#jean-victor moreau
empirearchives · 9 months
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Moreau’s letter to his wife before he died. 1813.
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josefavomjaaga · 2 years
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@usergreenpixel asked me to spill the tea on Ida Saint-Elme. But frankly, I can’t, as I have mostly ignored these memoirs, like most historians seem to have done, assuming they were completely unreliable and totally made up. I only came across them again when I was looking for something on Grouchy. Whom Ida claims to have known in 1795/6 in the Netherlands (where he allowed her to save two émigrés, with a »smile« from Ida as a recompensation).
Of course, my utter lack of knowledge will not keep me from making an extra long entry about her. 😁
I now see that there actually has been a new edition of Ida’s memoirs a couple of years ago, the editor being well-known French historian Jacques Jourquin. His preface can be read through Amazon, and he estimates that Ida’s memoirs are no more or less reliable than those by Laure Junot, Constant or Mlle Avrillon; as a matter of fact, those were originally published by the same publisher. While there is lots of stuff that Ida (or rather Elselina, as that is her real name) made up about her family and her background, probably to make herself look more interesting and to protect her real relatives, the two main points are undeniably true: Elselina was the quasi-spouse of general Moreau for several years (confirmed by plenty of sources), and she later followed Marshal Ney around from the camp of Boulogne into several campaigns, often dressed as a soldier (confirmed in the memoirs of Ney’s ADCs). She also occasionally worked as a spy and informant to Fouché’s police.
At some point, when I finally have more time, I’ll surely have to get this new edition and read Ida’s memoirs. She seems like a very interesting personality. And from the little that I have seen on Gallica, her memoirs actually seem more enjoyable than the stilted writing style of our beloved Duchess of Abrantes.
But mostly, as I still have problems coming to terms with one Michel Ney, who better to convince me that he was an amiable person than his biggest fan? And that Ida surely was. She seems to have been obsessed with him even before she got together with Moreau, after only hearing about Ney’s exploits, and she claims to have asked colonel Meynier to talk to Ney about her before they ever met. Which apparently did not have the desired effect in the beginning:
Moreover, Ney knew in advance the feelings he had long inspired in me, and nothing was perhaps less likely to sway him in my favour than the irresistible drive which carried me towards him without reflection.
Meynier: Hey, Ney, many heartfelt greetings from some married Dutch chick who has never met you but is totally crazy about you!
Ney: … (runs and hides)
Ida (or rather still Elselina at this point) a short time after the event with Grouchy met Moreau for the first time, whom in the beginning she found way too reasonable and boring, compared to Ney. She actually makes a comparison between her two main lovers immediately before the snippet quoted above:
My affair with Ney bore no resemblance to that which linked me to Moreau. When the latter met me for the first time, my conduct still made me worthy of public esteem [...]. I saw in him my protector rather than my lover: he had never hidden from me his intention of one day restoring to me the rank which belonged to me in the world, and my rights to that public esteem which I had so foolishly sacrificed.
The character of Ney was as fiery as that of Moreau was calm and reflective; but apart from this contrast, between two such remarkable men, I was far from being able to inspire the same interest, when circumstances finally brought me closer to this Ney whom I had known, so to speak, only by his fame. Deprived not only of my claims to consideration, and placed by opinion in the class of women who have only their beauty for all merit and fortune, I still had to struggle in his mind against many malicious insinuations, of which I had, without knowing it, been the object. [...] Moreau would have liked to make me an accomplished woman; he encouraged me to seek the superiority which beauty and the advantages of the spirit give in the world.
Ney, whose tastes and personal habits were far removed from Moreau's gravity, encouraged me to disdain the graces of my sex, and even to seek at times the perils and glory of the stronger sex.
In other words, while Moreau still may have had plans to at one point marry Elselina, for Ney she was one of his occasional affairs, and in addition to that, a sister-in-arms and a prefered drinking buddy. Which probably suited Ida much better.
According to her memoirs, Ida-Elselina only ever had met Ney once (in Moreau’s company) when she wrote him her first passionate love letter:
I must obey my heart; I am therefore not looking for vain excuses. I do not know the art of disguising my feelings: besides, there is something in the depths of my soul which tells me that if my action offends the decorum of the ordinary man, it will perhaps please the noble frankness of your character. Only once did my eyes see you, and your image was engraved in my heart. United with you in thought, I have shuddered at all your perils, rejoiced in all your triumphs, and applauded enthusiastically at the recital of your beautiful deeds. My lot is brilliant; some women find it worthy of envy: I would gladly renounce all this glory, for the right to associate myself with your dangers. Esteem and gratitude unite me with General Moreau. To confess this to you in a letter such as this one, is it not to run the risk of making me contemptible in your eyes? But I cannot fight the irresistible urge of my heart. In confessing to you the feeling that troubles my repose, I have no other thought than to inform you that there is a woman far from you to whom your glory is no less dear than to yourself.
She totally is the type to stand under Ney’s window wearing a »Michel, I want to have your baby!« t-shirt.
Of course, like any good novel heroine, she then – according to herself - got her letters confused and accidentally sent this ardent love letter to – Moreau, instead to Ney. Who apparently didn’t have much trouble to figure out who the real recipient should have been. This then led to a rather painful interview between the couple:
"Elzelina, how has Ney deserved this excessive delirium that has made you forget a woman's dignity?" "Nothing. He hardly knows me; and perhaps he will never love me." "Listen to me," resumed Moreau, "this is the last time I shall touch this subject. Ney will not make you happy. I know him, I admire him; but in his brilliant qualities, in that lofty but ambitious soul, there is no happiness for a woman; for the burning caprice she may expect from him is not the lasting love she should inspire." "Great heavens! What are you telling me! Do you not deceive me."
No bad-mouthing my (not so) secret sweetheart, Moreau!
And at that point, Moreau apparently decided that it was better to let Elselina go, and they broke up. This must have happened before Moreau’s marriage, most likely in 1799. I’ve not yet found the point when Ida finally gets together with Ney.
That’s all the tea I have to spill on Ida right now 😊. All quotes above are from Volume 2 of “Souvenirs d’une contemporaine”, available online at Gallica.
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Desaix / ドゼー and Clive / クレーベ
Desaix (JP: ドゼー; rōmaji: dozē) is the chancellor of Zofia who stages a coup of the kingdom in Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He is named after Louis Desaix (JP: ルイ・ドゼー; rōmaji: rui dozē), one of the most highly regarded generals of the French Revolutionary Wars. Born into a noble house, Desaix began his military training at age eight. By age 15 he was a second lieutenant. After the Revolution began, he served under Victor de Broglie, chief of staff of the Army on the Rhine. Desaix would quickly ascend through the military, serving as a commander under Jean-Baptiste Jourdan and Jean Victor Marie Moreau during the invasion of Bavaria. Soon after meeting General Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy, Desaix was assigned to the campaign in Egypt. There he continued to prove a valuable asset as a commander in the Battle of Alexandria and Battle of the Pyramids. His victories over Murad Bey the Mamluks earned him the title of "Just Sultan" among the peasants of Egypt until authority was given to his fellow commander Jean-Baptiste Kléber. Desaix would join Bonaparte in Italy once more, where he died in the Battle of Marengo.
Clive is the former leader of Zofia's resistance force - the Deliverance - against the Rigelian Empire and Desaix's coup before relinquishing command to Alm. His name may be derivative of Robert Clive, a British baron and colonial, who became the first British to govern the Bengal Presidency largely credited for the East India Company planting roots in that region of India. More likely, it was a close approximation of Clive's Japanese name.
In Japanese, Clive's name is クレーベ (rōmaji: kurēbe), officially romanized as Clerbe. This seems to be a corruption of the surname of a contemporary to Desaix and Bonaparte, Jean-Baptiste Kléber (JP: ジャン=バティスト・クレベール; rōmaji: jan-batisto kurebēr). Unlike his fellow generals, Kléber was common-born, which withheld his promotion under the French Royal Army. At the outset of the Revolutionary Wars, he reenlisted, where he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming second-in-command. He participated in the campaign in Egypt and Syria. However, when the expedition turned sour for Napoleon, the general withdrew, leaving the remaining French army holding Egypt in the hands of Kléber without a word prior. And it would be in Cairo that he would be assassinated, on the same day that his close friend Louis Desaix would be killed in action. While Kléber was highly regarded by Napoleon for his skill, Emperor-to-be had the commander buried on a remote island, fearing his tomb to be used as a symbol of Republicanism.
While the character of Clive is not of common birth, the reference to Kléber is likely meant to allude to his desire to fight alongside the commonfolk under the banner of the Deliverance. Him being in conflict against the encroaching empire could relate to Napoleon's interpretation of his character as representing Republicanism. Additionally, Clive stepping down from leadership of the Deliverance could be based on Kléber declining supreme command over the French Revolutionary Army.
On the other hand, Louis Desaix's position as "sultan" over Egypt during the bulk of the Egyptian and Syrian expeditions was likely the primary reason for Desaix's name and role in the story, aiding the Rigelian Empire's expansion into Zofia while gaining greater social standing over the region.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Request rules.
I don't write smut but I will write steamy make-out scenes and all that.
I will write fem!character x fem!reader, male!character x fem!reader, male!reader x male!reader. All of it including gender neutral reader.
I also only really write x reader fics.
My Masterlist - What I've already written, I update when I post.
- Thanks for the requests though! :)
Keep an eye on this as I add more characters as I watch more shows/movies!
People/characters I will write for:
- Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth.
- Maze Runner - Thomas, Newt, Gally, Minho.
- Kingsman - Harry Hart (Galahad), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Galahad), Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Jack Daniels (Whiskey).
- Zombieland - Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita.
- Luther - John Luther, Alice Morgan, Justin Ripley.
- Call of Duty - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, König, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Valeria Garza, Keegan Russ.
- The Boys - Homelander, Starlight, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, The Deep, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Translucent.
- Gen V - Marie Moreau, Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan and Sam Riordan.
- Fallout - Cooper Howard (pre and post Ghoul), Lucy MacLean, Maximus.
- The Walking Dead (I've only seen the first season so no spoilers please!!) - Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Lori Grimes, Andrea
- Scream - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Randy Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, Mindy Meeks-Martin, Ethan Landry.
- The Lost Boys - Michael Emerson, David, Star, Marko, Dwayne.
- What We Do in the Shadows - Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, Guillermo de la Cruz.
- Late Night with The Devil - Jack Delroy
- Renfield - R.M Renfield.
- A Quiet Place (1&2) - Lee Abbott, Evelyn Abbott, Emmett.
- The Boy - Brahms.
- Fight Club - Tyler Durden, The Narrator.
- Alien - Ripley, Dwayne Hicks, Hudson.
- Saw - Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman.
- The Crow - Eric Draven.
- Midnight Mass - Sheriff Hassan, Father Paul, Riley Flynn.
- MCU - Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, Stephen Strange, Logan, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Gamora, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, James Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Druig, Sam Wilson, Shuri.
- Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Miles Morales (both variations), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir.
- X-Men and others (Deadpool etc) - Young!Charles Xavier, Young!Erik Lehnsherr, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers, Wade Wilson.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy - Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jonathon Crane.
- The Batman - Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle.
- Justice League - Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Clark Kent (Superman).
- Gotham - David Mazouz!Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jerimiah Valeska, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Ed Nygma, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Harvey Bullock, Jonathon Crane, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries.
The Suicide Squad - Jared Leto!Joker, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Chris Smith (Peacemaker), Robert DuBois (Bloodsport), Chato Santana (El Diablo).
- Attack on Titan - Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Erwin Smith, Miche Zacharius, Hitch Dreyse, Kenny Ackerman, Marco Bodt, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Bertholdt Hoover, Nicolo, Ymir, Zeke Yeager, Floch Forster.
- Demon Slayer - Giyu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Gyutaro, Daki, Enmu, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma.
- Castlevania - Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Carmilla, Lenore.
- Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Juuzou Suzuya, Touka Kirishima, Kuki Urie, Ayato Kirishima, Itori, Uta, Hideyoshi Nagachika.
- My Hero Academia - Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Tenya Ida, Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Itsuka Kendo, Tamaki Amajiki, Hitoshi Shinso, Keigo Takami, Mirko, Dabi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara.
- Obey me - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon.
- Haikyuu! - Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kiyoko Shimizu, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya.
- Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Azula, Ty Lee.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra - Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Iroh.
- Waterparks - Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood.
- My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, (all the killjoys).
- Pierce The Veil - Vic Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado.
- All Time Low - Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick.
- Ice Nine Kills - Spencer Charnas, Ricky Armellino, Patrick Galante, Joe Occhiuti, Dan Sugarman.
- Palaye Royale - Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett.
- Others - Oli Sykes, Ronnie Radke, Andy Hurley, Brandon Flowers, Chris Motionless, Kellin Quinn,, John O'Callaghan, Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale, Hayley Williams, William Beckett, Noah Sebastian, Will Ramos, Will Ghould, Dave Grohl, Vessel (Sleep Token).
- Metal Lords - Hunter, Kevin, Emily.
- The Sandman - Dream, Corinthian.
- Prey - Naru, Taabe.
- Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, 001, Dimitri, Eddie Munson.
- Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Rey, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis.
- Barbie - Barbie, Ken.
- Monster High - Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Gillington Webber, Heath Burns, Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll, Neighthan Rot, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Rochelle Goyle, Venus McFlytrap, Kieran Valentine, Porter Geiss.
- Euphoria - Rue Bennett, Jules Vaughn, Maddy Perez, Cassie Howard, Fezco, Lexi Howard, Nate Jacobs (nothing abusive).
- Wonka - Willy Wonka, Fickelgruber.
- Saltburn - Oliver Quick, Felix Catton, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton.
I know that's quite a long list and if you want me to write for a character not on there then just ask :)
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
#OCkiss24 - day 4
@ockissweek is still going on, and with Valentine's Day well and truly over (good riddance), have some platonic love for the aros among us, a little writing so I can give my drawing hand a break. Day's prompt is "lost", and my OCs in question are two French soldiers at the end of the Napoleonic wars.
[a little over 900 words]
Laurielle had managed to drag herself to one of the ruined tree trunks the cannons had shot to shreds. She was awake enough to decide that it was cover enough. So that was where she dropped everything into the mud, dropped herself, her rifle, her saber, and curled up with the intention to never get up again. There was no need. The battle was lost, the war was lost. She was oh so lost.
Bedding her head upon her knees, she shut her eyes. Dieu merci, but she was tired. There was occasional yelling in the distance, French calls for help and retreat, English screams that were a little close for comfort and hollered out the triumphant wrath of the victors.
Laurielle took a breath and another one. The air was still heavy with rain, and the thick smell of smoke and powder mixed with it was damn near suffocating. It didn’t quite manage to drown out the stink of blood, both of horses and men. How utterly pointless, mon cher.
She wondered if she would get the chance to tell him that yet. Was he dead already? It was unlikely he had fallen on the battlefield, but that defeat might well have been the last straw; he’d been suicidal since Fontainebleu. It might well be the easiest way to get out of the responsibility, she thought bitterly. Let the officers face the ruins.
“Laurie!” She opened her eyes, frowning. There was no Laurie here. To the others, she was Jean-Luis; who would call her that?
“Laurielle! Si tu m’entends, réponds-moi!”
Feeling mildly annoyed by that interruption of her self-pity, Laurielle glimpsed over her tree, saw Remy, saw the red coats a hundred yards over as they wandered the battlefield in search for prospective prisoners or their fallen and injured, and her brain instantly snapped back in command mode. “Moreau, vers le bas!” she bellowed.
Remy flinched and dived for cover next to her, but when no one yelled their way, he turned over to Laurielle and hugged her with the widest grin. “There you are!”
Laurielle couldn’t help but feel better, knowing that he was here and seemingly unhurt enough to walk around, but still gave him a deadpan look. “You’re awfully cheery considering we just lost everything.”
“Well, but I found you,” he pointed out, a sparkle in his eyes that he’d already had way back when they had been kids playing hide and seek in the streets.
A corner of her mouth twitched against her will. “What are you, eight? Be serious for a moment here; this is a fucking disaster.”
Remy bumped her shoulder with his. “Probably, but I found my little Laurie and now we get to go home.” He winked at her, and she pulled a face – he still had that same effect on her.
“To you, I’m still Sergent de Laine.” But the words didn’t curb the warm fondness that welled up in her. Remy was here, her friend, one of the big boys she could always keep up with, and he wanted to bring her home. And when he leaned his head to her shoulder and she could drop her head against his, she felt way less lost.
“What about the others? Jacques, Pierre, Edouard? Is Ney alive? And…” She forced herself to ask. “Napoleon, is he alive?”
She felt Remy shrug by her side. “Edouard is carrying wounded; Pierre is getting patched up, but it doesn’t seem too serious. Jacques…” He hesitated, and Laurielle tensed up. “Docteur’s had him on the table when I left the tent. He lost a lot of blood. As for the higher-ups… well, no one’s seen Ney since his last charge.”
Laurielle snorted. “Let’s hope he’s dead, the imbécile.”
“Men like him don’t die easily,” Remy grumbled. “As for His Majesty – no one has said something about him, so it can’t be anything dramatic, but I haven’t exactly seen him, either.” He left Laurielle’s side for a moment to peek out from their hiding place. “They seem to quieten down there. Shall we go back?”
When he turned back to her, Laurielle was close to tears. Remy still looked too much like the boy whom she had taught shooting with her uncle’s weapon. We picked up the guns too early.
“Go back where?” Her voice almost cracked on the last word. “What is there to go back to? To be executed by King George here, to be executed by King Louis at home?”
Remy knelt back down before her. “They’re not going to execute us; we’re not important enough. I mean…” He put up a pensive face. “They might execute you. You are a sergent, after all.”
Laurielle fought the urge to stick out her tongue at him. “Merci beaucoup, that does cheer me up.”
Remy laughed, and then put a hand on her cheek, leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her temple.
Laurielle hugged him. What were fickle lovers, demanding mentors, lofty emperors against a friend? “I’d change you for nothing in the world,” she muttered into his jacket.
Remy held her close. He smelled like the battlefield, but he was warm, and he felt like home. “I should hope so. Come on now, you need to report back. And the Docteur’s been asking; he’s such a mother hen about you.”
Laurielle made it back to her feet. Fine then. If she could stand, she could walk.
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jupitersrising · 5 months
The Trojans + Adults' Hunger Games Districts
I did this with the Foxes in this post.
Jean Moreau: Canonically he was born in Marseilles, France, which is coastal. As a young boy Jean lived in District 4, Fishing before he was sold to the Moriyama's on the border between District 1 and 2. After (after he's free or after the rebellion depending on what you think happens in this au) he would move to District 11, Agriculture and just live a quiet, peaceful, happy life because he deserves it.
Jeremy Knox: He would be from District 10 or 11. I could see him loving to live on a farm and the tedious, long hours that it provided. Or D10 because I could see him caring deeply for the things around him—including animals. The downsides of these both are that D11 doesn't farm ethically, or at least pays their people for the amount of work they put in. And D10 slaughters animals to be sent out for food. So...both have their downsides, but I could see Jeremy being happiest there. (Also could be D4 but I like these ideas better).
Alvarez: (Admittedly we don't know a lot about canonical Alvarez or Laila until TSC, so these points may be moot when it comes out) She would be from District 7, Lumber. I could just see her really, really liking axes. Just the amount of destruction they could cause. She would ignite/start the rebellion in D7 once it started. She would be perfect as an organizer for the rebels occupying D7 if not for her "ask for forgiveness, no permission" attitude.
Laila Dermott: District 5, Power/Electricity. Again, we don't know much about her, but I could see her knowing what to do with tech and wires. A sort of knowledge that she could knock out the entire countries power grid but doesn't because...she's just never thought of the implications of it. Like the opposite of Alvarez.
David Wymack: He's also a victor...like a more willing-too help Haymitch. He invests too much emotions into the kids that go into the games every year, and it chips at him more and more when they die. Still, he wants all of them to live, he'll do anything for them to make it out alive. Which is backed up by the fact that he's from District 12, Coal Mining, where people rarely come back alive. Where every kid is starved or abused or doing something illegal to stay alive.
Abby Winfield: Abby would be a Rebel doctor/war medic. She was born and raised in District 13, (former) military. She was raised her whole life to be radical, to be ready for war and death and loss. She's one of the people who can pick Wymack up, who can relate to him, because she too cares far too much for people destined to die. In the end, she would betray the Rebels for one of her kids. (If Aaron ended up there, he'd become her apprentice.)
Betsy Dobson: She would be from District 3, Technology. I could see her being very well informed and working as a spy for the Rebels alongside Allison. Since D3 has the most access to tech they probably have the most opportunities to know information, though whether or not they can get to it is the problem. (Except Bee, she would 100% find secret government files and expose them, then drink her hot chocolate and pretend she didn't start a shitstorm in the Capital).
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ao3feed-itafushi · 29 days
crossover at lockland high
by blueebaby "So, what you're saying is... They're all dating?" "Yes, sir. Precisely." "Good god. What kind of school is this?" "You should see the girls' school." ~~ the chaotic and self-indulgent crossover of my nightmares, featuring each and every one of my favorite ships to daydream about: jegulus, wolfstar, sakuatsu, osasuna, andreil, jerejean, joongdok, and itafushi. (with some extra sprinkles of carvale, eremika, rosekiller, satosugu, and eruri.) Words: 5324, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Haikyuu!!, All For The Game - Nora Sakavic, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Villains Series - V. E. Schwab Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk, Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Jeremy Knox, Jean Moreau, Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori Yuuji, Eli Cardale | Eli Ever, Victor Vale, Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith, Eli Cardale | Eli Ever/Victor Vale, Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau from AO3 works tagged 'Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji' https://ift.tt/1Hhbqz2
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 12.3 (before 1940)
915 – Pope John X crowns Berengar I of Italy as Holy Roman Emperor (probable date). 1775 – American Revolutionary War: USS Alfred becomes the first vessel to fly the Grand Union Flag (the precursor to the Stars and Stripes); the flag is hoisted by John Paul Jones. 1799 – War of the Second Coalition: Battle of Wiesloch: Austrian Lieutenant Field Marshal Anton Sztáray defeats the French at Wiesloch. 1800 – War of the Second Coalition: Battle of Hohenlinden: French General Jean Victor Marie Moreau decisively defeats the Archduke John of Austria near Munich. Coupled with First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte's earlier victory at Marengo, this will force the Austrians to sign an armistice and end the war. 1800 – United States presidential election: The Electoral College casts votes for president and vice president that result in a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. 1818 – Illinois becomes the 21st U.S. state. 1834 – The Zollverein (German Customs Union) begins the first regular census in Germany. 1854 – Battle of the Eureka Stockade: More than 20 gold miners at Ballarat, Victoria, are killed by state troopers in an uprising over mining licences. 1859 – Nigeria's first newspaper, missionary Henry Townsend's Iwe Irohin, was published. 1881 – The first issue of Tamperean daily newspaper Aamulehti ("Morning Paper") is published. 1898 – The Duquesne Country and Athletic Club defeats an all-star collection of early football players 16–0, in what is considered to be the very first all-star game for professional American football. 1901 – In a State of the Union message, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt delivers a 20,000-word speech to the House of Representatives asking Congress to curb the power of trusts "within reasonable limits". 1904 – The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine at California's Lick Observatory. 1910 – Modern neon lighting is first demonstrated by Georges Claude at the Paris Motor Show. 1912 – Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia (the Balkan League) sign an armistice with the Ottoman Empire, temporarily halting the First Balkan War. (The armistice will expire on February 3, 1913, and hostilities will resume.) 1919 – After nearly 20 years of planning and construction, including two collapses causing 89 deaths, the Quebec Bridge opens to traffic. 1920 – Following more than a month of Turkish–Armenian War, the Turkish-dictated Treaty of Alexandropol is concluded. 1925 – Final agreement is signed between the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom formalizing the Partition of Ireland. 1929 – President Herbert Hoover delivers his first State of the Union message to Congress. It is presented in the form of a written message rather than a speech. 1938 – Nazi Germany issues the Decree on the Utilization of Jewish Property forcing Jews to sell real property, businesses, and stocks at below market value as part of Aryanization.
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amzarashi · 7 years
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yuri on ice: viktor nikiforov
Viktor is considered a living legend for winning five consecutive World Championships, five straight Grand Prix Finals, and numerous European championships. By the age of 16, he was already at the top of the figure skating world, under the guidance of his coach Yakov Feltsman. Viktor’s home rink is in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
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tedisnotdead · 3 years
The water flow stopped, and Andrew sighed, picking up the towel. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes scanning across the plain chest and stopping before his view reached his elbows.
"Andrew?" a voice called from the other side of the door, startling him. Andrew took a quick breath, closing his eyes before sighing, reminding himself of where he was. Renee's bathroom. Allison was downstairs, probably preparing baby Seth to stand in the crowd with her. "Nicky just left me your clothes. Do you want me to leave them in the spare room for you?"
"Yess." Andrew replied, looking down and pulling his boxers on. "I'll be out in a second." He reached for the armbands, pulling them on and tucking his thumb into the holes before walking out.
Betsy, Nicky and Erik were changing at home. They didn't need the preparation like the twins did, they wouldn't get picked. Jesse was safe too, wrapped up between his dads but next year he wouldn't. Next year he would be up there, and Andrew couldn't save him. Andrew had already felt the guilt of the six years he missed protecting his cousin and the four years he missed with his brother.
When they were united two years ago, it was a shock to everyone around them. Andrew had been in Betsy's care his entire life before then, with help from Renee for a few years during his more rebellious phase. When Renee started her fighting lessons twelve years ago, he was one of the firsts to sign up. Eight years after Andrew signed up, another Andrew signed up. Renee knew it wasn't him. And she mentioned it to Betsy, who connected the fourteen-year olds and since took them both in, alongside their cousin. A year later, Nicky introduced his boyfriend and his son to the family, and they were welcomed with open arms.
Betsy took two-week-old Andrew in from the day she saw him left on the side of the work field, wrapped in only a blanket. She took him home, where eight-year-old Renee was waiting. She hadn't been ditched like Andrew, she has been unfortunately orphaned by a factory malfunction and lost her mother at only six.  
Renee and Andrew grew up alongside each other, but when she left for the games at age thirteen, they knew they would never be the same. Renee came back a victor, that's when she started her fighting lessons. Betsy advised against it but saw her development and let her work. When Andrew questioned her why she let her fight after she had won, Betsy reminded him Renee had won for a reason.
That's when he met Wymack. David Wymack, the winner of the forty-third Hunger Games. David Wymack, the man who relied on the pain of tattoos to give him a mental escape from the pain that the Games had caused him. The same David Wymack who took Jean Moreau out of Betsy's care less than a week after she took him in.  
"Just because Jean was taken in by the Wymacks, it doesn't mean that you're not wanted." Betsy would always say. She would say the same thing every time she took one kid into her home and then they were taken in by a family a few days after. "You are just as valid. You are just as special. You just need to wait for your special time to shine."
Eight years passed and Aaron appeared. They united, Nicky was introduced, and Betsy took them all in. Betsy introduced them to Wymack, who introduced them to his kids and the Boyds. Befriending the entire of the Victors Village was a kick in the guts to Andrew. A reminder how he wasn't special, how he was basically nothing in comparison to some people.
Jean remembered him though. Jean made him feel special way. Not a romantic or sexual thing. Andrew knew those. Well, he knew sexual. He knew from all the hook-ups behind the factories, he knew from the nights he stayed at Roland's, a classmate in Renee's fighting class, and experimented with things. He knew from the start he was gay, but never said it out loud. He wasn't too confident when it came to romantic feelings however, but he had an idea.  
Jean Moreau-Wymack was his first and only friend. Renee accepted this, seeing how they're bond was more sibling like than friends. Jean joined him on the tree searched. Andrew taught him to climb quick, how to spot the nests quickly, how to remove both wasp and birds safely. In return, Jean baked him sweet goods. The banana breads and cakes and muffins rolled through the door daily, Jean delivering them every morning with a small smile. Occasionally, Jean would bake with exotic flavors that David Wymack brought back from his annual visits to the Capitol.
With all the time Andrew had started spending Jean, Aaron began spending it with the other child in the Wymack household. Kevin Wymack-Day. David's biological child from a woman he didn't meet again after their one-night stand.
When Kayleigh, Kevin's mother, passed Kevin had been put in the custody of David. Jean, Kayleigh's other child, had been given to Betsy to be cared for. David hunted him down and took him in, not having the heart to separate the kids.
Aaron and Kevin clicked the second they met. Both being insufferable, obsessive assholes in Andrew's opinion (and Jean's, but that was one of the secrets between the two that were shared in the tops of trees over a muffin each). Aaron's obsession laying in the profession of David's wife, Abby Wymack. One of the best doctors in District 7. Since Aaron became closer with her, he became more obsessed over the profession and soon, if he survived the final reaping, would become her apprentice. Kevin's obsession laid in a Capitol sport, Exy. Whenever his father visited the Capitol for the games, he would bring back his son merchandise of his favorite teams. David had a friend in the Capitol who recorded every game so he could take them home and Kevin could watch them.
Andrew reached the spare room and froze before remembering where he was. Renee's house. Aaron was at the Wymacks', using their shower like Andrew was using Renee's. He knew the only reason was to see Kevin, and 'secretly' say goodbye and good luck in their own special way.
Their attraction to each other was not unknown, practically everyone knew. But it was obvious they were waiting until Aaron's last reaping, until today, to make anything exclusive. As long as they snuck out of the Victors Village before anyone began to head to the town center, no one would notice the luxurious treatment the twins were getting.
The clothes were spread out, waiting on the spare room bed. Nicky's old black, short sleeved button up shirt and a pair of Erik's old, tight fit, wash jeans. A pair of old boots that Betsy had managed to afford where on the floor, with a pair of Allison's bright pink socks laying neatly in the neck of the boot.  
"You'll need to be ready in a few minutes Andrew." Renee's voice filtered through the door again. "The ceremony starts in an hour. People begin to move soon." Her footsteps echoed down the corridor as she left and Andrew looked at the clothes, sighing.
Andrew stepped out, seeing Kevin and Aaron talking through a gap in the curtains. He sat back, waiting silently and watched them argue.  
"They're horrible." Jean mumbled, sitting next to Andrew on the wall, leaving a large enough space for Capitol's largest man to sit between them. "Kevin kicked me out so I couldn't hear. I think they're talking about their latest hook-up." He took a bite from a muffin, leaving one on the wall beside Andrew. "It was at ours while we were climbing. I think they think we're fucking."
"How disappointed will they be when they find out we don't fuck; we talk shit about them and stuff our faces with shit." Andrew mumbled and Jean giggled, taking another bite. "Truth for a truth?" Jean nodded. "I'm nervous."
"That's well justified." Jean said. "Your name is at the highest chance it's ever been, and ever will be. But some people do sadly have their names in there more than you. So, the chance it being you is low. And the chance it's Aaron is even lower, since your name is still in there from the past years of tesserae. "Jean sighed. "I'm gay. I think." Jean mumbled before looking over.
"Want another round?" Andrew asked and Jean stopped before nodding. He took another bite of his muffin, looking forward again. "I'm gay too." Andrew said, picking his muffin up. "I've known for a few years."
"I have a crush on Jeremy." Jean said. Andrew turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "The baker's son. I used to talk to him a lot when I lived with Kayleigh. She would let me pick up her weekly orders from the bakery and I would pay them with grain and milk. I used to talk to Jeremy every Sunday, and that's why I like baking. Because I like Jeremy. "
Andrew looked back through the window, seeing them still talking. Aaron seemed more angry than usual during their 'conversations'. "You should offer to work there." Andrew suggested. "You could see him more."
Jean laughed, looking down before taking the final bite. "I could, but who would you hang out with then? You haven't got any other friends." "I have Jesse." Andrew said, taking a bite. "This is good. What flavor is it?"
"It's another new one from the Capitol called Palmetto. It's basically a super sweet blood orange." Jean said. "And Jesse doesn't count. He's got school you know."
"I'll teach him then." Andrew argued, his eyes following Jean as the older boy got up and started pacing. "I remember all my lessons. I could teach him with no struggle." Jean snorted, looking up. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"
"Kicked out remember?" Jean mumbled, looking back at Andrew. Andrew shrugged, taking another bite from his muffin and Jean laughed. "I should. Aaron seems to be done in the shower, so if I go straight up Kev probably won't care." Andrew nodded, taking another bite quickly. "I need to, don't I?" Andrew nodded again. "I'll see you after. Good luck Andrew." Jean turned to walk back.
"Jean." Andrew said and he stopped, turning. "If I get picked, don't be nervous to say goodbye."
Jean knew that was Andrew asking him to come. But Andrew didn't like asking. Andrew didn't want to ask, say the word please. It wasn't how Andrew worked, and Jean knew that. He never questioned why, but he knew that. He never pressed any questions when it came to Andrew, because Andrew never did the same to him. He never questioned the scars on his cheek or the roughness of his hands or the burn marks that Jean turned up with.
"I will." Jean said, smiling gently. "I hope you enjoyed the muffin! If I do need to visit you, I'll bring one along. A parting gift." He laughed before walking inside.
Andrew watched the door for a few seconds after it closed before moving his glance to the gap in the curtains. Their argument went on for a few more minutes until Aaron looked out the window. Andrew raised an eyebrow and Aaron sighed, turning back to Kevin and saying something before leaving.
"Trouble in paradise?" Andrew muttered when Aaron reached his side.
"Shut up." Aaron muttered, already towards the village entrance.
He was dressed in a tight red shirt, it looked like Kevin's with the way it was too tight around his waist but loose around the arms, and a pair of trousers which were too torn to belong to a victor, and the style choice only pointed to Nicky. Too tight around the thighs with baggy bottoms. Just how Erik liked it.
"He just wanted to wish me good luck and I wanted to thank him, or tell him to thank his dad, for letting me use their shower."
"Wish you good luck with a massive smooch." Andrew said, walking after him.
"As if you and Jean weren't doing the same." Aaron muttered, scowling at him.
"Jean was actually just telling me about his crush. I got a name and everything. It was glorious." Andrew said. As Aaron went to ask, Andrew continued, "But I will not be saying anything about the mystery person. It was in our game, and I never tell secrets from our game."
"You're stupid shitty 'Truth for a truth' game?" Aaron asked and Andrew nodded. "I don't know why you two play that. It's not even a game, its talking. Like normal people do. You and Jean are weird."
"I think Jean is smarter than you when it comes to most things." Andrew mumbled, pushing the gate at the end of the pathway open. Nicky looked up through the window, smiling when he saw the twins. "If him being weird is the consequence of that, I don't think he minds.  
"Fucking weirdo." Aaron muttered, pushing past. Nicky immediately fussed over him, asking where the shirt he left out was. Erik moved closer to Andrew, holding Jesse in his arms.
"I have missed you." Erik said.  
"Jesse." Andrew called and the young boy looked over. "Want to hug?" Jesse nodded excitedly. Erik squatted down, letting Jesse run over. But just before he reached Andrew, he slowed down and then calmly wrapped his arms around Andrew's waist. "Oh Andrew, you look amazing." Nicky whispered. "I wish Betsy could see you before the ceremony, but she's already gone to get the other kids ready." He stood up, smiling. "You both look amazing. And we are going to get through this, and we are going to come home and be calm and happy."
His smile faltered for a second, but he plastered it back on before Aaron could notice. Erik and Andrew did, but both decided to stay quiet, knowing he was trying his hardest.
"Andrew, are you sure you don't want to move to a factory job with me and Aaron? You could watch the games."
"I'm fine being a clearer." Andrew mumbled. "I get good pay and I only have to talk to Jean. I see no flaws."
"But you can't watch the games." Nicky said.
"Erik doesn't like to watch the games. Neither do I." Andrew said, looking down at Jesse, who had buried his face in Andrew's side. "I am happy getting the updates from you over dinner."
Nicky went to say something, but Erik stepped forward and whispered into his ear. Nicky sighed, looking at him. Erik pecked his lips softly.
"We should get going, though," Andrew said, pushing Jesse back lightly and holding his hand out. Jesse smiled widely, taking his hand and holding tightly, as if his life depended on it.
The walk to the town center was mostly fully of Nicky's nervous rambling, with Erik and Aaron occasionally responding. But Andrew ignored them and chose to focus on the small tune Jesse was humming, squeezing his hand along to the beat.
When they reached the town center, Erik picked Jesse back up. Jesse waved to Andrew sadly before his dad carried him off, holding Nicky's hand. They passed the peacekeepers and stood in the crowd beside Jean and Kevin. Andrew took off down the silent path, leading them to the identification tables.
He could see over the peacekeepers' shoulders, David, Matt and Renee lined up along the back of the stage, with their escort, Kathy Ferdinand, standing in front of them. She was talking animatedly to them, with her big blonde hair and eyes practically painted with pink. The skin-tight pink leather dress clung to her to an uncomfortably revealing extent where Andrew had to look away.
"Next." The peacekeeper said and Andrew looked up, seeing Aaron's whole-body flinch. "Go through. Next."
Andrew stepped forward, holding his hand forward. The peacekeeper grabbed his wrist roughly, tugging it forward and pricking the end of his finger. They then pressed it to the paper, scanned it and let him through.
Andrew rushed through, pushing through all the crowds to find his brother. Aaron was waiting nervously, wringing his wrists. Andrew pushed through the crowd until he ended up besides his brother, waiting silently.
"What if we get picked?" Aaron whispered, looking at his brother. Andrew shrugged, keeping his eyes focused on the stage. "Andrew I'm serious." he said before his voice was drowned out by Kathy tapping the microphone.
"Welcome, welcome." she said, smiling at everyone.
The neon yellow contacts she wore made everyone unsettled, but she continued, her cat-like eyes scanning the crowd.
"Welcome to the fifty seventh Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor." She smirked, looking across to the group of people who weren't being reaped, taunting them. "Now, the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and women for the honor of representing district seven in this year's Hunger Games." She stopped for a second, smiling. "As usual, ladies first."
She shuffled across the stage in her overly tight dress and waved her hand over the bowl. A hand skimmed Andrew's wrist and he looked down, seeing Aaron's beside his, the knuckles brushing the black cloth. Andrew slid his hand into his brothers as Kathy waddled back to the microphone.
"Marissa Goodman." Kathy read out, looking across the crowd. People were stepped aside two sections before the twins.
Sixteen years old, Andrew told himself. The girl stepped forward, dressed in a light green dress which skimmed her knees and her hair tied into a tight ponytail.
"Come on up dear, don't be afraid." Four peacekeepers surrounded her, leading her up to the stage. Marissa slowly walked up, and Kathy enthusiastically welcomed her. "And now the boys."
Aaron's grip tightened on his hand as she reached the glass bowl. Kathy smiled, waving her hand around the top before diving in and pulling out one white slip. She slowly shuffled back to the microphone and leant close, undoing the slip slowly. She smirked before reading, "Aaron Michael Minyard."
"I volunteer as tribute." Andrew looked down before he even had acknowledged the words come out of his mouth. He looked back up, seeing everyone staring at him. Aaron was looking at him with tearful eyes.
"Not Andrew." he whispered, but Andrew pushed past. "No. Andrew stop!" he shouted, following him through. Andrew took his place in between the peacekeepers but was dragged back violently. "I won't let you do this." Aaron shouted.
"I volunteer." Andrew repeated, making direct eye contact with Aaron. Aaron shook his head, his mouth opening and closing until the first tear rolled down his cheek and his grip on Andrew's arm loosened.  
Aaron was pulled back quickly, and Andrew recognized the hand around his twin's shoulders immediately. Jean pulled Aaron back, avoiding Andrew's eye. Andrew turned around and followed the peacekeepers down the aisle. Renee was staring at him, shocked, from the back of the stage. Matt's eyes were filled with tears, while Wymack's jaw was clenched.  
Andrew didn't remember as far back as to when he was four, but he knew Wymack's story.
Wymack had trained as hard as he could after losing a close friend to the games when he was twelve. When David turned eighteen, he volunteered himself before the name was even called out. His reasoning was to save one more helpless kid from being killed in his district. This caused him to become a fan favorite in the Capitol, and a respected citizen in the district. In every shop, I have had a discount. Everyone smiled at him in the streets. Everyone welcomed him into their homes and invited him round for dinner.
Every year, when the victors returned, all three of the victors visited the houses of the fallen tributes to mourn with them for one night. They supplied the family with the food for the night and left them all the leftovers. It was a tradition started by Wymack, but when Renee won the forty-fourth Hunger Games, she joined in. And when Matt won the fifty-first Hunger Games, he became the final part of the trio.
Andrew was snapped out of his thoughts when he reached the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the stage. He made eye contact with Renee, who smiled gently at him. He sighed before walking up.
"A volunteer!" Kathy cried, holding her hand out to showcase Andrew's arrival. "Now, what's your name young man?"
"Andrew Joseph Minyard." Andrew said, looking forward.
Jean was finally looking at him, his face contorted with fear. Nicky was beside him, crying into Erik's shoulder. Erik was staring at Andrew in fear while Jesse sobbed, bundled in Betsy's arms. Aaron was crying, while being held back by Kevin.  
"Oh, and was that your brother I picked?" Kathy asked, smiling widely.
"Yes, my twin brother." Andrew answered, trying to keep his voice monotone.
"How lovely." Kathy said before turning to the crowd again. "Here we are. Our tributes from district seven!" She started clapping, but everyone stayed silent.
Jean brought three fingers up to his lips before raising them above his head. Slowly, everyone around him began to do the same, the gesture spreading among the crowd. A single tear rolled down Jean's scarred cheek and Andrew took a deep breath before bringing three fingers to his own lips then raising them above his head.
"Happy Hunger Games!" Kathy cried, "And may the odds be ever in your favor."
They turned away, Kathy leading them both to the door at the back. Andrew flinched away from her touch, overtaking Marissa and pushing himself into the corridor.
"Andrew." Renee said, walking up to him.
"Not." Andrew spat out through gritted teeth.
He would not let himself cry; he would not let himself cry.
"We can talk on the train. I want to say goodbye to them."
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Jean-Victor Moreau, Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin, ca. 1806 or 1811, American Paintings and Sculpture
Gift of William H. Huntington, 1883 Size: 23 3/8 x 17 1/2 in. (59.4 x 44.5 cm) Medium: Charcoal (?), Conté crayon, and white-chalk heightening on off-white laid paper coated with gouache
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josefavomjaaga · 2 years
Moreau about Ney (according to Ida)
Perhaps I was a bit hasty when I wrote that Moreau had ended the relationship with Elselina/Ida after he accidentally got hold of her ardent love letter to Ney. At least he seems to have tried to look after her for quite a while, even with his wife's knowledge, as Ida writes. The last time the two met was on the occasion of Ida's trip to visit her family in Holland. Moreau brought her some papers, but above all he inquired about Ida's company, fearing she might have gotten herself involved with shady figures (and possibly have talked about him, too). This then lead to some remarks about Ney and his attitude towards Bonaparte:
"Once more, Elzelina, did you tell me the truth about Oudet?"
"My God, yes! Don't talk to me about that man again."
"So be it; but do not associate with him: nothing is as dangerous as political intrigues."
"Then he is a conspirator?"
"Oh good God! a conspirator; you are already in the tone of the reigning family. It is true that Ney will have taught you the language."
"But I don't see him, Ney; he is married?"
"Yes, married to a friend of Queen Hortense; he, a brave man, the bravest of us all, descended to the role of courtier!"
"But," I said, "Ney's wife is endowed with every virtue."
"No doubt; worthy of the name Ney gives her, but that is why he should have chosen her and not received her. But let us leave that; the political forces will perhaps finish."
"But, my friend, all this would not have begun, if you had had more ambition or justice for yourself.”
"Oh, heaven hear me: I do not envy the Corsican; I despise him, and I suffer to see men like Ney serving him as an accomplice in the subjugation of my country."
I had never seen in Moreau this exaltation; I knew well that he had never loved Bonaparte, but never had his aversion been expressed in such energetic terms. He gave me again all the advice that a man of honour can conceive for a woman who interests him, and I left him.
I never saw Moreau again.
Translated from Volume 3 of "Mémoires d'une contemporaine"
Firstly: Moreau is not at all angry that this Lorraine guy has outdone him with his girlfriend. Not at all. 
Secondly, the whole passage is completely anachronistic (like much of what Ida writes). Of course, Hortense was not yet queen at this point, and as for Ney's wedding, in a coming chapter Ida will describe her first private encounter with him, and he is still single then. Ida does not follow the rules of chronology any more than any others.
As to the content: This fits the impression I had from both Perrin’s and Hulot’s biographies of Ney, who both hinted at him being an avid courtisan, quite unlike his reputation.
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opera-ghosts · 3 years
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  Constance-Caroline Lefebvre, sometimes spelled Lefèvre, (born 21 December 1828 in Paris, France; died 1905) was a French opera singer described as a mezzo-soprano and as a soprano. She started her career in 1849 and performed until her retirement in 1866, mostly playing "dugazon" roles. She married her stage partner, famous baritone and composer Jean-Baptiste Faure, in 1859.Lefebvre's early education took place in the Conservatoire de Paris under the guidance of David Banderali for her voice training and Théodore-François Moreau-Sainti for her opéra comique training, both in which she would win first prizes.  Lefebvre debuted at the Opéra-Comique on 12 October 1849 as Carlo Broschi in La part du diable by Daniel Auber.[1] Her following roles were often labeled as mezzo-soprano "dugazon" roles, including Le Toréador et Le Postillon de Lonjumeau by Adolphe Adam (Madeleine); Joconde and Jeannot et Colin by Nicolas Isouard (Jeannette); Joseph en Égypte by Étienne Méhul (Benjamin); Le Pré-aux-clercs by Ferdinand Hérold (Isabelle); Le Petit Chaperon rouge by François-Adrien Boieldieu (Rose d'amour); L'Épreuve villageoise (Denise) by André Grétry; Fra Diavolo (Zerline), La Sirène and Haydée by Daniel Auber; and especially Fromental Halévy's operas, Les Mousquetaires de la reine (Berthe de Simiane), La Dame de pique, Le Val d'Andorre, and La Fée aux roses.Throughout the 1850s, Lefebvre's career was marked by the creation of many roles. In 1850, she created Palomita in La Chanteuse voilée by Victor Massé and another role in Les Porcherons by Albert Grisar; in 1852, she created La Croix de Marie by Louis-Aimé Maillard and Madelon by François Bazin, followed by the titular role in Colette by Justin Cadaux in 1853. In 1854, she created Prascovia in L'Étoile du Nord by Giacomo Meyerbeer and then Massé's Miss Fauvette, Grisar's Le Chien du jardinier, and Rosette in Adam's Le Housard de Berchini in 1855. She created three roles in operas by Ambroise Thomas: Le Songe d'une nuit d'été in 1850, Stella in Raymond ou le Secret de la reine in 1851, and Psyché in 1857.
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joachimnapoleon · 4 years
Meet the Bonapartes: Pauline (1/3)
New project! I got it into my head recently to do some research/mini-bios on all of Napoleon’s siblings. I find all their stories pretty interesting, but predictably (and understandably) they’ve always ended up relegated to the background of Napoleon’s much more famous story. I’m planning on each write-up being multiple parts. And, if the way this first one has gone so far is any indication, probably more parts than I originally intended them to be.
The conventional thing to do would be to write them in order from oldest sibling to youngest. 
Anyway we’re starting with Pauline, the third youngest, because she’s one of my favorites. :)
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Pauline Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica, on 20 October 1780; she was the sixth of what would be eight surviving children born to Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino. Baptized the following day at the local cathedral, she was christened Maria-Paola; her family would refer to her throughout her childhood as "Paoletta."
Almost nothing is known of her childhood in Ajaccio other than that her education was woefully neglected (as would be that of her younger siblings, Jerome and Caroline), and that she delighted in mischief at a young age. Her father died when she was only five years old, and her mother did little to instill discipline into the younger children; they were given a room in the house in which they were pretty much left to their own devices. Napoleon, eleven years her elder and appearing only sporadically during her early years as he continued his education in France, nevertheless developed a strong affection for her which he would retain for the remainder of his life, and which Pauline would reciprocate for the rest of hers.
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In June of 1793, the inflammatory political sentiments of her third eldest brother, Lucien, set the ire of the supporters of the Corsican patriot Paoli against the Buonapartes, and the family was soon forced to flee Corsica for the French mainland. They eventually settled in Marseilles, and it was at this time that the names of the family were "Frenchified"; the surname Buonaparte was refashioned to Bonaparte, Maria-Paola into Pauline, and her affectionate nickname of Paoletta now became Paulette.
In Marseilles, she continued with the mischief of her childhood, stealing figs from a neighbor, who once caught her in the act and chased her off with a vine whip, sputtering curses. In her less mischievous moments, Pauline made herself dresses; by her mid-teens she was already becoming known for her beauty, and had developed a taste for finery, although the family was still far from wealthy at this point.
In later years, once Napoleon had come to power and royalist (and British) propagandists began taking aim at the Bonaparte family, numerous sordid stories were published about the behavior of Pauline and her sisters, with the earliest accounts of their alleged promiscuity occurring during their time in Marseilles. The royalist Peltier was one of the first to spread these rumors, depicting Pauline as having taken her first lover at the age of fourteen, and claiming that all three siblings had worked as prostitutes in while living Marseilles (Caroline was only eleven years old). There is nothing credible in any of these stories, but they were the start of a near-constant stream of rumors and tabloid gossip that would continue to accumulate about the Bonaparte sisters for the rest of their lives, and which have unfairly tarnished their reputations to this day.
However, Pauline did fall in love for the first time during this period, at the tender age of fifteen, with a much older man: a forty-one-year-old politician named Stanislas Fréron. Fréron had been tasked with establishing the authority of the revolutionary Convention to Toulon, where he first encountered Napoleon Bonaparte. How he first met Pauline is less clear, but she soon fell head-over-heels in love with him. With the assistance of older sister Elisa (and possible Lucien), she wrote love letters to Fréron, featuring excerpts such as the following:
Ti amo, sempre, et passionnatissimamente, per sempre ti amo, ti amo, amo, amo, amo, amo, si amatissime amante.
Fréron seems to have genuinely reciprocated the feelings. It was through him that Pauline became acquainted with the writings of Petrarch, which would always remain dear to her. Fréron intended to marry the girl, and Napoleon was not initially opposed to the match. Letizia Bonaparte, on the other hand, did oppose it; whether because of the age difference or because of the stories of Fréron's less-than-savory private life (he had at least two illegitimate children from an Italian actress) is unclear. Pauline scorned her mother's opposition, gushing to Fréron:
My heart is not for sharing. It's given to you whole. Who could oppose the union of two souls who seek only happiness and who find it in loving each other? No, my love, not Maman, not anyone can refuse you my hand.
It wasn't until Fréron began to fall out of political favor that Napoleon finally vetoed the impending marriage himself. Pauline was devastated, but submitted to her brother's will, writing him the following (again with the help of Elisa):
As for me I would rather be unhappy all my life than marry without your consent and bring your curses down on me. If, my dear Napoleon, you, for whom I have always had the most tender affection, could see the tears that your letter has caused me to shed, I believe that even you would be touched.
By way of consolation, Napoleon invited her to visit him. At some point after the Fréron affair, one of Napoleon's young aides-de-camp, Jean Andoche Junot, fell passionately in love with Pauline, and hoped to marry her. But Napoleon bluntly shot him down, saying "You have nothing. She has nothing. What does that total? Nothing. Your children will be born to wretchedness. Best to wait."
Pauline accompanied the rest of the family to stay with Napoleon in Mombello, Italy, in 1797. This was the first time the Bonaparte and Beauharnais family were in regular close contact with each other; it did not go well. Letizia despised Josephine, and in short order all of her children (minus, of course, Napoleon) followed suit. Pauline, envious of Josephine's grace, polish, and fine wardrobe, made it a point of sticking her tongue out at Napoleon's wife whenever her back was turned. She ran wild enough at Mombello--allegedly taking numerous young officers as lovers--that Napoleon became determined to marry her off as quickly as possible. He finally settled on a promising subordinate, twenty-five-year-old Charles-Victor-Emmanuel Leclerc. The match was convenient, as Leclerc, like numerous others before him, had also fallen in love with Pauline. She would refer to him affectionately as her "little Leclerc." The pair were married on 14 June 1797.
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The French academician Arnault leaves the following impression of the newly-married couple, after a visit to their home on the rue de la Ville-l'Evêque:
I found Leclerc at home and intoxicated with happiness; amorous and ambitious, and both with reason. His wife seemed to me very happy too, not only because she was married to him, but also just because she was married. Her new position had not increased her seriousness, as was the case with her husband; he seemed more serious than usual. But as for her, she was just as much of a madcap as ever.
She became pregnant soon after the wedding, and Leclerc doted over her anxiously during what proved to be a difficult pregnancy. Their only child, a boy named Dermide Louis Napoleon Leclerc, was born on 20 April 1798. Pauline was plagued with recurring poor health from this pregnancy on. Her biographer Margery Weiner writes:
A difficult confinement left her debilitated and probably with some minor disorder easily rectified nowadays but, without proper treatment, a constant source of malaise and lassitude. It is likely that she suffered from post-natal inflammation for which contemporary medicine could prescribe only a round of therapeutic waters and baths, recommending in desperate cases baths of beef tea, surely more efficacious to swallow than to wallow in.
Leclerc eventually resigned his post in Paris and was reassigned to Brittany. Pauline did not accompany him to this post, staying in Paris with baby Dermide (Napoleon was campaigning in Egypt at this time). She was befriended by Madame Permon and her daughter Laure (future wife of Junot), who helped her make her way into Parisian society. In short order, Pauline was dazzling the salons of Paris with her natural charm and beauty (as well as her increasingly expensive wardrobe). "Nothing can give an idea of this ravishing figure," says Laure Junot in her memoirs. "She truly lit up the salon when she entered."
Perhaps entranced by her own talents for seduction and manipulation by this point, Pauline embarked on a brief triple love affair with three generals who were also close friends: Moreau, Macdonald, and Beurnonville. She seemed to take as much delight in being able to play the men against each other as she did in experiencing their affections; but it wasn't long before the three friends compared notes and decided to walk away from her in unison in order to preserve their friendship. The greatest effect of this affair was undoubtedly the stain it left on Pauline's reputation, not only in France but eventually abroad, as it quickly made its way into the British tabloids.
In late 1801, Napoleon--now First Consul--ordered Leclerc to Saint Domingue, to take charge of the 23,000 French troops there and suppress the rebellion of Toussaint L'Ouverture. To Pauline's dismay, her brother commanded her to accompany her husband on the expedition. Historian Michael Broers describes her resistance to this measure:
She... tried every trick she knew to get out of it. She claimed to be pregnant: Napoleon had her examined by his own doctor with the predictable result; she said she could not cope with the coach drive from Paris to Brest: he sent her in a sedan chair. She retaliated by going on a ruinous spending spree in Paris, which she landed on Napoleon, before her departure.
Broers, Michael. Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny. 2014.
Cronin, Vincent. Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimate Biography. 1972.
Fleischmann, Hector. Pauline Bonaparte and Her Lovers, 1914.
Fraser, Flora. Venus of Empire: The Life of Pauline Bonaparte, 2009.
Roberts, Andrews. Napoleon: A Life. 2014.
Weiner, Margery. The Parvenue Princesses: Elisa, Pauline, and Caroline Bonaparte. 1964.
Zamoyski, Adam. Napoleon: A Life. 2018.
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histoireettralala · 4 years
How Napoleon chose his marshals (2/2).
After the 1804 promotion, eight other generals will be distinguished.
19/07/1807: Lannes’ Chief of Staff, Victor, is rewarded after Friedland.
12/07/1809: three more generals who won fame in Wagram.
Macdonald (who had been in disgrace since 1804 for his support of Moreau).
Marmont is rewarded for his loyalty...
Oudinot, who has been deserving for a long time.
08/07/1811: Suchet has been fighting for three years in Spain without seeing the Emperor, and showed administrative & personal qualities.
27/08/1812: Gouvion-Saint-Cyr is rewarded after his victory of Polotsk against Wittgenstein.
16/10/1813: in a time of betrayals, Poniatowski, polish Prince, keeps faith with Napoleon, and gets his staff on the battefield.
15/04/1815: Grouchy, who has been a good cavalryman of the Empire, and pushed the Duke of Angoulême to surrender, is rewarded in turn. He will be the last Marshal of the Empire.
Dictionnaire des maréchaux de Napoléon, Jean-Claude Banc.
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My dad used to play club hockey when he was in college and has a lot of stories about different fights he got in, but he just told me about one and I can’t stop picturing the foxes so here we go:
-It’s a few years after the events of the book, and everyone except Neil has graduated
-The foxes make it to the championships, and to absolutely no one’s surprise they’re facing the ravens again, but thankfully the foxes will be at a home-court advantage
-Obviously both teams had changed a lot from the time R*ko was there, but I like to imagine that the ravens are still gargantuan pricks, just y’know less murder-y
-But none of the og champion foxes can’t bare to leave, so they’ve all gotten jobs helping around the stadium (student loans are also a real bitch and the school pays them pretty well)
-Matt, Dan, Andrew, and Renee work security for obvious reasons
-Allison and Nicky work the front desk (for the sake of this story he and Erik moved to the states) bc they like to shut down people looking to get in for free/being pricks about where their tickets are
-Aaron’s out selling the tickets bc he knows that if he sees someone being especially rough in the crowd Andrew’s gonna fight the guy and he just knows he’ll get roped into it
-But Kevin decided he’d come back and ref for the game, along with some former ravens to make sure it’s fair to both teams
-So the game’s going, it’s neck and neck, and Neil scores an point for the foxes that puts them just in the lead
-The ravens are having n o n e of that shit, so the next play Neil’s mark starts getting especially rough
-Like REALLY rough
-Kevin’s got his hand on the trigger with a red card, but the other refs are being bastards and saying “he hasn’t made an illegal play” and “it’s just a rough game, you’re being biased”
-But suddenly the guy marking Neil breaks off and starts going after some of the freshmen players, and Neil’s Captain/Mom Instincts start kicking in and he’s ready to fuckin demolish the guy
-The poor freshman his mark is targeting is trying to hold Neil back and tell him it’s not worth it, but as the kid turns his head Neil’s mark comes in swinging and does a baseball swing with his racket at the freshman’s head
-Ding ding, round one, Neil goes absolutely fucking batshit on the guy
-Kevin sprints over to break it up and he’s trying to pry Neil off the guy, but then he starts hearing all the shit his mark is spewing about how Neil’s “a psycho” and “deserves to rot like his dad”
-Ding ding, round two
-Suddenly THE Kevin Day, the same Kevin Day whose father is planning on making him run the Boston Marathon three times over if he so much as thinks about making a shit call on the ravens, is swinging on this guy with everything he has
-The people in the stands are going absolutely fucking nuts, the reporters are having a field day, and both teams have left the bench to help their respective teammates
-The security squad made an attempt to stay on task and make sure the crowd doesn’t riot, but as soon as one of the ravens knocked the cage off of Neil’s helmet Matt and Andrew took off running for the court
-Dan and Renee followed, intending to stop the two of them from getting involved, but they hear someone call Neil a fairy and suddenly Renee has her knives out and Dan’s knuckles are bruised and bloody
-Aaron went inside to hang out with Allison and Nicky after the game got started, and they all overhear some of the other stadium staff calling over the walkie-talkies for someone to call the campus police, so they turn on the monitor to see what the hell’s going on
-Aaron just mutters “ah, Christ” under his breath and makes a beeline for the court, Allison on his heels
-Nicky stayed behind to call the campus police, but as soon as he dialed the extension someone from the ravens put Andrew in a chokehold and started saying things in his ear with a smirk
-The small, almost imperceptible crack in his cousin’s apathetic facade had Nicky sprinting to catch up with Allison and Aaron
-On the court, Neil’s still swinging on the guy who hit the freshman when he notices Andrew in the chokehold
-If Neil wasn’t seeing red before, now he was drowning in it now
-Neil tears off towards them, rips the guy off Andrew, and takes the guy down
-Mind, the guy’s nearly twice his height and three times his width, but Neil is five feet and three inches of Rage and doesn’t stop wailing on him even after the guy passes out
-Andrew eventually gets Neil to stop, but at least 5 more guys are coming for them, so he grabs the guy’s racket and starts swinging it around
-Andrew: you want me, you gotta get through 6 feet of Christian
-Random Raven #1: only hockey sticks are called Christians, exy sticks-
-Renee, six feet of Christian: *body slams the guy*
-(I’m a simple lesbian and I love Tall Women so I choose to believe Renee is at least 6 ft tall, do not attempt to tell me otherwise)
-Eventually campus police get there and break up the fight, but over the years they had gotten pretty familiar with the foxes bc of their shenanigans, so they just go up to Neil and ask him “what’d these fuckers do to you to make you hit them so hard?”
-The ravens are fucking livid bc it’s OBVIOUSLY not THEIR fault (note the sarcasm), but no one’s rage can compare to Wymack’s
-Whew boy is man’s pissed
-He sits them all down (og foxes included) in the locker room and absolutely tears into them
-Nicky: but coach you don’t understand, they’re fuckin pricks-
-Abby has to physically restrain him after that
-So the og foxes decide to have a little sleepover after things get sorted at the station and of course they get roaring drunk
-It’s a mess
-Kevin’s crying because he messed up the fox’s chance at a 4th consecutive championship title
-Matt can’t stop laughing and yelling “THAT’S MY WIFE” at the press footage of Dan bodying a girl on the ravens who tried to attack Allison while her back was turned
-Aaron just passes tf out. He’s Tired Of This Shit.
-Andrew and Neil aren’t quite as drunk as the others, but they’re a little tipsy when Neil asks why Andrew got involved if they got rid of their promise of protection
-Andrew just glares at him
-When they wake up the next morning, it’s to a series of missed calls from Wymack
-Neil answers after about 6 missed calls
-Neil: coach it’s 8 in the morning-
-So all of the v e r y hungover foxes drag their asses downstairs and who do they see but the dean of palmetto state holding up this morning’s headline that reads “NCAA Exy Championship Game Ends in All-Out War”
-Wymack is revving up to tear into them again despite being hungover himself, but the dean stops him and reads them all the statements from their favourite southern Californian exy team, who had been in the front row of the stands and witnessed everything firsthand
-“‘...the ravens were absolutely to blame,’ says former USC exy captain Jeremy Knox, who witnessed the altercation firsthand. ‘That backliner was way out of line, taking a shot like that at a kid half his size, and the rest of the Ravens were egging the guy on.’”
-Matt: I mean no shit-
-Dan: just keep reading, honey
-“‘...this is exactly the type of thing to be expected from one of Riko Moriyama’s protégée,’ Jean Moreau, both a former Raven and a former Trojan, tells the press. ‘Not only did he deviate from the game over a petty rivalry, but his teammates targeted specific players and staff with severe PTSD. The Raven’s should be held solely responsible for the altercation.’”
-Nicky: we already know that coach, what’d you drag us out of bed for???
-But before anyone could finish the article, someone in an official looking suit came in, wheeling the championship trophy into the middle of the confused group of kids
-They explained that both Jean and Jeremy’s first-hand accounts, as well as videos of the incident, convinced the board that there could absolutely not be a rematch between the two teams, but that the foxes would still be crowned the victors by default
-If Ichirou’s influence over the board had anything to do with their decision...well, a win’s a win for the foxes
-And that’s how the foxes, both old and new, ended up roaring drunk at the local Denny’s at 10 am on a Sunday
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