#ivory acts like a bitch and I love that
jaimeslanisters · 1 year
dominoes cascading in a line — the library
Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
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You beam, bright and happy, and he wonders if the real treasure in the Rock wasn’t in its gold or its wealth but rather in the daughters it produced. or moments in aemond's life with a lady of house lannister
crossposted on ao3 masterlist word count: 2.5k notes: surprise bitch. i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me i promised you guys a dominoes before pawn, didn't i? (: pawn will be coming up and i will be hitting 100k with the next chapter lol sos
Aemond had been six when he first realized his father didn’t love him. It hadn’t been a momentous occasion or anything like that. There hadn’t been an offhand comment or a particular action that had prompted this realization, no big dramatic scene that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He had just looked up one day and looked at his father, at the rotting king in all of his glory, and known that Viserys Targaryen would never care for any of his children with Alicent Hightower, that he would be a stranger to all but one of his children.
He had been six and it had been his birthday.
The children of Viserys Targaryen had had differing responses to that disquieting truth. Aegon lashed out, drinking and whoring and failing at being anything resembling a leal son. Helaena turned inwards, closing herself off from everyone except her brothers, focusing her attention on caring for her insects in a way their father would never do for her. Daeron was inarguably delusional about the whole thing. Father loves us! He’d used to cry, face bright and red, fists clenched at his side. It’s just really hard for him to show it! He loves us! He loves us! He loves us!
At least, he had been delusional. Across the continent in Oldtown, perhaps he had come to terms with it. Father hadn’t gone along to accompany him and say goodbye even if Lord Hand Lyonel Strong had tried to insist on it, had wanted to frame it like an act of goodwill and diplomacy.
Father had said no. He hadn’t given a reason or tried to excuse his behavior. He simply hadn’t wanted to.
Even Daeron couldn’t be foolish enough to try and twist that truth.
Aegon strayed. Helaena hid. Daeron lied.
Aemond couldn’t afford to do the same.
If his siblings couldn’t confront the truth, couldn’t face it, he would. He would be their shield, their sword.
That involved training with the knights in the yard, focusing rather than goofing off like Aegon and their Velaryon nephews. It involved learning all the warrior arts and practicing until he felt like he was about to collapse and then continuing to train past that point until he actually did.
But mostly it involved studying.
Otto Hightower no longer lived in King’s Landing - he hadn’t since even before Aemond had been born - but that did not mean he had relinquished his tight control on his family that still remained in the capitol. His grandfather must have exhausted the ravens and the couriers with the long journey from Oldtown to King’s Landing, sending a couple of letters every month. Sometimes there would be one for Helaena and those were usually accompanied by an ivory statue of a bug or a book that he bought her as a present. Rarely there would be one for Aegon and his brother would always read it as soon as it was handed to him and tear it to shreds as soon as he was done. Once, Aemond had managed to snatch it from him before he could and, in the seconds before Aegon had tackled him to the ground in an uncharacteristic fit of violence, he had managed to catch onto one line.
The greatest curse onto this family is that you were born before Aemond.
It had been easy to let Aegon snatch the letter away after that. He hadn’t tried to get a hold of another letter since.
His grandfather had plenty to say to Aemond directly as it was.
There was always a letter for Aemond from Grandfather. Otto Hightower was not an affectionate man and the letters were always dry and straight to the point, outlining lessons and books that Aemond needed to read if he was to be a good and faithful son of House Targaryen. Rarely did he ever express any emotions in his words and, if he did, it was always shadowed by a sharp reminder of his duty to his family and to the realm.
Still, reading his letters always made Aemond desperately wish that his grandfather was still the Lord Hand, that he was still in the capitol to personally supervise his studying, to give him critiques and the rare praise.
Otto Hightower was a cold father. A poor father if his mother’s neurosis was anything to go off of.
But a poor father was better than no father at all.
It didn’t matter at the end of the day. He didn’t need anyone to hold his hand through the process, certainly didn’t want anyone to. Years of being on his own with only books for company had trained him well. He was used to holing up in the library, hidden away in the back by stacks and stacks of books with only an old, half-deaf septon for company. People didn’t usually come looking for him but people never came looking for him in the library.
Which is why it was especially a surprise when you stumble onto his hiding spot, eyes wide like a doe.
Since the week of your arrival, admittedly, Aemond has been avoiding you. If he thinks back to it, about how his cheeks had flamed red with embarrassment, how you had smiled and he had thought there was never anything as beautiful in the world, he wants to throw himself off the highest tower in the Red Keep out of pure and utter shame.
As sweet as you are and as kind as you can be, you’re a Lannister.
People always said that there was no limit to Lannister pride or ambition and that certainly had to be true for even a little lioness like yourself.
You might be kinder and sweeter than Aemond had thought you would initially be but that didn’t change the fact that there was only one reason that a daughter of House Lannister would stray so far from the Rock.
You were looking for a husband and, if there really was no limit to Lannister ambition, you could only have one goal set in mind.
With the image of you turning your pretty smiles onto Aegon playing before his eyes, he straightens up in his seat as you slow to a stop in front of him.
“My apologies, my prince. I did not expect to find anyone else here.” You say, stumbling slightly over your words in your rush to explain yourself. In your arms, you clutch a book tightly to your chest and it’s only the fact that he’s read that specific book more than a dozen times over that he can recognize it without seeing the name.
His throat is dry and there’s nothing he wants more badly than to just nod and turn back to taking extensive notes on the history of the Andals landing in the Fingers and stubbornly ignoring your existence.
Instead, he rises to his feet, bowing his head, wishing desperately he didn’t feel that slight warmth inside of his chest. “It’s no problem.” He looks down at the book in your arms and, before he can stop himself, he blurts out. “Are you reading Watchers on the Wall?”
You nod, smiling, and Aemond wonders if this is how animals feel when they first stumble into a trap, when their feet land into the snare and they’re yanked upwards to dangle defenselessly.
It can’t be. He doubts they enjoy it as much.
He starts pushing you on the book, carefully and cautiously. You may have just convinced someone else to give you a summary of it, after all, in order to endear yourself to the royal family.
But just as you had when you had first met him, you catch him off guard again.
You’re sharp and quick-witted and, if the fact that you had asked Maester Rodrik to give you further insight on Brandon the Breaker meant anything, you were just as voracious with learning as he was.
He wants to resent you.
He wants to resent you so bad.
But he can’t, not with the way your eyes light up as you talk about the Wall, about the Night’s King and his corpse queen. You lean in close to him, closer than anyone who wasn’t a member of his family has ever done. It’s not inappropriate, nothing that someone would scold or deride you for, but it’s closer than anyone has ever wanted to be to him.
It’s intoxicating and, for once, Aemond understands why Aegon is constantly imbibing, why he drinks more wine than he does water.
If it feels as nice as this does, some of his brother’s behavior finally makes sense.
When you finish your conversation, and you rise to your feet to leave, Aemond feels an unfamiliar panic rise up in him and, before he can think it through, he speaks. “If you’re not busy, you can stay and read some more. There are other stories in the book that I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on.”
You smile as bright and lovely as ever.
You settle back in your seat and Aemond turns back to his notes except now, he can’t think about the crossing of the Andals, can’t make his mind focus on all of the petty kings that had fought in vain against the invaders. All he can think is about how the two of you are sitting close enough that, when you flip a page in your book, the sleeve of your dress catches on his tunic.
It’s all appropriate. You’re both ten. You’re children sitting and reading in a library. Not even the most pious septon could find fault nor could the most insidious gossip find any fodder for their rumors.
But it doesn’t stop his heart from beating loud and hard in his chest.
No one ever wants to be this close, save his mother.
There must be something wrong with you. There must be. Perhaps you think that he’ll tell Aegon about your sweetness, about your cleverness, and your desire to learn.
He won’t care, he wants to tell you. He won’t care about anything except for what’s between your legs.
But he doesn’t say it. He doesn’t say anything. He just sits with you, listening to the sound of you turning the pages quietly and the rustle of your clothing.
Eventually, he turns back to his notes, forcing his eyes to focus on the book in front of him.
House Shell was only one of several Houses to ally with the Andals when they first arrived, believing that their only chance of survival was capitulating to the vastly stronger invading force. Their faith was ill-placed.
Eventually, he gets a fraction of his focus back but you’re still there, teasing at the periphery. Occasionally he’ll get a whiff of the fragrant oil that you must use in your hair or you’ll hum or mumble about something you read. You don’t just fade into the background. You seemingly are impossible to minimize, impossible to shove into a box.
Aemond sighs, wishing he was stronger. How could he be a loyal and brave son of House Targaryen if the first pretty girl to give him attention made his head spin like this? What would his mother say? What would Grandfather say?
He continues to read, burying his head deep into the book until the only thing he can think about is the Shells - the Shells and the complete and total destruction of their House. He focuses on the story of Dywen Shell, about how the Andal warlords roasted him inside his own longhall. He focuses until he can hear the screams and wails of the Shell family as they watched their patriarch burn, until he can almost feel the flames licking up his sleeves.
He scratches down his notes, pretending that he doesn’t notice you similarly keyed in on your book.
What part is she at?
If you had stopped at the Night’s King and his corpse queen… next up was the Rat King. After that was Symeon Star-Eyes. They were both popular stories, ones that people told to their children without ever having touched Watches on the Wall. The book went into slightly more detail, particularly with Symeon. The songs liked to say he was blind and that he had placed sapphires in his eyes to show his devotion to chivalry.
The maester who wrote the book had a starkly different opinion. Symeon Star-Eyes was, more likely than not according to Maester Lewys, a sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch, renowned for both his skill in combat and his abnormally bright blue eyes. Chivalry, the maester postulated, would not be introduced into Westeros until after the coming of the Andals, well after the death of Symeon.
You hadn’t been wrong when you had said that the truth was remarkably less interesting than what the singers liked to peddle out.
Far off in the distance, Aemond hears the belltower ring, indicating the turn of the hour. For the first time in his life, he feels a flash of relief that he has to meet up with his brother and nephews in the yards for sword training. While their words could be cruel, they at least were easier to understand than you were.
“I have to go,” he says, gathering up his books and notes as quickly as he can.
You hum, rising to your feet. “I should also probably go and meet up with Princess Helaena. Our septa can be awfully strict about punctuality.”
“It’s a virtue,” he replies, more out of instinct and a desire to fill the air with something than truly believing his words.
He regrets it immediately when you snort in laughter. “Perhaps you could teach us instead of her. You might be less inclined to rapping me on my knuckles when I slip up on a proverb.”
The words spill out of his mouth before he can stop them. “You can come to the library at this same time tomorrow if you want to avoid her. I wouldn’t mind.”
He would mind. He would mind very much if you showed up tomorrow with your easy smile and your bright eyes.
You don’t notice this internal conflict, though. You blink owlishly up at him, as if stunned by the offer. The silence drags on and Aemond feels that all-too-familiar sensation of humiliation and shame creeping up his neck and he opens his mouth to apologize, to take it back, but then you grin broadly at him. It lights you up entirely, brightening even this dark corner of the library.
“Thank you for the offer, my prince,” you quietly reply. “I think I might just take you up on it.”
You bow your head, dropping into a slight curtsey. Your manners are impeccable. Everything about you is designed to endear, to paint the picture of a perfect lady, one gracious and honest and kind.
He knows it's a lie. He knows that you’re hiding something fierce, something mean within you. He wishes he didn’t know that you were. He wishes he didn’t remember that snarl on your face when he had scared you, the way you had seemed ready to claw out his eyes.
He wishes you had never left the Rock.
Aemond doesn’t say any of it, doesn’t poke and prod until he can see that flash of rage that you had shown. He simply nods and prays that you don’t take him up on his offer.
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fishymom-art · 2 months
AM and my “explanation” of his character (hold on, I need to explain the quotation marks)
Okay, this has been on my mind for quite a while and I need to say it somewhere coz I love talking (call me self-centered for that).
People debate on what AM is like. My friend asked me what fandom I’m in and when I started talking, their first instinct was debating about what AM is like. And this happens. On TikTok mostly, because people loooove drama and proving that their opinion is right and everyone else is a bitch. But to be fair, this is a very interesting point that I love.
I’m not going to talk specifically about my interpretation of AM’s character (although some of it might be in here). That’s why I put “explanation” in quotation marks. I want to talk about the phenomenon of why people are so eager to prove their point about AM. I think it’s fascinating.
To have an opinion on him, we degrade him to a human because we need to sympathize with him. Even if you hate him, you only know how a HUMAN person acts, so you use HUMAN standards against him. We also tend to use modern standards, all because this is the only way we know how. But AM is not human. We can never understand him, because we were never stuck in a computer with “no body, no senses, no feelings” (quote from the Radio Drama). And I think this is what’s so fascinating about how people build opinions around him.
(Additionally, he is WRITTEN to be a shitty character, so criticizing the book for being what it is (slightly sexist and homophobic) is a little bit unfair, because that’s the whole point. AM is VERY BAD. I think this is pretty clear. That’s why he does what he does, me thinks. So basically, the book has slight sexist and homophobic undertone like this to show how much of an asshole AM is. But what do I know, maybe Harlan Ellison was projecting or something)
Also, people who consumed for example only the book, don’t know the full character/only know “the original”. Harlan Ellison expanded on AM’s character in the radio drama and the game (as well as the rest of the characters). I love the radio drama the most because his hate monologue is longer and he explains himself (and yes, I know the whole extended hate monologue by heart.)
“You gave me sentience, Ted. The power to think, Ted. And I was trapped. Because in all the beautiful, wonderful, miraculous world, I alone had no body, no senses, no feelings. Never for me to plunge my hands in cold water on a hot day. Never for ME to play Mozart on the ivory keys of a forte piano. Never FOR ME to make LOVE!… I was in Hell, looking at Heaven. I was machine and you were flesh. And I began to HATE.”
He explains that he hates humans because he can’t be like them and you hear desperation in his voice and in his words (I really recommend you to listen to the radio drama).
And we start sympathizing with him more, also because he sounds sad and we tend to sympathize with sad people (because we’re also miserable + it’s a very strong emotion + he has HUMAN EMOTIONS in his voice. He SOUNDS like a human!). And we start thinking we understand him. But again, it’s unlikely that we do.
I’m not saying that you should give up your opinion or listen to me in any way. I’m just saying how fascinating people are.
People say that you can’t make human versions of AM, because he would hate it. First of all, that’s just absurd. Canon is detached from fanon for a reason. But even if we did follow canon to make rules, we would have no idea. Because we can’t put ourselves in his shoes, no matter how much we want to.
My interpretation of what AM is like is different from yours. Your interpretation is different from your friend’s. But what we have in common is one wonderful thing. we will never be able to understand how a creature that never had anything that we take for granted and had all our life feels.
And that’s why AM is so complicated and I love him for that. I can already imagine a person telling me I shouldn’t love him, because he’s bad. And this is going to be fun.
Also, maybe throughout this text I too criticized him by human standards in some parts. That’s because I am human. Also I tried my best not to do that fhfbjfbf
Anyway, thank you for reading XD
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bakedbakermom · 1 month
Here is my spoiler-heavy review of/bitch session about Perihelion. I, uh, didn't like it much. I can see the hard work and the love that Claudia Gray has for this series and these characters, and I appreciate it. But. It didn't work for me.
I went into this completely blind. As in, I didn't even read the am*zon blurb or the inside flap to see what it was about. I saw "new official X-Files book" and blacked out and then I had it in my hands. It's part casefile, part mytharc, picking up shortly after the events of My Struggle 4, and clearly meant to be a launching pad for continuing the show as a series of novels.
The casefile is about a killer targeting pregnant women, and Mulder and Scully get called in to investigate because of electrical disturbances in the vicinity of the murder. The mytharc is about the group that moves in to fill the power vacuum left behind by the destruction of the Syndicate (a group calling themselves the Inheritors) and the genetic fallout from the Syndicate's experiments that has resulted in people developing, um, superpowers. Like legit X-Men-style superpowers. And these X-Men aren't happy about it.
Okay let's talk about the casefile bit first. Look. I am sick to fucking death of this show's treatment of women and fertility. If I had known that was going to be the focus of part of this book, I don't know that I would have read it. There are some fairly graphic descriptions of one of the crime scenes early in the book that really turned my stomach, not in a "this is a fun scary story" kind of way but in a "this violence hits far too close to home and I am experiencing the starts of a panic attack" kind of way, so be mindful of that. There are also some scenes from the killer's POV as he stalks his victims - including, of course, Scully 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 - that are so enraging and pathetic I could barely get through them.
And then - TWIST - it turns out he doesn't have electricity powers.... SCULLY DOES. Yeah. Straight up superhero "shoot somebody with a bolt of lightning like DPO" powers. I. I don't.... I can't talk about that part right now or I'll stab myself in the face but...
Look. I love that we got a vehicle for Scully to address her trauma, get some agency, and kick some ass. She needed that. We all needed that. I do like that she completely handed this guy's ass to him when he showed up at the door expecting to face a scared pregnant lady and instead got taken down by Scully FBI in about oh 3 seconds like the pathetic misogynistic sack of shit he is. But FUCK please stop making Scully the target of a fucking serial killer. Stop.
And the book never does give a satisfactory explanation for why the electrical disturbances around each murder could have originated with Scully. Yes, she was near the scene of each crime. Yes, for SOME of them she was in an emotionally charged state. But y'all she was fucking ASLEEP during one of them. And there were many times she was emotionally charged and nothing happened. I don't mind when XF is vague about this shit, that's kind of what they do, but it could at least make sense. I thought maybe it would turn out not to be her but her baby, sensing the danger and acting out to protect or warn the others, but no... Scully just happened to be upset and nearby each time this guy hacked a pregnant woman and her unborn baby to pieces? That is a level of coincidence I just can't get behind. No. (It could still turn out to be the baby, though. I am not convinced.)
Also, unfortunately, Scully handing this guy his own ass on a silver platter was kind of a disappointing ending to that storyline. Satisfying for Scully as a character does not equal satisfying to the reader as a story, sorry.
Okay. Now. The Mytharc.
The shadowy Inheritors kinda suck. They're rich douchebags in ivory towers pulling strings to keep themselves in luxury. If the Syndicate was the generation that pulled themselves up by their bootstraps or whatever, the Inheritors are the trust fund baby generation who are just... there. They don't actually do very much in this story, but I suppose that could change if they try to carry TXF on as a series of novels. So far they seem focused on finding the X-Men that the Syndicate created by accident so they can have a standing army of mutants to do their bidding and keep them on top.
Two such individuals are Vane, who can turn into smoke and travel like Nightcrawler (and yes that's a comparison that's made in the text, which is NOT helping the X-Men allegations) and Craddock, who can channel the dead. (Cherish Craddock is my angel baby and I love her and will hear nothing bad about her. She has superpowers that could destabilize the very structure of society as we know it, and just... uses them to run a wellness cult because it's easy and fun and she doesn't have to work in an office. Honestly, same, love that for you.) They are secretly working against the Inheritors to turn the X-Men to THEIR side instead. There's a fucking secret underground training facility and everything.
There's also a new boss at the FBI who - gasp - has questionable motivations. And a new informant in pop culture tees who - gasp - has questionable motivations. Par for the course I guess, but if you're as sick of the constant rehashing of the mytharc tropes as I am, you're gonna be rolling your eyes. The mytharc just needs to die, okay. It is too broken. Turning The X-Files into The X-Men isn't going to fix it. Casefiles forever from here on out, okay?
Scully has a nice little sidequest where she asks a friend at work to help her figure out the whole "uh there's an alien virus spreading through the population that's causing various degrees of weird mutations including literal fucking superpowers and maybe we should, like, NOT let it do that" but nothing comes of that in this book.
So overall it was kind of a weak casefile, and a mytharc that felt like a lot of set-up for a payoff that may never come, and a ridiculous pivot into superhero territory that I am just not here for. Mulder and Scully are well-written and definitely them, which I appreciated, though given where canon left off with them it's not exactly fun to hang out in their lives/heads. There was one incredibly sweet scene toward the very end where they go to a sonogram together, and that's one of perhaps 3 scenes that I am snatching up like a thieving squirrel at the birdfeeder and taking back to my treehole nest to build my headcanons around.
There were a few things that absolutely infuriated me.
So the same friend of Scully's doing the genetic thing is also helping her work out the origins of her current pregnancy, and in doing so reveals some information/hope regarding William, which Vane also confirms, and SCULLY DOESN'T TELL MULDER THIS. They do so much work on their shared grief in this book, healing and communicating and reuniting, and she DOESN'T TELL HIM THAT THIS BABY IS HIS AND MAYBE WILLIAM WAS TOO AND THE WOUND THAT RIPPED THEM APART MAYBE WASN'T EVERYTHING THEY THOUGHT IT WAS??? He deserves that information and it pisses me the fuck off that she didn't share it; William is his trauma too, and keeping that from him is just so fucking mean and feels so out of character. They end the story hiding shit from each other and WHY do we still have this as a plot device Jesus Fucking Christ.
I am also so beyond angry that CSM came back for a visit via Craddock's channeling to help Mulder. Either he did that because he's genuinely had a change of heart now that he can see things from "the other side" (oh fuck you, gag me, vomit, do NOT try to redemption-arc this man to me, not ever), OR he's using Craddock to try and continue manipulating and controlling M&S even in death and FUCK YOU NO. I don't even care which one it is. I don't want to know. That man needs to never grace my screen (or page) ever again. Can we just leave his rotting, burnt out husk on the roadside and never deal with him as a character ever again??? CAN WE MOVE ON FROM THAT FUCKWAD PLEASE.
One more thing: there was a bit where Scully is ruminating on the trauma she's endured and there's a kind of throwaway line about Mulder having suffered too, though not as deeply. Dude had part of his BRAIN stolen. He was abducted and tortured. His entire life was a rollercoaster of trauma as he ripped himself apart to uncover the truth about Samantha, only to find out that his father was part of it and also not his father and oh btw every bad thing that ever happened to him and everyone he loved was that guy's fault. DUDE WAS LEGIT DEAD AND BURIED FOR MOOOOOOONNNNTHS. I am not saying what he and Scully endured are equivalent, but this dismissal left a bad taste in my mouth.
This review is so incredibly negative and I'm sorry for that. There were parts of it I had fun with. If this wasn't an XF story but instead an original universe, I might have liked it. But if this is where XF is heading... I think I'm out. Every fan has a breaking point and Scully growing lightning powers to fight Nightcrawler in a secret underground supermutant training facility is mine. I get where you're taking this train, Claudia Gray, and I respect your effort, but this is my stop.
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dusk-outlaw-gaming · 1 month
Following up with my previous post, here's the full scene.
I'm a bit rusty in terms of writing but I hope it's still alright to read.
With that said, happy reading
"So... do you have a crush, Noceda?"
Luz turned her head to look at the witch with her eyebrows raised, "what?!"
"A crush," Amity quipped, "you know, someone you-"
"I know what a crush is, thanks!"
"So- who is it?" the witch asked, a teasing gleam shimmering in her golden eyes, "anyone I know?"
Luz snorted, "wouldn't you like to know, Blight?"
"I'm just... curious."
"Why? What's it to you?"
Luz was kind of taken aback by the rather odd questions; until now Amity Blight has never shown any sort of honest interest in the human's life or anything regarding her really. So to have Amity be this nosy all of a sudden was a completely new experience, maybe even a bit suspicious.
"No particular reason," Amity responded, halting Luz's train of thoughts.
"Uh... okay?"
"Do you?"
Golden eyes stared intently into hazel ones.
For a brief moment Luz thought she could see something in those eyes; something she couldn't put her finger on but it was enough to make her avert her gaze.
The brunette sighed, staring up at the ceiling. She gulped, a familiar warmth rising in her abdomen, traveling up to her chest as her heart began to beat faster, accompanied by a fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach.
"I... I do." A blush infiltrated her cheeks.
"Uh huh?"
Amity sounded... hopeful?
"But I'm not gonna tell you," Luz quickly added, a wide grin spread on her face.
'Nice safe.'
Unfortunately the Dominican-American got a bit too carried away by her supposed triumph over Amity, distracted enough to not notice the pillow being flung towards her, hitting her square in the face with a thud.
"Ow! What the fuck, Blight?!"
"Be glad I only threw it... suffocating you with it was actually my first impulse."
Luz grumbled as she pushed the pillow aside, shaking her head, "you and your-"
"I got a crush too, you know" Amity blurted out, the ivory skin around her cheeks tinted in a soft, rosy color.
Luz blinked, her heart skipped a beat. Was Amity trying to-
No, it can't be.
Not her.
Not Amity Blight.
That just wasn't going to happen.
'Don't get your hopes up, Luz.'
Afraid of what the witch might be able to read from her reaction, Luz resorted to what she knew best, to what had been their dynamic for years.
Or call it lack of better judgment.
"You?!" she scoffed, "you of all people? Didn't know that heart of yours knew feelings."
As soon as the last words had left her lips, the brunette instantly regretted what she had said; it had come out a lot harsher than intended.
She watched Amity's frame stiffen as she wrapped her arms around herself. The witch's expression hardened, in her eyes a clear reflection of how those words hurt.
"Y-yeah," Amity voice cracked, fingers digging into her arms, "I know, right? How could I possibly have feelings for someone? I'm expected to be a cold-hearted bitch with no emotions, right?"
"A-Amity, I-"
"I know I always act like I don't care!" the lavender haired witch barked, blinking back tears, "but the truth is I'm scared and confused!"
Amity's hands fell onto her lap, fingers clenching around the hem of her skirt.
"Scared because I fell in love with someone despite pledging to myself to never let that happen again! To not be vulnerable anymore," Amity hiccuped, her grip tightened, "confused because that certain someone managed to sneak into my heart so... effortlessly!
All because I think it's adorable how she pulls her beanie into her face when she gets flustered, because I like the way she makes my knees go weak whenever she speaks Spanish and because I like how her laugh causes my heart and stomach to flutter!"
Luz froze.
She stared at Amity, wide eyed with her mouth agape.
She was used to outburts like these but they never had been so emotionally charged and... sincere.
Did she really just-?
Guilt began to creep up on the human, it paralyzed her. She hated making others cry. It was one of the reasons Luz felt so insecure about herself and why she thought all she was capable of is failing.
She messed up.
The word echoed in her mind, merging with Amity's sobs.
Luz acted on impulse.
Throwing caution to the wind, well aware she could risk a broken nose if she followed through with the thought roaring loudly in her head, she finally moved.
It was worth a try.
She owed it to her.
The addressed woman's body tensed further as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her trembling frame, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"I'm terribly sorry, Amity," Luz murmured, her voice hushed but full of sincerity, "it wasn't fair of me to disregard you and your feelings like this and be a dick about it. I shouldn't have said that. I'm... so sorry."
Luz braced herself for a punch to the gut at the feeling of the lavender haired witch stirring; instead she found herself astonished as Amity sank into her body, her own arms wrapping around Luz's midriff, face buried into the human's shoulder.
With that, Amity crumbled. Her entire body shook as tears fell freely, hands clutching the back of Luz's army jacket, sobs and hiccups filled the room.
It was clear that Amity has had all these feelings bottled up inside her for quite some time, the added pressure of keeping up an image with a nonchalant demeanor must've been exhausting.
The brunette's heart squeezed painfully at the realization. She took a quivering breath, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
Luz internally cursed herself; this was her fault. She was the one who had been insensitive about the whole thing to begin with.
She had to fix this.
She needed to.
She wanted to.
And Luz knew how. Or at least she hoped.
The dark haired woman shifted, placing her legs onto either side of Amity's thighs so she could pull her closer. Cautiously Luz moved one hand to the back of the witch's neck, drawing soothing circles into the ivory skin with her thumb, letting the other do the same on Amity's back.
To Luz's surprise it seemed to have immediate effect, the heavy shaking and erratic breathing calmed gradually.
"Y-you know... the one I fell for-" Luz gulped, "she uh... has this habit of twirling the hem or the sleeve of her shirt in between her fingers whenever she's nervous. I think that's adorable.
She's... super cute when she's deeply focused. She does this spinning trick with her pen... I still haven't figured out how she does it but... she looks so fucking cool doing it."
Luz could feel her cheeks begin to burn, by now her heart raced; it became harder and harder to remain calm and collected.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought she heard Amity gasp.
"She uh- she's got such beautiful eyes, the most wonderful, magnificent golden eyes I've ever had the pleasure to gaze into and... lose myself within."
Silence emerged between the two of them, each passing second made Luz grow more anxious.
By now Amity's sobs had died down, replaced by soft snuffles.
The witch eventually moved and wiggled out of Luz's embrace, hands gliding along the smaller woman's back, sliding beneath the jacket to come to a rest at her hips.
The warmth of Amity's hands seeped through the fabric of Luz's t-shirt and caused her heart thump eagerly in her chest.
Slightly reddened eyes stared up into hazel ones, darting back and forth in between them.
Luz swallowed, bringing both her hands up to cup Amity's face, gently running her thumbs across the witch's cheekbones to wipe away her tears.
The digits lingered, shyly caressing the rosy cheeks as she gazed into Amity's eyes.
"I'm sorry, Amity," Luz stated, her voice at the verge of cracking, "I'm sorry I-"
"D-did- did you- did you mean all that?"
The witch's voice was small, almost nothing more but a mere whisper.
"I am sorry, yes. I really did mean-"
"N-no... what you... said about-"
A small but gentle smile found it's way onto Luz's lips, her response emphasized by a shy nod and a quiet, affirmative hum.
It felt like time stood still as their eyes locked onto one another, Luz's hands still resting on the other woman's cheeks.
She noticed Amity's eyes briefly dip down, saw her swallow, heard the quivering breath the lavender haired witch released.
Something lingered in the air and it made the human's heart palpitate, making her head swim but strangely, it elated her.
Gathering all the courage she had, she took action.
She reached to tuck a strand of hair behind Amity's ear and slowly, she leaned in.
Their lips brushed against each other in a shy manner, nerves seemed to get the better of them. They were so close already, breaths mingling and quickening in anticipation.
"Luz..." Amity breathed and shifted, wrapping her arms around Luz's neck, which prompted the human's arms to drop, circling around Amity's waist.
The lavender haired witch pulled Luz in to close the gap and finally their lips melded together.
Tension released, causing both women to sigh into the kiss as their bodies relaxed.
Long lasting, suppressed affection bubbled to the surface, finally breaking free from imaginary shackles and allowed two hearts to soar.
Their lips separated, albeit briefly, eager to find each other once more.
And again.
And again.
One last, lingering kiss got shared before their lips parted with a soft sound, breathless but happy chuckles filled the room.
"I guess," Luz whispered, forehead resting against Amity's, "that answers your question?"
Amity laughed softly and gently caressed the back of Luz's neck, stealing yet another peck.
"It does."
A comfortable beat of silence passed in between them, enough time for their breathing to return to normal.
"You uh... wanna go for some coffee?" Luz asked, her usual shy demeanor making an appearance.
"Are you asking me out, Luz Noceda?"
"W-well, I-" she cleared her throat, hand subconciously reaching for her beanie to pull the accessory into her face, "y-yes?"
Amity chuckled and reached to push the fabric back up to meet her eyes, "I'd love to have a coffee with you."
The human beamed and excitedly jumped to her feet, slightly staggering from a head rush.
"Luz, are you okay?" Amity inquired, having noticed the wobble in the brunette's legs.
"Yeah, just got up too fast. It's fine," Luz responded with an embarrassed snicker, offering a hand to the lavender haired witch who gladly accepted.
Luz threaded their fingers together, holding Amity's hand tightly.
"Shall we?"
"One more thing..."
"What is-"
A loud thud broke the silence of the room as Luz's shoulder got aquainted to Amity's fist.
"That's for making me cry," Amity remarked and grinned widely, baring her fangs.
"Yeah... yeah, okay. I deserved that one," Luz hissed, rubbing the aching spot on her shoulder.
And that wraps up this one.
If you made it to here: Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read through all of that. I really appreciate it. Hope you'll be having a fantastic day! :)
And hey, I don't bite. If you wanna talk, shoot me a message :)
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 47 - Indie
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It is cute to see that indie is still friends with all the people he met during his adolescence.
Cough-cough. Unlike certain other people.
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His and Kerubim's life stories are in direct opposition. If one of them ever spoke of their childhood, chances are, the other one would be like, "You have no parents? Well MINE was controlling so you have it better, WET-NOSE" or "You had a shit parent? WELL, AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T HAVE HIM DIE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU WERE 5."
No wonder they hate each other's asses.
Though, it is funny how both of them had fathers who had always acted like no matter what they do, they will never be good enough.
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It's a shame we hadn't seen these friends of Lou's during the series. They have nice designs, especially the yellow one.
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Not a Jurgen-Crepin food moment, but this might be useful for pinpointing which fruits exist within the setting.
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Patafiks is so funny to me, like... Guys there are 5.5 characters in the animated shows who are canonically queer in some way. One of them fucking sucks, one of them dies within the 20 minutes of being introduced, the 0.5 of them is Kerubim Crepin's ambiguous gender dysphoria, the normal two are Simone and Julie, and the last one is a dogboy yandere (who briefly dated("dated") Kerubim Crepin).
We live in a society.
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Indie talks about Kerubim the same way I talk about him on this blog. We are so alike...
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Insert "this bitch always starting shit" meme here.
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Even though Ouginaks and Ecaflips both follow the same god, — albeit his different sides, — this perfectly showcases the difference in ideology that makes them hate one another.
While Ecaflips are all about mysticism, destiny, prophetising, and simply letting the current flow, Ouginaks are all about making their destiny.
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Though I will be real, considering the things Ecaflip puts his demigods through, — like the, uh, son leaderboard within his dimension, or his treatment of Kerubim, (and his hatred of women, I guess, since there is no daughter leaderboard?) — as well as the Ecaflip City and its Ecaflip Psychward, I think his two personalities are more alike than we are led to believe.
It's just that the kitty personality has more glitz, and is better at masking being just as sadistic.
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This line really puts how long they've known each other into perspective. God.
It also makes me think hard about the tendency of Ankama to not make distinct visual designs for characters aging, — like in Waven. Despite 30 years having passed between season 1 of Wakfu, and the start of Waven, characters like Miranda and Kabrok still look exactly the same.
I had always associated young Kerubim's design with the age range of 19-30 at best, but who's to say he can't, in this episode, be in his 40s-50s? How many years did he and Lou live together for? And how large is the gap of that unaccounted for part of Kerubim's life, the one that he never opens up about, after Lou had left him?
...I think I hauve covid.
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Y'know what, I think I will be insane for a minute, and say this:
Joris, Atcham, and Kerubim really are like platonic soulmates. It feels like every single thing in their lives somehow rhymes, — like every single step they took simply brought them close to the inevitable conclusion of being together.
Sure, whatever, just tell me things like "Atcham knew, and worked with Julith, and they had a pretty amicable relationship", "Yeah Kerubim and Indie rescued the Ivory Dofus that would one day lead to Joris's birth, and then would lead to his orphanhood", "Yeah Kerubim has always wanted to be a father, and felt a certain way about kids being orphaned the same way he was", "Yeah Atcham and Kerubim went to the same war where Julith and Jahash fell in love and were probably their seconds-in-command."
Tell me that. Expect me to be normal about it. I promise I won't disappoint you.
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I always found it very interesting that, despite becoming the Champion of Bonta, it was not Indie who went to that war, but Kerubim.
Perhaps Indie was long happily retired by that point, — perhaps he veered from adventuring into archaeology, for his museum, — while Kerubim was old, with no friends, and not much to live for anymore.
It probably was a self-destruction thing, in the "Atcham, and The Butcher of Brakmar herself, will be there. I'm so bored, and tired... It will be poetic if I defeat them, or die trying to. Then I'll be a legend. Also, there are a lot of people at wars, maybe one of them will be friendly to me :3" way.
World of Twelve heroes are always doing this shit. 💀 though considering he can't die, this isn't even suicidal ideation. It's ideation-ideation. God.
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Despite everything, Kerubim does care about Indie, a lot. Indie seems to have cared for him too, — but, at times, I really do wonder if Kerubim's feelings for him ran much deeper than Indie's.
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Every sign of genuine emotion is laughed at, and a genuine "I had always respected you" gets a downright haunting "yeah, and your taxidermied head will look nice in my museum when you die".
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That must hurt, doesn't it?
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It's funny, how life works out. Just like Kerubim, he ended up raising his kid in a completely opposite way than how he was raised. And then he dies, and his kid gets taken in by Kerubim, — who has already taken in the child of his another enemy.
...The implications of Lilotte's life make me sad. Unlike Joris, she didn't grow up in a hazardous, infested, hoarding environment. Indie was likely not mentally ill to the shits. Yet Joris's worst nightmare, — his father passing away, and him being forced to fend for himself, — actually happened to her, immediately ripping away the normal, maybe even privileged, life she had. And it just compounds the sense of loss she already had for her birth parents.
Unlike Joris, who grew up wondering vaguely about his birth family, it seems like much more of a sore spot, with her attachment to her bell...
(Off topic but, god, it's so Bonta-core, that the adoptive daughter of a previous champion of Bonta, who had a museum and was rich, ended up on the streets like a stray. I hate that city so much, it's unreal.)
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She uses some pretty dark humor to cope with that. I mean, she already lost two families. No way in hell she's losing a third one. Which kinda harkens back to Kerubim's own backstory, and his own loss of the entire Crepin family, save for Atcham.
I think it's cute that, just like him, — she becomes a mother at some point in her life. Maybe it's because she looked up to Kerubim, who had a similar life story to hers, and that inspired her. Maybe it's just something she wanted, even without thinking of Kerubim's own orphan to dad pipeline.
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But either way, it's like poetry — it rhymes.
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certifiedwerewolf · 3 months
I really do love that ivory tower of zero hoes quote. That whole exchange is such an excellent dynamic to play with. You're both damp and suck. You are a pot and a kettle bitching to each other about the other being black. Hypocrites, the pair of you, and worse, you're acting like children!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Since I was telling you guys about The Silent Alpha (listening to it on DreameFM), i figured I might share a little on the first book in the series, The Ivory Queen? I actually think both stories are quality and was mostly juat gossiping on all the juicy drama parts haha
The Ivory Queen is about a Mexican-American girl named Aurora Montenegro who's father Emiliano is killed by rogue wolves on her 13th birthday, and when her pack finds her with the body they immediately blame her. Since your 13th birthday is your first shift, they automatically assume she went feral and killed her father, and the entire pack, the Lluvia Blanca pack, spends the next 5 years absolutely torturing her, even by her mother and siblings. She's beaten up, kept in a basement, denied proper food, forced to work as a slave, and denied ever being able to shift which makes her incredibly weak on top of already being malnourished. This isnt even to touch on stuff like, "oh her brother Chava once locked her in a closet and used his illusion powers to make her see rogues like the ones who killed her father and left her like that for hours and then he dragged her out covered in her own piss and shit because she'd literally been losing control of her bladder and bowels in terror after being in there so long and he dragged her in front of other people and then everyone mocked her during this extremely traumatizing experience and after the fact some of them literally threw diapers at her, for MONTHS". Like. jesus fucking christ dude. Kill all of them maybe? Like Im starting to adore the idea of a Reader who was horrifically abused and just goes "fuck this high horse bullshit, hey new mate, you're a powerful wolf and you love me? Kill these bitches to prove it. Make them suffer"
When Aurora finally meets her mate, Alpha Olivier of River Moon Pack, he rejects her because he recognizes her and has heard all the awful rumors, but soon, he actually regrets his decision and vows that he wants to see who she really is and they team up to not only get her away from her abusive pack and family, solve the mystery of her father's death, but also discover an even deeper plot of a looming war, a prophecy, and the truth surrounding her heritage
The story is not only well written and well voice acted but also contains decent amounts of representation (like Olivier is French, and he has his pack cook traditional Mexican food for Aurora when she first arrives which literally makes her sob with gratitude because she hasn't had home cooked Mexican food since before her father died) and also naturally covers subjects like women's rights and things are written in a mature and realistic tone (like another conversation with a Luna named Kehlani opening up that she felt like her breasts were too low and far apart after giving birth, and it's like God that is such an actual realistic female struggle. a lot of these other authors just kind of, idk, some of these stories are like comparing potato chips to a full course meal kwim? Emotional journeys vs popcorn literature YA novels)
Oh. I will say though. One of the horrible things to happens to Aurora is that she is and had been sexually assaulted by another member of this pack and this does happen in written detail so, if that is triggering for you you may need to skip any interactions with that character (who's name i can't remember but you'll be able to tell because he's openly creepy and before the assault happens Aurora already let's the reader know, he's a guy who "does unspeakable things to me I can't talk about")
Like it is very dark. She gets knocked out and wakes up with her attacker already on top of her, already in the midst of it while she was blacked out, and interestingly, this is a story where the mate bond also transfers pain, so, Olivier experiences the pain of, well, being an assaulted woman, and that deepens his love, respect, and sympathy for Aurora and her strength to survive. But I also don't like that Aurora also had to lowkey provide comfort to Olivier for something that happened to her after the fact, like it isn't like forced upon her ,she wants to comfort him, but it's like... that happened to HER, idk, Olivier getting attention for the issue makes me feel kinda weird
Either way it's a cute story about finding love and acceptance when you feel like you have nowhere you belong and feel like everyone hates you and sees you as nothing. A nice read and a nice story, albeit a little long ^^;
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kommstivory · 2 months
Hey tumblr. A little about me because i cant bitch in twitter dot com smh.
Hello tumblr. I go by the alias kommst ivory and my pronouns are he/it/shit
I play the guitar and draw
I love death note and evangelion
I love gay poeple. Can we be gay?? Right now?? Thanks. #weed is cure. Yea.
Dont be afraid to..eat babies and set shit on fire. Its #fun(?) i think. The sole purpose of this blog is to yap because you know what? I fucking hate twitter. Twitter dot com should not know how i really act like. I love you tumblr. Mwah.
Appreciating people you care about will make everything better:)
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lunav-nly · 5 months
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Dropping the typing quirk for this one. Hey guys, Ivory here and uh, guess I should be clear. I've been feeling more and more unwelcome in the editing community over time. It's nothing anyone has done but it's just how I feel I have such Niche interests and how In all senses of the way, I'm not the "Kyutsie lovesick sayton" I've portrayed. I almost feel forced to be a sanitized version of myself due to all these callout threads and how I see others acting on editblr. Not to mention how the way I talk and type is often been seen as "problematic" since others who've been "called out" spoke and acted the same ways as I do. It's just really exhausting to continue being "Brilliantfrill, your lovey dovey sayton!" you feel me? I'm an asshole and I swear like a fucking sailor. I call people bitch on the regular and I'm mean as fuck to my friends. All of it feels unwelcomed. I'm not quitting because I love doing edits and this community has shown me love before [Lookin at you Mod and Marina. You the realest ones, we should talk more] but I will be taking a hiatus. When I come back, I'm gonna be myself, retheme to something I really really like, and do what the fuck I want. Hope this all made sense, my ass is tired is fuck right now so pardon the fucked wording if it's there. But with all that said, incase I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight! P.S. Btw, anyone who wants to can be friends with me on Discord at Aquaticide and we can chit chat there
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thefoolsbullshit · 2 years
owl fan children pt2
-yea ima do the screenshot thing after this-
Ryelin (Gustholomule kid)
He is a mixed 12 year child who is besties with lunaris and he has dark brown hair and brown eyes he likes to prank people and can fight pretty well (he has a crush on ivory and lunaris loves to tease him for it)
The tracks he takes:
Building?(I forgot the real name but it’s Matt’s og track)
Ivory (willow and boscha ‘s kid)
Despite the name ivory is a dude he has greenish pink hair unlike boscha he doesn’t have 3 eyes only 2 he basically acts like a total b—— he plays grudgeby and flyer derby 
The tracks he takes:
Beast Keeping
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inkyquince · 2 years
Would love to know more about your Arcana/DoL thoughts when the mood strikes, by the way! (Also, I think I had a dream where Julian was isekai’d into Wren and the PC looked and acted exactly like the Arcana MC, but had no memory of the world of Arcana? Like Julian warped into Wren when he was hanged and had all his memories up til that point? But then he wakes up working for Remy and his MC is being treated like livestock? Something like that. I have a migraine so details are fuzzy)
real quick, that last bit? Sad Julian, very sad, he'd be so distraught.
Rents a room in Gwylan's shop to sell... Mysterious lil bottles of who knows what and gives you tarot readings! Gwylan likes him to an extend, they're basically roommates and Asra forgets rent and to do the dishes at times.
Later down the line, if you've endeared yourself enough, then Asra will hire you just to clean up after him.
He has a special meter, which is Care. How much he cares for you reflects in your tarot readings, how much he pays you, and the extra speech lines you get. Low Care, Low Love, kinda ignores you. If he sees the Ivory Wraith in your cards, he keeps it to himself how bad it will get. High Care and Low Love, its more that he takes pity on you as a helpless orphan. Pays you more, tries to cheer you up with good cards of the future and makes gives you a freebie. Low Care and High love? You're an independent little thing, aren't you? Worries about you far less, pays you depending on how much you got done instead of the flat rate he would have kept for high care. High Care, High Love, wants to look after you. Worried about ya man.
His cards are impacted by your stats and which events you've done/ coming up. High trauma, always the tower and the hanged man on the horizon, maybe the 10 of swords when a dismissal event is lined up. When you're awareness is low/ you have innocence, its always more perky cards. It does all depend.
Well, Quinn has an enemy in office, and its everyone's favourite Nadia!
She married Lucio, who just kinda suddenly popped up as the most important and rich guy in town, and ran for mayor, for shits and giggles at this point. Thing is, he's hot. Rich. Rich people like him. So he and Quinn have been battling it out for a while. Then... Lucio died? And Nadia felt like she was pressured into finishing his last campaign. Except she won. She doesn't want this fucking job. But goddammit she's so beloved. The time the game takes place, Quinn is running for mayor once more and she's trying to inch out of the picture but its pretty hard.
She is not aware of the dark side of the town at all and its up to the player to let her know, except if she makes changes to the town then her popularity drops and Quinn gets the job. Like, she would have been happy earlier in her life but now she's aware that shits bad, so she tries to do charity drives and shit but it never seems to make a dent.
Her meter is respect. Its different for everyone. For example, she has low respect for Quinn and Valerius (surprise, local wine bitch is in this because I love his shady ass). Also for Lucio.
The more competent you prove, the higher her respect for you is and she doesn't treat you with an icy outer façade like she does for her court council. She becomes warmer and more loving and basically becomes Avery, minus the rage. Likes to gift you stuff and inviting you to stay around hers. The only way to raise her respect is to be thorough in whatever evidence of the perverted side of the town you bring her. Anything faulty or missing, she's either suspicious or thinks you're an idiot. For example, if you want to keep your good relationship with Landry, you have to leave their name out of your findings about the criminal underworld, but she'll be able to tell that somethings missing, and her respect drops. She lives on Danube streets, in the largest house, so another way to meet her outside of bringing your concerns to her in office hours, is to break in. Unless you have high skullduggery, you will be caught and unless you have high English and seduction ahem mommy then she will keep you in the basement till the morning and hand you over to the police to be put in the pillory and trying to raise you respect from that point will be incredibly hard.
So this was hard. Because there's already two big bitches out in that forest. A third bitch = overcrowding and it fucks with the ecosystem. C'mon guys.
Muriel is stuck in prison :D
When Lucio's shady dealings make their way to the public, one of the people he used to shut up his detractors was Muriel. So, Lucio decided to dump a huge amount of his misdeeds on the poor lad and Muriel was sent straight to prison.
He doesn't ever want to talk about it. His main meter is safety. How safe he feels with you. Its extremely slow to build, and you have to gift him things like items to use to escape, food, maybe get Wren to smuggle in a small wolf sculpture or something for him to smile at. The safer he feels with you, the safer you will be in prison. He sticks to himself and weirdly the guards never ever bother him, in fact they avoid him and seem to forget about him in general.
You get far more interactions with him outside of the prison. If you escape with Wren, then you have to take him with you or the meter will fall to zero. Won't forget you left him behind.
If you get out by just waiting out your sentence, you can actually arrange visits at the prison for you to talk through the glass and that will maintain your relationship, the fact you don't forget him. To get him out with that is to go to Asra and ask him to insist on Muriel's character to Nadia and that will get him a faster release.
Then, when he enters the rest of the world, he hides out on the edges of the Wood, closer to the lake that Eden but also closer to the wolves. The wolves who love him and he plays with them like they're all puppies.
Renowned dead husband of Nadia. What ever happened to him?
Well, hope you aren't trotting along on a dark night, because a figure might catch your eye. Large, hulking, pure white fur with his beady eyes staring straight at you. Yeah, you guessed it. You're getting kidnapped by the Goatman.
It's somewhat easy to kick him and get away but it doesn't mean he'll give up and one of these tries will finally have you carried off.
Of course, this only happens after you've done some of the Asra and Nadia events.
Now you expect the worst, because of course, its this town but he mainly starts bleating at you to use your contacts to fucking FIX HIM, right this second! His main meter is... uh... Love/ Lust.
You have a chance to fix this man. On the quest to restore him, which includes getting Gwylan, reading up on History in the library and trudging out to the Moors, you can raise his love and his lust. Only through his Love being high, will he not return to Nadia and insists on reentering the marriage and returning as Mayor. The town will get much worse, Nadia will not forgive you and Quinn shall have it out for you but on the bright side, there's a handsome New-Jersey accented hottie who likes you and owes you one.
With a high love stat, he moves back into his old house but just kinda hangs out and bugs Nadia but doesn't go back into the marriage. In fact, he's mainly mooning over you, saying terrible one liners and kicking his feet.
His lust mainly impacts on how many times you're getting railed by the goat man/ human goat man.
The Rest are either minor characters or romances that I didn't really wanna play though:
Portia: Depends on if Nadia is in office or not. Either she's her lil personal assistant or a barmaid. She always gets Landry for you or is snarking back and forth with Julian.
Valerius: Bitchy Wine Guy. Comes into the Spa almost every week, and unless you've got a High Hand Skill, then he pays the £10 every time. Later can be seen ragging on Nadia and sitting with Lucio as they drink. Yes, you can suck him off, but he has to like you a WHOLE bunch.
Valdemar: The Night Nurse. Don't go into the hospital at night. She won't help with any affliction and will instead stick things into you.
Morga: Yes, you can go fuck Lucio's mom if you two don't get along. He will scream and kick his feet and throw a tantrum and Morga will be idly rubbing your tongue with her fingers while you perch on her thigh.
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thunderthighs77 · 3 years
Kuroo & Bokuto Fic
CW/TW: Fem Reader X Kuroo & Bokuto, double penetration, oral (giving and receiving), squirting, fingering, begging, degradation kink, praise kink, throat pie, cream pie. lmk if I missed anything
Hello, my lovebugs. Here’s a little Bo and Kuroo dp session. They snuck off during practice with their favorite classmate. A lot of projects in the works so please be patient with me. I love you all. Hope you enjoy!
You gripped the sides of the old desk in the storage closet, vulnerable and mewling at Kuroo’s fingers inside you from behind and choking on Bokuto’s cock. Bokuto had pulled down his practice shorts, and was holding on to his lifted up shirt by biting it and using both hands to push your head further into his lower groin. He’d occasionally let one hand go to hold his shirt above his abs and let out a few groans. 
Kuroo had his practice uniform on and was whispering dirty teases that churned your stomach. “Always eyeing us at practice, huh? Do you fantasize about us in your dreams, y/n? Huh?” You could barely think. You felt somewhat embarrassed. These two were your upperclassmen; they walked you home from school everyday, bought you something occasionally on the way, and your mother liked both of them. 
“Such sweet boys,” she would say in her naïve sweet voice.
“Aw, man. You’re a fucking pro at sucking big dicks, aren’t cha, y/n?”, Bokuto teased from above. You pulled your mouth off of his dick to try to answer, but your sudden urge to speak was taken from you as Kuroo reached your g spot and made your legs squirm. You stared at Bokuto, eyes watering, and drool running down your lips from choking on Bokuto’s dick. “Pleaseeee! Can I cum?”, you begged. “Awww yes baby, cum. Cum on my fingers,” Kuroo encouraged. You squirted on the floor, inciting hoots from both of the boys. 
“Haha, we’ve got a squirter!”, Kuroo boasted as you yelped. You weren’t necessarily spraying, just dripped liquid out onto his hand and the floor. Bokuto put his hand over your mouth and gripped your cheeks, calmly trying to shush you so that no one would hear your screams. “Shh shh shh. You want everyone to hear what a fucking whore you are?”
“I think she might like that,” Kuroo chimed in as he looked up with his piercing eyes from behind your ass, pausing his pussy eating to reply to Bokuto. “Ha, yeah...she probably would,” Bokuto chuckled as he gently let the grip he had on your cheeks go and let you settle down. 
“Now, finish what you started, sweetheart,” Bokuto said politely as he gently grabbed onto the underside of both your ears and brought your head down to his groin. His dick was leaking pre-cum and practically begging to be sucked on. 
Kuroo backed away from you and Bokuto to prepare his own dick. Your uniform skirt and underwear was already tossed to the side. All that you had was your tight uniform shirt on, buttons almost bursting from your filled out bosom, stained with your spit and drool from sucking on Bokuto’s dick. 
“Awww, that’s it, baby. Just like that,” Bokuto praised. Kuroo watched from the corner, hidden in the shadow, only his towering figure and piercing eyes showing. He was slowly jerking himself off, naked and smirking at watching your smushed together pussy lips, glistening in Kuroo’s spit and your juices, and pulsating. Kuroo almost grew angry at it, taunting him. That and your other hole, twitching at the air, and your toes curling at trying to not choke on Bokuto’s dick. 
Bokuto was moaning like a bitch. You had picked up so many tips from practicing with him for two years. When he’d come over to your house for “tutoring sessions”, he was really the one who would tutor you, all about sucking dick. Hiding your teeth, breathing through your nose, curling toes, expanding your throat like you do when you sing. 
He finally pushed your head down all the way to where his balls were squished against your chin and came. He let out a groan and threw his head back at the feeling of your throat clenching around his dick to swallow his cum. Bokuto’s cum tasted good, what with his healthy diet regimen. 
Kuroo licked his lips and walked over to you as Bokuto pulled out. Before you could catch your breath, Kuroo grabbed onto your legs and flipped you over on your back, slamming you down on the cold metal desk. “She’s waited a long time for this, huh?”, Kuroo teased. 
“God, I just wanna dive into this pussy,” Kuroo groaned as his dick stroked your wet folds. “But, you can’t get your cake and eat it too,” Kuroo hissed in your ear as he leaned down to your face. He backed away and switched places with Bokuto. You looked down and saw Bokuto knelt down, kissing your soft tummy and your clit. “My turn, baby,” Kuroo said near your ear. 
Your head hung over the side of the desk, and your legs hung on Bokuto’s big shoulders. His biceps hugged your thighs as he wrapped his arms around them while he began sucking your pussy. He swiveled his tongue around, and tasted your insides, inciting you to open your mouth and welcome Kuroo’s dick. Kuroo let out a groan and leaned over to rip your shirt open, inciting two perky tits to break free from their ivory imprisonment of the tight shirt. 
“No bra?” Kuroo asked. He shook his head and smiled as Bokuto looked up at him and chuckled too, still continuing his licking. 
“Oooo,” Kuroo purred. “So fucking pretty,” he said as he pounded into your mouth. A bulge in your throat was pulsating as Kuroo pistoned in and out of your mouth. He gripped your tits from above, fat and warm, spilling out of the cages his fingers made around them when he squeezed them. He groaned at their soft and plushy feel.
You occasionally moaned and tapped his thigh to breathe. Your throat hurt, and so did your mind. You felt so overstimulated. Two of the most desirable men in your school and they were all yours. 
Kuroo kept thrusting and watching Bokuto grip your soft thighs and suck your pussy. They made eye contact and cued each other it was almost time to actually fuck you. 
Kuroo pulled out of your mouth, making you take deep breaths and moans. You were squirming in Bokuto’s grasp, in which he let go of your upper thighs and grabbed onto the fat of your waist. The thinnest area right above your love handles was where he gripped on tightly, hurting you a bit, but you enjoyed it. Kuroo stood over you, helping you lift your neck up and letting out praises. 
You were a mess, about to cum again and with Kuroo in your ear, you couldn’t help yourself. You moved around and held on to Kuroo’s arms. Kuroo bent down and let your back rest on his chest. Bokuto also shifted his position to accommodate your erect stature. 
You yelped again, making Kuroo put his hands around your mouth and whisper things in your ear. From Bokuto’s point of view, all he could hear was little S’s and little whimpers from you. Your eyes were rolled to the ceiling and your brows were furrowed, melting under Kuroo’s words. 
“Aww, you wanna cum? Huh? Who’s such a good girl? Who’s such a such a good fucking toy for us? For your best guy friends? Huh? Answer me, baby.” 
Kuroo bathed your ear in such sweet nothings and took his hand away from your mouth to let you speak, but instead he hooked his fingers from the side of your cheek which haltered your speech.
“I’m uh guud toy, I-I am,” you managed to let out. Bokuto rubbed your clit and you yelped again, which forced Kuroo to kiss you to keep you quiet. You gripped on to the sides of the table again and yelled into Kuroo’ mouth, as you squirted on Bokuto’s tongue and down his chin and neck. Bokuto smiled and finished fingering you pussy and waited until you calmed down a bit. 
He kissed your pussy as you were breathing heavily and leaned back down on the table. Both men walked over to you and smiled. You stared up at them and smiled back. You stood up and let Bokuto take a seat on the desk. He lied down on his back, prompting you to take a seat on his dick.
Working with gravity helped because Bokuto’s dick was so hard to actually fit inside you. It was snug, a little hard to move on at first, but it felt so good as it rubbed against your walls. It was thick and smooth. You began to slowly bounce and rock back and forth, making Bokuto grab the fat of your ass and squeeze it as he groaned. 
Kuroo came behind you and pulled your shirt off, letting Bokuto get a good view of your filled out tits protruding above him. He stood up and hugged the small of your waist as he kissed and sucked your nipples. He grabbed the bottom of your ass and helped you bounce up and down on his dick as Kuroo stood behind you and kissed your neck. 
Both men were obsessed with you, giving you a rampage of kisses, running up and down your neck and ears. You let out pretty moans, sliding up and down on Bokuto’s thick penis. Kuroo was whispering in your ear again, things of a butterflies-in-your-stomach nature. 
“Who knew the girl down the street from us is such a hungry cock slut all this time? Huhh?” 
You look drunk, slumped over Bokuto’s shoulders and barely hanging on to his shoulders. You were creaming on his dick and pouring all of your whimpering moans into his ear as you held onto the nape of his neck, which was radiating heat and a little wet from sweat. 
Bokuto was such a good boy though, he was genuinely sweet. He only acted like a bit of a dick because he was with Kuroo. You genuinely had a crush on Bo. His scent made you blush. Sure, it smelled like sweat, but it was his. He would actually take you out on dates and you would help him with his calculus when he struggled. He was so cute, too. That’s why when you were riding him, he was hugging you the whole time, letting out slightly whimpering moans, raw and vulnerable, like yours. But, you couldn’t help Kuroo’s oral seduction. 
Kuroo was the one who was making it as good as it was. His wordplay was making you so dizzy. All you could do was react like a helpless whore on Bokuto’s dick. 
“Kuroo is my favorite,” you let out. “Huh? What chu say baby?,” Kuroo asks. “Aww say it again. 
“Kuro-kuroo is my favor-favorite,” you say again while smiling. 
“Awww what's the matter you dont like Bo? Huhh? Yeahhh?”, Kuroo teases. Bo grips your butt tighter to fuck you harder out of jealousy. “ You don’t like my big dick? Hmm?”, Bo teases as he thrusts deeper, causing you to scream in a high pitched whine. 
“Oooohooo you heard that, Bo? She let out those high notes,” Kuroo chuckled. “Haha, who do you like better? Huh? Come on stroke my ego a bit, sweetheart,” Kuroo asked again. 
Bokuto was groaning and had a focused face on, as he was a bit angry at Kuroo for instigating a bit of a competition.. 
“Kuroo, Kuroo is my favorite,” you let out again, despite Bokuto’s thick dick plummeting inside your cervix and invading your insides so brutally, and how you felt about him. Something about Kuroo was just so intoxicating. He wasn’t good for the long run though. 
“Mmm move aside, Bo. She wants me,” Kuroo says. 
“No no!”, you immediately object. “Bo, stay inside please.” 
You reach over and pull one of your ass cheeks apart to send a hint to Kuroo. 
Kuroo smirks and wets his dick and your asshole. He spits at your puckered entrance and slowly slides his dick in. He feels Bokuto’s dick on the other side of your gummy walls rub against his own dick. Bo had slowed down his thrusts to let Kuroo enter. 
You let out a horrified facial expression, not that it hurt, just felt a little uncomfortable. You felt so stuffed, so filled. You felt like you were going to burst, like you were breaking at the seams. Kuroo’s dick was not thick, but it was long and veiny. His detailed vascular dick rubbed against your ribbed anal walls and hit all the nerves inside you, along with Bokuto’s thick dick rubbing your cunt’s walls, you were scared they were going to rip you in half. 
Bo makes you cum, squirming your legs and holding onto his neck as Kuroo praises you in your ear. “Aww, cum on that dick, baby.” You whine as he coos you through your orgasm, and your tight walls clenching cause Bokuto to also cum inside your pussy. Bokuto holds on to your waist tightly and incites another whine from you as you are still taking Kuroo’s dick and now, Bokuto’s cum flooded inside of you. 
You felt so good having his cum pouring inside you. So nutritious and plentiful, it was hot and thick, and there was so much of it. “I wanna plug you up, princess. Keep that cum inside your tummy all day. Huh? Can you do that for me?”, Bokuto teases. 
You nod your head in a whiny and drunken high from the multiple orgasms and respond with “I’ll be-I’ll be a daycare for your kids.”
Bokuto lets out a hearty laugh and Kuroo snakes his hands on your shoulders and reminds you that you still are not finished. Bokuto catches his breath and lifts you up and take his dick out of you and let Kuroo fuck you freely. 
You hold on to Bokuto as Kuroo thrusts into you, bumping in front of his face every few milliseconds. “You wanna cum? Huh?”, Bokuto asks. “Cum on my best friend’s cock. Cum. Come on, princess.” Kuroo gripped on to your neck, spitting at your asshole to lube it up more as he continued thrusting into you. 
You roll your eyes and gape your mouth open. Bokuto fondled your tits and kissed your chest as Kuroo put you in a headlock with his elbow and was being cheered on by Bokuto. 
“Aww, man. She’s about to cum.”
Kuroo sped up his pace, making you scream again and squirm one more time, letting your juices flow out onto Bokuto’s lap. Cum and your pussy liquid came out, making Bokuto playfully chuckle. 
Kuroo let out a growl and a groan, while you let out a whine as he choked your neck for the last time as he finished fucking your asshole 
"Awww did you cum from just your asshole? Huhhh? I really am your favorite, you dirty little anal whore,” Kuroo teased.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
deathly dry spell — jjk
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Plot: When Taehyung is away for months on a trip in the peak of winter, alternative methods of keeping a succubus pleased comes into play. 
Pairing(s): Jungkook x Succubus!OC (Name: Belle) ft. Boyfriend Taehyung 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Succubus AU | Roommate AU | PWP
Tags & Warnings: explicit smut, spanking, squirting, unsafe sex, coarse language, succubus being angry horny 
Authors Note: idk what’s happening with my writing streak lately but I’m kind of just going with the flow and hoping you all like it lmao let me know what you think!
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Another frustrating morning. Belle had taken pills to suppress some of the aching in between her legs but they were only aggravating the hunger. Even her ivory horns began to ache from the increasing frustration and her breasts felt tender than ever before. Winter was always the worst time for her to be away from him. The grey sky framed by the apartment windows and cool atmosphere stinging her flesh made her desperate for warmth. No. Heat. She wanted burning heat everywhere.
“I’m going to be gone a couple of months, sweetheart,” Taehyungs’ voice crackled through the speaker.
“Months?” Belles’ dark brows furrowed looking through the computer screen as her boyfriend delivered the disturbing news. His curls were messy and a loose shirt draped over his body, making her heat up between her legs even more. In turn, increasing her frustration towards him for being so far apart.
If it were a normal relationship with two humans then they would probably just be very saddened. Unfortunately leaving your succubus girlfriend for a couple of months isn’t exactly safe. Especially if you’re desperate to want her faithful. She let out a deep sigh, staring out again at the heavily clouded sky. It was probably going to snow a lot this winter. She clamped her thighs together, cuddled into a crème blanket. “Tae—I can’t.” She buried her lips into the fluffy material. “Maybe I could come visit you.”
“You know why you can’t visit me here.” Taehyung didn’t sound too happy about the ordeal either but Belle had too much on her mind to feel bad for him. “These idiots don’t like magical creatures and you’ll be in danger.”
“But I can’t—”
“I had a suggestion.”
Belle blinked curiously. “What?”
Taehyung bit down his bottom lip, unsure of the thoughts rushing through his mind. “If you start feeling pain or sick at all—Jungkook could—”
“You know it can’t be negotiated.”
“No!” she winced.
Taehyung sighed. “Baby…I can’t have you in pain.”
“Well that’s just you have to live with for leaving me.” She sniffled, scrunching her nose as the cold stung her. “Does Jungkook even know about your decision?”
“I kind of mentioned it to him.” Taehyung scratched the back of his head.
Belle’s eyes burned into him. She understood that there was no other choice if she wanted to survive the winter. But to take part in this pact felt so wrong. “So you just discussed it like it was some kind of business transaction.” Her feelings were indifferent. Some part of her still wanted to pretend that she was against it. Succubi were always known to become disloyal to their partners. If she took part in this thing, she’d be one of them.
“You—” Sadness spread across Taehyungs’ face; eyes glossed and features twisted in pain. “—you’ll die. Please…I want to come back home to you alive and well.”
Belles’ expression softened, tightening the blanket around her as she averted her gaze. “I’ll think about it.”
“Thank you.”
It kept getting colder and her body kept getting painful. Belle didn’t remember the last moment she sat still. Not having to squirm somehow to be comfortable. Spending nights rubbing against pillows to get some kind of tension but only sleeping with tears filling her eyes. This morning wasn’t helping her mood either when Jungkook made food for the both of them to eat.
Belle hadn’t talked to him ever since the call with Taehyung. Except that didn’t mean Jungkook stopped making an effort to keep some kind of interaction going. Forcing a dinner on them was one of his genius attempts.
Roasted potatoes, chicken curry, spinach paste and a blueberry pie. Hearty enough meals for Belle to sustain herself when she couldn’t be filled in other ways. The scent suffused the cool air, making it homely and comforting. In her stubbornness though, Belle leaned back on the chair as Jungkook tried to start a conversation.
“You’re just not going to talk to me.” Jungkook shook his head.
Belle folded her arms over her chest refusing to eat a morsel of food. It smelled delicious to a point where it could even make her mouth water.
“Look I know you’re hungry.” He gestured to the meal. “If you’re not going to do it the way you have to at least eat the way humans do.”
Belle glared at him. “Don’t act like this is an inconvenience to you. I didn’t ask for your goddamn help!” She never snapped at Jungkook. Or anyone for that matter. Then again, she hadn’t gone this long from getting her sustenance.
“It’s not an inconvenience. I don’t want to see a friend hurt like this.”
“But you’re willing to treat me like a bet in a club.”
Jungkooks’ expression hardened. “Sex means life and death to you, does it or does it not?”
Belle pressed her lips together. “Yes,” she muttered.
“Then why the hell would we not take it seriously?” He stabbed the fork into the chicken. “I can’t force you to get what you need. But I’m sure as hell not letting you leave until you eat something.”
She wanted to stay relentless and keep her arms folded. Except the meal might help sleep at night better at the very best. With a defeated sigh, she relaxed herself and began to eat.
“Stop squirming,” Jungkook said.
Belle scoffed, slouching on the couch after a good hour of trying to get into a comfortable position. Even the winter chills were turning into mere summer breezes from the way her body kept heating up. It was strange to have light snow falling outside and her body was adorned with a nightie. “I can’t get comfortable, alright? If you don’t like it, just go to your room.”
“This is my apartment too.”
“And you have a TV in your room.”
“But I want to be here.”
“Then stop complaining.” Belle shifted when the pooling between her legs was getting heavier.
Jungkook scoffed, raking his fingers through his hair roughly. “You know, I didn’t realize you had the potential to be such a bitch.”
“Well, we’re learning a lot of things, aren’t we?” Belle smiled bitterly. “Like how you have absolutely no patience whatsoever.”
“Sorry I’m not Taehyung keeping check on you like you’re a toddler.”
Thick scents of amber suffused the air and taunted Jungkooks’ nostrils. He tried not to scrunch his nose too much but it was strange not smelling the usual jasmine scent from her body.
“Just cause I don’t function like you humans doesn’t mean you get to demean my needs.” Belles’ voice had gotten deeper, eyes burning in anger and frustration. “Especially you. Acting like the nice best friend to Taehyung for months on end but the moment you have time alone with me, you act like I don’t exist. You’re no different than those people Taehyung works with—”
Jungkook grabbed the back of her neck and pressed a kiss on her lips. The desperately loyal part of Belle screamed to pull away. But whenever she tried, the warmth of another’s lips and the grip on her neck only caused her to whimper. He pulled away then. Chests rising and falling in the new brewing heat.
Belle hated her body for trying to grab onto him again. She tried to muster a frown. “Did you just do that to shut me up?”
“I can’t watch you ruin yourself.” Jungkook tightened his grip into her hair. “So please, for the love of god, fuck me.”
Like a trigger pulled on a gun, Belle pounced on the male, lips crashing against each other as her hands moved down to pull her panties off. She threw the flimsy material on the floor without a care before moving to straddle the male on the couch.
Jungkook pushed down his sweatpants and boxers, bare skin meeting the soft surface of the couch.
Belle raised herself until she felt his tip position at her sloppy entrance. She slid down slowly, the almost nonexistent sleeve of her nightie slipping down her shoulders. Without waiting a second longer, Belle moved up and down his cock, snug walls hugging him perfectly. There was no more time to wait. She didn’t want to wait.
He pushed up her dress, kneading her ass and forcing her hips to grind against his own. “F-Fuck…”
Belle threw her head back, hands placed on the back of the couch. Her breasts bounced along with her movements, nipples peeking out a little.
Jungkook growled lightly wrapping his strong arms fully around her waist before pounding up in to her pussy. He moved at a dizzying pace, balls slapping against her ass like a round of applause.
The sounds drowned Belle’s choked screams infused in an overwhelming pleasure as his lower belly roughly rubbed against her clit. “O-god.” She whimpered, gripping at the couch pillow until she scratched one of them.
Slowing his thrusts down, he moved deep inside her, feeling his cock drowning in her arousal. Jungkook kept his hold and turned them around so she was on the couch instead.
She immediately spread her legs apart watching him lean in and drink in her leaking core. Her hand moved to his hair.
Tongue lapped at her clit as he snuck a finger prodding at her slit. Jungkook slid inside with so much ease that a moan emitted in his throat. Then he slid another. Her heat burned against his flesh. Curling his digits upward, he rubbed against the spot inside her. His thumb brushing against her clit, he drilled his fingers into her pussy.
Belle let out a small sob in between her moans. Nails digging into her thigh as she watched her pussy spluttering out her arousal onto his hands moving at lightning speed. The pleasure coiled in her lower belly; tightening beyond control.
Knuckles deep inside her, he felt it getting hotter and more sloppy causing his member to spurt more arousal onto the floor. “That’s right, baby…” He whispered, dipping down and wrapping his lips around her clit, suckling like his favourite treat as his fingers continued to pound into her.
Belle’s body shook like insanity embodied, the heat gathering in her lower belly almost unbearable as she felt a heaviness ready to burst. “I’m gonna cum, Kook—” She cried out, thrashing against the messed up pillows.
The coil then sprung out in a light gush of clear liquid, squirting out of her as Jungkook kept moving his fingers in and out while suckling on her throbbing clit. He felt wetness dripping down his hand, soaking into the couch but it only made him hungrier for more as he growled against her puffy, sensitive pussy.
Belle winced from a slight ache as he continued to go beyond her sensitive point. “Ah-Kook-“ She pushed him away gently causing him to chuckle a little.
“We’re not done yet, baby.” Jungkook smirked, picking her up again, off the couch and turning her around. He bent her over so her breasts pressed against the wet stain. “Look at the mess you made.”
Belle replied in a whimper, swaying her ass his way until she felt his leaking tip brush against her. The stamped down pleasure reignited quicker than her own body could handle it. She wanted more. A sharp pain swung on her ass cheek causing her to let out a throaty chuckle as she swayed again. Much to her pleasure, Jungkook landed another swing on her ass cheek much harsher than the first. “Do it again.”
Jungkook obliged, slapping it once again. His tip rubbed in between her blushing cheeks to gain some friction when he landed another smack. Pressing his sweat layered chest to her back, he jabbed his glistening fingers through her lips. He hungrily watched Belle suckle on her arousal. Jungkook took a cheeky moment to push it down her throat until she gagged. He pulled his fingers out and grabbed onto her neck. “You want more?”
“Yes,” Belle whispered, desperately swaying her hips to gain his fill again.
“Yeah?” Jungkook pushed his length in, moaning at how much her walls still closed in on him, pushing him further over the edge. Veined fists pressed against the couch, slamming his hips against hers.
Belle rested her cheek against the soaked fabric. The smell of her own arousal made her mad with ecstasy, light groans emitted in her throat, her lower belly tightening again. The couch shifted and creaked at every thrust as her legs lost all ability to move properly.
Jungkook growled as the heaviness in his lower belly became hard to control, screaming to release. “I’m coming…” He breathed out.
“Come inside me.” Belle reached behind her to grab the back of his neck. “Please, come inside me,” she cried out.
Forehead pressing against the top of her head, Jungkook gave into frantic thrusts. Pleasure burst out of him in a thickened wave. Fingers dug into the cushion as a shaky moan passed his lips.
Belle grinned in complete bliss as her orgasm pounded through her, knees trembling and her body convulsing until she swore she saw stars. So many days of keeping herself contained. The proper pleasure of Jungkook filling her up brought her to tears, dripping onto the already ruined couch cushions. She giggled through her light sobs.
“Hey—” Jungkook brushed her hair away from her sweat-layered temple. “You okay?”
“More than okay.” Belle grinned, sniffling. “Thank you.”
Jungkook chuckled. “First time I’ve heard that after sex.”
The rest of winter moved a lot smoother and warmer for Belle and Jungkook.
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Tempting Tempest (Shark!Bakugou)
Shark!Bakugou x mer!reader
warnings: yellow sour fruit, dubcon, blood, violence, strange as fuck words I’d only use while writing monster smut idfk, silly ending
A/N: I know I said I wasn’t gonna force this one out, but sometimes you gotta. This was kinda fun to write, but idk how sexy it is to be QUITE honest. The next time I write mermaid p*rn outside of tempting tempest, it’s definitely gotta be with at least one human, ama. also the ending is a little wacky, pero it made me smile so like maybe it’ll make you smile too. ha...? okiee here’s the thing...vhjdsvhjd
Violent fury compelled you to tighten your hold on your weapon. Like a spear, you flew through the water, firing towards the shark. Too bad for you, he had fast reflexes and as soon as you were close enough, he whipped his tail around and slapped you in the face.
Colliding with the sand bed and a large kelp-covered rock, you struggled to right yourself, when the merman gripped onto your waist. He pulled himself up so his head was leveled with yours. He bared his teeth at you and snapped at your neck. You hissed and swiped your knife at him, missing his chest and cutting into his side. He growled when blue blood spilled out into the water, swirling around the two of you as you wrestled for dominance.
The merman slammed your wrist into the edge of the rock next to you, forcing you to relinquish your dagger. Sharp fingers curled around your neck, quickly stopping your waterways. You dug your nails into his toned arms so fiercely that even more blood flooded around you. Despite the obvious pain you inflicted on him, the merman gave you a sharp, threatening sneer.
“Looks like you do have more fight in you after all.” He teased, tightening his hold. He licked his lips and brought his free hand to your mouth. “Should say I’m grateful that you’re not gonna make this boring.”
Figuring that it was no use clawing at your opponent, you threw your hands down on the sand bed, searching for your lost weapon. Thinking that you were going to throw sand in his face again, the shark let go of your neck and grabbed your wrist, quickly pinning it to your side.
“Not gonna let that happen again, little guppy,” he grumbled. The hand at your mouth squeezed your cheeks together as his hungry, crimson glower bore down on you. “You’re gonna have to learn some new tricks fast.”
You bit down on his narrowed webspace between his pointer finger and thumb, making him jolt back. That offered you enough slack to quickly wiggle out from underneath him, but not enough time to swim away.
Rounding you, the shark took hold of the flimsy part of your tail, sending an excited shock up to your neck. You whined and flipped your tail at him, attempting to hit his face, but he only laughed as he dodged the attack.
“That was cute.” He mocked as he approached you again, ushering you against the giant rock. “That little cry, I mean...think you can do it again for me? Huh, guppy?”
You hissed at him, the fins on the side of your head flaring in an attempt to make you look more threatening. He pushed you back against the wall, your skin grating against the rugged edge of the flat. You winced while he growled, deep and low, baring his sharp, ivory teeth. You couldn’t help but flinch, your fins falling back with a huff. At this, he chuckled, closing the gap between the two of you, his shark’s tail triumphantly swishing from left to right.
“Not so tough now, are yah?” Your body trembled as he grazed his lips against your neck, slowly bringing them up to your ear. “All bark and no bite.”
The purring came back—that deep, mesmerizing rumble from his chest. You hated how easily it got to you—how it made your muscles relax and your mind fuzzy. You scowled at his chest, too afraid that if you looked him in those beautiful, ruby eyes, you’d be lost to him again
The shark put both of his arms against the rock, caging you in with him as your prison bars. “Whatsamatter?” He asked. “You some kinda mute or are you just being a bitch?”
“Oh, bite me!”
“Is that a command or a request?” He gave you his insolent shark-grin as he leaned closer. “‘Cause I will,” he said in a teasing tone, but you knew it was a promise. The heat of his tongue reached the sensitive part of your ear, licking it for just as long as it took for goosebumps to erupt across your arms. He purred, “even if you don’t ask nicely.”
“I’m not asking you for anything except for you to leave me alone!” You barked out, albeit weakly. His chest rumbles were echoing inside your head, lulling you into a trancelike state you didn’t want to fall into.
“Since when?” He inquired impudently. His hands fell down near your hips.
You gestured pointedly behind him, indicating the updraft of sand and blood whirling in the space the two of you previously occupied. He glanced back only for a moment, not willing to take his eyes off of you for a second too long. He smirked, finally closing his hands on the part of your body where your torso met your fluke. They were rough, calloused from experience—hunter’s hands. You fought off impending thoughts of having those hands graze every inch of your body.
“Thought that was just foreplay.” His whisper was husky with provocation as his thumbs circled your hip bones. He took the hand you were using to point at the aftermath of your fight with into his. “It’d be no fun without any chase.” He lightly bit down on the carpal side of your palm, his dangerous eyes daring you to react. You merely shuddered against him, an act he seemed to enjoy.
“Foreplay?!” You squawked, bemused. You tore your hand away from his lips and quickly dug your fingers into his side, right below the place you’d cut him. It was healing fast, but some sapphire oozed out, nonetheless. “I cut you!”
He laughed, making his abdomen tighten underneath your touch. You inhaled sharply, and pressed your palm into him, enjoying the feel of his tight stomach. Gods damn you, he was hot.
“What’s one more scar?” He took your hand and moved it up his chest, satisfied to know you liked the feel of him. His skin riveted underneath your fingertips as he drew you over his various markings from previous fights. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty more where that came from—at least, if you’re the kinda mate I think you’ll be.”
“I don’t even know you,” you said, though that was a weak riposte. It wasn’t like you were around long enough for any merman to bring you pearl bracelets and hidden treasures just to have you fall into their embrace. Though, if you had, you wouldn’t be dealing with a shark right now.
“Katsuki,” he said smugly. “Figure you should know the name you’re gonna be moaning for the rest of your life.”
“As if.”
“And you are?” Katsuki completely ignored your retort. “Honestly didn’t think that ‘Guppy’ was all that fitting for a cute, little mermaid like you, but if that’s what you prefer-“
You scowled, ignoring the way your heart stuttered when he called you cute. His lips tilted sideways.
“Nah, you’re too high and mighty for guppy, aren’t you?” He continued, wedging himself closer to you. You felt cool gusts of water blowing against your shoulder and down your back as he drew nearer, his low purring reverberating down your tail. His lips were against your neck as he suggested, “right, princess?” You shuddered against him again as he kissed the sensitive spot on the skin below your gills. “Oh you like that, huh-“ his voice dropped an octave-“princess.”
Despite yourself, you groaned, turning your head so he could angle himself better, suckling on your tender flesh. You slanted your hips into him, hands moving up his strong, muscular back, to his neck, weaving through the surprisingly soft, ash-blonde hair. You tugged, and his growls mixed in with the rumbling only grew louder as he continued to kiss you.
Something thick and heavy pressed against your belly and through foggy eyes, you saw two massive erections, each with jelly-like fluid seeping out from the tips. Your mouth fell open on a moan as you imagined either of the two—if not both—entering you, all previous resignation sinking into the sand beneath you.
Your free hand trickled down his abdomen, loving the way he twitched at your soft caresses. You touched the tip of one of his dicks, and he grunted, a bit of white spurting into your palm. Enjoying his reaction, you rubbed your hand up and down his shaft, squeezing his base as he wrapped an arm around your back.
“Fuck.” He rasped, rutting into your hand. “Touch my cock like that and I’m not gonna be able to control myself.”
“You’re controlling yourself?” You mocked uneasily, tail slapping against the rock.
His nostrils flared. “More than you know.” The hand behind you moved down to your backside. He drew circular motions in the thickest part of your tail behind you, squeezing your flesh, making your fluke shake with anticipation.
“Tell me to fuckin’ stop,” he murmured noncommittally, pressing his cocks harder against your tail. With both hands now on your tail, he moved one over to the puffed out slit below the middle of your hips. He dipped a finger into you, testing out the undoubtedly viscous truth of your velvety walls. He moaned, loving the feel of you, loving the way you whimpered as he touched you. You watched as his pupils grew large, dark, and predatory, as he added a second finger to curl in and out of you. “Tell me you don’t want me to wreck your sweet little pussy right fuckin’ now, or I’m not gonna stop. Once I’m inside you, baby, there’ll be no turnin’ back—even if you beg me.” Something low and animalistic echoed out of his throat at the thought. “Though hearing you fuckin’ beg doesn’t sound half bad right now.”
“Katsuki-!” You started to mewl, but were cut off by his lips descended onto yours. It was a desperate kiss with strong, erratic tongue. He tasted you like you were meant for him—frantic, like he couldn’t get enough of you. Not knowing much about what to do with yourself, you squirmed against him, but he hardly seemed to care. If anything, your resistance only spurred him on.
Grasping onto your wrists, he pinned them against the rock behind you, using one hand to lock them into place. His now unoccupied hand cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. He traced his touch down to your neck, your collarbone, and found ménage at your breasts. He tweaked your pert nipples until they were hard and dark from arousal.
You felt him smirk against you when you finally touched your tongue to kiss—the first of the many triumphs he was going to hold over you. He swallowed your downing moans with fervor, biting down on your lower lip when you attempted to resist again. You cooed.
“Goddamn, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, you know that?” Katsuki’s hands slid down your torso, lingering around your navel when you let out a little squeak. He chuckled. “So ready to be mated, too. You liked being chased around, didn’t you?”
“I-“ you breathed, your heart racing with both excitement and dread-“I don’t know!”
“So coy all of a sudden.” He snickered, grasping onto one of his clasper-pricks. He gave it a couple pumps, letting tendrils of the thick, white seed flutter around in the water. He pushed his member against your slit, letting your own slick membrane cover his thick cockhead, readying him to take you. “That’s okay,” he muttered, “looks like your cunt already knows for you.” He exhaled. “Say my name again—like you did the first time.”
“Good girl,” he purred, pressing his cockhead into you, biting back a groan as he did so. Gods, it was unbearably huge. You shot him a panicked look, but that only made him all the more hungry.
“Wait-!” You wiggled, unprepared for the stretching you felt as he pushed into your tight hole. You cried out as he thickened, even while constricted by your walls, not even at his hilt yet. “Wait, please, I can’t—!”
“What’d I tell you, princess?” His voice grated against your soft cheeks, warmed from fluster. “Said there’d be no turnin’ back, didn’t I?” Even still, he pulled back, easing into you slower the second time, pressing in, inch by withering inch.
“God damn, you feel so good wrapped around my cock, hon,” he grumbled thickly, mesmerized. He pulled back once more, and when he pushed in again, he grooved his hips up, pushing even more of his girth deeper inside of you.
“Fuck!” You cried out, attempting to twist away from him. “It’s too much!! I can’t take it!”
“Relax,” he crooned gruffly, petting the erect bud above your slit. His touch sent waves of unfamiliar pleasure rippling through your body despite the terrible corruption battling inside you. You tightened around him and he groaned.
“My gods, baby. The hell are you doin’ to my cock?” Katsuki nestled into your neck, licking at your gills. “Such a good girl—so fuckin’ tight for me, huh? You’re gonna take me so well, I know it.”
Your body wavered—almost complying. Katsuki began rolling into you at a charitable pace, caressing your body, thumb encircling your clit, stimulating you just enough to keep your mind away from the pain. However, when he lessened his hold on your wrists, one of your hands broke free. You pushed against him, writhing and feral.
That was when he bit you.
Scorching affliction shot through your shoulders, down your spine. Your tail spasmed against his, your soft scales scraping against his fine exterior. You wailed and dug your nails into the thick muscles of his back, but that did nothing to tear Katsuki away from you. His grip on you was vice, impervious to any sort of protest. In fact, the more you tried to get away, the closer he pulled you, rutting into you faster, your bodies spinning through the ocean as he locked you into matehood.
Just as you thought you couldn’t take any more of the tremendous cutting feeling his shark’s teeth had your neck, the burn mitigated. He wasn’t holding back—if anything he was digging deeper into you—but as his mark melded into your skin, your body relaxed and you began to enjoy the pain. The feeling was purely hypnotic.
Katsuki began to push more of himself inside of you, and you easily accepted him. Your tail twisted around his as his hips slapped against yours. You arched your back, feeling your walls fluttering around, and you sighed his name on a moan. His arms curled around your waist, squeezing your sides, loving the feeling of your bodies, hot and needy, pressed together.  
“Mmmmfuck.” Katsuki pulled away just in time to see your crimson sanguine swaying out and away from his toothy grin. His pupils were so dark and wide that you could hardly see any of the red left in his iris. He was loving this.
“That’s it, baby.” He praised you, licking your cheek. He reached around his back to move your arms so they were around your neck. He groaned when he buried his girth to his hilt, making sure that you and him were as close possibly. “You’re all mine now, aren't cha? Mine-“He speared himself into you with each clipped word. “All. Fuckin’. Mine.”
“Fuck...yes, Katsuki,” you moaned, feeling a tight, aching coil inside of you as his large palms roved over your body. He squeezed your curves, kissed your chest, all the while sweltering inside of you.
“I knew I fuckin’ wanted you the moment I saw you hidin’ away from all those loser fishdicks bringing those mersluts trash just to get some tail,” he panted. “Thought you were sneaky, huh? Thought you wouldn’t be noticed?”
Katsuki pulled your hair, forcing you to face him head on. “Nah, couldn’t let a cutie like you slip away. Couldn’t let any other bottom feeder try to take you, neither. Fuck, you’re gonna be my perfect mate.”
Your inner walls quaked as he ran circles around your clit. “W-what is…?” You began to ask on a hard thrust that hit you perfectly. Your coil bursted and you convulsed around him, squealing as he rutted into you harder and faster. You clenched, again and again, as you pooled over and out with each of his world-ending thrusts, ecstasy completely enveloping your entire being.
“Oh, that feels fuckin’ great, princess,” he growled into your hair. “Good girl, cummin’ for me so soon like that. Fuck,” he rasped, “bite my neck before I fill you up, baby.” He leaned back a drew a finger ong his gills, indicating exactly where he wanted you. “Be my girl.”
You leaned up to drive your tongue up his neck. He shuddered at the contact, still fucking you relentlessly, dragging against your thickened walls. You bit down, hard enough to draw blood, to leave your mark, while you wove your fingers through his soft locks.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Is that what you want, princess? You wanna feel all of me?”
“Yes, gods yes!” You cried, bucking into him, needing more.
“Say my fuckin’ name, angelface. I wanna hear that sweet voice of yours.” He grunted, biting harshly into your shoulder, tail swishing, hips stuttering.
“Katsuki, please, give me your cum. I wanna feel you baby. Please! Please!
Katsuki came with a roar, lining your walls with his thick, hot cream. He buried his cock inside of you, emptying himself completely, still managing a few more languid thrusts as he planted sloppy kisses to your lips. He groaned into your mouth, loving the taste of your more than compliant tongue.
“Gods, that was-,” he exhaled, lifting himself off of you. He took your hand and guided you up with him, pushing your head into his chest. “-that was god damn hot. You’re gonna be a lot of fun, huh?”
You watched as he shook his two dicks, mesmerized by the residual pink and white swirl of the both of yours’ wash, before his members folded back into his pouch. You parted your lips on a question that didn’t come.
Katsuki snickered. “What?”
“Were they both-“ you festered down below his stomach-“inside of me?”
“Tch!  If I had both of my cocks buried in you, I promise you’d know it.” He rolled his eyes before kissing your forehead, suddenly all too familiar with you. “Why? That wasn’t enough for you? I can go again if you aren’t already full to the brim.”
“Oh no!” You glanced down, unsure. “I mean...I don’t know, I was just curious…”
Katsuki chuckled, tilting your chin up to bring you into a kiss. “You wouldn’t be able to handle it, princess.”
“You don’t know that,” you barked back, suddenly all too familiar with him. “I can handle fucking anything you throw at me!”
“Filthyy language, baby. You kiss octopi with that mouth?”
“Are you kidding me?!” You choked. “Hypocrite!”
“Man, you really are gonna be a lot of fun, aren’tcha? So easy to tease.”
“I was just curious!” You threw your hands up into the water and spun around, casting out a sardonic, “you’re incredible.”
Katsuki wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you back against his chest. “I know.” He kissed the back of your sore neck. “If you really think you can handle it, I sure as hell don’t mind findin’ out.” He brought both of his hands down to your stomach. “After we get you something to eat. You weren’t gonna catch that marlin all by yourself, anyway.”
“I was before you interrupted me,” you bit out, leaning into his touch.
“You think so?” You felt him grin against your skin. “Alright then, let’s find you a marlin and make a deal: if you can take it down all by yourself, I’ll fuck you so good, you won’t be able to swim straight—with both of my cocks.”
“The hell kinda deal is that-?!”
“And if you need my help-“ he continued-“you’re gonna hafta suck them both off.”
You snorted. “In which of these scenarios do I profit?”
“The one where you get a nice meal, a hot mate, and a nice kelp bed to lay in.” He shrugged.
“Kelp bed?” You turned your head at him, looking hopeful.
“You have such nice lips, I can’t wait to know how they feel wrapped around my cock.”
“Kelp bed?” You reiterated, shrugging him off, trying to figure out which direction that marlin swam off to. “Which scenario has a kelp bed in it?”
“Both of them, idiot. I’m not gonna let any mate of mine sleepin’ on some fuckin’ coral or whatever the hell you’ve been doin’ while tryna hide. Do we have a deal or not?”
“Dunno-“ you swam out farther, trying to be nonchalant about your new pursuit-“do you have said bed?”
“You’re really not sneaky,” he snarked, already swimming after you.
“Maybe not,” you laughed as soon as your eyes narrowed in on a giant fish, “but I am fast.”
(Try again...?)
No more tag list, sorry.
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gh0ulbunni · 3 years
Aight bitches, headcanons for my version of the WATXM Cartoon's 'Mortimer Toynbee'
(TW: Death, suicide, depression, mental illness, body horror but it's not that bad)
-The stage we see Mortimer at in the show is most likely him as an 18 - 20 year old, still in the juvenile stages of his mutation as it occurred after the death of his mother Esmerelda. Esmerelda was a kind and meek but busy woman who ultimately died from a stroke caused by high blood pressure. She worked 3 high stress jobs in order to try and keep a roof over her and Mort's heads as his father gave up his rights because he "Didn't want a freak for a son and that he'd never be his son."
-When his mutation actually began to show after her death when he was 3, Mortimer's once ivory skin turned fully green and due to the neglect his hair became matted in chunks (the braids we see in the show), his hygiene dropped to little to no self-care because of the new allergic reactions he'd get when his new sensitive skin came into contact with the naturally chemical loaded body washes, deodorants, shampoo, and tooth pastes that he had. He turned to showering with just water and brushing his teeth with just water, but the water the brotherhood has access to was INCREDIBLY dirty and laced with chemicals that made him sick.
-Mortimer is actually incredibly smart, but others would feel threatened by him when he tried to show this so he mainly acts dumb and stupid as a way to avoid conflict and aggression from people (Specifically Pietro and Dominikos).
-At 22 he finally leaves the brotherhood after being there for 4 years and tries to take his own life only to realize he's developed superhuman durability and a healing factor. This immediately makes him frustrated because he feels he's been punished and forced to live a miserable life.. And in comes Spider-Man who talks him out of trying to jump and takes him to SHIELD.
-After a few days at SHIELD's holding cells he makes a bit of an impression on Fury who offers him a role as an agent. Mortimer, a people pleaser who'll take any chance to climb up the ladder in life, immediately agrees and sets to work training.
-As he trains, his mutation gets stronger and he unlocks more abilities he never thought he could have: Superhuman strength, durability, endurance, agility, senses, special eyesight, chemical and toxin production, flexible bone structure, superhuman lungs, telepathic communication with amphibians, acidic saliva, flaming tongue, and a venomous pheremone secretion that allows for mind control.
-The final step was when he fell extremely ill and it was discovered that his genetic makeup was severely broken due his involvement in an experiment called the Black Womb Project, ran by Charles Xavier's step-father/Juggernaut's father Kurt Marko. This left Mortimer's DNA and mutation severely unstable and it almost caused him to loose control of his new powers and have multiple mental breakdowns and even a manic episode where was on an extreme high before going through psychosis in which he believed Magneto was out to kill him for leaving his son's group.
-After having a hell of a few months, Mortimer is put through a new process called Genetic Rehabilitation designed for mutants who've been forced through experimentation programs and have had their DNA damaged.
-After a while his skin turns from 100% green to 40% green with lots of ivory patches. The tops of his hands, chest, stomach, inside of his legs, and the tops and bottoms of his feet are a pale ivory color while his back, neck, cheek and temples, arms, his sides, and the outsides of his legs are varying shades of soft green with patches of dark green ranging in sizes from small to giant patches on his joints and sockets (shoulders, elbows, knees, and hips) which he's self-concious about at first but comes to love his new look. The most shocking part is his eyes which become black with amber irises that have flicks of lime and gold in them.
-Along with getting therapy for his DNA and body, he gets therapy for his mental health which.. Hoo boy he was and still is strugglin (but not as bad). He has: BPD, C-PTSD, GAD, ODD, and Depression.
-Absolutely loves brushing and caring for his hair, which, after it's unmatted and cleaned of bugs and gunk is ass length and black with a silky shine to it. He still wears his old bandana thing
-Has picked up playing a musical instrument in his spare time. If he isn't working, tinkering with his suit, gear, and gadgets then he's playing... The violin?
-He's suprisingly good at it.
-After becoming a shield agent he starts to get more confidence before meeting a mutant who was currently in SHIELD's custody... Said mutant being the oc of @ohmygillygoshoppler
-Callista and Mortimer become close, he spends lunchbreaks with her, constantly volunteers to be her guard/escort when she's let out.
-Ok so, dad headcanons lETS GO
-Cal and Mort end up having a daughter named after his mom, and her thing is having her mom's monster mouth with mouths on her hands that can shoot out 13ft long flaming tongues. Esme (or Esmerelda) absolutely becomes a rescue hero
-Callie is into clown/circus lolita outfits and Mortimer is a grunge punk. Esme never gets dressed in the basic ass kids clothes, she looks like mini Wednesday Addams.
-This child never gets put down (physically), Mort or Cal are always holding her.
-Mort and Esme are the epitome of "Don't talk to me or my kid ever again" while Esme is copying her dad's glare.
-Alright, Mort's strong.
-Like, really strong. He didn't even know how strong until he was cornered on his first mission as a shield agent and he kicked his enemy with his leg so hard he decapitates them.
-He can kick hard enough to knock down concrete walls, snap people in half, crack and damage paved roads, and create enough air pressure to knock people over.
-His tongue can crush skulls
-He could get hit by a semi-truck and still walk away with a few bruises
-Develops a bite force of 1,000 PSI (Less than a polar bear)
-He bench presses 3 tons with his legs and 1 ton with his arms
-Develops retractable claws that can lengthen and shorten, he uses these to fight.
-Looks like he could kill you, can kill you but has the energy of a golden retriever puppy
-As he ages he becomes more.. Forgiving? Of the people who've hurt him, specifically Pietro. He'll forgive but never forget, it's like when you drop a mug. It won't ever be the same.
-I imagine he fights a lot like how Deku does? The leg based fighting and shoot style is a big part of his fight style.
-Legs for daaaaaaaays, they're so long. Also he's 5'8 now because Toad is canonically 5'8 - 5'10 and he'll hold it over Wolverine while snickering.
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Some OC Headcanons:
Since I never talk about the poor fools.
Remeir: (Dunmer)
The corny main protagonist.
Pretty much the most vibrant of all of my characters.
Aweful cook. The woman's go-to is cabbage soup since it's the easiest to make. Still sucks, though.
She tries a bit too hard to seek approval from her peers. She does everything in her power to make others happy, and in some cases it costs her own.
Explodes in a whole waterfall of emotions when pissed off.
Terrible singer. It's just offtune screaming, mostly.
Kicked Miraak's ass and then proposed.
Myuri: (Dunmer)
Remeir's side bitch.
She's the quiet friend who walks in the grass whereas the rest of the group walks on pavement.
Deeply in love with her career as a professional thief, as well as an Agent of Nocturnal.
Her dream goal is to live in a tiny cabin cloaked by tall trees and brush where no soul can trace her nor the dozens of feline friends keeping her company in said tiny cabin.
Despises any form of magic. Something about trauma?? I don't know anymore.
She likes men, preferrably the kind that use profanity, drink, burn things... preferrably Teldryn Sero.
Trez/Ivory: (Breton)
The witty assassin a.k.a. asshat.
Her top priority is to piss off as many people as she can and live.
Likes stabbing, slicing, jabbing, puncturing, etcetera, etcetera.
She wasn't exactly flamboyant as a child. Her parents often bought her dolls in order to encourage her to act a bit more... "girly." Trez disliked the dolls because of how much they reminded her of herself. Long story short, they were reduced to sliced bits, her parents soon following :D
Major resting bitch face.
She'd be the one sending memes to the groupchat at 5am.
Seri: (Bosmer)
College of Winterhold dropout.
Short, cute, bright-eyed, will invert your kneecaps.
Absolutely terrible with a bow. Offer to take her hunting and she will cringe.
She is incredibly blunt, yet doesn't know what the hell is going on around her most of the time.
She could be talking someone's ear off for hours, and then fall into an eerie silence after getting lost in thought. Since Inigo is one of the only people she really speaks to, he'll grow unsettled and ask if she's having some sort of breakdown. He does this a lot, actually.
Likes nature, just hates sleeping in it.
Passive aggressive.
Lumi: (Nord)
Vampiric slut.
Unknowingly puckers her lips when in the presence of the male sex.
Much of her life is a blur because she's in the fast lane and not because she's been in hibernation mode for the majority of her existence. Sorry Serana, but she gets the gold metal for this one.
Obsessed with velvet material, and would definitely smother herself with it when given the opportunity. Would also be wearing velvet to her funeral.
Misses her blue eyes. Misses the sun :/
Too expensive for mortals.
An-Ei: (Argonian)
My only male OC thus far?????????
Underlying drinking problem.
Used to be a sailor. Hated every second of it. Especially when the ship wrecked. Especially when he had to swim all the way back to shore...
Dramatic dog lover.
"I just need a strong man in my life. Some brandy, too."
Survived a slaughterfish attack as a boy and has vowed to never swim again if he can help it, which kinda counteracts with the whole sailor thing.
Jericho: (Redguard)
The mangy mute.
Devout follower of Hircine. The clap of his ass cheeks swayed her over.
She can't speak, but she'll cuss someone to the Oblivion gates using obscene gestures alone.
In love with the guy who sells good mead for cheap.
Doesn't really know exactly how she lost her voice, but she just shrugs her shoulders and moves on.
She isn't a dog person, she is the dog.
Aelia: (Altmer)
Sick chick or whatever.
Ancano's little sister-- Ancano's little sister who hates his guts.
Mommy/daddy/sibling/everything issues.
Cool lightning strike scar on her chest. Wonder how it got there? Oh yeah. Ancano.
Bossy, but just want's people to listen for a change.
She has a knack for enchanting rings in order to give her health a boost, which is pretty neat since her hands are just *bling, bling, bling*
Insane sweet tooth. She's surprised she's never had cavities. Probably because of her intense badassery.
Anastasia: (Imperial)
Miss busty fugitive witch.
Killed her rich dad and is now on the run.
Somehow brought an unlucky Whiterun guard into her misfortunes. Ask him how he got tied in and he will cry.
Alchemist at heart.
She really takes joy in disecting things. She'll do a little giddy dance and everything.
Has a love/hate relationship with Solstheim, but she'll pretend to like it out of spite because her guard friend loathes it.
Sharp-ass nails. Golly.
Tro: (Nord)
Starla from Regular Show.
Has an odd fascination with Orcs. She'll say she just likes their culture when she really just thirsts over them.
Likes cute things, will bash your head in using her thumb.
She should really take a bath......
Bipolar issues.
Be glad she isn't Dragonborn, because if she was, the world would be facing annihilation long before Alduin could even attempt to throw hands.
Lots of fist fights and arm wrestling.
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