#jack aubrey x reader
mystery-star · 2 years
Unbid – Jack Aubrey (Part 2  / 3 )
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Pairing: Jack Aubrey x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions arranged marriage, unwanted advances (Not Jack ofc), strict parents
Words: 3532
Series Navigation:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Please do not repost my works on other sites or platforms!
The person holding you swam towards the surface and after you broke it, you had a small coughing fit. Above the pier you saw a group of people gathered, among them your maid who held out her hand to help you up.
“I’ll lift you, reach for the top of the pier” so it was Mr. Aubrey who had come to your rescue.
“I can’t get up” you felt tears in your eyes
“Trust me” he said. Well, you didn’t have much of a choice. He still held you and so you couldn’t swim away. And better you used your strength now to get up than tiring yourself out by searching a better spot. So you just nodded “Ready?” when you agreed, he held on to the pole and with the other hand tried to help you up to the top. You couldn’t grasp it but instead a hand caught your wrist. There was another hand on your other arm and yet another on your back. Breathing out in relief that you weren’t alone, you tried your best to help them and from below, the Lieutenant pushed up your leg. Finally, you were lying flat on the wood, taking deep breaths and telling yourself it was over while the bunch of sailors that had helped you along with your maid asked if you were doing alright. Somehow you were glad that the captain was not among them. But you didn’t even know what to say. Someone handed you a towel and you took it, drying your face and then dabbing it at your arms.
“What were you thinking?” you now heard Captain Steward ask
“I didn’t want to fall” you protested. By now also the Lieutenant had climbed on top of the stage with a rope someone had brought. He too was handed a towel and after he had dried his face, he took a coat, you suggested his own, which he had taken off before jumping in the water, and placed it on your shoulders. Not trusting your tongue to form actual words, you just gave a thankful nod.
“Does she have something else to wear? She shouldn’t go home in these wet clothes” Mr. Aubrey asked your maid, who declined. Your teeth started chattering and wrapped the coat tighter around you. “Do we have her something dry?” he now asked his superior who just shook his head.
“I’ve got a spare shirt” someone reported
“Aye, I’d have some slops” you eyed the man critically, he was much broader than you and the trousers would never fit. And even if they did you couldn’t only wear shirt and trousers.
“Maybe we could make her a skirt from a spare sail?”
“Perhaps we should just get her somewhere where she can get rid of the clothes and we can find her something” Lieutenant Aubrey suggested with a glance to the captain who gave a nod.
“Bring her to my cabin” when you arrived at the cabin, someone brought you an oversized shirt. With your maid you decided that the best way was you taking off your clothes, putting on the shirt as a shift and just keeping Mr. Aubrey’s coat over it, buttoning it close. You hoped he wouldn’t mind that you took it home and wouldn’t need it right away. Once you were dressed in your makeshift clothes you stepped out of the cabin again with your maid feeling immensely embarrassed about your appearance. But before you could leave you had to find the rightful owner of the coat to ask if he was fine with you borrowing it. You found him at the ship’s side, talking to the captain. When you approached them, the two men turned around.
“I uh…” you folded your hands “Might I borrow your coat?”
“Certainly, I insist” you smiled and muttered a thank-you, not caring that your mother would scold you for talking so quietly. “I suppose we’ll postpone the discussion to when you return” Mr. Aubrey told his superior.
“Return?” he asked incredulously
“You are not going to accompany her home?” your suitor let out a throaty laugh
“Have you looked at her? She’s wet, got a bruise on her face and is drunk. What’s her father gonna say if I’m with her? No, I still plan to marry that woman” you found it better not to mention that two of the things he had mentioned were his fault. But in a way you understood why he was scared to bring you home. And if you were honest, you were glad he wouldn’t come with you after what had happened today. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to see him again.
“It is alright. I’m not alone, I have my maid and we can call a carriage”
“See?” the captain sounded relieved. Ignoring him, the Lieutenant turned to you
“I’d feel more reassured to know you will be safe on your way home. Especially around the docks.” he threw a glance at his superior “Why, I could accompany her” neither your maid nor the captain seemed very happy but you gave a nod. You didn’t care if this was proper or not, you just were happy that he offered to go with you to make sure you were fine. But then the captain seemed to think about it.
“Come to think of it, her father surely would appreciate her not going home alone. Very well, Lieutenant. You may go with her” you felt yourself smile, even more so when the Lieutenant gave a nod and offered you his arm.
“Goodbye, captain” you called in the direction of your suitor who luckily didn’t make any moves to kiss your knuckles again. The three of you left the ship in silence but on the way to the carriage the silence was embarrassing so you started talking with Mr. Aubrey, although your maid shot you glances you couldn’t quite interpret but surely weren’t happy ones. But you didn’t mind and just kept talking with the other man until the carriage pulled up in front of your house. “Well” you said after the member of the Navy had helped you out of the carriage “Thank you”
“It gave me great pleasure” he took your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I will see to it that both the coat and the shirt are cleaned and returned to you”
“Ah, I can come and pick them up” he said “Should use the opportunity to walk around as long as we’re ashore” he gave you a wink and you felt your body temperature rising.
“Alright. Then I’ll still see to it they’re washed and will be ready for you”
You had hoped to evade your parents as you came home so they wouldn’t notice your condition but it seemed that your father had someone waiting for you to bring him to his office. He wasn’t happy with your tale at all and after two slaps in the face he sent you to your room. There, instead of getting changed you spent about two hours crying before you fell asleep.
The next day you didn’t feel like getting up at all, so you curled up in your bed with a good book and claimed you felt a bit unwell. Which wasn’t even a lie, just that it was more something mental instead of physical. In the evening, a maid came to your room just after you noticed there was visitor.
“Miss, Captain Steward presents compliments, says he apologises for his behaviour and hopes you didn’t catch a cold from your fall yesterday” you couldn’t help the little sound of annoyance that left your throat before you gave a nod.
“Thank you. Please tell him I suffer of no consequences but am still not capable of seeing him right now”
“Oh he’s not here, Miss. It’s someone from his crew. His name is Mr. Aubrey, I believe”
“Oh” you put the book aside and pulled the blanket back getting up “Can you get me my dressing gown?”
“Miss? What are you doing?” you paused to think. Indeed, what were you doing? Or better said why were you doing this?
“I… Mr. Aubrey let me borrow some clothes. I wish to see for myself that he has received them back” you said but knew it wasn’t the full truth. Yes, you wanted to know he had his coat back but you also just wanted to see him. You pinched your arm. Good Lord, please don’t let that be true. Please don’t let me like that man. A part of you wanted to protest when the maid came to help you put on the dressing gown, knowing you shouldn’t do this but you couldn’t help it. Sluggishly you walked down the stairs and your maid accompanied you to the parlour where the man was waiting. When he saw you, he got up with a huge smile on his face, walking over to you and kissing your knuckles.
“I didn’t expect you to come and see me” not knowing what to say you just smiled. It disappeared when you thought of your father.
“I suppose it would be appropriate to keep our guest some company while he’s waiting. After all it is my fault you’re here again”
“At least I don’t need to clean my coat myself” he returned to his seat and you sat down on the couch next to his armchair.
“A cup of tea, Miss?” the butler asked and you nodded.
“What kind of behaviour did the captain want to apologise for?” you gulped knowing he probably meant the kiss but you didn’t tell him. You had also left that out when talking to your father. As well as the fact that you had had some grog.
“The alcohol, I suppose. Or maybe that he didn’t want to bring me home?”
“So I can tell him you’re not offended by what he’s done?” you opened your mouth, unsure what to say. Yes, he had offended you and the more you thought of it, the angrier you got. “I see. I’ll let him know he better thinks of something to make up for it” not wanting to discuss, you just gave a nod and took a sip from the tea. Why was it taking so long until someone brought him his coat so he left? “Are you alright?”
“Yes” you replied and took another sip, trying not to let him know you had burned your tongue.
“You’re shivering”
“Ah” you hadn’t even noticed before you watched your trembling hand. He even leant over to you and held the back of his hand against your forehead.
“You feel hot. You’d better go back to bed. Not that you are getting sick” you wanted to protest but he turned to the butler “I’m all set. Why don’t you bring her back to her room and make sure she lies down again?” the butler didn’t seem too happy but obliged.
In the following two days you had to realize that you actually were sick. You didn’t know what it was but you were feeling week, dizzy, had a fever and were vomiting quite often. Your parents had called a doctor but he suggested it just was an infection and that you best tried to sleep it out. At least he was sure it was nothing serious. But it seemed that your suitors took it rather serious because most of them (at least those that tried to contact you) were told about your condition and thereupon started sending you bouquets of flowers. For some reason you didn’t want them in your room and told the maids that brought them to find them another spot in the house.
One day, however, it was different. Instead of a bouquet there was just a single tulip. And instead of the small card or short letter, there was a thick envelope. Curiously you opened the envelope. Soon you realized that it wasn’t a long letter but a short one too (yet still longer than the others) and the rest was sheets for a piece of music. With a frown you read the letter. At first it really confused you but when you threw a glance at the name of the writer it started to make sense. Jack Aubrey. He told you that he felt guilty for leaving you alone with the Captain and letting him upset you which was the reason you ran away and finally fell into the water. Because, as he believed, this was the reason you were sick now. That was why he had given you the score to a piece he really liked and played to cheer himself up (because he loved playing the violin too!). The flower was to put on display in your room since you could not go to your favourite spot in the garden, the one he had met you on your birthday and about which you had told him. With a smile you put the letter aside to study the musical score.
“Miss?” the maid who had brought you the gifts asked “Would you like me to find a place for the tulip?”
“Oh…” you looked down at the red flower on your lap “No, actually I’d like a vase. In my room” she nodded and left while you chuckled. While you really appreciated the gesture with the flower and found it sweet, Mr. Aubrey had mixed up the flowers. It were poppies that grew near your favourite bench, not tulips. But alas, you probably couldn’t tell larboard from starboard either. Before the maid returned, you put the letter aside, grabbed the music sheets and left the bed to play the piece at once. But as you were tuning up your violin, your father entered.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)? You are supposed to be in bed and rest!”
“I-I was feeling better and thought I could practise a bit” it wasn’t that much of a lie
“You can practise when you’re fully healed again. Back to bed, now” as he spoke he was coming closer.
“Father please, just let me…”
“Now” you opened your mouth but you couldn’t think of something you could say. A smile was on your face when you remembered that your father would leave the house in a couple of hours, you could play then. So you wanted to put the violin back in the case when your father stopped you “Give me your instrument”
“What? Why?” you choked out
“Do as I say, (Y/N). I will not have you worsening your condition over something like this” he held out his hand and with a gulp you handed him the violin, watching in horror how he gripped it by the neck
“You cannot hold it like that! It might break” you shrieked
“Watch your mouth and go back to bed” scoffing, you more or less tossed the bow back in the case, put the score there as well, closed the case and went back to bed, turning away from your father and pulling the blanket over your head.
The following day, in the afternoon all your symptoms were gone. All that remained was a slight tiredness and you not being able to be on your feet for a longer time. Apparently, your father found it was too early to return you your instrument but just the right time to invite a suitor for dinner. Captain Steward. During the meal you avoided speaking to him and after it was over, he wanted to have a cup of tea with you in the parlour, chaperoned by your mother. Half-heartedly, you listened to his tales of victories he achieved in the service until you had finished to cups and announced that you were not feeling too well and would like to return to bed to completely cure your sickness. The man got up, pecked your knuckles and wished you a goodnight before you left and almost ran upstairs.
You didn’t know if you were surprised when your father woke you the following morning, saying you had a guest. A part of you considered asking if you’d get your violin back if you went to see him but instead let a maid help you getting dressed without a word. Your father was waiting for you outside of your room.
“I think you should know one thing”
“Yesterday, after you so abruptly left, Captain Steward came to me to ask for your hand in marriage. But he made it clear that he is not all too happy with your behaviour lately”
“He wants to marry me?” you breathed, stopping on the stairs.
“Yes he does, although it’s rather unbelievable after how disrespectfully you treated him yesterday” you let out an annoyed breath. Not like he had treated you any better when you had visited him on the ship.
“So I figure you want me to go, listen what he says and say yes?”
“What?” you now were really confused. Why else was the captain here if not to propose to you?
“He’s not here to ask you. I already agreed yesterday”
“You-you agreed? But what about the others?”
“One has found someone else and I cannot rely on another one to ask for my blessing and you don’t seem to like Lord Sanders, so he was the only option left”
“But if… I mean if that third man had not wanted me… there surely would have been more men? More suitors. It’s… not like they are the only men” he looked at you
“Do you have a problem with Captain Steward?”
“No” you muttered. Giving a satisfied nod, your father opened the door to the parlour where your mother and your suitor were waiting. When he saw you, Captain Steward got up, to press a kiss to the back of your hand.
“(Y/N). What a pleasure to see you. I hope you slept well” your father threw a glance at you
“It is mine too, Captain Steward and I had a good night, thank you”
“Oh please, call me Percy”
“Alright, Percy”
“I’m sure you are wondering what I’m doing here”
“Yes well, I somehow have. Why are you here?”
“See, after you went to bed I had a word with your father. I asked for his blessing and he agreed”
“I heard” you just said and again your father gave you a hard glare “That is nice to hear” you added for that reason.
“Well, so today I came again to tell you personally and to give you this” he pulled something from his coat jacket and presented you a ring. “It belonged to my mother”
“It is very beautiful. Thank you, Percy” he squeezed your hand
“May I?” he didn’t wait for an answer and put the ring on your finger, making you mumble another thank you. “What would you think of a walk through your gardens?”
“I had no breakfast yet” you protested and when both your parents looked at you, you put on a smile “But then I would love to join you” to your dismay, your new fiancé decided to join you for breakfast and then spend the whole day with you. This time, the talks didn’t bore you as the often did but since he was telling you what he imagined your future together to be you started to feel sick.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” he suddenly said and as if caught you glanced at him.
“Well, I certainly need time to get to know people before I start talking much” you said
“You’ve been talking more when we first met” before he had kissed you on his ship, you thought.
“That was to get to know you in a first place”
“Well, then get to know me more. Ask, I got all day”
“I don’t mean to be rude but I am surprised you have the whole day. Are you not needed on the ship?”
“Ah, as long as we’re in port there’s not that much to do for me except supervising repairs. Besides, she’s in the best hands”
Percy came to see you on the two following days as well and slowly, you were starting to have enough of him and especially his comments that you should get used to seeing him each day. You bit back a comment that as a captain he’d often be out at sea. The only positive thing about the week was that once you had started to show interest in your fiancé - at least as much as was needed to please your father - you found your violin lying on your bed one day. You felt bad for having forgotten about it but now that you saw it, you just wanted to play the piece you had gotten from Mr. Aubrey. But apparently your violin didn’t like being outside of its case, so there was more tuning needed than usual and that was when the E-string broke. In disbelief you stared at the instrument, feeling a flash of anger that turned into exasperation and finally you sat down on the bed with a huff, unsure what even to feel.
Taglist: @woman-with-no-name​
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can I please get headcannons for the bones boys taking you out on a first date? Thank you so much for writing for bones!
A/N: anything for my bones boys
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Booth would definitely do something unconventional. Something fun, unexpected, something that was a bit competitive, but mostly something where he could show off.
"Really?" you almost laughed as you stood in front of the entrance. "The fair?"
"Oh, come on. When was the last time you did something like this?" He nudged you on your shoulder, wagging his eyebrows at you.
He would then proceed to win you a giant stuffed bear at the duck shoot.
"What?" he shrugged nonchalantly, "Like's hard?"
"Not for you apparently," you teased. "Though I expect being a ranger turned FBI agent probably helps."
You started walking backwards enjoying the challenging look in his eyes.
"Are you trying to rial me up?" he questioned, smirking at you.
You leaned in close to him, enjoying the way his breathing increased. "Depends, how easy do you fluster?"
You pulled away, making your way towards the ring toss.
"Oh, I see how it is," Booth shouted as he trailed after you, slinging his arm over your shoulder.
The first date with Booth would solely about getting to know you, making you laugh, and gauging just how comfortable he could be around you. It would absolutely end with him being a giant tease and kissing you on the corner of your mouth or your temple.
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Hodgins, rich (so rich he doesn't even know how rich), Hodgins would try and impress you. At least that was his first thought. Private and obscenely expensive dinner? Check. Expensive car to get you there? Check.
But like many things in Jack's life, it never really went according to plan.
"Oh, come on!" Jack grumbled at the flat tire. "I just had the car serviced. I can't believe this."
It was only when you started laughing that he relaxed enough to look at you.
"What?" He asked a bit in disbelief. Crushing thoughts about how this was the worst first date to never actually even start diminished at the sight your smile.
"I don't think I've seen you this stressed since you tried to hide TNT experiment from Cam," you said laughter dying down.
"Hey, that civil war exhibit didn't need it as much as us," he reasoned, a smile now stretching across his own face as he leaned against his car.
You mirrored his movements, shoulder pressed against his as you leaned against the car.
"I wanted this to be perfect. But just about everything seems to have gone wrong."
"Well, it's a good thing the night isn't over yet," you looked around. "You know, I think we're close to the diner."
"You can't be serious," he laughed. A mixture of disbelief and awe.
"Dead. I never needed anything fancy anyways - just you Jack."
From that moment, he knew that he wasn't ever going to mess it up. You were it for him.
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Sweets would want to do anything where the two of you could just talk. We know he's done a pottery class before so something along those lines. Really anything where he got to just look at you with a big grin on his face and listen to every word that came out of your mouth.
"Your chicken is burning."
"Oh, shit."
You let out a laugh that made him forget all about the charred chicken. He, in hindsight, should have known better than to plan a cooking class as your first date. Not when you distracted him so easily he could chop a finger off. Definitely not his best idea.
"Here, we can just share mine," you said as you fed him some of your food. All teasing smiles and delicious prolonged eye contact.
Definitely not his worst date idea.
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Wendell is one for simplicity. He wants to get to know you, but he also doesn't want to go overboard and scare you off. He'd plan for a simple dinner (your pick) and make a walk around the city.
The street lights illuminated the city, a cool breeze rushing past you. You tried your best not to seem cold - you'd opted for looks- not practically. Now you were paying the price for it.
A sudden rush of warm hit you, you looked up at Wendell who'd wordlessly placed his jacket over your shoulders.
"Don't even mention it. Can't have you getting sick now, can I?" He gently nudged your shoulder with his own as you walked side by side. "Wouldn't want you to rain check the next date."
"The next one?" you prodded - warmth washing over your cheeks. "Someone is presumptuous," you teased.
"Nah, just optimistic," He smiled brightly at you. "So, what do ya say?"
"I think your odds are looking pretty good," you looped your arm to hold on to his.
Wendell wouldn't necessarily consider himself a betting man, but he'd say he won out on this one.
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Vincent was quiet sure how he'd managed it. It was all a bit of blur if he was honest. One second you both were discussing how no number before a thousand contains the letter a, and the next he had asked you out. And you'd said yes.
He almost thought he'd dreampt it, really. You'd had to call out his name twice before he blinked himself back into reality.
Now he stood in front of your door holding flowers that were wilting away by the second - he swore he'd just gotten them and they looked pristine.
He let out a sigh, knuckles frozen over the door. This would be, fine. You already said yes. Oh, God.
Knuckles knocking against the door, he frantically smoothed out his hair.
You leaned in for a hug, crushing the flowers, but he couldn't bring himself to care. You pulled away giving him this brilliant smile that put him at ease.
"Are those for me?"
"Wha- yes. Yes, they are for you." He handed you the roses. "Did you know over 30,000 rose varieties exist today?"
You let out a small laugh, eyes still sparkling. "I didn't, but thank you for telling me."
That smile of your really did put him at ease. This would be fine - this would be great - because he was with you.
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When Colin asked you to go out with him to the Slasherthon at the local movie theater he wasn't actually sure you'd say yes. But he figured the worst you could say was no - or you know, laugh at him until he fell into an endless abyss of shame.
Either would be fine.
He expected the abyss.
He did not expect you to say yes. Let alone actually show up. But there you were in a Jason Voorhees t-shirt all smiles as he walked up to you.
"Are you ready for lots of gore and eating our weight in popcorn?" You asked practically bouncing on the balls of your feet. He'd never seen anything more lively or beautiful in his life.
"A person after my own heart," he said dramatically - hand placed over his own heart.
"Come on, Colin," you grabbed his hand pulling him into the theater. As you led him away he realized the abyss option would have been much worse than he had anticipated.
You were a light shining into his abyss.
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Aubrey would take you to a nice sit down restaurant. He spent the better half of the week trying to decide where exactly to take you. He'd finally settled on a restaurant you had been talking about trying for a month now.
"Aubrey, how did you know I wanted to eat here?" You asked, leaning forward. Your eyes excitedly bouncing between the menu and Aubrey.
"You've been talking about it," he shrugged, trying his hardest to be nonchalant about it.
"Aubrey- I mentioned it once, like, a month ago." You laughed a bit in disbelief.
"And how do you remember something like that?"
"It sounded important to you, why wouldn't I want to remember it?"
He'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed that look on your face. A mixture of disbelief and being heard - actually heard.
"Now, I'm thinking we go family style on this bad boy and see what all the fuss is about." Aubrey leaned forward, both of you so close to the other. If the flowers in the middle of the table weren't in the way he just might have leaned in for kiss.
"You sure you can leave some food for me?" You teased, your eyes sparkling in a way that made Aubrey realize he never wanted to see your eyes without it.
"Sweetheart, I'd leave all of it for you if you asked."
"Liar," you laughed.
"Alright some of it, but that's better than none!"
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister:
Paring: Jack Hodgins x Little Sister!Reader
Summary: having Jack Hodgins as an over protective big brother and being 'queen of the lab'
A/n: this is short and kinda sucks. Request are open for bones.
💚MasterList 💚mood bord
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Jack practically raised you, your parents did love you very much but they were always working and that's just how it was.
Intentionally or not your parents missed the little things, like school concerts or marching season when you were in the band, Jack didn't miss one and always there chearing you on.
Your just as, if not smarter than Jack, and like your big brother you showed interest in becoming a Forensic Entomologist like him. You always looked up to him and wanted to be like him.
The only difference is your more interested in the animal/reptile aspect than the bugs like he is.
Your office/lab is full of lizards and turantulas, and you've named all of them.
Your terrified song snakes though, you hate them with a passion and jack of course knows it and tries to keep the ones he has in the Lab away from you. It doesn't work sometimes.
“Jack there's a snake in my office!” you shouted standing on your wheely chair. Jack came running in to get ride of it. “it's just a black snake, he's more scared of you than you are of him”
He didn't say that to tease you, he just genuinely trying to reassure you so you won't panic all the time. “I beg to differ”
Your the youngest on the team putting you about 20 years old when you and team first started to work together.
With that, Jack is very protective of you and makes sure your shown the same respect he and the team are.
People and other people of science might underestimate you, your young and have tattoos and have a more goofy personality. Jack and the jeffersonian team will always have your back if it comes to people disrespecting you and your always proving the snobby scientists wrong.
You always feel safe with your brother, even in the most dangerous situation. When you and him were buried in the car by the Gravedigger you had absolute faith you'd get out of there, no matter how scared you were.
“We're gonna be okay...i promised mom I'd always protect you” he said.
You both got out with your friends family's help. Angela and Lance were waiting for you both and relieved to have you safe.
Speaking of Angela, she just like a big sister to you. You are both close and you feel you can always go to her for help.
Angela's dad, Billy is also loves you and is like a father to you. While he was putting the fear of god and tattooing Jack, he was showing you how to play guitar.
Even if you and Angela are close, Seeley is your best friend. While he teases Jack and calls him 'bug boy' he genuinely love you like a sister and doesn't mess with you.
Jack wanted to give an over protective big brother talk to Lance when you started dating, but he couldn't. He liked Lance to much and trusted him.
“just don't hurt her”
He walked you down the aisle at yours and Lance's wedding.
Your always involved with his experiments and it drives Cam crazy. She loves you usually let's you get away with it.
Since Jack is 'king of the lab' your the 'Queen of the lab'.
He's literally the coolest uncle ever and your like a second mother to Michael-Vincent.
You've always got each other's backs, you were there when he got put in his wheelchair and helped him learn how to deal with it.
Sometimes people don't understand how you two can be so close and not find each other annoying.
Jack could never get mad at you and if he does it doesn't last long.
Sometimes his over protectiveness gets annoying, but you know he means well.
“Hodgins have each other's backs no matter what” You guys always say.
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harlowarchives · 1 year
୨ my 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 .  ˚ ୧ 
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hey babies! it's zoie & welcome to my master list this will include 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐰, 𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐭, 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞 & others every once in a while.
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jack, 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐖.
uncle jack.
pen & paper.
series masterlist.
sex on the beach.
side piece.
condom right? ( text au )
condom right? ( part two )
a jack harlow story.
silly lil text au. ( text au )
sexting. ( text au )
loved ones. ( text au )
shut up jack. ( text au )
kunt. ( text au )
first time. ( text au )
party crashers.
i wanna see some ass.
trouble. ( text au )
song text prank. ( text au )
aubrey, 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐌.
say it.
urban 𝐖𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐓.
wants & needs.
late night text au.
luv sounds.
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🏷️ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ⁱ : @lexxtooshiesty4bae @iknowdatsrightbih @iheartharlow @livsters @honeyharlows @killatravtramp @jackmanduh
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nymphaudora · 1 year
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🪽 ₊˙ ◌ intro to my blog: hello it’s ZOIEE! on my main blog for the first time ever now let’s get into it [: this blog is a aubrey ( drake ) fan page as well as a jhené fan page, i will occasionally post jack content but if your interested in that go follow @harlowarchives
. ໒꒱ • ⁱ the worst: now! i will begin a fanfic called the WORST. this story will include triggers like domestic violence, violence, anxiety, mental illness and other R-rated material & topics. this story will follow a mentally ill child star whose “issues” follow her into adulthood she crosses paths with a former collab artist, drake who is there with her through all her difficulties and struggles despite her trust issues & problems, he shows her that he isn’t perfect either. how will they navigate their relationship?
ok mommas 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥! i 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 you so much :)
masterlist link!
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, cozane, selenosunni, iluvsarahii, and 7,245,876 others
yourusername The main attraction 📌
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neelamthadhani My favorite Harlow child 🤩
yourusername Am I really? Because you posted saying curly boy was your favorite.
jackharlow Jealous are we???
yourusername No, fuck off.
bo_jangless My fly girl 😘
yourusername 😊😌
urbanwyatt Way to give me credits 😒
yourusername 😭😭😭
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, claybornharlow, loganpaul, and 5,986,345 others
yourusername Happy 25th birthday to my amazing boyfriend, my best friend 🥳 I can’t wait till we make babies, but until then, we can continue practicing while I swallow them 😜☺️ I love you 😘❤️
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urbanwyatt I love you
urbanwyatt Yes on practicing because we don’t have time for them right now!!!
yourusername 😊🤞🏼
claybornharlow WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK????
yourusername NOOOO
jackharlow Damn I didn’t even get a birthday post. & he’s your best friend ? Since uhh when? Fake ass
yourusername You’re not my man so why would I?
jackharlow WAIT PAUSE
jackharlow WTF?????!!!!!
jackharlow You’re so annoying bro can you stop.
yourusername 😁 I can just block you and Clay if that makes you feel better????
claybornharlow Why am I getting involved into this???
yourusername Didn’t you just leave a comment saying to delete the caption????
neelamthadhani Jack & Clay stop getting involve in grown folks stuff.
jackharlow Grown? She’s the baby 😒
claybornharlow I know you’re not telling us to stop acting like children when you literally act like a toddler when fans get too close to Jack.
yourusername AY YOOOOO!!!!!!
druski I know Jack and Clay having a seizure with the caption 😭😭😭
urbanwyatt They called me trying to make me delete her post.
yourusername Bunch of idiots
urbanwyatt added to their story
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Liked by yourusername, neelamthadhani, druski, cozane, selenosunni, djdrama, and 7,356,876 others
urbanwyatt I wanna see some ass.
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yourusername Baby, can you do it like that, from the front to the back 😈
mamamaggie Not the lyrics to your brothers song Y/N, now you’re being evil. I like it 🤭
jackharlow They are both annoying mom, can you make her stop?
claybornharlow Mom!!!!! Can you stop instigating?????
mamamaggie NOOOO
yourusername 🍰 I’ll always show you some ass, come here and let me sit on you real quick.
urbanwyatt 🏃🏼 🧎🏼‍♂️
druski Did you have cake for your birthday?
urbanwyatt The entire thing 😋 🤤 I dived into that!!!!
druski I’m talking about actual cake you nasty.
urbanwyatt Ohhh,,,, just a slice.
yourusername 🙈 lmaoooo
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Liked by yourusername, cozane, selenosunni, neelamthadhani, and 5,886,456 others
urbanwyatt Birthday behavior!!!!!
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yourusername BAAABEEEE!!!!!!!
urbanwyatt What???
cozane Not the head pic
selenosunni Prepare to d** Urb 😭😭
urbanwyatt Why are all of you acting like she’s actually giving me head? She’s just laying on ny lap.
neelamthadhani That’s what giving head is called now????
yourusername 😭😭😭😭
claybornharlow I’m sick and tired of you both.
jackharlow MOM mamamaggie you’re gonna allow this?
mamamaggie Outta pocket with this post Urban!!!!
yourusername HE DID IT NOT ME!!!!
urbanwyatt Okay little miss “idgaf what they have to say, post it.”
yourusername Don’t call me out 🙈
urbanwyatt Don’t throw me under the bus. You clicked post.
yourusername 😭😭😭😭😭
champagnepapi Baby Wyatt’s will be running around in no time at this rate!!!!
claybornharlow Aubrey, don’t put that out into the universe!!!!!
yourusername Something we can agree on!!!! We don’t want kids… not right now at least!!!!!
urbanwyatt One day though 🤞🏼🤭
mamamaggie I can’t wait to have grand babies 🥺
jackharlow Here you go 🙄
clayborbharlow But she don’t be saying this to us.
yourusername Because I’m the favorite one.
jackharlow You’re the favorite because you’re adopted.
claybornharlow Yea because she felt bad for you, that’s why you’re the favorite.
mamamaggie I have no favorites. I love the three of you equally!!!!!!!
yourusername LIES!!!!! But I’ll allow it since I know Jackman and Clayborn will probably call you crying.
jackharlow No I wouldn’t!!!!! 😞
claybornharlow You should’ve left her in the dumpster where you found her mom.
mamamaggie CLAYBORN!!!!!!!
yourusername Jealousy is a nasty disease, you should get that checked out.
user Im starting to think Jack and Clay really don’t like Y/N
urbanwyatt They love her actually, this has always been their thing.
mamamaggie Don’t let their little spats under the comments fool you. My kids love each other very much, My boys were happy when y/n came into our lives. The three of them are inseparable and will forever have each others back. They just love to annoy one another. But they really do care for each other.
yourusername Mom, don’t blow our cover now !!!!!!!
jackharlow 😭😭😭😭😭
claybornharlow Idk what shes talking about, I can’t stand her annoying ass.
yourusername You know what? I don’t have time for this. I have better things to do, like sit on my boyfriends face. K byeeeee ✌🏼
jackharlow Y/N HARLOW!!!!!!
claybornharlow 🤦🏼‍♂️
mamamaggie Ahhh, never ending cycle with my children!!!!
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter
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fafi-and-oblivia · 1 year
About Oblivia!
Hello! You can call me Oblivia! I am one of two admins on this account. Feel free to talk to me about Buzzfeed Unsolved, Jack Manifold (+other youtubers/streamers), Taylor Swift, MCR, Lovejoy, Fall Out Boy, BTS, Minecraft, Cryptid Coffeehouse, baseball, and many other things!!
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I will write: angst, fluff, fics, headcanons, character x reader
I will not write: NSFW, yandere, gore, anything morally wrong (pls use common sense, I will just delete asks with typical taboo topics), I also will not write for real people, or character x character.
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Fandoms/characters I write! Asterisks(*) denote favorites to write. List is subject to change!
Blooming Panic (current obsession): Nightowl*, Quest, Xyx*, NakedToaster*, Two2, BIGLADY*, Onionthief*
Harry Potter (fuck JKR): Harry Potter, Ron Weasley*, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom*, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood*, Draco Malfoy, Matteo Riddle, Lorenzo Berkshire
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson*, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan*, Jason Grace*, Leo Valdez*, Piper McLean*, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Connor Stoll*, Lityerses, pretty much anyone!
The Quarry: Ryan Erzahler*, Dylan Lenivy*, Nick Furcillo, Jacob Custos, Abi Blyge, Max Brinly, Kaitlyn Ka*
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester*, Castiel, Kevin Tran*, Jack Kline, Charlie Bradbury
TSITP (boycotting season 2 bc I hate Belly): Jeremiah Fisher*, Conrad Fisher, Steven Conklin
To All The Boys/XO, Kitty: Josh Sanderson, Peter Kavinsky, Kitty Song-Covey, Min Ho*
The Umbrella Academy: Diego*, Five, Klaus
Bones: Zack Addy*, Vincent Nigel-Murray*, Wendell Bray, James Aubrey, Angela Montenegro*
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani, Jamie*
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joelslegalwhrereads · 2 years
pairing ⁀➷  james aubrey x reader
word count⁀➷  900+
summary⁀➷ You and Aubrey are married but because you don't work together very often, the team doesn't know it yet, which changes when you all meet at the royal diner after a case.
warnings⁀➷ is marriage a warning?, some fluff, the case i mentioned is not a real case they had
a/n ⁀➷ i couldn’t resist writing for aubrey so i hope you’ll have as much fun reading as i had writing it x
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„I'm glad this case is over." Angela sighed as you entered the Royal Diner. „Me too. I'm afraid of marionettes anyway, I don't need them in my job. Ugh..." you shivered by the thought of the poor person.
You gathered around the table your team always had when you would go to the diner. At this point, any other table would feel just very wrong. „Are Hodgins and Aubrey on their way?" Cam asked the group. „Mhm, I guess. Aubrey told me he'd wait up for Hodgins because they had to take some notes for the report." Booth answered her.
This was your favourite part of every case, even though it wasn't all of you each time. Sitting at the diner together, talking about the things that happened, but also personal things. These people quickly became your best friends. They welcomed you from the second you stepped foot into the Jeffersonian and integrated you into their group. Now that Aubrey was working with Booth at the FBI, it would be even better.
„What can I get you guys?" Joanne smiled at us.
„The usual please." Booth and Brennan ordered, Cam didn't want anything but water and so did Angela.
„A burger, fries and a salad please." you smiled. „Alright, I'll be back in a sec." Joanne wrote everything down and left your table. You could feel the eyes of the others on you, „You seem hungry, Y/N." Brennan laughed lightly.
You chuckled, „Oh, it's for Aubrey.". Cam frowned and made the typical expression she always did when she was confused. Angela on the other hand already seemed to know what's up but kept it for herself.
„There they are!" Booth greeted Hodgins and Aubrey when they entered the diner. „Sorry it took longer than expected. He didn't accept the words normal people use." Aubrey sarcastically commented.
„Actually, it is usually very important to use the correct technical terms." Brennan commented. „Thank you." Hodgins said.
You grinned at the interaction between them. It's always like that, and it's exactly what makes them so lovable. Aubrey has been with the team for about a month, but you never had the chance to really work together during a case, until now.
Angela slid her chair a bit to the side to make room for Aubrey next to you, totally on purpose, of course. Hodgins meanwhile sat down on her other side. Just in time for the two to sit down, Joanna came back with a plate for Brennan, apple cake for Booth and your order.
„Here you go, anything else you'd like?" she asked. „No, thanks, Joanna." Booth smiled, and she nodded.
Aubrey smiled at you when he saw the plates in front of him. „Thank you." His hand caressed your tight. „I wouldn't dare to not order when I know exactly what your mood is like when you're hungry." you chuckled. The others were already in conversation, so they didn't listen to what you and Aubrey talked about.
He took a big bite of his burger, which he could barely get into his mouth, and exhaled happily. "I love you." he told the burger, and you had to laugh softly.
The others looked at him laughing. Everyone knew Aubrey's love for food.
Booth raised an eyebrow, "How do you even get that thing in your mouth?". "Oh, it'll fit somehow." Aubrey mumbled, his mouth still full. Booth just shook his head, but everyone could see the slight smirk.
"I really hope we can finally do a proper experiment next time," Hodgins sighed. "I'm not going to even ask what you're hoping for." Cam laughed. Hodgins started, „You know, we haven't-„
Suddenly they all went quiet. You chewed the fry you stole from Aubrey's plate. „Everything okay?" you asked carefully, swallowing. Aubrey looked just as confused as you did, as he handed you another one. Everyone's eyes got even wider at that.
Finally, Booth said, „James Aubrey does not share his food.", „Nor does anyone know what he's even ordering, as much as he always eats." Hodgins added.
Brennan's gaze would've almost been uncomfortable if you didn't know her so well. You chuckled, „Oh.". „We're married." Aubrey laughed, and you grinned when you both raised your hands at the same time to show them the wedding rings.
Booth looked like something hit him, „That explains a lot." Cam commented enlightened. „As if none of you have noticed," Angela laughed, „You're all so smart but so blind at normal things sometimes.". „I must confess that I should have noticed it. Congratulations, by the way." Brennan admitted and smiled at the last part of her sentence. "Thank you." you giggled. "Wait, how long have you guys been married?" Booth asked.
"Almost four years." Aubrey said, cracking a grin at Booth's facial expression. "So that's what Caroline always meant." Booth quietly talked to himself.
You could picture Caroline giving Seeley a poke in the back of the head for being so slow on the uptake.
„We don't make a secret out of it, I guess it just never really came up." you chuckled.
„Well now we know." Cam laughed. "As long as you let us know then when you're planning on having a little Aubrey or a little Y/N, I can just about forgive you for this one," Angela joked, and everyone broke out laughing. "Promised." You joined the laughter as Aubrey intertwined his hand with yours under the table and smiled at you.
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Opening my requests up to all Bones characters instead of just Zack (: Zack is my favorite and my baby but I’ll write for anyone. Request away, loves! I don’t write smut because I’m awkward, but feel free to message me with any requests or specifications for requests!
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mystery-star · 2 years
Pre-departure – Jack Aubrey
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Pairing: Jack Aubrey x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Words: 364
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
As a child you had always dreamed of a big wedding with a huge feast. But now, that you had met your One, the wedding didn’t matter anymore. Only that you could call Jack Aubrey yours and vice versa. The wedding had fit perfectly; you hadn’t even known that a captain could carry out his own wedding. Having been docked at a port on a small but beautiful island, you even had a little honeymoon. Because it was so nice, you didn’t want to return home, so on your last evening, you sat at the window of the little cabin you had rented for a week, absentmindedly nipping at your cup of tea.
“What’s on your mind?” Jack asked, having looked up from his maps he was studying. Even now, as he was on shore leave and in his honeymoon, he couldn’t quite let go of work.
“I don’t want to go home” you admitted “After all, I just got you to myself and then, when we’re back home you’ll have to leave again and leave me on my own” you let out a sigh and put your cup down. He got up and took a seat next to you.
“I’ll write you. And come home as often as I can” you shrugged
“Still won’t be as good as having you around every day” he placed an arm around your waist.
“Ah, I bet you would get annoyed too quick for your own good and wish I’m gone” you let out a snort
“At least I wouldn’t miss you then” he placed his chin on your shoulder and pecked your cheek.
“Well, I can promise you one thing; I too will miss you”
“But you’ll be at work. On a ship. I bet you don’t have time to think of me or miss me that often”
“Then find yourself something you love to do so you’ll feel the same”
“Hm” you turned to him “Right now, the thing I love to do most is cuddling with my husband” as if to illustrate the words you hugged him tight, burying your face against his chest “Maybe I should find a pet I can cuddle instead”
Taglist: @woman-with-no-name​
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Bones Masterlist
🥰= fluff
I’ll literally write for any male character in the show!
Jack Hodgins x reader
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Small moments 🥰
Hodgins as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs 🥰
Seeley Booth x reader
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Booth as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Lance Sweets x reader
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Sweets as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Wendell Bray x reader
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Wendell as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Colin Fisher x reader
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Colin as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Vincent Nigel Murray x reader
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Vincent as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Zack Addey x reader
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Zack as a dad HCs🥰
Finn Abernathy x reader
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Finn as a dad HCs🥰
Arastoo Vaziri x reader
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Arastoo as a dad HCs 🥰
James Aubrey x Reader
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Aubrey as a dad HCs🥰
First Date HCs🥰
Clark Edison x reader
Clark as a dad HCs🥰
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance Sweets part 2:
Paring: James Aubrey x Hodgins!Reader
Summary: headcanons about James Aubrey and the widow of Lance Sweets dating.
A/n: so this is a part 2 of the previous one(obviously, if you haven't checked out part 1 go read that if you want) this is just what your dating life looks like. - NSFW content warring!
🩷Part 1 🩷Dating mood board 🩷MasterList
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Even though it took a while for you two to be officially boyfriend and girlfriend, you were both very much in love.
You hadn't felt like this in years, all giddy and for the first time in a while you didn't dread waking up. You woke up to with a smile every morning when you saw James sleeping soundly next to you.
You had peace and felt like you can finally move on without feeling like a terrible person, Lance would have wanted you to be happy.
He doesn't care who sees how much he loves you. He's not ashamed or afraid of showing his softer, more loving side if people at the Bureau or Lab can see.
Your friends family were so happy for you, it was nice to see you genuinely small and be happy. They knew James was a right fit for you.
Seeley felt like he need to give advice when it came to you guys being officially together. Not in bad way or an over protective way, just some advice... He promised Sweets he'd look after you.
He gave a whole bunch of advice and James took to heart even the little things that didn't seem like much, it was important to him. “don't leave your belts on the floor, at night they look like snakes”
“her favorite gummies are the shark ones, she won't eat any other kind”
I think after losing Lance your very protective of those you loves, especially James and the kids. It sometimes comes off as you don't trust him or made controlling but that's not the case at all. James knows your only worried and knows your intentions or only pure. His job worries you and your always worried your gonna lose him while he's out on the field.
“I promise nothing will happen and if I ever get hurt you'll be the first to know” he said kissing your forehead, all he wanted to do was calm your nerves. “if it makes you feel better I'll call even if it's just a paper cut” he joked, you playfully slapped his chest and scoffed.
You both are very open with each other, he wants you to know you can always talk about Lance to him and It didn't take long for him to open up about his father to you either.
Your relationship is also very playful and fun loving. He's always joking around with you and always trying to make you laugh.
He always making terrible dad jokes, you laugh just so you don't hurt his feelings. Your Kids being so young either think they are hilarious or don't get the joke at all, there's no in between.
This man loves your cooking, I mean we all know he'll eat anything and he's a human garbage disposal, but he literally adores anything you cook. It makes him feel loved that your always taking time after a long work day to cook for your family.
He's always helping too, one of his favorite things to do with you is cook, just Blast some music and give him a cook book and he's happy.
Your also the only person that can steal food off his plate, he's always willing to share his french fries with you.
In your early days of dating your close friends were suprised how James willingly shared half of his Ruben sandwich with you.
Your bag, purse, whatever you carry is full of his snacks. He's always storing candy, chips or whatever he can fit. “Babe, where's the gummies worms?” he asked digging through your bag.
“you ate them already” you said not looking up from your fie. James sighed and dumped your whole bag on Seeley's desk, looking for something to munch on. “really Aubry?” Seeley sighs then looked at you, you shrugged. “he's hungry”
Him and your daughter have made heart shaped pancakes for you every year on mother's day.
Speaking of your daughter, James and her have a great relationship. He treats her like his own kid and she's loves him so much.
He'd do anything for her, same with your son. He's such a great father figure and they both have him wrapped around they're fingers.
He got your daughter a puppy for her 10th birthday, it was a Beagle she named Bluey after Her and James favorite cartoon.
Yes, James watches Bluey. At first he'd just watch it because that's what Charlotte wanted to watch, but then the man actually got really into it.
He wanted to have every father/son experience with Little Lance that he didn't with his dad. Whatever your son wants to do or learn James is there.
You and James have bulit many bankforts with your kids, sometimes if it's just the two of you he'll talk you into it. “come on Jammie, can't we just watch the movie on the couch like a normal couple”
James shrugged and threw a couple of pillows on the pile of blankets he already collected for the fort. “well that's the thing... We're not normal, come on Baby it'll be fun!”
But if the blanket fort doesn't involve the kids this man's mind gets dirty. “and we can do... Other activities” he said kissing your neck.
Yup... You had sex in a blanket fort and it has collapse on you guys before, do what you want with that information.
He's a rough kisser, he's a little bit taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
He also loves getting forehead kisses, it's just such a soft and gentle gesture he loving receiving. He loves it when he's at his desk and you give him a kiss good-bye/hello on the head.
He loves kissing you on the cheek It's always innocent and loving, and a quick way to love on you even if you're in public or at work.
At the beginning of your relationship a kiss on the cheek is all you wanted to do, so if kinda became a staple in your relationship.
I think you need physical contact from him all the time. After losing Lance, cuddling is a good way to show your love and affection for James.
He's a big cuddler and just needs you in his arms all the time so it's a win/win.
He's big on hand holding too, if your walking around the city your hands will be locked together, or sometimes hell just hold your had if your setting down at a table or something.
He's soft with you. He's so gentle and delicate and you can tell through the way he brushes your hair from your face or the way his thumb sweeps over your cheek, that he just absolutely adores you.
It took awhile into the relationship for you to have sex, he respectfully waited and didn't want to do it unless you were 100% ready. With that being said you both found other things to occupy yourselfs.
Your Favorite games to play are battle ship and uno. Sometimes it'll end in a playful wresting match after one of you supposedly cheated. “you cheated” he said, looking at all his sunken ships. “no your just a sore loser”
After that he playfully pushed you on the couch and stared tickling your sides, he knew you cheated and he didn't really care but hearing your laugh was his favorite noise.
You guys love watching food network, any shows that involves food really.
Your Favorites are Iron Chef America and Hells kitchen.
He loves it when you set on his lap while he dose case work, sometimes if he's not giving you the attention you deserve, you'll crawl into his lap with your head on his shoulder.
He finds is adorable when you start playing with his tie when you get board. “how much longer Jammie?”
“few more things I promise... Don't you and your brother have a bug to dissect or something?” he joked.
Side note, you obviously call him Jammie, you call him that more than his real name, but let's talk about the other nicknames. You call him Honey a lot too and sometimes Jimmy. He calls you Angel, Sweetheart, or baby.
His nicknames for your kids are the munchkins and the personal ones are: Charlie for Charlotte and Lancealot or Seal for Seeley Lance.
You think this man is perfect in everyway, you love his eyes and the tiny gap in his teeth. He just seems so amazing in everyway even if he doesn't believe it himself.
“your so Handsome... Have I ever told you that?” he'll blush and nodded bashfully.
He's full of compliments himself, he's always making sure you know how beautiful you are. He's always admiring every inch of you. He loves your curves, eyes, hair, everything.
If you hate something about yourself chances are he finds is gorgeous. He'll help you see the beauty you don't see.
You refuses to sleep unless James has fallen asleep first, you just need to know he's okay before you can have a good night sleep.
He'll catch on quickly and now he's made it his job to make sure you get a good night's rest. “go to sleep Angel, I'm not going anywhere”
Most of the time you'll wake up in the middle of the night and need to hear James' breathing, or just make sure he's safe beside you and still alive.
NSFW headcanons:
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He has this mischievous kind of charm to him and he uses it to his advantage when it comes to getting your attention. He knows all your ticks and can easily get your riled up.
James loves bitting your earlobe and neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
He can't help but smirk to himself when he sees how hard you’re breathing due his touch, he loves it.
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “please don't hold back Love, let me hear you”
He's pretty vocal himself, sometimes it'll be low grunts and moans or he'll be cussing and praising you. “your so Beautiful... Fuck”
Bondeg kink, mostly handcuffs or his his ties, sometimes his belt if you guys don't have access to anything eles. Usually it'll be in the heat of the moment. he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it really.
He's a biter, there has been many occasions you had to cover up your neck with make up after he's marked you up.
He's a boobs man, He’ll push your bra up and take a nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls all around. He loves if when you start moaning and tugging at his hair, He honestly can’t get enough.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
Like I said he's vocal, but he'll never to degrade you an any was but his sex voice is deep and husky. You call his 'Agent Aubrey' voice because the tone is very similar to one he uses on job, you find it very attractive how dominating it sounds. “relax Beautiful, I got you”
Loves eating you out, your legs around his head. He loves your legs and thighs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
He love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
He loves feeling your fingers in his hair at any given time during sex, he loves it when you tug on it while he's pleasuring you.
The way he kisses you makes your heart race. He holds your face in his hands and you honestly feel like you and him are the only things that matter in the world.
He loves to cuddle after words, loves the feeling of wrapping you in his arms and keeping you safe after a long night of activities. He'll always be touching you in some way during the night whether it be an arm draped over you or legs tangled together
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Current Series Masterlists
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John Biebe x reader
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Jack Aubrey x reader
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Ben Wade x reader
No on going Series
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make-me-imagine · 7 years
Request: Could you do a one shot when a mission goes bad and you're in the hospital but you're not conscious and it looks bad? (Angst A LOT of it please)
Note: I tried writing as much angst as I could, but I’m not that great at it :/
Requested by: Anon
Characters: Bones Team x reader
Gender: Any/Neutral     Triggers: Injury, blood, angst, etc.
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You drew your gun as you Aubrey and Booth began to enter the junk yard. Looking back you met Brennan’s eyes who was remaining behind with the other officers. You turned and met Booth’s eyes who motioned for you to go one way and Aubrey another. The three of you slowly moved through the stacks. 
After making it about half way into the junk yard you paused when you heard a sound, you stared at a stack of cars where you thought the sound came from. You’re eyes adjusted as you tried to notice any slight movement. You slowly eyed everything, when suddenly you’re eyes met another’s.
The man darted from behind the cars and began running, you immediately ran after him calling out behind you “Here! He’s heading towards the back!”
Booth and Aubrey both heard you and began running in the direction of your voice, though neither of them had eyes on you.
When you rounded the main building you slowed down, no longer seeing the man. You stepped slowly closed, listening for any more movement. You needed to be careful, this man was dangerous. He had five victims under his belt from the past seven years.
Hearing something behind you, your turned quickly, only for the man to hit your hands with a large wrench, knocking the gun out of your hands. Gasping out in pain you got into a defensive position, dodging as the man keeps swinging at you. Taking steps back, you tripped over a large pipe, falling to the ground. The man swung at you again, rolling to the side as the man hit the ground behind you. You kicked his legs, knocking him down.
Moving to stand up he moved and grabbed you, bringing you back down with him. Rolling on top of you, he hit you in the face before wrapping his hands around your neck. He squeezed harder as you struggled to get him off of you. Managing to get your leg into a position where you could push him away enough to fight back, hitting and scratching at his eyes, he let go.
You gasped for a breath as both of you went for your gun. He got there first, quickly turning he pulled the trigger. A loud shot rang out. You tackled him to the ground and took the gun from him, hitting him in the head and staggering back, dropping the gun.
Booth and Aubrey approached quickly, their guns drawn. Seeing the man unconscious they sighed in relief, lowering their guns. Both of them noticing that you hadn’t shot him, so why was their a shot fired? Looking up at you, their eyes widened as you staggered.
You looked down at your chest, seeing blood start pouring from your chest. It became harder to breath as your legs went out from underneath you. Booth and Aubrey ran forward grabbing you as you hit the ground. You let out a staggered breath as our bod began to shake.
Booth grabbed him phone before contacting the other police officers that were at the junk yard screaming at them to get an ambulance. “It’s okay y/n, just hang on alright, you’ll be okay, you’ll be okay”
Both Aubrey and Booth pressed down on your chest trying to stop the bleeding. You tried to breath but found it harder and harder, pain flooding your body as your eyes began to blur.
Brennan came running towards you, having heard the shot. Seeing you lying on the ground she ran over and grabbed your hand, looking desperately at Booth as your eyes began to close.
The others all paced back and fourth in the hospital hallway, all of them waiting for news that would hopefully be good. Angela was ringing her hands, praying that her best friend would be okay. 
The doors opened and everyone seemed to hold their breath as your Doctor came out, holding x-rays. Brennan, before hearing what he had to say took the x-ray and looked at you, sighing under her breath.
“What is is Brennan?” Angela asked staring down at the x-ray.
“It’s...it’s not good”
The Doctor gently took the x-rays back “The bullet entered through their chest bounced off of a bone and scraped their heart. It wasn’t enough to kill them instantly, but..”
“But what?” Booth asked, staring the Doctor down.
The Doctor sighed “It doesn’t look good. There’s a lot of damage, and...I don’t think they will make it through the night.”
Angela let out a light sob as her hands rose to cover her mouth, Hodgins approached grabbed her shoulders comfortingly. The others all stared at her, equally feeling the pain.
“But y/n could make it right? There’s a change?” Saroyan asked hopeful
“Yes, there is a small change. And if Agent L/N does make it through the night, then they should make a steady recovery”
“Then that’s what will happen” Hodgins said confidently, hopefully.
A few hours had gone by, everyone filtered in and out, none of them wanting to leave for too long. As everyone sat outside in the hall, they began growing tired. But when alarms and beeping came from your room and Nurses and Doctors came running in everyone ran towards your door, but were stopped, unable to enter the room with you.
“What’s happening?” Angela asked desperately running forward, trying to see what was happening.
The others could see in the room as the Nurses and Doctors surrounded you, they could hear the Doctor talking hurriedly “We’re loosing them!” 
“No, no, come on” Saroyan whispered under her breath as she held tightly only Arastoo’s arm. 
They all sighed, relieved when your vitals finally returned to normal, your heart beating steadily after what seemed like forever. 
The Doctor came out, glancing up at the others, but unable to say anything helpful he silently left, leaving the others to stare into your room as your pale body. Having nothing to do but hope for you to wake up.
You slowly woke up, your ears adjusting to the sounds around you, quiet beeping next to you, hushed voices nearby. The sound of birds outside wherever you were. You felt yourself lying in a bed, blankets covering you, something was on your finger, and you could feel wires on your arm. Your chest was tight and it hurt to breath.
It took another moment for you to realize that you were actually awake. As you slowly opened your eyes you saw the hospital room around you, your eyes falling on the Nurse changing some bags near you.
You tried to talk but all that came out was a quiet groan, gaining the attention of the nurse. She smiled at you “You’re awake. You did it”
After she gave you some water you could finally speak, though your voice was still a little hoarse, your throat soar after having tubes to help you breathe. 
The nurse had left and the Doctor came in, checking everything before looking at you with a smile “You’re lucky to be alive, you almost didn’t make it”
“I’ve been told I’m pretty stubborn” you said through a tired smile.
“I believe that” he paused for a moment “You had some friends waiting for you, would it be okay if they came in?”
You nodded and waiting as the Doctor left. The others all looked up hopefully as the Doctor came out, he smiled at them “Agent l/n is awake” The others all gasped in relief and happiness “Would you like to see them?”
You looked up as everyone entered, Angela, Booth, Hodgins and Bones. You smiled at them “Hey guys”
“Hey sweetie” Angela said, tears in her eyes as she approached and gently hugged you “How are you feeling?”
“Okay. Tired”
“The others are coming back to the hospital to see you, they were so happy to hear that you were awake” Hodgins said as he walked to your side.
Booth came up before squeezing your hand and meeting your eyes “I’m sorry I wasn’t there Y/n”
“Don’t. Don’t do that. It was no one’s fault but my own. I wasn’t fast enough”
“But you got him, you did. He’s in prison for the rest of his life because of you”
You shook your head, correcting him “Because of us”
Booth nodded and smiled at you “Just promise you’ll never do that again”
You let out the closest thing to a chuckle you could “I promise”
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maximoff-pan · 7 years
Routines (Lance Sweets x Reader) Kiss Prompts
Request: Can I request Lance Sweets with 7 from the kiss prompts list please? :)
Prompt: 7. routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing
Taglist: @pillow223
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Working on cases with the FBI and the Jeffersonian could leave you not seeing your boyfriend for hours, even though you work in the same building, his office being right beside yours.
Somehow the two of you would always find the time to pop in and say a quick 'hello,' to each other.
You heard your office door open and close as you searched through files trying to make a profile of your killer.
"Hey babe." Lance walked over to you leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. Unconsciously, you leaned up slightly without looking up from your work to quickly kiss him back. This was a very common occurrence in your relationship, a routine almost.
"Hey Lance." You smiled slightly looking up from your work. "You make any progress?"
"Nothing." He huffed. "This profile is really starting to get on my nerves."
"How about we grab some take out and put our minds together." You watched as Lance's lips moved into a lazy smile.
"Sounds wonderful.” He sighed. “I mean, two geniuses are better than one."
"Exactly." You smirked as you grabbed your phone to call the Chinese restaurant across the street.
  You began to realize how much your relationship was based on your routines. You shook your head lightly trying not to psychoanalyze your relationship with your boyfriend, when you looked up to see the goofy smile on Lance’s face.
Lance reached over for a hug, resting his head on your shoulder. "As long as I've got you, and delicious take out, we'll solve this case in no time."
You giggled happily into his chest. "Yes we will."
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Coming Out
Title: Coming Out
Pairing: Bones team x reader
Based off this anon request:
Could you please do an imagine where you're gay and come out to the bones squad?
A/N: I would really love feedback on this one. This is not something I have struggled with, so I’m hoping I portrayed it correctly. Thanks for requesting! XOXOXO
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You’d been struggling for months with your sexuality. You weren’t really sure how to tell the ones closest to you or how they would react. Would the still love you? Would they accept you? It started to affect you while you were working at the Jeffersonian. Angela was the first to notice.
“Honey, are you okay?” She asked you honestly in her office.
“Huh? Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” You brushed her off.
“Are you sure? You’re starting to seem really distant. You haven’t been out with the team in a while.” She rubbed your shoulder. 
“I’m good. Honest.” You smiled at her.
“Hey, Y/N!” Aubrey ran over to you. “Are you busy this weekend?”
“I don’t think so. Why?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I have this friend that I think you would be perfect for.” He winked.
“Uh, I don’t really think I’m up for that sort of thing.” You shrugged.
“You sure? You guys would totally hit it off.”
“I appreciate it, but I’m good. Thanks.”
When you walked into work one day, the lab was practically empty. You looked around and didn’t find anyone until you looked in Angela’s office. Everyone was seated around waiting for you.
“Y/N, have a seat.” Angela motioned for you to sit next to her. “Now, don’t freak out, but a lot of us are worried about you. You’re very distant lately and you’ve barely spoken to any of us over the last few weeks.”
“If there’s something going on, you know you can tell us.” Hodgins chimed in.
“We all think that you are highly intelligent and charming and such wonderful things.” Dr. Brennan added.
You were so moved by all their words that you started crying.
“Oh, honey.” Angela handed you a tissue. “We didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“It’s true. I’ve been going through something and I’ve been trying to do it alone.” You took a deep breath. “I’m… gay.” You looked around trying to gauge their reactions.
“That’s great, Y/N. You know you can tell us anything anytime. This doesn’t change how we see you.” Angela rubbed your back.
“I feel so much better.” You laughed. “I was really worried that you wouldn’t receive it well.”
“Hey, you’re our Y/N. We love you no matter what.” Booth stood up and hugged you.
Everyone gathered around you and gave you a hug. They all told you that you would get through this rough patch and be truly happy now that you were honest
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