#its weird. it's almost like it's different online and irl
howdy geek how’s the gender going
it's funky and weird and I don't totally understand but I'm not a guy so that's cool
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bitchesgetriches · 8 months
Bitches! You have a wide audience so I come seeking advice. My family are all of the thin, straight hair variety. I am not. I have long (waist length), thick, curly hair.
Can I get some advice on how to style it and take care of it? I’ve been told my whole life to “just brush it” but I’ve seen on insta and elsewhere that that’s like, the worst thing you can do to curly hair. Please help a confused little bitchling!
Love your content! 💚💙
First off: you sound absolutely gorgeous. Good on you for wanting to take care of your natural hair and let it show its true glory.
I (Piggy) love hair, and mine is long, wavy, and thick. If you watch our YouTube you'll see I almost always straighten or curl it. Sounds like we have different textures, but a few things that have absolutely changed my (hair) life are as follows:
I oil my hair once or twice a month using a keratin oil. I used to think that with greasy hair like mine, it would make the situation worse, but an oil treatment actually makes it LESS greasy. It's magic.
I coil my hair into a bun on top of my head when I sleep. This keeps it from getting tangled and sweaty over the night. Plus, if I've curled or straightened it the day before, the style will last longer this way. Lots of people with long hair wear silk caps to bed or braid their hair before sleep for similar reasons.
I wash my hair twice per week instead of every day. Overwashing can be really bad for your hair, but everyone's washing schedule is different. I'd consult a hair stylist about how often you should wash (if you can afford to see one, they'll give you LOTS of expert tips).
I often use a wide-toothed comb to comb it out instead of brushing.
Hair can be a VERY sensitive subject, tied to culture, ethnicity, and oppressive beauty standards. Seek out communities, either online or irl, of people of your ethnicity with the same hair type and texture. They'll have great tips and stories for you!
Also, we wrote a bit about hair here:
Can Looking Weird at Work Be Good for Your Career? 
Why Is Short Hair Controversial? An Examination of Expensive, Annoying Beauty Standards
If you found this helpful, tip us.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
Hii ⏳️ here! In my ask you said this:
"Do black/brown american artists who are “approved” by white people trend the same way taylor swift does? or is it only the white celebs “approved” by white people?"
And I think it does happen with black/brown artists... to an extent. I'm gonna speak mostly about what trends between teen or recently adult girls (since I mostly engage with them, and guys in that age frame are either indifferent or dislike taylor but that part is actually because of misogyny, cuz they dislike anything that trends among teen girls (idk why but it is a thing).There are guys who like her ofc, but I've never met any of them irl, only online, so I wouldn't know).
Obv, ppl's interest in music genres matter too, so girls who are into other genres than pop don't have the same opinion on taylor. However, I've seen that among the girls who do like pop, they are mostly into recently very hyped artists like taylor, olivia (when she got hyped up during covid), conan gray, Maisie peters, gracie abrams, etc. Like mostly recently popular gen z artists (except for taylor ofc). This also includes sabrina carpenter, although I've seen ppl like her even more ever since taylor associated herself with her. Now, while olivia is filipino american, and conan is half japanese, they are mostly the only non white artists that ppl continuously listen to. Ofc, artists such as sza, Beyonce and rihanna are also very popular here, but Beyonce and rihanna have been popular since a long time (they have a similar amount of hype and reputation in here too) and sza got more popular recently, again, cuz she suddenly trended.
There are different aspects to this, cuz you will see a difference btw ppl who listen to western artists and the ones who listen to indian/local artists, and one of them is, that while almost everyone listens to desi artists, western artists are mostly popular in more upper middle class to rich communities, and they are very obsessed with white ppl.
Ig the bottom line is brown and black artists do get popular here too, but not as much as white artists, or artists whom taylor is associated with, so it is obsession with white ppl at the end of the day, with a few extra steps to make it seem okay.
men hating anything teenage girls like is misogyny. swifties have broken that word that people sound weird using it in the correct context now 😭 send the flood!!!! lol
see, i always knew wealth was involved as a factor with swifties. for the longest time (before my eyes were forcibly opened by the eras tour) i thought swifties were mostly wealthy white girls, but now i know its just a lot of middle class to wealthy girls in general. key phrase “in general” (just in case people want to start talking about “well there are x swifties-“ like i know. but im talking about overall)
⏳ anon you and other desi anons (shreya, imy) are really giving me so much insight into how ts has such a large south asian fanbase. like the obsession is with the west and in particular WHITE westerners and any artist of color approved by white westerners are basically approved with the wealthy, white aspiring classes in india. this is a culminative summary of what every desi anon has told me but the fact you guys are all telling me the same thing in different words is damning…free my former colonized peoples from the shackled of white supremacy free us!!!
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idk if this counts as a vent but its kinda long i just need to rant
so i told my friends im asexual yesterday.
im still struggling to figure out with my sexuality where i lie within like who im attracted to, but i do know that im at least ace. i mean i didnt tell them exactly, i didnt use the term asexual, but i told them i dont ever want to have sex and i dont really feel that kind of attraction.
theyre my two closest friends, and the first people ive ever told. really just cuz its never come up, its not like im actively hiding the fact. we were playing this game of would you rather, but it was a card game someone got me for my birthday so like you played it a certain way to fit the game idk. and one of them (which confused me bc it was rated 14+??) asked would you rather "give up swearing forever or give up sex for "do it" for 2 minutes every day or have a 30 minute makeout session every day. and they were supposed to try to guess what i would choose, and i said the latter.
and they were really surprsied?? like no i dont really wanna do that thats weird, and they told me oh thats not weird some people do that and i was like do they?? idk i just dont like that. and they were like ok whatever and we moved on. and then later there was another (i really do wonder why this is only rated 14+ bc 14 year old me would not like these questions) that said would you rather give up swearing forever or give up sex for 12 years.
and i chose the second obviously. ik i do online but irl i dont swear that much so that wouldnt be hard, but also im asexual so like thats easy lol. and they were trying to guess what i would choose and they both got it wrong and they were shocked. and i was like yeah i mean i dont have sex now?? and they were like yeah but youre a teenager now what about when youre older??? and i was like no i dont really want to, i dont ever really plan to have sex
and they were shocked. they thought i was crazy they thought i was joking. and they were like youre gonna change your mind and i was like no im not i dont want to have sex????? i never have??? like ive told you i dont want to have kids thats part of why.
and they were like but what about when you get married? dont you want a boyfriend? it would lead to that!! and its just so baffling to me that some people think that way. its absolutely absurd to me that i had to explain the difference between a romantic and a sexual relationship. like i told them theres plutonic, romantic, and sexual relationships, everything in between, and not one is higher or more important than the other.
and they were like "but what about when you get married? what are you gonna do?" uhh im gonna love them?? im gonna love my partner romantically and be happy with them and not have sex??? marriage doesnt need to include sex. "what are you gonna do after the wedding?" uhh go home and take a nap?? idk we can cuddle but im not insane for not wanting someone inside me thats nasty. (no offense yall im just sex repulsed).
one of them literally said "but once your relationship reaches a certain point you almost have to" AND I WAS LIKE NO WHAT THE FUCK YOU DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING EVER?? and they were like "i gUeSs". i told them id rather die than have sex like thats just not for me and they thought i was insane. they said if someone came up and said do that or die, youd die?? and im like yeah because if i dont want to then thats sexual assault and yeah id rather die than be sexually assaulted??? "what if your partner wants to and you dont?" then uhh if sex is that important to them we'll break up, i can respect their opinion and hopefully they can respect mine?? its not that confusing??
i dont know i just think its so weird to have that perspective in life. i guess its technically "normal" but the idea that all romantic relationship leads to sexual is weird. and the idea that giving up sex for 12 years is harder than not saying a few words is even weirder.
i mean the only good thing that came out of that whole conversation is i got over that imposter syndrome of not being "queer enough" because they acted like i told them i was an illegal alien getting transgender operations in prison
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h3ntaichrist · 2 months
ahem, i have some THINGS to SAY, and i'm well aware this may ruffle more than a few feathers. but i find my message to be more important than sparing the feelings of those who continuously evade accountability and the accompanying shame. TW: mentions of religious trauma, addiction, childhood trauma.
the most common response i've seen, online and irl, from christians when encountering something they don’t like or believe is wrong (often based on misguided interpretations of their scripture), is mockery and contempt. usually taking place in the form of memes, jokes, and slanderous or insulting rhetoric. it’s their gut reaction, an attempt to shame others. the only other group i've seen do this as much, if not more, than christians is gen x, but i’ll save that for another time.
this is my experience as bisexual, spiritual but non-religious, ciswoman that heavily supports the very social movements that are often targets of christian mockery: BLM, indigenous land rights, #metoo, LGBTQI+ rights, gun violence prevention, climate change action, USA’s pisspoor hEaLthCaRe system, fentanyl awareness, and systemic poverty. i could go on.
i grew up in the church and i learned a lot. my daddy was a preacher for quite some time, so i speak on these things with a WHOLE lot of experience. i was a troubled kid, born of addict parents. i moved in with my dad around 7 or 8 after my mama “moved to louisiana to be closer to her mom so she could get better”. this wasn’t the real story, nor did it happen that way for my mama, but that’s beside the present point.
i had a lot going on at home that little me couldn’t process alone, and i was never in therapy long enough for it to make a positive impact. each time a therapist started asking questions that pointed to the home dynamic with my dad and step-mom, i was transferred to a new one. this continued until i was no longer taken to therapy, entirely out of my control and earnestly at my detriment.
during this extremely transformative and impressionable period of my adolescence, i spent a whole lot of my time in the church—not just on sunday mornings. i was actively involved with my youth group, attended wednesday services, church camps, retreats, and went on a mission trip to broken arrow, oklahoma. while i made some friends and had some incredible experiences, these were also the places where i felt the most ostracized and i don’t think anything has come close to it since. i was a troubled kid from generational trauma, not wealth, and was destined to be the breaker of this cycle. its real hard to find your footing when the odds are heavily stacked against you.
i was very fortunate to have my grandparents, who provided comfort, kindness, and support, shielding me as much as they could from all the chaos and trauma i experienced at the hands of people who were supposed to protect me. but they could only do much. as a result, i rebelled—hard. or at least as hard as a girl growing up in the church, the bible belt, and just over an hour from Pulaski, TN, a city infamous for reasons you can google, could rebel.
my youth pastor welcomed my weirdness. we didn’t talk much about my situation, but there was an unspoken understanding between us that i’ll never forget or appreciate any less. unfortunately, the same cannot be said for most of the folks i encountered during this time. i often felt humiliated and alone, mocked, and held in contempt. not by all, but certainly the majority.
there are a few folks i still keep in touch with today, one of whom feels almost exactly the way i do. our conversations as adults have been very validating. my childhood best friend, despite our different manifestations of similar childhood trauma, did her best to stay close to me, and for that, i am forever grateful. but again, these supportive experiences were the minority. i wouldn’t feel right not including them, though.
so, forgive me if i do not share your sentiments regarding the “mockery” of your religion during this Olympic season. i don’t care. i honestly couldn’t care less. i know so many people ranging from young to old who share similar stories of experiences with the church, stories filled with mockery, isolation, false concern, and contempt.
i’m not trying to say that one wrong makes another right. this extends beyond some simple tit for tat. so much wrongdoing has occurred throughout history at the hands of christians supposedly carrying out the justice and desires of their lord. it’s time christians learn about, if they aren’t already educated, and subsequently acknowledge this. it’s time christians listen to the stories of those they cast out from their communities, whether indirectly or directly, and work to understand the impact those experiences had on them.
i personally think a step in the right direction would be attempting to understand WHY their religion and its followers are so often mocked and ridiculed by those who have suffered at its hands. but as long as its members choose to blame the devil for the current discourse, rather than acknowledging their transgressions, i will continue to care absolutely zero about the mockery of their religion.
my experiences and observations have shown me that the mockery and contempt often displayed by christians towards those they disagree with is not just a reaction to modern social movements, but a continuation of a long history of exclusion and judgement. this behavior has deep roots in the very bones of the church and its misguided teachings. its crucial for christians to reflect on this history and the pain it has caused, and to seek understanding and MAYBE reconciliation with those they have marginalized. only then can we hope to move forward in a way that fosters genuine compassion and respect for all. until that happens, i will remain indifferent to the mockery of their religion, as it pales in comparison to the suffering inflicted by those who claim to follow it.
and to the few and far between christians who are on the right track in this regard, i’m so sorry for the burden you bear due to the actions of your fellow members, past and present. your efforts to show understanding, compassion,and genuine respect are invaluable. please, don’t give up. your work is crucial in paving the way for a more inclusive and empathetic future.
rest of pics in replies
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wooahaes · 3 months
i would just like to say, i almost missed the coming out as bi series (so glad i didnt oh lord id been waiting too long) but its so so so good
not just because im bi, but like, as a reader, i loved it. also got to explore how people might feel abt being bi or being percieved weirdly, because there is not a single person ive told in my life who has reacted badly— a couple people straight up went "wtf is tht" and i had to explain but, they were fine w it. which is kinda weird to me because being an indian, i used to expect a reaction yk? but no, im thr idiot who goes around parading it and literally nobody cares and i rly like tht, but its also kinda desensitized to how another bi person whos not as accepted might feel
wow idk why i ranted sorry 😅
nah ur good! i liked reading ur rant :3
i'm very open about my sexuality online and with very close friends, but not so much at all irl because (gestures towards homophobic immediate family who reacted badly when i even suggested it in the past, p much implying i'd be desperate for love). i'm glad my silly lil drabbles could show that other side of things for you though! i tried to have a variety when it comes to how reader approaches things where either she's incredibly open about it, semi-open about it, or more closeted since no one experience is universal y'know?
idk if this will mean much of anything but i don't think you're an idiot for parading it if you feel safe to. everyone's gonna feel differently about their own identity based on their own circumstances, and there's nothing wrong that as long as ppl aren't being dicks to how other ppl present themselves
im glad you enjoyed them tho!! i plan on finishing the skz ones at some point today and posting em to finish off the headcanons before pride month is over :3
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turtle-sister-april · 1 month
erm hello
trigger warning for panic attacks, masking and homophobia
short or long rant ahead with probably bad grammar sorry 😭
so like im a lesbian, and my two friends irl know, but most of the kids at my school are quite strongly against it because its a catholic school and where i live a lot of people hate it
but anyways i have these two current friends and dont get me wrong they are really good friends, but they dont accept the lgbtq+ community. they just accept me because im their friend which makes me "different" (apparently?)
but at the same time they still make homophobic remarks around me and while i dont really mind, it still makes me think "if you knew i was lesbian when you met me, would you still like me?"
plus, im masking pretty much 100% of the time at home and at school, so im always ignoring overstimulation to a point where i have panic attacks so bad to the point where i throw up, my friends are the only ones who know about my sexuality and the only irl friend i have that i can unmask around moved 5 hours away at the start of this year so
it wouldnt bother me so much but i know for a fact that if i said "can you not make that joke it makes me upset" i would just get told that im not special because im gay and i know that- but its almost like im the third wheeler all of the time and its always because im either too quiet, too nice or simply "the gay one"
and im also the therapist friend all of the time, even one of my friends has nicknamed me their emotional support animal lmfao 😭
it just feels weird that the only people who i will ever come first to or not seem "different" to will be online because dont get me wrong i have an amazing online sister who i can kind of be myself around but im her therapist too and there is literally no room for me and whats going on in my life
sorry for venting here you dont have to answer this if you dont want to i just needed to get this off of my chest somewhere other than my notes 😭
have a nice day or night <3
I'm so sorry for answering this late, I'm only now just seeing it, but that's no excuse for not seeing and answering this sooner. Ok, first things first you need this
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If you are touch averse then don't worry this is still just a virtual hug.
But you don't need to apologize for venting here, this is a safe space where you can be yourself and you are always welcome to come here for emotional support, just to talk, or even if you just need a distraction.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this and that you are surrounded by such homophobia. It's unfortunate that there are people that are still so unaccepting, but if it helps I can understand where you're coming from.
Having 4 brothers I have to keep a secret from the world is difficult sometimes. It was especially difficult when I was still living with my folks since I still need to tell them about the guys. They know I have 4 homeschooled friends that I love like brothers but they never met them (I still need to figure out how to set up that meeting at some point). And normally Raph takes care of the others but he doesn't have someone to take care of him so I normally do it (and since I hang out with Donnie a lot I'm usually more readily available to help him). But that's all just a long way of saying I understand where you are coming from, it can be hard, just don't forget that you matter too.
It's ok to feel the way you do and it's ok to be a little selfish sometimes, its all a part of living. But never forget that what you need and want matters. Otherwise, how else can you expect to help others if you are a mess of emotions yourself?
I hope this helps you and anyone else reading this feel better in anyway but if it doesn't then at least thank you for reading this far. Have a lovely day or night wherever you are and enjoy this adorable gif of cats.
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joculine · 2 months
freshman year facebook rp groups and "dnd" friend circles.
its hard to dig back for that. i think it's gone, the original FB group. gone gone. i did a little digging and found a few image scraps, a big text dump.
there are a few others. i can track the freshman year dnd group i was in, from where it started, to all the scene kids showing off their dyed hair, trying to coordinate car pools to see like, the hobbit or whatever was out, dumb little FB post RP chats.
of course, the last post, the one at the top, is the post that killed the group. someone tried to start up a new campaign, i wanted to be a pirate, and then that shitty girl popped in and said "if its not awkward i would also like to be a part."
she kinda fucked up a lot of her friendships at the end of that year. looking back at how the dates line up, i imagine some very tough things were going on for her. she'd come out as trans in about a year or so and i know her parents were shit. its funny, i can dig into that old RP account i have and see she's actually still using hers as of this week. i think it's her primary facebook account.
i flip back through there and see all these messages about how she wants to kill me and beat me up and put me in cages and fuck me and hurt me. she talks unprompted about how she thinks im annoying or gross or dumb as shit and sends me whatever porn shes looking at. and then id go to school the next day and see her and we'd have a fun time. its sort of shocking to look at. but… shes a kid. maybe 14 or 14 years old. shes a huge asshole and really not a good person for me to be around, but shes still just a kid. and i know the same thing was happening to her, but unlike me it was coming from people she didnt know IRL and who were probably too old to be talking to her in the first place. i dont really know what to do with that in hindsight.. maybe i didnt at the time either...
anyway, on that post i see a lot of people commenting that we need to hash out our beef and reconcile. i didnt comment again though.
i look through all those messages and i see someone who is trying very hard to be liked. trying very hard to stay liked. kids are dumb. kids do dumb things to each other. it means a lot in the moment, but in the long run teenagers are just assholes. i think a lot of these people were especially shitty and occasionally both physically and verbally abusive. but they were the friends i had until i broke away. they were important to me.
i tried digging around a little more, to see if i could find my old messages with jack. (this is a different now tboy jack than the one i was posting about last week)
the messages go up to when we started texting. i dont really remember how long we dated and it was all online so was it really dating? ehh. no. i havent counted it since sophmore year. he was a good one though, better than most of the other people there. we both thought the other one hated each other, so we were both kind of mean in person in that way that tweens are. he moved before i ever got the chance to tell him how i felt in person.
its not easy. its not easy to all remember. it was all so long ago. i dont think i want to remember either. it was a time and a place where i felt so lonely.
im glad thats not where i am now. but i miss those people and that time. or i miss what could have happened, if it hadnt fallen apart or if i had made more of an effort or if things were just a little nicer.
its weird.. it was such a weird time to be a kid online. its still a weird time to be a kid online.
in a way, i almost miss it. i miss that thrill of being part of such a large group of people who all had different things going on and all had different relationships to each other. but when i really think about it...
i wish i had been who i had wanted to be. that i had known who i wanted to be. i wish i met these people on the level that they were beginning to come to themselves. i think everyone in that group had a 5 to 6 year headstart on figuring out their deals, as gay or, trans guys, butches, trans fems, etc. i was at bisexual, i know that much. but i retreated from that after i left that group, totally sealed off any thought that i was something other than straight and cis for... about six-ish years. i think it was too painful thinking about how i felt and how it feel apart to dwell on that part of myself that id had the fleeting chance to explore.
one guy there, the one who actually organized most of the RPs and the fanventure, was something else though. i think he knew who he was before anyone else. i think he knew who we all were before we did. he went across the spectrum of butch lesbian to GNC trans man and probably into other explorations of his identity since i knew him. i always found that really inspiring. it meant a lot that he saw me earlier this year when i came out publicly and shared in my joy. "im so happy for you." like he knew. like he always knew. maybe he did. maybe he didnt.
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leapingtitan · 11 months
AoT's Ending, and Parting Words
Hi, I'm alive... kinda. This is a weird one.
I don't really know what's the appropriate place to post this, but I feel like a word regarding AoT ending is in order, in more of a personal way rather than about the show itself.
I initially gave this anime a shot over a decade ago when it was popular because it was recommended to me by a friend. I didn't like it at first, but after giving a second shot a year later, I loved it, and I actively kept with both the anime and manga for almost 7 whole year. 7 years is… a lot of time. Especially considering this time period encompassed the majority of my teenage years and a bit of my early twenties. Over that time, this anime became something important in my life in a way that transcended the franchise itself. I suppose the way to put it would be "butterfly effect". I've talked about this to friends for hours on end, but this show is the reason I discovered Hiroyuki Sawano, took an interest in music and the world of audio and acoustics and ultimately made my choice of education (already got a Bachelor's, currently doing Master's at the time I'm writing this).
Aside from all of that, the communities I have been a part of (Tumblr being an intergral one specifically) because of this show have led me to meet and talk to countless amazing people, be it online, in university, or elsewhere. And some of them I can even call my dearest and closest friends, not to mention relationships and the such.
Even though as a normal human being, you naturally grow older and naturally outgrow your interests over time, it is simply a fact that I would not be where I am in my life right now if it wasn't for this franchise and the people I met because of it It's astounding that I can look back on it now and see how different things would have been otherwise. If you told me a decade ago that the funny giant naked man anime would lead me to flying to different continents to get drunk with online friends and finally see them IRL, I would not have believed you.
Anyway, this is about it from me. I've posted different versions of this in different places that I feel like are related, and I feel like this blog, even though it's something I've moved on from, is still something that deserves a mention in this crazy butterfly effect story that is Attack on Titan and its influence on my life. Thanks for the read, if you did!
Have a good one.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
The ask wasn't bait I promise. It's only that some truly weird people exist online and I couldn't really make discern from your tags whether or not you're on of them?
...this sounds almost charming so okay, i'll bite. if i get in trouble, my blocking finger is nimble and well-trained.
so anon is referring to my taggies on this post when they ask,
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and the thing abt my tags is that they're a joke. i am sarcastically parroting the main argument some (many.) people have against "incest" and "incest supporters". namely: incest is gross.
you may notice the distinct lack of a specifying word. "irl incest" or "fictional incest"? to antis, there's no difference. same goes for rape, abuse, pedophilia, whatever else is there. if you read or, gasp!, write about them in any context other than "it's gross, horrible and the worst" -- or god forbid, in the context of "it's fascinating" or (!!!!) "it's hot" -- it's no different from you being okay with committing these acts in real life, or at least approving of people who commit them.
about the word "gross"... antis/fandom police/feelings yakuza have a disappointingly poor vocabulary when it comes to explaining why the things they're so vehemently opposed to are bad. i mean, if you ask them about siken's win/cests, first of all you'll get a lecture about how traumatic incestuous abuse is for its victims, and it definitely is, but it has nothing to do with two fictional brothers consensually and fictionally fucking. zero points, failing grade, come again in two weeks. second of all, they'll tell you it's gross. and disgusting. in case you didn't hear: GROSS. and DISGUSTING.
and it's not just incest. it's pedophilia, rape, abuse, harassment, racist, sexist or homophobic behaviours... even things that aren't wrong per se, but could be if only you looked at them through the lens of worst interpretation possible Also Are Gross. why would an adult want to be friends with a child? that's borderline pedophilia. gross.
they just don't have other arguments, "gross" is their first and strongest*. yuck factor, baby! if you told them they're 2mm to the left from conservatives who foam at the mouth at the mere thought of those disgusting gays and transes and their gross gender ideology that they use to groom children left and right, next thing they'll be marrying animals! teaching preschoolers about consent?! yeah, sure! they're teaching kids to masturbate! -- they'd be furious. it's not true! they're normal, not like those freaks! but it's the same mechanism. the exact fucking same mechanism, this thing is weird and unsettling and i don't understand it, gross, disgusting, wrong bad evil we must fight and eradicate it! or just tell people to kill themselves if we're terminally online twitter youth thinking that incest is commonly accepted as a kink (=already an oxymoron, as kink is not commonly accepted).
*maybe aside from "but if young and impressionable children see this, they'll think it's okay!" which. if the young and impressionable children have porny fanfiction as their one and only source of knowledge about the world... i'd say encountering said porn is the least of their problems.
and in case it wasn't clear -- fictional weird porn is not harming anyone. harassing people who ~get off~ to said weird porn and telling them to kill themselves is.
so am i one of those Truly Weird People Existing Online? idk, anon, that's for you to decide. as for me, it's almost 5am and i'm replying to this ask in good faith instead of writing my rps porn fanfic. might as well just stay up the night now. 😔
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sylkys0f7 · 2 years
✨Welcome to my OC MasterDump✨
Meowdy! This here post is gonna be used to make a funny littl masterlist of oc information, and I'll probably be adding to it as time goes on! I'll likely include some images + a burb or some lore abt each ch mentioned :)
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Syl~! This one's my fursona, hes got pretty loose lore considering he's basically how I see myself! He's weird, introverted, and a funny spicey artist online like meself. He's loosely from somewhere in outer space, but lives on earth in a fairly rural community with his partner Lio, where he likes to enjoy foraging and fishing. hes got interests in botany, and self-sufficiency, and is very independent. Hes got a couple of different forms and aus, including the one in which hes a vampire maid to a lord in a castle, one where hes a medieval wizard in an apothecary, and one where hes actually spacefaring and has relationships with various alien crewmates :) He's also got a rather interesting biology, in the sense that he doesn't have many bones! The slime in him is parasitic, and takes the place of muscles and organs in his body to keep him functioning. Its a mutualistic relationship, where neither really harms the other and both benefit. The largest bone has has left is his skull, and he can squeeze into almost any space his skull can fit, like an octopus! The slime can also absorb water and take in objects for storage or digestion. He can change his shape and slime's density at will, becoming huge or small, and extremely liquidy or hard as rocks. His tail is also really sharp, and can be used for defense if needed!
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Lio!! This is Syl's Partner, funny fish gorl... Shes extroverted, level-headed, and can be pretty competitive. She drives a beat-up old truck, she chops wood, and she loves to be outside and with people. she likes to swim and surf, and will frequently engage in other sports, such as baseball or volleyball. Shes can be a serial flirt and a huge tease, and will affectionately push buttons if you're close enough with her. Lio is the person you know who just exudes confidence, and knows who they are. Both lio and syl are kinda more..... slice-of-life-y, than a lot of my other ocs, and don't really have much of a story to them! but they're simply comforting to me,,,
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Morelle! This is everyone's favorite dragon from twitter, lmao. Shes soft-spoken and kindhearted, and knows shes very pretty and will use that to her advantage when needed. Defaultly, shes a fiber artist who knits and sews clothing for her small business and for herself, having a huge interest in fashion and dressing for herself. shes got her own sense of style !! She's also FAR larger than the average person in the Sylkyverse, standing at around 8ft tall, and around 4ft wide on average. She does have to be mindful of where she can go sometimes, and when this is an issue, she's known to have a few compression garments in her extensive wardrobe! Shes also got a girlfriend, Avie, who does most of her advertisement for her clothing. Morelle also is in the medieval au with syl! shes even bigger, and a lovely knight whos a merc for hire. she mostly takes payment in magic items or unusual wares for her hoard! She's a sucker for a good barrel of cider and a warm bed, and will always help out a pretty maiden...💕
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Daphne!! This one here's a gamer. a shut-in streamer, even. shes chronically online, and spends most of her time eating and getting competitive. Daphne isn't opposed to hanging out irl, but she prefers smaller get-togethers to large ones. shes down for a fun night in with a few close friends for sure! Shes also the type to write about her player characters in her games, and is a massive nerd for expanding the lore given to her to suit her own ideas of what would be fun. She'd make a great dungeon master!
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And My newest ch !!! Nymh!! They are an angel in disguise, but is more morally grey than anything. they're in disguise on earth to study what motivates mortal creatures, and has done this for hundreds of years under a lot of different guises. They currently pose as an office worker (In the same design firm as Avie) to get in on the office gossip and experience community in the present workforce. They're besties with Avie, and they often have lunch together. They also have a tendency to fight other angels and demons outside of the office to get the energy out, and enjoy a challenge. They don't even mind losing, and in fact find it thrilling to be bested. They are very vain and can be extremely condescending to others if they do not like them, and can be nasty if you get in their way or seek to impede their studies. they're skilled in a lot of magic and arts, and excel at what they do. They are somewhat insect-like, and have morally grey tendencies and ideals. coworkers would describe them as odd, but a very good worker whos nice enough.
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Avie is a stone cold buisnesswoman, who has little time for nonsense and is almost soully dedicated to her work, her soft spot is for Morelle. She's very much "My hands look like this so hers can look like this". Her relationship with Nymh is fairly close, as they have similar motivations and dedications to work. They gossip with eachother frequently. Avie also enjoys a drink when shes got the time. She is very loving and protective, and doesn't take very well to strangers most of the time. She can be grumpy and intimidating, but is thoughtful in her own way and has a great memory. she shows love with gift-giving, and really the surefire way to know she likes you is to get a gift from her. shes not the best about expressing herself through words.
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Dio is a former angel, and ascribes to speaking with mortals to simply enjoy being around people again, as they find the afterlife and angel work to be stuffy and boring. Unlike Nymh, Dio was alive once upon a time. They don't often disguise themself, and freely walk around with others. they enjoy music shows and anywhere where theres a nightlife. They enjoy sensual pleasures, and have a tendency to overindulge in the finer things. They also enjoy hanging around ghosts and keeping them company, somewhat ironically doing they angel work in their own way to give company to those who haven't passed yet.
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Eilidh !! Another seamstress, eilidh specializes in making compression garments! Her and Morelle make things together frequently, and share patterns and trade fabrics. Eilidh can be more hot-headed and quick to succumb to stress, they come off as a littl high-strung. They're excitable and sweet otherwise, and smile a lot. they also exist in medieval au, as a cleric who routinely travels with Morelle! they provide great support and pack a whallop themselves, and kinda follow morelle around because of the sheer power she packs. (and.... well... who wouldn't want to follow around a gorgeous dragon like her??) Eilidh seeks to catalogue all of the creatures and they creative ways they use magic in the realm to inspire them and focus that inspiration into their own spells!
That's all for now ig!! I have more but I need to finish refs for them </3 This will be updated with more characters at a later date!! Ty for reading !!
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dearlyjun · 9 months
Omg I almost hit unfollow instead of talk I WAS LIKE NOOOO!!
Ooooo thats so nice!! Being a Multistan is great until you become broke! My first kpop group was Exo I remember Watching Monster and looking at Baekyun and being like who is this man and why is he so pretty!! Ngl I hid the fact that I was into kpop when I was in High school because it is so much more accepted now than back in like 2016! I remember one time in my AP Econ class I was sitting down and my school played a minute of a song before the bell rang and they played TT by twice and this guy behind me says "just like tt" AND I TURNED SO FAST!! I was like this isnt happening! we were both so shocked to find out the other was into kpop.
I am ENFJ from my last test result I took one last year!
I SAW A TT today and it was people making fun of californians because were all freezing our asses off rn! I really need to buy warmer clothing. I say this but I slept in shorts and a t shirt with the fan on last night....I KNOWW. I dont think I would enjoy driving in the snow that much. I feel like I would be stressed 24/7.
Japan is soooo nicee ive always wanted to visit!!
I saw your post about online schooling and let me tell you Ive always hated it. It feels so weird and you cant meet anyone and its lonely!!
ang please I love talking whether that’s to other people or just to myself so please I don’t mind!! 😭 (also hope if it’s okay if I call you a million variations of your name / nicknames because I do that lol)
ah I have actually known about seventeen since their debut in 2015 but I didn’t become a carat until 2022. weird shit. and I liked bts a teensy bit in 2019 when mots: persona came out but again….stopped listening. then the kpop stan came full force in april 2022. maybe it’s a good thing I wasn’t a kpop stan back in the day bc the pain of not seeing concerts sucks real bad. I actually don’t have any kpop stan besties irl, I’ve just converted my sister 🤠 she likes most of the same groups as me, just not the girl groups. (well she’s a casual newjeans listener)
I don’t even know what the weather is like in cali lol but I guess your cold is different from my cold. it’s like 35° here and I just went to the gym in a hoodie and a winter vest. we’re actually about to get some snow I think….grrrr😠 and yeh driving in it sucks. I’ve driven in snow storms so bad that you have to like sit up and drive in silence the whole way because you have to lock in.
since im going into the automotive industry, my mom has big hopes for me to work in Japan someday. even if its just temporary like a year or so. Im hoping after I graduate college i can travel there for fun and “plant the seeds.” BUT!! I have to learn some of the language first. im too sporadic with it and really need to buckle down.
yeah…..im a lonely girly lately. it’s really getting to me. I’m in my second to last semester of school and doing everything all online is just so very sad. I yearn for friendships.
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sillydollysstuff · 10 months
You know what’s fuckin crazy???
CW: Angry Rant/Vent | TW: Mention of hypersexuality, SA, mental health stuff (lmk if I should add anything else)
DNI if: Anti recovery, anti self diagnosed, “minor dni” blogs, basically just people who have an issue with what I’m saying.
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It’s crazy how a teenagers or even childrens mental health matters until they’re hypersexual. Or until you find out that they cope in “weird” ways. I saw this this one TikTok saying that was basically like;
[Insert random comment here that was basically ‘I do this “weird/disturbing” thing to cope or, ‘i watch this “weird/disturbing” thing to cope] And the person is like “That’s creepy/weird/disturbing I watched it and cried multiple times and threw up.”
Like yknow those comments on the “Watch me clean my room after a depressive episode” or wtv that are like “ew.. i could never” and shit. IT PISSES ME OFF SO BAAAAD.
Don’t get me started on the mfs who criticize SA victims who are still minors for being hypersexual.. Like I have this friend who copes by writing and drawing sexual related shit, I do the same and I also make hella sexual jokes and one of my core styles/aesthetics is erokawaii. That’s how WE cope and everyone copes differently.
But it’s annoying when I get comments both irl and online that are calling me a whore or saying that I’m doing it to get more attention from creeps, like NO???? I’m doin this shit for me and to cope mind your damn business!!!! AREGH I HATE PEOPLE SM.
Just a heads up, this blog is safe for all hypersexual minors like me, people with “weird/disturbing” coping skills, or anyone who feels as if that the way they deal with their trauma is invalid. You’re all Valid and i adore you and I’m proud of you for trying! <3
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lunathewafflelord · 2 years
Decided to go onto JumpStart and look at the old stories I had posted there back in 2014 and share them here
Shame that nothing new has been added to the stories and photos and jokes and questions page in a loooooong time, I hope someday they update that again since it was so much fun seeing what people made and it’d be great if the game got popular again
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I love how I just gave up on rhyming in the end and just said “I woke up back home. The end”
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(censored out my cousin’s name for privacy reasons) “Magic” was the name I gave my character when talking about her online since I didn’t want to call her my irl name online. Her name was my real life name but her name is now Iris. And yes, I am still working on this story concept but the characters have new names and designs. It was initially sort of a Toontown fanfiction but later became its own thing. 
Their names now:
Pixie Dust- Pixie Brooks, Big Books - Brianna Brooks, Crystal EyeJewel - Christine Gem, Fire Gem - Fiona Gem. Character with my cousin’s real name isn’t a character anymore and she was literally just my cousin but with magic powers, same with Magic who was just me with rainbow powers. Marissa’s name is likely Marissa Brooks now since she was Big Books’ cousin, but I haven’t written her into the current canon yet
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For some reason for a while when new stories were added the endings got cut off, so this and several other stories I and other have made had the ending cut off and since this was almost ten years ago now I don’t remember what the intended ending was I don’t think we’ll ever know what the full story was, rip. I’m surprised the staff never tried to fix this, since MANY stories had gotten cut off. Also, “there” instead of “their” XP 
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“she a” SHE A WHAT I WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING. I’m going to assume those 3 girls were in game friends of mine or maybe they were names I made up for the game, I don’t know.
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another cut off ending, which is a shame since I remember really liking this one when I made it. Going to assume the last sentence was supposed to end with “the baby was going to be a girl” but I don’t know.
This was a side profile of mine where my character was a boy and his name was Blake Feather to match my main character Alexandra PinkFeather (my name prior to becoming Maddy SilverDreamer) but I changed his name to Steve SilverDiamond after the dreaded character design update since I wanted to turn him into Steve from Minecraft and I changed Maddy to Alex SilverDiamond and I tried giving them white eyes to be like Herobrine to rebel against the change. Several years later and those ugly and poorly optimized character models are still being used, but the game is pretty fun. Shame not many people play anymore, my favorite part was chatting and exploring with my friends.
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I was REALLY proud of this one when I made it!!! Btw, Vanessa Bear was my cousin’s character. If only we had more text space when submitting stories, there were more details I had wanted to add but I ran out of room.
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What??? Did the ending get cut off since last time I read this one? The ending was different and I KNOW the ending was there since I had read it multiple times, it was something about the two sisters becoming famous in their town and being called the Magic Gems and when people saw them they’d say “There goes the Magic Gems”. Maybe I’m mixing it up with one of the other stories I wrote that all had very similar plots.
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Was the same story posted twice somehow but the endings changed? The people approving stories must have accidentally posted it twice with alterations to the ending. I know the staff sometimes altered parts of posted stories, like some lines were different in the golden flower story than how I originally wrote it. Weird.
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So I’m aware of the fact that it’s dickish to talk about why you DON’T like something under its own tag but I don’t really know how to say anything WITHOUT tagging so just as a fair warning here I’m gonna be talkin about my personal opinions on the HS Epilogues/HS2 under the cut and they’re like. Not entirely positive??
I have nothing against you if you enjoyed them, just wanna get that out of the way!! I think it’s great that you found somethin that makes you happy personally!! I’m not expecting anyone to renounce their love for some silly little comic because I personally don’t like it. Do whatever you want forever and all that!!
I also know this is a dead topic like advanced decay topic but I’m bored and I’m not sleepy and I wanna ramble. This isn’t coherent.
Ok I’m just gonna stop now.
Hi!! You’re still here!! Nice, lovely, glad to have you, etc. etc.
So here’s the thing,
I’ve seen many people say this and, if I’m remembering correctly, I’ve been told a couple times as well that like, the Epilogues and the like aren’t serious, y’know??
Like, they’re not supposed to be taken seriously. It’s advanced stages of irony only 1% of viewers can solve this riddle type stuff.
Therefore, there’s a very good chance that I sorta just. Don’t get it??
Or it’s just a different type of humor then what I personally enjoy, which, again, is perfectly fine!!
Thinking about it though, I think what makes it, like, uncomfortable to a lot of people is the fact that it’s, like.
It’s not the irony that Homestuck proper was built off of, y’know??
Again, could be reading it wrong, but to me Homestuck very much has parody elements, but it’s also very affectionate about it.
It’s like, “Hey, you don’t know your online friends irl, wouldn’t it be fuckin bonkers if they were aliens or from an apocalyptic future cuz that’s technically possible” and that’s a parody type thing, y’know??
But it’s also very clear that the friendships displayed are very genuine. Like, they literally carry the bulk of all relationships in the comic.
And it’s like, yea, when you think about it this concept in online culture is really goofy, but it’s still important!!
And that’s a pretty obvious example, but there are a lot of other parody elements in Homestuck like that.
And maybe I’m a pansy but, like. That was nice, y’know??
And I feel like the Epilogues and such were also trying to go for something like that.
Like, I don’t blame people who see any of the contents and think it’s serious, because it DOES get into some seriously heavy shit, but looking at some stuff for a while makes it, like, glaringly obvious that it was a big joke about fanfiction.
I mean the intro page is literally a mock up of the AO3 tagging system like I don’t blame people for not looking into things but it was right there, y’know??
And I mean, cool!! As someone who enjoys and writes fanfiction, I can confirm that it’s really dumb when you think about it!! It’s weird and silly and sometimes you find yourself asking “Dude why the FUCK am I doing this?!”
But unlike Homestuck proper, I feel like they sorta just. End it at that.
From the way I see it, the joke sorta ends at “Hey guys, isn’t fanfiction weird?”
But they sorta just. Kept doing that. And it was just every single punchline.
And to me that fell kinda flat, y’know??
It also just sorta feels mean after a while cuz it’s literally just “Fanfiction is weird” and no further elaboration.
I mean we KNOW, y’know??
It also almost feels a little self deprecating considering that after a while Hussie wasn’t really working on the Epilogues all that much which essentially meant the writing was technically done BY fanfiction authors.
Poking fun at yourself and your weird hobbies can be fun!! It can elicit some good laughs, especially if your audience is people with similar experiences to you!!
I feel like it’s something that has to be done in moderation, though.
And I see what the Epilogues and the like were going for, and I’m not one to say that anyone’s sense of humor is inherently wrong because comedy is subjective.
But as stated, in moderation.
To me it kinda just got old really fast and there wasn’t really any other joke besides that one.
So while I certainly understand that having disturbing and uncomfortable topics isn’t what automatically makes something bad to some people, I DO think that overuse of a punchline is a very common and very valid reason to not enjoy something.
And again, I’m not mad at you or anything if you DO like the Epilogues/HS2 or if you DO find them funny.
I just, like. Don’t.
And I feel like a lot of other people just sorta don’t find them funny and that’s their main gripe with them.
But then they don’t REALIZE that they don’t find them funny and so they scramble to find another way to explain why they don’t enjoy them and while that’s perfectly understandable it leads to an environment where complete dickheads can squeeze their way in and be complete dickheads to creators to the point where it’s NOT being a dickhead and it’s just straight up harassment and that’s how HS2 got to the situation it’s in today and that is NOT FUN!!
But yea no in conclusion I don’t find the Epilogues/HS2 funny, I find it very likely that most other people who don’t enjoy them just don’t find it funny, I’m not mad or trying to change your mind if you DO find them funny because comedy is subjective, just don’t be a fucking dickhead and that’s not even targeted at anyone just don’t be a dickhead.
Anyways I gotta go tuck Ruby Longstocking in it’s past their bedtime and we’re going to the water park tomorrow for a family fun day.
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kappatater · 2 years
A Ramble About Why I Draw, I Guess?
Thinking about my art this year, and something's kinda adding up, so I'm gonna ramble a bit. It's a jumbled mess, but I think it'll make more sense near the end?
This could be boring and long-winded, so let's draw a nice li'l bunny throughout, m'kay? :)
My social capabilities are stunted, mostly due to trying to develop a personality based on entertaining people, with no regard to my self, at a very early age. Think "a poor attempt at becoming a comic relief character IRL". At some point, I became more self-aware, realized I was unfunny and VERY unhappy, and the people-pleasing part sorta traded places with retreat/silence. These days I fall back more on politeness than anything, but the way I talk, if I'm not spouting trivia or a joke, is fairly messy and sparse.
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Despite how much I type these days, and despite my weird vernacular due to literally growing up reading a dictionary, I don't consider myself a writer. I've definitely learned how to be more succinct with writing (admittedly this could stem from using Twitter, what with its typing limits), but any form of creative writing that isn't a form of poetry with structure/pattern will falter from me. Definitely more an arithmetic guy. A puzzle guy. A nerd.
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I started drawing because it was and still is the most vivid way I can get my thoughts out. I had a LOT of thoughts, so I drew constantly. For the longest time, almost all I'd draw was original stuff, I didn't get into fan art much until... high school? Even then, when I became more driven to make characters... as characters, I'd pretty much just have a doodle or two and my thoughts.
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I never really thought about sharing my stuff back then, mostly cuz I was too thin-skinned to take light-hearted thoughts about the things I made then, but also because... I think I was satisfied with them being just drawings? I actually dunno. I did try to go to school for animation, but due to a MYRIAD of reasons, both personal and not personal, I had to stop. Still satisfied with creation for the sake of creation; I exist, so I just create. That's the bread and butter of my life! Hits different now than then, though.
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When I learned how to draw and post online, the amount of fan art I did skyrocketed. I'm unsure if it's because of change in subject desire, desperation, or just reading the zeitgeist. Prolly all three.
Recently, I've been delving into these OCs that sorta came outta nowhere. Ada, Eclair, some others that I have yet to introduce here that I hope y'all'll like. Actually got to make friends thanks to my characters.
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I think I've gotten to the meat of this ramble: The fan art I've made is sorta like trying to tell people about games I think about or can talk about, stuff like that. I've made characters that I now actively have to expand upon and convey that to pretty much talk about them. I'm making art to holster my socialness (I don't care if that's not in the dictionary). And due to that stunted socialness being the roots of that, rather than vice versa, the art slows if I find it hard to talk about. I don't think it's a BAD thing, per se, but it's definitely notable. My attempts at getting better at socializing fall and rise, but more often they rise.
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This year, I've been trying to get back into drawing in sketchbooks, mostly doodling and planning. Trying to loosen up a bit. But also, I've been trying to create things without telling people about them. No advertisement. This feels like the purest form of self-expression for me; to create for absolutely no one but myself. Who knows when people will learn about these hidden things? Maybe when I'm done with them, maybe on my deathbed.
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I have my social characters and my personal characters. And I do a lot of doodles between all of that. I've done a lot, I do a lot.
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now dats a bnuuy
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