#jade liebes
strawberryserpent · 2 years
Ich war ja schon auf vielen, VIELEN Konzerten aber Felix hat einfach so ne stage presence like no other...
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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'American Idol' Contestant Quits Show The best part of American Idol is always going to be the auditions, showcasing a range of unexpected talent and pure delusion. Sara Beth Liebe, a 25-year-old mother of three from California, was a classic case of "don't judge a book by its cover," wowing the judges with her rich voice. However, she was always a bit hesitant to proceed, citing her children as a worry.This past weekend, the highly anticipated first Hollywood round took place to determine who will go on to the live tapings. Liebe stunned the judges with a chilling rendition of The Police's classic "Roxanne," but that hesitation returned. "I feel like I’m not gonna win the show anyway, so I might as well go home," Liebe said to what appeared to be a producer trying to figure out how the young singer was feeling. "I’ve been a mom since I was 18. I’ve been married since I was 18. … I don’t think I realized quite how hard it would be to be away from my kids. They’re all still really young. … There is a lot of guilt when you leave your kids to do something completely selfish."Liebe then announced that she was quitting to a panel of shocked judges. Katy Perry wanted to make things right, attempting to talk her out of giving up a big opportunity. "I know life is scary," Perry said. "I also know that it’s easier to walk away than to be rejected. But then, I also know that you lose out on your fullest potential. And I know that you love your family … I know that as a mother, but remember: Self-love is just as big as motherly love. Don’t leave the competition."Related | Katy Perry Accused of 'Mom Shaming' By 'American Idol' ContestantNonetheless, Liebe decided to stick to her decision and leave. "I’m really humbled and grateful, and Katy had some really nice things to say. It would be nice if my kids were a little older. I understand how big of an opportunity this is,” Liebe said as she left. “But I still kind of want to get home. I am sure when I get home, I will regret it and be like, ‘Man, you should have stayed.’”Liebe previously went viral for calling out Perry's comments made during her audition. When the "Teenage Dream" singer pretended to pass out on the table, Beth said, "If Katy lays on the table, I think I’m going to pass out!" Perry replied, "Honey, you’ve been laying on the table too much!" Perry sparked backlash for "mom shaming" and "slut shaming." Liebe also took to TikTok to respond, saying that the joke "wasn't super kind" and explaining that it was "embarrassing to have that on TV." @sarabethliebe Well. I didnt think id be making this video, but i just wanted to say a couple things since im being flooded with articles and comments/messages about this. Photo courtesy of ABC https://www.papermag.com/american-idol-quit-2659717945.html
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bytedykes · 1 month
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[ID: Sketch of Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen. They both have bubbles around their heads to indicate they're drunk. Xichen also has little flowers. Xichen has hooked his arm through Wangji's. He holds liebing in his fist and yells very excitedly, "DIDI!!! We have to go fight yaoguai!!! We have to go right now!!!!" Wangji, meanwhile, has a zoned-out empty expression as he imagines himself and Wei Wuxian making out. /end ID]
i have had the twin jades. on my miiind
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emperor covered in linens
lan wangji has been searching for his brother for three months, long enough to lose his faith half a dozen times, if lan wangji were someone who lost his faith.
lan xichen returns to cloud recesses stumbling, staggering up the mountain. the guards on duty before the feeble new wards barely recognize him, at first.
lan xichen returns - bruises beneath the eyes, startlingly thin, and without a golden core.
the first gentlemen of the cultivation world, the first in generations to challenge wen ruohan's goal to cultivate to immortality: of course wen ruohan had sent his son wen chao with the core-crushing hand to hunt him down, bring him down from the arrogant heights of power and admiration the lans sought to achieve. to diminish him, the better to humiliate the lan sect, and all their possible allies.
lan xichen kneels before the elders and apologizes for losing the treasured books of the lan sect, and all the effort put into his abilities.
he is, lan wangji thinks, hollowed out in a very true sense. an empty house of a man, and empty face with two coal-bright eyes, staring up at the elders, at lan qiren, at lan wangji. it hurts, hurts to look at him.
there is naturally no longer a place for him at the head of the sect: lan wangji must succeed him, under their uncle's guidance. lan xichen apologizes to all their ancestors. lan xichen requests to be permitted to dwell in seclusion, and not bring greater shame to their people.
he apologizes to lan wangji, too. bows lower than he ever has to his younger brother, for altering his life so sharply, failing to protect him as he had always striven to.
"brother should not bow," lan wangji says. he holds his brother's arms in both hands, presses his tongue against his teeth to avoid biting out something too sharp about their lightness, the narrow slant of bones beneath the light seclusion robes.
"there is no need for bowing, between brother," lan wangji says: and lan xichen, zewu-jun, the first gentleman of the cultivation world, lays his head on his brother's shoulder, very silently. makes heavy with salt lan wangji's brocade robes, and shakes, horribly.
there is nowhere in him lan wangji can lay a gentle hand without causing him pain; he feels sick, sick with it, all the comfort he does not like to give and would burn nightless city whole to be able to offer now.
something hardens, grows terrible and dire as steel, all through the next days and months, watching how the grass on the way to the hanshi remains untrodden but for his feet most of the day.
the lan sect, so proud of its first jade, so quick to beat and whip and punish him from first childhood into his immaculate manners, his faultless talents: they turn their back on him so quickly.
cloud recesses is burned, barely standing; all hands are needed, and his uncle chides him often for spending too long with his brother, in a room that ought to belong to the sect leader, and which lan wangji refuses to occupy. lan xichen will not be moved from the hanshi to the infirmary, will not be exiled from his house, the one he decorated with such care for feng shui of on his fifteenth year.
lan wangji does not know how to ask, how to question: but he knows the sect principles, and all the disciplines that call for some better righteousness than this.
if the healers are not inclined to continue their care strigently, then lan wangji will do it himself. brings his brother salves and pills, plays healing songs until the ache in his muscles eases, his fever lowers, his weeping eases.
lan wangji does his sect heir duties, which are more plentiful, and less suitable to his temperament; and then he does what he can, every day. brings his brother ink from the place in caiyi he favours, and tea. brings music and company, and sits with him on the steps to the garden their father planted, when lan xichen cannot lift liebing from his lap to his lips, cannot bear to produce beauty without usefulness.
there are wounds on lan xichen that take so much longer to heal than they ever had before.
lan xichen does not know how to move inside his skin, how to account for the long healing of broken bones. he is too ashamed to ask for help from anyone, to heal anew the injuries he opens again: lan wangji has to insist. it is not a burden. brother is not a burden.
he does not know how to ask - only learns how to walk a little louder, and more more slowly, so lan xichen will not startle. it is not hard, only different. they have always been careful with each other. they hace always been gentle - lan xichen taught him how, at least.
lan xichen is all out of gentleness for himself, now. he strives to meditate, shaking with pain to attempt to be upright; tries to punish himself for the weakness of the body he cannot escape.
it frightens lan wangji, in a more concrete and visceral way than his disappearance had. he does not know how to do this. he does not know -
lan wangji does not ask how his brother escaped the wen's custody. what they did to him. for how long; how badly. when he was questioned, lan xichen spoke of an abetter, a conspirator; but would name no one, refused that if nothing else to the elders.
lan wangji's brother bleeds, bleeds through his linens. it was a magical sword that struck him, many times: his leg is brother, his back. his sword arm is broken, and was to be cut; wen chao had meant to do it just before he presented him as a spoil of victory wen ruohan's throne room, as a filial gift.
wen chao had meant for the limb to be fresh, without need for conservation talismans; for the smell of blood to be that much more vivid. it was, wen chao told lan xichen many times, his father's favourite fragrance.
lan wangji knows these things, now. learns them through many long vigils. his brother speaks without being asked, without clarity, on nights when the pain sweeps through him without reprieve, and none of lan wangji's exemplary musical cultivation can seep through his ruined meridians to bring some reprieve to his fever.
wei ying, he thinks, a dozen and a hundred times. helpless, helplessly swallowing back tears, anger, tears again. wei ying, wherever you are, please live. please be well. do not leave the world, be safe.
a hundred and dozen times he nearly writes to lotus pier. lan xichen's condition has been determined to be a sect secret; lan wangji puts brush to paper, lets it blot out the empty space where his words do not exist.
a summons comes, the threat implicit in every character, the mocking derision mortifyingly clear. lan wangji is to attend a gathering of young cultivators in nightless city: wen ruohan kindly excuses his older brother from attending, being as he is no longer one such.
lan wangji burns it with a flare of barely restrained spiritual power. even lan quiren cannot scold him for it with any conviction.
"i shall tell brother," lan wangji says, and leaves before barely excusing himself. all things considered, he does not think he will be punishing himself very badly for his lack of courtesy.
it is early enough to find his brother steeping his first tea of the day.
the order has been for a screen to be raised in front of the hanshi's door, for discretion, to keep out the cold air from his sick lungs, to keep out stray eyes to his unsightly form. wangji can see him, very clearly, in the first light of the day, uncurling a hidden scroll from the bottom of his kettle, where a cluster of leaves has opened with the heat to reveal a rare blossom.
do not sow discord. do not say one thing and mean another. do not break faith and abandon right.
lan wangji hesitates. his feet over the cool grass grow damp before he walks to the other side of the screen.
the message his brother is holding up to the light would be indecipherable to him, even if the papers were not stained by tea and enchanted to confuse the eyes of those it is not written for. he can read the quick, keen light in his brother's eyes much more easily.
"i will miss you, wangji," lan xichen says, very softly. "please take care. please keep well. we shall see each other soon."
lan wangji does not ask how his brother knows of the summons. he has not asked, very carefully.
he does not ask now, either. his brother had been made into the image of benevolence, which is to say wisdom, which is to say he acts only deliberately, from a distance, a height, with a careful image of effortlessness.
the best leader, the principles agree, ought not to act, to act only as if he were doing nothing at all, unperceived. lan wangji has not done well, in becoming his brother's successor. it is very, very difficult. his brother had been an excellent cultivator, a great gentleman.
lan xichen lifts his face to him. it is early, the early hour lan wangji has carved out of his horrible schedule to visit his brother in the morning; the sky over the mountain is charchoal-dark, smudged, loose around the edges.
cloud recesses is burned, repairing itself slowly, warily waiting another attack. no other sect has reached out to them to offer aid; they have not asked for it, not permitted it.
it would only cause them to be targets to the wen's violence, all the quicker. nonetheless, the nie have written. addressed their letters to zewu-jun, all of them; lan wangji has been glad, selfishly glad, for the excuse to force the world a little further inside the hanshi, lest his brother truly close his doors to it without regret.
lan wangji ought, perhaps, not have worried. this house, that was once his father's, has been his brother's since he was fifteen.
zewu-jun looks up. smiles his flower-blooming smile at him. for the first time in months, a faltering thing, achingly slow beneath the whip marks marring the lovely lines of his cheeks - but it is a kindness lan xichen can give them both.
and lan xichen has always done best with some kindness to give. lan xichen has always been lan wangji's older brother, the one who apologized for failing to be able to protect him, broken fingers gripping tightly at lan wangji's robes.
he has no spiritual energy to burn his spy report, but there is an incense burner at the ready beside his teacup.
the smell of the sodden paper burning is thick in the air, a little cloying, ink-dark. they sit down together, the twin jades of lan, letting the tea grow cold to watch the steam rise over their heads.
something eases in lan wangji's shoulders. he breathes in, a little easier.
"i will take care," he says. his heart, pressing against his throat, is immense and alive with pride, a burning faith. in this, if nothing else; in him, if no one else. "wangji promises."
he bows low, on his way out. a vassal to their sect leader, a filial brother to his elder. lan xichen taps him lightly with the side of his crutches, lifts him up, gives him his blessings.
wen ruohan's deputy cuts his arm off, before killing him. lan wangji wraps it carefully, to send to gusu, the very night of victory.
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lanwangjihouse · 2 years
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tag of the week:
#Lan sync ⋯ and wwx in his boy's underwear ⋯ noodling about ⋯ welcome to the future of the Lan sect  ❋   @fishwink
#obsessed with the way the jades match and complement each other ⋯ like it’s clear very frequently of course but right here in this tiny moment next to WWX? ⋯ they step down on the same foot within a millisecond of each other and he comes just a bit behind on the opposite foot ⋯ LWJ’s clothes look like they bleached LXC’s and slapped them on him (elegantly) ⋯ and then of course WWX is strikingly different in his black and red with just LWJ’s undershirt for the pop of white ⋯ hair? identical. posture? identical even tho LWJ doesn’t have anything to hold in his left hand and LXC has liebing  ❋ @eleanorfenyx
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scrapyardboyfriends · 1 month
the whole already messaging on an app thing just being mentioned is not enough to build up this supposed connection they have. i cannot get over how lazy the writing of this is. you've already mentioned so many better ways they could have played this. like making aaron mention to people he's been talking to someone online, showing the messages, showing aaron clearly developing some feelings and THEN it turning out to be john would be so much better. i don't know why there has to be angst attached to this. they could make this actually a little said, have john be jaded but nice/realise aaron is robert's ex then have john be mean as part of like self-preservation even though he does like aaron. have them build that up and make the audience root for them. sighhhhh
Borrow from Christian and Oli from Verboten Liebe and have them messaging on the app bonding over grief and loss from his army days and all of Aaron's many losses but Aaron's not ready to meet up yet and here comes John into the village, still being closed off and kind of a jerk but we see that this is the guy Aaron has been messaging so we already know that he's not what he seems, but in a good way. We see them clash without the romantic pressure and with perhaps less manufactured hostility and then slowly bond in real life and become friends and then one of them discovers that it's the other they've been messaging and either it's Aaron and he has to navigate his feelings about the Robert of it all while trying to get John to open up in real life or it's John and he has to navigate knowing Aaron knows all about him and how to move past the Robert of it all so they can try dating.
So like a more angsty You've Got Mail.
I mean it'd be hard to pull off in an Emmerdale formate cause I feel like you'd need voiceovers or something and that's just not quite their style but if they didn't have it last so long maybe they could do something a little special for it.
But yeah...any kind of actual on screen build up to make this work better would be you know...nice.
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nicxl333 · 1 year
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i’ll be missing you—kunigami x fem!reader
meine liebe, meine schönheit, meine liebe— kaiser x reader
baby you sold me a dream— various bllk boys x reader
baby you sold me a dream pt.2— various bllk boys x reader
baby you sold me a dream pt.3– various bllk boys x reader
my love, my everything— isagi yoichi x black reader
nsfw alphabet
itoshi sae
itoshi rin
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meeting in my bedroom— nanami x fem!reader
laundry antics— gojo x fem!reader
back to you— sukuna x reader
separate ways— geto x fem!reader
nanami x jealous!reader
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jade abacus— jing yuan x reader
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lustful tendencies— wriothesley x reader
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rosethornewrites · 6 months
NR, E, & M reading since 3/9
Not Rated:
Jiang sect turn into birds, by nirejseki
Prompt: Along with forming a golden core most cultivators gain the ability to shapeshift. What they shift into depends on the cultivator, but there are certain tendencies in bloodlines. Jiang Cheng has shifted exactly once in absolute privacy. He didn't stay shifted after finding scales and claws instead of feathers and wings, some sort of reptile from the Yu bloodline. He's since been pretending not to be able to shift at all, but you can only deny your nature for so long.
A-Ying, by MissCellophane
Baby Wei Wuxian finds something in an alleyway
A Nephew's Forgiveness, by KarenF (2nd in a series)
Jin Ling gets the opportunity to mend his relationship with his Uncle Wei. There are tears of regret and pain, but there are tears of happiness too!
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence, by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (9 chapters)
Unwilling to leave any possible advantage on the table, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji dual cultivate before fighting the Xuanwu of Slaughter, accidentally creating something in the process.
Beset by violence, misfortune, and tragedy in the months that follow, Wei Wuxian quietly bears the consequences.
That "Wangji" guy's profile pic was obviously fake, but Wei Ying admired his art skills, by KizuKatana 🔒, 2 chapters)
Wei Ying put on his best smile, which had never failed him in the past, and rapidly tried to make the mental pivot from ‘meeting an awesome if slightly dishonest graphic artist’ to ‘trying to hook up with the hottest man ever to have existed’.
Never let it be said that Wei Ying’s mind was not a thing of infinite agility, when given the right incentive.
- - -
Wei Ying had just finished an intense, two-month project and was looking forward to going back home. After a cancelled flight, he decided to try to find some companionship to take his mind off spending yet another day in his empty hotel room. He didn't know anyone in town, so he used a hookup app and came across a profile picture that is OBVIOUSLY fake, but the art was amazing. Wei Ying decided to messege the guy and meet up, planning to call him out for the fake pic but mostly he just wanted to talk to the guy about what program he used to make the image.
It turns out, the image wasn't a fake.
Away from Trouble, by Ilona22 (🔒, reread)
An overheard conversation changes the way Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian part before he ascends Baoshan Sangren's mountain.
From that point onwards, things go differently.
Jilted By A Jade, by Liebing (5 chapters)
The woman behind the bar squinted at him as she dried the inside of a cup, then her eyes widened in realisation. “Are you…you can’t be who I think you are!”
Wei Ying winced and waited for the accusations to roll off her tongue…‘You’re the Yiling Patriarch who eats babies’ or ‘You’re the Yiling Patriarch who makes crops wither and die just by looking at them’ or…
“You’re that Yiling Patriarch that was jilted by the high and mighty Hanguang Jun!”
Contingency Plan, by krispy_kream
“You’ll still love me when we’re old and ugly, right?” Wei Wuxian asks. “We’ll have each other while everyone else is busy with their kids and their dogs and annoying in-laws.”
And Lan Wangji asks, "Why Wait?”
Not Rated:
Pin the tail on the fox, by RMoonberry
Three years after his death, Wei Wuxian is reincarnated as an ordinary fox.
The life as a fox is simple, but after losing his papa Fox, he somehow ends up in the deep forests of Cloud Recess.
between shield and sword, by shuofthewind (🔒)
Jiang Yanli has settled into her role as the eldest and most useless child of the Jiang when her mother's sister arrives at Lotus Pier with a proposal: accompany her on her final journey around the cultivation world, make connections with current sect leaders and their heirs, and maybe make a friend or two.
Their first stop on the journey? Yunping.
In which Jiang Yanli has a chance encounter with Meng Yao and his mother before he leaves Yunping for Lanling, and the consequences reach far beyond what anyone anticipated.
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
Temptation, by Karmiya
When his brother's sudden death in the waning hours of the Sunshot Campaign leaves Lan Wangji sect leader, he has to adapt rapidly to his new role. Getting through the war itself was the easy part, however; for Lan Wangji, navigating the world of politics is far harder. When, at the flower banquet, Wei Wuxian approaches him and offers advice, Lan Wangji sets aside their old argument over his cultivation, and the two of them are finally able to grow closer.
Lan Wangji starts to wonder if Wei Wuxian ever was in jest with his 'flirtations' as a boy, and hopes that he can now approach the man he loves more openly, since he is sect leader and no one can now gainsay his choice of cultivation partner. But the very thing which permits him to court Wei Wuxian also holds him back: after all, can even the seemingly irrepressible Wei Wuxian really refuse a sect leader?
Though he is determined to resist temptation and court Wei Wuxian slowly and subtly, Lan Wangji feels doubt as time goes on. Something is very wrong at Lotus Pier, and it isn't only Lan Wangji who begins to feel that perhaps the safest option is to tempt Wei Wuxian away from Yunmeng Jiang as quickly as possible.
i have built a future in my mind, by LoopyLiesey (🔒)
While sleeping, Cangse Sanren receives a visit from Baoshan Sanren, and a vision of the future that will befall her son if she does nothing.
What Cangse Sanren sees cannot be allowed to happen. She will protect her son, from those she once called called friends, and even from himself if she needs to.
Dreams of Paradise, by Hauntcats
This on begins during the siege of the Burial Mound. Wei Ying is trying to destroy or nullify the tiger seal before anyone else can get it. The results don’t work out quite how he thought they would. His essence is trapped in between time where he witnesses different scenes of the lives of those he cares about. (The 13? 16? Years when he was dead.)
Then he wakes up in a place he didn't expect.
Once again, not Jiang friendly. If you don't like that, please, don't read.
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
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So when I read this scene
On the wooden hallway before the cottage's doors was a vase of white jade. Inside the vase were lotus seed pods of varying heights. The jade vase was slender and the pod stems were slender as well. It was quite a beautiful scene.
Lan XiChen put Liebing away and sat down before the vase. Tilting his head, he looked at it for a while, hesitating. In the end, with much reservation, he chose not to take one secretly and peel it open to determine just what tasted different about lotus seed pods with their stems attached.
If WangJi looked so happy, they must be quite a delicacy indeed.
I thought OMG ZHANNY BOY! give your brother a Lotus seed with stems! He ordered you Lotus seeds because you talked about it yesterday!
But then I remembered that Lan Xichen will land himself a Yunmeng boy, too and they'll live together in Yunping for a while, and his boyfriend will give him as many Lotus seeds as he wants (and they can financially afford). LWJ can keep his lotus seed with stems.
And this led to my first digital art... With fingers. On my phone. Which must be the most tonally inconsistent drawing ever.
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felixkummer-fake · 1 year
Liebes SZ-Familientrio,
ständig bin ich auf nem Konzert wo der Mann mir vorsingt, dass die Welt besser wäre, wenn wir uns küssen würden. Trotzdem küsst er mich nicht. Was kann man da tun?
Jade G.
fragt das SZ-Familientrio um Rat
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gold-nblush · 1 year
Queen of Purgatory
Es waren nun mehrere Monate vergangen, seit sie das getan hatte, was ihr selbst und allen anderen auch unmöglich erschienen war. Sie wusste zwar, dass ihr diese Fähigkeit zugesprochen wurde, aber bis an jenem Tag war es keine Realität gewesen. Eine Realität, die sie nachts in ihren Träumen heimsuchte und tagsüber ihre Gedanken in Dunkelheit hüllten. Das einzige, was sie bis dato immer zum Lächeln bringen konnte, und ihren Geist ins hier und jetzt zurückziehen konnte, war der Anblick ihrer Tochter. Das Mädchen war mittlerweile ein richtiges Kleinkind geworden, bewegte sich sicher auf ihren Füßen und konnte ohne Worte ausdrücken, was sie wollte. Ihre verschiedenfarbigen Augen studierten musternd die Umgebung und waren stets wachsam. Lovis war sich sicher, dass ihr kleines Mädchen viel mehr mitbekam, wusste und verstand, als die meisten Menschen es jemals konnten. Sie war besonders – so besonders, dass andere immer wieder ein Auge auf sie warfen und das Mädchen in größerer Gefahr war, als Lovis geahnt hatte. Dennoch war es ihre Aufgabe als Mutter, ihre Tochter mit allem zu beschützen, was sie ausmachte. Dafür kämpfte die Göttin mit allem, was ihr in die Hände gekommen war. Passend dazu klimperte das goldene Armband, verziert mit einer Unzahl von funkelnden Kristallen, in denen sich das Licht brach und die Regenbogenfarben in allen Richtungen von den Steinen strahlten. Lovis spürte das Verlangen, sich das Armband von dem Handgelenk zu schieben, woraufhin sich dieses verformte und sie einen Griff zu spüren kam, welches in einer langen, glühenden Klinge mündete. Ein beständiges Summen, ein Pulsieren im Gleichklang ihres Herzschlages, ging von dem Artefakt aus. Einige Worte waren in einer schnörkeligen Schrift, ihrer Handschrift, in griechisch in die Klinge eingraviert worden. Ich bin immer das, was du gerade brauchst. Genau so kam es auch – und es hatte alles verändert. Eine Sekunde unaufmerksam zu sein, konnte bedeuten, alles zu verlieren. Eine Sekunde, in der sie den Blick nicht auf Seth gerichtet hatte, sondern ihre Augen in Richtung Ghost gewandert waren. In dieser Sekunde hatte Seth es geschafft, sich aus den Ranken und Wurzeln der Bäume zu winden, und sich auf den Drachen, der zuvor der Kolibri Jade gewesen war,  zu stürzen, auf dessen Schulter das schreiende Mädchen saß. Rhosyns panisches Kreischen war das Einzige, was noch eine Rolle spielte. Lovis konnte sehen, wie Seths gierige Pranken und die Tentakeln seiner dunklen Energie sich um die Pfoten des Feuerdrachen wandten, damit er nach dem Mädchen greifen konnte, welches einerseits eine einnehmende Angst vor dem Mann hatte, aber sich ebenso in ihm wieder erkannte. Wenn er sie in die Finger bekam, wäre sie verloren und Lovis würde sie nie wieder sehen: erst dann, wenn es schon zu spät war und die Seele des Mädchens vollkommen mit Verdorbenheit besudelt wurde. Er würde sie brechen – und er würde Lovis damit alles nehmen, was für sie eine Bedeutung hatte. Rhosyn war ihr Antrieb, um die Welt zu retten. Rhosyn war ihr Kind, ihr eigen Fleisch und Blut. Alles, was ihr Kraft gab, wurde ergründet in der Liebe, die diese Mutter für ihre Tochter empfand. So passierte es einfach. Das Artefakt, was sich als Schwert in einer Hölle befunden hatte, wandelte sich zu einem Bogen. Lovis spannte, ohne einen Gedanken zu verschwenden, einen Pfeil aus Akasha, der Urquelle jeder göttlichen Magie, die sie befehligen und kontrollieren konnte, und schoss diesen ab. Seth, der das nicht hatte kommen sehen, stürzte zu Boden, sodass Jade sich aus seinen Fängen lösen konnte. Hastig rappelte sie sich auf, fing das Mädchen auf, welches fast zu Boden gestürzt war und beschützte sie mit ihren riesigen Flügeln, dessen metallisch-schillernden Schuppen an die Federn erinnerten, die sonst den Kolibri schmückten. Der Pfeil aus purem Akasha, ein Licht so weiß und strahlend, dass man daran erblinden konnte, steckte nach wie vor in dem Rücken des Mannes, der von dieser Energie so geschwächt war, dass er sich nicht rühren konnte, als Lovis die Distanz zu ihm überbrückte, ohne den Blick von ihm abwenden zu können. Der Schmerz, der in ihr brodelte, war zu groß, als dass sie sich diesem widersetzen konnte. Seth hatte sie benutzt. Er hatte den Körper der jungen Frau mit dunkler Magie besudelt, sodass ein Teil seiner DNA in ihrem Körper gefangen war. Es wartete auf dem richtigen Zeitpunkt, um sich zu vereinen. Dieser Zeitpunkt war gegeben, nachdem sie aus Zuneigung und tiefgreifender Freundschaft eine ihrer besten Freundinnen geheiratet hatte, sich in einen menschlichen Mann verliebt hatte und in ihr der Wunsch aufkam, eine eigene Familie zu gründen. Diese Faktoren hatten zusammengespielt, sodass das Kind, welches einst von dem Mann sein sollte, den sie geliebt hatte, keine Chance hatte jemals zu existieren. Sobald die Befruchtung stattfand, wurde alles von dem menschlichen Vater ausgelöscht. Seths Gene waren dominant und überschatteten alles, sodass die Liebe zwischen ihr und den Mann zwangsläufig zu Bruch gegangen war. Denn Lovis liebte das Kind, welches in ihrem Leib heranwuchs. Zwar betrauerte sie manchmal auch, dass das, was sie hätte haben können, verloren war, aber mit Rhosyn wuchs jemand in ihr heran, der so besonders und einzigartig war, dass sie den Schutz brauchte, den nur jemand wie Lovis ihr schenken konnte. Die Liebe zu ihrer Tochter war immer gegeben, aber zeitgleich hasste sie Seth mit einer Inbrunst, wie sie nie zuvor gehasst hatte. Er hatte sie aufgerissen, sie gefoltert und ihr das entrissen, was sie ausgemacht hatte. Tagelang war sie seine Gefangene gewesen. Damals hatte sie nicht gewusst, wer sie wirklich war. Ihre Kräfte waren noch mit Barrikaden ihres Vaters errichtet worden, sodass sie keinen Zugriff hatte und sich nicht gegen die Folter wehren konnte, die ihr angetan worden war. Zwar hatte ihr Vater sie daraus befreit, aber die Tortur hatte tiefe Narben hinterlassen. Seelisch. Aber auch körperlich, obwohl sie nie zuvor jemals eine Narbe am Körper getragen hatte. Dass er ihren Körper misshandelt hatte, konnten nur diejenigen sehen, denen sie emotional und körperlich nahe kommt. Denn er hatte ihren Brustkorb geöffnet. Das tiefe, wulstige Narbengewebe formte ein umgekehrtes Kreuz zwischen ihren Brüsten und unter diesen entlang. Damals heilte sie langsamer – und wenn sie zu sehr verschlossen war, öffnete er sie immer und immer wieder, um das Leuchten zu sehen, welches dann ungehemmt aus ihr heraus strömte. Goldenes, silbernes und weißes Licht, so schön und strahlend, dass sie bei dem Anblick, sowohl Liebe, wie auch tiefsten Schmerz empfand. Deswegen fühlte sie keine Reue und keine Gnade in ihrem Körper, als sie das Artefakt, welches unlängst wieder zu ihrem Schwert geworden war, anhob, um seinen Kopf vom Körper abzutrennen. Der Kopf rollte weg, während der Körper zuckte. Dieser Tod war jedoch anders, als alles andere. Die letzten Worte, die sie zu ihm sagte, versprachen etwas anderes. Denn Lovis hatte seine Seele nicht zurück in den Hades geschickt. Er würde weder in den Tartaros kommen, um dort für seine Sünden gerade zu stehen, um irgendwann die Möglichkeit zu bekommen, wieder ein neues Leben zu beginnen, wenn Lethe das möchte. Er sollte niemals die Chance haben, Erlösung im Elyisum zu finden. Deswegen schickte sie seine Seele dorthin, wo vorher noch niemand gewesen war. In die Leere. Das Nichts, aus welchem kein Entkommen möglich war. Ein Reich, welches Lovis eigens erschuf, als sie den Erzeuger ihres Kindes dahin verbannte. Während sie das leichte Gewicht des Schwertes in ihrer Hand ausbalancierte, dachte sie an den Moment, an das Gefühl, welches sie in sich getragen hatte, als sie Seth ins Nichts verbannte. An diesen alles verzehrenden Hass, der sie von innen ausgefressen hatte. Nicht nur das lag ihr schwer auf den Schultern, sondern auch das neue Schicksal, welches damit einhergegangen war. Das Fegefeuer war nun ohne Herrscher – und sie hatte erfahren, dass die Macht des Herrschers auf denjenigen überging, der den Tod des vorherigen herbeigeführt hatte. So war sie nun Erbin zweier Throne. Sie konnte sich dafür entscheiden, die Blutkrone zu tragen und auf dem Aschethron zu sitzen. In einem Reich, in der Dämonen hausten, die sich von ihrem Blut, dem Äther, ernährten. Sie könnte diese gesammelte Streitkampf nutzen, um die Prophezeiung zu erfüllen, die seit jeher ihr Leben beeinflusste. Zeus zu stürzen und den olympischen Thron zu besteigen, um die Königin aller Götterwesen zu werden. Beides klang nach etwas, was Lovis sich zuvor niemals für ihr Leben gewünscht hatte – und beides musste sie tun, damit sie ihrer Tochter eine sichere Kindheit und ein Leben in Frieden schenken konnte.  Obwohl die Dunkelheit, die Finsternis, die im Fegefeuer die Urquelle der Magie war, zum Teil mit ihrem Körper verbunden war, wagte Lovis es sich nicht, diese Magie auch nur zu berühren. Sie flüsterte ihren Namen und riss sie nachts aus dem Schlaf. Sie rief nach ihr und wollte, dass sie benutzte. Sie wollte, dass Lovis sich mir ihr verband und ihre Kräfte weiter stärkte, aber Lovis konnte dieser Quelle der Magie nicht vertrauen – und sie vertraute ganz und gar nicht darauf, dass sie danach noch die Person war, die sie heute war. Doch, das Rufen wird immer lauter. Die Finsternis schrie ihren Namen und verlangte danach, dass sie sich den Platz holte, den sie sich verdient hatte. Verdient, als sie den Vater ihres eigenen Kindes getötet hatte.
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wtffanfiction-de · 2 years
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Fandom: Harry Potter
“Liebe Betreffende Personen,
Hier mit wird gezeigt dass alle Betreffende Personen einverstanden für diese Adoption sind,
und es wird gezeigt das „Kate Jade“ jetzt Kate Jade Dumbledore heißt,
und es wird gezeigt das Albus Dumbledore jetzt eine Tochter hat und zwar Kate Jade Dumledore.”
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cysalion · 2 years
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✨„Folge Deinem Stern“, denn die Liebe ist ein wahrlich unermesslicher Schatz. 🫶 So zart und duftend schön, wie eine noch so kleine Blume im Frühling! 🌸 Jade und Caylen wünschen euch allen einen wunderschönen VALENTINSTAG!🌹 . . . #valentinstag #lovers #cinema #moviestar #photooftheday #cysalion #artist #masterpiece #musical #musicals #epic #cinematic #lotr #shire4lyfe #thehobbit #cinematic #iloveyou #liebe #love #lovesongs #lovesong #valentinstagsgeschenk #valentinesday #herz #valentine #valentines #valentinsday #valentinstaggeschenk (hier: Kloster Eberbach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coo4kIhIP3r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lit-works · 2 years
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As I pat my team captain on the back, I notice his expression suddenly turns grim. "What is wrong, Logan?" I ask as the two of us move away from our teammates.
"I smell a fire, Kurt," Wolverine whispers. "A big one "
"The wind is coming in from the west." I note. "There's a U.S. Forest preserve over that way. Do you think it could be a forest fire?"
My friend shakes his head. "No, I smell traces of gasoline fumes, burning rubber, insulation, phosphorous…"
"Phosphorous? You mean like a bomb?"
I look towards the X-Men leader, but Storm is speaking intently with Magneto as he herds the youngsters back inside to attend their studies. I signal Rogue to come over to Wolverine and I.
"What can ah do for you gentlemen?" The young woman asks in her melifluous southern drawl.
"Rogue, I want you to fly over the lake and see if you can spot smoke," Wolverine says.
"All right." She replies, looking at me, puzzled.
I hold her back for a moment, "Just look, Lieb-chen," I say, "Don't get close. The fumes could be dangerous."
"Ah'll be real careful, Shugah." Rogue replies teasingly. She runs a gloved finger up the blue fur along my arm and flashes me one of her dazzling smiles before she starts upwards.
A touch of sadness creeps over me as I watch her fade Into a speck in the sky. Rogue can be a charming flirt, and is quite attractive, but I know it is only her defense against the loneliness that her mutant powers forces upon her. I can't imagine what it would be like to be cursed with her power, to have to avoid touching all human flesh. If she does touch someone, she steals that person's spirit for a time and causes them to lose consciousness. Rogue originally came to the X-Men for help with this precise problem, but so far, no one has been able to discover a way to permanently control the automatic transfer.
"I used to feel sorry for myself," I tell Wolverine. "Because I look so different. But I can not think of any problem worse than Rogue's. At a time in her life when she should be exploring intimacy, she dares not to."
Wolverine shrugs. "She's probably better off than the rest of us."
I eye Wolverine critically. I've seen him heartbroken on many occasions, and yet he hasn't given up on love. I know that beneath his gruff exterior is a man whose soul aches for the true union of body and spirit with another.
"Surely you do not mean that." I whisper quietly.
"Maybe not," He says, watching Rogue land lightly on the balls of her feet like an acrobat, her face flushed with the exhilaration of flying. She is not jaded by this power, even though she uses it constantly.
"The fire's on Obar Island," She announces. "Billowin' clouds o' black stuff. Y'all don't think the sparks could spread the fire over all that water,do ya?"
"Probably not." Wolverine replies.
"Obar Island," I muse. "Isn't there some sort of military base there?"
"Last time I flew over there, about a month ago," Rogue reports. "They were jus' puttin' up some buildin's and postin' it with some real unfriendly signs–all about prosecutin' trespassers and stuff like that."
"Sounds like the army, alright," Wolverine mutters.
Just to be sure, the three of us troop into the school kitchen to use the telephone. I listen as Wolverine reports the fire to the local authorities. He speaks to someone on the other end of the line for a moment, then says, "I see. Okay."
"What did they say?" I ask.
"The situation is under control." Wolverine answers.
"Not really," he replies. "'cause they're lyin'."
"How do you know?" Rogue asks.
"I just do."
I've had enough experience with Wolverine's intuition before. He's not often wrong. I'd be willing to bet he is right now, too. "But why would they lie?" I ask.
"Maybe there's some sort of poisonous gas out there, an' they don't want t' panic the populace." Rogue guesses.
"You've got a vivid imagination, Kid." Wolverine states. "But I don't smell any poison. More likely, the army just doesn't wanna breach security on the island. They'd rather let it burn into the water than bring in outsiders."
I shake my head. Wolverine once worked for the military, and he accepts such things matter-of-factly, but I am still appalled by such a destructive, secretive mentality. "Well?" I ask. "Should we consult with our fearless leader on this one?"
"Ah'll go find her," Rogue offers, and she hurries off to fetch Storm.
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powersteine · 2 months
Waage Geburtssteine: Detaillierte Einführung
Einführung in astrologische Geburtssteine
Astrologische Konstellationen basieren auf dem Geburtsort, Datum und Zeitpunkt und führen zur Zuordnung spezifischer Geburtssteine. Diese Steine sind typischerweise auf die drei Dekaden eines Sternzeichens aufgeteilt, wobei jede Dekade zehn Tage umfasst. Dies entspricht einem Drittel der Gesamtdauer eines Sternzeichens. Jeder Stein in der Dekade beeinflusst bestimmte Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Eigenschaften des Individuums.
Harmonisierende Ausgleichssteine
Für jeden zu stark ausgeprägten Charakterzug gibt es Ausgleichssteine, die in jeder der drei Dekaden gefunden werden können. Diese Steine kommen zum Einsatz, wenn spezifische Sternzeichen-Eigenschaften zu dominant sind und traditionelle Geburtssteine diese weiter verstärken würden.
Das Sternzeichen Waage
Die Waage, einem Luftzeichen zugeordnet und mit dem Herzchakra verbunden, wählt Geburtssteine, die typischerweise in grasgrünen Schattierungen erscheinen. Menschen dieses Sternzeichens suchen nach universeller Liebe sowie innerer und äußerer Harmonie.
Geburtssteine für die Waage nach Dekaden
Erste Dekade der Waage (23. September bis 02. Oktober)
In dieser Phase ist der Peridot der Geburtsstein, der negative Einflüsse positiv umwandelt und die Waage in Konfliktsituationen unterstützt. Dieser Stein fördert die Ausgeglichenheit und unterstützt den ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeitssinn der Waage.
Zweite Dekade: Hauptstein Jade
In der mittleren Dekade zieht die Waage die Jade vor, besonders die aus Myanmar. Diese verstärkt Eigenschaften wie Gerechtigkeitssinn, Vollkommenheit und Ausgeglichenheit und hilft bei der Selbstbestimmung und Gleichberechtigung. Das Tragen der Jade intensiviert das ästhetische Empfinden.
Dritte Dekade der Waage (13. bis 22. Oktober)
Der Smaragd ist der Stein der Wahl für die letzte Dekade der Waage. Er verleiht emotionale Stabilität und fördert den Frieden sowie das ausgeglichene Zusammenleben. Der Smaragd hilft der Waage, genügend Distanz zu wahren, um sich nicht zu sehr für andere aufzuopfern. Eine preiswertere Alternative ist der Aventurin, der zwar schwächer wirkt, aber dennoch Optimismus und Mut fördert und zu einem entspannten, ausgeglichenen Wesen beiträgt.
Geburtsstein September Waage ist ein wesentliches Stichwort, das die Relevanz und spezifische Zuordnung dieser Steine zu diesem Sternzeichen unterstreicht.
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steffen-dilfrael · 1 year
Ich bin ja mit Tabaluga groß geworden und liebe es bis heute. In Tabaluga und das leuchtende schweigen gibt es eine Stelle die mich als Kind unfassbar traumatisiert hat, die ich aber heute sehr mag. Es ist die folgende:
"Sterbend richtete Tyrion sich noch einmal auf. Dicke Tränen rollten aus seinen Augen. 'Tabaluga, wo bist du? Warum habe ich dir nicht geantwortet, als du gefragt hast, was liebe ist? Tabaluga; ich liebe dich.' Tyrion war tot.
Weinend rief Tabaluga: 'Ich komme Vater! Du darfst nicht sterben! Ich hab dich doch lieb.'
In diesem Augenblick erlosch der Jade-Stein. 'Wer wird denn da weinen, junger Herr' der Tod rieb sich dies rusigen Finger, mit denen er ebend noch Tyrions Lebenslicht ausgedrückt hatte. 'Ich habs dir ja ebend eh gesagt, nichts hält ewig, nicht einmal der Tod. Und der hat nur einen Meister, die Liebe. Kopf hoch, schau'n's, da oben wird grade ein neues Sterndl geboren'. Tabaluga trocknete seine Tränen und blickte auf.
Eine Sternschnuppe tauchte in den Abendhimmel und der kleine Drache fühlte, dass er seinen Vater immer lieben würde. In diesem Augenblick blieb die Sternschnuppe wir angenagelt stehen und erstrahlte zu einem richtigen Stern."
Also, für den common Jamie comedic take, als Kind war mein main take out aus dem Ding das der Tod Bayrisch ist und aussieht wie der Graf von Unheilig (der hat den auf Tour gespielt). Aber ich konnt das ganze lange nicht hören ohne komplett nervös zu werden. Heute höre ich die Stelle gerne, also nur diese eine. Ich weiß nicht warum, aber das Tabaluga auf "ich liebe dich" von seinem Vater mit "ich hab dich doch lieb" antwortet macht was mit mir. Das ganze Ding macht was mit mir. Ich weiß nicht was.
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