#jealous hermione
damsel-in-mistress · 2 years
NEW FIC: Education is Key
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Jealousy, Post-Hogwarts, Post-Canon, Post-War, Flirty!Draco, book!Ginny, Teacher!Hermione, Good Draco Malfoy, Bathroom Sex, Inspired by Sons of Anarchy, Quidditch team manager Draco Malfoy, Quidditch Fundraiser, Jealous Hermione Granger Summary: No, Hermione Granger is certainly NOT the catfighting kind. Least of all now that she's nearing 30. But some people just bring out the worst in her and isn't it great to have friends like Ginny who then remind her that sometimes, you just have to educate. . . .
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ellemisc · 2 months
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before a game
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
the fact that a lot of drarry shippers can treat astoria better and more respectfully than most dramione shippers is crazyyyy
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allofthelights11 · 9 months
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GORGEOUS art created especially for Out of Time by the immeasurably talented Talita Asami!
Out of Time is a 6th/7th year Horcrux hunt rewrite. It's a WIP updating 2x a week.
It's the third in a series, but is the primary work. The prequel works explore Hermione propositioning him to lose her virginity and their subsequent inability to keep their hands off each other. Lots of fun, but not necessary for plot.
Hermione knew when the war comes, she should have certain boxes checked in advance. She didn't expect to fall for the person she propositioned, someone who only earned the role because he was (a) fit and (b) not a friendship she'd be risking with a good shag. Now they're hiding it from Harry, Ron, and everyone else, while Draco balances his growing obsession with Hermione alongside his mission deadline to allow a Death Eater breach of the castle. Featuring possessive and dangerous Draco, BAMF Hermione, jealous Ron, good friend Ginny, double/triple/quadruple agent Snape, good Slytherins (Theo, Pansy, and Blaise) and very, very bad ones, and a little T.S. Eliot. Still to come: castle invasion, locket retrieval, ill-fated camping, snake encounters, and Horcrux hunting - complete with all the toxic infestation and mental poisoning the Horcruxes bring along for the ride.
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landos-meat-rider · 11 months
mastermind, part eight
two updates in 24 hours omg...
kinda shitty idk i dont rlly like this one but dw guys the next few will be better😍🙏💯
anyways enjoy this one and lmk what you think munchkins<33
warnings: barley any angst, swearing
theodore nott masterlist
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I turn my head to look at the digital clock on my bedside. The red numbers reading 11:55.
Thoughts frenzy in my mind.
Should I go?
Is it a trap?
Will it put the others at risk?
My mind debates with itself for a few more minutes, dodging back and forth as my heart battles with the conscience in my mind.
Fuck it.
I throw the duvet off of myself, slipping into my coat and shoes before apparating to Spinners’ End.
Nervousness chews at me as I walk up the hill to the lone tree on top. I see a tall figure in the moonlight, leaning on the tree smoking a cigarette.
Anxiety and hurt flow though me, chilling me to the bone alongside the cold weather.
I take a deep breath, rubbing my hands together in a weak attempt to warm them up and walk to the figure. The light from the cigarette illuminating his sharp features as he raises it to his mouth.
“Hey.” I say simply, causing him to turn around in alarm. He drops the cigarette and breathes heavily, staring at me with an ache in his eyes.
“Hey,” he whispers out breathily, his eyes fixed on mine.
I take a long look at him, noticing the circles around his eyes suggesting he hasn’t been sleeping well, and the sunken look of his cheekbones and neck revealing he hasn’t been eating routinely either.
“I…” He starts off quietly and clears his throat, not taking his eyes off me once, “Are you alright?”
I scoff and release a humourless laugh, “As if you fucking care Nott.”
He visibly flinches at the name. Hurt flashes though his eyes as he looks down in shame.
I sigh, looking down at my shoes and up at him again, “What do you want Nott? Why this secret meeting?”
“I needed to see you,” He responds plainly and adds on after seeing my pointed look, “And I need your help.”
“With what?” “I need to get out if that house, of that group, of that.” He says, frustrated, “I never wanted any of this but now I need your help getting out of it. I know I hurt you darling, and trust me I’ll never forgive myself for it but please, you’re the only one who can help me.”
I look up to the sky, debating his words. I won’t forgive him, I can’t but I can’t deny him of help either.         I look up to see his blue eyes trained on me.
I sigh and answer, “I will help you. Not because I’m forgiving you Nott, I won’t forgive you. I can’t do that, you’ve hurt me too much. But I’m not going to depreive you of a better future either.”
Relief floods his body and it’s visible in the sigh he lets out and the big smile that appears on his face.
“I’ll need to tell Sirius and the others.”
“Oh no don’t worry, Draco’s already spoken to Sirius.”
I raise my eyebrows at his bravery. I decide to let it go becuase I’m cold and tired and tell him to follow me home.
“Come on then.” I grumble.
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The preparations for the wedding are in full swing now, with Bill and Fleur arriving later today. The wedding was planned to be in a few months but with the upcoming war and constant fear from all around us, we’ve decided to do it as soon as possible.
“Alright, everyone ready?” Mr Weasley shouts from his place at the foot of the tent, “Wands at the ready, and up!”
We all raise our wands and help Mr Weasley raise the tent for the wedding. It’s beautiful, pale white with lavender embellishments. And its huge inside, big enough to fit all our guests and then some.
I head up the stairs to help Hermione and Ginny get Fleur ready.
“Oh you look absolutely dazzling Fleur!” I squeal along with the giggling girls as Fleur comes out in her wedding dress.
“Just wait till Bill sees you, we'll need to get Madam Pomfrey!” Ginny adds.
“Merci les filles!” Fleur thanks as Hermione finishes her hair with a big smile.
Theres a knock on the door and I open it to reveal Mrs Weasley, “Oh Fleur darling you look beautiful! Girls what are you doing?! Go get ready, hurry up now the guests will be arriving any minute now!” Mrs Weasley pushes, Hermione, Ginny and I out the room to get ready.
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I’ve been avoiding Theodore all day today, at breakfast when he tried to sit next to me I shoved Harry down immediately to take up the seat. I avoided any eye contact he tried to make and ignored the numerous conversations people were having with him, everyones already loving him, especially Mrs Weasley, Sirius and Remus. Even Ron’s taken a liking to him. A Slytherin and Ron getting along? Unheard of.
I slip into my bridesmaid dress and call out for Hermione or Ginny to zip up my dress. Theres no response which concludes me to go looking around the house awkwardly, searching for someone to help me. My attention is drawn to outside, where almost everyone is setting up the last few flower bouquets and decorations. I walk into the kitchen to hopefully find Ron avoiding doing any jobs but am met with another figure.
I clear my throat to tear Theodore’s attention from the tea he was making from everyone, making him snap his head up. I see him looking at me up and down and I turn around before he has a chance to charm me with his eyes again.
“Zip me up will you?” I say, pulling my hair to the side to expose my back.
I hear Theodore’s footsteps come close to me and feel his cold fingers on the small of my back, taking hold of the zip and starting to pull up slowly.
I can feel his breath on my neck as he leans in and I can feel the heat from his body on my back, contrasting with the cold of his hands.
He reaches the top of the dress and before I can feel the brush of his soft lips on my neck, I walk away muttering a soft, “Thanks.”
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The wedding is going  beautifully with the odd mishap here and there but its nothing Mrs Weasley can’t fix in the flick of her wand. Hermione, Ginny and I walk up the aisle, waiting for Fleur alongside Bill and his best men. We walk up slowly and in order and I catch Theodore’s eye as I reach the aisle. Something flashes in his eyes as he stares up at me from his place in the back of the room but my attention is diverted when everyone in front of him stands up, hiding him from my vision. Fleur walks up the aisle gracefully in her stunning white dress. Hermione starts to cry and I give her a handkerchief I had brought for this very situation. I can’t control my smile as Bill and Fleur take vows and first dance.
The whole wedding seems magical and is in full swing by now. People are chatting, drinking, swapping war stories or either making out in a dark corner. I excuse myself from a conversation by a dull man, something about the history of transfiguration and its impact on society, and go to the bar to get a drink.
“Firewhiskey please.” I say to the bartender, he doesn’t bother to look up at me as he passes me a glass.
“Hello.” A strong French accent catches me by surprise and I look to my left to find the voice.
A handsome young man, brunette with blue eyes and sharp features stares down at me from his height with a dimpled smile. I smile back and reply, “Hello.”
“I apologise Miss, but I feel as though we have met before? At the Triwizard Tournament a few years back?”
“Ah yes! You’re Thomas, aren't you?” My memory jogs back up to me as I take a sip of the whiskey in my hand as Thomas nods and says,
“Oui, my apologies, yes, I am Thomas. Y/n right?” he speaks in his deep voice, his accent already taking me in a trance the second he said my name.
“Yes that’s right. How’ve you been Thomas?” I reply, trying to flirt with him.
Thomas and I had gone out a few times in fourth year, he’d taken me to my first Yule Ball and we had shared a kiss under the mistletoe, but in all the frenzy of Voldemort coming back and Cedric Diggory dying, we’d lost contact of one another.
“I am very well thank you, how about you? Still so bad at dancing?” He jokes, remarking the moment at the Yule Ball when I had slightly tripped over myself in the middle of our dance.
I laugh and respond, “Why don’t we find out?”
He raises a brow at me and smirks, holding his hand out to me. I down the drink in my hand, placing the empty glass on the counter top and take his hand, smirking as he leads us to the dance floor.
We dance well, joking around and coming closer and closer each second until my eyes catch anothers on the other side of the room.
Theodore’s blue eyes burn holes though me as he doesnt look away. Not once though the many dances and talks Thomas and I share. Thomas excuses himself to leave for the restroom when Theodore makes him trip up and spill his glass of wine on himself and I gladly let him go, planning to talk to Theodore about his problem instead.
I walk over to him and see him drinking a glass of firewhiskey, leaning on one of the pillars, looking handsome as ever in his black and white robes and neat hair.
“What’s your issue?!” I shout roughly at him, seeing the shadow of a hidden smirk on his pink lips.
He sips his drink and replies plainly, “I don’t have an issue.”
“Oh come off it Nott. What are you playing at?” “I already told you, I dont have a problem. Go dance with Mr. Baguette again.”
I give him a disgusted look and shake my head before he pulls me behind the curtain with him by my arm, bringing me impossible close to him.
“What are you doing Theodore?” I whisper, the proximity of our bodies making my face flush and breath get shorter.
His dark eyes dart between my lips and eyes and I begin to realise the situation at hand. “Are you jealous Nott?” I say with a smirk, bringing my hands slowly up his bicep and seeing his eyes dart faster and breath get heavier.
“Of course I’m not. What do I have to be jealous of?” he replies, his hands going to the back of my neck, up to my hair and the other tightening its grip on the small of my back.
“You tell me.”
“Who were you dancing with? What’s his name” Theodore whispers.
A laugh escapes from Theodore as he leans his head back, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I’m sorry, what’s so funny?” He gives me a look as to say, seriously?
“Darling…you can’t be that blind.”
I give him another confused look to which he replies, “He’s exactly like me.”
I push him off of me at that and rip the curtain away, now back in the dark corner in which Theodore follows.
“No think about it,” He carries on, “He’s got blue eyes and brown hair, he’s almost as tall as me, european too except I’m not a fucking frenchie. And he’s had his eyes on you this whole time. If you ask me darling I think you’re the one here who’s jealous.”
“What? Of course I’m not.” I say in absurdity.
“So you’d be fine if I made out with that girl over there.” He points to a veela across the room, making my hands form into fists and anger rise up in my chest.
“Yes. I would.” I grit out between my teeth, seeing his satisfied smirk only makes me angrier, “You know, I don’t get it. You leave me alone without any real communication for months, and then Draco shows up with some stupid note of yours and you ask for my help and you expect me to just be fine with everything. Like oh no Theo, you shattered my heart and broke my trust but don’t worry it’s all good, lets go have a picnic at the beach?” I finish my rant sarcastically, looking at Theodore to find the smugness wiped clear off his face, replaces by a cold hard expression.
“You know, I tried to make things fine between us, I did send you letters when I could and you know why I had to leave. I’ve already told you that I’m sorry for leaving, and I am, but if you want to keep being like this then fine. I will too.” he replies back coldly.
We stare at each other with fire behind our eyes, filled with frustration from the person in front of us and I’m about to make a snide remark until my voice is cut off by Kingsley Shacklebolt’s voice, the patronus silencing any other conversations and stealing everyones attention.
“The ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic, is dead. They are coming. They are coming. They are coming.”
The patronus dies out, causing eveyrone to run and apparate left and right in fear.
Everything after the announcement is a blur. My breath gets heavier as I stay there, stunned. I’m broken out of my trance as I see Harry, Hermione and Ron try running towards one another. A hand grabs mine and I look up to find Theodore leading me towards the three, we’re all being pushed by Remus whos yelling at us to, “GO! GO!”. All of us have got our wands out by now and are summoning our patronus’ to fight back at the dementors taking swings at us until Hermione apparates us to a busy road.
We all yelp and run out of the way of a honking London bus, trying to comprehend the last sixty seconds as we breath heavily.
Theodore’s hand has a strong grip on mine as we all walk to the footpath, trying to find somehwere to change per Hermione’s demand. The busy city rages on, the bright billboards showing ads and people walking quickly here and there. We get many odd looks plus a few wolf whistles from a couple of drunk men on the street, to which Harry, Ron and Theodore stop, reaching for their wands or fists until Hermione and I remind them what’s more important.
“Where are we Hermione?” Ron asks, almost getting trampled on by a group of tourists. “Shaftsbury Avenue. I use to come to the theatre  here with mum and dad.” Hermione replies, “I don’t know why I thought of it, it just popped into my head.”
We walk into a dark, empty ally and Hermione reaches into her small bag, it engulfs her entire arm as she pulls out ordinary clothes for each of us.
“How the ruddy…” Ron starts, as we all change into our clothes. “Undetectable extension charm.”
“Bloody brilliant you are.” Ron compliments Hermione, making Harry and I smirk as we change our shoes.
“Always the tone of surprise.”
“Come on,” Theodore says, walking up the ally a bit after we’ve all changed, “Let’s go here for a while. We can figure out what to do next.”
We all follow him to a depressive cafe. Blue lights everywhere and its mainly empty, spare the moody waitress.
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part eight done!! like i said, lowkey shitty but done whatsoever
lmk what you think and feel free to give me requests<33
@timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere @ama1a2 @kezibear 
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kahtzenjammer · 2 years
I really want to re-write Harry Potter but Harry is put in Slytherin and I’ll take out all the racism, fix the slavery issues and of course fix the poor world building. Don’t forget finally giving Draco the redemption he deserves
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harmonyandco · 2 years
All of their friends knew that Harry was the person Hermione called to interrupt bad dates. He'd show up with some last minute disaster or something she'd need to sign for work, etc. So when Ron and Hermione were trying to get back together again and Harry showed up during appetizers, Ron immediately thought she summoned Harry to get her out of things. (Harry would swear that he didn't make up a work emergency to sabotage their date. He'd be lying, but you'd never be able to prove it.)
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so-scarlett-maroon · 8 months
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Read it Here
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meltsoul · 9 months
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serenescripts · 6 months
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Just something that had to be said.
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fanfictionroxs · 7 months
Harry was to Hermione what Sev could never be to Lily. The half-blood who stood like a rock against the discrimination she faced.
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lunnettewrites · 2 years
“my friends think we’re dating”
Draco’s drawn to the sound of her melodic laugh the same way moths are drawn to a flame. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone.
So when he heard her laugh as he walking past the break room, naturally he wanted to be near.
He saw red. And no, not Gryffindor red. Not the red flush that would adorn her cheeks when he’d flir-talk to her.
No. He was absolutely seething.
How DARE he put his arm around her like that.
Since when were they that close?
Why is she leaning on him like THAT? This is a workplace environment for Merlin’s sake!
Draco couldn’t stop his thoughts from running. Nor could he stop his feet from moving as he got closer to Granger and Theo.
“You know, my friends think we’re dating.” Theo’s free hand took hers as he was smirking down at her.
The nerve! Draco internally scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
She responded to Theo’s declaration by swatting his hand away. But she still didn’t deny it.
Why wasn’t she denying it? Were they actually dating? She didn’t deny it?
“Don’t you think so Draco?” Theo’s smirk was directed at him.
“Huh?” He must’ve zoned out, missing his question.
“Don’t you think we make a cute couple?” Theo pulled Granger closer to him.
Abso-fucking-lutely NOT! He wanted to shout.
But instead, through gritted teeth he said, “sure.” Before abruptly turning around to wallow in his office alone.
As his hand reached his door handle, a small dainty hand stopped him.
“Malfoy, you know Theo’s gay right?”
He finally turned to look at the owner of said small dainty hand. “What?”
Granger rolled her eyes and said, “he’s been dating Evan from the Portkey Office.”
Draco wracked his brain for signs that his best friend’s gay.
Images of Theo ogling at his chest every time he’s had to change his shirt around him comes to mind. In hindsight, Draco only did that when he thought Granger was looking.
Then there were the times Theo would wink and say, “goodbye beautiful” whenever he and Granger walked out of their bi-weekly Friday meetings.
He groaned remembering how 3 years ago, Theo drunkenly confessed he was into wizards not witches while out at their monthly inter-departmental social. To be fair, Granger had just walked them wearing his favorite satin skirt, the one that hugged her arse just right. Merlin bless muggles and their affinity to tight clothing!
Shaking his head from thoughts of Granger’s arse and her tight skirts, he cleared his throat. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. I’m not dating Theo.” She enunciated slowly while nodding her head as if speaking to a child.
“That’s great!” Draco couldn’t stop the smile forming on his face as he drank in her words.
“Okay, now that, that’s settled. Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? Say Friday at 8pm?” Gods he loves the way this witch just takes initiative.
“Yes of course, I’ll pick you up then!” He knew that he probably sported some lovesick smile on his face. But he couldn’t care less. After all, he had a date with THE Hermione Granger!
Down the corridor, Theo can be heard yelling, “I expect to be the flower man at your wedding!”
- originally posted on twitter
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
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coming out as an official HATER of this video
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allofthelights11 · 9 months
The latest piece of art created especially for Out of Time!
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GORGEOUS art created especially for Out of Time by the immeasurably talented Talita Asami!
Out of Time is a 6th/7th year Horcrux hunt rewrite. It's a WIP updating 2x a week.
It's the third in a series, but is the primary work. The prequel works explore Hermione propositioning him to lose her virginity and their subsequent inability to keep their hands off each other. Lots of fun, but not necessary for plot.
Hermione knew when the war comes, she should have certain boxes checked in advance. She didn't expect to fall for the person she propositioned, someone who only earned the role because he was (a) fit and (b) not a friendship she'd be risking with a good shag. Now they're hiding it from Harry, Ron, and everyone else, while Draco balances his growing obsession with Hermione alongside his mission deadline to allow a Death Eater breach of the castle. Featuring possessive and dangerous Draco, BAMF Hermione, jealous Ron, good friend Ginny, double/triple/quadruple agent Snape, good Slytherins (Theo, Pansy, and Blaise) and very, very bad ones, and a little T.S. Eliot. Still to come: ill-fated camping, snake encounters, and Horcrux hunting - complete with all the toxic infestation and mental poisoning the Horcruxes bring along for the ride.
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landos-meat-rider · 9 months
mastermind, part ten
(guys i just realised i’ve had this thing marinating in my drafts for like a day i swear i posted it omg i’m so sorry anyways💀💀💀)
i go back to school on monday im literally gonna cry i cant do this any more like💀💀
anyways i just kind of wanted to say that bc its literally depressing me now but heres part ten of mastermind😍🙌🙌
i hope you guys enjoy it and i kinda hate the ending but i have too man things ti revise for in school so…
anyways love you guys😘😘😘
warnings: kinda gruesome in the beginning (like a tiny bit) and hurt/comfort but i think thats it!!
theodore nott masterlist
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His hands are frantic inside the sheets, trying to find your body. The damp hair falling into his eyes makes it difficult to see and his labored breathing isn’t helping either.
He sits up after feeling the cold side of the bed and shoves his hair back. His nightmares have only gotten worse the closer to Voldemort you get, memories from his father, leaving you, from the manor and fears of losing you plagued his mind every day. You were normally the only one to drag him from this kind of torture, keeping him close to your chest and speaking soothing phrases into his hair as your fingertips traced their own tattoos on his skin. But ever since he left that night he hasn’t felt that warmth and any progress you two had made in helping him get better was quickly washed away. Sometimes he’d be so distracted from the horrors he’d still think you were there; however even when his eyes adjust to the moonlit room you’re still nowhere to be seen, the spot on the bed empty and cold.
He throws off the blankets and grabs his wand on the desk next to the bed, frantic. He shakes the thoughts from his head. This was exactly like his nightmare, he’d awoken to discover you missing from his bed, only to find your bloody body laying on another bed.
He doesn’t even bother calling for help, his focus is on finding you, and quick.
The tent is eerily quiet tonight…or was it early morning? He couldn’t tell. He has a death grip on his wand, clenching so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He goes down the stairs, the cool air of the house causing the hair on his neck to stand and his fear grow. He tries to calm down, assume with a clean mind how and where to find you, but the nightmare was too vibrant, everytime he’d closed his eyes to try to take a chilled breath all he noticed turned into your lifeless eyes.
He can hear the crackling of the fire in the living room when he reaches the lowest of the steps, the warm light drawing him closer.
He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding while he sees you curled up on the massive sofa under a warm blanket with a book in your hands. You look up on the sound, alarmed, but your eyes quickly soften once they see Theo.
He watches your eyes go from adoring to confused when you notice the wand in his hand, pointing straight at you. 
Something’s wrong. You can immediately tell by his stance, rigid and stiff, not like he always is when hes just woken up, all soft and cuddly. His hair is a mess and from where you’re sitting across the room you can see his chest heaving.
“Theo?” your stomach drops. What’s going on? Was someone hurt? You quickly throw the blanket off, ready to rush over to him when his shoulders drop with relief. He tosses the wand to the armchair next to him as he stalks forward quickly.
You walk toward him as he comes in contact with you, holding you tightly, engulfing you into him as he kisses the top of your head and buries his head in your neck. You can feel his heart racing a million miles an hour as he breathes in deep, trying to calm down before his breathing got worse.
You tuck him into yourself, dropping the book you were reading to the floor beside you as your hand immediately finds his back, beginning your path, soothing circles into the firm muscle, the other carding through his wet and tangled hair. He pulls away for a second, eyes erratically scanning over you like they’re checking for wounds. And maybe they are, maybe he just needs to know that you are unharmed and in one piece, unlike whatever he had witnessed in his sleep.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You murmur when his heart rate has slowed down. His grip on you is still tight, clinging to you. If there was something wrong with Harry, Hermione or Ron or an attack on your tent he would’ve said already. You hadn’t completely forgiven Theo for that night but your heart still pangs with guilt for not being there for him when he tore himself from the nightmare, that while he was in pain, you were sitting here reading comfortably.
He shakes his head. Maybe not now, but tomorrow, when it’s not as fresh he’ll let you know what transpired in his terror, what shook him to his very core.
“It burns,” he says, pointing to his mark. You move your hands from their place on his back and trace the skin around the mark, providing relief that courses through his body.
For now though, on the comfortable sofa in the sitting room, he nestled closer to you, letting your hands soothe him back into a peaceful slumber.
For the first time in months, Theodore Nott had finally found comfort being back in your arms.
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The next day, Hermione and Ron had made milkshakes, chocolate and strawberry. They had also made a massive mess in the kitchen with their incessant arguments.
These were the only times you’d get to enjoy some times with your friends, you’d discover.
You sat on the kitchen counter next to Theo as he made burgers and fries for the two of you, the other three had left after finishing their milkshakes to talk to Mr. Lovegood.
“No add extra cheese on mine, it’ll taste good.” You added from your place up high, sipping the shake as Theo nods and says,
“Yes ma’am,”
Before walking over to the fridge to get extra cheese slices out to put in your burger.
“Do you think things would’ve been different if we hadn’t had this whole war?” You speak up, inturrepting the music in the background.
“In what sense?” Theo asks, plating the food.
“Like…do you think we would’ve still like…” you stall trying to find the polite words as Theo raises his eyebrows, looking confused.
“Hooked up, there I said it.” You say rolling your eyes at his laughter over your choice of words.
“Oh my gosh baby,” He says between laughs as you eventually join in, “Yes! Of course we would’ve. What, do you think it took a war for me to come back to you? I would’ve come anyway, there’s no way I’m letting you go like that. Wouldn’t have left anyways. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you but you’re it for me Y/n. You’re it.”
His watercolour eyes stare deeply into yours as he comes closer, the food and laughter long forgotten as you engulf him in a hug as he apologies again for leaving. His apologies are unending, as are your kisses on his neck in final acceptance.
After what feels like hours, you two finally break away from the hold as Theo brings the plates to the living room where you’ve already set up a movie and picked a place on the sofa.
You both lay next on opposite sides of the sofa, watching the movie as you eat, legs tangled together in comfort as you warm up your body with his.
“Can I have a taste of your burger?” You ask after a few minutes.
He nods and leans over and helps you take a bite of his food, he watches as your eyes light up and you smile at him sheepishly. He rolls his eyes with a grin before trading your plate with his.
“Thanks Teddy, yours tastes a million times better!” You give him a kiss on the cheek as he trades the plates and return to your movie, completely missing the adoration in Theo’s eyes at the nickname.
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It’s a few hours after and you are now comfortably napping in Theo’s arms as the movie plays in the background.
Harry, Hermione and Ron had returned ages ago but thought it’d be best to give you two some time alone.
As always, your comfort is cut short when you hear Hermione’s shrill scream, awaking you with a jolt, doing the same to Theo as he instinctively tightens his grip around you.
“What’s going on?” He asks as Ron runs in, the two of you quickly standing and grabbing your wands, “They’re back. The Snatchers are back, run!” Ron shouts as the three of you run out to help Hermione.
But she’s long gone. As is Harry.
“Ron! Theo!” You shout in panic, turning to your left to find Ron gone as well, only deepening your fear.
You shoot spells at the Snatchers until you hear, “Crucio!” from your right.
Everything’s moving too quickly and you barley have any time to react before something, or rather someone pushes you to the ground.
As you get up off the autumn leaves, wand ready to shoot at anyone in sight you see all the Snatchers disapparating. You shift your eyes down to the ground to see who had saved you from the unforgivable curse.
A sharp gasp escapes your lips as you quickly stumble to his place on the grounds, shaking and thrashing around in pain, trying to console it best he could as he claws his mark in agony and soft, painful whimpers escape his pink lips.
“No no no no no, Theo what have you done?” You whisper, straddling him and holding his face in your hands to try lessen the pain as tears escape your eyes.
“Shh, it's okay, it's okay Theo, they’re gone now, you’ll be fine.” You try comfort him, bringing his head into your chest, remembering that providing comfort is the only way to ease the cruciatus curse.
His breathing calms down after a while as you try and shield him from the cold air fluttering around you as you both cry into each others arms. Theo pulls away, staring into your eyes with his ever-captivating ones and says determinedly, “I’m not losing you. Not like this, not now, not ever. Never again, you hear me? I’ve already lost you once and I’ll be damned if I ever let you get hurt or lose you again. God baby, I just got you back I can’t let go of you now.”
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part ten done! lmk what you think and maybe repost if you want to it really helps🤡🫶🏽🫶🏽
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere @ama1a2 @kezibear @randomgurl2326
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sweetcatteahp · 1 year
Hermione teaching Harry to drive would go something like this:
Hermione: So pretend you're driving right now, and Malfoy and Parkinson walk onto the road. Think quickly! What do you hit?
Harry: Oh easy, the cow Parkinson, I could never hurt Draco, you know that Hermione.
Hermione: *pinching her nose bridge and sighing* The breaks Harry, the brakes, you hit the brakes. Oh my goodness, I didn't think it would be this hard to teach you this.. but to be fair I suppose I should have been more specific with you..
(this is not og, inspired by another post)
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