#jamie please i am begging for just one chance
flysdaleflyby · 4 months
jamie baby in eyeblack i am not okay
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Lights, camera, shit show
I was just cleaning my OL folders (all those Chinese paintings and scrolls do take a horrendous amount of space, heh) and I just stumbled upon something I completely forgot to share and discuss with you. I found this particular article during my solitaire lurking months and I remember being befuddled by it for a long time, then thought I've lost it for good.
I don't remember ever seeing it shared or discussed in here, either and if, by any slim chance, I am wrong, kindly forgive me. That professional website is now closed, but its content is still available to browse:
Anyway, there goes: https://www.studiodaily.com/2018/06/outlander-dp-stephen-mcnutt-asc-csc-saucy-scottish-show/
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We discussed Terry Dresbach and her inebriated rants, Vanessa Woman's devastating impact on set as Intimacy Coordinator, RDM's jealousy and many other aspects of life on the OL set. Rumors likely to have originated there peppered our shipping trail like flickering lights in a sea of darkness. So yes, we dissected these things to death. But not Stephen McNutt's interview to Studio Daily, on June 22, 2018 - please keep in mind the date, it is essential!
Stephen McNutt is a well-established professional and a member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) and the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC), as he hails from British Columbia. He also has a consistent track record of previous work with RDM, both on Battlestar Galactica and Caprica (its prequel). Therefore, one has to immediately suppose he was handpicked and brought on set by the same RDM, of course: set a very low bar on your expectations, I am warning you.
By the grace of RDM, he was one of the main Directors of Photography for OL during Seasons Two and Three. IMDb is not the best source for corroborating things, because they credit him with 13 episodes in Season Two (including La Dame Blanche- he is the Blue Room guy!), but only one for Season Three (First Wife), which is completely wrong. I even had to check some opening credits on Netflix (at reduced speed, ugh), because he speaks at length of A. Malcolm, something that would have made little sense otherwise. He was there, of course: and his is a first-hand account, heavily loaded with both innuendo and TPTB bullshit, up to the point of complete incoherence.
We focus on the three final questions:
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This is a study in bullshitology, right here. The question asked is very clear and very technical: how did you approach those famous love scenes?
The answer is a mumble jumble of retcon, deflections, slips and overall impossible scramble for a logical explanation. I am doing a line by line, because this is almost too good to be true:
'(...) But as far as Cat and Sammy making love (...)' : um, hello and excuse me, I thought the question was about Jamie and Claire?!? And then we are delusional and can't fucking separate, when your own henchman, the Director of Photography no less, seems to be totally unable to do so, too? Hello? Also: 'Sammy'? 'Sammy'? What. The. Total. Fuck, and I LOLed then and I am still LOLing now. Terms of endearment overheard on set - but no, here comes the 'friendship' shite, hitting the narrative fan with Mach 5 speed. Objective? Explaining in a plausible way the hugging and 'keeping warm'. And I am sorry, but this begs the question: what the hell did this man see on that set? And how many people did see the same, hence the need to release such a gratuitous lie, for pure retconning purposes?
'They are not an item at all - I think she just got married'. Oh, fuck my life, man: you are such a terrible, terrible liar! Remember, that interview was taken in June 2018: after the OZ EFH and just about when C. was gleefully answering 'oh, God forbid!' every time she was prompted by press about her marriage plans. How can somebody with a pretty high trophic level and personal rapport to both S and C be totally unaware about C's marital status at the time? How can a long time acquaintance and coworker of RDM say no both to a friend and to a current boss (same person, the worst case scenario) asking for a favor, in that particular context? It also goes to prove that the shit show plot mainlines never originated with S and C and that the Remarkable Week-end was already planned for quite some time. By TPTB. With the full knowledge of RDM.
Let's suppose Mr. McNutt was so deeply engrossed in his work as not to notice all the people who must have congratulated C on set. I mean, I know who our (spinster) colleague from Accounting is currently banging and that guy is (mercifully) not among our staff (I totally wish them well, btw). Maybe because nobody congratulated C on that fakegagement? Also, you know them well enough to confidently say 'they are not an item', but don't know she was not married at the time and state an enormity with the same confidence? What in the name of the hoo-ha did I just read, here?
'I was always in such amazement of that.' In amazement of exactly what, Mr. McNutt? Surely not a woman holding hands or keeping warm with her gay co-star on set, huh? I mean, I need the best American English dictionary, here:
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Again: what the heck did this man see? What comments did he hear? Surely, 'amazement' is a very precise choice of wording, with particularly enlightening synonyms:
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Hence the need to end the demonstration with a deflection: 'They would just have fun.' You know, there is no such thing as a virgin whore, Mr. McNutt: you either are in such astonishment or you think your pals, good old S and C, such a funny girl, were having, well... 'fun', what else? You can't logically have both in the same paragraph!
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And there we go: 'a very collegial atmosphere on set'. The answer is pure fool's gold, if you ask me: 'Nobody goes to sit in a trailer or says they aren’t showing up that day. '
And I laughed. And I laughed. And I laughed. I really don't know what this man is talking about. I never heard McTavish telling S to get out of that trailer ('nephew'). I never read the 'two very loved-up birdies' in a trailer a-rockin' Anons. I never watched that 2015 Anglophile SDCC interview, when S mentioned listening in their shared trailer to Erasure's Oh, l'Amour and C immediately reacted ('oh, did you just admit to that?'). But unlike me, McNutt must have been legally bound by a big cojones Non-Disclosure Agreement and morally bound by loyalty towards RDM, his friend, boss and benefactor.
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This. All of the above. This is the real reason for all the bullshit you've just read: explaining a real, shocking love story by socially progressive regulations, allowing the cast to be 'much more happy'. I would laugh some more, if this was not sinister and cruel, in fact.
It is Love. A deep, strong one. But the seeds of the adverse narrative were planted early and deep, forcing even decent people like this guy to lie and smear himself a bit in the process. What we see and hear now are but better worded and more refined consequences of that fateful January 2016 morning in LA. And since I am allowed the dubious luxury only a healthy distance in time allows, let me remind you a simple, fun fact about this interview who stated they were never an item:
About ten months after McNutt uttered these words, the fandom was hit by the Covfefe Pics.
I rest my case.
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jamiesfootball · 2 months
some flowers for u when u need them <3
You told me to get back here and fix it. So here is a small scene from a sequel to last week's prompt for "Did it ever occur to you that maybe we don’t want to see you get hurt?”
Jamie shifted to block his path.
“Look, don't worry about me and the grouchy dick, alright? I just wanted to say sorry for before. At the hospital.” The distance on Sam's face softened into something Jamie could reach. Yet all his teammate said was, “That isn't necessary.” “No, see, 'cause it is. I mean, I don’t really remember what I did to set you off. Mostly I just remember some yelling. But if you can remind me what it was, I want to apologise for it proper- take accountability and make amends and all that, you know?” Because before he could apologise, he needed to know what he'd done. Knowing what you were apologising for was a big part of taking accountability, Jamie knew that now. The part where he'd gone and gotten his head rattled by a midfielder with anger issues didn’t excuse his actions, and it didn't make it any less his fault. Whatever he’d done to drive Sam — Sam — to yell at him, it couldn’t’ve been good. Still, he didn’t know what he could’ve done that was so bad that just the mention of it had Sam’s face turning spoiled sick. With a hand pressed to his chest, the lad looked seconds away from fainting, the grip on his water bottle so tight it might burst at any moment. Before Jamie could ask how high a debt he’d be paying off for the rest of his life, Sam shook his head and said, “No. Jamie, no. No, that is not-“ Whatever it wasn’t apparently wasn’t worth mentioning, because Sam chewed through the distance between them in two large steps. His body barely had a chance to startle backwards before Sam had him in his grasp.
He cradled Jamie against his chest. Lean, capable arms wrapped tightly around his shoulder and lower back, avoiding the sore spots the doctors had pointed out like they were real injuries instead of short term inconveniences. Sam breathed in deeply, a long inhale followed by a welcomed exhale, and Jamie found his own breathing struggling to match the pace. He let his head drop onto Sam's shoulder; since he couldn’t have painkillers around the house right now, the headache was killing him. “I worry sometimes that we are speaking two languages,” Sam admitted quietly against his ear. “That if I am not careful, I will accidentally do something to harm you. “Nah,” Jamie argued. “I’m tough. Not much you could do to hurt me.” Sam hummed, a rumbly little noise that rattled into Jamie’s chest, clearing away the cobwebs. “Let me cook for you. Come over to my place tonight.”
Some things were just too good to last.
“Can’t." Jamie said, starting to pull away even though regret tugged between his ribs. “Roy said we could start training again, and I've got stuff I need to get ready. 'Sides, I’m not supposed to -“
Sam held him fast.
"Jamie, please," Sam begged. "Training can wait one more day. In the meantime, I would like to cook for my friend. Please. Come over. Let us fix things. He should say no. He had responsibilities, things he'd committed to that should feel more important than jumping at the chance to skive off and play tea party with his friends. But he was so so tired, and any excuse not to spend another minute at home was a fucking life raft, and Sam-
Sam looked so bloody hopeful. “Yeah, alright," Jamie agreed, allowing the life raft to drift him a little further offshore. "D’you want me to bring anything?” Sam squeezed his shoulders. “Thank you. And no, that isn't necessary. Do not worry- I will stick to your nutrition plan. Only if Coach asks, we will tell him that all the food was fried.” Jamie grinned. It didn't even feel like a chore this time. "Sound."
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tradetobest · 4 months
dee's january 2024 fic recs
ok so. i thought i'd do a fic rec list every month this year of just my favourite fics that got bookmarked in the month (not necessarily written in the past month) that had just passed... i was a bit busy for the past few days but FINALLY i got the chance to sit down so!!
(if you want to play fic roulette here's some blind links otherwise!! enjoy under the cut
1 2 3 4 5 6)
3:30 by sevenfists
pairing: sidney crosby/evgeni malkin rating: E words: 11k summary: Napping with Sid would be inconvenient, embarrassing, and more than a little gay, and maybe Zhenya was a little gay, but he didn’t need to advertise it.
i LOVE "oh this thing we do together has become a routine now we Have to do it before games" fics and you should too!! this one is So cute i love it....
waiting for confessions of love by catchingpapermoons
pairing: jamie drysdale/trevor zegras/mason mctavish rating: M words: 41k summary: “I’ll be so real with you, man,” Trevor says, pulling back. “I had no fucking idea you liked dudes.”
one thing about me is that i am an absolute sucker for miscommunication and will love it at all costs and this fic DELIVERS!!!! and so well!!
high into the blue by idday
pairing: jack eichel/connor mcdavid rating: T words: 10k summary: Lieutenant John Eichel of the United States Navy – Boston to his squadron and Jack to the people who matter – is reckless and cocky and too smug for his own damn good. But even Connor has to admit that the boy can goddamn fly. (Captain Connor McDavid, Royal Canadian Air Force, is by the book in the worst way, conservative and careful and liable to get himself killed out there. Jack shouldn’t be impressed by him. He really shouldn’t.)
when i tell you i SCREAMED when i got the notif for this fic and then immediately went and watched top gun.,.... if you know me you know anything idday puts out i literally eat up like mceichel is the only thing that will ever sustain me ever again and this was NO exception,,,, always a pleasure to be able to experience an idday fic is what i say
play your heart out by ribena
pairing: leon draisaitl/connor mcdavid rating: M words: 4k summary: Connor loses his heart. Leon finds it for the both of them.
oughh./.. ouhhh.... what even to say.... clutches my heart (lol)...... beautiful..... i literally screamed cried went through it..... please read like literally begs you
nobody wins afraid of losing by adelphenium
pairing: tyler bertuzzi/dylan larkin rating: E words: 12k summary: It’s been almost a year since the first trade. It’s been just a few weeks since they last saw each other, facing off on the ice here in Toronto. In all the months since the Boston run, Tyler’s done nothing but read Dylan’s texts from the notifications bar like a sad and filthy sack of shit, too weak not to feel a thrill whenever a Saw that goal, what a beauty berts or a Hope you’re sleeping ok came through. Or: Tyler and Dylan during the 2024 bye week.
"hey you bookmarked this one on december 31st" IM PUTTING IT IN JANUARY!!!!! PLEASE READ THIS FIC!!!!! not only did jamie adelphenium write it but its just. it has shaped the way i view tyler bertuzzi and sparked a love for mr hockey butt himself..... what a good fic yall please read
reserve your ardors by wrightsworth
pairing: jamie benn/tyler seguin rating: E words: 9k summary: Jamie was in over his head. He had been out of his depth for months if he was being honest, ever since he picked Seggy up from the airport that first time in the humid Dallas air and his Omega genes decided to make themselves known, and loudly.
it wouldnt be me without some good old bennguin and RAHH pining and omegaverse and unrequited-requited and miscommunication like what else could you want in a fic its so good
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samynnad102687 · 3 months
Caught in the act (SFW)
March 14 Prompt: Caught in the act. | 1213 words | SFW version
James just came home from work and he was exhausted. It had been a hectic day and he just wanted to relax. Regulus would still be at work for another hour when he walked in the house and Sirius had texted him to let him know that he had plans with Remus that evening and he didn't know how long he was going to be. Sirius and Remus had just hit their year mark last month and had been talking about moving in together, but they hadn't really made any headway on that front. And don't get him wrong, James liked living with his best friend and his boyfriend but it did make things difficult when James and Regulus wanted to be alone.
James took a quick shower to clean off the grime from his work day and changed into some comfy joggers and the red jumper that Regulus bought him for his birthday. When he went to the kitchen to grab a drink and something small to eat, Regulus was already sitting at the kitchen table.
"Oh, hey, baby. I wasn't expecting you home yet," James replied when he saw him sitting there.
"Why? Did you have somebody else in your bed that I should know about?" Regulus teased as he took a sip of his coffee and pushed James' mug towards him.
"Of course, not. You know you're the only one for me," James laughed lightly as his smile grew on his face.
"Am I?"
"I- Of course, you are. What would make you think any differently?" James was concerned now.
"I'm just teasing, Jamie. I know there's nobody else in the house," Regulus laughed lightly and James took a deep breath. "What do you want for dinner?"
"I don't know. What do you want?"
They ordered a pizza and some chicken wings from the new pizza shop down the road. It was delivered quick enough and they settled in on the couch to eat. Regulus had also gotten out the wine before he turned on the telly and started to flip through the channels. After he found nothing that he wanted to watch Regulus turned the telly off and turned towards James. And James knew that look like the back of his own hand.
James was nervous. He didn't want to make Sirius upset but he also didn't want to upset Regulus. His boyfriend had been begging him to do it for the last week and James' resolve was cracking. He didn't know how much longer he would be able to hold out before he inevitably caved to Regulus' begging.
"Please?" Regulus asked again for the third time in the last ten minutes.
"What if he catches us? I really don't want to be in the dog house with your brother... again. Once was enough," James whined.
"He won't know, besides Sirius isn't supposed to be home until at least later tonight, based on what Remus told me the other day. We have the whole house to ourselves."
"When did you talk to Remus?"
"Last week. He said he had a date planned for them. Something big I'm thinking, if the smile he failed to hide was anything to go by. I'm pretty sure we are safe for a while."
"I don't know, Reg. Every time I even think about doing something that could hurt him, he always seems to know. I don't know how but he does." James was fidgeting with his ring.
"I'll make it worth your while, Jamie," Regulus replied with a tone dripping in honey as he sat up on his knees on the end of the couch and ran his hand gently down James' chest making him shiver.
"Oh. Oh, that's not fair."
James threw his head back onto the back of the couch and groaned. He knew if he looked into Regulus' deep grey eyes when he was like this then he was going to crack within a second. James could already feel the fissures forming. It wouldn't take long and Regulus knew that, based on the smile he had when James chanced a glance at his boyfriend. Regulus was crawling over James' legs and dropping all of his weight down onto his lap. James closed his eyes.
"You know you want to," Regulus whispered into his ear as he ran his lips along the shell of it.
"You're going to be the death of me, love," James groaned, refusing to open his eyes.
He knew what would be there when he did. Regulus would have his best pouty face with the puppy dog eyes that James could never say no to. It was an evil tactic and it worked every single time. James took a deep breath before he slowly tipped his head back down and opened his eyes to find exactly what he thought he would.
"If we get caught," James started slowly, "I won't hesitate to blame you."
"Oh, I know," Regulus beamed as he got off of his lap and gave James his signature smirk before he walked back to the kitchen.
They didn't even make it ten minutes before the door was slammed open and Sirius let out a shriek that could be heard in every room in the house and probably outside as well. James groaned as he ran his hand down his face, knocking his glasses askew. He looked at Regulus, who was now sitting with a scowl and his arms crossed over his chest. As soon as James looked over at Sirius, he started his tirade.
"James?! How could you? And with my brother of all people." Sirius was flailing his arms all over the place.
James thought about actually blaming Regulus like he said he would but he didn't have the heart to.
"It's not what it looks like," James tried after a few moments of contemplation on what to say.
"Really? Let me guess, he just happened to crawl into your lap and you couldn't help it. Is that what you were going to say?"
"James, don't you even confirm that you fell victim to my baby brother... again."
James didn't say anything and he could see that Regulus was trying not to laugh beside him.
"I'm waiting," Sirius said firmly as he tapped his finger on his now-crossed arms.
"Do you want me to lie to you?" James asked after a minute as he tried to hold back the smile that was threatening to appear.
"I can't believe you. You said it wouldn't happen again."
"I know that but he is very convincing," James tried to defend himself but Sirius just glared at him and he looked at Regulus for help.
"Will you fucking calm down, Sirius?" Regulus grumbled. "It's not like we can't restart it from the beginning."
"That's not the point, Reggie." Sirius sunk into the chair opposite them. "We were supposed to watch it together."
"Yeah, well. You weren't home and I wanted to watch it." Regulus shrugged his shoulders in nonchalance.
Sirius gaped at him and James groaned again before he picked up the remote and started the next episode of Peaky Blinders over again. Regulus curled into James and Sirius grumbled something about them being traitors but got comfortable in the chair anyway.
Also posted on Ao3: Tempting Choices
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yahargulian · 1 year
6, 8, 13 (drop the music recs!!!), 29, 39 (begging you to tell the people about the blast furnace. if you want!!), 43, 57
ahem i would also like to take this chance to announce that kim is an AMAZING writer (and an amazing person full stop) and everyone should keep your eyes peeled for their fics in the future because whoooy boy their current serennedy wips and ideas are SOOOO GOOD and i’m not even really in the fandom??? but i live for every snippet i’m sent???
hehe please enjoy 💓💓
AAAAA Jamie holy shit.. Bestie you're gonna make me blush aaaa 👉👈
Whenever I do actually get these fics finished and published, everyone go thank Jamie for all his hype and support and for being my fandom screaming buddy adkjhga AND ALSO if you happen to watch a funky little show called KinnPorsche you should go read their fics like! Right the fuck now! And also keep an eye out for new ones in the future because I have also seen snippets of Jamie's wips and ideas and WOWIE is that fandom in for a treat or two. Or several hehe
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"Unpleasant didn’t quite cut it." Which is from the same extract I answered with here, and is the last line I've written from any of my wips at the moment... But, I'm also gonna give you the last line I've written from the other fic I'm currently working on. As a treat! "Krauser had changed right there beside Leon, and he had never even noticed." I really am just making Leon go through it in two very different ways at the moment ahdgjkhag
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
"And maybe it had fulfilled the purpose for which it was designed, no longer held a practical use to him. But, as he breathed in, he felt its weight soft against his chest. And for a moment he couldn't exhale. A soft warmth bled in his chest; from his lungs, from his heart, from the weight of metal over both. Held. Like a promise. "No," he breathed, finally. Then, surely, "no, nothing." Not all purposes were practical, after all."
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I do! But I'm really really awkward about it aghkdgjdakg it depends on the vibe really! Usually music with lyrics distracts me (my brain starts focusing on the lyrics oops) so unless I'm listening to a specific song or songs on loop, I usually listen to video game soundtracks There are some scenes and stuff that call for a specific kind of vibe - or just silence as a last resort if I can't find anything to listen to - but lately I've been listening to boss battle music, of all things. This playlist, to be exact This is my hype music! My 'Getting Shit Done' playlist. I used to listen to a lot of this while doing uni assignments, and have been known to listen to it to do even mundane shit. Like laundry
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
People have told me before that my fics have made them cry, and like. Nothing makes me happier honestly. Again with the emotion think, is anything I've written has ever made someone feel something it's the best thing that could possibly happen. So the fact that something I've written has apparently made people feel something so much that they've cried? Hell yeah I'm proud of that!!
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip?
Okay no you're right, the blast furnace fic is pretty self indulgent so I will mention it. Basically, Leon and Luis fuck in the blast furnace, right after the fight against the two Gigantes. And this came about because I realised that this would be one of the best times for them to kiss in the main plot (literally like in an action movie) and also that nobody had written them fucking in the blast furnace yet? And once I realised that I realised how obvious it was to get them to fuck in there - and now here I am. So it's very self indulgent because I wanna see it ahdjkahkjgd but also now that I've started it I'm on a mission to make it as visceral an experience as possible! It's gonna be fucking great I'm really excited for it Honestly tho, most if not all of what I write or try to write is self-indulgent in some way. Hell, the key fic I'm working on is super self-indulgent just because it's basically me working through all my feelings about this damn lab key! And what it means and symbolises and what if what if what if. Everything I write is written because I wanna see it and explore it and experience it! It's all self-indulgence babey!
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Answered here but long story short, yes! But hopefully I'll get to them soon hehe I also looked over the 4,000 word pollen wip again after typing my reply to this question and. Yeah. I've definitely gotta finish that one someday my god I forgot how strong the brainworms had got when I started that one ahdgjkahgkd
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Foreshadowing maybe, tho I'm not sure how much I'd say I'm conscious of it rather than.. Because I know where I'm going I try to build up to that. So I guess that would be a yes? Ahsdjhjgkj In terms of symbolism, maybe not as much as I should be? The aforementioned key fic is possibly an exception here because, well. It's literally about the fucking lab key. It's about the symbolism. But generally I'm not conscious about including it - and now this is making me wonder if I do? And if I do, how the fuck and when? Someone please tell me, Jamie please tell me aghdjdahgds
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itsays · 2 years
my gmmtv 2023 review
the interest - now why are we giving pretty privilege boy roles out of his range. AGAIN. be so serious rn. you know who would’ve slayed this role? apo. might watch though ngl lol
beauty newbie - i was like totally sold on it until win came on screen lol it is funny though that he is playing eunwoo’s role... you know... the pretty privilege boys together
our skyy 2 - it’s giving kpop boy group and that’s not a compliment. also there is no way these couples are popular? earthmix ohmnanon and firstkaoh sure i believe you but the rest? somebody call nugupromoter. no offense to joong. 
midnight museum - finally real fucking television. finally gun being cast with a fellow ACTOR. i win. like im so excited ARE YOU DUMB!!!!
the jungle - this doesnt have subs PISSING ME OFF. they need to stop trying to sell us krist as a casanova be so serious rn. the male cast is mostly but not entirely bad... while the female cast is excellent i fear so yes i think i will watch this...
dangerous romance - i dont know what that trailer was supposed to be lol i’ll wait for it to come out to decide ... it doesnt look... good? um... but i guess
faceless love - i do not like dew. sorry to him but in association to bw i do not like him. i was surprised to see peach here? let out a scream when i saw kao. my baby kao being paired up with the enemy i could cry.... you know im watching this be so fucking serious. i see this is based off a jdrama... that i didnt like lol but whatever
only friends - this looks soooooooooo messy. drama of the year idk
loneliness society - there’s A LOT of remakes this year... i kinda wanna watch this but i also kinda dont wanna watch anything with joss in it so idk
last twilight - YOU WILL NEVER BE LAST TWILIGHT IN PHUKER YOU WILL NEVER BE TEH AND OH-AEW YOU WILL NEVER BE BKPP GIVE UP. this sounds like a really interesting concept gmmtv does not have the range for.... but... i might give one or two episodes a chance because again. interesting concept.
wednesday club - the absolute happiness i got when i saw jane here bro she didnt post ANYTHING about this i thought she had no projects i was losing it... MESSY MESSY MESSY YOU KNOW I WILL BE TUNING IN BE SO FUCKING SERIOUS RN ANOTHER CONTENDER FOR DRAMA OF THE YEAR excited for ohm jane and joon together SLAY!
cooking crush - give this ship up to god i BEG gun is way too good for this when will he get something on his level. i would watch for gun honestly. but it doesnt even look GOOD
phro thoe khue rak raek - this does not have an english name. does that mean it’s a lakorn? i dont really like those... i also dont like that prim (it girl btw) is being paired with dew and this is not my vendetta against him i SWEAR it’s because he looks so much older than her even though i googled it and it’s 4 years but idk she’s still a kid
23.5 - well im obviously watching this be so serious rn lol they really threw some bl there out of nowhere i was so confused like alskfjaksjfalk CAN WE LEAVE WOMEN ALONE? PLEASE? anyways this looks so cute uwu 
hidden agenda - i REALLY like joong and i wish all of the projects gmmtv give him didnt SUCK like lmao i am so upset give him something good i beg of you. and if you must use him as fanservice at least AT THE VERY LEAST give him a partner that is up to his caliber. couldnt they just pair joong with jamie IDK! remember my post where i said men get everything handed to them with lead roles for their debut and girls have to work in the background for years to be promoted to support actresses?
double savage - terrible name but i saw ohm with a gun so slay. i didnt understand this trailer at all to be honest but i think i might watch? looks very different from what they usually do so that’s interesting
find yourself - you had me at older woman younger man i fear alskfjakjfa ONE OF MY FAVORITE TROPES AND GUILTY PLEASURES... IF YOU WILL and honestly i was upset because to me it looked like the male lead was 25 and the female lead was like 30 so i was like BOO TOMATO TOMATO they arent even committing but then i googled them and turns out he’s 26 and she’s 42 WOAH that’s a lot. well anyways i most likely will watch this. ok so the characters... 23 and 38... oh that’s bad. just turn off your brains girlies
a boss and a babe - it doesnt look BAD but it doesnt look... good....
enigma - i was REALLY into this until i saw win.... that man does not have the range for this.... also.... is that like... a teacher student relationship.... um.......... i HOPE im the one misunderstanding because that would ruin an otherwise really promising drama?
two videos are hidden and i dont know what they are?... one is definitely cherry magic but what’s the other one and why arent they there? anyways i gotta SAYYYYY i am very curious to see that trailer alskfjaskfjakl
overall thoughts:
i think (at least from this trailers) gmmtv dramas are starting to look better visually which is crazy. but i wonder if they simply used this level of quality because it’s just like. trailers and not the real thing. i hope not because it looks a lot better like this
i dont know if im in the wrong here but i am growing progressively angrier and honestly resentful of bls. the way they are favored the way we get quantity over quality the way they overshadow everything the way they inevitably result in women being thrown to the back and neglected. im starting to think a mass extinction needs to happen. boycotting it isnt enough i need them gone.
you gotta give it to them, they DID stray away from what they usually do in terms of genres and stories...
gmmtv is actually fun when you ignore the bl and focus on the rest i always say this!
i dont think i saw gawin ONCE.... 
no way they’re promoting gawin and krist as a couple😭
i didnt see kapook :( like... she got no projects but i know she was there meaning she’s back to background character :(((
i couldnt help but notice milklove outdid literally half of the bl couples in interactions on twitter and i smile.
honestly. after comparing this year’s review to the last two I HAVE TO SAY. this is MILES better than anything they’ve done before...
i swear to god gmmtv had so many female rookies and i say NONE of them other than prim? although she’s barely even a rookie atp... but the other girls where are they? i swear to god there were at least 5..... nowhere to be seen here
i feel like they are giving prim main girl treatment and that is very pleasing to me bc she is a STAR easily the best actress gmmtv has currently (from the younger side at least)
oh and i forgot. what a wasted opportunity not to have tor and kao together. en fin la hipotenusa.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 3
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Bucky tried for several hours to try and get you to open the door. You ignored him, not wanting to see him because you were so angry with him. He promised he would change and make more time for you, and then he leaves you in the middle of sex for her! Dot is his priority, as far as you’re concerned. You roll your eyes as you think about the “trauma” she had. You know she is using their past to manipulate him, and he is being stupid and letting her. Well now he must face the consequences for his actions. 
You stare up at the ceiling of your old room as you again, for the millionth time, hear the knock and pleads of your boyfriend from the other side of the door. “Please, baby. Open up. I’ll let you scream at me, you can even hit me. I know I deserve it. Just let me see you, please,” he begs.
God this is getting pathetic, you thought. You sigh and figure it’s time to give him an earful and some food for thought. You walk over to the door and unlock it, before opening it to reveal Bucky looking disheveled. He still has no shirt on, just his sweats from last night.
“What could you possibly want me to say to you, Bucky? You obviously made your choice in this. You are allowing Dot to manipulate you to keep you away from me. She wants you back, and it’s completely obvious. You say you want to prioritize me, but you prioritized her! I’ve tried to be calm and understanding to what she is going though, but enough is enough!” you yell, causing Bucky to flinch.
He opens his mouth to speak but you continue, “Ever since she found out that we are dating, she has made it her sole mission to separate us. Do you even care that your actions are killing me? Do you even care that I have cried myself to sleep so many times at night that I forgot how to fall asleep without crying? Do you even care that you are shattering my heart with your actions?!” you yell as tears fall down your face.
Bucky now has tears falling as well as he takes in your words. He didn’t realize just how bad he had made the situation. He needed to fix this. He couldn’t lose you. You were the best thing that has ever happened to him, and he can’t believe that has been so stupid. He walks up and wraps his arms around you, allowing you to cry in his chest. He buries his face in your neck and cries also.
You don’t know how long you have been standing in your doorway crying, but after some time you pull away. Bucky looks at you with sad eyes, “Tell me it’s not too late for me to fix this. I-I don’t want to lose you,” he says in a raspy voice.
You sigh and look down, “I think I need some time to think about things. You need to figure out where your priorities lie. I’ll stay in here for a bit until I’m ready and then we can talk, okay?” you ask.
It breaks your heart to see the distraught nature of Bucky’s face at your words, but you need him to understand how his actions have made you feel. He nods and quickly pulls you into a hug and then slots his lips on yours in a heated kiss. When you pull away he looks you dead in the eyes, “I’m going to make this right. I am going to show you that you, and you alone are what I want and need. That you are my top priority. I promise,” he says.
As he turns and walks away, you can’t help but say, “Don’t make promises you might not be able to keep.”
Bucky stops and looks at you sadly. He really messed up. He finally turns away and walks back to your shared room, that he will now live in alone. When he closes the door he slides down to the ground and openly sobs. How could he be so stupid. How could he not see what was happening. Now he might lose the love of his life because of his past. 
Dot is sitting in her room, feeling rather victorious. She overheard your argument with Bucky, and knows that now that you are separating yourself from Bucky, she will have a better chance to win him back. She sighs at the thought of having her love back with her. She was surprised that he didn’t take her back immediately, as she was his first love. Yes, ok so it was like 80 years ago, but I mean the fact that they were both together after all this time, must be fate.
Suddenly her door opens and shows the man she has been thinking about. Dot looks up and smiles, “Hey Jamie! What’s wrong?” she asks, deciding to pretend she is innocent and knows nothing. Always worked with guys. So easy.
“We need to talk, now,” Bucky says, anger evident in his voice. 
Dot’s smile disappears. She figured he would be upset, but not angry, and not at her. “What’s going on?” she asks with a furrow of her brow.
“This is over, Dot. Whatever you are trying to do, it’s done. I know you are dealing with a lot, but you need to start figuring it out for yourself. I am done putting you before Y/N,” he says.
Dot can’t help but roll your eyes. “Oh is she upset with you again Jamie? I mean I understand being slightly threatened by our past, but she obviously doesn’t trust you. If she can’t trust you, then she isn’t good enough for you. Maybe it’s time for you to cut your loses and return to me,” Dot said.
“She has every reason to be upset! I’ve neglected her! I just want to know... are those panic attacks that you have even real,” he asks.
Dot feigns being offended, “How dare you! Of course they are! Look at all I have gone through! I volunteer for something back in the 40′s and wake up in 2020′s. There is a lot of thoughts and feelings I feel and I don’t know how to process them! Is she saying I am lying?”
“I am saying you are lying. You always seem fine when we are together, but the moment I go to my girlfriend you start freaking out. You are trying to keep me away from her,” Bucky says, his voice raising.
“I feel comfortable with you, Jamie! I love you! Of course I feel better when you are near! It’s not my fault you tried to move on! But tell me this, if you don’t love me like you did, and you love her, why then did you constantly leave your girl for me? You obviously are still in love with me! So dump the girl and let’s be together!” Dot yelled.
“You’re crazy! Seriously you are delusional! You use me being a good friend and a gentleman against me to separate me from the woman that I truly love. Well it stops now! You need to get your ass in gear because it will take me nothing to turn you out of the compound to fend for yourself. If Steve and I can make it work, so can you. And your trauma is nothing compared to what we have gone through. So get yourself together and figure your life out. I am done playing these games with you!” Bucky says before leaving Dot’s room.
Dot sat there stunned at the last outburst. If Bucky thinks that she will go down without a fight to the death for him, then he doesn’t know her at all. Dot always gets what Dot wants. No matter the cost.
Bucky knocked on Natasha’s door, trying to calm himself down from his conversation with Dot. Nat opened the door and immediately tried to close it, “Nat please! I need your help,” Bucky begged.
She rolled her eyes and allowed him in. He sat there and told her everything about what happened last night, and this morning with Y/N and Dot. Natasha smacked him upside the head at least 4 times for being dumb. When he was done explaining everything he looked sadly at Natasha, “So will you help me? I have a plan that will allow Y/N the time she asked to think, while also showing her that she is my priority. She is the love of my life. Please?” Bucky begged.
Nat knew how much you and Bucky loved each other. She knew how happy you both were, so she agreed to help. Bucky laid out the plan to Nat and they both agreed to set it in motion. Bucky felt better already. He told off Dot, got your best friend to help him, and now all he needed was to win you back. He hoped he wasn’t too late.
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
Dot is trouble! What plans does he have up her sleeve? Will the reader forgive Bucky? Does he deserve it? 🤷🏻‍♀️Feedback is appreciated!
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scorpiwrites · 3 years
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐽𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑂𝐶
Part 1 | Part 2
Desc : OC as James’ ex. She wrote a parting letter before she went on the horcrux mission with Regulus.
Warning : some languages.
To Jamie P(iss off Potter),
Hey, uhh idk how to do this shit ANYWAYS let’s get on with it.
Okay uh shit this is so messy
Hi, I don’t know if you’re going to read this but... let’s just hope you do because there’s an important piece of something along these lines of goodbyes and I hope that you’ll get it and.... I don’t know.. make it a useful information (?) so that me and Reg’s sacrifice wouldn’t go to waste.
Oh... yeah.. kinda spoil the secrets a bit, yeah? I’ll get to that later. I think first order of importance should be the apology.
I’m sorry, James. I truly am. I’m sorry it didn’t work out between us, sorry that maybe our relationship caused some rift between you and Siri, sorry for lots of things I can’t even name. I don’t know exactly what happened, or when did your feelings change, I just hope that you forgive me for that it may be my fault that caused us to part,
That caused you to seek after Lily instead of me, your own witch.
Salazar help me I’m still petty about it Oh Merlin. I was hurt James, It hurts so much. But apparently Sirius said that it was my fault. So-
Second order of business, casual fuck you note. Regulus is currently making a similar one for Tommy the dark lord, oh Merlin I should probably check on that. OH DID YOU KNOW Tommy is actually a bloddy halfblood. Huh, hypocrisy at its finest, yeah?
Fuck you James Potter. You had no right to break my fucking heart like that. I explicitly trusted you and put my heart into your hand, and you, you fucking dunderhead ugh Sev’s vocab is pissing me off but you are a dunderhead had the fucking audacity to play with it. Fucking toerag. I hope you choke on yr fucking breakfast reading this shit.
( P.s sorry for the explicit languages, It’s the only chance that I get to say it to you anyways )
Right, so let’s get to it then, yeah? After we broke up, I started to spent my passing times in the back of the library, alongside of a surprisingly nice Regulus bloody Black. Yeah, Guess this is where it all begun. One night, he crawled towards our room there, completely bloodied and bruised. I was frantic, then I decided to levitate him to the RoR( seventh floor, across the painting of Barnabas the barmy) and that was the night where I knew where I’d stand in this war. That was when me and Regulus decided to tip the scale for the better.
We know that Sev is also a spy for the order but we don’t really trust him so it’s just both of us
Long story short, TDL ( the dark lord is too bloody long) borrowed Kreacher from Regulus on new year’s eve and when he came back he was shaking and vomited over and over again and begged not to push him to drink again. Regulus was worried and pushed some answers out of him, and what we found out.... is extremely disturbing.
He took Kreacher to a cave, forced him to drink some kind of poison inside a basin and then after the basin opened, he put some kind of locket under the basin.
James, the locket had an S engraving. It was Slytherin’s locket.
So... naturally me and Reg decided to make a plan to steal the damn thing. We had some theories of what it is, but Reg is very adamant that TDL made the locket his horcrux.
That being said, this is a parting letter, Potter. I have no idea where this mission is going to take us. No idea how it’s going to end, but one thing that I do know is that the outcome is not going to be good. Sorry for a terribly written letter, you probably deserves more than this, but I’m shaking too much and couldn’t stop crying.
Farewell, James. I hope you find what you are looking for in life.
P.s I still love you
P. P. S please tell my parents that I love them, even though they burnt me off of the tapestry for being sorted into a little serpent.
P. P. P. S tell Lupin that I love him, tell Black that he’s a little shit, tell Peter to find a good shag.
P. P. P. P. S there's a mole in the order, Reggie said something about a rat of some sort, I think he's barking mad for wanting me to tell you but ok I guess
P. P. P. P. P. S what does the P’s even stands for? Huh.
P. P. P. P. P. P. S tell ur mum n dad hi from Scorpi, I miss them terribly. I ALSO MISSED MIPSY’S COOKIES :(
Lots of love and hope,
Scorpeia R. Prewett
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grayintogreen · 2 years
🎵 cree? (Lol yes i am expecting a mixtape 👀😂)
Most of my Cree playlist is either Lucien-related (gurl...) or OUADYA specific, but I realized I have several songs from musicals on it, so THEME TIME. It is also very shippy because UNFORTUNATELY half of what we know of Cree canonically is tied up in Lucien.
The showtune-only Cree Deeproots mixtape!
1. My Man- Barbra Streisand It's cost me a lot/But there's one thing that I've got/It's my man/Cold and wet, tired you bet/But all that I soon forget/With my man.
We begin with the anthem to a woman fully committed to the Wrong Person and not giving a single fuck about it. Really.
2. Maybe I Like It This Way- Julia Murney If I could change/ If I could grow/ I'd ask for nothing more/ And through that door I'd go/ But if I'm through/ Why do I stay?/ Maybe he wants me/ Maybe he needs me/ Maybe he loves me/ Maybe I like it this way.
This operates as a counterpoint to "My Man" and is definitively my Cree song. That asshole puts her through a lot and she carried it all the way to the end, justifying it out of duty, love, and devotion and a lot of promises that he probably didn't intend to keep.
3. You Love Who You Love- Laura Osnes Oh, you love who you love/ Common sense may say it's wrong/ There's a part of him you know is wild/ Maybe that's what made you love him all along
I would be remiss not to include a song from the Bonnie and Clyde musical.
4. In All My Dreams I Drown- Jessica Lowndes and Terrance Zdunich The sky it flashed, heave ho, heave ho/ His pillow toed to the brink/The curtains ran between my legs as we began to sink/I closed my eyes, heave ho, heave ho/As the ship was rent and fell/Eddies in the water headed to the mouth of Hell/"Hush now, hush love, here's your gown"/ "There's the bed, lantern's down"/"I'm begging you please wake me up/In all my dreams I...."
Poor, poor Cree. She didn't have a chance against Lucien's ambitions.
5. Still Hurting- Sherie Rene Scott Jamie is over, and where can I turn?/Covered with scars, I did nothing to earn/Maybe there's somewhere a lesson to learn/But that wouldn't change the fact/That wouldn't speed the time/Once the foundation's cracked/ And I'm still hurting
I could have picked any of Kathy's songs from The Last Five Years for Cree, but this one is my favorite. While the song is about a break-up, I like the idea of it representing Cree both after Lucien's death and after the Tombtakers were felled and he kept chasing his own ambitions. He'll always care about something more than her and she'll always be hurting.
6. The Long Grift- Lena Hall Of all the riches you've surveyed/ and all that you can lift/I'm just another dollar that you made/ in your long, long grift.
I love this song so much that I wrote a fic based off of it. This is my "Cree in Cognouza, delivering the crests" song, realizing how dire her situation truly is and deciding it's ultimately too late to choose better.
7. I Know the Truth- Sherie Rene Scott How did I come to this?/How did I slip and fall?/How did I throw half a lifetime away/Without any thought at all?/This should have been my time/It's over, it never began/I closed my eyes to so much for so long/and I no longer can
Another "Cree has doubts" song. I like to think of this as her big ballad after the Tombtakers are killed and Lucien is more concerned with his games and ambitions than the death of their friends. (I have so many "Cree fucking DOUBTS" songs)
8. Nothing Good- Lea Salonga Keep it locked up, keep it sealed tight/Shut it down and turn away/Hope you've stocked up, it's a long night/Nothing good is meant to stay/Sometimes the ones we love the most/Have the worst things to hide/Sometimes the monsters turn out to bе those/ Who stood there by your side
Ohhh a song about hopeless bitterness, love gone sour, and closing yourself off. This is actually one of THE Creedemption songs. But it also works for Cree's Last Stand. Nothing good can stay and Lucien has gone too far to stop, so why not let the Somnovem win?
9. [BONUS TRACK] Dead Girl Walking (Reprise)- Barrett Wilbert Weed I wanted someone strong who could protect me/I let his anger fester and infect me/His solution is a lie/No one here deserves to die/Except for me and the monster I created
This one is a bonus track since it's not based on anything that ever happened in canon, but COULD HAVE. Cree deserves to get to talk Lucien down off his ledge and come to the realization that he fucked with her head, even if it wouldn't have worked.
Want a mixtape or a song for a character/ship? MEME TIME.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
baby it’s cold outside. katsuki bakugo x reader) christmas headcanons🎄
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ೃ pairing: (katsuki bakugo x reader)
ೃ requested by @swankiifiied​: “hi! could i get some holiday fluff hcs w/ bakugo please?” (your wish is my command! :D hope you enjoy bub!)
ೃ  warnings: cursing (courtesy of Bakugo)
ೃ genre: fluff overload!!! ♡
ೃ    my ongoing bakugo x reader smau (please do give it a read if you have time!) my writing masterlist (if you want to see more from me! c:
)ೃ  i know i’m a day late for christmas and i’m really sorry aaa hope you guys still enjoy nonetheless ♡ tysm for 500 followers!!! it really means a lot to me and i can never thank any one enough for all the support and love.
ೃ song inspo: baby it’s cold outside (cover by Jamie and Gaho)
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✧ MATCHING CHRISTMAS SWEATERSSSS!!! You would be probing and forcing Bakugo to wear this cute couple sweater set you saw in the Mall for you guys to wear for Christmas Dinner with your family. However, Katsuki will 100% disagree with your idea before you can even finish your sentence. 
  "No way in hell am I wearing some shitty and itchy fleece sweater with you." 
  You eventually got your way though. But, instead, you had to make a deal with your explosive boyfriend that he would be the one to choose the designs imprinted on your sweaters.
  Although it was a "risky deal" at least you still get to be cute and lovey dovey with him. 
  He ended up choosing some rather unique designs. His sweater was colored black with white skulls in Santa hats printed and plastered in every part of the garment. It was very Bakugo and it looked really really hot good on him. 
  Yours on the other hand, was the exact opposite of his (although the designs are a couple set) with it's lavender color, Rainbows and cute little white bunnies wearing Santa hats sprinkled everywhere... It was very girly and cutesy. 
 He's teasing you relentlessly because of how childish your sweater looks, and you snap back at him by saying that he was the one who chose this in the first place and you tease him back by saying "As long as I get to match my outfit with you I wouldn't want it any other way." 
  This catches him off guard as he blushes furiously from your quip.
  It also didn’t help that Bakugo thought you looked really hot cute in your sweater too and how it complimented your figure. Making him even more tsundere than usual. 
 As soon as he arrives at your Christmas eve dinner, your younger cousins/siblings quickly crowded around him. Showering him with compliments, asking him to showcase his quirk, asking him if he could play with them, what training to become a  pro hero is like, and what is life like studying in UA. 
You try to tell your cousins/siblings to pipe down and give your boyfriend  some space but they continue to circle around Katsuki. Pretending not to hear you.  
There was no way out of this and at the same time, Katsuki wanted to impress your family in his own little way so he pompously asks the children to follow him out to the backyard. 
You follow suit to see the mayhem and to see a heartwarming scene unfold. Not until your cool wine aunt pulls you over to tell you that you scored a good one and he looks like a keeper. You couldn’t help but smile as you quickly head out to the yard. 
You continue to admire the scene of seeing Katsuki interact rather kindly and gently to your younger cousins/siblings. It was an unusual sight. 
“Katsuki-nii-san!! Come back for New Year’s and use your quirk to light up our fireworks and new year crackers pretty please!!!”
Especially coming from Katsuki Bakugo. As he was very quick-tempered.
Your cheeky little cousin brought out a mistletoe from her bag and waved it in front of you and Katsuki. She couldn’t hold the mistletoe under the two of you because of how small she was, but she was still pushing the two of you to kiss at the presence of the small plant. 
You and Katsuki catch each other’s gaze, and stop to look at each other for a moment waiting for one another to make a move. He looks away, his mouth forming into a pout, trying his best to avoid eye contact with you so it doesn’t look too obvious that he was blushing.
He certainly wasn’t going to make the first move so you approach him dutifully at the behest of the peering eyes of your younger cousins/siblings and tiptoe to peck him on the cheek. 
The kids all simultaneously squealed in excitement. They jump for joy and began to sing in unison a song they made up on the spot: 
“(Y/N)-nee-san and Bakugo-nii-san under a mistletoe! K.I.S.S.I.N.G.!!!”
Once all the splendor had died down, and all your relatives went home, Katsuki had decided to stay for the night with the permission of your parents as you would be visiting the Bakugo’s in the morning too and the two of you could just go together. 
Your family goes up to their respective rooms to rest, leaving you and Bakugo downstairs in the kitchen to clean up a few other things. This was the perfect moment for the two of you to finally have quality time with each other specially after an entire night of socializing.
“Hey (Y/N)... Do you want some hot cocoa?” He says begrudgingly, scratching the back of his neck.
You were screaming internally. This is the first time he’s ever offered to cook/make something like this. (As the only time you’ve seen him cook up to this point was the curry incident during forest training camp.) “Yes please!!!”
You watch him make magic in your kitchen, as he carefully pours milk into both of your cups then proceeds to whisk cocoa powder and sugar, then finally, he heats both of the mugs up. 
While he continues to create what looks like the tastiest hot chocolate you have ever seen, you suddenly remembered a joke that has been in your mind since the start of December. 
“Katsuki-kun... I have a joke. A Christmas joke at that.”
“Don’t even fucking try.”
“Come onnnnn just hear me outttt.” You look at him with your most cutest puppy eyes and signature smile.
“Fine. Do your worst.”
“Okay so... what is the most attractive drink?”
“Forget what I said. Don’t you dare continue your shitty—”
“A hot chocolate.”
“(Y/N) that is the worst fucking joke I’ve ever heard in my entire life. If you think of one again, then your corny ass is never going to have a taste of this hot cocoa ever again.” He says seriously, piercing you with his death stare as he hands over the mug. 
“Ahahahah fine. This will be the last time. I promise.” You laugh sheepishly, taking a sip of the hot cocoa and immediately feel a rush of sweetness and exquisite taste from just one sip alone. “Katsuki-kun! This tastes amazing!! This is the best hot chocolate I’ve had in my entire life.”
“Of course it’s going to taste good. I made it.”  He ruffles your hair, his lips curving into a smile because of your reaction to his cooking. 
You grab his hand and take him to the living room. The fireplace still lit up, with a classic Christmas movie (Love Actually) playing on the TV, and a comfy and soft blanket sprawled upon the couch. Perfect for the two of you to wrap around yourselves and a perfect chance to cuddle with him. 
You sit down on the couch, then Katsuki sitting down beside you shortly after as he swaddles the blanket around the two of you. 
You scoot closer to him to the point that you could feel each other’s body heat as the two of you began to snuggle. 
It was rather an awkward position as Katsuki had no idea where to hold you and this was all pretty much still new for the both of you. You give him a comforting smile and a supportive nod. 
You hear him grunt quietly as he props himself up from the couch.  You adjust to his new position too and this time, you were lying on his chest. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close.  It was soft and warm. You could feel his strong trained muscles and a faint scent of his cologne. 
“Thank you for tonight. For getting along with my family and for spending time with me like this. I really appreciate it.” You snuggle even closer to him, whispering softly. 
“Yea yea.” He says in a slight tone of annoyance, trying to brush you off. “Anything for you. And besides, I enjoyed seeing your cousins/siblings stare in awe because of my quirk anyway.” He adds, this time in a sincere and affectionate tone as he plays with your hair again.
The two of you begin to drift off into sleep, the two of you bathed in each other’s warmth in a cold Christmas night and life has never been better. 
- Fin.
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ssa-babygirl · 3 years
Out of my League [Part 7]
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Single mom!Reader
Word count: 2.5k (i know it’s so short i split it up again so part 8 will be out quicker)
Summary: Months later, you finally get a call after midnight from Spencer and he seems… off.
Warning(s): Angst, mentions of grief and death, swearing, allusions to schizophrenia, mentions of sex/smut, partially unedited cuz grammarly’s a lil BITCH but it’s ok i’m good at grammar
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
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(not my gif)
10 Weeks Later
(Reader POV)
It was a little after midnight when you were jolted awake by your phone buzzing next to you. You just nearly rolled over and ignored it, but you were already up. You reached across your empty bed to your nightstand and turned your phone over, the bright screen burning your eyes. Squinting, you tried to read the name displayed across the top: ‘Doctor Spencer.’ 
You sat upright in bed immediately and answered, “Spence?”
His voice was a bit frantic, “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
“No, I was up,” you lied, “What’s wrong?”
“How soon can you get here?”
You were already climbing out of bed and looking for your keys by the time he asked. He never called you that late unless something was wrong, “I’ll be right over.”
And that’s how you ended up driving through the almost deserted streets at top speed, racing to see the man who you hadn’t heard from in almost three months, the man who kissed you and then kicked you out, the man who needed you at nearly one in the morning.
The man you loved.
You didn’t drag your feet getting out of the car. You went straight up to Spencer’s floor and went to knock on the door before it swung open. Spencer was waiting for you. He only met your eyes briefly before turning away and walking back into his apartment, leaving the door ajar for you to enter.
“Spence—” you started before he cut you off.
“Am I crazy?”
The question caught you off guard, “What are you talking about?”
His fingers ran across the scars on his forearms, trying not to scratch, “Am I?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Answer me.”
“No, tell me what’s wrong here. It’s been months, I don’t even get so much as a text, I have to hear about how you are from JJ, and now you’re calling me over to your place at one in the morning, begging me to tell you you’re not crazy. What’s going on?”
“Emily’s alive.”
You hear the words from a million miles away behind walls and walls blocking the sound from your ears. You can’t move. Your voice feels like shouting, but sounds like a whimper, “What?”
“I can’t tell if it’s all a dream, or I made it up, or something, I don’t know, just please, tell me I’m not crazy.”
“Don’t. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m just some kid. It’s the same exact look you gave me when I told you about Alexa! I hated it then and I hate it now, so just… stop.”
You struggled to find words after his sudden outburst, all you could manage was “How—”
“She’s been hiding in Paris. Call her if you don’t believe me.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Spencer was already dialing a number into his phone and handing it to you.
“Hello?” A groggy voice came from the speaker. It wasn’t Emily’s.
“Sorry to wake you up, JJ—”
“Y/N? What are you doing on Spencer’s phone?”
“Long story.” You chewed your lip for a moment, “Actually, no, it isn’t. What’s this about Emily?”
Dead air crackled through the phone.
“He told you?”
“Of course he did, he can’t sleep over it.” You avoided looking at him.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I couldn’t tell anyone, you have to understand that.”
“I do. I just wish it hadn’t come to that.”
“Me too,” her voice was smaller than it was before, shrunken not by sleep but by guilt, “Wanna talk to her?”
“Is she there?”
“Yeah, she’s staying with Will and I until she finds a new place.”
“Well I don’t wanna bother her if she’s sleeping.”
“You think she’s sleeping?”
You almost laugh. Almost.
Before you can say anything else you hear a voice that you never thought you’d hear again, “Hey.”
The sound brought tears to your eyes as you were finally able to bring your gaze back to Spencer, “Oh my god…”
“Surprise!” You could hear the guilt bleeding through into Emily’s voice like she was scared you’d be angry with her, like any of this was her fault.
“Yeah. It freaked me out too.” Yep. It was really her alright.
“How… I was at your funeral, Emily.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t—”
“Don’t. Don’t apologize. You’re…” you fought back a sob, “you’re back now. That’s what matters now, okay?”
“I’ll take it.”
“And we have brunch plans soon, understand me? We have months to make up for.”
She laughed, god, did you miss her laugh, “It’s a date. Give my love to Jamie.”
“Of course. Bye, love you.” You weren’t missing your chance to say that to her again.
You lowered the phone from your ear and nearly dropped it from your loose grip.
“Am I crazy?” Spencer asked for what felt like the hundreth time.
“No.” You crossed the room and placed the phone onto the table beside him, “She’s alive.”
“Did she ever really leave? I mean this whole thing just feels so ridiculous it can’t be—”
“Do you trust me?”
His silence stung.
“Well do you?” you croaked.
“Yes! Of course I trust you, Y/N, you haven’t been lying to me!”
It was absolutely not the right time, but it’s not like timing had ever been your strong suit, “Actually I have, Spencer.”
“There’s something I haven’t told you.”
“What? Is everything okay?”
“You seriously don’t know?”
“Y/N stop fucking with me what the hell are you talking about?” He rarely cursed with you, and his expression softened once he noticed your shock at his language.
“You’re either a shitty profiler or I really should have pursued acting—”
His jaw clenched once more, “Damn it, Y/N, what is it—”
You practically lunge yourself at him, pulling him down to your level by his collar and smashing your lips to his. His hands were quick to land on the small of your back, arms looping around your waist and pressing you close to his body as your hands danced from his collar to the nape of his neck, carding through the hair on the back of his head, the tears on both of your cheeks mingling, the past ten weeks of missing each other poured out into that kiss.
You weren’t the one to pull away this time. He guided his hands back down to your hips and pried himself away from your body, “Woah, wait, wait…” he mumbled against your lips as he tried to break the kiss. 
When his shining brown eyes met yours, he looked at you like it was the first time he ever saw you. He held your face like you were a precious thing made of glass.
“Is this real?” Was all he could muster. The hoarse whimper cut through to your heart and summoned a new wave of tears to your eyes. 
“This is real, I’m real,” you gestured between the two of you, “This is real.”
“You actually want this?”
You nod, breaking out into an earnest grin.
“Please say it.”
“I want this. I want you, Spencer.”
You just barely get the words out before his lips are on yours again. The kiss was brief before he broke it again, pressing his forehead to yours and just holding you close, taking heaving breaths and trying to memorize how you felt in his arms.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
“You’ve done it before.”
“I meant for real. You deserved better than…” He tried to shake the memory from his head, “Y/N, I—”
“Me too,” you rushed out, desperate for him to know already.
“Please let me say it, I’ve been waiting the last eighteen years.”
You let out a breathy laugh, “Okay, go.”
“I love you.” He sighed, peppering kisses against your smiling cheeks as he whispered, “I love you so much,” Kiss, “I have loved you ever since you helped me up off the locker room floor and I don’t think there’s been a minute since then that I had ever stopped loving you.”
“I love you too, Spencer.” You couldn’t help but giggle as his little kisses migrated from your cheek to your neck. You’d never loved anyone like this before, and you were glad it was him. You tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck and brought his lips back to yours. It was slow and sweet and gentle, so different from the previous kisses that were filled with the last few years of longing for each other’s touch.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Everything. The past few months. I should have just talked to you, but I was convinced you hated me and I didn’t know what to—”
“Spencer. It’s okay. Just,” you fixed the collar of his pajama top, “talk to me now. No more dancing around things. If we have something to say, we say it. Deal?”
“Deal,” he sighed and kissed your forehead, “I love you so much.”
          (Spencer POV)
The next few weeks felt almost exactly the same. Our dynamic didn’t change much after that. The only differences were the occasional dinner dates and the consistent ‘I love you’s. And the kissing. That was all new. We were still navigating that part about a month later when I attempted to make us dinner and ended up ordering Chinese takeout and watching Doctor Who reruns on my couch. I forget how exactly she ended up on my lap, but I wasn’t thinking about the chain of events when I had more pressing matters on my mind.
My hands were in her hair, hers on my chest. How I was still breathing, I had no clue. Not an inkling of where I got the confidence to move my hands to her waist. For one of the few times in my life, there was not a single thought in my mind because my fingertips brushed over the bare skin between the hem of her shirt and the waistband of her jeans. The sigh she let out against my lips did nothing to bring me back to reality, I was still a million miles away in my own little world where this was happening and it wasn’t freaking me out.
My hands involuntarily drifted upwards, meeting the underwire of her bra, which was another reality check I completely missed out on. I was nearly convinced that it was all a dream when she pulled away.
“Hey, can we stop for a sec?”
This definitely was not part of my dream.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“Yeah! Uh, fine, it’s just...” Her eyes wandered around the room as if looking for an excuse.
I lifted her off my lap and placed her next to me back on the couch, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” She stayed silent, “Is it something I did?”
“No! No, no, no, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You can tell me anything,” I tried to give her space, but still laced my fingers with hers. 
“I know! I just…” She trailed off and avoided eye contact, eyes fixed on our hands in her lap, “I haven’t done anything like this is a while.”
I couldn’t stop the sigh of relief, “Alright, is that it?”
“Yeah, can we just��� take things a little slow? I don’t wanna seem like a tease—” She rushed the words out, almost like she thought I’d be upset with her. 
“Hey, you don’t have to worry about that, okay? I love you, we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
Her shoulders relaxed, “Okay, thank you.”
“You don’t have to answer this, but how long has it been since you… did that?” She covered her face out of embarrassment, bashfully grinning a little bit, “Seriously, don’t answer if you don’t w—”
“No, it’s fine, just… don’t laugh, okay?”
“I’m not gonna laugh. Promise.”
She bit her lip and spoke so softly I almost couldn’t hear her, “Since I left Kyle.”
Well, I definitely didn’t laugh. The guilt bloomed in my chest almost as quick as the genuine shock that flashed across my face, “Sorry, I—”
“No, I get it! It’s a lot!”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but how?”
She giggled at the absolute bewilderment on my face, “Well I didn’t really have a lot of time for dating when Jamie was little, I was working two jobs, so I didn’t take my friends up on their offers to set me up. And when I moved out here, I just didn’t know anyone.”
“But you’ve lived here for years now, you didn’t go on any dates at all?”
“Well, by the time I had friends here…” She finally met my eyes after far too long, “I didn’t want anyone else.”
I didn’t realize—
She didn’t want anyone else.
She wanted me.
After years of trying to feel what I felt for her with people I hardly knew, I find out she only wanted me. She didn’t go on dates like me, she didn’t hook up with strangers like I did. For the first time ever, I’m with someone I’ve had more sex than.
The first emotion I felt at that moment was guilt. I never thought she’d want to be with me, let alone wait for me, but she did and I was the asshole that slept around. But it’s not like I knew how she felt. I was in love with a woman I thought I’d never get, so why wouldn’t I try to get over her? It’s not like it worked anyway. If anything, it made me feel worse. No one I slept with made me feel as much as I did when Y/N smiled at me.
The next thing I felt at that moment was extreme pressure. She’s been waiting years for me. What if I don’t live up to her expectations? What if I disappoint her? Would that be so bad she loses feelings for me?
The next emotion at that moment was embarrassment. That was ridiculous. If sex mattered that much to her, I highly doubt she would’ve gone back to Kyle so many times.
The last emotion I felt before I kissed her was relief. The last guy she was with was Kyle. As if his name isn’t enough of an indicator that he was sub-par in bed, Penelope let it slip that Y/N had confessed to faking it with him during a night of drinking.
The kiss was short and sweet. I was the one that pulled away, not wanting to start things back up if she wasn’t comfortable with it. She just smiled and said, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Did you wanna stop doing that?” I asked in reference to what we were doing before. She laughed and shook her head, “Are you sure? ‘Cuz I can just make us some tea and—” Her lips were on mine again.
It didn’t matter to me how much longer I had to wait for her. She was mine.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 8
Word Count: 4,412
POV: Jamie
Warnings: Language, Angst
Recap: Things were going well for our high school sweethearts, that was until a backyard BBQ party. Our reader heard Caitlyn and Sara talking about her relationship with Jamie, and what she heard didn’t sit well. Let’s see if everything will be ruined or not?
Notes: So here we are the final chapter (though there will be an epilogue). Thank you guys so much for being patient with me on this one. I fully expet that this will not get any notes or reblogs but I seriously don’t care. I know that some of you really wanted to see how this story ended and I wanted to give you that. I loved this story from the start and I wasn’t just not going to end it. For those of you that are upset that I wrote this, please refrain from coming in my inbox at me, I’ve worked over 30 hours in 2 days and don’t need your hate this week. (Also if there are typos that’s why, my proofing suffered) At any rate, I hope those of you that do read it enjoy watching the pieces all fall together. As always Happy Reading!!! 
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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"Hey Segs, have you seen (Y/N)?"
 Tyler cocked his head back before answering you. "Really? You're not attached to her side?" You didn't feel the need to respond and instead just gave him a death glare. Tyler just clasped your shoulder and drew you close to him. "Come on Chubbs, I'm just teasing, but you haven't let her out of your sight all night. It's kind of cute." You wanted to argue, but you might have kept her in your line of vision since the moment she got here, except when she was off with Jessi. Which is who you should be looking for since that's who (Y/N) had last been talking to.
 You tried to move out of Tyler's grasp to do just that, but the man continued on. "I mean it, man. I haven't seen you like this before. I'm really happy for you."
 "Thanks, Seggy." Most of your teammates felt the same way. They liked (Y/N), but then what was not to like. She was smart, funny, outgoing, and beautiful, and on top of that, she was a brilliant and talented doctor. Damn, you were lucky that she had given you another chance. There was no way you were going to screw this one up.
 "There she is," Tyler pointed out, bringing you out of your musings. "And there she goes." He added as (Y/N) literally headed out the front door. You were striding towards the door before you even had time to think about it. You tried to calm your racing heart, telling yourself that maybe she'd spilled something on her clothes and that she was going home to change, or that she'd suddenly remembered she'd left the curling iron on. The feeling in the pit of your stomach was saying something different though. Something felt off. It was the way she ran to the front door not making eye contact with a single person and how she shut the door, not a full-out slam, but definitely done with more force than necessary.
 "Hey Jamie, how about we…" you didn't even spare Caitlyn a second glance. You all but shoved her out of the way when she tried to step in front of the door. This time you were the one slamming it shut, letting her know that she was not welcome to follow you.
 "(Y/N)!" you screamed, as she was halfway in the neighbor's yard, yet she didn't turn around. "(Y/N)!" You were in an all-out run now, panic kicking in as she wasn't answering you back. By the time you reached her she was at her door ready to punch in the key code. "(Y/N) didn't you hear me?" You grabbed her upper arm, as you caught your breath.
 "Leave me alone, Jamie."
 It was at that moment that you were able to turn her to face you. Tears were rolling down her face. "Jesus, what's wrong?" You tried to hold her close to your chest, comfort her, but she wasn't having any of it, as she pulled free of your hold on her.
 "What's wrong?" She shouted indignantly. "What's wrong, is that I never want to see you again."
 Her words felt like a slap to your face, and you flinched back as if she had actually struck you. "I…I…," now was not the time to become tongue-tied. "What did I do? Tell me and I'll make it right. I swear it." You went to touch her, but she jumped back out of your reach, shrugging you off. You couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening again. You wouldn't let it happen. "Talk to me (Y/N)."
 Arms crossed she stood there defiantly, her whole demeanor changing. Gone was the weeping woman from moments ago, as she seemed to turn her whole wrath on you. "I'm sick and tired of it, Jamie. Am I just some sort of game to you? Is that all I am? All I ever was?"
 "What are you talking about? Of course, you're not some game." Surely, she had to see how much she meant to you and how much none of this made sense at the moment. "If you'll just tell me what happened…"
 "Like you don't know. Your little playing dumb game isn't going to work this time." She shoved your chest hard, causing you to stumble back. "Now get off my property." (Y/N) took advantage of the moment, opening the door and whisking away inside. She was just about to slam it shut, and lock you out more than likely, when you pushed the heel of your hand hard against the door, stopping her. "I said leave me alone."
 You ignored her protests, shoving your way inside. "It's not going to work this time. I'm not leaving. I don't care if it takes days or weeks but I'm not giving up on us this time."
 A bitter scoff left her lips as she crossed the entryway and headed deeper into her home. You stalked her every move, following her to the kitchen. "You can drop the act you know. Now that I know everything there's no need to pretend."
 "I'm not pretending. I don't even know what the fuck we're talking about so how could I be." You could see the anger bubbling up inside her. What or who had made her question your feelings for her was beyond you, but one way or another you were going to get to the bottom of this. "Just tell me what happened?" You pleaded yet again. "Or I'll go back over to that house and question every damn person until I find out the truth."
 "The truth?" she laughingly mocked. "That's rich considering you've been lying to me."
 "What the hell have I lied about?" Your brain was working overtime going through every word that you'd said to her since bumping into her on the road that day. Sure, you'd maneuvered your way into being her guide around the arena but could you really consider that a lie? Then there was Jordie and Jessi's party, you'd used it to your advantage to see her again; it was a slight deception but harmless. You didn't think either of those things would cause her to be this angry with you. "Ok, so I begged Jordie to invite you to his house because I had to see you again (Y/N). I just wanted a chance to be with you again. I didn't think you'd be this upset about it."
 "You what?" You could see her processing your words, and it registered then that that wasn't the lie she spoke of. What else could it be? "So, Jordie and Jessi are in on it too? I thought she was my friend."
 You knew she spoke of her developing friendship with Jess and you didn't want her questioning that. "They only did it because they know how much I cared about you. How much I still do. How much I love you." You'd held back the words the past two days, knowing that she wasn't ready to hear them just yet. Now there was no reason. She needed to know how you felt. That your feelings for her had never gone away, not even one day in fourteen years.
 "Those words fall so easily off your lips. Do you even know what love is?" She spat the allegation at you and it stung like a thousand bees all descending on you at once.
 "How can you say that?" You walked closer to her, and she turned away. "I loved you all those years ago, just as I do now. I never stopped. Maybe back then I was stupid to realize how much our love meant to me, but I'm not young and naïve anymore. I know you're the only one for me and if you would just look at me right now, you would see that I'm telling you the truth." Gently, you touched her shoulder urging her to turn. She did. Her eyes raising to meet yours, both shining with tears and you prayed to God she would see the love you had for her there. "I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will."
 She sucked in a breath at your admission and you knew that somehow, someway deep down she saw the love you had for her. "I…I…" She pivoted then on her heel, walking away, catching herself on the kitchen island as she took deep gulps of air.
 Carefully, as if you were approaching a timid animal, for in essence (Y/N) was just as fragile, you made your way to her. You placed your hands on her shoulders, not asking her to turn to you, but needing to touch her and comfort her in any way you could. "It's ok if you don't love me. I can wait. I'll wait as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere."
 She bowed her head and you could hear her sniffle. It took everything in you to not gather her up in your arms, but you knew she'd only reject that right now. "I don't understand how you can say those things," she finally whispered. "I know you don't want me here."
 "Don't want you here? Who told you that?" She shrugged and this time you twirled her to face you. "Whoever told you that, lied. I would die without you here." The laugh she gave was hollow and you knew she didn't believe you. "I'm serious (Y/N). You live two houses from me and it's too far. I want to be with you every minute of every hour of the day."
 "But they said you were trying to get me fired."
 Your eyes grew round like saucers and now you were the one that had anger coursing through your veins. Who would say such a thing? Who would want to destroy your happiness like this? Though none of it mattered at the moment. The only thing that did was the woman in front of you. "(Y/N), I don't want you fired. That's the last thing I want. If I could I'd have you at every practice and every game; home and away." With a tilt of her chin, you raised her head up to look you in the eye once more. "You are a brilliant doctor and the Stars are lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you." It was the first time since this all started that her lips turned up in a slight smile, before quickly going to a look of confusion.
 "But they said you went and talked to the owner about getting rid of me."
 You laughed. Probably not the best thing to do at the moment considering the scowl that crossed (Y/N)'s face. "The truth is, I did go talk to Tom, but not about getting you fired. I went to see if it was possible for you to come on the road with us as well." She shook her head in disbelief. "I told you (Y/N), I don't want to be without you. I'll call him right now and he can tell you that himself." You reached into your pocket to grab your phone to do just that, though she clasped your wrist to stop you.
 "No, it's ok Jame. I believe you." Silently you thanked God for this small favor. Maybe if she believed you about this, she would know you were telling the truth about everything else. (Y/N) started to pace around the kitchen, her mind working overtime again. "I know it was fourteen years ago, Jame, but it feels like it's happening all over again."
 It did feel that way. "So, let's not let history repeat itself. Let's work this out (Y/N)." She stopped in tracks, then gave a small nod.
 "Maybe we should start at the beginning." She gave her agreement, but you clarified. "I think we need to go back fourteen years."
 "You think that will change anything?"
 You shrugged, not knowing if it would or not, but you thought it best that the two of you get everything out in the open. "Yes, no…I don't know. It's worth a try." It would hurt opening up old wounds but maybe talking about them would finally give her a chance to heal and in turn, give you both a chance at happiness.
 You blew out a frustrated breath before starting. "I know it was wrong to talk about what happened between us with Jordie. I should've just kept it between us."
 (Y/N) closed her eyes and you could see the pain of what had happened written all over her face. "What did you say to him?"
 "Nothing like what was going around the school; I swear it." You could see she didn't believe you. Given what was said, you could see why. "Look all I told Jamie was that it was the most amazing night of my life and…" you started to blush at reveling this next part. "And I thanked him for the couple of tips he gave me." There was a smirk on her face at your admission and you could see that she wanted to ask what they were but she also knew now was not the time to get into it. "I didn't realize that Connor was in the locker room and overheard everything."
 "Conner Barnhart? You mean Alyssa's brother?"
 "Yeah," It was still hard to believe that (Y/N)'s brother, Justin, had married Alyssa for you remembered how much of a menace she'd been to not only (Y/N) but yourself. Alyssa had tried, on more than one occasion, after you and (Y/N) broke up, to go out with you, though you'd refused her at every turn.
 "So, let me get this straight. You told Connor that you only dated me because I was easy? Did you think that would keep him quiet or something?"
 "I never said that, to him or anyone."
 "But then…who did?" You'd like to know the answer to that as well.
 "I'm not sure. I threw Connor up against the lockers and threatened to beat the shit out of him if he told anyone. Which is how I ended up suspended for the next three days." You can still remember how pissed your parents had been when they found out.
 "I thought you were sick?"
 You ran your hands through your hair as you remembered the look of disappointment on your parent's faces when they were called to the principal's office. "That's what we told everyone. The principal agreed not to have it on my formal record so that it didn't hurt my chances to get into college. At the time I thought I'd be playing hockey at some university and having a black mark on my transcript might hurt those chances. So, they agreed to keep me out of school for three days. Hence, my mom not letting me talk to you when you called." It had been the longest three days of your life back then. If you only knew back then that those three days would lead to fourteen years without (Y/N), you would've done things differently. "I wrote it all in that letter to you."
 "But I ripped it up and threw it away." You nodded. It had been that moment that you knew you had no hope of getting back together with her and had given up. "So, let me get this straight. The only thing Connor ever knew was that we had sex."
 "And that it was amazing." It probably didn't need to be said, but you were trying to get on her good side after rehashing all these old memories.
 "It was," she admitted and you wanted to add that it still was, but again the timing seemed off. "He had to have made up the rest, but why would he do that?"
 "I'm wondering that myself. He didn't have anything to gain that's for sure. Though I couldn't follow through with my threat after being suspended." Though you wanted to, more than anything. If the little shithead had played hockey, instead of soccer you would've checked him so hard into the boards, that he wouldn't be playing for a least a week. It would've been worth the five-minute penalty.
 "Someone obviously wanted to break us up, just the same as tonight."
 "(Y/N), Who said I wanted you fired and all the rest of that shit?"
 It was her turn to blush this time, though, for the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. "I overheard someone say it."
 You could care less about her eavesdropping, that didn't matter. "Who said it?"
 "Caitlyn and Sara." Red hot anger coursed through you, at the thought of these two girls making up lies to tear you and (Y/N) apart. The scary thing was it had almost worked. You wanted to march back over there only to throw them out of your house, but you could deal with them later. Right now, the only woman that mattered was the one in front of you, who looked as though she was ashamed to have believed them in the first place. "I'm sorry Jamie. I should've never believed a word they said. I was just too blind to see that they were lying."
 This time when you took her in your arms she came easily. It felt so good to just hold her again. "It's ok," you told her in a soft soothing voice while you dropped a kiss on her head. "Given our past, I can see why you were skeptical. I just hope that you can trust me going forward."
 She looked up into your eyes. "I do Jamie. I trust you. I should've trusted you fourteen years ago. I was stupid to think that you would say all those things after what we had shared that night. It's my fault we weren't together all this time."
 "You weren't stupid. I should've been more aware of where I was and waited to talk to Jordie at home in private. I'm just as much to blame for what happened. I just don't understand why people want to break us apart when we're meant to be together." You leaned down and dropped a kiss to her lips. It was soft and tender, reminiscent of all those years ago when you'd first kissed her. You wanted to kiss her like this every day from now until the end of time but she pulled back from it, too quick for your liking.
 "I think I know who started those rumors back in high school."
 "I need to make a call to see if I'm right." She searched her pockets then the house, looking you assumed for her cell phone. "Shit, I left it in your bedroom."
 You took her hand and started for the door. "Let's go."
 "No, wait. Everyone is still there and I probably look a mess, just give me five minutes to freshen up." She headed for the stairs and you followed.
 "I'm not letting you out of my sight." She laughed, the sound one of the best things you'd ever heard.
 It took a little longer than the five minutes she'd anticipated as you showered her with kisses every so often, but soon you were headed across the lawn and back to your house. When you saw both Sara and Caitlyn as you walked through the front door, you stopped. It took every ounce of willpower in your body to not say anything to them. Instead, you clasped (Y/N)'s hand and spun her body into yours, before stealing her breath away in a searing kiss. You heard a few cheers from your teammates as you kissed her passionately, and you were pretty sure you heard Caitlyn stomp her feet before slamming your front door shut. Good riddance.
 Once you were tucked away in your bedroom, the party still going on downstairs, (Y/N) grabbed her phone to make the call she spoke about. "Hey Justin," she said to her brother. "Is Alyssa there?" He must have replied yes then went off to find her. It was then that (Y/N) put the call on speaker.
 "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"
 "This might sound stupid, Alyssa, but I have to ask you something. Please be honest with me."
 "Back in high school did you start that rumor about Jamie only sleeping with me because I was easy?" You started to put the pieces together as you waited for Alyssa to answer.
 There was a long pause on the other end before she said anything. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I was young and stupid…and…god can you ever forgive me?"
 You looked at (Y/N), who looked back at you. It would be her call to forgive her sister-in-law, not yours. "What's done is done," (Y/N) finally told her. "We can't change it, but why did you do it?"
 "I…I wanted Jamie." You had already figured that part out and you were pretty sure (Y/N) had as well. "So, when Connor told me what he overheard in the locker room, I started the rumor. I thought if I could break you two up, that he'd want to date me. Obviously, that backfired. I'm just so sorry I hurt you both in the process."
 "We all make dumb mistakes Alyssa. I just wish you would've told me sooner."
 "I know. I should've said something back then or at least when I got together with Justin, but I didn't want you to hate me. Say you don't hate me, please." You could tell Alyssa was crying in the background. She was going to have a lot of explaining to do to Justin as well.
 "I don't hate you." (Y/N) told her. Part of you wanted to hate Alyssa for destroying what you had with (Y/N), but then it was so long ago and what you had now with her was so much better. "But I can't forgive you right now either. It's going to take time."
 "I understand," Alyssa sobbed into the phone. "For what it's worth I am truly sorry."
 "I know, and thank you for telling me the truth now. We'll talk soon." With that (Y/N) hung up the phone.
 "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," you offered by way of apology for everything that she'd gone through tonight.
 "Oh Jame," she said, grabbing your hands in hers in the process. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologizing to you. I should've known that you wouldn't have said those things about me then or even now. Instead, I doubted us." She took both your hands in hers, then looked you straight in the eye. "Can you ever forgive me?"
 "There's nothing to forgive. I told you before, I'm as much to blame. It's in the past and I'd rather concentrate on our future." Taking your joined hands, you brought hers to your lips and tenderly kissed them, hoping and praying that she wanted a future with you as well.
 "I'd like that too, Jame." Cupping her face, you brought her lips to yours. Downstairs, the party continued on as you could hear music and people chattering in the background, yet ensconced here in your bedroom, it felt as though you were the only two that existed in this world. You weren't sure how long the two of you stayed like that, mouths just fused together, loving one another.
 "We should probably go back down," you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting, though you couldn't resist kissing her one more time.
 “We should probably go back down,” you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting. Taking her hand, you entwined your fingers with her then headed to the door. (Y/N) stopped though and tugged you back towards her.
 “Before we go down there, there’s just one more thing I have to say.” You took a deep breath, still half afraid that she was going to run and never come back this time. “You said something earlier, that I can’t get out of my head.” You tried to replay the events of the last hour over in your head but so many things were said you couldn’t be sure what she was referring to, and so you furrowed your brow in question. “You said you never stopped loving me.” It was true. If someone would’ve said that to you years ago, you would’ve laughed at them and shrugged off their comments, but the moment (Y/N) walked back into your life, you knew that she was your first and only love. You went to tell her that but she continued. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I never stopped loving you either.” A grin that would stretch across the Grand Canyon took over your face and your arms wrapped around her waist to pull her close. “I pushed so many others out of my life and I’m only realizing now, that it’s because they weren’t you. I tried to close off my heart to you when I ran into that first day in Dallas, but you managed to burst through and not give up on us, and I’m so thankful you didn’t. I know I said before that I wanted to try to give us a shot, but there’s no one else in this world for me. I love you with my whole heart and soul, Jamie Benn.”
 Your heart was pounding so hard, you thought it would beat right out of its chest, but then that would be fine because you knew that (Y/N) would be right there to catch it. “I love you too (Y/N), with all that I am and so much more.” Your mouth came down on hers and though you’d kissed a thousand times before, this was one special. It spoke not only of love but of pain, of sorrow but joy, of all things that had been and all that would come tomorrow, for your future was here with her and there was no place else that you’d rather be.  
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hockeyisit · 3 years
Maybe a really bad fight between Auston and Amelia one where maybe Amelia is worried he is hanging with other girls or something..... but ends super fluffy 🥺
Hiii so I got two different requests about Auston and Amelia fighting which was this one and then.
         Their first big fight
It was hard to write about the two fighting because I don't see them as the type of couple to really really argue so it was very hard to write. I also rewrote it like twenty times. Hopefully, you like it! Enjoy.
Word Count: 2,429
Unedited  I sat tensely in the passenger seat as I looked out the window. Auston sat next to me quietly fuming as he focused on the road in front of him. We had been at the bar with some friends from the team and were now on our way back to Auston’s apartment. I reached forward to turn the music up slightly to get rid of the awkward silence but Auston was quick to turn it off after I turned it up. I scoffed, turning back to the window.
“Are you going to take me home?” I asked as I stared out the window. He ignored me as he kept driving in the direction of his place so I’ll take that as a no. We continued the drive in silence until we reached his place. I hopped out of the car and followed him up to his apartment where we were immediately greeted by Felix. He pushed past Felix and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.
“Are we going to talk?” I asked him as I shrugged off my coat. He slammed the fridge door shut and Felix and I jumped at the loudness.
“No we're not going to talk,” he said making his way to his bedroom. I stood still in shock for a moment before following after him.
“Auston,” I called as I followed him. He just kept walking until he got to the bathroom and closed the door before I could get in. What the fuck. No.
“Auston!! Open this door right now,” I shouted as I tried to turn the handle only to be met by the sound of the shower turning on. I angrily jiggled the door before looking around for the key I know that's around. Once I finally have it in my hands I unlock the door and shove it open.
Auston turns to look at me in anger before walking towards me. I angrily looked back at him before taking a step forward. It was a pretty big bathroom so we were still pretty far away from one another.
“Can you just get out right now,” he asked the annoyance and anger seeping into his voice.
“No. Not until you talk to me,” I said standing my ground. He groaned turning around before facing me again.
“Amelia. I’m naked,” he said slowly, moving his arms around to prove it. I check him out for a split second before reaching down to unbutton my pants.
“What are you doing?” he asked in confusion for a brief moment before the anger came back.
“I’m getting naked and then we are going to argue. Because you aren't allowed to escape this fight that easily,” I said, going to pull them off. He stared at me in disbelief before the anger came back.
“Fine you want to talk, tell me exactly what made you decide that it was okay to accuse me of wanting anyone else than you,” he spoke angrily taking another step towards me. I tried to hold my ground as I thought back to when we were at the bar.
I leaned into Steph’s side with a small frown on my face as I took in Auston at the bar ordering drinks and talking to three different girls. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't force myself to look away from him and the beautiful girls that he was talking to. I felt my heart squeeze as the girl with blonde hair laughed leaning into Auston and placing her hand on his arm. I felt myself tense up and turn back to Steph. Only to catch a glimpse of a familiar ex-boyfriend sitting at the other side of the bar.
“Want to go dance?” I asked her as I grabbed her arm and started pulling her to the dance floor. Steph followed after me until we reached the middle of the dance floor and the two of us immediately got into the groove.
The two of us danced for a while and were eventually joined by other girls and guys from the team and had a blast. I noticed Auston hadn’t joined yet and turned to the place I had seen him last only to find him sitting in a corner talking to the same blonde from earlier in the night. I rolled my eyes before making my way to the bar.
“Can I get three shots?” I ordered once I had the bartender's attention on me. “Actually four,” I continued. The bartender set them in front of me and I quickly drank one before grabbing the other three and making my way over to Auston and the girl.
“Hello,” I sang as I sat myself into Auston’s lap and setting the shots on the table. They both turned their attention to me before smiling in my direction. I quickly leaned in and gave Auston a deep kiss before pulling away.
“I brought shots,” I said, pushing one to the both of them. The girl looked uncomfortable as she took the two of us. Good.
“Babe we’re not drinking,” he said gently, his hand slipping to my back. I scoffed before drowning all three of them.
“I am,” I said once I was done. He looked at me in disbelief before turning to look back at the girl.
“This is Jamie. Jamie this Amelia,” he introduced the two of us. I sent him a quick frown before reaching my hand out to her.
“His girlfriend,” I confirmed while I shook her hand. She gave me a small smile as she shook my hand. His hand tightened on my waist a little before he let go.
“How do you guys know each other?” I asked, leaning into Auston's chest.
“I’m friends with Willy so we met a while ago,” Jamie answered kindly. I ignored her and turned to face Auston. I pressed a kiss to his cheek and laid my head down.
“Babe why don’t you go order water?” he asked me, tapping my back and shaking me off his leg. I felt my heart stop as I glanced between the two of them before slowly standing up and making my way to the bar. So much for a helpful supportive boyfriend. I glanced around trying to find someone I knew after a moment I gave up and took a seat at the bar. The bartender made his way over to me and set a drink in front of me.
“I didn’t order this,” I told him, moving it away.
“It’s from him,” he said pointing directly at my ex-boyfriend. I felt myself tense up as I nodded along. I watched as he stood up from his seat and made his way over to the one next to me.
“Been a long time baby,” he purred into my ear wrapping his arms around my chair and pulling me in. I immediately tensed up as I groaned in disgust at the smell of his breath before trying to pull myself out of his grip only for him to tighten his arms around me.
“Please let me go,” I quietly begged.
“What was that darling I couldn't hear you,” he said leaning in and pressing a kiss to my neck. I froze as he laid his lips on me scared out of my mind.
“Let go,” I begged again. Only he became more aggressive and I looked around in panic before locking eyes with Willy. He noticed the distress displayed on my face and quickly made his way over to us.
“Excuse me but I would really appreciate it if you'd let go of my girl here,” he spoke up pulling my ex away and helping me off my chair. I quickly scrambled behind him as my ex tried to stand up to Willy.
“She’s a slut man you should just let go of her while you have the chance,” he said to Willy. I felt myself start to shake as I looked around for more help. My eyes caught on Auston who was still in the corner talking to Jamie.
“Just go home before you get kicked out of here,” Willy said, keeping his stance. My ex huffed before deciding that it wasn't worth it and made his way out the door.  
“Are you okay?” Willy asked, turning to me. I nodded my head, not taking my eyes off of Auston.
“Fine,” I said before leaving him there and walking back over to Auston.
“Can we go?” I asked him once I made my way over interrupting the conversation that the two were in the middle of.
“Right now?” he asked, glancing away from Jamie and to me. I nodded my head as I locked my hands in front of me.
“I wasn't ready, can you get a ride from someone?” he asked looking over towards where the group of people we came with were. I felt myself starting to get pissed off. I stared him down before turning to Jamie.
“Not ready to end your night with sluty Jamie?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. Jamie's eyes widened and Auston sat there in shock.
“Amelia!” he shouted standing up and turning to Jamie.
“I’m sorry about that I’ll catch you around,” he said before putting his hand on my back and pushing me towards the exit.
“Auston. You ignored me the whole night,” I said throwing my hands up and pacing back and forth.
“When we got there you ran away to the bar and never even brought me a drink. Then you stood at the bar and talked to Jamie the whole night,” I continued. He took a step closer to me.
“I have never once done anything to make you lose trust in me. I have always been honest to you and you overreacted when you saw us talking. You came up acting nothing like yourself. You were acting jealous Amelia,” he accused me.
“How can I not be jealous?” I shouted at him, taking a step away from him.
“Your Auston Matthews. You're insanely talented and smart and handsome. You could have anyone you want,” I said pointing to him before turning around so I was facing the door.
“Your everything and I’m nothing,” I finished off lamely.
“Amelia, how many times am I going to have to tell you that you're the only one I want,” he sighed reaching out for me. I turned around to face him with tears in my eyes.
“Auston you hurt me tonight. I don’t care that nothing was happening with her. It felt like something was and you weren’t there for me tonight and I needed you,” I said walking towards him and grabbing his hand. He took in a deep breath before giving my hand a slight squeeze.
“Nick was there tonight,” Auston sucked in a sharp breath before locking eyes with my tear-filled ones.
“You didn't say,” he said softly. I gave him a shaky smile.
“When should I have done that? You were with Jamie the whole night,” he gave me a large frown.
“That’s not fair,” he said. I shook my head before pulling my hand out of his hand. I shivered wishing I had my clothes on. I wrapped my hands across my chest before shrugging. Auston walked out of the bathroom leaving me feeling lost and confused before he returned with a blanket wrapped around himself and another in his hands to wrap around me. I gratefully accepted it and held it tightly.
“I would have helped if you had just told me what was going on. Instead you were acting petty and jealous. You know how I feel about you and I would never ever cheat on you and the fact that you think I can and would hurts,” he said frustratingly running his hand through his hair. I nodded my head before shrinking in on myself. Auston leaned against the counter as he waited for me to start talking. I sighed before walking towards him.
“Auston. I’m sorry. I do trust you. I promise I know that you would never cheat on me,” I said softly reaching for his hand. He let me grab his before pulling it up between us.
“Then why were you so upset?” he asked, giving my hand a gentle kiss.
“Nick really did a number on me. I’ve been cheated on so many times in my life and abused and emotionally abused and seeing him brought it all back. It didn't help that your attention was focused on someone else all night. It caused me to react before fully thinking it through. I know that you aren’t him but I needed you tonight when he was calling me a slut and trying to sink his claws back into me. I needed you but you were too busy talking to her to even notice. Willy had to help me,” I ranted to him feeling the anxiety and fear come back before looking back into his eyes.
“Amelia I am sorry that he was there and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you but Jamie is just a friend and you know this. Please don’t be disrespectful to my friends and next time just be honest and tell me what's going on instead of trying to make me guess. I can’t read your mind as much as I want to,” he said, pulling me into a gentle hug. I relaxed into his arms right away and wrapped my arms around him. Our blankets moved to the side as we hugged so our naked bodies pressed together.
“I’m sorry I acted like a jealous bitch,” I mumbled into his ear. He laughed lightly, tightening his grip on me.
“I’m sorry I was an inconsiderate asshole,” he mumbled back before pulling away and looking into my eyes. I stared into his loving and caring eyes before leaning onto my tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss. He kissed me back before pulling away.
“Amelia you never have to worry about me leaving you for someone else because I’m in love with you,” he said with a soft smile on his face. I felt my knees go weak as my heart started beating faster. I leaned forward and pulled him into a deep kiss before pulling back with a look of panic that he must have registered immediately.
“Shower?” he asked, dropping his towel and wiggling his eyebrows at me with a devilish smirk on his face.  I smirked back before dropping mine to the ground.
“Makeup sex?” he laughed loudly before pulling me into a filthy kiss and then pushing me towards the shower.
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maraudersandlily20 · 3 years
ok dorcas and marlene as chaotic professors at the same university? could be an AU, could just be Hogwarts
As told in Text Conversations: 
Groupchat: Picasso is a Bitch 
Dorcas: New Teacher alert.
Lily: Department?
Dorcas: Engineering
Remus: Sounds hot
Dorcas: shut up immediately.
Remus: you’re not my mom
Lily: M or F
Dorcas: F
Remus: Dammit
Lily: seem nice?
Dorcas: idk. I didn’t get the chance to actually talk to her. It was more like a moment in passing. She was surrounded by guys, though
Remus: what a lesbian move
Lily: how… how is that even a thing?
Remus: Lils, are you dumb? If girls ONLY hang out with guys, chances are they’re butch. Or they know they aren’t attracted to guys and are wild as fuck and have nothing to lose. They have no one to impress, really. Those are the only two options.
Dorcas: Jesus
Remus: No, I’m sure he wasn’t there
Dorcas: I have to leave this conversation before I physically kill Remus Lupin. Talk to you both later.
Lily: Lunch in our usual spot?
Remus: Tell me if you see the Lesbian again.
Remus: Also, where the fuck is Alice?
Groupchat: The Walking Dead
Sirius: Well lads, I dropped off the love of our lives at school. Felt like a proud parent. Almost cried.
Marlene: You are aware that I know how to make explosives from scratch right? I’ve been aching to do it for a while, so you wanna keep doing this? Is this happening?
James: I need him, though. We’re gonna get married eventually. So no. You are not allowed to blow him up
Marlene: Fuck
Peter: How's the new campus? 
Marlene: Small. I mean, it’s a lot smaller of a university, harder to get into and all that. But still. For a place that boasts a great deal of wealth, they certainly don’t show it in building size. 
Sirius: That’s how you know they have money. They have nothing to prove. Classic rich people move.
Peter: You should know.
James: Did you get settled though, Mars? 
Marlene: Enough. I still have to set up the lecture hall to my liking, but it’s nice to have an office that will probably be permanent. And I saw your door just a few down from mine, Jamie boy! Sirius: I should have become a professor. I feel left out. I hate being left out.
Peter: You have the right degree, Paddy. You could be a professor if you wanted.
Sirius: Desk jobs are gross. No thank you. Also, children.
Marlene: It’s not a desk job. And, like, these children are basically full grown adults.
Sirius: Physically, maybe. But I remember what we were like at their age. Mentally, they belong in daycare. 
James: You’re just bitter because those college boys outdrank you the other night.
Peter: They didn’t though
James: Whatever you say, Pads.
Marlene: Also, I just saw a very beautiful woman. Will keep you updated if I see her again.
Groupchat: Picasso Is a Bitch name changed to Hamlet, that’s fucking gay
Remus: Any sign of the lesbian?
Dorcas: No. 
Alice: What? What Lesbian?
Lily: Oh, while you were sick, Dorcas saw a very pretty girl. Remus thinks she’s a lesbian.
Alice: Ooh, that’s fun! 
Remus: I don’t THINK Lily, I know. 
Dorcas: You haven’t even seen her
Remus: Irrelevant. 
Lily: Do you guys know if Potter is back?
Alice: I saw him this morning. He was getting coffee.
Remus: I love that man so much. He’s so beautiful I could literally cry. With that hot caramel skin and that wild hair and how he always smells like some weird spice. I want him to be the father of my children.
Lily: Don’t encourage him.
Remus: He’s not even here.
Lily: He can sense your enthusiasm. So shhhhh
Alice: Do we still not like him?
Lily: No.
Dorcas: You know it was an accident, Lils. 
Lily: You don’t know that. And I don’t know that. And who in their RIGHT MIND asks someone out after they’ve pushed them into a fountain? Like, the audacity?!
Remus: At least he’s authentic
Lily: Yeah, an authentic bitch. 
Alice: Lol.
Alice: I’m honestly really interested in this Lesbian situation, though. Can we get back to that?
Remus: She’s in the engineering department. So if your cute little math loving butt just wanted to wander over there…
Alice: I’m on my way. 
Dorcas: Why are we friends? You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Dorcas: ALICE
Lily: They’re doing it out of love.
Dorcas: Well their idea of love is something I am not interested in. 
Alice: Blonde?
Dorcas: Fuck.
Remus: Is she blonde, Dorcs?
Remus: IS SHE?!
Dorcas: Yeah.
Alice: Marlene McKinnon. Blonde, blue eyed, I’d say 5”8, 5”9. Masters in Engineering. Very nice.
Remus: Alice, I fucking love you
Groupchat: The Walking Dead changed to Update, I’m still gay
Sirius: Why the name change?
Marlene: Needed to get your attention
James: But like… with that?
Marlene: It fucking worked, didn’t it?
Peter: What happened?
Marlene: I saw that beautiful woman again. And I was right. She was beautiful.
Sirius: Sounds riveting.
Marlene: I told you I’d keep you updated, and I am. Stop being ungrateful.
Sirius: Yes commander
James: Who was it?
Marlene: Don’t know. Short, black, curly hair?
James: Where did you see her?
Marlene: She was getting a plate of spaghetti in the Canteen.
James: Hm……….. 
Sirius: James doesn’t know anyone because he’s too busy mooning over Evans.
James: I am so much stronger than you. Do not come for me right now
Peter: Sirius, you have an appointment here, come down.
Sirius: Fuck. 
James: Peter, you know you can just text him personally, right?
Peter: I can’t shame him publicly if I only text him. 
Marlene: Facts.
James: Did you talk to her?
Marlene: Nah, she was with people. I wanted to though. She seems lovely. 
James: Lovely? Who are you and what have you done with Marlene McKinnon.
Marlene: She’s dead now. I’ve inhabited her body. 
Sirius: Thank god, she was a bitch.
James: I’ll keep an eye out for her. Let me know if you want me to scout it out.
Marlene: Okay, James Bond
Groupchat: Hamlet, that’s fucking gay changed to Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it
Dorcas: Remus, stop changing the group chat name. I know where you live.
Remus: We live with each other.
Dorcas: Exactly.
Lily: Are there lesbian updates????
Remus: I met her. She was wandering around, looking for a pop machine. 
Alice: Yay! I love Lesbian updates
Remus: Good news: she’s funny. Like, super funny.
Lily: Saying good news like that often means there is bad news to follow
Remus: She’s uh… friends with Potter.
Dorcas: Uh-oh.
Alice: Oh no.
Lily: I’m really sorry that you have to eternally break up with this woman, Dorky. Because NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. ANYONE who is friends with James Potter is not worth knowing.
Alice: That’s pretty judgemental, lils.
Lily: .... And?
Remus: Luckily, you don’t have to date her.
Dorcas: No one is dating ANYONE. Jesus, you guys. Chill out about this whole thing
Remus: I don’t think that’s physically possible. 
Dorcas: Can we talk about anything else?
Alice: Frank is taking me out for sushi tonight. 
Remus: I would marry Frank in five seconds, if he’d let me
Alice: I’ll let him know. 
Remus: Thank you, I appreciate it.
Groupchat: Update, I’m still gay changed to Emotionally Unavailable Idiots
Sirius: I have met the love of my life.
Marlene: Stop being dramatic
Sirius: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? He quoted the Princess Bride with me. Word for Word? Marlene, I must marry this man. WHO IS HE?
Peter: Why do I keep missing all of the fun stuff?
James: The fun stuff is watching Sirius gay panic over a stranger?
Peter: Yeah. Obvs.
Marlene: He’s the lit professor.
James: Lupin?
Marlene: I think so, yeah. 
Sirius: An english nerd. Perfect. He can read me poetry while I give people tattoos. We’ll make millions. 
Marlene: I think… he wants to be my friend. He’s come around a few times. He even brought me coffee once, with a croissant. I didn’t know people were so nice to strangers. Am I in a hallmark film?
Peter: It’s cause you're such a catch, Mars. 
Marlene: I will shove that “catch” up your ass, Pettigrew, if you don’t stop being stupid.
James: Impossible. Stupidity is Peter’s middle name. 
Sirius: Yeah Peter Marcus Stupidity Pettigrew.
Peter: My middle name isn’t Marcus.
Sirius: Wait really?
Peter: No?
Sirius: Why the fuck did I think it was Marcus?
James: I think Lupin is bi, Sirius. So…
Sirius: James, you are the other love of my life. I will kiss you when you get home. You provide me with the most valuable information and attention. I can never truly repay you.
James: Finally. Getting the recognition I deserve. Can’t wait.
Sirius: Marlene, please. Be his friend, I am begging you. I will give you our first born child.
Marlene: Pass.
Groupchat: Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it changed to I won’t hesitate bitch
Alice: Marlene is so nice
Lily: You’re all traitors. She’s friends with the enEMY
Dorcas: I thought Remus was supposed to be the dramatic one
Remus: I’ll take that as a compliment
Dorcas: Whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Alice: Seriously though. She’s so nice. A lot of my students have her and they’ve been gushing. Apparently she’s one of the best professors some of them have ever had.
Remus: Damn. High praise. 
Lily: Still skeptical
Alice: She asked about you, Dori. 
Dorcas: wait, what?
Alice: She said she had noticed that you and I are close and she wanted to know about you. What your name is, what you teach, how long you’ve been working here, if you were single.
Dorcas: She did not ask that.
Remus: Dorcas, shut up forever. Alice is talking. Alice, my love, please continue. 
Alice: I may have invited her to eat lunch with us.
Dorcas: Uh…
Lily: You did what?
Alice: She’s new, Lily. I’m trying to help her make friends.
Lily: You did it, didn’t you. 
Alice: ummm
Alice: He’s her friend. I couldn’t exclude him.
Lily: I never thought this would happen to me. To be betrayed so thoroughly by my own friends. I don’t even have the words. 
Alice: Who knows, it might be fun?
Remus: I’m so excited I could burst
Dorcas: Is it legal to drink on campus in the middle of the day?
Remus: Unfortunately not. Trust me, I’ve tried.
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene: It was nice of all of you to invite me to lunch. I know it was probably awkward for all of you to have to spend time with a stranger. But I really appreciated it. 
Dorcas: No problem. You’re always welcome.
Marlene: Maybe… we could go get something to eat off campus sometime?
Dorcas: Yeah, of course. We go to the bar on Wright all the time.
Marlene: Oh, I meant like… just you and me. Actually.
Dorcas: Oh.
Marlene: Yeah. Did I guess wrong?
Dorcas: Guess wrong?
Marlene: About you being into women?
Dorcas: Ohhhh…
Marlene: ??
Dorcas: What did you have in mind? For our date?
Marlene: Wait, is that a yes?
Dorcas: I expect like, first class treatment, because I’ve seen you in action now. Anyone who can wrangle James Potter like that is someone who deserves knowing. So yeah. It’s a yes.
Marlene: Yay! Okay, you won’t regret it!
Marlene: Also, my friend is in love with Lupin.
Dorcas: wait, James? 
Marlene: Lol. Nah, James is still hung up on Lily. She’s wonderful, by the way. Tell her I’m grateful she was so kind. I know about what James did last year, so I can understand her bitterness. Fucking funny, though, to see it in person.
Marlene: It’s my other friend, Sirius. He owns the tattoo parlor, Cannis Major, on Levi. 
Dorcas: Hmm. Well, let me know what I can do. I’m sure we can get them in the same room at some point.
Marlene: Are you offering to meddle in people’s lives?
Dorcas: Is that okay?
Marlene: Dorcas Meadowes, I’m pretty sure I’m already halfway in love with you. 
Dorcas: Thank god. 
This has been in my ask box for literal months. I’m sorry @tonftyhw !! I had finals and stress and I don’t know how to write. I hope this makes you smile though.
Clarifier for who teaches what if anyone is interested:
Dorcas-Art (painting)
Sirius owns a tattoo shop because I will die for that AU every time. And Peter works with him, kind of like the brains of the business.
Should I write more of this? It was so fun lol 
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mymelodyheart · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 9 ~The Christmas Spirits~
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Previously in Christmas Eve Rush
Her hand flew to her chest, and her eyes almost popped out at the realisation. "Good Lord. You're in love with her, aren't ye? It's all over your face. Oh my God!"
"Please? We dinnae have a lot of time," he whispered, almost close to tears. "Ye're the only one who can get through to Claire."
A few heartbeats passed as he held his breath. 
"Fine! Let's do this!" Suddenly spurred by excitement into action, she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen and handed it to him. "Write down your number, and I'll update you after I've called Claire."
"Ye will?"
"Yes, yes ..." she muttered. "Come on, chop-chop!" She clapped her hands at him.
Elated with the turn of event, he didn't waste any more time and rapidly scribbled his number and pushed the piece of paper back to her. "Thank ye. I owe ye big time." When an afterthought came to him, he shoved his hand into his pocket, took out a spare key to his cottage and placed it on the table. It was meant to be for Claire. "Another favour, I have a dog and kitten in the house and ..."
"I got it." She grinned and made a shooing motion. "Now go!"
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
AO3 link
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Claire sat at the airport's cafe, every sound of someone's laughter and the sight of happy couples holding hands, driving a knife into her chest. She still had a few hours to go before its time to go through security. With a heavy heart, she miserably flipped the pages of a glossy magazine, unseeing its pages' articles and pictures. It had taken every iota of her resolve and will power to leave Broch Mordha, and now Annalise had made her book a later flight because her friend was on the way and wanted to talk. Damn her for making this more difficult! In truth, she wanted to know what Jamie had told her friend and wondered what he would have said if she'd confronted him instead of running away. Now that she was finally out of his life was he even thinking about her? Staying in Broch Mordha would have most probably increased the likelihood of her believing his excuses and running back into his arms. She just couldn't handle the emotional fallout.
"I beg your pardon, is this seat taken?" a soft feminine voice asked.
Claire briefly glanced up, offered a weak smile and motioned for the woman to sit. She wasn't in the state nor mood for small talks so she put her head down and pretended to read, hoping the woman would take a hint.
Restless, she glanced again at her phone to check the time. Annalise should be here soon. Is she planning to fly with me? I hope not! She noticed the cafe was beginning to get busy with people waiting for love ones to arrive or the check-in counter to open. Tomorrow at this time, she'd be home. The thought of spending Christmas in London in the cramped apartment made her doubly miserable. She loved the open spaces of the Highlands and quaint villages. Although the weather could be quite grim, the landscape's natural beauty and loads of fresh air more than made up for it. With its tranquil settings, it was an ideal place to start her writing career. She'd put it on hold for far too long, working for a publishing company that gave her very little satisfaction and yesterday she'd even fantasised of moving to Broch Mordha and making it a reality to be closer to Jamie. How could I have been so stupid?
"Highlands in December is romantic, isn't it?" The woman sharing her table smiled pleasantly. "I love this place. There's something magical about it, don't you agree?"
Ah, another English woman to fall for the Highland charm! She was about to give some generic answer about the Highlands' ancient history lending the romance a hint of mysticism when the harsh truth chose that moment to free itself. "Kind of deceiving though, isn't it? I got caught up in that so-called magic, but some wanker decided to exploit it and use my heart to make fertiliser. I've only known him for a couple of days, but I can't stand being in this place anymore without thinking about him and his stupid, stupid handsome face. And the way he looked at me." She blew a breath and blinked back the tears. "I guess I was just plain naive and a bloody dimwit for thinking smooth talkers only existed in big cities like London. I tell you what, they're rife everywhere and you can never be too careful."
If the woman had been surprised by Claire's outburst, it didn't show. "Now, now, I'm quite sure there is a perfect explanation. Lovely and sweet as you look, I see the wisdom that belies your age in your eyes. You don't seem like a person to be taken by someone's smooth line at all."
She let out an almost deranged laugh. "Well, obviously, I am. I took one look at a beautiful face, and all logic went south. So there," Claire huffed.
The other woman looked away and sipped her tea. She was much older than Claire thought - in her forties maybe or could be fifties, but it was hard to tell. She had a dark, sleek modern bob hairstyle that contradicted the mumsy grey slacks, woollen jumper and lack of makeup and accessories. Her face was kind though, and there was a serenity in her demeanour she found comforting and familiar.
Claire regretted her oversharing and decided to shut her mouth and continued reading.
"I met my husband many years ago here. Not far from where we are now. A place called Broch Mordha."
Claire's head shot up. "Oh! Is your husband Scottish?"
"No, he's English. We met one summer while watching a Highland game. He lived in Broch Mordha while doing some research for work, and I was on holiday. We fell in love and eventually married. And every year from thereon we celebrated our anniversary here. It's a very special place for us."
"That's very sweet," Claire remarked, trying not to think of Jamie and what could have been for them if he hadn't been a knobhead.
The woman let out a soft laugh and daintily wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Sweet isn't the description I would have used to describe the circumstance of how we met; nevertheless, it turned out my darling husband is my soul mate and marrying him had been the best decision I've ever made in my life."
"Good for you ..." Claire whispered, subtly glancing once more at the time on her phone. She hoped Annalise would be here soon because the last thing she needed right now was to hear someone else's happily forever after. But in the end, curiosity got the better of her. "So what made you change your mind about him?"
The woman sighed and took out her book. "My husband was an insensitive clod, and when he eventually saw the error of his ways and asked for forgiveness, I gave him a second chance. Forgiving him didn't change the past, and I realised in the end, if I hadn't forgiven him, my actions would have robbed me of the best years of my life. And of course, a beautiful daughter who turned out to be everything I've ever hoped for and much more." She smiled and then turned her attention to reading. Obviously, oversharing was now over.
"I see ..." Claire muttered. Well, what had she expected? A magical solution? She almost laughed out loud. No such thing!
It was too late for her and Jamie anyway. She was on her way to London, and he'd probably moved on now that she was gone. It was definitely better this way. Out of sight, out of mind.
He switched off the ignition of his car and texted Annalise to inform her he'd arrived at his destination. She'd messaged him earlier letting him know Claire would be at D'Lish cafe. Scanning his vicinity, Jamie drew in a lungful of air. He'd only been in Inverness Airport's parking lot a few minutes, and already his nerves were on tenterhooks. From the congested traffic and beeping cars to stressed people madly rushing about, Jamie realised how far from his world he'd strayed, and the distance was only under an hour's drive. 
He hadn't even stepped out of his car, and already he was counting the minutes till he was back within the peaceful haven of Broch Mordha. But he'd made up his mind. He wasn't going back without Claire and had taken his passport with him just in case he would have to follow her all the way to London. How he was going to manage that with his unpredictable episodes, he had no idea. He hoped he would be able to keep his panic attacks at bay long enough until he found her and convinced her to come back home.
"I'll walk in with you," Harry said quietly out of the blue as if he'd sense his trepidation. "My flight isn't till later, and my wife is probably enjoying her cuppa tea somewhere."
The tightness in his body relaxed, and Jamie nodded gratefully. Harry seemed to always understand his situation, popping out of the blue at the strangest times. Jamie had never questioned it and put it down to simply Harry being unusually perceptive and a good friend.
They quietly walked side by side towards the airport and when they entered the building, moving bodies and a sea of faces swarmed his vision. The racket and clamour of people going about their business surrounded him, and Christmas crowds trying to make it home before Christmas jostled too close, their cacophony of voices chattering excitedly. 
Jamie swallowed the mounting panic and fixed his thoughts on Claire, breathing deeply in through his nose and with a heaving chest, letting it all out with a whoosh. His eyes darted and saw people smiling and nodding animatedly, laughter and children's squeals infiltrating his consciousness, their sound accompanied by an air of anticipation that told him it was a season of joy. 
Jamie managed to put a grim smile on his face and concentrated on getting one foot in front of the other, apologising now and again whenever he accidentally bumped into someone, almost stumbling like an intoxicated man. Although aware of Harry's presence, perspiration coated his skin, and he could feel a bead of sweat running down his temple. The usually comfortable soft fabric of his sweatshirt chaffed and squeezed him like a clamp almost suffocating him. The chaotic din typical of an airport during the holiday season came in a huge rush of waves, at first faint, then building to a deafening sound that roared in his ears, shattering his foundation and foothold. 
Oh, God, please, not now. Jamie knew it was happening. Attempting not to panic, he began to employ a technique that more often than not worked. He tried listening to his mother's singing in his head, the one that stuck most in his mind and brought him comfort when he'd been amidst a conflict in a war zone, a song that sang him to sleep when he was a wee bairn.
He stopped a few metres away from the cafe where Claire was supposed to be waiting and took a moment to draw in oxygen, clinging to his mother's singing in his head. Goodnight, you moonlight ladies. Rockabye, sweet baby, James. Deep greens and blues are the colours I choose. Won't you let me go down in my dreams? And rockabye, sweet baby, James. 
He dimly recognised where he was, busy eateries, cafes and shops lined a wide area, a focal point for those waiting for love ones to arrive or passengers before heading to security that led to the departure area. Someone's child screamed nearby, and the sound of suitcases dragging on its wheels seemed to rumble and reverberate on the ground. Christmas light decorations that normally shimmered unobtrusively and gave a soft glow suddenly seemed to flash all around him, and the Christmas songs playing in the background became disembodied sounds. Jamie froze, gripped in the throes of a colossal panic attack that forced him to sink halfway to his knees.
Everything seemed to fade in and out, but it was Harry's voice he eventually clung to, his mother's singing hushing into the recesses of his head. The Englishman repeated his name and grabbed hold of his elbow, preventing him from collapsing to the floor and leading him firmly away from the moving crowd. Jamie pitched himself against the giant column and fought the crippling dread chipping away at his sanity. 
He glanced around frantically, but Harry's hand grabbed his face and forced him to look straight into amber eyes. 
"Breathe, Jamie. Everything is going to be alright. Just keep breathing." 
"H-Harry ...I n-need to ..."
"It's alright. I know. I'm not going anywhere. Just breath."
Jamie unzipped his jacket and fought for air, sucking in a lungful. And then, again and again, gasping and coughing as he doubled over, bracing his hands on his knees. Harry's strong hand massaged his back in a circular motion, the older man's presence calm and controlled, breathing with him, encouraging to gradually take in more air. 
It took a while to normalise his breathing, his heart to calm down and the cold sweat to evaporate. As he regained more control, though wobbly at first, he straightened up. Gathering his bearings, he ignored the odd looks from passersby, by now already used to it.
Harry gave him a reassuring smile. "Feeling much better?" 
Jamie managed a nod as the initial feeling of shame and embarrassment took over the panic attack. Why am I even here? Claire deserved so much better than this and all his fucking issues. On top of it all, he'd managed to make her feel cheap when he was nothing but just half a man. There was no way she'd go back to Broch Mordha with him.
"Oh no, you don't. I know that look in your eyes. You've made it this far, old sport," Harry whispered fiercely, straightening his jacket. "Don't you even think of going back home without trying!" 
Jamie blinked, confused. What the fuck? What does Harry know? But there was no time to ask questions, as he caught a glimpse of Claire past Harry's shoulder. She was in the cafe in the motion of getting up, her head bowed down while speaking on the phone. 
Last night, he'd held Claire in his arms and now, the reality of the moment hit him hard as he saw her hand gripped the suitcase next to her, reminding him she's waiting to board a plane. He could hardly think over the furious pounding in his chest as a combination of relief at seeing her and fear of rejection surged through him. He barely registered himself, moving towards the cafe when Harry put a hand on his arm. He turned to meet his friend's eyes. "You're on your own now. For now. Remember to breathe."
Jamie swallowed hard and nodded.
"Now go and hurry."
Claire panicked, her eyes darting around the cafe. Annalise had just called and confessed Jamie was on his way to talk to her. Her friend had insisted on giving Jamie a chance to explain and that he'd made a mistake. 
But Claire couldn't do this. She didn't have this sort of experience nor the emotional strength to handle this kind of situation. All she knew and was aware of was how much Jamie had hurt her with his words. 
She quickly stood up, said goodbye to the woman sat on her table, grabbed her bags and made her way out of the cafe. She kept her head down and tried not to look around in case Jamie spotted her. She began to walk faster, weaving through crowds of travellers as she wheeled her suitcase, images of Jamie encroaching her thoughts. A new voice was trying to make itself heard, telling her maybe she ought to listen to what Jamie had to say. But what was there to say? She'd seen what he wrote with her own eyes, and there was no explaining himself out of it.
She was just getting into the queue for the security check when a shout cut through the hubbub surrounding her. 
She stiffened, and her hand went slack around the suitcase's handle, sending its bulk toppling to the floor. It took a few heartbeats for her to turn around and face Jamie, afraid her resolve would collapse if she looked at him. When she finally saw him, he stood a few yards away, suspended in a sea of bustling chaos. Perspiration beaded his forehead, his face pale and eyes a little wild as they searched hers, snagging on the way she snatched her suitcase to an upright position and pulled it closer to her side. As always, ever since she first laid eyes on him, his unusual male beauty made her chest ache. A head taller than most, he looked out of place in the busy surroundings, his blue eyes penetrating through everything in their wake to reanimate her heart.
She waited for something to happen, but he just continued to stare at her, his body swaying a little. He looked like he was about to faint. Worry, combined with fear prickled her skin when she recalled his accounts of his PTSD condition. She'd made it this far, and now she was torn between going over to him and making her way to the security.
"What are you doing here?" she said a little harshly.
"Dinnae go in that plane.”
"It's too late for that."
Anguish fogged his handsome features. "I need ye to hear me out, Sassenach. Please."
Claire shook her head. "What is there to say, Jamie? That text you wrote, told me everything already."
"Please let me explain ..."
"I already know what you're going to say, Jamie. You're going to say you didn't mean to write that text. It's classic and cliche at the same time and utter bullshit." Claire's shoulders sagged, and she swallowed hard. "No, I'm sorry, I can't ..." 
She started to step into the queue, but stopped, her heart caught in her throat when a passerby in a rush accidentally bumped into him, and he almost vaulted over. She saw how much it took out of him just to remain upright. She made a move to come to his aide, but he stopped her with a motion of his hand, telling her he would say his piece without any help. Squeezing his eyes shut, he took several deep breaths, discomfort, and distress in this busy environment evident on his face. 
"You don't look well, Jamie. You should go home," she said, glancing around, aware of people looking at him.
"Damn it, Sassenach," he wheezed. "I'm gonnae make ye listen even if it kills me."
A stabbing pain went through her heart. "I can't do this, Jamie. I'm going."
"No!" He took another unsteady step forward. When Claire stayed put, relief washed over his face. "What I wrote to my sister about you was wrong ..."
Rage replaced the hurt she was feeling. "You made it sound I was just a notch on the bedpost," she snapped, angrily.
Jamie winced as a woman nearby gasped and glared at him, but they both ignored her. "No, Sassenach. You were never that ..."
"Your words winter fling said it all. What else could it mean?"
"Sometimes, what I think and what I feel doesn't translate into words ..."
"Or you don't think at all," she interrupted, tipping her head back to keep the tears from falling.
His head dropped. "No, I didnae think. What I said was inexcusable, and no explanation or apologies would take any of the hurt I caused ye back."
"It was a horrid thing to say about someone!"
His face flickered with regret and self-loathing. "It was, and I'm an arsehole for it."
"They why? Why Jamie? Is that how you talk about your conquests?"
His face paled even more. "No! You're not that at all. What we had was special, and I've never felt like this about someone before."
"You could have fooled me ..."
He took a careful step forward as if afraid she would bolt. "Sassenach, I said what I said not because that was what I thought about you and that's the truth. Partly, I text those words to get my sister off my case. She was badgering me for getting involved with ye because she was worried about me falling for someone from the city due to my condition. Another part of the reason I wrote that had to do with my fear of getting emotionally attached. I thought by labelling what we had as temporary, it would be easier to let ye go when the time comes. It was wrong ...so wrong. I wish I hadnae said it."
Claire could barely see him through the blur of tears. The awful pain she'd had in her heart all morning waned a little. She forced her feet to move, but the emotion in his voice kept her rooted in place. 
"Christ, everything happened so fast between us. And I was rushing ahead before I could comprehend what was happening. When ye told me ye live in London, I was convinced that nothing could come out of this ...us ...whatever this is we have ....because I wouldnae ken how to live in yer world and it wouldnae be right to ask ye to give up yers. When I asked ye to extend yer stay, my intention was to make as many memories with ye because I needed to face the truth of my limitations. I was determined not to be that someone who held ye back and made ye regret what ye could've done. I said to mysel' whatever time ye could give me, I'd be grateful. Yet, here I am, begging ye not to get on that plane."
She wanted to go to him, take him in her arms and forget what had happened, but she needed more. She needed to know that this thing between them was more than just a handy itinerary with chemistry tossed into the mix. For her, it had always been more, but he's a man, and maybe it's just all about sex for him.
"Sorry, Jamie." Bracing her shoulders, she pulled her suitcase behind her and joined the line for security check-up.
She and every person within hearing distance in the queue turned around to look at him.
This time, Jamie didn't flinch and looked at her straight in the eyes with unwavering intensity. "I cannae let ye go without giving it my best shot. I've used my condition as an excuse for far too long, yet not once did ye ever look at me as someone damaged. I dinnae want my condition to stop me anymore from going after what I want. I swear to God, ye havenae seen persistence yet, Sassenach. Ye have nae idea what it looks like until ye've seen it on me. I've fought for my life in a war zone before, and I'm doing it again now. If ye get on that bloody plane, be rest assured I will be on the next flight behind yours. I will show up in every God damned place ye go to until ye give me the time of day. And I willnae stop until I get it through yer pretty head how much ye mean to me. And if ye come back to me, I promise ye, I'm gonnae work my arse off to prove to ye every day how special ye are. Even if it means moving to London to be closer to ye. All I'm asking for is a second chance."
Looking at him, she knew he meant every word, and there was an intensity about him, that told her he would go through with his threat of following her to London. A lump stuck in Claire's throat, so huge she could barely speak. Her face crumpled, and she let the unshed tears she'd held all morning flow. Unable to stand a moment longer without feeling his arms around her, she let go of her grip on her suitcase and began to make a move towards him. Jamie fell back a few steps, both hands flying to rest on top of his head, relief and disbelief visible in every line of his body. She covered the distance separating them in three steps and flung herself into strong arms that circled around her without hesitation. Applause, cheers and whistles from passengers who had witnessed the scene erupted around them, making them both laugh through tears. 
"Jesus Christ, Jamie," she stammered with a hiccup. "You really know how to cause a scene and really make it count." 
A hand tunnelled through her hair, gripping her neck so he could angle her head and kiss her. "I'm so sorry, Sassenach. Oh, God, I'm so sorry," he muttered against her lips. "I was an idiot. I thought I wasnae gonnae make it." 
A shudder passed through her. "I almost got on a plane and spent Christmas on my own." 
Jamie fell back into the nearest seat, taking Claire with him. Obviously spent from all the emotions. "Dinnae remind me ...ever again, please. But just so ye know, I have my passport with me. I was ready to come after ye. Today." 
Claire clung to him tighter. "It's Christmas, and we're together. Let's just focus on that." 
"Christ, I thought I knew fear." His breath shook and fanned her skin. "That was the scariest situation I've been in." 
She let out a sigh, inhaling his scent from the crook of his neck. How had she thought for one second that running away would have been a better option? She thought of the woman she spoke to earlier in the cafe and smiled. 
Jamie shook her a little. "Ye're going to think this is mad, but I dinnae want to take another second for granted, so I'm just going to say it, so ye ken once and for all." 
"Say what?" she whispered. Jamie tilted her face up for a slow, deep kiss, then stood, lifting her in his arms. 
"I'm in love with ye, Sassenach. I ken it's too soon, but I want it out there just in case something happens and I dinnae get another chance to say it, or I do something stupid like making ye cry. Life's too short for over-analysing things and keeping something like that to myself." 
She smiled through fresh tears. "I'm in love with you too, Jamie. And next time you say something stupid, I'm just going to get into a fight with you about it, instead of running away."
Jamie's laughter rumbled in his chest before his face turned serious. "Merry Christmas, Sassenach. May it be our first of many more to come."
Claire reached out and clasped his face with her hands and laid a soft kiss on his lips. Her heart broke open, and for the first time, all the pieces clicked together in a perfect puzzle, and everything made perfect sense. Because she'd learned early on you needed to take the bad with the good and embrace it all. Despite Jamie's condition and fear of uncertainty, she'd taken a gamble and trusted her guts, and by giving him a second chance, they'd ended up with the best thing of all. 
Love at Christmas. 
She knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing forever. There were going to be long talks of how they ought to proceed with their relationship, compromises to be made, and probably many teething problems during their phase of getting to know each other. But as long they both keep their hearts open, they should have a fighting chance.
"Merry Christmas to you too," she whispered, her voice raspy with emotion. 
"Shall we go home?" he murmured, smiling.
"Yes, let's go home."
Hand in hand they left the airport and headed back to Broch Mordha to celebrate Christmas.
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 Dear Readers,
Firstly, thank you for your best wishes and feedback from the previous chapter. This latest update was supposed to be published on Christmas day. Unfortunately, because I was so overly ambitious about the storyline, I was unable to deliver. I didn't want to rush it after having gone through the story in my head many times.  Rushing it probably would have made me miss many of the elements I wanted to put in this story.
Anyway, I had a lovely quiet Christmas. With everything that's happening globally, it was more of a time for reflection for us instead of celebration. I am just grateful that my love ones are safe and healthy and hope you're own dearests are as well. As for this story's direction, I don't know how many chapters there are to go, but I can safely say there is another one after this. I will try to publish before New Year, and if I am unable to do so, I wish you all a New Year full of exciting possibilities, good health and lots of love. Keep the good vibes rolling and take care. X
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