#jaune x phyrra
ayoalex · 2 years
Not to be delusional but whiterose story not being intertwined like the bees is exactly the whole point for me.
I love both ships and the way they play out so everytime people compares them and are like "well wr can't be canon or x because their stories aren't intertwined" hurts a bit cuz that's the whole point of their relationship.
What they have is parallels, both being raised by their older sister and sheltered by their family. Not knowing how the world actually moves and finally get out of that grip they have before to learn and be independent.
I wouldn't want wr to be like the bees because Ruby and Weiss are absolutely different from Yang and Blake, I like what they have, they are more low key, more shy, I keep saying how they remind me of the first love, the first time you are in a relationship.
What is the point of both main couples to have the same foundation? I wouldn't want that, I like diversity in my meals.
Just like arkos and renora have different foundations and both are canon (RIP Phyrra, you would have loved dilf Jaune).
I principally enjoy wr foundation, I've always said I hc Ruby having a cute crush on Weiss back at Beacon but Weiss not reciprocating till like end of V5-V6.
We all should push for more wlw canon couples that on just... Conforming with only having 1 wlw couple out of the main cast, fuck that, all my girls are queer/gay and in love with each other
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the-rwby-headcanons · 7 years
Juane, Phryyra, Seven Minutes in Heaven, Go. (Nora cackles in the distance)
•Nora plans the whole thing out, Ren actually helps for once
•Nora gets Phyrra into the plan right before hand but she doesn't know it
•So when they play, everyone has to put an item in the hat, Nora makes sure that no ones is metal except for Jaune's
•Nora also finds out that if you scare Phyrra, her semblance acts up a bit
•So right as she puts her hand in, Nora screams
•Phyrra jumps up and doesn't notice that Jaunes item sticks to her hand
•"I got the spider!" Nora covers her tracks up and grins when she sees the item in her hand
•Jaunes item was a little keychain with a bunny
•Cue Phyrra and Jaune being blushy awkward messes
•Yang catches on and shoves them into the closet, locking the door
•"Have fun you two!"
•Everyone runs to the door
•Jaune apperantly is pretty charming when they're alone
•Phyrra thanks the gods that the closet is dark, her face is redder than Ruby's cap
•They Awkwardly talk the whole time and Blake becomes bored
•Blake grins, that's not a good sign.
•"Yang, stomp the floor quick." "Okay."
•Yang makes the room shake and they hear a yelp from the closet
•Blake, Yang, and Nora high fives
•Back to inside the closet~
•Phyrra fell on top of Jaune and since theres little to no space in there, they're stuck in this position
•Hey, Jaune aint complaining!
•So they start to talk again, not realizing that the 7 mins are up, and Jaune starts to play with her hair
•"Jaune what are you doing?"
•"S-Sorry! My sisters used to let me do this all the time, its kinda a habit"
•She smiles "You can keep doing it, its fine"
•After they sit in silence, cuddling, she catches into Nora's plan.
•Phyrra realizes that this might be her only chance to get Jaune
•After contemplating it for a few seconds, she decides to take it
•"Hey Jaune, can you trust me?"
•"Of course! Why'd you ask?"
•"Just close your eyes for a sec"
•Jaune caught on the plan before Nora told anyone, he smirks and decides to play dumb
•"But Phyrra, i can barely see as is, its pitch black in here!"
•He laughs, "Okay, Okay fine!"
•Closes his eyes and Phyrra kisses him
•For some reason they just both start laughing into the kisses
•and they kept kissing for nearly an hour, they both knew it was too long to be 7 mins, but they didn't care about the game anymore
•Eventually Jaune pulled away
•"While i enjoy this very much, i think we should go somewhere more comfortable Phyrra."
•They look like lovestruck kids when they come out
•Everyone bursts out laughing
•Phyrra turns to Jaune, and covers her mouth, keeping in her laughter.
•"J-Jaune, im so so so sorry!"
•Jaune looks at the mirror next to them and blushes
•Lipstick marks EVERYWHERE, also his hair is messy
•Jaune just grins and rocks it
•He literally walked around the school yard happy as heck
•Team CRDL was jealous
•Phyrra fell even harder
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demonboi96 · 3 years
Headcanon: Blake never really had any desire to get to know Jaune. But when all the woman around him seemed to just start throwing around phermones at an insane rate, she had no choice but to investigate why.
Only to find out she had a kink she wasn't aware she had before. She was a voyeir.
She found out about her kink while watching Phyrra moan like a whore while Jaune pounded her into the mattess.
She would then get to watch him do similar things to the other woman around him. She watched him bang Nora in the gym showers, Weiss would bounce on his cock in an empty classroom. Ruby surpisingly would do it right infront of everyone by just pretending to sit on his lap. She had even seen Velvet drag him into her dorm room after the rest of her team left for Vale for a couple hours.
But none of that could compare to the sigjt infront of her right now. She was so mesmerized she almost didn't start recording this so she could masturbate to this later in the safty of her bed.
She was practically a waterfall while watching Ms. Goodwitch herself, on her knees shoving Jaunes cock into the back of her throat. She could hear the sound of her gagging every once and a while but would not let up. She could see the mascara running down her face and she could smell of Ms. Goodwitches own desires and phermones filling the room.
Blake realised she wanted to stay near Jaune Arc for as long as possible. She might decide to try him out one day herself but for right now, she just wanted to watch him continue to turn all the woman he did sleep with into moaning messes.
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ohanasmile · 7 years
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Do you belive in Destiny?
Jaune x Phyrra
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jagerknight08 · 4 years
I found this little gem the other day and I've been listening to it one repeat for 8 HOURS, IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD!!
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Hey Ruby, did your kids ever ask you how you and Jaune fought together while on missions?
Ruby: They have more than a few times asked that question. I mostly told them about skirmishes we had to deal with while in Anima and even when we fought the Nuckelavee in the ruins of Ren’s village before the war....I’ve actually never told them anything about what happened during the war. At least nothing specific. Sorry getting off topic, Summer has asked maybe once or twice but Rowan’s the one that has asked me the most times. After he had his Aura unlocked he wanted to start his training right away, but even before he could wield a weapon he wanted to implement both me and Jaune’s fighting styles. At first it was a bit...ambitious of him trying to learn both styles at once and I’ll admit I was a bit hesitant when trying to teach him how to use a scythe. I’m very grateful that Whitley volunteered to help train him. While I was a skilled huntress in my prime I’m still a bit out of practice and just starting to get back into the groove of things. While I’ll always have a part in Rowan’s development, he needs someone who’s going to be willing to push him to his fullest potential. *sigh* Even if I’m not the biggest fan of Whitley’s training methods...
- Elsewhere -
Whitley: Dodge!
*Bang! Bang! Bang!*
Rowan: *wearing weighted tunic and bands* How is this supposed to help make me a better fighter again?!
Rowan: AH! *clenched his shoulder, sore but not serious thanks to his Aura*
Whitley: You’re talking when you should be dodging!
*Bang! Bang!*
Rowan: Whoa! *easily evades the two shots*
Whitley: Good, you’re learning. *reloads his revolver* Now...
Whitley summons two Beowulves as he points his gun at the boy.
Whitley: Let’s see if you can evade while being attacked by all sides. 😈
Rowan: Oh frickle frack... 😰
- Back with Ruby -
Ruby: Definitely not a big fan of Whitley’s training methods. 😡
Yang: Was Qrow or Maria any different while training you? *she inquired her sister*
Ruby: That doesn’t make me feel better Yang.
Yang: Hey don’t say I didn’t try. As for Summer’s training I’ve been taking care of that for awhile and even taught her how to use that axe of hers (as well as other things). Also Dad and I join in on the kids training sessions in order to teach them hand to hand combat. They may mostly take after their Rose and Arc genetics, but they have Xiao-Long blood following through them veins too; and Xiao-Longs are fighters! ...well most of us anyway. Heh. *looks at her glaring sister*
Ruby: Hey I got better at hand to hand eventually! I just didn’t appreciate getting punched in the face all the time. *pouts*
Yang: Yeah, really helping your case here sis. *chuckles*
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At the beach...
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dankrwbymemes · 5 years
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Source: tumblr user mammothrider - rwby-recap-v3c6-fall
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blueskittlesart · 5 years
So far, what is your favorite ship in RWBY?
BUMBLEBY by far 
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wwwsapir · 5 years
I recorded a voice cover today of the song Cold from RWBY.
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hypersaiyanike · 7 years
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This is a double date and no one can convince me otherwise.
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gorillageek27 · 4 years
Wholesome Jaune x Phyrra x Emerald moment
pyrrha: why do we let her do this
jaune: cause she's too adorable to say no to.
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yurireview · 6 years
Whiterose Masterpost
Hello dear followers, here is a new review of RWBY and I must say that I am going to make this new review based on a small debate that is forming online after this season.
First of all I really like the Bumbleby but I am very objective in the subject, they will be aware that the BB is about to be canon or probably already is and this was confirmed by Kerry in the last RWBY Review.
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But what about Whiterose?
Lately I was reading that the Bumbleby was planned "from the beginning"  But what about Whiterose?
Do you remember Monty video about LGBT characters and relationships?
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Look, he did not refer to characters like Ilia, Terra etc. Do you know why? because those LGBT characters that were established did not have "development" they were simply there ... because the LGBT characters that Monty referred to were from the main caracther someone they were going to develop and their response reveals a lot:
"Sure, the best part of that ... is that maybe they are already there, because they are children (Lol what Ozpin said) ... they are on a way to try to help themselves discover themselves, not even we have to make the decision quickly because as we write these characters we learn from them, so they discover it is very real for us, there are many cast members who say that these couples would be great ... but we can not push it, but it has to be won and that's the best way to do it, we try to see more of his gender ".
Basically in those moments the Staff and Monty of all the things that they planned were debating. What would the "LGBT Couple developed" be? (Whiterose or Bumbleby) because it is obvious that this does not refer to the "secondary" since those are not developed yet, while the other principals Jaune was already hooked with Pyrrha, Ren and Nora either (so there is no debate in which he refers to the protagonists)
Although seeing everything rwby apparently they are developing both ship
Weiss x Ruby and Yang x Blake
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If I'm honest, I think they both had signs although it's impossible not to see how in the first 3 volumes the Whiterose surpassed the Bumbleby.
Why do I affirm this? the reason is that in the first volume the approach that the Whiterose received is too much compared to the Bumbleby.
In fact the greatest dynamics of the first volume was Arkos and Whiterose
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The meeting of Weiss and Ruby was much more important than the Bumbleby and that is a fact
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The dynamics of them were so funny because they were so opposite, but it is obvious that Monty liked to address every aspect of his dynamics.
The phase of accepting as partners was great
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is the classic dynamic of silly-adorable girl with noble girl-tsundere
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As I said before in this volume the Bumbleby was not even focused on any measure.
But instead the Whiterose already presented us with a new stage (the leadership) the fact that Weiss did not accept Ruby as a leader is quite important... because when the conflict is resolved gives Ruby a unique confidence and development as a protagonist
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I think the next scene is one of the most tender and emotional ... The first thing we see is that Weiss is surprised to see Ruby asleep from studying so much
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It's great how they approach all kinds of dynamics and if there is a problem it is solved in a brilliant way ... Ruby's smile towards Weiss is undoubtedly one of the sweetest and at the same time the kindness of Weiss stands out a lot.Ruby's smile when Weiss says something about her pass is a very nice detail
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As they saw their team dynamics was developed and they have many funny moments and the one that stands out the most
Vol 2
Even at the beginning of Vol 2 in the middle of jokes always Monty put the Whiterose ... in fact that scene inspired a famous gag of the manga, I must say that it is logical (it is almost a Japanese cliche yuri)
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Again in the food fight instead of pointing out the Bumbleby, the Whiterose sticks out, what makes me laugh is that Ruby treats Weiss in a more "special" way
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again there is almost no focus on the Bumbleby, instead the Whiterose:
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The difference between the rival ship of WhiteRose and Bumbleby
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For example, the scene in chapter 3 where the girls have their infiltration plan but the handsome boys appear.
Ruby automatically joins Sun-Blake and Neptune-Yang ... but Neptune is flirting with Weiss and she wants to go with him, the funny thing is that Ruby does understand but her reaction was "Fuck you come with me"
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His tsundere attitude is always nice, even when she is upset with Ruby because of what happened with Neptune ... she was disappointed that Ruby left her because of Penny.
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I love that narrative of how she would have preferred Ruby to be there
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something that makes me laugh at that scene, is that Yang does not say anything about Blake and Sun that contrasts with the other dynamic ... to be something "Planned from the beginning" this was weird
Did you see the difference? Is very evident
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In fact part of the function of Neptune was that Jaune stopped trying to conquer Weiss, that's why Neptune personality never really changed and it was not going to be anything important for Weiss
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Even when Neptune returned to the party with Weiss because of something that Jaune told him, this did not help them to develop them or anything, in fact they do not do anything.
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they did not even bother to focus it
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Again many elements that the Bumbleby owns appeared with the Whiterose such as the "Secret Language"
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To summarize things at the end of the Vol there are scenes where you could say that all the "pairs" of the series are together and it is obvious that the Whiterose is included
It was a great volume for the Whiterose as always
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Vol 3
Whiterose chapter 1-4
I must say that the vol 3 is one where there are very few moments of "ship" whatever your ship ... but I think the Whiterose highlighted on the others (even though the Bumbleby was planned from the "Start")
I love that Ruby always wants to be aware of how Weiss perceives her and the writers do a good job in that.
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As mentioned before the Whiterose really did not have "rival ship" because as seen in chapter 2 of Vol 3 instead of even joining them so that the audience says "hey there is a possibility" they show us that they will not be together.
It even contrasts with Sun and his friendly flirting with Blake
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Even before the chapter ends, the writers make Ruby stay close to Weiss as an advancement that both will see the "mentor" of Weiss.
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It is an irony that a chapter after the ship of Weiss and Neptune failed, the Whiterose took a very big step to make Ruby meet the only family to whom Weiss has great appreciation and respect
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I always laugh at this scene, the way it is written is phenomenal: Weiss presents Ruby, that Winter says "you took interest in my sister" is an interesting selection of words ... besides that the attitude of Ruby all uncomfortable is parallel to that of Sun when he is with Blake parents
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The fact that the role models of our girls fight in that scene says a lot
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Chapter 5 was about an interaction between Penny and Ruby that is basically an advance of the future misfortune, in addition to the team fight of Yang and Weiss
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Chapter 6 was about Phyrra decision and Yang duel against Mercury
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Chapter 7 was a Flashback to understand the situation
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Chapter 8: After 8 chapters recently, they give us a little Bumbleby moment, but even so it was a group thing, although if it counts, the other part was occupied by Pyrrha and Ruby, each one following their story separately.
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Chapter 9: Cornered Ruby, Cinder plan and Penny death, Grimm attack in addition to Roman release
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Chapter 10: Battle of the hunters against the Grimm, Ruby goes to meet Roman and the meeting of Blake against Adam
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Chapter 11: Battle of the hunters against the Grimm, Clash of Ruby against Roman and Neo, death of Roman, then the Adam-Blake-Yang moment (Bumbleby's biggest moment so far) ... Cinder gets the powers of one of the Maiden.
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Chapter 12
What can I say about this chapter? Apart from the obvious, the Whiterose interaction is very good
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It's always funny to see how Weiss dedicates that little smile to Ruby is something exclusive of both
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It's funny how in that chapter in the middle of the chaos of the battle the "couples" stand out, although I think the most obvious is that at that moment Ruby and Weiss made a parallel opposite to Jaune and Pyrrha
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As you saw here the Whiterose was a pretty complete ship and was really following a slow development, I mean compare it with the Bumbleby:
-It was not just a ship that had more development -It has the same number of important moments -It had 3 times more time on screen
Whiterose crisis (Vol 4 and 5)
After the great development of Ruby and Weiss in the first 3 volumes, what could go wrong?
Monty unfortunately died and his friends continued with his legacy ... but it is not the same, something that many began to notice was that Ruby lost a lot of prominence and of course they squandered the opportunity to develop it in parallel with Jaune
This being honest is a volume that I like very much except for the development that Ruby was given ... in general Ruby in the first chapter was more joking with Team RJNR and that's fine but the moments in which it should be used in develop Ruby as a character were wasted
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In chapter 2 of that Vol, do you remember the scene where Ruby looks at Jaune sad about Phyrra? That was a great moment for Jaune as a character, but it could also have been for Ruby ... but nothing was done and it was left to the air.
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Literally the most I saw of "Development" is when I attack Tyrion aggressively to save his uncle ... but it was a short scene.
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One of the biggest complaints of that Volume was that Jaune stole everything that should be the development of Ruby questioning, the grief and basically the elements of the protagonist ... in addition to his connection with Weiss that is quite focused on the previous ones volumes
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the last scene where Ruby character could have been given more depth before focusing on Ruby made Jaune give him a 1 minute speech and then the whole end of the season to be focused on Ren and Nora ... basically Ruby's development It was a total crap .., in fact Jaune had to say this is so stupid.
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Weiss in Volume 4
As with Ruby, weakening the great dynamics between Ruby and Weiss made the Weiss saga a bit lower than it would have been ... do not get me wrong, its part in the volume is very good but it could have been exceptional, in that Weiss volume has 24 minutes of screen
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Something I noticed in Vol 4 is that even if Weiss was very dissatisfied with his situation, there is really no scene where she misses his teammates or anything like that..(although he left it understandable in a scene I think it was better to execute it in a better way)
Chapters where Weiss appears -Episode 2 -Chapter 6 -Chapter 7 -Chapter 9 -Chapter 11
The only thing that we can appreciate of this arch was the idiots that are the rich, the crisis of Atlas touched by General Ironwood, the rules of Weiss father and his general discontent since she does not want to be like his father ... but in if it was a regular arc and what I highlight is that he learned to invoke ... although the consequences of the writing of Kerry and Miles affected Weiss in Volume 5.
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Vol 5 (Weiss the Bumbleby Shipper)
I think it's no surprise to anyone that the Staff had a taste for Bumbleby in fact in Vol 4 they put quite subtextual scenes between them even though they were separated ... but they forgot the Whiterose a lot and this is reflected in this volume (which as you know it was the worst of all)
Ruby narrative at the beginning of the volume literally does not exist...I mean, she is there with her friends and everything. But does something relevant happen? Does she question something? She have any development? unfortunately she does not have it ... The only thing she did was to become friends with Oscar and even if that is not possible, it could be considered a "protagonist" action since in the end everyone did it
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One of the things that really bothered me in this Volume is that they decided to have Weiss approach Yang so she can be a builder of the Bumbleby plot. What do I mean?
When Weiss is captured (for no reason) because she should be with Yang and then have more confidence in having the "talk" with her.
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I remember the scene where they both embrace and I said "what a nice scene" but then I said to myself, really? ... if some in the fandom keep saying
"But Yang does not have many scenes with Blake in the first 3 Volumes" which part this is true ... but now ask
How many had with Weiss? The truth is that their interactions were very vague. In fact, Weiss interacted more with Blake because of the White Fang incident, the only time they had a long interaction was in a Vol 3 combat but more of that I did not understand because they decided to make that scene between those two.
but is fine
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What bothers me about that scene is that when Weiss meets Ruby, instead of making a more intimate scene between the two of them it was something group and again that's not bad ... but:
Why did Miles and Kerry prefer to make a lonely scene of Yang and Weiss? he is too stupid as if Pyrrha revived but Kerry and Miles put a very significant scene with Ren ... but when she meets Jaune (There is only a group hug)
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Makes sense? Obviously not ... but I'm going to say the reason why this narrative bothers me a lot.
While Ruby is still relegated in this volume, our beloved Weiss with no apparent reason was much closer to Yang, while relegating his interactions with Ruby many say "What is the problem" well this is simple.
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Not only this is the reason why Ruby lost a lot of prominence in this Vol in particular ... but the reason for bringing Weiss and Yang closer was only for it to drive the Bumbleby and it is like ignoring past volumes
In this scene basically Yang is doing his drama for Blake of how he "needs her, who was there for her and blah blah blah" that parallels Ilia ... well it's good writing if you want to push the Bumbleby ... now that I think it even when I love the Bumbleby the only thing that irritates me that thanks to this we lost good interactions between Ruby and Weiss ... that for some reason they refused to offer us, I mean after the Phyrra did neither of them have a talk? although the damage was already done from Vol 4
In that scene Weiss shares something very intimate with Yang, but as I said it's a bit empty that the writers decide to do this with the two of them ... it's as if Jaune did this with Nora (something fucking weird and the worst thing is that it would be for boost another ship) ... literally the narrative relegated Ruby too much.
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Continuing the narrative of Weiss and Ruby, we can appreciate how in the conflict against Cinder not only is not something of great impact on Weiss and Ruby but it is decided to make one of the most stupid scenes of all RWBY (Make Jaune the protagonist) ... make a drama between Cinder-Jaune-Weiss where the narrative focused on Jaune's emotions when Weiss is wounded.
Where was Ruby? pulled out of the plot when they were about to kill Weiss.
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The importance that they gave to the interactions between Weiss and Yang was very strange if not forced, those of giving focus to those of Jaune with Weiss were much rarer and literally the dynamics of these is the least developed of all. But do you know what is the worst?
That Yang does not do so much "drama" for what happened with Weiss I'm not saying that she does not "worry" but really did almost nothing with that dynamic...Vol 5 is supposed to have made them "closer"
Why not keep focusing on them? ... Because obviously give more prominence to Jaune and of course since Weiss was not going to boost the ship of Yang and Blake ...why give them more scenes with Yang?
Weiss is one of my favorite characters and I mean it but in this volume it was crap.
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The worst climax of Vol 5 is that literally Weiss neither thanks Jaune nor has any "link" with him after that, not even a small gratitude scene (I made a meme of that) ... but going back to matter, Blake comes back and that just happens
(Weiss remembers that Ruby exists) For what reason? because it is no longer necessary to boost the Bumbleby xDD ... I mean it's hilarious how Miles and Kerry destroyed what could have been a big volume for these two but obviously it was the turn of the Bumbleby ... shit like I hate what they did in this volume, even when I'm happy for the BB (it should be done differently)
the looks that Weiss gives Ruby are the most loving in all rwby (a pity we had to wait too long for this)
The way in which Weiss looks at Ruby in that scene is the same as that of Yang to Blake and that can not be denied
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Weiss and Ruby in Volume 6 (The rebirth of Whiterose)
Do you know one of the main reasons why this Volume was great?
If you can not guess, I'll tell you that the Whiterose came back stronger than ever, even though the Staff was going to focus the Bumbleby ... the Whiterose narrative was not going to be affected.
The scene of both in the opening is so cute (besides that it is literally a cliche yuri) I love that the opening also shows us that Weiss is the closest person to Ruby and his greatest support
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Many focus on the teamwork of Yang and Blake but I think the most remarkable thing was the dynamic of Ruby and Weiss was simply a genius.
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All this in the first minutes (as a bonus)
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I loved the scene in which Weiss dedicates that smile that only has reserved for Ruby ... a pity that those hunters interrupted the moment
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Besides, I want to remind you that again the Staff brought Neptune who was still the same idiot as always, besides the fact that they do not bother to spend a moment between him and Weiss.
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Many talk about the Bumbleby moments of chapter 5 ... but I think the Whiterose moments are just as good.
Weiss feels tired, sad and wants the company of Ruby and our foolish protagonist does not even notice it, it's just cute
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I like the fact that while the Bumbleby there is a lot of "drama" the Whiterose is developing without needing that focusing as both complement each other
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I like how Narrative makes Weiss the first person to appear after they tell Ruby to think about the people who love her
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this also happened in previous chapters, in the same scene where Yang focuses on Blake and Blake focuses on Yang ... Ruby first thinks of Weiss and Weiss only focuses on Ruby (a great parallel)
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Again in chapter 8 Weiss is full of insecurity and Ruby is there to give her support ... Weiss dedicates that little smile again, to be interrupted by Qrow
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Vol 6 chapter 11-13
What can I say about this? I just loved it, there were Renora moments, team work ... but the scenes of Weiss and Ruby stood out
The scene where Ruby almost claims that she just wanted Weiss to be by his side in the battle was great
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more scenes of dynamics together
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Although the most significant scene was in which Ruby almost died and Weiss rescues her.
The expressions of the "ice queen" are great, her fear that something happens to Ruby is tender and even more so if we consider that she still does not let go of his hand ... Ruby makes a joke to relieve attention to the once showing his absolute confidence in Weiss with "I knew you would"
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Ruby expression at Weiss discomfort is very funny but I liked the fact that Weiss is still angry about Ruby imprudent actions.
It's almost a couple fight
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Although the thing does not end there, the next scene next Ruby is together with Weiss separated...but for some reason the Staff decided that both are clinging in a tender way in the middle of the fight when it was not necessary.
It is obvious that they were put together and I must say that I love it (besides that it is more suspicious when this chapter stood out the ship of the series)
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I saw some post about how in the memories of Ruby the Bumbleby focused, it is debatable ... but really the same thing was done with the Whiterose
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The memory of Weiss and Ruby from Vol 1 was one of the most beautiful and coming back to the scene is really quite significant
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The Vol 6 can be considered correctly the saga "Bumbleby" for all the necessary development between Yang and Blake ... but this Vol also had a lot of Whiterose but in preparation for the Weiss arc that directly involved Ruby ... it was a great volume for the Whiterose
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Something that I always noticed that the Bumbleby had a lot of external support from the Staff ... but in the additional material the support was regular. How does the Whiterose compare?
The Whiterose is the third most popular ship and still has a great focus on all the Anthalogias and in fact the element "yuri" is stronger than with the Bumbleby in these adaptations
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Many talk about the flirtation that Yang does to Blake ... but it does not compare to the flirting that Ruby does to Weiss in these sleeves
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It's not to say anything, but the Japanese understand the yuri signals of this ship
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RWBY official manga
If this is not enough, I think you should see the adaptation to RWBY manga in the Shonen Jump.
The focus of that manga is directly on the Whiterose even though Bumbleby and Arkos give more obvious signals ... but the Whiterose stands out above all of them
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also it should be noted that Monty liked Whiterose a lot, I still remember his art of both and clearly retweeted several fan art from this ship
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It is evident that the Whiterose was established as "End game" as well as the Bumbleby in fact a little more, so Whiterose companions do not get discouraged because the Bumbleby is canon, since when opening that door ... it leaves a world of possibilities and thanks to the Vol 6 that left many things to develop between Ruby and Weiss as the Vol 5 left many things pending for the Bumbleby.
That said, I'll finish the review with something obvious to everyone "Whiterose best ship"
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demonboi96 · 3 years
Headcanon: Phyrra started liking Jaune cause he didn't know who she was and didn't have any expectations of her. The fact he could make her a moaning whore for his cock was a just a very good bonus.
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hpurlnovi · 8 years
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Miss you ;-;
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zephanofthewind · 6 years
Tag Meme!
Tagged by @turnaboutwriter​. Thank you friendo! ❤️
The rules are to shuffle your playlist and list the first 10 songs that come up! I have quite a few songs in Hindi and Japanese because bollywood and anime. So hopefully we’ll see an interesting mix here. I will also link a video for each song and a quick blurb about how I came by the song, my feelings on it, or some other interesting tidbit. But this is not necessary at all for the tag meme.
1) Doin’ it Right by Daft Punk: Daft Punk is one of my all time favorite artists. I love the way they make music through the gradual addition and subtraction of song elements. It’s simple but builds really interesting complexity, plus it’s nice to do work to.
2) West Coast Smoker by Fall Out Boy: FOB is another all time fav. Huge fan of their sound, will often sing their songs in the shower if I need to find energy to get through the day. First concert I went to was a FOB concert.
3) Shine by Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams: Beautiful song, love the RWBY soundtrack. Still hoping Jaune and Phyrra have a happy ending somehow. 
4) Guzarish from Ghajini: A lot of bollywood in my library is just love songs due to the nature of bollywood. I wish love songs didn’t get a disproportionate amount of the good beats. 
5) Tere Mast Mast Do Nain from Dabangg: Once again a love song from bollywood. But I love the emotion in this song (unfortunately ruined by the movie’s goofiness in my opinion). Dabangg was certainly a fun film to watch.
6) Dola Re Dola from Devdas: Absolutely loved the intensity of the song and choreography. Also it’s Madhuri Dixit and Aishwarya Rai; it’s like this song represents the passing of the crown from one queen of bollywood to another.
7) I Burn by Jeff Williams, Casey Lee Williams, & Lamar Hall: I stan Yang, that is all.
8) The Diary by Hollywood Undead: Hollywood Undead has been an old favorite of mine. Still thankful to my friend Sam for introducing this to me all those years ago, helped me deal a lot with my buried feelings.
9) Study X Study by StylipS: So as much as I dislike fanservice in anime...Highschool DxD is a guilty pleasure of mine, and I’m unapologetic. Yes, I’m a hypocrite, but at least the song is catchy and I love the lyrics.
10) This Game by Konomi Suzuki: I find it kinda apt that we end the list with This Game. No Game No Life is a favorite anime of mine if you couldn’t tell by my blog. This song is a great way to make me feel pumped up and inspired.
I’ll just tag *all of my mutuals. @biafloki, @youmaywindupinmynovel, @shooting-stars-andsatellites, @isabelevennecessary, @storybookprincess, @transroadwarrior, @steelroses, @bleusriley, @ajeneration, @lostinatardis
But to whoever else wants to participate, please go right ahead.
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