#jay b reaction
blu-joons · 2 years
Your Relationship Gets Revealed ~ Lim Jaebeom
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Your heart was pounding as Jaebeom got home from the studio, having avoided your phone for most of the afternoon. His expression gave nothing away as he sat down on the sofa beside you, resting his hand against the top of your leg.
“It’s been an interesting few hours,” he whispered with a light chuckle, “but luckily it seems as if things are going down really well.”
Your eyes looked suspiciously back at him, left slightly uncertain because of the smile that was on his face, the smile that usually seemed to spell out mischief or trouble.
After the two of you found your relationship revealed, with photos shared of the two of you walking down by the river a couple of days ago, you were terrified. The last thing that you wanted was for a bump in the road when things had been going so well between the two of you.
“What are people saying?” You asked Jaebeom, wanting to hear for yourself what had been talked about with the two of you, “have you been reading some whilst at work?”
Jaebeom nodded as he pulled his phone out from the pocket of his jacket. He couldn’t help himself but look, desperately wanting to see how positive things were so that he could come home and reassure you especially.
“It seems that people are big fans of you,” Jaebeom explained to you, “but then it’s easy to see why so many people like you.”
“Are you being serious or just trying to sweettalk me again?”
His eyebrows raised innocently back at you as Jaebeom loaded the first of the articles that had been released. After scrolling all the way through to the bottom where fans could leave some comments, he passed his phone to you.
It took a moment for you to build up the courage to look down and start reading through, looking to Jaebeom who had a smile on his face for the push that you needed to read them.
“They all seem so lovely,” Jaebeom remarked as you began to scroll through, on edge as you waited for the negativity to come. The first few comments felt like a dream, but the more you scrolled, the more consistent the positivity became.
As you read more, your smile grew too, finally realising that Jaebeom was being honest with you. His eyes were on you as you looked through, relieved to see your smile too as you read on.
“Apparently all of the articles have the same comments, the company checked every single one.”
Your eyes flickered in Jaebeom’s direction, trying to make sure that you weren’t dreaming. It felt too good to be true, especially after you’d read so many bad articles on relationships in the industry.
“Are you sure that your company hasn’t just gone through and reported all the bad comments?”
A chuckle came from Jaebeom as still you couldn’t help but fret, assuring you that they had touched nothing. It was all real, and true, the fans were surprisingly accepting of you.
All of the sleepless nights that you’d had worrying about how things would be the day your relationship got revealed all felt like they’d been for nothing, a waste of your time.
“Do you mind just pinching me?” You asked Jaebeom.
“I’m not pinching you; you already know that you’re not dreaming.”
He knew exactly what you wanted, and there was no way that he was going to give it to you. He wanted for you to keep reading, to keep feeling the love from his fans mostly.
Even as Jaebeom moved onto another article, your heart was full. Positive comment after another came, with several comments complimenting you scattered in between.
“They all seem to think I’m punching.”
“Your fans have good eyes,” you joked back at Jaebeom as he summed up most of the comments, “you should listen to them.”
As you continued to tease him, Jaebeom couldn’t help but start attacking your sides to remind you not to let things get to you too much. He knew you were only messing with him, but he still wanted to remain the apple in his fans’ eyes and not give that spot up to you too quickly after getting yourselves revealed.
“You should be glad they like me.”
Jaebeom immediately nodded back at you after letting you go, “I am glad, even if it is a kick in the teeth for my ego to be told that I’ve pulled better than anyone thought I would.”
“It’s not my fault that I’m just too pretty for you.”
Jaebeom lifted his hands up to threaten to tickle you again, but you quickly pushed him away. You closed your mouth and stayed quiet, knowing that you weren’t prepared for another tickle attack.
Things had gone better than either of you had ever expected they would, blown away by how supportive everyone was of you. It was something the two of you had worried about so many times, and now you had no need.
“I feel like I should thank them for being so nice or something,” you told Jaebeom as he closed his phone, “or do you think that comes across too keen?”
His head shook in reply to your question, “my fans will probably be quite happy to hear from you, it sounds like they really want to get to know you. Maybe we could release a video or a statement through the company.”
You were new to it all and didn’t have a clue as to how to act, but luckily for you, Jaebeom had all the answers. Although things would be more authoritative and more protected now, you were willing to do it for Jaebeom.
“I just want to say thank you,” you told him, not wanting to overcomplicate things.
“If that’s what you want to do, then let’s see if we can release a video, give the fans a chance to hear your voice,” Jaebeom suggested. “The more they see us together and smiling, the more likely everyone is to support us.”
Of course, you knew not everyone would be a fan of the two of you, but you were keen to do whatever you could to get them on side. As long as they kept supporting Jaebeom, that was all that mattered, but having them support you was definitely a bonus too.
As calm as he acted beside you, Jaebeom was beyond relieved too. He didn’t want you to be scared or panicked, but instead you felt relaxed and overwhelmed by the kindness.
“I’m not just saying it because it’s my relationship, but I’ve honestly never seen an idol reveal their relationship and have so many people be nice to them.”
“What do you think we’ve done to make people be so nice to us?”
Jaebeom shrugged back at you, “maybe the fact that we’re normal. The photos that got shared just showed the two of us doing normal couple things.”
“Just that when we do normal couple things, we have cameras now following us everywhere we go,” you joked in reply.
“It’ll get easier,” Jaebeom assured you, “and if they don’t leave us alone, you’ll be surprised how intimidating the company can be to get them to listen to what we want.”
Your eyes went wide as he spoke, “I think I’ve underestimated the power you have.”
“I’m not just a pretty face,” Jaebeom teased, “I can be pretty demanding when I want to be too.”
“How come I’ve never seen this side of you?”
“One day you just might.”
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kpopimaginings · 5 months
Goodnight Kisses - JayB
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You knew JayB would berate you for still being awake when he got home, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Recently, you'd got into such a routine of going to be together that it just felt wrong trying to sleep when he wasn't there. You'd done everything you normally would before sliding under the covers, but without your  good night kiss and the warmth of your man beside you, you just couldn't drift off.
JayB always promised you you'd still get your good night kiss if you were asleep when he got home but it wasn't the same. When you heard the front door open, you had a brief debate with yourself as to whether or not to feign sleep. As his gentle footsteps approached your room you decided against it, opting to greet JayB instead. You could tell he was trying to be quiet as he entered but you spoke up.
"Ah, jagiya, why are you awake?" he whispered. There was a slight smile on his face as he spoke, negating any air of annoyance in his words.
"Can't sleep," you complained. "Not without my goodnight kisses."
"Just let me wash up and get changed and you can have all the kisses you want," he replied.
You groaned and stretched your arms out in his direction, hoping to summon him closer.
He chuckled as he approached you, shaking his head. "You're always so clingy when you're tired," he said running a hand through your hair.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his fingers in your hair. All too soon he was pulling away again. Your eyes snapped open as you reached out to grab his hand and put it back. Unfortunately, in your sleepy state, JayB was quicker.
"I'm just getting ready for bed, jagi, then I'm all yours."
You still whined a little as he left you to head to the bathroom but you were for too tired to launch any sort of actual protest.
After far too long, he was climbing into bed behind you, enveloping you in his arms as a kiss was pressed to your shoulder.
"I love you, my needy jagi," he whispered.
You grunted at his teasing and snuggled further into his embrace.
There was a moments silence before you felt his finger tips digging into your waist and tickling you slightly. You squirmed but JayB didn't relent.
"Say it," he demanded.
"Who's needy now?" you retorted.
He tickled you again.
"I love you, too." You told him what he wanted to hear to stop the attack.
"That's better," he replied. "Sleep well."
With one last kiss placed gently on your neck, he held you tightly again, allowing you both to drift off to sleep, comforted by each others presence.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Got7′s Reaction to...You Hitting on Them While Drunk
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Backstory: You got into a fight over something stupid. Not waiting to see his face, you go out for the night with your friends and they call him to come pick you up after you’ve had too much to drink.
Warnings: Suggestive, flirting, drinking and groping
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You saw him before he saw you. The way Mark jumped when someone grabbed his ass, he was ready to swing. When he turned and saw that it was you, smiling all dopy and cute, he sighed and quickly grabbed your wrists so that you couldn’t grab him again. You pouted and stepped closer to him, whispering all the dirty things you wanted him to do to you. Mark laughed and kissed you, nibbling on your lower lip to shut you up.
“Think you can keep your hands to yourself long enough to make it home?” *pushes you to walk in front of him and smacks your ass for payback*
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He didn’t except for you to get drunk. So when he walked up to the table you were sitting at with one of your friends, he was surprised when you looked him up and down and licked your lips. Your friends was laughing beside you as you placed your chin in your hand and started spitting game at Jaebeom. He narrowed his eyes as you tried to pull him into the booth with you and quickly pulled you up into his arms. He could ignore your drunken rambling, it wasn’t anything you haven’t said sober in the bedroom. When you grabbed at his hips and stomach he frowned and gripped your chin between his fingers.
“Listen here. Behave yourself or else.” *tugs your bottom lip down lightly with his thumb before he smirks and steps away, grabbing your hand*
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He knew from the jump that you couldn’t handle your liquor, so when he got the call he was slightly annoyed. However, that quickly changed when he saw you on the dance floor lost in your own little world. He walked up behind you and gently grabbed your hand. When you saw him, you flashed that dazzling smile that stole his heart and asked him to dance with you. You kept your body pressed firmly against Jackson’s and he was highly amused. The slurred filth coming from your mouth was wild and he couldn’t hide that it was doing something to him.
“Yeah, you want me that bad?” *wraps hands tighter around your waist* “I can give it to you, baby.”
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He saw you sitting at the bar, nursing some pink drink that looked like it would make his teeth hurt. He walked over and sat beside you, ordering himself something light since he was there. Hearing his voice, you smiled at him and demand that he buy you a drink since he was so sexy. Smirking, Jinyoung declines and you pout asking him if he found you sexy like you thought he was.
“I think we should get out of here, yeah?” *clinks his glass against yours and winks while fighting off a smile*
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He calls your name once he’s in hearing distance and when you see him, you start giggling. You throw yourself into his arms and trace your finger along the side side of his cheek and jaw. Telling him how cute he is, how much you would love to go back to his place and when you pout at him, Youngjae can’t help but laugh. He makes sure that you don’t forget anything behind before he leads you out of the club with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
“Babe, please stop grabbing my ass!” *pushes your hand away* “I get it. You want me. Wait until we get home, please!”
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Funniest thing ever! You drunk is always something fun to see and you don’t let him down. When he’s in your sights, you try to act like you don’t notice him. Looking away and giggling to your friends loudly about the hot guy that’s coming this way. When he gets to your side, you throw some slick line his way and Bambam just stares at you. You walk your fingers up his chest and slide your hand underneath the collar of his shirt. Bambam smirks and pulls you flush against him.
“Wanna get out of here and see my cats?”
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He takes it in stride, he’s so use to your shenanigans by now. He just goes along with him the moment your eyes lock. He slides up beside you at the bar and waits for you to make your move. When you make a show of looking over your shoulder at him, he smirks and reaches out, pretending to pluck a piece of lint from your outfit. You turn around to thank him, placing your hand on his chest and leaning in close.
“If you really want to thank me, why don’t we step outside?” *raises eyebrow and flashes that cheeky little smile*
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
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His reaction when you are teasing him in public/in front of members.
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Mark Tuan
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You loved training with Mark. What could be sexy, you thought as your eyes run over your boyfriend's hot body. But even more, you enjoyed teasing him while he taught you the martial arts. You kept casually stroking his ass or thigh, almost reaching his crotch as he taught you a new move. He gave you a warning look every time you kept teasing him. But it turned you on even more. You couldn't concentrate while he explained the new hold to you. You watched as a drop of sweat from his hair flowed down his neck to his chest, which was bare due to the kimono being too open. You chuckled as you walked around him from behind, following his instructions. You wrapped your arms around him, but instead of clasping your hands into a lock on his chest, you slipped your hand into his kimono. You ran your nails across his chest, brushing against his nipple. Mark practically growled at your actions. He grabbed the collar of your kimono, throwing you over it. He stopped you in the air before your back touched the floor. "Baby, don't you think you're in bad position to tease me like that?" he growled, making you chuckle as his eyes darkened with excitement. He let go of you, letting you plop down on the floor as you giggled contentedly at the reaction you received.
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Lim Jaebeom
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You teased him all evening at the family dinner. To say that Jaebeom was overexcited is an understatement. The way he tried his best to calm down only made you want to tease him even more. That's why you smiled widely when you were in the elevator right in front of him, due to the crowd. You move your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard cock with your fingers. He groaned softly as he squeezed your wrist. "Don't you think you've got carried in your game, baby?" he whispered in your ear, squeezing your hand tighter You just giggled softly, continuing to run your fingers along its length. You took your hands off his cock and, making sure no one was looking at you, lifted the hem of your short dress from behind, teasing him with your ass. You heard a low growl that sent goosebumps to your skin. Jaebeom gripped your shoulder tightly, pulling you towards him. His fingers dug into your skin, hurting you as you rubbed your ass against his cock. “Congratulations my kitty, you just hit the jackpot. And don't even think that your safe word can help you tonight!" he said in a low voice, and a chill went down your spine as you realized it wasn't a joke.
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Jacksom Wang
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You sat in a restaurant and had dinner with all the members. You continued to fiddle with the pendant, drawing the eyes of Jackson, who was sitting opposite, to your deep neckline. You practically snorted in frustration as he continued talking to the guys. You smiled as you took your glass of wine. You didn't look away from Jackson, running your glass over your bottom lip. "Daddy" you said wordlessly with just your lips before taking a sip. You chuckled as it made Jackson freeze for a second before he returned to the conversation. You took a slice of the cake, deliberately leaving cream on your lips. You said wordlessly "Daddy" running your tongue over your lips. You bit your lip slightly as Jackson gulped looking at your lips. Perfect, you thought, realizing that your little game was working. You took off your shoe, running your foot along Jackson's ankle. "Daddy," you said again as he looked sharply at you. His jaw tightened as you ran your foot across his crotch. "Daddy" you chuckled, making him squeeze the glass in his hand. You sharply returned your foot back on floor as he slammed hard his palm down on the table. “Are you really could handle it if I turn into your daddy right now?!” he growled glaring at you, causing the guys to stare at Jackson with their mouths open. You smiled broadly as you returned to your cake, getting exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
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Park Jinyoung
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You rested your elbows on the table as Mark and Jaebeom prepared dinner. You turned around and smiled when you saw Jinyoung staring at your ass in short shorts that were barely visible from oversize T-shirt. You turned your head to make sure BamBam and Yugeom were totally into playing on PS. You spread your legs slightly and leaned forward, arching your back just enough for Jinyoung to see your ass and crotch completely. You pulled your shorts up, letting them dig between your folds. You couldn't help but laugh when Jinyoung cleared his throat. You turned slightly towards Jinyoung, meeting his glare. You saw how white his fingers were when he squeezed his phone, tapping his leg nervously. Jinyoung closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Perfect, you thought as you watched Jinyoung try to keep his arousal under control. You ran your hand down your ass, lightly grabbing the hem of your shorts, completely exposing your buttocks for Jinyoung's gaze. “Baby,” he warned you in a stern voice. "You talking to me?" chuckling asked Mark turning towards Jinyoung before returning to cooking. You were glad that because of the kitchen island you leaned on, Mark couldn't see your little show you put on for Jinyoung. You heard a low growl behind you as you ran your fingers along your crotch. You chuckled when you heard Jinyoung's chair creak as he stood up. “One more move like that and I’ll show the guys how much you love being punished!” Jinyoung growled leaving a hard slap on your half-naked ass before lowering your shorts down, leaving all the guys staring at you practically with their mouths open. “Nerd” you snorted as Jinyoung left the kitchen heading for the restroom, causing Mark and Jaebeom to laugh out loud.
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Choi Youngjae
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You chuckled as Youngjae sat on the floor instead of joining everyone at the table. You knew that he could see your legs under the table, unlike the others. You spread your legs wide, pulling your skirt up your thighs. You noticed how Youngjae's jaw tightened as his eyes caught your movements under the table. You ran your fingers over your crotch and almost laughed as Youngjae's jaw dropped. He turned his gaze to you, completely blushing from your actions under the table. You almost moaned when you saw the pleading in his eyes to stop teasing him. You bit your lower lip, causing him to swallow loudly. "Are you okay?" asked Jaebeom "No!" Youngjae practically groaned. You giggled contentedly as Youngjae fell to the floor, turning his back to the table, trying to hide his boner.
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BamBam didn't react at all to your attempts to seduce him while you were hanging out together with members. But you had a secret weapon that always worked. You selected one of your underwear photos and sent it to BamBam, quickly slipping your phone into your pocket. BamBam gasped loudly making all the members look at him. You barely kept a smile, making the most surprised look, while BamBam drilled you with a look. "Are you okay?" asked Jackson, clapping BamBam on the shoulder. “Yes,” BamBam cleared his throat, slowly blushing without taking his eyes off you. “You seem to blush. Are you sure you're okay?" You asked innocently looking at him. You ran your fingers along the stem of the glass, forcing BamBam to follow your every move. Now whatever you do it will tease him even more. "Yeah, I'm fine," BamBam practically growled looking into your eyes. "Got a notification that I wanted to watch the movie 'Love and Leashes' tonight!" answered BamBam. You bit your lower lip and BamBam unconsciously leaned towards you but quickly stopped when he remembered that you weren't alone. You laughed softly at his angry looks as you continued your little torture to seduce your boyfriend.
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Kim Yugeom
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You couldn't help but laugh as Yugeom watched open-mouthed at you while you sucked on the lollipop. He tried to keep the conversation going with the other members, but his words were constantly confused, making the others laugh at him. “I'd be scared of him if I were you,” Jinyoung said while pushing Yugeom in the shoulder. “He looks at you like he's a maniac... ouff” You laughed at Jinyoung's comment that made Yugeom resent his hyung. “How can I even look at her differently when she does something like this!” Yugeom growled as he snatched the lollipop from your hand. “From now on, lollipops are forbidden for you,” Yugeom snorted as he tossed your lollipop into the bin. You couldn't hide the amusement that your boyfriend's cute reaction caused.
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That ass…
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Got7 as Newly Weds
Hello, everyone. Post two of today. I got a two part post so I decided to just upload both pieces today. It turned out really cute and I hope you all like it. As always, if there's anything you want to see, let me know! Send me whatever requests you might have!
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Request: what's it like being newlyweds?
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Mark would be cute and fluffy. He’s so excited to have you all to himself once the wedding is over. He’s the type to constantly call you his wife while you’re alone, just because he’s excited that it’s a reality. Your honeymoon would be all kinds of fun activities for you to do together. Anything from amusement parks to snorkeling and other fun adventures.
2. Jay B
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Being married makes Jay B more confident. I’m honestly not sure if you guys will be leaving the bedroom much on your first few days of your honeymoon. Your outings would be cute and calm outings, aquariums, art museums, and zoos. Things that are experiences.
3. Jackson
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Jackson is the most excited possible. He would be all over you and wherever you went for your honeymoon, neither of you is driving. You’re the pair that is making the driver uncomfortable because you’re making out in the backseat. The carefree couple that could disappear at the drop of a hat if you have no obligations the next day and no schedule.
4. Jinyoung
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Jinyoung would seem exactly the same as usual in public, but he would be so soft for you when it’s just the two of you. Your honeymoon would be a long affair. You’re the ones disappearing for three months and no one knows where you went but you came back and some point and acted like nothing happened. You experience a ton of new experiences and moments.
5. Youngjae
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Youngjae is the one who probably cried at the wedding so he’s the most happy possible about your new marriage. Your honeymoon isn’t really planned, you decide everything you want to do at the spur of a moment. You just get on the first available plane and go somewhere and live out a new adventure.
6. BamBam
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BamBam is the one who planned your wedding. You thought you would plan it but party planner BamBam took over and he has made the most extravagant wedding possible. The honeymoon is just the same, simply because you won’t be leaving your hotel room so it better be the best.
7. Yugyeom
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Yugyeom is so blushy and almost in shock. He would have a list of everything you need to do for your honeymoon but it’s a long enough list that it really becomes more of a bucket list that you live the rest of your lives by. You would be going places neither of you have ever been. He wants everything you do together to be new and exciting.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Send me any requests you might have!
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run-godspeed · 2 years
@xiranjayzhao just released the spectacular new cover art for their new book Heavenly Tyrant.
Me a useless fuck who’s addicted to iron widow has focused on a few things from it.
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this is the full cover, and i’d like to draw attention several things.
1. the string binding Zetian and Qin Zheng together. both a joke with the red string of fate, and the fact that they both control each other now. they are irrecoverably bound together.
2. the positions of the hands. Zetian’s right hand is raised as though reaching up to something or as i’m interpreting she has a free right hand in Yizhi. Qin Zheng does not. He knows no one and nothing and has very few allies. but also, Qin Zheng’s left hand is laying upon the dragon. he’s source of power which gives him all the power to keep Zetian from killing him. Zetian has the Vermillion bird but she’s missing her other half although Yizhi could also attempt taking it over.
and 3. their clothes. Obviously they’re both wearing spirit armor, both covered in gold (which @xiranjayzhao rants about the quality of the fabric) and both are clearly sharing the power of emperor. but it’s the chest that has me most intrigued. Zetian has an open/glowing heart, i believe it to be a sign that she has hope still. Qin Zheng has a diamond, a hollowed out but still glowing diamond, i see it as his apathy to new world around him and his interest in Zetian specifically as a rival.
and that is my amature analysis of Heavenly Tyrant cover art. it might mean something it might mean nothing who cares? (me, i care)
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chicken-fifi · 1 month
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Yugyeom and JayB - You’re the Dominant One in the Relationship Yugyeom and JayB - You Kiss Them When You Want Something
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My mom just sent a message to the family group chat suggesting that my siblings download the 'For the Strength of Youth' magazine on their Gospel Library app and talked about how much the youth magazines helped her testimony growing up and like, cool. Fine. Don't know why the 'sending random spiritual thoughts in the gc' thing started out of nowhere when it hadn't been a thing for a decade but this is just another one of those, and you're ofc allowed to talk about things that are significant in your life.
I don't think sending the 'What I Did When Someone Close to Me Challenged My Faith' article right afterwards was strictly necessary though 🙃
#hi bg mutuals 👋 i'm gonna vent about this from time to time. if any mutuals dont want to see it block the 'apostake' tag#trying not to read too much into it b/c I think I did last time something like this happened#and i dont want to make an ass of myself even if neither time would actually be in front of my parents#but like...i know that they know that one of my sisters is clearly PIMO#they went through her phone a couple weeks ago and i have no idea if they read my texts w/ her#but if they did they probably saw the conversation i had with her about some of the really common shelf-breakers#and telling her to take looking into it at her own pace b/c it's scary and overwhelming#(a conversation SHE started btw)#and when i talked to my parents about the larger context of that whole situation i talked about not having space to step back#and their response was that they give plenty of space b/c they dont make her go to seminary???#that's not the same thing as letting her openly question & potentially leave the church idk what to tell you#like. besties i dont know for sure what caused it (which is NOT making things better. it just feels potentially passive aggressive)#but from my end? it sure looks like it might be a reaction to that. probably not JUST that (friends exist) but.#if you think I'm whispering anti-mormon rhetoric into my siblings' ears just ask me. i'm very much NOT doing that#i'm just. talking? to them? when and if they come to me with questions?#and not making my answer 'well there's a reason our parents raised us in the church! ☺️'#(an actual argument given in the article my mom sent)#hate it. thanks#apostake#jay rambles#ok to interact#im not challenging anyone's faith. my patience though? INCREDIBLY challenged#gotta figure out how to work my way around a 'hey please dont send spiritual thoughts to the gc *I'm in*' talk tactfully#they've been pretty chill about me leaving over-all?? at least to my face#haven't pushed me to go to church w/ them; was fine with me not visiting for easter; didnt try to convince me to not drink coffee; etc#it's just. frustrating that they're not giving my siblings that still live with them that same grace#my sister's 17 ffs#it's very possible im way overreacting to the article. but what is tumblr for if not screaming into the void#religion#mormonism
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Got7 Reaction when the other members don’t like their girlfriend.
Jaebum: He’d try to shrug it off at first feeling like the others may need some time to get used to her and having her around, but when their oppinions don’t change he gets upset and annoyed, he knows he can’t force them to like her but he doesn’t want to leave her just because of them either.
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Mark: He’d get really defensive of his girlfriend, he wouldn’t understand why the others don’t like her and why they can’t see her in even a fraction of the way he does, to say he’d be annoyed is an understatement.
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Jackson: He’d argue about it with them at first getting even more defensive than Mark, he’d also go to the extent of giving them the cold shoulder for a while but when he realises it’s a lost cause he will just come to terms with the fact he has to live with it.
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Jinyoung: He’d first of all want to know why the others don’t like her, was it something she did or said that made them feel like this or was it just them making assumptions out of no where, his main reaction would mostly be based on how stupid he found their answer to be.
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Youngjae: He’d be so upset over this, his only question would be “why?” He loves his girlfriend and all he really wants is the rest of the group to welcome her and love her too.
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Bambam: Bam would do all he could to proove she wasn’t as bad as they think, he’d tell them stories he’s had with her and boast about all of her good qualities, he’d be the ultimate hype man. Even when it was evident that it was of no use he’d still carry on, he wasn’t going to give up on her and he knows the guys would warm up to her one day.
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Yugyeom: He’s another one who would give the cold shoulder for a while and it would take a lot to get him to come out of it, he wasn’t going down without a fight, only when the others say that they’d try all they can but with no promises is when he’d finally give up the silent treatment.
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Masterlist               Buy me a Coffee  
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Reactions from all last week and this week!
Last Week!
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larrysblooming · 1 year
This might be a shocker to you but some larries at least consider the fact that Freddie could be Louis’s son or even that Larry might not actually be together because we don’t actually have full access to their personal lives and fandom isn’t supposed to be a fucking cult
this might be a shocker to you, but you’re actually dumb as fuck, anon.
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bambikisss · 2 years
Let's talk w/ Bambi~
Thinking of opening the people I write for to other groups besides my ult group. I think it could be fun and could let my writings reach more people.
Requests are still open. Don't worry, guys, I'll let you know when it's not.
Tipping is now enabled~ To feed my caffeine (mainly either tea or coffee) and stuffed animal addictions (plus college), I've been persuaded to open up the option of tips.
I feel bad for everyone who was waiting for Mr. Choi YoungJae's series :( but it's coming out soon so stay tuned.
Let's chat in the comments or in asks
Bambi <3 ~
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onnahu · 1 month
I want a batfam fic where Jason dissapears, so Steph and Cass break into his place to investigate, and all they find is a note like that:
I got married and am now on a space honeymoon, where we get married at every single planet we can.
Whoever found it - Get everybody's (especially B's) reactions on camera and give to me as the best wed gift in the world, and you'll be my favourite forever.
If you're B - Fuck you, you always ruin my fun, and you're not allowed at my place, so if it's you I hate you. Fuck you, B.
Is it a joke? Did he really eloped? And with who? Because he sure as hell didn't tell anyone. Like, WAS HE EVEN DATING?
Anyway, Steph and Cass have a blast out of it.
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luvyeni · 11 months
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warnings? handjobs , footjobs , namecalling , no penetration , public sex , heeseung cums in his pants
— 𖦹 ( the hyung lines reaction to you teasing them in public ) !
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HEESEUNG ! he was trying to hold his composure , but it was kind of hard when you were stroking him through his jeans under the table , right in front of his friends. his face was red , and sweat was forming on his forhead — yet you sat there laughing with sunoo so unfazed , while he was about to blow his load in his pants.
"b-baby." he whispered in your ear , more like whimpered. "baby please i'm gonna cum , please stop." but you didn't listen , he could hold it much longer , he bit his fist , turning his head in embarrassment as he came. "we have to go." heeseung quickly got up , dragging you away. "that wasn't nice was it? making me cum like that , now don't give me those tears when i make you cum until you're begging me to stop."
JAY ! he wanted to jump across and take you right then in front of all his associates , put you right back in your place , make you beg for his cock like he always had you — instead , he had sit there , stoned faced as your stiletto clad foot rubbed up and down his calve , making it's way all the up to his cock , pressing down on it , you made eye contact with him , the anger in his made your panties soak.
your smirk pissed him off to the max , but he wasn't gonna let you win , he wasn't gonna cum in his pants like a amature. "that's all for today everyone , meeting over." you both got up , everyone walking out the door , you could feel him right behind you. he wasn't gonna let you get away that easy , before you could make your way out the door , he snuck up on you , closing the door , caging you in between. "you think you're so fucking funny princess , let's see how funny it is when the whole company hears you screaming my name like a whore."
JAKE ! he smirked , biting his lip as your hand came up to his crotch palming his cock , stroking him through his jeans , he knew the game you were playing and he loved it , he loved seeing you all needy for him , but if you want to play this game , he was gonna play to , but he was gonna beat you at it.
your skirt made it easy for him to stick his hands up your skirt , his smirk turning into a cheshire cat like smile. he leaned over , whispering into your ear. "dirty girl." he tapped your sticky cunt. "you aren't wearing any panties." he sunk a finger into your hole. "j-jake." you grabbed his wrist , but it didn't stop him , he removed your hand whispering into your ear again . "nah baby , you started this , if you're not gonna play fair why should i?
SUNGHOON ! you were playing with fire honestly , because he told you to stop the moment you put your hand on his knee he was slapping it off muttering a behave into your temple , you should've stop there , and listened , but you didn't , instead you kept going , and going , until your hand reached his clothed cock , squeezing it making him groan.
"you alright hoonie?" you looked at him with a smirk so sly he just wanted wipe it off your face. "so funny princess." he grabbed your wrist , stopping you. "i wonder if it will still be so fucking hilarious if i bend you over this table and fuck you like the whore you are in front of all these people."
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Got7 Hopeless Romantic vs. Serious About Love
Hey everyone! It's me, ya girl, back at it again to make another post. Yeah, I still don't have a schedule. I pulled two twelve hour shifts in a row and was exhausted. It's my weekend so now I can finally do some writing. As always, if there's anything you want to read, let me know! Send me whatever requests you might have!
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Request: who do you think is a hopeless romantic vs serious about love?
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Mark is a hopeless romantic. He’s one of the more emotional members and we’ve seen that on multiple occasions. He really seems like the type to fall hard and fall fast. He’s a sweetheart and would be totally all in on his relationships.
2. Jay B
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Jay B is serious about love. I mean, he can be a total goofball but I feel like love and relationships are really important to him. He would work hard to cultivate a relationship built on balance and trust and love.
3. Jackson
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Jackson is serious about love. This might be a surprise to some people but he takes family and relationships super seriously and he dedicates himself wholly to them. He’s a sweetheart but he would be super serious in how he handles relationships.
4. Jinyoung
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Jinyoung is serious about love. I don’t think this comes as a surprise to anyone. He is serious about everything that is important to him. Yeah, he likes to tease and make fun of the members in light hearted manners but he also makes sure to maintain good and healthy relationships.
5. Youngjae
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Youngjae is a hopeless romantic. He’s a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and emotions hit him hard. He would be such a cute and playful partner who would be just an adorable little romantic. He’s full of cuddles and laughter and kisses. He wants nothing more than to be in a loving, committed relationship.
6. BamBam
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BamBam is a hopeless romantic. This as a hard choice for me. Bam could really go either way. I’m going with hopeless romantic because he’s the type to act blasé in relationships but is actually super committed and the type to find one person he loves and sticking with them for the rest of time.
7. Yugyeom
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Yugyeom is a hopeless romantic. No one is surprised. He’s adorable and would fall hard for the right person. He would do his best to be the most loving and committed and boyfriend ever. He’s a total sweetheart and the largest, cutest bean.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please send me any requests you might have!
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mariespen · 4 months
The Love in Pain ☾ ゚ 。⋆
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jj maybank x fem!reader - hurt/comfort ✩°。 summary: the one and only time JJ wasn't there. warnings: mild description of nausea, description of injury, hurt/comfort, mild swearing
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Your legs intertwined with JJ’s as you relaxed onto his body. The two of you sat together at the chateau, half-listening to what Pope and John B were rambling about. You felt JJ’s soft touch absentmindedly drawing shapes into your thigh while your fingers danced across his own. 
“It belonged to one of Denmark Tanny’s close friends, maybe it’ll connect the dots.” Pope said, looking around the room at you, JJ, John B, Kiara, and Sarah.
“It’s far fetched, Pope.” John B replied.
You perked up at the spark of an argument, starting to listen in more to what they were saying. JJ looked at you, confused, until he listened in too and made the same connection that you did.
“It’s not!” Pope protested, opening his mouth to start reasoning again before John B cut him off.
“It’s an old abandoned house, man. There’s been nothing there for years.” He sighed, still feeling let down from their previously failed attempts to find out more about the legendary gold.
You sat up, squirming out of JJ’s hold on you to listen in, hearing Pope slowly convince John B. Your first reaction was the urge to go with them. JJ hasn’t let you go on any of the adventures yet, but you were ready to fight him on it.
“I’ll go.” You announced and JJ immediately sat up after you, looking at you with immediate denial. 
Pope’s eyes shot up and the rest of the pogues looked at you, waiting for JJ to say something. JJ met your eyes, looking at you like he was looking at a crazy person.
“No, we already talked about this.” He said, grabbing your cheeks with his hand and pinching them softly, turning your face to meet his eyes when he sensed that you weren’t listening, “Baby, look at me. Absolutely not.” 
“Jayj-“ you started trying to give him the most innocent look you could muster up.
“No! Completely not okay.” He repeated, letting you go and sitting back on the couch, arms crossed at his chest.
“C’mon dude.. if she wants to go..” John B said, smiling at you.
“Really not helping my case here, man.” JJ said, rolling his eyes and pulling you back down to his chest, holding you close before you sprung back up.
“JJ come on! I’ll stay out of your way I promise!” You protested, looking at him like your life depended on this.
“Absolutely not,” He said, shifting to pick you off of his lap and standing up, “You’re damned if you think I’m bringing my girl into this.” He finished, walking off.
“He’s happy tonight.” Kiara scoffed, crossing her legs and giving you an apologetic smile, “If it helps, he’s the only one who doesn’t want you to go with.” She said, shrugging it off.
But you clung to it, rolling your eyes and laying back down on the couch, feeling lonely without JJ. While they kept talking, you got up, going to find out just how pissed off your boyfriend really was. You found him in the kitchen, a beer in hand while he zoned out at the wall.
“JJ.” You said, making yourself known and trying to stifle a smile when his eyes lit up at your presence.
“Hi, ma.” He said, setting his beer down and starting towards you with a slim smile.
“C’mon, baby.” You said, meeting him in the middle of the kitchen and draping your arms around his shoulders.
He looked at you with doubt in his eyes, his hands finding your hips as he let his head drop to the crook of your neck. The two of you stayed like that for a while, taking in each other's presence. Eventually he pulled away, his body towering over yours as he kissed you gently, savoring the taste of your chapstick.
“It’s dangerous, I won’t let you get hurt.” He said, sticking to his decision on the outside but slowly being worn down by each second.
You knew how to get what you wanted.
“I’ll stay right by your side, yeah? You can protect me, Jay.” You said quietly into his ear, softly tracing his face with your fingers.
He sighed, letting his head fall to your shoulder as he thought about it. You kissed his hair gently and let him hold you for a while until he emerged again, looking at you with a defeated face. You smiled innocently at him, hope rising in your chest.
“You can’t get hurt, you have to stay with me.” He said and you nodded eagerly, kissing him and smiling with excitement.
“Yes, yes of course. I’ll stay right by you. Thank you!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around him again as you felt him ease up at your excitement.
You walked proudly back out to the rest of the group, dragging JJ behind you as he looked at everyone like he just lost the fight of his life. They all looked back at you, mostly out of amazement that you won over JJ (again). You tried to listen for the remainder of the night, trying not to fall asleep in JJ’s arms as John B and Pope attempted to figure out a plan. He kissed the top of your head, squeezing your hand to reassure you, but mostly to reassure himself.
The next morning you were woken up by JJ making every attempt to be quiet. You opened your eyes, seeing him frozen in his last position, trying not to wake you up.
“Sorry, pretty girl.” He mumbled, a little disappointed that his plan to sneak off and leave you in the safety of the house had failed.
“Jayj..” You groaned, getting up and dressed in the clothes Kiara had let you borrow. 
You put them on, a fairly basic outfit with nothing insufferably tight. The shirts and pants were stained with dirt, like most of their clothes were. You got dressed, the fitting purple t-shirt and jean shorts complimenting your body in an odd way. JJ sat at the edge of the bed in his normal sleeveless tee with cargo shorts. He smiled at you as you walked over to him, straddling his lap and kissing him softly.
“So pretty, m’lady.” He said with a joking grin, standing up and spinning you around.
You headed out, meeting up with the rest of the group in The Twinkie. The drive was rocky and JJ kept a death grip on you, checking to make sure you didn’t want to turn back at least every five seconds.
“Dude, she’s fine.” Kiara said, rolling her eyes when he asked you if you ‘were completely sure’ for the 14th time.
“Didn’t know it was a crime to care.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes and looking away, trying his hardest to seem unbothered.
The six of you eventually got to the site of the old and abandoned house. The walls looked like they were rotting off of the structure and the house itself seemed to be at a permanent tilt. “Jesus..” Sarah sighed, letting John B help her out as JJ held your hand tight, following them. Pope and Kiara came out last, surveying the area with the four of you.
“Not looking too promising.” John B said and Pope sighed, shaking his head and walking forward.
The front door was hidden behind thickets of overgrown plants, but once Pope fought through the guarding vines, the door popped open easily. Everyone began to walk in, wielding a flashlight and the occasional knife. JJ pulled you aside before you could even step foot in the house, looking incredibly nervous.
“You have to tell me when you want to go, m’kay? Stay next to me at all times.” You nodded, smiling and kissing his cheek.
“I got it, JJ.”
You walked into the house behind JJ. He held your hand so tightly that you could almost feel yourself losing circulation. You weren’t in any place to complain, though, so you kept walking next to him.
The house was old and it smelled moldy and wet. You could’ve sworn you felt water droplets on your back at least five times. The walls were clearly rotting and you couldn’t look at them without accumulating a feeling of dread. Slowly, you were regretting your decision. That was, until, Pope spoke up.
“I found something!” He yelled from the opposite direction as you and JJ. You started to turn back with excitement before JJ squeezed your hand tighter and pulled you behind him once again. 
JJ led you back through the hallway, obviously a little skeptical as to how Pope’s plan was going to play out.
“Hey uh.. Pope, buddy.. what the fuck is this place?” JJ asked as the two of you stumbled across a dark hole with steep stairs leading down to another floor. Pope’s voice echoed from below, along with a few comments from John B and Sarah. 
“Come on, man. Be brave for your girl.” John B teased and JJ scrunched his face in frustration.
“Whatever, dude.” JJ said, starting down the steep steps first, helping you down every chance that he could. 
The basement smelled even worse than the first story. You nearly puked the moment that the scent of something rotten hit your nose. It took you aback and you stumbled a bit before JJ caught you, keeping you up with one of his big hands on the small of your back.
“JJ.. I need to sit down.” You said, the nausea returning as you inhaled again. 
You found a pile of old hay bales in the corner of the room, not far from where Pope and Kiara were trying to figure out the map, and took a seat. JJ started to sit down next to you, but Pope called him over for his flashlight. JJ got up, looking back at you quickly before going to Pope with hesitant steps. 
The hay bales didn’t make your sickness any better, and you held your head in your hands, regretting this already. After a bit of listening to them talk, you could’ve sworn that the floor was sinking. Hoping it was simply your stomach getting to your head, you decided to brush it off. However, the sinking feeling persisted and eventually you felt significantly lower than before. You went to move off of the hay bales and to ask JJ to take you back to the van, but you heard a deep crack below you.
The sinking feeling became all too real as you felt yourself plummeting down, the hay bales dropping much faster and leaving you free-falling. You felt minute after minute pass as you fell, your sense of time crumbling with the rise of your fear. In all reality, the fall lasted just around 5 seconds. Your ears rang as you crashed against the broken pounds of hay and hard concrete floor, your head pounding as you laid back, unable to move as hay scattered your body.
You didn’t hear JJ yelling your name or the creaking of the old ladder that John B set up to try and save you. Eventually, you didn’t see the light of your own flashlight anymore or the hay beyond you. Your fingertips started to go numb and you felt frigid with cold until you eventually saw black.
On the surface, JJ watched as you fell with utter horror. He ran to you as the floor gave out, watching you plummet down into an old secret storage room. He yelled and screamed for you, deciding to try and jump down but immediately being stopped by a very panicked John B, eventually getting a ladder and rushing down it. His tears spilled over your body as you flicked in and out of consciousness. He tried to keep himself together, attempting to talk you through it.
“C’mon pretty girl.. let’s get you safe and sound, yeah?” He whispered, wiping his own tears as John B and Pope helped him lift you from the spot you fell at.
You didn’t fully come to yourself until you felt JJ’s arms holding you to his chest like a child as he panicked and brought you back to the Twinkie. 
“Jayj?” You whispered, holding your face in your hands as he sat you on one of the seats, scrambling for anything that could resemble a first aid kit.
“Shh.. shh baby. M’here, JJ’s gonna keep you safe.” He rambled, trying not to look at your injuries. 
“Baby..” You said, voice breaking as the pain hit you.
He looked at you after grabbing a half empty bottle of a wound disinfectant, a slightly stained cloth, and a few bandages. You became more afraid when his gaze lingered on your face as his eyes welled with tears and he winced from simply seeing you in such pain.
“It’s okay, princess. S’okay.” He mumbled, trying to keep his hand still as he poured water on the cloth and padded away some blood from the smaller scratches.
“It hurts, JJ!” You cried out, tears burning the cuts on your face.
“I know princess, I know.” JJ replied, looking up at you and carefully picking you up to set you on the floor of the van instead, becoming level with you, “I got you.” He whispered into you before setting you in his lap.
His cautious touches lingered on your sensitive skin as you relaxed into him, trying to distract yourself from the pain of your own tears. You could feel his short breaths and soft sniffs from above you.
“Scared me, pretty lady. Scared me so bad.” He admitted, holding you a little tighter, grasping onto your scarred body like he wouldn’t ever be able to hold it again.
“S’okay..” You whispered to him, kissing the side of his head.
He gave you a sad smile before letting you relax into the base of a seat, cleaning and bandaging the injuries that he could.
“I love you, JJ” You said, holding his hand for comfort.
“I love you too, princess.” He said, kissing your cheek and brushing hair out of your face.
After a little bit, the rest of the group emerged from the house with boxes of papers and other things with the same moldy smell. JJ held your mouth and nose in his hand as your headache came back during the drive. When you finally got back to the chateau, JJ brought you inside and seeked out help.
He left a kiss on your forehead before whispering sweet nothings into you and promising to always keep you safe. You believed him, holding his shaking hands to your body, trying to let his love heal you.
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