takenene · 2 years
i've been reading some witcher fic again and it just occurred to me. like right now. that while a spectacularly petty breakup masterpiece it is, burn butcher burn is actually directed at jaskier.
like the whole thing is literally an argument to convince himself that the yearning is pointless.
incredible. it was always a powerful moment but the fact that that's the part of the whole mess he's chosen to weaponize is a whole new level of *chef's kiss*
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reedmurdock · 1 year
Queen of Kings- Jaskier
Summary- Yennefer knows someone who can protect and keep Ciri safe. A certain bard takes a liking to the mage's acquaintance who just so happens to be a queen of outcasts.
TW: none except Jaskier being Jaskier if that's a TW
A/N: Italics are memories or lyrics. 
     Jaskier's voice rang clearly through the tavern. The words he sang came straight from his heart. It was obvious he put a lot of care into this song and the person was important in his life.
     "Her name is she, queen of the kings. Runnin' so fast, beatin' the wind. Nothing in this world could stop the spread of her wings!" Jaskier belted out, "She, queen of the kings. Broken her cage, threw out the keys. She will be the warrior of the North and Southern Seas!"
     Geralt looked at his friend with a, all be it barely noticeable, smile. He knew that Jaskier was in love, and not like his flings, but real love. Geralt didn't know the way humans love, but he knew the way witchers love. And if those ways are anything alike, he knew how Jaskier felt.
     "You're smiling, Geralt," Ciri said, smirking at him. Geralt quickly turned and looked at her, the small smile no longer on his face.
      "I was not," he said. Yennefer laughed, but disguised it as a loud cough.
     "Mhm, sure," Ciri said rolling her eyes and looking at Yennefer. They both smiled at each other because they knew something that neither Jaskier or Geralt knew. They had a surprise for the bard. One that would , hopefully, make him very happy.
The tavern erupted in applause as Jaskier finished his show. He collected the coins and made his was towards his friends in the back of the bar. Ciri gave him a smile told him he did a great job. 
     "I loved the show, darling," a voice from behind the bard said. Jaskier whipped around and came face to face with the Queen of Kings herself. He rushed forward and captured her lips with his. He turned back to his friends who were all smirking. Jaskier's mouth opened and closed a few times before he could get his words to work.
     "You-you knew?! Well of course you why wouldn't you know" Jaskier rambled. The trio exploded in laughter, "You know what, I don't want to know. I'm just glad you got her here."
     Jaskier kissed his love again. 
     "Okay you two. You can do that in your room," Ciri said, but she was glad they were happy
A/N: Let me know if you want a part 2 with a back story to how they met. I might just write it anyway though.
Word Count: 449
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elyuzts-echo · 1 year
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eggcompany · 2 years
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To travel from a heart to heart and back again (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/337084087-to-travel-from-a-heart-to-heart-and-back-again?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=EggCompany&wp_originator=zT4zo6yMwne%2F3EHhTdHiSNVmsHc8YQTJHl7WBvlk4NOnmb1iLcjBJx6KdoXx%2B%2B6D%2BwBWSc0L3SEjyhNyWLmL2x3Q%2B3xFkDAVY%2B%2Byz2OtM95zD0wZwCTJPjMRN1EYsG3Y Count Julian Pankratz, a chronically ill man who has more love than he knows what to do with with his short life. That was until he met his new nursemaid, a mysterious new man in town, Geralt. They grow to love each other, each thriving off each other, each learning to love, to live, to truly feel alive because of each other. Geralt had been around for so long he didn't even know he could love. Julian had been convinced no one would ever love him. Soulmates, they were crafted for each other at their very cores. But unfortunately destiny had other plans. Julian gets sick, he grows weaker and weaker, and he leaves Geralt. The white haired man doesn't know what to do with his empty heart, empty hands, and wish only to bring his one love back. There was only one person for him in life. Julian. And he was dead. Or is he...? One stranger's trek up a mountain a few hundred years later might just change Geralt's mind.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Who will save Rivia now?
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Henry looked at himself in the mirror. No, he doesn't care what he looks like. This man will do anythin for the Witcher story to be as accurate to the books and games as possible. But now he feels as if he has failed. The story is going sideways and he is contemplating if he truly wants to act in the TV series.
Scene 47
Director:"Ok Geralt. This is the scene where Jakier talks to Geralt about finding an amulet that would help them finish the banshee."
Henry:"I recall, but an amulet wouldn!t be needed."
Director:"Well... we made another change to the story. We need the numbers and the viewers want Jaskier to have another romance. But we think your bromance with a bit of spice might help the ratings. So, we'll just gve you some of the new script and then we'll let you do whatever you feels is right."
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Henry:"Are you... This says that Jaksier grabs Geralt's penis and sucks it. What kind of an idiot wrote this?!? You know what. No. I am done. Sorry. I am leaving!"
Director:"Oh come on Henry. Ecerybody loves it now. Nobody cares how the story truly goes. Come back. You still have a contract!"
Henry went into the toilet to be alone for a while. A knock followed
Outside of the door Joey (Jaskier) and the director stood.
"I already said no. So there is the door, thank you very much."
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Director:"Henry, if you choose this we have to replace you. And the replacement would be Joey here."
Henry pictured some of the scenes he did with Joey in the lake.
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Henry:"I'm sorry, no offense Joey, you really gained a lot of muscle for the past two years, but do you two really think that Joey replacing me as the Witcher will get accepted by the fans? I don't think so."
Director:"This is your contract. You can read it after, but you signed it and gave a consent to replace you, therefore I am not doing anything worng here."
Flash of light
Henry opened his eyes. He was now standing on the hall next to the director. "What the..."
Director:"Security. Please escort Mr. Batey into my trailer and lock him up there. I need to have a word with Mr. Cavill here."
Henry screamed the most horrible words I have ever heard in my life. The director still kept smiling at me. It was kinda creepy I must say. I was nervous what he was about to tell me.
Director:"Now. Joey. Your contract also included being silent about any of the replacements. Now, you are Henry and Henry did the same. So unless you wanna go to a court with Netflix, I suggest you come back to the set in 30 minutes. We have a new lovestory to set up."
Joey went to the mirror. He was now one of the hottest men on the planet.
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"Mannn. What a body."
He chcecked out the rest of this present and let's just say that Joey won't be sleeping tonight.
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Another story from the inbox: Could you do an Henry Cavill and Joey Batey body swap? It could happen while they r recording the last season of the witcher
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nullio · 4 months
an "I love you" Jaksier and "It'll pass" Geralt
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friendlyreaderandco · 1 month
Hello! If you’ve stumbled across this post perhaps you can provide me with some assistance. For some reason these old fics I read a while ago keep popping into my head and it’s only portions!
I’ve got two GeraltXJaskier this time! Both should be AO3 and completed.
1. Geralt gets some type of spell or maybe a s-x pollen situation and he seeks out Jaskier.who he find singing and bathing in a river. Geralt has a more a feral mindset and keeps referring to Jaksier as his mate. So “besets” him and Jaksier realizes something is clearly wrong and tries to talk the other out of it and starts saying all the things he think Geralt doesn’t like about him which makes him start to smell sad so Geralt forces out the works “no talking” which makes Jaksier smell sadder, then he tries again and says “good worlds only” which makes Jaskier happier. The next morning Geralt panicked because he thought he took advantage of Jaskier who was already panicking about taking advantage of Geralt. They work it out to a happy get-together ending.
2. Jaskier and Geralt had recently gotten together and they are camping in the woods when Jaskeir wakes up in the middle of the night (possibly due to a nightmare but I wouldn’t count on it) and decides to go take a bath in the river nearby and after a few moments Geralt joins him. During their conversation Jaksier says he has to act and Geralt should be used to it. So of course Geralt takes that in the worst possible way and says something along the lines of “you have to act in front of me?” Luckly Jaksier reads his self-hatred quickly and panics trying to explain that he doesn’t act because of Geralt but has to sometimes in front of him. I know, vague. Probably why I can’t find it 😭 I don’t remember anything else!!
I have no idea if anyone can help but it would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in advance!!
Number 1 has been located thanks to @bakewrite and @pedulum-chronometry Thank you both so much!! See the link below for All of you by Giddytf2.
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kuwdora · 28 days
Lost Scenes Thursday! Get to know your favourite authors better. Show five scenes from either abandoned fics where you regret they will never see the light of day, or five scenes from WIPs where you are impatient to see them out there. Long, short, one-liner... it's all good reading. Tag five other authors where you are curious.
Here is a messy witcher snippet from 2021 which was part of a longer plotty story that never went anywhere. But this mostly was me embracing Jaskier as a Disney Princess and finding my way to Jaskier and Geralt's netflix dynamic and voices. Only remembered this because @littlestsnicket and I were talking about jaskier and geralt and music recently.
the original fic title was actually called Counterpoint of Disaster and got too big and messy for me to deal with. but this snippet should whet your appetite!
jaskier & geralt. case fic vibes. 850w. rated T.
Jaskier ambled along the stretch of road beside a fence, strumming his lute and humming. The sun was easing itself behind the peaks of the Mahakams and the shadow was creeping along the meadow. At the top of a sloping hill, Jaskier noticed a dot that resembled a cow. 
He perched himself on the fence and he resumed his song, uncertain he could project his voice enough for the cow to hear him.
But it did. The cow moseyed down the hill towards him. By the time it was half-way to Jaskier on the fence two more cows appeared at the top of the hill.
Amused, Jaskier sang louder. The ambling cow continued its approach with its companions making their way to Jaskier’s little stage. His fingers danced along the strings. Swing that scythe dawn to dusk with weary shoulders, to home and hearth your wife… All variations on a satisfying theme. A hard day's work followed by ale and love at home only to wake up and do it all over again. Music to rejuvenate oneself for the next day’s work.  
The cows mooed upon their approach and Jaskier played on. Three more cows appeared on the horizon and they herded each other down the hill towards him.
“Not my usual audience,” Jaskier said and laughed. He tilted his head and adjusted his posture, a smile tugging at his lips. “I wonder…” he murmured. He began playing a lighthearted song of a young maiden’s carefree day. 
He was halfway through the chorus and was deeply amused by the nearly dozen cows standing in front of him. By the time Jaskier was on the final verse another three cows had joined them, shouldering their way closer.
Jaskier continued to hum and sing, plucking a cute little melody for the attentive audience. He received some lowing in return and he laughed. “Happy cows indeed. Who knew I had fans afield. Will a good song produce sweet milk?” he asked them.
His fingers danced along the strings, improvising nonsense and one of the soft-eyed cows wandered right up to the fence and offered him an insistent moo before nudging his knee with its snout.
“I would definitely consider tips in the form of cheese,” Jaskier said and gave the cow a gentle pat on the side of her face. 
His hand came away wet and he was about to wipe the cow snot away when he saw his hand was crimson.
Jaskier gagged and nearly wiped the blood on his clean trousers. He stopped himself just in time and wobbled on the fence.
“Uh, Geralt?” Jaskier called. “There’s some bloody cows over here.”
“There’s a farm nearby,” Geralt said, sounding like he replied without looking up.
“No, I mean they look like they rolled around in a pool of blood,” Jaskier said.
Two of the cows pushed forward as if to ask why he’d stopped playing. They crowded Jaskier enough and pushed at his knees with soft blood-covered snouts. Jaksier unwound his legs from the fence to lean forward for a closer look. Then they were all at his knees at once.
Jaskier wobbled.
The cows mooed.
Jaskier flailed and threw up his arms with his lute, instinctively protecting it as he fell.
He landed hard.
Jaskier wheezed. Pulled the lute close to his chest, cradling it amidst the pain.
He opened his eyes, not realizing he’d closed them. Geralt leaned on the fence, looking at the assembled cows.
“I think they were going to take a bite out of me,” Jaskier rasped. Geralt held out an arm and when Jaskier grabbed it he was heaved upward like it was nothing, again reminding him of Geralt’s effortless strength. He spread his feet and tried to gain his bearings but he’d fallen harder than he realized because the ache persisted in his chest and back. He rubbed the back of his neck and the back of his head and took a step backwards from the fence. 
“Wouldn’t be the first creature to try,” Geralt said and climbed over the fence for a closer look. The frown on the witcher’s face worried Jaskier. The eager brown cow, hungry for more song didn’t appear blood-thirsty in the slightest despite the blood-matted fur indicating otherwise.
“Did they make a grand escape from the butcher? One last dinner before they became dinner?” Jaskier said. 
“I doubt it,” Geralt said. He was reaching out to the animal and touching the side of her face, peering at her eyes and ears before doing a cursory check of her mouth before moving on to the rest of her body. She paid Geralt little heed and when she mooed it started a chain reaction from the others.
“The blood is human. At least a day old,” Geralt said and moved on to examine the other eager cow who hung her head over the fence like she was waiting for Jaskier to resume his song.
“So they were trying to take a bite out of me. This is definitely a mystery in the making: The Mystery of the Bloody Cows,” Jaskier said.
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
After narrowly avoiding a dangerous situation, Geral came to the realization that it was necessary to teach Jaksier how to defend himself. The intention behind this decision was to ensure the Bard's safety. Although Jaskier possessed good physical fitness and displayed an aptitude for grasping the basics of swordplay quite easily, an unusual predicament emerged. Strangely enough, engaging in combat with each other seemed to arouse Jaskier in some inexplicable manner. Geralt found himself at his wit's end, unsure of how much more of this he could endure. As Geralt pondered Jaskier's proposal for a sword fight, using the metaphorical swords concealed within their pants, he contemplated the situation carefully.
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makeshift-prime · 4 months
Armenia is a bop!
I do love the more folk songs!
(Still sound like witcher 3 music. Can see Jaksier dancing to this)
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you but I'm currently looking for like 4 different fics, which are all geraskier:
- The first takes place after the mountain breakup and Jaskier encounters another Witcher, who I believe is Lambert?? Basically he becomes Lambert's new travel companion, even creating some new songs for him. He eventually takes Jaskier to the keep, which Geralt is at as well, and they just kind of try to make Geralt jealous, even going as far as to pretend they had sex in the room next to him. Yeah, he's hurt... but they work through it.
- the second I'm not sure when it takes place, but Jaskier had died. It's a non-human/creature Jaskier. He sprouts up in the middle of a field and basically begins wandering around. we follow him as he goes through this and begins to relearn everything he once knew. There's a scene where he (unintentionally) terrorizes a family at a camp, and as they flee, the father feels for Jask, despite him being well... a monstrous being.
- The third one is kind of a modern au. Since witchers get to live long, he and the rest of the gang (including Ciri, Yen, Regis, etc.) have just lived through everything until the 21st century. Jaskier, having been mortal, died a long time ago. But recently, his body had gone missing. Julian is a professor, I believe he's a uh History professor? Nonetheless, all i remember is that Roach is a van and they got hunted by vampires at some point. I think Geralt owns a villa at a town in which Yen is the mayor. Julian's parents do NOT like Geralt because he's a witcher.
- The last i believe is an established relationship fic. But basically, Jaksier is hit with a curse or something, but it's causing him to age backwards now. So of course this leads to him forgetting about Geralt. That's just kind of it, they're trying to enjoy the time they have left with each other and their memories. It ends when Jaskier turns 18 once again, the same age at which he met Geralt.
Anyway thank you sm and I'm very sorry about the incredibly long ask 😬 (you very much do not need to answer)
Hi Nonny,
I'm going to put this out there for my followers. None of those sound like any fics I've read (shockingly enough, because I've read a lot of fics) so I'm hoping someone else can ask. They sound very cool though. (Jaskier growing in a field? I want to know what that one is)
Also, I'm tagging in @wren-of-the-woods for the last one, because they love fics with curses, so maybe they can help with that one.
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lucigoo · 2 months
I burn with a smile on my face, for you are safe
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#262 - Run Far and Fast, @flashfictionfridayofficial
Pairing -Gen, Jaskier & Cirilla
Warnings - Implied self sacrifice, burning the enemy to death
Words - 992
Summary -Jaksier found Cirilla first and he will protect her, no matter the cost
A03 link is here
Jaskier growled with frustration as he took one last look at Cirilla’s sleeping form.
They had been looking for Geralt together. After snatching her from the black armoured man, Jaskier had whisked Cirilla away and taken her to the paths that Geralt usually favoured, all whilst he took them closer and closer to Kher Morhen’s hidden path.
He bent down and gently stroked a hand over the sleeping girl’s hair. If he hadn’t known better, he could imagine she was really Geralt’s child. One from his loins, not just because Geralt appeared to be Destiny’s whipping boy.
Jaskier left Cirilla’s side for a moment, knowing they still had a little bit of time before Nilfguard caught up to them. Enough for him to rotate the letter he had just retrieved from his pack in his hands. He was unsure if he should even give it to her to hand over, but Jaskier decided Geralt deserved to know. Even if he was still angry at the idiotic oaf at the moment.
Taking a deep breath, he shook his body out, trying to get rid of at least a small amount of painful tension coursing through his body. It didn’t work, but he felt better for trying.
He pulled their one horse, Pegasus, behind him as he crouched over Cirilla again.
She woke up almost instantly to Jaskier shaking her. Hand on her sword almost instantaneously. Geralt would be proud, Jaskier thought, though his heart broke for the lost little princess before him.
“Jaskier?” she whispered when she saw the look on Jaskier��s face.
Jaskier said nothing. He just grabbed her hand and pulled her to Pegasus, making her get on him.
Cirilla had a dozen protests on her lips, but one look at the sadness on Jaskier’s face was enough to stop her from asking.
“You have to be brave, my darling. You have to ride towards Poloris. It’s getting to the time any of the witchers will return to Kher Morhen. Find one, any of them with a wolf medallion or a griffon. They will get you to Geralt and protect you until he finds you, love,” he said as he pulled his lute off the horse and strapped it on his back before adjusting the saddle for Ciri to ride solo.
“Jaskier, you're coming with me, right? Right?” she asked, panicked.
“I can’t. You have to go and I have to stop our followers from getting to you,” he replied.
Cirilla ignored the tears that were falling down her face. She had lost everyone, and she didn’t know Geralt. She knew and loved Jaskier and he was going to leave her, too. She wasn’t sure if she would survive another loss.
Jaskier understood exactly what her face said as he pulled her down and rested his forehead against hers. “I will stop them, Cirilla. I am more than just a bard, my dear. I am powerful enough in my own right. You will run. You will run far and you will run fast. And when you are done running. When you are safe in Geralt’s arms, you will do something else for me,” he told her with an authority she dared not defy.
“What?” she whispered in reply.
“First, you will give him this. You will tell him I forgive him. That I love him and I am glad I shared more of my life with him then I did without the idiot,” he said as he handed the girl a letter for Geralt, a letter that bared his soul and almost 20 years of longing and love for his fool of a witcher.
“And then?” Cirilla whispered into the quiet night air.
“Then you will live, Cirilla. You will live wild and free. You will live and love and remember how much I love you, little lion cub. And when Destiny comes to fuck you over again, you spit in her eye and tell her you are free. You are your own woman who will make her own way and if Destiny has a problem with it, she can take it up with me,” he said, smiling softly at Cirilla’s punched out laugh.
“But she won’t find you. You will be gone,” Cirilla sobbed out.
“Oh, my sweet. I will never be gone because I will always love you. Just because I can’t see you doesn’t mean I am not with you. Always,” Jaskier said as he kissed her cheek and pushed her to sit back upright on the horse.
Both Cirilla and Jaskier’s heads turned when they heard the crashing of a large force of men running through the forest.
“Go Cirilla,” Jaskier yelled as he slapped the horse’s rear. Pegasus reared up and took off as fast as he was able.
Cirilla turned around and stared at Jaskier before she became too far away to see.
Her last sight of Jaskier, of the White Wolf’s Bard, was of him standing surrounded by Nilfguardian soldiers as he screamed “burn bastards burn” and strummed his lute faster than humanly possible.
Cirilla watched as the ground was set on fire, and smoke filled her vision. She watched as the flames spread and blocked the path between her and the enemy. She watched as Jaskier’s laughter rang out into the night, mixed with the screams of burning men.
She leant down over Pegasus’s head, and they rode. She would not let Jaskier’s sacrifice be in vain. He loved her, and that love was nestled deep within her.
She would find Geralt, she would learn to fight and use her powers and she would make the Continent a better place, the same way as Jaskier had always tried to do. She would be his living legacy and she would never let his love, or his light, be snuffed from this world.
That was a promise she made to herself and to a once fresh faced teenager who had dared to love a Witcher.
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dancingwiththefae · 7 months
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Radskier
Tags: Trans Radowid V Srogi | Radovid V the Stern, Trans Male Character, Pregnancy, Unsafe Sex, Childbirth, Explicit Sexual Content, Pregnant Sex, Mild Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting, Food Aversions, Cravings, Discussion of Abortion
The reality of it all sank in his stomach like a stone. There was no other possible explanation for what was happening. He stared blankly at the clean rags laid out. He was pregnant. Jaskier had gotten him pregnant. And now Jaskier was gone.
Radovid was sure he would never see Jaskier again. They had parted on bad terms, his brother was assassinated and a crown was placed on his head. But Jaksier unkowingly had given him a parting gift. Determined to hold onto the smallest thread of their brief time together, Radovid decides to keep it. But that means he has to hide it. And he can only hide something like this for so long.
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boookfreeak · 1 year
I just found out through coincidence that Jaskier's Season 3 song "The Ride of the Witcher" is already out so I immediately dived in to listen to it and I have Thoughts.
Already the first line 'Ride, Witcher, Ride' is so significant. It's a parallel to "Burn, Butcher, Burn". A song Jaskier wrote with clear intent to hurt Geralt. He is adressing him as Butcher which we all know has a very deep effect on Geralt and brings up many bad memories, even if he tries to hide it. And Jaksier is the one doing it. Jaskier, the bard who spent decades composing songs and trying to show humans that witchers aren't monster and that they musn't fear them. Jaskier, the guy willing to beat up men stronger than him for mistreating Geralt. Jaskier, Geralt's friend, one of the only people willing to show up for Geralt over and over again and to prove to him that he is worth sticking around for.
And then Geralt went and lashed out and hurt him. And I gotta say, Jaskier's reaction is justified. He spent the better part of his life next to Geralt, joining him on his Path, sharing his bread and coin, making a friend. But for the most part, Geralt didn't really reciprocate. He acted annoyed by Jaskier's constant chatter and singing, never admitted they were friends and was very distant in general. No matter how much or how little that reflected his actual feelings towards Jaskier, he still acted this way and even someone like Jaskier, with his strong hubris and optimism, will eventually crack under all that.
And he did. And I don't really blame him.
So it's so nice to see that, apparently, season 3 will hold very much-needed healing for both Jaskier and Geralt. 'Ride, Witcher, Ride' is a very big change from 'Burn, Butcher, Burn'. He calls him Witcher again and instead of wanting to see him hurt, Jaskier is encouraging Geralt. Again, he is advising him to take care of his Child Surprise. I'm also very excited to see the relation between Jaskier and Ciri blossom.
Just everything I've heard and seen about season 3 so far sounds very positive and I have high hopes.
Only that thing with Jaskier and Radovid broke something in me but I could write a whole other paragraph about that, yes our bard is bisexual now but at what price
The fact that there are multiple voices next to Jaskier's and (I think) in a different language (at least I don't understand/recognize it) makes me wonder under which circumstances the song was made and in what setting it was performed.
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0dde11eth · 2 years
Jaskier and geralt sleeping in the same bed
Jaksier farts so loud he wakes himself up
Then he Smacks geralt, and calls him gross for doing that. Then promptly falls back asleep.
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ladyclwriter · 2 years
Geralt x gn!reader x Jaskier
Summary: Geralt, your ex, didn't expected that Jaksier's new fiance was, well, you.
Angst, spicy mentionings, white wolf toxic behavior, Jaskier call's reader "daisy" ( the flower
Not even slightly close to any canon chronological line
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He could recall perfectly those days. The sun always seemed to shine brighter when you were by his side, so those memories were all golden to him. Even the blue-ish white snow looked warmer every time he pictured you struggling to take your boots out of it. His smile was always genuine when he lifted you up to Roach, cursing about you could do it alone. Indeed, with you, his smile was always genuine.
Geralt didn't knew if his bard friend actually gave any fake smiles on his life, but he could see you had the very same effect on him. With one puffy arm around your waist, Jaskier laughed in pure joy, proudly showing off his partner while you didn't really looked any shy by his side.
The white wolf froze instantly as soon as you both entered the room. He died a little bit inside — if there was anything alive on him — once the realization hit, holding him where he was, standing far away near a huge marble cornerstone.
Minutes, maybe an hour after you arrived, he noticed you weren't as happy as he thought you were. Yes, you were still as shiny as back in the travelling times. Your smile was as pure as his friend's, and you two seemed like the perfect pair of two little happy canaries. Except for some forced smiles you cracked. Eyes drifting away from time to time, shifting weight from one feet to another. He knew those signs now. You were uncomfortable, maybe bored. And you probably didn't wanted to be there. Still, you laughed at your boyfriend's jokes, and even brought some up.
Geralt felt, for the first time, the weight of his body battling with gravity. He couldn't move his feets, couldn't take his eyes way either. And whatever those feelings inside him were, he was barely dealing with them.
Some bard started singing in another side of the room, Jaskier screaming something about being offended. It took 5 minutes to a duet start, and only then, the Witcher saw your eyes daze towards his. You were laughing at your boyfriend, but without any specific reason, your gaze got pulled into that direction. The whole world seemed to darken and freeze.
You would spot that silvery hair anywhere. The sensation of golden eyes fixated on you, sending shivers down your spine would always be familiar — maybe that's why you've been feeling so uncomfortable and terribly fighting to look at the direction it came. It was an accident. Something inside you guessed it, you knew he was there, even if you fought to believe and accept it. You didn't wanted to look at that specific point, but laughing and swinging with Jaskier, you lost the control of your curious eyes. And you regretted instantly.
As inconsequential and childish your boyfriend could be, he always knew when something was off. He did felt it before, but now he got it straight. “My daisy? Are you alright?”
You couldn't answer. Not when you suddenly forgot how to breath, starting to gasp for air, tearing up with a wolf staring directly into your soul with a grey frown. So you started walking, as fast as you could without calling attention, towards any sight of exit. Opening double doors, you found yourself in a balcony, desperately taking in the winds of the night.
“For fuck's sake, daisy!” he appeared on his puffy clothes, closing the doors behind him, rushing towards your crying self holding at the stone fence. “Are you alright? Anything happened? Did I did something wrong?”
Worried hands took your face gently, turning you to him, so he could search up the answer of his many questions. “Can you talk to me? Can you even breathe? Come on, my daisy, was it Barbara? I know she's a bitch. Was it that bitch?”
“Jaskier!” you exclaimed, silencing him instantly. But he succeeded at stealing a little smile from your lips. “Just... Just give me a moment”.
He held you still, blue eyes filled with worry, eagerly waiting to get the reassurance that no, he didn't did anything wrong. Anyways, some seconds later he walked away, not taking his gaze off you; hanging head with hands on the stone, trying to recover yourself. It took you long minutes to look up, thanking silently the night serene for embracing you. Then you smiled as you realized your favorite bard was there, looking at you all the time, with a puppyish face.
“Feeling better, daisy?” he asked sweetly. You agreed, back of hands wiping face. He didn't knew if he should break the distance, but give you your space seemed better anyways. “We can go home if you feel... Sick”
You felt like it, yes. But his quiet understanding made you own an answer to his questions. So, avoiding blue eyes, you mumbled. “I saw my ex”.
He paused. Blinking, processing and recalling all those stories you told him at your most vulnerable moments. “That one who left you alone in the woods?” shook your head yes. “Oh no. I'm so sorry, my daisy. I would never guess he was from royalty”
“He isn't. But it's not your fault, so don't be sorry” taking a deep breath, you approached his red-cotton dressed body. Arms around him, head under his chin, you inhaled his perfume.
Jaskier was safety. You never, never had that fear of waking up and not seeing him by your side. You never hesitated before saying something, and mostly, you didn't even had to say anything. You were always shining with him, but he never required you to. And he was the one there with you. “I didn't wanted to ruin your party, dandelion”
“You know I'd trade all these peacocks for only two minutes with you”
“No need. You have me forever” meeting gazes, the smiles were as reciprocal as all your feelings. And just when you delicately approached faces to kiss each other, the doors got open.
Shutting your eyes closed, your grip on Jaskier tightened as you desperately kept taking his scent. You knew who was there.
“Gods!” your boyfriend almost screamed. “Geralt of Rivia himself! And in fancy boots! But, um, as much as I love meeting old friends, I'm busy right now”
But you tilted your head up, frowned at him with a hint of anger and intrigue. “Friend? He is your friend?”
“A very old one, indeed. What's the matter?” his smile was so pure and innocent that you could barely believe your ears. Then, just because it was necessary, you looked towards the intruder. He looked as shocked as you were. “What? Why do you two look like if you discovered the queen's most nasty secret? Is there something on my- oh.”
The three of you were frozen, taking in whatever the destiny arranged. “Oh. Oh fuck. Oh fucking fuck” he put one of his hands on his forehead, the other one on his waist, taking some steps back.
“What the fuck is happening here?” you asked, even if no one seemed to have the answer.
“This must be witchcraft” you trembled as you heard his low, husky voice. Now, his eyes avoided you.
“No fucking way. You two will tell me what the damn plan you made!”
“I didn't see Geralt in ages!” the bard physicalized the time with a gesture of hands. “I didn't even knew he was still alive. I didn't knew you two knew each other!”
“So do I!” you shot back, a little louder than you wanted. Now you were with a hand on the forehead, turning your back to the two. “For god's sake”
The three of you stood there, no one daring to say anything or move a finger. Indeed, the only one who didn't looked conflicted and full of things to say was the bard. So, he cleaned his throat, crossing arms with the cold breeze.
“Geralt, you... What did you wanted here?” cutting the chat, the blue eyed asked, very low and cautious. He was conflicted, seeing his love and his only one friend there. Even more when he knew your side of the story, and knew the Witcher way much more than he wanted to.
Gold and blue sky met, in a silent short conversation. “I wanted to talk to your partner”.
“We have nothing to talk” you stated instantly.
“Look, I know what I did, but I can explain-”
“No need to. Now get back inside there”, you said it like an order, without even hesitate.
Geralt looked at his friend, looking for any help. Jaskier loved you enough to know he had to interfere. You would never be able to move on from your past relationship without this talk. So, he walked until he was in front of you, and touched your arms, lightly rubbing his thumb. “My daisy. We both know this is for the best. Please, give him a chance”
“Why? Why should I? The facts are facts, and I'm with you now. There is nothing to discuss” you insisted, but Jaskier didn't looked like he would give up.
One hand on your face, he looked into your eyes before kissing you. Gently, slowly caressing your lips with his, making your body warm even with the cold of the night. “Yes, you are with me. Just talk to him, and we're going home. Alright?”
Home. How you fucking wanted to be home. Knowing he was stubborn, and always did anything he said he would, you turned around to face your past. Crossing arms and leaning your body against your boyfriend's, you raise an eyebrow. Geralt took a minute to watch his old friend wrapping arms around his old lover's body, breaking his very own heart a little more.
“A monster was following us. Something you could've never faced, I could've never killed with you by my side” started after cleaning his throat, now staring at you, and only you. “Indeed, I had to battle with things that would use you as a weakness. We would not stay together further”
“So you leave me in the middle of the night, in that creepy fucking forest, full of wolves and moving trees?” there was no way you could pretend you weren't angry.
“I said, a monster was following us. I got away before he attacked, and my plan was to come back after defeating him” turns out I didn't, he wanted to say. “But the battle took me away from the camp, and there were more of them. I finished after dawn, and realized I went too far”.
You pressed yourself more against Jaskier, who held you stronger, noticing your anguish growing. He gave kisses on your cheek, neck, and put his nose in your scented hair.
“You would be gone before I came back. So I took it as a... Fate sign. And moved on”
“Just like that? Like if I was nothing?” oh, how it enraged you. Fighting tears, your voice got as high as it could without becoming a shouting. “Like if we were nothing?!”
“Don't you say things like that. You know damn well what you meant to me” he took one step closer, pointing a finger towards you. You too stepped out, but Jaskier kept you close.
“Guess it wasn't that much, since you just fucking left!” you screamed the last words, involuntary tears in your eyes. “I almost died, Geralt. Those fucking wolves and branches almost took my fucking life!”
“Do you really think I do not feel fucking miserable everyday? Don't you think I feel guilty for loosing you? No, you could never know how I asked for death every night I spent without knowing if you were safe” spitting words, you could see golden eyes shine with tears.
“You could never know how I wanted to kill you for believing that you left me to die”, you whispered.
You fainted, covered by bites and deep cuts and blood. Woke up at an stranger's house, a family of merchants who took care of you. Of course, you had to pay back by working for them for a while. And it was at one of these jobs that you met Jaskier. He was singing “burn, butcher burn”, and even after beating up some men that owed the family you worked for, you couldn't stop laughing at him.
Now you weren't. The pieces clicked together in your head, and you stared at your boyfriend. So the song was about Geralt.
“As much as I want to clear things between us, I don't think none of us wants to fight now” none of us are ready to get rid of our bad bloods, for they are the only thing keeping us apart. “I came here to ask for your forgiveness. I know you are with Jaskier, and I don't plan to be friends or anything. Just, please, forgive me, so I can try to move on like you did”
“You won't stick too long to be friends, anyways” you shot, glancing back at him. “Oh, and I know how much of a shitty friend you are. You and your sharp tongue and cold heart”
“You never complained of my sharp tongue those times” it came out in a growl. He only realized what he said when both you and Jaskier looked deeply offended, his eyes falling to the ground. “I'm sorry”
You crossed arms, feeling one of your boyfriend's hands caressing it. Breathing deeply, you started pondering. Indeed, he had a sharp tongue in all possible meanings. You would never dare to try to be friends, for sometimes, in the middle of the night, you missed him. He felt the same.
With him, you felt at the top of the world. Living dangerously with adventures and heavenly tent fucks, he was your very own crown and a home that never settled down. Now, you were both your own exiles. At least, you had the sweetest man alive by your side. And Jaskier did had a sharp tongue too.
“I know it doesn't bring any good to me to hold a grudge against you, so you can have my forgiveness” you said lowly, a big and bright smile growing on your boyfriend's face, who kissed your cheek, happily.
“It's the right thing, darling. I'm happy for you” indeed, every single time you talked about your ex, he wouldn't stop buzzing about the forgiveness part.
Taking Jaskier's hand, standing by his side, your face was like stone, certain of every word. “Now go, Geralt. I don't want to see you ever again” even if something inside you did wanted to.
“I'll go. I'm leaving by the side door as soon as the musicians start. But” oh no. “Can we talk alone? Thirty seconds”.
“No” you answered instantly. Then you felt Jaskier's hand slipping away from yours, for whatever reason popped on his head.
Despair made your body shiver inside, blood heating no longer just with hate, scared of anything that would come from those “30 seconds” that Jaskier strictly mumbled in a possessive way, before closing the doors.
You froze, but Geralt walked towards you with the most intense glaze ever. He always looked like a predator whenever you turned him on back at those times, and it would always drive you crazy. But now, years after that burning passion, you did felt like he was a wolf. Golden eyes piercing, burning every trace of you. But he didn't stopped too close.
“Daisy. He calls you daisy” whispered on his very own growl way. “I called you love”
“So what?” your voice barely came out, a whisper as you cursed yourself silently for wanting to feel his hands in your body, fighting the urge to touch him. One step closer, he lowered himself, your faces inches away.
You closed your eyes, not because you expected one of your hot, messy kisses. But for you couldn't look at him that close. Jaskier is outside. He trusts me.
“I'm his daisy, and he's my dandelion”
Geralt took a deep breath, warming your ear as he bent down even more. Not daring to move one finger — he knew he didn't had to —, he breathed again, showing your urge for him was reciprocal. At that little second, all your time together came back to your mind. The screams, whether for anger or pleasure. The crying and laughing. The back-to-back battles, the stargazing. Every single moment came back at you, turning your whole self to crumbs. He knew it, for he felt like that too.
“And you are my love” for fuck's sake, you didn't knew his voice could get that low. You shivered, trembled visibly, frowning to control your emotions.
You almost fell to your knees. It was hard to come back to the crowd, having to kiss Jaskier wildly to not cry on his arms, to not regret everything you did all your life, to keep focusing on your healthy and happy relationship. He knew what he was doing, and you both knew it was truth, when he said, before walking away:
“And I will, forever, be your love too”.
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I feel like this could've been so much better worked and written. Please tell me your thoughts, my insecurities are eating this whole thing 😁
Anyways, thank you so much for reading. Reblogs are appreciated 💕💕💕 love ya
Taglist: @spideysimpossiblegirl @sunndust
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