#jane bolin
readyforevolution · 7 months
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alleannaharris · 2 years
Today's Black History Month illustration is of Jane Bolin. She was the first Black woman to graduate from Yale Law School and the first Black woman judge in the United States.
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Jane Matilda Bolin was born in Poughkeepsie, NY in 1908. She was raised by her father, Gaius, a renowned Black attorney in Dutchess County, NY. Her mother, Matilda, a white Englishwoman, died when she was 8 years old.
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In 1924, Bolin attended Wellesley College in Massachusetts, one of two Black students in her class. They were excluded from social activities and because of racial discrimination, they had to find housing off campus.
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After she graduated in the top 20 in 1928, she considered applying to Yale Law School. Despite being discouraged by an advisor at Wellesley because she was Black and a woman, she applied to Yale and was accepted. She attained a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1931. She was one of three women in her graduating class and the first Black woman to earn a law degree from Yale.
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She was a clerk in her father’s law office until she passed the New York bar exam in 1932, the first Black woman to do so. She married Ralph E. Mizelle, a fellow attorney, in 1933 and opened up a practice together in New York City. In 1937, she was named Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of New York.
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Two years later, in a surprise ceremony at the World’s Fair, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia appointed and swore in Bolin as Judge of the Domestic Relations Court (later known as the Family Court). She became the first Black woman judge, and she served on the Family Court bench for 40 years.
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Fun fact: as a judge, Bolin didn’t wear judicial robes because she wanted to make children feel comfortable in her court.
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During her tenure, Bolin fought against racial discrimination in the courts and advocated for children, especially children of color. She required that probation officers were assigned to cases regardless of race or religion and required that publicly funded childcare agencies accept children regardless of ethnicity.
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Bolin reluctantly retired at the age of 70 in 1979. After retiring, she worked as a consultant and school-based volunteer and served on the board of the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Child Welfare League. She died in 2007 at the age of 98 in Queens, NY.
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I’ll be back tomorrow with another illustration and story!
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copperarsenite · 17 days
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Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession
Alice Bolin
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
Hazel Chandler was at home taking care of her son when she began flipping through a document that detailed how burning fossil fuels would soon jeopardize the planet.
She can’t quite remember who gave her the report — this was in 1969 — but the moment stands out to her vividly: After reading a list of extreme climate events that would materialize in the coming decades, she looked down at the baby she was nursing, filled with dread.
 “‘Oh my God, I’ve got to do something,’” she remembered thinking...
It was one of several such moments throughout Chandler’s life that propelled her into activist spaces — against the Vietnam War, for civil rights and women’s rights, and in support of environmental causes.
She participated in letter-writing campaigns and helped gather others to write to legislators about vital pieces of environmental legislation including the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, passed in 1970 and 1972, respectively. At the child care center she worked at, she helped plan celebrations around the first Earth Day in 1970. 
Now at 78, after working in child care and health care for most of her life, she’s more engaged than ever. In 2015, she began volunteering with Elder Climate Action, which focuses on activating older people to fight for the environment. She then took a job as a consultant for the Union for Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy organization. 
More recently, her activism has revolved around her role as the Arizona field coordinator of Moms Clean Air Force, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group. Chandler helps rally volunteers to take action on climate and environmental justice issues, recruiting residents to testify and meet with lawmakers. 
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Pictured: Hazel Chandler tables at Environment Day at Wesley Bolin Plaza in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona, in January 2024.
Her motivation now is the same as it was decades ago. 
“When I look my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren, my children, in the eye, I have to be able to say, ‘I did everything I could to protect you,’” Chandler said. “I have to be able to tell them that I’ve done everything possible within my ability to help move us forward.” 
Chandler is part of a largely unrecognized contingent of the climate movement in the United States: the climate grannies. 
The most prominent example perhaps, is the actor Jane Fonda. The octogenarian grandmother has been arrested during climate protests a number of times and has her own PAC that funds the campaigns of “climate champions” in local and state elections. 
Climate grannies come equipped with decades of activism experience and aim to pressure the government and corporations to curb fossil fuel emissions. As a result they, alongside women of every age group, are turning out in bigger numbers, both at protests and the polls. All of the climate grandmothers The 19th interviewed for this piece noted one unifying theme: concern for their grandchildren’s futures. 
According to research conducted by Dana R. Fisher, director for the Center of Environment, Community and Equity at American University, while the mainstream environmental movement has typically been dominated by men, women make up 61 percent of climate activists today.  The average age of climate activists was 52 with 24 percent being 69 and older...
A similar trend holds true at the ballot box, according to data collected by the Environmental Voter Project, a nonpartisan organization focused on turning out climate voters in elections. 
A report released by the Environmental Voter Project in December that looked at the patterns of registered voters in 18 different states found that after the Gen Z vote, people 65 and older represent the next largest climate voter group, with older women far exceeding older men in their propensity to list climate as their No. 1 reason for voting. The organization defines climate voters as those who are most likely to list climate change, the environment, or clean air and water as their top political priority.
“Grandmothers are now at the vanguard of today’s climate movement,” said Nathaniel Stinnett, founder of the Environmental Voter Project.
“Older people are three times as likely to list climate as a top priority than middle-aged people. On top of that, women in all age groups are more likely to care about climate than men,” he said. “So you put those two things together … and you can safely say that grandma is much more likely to be a climate voter than your middle-aged man.” 
In Arizona, where Chandler lives, older climate voters make up 231,000 registered voters in the state. The presidential election in the crucial swing state was decided by just 11,000 votes, Stinnett noted.
“Older climate voters can really throw their weight around in Arizona if they organize and if they make sure that everybody goes to the polls,” he said. 
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Pictured: Hazel Chandler’s recent activism revolves around her role as the Arizona field coordinator of Moms Clean Air Force, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group.
In some cases, their identities as grandmothers have become an organizing force. 
In California, 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations formed in 2016, after older women from the Bay Area traveled to be in solidarity with Indigenous grandmothers protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. 
“When they came back, they decided to form an organization that would continue to mobilize women on behalf of the climate justice movement,” said Nancy Hollander, a member of the group. 
1000 Grandmothers — in this case, the term encompasses all older women, not just the literal grandmothers — is rooted at the intersection of social justice and the climate crisis, supporting people of color and Indigenous-led causes in the Bay Area. The organization is divided into various working groups, each with a different focus: elections, bank divestments from fossil fuels, legislative work, nonviolent direct actions, among others...
“There are women in the nonviolent direct action part of the organization who really do feel that elder women — it’s their time to stand up and be counted and to get arrested,” Hollander said. “They consider it a historical responsibility and put themselves out there to protect the more vulnerable.” 
But 1000 Grandmothers credits another grandmother activist, Pennie Opal Plant, for helping train their members in nonviolent direct action and for inspiring them to take the lead of Indigenous women in the fight. 
Plant, 66 — an enrolled member of the Yaqui of Southern California tribe, and of undocumented Choctaw and Cherokee ancestry — has started various organizations over the years, including Idle No More SF Bay, which she co-founded with a group of Indigenous grandmothers in 2013, first in solidarity with a group formed by First Nations women in Canada to defend treaty rights and to protect the environment from exploitation. 
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Pictured: Pennie Opal Plant has started various organizations over the years, including Idle No More SF Bay, which she founded in 2013 alongside Indigenous grandmothers.
In 2016, Plant gathered with others in front of Wells Fargo Corporate offices in San Francisco, blocking the road in protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline, when she realized the advantages she had as an older woman in the fight. 
As a police liaison — or a person who aims to defuse tension with law enforcement — she went to speak to an officer who was trying to interrupt the action. When she saw him maneuvering his car over a sidewalk, she stood in front of it, her gray hair flowing. “I opened my arms really wide and was like, are you going to run over a grandmother?”
A new idea was born: The Society of Fearless Grandmothers. Once an in-person training — it now mostly exists online as a Facebook page — it helped teach other grandmothers how to protect the youth at protests. 
For Plant, the role of grandmothers in the fight to protect the planet is about a simple Indigenous principle: ensuring the future for the next seven generations. 
“What we’re seeing is a shift starting with Indigenous women, that is lifting up the good things that mothers have to share, the good things that women that love children can share, that will help bring back balance in the world,” Plant said...
[Kathleen] Sullivan is one of approximately 70,000 people over the age of 60 who’ve joined Third Act, a group specifically formed to engage people 60 and older to mobilize for climate action across the country. 
“This is an act of moral responsibility. It’s an act of care. And It’s an act of reciprocity to the way in which we are cared for by the planet,” Sullivan said. “It’s an act of interconnection to your peers, because there can be great joy and great sense of solidarity with other people around this.”
-via The 19th, January 31, 2024
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peach-and-bugs · 3 years
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characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (RE:V) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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orangepanic · 1 year
New Fic: After the Uncommon Rains
Okay, I guess it's not precisely new, but now that the @atlararepairbigbang is over I finally get to talk about it on this blog! In which the cast of Legend of Korra is thrown into a Jane Austen-inspired Western complete with pride, drama, heartfelt confessions of love, and fabulous hats.
I'm also cross-posting today's update with @yeehawgust's August 27th prompt, A Whole Heap of Trouble, because what could be more trouble than the two new handsome young prospectors from over yonder hitting on a brokenhearted cowboy's long lost love? Only said long lost love watching her hot cowboy ex-fiancé chop wood all sweaty and shirtless in the noonday heat and realizing... things.
Title: After the Uncommon Rains Relationships: Iroh II/Asami Sato, Mako/Opal, Bolin/Korra, and pretty much everyone trying to marry the dazzlingly wealthy railroad magnate Miss Sato. Summary: Jane Austen’s Persuasion, but make it an Irosami Western. Rating: T
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pourfeministe · 5 months
On This Day in Women’s History
April 11th
1908 - Jane Bolin, the first African-American woman to graduate from Yale Law School is born
1910 - Annie Dodge Wauneka, who worked on the tuberculosis epidemic using Navajo and the Bureau of Indian Affairs ideas and awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom is born
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
The Canon Muse List of Of Darkest Desires and Darkest Desires Erotica
So many people have been asking about this...for years now. I specifically don't list the canon characters that I write for because that list is lengthy, and changes with the wind and my personal muse. However, since it is a new year, I suppose it's time we did a full canon character list for this blog. And, as an added note, I will also add at the end of each section notable OC muses that belong to these specific worlds.
Quick key before we get to the list, though: if a character is one of my favorites, they will be bolded and colored. If a character can be written genderswapped, they will be italicized. If a character is written non-canonically, they will be struck-through.
Avatar: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Prince Zuko, Toph Beifong, Suki, Jet, Azula, Mai, Ty-Lee, Princess Yue, Kyoshi, Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami Sato, Kuvira
Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Uryu Ishida, Tatsuki Arisawa, Yoruichi Shihoin, Kisuke Urahara, Kukaku Shiba, Sosuke Aizen, Rangiku Matsumoto, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Sui-Feng, Shunsui Kyoraku, Nanao Ise, Isane Kotetsu, Yachiru Retsu Unohana, Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki, Neliel tu Odelschwanck, Grimmjow Jaegerjacques, Tia Harribel, Francheska Mila Rose, Ulquiorra Cifer, Coyote Starrk, Lisa Yadomaru, Mashiro Kuna, Kensei Muguruma, Kirio Hikifune, Bambietta Basterbine, Meninas McAllon, Candice Catnipp // Ryuko Yorukitai
Critical Role: Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Grog Strongjaw, Percy De Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Allura Vysoren, Kima, Cassandra De Rolo, Delilah Briarwood, Sylas Briarwood, Caleb Widogast, Nott the (Thicc) Brave, Veth Brenatto, Jester Lavorre, Fjord Stone, Beauregard Lionette, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Kingsley Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin, Essek Theylyss, Reini, Queen Leylas Kryn, Imogen Temult, Laudna, Ashton Greymoore, Orym, Dorian Storm, Fearne Calloway // Scourge Maelstrom, Twilight Obsidia, Verdexis Sylvain
DC Comics: Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dick Greyson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Clark Kent (Superman), Lois Lane, Supergirl, Powergirl, Starfire, Blackfire, Rachel Roth (Raven), Princess Diana (Wonderwoman), Darkseid, Aquaman
Disney: Princess Jasmine, Genie, Jafar, Aladdin, Mulan, Esmeralda, Nani Pelekai, Moana, Maui, Queen Elsa, Pocahontas, Princess Ariel, Ursula, Merida, Princess Kida, Megara, Jessica Rabbit, Kim Possible, Shego, Pacifica Northwest, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Eda Clawthorn, Lilith Clawthorn, Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, Willow, Hunter, Helen Parr, Violet Parr
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Straus, Cana Alberona, Juvia Lockster, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar, Ultear Milkovich, Jellal Fernades, Minerva Orland, Sting Eucliff, Rogue Cheney, Yukino Agria, Sorano "Angel" Agria, Erik "Cobra", Irene Belserion, Brandish // Nyx Sylvain
Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Jessie Raspberry, Yuffie, Scarlet, Sephiroth
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Cho Chang, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Bellatrix Lestrange, Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Voldemort // Romulus Antares Lestrange-Black
Marvel Comics: Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Mary-Jane Watson, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rogers), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Wolverine (Logan), Wolverine (X-22), Kitty Pride, Thor, Loki, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Nebula, Black Panther (T’challa), Black Panther (Shuri), Captain Marvel
My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Todoroki Shoto, Mina Ashido, Kirishima Ejirou, Tsuyu Asui, Toru Hagakure, Yu Takeyama (Mt Lady), Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko), Mei Hatsume, Itsuka Kendo, Camie Utsushimi, Keigo Takama (Hawks), Nejire Hado, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Nomu // Tetsuga Bushido (Iron Midknight)
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Kurenai Yuhi, Tenten Higurashi, Anko Mitarashi, Tsunade Senju, Gaara no Sabaku, Temari no Sabaku, Kankuro no Sabaku, Tayuya, Orochimaru, Mei Temuri, Raikage Ei, Samui, Mabui, Yugito Nii, Konan, Kushina Uzumaki
Nintendo: Princess Zelda (SS/TP/BotW), Link (BotW), Ganondorf (TP/BotW Rehydrated), Impa (SS/Warriors), Midna, Urbosa, Riju, Mipha, Sidon, Paya, Purah, Robbie, Princess Peach, Bowser, Bowsette, Princess Daisy, Pauline, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus Aran
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin, Yamato, Boa Hancock, Luffy D. Monkey, Portgas D. Ace, Trafalgar Law, Roronoa Zoro
Pokemon: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Misty, Lt. Surge, Sabrina, Lorelei, Bruno, Lance, Giovanni, Gold, Silver, Krystal, Whitney, Jasmine, Clair, Karen, Brenden, May, Roxanne, Brawley, Flannery, Winona, Tate, Liza, Maxie, Archie, Admin Shelly, Admin Courtney, Phoebe, Drake, Steven, Wallace, Lucy, Anabel, Lucas, Dawn, Cheryl, Gardinia, Fantina, Volkner, Commander Mars, Commander Jupiter, Lucian, Cynthia, Hilbert, Hilda, Rosa, Ashley (B/W Mom), Lenora, Cheren, Bianca, Roxie, Elesa (B2W2), Skyla, Brayden, N, Caitlyn, Grimsley, Shauntal, Marshall, Iris, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Olivia, Guzma, Lusamine, Sonia, Leon, Bede, Marnie, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Oleanna, Klara, Honey, Burgundy (Scar/Vi Mom), Cylene, Adaman, Irida, Arezu, Mai, Ingo, Palina, Gaeric, Lady Cogita, Nemona, Penny, Arvin, Dendra, Saguaro, Raifort, Brassius, Katy, Iono, Tulip, Grusha, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Mela, Giacomo, Atticus, Eri
RWBY: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao-Long, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, Glynda Goodwitch, Professor Ozpin, Cardin Winchester, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarletina, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Roman Torchwick, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, Neopolitan, Hei Xiong, Miltia Malachite, Melanie Malachite, May Zedong, Arslan Atlan, Sun Wukong, Adam Taurus, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Taiyang Xiao-Long, Summer Rose, James Ironwood, Salem, Oscar Pine, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Ilia Amiitola, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Terra Cotta-Arc, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Harriett Bree, Elm Ederne // Stark Ryker/Fall, Fenris Silbern, Russet "Rusty" Vulcan, Hozukimaru Wukong, Cherrybomb Alistair, Baelfieyr Zirconia, Zephyr Zirconia-Nikos, Scarlet Zirconia-Nikos, Lupin Zirconia-Nikos, Bast Zirconia-Belladonna, Shrike Zirconia-Branwen, Kyrstal Zirconia-Schnee, Sirius Silbern, Orion Braith, Clay Taurus
Skyrim: Yngvelja Ashkeeper (Dragonborn), Serana Volkihar, Lydia, Aela the Huntress, Mjoll the Lioness, Maven Black-Briar, Astrid, Queen Elisif, Thalmor Ambassador Elenwen
Xenoblade: Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Dunban, Sharla, Melia, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Malos, Jin, Nia, Mòrag Ladair, Brighid, Vandham, Eunie, Mio // Gairic Dáraig
Other: Chel Dorado, Ember McClain, Desiree, Danny Phantom, Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster, Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Gwen (TDI), Courtney (TDI), Bridgette (TDI), Heather (TDI), Bulma Briefs, Android 18, Android 21, Bayonetta, Lara Croft, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Melissandra, Sandor Clegane
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess watches Final Results - Day 296 & 297 [x]
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My Lady Jane wins with 15 of 17 votes!
The detailing on their clothing is exquisite. And as pretty as the dresses are, they don't look very comfortable to wear. However if the costume designer could please send me Guilford's jacket with the gold threading on the shoulder. 😍
I voted for TLOK because of Bolin enjoying the fame too much to realize or care that he is being manipulated. And the water/ice animation as the water tribe brothers fought was so fluid and textured. 10 yearr old animation still incredibly impressive.
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ivycovehq · 2 months
Mw at this time?
here are some of them! tolkien: legolas, fili durin, gandalf, galadriel, elrond, thorin oakenshield, gimli, thranduil, boromir, pippin took, merry brandybuck, eowyn, faramir, eomer. twilight: jacob black, carlisle cullen, jane, esme cullen, leah clearwater, charlie swan. marvel: pietro maximoff, billy kaplan, tommy shepherd, america chavez, matt murdock, emma frost, clint barton, jessica jones, scott lang, cassie lang, wolverine, storm, bucky barnes, carol danvers, scott summers. genshin impact: alhaitham, ayato, childe, cyno, kazuha, raiden, neuvillette, lisa, kaeya, ninguang, xiangling, zhongli. shadowhunters: jace wayland, simon lewis, jocelyn fray, raphael santiago, luke garroway, lydia branwell, cleophas garroway, aline penhallow. the last of us: abby, tommy, marlene, tess, jesse, levi. once upon a time: alice, will scarlet, anastasia, cyrus, snow white, regina mills. winx club: bloom, aisha, tecna, stella, sky, brandon, darcy. critical role: yasha nydoorin, grog strongjaw, beauregard lionette, mollymauk tealeaf, dorian storm, caduceaus clay, taryon darrington, kashaw vesh, reami, zahra, hydris, cassandra de rolo, kima of vord, fjord, veth brenatto, essek thelyss. the hunger games: haymitch abernathy, effie trinket, gale hawthorne, rue, boggs. avatar the last airbender: zuko, yue, iroh, mei, bolin, mako, tenzin, kya, jinora, lin beifong, ikki, suyin beifong. arcane: jinx, vander, ekko. shadow & bone: maylen, kaz brekker, jesper fahey, mattias, genya safin, wylan hendricks, inej ghafa, nikolai lantsov, tamar kir bataar. stranger things: mike wheeler, steve harrington, eddie munson, robin buckley, jim hopper, jonthan byers. phantom of the opera: meg giry. castlevania: hector, carmilla. star wars: luke skywalker, general hux, zeb, lando. disney: gaston, kristof, hercules. assassians creed: conner kenway, jennifer scott. robin hood: sheriff, merry men. doctor who: river song. stardust: tristan, yvainne, primus, secondus. bridgerton: colin bridgerton, daphine bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, hyacinth bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, violet bridgerton, simon basset. both of them: sorsha, kit, aric. willow: willow, elora.
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readyforevolution · 4 months
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Judge Jane Bolin (April 11, 1908 - January 8, 2007) was the first Black woman graduate of Yale Law School and the first Black female judge in the US. She was born in Poughkeepsie, New York. From her earliest days in her father’s law office, she knew she wanted to be an attorney. She graduated from Wellesley College and earned her law degree from Yale Law School.
She clerked in her father’s law office until she passed the New York bar exam in 1932. She married fellow attorney Ralph E. Mizelle a year later, and together they opened up a practice in New York City. In 1937, she was named Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of New York, serving on the Domestic Relations Court. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia appointed her Judge of the Domestic Relations Court in 1939, where she served for 40 years. During her tenure with two other judges, she achieved two major changes: the assignment of probation officers to cases without regard for race or religion and a requirement that publicly funded private child-care agencies accept children without regard to ethnic background.
She reluctantly retired in 1979, after reaching mandatory retirement age, and went on to serve on the New York State University Board of Regents, where she reviewed disciplinary cases. She was a member of the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Child Welfare League. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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valkyries-things · 6 months
“She was the first woman Justice in New York. An outspoken activist and a “fighting judge”, for 38 years, she used her position on the Family Court bench to fight for the rights of the poor and disempowered. She along with Justice Jane Bolin, also fought racial discrimination by religious groups by helping to found a special school for black boys in New York.”
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rebeleden · 10 months
Watch "AAHIAH episode #53 “THE JUDGE JANE BOLIN STORY”" on YouTube
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Did you see
The other bolyn girl
Scarlet johansen played mary bolin great and lol natalie portman same actress who played jane foster from thor is there but she plays as Anne Bolyn The woman who took henry the eight from catherin of aragon
I haven’t added the characters yet, but I have most written down.
Natasha R.
Wanda M.
Rosalie H.
Maleficent, Jane S.
Hayley M.
Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body.
Those are most of the females from the movies I’ve seen and liked.
Never seen that movie before?:(
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