account at the destination following which you would be able to withdraw scrip in the usual manner. However, you would not be able to withdraw any more scrips from your “home” bank until you returned the updated balance document which would have been given to you when you banked the scrip at the distant market.
For foreign trade, you would need to withdraw scrip to purchase gold, silver, or some other commodity for use in a barter exchange. That’s what international trade is at heart. Especially in the days before globalisation. Certainly, it barely even existed at the time the variants were currently living in, and it would be a very long time before it was regulated at all.
Thus their “bank” was more of a “tally shop”. Money was simply a temporary localised physical representation of part of this balance; a series of chits and tokens produced on cheap, plentiful, ephemeral material for the purpose of value exchange and transfer. It did not bear interest and, although it could potentially be loaned, the charging of interest on such would be specifically prohibited. Courts would be under no obligation to bail you out for irresponsible loans. The creation of the money in the first instance would be entirely the province of the state who would simply spend it into existence via an act of accounting.
Of course, in the early days of their settlement, hardly any money was used, and no one really needed to worry if they had none. The essentials of life were shared freely and, since the population consisted overwhelmingly of variants, there was practically no conflict or contention over this.
Indeed, one might wonder why they didn’t simply operate a much simpler palace economy. Such a system would have satisfied their needs at the beginning. However, for the reasons noted above, it wouldn’t scale effectively. Moreover, a well-governed market economy utilising a sensible currency system can be liberating.
In a command economy, one is effectively an employee of a single monolithic state bound to follow their instructions concerning what to produce. You are subsequently given very little choice about what one consumes and when. Selling into and buying from a market allows one to choose what one produces or consumes, how much, and when. If you want to blow all your credits on ale, then go for it. Alternatively, if you have a yen to try making something radically different, you can have a pop.
The idea that someone might try and fail brings us conveniently on to the topic of welfare and other forms of social care and the structures that surround them. On the whole, this was a non-problem for them. The way in which their currency worked meant that, so long as they didn’t issue so much credit that there was inflation, it was positively beneficial to the economy for them to run social programmes and infrastructural development projects.
The derwid would be nominally responsible for healthcare and education. However, they wouldn’t be able to do it alone. Special buildings would need to be constructed. Nurses, assistant teachers, and other supporting staff would be required. Raw materials would be a regular input. Associated with primary medical care, there would almost certainly need to be some provision for palliative and old age care which came with similar requirements.
There will always be a few people who simply don’t want to be a part of your society and wish to have little to do with your carefully organised institutions. They should not be unduly punished for this. Contrariwise, one of the fundamental goals of the variants’ economy was that no one should suffer from want due to misfortune in life or by birth. Nevertheless, it was not intended to be a free-for-all. A lot of work needed to be done. From everyone according to their ability would be a basic tenet. Thus, their general welfare provision would mainly consist of the creation of currency for the purposes of direct employment by the state where necessary. This would be supplemented by ad hoc debt jubilees and regular citizen dividends.
Beyond the political, economic, and judicial concerns of the state lay many diverse cultural questions that ranged from matters such as childrearing all the way to seemingly trivial matters like fashion. The variants considered all of them to be of vital importance, even those that might appear frivolous. I will deal with only the two mentioned above at this point.
At a fundamental level, the civilisation of Albion would eschew many notions concerning both the nuclear family and private property. Individuals of any gender would be at liberty to commit themselves exclusively to each other for sexual or other purposes, and there would be ceremonies associated with this process that enabled the oaths made to be recognised in official contexts. However, there would be absolutely no necessity to commit in such a manner. When it came to sex and reproduction, the free consent of all parties was assumed to be the primary imperative. Any offspring would inherit their primary identity in a matrilineal manner and, while a social and legal onus would be placed on both parents to ensure their children fulfilled their obligations, child rearing would predominantly be undertaken by the “clan” as a whole.
This collectivism fed through into property law. As a member of a clan, one would gain certain rights and protections, including matters such as having one’s basic needs for food and shelter met. One might occupy a house or a farm that could be considered “your property”, by virtue of fulfilling a particular role within a particular group, with which you were free to do as you wished. However, this did not confer the right to exchange it: it remained the property of the clan from whom it could not be alienated. The same applied to all land. Property was something one gained as a form of privilege through the fulfilment of a responsibility or obligation. This applies as much to the tribe, whose land belonged to the natural world of which they were to serve as guardians, as it did to the individual.
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Back to the Future II (1989)
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"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!" That iconic line from the first film set the stage for an unforgettable adventure, and "Back to the Future Part II" takes us on an even wilder ride through the space-time continuum.
Picking up where the original left off, this sequel catapults us into the future, specifically the far-off year of 2015. And let me tell you, the filmmakers had a blast envisioning what the future would look like. Flying cars, hoverboards, self-lacing shoes, and 3D sharks; it's a technicolor dream come true.
Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) are back, and their chemistry is as electric as ever. With Marty sporting a snazzy self-drying jacket, the duo embarks on a mission to save Marty's future family from falling apart.
But things take a twist when they inadvertently create an alternate 1985, a dystopian Hill Valley ruled by the sinister Biff Tannen. The dark and gritty version of Hill Valley is a stark contrast to the quaint, 1950s small town we fell in love with in the first film.
The movie's most mind-bending moments come when our heroes revisit scenes from the original movie, creating a delightful sense of déjà vu. You'll marvel at how seamlessly the filmmakers weave the new narrative into the familiar events of the past. Marty even gets to witness himself playing guitar at the "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance from a different perspective, proving that time travel can indeed be trippy.
What's remarkable about "Back to the Future Part II" is how it juggles complex time-travel concepts while maintaining its lighthearted tone. Sure, the plot might get a tad convoluted at times, but that's all part of the fun. Just remember, "You don't have to understand it; you just have to enjoy it."
While it may lack some of the emotional depth of the first film, it more than compensates with its sheer inventiveness and eye-popping visuals. The scene where Marty hovers through a future Hill Valley is pure adrenaline, and the hoverboard chase is pure exhilaration.
In the end, "Back to the Future Part II" might not outshine its predecessor, but it's an essential piece of the time-travel puzzle that deepens the lore of the series. It keeps the spirit of adventure alive and leaves us with a tantalizing glimpse of what could have been in the final moments. As Doc Brown once again reminds us, "Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one!" And this movie is definitely a good part of that future.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
tails ideas and headcanons
Originally posted on my ao3, these are just simple ideas and headcanons about our fluffy fox boi <3.
If any of you want to use any of these ideas, knock yourself out!
Alright so these are the ideas I have rn:
Tails is reincarnated into a chao and tries to reunite with Sonic (who's still processing grief and unfortunately has no way of communicating with his old friend)
Tails is believed to be a kitsune by a bunch of cultists and is kidnapped and worshipped (probably crack idk)
Tails is still kidnapped by the Zhetti, however instead of just turning him into a robot they also wipe his memories as well (he still changes it he'd have free will, unfortunately he doesn't know they were taking his memories as well so...that happened)
Sonic dies, sacrificing himself for the world, and Tails refuses to move on like everyone else. Months after his death, a certain blue blur comes in spirit to bring his friend acceptance and peace.
Tails travels to the future and finds it in ruins and tries to figure out how to change it along with silver (yes this is a reference to umbrella academy)
Tails gets turned into a robot by Eggman but he isn't recognizable to his friends (he can't speak or move in his own will but he still tries to let them know he's there)
Tails gets into an accident (probably plane) that renders him mute, dead, and blind, and leaving some body parts unable to function, relying on his sense of touch and those around him
Tails makes a deal to a certain alien cat and dooms himself to damnation (yes it's that cookie-less Oreo fuck Kyubey!) and none of his friends know what's going on
Tails has repetitive nightmares about tails doll and gets very paranoid and jumpy (not letting people know what's going on because it's "just nightmares")
Tails finds out he's a kitsune, not in the best way, leaving him thinking of himself as a horrible beast dangerous to his friends ( staying away from them and things go downhill and shit) and tries to control his powers so he doesn't hurt anyone
Tails lives in a world where Robotnick kills Sonic and takes over mobius, when he goes to the place when sonic was murdered and buried by the rubble (for a reason idk yet), he accidently brings the blue blur back to life (back then he vowed in death to come back and stop Eggman or something idk, and yes this is inspired by corpse bride) also tails never met sonic so he's obviously going to freak out about this corpse coming out of its grave.
Tails gets tired to being treated like a child and being scolded for his inventions, and gets cat mask that'll turn him into a cat (Just watched a Whisker Away)
Tails gets kidnapped instead of Sonic in Sonic Forces and gets tortured within six months and turns into a feral paranoid boi (which is entirely from his unhinged 3rd person perspective)
Tails gets dragged into a spirit realm and must find his way home back to his physical body (which is now in a coma in the real world)
Tails is stuck in a time loop, but everytime he dies, a flower blooms on his body (yep we're going flower fell, while I'm not a fan of the shipping, I do find the concept very interesting)
I just recently thought of the idea that Tails is a borrower. Like borrowers exist in this universe, and they look like mobians but have rat or mouse like features in their ears, noses, and legs. Tails would probably be a wild borrower, living in the forest, mainly cause the other borrowers, who live in houses make fun of his two tails, and don't allow him to live with them (he'd still have two fluffy fox tails) then Sonic comes onto the island and his plane breaks down and tails fixes it in secret, but then he's like discovered by sonic and whatnot. {We need sonic borrower fanfiction!} This could also create a new reason to why his parents aren't in the picture they got...discovered and that left his on his own, leaving him a traumatized 8-year-old boi. <--- (In Progress!)
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stxrmnight · 1 year
Endwalker Story: Meeting Venat...
First Elpis Replay post, Previous to this part 2.
Post is what the title says. Yuri under the cut. Don't like? don't read
Leaving the transporter, Nemi asked what the hell was the bizarre Shark man in the distance. She probably had felled one of this before but to see someone deliberately created that was... icky. She heard Hyth start to rant about receiving more fads of this concept with no real thought for practicality of sense of an about to be living thing, when she tried to shake her arms and make him move away from the beast plunging at him, and then... A woman in white and a sword that, singed with familiar energy knocked out the Sharknado. Nemi knew who this is, but seeing her just swoop in like that...
"Oh wow... she's strong," escaped her mouth. "Heh, excus me?" ("Shit, I said that out loud," was regretted in her mind.)
That her first word was to bully Emet and expose him as a young piece of shit? And he wasn't retorting. Incredible. She must be a knockout at bars and parties but ah... what is she doing thinking this of the one fated to become something as distant and irrelevant as Hydaelyn? They were so, different.
"She sounds fun- AH SHE IS LOOKING AT ME"
She should have known Venat would recognize her own magic in the Blessing of Light. There was no point in denying it, much as she smiled courteously and swallowed. At least the fact Venat's acceptance of uncertainty meant that, she was taking this well. Others would likely freak out and attack her or something like that.
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When Hades scolded her for keeping secrets of the fate of the star, she just crossed her arms and explained she couldn't have an impact, stipulating it was one of their own who said this before sending her here. Venat enthusiastically remarked they were "meant to meet" then, and she was looking forward to knowing more the person bearing her "mark." Nemi might have exploded.
She recovered quickly and helped her search for the lost concept, commenting "You sound like you prank people like that often." How exactly? Venat wondered and Nemi pointed to the idea of her, marking someone. Like what did that mean in this context? Venat explained it's really to find lives again in the great expanse of the world, be a small bee she gave water to or a traveler from another biome. She'd even begun fashioning a way to try to find this traveler magick for other people to use to find each other, but others were vexed by its complexity. This made Nemi surprised later, at the dinner in Venat's chambers, that botomless bags seemingly were not invented yet.
With the time come to tell everything... she concluded she might as well come clear and take the sash off her eyes, but keeps her hair tucked underneath. Venat was awed by her eye tattoo, warmed by its family inheritance meaning that Nemi shared with a smile. There wasn't such a sense of family permeance in Amaurot, and carrying something form your origin through your life was such a beautiful way to live the nature that made you. making her smile and say it's passed down and mixed in her clan of family.
Hythlo kindly intervened they needed to get talking, pointing to Emet sitting grumpily. He saw Thanatos' lesbianism bleed way worse from Nemi. And though he didn't want to believe what she would tell, it'd at least mean he didn't have to fear his colleague secretly hated him.
Nemi joined her hands and gave a heavy sigh. Her face was now stern with a heavy frown. "Well, form the beginning? be warned, you won't like what you hear... or maybe not, from what I've gathered here."
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After she's done speaking, she just sits back with irreverent air, but does lean when Venat is vexed by Hydaelyn's decision to cause the sundering. That she finds odd opposing the 14th.. is she happy with society as it is then?
As they try to figure, Nemi just looks away, feeling mixed about pushing them to guess to themselves, wanting to argue with Venat that it's been millenia and people change over time drastically. "You don't have to fit yourself to this mold of the future. You are you right now." But Venat stresses she knows herself. It's just an exercise to find answers and logic to help the future.
Then Hades' interjection made her jaw drop and need to cover her face. Never would she think she'd feel second hand embarrassment for this guy. If only the Scions could hear this...
"Hmm, you do sound like the asshole I killed, I gotta say." "Neirmer! You said yourself we're not like the after!" "Sorry, I'm not gonna lie about what I did. You will come to threaten all I hold dear as well, and such fate can't be changed." "Even if your ridiculous story was true, I would not hurt you just for having an insufferable mouth! I'm a civilized man!" "True... it's just hard when you're not that different in personality of disrespect, you know? But let's move on." "..."
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When saying she feels Hermes and Meteion seem center of the mystery, she expresses their grievances feel natural to any person of the future. She tries to ask who started the philosophy of "the will of the star" and if there were other rituals to deal with the grief of elected passing, and everyone looked lost for an answer. Nemi incquired if anyone ever passed away to disease or accidents, and they said even murders are inconceivable. Then Nemi wondered if they're truly so good warders of the stars if they can't understand the creatures who are mortal, specially the ones they create. Only Venat could respond that, she came to love them in their travels, and didn't neglect one detail to ensure her concepts' happiness... but she stopped creating after Argos. She didn't find the vastness of the world lacking of more life. At this, Nemi smiled and said they should search clues together.
They were surprised by how well they flowed with inquiries. Nemi got to make people open with casuality of their interests, letting Venat get to the heart of the matter in an unsuspecting way. Nemi wondered if Venat's travels made it so, since not everywhere can be like Amaurot's cushy walls. Venat said there are many people outside of these walls of all kinds, even some who don't like the Ancients, but people in the city rarely do acknowledge they exist unless they're to be saved of natural phenomena. Nemi recalled the volcano situation with Thanatos... but didn't ask about it.
Nemi drops the fact Meteion has more sisters casually, making Venat wishes she mentioned it earlier. Nemi apologized for this flaw, too used to filling reports that filled everyone up to speed. Venat squinted at her and she admitted it was more regular than that. Venat laughed and patted her back, saying she's so earnestly sincere and honest then. Nemi blushed as they walked closer to their next inquiry.
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When the archivist lament Venat hasn't returned, Nemi is shocked. She almost yelled at them if not for Venat side hugging her and replying too briefly. way from them, Nemi asks baffled if everyone says they look forward to watching you her die, why do they think death is rest when they know it erases their self, not even taking breaks in their lives! No one sounds like they take a break in their actual lives! "This, this is bonkers! And I can tell you're not happy with it either. Don't throw that honor bullshit at me as well."
Venat looked at her transfixed, then admitted she, wished that people understood her choices. That walking with her makes her wonder if a future of mortals would think differently... Then asks her, how beautiful is the future?
Nemi says the future is more beautiful, that everything is free to take its own shape and form. There are always new discoveries, and... There are customs and beliefs, shaped by the nature one lives in, and traditions and beautiful art that would not flourish in this past.
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When Venat asks of her adventures... she would tell her of the avdenturer guilds, of finding the crystals, of the floating city of Nymnh, of the many minerals that fortified her craft, of her village's ways of survival, of the rivers of Doma... every person she weeped for in her imprisonment in the lightwarden, the joy of Ala Mhigo' back's flag flying, the Winds of the Churning Mists, seeing the Night bloom in the First, what she has treasured with the scions and her friends.
When Venat responds with her speech about life, Nemi is totally awed, intertwining her own fingers and taking them to her heart. She asks why she talks of needing to help humans stand.To her, it just sounds like she just wants to behold life's beauty.
"That is alright... you have done a lot already." "What is it with you and this talk of winding down?" "Well, I heard you all don't know how to play but, you don't seem that lame. Surely this is a rest for you too inbetween?" "Hmm, maybe I'm as shaped by this rhythm of life you find so monotone." Venat took Nemi's wringing fingers and interlocked them with her own. "Maybe, you could stop me." Nemi gasped with heated cheeks. "B-because others don't appreciate the world how we do?" Venat smiled and lowered their hands. "Because you may hold answers I seek... tell me, has your journey been good has it been worthwhile?
Venat's question makes tears spring, but she rasps her breath and nods determinedly. , or well was going to. she is irritated by the interruption, wanting to talk to Venat more and her passion, and a measure of concern. But this moves her to think of the next possibility, and that is when she excitedly points at Argos. She is amazed by how much gruffier he is now, then fucking, questions why in the goddamn is the dog picky about fighting skills.
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Nemi is intimidated by Venat's sagacious air, but she takes courage and takes her hair cover off. "If this is what it is, then I won't censure myself any further. You'll see my kicks fully!"
After Nemi endured Venat's last blast to one knee, Venat held her up and checked over her robes. Nemi gestures her to stop fretting even as she struggles to stand, giggling in her hold. "You should know... my real name is Nemi, Nemi Norxares. That's who endured your ravaging today." She smiled so wide that Venat's face burned up.
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This only didn't continue cause Argos jumped on them, making them go witness the flight of the Meteia through the echo. Nemi would connect the tree nearby to the forms of those at Ghyr Abania,but colors of Lakeland. Venat wondered if she could gaze them through her mind, if she allowed of course... Nemi batted the hand caressing her hair away playfully, saying they really need to focus.
When they walked back to the others, Hythlo perked at seeing Nemi's face fully uncovered, and for what reason this time? When Venat teased Nemi to be civil, Hythlo grinned at Nemi knowingly. She could not hide, specially when Venat grabbed her hand strongly after she returned from the morbol gardens.
At the garden, she claimed to Hermes that she felt more safe to unveil in this world, now that she met someone like Venat. Hermes is puzzled, and Nemi explains she sees nature more freely than she thought. Something told her to, ask Hermes if it's alright, and give Meteion a hug and carry her on her shoulders. Hermes had to scold her the morbols were still around.
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Nemi looks downtrodden when Hermes says "even you Venat." Guess she overstimated her a little or, assumed too much of her lives experiences, but it's not what she wanted to imply. Nemi stressed that "Despite everyone's lack of tact,"she really thought there was more to this they had to find out, for the sake of everyone's safety. This relaxed Hermes while Emet glared, continuing to formulate why the blasphemies were formed as they were.
Emet gruffed that she has capacity of better behavior and, well.I think there is no more to say lol.
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Then when Meteion was invaded by the doom of necrospace, Nemi tried to reach her to calm her even as she too was twisting in pain and agony on the floor. She teared up when Meteion begged to be left alone, screaming into the nothingness to please not bottle up her hurt. She needed both Venat and Hermes to get her up and settle, struggling to explain what even just happened. Whatever it really was, they needed to find her fast. Who knows how a small mind like hers would decide to, make it stop.
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Nemi tried but failed to counter Emet's insistence to take Meteion into the city, knowing stopping this would just be denial of what inmerse hurt had just occured. Hermes thanked her kindness, lamenting this society would not listern to her either. And so, he had to take flight to the top of Ktisis Hyperboeia. Though she fought to the top, she was the first to approach Hermes and beg to let her be present, at least to find a way. Hermes smiles sincerely at her before trapping them all in chains, putting her too distant to pass Meteion's last words before losing herself: "Please, protect all..."
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When chaos unfolded at the escape, Nemi concentrated and broke her chains with her claws, hissing with her tongue and scaring Hermes off into losing concentration. She argued her presence meant to be the steps of humans of a different kind, who deserved to know the physical step to what their kind struggled with emotion. She recited Matsya's prayer, and showed her claws and tongue as evidence of the torture she'd endured for survival, and coming out of the other side with friends and love. Hermes looked up at Nemi's tearful gaze, and weeped as the Death of his kind acknowledged his suffering. He peacefully let her and Venat go, begging her to give Meteion a kinder fate.
Once they descended, Nemi asked Venat if she's okay. She asked if Nemi was okay, with all the twisting and corrupting she claimed to go through. Nemi sighed and shook her head, saying that was just for Hermes to hear really. Venat gasped and asked if she didn't trust her. that she too was horrified at the idea this world might be the last to love life. Nemi said it was not about that, but how she seemed to not be concerned to limit Emet and Hythlodaeus' pushing. She said they were just doing their duty as convocation members, and Nemi waved her hand exasperatedly.
"Exactly that! In your travels you've never learned how to treat people who are unwell? Maybe if I didn't show up, this calamity would have started way worse....."
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Venat took a deep breath, and said they had to check on the others. Nemi sighed and followed, weirded but not opposed to Argos' mode of espionage. Nemi scoffed offended being called a manner of creation by someone else. "it's not my fault I got transmogrified!"
Venat begged her again to tell her what exactly happened to her, and Nemi questions her interest. Did she look at her like another bizarre creature like everyone else here? Was that why she was coming off so strongly on her? Venat stepped back like slapped,
"In that case, what do you think of Meteion? Do you think we have to simply stop her, or save her from the cacophony neither she nor the world that created her could bear?"
What is Venat's Answer?
I'll make that post, soon hopefully...
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chirons-mortar · 5 months
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Soldier and Lunatic: Eloise Morlock
A time travelling heroine from the future, there are actually two Eloise Morlocks, each from a different potential future. On one world the earth began to fly closer to the sun while on the other it began to drift away. On the one that flew closer, its people experienced a utopia as they began to harness the solar power to advance their civilization despite the drawback of global warming. With all their needs met, their physical abilities regressed, becoming small and childlike, but developed powerful psychic abilities. On the other earth that drifted away, the world began to suffer from less energy and brutal winters until the sun was a mere speck in the sky and earth was under perpetual night. On this earth humanity still advanced technologically, but its inhabitants became large and brutal to deal with the harsh environment and dystopia. However, both earths were doomed to extinction as one would eventually fly into the sun while the other would become lost in the void. Both timelines invented a time machine to send a single member of their people into the past to fix their crisis. However, they did this simultaneously with the alternate versions of the same individual, Eloise Morlock. The two travelers became quantumly entangled with one another and as a result can shift between both personas at will. Sharing information, the two worked together alongside Soldier and other past heroes to avert their own timelines, but now they are stuck in the past with no home to return to. They use their abilities to work as superheroes, shifting between their alternate selves to suit the task at hand.
I don't really have too much thought out for this character. I wanted to have a time traveling hero and I thought the concept of the same individual from two different timelines mixing together was fun, and thought the name was clever. I figure she mostly helps out whenever their are time, space, or dimensional shenanigans.
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