#jared x jensen fan fiction
smackthedevilwrites · 3 months
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Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 18
Word Count: 54,919
Jared Padalecki had been given everything he had ever wanted and quite often stuff he never really needed either. But, during his last summer before college, he had found himself with the greatest gift of all, complete and utter freedom. A whole summer to himself, to do with whatever he pleased. And with no job, too much money and endless days at his disposal, rich boy Jared decided to dip his toe in the ‘real world’, to try out things ordinary people enjoyed and first on his list was to experience real-life fast-food but little did he know that ordering ‘a three-piece and fries’ was going to change not only his life but the lives of everyone around him.
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xpurdyglambertx · 5 months
It's live yall! Go check it out!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 8 months
Three Peas in a Pod: Part Two
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader x Jared Padalecki
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey i have this crazy request in mind and you are the best writer so, some J2 x reader (reader is either there wife or girlfriend) where they are in a comic con and the fans start talking about some supernatural imagines, oneshot, etc they reader and J2 mentioned some because the reader always reading them? Something fluff and funny. The reader either can be mentioned or can be with them 
Summary: Jensen and Jared have gotten you out of your shell to the point where you're comfortable meeting fans and taking pictures. They even invite you onto the stage for the first time. What can go wrong?
read part one here: Three Peas in a Pod
Square Filled: car broke down (2020) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Jared and Jensen have tried so hard to get you out of your shell by meeting fans and going with them to panels to talk to them, most of which have worked. You're still camera shy and hate being in the limelight, but what’s the harm in getting to know the fan base that single-handedly made the entire Supernatural fandom?
They’ve proven to be nothing but loveable and charming since you first made an appearance, and you’re not going to start now. There are fans who have dedicated their time to making sure you fit right into this family, and you adore every single one of them. 
Jared and Jensen and proud of the progress you’ve made over the past seven months, and you’re kind of proud of yourself too. Never did you think you’d want to join them on their panels and make a surprising guest appearance. There are tons of pictures of you and other fans going around that you have encouraged them to take which also helps your self-esteem for the camera. The more you see your pictures circulate, the more you believe they actually want you in their fandom.
It’s a family you’re so excited to be part of.
Jensen and Jared are on their way to a convention while you’re at home doing research for their next YouTube video. A lot of work goes into each and every video and you’re the one who does the research. You’re writing down some notes when you get a call from one of your boyfriends.
“Hey, how’s the car ride? Jared annoying you yet?” you chuckle.
“Not so good. The car broke down. I keep telling Jared to fix the damn thing. Can you pick us up?”
“Where are you guys?”
“On the 290 after Giddings.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there. It’s going to take me an hour.”
“That’s fine.”
You put everything on hold and leave to be their rescuer. After an hour, you notice Jared and Jensen on the side of the road arguing with one another most likely about the situation they’re in. As soon as they see you, their mood is lifted. They hook their car to yours so you can drag it behind yours.
“Why did I drive all the way out here if you two could have gotten an Uber?” you chuckle as you drive away.
“Then we wouldn't get to see your beautiful face,” Jared smiles and kisses your cheek.
“Stop,” you blush.
If Jensen and Jared are participating in the convention then you are, too. You’re not going to drive all the way home just to come back and pick them up. It’s nice to get away from your research and be with the fans even though you’re still kind of shy. When you get there, you three head backstage. Everyone is already there waiting for them, so both men get prepared to do their panel. You sit down on the couch and pull your phone out to keep yourself busy.
When Jensen and Jared come back, they smirk at each other. You’re the only three inside the room while everyone else is putting stuff on the stage. Jensen takes a seat next to you and leans into your neck where he lightly nips the skin.
“What are you doing?” you giggle and move away from him.
“Come on stage with us.”
“No, I’m okay right now,” you shake your head.
Jensen’s light nips turn into sucking and licking. You close your eyes and hold back a moan. This is exactly what he wants and you’re not going to give it to him. Jared sits on the other side of you and pulls your face into his so he can kiss you. Both men are making you forget you’re at a convention and not in the bedroom.
“Come out with us,” Jared mumbles against your lips. “It’ll be fun.”
You try to protest but what Jensen is doing is enough to convince you.
“Fine.” Both men pull away from you, and you wipe your neck. “You better not have left a mark.”
“You’re fine. Come on.”
The panel begins thirty minutes later, and the fans cheer when they see you step onto the stage. You shyly wave at them and accept a microphone from one of the crew members.
“They made me come out here,” you say and everyone laughs.
The first few questions were directed toward Jared and Jensen, and you find yourself zoning out a few times. This happens to you often. It’s not that you’re not interested in what’s happening here, you’re just recharging your brain.
“This one is actually for Y/N.” You snap back into reality and smile at the young woman who stepped up to the microphone. “So, I recently saw a video of Jensen and Jared, and I noticed a stack of books in the background. What’s on your TBR list?”
“Yeah, those are all my books,” you chuckle nervously. How can you tell them you’re into reading fanfiction right now? “I have a bunch of different stuff I like to read.”
“Like what?”
“Tell them,” Jensen smirks.
“Don’t lie this time,” Jared snickers.
“Ooh, tell us what?” the fan asks.
“I hate you both,” you say to your boyfriends. “I like to read mystery and thrillers and romance. You know, dabble in almost every kind of genre.”
“No, tell them the truth,” Jensen shakes his head.
Everyone laughs at your slight embarrassment. Maybe that’s why they asked you to come onto this stage.
“I like to read fanfiction.”
Whistles and cheers come from across the crowd.
“Do you mind if I ask what kind of fanfiction?” the same fan asks.
“Oh, you know of Supernatural,” you say quietly with a laugh.
“Yeah, about me and Jared specifically.”
“Don’t tell them that,” you chuckle nervously. “There’s so many good stories out there. I mainly use Tumblr to read. I like all kinds of fanfiction, especially the angsty ones. I bet some of you are fanfiction authors.” Cheers tells you that you’re right. “If you’d like, I can give you my Tumblr username. I’d like for you to send me stories you love so I can read them. After the panel, I can meet with you guys if you want.”
“You’re awesome,” the fan smiles and walks back to her seat.
Jensen and Jared love that you found something to talk about that makes you comfortable. Books and reading have always been a topic of conversation for you no matter who you’re talking to.
“They get sexual sometimes,” Jared smirks.
“Okay, I’m outta here. My time has come.”
You hop off your chair and kiss both men on the cheeks before leaving the stage. Jensen and Jared love to tease the hell out of you but you know they do it out of love. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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spnfanficpond · 6 months
Hi. I'm looking for a fic I'm hoping someone can help me find. It's a 3 part (I think) poly J2xreader fic. They go on a vacation to a beach and the reader is attacked. Sorry I don't have more details... but hopefully someone knows it...?
We sent a message to our Discord server, but it didn't ring any bells for anyone in there. Hopefully, someone out in the world will see this and recognize it!!
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Does anyone know this fic our Nonnie is looking for?
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acklestarkism · 10 months
----------------- Cas baking thingy -----------------
A grocery bag in one hand, Castiel couldn't help but think about how he could've come back with Dean's favorite stuff in the world - right after Baby maybe, but perhaps before his brother, he wasn't positive about that - but failed to find the precious pie. Damn employee, isn't he aware that money is supposed to buy you anything ? It would have saved the day, to bring it to the oldest brother, but maybe, maybe if he was lucky, beer and porn would be enough. Walking past a bookshop, the angel noticed… was it a pie ? What if he could find one in here, after all, there was a book with a pie on it! Cas pushed the door open only to grab the holy graal from the store window, since there were only books, no pies and it didn't smell like pastries but dust and old. “What is this ?” The bookshop owner frowned, not sure she understood the weird yet cute trench-coated guy. “It's a recipe book ?”, she replied, puzzled, as the guy was now opening the book. “So you're telling me, I just have to… collect stuff and assemble them and somehow… it's gonna turn into… Pie?” Cas turned some pages, going through lists and instructions while some memories flashed into his head again, memories from earlier when Dean couldn't even look at him, hell, Dean always looked at him before, looks making Castiel feel so seen, and so real, dammit, he didn't even talk to him and so close yet so far, Castiel missed Dean in a way he never felt before, almost as if he was gone, as if he didn't exist anymore. And it was not just the angel's feeling, he could also feel his vessel's heart sinking at his overwhelmingly powerful pain. So the angel made sure the bookshop lady wasn't paying attention to him any longer - too busy with other customers now - and ripped the page off the book. “I'm sorry, but I really need the apple pie spell to get into Dean's heart again.”
When he got back into the grocery store, the employee was cleaning the mess Cas did when he first entered. It was obvious on his face that he wasn't thrilled to see the angel again, but Castiel didn't care. “I need to collect those things, now. I have more money.” He handed the man the recipe. “If I give 'em to you, you leave and never come back, right?” Cas nodded, so the young man started grabbing items here and there, loudly swearing, putting stuff into a plastic bag. “It's twenty.” The angel paid with his money - he actually gave the employee fifty seven dollars, but eh, it would pay for the damages so he wasn't gonna mention that to the guy who made the mess - and left with the ingredients, going straight back to the bunker, no detour, no one to interrupt the very important task he had to accomplish.
It took Cas an hour or so to reunite the ustensiles, make sure he was doing all of it right, and the last thing he cared about was how messy he was while doing it, the counter and floor covered in eggs, sugar, and well, pretty much a bit of everything he was using, making it sticky under his shoes. Not only was the room dirty, but also the man, flour on his coat, and face, things he did not notice. But the whole ingredients, weighed to the nearest hundredth, were combined into a dough, covered in apple slices, and a smooth, absolutely divine smelly compote, so the angel couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. It was going to be perfect. The last thing to do to complete the spell was to put this dough into the oven and bake it for half an hour. Cas did so, and went back to the kitchen counter to clean a bit of the mess, but accidentally pushed a glass bowl and the thing fell, and reached the floor, breaking into many pieces in a hellish sound.
Sam and Dean were back for maybe an hour or two, digging into books, positives that Cas was gone - again. After all, Dean thought, it wasn't the first time the guy bailed on them, dammit, he was used to it now but for some reason it kept hurting him. It reminded him of Cas' last words to him. He said he needed to protect the tablet from him, just like he had never done a single thing to help his friend, his best friend, hell, he could've died without even blinking for the guy but dude's wasn't gonna trust him about a freakin piece of God's shit ? Luckily, a noise pulled him out of his thoughts, getting him up as quickly as Sam did, grabbing his gun from his back. “What was that?”, Dean asked, looking everywhere around. “Dunno”, Sam answered, ready to shoot whatever was there too, “But I'm pretty sure it came from the kitchen.” The brothers started heading toward the room, walking slowly and making no noise. One could only hear them breathe heavily, before opening the door of the bunker's kitchen, both pointing their guns at the man standing in the middle of it, dustpan full of broken glass in his right hand, broom in the left, looking puzzled in his long trench-coat. Dean yelled. “What the hell, Cass! What the fuck are you doing here!" Sam looked around, looking for some threat that they'd have missed. “I found a spell to make an-” Dean lowered his gun and raised an eyebrow, making that surprised face Castiel cherished so much. “You found a… what again!?” The angel looked up, his lips moving as he made a silent count. “I have to remove it from the oven. Now.” By that time, Sam had lowered his gun too, and turned to Dean, looking at him and shrugging. They stared at the angel, now putting an imperfect, half-collapsed apple pie, smelling quite… good, but looking crap. Cas shook his head, frowning, and his right hand reached his pocket. He pulled the ripped page in front of him on the table, next to the failed cake. “I don't understand, Dean, I made exactly what the spell said, exact quantities, in the perfect order, it should've looked like THIS”, he said, his index pointing the picture on the page. Dean laid down his weapon, and rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake, Cass, this is not a freakin spell, it's a freakin recipe. Why the hell did you do… that for, exactly?” He was obviously referring to the mess the bunker's kitchen was, and Cas knew he had to look down in guilt at Dean's accusatory tone. The trench-coated angel finally shrugged and admitted “I was seeking the forgiveness I've seen once in your eyes. I needed you to forgive me for I feel so empty without your… love. So I went out for beers. And porn. And I wanted pie but they were out of it. Then I found the spell… or recipe as you call it so I stole it from the lady in the bookshop. I thought it'd be easy. Now I know why pie is so hard to find.” Dean turned to Sam as his brother let out a laugh. “I let you two… well talk.” The taller brother left the kitchen, leaving Cas and Dean alone to talk about whatever was wrong between them, about Cas' betrayal, if fixing it was even possible. “You have to understand, Cas. What you did, the words that came out of your mouth, I don't think I could ever forgive them. Or even forget. No freakin piece of pie could ever repair that trust in you I lost back there. I gave everything to you, too. Just for you to not be able to trust me, hell Cass, ME ? You know I'd die for you. You're fuckin family to us. To me.”
Castiel took some time to process Dean's words. To discern his deepest feelings, the ones he'd always hide behind his numerous masks just so no one could see him for who he truly was : a selfless, caring person who could feel things harder than anyone in this world would ever feel. And somehow, the only feelings he could authorize himself experiencing were the bad ones, the painful ones. Castiel never met once a man that carried so much pain, suffering, all of that at once, on his sole shoulders. And it was one of the main reasons Cas always kept sticking to Dean's side, kept trying to get as close as he could from him, just to relieve a bit of this ache and help him carry it. He was unable to take it all out, but he could always try to make Dean happy. The angel looked up at the man he once pulled out from Hell, literal Hell, his watery blue eyes drowning in Dean's soulful greens. “I know I hurt you, Dean. And I know I'll probably never be able to make it up to you again. I was just… trying to do the right thing but somehow… I just keep messing up and failing. And I'm sorry. I really am, Dean. That's why I made the pie. To try and say I'm sorry.”
Dean frowned, trying to fight the urge to hug Cas tight and not let him go - not again. He could feel it, too. How lighter his soul was around Cas. How good he felt, how almost happy his best friend made him feel. His best moments, the greatest memories he could remember were all times Cas was with him. But he just stared at the angel for an unnecessarily long time, silent, and finally shrugged. “Dude, let's not just waste the pie, okay?”, and he grabbed the pastry, aware of the many things he could've said but didn't.
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cevansbaby-dove · 23 days
Rumors going around.
Pairing:Jensen Ackles X Fem!Reader
Summary: With rumors going around about Jensen and you will they stay a rumor or will they become true?
Warnings: Cheating (i'm sorry!)
Just fiction. I love his wife and mean nothing against her with this one shot!
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You were so excited to go to a con with Jensen and Jared and Misha you four were close since you become part of the SPN family.
You only came on one episode for the show but after that episode the fans have begged the crew to bring you back for more.
The chemistry with Jensen was very noticeable and the fans even shipped you and Jensen even though he was happily married to Danneel.
"hey Jay how's married life going?" You asked during a interview with the cast of supernatural.
"Oh it's great ya know? fun!" You sent him a smile as someone asked him a question.
Jared looked at you and then at Jensen. "can someone make these two stop? like you two get a fucking room" The cast laugh and You giggle saying.
"Yeah Jens let's go get lost!" Jensen sent you a look of 'not a good idea' knowing his wife was watching the panel.
"So y/n why don't you come back to SPN?" You blinked at the question and glance at Jensen and say.
"Um...well I was a kind of one shot person in the show but I am glad the fans loved me just in one but I mean it's up to the crew if they want me back"
Jared says. "Bring her back!!!!!!" Jensen says. "here here!" You laugh. "I said the crew like the boss you boys"
jensen laughs. "We are the boss baby"
You smile and then someone says. "what about the rumors of you and Jensen? what really happened?"
You hang your head and say. "Oh shit here we go yet again...Jay answer this one..I am so done with this"
Jensen nods. "Yes so we already said there is nothing going on between y/n and myself if there was I would come out and tell you but...nope"
He lied so well and you two knew the truth. you two have had a few kisses but never wanted to get past that due to his wife being on set most of the time.
After the panel and dinner you were back at the hotel with the cast and Jensen is next to you and he says in your ear. "Meet me in ten minutes please"
You nod as he smiled at you then says. "Sorry guys i'm tired see you in the morning" He waves and walks away glancing at you.
You stayed a bit longer and have fun with the crew until you see it's past ten minutes. "excuse me i'm going to hit the hay too good night'
You walk up to your room and then stop by Jensen's room you pressed your lips together you both knew it was wrong to even be alone together.
You walk to his door and knock softly. "it's me"
the door opens and Jensen says. "Come in" You walk in and say. "how long should we keep this up Jensen?"
He shuts the door and walks around. "I don't know but dee might ask many questions if it's true"
You nod and rub your arms. "then I shouldn't be here"You start to head for the door and Jensen says. "y/n please don't leave me...not tonight"
You look into his eyes and say. "if this happens once it'll happen again that's how one night stands work! We will catch feelings we shouldn't have and and....-"
Jensen cups your face in his hands. "y/n listen to yourself! You think something will happen?"
You can feel the tears burn your eyes as they start to creep out. "yes" You said in a small voice.
"just one night then i'm out I will go back to Dee and be with her, I promise you won't hear from me ever again"
You roll your eyes. "It's not that Jay it's just...this is wrong I shouldn't think of you this way your married and my great friend...I don't want to-"
You are cut off rambling when Jensen kisses your lips softly. You relaxed into his kiss and pull him closer to your body. "Jens" Is all you could get out before he picks you up and carries you to the bed.
The next morning you woke up and Jensen sleeping soundly. You sat up when you see it's past seven am. "Jens!" You shook him. "Wake up we have to catch our flight"
Jensen turns. "five more minutes baby" He smiles without looking at you.
You got dressed and see he fell back to sleep. "Jensen Ross Ackles for the love of God wake up!" You grab his jeans and toss them to him he groans as sits up. "hmm ok ok i'm up"
He gets dressed and says. "Did we um...you know"
You turned and looked at him. "Yes but it didn't mean anything..right?" He smiles. "well now we can say those rumors are true now but only you and I know"
You chuckle. "Our little secret" Jensen walks up to you and says. "last night was...um..good I liked it' You look at him with a small smile. "it was amazing...but it won't happen again..right?"
Jensen grabs his things. "never say that y/n"
You walk to the door and say. 'Okay" you look into the hall and say. 'All clear' Jensen says behind you in your ear. 'See you in a bit" You smiled. 'yup"
You walked back to your room and shut the door. God this was wrong to be doing but he was a sin you just couldn't resist.
tags:@k-slla @jackles010378 @cutedisneygrl @angelbabyyy99 @bookishtheaterlover7
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
First Con
Sequel to Birthday Boy
Written for @deansgirl79
Jensen Ackles x reader
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Summary: Six months have come and gone for Jensen and y/n. While keeping it casual due to living in different places, they have managed to keep in touch and see one another often. Dallas Con is here and y/n has a couple surprises up her sleeve for Jensen.
Warning: Fluff, Unprotected sex, P in V, Anal play, Oral (m receiving), Fingering, Squirting, Edging
Authors note: I love Jensen and his family. I mean them no disrespect. This is set in set in a world where Jensen is single. This is a work of fiction for nothing more than entertainment.
Masterlist | Patreon
Jensen's sitting in the green room at Dallas Con. It's been 6 months of having y/n in his life and it's been great. He's feeling as if he's a teenage boy again, his cellphone always attached to him these days. Jared and Misha never miss an opportunity to tease him about it either.
He's in a room with all his friends, but to Jesen his sitting on y/n couch, cuddling and talking for hours. It never seems to matter, they always have something to talking about.
Rob walks in with the band, "hey Jay, you guys ready? Kim and Brianna are wrapping up."
Jared comes over and wraps his arm around my shoulder, "I am, I just dont know if this old guy can pull his head out of his phone long enough." I glare up at the giant with the best bitch face I can muster.
"Shut the fuck up."
Rob and Jared leave me as they laugh at my 'lover boy' ways, as Misha calls me.
Conventions in my home town are always the best. My parents are here laughing in the front row. Jared's parents beside them. I love watch them hanging out and enjoying themselves. We are about half way through our panel, the fans have been on point with their questions.
I'm not paying attention to Jared talking as he welcomes the next fan. My mind a million miles away. Which means I don't notice his shit eating gracing his face.
An angels voice pulls me out of my wandering thoughts. I whip my head around finding my beautiful y/n standing at the microphone with a knowing smile curving her kissable lips.
Damn I want, no need, those lips on me.
My cheeks heat as my jeans tighten at my wayward thoughts.
"Hi, I'm y/n."
"Hi, I'm Jared. This is Jensen." Jared points his thumb at me. "Sorry, Jensen is slightly distracted today."
"Oh, I can only imagine. " a sexy wink gets set my way from the y/h/c bombshell rendering me completely speechless.
Jared and y/n share a laugh at my expense. They have gotten to be good friends in these last 6 months. After they calm down from the giggles my shock and surprise envoked she asks her question.
"I was wondering if Jensen did anything interesting or fun for his birthday?" Her face glows with a mischievous sparkle and framed by her gorgeous y/h/c hair.
She's drop dead gorgeous. How the hell was I lucky enough to attract such a beautiful soul.
Heat floods my cheeks as the crowd goes wild. Smiling I look around before the crowd quieted down. My parents are beaming in the front row as they too recognize y/n's voice over the sound system.
We never talked about publicly announcing our relationship. In fact we haven't even labeled what we are to each other or where our relationship stands. There is half a chance I'm about have this either blow up in my face or it will lead to much more.
Here goes nothing.
"Well actually I had one of the most amazing birthdays this year, thanks for asking y/n"
In unison Jared and the fans scream, "what happened!?!"
Nervous laughter bubbles out of my throat as I discreetly glance to see what y/n is doing. To my shock she's waiting for my answer along with everyone else.
"You see what you did woman?" She doubles over in laughter. "Get that cute butt up here, they know now."
She makes her way on stage and into my waiting arms. Nestled between my legs I announce to thousands of people what this beauty has become to me.
"I met this wonderful woman out of pure luck on my birthday. For six months she has been showing me juat how incredible a relationship can be." She's staring at me with the most loving look I've ever witnessed. When out of nowhere she speaks into her microphone.
"Trust me ya'll, loving this man is the easiest thing I've done."
Love. She just said she loved me. Adoration makes a home through my body as I stare down at y/n. Love. She loves me.
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Having sex with someone you love is by far a thousand times better than just normal sex. I can never go back now. Emotions are stronger. The passion is indescribable. And the orgasms. Or the fucking orgasms... the are earth shattering.
The moment our autographs were complete I made a bee line for the elevator. My woman was waiting for me. Ever since her declaration of love on stage this afternoon I haven't been able to focus on anything but what she will feel like withering beneath me.
I was not disappointed. I showed up to find her laying in the middle of our bed, cherry red lace bra, panties, and matching garter belt. I approached her as a predator would his prey, she's mine and I was about to show her just how mine she truly was.
Two hours later and I've had her cumming all over my tongue, fingers, and coating my thighs. My cock is angry I'm making him wait to feel her velvet walls. The throbbing is almost unbearable at this point but I can't help it, I love making her cum.
"Jensen, baby I need you." Hearing her beg is music to my ears.
Lazily playing with her sweet, swollen center. Every once in a while dipping lower to play with her tight channel, "do you want me to stretch these soft walls darling?"
"God, yes."
"Need to feel me warm your insides with my thobbing member." She squirts a small amount on my fingers again, "want me to take away your pain and make you feel good?"
She doesn't answer, too fucked out to answer and I haven't even started to fuck her yet. I slid in-between her wet thighs. She's so wet I slip in her with ease.
And God she feels amazing. Soft, warm, and wet... so fucking wet.
Fast and hard. I snap my hips straight into her g spot. Teasing her also teased me. I'm so worked up it's not going to take me long to get us over the edge together.
One, two, three more thrusts and she's clamping down like a vice. Milking me for everything I have to give. I swell inside her before my hot release coats her inner walls.
I collapse on top of her sweat covered body. Breath labored. Head dizzy with lust. Heart full of love, I ease myself out of her well used pussy.
Coming down from my orgams high I can't stop thinking about y/n and the fact that she loves me. I went from giving up on the love scene, and was okay with the fact maybe no one out there was for me, to swimming I moments I never knew I need.
Whether it was a good morning text in the morning, random photos of her day, or a sexy dirty text mid day to tease me. I love them all. All it took was six months and this beautiful, incredible woman has became my best friend.
I love my best friend.
I stare at the sex drunk angel in my arms, proud it's me who can put that look on her face. That I'm the one who pulls all the moans and whimpers from her body.
Whimpering in her hair, "I love you too sweetheart. " I think she's sleeping before I begin to think out loud, "god, I'm going to marry you one day."
She stirs, eyes closed but her face is angled towards mine, she slowly flutters her lashes before saying, "good, but I think maybe we should move in together first." Her voice is barely above a whisper, "it's why I came. To annouce to the world how you make me feel. To tell you I'm all in. No more casual bullshit. Jensen Ross Ackles, you're all fucking mine."
With the statement hanging heavy between us, she makes her way down my body a kiss and nibble at a time. When she reaches my semi hard dick, without hesitation my angel turns into a sex demon and swallows me whole. My hips jerk, I'm a moaning mess at the feelings her lips and tongue are making my sensitive cock feel.
She's not wrong. I'm all fucking hers. And there's no where else I'd rather be.
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This Crazy Life - Part 16
DISCLAIMER: This is FICTION, I do not want events from this to happen in Jared and Gen’s lives.
DESCRIPTION: Your life changed the moment Jared Padalecki walked through the doors of your shit job, in your shit town. You helped him as much as you could, becoming extremely close. (Characters, Warnings, etc. will change per part.)
CHARACTERS: Jared Padalecki, Reader
RELATIONSHIP:Jared Padalecki x Reader
Jared Padalecki Masterlist
You ran a hand through your barely damp hair, the other picking at the now cold room service meal you ordered after your shower as NCIS played on your phone. You heard the click of your room door but laid unmoving as Jared walked into your room.
“Y/N?” Concern dripped from his voice as he laid onto the bed next to you, “What’s wrong?”
You pushed your meal away and moved to snuggle into his side. Sighing, you mulled over what to say briefly. “I ran into a fan while trying to get lunch today.”
He rubbed your back and pulled you closer into his side, “And what happened?”
You focused on his hip bone that was peaking between his raised shirt and top of his jeans, not wanting to make any sort of eye contact with him when you told him what had happened today. “Well. She definitely wasn’t happy.” You played with the hem of his shirt as you continued, “She threw my drink on me. Told me I was a whore and the reason you and Gen broke up.”
Jared was silent but tense. You looked up at him, his face stoic and eyes towards the ceiling. You were about to ask if he was okay when he spoke, his expression never wavering, “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you,” you whispered out.
He finally looked towards you, worry in his eyes, “I would have canceled the rest of my day and spent it with you to make sure you were okay rather than have you sit up here by yourself.”
You shook your head, “I was fine Jare. Ju-just shaken up mostly. I knew Jensen would be able to help me but also keep everything under wraps so you both could finish out today. Your fans obviously already hate me enough, that would have pissed them off even more.”
He sat up quickly, the heat of anger pouring off of him. “No, Y/N.” He took a deep breath, visibly trying not to take his frustration out on you, “You are more important to me than any of those fans. I don’t care if they’re pissed off. Who I'm with is none of their business and they shouldn’t take anything out on you.” He shoved his hand into his jeans and fished through his pocket, “Not to mention we aren’t even out publicly considering we just figured this out ourselves last night.” He swiped at his phone once it was free from the denim confines of his jeans.
You stared at him as he typed furiously, “What are you doing?”
“Sending out a tweet.”
You chuckled, “A tweet?”
He looked towards you, “Yes.”
“What is a tweet going to do?”
He set his phone down beside him on the disheveled white comforter, “It will let them know I know what happened.” He sat forward and pulled at your left hand, cupping it between both of his, “They need to know there will be consequences for their actions. You are a part of my life, which makes you a part of the Supernatural family.”
“But a tweet isn’t going to do anything, Jare,” you scoffed out.
“Maybe, maybe not. But I can express my disappointment and threaten to pull away from future conventions if your safety can’t be guaranteed. I would say we’re going to press charges but Jensen already told me you don’t want to do that.” You grumbled, causing Jared to snicker, “He was just concerned. He cares about you just as much as I do.” He ran a hand through his hair, “Either way Y/N,” his hand now cupped your face, “you mean more to me than anything with this show. I need to be able to know you’ll be okay if we’re not together.”
Tears started to prick your eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time for the day, “Jare.”
He shushed you softly and pulled you into his chest. “I-I,” he paused as he rubbed your back, “I love you, Y/N. I can’t lose you.”
You snaked your arms around his toned torso and squeezed before looking into his eyes, currently golden with flecks of green throughout the iris, “I love you too.”
He smiled and then leaned forward, leaving mere millimeters between your lips, giving you the option to turn away once again. You closed the minuscule distance between you. Your lips moved in tandem with each other, soft and slow as yet another new level of your relationship within the last 24 hours washed over you both.
Jared broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours with closed eyes as his hands snaked up your body to rest on your cheeks. His right thumb caressed your cheek as you both sat there in silence. Your breathing almost in sync with one another before he spoke, “Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow will be another long day.”
You nodded, “Definitely not looking forward to a day filled with dirty airports and loud planes.”
He reluctantly pulled away from you and got up, “I’m going to change real quick.” He pointed at you as he walked around the bed and spoke with a mocking serious tone, “You stay put.”
You just shook your head and giggled as he grabbed his pajama bottoms and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You snaked yourself under the comforter and closed your eyes as you waited for your gentle giant to get into bed.
You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were from the emotional toll the day had on you until Jared crawling into bed beside you stirred you awake. “Shh, it’s okay,” he said as he pulled you into his side. He stroked your hair softly before kissing the top of your head and sighed with content, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Jare,” you slurred before you succumbed to a peaceful slumber.
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Playing in a Safe Space
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This pic is from a FB fan page
Summary: Y/N is incredibly excited to be working on her favorite TV show, Supernatural! But what happens when one scene hits a bit too close to home?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: TW for brief mention of physical and emotional abuse, nothing graphic or overly detailed. Panic attack symptoms described.
Pairings: No romantic pairing. Jensen Ackles x teen!reader
Word Count: 2,286
A/N: I got the following request from a fellow SPN family member:
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Jensen x teen!reader where they’re shooting a scene with Demon Dean and it scares the reader and she goes off and hides. Then Jensen fisher and comforts her. I also had another idea, maybe Jensen finds her having a panic attack and talks her through it?
I didn't tag you here, hon, in case you wanted to stay anonymous. 😊 But thank you so much for this request - I ended up writing it right away, cause it all just flowed. Hope it's what you were looking for! 💓
As always, of course this story is about a Jensen from a different part of the multiverse. This is a complete and utter work of fiction. 😊
The beautiful divider at the bottom was created by @firefly-graphics
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You were so unbelievably humiliated. It was like something out of a nightmare - and just this morning you’d felt like you were living in a dream.
Your joy and excitement had begun a few weeks ago when you’re agent called to tell you that you landed a guest starring role on your absolute favorite TV show, Supernatural.
You auditioned a couple months ago, with only a tiny hope that you’d land the part. The show was very popular these days and lots of girls had gone out for it. But after many call backs, and screen tests, you got the call that the role was yours.
You flew in to Vancouver four days ago to start shooting the first of your three episode arc. Arriving on set you had a million butterflies rocketing around inside your stomach, so nervous to meet everyone and to walk through the sets.
I’m in the BUNKER! You thought to yourself, trying desperately not to geek out.
But you knew you failed to hide all your fangirl leanings when you met the cast. You met Mark and Ruth first, and they couldn’t have been kinder and more welcoming. Ruth gave you some pointers for finding your way around the many stages you were filming on.
“I got lost every day for three months when I first started.” She said, her gentle accent decorated by her soft laugh. Mark was hilarious and very warm and kind, putting you at ease immediately.
Your first day of shooting was all with them, and you didn’t actually get to meet Jared and Jensen until the next day. You had almost no scenes with Jared, since Sam was off scouring the countryside for his brother, who was currently, unfortunately, a demon. 
But he still came by to say hello, and welcome you to set. He was so sweet, and so unbelievably tall; you thought you might get a permanent crick in your neck if you spent too long talking to him!
But the bulk of your scenes over the next few days were with Jensen. You were fairly nervous about meeting him, partly because you had a little crush on him, (who didn’t?) but mostly because he was one of your favorite actors. You thought he was incredibly talented, and you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of him.
Jensen was playing Demon Dean in this first episode you were in, and you were playing a young witch named Talia, whom he steals away from Crowley and Rowena.
They want Talia for her powers and Deanmon wants her, simply to use as a bargaining chip with them. Mostly he finds her annoying and is always about 5 minutes away from killing her.
Though you felt a bit ill with nerves that first day of shooting, you quickly found, that you didn’t need to be nervous around Jensen. As it turned out he was everything people had said he was - kind, and funny, and such a generous actor to work with.
Most adults you worked with tended to treat you like a little kid, talking around you, not including you in conversations about the work you were doing, and they were very often condescending or patronizing.
Jensen was none of these things. He was professional and inclusive, bringing you into the discussions about how to work the scene, and being completely open to questions you had, or ideas you thought might work. He was an amazing scene partner, and a fantastic mentor. Filming over the last two days was absolutely wonderful and you enjoyed every minute of it.
And then came the scene this morning. Scene 149, Interior, Day.
You and Jensen had discussed the scene a couple of times and practiced it a few more, because it involved some physicality and Jensen wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it.
He had to push you backwards into a closet where Dean was locking Talia away while he figured out a way to power down her magic.
You’d gone over the pseudo-stunt a few times in the open practice area, with Jensen showing you that he’d actually be pushing you very gently, forcing you to help him sell the idea that Dean had shoved you very hard. There would be a mat, just out of frame for you to fall on, and by the end of a couple practices you felt confident that you could make it all look believable.
Then this morning, less than an hour ago, you’d begun the scene. And everything had fallen apart.
The very first time Jensen immersed himself in Demon Dean completely, his face cold, angry and brutal as he shoved you backwards, something had pinged in your brain and you could feel something heavy and chilly settle in your stomach.
As planned, Jensen pushed you lightly, but instead of falling backwards on to the mat like you were meant to, you just fell to the ground on your butt.
“Cut!” The director called out. Everyone chuckled lightly thinking that you’d just mishandled the stunt. Jensen checked that you weren’t hurt, and you could see the trace of worry in his face. You shook your head, embarrassed, but determined to do your job.
“I’m fine.” You said with a small smile.
You all started back at one, and “Action!” was called.
Again Jensen transformed into Demon Dean, and shoved you back. You tried harder to fall properly, but that terrible heaviness had begun to rise up into your chest, and it felt like your lungs were being crushed.
You heard, “Cut” yelled again, but it sounded far away. Everything was moving a bit as if you were in a fog.
As you stood up to go again, you could hear Jensen calling out to the director, “Hey Tom, maybe…could we take a couple minutes.”
But you shook your head, panicky and desperate. Flashes of memories were crossing your mind’s eye and you knew that if you didn’t get this shot right away, you were never going to be able to do it.
“No, no, I’m good to go again.”
“Y/N…” Jensen said softly, but you shook your head.
“No, let’s just go.”
“Back to one!” You heard someone call and you moved into the right position.
This time when Jensen came at you, you could see him holding back; you could see Jensen’s worry taking over Dean’s face. At which point all the panic set in.
Not only am I screwing up the scene, I’m distracting one of the best actors out there with my crap! You thought, and you began gasping for air you couldn’t catch.
Jensen never even got to try and push you again because you started hyperventilating. “Cut! We need a cut!” He called out worriedly as he stepped toward you.
Without thinking, you simply bolted, running off the stage and out to your trailer, ignoring the calls from cast and crew as you ran past.
When you reached your trailer, you flopped onto the brown couch and just sat there, humiliated and ashamed. You’d blown your chance at this amazing opportunity, and why?
Because for just a moment Deanmon’s brutality had reminded you of him.
It had been years since he’d been in your life…a not-very-long-term boyfriend of your mom’s that had treated you both horribly. Your mom had finally tossed him out the day she came home to find he’d shoved you down the basement stairs and locked you down there.
It was a far away memory that you thought you’d long since silenced.
But today, at the most inopportune moment it had reared its ugly head and now you were going to lose your job because of it. Maybe you’d even get a reputation for being a screw up on set.
Damn, don’t hire that kid, she’s a crack up, she lost it one day and just ran away from set!
You were shaking, and trying desperately to breathe when a soft knock came to your door. You didn’t answer, and the knock came again.
“Y/N, honey, are you in there?” Jensen’s deep voice carried easily through the trailer door. “I’m gonna count to five and come in okay? I just wanna make sure you’re alright.”
After counting to five, Jensen slowly opened your door, and you panicked more because you knew you were a complete mess. You’d buried your head in your knees, completely messing up the cute braids the hairstylist had given you that morning. You’d also ruined the makeup artist’s work since you knew your makeup was a smudgy mess.
But Jensen made no mention of any of that.
“Hey.” He said softly as he came into the trailer. He had a cup of something warm and he passed it to you. “Chamomile tea.” He said with a gentle smile as he sat next to you on the couch. “Ruthie swears it’s real magic.”
You took it in your shaking hands and tried to take a sip, grateful for the gesture. But you were shaking too much, so Jensen just took it back.
“That’ll be for later.” He said simply, as he set it on the counter beside you. Then he took you by the hand. “Come with me, I have an idea that might help.”
You let him lead you out of the trailer and across the lot, winding through trailers and tents, until you were suddenly in a wide, open, field, with the many buildings and sets behind you.
There were a few other people sitting out on blankets eating their lunches, or just lazing in the soft grass, far enough away from each other that there was space to breathe, but close enough that the space didn’t feel lonely. Soft laughter came back towards you both on a breeze and Jensen took a deep breath.
“Breathe, sweetheart, just in and out for a while.”
You nodded and tried to let your breathing slow, tried to focus on the green grass, warm yellow sunshine, and the steady feel of Jensen beside you.
“Come on, stretch your muscles with me.” He said, and then reached his arms up towards the sky, taking in a deep breath. You copied him. When your shaky limbs made you stumble slightly in the stretch, Jensen reached over and steadied you.
Over the next few minutes, Jensen encouraged you to touch your toes and then reach to the sky, over and over, and eventually you felt your oxygen levels returning to normal, the circulation in your limbs returning, making you feel more balanced, and in control, like you weren’t just going to fly away.
Finally Jensen lowered himself onto the soft grass with a groan. “That’s as close to yoga as I get.” He said with a sarcastic smile.
You smiled gently as you sat beside him. After a moment’s silence you shook your head. “I’m so sorry, I -”
Jensen cut you off. “No, kiddo, no apologies. I should have made us stop after that second take. I could see you weren’t okay.”
He paused briefly and then spoke softly. “Did I do something to scare you, or hurt you? Did I change anything from practice?”
You chuckled humorlessly. “Yeah, you acted really, really well.”
Jensen frowned in confusion and you shook your head.  “No, it wasn’t anything you did. You were just acting, the way you were supposed to. But something in your expression, the cold fury, or…I don’t know how to describe it exactly. But then combining that look with shoving me down, it just…”
You trailed off and looked down, picking at a blade of grass.  “It just reminded me of something that happened a long time ago.”
“Wanna talk about it, sweetheart?” Jensen asked quietly.
You shook your head and gave him another shy smile. “Hell no.”
He nodded and chuckled. “Fair enough.  But just know if you ever need to talk about anything, you have lots of people here that like you a whole lot and we’re always willing to listen.”
You bit your lip, tears threatening again. “Except, I’m pretty sure I just threw the job away. I acted so unprofessionally and I wasted so much time and money.”
Jensen scoffed. “Pfft! Are you kidding me? That’s about a tenth of the amount of time and money Jared and I waste just screwing with Misha.”
He smiled widely and pulled lightly on one of your braids. “Don’t worry about it, kiddo. We broke for lunch and when we come back, we’re gonna have one of our incredible stunt actresses do the fall, and then you and I will carry on with scene 156, when we’re out on the street, waiting for Crowley.”
You ducked your head, incredibly grateful to him. “Thank you.” You said softly. “I really, really appreciate it.”
He stood up and then pulled you to your feet. “No worries. Look, honey, we all have limitations. You just have to know it’s okay to stand up for yourself and tell us if there’s something that makes you uncomfortable or that’s stressing you out in a scene. We’re a problem solving unit, and sure we work together to make a great show, but we also make sure we’re taking care of each other too.”
You nodded. “I’ll remember that.”
“Good, then let’s get to the catering tent before Jared cleans them out.”
You laughed as he ran forward and you started jogging behind him. You truly loved it here, and never wanted to leave.
Maybe you’d get lucky and your character would be a hit and you’d end up with more than three episodes. But whether or not that ever happened, you’d bring home the lessons you learned in this safe space, and always carry them with you.
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @siospins2 @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @nt-multi-fandom @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @sunshineandwings86 @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @awkward-and-indecisive @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @b3autyfuldisast3r @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @fangirlxwritesx67 @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @mysherlock221b @jensensgotyoudean @stixnstripesworld @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @norman1967 @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @b-i-t-c-h-i-e @twirpbunwarrior @mysweetlittledesire @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural
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We know J2 have read a few wincest fanfics. I wonder if is there any wincest fanfic you wish J2 had read? And which one?
In my case, I have always wished Jared had read The Ballad of the Invisible Boy (Part I and II) By: DollyLux. I would love to talk with Jared about Sam in that fanfic and how he feels about that Sam's version but it would be like a private talk, you know, things that just happen in dreams😂
I've been sitting on this ask for a little while. I was waiting to see if I would come up with a different answer than my initial, automatic one, but it's been long enough I don't think that I will.
So my very boring answer is that I don't actually want them to read any fan fiction, not really. I can't speak for other writers, but I know that I would be mortified to find out they'd read any of my fics, even the x Reader ones. It just feels wrong, idk.
Funny, semi-related story, I actually had a dream the other day where I was out at a cafe somewhere with my laptop, when all of a sudden I hear a very familiar voice say, "Jinkies! Would you look at this?"
It was Jensen and I about had a heart attack, thinking how in the hell does he know my Tumblr? But then I realize he's pointing at the back of my laptop, which looks like...
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That's when I woke up. LOL
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smackthedevilwrites · 3 months
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Rating; Mature
Chapters: 4
Word Count: 6,143
With no holiday overlooked, Jared has plans to decorate his house for Easter and who was Jensen to say no, the most patient man and Jared's biggest supporter. But as another holiday came their way, Jensen decided that an Easter surprise was long overdue and would seal the next step in their chaotic but extremely fun relationship!
A slightly delayed (sorry, I was busy with a different fic!) Easter visit to the boys whom we've all come to love, absolutely by accident.
'A Really Good Friday' is a follow on from 'Pumpkin Wars', 'Battle of the Balls' and 'Love Thy Gaybors'
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xpurdyglambertx · 4 months
New chapter is live!
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catnipster69 · 2 years
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I posted 2,954 times in 2022
That's 2,424 more posts than 2021!
124 posts created (4%)
2,830 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,927 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#dean winchester - 1,886 posts
#spn fanart - 436 posts
#sam winchester - 408 posts
#jensen ackles - 321 posts
#wincest - 229 posts
#my posts - 101 posts
#supernatural - 88 posts
#fan fiction - 49 posts
#wincest fic rec - 45 posts
#catnipster69 recommends - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#i like to think about the shifter who undressed unconscious dean and mounted him on this rack
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Finished the tote! I used all of the autographs I got at the last Con for the sides. See main post (x). Also 1st portrait tote (x), 1st portrait main post (x).
141 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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Impala quilt portrait tote! See the main post (x). Also see 2nd portrait tote (x), 2nd portrait main post (x), 1st portrait tote (x), and 1st portrait main post (x).
156 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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Quilted Portraits No. 2 of Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester
17” x 17” cotton fabric (primarily Cherrywood Fabrics)
Like my first portraits (x), these quilts use a technique called paper piecing, where you print the pattern on paper and then sew through both the paper and the fabric. This method allows for very precise piecing and tiny, tiny pieces of fabric. These quilts are even more detailed than the first ones. I kind of want to remake the first ones now.
I made them into a tote bag.
Check back in a few months for my next Supernatural quilt project; just about ready to start!
219 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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Sam Winchester in French Mistake/Jared Padalecki on “Inside of You” (x)
517 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Quilted Portraits No. 1 of Baby, the Impala
17” x 17” cotton fabric (primarily Cherrywood Fabrics)
Like my first portraits (x) and second portraits (x) of Sam and Dean, these quilts use a technique called paper piecing, where you print the pattern on paper and then sew through both the paper and the fabric. This method allows for very precise piecing and tiny, tiny pieces of fabric.
See the finished tote bag here.
I also submitted this for the @spnreversebang 2022! See the accompanying story I Think I’ll Go for a Drive by iamianweareme here.
1,196 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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j2spntranscripts · 3 months
☆ 2006 Grand Slam Sci-Fi
Official name: Creation Entertainment's Grand Slam XIV: The Sci-Fi Summit Location: Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, California Time: Friday, March 10 or Saturday, March 11, 2006 Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 1x16 "Shadow" - Feb 28, 2006 Next episode: 1x17 "Hell House" - March 30, 2006
Question Index: 1- (Fan Report) Body Swap 2- (Fan Report) Want for "Sam" 3- (Fan Report) Where's "Jensen" 4- (Fan Report) J2 Friendship 5- (Fan Report) Favorite Scene 6- (Fan Report) Director Styles "David Nutter vs Kim Manners" 7- (Fan Report) Powers!Sam 8- (Fan Report) s2 Renewal Int1A- (Fan Report) Bee Story Int1B- (vid) Bee Story 9- (Fan Report) Gilmore Girls Revival 10- (Fan Report) Pranks 11- (Fan Report) Auditioning for Sam 12A- (Fan Report) Show Networking + Tom Welling 12B- (vid) Show Networking + Tom Welling 13- (Fan Report) Favorite Sci-Fi Show Int2- (Fan Report) 1x15. Easter Eggs "Jared Bender" 14- (Fan Report) Act with "Anna Farris"
(vid transcripts and Fan Report links below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts please point them out thanks*👍)
•(vid)-GrandSlam06;Int1B- Bee Story
Creation Entertainment TV logo pops up and then transitions to Jared siting on stage.
Jared: Alright, a story. (readjusts his seating position) Let me think about this. Uuum…
Audience member: Practical jokes.
Jared: Practical jokes
Audience member: (unintelligible)
Jared: O-Okay. Okay. Here we go.. (audience laughs) Uuum, wow (shakes head) I'm like a deer in the headlights (audience laughs) (laughs) So, bright (briefly holds hands up to block the lights) Uhh.. You know what? I'll tell you a story about “Bugs.” (scratches head)
Eh, wha- speaking of Kim manners, who's our director- Who also did, I think, 55 episodes of, um, of “X-Files.” He-he had done more “X-Files” than (gestures) anybody else. He, uh, (audience claps) Yeah. (nods and claps his knee) Yay, for Kim Manners. He's fantastic.
He was doing an episode, called “Bugs,” and I remember we were coming off of “Skin,” the shape-shifter episode where we had done the fight scene, which was kind of my favorite scene to film. And we were beat up and we had been training on Saturdays and Sundays and throughout the weekdays and during lunch with this Ultimate Fighter and with our stunt coordinators. And we were all pretty beat up. And we were like, “We just need an episode where Sam and Dean sit in the Impala and make a phone call and get rid of the demon or something.”
And then we read the next script and it's like, you know, Sam and Dean hear about this Indian ritual and they go to save a family who's on some sacred grounds and there are a hundred-thousand bees in the attic. And they're in the attic. And we were like, “Oh that's gonna be a lot of visual effects.” (scratches the back of his head)
And- So, then I remember we're still (audience laughs) shooting “Skin.” We're shooting the fight scene, actually, that day. And, during lunch, our asic-assistant director comes up and says, “Hey guys. So, the bee trainer is here and he wants to introduce you to the bees.” (audience laughs) (smiles) And we were like (scratches head) “What do you he m-whu-” (shakes head) “There's a what? There’s a- Who?” (shakes head) “Bee trainer. Like, I’ve never heard of- How do you train bees?”
And so, sure enough we walk outside. And, um, I don't know if- He- he explained it later like, it was a hot day and the bees were kind of, like, aggravated, because they had been traveling to set. And then they gone to another set. And, I think the li- the girl who was working with the bees had to do something for “Exorcism of Emily Rose” or something like that.
And so, he sittin’ there and he's like, “It's no big deal.” (mimics bees flying) And there're- there’re bees flying around. We're outside and he releases them out of a box. And he's explaining that they’re drone bees and that they don't attack unless they're angry (audience laugh) and that you can just kind of like swat your hands. But we were thinking, the whole idea is that we're not gonna- our characters are gonna (mimics rapidly swatting) be swatting these bees away. And they're like, “Well, you can't really swat the bees. You can go like this with your hands.” (waves hand gently around) “But you can't swat the bees.”
And so, I was just thinking like, “I'm not just gonna sit here in a deck and go like this,” (wave arm around) “while bees are flying around, do- do the wave or something.” And, um, (audience laughs) so he's telling us to go ahead and try (swipes) and he-he wants to show us himself and, you know, inspire some confidence within us.
And so, he gets out. And he, uh, he releases the bees and he-he makes (holds out arm) them go on his arm he put some (points to his arm) little juice on his arm or something. And, uh, one starts getting on his arm, he shoos it away. And were like, “Oh, not a big deal.” And the one gets on his neck and (mimics wiping the bee off his neck) he shoos it away and it comes right back (mimics bee coming on his face) and zips him in the face. (audience laughs) And we were like, “Great. So, here we go. We're gonna get stung in the face. And we're gonna be in the room.” (gestures)
And we really were in a room smaller than this stage, probably half the size of the stage with like 60,000 bees. (scratches head) And Jensen and I both got stung. (audience ughs) And I remember Jensen was the first to get stung because (gestures) he had, uh, he had an aerosol can or something. And he- he was holding it and the bee got on it. And he kind of like (mimics brushing) brushed it off and it came back and stung him in the hand or something.
And then I sort of laughed at him and of course that's when I.. probably sealed my fate. (scratches head) (audience laughs) And, uh, I'm sitting down- I go to sit down actually. (audience no’s) And right as I sit down I go, (mimics sitting down and then jumping up) “Oh crap, there's a bee in my ass. There's a bee-” (audience laughs) And sure enough, I get up and they-they rush you to- they rushed me to some safe air locked room or something where they had a vacuum cleaner and he's like, “Yep, sure enough.” (mimics guy picking off a bee from Jared’s butt) “There's one.” And the guys asking, “Pull down your pants. Make me like-let-make sure you didn't leave the stinger.”
And so, (scratches head) I'm sitting there and trying to, you know, (audience laughs) (scratches head) deal with myself pulling down my pants in front of a man that I've never met before, (audience laughs) who- who’s training bees. And he had a (nods) vacuum cleaner.
And that's another thing that he was saying. That's how they had (mimics holding a vacuum) to get the bees off. Once bees got on you and you couldn't get them off, (gestures) they had like a little air hose vacuum cleaner they (mimics vacuum) , dougz, dougz, dougz, dougz. And they suck the bees into this vacuum cleaner bag where, I guess, they weren't hurt. And then re-released them. And he explained that the more that you have (gestures) to do it, the more angry they get. (audience laughs) So, not to do (laughs) the scene too many times.
But the nature of a television show is you're- is you do a (gestures) master shot. And then you come around you shoot the other angle. And then you shoot a close up. And then you shoot the other guy's close up. And so about three or four hours into it we're like, “You know what? We're gonna get stung for sure.”
But another, uh- another way to describe Kim Manners for whoever asked, was that, um, when we found out that we're gonna be shooting in this attic with all these bees. They got, uh.. (flaps his shirt and then laughs and shakes his head) uh, like (shrugs) hazmat suits for all the crew. All (audience laughs) the- which was (shrugs) kind of weird as an actor looking around and seeing all these tough crew guys with tattoos and like shaved heads in their (mimics cuddling up) hazmat suits scared of the bees. And here we are in like t-shirts. (audience laughs) But Kim, um, Kim turned his down and said if my actors aren't gonna wear.. a hazmat suit I'm not going to either. So he sat there in the attic with us watching a handheld monitor and directing. And I think he got stung a few times.
We're all getting stung. And so, that was.. that- that probably also was.. not my.. most favorite scene to film.
Creation Entertainment TV logo pops up. Vid ends.
•(vid)-GrandSlam06;Q12B- Show Networking + Tom Welling
Creation Entertainment TV logo pops up and then transitions to Jared siting on stage.
Fan: All these sci-fi and fantasy shows that are filmed in Vancouver (Jared nods) , uh, I was wondering, uh, what amount of, uh, visiting that actors and writers and the like do to each other's shows? How much of that walking around in the background (laughs to himself) happens among that kind of genre show in Vancouver?
Jared: (nods) Right. Okay. Um, well it's, uh. We're all pretty busy up there. And it's sort of.. (gestures) spread out all over the city. Like we're based in Vancouver, but we're usually.. about an hour drive outside of downtown.
But there was a scene when we did the show, “Asylum,” which was filmed obviously in the asylum. Um, “Smallville” was shooting right next door to we were shooting outside of this bar. And so there was a scene where Jensen and I’d (pauses to look in font of him) drive up- Thank you. (looks back to fan) And, um, and (mimics car driving up) Jensen and I drive up, and we get out of the car. We start walking into the bar.
And so, we decided to play a trick. And uhhhuh, we drove up in the Impala and then all three of us got out of the car. And somebody- somebody in video village goes, “What the hell?” (Smiles) Like, they thought that someone- because Tom- We had Tom laying in the backseat. He had showed up on set. And he was like, “Hey, I want to be in.” And so we had him show up on set he was laying in the backseat.
And so sure enough the (mimics the car) Impala pulls up and we parked. And then three people get out of the car. And I think security, like, ran over (audience laughs) and thought that some guy was trying to jump us or something. (audience laughs) And they're like (holds hand out) “Oh. Oh, I-I'm sorry. I-I-I, uh- What are you doing here?”
Creation Entertainment TV logo pops up. Vid ends.
Fan Reports: *warning: fan reports are often times accounts of an event where the poster relies mostly on their own memories and biases. As a source it can't be fully verified unless there is video footage that can accompany it. Therefore fan reports should not be taken as the unquestionable truth, but instead of a likely possibility of things said.*
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Reader x Winchesters & Castiel
Summary: Set in the bunker, the Winchester brothers have just returned from an awkward “hunt” and won’t stop bickering. Y/N decides to cheer them up with a slice of homemade pie, but chaos soon ensues... Oh yeah, and Cas is living his best life watching Netflix as angels do. 
**Hey guys! This is my first time writing fan fiction, sooooo tell me what you think!**
“Dude, let me pick for once!”
“Sam, listen to me. I’m not letting you play your weird lovey-dovey chick music on the road. My car, my rules.”
“Lovey-dovey... what are you talking about?”
“You’re already on thin ice! Don’t push it.”
Sam Winchester followed his brother into the bunker as they argued ‘musical politics’ once more. He had endured four consecutive hours of Dean’s classic rock hits, and thought he deserved- no. Was entitled to heightened musical privileges.
“Honestly Dean, Dad’s old tapes aren’t the end-all-be-all of music. Most of it sucks. ”
Dean tossed the gun he was holding onto the nearest table, and turned to Sam, a look of horror on his face. “What did you just-? That’s crazy. You’re crazy.” He stammered, waving off his little brother as he stomped away.
“Hey Cas!” He roared, calling the angel.
Instead, it was Y/N who replied, peaking her head over the banister.
“You’re back!” She squealed excitedly, rushing downstairs to embrace the two brothers.
Y/N had met them two years earlier on a Wraith case in Iowa. Though she was a fairly new hunter at the time, the boys were impressed with her skill and took her under their wings. Mentors of sorts. Now she hunted alongside them, a welcome member to their ever growing hunter family.
“Where’s Cas?” Sam asked, still caught in Y/N’s embrace. “I think he’s watching Netflix.” She righted herself and squinted questioningly at the brothers. “I meant to ask you guys, is this a new thing of his?”
“God, I hope not.” Dean snorted, leaning casually on a bookshelf.
“So tell me,” Y/N started eagerly, “How did it go?”
Dean simply grunted, muttering something unintelligible about the demon hunt to which she was referring. Y/N said nothing for a moment, hoping he would elaborate further.
When it became obvious that his grumbles would be the extent of the summary, she crossed her arms and jutted her hip to the side. “Well check you out, Mr. Sunshine. That still doesn’t answer my question.”
Y/N turned to Sam and whispered conspiratorially behind her hand. “Was that even English?”
“Ignore him.” Sam said, narrowing his eyes at his brother. “He’s just pissed ‘cause it wasn’t actually the real deal after all.” He touched the back of his neck sheepishly “I was wrong.”
24 hours earlier
“Get this,” Sam called to his brother from behind the silver laptop.
“Murder spree in Lexington, Missouri. Three guys with no prior history of violence just randomly killed six people near an abandoned church.”
Dean stopped fidgeting with his watch and turned from his spot against the table. “Hell Sammy, the world is full of psychos. Are you sure it’s...” he waggled his fingers, “supernatural?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Apparently there was a witness who looked into the killer’s eyes and saw,” He squinted as he quoted a line from the article. ‘a coal black abyss.’”
“Poetic,” Dean mused. “Demon?”
“Totally a demon.”
“I don’t know Sammy, this isn’t much to go on. Are you sure?”
“Come on Dean, of course I’m sure. This is a total milk run. So waddya think?
Dean grinned. “I think it’s time to kick some ass!”
Ultimately, the hunt proved to be a grand ruse, courtesy of the town’s ‘paranormal re-enactment society of truth, honour, and the arts’. That is to say, LARPers who staged the killings to draw attention and potential recruits to their club. Suffice to say Dean was on the verge of ‘dispatching’ the culprits himself for the inconvenience (humans or not), but was bravely deterred by a certain Sam Winchester who already knew that his brother would never let him forget this mistake.
“Oooh, that’s rough.” Y/N winced. “False alarms always hit hard.”
“Yeah, waste of time.” Sam sighed.
“Waste of mileage!” Dean lamented, stepping past his brother, and out the door.
“Dude, I said I was sorry!”
“Yeah well, you suck. I still tried to tell you...”
The Winchesters left the room, Sam trailing behind his brother once more. “Catch you later!” Y/N tried calling, though from the echo of their banter, it was clear her words remained unheard.
Smiling slightly to herself at the brothers’ antics, Y/N was about to head back upstairs before an idea stopped her dead in her tracks.
With a skip in her step, she made her way to the kitchen. She had work to do.
“Okay,” Y/N muttered to herself from over the counter. “I’ve got flour, eggs, milk, and... cream of tar?” She squinted at the small lettering printed on the pack of white powder. “Tartar!” She said, mentally chiding herself.
Y/N had decided to lighten the Winchesters’ mood, and set off to bake them a pie. Apple pie since she assumed it would be the most basic to make.
She surveyed her ingredients carefully. “This,” she paused, “will be daunting.”
After much whisking, sifting, and simmering, the pie was finally ready. “Damn, I am good.” Y/N gazed approvingly at her chef-d'œuvre. With that, she carefully lifted the pastry, and walked it to the oven. Placing it on the rack, she closed the door and sighed proudly.
“Alright, one hour I think?”
She shrugged, a bit unsure of the timing since she didn’t exactly consult an official recipe. She preferred to do her own thing.
“And I’m going to try... maybe 500 degrees F?”
Y/N hesitated.
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
She set the temperature, turned on her heel, and skipped merrily to the library to wait out the hour.
“They’re going to love this!”
Though she was trying to read Carver Edlund’s newest Supernatural publication, Y/N’s thoughts were elsewhere as she skimmed the pages uselessly. Two things were stuck on her mind: Sam and Dean’s demon faux pas and Cas’s new screen addiction. She giggled slightly at the mingled thoughts. Could things get any crazier around the bunker?
It wasn’t until a waft of something ashy attacked her nose that Y/N’s musings about Cas and the ‘demon’ were disrupted. She sniffed. “Ew, what the heck are Sam and Dean up to? Did they burn some- MY PIE!”
A sickening pang of alarm rang through her head as she sprang up from her chair and finally noticed the thick plume of smoke coming from the kitchen.
“I forgot. How could I forget?” Y/N asked herself as she rushed to save the pastry, book still in hand.
She reached the kitchen and saw a concentration of black smoke rising from the oven. She paused, taken slightly aback by the sight.
There was a sudden rustle behind her, and upon turning, Y/N came face to face with a man holding a blade. Mind clouded with fear, and eyes clouded by smoke, Y/N did what any hunter would do.
...she screamed and hurled the book at her assailant.
“PIE!” She yelled to no one in particular as the book crashed into the man’s chest. It was simply an involuntary battlecry.
The man let out a grunt of surprise as he raised his arms in a delayed response to the thrown book.
Still shielding himself, the man spoke before Y/N could toss the whisk lying on the table behind her.
“Y/N, why are you attacking me? I felt you call my name sharply, and caught something about a demon.” He paused, lifting his head to look at her. “Are you alright?”
Castiel. Y/N would recognize his gravelly tone and earnest gaze anywhere. But when did she call him? And what was this about a demon?
“Y/N?” He asked cautiously, blade raised as he waited for a response.
Still disoriented, “Burning, smoke... demon?” was all she could muster whilst motioning her arms frantically toward the oven.
“So there is a demon? I can’t seem to sense it” Cas said on guard, brows furrowed.
The sound of hasty footsteps echoed behind the angel. Sam and Dean rushed in fully armed, positioning themselves on either side of Castiel. We heard screaming” Sam coughed. “Cas, what’s going on?” Dean demanded, holding back his own coughing fit brought on by the thick smoke.
“Sam, Dean. I received an urgent call for help from Y/N. She mentioned a demon, though I can’t seem to sense it anywhere.” Castiel’s frown deepened as he scanned the room once more.
“Demon? Sammy, holy water, go!”
Sam was about to reach for a vial when Y/N finally snapped to attention.
“Guys, no wait! Just hold on...” She grabbed a kitchen rag, sprinted to the oven and pulled out a blackened crust as smoke billowed around her. “Surprise” she sang halfheartedly, not without a hint of embarrassment.
The three men stared for a moment. Eyes glued to the smoking mass of crumbs their friend was holding.
“What the hell is that?” Dean demanded indelicately. Sam jabbed him with an elbow.
“Is that... pie?” Sam asked with a grin, realization dawning.
“Y/N, this is no time for sweet desserts. We must first find the threat.” Castiel reasoned.
“Cas,” Sam laughed, placing a hand on the angel’s shoulder. “I’m pretty sure the only threat here is Y/N’s crappy baking”.
“But... I thought she said-“
“Cas,” Dean interrupted, suddenly understanding. “Drop it”
The angel quirked his head in confusion but said nothing more as he lowered his blade, frown still plastered on his face.
“So,” Sam said slowly, trying to ease the mood. “You burnt your...thing?” He scrunched his nose as he nodded at the pile of charcoal.
“Yeah.” Y/N gazed sadly at the pie in her hands. “I have no idea how it happened. It’s only been thirty minutes, I was going to let it bake for the full hour at 500 degrees. I mean-“
“Woah, woah, woah!” Dean interrupted waving his hands in front of him. “Are you crazy? Pie is supposed to bake at 350 for 75 minutes! By setting a lower temperature, you’ll get a crisp crust and moist filling. Basically, a freakin’ delicious pie!”
Everyone averted their gaze to the elder Winchester. It was Sam who broke the silence.
“Dude, how do you even know that?”
Dean turned to his brother carefully. “Sam, unlike you, I have no shame watching Rachael Ray.”
“What are you, a housewife?”
“It’s a guilty pleasure, now shut up!”
Ignoring the banter, Y/N turned to Castiel. “Hey Cas, I still don’t understand. How did you know I needed help? I didn’t-“ She paused, suddenly recalling the moments before the ‘pie panic’. Y/N was still thinking about Cas’s bingeing and the Winchesters’ demon mishap in Lexington. Her sudden alarm may have inadvertently constituted a prayer to the angel, and her marred thoughts had probably sent him mixed messaging.
“Ah, never mind.” She said as Castiel gazed at her expectantly.
“Anyway, guys I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to burn the kitchen down”
“Yeah well, I hope your apple pie was frickin’ worth it!” Dean scoffed. He then proceeded to drag a chair across the room, plopping himself down with a grunt.
Dean grinned up from his seat. “Now,” he said, rubbing his hands together. “Bring me some pie.”
“Dude, gross.” Sam winced.
Castiel simply rolled his eyes. “I don’t think that’s wise, Dean.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked hesitantly.
“Yes!” Dean drawled throwing his arms up in the air
“Alright, alright!”
Y/N served him a slice, and everyone watched as he lifted a forkful of blackened crust to his lips
Dean paused for a moment as he looked up to his brother and winked.
“Sammy, I get all fuzzy inside when you look at me like that”
Sam only scrunched his nose in apprehension.
Dean grinned before taking a bite of the burnt pastry.
Castiel, Sam, and Y/N continued watching in anticipation as he chewed for a few seconds.
All was silent for a moment...
“Son of a bitch!” Dean exclaimed suddenly through a mouthful of pie.
Sam and Y/N laughed as he spit it out vehemently.
“That tasted like- like-“
“Molecules?” Castiel suggested thoughtfully, cocking his head.
“Crap” Dean retorted, staring daggers at the angel before rushing to the fridge for a swig of beer
Sam just grinned, winking at Y/N as he left the room.
Castiel stayed behind eyeing the strange dessert curiously. His brows furrowed as he wondered what made this pie different from any other that Dean had tried before in the past. The elder Winchester typically enjoyed pies immensely.
From behind the fridge door, Dean pointed an accusatory finger at Y/N, bottle of beer still in hand. “Next time you feel like baking pie. Hell, next time you feel like baking period, DON’T!”
Y/N only laughed.
Still retching, the Winchester left the kitchen, punching Y/N’s shoulder playfully on his way out.
“And Cas!” He called from the hall. “Lay off the tv!” Dean paused. “Read a book or... something!” He added as an afterthought.
The angel ignored this and set off to watch the next episode of Doctor Sexy M.D. He wondered if Dr. Piccolo was really going to donate her own spleen to a patient she had fallen madly in love with.
As the angel retreated to his room, Y/N turned back to the abandoned plate of pie still sitting on the table.
“Maybe next time I’ll stick with store bought.”
Try reading Rhinestone Cowboy!!
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading!! If you liked this fic (fingers crossed) PLEASE reach out to me because I’m accepting requests!! You can message me directly or drop one of your fabulous ideas in my Ask box. Okay, I think that’s enough from me today... catch you later!!!
Oh, and before I forget... I write for the following fandoms: Supernatural, Sherlock BBC, Harry Potter (All characters) 
Have a BRILLIANT day!
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spn-ficfanatic · 2 years
So, I've been re-reading some of my fics (yes, I do this. I think I'm my own biggest fan 😂) and I miiiiight be getting a hankering to write something. Random I know!
Do you have a request for a SPN story? Please let me know in the comments or send me a message and I'll consider it! (I might need to rewatch some episodes to get back into the rhythm, I haven't watch it in forever).
Nothing AU please, I very much prefer writing the boys as hunters 😉 Having said that, I do write fics starring Jared and Jensen. Also, during my time away, I've discovered that I'm asexual... who'd a thunk it! So smut ain't my jam either, sorry guys.
Hopefully I still have some followers who might be interested. Help me get my creative juices flowing guys :-)
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