#ive gotten harassed for less
up-in-flames-writing · 11 months
I wasn't sure if I wanted to make this post, but it feels nowadays like no matter what I say, people will find something wrong with it. I can't say anything about transmasculinity without someone with 'TERFs dni' in their bio foaming at the mouth about it.
Cause it ain't just the radfems & the TERFs, half of the damn queer community is like this as well.
And my main point here is that I fucking despise being a transmasc writer. People fucking despise transmasc creators in general!
I remember watching a cishet 'feminist' reviewing a book by a transman, & acting like he was just a stupid little girl who didn't understand feminism, cause he wrote a book about how men are mistreated, & he wrote it as a transman! & I'm sorry that not all of us can be as damn articulate as your feminism priestesses of the 1900s, but even if we were you'd still find a fucking fault in it!
Cause I love writing stories were a girl becomes a warrior & finds out he's actually a man, & he's better this way than he ever was before, & I was once that little girl who was signed up for martial arts classes & got so much euphoria from beating up all the little boys, but I was already a little boy at that time, I just didn't know it!
Oh, but that's not feminist. It ain't 'female empowerment'. Seeing Mulan as trans in your headcanon isn't feminism, & writing about little girls becoming strong men is misogynist, even if that little girl was never a little girl to begin with!
And I'm just so fucking tired, y'all. One type of 'feminist' hates me for being trans, & the other for being a man, & no matter what I do I just get harassed over & over.
& I'll probably bring this curse over to this blog now. Until now, people have been sending harassment to my dead main blog. Well, they won't be able to do that soon. It'll be this blog, or my kinda dead RP blog.
& when I say I'm terrified, I mean it. Cause I was a terrified little girl growing up, bullied for being autistic & weird & queer & faggy & masculine. & now I'm terrified once again, cause I keep being harassed for being autistic, weird, queer, faggy, masculine, & for refusing to shut up about it. & I want this blog to stay a safe place.
But this is my writing blog. I am a writer. I write stories where little girls become strong men, & I wish someone would call that 'trans empowerment'. & what's empowering in staying hidden?
This is my writing blog, & I deserve to speak up against the bullshit I have to face as a transman & a writer. & the truth is: people fucking despise transmasc writers.
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captain-lonagan · 2 years
#ive made the mistake of thinking about the public reaction to buildmart once again#and the amount of bullshit noxcrew and scott go through for the fuckin existence of that game#like yeah there will always be people who dont enjoy it. there is no thing on this earth that everyone loves#but the environment around that game would get a Lot less toxic if Some Streamers would stop shouting to the heavens#and to their thousands of viewers about how its a garbage game and should be removed.#when you have that many viewers your own behavior does set a precedent for what is and isnt okay in the fandom.#its why saying 'i dont condone harassing' is useless if you single out antis and put them in a thousand-person spotlight#and i can think of two times off the top of my head that Certain Streamers have gotten their coworkers sent death threats#because of calling them cheaters or whatever while live#'you cant blame them for the fanbase' but i can blame them for encouraging that behavior with their actions#there will always be toxic people in fandoms and there is almost always some low level toxicity spread throughout#but there are ways as a cc you can mitigate that toxicity Or make it worse based on your own conduct#and Some Streamers consistently choose to make things worse#and they're either too incompetent to realize it or they know damn well they're doing it and just don't care (but will never admit it)#critical#cc critical#negative#discourse#and its wild because they do That as professionals but they're all lovely people off camera so its like.#youre clearly not a total piece of shit or everyone in the servers youre in would hate your guts#in their personal lives and to their Friends theyre lovely but as adult professionals with large audiences jesus christ#and because people in the audience know theyre cool theyre more likely to vouch for and defend their Not Good behavior and its uuuuugh
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whatitsdecending · 8 months
Chokehold: Pt. IV
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Things have already become a little messy as you spend more time in the UK. Lies being made and overwhelming thoughts are occupying your mind, despite the need for that to not even exist.
A/N: I did not realize how quickly two weeks just flew by since I last updated… so here’s a longer part with some drama for all of you<3
Word Count: 6.3k
Content warning: instances of extreme anxiety and overthinking, distressing situations, sexual tendencies, harassment, violence
“Hey pretty girl, I’ve been waiting for you to call.” Hearing his voice on the other end nearly blindsided you. Although you were the one to initiate the call, him actually picking up is what had you nervous.
“Hey Noah.” You responded, running your hand under the water coming from the faucet to check the temperature. You heard the sound of him shuffling around, presumably in his bed due to what time it’d currently be in LA.
“Are you taking a bath right now?” He asked, you could hear the tone of his voice perk up. You roll your eyes, typical Noah. “What are you getting ready for?”
You sink into the warm water and sighed when it hit your sore cunt, knowing you’re going to be feeling all of that for the rest of the day and into tomorrow. “Nothing, I just needed to take a bath. So what’s up with the sudden urge to talk to me?” His chuckle echoed through your phone speakers and bounced around the bathroom walls, not even giving you a chance before you find yourself smiling at it.
“I miss you that’s why.” He eventually says. “How did that technology detox go? Feeling less whacked out on it?” You snorted as you remembered the excuse you told Noah yesterday after the plane landed, technology detox… how convincing.
“Yeah… feeling like I should read more now and empower my brain with that rather than a screen.” You cupped water in your hands and splashed it onto your shoulders, not wanting to fully sink into the tub because you know you’d never get out.
“Don’t you read enough already?” Noah’s serious tone wrapped around you like a glove. One of the many things that irked you a bit about him was how much he enjoyed poking fun at your hobby for reading. He’d never been the one to just sit down with one of the books you recommended and actually see why you liked it so much. “I think you need to get out of your apartment more. Maybe come spend some time out in LA with me?”
There it was.
You squeezed your eyes shut. He was so quick to say it too, he couldn’t at least ask how you’ve been first? You didn’t know how to respond and once again found yourself fumbling to put a sentence together. Your best choice would be to tell him the truth, every single piece of it too. But yet something nagged at you from the back of your mind, does he really deserve the truth?
“You’re a little late for that Noah.” You responded, taking the folded cloth on the edge of the tub and adding body wash to it and began to gently clean yourself.
“Of course I am, let me guess you’re away at your parents house?” Well, if you insist. The smile that tugged at your lips was devilish, knowing that this will become much easier without him having a clue.
“I am. I spent my technology detox catching up with them.” You hoped you were sounding convincing enough for Noah. He’s gotten pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to him, so you grit your teeth as you await his response.
A chuckle from the line filled the silence. “That’s good to hear, Y/N. I know you were missing them. Chicago is still looking nice this time of year?”
You laughed at his attempts to make such casual conversation with you, any kind of conversing the two of you did ended with him fucking you senseless. “It’s nice, a little cold. It’s snowing here too.” You looked out the window that was tucked away a bit in the bathroom, giving some form of privacy despite the fact that Vessel had no neighbors. The snow had stopped falling sometime ago but the white dust that covered every piece of nature outside was relaxing to stare at, especially now that Noah had brought up being home.
Home. You mentally punched yourself in the gut over the fact that you just hopped on a plane to go all the way to London to stay with a man you’d only seen in person once, but constantly forgot to make trips back home to see your parents. You didn't even tell them you were coming here… That’s going to have to be another phone call you make today.
“I’m sure the snow is nice right now.” Noah snickered a little over the line until you heard another voice that sounded like Jolly calling for him. “Ahh duty calls, I must help Jolly move some shit around.”
“Tell him I said hi please!” You say enthusiastically.
“I will, but I better go before he comes in here and drags me out of my bed. Talk later?” The hope in his voice at the end is what made you want to sink into the water and never return.
“Of course Noah. Now go help Jolly out before he kills you.” You laughed a bit at the end as you could hear the door opening to Noah’s room, Jolly’s voice ringing out as he grew impatient. There was a little bit of a scuffle and some mumbled arguing then the call ended. You stared at your phone that rested on the ledge next to the tub now that it's gone silent, leaving the distant sounds of Vessel cooking in the kitchen to bring you back to reality.
You rested your head back against the tub and took a deep breath. For some reason you could not shake the anxiety that racked your body after the call with Noah, it came out of nowhere and made your chest feel tight. You took long and deep breaths, knowing this method usually helped when it came to your anxiety. But this time it made you feel worse.
The thoughts you tried to hold back hit you all at once. What the hell are you doing here? Why did you say yes? You have feelings for Vessel, but were they really enough for you to come all the way here? And if Noah had asked you before he did, would this be a completely different situation? Most certainly it’d be very different, but you didn’t even want to think about that.
You stared blankly at the water that has gone from warm to a cooler temperature and left your fingers pruned. Your foot moved through the water and you watched how swiftly it moved through the liquid, it was easy. If only your life could be like that, an ease to move through. But at this point it feels like you're moving through setting concrete.
And what if Vessel only wanted you here because he was bored and wanted something to do until he went back on tour? What if all those small things he did for you was just a facade? The second he leaves for tour is the second he stops caring about you, the second that all this gets thrown away and you’re left struggling once again to find the type of affection he gave you. He could so easily walk out of your life like so many have done before, what could possibly make him any different?
Hands gripped your arms tightly, pulling you out from the trance you’d put yourself in. Your eyes burned underneath the water when you opened them and your lungs screamed at you for air. Your body was pulled up from the position it had sunk into, allowing for you to take a deep breath and wipe the water from your eyes. Vessel was yelling but it sounded muffled to you, his eyes were wide with fear as you watched his mouth to try to figure out what he was saying.
“…Y/N please just focus on me.” You perked up once your ears had unclogged themselves and his voice was finally audible. “Jesus Christ you gave me a fucking heart attack.” His hand gripped tightly on your forearm, seemingly holding you up from slipping back under.
“What happened?” You asked. The confusion you felt from how you even ended up like that in the first place was all that came to mind as you tried piecing everything together.
Vessel sighed and pushed your hair behind your ear. “I don’t know. I came up here to tell you dinner was ready, when you didn’t answer I got a bad feeling and walked in on you just under the water and not moving.” He sounded terrified and looked like it too, he had tears threatening to break from his eyes as he spoke. “Why? Why would you try to do this to yourself?”
“I-’’ You didn’t know how to answer that. “I didn't intend for that to happen.” The look on his face broke your heart. He looked like he was so afraid to lose you, and in that moment you hated yourself for all that had run through your mind just moments before. His eyes searched yours for more than what you were giving him, he eventually gave up and sighed, pulling you to him and kissing your forehead.
“We can talk about that whenever you're ready.” He says quietly, holding you as tightly as he could. “Let’s get you out before you start turning blue again.” He lightheartedly said, standing up with his hands still wrapped around your arms which brings you to stand with him. He guided you to step out of the tub and onto the mat on the floor, taking the towel that was set aside for you and wrapping it around your body. He had you sit down on the toilet so he could towel dry your hair, his torso was pushed against your back as he carefully ran the towel through the strands.
“I can do this myself, Ves.” You say as he searched for a comb.
“You’re a delicacy at the moment. Anyways, I don’t mind it one bit.” He rummaged through the drawers and cabinets, looking for where you put your comb.
“Middle drawer on the left, it’s purple.” He happily pulled the drawer open and grabbed the comb, admiring the shade of purple that it was. He came back to you and gently ran it through your hair, being careful not to tug too hard when it came to any knots that formed. He focused until each strand was pristine and knot free, placing a kiss on the back of your head as a way to appreciate his work.
“What drawer do you keep your pajamas in?” He asked as he went towards the bedroom.
“Oh Ves please, you do not need to do any more for me.” You stood to protest him, following him out of the bathroom and into the room. “I promise you I will not break in half if you don’t help me with everything. You’ve done a lot already.” Your hand wrapped around his arm, squeezing it gently to reassure him. His eyes focused on your fingers that rested on his skin. He took a deep shaky breath, then stepped away from the drawers to let you find your pajamas.
You found your favorite t-shirt to sleep in; a very large gray shirt with a dinosaur couple on it sharing a spaghetti noodle like in Lady and The Tramp. You threw the towel that was wrapped around you onto the floor, pulling the shirt over your head and searching for a pair of boxers you loved to wear.
Picking up the towel to put it back to hang up in the bathroom, you could feel him watching your every movement. As you walked back into the room his eyes were stuck on you and not leaving anytime soon. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed against his chest as he watched.
“So what did you make for dinner?” You asked, ignoring the fact that he would not take his eyes off of you.
He stood up straight and cleared his throat, eyes finally moving elsewhere. “I made potato soup. I thought the weather today made it a perfect soup for dinner kind of day.”
A smile tugged at your lips. “Little do you know… I love potato soup.” His eyes lit up so bright when you said that, almost like a kid who just walked into a candy store. “But will yours be as good as my mom’s?”
“Guess we’ll have to find out.” Vessel motioned you to leave the room first, quickly following behind you. The aromas coming from the kitchen were enough to make your stomach grumble loudly. Perhaps not eating all day wasn’t the smartest idea, but that just meant you could savor this dinner as much as you wanted to.
You stepped into the kitchen and let out a gasp at the sight in front of you; Vessel had gone out of his way to make the little table in the corner look like you were about to dine in a fancy restaurant. He covered the wooden table with a white cloth, pulled out some china that looked like it’d never been used before. There was a bottle of wine on the table waiting to be poured into the glasses nearby. You glanced down at what you were wearing and felt a tad embarrassed, maybe that’s why he wanted to choose your pajamas…
“You like it?” He asks.
“I love it,” you respond, walking to one of the chairs to take a seat. Before you could even reach for the back of it, Vessel had pulled it out for you and waited for you to sit before pushing it back to the table. “Did you really do all of this for me?”
He smiled as he walked away to grab the pot of soup. “Maybe.” He filled a bowl for you and then for himself, settling down across from you with an expectant expression on his face. “Aren’t you going to try it?”
“I was waiting for you before I started, I never eat until whoever is in my company is ready to.” You say taking the spoon and picking up the thick liquid, taking a quick whiff of it before putting it in your mouth. His eyes were on you again as you let your tastebuds decide whether it was better than mom’s or not. “Hmm.”
Vessel raised a brow as you teased. “Did I beat your mum’s recipe or not?”
“Woah, slow down there pretty boy. Give me some time to decide.” You chuckled while taking another scoop of the soup to your mouth and tasting it again. It felt like you were a food critic and Vessel was the chef whose reputation depended on your word, you honestly found it adorable. “I’ll give it a 9.5/10.” His face lit up as he smiled wide, finally digging into the food himself.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you ate. The slight tension that was between the two of you after the bathtub incident had gone away, at least you felt like it wouldn’t exactly be the main topic of conversation at the dinner table. But, you remained silent anyways, not wanting the word bath to come out of his mouth.
Two days have passed since then, no word about it has been spoken between you guys. Vessel seemed to not want to start that conversation and just leave it to you to bring it up whenever you're ready, if you’d ever be ready.
You spent a lot of time cooped up in his house, sitting in silence with a book in hand and enjoying each other's company. It was really nice. A refreshing feeling in your life compared to every other failed attempt at something you would even consider a “relationship”.
He’d cook for you and you’d watch, putting random songs on that made him laugh each time he’d turn around and notice you dancing around. You’d stand behind him and place your hands on his hips, moving them around to try and get him to dance along as he laughed even harder at your attempt.
That was one of the things you were really starting to like about him; his laugh. The way his nose scrunched up and how tight his eyes would close as he let out the most genuine, hearty laugh you’ve ever heard. The times where he’d just make absolutely no noise and stand there bent over with his hands on his knees after you did something stupid were your favorite.
It was something you knew you couldn’t deny for longer, how you felt for Vessel. It was becoming so obvious to yourself now and more than likely he picked up on it too, certainly he had feelings for you as well and he was not afraid to show you that he did. But there was that part of you that was slightly afraid to admit it and show him the same.
Your eyes flickered from the words on the pages in front of you when Vessel’s phone lit up on the table beside him, a sigh coming from him as it disrupted the focus he had on the book he read. You went back to yours, realizing that you’ve completely lost where you even remembered reading last.
You rested your head back against the couch and put the book in your lap, looking over at Vessel as he smirked at his phone while typing away. You watched curiously as he paused, seemingly waiting for a response, then quickly typing again. He glanced at you while you watched and a smile now sat on his face. “How do you feel about clubbing?”
You perked up in interest. “Did it a bit when I was younger, why?”
“Just got a text from III asking if we’d want to join him and the others at a club tonight.” He sat back on his side of the couch, mimicking how you were currently sitting. “He kinda wants to meet you. As does II and IV…”
“They know about me?” You ask in surprise.
He rolled his eyes. “Well duh, Y/N. They’re my closest friends, of course they know about the beautiful American girl staying in my house.” He ended his sentence with a wink that made you blush.
“As long as I get to meet your friends and spend time with you, I think clubbing sounds like fun.” You smiled and then laughed as the thought hit you. “And maybe I’ll be able to get your ass to dance with me.”
“I’m always in the middle of making food when you try, would you rather I let it burn so I could dance with you?” Vessel is quick to sass you as he stands up and stretches. “I’ll call an Uber at 9, does that give you enough time to get ready?”
You glanced at your phone to check the time, it was only 7 o’clock. “That gives me plenty.” You hopped up from your spot on the couch, walking past Vessel and giving him a kiss on the cheek that flushed immediately after your touch.
As you headed back to the room to get ready, you couldn’t remember if you packed any clothes you’d consider clubbing attire. When you used to go all the time as a teen with all your friends, you’d pick the sluttiest thing in your closet, which would always help you get into the club despite the bouncer’s suspicion on your fake ID.
You rummaged through the closet, looking for your dresses you knew you’d packed. And nothing. Absolutely nothing. Instead of giving up hope on your past self for packing everything, you go to the dresser drawer where you had put away the skirts you took with you.
The gasp that escaped you when you realized you had packed the one skirt you’d been dying to wear came into view; it was a black leather mini skirt that zipped up on the side. You threw it onto the bed as you ran back to the closet, searching for the perfect top to go with it. You settled for a black lace bodysuit that was long sleeved and decided putting on your platform calf boots would complete the outfit well.
You never got the chance to dress up and look nice anymore, so you decided it was best to go all out. Even if you were going to be in a dark club where the only people who would be able to see your makeup would have to be standing nose to nose with you. At least you knew Vessel might like it.
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror and started your makeup, taking a little bit of time to try and make sure you didn’t fuck up the eyeliner and your eyebrows too much. It was refreshing getting ready like this and feeling like your younger self again. It didn’t take long for your makeup to come out the way you wanted it to, a good sign that tonight was going to be a great one.
Finding your phone, you check the time; 8:45, not bad for being rusty in your makeup abilities. You grabbed a small purse you like to use occasionally and put your wallet and phone inside.
“Ves?” You called out as you spritzed your perfume on.
“Yeah?” His voice echoed back from his room.
“I’m ready whenever you are.” You left your room and entered his room, eyes growing wide once you saw what he was wearing; black skinny jeans paired with a black t-shirt and leather jacket, his black boots completing the attire. “Are we that emo or what?” Despite the chuckle that came from you, it was hard to take your eyes off of him and how fucking attractive he looked. He turned around and did a double take at you, his eyes wandering over every part of your outfit and face.
“Funny thing is, we’re all just going to be a group of emos.” He smirked as his eyes glanced at the amount of your thighs that were exposed by the skirt for the millionth time. “I’ll order an Uber now since I’m all good to go, and also let III know that we’re heading out.” Vessel stepped closer to you as he tapped away on his phone, after a minute he put it back in his pocket and noticed how close he’d accidentally got to you. His eyes lingered on yours again as he pushed your hair behind your ears, his fingers trailing along your jawline and lifting your chin a bit to examine your makeup. “You look good, really good.”
Your cheeks heated up as he kept his fingers on your chin, his thumb ran over your bottom lip with a little force. “Are you trying to smudge my lipstick?” You asked, lightly swatting his hand away.
A smirk curled at his lips. “I’m just testing it to see if it’ll stay after a makeout or two.” He grinned cheekily as you shoved at his chest making him stumble back a tad. His phone buzzed in his pocket, the notification coming from the Uber informing you that they had arrived.
You followed Vessel downstairs, letting him lead the way to the car waiting outside for the two of you. The Uber rolled down the window and double checked that she was picking up the right people, after Vessel confirmed it was right he opened the back door for you to get inside, letting you settle before shutting it behind you.
The Uber turned in her seat and looked at your outfit. “My dear you are beautiful, I love the top.” You smiled wide at her compliment and thanked her, returning the compliment on her brighter hair color.
Vessel joined you in the backseat and the driver pulled off, putting on some music for you to listen to. Vessel’s hand rested on your thigh as he stared out the window, you watched him as the passing lamp posts illuminated his face ever so often and he would tap his fingers along with the beat of the song playing on the radio. You placed your hand on top of his, pushing your fingers between his and encasing his hand with yours. The size difference was a little silly, especially since yours was on top, but it didn’t matter to you.
The drive took only thirty minutes from his house to the club that was in the middle of London. It was pretty packed already, a line was extended out the door as a bouncer slowly let people in.
“You can drop us off here,” Vessel says. “Thank you for the ride.”
“Thank you honey!” You say as you got out of the car and waved to the sweet driver. Vessel’s hand rested on your hip as he guided you to the sidewalks, his eyes scanning around for the familiar sight of his friends. The brisk air hitting your bare thighs sent shivers up your spine as you found yourself trying to look for them too, but realizing you had no idea what they looked like.
You noticed the group of three guys standing together, one waving over at the two of you and the others in a conversation with one another. Vessel’s pace quickened a bit as you grew closer to the group, watching as the tallest of them was giving Vessel a thumbs up the entire time.
“Gentlemen.” Vessel says sarcastically, earning a glare from the one who stood more eye level with you. “This is Y/N.” He motioned to you. “Y/N, this is III, II and IV, my bandmates.” The tallest out of the four of them and the one giving Ves a thumbs up was III, a bright smile on his face as he reached to shake your hand. The shortest (and probably the one who looked the most innocent) was II, he took your hand in his and kissed it after saying a hello. IV is who you stood eye level with but only because of the shoes you were wearing. Instead of taking your hand in his, he opted for pulling you in for a hug.
“I’m a hugger, sorry.” He says as he felt you tense up a bit, not expecting a hug.
You just smiled and hugged him back. “That’s alright, hugs are never a bad thing.” IV pulled away with a grin on his face and turned his attention to your outfit, he gave you the “okay” symbol with his hand and a nod of approval.
“Let’s get inside as soon as possible before you freeze.” II pointed out the fact that you were shivering, leaving Vessel to swiftly put his jacket over your shoulders and wrap his arm around you to pull you into him. “I was waiting for you to do that for her.”
“Shut up.” Vessel said as he turned to the line. It had shortened quite a bit since you’d arrived, now only a couple of people stood waiting to be let in. Thank goodness because it was really cold out and you needed a drink.
Luckily the bouncer just glanced at all of your IDs and let you inside, he clearly had enough of dealing with people for the night and at this point did not care who he let in. III had taken over leading the group through the club as he had a clear path splayed out in front of him of where he wanted to go. He stopped at a larger booth towards the middle of the club that was pushed further away from where the dance floor was in comparison to some other booths. He flung himself in and sat in the middle, letting II and IV fill in next to him. Vessel motioned for you to sit and he followed, squishing you a bit against his shoulders and IV’s.
A waiter had come over and III was shouting an order for shots over the loud music, giving him a thumbs up as he walked away. You sat back and listened as the boys caught up with each other, constantly yelling back and forth with Vessel occasionally leaning against you in order to hear II a little better.
Once the first round of shots arrived, you had become part of the conversation as it moved onto concerts, a topic you were very familiar with. You all cheered each other with your shots, then threw it back into your mouth. The liquor burned at your esophagus as you did your best not to make any faces at it. After not drinking as much as you used to, you weren’t exactly that great at hiding the fact that you hated tequila.
“Are you not one that likes tequila?” III shouts to you.
“I’m not one to do tequila shots.” You laugh at yourself, the others join you. Vessel draped his arm over your shoulders, his fingers traced delicate patterns on the fabric of your body suit. His face was close to yours, as you felt his lips grazing against your cheek.
The boys cheered on the waiter as he brought two more rounds of shots for the table. Vessel laughed at them as they downed them with ease, you on the other hand watched in jealousy. You brought two shot glasses to sit in front of you, taking one in your hand and throwing it back. The burning wasn’t as bad as the first time, but it still made you make a face.
“You’re keeping them down at least, that’s a good sign.” II shouted from across the table. “Please do not throw up. I don't want to see that.”
You shook your head. “Oh I don’t throw up anymore. Too many years of partying has turned my stomach to steel when it comes to most alcohols.”
“Most.” IV teased. You gave him a good shove as you raised the next shot to your lips, this third one going down a lot easier. “See you just needed to warm up a bit, miss party girl.”
“That’s exactly right.” You said, leaning back to rest against Vessel’s chest. He held you close with one hand that pressed gently against your stomach, you both sat and listened to the conversation the others had. It was interesting to see how they interacted in a regular setting compared to on stage, their personalities were so different but yet at the same time, you could see their stage presences shine at some points.
The first notes of the song that you always had to dance to when you were in a club began to play: S&M by Rihanna. You were a basic woman, you hear Rihanna come on you have to dance along to it. You sat back up quickly, turning to push at Vessel to get him out the booth.
“Move I need to go dance.” You say, shoving him closer to the edge.
“You like this song?” He asks with a smug look on his face, leaving the booth and putting a hand out for you to take.
“I love it, actually.” You say as you stand up. “And you’re going to dance with me.” Your grip tightened on his hand and you pulled him to the dance floor, where many people crowded around and danced to the beat of the song. Pushing your way through a bit until you found a spot you liked, letting go of Vessel’s hand so you could move around. The alcohol in your system really had you feeling yourself and the confidence boost it had given you was like no other, allowing you to move your hips around like no one was watching.
Your eyes flickered up to meet with Vessel’s, noticing they were fixated on you as you danced around. You smirked as you took one step forward and pressed your body against his, taking his hands to rest on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his face closer to yours, your nose brushing against his.
In one sudden gesture, Vessel had flipped you around and pressed his chest into your back. His one hand now resting on your lower stomach, and the other? He couldn’t help but place it around your neck. Your eyes closed at the light pressure he was applying on it, a new found butterfly fluttering around in your stomach from the sensation.
The song ended and transitioned into another one that wasn’t as fun to dance to. You pulled Vessel off the floor and back to the booth, noticing another round of shots on the table. You laughed at how pleased III looked with himself and choice of liquor.
“Are you ever going to order an actual drink?” You shout at him, noticing that II and IV had separate drinks they were sipping at.
“No! Those aren’t as fun.” He protested.
You shook your head. “Well you have fun with that, I’m going to find the restroom.” They all waved you off, except for Vessel who landed a smack on your ass as you walked away.
The restrooms weren’t too hard to find as the bright neon sign practically blinded you no matter where you stood in the club. You only went in there to check on your makeup, specifically because of Vessel choking you a bit as you danced. Your eyes teared up some and you couldn’t help but wonder if it messed up your eyeliner at all. Standing at the mirrors you checked your eyes closely, noticing nothing smudged. Perfect. Your hair got a little messed up though, but nothing that didn’t add to the intensity of your look already.
Your ears were ringing from being around the loud music and your throat felt a little scratchy, probably from the amount of yelling you’ve been doing trying to have a conversation with the group. Perhaps a club wasn’t the best choice for your first time meeting Vessel’s band… oh well you were having a great time and couldn’t really care about the practicality of it all.
Once you were satisfied with yourself, you left the bathroom and returned to the loud club. Squeezing past multiple people making out along the back wall and eyeing the small group of people doing lines, you accidentally bumped into someone while you weren’t paying attention.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” You shout to the man, hoping you didn’t spill anything he was holding. He turned around and the expression on his face went from annoyed to elated.
“Is alrigh’ darlin’.” He slurred, patting your shoulder. You gave him a smile and went to head to the booth, when you realized he would not let you move from in front of him. “Where… do ya think you’re goin’? Come dance with me…” His hand gripped your shoulder tightly as he pulled you towards the dance floor.
“No, I’m not interested. I need to get back to my friends.” You pry at his hand that was seemingly glued to you, his grip was that strong. “Man let go of me!” That only spurred him to drag your body to be pressed uncomfortably tight against him, the smell of alcohol poisoning your airways as he breathed heavily on you.
A loud smack and a sharp pain rang from your ass as his hand came down hard against it, giving it a painful squeeze afterwards. You were quick to react; shoving him away as hard as you could muster and then landing a hard blow on his face with your fist. The people around you gasped as he fell to the floor covering his nose that was bleeding profusely. Your arm raised again as you stepped over him, about to give him another for good measure, until a hand wrapped around your fist. You turn around and see that Vessel was standing behind you, his eyes burning into you.
“Good god woman.” II said as he stood by Vessel’s side, analyzing the damage you did.
III and IV came over and pulled us away. “Security is coming, we gotta bounce.” Vessel kept you close as you followed the others out the back door of the club and into the freezing night. You walked a few blocks until it was decided security wouldn’t go that far looking for you.
“What the hell happened?” Vessel was the first to speak, his voice remaining calm as he could tell you were shaken up.
“Um-” You begin, but cut yourself off as you hissed at the pain that started to radiate from your fist. “I was coming back from the restroom when I accidentally bumped into that guy. I said sorry and tried to leave but he wouldn’t let me. He had such a tight grip on my shoulder and he wanted me to dance with him. He then held me super tight against his body and smacked my ass hard, I’m probably going to have a bruise.” You glanced at your hand that had a splatter of the man’s blood on it. “So I just punched him.”
Vessel held your hand gently as he examined it, careful to not press too hard against your bruising knuckles. “You okay?” He whispered.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay once I take some pain meds.” You shrug.
“Y/N.” His voice was stern and his eyes burrowed deep into yours. “I didn’t mean like that.” It clicked in your mind, he was asking about how you were mentally. You glanced at the others that stood around, clearly worried about you as well. All you could do was shrug in response, not exactly feeling like breaking down crying in the middle of a London alley right now.
Vessel nodded and glanced at the boys over his shoulder, giving some sort of unspoken message to them. “Let’s get you back home then, yeah?”
You smiled at him. “That would be wonderful.”
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romana-after-dark · 2 months
Flightless Bird, Fat House Cat: The Wrong Way Anniversary
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The Wrong Way Universe
Title taken from a song on the playlist, Flightless Bird American Mouth by Iron and Wine.
I could never comprehend the love I got from this series.
Due to everything happening and the targeted harassment, I can't celebrate the way I want to but I couldn't pass up an opprituniety to celebrate this story.
Three POV's, Tommy, Lorenzo and Jack. I know Jack got v little play in TWW as he was just on the side in case I needed him (and I did end up needing him!) But through talking to Clem, Mary, Kate about the universe in this last year, he also has a special place in my heart and in Stolen Lullaby, aka my reworking of this story into a dark novell, he will have more of a roll. IDK if I ever mentioned it, but his faceclaim to me is Garrett Hedlund in his most yeehaw looks.
Because of everything, reblogs are disabled because I don't want attention to this blog and I'm taking a risk posting this but I want to be brave for this story. After this, I'll be gone for a bit so check out romana_rose for updates until this is over. If you enjoyed this, please leave a commnt. I need it right now.
I can never thank you guys enough for all the love you'e given the wrong way and the sequel series, Ghost of You and Going Under. This series was so important to me to explore my own trauma, family, friendship, motherhood, fatherhood, brotherhood, siblings, found family, morality, manhood, victimhood, etc.
You are all so important to me, every like, comment, reblog ive gotten i've looked at and loved.
Here we go.
Very little Joel, but I promise we'll have more for the celebration of the finale in a few months when i hope I can celebrate properly. But, seeing as Joel is the bad guy, I thought more exploration of the side characters would be interesting.
If Tommy closed his eyes, he could imagine it was her.
Things had gotten better in the raiding house for her, even if Tommy had lost a lot of her attention. Since Zach had tried to take her away, her brother she thought was dead until that night, the girl had been… less than pleased with him. It was understandable, he knew. From her perspective, Tommy had known her only family left that hadn’t abused her was a still alive and he had kept it from her… but from Tommy’s perspective he was protecting her. She had said to him to him, the day thought fought, that the only person that can protect her from Joel, is Joel, and she was right. He couldn’t protect her if she left again. Last time she tried, strong thing she was, she was burned and humiliated.
Thing were better for her now.
Refusing to escape with Zach, which confused Lorenzo to no end, had made Joel trust her more, and now she had more freedom. She’d started cooking, which she seemed to like, and Joel had taken to finding items for her she needed. Lorenzo watched her when Tommy was busy. Jack even made her a birdfeeder, and she liked watching the birds fly in and out. Sometimes he wondered if she longed for the freedom they had. 
Flightless bird, wings clipped her whole life, subject to the whims of men. 
Sometimes he watched them too, Blue Jay’s and Robins and other kinds he didn’t know shit about. He thought next time he saw Maria, to ask if Jackson had any bird watching books… maybe the girl would like them, help pass her time. He wanted to fly away too, he wanted to leave, leave everything and take her with him… but he wasn’t a bird. He wasn’t a bird whose wings had been clipped, he didn’t have his freedom stolen away by cruel men wanting to possess and break down something less powerful than them. 
Tommy had given up his freedom to follow Joel, his brother, the only thing he had now. Tommy knew he was a cat, once a stray and free to follow his fancy but had grown complacent and comfortable and lazy. He was a fat house cat pretending to be a lion.
Instead of saving her, he was getting his dick sucked as he listened to her moan.
It wasn’t all that loud, you really had to listen to it to hear it and God… god did he listen. Tommy was sat on his chair, legs spread, Lorenzo on his knees sucking his cock. Everyone knew Lorenzo was gay, that’s why he was allowed to watch the girl. Jack, they couldn’t figure out yet. What Tommy did know is sometimes Jack and Lorenzo fooled around with each other, and after a few weeks he got in on the action. Tommy wasn’t gay, but a mouth was a mouth. Tommy couldn’t sneak out to Maria as often as he wanted and the girl wasn’t making things easier. Joel had taken to finding dresses for her and god, did she look cute. Happier too. Smiles and laughs and fresh air did him good. From what she had told him, she’d never known peace a day in her life. Between her dads physical and sexual abuse and selling her out to man after man, just letting them beat her for money… this was comparatively peaceful now that Joel had relaxed. Still, she wore that brand on her thigh, and constant reminder that his love was conditional. Tommy wasn’t sure the reminder was working.
He tried to focus on Lorenzo, his mouth taking him deeply inside… but most importantly, her voice. In the next room, Joel was fucking her and whatever he was doing it was making her go crazy. How was Tommy supposed to know what her pussy felt like and not think about it? Not remember what it was like sliding in? Not think of her beautiful smile, still gentle and tender and patient after everything she’d been through? Everytime Joel made her moan those sweet, sweet sounds he pictured it was him, and his hips buckled up a little.
He could pretend it was her pussy if he concentrated.
Lorenzo knew something was up.
He loved sucking dick, would rub himself through him pants until he came every time if he knew he wasn’t getting action back, and with Tommy he didn’t. Lorenzo knew Tommy was picturing a girl when he closed his eyes, that death grip on his chair so he didn’t touch Lorenzo’s head. The shaved head would throw him off, ruin the bit for him. Still, Lorenzo opened his eyes. Tommy was focused, teetering on that edge, that wide, barrel chest of his panting and panting… He really was handsome, as was Joel, the prick. If Lorenzo was in that girls position, and he wouldn’t be because he’d fucking leave, he would run away with Tommy before spending another day with Joel. What was Tommy waiting on? He had a pretty girl that clearly loved him, that he clearly loved even if he was a man whore.
Lorenzo didn’t really have room to talk, honestly.
It wasn’t like he was cheating on Zach. They weren’t dating; Lorenzo didn’t date point blank. They were just fucking. And cuddling after. And hanging out whenever they could both sneak away… So they watched shooting stars together and talked about their moms and sisters, so what? It was just sex. He was fooling himself and he knew it, but letting go of the delusion was too painful. They’d never have a normal life so what was the point.
Tommy came in his mouth, saltier than Zach but not as strong as Jack; that strong, musky taste that was so masculine Lorenzo couldn’t help but swallow down. Even subduing himself, Tommy was loud.
When he died down, that’s when Lornzo heard it.
The girl in Joel’s room, the next one over. She was moaning.
Lorenzo didn’t mind Tommy picturing a girl. He didn’t even mind that maybe he was picturing her. But something about the fact that Tommy was getting off to the sound of that girl’s moans, a private moment, a moment which although she was clearly enjoying now, had been brought about by kidnapping and violence, disgusted him. She was just a kid to him, and yeah he could be a dick but he didn’t want to think about the horrible shit she’d been through.
“You’re fucking pathetic, Tommy!” Lorenzo stood, flustered and embarrassed and fucking angry, he headed to the door.
Dumbfounded, Tommy blinked up at him. “What? You offered!”
Lorenzo whipped around, stormed back to Tommy who had stood up and stuffed his dick back into his pants and Lorenzo fisted his hand up in Tommy’s white shirt. 
“You’d rather listen to you brother fuck that terrified child than be a fucking man and take her away. You got all these excuses but the fact of the matter is Joel matters more to you than an innocent life. When she’s dead in the ground, remember this is how you spent your time.”
He was about to let go and walk away when Tommy had to open his big mouth. “I don’t see you do’n anything to help her.”
It wasn’t rational. Lorenzo really should care this much. He wasn’t supposed to be making friends or attachments, but here he was, he cared about Zach, he cared about Jack, he cared about the girl.
Lorenzo punched Tommy square in the jaw.
Jack found Lorenzo outside smoking a joint. He didn’t smoke weed but he pulled out his cigarette and joined him.  “What’d you do to Tommy? The girls there icing his face.” Unfortunately, Jack knew their routine. Sex, bath, sleep. When Joel carried her, wrapped up in a towel and laughing at something Joel said or falling asleep in his arms, Jack always turned away. It didn’t matter much considering he’d seen her completely nude when Joel violently took her after charring her flesh. Sometimes he swore he could still smell it. Still, he wanted to offer a bit of dignity.
Jack didn’t pretend to be a hero like Tommy, but he didn’t put on that fake asshole defense machanism Lorenzo did. He felt for the girl, he just wasn’t going to risk his skin to help her leave. So, unlike Lorenzo he didn’t tell her she was dumb for staying, and he tried to make little things for her here and there. He was working on whittling some dominos. Unlike Tommy, he didn’t promise to whisk her away. Middle ground.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes. “He’s a dick. Joel’s probably gonna clock me.”
But Jack waved him off. “I doubt it. He ain’t running to Joel to fight his battles. If he wanted you hurt, he’d’ve hit you back.”
Lorenzo sighed, but nodded and took a fat hit. “Which being logical, it’s annoying.”
Jack just chuckled. When they were done, they walk back inside the girl was icing Tommy’s face. After she’d exited the bath with Joel, cuddled up in a ratty towel, she saw Tommy exiting his room with a swollen eye and tapped Joel. Clearly he’d dressed her, and let her tend to him while he stood, arms crossed and glaring. He tried to get Tommy to tell him who did it, but Tommy insisted it was just a small beef with one of the men, but they’d handled it.
When Jack and Lorenzo entered the living room, the girl gave Lorenzo a death glare.
That child had been beaten within an inch of her life again and again and again, forced to suffer the worst thing imaginable and yet she still managed to be so uniquely her. Bravery despite it all.
Brave little bird.
thank you, thank you, a million times thank you.
and thank you to everyone whose reached out in this trying time.
Tagging people who were active reachng TWW or who still talk to me about it. If you want to be tagged for the finale celebration, lmk!
If you liked, this series, Rooms on Fire has similar vibes.
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @milla-frenchy @pimosworld @miraclesabound @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @the-fox-den @lunar-ghoulie @foggymoonbanana @dinsbaby @pedge-page @koshkaj-blog @rubyfruitjungle @gogh-with-the-flow @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @justagalwhowrites
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x-choutenchan-x · 8 days
Hi! I wanted to ask a question about Jirai kei <3
For a bit, I've wondered if I'm a jirai kei girl. I've been doing my research, gotten some girly kei clothes, been making some of my own in fact (I'm in America and my parents don't trust most websites I can get girly kei clothes from), but I'm aware that Jirai Kei girls have been wearing more of a punk type style. I wanted to know if I can be a jirai kei girl even if I wear girly kei clothes, even if the style is changing? Also, I wanted to know if I can even be a jirai kei girl. I'm an indian living in america, and my skin is darker than most (ik it sounds silly), and i do live some of the jirai lifestyle (sh, and bpd, no drugs yet), and I really wanna know if I qualify. I couldn't ask on your jirai kei blog, so I hope I can ask here. Please feel free to delete this, but if you do respond, thank you so much!! <33
thanks for the ask! and i will say: anyone can be a landmine—though it is a subculture primarily in japan, it is also a subculture that has become rooted in the internet as well. otherwise, i myself would likely not be jirai kei. the only thing that really matters in labeling yourself under this term is that you are aware of the nature of the subculture, and label yourself as “jirai kei” knowing it is not supposed to necessarily be a good thing. the term is derogatory for a reason, this kind of suffering should not be sought out.
this also brings me to say that jirai kei isn’t the clothing you wear, despite it being a subculture related to certain kinds of clothing trends. though it has become less common, girly kei is still sometimes worn among landmines. and, if it’s what you like wearing, then wear it! just like how wearing girly kei doesn’t make you a landmine, not following clothing trends doesnt really mean anything as to whether or not you are a landmine.
to clarify the current trend, to my understanding the “punk” look is more of just an alt fashion:
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something sort of like this (after a lazy google search that’s the best picture i could find)? i personally am not completely confident in my understanding of current trends, but i believe it focuses on the look of a baggy print tshirt/hoodie, leg warmers and arm warmers, fishnets, etc. and both twin tails and jellyfish haircuts are popular. of course, black is a common color but platinum is another choice. heavy piercings on the ears and face still are common, and skirts can be worn underneath the shirts (usually pleated). once again, i could be entirely wrong on this and would encourage you to do your own research on this if you’re curious.
and, once again, anyone can be a landmine. jirai kei is determined by the person’s mental health—hence the “landmine type.” if you’re going to emotionally explode, you pretty much fit the bill. of course, the other big factors in the subculture is the pien and booze, but drugs, sh, and of course the bpd like you mentioned are also all factors. the tokoyo kids are one big part of jirai kei’s history, and i’d encourage you to learn about them if you can. there’s also the kabukicho stuff with the men in host clubs taking advantage of vulnerable women and eventually putting them into sex work under the guise of a “romantic relationship,” and even the jirai kei not directly involved with these groups have their own turmoil that they suffer with. whether you “qualify” to be jirai kei is really up to you, and if you decide to take this label, then i hope you find comfort here.
i will reiterate, it is good to do your own research and take everything i say with a grain of salt. however, i would ABSOLUTELY avoid tiktok at all costs when it comes to information on jirai kei. from anything ive ever seen, tiktok is invaded by fashion landmines who would absolutely harass you if you were to tell them any of the info ive said here. they view lifestyle landmines as insane, and insist that jirai kei is only girly kei fashion. there are various accounts on tumblr that discuss jirai kei as a subculture, and one of the best people ive seen for this info is zirazyo (hello if you stumble across this post btw), and they probably have better sources than i do for a lot of this. i am only one person in this community, and i absolutely do not know everything. but, i hope that i was able to answer your questions well! ♡
also, thanks for letting me know that my inbox isn’t open on my jirai blog—i’ll make sure to go fix that!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
(this is from marxismlupinism btw just sending an anon cause still shadowbanned + dont want my r/s blog tied to my main blog anyway)
lmao if only my followers were your followers literally idk why my anons r so mad im just stating the established party line of the blog they chose to follow...
literally every online community ive been in youve been able to say you think the community has XYZ problem and people could discuss the problem and suggest solutions honestly baffling that peoples response to someone saying the hp fandom is transphobic is to go "no it's not" instead of, idk, either trying to make it less transphobic if you think it's salvageable or leaving it if you think it's unsalvageable. the only communities ik that would respond to an accusation of transphobia w denial rather than taking trans people's concerns seriously are, well, actually overtly explicitly transphobic communities lol... and the people claiming they "engage critically" are very clearly not if their response to criticism of the hp fandom is to be defensive—if you engage critically with something that means taking seriously good faith criticism of the thing you engage critically with. like i "engaged critically" w hp/rs for the past 2.5 years and i have never ever gotten defensive at someone criticising hp or its fandom (esp since like... almost all the people criticising hp or its fandom are trans and im not gonna go harass another trans person for being understandably upset at ppl engaging w transphobic media lol).
hp fans (including tme trans hp fans—and, btw, we're well aware there are some transmasculine hp fans, the rest of the trans community just think they suck and are losers lol and i can't imagine that the transmasc hp fans aren't aware of this fact unless they just dont interact w other trans people outside the hp fandom at all) will criticise hp and jkr while believing that the hp fandom itself is above criticism. this does the dual work of distancing themselves from harry potter/jkr, which even they cannot defend/pretend is not bad, while also absolving themselves of all responsibility for any transphobia & transmisogyny they perpetuate or engage in. it's honestly a deeply immature way of engaging with media as well as one that logically falls apart under any scrutiny—firstly, if you accept that hp and its author are deeply bigoted, isn't it just logical that its fanbase would share the politics of the source media? secondly, this is just empirically false lol. there didnt always used to be basically no trans women in the hp fandom—i myself used to be friends with several back in the old days—but most transfems left the fandom in 2020–2021 bc of jkr's increasing transmisogyny. and speak to any of the transfems who did leave at that time and they can tell you their firsthand experiences. like, i really dunno how you can claim the hp fandom isnt transmisogynistic without just outright saying that you think most trans women are crazy and making shit up when they say they dont want anything to do with hp or its fans.
anyway ill stop writing essays in ur inbox now rae xoxo love ya have a nice day!
hi laura <3 yeah truly i think it is so weird that someone would choose 2 follow a blog on tumblr.com which clearly states "i don't like hp/hp fandom" and then get mad when that blog makes a post saying. "i don't like hp/hp fandom." babe why r u at the criticizing hp fandom store if u don't want hp fandom criticism....
and yeah i've talked before on my blog abt how like. i do not think we can "separate" fandom from jkr + the inherent shittiness of hp + my personal stance is that i think if u are engaging with hp fandom in 2023 u should at least be prepared to acknowledge + address the fact that u are engaging w a fundamentally conservative piece of media that is rooted in horrible politics, bc if u don't fully understand how jkr's politics are steeped throughout the franchise then it is much more likely that u will just be. absorbing + perpetuating them.
i think something that gets left out of a lot of conversations abt jkr even when discussing how shitty she is within hp fandom is the fact that like. yeah she's broadly transphobic, but she is specifically transmisogynistic, and the politics + policies she endorses are most targeted + harmful towards trans women. in my personal experience thus far in hp fandom i've encountered a lot of tme trans people, and i think there can be this tendency to go "well i'm trans and i know so many trans people who have carved out a space in this fandom that is super affirming + positive for ourselves, so obviously there is no transphobia here" and like. bc of the strong emotional connection to what people view as a safe queer space it can feel like an attack or whatever when someone goes "ok but. have u considered transmisogyny." or just whenever someone is like. rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp--but like. tbh as tme trans people i just think it's more important to recognize that many other trans people (and especially tma trans people) have a reason for being rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp and even if it hurts ur feelings it's more important to actually think about where that critique is coming from then to get upset bc u feel like it wasn't phrased nicely. at the end of the day just bc a space feels safe 2 u does not mean it is going 2 feel safe 2 everyone!!
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lordiavolo · 7 months
hi my dear tumblrinas... im going to semi abandon this accnt as well as taking a break from my discord. when i started my "Identity" as link i was so much different then i am now. i believed different things and thought in different ways. ive changed so much its crazy, wnd i just feel like ive grown out of it. coming back to this blog always makes me slip back into that.
also having bpd sometimes as much as i wish it didnt makes me less toxic/better mentally if i avoid people :^( i dont want things to be that way, and im still trying to figure out the balance and how to accept friendships as human connections insead of transactional, so im not going to log onto discord for a while, but i will come back there eventually! i just dont want ppl to think im mad or ghosting u! im just trying to learn how to be an adult and how to be kind and offline
i will likely come back here just to post art, so im not totally abandoning this account, but i wont really engage with any replies/rbs anymore, just drop my art and scurry back into my hole lol.
om archive server ppl i love u and im sorry im a bad admin 😭. i am still actively archiving, and i wish i could figure out a better plan for having a public archive, ive just gotten really scared of letting everyone down or making ppl mad so i keep disappearing from our server :(
everyone who liked my posts and put up w me being annoying and always tried to see the good in me thank u. ily. if u want my discord (even tho ill be away for a while) u are more than welcome to send an ask or dm edit: also adding to this that i really dont like that i was ever involved in harassment campaigns, even indirectly. even if we disagreed on something its against my morals to do shit like that, and i wish i hadnt. one day i hope to be able to reach out to anyone i hurt directly and apologize, but im still sort of worried i may frighten someone by doing so (ie getting a message from someone you had problems with can be intimidating as i have been through before), so i hope that for right now this apology at least will mean something to you.
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studiousbotanist · 6 months
i was watching thoughtslimes most recent video (VERY excellent on their part) and it showed a clip from a trans man talking about the extreme loneliness you get after you transition and go stealth fulltime and man ! its so true ! i'm so grateful i have affectionate friends . its weird, ive gotten a Lot more peace since transition and regularly get left alone vs cat called or harassed . those are all benefits ofc . but you get a lot less compliments too, and a lot less emotional vulnerability "tough to be a man ! suck it up !" again, i feel pretty grateful that my immediate circle doesn't subscribe to bullshit gender roles . and my new coworkers are a lot better about it, too . it really does rattle your brain like dammmmmm . no wonder powderkegs happen LOL . also this is a personal post and very brief so please take this in good faith and this is not me doing any #NOTALLMEN bullshit THANKS YOU ! cus ill tell you rn . i get taken much more seriously now and seen as doing more work even if i do the same/less than i had before
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vampire-crimson · 1 year
i think the thing that really pisses me off about the whole covid situation is that literally right when it hit was like. 4 months after i had stopped living as a shut-in. thats not an exaggeration, that 4 may not be exact but pretty damn close to it.
and then businesses closed and we went into quarantines. and i was like okay i can do this no big deal.
but everyone else didnt. and look im not surprised there were people being assholes about it or whatever. i wasnt even surprised that number was so high. but naive me, i didnt expect people to cave into that. those people were the politicians and anybody who could enforce whatever logical rules were put into place and so nothing really happened. how long did it take for the clubs to reopen. here it was less than 2 months.
ive been harassed for wearing a mask. and even when not harassed, ive gotten weird looks.
so i learned to listen quick when people said vaccines wouldnt cure it or 100% prevent it. but it was still pretty much all a lot of people had (since quarantine was no longer acceptable)
and now youre telling me entire countries who can are simply making the DECISION not to distribute them anymore.
im not even in that country. but. guillotines, now.
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schizowitchic · 1 month
save me from petty friendship drama please. why must this happen to me. im about to start throwing hands
there's three ppl who we have known for a while but only recently properly joined our "group", except 2 of them are highly .... problematic, shall we say, (L & S) and pick fights with everyone. and ive never felt fully comfortable. the third (E) is ... i know she joins in with the petty stuff but a lot less and she's easier to talk to (plus i have the bias of being best friends with her from the ages of 3 to 10)
anyway on friday they deliberately picked a fight on the groupchat with one of our friends (K)(who we are a lot closer to tbh but don't see as often due to scheduling difficulties) bc they fell out with her in December. L & S pretty much only ever go on the groupchat to start shit with her, and K's gotten good at ignoring it, through the interventions of me and another friend, I (mainly I. I feel bad for her bc she's really caught in the middle and both sides message her when shit happens)..
K removed L and S from the groupchat, but E added them back, then K removed all three, which honestly took care of the problem, but then A messaged E privately (A is also hardly ever on the groupchat and she really shouldn't have gotten involved) to ask why she did that, because A doesn't seem to have picked up that E will fully and absolutely enable & join in with L and S. this prompted S to send an awful voice message to A on E's phone, saying shit like "Why are you being so immature, we weren't being hostile it was just a joke, believe what you want to believe, enjoy your little groupchat" and stuff along that vein (Me and I were hanging out at this point, A sent the voicemail to K who sent it to I)
it's just so hypocritical, because L and S especially are constantly pulling shit like this, being immature and petty (They've started the habit of making fun of me to my face because they've picked up that I struggle to interpret tone, reality, and whether they are joking or not). they're always at the centre of every drama, make it about themselves and always paint themselves as the victims, never admit that their behaviour patterns are wrong and that they harm people
(side note, but L actually makes me and I feel very uncomfortable, and neither of us realised we both were super uncomfortable with how she acts - constantly making sexual jokes about the two of us that get way too explicit (because we shared a hotel room once and winked at each other AS A JOKE), she touches us (usually just on the hand/arm but with the implications of inappropriate undertones) even when we express discomfort and ask her to stop, she still invades our boundaries. neither me or I are particularly touchy-feely, I is a lot more averse to touch than me, and we didn't realise that this actually probably constitutes harassment of some sort until friday. which is. a fun realisation)
anyway we thought we'd leave the situation be since we knew we wouldn't be seeing them over the weekend, and we have other friends who stayed out of it and don't have as much knowledge of the situation (N, M, Y, T, C)
which brings us to now. where L and S pretty clearly seem to be ignoring us in person (like we have some sort of obligation to get involved and take their side in drama they started?? they tried to get I involved when it happened but she told them she didn't want to get caught in the middle). E seem to be ignoring us, but she has actually spoken to me a bit, about general stuff
so yeah. fuck my life.
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haile-marie · 4 years
ive come to the conclusion that i am genuinely not happy being on this website. there are so many people who choose to think in black and white terms and actively ignore the change in people. i don’t like seeing people being told to kill themselves because they like a character. i don’t like seeing people fight about useless things in the creative content area. this website (and other platforms too) thrives on double standards whether anyone likes to admit it or not. this website, as well as other platforms, have normalized “bullying” (professionally known as verbal abuse). “but what about the people like tr*mp—” we aren’t talking about people like him. people trying to have an honest discussion about the normalization of bullying are NEVER talking about dealing with bigotry. Bigotry is a different discussion altogether. People on here are telling others to kill themselves because of something they like. and that kind of behavior is tolerable? if a kid said that to another kid at my work, it would be a HUGE deal. so why aren’t we taking these double standards and abusive tactics seriously? why did we all let it become the norm in the first place?
im tired of asking these questions every single time i see ~drama~ on my feed on certain platforms, but mainly on here. people think they get #wokepoints for bullying random strangers on the internet, when the topic at hand wasn’t even #problematic in the first place. 
i’ve argued again and again that i just want to enjoy things. but now i see that the more effective way to properly enjoy content and practice self-care is to give yourself a reality check and have a healthy relationship with how much you spend your time online. 
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ive thought of a funny one!
any vampires of your choice just get done with a long meeting with some piece of obnoxious asshole.
their malk s/o turns to them after that person left, and with perfect clarity says "I fuckin hate that guy"
[This was great! Really fun to write for :)]
LaCroix- This was something that happened more than he would like. As a prince he had meetings with everyone, and everyone had a problem with him. After one particularly rough meeting was when you said it; before the guy was even all the way out the door and could possibly hear you. This actually managed to pull the briefest instant of a rare event: LaCroix laughing. He was quick to stop and compose himself before scolding, “Behave yourself!” You could still see him smiling as she said it though.
Bertram- There was a lot of things that he had to do for the sake of the clan, and this time it was making sure that there was a clear communication with Toreador that they had to work with; something that as Nosferatu they all didn’t want to do, but he had drawn the short stick in the group. You thankfully said that you would accompany him so there wouldn’t be too much tension and the possibility of messing things up. After a horrible night with so many offhanded comments and backhanded compliments, the guy was finally gone, and that’s when you huffed the line. “Me too, cupcake. Me too.” He grumbled.
Jack- Now, he wasn’t the one having the meeting per say, but he was stuck in his usual corner while it was happening. Now most people tended to forget that the Anarchs weren’t technically one big group. There were plenty of subsections that had different thoughts on certain things. Which was why Nines needed to have a meeting with one of the other leaders in the area, and it wasn’t turning out pretty. Finally, it was decided that everyone had said what they were going to say for the night and that they should talk things over again in about a week or so. After the other leader and his group had made their way down the stairs, you turned to Jack and snorted that you didn’t like them. “Yeah, not the happiest guy is he?” Jack laughed with fake disgust in his voice.
VV- There was one thing that came with running a place in the HollyWood area, no matter what kind of place that was, and that was landlords. Now, the one for Vesuvius was supposed to go to Isaac, or rather someone that Isaac sent to deal with him. But, lately, the slime-ball had taken to trying to harass VV, thinking that she was some brainless ditz that he could pull one over on. Now, she certainly wasn’t, and would have been more than happy to take care of him herself, but he would always come when there were other people in the building, be it customers or her girls. This time he was instant that he hadn’t gotten paid his rent, something that you both knew Isaac was more than punctual with things like this, or if he wasn’t there was a power play going on and the land lord still wasn’t supposed to get the money anyway. He had just tried to make his most recent attempt and had stormed out of VV’s room, making some sort of threat that neither of you really cared about. You looked at the doorway well after he was gone and told her what you thought about him. She responded, “I know, sweetie. But, don’t worry. I’ll tell Isaac about him, so we won’t be getting bothered again.”
Andrei- He wasn’t one that was often met with, and even less by someone that was stupid enough to be rude to him. But, there every once in awhile there was someone, either new or underestimating, and things got interesting for awhile. He always liked to let them go as far as they wanted to with the insults, just to see how creative they could get. The answer was, not very creative at all, he’s heard the same schlock for years. After the most recent perpetrator was leaving his lair you said your peace. “Though I would not use those words exactly, I must agree.” He started before a wicked smile stretched across his face, “Do not worry yourself about him. He will not even make it back to the door.”
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. How long is the time line in LO? Hades says Apollo’s been harassing Persphone for months, but hasn’t it only be like 2 months max? 
From OP: Hades is overexaggerating. At most, it’s been a month and a couple days.
2. Idk how LO can even TRY to claim being progressive. Persphone is the “born sexy yesterday trope” with the audience being told she’s a high achiever yet lacks a lot in that department.
Is it cause Hades had a chance to be shitty and gross and then didn’t completely be shitty and gross for not harming Persphone when he found her in his car? He knew Artemis was her friend why didn’t he call her to let her know she has her friend? (There was a whole plan to distract Artemis so he could talk to her if I remember right). Hades is still a shitty make lead character (in progressive/character way) we have slave labor, firing employees for small things, getting involved with Minthe his PA/ EX GF and then wanted to TRANSFER HER so he could basically have Persphone replace her. Was the story suppose to be progressive because we got to see a male victim POV? Because the Minthe/Hades dynamic is written so weirdly. Hades has control over her rent/job/utilities, but she has smacked him and says a lot of insults. Minthe shouldn’t abuse but I don’t really have sympathy for Hades. Are we suppose to feel bad for Hades because of Kornos? The story is written in such a way that I lowkey forget about it. Idk sure we get to see Hades be a “good guy” but the way a lot of characters are around him I don’t believe he’s truly a “good guy”
Hera was never much of a feminist icon, but idk if RS is trying to rebrand that or not. Sure she helps Persphone greatly BUT that’s really who she’s willing to help. She finds Minthe to be “nymph trash” and Artemis was something unpleasant, and when she first met echo she didn’t like her right off the bat until she made her tea. She’s basically that meme where it’s like “diversity wins that mean old lady might cheat on her husband with a young lady”. Hera X Echo the next HXP boss/employee couple 🤪
Pysche kinda had a cool plot, and I wish we saw more of the human’s perspective of Olympus hanging out with Aphrodite, BUT WE DONT, and Pysche who hardly knows Persphone is ready to out her assault to Artemis but ends up outing her to Daphne and I assume has her to face ANY consequences for that. Also her character and purely defined by Eros.
There’s more but I feel like I’m going too much on it. 
3. oommmmg even the anatomy got worse??? why are the backs of their heads even smaller now??? you know thats where their brains go right?? rachel where are their brains?? is that why they act so stupidly now??
4. I still can't get over how absolutely disrespectful the ace characters “slowly turning gay over time is.” Like yeah, orientation can change over time but the way asexuality is presented as a phase is disgusting.
Only LO characters turning gay are Minthe and Persephone when I enter my little queer time machine.
5. you know, ive read a fair few long running webtoons and all of them have style changes, but it's always for the better because the artists are refining their senses of anatomy, to push poses, to become more confident in their work. LO is only one i've seen where it's actually gotten worse, with that Hades example being a prime example. Even beyond the worse character design, look at the previous use of interesting colors and light! those are all tone now for blank voids and flat neon colors!
(previous anon asking about the art getting worse) also note that early Hades actually looked reasonable aged? he looks to be maybe at most mid-30s, but he looks regal and attractive with normal but unique proportions (also pretty hair! i miss it!), while current Hades looks like an old man with a ridiculous nose, greased down hair, and looks at least 40 years older than Persephone. OG Hades looked like he made sense with her, while current Hades looks like he needs a visit from Chris Hansen.
6. you know, i still thinks hes a creep but early lo hades at least looked attractive enough to justify persephone getting horny over him (esp bc she didnt know who he really is), but now? nah man, he somehow went into negative sex appeal with an even worse personality. idk how thats even possible to make your romantic lead somehow less appealing, but here we are.
7. i honestly wonder if the art team are playing a joke on rachel but how increasingly stupid they draw hades' nose. it doesnt even look like an styled hook or aquiline nose like it was in the beginning, it just looks like a clown prop. even stylized versions of the joker dont do that. its honestly distracting over looking unique or handsome (which i personally find big and/or hooked noses to look). idk why they had him look half way decent in the start only to make him up looking like /that/ now.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Obikin Crisis AU Part Four
Read Previous Parts HERE
Star Wars AU #18
Obi-Wan made his way to the public training sallies, nodding in polite acknowledgment at the curious stares and double takes he garnered. At this point rumors of their appearance in this timeline had spread throughout at the temple. And while Anakin’s differences from ‘Ani’ were more stark at first glance, Obi-Wan clearly carried himself differently enough from ‘Obi’ that the contrast was obvious to anyone looking for it.
Anakin had waved him to go on ahead, promising to catch up, as he studied the news of all things.
He walked in to find his and Anakin’s ‘counterparts’ locked in a fierce duel. Which was what he was expecting to find, it was why he was there; he had been looking forward to comparing their dueling forms. 
Something about this just instantly put him on edge. Was it simply the strangeness of seeing himself duel from this angle? No, he had watched holo-recordings of himself before for training- there was... something else off putting about this.
Was, was Anakin showing off? It looked, well, different from how he typically showed off, less unnecessary flips and more...flexibility? Yes, that smirk accompanying the full-body split was definitely smug, but it was also decidedly different from any cocky look his Anakin had directed at him before. It was...weird. And made Obi-Wan a little uncomfortable.
And himself! At first he was mostly focused on the favoring of Ataru over Soresu- it was fascinating, but not entirely surprising. He had switched to the more defensive form in response to his failure to save Qui-Gon and his need to watch over a young padawan. It wasn’t shocking that without that impetus, this version of himself would instead continue to refine his mastery of form IV. He was briefly intrigued at the thought of pitting his form iii against his alternate in combat but was quickly distracted by other- irregularities in the form.
Brief puzzlement fell into recognition which dropped immediately into horror. This- he had to be mistaken. There was no way...
Oh sweet force, that was his most flirtatious fighting stance. And not casually flirtatious, either. That was- oh fuck he did the unnecessary-lightsaber-hold-readjustment with hair flick. He was watching himself do the LIGHTSABER HOLD READJUSTMENT HAIR FLICK COMBO at his padawan. With smile. Not the ‘Charming Negotiator’ smile, but the wouldn’t-you-rather-stop-fighting-and-do-something-more-interesting smirk. Oh gods, now he was doing the full body undressing-with-eyes-up-and-down-lookover. At his PADAWAN.
Fortunately he wasn’t quite close enough to hear what they were saying but judging by Ani’s flushed response it was definitely sexual.
He let out a strangled panicking noise and looked around wildly, expecting someone, anyone to intervene. But if any of the other casual combatants in the room were watching they were either oblivious to the depravity before them, or inured to it. He honestly didn’t know which would be worse. 
He began slowly backing up, unable to look away from the train wreck in front of him. This was- this was worse than that time Qui-Gon got drugged and started rhapsodizing about Master Tahl’s poise, and he hadn’t been able to make eye-contact with either of them for weeks after that! He stumbled out of the room and fell back against a wall, clutching his chest.
Before he could even regain his bearings, Anakin walked up. 
“Are you alright, Master?” He asked somewhat concerned.
Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut, unable to even look at the innocent boy he had raised and apparently, in this universe, defiled.
“Oh yes, yes, I’m fine, perfectly fine,” Obi-Wan lied. “I was just- thinking about some of the, um, metaphysical implications of travel between universes. Anyway, why don’t we- why don’t we leave the temple for today? See if Dex’s is any better in this universe, what do you say?” 
He forced himself to open his eyes, resolutely staring past Anakin’s shoulder and trying to pretend as though his fundamental understanding of himself as a moral being hadn’t been shaken to the core.
“Um, as great as that sounds, Obi-Wan, we’re not really supposed to leave the temple for casual reasons? And we came to the dueling rings to compare our fighting styles with our selves, remember?” Anakin replied slowly. “Come on, I really want to spar ‘Knight Kenobi.’”
Obi-Wan grabbed Anakin’s arm, then let go quickly, pulling back as if burnt. “Absolutely Not!” he said in an overly high pitched voice.
“What?” Anakin said grinning. “Is this you really embarrassingly bad at fighting? I knew my prodigy lightsaber skills had rubbed off on you over the years.”
Obi-Wan winced. “Yes, yes that’s it exactly, I’m- I’m absolutely the worst in the reality, no need to go in there. Lets just, ignore Mace and go out in the city, come on now.”
Obi-Wan flapped his arms wildly at the man, unwilling to make unnecessary body contact after being forced to bear witness to...unnecessary body contact. 
Anakin squinted suspiciously. “Ok, I don’t know what exactly you’re so desperate for me not to see, but you do get that I definitely have to see it now.”
Anakin started to stride forward and Obi-Wan threw himself wildly in the way, shoving Anakin back. “Anakin! Don’t ask me to explain why, but please, for the love of the force, do not go in there.” 
Anakin got a gleam in his eye and Obi-Wan’s heart sank, realizing there was more or less nothing he could say at this point that would turn the man back now. 
“Anakin, don’t-” But it was too late, he had already leapt over Obi-Wan’s head and was now darting inside.
Obi-Wan ran after him, feeling ill. 
Anakin managed to make it halfway across the room before skidding to a halt and letting out a strangled squeak. Knowing he was going to regret it, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but follow his gaze. He gasped. Almost incredibly, the combat had gotten even worse in the minutes he had been out of the room. Both of them had inexplicably lost their sabers, and Obi had Ani pinned to the mat face down, arms trapped over ahead.
They were pressed together and panting.
Anakin  turned to his Master, looking frightened. “Obi-Wan, what-” he let out, slightly too loud.
Obi-Wan just threw his robe over his former padawan’s head in response and began dragging him away. “I told you not to look” he whisper-shouted.
At this point, their dramatics had gathered the attention of everyone in the room. Their alternate selves had jumped out and were watching them bewildered. 
“What is-” Obi tried to ask, but Obi-Wan cut him off, hysterical. “You just- you stay away from us!” he shouted. The dopplegangers exchanged a confused glance.
“Obi- uh, Obi-Wan, seriously, what-” the poor harassed twin of his young apprentice tried to ask, but they were already nearly out the door.
“I’M SORRY!” Obi-Wan shouted back. “I’M SO SORRY!”
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redheartwriting · 2 years
Cowritten with @itsfundy - spacyboi [Addict]
Origins - Chapter III
<spacyboi> *Addict carefully made their way up to where Quartz had been staying, knocking on the door hesitantly*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz jumps, looking up from carving something into their bow. They sigh.* Rose, I /really/ don't want to talk about it- *they open the door, cutting off as they see it's not Rose* Oh.
<spacyboi> Sorry if i'm not who you were expecting- I just wanted to see if you were settling in alright?
<ProcellaCor> Actually it's a relief that I'm not being harassed about my "emotions" here. *Quartz leans on the doorframe* I am doing fine, gratias. Neither of you need concern yourself with me. *They scowl a bit, but their ears give away that they're not actually angry, just a bitch*
<spacyboi> to be fair, its been a while since we've gotten anyone new around- much less from another dimension too
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz' tail flicks a bit* Forgive my intrusion on your "friendship" *they smirk at the word, knowing fully damn well there's much more going on there* But this world is rather... tame. Compared to the nether.
<spacyboi> Ive always found it quite exciting, there's so might to do- and fight, here
<ProcellaCor> Well as long as one of the two of you understands what it means to hold a sword. *Quartz' tone gives away the faintest hint of condescension* Oh, actually. That reminds me. I have something for you.
<spacyboi> we can both defend ourselves just fine *they shrug* oh?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz snickers a bit under their breath, and it's the first of a laugh Addict would have ever heard from them. They go into their chests* You mentioned liking these. *Quartz holds out a bouquet of dandelions* While looking around, I happened to find some.
<spacyboi> wow you're actually being nice? *Addict takes the flowers, brushing their thumb against the petals with a small smile* thank you though, these are beautiful-
<ProcellaCor> Wh- by the dragon. *Quartz blushes a bit, and they turn away in a poor attempt to hide it* Don't be weird. I just HAPPENED to be walking and HAPPENED to see them and HAPPENED to remember you mentioning them, okay? This means absolutely nothing.
spacyboi> *They laugh a bit, storing the flowers away in their invintory* if thats what you say, i'll make sure to put these somewhere nice
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shrugs it off, still blushing but absolutely pretending they aren't* Yeah whatever. Look. I know I said I was only staying until I figure out what to do next. But... *they trail off, their ears go back and their shoulders drop. They don't know how to phrase that they want to stay here - or that they feel like they need to*
<spacyboi> were you gonna leave early?
<ProcellaCor> No. Um. Listen. You and Rose don't seem like the fighting type, no offense. *Quartz rubs the back of their neck* Or, that you'd rather do other things. But /I/ have been fighting my whole life, I can't do anything else. So if- you need someone around who doesn't mind fighting... I wouldn't mind staying…
<spacyboi> Of course you can stay Quartz *They smile a but more* You're welcome here
<ProcellaCor> *Without meaning to, the very tip of Quartz' tail wags just a bit. They don't seem to notice, and they keep the scowl on their face* Well... I will serve you well, as your own Brute or something. Whatever you need me for. *Their tail wags a bit more, but their face doesn't smile.*
<spacyboi> How about being our friend instead? *Addict notices, snickering a bit* since you seem so exicted to be able to stay
<ProcellaCor> Wh- *Quartz glances over their shoulder and realizes, they make a face, blushing even harder out of sheer embarrassment* I- look it's not- it just does that sometimes!
<spacyboi> well they've seem to reflect your emotions, but if thats what you want me to believe then
<ProcellaCor> My emotions are none of your business! As I told your partner, you need NOT concern yourself with anything I think or feel. I'm good with a sword, better with a bow, that's all you need to know or care about.
<spacyboi> if thats what helps you sleep at night, and we're only friends!
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smirks a bit* Mhm. If it helps you, in my culture a gift of gold or food can be romantic. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
<spacyboi> I do not have feels for him! there is nothing romantic going on here
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz chuckles, the first genuine laugh they've let out* Okay, sure. If that's what you want me to believe, then. Right?
<spacyboi> I hope your stay here is awful *its clear they dont mean it, turning their head away to fail at attempting to hide the red flushing their cheeks*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz finally fully laughs, smiling brightly* Oh, I'm sure it'll be interesting if nothing else. *They keep their smile as they look at Addict* I think he likes you too, by the way. But that's for you two to figure out.
<spacyboi> if i dont get to talk about your emotions, you dont get to talk about mine! or his- *oh my god get a grip on yourself addict, its just their laugh. you literally just met them*
<ProcellaCor> I, at least, am not in denial about my emotions. I just don't feel the need to discuss them with you or Rose. *Quartz keeps the smile, their tone much lighter now*
<spacyboi> I am not in denial! we're just close friends, when you live in such a small village of course we're gonna be close
<ProcellaCor> Yes, of course, a small village. That explains everything. *Quartz laughs a bit* Well then surely you and I will someday be that close. Of course.
<spacyboi> that makes it sound like you want to be
<ProcellaCor> Oh yes, every day I have dreamed of meeting someone so obviously in love with someone else. It's my deepest desire, how did you know? *Quartz rolls their eyes, again.*
<spacyboi> Oh you being around is gonna be just great isnt it.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smirks* YOU'RE the one who wants to be friends. *they jokingly wink* Clearly, you do want me around.
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pwnyta · 2 years
Okay so like… I just wanna bitch and moan so don’t mind me….
You know what I really, REALLY dislike? When people start to talk about being blocked/unfollowed. There are millions of reasons why you might be blocked, and not all of them bad, but for whatever the fuck reason you decide to go to your followers and bitch about it? Like???? Isn’t it good that people just block you instead of harassing you?
Or when people literally say/have DNI (and say to block them IF “…”), and then they act surprised/angry/as if they are supreme bc people unfollowing them and/or blocking? Wtf is that?
When people say “hey I am not gonna make this one particular thing you’ve followed me for, so be free to unfollow, I won’t be angry/I will understand it” and then couple of hours later they like “I am HURT… I didn’t expect so many people to unfollow me, so you guys not care for my art?” and I m like….. hey…. You yourself told people that you are not going to creat content they came for and asked to unfollow, what is this reaction?… now it makes ME want to unfollow, like cmon, what kind of childish reaction is that? Sigh…
I understand that it’s dumb to get over this things (and everything related) but holy fuck… can’t you be just grateful/happy that people choose to just ignore you instead of harassing you? Especially if you SPECIFICALLY tell some people to block you bc you don’t want interact with them/their interests? Like jfc grow up or something?
Sorry for the sea of salt… I am just tired of this bullshit
LMAO Anytime you wanna bitch about silly fandom shit feel free.
AND YES! Although I love it. Because Ive gotten people in my asks mad at me for blocking them and its so funny. I block people for any minuscule transgression against my enjoyment of a website.
But people having mile long DNIs and then bitching and moaning that no one likes there shit anymore? TERRIFIC. What the fuck did you expect you toxic bitch...
Ive never seen the other scenario though but yeah... it seems maybe they were fishing for people to devote themselves to them. A lot of the time people are interested the common interest... its really mostly like streamers/youtubers who get a dedicated fandom on their personality random artists get favs of particular things... its less about the artist.
Nah I feel you on this. Its ridiculous.
Its very much people needing to get over their entitlement to other peoples time. People wanna curate their spaces with shit theyre interested in and if people cant handle that its really too fucking bad.
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