#james x ina
vqlluna · 8 months
drunken truths p1
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summary: Kissing Remus that night was the only thing on your mind the entire month, and you haven't seen him since then. You both happen to bump into each other in distress in the safety at Lily's apartment in the middle of the night. Turns out Remus got into a fight, for you?
notes: f!rich!reader x poor!remus lupin, goody-two-shoes!reader x stoner!remus wounds, fluff, frenemies to lovers Remus is sassy and sweet
a/n: as promised, I'm delivering a part two! Sorry it took to long, been brainstorming/daydreaming and fixing/adding details for the past few days! Enjoyyy
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IT'S NOT FUN WHEN YOUR MIND FUSSES OVER ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. You never remember your drunken nights, that was until a month ago. Even if the rest of the night is a blur you can surely still feel the lingers of Remus' lips, and his touch, and his confessions.
That was the first time you truly accepted to yourself how much you wanted him, but what would be the chances? Lightly touching upon the subject with your parents, especially your mother, did not go well. Now all your most precious belongings sat in a suitcase in the middle of James' and Lily's living room.
Even further so, being locked tight in a small flat with people who constantly talked about their wolfish friend, didn't help get him off your mind. So instead you found yourself busying yourself every day for the past month.
This is how countless shopping bags also ended up beside that suitcase on the floor. It's also how you'd been going out to party so much on your own, desperate to find a man that both you and your mother could approve of so you could move back home to your luxurious bed.
Tonight's adventure was truly needed, as James and Lily just couldn't provide you with foods that fit your, quite expensive, tastes. Now you end up coming back after a late-night trip to the twenty-four-hour grocery mart.
You jumble around as you open the door, pushing it open with your back before you twirl back around. In between the bags of produce that you held in your arm, you see a head of short hair peeping at the edge of the couch which presses against the side of the wall.
"James?" You ask, you go to your left as you enter the small kitchen, setting the bags on the short island turning the lights above the countertops on.
You turn back to the couch enveloped in shadow and chuckle, "What'd you do to Lils this time?" you tease after remembering the one time you'd come over as James had to sleep on the couch after an argument.
You smiled to yourself excited for being able to shove him off of it in a few minutes after putting everything away.
"Definitely m'not James" the person on the couch mumbled, their voice slipping out like silk. You froze as your back faced away from the living room, coincidentally a few bars of expensive chocolate in your hands, ready to be put away.
"What are you doing here, Remus?" you looked slightly over your shoulder as a shiver went through your body. The one person who you were constantly trying not to think about now lay down in the same room as you.
"What are you doing here?"
"I asked first."
You turned around, shoving your groceries to the side as you turned on the lamp at the end table beside the sofa. You widen your eyes as Remus' appearance matched his explanation. "Was out with Prongs, he dragged me back here after I got ina fight with some bloke."
Whatever bloke, had had the guts to fight Remus surely gave him a nasty bruise at his eye. What surprised you even more was his missing jumper which he had turned into a makeshift pillow. Ignoring the flush at your cheeks and the wild thoughts in your mind you could see imprints of nails that dug at his shoulders, dried blood around them.
At the top of his forehead sat even more dried blood and small cuts around his cheeks, and the scars scattered around his body didn't help his appearance.
"Merlin, Remus! Did James even try fixing you up?" you scolded, and even wanted to scowl as Remus' rolled his eyes.
"Calm down. I'm fine."
"And where was Lily?"
"Fast asleep," he shrugged, "We didn't want to wake her— Now care to explain why you're here?" he pushed on, changing the topic away from him.
Your eyes dashed around him in worry, it wasn't all that bad, but without the proper care anything could get infected. "I live here now—" you mumbled before switching the topic back, "Remus you, you need some ice," you finalized walking to the freezer.
Remus watched as you slipped a mound of ice cubes into a plastic bag before wrapping it in cloth. You returned back, setting yourself at the edge of the couch beside him. "Here," you said out reaching the makeshift ice pack.
The boy cocked an eyebrow at you soon shrugging you off, "M'fine," he reiterated.
You huffed, softly pressing the ice to this eye yourself, holding it there despite his tries to move it off.
"Stubborn," he grumbled.
Your stomach fluttered as you noticed the corner of his lips picked up slightly. "So why are you living here, Princess?" he asked, sending another shiver down your side, you'd never get over the name.
"Got in an argument with my mother about quite a few things. She kicked me or, or really I just left. Lily let me crash," you explained rapidly. You didn't want to explain that the main argument was over how your Mother couldn't let you marry someone of "his status".
Carefully you took his hand pressing it over the ice pack to keep it in place, "M'gonna, I'm gonna get you some anti-septic, hold on. And keep that damn ice on your face!"
As you left Remus did take the ice off for a second in spite. Taking his jumper away from his head, he laid it over his torso, feeling insecure of his scars ever since you turned the lamp on, especially when you looked him over quite a few times.
When he heard your foot steps come down back the hallway he replaced the ice pack on his eye, curiously eyeing the wet cloth and bottles in your hands.
A fter returning you removed the ice pack yourself, setting it on the coffee table, much to Remus' delight. What wasn't very settling to him was when you mentioned how you were too clean up the cuts, especially the gash on his forehead.
"Might hurt," you whispered, pouring some solution on a cotton pad and applying it to the tiny cuts and imprints first. You then moved his temple, you slowly pouring it over. Remus winced and seethed, making a frown appear on your lips. You took the wet rag off your leg as you cleaned up the dried blood. "Sorry."
If he was being honest with himself, he didn't mind. The closer to him you were, the better. He was hopeful you didn't notice his constant stare on you as you worked on healing his wounds. So fussed over him he itched himself with the question, "Why are you doing this?"
Grateful for the dim lighting, you cheeks heated up. "Well, you're currently residing on my bed. Sooner I patch you up, sooner I get to sleep."
"Well I could always make some room. No problem with sharing," he teased, the extra wink he added pushing you over the edge. For as long as you can remember Remus was also teasingly flirting with you to boil your anger, now you questioned if he did it to genuinely drop hints.
You clenched your jaw, scrunching your nose at him with fake disgust. You set the alcohol and rag back down and picked up a small butterfly strip to apply to the open cut that kept glaring at you from his forehead. "Remus, what happened?" you question concerning to whatever fight he'd wound himself in.
"—Do you remember the party last month?" he cut in right before you applied the bandage, making you freeze once again, but with the power you had, you managed to nod. "What do you remember?"
Simply with the stare you gave him silently told him that you remembered what was important. "Look, I'm sorry for, for kissing you. You were drunk and— It was Rosier."
You wanted to answer, to tell him that you enjoyed the kiss, if it wasn't for the end of the sentence that caught your ears. "What about him?" You'd only brought Rosier that night because your parents would've never let you out of the house to attend some house party with James and everyone.
"Me and Prongs were at a pub t'night. We bumped into him and the git was saying nasty things 'bout you. M'guessing he found out about that night, and I tried telling 'im off but," he rambled and slowed down at the end.
Motioning your head for him to continue. Remus took a breath and furthered on, "He started talking crap about me and then my fist did the rest of the talking," he chuckled, "Prick was a coward at the end and ended up just hittin' me over the head with a bottle." Well, that explained the cuts all over his face.
You looked at him in slight up, your lips parted, "What'd he say about me?"
"S'not important."
"What did he say, Remus."
You needed to know what things were being said about you behind your back. Though you had your difficulties with your family, you weren't going to let bad-mouthing of you ruin everything. You didn't want shame put on your name from a lonely, rich bastard.
But most of all you wanted to know what riled Remus up so much that he'd take a hit of glass to the head for you. Putting down the strip you occupied him by then putting the ice back on his eye. And as you stared at him so intently he couldn't say no to you.
"He called you a—a slut and a bloody whore," he said quietly, looking away as his jaw clenched and teeth gritted, "Just rambling on to all his muppets on how it wouldn't be long till you moved onto them and their servants." You heart sped up tenderly as you saw how furious and emotional he got over the subject.
It surprised to you know that truly, somewhere, Remus had a heart for you. You bit the inside of your cheek figuring out what to say next. You busied yourself switching back on bandaging the cut up again, talking while you applied it on to distract him from the pain.
"You shouldn't have punched him though, you fool," you laughed very softly, not letting him know that knowing what Evan Rosier had been saying about you affected you as much as it did, "Can't doubt that the prat will press charges."
"It's worth it."
You set the peelings of the strip back down in the small box beside all the other items. Remus twisted his legs around you before planting his feet on the ground sitting beside you.
While months ago, being so close in his vicinity would have you fuming, itching to get to the other side of the room, you now sat with goosebumps all over your body, a rapidly beating heart, and twiddling your fingers in your lap like a dunce.
"Did you mean what you said that night?" the question slipping out of your lips while you craned your neck to look at him. "When you said I was pretty, and charming, and that you liked me, did you mean it?" The only answer Remus gave you was silence, a shaky inhale was the only thing that was heard other than the chirps of crickets outside.
His jaw shook slightly while his lips were brought into a fine line, "Yes," he said. You blinked and looked down into the tiny sliver of space that was in between you two. And now this time Remus was anxiously awaiting your repsonse.
"I like you too," you whispered, looking up at him through your lashes. Remus' fingers twitched at his sides and he gave you a singular nod.
"Good." He turned around, stretching out to grab his jumper as he stood up and put it on. "I should get going now, since I'm all patched up." You cursed yourself in your mind for being sad as the fabric covered his torso.
The air around you two was thick and weirdly awkward. "Do you want a cuppa?" you blurted, "Before you go. I got this special tea from the market."
Remus nodded, "That'd be nice, thanks," he muttered. You got up and squeezed your way past him, sending shocks up his arm. You got the counter and shifted through the bags picking out two different boxes of tea bags. "Which would you like, I have—" As you turned around to show him the options you were surprised at his very close presence behind you.
He looked like he was shaking himself out of something as he apologized, "Sorry."
You turned back setting the boxes back down on the marble as a sudden urge came over you. You cursed once more to yourself biting your lip in contemplation. "Fuck it," you uttered so quietly that only you'd hear it.
You whirled back around stopping as you caught Remus' eye. And for what seemed like hours, the two of you just stared. It wasn't like the night at the party, where his eyes glazed all over you face, he was simply just looking at your eyes, and it both scared you and make you feel warm at the same time. "Can I kiss you?" you questioned.
His lips crawled into a mixture of a smirk and a grin, "You don't need to ask me that ever, Princess." You stomach filled with butterflies at your anxiousness. His hand snaked to cup your face pulling the two of you in, but he didn't dare let your lips touch.
It wasn't like the last, where he'd gone in so quickly, instead, you waited there with your eyes closed begging him in your mind to just do it. In fact, it gave some odd comfort at the thought that he might be relishing himself in the moment just before he finally attached to you.
But just like the last, when it happened you were overwhelmed with a rush of dizziness. This time though the kiss felt extremely gentle, he kissed you like you were made of glass. Because while that night, kissing him felt like a fight of realising feelings, this one felt like dancing in them.
It wasn't long before the two of you got tired of having to contort you necks, and so Remus aided you on your try to hop up and sit on the counter. Carelessly you both pushed the paper bags and boxes of tea aside, making quite a ruckess you giggled.
You hands found themselves in what you decided your now favourite place to put them, tangled in his hair. And his own, what was then decided from the very beginning, resting back along your hips, least to say you had a strong sense of deja vu.
Remus stumbled, creaking and shoving the stool beside him and the tug you gave at his hair earned you a small groan from him before he parted for a moment. "If we keep making noise like this they're bound to wake up and kick us out."
You pecked him lips before adding a remark of your own, "You're the one making all the noise you idiot. Besides, wouldn't be the first time you've ruined something."
You felt the chuckle he gave fan out against your face while he pressed his nose into yours, "Here I was thinking that when you finally liked me the shots would end."
"If I recall you're the one who starting throwing the shots first."
"Can't blame me for wanting your attention," he shrugged, capturing your lips one again and capturing you in a little shock you'd accidentally completely knocked the boxes of tea off the counter. "So I'm the one making all the noise huh?"
"Shut up," you breathe dipping back in. Just then the door at the end of the apartment twisted open and your red-haired friend barged down the hallway, and the dazed lost puppy that was James stumbled down the hall with her.
She had a stern look on her face as her wand was raised at the ready. As she caught sight at the two of you, Remus in between your legs with your arms wrapped around him, her jaw dropped. "What the hell?!" she yelled, a smug smile on her face.
You peeked over Remus' shoulder looking to Lily whilst she gave you a supportive shake of her head. "I'm home!" you cheesily said quietly.
James, not taking in anything that was going on around him, dragged his hands down his face as he turned around and walked back into his room as Lily told him, "We can get back to bed, love, nothing but people who've gone mad!" she suggested toward the pair of you.
She turned back around before she entered back into her room. "If you two do anything," she scolded, wagging her wand, "I will curse your nuts, Moony, and donate your trash collection of books!" she scowled, slamming the door shut.
Remus' shoulders shook as he laughed quietly. Upon looking back at him your eyes immediately found his again realising he hadn't once looked away during the interaction. "I think we've found you a new enemy," he teased.
You rolled your eyes, "I'd never hate anyone as much as I hate you. Especially not Lils," you emphasized. Your breath was stuck as he started pecking and nipping at your jaw. He made his way around your neck, collarbone, and face, surely leaving a pair of hickeys somewhere before he place one last kiss at your lips.
"Y'sure about that, Princess?"
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I'll let you all decide if you want more of them
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ramp-it-up · 11 months
To Renounce and to Claim
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: A world where you and Bucky can be happy is seemingly only what dreams are made of. Until you complete your mission.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. S MUT! Read at your own risk. Curate your own experience. Pining, low self esteem, two idiots in love, Bucky in Wakanda, the White Wolf, skinny dipping, eye fucking, sex in public, sex in a river, loss of "virginity", size kink, pleasurable pain with sex, raw sex, oral sex, pulling out, cum play. Feelings of loss, (the death of T'Challa is implied) implied loss of child, feelings of revenge. Google translate Hausa and Russian.
Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: This is the second in the Bucky Barnes and the Summer Soldier series. White Wolf Bucky, liberties taken with the MCU cannon and timeline. The following terms are from google translate in Hausa: Masoyi- my love; ina son ku- I love you; ina son ku kuma- I love you too. Kulkoka- Doll in Russian. Other terms defined in text.
As always, reblog if you like it!
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I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Wakanda, 2017
The first time you saw Bucky Barnes, you wanted to destroy him.
You, and everyone you knew, thought that he’d assassinated your king, T’Chaka.
The pictures of the masked metal-armed man which was circulated among the Dora were mesmerizing to you. The blue eyes above the black mask seemed to stare into your soul. They were menacing, determined, yet with a hint of something else that had you transfixed.
You kept your eyes on the images long past the ending of the briefing and you were still seated with the holo-pad when everyone else stood to go.
When Okoye called for you, the other Doras quirked their mouths, the loudest their merriment would go in the mixed company of civilians, royalty, and military.
Zola confronted you about it months later, when Barnes was granted asylum in Wakanda.
“I want to talk to you about your feelings for the Winter Soldier.”
You stared at your former Captain, incredulous.
Bast, this woman did not forget a thing.
“I know not of which you speak, Mistress. I was studying his photos to see if I could spot a weakness, so as to kill him easily. Now that he has the king’s protection, I will follow orders.”
You kept your posture rigid and eyes straight ahead as she regarded you. Your training was over, but she knew you better than your mother in the river valley; you’d certainly been with her longer.
“That is the correct answer, child.”
You did not dare mention that you had not been a child for years. You kept your disrespect in your head. Not that it mattered.
“I know what you are thinking. That you are a full grown woman, a warrior. But if you do not want to put all of that in jeopardy, you will be careful. Do not let him into your head.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You should have listened better, for after he arrived, the Winter Soldier was not only in your head; he was in your heart. The chaos a smile from James Barnes could create inside you would cause your father to send you to the Jabari if you were still his ward.
You chilled Bucky to the bone from the first moment he laid eyes on you; you were so regal and so strong. You were different than any other human he’d ever met.
The second he introduced himself and your beautiful lips tilted into a frown and said, “What by Bast, is a Bucky?” you were firmly entrenched in his soul.
Neither of you felt you could be honest, you because of duty and he because he felt like an incomplete shadow of a man. Bucky had a lot of work to do. And he set about the work of healing, mentally and physically with a singular focus. Becoming worthy of you was one of his primary goals and you didn’t realize it.
The day Wakanda celebrated James Barnes and gave him a new name was the beginning of the end.
For the better part of the previous year, James Barnes had been just a man. A man that you squared off with when he first arrived, a man that you watched with pity as he broke down, then listened to with sympathy, talked to with candor, trained with intensity, and eventually broke bread with trust.
Now that man was your abokin kirki, your good friend. And also the White Wolf, practically a member of the royal family.
And, like the stealthiest of adversaries, the romantic feelings caught up to you quickly and without warning. You were astonished at how you felt when you saw the way that he looked at Nareema during the Royal celebration for him. You were devastated that he could look at another in that way and more than that, disappointed in yourself.
The fact that you’d fallen for your friend was something that you vowed never to admit or act upon. Sacrifice was your duty. Your feelings didn’t matter even if they were requited. Barnes was healing, and thus did not have time to focus on frivolous emotion.
Your job, as commanded by T'Challa, was to assist him through this period, and bid him goodbye when the time came.
What you purposefully ignored was how he had acted toward you. James sought you out, how he waited for you to come back from missions and training exercises, always with your favorite dishes prepared. Cooking was a hobby that he had undertaken to help calm his mind. And he was quite good at it.
You also disregarded the way Bucky looked at you, the way his eyes changed when you were in full combat gear, and the way his bow deepened as you walked by.
Or rather, you only thought about it when you were alone in your bed at night.
You should never have taken him to your favorite spot along the river the day after the celebration and allowed him to skinny dip with you. You told yourself it was just a private celebration between comrades; it was common among friends of the River Tribe, males and females naked before one another with no illicit thought. But this was different.
The way that you and James stared at each other from opposite banks as you lay in the sun after frolicking like children was dangerous. Your eyes avoided his, but you drank the rest of him in, from the new arm, to the scars on his chest, to the water drops dripping down his skin onto the river bank. His large cock was at rest, but it was long and thick, and you could imagine what it would be like if it were awakened.
You stared innocently at his manhood while something inside you alighted.
James’ eyes were upon you, from your captivating eyes, to those alluring lips, to the water running in rivulets between your beautiful breasts. He’d always admired your body, remembering every curve and toned muscle late at night and early in the morning when he was alone. The lust inside of him wanted you, but so did the love.
His eyes sought out yours, and when you finally returned his gaze, he guessed that perhaps you shared his feelings. Sensing his awareness, you again looked at his body, studying him as if he were predator, or prey.
Your boldness was alluring, and the fact that you were sitting, legs akimbo, so that he could clearly see the folds made Bucky feel the need to go into the river again to hide his arousal.
You joined him without thinking, your heart trying to break free from your ribs. You were afraid. For the first time, you felt truly afraid as your instinct drew you closer to him.
James’ hair was in his eyes, similar to the first time you saw him in those pictures all those months ago. And yet it was different this time. This time you knew that he would be your undoing.
You reached up to smooth his hair back, and he grabbed your wrist, pulling you close to him, your nipples conducting electricity with his wet skin and his cock pounding on your belly.
“Bari in tafi James. Let me go.”
“Da gaske kike so na? Do you really want me to?”
James pulled your hand to his mouth, his lips grazing your palm and up your arm. Your other hand flew up to strike him and he caught it with his vibranium one and twisted it behind you.
You were shocked, but not at him; you were surprised at your reaction. You could have easily gotten out of his hold, you were a skilled fighter.
But you didn’t want to.
“Do you mean to take me like some common karuwa?”
James spoke as his satin lips tasted your skin.
“Stop fighting the inevitable. You know that I hold you in the highest regard. You are not a whore, you are masoyi.”
James’ mouth had reached your shoulder and as he spoke you turned your head toward him as you whispered, terrified.
“You do not mean th-”
Bucky cut you off with his mouth upon yours. You whimpered in his grip and yielded when his tongue insisted entry to meet yours.
You stood in the river, James Barnes’ fingers massaging your scalp, drowning in his kiss. You moved closer to him, throwing your arms up to caress the muscles in his back, your fingers following the traces of water down his torso.
When the kiss was over, your head was spinning.
“What is it you want, soyayya ta? If I have offended you, I will leave Wakanda and never return. I-”
This time you cut him off with a kiss of your own, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding against his cock which was trapped between your core and his belly. James’ hands cupped your ass and as he did so, he groaned. He’d wanted to touch you this way as soon as he saw you, but he’d never dared. He respected you too much.
This time when you separated, you gave him direction.
“The rocks over there on the river bank.”
You pointed behind him to where he lay moments before.
“There. Take me James, over there.”
James turned around in the water, careful not to let the weakness he felt for you, nor the river current cause him to lose his footing. When he made it to the riverbank he deposited you gently on the sun-warmed rocks.
You leaned up on your elbows as James remained half in the water looking up into your eyes.
“Do you really want me James?”
He nodded.
“I do. More than just about anything.”
He picked up your hand and kissed your palm again.
“I have dreamed of this for so long. Tell me that you want me to, masoyi.”
You nodded.
“I want you, James. Ina son ku.”
Bucky beamed.
“Ina son ku kuma.”
And just like that, you were promised to each other, on the banks of your river beneath the Wakandan sun.
You kissed again, the act feeling like a sacrament, heating both of you beyond inhibition. His mouth, his hands, even his eyes on you were alerting all of your senses, because he was everywhere, and all at once. Your hands moved to keep up with him, your ardor overtaking you while you experienced his. Everywhere he touched, bit, suckled and stroked built the fires within you.
Bucky’s hand found your clit and teased it briefly before plunging a thick finger tip inside you. You bit your lip as you wantonly moved your hips.
“I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time, James. Need you.”
“You’ve no idea how much I want to be with you, too, kulkoka, but I don’t want to hurt you…”
James’ flesh hand was moving, stroking your walls as if he owned you, but your face heated at the knowledge of what he meant.
One night around the fire, he let you get drunk on some Border Tribe wine and you’d told him that you’d never been with a man. Not that you were a virgin, whatever that meant, but that sex with a man was something you hadn’t done.
Now you boldly stared at him in his mountain-ice blue eyes.
“I am a warrior James. I can handle it.”
James smirked and tilted his head as his fingers sank into your silken folds, readying you for his intrusion.
“Is that so?”
“Y-yes. I want you inside me…”
Your head lolled back on your shoulders, your shut eyelids glowing red with the sun.
“Mmmmmm, I want that too, Doll.. but I need to see you cum. Right now.”
James climbed down your body, pulling your thighs to the end of the rocks as he went. Your ass ended up in his hands and you leaned up on your elbows to watch him work. You spread your legs for him as his head dipped to your cunt.
James obtained eye contact as he delicately licked your slit from top to bottom and then stopped, watching as your eye opened, blazing as you silently demanded more by pushing his head down harder.
“Eat your meal, Sargent.”
“Yes, Lieutenant.”
You never let him forget that you outranked him, but he saucily winked as he went down and let his smile curl into your wetness.
As Bucky held you in two hands like a bowl and ate you like a man starved, you pulled his hair, which only spurred him on more. He would lick and then look at your pussy, pause, look you in the eyes, and then suck your clit until you were seeing stars. He continued until he could feel you clenching on his tongue. He suckled you and you trembled at how his lips looked wrapped around you. You squirmed until he had to hold you down so you couldn’t run from your orgasm.
“Give it to me. Now.”
Although you outranked him, your body obeyed his command.
You gasped as your mouth opened into a silent “O”, but you eventually didn’t care as you let out a wail with your climax.
Bucku suckled you through it, drawing out more pleasure and grinning when your pulses subsided.
When you were cognizant again, you reached for his member.
James Barnes was a model of a man, long and girthy, you could barely close your fist around him. His large glistening head projected out of the foreskin of his warm, thick and tan shaft. He felt so good in your grip, the veins that weaved around him making you crave that texture inside you. You had the curious urge to take his large balls into your mouth as your hand caressed him.
The effect of your action upon him was lost on you until you heard a groan, and you tore your eyes away from his glorious manhood to look up.
He was beautiful, looking at you with hooded eyes, hands on your thighs as he let you explore him, but obviously holding back. You could see his muscles tense as if ready to spring. With that knowledge, you leaned back as he gathered your thighs into his large hands. You knew that your arousal was leaking onto the rocks and that was confirmed at the way James looked between your legs and licked his lips.
“Take me James, I’m yours.”
“Be certain of what you’re saying, Doll.”
James lifted your leg to his shoulder and kissed from your ankle to your knee, causing you to shiver, then repeated the action with your other one. He then placed his hands on your waist as he moved close, the tip of his cock slotting into our wet, pulsing hole.
You whined as James stayed still, questioning you with his eyes.
“Please. James, I need you.”
Bucky swallowed and nodded, looking almost afraid.
“I got you, masoyi.”
Slowly, James moved forward, pushing inside you until you began to whimper. He stopped, not wanting to hurt you.
You never expected this sensation, the burning, the stretch, but you knew you were not ready for it to end.
You nodded up at him.
You remembered your regulation exercises and used them to relax. James’s cock felt so damn good, but it was a lot to take. He was ruining you from any other feeling and could tell when he looked into your lust blown eyes. His gaze roamed your entire body to take in this moment forever and to keep himself calm. He wanted to take you roughly and immediately, but he loved you too much to ever hurt you.
You moaned as the pleasure from him filling you began to overtake the pain. When he was finally seated as full as he could, passion overtook you and you began to move.
James grabbed you harder to still your hips, trying to hold back.
“I want you to fuck me James!”
With that Bucky growled and climbed up on the rock, knees giving leverage to his hips, which snapped into yours once and stopped when you yelped.
“Easy Doll, don’t want to… damn…you feel so fucking good… so right… hmmm.”
James’ mouth explored your neck and torso, finally worshiping your nipples. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hands in his hair and whispering into his ear.
“Bast! I will not break, White Wolf. Claim me. Make me yours!”
Bucky leaned up and wrapped his hand around your throat as he began to honor your request. He was now pounding into you so hard that your body, and you swore the rock beneath you, rippled.
You moaned loudly as pain turned into pleasure and your body started to tremble. Bucky’s display of power over you had your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Thaats it. So fucking beautiful. I’m.. not gonna… fuck I’m gonna…I need you to…”
Bucky’s other hand found your clit and you let out a string of river tribe curses as you exploded around his cock.
Bucky pumped about three more times and he exploded as well, pulling out in time to leave a string of pearls from your clit to your collarbone as he released all over you. You trembled as his hot spend seemed to sizzle on your sun warmed body. You watched him attempt to empty everything for you and then reached for him, instinctively sitting up to suck the rest out of him. Bucky looked down on you and shuddered, palming your head as you cleaned him off.
He reached down to play in the cum that decorated your body as you lay back on the warm rock. Then, he picked you up and took you back into the river, tenderly cleaning you off while covering you with kisses.
“I am going to meet with T’Challa. I need you to be my wife and have my babies as soon as possible.”
You woke up with a start and tears in your eyes, the noise outside coming through the fog in your head as Amsterdam’s red light district.
You felt a deep loss. For your King, your people, your home.. your husband.
Your child.
You slowly sat up from your sleeping bag, and shuffled to the bathroom to clean your face.
As you looked into the mirror, you vowed that you would be back with your husband…as soon as you killed the power broker.
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Please reblog to spread the joy!
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Kinktober list:
So some of these may not be posted depending if they are written well and in time. These will most likely be rushed but as I said before I’ll try my best.(I’ll also edit out ones I haven’t done) also I’ll post these ina week or so
Fic 1: Evan peters x fem reader : evan is away filming something and you feel frisky one night and sent him a risky picture which led to a night on the telephone./ phone sex, sexting, sending nudes, masterbation (finished and posted ) here
Fic 2: kai Anderson x gn! Reader: basically kai fucks your mouth./ blowjob, deepthroat, face fucking (finished and posted) here
Fic 3: James Patrick march x fem reader: knife play, rough sex. (Finished and posted) here
Fic 4: Austin sommers x fem reader: you both go to feed(it’s your first time) and Austin thought you covered in blood is the most hottest thing ever🤷‍♀️/ blood kink, sex covered in blood. (Finished and posted) here
Fic 5: kit walker x fem reader: you and kit have been married for a little over two years and one day he comes home from work wanting to grew your little family/ breeding kink, creampie, romantic smut (finished and posted) here
Fic 6: Tate langdon x fem reader: you sneak into the abandoned murder house to find a mysterious teenager there/ somewhat public sex, against a wall, (finished and posted) here
Fic 7: James Patrick march x fem reader: James spends the night worshipping you/ body worshiping, oral, heavy kissing
Fic 8: Kai Anderson x fem reader: you and Kai hated each other which often led to you both having hate sex/ hate sex, choking, spanking, degrading
Fic 9: Peter maximoff x fem reader: you find peter getting busy with himself and decide to join him/ masterbation, getting caught, mutual masterbation
Fic 10: Colin zable x fem reader: Colin has been too busy with work, making less time for you so you try to relax him/ thigh riding, bite marks, hickeys
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 7
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'Cause you live in my day dreams ch. 7
Word count: 2.7k
Relationships: Wednesday x Reader (She/they)
Warnings: Mention of blood, pain, bullets.
A/N: So sorry I took so long had a project anyyywaayyyy, if I do breaks again Im able to do drabbles so ask away. I have an Idea for a side au with Jenna, just confused about how I'm gonna use this character R and actor R (Gasp spoilers, wtv) enjoy, give suggestions yatta yatta.
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Small conversations spread among the bar, bottles hitting stained, polished wood and smooth granite countertops, and low music playing. It definitely wasn’t a big bar, but it was the home of drunken souls in the outskirts of Jericho. And tonight it housed hopeful, evil, and grieving souls. 
The door swung open, hitting the bell. A small three-man group raised their heads to see the newcomer as the bartender gave his regular warm smile to the eccentric man. 
"Evenin’ James, usual?" The bartender cleaned a glass, ready to serve. 
"Nah nah, I need somethin’ tougher; I’m ina surprising mood tahnigh’ hit me hard." James was practically jumping and shaking. 
The bartender started to pour him a fireball.
"Well, gee, it seems like you've got something heavy already." He slid the glass across the counter.
James quickly caught it and brought himself to the table of three men. He threw his head back and drank with speed. "Fellas, I got that damn thing that's been killin’ my livestock." He slammed his hands on the wooden table. 
The three of them laughed, and one spoke up. "The fucking big creature you saw, with the big claws and skin like a lagoon?" Dune made gestures to mock James' description. 
"Nah na! It’s real, but this one had wings! My god, the size of them nevah seen before, the tips nosebleed red, and it-it-it got deeper colah at the base." James tossed around his arms to depict this creature of the night "OH! And-and-and when I shot the bitch, the speed it took was incredible! Even though I shot it in the wing, damn it was moving maybay 300 miles?"
The group looked at the man in front of them like he was on shrooms, he sure acted like it. The bigger male chuckled, "So you’re saying some big ass peregrine falcon, has been taking your sheep, and when you shot it, it left at the speed of 300 miles per hour?" 
"No, no, Harlow, it gave me my sheep back! It done dropped the sheep back in the pen, ALIVE! The damn hooves were painted pink! Fuckin pink!" James explained.
The men were invested now. "You got two creatures in your fences now?" Harlow asked. 
"Yes! One is killing them, the other is saving them. Like an angel." James fawned over his findings.
Chuck took a sip of his beer before speaking. "Well, you said it was dark and bloody lookin’, don’t sound like no angel to me." 
"What would I call it then?" James questioned his ideas.
"I say call it a blood hawk, it’s easy to identify," Harlow said as he toyed with the ring of condensation on the wood.  "Also, go buy one of them cameras that videos motion." 
The bartender couldn’t hold his words anymore. "Say, you know what’s known for having creepy abnormalities, that Nevermore school miles away. That lagoon creature you were talking about James, I think it’s been seen there plenty of times." 
The bartender pushed a glass towards a shaggy brown-haired man, his hair long, as were the scars on his face as if he were mauled by a beast. The man’s clothes looked so mismatched and ripped; he had a beard starting to grow; and he looked homeless but still had money to buy a drink. This man couldn’t help but listen to the conversation; he made clear, surprised expressions at the words ‘Nevermore’ ‘Blood hawk’ ‘sheep’ and ‘alive’. All this man could do was hum in acknowledgment. 
"I’ll look into it once I get home." James smiled and continued to change the subject.
"Wednesday I know you usually don’t regret things, but I honestly feel so awful about hurting Y/n," Enid said with her chin on her school desk, her body droopy.
Sure, that is true Wednesday doesn’t feel regret, but everything she regrets on her mind is rooted in because of you, she regrets ever talking to you, accepting your dual, working on the project with you, letting you see something vulnerable in her—she regrets a lot when it comes to you. 
"They said it was fine." What Wednesday really regretted was letting you leave and trusting that you would take care of yourself. She hasn’t seen you all morning. The thought of you bleeding out that whole night banged on her cranium. 
Enid turned to face the goth, laying her cheek on the cold wood. "You don’t really believe that." Wednesday regrets not smothering her roommate, and Enid started to understand Wednesday’s ‘signs’. The raven stayed silent, keeping it that way the whole period. 
When it was over, she took her free period to confirm that Enid hadn’t murdered you. She checked the gym; you weren’t there. Wednesday looked where you feed birds; no luck. She entered your dorm to find clutters of paper and files scattered around your desk. As if a voice was pulling her into the room, Wednesday walked in and shut the door behind her, making a careful walk across the room to your desk. The floorboards creaking had an unusual pattern as if someone were in the room with her. The raven was on edge but still curious; determined to find out why you were gone. 
The goth inspected the papers on your desk. Pictures of the farm you two went to, papers containing information about the owner of said farm. What really stuck out were documents from the U.S. government. How in the world were you able to access something like this? The thought that you were taken by the FBI could make her chuckle. Wednesday shuffled the small stack, trying to get them back in order. When the order was found, Wednesday couldn’t stop reading.
In brief, the documents explain how an ‘anomaly’ that was captured in December of last year escaped a government vehicle, killing four of the six men in said vehicle. This creature never made it to the lab for testing, questioning, and possible execution. This creature could be conjured by American citizen Tyler Galpin. 
Tyler was out, and that was him; he was still lurking in the towns, waiting for his next victim.  
Wednesday looked around for anything that could reveal she was here, and when she turned to the glass screen door, a shine drew her in like everything else in this room. 
Unlocking it and stepping onto the concrete, she looked down to find a bullet that was almost perfectly clean. Why would you have a perfect bullet here? The casing was gone, so this was fired. 
This curious black cat bent down to pick up the fired bullet. Her head was shot backward, and scenes dashed and flashed across her vision.
Fingers that weren’t yours loading ammunition in a firearm; the bullet flying into feathered flesh, then deeper into warm blood and muscle; with her perspective being the bullet, Wednesday felt layers decompressing her. From what she could guess, it was feathers falling off, then skin, then muscles. The bullet dropped in a pool of blood; something or more of a surplus made a horrific shriek as if it was getting brutally attacked. She couldn’t tell what made it, and the warmth of blood left her after the vision ended.
Once the vision was over, Wednesday moved her head back. It felt as if someone was beating her skull; that never happens with visions, but that aside, what did she just see? Wednesday began to make a hypothesis, clearly, this was past, not future, and this bullet wasn’t yours, but she couldn’t be sure if you fired the weapon, it was shot in some bird, but why was the bullet removed like that, layer by layer? What was that screaming? 
The girl’s head was pounding, and before she left your room, she took the bullet, the papers. She wanted to find some type of DNA in the room, but her head said otherwise. 
Something was wrong; your brain was triggering some sort of defensive reaction, and you didn’t understand what was triggering it. You’re trained to keep your brain in full control, to know when you’re being psychologically attacked, and currently, the right and left sides of your brain are disagreeing with something. Before you can get the problem fixed, you need to know the problem. That could wait though.
"I really need to train back home again." You muttered to the wind, and it raced past as if responding.
You smiled as you continued to walk along the side of a gravel road. This scenery wasn’t better than the woods with Wednesday; did you even look at the view when you were with Wednesday? What were you focused on? 
This constant questioning of yourself was scaring you. Your family described you as a person, with no limits, but you had to be in control of your whole body, and recently you weren't. Maybe that’s why you're triggering a defensive response.
You stopped at a small home surrounded by flat, crop-growing land, knocking on the door before you looked yourself up and down. With a small smirk, you thought the outfit looked like a hitman in the winter decked out in dark, puffy clothes. Hey, it was close to the beginning of winter.
Once the door opened, a taller man, maybe 2 inches taller than you, greeted you with a grimace.
"Well, who the hell is you? Matrix-looking kid. All these damn new fashion trends." His accent was a deep Southern one.
You chuckled before speaking, "You, James Turner?" Your hands shuffled in that dark, puffy jacket, pulling out a picture of the man in front of you. 
"Who’s asking?" He got closer to you, and smelled like booze. 
You've shown him the photo now. "There’s a problem if someone did." You murdered someone, sir?" He could have the other night if your thesis was right. 
"I ain’t kill nobody, did I?" Bingo. James started to get a little scared, you could read it off his body language.
"Well, I heard a complaint about some gunfire, and when I asked around for you, I heard you shot something." Part of that was a lie, you didn't really ask, just lots of tabs closing at a bar. 
James looked like a child getting caught with their hand in a cookie jar; he was going to break. "Listen, somethin’ been stealing my animals. I was waiting to shoot it last night, then this big bird-like person dropped a sheep in the pen, and I shot at it."
Your face scrunched in confusion. "Why would you shoot something, dropping your sheep back off? And you said human-looking? You were going to just kill a person like that?" You took steps forward, and James kept backing up until both of you were in the house. 
"I jus wan-tah to catch em’ , Ay I don’t even think that was them! Something else was killing my animals, it was green and-and-and large, eyes like a bug." Tsk tsk James, the hole he dug just kept getting bigger.
You were so close in his space that he tripped into a seat. "So you shot something that you wanted to catch even though it helped you; it wasn’t even the creature that was killing! What were you going to do, James? When you caught it, that is." 
"I I I." He sure does stutter you noted, "I was gonna report it for stealing." 
You gripped the table, did it crunch? James questioned. "What’s the story, Turner? You said it gave back…" 
"You’re right It was, it was." He was sweating badly. 
"Good, so you understand that you committed attempted murder? Correct?" Your voice was deathly low. "It can be a pretty hefty sentence, James." 
He watched you move around his house, preparing a glass of water, before sitting across from him.
"I’m going to jail?" He looked on the verge of tears. 
You paused before speaking, a clicking sound filled your silence. "Yes, if you refuse to comply with me." You took a long sip of water, making Turner wait in anguish. "Heard you’re gonna set up cameras around this place, I want you to set up cameras around the woods, set up baits, get as much footage of this killing creature as you can, and hand all of the footage, pictures, and what you baited with to me. Sound simple?" 
"Course, anything yes, please, I jus don’t wanna go to jail." He nodded like a bobblehead.
"Perfect, and don’t think you can escape this; I've got all the information to make a court session last less than 10 minutes." You smiled and finished the glass. Quickly grabbing a pen and paper, you wrote one of your numbers and labeled it, 'Turn in footage work and info here' 
"Cya round James Turner." And just like that, after scaring this older male, you left, walking back to Nevermore. 
This headache wanted to make Wednesday have a lobotomy or struck like Zeus to get Athena out. She could barely piece together the papers in front of her. Enid watched her struggle to work, pointing it out like always.
"What’s up with you? I feel like this is easy." 
"My head has been in pain since I had that vision, usually that doesn’t happen," Wednesday explained as she moved the sheets and note cards around the board. 
Enid knew that if the pain was really bothering her, this headache was something from hell. "Hm, do you want to take something? Or maybe take a break?" 
"I did; it got worse." Wednesday's face barely scrunched as she spoke. "I don’t need a break either." 
Thumps on the door broke the conversation; they both looked at each other, then Enid went to open it. 
You stood there with a toothy grin and said, "Hey Sinclair, where’s Wednesday?" 
"I don’t know if she would be up for a date, Y/n, she’s got a raging headache." Enid knew Wednesday stole from you, so she had to make somewhat of an excuse. 
You paused for a second. "I, uhm, no, I’m not here for that, she has something I ne-" 
Enid shut the door in your face and said, "They know!" Whisper yelling to the goth. All she did was nod and signal to let you in.
Enid slowly opened the door to let you in; once you did, Wednesday’s now migraine blared. She gripped the side table near her. 
"Evening Addams, I’m guessing you know why I’m here." You walked closer to her, maybe 5 inches away from her now. 
"Why," she paused to take a breath, "why do you have them?" 
You raised a brow and said, "I could ask the same." You whispered, getting closer to her ear. "You can get in trouble if you have them; I know how to take care of them." Also, you have a vision?" 
Wednesday wanted to make sure this wasn’t some fake whispering again, so she clutched the bottom of your shirt. For you, it seemed like desperation. She released you and went to take the papers.  
"Yes." Wednesday handed the papers back. Just like that, the pain was gone, and she could think straight now. 
"Doesn’t hurt anymore, does it?" This no-distance whispering with you was going to kill Wednesday; it made her feel sick again. 
She slowly nodded, and with that, you backed up and said your goodbyes, then left.
So many holes—how did you know about the papers? Where have you been all day? How did the vision connect with the headaches? How did you fix it? What trouble did you mean? Why do you have those papers? What were you going to do with it? Her loud thinking was blocked.
"So no more evidence?" Enid asked. 
"The bullet—I still have it."
"Well, it is like almost 12. Let’s look at it tomorrow. Also, who comes to someone’s door at 11? Also,  what did she tell you? I couldn’t hear, over the sound of you two practically making out with each other's whispering. Wait a minute, you didn’t even whisper; you just nodded. What was that about? Whatever, that's a question for tomorrow. I’m too tired, night Addams." Enid threw herself onto her bed and crashed to sleep. 
Wednesday, on the other hand, couldn’t do the same; she needed to get answers.
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CFWC LGBTQIA Masterlist March
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
Cherry Blossoms Dancing In The Sunlight ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Contestant x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Gardenia in Blossom ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| BP NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Pink Azaleas For a Love That Saved Us ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Dallas James x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Blades MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
A Burden We Both Share ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Valax x Nia Ellarious - @livelaughlovecassie
Nia Ellarious x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @gaiuskamilah
Orc Meets Girl ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| F!Orc!MC & F!Human!MC - @noesapphic
Kamilah Sayeed x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @vampirkit
Gabriel Rose 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms
So Was it Honestly the Best? ✒️🏳️‍🌈| m!Trystan Thorne x MC - @choices-ceri
Surprise Selfie! 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Beckett Harrington x MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Your Love is Sweet Like a Honeysuckle ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Griffin Langley x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Grandchildren: Beatriz ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈| Estela Montoya x F!MC - @marmolady
Lancelot du Lac 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @lilyoffandoms
Chicory Flowers For My Beloved ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Eleanor Waverly x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Count the Red Roses ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Michael Harrison x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Gabe Adalhard Flower Crown 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @aria-ashryver
Lavander Sass ✒️🏳️‍🌈| NB!MC, Original Characters - @aallotarenunelma
Noah Marshall x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @payroo
I thought that I was special...🎨🏳️‍🌈| Gabe Ricci, NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Martin Vanderweil Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The Three Fates 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Watcha Doing Down There?🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Weird, but not a sin🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind: Goldenrod (NB!MC)🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Windverse Art 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, OCs by @cammarada (C: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
Bryce Lahela x M!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @/artbyainna (C: @icecoffee90)
Your Death, Your Dog, Your Declaration ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Bryce Lahela x M!MC (eventual) - @mydemonsdrivealimo
With Warning (Series)✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Bryce Lahela, Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter Part Five: Captain Lahela and a Serving of Common Sense
Alstroemeria as in Adoration ✒️🏳️‍🌈| PM F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Wisteria Will Intertwine Around Our Wrists ✒️🏳️‍🌈| M!Raleigh Carerra x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
I'm Not Needed, Never Will I Be ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Ina Kingsley x MC - @kwaj115
Ride or Die Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈| F!Logan x M!MC - @cadybear420
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Liam Rys x M!MC - @justcallmefox89
Stitched Sunflowers ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Dean West x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Origami Daisy ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Simon Hendricks x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Amaryllis Bliss ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Jamie Lewis x F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
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ereardon · 1 year
Golden Hour sneak peek
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Summary: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC [Dr. Olive James]
A tall blond with glasses loomed in the doorway. He wore a blue button up shirt with a white doctor’s coat over it, a pair of tan trousers and cowboy boots hidden below the hem of his pants. When he looked at you, he scowled, and you felt his gaze searing over your skin and dark hair. It made you want to turn away from the intensity, but you forced yourself to meet his gaze and smile. 
“Dr. Olive James,” you said, holding out one hand, bangles bashing together as you waited with the hand outstretched. “You can call me Olive or Liv.” 
After a beat, he reached out and enveloped your hand in his. His fingers were long and beautiful, like a piano player’s. “Dr. Bob Floyd,” he said. 
You nodded, your hand still trapped in his. Finally, Bob let his gaze slip from yours and you let your hand fall. 
Macy looked between the two of you and blushed. The air was thick with tension. “I’ll be on my way then.” She nodded at you. “Dr. James. Dr. Floyd.” There was a way that she said Bob’s name. A sort of reverie. Macy scampered away and you heard the front door shut behind her, leaving you and Bob alone. He made no move to show you around. 
You cleared your throat. “Is, um, is Dr. Floyd Sr. around?” 
“My father is quite elderly,” Bob said and his voice was deep, gruff, but velvety. “He’s retired.” 
You nodded. “That’s why I’m here. He hired me as his replacement.” 
Bob squinted. “And what exactly are your credentials?” 
Anger bubbled inside of you. He doubted your credentials? This small-town doctor who probably graduated bottom of his class was asking about your credentials. You straightened your shoulders. “Columbia medical. I did my surgical residency at Mount Sinai where I was chief resident, and I just completed a fellowship in obstetrics.”
Bob brushed past you without a response. You frowned, trailing after him as he made his way into the back behind the desk to a small kitchen at the back of the house. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then turned around. “Why the hell would you want to come here?” he demanded. “You’re a surgeon.” 
You didn’t know how to tell him that New York was dead to you. Perhaps not the whole city, but there was no going back. Not when Peter had come home three nights before and ended a five year relationship and engagement with five words. 
I slept with someone else. 
There was no going back. Your apartment, your perfect Upper East Side apartment, the one you had searched high and low for three years, was getting packed up as you spoke. The walls you had painstakingly painted were being stripped of all of the artwork and photographs that dotted it so carefully. The kitchen where you had spent countless hours trying to learn how to properly sautee green beans and how to roast a whole chicken that would make Ina Garten proud, was standing empty like a skeleton on a gurney. The bedroom that you and Peter had shared was just a shell that had once housed whimpers and soft declarations of love. 
How could you tell a stranger that the largest city in the US was still too small to go back to? So you had done the only rational thing. You had fled. Somewhere far. Somewhere small where you could hide in plain sight. Somewhere he would never come looking for you. 
[Masterlist here]
Tag list:
@eli2447 @himbos-on-ice @genius2050 @xomrsalliej4787xo @cool-ultra-nerd @xoxabs88xox
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@louie-bugug @arson-tmm @valkyrja-siren-blog @avengers-fixation @fudge13 @phantomxoxo @a-court-of-roscoe-and-babyy @not-two-shrimp @abaker7474 @evans-dejong @mandylove1000
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chxrchgay · 1 year
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Jeb and Dash: A Diary of Gay Life, 1918-1945. Edited by Ina Russell, published 1993. 290 pages.
rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Jeb and Dash is an edited version of some 50 diaries written by Carter Newman Bealer (1899–1965), chronicling his life as a government employee and member of Washington D.C.’s gay community. While some aspects of his life were changed by his niece Ina during the editing process (all of the names are pseudonyms, and some figures in his life were left out or synthesized for clarity/ease of reading), it’s still an invaluable primary source. Jeb/Carter documented his life meticulously, and the infinite details he records about the city & its gay culture (and the friends who were involved in it) make it feel remarkably alive.
It is, admittedly, a sad read. Jeb was an aspiring writer but between long bouts of writer’s block and lifelong anxiety, he only had one short story published during his lifetime. His relationship with Dash was often marked by insecurity and jealousy, fueled by Dash’s sometimes cold behavior and inconsistent patterns of rejection and affection. And the world was also an unfriendly place for a gay man—Jeb makes mention of his hatred for cops, as they harassed or arrested men for cruising, and he was frequently harassed by strangers and coworkers and family alike.
Much of his writing about politics was cut, as Russell wanted the focus to be on gay history, but there are still moments where Jeb shows his spine in satisfying ways—defending the actions of anarchists and getting into arguments with fascists & nazi apologists, including those within his own family.
All in all, I considered it a very worthwhile read. I’ve always been fond of this sort of epistolary format (diaries and letters and the like), the relationships are often equal parts compelling and frustrating, I loved the historical aspect of it, and the great inescapable loneliness that followed Jeb throughout his life made me feel even more kinship with him, despite the fact that he died nearly 60 years ago.
“But we who are afflicted with this terrible and exquisite curse that uplifts us to the stars one moment and drops us in the mud the next, can find little lasting happiness in any way—our own or that of the unsympathetic world.”
While I’m sure I missed some, I made an accompanying playlist of every song referenced in Jeb’s diaries that I could find on spotify. Some other jazz playlists of the era can be found here: x x x x
Additional reading:
The Edwin Poems, by John Zeigler, 2007. Zeigler was a friend of Jeb’s and is featured in his diary under the pseudonym “Nicky.” This collection of poetry was written during and after Zeigler’s 49 year relationship with his partner Edwin Peacock. 4/5 stars. (ISBN: 9781425752729)
Edwin and John: A Personal History of the American South, by James T. Sears, 2018. (ISBN: 1560237619)
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wqbytop100 · 2 months
Top100 for the week ending July 28, 2024
Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -1 --9weeks-- (2weeks @#1)
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT f/Jordan Shaw -2 (8weeks @#1) --13weeks--
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -4 --17weeks-- [#2]
Heat --Tove Lo, SG Lewis -6 --4weeks--
Tease Me --Nicky Your -3 --5weeks-- (#2)
Disconnect --Becky Hill -14 --11weeks--
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -8^ --17weeks-- (#2)
Larger Than Life --Armin Van Buuren, ChefSpecial -5 --7weeks-- (#5)
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr f/Kareem Lomax -9 --16weeks-- (#3)
Music Is Better --RUFUS DU SOL -12 --5weeks--
Shallow Water --Elderbrook -11 --7weeks-- (#9)
Dance Through The Night --Gryffin, Whetham, Norma Jean Martine -15 --3weeks--
Midnight Ride --Orville Peck, Kylie Minogue, Diplo -13 --7weeks-- (#3)
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -10 --11weeks-- (#2)
Whatever --Kygo f/Ava Max -7 --14weeks-- (#7)
Lost In Space --Foster The People -17 --6weeks--
Brad Pitt --COIN -19 --5weeks--
Hero --Vintage Culture, Emery Taylor -18 --9weeks-- (#10)
Role Model --Fat Boy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -16 --10weeks-- (#10)
I Go Dance ---Kiesza -20 --8weeks-- (#13)
Unsure --Alan Walker, Kylie Cantrail -21 --6weeks-- (#15)
Take Me To The Beach --Imagine Dragons -29 --4weeks--
Joyride --Ke$ha -25 --3weeks--
Summer's Back --ALOK, Jess Glynne -24 --6weeks--
Give Me Your Love --Benny Benassi, Nu-La -27 --3weeks--
Buscando Money --TWENTY SIX,Tayson Kryss -26 --14weeks-- (#3)
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -23 --24weeks-- (2weeks @#1)
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -22 --16weeks-- (#3)
LA --Northeast Party House --28 --10weeks-- (#14)
Hell Together --David Archuleta -30 --17weeks-- (#10)
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -31 --22weeks-- (#11)
Multiply --Becky Hill -32 --8weeks-- (#9)
Wake Up --Imagine Dragons -33 --4weeks--
Bittersweet --LP Globbi Portugal, The Man -34 --3weeks--
Some Like It Hot --VASSY, Saint Rock -97 --2weeks--
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -36 --14weeks-- (#10)
Shallow Water --Elderbrook (Club Mix) -95 --2weeks--
It's Love (Trippin) --Kolsch, Goldtrix, Andrea Brown -38 --7weeks--
Can't Slow Down --Almost Monday -39 --8weeks--
Your Shine --BAKERMAT, Fly Disco Butter -41 --4weeks--
Looking For Joy --Kaleena Zanders -42 --4weeks--
Perpetual Motion --Phantoms -44 --6weeks--
Out Of Time --ZEDD, Bea Miller -45 --4weeks--
Breathe You In --Gorgon City, NORTH -47 --4weeks--
Barcelona --Alan Walker, Ina Wroldsen -46 --6weeks--
Stumblin' In --CYRIL -48 --5weeks--
A Tear In Space--Glass Animals -49 --7weeks--
Freefalling --Gem & Tauri, Eyes Everywhere, Sarah de Warren -96--2weeks--
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -35 --14weeks-- (#6)
Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -37 --9weeks-- (#25)
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -40 --20weeks-- (#3)
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers f/INK -43 --17weeks-- (#9)
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -50 ---14weeks-- (#8)
My Fault --Shaboozy, Noah Cyrus -54 --7weeks--
Whateva --Kyle Walker -55 --7weeks--
I Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -56 --10weeks--
White Claw --Yung Gravy, Shania Twain -57 --4weeks--
Ten (Get Back Up) --Nathan Dawe, MNEK -58 --4weeks--
Paradise --Madison Rose -59 --8weeks--
Where Are You Tonight --KREAM -60 --3weeks--
Me Before You ---Kygo, Piested -61 --3weeks--
Pretty Low --Dillon Francis, Galantis, Arden James -62 --5weeks--
Water --The Floorplan -63 --5weeks--
Gravity --Frank Walker, Tyler Shaw -65^ --7weeks--(#43)
Under The Sun --Ella Henderson, Switch Disco, ALOK -67 --5weeks--
Just A Dance --Alfie Templeman, Nile Rodgers -68 --4weeks--
A Bar Song (Tipsy) --Shaboozey, David Guetta -69 --5weeks--
Morning --Cheat Codes X Jason Derulo -53 --9weeks-- (#37)
Look At That Woman --Role Model -52 --5weeks-- (#44)
Carry You Home --Alex Warren -66 --7weeks-- (#66)
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT f/Ekko -51 --20weeks-- (#5)
***I Can't --Reba McEntire (Dave Aude Remix) -(new) --1week--
Leave With My Love --Ayokay -100 --2weeks--
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -71 --10weeks--(#23)
The Craving --Twenty One Pilots -70 --9weeks-- (#31) -->
No Shade At Pitti --The Chainsmokers -64 --11weeks-- (#19) -->
Endless Night --Matea -82 --5weeks--
Spiral --Sofi Tukker -83 --3weeks--
Without You --Kygo f/HAYLA -86 --5weeks--
Resonate --John Summit, Kaskade, Julia Church -87 --3weeks--
It's That Time --Marion Hoffstadt -(Fisher Remix) -88 --3weeks--
Cut --Marin Morris, Julia Michaels -89 --4weeks--
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -72 --24weeks-- (#11) -->
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -73 --20weeks-- (#3) -->
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook, George Fitzgerald -75 --13weeks-- (#23) -->
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -76 --20weeks-- (#11) -->
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -77 --17weeks-- (#12) --->
Wherever You Are --Martin Garrix, DubVision, Shaun Farrugla -92^ --7weeks--
The Future Is A Foreign Land --Ghost -93 --3weeks--
Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -74 --9weeks-- (#66)
Houdini --Eminem -78 --7weeks-- (#33) -->
Rescue Me --Syn Cole, Parson James -84 --5weeks-- (#81) -->
Close Your Eyes --Matt Sassari, Dillon Francis, James Carter -85 --5weeks-- (#85) -->
Heartbreaker --Purple Disco Machine, Chromeo -94 --3weeks (#93)
***Upstate Miracle --Gilligan Moss -(new) --1week--
God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assla -91 --11weeks-- (#35) -->
Old Fashion Feeling --MIDLAND -80 --8weeks-- (#45) --->
***Don't Stop The Music --Dimitri Vegas, Vin Zion -(new) --1week--
***No Matter What --TELYKAST, Oaks -(new) --1week--
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni-Long, Nile Rodgers -79 --16weeks-- (#13) --->
4 New on the chart this week 7/28/24 #72 I Can't #95 Upstate Miracle #98 Don't Stop The Music #99 No Matter What
***new on the chart this week ---> off next weeks chart
0 notes
X-Men: The Next Mutation
by s10127470
In this new take on the Marvel Universe, the X-Men have become powerful fighters thanks to their secondary and even tertiary mutations. But now they’re gonna have to put their skills to the test when their arch-enemies, the Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy, have returned and are out for revenge. Luckily, they have a lot of friends who have their backs. Including two of their longtime human allies, a superhero family, a savage lord and his saber-tooth tiger of a brother, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, some family members, a underwater king, a particular wall-crawler, and a new ally in the form of a world famous geneticist. Together, Marvel’s merry band of mutants will continue to do what they do best: protecting mutants and humans from foes, old and new, alike, going on wild adventures, and clearing out as many restaurants with their enormous appetites.
Words: 1392, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of X-Men: The Next Mutation
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse), Marvel, Marvel (Comics), Ultimate X-Men, Marvel 1602, X-Men: The Animated Series, X-Men Evolution, Wolverine And The X-Men (Cartoon), X-Men (Original Timeline Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, James “Logan” Howlett, Ororo Munroe, Piotr Rasputin, Kitty Pryde, Hannah-Marie Carlyle, Bobby Drake, Kurt Darkholme, Wren Worthington, John Proudstar, Henry McCoy, Shiro Yoshida, Sean Cassidy, Alison Blaire, Emma Frost, Remi LeBeau, Charles Xavier, Duncan Matthews, Moira MacTaggert, James Kincaid, The Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy, Bolivar Trask, Cain Marko, Amahl Farouk, Karl Lykos, Webber Torque, Keniuchio Harada, Kevin Plunder, Shanna O'Hara, Zabu, Ina & Biri, The Fantastic Four, The Avengers - Character, Nick Fury, X-Factor - Character, The New Mutants, Lockheed
Relationships: Jean Grey/Logan/Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe/Donald Blake, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Hannah-Marie Carlyle/Remi LeBeau, Bobby Drake/Johnny Storm, Kurt Darkhölme/Wren Worthington, Emma Frost/Henry McCoy, Alison Blaire/Shiro Yoshida, slight Sean Cassidy/Moira MacTaggert, Raven Darkholme/Irene Adler, Kevin Plunder/Shanna O’Hara, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Crystal Amaquelin/Pietro Maximoff
Additional Tags: Characters as Anime Badasses, Team as Family, Team Bonding, Everyone Basically Came Right Out of a Shonen Anime, Genderbent Angel, Genderbent Gambit, Multiversal Variants as Protégés, Charles Xavier isn’t an Asshole for Once, Mutants Finally Being Accepted, Pietro and Wanda are still mutants, So is Franklin, Peter Parker will actually be allowed to be FUCKING happy!, The Mutants are Big Eaters
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/cbIWA4k via IFTTT
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kacxa-fan · 5 years
Kacxa & Leiffin
Acxa & Ina are the two socially awkward, quiet ladies dedicated on being the loyal right-hand to their hot-headed leaders.
❤️💜 + 🧡💛
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as2015 · 6 years
Tumblr media
Ok, sólo soy alguien que tiene muchas ships en este show, no me juzguen lol
2K notes · View notes
James: [looking thoughtful]
Ina: What are you thinking about?
James: You know, the other day Keith told me that Nadia is always giving him bouquets of flowers.
Ina: Okay?
James: [blushing] I just thought that I'd like it if you did the same thing.
Ina: ....Okay?
[The next day]
Ina: [walking up to Keith with a bouquet of flowers]
Keith: Uh, what?
Ina: Yeah, I don't get it either.
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gothicallura · 6 years
I know I’m hella in love with a ship if so much as sketching it makes me feel soft. Which is exactly what’s happening to me right now, as I’m sketching some Leiffin fanart.
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sneakybananabox · 3 years
Master List
The Twins take on Belvoire :
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
Jealous Poppy (Poppy x Mc)
Under the Weather (Poppy x Mc)
I knew you liked me (Poppy x Mc)
Hands off (Poppy x Mc)
It should have been me (Chloe x Mc , Poppy x Mc)
Won't give up (Poppy x Mc)
I'm sorry (Poppy x Mc)
Parent Trap (Poppy x Mc)
Happy Birthday (Poppy x Mc)
86 notes · View notes
promisedneverwrite · 3 years
Poppy X Mc
Until Dawn (A Vamp! Poppy and Werewolf Bea fic)
Bea scanned the empty quad of the school from her vantage point, honeyed eyes glowing an eerie yellow in the dark. She had made the right call in coming later in the day, sensitive hearing gave her the advantage of getting the scoop of being a hot topic which she did not need. Adjusting to the city life was still taking a toll on her as well as the alarming number of midnight creatures in the area. Vampires to be exact, not something she was hoping for really but something she had no control over now that she was here. She just had to be careful, and stay in the sun, something that she just realized she had not done. Nice.
Chapters : I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV,
It began in the late hours of the night, to Poppy’s knowledge. Sometimes a soft melody accompanied with harmonizing humming and sometimes not. It garnered fear at first, the odd music disrupting her own as she was swimming in her little oasis late at night.
That’s My Baby (Poppy route)
It's the Anesthetics
What a Dork
Our Little Sunshine (poppy x mc parent au collab)
Chapters: I, II, III
Zoey X Mc fic
That’s My Baby (Move Along) 
“I love you, but you smell like pond water.” Bea gives her a sullen look. “Don’t give me that look Beatrice.” Bea sighs dramatically then grins and Zoey steps back warily. “Oh no, don’t you even dare.” Zoey shrieks as she dodges Bea’s lunge hugs. “Stop! Bea, this is a new shirt!” 
Bea, Stop!
Chloe x Mc
Won’t say I’m in love 
Chapters: I, II, III, IV
“Good morning Chloe!” Chloe sighed at the voice, eyes not moving from her phone as she scrolled through her pictagram. Bea Hughes scuttled her way over, with a bright smile that Chloe already knew was on her face without even having to look. But she did, just to make sure, a quick glance up and she was right. It made her eye twitch before looking back to her phone.
“Drop dead, Farmhand.”  
“I am having a wonderful day, thank you for asking.”
Veronica x Mc 
Stream Queens 
“It seems we have a special guest Veronicats. My girlfriend Bea.” Bea laughed then popped up by her smiling and waving.
Pool Maintenance
"Bea, dude you gotta help me?" Ford held his hands together begging as soon as Bea clocked in.
"What now Ford?" Bea narrowed her eyes at his boyish grin. She was looking forward to a easy morning until this.
"Its just a small maintenance job I promise."
Small maintenance job my ass this place is huge!
Requests (*= nsfw)
Titles of fics not yet written are subject to change 😬
Jealousy (PoppyxMc)
Don’t bet your life on that (PoppyxMc)
Knight in Charmeuse Silk (PoppyxMc)
My Bed, My Rules*, My Bed, My Rules Pt2.* (PoppyxMc)
Satisfied* (Poppy x Mc)
You Know (Poppy X MC)
Sunday Morning* (Poppy x Mc)
Three's a Crowd* (Poppy x Mc)
Date Night* (Poppy x Mc)
Girl Who Cried Woof* (Poppy x MC)
I Want Your Attention (Ina x Mc)
Tease*, Tease Pt2.* (Poppy xMc)
Sexual Healing* (Poppy x Mc)
Sometime you have to beat the ladies off with your Purse (Poppy x Mc)
You'll be Alright, You'll be alright Pt. 2 (Poppy x Mc)
Who will catch you now? (Poppy x Mc)
Supernatural*, Supernatural Pt. 2* (Chloe x Mc x Veronica)
Big Bad Wolf*, Big Bad Wolf Pt. 2* (Voppy x Mc)
Reflections* (Poppy x Mc)
She's Mine* (poppy x Mc)
The Afterparty (Poppy x Mc)
I Believe* (Poppy x Mc)
You Know What I See? (Reader x Mc)
---- Writing Break--- uploads will not be in order lol
You Stupid B*tch (Poppy x Mc song fic)
I'll Make It Worth Your While* (Veronica x Mc)
Until The Last Petal Falls (Ina x Mc song fic)
Tell Me What's Real (Zoey x Mc)
Those Hay Bale Throwing Arms* (Poppy x Mc)
Give Me Cuddles* (Chloe x Mc)
Home (Poppy x Mc)
Midnight Mass* (Voppy x Mc)
Protect Me, Pt 2, Pt 3. (Poppy x Mc)
You're doing this on Purpose* (Poppy x Mc)
Kiss me (Ina x Mc)
Yes* (Poppy x mc)
Dear Dad (Poppy x Mc)
Positions* (Poppy x Mc)
Behind closed doors (Poppy x Mc)
Two roads diverged (Poppy x Mc)
Drifting Away (poppy x Mc)
How the tables have turned (Poppy x Mc)
Beggin'* (the orgy skjklsjl)
Slow life (Poppy x Mc)
Your name (Poppy x Mc)
Remember Me (Poppy x Mc)
I want you* (Veronica x Chloe)
Breakfast in Bed* (Poppy x Mc)
Roadside Service* (Poppy x Mc)
Fics Based on Art
Beach Day (Poppy x mc)
220 notes · View notes
moonyscardigan13 · 2 years
Jegulus hc / breakup
Idk what is this, i was bored and sad. It's from James' perspective.
Regulus was cold. But he was also fire. He was dangerous and James touched him carefully. As if he was made of glass and could break. Lily was water and James needed water to live. We are made of water. Maybe forming a family away from the Death Eaters. Regulus was going down a path that James couldn't follow. Why was he doing this to him? Why was he making him break away? Regulus didn't want to be saved. That was breaking his heart. Perhaps he had never loved him as much as James did. Maybe he would spend his whole life loving him. Or maybe he should be grateful for the time they had spent together. Both would never forget.
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