#ivy hurt me today
netflixofficial · 1 year
Ever listen to a song you've heard a thousand times, but suddenly one of the lyrics just jumps out and gut punches you from nowhere?
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orcelito · 1 year
it's like. i find my questionable self-preservation kind of chaos funny but then im faced with the reality that Yes, rubbing my wrist on poison ivy could indeed result in me getting poison ivy and there is Nothing i can do about it now other than wait and im just kinda wondering like WELL sometimes there are consequences to my actions. and im wondering if there will be this time.
if it turns out that im not immune and i do get poison ivy i will take this as a sign that i need to Stop being so flippant about my health and safety no matter How funny i think it is
if im right and im immune and nothing happens then Well. Nothing Can Stop Me.
#speculation nation#it's all fun and games until u realize that Oh poison ivy is actually pretty unpleasant huh#and doing this purposefully when i know the risks is kinda Uhhhhhhhh questionable even if i did it with the assumption i Wont get hit w/ it#this is just like me One Week ago now idly snapping a rubber band on my wrist like 'haha funny marks' but then i got welts and#it didnt fade until like. Today. i had to spend a WEEK with marks on my wrist due to my idle lapse of judgement#like i swear i wasnt meaning it like they turned out it just kinda Happened and then the next day i was like '....Fuck'#the thing with my bad brain is that im so used to casual self destruction that i dont even pause to Think when smth could hurt me#impulse thinks that's irrelevant. and so i just do shit and then i have to face the consequences of my actions#full :O face bc im a dumbass who doesnt think things through#like. okay whatever i'll be fine but man. man. sometimes i worry about myself.#get in a questionable brain state when i dont think or care about the fact that smth im doing is hurting me. like last week.#and then i put my brain back on right and im like 'shit i have consequences to deal with'#it's like im different people at different moments and average me has to just. deal with that. ykno?#man. man. i know i got problems. but man.#self harm ment/#negative/#SORRY for the rant im just sorta aghast thinking about the fact that i literally rubbed my wrist on poison ivy#bc me yesterday thought it was a funny little experiment to pull bc im filled with the hubris of a god in the size of a chihuahua#i DO have a good chance of being immune. my dad is. and ive never had it despite being an outdoorsy person.#so like i will... Hopefully be fine. but yesterday's me was awfully unconcerned with the possibility of having a poison ivy rash#while today's me is like '...but wait isnt that Really Unpleasant?"#we'll see what life brings to tomorrow's me. hopefully i dont have to eat shit for the hubris of yesterday's me lol
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
lea the new moodboards / headers for daisy are so so cute <3
— ivy
thank youuu!! they aren’t exactly new new, still pretty much the same, just broke them out of the cage they were in before, made them individual photos instead of one big one, to make them prettier in more modes (dark, light, whatever your preference is). it is taking me a long time (so many hours of editing the individual photos omg), but i’m so close to being done updating them all. planning on taking care of the last bit tomorrow (pretty sure only my series chamomile is left, but i’ll do another sweep though just to check)
(found a link to the thing i’m referencing in the tags)
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cottageivy · 1 year
i stg if i wake up with as bad of cramps as i had today i will cry
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terrestrialnoob · 14 days
Continuation from Part 1
Jazz took a deep breath. It's going to be fine. She can be normal for one night. Even if Harley is willing to befriend weirdos on a whim she doubted anyone else would. The shadow beneath her feed rolled like boiling tar and emotions that weren't hers poked at her mind.
"It's okay, Jet. They're not going to hurt me. I'm just... nervous."
She took another deep breath, she'd been told to ignore the closed sign, and entered the Coal Mine. She wasn't sure what she was expecting with a name like that, but it looked like a normal, if kinda rustic bar. It was empty except for a blonde woman in the back of the room, setting up a big table with food and drinks.
"Sorry, we're closed to the pub-" She started speaking before she looked up, stopping once she saw Jazz. "Oh! You must be Jazz, Harley's new friend.... You're early."
Jazz's face turned a little red but she stomped down her unease. "Yep! That's me. Early bird Jazz."
The blonde woman laughed wholeheartedly, but Jazz didn't think her joke was that funny. The woman walked over to her, "I'm Dinah, welcome to my bar. I don't often host girls night, but you got lucky."
Jazz shook her offered hand. "It's a nice place!" Though, Jazz didn't really go to bars. She didn't drink a lot and bars weren't really her scene.
"Feel free to grab a snack, grab a drink. I'm going to finish getting ready. Everyone else tends to be late. Which I guess means you're not early, you're here when we asked you."
"Oh, alright! I'll remember to be late next time." Why did she say that? That's so stupid and rude.... But Dinah laughed again. "Right, um, if it's okay, I did bring something." Jazz offered the plastic bag she decided to reuse with a tray of fudge she made inside it.
"Oh, that looks good. I'll go get a knife and plate to set it out with the other snacks."
Jazz more or less sat in awkward silence as Dinah did her thing getting ready. She wanted to offer to help, but this is Dinah's bar. If anyone else was there, Jazz wouldn't feel the need to help, and she didn't want to get in the way. But this was a private party, so maybe Jazz should offer to help. Just to carry stuff to the table or-
Then the door opened again and two women came through. One was in an expensive looking leather jacket and with short brown hair and the other had a cheap looking leather jacket with long brown hair. The short haired woman started talking before she was even all the way through the door. "Dinah, you would not believe how bad traffic is downtown today. An entire hour to get from 19th to- oh, hello."
Jazz jumped to her feet when the woman addressed her. "Hi, I'm Jazz."
"Selina." She said with a raised eyebrow.
"Harley invited her." The long haired woman said. "You really should read the texts."
"I don't want to set a precedent."
"Still." The long haired woman nodded towards Jazz. "Name's Helena."
"It's nice to meet you." Jazz said with a smile, but it started to slip at the sight of Selina.
Selina gave her a hard look, sizing her up, judging. "You're Harley's friend?"
Jazz rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "She's been to my apartment... and invited me here."
There was a beat of silence before Selina gave an amused huff and said, "You do seem like her type."
Dinah laughed again - maybe she was just easy to make laugh. The two walked over to the table and Selina's eyes immediately settled on the fudge. She opened her mouth to comment but the door opened again and Harley burst through, pulling someone behind her.
"We're here! I even got a special something for- Jazz! You're here already!" She turned to the woman behind her and quickly pushed something into her hands before rounding back to the rest in the room. "Heya Jazzy! I'm happy you could make it! This is my wife - Ivy."
Ivy stepped forward and eyed Jazz with more curiosity than the suspicion Selina had or Helena's indifference or Dinah's more welcoming demeanor. "It's nice to meet you. Harley told me about her little visit to your home. You look... normal."
Jazz knew her face was even redder than before. "Well, normal is the goal, right?"
There was a beat when the other's in the room just seemed to stare at her. Harley barked out her own harsh laughter, "Not here it ain't!"
"O-oh..." Jazz didn't have a frame of reference for this. If normal wasn't what they wanted, then what did they want? Eccentric scientist like her parents? Harley was a vigilante, maybe that's what she should emulate?
"Don't worry." Ivy said as she passed Jazz to sit at the table, a potted plant on a nearby windowsill suddenly, and far too quickly, bloomed. "From what I've heard, I'm sure you'll fit in."
"Harley said that too. I'm just worried. I've never had my own friends before." Oh, shit, she shouldn't have said that. Only weirdos don't have friends.
"Same." Ivy said and picked up a piece of Jazz's fudge.
"Here too." Helena added, and gave the piece of fudge she'd been holding for a while a curious look. It must be unusual for everyone to react this way.
"IS THAT FUDGE? I love fudge!" Harley said and grabbed a handful to stuff in her mouth. "This is so good! Where'd it come from?"
"Oh. I made it. Didn't want to come empty handed, you know." Jazz said, joining the other's at the table and taking her own piece before Harley ate it all. "It's my mom's recipe, but it doesn't quite taste the same without the low-level radiation."
"Oh, you have to put the radiation in it next time!"
"Do not do that." Three other women at the table said in almost unison. Oddly enough, it was Helena who didn't join in.
"Why was there radiation in your mother's fudge?" Selina asked as Dinah started to deal out cards.
"My parents are kinda mad scientists - kinda also mad occultists. All the food in the house was contaminated, and part of the reason my brother and I are vegetarian." Jack and three.
Dinah seemed to loose her breath before wheezing out, "Even more the same."
"I'm also a vegetarian, mainly because of the environmental nightmare farming is." Ivy supplied, she bet conservatively.
"Right, that's why my brother's friend is vegan."
"Wait, how does the contamination equate to being vegetarian?" Helena asked - getting excited as Dinah reveals the flop, a good hand then. "Did it make meat taste bad or...?
"Oh, it brought it to life." Jazz said as she traded a card. "I can't tell you how many reanimated headless turkeys and chickens I had to kill. Not to mention the hotdogs Dad trained to attack intruders, they also attacked friends and visitors too. That was too much, even for Spike."
"Holy shit, that's amazing." Harley said while Ivy and Selina looked horrified, Dinah was as entertained as Harley, and Helena was enjoying herself. "Can't say I've ever fought reanimated deli meats."
"Bruce has." Selina commented, and directed at Jazz, "My long-term boyfriend. Thought about marrying him for a little while, but it didn't really suit either of our lifestyles."
No animosity, only relief. Jazz smiled at her, "Different people have different needs. Not everyone needs to be married with children."
Dinah laughed, "And boy, does Bruce have children! How many does he have now? Six? Seven? I thought I read on the news he's got a new one."
"Technically yes, but he's just fostering Duke, not adopting. Once his parents are well again, he'll want to go home." Selina saw Jazz's curious face, but deflected to lighter gossip. "I'm not the motherly type, not that I'd be cruel to any kids I could possibly have especially if they're Bruce's-" She sighed "-but Bruce lives for his kids. He has four adopted children, one biological child from another woman - it's fine, we both have our fun - and two foster children.... I think."
"You're not sure?" Helena questioned. Dinah put out another card.
"I think Steph is a foster, but I never saw the paperwork for it. At the very least, she's living in his house." Selina said, then stared at Ivy. "Not getting lucky, dear?"
Ivy sneered and put her cards down. "I don't even know why I agree to this game."
"Is it the one game all night, or do you do other stuff?" Jazz asked. She's good at poker. Between her enhanced empathy and psychology degree, she was rarely fooled.
"Depends on the place. Dinah likes poker, so we play it when she hosts." Helena said, she looked at Jazz, then Harley and folded her cards. "And we quit when Harley wins all our money and play something else."
"That's right baby!" Harley cheered and slammed her cards face up on the table, "No one beats the Harley!"
Jazz and Selina put their cards down too, face up.
"I guess there are exceptions..." Harley said with a mischievous grin.
Selina grinned too, "Someone has to loose all of Bruce's money."
Jazz grinned as the pot was pushed her direction. "Well, then let me know when it gets boring of just me and Harley playing."
The entire table laughed. Yeah, Jazz was starting to feel like she really would fit in here.
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cameronsprincess · 9 months
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— summary: you and rafe get into a heated argument when you let it slip that you’d fallen in love with him.
— pairing: rafe cameron x maybank!reader
— warnings: mentions of sex but nothing in detail, angst?, rafe is a dick, a love confession, language.
— note: this idea sparked when i saw this prompt list. angry confessions, dialogue prompt #15 😚 (also, i made reader jj’s sister, idk it just seemed to fit with the “we won’t work” shit.🤷🏻‍♀️)
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❥ hate that i love you — r.c
“Rafe stop! Please just stop!”
Rafe stops in his tracks, his shoulders tense as he balls his fists up at his sides. The two of you had been arguing for a few days now, something that happened quite often but today it was due to the fact that you’d accidentally let the three forbidden words slip from your mouth.
You hadn’t meant for them to come out, but you had let these feelings bubble up inside of you for some time now. You had felt so close to Rafe, so safe, and the way he had been sensually thrusting into you made tears well up in your eyes, making the words fall from your lips before you could even comprehend what you’d said.
“What? I can’t- I can’t fucking do this with you. You knew the rules when we fucking started this, and now? Now you want to say you love me? You can’t love me! No one can love me, i’m unlovable Maybank, okay? You and I?” He gestures his hands back and forth between the two of you. “We won’t work! You’re just a good lay”
His words stabbed at your heart like a knife. You knew Rafe had only wanted sex from you, along with the fact that he knew it would piss your brother off more than anything if he found out. To him, you were a game, a means to an end. So why did you fall in love with him?
Your eyes fill with tears, the lump in your throat burning as you tried to swallow down the hurtful words Rafe had just thrown your way.
“You- You don’t mean that. You- You always treat me so well, Rafe. You make me feel loved and safe.. You can’t mean what you just said, you can’t!”
Rafe scoffs, letting out a dark laugh. “I do mean it, you mean absolutely nothing to me”
Tears begin to stream down your face, the realization that Rafe would never love you, and that the two of you definitely would never work finally hitting you like a ton of bricks. You felt your lungs constricting, all the air feeling like it was being sucked from you, pushing you into a full blown panic attack.
You press your palm firmly against your chest, trying to calm your breathing as the man you’d thought you knew stood in front of you, his cold, blue eyes filled with nothing but anger and hatred.
“Stop being so dramatic, it’s not that serious, you don’t actually fucking love me, you just think you do”
You suck in a shaky breath, shaking your head furiously as more tears fell down your cheeks.
“I fucking love you, okay?! I don’t want to, but I do!”
Rafe takes a step toward you, placing his hands firmly on each of your shoulders as his eyes scanned your face. “Well learn to stop loving me. It’s a waste of your time”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @whore-4-drewstarkey @ivy-34 @aemonddtargaryen @f4ll-for-you @drewstarkeyslut @lorelai-lilith @lizcameron @m-1234 @dilvcv @thewitchesofart @rafesgfxo @unsaidjaelinrose @itsmytimetoodream @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @r1vrsefx @alexisbaumann2004 @yourfavborderhopper @moremaybank @mel119g @rafetopia @rafemotherfuckingcameron @jjmaybankisbae @fayerite @exhaustedbutelated @lyndys @urmyslxt @presleyanswrites @sierraluvz @carma-fanficaddict @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron
rafe masterlist | taglist form
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cherrrydragon · 3 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ The three C's (carnival, chaos, and cuddle pollen). Jon lets you drag him away, looking back to see Damian squinting at him through the mask. Making your way out of the venue you catch onto Ivy’s parting words. "In a world of violence and chaos, my cuddle pollen offers a moment of peace, a false but blissful reprieve. It's almost poetic, isn't it?" Fuck. Your. Life. pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: mentions of having sex (as a joke/none is actually had), cuddle pollen (kind of non-con cuddling and kissing, but reader really doesn't mind) wc: 4.4k
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Nari wakes you up by screeching in your ear. You groan and roll over, snatching him up and gently throwing him off the bed. You sit in bed and contemplate if you really have to get up and function as a normal person, but alas, you do. Grabbing your phone, your eyes widen a tad. Jesus, you slept till ten? Good thing it’s the weekend.
You have the day off from work, so it’s up to you to find something to do. You feed Nari, making sure to give him a bunch of apologetic kisses. Maybe you’ll swing by the Den today. It won’t hurt to work some more on the badassium.
You groan and stretch, doing some warm-up exercises. Nari perches on your back as you do push ups. He weighs nothing, but it’s the thought that counts. Karen pipes up from your laptop.
“I’ve done you the liberty of adding Victoria’s contact info on your phone.”
You release a fond sigh. “Bit of a meddler, are you?”
“I am simply saving us time.” You snort. You grab your phone, changing Victoria’s name and shoot her a text.
sugar mommy
whats good how we doing
i dont need anything just wanted to say hi
also its [name] btw
Her response comes a minute later.
How did you get my number?
karen did
shes kind of my guy in the chair
does all the super cool behind the scenes stuff yknow how it is
I thought I was your ‘guy in the chair’
fym ur my sugar mommy
Her only response is a money bag emoji, making you chuckle. She’s got personality and it makes you smile. A knock at the door catches your attention. Probably May coming to make sure you’re not dead. She’s gotten used to leaving early now. The lock clicks as you open the door.
Oh, it’s not May. It’s Jon .
“Jon!” you say, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles, a friendly one. “Hi, [Name]. I was just visiting Dami, but he seems to be in a mood… so I was wondering if we could hang out?” he asks, hopeful. “If that’s okay with you?”
You coo internally. You’ll never get over how sweet he is. “Yeah, of course. Just text me next time, yeah?”
He nods, stepping inside as you open the door for him. Nari trots over to him and rubs against his ankles. “What time did you get up? I don’t think Metropolis is that close to GC.” You feel a little evil, putting him on the spot because you know he flew here.
He pauses, thinking of an appropriate answer. “Uh, I don’t know. Six, maybe?” he winces, hoping that answer makes sense. You don’t have it in you to do the mental calculations so early in the morning, so you nod. You wouldn’t actually out him like that, anyway.
“Got any ideas are we just gonna have hot sex the whole day?”
Jon, to his credit, only lightly blushes. He’s long gotten used to your sense of humor. “There’s that carnival that just opened.”
“Mmm, maybe later. Carnivals always look better when it’s dark.”
“Then…” he thinks, “...let’s just go for a walk. See what we find.”
You grab your keychain with far too many charms on it and your other essentials, hooking your arm in Jon's. “Lead the way.”
May doesn’t have any outward reaction save for a knowing look as you exit the building. You squint your eyes at her in response. The noise of the city greets you as you walk out. People around you go on with their days, each living their own complex life.
It’s silent for a moment as the two of you walk. You take the moment to just think for a moment. You thought life was crazy when you found out you had crazy spider powers, but then you turned it around and made it into something good. You thought life was crazy when you got asked to officially join the avengers, but then you found a family in them. You thought life was crazy when you found out about the ‘spider verse’, but from that you realized you weren’t alone. You should’ve known better than to think it couldn’t get any crazier than that, but here you are. Very far from home.
You just wonder what will come out of this .
“You’re quiet,” Jon notes, voice barely a murmur.
“Just thinking.”
“That’s not good,” he jokes. You scoff and consider flicking him, but it would probably hurt.
“Just thinking how hard it’ll be for Damian to look me in the eye the next time I see him.”
Jon raises a brow. “What… happened between you and Damian? Is that why he was in a mood?”
“So crazy story, he walked in on me making out with my kind-of bully.” Jon’s eyes widen incredibly. His pace stutters and he chokes on air. You grin as you watch his flail. “Making out might be generous, but it was pretty passionate.”
You continue, “God, you should’ve seen the look on his face. He genuinely stopped functioning for a sec! He’s a bigger virgin than I thought. Or maybe it was just that it was with Tori of all people. It’s okay though, she’s not all that she seems.”
Jon stops walking altogether, accidentally yanking you to a stop as well. You blink at him.
“Ok…” he starts, “first of all, you kissed your bully?” he asks incredulously.
“Well, like I said, she's not all that she seems,” you shrug. He nods, still looking at you in disbelief.
“So… what? Are you guys… dating?” he hesitates to say the word.
You scratch your nose, looking down. “Nah… we talked it out, she uh…” you trail off, “...it was a spur of the moment thing, we’re just friends. Now, anyway.” You feel bad saying you rejected the girl who was in love with you, but you also can’t say everything that went down.
You look at Jon, seeing him also looking down in thought. His brows are furrowed, you wonder how strange it is to Damian if it’s so strange to Jon. He nods after a bit, continuing his walk. His arm holds yours a bit tighter.
“You’re the strangest person I’ve ever met,” he laughs disbelievingly.
Probably because this isn’t your universe. “Probably because I’m so awesome all kinds of people want a piece of me.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Too late,” you grin.
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For as drab as Gotham City is, at least this carnival provides a little bit of color. The vibrant lights provide an enchanting atmosphere. You can’t help but grin. Jon watches you with a smile.
“What do you want to do first?”
“Pie eating contest.”
He blinks. “Okay?” He’s a little confused by your quick and confident reply. Now don’t be alarmed, you usually eat three meals a day. The meals are just… well, some might argue if they’re actually meals or not. Tony estimated that you should be eating five proper meals a day to combat your increased metabolism. You’re not starving or anything as you are now, but if you ever get injured your increased healing won’t help.
“I wanna eat,” is your only explanation as you drag him to the stand.
Jon chuckles as you drag him along, his smile widening at your enthusiasm. “Alright, I’ll join you,” he smiles, matching your energy. The two of you approach the stand where a small crowd has gathered around a makeshift stage. A lively carnival barker stands at the front, rallying contestants and spectators alike.
“Step right up, folks! Who’s got what it takes to be the pie-eating champion of Gotham tonight?” the man announces enthusiastically, his voice carrying over the excited chatter of the crowd.
You and Jon sign up eagerly, taking your places at the contestant table. The rules are simple: eat as much pie as you can within a set time limit. The pies, piled high with whipped cream and fruity filling, look delectable under the carnival lights.
The contest begins, and you and Jon dig in with gusto. The pies are delicious, each bite bringing a burst of sweet flavor. The crowd cheers and laughs as you both devour your way through the pies, alternating between bites and glances at each other, each trying to outpace the other.
Jon manages to finish his first pie just as you’re halfway through yours. He wipes his mouth with a napkin, grinning at you challengingly. “You’re pretty good at this,” he remarks between bites.
You flash him a competitive smirk, determined not to be outdone. “I eat a lot,” you quip back, mouth full of pie.
The contest continues, the pace quickening as the time ticks down. Cheers and encouragement from the crowd spur you on, adding to the thrill of the competition. Despite the messiness and the rapidly filling sensation in your stomach, you keep going, driven by the desire to win and the sheer enjoyment of the moment.
Finally, the timer buzzes, signaling the end of the contest. You and Jon set down your forks, breathing heavily but grinning broadly at each other. The man approaches to determine the winner.
“And the winner is…” he declares dramatically, waiting. After a tense moment, he announces, “It’s a tie!”
You and Jon exchange a look of surprise and then burst into laughter, both of your mouths covered in pie and thoroughly satisfied. The crowd applauds, appreciating the spirited effort you both put into the contest. You fancy yourself smug, seeing as you kept up with a kryptonian.
Jon wipes his hands and face with a napkin, chuckling as he looks at you. "I can't believe we tied," he says, shaking his head in amusement.
You nod, still grinning widely. "Yeah, I can’t believe you kept up with me.” He chuckles, shaking his head.
The man hands each of you a small prize—a colorful ribbon that declares you both "Pie Eating Champions of Gotham City Carnival". You both accept the ribbons with good humor, pinning them onto your shirts proudly.
As you step away from the contest table, Jon nudges you playfully. "So, what's next on our carnival adventure?"
You glance around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling carnival. The vibrant lights of the rides beckon in the distance, and the aroma of cotton candy and popcorn fills the air. "Let's hit the Ferris wheel," you suggest, pointing towards the towering structure adorned with sparkling lights.
Jon nods eagerly. "Sounds good to me. Let's go," he says, grabbing your hand as you make your way towards the Ferris wheel.
The line isn’t too long. The worker wishes you a good ride as the two of you step into the brightly colored gondola, slowly ascending to the sky.
As the ride reaches its peak, you both fall silent for a moment, taking in the view. The city skyline looms in the distance, a stark contrast to the colorful and carefree world of the carnival. For a brief moment, you feel a sense of peace and contentment, grateful for this simple yet memorable night with Jon. 
"This is nice," Jon remarks, leaning back comfortably in his seat. You nod in agreement, admiring the view.
Jon looks at you, thinking. There are a million things he wants to say, wants to admit to you. He wonders how you would react to each and every one of them. With only positivity, he’s sure. You’re the type to go with the flow, whatever happens, happens. He’s certain he could trust you with his life, eventually.
He takes a deep breath, unsure what’s about to come out of his mouth. “[Name]–”
The Ferris wheel rocks violently for a heart stopping moment. For the other riders, mostly. You and Jon immediately stiffen to attention, because Ferris wheels aren’t supposed to do that. Jon crosses over to you, locking you in his embrace as he looks over the edge. You try to look as well, but a simple tense of his arms prevents you.
A threatening green is making headway across the carnival grounds, sending people running. Vines bloom, crawling over stands and attractions. Poison Ivy, looking as prickly as ever, strides in gracefully.
"This carnival is a blight on this land," Ivy declares, her voice carrying over the chaos. "You trample on nature for your own amusement, but no longer. Tonight, the Earth fights back."
Oh, great. You can’t do anything because you’re stuck in the air with Jon. Jon can’t do anything because he’s stuck in the air with you. You sigh, leaning back against him.
With a wave of her hand, flowers bloom amidst the destruction, a stark contrast to the panic around her. Ivy's plants begin to dismantle the carnival, reclaiming the area for nature. Her message is clear: the environment will no longer be taken for granted, and anyone who harms it will face her wrath. Vines crawl up the Ferris wheel, wrapping around the gondolas in a nightmarish display.
“Um. Any bright ideas?” you ask Jon.
He says pulling out his phone, he pulls it out of your view and begins to type furiously. You bet a hundred bucks it’s Damian and Jon is furiously texting him to haul ass and get here now .
A vine thrusts itself into the box, making Jon yank you both to the floor in the middle. It spreads slowly, hauntingly, slowly encompassing the gondola. Flowers bloom… ah shit—
Jon shifts the two of you, blocking you from the flowers. Also putting himself directly in front of them. “Jon don’t–” you warn, because regardless of his heritage, it can still affect him. Even more so since he’s only half. He presses your face into his chest right as the flower coughs, releasing the spores right in his face.
“Don’t breathe them in,” he growls. Thanks, you weren’t planning on it anyway. You hold your breath, anyway.
He’s getting antsy. “[Name],” he mutters gravely. “Please. Close your eyes and trust me.”
You internally sigh, preparing how you’re going to act like the most aloof fool after this. You nod and close your eyes. Jon picks you up, arms under your knees and around your back. You wind your arms around his neck and rest against his chest.
Jon, to his credit, doesn’t just fly down the ride. You feel him jump down the bars of the Ferris wheel, making sure to keep you secure in his arms. His landings are precise and calculated, avoiding the chaos below. You hear the gasps and shouts from the people around you as Jon navigates through the mess of vines.
Finally, you feel the solid ground beneath you as Jon gently sets you down. “Okay, you can open your eyes now,” he says softly.
You open your eyes and find yourself standing amidst the carnage, the Ferris wheel towering above you. Vines continue to spread, and the air is filled with the panicked cries of carnival-goers trying to escape. Jon stands protectively beside you, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of Ivy.
“We have to stop her,” you blurt. He looks at you incredulously. You ignore it and look around, trying to find a way to do this without Spinnerette. Eyes narrowing, you spot something in the distance.
“There.” You point at a nearby water tower. “If we flood the area, it might disrupt her control over the plants.”
“Good plan. You should leave it to the professionals.”
You blink, turning around. It’s Robin who spoke, arms crossed and looking at you. However, it’s the sight of the 6’2 emo bitch dressed in a bat fursuit that makes you stiffen.
“Robin! You came!” Jon brightens, before coughing into his fist. “I mean. Of course you came, you’re Robin.” The urge to roll your eyes at his silliness is strong, but you resist.
Batman doesn’t react, though you’re sure he just sighed on the inside. “You should get to safety with the rest of the civilians,” he grumbles out in his Batman™ voice.
You nod rapidly. “Yup yup. Yessir Mr Batman.” You grip Jon’s wrist and drag him away. Fuck that, majorly. If he says leave it up to him, you’re perfectly fine with that. You’re pretty sure he’s gonna take what you said and connect some dots, and you don’t wanna be around when that happens. He can take his theories and shove it up his ass.
Jon lets you drag him away, looking back to see Damian squinting at him through the mask. Making your way out of the venue you catch onto Ivy’s parting words.
"In a world of violence and chaos, my cuddle pollen offers a moment of peace, a false but blissful reprieve. It's almost poetic, isn't it?"
Fuck. Your. Life.
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Jon is looking just a tad bit worse for wear (you’re lying, he looks haggard) when you arrive at your apartment. May, thank god, wasn’t at the desk, so you managed to get by without having to deal with that. You  shove Jon onto the couch, wincing with a small apology. Frantically typing, you google how to deal with cuddle pollen.
The number one suggestion is to visit Gotham General Hospital, but given Jon’s less than human nature, that's a no go. Other results suggest drinking lots of water and sweating it out to dilute its affects.
You throw your phone somewhere and quickly fetch some water for Jon. Nari meows at Jon, sensing something is wrong. When you make your way back you see that Jon has trapped Nari in his arms, cooing unintelligibly at him.
“Drink,” you tell him urgently, lifting his chin. He leans into your touch, obeying. You make sure he drinks every last drop. When he finishes you turn around to get some more water, only to be yanked back. You crash into Jon’s arms, watching as Nari trots away, happy to be free. You wish you were Nari right now.
Jon nuzzles into you, humming contently.
“Jon…” you warn.
“Yeah, baby?” he hums. Jesus.
“You’re under the effects of cuddle pollen. Your mind is scrambled. Just let me get you some water–”
He hugs you tighter at the mention of you leaving, standing up with you in his arms. You try to get free, holding your own for a bit. But alas, he wins. Stupid kryptonian biology. He carries you to the bedroom, setting you down on the bed.
You blink. “Okay, hang on–”
Jon belly flops right on top of you, earning an ‘oof’ from you. He wraps his arms around you, snuggling into your collarbone. He sighs in content as he relaxes on you. There’s no hope for you to escape, is there?
“Jon, come on. Let’s… do jumping jacks or something. Sweat it out of your system. You can even hold my hand!”
Jon grumbles, burying his face in your neck. “I know something else we can do to get sweaty.”
You blink. Then snort. Damn, is that the cuddle pollen talking or is your influence taking effect? You feel Jon smile against your neck.
Sighing, you acknowledge that you’re not getting out of this situation. You hesitantly rest your arms around him. You feel his grin get wider, and then he surprises you even further by laying a goddamn kiss against your neck. You grumble and mutter, “I am going to make fun of you so hard after this.”
Laying there, you think. If you didn’t just compromise yourself to Batman, then hopefully you won’t be approached when you next patrol. Or worse, when you're just being a regular civilian. 
You blink, deciding you’re gonna be a little shit.
“Jon,” you say, “give me your phone.”
Jon reaches into his pocket, unlocking his phone and handing it to you. It’s got a couple cracks in it, and his wallpaper features a photo of a sunset over a vast farm. You scroll through his contacts, clicking the one that says ‘damian !! (stinkin loser)’. You click the call button, hoping he’s done superheroing and has time to answer.
He answers on the third ring. “Jon, you fool, what were you–”
“Damian,” you interrupt before he says something you’re not supposed to know. The line goes quiet on the other end. “I’ll keep it brief. Jon got absolutely fucked over with a face-full of cuddle pollen and he won’t let me go. We’re at my apartment, so if you can pull some rich people strings and get an antidote or something I would very much appreciate it.”
“...He won’t let go of you?”
You roll your eyes and snap a picture of Jon wrapped around you. “Help,” is all you say after you send it.
You hear him sigh. “I’ll be there in fifteen,” is all you hear before the call cuts. Jon yanks the phone away from you, throwing it somewhere in the room as he flips the two of you over. You lay on his chest now, feeling his chin rest on your head and his hands come up to rest on your waist, fingertips creeping up under your shirt.
Your phone is in the other room and you didn’t see where Jon threw his, so you’re left to stew in his arms until Damian comes. You begin to hum a song, for your own peace of mind, ignoring the way Jon’s hands rub your skin in a back-and-forth motion. Jon removes one of his hands and places it on the back of your head, pushing you into his neck. The bastard lays another kiss on your head, muttering comforting words.
Damn, you think you’re starting to fall asleep. Sue you for feeling safe in his arms, he’s literally Superboy. It doesn’t help that you're lying in bed and he's rubbing your back so softly you feel like he’s your boyfriend comforting you after a long day.
You hear your door kick open, and the only reason your fight response doesn’t kick in is because you’re still stuck in Jon’s arms, and because you know it’s Damian. Jon on the other hand, immediately sits up, glaring hard at your hallway. When Damian shows up in your doorway, bag in hand, he relaxes. He lies back down in the bed, snuggling in to you.
“Hi,” you say awkwardly.
He ignores your weak greeting, digging into his bag and pulling out a syringe filled with what can only be the antidote. You pointedly make a note to definitely not mention how the needle is green.
“Just be careful he doesn’t grab you. He’s… really strong,” you mutter.
He grabs Jon’s head, pushing it aside to bare his neck. You’re surprised Jon lets him, but cuddle pollen does leave people without inhibition. Damian sticks the needle in, making Jon groan. You watch the fluid disappear, feeling peaceful knowing that this will soon be over. Damian finishes administering the antidote and takes a seat on the bed.
“Thanks for… coming through,” you say. You don’t know what else you can really talk about right now.
Damian just looks at you. “What were you even doing there?”
He means the carnival. You furrow your brows. “Hanging out? Sorry we didn’t predict that Poison Ivy was gonna be there. Maybe you should talk to Batman about that.”
“You could have been hurt. Jon did get hurt.”
“It’s just cuddle pollen, Dami,” you reassure, placing a hand on his arm. He grasps it tightly. “You gave him the antidote, he’s not hurt.”
Damian’s grip on your arm is firm, his eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re lucky it was just that. It could have been worse.”
You nod, understanding his concern, but feeling a bit annoyed at the same time. “I know, I know. But we’re fine now. Jon’s going to be okay.”
Damian's expression softens slightly at your reassurance, though his concern is still evident. He looks at Jon, who seems to be coming out of the pollen's effects, his grip on you loosening. Damian then turns his attention back to you, his gaze intense.
"You shouldn't take unnecessary risks," he says, his voice low but firm. "Especially not with someone like Jon."
You raise an eyebrow at the implication in his tone. "Are you implying something about Jon?"
“Jon is… brave, but restless. Just be more cautious.”
You give him a playful smirk. "Are you worried about me, Damian Wayne? That's almost sweet."
He scowls slightly, clearly not amused by your teasing. "I'm serious, [Name]. This city is dangerous enough without getting caught up in avoidable situations."
“I promise to be more careful in the future,” you say, eyes earnest. It seems to settle Damian, for now.
Jon groans under you. He sits up, taking you with him. You fall to his lap as you look at him. He blinks for a moment, taking in his surroundings. You hear his heartbeat slowing, calming. He looks at Damian, looks at you. Stares at you, whom his arms are around, in his lap.
He freaks, shoving you out of his embrace and scrambling back. Damian catches you, growling, “You fool, Jon, careful!”
“I’m so sorry!” he cries. “I was… oh my god, I’m so sorry–”
You hold out your hands to placate him. “Jon, it’s okay! I’m fine, I don’t care. You weren’t in control. You didn’t do anything.”
“I should have left when I got hit,” he growls to himself.
You sigh, looking at Damian for help. “What’s done is done. No use in whining about it now,” he huffs, shifting you to sit up.
Jon purses his lips, looking like he wants to cry. You open your arms, “Come on.”
He hesitates, so you grab him and haul him into your embrace. He stiffens, before wrapping his arms around you. He melts into your embrace.
Damian clears his throat, making Jon pull back with a sheepish expression. “I should really get home before my parents worry.”
You nod, patting his arm. “Of course.”
He thanks Damian as well on his way out. You don’t hear the door open, so you figure he just got antsy and couldn’t stay in the room longer. You don’t blame him. You sigh when you see he left his phone, grabbing it and handing it to Damian.
“Thank you,” you mutter. You look into his eyes, he looks back. In a moment of weakness, you place a hand on his cheek and lean in, pressing your lips to his other one. The kiss is chaste, barely lasting for a second before you pull back. “You’re paying for my door.”
Damian says nothing in response, simply watching you. He raises his hand, clasping yours and gently bringing it down. He nods.
“It was nothing.” And then he and Jon are out the door. You sigh, laying down in your bed that smells like Jon now. No patrol tonight, again.
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notes: jon was about to risk it all on that ferris wheel just saying
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luveline · 2 years
could you maybe write struggling single dad!eddie? ily!!! 😘
love you! hope this is okay :D I did girl dad!eddie because ♡ fem!reader
Juggling car keys, a brown paper bag of groceries and a toddler that refuses to be put down today is not easy. And she's not always like this, Roan's usually a sweet (if quiet) girl who makes Eddie's life as easy as she can. A blessing, he thanks God or whoever for her everyday, but lately she's been clingy as climbing ivy.
"Babe," he says, stress seeping into the pet name and making it more chiding than he means, "could you relax?"
She glares at him. She's a mirror.
"You're being so mean to daddy today, you know that?"
She ignores him, small hands in the collar of his last nice work shirt and pulling. He can't stop her from stretching it out, doesn't have a hand free to pull her away and the shitty cruiser he swapped his beloved van for is still locked up tight.
"Baby, stop!" he scolds.
She looks like she might have a tantrum if she could. Roan pulls her hands away but starts to grizzle, a sniffle that turns loud that turns to full blown tears. He can't tell if they're crocodile tears or not. He feels awful anyhow.
Roan brings a hand up to slap his shoulder. Her fingers get caught in the fabric of his collar and she tugs to get free, jabbing herself in the eye with the back of her hand.
Her resulting cry is awful. Real, heart-hurting, Eddie forgets to be mad and starts shushing her gently. He presses his back sweaty with exertion against the cold window of the back seat door and pulls her in as close as he can.
"It's okay, sweetheart," he says softly.
She shrieks and hits the grocery bag. It topples. The groceries go everywhere. An orange rolls into the parking lot.
"Roan," he complains, defeated.
Patience, he thinks to himself desperately. Patience. She doesn't mean to.
He can't afford stuff like this. The time it takes to do simple things like get groceries feels expensive enough — he could be pressing Roan's clothes right now, or swapping out that cracked neck on the black Gibson so he can finally get paid for it, or fuck, he could be smoking a goddamn cigarette.
He sets her down. She screams bloody murder but he doesn't have a choice. He has to chase down the dispersed groceries desperately, cheeks pink with embarrassment.
Being a parent has made him hyper aware of other people's judgmental looks. He can feel eyes now on the top of his head and Eddie knows it's that cruel looking blonde woman from the cold cuts aisle who'd tried to lecture him on processed ham.
He picks his head up, words already rehearsed in his head. Lady, if you don't leave me alone I swear to fuck I'm gonna feed her nothing but TV dinners for the rest of her life. She's gonna be a junk food baby and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
Only It's not the lady. It's a girl.
You wither under his fierce scowl and offer the two oranges in your hand to him unsurely.
"Sorry," you say, shifting forward a half step. "They rolled my way."
He accepts the oranges without talking, which is rude, so rude, but his heads already decided the order of things before his mouth can catch up. Shove the groceries in the bag. Put the bag on the floor. Pick up his kid. Help her calm down.
He hikes Roan onto his hip, rubs her back, and says, "God, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."
You visibly relax. Eddie's surprised you didn't turn tail and run.
"Yeah? Do I have a doppelganger?" you ask. You smile in this way that's totally your own, Eddie's never seen someone grin like that before. Maybe a little shy and the shyness is making you awkward, teeth peeking out, you're pretty.
He's shocked at the thought. She's pretty.
Years of womanising (with varying success) kicks in.
"No, God no. She wasn't nearly as pretty as you are, sweetheart."
Roan seems to realise that she's not the object of his whole affection and pulls on his hair. Eddie let's his head yank to the side with a hiss and then a rueful smile. The world skews. You follow his head movement with your own.
"Is that so? I guess you'd know all about pretty," you say, head dipped to your shoulder.
Eddie gets super excited thinking he's actually managed to pull this one off (a fucking impossibility).
You hold your hand out hesitantly and wave. He realises you had not been talking about him.
"You- Oh, yeah. She's lovely, isn't she?"
You beam. "'Lovely,'" you quote. "That's a nice word." Your attention slides to Roan. She basks in it. "Hey, baby. You're just something else, aren't you? You know! You know how pretty you are, don't go shy on me."
Roan goes smiley. Chubby cheeks full of colour, she grins and pulls her dark curls in front of her face. Like father, like daughter.
"What's her name?" you ask.
"Roan. I'm Eddie."
You introduce yourself, bent just slightly to talk directly to Roan. You offer your hand.
When Roan takes it, you shake her tiny hand gently and then rub your thumb over her fingers. "Nice to meet you, princess."
"Hi," she says slowly.
You give her hand a small squeeze and then take a step back, arms moving behind you. "God, she's a pretty baby. And she looks so much like you."
"Yeah?" he asks warmly.
You realise what you've said with a look like you've been struck. After a second, you blink and laugh self-consciously. "Well. It's true."
He's out of the game. He's miles away from the game. But if he doesn't ask you for coffee that's gotta be self sabotage, right? Eddie's trying to find the words when you take a strange breath.
"Listen, I've seen you around and- I know this is weird. Sorry, but you really are- God. Sorry, but do you wanna get coffee? Sometime?" you ask, clunky and awkward.
Eddie's enamoured. He forgets to answer because he can't believe his luck and you take it for something different, adding, "Or not coffee? What does the little lady like?"
He must smile wide enough to split his lip. "Chocolate, mostly."
"Like cake and stuff?"
"Loves it."
You nibble at the inside of your lip as you pull your bag around to your thigh and search inside for a pen. You pull out a leaflet, a Save The Children Pamphlet they pass around outside of the mall and wince as you tear a corner.
He watches you write down your number on the hood of his car. You do it quick, pass it to him quicker.
"You can just call me, let me know when you're free."
"I'm free when you are," he says like a loser. It's not even remotely true. Eddie's never free, but for you he's gonna make it happen.
"How about Thursday?"
Eddie nods. Roan slips down his side and looks between you both like she's watching a tennis match.
"Yeah, Thursday is perfect."
You smile. Eddie takes it all in, everything, your smile and your hair and your clothes and the way your fingers pull at one another. He can't believe you're the nervous one right now. His heart spins like a top in his chest.
"I'm sorry to ask you out and jet, but there's somewhere I gotta be," you say. You sound genuinely apologetic.
"No, of course-"
"But I'll see you on Thrusday. Outside of, um, Morgan's Desserts?"
"Sure, but-"
"Yeah?" you ask.
"I can bring Roan?" he asks.
Your expression softens. "Please. If you don't I'm gonna stand you up."
He laughs abruptly, a shock of it like a firecracker in his chest.
You move like you might leave but then pick up his grocery bag and pass it back it to him. "Bye, princess," you pause to say, looking melted by his daughter's puppy dog eyes, if he does say so himself.
"Bye," she says sweetly.
You nod at him. He nods back.
"Thursday," he calls at your retreating figure. You know, to make sure.
You shoot him a smile over your shoulder.
Roan turns in his hold to stare at his face.
"What?" he asks her.
"Chocolate?" she questions.
"Heard that, did you?" he mutters.
more eddie and roan
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blurredcolour · 7 months
III. "Trust Me, He's In Good Hands."
"Trust" Series Masterlist
John "Bucky" Egan x WAC!Female Reader
As the calendar flips to September, so arrives Autumn, the season of change. And change will always come, whether it is welcome or not.
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Warnings: Language, Grief, Minor Bucky Injury, Mention of Medical Treatments/Devices, Angst, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [fingering, handjob, semi-public play] - 18+ ONLY.
Author’s Note: In case you missed it, there was a head cannon produced as a semi-interlude for just how Bucky 'took care of himself' after their moment on the bench. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 6486
“Think you took a wrong turn back there, Bucky…” You raised an eyebrow, glancing over your shoulder as he continued driving further and further away from your quarters, navigating the jeep, instead, towards the control tower.
After nearly a week of chauffeuring you and your rapidly healing leg around Thorpe Abbotts, you were more than confident that he knew his way from your quarters to the mess to the control tower and back. This was most certainly a detour from the normal route.
When your comment was met with silence, you turned to look at him curiously, only to see the profile of his mischievous grin as he worked a fresh stick of gum between his molars, a pair of aviator sunglasses concealing his eyes even in the rapidly darkening twilight.
A plethora of fresh cuts and abrasions adorned his face from that day’s mission to Stuttgart – nearly 1,300 miles round trip. Flying in the second group of the day, the Luftwaffe and ground forces had been more than ready for them. Resistance had been heavy, though their drop was still considered a success, the first group’s had been a disaster. Bucky had been putting on his usual good humor since his return to the Operations Room, though his kisses in the custodial closet had been a little more frenetic than usual. His hold on you a little tighter than after previous missions.
For your part, you had wound yourself around him as tightly as a vine of ivy, the loss of your brother still terribly fresh and barely scabbed over. A scab that you had to fight the urge to pick at in the darkest hours of the night while your hut mates slept the sleep of the ungrieved. It was easier to set your hurts aside in the daylight, or in Bucky’s presence, as the man himself might as well have been the sun personified. Yet there was something changed about him today.
“Bucky?” You prompted softly as he reached the control tower and hung a right to begin driving out along the runway.
“Wanna show you the stars, doll.” He murmured quietly, sliding his sunglasses to the top of his head, his cap tossed carelessly on the seat between you, as darkness finally conquered the sky.
“Alright.” You whispered, setting your hand on his knee slowly while he drove to the very end of the asphalt before veering off into the tall vegetation that brushed against the sides of the vehicle.
As he cut the engine, the silence of the field settled in around the pair of you, so far removed from the crews diligently working on planes parked on their hardstands – there was another mission tomorrow, they would do their very best to get as many as possible back into service by dawn. But this far out, it felt like it you were perhaps the only two people in the entire world just then. Tilting your head back to look up at the sky, you pulled your cap from your head to watch the stars begin to wink into light against the deep blue velvet night, a smile tugging at your lips.
“They are beautiful.” You breathed reverently, rolling your head to the side to look at him fondly.
“Yeah.” He murmured in agreement, though your heart clenched as you found his eyes focused squarely on you rather than the constellations above.
His hand settled over yours where it still rested on his leg, fingers threading between yours, squeezing tightly, and you leaned in with the intention of pressing your lips to his. Bucky met you halfway, tilting his head to the left to slot his lips against yours firmly. The taste of spearmint flooded your mouth and your tongue darted forward the pilfer the still-supple piece of gum from its hiding place against his cheek, tucking it against your own as his body shook with laughter. Your responding grin made it difficult for either of you to continue the kiss and so Bucky dropped his mouth to your neck, fingers abandoning yours to begin tugging at your necktie and the buttons of your collar to reveal more of your skin to his greedy lips.
“Bucky…” You sighed, sliding your liberated hands into his hair, wantonly holding him to your throat.
Your eyes fell shut as you shivered eagerly, each exhale shaking as it left your mouth in response to the damp, open-mouthed kisses he painted across your skin. The brush of his moustache provided a wicked contrast in sensations. He hummed approvingly against you, arms snaking around your hips as he shuffled the pair of you further onto the passenger’s side of the bench seat, farther away from the interference of the steering wheel.
Bucky’s fingers tugged at the buttons on your uniform jacket, parting the offending fabric so his broad hand could slide beneath to cup one of your breasts, kneading at the tender flesh over the thinner fabric of your shirt. Arching with a needy whimper, you pulled gently on his dark locks until he tipped his head back, lips kiss-stung as he looked up at you, eyes barely focused. Lunging forward, you kissed him thoroughly as he continued his sweet torment, making your hips undulate against the seat needily, desperate for any friction you might find.
You mewled in protest when his hand left your chest, pressing your face against his cheek as he tutted teasingly.
“Easy doll, I won’t leave you hanging.”
His hand slid to your left knee, fingers cupping the back of it as he gently guided your leg to hook over his right, spreading your legs open to the rush of cool night air. Instinctively, you rolled your right leg inward to close the gap, but his hand slid between your inner thighs, keeping them apart.
“Wait.” He whispered, stroking his slightly calloused fingers against the soft skin he had found there, knuckles rasping against the opposite thigh. “Let me make you feel good.”
Sinking your teeth into your lower lip, you shuddered slightly before relaxing your right leg, letting your knee fall against the frame of the jeep as you shuffled your hips forward consentingly.
Sweeping ever higher along your inner thigh in slow, smooth circles, you still jumped slightly as Bucky’s palm came to rest over your underwear, breath hitching in your throat to feel the heat of his skin seeping through the thin material.
“Damn, you’re so warm.” His breath fanned across your cheek as he spoke, heel of his palm applying just the right amount of pressure to the place that had you seeing constellations of your own behind your eyelids.
“Bu…cky…” You keened his name, pronunciation disjointed and clumsy as his fingers worked at tracing your folds across the rapidly dampening fabric.
“I know, I know.” He rasped, sounding almost pained as he shifted his hips.
Forcing your eyes open, you recognized the same need in his movements that had, just moments before, laced your own. You swallowed roughly to gather your courage before allowing your hand to drop to his lap. The gasp that escaped you at the sheer pressure of him against his fly was drowned out by his harsh, half-swallowed moan. Pressed temple-to-temple, you inhaled sharply as his eyes flicked to yours, boring into them at close range as you began to work your palm along the shape of him through his trousers, applying what you could only hope was the right amount of friction.
“Goddamn you’re not going to be satisfied unless I cum, are you?” He huffed and tilted his jaw forward to nip at your lower lip.
Your brow furrowed in thought as the verbiage of that sentence did not quite compute, though it very well could have been as a result of his diligent attentions between your thighs.
As if sensing your confusion, Bucky began throwing out alternative words like a thesaurus while he gradually began to ease your underwear to one side. “Finish, climax, release, orgasm…what you did so prettily all over my thigh and what I’m going to make you do again right–”
“Fuck…” You squeaked as his fingers found the bare skin of your folds, hips jerking both towards his touch and away from the intensity of it all at once.
“Here.” He finished his thought, temple pressing against yours once more, fingertips rapidly growing slick with your desire before they delved to find your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Jesus Christ, Bucky!” You gasped out, bucking sharply and most definitely toward his hand this time.
“You talk to your Captain with that mouth, doll?” He teased with a broad grin, teeth flashing white in the darkness.
“Mmm fuck…” You whimpered, nearly incoherent as he expertly worked your body like he had known it longer than you.
“Spending far too much time around soldiers, doll.” He continued to tease you, making your nostrils flare stubbornly as you summoned the very last of your wits to attack his fly, wanting him to suffer equally under the exquisite torture of pleasure he was inflicting upon you. “Whoa there what a–” His words died on his lips as your persistent, delving hand worked its way into his trousers and then past the waistband of his boxers to wrap around the steely length of him.
A ragged groan cut through the night air before his mouth crashed into yours, a slight clacking of teeth before he recovered his usual finesse. There was a beguiling slickness gathered at the tip but otherwise the skin covering the swollen hardness of him was the softest you had ever felt. However, now that you had seized your prize, you were not entirely certain what to do with it. Bucky’s large left hand wrapped itself around yours, beginning to guide you through a pumping motion up and down the length of him that filled your mouth with his moans and sped the pace of his right hand against you.
Wrenching your lips back from his to gasp for breath, you pressed your forehead against his once more, your exhales becoming his inhales. Tugging the gusset of your underwear further from your body, he made more space for his hand, settling the heel of his palm against the apex of your pleasure as his index finger began to circle your entrance.
“Fuck you’re so wet…” He huffed, dipping the pad of his finger into your slick.
“Mnnph!” You vocalized nonsensically, swiping your thumb across the source of his own slickness, collecting fresh beads of moisture to ease the motion of your fist around him. “You, too.” You panted.
Hot breath cascading down the gaping collar of your shirt was his only response, and being a quick study, you were certain to repeat that motion at the top of each pull, despite how difficult it was becoming to think straight. Particularly as he sank his index finger into your eager body, the feeling foreign yet not unwelcome, especially when he began to thrust said finger at a pace that matched your own hand around him.
A fleeting concern passed through your mind, of what sort of vulgar display the pair of you were currently presenting to the very heavens that you had driven out here under the pretext to admire, but it could not compete for you attention as Bucky added a second finger to your wet heat. Your hips moved in time with his fingers, of their own volition, and you were so focused on driving the pair of you towards your own heaven that you were barely taking in enough oxygen.
“Doll I’m gonna…fuck…I’m gonna cum…” Bucky growled, though there was the distinct edge of a whine to it.
“Yes.” You exhaled enthusiastically as you fully understood the statement this time. “Yes, Bucky go on I want you to, please.” You babbled, no longer completely in control of your faculties.
His left hand quickly abandoned yours to yank his uniform jacket and shirt higher on his torso as his hips slammed into your fist several times before, with a hoarse shout, a tremendous amount of fluid was released across his lower abdomen, dripping onto your hand. You watched with a slack jaw, very much wishing you could see the intricacies of his pleasure more clearly than the dark of night would allow, but nevertheless mightily pleased to have brought it about.
As his right hand stilled inside your underwear, you mistakenly assumed he was utterly spent, would not have minded at all if that were the case, and began to straighten your uniform.
“Oh, hell no, I’m not finished with you.” His fingers lurched into motion, pace somehow doubled as they scissored and curled inside you.
Left hand, now freed, settled over your right breast as he turned fully to devour the noises his renewed attentions wrung from your trembling body. You could feel your walls beginning to clench around his fingers, your thighs pressing together as the tension within you rose to its crest before shattering in a rush of ecstasy that had you clawing at his uniform jacket as you writhed beneath him.
Pulling back only once you had stopped wailing down his throat, Bucky smirked a little as he licked his lips. “That’s better.” Settling back onto the seat beside you, he carefully pulled his fingers from your still-shaking body to lick them clean, closing his eyes slowly. “Next time, I’m going to eat you alive, doll…”
Slumping against his shoulder all you managed by way of reply was a weak, “Uh huh.”
Bucky pressed a tender kiss to the crown of your head before pulling a utilitarian handkerchief from his pocket, wiping your hand before roughly wiping himself clean. He brusquely restored order to his uniform before very tenderly doing the same with yours.
“Need a few more minutes?”
“Mmm we should get back.” You frowned, leaning in to peck his lips softly. “If my legs still aren’t working, I’ve got the crutches at least.”
A confident grin unfurled across his features as he slid back behind the wheel, arm wrapping around your waist to pull you snug into his side before he began the drive back to your quarters. Absent-mindedly, you retrieved the stolen piece of gum from the corner of your cheek and folded an air bubble into it before cracking it against your teeth, slowly feeling the capacity to control your limbs returning.
Pulling up in front of your hut, he turned to you with a smirk. “You stole my gum.”
You looked to him slowly before shooting him a wink. “Guess you’ll have to steal it back.” You would have kissed him goodnight, given him the chance to do so right then, if not for the crunch of footsteps on the gravel drive behind you. “Goodnight Major Egan.” You said as you straightened quickly, putting a great deal of distance between you as you slid to the other side of the jeep before climbing out.
Fetching your crutches from the back, you were slowly making your way inside when you heard him address the unknown individual.
“Captain Miller.”
“Major Egan, whatever has become of your cap, sir?” Her voice was cold and shrill as usual.
“Got it right here Ma’am.” You heard him reply, though her hum of disapproval, one that was all too familiar to the WACs, did not bode well for the state of it.
“It seems rather worse for wear, sir. Might want to try and remedy that before Colonel Harding gets a look at it. Goodnight.”
Risking a glance back over your shoulder you frowned to see how horribly crumpled the thing had become – surely a victim of your star-gazing trip gone astray. Bucky, for his part, only sent you a broad smile as Captain Miller continued on into the night and you waved to him before ducking inside to face the firing squad of your expectant-faced friends.
The early days of September continued to be busy with crews from the 100th flying the following morning, the 7th, and then receiving a day’s rest. There was no real rest for you on the 8th, however, as the field order for Operation Starkey, set for the 9th, arrived late in the day, sending the Operations Room into a frenzy. Bucky had appeared at the usual time to drive you to the mess for dinner and all you could spare was an apologetic look before he was snagged by Colonel Harding. Set to be the largest operation of the war to date, you were up quite late ensuring everything was in place, unsurprised that Harding had ordered Bucky to bed to rest up – that only meant one thing. He would be flying tomorrow.
The target was an airfield just outside Paris, mercifully not another foray deep into Germany, but the customary knot that settled into your stomach seemed to twist all the more acutely this time. Making your way down the stairs on your crutches, bearing a little more weight on your ankle now, on Doctor McLean’s instructions, you were surprised to find Captain Miller waiting for you at the door.
“Good evening, Lieutenant. I was hoping to catch you alone.”
“Ma’am.” You juggled your crutches awkwardly in order to salute her, doing your best to keep the confusion and concern from your voice.
She began the walk towards the barracks at a slow pace, allowing you make your way alongside her as she spoke. “I’ve received orders this afternoon from Pinetree that effective September 10th you will be transferring there as a member of their Operations staff.”
Your head whirled to look at her angular profile, her hair perfectly smooth beneath her cap, as she delivered this devastating news as though it had as much effect on your life as the fact that it might rain later. The bottom of your left crutch snagged into the gravel and dug awkwardly into your armpit, sending you stumbling forward. Somehow you managed not to fall flat upon your face, but all you could croak in response was a pathetic, “Ma’am?!”
Miller eyed you a moment, presumably ensuring your stability before she resumed both her speech and her progress towards your quarters. “Your work is impeccable, you should not be surprised that you have been given this opportunity, Lieutenant. I suggest you begin packing. I will see you to the station myself morning after next.”
Nodding, speechless, you continued to shuffle after her. Pinetree – code name for the Headquarters of the 8th Air Force, located in some village just north of London. Quite a ways away from Thorpe Abbotts. Away from Vi and Mary and Ruth – your constant companions through your entire time with the WAC. Away from Bucky. Your throat clenched painfully as you desperately tried to swallow, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
‘Christ, please not in front of the dragon-lady…hold it together girl.’ You chastised yourself and straightened your back, clenched your jaw, willfully keeping an iron grip on yourself.
By the grace of everything holy she kept silent for the rest of the walk, pausing in front of your hut. “This is a good thing, Lieutenant. Now rest up, big day tomorrow.” Miller nodded firmly and you shared a salute before she continued on her way.
Taking a shaking breath, you crept inside, leg aching from the walk, throat aching from smothered emotion. The rest of the occupants were all sleeping, oblivious to your plight, and you miraculously managed to keep it that way, sliding into your cot at last to allow silent tears to roll down your cheeks. You should have used those four hours to rest before waking early, knowing Bucky would still insist on driving you to the mess and then the Control Tower before his flight, but sleep was about as friendly with you as Captain Miller that night.
As your alarm clock went off, and Vi hurled a pillow at you for the insult of vicariously waking her with it as well, you were quite convinced you had not managed a minute of sleep. Running through your morning routine like some kind of robot, you began to make your way toward the mess, smiling weakly even as your heart wrenched beneath your ribs to hear his jeep pull up beside you.
“Morning, doll.”
“Morning, Bucky.” You sighed, turning to him, afraid to meet his eyes. Afraid he might be able to see right through you, and not wanting to burden him with this impending separation right before he went up. “You go on ahead, I know you’re busy…”
“Doll, please don’t hit me, but what time did you get to bed last night? Get in the jeep.”
Despite yourself, despite the yawning dread in your gut, you still felt a laugh bubble up your throat. Perhaps not to the usual brightness he would have earned, but Bucky was still able to earn it.
“Late.” You sighed, surrendering your crutches to the back of the jeep, sliding in beside him. “But clearly, I need to put on a better face. ‘A WAC should never appear tired or distressed.’” You quoted one of your instructors from Fort Des Moines.
He huffed with a playful roll of his eyes as he put the vehicle into motion. “As far as I’m concerned doll, you’ve more than done your duty for this mission.”
You looked to him curiously, brain sluggish without any food to fuel it yet.
“‘Release a man for combat.’” He glanced at you with a wicked grin as he quoted the former WAC slogan, the one that had been in use before your superiors had truly understood the connotations of such a statement, and your jaw dropped as you felt heat paint its way down your neck.
“John Clarence Egan.” You hissed in half-hearted admonishment, shaking your head as a grin snuck its way onto your features in spite of it all. Sighing deeply as, after mere moments with him, you already found your mood much improved. “I’m gonna m–” Quickly slapping your hand over your mouth lest you admit to more than you were prepared to at this time of day, you feigned a yawn which made him chuckle under his breath as he pulled up in front of the mess.
“Maybe need a nap?” He finished mischievously and you just nodded, leveraging yourself out of the jeep, still feeling sore after your long walk to bed last night. “I’ll see you after briefing.”
“You don’t have to, Bucky I can make it just fine, you’re busy.”
“That wince you just failed to hide says otherwise, doll. I’ll see you in an hour or so.” He eyed you sternly and you gulped painfully, already feeling quite lost at the idea of being separated from him.
“I’m going to start walking if you’re late.” You tried a small smile on for size, preparing yourself to enter the mess with a pleasant look on your face.
“I’ll find you!” He threatened as he pulled away slowly, careful not to kick up any gravel in your direction and all you could do was shake your head fondly.
You were doomed.
Breakfast was a quiet affair, the few already up this early only present for the sake of fuelling their bodies and not really seeking conversation. Burying your nose in a book that you could not even manage to read one sentence of, you lasted all of forty-five minutes before your nerves got the better of you and insisted on action rather than wasting time while you waited for Bucky to be ready. Gritting your teeth against the protest in your joints, you began making your way down the road toward the Control Tower, needing very much to be useful else you might simply drown in the complexity of your emotions.
Regardless, you would need to get used to being independent once more. Pinetree, or High Wycombe as it was properly known on a map, would not have a private chauffer awaiting you. It remained to be seen how much distance you would need to cover in your daily duties and there was no time like the present to start practicing. You were almost halfway there when Bucky pulled up alongside, dressed in his flight suit, eyebrow raised impatiently.
“Someone definitely needs a nap.” He narrowed his eyes, gesturing at the open bench seat beside him.
Sighing deeply, you pulled the crutches from beneath your armpits to slide into the back before climbing into the jeep next to him. “I was falling asleep at the table.” You muttered as he pulled out. “I didn’t mean to insult you…”
His only reply was a gently squeezing of your knee, a quick motion between his steering of the vehicle, but you could tell he was not pleased. Combined with the quiet thoughtfulness that overcame him on his way to a mission, it made for a silent drive to the Control Tower. As he pulled up in front of the building, you turned to press a warm kiss to his cheek, feeling him tense in surprise at your rather visible display of affection.
“See you in a few hours.” You smiled to him tenderly and he offered you a lopsided grin in reply.
“You bet, doll. No sleeping on your desk, now.” He winked as you slid out and you offered him a laugh over your shoulder as you made your way inside.
Organized chaos awaited you in the Operations Room. Now officially billed as a practice run for the invasion of France, the entire base seemed to be alert and involved in this mission, many appearing just as tired as you. Situating yourself at your desk, you dove in headfirst, grateful for the all-consuming work before you. It did not allow for any ponderance of what tomorrow would bring, nor for you to feel the depth of your fatigue. The morning fairly flew by in a flurry of paper and typewriter ribbon, with one of the other women in the office taking over the duties of delivering wireless transmissions and teletype tape to the brass given your still-healing injury.
Upon reports of the safe return of all twenty-one of the planes that the 100th had contributed to the mission, you finally allowed yourself to surface for a break, making a trip to the washroom. On your slow return journey, you were startled when Colonel Harding stepped into your path, sliding his trademark cigar from his lips to speak.
“I’ve just been informed we’re losing you tomorrow, Lieutenant.”
So, it seemed the news was beginning to make its way around the base, then.
“Yes, sir, it is true.” You nodded, trying your best to keep your facial expression neutral.
“If I had known what a pain it would be, I would never have sung your praises so loudly to General Eaker.” He chuckled though you found it very difficult to focus on the words he was speaking as Major Cleven stepped into the Operations Room.
‘Why is Buck here? If all the planes made it back, why is Buck here?’
Your heart began to thrash frantically against the cage of your ribs as though it intended to break free in its panic. If Bucky were to assign anyone with the grim duty of breaking some horrible news to you, it would surely be his best friend. Nodding vaguely in reply to Harding, who was still speaking about something – possible Eaker’s personality, the level of dread within you only increased as Cleven’s eyes sought you out in the crowded room. Your stomach dropped further and further with each step he took in your direction.
Despite Harding’s apparent obliviousness to your terror, Cleven’s sky blue eyes traced over your face as he came to stand just behind the Colonel, casually crossing his arms before giving you a discreet thumbs up and slight nod of reassurance. It was subtle yet incredibly effective, almost instantly restoring your ability to breathe and easing the racing of your heart.
“Well, on to bigger and greater things, right Lieutenant?” Harding grinned at you, and you nodded quickly as the words once again registered in your brain, the dull roar of terror receding to the darker corners of your mind.
“That’s right sir, but I will miss everyone here.”
“But not little East Anglia I bet.” He laughed before sliding his cigar back into his mouth and dismissing you with a nod, making his way over to confer with Major Bowman who had just returned from interrogation.
“My apologies, Lieutenant. I did not mean to frighten you.” Cleven frowned as he stepped closer to address you directly. “Bucky is fine, just getting some stitches in his forearm – bit of flak, nothing to worry about.”
Exhaling slowly, you nodded gratefully. “Thank you very much for delivering the message, Major. I’m sorry I panicked.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t think the Colonel noticed.” A tiny smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and you pressed your own together to prevent yourself from laughing at Harding’s expense. “But, unless I’m mistaken, it sounds like you’re leaving us.” He tilted his head and your mouth immediately pulled down at the corners into a frown before you could stop it.
“I haven’t told anyone yet, I…I just found out last night and…” You tugged at your fingers nervously, a somewhat dramatic wringing of your hands.
“It sounds an awful lot like a promotion.” He prompted in that soft-spoken way of his and you nodded quickly.
“Supposedly a ‘good thing’ but it’s nowhere near here and I’m worried.”
“Worried about the job or…”
You gulped roughly and took a long hard look at Bucky’s best friend, the man he had sent to tell you he was all right, just a bit delayed in the hospital. The man he would have surely entrusted to tell you he was not all right, if it had come to that.
“Leaving Bucky.” You admitted, eyes quickly darting down to your brown, low-heeled dress shoes.
“Don’t you worry about that idiot. Trust me, he’s in good hands.” You could hear the smile in Cleven’s voice as he spoke, and you risked a glance upwards to confirm that he was in fact shooting you a soft smile of reassurance. “I’ve kept him alive this long, haven’t I?”
You scoffed a laugh as it really was hard to tell in moments like these who had the bigger ego, Bucky or Buck. All the same, you deeply appreciated his reassurances.
“Thank you, Major. I will tell him just as soon as I see him.” You assured him in kind, knowing he would be looking out for his friend’s best interests as well.
“Hopefully he doesn’t run into Harding first.” He smirked and shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “The Colonel is right though, we will miss you.”
“Thank you Major, the feeling is mutual.” You nodded, swallowing thickly as he nodded warmly in reply before turning to make his way out of the rapidly calming room, the level of activity waning now that the mission had been accomplished.
Bucky himself did not make his appearance until the end of your shift as you made your way out of the building, fit to fall asleep on your feet but facing an evening of packing and goodbyes instead. Leaning against the side of his jeep, he grinned to see you appear and you could not help but smile in return, crutching over to him as he met you halfway.
“Your own set of stitches hmmm?” You tilted your head curiously and he huffed.
“It barely needed it, but Buck insisted and then once Doc McLean got his hands on me…” He grumbled, pressing his lips to your temple in greeting. “Buck said he scared the hell out of you, sorry about that. We’ll work out a better signal next time.”
Taking a shaky breath, you turned to look at him, deciding there was no time like the present. “A…about that Bucky.” Despite your intentions, you still struggled to string the words together. “I’m being transferred.”
His steps lurched to a halt and a look of pure bewilderment came over him. “Transferred?”
Nodding slowly, you reached out to cup his cheek, despite the way it made you wildly unstable on your crutches. “Yeah. Promotion it seems. Doing too good of a job…” You felt tears welling in your eyes and blinked rapidly to try and stave them off.
“Hell, are they sending you to Division?” He croaked.
“Bucky, you know I can’t–”
“Headquarters then…damn doll, I’m proud of you.” The smile he bestowed upon you was brilliant, but the effort that it took him to summon was just as evident, and you could only shake your head sadly as those cursed tears slipped out of the corners of your eyes.
Bucky’s broad palms were quickly cupping your cheeks as his thumbs swiped them away as fast as your tear ducts could produce them. “Got my very own dame in Pinetree.” He grinned cockily and pressed his lips between your brows as you sniffled hopelessly. “Well done.”
“Gonna miss you, though.” You insisted weakly.
“Don’t you go getting all General crazy now. Don’t forget about your poor little Major back in little old East Anglia.” His tone was light, playful, though the sentiment did not fully reach his eyes which seemed somewhat hollow, resembling the endless depths of the ocean more than ever just then.
“Never.” You replied vehemently, gasping as his lips were suddenly on yours in broad daylight, surrounded by all manner of humanity, earning a few whistles and catcalls from his fellow airmen.
“Good.” Bucky replied firmly and pulled back slowly. “Suppose we gotta get you packed hmmm?”
“Yeah…” You breathed softly and relished the feeling of his hand on your lower back as you covered the last of the distance to the jeep, sitting as close as possible to him while he drove to your quarters. “I’ll write you.” You promised as he parked, and he grinned.
“I’ll write back.” Bucky tapped your nose fondly and you reached out, gently pushing his sleeve up, frowning as you found no bandage on that arm before grabbing his other hand to repeat the process.
When your eyes fell on the white gauze wrapped around his forearm you bent your head to press a soft kiss there. “Heal quickly.”
“What time do you leave tomorrow?” His question was barely above a whisper.
“0530, to catch the first train.”
“I’ll see you at 0515, then?”
Furrowing your brows, you spoke with the rational side of your brain only. “You should sleep in, there’s no mission tomorrow.”
Bucky snorted and tugged you closer by the hand still holding onto his. “And let you leave without kissing you one last time?” He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to press his lips to yours as if to prove his point.
Melting against him with a sigh, you were sorely tempted to ask him to drive you to out to the end of the runway to look at the stars once more. To play fast and loose with more than just your need to pack. Unfortunately, Ruth’s warning cut through the swell of recklessness that was building within you.
“Miller alert. She’s less than two minutes out.” She said quickly as she passed by the jeep before darting into your quarters and you pulled back sharply.
“0515, then.” You conceded with a nod and peck his lips once more before sliding from the vehicle and following your friend into your hut to begin the process of breaking the news and filling your suitcases.
By the time you slid into bed, not much earlier than the night previous, you were convinced that the next person who offered you a bravely proud face would be met with your fist in their nose.
‘Why can they not be as devastated as I am?’ You wondered as you lay you head onto your pillow to begin another fruitless wrestling match with the elusive prize of sleep. ‘Or at least admit that they are, instead of putting on that mask of happiness on my behalf. I’m not happy.’
You alarm clock, shrill and earlier than everyone else’s, was not greeted with the usual affronted reactions, but groggy hugs before you forced your companions back into their cots, moving your pair of mismatched suitcases outside the door one-by-one once you were dressed and ready. Bucky was there, waiting against his jeep in the wan grey light, soft smile settling on his features as you appeared.
He rushed forward to grab your luggage, putting it into the back of his jeep automatically, making you laugh softly.
“Captain Miller is picking me up here shortly, we’re just waiting for her.”
He huffed and guided you to sit on the front seat of the jeep as you waited, taking the weight off your leg. “Don’t even get to drive you one last time.”
“Today. One last time, today.” You amended firmly, looking up to him as he leaned over you, braced against the frame of the vehicle.
“You’re right, not forever.”
“No. Just for now.” You swallowed as your throat clenched painfully.
“For now.” He echoed and bent his head to kiss you softly.
The sound of a jeep pulling up behind his, grinding on one of the gears before coming to an abrupt stop, signalled the arrival of Captain Miller.
“She’s early, doll.” Bucky griped against your lips, and you sighed.
“‘A punctual WAC is an effective WAC.’” You whispered and slid to your feet.
Bucky stepped back to grab your luggage, moving it into the rear of Miller’s vehicle as you crutched along behind him. Standing at the passenger’s side, you gave him a watery smile.
“See you soon, Bucky.”
“Take care near that big city, doll.” He rumbled back, hesitating a moment before lunging forward to slide his arms around your waist.
Hauling you close against him, your mouths collided in a thorough kiss as the brim of his cap clipped yours, sending it flying backward into the road.
“Major Egan!” Captain Miller barked shrilly, but neither of you paid her any mind, clinging to one another until only life-giving oxygen necessitated that you part.
“You…take care here Bucky.” Your eyes bore into his firmly and he nodded in understanding.
“Lieutenant, get in this vehicle at once.” Captain Miller barked again, and you tensed under the direct order, wheeling to obey.
Bucky retrieved your cap, dusting it off and exchanging it for your crutches which he stowed in the back beside your suitcases.
Your eyes never left him, even as Captain Miller ground her way through several gears, getting the jeep into motion. Mouthing a silent ‘bye,’ which he mimicked, you turned in your seat to watch him become smaller and smaller behind you until you could no longer distinguish him in the distance.
Read Part Four - "I Trust You Know What You're Doing?"
"Trust" Series Masterlist
Tag list: @gretagerwigsmuse, @precious-little-scoundrel, @rubyfruitjungle, @storysimp, @mads-weasley, @xxanaduwrites, @bcon24, @fxxiva, @slowsweetlove, @hockeyboysarehot
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elljayvee · 3 months
today's topic: that fucker RoundUp
It's time for more Don't Believe Everything You Read with me, elljayvee!
A friend encountered this the other day: 
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This contains a lot of false information and should not be spread around as true. It's scaremongering in the first half and almost entirely wrong in the second half.
I will state my credentials and biases up front: I am an inactive Penn State Master Gardener (which means I have all the education and credentials, but am not currently an active volunteer), I have a permaculture design certificate and an active permaculture garden on my property, and I'm an agriculture & food systems researcher. I also fucking hate RoundUp (aka glyphosate), which I think is very bad, especially at industrial scales. I pretty much think all agricultural inputs have serious problems at industrial scales; RoundUp isn't special. In general, and particularly for home-scale or small-scale ag use, I prefer non-chemical controls; in my own garden I use manual control for all weeds except for poison ivy and tree of heaven, for which I use 2,4-D foliar herbicide. 2,4-D is also pretty nasty stuff, but I use it because unlike RoundUp it's very widespread in my environment already -- some of my neighbors have their lawns sprayed and that's what the lawn companies use. Me spraying a stray tree of heaven once a year isn't even a drop in the 2,4-D bucket of the block. 
Let us take these pieces of Wrong Information from back to front!
Dish soap: people love dish soap in the garden. Just love it. There's mixed evidence on what it can do in the garden but it's completely ineffective against weeds -- the reason it's so popular in garden applications is that it doesn't harm plants. How is something that doesn't harm plants going to be good weed control? Answer: it isn't. It does nothing against weeds. The one thing dish soap is proven to be good at is assisting with aphid control -- the best aphid control is manual/physical control, like blasting aphids off plants with water, and dish soap assists with that and also seems to do some damage to the aphid. Any other pest control involving "soap" almost certainly means "insecticidal soap", not dish soap. 
Takeaway: Unless you're trying to control aphids, don't use dish soap in the garden. (And make sure it's dish SOAP, not a detergeant. In the US, original Dawn is the go-to.) For anything but aphid control, you're just wasting soap.
Salt: No. This is bad. It will definitely help kill some weeds, but it's a bad idea. Don't put extra salt into soil. It's bad for the soil and for the inhabitants of soil; it's bad for water. One cup of salt isn't going to kill a river or a stream or whatever but if you're worried about killing animals, let's just say that poor innocent things like amphibians and worms do not do well in hypersaline environments. Do not use table salt like this. 
Takeaway: Leave table salt out of your garden altogether. You're just wasting salt, messing up soil, and hurting animals.
Vinegar: This is completely fine. Depending on the species of weed you have, it may work very well indeed. However, household white vinegar is only about 5% acetic acid, while horticultural vinegar -- which is sold as a weed killer commercially -- is 20% acetic acid, and works MUCH better on a MUCH wider variety of weeds. It also seems to work best when it is mixed with canola oil. Horticultural vinegar is not as safe for your skin/eyes/etc. and you should follow the safety instructions on the bottle when you use it. If you would like some more information on how well vinegar works to control weeds, you may enjoy reading "Impact of Acetic Acid Concentration, Application Volume, and Adjuvants on Weed Control Efficacy" (Webber et al. 2018). 
Takeaway: Household vinegar in the garden is fine and may work for some species of weeds. Horticultural vinegar works better. Follow safety information when using it. 
Now for RoundUp (aka glyphosate). 
RoundUp will kill pollinators, bees, hives: I will include all invertebrates that seem affected by RoundUp spray in this category. There is good evidence that AT INDUSTRIAL SCALE, RoundUp negatively affects pollinators and other beneficial invertebrates, such as pest-controlling spiders. When applied to a broad area in heavy concentrations, it seems to have lethal effects (particularly in bees who ingest it or come into physical contact with it), and it also seems interfere with reproduction in some bees, wasps, and spiders.
"Is glyphosate toxic to bees? A meta-analytical review" (Battisti et al 2021) is a good meta-analysis about toxicity to various bee species. (It is paywalled, sorry -- but some of its sources are not.) This analysis found that it's easy for bees to get a fatal dose from pollen from sprayed flowers, physical contact with sprayed flowers, or ingestion of nectar from sprayed flowers. At individual garden scale, you are extremely unlikely to harm more than a few individual insects unless you're doing something very weird, like, I don't know, pouring a whole bottle of RoundUp over your patio, or specifically filling flowers with drops of RoundUp. 
Takeaway: In general, I recommend not using RoundUp in your garden. If you do use RoundUp, snip off flowers from the weeds or do not spray the flowers, to avoid pollen contamination and lower the likelihood of bees touching the RoundUp. I strongly suggest instead using manual controls, which is what I do -- I weedwhack and hand-pull weeds (again, with the exception of poison ivy and tree of heaven). 
RoundUp will kill your pets and kids and you: In general, not unless your pets, your kids, or you drink it. This is how it kills mammals: a mammal drinks it. There is some evidence of toxicity to amphibians, but again, this is at industrial scale and high concentrations, not a household preparation used on like 5 weeds in your patio. There is conflicting evidence on whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic in humans, but the risk -- if it exists -- seems at this point to be low and probably mainly affects agricultural workers who are regularly exposed to a LOT of the stuff.
Takeaway: Secure RoundUp from pets and children. I personally keep garden chemicals in a padlocked plastic box in the garage. If you are suicidal and may drink RoundUp, call your area's suicide prevention hotline or ask someone for help. If you are an agricultural worker regularly in contact with glyphosate in the environment your best resource is probably United Farm Workers (in the US), your local farm workers' org, or La Via Campesina (which is an international farm workers' organization that has taken a stand against the widespread industrial use of glyphosate). 
If you would like to read more about RoundUp toxicity, try: "Glyphosate Poisoning" (Bradberry, Proudfoot, and Vale 2004) and "Glyphosate: A review of its global use, environmental impact, and potential health effects on humans and other species" (Richmond 2018) -- this one is particularly useful because it collates a LOT of research together in one place, so you can get to many, many other articles from it. 
General takeaways: You should take precautions if you use RoundUp not to hurt bees in your garden, but you are unlikely to hurt anything larger than invertebrates if you do use it. Do not use random weedkilling formulas involving random household items in your garden. In particular, dish soap and salt have almost no good garden uses at all and if someone tells you to use them, they are probably misinformed at best. There is a lot of complete bullcrap out there on the internet.
If you want to use organic controls for stuff in your garden, which lots of people do, a good place to start is the OMRI lists. Items on these lists are approved for organic use in the US or Canada and free to download. You can also look for information from Extension in the US about organic controls and home gardening advice; county extension is government-funded and provides a wide variety of free educational material about gardening, forestry, agriculture, etc.
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Jason Todd x reader smut
~Cracked Mask~
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Jason Todd x fem!reader
Minors. Don’t. Freaking. Read. This.
Warnings: Smut, sex pollen trope, no Happy ending
Being the newest member of the bay family was hard.
Everyone already had established relationships and amusing dynamics. You felt kinda like an outsider.
That’s not to say that they weren’t welcoming. Duke has opened up about being new to the team and how it was a struggle to feel like you belong.
“But it’s all a mental battle.” He told you “Trust me when I say, We all want you here. And you are important.” He smiled.
What he said made you feel better, but it didn’t help with the awkwardness you felt just existing while the others shared old memories and worked as a unit.
It felt like you were being a nuisance when you asked for help, feeling like you were throwing off the vibe they had going.
Babs, although you don’t call her that outload cause it feels a little weird to call Thee original batgirl by her nickname when you have only worked with her for a few weeks, had made you feel comfortable in the new setting. She had shared helpful tips on how to read the other members of the batfamily during fights.
The only one she hadn’t told you about was Jason Todd.
Jason was the robin your remembered the most through you early teen years along with Tim drake in the later years.
Jason was a total mystery to you. You had been introduced to him your first day, and you had been on missions together, but he never made an effort to talk to you.
You won’t lie. He’s ridiculously hot. But he made you nervous. The other siblings approached him with sarcasm and jokes but you’ve seen him beat the crap out of some villains and the apparent different side he show when he’s with his brothers give you whiplash.
You think he’s caught on to your little crush as he purposefully makes eye contact with you and refuses to look away first. When you blush and look away and when you look back, he has a smirk on his face. Enough to make you blush harder.
currently your being assigned mission by Bruce. He usually puts you with him and Damian or with Duke during daytime patrol, but today…
“Poison ivy has recently attacked a chemical plant in bludhaven, she’s retreated to her home towards uptown. Usually I would take this, but the Joker has been setting off alarms so Robin and I will take care of that. Jason and Y/N will take Ivy. Tim and Cass get kiteman has trying to hard to be important downtown. And Steph will stay here if any backup is required. Got it?” He asked.
Everyone nodded and started off toward their respective vehicles. You didn’t know how to drive any other than Batmobile. You looked around and your eyes landed on Jason. He had his helmet in his hand while he responded to a text on his phone.
He looked handsome just casually leaning against the table with his head down. But Ivy committed a crime and won’t hesitate to commit more. Your time is important and you’re on the job. You’ll have time to stare at him from afar later, but right now you have a job to do.
You approach him quickly. “So what are we taking?” You ask as the rest of the team sped out of the batcave.
He points to his motorcycle. Shit. You have to hold on to him. You look back at him and he’s smirking again.
You put on your mask and get on the bike with him. You lightly put your hands around him, trying not to notice his hard muscles under your fingertips. Your mind starts to drift to what they would look like without his shirt on but get startled back to reality when he revs his engine and takes off into the night.
When you both are as quietly as possible enetering Poison ivys lair, you remember to put on the mask you have in your utility belt. You can hear your breathing in your ear louder than before.
Vines grab at you legs but you quickly cut them away. You book it deeper in with The red hood at your tail. “Poison Ivy!” He yells.
“You should leave you know, I don’t want to hurt you.” She said as she makes her way out of the shadows.
“Should have thought of that before you attacked a chemical plant.” You said, getting into a fighting position.
“Fine.” She said. Vines attached to your legs and shook you both around. You cut them while they had you in the air and fell to the ground.
You heard a crack when you hit the ground but payed no attention as you hurt the red hood grab a flamethrower and start burning the vines around you.
poison ivy screamed and hit you fast with thick vines you couldn’t cut through. She held you both up in front of her, and seethed with anger.
“Fine. If you think you’re so big and bad to start killing living things like that. I’ll treat you like a real threat!” She yelled. She pulled out a big pink flower and as in was in her hand it bloomed.
She sighed with joy when it sprouted then turned to face you too. “You want to be treated like Batman? Fine.” She smiled before blowing the pollen from the plant into your faces.
you couldn’t smell it at first having total faith in your mask and air filter. But when a pain started in your midsection, you screamed.
The red hood looked over at you and Ivy smiled. “Bye.” She said before the vines through you out of the building and into the street.
Jason tan over to you as you laid in pain. You were shaking with pain but were shocked to feel a Tingling between your legs.
Jason picked you up and grappling hooked you to a dark rooftop.
he took off his mask. “Y/N. What happened?” He looked at your mask and ripped it off your face. You coughed while shaking on the ground. You saw the clear crack across the front and the pollen stuck to it.
Jason swiped the pollen off with one finger and took a small sniff. He face contorted with an emotion you couldn’t quite figure out.
“Shit. Um. Y/N we can’t go to Batman about this. Trust me it will be worse if she sees you like this.” He said as you coughed and shook. Was he really denying you medical attention right now. You felt like you were gonna die.
“I don’t care! Just-“you coughed”help me!”
He looked around almost unconformably. His eyes filled with something. And before you know it his hand was over your clothed heat. You gasped in shock but quickly realized you didn’t feel any pain, just pure pleasure.
He removed his hand and immediately the pain was back. And you screamed.
he put his hand back on your core and applied pressure. “Y/N you were hit with sex pollen. The pain will only get worse if you don’t relive your self.” He said.
You were so lost in pleasure that all you did was nod repeatedly asking him to just do it.
he looked shocked but his eyes were blown out with lust. “You want me to. Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes! Jason please! Make me cum!” You moaned with no hesitation.
That was all he needed before he was mercilessly rubbing your clit through your suit. You moaned loudly.
Jason kissed you quickly to shut you up. His lips were soft and his kiss was loving and slow compared to the ruthless pace he has on your clit.
“ More Jason!” You moaned against his lips. He got on top of you and slotted his hip’s between your legs.
you felt his hard length pressed against you core. He started rubbing his hard cock against your pussy, earning soft moans from you.
He rutted against you faster emitting grunts every so often. He picked up pace putting his head in the crook of your neck and he let out soft whimpers.
of course he whimpers, you thought.
“You’re so- so fuck.” He moaned if your ear as he picked up pace.
the friction of your suits caused you to quickly finish and left you wanting more.
Jason looked down and saw the wet mark on the front of your suit and how it grew. That only pushed him further. It turned him on even more.
“Ever since you walked into the batcave I’ve wanted you under me.”He grunts out. You moaned as the words reached your ears.
He wanted you.
his rutting becomes sloppy and animalistic as he groans and koans above you.
he starts kissing your neck softly. Which is completely different than the brutal pace he’s set.
He lets out a whine before collapsing on top of you. You wrap your arms around him just wanting the closeness.
a minute goes by before you both slowly come to your senses.
He quickly stands up and looks down on you and you desperately try to cover yourself up out of embarrassment.
“Shit. I’m- fuck. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. When I smelt it to make sure I- fuck. We shouldn’t have- shit. Im Sorry.” He rambled before putting his face in his hands.
“Now what?” You ask as you stand up and face the opposite direction of him. “Like I don’t know how I’ll be able to look Bruce in the eye after. That.” You say as you just wish you had been given a different assignment.
“Let’s just go back and say the mission was a fail. Batman should have never given us this mission. He knows how brutal Ivy can be.” He says as he awkwardly picks up his helmet.
“let’s just forget this ever happened.” You say putting yourself back on the bike, pretending to not feel the tingle between your legs against the leather seat.
“Yea let’s just go back to normal.” He said.
you scoffed. “Yea the normal of ignoring me and me not talking to anyone.” You mutter.
“Y/N-“ Jason starts.
“No. Let’s just go. This was really weird. I want to go back home now.” You state feeling the embarrassment creep up your throat.
Not only did you just cum on this guy you only spoken five words to. But you just came on your bosses son. And he only did cause you were in pain. You felt like crying but you’d have to wait until you got back to the manor.
Jason simply nodded and got back on the bike and drove you home.
You only got laid causes he sniffed the pollen. The pollen made him say and babble crap he didn’t mean. You felt like an idiot.
part 2
request are open!
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Snow bunny (1)
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Summary: Someone tries to hunt a deer in your woods. You won’t have it.
Pairing: CEvans characters x Nymph!Reader (Lloyd Hansen, Ari Levinson, Andy Barber)
Warnings: creature reader, mentions of hunting deer, a little Christmas magic, kidnapping (kinda), Lloyd being Lloyd, groping, dirty talk, seduction (use of magic), I’ll label this dub-con (reader on them) because of her nature
Words: 1,7k
A/N: Please consider this a naughty Christmas fairytale.
Snow bunny masterlist
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“Almost there, Barber. Follow me and you will kill your first deer.” You watch the men sneak around the woods. They carry weapons and knives. “Come on, hurry up. I don’t have all day to guide you through your first hunt, sunshine.”
“Shut up,” one of the other men shushes the first one. “You dragged me out here to run around the woods. I’d prefer a cabin, a fire, and some coffee.”
“Same,” the last guy grunts. “Lloyd let’s call it a day. I thought we want to drown our sorrows in booze and maybe some nice tits.”
“Shut up, Levinson,” the first guy twirls around to glare at the third guy. “You and Barber always whine about how your wives left you and that you want something new. You said you want thrills and fun. What is better than killing something?”
“Lloyd,” the second guy sighs. “Ari is not wrong. I’d take a drink over killing a deer any time of the day.”
“See, Andy thinks the same,” Ari grunts. “Let’s head back. We won’t find a deer to shoot today. It’s ice cold and I don’t feel my feet.”
“Wait!” The first guy, Lloyd lifts his fist. “There she is. The one I saw earlier.” He shushes the others and points at a majestic deer in the distance. He doesn’t know that the deer is dear to you, or that she’s sacred. “If you don’t want to kill that one, I’ll do it.”
“No. You won’t,” you confidently say and step out from behind a tree. All eyes are suddenly on you. The men gasp and groan as you walk toward them.
You’re only wearing a dress made of ivy and flowers. A leaf headdress covers your head. They watch you gracefully step closer, not bothered by the snow or the cold.
“Lady, shouldn’t you wear a little more than this—” Andy says. He worriedly looks at your bare feet as you walk through the snow. “She’s not wearing shoes and a thin dress made of what looks like ivy.”
“Miss, are you in trouble?” Ari steps toward you. He unbuttons his warm jacket to offer it to you, but you wave him off. “Miss?”
“Damn me,” Lloyd whistles. He looks you up and down and cups his crotch. “That’s a cute snow bunny, my friends. This must be the gift our friend told us about. Ya know, the fancy lady.”
“Fancy lady?” You huff. “I haven’t heard that term in ages.” Your soft voice goes straight to Andy’s cock. “Now, you will leave this place. The woods are not yours to disturb.”
“Miss, did you hit your head?” Andy worriedly watches you place your hand on Lloyd’s gun. “We can bring you back to town.”
“This is my home,” you snap your head toward Andy and snarl. “You invaded my home, and now you will pay for it.”
You tighten your hold on the gun, smirking as Lloyd tries to shake your hand off. “Let go, bunny and I won’t spank your cute ass too hard.”
“You need to learn your lesson.” You purr and dip your head to watch Ari take off his jacket. “I think you will be the first one Lloyd Hansen.”
Andy and Ari watch you drop your hand from the gun and step away. They are mesmerized by you and your appearance.
“Bunny, you should think about your next step. I’d hate to hurt you,” Lloyd smirks. “Or are you into a little pain?”
“You will pay for all the crimes you committed. You disrespect nature for too long,” you wave your hand, empathizing your words with the gesture. “Lloyd Hansen, you will be my slave from today on.”
Andy gasps as ivy crawls across the snow, it crawls up Lloyd’s leg to sling around the gun he’s still holding.
“Lloyd, you should drop the gun now,” Ari says. He’s suddenly not sure if his fascination for you is justified. “Don’t anger her. I don’t think she’s a prostitute.”
“Far from it,” you wave your hand again. More ivy crawls toward Lloyd to sling around his body. “He will look pretty in my garden. I will call his statue punishment.”
“Let me go, bunny,” Lloyd wiggles and grunts. “Hey, I’m talking to you. I won’t hurt you if you let me go now.”
“I won’t hurt you if you swear your obedience and loyalty to me and the woods,” you step toward Lloyd as more ivy wraps around his neck. “Now.”
“Do it Lloyd,” Andy sounds a little panicked. “Fuck, just do it!”
“Fine, snow bunny,” Lloyd struggles to speak as ivy wraps around his mouth. “I’ll be yours.”
“Wonderful!” You clap your hands, and the ivy drops to the ground. It disappears as suddenly as it appeared to wrap around the intruder. “Now to you.”
Lloyd is still a little shaken when you step toward Andy. You cup his face to feel his well-trimmed but thick beard under your fingertips.
“You will be mine too. I can sense your broken soul and sadness. You will only know joy and love from now on.”
Andy licks his lips. He can't move, speak, or think. “I-“ Andy croaks but doesn’t bring the words swirling in his mind out. He got a job, responsibility, an ex-wife demanding money, and a house to pay for but all he can think of now is to make you happy.
“Say yes, my sweet lover,” you press your lips to Andy’s taking his breath and fears away. He moans into your mouth, feeling his chest and cock swell at the same time. “Say you are mine.”
“I’m yours,” he breathes against your lips. Andy reaches out for you, but you slip through his fingers like the wind. “Only yours…”
You suddenly stand in front of Ari, eyes scanning more than his features. “Ari, your soul is sad too, and your heart is broken.” You cup his face with both hands. “Say you are mine and all of this will be gone forever.”
“I-I,” he welcomes your lips and closes his eyes. It feels like a weight gets lifted off his chest when you wrap your arms around him like the ivy did with Lloyd. “I’m yours.”
“Of course you are mine, Ari,” you breathe and float away to wrap your hand around Lloyd’s throat. “You are not sad nor heartbroken. But you are a bad…bad man and need guidance.”
“Oh bunny, I’d like to guide something inside of you,” Lloyd grins. He got that you are more interested in owning the men than anything else. “That’s what you want, right? You’re a naughty little slut dreaming of dick. I bet you want us to defile you.”
“Lloyd, don’t,” Ari warns. “Let her make you happy.” He’s like in a trance. “I want to make her happy and forget about my awful life.”
“It’s Christmas, my love,” you blow a kiss in Ari’s direction. “I will share all of my love with you.”
“And me,” Andy purrs. His eyes are dilated, and you know he is drifting in the right direction. You smirk and blow him a kiss too.
“Yes, my love,” you coo and batt your eyelashes. “Wait for me, Andy. I need to tame your friend first.”
“You can try,” Lloyd snickers as you slam him against the nearby tree. He laughs and watches you run your hands over his chest. “I’m not some puppy you can train. I know you are using some tricks to confuse these two idiots but me, I’m made of rougher stuff, bunny. If you want me, go on your knees, and give me a kiss to my dick.”
“You’re a stubborn and naughty man, Lloyd,” you are fascinated by this man. None of the other men you enchanted ever withstood your magic for so long. “Hmm…I won’t leave you behind. I want to keep you too.”
“Keep me?” He snorts. “Bunny if you keep me you’ll always be full of dick. I’ll use all of your holes. I will fuck you under your Christmas tree and christen it. You will be my whore until I get bored.”
Your core aches at his crude description. Maybe you shouldn’t control him too much. This man is a menace, and you want him to use you the way he wants to.
“We will see,” you say instead of giving away that you want him to take you right there against the tree. “For now, you are mine and will follow me home.”
“Like hell,” he growls. His hand shoots toward your crotch to roughly cup your pussy. “Look who’s wet like a cat in heat for me. Come on, bunny. I want you to turn around and let Lloyd take good care of that cunt.”
“You will wait until it’s your turn,” you cup his face and kiss him roughly. “You will be my new toy. Maybe I’ll turn you into my favorite, huh?”
“Miss…I mean…it’s getting colder,” Andy’s teeth shatter. “We should head back, don’t you think?”
“Oh! Of course,” you twirl around to look at Andy and Ari. “Humans freeze so easily.” You snap your fingers. The trees part and the snow melts to create a path. “Come with me. I’ll offer you shelter from the cold.”
“I bet your cunt is slick and warm enough to keep me warm,” Lloyd snickers, but follows hot on your heels. “So, what do you do for a living? Kidnapping hot guys to get dick? Hmm… no. A girl can’t live off cock and cum alone.”
“You really are a naughty man, Lloyd Hansen,” you chuckle as you look over your shoulder. “Santa was right. You need me to make a better man out of you…”
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“Whoa, the fuck!” Lloyd stops in his tracks as you stop walking. You are standing in front of a huge castle. Ivy and flowers are wrapped around the whole building and it looks like straight out of a fairytale. “Where is this thing coming from? Not hours ago, there was nothing but snow and trees.”
“You cannot see my home as long as you are not worthy,” you grab his wrist, to make sure Lloyd doesn’t run away. Ari and Andy are loyal already, but Lloyd is a different story. “You will be allowed inside as long as you are a good boy.”
“Good boy,” he snorts. “Dream on, bunny.”
“Y/N, my love,” the door opens to reveal another man. The tall blonde steps outside to welcome you home. “Do you like my choice? Are you satisfied?”
“Stevie, my sweet love,” you coo, and push Lloyd toward the door. “Please keep an eye on this one. He’s a little…”
“Stubborn,” Steve smirks. “Oh, punk. You are in for a long haul…”
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mbappebby · 4 months
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Stargirl || Four
Ivy Carter (OC) x f1 grid
Summary: The media just isn’t going to leave Ivy alone, until they get answers from her…
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Loving Stargirl series!! Can I request one where the media & fans just won’t leave Ivy alone after what happened with her parents. All the drivers become protective and stand up for her as it’s getting too much, thank u x
Taglist: @myluvtaeil @eugene-emt-roe @itsjustkhaos
Ivy knew that what happened at the last race weekend, the media wouldn’t let her live it down and want answers from her.
Ivy walked into the paddock and was immediately meet by cameras and reporters trying to get any type of answer from her. Ivy tried to ignore it all but the all the questions that were being asked weren’t helping at all.
“Did your parents ever physically hurt you?”
“How do you feel about getting disowned?”
“Where are your brothers?”
“How did you cope of having no family here?”
“Do you think you deserve what has happened to you?”
Ivy was quite close to tears as she continued to try and free herself from all the cameras and reporters, this caught the attention of a lot of the drivers.
“HEY! Leave her alone, there’s a reason why she doesn’t want to answer these questions!” George shouted. “It’s disrespectful to ask those questions!” Alex added. “Respect her fucking boundaries!” Max said as the three and more drivers continue to talk all the media.
Ivy eventually got away from the crowd and ran to a secure area of the paddock. She sat down on the floor with her head in arms and knees up, trying to control her breathing to avoid having a panic attack.
She could hear some drivers getting closer to her, while others were still talking to the media. “Never knew this place existed” Carlos said. “It’s Vee secret area” Alex replied as they found the young girl.
“Vee! Shit, c’mon breathe for us lil sis” George said as he kneeled down next to her pulling his teammate into his embrace. “Just focus on George’s breathing, Vi” Alex added softly.
Soon enough a lot of the other drivers had approached the three, they gave sad looks over to the young girl. “I can’t believe they would ask questions like that, she 18 for fuck sake” Max said.
“It’s disrespectful as Vee said that she’s not comfortable yet to talk about everything” Lando added. “I hate seeing her like this..” Oscar mumbled. “It happened in F2 as well?” Charles asked.
“The panic attacks did..” Logan replied as they all looked over at Ivy, who has now eventually had calmed down. “There you go Vee,” George said softly. “I’m sorry..” Ivy whispered.
“Hey, it’s not your fault Vee it’s those people who can’t accept your boundaries” Alex told her as he hugged her before George helped her up, this was when Ivy seen all the drivers there.
“Why you all here?” Ivy questioned. “Needed to see that you were alright!” Charles replied. “May have almost got into fights with the reporters..” Oscar mumbled as Ivy’s eyes widen.
“You muppet! You didn’t have to say anything!” Lando said. “She was bound to fine out! It’s all over social media!” Oscar replied. “They deserve to be punched” Max said.
“Let’s not think about that now, c’mon Vee let’s get you back to the garage” George said. “Thanks for being here and sticking up for me” Ivy told them. “It’s our job to, Vi!” Logan added.
“Always been her for you, Vi!” Carlos said. “Now, who wants to join to have another friendly chat to all these reporters!” Max joked making Ivy giggle before all of them made their way towards their respective garages.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Susie asked. “As good as I could be..” Ivy said as Susie pulled her into her embrace. “It’s going to be okay, you have all the drivers on your side and many others as well” Susie told her.
“Yeah, I know. I knew this would happen, just didn’t expect it to be that crazy” Ivy replied. “We pulled you out of all interviews for today” Toto added as he walked into the room.
“Thank you” Ivy said softly as George walked in. “How you feeling?” George asked. “I’ll be fine” Ivy said as she stood up. “I just want to be alone for a bit,” Ivy mumbled as she walked out the room and making her way to her drivers room.
The three watched sadly as she left the room. “It’s just best we leave her for a bit” Susie said. “I hate seeing her like that, wish the media would just leave her alone” George replied.
“She’s changed a lot as well, like not being her normal self anymore..” George added. “It’s just the effect of all the comments and everything, which has made an impact on her..” Susie said.
“Our Vee will be back soon” Toto told them.
“How she doing?” Alex asked. “I really don’t know mate, she’s been alone in her drivers room for a couple of hours. She wants to be alone..” George told him.
“Not doing any media today, then?” Alex added. “No and I think it’s just for the best” George replied as the pair made their way to the press conference.
George and Alex were the first ones there, just before Max, Lando and Charles entered the room after them and the press conference started.
“George, obviously we seen what happened to Ivy earlier on, can you give us anything about how she is?”
“Yeah, I mean all Vi just wanted was some privacy and people just couldn’t listen to that. It’s awful what questions people were asking her earlier, it was out of order. Vee just wants to have some time alone, but she’s doing alright” George said.
“Do you think the way you reacted was right?”
“Ivy is like a little sister to me, if people want to think the way me and others reacted was wrong that’s their option. From the way I seen it was that people were not respecting Ivy’s boundaries and it went too far” George replied.
“Does anyone else have anything to add to that?”
“Well, as George has said, what happened to Vee was just taken too far. If people actually do think the way we reacted wasn’t right, just think about it like being your sister or someone close to you in the position Ivy was” Alex added.
“Lando, anything to add?”
“I mean, like Alex and George has said. What happened to Ivy was just disrespecting and people not respecting her boundaries. Also, of people do have a problem of the way we reacted they should just keep it to themselves, we were defending someone who means a lot to basically the whole grid” Lando said.
“Charles, want to add something?”
“Yeah, it’s just not something that should happen to anyone when walking into the paddock, especially when Vee told them she wasn’t comfortable about talking about. The way we reacted isn’t something people should have their main concern on, Ivy’s boundaries wasn’t respected and she could have got hurt” Charles replied.
“Max, thoughts?”
“Vi means a lot to basically the whole grid, seeing someone’s boundaries not being respected and going as far as it did is just not acceptable. If people really are complaining about the way we reacted, I really don’t care and they should keep it to themselves” Max added.
“Thank you, now any other questions?”
Ivy smiled as she was watching the press conference, she was glad that she has so many people on her side and think her as a little sister.
Ivy eventually made her way back into the garage, after being in her drivers room for the majority of the day. Toto and Susie smiled at her as she seen her leave the garage and walked into the paddock.
“That’s our Ivy,” Toto said with a smile. “It sure is” Susie added as they watched her on the screen messing and playing around with Roscoe.
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Liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon and 527,910 others
ivycarter: My favourite four-legged friend💗
tagged: roscoelovescoco
comments have been limited
lewishamilton Can I have my dog back now?
ivycarter Nope❤️
georgerussell63 You have other 4-legged friends?
alex_albon Vi! What about my pets?!
charlesleclerc Leo ain’t your favourite? :(
ivycarter um..well…
landonorris You really need to get a pet..
lewishamilton Vi! Bring him back to Ferrari!
ivycarter But he misses his home at Merc💔
maxverstappen1 What about Sassy & Jimmy?
ivycarter …no comment..
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Saw a Timeloop prompt and had to come here! Because? Accidental Time Loop Au! Most times? Time loops are Serious Business(tm) with something at stake. A terrible threat or enemy agent. But WHAT IF you knew exactly what caused the problem, how to fix it, and it legitimately WAS your own fuck up? And the fix was just tedious to find? So it would take a while. An enforced vacation if you will.
The day is even *gasp!* Uneventful?! Say it isn't so! But it IS. And Tim fucked up. He let Damian get under his skin, words were exchanged, and he slammed into a magical idol, breaking it. Constantine can fix it easily. IF HE WERE HERE.
So in the 24 hours he has... he has to grid search Earth (yes all of it) for the man's damn magic house, find it, GO TO IT, convince him, and get free'd. The going is easy. He has both a Flash AND a Super on speed dial. Bruce has THE Flash and Super on speed dial. It's the "finding" that's the issue. *groans*
Luckily? Photographic memory and a supercomputer. Set up, exclude what's already been searched, and go! But what to do with the rest of his hours? He... doesn't know... case work maybe?
He runs out of case work. And games he wants to play. And silly things he wanted to try. And honestly? He's really frustrated by... all.. this........... Now there's a thought.
He hasn't really had TIME for a proper "me day" in... actually has he ever done more then THINK about how much he'd like it? Well today starts now! So Tim explores himself. Has a leisurely time of it. The loop starts over. He stays in bed for that one, learning what feels... Good.
He starts up the search again the next loop, the back off to bed. To do research. To rub his poor little clit raw. Work fingers into himself to figure out what the fuss is about. Next loop he steals Dick's lube. He figures out what the fuss is about.
Loop after that he steal more then just Dick's loop. He works fingers into himself one by one, til he can take himself with slim dildo he's stolen. Loop after that he's so eager to try the other toy he saw he forgets that to GET to Dick's room, he had to dodge Damian. He's confronted.
They argue about why he's in in Dick's room. Damian once again gets under his skin. He says things he shouldn't. Once second they are nearly ripping each others throats out, the next Tim is nearly shredding his back, demanding fingers plowing into his body with little skill are somehow still sending sparks up his spine. Making him wet. Spreading him open.
His legs are being roughly held open as the most obnoxious little shit he knows, rams home like it's his right, to take him like an animal on Dick's bedroom floor. Damian is panting and cursing and he ruts, taking his pleasure, thinking of nothing BUT. And it's... it's...
Tim doesn't think he can go back to just touching himself. It's not enough after this. Could NEVER be enough. By the time the loop ends, his poor hole is stuffed full and on fire. He can never go back.
He wakes up and starts the search. His pussy doesn't ache but it feels like it should. He does the obvious, calls up Kon. Bros help bros with their virginity problem after all. Then bros fuck them up and down their cock like they weigh NOTHING and let them practice oral. You know, like bros.
Bart is equally willing to help, next loop. Is SO excited in fact, he blurs when slamming in to him. Pumping him fuller and fuller of cum then he ever thought possible. Vibrating to the touch and sending Tim's nerves alight. He's never loved ANYTHING as much as sex, he decides before passing out, it's the Best~♡.
He decides to shoot his shot the next time, gets turned down hard and lectured. Dick is Unamused. Next turn he tries again, and again, and again. He refines his approach. Dick hesitates longer each time. He pulls out the big guns. Oh noooo. He got exposed to (a low dose of) Ivy's Pollen! He's applied the antidote, but he's soooo uncomfortable and upset! Hurting even!
Dick eats him out until he sobs. Rocking himself deeper and deeper into Tim's mouth until he can barely breathe. He fucks his throat like lover then bends him in half and pounds him until Tim wonders if he'll ever sit again. Tim passes out covered in sweat and cum and slick and... the loop resets.
He decides not to test Dick's self control. Jason's? Well he hasn't learned his lesson. He does. Bent over on his hands and knees, getting slammed back onto to the thick thing inside if him. He learns Jason likes to hear him beg, to make him squeel. He didn't know he made that noise.
He spends a loop sleeping. The search is half way done. Damn you, Constantine.
Tim can't banish the crazy thoughts. To be honest he never could. Usually his friends can talk him out of bad ideas. But... it's a time loop... no consequences... and he HAD always low-key wondered. You know, under the absolutely unethical and monstrous everything... Would it be good? Just... just a string free hook up. Would he take it?
Apparently the answer is "Yes". God help him, he might be going insane. He calls up Ra's. Today only, he'll be at checking into a hotel, Tim knows damn well you can find out which one, show up or don't. This is Ra's sole chance to fuck him.
The man damn near breaks the sound barrier. Not that he'd even SHOW it. Tim has never seen such covetous unholy glee. He also learns Ra's will do things to him with his tounge that shouldn't be legal. Balanced on his shoulders as the man slams dead on to that spot inside him with out mercy, as he has been for HOURS, Tim is torn between sobbing and passing out as the bastard spills another load of seemly endless inside him. Purring all the while of how he will BREED him, KEEP him, dress him in jewels. He's lost count of how many time Ra's has cruely brought him off as Batman crashes through the window, but midnight hits and he's back in his bed.
At least he has his answers now.
After a loop's break, he decides he wants to spend time with Bruce. He DID apparently rush to save him. And it's been a while. It's nice. The thing is? He... he's AWARE now. Of things he missed before. Of Bruce's possessive little should touches and back rubs, the clingy way things are scheduled so they always travel together... the way he wants Tim to "double check" his flawless work, just so Tim spends his free Tim with him.
Tim shouldn't. He really, REALLY shouldn't. It's a Bad Idea.
He presses his leg against Bruce's anyway. Sits closer. Leans closer. Braces his hand on Bruce's thigh when reaching over him for the otherside of the desk. He catches Bruce's eye out of the corner of his. It's all over the second he does. Bruce is too good a detective not to know how to read arousal and interest, especially on a familiar face. He's in Bruce's lap in seconds. His mouth plundered.
He's hauled off to Bruce's room. Bruce barely let's him breath between consuming kisses as he mercilessly finger fucks him open, almost cruely drawing the first orgasm of the night of of Tim just so he'll be relaxed enough Bruce can FIT. And then it's like being crushed and swallowed alive. It's so big. Keeps going and going. Bruce is growling little whispers of reassurance and praise but Tim can MOVE. Bruce won't let him.
Pressed to the bed, spread so wide it almost hurts, arms trapped against his sides by Bruce's embrace. It's like he's being pinned and impaled. Then Bruce starts to MOVE and... and... oh god, Tim can't take it. Too much. Bruce, too much! Everything is pinpricks and stars and his inside are being destroyed but it's g-good and... and he just CAN'T!
But all Bruce does is kiss his tears and hum, making soothing little noises as he buries his face in Tim's neck, and pounds harder. Holds his boy. Close and perfect, everything melting together. Bruce loses himself to the rhyme of the thrusts. The wet heat. The gasps and whimpers and whines. It's so, so good. Overwhelming for Tim no doubt. Bruce groans and fucks them both through orgasm after orgasm until everything is too bright and too hot and the edge of agony. The last hour before midnight, Tim is held tight, stuffed full of Bruce and keeping him warm, barely able to move.
Loop resets. Tim feel sudden and accute sympathy for Selina. Also deep respect. He ALSO wants to strangle John Constantine. He let's the computer run. And Run. Aaaaand Run. Until his Bad Idea impulse starts to kick in and he can't take it anymore. He HAS to know. Dick has denied it but there's no real telling and it kinda is THE gossip in Hero circles... plus he HAS money.
He has to fuck Deathstroke.
He doesn't get the chance, John has been found! Oh thank FUCK. One trip on the Kon express later he's pound on a hungover magicians door. Bastard laughs at him. Just for that, no thank you sex. Oh LOOK, suddenly not funny? Imagine that. Kon would like to know, you know, since HE didn't laugh, if Thank You sex is still on the table for HIM? Absolutely. But only AFTER the Time Loop is Fixed.
Invested Kyptonian is Invested in these proceedings. John fixes the idol... not that he gets THANKED or anything :/ . But uuuuh, you didn't do anything... CRAZY while you were looping, right?
Local Kon has Remembered some shit. Bros helping bros. Uh Oh.
Tim's phone starting blowing up with messages and calls. OH NO.
They remember. SHIT.
the thing is that tim is always so busy. its not an exaggeration, every single moment of tim's life has a time slot specifically set aside for it- even bathroom breaks and showers. its not about being 'anal' like how jason likes to say or 'psycho' like how steph likes to believe. it's quite literally only about tim maximizing the amount of time he has in a day and, put simply, there's not enough.
there is not enough time in the day for tim to be able to get everything he wants done. the amount of days he's had where he was...free to do what he wanted are small. very small. as in 'hasn't happened in years' small.
and its not like tim couldn't take a vacation if he wanted to!
he was sure that if he told bruce he needed a break and wanted to go away for a week to recharge, tim's almost certain bruce would have the plane tickets booked and tim's packed bags out the doors before he had a chance to finish the '-tion' in 'vacation'. he's pretty sure that's how it would play out. but he'd never tried it. he just forced himself to be content with the fantasy of it and pretending not to stop for a moment and stare at the windows of department stores while running errands as they displayed mannequins in swimsuits along with surfboards and posters of young teens tim's age living life to the fullest.
tim has a deep respect for the work he does and he feels that a lot of his work is incredibly important so...he never tries to go bigger than the occasional wistful dream.
until he's stranded in, quite honestly, the most boring day to time loop within- in history. bruce is down in the cave all day, only surfacing for dinner. alfred is carefully instructing a landscaping crew for the new lawn design he drew up because alfred is actually quite proud when it comes to the greenery of the manor. dick is in one of the manor's offices pretending he's not upset about another job rejection letter and trying to redo his resume again in a more 'atmospheric' room. damian is in his room listening to music and watching other people play video games on youtube yet somehow remaining startlingly aware of each creak of the floorboards in the manor. jason is in the city, lounging in his apartment and committing credit card fraud by using bruce's card to order the things that catch his interest on qvc.
the thing is that tim knows what to do in a time loop. there's a protocol for it. there's a protocol for everything.
but the thing is...most of those protocols are of the 'world is ending' variety. someone keeps dying/ "I" keep dying/ the world keeps going to shit. or it's one of those loops where it's more centered around character development where tim needs to reach some kind of revelation about appreciating his family and believing in santa again or something.
but its none of those. tim doesn't have to go on some journey of self reflection or find some way to stop dying. no. because tim knows exactly what caused the loop. and it was damian picking a fight with him while tim was on 'tagging' duty for the new box of magical artifacts that bruce wanted identified, logged, and put into storage.
a magical artifact that bruce was now painfully and delicately reconstructing because he and damian had gotten into a fight that ended with tim throwing the closest thing on hand at the twerp-turned-towering-giant which....turned out to be a carefully carved statue of a hand that was apparently from an offering site of some germanic god.
there was no other explanation of it because as soon as that stone had shattered; tim had woken up in bed, dizzy and cursing damian. he spent the entire day nursing his body and the next day felt...slightly better so he'd ventured out.
it took the third morning before tim figured out he was stuck in a loop and what the cause of it was. knowing that there was no danger afoot tim took a few loops to rest his horrendous splitting headache before buckling down and looking for a magic user to help fix this.
loops started by magical objects were relatively quick fixes. all it required was the 'stabilization' of the person affected's soul to tie them back to the timeline.
only that zatanna was out with the league on some mission in space. doctor fate was utterly unreachable by tim's current standards. zachary was a douchebag who would hold this over tim. which left basically only john constantine.
who would winge about it but help tim out without being too much of a dick. so long as tim could find him.
bruce had a program on the batcomputer specifically for being able to track down constantine's exact coordinates. only that the program had to go country by country for the search and each one could take days. bruce usually had an educated guess about where to start and didn't normally use the program because it was so slow so other magic users were usually contacted before bruce resorted to the program.
but it was tim's only option.
besides this could be...nice. he finally has all the time in the world to do everything he wanted. tim had been laid up sick for 2 whole loops and nothing had happened while he was curled up in bed.
he could get a headstart on everything he needed to do while waiting for the program on the batcomputer to find constantine! like his casework!
it takes tim almost a dozen loops to find the culprit in each one of his active cases. there's no point going to gordon or typing up a report because it will just disappear in the next loop but the entirety of tim's investigations are safely stored away in his head for when time finally starts working right again.
tim is at a bit of a loss for half a loop before he remembers all the birthday gifts from his friends, both civilian and caped, he'd never gotten to use. videogames he never got to play. books he never got to read. movies he never got to watch. in fact, tim had a huge towering stack of gifts from christmas and eid he never got to open.
tim spends about a week and a half on each videogame, systematically beating every game. then when he's finished he goes back around and starts going for all the achievements. then he starts playing all the games on the hardest settings. he tries to co-op a few times but after the first loop realizes that each attempt will just be with the same people who will say the same things and have the same conversations.
tim decides to put the games to the side for a little while and starts digging through his stack of unwatched shows and movies he'd never watched. he even cracks open some of those gifts and finds packages of candy and sweet treats waiting for him- many of which are still good! he watches all the movies and binges the shows. he laughs, cries, boos, throws popcorn at the screen of his tv in his room.
that takes up almost two months worth of loops.
tim tries reading a few of those books jason rants about and even gifted him but keeps falling asleep halfway through them.
speaking of sleep. tim sleeps. a lot. a lot a lot. he catches up on his sleep debt for a few loops but ultimately can't stand it anymore.
he does everything he can think of. he rests and relaxes until he's bored to tears. he looks into and solves the few cold cases that bruce has sitting in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet in the cave.
tim even eats until he's sick. he pigs out with no reguard for his usual diet and gorges himself on food until he's sick at the sight of it.
it doesn't work. tim runs out of distractions and things to have fun with.
he's...bored. woefully understimulated and SO frustrated and...
well....there was an idea he hadn't considered before.
tim never understood the fuss about sex. couldn't understand why it made people like bruce and dick lose their cool at the promise of it. tim has masturbated, sure. for hormone and health reasons but orgasms had never been something so life-changing that he'd let himself get turned stupid over it like how...so many of his friends and family had.
so. tim tries. tries to figure out what's so good about it. he stops rubbing at his clit with single-minded focus and intent to get off.
he goes slower. he tries watching porn. reading porn. tries to find what gets him aroused.
it works. tim finds himself fascinated with the sight of plush lips swallowing down cocks until their throats bulged. he grows red and hot with the sight of thick, white cum flowing out of red, stretched-open pussies.
tim starts fucking his fingers into himself, using fingers to explore the little hole he's never paid much mind to.
the thing about masturbating is there is always a reward for it. tim always feels good, body growing warm and content with orgasm. unlike the other things he's tried, he doesn't grow easily bored.
there are just....so many things to learn about his body. about how he likes pinching his tits until it's painful and they're blossoming into a red color. he likes figuring out how many fingers he can press into his hole, how many times he can orgasm in an hour.
it's good. it's nice. it's fun.
but...its also labor intensive. tim's hand hurts from rubbing so much after a whole day. by the time it reaches nighttime he's so horny he's sobbing but he can't get off because his poor abused hand keeps cramping.
it also takes awhile for tim to work up the arousal to get wet enough that every clench of his thighs or working of his fingers releases wet sounds that echo in his room.
tim likes how wet he gets. how he just keeps drooling and dripping clear cum from his hole onto his bedsheets until he's lying in a wet spot.
tim knows there are...toys.
he's seen them in videos and he's overheard dick's friends joke about his 'collection'.
tim is...curious. there's no way he can get a toy delivered from the internet on time and the sex shops in gotham all require IDs to purchase and tim would get kicked out if he even tried that.
normally tim would be too mortified to even think about sneaking into dick's room to steal the lube he knows he keeps in his bedside drawer or seatrching his room for those dildos he's seen in porn because tim's desire to know what a cock feels like inside him has only grown...
but tim is stuck in a loop and it only takes another day of hand cramps before he's creeping past damian's door to sneak into dick's room.
he manages to get the lube and opens a drawer....filled to the BRIM with toys. tim gets so suddenly embarrassed that he just grabs the smallest one and darts back to his room.
tim took a dildo that vibrates at a kind of humming frequency. tim only has to touch it to his red throbbing clit a little bit before he's whining and grinding his sopping baby cunt all along the length of it. he doesn't try any of the 'techniques' he saw in porn and just relies on instinct to kick off the rest of his pajamas and gasp as he presses the things head against his hole. the vibration is intense being pressed in and tim almost gets a tummy ache because he can feel the vibrating in all his other organs as he gasps and wetly drags out the dildo streaked with strings of tim's wetness. the glide provided by the lube is heavenly as tim grinds against it, arching into each stroke and crying out as he cums and clenches around nothing. eventually tim gets brave enough to try fucking the slim dildo inside. tim is still in the middle of fucking himself when the loop restarts and even though tim's cunt isn't wet or throbbing from use he's so damnably aroused and furious that his orgasm was cut short.
tim races to dick's room and is digging through the drawers again when damian interrupts him. he's haughty and annoyed because he got grounded for the artifact breaking even though tim had been the one who broke it.
tim's happy the little brat was finally facing consequences for messing with him though he's a little irritated that it was only when damian surpassed him in height that bruce and dick started putting their foots down.
tim is horny, hot, and all kinds of annoyed at the interruption. he tries to ignore damian but the boy doesn't take kindly to it and starts yelling about tim being in dick's room and askin what he's even doing and tim is half tempted to whip out the dildo just to see the bug-eyed look on damian's face but that would just cause more problems in the loop than it was worth.
besides...tim has other concerns as he drowns out damian's huffing to press his thighs together. he can feel himself getting wet. with every loop its like he's so much more aware of his body.
before, tim had to work to get wet but now it was like the slightest thought had his pussy beginning to gush with interest and the promise of feeling good.
damian's not going away only getting louder and closer and tim is so warm and sooooo not in the mood for an argument-
the frustration and mutual aggravation in the room is reaching boiling points.
tim's not sure how it happens.
but he's on his back, pajama bottoms discarded somewhere off near the foot of dick's bed.
damian, the not-so-little-runt, is on top of tim and growling, grunting, almost heaving as he fucks into tim's wet, warm hole. tim doesn't even care that he hasn't stretched himself, that damian is the first real life cock he's ever had inside him. tim doesn't care, all he wants is to feel that thick cock inside him hammering home as tim grinds his clit along with every snap of hips into him. tim is whining and squirming on damian's cock. every time damian thinks he's trying to crawl away he's dragged back down and fucked harder like it's a punishment. it's not, tim is delighted to feel the force of damian's thrusts slapping wetly into him as he tightens his legs around damian's waist. tim arches and lets out a broken cry when he finally cums, clenching tight and feeling damian let out broken grunts as he pushes deep inside.
the feeling of cum flooding his insides is like nothing tim has ever felt. the relief and satisfaction that comes with it, the feeling of a warm body over him and pinning him down....
his fingers will never be enough. a fake cock will never be enough. there is no way tim can ever go back knowing what a cock feels like now.
the next loop tim is calling kon.
damian is right next door but...that's a whole mess tim would rather not repeat. he's blaming it on the loop madness. a burst of temporary insanity!
kon is his best friend and probably one of the few things that kon has more experience than him in is sex.
tim will try to forget the fact that he let the brat fuck him and "technically" take his virginity even though a new loop meant that tim's cunt had never known the feeling of a cock... besides tim's pretty sure if he tried approaching damian for another go he'd get a blade to his throat.
kon is willing to help tim out with his...virginity problem. more than willing actually.
tim doesn't even get a chance to hang up after his request before kon is knocking at his windows with the face of a kid set loose on a carnival.
kon explains that he's more of a 'hands on' instructor. he tells tim this while flinging off his shirt and groping one of tim's tits with an almost audible sound of glee.
kon is a good fuck. tim has no real standard for comparison but everything kon does feels amazing. his cock is BIG. about the same length, maybe an inch or two bigger than damian's, but also much thicker. it's a struggle to sink down on it but kon helps him with his grip on tim's hips, gently bouncing him up and down until tim's mouth fell open at the feeling of being so...full. kon kisses at tim's gaped mouth, humming and murmuring little noises as tim wetly clenches around his cock spearing him open.
they fuck a couple of times before tim needs a breather. he asks kon if sex is always like this.
with damian it had been more of a 'tearing at their clothes and each other and fucking desperately in one position'. kon takes him on his back, on his side, his front, and sitting down facing each other. tim liked that one. sitting in kon's lap with a cock pressing all the way to the opening of his womb and grinding their hips together while kon hugged him close and tim whined about being so full.
kon makes a humming sound of consideration as he grinds his hard cock between the wet seam of tim's cunt, not pressing in and just idly thrusting between tim's rosy folds.
"well most chicks don't let me cum inside them bro."
tim makes a considering noise and honestly, if he wasn't in a time loop there was no way that tim would risk getting pregnant with either damian or kon's fat headed babies.
but this was a time loop and by morning both of their cum would be banished from his womb and his eggs would be unfertilized.
of course tim doesn't say that.
"well that's cause you're my bro kon. special privileges."
kon makes a happy sound and finally presses the thick head of his cock into tim's pussy with a wet sound as tim's cunt accepts the gentle thrusts.
tim hums a little at the nice feeling but his poor pussy throbs at the stretch.
"can i try sucking your cock?"
kon moans into to hollow of tim's neck.
"god, you're the best bro to ever live tim."
well there was tim's answer.
next loop tim wants a smaller cock. kon's was nice but by the end of the night it was clear that his cock was not for first time pussies like tim's.
so tim dials his other best bro.
it's the best decision tim's ever made. it's like having a human vibrator. bart fucks him so fast everything is a blur. tim is pretty sure he blacks out for a few moments. bart babbles the entire time, talking about how soft tim is and how nice he smells and how good he feels and how he has really nice tits- real cute!
bart has basically no refractory period- he just keeps cumming. he never stops fucking into tim, not even for a second. when he cums the only signal tim gets is the flooding of warm cum filling him up and then just as quickly being fucked out of him.
tim manages to get bart to slow to a grind by cupping his sweet head and kissing him. apparently bart loves kissing with tongue. the makeout is so thick and wet that tim's not sure if the wet sounds in the room are from them kissing or from bart fucking him.
tim is fucked until he's on the verge of passing out- and bart never stops. tim's insides just hum with the constant buzz of arousal at the thought of bart continuing to fuck his unconscious body. just as he starts to black out, tim can't help but think about how he loves sex so fucking much.
sex has made tim braver. more confident. maybe stupidly confident because as soon as he's up and restarting the program to search for constantine- he makes his way to the office where dick is agonizing over his unemployment.
tim knows he's always had a little crush on dick. his cool, hot, kind older brother. when he was younger it'd been harder to hide the blatant admiration. the years hadn't been kind to them or their relationship. there's a distance between them they both wish wasn't there. tim knows they've grown apart and maybe that along with his new sexual discovery have provided him with the guts to go in and proposition dick.
if all failed he could just go back to his room to lick his wounds of rejection and call up kon or bart (or both) for a round 2.
he doesn't get a chance. he spends the whole loop in that office being made to feel like shit as dick furiously lectures him about how incredibly "inappropriate" his proposition was. that dick was his brother and several years older and that tim was a child and what on earth got into him to believe that this was okay? if tim was young and curious about sex fine, he got it. but there were so many other people his age that he could go for-
it's probably the worst that dick has ever reamed him out.
but...tim couldn't help but feel like there was something... off about it.
so many of the points that dick brought up were...really well thought out for something that dick was put on the spot for. almost as if...almost as if dick had already thought of it all before.
....like he was just repeating all the reasons he'd thought of for why a relationship between him and tim wouldn't work.
the next loop tim isn't discouraged. he tries again. he's shot down.
he tries another approach. turned down, but gentler this time.
he tests boundaries and tries again. dick hesitates before telling tim to go back to his room and they'd talk about it in the morning.
it's like tim can see all the pieces chipping away as he finds a new way to ask dick to fuck him. after a handful of loops it becomes very clear that dick wants to say 'yes'. that he probably wanted to say yes during that first loop. but....some weird moral hangup was preventing him from finding out how sweet and tight tim's pussy was.
even if tim spent every loop from therein asking dick, he'd never say yes.
unless....he was given an excuse to.
like ivy's pollen. of which there are plenty of sample vials in the cave. antidotes too.
but antidotes don't always work to the full effect. side effects are still possible. side effects that only tim's big brother can help with as he stumbles into the quiet office with a whimper and call of 'diiiiick'.
dick holds him close, hands stroking tim's fluffy strands as he tells dick about how his stomach hurts and how...how the place between his legs is all sore and -and...wet. tim whispers it shamefully in dick's ear and pretends to not feel the shiver that courses through dick's body.
dick strokes tim's abdomen, softly whispering comforts at each of tim's whimpers until tim starts kicking off his pajama pants.
"it huuuurts dick-"
tim whines. he's sure that dick is going to offer his fingers but he's suprised when dick presses him onto his back. dick is as red as a tomato as he tells tim he has something that will help. dick helps tim out of his pajama bottoms and carefully spreads his thighs apart to get at tim's cute clenching pussy.
tim squeals when dick puts his mouth on him. at first it's just a careful drag of a tongue along the slit but then tim's thighs are in a brusing grip and being spread further open as dick lets out a moan and starts pressing his tongue inside tim's tender baby hole.
tim has been poking a bear for several loops so he has no right to complain when all of dick's self control breaks and he has tim's legs over his shoulders and starts pounding tim's baby pussy like an animal. as soon as he spills burning cum inside tim's seizing cunt he painfully grabs tim's hair, tugging on his head to pull tim's chin against his sternum and sits on tim's chest so he can feed tim his cock that he hastily ripped out of tim's pussy just as he started cumming. tim is trapped under him as dick fuck's tim's throat like its a cock sleeve. his balls slap against tim's chin and he can only be grateful that kon helped him figure out how to suck cock without gagging or choking. dick. messes. him. up.
tim's face is a mess of drool, spit, and cum. tim gasps for breath everytime dick tugs his cock out only to swallow a gasp as dick sinks all the way in with a choked moan. dick fucks tim's face for a while longer before deciding that's enough.
tim is flipped like a pancake on his front when dick is done and his tender hole is immediatly filled with tim barely having any time to adjust as dick begins slamming deep and hard into his tender hole, every wet slap is echoing as dick pumps into tim with a fury of someone whose self control has just snapped.
tim gets so messy and wet. cum streaks his thighs and mouth and all down his chin. dick even pulls out at one point and strokes himself in tim's face so he can smear a thick white mess all onto tim's sweet face.
tim gets fucked unconscious and wakes up having to take a minute to process everything. clearly dick is a creature that must be awakened with caution.
but tim has already had a taste of what a fucking from someone who's lost control feels like and needs more.
he goes to the only other brother he hasn't fucked. jason.
jason takes no convincing. he has tim kneeled and on his front. tim gets rug burn on his poor tits because jason does not let him up. he's the first one to fuck tim's ass and tim makes noises he didn't even know he was capable of. jason likes him vocal, he wants tim to sob and cry for more, he wants him to beg jason, to thank jason, to worship jason and his cock that fucks him so well and fills his womb so good.
jason likes telling tim that tim is going to have his babies as he slams into tim and floods his womb with cum. jason makes tim bend in ways that ache his body- dick is the flexible one but jason ignores tim's whines and fucks him in impossible positions while grunting about how tight tim's slutty little princess pussy is.
tim falls asleep to jason stroking his hair and telling him about what a sweet little cunt he was for jason and that he's going to fuck that little thing whenever he wants because its his now-
so tim's brothers are freaks. he always suspected that but now he's certain.
tim doesn't seek anyone out for a few loops. he spends them sleeping, resting, and eating.
even though he's physically fine and there are no aches in his body- tim's soul has spent that last few loops getting mercilessly and endlessly fucked.
the search for constantine still hasn't turned anything up and the time loop might be making tim go a little bit...loopy.
a time loop is endless possibilities and potentials.
it's really a test of a person's character because of the whole 'do anything you want and there will be no consequence' thing. some people might kill, rob a bank, or fulfill some dangerous stunt to test their new 'immortality'. but not tim.
no. tim, after being trapped in a loops for a few months, decides to call a psycho cult leader and long time enemy of his and....bootycall him.
tim tells ra's al ghul he's checking into a hotel in downtown gotham in a little bit because he's apparently gone crazy. if ra's shows up tim will let him fuck him. no catch. no trap. just tim having what's clearly a crisis and this is the way he's decided to work through it.
tim almost doesn't go. he gets in the car and just stares at the wheel and asks if he's really about to do this. if time loop tim is really about to fuck ra's al ghul for...the kicks.
in the end tim goes. even if it ends badly at least the curiosity will be satiated and he'll have no regrets and that damnable voice in the back of his head that sometimes brings up about how ra's is built so nicely, how his voice is like a purr and sometimes sends shivers that aren't all that bad down tim's spine. and....tim really wants to know what getting fucked by someone with centuries of experience is like.
it's amazing. more than amazing.
tim's pretty sure that ra's makes him feel pleasure in muscles he didn't even know existed. tim's half sure that in terms of technique, he's ruined for anyone else. even if tim lived for the next one hundred years he'd never be able to find someone who made him feel what ra's did.
ra's had, apparently, decided to go all out on tim's poor body the moment tim told him to not use condoms because he wanted to feel it all-
tim had seen what those words had done to ra's. the way his eyes had darkened, the way he'd creeped closer like a lithe panther and said 'oh timothy' with that wonderful drawl that tim would finally admit- turned him on.
tim is ashamed of his kissing skills as ra's pillages his mouth while thoroughly fucking his pussy. skilled fingers rub and stroke tim's clit while tim gasps and wraps his fingers into ra's hair and whines, grinding down on the cock inside him. ra's coos at him like he's a darling little pet doing something adorable. tim can't even talk to tell him off, too focused on the feelings flooding through him as ra's bends him in half and fucks him harder and deeper while whispering about breeding him nice and full with his child, that tim will carry his heir in his lovely little womb and they will be perfect because they will be timothy's-
tim's brain is mush. purely oatmeal gray matter mush leaking out of his ears. he doesn't even care about the windows breaking and bruce flying in with a furious snarl as ra's continues fucking him. tim's eyes roll back into his skull as he feels one final blissful orgasm.
tim stays in bed for the entire next loop. he doesn't get up. he just lies there and stares at his ceiling and accepts that he did, in fact, do that.
he's almost disappointed in himself for not feeling a shred of regret.
tim hasn't seen bruce in a while. even though every loop starts with tim restarting the program and checking off all the countries that have already been searched.
bruce is a different level than everyone else. he's in a league completely of his own. and even before tim considers it, he tries talking himself out of it.
but the loop eliminates many of the reasons why tim shouldn't fuck bruce. the change to their relationship, their dynamics, bruce's history of how he treats the people he fucks, the fact that bruce is his father, the fact that for tim- it will always mean something more than a simple fuck.
but the loop will let tim get it out of his system. it will let him feel and know and experience what he's fantasized of ever since he was a child.
the loop has also allowed tim to better prepare for the confrontation. tim's memories of how bruce talks to him, treats him, acts around him help develop support. and then there's the loop with ra's, which in tim's mind, was further evidence of how bruce...might have a deeper interest than he lets on.
its not hard to find bruce. he's in a more isolated part of the cave digitally reconstructing the broken artifact. he doesn't even blink at tim's presence and accepts his companionship as tim glares down at the artifact that's to blame to tim's most recent questionable life choice.
tim takes the oppertunity to...look at bruce. to admire him in the way he hasn't in a while. to stare at the fine line of his jaw, curve of his lips, the dark lashes shadowing those cold blue eyes, the neatly groomed hair and the gray shadow of his unshaved face. bruce's thick, calloused fingers and neat nails, the fine slope of his broad shoulders and trim waist that lead down to thick, muscled thighs.
bruce has always been a level of handsome well above most people and tim knows its partly the plastic surgery he's gotten over the years but also the natural air that just oozes from bruce, the authority and confidence that can just never be replicated.
tim knows that bruce feels him staring. he doesn't falter even when tim slides closer and lets their thighs touch. bruce glances at him and tim stares at him with big undisguised interest in his eyes. he lets bruce pick up on his fascination and attraction and he can see as bruce's eyes sharpen to confirm if the messages tim is putting down are, in fact, correct.
it's not a hard sell for bruce. tim knew that the moment bruce stopped working and turned to him with something heavy and burning in his eyes with the words 'tim....what are you doing?' echoing in the cave.
bruce's tongue is in tim's mouth and his hands are fondling tim's tits as tim straddles him in his chair. bruce picks him up like it's nothing, navigating the cave without looking at all or pulling his mouth away from tim as he makes his way to the exit that leads up to his bedroom.
tim can feel as bruce barely manages to restrain himself from how he squeezes tim's ass and tits, from the way he practically rips tim's clothes off and climbs on top of him the minute they reach the bed. how, without a word of warning, bruce stuffs two fingers into tim's baby cunt. tim can feel the brutal want overflowing in bruce as he finger fucks tim and mouthes at his tits, sucking harshly on tim's chest and mumuring little words while tim runs his fingers through bruce's hair and hums, twitching around bruce's fingers. tim figures out that bruce is trying to force an orgasm out of tim with just his fingers as bruce's thumb brutally starts stroking tim's little clit, grinding the pad of his thumb against the wet little hole. tim whines, closing his eyes and trembling as he feels a shaky little orgasm begin to stem from his little clit. tim gasps and bruce covers his open mouth with a wet, possessive kiss.
bruce gets lube at some point because the fingers return and start fucking tim deeper with an easier slide. tim whines and fucks his hips down, taking bruce's fingers deeper until bruce rips them out without mercy and uses his hands to wrap tim's arms into a hug and pin them to his side. the hug is tight and constricting, the top of bruce's head is under his chin and tim's back is slightly raised from the bed courtesy of bruce's arms under him. tim can't move his arms at all. his legs are spread obscenely open, as far as they can go, and tim can feel the stretch and strain in his hip socket from being in a split
tim can feel the cold air of the room in his pussy that's holding open. but then he feels the press of a very BIG cock. tim almost stops breathing as he feels bruce's mouth fall open around a tit and give it an open-mouthed kiss.
its a stretch. even with bruce's fingers and an orgasm to loosen him up- tim can feel as his pussy is pushed to the limit to accept the cock that bruce is sinking into him. tim is gasping 'ah ah ah's', choking, getting the wind knocked out of him as he feels bruce's cock fill. him. up.
every bit of tim's hole is hyperaware of the cock grinding inside him. tim clenches weakly around it and whines loud and low at the full, aching throb in his cunt at bruce's cock. it's...it's too much. not even the good too much- it's just too much. tim can't take it. there's no way he can take it. his pussy resets every loop and tim's poor virgin pussy can't take this. tim bends his knees and tries to squirm off-
"b-bruce t-too much, it's too big nnnngh-"
tim can feel bruce shake his head against tim's chest. bruce inches inside a bit more and tim yelps at the stretch. god he can feel his pussy stretch, the muscles working hard to accommodate. tim's insides are painful with pinpricks of pain as bruce goes deeper in. tim tenses up which earns him a groan. he can feel bruce, he can feel him so deep inside and even though it's not physically possible, tim's pretty sure that bruce has breached his cervix and he's now fucking his womb.
"y-you're i-n my womb- bruce, bruce hhahhh hnnn i-it's too much you're too deep-"
bruce groans deeper and starts slowly fucking tim, using his hold around tim to bringing him down on his cock as he destroys tim's insides. tim can feel as bruce's cock bumps his other organs out of the way as he sinks all the way down to the base of his cock.
tim's cry is soundless as bruce's rough, calloused fingers pinch his clit and force tim's uterus and pussy to hum with arousal. tim gasps and lets his head fall back while his brows furrow and alternating feelings of pain and pleasure fill him. bruce's cock brings tears to tim's eyes and tears streak down his cheeks. they're kissed and lapped up by bruce who starts speeding up.
tim's pretty sure his brain has become zombified all he can do is helplessly moan and groan as bruce's thrusts grow faster and wetter, as every slap is followed by bruce's grunt as he falls into a steady, panting pace to fuck into the wet heat of tim.
all tim can do is lie there and take it. his poor pussy and womb are being ravaged by bruce because he fucks just like how he fights- without mercy.
it never stops being too much. bruce's cock and his fingers on tim's clit force orgasm after orgasm out of tim that all make him a little looser until bruce has tim on his knees on the bed, savagely banging tim even though their orgasms. he fills tim up with cock but never slows down, continuing to fuck tim even while soft until he gets hard again inside of him and restarts the cycle.
its pure overstimulation. it's torture and tim cries through it all as bruce keeps fucking him even after he's cum its like...like he's some kind of possessed beast intent on killing tim with his cock.
it's only when the sun has been down for hours and the manor is quiet and silent and bruce is humming with tim limp and weak on his chest that tim can breathe. he strokes tim's hair with the tender love that you would stroke a beloved cat. he kisses the top of tim's head while one of his hands play with tim's gaping hole that's drooling out thick cum. bruce rubs tim's burning clit between two fingers, presses gently to the hot puffy lips of his pussy and reverently strokes at tim's tired little hole that's home to the buckets of cum that bruce has released into him.
bruce just hums with satisfaction and presses another kiss to tim's head.
tim lucks out. he lucks out because the program finds constantine and tim can end the loop. he's also lucky because the program found constantine just as he was about to dial death stroke's 'work' number that he managed to track down.
tim's not sure just how far his bad idea impulse would have taken him but he can only be glad that the most recent loop begins with him at constantine's door and kon, who flew him over, that was confused but willing to help.
constantine opens the door, takes one look at him, and immediatly must see his soul unanchored because he immediatly starts laughing.
tim has grown something of a...shamlessness while stuck looping so he says the first thing that he knows will hurt.
"well you just lost out on the 'thank you' pussy you were going to get for laughing."
constantine sucks in a sharp choked sound. tim doesn't even have to turn around to know kon's eyes have widened.
"i'm guess you know why i'm here though?"
constantine stares at him for a moment longer before rubbing at the deep wrinkles between his brows with a 'bloody hell'. tim's not surprised at the reaction. most other heroes know him solely as the 'uptight' one of the robins.
tim and kon follow constantine inside as he gestures for them to enter.
constantine grumbles something while he begins clearing a nearby table of books and knickknacks.
"you know, 'I' didn't laugh rob." kon innocently offers and tim knows this is just him being his usual flirtatious self. but tim's also had his cock inside him numerous times in another loop so...
"once constantine's done i'll suck your dick in his chair." tim assures him. kon immediatly starts helping constantine clear the tables he needs to perform whatever spell that will end this debacle and allow tim to finally return to his normal life and bury what time loop tim did as just another temporary bout of insanity.
it's a quick fix. really quick. tim doesn't even realize anything has happened until constantine is clearing his throat and lighting a cigarette with a "right, that ought to do it- and just to be clear, you didn't do anything too murdery, crazy, or shitheaded right love?"
tim's 'why?' is on the tip of his tongue when kon, who is standing nearby, suddenly goes blank-faced and raises a hand to his temple like he's a teen psychic in a TV show that just had a vision.
"woah." kon sways slightly before the fogginess in his eyes clears away and he looks at tim with a sort of energy that wasn't there before. "tim- did we have sex today somehow?"
tim feels something cold flood his insides.
constantine blows out a puff of smoke suddenly much more interested in the conversation happening in front of him.
tim's phone starts vibrating in his back pocket.
tim's phone starts chiming with news of a text message.
oh no.
and another. and another. tim's phone doesn not stop vibrating.
it turns out the artifact tim broke did not start a normal time loop but rather a 'layered' one. in which everything tim did or said would be recalled by the people he did and said it to. turns out it WAS one of those 'valuable lesson' time loops. just a...delayed one.
constantine had been banking on tim having murdered someone in the loops which is why he hadn't told him. the asshole.
he had NOT been banking on tim having fucked friends, family, and an actual villain. constantine's laugh is cut short when batman and nightwing break his doors down accompanied by their respective confused speedster and kryptonian, that they clearly called to carry them to tim's location once they tracked him down.
in response to the inquires, interrogations, and questions from the various people he allowed to pump his guts- tim....evades.
tim is wholly of the opinion that he cannot be held responsible for the actions of time loop tim. so what if tim had some ill advised liaisons?
he only did it because he thought he'd get away with it!!!! and he would've!
if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!!
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lady-rose-moon · 1 year
HIIIII! Omg I got so excited when I saw that you're gonna be writing again. I read your fics before I figured out how to interact with authors without feeling embarrassed so this might be the first you're seeing of me, but I am a huge fan! I was hoping to request for a Loki fic? With these prompts:
"you're safe, you're safe" "what if I'm not?" "you're safe."
"who did this to you?"
"what are you doing out here, late at night?"
"I'm sorry" "don't you dare apologise for this"
Thank you so much!
You're so safe || Loki x Vanir!Reader || hurt/comfort
A/N: hello, my love, it is so nice to finally meet you! I do apologise for this being SO late but I have only just received the inspiration I needed for this project and I hope you like it! Please do interact with me more, I don't bite <3
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“I don’t care what you think!” you yelled, standing in the golden throne room of Asgard, sneering up at Odin on his throne, his whole demeanour menacing and unapproachable, yet you didn’t care, “I will find him, he is not dead!”
Odin merely gazed down at you, his expression unreadable as you stood beneath him. The older God had called you in today after receiving word that you were going to leave Asgard in an attempt to bring back Loki Odinson. He was your betrothed so why shouldn’t you fight to get him back?
“I am not asking for your permission, Odin,” you sneered, disregarding his title, bringing him down a few pegs so he is not as different as he wants to be, “he is your son but he is my betrothed and you shall not hold me back from him!”
That was when the Allfather spoke for the first time since you marched into the room with guards holding your arms. He studied you, noting how you were no longer the demure, frightened child he had selected for Loki. You had been corrupted by the Jötun and he had to remedy that. “You are still young, Lady Y/L/N,” the Allfather spoke, his voice as cold as his expression was, “I shall begin the search for a more… appropriate match.”
You reeled back, appalled at the King’s words before you broke into hysterical laughter, shaking your head. “You do that, Odin, and break the treaty with my family, I challenge you to,” you sneered before turning on your heel and departing from the throne room.
Before you could be grabbed by the guards, you broke into a run, smirking at the shocked exclaims of the guards behind you as you took of running down the hallways, expertly avoiding every attempt to be grabbed by various guards. With a grin, you slipped into Loki’s old chambers, not glancing at anything that could risk you to break into sobs and instead venturing to his wardrobe, pulling out one of his tunics and pants, hurriedly changing before running out onto the balcony and calling your magic to you to lift you down from it into the Queen’s gardens.
Once your feet pressed against the soft grass of the land below, you took off into a sprint, heading to the edge of the garden, searching for the gate covered in ivy. Before you could find it, however, you froze as a soft ‘Lady Y/N’ drifted across the garden. You turned and saw Queen Frigga frozen in the doorway to her garden.
“Your majesty!” you gasped, dropping into a curtsy even if it was quite difficult with your inappropriate clothing. Standing tall, you eyed Frigga nervously and spoke softly, “I’m not going to sit here and wait for a confirmation that he’s dead. I feel that he’s alive. Let me go.”
Frigga didn’t say anything, merely rushed over to you and pulled you into her arms. The Queen of Asgard’s hugs had always been a comfort and this time, it comforted your worried heart and the kiss she pressed to your brow was reassuring. “I never saw you,” Frigga whispered as a promise before turning away.
Smiling, you continued your search for the gate before exclaiming in victory when you found it, unlatching the lock and pushing the gate open and rushing through, pulling it shut and using seiðr to lock it behind you. With great knowledge of the layout of Asgard, you had no issue taking the long route around Asgard even as the warning bells raged from the palace and more guards were stationed near the broken Bifrost.
As you were hiding behind a barrel, waiting for a few guards to pass, you felt a tug on your leg which caught your attention. It was a small girl, dressed in her golden nightgown holding a rabbit teddy, her blue eyes staring up at you innocently. “Where are you going, Lady Y/N? They’re looking for you,” the girl whispered, seeming to understand the need to be quiet.
“The King has kept me in a tower, punishing me for my prince’s choices, I am on a brave mission to save him,” you explained, playing on the girl’s imagination, “so you must be quiet and never mention that you saw me. It’s all a game. I have to be ignored and not seen; do you understand? You must be quiet.”
“I promise,” the girl whispered before running off down the alley.
You nodded before taking off in a run, your feet now firmly planted on the glass of the Bifrost. As you approached the broken end of the Bifrost, you froze as you saw Thor standing there with Heimdall. Cursing beneath your breath, you approached them and stood beside Thor.
“You won’t stop me,” you whispered viciously, “I’ll jump if I must.”
“No need,” Thor answered with a grimace, gripping Mjolnir so tight that his knuckles had turned white, “he’s on Midgard.”
“Midgard?” you repeated with surprise before nodding and turning to Thor, “so we’re going.”
“I’m going, Lady Y/N, I must arrest him, he is not the man you knew,” Thor answered, turning to Heimdall and nodding, “do it.”
With a scoff, you watched as Heimdall lifted his sword and murmured the prayer to open the Bifrost without the observatory and when it opened and Thor was sucked into it, you jumped in too, ignoring the call from Heimdall.
The travel to Midgard wasn’t that long but when you arrived, it was dark. You’d appeared within a corn field, the soft rustling of the leaves comforting your anxiety before you closed your eyes and focused on the connection between yourself and Loki. That’s when you felt his seiðr for the first time in a year but it felt… wrong. Corrupted. That gave you more of a reason to find him, you needed to make sure that he was alright.
So, you latched onto his magic and disappeared with a soft glow before reappearing outside a glass cage. Disoriented, you grabbed a bar quickly to stabilise yourself before realising what was happening. You turned your head and there was Loki, his hair longer and greasy, his eyes a striking blue when they had once been green and his armour slightly askew.
“Loki?” you whispered weakly, staring in surprise before running across the bridge to the glass, pressing your hands against it, watching as Loki studied you carefully, “I thought… Oh, Loki.”
The God of Mischief tilted his head before striding over to where you were stood and sneering at you, “now you show up? After Thor?”
You stammered, thrown off by his violence toward you and tears rose to your eyes. “Loki… I tried to find you, I swear it! When you fell, I wished to jump after you but Thor wouldn’t let me.”
Loki chuckled darkly before stepping away from you and staring at you as if you were scum to him. “It took you a year to find me, how pathetic,” he spat, making you flinch, “what a pathetic fiancée.”
In that moment, you realised it wasn’t just his magic that was corrupted. It was him. He wanted your tears. He wouldn’t get them. You lifted your head with a soft smile, dipping into a curtsy before walking away.
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Somehow, you’d been roped into assisting the band of Midgardians (and Thor) defeat Loki. You would follow Iron Man into his tower to confront Loki but that hadn’t ended well and you’d been knocked out by Stark’s flying Iron Man device as it raced after Stark when Loki threw him out of the window.
You were only awoken by the Hulk’s roar and Loki’s response. Groggily, you woke up and saw Loki shouting at Hulk, “you are, all of you, beneath me! I am a God you foul creature and I will not be bullied by- Ah!”
You watched as Hulk grabbed Loki’s ankle and began to bash him around like a ragdoll. You flinched as you watched Loki’s pained face after Hulk left and instantly raced over to him, pulling his head into your lap.
“Loki?” you whispered, your fingers delicately tracing Loki’s face, “Loki… are you okay?”
Loki didn’t answer for a while before he gazed up at you and his eyes lit up with recognition unlike how they’d been days ago. He knew you. Elation lit up your chest and you grinned down at him.
“Hello, love,” Loki whispered softly, his hands gently tracing up your arms before pulling you into a tight embrace, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and brushed some hair away from his face, smiling down at him tenderly before whispering, “no, don’t you dare apologise for this. You weren’t you. NEVER apologise for this.”
Loki hesitated before laughing softly at you and shaking his head, resting his forehead against your chest and sighing with relief. “We have to leave, you’ll be considered a criminal to them now,” Loki whispered, his eyes shining with worry.
You laughed softly and nodded before helping him sit up and looking out at the sky as Chitauri continued to fly out of the portal. Then, you looked back at him and softly whispered, “how do we stop this?”
“Let them stop it,” Loki whispered, groaning in pain before his hands gleamed with green magic and you stepped closer to him, feeding your magic into his spell and you both disappeared from the tower, appearing two realms away on your home planet of Vanaheim.
The quiet of the brook and the crickets in the grass instantly calmed you and a smile lit up your face before you helped Loki to his feet and whispered, “come on, I know a place.”
For an hour, the two of you walked, Loki progressively becoming able to walk on his own until you reached a raging waterfall. Your hand gleamed gold and the water split, revealing a door concealed in the rock. Turning it, you brought Loki inside and closed the door, candles and lamps lighting as soon as the door closed.
“Welcome home,” you whispered with a soft grin, guiding Loki over to a sofa and helping him sit down, “this place is hidden from Odin and Heimdall, father created it for me centuries ago.”
Loki observed the place with a soft smile, there were simple decorations, but it was a blank canvas for the both of you. “It’s perfect,” Loki whispered softly before doubling over and groaning, clutching his head.
Instantly, you rushed over to him and removed the majority of his armour until he was left in his tunic and pants. There, you hesitated but when Loki nodded to you, you lifted the tunic and gasped at the sight of grotesque slashes across his back and arms. “Loki… what… who did this to you” you seethed, lightly tracing the slashes, observing the poorly healed cuts and infections.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Loki whispered brokenly, avoiding your gaze and trying to hide how much pain he was in. The God of Mischief grimaced in pain as you pressed your finger against a cut and watched infected pus pool out of it.
“Try me,” you whispered to him, standing from the sofa and walking into the kitchen before returning with a healing kit, sitting beside Loki again and beginning to cover his back with healing salve.
Loki hesitated but when he saw that you were serious, he began to tell you everything. About his fall, about Thanos, about the Infinity Stone controlling him and the torture he was put under for the majority of the year that he’d been missing. All the way through his explanation, you let him speak and pressed loving kisses to his forehead when you could. When he was done, you pulled him close to you and allowed him to cry.
“Shh,” you whispered to him, lovingly tracing your fingers through his hair, “you’re safe, Loki, you’re safe.”
Loki leaned into your comfort, his body trembling from the pain of the salve healing his back, seeking more of your comfort. Still, the trauma of what he went through haunted his mind. “But… what if… what if I’m not?” Loki whispered weakly, “Thanos, he… he’s horrible! Terrifying! Worse than anybody we’ve thought of before as being wicked!”
“You’re safe,” you answered, pressing a kiss to Loki’s brow, holding him close to you, allowing him to curl further into your chest, “as long as we are together then we will protect each other. Do not fret, you are so safe.”
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Shortly after that, Loki had fallen asleep and you’d needed to magically carry him to the bedroom and cover him. Now, however, you awoke and Loki was nowhere to be found. Startled, you rose out of bed and searched everywhere before finding that the door leading out to the top of the waterfall was open.
Outside, you found Loki sat in the water, staring up at Vanaheim’s constellations, his eyes vacant and sad. As you approached, he flinched and a dagger formed in his hand but when he realised that it was you, he relaxed and muttered, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s natural, with your amount of trauma, Loki,” you whispered, sitting on the bank close to him, following his gaze up to the constellations, “what are you doing out here, late at night?”
The God gazed over at you with a lost expression on his face before he whispered, “couldn’t really sleep. Nightmares.”
You nodded and with a slow movement, you were sitting beside him in the cold water of the river, listening to the rush of the water going over the edge and landing below. You rested your head on his shoulder and held his hand tight in your own with a soft smile as you whispered, “you’re so safe, Loki, we have each other, you’re so, so safe.”
You heard Loki release a broken sob but said nothing, knowing that while he had your support, he also needed to fix his mental state on his own too. The God of Mischief was broken but you knew with time, he would find a new type of normal.
“I half expect the Bifrost to open and Thor to take me by my neck to Asgard, to my death,” Loki admitted quietly after several minutes in silence, “I miss my brother, Y/N, the brother he was when we were little. Not the brute he became.”
You nodded and gently brushed your thumb over his hand, just listening to his admissions. Loki appreciated your silence, your understanding that he just needed to talk, he just needed to feel like he was safe.
“I’ll never see him again, nor will I see mother,” he continued, tears in his eyes as he stared up at the star that he knew was the realm of Asgard, his home and the place that rejected him, “I wish I could say I was sorry to her, my sweet mother. She never did anything wrong.”
That’s when Loki embraced you, pulling you into his lap and pressing a kiss to your forehead before pointing up to Asgard’s star. “Perhaps, upon the day of Odin’s death, I shall return to my brother and my mother,” he whispered, his eyes full of hope for that future.
“Perhaps,” you responded with a soft smile, cuddling into his warmth before you began to shiver. “But for now,” you grinned, “back to bed, it’s cold.”
Loki chuckled and stood from the water, gathering you bridal style in his arms before walking down back into the house.
Glancing out at the sky over Loki’s shoulder, you glared at the blackness of the sky, swearing revenge on Thanos for what he did to your beloved. Little did you know, he was glaring right back at you.
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@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loki-laufeyson-1054 @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @anukulee @eleniblue
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Studio Time With The Triple Threat Harlows
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Gif by @harlowgifs
Synopsis: The triplets want to spend more time with daddy and he knows just want to do to keep them entertained
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: anon who wanted dad!Jack content 😌
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You looked down to see that Ivy had gotten away from you once again and simply sighed. This had been happening since this morning with her wanting to be around Jack, but he was in the studio busy downstairs.
Every time she wandered off, you found her at the door to the studio trying to reach the handle and simply brought her back upstairs, but not before letting her say hi to her dad. 
This time as you made your way downstairs you once again found her in front of the door trying to reach up to grab the handle when you picked her up from behind and made her laugh.
"My big girl has got to stop running away from me!"
"But I wanna say hi to daddy."
"Okay bug and then we're going to eat something."
"Chicken nuggies?"
"Sure if that's what you want." You said while putting her down.
"Go ahead and knock and wait for daddy to say it's okay to come in."
She knocked three times while shouting "Daddy!? Can I come in?"
Jack laughed to himself as he heard his oldest outside of the door for the fiftieth time today and got up to open the door to see her looking up at him with those big blue eyes that resembled his as she had her arms out for him to pick her up. As you mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him but he simply waved it off.
"Hi daddy! I miss you."
"Hi gorgeous girl. I missed you too. And of course I missed my beautiful wife also." Jack said as he picked her up and she simply started playing with his KY necklace as he leaned over to kiss the top of her head before leaning down to kiss your cheek.
"You eat chicken nuggies with me?" Ivy asked with hope apparent in her voice.
"I don't know yet sweetheart. Daddy has a lot of work to do."
"But daddy take a break?"
Just then you heard two more sets of little footsteps as Autumn and Axel ran full speed into Jack grabbing one leg each.
"As you can tell you've been missed all day." You said.
"Well then I guess I could take a small break." He answered as Ivy clapped her hands in excitement.
"Then let's eat dinner. Ax, Autumn let go of daddy so he can walk." Axel reluctantly pulled away and you had to pry Autumn off of him in order for him to be able to move.
All of you made your way upstairs and Axel volunteered to help you set the table.
You handed him napkins not wanting for him to start running around with sharp objects because that child could turn a spoon into a weapon.
The Triplets got chicken nuggets per their request while you and Jack had chicken and dumplings which your mother had helped you make earlier in the day.
Once everyone was finished and the table was clear, Jack got up from the table and Ivy went to follow him.
"Daddy? I come with you?"
"Ivy, daddy has a lot of work to do." You answered but once Jack saw the pout on her face, he didn't want for her to be upset.
"Bug, if you do you have to be really quiet for me. Do you think you can do that?"
"Wait, I wanna go too!" Axel exclaimed while chewing on the cookie that you gave him.
"Ax, don't talk with your mouth full." Jack answered while looking over at him.
"Me three!"
"Okay since all of you want to go, I need all three of you to be really quiet and draw daddy a few pictures. How does that sound?"
All three eagerly nodded their heads as they ran off into the direction of where you kept all of the art supplies and was jumping up to reach them and failing miserably.
"Wait for mommy to get it for you so you don't get hurt."
You took down a few pieces of paper for each of them along with crayons as all five of you went downstairs to the studio with Ivy leading the way. Jack had to open the door for her but once she did, she ran inside and found a comfy spot in the corner as her siblings joined her. You handed them the pieces of paper and crayons so that they could draw their pictures as you went to go sit on the couch next to them, but you quickly heard Jack’s protest.
"Can I have my wife over here with me, please?" Jack asked with a pout on his face and you quickly got up in order to sit next to him, but he gestured for you to sit on his lap instead. 
"Are you going to be able to focus with me sitting on your lap?" You asked as you sat down with him immediately putting his hands around your waist and kissing you.
"I always can whether you're riding me or not and I want you to ride me so this will give me more motivation to hurry up and finish so we can get to it." 
All you did was roll your eyes in response while laughing.
"And besides I want your opinion on a few things and they look to be occupied." He answered while peering over at the triplets. 
"Okay let's hear it."
"And be honest with me. If it's trash then tell me."
"As you wish. But, I'm sure that it’s not."
"But if you hurt my feelings, I expect head before I go to sleep."
"Jackman, just play me the song please. And you never have to ask since I was going to do that anyway. I knew you wouldn't behave with me sitting on your lap."
"I am behaving!"
A little while later, Ivy got up and made her way over to the both of you to say that she was bored and needed something else to do.
 "Daddy, can you play with me now?"
"Not right now. Did you draw me a picture?"
"I drew you four." She answered while holding up her fingers.
"It's almost time for you to go to sleep anyway." You told her and she immediately crossed her arms.
"But I'm not sleepy!"
"Wait, I have an idea. Ax, Autumn come here." Jack said and they stopped coloring to come over to him.
"Do you three want to make a song for daddy?"
"YES!" All three of them exclaimed and you couldn’t help but to smile.
"Okay listen closely." Jack started to say to explain to them how this would work as best he could so they could understand and once he was done they were excited.
"Mommy is going to go in the booth with the three of you to do it, okay?"
"Can my part be about chicken nuggies?" Ivy asked and Jack simply shrugged.
"Whatever you want, princess. Are you three ready?"
They eagerly nodded as you took Ivy in the booth first and placed the headphones on her and sat her on the stool so that she could reach the microphone.
Jack started to play the track and you tapped Ivy's shoulder to tell her to start.
"I like eating chicken nuggies and playing with Ax and Autumn. I love my mommy and daddy. Okay, I'm done." Ivy said while taking off the headphones and hopping down from the stool and you and Jack couldn't help but to laugh.
"Ax, you ready?"
He immediately ran over to where you were and sat down on the stool as you put the headphones on and it looked as if he was thinking.
"You ready for daddy to play the song?"
"Yes, I have an idea now."
Once Jack heard that Axel was ready, he pressed play on the track and you soon heard Axel's voice. 
"Daddy is mad because I'm mommy's favorite boy. The end."
It took everything in you not to bust out laughing while Jack simply rolled his eyes as Axel smiled at him.
"I love you daddy!" Ax exclaimed as he came out the booth and went to sit in his lap.
"I'm starting to think that you don't, but okay. I'll let it slide this time."
"Okay, Autumn. It's your turn."
"My mommy and daddy can rap better than anybody and I'm next."
"Hmm, valid points were made, Autumn. Good job." Jack said as he high five her when she came out of the booth.
"Daddy, is the song good enough for us to get a Grammy?" She asked while looking up at him.
"Let me work my magic and it just might."
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