#jameson really just needs a hug
wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
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ABOUT: 1157 words
STORY: avery gets spoiled on mother's day by jameson and their daughter
WARNINGS: none!!
requested by anon <33
A/N: sorry to whoever requested this its actually embarrassing how long it took me to get to it, but i love jameson and avery as parents i may revisit this idea at some point!!
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Jameson wasn’t an excellent cook. He wasn’t much of a cook, period. His whole life, he’d never really needed to learn to make food anyway, so he just never did. 
But on special occasions he wanted to try. And mother’s day was one of the most special occasions ever, in his eyes. A whole day dedicated to Avery. To the woman he loved, the mother of his child, his heiress. In fact, he didn’t think that a day was enough. It should’ve been mother’s week, mother’s month. 
But he could work with a day. 
It’s not like he didn’t already treat her like every day was her special day.
Every year, Jameson made a tradition out of making Avery breakfast in bed. And this was the first year that their daughter, Hannah, was finally able to assist him. A big girl, three years old now.
“Oh my- sweetie, that is way too many chocolate chips.”
Hannah was standing on the step stool in front of him, trying to add the chocolate chips to her mom’s pancakes. She somehow dumped almost a quarter of the bag into the small portion of batter.
“I know!” She giggled. She tried to add even more, but Jameson took the bag from her. “Chocolate makes me happy and I want mommy to be very happy!
“Well, with that much chocolate, I don’t think it’s possible for her to not be happy.” That made her grin even wider. 
Then, without warning, Jameson wrapped his arms around her from behind and picked her up. He spun her around, eliciting yet another chorus of giggles from her, and then carefully set her back down on the floor away from the counter. 
“Can I trust you to get a plate and fork out?” He asked. Hannah nodded hard, her face set like it was the most important task in the world. 
He sighed and turned back to the bowl that probably had more chocolate chips than anything else. It wasn’t… ideal, but it was adorable. Plus, he couldn’t be mad at her for trying. Hannah loved her mom as much as Jameson did, the kid only had good intentions. 
Soon, Jameson had managed to mix the batter enough to cook the pancakes, even if it was 60% chocolate. He continued, pouring it into the pan and began to cook the pancakes. He called Hannah back over to flip them, guiding the spatula in her small hands with his own. 
Once they were finished, she helped him slide them onto the plate that she’d gotten out earlier. Jameson then set down the spatula and turned to his daughter with a proud smile. He scooper her up into his arms and gave her a hug.
“You did so good, sweetheart,” he said, squeezing her gently.
Hannah’s small arms wrapped around his neck as it transitioned from a hug to him holding her. She tilted her head curiously. “Why do you always hug me and mommy so much?”
He laughed at her adorable question. “That’s because I love you both so much, and I want you to know that.” 
And it wasn’t a lie, not even close to one. Jameson Hawthorne loved his girls more than anything.
His girls. 
His world.
Hannah’s face lit up in understanding and she hugged him tighter. “I love you too, Daddy!”
Jameson chuckled again, setting her back down and ruffling her hair softly. 
“I know you do. Now come on, we need to surprise your mommy.”
The morning sunlight was peeking in through the curtains of their bedroom when the two made it back into the room. Hannah was still giggling in excitement, holding the plate carefully with both hands. Jameson followed, keeping an eye on her as she walked. 
But he had to freeze when he saw Avery.
She was laying in bed, just as peacefully as she had been when he’d left. The way her brown hair was splayed out across the pillow, looking perfect as an angel’s. The way her eyelashes rested against her cheeks as she slept. The way she still had a soft smile on her lips as she rested. Everything about her was just so perfect. 
Sometimes it was hard for Jameson to comprehend that Avery was real. Not only real, but his. Of all the men in the world, she’d chosen him. 
Not everyone was lucky enough to fall in love with a goddess and have her love them back. 
“Daddy,” Hannah whisper-yelled, tugging at the leg of his pants. “You’re not moving.”
He shook his head. “Right, right. I’m sorry, Hannah. Let’s go.”
Jameson stepped ahead and up to Avery’s side. Oh so softly, he placed a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger a moment before stepping back and watching as her eyes fluttered open.
“Morning, heiress. Happy Mother’s Day.”
Avery sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. “What is-”
“We made you pancakes, mommy!” Hannah bounced over to where her parents were standing and placed the plate in Avery’s lap. “I helped Daddy. I put in the chocolate.”
Her eyes widened at the surprise. Plus, the energy of a three year old girl was definitely a lot to wake up to. But after a split-second of pause, Avery smiled.
“This looks amazing, Hannah. Thank you.”
Hannah returned the smile, impossible wider this time, and climbed onto the bed next to her. And before her mother could give another response, she wrapped her arms around her in a sideways hug. 
“I love you, mommy.”
Avery’s heart melted. “I love you too, princess.” 
“Princess?” Jameson asked, sitting on the other side of their daughter, sandwiching her between them. “Do I get to be the king?”
“Yes!” Hannah answered before Avery could. “Daddy is the king and Mommy is the queen and I’m the princess! And then I need a brother so he can be the prince.”
“Oh, you want a brother, huh?” Avery asked, beginning to eat the breakfast they’d worked so hard to make her. Hannah nodded.
“Mhm. A baby brother. Because I’m the best sister in the world.”
“You’re not a sister yet,” she told her. 
“Yet?” Jameson grinned. “So you do want to give her a sibling.”
Avery rolled her eyes affectionately. “We can try one day.”
“Oh, we can most certainly try.” He leaned over and gave Avery another peck on the cheek as she ate. Somehow, she was able to soldier through the alarming number of chocolate chips. 
Hannah pouted. “Do I get a kiss too, daddy?” 
“Yes, princess, yes you do.”
He then leaned down and gave her a kiss on the top of the head. 
Hannah then sighed contently, leaning against her mother as she watched her eat. Jameson watched them both with a smile on his face. 
The two people he loved most in the world, cuddled up right next to him. He couldn’t think of anything better.
Well, except giving Hannah a brother. 
That’d be fun.
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the writing above belongs to me. please do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own. © 2024 wish-i-were-heather
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TAGS: (moved to the bottom and formatted werid cuz my tumblr is acting up) @littlemissmentallyunstable @gretag13 @lanterns-and-daydreams @whatsamongus @alwaysthefangirl
@emelia07 @f4iry-bell @low-caloriesmonsterultra @that-daughter-of-hephaestus
@maybxlle @xoxo-vee @elysianwayy77 @starrynightsxo - lmk if you wanna be added or removed from the taglist <3
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hearthown · 6 months
Hawthorne Love Languages
- I can see Nash appreciating acts of service especially stuff like preparing meals, folding his laundry, and just helping him out with stuff in general.
- It was mentioned in TIG that he was badly in need of a haircut so maybe constant reminders about that too 😭 (I'M SURE LIBS CAN CONVINCE HIM)
- Making sure that he takes care of himself / rests as much as he works - I really think he'd appreciate that since he has that nomadic lifestyle and really needs someone to ground him like that (hope it makes sense!)
- This man NEEDS to know that he doesn't have to have everything figured out so SOMEONE (ahem) needs to tell him that and knock some sense into him so he doesn't fall into an endless abyss.
- Words matter to him. I know they do.
- He needs someone who won't give up on him no matter how impossible he is, someone who is not afraid to stand up to him and someone whose words can act as a weapon as much as a way of expressing love.
- Do I need to explain? He's a sensation-seeker so cuddles and hugs and kisses are definitely his love language.
- We've seen a lot of his interactions with Avery and they involve physical touch. (Even their tracing game, the one where they draw stuff on each other's hands mentioned in TBH)
- Jameson is someone who needs to FEEL to know that something is real.
- OMG Xander strikes me as the kind of guy who is superrrrr excited if you tell him you got him a gift plus, he loves surprises.
- Spending quality time such as, building a contraption with him, movie night (STAR WARS), baking(!!!!) are definitely things that make him happy.
- Bantering. Bantering. Bantering. Talking about nonsense while staring into each others eyes. (MAX, I'M LOOKING AT YOU) Burst out laughing as the conversation gets more and more ridiculous.
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cherrys-writings · 9 months
I can't stop thinking about this, so now it's going to be your problem too
Imagine little Grayson, maybe 4 years old. Imagine there's a massive storm that woke him up. Now the lightning flashes make the shadows in his room creepier. Sure he can hide under his covers, but there's nothing that stops the near deafening clap of thunder that shakes his bed. Grayson musters all his courage and runs from his room, hands covering his ears. Bare feet slapping on the hardwood floor as he goes to the one place he knows he'll be okay.
By the time he gets to his big brother's room, little Grayson is crying. It's not hard to wake 10 year old Nash, given the loud storm. Sure Nash might act annoyed that one of his brothers is coming to sleep in his bed again, but he knows Skye wouldn't even let his siblings into her room, let alone into bed to comfort them. Nash sits up and makes room for his younger brother. He hugs him, rubs circles on his back until he's calm. Maybe he tells Grayson that thunder is just the cloud people going bowling. At some point they're joined by Jameson and possibly Xander (if it happened to be a really loud storm) Maybe he teaches them that you can tell how far away a storm is by counting the seconds between a lightning strike and thunder. All four brothers piled into one bed, Nash between Grayson and Jameson because "you're squishing me Gray!" They all doze off counting the seconds between lightning and thunder. Nash would not admit that he was a little afraid too and liked the company.
For the longest time, Nash is the person the three younger Hawthornes seek when they're afraid at night. Nightmare? Run to Nash. Hear something, but you can't find what made the noise? Run to Nash.
The Brothers finding comfort with each other throughout childhood. Of course, Tobias Hawthorne could appreciate the bond the four boys had. Until Grayson is around 8 or 9 and the old man says something about Hawthorne men not being afraid of anything. Maybe he even says he expected little Grayson to grow out of this already and that's enough to make Grayson stop going to Nash or Jameson when he gets scared. Grayson. Little Grayson, covers wrapped tightly around himself wiping away tears from the worst nightmare ever. Grayson telling himself that he can't disappoint his grandfather by not facing his fears. Little Gray might relay what was said to Jamie and Xander, but he still makes room if one of them needs comfort in the middle of the night. Grayson's sleep quality steadily declined. If he couldn't talk himself out of the fear from a nightmare he would just force himself to stay awake.
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s-rosie · 4 months
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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morganwrites12672 · 5 months
Platonic Hawthorne Brothers x Hawthorne!Reader
Summary: "I was wondering if I could get a Hawthorne!reader doesn't like Avery when she shows up for the reading of the will, reader doesn't get anything from her grandfather, and her brothers comfort her because she has nothing" (request)
A/N: Thank you so much for the request @thatgrrlpoet ! I'm sorry it took so long for me to write.
Y/n didn't like Avery from the beginning. The girl seemed like trouble to her. She had never heard the name, she also didn't remember her face. A subtle frown tugged on her lips as she practically glared at the girl. Why would a random stranger be in her grandfather's will? It didn't make sense.
Her nerves were a mess as she waited for the will to be read. All of the Hawthorne's had finally showed up. Even if Nash had been late, and if Jameson was already drunk. She really needed to speak with him about his drinking habits. It was becoming constant. She would worry about that later, maybe talk to one of her other brothers first.
She quickly was snapped out of her thoughts as Mr. Ortega started reading the will. She had been distracted by Zara and Skye arguing. And maybe she had decided to stop paying as much attention as she should to todays events. She looked back to Me. Ortega anxiously.
"To my grandchildren, Nash Westbrook Hawthorne, Grayson Davenport Hawthorne, Jameson Winchester Hawthorne, Y/n Y/m/n Hawthorne, And Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne, I leave...." he paused for a moment before continuing. "Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars..." Y/n stopped listening after that.
What did he mean? Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a piece was nothing compared to the over forty billion dollar fortune. And he hadn't said anything about the estates. She glanced back to Avery. What had this girl done?
"The remainder of my assets," Mr Ortega continued, "including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, I leave to Avery Kylie Grambs."
The room exploded in a chorus of angry voices. Zara and Skye were upset that they received nothing, and Grayson looked like he might just kill Avery. His gaze was deadly as he stared at the girl, jaw clenched. Jameson was too drunk for many emotions, he but he looked very curious. And then their was Nash...
Nash looked surprised, but not like he cared very much. He never had about the families issues. Not after how horrible he had been treated by their grandfather. He realized it was toxic and got out.
Y/n left the room, going to an empty hallway. She leaned her head back, taking a deep breath. Nash appeared. He had his coat, and looked like he was probably on his way out. He gave her a comforting smile.
"It'll be okay kid," He said softly, leaning against the wall opposite of her. "I don't know how this happened... but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Good luck. And don't beat yourself up over it," he said as he gave her a hug and made his exit.
She mumbled several curse words before making her way back to her room. Whenever she arrived there, she could see Grayson waiting for her. To think, just yesterday the entire Hawthorne family thought either Grayson or Y/n would inherit the fortune. They had always been the most heir apparent Hawthorne's.
"I'm going to figure out how she did it," Grayson said coldly. He looked determined. He had to figure out how this mystery girl had manipulated his grandfather. There was no way some random stranger would get the entire fortune. Not whenever Tobias Hawthorne had spent years trying to mold his grandchildren into the perfect heirs.
"I'm sure you will," Y/n grumbled, sitting at her desk. She swiveled around in the chair, facing Grayson. She looked up at the ceiling, frustrated.
"It was supposed to be either me or you! Not some girl I've never even heard of!" Grayson said, his voice had lost some of its edge though.
Y/n shrugged, moving to sit on the bed next to Grayson. She patted his shoulder. She might be upset, but Grayson seemed even more upset. She had always thought he had the better chance so she wasn't as certain it would have been her. But for it to be a random girl? That was completely unexpected.
"I'm sure we will figure it out," She said with a soft sigh. Grayson nodded, standing to exit her room. He stopped in her doorway, looking back at her.
"I'll be back in the morning. I'll see what I can find tonight," He said before leaving and closing the door behind him.
Y/n had barely had time to change into some sweatpants, before Xander flew into her room. She shouted a curse as he bursted into her room. He gave her a smile, holding up a plate of scones.
"I know you're upset.... so you can have a blueberry one," He said with a smile as he plopped down on her bed. He crossed his legs and sat the plage of scones down. "And, I didn't even use the secret passage because it pisses you off."
She couldn't help the smile that brightened her face as she grabbed a blueberry scone. Xander grabbed a lemon one.
She would figure this out, with the help of her brothers or course. Nothing would ever be too difficult for a Hawthorne to figure out. Not with the way that their grandfather had guided, and trained, their minds to work.
Thank you so much for this request! I loved getting to write it.
My requests are currently open!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
AveryJameson proposal hcs!!!
averyjameson proposal head canons
of course <3. i didn't proof read this so i apologize if anything doesn't make sense. hope you like them.
jameson would definitely propose while they're on a trip. he wouldn't do it in texas. maybe greece, paris (the city of love), or some island somewhere.
her engagement ring would have a gold band with a beautiful green gem (cause of the color of his eyes (its her fav color)) (his wedding ring would have a bit of hazel in it so they can have each other's eye colors on their rings).
he wouldn't really call her heiress as he's proposing. he'd call her avery so that she knows he's being serious and all.
he'd try to find somewhere private to do it so that no one disturbs them. if they're in paris, for example, he pays a ton of money so that they're alone at the top of the eiffel tower.
ik i said they could be in greece or some island, but i'm just gonna keep going with paris cause its easier. so, after he proposes, he gets someone to bring them dinner up to where they are on the eiffel tower. they eat cuddling each other looking at the view and professing their love to one another once again (and kissing)
jameson started crying while he was proposing. it was one of the first time avery had seen him cry (avery also cried)
he'd definitely somehow include a puzzle. like the ring has a secret compartment with something special inside or a scavenger hunt to get them to the eiffel tower where he proposes.
he also has some gifts hidden on the floor of the eiffel tower they're on. once she says yes, he gets them out (there are like 10 of them. he loves spoiling his girl). there's jewelry, some other gifts and a key to a penthouse he bought in paris (where they can spend some time with each other (if you know what i mean) after the proposal)
avery doesn't immediately say yes after he proposes. she's too shocked and just stands there with her mouth open not saying anything. jameson gets scared and starts to tell her that it's fine if she doesn't want to and they can wait. he wants her to know she can just forget this every happened, and then avery pulls him up, kisses him and tells him there's nothing she wants more than to marry him.
they start kissing after my last hc but they're so happy and can't stop giggling so their teeth keep bumping and stuff so they stop and decide to just hug each other. this is really specific but oh well.
the entirety of the floor of the eiffel tower they're on is covered in avery's favorite flowers. jameson knows avery doesn't need grand gestures to know he loves her but he still loves to spoil her.
the ring would definitely have the date of the proposal or 'i love you' engraved on the inside along with their initials or smth.
i feel like they'd get engaged 4 years after they start dating (so they're 21 and 22). idk if they'd still be in school, but if they are, they'd have a long engagement and have their wedding once they're both done with school (i actually think they'd have a long engagement either way).
this all definitely happens during the summer bc it's warm and nice out (and they both love summer. also if they still have school then they're on summer break)
after the proposal in paris, jameson would definitely take her to rome and other places to celebrate (rome is avery's favorite place). they'd wait to tell everyone (but oren obviously knows cause he's always there), and they'd sort of ignore all of their loved ones calls to spend time with each other. oren would have to call them to assure them that everything's fine and that they're busy (in their bedroom, but he doesn't say that)
when they do end up telling everyone, it's already been two weeks since the proposal. they'd definitely tell jameson's brothers with some sort of riddle, and they'd tell libby, max, and everyone else normally. they're all happy for them obviously. max would definitely say smth like 'finally. it took you a while.'
they'd also wait to tell the public. she wouldn't wear her ring in public and they were very careful when travelling. people only find out about their proposal after their wedding or smth years later. it becomes this huge thing online.
this is a small one but, he proposes during the sunset on the eiffel tower and they stay there for hours after. avery always gets chilly at night outside so jameson made sure to stash some blankets near them.
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crippling-pages · 2 months
I *finally* started reading The Brothers Hawthorne (i actually started a while ago, but now im really into it if you know what i mean) in preparation for the Grandest Game and can i just say
Grayson is ticklish. Very ticklish. HE CONFIRMED IT.
honestly gray needs to laugh more. and smile. plz. gigi help him!! help your bro!! SOMEONE MAKE THIS BOY LAUGH
also,, Acacia Grayson I love you so much. BE the MOTHER to GRAYSON where dam Skye wasn't. Im so happy she didnt end up hating him. I love Acacia sm.
Also??? Gigi and Savannah??? GURLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <3333333333333333 my (second) favorite twins im also in love with Savannah.
i saw somewhere though; that Rohan and Savannah are gonna be a thing and honestly YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. i want them. very badly to smooch. they havent even met each other yet and idk if they will in this book but i'd like them to kiss :)
speaking of Rohan HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i love Rohan. Sososososo much. there's also definitely some.. ahh.. tension between him and jameson hmm... i mean im all averyjameson but like- i'd maybe.. probably read a fic with them... kissing... together... against a wall... being gay... its JUST A MAYBE (plz dont hurt me)
i wanna hug both grayson and jameson., badly.
i know i have a lot more thoughts on the book buttt ill do it later :P
..still want jameson and rohan to kiss tho (is that bad?)
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lukeywritesstuff · 7 months
Jamie Drysdale x Reader
Description: Jamie’s girl is a little too hot and is getting attention from other men than just him, and he doesn’t like that
Based on Nick Jonas’ ‘Jealous’
Warnings: swearing, drinking, marijuana, mentions of sex, corny use of lyrics (set the day before the toronto game because that game’s my Roman Empire (I was there))
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It’s a rare off day in Canada where the entire teams legal to drink so the team all decided to go to a small bar in downtown toronto. Some guys who are from Toronto/the GTA decided to bring their partner or a friend that knows the team decently. Jamie decided to bring me, his girlfriend.
The evening starts quite normal, everyone drinking lightly as the team has a game tomorrow night so nobody’s really planning on going too crazy tonight. And it’s all normal till me and some of the girls decide to dance.
I decided to wear a tight sparkly red dress that hugged my body perfectly tonight and I can tell I was getting more male attention than usual really wanted. All I was hoping was to look good for myself and for Jamie, but I guess being in public means other people can se me too. Anyways, I started dancing around with the girlies some random guys came asking to dance or offering to buy me a drink but I just ignore them or if they ask twice I’d shake my head no. Not long after I feel arms and smell a familiar scent, jamie’s cologne and his regular smell (like yk how peoples houses have certain smells, that smell. Not like BO.) I turn around and smile at him before he leans down to kiss me.
“Looks like someone a little jealous.” I said looking into his eyes.
“To many guys are looking at you tonight.” He said making me laugh.
“Hmm you don’t need to be acting hellish, you know damn well I’m only going home with one man, and it’s not any of those guys from earlier. It’s always gonna be you.”
“Hmm, well it’s my right to be hellish, I still get jealous my love. You’re too sexy, beautiful and it seems like every man here wants a taste.” He said before kissing my cheek.
“Jameson Drysdale, shut the fuck up. Wanna go back to yours. I got something on that nobody here but you can see. So you can’t get jealous if you’re the only one to see it.” I said before kissing his lips and the second we pulled away he grabbed my hand and we pulled an Irish goodbye and left the bar.
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flowerpotmage · 1 year
Tight Grip, Broken Dam (4)
<< Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter >>
You don’t question it anymore, when Miguel appears in your bed at night. He’s not there for sex, no, you’ve never even kissed—though you would be lying if you said you weren’t open to the idea of kissing him. He’s there for comfort. For rest. If only it could stay so simple.
Pair: Miguel O'Hara & GN!Reader
Notes: for series: slow burn, ambiguous relationship, found family dynamics, reader is in their late 20s. for chapter: action scene, nongraphic injury
Word Count: roughly 3k
Read this chapter on Ao3 here. If you like my work, please consider leaving kudos there as well! You do not need an account to do so.
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The first time you had held Miguel was in his lab. It was the earlier days, the grief still raw, the man still shell-shocked. You were brand new to the multiverse, to Earth-928.
You had found him watching videos of his daughter.
You’d never seen him close windows on his platform display so fast, before or since then. You waited for him to say something, anything, but all you saw was the tension in his shoulders.
“I’ll leave these here, we just thought you'd like to have some food…” you said, glancing up at him while you placed the takeout box on a level surface.
“Thank you.”
The ghost of a wobble in his voice made you pause, look closer at him. A thwip and a swing, and you were suddenly on the platform with him. He turned to look at you, the vague surprise on his face doing little to hide the shine of his eyes.
And then you hugged him, your arms around his waist and your head against his chest as you squeezed him tight. He clearly didn't know what to do, his own arms floated awkwardly in the air.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m returning the favor,” you mumbled. “From when we met.”
His body seemed to relax at that, just slightly, and his hands came to rest lightly on your back.
“...Thank you.”
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You wake twenty minutes before your alarm feeling ill-rested and ill at ease, your dream fading rapidly from your mind. Turning your head to look at where your phone is charging on the edge of the mattress (“You really shouldn’t sleep with that thing in your bed,” you hear Miguel say in the back of your mind), you stare at it as if it will miraculously fix your previous night’s sleep, or suddenly announce that you actually have hours left to return to dreamland.
No such luck.
So you drag yourself out of bed, feeling much like a cursed skeleton climbing from a blackened pit, and reluctantly start your day.
When you head out you leave a sleeping Gwen in the apartment, your dimension-hopping watch in your inner coat pocket beside your mask in case she needs to contact you. You don’t have time to get a burner phone for her this morning, but you put it on your mental to-do list.
Like many Spider-People, your day job is in journalism. You’ve lost track of how many Peter Parkers work in photo -journalism, and how many at the Daily Bugle specifically. You’re no stranger to J. Jonah Jameson and his anti-Spider-Person vendetta, being the target of it here in your own dimension, but you couldn't imagine working for him too. No, your main job is writing for the features section of an entirely different paper, often assigned to human interest pieces, community events, and independent art exhibits. This only pays about half the bills, freelance barely covering the rest, but the hours are flexible and your journalism pass has come in handy enough times during Spider-sleuthing that you wouldn’t change a thing.
Well, besides more pay. Obviously. So… yeah, actually, maybe one thing.
But your heart’s barely in it today. While your body sits in the paper’s office floor, waiting to talk with the editor in chief about your latest piece, your head is–
“You okay today? You look about a million miles away,” one of your colleagues seems to materialize before you, her long pin-straight blonde hair tucked behind one ear.
You give an apologetic smile. Even under the terrible fluorescence of the office lights she manages to look like an ethereal elven being.
So not fair.
“Sorry, late night,” you chuckle weakly. “Didn’t sleep well.”
“I’m guessing from the way you say that, it wasn’t for any fun reason,” she attempts to joke, and you chuckle.
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Just uh, one of those nights.”
She glances at the door behind you. “Good luck with Ellison. Ben’s got him in a real mood today, I hear.”
“Thanks for the heads up.”
She smiles, turning to head to the door. “See ya later then.”
You return the smile. “Bye, Karen.”
She’s passing through the office door when the editor’s office opens and a balding, bearded man pokes his head out, fixing you under his bespectacled stare.
“ Please tell me you have good things to tell me today.”
“Mitchell,” you greet, rising from the plastic chair to follow him into his office. “Have I ever let you down?”
“Only about five times in recent memory,” he says, motioning for you to close the door as he turns the corner around to the back of his desk, sitting down.
“Fair,” you acknowledge. “But then did I not totally make up for those?”
He rolls his eyes begrudgingly. “Okay, fine.” He gestures at you. “Out with it.”
“I need an extension.”
He sighs, going to take off his glasses–
“I’m kidding,” you quickly say. And then, “Sorry,” when he glares at you from under his crunched together eyebrows. “I actually finished early, it should be in your inbox, and,” you fish out a thin stack of paper collected in a binder clip, holding them towards him in offering. “I brought you a hard copy for your notes. I know the printer here is on the fritz.”
He raises his eyebrows, reaching across the table to accept the papers. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch,” you say. “Because I'm going to assume you can't pay me for it yet, so I won't even ask. Can I have my next story?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to finish so soon,” he says, plopping the papers down on his desk. “I won’t have more for you for at least a week, since you refuse to cover the Spider.”
“Conflict of interest,” you immediately recite, punching your hands into your coat pockets.
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves you off. “Take the week, use it to catch up on your freelance work, see if there’s anything you wanna pitch to me.”
You nod, the two of you say your farewells, and you exit the office.
Back on the street, a light wind nips at your nose and ears. There’s no aggression behind it, the nips as harmless as a teething puppy, but the chill is there nonetheless. Once again you punch your hands into your pockets to spare your fingers the gummy mouthing of the wind, letting it chase you down the sidewalk and dance around your heels.
With nothing but time to kill, you scan through your mental list of tasks and errands—
Ah. A phone for Gwen.
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The simple errand was going very, very wrong.
First, on the way there, you had gotten swept into a car chase as The Spider, at one point narrowly dodging a bullet with your name on it. The unnamed woman from the last night Miguel had stayed over flashed through your mind when it blew past you, throwing you off and earning you a road rash on your hands, knee, and one forearm that you’d be feeling for the next few days, at least. God, you wish you had a better healing factor.
Second, the first phone-related store you happened upon was one of those places with windows pasted with advertisements, the glass behind bars, and the entire storefront covered in bright glittery and flashing signage. Most prominent was the ‘ WE BUY GOLD!!!’ sign dancing with all the enthusiasm of a Las Vegas showgirl.
It was also being robbed. Which wasn’t a problem for you of course, it was just that you were starting to feel pretty damn drained already and it wasn’t even noon.
After some acrobatics that would impress even Gwen, you succeeded in webbing up the four men involved with the overzealous attempted robbery, leaving them hanging from the lampost outside to be picked up before buying a prepaid flip phone with cash.
But no, that wasn’t all that went wrong. You believed yourself to be in the clear, stopping to get a sandwich once back in your civilian clothes, and now you sat on a bench in the square watching manicured bushes rustle in the midday breeze.
“Mm,” you hum, swallowing your first bite of your sandwich, and going for another.
And then, the third thing goes wrong. A portal opens up and spits out a rather tall man, covered head to toe in glowing and moving circuit-board patterns under his hat and trenchcoat. The air buzzes with static even from where you sit nearly twenty feet away, your internal alarm blaring like a bad horror movie.
His head turns with a sudden, jerking motion, looking you directly in the eyes.
“Oh, shit.”
His body turns to face you, moving as jerky as his head had. You barely have time to jump up and run, abandoning your sandwich, before his arm lifts and he fires a goddamn laser ball at you.
“Shit, shit!”
You scatter with the other handful of people who had been in the square, searching frantically for somewhere to pull on your mask and safely ditch your things. It takes a moment, but you manage it, and when you emerge from the tiny alley to slingshot yourself back to the square, the anomaly is walking straight for you, movements jerky and mechanical.
“Ohhh, this isn’t good,” you lift your watch to your masked face as you land on a grassy patch. “I need backup! Anomaly on Earth-”
You don’t manage to get your dimension number out as you speak into your watch, because a second laser blast is heading straight for you. Your internal alarm bell screeches at you just in time for you to dodge and for it to fly through empty air where your rib cage had been moments before.
You land in a roll, scraping your road-rash all over again, standing as the park tree behind where you had stood moments shatters and topples, branches bouncing and rustling against themselves in a way that sounds quite a lot like the blood rushing through your ears.
You shoot a web at the electric man, but his cannon arm— Holy shit, his whole arm? —tears through it like, well, a cobweb.
“Electro!” You shout, taking a wild guess as to his identity. You don’t have an Electro on your earth, but you’ve heard enough and seen enough waiting to be sent home, so you connect the dots. “We don’t need to do this! I can hel-”
“Not. Elec. Tro.” He speaks, voice choppy like his movements, distorted and filtered. “Ven. Ture.”
Dots un- connected.
“Wha-? Who?”
He raises his cannon arm at you once more. You start to run, looking for something with height.
No such luck.
Then across the square a familiar golden portal opens, pulling your attention.
It pulls Venture’s too.
A figure steps out, Venture swinging his cannon arm in the new direction. You call out in warning, shooting your webs to grab his arm. The sudden pull on his arm throws his aim off and the cannon fires into a bench, leaving a charred hole the size of a man’s torso where the laser hits.
You see a piece of charred sandwich wrapper comically flutter away from the blast as a familiar voice calls out to you, using your alias of Spider.
Your head whips to see Miguel. Miguel, who you’ve just saved.
Miguel who could be vaporized right now.
“Wrap him up!” He shouts, and you nod, Miguel charging Venture while you have his arm webbed and unable to aim at him.
You seem to realize at the same time that Venture does that just because he cannot pull against your web to shoot Miguel, doesn’t mean he can’t just turn towards you.
You don't register the words, but you recognize Miguel’s shout as you backflip and narrowly dodge yet another blast from Venture’s laser cannon arm. When you’ve righted yourself you see Venture firing wildly, Miguel’s talons digging into and cracking the cannon as he shoves it aside.
You’re sprinting towards them, shooting webs to pin the cannon arm to the ground before Venture can raise it and shoot Miguel, who’s baring his teeth to bite down on the man’s other arm.
Alarm bells.
“Wait, don’t–!” You cry, shooting webs to pin down Venture’s other arm, grabbing Miguel’s shoulder to pull him back.
“Why not?!” He snarls, whipping his head and shoulders to face you, all adrenaline and teeth and talons as he crouches over Venture.
“He’s not– He’s all– he’s all juiced up with electricity–” you scramble to explain, waving your hands around.
His eyes dart over your face, your body, catching on your scraped hands, knee, and elbow. He stiffens further, breathing heavily from the short fight. In the blink of an eye he whips back around, punches Venture in the face, knocking him out cold.
“Jesus,” you whisper, eyes wide.
Miguel rises and begins to tie Venture up with his own webs, tearing yours off the now unconscious figure’s arms so that they’re no longer stuck to the ground. You’ve seen his talons before, of course, but you can’t help but stare at the quick work they make of your webs.
His mask is back on when he straightens to his full height, turning to look at you.
“Are you alright?” He asks, nodding his head at your scrapes.
You blink under your mask, looking down. Only now do you see that the scrapes on one of your hands and on your knee are bleeding again. As the fog of adrenaline begins to recede the sting of pain comes in to replace it.
“Oh, yeah. This wasn’t him, this was… earlier.” You flex your hands slightly at the growing sting in your palms, glad he can’t see your slight grimace under your mask. “It’s been an… eventful day.”
Miguel stares at you for a moment, before looking down to tap his watch. “Come to HQ.”
You nod.
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Miguel insists you get your scrapes cleaned up by one of the medically trained Spider-Men at HQ when you get back. He lurks in the corner, his elbow resting on his other arm crossed over his ribs as he taps at his chin, his bottom lip. He takes brief breaks from glaring at the floor to take the occasional quick glance up at you, his fingers pausing in their tapping when he does.
“No significant debris,” Doctor Spidey says, pushing away on his stool to retrieve bandages where they sit waiting on the counter nearby after cleaning your scrapes. “They’ll heal up fast, just keep it clean for the next while until they do.”
You nod, keeping your palm out for him to wrap. Both of you try to pretend that Miguel isn’t hovering in the corner while bandages are wrapped around your palms, your outer forearm, and your knee.
“Alright!” Doctor Spidey says. “You’re good to go.”
After expressing your thanks you exit the doctor’s office, Miguel’s towering form following behind you.
“How’d you get those anyway?”
You turn to look at him, a brief jolt going through you when you find his eyes already on you. His brow is furrowed, and the muscle in his jaw twitches when he turns his gaze forward to focus on the path of the hall you both journey down.
“Oh, um, car chase earlier,” you say, wishing you had pockets to put your hands into. You finally look away, watching the ground in front of your feet.
Miguel’s form by your side eats up your awareness, even as you pass other Spider-People and exchange passing hellos. Something restless and hot rolls off his body, and it swallows you up like water.
“You need to be more careful,” he says, and his voice is sharp with agitation, frustration.
You bristle at his tone.
“I am careful. I was careful.” You frown, turning to look at him.
The muscle in his jaw twitches again.
“Yeah. Clearly.” He says, glancing at your injuries and looking away just as you frown and start to open your mouth.
“Miguel, hey! Oh-ho, and our little Garden Spider?”
It’s Peter who interrupts whatever it is you're about to say to Miguel. As usual he has May with him in the baby carrier, and her pudgy little hands hold onto his fingers as he absentmindedly bounces them in the air.
You do your best to school your features, your mask clenched in your hand as you try to take your attention back from Miguel and his now crossed arms in the corner of your vision.
“Hey Peter,” you give a close lipped smile, hoping it doesn't look as tense and forced as it feels.
He glances between the two of you, Miguel’s tense body and crossed arms, then your own stiff posture and your bandages.
“Damn,” he raises his eyebrows. “What happened to you ?”
Miguel’s crossed arms tense in the corner of your eye.
“Car chase,” you manage to say. “Slipped.” You shrug, mustering up every ounce of nonchalance in your body.
“Oh,” he laughs. “I’ve been there. Road rash is no fun. Y’know, one time–”
“Peter, as fascinating as I’m sure this story is, I have things to get to,” Miguel interrupts.
“Right,” Peter shrugs it off like it's no big deal, stepping out of the way. “You’re missing out though, it’s a pretty good story.”
“Uh-huh.” Miguel lets his arms uncross as he starts to walk again, and he gets a few large strides past Peter before he falters to a stop, turning to look back over his shoulder.
You want to continue on walking with him, you really do. That new feeling you’re getting all too familiar with, the one that squeezes your ribs, returns when his eyes meet yours. He hesitates, something unsure in his eyes.
“We still need to debrief,” Miguel says.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Miguel hesitates still, turning away at last and then walking away, shoulders tense.
Once Miguel turns the corner, Peter turns to you. “I feel like I interrupted something.”
You slump slightly, rubbing your now furrowed brow. “Today sucks, Peter.”
“Aw, hey,” Peter says, stepping closer to put a fatherly arm over your shoulders, May reaching out to pat you. “Wanna talk about it?”
You shake your head. “No, I should…” you trail off and gesture in the direction Miguel had left.
“Right. Baaad idea to keep boss-man waiting.”
You nod. Peter pats your back.
“Listen,” he says, pulling back but keeping a hand on your shoulder as you lift a hand to let May grab your finger. “Whatever it is, it’s just because he cares. You know that right?”
You nod. “Yeah, I know.” Letting go of May’s hand, you give Peter a tired, thankful smile. “I’ll see you around.”
You’re almost out of earshot when you hear Peter mumble to May:
“Those two are killing me, kid.”
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green-kat331 · 2 months
My friend Spider-man
Pt:6 "helpless"
(Spider-man x reader)
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Pt1/ Pt2/ Pt3/ Pt4 /Pt5
Warnings: Violence, descriptions of injuries, other heavy topics
You laid in bed, feeling the softness of your blankets wrapped snugly around you. Not a single identifiable sound was made, only the rustling of your roommate as he goes about his own day. Aside from that, your room felt an eerie sense of stillness, A few days after your encounter with the monster. You haven’t had the energy to get out of bed, was it fear? You weren’t sure, just that you didn’t want to get out of bed. Your door opens slowly and you see Mikey’s head peeking into your room. 
“Hey, I’m gonna be at my girlfriend’s place for the night. Don’t just lay in bed all day, alright?” 
You don’t answer. Mikey was a nice guy, seeing you under the weather was worrying him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to respond. You hear him sigh and the soft clicking of your door closing. You closed your eyes and pulled the blankets tighter around you. 
Peter tried texting you after the attack. You stared at that message for what felt like hours, only to never respond. Too many scenarios, too many uncertainties. You feel shitty about blowing him off. He is always the first to worry and sometimes, you can't decide if you like being the target of his caring nature or if it only makes you think about them even more. Another ping from your phone catches your attention and after a few seconds of pondering, as you reach for it on your nightstand, you hear your doorknob turn and open. In walks your brown haired best friend with a white bag at his side and phone in his hand. 
You sat up immediately and unconsciously tried to fix your ghastly appearance. “Peter.” You exclaim and he walks in. “Hey, how are you feeling?” He asks, sitting at the foot of your bed. You sigh and snuggle back into your cocoon, pulling it over your face. He laughs quietly and not in a mocking, but something more like understanding. He leans over and lifts the side of the blanket. “Not great, huh?” 
You blink up at Peter meeting his soft brown eyes. “I don't know how to feel. I guess I'm scared, but… I'm not at the same time.” 
Peter doesn't respond to your admission. He lets the silence between you sit for a moment until eventually you crawled out of your cocoon to sit next to him. You lean into his shoulder, which he is happy to provide. Your arm slipped under his to hug the limb. “You know I did something really stupid at the shop?” His head turns to look at you. 
“I…I just ran in. I didn't even think twice about running into danger. It felt instinctual, like I had to help those people.” You look down. 
“At that moment I just thought, what would Spider-man do? And that's all it took for me to run into a breaking down building.” Peter tensed for a minute. 
“...That's…admirable _____.” He states gently, moving so he can look at you face to face. Peter takes your hand, brushing his thumb over your knuckles, making your cheeks heat up.
“Really?” You asked with breathy words.
“yeah. I'm just relieved…you're okay and I'm glad Spider-man was there. To help you when you needed him, I don't know what would happen if we lost you.” 
Your expression softens with his words. You slowly wrap your arms around his neck, hugging Peter tightly. “You won't lose me Pete.” 
He hugs back, resting his head against your neck. You breathe in the smell of coffee and the cologne Aunt May bought him for Christmas since he always somehow went home smelling like the New York alleyways. You laugh at the thought before pulling away. 
Peter still holds onto your hands. “Hey, how about we head over to the library and think up some new stuff to write about?. Jameson asked for news, right? We'll, let's give him news.” He laughs, pulling you up to stand.
“Yeah, uhh… later though, I probably look terrible right now.” You admit pulling your hands out of his. 
His gaze lingers on you, sure you weren't as presentable as you usually are, noticing the signs of your prolonged stay in bed through your tousled hair and unchanged attire, but in Peter's mind you could never look less than beautiful. 
He tears his eyes from your face and takes a step back. “Well…um then get yourself changed and meet me there later.” 
With a chuckle and a nod, you watch as Peter grabs his bag and leaves your room. Feeling as your face warms slightly after he leaves. You quickly get into the shower and clean yourself off.
Finally, you let out a sigh of relief, feeling the tension leave your body as you dry yourself off and put on your clothes. You glance over to the window. The day had mimicked your mood and clouded over, on the verge of releasing into a heavy rain.
With an annoyed groan, you pull out your phone and message Peter.
You: Hey Pete. You can go ahead before me. I'll drive over there in a few, looks like it's gonna rain. -_-
Peter: Ok see you soon. 
You put your phone down, finished getting dressed and fixed your hair. You dug through your backpack to go over what you plan on bringing.
 Suddenly, an enormous boom echoed in the distance. You look out the window and your breath hitches. You see, the monster from the other day climbing up one building. It roared, sounding all the way to your apartment. This monster was bigger than the last tentacles tangling around the skyscrapers and claws digging into the steel like sheets of paper.
Your eyes widened seeing the monster jump off the building on top of the library, crushing the stone under the weight of its feet. “Peter…” you whisper, running to your phone to begin rapidly texting him.
You: Peter!? Are you okay!? Are you at the library? you need to get out now!
Another loud thud bangs against the floors and your balcony doors swing open. “____? _____!” You turn around and see Spider-man rush up to you. 
“You’re here…you're okay…” He breathes relieved. Your eyes stare at the masked vigilante for a few seconds before returning to your phone. No response from Peter. Your grip on your phone tightens, as if holding onto it for dear life. With little thought, you turned and rushed over to your balcony. “Peter…my friend! Peter, he's still out there!” Spider-man quickly ran after you, tugging your arm back. “It's okay…I'll get him, don't worry-” 
With a thunderous roar, the monster jumps up and demolishes a smaller building, similar to the shop from the other day, except this time the building crumbled, entirely sending debris flying in all directions. You both watch in shock at the sheer power this Monster displayed. With newfound seriousness, Spider-man pushes you back into your room and turns away. 
"No, no! I'm not going to let you leave, Spider! This is worse than you've seen. You can't take him on by yourself!" You exclaim, gripping his arm before he could run off.
"You need to stay put _____. You hear me? Stay put." He demands, rushing back to your balcony 
You ran up, pushing through the doorway and grabbing his arm in a desperate attempt to keep him from jumping off again to save the city from that…that thing… "No! He'll kill you. Don't be stupid, this is reckless!" 
He turned to face you. Holding onto your shoulders and guiding you back into your room. He held the sides of your head despite the adrenaline rushing in his veins. He held you so tenderly his thumb pressed over your cheeks, brushing over them. His touch reminds you of Peter's gentleness, making your entire body feel weighed from the guilt of not being there at the library with him. "____, I need you to stay here. Stay inside, please. I'll be back. I will always come back -" you stared into his masked eyes, then closed yours with a pained expression burning tears pricking your lashes."it’ll kill you..." you whispered. He rested his forehead on yours, shutting his eyes for a second.
"... I need you to be safe." 
He releases your head and begins to hurry away again. "Don't make me web you," he jokingly warned, trying to lighten your mood, but didn't wait to hear if you laughed or not. You didn't. He was already swinging away. 
You slowly back away from your spot and sink onto the plush bed, feeling the gentle bounce of the soft cushion beneath your full weight, folding your hands together, fiddling with your thumbs. Praying that he would return to you.
“We are starting this broadcast to proudly announce that Spider-Man, the web-slinging hero of New York, has once again defeated a massive threat to the city. Here, you can see Spiderman destroying the source of the enemy's power, a large energy source attached to the enemy's chest; it is suspected that this is yet another ploy to stop this hero. But fortunately, Spider-man was able to outsmart the beast and incapacitate him. Although The city is left with more construction work to finish. This fight has concluded with no casualties as far as we know..."
You replay the live broadcast over and over, watching as he swung around the villain and tied them up in his web. When the tape ends, you play it back again. 
He was being risky... again; He got closer than he needed to be. This enemy was so powerful, worse than he had ever fought before. Like a hybrid of some of the worst people he's faced. You couldn't keep track of the amount of times he was thrown into a building or struck with a deadly blow.
Luckily, the battle stayed far away from your apartment, so you stayed inside by his demand. Spidey was insistent that you stayed safe.As the camera panned out, the sight of multiple fires and shattered windows filled the screen, evidence of the aftermath of the altercation.. You didn't care about them, something... someone was more important than any amount of damage compensation or any building. 
The rain starts, droplets pattering all over the city and immediately killing the fires. 
After what felt like hours of pacing, worrying, and anxiously biting your nails, you see a silhouette on your balcony followed by the dark figure dropping with a thud.
Your body tensed. The booming noise in the silence gave you chills. 
Opening the doors, you see your suited friend laid on the ground, gripping his side. You listen closely, a faint groan escapes from him. His costume was torn, and peaks of his skin were bruised. His blood pooled under his body, mixing with the water making puddles of red. 
"Spidey!!" you shout and rush over to kneel over him. You hold his head in your hands and tilt his head to look at you, although the lenses on his rain soaked mask were clearly closed shut. Your hands tremble as you reach out, fingers brushing against his skin, feeling the heat of his pain. Your forehead rests on his and your lungs release the breath you’ve been holding. You try not to cry. You try and try but fail. 
"I can't- I don’t- I can’t help you....I can't spidey… i-- i can't -" Tears stream down your face as you gasp for breath, the weight of your despair hanging heavy in the air. The sight of his battered body fills your vision, wounds glistening with a mix of blood and rain. You are left feeling hopeless, unable to properly care for his wounds. His life is in your hands, and you are completely useless. How could he be so strong all the time? He worried about so much, yet always had the strength to push forward. 
You didn't want to be weak. This wasn't the time. 
He depends on you. At this moment. You can't let him go. You weren't going to. You wipe your tears away and positioned behind him, to drag his unconscious body into your room. A path of deep red follows him, staining your bedroom floor. You open your door to drag his heavy body down so you can take him to the hospital, but pause… If you take him to the hospital, they’ll take his mask off and reveal his identity. He’s so vulnerable.
With his body now on the floor, you pace nervously around the room, desperately trying to come up with a plan. Finally, you act.
You run into your roommate's room and grab a few clothes, and run back to the passed out hero. You stare at him for a minute debating if you were really going to do this you take a breath and began to take his suit off piece by piece, despite the embarrassment of undressing him screaming in your mind. You start by removing his gloves, peeling the fabric from his palm and fingers to set it aside. 
You do the same with his red spandex boots, quickly replacing them with leather black boots. You nervously pulled up his suit top. The room was dim, barely able to make out any shapes, but still you keep your eyes up to avoid looking at his torso, littered with deep purple bruises and multiple scratches. Replacing it with a loose gray T-shirt. You thanked god that his suit pants were a solid blue, so you didn’t have to change him out of those. 
Finally, you only had to remove his mask. Slowly, you slip your thumbs under the hem of it, pulling the fabric up his bruised neck from being strangled by the tentacles of the beast. With each inch you came closer to revealing Spider-man’s identity to you. After all this time, you were finally going to find out who he really was. You were gonna see his face and reveal his identity, but you stop. The mask rests just below his chin. 
This is wrong. 
Of course, you were curious about who he was, what his face looked like, and what kind of guy would risk his life like that every day, but this wasn't right. He trusted you enough to come here when he was beaten down.
Ironically, taking off his mask felt more exposing than switching out his clothes.
Once again, you walk to your roommate's room and gather a hat, sunglasses, and a face mask. 
You sat in front of Spidey, took a deep breath to prepare yourself. Then, you closed your eyes; you felt around his head, down his neck and removed the mask. You glide your hands through his hair to put the hat over it. With a brief pause you analyze the soft loose curls between your fingers, he was so familiar to you, so comfortable to be around. He smelled of blood and rain with a hint of… something else… but your mind was in such a haze you couldn't put the pieces together or your brain just wouldn't allow you to finally slip the beanie over his head, and cover most of the top of his head. With eyes still closed you added the glasses and mask on Spider-man’s face, then opened them again, still avoiding looking directly at his covered face, to drag him outside into your car to the nearest hospital. 
On the drive, you continuously checked your mirror to see if he would move or talk or do anything… you were desperate for anything. He just laid on the backseat with the occasional groan. Those noises of pain gave you a bit of relief that he is still alive. Finally, you reach the hospital and stop the car, not even parking it. Quickly you get out of the car and drag Spidey out of the back seat resting his arm over your shoulder to carry him into the hospital doors. 
"Help! Help this guy! He's hurt!!" You yelled in the hospital, which was clearly in a state of emergency due to the recent attack. Several staff ran up to you and took Spidey laying him down on a gurney. As they reach to remove the glasses and mask, you quickly turn around to walk out. "You need to wait. Hold on, who is this?" A nurse blocked your way with a clipboard in hand.
"I- I don't know. I just found him on the ground. He didn't have an ID on him, so i have no idea who he is—" You quickly answer then step to the side to leave the hospital before the urge to look back became too overwhelming. 
Sitting in the confines of your car, you tightly grip the leather of the steering wheel. Your quivering lips betrays the overwhelming feeling coursing through you. 
You pressed your forehead against the cool surface of the wheel and let out a soft sob. The distress eating you up on the inside made you sick and dizzy. 
"Please be okay… please be okay Spider-man." You sobbed.
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riddles-n-games · 9 months
Say It First
"I love you."
Avery blinked. “What?”
“I said I love you.” 
She looked at him and wondered if she was hearing things. “A-Are you sure? You do know you what you’re saying, right? We haven’t been that long together, you don’t need t-”
“I’m sure. I’ve never been more certain, Heiress,” he said, his tone firm and steady. In my whole life. He’d never been more sure about anything or anyone in his life up to this point than her. She felt right, she fit into his complicated world as the most perfect piece in the puzzle and it had sent his heart racing when he first realized. But, some thoughts could be saved for a later date.
Avery was trying to smile but looked in disbelief, laughing nervously, “Jameson, I-”
“It’s okay, Avery. You don’t need to say it back if you aren’t ready.” 
She looked at a loss for words, struggling to respond. “But, I-You…”
He huffed amusedly. Avery Kylie Grambs, his wisecrack and dry-humored girlfriend, speechless.  “Aves, it’s okay. You don’t need to say anything. I just wanted to let you know where I stand because I am certain about you. Us. There’s no need for you to rush.”
“I know, I just…” 
“Heiress, I’m ready to wait.” His words were gentle, soft. It was so unlike him but it was soothing and didn’t that make her heart clench. 
She looked him in the eyes and was shocked at the unwavering sincerity they held. It was like she was held still, wrapped in an emerald cocoon when she saw herself in them. When he spoke again, his voice felt like a distant echo. “Don’t say anything you might regret. I would rather you take your time and save it for a different occasion than feel like you’re being pressured when you might not mean it yet.”
Slowly, she zoned back in and once she did, frowned, a bit upset with herself. Her gaze fell to his chest. “Yeah, but I…”
Jameson continued, “I’m not afraid to wait. You’re the one I want. It’s just that I want you to mean it when you do say it.” 
Avery looked back up, letting out a relieved breath as she hugged him. “Thank you,” she mumbled into his neck. He closed his eyes and buried his nose into her hair, the scent of faint grapes and apples wafting her locks. “You’re welcome.”
When they pulled away, her lips were pursed and brows pinched, an apology written all over her face. “I’m really sorry for not being able to say it now. You deserve that. I’m just still, you know…” She waved her hands around. “New to this.”
“I know, Heiress. I know. And I’m not judging you for it.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. When he pulled away, Avery blushed. The pink was spreading over her skin. Jameson smirked; she looked cute with her flushed cheeks. She hid her face into his shirt and he laughed but put an arm around her waist. For a moment, she was safe before his laughter subsided and he cupped her jaw, tilting her head up but before she could register, his lips were on hers. Her hand fisted the wool of his pullover and returned the kiss.
It would be okay. As long as she was his and he was hers, they would be good. In fact, they were just beginning and what a beautiful love story it would be.
Us against the world.
A/N: Hi, this is a short fic about Jameson telling Avery he loves her for the first time, a request by anon. You can see the headcanons under the original ask. Hope you enjoyed!
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months
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ABOUT: 1410 words, no use of y/n
STORY: jameson calls you on a night out with his brothers... drunk.
WARNINGS: none, just jameson being a drunk idiot
A/N: THIS IS A REPOST OF MY OWN FIC!!! I'm posting it again because my account got deleted, but I still want to keep all my fics on my blog. Thanks to everyone for helping me get this all back.
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1:53 A.M.
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You almost just closed your eyes and ignored it, your half asleep brain thinking it was your morning alarm, until you opened your eyes and saw the color of a face, someone's contact photo, but you were still too tired to process who.
Forcing yourself to sit up, you reached over and answered the call, not knowing who it was. “Hm, what do you want?”
There was too much noise from the other end. People talking, glasses clicking, and music playing. But then his voice. “Heyyyyy,” Jameson said, his words heavily slurred. “I miss you.”
You blinked a few times and then realized what was happening. You checked the contact and sure enough it was your boyfriend- the name read Jamie and it was a picture of him from that one time you two went ax throwing. 
“You miss me?” You asked. “Where are your brothers?” He scoffed. “Oh, they’re here. Don’t worry. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they left me because sometimes they’re really big… uh… meanies.” You try not to laugh. 
“I- uh, I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you and you’re so pretty and you make me happy. You make me feel like, um, like a puzzle. But when you finish it. You… finish me?” “Save the poetry for when you’re sober, Jameson,” You hear Grayson mutter in the background. “Not that it’d be any better, but at least you’d comprehend my insults.”
“See?” Jameson cried. “Meanies!”
You rolled your eyes. “Is that why you called me, babe? Because you miss me and Grayson is mean?”
“Well also because I… I miss you a lot. And I wish you were here but you’re not. I saw someone who looked like you-” He gasps as if he appalled himself. “Well, they didn’t look like you. No one looks like you, you’re too pretty. But she had the same hair and I was really excited but then Nash told me it wasn’t you so now I’m sad.”
At this point there was no holding back your laughs. “Right, right. Where is Nash right now? He’s not left you alone like this, has he?”
“No, no, Nash is here. And even if he wasn’t Gray and Xander are so- hey!” His voice grew quieter on the phone. “Hey!”
There’s a moment of shuffling and then silence. Then a new voice speaks. 
“Hey darlin, it’s me. Your boyfriend had a bit too much to drink.”
You sigh in relief hearing Nash’s voice, just because you know someone is responsible there. “Yeah, I can tell. Do I need to come pick him up?” “No, don’t worry. I haven’t had anything to drink so I’m driving us home. You don’t need to-”
“But I want her!” You hear Jameson whine. “I want her, I love her, I need her now! Because- because I need her so bad, I need to-” “Jeez, shut up,” you make out Xander interrupt.
If the four brothers go out, it’s never not chaotic. 
“It’s fine, Nash,” you told him, sitting up and slipping on your shoes. “I’ll come get him. You can stay with Xander and Grayson and not have to deal with him spouting nonsense any longer.”
He laughs. “Alright, if you say so. Careful driving in the dark, hm?”
You step out of the car and make your way into the bar, looking around for him. And soon enough do you see the familiar brown head of hair, now much more messy than it was when he left the house, practically bouncing up and down when he finds you. You start walking towards him, but Jameson practically sprints to you and wraps his arms around you in the world’s tightest hug. “Mm, missed you, babygirl.” His hands find their way to your hips, resting there. “Love you.”
Before you can even respond, he then goes in and kisses you on the lips, claiming your mouth with his. Then he pulls away and starts kissing all over your face. You couldn’t help but giggle, trying to push him away. “Jamie, stop it. You’re drunk, we’re in public.” “But I missed you.” “I missed you too. But can you at least wait till we're home so Grayson isn’t glaring at us?”
Jameson turned around to his brother and flipped him off. Grayson returned the gesture. 
“Okay, okay,” you sighed, grabbing your boyfriend’s wrist and bringing his hand down. “Put that thing away. Now you’re becoming the mean one.” You gave Grayson an awkward smile as if to make up for it. Not that he cared much anyway- drunk Jameson Hawthorne wasn’t necessarily a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
With only a little struggle, you managed to get Jameson off of you, though he insisted on keeping an arm around your shoulders. It was probably for the best, actually, because he couldn’t stand up on his own.
Nash approached the two of you, helping adjust Jameson to lean in a more comfortable position against you. “Sorry we let him… y’know. Get like this.”
You shrugged. “I don’t mind. He can be annoying sometimes, but it’s kinda cute.”
“You think I’m cute?” Jameson practically shouted.
“Yeah, adorable. Come on, let's get you home.”
He grinned, almost falling over. “Whatever you say, beautiful.” 
It was a hassle to get him into the car and buckle up, then to get him to sit still the whole drive, then to get him out of the car. But you did it, despite his constant affection. You loved it, of course, but he was being a bit much. 
You helped Jameson get to bed and he laid down with a groan, almost hitting his head on the headrest. Without speaking, you began to take off his shoes in an attempt to make him more comfortable. You figured he was half asleep already anyway. 
Until you slipped off his suit jacket. It wasn’t worth changing his clothes entirely, since he probably wouldn’t cooperate, but you wanted to at least do something. As you took off the jacket, his half-lidded eyes looked up at you with a crooked smile. “Whatcha tryna do there, huh?
“Getting you comfortable. Don’t get any ideas.”
“Oh, I have a lot of ideas.”
You rolled your eyes affectionately. “Save them for the morning.” You folded his suit jacket and set it on the dresser. Jameson wasn’t done talking. “But I don’t wanna wait. I want you, I want you now…” “Hm, too bad. Tomorrow, promise. But right now you’re drunk.”
“Hmph, fine,” he grumbled, rolling onto his side to face away from you like a grumpy toddler. You were almost tempted to record it- just for him to see in the morning, not for anyone else to see… probably. But you didn’t. Jameson deserved some shred of his dignity left after the other embarrassing things he’d done while drunk. And the things he was forced to do after not answering a 911 text from Xander. 
Plus, you wouldn’t do something like that to your boyfriend. You loved him too much. 
You checked the time. 2:39. It had been almost an hour. And it was very late. You should probably get back to sleep. 
So you decided to change back into your pajamas, which you’d changed out of when you left to pick him up. Even if he was busy pretending to be mad at you, you could feel Jameson’s eyes on you as you undressed. Yet another laugh escaped you as you knew he was watching you, no doubt enjoying the view. 
Ugh, how you loved him.
When you looked back, Jameson immediately turned back around as if he was caught in the act. You sighed, amused with his drunken antics, and laid down in the empty space next to him. 
“I’ll be right here when you need me, Jamie.”
He doesn’t respond. The two of you just laid there together, even if you weren’t speaking. After a while, you thought he’d finally fallen asleep, and decided to get more comfortable and close your eyes.
That’s when he rolled over, eyes still closed, and wrapped his arms around you. He placed his head in your lap and sighed contently, not saying anything. There was no need for words. No need for explanation.
Jameson Hawthorne loved you.
He may have been drunk out of his mind, but he was sure of it.
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the writing above belongs to me. please do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own. © 2024 wish-i-were-heather
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xo-zozo · 4 months
some more fluffy averyjameson? <333
yess my favs <333
he always makes sure that she sleeps well and asks how well she slept every morning
and if she didn't sleep well he'll ask her why and make sure that she takes a nap or she sleeps well the next night
she likes to play with his hair and always makes sure it looks good for events because otherwise it's really messy all the time (even though she thinks its cute alisa says she needs to fix it)
he always tells her that she looks cute/beautiful/pretty in the clothes that she wears
avery isn't that short but he still makes fun of her because she's shorter than him
even though he always goes all out for her birthday he always makes sure to get her something small and meaningful
i think that @riddles-n-games said this but when jameson was in highschool or something he played soccer/lacrosse so she's always trying to find videos of him playing so that she can tease him for it
they watch super cringy movies/ yt videos at night sometimes because they have nothing better to do (MSA 💀)
he tells her that her eyes are pretty whenever they're in sunlight (same with her like i bet his eyes are GORGEOUS in the sun like why can't he be real)
sometimes when they're alone her media trained personality will go away and she'll start getting super exciting and ranting about it and he'll just sit there and listen to her
i came up with this hc for one of @x-liv25-jamieswife posts, but not only does jameson beef with avery's celebrity crushes but whenever he sees her looking at stuff to do with them he says stuff like "erm i'm better than him"
sometimes at events and stuff while she's talking to people he'll come up behind her and hug her and occasionally add his commentary
whenever he calls her pretty, she says "you are too" and he's always confused by it but yk... the girls (max) who get it get it if you know what i mean
sometimes they go through a mcdonalds drive through or something and just sit in the parking lot and talk and....stuff
she plays with his hoddie strings sometimes or if he wears a necklace
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Party at the clubhouse
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pairing: Chibs Telford x plus-size reader
words: 1730
warnings: there is 18+ content throughout (minors DNI), alcohol, shit-talking
Summary: you go to your first party at the SOA clubhouse and show off a hidden talent
link to my masterlist and previous parts
It was your first time being invited to a party at the Sons of Anarchy clubhouse. You didn’t know how to dress for that, you weren't a fan of short skirts or dresses because of your big thighs and too insecure for an in-your-face cleavage.
You just decided on a pair of jeans and a tank top. Your big boobs made everything look at least a little bit sexy. As soon as you arrived at the clubhouse, you noticed that you're overwhelmingly overdressed when you saw all the cool biker groupies in barely any clothes. Lyla called them croweaters.
You were relieved to find Lyla outside the front door. She was wearing a really short dress that ended right underneath her ass. It looked great on her body; she really could wear anything.
She greeted you with a hug and pulled you inside to get you a drink. The air inside the clubhouse was heavy with cigarette smoke and the smell of sweat, liquor and...was that puke?
At the bar, you found Bobby sitting and drinking with Happy and Tig.
"Hey, boss", you greeted him and pulled him into a side hug. "Hey doll", he greeted you back with the nickname he gave you on day one and that he used every time he was at the office with you. You didn't mind it, you found it endearing and he kind of reminded you of your dad. Although you would never let him know that.
“Want a beer?”, Lyla asked you as she walked behind the bar and pulled a few bottles from the cooler. “You can give us all a round”, Tig said and pushed his empty bottle towards Lyla. “I help you”, you said and walked around the bar. You stored your purse underneath the counter in an empty spot and started opening the bottles with a swift and skillful motion.
“Gentlemen”, you said and put the three bottles on top of the wooden bar top. “Thanks, doll”, Bobby said and grabbed his new drink. “For the lady”, Happy pushed a ten-dollar bill towards you. You grabbed it with a laugh and stored it in your bra. “Thanks, sugar”, you thanked him with a wink and for the first time ever you saw something like a little smile on this guy’s face.
“Doesn’t look like I’m needed here”, Lyla commented with a laugh and walked around the bar with her drink, taking a seat next to Bobby.
“I used to job at a bar back home, always got good tips”, you told them and took a sip from your beer. The cold liquid was a nice refreshment in the thick, hot air inside the clubhouse. It had gotten quite hot at the end of June, even during the nights.
“I wonder why”, Tig said and looked shamelessly at your boobs. “Must be my winning personality”, you said with playful innocence.
“I see we hired a new bartender”, you heard Jax’ voice as he came over. Behind him was Chibs and as soon as you saw him, you felt a little flutter in your stomach and even further down.
“What gust of wind brought you into my little joint?”, you joked and used the dishtowel behind the bar to wipe over the counter, adding to your joke.
“I’d like a beer, sweetheart”, Jax answered with a sweet smile and leaned against the end of the counter. You took another beer from the cooler, popped the cap off and slid it over to him. You were relieved when he caught it in his hand and it didn’t slide off or fell over, spraying everyone with beer.
“And what can I get you, stranger?”, you asked Chibs as he sat down right in front of you. “Jameson, neat”, he told you and put his elbows on the counter. “A man with class, I like it. Coming right up”, you told him with, what you hoped was, a flirty smile.
You turned around, grabbed one of the tumblers and put it on the counter. Then you grabbed the bottle of Jameson and poured about two fingers worth of liquor in it. “There you go”, you said and put the bottle of Jameson back on the shelve behind you.
“Thanks, darlin’”, he said and shot you a light smile before he grabbed the glass to take a big sip. Something in your stomach jumped again at his words.
“Just FYI, I’m accepting tips”, you said to distract yourself and shot Happy a wink, which he answered with a little nod. Chibs looked over at Happy and back to you, furrowing his brows just for a split second and then it was gone again. You almost didn’t see it, but you did.
The men chuckled but pulled out their wallets. “We never had a prettier bartender”, Tig said and shot an air-kiss in your direction. “That’s true”, Lyla said and moved a five-dollar bill over to you. “Buy yourself something nice, baby girl”, she winked at you which made you laugh.
You collected the money off the counter and stored it in your bra. “Keep it coming, still enough space in there”, you joked and took a sip form your beer again. Some of the guys blatantly stared at your boobs after your comment. Tig even put his chin on his hands that were resting on the counter to have his eyes at your boob level. “Yes, very lovely”, he said, keeping eye-contact with your breasts.
You took the dishtowel and snapped it at him. “Hey, eyes up here”, you said and motioned towards your eyes. “No, thanks”, he simply stated and kept looking. You had to laugh; it was too absurd.
Ever since starting to work for the M.C. and being around the club, you had been called beautiful and flirted with more times than your whole life and you actually started to believe it. At least, a little bit. You knew these guys loved to flirt, but they didn’t have to do it with you and they still did. You just wanted to believe that they didn’t just talk to any woman like that, truth or not.
 You stayed behind the counter for a little while, handing out drinks to people. Jax and Tig had moved over to the couches across the bar to talk to other people. Chibs and Happy had moved over to Bobby at the end of the bar and talked there.
"You trying to be one of the guys with that outfit?", someone you didn't know joked as he suddenly appeared in front of you. He must be a visiting member of a different charter because he was wearing a kutte as well but didn’t have Redwood Original on it. He was quite the heavy fella.
You noticed that some of SAMCRO were looking over at you as they had heard the comment, but you were used to being made fun of because of your appearance and came prepared.
"With those tits, barely", you said as you looked down at your own body, grabbing your boobs through your shirt. "But I see you’re a close second on the boobs-scale", you said as you nodded at his man boobs which made some people around laugh as they had started to follow your little conversation. With your comment you had managed to avert their attention off of you and over to Mr.-big-mouth, just like you wanted.
"Aw, Little-Miss-Hurt-Feelings can't handle a little joke?", the guy taunted, getting annoyed that people suddenly were laughing at him and not with him.
"I think she showed ya that she can handle a joke, son. Looks more like you can't", Chibs stepped in, his face was all serious. The guy made a step forward towards Chibs like he wanted to start something, but Chibs didn't move an inch, he didn't even flinch. You quickly came around the bar.
"How about a little bet?", you pushed yourself in front of Chibs and in-between the two men who were still having a staring contest.
Your whole body was pressed against Chibs’ front as he was standing very close to the guy but you tried not to be distracted right now.
"Let's play a round of pool. If you win, I take my shirt off as you apparently find it so hideous", you suggested and his eyes dropped down to you at your words.
"And if I win, you owe me a hundred bucks. You can keep your shirt on ‘cause no-one wants to see that", you continued, feeling a little brave with the alcohol in your system and knowing that SAMCRO would have your back. "Alright", the guy just nodded and walked over to the pool table, scaring away the people that were playing a game right now.
"Y/N, you don't have to do that, we can just kick him out", Jax intervened, who had come over from his conversation when he had noticed the altercation and stopped you from going over to the pool table.
"Jax, don't keep the lady from her purpose", Tig put a hand on Jax's shoulder pulling him out of the way and ushering you over to the pool table.
To put it quite simply, you utterly destroyed that guy. He even made the mistake of asking you for a rematch and got humiliated a second time. The little lesson you had to teach him brought you 200 bucks.
"Huh, it's been a while since I played for cash but it was fun", you said after collecting your prize and the biker and his friends moved over to another corner of the clubhouse to lick their wounds.
"Who are you?", Juice asked surprised and spoke for the entire group. When you looked at them one by one, you got a little self-conscious.
"We had a pool table in our house and growing up with three brothers and their annoying friends...", you shrugged your shoulders.
"Nice one, lass", Chibs winked at you before he turned around to get himself a beer from behind the bar. There went your stomach again.
“But now, you’re gonna meet your match”, he announced when he turned around again and grabbed a cue off the pool table. He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. “And that shirt bet’s still on”, he said, winked at you before he bent down to take the first shot.
next part Late night
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ask-missparker · 2 months
The Chilling Adventures Of Super-Mamas 🧸
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— Ruby Webb and Son 🕸️ Today
Summary: Meanwhile Mama is a work Momma has to take care of the kids, but work calls.
Note: Silly sweet and a little goofy fic. A little bit of angst too, Mia might need a hug after this episode
Characters mentioned: Luna, Rick, Maria Hill, and etc
Liane was picking up her phone and purse getting ready to rush out the door. Mia was sitting in the living room chair as Eli was playing with his toys on the floor as the TV played in the background.
“You sure you want me to go?” Liane asked reapplying her lipstick and rambling, “Cause I can always reschedule or cut my business day eariler. I know it won’t be profitable or professional for my clients but Luna said she was busy picking wedding flowers with Rochelle, so she might not have time to make to her appointment anyway and..”
“Honey, honey, honey!” Mia repeated sipping her orange juice as she looked up from her phone.
“You’re starting to sound like me.
“Huh?…Oohhh! Yikes, yeah, nope! I should go soon then, shouldn’t I?”
“Yes you should, Luna and Ricky’s wedding is coming and Luna might keep making excuses to not come to your store, cause she doesn’t want to bother you, if you don’t show up.”
“Ughhh you’re so right! Oh my goodness yeah no, nope I gotta head out! Promise me you won’t sit all day and watch Bluey with Taylor!”
“Of course not…Now go!”
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Liane kissed Eli’s face telling him to not let ice cream all day with his mother and was ushered out the door by Mia, before the blonde can return back inside. Mia closed the door behind her letting out a sigh and picked up the 6 year old boy sitting him on the couch with her. He giggled as his Momma handed him a piece of an old fashioned glazed donut.
“Yummy! Technically not ice cream.” Elliot says munching on the donuts, “Mama gone, can we watch Bluey now?”
“Oh yeah! Mama thinks Bluey is a little overrated but we love it. What if we watch Phineas and Ferb too?” Mia said as she suggested the other show with a grin.
“YES! Can we do the musical one?”
“You are definitely our kid.”
Half an hour later, the two sat on the couch watching Bluey and Phineas & Ferb episode as they enjoyed some snacks. The two were singing along to the entire episode of Phineas & Ferb, chuckling and making silly comments across the series. They even decided to watch Moana.
“I love this movie!” Mia chuckled taking a bite of her apple slices.
“Just don’t sing the boy parts, Mommy!” Elliot remarked.
“I can’t make promise i can’t ke—”
That was when her phone rang. It was Mr. Jameson! As Mia picked up the phone call, the phone practically shook with her boss’s booming voice.
“Where the heck are you, Parker?! You better not be lying around! I needed those photos 4 hours ago!” Jameson yelled over the phone.
“I um…well..heh, today is my day off, sir. I’m at home right now, tomorrow I go back to work.” Mia replied gently, very startled by her boss’s booming voice that almost broke her ear drums.
“UGHHH! I thought one of my employees said you were here today! They lied! Just then those damn pictures over the web or whatever you kids do in this modern day!”
As she heard JJJ ranting and babbling about god knows what, Mia text Maria Hill and her other phones if they can watch her son for a bit. Sadly some of them were busy and others were taking the day to relax. Maria Hill was spending the day with Natasha and their grandchildren. Then she glanced at her costume laying around in the other room and smirked exchanged a cheeky grin with Elliot. He grinned brightly.
“Gee sir!” Mia said loudly over the phone that was on speaker, “I don’t really know to use the web that well. Maybe just can just swing by real quick?”
Elliot chuckled, “HA HA!”
“Whatever Parker, just get here as soon as possible!” Jameson shouted then hung up.
So Mia strapped on her Ruby Webb suit with a backpack and extra water bottles carrying Elliot as she swung across the city. The mother-son pair chatted and waved at citizens, even swinging by the windows of buildings as they crossed a park. Mia was so focused on making sure Elliot was strapped in her arms safely as she swung across the streets, she didn’t noticed Sandman until her son pointed out.
“Momma is that the Sandy guy?” He pointed out in awe with a little smile.
“Sandman?!” She exclaimed, under the domino mask and a hoodie of her suit.
“Can we play with him please?”
“I don’t know, baby..”
“…uhhh okay, fine, maybe just real quick.”
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Mia climbed down and landed in the park carrying Eliot. To her surprise Sandman was messing around with strangers, playing with kids and causing a huge mess per se. But he seemed harmless today, cause the kids and teenagers surrounding him weren’t upset despite the area being a little silly looking.
“Hey Sandy! Can you watch this little guy for me? It will be just a second, I’m gonna an errand right now!” Mia said cheerfully holding up her son who smiled brightly waving at William, “Thanks!”
“Uhm sure, Webby.” He said a little surprised at the unexpected moment with a half smile.
“Hehe thank you! He likes big slides.”
Elliot grinned, “Do a monster truck!”
He took Sandman’s hand running off to play with the other days, seeing his friends there too. Mia chuckled staying for a few seconds watching them, almost immediately losing track of time but then Mr. Jameson called her phone. She whined and rushed off to The Daily Bugle.
She snuck into a window, changing into a blazer that was in her office and sweating her hair into a ponytail before slipping out of the bathroom. Her co-worker Charlie Olsen, waved at her handing the girl extra papers to show their boss and apologize for her coming in today. Mia smiled and told him that it’s okay, it wasn’t his fault. Jake Kwan, Liane’s assistant, must’ve accidentally mistakenly sent a text message wrong to JJJ or something.
She grabbed the folder with the photos from her backpack as she rushed into Jameson’s office.
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“Um, hi! Here are the pictures you wanted, sir.” Mia said entering the office holding the folder filled with of The Avengers fighting downtown last weekend.
Jameson stood up from his seat and exclaimed in his loud booming voice, “What took you so damn long?”
“I just got in like a few minutes ago from Manhattan..”
“So? You want me to be impressed by that, Parker?”
“Um, no-no sir. I had to drop my kid off with a babysitter, so it took me a few minutes to get here. You do have kids, don’t you sir?”
“Don’t sass me Parker!”
“I…I was—sorry. Would that be all, Jameson?”
“Yes Parker, that would be all. Next time i want photos of those vigilante and newcomers heroes that keep popping up, like those X-men! Young Avengers too! And other heroes at events!”
She handed him the pictures as he looked them over. He went on a discussion about other things as he did. Mia just nodded quietly listening to him talk and walked out, taking a breath wiping her eyes at Jameson’s rude tone and booming voice. Charlie asked if she was okay and needed a moment before heading back home. Mia nodded sitting at her desk and wiping her eyes grabbing a sip of water, something she understood what Liane and her friends said about Jameson’s attitude towards people can bruise people’s feelings.
But she liked her job, as she was able to take photographs and write articles. After a few moments she picked herself up from the chair and removed her remembering that she had her son to pick up, as she rushed out the building swinging onto the buildings as Ruby Webb. She can deal with her own problems later over dinner or whatever.
Elliot was sitting in a monster truck as Sandman made a bunch of sand based items for the kids. He was definitely Liane’s son asking for a specific thing, in this case sand toy looking truck.
“Uh, like this?” Sandman looked up at sandy monster truck.
“No!” Elliot sassed him with a big smile, “Make it more like a Hot Wheels toy! With big wheels and a cool door. And flames pictures on the door.”
That’s when Mia swung in waving, “Hey there! I hope he wasn’t too much trouble for ya!”
She climbed over to the monster truck and picked him up, telling him it’s time to go.
Her son smiled, “He made a truck!”
“I can see that, baby! But he got a little lazy on the details huh?” She added.
The rest of the day was spend going to the store for a quick shopping trip, buying McDonald’s and playing at the park together. Then Mia swung them home, texting Liane about the grocery she bought, as they unpacked the groceries together.
A couple of hours later, Liane walked in removing her jacket and heels calling out to the house that she’s back home. She smiled seeing the two of them back on the couch once again, right where she left them earlier that morning.
“Aside from the obvious grocery store trip, did you guys get off the couch today?” Liane asked joining them on the couch, guessing there must’ve been something else they did today.
“Only to use the bathroom and wash dirty laundry we had in the hamper.” Mia responded looking up from the iPad.
Of course Elliot answered with a smile, “That’s no true, Mama! We played at the park too and a lot of other stuff. We just sat down to watch Sleeping Beauty and Tangled.”
Liane grinned at the mention of her favorite movies, “Now that’s more like it! Make room for me.”
The three of them sat down cuddling on the couch to watch Sleeping Beauty tonight. Elliot cuddled on his Mama’s lap as Liane rested her head on Mia’s shoulder. She glanced at the brunette for a second, “You okay?”
“Yeah i’m fine..” She added softly, brushing it off.
“What? I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. I don’t want to call Petra or anyone to know what happened. I’ll find out later after dinner right?”
“Um..yeah. Uh huh. I’ll tell you later.”
“Okay. Oh! Work was good, we got a pretty decent deal on new equipment and the dress we started for Luna is beautiful.”
The brunette smiled at the blonde’s expression and how she explained how her day went. Usually it was the brunette who was listening to her issues and coming up with a smooth form of comfort. The blonde knew something was up but she knew she will find out eventually, so it was better that she leave it alone until later.
Life for them was never always sunshine and rainbows, was it? But they try their best to handle it.
Now just enjoy the movie.
Please let me know what you think
Tags: @ask-starrk @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @marvelsfavoriteuncle @elzabeth-stark @sci-fi-lexcon @jackiequick @blueboirick @gcthvile @cherrysft @meiramel @trulysummersprivate and etc
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Hi! I have some questions for you. First, Rank the Hawthorne brothers:
Now, your most favourite character from the whole series :
Your least favourite character from the whole series:
I really want to know whether or not we think on the same wavelength about these characters or if I'm the odd one out. Last question, who are the characters that you wish had been mentioned more in the series, as in, their relation with Avery?
hello!! sorry it took me so long to reply but I have been heavily debating my answers. these were such good questions and it was so hard to decide!! but I feel like my answers are gonna bug you…
like genuinely love them all the same and I cannot choose, I had tried (hence why it took me so long to reply) but it was impossible 😔😔
I mean if you’re talking boyfriend wise: Grayson would be my first choice but I would not mind any of them, literally if they existed I’d be lucky to get a side glance
favourite character: you know what this is so difficult for me because it literally changes daily 😭😭 and it is so dependant on my mood but I’ll give you a top five
Gigi is my babyyyy, I love her to pieces!! she’s so bubbly and cute and sweet and I literally just want to hug her to death, but at the same time her character is so much deeper than that and she hides all of her pain. (and I’m a sucker for an emotionally traumatised character that’s trying to bottle everything up until they have to break).
okay this might get me hated on but I’m allowed to have my own opinion… I personally love love love Savannah… WAIT NO ONE KILL ME YET… I just think she’s such a girl boss, I love a strong independent woman who fights her own battles. also I love her pure confidence and how she also bottles her emotions in a more cutthroat way than Gigi, I love her coldness (I probably sound like a mentalist), idk I just love her and her intensity, it’s just so alluring!!
oh also tell me why nan Hawthorne is my literal idol?? idk I just love her. her energy is everything, she’s so cool 😭😭 idk I have an emotional attachment
I know I said five but we’re counting the Hawthorne brothers as a whole here (one whole split into quarters so it’s like 0.25 each). Grayson, Jameson, Xander and Nash are all spectacular in all different ways and I could sit here and book on why but I won’t bore you…
I know I literally just named half the characters in the book but overall if I had to give one answer I would have to say that Avery is my favourite character, call me predictable or clichè but I worship that woman and she’s such an amazing character
Least favourite character: this is the one I feel like I can give a straight answer on. I mean it’s the obvious E*e, Em*ly and Tob*as, like ew hate them.
oooo okay hottakes now (yay)
I feel like we don’t get enough of Libby and Avery just being sisters, like I need more. me and my sister are super close and I want to see that in those two. they have so much potential, I know we get snippets but after the first two books it kind of fades a bit…
obviously I want to see Lyra and Avery become besties because I feel like they’d bounce off of each other, like they’re both super smart, both (practically) dating a Hawthorne brother and I think they’d have such a cool friendship
idkkk but I loved the Avery/Xander dynamic from the hawthorne legacy (I think that’s when those two bonded more, but I might be wrong) so more of that would be amazinggg
and I know this isn’t about Avery but honourable mentions bc I want to see more Gigi and Xander being plutonic besties and also more Gigi and Savannah moments. I would also LOVEEE more scenes of just the four Hawthorne brothers bc those are always hilarious and they just gel so well together.
but now I’m practically naming everyone in the series, sorry for my waffle and not-straight answers 😭😭 but thanks for asking <33
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