#jarchie kiss is real to me
doctorcurdlejr · 1 year
the only reason we didn't get a jarchie kiss is because of cole sprout. i just know it.
Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us an archie kiss of our own. But you didn't want it, Cole! So what we got now is Regchie Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all. So I hope you know that, even if you don't never know the rest! You count the times y'all's characters have lived together in nearly six years and you measure the short fuckin' leash you keep me on - and then you ask me about Riverdale and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get. You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you. I can't make it on a couple of bunker-altitude caresses once or twice a year! You are too much for me Cole, you sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.
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riverdale-retread · 3 months
Do you think Jarchie is a viable ship?
To answer the question with a question: What does it mean for a ship to be viable? Is unrequited love or sexual desire also 'viable'? If the love is unrequited but sexual activity happens between the lover and the beloved, does that make it viable?
My take is that Jughead is indeed in romantic and sexual love with Archie throughout most of the show, but that it's unrequited, because (sobbing for Jughead) Archie isn't attracted to what Jughead has to offer. They're at cross purposes for what they need and want from the other one.
Remainder under the cut because I couldn't stop talking.
Jughead is obsessed with Archie, but his love is very twisted and dark because it's the love of someone odds with his own longings. The one adult who actually understands what makes Jughead tick is his mother, so her assuming that Jughead has finally hooked up with Archie, then dragged him out of Riverdale to come running to her about it in Season 3 is a major clue to me. Jughead acting like she's being mean to him is another sign of that twisted complicatedness that he has about Archie. Jughead seethes about Archie when he's not actively imagining exactly how those abs flex when he's giving it to Veronica. As an adult, in the alternate universe, Jughead says "I love you" to Archie specifically when he knows he looks less than appetitzing at the fair - stuffed to the gills, crumbs all over his face, generally ridiculous lookin' - because he wants Archie to say, Even like this, I want you, but Archie isn't someone who would.
Archie consistently has an approach to sex, attraction, and touch that's uncomplicated, and almost polar opposite to Jughead - sensual, spontaneous, joyful. Archie moreover enacts noblesse oblige about being physically very beautiful - he just calmly accepts, without braggadocio, that people want to touch him and kiss him and look at him naked. If he wants to kiss a pretty girl - and he's had so many, omg, Valerie, Veronica, Betty, Josie - he just does, after he gets her permission. If a pretty boy wants to kiss him for being his adorable himself (Kevin, more than once), he accepts it with a smile.
If Jughead could have just made the move, the way Archie makes the move on people he likes or even in the This is a joke heeheehaha ... unless you want it for real way that Kevin kisses him in public, Jughead and Archie could have totally been a canon couple (Cold Sprouts' contract notwithstanding). But you see, Jughead isn't someone who can do that. Archie even tries to help him make the move - that's what I see the "East Village truck speech" being - but Jughead rejects the opportunity. There's too much pain there for Jughead, about Archie, in addition to the love and desire - envy, feelings of betrayal, inferiority and superiority, as well as competitiveness, frustration, possessiveness, and entitlement.
What Archie wants is what he had with S7 Reggie - have a fun sexual night together, be really pleased with each other about it, then afterwards watch a beautiful sunrise and reaffirm mutual affection. None of the Jugheads is capable of interacting with him like that, at all.
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clementine-kesh · 11 months
people rb’ing that jarchie post from me about jughead dying over and over and controlling the narrative and to make archie the most special boy ever who is so cool and has lots of sex but he (jughead) is NOT GAY and archie becoming a symbol instead of a boy but jughead still won’t kiss him and being like “this is tom and harry” sooo true. tom writing his gay little holonovels where he’s always sweeping in to rescue harry, his paragon of goodness and virtue. the insane boybestfriends who are obsessed with each other parallels are real
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asmeninas · 1 year
favorite moments in riverdale and why
oh god you’ve opened a cursed vault that will devour the entire world… we’re all going to hell and it is your fault I hope you’re happy…
Starting from the fact that this is an impossible question to answer I will simply be listing things here as they come to mind until I reach z I cannot stress enough that I did not sit down and try to think of the correct answer to this
a) Cheryl’s twin brother Jason who was also two years older than her dies and he’s Archie because everyone just compares Archie to him and Jason’s mother cries at how much they look alike and Cheryl has a vision that Archie is Jason at homecoming and then Archie is nice to Cheryl as no one but Jason had ever been nice to Cheryl so she kisses him. Cheryl lives in a gothic novel what else can I say.
b) Jughead kisses Betty for the first time and has a nightmare with a bunch of married straight people and Betty is wearing a huge ass ring and Jughead wakes up from this nightmare in the closet where he’s been sleeping.
c) Can't pick one craziest Jarchie moment but I'll narrow it down to three: (1) You know I had this stupid idea the two of us could live together in new york. what, our girlfriends? Yeah they can be in new york just far away from us. (2) Jughead leaving Betty's empty fully furnished house with electricity because it didn't feel right to be there after they've broken up because she cheated on him with Archie and then moving in next door to Archie's completely empty house to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor of Archie's completely empty bedroom and then they cut the electricity and he was there reading Dune by candlelight, this after just finding Archie literally made out with his girlfriend AND (3) the statue
d) 3x05 the great escape when jughead writes archie's escape from leopold & loeb juvie by being the dungeon master of the evil dungeons and dragons game
e) cheryl starting a religion based around her brother and ending up thinking she's a living saint then finding out the town burned her ancestor abigail in a late 19th century witch hunt which leads her to curse the whole town which works
f) when archie saw only the eyes of the serial killer who almost killed his dad who later died anyway because real life and went around town looking for him and he told hiram lodge this and said "i've been going house to house to" and hiram lodge said "stare into men's eyes?" and then two seasons later Archie tells the school counselor that he's been going out at night and she instantly just says oh you're going cruising at the gay forest.
g) when archie is attacked by a bear and his fever dying dreams are the best thing that's ever happened to archie understanders
h) when s5 jughead was stuck inside Taylor Swift's right where you left me (he's still at the restaurant!!!!!!)
i) anything Percival Pickens ever did I love you Percival I'm a s6 understander to the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
j) when Cheryl said they needed to sacrifice Archie for the maple trees to make maple and said "the most powerful kind blood is that of a--" and Archie said "Cheryl, I'm not a virgin!" and Cheryl is like "yeah I know you slut" and then she cut his heart out of his chest
k) when chapter one hundred the jughead paradox was sent down to us from the gods
l) when betty got a concussion from falling from her bike when she was 8 and the hospital just did a 23andme on her dna and found the serial killer genes which even her father, who's literally a serial killer, doesn't have
m) when veronica and cheryl made out to save the world and it didn't work actually but it worked for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
n) whenever someone tells archie he's a good boy and he's not dumb and has a good heart but without like. putting a bunch of heroic pressure on him. just hey archie. you don't need to do all this you're such a good boy!!!!! has this actually ever happened or did I dream I went into the show and said that. probably dream! anyway
p) forget it, jughead. it's riverdale.
q) when tabitha
r) both times kj apa freely decided to kiss casey cott even though no one asked him to. I think the first time it might have been casey who decided but I still bet on kj.
s) when betty's literary hero, toni morrison, told her to not rush this time of her life because it all goes by so fast at her age, you know, like toni morrison would, and archie said wow that is so true @waystarbuttco knows what I'm talking about
t) greg araki directing an episode and thinking "wow yeah this is pretty gay that's crazy"
u) when there were three jugheads
v) hedwig's the origin of love
w) when cheryl gets to kiss women other than her show longterm girlfriend because I think she was made to just hook up with women and not be in one mostly boring relationship no offense
x) when part because of the storyline part because of real life it looked like Betty hated Jughead's guts and it was plausible she would have killed him even to her friends and tbh also plausible that she would kiss his best friend because she hates him as he later told her through voicemail coming up with my favorite description of betty, "cold fake duplicitous bitch" like yeah that's betty!!!!!!!!! that's betty at her best.
y) when they had superpowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE HATE FUN AND THEY HATE ACTUAL COMIC BOOKS.
z) when i just turned 17 i'm master of my scene still something's sorta not completely cool yes i'm talking about the problem that i've got when things get chilly that is when i want them hot, it might sound silly but it bothers me a lot archie going left archie going right archie running any road that he can find archie never making up his all american mind making up his all american mind I LOOK AT OTHER GUYS with fire in their eyes they know the way their whole lives will play out me i don't have a clue of what i'm gonna do or even what my story is about i think it's time i make a big decision attack my problems with a sleek precision only then can i get rid of the vision of ARCHIE GOING LEFT ARCHIE GOING RIGHT ARCHIE RUNNING ANY ROAD THAT HE CAN FIND ARCHIE NEVER MAKING UP HIS ALL AMERICAN MIND MAKING UP HIS ALL AMERICAN MIND MAKING UP HIS ALL AMERICAAAN... MIND!
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igarbagecannoteven · 1 year
megs!! hello!! good evening!! i want literally all of the things from your ask game so just imagine im copypasting all the emojis. tell me all the things!! love you so much missing you lots xoxo give the babygirl a kiss from me since she will never accept one from me anyway
bella!! hiya!! good evening!! (of the next evening but the sentiment still stands lol) love you so so much prilla and i miss you i will give her kisses for you 💙
🤘: so. you get the cursed song since you cannot cut ties from me now that we've signed a year-long lease :)) the song i've been looping all day is BOGOS BINTED by Ida Deerz ft Kaj Strife & 2a03fox which is. well. furry music (with a suicide ment tw for anyone who needs it) and i am not (that) ashamed to say it kinda slaps (you probs won't like it tho sdklfjsdlkjfsd) i mean the chorus is hella catchy! non-cursed song recs are Kid Fears by The Indigo Girls and The Wood Song also by The Indigo Girls (also Galileo which is also by them lol)
👀: okay this is a series of three fics but riverdale belongs to the gays by boos is a *very* good canon divergent (mostly bc it was written during like season 2 or something) exploration of both canon & non-canon events through the lens of the core four all being queer (with ace jughead!!) but if you'd like something (much) shorter there's The Real Suspension of Disbelief by punk_rock_yuppie which is jarchie with ace!jughead :))
🖇️: okay so this idea is actually inspired by a discussion topic from a philosophy class i took so it's a little weird and angsty BUT it's a sci-fi/dystopian au where people use teleportation devices like the ones in star trek and person a, who's used the teleportation device in the past, dies for unrelated reasons (maybe a hovercraft crash or a plague or something idk yet) and their significant other, person b, who's half-mad with grief, breaks into the records of the company who makes the teleportation devices and gets the data for the exact molecular make-up of person a and makes it materialize on one of the transport pads, "bringing them back to life". *however*this is a past version of person a since it's been a minute since they used teleportation (i haven't decided how long yet, at least a few months i think) and so they think they're going to, like, visit their mom or whatever but then they teleport into a scene where their bf's getting dragged away by security and it's x months/years later. cue the realization that a version of themselves actually died, blah blah blah, the question of do they have a soul comes up bc i'm me, etc etc, some other loved ones not accepting them as the "real" person a,,, it wouldn't really be a "they came back wrong" story but there would be elements of that bc regardless of how long it's been btwn the use of the teleportation device and their death, there will be memories that person b has that person a does not, and there's the classic identity crisis aspect and yeah. classic cheerful megs fic sdkljflkdsjklfjsdlkjf
😈: inspired by the job hunting process, my hashtag hot take of the day is that a job where you're handling people's financials and requires you to have a college degree should pay more than a cashier job at a upscale supermarket where a high school degree is preferred but not required 🙃
🧠: okay so uh. major spoilers for dungeons and daddies season 2 below the cut if anyone cares about that lol
so the latest episode of my favorite podcast (also the only one i listen to regularly but that's not relevant) they revealed that my favorite npc (grant wilson, son of a pc in s1 and dad of pc in s2) was transported to the titanic just b4 it hit the iceberg along with his fiance (it was either the night b4 their wedding or the day of) and that's where he found, rescued from death, and then adopted his son (lincoln, one of the player characters) and like. listen. this is The Podcast Of Wild Ass Rides(tm), after all it was only a couple arcs ago that the cast of family guy fought the fbi over who could attack the cast only for a giant flying dog to rescue the cast, brutally murdering family guy and the fbi in the process b4 flying the cast up to heaven's gates (longggg story lol), not to mention all the main characters getting married to survive the vacuum of space, HOWEVER. all of those buckwild things all had mostly reasonable explanations if you've listened to the whole show (the fbi trying to break into hell, goofs realm being a quasi-family guy reality with cursed standup, trying to rescue a half demon from the iss, that sort of thing) and the titanic is the first thing that seems to come completely out of left field. does this mean there's some great significance about the titanic that we just don't know yet??? is it supposed to tip us off to the fact that grant's husband knows more than it's seemed??? was it just to riff on the movie titanic??? who knows!!! anthony (the dm) what are you planning!!!
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wolviecore · 2 years
hi, I just wanted to ask something. This has been bugging me for a while, but how come you're not as mad as Archie as you are at Betty? it takes TWO people to kiss...
Why hello!! I'm more than happy to rant about this because it's been on my BRAIN, just sitting there, so thanks for giving me an opportunity :D
So, I'm going to assume you're asking why I don't hold Betty and Archie to the same standard when it comes to bringing up the b*ghead break up/the infamous double judas kiss that started it all. To be as frank as possible; It's very much favoritism. But the justified kind, so lower your pitchforks.
Just by a quick scroll to my blog, I think it's unmistakably evident I like Archie over Betty; Like a red dot in a white room. You can't miss it. It's there. And as third party viewers, our individual feelings, opinion, and attachments we form towards these characters motivate the moral standards we set for them.
Take a generous majority of Betty stans, for example; Despite being united by the same romantic relationship in the show, they have a direct connection in strongly disliking the male half of said relationship; Jughead.
Betty is very much the golden child of B*gheads, so I figured it was fair game. Arguably, you can say some of them maintain some objectivism, but not enough for me to consider it valuable.
Now, am I saying Archie's a perfect angel who could do no wrong? That because he's the fandom's ' haha, big himbo Boi golden retriever stupid wholesome jock' means all guilt and responsibility should be absorbed from his part? No! Absolutely not.
I don't think there's anyone in this fandom who hates the " Archie is a perfect angel and our annoying but beloved protagonist " narrative more than I do;
Fuck. No. Archie is a violent, careless, emotionally inept douchebag, who wouldn't know what a non-dysfunctional relationship was if it spit in his eye. But here's a thing, Archie isn't the protagonist; He's the antagonist.
Arguably speaking, Archie's the most morally ambiguous/morally grey character on the show, in my opinion. Not because he struggles with separating dark from light, but because he chooses both.
I can't really look at a kiss and all that other shit he's done and be like ' oh YEA, kissing was definetly worse!' the same logic can apply to Betty, but here's ANOTHER thing; Archie didn't owe Jughead loyalty.
Archie wasn't his boyfriend; Archie wasn't the one promising he won't do it again; Archie wasn't the one who went behind his back. He's the mistress in this scenario, and mistresses aren't morally indebted to anyone.
Betty was. She was Jughead's girlfriend. She was the one who sang " you're the only man for me" and yet does the opposite, on quite clear multiple times. (There's accounts of consecutive emotional cheating as well) and she's the one who's actions hurt Jughead the most because SHE was dating him.
Hell, Archie and Jughead were barely even friends; I'll even argue to say a constant theme in the show is the constant construction and reconstruction of Jarchie's friendship. How they fail to be friends but still choose eachother, over and over again, because they're held together by memories and nostalgia.
Of course I can't hold the same bitterness for Archie when his involvement and presence in Jughead's life doesn't hold the same impact as Betty's. Archie never promised him anything. Betty did.
At best, Archie owes Jughead an apology, but his real target of compensation should be his actual partner. Veronica. Archie owes her remorse.
I'll even go ahead and say it - the varchie break up hurt more because their relationship was build on actual meaningful, mature grounds.
b*ughead is a middle schooler's relationship goals. Which is to be expected because they were 16, teenagers, yet! Archie and Veronica happen to be characters with more experience in romance, both by direct and indirect contact. (From multiple partners to their own parents separating respectively)
I don't necessarily like comparing emotional damage; I do my best not to cherry pick. However, I don't think I owe cheaters the courtesy of fair thinking.
There's no good reason to cheat. It's a destructive, cruel, abusive act of disrespect towards your partner, and I'm not at all moved by Betty's performative remorse, especially because she clearly doesn't feel it as much as the fandom pushes it.
But I'll say it once and I'll say it for as long as I can; If anti Barchies dislike barchie because they like Betty, I dislike b*ghead because I love Jughead.
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tibby · 3 years
if/when riverdale ends, i genuinely do not want to hear any jarchie (or even beronica tbh) queerbaiting discourse. today it seems like any popular non-canon gay ship existing means fans will cry queerbait. it scares me as an LGBTQ creative who watched becky albertalli essentially be forced by her so-called "fans" to come out. i also haven't seen much toxic ship behavior from jarchies in particular. we all know RAS is fighting for jarchie rights but if he loses we'll just pour one out and move on
i think you could definitely classify beronica as queerbait given that they used the kiss in the initial promos to attract viewers HOWEVER in the context of the scene they're literally. criticised for kissing to get attention like cheryl calls them to task for it. and jarchie is hardly queerbait because they're not really using them to sell the show like yes the longcon is real but it's hardly a marketing tactic used by riverdale itself. let us be insane away from the prying eyes of those who do not understand.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Couples and Ships as Romantic Tropes (Part II). 🌹
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Here is Part II of the list!
#11. Bughead (Jughead Jones & Betty Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ROMANCE)
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Childhood Friend Romance
Childhood Friend Romance is a part of romantic plots, when characters develop romantic feelings for someone who they spent their childhood years with. Often the pair will see each other as Just Friends (and may even deny accusations that they might have a different type of relationship); then, when puberty hits or when they meet again after being apart for some time, they will realize that the other is all grown up. If the pair goes through a Puppy Love phase from the very beginning, a Childhood Marriage Promise may be involved. Resistance to see a childhood friend as a potential romantic partner is known as the "Westermarck effect", a theory that claims that people who grew up together before the age of 6 are likely to become hardwired to think about each other Like Brother and Sister, with a Stupid Sexy Friend squicked reaction to the notion of romance. (Other studies question this on the basis that though few of the people they examined had major romantic relationships with childhood friends, many had crushes and romantic feelings that just didn't make it.) Subtrope of Childhood Friends. See also Patient Childhood Love Interest, a subtrope common in Harem Series. Compare also with High-School Sweethearts. Often benefits from First Girl Wins.
#10. Veggie (Reggie Mantle & Veronica Lodge; ROMANTIC TROPE: SLAP-SLAP-KISS)
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"[Punches Hiccup on the arm] That was for kidnapping me. [Kisses him on the cheek] That was for everything else."— Astrid, How to Train Your Dragon
This trope is nothing but universal in romantic stories. It frequently brings to a close the Will They or Won't They? phase of a Romance Arc. When a male and female character spend a lot of time bickering, it is all but inevitable that sooner or later he will interrupt her in mid-rant by suddenly grabbing her and kissing her. (Less frequently, she grabs and kisses him.) The kissed one rarely resists, and usually responds wholeheartedly. Usually this is triggered by their hostilities reaching a climax that results in an exchange of slaps, followed by a moment where both stare at each other in combined confusion and shock, after which they dive into the kiss. Either way, the kiss prompts both to realize that they've been in love all this time — the rationale being that they wouldn't argue so much if they didn't give a damn about each other. Normally results in some kind of permanent change in their relationship. The concept is related to the theory that hate is not necessarily the opposite of love so much as its twisted twin; its opposite would be apathy. Ergo, lots of contained emotion towards a person might be translated into lust given the proper catalyst. Pulled off successfully, it can be... quite satisfying. Otherwise, not so much. This trope is a major factor in Foe Yay shipping, since such arguments between those characters in the actual shows are often similar to examples of this trope (or even get Why Don't You Marry It? reactions). It should be noted that in Real Life it's not exactly a sign of a healthy relationship, with the exception of a little roleplay between consenting adults. Note that this trope is mostly Exactly What It Says on the Tin. If there is no kiss, that's Belligerent Sexual Tension. Dating back at least to William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Compare "Shut Up" Kiss, Love at First Punch, Belligerent Sexual Tension, "Take That!" Kiss, Vitriolic Best Buds, and Destructo-Nookie. Often considered in similar terms to Foe Yay. Tsunderes are often involved on at least one end. Kiss-Kiss-Slap is this in reverse (kissing, then fighting).
#09. Jarchie (Archie Andrews & Jughead Jones; ROMANTIC TROPE: HO YAY)
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Homoeroticism, yay! Those moments of plot, dialogue, acting, etc., that fans delight in interpreting as homoerotic. It probably originates from the old days, when the homosexuality taboo was serious enough that every gay pairing was considered a Crack Pairing, so when authors wrote same-sex characters as very intimate with each other, audiences largely accepted that they are just very good friends, and moved on, or when authors wrote outright references to homosexuality, most just laughed at the sheer absurdity of the thought. With the gradual dissolution of homophobic moral codes, more and more writers have been able to publish and share their work uncensored, changing media forever. Nowadays, Yaoi Fans and Yuri Fans willingly interpret any interaction as potentially gay, for characters without canonical orientations and even for those specifically stated by their creators to be straight (in which case the author may be very annoyed by the fans' insistence otherwise). Cultural differences also have their say here. The level of accepted physical intimacy between close friends and adult relatives is hardly constant across various eras and nationalities, so, for example, the hugs and kisses which seemed mundane for an antiquated reader may appear blatantly erotic in the eyes of a contemporary one. In particular, the concept of Romantic Two-Girl Friendship — and Romantic Two-Guy Friendship — highly intimate yet platonic, only began falling out of use in the latter half of the 19th century. When this is done intentionally, it's Homoerotic Subtext, or possibly Implied Love Interest or Ship Tease. In the related trope called Foe Yay, even rivals or mortal enemies can get this treatment by fans and writers alike, especially if they have a more friendly past together, or one is inordinately obsessed with the other. In Fan Fic, this is the direct cause of many a Slash Fic.
#08. Choni (Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz; ROMANTIC TROPE: OPPOSITES ATTRACT)
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Opposites Attract
"Strange extremes meet in love's pathway."—The Scarlet Pimpernel
Strong relationships, in both TV and real life, thrive on how each member compensates for the other’s weaknesses with their own strengths, and vice versa. A Motor Mouth just isn’t as funny if he doesn’t have the Straight Man to torment. Similarly, only when a sweet, shy person is paired up with an equally jerkish one is their kindness and shyness made all the more noticeable. It is all but guaranteed that the characters’ differences will cause more friction than harmony between them. That’s what gives the Odd Couple its fuel for Slap-Slap-Kiss, Will They or Won't They?, and Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other situations. Bickering and mushiness in one package. What’s not to like? The Odd Friendship also has elements of this, but tends to focus on how the differences make them see each other, and maybe the world, through new eyes. Perhaps the serious one is Not So Above It All, or the Shrinking Violet has an inner strength they never knew they had. A Moe Couplet also does something similar to this, focusing on how each half of the couplet brings out the other's endearing or nurturing traits. Opposites attract has become so widespread in buddy cop shows, in the form of Serious White Guy meets Loud Black Guy, that it branched off into its own subtrope. About the biggest challenge in creating a day-and-night dynamic is to keep the attract and repel cases relatively balanced. When the pendulum swings too far toward the repel side and the characters seem more interested in torturing each other than helping out, it’s no longer cute to watch; it’s just masochistic. The key (both in fiction and in Real Life) is to watch the pair's goals. If they want the same thing but use completely different methods to achieve it, it's this trope. If they want different things entirely, it's a divorce waiting to happen. If you add a third-party mediator for balance, you get a Power Trio. Contrast Birds of a Feather. Compare Too Much Alike.
#07. Cheronica (Cheryl Blossom & Veronica Lodge; ROMANTIC TROPE: VILLAINOUS CRUSH)
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Villainous Crush
"Just fear me. Love me. Do as I say, and I shall be your slave."— Jareth the Goblin King to Sarah, Labyrinth
This trope applies whenever a villainous character has romantic and/or sexual feelings for a heroic one. If this crush takes a turn for the perverse (and most such crushes tend towards this), this can lead to tropes like I Have You Now, My Pretty, Forceful Kiss, Bathe Her and Bring Her to Me, And Now You Must Marry Me, Scarpia Ultimatum, and Go-Go Enslavement where the villain tries to force their desires upon the character, although none of those require a Villainous Crush. Additionally, the villain may become a Stalker with a Crush. If the crush itself is a motivating factor in their Start of Darkness, then it's Love Makes You Evil. This trope isn't always negative, though. This trope can conversely be a very humanising trait for an Anti-Villain. The heroic character may become a Morality Pet, and can be fairly certain that their villainous admirer will never harm them or allow harm to come to them, barring certain exceptions. They may even step in to protect them from other villains who have fewer compunctions. Taken all the way, it may become Love Redeems. If the feelings are mutual or an actual relationship develops, then it's Dating Catwoman instead. When this is purely subtextual, see Foe Romance Subtext. The specific variant when the Evil Empress captures the hero to seduce him is Villainesses Want Heroes. Not to be confused with Foe Yay, which are purely audience reactions.
#06. Archosie (Archie Andrews & Josie McCoy; ROMANTIC TROPE: BIRDS OF A FEATHER)
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Birds Of A Feather
Grace: My mum always said opposites attract. Rich: That's magnets. We're people.—Skins
Relationships, particularly romantic ones, tend to thrive when the people involved are similar. People are simply more likely to get along if they share common interests, values, beliefs, and goals. Thus people with similar personalities will often flow together easily, whether romantically or not. The dynamic of this pair differs widely from Opposites Attract pair. Their personalities can often be interchangeable and both of them can have a same role if they are a part of a group. However, their common obstacle is having a harder time to compensate for each other's weaknesses. Be warned, writers: while often Truth in Television, this trope can sometimes be seen to create a poorly written Love Interest who just happens to be a Gender Flip of the main character. When the commonalities are much fewer but still create a bond, see Commonality Connection. Contrast Too Much Alike.
#05. Beronica (Veronica Lodge & Betty Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: ROMANTIC TWO-GIRL FRIENDSHIP)
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Romantic Two-Girl Friendship
"It was perfectly acceptable at Baker & Inglis to get a crush on a fellow classmate. At a girls school a certain amount of emotional energy, normally expended on boys, gets redirected into friendships."—Middlesex
At the beginning of adolescence, there is a time when friendship is emphasized, usually junior high/middle school. These friendships can have very strong emotional bonds, and, when two girls develop a close bond, it will almost appear to be a romance. They hold hands. Getting together to do something is a "date." Fights are treated as a "break-up." They're willing to sleep next to each other in the same bed (and maybe even cuddle). They're also sometimes capable of moving and speaking in perfect unison. They may not actually be in a romantic relationship, but it is emphasized in such a way that if they were, you'd assume it'd look this way. In the Western world, this was far more common up until the late 1800s, and applied to both men and women, even into adulthood. It was referred to as "romantic friendship." This practice waned at the turn of the 20th century as adults, particularly men, did not want to be mistaken as homosexual. Note Generally, it still only occurs between young girls, where it is more socially acceptable and not indicative of sexual orientation. In Japan, this is known as "Class S" and is far more common than in the West. Due to the influence of Western female literature,Note the Japanese developed a belief that young girls are expected to have friendships with each other that emulate boyfriend–girlfriend relationships. This is considered a temporary but wonderful part of adolescence, which they can later "graduate" from to "real" relationships with boys. To remain in a "Class S" relationship past middle school is seen as a sign of immaturity, although it is expected that these friendships will continue into adulthood without the romantic elements. The possibility of one or more of the girls involved in a "Class S" relationship being truly invested in the other romantically is usually ignored. If the romance starts to become too passionate, parents may try to intervene to separate the girls. This should never become physical that way; it would "corrupt" the Incorruptible Pure Pureness, which is then traded in for marriage. If the girls do cross the line into sex (or even passionate kissing), they are no longer this trope, instead becoming Schoolgirl Lesbians, and are treated differently. Compare Heterosexual Life-Partners, where it just doesn't seem as romantic but remains a tremendously important personal bond, above and beyond a genuine romantic relationship. Also compare Experimented in College.
#04. Varchie (Archie Andrews & Veronica Lodge; ROMANTIC TROPE: UPTOWN GIRL)
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Uptown Girl
"She's a rich girl, she don't try to hide it, Diamonds on the soles of her shoes. He's a poor boy, empty as a pocket, Empty as a pocket with nothing to lose."—Paul Simon, "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes"
You know the story. It's a love story. Our lovers are from different worlds — one wealthy, one not. The poor girl has fallen in love with the Gentleman Snarker, or the Unlucky Everydude secretly courts the daughter of the richest man in town. And she loves him too. Maybe it was Love at First Sight. Maybe she has a habit of slipping out to the seedier side of town for a night of fun. Maybe they've been friends their whole lives and the difference in status never really mattered. Will their love be enough to let them be happy together?
In any case, this is usually played out in one of three ways:
The poor guy and rich girl mutually fall in love, and neither one cares about their differences in wealth. People around them, however, do, and conspire to interfere with True Love.
The poor guy falls for the rich girl, even though he knows that she's out of his league. Undaunted, our hero engages in some Zany Scheme to get her to notice him or be impressed by him. This usually ends with the girl revealing that she doesn't care if he's rich or poor, and that she loves him for who he is.
The poor guy and the rich girl fall for one another, but he doesn't know she's rich at first. When he finds out, he's either intimidated by her wealth once he finds out, or else doesn't think he's good enough for her. As before, she doesn't care about such things, and has to convince him that he's the one she wants.
When the rich girl wants nothing to do with the poor guy, but slowly warms up to him, it's a different trope entirely. Note that the roles aren't locked by gender: a working-class girl who loves a rich boy also fits this trope, as do two lovers of the same gender. A relationship variant of the Odd Couple and quite often overlaps with Nobody Thinks It Will Work. Also often leads to cases of I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me, either with severe case of insecurity (like the third type above), or simply the poor guy being constantly feeling lucky and appreciative that someone so rich could fall for him. If it's not just the fact that she comes from money, but that he feels like she's above him, she's a Peerless Love Interest. Compare with All Girls Want Bad Boys, which often follows the same socioeconomic groups (or the inverse, if the girl is The Ingenue and the boy is an Gentleman Snarker or Spoiled Brat). Can overlap with Single Woman Seeks Good Man as it is the guy's personality that wins her heart (as is the case mentioned above). Not to be confused with the Brittany Murphy film Uptown Girls, which doesn't use this trope. Not to be confused with City Mouse either. This is transitioning into Dead Horse Trope territory, since interclass marriage is no longer shocking, and the expectation that men should be the breadwinner in the family is much weaker today than it used to be. On the other hand, it may become an Undead Horse Trope with the emergence of culture wars and new waves of social stratification. For the non-romantic variant, see Interclass Friendship. For the version endemic to India, see Type Caste, although that trope is not restricted solely to marriage and relationships.
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Unresolved Sexual Tension (UST)
"To repress one's feelings only makes them stronger."— Yu Shu Lien, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced "oost" or Yu-Ess-Tee. Also known as "Long Unresolved Sexual Tension". Belligerent Sexual Tension is a way to keep the UST by having the couple fight each other too much to actually get together. They Do is when it gets resolved (Literally Falling in Love might help). Shipping Bed Death and Strangled by the Red String are when it gets resolved badly. Compare All Love Is Unrequited, Will They or Won't They?, Just Friends, Moment Killer (a staple of a UST relationship), Maybe Ever After (a more uncertain version), Cannot Spit It Out. Contrast Official Couple, when the couple is already together, and Friends with Benefits, where the primarybond in the relationship is sex.
#02. Barchie (Archie Andrews & Betty Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: WILL THEY OR WON’T THEY?)
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Will They Or Won’t They?
"Pam is very attractive, no question. If I didn't have an award show to host, I could easily see having two or three seasons of will-they-won't-they sexual tension that ultimately goes nowhere."—Conan O'Brien, Emmy 2006 opening skit, after crashing, The Office (US)
Two characters, often combative but with obvious Unresolved Sexual Tension, resist going into a full blown relationship for a rather long time. Usually the two characters will be presented so that "they will" is the conclusion to root for; only rarely is the question of whether the writers think they should in any real doubt. Actually ending the dance is a tricky business. It is difficult for shows to recover from the loss of a major source of dramatic tension represented by an unrequited relationship. Many shows Jump the Shark or suffer Shipping Bed Death when the two characters finally get together. A common problem is that the show suddenly becomes about the relationship rather than remaining true to its original premise. Sometimes an attempt is made to introduce a new source of dramatic tension, but it is frequently cheesy and lame. To avoid this, many shows choose to answer the question and end the show nearly simultaneously via a Last Minute Hookup. Of course, the opposite can also occur. Shows can go out of their way to avoid resolving the relationship, making ever-more-desperate narrative leaps. In longer-running shows, they may even have the characters hook up for a little while, only to split up over and over again, until by the time they finally let the characters get actually, technically married, the show has lost its viewership anyway. Belligerent Sexual Tension is often a victim of this. Sometimes a Love Epiphany can be used to have a character realize his/her feelings, but still not resolve the question, just add a new dynamic to it. A fundamental Shipping-inducement strategy. See also Almost Kiss, Held Gaze, Relationship Upgrade, Moment Killer, Everyone Can See It. When a series ends without even a hint of resolution to will-they-or-won't-they, it's No Romantic Resolution. If it's more ambiguous, it's Maybe Ever After. Contrast Friends with Benefits, where they definitelydo it, but without the emotional baggage. Compare Just Friends and They Do. Contrast Platonic Life-Partners and Ship Sinking — they won't. See Just Eat Gilligan if it's a major plot point. See also Break-Up/Make-Up Scenario when they separate for some dramatic reason, spend a time apart, then reconcile (usually with a kiss, which breaks the Will They Or Won't They)
#01. Jeronica (Jughead Jones & Veronica Lodge;  ROMANTIC TROPE: BELLIGERENT SEXUAL TENSION AKA BST)
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Belligerent Sexual Tension (BST)
"Wonderful girl! Either I'm gonna kill her, or I'm beginning to like her!"— Han Solo about Princess Leia Organa, A New Hope
There's a couple, usually a sometimes sweet, sometimes grouchy female (Tsundere) paired with a secretly-kind jerk (Jerk With A Heart Of Gold), who are not able to admit their feelings. At the top of their lungs. Despite the conflict, there is an attraction. This is usually obvious to everyone around except the couple. Confront them with the obvious, they'll deny deny deny. Sometimes they will progress to admitting their friendship but insist they are Just Friends. Eventually, they can admit their feelings to practically anyone except their loved one. It ends up where both characters dance around admitting their feelings as if the words "I love you" are some sort of death curse, much to the frustration of the audience and the other characters. Older Than Steam, since this is used in Much Ado About Nothing, and has varying degrees of popularity at different times. If there is a Love Epiphany with one of these characters, expect it to change nothing, at least in the short term. This can even be true in established long-term relationships; see Like an Old Married Couple. If the whole relationship is defined by the belligerence, it can become The Masochism Tango. If a pair of outright enemies has this sort of attraction, it's a case of Foe Romance Subtext and when it ultimately goes from subtext to text, then it's Dating Catwoman. See also Slap-Slap-Kiss, No Accounting for Taste, Well, Excuse Me, Princess! and Defrosting Ice Queen. If we're lucky, at the end we may get to see a moment of Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other. Expect this couple to be either extremely popular or completely hated by the fandom. For the platonic version, compare Vitriolic Best Buds and With Friends Like These.... Not to be confused with Hate at First Sight, although it may overlap.
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createdtogetbored · 6 years
My thoughts on Riverdale 03 × 08 Midseason finale
Again i’m just rambling at this point but i appreciate it so much if you actually read this 💕
No Jeronica ehehheheh love it 😔
I just wanna say Riverdale writers can’t write casual kissing/ talking scenes and that’s just so fucked up. Yes i’m talking about Kevin and Moose in the beginning and Choni later on.
I mean Riverdale writers can’t write for shit
Aaaand I’m kinda weirded out as to why Cheryl was sending blow kiss to a random guy??? I mean it’s kinda of a Veronica thing to do
Jellybean is an icon and the hugging scene was sooo cute BUT why is she blonde (maybe she dyed it) ???? Ummm am i an idiot?? please hmu if i am i need to know
The Choni scene was so cute if you mute Cheryl i’m sorry
I love the casual meeting that Veronica and Reggie are having it seems incredibly natural to me as well as their chemistry. And that boy has a biiiig crush on her.
Gladys ‘I always knew something was going on between you two’ Jones I LOVE YOUUUUU. That scene was so good and fresh i love that for us. They fed us very well. It’s queer baiting at it’s finest but it’s Riverdale so 🤷🏻‍♀️ i love how Jughead and Archie were cool about but ‘bromance’ was kinda cringe
I like that Betty was worried about V
Okay i admit i actually like Betty’s storyline but i know it lasted two episodes and it’s gonna be back to being with Jughead again 😒
Wow fooling Ethel was really that easy huh
So apparently the Gargoyle king was a hallucination??? Well i’m actually glad. Why did we thought he was a real person with a mask on lol maybe it still is tho idk
I like the scene between Betty and Ethel, so glad Ethel is back to normal
I seriously don’t understand why Hermione is helping Hiram
Okay Penelope that seizure was fake af
Jellybean’s little crush on Archie is so cute but i will snap if i see one person shipping them
She literally did what male Jones couldn’t do
Is Hiram pulling an under the dome type of thing??? Cause all the God complex in him must lead to something right?
I ALMOST CRIED WHEN JARCHIE HUGGED WTF and Cole looked so good in that scene wow
Cheryl and Veronica, i love you so much but why are you acting like 6 years olds?? Hmmm???
GrYpHoN QuEenN i- i just w o w
What is Riverdale honestly wtf
I can’t believe they bought that shit
That little Fred and Archie moment it’s so saaaaad wtf and Vegas fucked me up 😭
If something happens to Vegas i will kill everyone and then myself
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Bughead Family Discord Member Spotlight
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This Halloween week the spotlight is on our spooky admin, Tori ( @tory-b  )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Tori | @tory-b
Name: Tory or Tori
Age: 21 (but only for a few more months!)
Location: Western US
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: I can read basic Japanese and German. I won’t be able to communicate well but I have like some understanding. (I’m just really bad at languages I’m sorry universe, i want to be good at them)
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: BUGHEAD! Jughead Jone is my son, I love that boy. But I’m also a big Archie girl you know? Like just in the ‘he is my big dumb son and he just needs to be protected at all costs.’ I’d probably kill for a Jarchie person.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: There are so many it makes it hard to choose from you know? But S1: the iconic “hey there, Juliet, nurse off duty” is just like…so cheesy and soft it makes it hard to not just be utterly in love with that big dork. S2: When Archie cuts Jughead’s chains in front of the building, and they have that shot where the chains are falling away and he looks just like a fucking mythical fallen angel. That moment is so powerful between the boys, but it’s also just such a beautiful image on screen. Like Riverdale’s cinematography is eh on the best of days but in that moment like wow just absolutely WOW
What are your hopes for S3?: All my hopes and dreams look like they’re coming true and I could cry. Betty has a therapist! Bughead is investigating! Josie is getting more SCREEN TIME. I really do want more Cheryl/Betty friendship moments but I’m not sure if we’ll get them. I’d also love a Jug/Cheryl friendship moment. Also if we could get our Jarchie kiss.
Other fandoms you’re into?: I was in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom for a little while, and the Voltron fandom for some time after that. I just kind of commit to like one fandom or I’ll be dead.
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: My other go-to show right now (I’ve been rewatching) is RuPaul’s Drag Race because I’m Reality TV Trash. My favorite movie is tricky. I always tell my mom that I don’t watch many movies because I like that TV can show longer more complex plots than movies.
Favourite books?: Fever 1793 was my favorite growing up and sometimes I’ll still read through and cry like a fucking baby even though I know how it goes. I love historical fiction. BUT my absolute FAVORITE book is Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky.
Favourite bands/musicians?: It is I, your friendly admin hipster who has a lot of vinyl, and my fave bands are Panic! At the Disco, Walk the Moon, and the 1975. Also I listen to an absurd amount of broadway musicals because I’m a theatre nerd through and through.
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: I was gonna say Riverdale but I don’t want to chances of me getting murdered to jump up to an absurd amount. I’m small and meek I’d die like Midge. Maybe the Miraculous Ladybug’s Paris because it’s soft and even if I get turned into a bad guy no one hates me and I get a cool costume.
Favourite food?: Strawberries! Specifically Strawberry Shortcake but anything with strawberries on it.
Favourite season?: Winter or Fall! Spring is amazing but it makes me sneeze because allergies.
Favourite plant?: Sunflowers!
Favourite scent?: Lime! It’s clean and fresh.
Favourite colour?: Pastels. Pink, blue, yellow!
Favourite animal?: Doggos! (I’d say cats but i’m terribly allergic to cats even though I love them).
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: My sleep schedule is garbage. I am a night owl who works early morning shifts and is forced to be an early bird.
Place you want to visit?: I want to visit more of europe, specifically France, see more of England, and very much Japan!
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I do have pets! I’ve got my sweet little Poppy. She’s a rescue mutt who I got on my 13th birthday. She’s probably 11-12 right now but none of us have an idea. She’s so soft and beautiful but she is absolutely a little bitch. I go to college so whenever I come home for holidays, she stares at me like I’ve just utterly offended her and turns away. She’s a Princess who is utterly spoiled.
Tell us a little about yourself?: Oh gosh. I’m not sure what to say in this really. I’m graduating a semester early with a double major in Psychology and Anthropology, which I think is really cool, even though I have no idea what I’m going to do with that frankly. I moved a lot growing up because my mom can’t stay still. I’ve got this skin condition called vitiligo so lots of my body doesn’t have pigment!
Fun or weird fact about you?: I can’t properly scowl. Like bring my eyebrows together. I have no idea why.
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: Oh gosh. So I’ve been writing in notebooks since I was like 5, but I posted my first ever fanfiction (did you mean that Harry Potter fic I posted that I like to ignore?) when I was 10 or 11? I quit writing publicly from about 12 until…I was like 20?
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: One Last Chance. It was 12k of really just emotional catharsis. I cried while writing it and it just felt so good to write it. Whenever I read it I just smile because I think ‘wow i can’t believe I’m the person who wrote this’.
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: The plot points in What Happened on Elm Street are my favorite because they’re so twisty and turny!
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: What Happened on Elm Street is very difficult to write for me. It’s super complex and I can only give away a little at a time to keep some of the mystery in it. So I have to think a lot for each word I write.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: It’s a combination of everything! It’s real life in some ways, like my college experiences, or with songs, like my oneshot I Hate Love Songs! It all depends. Sometimes it just comes to me, like I’ll be watching a movie and I go ‘yes!’.
Idea that you always wanted to write?: A Zombie Apocalypse AU. SO BADLY. But I don’t think it would be very popular, so I always sort of hang back and don’t write it even though I kind of have the first chapter of a WIP written for it. I just love that kind of angst and fear.
Favourite character to write?: Cheryl fucking Blossom. She is just…I love writing all her wittiness! Also apparently Jughead? Since all of my writing has been through Jughead’s POV lately.
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: So I received a comment on the first chapter of 101 Ways and it was just “DOGGIES” which made me laugh out loud> I also had someone (her name is Cat, she’s an admin, not sure if you’ve heard of her) tell me she cried into her Taco Bell reading One Last Chance. That was iconic.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: Best parts are absolutely getting to stretch my creativity. I have a lot of ideas and writing is just such a cathartic thing for me. Writing makes me feel unburdened and free and that means a lot to me. I use my writing to cope with some of my anxiety and depression, because I feel good about words and how well I can manipulate them. Worst: That fear. That constant fear of not being enough. Of not being as good. Of comparison. It comes with fandom culture I think, this need to compare yourself to other people. I don’t ever mean to do it, but I can feel it happening sometimes. I love being able to learn from other writers by reading things and being encouraged to experiment, but perhaps it’s just who I am but I do have a problem with comparison.
Do you have any advice to offer?: Experiment experiment experiment! If you like something in another person’s writing, like a certain style, how they use metaphors, etc, there’s nothing wrong with adopting things you like and evolving you're writing based on what you like to read. It’s so important to keep changing and evolving and the only way you can do that is by trying new things!
This is the fifteenth instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years
Riverdale React: s3e8 Outbreak
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Those shoes are so festive. But does anyone do after school activities anymore or is everyone hopped up on G&G and fizzle rocks?
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Moose has a serious hookup/drug problem. Every time he tries to get frisky something terrible happens, like finding a dead body. Last time he did the Jangle with Midge he got shot. It’s an OMEN. NEW BOYFRIEND AND REHAB.
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Betty is so smart and cute I just wanna wrap her up in her sweater and give her some tea and hugs. Should I be proud of her for manipulating her gag reflex? I’m gonna say yes.
Are the boys seriously hitchhiking? Is that how they got to Jones Jankyard? Or are there only pickup truck Ubers in this side of town?
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I’m just gonna sit here and eat my fist in an attempt not to comment on JB and how hard it is for me to buy preteen acting. Welcome to the fold of child actors
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Also this reaction pan to Archie after Jughead getting attention made my day via nostalgia of all the times he got wistful about Bughead. THIS guy to the right looks SO happy for them. Aw, Lugnut. Love and drugs are out there for you somewhere.
Maybe Toni shouldn’t wear a choker to bed after a seizure? Was I hallucinating or didn’t Toni already stay at Thornhill most of the time? “Coo-coo bananas?” Ooof. Yes you are for using that phrase. Love the smiles though. Happy babies.
Toni got a full outfit change and Veronica’s stuck waking up in her cheer outfit? Also you hear Hermione getting mad at Hiram again? Gotta protect her baby. She’s just TERRIBLE at it.
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Is Gladys high as f*ck? She recognizes Archie, her child’s only best friend forever, and just randomly was like, “FREE LOVE AND TAILPIPES? Youuuu feel like car parts. Everything feels like car parts. I feel great. You should have called so I could have turned you away. Unless you have car parts, in which case welcome back. Do you eat food?”
Love Jughead’s subtle reactions to awful parenting. Was kind of hoping for a volcano eruption of emotion but I guess they need a place to stay so gotta keep it on the down low.
Alice you are the worst XD “She is among the fallen” REALLY? We are so dramatic, Riverdale.
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Betty’s playin’ the GAME. Not letting it play her, am I right? “He’s actually really funny” I feel like she’s just DARING Ethel to suggest they switch boyfriends so she can cut a bitch.
E: “You’ll make him mad!”
B: “He’s not real. Also, I do what I want. LIKE I GIVE A FIZZLE ROCK”
Aw Ethel looks like she’s WRECKED. Betty is so patient with her once she’s off the rocks. I wonder if that’s why they named the drug Fizzle Rocks. “Gotta get our rocks off somehow,” the Blossoms would glean, twisting imaginary evil mustaches and licking their maple syrup-covered appendages
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Also why is Toni still not at school for the contamination hilarity but Veronica is? Like, hasn’t Weatherbee ever heard of a mass-email to limit contamination? Or do they just like dramatically storming the school?
I love how serious Reggie and Veronica are when discussing narcotic addiction to something like Fizzle Rocks but haven’t stopped Moose or Kevin from eating the stuff like it’s literal candy. Wouldn’t the drill sergeant ROTC dude notice everyone was high off their a**es all the time?
Everything that comes out of Hiram’s mouth is bullsh**. These kids are terrible at keeping track of their friends.
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I love the obvious head nod to the Lodges before Penelope’s fake seizure. Cheryl just rolls her eyes like, “B***, I set you on fire. I’m not gonna hold you during your Best Supporting Actress bid”
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Ewwww Jellybean being into Archie is squicky for me. She has a small army of teen boys to ogle, so why Archie, esp when she seemed happy for Jarchie possibilities in the previous scene? GLADYS. You abandoned your son to adopt ten others. This is gloriously awkward. Also I’m pretty sure Jughead did not randomly rip his shirt and jacket off so I don’t know how Gladys saw his shoulder for the magically appearing scar but whaaaatever :)
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HAHAHAHA Archie! ARCHIE! Literally you cannot be left alone. We need to get you a leash.
How am I supposed to take Penny seriously when she CONTINUALLY gets taken out so easily? Are they reducing her initial antagonism for the Jones to having a thing for FP? OR Gladys? The dude’s a smokin’ alcoholic but she can find those anywhere in the Ghoulies or Serpents. Heck, check out the LSD-laced Gargoyle gang for fresh meat, Pennylicious. You can even rob them afterwards for extra cash.
“Toledo Serpents” in red doesn’t have the same ring/asethetic to it. You think Gladys stole the design and the name to start her own outfit? I mean technically they could just be on the Southside of Toledo so she coulda kept the name. These are the things I think about.
Wait…Jughead…are you not gonna tell her that you carved up Penny first? Everyone is just okay with torture and mutilation? Including Archie?!
Hiram has such a god complex “what every king wants…a kingdom. And a legacy.” He wants V to have evil little babies even though she has clearly shown no interest in anything to do with his weirdo educationless empire.
Gladys’s hands are covered in blood and Jughead’s in conspiracy mode. Is Penny DEAD? Is this normal?!
Where is this phone coming from in Sisters of Quiet Mercy? Oh and Jug didn’t bring a cell phone so Betty can’t call him. BOO. Why the hell did anyone believe she’d go to the Farm?
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I love Betty threatening people for justice using a sharp pencil (the pen is mightier than the sword!). Don’t tell Archie though. He might get ideas ;)
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Okay this nighttime mom and son chat is juggie fan service. How could it not be with that beautiful back? His hair is so pretty. j: “you can’t go out there alone” OBVIOUSLY. Archie can’t go to the BATHROOM alone!
jughead: “I think I need to go home”
me: to betty
 jughead: “to take down hiram lodge from the inside”
me: WITH BETTY! God, this Hiram guy keeps stealing all the studmuffin attention in town
So did Polly…just…not misbehave? And that’s why she didn’t know about the game in Sisters of Quiet Mercy?
Is Cheryl trying to channel Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs? Are we water boarding with maple syrup on this show? Is that…is that happening? Is Penny ENJOYING it? Ugh no screenshot from THAT mess.
THREE GROWN WOMEN have been tied to chairs this episode. That is a record of some kind.
There is so much freaking flannel on this show. Freeeeed! I would hug him so long and hard we would both cry. Wasn’t Jellybean too young to be pissed at FP before they left? How did FP get two bikes up here? Did they trade Serpents? Why is Gladys kissing FP like she likes him as a person?! I have…SO MANY QUESTIONS!
The girls are taking care of business this round! Cheryl and V roundin’ up the troops! Ethel and Betty leading the Sisters to (sorta) safety!
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DID I TELL YOU BETTY WAS A GODDESS? AND A QUEEN? She doesn’t even need her headdress for more than like five seconds. I kind of want all of them to just live in the forest as a new girl-gang of Amazons called the Gryphons. Or the Sisters. Because why the hell not?
I do not see a flaw in Archie being babysat by his dad in the middle of the woods until the Lodgpocalypse passes. Vegas will be their guard dog.
Hermione…what is your purpose? I don’t think she knows and that’s why she drinks. Or she probably doesn’t care. She does look legit distraught about being a puppet. She’s like, “Hiram’s other wife is coming back soon and I will have even less to do.”
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Quarantined? To keep Jughead and FP outta town? Ohhh Riverdale. You TEASE. How are we supposed to wait to see how Jughead digs a tunnel back to Betty? This time jump nonsense better show some damn adorable reunions or I am gonna...make some fanfiction! humph! What do you think?
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snakekingtm · 6 years
My 2018 Tumblr Top 10
1). 801 notes - 02 May 2018
I can’t believe this joke is the most viewed thing on my blog. I still hold the opinion btw. 
Choni fans : I want Choni scenes. I want another Choni kiss, I want Toni to call Cheryl her gf, I just want so scenes Bughead...
2). 377 notes - 16 May 2018
This was like a rant I guess about how R.A.S didn’t give us the Kevin/Joaquin relationship we deserved. I’m still mad about that but now they also killed Joaquin off so it’s kind of pointless to rant
Riverdale fans : We want Bughead R.A.S : No problem, Bughead will date even if we need to straight-wash and erase one of...
3). 294 notes - 12 December 2018
Ok this is still funny. Now Bugheads are big mad at this post that they even sent me some anon hate lol. Anyway they can hate it but Gladys is the captain of the Jarchie ship
Bughead fans: Gladys will adore Betty and be THE BIGEST Bughead shipper on Earth!1!1! Uwu Jeronica fans: Gladys would think...
4). 253 notes - 25 September 2018
Awww I love this and I’m mad that there isn’t any good au’s about it. I did find some nice Billy!Vampire au fanfics but I kinda want that catholic aesthetic.
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5). 169 notes - 30 November 2018
I love this for the fact that I indirectly said that Sierra is a dad. Somebody did correct me buut still Sierra is daddy
Y'all: Fred is the only good dad in Riverdale uwu! He should adopt all the kids!1!1 Me: This is Tom and Sierra erasure
6). 165 notes - 04 June 2018
Happy 20BIteen everyone 
The Real Sad Breakfast Club pride headcanon
7). 133 notes - 02 August 2018
I’m glad this post got this much attention because it’s very important to acknowledge the racism that happens in fandom and in lgbt spaces alike
8). 115 notes - 09 November 2018
Surprised this parallel got this much attention buut yeah I love it.
Tom was against Kevin and Joaquin dating Sierra was against Josie and Reggie dating Tom and Sierra's parents were against dating...
9). 114 notes - 19 June 2018
Awww I love this. Btw if you want to know wha song inspired me it was Underwater by Mika
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10). 102 notes - 04 December 2018
Still applies sadly...
Jarchie fans: *get a small cute moment togheter* Bughead fans: BUT WHAT ABOUT BETTY
Created by TumblrTop10
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S 3 E8 (Spoilers!)
- Kevin in mid make out stops and runs directly towards the sound of a girl screaming because he’s an alpha and while the other dickhead cadets stand are either staring stupidly or laughing (are you serious??), he goes to cradle one  of The Fallen. 
- I *love* Cheryl’s unjustified  slo-mo walks.  It speaks to great self-esteem and self-image, and I love that for Cheryl. The only places she could’ve gotten it are Jason and Nana Rose.  But sadly, it’s interrupted only by a series of seizures. Choni cohabitation begins because of poisoning and then quarantine. 
- Jellybean fixes cars. Has she always? The sibling affection so lovely between  the two.   Their relationship, when JB tries to hit on Archie and reacts like  a scalded cat when JH chides her - very real.   Also she has to have a hat, so that’s an inner Serpent signifier there, isn’t it?  Show production note: make up did actually a pretty good job sprinkling in family resemblance between two actors who have not a lot in common in terms of features and coloring: JB has same incipient eyebags as JH when she’s glaring at FP.
- The Problem of Gladys  Jones, the shameless heartbreaking mom. She is not unaffectionate, she doesn’t NOT love Jughead.  She’s just terrible at being a mom. It would be less painful if she wasn’t so charismatic.  And in the same way that Jughead, being both smarter and vainer, has a brotherly relationship with his father, Jughead and his mom talk same tone as siblings.  Maybe baby Jughead liked this, but semi-adult Jughead is sad that his parents are such limited people, unable to help him.  Echoes of S1.  And Gladys has some nerve with her “I’m his Mama.”  Bitch what. Jughead is absolutely not moved by this, and coolly gives her homework instead.  
Serpent politics questions: Does Jughead outrank his mom?
- Gladys’ famous line that is endlessly gif’ed about Jarchie being finally together. The way Gladys says it makes me think she’s teased Jughead about this from early adolescence onward. Jug seems tired about it and Archie takes his cue and acts like this is an old hat convo, but it isn’t, not to him.  I’ve seen iterations of this scene out of context in so many formats but.... this viewing made me definitively (sadly T_T) have to conclude Jughead must be straight.  His mom who behaves like a mean sister has been obnoxiously going “Why doncha kiss him then??” about his best friend, for whom he has a mixture of paternalistic and hero worship / class envy feelings, all his life.
- Jughead Sleep-To-Wake scene. I love these.  Jughead wakes up from an exhausted sleep but with a start which is different from back in the trailer. He isnt safe here and his mom isn't his home.  I love his sleep puffy face and tousled hair. The scar on his arm really does look nasty.   
-Thought continued from last episode:  Archie is charged by the sun, but Jughead is charged by the moon.  By moving the site of the action to where Gladys is, Jughead is again a semi-protagonist here, the decider, the one who gets told things. After the whispered  Jones family discussion about Archie, and Jughead and he hug, is Jughead crying??   Then, the determination in his face when he wants to take Hiram down, putting on a face for his mom, is HOT
- What has happened to Penny P, by the way, that she’s come to Gladys’ territory without any backup??  I hadn’t caught it before, but when Jughead and Archie ask Gladys what she’s found out, Gladys is wiping her hands clean of gobs of BLOOD.  What did she do to Penny?  Because Penny doesn’t look much worse for wear the next time we see her.  Jughead sees the blood, has a quiet buzzy reaction, but says nothing - in fact, refuses to ask what Gladys has done.
- Meanwhile at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Betty brings in Ethel from the cold, finally. Cheryl, Veronica, Betty and Ethel become a loosely formed squad.  I get a kick out of how Cheryl always just lays down the reasons for why she does whatever it is she’s doing - and it’s always for personal, me and mine type of reasons. I think this is the real reason anyone does anything, actually, but Cheryl is just more honest about it.   
- Betty treating Ethel with due respect gets Betty and Ethel a slomo walk!  But one note of discomfort.   Betty entirely fails to hear the fact that some of the girls at the Sisters do not in fact have ‘safe, clean, warm’ places to go back to, and just hauls them all out of there, with no plan.  Betty has the same god complex as Jughead, and I was so very close to liking her again, but not.
- The quarantine begins and oh I don’t like this. The sports etc is shut down. Riverdale High is a  hot zone but the  CDC hasn’t come because Fauci is too busy.  They play sirens for the Riverdale Lockdown but of course Covid Pandemic has shown that there are no sirens, and that absolute lockdowns are hard to pull off. 
- Hiram speaks Biblically to Veronica, and wants her to sit at the right hand of her papa.  This is more Jughead and Veronica are Spiritual Twins stuff for me, except FP wants Jughead to either take over or not be in at all, whereas Hiram wants to hold on to power and have Veronica be useful to him forever.
- The Fred- Archie farewell was ultra sad, because they have an exchange where Fred says he didn’t get to say goodbye to his own dad (”I never got to say goodbye”) and Archie vehemently says, “This isn’t goodbye” and I know that in just a few episodes, Archie will not have a chance to say goodbye to Fred. 
- By the way, Fred is so Good and Gladys so Bad that in his presence she is not permitted to say words to him.  A nod is something she is grateful to receive.  I think she called FP who called Fred.
- After Abu Ghraib, there’s been this visible obsession with torture in American popular culture.  The Maple Syrup Water Boarding of Penelope Blossom is one of these, and of course Cheryl threatening to let the ants in is just Cheryl patented excess.  The problem with these scenes is that they keep portraying torture as being effective. Characters always tell the truth as a result of torture of this kind, and I hate that American pop culture keeps telling itself this, that torture works.  It freaks me out.
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eventyyr · 7 years
Riverdale 2x07 reactions
Penny fuck the fuck off
Man what are you two dudes getting yourself into
Jughead did you not listen as a kid DONT GO WITH STRANGERS
Pardon me? Jason?
Don’t do anything stupid now archiekins
Jughead wears a watch?
Yeah greendale no thanks
Only riverdale has a killing season
Jarchie feels
Cool now get the hell out of there
Penny go fuck the fuck off
We don’t like you here
I’m living for this cherylxjosie friendship
Yeah chuck you’re a creepy fuck off
I’m here for the concept of melody actually having lines
Please don’t dance
Argh god you’re dancing
When the sheriff has nothing to do so he just tags along with the mayor
OML I though it was real
So is Cheryl the creep???
The sheriff keeps an extra key under a plant? What is this town
Oml an affair between those? Now I wasn’t expecting that
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clichesadmusic · 7 years
It Doesn’t Care
Summary:Jugheads life had been slowly falling apart for as long as he could remember, but it all really went downhill one July 4th.
Trigger Warning: Self Harm,  Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse,  Alcoholism,  Drugs,  Attempted Suicide.
Ship(s): Jarchie, maybe Beronica
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10
Life​ ​doesn't​ ​care.
That​ ​was​ ​the​ ​first​ ​lesson​ ​he​ ​had​ ​learned​ ​in​ ​his​ ​life,​ ​he​ ​was​ ​nine​ ​and​ ​he​ ​broke​ ​a​ ​glass​ ​after trying​ ​to​ ​sneak​ ​some​ ​juice​ ​up​ ​to​ ​his​ ​mum​ ​because​ ​she​ ​was​ ​sick.​ ​Jughead​ ​didn't​ ​totally remember​ ​what​ ​had​ ​happened​ ​after​ ​that,​ ​just​ ​the​ ​red​ ​mark​ ​that​ ​marred​ ​his​ ​cheek​ ​for​ ​a​ ​few days​ ​after
The​ ​next​ ​lesson​ ​he​ ​learned​ ​was​ ​that​ ​as​ ​long​ ​as​ ​he​ ​kept​ ​his​ ​head​ ​down,​ ​no​ ​one​ ​noticed​ ​him.  
Jughead​ ​had​ ​always​ ​hidden​ away​ ​into​ ​the​ ​corner​ ​and​ ​only​ ​two​ ​people​ ​had​ ​ever​ ​gotten him​ ​to​ ​move​ ​away​ ​from​ ​it,​ ​Archie​ ​and​ ​Betty.​ ​They​ ​had ​known​ ​each​ ​other​ ​their​ ​entire​ ​lives​ ​and were​ ​the​ ​only​ ​people​ ​(besides​ ​Jellybean​ ​but​ ​she​ ​didn't​ ​count​ ​because​ ​she​ ​was​ ​his​ ​sister)​ ​he felt​ ​comfortable​ ​around.​ ​The​ ​ginger​ ​and​ ​the​ ​blonde​ ​had​ ​always​ ​seen​ ​that​ ​bruises​ ​that​ ​he​ ​was covered​ ​in​ ​but​ ​never​ ​asked​ ​and​ ​as​ ​they​ ​grew​ ​up​ ​he​ ​learned​ ​to​ ​hide​ ​them.​ ​When​ ​they​ ​got​ ​to middle​ ​school​ ​Jughead​ ​drifted​ ​from​ ​Betty​ ​(because​ ​she​ ​was​ ​a​ ​girl​ ​ew​ ​girls​ ​have​ ​cooties)​ ​but his​ ​friendship​ ​with​ ​Archie​ ​never​ ​wavered,​ ​just​ ​grew​ ​stronger.​ ​It​ ​was​ ​also​ ​at​ ​this​ ​time​ ​that Jughead​ ​started​ ​getting​ ​truly​ ​bullied,​ ​sure​ ​he​ ​had​ ​always​ ​been​ ​teased​ ​and​ ​there​ ​was​ ​always his​ ​father​ ​at​ ​home​ ​waiting​ ​with​ ​a​ ​fist​ ​but​ ​this​ ​was​ ​different.​ ​Soon​ ​the​ ​only​ ​people​ ​who​ ​talked​ ​to him​ ​because​ ​they​ ​wanted​ ​to​ ​were​ ​Archie​ ​and​ ​Betty,​ ​so​ ​Jughead​ ​stopped​ ���making​ ​himself noticeable,​ ​fading​ ​into​ ​the​ ​background.
When​ ​he​ ​was​ ​12​ ​he​ ​realised​ ​not​ ​everyone​ ​lived​ ​like​ ​him.
It​ ​happened​ ​when​ ​he​ ​was​ ​at​ ​Archie's​ ​house​ ​for​ ​a​ ​sleepover.​ ​As​ ​always​ ​they​ ​at​ ​2​ ​whole pizzas,​ ​and​ ​played​ ​video​ ​games​ ​until​ ​late​ ​in​ ​the​ ​night,​ ​and​ ​as​ ​always​ ​Mr​ ​Andrews​ ​came​ ​into
Archie's​ ​room​ ​to​ ​say​ ​good​ ​night.​ ​Mr​ ​Andrews​ ​ruffled​ ​the​ ​two​ ​boys​ ​hair​ ​and​ ​called​ ​'Sleep​ ​tight' before exiting​ ​the​ ​room.  
"Night​ ​Juggie,"​ ​Arch​ ​whispered​ ​before​ ​turning​ ​in​ ​his​ ​bed​ ​and​ ​falling​ ​asleep.
"Night​ ​Arch,"​ ​Jug​ ​responded​ ​turning​ ​over​ ​as​ ​well​ ​but​ ​found​ ​he​ ​couldn't​ ​sleep.​ ​His​ ​father​ ​had never​ ​come​ ​into​ ​his​ ​room​ ​to​ ​make​ ​sure​ ​he​ ​went​ ​to​ ​bed​ ​on​ ​time,​ ​or​ ​made​ ​sure​ ​he​ ​ate​ ​all​ ​his dinner,​ ​or​ ​took​ ​him​ ​out​ ​to​ ​play​ ​baseball​ ​(not​ ​that​ ​he​ ​would​ ​say​ ​yes​ ​if​ ​asked.​ ​Jughead​ ​Jones, playing​ ​sports​ ​on​ ​his​ ​own​ ​free​ ​will?​ ​Not​ ​a​ ​chance.).​ ​His​ ​parents​ ​were​ ​not​ ​like​ ​Betty's,​ ​always texting​ ​him,​ ​making​ ​sure​ ​he​ ​was​ ​okay,​ ​buying​ ​him​ ​every​ ​new​ ​toy​ ​he​ ​wanted,​ ​or​ ​taking​ ​him​ ​out of​ ​the​ ​state​ ​every​ ​break.​ ​Just​ ​another​ ​reason​ ​why​ ​he​ ​was​ ​different.
He​ ​turned​ ​13​ ​and​ ​everything​ ​really​ ​changed.
His​ ​dad​ ​was​ ​the​ ​same​ ​as​ ​usual​ ​so​ ​he​ ​was​ ​tiptoeing​ ​around​ ​as​ ​to​ ​make​ ​sure​ ​he​ ​didn't accidentally​ ​wake​ ​him​ ​up​ ​("Your​ ​father​ ​has​ ​had​ ​some​ ​of​ ​his​ ​angry​ ​juice​ ​today​ ​Jugs,"​ ​his mother​ ​had​ ​said​ ​when​ ​he​ ​was​ ​young.​ ​"Be​ ​sure​ ​not​ ​to​ ​wake​ ​him.").​ ​He​ ​had​ ​just​ ​gotten​ ​home and​ ​it​ ​was​ ​late,​ ​later​ ​than​ ​usual,​ ​he​ ​and​ ​Arch​ ​had​ ​been​ ​arguing​ ​("Have​ ​you​ ​ever​ ​wanted​ ​to kiss​ ​a​ ​girl​ ​Juggie,"​ ​Archie​ ​had​ ​asked​ ​looking​ ​nervous​ ​about​ ​his​ ​question.​ ​"No,​ ​gross," Jughead​ ​had​ ​said​ ​without​ ​looking​ ​up​ ​from​ ​his​ ​laptop,​ ​he​ ​was​ ​writing​ ​a​ ​story​ ​for​ ​their​ ​English class.​ ​"Are​ ​you​ ​sure,"​ ​Archie​ ​asked​ ​sounding​ ​more​ ​nervous​ ​with​ ​every​ ​word.​ ​'No​ ​but​ ​I've wanted​ ​to​ ​kiss​ ​you,'​ ​Jughead​ ​thought​ ​before​ ​responding.​ ​"Fine,​ ​I'll​ ​nod​ ​and​ ​say​ ​'Yes, of course, Archibald, ​you're​ ​always​ ​right'​ ​while​ ​really​ ​thinking​ ​about​ ​how​ ​much​ ​I​ ​have​ ​no​ ​idea​ ​what​ ​you're talking​ ​about."​ ​Archie​ ​chuckled,​ ​"Fine.").​ ​When​ ​he​ ​was​ ​outside​ ​he​ ​could​ ​see​ ​the​ ​lights upstairs ​were​ ​on​ ​but​ ​now​ ​that​ ​he​ ​was​ ​there​ ​he​ ​could​ ​see​ ​why ​his​ ​mum​ ​and​ ​Jellybean​ ​had packed​ ​their​ ​bags​ ​and​ ​were​ ​getting​ ​ready​ ​to​ ​leave.​ ​He​ ​quickly​ ​his​ ​around​ ​the​ ​corner​ ​not wanting​ ​them​ ​to​ ​see​ ​him.
"But​ ​what​ ​about​ ​Jugs​ ​Mama?"​ ​He​ ​heard​ ​Jellybean​ ​whisper.
"Jugs​ ​will​ ​figure​ ​it​ ​out​ ​Jelly,​ ​he​ ​always​ ​does.​ ​now​ ​come​ ​on,​ ​we​ ​have​ ​to​ ​go​ ​before​ ​your​ ​father wakes​ ​up,"​ ​his​ ​mum​ ​said​ ​before​ ​closing​ ​the​ ​front​ ​door​ ​with​ ​a​ ​soft​ ​click.
Jughead​ ​stood​ ​there,​ ​frozen​ ​for​ ​what​ ​seemed​ ​like​ ​forever​ ​before​ ​his​ ​body​ ​jolted​ ​into​ ​motion, peering​ ​through​ ​the​ ​window​ ​to​ ​see​ ​the​ ​car​ ​that​ ​was​ ​always​ ​there​ ​but​ ​it​ ​was​ ​gone​ ​and suddenly​ ​it​ ​was​ ​all​ ​real.​ ​He​ ​sprinted​ ​up​ ​to​ ​his​ ​room​ ​not​ ​caring​ ​how​ ​loud​ ​he​ ​was,​ ​he​ ​couldn't hear​ ​anything,​ ​he​ ​vaguely​ ​knew​ ​he​ ​was​ ​crying​ ​as​ ​he​ ​passed​ ​Jellybeans​ ​room​ ​and​ ​collapsed on​ ​his​ ​floor​ ​when​ ​he​ ​got​ ​to​ ​his​ ​room.​ ​The​ ​blues​ ​eyed​ ​boys​ ​ears​ ​pricked​ ​as​ ​his​ ​father​ ​came thundering​ ​up​ ​the​ ​stairs,​ ​yelling​ ​about​ ​how​ ​useless​ ​Jughead​ ​was​ ​since​ ​he​ ​couldn't​ ​even​ ​be quiet​ ​for​ ​2​ ​seconds.​ ​Jughead was​ ​aware​ ​that​ ​his​ ​father​ ​started​ ​hitting​ ​him​ ​but​ ​he​ ​couldn't​ ​feel anything​ ​and​ ​passed​ ​out​ ​wishing​ ​for​ ​his​ ​mama​ ​to​ ​come​ ​back​ ​to​ ​save​ ​him.  
He​ ​didn't​ ​see​ ​Archie​ ​until​ ​2​ ​days​ ​later​ ​when​ ​the​ ​weekend​ ​was​ ​over.​ ​As​ ​usual,  ​he​ ​pulled​ ​the​ ​grey beanie​ ​onto​ ​his​ ​head​ ​but​ ​today​ ​he​ ​wasn't​ ​gonna​ ​take​ ​it​ ​off,​ ​he​ ​was​ ​never​ ​gonna​ ​take​ ​it​ ​off again,​ ​it​ ​was​ ​the​ ​last​ ​part​ ​of​ ​his​ ​true​ ​family​ ​he​ ​had​ ​left.​ ​Who​ ​cared​ ​if​ ​he​ ​got​ ​sent​ ​to​ ​the principal's​ ​office,​ ​certainly​ ​not​ ​him.​ ​At​ ​least,​ ​not​ ​anymore.​ ​When he​ ​got​ ​to​ ​school​ ​he​ ​realised something,​ ​he​ ​was​ ​in​ ​love​ ​with​ ​Archie​ ​Andrews,​ ​and​ ​he​ ​would​ ​never​ ​love​ ​him​ ​back.
Jughead​ ​hid​ ​what​ ​happened​ ​to​ ​his​ ​mother​ ​and​ ​sister,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​his​ ​gradually​ ​increasing anxiety​ ​attacks,​ ​from​ ​his​ ​best​ ​friend​ ​as​ ​long​ ​as​ ​he​ ​could​ ​but​ ​eventually,  ​he​ ​found​ ​he​ ​was never​ ​good​ ​at​ ​hiding​ ​things​ ​from​ ​the​ ​other​ ​boy.
"Juggie,​ ​why​ ​didn't​ ​you​ ​tell​ ​me​ ​?"​ ​The​ ​ginger​ ​questioned​ ​when​ ​he​ ​found​ ​out​ ​a​ ​couple​ ​months after​ ​the​ ​incident.
"Didn't​ ​think​ ​it​ ​was​ ​important,"​ ​the​ ​other​ ​replied​ ​with​ ​a​ ​shrug.
"You​ ​didn't-​ ​oh​ ​my​ ​god,"​ ​Archie​ ​turned​ ​away​ ​exasperated.​ ​"This​ ​is​ ​one​ ​of​ ​those​ ​super important​ ​things​ ​that​ ​you​ ​tell​ ​people​ ​Juggie."​ ​He​ ​turned​ ​back​ ​toward​ ​Jughead​ ​and​ ​put​ ​his hands​ ​on​ ​his​ ​shoulders.  
"I​ ​just​ ​didn't​ ​want​ ​to​ ​talk​ ​about​ ​it,"​ ​Jughead​ ​said​ ​and​ ​he​ ​could​ ​feel​ ​the​ ​oncoming​ ​panic attack.
“Hey​ ​I​ ​get​ ​it​ ​but​ ​you​ ​have​ ​to​ ​talk​ ​to​ ​people​ ​you​ ​can’t​ ​just​ ​keep​ ​everything​ ​bottled​ ​up​ ​inside,” Archie​ ​said​ ​calming​ ​seeing​ ​how​ ​his​ ​friend​ ​was​ ​having​ ​a​ ​hard​ ​time​ ​to​ ​breathe.​ ​“Jughead,​ ​hey, calm​ ​down​ ​it’s​ ​okay.”
Jugheads​ ​eyes​ ​flit​ ​frantically​ ​around​ ​the​ ​room,​ ​his​ ​breath​ ​coming​ ​in​ ​sharp​ ​pants.​ ​“Shit,”​ ​he softly​ ​swore​ ​as​ ​his​ ​knees​ ​gave​ ​out​ ​and​ ​was​ ​suddenly​ ​only​ ​being​ ​held​ ​up​ ​by​ ​Archie.  
Archie​ ​slowly​ ​lowered​ ​them​ ​both​ ​to​ ​the​ ​floor​ ​of​ ​his​ ​room​ ​and​ ​pulled​ ​Jughead​ ​into​ ​an​ ​embrace. “Hey,​ ​it’s​ ​gonna​ ​be​ ​okay,​ ​I’m​ ​here,​ ​nothing's​ ​gonna​ ​hurt​ ​you,”​ ​he​ ​continued​ ​softly​ ​whispering into​ ​Jugheads​ ​neck​ ​until​ ​he​ ​calmed​ ​down.
“Uh...thanks,”​ ​Jughead​ ​replied​ ​awkwardly​ ​not​ ​knowing​ ​what​ ​to​ ​do,​ ​wishing​ ​he​ ​could​ ​just​ ​kiss​ ​the life​ ​out​ ​of​ ​this​ ​perfect​ ​boy​ ​but​ ​refrained​ ​from​ ​doing​ ​so.​ ​“I’m​ ​gonna​ ​head​ ​home,​ ​I’ve​ ​got​ ​some chores​ ​to​ ​do​ ​and​ ​you​ ​know​ ​how​ ​dad​ ​gets,”​ ​he​ ​said​ ​trying​ ​to​ ​joke​ ​around.
“Yeah,​ ​I​ ​do,”​ ​Archie​ ​stared​ ​at​ ​his​ ​friend​ ​as​ ​he​ ​got​ ​up,​ ​wishing​ ​he​ ​would​ ​just​ ​let​ ​him​ ​help​ ​him. “Hey​ ​you​ ​know​ ​I’ll​ ​always​ ​be​ ​there​ ​for​ ​you​ ​right?”
“I’ve​ ​basically​ ​come​ ​to​ ​terms​ ​with​ ​the​ ​fact​ ​that​ ​I’ll​ ​be​ ​followed​ ​around​ ​by​ ​a​ ​ginger​ ​puppy​ ​for​ ​the rest​ ​of​ ​my​ ​life​ ​yeah,”​ ​Jughead​ ​joked​ ​as​ ​he​ ​walked​ ​out​ ​of​ ​the​ ​room.​ ​“Bye​ ​Arch!”
“Seeya​ ​Juggie!,”​ ​Archie​ ​called​ ​after​ ​him,​ ​knowing​ ​he​ ​would​ ​never​ ​be​ ​able​ ​to​ ​live​ ​without​ ​that infuriating​ ​brunette
Jughead​ ​was​ ​16​ ​when​ ​he​ ​realised​ ​even​ ​Archie​ ​Andrews​ ​lied​ ​to​ ​him.
The​ ​two​ ​boys​ ​had​ ​been​ ​planning​ ​to​ ​go​ ​on​ ​a​ ​road​ ​trip​ ​for​ ​months,​ ​they​ ​had​ ​planned​ ​every detail,​ ​Jughead​ ​had​ ​even​ ​convinced​ ​himself​ ​that​ ​he​ ​was​ ​gonna​ ​tell​ ​Archie​ ​about​ ​how​ ​he​ ​had left​ ​home​ ​and​ ​was​ ​living​ ​at​ ​the​ ​drive​ ​in.​ ​But​ ​the​ ​road​ ​trip​ ​never​ ​came.
They​ ​had​ ​decided​ ​that​ ​Archie​ ​would​ ​meet​ ​Jughead​ ​at​ ​Pop’s​ ​with​ ​his​ ​dad's​ ​truck​ ​at​ ​12 pm,​ ​they would​ ​have​ ​lunch​ ​then​ ​hit​ ​the​ ​road.​ ​Jughead​ ​woke​ ​up​ ​early​ ​in​ ​anticipation​ ​and​ ​got​ ​to​ ​Pop’s​ ​at
11,​ ​he​ ​decided​ ​to​ ​do​ ​some​ ​writing​ ​for​ ​his​ ​short​ ​stories​ ​and​ ​ordered​ ​a​ ​double​ ​chocolate milkshake​ ​with​ ​fries.  
At​ ​12​ ​Jughead​ ​was​ ​excited.
At​ ​12:30​ ​he​ ​started​ ​to​ ​get​ ​nervous.
At​ ​1​ ​he​ ​had​ ​called​ ​Archie​ ​3​ ​times.
At​ ​1:30​ ​he​ ​had​ ​already​ ​had​ ​a​ ​minor​ ​panic​ ​attack.
At​ ​2​ ​he​ ​had​ ​given​ ​up,​ ​Archie​ ​didn’t​ ​want​ ​him,​ ​this​ ​was​ ​him​ ​saying​ ​he​ ​didn’t​ ​want​ ​to​ ​be​ ​friends with​ ​him.
Still,  ​he​ ​waited,​ ​and​ ​at​ ​2:30​ ​he​ ​got​ ​a​ ​text​ ​from​ ​Archie.
From:​ ​Arch
To:​ ​Juggie
Hey​ ​sorry​ ​i​ ​cant​ ​go​ ​today​ ​dads​ ​got​ ​me​ ​working
His​ ​heart​ ​broke.​ ​Jug​ ​knew​ ​for​ ​a​ ​fact​ ​that​ ​his​ ​father​ ​would​ ​never​ ​have​ ​him​ ​working​ ​today because​ ​he​ ​had​ ​been​ ​helping​ ​them​ ​plan​ ​this​ ​for​ ​weeks.
Tears​ ​started​ ​falling​ ​from​ ​his​ ​eyes​ ​and​ ​he​ ​quickly​ ​got​ ​up​ ​and​ ​ran​ ​out​ ​of​ ​the​ ​diner.​ ​Thankfully he​ ​had​ ​already​ ​paid​ ​for​ ​his​ ​meal​ ​and​ ​even​ ​if​ ​he​ ​didn’t​ ​Pop​ ​wouldn’t​ ​mind.
When​ ​Jughead​ ​reached​ ​the​ ​drive​ ​in​ ​he​ ​could​ ​barely​ ​see,​ ​it​ ​was​ ​like​ ​when​ ​his​ ​mother​ ​left​ ​about 1000​ ​times​ ​worse.​ ​He​ ​collapsed​ ​into​ ​his​ ​bed,​ ​shudders​ ​to wrack​ ​his​ ​form.
He​ ​should​ ​have to know​ ​Archie​ ​would​ ​leave​ ​him,​ ​just​ ​like​ ​everyone​ ​else.
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simplyleez · 7 years
How deep is your love? - Jarchie
Jughead and Archie pretend to be dating while in college (university) but their feelings for each other are very, very real.
Written for @jarchie-shipweek for days Tuesday (College AU) and Wednesday (Fake Relationship). 
Title from ‘How deep is your love?’ by Calvin Harris. 
It’s their second year of College. They’re living in shared housing with the people that were their flat mates in the first year, Jughead didn’t see the need to change the people and Archie couldn’t be bothered, sure it would have been nice to live together but they still see each other almost every day. Jughead’s studying a course in Film while Archie’s doing a joint honours degree in Music Technology and Music Performance. They’re happy because they’re doing what they love, plus they finally got out of Riverdale.
 It’s not that they hate the town, okay it’s problematic along with the whole population, but they’re in a bigger city now with more people and better opportunities. Jughead works part time at a local coffee shop, not matter how cliche it is it still has good pay, and Archie plays some nights at small bars. So, life’s great and happy. Except there’s this thing, this unspoken thing that neither of them talk about. The thing that when they’re drunk and alone it’s dangerous in that they’ll ruin what they have, it ruins their friendship.
 Those late nights of heavy make out sessions and wandering hands that stop before it becomes too serious. They don’t speak about it, and try not to think about it until the next time it happens, then they ignore each other for a few days then they’re back to being best friends until next time. There’s always a next time because College is filled with parties and drinking, and maybe there is something there, something deeper than just physical attraction. But neither is very willing to face it. Not yet at least.
 “Man come on you’ve never had a girlfriend?” Jughead’s roommate, Mark, sounds shocked but honestly he’s just being sarcastic, he’s known Jughead for just over a year now due to them living together in first year. “Like that’s a fucking revelation,” Jughead snickers, despite their differences, Mark taking Psychology and being a health nut, they actually get along quite well, their sense of humour is fairly similar too. “So, why?” At the question Jughead wants to die.
 He’s never being comfortable with his sexuality or anything. He usually just tells people he’s gay and leave it at that but it’s far deeper than that, he only admits to himself that, yes he’s homoromantic, but he’s asexual. Plus he still doesn’t know Mark well enough to tell him that he has no sexual attraction so opts for the easy way out, “I’m gay Mark.” The other just looks at him, eyes searching Jughead’s face to see if he’s joking or it’s serious and, yeah, it’s serious. “Shit dude, I didn’t know, sorry.” Mark’s apology is sincere and almost makes Jughead laugh, it makes him want to tell him that he doesn’t need to be sorry.
 “Well, you know I still love you dude.” It’s a complete ‘bro dude’ gesture but Jughead appreciates it. Mark checks the clock on the wall and groans, “suppose I should be getting to my lecture now then, although I think death would be a prefered alternative.” Jughead just laughs in response as he watches Mark gather his things into his backpack, all the while keeping the conversation flowing asking “so, you got a boyfriend then?” It’s casual and in the same tone as before, quite playful.
 Jughead’s laugh is lighter than before but he’s smiling when he sarcastically responds, “yeah sure.” He’s sure that’s the last of it but doesn’t expect for Mark to verbally corner him that night asking who his boyfriend is. “I won’t take no for an answer either, I need to know, I promise I won’t tell a soul if you don’t want me to.” Mark is insistent as he lounges on Jughead’s bed, Jughead himself is sitting on his desk with his feet resting on the chair.
 “Dude, I don’t-” He’s cut off quickly by Mark, “I don’t want any excuses I just want a name and I will let you be, I’ll leave you in peace.” Jughead sighs, resting his elbows on his knees and his hands covering his face, he knows there’s only one man that will pretend to be his boyfriend 100% because they’re like that, they’d do anything for each other but, god, does it make him think about all those things they’ve done. “Archie.” And it’s done. Too late to go back.
 “You mean the ginger music guy who you go home with for Christmas and summer?” Jughead’s not sure if it’s a rhetorical question but nods anyway, moving his hands from his face and he just knows that he’s blushing. “Man, he always seemed like, you know, a ladies man to me,” Mark adds, it kind of frustrates Jughead but he knows that he doesn’t know Archie like he does nor does he really want him too because he wants Archie all for himself.
 Yeah, shit, he may or may not have a huge school kid crush on Archie and now have to own up that he’s dropped him in it as his pretend boyfriend. “Ha, yeah, no.” Jughead jumbles a response, not wanting to really out his bisexual friend because that’s his life and really he should probably go see said best friend about this situation he’s gotten them into. So, he jumps up and grabs a hoodie that’s been discarded on the floor and puts it on.
 “Hey, woah dude, where are you going?” Mark quickly asks, Jughead’s certain that his friend is panicking that he’s crossed the line. “Chill Mark. I’m going to Archie’s, okay?” Jughead flushes slightly at the possible implications of the sentence, Mark just nods and smiles back at him. Jughead’s out of their house as quick as possible, fishing his phone out of his pocket and ringing the redhead.
 “Jughead? Why the hell are you calling me?” Archie’s voice sounds slightly worried but also laced with sleep, Jughead would bet money that he just woke Archie up from a nap. “Um, is it okay if I come over? I kind of want to talk to you,” Jughead’s voice is quiet and it wavers slightly, he turns the corner at the end of his block, Archie’s house is only a few streets away so it won’t take him long. “Okay, alright. I’m in the house alone right now, most of the guys have gone home for the weekend and James has gone on a date so just let yourself in man.” Jughead hangs up after uttering a quick ‘bye’, then putting his phone away again.
 Archie opens the door after the third knock, even though he was told to let himself in it doesn’t feel right, his hair is ruffled as are his clothes, and he gestures for Jughead to come inside. The brunet moves past Archie, making his way into the living room and Archie follows him, even sitting right next to him of the couch. “Jughead you’re kind of scaring me right now, what did you want to talk about?” Archie’s voice only raised in concern, his body leaning towards Jughead in an attempt to maybe prompt the latter into talking.
 “Okay, so I may or may not have accidently came out as gay to Mark then accidentally told him you’re my totally legit boyfriend, so, yeah that.” Jughead waits maybe for Archie to get mad at him or tell him off or something but he doesn’t. “So you want me to be your pretend boyfriend or are you going to own up to Mark?” Archie asked, yeah they were the only two logically feasible options he could pick from now, but honestly the first one didn’t sound all that bad.
 “Will you be my pretend boyfriend? Just for a couple of weeks then we can like, I don’t know, have a calm break up and pretend to go back to being just friends.” Jughead suggested, hoping to convince the redhead that it won’t be a long term thing (unless for some god forsaken reason he’d want to but that might just break Jughead’s heart). “Okay, I guess. But just be warned breakups are never easy, fake or not.” Archie laughed, lightening the tone slightly, but Jughead’s heart is still pounding, he knew exactly why but couldn’t stop the rush of affection he felt at being seen as Archie’s boyfriend.
 Maybe it’s easier than Jughead thinks. It becomes second nature to grab Archie’s hand whenever they’re close enough, and kiss his cheek when then pass, and call him ‘babe’ in the middle of a conversation. But, god, it’s not enough for him. He wants those stupid, long, lazy makeouts minus the alcohol so he can actually remember the feel and taste of the other’s lips in the morning, he wants to sleep next to him, and he wants it to be oh so real. It isn’t though. It’s all fake, just a lie, that they keep up outside (especially around Mark) but behind closed doors they’re the same, just Archie and Jughead, two bros that are just best friends.
 Jughead really wants to own up, he feels like he’s being fake to Archie as well as the whole College population who seem them. So he corners Archie in the lounge area between the computer suits and the English rooms on a Friday afternoon, Jughead’s just been waiting for Archie’s lecture to finish then texted him to meet him. “Hey, babe.” Archie approaches him, he’s conscious of his words because the people in his class are still meandering about. “Arch we need to talk about us, or at least I need to talk and you need to shut your mouth and listen.” Jughead pulls him down into the seat next to him by his hand, their fingers automatically interlace and stay there resting on their shared armrest.
 “I guess I should thank you for all this, you know, pretending to be my boyfriend for these past few weeks but I just,” he sighs, almost sounding defeated and unsure of what to say next, Archie inputs his assumption though, “do you want to break it off now?” And Jughead is certain he hears disappointment in his voice, and no he doesn’t want to break this off. “Not really, I mean kind of but,” he paused to sigh, collecting his jumbled thoughts as he stroked to back of Archie’s knuckles with his fingers, “I really, genuinely like you and not just in a friend way, I know I’m going to sound so fucking cliche but I like like you Archie.”
 It feels like a relief to get that off his chest but it’s quickly replaced by panic because Archie is deadly silent, this could be the part where Jughead not only loses this fake relationship but he could lose his friendship too. “Oh, I didn’t realise, I just, I mean, I-” Archie stumbles through an incoherent sentence which Jughead can’t help but smile at, “I like you like that too Jughead, I think I always have.”
 Jughead’s sure this is how he dies. He never thought Archie would return his feelings because, well, he doesn’t quite have a reason for it but because it’s him. “I should take you out,” Jughead blurts out, his mind racing as Archie’s hand is in his for real and his heart is pounding, Archie laughs lightly at the comment and waits for him to continue. “I mean like a date, a real one though,” Jughead explains and Archie nods his head, “yeah I’d like that a lot.”
 They stay silent for a few minutes, the world still moving around them as they can hear students moving and talking in rooms near them. “Can I kiss you? You know for real,” Archie asks, turning his body in the chair to face the other. Jughead just smiles, uttering a quick ‘yes’ before holding Archie’s cheeks with both hands and drawing him in for a kiss. Archie makes a noise, possibly of complaint or of enjoyment Jughead can’t tell, then cups one of Jughead’s hands on his face and his other goes to his neck.
 It goes no further than that, you know public indecency and all that, so they get up and make their way out of the front doors. The walk home is anything but silent, they’re making plans about their first real date while their hands swing loosely back and forth between them. And it’s all real. Neither of them can quite comprehend it, that what they have now is actually very real and not fake at all. It’s for them not for anyone else, not to prove anything, but because they like like each other, it may be a bit soon to call it love but when Archie tells him that he loves him on their one month anniversary then it’s time.
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