#jefferson the mad hatter fanfiction
j2d3 · 4 months
Mr. Loverman | Jefferson/Mad hatter x reader | pt 3
Picture this since before the curse you and Jefferson have been best friends, your character is the chesiare cat but a witch version ( NOT A FURY 💀) . This is staged during season one during the time of the curse, your memory is erased but he still remembers you. ( Also Jefferson doesn’t have a daughter in this!!!)
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There was something missing inside of me, I feel like a big part of me is missing. When I met that man it was like something changed, like he woke up a part of me.
I slip out of bed and put on a short black and gray striped dress, with black short sleeves, black ruffles in the end. I pair my dress with converse and black see through thigh highs, I feel so free dressing like this, it’s weird really but so comfortable.
I figured that the man seems to have the answers that I want so maybe I could get in contact with him, I know that Emma and Mary Margret may not like this idea but hey who says I’m telling them about it.
I walk out my home onto the sidewalks preparing for the long walk I’m about to take. What if he’s actually fucked up in the head? What if the minute he sees me he’ll shot me dead? No that won’t happen I know it, there’s something different about him than the rest of these people in this town.
I stand in front of the white big house, taking a big breath before walking to the door. I knock on the door two times, slowly but firmly.
“Hello Jefferson, are you home?!? I wanna talk to you! I’m sorry I hit you with a vase it slipped out of my hand, well it didn’t but I had to protect my friend. Look I promise my friends aren’t here, I’m completely alone.” I look down at my shoes nervously, what if he’s not home? I look up to knock again but as soon as I lift my fist to the door it opens.
I stand there frozen for a few seconds, looking at the man in front of me. To my surprise he doesn’t seem mad at all, he seems relieved, maybe a bit joyful.
“Hi..” Is all my mouth can manage to say, his eye contact is a bit intimidating in a way.
“Hi.” A smile escapes his mouth, along with a small chuckle. I don’t know why but I feel a little comforted right now, like I’ve been in this moment before.
“So you wanna talk? I suppose about what me and Emma were talking about, is that correct?”
“Yea, that’s correct.”
“Come in then.” He hands out his hand in a welcoming gesture, I stand there a bit scared. What if he tries to kidnap me again?
“I won’t do anything to you, I promise.” He leans into me, still holding out his hand. I take it, giving him a slight smirk. I walk in hand with his as he leads me to the couch, our hands separate when we sit down together.
“Believe it or not we were put under a curse, a curse by the evil queen. Snow White had given birth the same day the curse happened, Emma is that baby. She’s supposed to be a savior, she’s supposed to save us.” I process what was told to me, I feel like it would be kind of selfish of me to ask what character I was but I went ahead any way.
Time skip•
After some time talking with Jefferson I had figured out more. Regina is the Evil Queen, Emma is Snow White and Prince Charming’s daughter, and Jefferson’s hat teleports him to a lot of portals such as Wonderland, Oz, and another land I can’t quite remember.
“If we were all characters before the curse who was I? We’re you really the mad hatter?” I guess I really let curiously get the best of me, Iean more closer to him with curiosity as he reads me.
“You were….the chesiare cat, and I was the mad hatter.” I hold on to the thought that I was a cat, if the curse ends will I become a cat. What does that mean. I tilt my head in confusion, mouthing the word “huh”. He laughs at me in response, while I tilt my head back to normal.
“Chesiare cat? Does that mean I’m a cat? Well I turn into a cat when the curse ends? What does that mean?” Jefferson breaks into a fit of laughter for a few seconds, I suppose my curiosity amuses him.
“No actually you were a witch, a witch that could transform into a cat whenever she wanted, teleport wherever she wanted. You know you were quite powerful in a way…” Jefferson zones out as if he’s remembering something, theres something more he knows about he just is not saying it I know it.
“Oh, a witch that seems cool!”
“It is, you know if you want to know about your story you can ask Henry about. He has a storybook about all our lives before the curse, who we were.”
“Did you not know me that well before the curse? So you don’t know me that much?” I observe every emotion he displays on his face, as if I’m trying to catch a mouse but really I’m trying to catch the truth.
“Yea, I guess you could say that.” He turns his head to the fireplace in front of us. The empty, cold,withered fireplace. There it is, there is that slip of emotion. I don’t want to make assumptions but I have feeling we were close, or friends at least.
“Well ok, I guess I’ll make my way out, to ask Henry about my story.” I get up and walk towards the door, feeling his eyes burn through me.
“Leaving so soon?”
“Well yea, I got the answers I needed and now I’m looking for a new answer which you don’t have since we weren’t that close... Hope to talk to you soon!” I emphasize on the close part looking him in the eyes before smiling and leaving out the door. A part of me feels sorry for Jefferson, but I plan to help Jefferson get Emma to break the curse so we all can be saved.
Time skip •
I walk over to the Park Henry usually hangs out at, spotting the little boy and his big book of “stories”.
“Hi Henry, can I read my story in that book of yours if you don’t mind?” Henry looks up surprised, I think he was surprised that I would want to know my story.
“Well of course Chesiare cat! I’m glad you asked!” Henry opens up the book to page 33, “The Chesiare cat”
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
9 - A Man Named Jefferson
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Princess Red Thief
Part 10
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Blinking my eyes a couple of times I groaned trying to wake up. Slowly glancing around the room I saw I was in the back room of the pawnshop. Shifting my body up further on the old cot I heard the wooden floor creak under someone's feet. "Eve! You're awake."
"Henry. What are you doing here?" Rubbing my eyes to wake myself up more I saw the ten year old boy enter the room.
He answered me. "I heard you being locked up in the hospital until Mr. Gold bailed you out."
"Yeah. Where is Mr. Gold exactly?" I questioned the kid.
Henry came over to my bedside reaching inside his backpack. "He's out with Regina for some reason. So we don't have much time to talk with somebody you need to meet."
"Henrh, I just woke up. I am not really in the mood to meet someone right now." I sat upright holding a hand to my forehead struggling to push away some pain that must have been caused from all the drugs they pushed into my system.
He held open his storybook to a certain page. "But what if I told you there's someone else in this town that has been seeing things just like you."
"And that person in your book would be?" I trailed off scanning my eyes over the book pages seeing a man surrounded with over a dozen hats.
Henry taped a finger on the image. "The Mad Hatter. He goes by Jefferson here."
"Henry...I. You need to leave before he gets back. He doesn't care for unwanted visitors inside his shop." I warned the ten year old.
He didn't back down, shoving his book back inside the bag. He holds out his hands waiting for me to put my hand in his and follow him willingly like I normally did before I was locked away. "Please Eve. You'll start to believe me once you talk with him. I swear."
"Fine, kid. But this doesn't mean I believe you." I put my hands in his getting to my feet and together we slipped outside of the pawnshop in search of where this Jefferson man lived. "Henry, why do you think I will believe before Emma?"
He kept walking, sending me a half smile. "Because you follow your heart more than what your mind tells you." I parted my lips considering what he was saying to me in the moment.
The double doors shut behind me with two guards shutting them. I had decided to keep living in my parents castle which wasn't too far from the Charming castle. My short brown boots clicked against the stone floor until I stood at the edge of the round table to meet Snow. "Everly. I was hoping I'd see you."
"My parents aren't worried about me. Honestly they trust me when it comes to helping y'all with your kingdom. You're glowing by the way." I sent her a smile pulling out one of the chairs near hers.
She was sitting down in one of the head chairs, leaning her elbows on the table. "Thank you, Eve. Your letter said that you wanted to talk with me about something."
"Indeed I do wish to. I've been having certain feelings lately and since we are friends I was hoping we could talk about them." I twiddled my thumbs together on the table.
Snow asked sweetly. "Of course. Is this about a guy?"
"Is it that obvious?"
She nods, chuckling. "I'm sorry to say yes. Besides it's not like I don't remember you saying you always had teaching lessons to return to."
"Oh geeesss." Covering my face with my hands I was blushing like a red tomato.
Snow clasped her hands together. "So who is the stranger you are getting lessons from?"
"It's magic lessons. The man I'm getting taught by is named Rumplestilskin." Heavy silence fell across the large room with an intense feeling falling between the two of us. Everyone in the land generally knew his name and what kind of magic he dabbled in.
"Everly, he...he uses dark magic."
"I know that." I said back. "But I am needing his help to teach me how to control the power that I was born with. Neither of my parents have magic, yet I somehow got it."
"You have feelings for him, don't you. Why else would you be defending the teachings he is showing you." Snow put the pieces together with a smirk on her lips.
"Maybe I do. What do I do about it?" I asked the other princess in the room.
The former bandit princess got up from her chair and I rose to my feet standing up in front of her. "In my experience you just have to follow whatever your heart tells you."
"Even when the person you care about might not feel the same." I knitted my brows at her, wrapping my father’s red cloak tightly around my body.
Snow takes my hands in hers showing me the wedding ring from her Prince Charming. "That's a risk that we each have to take when we love someone. Never stop following your heart, Everly."
"Henry, are you sure we're not breaking and entering? It doesn't even look like he's here. Emma is the sheriff now and I wish to not be placed inside a prison cell anytime soon." Looking around at the area outside the mansion front door. He had pulled out some set of keys he had taken from his mother's office that could open any door.
He pushed one of the keys in the hole and it unlocked with the door swinging open. "We'll be fine. He believes everything about my book. Now come on. Jefferson!" Henrik walks into the house and I follow after him seeing that it was almost pitch black inside giving the creepy loner type guy vibes to me.
"Henry. Henry, wait we can't just - mmm!" I grunted my fighting instincts kicking in when one hand wrapped around my waist and the other hand clasped over my mouth before the front door slammed shut behind me.
A man's voice growled in my ear. "Did anyone follow you?"
"No." I mumbled the best reply I could trying to remove the stranger's hand.
The man removed his hands from my body, spinning me around to face him. "So you're the famous Red Thief who falls in love with the Dark One."
"You've read the story too." I made a confused expression.
The guy named Jefferson responded. "It's more than just a story and his storybook is more than just a book."
"It can't be more than a book. None of those stores are real. I know they are simply just stories." I shake my head thinking back on why I got put in the mental hospital in the first place.
Henry spoke up behind me heading down the hallway. "She's a little slow, Jefferson. That's why I brought her to you. So she'll wake up like you have." Jefferson grabs a hold of my arm dragging me after the young boy until we entered a room filled with hats that all matched the familiar hat the Mad Hatter would have worn.
"You've obviously got an obsession with Alice in Wonderland."
"He's the Mad Hatter, Eve." Henry declares sitting the book on the table, opening it to the page he had shown me back in the shop.
Jefferson pushed me down in the chair with the book laying in front of my face. He flipped through some pages stopping at one photo that showed Rumplestilskin holding up a ring. The woman who wore a red cloak that looked like the one I owned stood in front of him. "Look at the picture and tell me if you recognize anything."
"Jefferson, Henry has already tried this with me once before. It didn't work then, it won't work now." Shifting around in the chair I eyed the man.
Jefferson rounded the table to be on the other side grabbing my chin in between his thumb and index finger so I'd look him in the eye. "Use your power and look into my mind. Then you'll see what I'm saying is the only truth you need to believe."
"Look into your mind. That's not possible."
Jefferson declared not backing down. "You have to open your mind, Red Thief."
"You're losing your mind, Jefferson." Pushing myself away from him he let go of my chin. Stomping towards the doorway about to leave I halted in my tracks grabbing a hold of the doorway when he spoke up about my past.
"You couldn't pay your rent when you first came here. So you made a deal with Mr. Gold. Take my ring and I'll work for you, you said."
Glancing out the corner of my eye I asked. "How do you know about that? He swore he'd never say anything."
"Because it's almost the exact same deal you made with Rumplestilskin after he agreed to teach you magic. You are Princess Everly, daughter of Abigail and Fredrick." Henry stands by the edge of the table.
Shutting my eyes I pushed back the desire to believe them. I couldn't be a princess. I couldn't have magic and the town couldn't all be cursed. Otherwise I belonged back in the mental hospital. "Henry, I'm sorry but all your saying is nonsense."
"It won't all be nonsense once you look for the necklace inside his suit jacket and...." Jefferson trailed off in thought.
Turning around in my boots I dared to ask the question. "And what Jefferson?"
"And you'll believe us when you find the ring in his possession." The man who truly thought he was the Mad Hatter answered my question, sitting one of his hats on top of his head smiling wickedly at me. Henry remained silent and simply nodded in agreement. "As close to his heart as it could possibly be."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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foxgloveprincess · 2 years
Cuddling at Home
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Word Count: 650
Warnings: Barely Any Editing, Mildly Suggestive Themes (including Mild Daddy Kink), So Much Fluff (you might barf). Minors do not interact (18+).
Divider by @firefly-graphics.
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work, at all. I cross-post to my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess). Seeing this anywhere else means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age. Thank you.
“Don’t,” he begs, hooking his scissors on the wall by his work station and turning in his seat, “don’t do this to me.” His eyes are pleading, brow tilted in his efforts.
You hum a blithe tune and ignore him, continuing to bundle yourself in blankets and quilts in the corner with your stuffed animals. Nothing feels better on a winter morning than this. Even if he’s not going to join you and insists on working. The fire roars across the room, keeping the cottage cozy and warm, perfect. You take a peek over at him—just to see his reaction, not to tempt him, oh no, not that, maybe a little. 
He sighs and hangs his head, glancing over with a playful glare. The way he rises from his chair, despite his show of annoyance, is graceful and swift, hurried as you wrap a blanket over your head like a hood and cover your mouth to hide the smile that wants to break free.
His groan as he approaches tickles your ears and you can’t help the responding giggle. It’s a pathetic sound, but full of his surrender. And completely fake. He’s loving every second of this flirty exchange, especially the parts where you respond—just like always.
“You’re too cute, baby,” he grumbles, close to a whine but far too teasing. He slumps to the floor in front of you, crawling closer and burying his face in your lap. “You know I can’t resist you when you’re being so adorable.”
“Sorry,” you giggle, running your fingers through his hair. “I can stop?”
He nuzzles closer. “Impossible,” he refutes with nip of his teeth to your thigh.
You chirp in startled amusement. Fingers tugging on his hair at your instinctual flinch. He pulls your hands away from his head and drapes one over his shoulders before sitting up and catching your eye with the stormy crystal of his.
“We need to get you warmed up,” he insists, feeling the frosty touch of your digits with his lips. He breathes warmth over them and you lean forward to rest your forehead to his. A twitch of a smile quirks at his lips before he starts to drag you closer to the fireplace, grabbing even more blankets along the way.
“I thought you needed to work,” you object with the slightest tinge of cheek.  It’s good-natured, a concealment for the genuine concern. Your eyes flick to the half-finished hat sitting on his work table. Even as you follow along with his guidance and find your place beside him.
Settling you both by the fire to lean back on the couch, he pulls you into his arms and uses a finger to boop your nose. It scrunches in response before you find yourself the center of his attention.
“Needed to hold you more,” he replies with a shrug, tangling your legs together as they stretch out before you—making it near impossible for you to get away, not that you would want to.
Your hands cover your face at the cheesy line, spoken with such sincerity that your cheeks heat in response. Your lips press together, holding back the smile that threatens to expose your overwhelming joy. How he can just says things like that when the mood is so lighthearted—it always catches you off-guard, but you love it every time. Still, doesn’t mean he gets to know that.
“No,” Jefferson insists, pulling your hands from your face with his own and holding them away, “let Daddy see your pretty face.” His lips trail from cheek to cheek across your nose before he says, “There’s my pretty baby.”
You shove at his side with a pouty frown, barely able to move him or his arm over your shoulder. His chest shakes with a laugh, but he pulls you closer. A kiss lands on your forehead. You crack, smiling. How could you not?
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ohmygoodnessgraciouss · 3 months
Through the Looking Glass (A Jefferson Love Story) - Chapter 1
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"Thanks for being here with me," Emma smiled, letting the 30-year-old into her home. Sarah walked into the large studio apartment, smiling back at her friend. She placed her purse down on the kitchen counter, staring out the window at the gorgeous view Emma had.
"Of course, Emma," She grinned. "No one should be alone on their birthday." The blonde smiled appreciatively. She was used to celebrating her birthdays alone, even though Sarah had been to every single one for five years now. If anything, it still caught her off guard every time she heard that knock on the door.
Emma turned away from her friend briefly to pull out the small white box she was saving in the fridge. As Sarah shrugged off her jacket and placed it on a nearby chair, she noticed the box in Emma's hands. "What did you get today?" She asked.
Emma looked up at her, opening the lid up. Inside there were two cupcakes. One vanilla with white icing and one red velvet with pink icing. "No birthday is complete without cake, I guess."
Sarah laughed at her friend's response. "I thought you were trying to stay away from sweets, otherwise I would've gotten some on the way here."
"Yeah, well," Emma shrugged, "Tonight's date with our friend pissed me off a bit."
"Did he get away from you?" Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe that anyone would get away from Emma. She had been in the business for years after all. Emma could practically catch a guy in her sleep at this point.
Emma shook her head. "Of course not, but he didn't make it easy. Let's just say it's been a long night." Sarah nodded in understanding.
Emma began to pull out candles she bought from the dollar store, placing one on her cupcake. The blue star stood proud on the white icing, ready to be lit. Sarah pulled out her lighter, something she kept with her for good luck, lighting up the candle. The wax quickly began to melt.
Emma smiled at the action. "I thought you never used that lighter. Wasn't that your whole deal about keeping it with you?"
Sarah smiled back at the woman, putting the lighter away in the pocket of her jeans. "I can use it when we need to make a wish. Maybe it'll throw a little magic in there. Perhaps it'll be a better year for you then."
Emma appreciated the thoughtful idea behind it. "If you say so," She responded.
"I sure hope so at least," Her friend laughed lightly, "Now blow out your candle before the wax drops on that icing. I want to eat my cupcake already."
Emma rolled her eyes at the girl, blowing out the candle after a moment's pause.
The flame went out quickly and the wax slowly dripped down the stick of the candle, cooling off rapidly. A flash of disappointment went through Emma, as if she expected something more to happen right then and there. Sarah knew it was the fact that Emma went through yet another year of not knowing who her family was. The blonde was never one to talk about it, but there was still a part of her who longed for that kind of connection with someone. Having a friend was great, but it simply wasn't the same as knowing who your family is, or celebrating the holidays with them.
Sarah rose her cupcake up in the air, waiting for Emma to meet her in the middle. Emma silently held the cupcake up, clinking them together lightly, causing the icing to mix in a small part of the cupcake. The two laughed at the stupidity of the action. Before they could take a bite though, the doorbell rang. Both of the girls were shocked to hear it, especially so late at night. It was already close to the end of the evening, so who could be there?
Emma walked to the door, opening it enough to see who was there. She leaned her arm against the doorframe, looking down at the kid in front of her. He couldn't be more than ten years old, but he was alone. "Can I help you?" She asked him.
"Are you Emma Swan?" He asked, looking up at her. He looked almost eager for the answer, as if he knew it already.
"Yeah, who are you?"
"My name's Henry. I'm your son." He smiled up at her. She stared at him with a blank expression on her face, trying to process what he just said. How would that be possible?
Before she had a chance to move, Henry ducked underneath her arm, entering the apartment. Emma began to protest, closing the door behind her. He walked towards the table, where Sarah looked up from her phone to see him. "Who are you?" She asked, watching the kid.
"I'm Henry. Emma's my mom," He smiled at Sarah.
"Kid, I don't have a son," Emma said, walking over towards Henry and Sarah. "Where are your parents?"
"Ten years ago, did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me."
Sarah's eyes darted up immediately to Emma, waiting for her response. Emma seemed to freeze at the question, remembering what happened a decade ago. She had never told Sarah what happened while she was in jail. It never seemed relevant, so she never mentioned it. She wanted to keep it in the past, hoping she would never have to face it. "Give me a minute," Emma quickly said before running to the bathroom.
The brunette woman looked over at Henry once again, searching his face for similar features. "Where did you come from?" She asked him.
"Maine," He said casually, as if he was only ten minutes away. Her eyes widened at his answer.
"Did you get here by yourself?" Henry ignored the question, opting to walk over to the fridge in search of something.
"Hey, do you have any juice?" He called out to Emma, waiting impatiently for her to leave the bathroom. He opened the door, scanning the contents of the fridge. "Never mind, found some," He pulled out a small container of orange juice. Sitting back down at the table next to Sarah, he waited for Emma to walk back out.
When Emma came back, Henry wasted no time in telling her, "You know, we should probably get going."
"Going where?" She questioned, watching Henry take a sip of the orange juice.
"I want you to come home with me."
"Okay, kid, I'm calling the cops," Emma began to walk over across the room.
"And I'll tell them you kidnapped me."
She looked down at the phone in her hands and then back up at Henry. "And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother."
"You're not gonna do that."
"Try me." The two had a staring contest as Emma broke into a small smile.
"You're pretty good, but here's the thing. There's not a lot I'm great at in life, but I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying," Emma said as she began to dial the number into the phone. Sarah bit back a laugh, watching them. It was clear they had to have been related just from this very conversation.
"Wait, please don't call the cops. Please come home with me." He begged.
"Where's home?" Sarah asked him. If Emma wasn't willing to go with him, Sarah at least wanted to make sure he would be safe. He reminded her too much of her own daughter.
"Storybrooke, Maine."
"Storybrooke? Seriously?" Emma glanced over at Sarah, as if she was trying to figure out if she was buying it either.
Henry nodded, hoping that she would go. Sarah shrugged, as if to say, "It's up to you." Emma pursed her lips, looking back at Henry.
"Alrighty, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke."
Lucy sighed, scanning the field for the best place to rest for the day. After a long day of exploring the Enchanted Forest, she needed a break from everyone. She used far too much magic in one day trying to collect valuables she could use to sell to other people. Maybe one day she would be able to get a solid job that would help her stabilize her life, but that wouldn't be anytime soon unfortunately.
Sitting down in the grass, she watched as a woman rode her horse on the other side, a large smile on her face. She smiled, wishing that she would be able to do something similar one day. Her life simply didn't make it easy for her to have that kind of opportunity. Looking down at her hands, she saw the dirt and blood on them from earlier today. She had to make a break for it when some of the guards caught her stealing from a vendor. Thankfully it wasn't anyone else's blood, only her own after slipping down a hill. She took a moment to wipe it on her skirt, trying to clean up her hands.
She heard a horse approaching her, looking up and realizing that the woman was approaching her. Her dark hair seemed to be falling out of her braid, most likely from a long day of riding. There was a small smile on her face, preparing to greet the stranger. "Hello," The woman said, "What are you doing out in this field?"
Lucy smiled back at the woman, standing up so she wasn't covered by the tall grasses surrounding her. She brushed off her maroon skirt, realizing she had covered it in flecks of dirt and leaves. The white tunic she wore was surely just as dirty, if not dirtier. "I was simply looking for a place to rest. Is there something wrong?" She asked, hoping she didn't just stumble upon owned land. She didn't want to have to run once again.
"Not at all," She shook her head. "I was just curious," She said as she hopped off the horse, holding the reigns. "We don't have visitors around here often."
As the woman approached her, Lucy looked up at the horse, noticing how well kept he was. Clearly this woman must've come from money of some sort. "What a beautiful horse. Do you ride often?"
"I do. It's the only thing that keeps me sane some days," She laughed. Lucy's smile widened.
"I understand that feeling. It's why I like to write when I have the chance."
"You write? What do you write about?"
Lucy shook her head before responding. "Nothing much. Just adventures I've been on, adventures I want to be on, and anything else in between. It always depends on the day. I keep them to myself though. It's the one way I can be myself fully, without anyone else judging."
The woman nodded solemnly. There was a moment of silence before she decided to change the subject. "So," She started, "What's your name?"
"My name is Lucy," She smiled, holding her hand out for the woman to shake. "And what's yours?"
The woman released her grip on the reigns, taking Lucy's hand.
"My name is Regina."
The three sat in the car in almost pure silence for the first few minutes of the drive. There was a casual conversation between Emma and Sarah, mostly Emma making sure that she was willing to go on the drive with her. Going from Boston to Storybrooke was a decent road trip, meaning they wouldn't be back in Boston until 3 or 4 AM at best. Sarah reassured her it was necessary, although she refused to explain to Emma why exactly.
"I'm hungry," Henry eventually spoke up, interrupting the few moments of quiet they shared. "Can we stop somewhere?"
"This is not a road trip, we're not stopping for snacks," Emma said, glancing back at him through the mirror.
"Why not?"
"Quit complaining, kid. Remember, I could've put your butt on a bus; I still could."
"You know, I have a name? It's Henry."
Sarah laughed quietly at the exchange between the two. As she looked back at Henry briefly through the side mirror, she noticed the book he was holding. "What's that?" She asked, trying to start conversation.
"I'm not sure either of you are ready," Henry shook his head.
"Ready?" She turned around in her seat, looking back now at the book. It was a simple brown book, the cover clearly indicating it was fairy tales. "For fairy tales?"
"They're not fairy tales. They're true. Every story in this book actually happened."
"Of course they did," Emma muttered.
"Use your superpower. See if I'm lying," Henry huffed. Emma turned around for a moment to look at him. Sarah watched as Emma turned back to face the street, smiling when she knew Emma couldn't claim he was lying.
"Just because you believe something doesn't make it true."
"That's exactly what makes it true. You should know more than anyone."
"Why's that?"
"Because you're in this book." Henry looked at Emma and then looked over at Sarah, "And so are you."
"Oh, kid. You've got problems."
"Yup. And you're going to fix them." He beamed. Emma looked over at Sarah, rolling her eyes. Sarah stared on at the road, trying to figure out what she just got herself into.
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creptolli · 3 months
OUAT Headcanons
Okay but imagine any magic wielder uses magic and gives off heat energy, so when they’re constantly shooting fire or immobilising or even just teleporting, they get really hot. (With the exception of ice magic, like Elsa or Ingrid)
But when a character holds more power - such as Merlin or Rumple/The Dark One - they radiate a shit ton of heat.
…in the fanfic (heavy AU) that I’m writing with Jefferson/Bucky x Merlin this applies. Cause Bucky hates the cold.. so, ya know :)
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Heaven's Demons, Chapter 29
Word Count:  1.2k
Warnings:  mentions of a planned drive by, mentions of gun violence, mentions of character death, forced drug use, violence, aggression, angst. 
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Jefferson glared at the strung-out form in front of him.  He was barely conscious and bloody beyond belief.  If you hadn’t known who it was strung up in the basement of Barbers, you probably wouldn’t have believed it to hear that it was none other than Jake Jensen.
You also probably wouldn’t have believed it if you found out that he was strung out because Barber and Butcher had been testing their newest shipment of drugs on him since he’d had his concussion months ago.    
“That’s enough, Butcher.”
“Enough?  Fucking christ, Barber, he fucked up.  He wasn’t supposed to kill her!” Jefferson hissed, “he wasn’t supposed to hit Alice.  That fuck-up is a god damn-“
“Butcher!” His jaw tensed as he glared at his president, “you fucking shot him up and sent him out there.  You told him what to do.  You fucked up.  My old lady is gone because of you.  Your fucking kid…gone because of you.  The only thing he did was follow your instructions in his fucked up mind.  God damn half-wit probably doesn’t understand why you’ve spent the past hour beating him to a bloody pulp.”
Jefferson growled, his fist cocking back all too fast.  He reached forward, his already bruised and battered fist coming into contact with Jake’s face.  The bloodied man barely grunted, hardly conscious from the beating he’d received from his so called brother.
“I said stop it, damn it!”
Jefferson turned on his heel stalking through the basement of Barbers.
“He fucked up.”
“He fucked up.”
“HE FUCKED UP!” Jefferson screamed, pointing at Gearz once more, “IT’S HIS FAULT”
Andy rushed Jefferson until his back hit the wall, hard, knocking the breath from him.  Jefferson could see the outrage and anger in Barbers eyes, “you fucked up, Jefferson…I am not going to say it again.  My old lady is being buried today because you fucked up, not the god damned kid you have hanging in our basement.  YOU!  You’re lucky I don’t end your god damned useless life right now.  Lily deserved better than to be shot up in a staged fucking driveby!”
Jefferson didn’t speak.  Andy slammed his fist into the wall behind him before dropping the collar of his shirt, “He was supposed to scare them so that they’d understand we were on lock-down for a reason.  You’re fucking lucky he didn’t hit Amelia, because if he did, I’d have shot you on sight and not gave a damn.”
“Barber, I-“
“Just push enough into him so that he’s not detoxing and let’s get ready to go,” Andy growled, continuing to glare at Jefferson, “Gearz doesn’t deserve a bad comedown because of you.”
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“Oh god…Jake…” Sweetie rushed up to Jake, her hands nervously trying to undo the ties that held him in place, but she couldn’t so much as budge it.  Fat tears started rolling down her cheeks, “I-I’m going to get you out of here…I swear.  I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you said you weren’t the one doing it.  Oh Jake…”
Cherry looked away from Sweetie, sad about having seen the biker in the state to begin with, but it was only worsened by the woman she knew from the short time she’d been there, was in love with him.  Sweetie looked back at her, “Y-you said that Andy and Jefferson did it?  Th-that they were the ones that you saw shooting him up?”
She nodded, continuing to look away from her, “said that they’ve been shooting him up since his concussion…he’s been testing their latest shipment…unwillingly.”
“Sweetie, I had no idea,” Charles muttered sadly, his heart aching for both Sweetie and Jake, “you have to believe me, Sweetie.  I didn’t know that they were doing that to Gearz.  I wouldn’t have let them if I knew…you know that, right?”
“I know…that’s why I asked you to come with me,” she admitted, “Y-you’re going to help us though, right?  You’re still going to help us leave?”
He nodded, “I have a safehouse you can use…it was from when I was getting clean.  I was going to take Hope there…she relapsed again.”
“She’s up on meth mountain?”
He nodded at Cherry, “Yeah…she uh…she has friends there…I’m going to get her after I get Sweetie and Gearz out of here.”
“Y-you’re still going to meet us…at the safehouse?”
Charles nodded, “yeah…”
“No more…n-no more.”
Sweetie’s heart broke as she looked at Jake.  She rushed the man who was beaten and drugged, “Jake…I-I’m here.”
He groaned in pain when she touched his cheek. 
“Let’s get you down, all right brother?” Charles asked.  Jake didn’t respond, but Cherry rushed to one side of his body, while Charles went towards the other.  The two of them undid the bonds that kept Jake strung up, and he fell against Sweetie. 
The two of them crumbled to the ground, Jake unable to support himself, while Sweetie couldn’t carry his weight on her own; the force of it all pulling her to the ground with him.
“Y-you’re okay with helping them?” Cherry asked, looking at Charles, “you won’t rat them out for leaving?”
He frowned, “the clubs been going on a downwards slope for a while…been getting involved in darker shit…this-is too dark.  This is bordering with what the original chapter is like…Steve Rogers seeped into what Andy is doing…and I don’t have any faith into that.”
Cherry shivered, hearing the name.
“S-Steve Rogers?”
Charles looked at her, his brow raising, “you know him?”
She nodded, “Junkyard dogs…he-he and their VP had a thing…I remember him being around a lot when I was younger…”
Charles chuckled, “Yeah…sounds like Steve…used to see a guy when he was just a kid himself…til his dad beat him within an inch of his life…says his dad beat him straight and then Steve sent him to the grave and took over…Rogers is a dark son of a bitch…and I’m not planning on being around when he catches word that this chapter is falling apart.”
He helped pick Gearz up, and the three of them carried Jake to Sweetie’s car, loading him in, “don’t you dare even go to the funeral.  Barber’s probably caught wind by now that something’s up since you didn’t show, and I didn’t show…I already have the safehouse stocked and deliveries set up for the next two weeks…but we’ll be gone before that…got a few friends that will bury our trails.”
Sweetie nodded, reaching out to him, “Thank you Charles.”
“I’ll bring the boys with me when I get Hope…okay?”
“Lucas knows?”
“He understands,” he said quickly, stroking her cheek, “he knows the club is going to shit too…he might be following us once he convinces Pix.”
She nodded yet again, and Cherry looked between the two, “if I wanted out?  W-would you take me?”
“Get in the car, Cherry,” Sweetie said firmly, “and we’ll never look back…”
“Let me grab my th-“
“Cherry…we aren’t taking anything!” Sweetie said quickly, cutting her off.  It was only then that Cherry noticed nothing else in the car.  She frowned.
“We’re disappearing…really just leaving everything behind?”
“You and I both know…only way out is to just disappear…”
She nodded, climbing into the backseat.  Charles gave the two young women a sad look before tapping the roof of the car, “I’ll be at the safehouse tonight with Hope and the boys…”
“What if something happens?” Sweetie asked nervously, shooting the man a look.
“All the stuff to detox someone is there…and the plan is in a folder underneath the floorboards…we’ll use some of the extra money to get Cherry some papers…but if something happens…you need to go…and not look back…”
Chapter 30
Tag list:  @lohnes16, @elbell20-blog, @stockholmdolly, @terrormonster55, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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treatian · 2 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Hadestown
Chapter 20: Eternal Partnership
Orpheus came in the door just as he was sealing Jefferson's envelope.
"You were successful," he assumed aloud before the boy could question his actions.
"Everything is easy after you're tasked with bringing spring back into the world," the man replied, reaching into his messenger bag and withdrawing the deformed hat from it. He allowed it to fall onto the table where the letters lay, before quickly snatching the remains of it up. And opening himself up to feel...
Power. Very powerful, very unique magic.
It was still there, just below the surface. Only it was just as broken as the hat was. But it was there. And that was what counted. He'd never learned how Jefferson's grandfather managed to make portals; he was the only portal maker he'd ever come across in his life, and he'd died before getting the opportunity to track him down so that partnership could flourish. He could not replicate the magic that he felt struggling within the fabric of the hat, but he trusted in his own magic, in his ability to restore broken objects to what they once were. So, after taking a deep breath, he set the hat upon his palm and held the other overtop. Then he closed his eyes and focused.
He let his magic pour into it, restorative, healing magic; the same magic he used when someone was hurt, the same magic he used when something was damaged, it was magic of the heart. And the moment that he felt the magic in the hat begin to respond, like a pulse beating strong and steady, he pulled. He let his magic seek out every ripped seam and hemmed it. He found every creased fracture and straightened it. Every crooked corner, every unrounded edge, every place it had been harshly battered and burned, he smoothed and rounded. He healed. He couldn't return the burned pieces, but he magically knit new fabric and patches onto it. He felt the magical fabric that wove it together and sought out the imperfections, replacing magic with magic so that he felt that shimmer of broken power gush and grow into a sensation that he would recognize even with his eyes closed.
And when he opened his eyes, he smiled to find the hat he'd seen so many times in his tower, so many times atop the head of one of his oldest friends, the boy who had been like a son to him. It was whole again. And even better…
Like a spine that had just been realigned, he felt the magic within it right itself and begin to grow again. It hadn't been instantaneous, but he would never have expected it to be. This hat had been through a lot: Regina, Storybrooke, destruction he knew not of…it would take it a bit to get back to its full potential, but by the time Orpheus handed it to Jefferson, it would be ready for him. And Father would be reunited with Daughter…
"That's amazing!" Orpheus balked, reaching up and taking the hat from his hands to inspect it. "It's like…like…Spring after Winter! Resurrection after death! Like…"
"It's been made new," he finished before the boy hurt himself.
"Exactly…" Orpheus smiled as he took the hat back from him and set it on the place he'd been writing. The sun would soon be rising, and they had other things to discuss before he left with Eurydice.
"In just a few short hours, you'll meet Hades, and you'll begin your trek back to the world above with Eurydice. Before you go…instructions." He took the three sealed envelopes from where they lay and held them out before Orpheus.
He nodded. "One for my friend with the hat," he commented, putting the note he'd written into the hat. "One for you, only to be opened once you are done with your task! It contains instructions for fulfilling our deal and getting the hat to my friend. Promise me you won't open it until you are above."
"I won't."
"Say the words…"
Orpheus sighed. "I promise I won't open it until I'm home with Eurydice."
"Good lad," he noted happily as he handed it over. That kind of confidence was exactly what he needed to make his special brew work. Which was also the reason for…
"And this one is for Hades."
"Hades?" Orpheus balked as he took it. "What could you possibly have to tell him?"
"That's not much of a concern for you now,t is it," he snapped back. "Rest assured, the contents of that letter are vital to this deal. As such, when you offer this letter to Hades, make him promise not to open it until after you've completed your task. He'll likely think nothing of it, that it's some letter of confession you have written, but a promise is as good as a deal to a man like that. You must get him to say the words just as I did for you, do you understand?"
"Good. That promise will keep his eyes off of it until it's done."
"Sir…I know you said it's none of my business, but…really, what's in it. If it's something that will make him come after Eurydice and me again."
"Never mind what's in it," he snapped quickly. "Just know that you and your beloved will suffer no impact from this. In fact, it'll likely aid in the god not coming after you again. But only so long as he doesn't open it-"
"Until my task is done, yes, sir. I understand, sir."
Gods help the overly curious ones who didn't know when to stop scheming or asking questions.
"Now, when it comes to your situation, I believe our deal was that in return for delivering the hat to its owner, I would help you through your task, correct?"
"Yes, sir."
"Excellent." He took the letters from Orpheus and set them done on the desk next to a few other small vials of magic he was sure the boy might need to return the hat, then called him forward to where he'd been boiling the water before. Now it was only at a simmer, but he quickly removed it from the heat and used his magic to cool it.
"This little beauty is a potion for confidence. Give me that canteen you carry…"
Orpheus quickly dug into his messenger bag and pulled it free so eagerly it was a struggle. But once he had it, he wasted no time filling the thing up to the brim and sealing it off.
"Sir, it's a long trip. Are you sure that will be enough?" he asked with scared, hopeful eyes.
Well, now, an attitude like that simply wouldn't do. Ordinarily, he would have left that sort of thing to his beloved to talk through, but given they'd have little to no time together...he supposed he could switch hats for a moment; pretend to care.
"Young man, a sip of this particular brew once lasted a friend of mine two weeks. It'll be enough, though I suspect this isn't about the elixir. You're worried."
Orpheus sighed, he turned his back on him and the canteen and made his way over to a chair, where he plopped down without an ounce of grace. "It's been a long time since I last saw Eurydice, at least two hundred years since our previous meeting. What if she's changed? What if she no longer loves me or doesn't want to go?"
He didn't think he'd ever had to work harder to keep the mask that he wore around others in place. Now he asked this question? Hours before he was to go on a walk that would require the utmost trust and confidence, now he was choosing to question the girl?! No wonder he'd failed once before! How was it possible for Orpheus to be this old and still be such a child?!
Orpheus hung his head before him, and he prayed for strength. He was the wrong person to be having this conversation with. He needed Belle. He needed her eternal optimism and rose-colored glasses, he needed the way that she believed in the power of True Love. Hell, half the reason he believed was because of her. What would she say?
"Is two hundred years the longest you've gone without seeing each other?" he questioned.
"No," Orpheus sighed. "We once went nearly four hundred once before."
"I see...and in those four hundred years, her love, her faith for you wavered?"
"No, Sir. Her faith and love have been just as undying as my own."
Then why the fuck were they having this conversation?! it was the least logical, most irrational, dangerous, and emotional kind of thinking. Given all the evidence it was far more likely that the girl would follow him out of the depths of hell just as he had followed her to the depths of hell. But how to get his mind to trust in that and lock his fears away so the potion would work...what would Belle say?
"You asked me before, when we were in the library, about when Eurydice summoned me, did you not?"
Orpheus nodded. At least, that was the best thing he could think to call the limp bob his head did. "You said your time was brief."
"It was, it was, but…sometimes all you need to know a person is a brief moment. And in ours, you were the center of her focus."
That got the boy to raise his head a little.
"I was?"
"You were the reason she summoned me. Because the Seer, the same girl you'd talk to and led you to me, also led her to me. She summoned me because she couldn't rest without knowing you were safe."
He sighed again. "Yes, but it's one thing to want my safety and another thing to come with me."
"Orpheus, look around. You've been here longer than I have, so I know that you know it just as well as I do. No one wants this. No one wants to be here. What comes after here? Perhaps. But as it's been presented to her, her options are going with you, or eternal imprisonment in Hades' dungeon. Which do you think she'd prefer? Both of you miserable, or both of you happy?"
Orpheus folded his hands in front of him as if in prayer and leaned his head against them, but the answer he was hoping for never crossed his mouth. Fuck the self-deprecating…he was the King of self-deprecation when it came to love, and even he was annoyed. Was he this bad? Was this what Belle got when she tried to have a conversation with him about their love? Fuck, it was infuriating. Not to mention the worst possible timing!
He needed another approach, another way to get him to say it without saying it. What would Belle say? Hell, at this point, what would Snow White or Henry say?!
"Orpheus…let me ask you something…" he summoned a chair of his own, allowing himself to sit at eye level so a conversation could not go ignored. If he wanted to act like a child, then he'd treat him like a child and bring himself down to his level. "When all this is done, after you've handed Hades his letter and completed your task, after you've found my friend and given him his hat back, after you and Eurydice have settled down...will this all be worth it?"
"Yes," he spat out instantly. "Of course, it will be, how could it not?"
"Will it?" he pressed. "I only press because you've admitted to me that Eurydice is human, mortal. You are something more. You confessed yourself that you don't age or die. So, you've been waiting here for this opportunity for hundreds of years-"
"Thousands, actually."
"Thousands!" he corrected, trying to hide his own amazement. "You've waited thousands of years for an opportunity to live a handful of years with her before she grows old, wrinkles, dies…do you really believe this all to be worth it?"
"Absolutely! Eurydice and I…before she died, we weren't unaware of the challenge ahead. We had plans. We made plans. We vowed to find a way to give Eurydice immortality or find a way to surrender my own so that we'd never be alone."
"Surrender your immortality…you would do that for her."
"In a heartbeat. If it was the only way we could be together forever, I'd do it."
"And Eurydice…she was passive in this agreement you made. This was your idea, and she just went along with it?"
"Gods no! She wanted it just as much as I did. She…she used to tell me that if I could sing Spring back into existence one day, then there was nothing we couldn't solve together, including this."
"I see…and Eurydice…she's a liar then?"
"What? No!"
"She lies to you frequently?"
"I've never heard a false word leave her mouth, why would you suggest such a thing?!"
"Because everything you've told me about her, everything that she's said, everything I've seen paints a picture of a woman ready to follow you out of the gates of hell and into eternity by your side, and yet you doubt. You doubt the person you know, you doubt her words, you doubt the experience I had with her, you doubt her own actions the last time she followed you home. Logically, the only thing that could lead to such doubt is if she's a liar who can't be trusted."
Orpheus stared at him, wave after wave of emotion dancing across his face. There was a part of the boy that wanted to hit him for what he'd suggested, he recognized that easily enough. There was anger and sorrow, there was rage and consideration. And then there was resolution.
"I trust Eurydice with my life," he stated unflinchingly. "She's the best person I've ever known. I'd do anything for her, and I know she'd do anything for me. If the roles were reversed, I know that she'd follow me to hell, and that's how I know she'll follow me back again."
"Good. Now hold on to that thought, hold onto that determination, and drink…"
He offered him the canteen. Orpheus looked down at it for a moment, as if confused. Then recognition sparked, and he took it from him.
"Just a sip is enough for now," he warned as he watched him swallow a mouthful. "Just a sip…"
Orpheus turned his nose up. "It's warm."
"It'll cool eventually. How do you feel?"
Orpheus nodded, and slowly the crinkle in his nose began to unfold. He watched as the boy opened his eyes, looked at him, looked at the canteen, then glanced out the window. For a brief second, he wondered if he knew. For just a moment, he feared that Orpheus had guessed exactly what he'd done. But when he looked back at him, none of the shy, self-deprecating boy remained. Instead, he saw the man who had boldly declared Eurydice the one he trusted completely, the man who had given away his greatest gift to secure her freedom, the man who had spent thousands of years in this hell for this brief opportunity.
He was ready.
"I can do this," he stated with confidence.
And so he would.
0 notes
thegreatwicked · 4 months
WIP Title Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @split-spectrum! Lord, my WIPs are not quite out of control BUT there are quite a few of them! I'll divide them up into two categories; fanfiction and original!
Armitage (Hux x OC)
In Service to the Night Sisters (Opress Brothers x OCs)
Moonlight Rendezvous (Maul x OC)
Padawan (Obi-Wan x Reader Insert)
50 Shades of Obi-Wan (Obi-Wan x Reader Insert)
Unbreakable Bonds (Obi-Wan x OC)
The Generals Wife (Hux x OC)
Shadows of Deception (Roman Sionis x OC)
Take off the Mask, Baby (Roman Sionis x Reader Insert)
Healing Hands (Jason Todd x OC)
Claiming the Red Hood (Jason Todd x OC)
Bayou and the Burrow (Charlie Weasley x OC)
Read to Me (Matt Murdock x OC)
We Were Cursed (Jefferson/Mad Hatter x OC)
It's No Good (Soldier Boy x OC)
Second Son (Soldier Boy x OC)
Tribute to the Horde (Dothraki OC x OC)
1001 Nights of Mischief (Loki xOC)
Professional Courtesy (DC Captain Cold x OC)
Forgive Me (Malik x OC)
Binding (Malik x OC)
Call Me Love
Thanks for the Ride
Eternally Yours
Not your Fucking Grieving Widow
All works listed above are smut and not meant for anyone under 18. Lord give me strength to get through these WIPs before more appear!
No pressure tags! @hereticpriest @decembermidnight @burnthecheshirewitch @keffirinne @daenerys-skywalker @chaotickimchi @viskarenvisla @maulfvckers
Lets see those WIPs!
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lepetitmondedeju · 6 years
The Princess and the Mad Hatter, chapter 1 : Tonight I’ll become the most dazzling precious treasure
Read this story here
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j2d3 · 4 months
Mr. Loverman | Jefferson/Mad hatter x reader | pt 2
Picture this since before the curse you and Jefferson have been best friends, your character is the chesiare cat but a witch version ( NOT A FURY 💀) . This is staged during season one during the time of the curse, your memory is erased but he still remembers you. ( Also Jefferson doesn’t have a daughter in this!!!)
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I wake up in the same room I fell asleep in, my mouth isn’t covered, my hands aren’t tied and neither are my legs. Though at the same time Jefferson’s arms are wrapped around me tight.
“Did you have a nice nap?”
“What did you do to Emma?” I would struggle to get out of his arms but I should know the type of man he is first.
“Don’t worry about Y/n, she’s perfectly fine.” I look up to his gaze, still stuck in his arms. It’s almost as if I’ve been in his arms before.
“Oh well you look at that, I have to check up on Emma! Catch you later Y/n.” Just as I’m about to question what he’s going to do to me as he leaves, he grabs a rope to tie my hand to something.
“Don’t try anything.” He jumps up and leaves the room a little joyful. I at least thought he was going to be smarter than that, I managed to do a trick a learned- well I actually I don’t quite remember where I learned this trick I just know that it helps me get my hands out of being tied.
I slip my hands out of the rope, carefully not trying to get rope burn. While making sure to be as quiet as possible, my eyes wander around to see if there are any possible weapons I could use in this room. There, there it is. I reach to grab a vase, holding it in my hand as if it’s lethal.
I slowly and quietly make my way out the room, taking observations as I walk out to the hallway. I could hear faint talking in a distance, of whom I could I assume is Jefferson and Emma. I walk towards the room where I hear the talking, I know it’s not the smartest move but I’m hiding near the door behind the wall so he can’t see me. I’m planning when he walks out the room I’ll hit him with this vase, quickly pick up a broken vase shard and run to save Emma.
For now I just eavesdrop, listening on what Jefferson and Emma are saying.
“I know what you refuse to acknowledge Emma, you could save us all you know but you need to open your eyes first.”
“What are you talking about?!?? Your crazy, your a psycho!” Emma yells in distress.
“I want you to make a hat Emma, with your magic.” Okay now this guy sounds crazy, I scoff but not too loud.
“A hat…the hats, the tea, your psychotic behavior. You think your the mad hatter ?” Emma says in disbelief, I don’t know why but the mad hatter sounds so familiar to me, like I’ve met them before.
“My names Jefferson.” He says so calmly, like he has so much patience.
“Okay you’ve clearly glommed on to my kid’s Henry’s thing. There just stories, the mad hatter is in Alice in wonderland. A book, a book I actually read.” It surprises me really, what is the Alice in Wonderland book? who is the mad hatter?
“Stories…stories, I’m not a character you see. I’m real with a name. And right now your the only one that can saves us, you just need to believe in it, believe in magic. You and your friend Mary Margret are not leaving here till you make my hat, make it work!” Why didn’t he say I could leave too? What does Emma have to save?
A few minutes pass by of listening to their conversation, I hear Emma soon get to action by hitting Jefferson with something I can’t quite put my finger on. I run in the room with a vase in my hand, Jefferson surprised to see me while trying to recover.
“Come on Y/n, let’s go!” We run out hand in hand, looking for a room Mary Margret may be in. Finally we find her, tied to a chair, with duct tape on her mouth. Emma unties her arms while I untie her legs, Mary Margret rises out from the chair taking of the duct tape from her mouth.
Jefferson comes in the room and runs to Emma, pulling her hair till Emma punches him. I run with a vase in my hand hitting him with it, grabbing Emma to protect her. He then grabs the gun that he dropped and points it at Emma, I could only look at him not knowing what to do.
There’s a look in his eyes that makes me doubt what I did deep down inside me, doubt hurting him. I don’t know why but it just did, his eyes burn in mine for second before returning his eyes to Emma. Putting on a hat, before smiling. There’s a scar on his neck as where his scarf used to be.
“Off with his head.” Jefferson madly says, grinning wide. Unaware that Mary Margret has picked up a hammer, she creeps up behind him hitting him with it causing his back to turn on the window. She then precedes to kick him out the window, which was very badass.
“You okay?” She turns to ask Emma, breathing heavily.
“Yea” Emma responds and all three of us head to the window, to see where he landed I guess. We all stick our heads out the window, looking at the floor. And to our surprise he wasn’t there, I mean his hat was there and broken shards of glass but not him.
“Well that’s weird, where could he have gone?” Emma says what we’re all thinking before we all look at each other in confusion.
“Let’s just go, I think we’ve had enough.” I said after a few minutes, breaking the silence.
On the drive back to town center I can’t seem to be at ease, there’s something about him I just can’t put my finger on it. He acted different towards me then he did Emma and Mary Margret, but it’s not just that. Does he think we’re all characters? There’s so many things I’m confused about but there’s one thing I’m not, I know I will be seeing him again.
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strawboorybunny · 3 years
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Pairing: Jefferson x reader
Words: 1300+
Author’s note: I have been wanting to write for Jefferson for so long. He is another one of my favorite psychopaths. Funny enough I got the inspiration to write for him while listening to Fairytale on my way to work. I hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff and angst
You panted as you leaned back against a tree. You looked over to see Jefferson looking back at the way you just came from. “How many more enemies are you going to make?”
He chuckled and looked at you. “You agreed to come, y/n. There is no backing out now.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re mad, you know that?”
He walked over to you. “And yet, you’re still with me.” You smiled slightly before looking away. He placed a small kiss on your head before walking away. “Come on. We have an appointment.”
You blushed as you followed. “An appointment?”
He hummed as he took the sphere out from his bag. You looked at it before trying to grab it. He pulled it out of your reach. “No, I don’t know what this thing can do and I don’t want you getting hurt.”
You pouted before sighing. “Fine.”
You were broken out of your thoughts when you heard the front door close. You smiled when you heard Paige run to you. She wrapped her arms around you, hugging you from behind. “Hi mama.”
You turned and gave her a smile. “Hello, my dear.” You kissed her on top of her head before looking up at your husband. He smiled at the two of you before making his way into his office. Your smile faded slightly when he left. Things were never like this. You wanted this life just with a man who you loved. You wanted him. But he doesn’t remember you. 
“Mama?” Paige said after a few moments of silence. You looked down to see a worried look on her face. You bent down and grabbed her hands.
“I’m fine, my love. You go and get ready for dinner.” She nodded before running off. You didn’t know why you were the one to be playing her mother. A part of you thought it was some sick joke the queen was playing on you. As much as you would have loved to be her real mother, that spot belonged to someone else.
You watched as Jefferson paced back and forth. “Jefferson, calm down. Did something happen?”
He looked at you with a smile. “Yes. Something wonderful. Priscilla and I are having a baby.”
You felt your heart crumble. Everything you had wanted with the man in front of you had been officially destroyed. You held the tears at bay and gave him a smile. “That’s great! I’m so happy for you!” He sat down in front of you and grabbed your hands.
“Y/n, Priscilla and I have been talking and we would like you to care for the baby when we’re away.” You frowned slightly.
“What do you mean?”
He squeezed your hands slightly. “I have decided that you’re not going to be doing anymore jobs with me anymore. I don’t want you getting hurt again and if you did, I would never forgive myself.”
You sighed before nodding. “I understand.” You said quietly as Jefferson looked to your side. His hand grazed the spot where you had been wounded. You grabbed his hand and gave him a soft smile. “I’m fine.” You said quietly. You placed a finger under his chin before making him look at you. “Jefferson,” He looked into your eyes before kissing your forehead.
“Thank you, y/n.”
“For what?”
You stood outside of the school waiting for Paige to get out. You looked around to see some of the other mothers standing and talking to each other. You rolled your eyes slightly knowing they were talking about you. You looked towards the group again to see a man standing across the road. Your heart skipped a beat when you took in his features. He looked a lot like him, Jefferson. 
“Mama!” You quickly looked towards the school to see Paige running towards you. You smiled before giving her a hug.
“Hello, love. Did you have a good day?” She nodded as the two of you made your way to your vehicle. You looked over across the road to see the man gone. You frowned before looking around, finding that he was nowhere to be seen. 
“Mama, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just thought I saw an old friend.” You looked around once more only to lock eyes with Regina. She gave you a smirk and a wave before making her way to her vehicle. Anger ran through your body. It was her fault you were stuck in this place, a place with no magic. It was her fault that you lost Jefferson. It was all her fault.
You took a deep breath before driving the two of you to her mansion. You wanted answers and you wanted them now. Paige looked around before looking at you. “Mama, what are we doing here?”
“Stay here, love. I have to have a quick chat with the mayor.” You got out of the car and made your way up to the house. “Regina.” You said as Regina and Henry stepped out of her vehicle.
“Ah, y/n. It’s nice to see you again. How can I help you?”
“Is he here?”
“Is who here? I don’t know who you’re talking about.” She said as she gave you a slight glare. You glanced at Henry and then motioned to Paige in the car. He got the hint and made his way to your vehicle. You crossed your arms. Regina sighed. “Yes, he’s here.”
“And you decided to keep his daughter away from him?”
Regina sighed again. “Well, I gave you what you want. To be her mother.”
Your heart fell. “Not like this. I was not meant to be her mother. Priscilla was.”
“And look what happened. Because of their reckless mistakes she died and left their daughter motherless. I just filled the gap. She already thought of you as her mother since you helped raise her.”
You became silent as you remembered watching the two play out in the woods as you made supper. Tears came to your eyes. “Does he remember?” You asked quietly.
“Yes, he does. He thinks he’s the only one. Here, this is his address.” She approached you and gave you a piece of paper. You looked down at the address on it before looking at her. “He knows you and Paige live together. Let’s just say he keeps a close eye on the two of you.”
You looked up at the mansion before looking at the piece of paper. This was the address Regina gave you. You took a breath before making your way up to the front door. You hesitated before knocking on the door. Your breath hitched when he opened the door. You took in his look. He looked just as handsome as always. Your cheeks became slightly pink as you reached out to touch his cheek. “Jefferson,” You whispered as he melted into your touch.
He smiled slightly as he pulled you into him. “Hello, y/n.” Tears came to your eyes as you melted into his touch. “I missed you.”
Your arms tightened around him. “Why?”
He frowned before bringing you inside. He broke the hug and wiped your tears. “Why what?”
“Why didn’t you come back?”
His heart broke when he heard you ask that. He never forgave himself for leaving you and Grace behind. “I’m so sorry, for everything.” He placed a kiss on your head as more tears fell. 
“Regina told me that you still remembered. Why didn’t you come find us?”
He sighed. “I didn’t want to face the fact that the two of you didn’t remember me. Nor look at you when I left. Even when I promised I’d be back for tea.” You frowned as he looked away. You placed your hands on his cheeks before placing your forehead against his.
“I forgive you, Jefferson. I always will because I love you. Even if I try not to, you will always have my heart.” He smiled before looking into your eyes.
“I love you too, my love.” He said before softly kissing your lips. You immediately melted into the kiss. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against yours again once more. “Let’s go reunite our family, my love.”
Taglist: @bxcketbarnes @jessalyn-jpeg @noisynightmarefest @shyartistmaddie​ 
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bxcketbarnes · 3 years
Take Me Away
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Pairing: Jefferson x Reader
Words: 2800+
Author's Note: Pre-Grace Jefferson owns my ass and I decided to write a little somethin' somethin' for him. Hope you enjoy! 🖤
"Why did I try to do this?" You ask yourself while handling about ten books. The hardcover novels press against your face as you blindly traverse down the long dimly hallway. You hear two pairs of footsteps and you gradually move out of the way to see the Queen and a man you don't recognize.
"Where is he, this wizard?" She asks, slapping her hands against the leather tunic she's wearing, "you promised to bring him to me."
Regina's eyes meet yours and you provide a small smile. "Good evening, my Queen," you greet while trying to do a semi curtsy. Your gaze moves to the tall gentleman beside her, causing your breath to hitch in your throat at the beauty of him. "Sir."
"Evening, Y/N," the Queen smiles gently and notices the two of you locking eyes. "Jefferson, this is one of my loyal servants, Y/N L/N."
Jefferson leans forward slightly, offering a silent hello before he tears his gaze from you. You continue your way towards the library when your boot trips over an object in front of you. A gasp leaves your lips as the books in your hands go flying and your knees come into contact with the floor.
"Shit," you quietly curse before pushing yourself off of the floor. You wince a bit as your knees begin to bleed and decide to ignore the pain, so you can get everything cleaned up.
"You okay?" Jefferson asks you while crouching beside you, a few books resting between his large hands. "That was quite the fall."
Your cheeks flush and you clear your throat before nodding your head in reply. "I'm okay, nothing I haven't handled before. Sorry to disturb you two," you apologize and bring your gaze towards the Queen.
"Nonsense, Y/N. You know your safety is my priority," she tells you before taking a couple of steps towards the two of you. "Are you sure you're alright? I can call the infirmary."
"I-I'm good, your Grace. If you excuse me," you stutter and grab the books from Jefferson before walking away from the two.
Jefferson's blue eyes watch you walk away, his fingers tingling slightly from your touch. Regina crosses her arms and smirks at the traveler. "Have you ever been in love, Jefferson?" She asks while the two continue making their way down the hall.
"No," he tells her bluntly and the Queen chuckles in response to him.
"Well, it looks like you've met your match," she teases, causing the tall man to roll his eyes.
"I don't even know her. That's not possible."
Before the two reach the garden area, Regina leans in closely before whispering, "anything's possible in Wonderland."
You finally make it to the library without knocking the books over again, your mind still replaying the interaction between you and Jefferson. You gently bite your lip as you slide the books back into their place on the shelf, hoping that you'll be able to see him again soon.
You don't have many friends around the Kingdom since you're too shy to befriend and of your fellow servants. Your ears perk at the sound of voices becoming louder and glance over your shoulder.
Jefferson walks by the library with the Queen and another man you didn't recognize. Your feet start to run towards the archway before you realize what you're about to do.
"Jefferson!" You call out to the man, causing him to halt in his tracks before whipping his head around. Your cheeks flush as you suddenly become nervous, all of their eyes on you. "Uhm, I-"
The blue-eyed man takes a glance back at the two behind him before reaching his hand out. "Come," he mumbles and leads you back into the library.
You fiddle with your fingers and feel Jefferson's hand gliding along your lower back, your heart pounding in your chest. "Sorry to just… interrupt," you mention and the man in front of you gently smiles down at you.
"It's alright, although, I do need to get back to them," Jefferson chuckles while fiddling with his jacket.
"Right! Sorry! Uh, I was just wondering if I'll ever see you around?" You question him with flushed cheeks.
His blue eyes widen at your words, surprised that you would want to see him again. "I- Well, I happen to be getting a royal passport," he tells you with a small smile. "When's your next day off? Do- Do you get days off?"
A giggle leaves your lips and you nod your head in response. "We do, yeah. I happen to have one next week," you grin, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth. "I'll see you then?"
Jefferson nods his head before resting his hand on your forearm. "Absolutely," he smirks, your eyes meeting his blue ones and you feel yourself melt under his gaze.
Your breath hitches in your throat as the brunette leans down to press a gentle kiss on your cheek. Jefferson squeezes your arm lightly before pulling away. Your heart pounds against your ribs as you watch him walk out of the library and release a breath you didn't realize you're holding.
Wow, he's attractive…
"Aha!" You grin, finally finding a few patches of mushrooms after searching the woods for almost an hour. You place them into the basket you're carrying and pick your head up upon hearing twigs snap behind you.
Your heart pounds wildly as you whip yourself around. A sigh of relief leaves your lips as Jefferson stands in front of you, his fingers fumbling with his top hat. "I hope I'm not interrupting," he chuckles and you let out a laugh as well.
"Not at all. Just picking some mushrooms for the Queen," you mention with a smile.
Jefferson takes a few steps closer and notices the dark bags under your eyes. "Have you been sleeping?" He asks while reaching his hand out and you feel his thumb drag across your under-eye.
"Uhm," you start and scratch the back of your neck, "not really. The Queen… she's been- she's been running me everywhere."
You chew on your cheek as you glance up at the brunette, seeing his face fall a bit. "I'm sorry, doll," Jefferson whispers and you shrug your shoulders.
"It's alright. I- I just don't know what happened. She's changed," you sigh before leaning your head on his chest.
Jefferson rests his hand on your back, gently stroking it as the two of you stand in silence. "If you ever feel the need to get out or get away from her for even a few hours, let me know," he mentions and you nod your head against his chest.
"Thank you, Jefferson. I hope to see you soon," you tell him and pull yourself away from him. The blue-eyed man smiles and you lean on your toes to press a kiss to Jefferson's cheek.
"You will. Can't get rid of me that easily," he smirks and a chuckle leaves your lips.
You mumble a quiet goodbye before turning on your heels, making your way back towards the castle. Jefferson lets out a sigh as he watches you get further and further from him, running his fingers through his hair.
Regina's screams are heard as you step into the castle, your blood running cold. "Where is she?! She should be back by now!" The Queen yells at one of her servants, her hand slapping against the table she's sitting at.
"I'm here, your Grace," you pipe up, feeling the anxiety rising in your chest.
Her head snaps towards you and motions for you to come closer. "Finally. Did you get what I asked for?" Regina questions and you swallow thickly before setting the basket of mushrooms down in front of her. "This is all you have?"
"I- I couldn't really find any," you stutter and the Queen lets out a sigh.
Your breathing becomes heavy as she stands up from her chair before walking towards you. "You were gone for hours, Y/N," she states and you nod in response, agreeing with her. "What else were you doing?"
Regina slams her hand on the table beside you before wrapping her hand around your throat. Your eyes widen at the action and grip her wrist. "What. Were. You. Doing?" She seethes, her dark eyes glaring down at you.
"I-I… Jefferson stopped me while I was picking," you tell her truthfully and the Queen shoves you away roughly.
"Jefferson," she scoffs and moves to sit back in her chair. Regina waves her hand towards you, mumbling for you to get out of her sight.
Your hands shake as you make your way towards your room, letting out a deep breath. After closing your bedroom door you rest your head against it, taking a few breaths before running a hand through your hair.
A few tears slip from your eyes as you slowly make your way towards the window, eyeing the treeline of the forest. You press your lips together and glance over your shoulder before deciding to leave the palace.
You hug your arms as you finally make your way into the woods, seeing the sunset behind the trees. You're hoping Jefferson's lurking around the forest still, knowing he's supposed to be in town for a couple of days.
"Jefferson?" You call out, glancing in every direction while making your way towards the hot spring. A sigh escapes your lips as you hear the silence around you before slipping your shoes off. "Might as well go for a dip."
"Jefferson?" The brunette's head snaps up at the sound of your voice. Jefferson furrows his brows as he wonders what you're doing out here so late.
He gathers his things quickly and places the top hat onto his head before heading in the direction your voice came from. Jefferson's blue eyes widen as he comes across your figure sitting in the hot spring, your bareback staring him right in the face.
"Y/N?" He gently calls out, not wanting to startle you.
You jump anyway and cover your chest, glancing over your shoulder to see Jefferson standing fifty feet from you. "H-Hey," you stutter while your cheeks flush. "I didn't think you were out here."
"Sorry I didn't answer. I-I was trying to pinpoint your voice," he chuckles nervously while scratching the back of his neck. "But, I can see that you're bus-"
"Join me?" You suddenly burst out, your eyes widening at your own words.
Jefferson's fingers tangle with one another as he debates the offer. He clears his throat while checking you out before taking a few steps closer to the spring. "You sure?" He questions.
You bite your lip before nodding your head yes. You turn your gaze away from the six-foot-tall man, allowing Jefferson to undress without your eyes peering at him.
The water behind you splashes and you glance over your shoulder to see Jefferson waist-deep in the water. You lower yourself into the water, making sure your chest is covered before turning to face him.
"When was the last time you did something like this?" You ask him while gliding your hands through the water.
"I've never done this before," Jefferson mumbles with a quiet laugh, seeing his cheeks blush.
A giggle leaves your lips and you move closer to the brunette before sitting down on one of the rocks beside him. "It's really relaxing. You should try it more often," you inform him with a smile.
Jefferson sits down beside you and notices the light bruising on your neck. He slowly raises his hand and glides the back of his fingers along the bruised skin. "What happened?" He whispers and your eyes meet his blue ones.
You swallow thickly before clearing your throat. "Uhm, the Queen wasn't pleased that I was gone for so long," you mumble and Jefferson furrows his eyebrows. "It's why I'm out here… to just get away from her."
"Run away with me," Jefferson offers, lifting your chin with his index finger.
"Wha-" you cut yourself off, your breath hitching in your throat. "Are you serious?"
The brunette grins and leans his face closer to yours. "One hundred percent," he whispers and you feel his breath fanning your lips.
Your eyes flutter shut as his lips brush against yours. "And where will we go?" You question, bringing your hands to his shoulders.
"Anywhere you want, darling," Jefferson grins before connecting your lips with his.
A short gasp leaves your lips and you raise your hand to his face, cupping his cheek. Jefferson moves his hands to your waist, dragging his thumbs along your wet skin.
"When do we leave?" You breathe out, panting a bit from the kiss and Jefferson lets out a chuckle.
He kisses your lips again and glides his tongue across your bottom lip. You part your lips and your tongues battle for dominance, a moan leaving your lips as Jefferson's grip on you tightens.
"Do you need anything from the castle?" He asks after pulling away, his nose nudging yours gently. "Cause we can go right now."
You wet your lips, breathing heavily while glancing up at him through your lashes. "Take me away, Jefferson," you grin.
A door slams shut and your eyes snap open, your body jumping at the loud sound. "Jefferson?" You whisper, reaching your hand out towards the Hatter only to find the space beside you empty.
Your brows furrow while you throw the covers off of your body, getting up from the bed. You look around the small hut you and Jefferson reside in, running a hand through your hair.
You let out a sigh of relief upon seeing your handsome man standing in the kitchen. "Morning," you grin, causing the brunette to jump in his spot before he glances back at you.
"G'Morning, gorgeous," he smiles and wipes his hand on a rag before walking towards you. His arms wrap around your waist and he kisses your lips lightly. "Did I wake you?"
You hum and nod your head in response, bringing your hand to his hair. "Just a smidge," you giggle before biting your lip. You run your fingers through his hair, noticing how long it's getting. "Are you growing your hair out?"
Jefferson shrugs his shoulders as one of his hands rubs your back. "Do you hate it?" He asks and you shake your head. "Then, maybe."
"Could definitely tug on it more if you do," you wink and wet your lips, tugging on the brunette strands gently.
You watch Jefferson's blue eyes flutter shut, a short groan leaving his lips as his grip on you tightens. "Sweetheart," he moans, nuzzling his face into your neck.
Giggles leave your lips as Jefferson kisses your neck, feeling his breath against your skin. "I love you," you whisper, one of your hands moving to his shoulder. "I love you so much."
Jefferson lifts his head, his blue eyes meeting yours and a large grin comes to his lips. "I love you, Y/N," he mumbles before connecting his lips with yours.
You kiss him back immediately as butterflies swarm around your stomach. "I've got something to tell you," you mention against his lips.
The brunette pulls away from you a bit and furrows his brows. "Okay…" he trails off and you see the nervousness fill his eyes.
Your heart pounds against your chest as you grab one of his hands before placing it on your stomach. Jefferson wets his lips as his gaze moves to his hand for a few seconds. 
"Remember when we talked about the future?" You ask, biting your lip.
"Y-Yeah?" He whispers and gently rubs your stomach with his hand. "Are you-"
"Yeah," you grin, and tears come to both of your eyes. "I am."
Jefferson's eyes flutter shut once again before resting his forehead against yours. "Ar-How are you feeling?" He asks and you chuckle softly.
"I'm good. Just a smidge tired lately," you grin and Jefferson mumbles incoherently to himself, his gaze moving back to your stomach.
"Marry me," he breathes out and your breath hitches in your throat. You look up at him through your lashes, seeing the seriousness in his eyes. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
A few tears slip from your eyes and you nod your head rapidly. "Yes, yes, absolutely," you sob, bringing your hands to his cheeks. You press your lips against his and Jefferson slips his tongue past your lips instantly, deepening the kiss.
Jefferson lifts you into his arms, carrying you towards your shared bedroom. "You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," he mentions while looking up at you.
You card your fingers through his hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose. "Thank you for sweeping me off of my feet," you giggle while Jefferson carefully sets you on the bed.
"I would do it a million times over," he mumbles, hovering over your body before kissing your lips.
"I can't wait to be a family," you grin and both yours and Jefferson's hearts flutter in your chests. "You're going to be an amazing father."
Jefferson nudges his nose with yours and presses a light kiss on your cheek. "And you're going to be an incredible mother, my love."
Taglist: @jessalyn-jpeg​ @queen-of-mischief​ @bumblebet-20​ @metalbuckaroo​ @thewxntersoldier​
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ohmygoodnessgraciouss · 3 months
Through the Looking Glass (A Jefferson Love Story) - Chapter 2
Emma, Sarah, and Henry saw the "Welcome to Storybrooke" sign ahead of them. Sarah smiled fondly at it, before shuddering. Something about that sign both excited her and made her nervous. Maybe it was the fact that she would see people she hadn't seen in a long time, even if they couldn't remember her. Maybe it was the curse having some kind of effect on her. She hoped that wasn't the case though.
She knew it would be foolish to let anyone in town believe that she knew anything about the curse, and that certainly included Henry. Henry came to Emma for a reason, and she had to stay out of it in fear of ruining the outcome. It brought her some comfort knowing that she wasn't the only one who believed in the curse anymore, even if it's a ten-year-old kid who was on her side. Knowing that your friends and loved ones have been trapped under a curse for nearly 30 years will drive you crazy some days. She had gone some dark paths around the world in an attempt to find out how to break it. Unfortunately, she very quickly realized this world didn't have magic, and certainly did not believe in it either.
The car rolled through downtown Storybrooke and Sarah scanned the streets for anyone she knew. Of course, it was empty. Not only was it late at night but it had been storming on the way there. The shops were empty and must have been closed for hours.
"Okay, kid, how about an address?" Emma asked.
"Forty-four, not-telling-you-street."
Emma sighed, stopping the car suddenly in the middle of the street before stepping out of it. Sarah followed her out, along with Henry. "Look, it's been a long night, and it's almost-" Emma stopped herself to look up at the clock tower to read the time, "Eight-fifteen?"
"That clock hasn't moved my whole life. Time's frozen here," Henry said as he walked around the bug.
"Excuse me?"
"The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here."
"Hang on. The Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairytale characters here." Emma wanted to roll her eyes at the kid, but held back anyway.
"To be fair, our world is certainly the place to take them to torture them," Sarah said sarcastically.
Henry looked over at Sarah before looking back at Emma. "Yeah. And now they're trapped."
"Frozen in time, stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what you're going with?"
"It's true!" He exclaimed.
"Then why doesn't everybody just leave?"
"They can't. If they try, bad things happen." Sarah shuddered at the thought. She remembered how much convincing it took for her to get out of town early on. She still didn't know how she pulled that one off.
"Henry?" A man called out. All three of them looked up to see a man crossing the street with his dog. Sarah smiled when she saw who it was. Archie. "What are you doing out here? Is everything okay?"
Henry looked down at the Dalmatian who was now running up to him for attention. He began to pet Pongo before responding. "I'm fine, Archie."
Archie looked over towards Emma and Sarah. "Sarah? You're back?" His eyes widened. Sarah cursed that she was caught already.
Emma immediately turned to look at her friend, her arms crossed. "You from around here?" She asked expectantly.
Sarah smiled sheepishly. "I'm back, Archie. Hopefully not to stay though."
Archie nodded, before looking at Emma. "Who's this?"
Emma gave a final look to Sarah, as if to say they would be talking about it on the ride home. "Just someone trying to give him a ride home."
"She's my mom, Archie." Henry smiled.
"Oh, I see." Archie said. Emma seemed nervous, looking around the town.
"You know where he lives?" She asked him.
"Oh. Yeah, sure, just uh, right up on Mifflin Street; the Mayor's house is the big one on the block," He said casually, as if it was no big deal. Both Sarah and Emma's eyes widened at his answer, although for different reasons.
Emma looked down at Henry, who was now staring at the ground to avoid anyone's eyes. "You're the mayor's kid?" Sarah asked.
"Maybe." He said quietly.
"Hey," Archie spoke up, "Where were you today, Henry, because you missed our session." Emma frowned at the boy.
"I forgot to tell you. I went on a field trip." He looked up at Archie, hoping that he wouldn't get caught in a lie.
"Henry," Archie kneeled down to look him in the eye. "What did I tell you about lying? Giving in to one's dark side never accomplishes anything." He smiled at the boy. Emma, realizing just how odd this was starting to sound, decided it was time to end this.
"O-kay! Well, I really should be getting him home." Emma said. Sarah nodded in agreement, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Yeah, sure. Well, listen, have a good night, and uh, you be good, Henry. And I hope to catch up with you at some point, Sarah," Archie smiled before continuing on his walk with Pongo.
"So that's your shrink." Emma looked down at him.
"I'm not crazy."
"I didn't say that. Just, he doesn't seem cursed to me. Maybe he's just trying to help you." Emma shrugged.
"He's the one who needs help. He doesn't know."
"That he's a fairytale character?" Sarah asked skeptically.
"None of them do. They don't remember who they are."
"Convenient," Emma rolled her eyes. "All right. I'll play," She said as they all climbed back into the car to get ready to find the mayor's house. "Who is he supposed to be?"
"Jiminy Cricket!"
"Right. The lying thing." Emma sighed, putting the keys back into the ignition.
"Thought your nose grew a little bit there," Sarah teased, turning to look at Henry and pointing at her nose.
"I'm not Pinocchio!" Henry groaned.
"'Course you're not. 'Cause that would be ridiculous." Emma said, ending the conversation. She looked over at Sarah, who simply gave her a sympathetic smile. It was already a long night.
As Emma drove to Mifflin Street Henry remained quiet for the rest of the trip. "So," Emma started, "Didn't think to mention you were from Storybrooke on the way here?" She asked Sarah. Sarah groaned internally, knowing this was going to be mentioned eventually.
"I didn't think it would be important," She admitted. "Storybrooke is a thing of the past for me."
"Clearly not. At least it makes more sense as to why you're in the kid's book then." Emma mentioned. Sarah nodded, starting to zone out at the mention of the book. She wanted to have a chance to read it. This book never existed while she was in town, so where did it come from?
"I left town seven years ago," Sarah said, trying to knock herself out of her daze. "I wanted to see more than just this little dinky town I grew up in."
Henry listened in on the conversation, trying to put the pieces together in his head. "How did you leave here?" He asked, causing both Sarah and Emma to jump.
"We thought you fell asleep," Sarah looked back at him, laughing at the scare.
"Well?" He asked. He had to know the answer. This was going to be critical information for him to know if he wanted to figure out the curse.
"I got into my car and left, Henry. That's all there was to it."
"Then why did my mom let you leave?" He pressed on. The car started to turn onto Mifflin Street and it was clear that Henry was disappointed.
"Kid," Emma interrupted, "Your mom can't stop someone from leaving town. That's not how that works."
"Yes, she can!" Henry saw the house next to him and slowly got out of the car with Emma and Sarah. He was running out of time to convince them to stay. His mission was becoming even more alarming knowing that Sarah was in his book. He didn't know how she left, but she couldn't leave again.
"Please don't take me back there," He said as Emma began to walk up towards the house.
"I'll actually hang back here," Sarah said, leaning against the car. "Regina and I go way back and I don't want to have to play catch up this late at night." She yawned as Emma gave her a nod. Turning back to the house, Emma looked down at Henry.
"I have to. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you."
"I don't have parents," Henry said sadly. I just have a mom, and she's evil."
"Evil," She rose an eyebrow at his words. "That's a bit extreme, isn't it?"
"She is. She doesn't love me. She only pretends to."
"Kid, I'm sure that's not true."
The front door to the house opened before the two made it there. Standing in the doorway was a dark-haired woman in a black dress and gray blazer. Her eyes were puffy, as though she had just been crying a few minutes before. Next to her was a man wearing a sheriff's jacket. Sarah recognized them as Regina and Graham. Or rather, the Evil Queen and the Huntsman.
"Henry? Henry!" Regina exclaimed, running down the steps to meet them in the middle. She immediately pulled him into a hug, relief on her face. "Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?"
"I found my real mom!" Henry huffed, storming into the house. Graham looked back at him before turning to watch Emma and Regina.
"You're Henry's birth mother?" She asked quietly. She knew it was bad news to have a stranger come into town, although she wasn't expecting her to be Henry's birth mother of all people.
"Hi." Emma shuffled awkwardly.
"I'll just go check the lad, make sure he's okay," Graham said, pointing back into the house. Before he left though, he noticed someone who had clearly tried to hide near the car, right behind the bushes that surrounded the home. Getting a closer look, he realized it was Sarah. "Sarah?" He called out.
Sarah knew she was done for then. She stepped out of the way of the bushes, where she could now see Regina's face clearly. There was a look of shock painted on her, one that in any other circumstances Sarah would've teased her for it. "Hey, Graham, Regina," She greeted them. She knew she wasn't getting out of this one.
Graham nodded before going upstairs to check on Henry. Regina watched Sarah as she walked up, past the gate, and stood next to Emma. Regina's shocked look was replaced with a small smile as she turned towards the blonde. "How'd you like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted?"
"Got anything stronger?"
Lucy and Regina were riding through the large field together, laughing as they decided to race one another. Regina had been teaching Lucy for the past couple weeks how to ride a horse. It was a challenge at first, but Lucy quickly picked up on it as they met in the afternoons. Lucy would bring a few items for them to eat afterwards. It may have been something as simple as an apple or a quick sandwich, but it left the two of them happy with the day as they wrapped up.
Lucy started to gain on Regina, who was slightly ahead of her. The white horse she rode seemed to gain energy as they got closer to Regina. "I'm almost there!" She called out. Regina laughed, looking back at her friend.
"You've still got some space there!"
"Not for much longer!" Regina called for her horse to quicken his pace, although he was unable to do much more. He was beginning to tire out from the afternoon. Lucy was able to overtake Regina at the last second, passing by the agreed upon goal of making it to the area filled with daisies.
Once the horses slowed to a stop, both of them got off, giving the horses a quick pat. Lucy grinned triumphantly at her friend. "You picked that up quickly," Regina commented.
"I learned from the best."
"You flatter me," Regina smiled. She brushed off her pants slightly, looking up at the sky to see where the sun was. She still had some time before she would have to go back and see her family. While she loved to see her father, she dreaded seeing her mother at the same time. She was being reminded more and more about how she should be looking for a husband.
The two girls walked over to the small blanket Lucy had put down on the ground. She tried to avoid as many of the flowers as possible when she did so, claiming that it would hurt her more than the flowers to cover up their beauty. Regina shook her head at her friend's absurdity some days.
She pulled out some berries from her basket, as well as two flasks containing something to drink. Regina's eyes widened. "Is there a special occasion today?" She asked, pointing at the flasks. Lucy looked down at it before laughing.
"It's just water, don't worry. These were the only clean things I had this morning though. I haven't had a chance to clean much recently. I was a little exhausted yesterday after the royal guards caught me out in the town. Seems like they still haven't forgotten the one time I tried to steal from them," She rolled her eyes. It had been so long ago, but she learned to never make that mistake again.
"You know I can help you, right?" Regina asked. "My mother wouldn't even notice the gold being gone if I gave some to you," She offered. Lucy shook her head, handing Regina some of the berries she pulled out of the basket. Regina graciously accepted them.
"Absolutely not. You know how I feel about being a charity case," She grinned. "I'm cleaning up my act anyway. I'm doing honest work. You remember Eugene?"
Regina nodded. Eugene was a farmer nearby who had made a decent living. Lucy couldn't deny that he was handsome. Tall, strong, with jet black hair and bright blue eyes to match with it, anyone would find him attractive. Eugene was known for being kind, always helping out the townspeople when he would stop by the market. He was always greeting Lucy and asking what she was up to. Sometimes it felt like he was her only friend in the village.
"Well, he's offered me a job!" She exclaimed. "I'll help bring in the produce to sell at the market so he can spend more time with the animals. You know, since Daniel's gone off to better things now," She said, rolling her eyes playfully.
Regina could feel the smile growing on her face at the mention of Daniel. He had only been working for her parents for a little over a week now, but she met him two days ago when getting ready to meet Lucy. While they had an awkward introduction at first given Cora was there, the two hit it off almost instantly.
Lucy noticed the smile and the faint blush that grew on Regina's cheeks. Her grin widened. "Stop it!" Regina said, before Lucy could say anything about it. "But that's wonderful, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks, Regina. Although it means I probably won't be able to come out into the field as much anymore," She looked down at the ground disappointed. Regina took one of her hands, causing her to look up.
"We will still have our afternoons. Even if they aren't as often." The two shared a smile. "Besides, maybe you'll get a chance with Eugene," She winked playfully. Lucy groaned.
"You keep this stuff up with Eugene and I'm making fun of you for Daniel!" She warned. The two laughed together before each taking a sip of water.
Maybe things were looking up for both of them.
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creptolli · 3 months
Yes yes, I have a million fanfics I need to continue BUTTTTT I have had an idea (completely wacky concept that without the writing itself will sound so incredibly out of pocket.. cause it is) that has been rotting in my brain for so long.
It is an OUAT - once upon a time - fanfic and a partial Marvel one, that consists of Jefferson (you fucking simps are welcome) shipped with Merlin. Yes.. I know, it’s weird. But I have had it in my head for so long that I have the story planned from start to finish. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually finish this one.
However, Jefferson will also be Bucky Barnes. Because, well it makes it more interesting. And yes, I’ve figured out how to incorporate him. (Him being a portal jumper helps)
Originally I only like Merlin because of Gaz but ever since rewatching season 5 for the 8264927483rd time, I’m actually just obsessed with Merlin himself. He’s so funny and I love him.
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phantomstatistician · 3 years
Tumblr media
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Character: Emma Swan
Sample Size: 27,802 stories
Source: AO3
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treatian · 2 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Hadestown
Chapter 19: Three Letters
He wanted to watch. So much of what he wanted to do hung on making sure this plan was executed to perfection. But he was trying to remember to have trust. That was something he was going to need now that the Seer was gone. Besides, there were other things he needed to do, things that he couldn't do with Orpheus present because one glance over his shoulder would give his plan away. It was time for his confessions.
He had letters to write. Three, to be precise.
The first letter he needed to pen was for Hades. He hadn't met the man, but he knew how dealmakers thought. When Orpheus completed this task and escaped the Underworld with Eurydice, Hades would be angry. He might seek out vengeance, anything to prove that the boy had defied him or hadn't followed their deal to the letter. If he did enough research, then he might figure out the plan that Orpheus believed he'd concocted, which meant that in order to truly free Orpheus, he had to leave behind his confession for the King of the Underworld to read, so that he'd know he hadn't been cheated or lied to. The agreement had been carried out as planned according to the help he gave without giving it.
The Seer was never wrong.
So he wrote out a confession to Hades, giving him the information that he needed to know, the information that would free Orpheus and Eurydice for good and likely put his own soul in jeopardy. But assuming that the Seer was right, he hoped he wouldn't be here long after Orpheus succeeded. She'd hinted that there was a master plan, that as long as he helped one of their own, then they would make sure his path back to his family opened. Of course, she'd also mentioned that there would be another trip to the Underworld in store again for him someday. This would most certainly paint a target on his back when that day arrived, but gods willing, he'd have some time to figure out how to dodge that particular bullet.
The next letter that he wrote out was for Orpheus himself. He'd intended for the letter to be merely instructional. There was no need to tell him exactly who Jefferson was or where to go looking for him now, that was all for later. So, he carefully outlined a way for Orpheus to use the hat to get himself, and the hat, to Wonderland so he could return it to Jefferson. He made sure to warn him that he needed a body that wasn't Eurydice because the same number of people that went through had to come back, and they'd need to bring Jefferson home or else risk being parted again.
Those instructions were all that he'd planned to put in the letter, but when he stared at the third blank piece of paper he'd drawn up, trying to think of what words he needed to say, he'd quickly pulled the letter to Orpheus back to him and added a post-script. He added his confession once more. But this time, he added it not for Hades' benefit, although the information would certainly help if Hades found them and came calling. He added it not for his own benefit, though it certainly did distract him for a time from the third letter. Instead, he added it for Orpheus. He added it because a man should know what he was capable of. Orpheus deserved to know, at the end of the day, that he was responsible for his own actions.
Post-script finished, he stared at the blank piece of paper again. He let the pen in his hand tap against the desk, an uncharacteristically nervous tick, as he considered where to begin. A name would certainly help, he decided, then carefully scrawled Jefferson, at the top. But then he was back to tapping as he considered what should come next.
Obviously, he was in a confessional mood. But when it came to Jefferson…he wasn't sure where to begin. The last few encounters that he'd had with Jefferson, one in the Enchanted Forest and the other in Storybrooke, the boy had made it clear to him all the ways that he felt he'd failed him. Now that he was clear-minded, now that he had his son back in his life, and now that Belle and Henry had been added to it, he could see just how right the boy was. And while it certainly wasn't the first time, it was one of those rare moments where he felt truly sorry, right down to his bones.
He was sorry for not seeing what he'd had when he'd had it. He was sorry for not recognizing that Jefferson's presence in his life had been a good thing and not just because of the trinkets the boy had fetched for him but because he had provided company when he was perhaps at his most lonely. He was sorry that he'd pushed the boy away, that when he'd invited himself into his castle and even established a room for himself, he'd pushed him away and out, that he hadn't done enough to make him feel more welcome. He was sorry for rebuffing every attempt Jefferson made in his young life to get closer to him. Jefferson had been a boy without a father, and he had been a father without a son, if he'd thought about it then, they most certainly could have been all the things Jefferson had told him that he wanted. More than associates, more than partners, more than friends. They could have easily provided what the other needed. Instead of growing jealous and fearful of losing his associate when Jefferson met the girl, Priscilla, he could have offered him advice. Something more than just "stay away and don't get her pregnant." Instead of turning away from the couple after they'd married and Jefferson had announced that he was retiring because they were pregnant, he could have offered him something more than the correction of an assumed gender he'd made. Instead of turning a blind eye to the pain that it caused him to be absent from his life, he could have been the man Jefferson needed. He could have been there. He could have known Grace and watched her grow, he could doted upon her and spoiled her as he wanted to spoil his own flesh and blood. He could have helped when Priscilla had been killed. He could have made sure that Jefferson and Grace never went into poverty or wanted for anything. He could have made sure that he was never an easy target for Regina. Instead of the pair being separate, they could have lived together, they could have stayed at the castle, and Jefferson could have been his right hand as opposed to Dove. He could have made sure they were just as safe as he was when the Curse came. They could have found Bae together.
There were so many places that their lives could have gone. Instead, he was here, alive but summoned to the Underworld, a deal in place that he'd never let the boy see his face again, and a piece of paper with his name scrawled across it, waiting for the apology he couldn't find the words for.
He felt sorry, but he didn't blame himself entirely for where things ended up. The cosmos were to blame for some of it. Jefferson had been the right person, but he'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time. His heart hadn't been open to him, his mind was so consumed with Baelfire and worry about how he'd feel if he ever realized that there was another boy his father had taken in that he hadn't been able to think of Jefferson the way that Jefferson thought of him. Hindsight was twenty-twenty. Now that he knew Baelfire, he suspected Bae wouldn't have cared. At least not now. Learning about Jefferson might have been a slap in the face, but eventually, he'd have come to accept it as he appeared to have accepted Belle. It was a foolish reason to push someone away. But it had been who he was.
He'd changed since then. His mind often found him looking back on those times longingly, and he dismissed them because he'd repressed the feelings that he'd had then, and it made him feel guilty now. If he could go back and do it again, knowing everything he knew now, he'd make different choices when it came to Grace and Jefferson. But time had moved on. He couldn't do it again and given the separation he'd endured from Bae, he didn't want to do it again.
So now there was only forward. Only this piece of paper. Only this one last opportunity to say what he should never have to say.
And no time.
Orpheus was back. He felt him enter the property, and only a few moments later, he detected magic that he recognized but hadn't felt in a long while. Jefferson's Magic.
Orpheus had the hat.
And he was already so worked up that the knowledge was all it took to break him into tears. Orpheus had the hat. Jefferson could get back to Grace. And really, wasn't that the only thing that mattered?
He regretted what happened, and he regretted what had never been. But those were two unchangeable situations. There was only forward. There was only Orpheus coming up the stairs as he stared at his paper. There was only one thing he could write.
I'm sorry. I hope this helps. -R
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