#jared in quarantine
spotted-mooncalf · 5 months
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Wanted to show my Percy Jackson/Camp Half blood oc and share a bit about him:)
This is Jared Lietto:)
He is 16 years old, and currently the head of Demeter Cabin after his older half sister, Miranda, decided to go to college in the mortal world!
His main power is plant growth! It started small, little bean sprouts popping out of the tops of his fingers, but as he got older and recieved proper training at camp he now can bid most plant life to do his bidding! (He once gave himself a poison ivy rash so bad he had to be quarantined…)
He is also currently dating the son of Hermes, Travis Stoll!
(I’m on house of hades so as I get further into the series I’ll update his lore to fit around canon if any of this sounds wrong:) )
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Costume Meta 7x03
so there aren't al l that many costumes to talk about this week from a min cast perspective as pretty much everyone is either in uniform, or a costume they've been wearing for the previous two episodes!
I do have a few things to talk about though so I'm still writing this meta and then I'll be gearing myself up for next week when I have a feeling I'll be up to my eyeballs in new costumes!!
Check theory
The danger around Jared played out - he large bold check signalled that he would be in danger - and he met a grim end!
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Pink Theory
I feel like I'm spending every episode playing spot the bright pink and this one came to the pink party as well - we have Corey's dad in this pink sweater and then Corey's two siblings in pink.
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Its really interesting to me that we're not seeing this bright pink on any of our mains up to this point (Athena has worn pale pink but not bright pink)- its always been on guest cast (Marisol, Lola, Norman, the mom trapped in the car) and there's a fairly even split between the characters who are in one episode and the multi episode arc characters.
I've already pointed this out but the various traits associated with bright magenta/fuchsia pinks are as follows
Things that are considered positive traits for this shade of pink are; intensity, acceptance, kindness and it's supportive and uplifting nature. It's connected to naive love (as in lust rather than the passionate and enduring love of red) can also be considered a nurturing colour.
Negative traits are; intensity, volatility, arrogant and impatient, irritability and irritating and frustration. it is also said to be a stress inducing colour and is said to be overly emotional and childish.
Stripe Theory
Then we have the stripes - Corey (who I'm convinced is autistic but thats maybe just me projecting!!) is in stripes pretty much the entire time.
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The only exception is when the family is on Manzanillo - when he is wearing a watery themed shirt - again separating him from most of the rest of the family - who are all in floral prints (older brother is all in white and not the floral Hawaiian prints but he and his sister (I think they're meant to be twins?!) switch between who is wearing the bold print and who is in a white top throughout the episode)
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Mom wears stripes as well - before she gets onto the ship - we see her in this striped coat. Dad and the sister also wear stripes and check scarves, showing that the entire family is in peril, but the largest amount of stripes are saved for the ones who will be in the most danger - which makes total sense from a pattern theory perspective.
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An amusing aside that had me giggling - this top is shear perfection when paired with the 118 deciding their new moto is who cares!!😂
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Right off to the firehouse to finish up! - I've mentioned before how uniform variation is used to separate out a character where needed (I wrote about it in my 6x09 meta) so here in the firehouse we have two separations going on - Buck and Eddie are the only ones in t-shirts - separating them from everyone else.
In connection to this separating them from the rest of the firehouse crew is that yellow rag Buck is waving around - it feels a little bit like that red one we saw him with several times in season 6 - the season of red flags.
In the same way t hat red cloth was like a red flag, this reads like a yellow flag - now yellow flags are interesting. In shipping terms they were historically a signal of quarantine (this isn' the case any more), and in sports generally they are used to denote hazardous conditions (motor racing and on beaches relating to surf and currents).
But the more interesting yellow flag concept is the yellow flag in a relationship - generally speaking they are indicators of things that could become problematic and turn into red flags if not dealt with or communicated about (yup communication again). Paired with the fact that Buck and Eddie have been 'singled' out through their uniform, its telling us issues ahead (even if we didn't know about them) and that its their dynamic that is going to be tested and that they are going to need to communicate.
Now all those yellow hoses hanging around in the back ground and then one hose physically connecting them - is certainly a choice (remember they could have used one of the non yellow hoses if it wasn't important) and a pretty loud one. I go on and on about yellow lines of communication, a lot, and I have in my metas for this season so far, but here we have another example of yellow ropes.. lines, cables etc.
The really really key thing here is that we haven't actually seen Buck and Eddie connected by a yellow anything since the end of season 3 and having not seen them connected with a yellow anything since season 3 - when their respective yellow lines got cut/burnt. This one here is about , a yellow line of communication being re-established. What adds to this is the directorial choices - the yellow flag is waves around before they connect themselves with a yellow line (hose) - as a piece of directorial foreshadowing I am in love - its telling us the Buck is the one who is the creator of the yellow flags (read his jealousy) and he is the one with the yellow rag (in the same way he was the one with the red rag previously), but that it will ultimately lead to Buck and Eddie reconnecting after those flags are raised and dealt with. I cannot stress enough the importance of that yellow line between them being reconnected - it really speaks of their communication improving and that we'll see them operating on a level we haven't seen before - they cut their yellow lines at the time when Eddie was changing his will, and whilst they have spoken on important topics etc since then, there has always been something in between them - they haven't had a proper full cards on the table conversation. My feeling is that we might be about to get that (especially combined with what we know from what Oliver and Ryan have teased!)
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Then there is Chimney who is separated from everyone else by virtue of being the only one in a long sleeved shirt. If you watch the scene through, and pay attentiion to the background, you'll see all the firefighters in either short sleeve shirts or wearing bomber jackets. there is one exception - a guy carrying a medical bag who I'm pretty sure is meant to be a representaion of Hen's reinstatment to the 118 as he crosses Chim at the time Chim announces Hen has been reinstated!
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Thats all from me this week - hope you enjoyed! I'm off to prepare myself for Thursday night!!!
Tagged peeps below!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mandzuking17 @spotsandsocks @loveyou2thecore @rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @tommykinarddd @satashiiwrites
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
Question: I was just wondering what sticks out to you, like straight away, of those final days of filming?
Jared: So much. I remember vividly - so we, it was, COVID had just kind of, I don't want to say ended, I guess it's still - I've had it four times now, so? The gift that keeps on giving. But I remember the two weeks we had to spend in quarantine. Coming from America into Canada, we had to stay in our places for two weeks. And so some of the crew who had been up to quarantine would come leave, like, care packages, you know? They'd be like, shoot a text, hey, here's some food or some vitamins or some Gatorade or something outside your door. And so open it up and do that. And then he and I and Rob Benedict and Jake Abel would text each other. I remember our Zoom conversations with each other -
Jensen: Yeah, we had party Zooms. Party Zooms.
Jared: We had, like, party Zooms. Yeah, yeah.
Jensen: Lockdown. Yeah.
Jared: And then every day I also remember very vividly - I mean, the bridge, the barn [hurk noise]. I remember when they told me - I remember shooting the last scene in the Men of Letters bunker and when they were like, yeah, we start breaking it down tomorrow. And so standing there [gestures down face like tears falling, makes sad noise]. You think y'all cried during the barn scene, you should have seen me in the bunker when they were gonna tear it down. I was like, trying to grab shit? And now I have, like - I did. So [chuckles] there were a lot of real books in there, a lot of which I took. And then there were fake book fillers that I use as bookends. And then there was stuff that I've seen for the last three years and been like, what am I gonna ever do with this? Maybe I'll auction it for charity.
Jensen: Did I ever tell you what I grabbed? So in the bunker there, there's the two library tables that we sat around all the time. I didn't take a table but -
Jared: [mimes carrying a table off over his shoulder]
Jensen: But one of the tables had some initials carved into it. And I asked them, like, what's gonna happen to this table. And they're like, nothing, we're gonna probably break it down and scrap it. And I was like, will you cut [draws] that out? So I have this [demonstrates size with hands] like that big that's got all of our initials carved in it. So I have that collecting dust somewhere.
Jared: Thank you, good to see you. Alright, Ackles.
[Jensen continues briefly retelling how they were sad/deflated that they had to say their goodbyes during COVID when everybody was wearing masks and divided into pods with restrictions on interaction]
Jared: This is the saddest morning of all time. Can we get a happy question? Pick a fucking happy question.
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Modern era. You and Eddie quarantined together during lockdown at the start of the pandemic. You able to work from home, him not so much. He gets supremely bored one day while you're trying to work. He decides to entertain himself by getting under your desk/work table to give you head (eat your pussy, suck your dick, whatever applies to the parts you have). On a day you have a meeting, and have to be visible on camera. You struggle to play it cool and not give away what's happening. You're starting to fail the closer he gets to making you cum. You manage to make it a whole ten minutes before you make up an excuse to leave and quickly exit the meeting and turn off your laptop with the power button. The next time Eddie does it, you only make it five minutes and though no one says anything everyone has figured out the truth. Your work bestie tells you in private, and lets you know the boss isn't happy. You now have to lock yourself in a separate room for meetings to keep Eddie trying a third time.
😳😳😳 we love to see it !!!
Eddie board out of his mind and just thinks that this will cure him being board and instead makes himself a feral little grimlin.
The email thread that goes around with your co-workers minus your boss..... Where Jared has bet Amy $100 that Eddie for sure was under that desk.
Eddie who after the second time around you've grown too clever, so he sits outside the locked door while you're on call just tapping and scratching at the door like a pet hoping you will just cave and unlock it so he can come in .
God what I would give to have Eddie Munson make an absolute mess out of me
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
what seems like forever ago, @geryone so kindly tagged me and asked me to share nine book recommendations. after combing through some of my recent reads, here are some of my favorites:
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My short little summaries and thoughts are listed under the cut:
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin - Giovanni's Room is about a young man in David and his summer romance with another young man named Giovanni. Through the lens of love and heartbreak, David goes through a journey of identity.
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk - We follow our narrator, for now we can call him Joe, as he begins a very unconventional friendship with a man named Tyler. Men fight, they also bite and many a problems arise.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini- Historical fiction novel that is set agains the backdrop of many events from the fall of Afghanistan's monarchy to the rise of the Taliban regime. I don't think I've cried harder reading a book so that's my own weird way of saying I can't recommend it enough.
For One More Day by Mitch Albom- Little read with a lot of heart. Fictional baseball player has the chance to spend one more day with his late mother, who he misses more than he ever thought he would. Another book that kept me crying into the middle of the night.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio - I feel like if you like dark academia; this is an essential. A group of Shakespearean acting students at the fictional Dellecher Shakespeare conservatory get wrapped in a murder and it's an ongoing case of whodunit.
A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood - A delicate look into the mundane crafted through the lens of grief, loss and heartache. We follow the life of George, a middle-aged gay man mourning the loss of his partner. Like Giovanni's Room, I think it's a staple of queer literature.
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy - A heartbreaking memoir that's sprinkled with the well timed moment of comedy. We learn about Jennette McCurdy's tumultuous relationship with acting, the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother, and her own way of working towards healing.
Promises of Gold by José Olivarez - If prose isn't your thing; this might be! Promises of Gold is a poetry collection in which Olivarez family, identity, love and quarantine. One of my personal favorites is Regret or My Dad Says Love
A Short History of the Girl Next Door by Jared Reck - A story about first love that in ends heartbreak in more ways that one. It's first person and it's YA, two things I normally never read, but it's just so so good. Forget crying into the middle of the night, this had me crying well into morning
no pressure tagging: @firstfullmoon and @soracities if you have anything you want to recommend <3
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Gold Panel 2023
What sticks out to them from the final days of filming?
Jared says so much, that he remembers it vividly. He remembers the two weeks they had to spend in quarantine and some of the crew would leave them care packages, and they would all text each other and have Zoom parties. He also remembers very vividly the bridge, and the barn, and he remembers when they were shooting the last scene in the middle of the Bunker and being told it was going to be taken down the next day- he was in tears, he says if we think we cried during the barn scene we should have seen him in the Bunker when they were gonna tear it down. And then he took things, there were a lot of real books in there which he took and fake books which he also took and a bunch of stuff that he had seen for the past three years that he has no idea what he’ll ever do with but maybe he'll donate it to a charity auction.
Jensen says that in the bunker there were two library tables that they sat in, he didn’t take a table but one of the tables had some initials carved into it and he had asked what was going to happen to the table and was told that they were gonna break it down so he asked them to cut that part off 🥹
Jensen also remembers the whole crew being masked up, and normally in most shows actors work very closely with their team but they all got separated because of safety measures so if you were red you could get close to the actors but if you were yellow you couldn’t and for them being forced to not interact with their crew, people they had known for 15yrs and considered family, it was really heartbreaking. It was a big deflated aspect of the show coming to an end when it did. x
What is next for them project-wise? And how long does Jared think Walker will last?
Jared replies those are conversations that are happening now that the strikes are over. He’s been very lucky and fortunate in Austin to have a great cast and crew. He has said this for many years and he feels he has been made a liar but he really does want to get off camera, he loves reading, and he loves to read a lot so he’d love the chance to make stories more available to people like adapting books; there are stories that mean a lot to him that he’d love to help get made but man plans God laughs. Boy ain't that the fucking truth.  
Jensen says probably a haircut. He doesn’t know, there are a few things on the horizon and this is something he mentioned in his M&G but those conversations are happening now with the strikes over, and he has had conversations happening the previous week about some upcoming possibilities but nothing is happening this year it’d be popping off in Spring. He thinks the soonest anything would happen, assuming it's not a project that's already locked and loaded and ready to go like for example Walker, would be in springtime so he'd say in March he might have a call sheet.
Not gonna lie friends first place my mind went to after hearing this man say Walker and March in the same sentence is him and Jared planning things out so they can spend his birthday on set together again 🤞 x
Question for Jensen: what was it like working on Smallville?
He jokes he doesn’t remember that. It was cool because the show was going and it was a success, and he came really close to getting the role of Clark, and he thinks the writers always kept him in the back of their minds so for s4 they pitched him the idea to make bring him in as a coach and he was like 'Tom’s older than me you want me to play his coach?' So he went on and it was a good time, it was filming in Van, made some good friends, and he was supposed to do two seasons but then like 3/4 of the way through the season SPN came up so both he and Jared got pulled from their shows to go to SPN. Jensen's character had a horrible death while Jared's just vanished. But he had a good time, it was a lot of fun, and he also remembers telling Tom when the Pilot got picked up to have fun working in Van thinking they were going to be shooting in LA 😆
Jared also shares a quick story about how they had wrapped up early one day and they were gonna go to Morton's to get some steak and invited Tom along, and after dinner, Tom told them they didn't have to do this for his birthday. And they were surprised because they had no idea it was his birthday they had just invited him along. x
What was it like after 15yrs to move on to Soldier Boy and Walker?
Jared says he started to think about it as something everybody does every day so when you’re with x person you’re this person, we’re all multifaceted some aspects overlap but we all do it without having to think about it. You kind of lean into different aspects of your personality. 
Jensen replies he had an advantage because he went from doing Dean to Soldier Boy in front of the creator of Dean. Kripke and Sgriccia had seen him play Dean and knew intimately the aspects of that character so when he played Soldier Boy he would ask them to tell him if his Dean came out. It's something he was very conscious off, he tried to highlight a different aspect of his personal character but also maybe parroting some other types of characters that he had witnessed and he used a couple of old actors from the 40s and 50s like Lee Marvin is one that he would watch his interviews to see how these guys would carry themselves and speak so he used that as inspiration for how to mold this character.  x
What is their character's biggest regret?
Jared answers it rhymes with jemilia aka Amelia. He thinks Sam felt best when he was in a relentless pursuit of his brother and so obviously they have an instance where his brother implores him to not relentlessly pursue or bring him back so he thinks that's for Sam- and the actress is lovely so it's not that but the story aspect. He's an actor so it's like an anchorman you read what's on the teleprompter so he did it and tried to make it make sense for Sam but it didn't feel right for him. He says it was great writing, they hadn't gone there in eight seasons and it was interesting to explore, it helped him flesh out the character but he would say that's probably his biggest regret.
Jensen says probably not being more promiscuous as Demon!Dean. But Dean has no regrets. x
How do they think the conversation between Sam and Dean after the bridge scene in the finale played out, and how do they think the scene would play out if Sam's son was in Heaven and got to reunite with his dad and meet his uncle?
Jared has some ideas and he hopes now that the writers are back we all get to see it together.
Jensen says stay tuned on that cause there are conversations regarding that conversation. x
J2 Gold Panel Hawaii '23
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lol-jackles · 1 year
Is jensen ackles still codependent on Jared? Becoz after the quarantine, it seems like he and his wife are pandering to the minions and hellers more than the j2ers and bibros?
The short answer is yes, and that's not mutually exclusive to the Ackles pandering to the minions and hellers. They do it because they don't have SPN BNFs, who are mostly Sam/Bibros/Jared girls. It's why the meta fans on SPN were Sam girls.
Sure Jensen has the AAs but as you see it's not enough for real rating numbers. Most Sam/Jared girls are indifferent towards Jensen (and Danneel) and therefore won’t support their projects. It's why AAs hate Jared girls more than they hate Jared, because indifference is the opposite of love, not hate. So the Ackles (especially Danneel) has pander to the bottom of the fandom barrel for support aka the minions and hellers.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I feel like despite being the youngest, and often one of the sillier personas on stage, Jared feels more grown-up compared to some of the others despite the tired fart and Jared is a screw-up stories.
I totally agree with this. I think Jared's friendly, silly persona makes people think that's all he is (and, like anon pointed out, the stories from when he was in his 20's that they don't stop telling don't help). But he really seems like the most mature and responsible of the bunch. Don't let his con/stage persona fool you, he is very smart and has great business sense. He has matured so much over the years and its obvious if you pay attention. The others act like perma-fratboys. Jensen constantly talks about his exploits like he thinks he's still 25. No one should brag that much about drinking that much at 45 (or about kicking in doors, or any of his other stories he tells proudly). Same with R2, etc. Jared is a mature adult with multiple jobs and businesses plus a family, a farm, etc. Jensen acts like a fratboy who thinks tellings stories about leaving dishes in the sink because its "near the dishwasher" and laughing about how he let the house become a mess when his wife was sick with covid so she had to clean up when she got off quarantine etc. is a good look. I mean, the stories he tells about how he behaves at home makes me feel bad for D.... I do NOT want or need to feel bad for that woman of all people.
I think Jared's intelligence has been underappreciated for a long time. Even when he auditioned for SPN, Kripke wasn't sure about him at first because he wanted someone who came across as more of an intellectual like David Duchovney.
Then, there's the infamous story about Jared crushing Misha at Words with Friends and Misha being annoyed that Jared, who didn't even go to college, could beat him.
While Jared may have had quite a bit of drunken fun in his younger years, he's always been smart. It's just that now, we get to see it manifest in the way he handles productions and other business interests.
As for Jensen... who knows what's going on with him. I would say mid-life crisis, but a few of the things you mentioned happened even before SPN ended so whatever insecurities he's dealing with that make him think acting like a jerk is a cool thing, I just hope he grows out of soon.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
could you reccommend any ttrpgs that have body horror as a major theme ?
THEME: Body Horror
The following recommendations are a few TTRPGs that are full of gut-churning inspiration for any body-horror fan! The covers of these games suggest at the horror within, but for the most part it's the games themselves that contain trigger warnings.
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Bloom, by Litza Bronwyn.
BLOOM is a solo gm-less journaling game in which you play a teenage girl trapped in quarantine at a boarding school on an island infected by the Tox, a plague that makes the trees and animals grow huge and hungry, and mutates your body in strange and horrific ways. In it, you will draw cards and write journal entries based on specific prompts in order to craft a story of survival and love.
This game is based on The Wretched by Chris Bissette. BLOOM is directly inspired by the novel Wilder Girls by Rory Power, a New York Times bestseller, and contains spoilers for the book.
Solo games can add a layer to horror because your character is experiencing the Tox by herself; she has nobody to help her. This is also a good option for stories that you might want to tell regardless of whether or not you have a group to share them with. If you have an aptitude for journaling and want to stretch your creative muscles, this might be worth checking out. If you want to check out another solo game of feminine body horror that will send chills up your spine, check out Horse Girl, by BabblegumSam.
Candy Teeth, by World Champ Games Co.
I've worked my whole life to make something worth a damn. To feel something. To make you feel something. To change the world with my art. Until they took my art from me. Now, I only want one thing. I'll make you feel something: Pain.
Candy Teeth is a storytelling game of creativity, power, and violence for 3 players inspired by Brand New Cherry Flavour. Using the included cards and rules, players take turns creating scenes exploring the dynamics between three roles: The Tooth, The Rot, and the Sweetness.
The three of you are working to exact violence and revenge, not just against others, but against yourselves. There’s disturbing images within the game, so it comes with a Parental warning all it’s own, but if you like stories about magic and art interwoven with horror, and you have a play group of exactly three people, this might be the game for you. The creator of this game has also released a game called Necronautilus, which is about agents of Death exploring the universe as clouds of noxious gas. Mother Needs Flesh, by JoPa.
MOTHER roams the galaxy searching for ways to satisfy her hunger. You, her Scions, operate to fulfill her needs. Most of the time, you’ll infiltrate spaceships and moon stations, seeking to end all life aboard so MOTHER can feed on the flesh of your victims. Other times, you’ll forge alliances with pirates and planets to keep MOTHER safe. At dire times, you’ll help MOTHER fight off spacecraft seeking to destroy her. No matter what you do, you do it for MOTHER.
MOTHER NEEDS FLESH is a minimalist tabletop rpg for up to four players and one Game Master. All you need is four, six, eight, ten and twelve-sided dice plus pen and paper to play. This game is based off of the Breathless System, by Fari Rpgs.
This is great for players who want to stretch their tentacles in the cold vacuum of space. This time you are the eldritch horrors, and you have an alien matron to serve. Breathless depends on resources that slowly diminish, so it really puts you on the clock.
Phever, by o.hybridity.
The world as you’ve lived in it is designed to get as much out of you as it can before you reach that tipping point, then lock you down and put you away before you become a monster. 
Wouldn’t you know it: you’re changing.
A Near-Future Body Horror Adventure In a Paranoid World, built on the armature of Jared Sinclair's What's So Cool About Outer Space?
Evade the cops. Trust no one. Find your place in the world as the strange new being you're destined to become.
The other title for this game is What’s so Bad about Spontaneous Teratomorphism? The What’s So Cool about Outer Space game system has quick character generation and relies on 2d6 for pretty much all of your rolls. You can add +1 for advantages, and subtract -1 for disadvantages. If you roll an 8 or higher, you succeed. It’s that easy! Your characters all have physical oddities, something that’s unnerving to characters that aren’t phenotypically volatile. You’re playing people in a harsh world that fears them, full of mutations that are blossoming inside them as you play. The game comes with example PheVers, to give you NPCs or inspiration for your own characters, as well as Axioms for the GM and rumours that serve as excellent plot hooks.
Here for You, by William.
It's a normal day, as normal as anything ever is these days. A notification lights up your screen....
Here For You is a 2-person body horror RPG played with the Major Arcana of a tarot deck. This game takes place in real-time over instant messenger (like text message or Discord) with a standard play session lasting 1 to 1.5 hours.
Play as The Corrupted, a person undergoing terrible changes to their very being, and The Witness, someone they reach out to, scrambling to understand and stop this transformation before it finishes. These two people may be best friends or barely acquaintances but nonetheless are now embroiled in a race against time - and the inevitable. 
Here For You is about a sudden and unexpected change and how to cope with it. It's also a game about trying desperately to save someone even if you can't succeed. The game is ultimately about relationships, and what they mean to us as people. 
This is a quieter, more intimate game, which would work well if you find it hard to find a large number of people who appreciate the same genre as you, or if you want to have a small, private experience. It also works well for folks who can’t play in person, but would like the experience of a real-time roleplaying experience. 
Heart: The City Beneath, by Rowan, Rook and Decard.
Heart: The City Beneath is a tabletop roleplaying game about delving into a nightmare undercity that will give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of – or kill you in the process.
It is a dungeon-crawling, story-forward tabletop RPG from the designers of Spire that focuses on what characters have to lose in pursuit of their dreams in the chaotic darkness beneath the world.
This will give you cannibals, mad trees, forbidden gods, curses, underground pubs and more. Things with too many eyes and too many arms are all too common in the the undercity. Your characters will be strange and eclectic with backstories tied to the weirdness of the world around you. It uses the same mechanics as Spire - the Resistance System.
MÖRK BORG, by Free League Publishing.
MÖRK BORG is a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. Who are you? The tomb-robber with silver glittering between cracked fingernails? The mystic who would bend the world’s heart away from it’s inevitable end? Confront power-draining necromancers, skulking skeletal warriors and backstabbing wickheads. Wander the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead, the catacombs beneath the Bergen Chrypt or the bedevilled Sarkash forest. But leave hope behind – the world’s cruel fate is sealed, and all your vain heroic efforts are destined to end in death and dismay. Or are they?
If you’re interested in fantasy along with your body horror, this is probably the game for you. It’s gritty and dark and slimy, and much of the third party content that you can find for the game reflects its theme. The mechanics for this game are fast and cruel, which adds to the general feeling of horror. MÖRK BORG has been highly lauded and hacked a number of times, including a hack called ORC BORG, by Grant Howitt.
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dieu-mange-dieu · 2 years
Specific Character Headcanons: Donald "Jared" Dunn
His backstory is horrifying and complex so some of this may actually be canon I don't remember TW death
Real birthday is 16 December
Born in New York
Was over six feet tall by the time he was fourteen years old
Used birds as a beacon of hope during his time in foster care. He envied the freedom of such beautiful, fragile creatures and vowed to someday feel as free as they looked in flight
Was under the care of one genuinely kind foster family. A lovely elderly couple, Etta and John Hirsch, whose only son had died years before. He filled the hole in their hearts and they filled the hole in his
They both died in a car accident on an icy night in December
Got a partial scholarship to Vassar, worked as a prostitute to pay for the rest of his college tuition
Doesn't know his real middle name, so he changes his middle name to honour his elderly friends who have passed
Favourite bird is the Luzon Bleeding-Heart Pigeon
Favourite colours are yellow and light blue
Has gotten in many fights, but only lost two
Likes herbal scents, favourites are rosemary, lavender, and patchouli (he thinks patchouli is the closest you can get to the smell of petrichor)
Is such a Mitski fan like you don't even know
Enjoys walks in the cold
Cries about EVERYTHING. Once cried in a supermarket because he was overwhelmed by the "beauty of all the fruits in the aisle"
Pan and demi
Has canonically fallen in love only twice:
The first time was a fellow prostitute he met in New York.
They looked out for each other, made sure each was getting enough to eat, and would have "picnics" on fire escapes, pressed together for warmth, legs dangling off of the side, talking about their days.
One day they disappeared without warning. Jared searched for them for a year and a half, often feeling like the only one who cared. Why did nobody else care?
He later found out that they had been murdered. They were not given a gravestone but Jared visits the park where they last saw each other every year.
The second time was Richard.
He never said anything, of course. How could he?
He tried to distract himself in any way he could, but he was a mere rock of space junk being pulled full speed into Richard's orbit
Favourite tea is Lemon Ginger
Thinks skirts are super comfortable and wishes they were more widely accepted at work
Doesn't like the show Friends but puts it on while at home to feel cozy
Cooking (or making things in general) is one of his love languages
Loves bubble baths
Writes poetry and short stories in his free time, used to write songs
Can sing pretty decently (was canonically in choir at Vassar)
Is a sucker for candles
Smell is his strongest sense
Runs the Pied Piper company Tiktok, makes really cringy but wholesome videos (think along the lines of Nursetok and Teacher/Office-staff tiktok)
A playlist for him
Spoilers (?) Ahead!
After Silicon Valley:
He kisses Richard on the roof of Pied Piper after it all, as the billboard is being torn down.
Richard kisses back, but they don't talk about it again
Goes travelling across Europe "with Richard," Richard doesn't quite know that they're travelling together
Quarantines with Richard
Both he and Richard volunteered at a nursing home on weekends before Jared applied for the job
Richard was grossed out by the bedpans and the general "like, elderly vibe"
They don't stay in close contact over the next few years but they stay in each other's circles
After ten years of unrealised pining and four dismally failed relationships, Richard asks him out at the hacker hostel after the filming of the documentary wraps
Jared cries.
They go birdwatching.
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not-the-archivist · 2 years
TMA as things my friends and I have said (pt. 1)
Martin: My mom’s been under quarantine, she’s not sleeping with anyone, not even my dad. Elias: Damn liberal Cthulu... Jared: It's MY bone and you can't have it! Tim: I maxed out my comedy quota Melanie: I know how to use the bonding board! You hit people with it to bond with them! Jon: *on the verge of tears* I don't want to live anymore Elias, Again: EVERY character needs to be traumatized! Mike Crew: Make the entirety of America a no-fly zone Michael Distortion: I bite my snake. Anyways what's in your mom's pants is a forbidden noodle.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 6 months
💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
For Store Playlist, it was the fact that it was part of a big bang and I'd feel gross for not finishing it lol. For Left 2 Chill, it was/is a multi-year labor of love that i wanted to see to the end. And the epilogue will be going up in like 12 days!! So we're nearly there! (Also the deadlines I had in my head of September-October 2023 and April 2024 for a 28 Weeks Later joke/reference kicked my ass into finishing... but good lord i still need to go back and make edits bc spell/grammar check has never been kind to me)
As for what makes me abandon one, the fact of the matter is that I don't seriously start enough fics/story ideas to make them feel.. real?? I've mentioned incomprehensible scribbles in my notes app, which were made either bc I wanted to make a comic for them or just write them down before I forgot them (cough cough royal pains manifesto). So like, it's hard to call them abandoned since they were never really started beyond Vibes (halo au... i can see like three scenes for it and no other story beyond that)
As for actual fics of mine that have been abandoned (one of which has gotten a weird influx of kudos despite not being updated since 2018) were from the era of the infamous Deleted Progress of 2019 from when my old iPod Touch was being a douche about its cloud storage. So many months worth of progress... just gone.. it still makes me sad...
Sooo short answer on reasoning for abandoning fics: not being able to commit or literal outside influence I guess lol
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Jeremy and Zoe are generally easy bc they're just like me fr (oddly specific familial trauma what whaaat), but it really depends with other characters. I've done very little writing for characters other than the boyfs outside of l2c (which! I! Want! To! Get! Better! About!) so like.. the au versions of the characters are generally easy for me bc. I invented them for the most part lol
I guess it was harder for me to pin down Rich, since he was a "main cast" character whose head I spent about the least time in (next to Jared, but I've already gone on abt the meta reasoning for not getting in his head much, and writing him was less hard and more mentally taxing bc i kept fussing over potential readers Not Seeing The Vision) mainly bc the other characters had more interesting things to going on to pick apart
🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write for (or why are you writing) a certain story? (Asker, feel free to chose a specific story you're curious about. You can also let the answerer choose the story.)
I'm gonna speedrun a few bc I feel like it
Left 2 Chill: started playing Left 4 Dead 2 again. Doodled Jeremy saying one of the most metal lines from the game/trailer. Quarantine happened a month later. "Haha look at me writing an au about a viral outbreak during a viral outbreak I'm sure there's no correlation at all."
Store Playlist: worked at a grocery store and watched over the self checkouts. Fun songs played sometimes that I would dance/lipsync to. Funny customer/manager interactions. ("He's sixteen." "Nuh-uh! I'm fourteen!" — "Want some water? It tastes like roses. [...] Want some roses? They taste like roses." — [The cucumber thing]) "Hmm what if self-indulgent blorbo au?"
[Anything for the Weakness saga (hi becca)]: 5am brain rot, brain rot, gay, what if missing scene, 3am brain rot, gay gay gay hgfgvcgg g a y
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bookdork1 · 2 years
INSANE INSANE IT WAS AN INSANE TWO WEEKS! the absolute chaos of november 5th with canon destiel, election madness and putin rumors. outsiders to the fandom swore up and down it was homophobic and a laughable scene but those of us in it were dying with vindication because! the angel was gay! and dean hadn’t answered yet! he had to answer! we just had to wait til the next episode or at the very latest the finale! we were fighting twitter memes and half funny half rude tumblr posts by the swordful, trying to convince everyone with their hot takes on superhell that THIS IS NOT THE END! THAT CAS WASN’T REALLY BURRIED YOUR GAYS HE’S COMING BACK OBVIOUSLY! and then! AND THEN HE FUCKING DIDN’T WE LIVED THROUGH A FINALE SO BAD IT MADE HIMYM’S AND GOT’S LOOK HALF DECENT!!! and the craziness did not stop there!!! the whole cast stopped tweeting half way through the finale! jensen supernatural-sick-in-the-head ackles went off the grid for months refusing to comment on the finale WHATSOEVER! the cw released a goodbye supernatural video featuring prominent cast members like jared padalecki but do you know who wasn’t in it????? JENSEN FUCKING ACKLES OR MISHA FUCKING COLLINS!!!!!!!!!!! how do you forget to have them participate???? YOU PHYSICALLY CANNOT THERE IS NO REAL EXPLANATION THAN THAT THEY DODGED THE FUCK OUT OF THE CW PR’S TEAM! and then not even two days later we are all whalloped in the head with LATAM DUBGATE CONFIRMING RECIPROCATED DESTIEL CANON! THIS OCCURRED TWO DAYS BEFORE US THANKSGIVING!!!! i was at my grandma’s house making an explanatory powerpoint on destiel two electirc boogaloo while close family members buzzed around. less than 24 hours later the fucking misha held-at-gunpoint-by-cw-snipers collins video telling us to calm down happened!!! people literally found the latam dub team and they had a zoom call with them in december! we went insane over a video of jensen apparently very badly shoveling snow! WE ENMASSE PLANNED A FICTIONAL WEDDING AND HELD IT OVER SOCIAL MEDIA ON VALENTINE’S DAY AND WERE BETRAYED BY TWO EXTREMELY MINOR CAST MEMBERS WHO HADN’T BEEN ON THE SHOW IN A DECADE WHO TOLD US WE WERE CRAZY FOR EVER THINKING THE WEDDING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GAY. quarantine era cons occur and nobody can get real questions past creation but we all wait with baited breath anyways for a destiel question to make it to jensen and they never did! script leaks are happening left and right making the whole thing so much gayer! also i forgot but before even that is happening bi!dean audience testing is confirmed to have been a real thing that was happening during s12 supernatural! AND ET TU BRUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! allllllll of that happened less than eight months post nov 5th confession and i’m forgetting so fucking much
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incarnateirony · 2 years
ohwell maybe vancon gets a cockles panel
jensen's been on a billion sets and safe
jared's caught it three times
there's a common denominator here
and it boils down to the demographic political company you keep as much as your own safeguarding measures for yourself and your set.
what the fuck are they gonna do, don't they only have like 5 eps filmed, jared's gonna need to take a few weeks quarantining again and the set is compromised again. They're already on ep 3. their post is probably ALREADY sweating. yall--
not a good look to miller, this show has had two production shutdowns before getting to midseason. filming. midseason filming. ep 3's barely out on tv and it's a second shutdown.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
//Jared also said that Odette was his favorite they were both joking// - Except Jared has talked before about how having a girl vs boys is just different for a father. He's been open about that. But he also doesn't brag and joke about TELLING HIS KIDS TO THEIR FACES THAT ONE IS THE FAVE. Jensen did that. And its not even remotely the first time he's said it. We've been saying for years that we hope the twins especially never watch any cons vids because Jensen has said numerous times he only wanted one kid and how she was perfect so why risk messing that up with more. He's repeatedly talked about how he had to be talked into having another kid and how he very specifically only agreed to ONE more. He and D have both talked publicly about JJ being the favorite and constantly talk about how the twins are too much work. These are all things that Jensen (and D) have very publicly said on MANY occasions. And even the GA has picked up on the favoritism, its blatant. Jared threw that line about Odette in at the end of Jensen's very bad sounding rant about his kids. Maybe it was the truth, maybe it was a joke to try and take some heat off Jensen (something Jared regularly does when Jensen puts his foot in his mouth). But either way the facts are - Jared knows who his kids are as individuals and both him and Gen regularly have "date nights" with each kid on their own doing something that specific child will enjoy because they are all so different. Rather than doing the easier thing of just doing a group family outing (they do those as well too), they give each child individual attention tailored to that child. And this is all along with working (Jared over working....) and regular adult responsibilities. The ackles couldn't handle their 3 kids without the nanny during quarantine when they literally had nothing else to do but spend time with their kids. They regularly take just JJ places because, as they've both said, the twins are "too much work". D might have wanted multiple kids but Jensen has been VERY vocal about wanting only his one "perfect child" aka JJ and had to be talked into having another kid (and seems annoyed that "two came out" instead, yea, he said that at the latest con too). These two are not comparable. And if you really want to compare.... Jensen is not the one coming out looking good in this scenario.
Thank you, Anon. I did not have the energy to write about all of that and I am very glad you did. ♥️
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I was just thinking about everything that has occurred over the last year or so where Jensen is concerned and I wonder if his attitude has changed due to the life he knew during Supernatural days going away. I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting the response that TW got, before it aired and after, and I get that some people think he's under the influence of toxic people, his stans, alcohol, and all that, but I think it's actually deeper than that.
I do think it's related to his ego, sure, but it really does seem like he wasn't ready for Supernatural to end when it did. Not so much for the show or even the character of Dean, but for everything that came along with it. He was literally a big fish in a small pond, a CW golden boy in a way (along with Jared), and now all of that has changed. Mark Pedowitz is no longer there, the CW has new ownership, he is not finding the lead roles he wants, everything he says and does is not just automatically accepted 100% by the fandom anymore, the pandemic happened, Rust happened, he was used to working away from home a certain amount of time and then he was stuck at home during the pandemic, the show didn't get to end the way he and Jared wanted it to (wrap party included) due to the pandemic, all of this stuff and more.
This guy literally had the life he wanted and now it's changed drastically. If you watch his interviews and con videos and even Instagram videos from 2018 and on before March 2020 hit, there is such a different vibe there. I know people say he never loved his wife, I don't really know (or care to be honest) but there's definitely a different vibe about him around her back then compared to now. Especially when they were opening up FBBC. I know a lot of people like to point to that one interview video with his look at her joking about being pregnant but if you watch some of the other interviews, he seems to vibe better with her than he has the whole past year (when we've seen them together like NYCC). It's almost as if him losing Supernatural and the ability to go to Vancouver for 9 months out of the year, coming back home when he wanted to, and them being forced together 24 7 in quarantine must have made an impact. And then TW on top of it and how that turned out to be a reality check for both of them that not everyone just accepts the crap they're doling out because of Jensen's name or looks. Jared was ready to say goodbye to Supernatural. I think by all accounts, Jensen was not. Jared had the next job lined up, waiting for him. Jensen didn't. So his whole trajectory over this past year makes a lot of sense to me. I think it's finally hitting him (if it hasn't already) that he is now in a bigger pond but he's not that big fish anymore. Hence the flailing and absolute shit show we're all seeing happen along with the desperate PR attempts. And it's just really sad.
Anyway, I was just thinking after seeing everything everyone was discussing these past two weeks, especially his "suck it" comment to haters at Crossroads.
I can't remember if I mentioned the same on this blog, or somewhere else, but yeah, going from the top-dog in his sphere and having a steady job with a steady schedule to suddenly having his entire world turned upside-down in the matter of a couple of years has to be very jarring.
Unfortunately, his way of processing change is to apparently get bitter and resentful instead of putting in the work and making the necessary changes to improve his situation. What's that saying? "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Right now, Jensen's dressing the part of the desperate, washed-up actor, catering to the dregs of the SPN fandom.
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