#its their one hundredth episode!!
muppetsnoopy · 8 months
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i.am normal in both thoughts and feelings
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just-spacetrash · 30 days
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featguler · 3 months
kylian relationship headcanon?
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can i come over ? ────── just another episode of tenderness.
♡ ────── pairing : kylian mbappé x reader ♡ ────── tags : reader's gender, ethnicity, nationality, and appearance is not specified. ♡ ────── wordcount : 667 ♡ ────── notes : posting this one as a good luck token for the france vs netherlands game!! ily kylian. i try to not just write the happy parts of the relationship but also the hurdles you two might face? i might do more of these since i've got some ideas still :^) (quick disclaimer: since these are headcanons of real people, i'd like to emphasize that if you do not agree with any of the things i write, please kindly click off the post). title is from cool dry place by katy kirby ♡ masterlist.
Kylian Mbappé. Every single person on the Earth knows his name. But you especially—how could you not? When he doesn’t have his eyes on a football game, or his legs on a football field, he has them on you.
Hand on your knee at every single group dinner, behind your neck at every hangout with friends; his skin is always in contact with yours at every single second.
Touchy does not even begin to describe him.
If it were up to him, he would drag you to the changing room and have you sit between his legs—but no, it is not up to him.
Well, mostly because he doesn’t want to be the one that brings the elephant into the room, but also it is so bad that other people are beginning to think of you as a nuisance.
“Mbappé can’t keep his hands off his partner,” a tabloid once wrote, and it only took a few quote retweets from some Parc des Princes employees, heavily agreeing, for it to go viral.
“Sorry,” you once said to a manager, then to a janitor, then to a teammate, Kylian trailing quietly behind you, arms around your waist.
And he gets sooo whiny if you push him away—what’s worse than losing a match? His dramatic ass would say that it’s having you steer away from his touches!
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“Kylian,” you whine on the couch, pushing his face away as he tries to kiss you for the hundredth time that hour. “Please, I’m trying to watch a film here.”
“Mhm,” He pouts, arms around your back, hoping that you’d look at him. He looks at you, his chin on your chest before sighing. “You hate me right? Be honest.”
“Please,” you say again, eyes never leaving the television, “you can kiss me all you want the moment the movie ends.”
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He tends to avoid. You’ve known him for so long, and you are at the point where you would almost forgive him for the amount of issues that have simmered too long in both of your discontent.
But you don’t do that. No. You see forever with this man, right? So you sit him down and talk.
You’ve got to admit that Kylian has gotten so, so much better in recent years.
He used to flee at every problem—it’s not that he has trouble expressing his emotions, it’s that he has trouble being vulnerable.
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“You’re doing this again,” you roll your eyes, arms crossed over your chest. Kylian won’t look you in the eyes. “I’m sick of this.”
“Come on,” Kylian tries reaching a hand over the table to you—well, if he’s going to ignore you, you sure as hell are going to ignore him too. “Look at me, we don’t have to talk about this right now.”
“Right,” you huff out, letting out a sarcastic laugh, “so when are we going to talk about this.”
Kylian stays quiet.
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Kylian likes luxurious things; and he likes you. The same thing, really, in his eyes. A priceless watch and your priceless kiss—this is the kind of luxury a man like him can only dream of.
He goes all the way for his show of love, of course! He customises everything he owns with your initials.
Once, he somehow left his passport in the airport, and what got people into talking was not his passport, but your initials embroidered on its leather cover.
The strap of his duffel bag is changed into a shade of your favourite colour, your initials and his sewn together under it—it does not stop there! A gold plated lapel pin with your name on it becomes a staple on every single suit he wears; socks with your initials when cuffed; matching bracelets he only takes off before practice and matches.
He makes sure the camera flashing on his face gets it: he’d pose in a certain angle, throw his scarf over his shoulders in a certain way.
Even when you’re not there, he still loves showing you off!
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liquidstar · 8 months
hello!! I haven't seen very much about frieren (I think I'm spelling that right?) except that it's releasing now and I wanted to know what it's about and if you'd recommend it?
hi im so sorry im answering a day late lol but
"frieren: beyond journey's end" or "frieren: the final farewell to the dead" is basically a story about what happens after happily ever after. a very typical high fantasy story about a group of heroes defeating a great evil and bringing peace to the world, except we begin the story at the END of their adventure. the evil has been defeated, the party of heroes get to go home and celebrate, and live the rest of their lives in peace.
but its a high fantasy story. the main character, frieren, is an elf. her lifespan is far longer than that of her companions, incomprehensibly so. their adventure lasted a decade, but it wasn't even one one hundredth of her life. and yet it changed her. and now she has to keep living, long after their adventure, and after her companions have passed. what does she do now?
the story is about death, about grief, about how people change each other, about how love never dies, but also about how history forgets you, and about unresolved feelings, about understanding yourself and others. and so, for the time being, frieren kind of retraces the steps from the original adventure. but it's different this time! she's sort of taken the "next generation" with her on this journey. each episode tends to flash back to how this went with the original party too, so we get both stories told to us at once (even though we already know the outcome of the first) to compare and contrast. we see frieren's growth through this, and the parallels between the parties.
tldr its a tearjerker about an elf who outlived her companions, trying to understand what their time together meant to her now that theyre gone, by going on a new journey with new friends too. also their destination is heaven
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E4 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
My character/place cheat sheet
Lady Lihua - the sick concubine
Crystal Pavilion - Lady Lihua's abode
Jade Pavilion - Lady Gyokuyou's abode
Xiaolan - a servant friend of Maomao's
Oh snap. So that person who visited at the end of the last episode was THE EMPEROR. I don't like that Maomao is on his radar. I'm going to go ahead and blame Jinshi for this.
Lady Lihua is unwell and since Maomao is now a famous apothecary she is tasked with healing her. It's not something she can refuse or afford to fail at, though Lady Lihua's own ladies are making it challenging.
They don't trust Maomao, and so they prevent her from treating Lady Lihua, however shortsighted that may be. First of all they prevent their lady from getting better by denying her Maomao's care, second, they undermine the emperor's will. Maomao is going to be forced to deal with palace politics before she can treat her patient.
It is weird how the emperor approached Maomao. He could have summoned her to meet him anywhere, or simply passed down a command. He chose to go to the Jade Pavilion and meet Maomao face-to-face and in front of Lady Gyokuyou. It's as if he doesn't know or doesn't care about harem politics. I'm guessing that he does though. I bet he knows exactly what he's doing, even if Maomao and I don't.
I do not like his interest in Maomao.
Jinshi has come to help Maomao gain access to Lady Lihua so she can diagnose and treat her. He is so unnerving sometimes. When he notices the other ladies watching he rushes up on Maomao (is he trying to start rumors?) and whispers the following:
If it helps, I can come inside.
Which sounds... I mean, it's probably just the way it translated... I'm sure it's just me...
But Maomao looks like she nearly barfed on him! Which is probably the highlight of Jinshi's day.
The ladies comply when faced with the full power of Jinshi's smile (one lady literally fainted). Maomao comments:
Scary how women can change so quickly.
Jinshi knows the effect he has on women, but looks to Maomao after she says it, maybe wondering for the hundredth time how to get his charm to work on Maomao.
Side bar. This show is ALL about what is happening between Maomao and Jinshi. This is where the tension is, and it's where the story is happening. What happens between these two characters will have an effect on every other plotline and supporting character. If it seems like I spend too much time watching and analyzing this relationship, it's because I believe it to be the heart of the show.
Maomao! Holy shit Maomao! Goddamn if that wasn't the most lady boss thing I've ever seen!
Shall I even try to describe this scene? I'll never do this badassery justice, but its worth reviewing anyway.
She solves the mystery immediately, which, of course, and she's so far passed pissed off. When she realizes what's happened she growls in anger. She contains her rage only long enough to confirm who is responsible before slapping the lady across the face!
Lady: What is wrong with you!
Maomao: Me? Just punishing an idiot, clearly.
Friends. I am breathless. I think I gasped and then held it to the end of the scene.
Maomao dumps the poisonous powder on the lady's head. She then lays out in no uncertain terms what the poison does to one's body. Maomao is grappling to accept just how stupid this lady is, nearly shaking as she is incandescent with rage.
She slaps the woman again this time smearing the poisonous powder on her face while she screams:
You think she wants to be adorned in the poison that killed her son?!
The woman finally breaks down crying and Maomao is done with her. She takes charge and starts barking orders to the other ladies who are so terrified that they don't even think about disobeying.
Jinshi looks like he's just had a religious experience, but manages to pull out the perfect callback:
Scary how women can change so quickly.
God I love this character.
Facing Jinshi, Maomao comes back to herself. The ramifications of what she has done start to set in. I don't know if there will be fallout from the Crystal Pavilion from her bossing around Lady Lihua's ladies. I suspect they aren't going to broadcast what happened because they are criminally liable for poisoning their the concubine and also because this story makes them lose all face. Plus, Maomao is saving Lady Lihua's life. Regardless, I am confident that having Jinshi there to witness it all, will have consequences.
Dutiful Maomao then fully assumes control of Lady Lihua's care and commands the ladies with an iron fist. She can hardly tolerate the incompetency that has been standard in this pavilion. It really is a curse to be the smartest person in the room.
Jinshi: You're looking tired.
Maomao: Thanks. Unlike someone, I have been busy.
This is now what passes for a casual greeting between these two.
Jinshi, playfully, but probably sincerely, acknowledging Maomao's hard work; offering her validation, and implied appreciation. Maomao coming back with sarcasm and a playful barb. And they are both are getting exactly what they want from the other. Maomao appreciates that her hard work and skills are being acknowledged and Jinshi loves that someone is casual enough with him to tease him. I suspect he gets none of that any where else. She's may be the only one in his life who treats him like a regular person instead of a prince palace manager.
You can see each of them becoming more comfortable with each other as they learn where the lines lie. They are leaning how to give and take and discovering the ways the other prefers to be treated. Furthermore, instead of using those discoveries to push the other away or discourage them, they are giving the other what they want and inviting them to come closer.
Friends! These two are flirting!
And if that ain't proof enough, Jinshi Gaoshun gives Maomao some steamed buns and she thinks the following:
He knows the way to a girl's heart! It's the considerate guys like him who become good husbands. Too bad he's a eunuch.
So food is Maomao's love language. Same Maomao, same. But maybe don't try to be quite so transparent in front of Jinshi, he will use this against you.
Maomao is thinking of Gaoshun here but for what it's worth, it is Jinshi who knows the way to a girl's heart. He's been figuring out Maomao for a few episodes already, hence why she is receiving steamed buns from Gaoshun. He knows the food will cheer her up, but not if it come from him. Which is why Gaoshun is the one handing it over, even though he said the gift is from both of them.
Maomao interprets the gift in the way that lets her best enjoy the buns. And though she isn't admitting it, she is aware who the gift is really from, and might want to do some introspection on what she just thought about the gift giver.
Jinshi is offering to help Maomao. Whatever she wants. And he's turned the charm all the way up. Like, with all the sparkles ✨. I don't know if Maomao is totally immune to it, but it's not as effective as Jinshi would like. He hasn't abandoned the sultry look method yet. I wonder if he will just keep trying to see if anything shifts. In the meantime, it's far from his only tool of seduction.
His offer of help is good. Maomao of course won't take advantage of this for her own means, but if she can use Jinshi's help to treat her patient? Sold. Jinshi is happy to comply and win points with Maomao in return. I don't think Maomao totally trusts his altruism though. She tries to justify herself by saying:
We have to use whatever we have in this life.
And Maomao's efforts do pay off. Lady Lihua begins to recover. Eventually, Maomao is able to depart from the Crystal Pavilion. But not before collapsing in exhaustion, and having Lady Lihua gently stroke her head. Perhaps Lady Lihua is grateful and will become a support to Maomao in the future? Or at least give her some consideration while engaging in palace politics. Maybe try to mitigate the danger that could fall to Maomao. We shall see.
Maomao has so far had a positive impact on the people she interacts with. She saved Lady Gyokuyou and her baby, supports the ladies in the Jade Pavilion, assists the palace doctor, has solved multiple mysteries for Jinshi, not mention just generally brightens his day, and now has saved the life of Lady Lihua. She's too good at what she does, and too lovable not to charm everyone around her. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surely there are some in the palace who feel very differently about Maomao. For now she's still gaining allies.
And nice. Maomao is offering courtesan tricks to the emperor's concubine. Maomao is helping break down class lines one sex technique at a time!
I like what she told Lady Lihua:
There are hundreds, if not thousands of flowers in the world. Comparing a peony to a bellflower is pointless. Who has the right to judge which is more beautiful.
After which, she immediately compares her own body to Lady Lihua's, recognizing Lady Lihua's "magnificent" "assets." I wonder which of her own assets Maomao acknowledges. Does she consider herself to be a beautiful flower too?
Maomao returns to the Jade Pavilion and is warmly welcomed by the ladies in waiting who instantly worry over her. Which, as I've said before, I love. Maomao is always willing to sacrifice herself for others. She did it this time for Lady Lihua, by working herself to exhaustion. The ladies at Jade Pavilion notice that she's lost weight while she's been gone, and acknowledge how hard it must have been to be at the other pavilion. Maomao is so good at caring for others and absolute shit at caring for herself. Luckily, now she has people who look out for her, and care about her well-being.
Jinshi is privately very proud of Maomao. He credits her with completing the emperor's mission all on her own, which... she did not. Lady Lihua would have died if Jinshi hadn't stepped in to help Maomao gain access to her patient. Still good on him for recognizing her hard work and skill. Now tell it to her face.
I guess the point in showing him thinking of it here rather than saying it, is to let us, the viewers, know that he is sincere. When he compliments Maomao he does it a little playfully, and she can never be too sure if he is just messing with her or if he is in earnest.
Also, Gaoshun sees exactly what is happening between Jinshi and Maomao, even if the two of them don't recognize it yet.
And the set up for next episode's mystery of the week is cursed hands. Cool.
If you like this kind of thing, let me know! For some reason I've committed myself to blogging this whole show. It's a little hard because, while I enjoy this and I get a whole lot more out of the story this way, I am also deeply intrigued at this point and tempted to just binge the rest.
If you want to start from the beginning of these reviews:
Episode 1
Next episode
Episode 5
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scarletttries · 1 year
Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons from Succession Episode 4.09 Church and State
Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons Part Three: Funeral Episode
Pairing: Roman Roy (Succession) x Reader
Word count: 1.8k (warnings: spoilers for the new season/episode of Succession, mentions of Logany child abuse and a violent crowd)
Author’s Note: Oh Roman Roy, you lost me with your dedication to a right-wing president, then drew me right back in by whimpering through the better part of an hour in the last episode. Thank you for all the messages asking for some headcanons from the Funeral episode, because it was a doozy! I hope you enjoy and thank you for every request that's come in during this season of Succession, I know it's going to keep me busy for a long time and I love that! Roman Roy masterlist here 😊
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Roman Roy Headcanons from Logan's Funeral:
- When you stood straightening Roman's tie that morning, hearing that same rehearsed speech for the hundredth time, you felt like you were loading up an aircraft carrier with too many passengers and not enough fuel; it was an impending disaster that could only be of the most mammoth proportions. Since the day he said that strangled goodbye down the phone to his father, Roman had been stoic, blasé even, in his grief. Or his pre-grief as he proudly called it. But you knew him and you knew grief better than that, watching over the course of days as each of the threads holding his grinning mask in place slowly seemed to unravel, leaving his upbeat façade hanging on by a thread.
- As you tugged at your own black outfit, never a comfortable occasion to dress for, you watched him pace behind you, unable to take his eyes off his own reflection, smoothing out his eyebrows with a flourish.
"I'm kind of the man today right?" The question was rhetorical and the tone was smug as he turned on his heels to race over to you, wrapping his arms around you in a way you know he would have never dreamed of a year ago. You were so proud of how comfortable he had become with you, but you wished it extended to his feelings about his father's death.
"Oh definitely, and you look the part too." You retorted with a matching, albeit false, smile leaning in to steal a kiss before tenderly picking up his hand. " How are you feeling?"
He shrugged and sighed loudly at the question, tired of everyone asking him, even if he knew you were the only person who genuinely cared.
"I feel great! I'm going to absolutely kill this thing, and Menken's going to eat it up with his little silver spoon, and then we're one step closer to stopping the GoJo deal and then bing-bang-bong me and you rule the world." He said it so matter-of-factly it was almost like you'd asked him if he'd been to pick up his dry cleaning, clearly not quite facing the reality of the day. You just hoped that would last past the funeral and until he was safely home again.
- Unfortunately we know that was never meant to be. The moment you see him gingerly walking up to the microphone, all eyes on him, you know he's not okay. His hands are shaking as he picks up the familiar flashcards you helped him write, his voice cracks on the first line and then he glances up and finds your eyes in the crowd, with a desperate pleading look that has you and the Roy siblings quickly on your feet and approaching him like he's a wounded animal, scared it will dart away and do itself more damage.
- He breaks into uncontrollable sobs the minute Shiv's hand lands on his arm, and you feel just awful for letting it get to this stage, the whole world watching a beaten dog unable to defend itself even after its cruel master has long died. As his siblings comfort him, their own grief welling up in their eyes as his tiny frame seems to shrink in on itself, unable to support the weight of its own suffering, he mumbles out, "Can you do it?" It takes you a moment to realise he's looking at you, and Ken and Shiv don't seem happy with the idea, but Roman's eyes are pleading and his whole body is trembling and you've heard the speech enough times and it might salvage something for Roman so you reluctantly nod, walking up to the microphone before your brain can kick in enough to stop you or think about just how high the stakes are here.
- You don't apologise or acknowledge Roman's tears as you start, launching straight into "Logan Roy was a great man," to the relief of everyone in the church. You're careful to deliver it with the gravitas it deserves, sticking to his professional accomplishments and forcing yourself to stare dead ahead, not daring to glance at the shivering child of a man sniffling into a tissue in the front row. As the well-rehearsed lines come to an end you can't help but try to damage control for Roman, with a line about the "overwhelming love Logan's children felt from him, today and every day of their lives" hoping desperately people will show some small mercy to the man you've grown to love. As you carefully descend the stairs to the polite applause, Ken gives you an approving nod, shuffling to microphone himself, unable to let the day pass without making a performance of his own. But you don't hear a word he says as you sit stiffly next to Roman, shoulder to shoulder like you used to do in work meetings before he knew how to ask to hold your hand. You use every ounce of restraint to keep him upright, knowing he's desperate to collapse in a heap on your lap, but knowing you can't let that happen until you two are safely back in the privacy of your home, knowing Roman will thank you for your resolve another day.
- As the Roy siblings approach the showy mausoleum you hang back by the car, letting them have their moment of privacy alone. You receive a few words of praise from the old guard for stepping up today, and have to apologise again to Willa that Connor didn't get to say his piece, but mostly you just brace yourself for the inevitable, ready to fling open the car door as Roman stomps away from the ceremony just moments after it begins. Following him into the car and pulling the door shut behind you, you finally pull him into your arms, grateful for the dark tinted windows as he starts to fall apart, splitting along every crack that Logan Roy carved into his fragile skin. His chest heaves against your legs as he begs you not to let them put him in that cold, stone crypt, that wants to stay with you, he wants to be wherever you are. You stroke his hair and make him a promise that you'll always be by each other's sides, whatever this or the next life brings, reassuring him just enough that he can lift his tear-stained face and press his lips to yours, wanting so desperately to feel that familiar rush of life as reminders of mortality close in around him.
- You're not exactly sure what Roman did to deserve any help from Gerri, but by the time you get to the evening soiree, she's already got Hugo spinning the narrative that Roman's tears were planned and rehearsed, an act of sympathy to show that Waystar is no longer under the control of a cold tyrant. There are a few doubtful looks from Lucas and his posse but the president seems half-convinced, commending you on 'your whole stand-by-your-man act' commenting that he's sure it will play well with voters in the Midwest, whatever that means. You just have to politely smile and nod, almost grateful he's the kind of man that doesn't think women should be heard considering the venom you're sure would pour from your mouth the second it opened in his direction.
- Despite the best efforts at damage control Kendall still finds a video of his brother sobbing trending on twitter, and the moment you leave his side, Ken's there to tell Roman that's he fucked everything, that can't do anything right, that's he lucky Ken still needs him or he'd be out of Waystar, and then you'd been done with him too. By the time you return from an extended trip to the bathroom, having hidden in a stall for five minutes rather than face interrupting a bizarre interaction between Shiv and her mother happening at the sinks, Roman's nowhere to be found. You can feel your stomach acid rising up and eating at the back of your throat as you try and ask his staff if they saw which way he'd gone, a deep pang of panic rushing through your system when a waiter tells you he's gone to see the protests outside.
- Formal black heels cast aside you sprint down the street, praying he hasn't done anything to get himself killed, knowing more than anything Roman will be craving a taste of violence to fill the void his father left. Over the deafening sound of your own frantic pulse, you heard him before you saw him, chastising the crowd as he leaps over the fencing, shoving a man twice his size and crumbling to the ground as he pushes him right back. By the time you get through the gap between guard rails Roman is on the floor, curled in the foetal position, exactly where he'd found himself whenever he'd let his father down. Every stomping foot and aching bruise made him feel close to Logan again, like he was finally playing his part, until a pair of hands dragged him back to his feet.
- Preparing to lash out again he snatched his hands away from his good Samaritan, only to be met with you, sobbing at him, looking as downtrodden as he had all afternoon. Roman was taken aback - he'd always been the one reduced to tears, trying to disguise his sobs with echoing laughs and rubbing his eyes a little too hard, but he didn't think he'd ever made someone cry before, certainly not over him. His stomach dropped as you tried to call out his name, choking on your shaky breath and tears, looking half-broken as you brought your hands up to his grazed face, wiping a trickle of blood from a cut over his eye. Your eyes looked almost frightened as you waited for him to push your hands away again, but instead his arms closed in around squeezing you tightly again his chest as he dragged you both back behind the barricade.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm okay, we're okay." Was all Roman could bring himself to repeat, new to reassurance but desperate to stop you feeling the way he usually did, hoping for once to be the cure to tears, rather than the one left spilling them. He just stood there, holding you in his arms as the line of armoured police went past, feeling you shake against his chest, so relieved that he was okay, and so exhausted with the fact that you both always had to be, despite everything. But as he clutched you tight, resting his cheek on the top of your head, chanting endless 'it's going to be okays', feeling every ounce of the concern and love shared between you, at some point he started to really believe it.
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mllllonsknlves · 1 year
Knives’ Knives
Reposting another twitter thread I made for archival purposes. Its literally a copy and paste and more images are shown on the original twitter post just because tumblr is janky when adding so many images to a text post.
So I was watching tristamp for the hundredth time and noticed something I hadn't picked up on before. Millions Knives' blades have different modes. Four that we've seen so far to be exact.
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The one shown here is most common. A default state, folded and seemingly duller than others. Even the wire connecting the blades is rounded. This is the form we see most often, and the only form shown directly in front of Vash (that we've seen so far, will touch on again later.)
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These seem to be an attack stance for the blades. The wire even expands into what could cause more damage than just the blades alone. The first are pointed outward while the second is pointed inward, depending on the purpose being served- attacking versus grabbing.
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We then have the detached blades. They start in the default state but seem to expand as more form.
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Even in the preview for episode 11, Knives uses the folded, almost rounded blades. Because he's in front of Vash and doesn't REALLY want to harm him, at least not more than necessary.
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Obviously, Nai uses the folded blades when trying to connect with the core. He does not want to harm it. The end of the blades act at a connecting point, and its likely very similar to how he connected with Vash in the first place.
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What is particularly fascinating is that even when attacking Meryl, his blades are folded. It's most likely due to the fact that Vash is RIGHT BEHIND her and doesn't want to get him in the crossfire. His blades are still folded upon impact with Vash's gun.
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He does not extend the blades at the start of their fight. Not once do they open beyond the folded state, not at a distance, and not hand to hand.  Even when theyre out in the open and hes flinging Vash around, theyre still folded. We see him manipulate them with extreme accuracy, and yet even when they're in freefall, he does not USE THEM AT ALL. Not to grab Vash or the cube.
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Even after slaughtering all the soldiers and he floats menacingly above Vash to continue their argument, his blades are folded. So, either he can still cause that damage while folded, or the more likely thing, is that he refolded them after killing them to confront Vash again.
The entire rest of their fight. Folded. Grabbing the angel arm. Folded.
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HOWEVER. AND THIS IS THE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING OF ALL. ONCE HE HAS DECIDED THAT THE NAI THAT VASH KNEW IS DEAD. That is when the blades expand. Because he's snapped. Broken. He has /truly/ and /wholly/ become Millions Knives in that moment, because he has lost Vash.
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Its also worth noting that his blades and his wings are burned off before he lets go. Something something symbolism. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the agony uvu
I found more things to add to the things that were said above upon another watch through. Not sure theyre particularly poignant, but thought they were interesting enough to tack on. 
So I was watching ep3 and noticed how many times Knives swaps between the modes. The initial grab of the first women, the blades are pulled in the back position, but the second woman is grabbed with them in the forward position and dragged away and killed with the back position.
Immediately after, we see Knives advancing the steps and his blades floating around them in the forward stance. When they shoot forward to seek out the Plant, theyre back. As he goes to jump, theyre forward again.
As soon as the Plant is grabbed, the blades are folded, showing the care he has for them. There is one instance of them being forward, but likely just to get a more secure hold. Otherwise, always folded.
The ONLY INSTANCE (save for those final moments in 12) where Knives uses an "attack stance" of his blades in front of Vash is when he's using them to block bullets. In defense.
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He is INCREDIBLY deliberate with how his blades are used and shows a high level of skill. He wields them with PURPOSE. Anyway, thank you for tuning into another episode of my hyperfixation o/
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best-underrated-anime · 4 months
Best Underrated Anime Group B Round 4: Kageki Shoujo!! vs Orient
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#B2: Kageki Shoujo!!
Girls aiming to become top stars in a Takarazuka high-school
#B3: Orient
Samurai on motorcycles!
Details and poll under the cut!
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#B2: Kageki Shoujo!!
After being forced to graduate from JPX48 following a controversial incident with a male fan, Ai Narata swears to never interact with another man ever again. Using her talents and strong desire to get away from men, Ai auditions for the exclusive all-female Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts. The school is renowned for producing the best actresses that go on to perform in the famous all-female Kouka Theatre Troupe. Coming from the idol industry, Ai is the perfect candidate for the school’s hundredth generation class, but her aloof demeanor alienates her from her classmates. The eccentric Sarasa Watanabe is the only person who wishes to become Ai’s friend. She enters Kouka with the goal of becoming a top “otokoyaku” performer—an actress that plays traditionally male roles. After seeing a Kouka performance of The Rose of Versailles when she was younger, Sarasa dreams of performing as Lady Oscar one day. Unfortunately, Sarasa's inability to read a room causes friction between her and her classmates, including Ai, who reluctantly becomes her roommate and partner in many of their classes. Succeeding at Kouka will involve more than just raw talent for these young girls as jealousy, deceit, and the harsh realities of show business put their mental fortitude to the test. Will Sarasa and Ai be able to rise to the top and stand on the silver bridge?
If theatre setting/schools is your thing, you’re probably going to love this series! We follow our protagonists and their schoolmates following their dreams to become actresses for the prestigious Kouka Revue. Not an easy road as they will have to face and overcome many challenges, the hardest ones coming from themselves. Indeed, the story is not afraid to address sensitive topics and their resulting traumas (see TW list) always rightfully handed. These episodes may be a bit hard to see if you’re sensitive to these topics, but the show never leaves you in discomfort: everything is properly addressed, and characters are cared for realistically.
The characters are all very well-written, portraying individuals with way more depth than they may appear at first glance. We follow their growth—or its start—during the series. Sarasa is a walking sunbeam, and her blooming friendship with the withdrawn Ai is a delight to watch. We learn to know—and love—all their classmates as well, as episodes switch focus to one or the other.
The OST is really good, with a catchy opening, and no less than five different versions of the ending song, a fabulous duet voiced by the cast! The animation features really pretty art with iconic details like the stars in Sarasa’s eyes. The series is a homage to Takarazuka and scatter references to famous real-life Revues and older famous shôujo manga series like “Versailles no Bara” or “Glass no Kamen”. Actually, it feels like a modernized version of their essence: roses, sparkles, spotlight, drama, all while staying safe!
This anime is like candy for eyes and soul, and I really hope we'll get a season 2 to explore the girls' voices further!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Pedophilia, Self-Harm
Nothing is too graphical nor explicit, just the right amount to let the unsettling situations be clear enough to watchers, and they’re always addressed correctly.
Child abuse/ Pedophilia: episode 3 (+4), about Ai’s traumas
Self-harm: episode 5 focuses on a girl with an eating disorder, forcing herself to vomit (not sure if that really counts as TW?)
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#B3: Orient
Freed from the rule of samurai 150 years ago, the people of Hinomoto live peaceful lives and revere their liberators—demons whose true forms remain elusive—as gods. Fated to mine rocks for the demons to feast on, Musashi knows the grim truth: humanity is enslaved by these otherworldly beings and the samurai are the last bastion fighting for freedom. Hiding his true opinion from his peers and growing distant from his childhood friend Kojirou Kanemaki, Musashi lives in angst until the day of his graduation.
When the fresh graduates arrive at the mine, they are horrified to see the inhumane treatment of miners and the uncanny physical appearance of their overseers. However, Musashi manages to endure thanks to Kojirou's help. As the demon leader wreaks havoc on the quarry, Musashi is saved once more from certain death by the Takeda samurai clan. Recovering from humiliation and yearning for adventure, Musashi embarks on a journey to become a samurai and form his own clan!
Ohtaka has done it again in creating a world full of characters with more depth than can be portrayed limited amount of screen time that each of them get. This leaves the viewer with a whole lot of potential to imagine on their own, even after watching. It’s kind of unique that it is set in the samurai era of Japan, but thanks to crystals left by the demons, motorcycles and flying castles are a thing outside the main characters’ mining village. There are plenty of gags throughout and dynamics between characters. Personally, I loved the second half a lot more than the first because of the cast introduced then. For example, the detail given to Kuroku with the lace she wears–it’s so intricately beautiful! Plus, most of the mechanics of how the world works is covered by then, so we can get into the action.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse
The third main character comes from a mentally abusive family situation, but the other two help her leave that situation. Main character’s child abuse is in flashbacks for character development to rise above that and break the cycle. Don’t know if gore or fan service need a trigger warning, typical shounen stuff.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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snapscube · 2 years
What’s weird is that Amending Fences is 1000% a better “hundredth episode celebration” than Slice of Life, to the point where I wonder if Amending Fences was slotted to be that before legal approved Slice of Life and its many fandom nods.
I see what you mean! I don't fully agree though. Though personally I would maybe go a different route and go for something more primary cast focused, I think a 100th episode being a celebration of the fans is not a bad idea! However, I think it really should have been a celebration of ALL the fans. The problem with Slice of Life is that it's extremely laser-focused on validating and canonizing the memes and in-jokes of just one subset of what the larger MLP fanbase represents, to a really alienating degree. And though, yes, the brony phenomenon was comparatively very large and novel at the time, it wasn't the only thing worth celebrating and honoring. It just nowadays reads as undeservingly reverent of a subculture that in hindsight deserved a little more scrutiny and encouragement to respect the plethora of existing fans that helped the MLP brand get that far in the first place.
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mdhwrites · 11 months
whats your opinion on caleb and evelyn (at least from what very little we know of them-)
imo the whole caleb clawthorne thing is like. one of the most pointless things in the show ever
I have called them and their connection to Belos "TOH's final trick". TOH has a single trick up its sleeve that is great for fanfic writers and TERRIBLE for a narrative. They introduce really compelling relationships and ideas and then they never do anything with them. It happens with Amity and Luz, Amity and Willow, the Hexide Squad and the Coven System, Hunter and Belos, etc. etc. All of these concepts present tantalizing issues that one could really delve in deep to and find a lot of meaning... But TOH isn't interested. It is more interested in a blog about how deep Amity's character is implied to be rather than doing anything with that depth, hence why so many people hooked onto how awful the confrontation with her parents would eventually be and then the show itself just... Has her in like three minutes of that episode and her confrontation doesn't feel like the main point of it even if it's the climax. And then it's effectively over and any issue between Lumity is never brought up again.
Caleb and Evelyn are the same but with a bit of FNAF storytelling thrown in. The pictures are vague after all so people can interpret them in different ways for what they mean. The cast has been coy as to the actual events. It's a multiple choice backstory for your villain that ranges from irredeemable monster to sympathetic villain. That way the show can claim to have a complex villain that doesn't technically invalidate the fact that they have no interest in writing a complex villain, nor do they want to need to.
But it was also one straw too many. Lumity getting together paid off in some way that old narrative baggage of Amity's, even if less powerfully than it could have. Hunter being possessed and fighting off Belos doesn't have the weight it should and I have problems with how selfish the reasoning is rather than ideological but it is a payoff to that relationship. However, a genuinely real amount of time is spent in S3, and S2, building up that Belos is something more than a genocidal, egotistical asshole. Caleb and Evelyn are a LOT of this. So what's the payoff?
There is none. Beating him isn't an ideological victory. They don't come up like Lief did for beating Andrias to pay that off. In fact, they come up less in the final fight than they do during the fight in King's Tide where the heroes LOSE. So they spent some of the very limited time they had to wrap up their story on a subplot about Belos' backstory that doesn't actually inform us of anything, doesn't affect anything and has no payoff except the most obvious one.
It's literally Willow's story except for your PRIMARY ANTAGONIST'S BACKSTORY.
The fact that the majority of the meat of it is done in a really just AWFULLY animated set piece who's literal writing is boilerplate at best does not help it at all. The best parts of this mechanically are the portraits in Hollow Mind and they're vague and that's IT. Otherwise, it's clunky for the most part. I'll give the moment when monster Belos sees Caleb as he tries to take on a new form is neat but it tells us nothing and feels out of character in the end that he'd give enough of a shit to be haunted by his brother, especially after he's killed his brother so many times. Honestly, the Golden Guards looking like Caleb even NOW just makes me think the Collector is right: He likes hurting his brother. Why else would he not finally stop after the hundredth betrayal? Unless he gets off on the moment of their betrayal I guess.
It's just not good and a casual fan is going to like it even less because they won't really absorb and think the portraits so to them, it's just one really awkward sequence in the first special, an eerie sequence that doesn't add to anything in the second and then is sir not appearing in the third. That's not engaging.
Since little of it is engaging, it fails to function as a trick. After all, any magician will tell you that everything is about misdirection in their craft. Without it, a trick becomes nothing but smoke and mirrors instead of magic.
Btw, mentioned FNAF so may as well say here: Saw it and really liked it. I keep considering making a blog about it and then just... not.
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
🗻🏃🏻‍♂️箱根の山は? 天下の険!🗻🏃🏻‍♂️
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We finished our annual Run with the Wind rewatch last night, which is a series I love so intensely that if I had to recommend one anime to someone it would be this one. It clocks in at a cool 23 episodes, which makes it approachable, and it's so character-driven it doesn't matter if the premise sounds inherently interesting or not.
Do you love running? asks fourth-year university student Kiyose Haiji in the opening scene. If you don't, YOU WILL, as all of his roommates are about to find out, whether they want to or not (they do not).
It's based on a light novel by Miura Shion, who also wrote The Great Passage, which is a book (and anime series!) about writing a dictionary, which if you're like me will sell you on her instantly and if you are not might sell you on the premise that it's not the premise you need to be drawn to. The premise of Run with the Wind is the Hakone Ekiden: An annual, university marathon relay held up and down the mountains of Hakone just after New Years. Specifically, a 10-person college dorm that gets tricked/dragged/lovingly blackmailed into becoming an elite, 10-person marathon relay team.
Except most of the house aren't runners, and none of them wanted to be (except Haiji. Haiji's the one in the green. Can you tell?). They're law students and game show-loving job hunters; sun-starved otaku; coders who smoke; they're at the club; they're after girls; they have a girlfriend, actually; they are unassuming exchange students who like bathing in the dark and tuning into their friends' shoujo-style love lives; they are stealing 100 yen buns because they lost all their rent money in a single night of gambling.
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Run With the Wind comes with all the tropes (extreme underdog story! DESTINATION TRAINING CAMP! fireworks! bathhouses! shared meals! hurt/comfort! very questionable driving (is this a real trope? it is to me)! cute dog! extremely homosexual soliloquies! extremely polyamorous nakama! It's goofy and charming and incredibly grounded in all of the small details of its characters lives and passions and insecurities. It's philosophical without being pedantic, existential without being nihilistic, and it's pure in the sense of being genuine, pure in the sense of being about some weird dudes who are willing to be deeply weird and to witness each other's weirdness.
There's so much to love about this series: The little notes on the walls of their dorm; the personalizations of everyone's shoes and phones and clothes; the amount of mayo someone is willing to put on curry; the eyes of the taxi driver as people have an insane conversation in the backseat; the amount of shit that exists in piles in the halls of the dorm; the slopes of Hakone; the team cheer; the sound of a metal windmill, creaking in strong wind.
It makes us cry every single time. The world for the Aotake boys. <333 Plus, this year (2024) was the ONE HUNDREDTH RUNNING of the real Hakone Ekiden!
For additional recs, here's my favorite:
film "about" running - Atanarjuat (2001)
fanfic "about" running - Run, glasshoe (2009)
essay "about" running - Repetitive Stress, Devin Kelly (2021)
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kawaiilizzie · 8 months
Finding My True Strength
I wanted touch upon Shion's inner feelings during her training to become a swordswoman in Unsheathe the Inner Thunder for a while and recently found the motivation to write this following Noel Hayase's recent illness which she has since recovered from. So have some Shion angst with some KaeShi fluff at the end.
Warnings: Spoilers for Saber up to episode 26, angst, and self-doubt issues.
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"That's not right."
Daishinji grabbed Shion's arm and adjusted her position again. "From one." He said.
Shion swallowed hard, feeling the pressure starting to build. She swung the wooden blade forward for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "One."
The swordsmith didn't say anything. She swung again. "Two." And again. "Three."
Daishinji-san hasn't stopped me yet. I must be doing better. I could do this… She thought to herself before she swung again. "Four."
"No." Daishinji knocked her blade with his own. "You didn't swing far enough. Start again from one."
Tears welded up in Shion's eyes and she blinked them away. She was exhausted, it felt like every movement she made was criticized. Daishinji had taken forever just forcing her to hold a good stance, reprimanding her every time she fidgeted or adjusted which even Naoto thought was a little harsh.
Now the goal was to get to ten basic strikes without a mistake. Shion got back into position and steeled herself.
She did four successful swings like before. Her hands shook, but Daishinji didn't say anything. Naoto noticed and gave Shion a soft smile of encouragement.
The room they were in was cold. There was a small window and Shion could see the snow blowing around outside.
"Don't shift your grip." Daishinji said as he grabbed her wrist. He adjusted her fingers until he was satisfied. "From the beginning."
Naoto could tell Shion wanted a break. She wasn't even moving around that much, but she felt physically drained.
"Don't you think you're being a little hard on her, Tetsuo?" She asked her chosen warrior. "Why don't we switch to another exercise?"
"I know, but this is what all new swordsmen go through." He sighed. "We'll move on as soon as she finishes this. Every lesson builds on the last. The next move is a variation on this. If she doesn't have the base down, she'll only get worse not better."
"I can still hear you two you know." Shion said through gritted teeth as she swung. She needed to focus. Don't let my grip slip. Keep my feet planted firm. Eyes forward. Look at the target.
She had gotten in six successful swings when the clock in the corner chimed loudly. She turned to look at it and Daishinji's sword bounced off her forehead lightly.
"Don't let yourself get distracted." He said.
"What time is it?" Shion asked as she squinted at the clock while rubbing her forehead. "How long have we've been training for?"
"It's eight. We've been training for an hour."
"Only an hour? It felt like it was longer that." Shion checked her watch, its hands on eight and twelve. "I'm starting to get why only one in hundred who can hear the swords make through training."
Daishinji decided to give her a break from the technical training by letting her read some important manuals that can help her with the training. It wasn't going to be fun, but it would be a nice break from repeating the same move over and over again.
Despite knowing that the books she had to read weren't going to be as engaging as the romantic stories she's read, Shion found herself stuck on the first chapter. The point was processing the information, but she'd lost her place on the page she was on. She scanned down the page again finding where she'd left off.
The farther she read, the more obvious it became that Daishinji had been quoting the book. But she quickly realized that she can't afford to skip over anything even as she flipped back to the previous page to figure out something about stance.
"How many chapters did you get through?"
She jumped as Daishinji appeared behind her without warning. She wished she could lie, but he was already leaning over to check for himself.
"I got to page ten." She said quietly. The first chapter was twenty pages. She knew because she'd checked several times as she slogged through the first couple pages.
"I'd hoped you'd have gotten farther." Daishinji sighed. "I don't see much purpose in moving forward if you haven't gotten to chapter two yet. There's a lot of important information there."
Shion looked down as tears built in her eyes again. I can't do anything right, can I? She thought to herself. I'd expected the training to be physically difficult, but I can't even get to the strenuous part. Maybe everyone was right, and I should give up…
"I'm heading home, I'll prove myself by tomorrow." She said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "I have to go to work too."
"That's fine." Daishinji assured. "Juggling your regular obligations with training is important. Take the book and get through the first three chapters before tomorrow morning. Ryo will do his trials then."
She looked up at him. "So, you do want me to come back?"
"If you're willing to put in the work, you can continue." The swordsmith responded before turning and exiting the room.
Shion stood and reached for the heavy tome, but Naoto picked it up for her. "Don't worry, I'll help you carry this."
"Thanks, Naoto." Shion sighed in relief.
Later at her and Kaede's apartment that night, Shion focused on reading the book, clearing up the confusion she had earlier and carefully reading the first chapter. As she began reading the second chapter, she noticed Kaede turning on the music box that was on the nightstand by her bed. The soft music it played touched her heart.
"Do you think I can become a swordswoman?" She asked.
Kaede turned to look at her. "Of course I do. You have the potential, I know it."
Shion looked down at the floor, feeling her tears begin to fall. "But no one else seems to think I can. Even Daishinji-san has doubts since I couldn't live up to his expectations during training today."
She sobbed softly as her tears plopped onto her hands. Kaede looked at her with a sympathetic smile as she walked up to her and sat down next to her on the couch. She held her roommate's hand gently, brushing tears off of it as she did.
"I believe in you though, Shion-chan." She said with a soft tone. "As long as you keep a strong wish in your heart, you can do it."
Shion gazed into her soft brown eyes. "Even if I can't transform like you did?"
"Aw, don't say that… I'm sure you'll be able to one day." Kaede gently brushed her hand across her face, wiping away her tears. "Then we can fight together, wouldn't that be amazing?"
Shion nodded as she smiled. "Yeah, it would. You're right about all of this, Kae-chan. I shouldn't be doubting myself like this."
Her roommate simply returned the smile before the two of them embraced each other in a soft, warm hug. Outside the window of their apartment, a shooting star soared by. Shion watched it from her spot on the couch, her smile growing brighter.
"I wish I can always be by your side forever." She whispered.
Kaede hugged her tighter yet gently. "Me too. We'll make that wish come true together."
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thedummysdummy · 2 years
Only a Little Separation
Merry Christmas, my loves! I come bearing a new story for you. I hope you like it; it's set to be Victor and MC's first Christmas after becoming an official couple.
The clock on the wall chronicled the slow passage of time amidst the relative quiet of the room. Two sets of lungs softly breathed in and out, two sets of fingers tapped on keyboards, and two hearts kept their steady rhythm as Victor and the girl worked individually on their projects. Victor’s office was slightly chilly and the girl shifted to the other side of the couch in an attempt to escape the air from the vent. However, neither set of eyes left their respective screens despite the movement. 
Her eyebrows were narrowed as the clip on her screen played for what had to be the hundredth time. And yet…it still wasn’t quite right. Adjust the settings, speed up the effects…play again. Settings, volume, play again. Exasperated sigh. Adjust, clip, play again. 
“If you cannot get that segment right now, perhaps you should work on another.” 
Victor’s deep voice startled the girl out of her concentration and her head jerked up as her hand went automatically to remove the earbud from her ear. “How did you know I’ve been working on the same spot this whole time?” The grumble brought a chuckle in response, which only managed to pull her eyebrows closer together. “This is the last clip for this episode, though. So I have to finish it.” 
“I could easily assign you something else to work on,” Victor replied with a glint in his eye. “Or I could move the deadline up to this evening. A certain someone tends to work better under pressure, I’ve heard.” His eyebrows raised in a cheeky fashion and his fingers lingered on his keyboard. 
“Suddenly I feel like I’ll definitely get it right this time!” Her eyes darted back to the keyboard, reflecting the colors of her screen in their shine. Victor chuckled and continued staring at her face, committing to memory every feature for the thousandth time. As if he didn’t see that face before his mind’s eye every minute of every day, awake or sleeping. As if anything else could bring the comfort that came from her smile. 
Silence again fell in the office brightly lit by the humming fluorescent lights. Victor’s fingers deftly rolled a pen, spinning it between them as if they had taken on a life of their own while he finally broke his gaze and returned to reading yet another proposal. Even the great master of concentration found himself soon glancing up again to drink deeply from the girl’s presence. 
She raised her eyes after yet again watching the clip, only to catch Victor staring. “What are you looking at? Do I have a third eye on my face or something?” She raised one eyebrow and giggled, slightly lowering the screen of her laptop. “You’re doing that thing again. That thing where you act like this is the last time you’re going to see me, so you have to burn the moment into your memory. I’m only going to be gone for two weeks!” 
Two long weeks, her mind insisted. Despite her teasing, she also felt the heaviness in her heart of knowing that a fortnight would pass before they could spend another afternoon sitting in the quiet office, separately doing their work together. Teasing each other. Exploring what had changed after that night of fireworks, falling into the pool…and finally sharing a kiss which she had long waited for. 
“I am doing no such thing. I simply wondered how much closer together you could pinch your eyebrows in concentration before they became one unibrow. And obviously I’m not concerned about your trip. Why would I be? You’ll return when you return, and both of us will be perfectly unaffected.” Victor cleared his throat and closed his laptop, glancing up at the clock. “You’ve worked diligently these last few hours. Let’s go get dinner.” 
Music to her ears! The laptop quickly closed and slid into the sleeve as if of its own accord and she tucked it against the arm of the couch. She slid her feet into her shoes, her arms into her coat, and stood to follow Victor into the hallway. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Victor gestured to the laptop, which she snatched and tucked under her arm. He grabbed her free hand and held it tightly, fingers interlaced with seemingly no intent to ever let go. 
Goldman peeked his head through his office door and a broad smile spread across his face. He met the girl’s gaze and gave her a thumbs-up and a wink before disappearing back into the doorframe. The soft rainbow light of his holiday decor disappeared as the door closed and the girl smiled. I have to remember to get Goldman something while I’m away.
The lobby of LFG, though the main lights were off with the passing of the work day, glowed with the soft yellow light of golden strands hung from the ceiling and desks. A grand fir tree adorned with gold and silver baubles sparkled majestically in the center of the hall with various colorfully wrapped packages resting below. A gentle soundtrack of orchestral holiday music played from somewhere, likely forgotten in an office in their haste to return home to their family. The girl curled her fingers more tightly around Victor’s and pulled closer to him. “Isn’t LFG so beautiful tonight?” 
Victor gave a noncommittal grunt, though his eyes sparkled behind their usual storm. They weren’t looking at the lights or the garlands or the magnificent tree. No, those dark eyes were focused on the way the light reflected on her hair. The way the corners of her eyes crinkled when she smiled. How she leaned ever so slightly against him as they walked. How her feet fell so naturally in sync with his own. He’d always been good at spotting minute details, but an entirely new world of sight had opened up when he’d opened up his heart. 
All the warmth of the lobby was whisked away by the first shot of winter wind from opening the door to the dark night outside. The girl shivered and in one smooth movement, Victor shrugged out of his large overcoat and slipped it over the girl’s shoulders. She looked up with her big eyes and pulled it around her, his residual warmth soaking into her body as she took a deep breath of his scent. “Aren’t you going to be cold now?” she asked, her head slightly tilted to the side. 
“Only if you don’t keep walking toward the car, dummy.” Victor took her hand and pulled her across the sidewalk to his black car, already holding the key in his free hand. She picked up her pace; soon they were at the door which Victor opened and stood next to until she was safely inside. He closed it behind her and started around the front of the car. However, he only got a few steps before his foot caught a patch of ice and slipped out from under him, sending his arms into a momentary windmill while he regained his balance. 
The girl hid her face behind her hand as she giggled; there was something hilarious and rather endearing about seeing Victor momentarily off-kilter! “Sometimes he really does do things that remind people that he’s a human too,” she whispered to herself. Victor entered the car with a completely neutral face, though he did not make eye contact with the girl as she giggled again and he put the car in reverse. 
They rode in silence; the dulcet notes of Victor’s classical CD filled in the gaps where their words remained unspoken and kept the atmosphere warm. Rainbows of lights passed in a blur outside the car; the streets were lit with every manner of holiday decor. Happy couples walked up and down the sidewalks at a casual pace, leaning into each other with smiles and intertwined fingers. Some carried packages, boxes, and bags; others simply strolled with warm drinks whose steam trailed off into the atmosphere in chocolate and rich coffee scent trails. Yet others munched on sugar glass or candied nuts with collars up to keep the cold air away from their necks. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas, Victor. Look how happy everyone looks! Loveland is like a painting in a storybook. Complete with drifted snow and toys in the windows of the stores! It almost feels like a beautiful dream. It’s so romantic!” 
Victor chuckled and knocked on the girl’s head gently. “Get your head out of the clouds, dummy. You don’t need anything out there. I’m right here.” He grabbed her hand and pulled it into his lap, his thumb gently brushing her knuckles. Victor kept her hand in his until they arrived at the restaurant and the car rocked into park. “Come on. Our reservation is soon.” 
“You planned this ahead?” the girl asked, her voice tinged with surprise. “So that is why you insisted on having me do the last of my editing in your office! You said you didn’t trust me to work efficiently on my own, but I’m on to your game.” She stuck out her tongue cheekily and Victor flicked her forehead. “Hey! You’re not fooling anyone, you big cat.” 
She climbed out of the car and Victor held her steady, ensuring that she wouldn’t slip on the icy parking lot asphalt. Once the doors were locked and their hands were securely interlocked, Victor led the girl through the cold and into the warm, inviting lobby of Delicioso. Here, too, they were met with the gay glow of holiday lights and sparkle of crystal ornaments. The hostess smiled at them as the couple approached. “Two for Victor,” Victor declared before she could even ask. 
The hostess scanned her list and brightened. “Ah, yes! Right here. I will tell the waitress that you’ve arrived so they can double check that your requests were all met, sir. Please take a seat for a moment and I’ll be right back.” As she scurried away, Victor led the girl to an open bench and allowed her to sit while standing next to her with his hand on her shoulder. 
“Victor, you can have the seat if you want it. I can stand?” He shook his head and continued to linger at her side, his eyes momentarily focused on his phone. A frown crossed his face and he tapped a few times on the screen. “What are you looking at?” 
“Just the weather,” Victor replied in a distracted tone. 
She frowned as well and looked up at Victor. “Is there a storm coming in or something?” He nodded and her frown deepened. “Hopefully it doesn’t delay my flight tomorrow. We are already on a tight schedule to get the entire episode filmed so we can be back before Christmas. I don’t want the crew to have to be away from their families on the holiday!” 
“I’m sure it will be fine.” Victor slid the phone back into his pocket and stared into the middle distance with that cold face which he often presented to the world at large. They didn’t wait long; only moments later, the hostess returned and waved for them to follow her. She led them through the chatter and cheer of the busy restaurant where dozens of happy people ate and talked and enjoyed each other’s company. 
At the far end of the room, the hostess stopped in front of a glass door and pulled it open. “Right this way, please. I hope everything is to your liking! If you need anything else, please let your waitress know.” 
Victor nodded and ushered his date inside, where she was met by a single table set for two. The room was softly lit by red candles and small icicle light strings. A fir tree decked out in brightly colored ornaments stood in one corner and soft music filled the air. The girl’s eyes reflected the glittering lights; Victor felt warmth spreading in his chest as he watched the joy and wonder on her face. He pulled out her chair and gently seated the girl with a flourish. 
The waitress opened a bottle of red wine which already stood on the table and poured each of them a small glass. “Your meal will be ready soon, Mr. Victor. Do you require anything else at this time?” He shook his head and she departed, leaving the couple alone in their private room. 
“You’re so extra, Victor,” the girl teased, picking up her glass of wine and swirling it gently. “You didn’t have to do all of this. You know I’m happy to just eat with you anywhere.” Her voice was soft and Victor felt his heart skip a beat. He relaxed and sipped his own wine, nodding contentedly. 
“No one said I had to. I did it because I wanted to.” He raised one eyebrow and took another sip, resulting in a giggle from the girl. Exactly what he had wanted. Their appetizer, a hot spinach and artichoke dip with freshly fried corn chips, soon arrived and the girl tucked in with gusto. “Remember that this is just the appetizer. Don’t fill up on chips before your dinner even arrives.” 
The girl looked Victor in the eye and dramatically put another chip in her mouth, chewing with an exaggeratedly straight face for a few seconds before cracking up. She barely managed to swallow without choking on her food. Victor rolled his eyes and ate a few chips himself, seemingly pleased with the flavor. He followed his own advice, however, and did not eat too much before the main course arrived: a prime rib basted with red wine and various herbs. Roast vegetables of various varieties brought color to the plate, and a pillowy dinner roll completed the meal. “Yum!” the girl exclaimed, digging in immediately. 
Her eyes rolled back in pleasure at the first bite, causing her to miss the flash of a proud smile crossing Victor’s face. He barely looked at his food as he slowly ate; his entire attention could not be pulled away from the girl. Two whole weeks. It is simultaneously a short break and an infinite separation…The meal could not last long enough. Both parties subconsciously slowed as their plates emptied, and not because their stomachs were filled. 
A small sigh slipped from the girl’s lips as the fork re-emerged without the last bite of black forest cake. There was a reluctance building in her heart, but she couldn’t quite place it. She set down her fork and frowned at her plate. 
“Do you want another slice of cake?” Victor’s voice broke her out of her reverie and she shook her head. “Then stop frowning at your plate, dummy. You look ridiculous.” He reached across the table with his napkin in hand and wiped away a small bit of chocolate from the corner of her mouth. “We should get you home before it gets any later. Your flight tomorrow is early.” 
Try as she might, the girl could not think of a counterargument. Victor was right…she needed to get to bed early so she wouldn’t miss her flight. She gathered up her belongings as Victor settled the bill and stood to take her hand again. I don’t want to leave you, she wanted to say, but found the words stuck in her throat. 
The drive to her apartment was altogether too short. As the engine cut out, neither Victor nor the girl made any real move to get out. They sat in a comfortable silence just watching the first flakes of snow as they silently drifted down from the heavens to light upon the bushes and sidewalk. There, warm and lost in their own worlds together, both of them turned toward each other and leaned forward. They paused just centimeters apart, eyes diving deep into the pools of the other’s irises. And then…their lips met. An electric tingle burst to life at the contact and raced down their central nervous systems until a tingling sensation spread to their fingers and toes. 
It was gentle at first, a tender mingling of breath and warmth. But as the emotions of impending separation snowballed, the girl found Victor’s arms pulling her closer over the center console. His lips became more and more needy, and her body reciprocated. The wave of emotion rose and rose until it crashed over the pair and they separated, panting as they pulled in air. “You better go,” Victor rumbled, his voice gravelly. “Early morning.” 
The girl nodded and stepped out of the car, the warmth of Victor’s body still clinging to her skin. They stared at each other for a few moments before she turned and took a single step toward the building. Her forward movement was halted by the sound of the car door opening and Victor’s arms suddenly wrapping around her from behind. He held her for a long time, his face buried in her hair. “Be safe,” he murmured before turning her around for one more kiss. She brushed a snowflake from his fringe and nodded fervently. 
“I will. I’ll see you in two weeks. When I get back, we’ll make Christmas snow bunnies!” 
Victor nodded and watched her go, his heart telling him to run after her and his brain reminding him not to look ridiculous. He sat in the car and waited for the light of her apartment to flicker to life before putting the vehicle in drive. 
Watching Loveland pass below with its blanket of snow was in equal parts beautiful and depressing. The girl stared at the city as it slowly sunk into the distance, wondering how Victor was doing. Did he get to work okay in the snow? Her cab had slid around a little on the icy road, but Victor was a good driver, so he should be fine. Did he bring lunch? Had he eaten at all? 
She shook her head and forced herself to watch the movie playing on the screen in front of her. This trip was going to be two weeks of misery if all she did was think about Victor the entire time. Time better spent planning the shoot so she could get back home on time! She pulled a notebook and pen from her carry-on luggage and set her mind to work. 
By the time the plane landed in Vancouver, her plan was fleshed out. Anna met her in the airport with the crew and before she knew it, they were in the thick of filming. From early morning until she fell into bed late at night, there was no time to think about anything but film, film, film. If she was feeling just a little more alive before bed she would sent Victor a text message, but they amounted to little more than, “Miss you.” “So tired.” “Three more days.”
She seemed to blink and the final day had arrived. The crew was wiped out and everything had to be filmed multiple times before she liked the result, which showed exactly how hard she had worked them. 
“Cut! That’s a wrap!” 
A shout of jubilation exploded from the crew and they immediately began breaking down the set and equipment in anticipation of returning home. All that stood between them and a good old-fashioned family Christmas was a single flight. Most of them were on the same plane, but the girl had requested a slightly later flight so she could ensure everything was cleaned up properly and nothing was left behind. 
“I’ll see you all back in Loveland. Get some sleep on the plane, okay? And enjoy your Christmases tomorrow!” She waved to her friends as they piled into the rented van and disappeared around the corner. The moment they were gone and she could breathe again, the entire two weeks of being separated from her boyfriend came crashing down all at once. Perhaps it was the exhaustion or perhaps it was the distance, but she found herself fighting back tears as she pulled out her phone to check her messages. 
Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw Victor’s name light up her screen. She opened the message eagerly and devoured the contents, only to find that the dam in her chest burst at the words. “There’s a major snowstorm headed for Vancouver and all flights out after noon have been canceled. I went ahead and booked you a new seat on the next available flight. I also extended your room at the hotel.” 
“When is it?” she replied, checking the send time on Victor’s message. It had been five hours ago, and a glance at the clock app on her phone reminded her that it would be almost 2AM in Loveland. Resigned to get no reply until he woke up, the girl slowly gathered up the remaining shoot supplies and loaded them into her rental car. 
The drive to the hotel was long, but made longer by her intermittent inability to see the road. She wiped her eyes with her wrist and clutched the steering wheel, wanting nothing more than to hear Victor’s voice calming her as she drove through the increasingly thick snowfall. Despite doing an amazing job at keeping herself busy so far, her defenses were losing their strength. She pulled up to the hotel and put the car in park before slumping back against her seat and closing her eyes. 
Alone for Christmas. If Victor had extended her hotel stay, that meant she’d at least be stuck there until tomorrow. And if she couldn’t leave until tomorrow morning at the earliest, then the best she could hope for was to arrive minutes before December 26th began in Loveland. Thoughts of the gifts in her apartment, the holiday food she wanted to eat, and all the plans she’d had with Victor floated around in her head. 
Yes, it was only one more day. But this was supposed to be her first Christmas together with Victor. And now…it was completely ruined. She pulled in a deep, shuddery breath and released it slowly, wiped her face, and pulled the handle of the car. The least she could do was get up to her room before she let herself completely release the emotions pent up in her chest. She took her bag out of the passenger seat and locked the car, then rushed across the parking lot toward the front doors. 
Wind whipped her hair and snow flew into her mouth and eyes. Despite only having to walk thirty feet or so, she felt half frozen by the time she stepped into the lobby of the hotel. The warm air blasted her face when she opened the door and felt like an embrace. She stopped a few feet inside to brush away some of the snow and locate her room key before heading for the elevator. During those few seconds, she heard a familiar voice calling to her from across the room. 
“Did you really only wear that light coat in this mess, dummy? Didn’t I make you pack a real one just in case this happened?” 
Her bag fell from her hand as the girl whipped around and saw Victor standing near the front desk. She squealed softly and ran toward him, arms out as she reached for her person. He opened his as well and pulled her into his embrace with an accompanying kiss. “Did you really fly all the way out here?” she cried, burying her face in his chest.
Victor merely chuckled and shook his head. “No, I’m a figment of your imagination. Or I used a teleportation Evol.” His dry tone caused her to look up at him with a glare that immediately melted as her eyes fell on his face. “Yes, I booked myself a flight when I saw that the weather wasn’t going to improve in time. I seem to remember promising a certain someone that we’d do something ridiculous like make ‘Christmas snow bunnies.’ And I’m a man of my word. Now, let’s get you dry before you catch a cold and make my entire trip useless.” He took her hand, led her back to her bag, and then accompanied her up to her room with just the tiniest of smiles on his face. 
Yes. This was correct. Two weeks had been long enough, and Victor was not going to accept one minute more.
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Episode 500: Ruined another life
Dark Shadows never followed the traditional soap opera pattern of building up through the week to a slam-bang spectacle on Friday. Its one-hundredth week is a case in point. Yesterday was a big event, with two special makeups representing the rapid aging of wicked witch Angelique, a confrontation between heiress Carolyn and lawyer Tony, and the blinding of artist Sam. Today is mostly…
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thehill-rpg · 6 months
Episode 2: Whispers on The Hill Part: 1/??
The quiet shuffle of bare feet on the gravel courtyard fills the air, accompanied by the faint squeak of a rusty pool gate reluctantly opening. With a pair of composed steps, a slender figure, tall yet delicate, makes her way towards an ageing pool chair. As she reclines on its worn surface, the chair emits a soft groan of protest, bearing witness to both its own well-worn years and the age of its current resting place: Palm’s Motor Hotel. Donning a pair of Ray Bans, she settles in, clad in a casual ensemble of a Washington Nationals' tank top and a worn pair of denim short shorts. In her hand, she opens a well-read copy of Cosmo, its pages gently fluttering in the breeze. Tucked between them is a torn clipping from yesterday’s issue of The Hill, resting over an article titled ‘The Secret to Finding Your Soulmate: Date Your Alter Ego.’ A good article, offering the kind of advice you could only get out of a drunk best friend, yet not the one currently capturing her attention.
Chelsea Dalton reclines beside a pool that seems questionably operational (was that the smell of an impending bacteria infection?), her gaze fixed on the familiar words. She reads it again, for what feels like the hundredth time, each word etched into her memory. She knows every line by heart. It’s beautiful.
It’s also months of dedication, collaboration, and hopefully, justice. Sure, it’s a departure from her usual flair, and while, yes, she’d normally sell her soul for this kind of traffic on her blog, she knew there was no way her posting this story would get it the attention it deserved. Hence, her email to Violet Shard, almost three months ago. She’d been hesitant at first. Sure, she was a fan, but this was something that needed to be handled with care. She was too close to her own source. She couldn’t risk being named. However, Violet had assured her of anonymity and a series of follow-ups that wouldn’t brush any pertinent details under the proverbial rug of Washington D.C. political justice. That's why she had agreed, and why she now found herself just outside the District, technically in Maryland, waiting for said blonde journalist. 
Where was she?
As she waited for Violet’s late arrival (had her trusty Saab finally coughed its last puff of exhaust?), she let her thoughts drift over to Gray, and the party she would have been at if the news she’d just leaked to The Hill, hadn’t implicated his father. She’d probably have been in some uncomfortable sundress right now, watching as Gray loosened a tie, only for his mother to promptly tighten it again, while she discreetly passed another crab puff to Mac. Of course, she hated every second of it, but even without her mom’s urging, she hadn’t missed one since she’d moved in next door to his family at six. What could she say? She had a thing for fish paste covered Hors d'Oeuvres. And tortured artists… She’d let the last one remain unsaid, stubbornly resisting even her subconscious attempts to divert her down that worn-out, oh so familiar road. Not today, Bucko! 
Just as she was attempting to shift her focus, fate intervened with the unceremonious thud of a bottle of sunscreen hitting her thigh, yanking her back to the realm of the living—or, more accurately, a realm that didn't revolve around pining over her best-friend of twenty-seven years. “Slip, slop, slap…” She glared over her glasses at a man holding a faded beach towel and a copy of The Hill. 
While quick judgments were usually her forte, she decided to withhold hers until he extended his hands to offer assistance. She leaned towards labelling him as the "concerned dad" type rather than a creepy motel lifer. "Uh, thanks, but— Is that the latest copy of The Hill?" She hadn’t been able to pick up a copy before she’d left her house in order to get here in time and she was keen to see how Violet had followed up. “Sure, kiddo. It’s yours.” She dropped her guard, leaning over to take the paper from his outstretched hand, “Are you moving in?” She’d have answered if the headline story hadn’t caught her attention. Violet Shard, facing charges of defamation and harassment, for her latest story on Congressman Whitman and Harris. “Uh, sorry, do you mind if I–” She was already up, picking up her copy of cosmo and hurrying out of the pool area and back towards her day room and her burner. FUCK. Voicemail. “Violet, call me. I— What can I do?” 
Well, she knew one thing she could do…  
She hastily opened her laptop, disregarding the unread emails clamouring for her attention with their requests for her usual freelance work. Instead, she navigated to her blog and swiftly crafted a new post.
Ms. Whisper here, emerging from the shadows with a scoop hotter than the Capitol's political inferno. It appears our esteemed journalist, Violet Shard, finds herself in the clutches of controversy. But this isn't your run-of-the-mill scandal, my darlings—oh no, it's a tale of truth-telling and the ruthless consequences that follow. Violet dared to shine a light on the dark dealings of Congressman Whitlock and Harris, revealing their insidious involvement in the war-torn realm of Matamba. Yet, instead of accolades, she's met with handcuffs and accusations of defamation and harassment. But fear not, dear readers, for Ms. Whisper is always on the case, ready to peel back the layers of deception and hold the powerful to account. In this cutthroat world of political intrigue, even the bravest truth-seekers like Violet Shard aren't safe from the claws of injustice. So, keep your ears to the ground and your eyes peeled, because when it comes to unravelling the truth, there's no hiding from the relentless pursuit of Ms. Whisper. #StandWithViolet
Her phone buzzed—an SOS. She shot a text back that she’d be there soon. Though even with her foot planted to the floor of her beemer she knew she’d never break an hour. Hastily rummaging through her overnight bag, she retrieved a somewhat acceptable dress (she didn’t own many); though the party might've been cancelled, she was certain Gray's mom wouldn't want the reminder. Hastily, she made her way over to the shower, and tried her best to find the password to get the hot water working longer than two seconds.
She did her best to keep her hair from getting wet, as she washed her nervous sweat from under her armpits. Chelsea hadn't seen this coming without a fight, but nabbing a journalist? This wasn't just a hiccup; it was the kind of move that had First Amendment lawyers rubbing their hands with glee.
She gave up trying to tune the shower into submission and let the cold water run down her back, as she wracked her brain for a way to assist Violet beyond mere page views. Nothing. Nothing.
When it came down to taking action, what good was being Ms. Whisper if all she had in her arsenal were a sharp tongue and a quick wit? That certainly didn't grant innocent journalists a Get Out of Jail Free card, did it?
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After a quick drying session (as evidenced by her dress clinging to her back and making it a challenge to slide down over her thighs), Chelsea grappled with her wayward curls, victims of the fierce heat akin to the Battle of Waterloo. With her belongings in tow, she checked out of the motel, conceding that, for the time being, there was little she could do for Violet. As for Gray, a sense of obligation stirred within her to mitigate the unintended turmoil she had caused him. Nonetheless, she refrained from assuming full culpability, acknowledging that the root of this mess lay primarily with his father. All she’d done was overhear a phone call, sneak into his office at night, and make a few dozen or so copies of a report that she only wished now had more than just Congressman Harris’ name to it.
Pulling up to Gray’s house, adjacent to her own, Chelsea switched off the ignition and discreetly covered her overnight bag with one of Mac’s car seat covers in the backseat before stepping out and making her way inside. The atmosphere was sullen, with white chairs being shuffled in and out from the patio to a van parked out front. From a distance, Chelsea observed Nora overseeing the operation with an overflowing wine glass in hand. She couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility for the sombre mood, knowing she had played a part in it, at least partially.
Following the faint strumming of a bass, Chelsea ascended the stairs, purposefully bypassing Mr. Whitlock’s study. She had been instructed to call him Brody, but it just didn't sit right with her. Instead, she made her way down to Gray’s room at the end of the second floor. Her fingers brushed against the wooden door as she announced herself before slipping inside.
"So, on a scale from six-pack therapy to a spa retreat in the German highlands, how concerned should I be about you?" She offered a tentative smile. However, the instant she caught the strains of "Darn The Dream" by Ron Carter, being plucked, she realised she was entering yodelling territory.
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chorusofkhonshu · 1 year
The Lady's powers and the Halfway Point
So while listening to the final episode again, for like the hundredth time it finally clicked. Since the 3rd episode where the Ferryman uttered the words "Two flows from one, and here, is made whole again". A part of her in Nowhere and the rest of her in the original world. As the episodes go on she's becoming more and more aware of being in the Halfway Point, dreams starting in a dark place before the actual location reveals itself. I don't actually think Noone was ever actually "in" Nowhere, I think maybe she's just been in the Halfway Point this entire time. It's the only reason I can think up for the dreams being manipulated slight, as I referenced in my previous post.
I'll stop myself before I go off on a tangent, but ultimately by the end Noone is fully aware in the Halfway Point after going there mid dream. The black mist all around her that she describes as "only the mist spreading its fingers so that I can see myself, as if rebuilding me piece by piece" then also near the end "smokey fingers are mixing with the blinking eyes and the moon is opening up, swirling all around. I feel like me again." Then the words that Noone speaks from then on all have an echo almost, not really a echo, but like two of her are speaking. She was split up, from 1 to 2, and now 2 back into one but this time on the other side, all fixed. Now onto Six. You all know the story. At the end of LN 2, Six was split into two basically by the Thin Man, giving way to Shadow Six, leading to her hunger, which led her to the Maw and then the Lady, ultimately leading to her gaining the Lady's power and fixing herself. A black mist swirling around her as she is finally fixed. Basically up until this point no one has really ever known the origin of the Lady's power that seems to jump from successor to successor. What if it originates from the Halfway Point? What if specific kids that see the Ferryman are Lady candidates with power hiding inside of them until they become the next Lady, to not arouse suspicion from other entities in Nowhere. "Why is it still here? That Darkness? That's the secret, it hides in this place, my body knew all along." And with each succession that power is stacking (like MHA One for All). Each Lady having been to the Halfway Point and the Eyes in the void liking what they see, and Six is the culmination of that growing power. This is of course all conjecture and what if, but if true, that power could do so much more than what we've seen Six do with it. She had no trouble making her way out of the Maw. That power fixed her, it could probably fix others. Maybe even Mono, but that is me being overly optimistic. I used to see a lot of polls of who would win. Thin Man versus Lady or Mono versus Six. For the most part the Lady's powers have always been seen as magic, and I'm sorry to say that is just not going to cut it when up against powers like the Thin Man that bend time and space, the very rules of its world. But now? If the Lady's powers do originate from the Halfway Point, a place outside the rules of Nowhere, which would mean it might not even follow the fundamental rules of Nowhere, a power that might even be stacking and growing. Yeah that defiantly sounds like something that could go against the Transmission. Of course, that's only if, every time Mono defeats the Thin Man, his own static remains stack with Mono's, could be. I don't know. The Transmission might not even be a power that can grow, it could be the type where its stats are super high but there will be no growth, I do have an idea for how it could grow its control, notice i said control and not power, but thats for next post.
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