#jamie dodger
pink-pone · 4 months
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reminiscing on days gone by…
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gfanlocalcryptid · 1 year
Why don’t we have straight pride?
Video by Jamie Dodger on YouTube, he’s super funny and I recommend him.
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auden-the-knobhead · 1 year
I would actually die for Jamie Raines just saying
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eyesopentv · 6 months
i wanted to start a youtube channel a few years ago for Trans Reasons and i just started thinking about it again bc i realized i don’t really see many non-white trans guys that are popular and i want other trans kids of color to see what their transition could look like too
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jammyjams1910 · 2 years
I like eating my ancestors
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k-evans-reads · 21 days
In Living Color
Chapter 26
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
September 13th, 2022
“Alright, cut! That was a good one so that’s a wrap for today.” 
Hearing those words was like music to Chris’ ears. He’d been on set since before the sun had risen in the sweltering Atlanta heat and he was ready to call it a day. Chris only stayed to chat with his co-stars for a moment before walking off the set, ready for a shower and quiet evening at his rental with Dodger, but he would soon find out he was in for anything but. 
Chris had made some headway through his plans when he stepped out of his set trailer, his costume long gone and instead dressed in loose shorts and a tee-shirt. He called goodbyes to everyone as he headed to the parking lot, figuring Josh and Dodger had already gone home, but soon he was stopped in his tracks. 
“Chris! Hey, hold on,” he heard Josh call, turning to find his long-time friend – and assistant – jogging over to him with Dodger by his side. 
Chris paused, letting Josh catch up to him. He could see the rest of the cast slowly making their way off set, either to the wardrobe trailer or to their own trailers, and the line of cars waiting to take them all home. “I thought you already left for the day?” He asked Josh, surprised to see him, but with a small grin as he reached down and greeted the excited, and tired, dog. 
“No, I took Dodger on a longer walk but your phone has been blowing up. Jamie keeps trying to call you and asked me to have you call him back as soon as you can,” his friend explained quickly with a serious tone.
Chris pursed his lips and furrowed his brows, unsure why Jamie, of all people, was trying to reach out to him right now. He’d kept in loose contact with Mark and Jamie since Nat moved, occasionally texting them but mainly just keeping up with them through social media and Nat. “Jamie? I wonder what that’s about?” He asked, knowing this was out of the blue. 
“I don’t know but here’s your phone,” Josh told him, handing the phone over. “Let me know later if anything is up.” 
“I will, thanks Josh,” he said with a tight grin, pocketing the 
Chris could feel the anxiety building in him as he took Dodger’s leash from Josh, thanking him again before going to the car service that the production provided and climbing into the back with Dodger sitting down on the bench seat right next to him. He clicked on Jamie’s number, returning his call as his leg bounced with anxiousness as the phone kept ringing and ringing until it went to voicemail. 
Although Chris’ brain loved to torture him with all the what if’s, he thought that this maybe was a good sign. If there truly was something urgent or earth shattering that he was so desperate to get a hold of Chris, he would have kept his phone on him and answered his call. Chris almost wanted to laugh to himself now as he relaxed in his seat on the drive back to his rental, thinking about the quirky best friends of Nat, knowing that he probably would be getting a call about something ridiculous that would make him erupt in laughter, but also remembered just how long it had been since he’d gotten those funny calls from Nat or either of her best friends, knowing that things had changed since she moved. 
He tried not to worry about it as he got to his rental and climbed in the shower, happy relax after the long day, but he had just climbed out and changed into his sweatpants and a comfy tee-shirt when his phone ran from where it sat on the bed next to his sweet pooch who was curled up. Chris grabbed the phone and put it on speaker, greeting his friend with, “Hey man, how are you? It’s been a while.” 
“It has been, but um, Chris are you on set?” Jamie asked, his voice muffled as he moved around on the other end of the call.
Chris’ brows furrowed and his hand froze on Dodger’s side, noting the urgency in Jamie’s voice. “No, I’m done for the day. I just got back to my rental… why?” He asked, his shoulder tense with anxiety as Jamie hesitated. 
The other man let out a shuddering sigh before he confessed, “I need to talk to you.” 
Chris shut his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That doesn’t sound good,” he murmured. 
“It’s not,” Jamie agreed, his voice turning sad and sympathetic. Jamie took a deep breath before he explained, “I was in San Francisco today and Chris… Nat is not doing well.” 
If Chris had been nervous before, it was nothing compared to the fear that flooded his body at that simple explanation. He wanted to not believe it, wanted to call Jamie a liar, that this wasn’t his Nat they were talking about. “What? What do you mean?” He finally asked, his voice unsteady and fearful. 
Jamie’s voice was low, sad, and defeated when he told him, “She’s not okay, Chris.” 
“Jamie, I need you to tell me what’s going on. I don’t understand,” Chris all but demanded him, unable to stop his brain from spiraling. Nat was…. Nat. Resilient, flexible, and strong, with a stubborn streak that rivaled his own. It was his last concern that she was ever going to be anything but okay. She’d rolled with every last one of his wild ideas, schedules, and asks of her for the last year, and he couldn’t see where anything changed to push Jamie to make this call. 
“She’s incredibly depressed, Chris. She’s super skinny, she doesn’t eat much and I found out that basically none of the office there in San Francisco hardly even know her. They said she just comes in and works all day in her office and goes to meetings and doesn’t say much and then goes home,” Jamie explained, listing off every reason that caused Chris’ heart to practically shatter. He couldn’t believe everything he’d missed, everything she’d been hiding from not only him, but her family and friends as well. His heart began to race anxiously as Jamie continued, “Yesterday night I stayed with her and by the time we went out to dinner and got back to her apartment she was practically falling asleep. She has no energy and looks like she’s going to burst into tears at any moment.” 
Chris’ mind raced as he still tried to pinpoint exactly where and when everything went south for her, knowing that he hadn’t seen all of that when he visited in early July. Sure, she’d been overworking herself, but that was a losing battle Chris had been trying to fight with her for almost a year now. All he knew was Nat being a near workaholic, and he figured with the move, she had been throwing herself into the only thing she was familiar with up there. “What’s going on? Is it something with her job? Or did something happen? She hasn’t said a word to me,” he finally answered, clearing the lump in his throat away. 
“I don’t know. I tried to talk to her and she wouldn’t say anything… you know how stubborn Nat can be,” Jamie explained with a sigh, sounding just as frustrated and concerned as Chris felt. 
Chris’ mind was still moving faster than he could catch up with, and he frustratedly admitted to the other man, “I just can’t believe she hasn’t said a word of this.” 
“I don’t know why she hasn’t but Chris, but I’m really worried about her. Things are not good and I don’t think anybody knows,” Jamie explained, sighing as he paused. “Everyone came in early this morning for a meeting so I’m going to send them all home early so maybe call her in a little while? My flight for LA is in a couple hours so she’ll be alone.” 
Chris nodded, taking note of the time on the alarm clock next to him. “I will,” he promised, knowing Jamie knew that already. 
“Chris... She’s not herself. She needs help so don’t take no for an answer, okay?” Jamie gently suggested, with more muffled sounds filtering through the call from the office in California. Chris listened intently, but his attention was split as Dodger whined nervously, looking up at his owner anxiously.  
Chris smiled sadly to himself, reaching his hand down to pet Dodger reassuringly. “I won’t. Thanks for telling me, Jamie,” he thanked the man, not knowing what he would’ve done had he not known the truth. 
As they hung up the call, Chris tried to pass the time between then and when he could call Nat in any way – turning on CNN, only to not pay attention to it. Texting Eric, asking if Nat had said if anything was wrong, only to hear “She hasn’t said anything to me, everything’s sounded okay.” That only made Chris more worried, knowing how close Nat was to Eric. She was so close to him, in a way that made Chris only hope to one day have that relationship with a child of his own. 
But it seemed like they were all in the dark, and once forty-five minutes had passed, Chris raced to open his texts with Nat. There still had been nothing since early that morning, when she liked his text about when he’d be on set that day. But he pushed down the hurt at that and instead hit the FaceTime button and called her, wanting to see her for this. 
He was thankful when Nat answered, but instead of being greeted with her face, he could only  see a ceiling. “Nattie, are you at home?” He asked, getting to the point almost immediately. He couldn’t beat around the bush with this, not when he felt like he was about to break down at any minute as he pictured everything Jamie had told him. 
Nat’s brows were furrowed when she adjusted the camera so he could see her, and he let out a sigh as he finally looked at her. He’d seen her in fleeting calls and random pictures over the last few months, but he’d never been able to see the change in her until today. The weight loss, evident in her face, the light, nearly all gone from her eyes, the way her once-fitted shirt now hung off of her shoulders, and the bags under her eyes… the ones he knew weren’t there the last time he saw her. It all hurt, scared, and alarmed him, but most of all, he felt frustrated with himself that he was too stupid to see past all reassurances to notice all these things months ago. “Yeah, why?” She brushed him off, a single brow raising. 
“What’s going on Nat?” He asked her point blank, eyes moving over hers as he stared at his phone. He could even see the way her hair was thrown up, messily, with strands falling out of her bun, slicked back against her scalp in a way that told him she hadn’t been taking care of herself there either. And he knew it wasn’t by choice. She was exhausted, something she had told him repeatedly in the previous months. He’d always brushed her off, feeling it was just her not handling the move great. But now he saw the truth, he saw it in every shift of her eyes, the slimness of her wrist as she tucked her hair behind her ear, how heavy the undereye bags were…. He hated himself most of all for missing this, letting it get to this point. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Jamie called me and told me that you’re not doing well. He said you’re depressed and that he’s really worried about you,” he explained, his voice almost clinical to disguise the sheer panic he was feeling at everything. 
Nat waved her hand, her voice small as she told him, “That’s just Jamie. You know he’s the dad of the group and he’s just worried because it’s been a couple months since I’ve seen him.” 
“Nat, if you’re struggling, you can talk to me,” Chris tried to reason with her, feeling more anxious with every dismissive comment she made. Dodger shifted against his leg, rolling onto his back as he drifted to sleep, and Chris watched Nat carefully, hoping her walls would finally go down. 
“I’m fine, it’s just different settling in here is all,” she whispered, shrugging as she glanced away from the camera. 
“It’s been almost five months though,” Chris pointed out as he arched an eyebrow. “Did it take you that long to settle in when you moved to LA?” 
She huffed out a breath, stubbornly telling him, “That was different because I met Jamie and Mark right away. You said it yourself that I just need to give it time.” 
“Is it this job? Is that what this is or is it something else? Do you miss LA?” He questioned, practically grappling at straws here. He didn’t want to push her too far, but he had to get to the bottom of this now. Nothing good would come from throwing his hands up and walking away, not when she was hurting as much as Jamie suggested. This had to get out of her system now, for both of their sakes. 
“No, I want to be here. This is the dream job. This is what I worked toward so I’m going to do it,” she explained, but he didn’t believe her. He didn’t believe her back in April, and he would never hold that over her head, but he’d lost her somewhere between then and now. Everyone had, it seemed, but the only thing he was sure about now was that Nat was convincing herself everything would get better as she clung to her work like a lifeboat. “I’m the one who wanted this promotion. It’s not that. I’m fine, Chris.” 
“Nattie, you’re lying to me. I know you’re lying,” he clarified, his voice firm as he ignored her attempts to interrupt. He looked at her dead-on, eyebrows raised as he firmly stated, “You’re lying to Jamie. You’re lying to Eric. You’re lying to me and I think you’re lying to yourself.” 
He just sat there staring at the screen as he watched panic settle on Nat’s face. Chris wasn’t even aware just how true those words were. Nat had been lying to herself for so long, ignoring everything other than putting her nose to the grindstone and ignoring her emotions. He watched as tears glossed over her eyes but he wanted to push her a little more, he wanted to get her to fully open up and he gently went on, “We’re just all worried about you. I love you Nattie and I want you to tell me the truth.” 
Chris saw her face on the screen seemingly frozen for a moment before he watched her last defenses crumble and the tears start flowing down her cheeks. Her shoulders slumped and a hand went up to rest on her face as her body shook with her sobs. He hated to see her this way, but wanted her to be open and honest, even if his heart had to break as he watched her fall to pieces. 
“I don’t even know how. I don’t know what to do,” she admitted through gasping breaths, her chest shuddering as the emotions finally came to the surface. The tears poured out of her eyes furiously, and Chris finally – and sadly – saw Nat for the first time in what felt like months. Her guard, walls, and defenses were all down, and she was finally ready to be honest with someone. 
“Just talk to me, baby,” he pleaded, desperation replacing the fear and anxiety from earlier. His heart was shattered as he watched her fall apart, wanting nothing more to pull her into his arms and tell her they’d get her through this. But he couldn’t. She was alone, truly alone, in San Francisco while he was stuck in Atlanta, with a busy schedule for the rest of the week. 
“I hate it here, Chris. I hate it so much. I hate this job and I don’t feel like anyone likes me and I have no friends and I don’t know how to do half of what I’m doing and so then I have to go home and work even more just to get caught up and I miss you so much and feel like I’m never going to see you again,” she spoke, her voice moving so quickly that she occasionally stumbled over her words. 
He watched with a frown, feeling helpless as he asked, “Nattie, why didn’t you talk to me? Why didn’t you tell me this was going on?” 
“...I tried… but you’ve been so busy,” she whispered, a hand moving to wipe her face. “And I just didn’t know how.” 
“Nat, this is just a job. If you hate it, that’s okay,” he told her, a frown on his lips. He knew it wouldn’t happen overnight or in an instant, but he was trying to get her to take this role off a pedestal and put it back on the ground. At the end of the day, it was a job, just like the film role he had right now. Was it a great opportunity for anyone to get offered it? Of course. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to change her mind, to realize it wasn’t right for her, or to walk away from it. But she needed to get there herself first. 
“You don’t understand, Chris,” she began, shaking her head as she took a shuddering breath. He couldn’t have prepared himself for what was coming when she added, “This was my dream job. This has always been the sign that I'd made it. That everything my dad worked for truly paid off. That I wasn’t the screw up little sister… that I wasn’t just a joke. And now I have it, and I hate it and I can’t seem to make it work. I failed at my dream.” 
His eyes shut and his heart was done for it as she shared that insecurity, and he whispered, “Oh Nattie.” 
Chris wanted to reassure her, wanted to remind her that this was just a job. That this didn’t prove anything and sometimes losing a dream makes room for something new but he knew that none of that would help in this moment. Right now all he could see was the love of his life on the other end of this call completely heartbroken and crying her eyes out and he felt that there was nothing he could do about it. 
“I just can’t do this anymore, Chris. I can’t hardly get out of bed in the morning anymore,” her voice crackled as she dissolved into tears once more. He felt as if his heart was being squeezed when he watched her crumble on the other side of the screen and all he wanted to do was to be able to just take this all away. 
“Nattie, baby I want you to listen to me,” his own voice was laced with emotion but he tried to speak with assurance as he told her, “I have a couple more days on set before I have the weekend off but then I’m going to come out, okay? Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to call your dad and see if he could fly down there tomorrow and be with you until I get there.” 
“He can’t, he has to work more because a bunch of people quit,” Nat muttered before seeming to slip back into her indifference that came with her depression and just shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll be okay.” 
Chris just shook his head, knowing that he wasn’t going to let her keep going this way and stated, “No, this is what got us into this position in the first place. I can’t sleep knowing you’re like this, baby. I’m going to figure something out.” 
“I don’t want you to have to do that just because I’m a mess. I just need to suck it up,” she muttered again while looking down at something he couldn’t see. 
“Natalie Marton, there is nothing in this world more precious to me than you. I don’t care if I have to drop out of this film to come be with you, I’ll do it,” he said without a second thought. This was his girl. His Nattie. The person he wanted to be his forever and he’d be damned if he let anything come between them or him being able to help her. “Just stop trying to be so strong for just a minute and let me help you.” 
Chris watched her sit there for a moment, tears still falling out of her eyes before she just nodded before he kept on, “It’s going to be okay, honey. I love you and it’s going to be okay.” 
He watched her weakly nod before he followed his instructions to get in bed and try to relax but he couldn’t do that himself. There was no way he’d be relaxing knowing that Nat was on the other side of the country, completely heartbroken and beat down. He couldn’t sit still after the call ended, and he definitely couldn’t have gone to bed after all that. Not when Nat was sitting alone, miserable, and had finally admitted what she’d been dancing around for months. 
Chris had seen a few texts pop up on his phone during the call from Eric, the messages verging on both worried and concerned, and felt that he at least owed her father some explanation after reaching out earlier. When Eric declined his call, he immediately texted Chris back, explaining that he was working and couldn’t talk but could text. While it was reassuring to Chris that he wasn’t the only one who’d been left in the dark about all of this, he felt bad for them when Eric said he couldn’t even go down to visit and help Nat out with everything this week due to a ferry driver shortage in Washington. There was no one to cover his hours and no way this emergency request off would be granted, and Chris’ brain began thinking through everything. 
Emily would understand. He’d known her and John for years, and was friends with them both. She’d been an amazing costar so far, and he’d hate walking away…. But this was for Nat. He didn’t have any immediate obligations with Netflix beyond this film, and even if he burned this bridge, it was one bridge. 
But the more he thought about it, the more he considered the strain he’d put not only his friends on the production under, but the hundreds of staff and crew on the film…. He just wasn’t sure. As he did in every situation he faced like this, he dialed his Ma’s number, hoping she’d be able to guide him in the right direction, or tell him he was being stupid and of course he should call his agent to tell him he had to leave. 
After he caught Lisa up to speed on everything, almost too fast for how chaotic the last few hours had felt, he sighed. “I’m just so fucking worried, Ma,” he told her, running a hand through his messy hair. “I’ve never seen her like this and when I talked to her it just… it sounded bad.” 
“My poor Nattie,” Lisa sympathized with the woman that she’d come to love so dearly over the course of her dating Chris. 
“I was going to fly out there Saturday morning once I’m done filming but I don’t know…” Chris truly couldn’t figure out the answer to all of this, knowing that either decision he made would hurt someone. But with Eric unable to go, Nat’s sisters having their own children and obligations, Mark and Jamie both working, and Nat having missed out on having a mom, he just didn’t see any other solution for how to help her get through this. He reached out to rub a hand across Dodger’s soft fur, needing that bit of comfort himself before telling his mother, “I’m thinking about dropping out of Pain Hustlers so I can just go out there now.” 
“Is it that bad, Chris?” 
“It’s pretty bad,” he honestly told her. Just thinking about what Nat looked like on that screen, every bit of joy and happiness that made Nat, Nat was completely gone. She was broken and Chris wanted to be there to help put her back together. “Ma, it just fuckin’ broke my heart to see her like that. And Eric can’t go because he’s working doubles because they’re already down people.” 
Without hesitation, Lisa presented her own solution, “Chris, let me go out there. I could fly out early in the morning,” 
“I wasn’t asking you to do that,” he wanted to clarify, not wanting her to feel obligated to fix all of this. 
“I know you weren’t, but I want to. I love Nattie and I’m worried about her too and I hate knowing that she’s out there all alone and dealing with all of this by herself,” she seemed to put his own feelings into words. 
A long sigh poured out of him as he ran a hand through his hair anxiously, “That’s why I’m thinking it might be better if I just drop out of this film because even when I fly out on Saturday, I’ll have to come back Tuesday morning.” He knew that he could help for the weekend, but didn’t see how this could be solved in just a few days. There was nothing more important to him than Nat and her well-being and didn’t want anything to stand in the way of him being there for her since he had missed out on doing that the past few months. 
“Honey, we both know what a big hit that will be if you drop out,” Lisa tried to bring in the reality of his obligations back up before reminding him, “I know you’re worried about Nat, but it’s going to be okay. Let’s just take this one step at a time. I’ll go out there tomorrow and then you can come on Saturday and we’ll figure all of this out, okay?” 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Ma.”  
And those words were even more true than he realized over the coming days. Knowing that Nat was being taken care of by his mother was the only way that he was able to stay working in Atlanta and having the realistic updates from Lisa allowed him to have the full picture of what really was going on. It brought him so much comfort knowing that Lisa was taking her to work, bringing her lunch and was with her in the lonely evenings but it still wasn’t the same as him being there himself. 
He wanted to be able to look in her eyes and hold her to know that she really was there and assure her that it would be okay, even though he didn’t feel it himself. Chris wanted to be with her so much that it hurt and the second that he was done on set that Friday night, he couldn’t wait until the following morning to fly to her and chartered a flight to take him to San Francisco then. 
Chris had texted his mom to tell her that he was coming but found out that even then, Nat had already gone to bed. He knew firsthand how much anxiety and depression could exhaust your body and he was glad she was getting rest. When finally he landed in San Francisco, he got a car to take him to the small apartment where he stepped inside and shared a long hug with his mother. There was so much to talk about between the two of them but in this moment, all that mattered was his Nattie. He needed to have his own eyes on her and quietly let go of his mother to walk down the tiny hallway and open the door to her room. 
There she was, fast asleep underneath a pile of blankets but even underneath the bulky fabric, she still looked so tiny. His heart just hurt seeing her this way but there also was a piece of him that felt more at peace than he had this entire week, knowing that he was finally able to be with her. He quietly took off his shoes and jacket, leaving them on a chair before gently climbing into bed next to her and resting a hand on her back. 
Even in the dim light, he could see her puffy eyes flutter open and without a word, they filled with tears as her arms latched around his neck like a vice. He held her tightly, breathing in her scent as his own tears started falling down his cheeks as they clung to one another in a way they never had before. Chris knew that there still was so much ahead of them, so much to be sorted out and fixed, so much fear and uncertainty, but none of that seemed to matter in this moment because he was here with her and that’s all he wanted. 
A/N: This was the final completed chapter we had from last year. While we have a halfish chapter written, we probably will not have the time to actually finish it. Let us know what you guys would prefer - a half chapter and brief synopsis of the end, a summary only (no chapter), or something else.
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Why nothing makes sense part 7.
Wedding edition
Before I start my little post about why nothing makes sense about this whole wedding and marriage thing, I'd like to declare that I'm not saying or stating that they haven't gotten married or that there wasn't a wedding; this is simply about why nothing makes sense about it.
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So the whole wedding debate started when we saw Dennis (Chris's friend) go public and share in his story that Jamie, Bryan, and Mark were together in a bar. This made people immediately jump to the conclusion that they were there because Chris and Alba would get married. Then people posted that Hemsworth, RDJ, and Renner were at a restaurant. According to someone who said they were part of the group who met Hemsworth and Renner, Hemsworth told them that they were in Boston because of Evans's wedding. This was immediately really weird to me, since I doubt Hemsworth would've told random strangers that they were getting married. Chris and Alba didn't talk about getting married publicly, so it was a secret. The public didn't know about the wedding date, if they were engaged, or if they were going to get married. I'm pretty sure Hemsworth knew about this and wouldn't spill any tea, especially to complete strangers. Then things were silent until Dennis went public again and posted a picture of himself and his wife dressed up elegantly. This, again, fueled the fire.
After all of these, we got the Page Six article about them reportedly being married. Obviously, after that, almost every outlet ran with this news and posted their own article, everybody quoting Page Six, even People. Page Six wrote that those who attended the wedding had to sign an NDA and couldn't have their phones with them. This whole NDA thing sounds so interesting to me. We talked about Hemsworth spilling that they are getting married, and I said that I don't think he would do that to a friend, but the fact that he even signed an NDA makes the whole thing even less sensible. I also found the phone thing very interesting. Does that mean he doesn't trust his friends? If they knew they were going to sell the story and share breadcrumbs of it, and even of the second wedding, why couldn't the guests have their phones? So they can control what, when, and how it gets out? So we know that according to the source, they had a private wedding and only invited their close family and friends, yet there were several people missing. I missed Scarlett, Octavia, Mackie, Seb, and from her side, her cousin, who was on vacation with her entire family. Every article mentioned the Avengers, his Marvel co-star being there, but what about those close family members? Why wasn't there any mention of them? According to the article, Emily and John were also there, but I don't think they were actually there. They only mentioned her because they have a movie together.
After people found Scarlett's non-presence weird, they posted an article saying they saw Scarlett and Robert together in Boston. It's really interesting that this article was published after people questioned her whereabouts, and it's also really interesting that there were no sightings of her. So people saw the other Avengers out together in a restaurant and took pictures of them, and even if just one person saw Scar and Robert out, I doubt they wouldn't have taken a picture of those two.
Talking about sightings. Why did nobody see or hear the wedding? I'm not even talking about pictures, but like a DM anon, a blind item, or somebody tweeting something about it. People see him walking Dodger and doing everyday stuff, but nobody sees anything unusual; nobody spots the avenger there? No matter which house or location we are talking about, it's weird that nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything.
We also have some problems with the location. So Page Six said the ceremony took place in Massachusetts, at their Boston-area home, while People said the wedding was in Cape Cod. While both places are in Massachusetts, they aren't really close to each other. People also said that Hemsworth, Downey, and their wives were photographed having dinner, which we all know is not true because it was his mom. Was Elsa at the wedding? Probably not, and why was his mom there when she doesn't even know Evans or anybody else there? Who knows. Then we got another article from People saying that they were serious very quickly; this was another source exclusive. In this article, the place of the wedding was still Cape Cod. Then there was another People article that said that they had a party in his Boston-area home to celebrate their marriage. According to another exclusive source "a large tent and dance floor were set up at the house", we know this must have been someone who was there because, as I've already mentioned, nobody sent an anon to DM, came to Tumblr, tweeted, or wrote a blind item that they saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related. This article was published on the 12th, which is basically three days after the wedding. People said that the wedding weekend also included a gathering in Cape Cod, which is such an interesting wording since I don't think anybody would call a wedding a "gathering". A wedding is a wedding to me. Here they again said that Elsa was also there, which is still interesting since in the restaurant that was most definitely Hemsworth's mom, not wife. So why wasn't Elsa there? Where was she? And what was Hemsworth's mom doing there in the first place? On the same day, Page Six posted another article where they referred to the People article about the Boston party. Page Six said that the main wedding celebration was in Boston, yet they had another gathering in Cape Cod. So it seems like they still couldn't decide where the wedding was.
I doubt they would've had two gatherings or that they would've held the wedding and the party at a different spot. The Cape Cod private estate would've been perfect, maybe even a better choice for the party, but they definitely could've just gotten married and had a party at his Boston-area home. I didn't really understand why they would've wanted to hold the ceremony and the party in different places, especially since both Concord and Carlisle are almost like a 2-hour car ride from Cape Cod.
The last article we've gotten so far about them was the Portugal wedding one by Page Six. According to another source, there will be a second wedding in Portugal for her family, which is weird since most of them, those who are really important to her, definitely could've attended the MA one. The source called this one also a "gathering" and didn't even know when it would actually be, just that it was going to be "sometimes this week".
The only constant thing in these articles was "Reps for both actors did not immediately respond to XY's request for comment."
The last article was posted on September 12th, and after that, there was no article, but his friends started posting from Portugal. Other than Dennis, I wouldn't say anybody too interesting posted. It's really weird that the Page Six/People articles stopped before his friends started sharing breadcrumbs that they were all there in PT. So we've seen at least one story shared by at least one of them since that day. I know what some people say: "Maybe they just wanted to share some pictures about the places they had been", which I'd understand if this wasn't supposed to be a private wedding and if they weren't a private couple. I'd assume that Chris had asked them to keep it low, at least until they aren't back in the States, but as of right now, it seems like Chris has asked them exactly the opposite.
My other question about this whole PT thing is why they haven't been spotted by someone. So you want to tell me that Chris is in PT, even after he married someone, and that someone happens to be quite well known in PT, and still nothing? Are they hiding in their hotel room? Are they never going out? Or nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related? Why is nobody seeing or hearing anything?
Something else that is really interesting to me is that only his friends are part of this breadcrumbing. Not the closest ones, or those who've already been part of this like Tara or Chelsea, but those are known enough so people will check their pages and stories, especially since Bryan (the wedding planner, followed by Scott) posted that story of him having drinks with a woman and a man, which started the whole PT wedding fire. It seems like only his friends are "allowed" or rather asked to post something about their whereabouts, so people will keep talking about their PT wedding. I guess Chris only trusts his friends to spread the narrative.
So according to Page Six, the wedding happened on September 9th. To me, this date is also weird. So the article about Pain Hustlers premiering in Toronto came out on July 24.
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According to the official site, the premiere would've been on the 11th, so only like 2 days after the wedding and a few days prior to the Portugal one.
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However, on the site, there are several events on September 12 and on September 15, so on the Portugal wedding week.
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While we only got to know this on July 24, I'm 100% sure Chris and Emily knew way before that they would need to go to TIFF and be there, maybe even before they started organizing a wedding, which is not a few months thing, so they most definitely needed to start doing it much before even the strike started on July 14th.
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So on July 14th, Chris and Emily were informed that they probably wouldn't be able to attend TIFF or do any type of press for the movie. The movie comes out on October 27th, and after TIFF, they probably would've needed to do several interviews, and just like with TGM, maybe they also would've needed to attend several red carpet events in the States and in Europe. What I want to say is that I find it very unlikely that this was the original date of their wedding. Maybe they were supposed to get married prior to PH or after (I think I'd rather say after), but why did they change the date? Why? Why were they in such a rush? They had not even 2 months from July 14 to September 9, and by July they probably sent out the invitations, booked a caterer, chellist, violinist, or whatever to the original date, and ordered a cake to that original date. So they called up every person they invited, every person who was involved in the wedding, to let them know they changed the date and the wedding would be earlier? And in this case, we don't even just talk about one wedding, but two. I get that he is a huge star, but I doubt that people would've been really happy about him just casually changing the wedding date since this most definitely wasn't the original one and since he wouldn't and probably couldn't have been able to miss TIFF and his other responsibilities tied to Pain Hustlers.
Page Six also said they are off to their honeymoon after the Portugal wedding, but if this was the original, he couldn't have gone on a honeymoon since he would have had a movie to promote. We don't know where they are going for a honeymoon, but even if they are going with a private plane, they need to stay somewhere, which, again, they probably booked prior to everything, so they would've had a ton of problems with that one too.
It's really interesting that they said they had a private wedding, people needed to sign NDAs, and they couldn't have their phones, yet there were several articles about them almost every single day. I don't think these were actual people who were at the wedding or who knew them; it was most likely his team. It made me really think about why two people who are so in love and happier than ever and just got married need this much traffic and attention, especially when they know that people don't really like them together. I'd assume they would want to keep their marriage to themselves; they don't want people to talk about it and gossip about it because it's something personal and intimate for them. That their friends would help them keep it secret and wouldn't post breadcrumbs that something might be happening. Chris had always been a quiet guy, especially when it came to his romantic relationships. I remember that almost everybody agreed that if he gets married, we probably won't even know that he's been dating someone until after the wedding. Or that he won't even announce anything, that there won't be articles and breadcrumbs, just him appearing with his wife somewhere or mentioning it in an interview. And now here we are, his friends sharing breadcrumbs, several articles out every single day. I'd assume that, just like in the past, he would want to protect his and his partner's privacy, that he would want to keep their personal moments for themselves, especially in this situation when he knows, and both of them know, that a lot of people don't like them being together,and they get a lot of hate, that a lot of people think they look weird, unnatural, and totally not in love. It seems like they are trying to sell the wedding, that they are trying to sell "we are so happy together", but are they trying to convince us or themselves that they are happy together? Because if you need to prove something this much-if you need to prove this hard that you're so happy-then you probably are not.
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pink-pone · 5 months
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mwah 💕
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Burnin’ Up - Firefighter!Chris AU (Part 13: Bring Your Partner To Work Day)
A/N: It’s my birthday! so to celebrate my 24 years of life on this planet here the next part of Burnin’ Up!
Summary: Some say to fully understand someone you have to walk a mile in their shoes
Word Count: 8.7k
Warnings: Fluff! Language! Suggestive Phone Conversations! SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​​
Meet the Characters!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 13: Bring Your Partner To Work Day
You had a slow start to the day, whenever you had the day off you took advantage of having a lie-in. Waking up only once your body was ready to wake up, not when your alarm told you to. When you did finally wake you reached for your phone smiling to yourself when you saw Chris had texted you. Your smile widened when you saw it was a picture of Dodger in his new harness which proudly displayed his position as fire station pup.
You texted him back as you climbed out of bed saying just how handsome Dodger looked. Chris of course texted you back just before you stepped into the shower fishing for a compliment so you told him he was as handsome. He had replied by the time you were back out of the shower asking what your plans were for the day, so you responded with a selfie of you in your towel. Chris instantly responded to that saying how jealous he was of your towel and sad that he wasn’t there.
All throughout the morning you and Chris texted back and forth, whenever he got the chance to text while at the station. You were currently finishing up a batch of brownies when you heard your phone buzz on the side. Grabbing a tea towel you quickly wiped your hands clean before grabbing your phone. You chuckled to yourself when you saw the picture of Chris’ burnt lunch that Paulie had made. You smirked to yourself responding with a picture of your fresh brownies, Chris replying saying he was even more jealous now.
You smiled to yourself grabbed a Tupperware box and began moving enough brownies over for all the crew to have one. Chris had told you that they were having a relatively quiet day so it wouldn’t be that much of an issue if you stopped by to drop the brownies off.
However, when you arrived at the fire station you could see it swarming with kids and their parents. You looked through the crowds spotting Chris standing outside with Dodger beside him, a warm smile on his face as he crouched down to be at eye level with the kids. Walking over you smiled when you heard him recounting the story of how he and the crew rescued Dodger.
“so he lives here?” one of the little girls asked.
“no, he comes home with me when work is done” Chris explains as he scratches Dodger behind the ear.
“Does he fight fires?” one boy asks.
“no when we go on a job, Dodger stays here nice and safe, we have him to boost morale because firefighting can be hard sometimes” Chris explains.
“and dangerous” another little boy adds.
“yes it can be dangerous but we work to make sure everyone is safe” Chris nods, he then glances up and spots you, his smile growing.
Chris answers a couple more questions before the current group of kids and parents move over towards the fire engine where Jamie and Paulie were standing giving tours of the truck. Once they were gone Chris stood up and walked the short distance over towards you, a warm smile on his face as his hand found your hip and he greeted you with a kiss on the cheek.
“hey what are you doing here?” he asks thumb brushing against your side.
“a little birdie told me someone was a little jealous of my brownies so I brought some for all the crew” you explain holding out the box of brownies.
Chris gives you a broad smile as he accepts the box “you are amazing” he grins.
“so what’s going on here? I wasn’t expecting all this?” you ask nodding around at the crowds.
“community open day, parents can bring their kids to learn about firefighting and fire safety” Chris explains “each station holds at least one every year”
“oh that’s good, we hold something similar for troubled kids” you nod “what happens if you get called out?”
“We won’t unless there’s no one else that can respond, dispatch knows we have this in the diary, our aid car is still on call but the rest of us aren’t until this finishes at 5 pm,” Chris says as he guides you into the station and up the stairs to the break area.
“so you might still get called out tonight even after doing this all day?” you point out leaning against the small kitchen island.
“yup so an energy boost like this will be a lifesaver” Chris winks holding up the box of brownies before putting them away in the cupboard.
“I do my best” you smirk as Chris walks back over towards you.
Chris stops right in front of you, arms wrapping around his waist pulling you closer, his head dipping to capture your lips in his. You smile, humming in contentment, your hands instinctively gripping his large biceps as he tilted you back slightly.
Once he pulled away your hands moved to rest on his chest “I better go, let you get back to all the kids” you smile lightly tapping his chest.
“no stay, hang around for a bit,” Chris says with a slightly pleading tone, his arms wrapping around you tighter.
“but you’re busy” you point out with a small sigh.
“I’m not actually, now that Dodger’s on a break I'm kinda a free agent, I can show you around, teach you all about the superior emergency service” Chris smirks.
“I didn’t know you knew about working in the police force” you smirked tilting your head as you looked up at him.
Chris threw his head back laughing loudly, his arms pulling you even closer so you could feel the rumble of his chest as he laughed “I walked straight into that one didn’t I?” he chuckles smiling warmly down at you.
“yep” you grin “but I’ll take you up on that tour if it's still available”
Chris smiles nodding his head “of course it is, now c’mon” he says taking your hand and leading you back downstairs.
Over the next hour or so Chris showed you around all the different areas they had set up. You would stand to the side whenever Chris was explaining things to the children. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him, he was completely in his element around the kids and you guessed that was because of his niece and nephews. He made sure to always crouch down to their eye level, he’d help lift them into the fire truck. The kids loved him too, he’d already been given multiple drawings the kids had done at the activity table.
“do you really wear all this?” one of the boys asked pointing at the table that held all the different gear the crew would wear.
“yep, this all keeps us safe while fighting fires so if we went into a fire without it we could get seriously hurt,” Jamie says sending Chris a pointed look.
Chris whistles innocently glancing around, rocking back and forth on his heels making you chuckle.
“is it heavy?” a girl asks.
Chris gives her a lopsided grin as he grabs his helmet from the table “I dunno why don’t you tell me?” he says as he put the helmet on the little girl.
The little girl giggles holding onto the helmet “it's heavy” she squeals.
Chris chuckles taking the helmet off her, putting his hand on her shoulder to steady her “yep so we all have to be very strong, and we have to be able to put this all on very very quickly” Chris says as he puts the helmet back down on the table.
“how quickly?” a boy asks.
“less than two minutes quickly” Chris explains “from the moment the alarm goes off we want to be dressed and on the fire truck within two minutes” you couldn’t help but arch a brow thinking you could easily do that, Chris catches you though and a mischievous look forms on his face “it’s harder than it sounds trust me, in fact why don’t we do a little race to prove it?”
“oh this will be fun” Paulie grins rubbing his hands together before grabbing all the gear on the table.
“as lieutenant, I’ll volunteer myself on behalf of the firefighters,” Chris says hand on his chest “who wants to volunteer for the parents?” various children tug on their parent’s arms trying to get them to do it but there were no takers, Chris then looks over at you “how about you? fancy a go?”
“oh no, no I’m good,” you say holding up your hands.
“Nonsense, you look strong enough,” Chris says waving you off as he walks over to you “a quick race, you might even win” he smirks winking as he takes your hand and pulls you towards where Paulie and Steve were setting up the race “it's nice and simple, you just have to get dressed, fastest wins but I’ll give you double points if you manage to do it in less than two minutes” he explains winking at you.
“fine, prepare to be embarrassed Evans,” you say doing a couple of stretches.
Chris lets out a small scoff shaking his head but when you look over with an arched brow he doesn’t actually say anything, he just prepares himself for the race “Jamie you got the stopwatch ready?” he asks.
“good to go, competitors are you ready?” Jamie says holding up the stopwatch.
“ready,” both you and Chris said at the same time, earning smirks from the rest of his crew.  
“Okay, on your marks, get set, GO!” Jamie shouts and both of you and Chris race off from the starting marks.
The first thing you had to put on was the trousers, you managed to slip them on easily but as you were pulling the suspenders up onto your shoulders you spotted Chris had already moved on to the boots. You quickly moved on determined to beat him.
As you slipped on the boots you realised Jamie must be a couple of sizes bigger than yours, you hoped it wouldn’t affect your chances but you were already stumbling “this isn’t fair these don’t fit!” you exclaim as you grab the jacket and slide it on.
“you’ll be fine, you can still beat him! Go” Paul calls out spurring you on.
Glancing over at Chris you could see he was also pulling on his jacket. You were neck and neck so you were still within reach of victory. Feeling spurred on you zipped up the jacket and grabbed the ventilator. It was much heavier than you expected but you still managed to lift it onto your back. Once you had it comfortably on your back you grabbed the helmet and put it on, you were just grabbing the gloves when you heard a whistle to your side. Looking over you could see Chris was fully kitted out, arms crossed, a smug smile on his face.
“Seriously?” you complain, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“you still have 30 seconds if you wanna do it under 2 minutes” Chris points out nodding to the gloves in your hands.
You roll your eyes sliding the gloves on, holding them up to show you had finished. Chris and everyone else cheered, while you hadn’t beaten Chris, you still managed to do it in under 2 minutes which was pretty awesome.
“considering the gear doesn’t fit, I think you did a very good job,” Chris says walking over to adjust the jacket and the straps of the ventilator “you could have a career as a firefighter” he adds with a smirk, tapping the top of your helmet so it covered your eyes.
“I am very happy with my current career thank you,” you say pushing the helmet back up so you could see him.
“I bet I could convince you” he smirks, speaking quietly enough so only you could hear him.
“c’mon let's get a picture of the two of you,” Paul says stepping forward and holding up his phone to take the photo.
Chris grabs the back of your jacket, gently turning you to face Paul. You were expecting him to lower his hand for the photo but he didn’t and you didn’t mind one bit. You gave a thumbs up as you smiled for the photo, your head instinctively tilting towards Chris.
You had to admit you had a newfound admiration for firefighters. Ever since the conversation you had with Chris following the RTC where you told him about your mother you had made a conscious effort to open your eyes and make your own opinions. But wearing all this heavy gear and knowing the dangers that he put himself in to save lives you were honestly in awe. He could be wearing all this for hours, running into buildings, climbing ladders and saving lives. Frankly, you didn’t think it was something you could ever do.
As you glanced up at Chris he smiled down at you, his eyes narrowing slightly when he noticed the look on your face “either way… I am very, very impressed” you grin making his smile grow.
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That evening Chris and the crew finished up all the chores that they needed to do around the station before slowly making their way to bed, everyone opting for an early night in case a call came in. Chris was one of the last still awake, clearing up the pots and pans from dinner.
“hey, do you want a hand?” Paul asks walking over.
“Nah I’m good, get some rest” Chris smiles with a small shake of his head.
“good I was only offering to be nice” Paul smirks, Chris letting out a snort of laughter as he looked over at his friend.
“well in that case you can-“ Chris starts before Paul interrupts.
“nope you already said no, can’t take it back” Paul argues shaking his finger at Chris, Chris rolls his eyes in response “it was nice to see Y/N visiting today” Paul comments as he moves to lean against the island.
“yeah, it was a nice surprise” Chris agrees, smiling to himself as he recalls the sight of you dressed up in Jamie’s gear.
“and the brownies were pretty great too,” Paul says making Chris chuckle “but I mean it was nice to see her actually want to get involved in this lifestyle” he adds.
Chris frowns slightly looking over at Paul “what do you mean?” he asks.
“well think about it, how many of your exes have ever made the effort to visit you at work, or even just pop in to say hello” Paul points out.
Chris’ frown deepens as he tried to recall a time but he simply couldn’t. with every failed relationship he only ever saw them when he wasn’t working or on his days and evenings off. He could even recall having to physically drag himself out on a date following a shift when all he wanted was to get some rest, but because it was the only time he’d see his girlfriend at the time he had to go. He’d always work around her, never the other way around. If he was honest his exes only ever liked the idea of him being a firefighter, they wanted the fantasy associated with the career. They’d bail and blame it on him when it got tough.
“yeah…” Chris mutters “yeah I guess you’re right”
“she’s definitely a keeper,” Paul says, Chris nodding in agreement a smile playing at his lips.
“yeah, I knew that a long time ago” he admits.
A mischievous grin grows on Paul’s face as he grabs a nearby white teatowel, draping it over his head like a veil “I can hear the bells, just hear them chiming” Paul sings swaying side to side.
Chris instantly grabs the tea towel from him, twisting it up and using it as a whip to smack Paul in the side. Smirking when he heard the satisfying crack as it made contact.
“Oh Jesus fuck man” Paul complains clutching his side.
“go to bed before I do it again” Chris warns pointing in the direction of the sleeping quarters.
"fine, fine I’m going,” Paul says holding his hands up in surrender, Chris watches him sceptically as he makes his way out and rightfully so as Paul begins to sing “going to the chapel” as he walks away.
Chris shakes his head as he gets back to cleaning up the kitchen. As he cleans his mind begins to wander, the silence of the station giving him ample opportunity, all his thoughts being solely of you. When he was done cleaning up he knew he should head straight to bed but he knew there was no point. He felt completely awake and he knew he would just spend the next hour or so tossing and turning.
So instead he grabbed his remaining brownie from the Tupperware and moved to sit down on one of the stools. Pulling out his phone he first scrolled through Twitter and Instagram, smiling when he saw a picture you had posted of the brownies you had made. Without a second thought, he dialled your number.
The line connects after a couple of rings “hey, I didn’t think you’d still be up” you admit, your voice like music to Chris’ ears.
“yeah, still feeling buzzed from the open day so I’m just eating the brownie you brought me” Chris explains, it wasn’t strictly a lie, he just omitted that it was your presence at the open day that was making his mind buzz.
You laugh softly down the phone, Chris knowing you were shaking your head at him “yeah because eating sugar is really gonna help you fall asleep”
“it might when I get the sugar crash” Chris points out making you laugh even more.
“touche, is everyone else still up?” you ask him.
“Nah they’re all asleep now, Dodger is snoring loudly from his bed, I think everyone is silently praying for a full night’s sleep” Chris admits as he finishes off the brownie and brushes the crumbs off his hands.
“yeah well you all deserve it, the open day was really nice I’m sure it’s inspired lots of kids,” you tell him.
“yeah, it was a pretty great day, got a lot better when you turned up” Chris smiled.
He could hear you bashfully chuckle quietly down the line “it was great to see you too, maybe I’ll stop by more often” you suggest.
Chris’ smile grows even more at the idea “I would love that” he admits.
“okay” you whispered, Chris able to hear the smile on your face in your tone.
“so what are you up to this evening?” Chris asks moving the conversation along.
“not much, just had a bit of a pamper evening, self-care and all that,” you tell him.
“oh yeah like what?” Chris grins.
“Well I had a nice bath with a glass of rosé, had bubbles, salts, the works,” you tell him “and now I’m just relaxing in bed in my bathrobe while I pay zero attention to the TV programme I put on”
Chris lets out a quiet groan “and I’m guessing your bathrobe is the only thing you have on” he says.
“oh, you could be a detective with deduction skills like that” you smirk making Chris groan again as he easily pictured it.
“god you’re killing me here babe” he mutters shaking his head.
“oh don’t act like you don’t love it” you chuckle.
“me loving it too much is the problem, you’ve got me thinking of ways I can sneak out and see you,” Chris says glancing around to make sure he was still alone.
“is that permission to start a small fire in my apartment?” you ask making Chris laugh.
“Only a small one” he smirks.
“I think we’re onto something here, you’d burst in wearing all that gear, putting out the fire with ease before moving on to make sure I’m alright,” you tell him.
“and how would I do that?” Chris asks.
“well I’d be in shock, fire is a scary thing you know so you’d have to do a full private examination” you continue “bathrobe discarded just in case an ember snuck under and burnt me”
Chris dips his head, groaning quietly as he pictured your naked body “gotta be thorough” he agrees.
“Exactly, I’d be so shaken up that I can barely stand so you would make me comfortable on the bed, your hands running over my entire body,” you say, Chris hears you shift instantly knowing that you were mimicking the actions in real-time.
“then what would I do?” he asks wetting his lips.
“well all the gear would start to get in the way, so you just discard all of it,” you tell him.
Chris hums in agreement “I wouldn’t need it anymore”
“Exactly, and to get the best view you’d climb up onto the bed with me, caging me in with your large strong body…” you continue “you’d then lift my arms above my head, I might even let you use my handcuffs to keep them there”
Chris has to shift in his seat and readjust his trousers which were growing increasingly tight “that is a good idea” he manages to say.
“then from there you would continue to… examine my body, using those large hands of yours to your advantage” you mutter, your breath catching slightly.
“gotta make sure the chest area is okay” Chris agrees.
“oh yeah you give my chest area your full attention” you drawl “then once you were certain I was uninjured you would help me relax”
“fires can be traumatic” Chris hums.
“very… and you’d use those long fingers to calm me down in the way only you know how” you mutter before letting out a small whimper, sighing softly “I miss you a lot right now” you admit quietly.
Chris chuckle softly “me too, and I don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep now after that”
“Sorry,” you say, but Chris knew you weren’t really sorry, you were enjoying it as much as he was.
“but I can make it up to you, visit you after you finish work and finish the job,” he says with a smirk.
“That sounds like a very good idea, but only if you don’t get called out on a job tonight, you should spend tomorrow resting up if you do,” you tell him.
“I’ll be fine,” Chris says shaking his head but you were having none of it.
“Chris promise me that if you get a job tonight you stay home tomorrow,” you tell him firmly.
Chris chuckles nodding his head “okay, okay, I promise” he grins “I can still call you though, right?”
“yes, of course, you never have to ask to call me,” you tell him.
“Great, I’ll talk to you tomorrow then” Chris smile “sleep well, goodnight”
“goodnight Chris, I love you” you smile.
“I love you too” Chris grins before hanging up.
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“Enjoy your day off yesterday?” Ben asked as you met him outside the precinct.
“Yeah it was nice, I paid Chris a visit at work which was fun, they were doing an open day so there were lots of activities set up” you explain as you walk inside.
“Did he let you turn on the siren?” Ben asks with a smirk.
“No, but I did put on the uniform,” you say pulling out your phone to show him the picture Paul had taken of you and Chris.
“Aw, that’s cute” Ben coos “are you seeing him this evening?”
“No” you sigh sadly “they got called out to a warehouse fire in the middle of the night so I told him to just rest up because he’s gonna be exhausted”
“Oh yeah I heard about that on the news this morning, it was a pretty big fire” Ben comments “were you worried?”
“I was asleep so I didn’t know about it until I woke up but I saw he texted me, but I saw he’d texted the ‘i’m fine’ code at the same time so I wasn’t worrying for long” you explain as you walk into the elevator and press the button for your floor.
“That’s good, and the codes are working well?” Ben asks.
“Yeah really well, Chris likes to call certain ones in more than others” you admit, thinking of the various times he’d text you with a code 69.
“By the way you’ve been glowing I already know what code that is” Ben smirks.
“No comment” you chuckle as the elevator door opens and you both walk out towards your desks.
As you do so you notice your Captain was already waiting for you. You glance down at your watch to check you weren’t late, your captain being a stickler for punctuality, but you were perfectly on time, early even. Meaning it had be something important if he was waiting for you.
“Captain, is everything okay?” You ask putting your bag down at your desk.
“There was an apartment break-in last night, I’m assigning the case to the both of you since you have the best numbers for robbery” your captain explains, arms crossed over his chest.
“Of course, we can head straight over,” Ben says nodding his head in agreement.
“Good, the CSI team are already there trying to establish a point of entry and collect any evidence,” your captain tells you.
“Did the responding officers take a statement from the victim?” You ask.
“Yes, here it is,” he says passing you a printout of the statement.
“Great thank you, c’mon Benny we got work to do,” you say nodding over to Benny.
“After you sarge,” Ben says with a small salute.
Making your way back out of the precinct you followed Ben over to his car climbing into the passenger seat. As he drove you read through the statement, rubbing your chin in thought.
“The victim says the door was locked when she returned to the apartment last night” you tell Benny.
“So the perp got in through the window” Ben deduces.
“Maybe, but she said the windows were also locked and intact when she returned” you say pursing your lips in thought.
“Weird, hopefully CSI have found out the point of entry” Ben hums.
Arriving at the apartment building you were directed upstairs by the footman, Ben commenting how swanky the building was on the elevator ride up. Reaching the apartment you were immediately met with the head crime scene investigator.
“I have to say this one is a bit of a head-scratcher” he admits nodding into the apartment.
“You haven’t found a point of entry?” Ben asks.
“No we’ve ruled out that they climbed the fire escape as the ladder was so rusted it wouldn’t reach the ground” the investigator continues pointing over to the windows where his team were sweeping for prints.
“I’ll make sure that’s passed onto the fire department” you mutter, ignoring the smirk Ben sent your way.
“And there’s no evidence of forced entry through the windows either” the investigator explains.
“Could the locks have been picked?” Ben questions.
“There’s no evidence of it, no scratches or anything on either the windows or the lock on the door, the perp could have been extremely careful but they would have had no way to lock the windows or door behind them when they left” the investigator sighs.
“Right we’ll talk to the victim see if we can clear some things up, let us know if you find anything” you tell him.
“Will do, the victim is next door with a neighbour” he tells you pointing down the hall.
“Thank you,” you say before walking down the hall to the neighbour’s apartment.
Knocking on the door, both you and Ben smile softly when it opened “hi I’m Detective Sergeant Y/L/N and this is Detective Sykes, we're here to investigate the robbery next door” you say to the woman who answered.
“Oh yeah, she’s just inside, c’mon in,” the woman says stepping aside to let you and Ben inside.
Walking in you spot the victim sitting on the couch, her hair dishevelled and a tired look on her face. The couch still had the pillows and blanket from where she’d been sleeping, but you guessed she hadn’t done much of that anyway.
“Hi, I’m Detective Sergeant Y/L/N and this is Detective Sykes, how are you feeling?” You ask her gently.
“Exhausted, freaked out and violated” she mutters shaking her head.
“That’s understandable after everything, but we’re gonna try and solve this as quickly as possible so you can get some peace of mind” you reassure her, getting a muttering of thanks in response.
“I’ll put on some coffee, would you like some detectives?” The neighbour asks.
“No we just need to ask some questions and we’ll be getting out of your hair” ben says shaking his head.
“What do you need to know?” The victim asks hugging herself.
“We just want to clarify a few things, are you certain that you locked the door?” Ben asks.
“100% I always check that it's locked before I leave,” she says shaking her head.
“Okay, do you know if anything was stolen?” You ask her.
“Not that I could immediately see, I came home from seeing a friend and the place had been completely ransacked” the victim mutters “i-i can have a better look later when I’m allowed back in”
You nod your head “that would be greatly appreciated but do it within your own time, don’t rush” you reassure her.
“Thank you,” she says quietly.
“What time did you leave your apartment and how long were you gone for?” Ben asks her.
“Um I left sometime between 7 and 8 and was gone about 3 hours or so, I’m sorry I’m not really sure” she apologises shaking her head.
“That’s okay that gives us enough of a timeline to work from” you reassure her.
“At the moment it looks like the burglar was able to unlock and lock the door behind them, can you tell us who has any spare keys?” Ben asks.
“Uh my parents have my spare key but they’re out of state at the moment,” she tells you.
“What’s their address in case they were also burgled and that’s how they got hold of your key,” you ask, noting down the address when she told you “and is there anyone else who would have a key?”
“Um the building supervisor would have a master key, and um my landlord, my ex had a key, our relationship ended really badly so I changed my locks so his key wouldn’t work” the victim sighs shaking her head.
“Okay that’s great thank you, we’ll go talk to them to see if they’ve lost their keys, hopefully we’ll have some answers for you soon, in the meantime if you do find that is anything missing call this number” you say passing her your card.
“I will thank you,” she says.
You give her one more reassuring smile before you and Ben make your way back out of the apartment and towards the crime scene. You paused by the door looking in at the investigators working away, pursing your lips in thought as you tried to make sense of the situation. There were so many questions left unanswered, usually by now you had something to go on, a point of entry, stolen goods or other evidence left behind at the scene. Burglaries were some of the hardest crimes to prosecute, evidence and the perp needed to be found quickly before goods were sold on. But at the moment you didn’t even have stolen goods.
“If all the people she named still have their key…” you say thinking out loud.
“It's got to be one of them who did it,” Ben says finishing your train of thought.
“Exactly” you sigh “which is horrible considering they’re all someone she should trust”
“So what’s our next steps?” Ben asks.
“I noticed a camera in the lobby, we need to ask the super for the footage to establish an accurate timeline and any comings and goings, ask about his whereabouts at the same time” you say turning to face Ben “also ask the doorman who was on duty last night and if they saw anything”
“We also need to question the landlord, what about the ex-boyfriend? Are we ruling him out?” Ben asks as you both start walking back towards the elevator.
“No so far he’s the only one with a potential motive,” you say shaking your head “he might have known where to get a set of the new keys so we can’t say for certain it wasn’t him”
“True, hopefully the further we get into this the clearer it’ll become” ben comments as you step into the elevator.
“I hope so” you sigh “for her sake more than anything”
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When you got home that evening you dumped your bag on the couch before heading off to go have a shower. You had stayed at the precinct longer than you normally would waiting on the CCTV footage and all the different statements from witnesses and suspects to come in and be verified. Jumping straight into the shower you hoped that maybe it would spark a light bulb moment, but it didn’t.
You changed into some comfy clothes before sitting down on your couch and spreading out all the documents you had brought home with you. rubbing your forehead tiredly you stared down at all the information you had collected so far in the investigation hoping that something would jump out.
You were reading through all the statements that had been collected hoping to find some discrepancy or something out of place when you heard someone knocking on your door. Letting out a long sigh you pushed yourself up to go answer the door, it was probably Mrs Coolridge asking if you’d seen her cat again. But to your surprise when you opened the door you were greeted by Chris smiling down at you.
“hey babe” he grins as you look up at him in surprise.
“Chris, what-what are you doing here? You should be at home resting, how did you even get into the building” you say shaking your head.
“one of your neighbours let me in while looking for her cat, and I spent all day resting up so I’m perfectly refreshed and good to hang out with you” he beams proudly.
“Are you sure?” you ask him “I really don’t mind if you wanna go home and relax” you offer.
“100% why go home when I can stay here and relax with you” he smirks stepping forward, cupping your cheek to tilt your head back as he kissed you softly.
You let out a small hum in contentment, all your resolve breaking with a simple kiss “okay, I can’t argue with that” you grin “let me just tidy all this up” you say stepping back towards the couch to tidy all your work up.
“what is all this?” Chris asks shutting the door behind him as he follows you over.
“oh just a case we got assigned to today, apartment burglary but it’s a real confusing one, I was hoping I could make a breakthrough, the victim was rightfully shaken up over it all” you explain starting to put everything away.
Chris steps closer putting his hand on your arm to stop you “hey don’t pack it all up on my account” he tells you softly.
“yeah, but you don’t want me working while we’re hanging out,” you say shaking your head.
“it doesn’t bother me, I understand you have to take work home sometimes,” Chris tells you softly “why don’t you take me through it all? You might work something out by explaining it all” he suggests with a small shrug of his shoulders.
“Really?” you ask, uncertain that he could really want to help you work when you should be relaxing.
“really, hey I know I’m not a cop but I’ve watched Law and Order so I know what I’m doing” Chris smirks making you snort with laughter “so how about we put on our detective hats, pop some beers and order some Chinese and go through all this”
“sounds great, thank you babe” you smile reaching up to kiss his cheek.
“Anything for you,” he says softly before clapping his hands together “so take me through it, what have we got,” he asks moving to sit down on the couch.
“well, the victim left the building at 7:35 pm and walked a few blocks to her friend’s apartment where she stayed for a few hours before returning at 10:42 pm” you say sitting down next to him and pointing at the CCTV footage that showed the victim leaving and returning “when she returned her apartment was still locked but had been completely ransacked” you add showing him the crime scene photos.
“How did the burglar get in? through the window?” he asks with a frown.  
“no they wouldn’t have been able to climb the fire escape because the ladder was too rusted, and there was no evidence of entry through the windows anyway” you explain “I’ve already passed the information about the fire escape on to the local fire station” you add when you see him go to say something.
“I’ll ask my dad to chase it up, the fire escape isn’t gonna save lives if people can’t actually get down to ground level” Chris mutters shaking his head before standing up and heading into the kitchen to grab you both a beer.
“thank you,” you say as he walks back in and passes you your beer.
“no worries, do you want your usual from the Chinese place?” Chris asks sitting back down and pulling out his phone.
“yes please, and can you ask for extra fortune cookies?” you ask hopefully.
Chris smiles nodding his head “already on it” he says tapping away on his phone “so how do you think the burglar got in?” he asks.
“the current theory is that they had a spare key, and so far we only know of 3 spare keys existing, her parents had one, her landlord and the super, and none of them reported their keys missing so we think it had to be one of them” you explain.
“whoa, that’s shitty” Chris comments with a frown.
“yeah, but they all have solid alibis and none of them were spotted entering or leaving the building during the time that the crime took place” you sigh.
“oh that’s not helpful” Chris frowns “did the burglar take anything?” he asks.
“no which is the weird thing, they could have potentially been in the apartment for 3 hours and they took nothing, and they left no evidence either, no fingerprints, nothing,” you tell him making his frown deepen.
“so they must have been looking for something specific and didn’t find it or decided to leave before they did” Chris points out.
“or…” you say suddenly getting a brain wave “they never intended to take anything in the first place”
“why would someone do that?” Chris asks shaking his head.
“well robbery is a violating crime, knowing someone was in your house and touching your things can make someone feel vulnerable so what if the burglar's motive was to make the victim feel unsafe and vulnerable, not to take anything, I mean her laptop was on the coffee table in full view, why wouldn’t you take something like that,” you say holding up the crime scene photo and pointing to the laptop.
“it would be the first thing I’d grab, would any of the suspects benefit from making the victim feel unsafe?” Chris asks.
“I don’t know, I can’t see a parent being so cruel, plus her parents were out of state, the landlord would stand to lose because he’d lose a tenant, maybe her ex-boyfriend?” you mutter rubbing your chin in thought “he did have the weakest alibi”
“Did he have a key?” Chris asks taking a sip of his beer.
“no, at least technically he didn’t, he had a spare key but after they broke up and he kept showing up unannounced she got the locks changed” you explain.
“so he has the motive, priors and the opportunity but not the means,” Chris says.
“yep, but guess what?” you say looking over at him.
“He wasn’t seen on the CCTV either” Chris sighs.
“yup, bringing us straight back to the beginning again,” you say shaking your head.
“Whoever did this thought it through a lot, or is a superhero who can phase through walls and can turn invisible,” he says making you snort with laughter.
“it does feel like we’re going after a ghost” you sigh shaking your head tiredly.
Chris wraps his arm around you and pulls your closer, kissing the top of your head “you’ll work it out though, just gotta find that one piece of evidence that breaks the case open” he reassures you.
“yeah, hopefully sooner rather than later” you sigh resting your head on his shoulder.
Over the next hour, you and Chris talked through the case as you ate Chinese and drank beer. Even though you weren’t making any progress you were definitely finding it helpful to talk it all through with him, it helped you make sense of it all. You were having fun with it too, Chris would suggest theories each of them more outlandish than the last, making you laugh each time.
“what if she’s secretly part of the mafia, and the police were getting too close and sniffing around her business so she staged this whole burglary so that in the eyes of the police she was just an innocent woman not this notorious mob boss” Chris suggests as he put his container of food down.
You snort with laughter shaking your head at him as you lie on the couch, feet in his lap “that would be impressive” you say reaching out to take a fortune cookie “although we can’t really rule out her staging it though, even if I do think its impossible, she looked too shaken up” you add shaking your head “hey maybe the answer is in here?” you say holding up the fortune cookie.
“only one way to find out” Chris chuckles.
You break open the cookie and pull out the fortune “oh this is a bit depressing” you comment as you read it.
“what is it?” Chris asks shifting closer.
“Beware the calm before the storm, basically don’t enjoy the good times because they might end,” you say passing him the fortune and popping half of the cookie in your mouth.
“yeah that is a bit depressing” he admits as he reads it himself.
“so what if a storm’s coming, you should just live in the moment and enjoy it, not worry about the future,” you say as you finish off the last of the cookie, when you don’t hear Chris respond you look over to see him smiling over at you warmly “a thunderstorm however, that’s worth worrying about” you add making Chris laugh, his large hand squeezing your leg.
“you’re getting better at those though” he points out.
You hum slightly, he wasn’t strictly wrong if you were with him it was fine, manageable. You’d wake but you wouldn’t be frozen in fear, but Chris would wake with you too, he’d wrap his arms around you letting you bury your head in his chest so you couldn’t see the flashes of lightning, his hands would cup your ears to muffle the noise of the thunder.
It was a completely different story if you were alone, your heart would be racing as you clutched onto something that smelt like him in some attempt to calm yourself down. He would always call you the following morning to check in with you but you’d find yourself lying and playing it down.
“Now as fun as it is playing criminal minds and trying to get into the heads of whoever the burglar is, why don’t we stop now and I can help you relax,” he says leaning closer.
You arch a brow, pushing yourself up onto your elbows to look over at him “and how will you do that?” you ask.
“well…” Chris says running his hand up and down your thigh “I was thinking of using that pretty picture you painted for me last night as inspiration”
You bite your lower lip as you look over at Chris through your lashes, you knew exactly what picture he meant. It was one that you almost regretted but only because it left you restless for the rest of the night, unable to find a release without him. You had seriously considered calling him again and begging him to pay you a visit. And going by the look on Chris’ face he had been in the exact same situation.
“it was pretty inspirational,” you say tilting your head.
“it was damn near teasing, that’s what it was” Chris corrects, he wrapped his arms around you easily pulling you up onto his lap before standing up from the couch and wrapping your legs around his waist.
You grin down at him, one arm wrapped around his shoulder as your other hand cupped his cheek, your fingers running through his beard “if it helps, it killed me just as much as it killed you” you tell him as he carries you into your bedroom.
“a bit, but you weren’t the one trapped at work” he smirks as he places you down on your bed, fingers slipping underneath your hoodie and lifting it over your head “the question is…” he says as he bends down in front of you, pulling down your shorts before pressing a kiss to the top of your thighs “are you gonna let me use your handcuffs?”
You smirk and you lean back slightly “on my belt hanging on the back of the door,” you say nodding towards your bedroom door.
Chris grins, kissing you deeply before moving off towards your door, grabbing the cuffs and walking back towards you. he places the handcuffs and the key down on your bedside table before returning his attention back to you. cupping your cheek he tilts your head back so he could kiss you deeply again, your arm wrapping around his shoulder to keep him there.
His other hand moves behind your knee to begin shifting you back onto the bed, closer to the metal barred headboard. Once he was happy with where you were he removes your arm from around his shoulders and moves it to above your head, he then grabs your other arm and moves it above your head.
“ever done this before?” he asks as he grabs the handcuffs from the bedside table.
“no, you’re the first” you admit, it had always been something you’ve wanted to try but you never felt comfortable enough to suggest it and your exes, especially Jake were never into it.
A lopsided grin grows on Chris’ face “well I’m honoured to be your first” he says before moving to fasten the handcuffs around your wrists, securing you to the bed “not too tight?” he asks gently.
“no it's perfect,” you say shaking your head gently, shifting slightly underneath him “so are you gonna start your examination?” you ask.
Chris smirks leaning down to kiss you “yes, and I’m going to be very… very… thorough” he mutters as he presses kisses down your jaw and neck, his beard scratching against your skin.
Your back arches as his hands begin to explore your body, his beard scratching as he nipped and sucked at your neck. His large hand cups your breast making you gasp as he massages, squeezes and pinches your sensitive peak.  
“Hm you seem to be very sensitive here” he comments with a smirk.
“Only the good kind,” you say with a breathy chuckle “I’m sensitive other places too”
“Oh really?” Chris smirks as he presses a kiss to your lips “are you sensitive here?” He asks, tracing his finger down from your sternum to your navel.
“You’re getting warm” you mutter, your chest rising and falling in anticipation.
Chris hums as he sits back on his ankles, his hands running down your thighs before resting behind your knees gently pushing them apart.
He ran his hands up and down your thighs slowly “what about here?” He murmurs
“Warmer” you gasp, your hips shifting as you tried to get closer to him.
A lopsided grin grows on his face as he runs his hands down your thighs, one moving to your hip, the other cupping your core “what about here?” He hums, tongue poking out to wet his lips.
You gasp your head pressing back against your pillow, hips moving into his touch “red hot” you managed to say.
“Perfect” Chris whispers as he leans down to capture your lips in his.
You smile into the kiss, tilting your head as the kiss deepens. Your hums of contentment turn into moans when Chris ran his fingers up your folds, collecting your slick. His fingers find your clit sending shock waves through your body. Electricity courses through your body as he rubs circles around your clit.
He was playing you like an instrument and it only got better when he slowly presses two fingers inside you. A loud moan escaped your lips, head thrown back, hands straining against the handcuffs. He gradually coaxed you to your peak, working you through your high.
As you caught your breath you looked over at Chris, a smile growing on your lips as you watch him remove his top and sweatpants. Your eyes run over his body, appreciating every muscle, every tattoo. His erection standing proud.
“Like what you see?” Chris says with a smug smile when he catches you staring.
“Just as much as I did the first time we did this” you smirk back up at him.
Chris laughs shaking his head as he smiles down at you “glad to hear it babe, glad to hear it” he grins as he moves to hover above you “I love you” he says softly.
You smile back up at him warmly lifting your head enough to kiss him slowly “I love you too” you whisper.
Chris grins as he cups your jaw and kisses you softly once more. As he kisses you he slowly presses into you, the both of you groaning as he fills you up. It was a feeling you would never get used to it and you didn’t want to either. It was like a drug and you were hooked.
You hook your leg over his hip urging him to move. He grins into the kiss as he slowly starts thrusting into you, his hand gripping your thigh as he thrusts deeper into you.
“Fuck yes Chris harder” you moan your hips moving to meet his.
Chris smirks as he sits up, both hands moving to your hips lifting them slightly as he thrusts harder and deeper into you “fuck babe you feel so good, squeezing me so tight” he groans.
You wanted the moment to last forever, just live in this moment in time forever. But you could already feel your peak growing closer and you were desperate to hit it. Your chest heaved as your hips moved to meet his. Chris heard your wordless plea as he moved to rub your clit once more.
“C’mon sweetheart, let go, I know you want to” Chris mutters, his brows furrowed in concentration.
You didn’t even get a chance to reply as your orgasm hits you like a tsunami wave, your walls clenching around Chris making him groan. You feel him hit his own peak shortly after you, painting your walls with his spend.
Your chest was still heaving as Chris removed the handcuffs from around your wrists, gently moving your arms to rest back on the bed. You whined quietly as he pulled out of you and climbed off of the bed. He soon returned with a warm washcloth and gently cleaned you up. Once he was done he climbed back into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer.
“How do you feel now?” He asks as you rest your head on his chest, hand resting over his heart.
“Thoroughly relaxed” you grin looking up at him.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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chouthechaoticraccoon · 8 months
About Me
My name is Morgan Alexander but I also go by Chou and Cedar
My pronouns are he/they, but neos are fine too :)
I am 15 and going on 16 though I’m somewhere above 60 in my heart
I am a… hoo boy, this is complicated. Um, I'm transnasculine and nonbinary as well as an oriented aroace (bi/omni cupio/quoiromantic graysexual, to be specific), so… gay af but also no, thank you. I’m also romance-positive and sex-neutral
I have a spicy brain (also known as Asperger's, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and MaDD with some gender dysphoria and unlabeled weirdness sprinkled in for good measure)
I also have a weird body (Type 1 diabetes, Celiac disease, Hashimoto’s, and chronic pain from joints and headaches and shit as well as some other symptoms)
My ethnicity is confusing because my family didn't keep good records, but I'm mixed (about ⅓-½ Blackfoot, ⅔-½ European) and white-passing
Very introverted, I like my alone time more than being around another person no matter who they are. Honestly, I might be a little socially anxious…
A dual high school and college student set to graduate in 2026
INTx-T (can be either INTJ or INTP)
Leo, I guess? Born August 16, so yeah. Not really into that astrology stuff, though
Converting to Reform Judaism as soon as I’m able to
Everybody deserves equal rights no matter skin color, religion, gender, orientation, physical appearance, or class. I'll respect your opinion as long as it doesn't disrespect anybody's existence. Don't agree with this, don't interact with me and get off my page
AKA transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists, MAPs, zoophiles, etc aren’t welcome
Inbox and DMs are open, happy to make friends or mutuals (and might be open to a QPR or romantic relationship after I get to know you :) )
Asks are fine, and I love talking to people (online, that is) so just reach out if you want to know more about me
Don’t send me NSFW content. Like, ever. I may dabble in writing it (I write SA sometimes, varying from not-at-all to moderately graphic, but to be honest I only really write it so that there can be major hurt/comfort and I always depict it as a horrific act of violence and in some cases torture), but that doesn’t mean that I am interested in sexual content or comfortable with it. I am also a minor and asexual so it’s a big no-no
Artist (drawing, painting, and photography), comedian (stand-up), musician (piano, violin, vocals, and guitar), poet, and writer (original novels, short stories, and fanfics). Happy to do commissions on any of my chosen art forms, just DM me :)
I speak and am learning to speak ASL, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, and Yiddish (I alphabetized lol)
I like pretty much all music except country (Jolene is an exception)
I have precisely 69 Spotify playlists and am very proud of it
I’m actually starting an alternative rock band called Blue Humor. I’ll let you know when our first album drops
I like a lot of music, with over 32 pages on my list of bands I like (actual thing, might post the link later but it’s a list of over 1200 bands that I enjoy and am constantly expanding)
My fandoms include Abbott Elementary, Adventure Time, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Aurora Cycle, Big Hero 6, Bo Burnham, Brooklyn 99, Cavetown, Coraline, Creepypasta, Danny Phantom, the DCU, Deadpool, Derry Girls, Disenchantment, Disney, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Good Omens, Game of Thrones, Gravity Falls, Gregor the Overlander, Heartstopper/Osemanverse, Hunger Games, I Am Not Okay With This, In a Heartbeat, Into/Across the Spider-Verse, IT (2017/19), Jamie Dodger, John Mulaney, Jurassic Park/World, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, Les Miserables, Lord of the Rings, Manifest, Marvel, Merlin, Monk, Monty Python, Mythic Quest, Narnia, Night at the Museum, NOAHFINNCE, Our Flag Means Death, Over the Garden Wall, Once Upon a Time, ParaNorman, Parks & Recreation, Red, White, and Royal Blue, Riordanverse (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase, etc), Shaaba, Sherlock (BBC), Star Trek, Star Wars, Steven Universe, Stranger Things, Supernatural, Ted Lasso, The Adam Project, The Afterparty, The Good Place, The Goldfinch, The Hollow, The Office, The Simpsons, The Sims, The X-Files, Tim Burton, The Owl House, The Umbrella Academy, TwoSet Violin, Wednesday, Wings of Fire, and Young Royals.
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blackwolfflame · 15 days
Ace's Secret
(They don't know Ace is trans in this fanfic)
Summary: It's the middle of a heatwave. The air conditioning is out and Ace looks weird
Of course the air conditioning had to break during the worst heatwave Japan has experienced in years. The students of Hope's Peak Academy were desperately trying to keep cool in this hot weather. Some did it differently than others, and it raised a few eyebrows...
Mondo had been talking to Kiyotaka when Ace walked by. Mondo stared at Ace for a bit, was there something different-? "Mondo! Kyoudai! It's rude to stare at people!" Taka scolded, interrupting Mondo's thoughts. Mondo grumbled and looked back to Taka. "Sorry Taka. Just, there's something up with Ace today. He looks... different." Mondo explained. Kiyotaka scolded Mondo again, this time for making comments about Ace's appearance, before the topic changed and Ace was forgotten.
Kaito and Leon were doing some gentle workouts together. Leon enjoyed being with someone who encouraged his interests in music, and Kaito enjoyed having a fun workout buddy. They had just finished running a couple laps of the track. "Jeez, Momota, you're a good runner, even with that chronicle brontosaurus thing." Leon said, as the purple haired astronaut took a dose of medicine from his inhaler. "Chronic bronchitis, Leon, but same to you. Don't know how you can run laps while feeling your organs jiggle around." Kaito replied. Their banter promptly stopped when Ace popped out of the tunnel leading to the school and dropped off some water bottles for the two. "Yo, dude, what's up with Ace?" Kaito whispered to Leon. "It looks like he has two tumors on his chest..."
Gonta had his speech tutoring with Korekiyo in the library, like he did every week. "Now, Gonta, repeat after me." Kiyo said. "My name is Gonta Gokuhara." Gonta paused, then spoke. "My name is Gonta Gokuhara... ehm, Korekiyo, Gonta don't like how it sound..." "That's because you are used to speaking in third person. It will be a while before you get used to it." Kiyo explained. Ace walked in to drop off a packet of Jammie Dodgers that Kiyo's might-be-dating-might-be-besties roommate, Jamie, had ordered from Britain, because xey wanted Kiyo to try them. When he left, Kiyo seemed stunned. "That is... quite the unusual look of the doctor, isn't it, Gonta?" Kiyo asked, but Gonta had zoned out at sone point, as the textbook they were using to study had a whole section on bugs.
Eventually, everyone, being too embarrassed to confront Ace themselves, stared pestering Jamie with questions. "Come on, why does he look so weird?" Kaito asked. "Just tell us!" Mondo pestered. Before Jamie could answer, Ace walked by. "I'm trans, dummies. It's unsafe to bind right now." He said, before promptly walking straight to the coffee machine for his seventh cup. Everyone didn't really react to that statement, somehow. "... He means what you guys are seeing are his breasts..." Jamie finally said. There was a small chorus of 'Ohh's and 'I get it's.
There's the realization of what was actually said. Took them a while.
Hope you likey
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justweirddino · 9 months
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Got a bag and got to draw my own design. "Bees are cute, Transphobia is not" based on Jamie Dodgers's "Dinosaurs are cool, Transphobia is not". I love his YouTube videos. Also Dinos protects LGBT rights by eating bigots.
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k-evans-reads · 1 year
In Living Color
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Chapter 17
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 5,217
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: Sexual content. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
December 31st, 2021
Chris watched Nat as she checked the temperature of the chicken, shutting the door of the oven quietly as Mark and Jamie boomed with laughter from behind them. The happy laughter in the room made Chris smile, his cheeks practically aching from how much he’d been laughing and smiling the past two days he’d been up in this cabin in the mountains of Washington. 
They’d spent Christmas on opposite coasts, with their own families back in their hometowns, before Chris, Dodger, Scott, and Scott’s partner flew to Washington to join Nat, Mark, Jamie, and Lauren at a ski town just east of Seattle, tucked away in a large rental in the snowy mountains. He’d missed Nat desperately over the holiday, despite only being separated for nearly two weeks. They’d made the decision together to spend the holiday apart, but it hadn’t made it any easier and instead had only made them a bit more attached to their phones than either anticipated that day. 
But here in Washington, surrounded by their closest group from California, they’d slipped seamlessly back together, evidenced by Chris smacking her ass as she walked by him to open another bottle of wine for everyone. He’d thought the action went unnoticed by the group in the kitchen, with Scott and Steve making a salad by the sink and Lauren handling the potatoes while Mark and Jamie sat at the island and prepped green beans, but a groan told him otherwise.  
“Are we really going to have to deal with this for the next three days?” Mark asked, rolling his eyes as he scowled at the couple. 
Chris’ brows furrowed as Nat smirked playfully at him, her hand tickling his side as she headed back over to the stove to help Lauren. “Deal with what?” Chris asked him. 
“You two being all over each other,” he clarified, waving a hand before he grabbed the pepper from the counter, grinding it over the vegetable. “I swear nobody would even be able to fit a piece of paper between you two!” 
But Nat didn’t miss a beat, even with her back turned and as she sprinkled rosemary on top of the potatoes. “Don’t be crabby just because you don’t have a new boyfriend yet,” she told him, faux-dismissively.  
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Scott grinned from where they were near the large window overlooking the snow-covered trees outside, telling the group, “We’re actually spoiled by Chris being… Chris, because that means he can’t really be into PDA when we go out and do things so it saves us.” 
Jamie chuckled as he shook his head, getting up to bring the dish of green beans over to the oven. “Yeah, and at our game nights Nat is too busy trying to make up some ridiculous rule or throwing game pieces at everyone and Chris is busy trying to talk shit about everyone for them to even think about getting handsy,” he supplied, dodging a playful shove from Nat. 
Steve glanced over his shoulder as he washed his hands, pointing out, “Well they’re making up for it now.” 
“Okay in my defense, I haven’t gotten my girl in almost two weeks! Give me a fuckin’ break!” Chris told the group, holding his hands up defensively, but he smiled as the rest of the group laughed. 
Nat turned as Lauren put the potatoes and green beans into the oven, leaning the small of her back against the countertop as she crossed her arms over her chest and told the group, “And Chris is going to be ditching me come February.” 
Chris rolled his eyes, reminding her, “It’s called filming, not ditching.” 
But Nat smirked at him, shrugging her shoulders. “Same thing,” she murmured, laughing as he snaked an arm out to tickle her side. 
“You know, after how many times you ate it on the mountain today, I would have thought it’d knock the sass out of you,” he murmured, his hands stopping as Nat leaned against his side with a happy sigh just before she slipped out of his grasp to check the chicken again.
Jamie frowned, his eyes wide as he seriously told Chris, “Nothing can knock the sass out of her, trust me, we’ve seen her wipe out way worse than today.” 
Recalling that very first day that Nat had crashed into his life he chimed in, “That’s true, I do seem to remember meeting Nat for the first time seeing her slamming into a glass door.” 
He didn’t even have to see Nat as she bent over the oven to know she was rolling her eyes while defending,“I was trying to hurry and didn’t notice-” 
But Chris couldn’t help but cut her off with a playful smirk, asking, “Notice that big door right in front of you?” 
“You know what, Evans?” Nat started with a smirk, pointing the spatula in her hand at him, “If you keep this up, you’re sleeping alone tonight.” 
“By midnight you’ll be freezing and come lay on top of me so I’m not worried,” Chris shrugged with a soft laugh, moving to sit down on one of the barstools at the island.
“I still think my first meeting with Nat was more memorable,” Scott insisted as he washed his hands, turning the faucet off before turning around as he dried his hands. “I got to meet her while she stuck her head out the window of her apartment yelling that she was locked in.” 
Mark let out a loud laugh from next to him at the counter, shaking his head and insisting, “Honestly, that’s not even anything to bat an eye at. When you know Nat as long as we have, chaos is just something you come to expect.” 
“How did you all meet, anyway?” Chris piped up as he looked between the trio. Over the past almost year, he’d come to see just how close the three of them, as well as Lauren and their children were. He knew that they’d all been friends for so long and had become more like family than friends which is something he understood well, knowing just how bonded he was to some of the people in his life that he’d grown up with but Chris finally vocalized, “I think in all this time I’ve never actually heard exactly how other than you all worked together.” 
A soft laugh echoed from Lauren as she peeked in the oven to check on the food before looking over her shoulder, “Honestly Chris, I don’t know that you should get them going. You should know by now that these three have their own little language we’ll never be able to decipher.” 
A soft smile crossed his face as he looked over at Nat, running a hand through her curly hair as she noted, “It’s been so long that I don't think I even remember the first time that I met Mark.” 
“Oh I do,” Mark was adamant as he pulled everyone’s attention to him, his hands resting on the counter as he revealed, “I was helping with the onboarding orientation for the new hires. How old were you? Like early or mid 20’s?” 
Nat’s brows furrowed as she tried to recall exactly when it was, finally remembering, “I was 22 so you were 27.” 
Mark nodded, continuing the story and telling everyone, “Yeah, so anyway I’m sitting at this orientation with probably thirty or so people and in comes this curly-headed tornado who sat down right next to me and she introduced herself, told me that she thought we were going to be friends and then asked me to watch her stuff while she went to the bathroom,” he paused, shaking his head with a grin. “But I guess Nat was right because we did become friends almost immediately.” 
“Jamie, how did you get hooked up with the gruesome twosome?” Chris asked, nodding his head towards the other man in the room with a curious look on his face. 
Jamie smirked, glancing at Nat and Mark with a knowing look in his eyes. “Well I was in a different department but I had met Mark here and there but we hadn’t talked a lot. But one day on my lunch break I walked through the Pixar campus and I saw this girl sitting on a bench unzipping her backpack,” he quieted down as Mark and Nat began laughing, a smirk on his lips while Scott, Steve, and Chris’ faces turned to confusion. “I was just absentmindedly watching and saw a little squirrel hop out of her backpack and run across the grass and up into a tree.” 
Chris’ jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock, and he turned to Nat as he incredulously asked, “You had a fucking squirrel in your backpack?!” 
“My thoughts exactly,” Jamie murmured as he sat back in the barstool, smirking at the chaos that story caused. 
Nat held her hands up in defense, waiting until the room quieted down to speak. “Okay it actually makes sense though because I saw a little squirrel in the parking garage and I was afraid he’d get killed so I just dumped some of my nuts into my backpack to lure him and then zipped it up when he climbed in and took him out to where the trees were,” she told them, then paused and shrugged. “That seems very normal to me.” 
Chris rolled his eyes as she finished speaking, insisting, “Only you would think that it’s normal to lure a squirrel into a backpack to get it to safety.” 
As the timers began beeping, Lauren grabbed oven mitts and opened the oven to pull each dish out while Nat grabbed the meat thermometer. “That’s not even the part that surprised me about that story. The part that shocked me was that Jamie chose to be friends with her after that!” Lauren laughed, waiting until Nat nodded to pull the dish of the chicken out as well. 
“I just remember making eye contact with her and laughing so hard, then Nat ran over to give me that same crazy explanation and that was that,” Jamie chuckled, grabbing the bottle of wine and salad before he headed to the table. 
“Okay Jamie wins for the most memorable first meeting with Nat,” Scott laughed as he looked around the group, helping carry food over. 
But before the conversation could roll on, Chris put a hand out as he said, “Wait, we haven’t heard Lauren’s yet!” 
“Well Jamie and I’ve been married for five years so these hooligans had already been thick as thieves for a long time,” Lauren snickered as she looked at the three outgoing artists who were bonded so tightly. She accepted Chris’ help gratefully, handing him an oven mitt so he could carry the potatoes as they headed to the table “But my first time meeting Mark and Nat was when Jamie brought me out with them one night and we walked in and Jamie pointed out that his friends were the two drunk people singing a karaoke duet up on stage.” 
At the thought of the memory, Nat hunched over behind her chair with her loud hysterical laughter, dark curls shaking as she pushed out through her adorable laughter, “The worst part is that we actually weren’t even drunk!” 
Mark was laughing just as hard, reaching a hand to point at Nat from across the table as they all sat down and he kept cracking up, arguing, “No, the worst part is that it wasn’t karaoke night!” 
With the lighthearted atmosphere in the room, Chris slipped into the empty chair next to Nat and snapped his fingers and commented with a smile, “Damn I really did think my first meeting with her was special.”  
“Yours doesn’t even make the top ten that I can think of,” Jamie shook his head. 
“It might not be the most embarrassing first meeting I’ve had, but it certainly is the most special,” Chris felt his heart soften as Nat said those words, looking at him with nothing but love in her eyes, holding his gaze for a long moment before tipping her head back as she mused, “God, I can’t believe how long it’s been since that first orientation at Pixar. I remember feeling like I was going to throw up because I was so nervous.” 
“I think I might have,” Mark laughed before he looked at his two longtime friends, asking, “Can you believe how long it’s been since we all started?” 
“I can’t believe all three of us are still there,” Jamie noted, leaning down to pet Dodger who was walking around their feet. “Although I’m pretty sure they’re going to have Nat chained to her desk from here on out so it’s not surprising she’s stuck there.” 
Unsure of the meaning behind his words, Chris tilted his head and asked, “What does that mean?” 
“Right before Christmas they assigned me to my next film already,” Nat nearly groaned as she leaned back in her chair, informing him, “I’m starting on Inside Out 2 right when we all get back from the holidays.” 
Steve piped up, wondering, “Is Lightyear even done?” 
Chris was curious, looking at Nat as she let out a soft sigh, “I’ll be fully done with it in February so I have to work on both for the next month.” 
His brows furrowed as he heard her weary words, remembering their conversation from earlier in the month as he pointed out, “That sounds kind of rough, Nattie.” 
But Nat could only shrug before Mark launched into explaining, “Nat’s just too good that they don’t ever give her a break. She always goes from one thing right into the next,” with a chuckle before he paused to serve Lauren some of the salad. “Once she showed how great she did as lead character designer for Disgust in Inside Out, they’ve just been putting her on as much as they can.” 
While grabbing her glass of wine, Nat muttered, “Apparently they just really want me to have no life ever.” 
Not wasting a chance to tease his friend, Jamie wondered, “Sorry did you ever have one? This is news to me.” 
Not missing a beat, Nat smiled at him and told him, “You can just fuck off.” 
Chris just shrugged before leaning over to bump his shoulder against hers, “After your incredible art show, I think you’re going to have to tell Pixar you can’t work as much because you’re too busy becoming a famous painter.” 
Nat shrugged, her voice quiet as she admitted to not only him, but the group as well, “With the way my schedule is going to be coming up, I’ll be lucky if I even have time to think about painting, let alone do it.” 
Chris frowned at her words and watched as Nat pushed aside her feelings and passed him the potatoes before she dug into her dinner, but throughout the evening, the thoughts lingered in his mind as they ate dinner, cleaned up, then watched a movie with everyone, celebrating with champagne as they rang in the New Year before they all trudged off to their bedrooms in the rental home.
Chris and Nat headed down to the ground floor and to the back corner, closing the door behind them with yawns and sore muscles from the long day on the slopes. The bed was inviting and empty, thanks to Dodger deciding to spend the night with Scott and Steve upstairs, and Chris flopped down on it with a sigh as Nat pulled on one of his old sweatshirts.
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“Ugh, I’m so sore! Why in the world did I let you and Scott talk me into going down that huge hill?” She complained quietly, pulling her curly hair up into a messy bun before she crossed the short distance of the room to lay down on the bed with a groan. 
“That huge hill? You mean the one that the group of kids passed you on?” 
“Yeah that one,” she yawned, eyes softening as she sat up against the fluffy pillows. 
“I was trying to show you how to do it!” Chris laughed, a hand coming up to run through his hair as he plugged his phone in and set it down on the nightstand. 
Nat pulled the fuzzy blanket that was folded at the foot of the bed up tucking it around her lanky frame as she rolled her eyes and reminded him, “Yeah, while laughing at me!” 
“Well you looked pretty funny, babe,” he murmured, his hand coming to rest over the blanket on top of her knee, squeezing her leg reassuringly. 
She rolled her eyes but the fond smile playing across her lips betrayed her as she muttered, “Nice to know my boyfriend is so supportive of me.” 
“I’m supportive through my laughter,” he assured her with a grin, smirking as she shoved his shoulder lightly. He laid down on the bed fully and rolled onto his side, facing her as his voice dropped and he confessed,  “I know we’ve only been here a few days, but this has been so great. I’ve really loved this trip.” 
“Me too,” Nat agreed, her voice quiet and soft. “I really missed you over Christmas.” 
“I missed you too, Nattie. It just didn’t feel right without you,” he sighed. He thought it wouldn’t have been a big deal, being separated over the holiday. He assumed the chaos of the big family get-togethers would’ve been enough distractions for them both, but their nearly-constant contact over text and a couple phone calls throughout the day proved otherwise. It hurt more being apart than it would’ve been for him to suck it up and hop on a flight to be with her before the holidays, but he had not expected it. Most of his previous relationships had little to no expectation, especially less than a year in, when it came to spending Christmas together or alone with their families, but both he and Nat had their own reasons to be home. He was gearing up for what seemed to be a long year of work ahead both in Atlanta and abroad, with three projects and two press tours to handle, and Nat, to see her family, baby Jack, and spend time with them alone. 
But he’d missed her. He’d ached to be there with her, to have her by his side as he watched his Ma open up her gifts from everyone, to see Dodger bouncing around with his niece and nephews as they enjoyed the chaos of the morning. He wanted nothing more than to have her by his side, and he wasn’t surprised when he learned a few hours later that Nat was struggling with the same thing. That knowledge both helped and stung a little, but it built up the anticipation even more for their New Years getaway with the group in Washington, to the point that he was practically vibrating as he stepped off the charter flight to see her waiting in a rental car with Mark, Jamie, and Lauren at the airfield. 
Nat gave him a half-smile as her voice softly told him, “We’re going to have to get used to that with the year we have coming up.”
“I guess so,” he sighed, giving her a frown in return as his mind began racing with all he knew was happening that year. He was already committed to those three projects, involving long shoots in Atlanta, across the country from Nat. He knew that once work picked up post-pandemic that it would test them, but it certainly happened a lot quicker than he realized. The year flew by thanks to Nat’s role in his life, making him look forward to everyday for a new reason that he hadn’t anticipated this time last year. But with the reality being that it was about to be 2022, he realized just how long they’d been side by side, nearly inseparable for almost ten and a half months now. “I was going to ask you if you might be able to come out to Atlanta at all while I’m filming Ghosted but from what you said tonight, it sounds like you’re going to be really busy.” 
“Yeah I found out about Inside Out 2 right before Christmas break and I wanted to wait to tell you until I could see you in-person,” she sighed, frowning slightly at herself. Her hand landed on top of his where it was resting on her knee, squeezing it gently before he flipped his hand over and laced her fingers through his own, all without taking his eyes off of hers. “I was really hoping I would have a more relaxed January so we could spend a lot of time together before you leave but now I’m going to be even busier having to juggle both projects.” 
“It’s alright, baby. We’ll still get to spend time together,” he assured her, before he remembered what was on his calendar in early February and he frowned nervously. “Are you going to be able to get away to Palm Springs in February?” 
“That was on the schedule before I was assigned so I still get that time off,” Nat reassured, smiling faintly at the mention of that long weekend away. He knew what she was imagining – just them, phones off, no distractions, one last quiet weekend before the chaos of the year truly began. “I’m sure those couple weeks before I’m going to be swamped though.” 
Chris chuckled, his thumb moving back and forth mindlessly over the soft skin on the back of her hand. “I have a feeling I’ll be bringing you a lot of comfort food for lunch,” he laughed. 
“Chris, I think you should go home for a while in January,” Nat sighed, surprising him with those words. He thought they were pretty in sync, wanting to soak up any time they could before chaos broke loose and they had forced distance between them, but to hear that she didn’t want him out there with her made him – admittedly – nervous and a bit scared. “You know I love to be with you, but I know you’re going to need some time to recharge and be home for a bit before everything. And honestly, I think having you in LA that whole time would make my schedule worse because I’d feel so bad that I’m working so much and you’re there.” 
He nodded, understanding where she was coming from, but also trying to push aside those selfish feelings of even just wanting to be around her. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can, but I do think spending some time at home would be nice,” he finally began, shrugging half-heartedly. “I might head back home once you get busier but we can figure all of that out once we’re back in LA next week.” 
“Having been so busy, and knowing how busy both of us will be this next year, it feels so nice to have this time here. It feels so good to just not have to worry about any of it for a while,” she admitted, the soft happy look on her face warming Chris from the inside out. 
“It really does,” he agreed easily, his hand tightening its grasp on hers. A year ago, he hadn’t even met Nattie yet. He was at home in Massachusetts, where he’d spent the majority of 2020, doing all his work through Zoom and email and riding out the pandemic in his bubble. But now? He was happy. He was sharing his life with someone, someone he couldn’t imagine a future without, and he was excited for what this year could bring for them. “I’m so happy I get to start this new year with you, Nattie. I can’t believe that this time last year I hadn’t even met you yet.” 
“It’s weird to think that one year ago we hadn’t met and this year is so different,” she laughed, arching an eyebrow before she asked, “I wonder what next New Year’s will be like?” 
And at the mention of that, Chris couldn’t help but let his mind wander. He didn’t know what it would be like, his brain for a moment flickering to the worst possible thought as he wondered if there was a possibility they might not be together. But just as quickly as that thought came, it left, knowing deep in his heart that Nat was it for him. He knew just how deep his love for her ran and everything in his brain was looking at their relationship through the lens of them being together forever. 
He wanted everything with her. He wanted to go to bed every night next to her. Have dinner with her every night. Laugh at the same stupid jokes with her day after day. Celebrate holidays together and buy birthday gifts for their nieces and nephews. What it would be like to see Nat holding their own baby in her arms. Take their daughter or son for their first day of preschool. Come home to Nat ruining another one of his tee shirts as she painted furiously by the big windows in their home. He wanted every single moment of his life to be shared with her and he hoped that somehow next New Year’s, they’d be even closer than they were right now. 
“I don’t know what it’ll be like next year, Nattie, but I know I’ll still be so in love with you,” he murmured, his mind racing with snippets of what their future could look like. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.” 
“That’s what I’ve been saying to myself for months,” Nat chuckled, but her smile turned into a smirk as she turned to face Chris, her legs folded underneath her as she looked down at him. “How I managed to have you in my life is something I’ll never understand but I’m not going to question it. I’m so excited for this year because of knowing i’ll have you.” 
Chris pushed himself up, his hand running up and down Nat’s arm as he honestly told her, “I love you, Nattie. I love you more than I knew was possible.” 
“I love you too, baby,” she breathed, pausing to search his eyes. “You’re truly my best friend.” 
The softness in her voice and tears that were glistening in Nat’s eyes showed Chris just how honest her words were. Just as they always did, Nat’s words went straight to his heart, treasuring the fact that she considered him her best friend, because he knew that in every sense of the word, she was his. They could laugh, tease and joke around with each other, but then could switch on a dime to having the deepest and most vulnerable conversation, knowing their feelings were safe with the other person. Chris knew that Nat was always supportive of him, telling him the hard truth when he needed to hear it or helping him see his own faults in things, while validating his feelings in other moments. She helped him grow, pushed him to be better, and made him feel more loved than he ever had felt. 
Nat loved him just for him and nothing was more beautiful than that. 
Their arms came to snake around one another, pressing their bodies against each other’s warmth as their lips connected in the dim room. Chris just needed this. He needed this physical connection with her, unable to hold his deep feelings for her in and judging by the way she kissed him back, Nat felt the same exact thing. He wanted to hold her close, feeling her heartbeat as they kissed, Chris so wrapped up in the fact that Nat was his and he was her. 
There was so much love and tenderness in the air as they both slowly peeled each other out of their clothes, their warm bodies pressed together without a single inch of space between them. Chris swore it was like heaven getting to have Nattie in his arms, loving her in both words and actions and having that love returned to him. It certainly wasn’t the first time Chris had been in love, having had the opportunity to have some beautiful relationships in the past, but it had never been like this and he knew there would never be anything like this again. Nat was his world and he couldn’t imagine it any other way. 
A low moan erupted from Nat’s lips, echoing in his ear when he finally pushed inside of her, giving them each that connection they’d been longing for. Nat’s arms were wrapped around his waist, pulling him down and deeper into her with each slow and sweet snap of his hips. But Chris wasn’t in a hurry, just taking his time peppering her lips with kisses and showing her with his loving words in between each kiss. Nat’s eyes had been squeezed shut, drinking in every bit of this moment, but when those long eyelashes of hers fluttered open and looked at him with such emotion and tenderness, he felt his knees going weak at just the sight knowing that this sensitive, beautiful, kindhearted artist was looking at him that way and nobody else. 
His emotions for her were so pure and true that seeing this woman that he loved so deeply underneath him and hearing her gasp and moan while she gripped his shoulders was just too much for him to be able to handle. Chris could feel himself getting close, each thrust of his hips into her warmth bringing him closer and closer and he could tell by the way Nat was panting that she was barely hanging on too. He brought a hand down between them, rubbing his thumb against that bundle of nerves that had Nat crying out loudly as her fingertips dug into his shoulders and her walls squeezed him like a vice. 
With one more drag back against her velvety walls and push back in, Chris was groaning with pleasure into the crook of her neck as he emptied himself inside her. But as good as that high felt, it was this moment that he loved almost more than anything. This moment of holding each other close, still tucked inside her as they lazily kissed and soaked in the feeling of just being fully connected in every way. 
Nat’s hand ran up and down Chris’ bare back, nails dancing along the skin lightly, causing goosebumps to pop up in her wake. He leaned his forehead against her collarbone and kissed the skin there, wanting nothing more than to just stay here with her forever, protect her as best as he could, and get to step into their future, side-by-side, together. He wanted nothing more than to grow old with her, raise a couple kids, build a life and a home. And as he gently pulled out of her, cleaned them up, and climbed back into bed next to her, pulling her against him as she drifted asleep, he couldn’t help but think, once again, about how much this year flew by. With each passing day, their anniversary approached, and it put them one step closer to forever. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
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texasjen13 · 3 months
I can’t wait for this to be a thing of the past and then we Chris actually falls in love people can see how he truly acts.
It kills me people believe this is real and THIS is how he would act if in love. This man shows more love to Dodger than his wife.
I’m really curious as to how he explained this fake mess to his family and close friends.
I show more love my animals than to any human as well 🤷🏻‍♀️😂. The man loves his animal. I think his family knows that this is fake his friends like Tara might have issues or anyone of his Hollywood friends like Jamie what’s her face since they’re all following🐟
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rainbowskittle · 4 months
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At pride center I been volunteering at.. today they had trans..+ anyone under that umbrella.. meet up. So I went! (my first one) and was so cool to hear other experiences and hear similar things I felt. The one who runs this meeting/group even invited me into the Discord they have. So yay! It’s all in our area (small town.. yea in California.. yea it’s small .. and yea I feel like none are here and I feel like the only one 🥺.. but I made it as 50! So wow 49 other people are here! Sooo maybe this year will look up and I can (finally) make lgbtq+ friends!!
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@coldbrewqueer Thankful for you! You helped me in so many ways I can’t even put letters to form words to describe how much. But joining this group made me think of your support you have helped.
@girlswithguns22magnum dude .. bro! To many adjectives to describe how bestest friend you are! Thankful for you! Just hope you know you are stuck with me and my terrible rambles you can cut me off if I go too far.
@re-bec-ca-ann Ahh Bex thank you for helping me with my rants too. And fan talking to help distract the cloudy days. They still peak through the sunny days but your talks help them not be be as big.
@aribeexx Your voice !! So incredible! So thankful you share it with your musicals you do. I know I could never do what you do but seeing you do your thing is motivation for me to least try something… I’ll get back to you if I find it. So thanks for sharing your voice.
@fuckinnproblems Syddddd thank youuu like thank you and thank you!! Mutuals day one! Or least week one? Idk tbh but know it very well I found yours or you found mine but we were mutuals right away. From when I thought I was ally but slowly seeing you I realized nope definitely queer too. And then bam seeing your journey made me realize it’s okay to not be who everyone thinks you are. It matters who you are. And with that want to say thanks. If wasn’t for you, Ty Turner, Jamie Dodger, Sam Collins.. etc is wouldn’t have the light bulb flicking repeatedly until I took it out to check it out. So thanks! It’s still little dim not as bright light but the flicker isn’t as crazy telling me ‘you aren’t straight.’
And if I missed someone sorry! @ everyone you are awesome! And thank YOUUU for just being you. I know this silly app is just a silly app but I’m thankful I get to know all of you. So soon as Tumblr funds flights to meet up with mutuals (free? Cuz I can give you a penny but I don’t even have that haha..) I’d be on that plane.
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Sorry for rambling trying to be positive and sunny again cuz with all this rain in weather and thoughts just been foggy lately. But want to thank everyone who has helped me. Or even sent me a meme or even talked about a silly fandom we both in. Thanks! Hope you all have a good 2024.. and if not good I hope least a corner of it is good. Even if not the whole year I hope something good happens that makes you smile. Since your smile is cute .. and if you wear shades aka anon I bet you have a cute smile too.
And with that … 👇👇👇👇
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