#jess can be Alex' nephew
innytoes · 2 years
JATP Gilmore Girls AU
Because apparently sooner or later I create a Gilmore Girls au for every fandom I am in... All the blame goes to @hawkguyhasstarbucks who sent me ‘emily patterson 🤝 emily gilmore’ and I have not known peace since.
-When Luke has Rory, he decides to name her Lorelai after himself. That way, there will still be a Lorelai in the family after he transitions so everyone can suck it.
-Luke is constantly baffled by his daughter being like, the opposite of him in every way. Except really she isn’t. He is all about music, she is all about books. He loves and supports her even if he doesn’t really get it.
-Luke still runs away to work at the Independence Inn. But besides cleaning rooms, he also mans the piano or guitar during dinner. If you tip well enough, he will play requests. If he thinks your request sucks, he will keep your money and play something better. If you want him to play Piano Man, it’s 100 bucks.
-Bobby, Rory’s father, did not run away with them even though Luke asked him to. When Luke is cleaning rooms several years later, he hears a very familiar song on the radio.
-It’s said to be by Trevor Wilson, but Luke knows that voice.
-Let’s just say that for the sake of their kid, Luke doesn’t sue the pants off of Bobby. He’s been dealing with his shitty broken promises to Rory for years and trying to keep from badmouthing her other dad. But this is one bridge too far and it’s burnt.
-He lets Bobby know if he ever tries to steal another song of Luke’s, Luke will not only sue the pants off of him, he will tell Rory everything. Rory who at eight is already smarter than both of them put together and the most fair-minded child in the universe.
-Bobby takes this threat very seriously and indeed never steals another song of Luke’s. His first album is a hit, but all his next ones are kind of flops. He does pay Luke some money, so he can move and get a house for him and Rory.
-Luke moves to his own place in Stars Hollow with Rory and they are quickly adopted by the town. They have breakfast almost every morning at Reggie’s, the diner in town. It’s run by Reggie, who is just a ray of sunshine, and Alex, who complains about how much coffee he and Rory drink but also always pours it for them anyway.
-Luke and Rory move next door to the Molinas, who are pretty awesome and have a daughter about Rory’s age. Julie and Rory are best friends and Luke is so thankful to have some Adultier Adults nearby when he has parenting questions like ‘how young is too young for a child to read Russian literature’ and ‘how did I explode the microwave trying to make soup for my daughter, no it’s fine it’s not on fire... anymore’.
-Okay and also maybe Luke looked up to Ray a little about how to be a Proper Father because he was just winging it by going ‘how about I take everything my parents did and do Not That’.
-When Ray realises he makes sure to tell Luke that he’s doing everything right and Rory seems like a well-adjusted, happy kid. Luke manages to keep it together until he’s home and only then cries about it, because that’s all he’s ever wanted, was for Rory to be happy.
-Reggie inherited the hardware store from his dad and turned it into a diner. He immediately invited Alex to join him because 1) Alex knows coffee better than Reggie ever will and 2) they were best friends and Alex was on the verge of either being cut off from the family or forced into a marriage with a Girl, Any Girl.
-Yes the Mercers did cut him off because he started living with a man and they were both like: lol but we aren’t even dating.
-They lasted like, 2 or 3 years of ‘we’re totally not dating we’re best buds’ before finally confessing they were totally in love.
-The next morning while opening the diner, Miss Patty and Babette took one look at the two of them and exchanged money. (Babette thought it would take them at least another six months and was hoping for a Dramatic Christmas Confession instead of a ‘dramatic random March confession.’)
-Tía Victoria is 100% Miss Patty’s right hand woman. Together (when Taylor isn’t looking) they rule Stars Hollow. She had her money on New Years.
-Yes Reggie baked Rory a coffee cake for her birthday. Alex is the one that grumpily informed her she was sitting at the wrong table, before nodding to the table he and Reggie decorated with balloons.
-When Rose died Luke and Rory were devastated and they did their best to help. Even if that meant ‘we know better than to try and make you a casserole but we did buy one of everything you like at Reggie’s so here you go.’
-Luke has 100% covered for the Molinas with Victoria. No no that extra plate is totally for me Victoria I promise. You know I just freaking love Ray’s spaghetti so much.
-Rory gets into Chilton and they have a small party before Luke realises that they aren’t eligible for the scholarship money. Ray offers to loan him the money but he just can’t. Ray’s fighting to keep Julie in her own music school, he doesn’t need the extra stress.
-So he goes back to his parents.
-Can you imagine how fucking painfully awkward Friday Night Dinners are. Just sit with that a moment. On the one hand Luke has Unsaid Emily running through his mind, on the other, Emily is scolding him for not wearing sleeves and trying to talk Rory out of going to Harvard and go to Yale instead and all he wants to do is run away and hide at Reggie’s diner or possibly the Molina’s studio.
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4townie · 5 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 41 | part 42 | part 43 | part 44 | part 45
“Sean, honey, are you ready yet?” Selina knocked on the guest room door.
A second later, the door opened. Sean stepped out and adjusted his suit jacket. “Yep. I’m ready.”
“What the hell?” Jesse looked him up and down. “I didn’t dress that fancy for our prom.”
“That’s because it wasn’t a first date. We’d already been together for a year.” Selina nudged him. “You look great, Sean.”
“Thanks, Selina.” Sean played with his hair a little. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been subconsciously crushing on Alex since ninth grade so I need this night to be perfect.”
“How perfect?” Jesse narrowed his eyes, earning a smack to the arm from Selina.
“I mean, if I could get a hand hold, maybe even a first kiss, that would be great.” Sean said casually before blushing. “Not that it’s any of your business.”
“Ooh, Seanie’s got a boyfriend, Seanie’s got a boyfriend.” Danny teased. “Say it with me, Marcel.”
Marcel just shook his head quietly.
“Awwww, you’re no fun.” Danny pouted. “I thought I had a new teasing buddy.”
“He’s not on that level yet.” Selina shook her head. “He once thought Jesse was teasing me when he was really just talking to the baby. Marcel wouldn’t talk to him for twenty minutes.”
Jesse scoffed. “I bet his sister’ll be a real party guy.” He rolled his eyes. “All those kicks while I was talking probably meant she thinks I’m funny.”
“OH MY GOD EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Sean yelled, backing away from the door. “I think I can hear his footsteps.”
“Sean, that could literally be anyo—”
There was a knock at the door.
“Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong?” Sean gave Jesse a smug look.
“I still have the video tapes of Mom potty training you.” Jesse squinted in retaliation. “Don’t think I won’t show them to your little crush.”
“Okay okay, fine.” Sean rolled his eyes. He put his hand on the doorknob and paused. “Selina, do me a favor and keep him in check until I leave.”
“I’ll do the best I can from the couch.” Selina stretched her back as she went to sit down. “Momma’s got a little back pain.”
“Okay.” Sean took a deep breath. “I got this.” He opened the door. “Hey, Alex.”
“Sean, hi.” Alex nervously tucked some hair behind his ear. “You look great.” He leaned in and kissed him.
Sean’s eyes went wide and his entire face turned bright red. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he started to fall over, but Jesse caught him.
“Get up.” Jesse nudged his brother. “I’ll grab one of Marcel’s diapers from the garbage.”
“Actually, I think you have a fresh one right here.” Danny made a face of disgust as he held up his nephew.
“Okay, I’m up.” Sean got up immediately.
“Sorry about that.” Alex chuckled awkwardly. “I didn’t actually mean to kiss you, I’m pretty sure I was possessed just now.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I liked it.” Sean offered a crooked smile. He turned to Jesse. “Well? Pictures?”
Jesse stared at him for a second. “Mommy, I made an oopsie in the—”
Selina walked over to the couch and crossed her arms. “All three of you need to go to bed.”
“Not until Sean’s back.” Jesse groaned. “What if he needs me to pick them up?”
“That’s what I’m here for.” Selina said firmly. “I’ve got a license, I know where the keys are. It’ll be fine. Now go to bed.”
Jesse started whining, and Selina rolled her eyes.
“Hey, Danny.” Selina gently shook his shoulder. “Dan—” She paused and grabbed his wrist when he started flailing his arms.
“Huh?” Danny squinted up at her. “Selina?”
“Go to bed. It’s late.”
“But what about Seanie?” Danny asked as he got up and started heading to his room.
“Your brother will be fine, you can ask him how his prom was in the morning.” Selina waved a hand. “But you should look out for the—”
“AH!” Danny walked right into the wall and jerked back. “Oh. Okay, now I’m up.” He rubbed his head. “Goodnight, you guys. If I can even fall back asleep with this headache…”
“You should go to the room before you start walking into walls, too.” Selina nudged Jesse.
“But this show is so interesting.” Jesse squinted at the TV. “I wanna know who the murderer is.”
Selina stared at him. “Babe, this is a rerun of The Nanny. And it’s “The Chatterbox” episode. You hate that episode.”
“Yeah well…I was just giving it another chance.” Jesse shrugged. “Still sucks. Not enough Fran.”
“Well, if you’re going to keep watching reruns, at least let me take the baby to bed.” Selina reached out to grab Marcel, but Jesse blocked her. “Oh my god, not this again…”
“He’s more comfortable with me.” Jesse hugged Marcel. “He’ll be fine if he stays out here for a little longer. I mean, how much longer can Sean b—”
The apartment door opened and Sean stumbled in with a look of ecstasy. “Hey, guys.”
“Hey, Sean.” Jesse waved. “I’m glad you made it home alive.”
“What’s with that look?” Selina looked Sean up and down. “I know that look. Your brother does it all the time.”
“Is it after he has the most amazing night with his boyfriend?” Sean said with a lovesick sigh.
“No, it’s usually after—” Selina paused and started to smile. “Did you say boyfriend?”
Sean nodded. “We called it official after everyone kicked us out. We figured if they were gonna treat us like boyfriends, we might as well give the people what they want.”
“Awww, what a cute—they kicked you out?” Jesse sat up, a bit more awake than before.
“Yeah, all my old friends were calling us names and laughing, but we hardly noticed. Well, we noticed, that’s why we left. But then we went on an after prom date and it was pure magic.” Sean sighed again. “What a night. Sweet dreams, guys.” He headed into the guest room still in a euphoric daze.
Jesse and Selina stared at him, wide eyed.
“So are we gonna talk about that or—”
“Nope, not a word. I can’t knock him off of cloud nine.” Jesse shook his head. “Especially not when I have my own cloud nine to get to.”
“Are you finally taking him to bed?” Selina asked with a small chuckle.
“Yeah, it’s past my bedtime.” Jesse finally got up and adjusted his grip on Marcel. “Plus my teddy bear is getting heavy.”
“Oh, then let me—”
Jesse held Marcel away from her. He narrowed his eyes as he walked past her.
“Well damn. Okay.” Selina crossed her arms. “Boy is out of his mind if he thinks he’s getting breakfast in the morning, but whatever…”
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somedayonbroadway · 7 months
oooh, have you done a full house/fuller house au?
I grew up on Full House. I loved this show growing up, but I never watched Fuller House because it broke my heart that someone I grew up looking up to ended up being a homophobe and I just couldn’t support her work. But I love the original show, I think it’s so wholesome and fun.
So without further ado:
Full House AU
The Three Amigos
Specs as Danny Tanner
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Specs is a young dad of three. His wife unfortunately passed away not so long ago and he was left with three sons who he just didn’t know how to take care of on his own. He has PTSD and severe depression and has to call in recruitments to help him raise his children because he doesn’t know how to move forward on his own.
Jack Kelly as Jesse Kastopolis
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Jack is Specs’s brother-in-law. His sister and him had never really been close, but he loved his nephews. It’s not even Specs who calls for his help. It’s Race. Jack is very young, only nineteen when his sister dies, a high school drop out, someone who is known for running away from his problems and making a mess and now a second father to three boys who need him.
Katherine as Joey Gladstone
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Katherine is Specs’s best friend who immediately runs to his side when he is having a hard time. She’s an up and coming author and comedian and does her best to help raise the young kids. She also happens to fall for Jack and they end up with an oopsie pregnancy which results in two little boys and a whole lot of drama.
The Kiddos
Racetrack Higgins as DJ Tanner
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He’s the oldest son. He’s a trouble maker. Specs is always scared he’ll end up just like Jack and when Jack and Race get really close it just worries him even more. Race is rebellious and misses his mom so much more than he can explain but he loves his family more than anything and ultimately does anything he can to make them happy.
Crutchie Morris as Stephanie Tanner
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Crutchie is the middle brother. He’s always sort of torn between everyone because he’s always the last one to know everything. He’s very close to Race and knows a lot of what Race is going to do before anyone else. He is very similar to his father.
Romeo as Michelle Tanner
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Romeo is the baby, just a toddler when he loses his mom so he never really gets to know her. He grows up with a bigger family than his big brothers had. He is truly the baby of the family and is spoiled rotten.
Albert DaSilva as Kimmy Gibbler
David Jacobs as Rebecca Donaldson
Spot Conlon as Steve Hale
Mike and Ike as Alex and Nicky
For more mood boards and AUs, click here!
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
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After letting this book stew in the back of my mind a couple days, I've come to add some more points that I was thinking about after I first managed to unload most of my thoughts.
i. In one of the many examples of characters telling each other how much they've changed, Thomas tells Alastair that Alastair is not the same he was before. That Alastair wouldn't have rushed to help Thomas when he was arrested. Wouldn’t have followed Thomas the first place and to make sure he was safe. The person Alastair used to be wouldn’t have looked after Matthew and wouldn’t be reading book after book about paladins to try to help his sister. The first two, three points I can agree on, but that last part. Either Thomas knows nothing about Alastair and Cordelia's relationship, or the writing knows nothing about Alastair who did his everything so Cordelia had happy childhood with a loving father without the darkness behind it all. Seriously.
ii. In the end, it is told that Anna and Ari are looking to adopt kid(s) because there are many Nephilim orphans. Thomas and Alastair talk how they will never get to have kids, but it is never addressed why they couldn't adopt also.
iii. Jesse trains vigorously in order to build up strength, James is looking to train with someone else than Matthew. Why do we never see any adult Shadowhunters train in the series? As if they do not need to maintain and preserve their skills and strength.
iv. James and Alastair never conclude their feud or arrive to a truce.
v. James and Grace never arrive to any conclusion either with each other.
vi. James' story was so tied to Cordelia, Matthew, and Belial that all the other conflicts that were previously introduced weren't properly concluded. Just because James tells Cordelia he isn't angry and no longer cares or thinks about that stuff, in the narrative sense they still remain open with the characters he does not even interact with.
vii. Additionally to the Lightwoods not getting to grieve their children: When Gideon and Sophie appeared at the Iron Tombs, the writing didn't acknowledge them any more than making them present. No reaction, no emotion, nothing that even remotely touched the fact that their nephew had just died by Tatiana, that Gabriel and Cecily have now gone through the same incredibly awful loss as they had right before.
viii. There is similar passiveness in the narrative seen in Queen of Air and Darkness: When Robert has died, Alec rises from beside Robert's body and basically throws himself at Magnus, but Magnus isn't a participant in the action/has no reaction (for instance, doesn't hold Alec or embrace him back). When Isabelle cries because of Robert's death, she is sitting on a couch with Alec and is clinging to him and sobbing against his shoulder, but Alec, like Magnus in that scene mentioned above, isn't written doing anything. His lack of action (for instance, holding his arms around Isabelle or consoling her) just gives the image of him passively sitting there while Isabelle cries her heart out. Similarly Gabriel does have no reaction to Alex's kidnapping, he just holds Cecily who does. But then Cecily or Gabriel aren't allowed to have reaction to Kit actually dying.
ix. Cecily's absence in the final battle could be read as that she remained in Idris because of Alexander (and Kit's death), but having no mention of her or how she is fairing in the rest of the book is just insanely callous.
x. Lucie's secret about the ghosts in their parabatai ceremony rehearsal came out of nowhere since Lucie never really did show any apprehension for any reason becoming parabatai with Cordelia?
xi. The characters are once again attracted to each other's appearance.
xii. Anna's "slim curves" being a constant aspect told about her looks.
xiii. Why is that the Herondale kids (excluding the other part of the pair) are the only ones to have parabatai? It's so strange that such concept as parabatai is "rare" among the Nephilim when they could just benefit greatly from warrior partners who can draw strength from one another, draw stronger runes on one another, and just in general be stronger in battles.
xiv. Thomas is constantly comparing himself to James and Matthew (and no one else) :/ Wonder why...
xv. What meaningful thing did Matthew's character actually do as to the plot in this book? He had no integral part other than being James' voice after James is being possessed by Belial.
xvi. Why was the Blackthorn sword such a huge deal anyway? Wasn't there suppose to be a name for it?
xvii. Jesse's "stolen" runes are never addressed again, neither whether he got them stripped. Which either way raises the question of whether Shadowhunters stripped from their runes (which is told to be a painful procedure) and send into exile could have then reapplied just as well? Could someone like Edmund Herondale who was stripped of his Marks technically become a Shadowhunter once more?
xviii. Why were Lucie's and James' respective powers tied to Belial himself? Belial had no use for Lucie and says as such that he holds no interest over her. Why there is no actual consequence of having 1/4 of Greater Demon blood since their powers disappeared with Belial?
xix. Similarly to Gabriel and Cecily, Kit and Grace had more authentic build-up to a possible relationship whereas all the others were incredibly fabricated and contrived.
xx. There was an illustration (collector's first edition) of Cordelia holding the ice sword. It was supposed to be a tease for the readers waiting for the publication of the book, but then it was just one scene and didn't even really matter even though Cordelia slew Tatiana in Lilith's name.
xxi. Jesse berates and blames Grace for having a choice and making the wrong one as to the whole bracelet mess, but what would've become of Grace had she refused? This is never thought of or addressed by anyone, the least by Jesse. No one but Kit was interested in Grace's victimhood and healing.
xxii. Jesse and Grace's relationship is just left unaddressed the rest of the book (Aside that everyone is looking for James to know how to feel their independent feelings and ganging up on her) after Jesse gets mad at her. They become closer once more towards the end but the writing still rather leaves all things unsaid, so unconcluded.
xxiii. Alastair doesn't bond with anyone else than Thomas. Everyone is doing their missions with their romantic partners because that's how things always go in this series. Why care about mixing things up a bit and have different character interactions?
xxiv. Things that disappeared from previous installment: Ari's wish to befriend Grace, Grace's secret about Tatiana wanting her to seduce Jesse, the rumor/supposition/fact that Grace was bought by Tatiana.
xxv. James barely, if at all, grieves Kit or acknowledges his passing. Cordelia is the same. Matthew does a few times. Thomas was the only one to carry Kit's death with him to the end. It was absurd how quickly Kit's death was brushed aside. He didn't even get a funeral nor even as little as a mention of such.
xxvi. Kit and Grace would've become revolutionary inventors in the Shadowhunter spheres but that would've been too powerful, I guess. (Also great how the only big character described as not conventionally attractive dies??)
xxvii. James and Cordelia's relationship leans heavily on previously established feelings and lacks substance and chemistry, just words and physical desire.
xxviii. If Cordelia's bond with Lilith is ended the moment Belial dies by her blade, then how was she able to heal James with paladin sword?
xxix. Do all the protagonist need to go dimension-hopping as if not to be lesser than the previous ones? No matter, the TMI gang still holds the crown since they've been to Edom and Diyu. TID zero.
xxx. I'm assuming Clare thought it was better that Alec descended from Alex (just assuming since I don't yet know what the "real" family tree looks like), probably also because Kit and Grace don't have the HERONDALE HAIR and obviously their children possibly couldn't.
xxxi. All the unnecessary things in this book greatly outweigh the necessary ones. I don't see any re-read value in any of this. And I still don't know what the series name refers to.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 11 months
Gilmore Girls OC Masterlist ( A-C )
( D-K ) ( L-Z )
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Name: Adalia Kim
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Janel Parrish
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Name: Allie St. James
Story: The Mad Ones
Face claim: Lily Collins
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Allie St. James didn’t not want to go to Stars Hollow, exactly, but she would have liked to be asked.  Waking up in a hospital, finding out from a CPS caseworker that her parents had been deemed unfit, and that she would be taking a bus to Stars Hollow to live with the aunt she barely new — not exactly the best way to find out.  Going straight from the hospital to the bus station, she didn’t even get to say goodbye. Stars Hollow isn’t bad, by any means.  Her aunt Sookie is nice, she’s able to help in the kitchen at the Inn and get a real job working at the local diner, she makes friends, she adapts — she always adapts.  But something is missing, something will always be missing.  Until, almost a year after she moved to the small town, Sookie brings her to Lorelai’s so that they can have a welcome dinner for Luke’s nephew. And Jess Mariano walks through the front door.
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Name: Amanda Weston
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Annabel Gilmore
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger
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Name: Antoinette Kensington
Story: Silver & Gold
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Paris Gellar
It had been five months since the tragic and unexpected deaths of Bradley and Claire Kensington, and Antoinette thought that she was finally getting a handle on her life again. She had finally settled into a comfortable rhythm with Emily and Richard Gilmore, no longer stuck in the strained formalities that defined her first couple of months living with them. She had finally reclaimed her position at the top of the Chilton food chain, no longer stuck as the tragic girl with dead parents. She had finally felt like her life was getting back to normal. Then Rory Gilmore got accepted into Chilton. Now the Gilmore girls’ particular brand of chaos threatens to destroy the life she had worked so hard to rebuild.
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Name: Ashley Nardini
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Laura Marano
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Name: Ashton Grant
Story: Drops Of Jupiter
Face claim: Chace Crawford
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Name: Austin Geller
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Connor Paolo
Love Interest: Jess Mariano; eventual Logan Huntzberger
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Name: Avery Stiles
Story: This Is Me Trying
Face claim: Maude Apatow
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger
Avery Stiles had lived her life trying to be seen and not heard.  To be perfect but not disrupt her father’s obsessive routines.  She spent her life in every club he could sign her up for just so she would be out of the house, pulling all-nighter after all-nighter to get her homework done on top of them, always striving towards but never reaching the standards set for her.  But when Logan Huntzberger gets waitlisted at Yale because his grades dropped too far, and Mitchum Huntzberger decides that the Chilton sophomore is the perfect tutor to keep Logan in line, she starts to see a world beyond the constant perfectionism that her father instilled in her.  And maybe, just maybe, there’s an appeal to a world where being herself is better than being perfect.
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Name: Benny Flynn
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Jordan Fisher
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Name: Bex Harding
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Hilarie Burton
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Name: Blythe Langford
Story: Loveless Generation
Face claim: Emily Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Charles Gilmore & Kaito Lauder
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Name: Brady Mariano
Story: Motion Sickness
Face claim: Rachel Keller
Love Interest: Finn
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Name: Brandon Webster
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Alex Fitzalan
Love Interest: Natalie Lister & Lucas Gilmore
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Name: Brielle Livingston
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Taylor Momsen
Love Interest: Rory Gilmore
When Brielle’s parents got divorced, she thought she would be okay.  Sure, it sucked, but she still had Brooks — even if he was at Yale most of the time — and she still had her life in New York.  But when her mom remarries, to Mr. Geller from Hartford, Brielle finds herself packed up and moving to Connecticut.  She figures she’ll wait it out, until she goes to college or they get divorced. She was expecting the gossip, the circling vultures looking for any signs of a story.  She expected the loneliness too, being away from Brooks for the first time would never have been easy.  And frankly, she expected to hate it all, to hate her mom’s new husband and his kids, to hate her new school and the new social circle, all of it. What she didn’t expect were the two step-siblings who would quickly become her closest friends, or her new sister’s cute rival — but maybe moving won’t be quite as bad as she was expecting.
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Name: Brooks Livingston
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Penn Badgley
Love Interest: eventual Jess Mariano
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Name: Caleb Barlow
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Jack Mulhern
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Name: Cameron Danes
Story: Nowhere Girl
Face claim: Kaya Scodelario
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Name: Carlie Hayden
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Emma Roberts
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Name: Casey Boone
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Diana Silvers
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Name: Catalina Pérez
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Sofia Carson
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Name: Catie Gleason
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Emilija Baranac
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Name: Cecilia Ackerman
Story: My Own Tomorrow
Face claim: Madeleine Arthur
Love Interest: possibly Jess Mariano or Lane Kim
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Name: Chandler Beck
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Halston Sage
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Name: Charles Gilmore
Story: Loveless Generation
Face claim: Blythe Langford & Kaito Lauder
If you asked anyone to describe Charles Gilmore, they would all tell you the same thing.  He’s a rich party boy without a care in the world, drinking and sleeping his way through the boredom of high school until he can get out of Hartford.  And Charles himself would be the first person to say so, all too willing to hide behind the carefree mask he’d so carefully crafted.  But when his niece starts at Chilton, bringing she and his older sister back into his life for the first time in, well, ever, that mask gets put to the test.  And truth be told, Charles is afraid to find out who he is without it.
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Name: Charlotte Howard-Danes
Story: Where You Lead
Face claim: Margaret Qualley
Charlotte Howard-Danes knew that life could change in an instant. After all, her life had changed when she was nine and went from being raised by a single mother to having both parents in the picture; when Rachel Howard told Luke Danes that she was raising his daughter and they decided to give their relationship another try. It changed again only weeks before she turned ten, when Rachel Howard suddenly up and left, leaving Luke to raise their daughter alone. It changed again when Lorelai and Rory Gilmore became a permanent fixture in her life, and when she finally got back into dancing, and when she discovered her love of poetry. Life could change in an instant, and life never stopped changing, she could handle it. Until she’s sixteen, and her mom steps back into the picture for the first time since that fateful departure all those years ago.
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Name: Chelsea Geller
Story: Lonely Hearts Club
Face claim: Julia Stiles
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Chelsea Geller was tired.  Tired of trying to be perfect, tired of never being good enough, tired of pretending… tired of everything.  And her sophomore year of high school was shaping up to be no different, until Rory Gilmore showed up a month into the semester and turned Chelsea’s world on its head.
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Name: Cosette Gerard
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Samantha Logan
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The Grand Ducal Wedding Part 2
Boredeaux Abbey, Violette, Bordeaux
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Sophie: turning back to the guest entrance to the abbey we do see Carrington’s own HRH Princess Claire and her husband the newly minted Prince Jim of Ashbury! Princess Claire stuns as usual in her light blue dress while her husband looks dapper in his morning suit! I want to be able to find my Jim.
Pierre: Annywho, behind them are three of the couple’s four children, Lord Elias, Lord Anton, and Lady Leonora! It seems to be a green and grey theme today with Lady Leonora wearing that eye-catching off the shoulder dress with matching fascinator with her brothers again in dapper morning suits.
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Sophie: and a couple of cars are pulling up to the abbey and it appears to be the bridal party! We can see TIH Crown Prince Louis, Prince Henri, & Princess Maria Aisha, Lady Beatrice of Ashbury, and Lady Alex of Carlisle flanking the younger bridal party members. It is appearing to be a full on family affair!
Pierre: I find it sweet that they both opted for their siblings to be apart of their big day. Many do forget that the Grand Duke of Anjou is actually a blood relative to the Grand Duke of Bordeaux through their mother, the late Duchess Cecile of Bordeaux.
Sophie: It is sweet! Also to finish listing out the bridal party in terms of the kids, we have TRH Prince Kristof and Princess Cerys the children of Queen Anastasia who is cousin of the Bride, Masters Jeffery and David Villa, the groom’s nephews, Master Martin Weaver the son of the Grooms current Commanding Officer Major Jesse Weaver, and Lady Stella Dubose, daughter of the Viscount of Champagne who is a friend to the Imperial family.
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Pierre: speaking of friends of the Imperial Family, we have TRH Princess Isabella and Prince Matthew of Saliceau. Princess Isabella has been host to our own Princess Maria Aisha as she spends time in Saliceau to be surrounded by other female royals. I have to say…post club incident, Princess Maria Aisha has been doing well on her time away! We do also want to point out that Prince Matthew also has a cousin who will be arriving shortly, Grand Duchess Elisabeth of Anjou.
Sophie: I have to say, Princess Bella looks splendid! Is that light blue or light purple, I cannot tell but I want that color!
Pierre: And Prince Matthew is rocking some amazing leather shoes with that double breasted suit. We love it when the gentleman also respect the shoe game.
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Sophie: And behind them appears to be Major Jesse Weaver, the Grand Duke’s boss and his wife Tori who has opted for a light blue off the shoulder number. It’s easy to forget given that some of these guests are high profile, but this is also a family wedding, so it’s great to see some members of the IAF here to support their fellow Airman.
Pierre: And behind them is the Dubose family! Viscount Champagne and Lady Aria followed by their son Lord Eddison, who is close to HIH Princess Maria Aisha and has been with her in Saliceau.
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Sophie: Back at the entrance to the abbey wesee the arrival of the Groom’s twin sister, Mrs. Isabella Villa and her husband Captain Villa. The pair’s twin boys are serving as pages today. Can I just say…I’m loving the Green theme through this wedding!
Pierre: Well we have seen the happy couple match in the color many times so it’s only fitting that we see their guests pay their respects. Turning back to the guest entrance
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Pierre: We see the Grand Duchesses of Anjou, Elisabeth and Priyanka now heading into the abbey. The sister-in-laws to the groom are apart of the first polyamorous union alongside the Grand Duke of Anjou to be apart of the Imperial Family in Pierreland history so it is magical to see them both walk into a Church of Pierre building.
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Sophie: Back inside the abbey, we see some of the final guests being escorted by kilt clad employees of Eagle Hall, the Grand Duke of Bordeaux’s Estate in their finery escorting His Majesty King Henrik of Charleston and his husband the Duke of Lilabon or as he is known here in Pierreland, Grand Duke Michael of Burgundy! And just behind them, We see Her Majesty Queen Anastasia of Carrington and her husband HRH the Duke of Clois!
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Pierre: And one of the last guests to arrive before the Emperor and the Bride is the Bride’s Mother, HRH Princess Katherine of Carrington, Dowager Duchess of Carlisle and I must say, she looks stunning! I sense a trend with everyone in Green!
Sophie: Yes! It is a dark shade of green but it is nice to see Princess Katherine in something other than black since she has been in darker colors since the death of her husband Arthur, Duke of Carlisle. She is seen speaking to the Archbishop of Bordeaux, Simon Peter, probably reminiscing on her big day before heading inside.
Pierre: And we hear trumpets blaring and we now see that TIM Emperor David and Empress Katalina have arrived!
@thecharlestonroyalfamily @royalhouseofcarrington @sosa-royals
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fosterguilt · 9 months
as i mentioned previously in my pinned post, i'll be canon diverging in some aspects to er's canon in my portrayal. for the most part, events happen as they usually would, however things that are changed are as followed:
since i, personally, ship alex with carter, he never romantically gets involved with a large portion of the girlfriends he canonically goes out with. i'll always work out the details of this out with anyone who writes carter with me.
the amanda lee storyline never happens. kerry weaver is chosen for chief of emergency medicine instead after much competition for the spot from other doctors who were also just as qualified to hold the spot.
carter doesn't try to meddle with lucy's adhd medication since it's not his business to do so.
carter doesn't have as much of an involvement in abby's affairs and neither does she in his.
jesse, benton's nephew, miraculously survives the injuries he sustains and doesn't die. malucci is still punched in the face by benton, though.
in the episode "secrets and lies", when carter reveals that he was taken advantage of by one of his family's maids when he was eleven year old, it's taken much more seriously than just an "oh, that happened" moment and it's something that he and alex talk about since she was involved in the case at the time.
although romano's arm couldn't be saved due to the loss of sensation and the advancing decay after it's severed by a helicopter rotor, he's given the utah arm that he originally wanted instead of the one with the claw so that he has more time to adjust to it. he's allowed to remain as chief of staff, and after he fully acclimates to the use of his prosthetic and can demonstrate that it won't be a hindrance during surgery, his surgery privileges are restored. because of how aggressively he's applied himself and has advanced the field of surgery, he's known as a pioneer in robotic surgery over the years.
this also means that romano isn't killed by the helicopter in "freefall", which means that the mass casualty event that ensues because of the helicopter never happens.
the congo storyline is just a tad different since alex volunteers to go along with carter and luka. carter remains strictly professional with kem throughout it.
sandy lopez survives her surgery after the abandoned warehouse fire, thus eliminating the custody battle between kerry and her family.
this post will be updated periodically as i continue my rewatch of er. right now, i'm on season 11, episode 14.
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gucciwins · 4 years
Into You
Breakup’s bring heartache but they also bring a new beginning.
Word Count: 8658
A/N: Angst, it was fun to write. Honestly, I really loved this ending. I struggle with endings but this felt like the perfect one. Relationships take work and no communication can ruin that. Remember to love and to trust. I love you 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Julia: Dinner at 7 Cafe Habana
Julia: He won't be there
You sigh at the sight of the second message. It's pathetic that your friends have to let you know, but you don't want to run right into him. It is the last thing you need but the thing you want most. 
Y/N: I'll be there x 
You look at the text you sent and sign grateful for her reaching out. You haven't seen your friends in a few weeks, and it's been months since you've been to your favorite restaurant. Everyone knows how hard it's been since the breakup. They aren't choosing sides, but sharing a lot of the same friends is hard. You live in the city, and he's always on the road, it's only fair he gets to go out with them because you know you'll have other opportunities. 
You wore a comfortable sundress and black flats, not wanting to drive in heels. A gold bracelet on your wrist, fingers bear no rings like you usually did. A ring tan sitting on your right index finger makes your eyes foggy, but you shake the thought away and enjoy the ride down PCH window down the ocean breeze coursing through your hair. Joni Mitchell on blast to overpower your thoughts of memories connected to this exact drive you're making. 
Walking in, you take a deep breath and smile as soon as you open the door. The smile drops instantly when you see who's sitting two seats away from Julia right next to Jeff. Brown curls and a broad back. Tattoo's on display. You see her mouth an apology and lifts her phone. You walk out without a second thought, hoping they didn't see you. 
Your phone rings once you're back in your car. It's Julia, so you answer.
"Hey babe, I didn't know I swear. He walked in with Jeff talking about how he was here for the weekend then going back home to London." 
"It's fine, toots." You sigh. 
"Are you doing okay?" She asks voice a bit low.
You're trying to choke back your tears, but it's hard. It's hard because he's so close yet so far. He seems fine, perfect even, and here you are crying in your car like a loser. 
"It hurts, and it hurts to know he's fine. He's not hurting like I am. I miss-" You cut yourself off as you feel your tears falling down like a waterfall. "I want the pain to pass." 
"Sweetie, do you want me to meet you at your apartment?" 
"No, just let them know my sister called me and that it was a family emergency, but everything is fine. I'm going to head to her house for the weekend. Hug, my nephews. Stuff my face in cupcakes." 
"As long as you promise to bring me one." 
You laugh for the first time in what feels like forever. "That I can do." 
"Next Saturday, Alex's birthday. Say you'll show up for him." 
"I'm there. Got his gift all wrapped up." 
"You're not alone." She reminds you. "Despite all you think, you're still our friend." 
"Thank you. I love you, toots." 
You know breakups are never easy, but this one flipped your entire world upside down. You're not sure what's up or down, left or right. All you know is you gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The music is loud. It hurts your head, and you can't hear yourself think.
It's perfect. 
It's been so long since you allowed yourself to go out and drink. A party with friends is a guaranteed good time.
You decided to dress up. The way you dress is an excellent way to hide your emotions or so you've been told. A black dress, your favorite black dress. The little back dress that every woman is supposed to own. You paired it with red heels your sister gifted you two Christmas ago. Makeup was simple, but you did go with a bold red lip. It always made you feel more confident. 
You're three shots in when you hear a voice behind you. You ignore it at first but turn around when they say your name. 
"In the flesh." He jokes.
"Oh my gosh!" You bring him in a hug before pulling back to get a good look at him. "I didn't know you were in town. Do you know Alex?"
"No, his sister is my girlfriend." 
Your eyes widen. "No, we talk once a week, and you've never mentioned the girlfriend. Since when?" You punch his shoulder. 
"We've been together close to eight months now." A big grin on his face.
"My best friend is all grown up. Committed relationship, met the family, next is moving in or baby if you're following your dad's footsteps." You tease.
"No, baby, but we are moving in together. My lease in Seattle is up, and she has hers for another year."
"I'm happy for you." You place a hand on his forearm, letting it rest there. "She's amazing, and we get along so well. It's perfect." 
He nods, and you keep chatting as if no time has passed. It's comfortable with Jake, he's been your best friend since childhood, and although your sister thought you'd end up together, it just didn't work. You kissed once, and it was like kissing a wall. It's a sibling love, one that will never fade. 
He clears his throat, causing you to look at him. "I heard about," You cut him off before he can continue.
"Think everyone has, but I'm good. I won't lie and say I've been fine because I haven't been, but I'm getting better." You tell him truthfully. 
"Was it bad?" 
You run a hand through your hair. "Awful. No yelling, we never liked to yell just lots of crying. I did the crying, and he did the heartbreaking." 
He nods and hands you another shot that you accept happily. 
"I was so lost the first week that I thought about moving from the state, the country." You laugh at the thought now. "But here is home, at least for now." 
"Have you seen him? I know he always disliked me."
"That is true, could never get him to see you were just Jess to my Cece." 
"Obviously, I was Cece." He fakes a hair flip.
"Well, of course, all I do is go home and break out singing to any song."
"Never change, buttercup." He kisses your head and then tenses up. 
"Think I'd be six feet under if laser eyes existed." 
"What makes you say that." You go to turn around, but he doesn't let you. 
"He's at a table with Alex. Drink in hand, looking our way, and he doesn't look happy. Do you think he's going to march this way?" His hold tight on you.
You groan and lay your head on his chest. "If he made eye contact with you, then yes, he'll be over soon, so that means you got to go find your girlfriend, and I need the bartender's attention." 
"Always a phone call away. We leave on Friday, dinner Wednesday." Jake walks away and quickly finds Annie. He whispers in her ear, and she looks your way. A big smile on her face and you blow her a kiss. She grabs it and stuffs it in her boobs. Annie's a weird one, but she's the best. 
Knowing he's watching you makes you uncomfortable. He wasn't supposed to be here, this was your night, and now you just want to cry, don't even care about drinking anymore. 
You walk out to the balcony and smile at the sight of the moon. LA doesn't allow much stargazing, but the moon always shines bright. Now would be a perfect time for a smoke, except you don't do that. Always were miss goody-two-shoes.
"Nice night." His voice interrupts your thoughts. "A bit chilly for Los Angeles." The deep, smooth voice sends chills down your body, not the weather.
"Weather is always unpredictable here." You mutter.
"How you've been," Harry asks, stepping closer. 
Sarcastic answer. How typical of you. 
"I haven't been that good either." 
You're close to tears. "What do you want, Harry?"
"I wanted to check on you. Haven't seen you at any gathering of our friends." He twists his H ring, keeping his hands busy. "Bit worried." 
"They're your friends, don't get no right going anymore." 
Harry's three steps away. "Not true, everyone in there cares for you. Just because we-" He stops.
He can't even say it. He broke up with you, and he can't even say it. 
"They all love you."
"Yeah, well, I wish I loved myself." 
Harry flinches as if you've slapped him. The words hurt him, but not as much as they hurt you. 
"Don't say that, love." 
You turn to him. "I'm sure you want to be friends, and that's great, but I can't now." You let your tears run down your face, not caring that he can see. "I love you, and I was sure you were it for me, but I can't stand being around you without wanting your arms around me. I can't see you talk to everyone yet, not talk to me, but most importantly, I hate that I don't get to be the one going home with you anymore." 
Harry remains quiet. Green eyes are filled with tears. 
"You have to understand." 
"No" You step close to him, heart close to beating out of your chest. "You have to understand that you destroyed us for your career. To benefit yourself, not caring what you broke along the way. It's been one month, and all I can think is that I'm not good enough for Harry Styles, the rockstar. No, he needs another famous person on his arm, not an elementary school teacher who doesn't own a pair of Gucci shoes."
"Please let me," Harry's voice cracks.
"A year. Twelve months. 365 days. All for what, all for nothing. "I love you," and "we'll have a small wedding." It was all a lie. I was just kept around for fun while you took a break from touring. Maybe I'll be good enough to write a song about."
"You don't get to do that." He cries.
"Why not!" You tell. "You broke up with me with no warning out of the blue. We had sex on the kitchen counter, and fourteen hours later, you broke my heart." You have so much sadness and anger, and you know you're close to drowning. "I had no choice but to let you go, but for all I know, you've let go of me weeks before." 
"I don't know what to say." 
"You're not the man I thought you were." You walk away from the hand on the door. Your back to him, his shoulders are shaking in sobs. "That's the most disappointing thing, you lost yourself in the industry now you're just one of them." 
You walk out and catch Julia's eyes. She goes to step forward but stops herself when she sees you shake your head no. You can name everyone in that room, but you know that at the end of the day they'll pick Harry. 
It hurts, but all one can do is pick themselves up and move on.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The days go by slow, but Summer has finally arrived. The California heat is only rising, but it’s a cooler day, and you're at the beach when you look over at your sister laughing as her husband splashes her with water. 
Your stomach twists in the worst ways possible, you're jealous and green isn't a good color. You've spent most of the time caring for your two nephews seeing as your sister and husband worked not that you minded you did have the summer off. 
It's been four months since the breakup, and some days it feels like it was yesterday. The pain comes crashing back when you wake up and stretch your hand out to touch him but tense up because you know when you open your eyes, he won't be there. 
Malibu beach is not a place you've frequented, but little Ty asked for this specifically, and none of you never learned how to tell him no. 
You close your book and grab your phone from the bottom of the bag. Slip your hoodie over your head, the breeze picking it up, and adjust your black shorts. You signal to Tess that you're going for a walk and that you have her phone. She sends a thumbs up. There you go on a walk with your back towards the sun. 
It's funny, before dating Harry you walked the beach every Sunday on your own. Enjoying the laugh of families and the seagulls flying high. Then he joined you and together hand in hand, you'd walk down talking and sometimes just taking in the silence allowing the waves to do all the talking for you. Towards the end, he'd convince you to stay in and cuddle him, and beach Sunday became cuddle Sundays. You can’t remember a time you did go on a walk alone again when you were with him. 
In the end, you lost both. Lost Harry and lost the love of the ocean because of the painful memories tied to it. With time you must remember the things lost and changed, but this is something you're reclaiming. Routine is constant and good. It gives stability and strength. 
"Sweetie," you hear someone yell but keep on walking. It's probably a child going in too deep. 
You stop when you hear your name being yelled and turn expecting to see Tess but instead are met with kind blue eyes. A sincere smile on her face. It's Anne. 
"Oh dear, thought it was you." She says. 
"Hi, Anne." You say a bright look of surprise on your face. 
Anne steps in close and puts her arms around you in a big hug. A mother's embrace is one you've longed for and will continue to long for the rest of your life. Anne treated you as a daughter from the moment you met, and that's something you're sad to have lost. 
"You look so tan, how long have you been in town?" You ask, admiring her as you pull away. 
"A week. Came down to visit Harry." She offers a small smile at the name of her son.
"That's great. Summer's a good time to enjoy the ocean here." Anne nods, agreeing. "How were you able to spot me?" You ask genuinely surprised she was able to do so. 
"I'd recognize you anywhere. The yellow jumper helped."
You look down and chuckle. "It does shout "look at me."" 
You stand there a few more seconds looking around nervous to ask her to join you, but you really liked her company, and as much as you like being alone now was not the time.
"I was just walking down, would you like to join me?" You look down at your toes afraid she'd say no. 
"Oh, yes, my dear. Sounds fantastic." 
She takes a step forward, and off you go. It's quiet, not the uncomfortable kind, but allows you to get lost in your own thoughts with no pressure of not starting a conversation. Your thoughts are calm, it might be the ocean or Anne, but you're grateful. Losing Harry wasn't just losing him, it was losing everyone that he introduced you to. You were friends for over a year before you started to date. You met Anne a month into the friendship, and it was easy. She doted on you for your kind and quiet nature. She had said something about your aura being pure. 
You didn't have a mom, she died when you were three in a car accident. Your dad being in and out of rehab but enough to keep the roof over your head. Once Tess turned eighteen, she got an apartment and moved you both in. At eleven years old, you got the call your dad died. Tess adopted you, and ever since then, it was the two of you. That is until she met Andrew in a biology class. He helped Tess pass with an A. Turns out that he was studying to be a doctor. They started dating once the semester was over and didn't look back. Tess was always a good student, maintaining A's and B's while caring for you. Andrew learned of the situation and didn't leave like most people would do no, he stayed right there. He became a constant and even began to help with school work and projects. You always told Tess that you were preparing her to be a great mom. Andrew's family was very accepting of Tess; they treated her as their own, but you never felt like you belonged. It was the perfect family, but you didn't see where you fit in. Tess knew that, but she reminded you that she wasn't going to walk away from you that you would always be her number one. To this day, it stands true, obviously falling a little under her children, but love still strong. 
But with Anne, she didn't see you as someone broken or lost but someone who needed a bit more love. Love is what she has given you, she became your friend, someone you could trust in along with Gemma. It felt like your world was falling apart when Harry broke up with you because you couldn't turn to them, and your sister had her family to worry about. You always were good at becoming unseen when needed. Never wanting to be a bother. Except, here with her by your side, you don't know how you're supposed to let her go. 
Anne stops walking and takes a seat in the sand, placing her sandals by her side, and you join her without questioning her. 
"I waited for your phone call. Every day for the past week when Harry gave me the news even though I knew you wouldn't call." Anne cleared her throat softly. "I hoped you would."
You sigh. Those words were enough to bring tears to your eyes. You thought you were dried out of tears, but you were wrong. "I was close on many nights but- I-I it felt wrong too. He's your son, how could I do that to him?"
"He may be my son, but you're important too. My heart has enough space in there for you in a relationship with him or not."
You nod. Trying to wrap that around your head that she loves you even though Harry does not.
"The breakup came out of nowhere. The day before we're fine talking about adopting a cat and the next, he sits me down to tell me we're breaking up." You block the memories trying to resurface and trace small circles on the sand. 
You did out a seashell and cleaned it off before asking your question.
"Did he tell you why he was doing it?" It hurts to ask, but you need to know if he was honest with her.
Anne sighs but nods. "He said that it wasn't going to work out. You couldn't handle the public eye anymore and that it would only continue to affect you and your job. Said something about not fitting the image." 
A tear falls down, but you're quick to wipe it away. "He sat me down and told me we were breaking up. Didn't let me ask why or anything. A year together is nothing in this industry, we barely made it a month to the public eye. You'll be forgotten quickly, also tell me that because he was working on the new album, he needed an image more than the one he had." 
"That's not who I raised him to be," Anne says, disappointment evident in her voice.
"Although he broke my heart, I still love him. I still love him as much as I did when we first got together. I just don't trust him." 
Anne grabs your hand and links it together. She anchors you together because although she knows that she said you can count on her, this would most likely be the end of your relationship. Neither of you wants to admit it. 
"It's funny, the first month I avoided every place we ever went together, and it was hard because we did a lot around here. There are roads I avoid completely. This is my second time back at this beach, and I loved it here." You run a hand through your tangled hair due to the ocean breeze. "But now I'm going back to these places, and I pray every time I get out of the car not to run into him even though that's exactly what I want to happen. It's cliche, I know, but I really did lose my best friend." The tears are falling silently, and you are grateful Anne doesn't comment on it, but you swear you can see her eyes glisten. You rest your head on her shoulder and look out at the waves, no clouds in sight, just a clear blue sky. How you wish your brain would look this blank. 
There's so much you want to tell Harry now months after the breakup, but there's the fear of breaking down in front of him.
"Yes, darling." She responds softly. 
"I-I uh-" You clear your throat. "If I were to give you a letter to Harry, would you give it to him. There are some things I need to get off my chest, and he needs to know." 
"That I can do." 
You sit up and grab both her hands and bring them to your chest. She looks at your love and sadness in her eyes. "You can only give it to him when you know he's better. He will need to hear this later when our hearts don't ache as much. When you as a mom realize he needs it. It'll be the closure we both need."
"I promise."
You make plans to meet for breakfast the next morning as she has no plans and knows he's busy. You'll deliver the letter and be on your way, closing that door behind you. You spend half an hour together more before you walk her down to the pier and make your way back to your sister. Heart heavy but not as broken.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You roll over and smile when you see Harry still asleep. He's lying on his stomach, and his head turned in your direction. You lay on your side, happy to admire him. There's a hint of a smile on his face, must be from the dream he is having. His long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, looking delicate and fragile. Not an inch of stress on his face. You can't help yourself and bring your index finger up to trace over his plump pink lips. Soft. You stop when you see him twitch a little but continue when he lets out a small snore. The room is quiet; your apartment is not located on a busy street, something your sister said was a must for when your nephews came to stay. You let Harry rest and get up going to the living room. You sit on the floor looking out at the window at the birds flying around, chirping away basking in the morning sun. You hear the creek of your door and know Harry is on his hunt for you. He's clumsy, so you won't be surprised if he crashes into the couch. He still must be tired. You hear a quiet "shit" and let out a chuckle. He stumbled around the corner with his misplaced shoes. You don't comment on it knowing he'd just turn the blame on you because he got out of bed for you. 
"Poppet, after last night, I thought you'd like to wake up in my arms." Harry sits behind you, the blanket wrapped around him now being placed over you as he drags you into his lap. 
"I'm an early riser, you know that." 
He sighs into your ear. "Means I didn't tire you out enough last night."
"Oh no, you did just that. The bruises are proof."
He laughs and kisses your neck lightly three times. 
"Coffee in the kitchen if you want some. Also, some muffins Gabby bought me for taking her dog on the hike with me."
"I want something else for breakfast." He whispers into your ear. His hand sliding up your thigh. He's met with your black shorts, he knows there is nothing underneath seeing as he put these on for you. "Will you let me?"
"Only cause you asked nicely." 
Harry is quick to lay you on your back. Your shorts come off just as quickly, he pushes your shirt up to expose your breasts. He sits back on his knees and allows you to see how hard he is in his shorts.  
"You're beautiful" He breathes out. "A true dream." 
"You told me that last night repeatedly." You remind him how he whispered in your ear at dinner with your friends around how the red dress had him hard as soon as he saw you walk in. You knew that if he picked you up, you would not have left your apartment. The night ended precisely how you wanted with Harry in your bed. Three months dating, it felt right. 
It was perfect. 
He leans in, placing small kisses on your calves, slowly moving up to your thighs. He kissed last night's bruises gently, a reminder of how rough he got once he got a taste of you. It drove him crazy. 
"Smell so sweet." He dragged his lips up to your core. His tongue between your folds, you moan softly under him. He pressed little kisses to your clit, you felt him smiling against you when he felt your thighs begin to tremble.
You let out a louder moan when he slipped a finger inside, your hands reached down to grasp at his hair. He pulled back to look up at you with dark eyes, smiling at you with wet lips. 
"You're a tease, baby." You breathe out as he slips in a second finger. He moves slowly, building up the pressure. 
He brings his mouth back down to your clit, gently grazing his teeth over it. 
"Oh, fuck!" You gasp. 
"C'mon poppet, come for me." A moan leaves your lips when his tongue picks up speed, making up for the loss of his fingers. "Please, let go for me."
You grip his hair harder, letting your orgasm take over your whole body. His tongue slowing down as you throw your head back and lay your hands on your side. He slowly works you through it until he sees your breathing come down, gentle kisses to your hips. He works up until he gets to your breasts. He leans in kissing each one gently. "Sorry, I neglected these beauties. I got so lost in you." 
Harry continues to move slowly, but you have had enough of slow. You pull him up into your arms, until he settles on top and kiss him until it leaves you breathless. 
You taste yourself on him, Harry kissing you harder as your hand begins to trail down to his shorts. He breaks the kiss and leans your head left, giving him more access to your neck, which he accepts quickly. He's slow and gentle compared to last night. 
"Going to let me make love to you, poppet." You nod wishing he'd move quicker as he kicks his shorts away. 
“Yes” You whisper, he’s building up the anticipation. 
He lines himself up, slowly pushing in. You let out a whispered fuck at his size. He goes in gently, not wanting to hurt you, always wanting you to feel good. 
Harry leans forward, kissing you as he begins to move against you. 
"Baby," You breathe out. "B-baby-y-y faster." 
Harry keeps your lips close, his breathing picking up. Whispered words against your lips. “I'm going to make love to you for the rest of my life. It's you and me, poppet." 
Your eyes shoot open, and you're quick to look around. You're in bed, left side empty. 
He's not here. 
He hasn't been here for months. Why does he keep coming back? Your brain needs to let him go, but you know that isn't the one holding on to him. 
You get out of bed and walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. There has never been an easy way to move on. This letter might be the best start.
I love you. I'll always love you. 
That's hard to stay, but it's the truth. You are my best friend. Remember the first time we talked on the phone and how we didn't want to hang up, so we talked about everything. From my first broken bone to your job at a bakery. You told me all about your childhood and all your dreams. At that time, I thought I would be at your side cheering you on as you were accomplishing them but that’s not the case. Just know that I'll be rooting for you.
I'm sorry I didn't fight for you. Guess it seemed like I didn't love you, but I did. I do. I think only ever having my sister on my side, I never realized I never learned to fight for those I love. Never doubt my love, it's real.
Don't be afraid to move on and love again, you deserve it. You deserve the greatest love out there. 
Remember, just because you love summer doesn't mean it can stay because who knows what October can bring. 
Maybe one day we'll find a way back into each other's lives, but until then, take care, H. 
You put it in the envelope and seal it. You write his name on the front. 
It's time to close the chapter, time to move onto the next. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
October has finally rolled in, and you couldn't be more excited. Autumn brings in the cold and the changing of the leaves, but if you were to ask the students, it just means candy. For the month each Friday, a new activity is done in honor of Halloween. Your classroom is decorated in pictures drawn of your student's favorite movies. As well as small pumpkin string lights your sister gifted you last year. Your classroom door has black paper covering it and white ghosts—22 one for each student with their name on them stuck to it. You added caution tape to give it more detail. Then added small pumpkins around. It reads "Spooky Students" the class had a good laugh at the name, proper pleased. 
The first week was simple, doing a math game. 
Candy corn math. 
The children enjoyed it, all having fun adding and subtracting. Tina ate one and almost cried because she thought she'd get in trouble. You assured her it was all for fun. Then let them all eat their treats as you played them Halloween music. Fridays are meant to relax and have fun. That's exactly what you show your students. 
The second week they make spider headbands. Grace, your teacher assistant, helps with the cutting and stapling. The students enjoy gluing the spider's eyes most. It's an easy project when the students are focused on it. You have an hour of the day left and decide to play, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It's starting, and as you're organizing the glues and packing away the scissors in their pencil boxes, Nicole, the front desk assistant, tells you there's a package you have to sign for. You nod to Grace to look over the class, and she gives you a thumbs up in return. As you reach the main office, you see a baker with two boxes chatting with Matthew Collins, the Vice-Principal. 
"Good afternoon gentlemen, I assume this is for me." You say, pointing to the pink boxes. 
"Good afternoon, got your kids treats, I see." He acknowledges. 
You shake your head, stepping to look at the note sitting on top of the box. You flip it open. 
Figured you and the children deserved a sweet treat. Take care, honey. xx Anne 
PS: A dozen snickerdoodle cookies are waiting for you at home. 
Anne, always so sweet and thoughtful. You had kept in contact with her after that time you handed her the letter. You came to realize you couldn't lose her, and she wasn't about to let you go without a fight. 
"A good friend actually sent them, knows how excited we get for October." You tuck the note in your cardigan pocket. 
"Well, that's a great friend to have. I hope your class and you enjoy it. Have a great weekend." Mr. Collins leaves, and you bid goodbye to the baker. 
As you make your way back to your class with two dozen cupcakes, you can't wipe the grin on your face. They are going to be so excited. The cupcakes are half chocolate and half vanilla. The orange frosting swirled beautifully on each one, each topped with a spider ring. 
You return, and all the kids are focused on the scene when Sally begins to yell at Linus as he's waking up for making her miss the Halloween festivities. Grace is quick to help you tell the kids you have a surprise for them all. The movie still plays as Grace places napkins on their desks. 
"A friend sent me a treat for you all because she heard how wonderful you've been doing." You tell them slowly approaching closer for them to see the box in your hand. "Say, do any of you like cupcakes." Cheers filled the room with your words. 
You both worked fast to give them each a cupcake of choice, no arguing whatsoever. Kind students you have. Grace grabs chocolate, and you grab the last vanilla for yourself. Grace lets you know she's going to get waters from the cafeteria to give to them. 
You sit at the back counter legs cup, leaning against a llama poster that says, "We love learning." A small gift for Julia. You grab the cupcake and fix your spider headband before taking a picture to send to Anne. 
Y/N: Cupcakes were a real success. I can't thank you enough. Love you, xx.
Anne: Don't you look precious. 
Anne: Glad, you all enjoyed it. Love you xx
It's an excellent way to end the week with a sweet treat from Anne and good old classic Charlie Brown. 
It is now the third week. The four first grade classes made a trip to the pumpkin patch. The school budget did get slightly raised this year, allowing you to buy small easy to carry pumpkins for each student. Parent chaperones are enabling you to make smaller groups to take each student to different activities. Your small group of six decided on the slide mountain that was atop of bales. It was fun, even going down yourself. Then that led you to picking pumpkins. Joey has trouble deciding before leaving the slightly bigger one when his arms got tired. You decided to get two big ones and two small pumpkins to take to your sister's house and you could carve together this weekend. It was now your turn for the hayride, and Chloe was really excited. She was the first one on, and as the trip went on, her head kept turning, wanting to see it all. This place really outdoes themselves each year, decorations only getting better. As it was closing time to go back to school, all students sat at the tables awaiting their apple cider and cinnamon-sugar donuts. 
You were about to take a seat next to Henry, the shyest student in your class when your name is called. You turn around and see Jeff, Harry's manager, and friend. 
"Hi Jeff," You step close and accept the hug he offers. 
"How have you been?" He asks.
You nod. "Good, welcoming the cold weather."
"It is nice."
Your grin begins to fade slightly as the small talk gets awkward. It's been a long time since you've seen Jeff. Not at all, forgetting how important a friend he was to you as well as Glenne. 
"What brings you here?" 
"On a class field trip." You gesture to the table behind you, seeing the kids sneak glances at you. 
"That is wonderful, good class this year?" 
You grin thinking about each of your students. "The best."
"Her cider is getting cold." Susan whispers, the small wide-eyed blonde says to Joey, worrying for you. 
"I've got to go back, probably going to bomb me in questions as soon as I sit."
"Of course." Jeff smiles in understanding.
"Tell Glenne I say hello. Take care, Jeff." 
You turn around, heading to the table. You laugh as your students quiet down as you take a seat. 
"Alright, what do you want to know now?"
The students always take your mind off everything. No conversation is ever dull, still trying their best to find out more about their teacher. 
Although seeing Jeff was nice, he's not the person you wished to run into every day. 
No, that someone has beautiful brown curls and emerald green eyes. 
The end of day breezes by, back in the classroom, the students grabbed their backpacks and walked out front to meet their parents. As you tidy up the classroom, Grace walks in a tight smile on her face. You know she has something to ask, but don't pressure her to do so. 
"Was that man a friend, we saw you with," Grace asks, wiping down the desks, "mom's were gossiping, thinking you were being asked out or was an old flame. Don't have to tell me, but he did look like a friend, at least an old one." 
You close your planner, happy with the coming week's plan. "My ex's friend.." You explain. "We were close. He was always kind and welcoming. Lost a lot of people during the breakup." 
She shoots you a small smile. "Never easy, but you don't get through it alone. Some people are meant to come into your life as lessons." 
Grace's optimism never fails to make you grin. "That is really nice to hear." 
"I keep waiting for the grand gesture for my ex to sweep me off my feet." Talking about this, tears at your heart, but it has weighed you down. "I just want to run into him. Go to our favorite places in hopes of seeing him even just for a moment." 
"That means you're not ready to put yourself out there?" Her voice was full of curiosity.
"Correct. I love Harry, I always will, but my heart seems to be holding on for some reason." 
"I'm a phone call away if you ever want to get drunk and watch movies and eat our weight in food." She offers sincerely.
"I'll keep that in mind." 
Grace bids you goodbye and walks out. It's nice to be reminded you have people around you supporting you, but all you want today is to see the sunset and you know just the spot.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Malibu is known for having the best spots for the ocean view and standing here, a blanket wrapped around you, hearing the waves continue to crash with the rocks below you believe it is. You came here because you know not many people know about this location and if the other two cars there say anything about it continues to be unknown. 
Growing up in Southern California, you have always been grateful to have the ocean nearby. You and your sister would always make your way here to celebrate good days or to clear your head. You spent your day here when you got accepted into UCLA and when Andrew proposed to Tess. This place is full of good memories; it's like being there all the bad in your life disappears. Bringing Harry here for the first time was a big step in your relationship, it was you letting him get to know you, no barriers in the way. 
You hear a car pull up, but don't bother looking over thinking the person might be heading down the trail. It's a couple, and you can hear the girl whisper something then heads off to the dirt trail. You're not sure how long you stand there when you take one final look before unwrapping the blanket and placing it in your trunk. Just as you are about to close it, you hear your name called. 
You turn around quickly and are surprised to see him. You weren't even aware he was here, last you heard he was on the last leg of his world tour. 
He's dressed in a black Columbia hoodie, grey Nike shorts, and black running shoes. His hair has beautiful long curls, and he's got a clean-shaven face, always made him look younger but does give a good view of his strong jawline.
"Harry," You breathe out. 
Your heart is beating so fast you think it might jump out of your chest. You've been waiting for the day you run into him, but it was not today.
It might be the worst day. After a field trip with first graders, no one is making out as clean as they arrived that morning. Your lavender knitted sweater has sugar stains, and your old blue jeans have dirt on your knees from kneeling to help with the pumpkins. You wore old black converse never bothered with the dust, but this time you wish you had your back up pair. You don't even want to imagine how your hair looks. You snap out of your thoughts when Harry stops giving you a once over and breaks the silence.
"I always seem to find my way here." He tells you, looking down at his shoes. 
You sit in your open trunk of your CR-V and scoot over to let him know to sit. He does so without saying more. It's a heavy silence, but you don't give it much thought looking out at the ocean. 
"I got your letter." 
The letter you wrote four months ago. If you're honest, you didn't think back to that since you handed it over to Anne. 
"When?" You questioned.
"Two weeks ago," He looks over at you, staring at you, waiting for you to look over at him. "How long did mum have it?"
You lock eyes with him, his eyes filled with curiosity and kindness. "Since June." You look away, not able to take in all the emotions coming up. "Guess you were finally ready for it."
Harry nods and stands up, and he walks a few steps before making his way back to stand in front of you. He looks nervous about sharing, and all you can do is offer him a smile. He lets out a deep breath. 
"I went on this date that Jeff set up for me, and it was awful. Nice girl, but everything felt wrong. It was wrong." He runs a hand through his loose curls as if to get rid of the nerves. "I looked at her, closed my eyes, and opened them, and the person I wanted it to be was not in front of me." 
Harry's looking at you as you try to wrap your head around his words. You don't know how to respond. He was waiting for you, but he was the one who left you. 
"You didn't realize it until then?" You're confused. It took him eight months to realize he made a mistake. 
He stares right at you, not wanting you to miss his next words. "I realized it the second you walked out the door." 
Your face drops at his words. 
Harry runs a hand down his face before taking a step forward. "I tried to find you. I would go all over Los Angeles hoping to run into you, but I stopped after the party when you told me the truth." 
"I was harsh, felt awful at how I handled it afterward." 
"Don't apologize," he gives you a half-smile, "I deserved that. Honestly, I needed it." 
You both go silent. You're staring at one another, memorizing each other's faces that you had begun to forget. You could stare at Harry forever, and you always told him that he had a face one could get lost in forever, finding new details to memorize. 
"Do you even remember that night?" You ask because you know you do. It used to haunt your dreams until it didn't. That day no longer lingers at the back of your head, but if you think back to it, all the emotions come again, hitting you harder than ever.
Harry sighs, "Every time I close my eyes." 
You walk into your apartment, surprised at the quietness. Harry always liked to have music playing. He's sitting on the couch staring at the black screen of his phone. 
"H, ready to cook dinner, got home early because you said you wanted lasagna tonight. Always faster when we cook together." Stepping closer to see why he's sitting so still on the couch. 
"Sit with me." He whispers, patting the seat next to him. 
You sit down, reaching to grab his hand, and he lets you. He squeezes it tightly before letting go. 
"I love you." His eyes meet yours. He looks in pain. "But I'm breaking up with you."
A million thoughts run through your head. Harry's breaking up with you. He's leaving you.
He looks at you, waiting for you to say something. "It's not easy for me, but it's what's best for my career. I will be going back on tour soon, releasing a single. You wouldn't handle all the attention with paparazzi well, so I'm saving you. It's easier for others in the business, but you wouldn't survive this" 
His words cut daggers into your heart.
It's best for my career.
It keeps repeating in your head, his job, he doesn't think you're enough for his lifestyle. You weren't enough to keep him happy.
"Harry, it doesn't-" The tears are rolling down your face, you can tell he wants to reach over to wipe them, but he holds himself back. "So this is it?" 
He nods. "The end for us, but we can-" You cut him off before he can say, friends. 
You already had him in your life as a friend. You can't go back to that not after knowing how he loves being the little spoon, how much he loves his hair being played with, but most importantly, how kind and gentle of a lover he is. He has so much love to give and do not receive that any more will break your heart: no kisses, no hugs, and no love. 
You grab your keys, bag, and slip your shoes on. "Goodbye, Harry." 
He stands eyes red, he looks sad, but he has no right. He wanted this, not you. His house had become a second home, but now you feel like an unwelcome guest. You walk out without looking back each step towards your car, making you cry harder. 
This is the end. An end, you never saw coming.
It seems like you were both lost in the memory when you hear Harry begin to weep quietly. Your heart pulls you in two ways, wanting to comfort him or sitting there, letting him cry, but before you can decide, he's wiping his tears.
He lifts his head to meet your eyes, his eyes keep filling with tears, but he doesn't bother to wipe them anymore. "Are you happy?" he whispered.
You nod a small smile on your face to assure him. "I am. I'm not sad and miserable anymore, but I'm also not filled with sunshine. I lost a lot when we broke up; you have to know that," He nods letting you know he's listening. "I also found myself, found love I lost over the years. Found love in me." 
He smiles when he hears that his dimples were coming out. "That day at the party, I was in the worst place possible, but I reached out to my sister and told her I needed therapy. I wouldn't have gone if it weren't for my sister's support. Honestly, you were in the back of my mind because you shared to me how important and impactful it was for you, and I know I had so much to share not just from the breakup but from my childhood." 
"I'm glad." He chokes out his voice, rough from crying. 
"I am too." You smile because this is nice. All the running you did didn't allow you to talk with Harry, but the time has come, and you're grateful for that. 
"I wasn't planning on coming up here today, obviously," You gesture to your dirty clothes. "I had that pull to come here as soon as I was pulling out of the school parking." You confess to him.
"I finished a yoga class and was on my way home when I took the wrong exit," Harry corrects himself, "Or well the right turn looking at it now." 
You're not sure where you stand with Harry, but you both know the feelings are still there. As if they never left. 
"We can't pick up where we left off." 
Harry nods, agreeing. "In that case, may I take you out on a date Sunday?" 
"I'd love that, Harry." 
You stand up and pull him in for a hug. You know you surprise him because he tenses up before wrapping his arms around you. You sigh as you feel Harry squeeze you tight. He breathes you in, and you can't help but let out a small laugh. 
"Did you just sniff me?" You're laughing against his chest feeling his heartbeat pick up.
"Oi, don't laugh at me. You smell like strawberries." He defends. 
"Pretty sure I smell like dirt and sweat. A field trip running around kids will do that to you."
"I disagree." He pulls back to look down at you, but you keep your head on his chest, liking being in his arms. "Always smell great." 
You move to pull back, thinking it must be too much too soon for both of you, but Harry doesn't let you. He holds on tighter. "Couple more minutes, please love," He whispers against your hair. You nod and let him begin to sway you both gently as if you were both ones with the wind. 
"Is it too forward to ask to kiss you?" Harry asks timidly.
You lean back and laugh before looking up at him, his eyes hopeful but also knowing. "It is." 
"It was worth a shot." 
Harry leans in to gently press a kiss to your forehead, his lips soft. He steps back after a few seconds. "I'll call you."
You nod. "Please do."
Harry holds his car door open but makes no move to step in as if waiting for something. You don't want him to leave. 
"Harry," You call out. He turns around and shoots you a cheesy smile causing you to smile back. "I really want you to kiss me, trust me but," 
Harry nods in understanding. "Slow and steady, love." 
You stare at him, and his eyes are bright and hopeful. Hopeful in their future together. "Slow and steady, we can do that."
Just like that, you and Harry both drive away from each other, but your future together has never looked brighter.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Thank you for reading! I love you 
Come talk to me and tell me what you thought of Into You 
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caitlesshea · 4 years
build your heart a home
For the Roswell, New Mexico Big Bang @rnmbb
Tripp gives Arturo more than money that fateful day in 1987 and it changes everything. It’s the start of a new life; with three pods, three aliens, and three children. 
What would’ve happened if Arturo adopted Michael.
TW: Mentions of Jesse Manes & Caulfield. 
Thank you @manesguerin for the most amazing gifset, check it out here!
Arturo Ortecho pockets the cash that Tripp Manes hands to him and is about to bring some dirty dishes back into the kitchen when a hand falls on his arm.
“Sir?” Arturo asks Tripp as he waits for the older man to speak. 
“Is there somewhere we can talk Arturo?” Tripp glances back at the table he was sitting at with Jesse Manes and Arturo nods his head. 
Tripp follows him through the kitchen and outside to the back of the diner. Arturo paces on the pavement as he waits for Tripp to speak. 
After a moment Arturo gets impatient. “Here, sir.” Arturo tries to hand the money back to Tripp but he just shakes his head.
“No, son. That’s for you.”
“Then why?”
“I need to tell you something. Something you’re not going to understand but I need you to believe me.”
“Whatever it is sir, I’ll listen.”
“Woah.” Arturo looks at the three pods with small children floating in them and then back to Tripp. “You weren’t lying.”
“I wish I was,” Tripp says quietly as he goes up to the pod with a young curly haired boy in it. Tripp places his hand on the pod and then grabs the necklaces he’s wearing and takes them off.
“The crash in 1947 was real.”
“So they’re?”
“Aliens. Yes.”
“I don’t understand.”
“A woman I was...she was his mother.” 
Arturo watches as he rubs the pod softly, almost like he’s petting it.
“This necklace was hers from before the crash. These are my dog tags.”
“Sir, I can’t take - ”
“You must. You’ll know who to give them to one day.”
“Why not tell Jesse, or someone else?”
“It has to be you. I can’t explain it, but Arturo, promise me. Promise me you won’t let anything happen to them?”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.” 
“Why’s it have to be so cold at night?” Walt complains and Arturo shushes him. 
“Stop complaining.”
Arturo gets a gruff sigh in response and Arturo shakes his head. 
“He could’ve given you a time,” Walt mumbles and Arturo walks further into the cave. 
It’s been a while since he’s seen the trio, he and Walt take turns to visit them to avoid suspicion. It’s just after midnight on June 14th, the date seared into his memory from Tripp’s talk ten years ago. 
“Woah,” Walt says as they come up to the pods and Arturo has to agree. Normally the trio is floating peacefully in their suspension, unmoving on their own, but now they’re moving and stretching against the pods like they’re trying to escape. 
“No.” Arturo stops Walt as he tries to help them. “Tripp was adamant they’ll come out of them on their own.”
Arturo watches in fascination as the trio breaks free from their pods, all wobbly on their legs like a baby colt.
“It’s okay,” Arturo speaks softly and holds up the blankets. 
The three of them eye him wearily but the young girl walks forward and takes the blanket. The other two seem to sense it’s okay and allow him and Walt to wrap them up in blankets long enough for Arturo to get them into the car and into pajamas.
“Did he say they wouldn’t speak?” Walt asks Arturo as they drive back to the diner.
“All he said was that they might not, and that they wouldn’t have any memories without someone from their planet there to help them out of stasis.”
Arturo looks in the rear view mirror at the three of them huddled together. 
“Arturo, you can’t take in all three of them.” Arturo looks over at Mimi, who had agreed to watch Rosa and Liz tonight since Helena had taken off a week ago.
“I have to do something.” 
Arturo looks over at his daughters Liz and Rosa, Mimi’s daughter Maria, and their friend Alex, who joined the sleepover and how they’re making the three alien kids more comfortable. 
“At least the curly haired one,” Walt says gruffly around a bite of his hamburger.
“Well it certainly can’t be the other two.” Arturo turns toward Mimi and raises an eyebrow.
“Look.” Mimi points to the way the kids have each grabbed the hands of one alien. Rosa comforting the young girl, Liz comforting one of the boys, and Alex comforting the other boy, the one with the curly hair.
“You don’t think?”
“He said it was possible.” 
“I’m going to call Michelle.” 
“You can’t be serious?” 
Arturo looks sharply at Michelle and suppresses the urge to roll his eyes. 
“We can’t just put them in the Group Home.” 
“You can’t take all three. What about Helena?”
This time Arturo does scoff. “She won’t be an issue.” 
Michelle looks at him then and he swears she knows the truth about Helena and her husband Jim, but he doesn’t dwell on it now.
“I can take the boy.” 
“The one with the curly hair,” Walt pipes up from his seat and Arturo nods. 
“I can’t take the other two,” Mimi says even as she eyes the young girl, something familiar in her gaze. 
“We can’t split them up. Look at them.” Arturo gestures to where the other two are huddled together even as his girls sit next to them. 
“The Evans’ are looking to adopt…” Michelle trails off and Arturo looks at her sharply.
“You think they’d take them both?”
“It’s worth a shot.”
“We’d have to tell them.” Mimi says from her seat.
“We can’t just…”
“We’d have to tell them Michelle. It’s the only way to ensure the kids' safety.”
“Jim can’t know.” Mimi reminds everyone and they all nod solemnly. “If Jesse…”
“Jesse will never know.” Arturo says with a conviction he doesn’t feel about Alex’s father, Tripp’s nephew.
“But Alex…” Walt nods his head to wear Alex is curled up with the curly haired alien and Arturo shakes his head.
“We cross that bridge when we come to it.” 
“They need names.” 
“Michael.” Mimi points to the curly haired boy. “Isobel, Max.”
“That just came to you?” Michelle eyes Mimi skeptically. 
Mimi shrugs unapologetically.
“So, not only are you telling me aliens are real, and the crash in forty seven was real, but these three just hatched out of eggs tonight and you want us to adopt two of them?” Ann Evans asks as she stares at all of them incredulously.
“Well when you put it that way…” Walt mutters and Ann turns her gaze to him sharply. 
Arturo sighs, well aware of how Ann feels about Walt, and himself if he’s being honest, but right now his biggest concern is the trio.  
“Pods.” Arturo pinches the bridge of his nose. “They’re called pods.”
“Whatever.” Ann looks over at Max and Isobel and smiles slightly.
“They are cute.” Phil Evans, who has been quiet since they arrived, mutters as he stares at the kids.
Arturo looks up at Ann and Phil, not quite sure he understood her and she sighs. 
“We’ll take them.”
“You understand…” Michelle trails off.
“Yes. Don’t tell Jim, don’t tell Jesse. Call the second they start showing any powers. They’ll learn English if we keep communicating with them and they like music.” Ann lists all of the things they’ve mentioned since they’ve arrived.
“Look. We aren’t taking them away. They’ll always live here, near the boy. If you’re saying they’d be in danger if they went elsewhere then I believe you.” 
Arturo nods, not entirely satisfied but willing to accept the circumstances.
“It’s fine by me. I have a friend who can do the paperwork quietly.” Michelle reluctantly agrees and Arturo looks at Walt and Mimi.
“What? I just wanted the boy safe.”
“He will be,” Arturo says with a conviction he doesn’t necessarily agree with.
“I see no other way.” 
“Then it’s settled.”
Arturo hears Michael shout from upstairs and he runs up, out of breath as he stares at Michael wide-eyed.
“Mijo? Are you okay?”
“They’re floating.” Michael exclaims excitedly and Arturo sees some of Michael’s figurines floating in the air. 
Arturo watches as Michael uses his hand to manipulate the toys until suddenly he falls down and grabs his stomach. 
“I’m gonna be sick,” Michael says just as Arturo grabs his trash can, thankful it’s close by, as Michael empties his stomach. 
“Okay. I think we need to call Mimi.”
“The acetone will help,” Mimi says as Michael sips it slowly. 
“It’s poison.” Arturo tries to take it away but Mimi is quicker.
“Not for them.” Arturo watches as Michael drinks it straight from the bottle and smiles. 
“It’s a pain reliever.” 
“Okay. So I just keep it handy in case things start floating?!” 
“Papi,” Michael says quietly as he moves closer in his chair. “I can practice at home, when no one else is around, so I’m able to control it.”
“That’s probably for the best. I don’t have enough of the pollen, and if it’s controlled he should be okay.”
“Should be?”
“What pollen?”
Mimi turns sharply to look at him and Arturo shrinks under her gaze. 
“You never told him?”
“Don’t look at me like that! The Evans’ haven’t said anything either.”
“Well, we better call them.”
“We can’t just take away their powers.” Arturo looks over to where the kids are all watching tv and sighs. 
“Look, Isobel’s starting to get visions, things she can manipulate.” Ann looks pointedly at Mimi as Mimi smirks. 
“Well, she’s my Aunt, so…”
“I thought we said we weren’t going to tell them,” Ann hisses at Mimi and Mimi shrugs. 
“We aren’t. Not until they’re older.” Arturo tries to placate them while Mimi and Ann glare at each other. 
“Max is showing signs of electro manipulation.” 
“Tripp did say someone could shoot fire out of their hands.” Arturo reminds them all quietly. 
“Great.” Ann rubs her forehead. “Well, right now he’s just shorting out our light bulbs.” 
“If we give them a safe space to practice then maybe they won’t accidentally use them around others and at school?” Arturo suggests and both Mimi and Ann nod.
“As long as they never get caught it’s fine by me.”
“We’ll just need to explain some ground rules.” 
Arturo doesn’t want to set the ground rules. He doesn’t want to hinder what is a natural part of them, but he knows deep down that it’s for their safety. He could never live with himself if he allowed something to happen to the three of them for his own carelessness in keeping them safe. 
“They won’t like it.” Mimi warns.
“It’s for their safety. I’ll help them understand.”
“Yes, Mijo?” Arturo finishes tucking Michael in and sits down on the edge of his bed. 
“Am I in trouble?”
“No. Of course not. You just need to be careful about when and how you use your powers, okay?”
Arturo sees Michael bite his lips and he soothes it with his hand. “Just practice here at home with your sisters and with Max and Isobel and you’ll be okay.”
“And Alex?”
Arturo smiles at the mention of Michael’s other half even if neither boy has realized it yet. They’re always together, Alex spending the night more often than not any chance Arturo can get to pry Alex out of his terrible home.
“Yes, Mijo. With Alex, too.” 
Michael smiles so bright, his love for Alex clearly shining through, even at fourteen. 
It makes Arturo’s heart swell when he thinks of all of his kids and how they have their own alien and how lucky they all are. 
“It’s not fair and you know it!” 
Arturo pauses making dinner for a moment as he hears Liz yelling at Michael, presumably. Rosa is downstairs in the diner and he knows Alex and Michael are in Michael’s room, with the door open now. 
That was a fun development. Arturo had known they had made changes to their relationship, but it’s one thing to know, and another to see. 
“It’s not my fault I’m smarter than you, Lizzie.”
Arturo groans. Whoever told him raising three teenagers at the same time would be a good idea is a fool.
At the sound of nicknames that neither of his kids like he walks calmly into Michael’s room and sees Michael laying back against his bed with a guitar in his hand and Alex next to him writing in a notebook while Liz stands at the foot of the bed not so silently fuming. 
“Mijos? What is the meaning of this?”
“He didn’t study at all for our chemistry test and he still did better than me!” Liz screeches at a volume that is honestly impressive and Arturo rolls his eyes discreetly but not before Alex notices and smiles. 
“Mija, did he cheat on the test?”
“What? No.”
“Then you can’t be upset with him.”
“But, no!” Liz sulks while Michael laughs and Arturo turns a sharp glare onto him and he rightly sits back quietly.
“Mija, why don’t you go down and get your sister and Michael and Alex can set the table for dinner and maybe you can study together for the next test?”
“Ugh, fine!”
Liz stomps out of the room and Michael and Alex follow him to the kitchen. He notices that Alex’s eye has some form of makeup on it, probably covering a bruise. 
Jesse Manes, that son of a bitch. 
More than once he’s wanted to beg Michelle and Jim to take Alex away, and let him come stay with him. He doesn’t know how he’d manage, but he would, if he never has to see this wonderful boy with bruises on his skin.
“Mijo. Take these.” Arturo hands Alex some frozen peas and for a moment he freezes but then looks grateful. Even though Arturo has been helping him for years and he knows Rosa and Liz have both helped with the makeup it breaks his heart that Alex still feels like he can’t accept the help. 
“Thank you.”
“Help Michael set the table.” Arturo goes back to finish dinner but not before he notices Michael gingerly placing the peas against Alex’s eye as he leans in to kiss him. 
Arturo turns away to give them some privacy and just as he finishes pulling dinner out of the oven he hears Liz’s shout.
“Are you kidding me?! Papi!” 
“What, Mija?”
Arturo turns around and he can’t help it, he laughs at Michael using his powers to set the table while he kisses Alex. 
“I’m not ready for this,” Arturo mumbles as he watches Liz and Michael pack up the rest of their rooms so that they can move off to college. Michael is going to the University of New Mexico and Liz to UCLA. Rosa got into an art program and is still living at home, so at least it’s not all of his kids, but it still hurts.
“I’m not going far, Papi.” Michael soothes as he comes to stand next to him. Michael’s been vibrating with excitement since he got a full ride to UNM and has been floating on cloud nine since Alex announced he was also going to UNM, to absolutely no one's surprise. 
“I know.” Arturo waits for Alex to finish packing up the last box and he gestures them both into the living room. “I have something to give you both.”
“What is it?”
“Just sit, I’ll be right back.” Arturo walks into his room and grabs the box that holds the journal Tripp wrote for whichever Manes man fell in love with an alien after he did.
“Papi?” Michael asks curiously as he eyes the box Arturo is holding. Arturo takes a deep breath and hands Michael the box as he watches them open it.
“A journal?” Alex asks as he opens it and turns it over in his hands. 
“It was given to me by your great uncle, Tripp.” Arturo points to the journal as Alex and Michael both gasp. 
They pull a photograph out of the journal of a young Tripp Manes with Nora Truman and Louise Truman.
“The man is Tripp Manes, the two women with him are Nora and Louise Truman.”
“Are they?” Michael’s voice breaks and Arturo nods.
“Nora is your mother. Louise is Isobel’s. I’m sure Mimi is telling Isobel everything that happened with their own family history, just as I’ve been charged with telling you yours.”
“Their own?”
“Mimi’s mother is Isobel’s half sister. Tripp was able to bring Louise to the reservation where your mom is from, Alex.” 
“My family?”
“It’s how Jesse met your mother. Tripp tried to save Nora.” Michael’s breath catches but Arturo continues. “He wasn’t able to, and I’m sorry to say that she ended up passing in ninety seven, just as Louise did when you all hatched from the pods.”
Arturo hates the broken look on his son's face. Like he betrayed him. He hates it. 
All of the conversations and arguments over the years with Mimi, Michelle, and Ann sit at the forefront of his mind and how he should’ve fought harder for Michael. 
That they should’ve told them the truth sooner, knowing his son would’ve wanted to know, even if it was hard. 
Arturo thinks back to seven year old Michael, who was scared and crying when Ann and Phil took Max and Isobel away. Who wouldn’t let Alex’s hand go and wouldn’t sleep unless Arturo stayed in the room with them. 
He thinks back to all the nightmares Michael has had, of a planet long forgotten but still coming back to him. He thinks of the language on the ship console piece Michael found when he was fourteen and how he’s been trying to decipher it ever since. 
He thinks about how Michael is looking at him like he doesn’t know him. Arturo knows he needs to give Michael space. Knows him well enough to know that Alex will be spending the night and the door will remain closed as Alex whispers sweet nothings into his hair. It’s the least Arturo can do. 
“You can’t...why didn’t...you didn’t tell me!” Michael stands and screams in frustration and Arturo’s heart breaks for him, for Isobel, for Max, for all of them.
“No!” Michael falls into him and Arturo pulls him into a hug and let's Michael cry into his shoulder as Alex rubs his back.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t know how.”
“I want to see her, wherever they’re resting.”
Arturo doesn’t know where Nora’s final resting place is, somewhere in Caulfield, no doubt, which he’ll have to also explain to Michael someday. But he knows where Louise’s is, and he knows Nora has a place there as well. 
It was one thing Tripp had been sure to tell him, one thing he wanted to make sure Arturo had understood. Wherever Louise was, Nora wasn’t far, and wherever they both ended up they would want to be together. 
“Okay Mijo, we’ll go.” 
Arturo is glad they went out to the reservation. It gave Alex a chance to see his mom and it gave Michael, Isobel, and Max more insight to their families and histories. He knows it won’t settle Michael’s curiosity. He also knows that they all want to find out more about Max’s family, as well.
But for now, his son gets to be a college freshman sharing an off-campus apartment with his boyfriend. 
Arturo is not ready to say goodbye. 
“Papi, they’ll be fine,” Liz says as she settles into his side. They head to California next to drop her off and he’s barely holding it together. 
“I know, Mija.” 
“Papi!” Alex shouts from his and Michael’s bedroom and Liz laughs as he goes to investigate.
“What, Mijo?”
“Tell Michael that we do not need to keep the chemistry set in the bedroom!”
“Oh, nope, you’re on your own.” Arturo backs out as he hears Alex’s indignant squawk and Michael’s laughter.
Sometimes Arturo thinks he’s being a bad father by letting them live together, but then he thinks they’ll end up spending all of their time together anyways and he doesn’t want them to have to pay for two apartments for no reason.
And then Arturo thinks back to how Alex calms Michael, how his music soothes him and helps him concentrate. 
His entropy changes, as Michael likes to say. Arturo knows Alex is the budding songwriter but he thinks his son has a chance at being a pretty successful poet if he ever wanted to. 
Arturo smiles as he thinks back to finding them behind the Crashdown in the back of Michael’s truck one night after a particularly bad fight Alex had with Jesse and how Michael had his head in Alex’s lap with Alex carding his fingers through Michael’s curls, just singing softly to Michael so he was practically asleep. It was then that Arutro knew there was no going back for either of them. That what they had would withstand the test of time. After all, Michael woke up at the right time to meet Alex. Something like destiny Arturo likes to think. 
But, they are teenagers, and teenagers fight, so Arturo just smiles at them as he goes to help Liz unpack their kitchen. 
Living together should be interesting. 
“I’m so proud of you, Mjio.” 
Arturo looks around at the house Michael and Alex purchased after moving back home to Roswell after ten years away.
“Thanks, Papi.” Michael smiles as they sit down on the couch, which is next to all of Alex’s music equipment. 
Alex is a successful songwriter, his career taking them all over the world these last ten years and Michael’s an agricultural engineer, something he wanted to do to honor his mother after he found out she could grow crops. 
“I’m glad you’ve all decided to come home.” 
Michael laughs and Arturo pulls him into his side, just like he’s still a kid. He thinks about how lucky he is to have all three of his children home now, with Liz getting a position at the local hospital and Rosa owning the art gallery in town.
“I am, too.” Michael looks around their home and smiles. “I am, too.”  
“You did get quite a big house.” Arturo hears the teasing in his own voice and so does Michael because he laughs. It’s not that Michael and Alex haven’t talked about having kids. Michael’s been talking about starting a dad band with Alex since they were seventeen, so Arutro has no qualms bringing it up now.
“How about we start with a dog before we start deciding which room to use as a nursery.”
“You said it.” 
“I love you, Papi.”
“I love you, too, Mijo.”
Arturo comes out of the kitchen and sees Michael slurping on a milkshake in the middle of the day.
“Mijo. I didn’t know you were coming by!”
“Can’t a guy just drop by to see his dad?”
Arturo raises an eyebrow at Michael, well aware of his penchant for sarcasm and Michael laughs.
“Fine, you caught me. I came to talk to you about something.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just...” Michael gestures upstairs and Arturo nods his head.
Arturo sits on the couch, well aware that Michael will tell him when he’s ready and luckily he doesn’t have to wait long.
“I’m gonna ask Alex to marry me.” 
“Mijo.” Arturo blinks away tears as Michael sits down next to him and grabs his hands.
“Papi, please say it’s okay.”
“What? Of course it is.”
“Okay, it’s just. He doesn’t really have parents I can ask, and he calls you Papi, so…”
“Oh, Mijo, I love you both, you don’t need my permission, but you have it.”
“Thank you.” Michael breathes out and Arturo pats his hands before he gets up.
“Where are you going?”
“Just a second.”
Arturo comes back into the living room holding a ring, a necklace, and dog tags that he hands to Michael.
“The dog tags were Tripp Manes and the necklace was the one your mother was wearing when they crashed here.” Arturo watches as Michael runs his fingers over both items with tears in his eyes.
Arturo thinks back to the conversation he had with Tripp out by the pod cave and how he wanted to see Michael end up in a good home, with a good family. And how Tripp wanted Arturo to make sure that happened. Arturo likes to think he did a good job. 
“Tripp wanted you to have them. He said you would know who to give them to.” 
“Thank you.” Michael breathes out as he looks at Arturo. “And the ring?”
“It was the ring he was going to give your mother.”
Michael looks at him, fully crying now, well aware of the relationship that Tripp and Nora had. Arturo pulls him into a hug and runs his fingers through his curls.
“He’d want you to have it. He’d also want you to make it your own.”
Michael nods against his chest and Arturo knows with a little doctoring it will be the ring Michael uses to propose to Alex with.
Two sons and two daughters. Arturo is one lucky man.
“Nervous, Mijo?” Arturo jokes as he takes over tying Michael’s tie for him. Underneath Michael’s shirt is the necklace he gave him a couple of years ago. The one his mother Nora wore when they crash landed on Earth all those years ago. He knows Alex wears Tripp’s dog tags, as well.
“To marry Alex? No.” 
Arturo envies Michael sometimes. His quiet confidence and how loudly he loves Alex is something that most people can only dream of. They’ve been inseparable since they were seven and Arturo brought the trio to the Crashdown. 
Isobel and Rosa got married two years prior and Liz and Max got married four years ago. Arturo will be a grandfather before the year is over and his heart is overflowing with joy. 
“I’m so happy for you both.”
“Papi, don’t make me cry.”
“Sorry, sorry, not yet, you’re right.”
Michael laughs as he hugs Arturo tightly and Arturo has never been more glad that Tripp pulled him aside in the diner all those years ago.
“Come, Mijo, it’s time to get you hitched.”
“Ugh, Papi, you’ve been spending way too much time with Isobel lately.”
Arturo laughs and ushers Michael outside to where Alex will be waiting at the altar for him. 
Michael and Alex’s backyard has been transformed into something out of a magazine. Small lanterns line the aisle, white chairs with greenery, and cafe lights hang above. Isobel has truly outdone herself. 
And at the end of the aisle is Alex, with tears in his eyes staring at Michael, who Arturo can tell is barely holding back his own tears.
The music starts and Arturo hears Alex’s voice waft through the outdoor speakers and Arturo gasps. 
“Did you know?” Arturo whispers as they make their way down the aisle.
“I knew he was planning something, but I didn’t know he was signing his own song.” 
It's you I'm fighting for
If I call off the battalion
Break my walls down stone by stone
Tear down my defenses
I can build your heart a home
And if I did
Would you come home
I still find my fathers shrapnel
Buried beneath my skin
But I've begun to heal in all the places your hands have been
Would you meet me in the middle
Could we both stop keeping score
There's a battle I must fight alone
It's you I'm fighting for
If I call off the battalion
Break my walls down stone by stone
Tear down my defenses
I can build your heart a home
And if I did
Would you come home
The song is beautiful, just like their love, and Arturo, along with everyone else, is a mess of tears by the time he hugs both Alex and Michael and sits down next to Michelle. 
The ceremony is truly the most romantic thing Arturo has ever witnessed, Isobel leaving no stone unturned, and it’s not until Michael and Alex are ready to say their own vows that Arturo realizes just how lucky he is to be these boys’ father.
“Alex.” Michael begins as he grabs Alex’s hands. “I think I knew when we met at seven that we were meant to be. I know you think I’m always coming up with these cheesy and brilliant lines to express myself, but I think when we met it was as if we were built from the same star drawn together by something cosmic. I’m from another galaxy and yet somehow you are as familiar as my own reflection. I’ve loved you, for a long time, and I will continue loving you, far beyond this world.”
Arturo has tears running down his face, recognizing the lines from Tripp’s journal that he gave to Michael twelve years prior. Alex laughs at Michael’s joke and Arturo notices that he squeezes Michael’s hands a little bit tighter. 
“Michael.” Alex responds, throat thick with emotion. “Together we could quiet all the noises, drown out the voices, and play our own song. I think back to when we were boys becoming men under the desert sky, and how I wanted nothing more than to spend my life with you. I knew then that you loved me, just as I know you love me now. You were the best of me. You are the best of me.”
Arturo is really crying now, along with everyone else and he wipes his eyes just in time to see Michael and Alex kiss as they’re announced husbands to the world.
“I now pronounce you married.” Isobel shouts. “Everybody cheer for Mr. and Mr. Ortecho!”
Arturo pauses as the name they’ve chosen sinks in and both Michael and Alex turn to him and hug him before making their way back down the aisle. 
“We love you, Papi.” 
“I love you, too, Mijos.” 
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jessicaroseshepherd · 4 years
gender reveal party
The last month had gone smoothly since her and Alex genuinely talked about what was bothering them. The day before she had spent the day at Beth’s house getting manicures and pedicures. Beth asked if she wanted a stylist today for her hair and makeup but she told her not to worry about it. Jess honestly just felt bad about what happened to Skylar and wanted Beth to be there for her instead of with them. But they were also Beth’s nieces or nephews so she couldn’t blame her. As the day finally came, as Alex was busy taking a shower and shaving she put on the dress that had given her so much grief in the store. Looking at herself in the mirror it was really cute. She decided to put her hair up in a messy bun and pull some pieces down to frame her face so the little bows on her shoulders could be seen. Sitting cross legged on their bed with a grunt, she started to apply her makeup, “You know, I can’t wait until we move into a house with two vanities so we can both be in the bathroom at the same time!” She yelled out before starting to do her eyeliner. A few minutes later, Alex came out with a laugh, “You know I have two bathrooms here, right?” “It’s so far away.” She said with a small pout before he walked over and kissed her. “You look amazing.” “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She smiled up at him, “Oh, can you get me some sandals?” He nodded before heading into the closet to find some shoes. Once they got ready, they got in the car and headed over to the Shepherd house. When they arrived at the house, Derek was outside waiting for them. Getting out of the car, Jessica let out a small laugh, “How long have you been waiting out here?” “Eh, give or take ten or so minutes. There’s a lot of people inside and I wanted to be the first hug and see my grandkids.” Squatting down, he said some hellos to her stomach causing her to roll her eyes. Standing up he hugged onto her, “How are you feeling?” “I’m good, just super hungry.” Standing back from her with a studying glace causing her to laugh, “I’m not lying! I’m happy, we’re happy. We started looking at houses last week and I’m excited.” Derek smiled at her causing her to smile back, “That’s good. I’m proud of you guys.” He told her before moving aside to hug Alex. Jessica made her way inside and saw all the streamers and balloons leading to either the bathroom or outside. With a laugh, she made her way through running into Ryan in the kitchen, “You really went all out didn’t you, big bro?” She gave him a small smile that turned into a laugh as he noticed her presence.
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flashfuture · 3 years
Kyle exiting the source wall and is already a bit loopy and created his own perfect little world where everyone he knows can be happy, and he remembers Conn who remembers him, and when oblivion pops his perfect bubble those memories fade and Kyle panics because he can feel like he’s forgetting but now he’s only left with a hole in his memories where Conner used to be but he doesn’t know that; he just knows more than ever something is missing. Tbh, maybe he’s subconsciously represssing them too because his brain is trying to protect itself from getting hurt again and his white lantern powers enhance that.
Conner enjoys his slice of normality with Kyle and his craziness of his family, Kyle enjoys the craziness of from Conner and his family and gains a bit of a appreciation for his old normal life as well. So it’s a trade off.
Alex and Kyle had so many dreams, ambitions, and plans...it just fucking sucks man. Like? Even if they weren’t meant to be romantically, like...best friends.
HONEStly I sorta love responsible in his 40’s Hal. Being a villian and dying and being brought back, gives you a protective big brother/dad strike.
With all these people breaking into their house at unopportune times, Kyle and Conn have to do a apartment sweep to make sure it’s safe to make out in peace before someone breaks down the door. Conn is much nicer than Kyle would be if one of the boys interrupted them, Kyle admits.
Exactly the Wandavision thing right and we see Kyle with the life equation again his eyes all glowy as he tries to work out what he’s missing. Cause really Kyle is scary in his devotion to people sometimes. 
It’s the swap off that makes Conn and Kyle fit together so well. Sometimes crazy sometimes calm. It’s why them and casual intimacy is my life blood. 
Ugh yes yes yes. Alex is actually low key one of my faves and I just wish more people knew about her because she was a Madame. 
he was gonna propose in Paris... my heart. 
Sksksks Jess and Kyle drag Baz along with them to a party and he knows- he knows it’s gonna go wrong. it always goes wrong with these two. 
And Baz of course leaves in the middle of the night because Jess and Kyle are wasted and he has everything he needs he can not bother with them anymore. 
So Jess and Kyle wake up in a field convinced they’ve lost Baz on this planet. And Hal is there just with the ‘explain yourselves’ eyebrow raised and they’re panicking over Baz. And Hal lets them stew before saying Baz just went back to Oa. 
If they’d brought Guy they’d have all probably been kidnapped because they’d started a fight. then they’d need a rescue mission and Hal would gloat so Kyle is glad that didn’t happen. 
Hal being a dad is everything. Okay because i will rant until the cows come home or whatever about how horrible the GLs are treated outside of Space. 
But Hal essentially helped raise Wally and Roy. He’s very close to his nieces and nephews. He helped mentor his cousin Hal jr aka Airwave. Hal has always been parental but people treat him like he’d be a bad dad/mentor?
Hal being the leader of the GLs makes perfect sense. He’s a mix between protective/stern/and nurturing. His putting his hands on his hips is my favorite thing. And even if Kyle is just as capable as him Hal’s first reaction will always be to protect his baby bro. 
lol if one of Kyle’s bros or even just anyone not in the arrowfam is getting immediately shoved outside by a giant green hand. Kyle does not get enough time with Conn and he isn’t giving that up to be bothered by Guy who he sees way too much  
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forgadgetsandgizmos · 4 years
What Comes Next
My final piece for Alex Manes Week 2020, written for day 6 | Prompt: The Lost Decade. Also, italics may not show up on mobile. They aren’t for me, not sure why. If that happens, you may want to read on AO3. 
Read it on AO3
May, 2009
Alex Manes had lost his virginity to a man.
The to a man part of that statement was important to him. The most important part, if he’s being honest, because six months after basic and it still surprised him. Growing up under Jesse, in Roswell of all places, he had expected to have to bite the bullet with a girl he (hopefully) didn’t hate, therefore crushing of the last thing of he had to fantasize about that his dad couldn’t poison. That, or stay a virgin forever.
Neither were very appealing options.
And it turned out that the poison of his father was far more infectious and lethal than he had imagined.
So yeah, the fact that he had managed to lose his virginity to a man without the world ending was what allowed him to find a bar two days before his first deployment, buy a man a beer, and follow him to his apartment where said man currently laid sprawled out under him, one hand on his chest and another gripping tightly to the headboard.
“Fuck, Alex.” His back arched up as Alex added another lubed finger in his ass, spreading them and stretching him open.
The man – Bryce? No, Boyd, – had started to top, but Alex hadn’t let him get as far as ripping open the condom before flipping him on his back and taking it himself. There was only one person Alex had bottomed for and he wasn’t interested in repeating the experienced for a drunk nobody from a bar he drove an hour to get to. Based off the loud moans coming from the man underneath him, it hadn’t been a problem.
“Just, just fuck me, please,” Boyd begged, spreading his legs further.
Alex pulled his fingers out and pressed his mouth to a nipple instead, flicking it with his tongue. This was his only chance to get laid until after an 8-month deployment.
They were just getting started.
* * *
December, 2010
The beers had yet to stop coming, the cheering and base of the music growing louder with each glass bottom he reached. Alex had raced past drunk 2 hours ago, eager to chase away pangs of regret over the beautiful man at the club’s bar who had caught his eye as soon as he walked in. Half his unit was here, still wearing their t-shirts identifying them as Air Force. Beautiful men weren’t in the cards tonight.
Based off the number of hands clasping his shoulder and inching him towards a group of obviously tipsy, well-dressed women, everyone else hadn’t gotten the memo.
“Come on, Alex, you need to lighten up,” Montgomery yelled over the music from behind him. “I know just the thing.”
And then warmth filled him as soft lips met his and a chest pressed against his own. He wrapped his hands around the hips and was faintly aware of his name being hollered.
The next thing he knew, wind was hitting his face and fingers were fumbling for his belt buckle. Another hand pulled his hair hard and Alex leaned into the touch, eyes closed. The hand on his belt, job completed, pulled up his shirt and pressed a cool touch. Lips hit his own again, a pair of breasts the only thing touching when they did.
Alex flung his open and took in everything he had missed before. He was in an alley, presumably behind the bar. The tug on his hair almost numbed it, but he could feel nails digging into where fingers curled against his skull. Long hair tickled his back where it slipped under his shirt. This was one of the women from the group inside, the one in the tight dress and heels she now teetered on.
Alex pulled back and gently pushed her off.
The dazed woman looked back at him.
“You’re drunk. Go back inside,” he finally said, still flustered. The alley around him seemed to spin.
He ignored the annoyed curses in favor of kneeling over and giving into the churning feeling making its way up his throat. He doesn’t know how long he laid there with a hand pressed against the stained bar wall before the city sounds where joined by faint music from inside.
Rough hands gently lifted him up, tilted his head back, placed something hard against his lips.
“Come on, Alex. Can you drink this for me?”
Cool water rushed down his throat. He grabbed the bottle, chugging the rest in an effort to wash away the taste of beer and cherry Chapstick. It ran down the sides of his chin onto his shirt. He dropped the empty bottle and pressed both hands against the cool concrete, intending to push himself up against the wall.
“Careful,” the voice warned.
Not fast enough. The word had barely registered before what colors he could see in the dark haze swirled together and the building pressure in his head finally popped.
Here, open up.
Light burned his eyes. He squeezed them tighter. The light was gone. It helped, a bit. Something small and round was pressed into his mouth, followed by a straw he slowly sipped from. It tasted strangely metallic.
Voices he couldn’t distinguish echoed.
A blanket was laid over him. He pulled it over his head and the hushed voices faded completely.
The pounding in his head woke him. At least it was dark this time. He curled in on himself and willed it away.
Alex opened his eyes to morning light just barely peeking out from behind his blackout curtains. He was in his bed, tucked under a pile of blankets. A note folded in half was placed on the nightstand.
>>Take these, dumbass
Advil lay beside a glass of water. A trash can was underneath.
Alex moved to sit up and a body in the bed shifted next to him. Jaimie and Nibble’s sleeping forms snored lightly beside him. Across the room, Montgomery slept in a chair, curled up with a blanket Alex recognized from his living room.
They had stayed. Alex did as he was told and laid back down, a ghost of a smile on his face.
* * *
January, 2012
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed officially back in September of 2011. He got the news from a friend of a friend while he was deployed in West Africa.
Alex didn’t sleep that night, and it wasn’t because of the heat.
* * *
June, 2013
The couple across from him was laughing. Clay’s old service buddy had told a bland military joke that had sent Clay and the other couple, old friends he’d met before, into a fit of laughter. Clay apparently saw his confused expression over the reaction it had caused and explained: it had been an inside joke from before their unit had split up and the buddy (whose name was currently unknown due to Alex forgetting to listen when the man introduced himself) had retired with an honorable discharge.
To his annoyance, group of 7 isn’t enough to hide in and the wine in front of him couldn’t make up for that or the bland chicken casserole in front of him. Alex consoled himself by remembering that in hour, maybe less, he could excuse himself from the family-and-friends dinner from hell without offending anyone or getting an angry phone call from Dad later about how he had, yet again, disappointed and embarrassed him.
“Don’t like that kind of humor,” a gentle voiced asked. Miranda, Clay’s wife, sat to his right. Clay had taken the seat at the head of the table, leaving Miranda sitting between them.
“You hear it a lot,” he answered. And you did, especially as the youngest of four in a military family where everyone joined a different branch.
“I’ve been a military wife for a decade,” she said with a laugh. “Trust me, I know. But that’s not what I asked.”
Alex tipped his head. “Very astute. And to answer your question, it’s not exactly my niche.”
She hummed. “No date, tonight?”
“I’ve been pretty busy with my station at base. Haven’t had a lot of time for meeting people.”
“Well, we missed you at Christmas.”
It was Alex’s turn to humm. He appreciated the sentiment, but considering he’d had one of the best Christmas’ in years celebrating at Patrick’s place with eggnog, rum balls, and a family that, despite not being his own, had welcomed him with his own stocking hung among the others? He somehow doubted that.
“Okay,” Miranda rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I missed you at Christmas. You left me alone with a bunch of vulgar boys!”
“I don’t count as a vulgar boy?”
Miranda shot him a sly smile and leaned in until she could speak directly into his ear. “I think we both know you’re the exception to the Manes family, in the best ways possible.” She met his eyes and glanced pointedly down to her stomach and glass of water. “I hope they take after you.”
The wife of Clay’s buddy, who’d brought the bad tasting casserole, caught Miranda’s attention to ask about a fundraiser she was planning.
I hope he takes after you.
Huh. Clay, a father. He felt a twang of regret over the state of his strained relationship with Clay at the idea of missing out on knowing his little niece or nephew.
“It’s for a good cause,” the woman was insisting. “Fundraising is important in times like these. It’ll do good to see a handsome Airman like you supporting them.”
Alex regretting tuning the woman out earlier. Aside from her asking him to involved in a fundraiser, he had tuned out what exactly he was being asked to do, and for what. It must be something military, he supposes. He hadn’t heard them talk about other causes.
“It’ll be good to see you again, Alex.” Miranda nudged his shoulder. “I miss having a brother-in-law around. And you’ll still be placed at Griffiss in December, so it’ll only be a short train ride down.”
“You’re welcome to stay here,” Clay added, almost an afterthought.
Alex took another bite of his chicken casserole, thought about a baby growing up in Clay’s household, with his father and Flint for regular visitors, and agreed.
An hour later, Alex excused himself with fumbled explanations and Clay clasped him on the shoulder. “I appreciate you helping out, baby bro." He leaned in closer to whisper “I know this isn’t your usual style.”
“The department really appreciates your donation,” Clay’s buddy (whose name Alex still hadn’t found out) exclaimed with an obvious wink.
The department?
Oh. Not his style.
This was a Christmas police fundraiser. Fan-fucking-tastic.
He would never admit to it, but for the first time in his life, he sent up a (unanswered) prayer to get deployed.
* * *
December, 2013
“Wear your dress blues,” they said.
“Make sure you’ve got a nice change of clothes,” they said.
“You’ll have to plan on staying for a day or two after the fundraiser,” they said.
At no point did they bother to say by the way, you’re going to be on a stage being auctioned off to woman and wives of the force for a date.
Alex got to find that out from the announcer on said stage.
It wasn’t nightmare-worthy embarrassing, but only because an older woman in her sixties named Barbara had bought him for $600 in auction. She said she had a grandchild who’d appreciate “a man like himself.” What that meant, Alex didn’t know.
He got to see Miranda, 7 months pregnant, waddling around in her dress. She beamed at him and pressed his hand to her stomach. She didn’t tell anyone that his eyes teared up when he felt the tiny kicks.
Barbara insisted Alex accompany her and her grandson, Will, to mini golf. It was innocent enough until the end, when Alex climbed into Will’s car alone after She ditched them for a friend who she ‘coincidentally’ ran into right as the three finished their game.
It seems that ‘a man like himself’ turned out to mean gay.
Will took Alex back to his apartment where Barbara had insisted Alex drove meet them and then leave Clay’s borrowed car.
He had barely shut the door behind him when Will had him pressed against the wall, inches from his face.
“Is this okay,” he whispered.
Alex leaned forward and kissed him.
They didn’t waste any time before making their way over to the bed in Will’s small room. Sitting against the bed while Will stood between his legs, Alex ripped off Will’s shirt and unfastened his belt while Will undid his own.
Alex grabbed Will’s hand seconds before he could pull down his briefs. “I’m a top,” he stated. “Is that okay for you?”
“Lube and condoms are in the top drawer,” Will grinned.
Alex didn’t tease him. After Will was prepped, he turned him around and lined up his cock with Will’s ass. He traced a finger lightly down his spine, feeling Will’s body tremble at the soft touch, and pushed in.
Unlike Alex, Will wasn’t quiet. He came with a shout onto the bed just before Alex, and both men laid on the bed panting.
They exchanged numbers before Alex left.
* * *
February, 2015
The news came that Miranda had filed for divorce.
In October, a judge grants her majority custody of Eugene ‘Tripp’ Manes IV. Clay would have visitation every other weekend.
Alex visited for Tripp’s one-year birthday. It was adorable; Miranda got him this miniature cake that he shoved in his mouth face first.
Clay is there. Miranda says they parted amicably enough, and she wants Tripp to have a father, even if she can’t have a husband.
It’s the best trip there he’s ever had.
Alex visited Will before he left and ended up staying an extra day. They don’t do much talking but agree to meet up when Alex comes down to babysit Tripp for a weekend that Miranda and Clay will both be out of town.
They do. It’s nice.
* * *
April, 2017
Alex got the notice that he’s being deployed via email at midnight two weeks before he’s due to report.
He almost didn’t, but he called Will. They spend the two weeks in bed.
* * *
September, 2017
He’s a codebreaker. He doesn’t go out in the field. It’s what he told Will when he left (It’s as safe as it can be, don’t worry. I’ll call if I can, okay?) He actually does, too.
“Don’t be typing too much, now,” he always says at the end of every call. “Don’t want those fingers cramping up.” He sounds suggestive when he says it and it reminds Alex what they are: fuck buddies that ended up friends-with-benefits. In that sense, he likes it.
On the other hand, him saying ‘other activities’ always makes him picture freezing up when he needs to pull the trigger, and the other guy pulling it first.
He has nightmares about that.
The combatants they’re up against got a new hacker. They must have, because someone had the sense to limit system access to a specific location ping tied to the server that he needs to access.
“What does that mean?” Patrick sounds nervous at Alex’s tone and it’s not fucking helping.
“It means that even if I spoof my location and claim I’m within the vicinity of the system, the server sweeps for a signal to be bounced back within the set perimeters. Since I won’t be there, the signal can’t get bounced back and the system triggers an alarm that shuts it down.”
The team stared at him, silent.
“And?” Patrick again, apprehensive this time.
Alex sighed. “It means I have to go there.”
No one is happy about it, but they have a plan.
Another unit fakes a mission gone wrong on the opposite side of base to draw attention. Montgomery takes out the guards left on side Alex needs access to with a sniper. Jaimie and Nibble drive Alex to the perimeter edge so he can step inside. Ten minutes, and his program gets everything they need. He, Nibble, and Montgomery on sniper can watch Jaimie’s back while he drives away.
Alex got all the way inside the perimeter before things go sideways. With three minutes on the clock, they’re spotted. And for three minutes, everything is fine. He’s dressed like them, they all are, so no one attacks him in his hiding spot in a personal tent. He made it within feet of the jeep when the world explodes. He woke up to screams and a piercing ringing filling his head. Smoke clouds his view of anything past him, but he doesn’t need to see to feel the heavy metal of the jeep railing crushing his leg.
The ringing doesn’t stop, he can’t hear, and if he can’t hear, he doesn’t know if it’s safe to call for help or move or do anything. Bullets flying light up the red-tinged smoke. The red doesn’t make sense at first, but he tried to lift his head, to understand, and the dripping on the ground is clear. His eye has blood over it, from a head wound it seems, and the stinging is so bad that despite his best efforts, they shut.
Can you open your eyes for me, private?.
He’s hallucinating. Why else would those curls be brushing against his head?
Captain Manes!
* * *
October, 2017
Alex let the darkness take him in Iraq and woke up in Germany.
He’s been in a medically induced coma for two weeks. There are three things that he knows.
Jaimie and Nibble are dead. Patrick’s eyes are rimmed red when he tells him.
He missed the funeral.
And it turned out that he’s missing a lot more than a funeral. It’s not there but he feels it, feels it fucking burning and it won’t stop and he’s screaming and screaming and screaming.
Patrick offered to call Will. Alex remembers trying to shake his head and shooting pain. Whatever happened, Will never called.
When Alex opened his eyes after that first time, Jesse was there. He couldn’t deal with – but he hadn’t seen him yet.
Alex closed his eyes again.
* * *
January, 2018
Physical therapy makes him want to pull out his hair, but he still doesn’t think it as bad as actual therapy.
His PTSD triggers aren’t so black and white as a lost limb, and he isn’t about to unload the drama of his abusive Air Force father onto an Air Force-mandated therapist. It’s a waste of time for the entire eight weeks mandated.
* * *
April, 2018
The news was early, which was unusual. The Air Force is anything but fast acting, and he submitted his request four days ago. Allowing for a week, the earliest he should be getting this letter is Friday.
It was Wednesday.
Alex ripped it open and read the words. And read them again. And again.
But no matter how many times he reads them, the words haven’t changed. Aren’t going to.
Per request, you are assigned to Roswell, New Mexico for the duration of your commitment.
He’s going home.
See it on AO3
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alexmanesairstream · 4 years
Okay so full disclosure there’s a lot about RNM s2 that I don’t understand bc I wasn’t interested (and it’s also inconsistent and has plot holes) so I half assed watching it lol. But I do have a pressing question if anyone can help me understand lol😔
So Tripp was Alex’s great uncle- ie; Tripp was the brother of Jesse Manes’ grandfather. This is confirmed by the show and Carina. But now Alex said the shed was built by his grandfather ie; Jesse’s dad. And he said “my grandfather killed Tripp”. So does that mean Tripp was murdered by his nephew ie; his brother Harlan’s son who is also Jesse’s father? AND secondly, how did Jesse or anyone else think he had died? Why did no one question it or even ask for his body or a funeral or something ?? Especially considering he was in the military- surely there would’ve been a lot of people who knew him, and he would’ve had some sort of military memorial or whatever? But his nephew just killed him and built a tool shed over his dead body?
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holylulusworld · 6 years
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Summary: Sam and you are over. At least he told you so.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Claire Novak, Bess Fitzgerald, Alex
Warnings: language, angst, heartbreak, break-up, sad reader, cheating (not really), pregnant reader, Sam being a douche, smut, unprotected sex, fingering (barely), oral (female receiving)
“Sam we need to talk.“ You whisper sitting on your shared bed. Well, the bed you used to share.
“I know. It’s overdue.”
“I need to tell you something. I think this might change…we need to…”
“Let me say it first.” Sam grunts. “We should finally find the strength to break-up.” He says and your heart shatters into pieces.
“That’s not what I was about to say, Sam. Sammy, I need to tell you something important. I thought after last month we are better.”
“We are over. You should accept this. Only as we had sex again doesn’t mean we are good. I’m out for a while. I prepared your old room for you. Take your stuff and move out.” Sam says leaving the room.
With tears in your eyes, you open your hand to look at the positive pregnancy test. He doesn’t want you anymore so he won’t want the baby either.
“Hey. Is something wrong?” Dean asks.
“For me, yes. For Sam, no. He broke up with me. I wanted to tell him that…and he just broke up with me.” You whisper.
“Wait…” Staring at the pregnancy test in your hand Dean’s eyes widen. “Does he know?”
“I wanted to tell him. I didn’t have the chance. He broke up with me and said he already prepared my old room that I have to move out until he’s back.”
“No, he didn’t,” Dean mutters.
“He doesn’t need to worry. I’ll leave anyway. I can’t stay here. I saw him with that girl, looking like Jess two weeks ago. I guess he found someone better. Worth his time.”
“That’s not true, Y/N.”
“Let’s face it…I was never her. Never good enough to compare with his first love. I’m not her, never will be her. I was just…doesn’t matter anymore. Can you bring me the duffle bags from my trunk so I can pack my stuff?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Jody’s place. I told her about my problems with Sam and she offered me help weeks ago. I’ll stay there until I find another place to stay.”
“Y/N, you shouldn’t go without telling Sam.”
“Dean, let’s face it. Sam doesn’t want me anymore. I was just…I was hoping this could bring us back together. I guess he would have insulted me that I got pregnant on purpose…I didn’t. I never planned to become a mother but I will keep it, no matter what he wants.”
Sitting down next to you Dean slings an arm around your shoulders. Leaning your head against him you let the tears fall.
Sam doesn’t want you anymore…
“Where’s my laptop?” Sam mutters entering the library.
“That wasn’t your laptop. It was Y/N’s. Remember? You smashed yours against the wall.” Dean says coldly.
“Fine. Then I will borrow it from her.” Sam talks back.
“This could be a bit difficult.”
“Well, Sam. Y/N left some hours ago.”
“Then she doesn’t need her laptop until she’s back.”
“That’s not what I meant. She left and won’t come back.” Dean says nonchalantly.
“Is she hunting alone or what?”
“No, Sam. She left and won’t come back at all! Well done! You finally broke her. She was right, I guess. Y/N was never Jess. She tried so hard but you just…you always gave her the feeling she’s not good enough.”
“That’s bull and you know it!”
“And that you are seeing someone else is bull too? That’s the reason you barely spend time with your girlfriend. You were busy fucking someone else.” Dean yells now.
“I don’t fuck her! She’s nice and carefree. It’s easy to talk to her and…”
“Oh, easy. Awesome! Did you throw your girlfriend away for an easy girl? How pathetic Sam. Well Y/N is beautiful, smart and caring. She will for sure find a better father for her baby than you could ever be, Sammy.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s what she wanted to tell you. But she saw you with that chick and got scared you would insult her that she got pregnant on purpose.” Dean grunts tossing the positive pregnancy test into Sam’s face.
“She’s pregnant?”
“If you wouldn’t have been so busy taking care of another chick you would’ve seen the fear in her eyes. She tried to tell you for weeks, too scared she remained silent.”
“Where is she?”
“Safe. That’s all you got from me. Y/N doesn’t want to see you ever again. Stay away or she will kick your ass!”
“I need to…where is she Dean? Tell me right now where my girlfriend is!”
“I got no clue where your new chick is.”
“You know I mean, Y/N!”
“Oh, Y/N ain’t your girlfriend anymore. Remember? You broke up with her. Sammy, you can do what you want. I won’t tell you anything. She doesn’t want to see you and I can only agree to her wishes.” Dean grunts leaving the library.
“It’s my baby too!”
“Who cares, Sam? You broke up with her. She will find someone new. As I said. She is beautiful and all a man can wish for.”
Four months later…
“You’re slowly showing,” Claire squeals.
“Yeah. The little boy is turning me into a fat chick.” You chuckle.
“You’re not fat!” Alex scolds.
“I wouldn’t agree in that,” you say laughing.
“Sam called me again, asking if I have seen you,” Jody says.
“Good thing I switch places. I can’t thank you and Bess enough for helping me out.”
“Hey, you are a friend. No need to thank us, right Jody?” Bess says smiling.
“Nope. Not at all.” Jody says.
“I got to go, Garth is waiting for me.”
“Thanks again, Bess. Tell Garth I’m sorry he had to lie for me.”
“No need for that. Sam is a douche. Letting you go and now he’s searching for you.”
“I guess he only wants the book back I took with me. It was his but I hadn’t finished reading it.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt but we all need to go now!” Donna insists.
“Yes, ma’am!” Claire grunts giving you a wink.
“Alright, ladies. Go, do your job. Hunt the evil. Alex have fun at the hospital and Bess drive careful.” You say smiling at your friends.
When all your friends left your smiles fades. How can he call Jody? He wanted you gone. No, he wanted you in your old room.
Did he expect you will watch him with another girl?
“I’m fine Winchester. No Dean you don’t need to come around. Sam called Jody but she lied for me…again. Next month I’m back at Bess and Garth’s place.”
“Maybe you should talk to him,” Dean says.
“No, talking time is over. I have to move on…for my son, Dean. Stay safe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Sammy is mad. He left yesterday to release some steam.”
“Who cares?”
“Stay safe. You and my nephew.”
“You too, Dean.”
Hanging up the phone you hold back the tears. Release some steam. You bet he’s fucking that chick.
“Who cares?” You mutter to yourself.
A harsh knock at the front door disturbs your pity festival. Sighing you open Jody’s door and freeze. An angry looking Sam Winchester is standing in front of you.
“Do you know how long I’m looking for you? I was so worried! How could you leave? Pregnant with my baby!”
“Are you kidding me? You wanted me gone! You said I have to leave your room before you’re back!”
“To move into your old room! Not to leave the bunker!”
“Did you really think I would watch the man I love fucking someone else? Really Sam? I had no choice! You didn’t give me another choice! You wanted me gone. I’m gone.”
“Pack your stuff! You’re coming back!”
“Fuck off, Sam! Go back to your new chick! I don’t need you!”
Towering over you Sam rolls his shoulders. Angrily staring down at you he looks at your tiny baby bump.
“This is my baby! You were hiding my baby for four months from me!”
“You didn’t want me anymore! Why should you want my baby? I’m just a burden, as my baby. You wanted easy…now you have easy.” You whisper.
“I want to touch your bump!” Sam mutters.
“No, you won’t touch me!”
“Hmmm…you love me touching you,” Sam rasps.
“Loved…that’s in the past. You won’t touch me with the same hands you’re touching her!”
“I didn’t’ touch her!”
“Sure, Sam. Four months and you didn’t touch her! She didn’t look like a virgin!”
“You didn’t look like a virgin either when I seduced you.” Sam groans now.
“That was years ago…when I thought you love me…”
“Y/N, please.”
“It’s okay. I’m not lovable I guess. I’m not cute and carefree. I’m just me. I get it. No one wants to spend his life with someone like me when he can have someone like Jess or that girl. She’s pretty. You will have pretty kids with her too. You should go now, Sam.”
“I can’t go. You are pregnant with my baby!”
“Doesn’t mean anything. Go home. I finally accepted that the man I love doesn’t want me anymore. Maybe you never wanted me. I was just a cheap substitute for the woman you really loved…”
Casting your look down you let the tears fall. There’s no reason to hold them back. Sam doesn’t care if you’re hurt or not. He doesn’t care…
“Please don’t say that. You were never a substitute.”
“Consolation prize it is then…”
“No, no. Baby, please. Look at me!”
Refusing to look at Sam you fall silent. His index finger lifts your chin to meet his sad hazel eyes. He can see the black rings around your eyes. You look like you haven’t slept for weeks. Sadness is coloring your features and you lost the light in your eyes.
“You should go, Sam. No need to feel responsible for me. I forgot to take my birth control so it’s my fault. Go to your new girl and leave me alone.”
“I can’t…I could never leave you alone. I’m sorry for what I said. I’m sorry about meeting her. I swear I didn’t touch her. Not even kissed her. Please, Y/N…come home.”
“I can’t, you know that. No matter how much you’re pleading now. In a few days or some weeks you want me gone again. You were right. We were fighting all the time. For months you didn’t even look at me. Dean had to pick up the pieces every time you shattered me. I can’t do this anymore, not for someone who stopped loving me or rather never loved me.”
“Please, don’t think I never loved you. I love you so much it hurts. I need you, please come home.”
“What for, Sam? To hear you yelling at me or even worse ignoring me again? Was there, did that.”
“Please. I want you to come home to me. I can’t sleep without you.”
“Sure. You slept pretty well for the last months. You didn’t even realize I slept in my old room. Every time I tried to get close to you, even if I only tried to touch your arm you shoved me aside. I left every single night. I didn’t matter if I was next to you in bed or in my room. I was alone either way. You don’t want me, Sam. I got it. Now just be honest to yourself and fuck off!”
“Fuck off! No. You will pack your stuff, get dressed and come home with me! You are still mine!”
“I’m not yours, Winchester! Now leave Jody’s house…I don’t need more stress than I already have.”
“Are you kidding me? The man I love kicked me out, broke up with me. I can’t hunt anymore and on top of all I’m pregnant!”
“God, you’re so sexy when you get mad,” Sam groans.
“This won’t work anymore! Your dirty talk doesn’t work anymore. And your puppy dog look won’t work either!”
“Hmmm…then I have to play dirty.”
Tilting his head Sam catches your lips in a searing kiss. Holding you in place with strong hands he gives you no other chance than moan into his mouth.
“I hate you!” You mutter. Weak hands pushing against his chest you mutter and curse. Sam is too strong, too tall. You can’t compare his strength.
“No…you don’t hate me, Baby.”
“I hate you, let go of me, Sam. Please just let me go. I can’t bear more hurting. I finally started at least sleeping for a few hours. I will lose the baby if you stress me even more. Leave me at least my son if I can’t have you.”
“Son? We will have a son?”
“Go. Just go away.”
“No, I won’t leave without you!”
“You will have to!”
“Plan B then. Castiel!”
“What has Cas to do with that?”
“You just kidnapped me, Winchester? And you helped him Cas? How dare you!”
“Y/N you are in danger.”
“Bullshit! I hate you. All of you! I won’t let you hurt me even more. You broke up with me. Only as I’m pregnant you don’t need to take it back. If I weren’t pregnant you would already fuck her! Maybe you did…I’m not a toy!”
Sniffing you wipe the tears away with your sleeves. With trembling lips, you stand in the library, completely lost.
“Y/N? You’re back?” Dean asks surprised.
“He kidnapped me,” you sob.
Hugging you tight Dean let you cry into his chest. Gently stroking your back he glares at his brother.
“So that’s it, you want my girlfriend?” Sam snarls.
“Sure. I’m her best friend. Do you know how often I found her crying and desperate sitting on the floor as you managed to hurt her yet again? After that night months ago she cried too. You fucked her and acted as nothing happened.”
“It was…”
“What Sam? Did you have to clean a pipe? Really? Shame on you. Using her.” Dean yells now.
“I want to go back to Jody’s, Dean.” You whisper with tears in your eyes. “He only wants me here as I’m pregnant. Please. I can’t stay knowing he doesn’t love me…”
“Dean, Castiel leave the library I need to talk to, Y/N.”
Shaking your head you cling to Dean, not letting him go. Seeing you like that with his brother Sam’s heart aches.
“Please. I won’t yell. I only want to talk to her.”
“I’m in my room. Come to me if anything is wrong,” Dean says.
“Please, stay. We can make this work.”
“No, we can’t. I tried so hard the whole last year but you just pushed me away. Every time I tried to get close to you, you pushed me farther away, Sam. You don’t want me or my baby.”
“I have to admit we had our problems but I never stopped loving you.”
“If you would still love me you would’ve never asked me to leave our room or ended our relationship.” You whisper.
“Baby, please. I want to hold you. Please. I know I messed up but don’t go. I’m missing you so much it hurts.” Sam pleas now.
“You want someone like her, not me…”
“That’s not true!”
“It is! I found the picture in your purse! You still have a picture of Jess in your purse but you got none of me…” You sob.
“That’s it? Really? Baby, I got the picture in my purse to remind me to trust my instinct and to never let anything happened to someone I love. I got a picture of you. Look. I always have it in my pocket. Here.” Taking an old picture out of the back pocket of his pants Sam gives it to you.
It’s a really old picture. You remember the day Bobby took it.
“Why do you have Bobby’s picture of me?”
“I begged him to give it to me. It’s my lucky charm. I always have it with me.”
“Lucky charm?”
“Yeah. And it helps me in lonely nights…”
“Not what you think!”
“You are a pervert! Stealing my picture to get off! Eek, Winchester!”
“Hmm…you look hot when you’re mad…”
“Don’t think a picture changes the fact that I’m mad at you!”
“I could just show you how much I’ve missed you.”
“No…I won’t let a pervert touch me,” you scold.
“Come on…I’ve missed you…I really missed you. Do you know how often Dean caught me taking care of myself lately?”
“I knew it! You used my picture you pervert.”
Staring down at you with hungry hazel eyes Sam picks you up to carry you to his bedroom. Muttering you move your legs around his waist and your arms to his neck.
“I will make you mine again showing Dean he can’t have you!”
“Dean never tried anything. He’s like a grumpy big brother to me, Sam!”
“Hmm…still I’m going to make you scream my name.”
“No! You won’t!”
Carefully letting you down Sam brushes his lips over yours. His hands hold your face when he softly starts kissing you.
Hands wandering to your shoulders he tilts his head to kiss your neck. Sucking hickeys into the soft skin he hums when you try to make him stop.
“Don’t mark me!”
“I need to show everyone you are mine, Baby,” Sam states ripping your flannel open. His features soften when he sees your baby bump.
Kneeling down he starts kissing the tiny bump. Large hands caressing your thigh he leans his head against your stomach.
“He’s too small for that,” you mutter.
“I missed the first months…the first ultrasound. I never saw my son so far.”
“You broke up with me. I wanted to tell you but you insisted that I must leave our room. This was the last step to end us…”
Looking up at you Sam’s gives you his saddest puppy dog look. Kissing your stomach softly he gently squeezes your butt and you can’t hold back a giggle.
“Hmm…I have to make it up to you.”
Moving faster than you would expect it from a tall man like him Sam towers over you. His hands slowly slide you flannel down your shoulders. Hooking your finger into the elastic band of your sweatpants you shove them down your legs.Deftly unclasping your bra, you let the fabric slide down your arms. His eyes darken at the sight of your half-naked body.
Sam’s lips capture yours in a searing kiss. Hands roaming your exposed skin he slides his tongue with yours. A soft moan leaves your lips when you let him move his hand into your panties.
You can feel the smirk on his lips when he touches your wet folds. Sam knows that you are always wet for him.
“Lay down onto our bed. I will make you feel good…make you mine again.” Sam groans.
“Sam…I…not so rough.” You whisper.
“Baby. I know. You are pregnant. I would never be rough while you are pregnant or hurt. Let me make you feel good. That’s all I want.”
“But you like it rough and I thought…”
Lying down onto his bed you watch him strip his clothes off. Not wasting another moment Sam kneels onto his bed. Dragging your panties down tosses the fabric over his shoulder.
His hands spread your legs open to get access to his goal. Not taking his eyes off you he lowers himself to move his hands under your ass. Lifting your body slightly he rests your legs over his shoulders.
Head tilted he licks through your folds. You ass hangs in the air while Sam devours your pussy. Nipping and sucking at your sensitive nub he makes you scream in pleasure.
“Sam, I…fuck, fuck.”
Grunting Sam keep on eating you out. Not stopping even after your first climax he toys with your swollen bud. Rolling your clit with his tongue he groans against your cunt.
When you buck against him he gives you a glare. It’s too much but he won’t stop. Determined he sucks at the overstimulated flesh again and you toss a pillow at him. Completely at his mercy, you had no other chance.
Ignoring your whimpering Sam wraps his lips tighter around your clit and you lose it. Trembling with tears in your eyes you scream his name and he’s finally satisfied.
Carefully lying you down he grins at you. Puffing his chest he cleans his face with his blanket.
“You are the devil, Samuel Winchester.” You whine.
“I’m not done with you!”
“God, you will ruin me…”
“Happened years ago, Baby. But tonight, I want you to scream my name again.”
Caging you with his tall frame Sam kisses you softly. Slowly stroking his cock, he slides his tongue with yours.
When you watch him pushing only the tip in you gasp. His impressive length stretches your walls out. Inch per inch he spreads you open.
If you weren’t so aroused, you would slap the self-satisfied grin out of his face.
Pulling out he pushes back in with full force and you slap his chest.
“You like it!”
“Still you are an ass, Samuel Winchester.”
“If you weren’t pregnant I would for sure slap your sexy ass right now!”
“If I weren’t pregnant I wouldn’t be here by now.” You snap back.
Looking down at you like a kicked puppy Sam falls silent.
“Will you move now or did you push your cock into me just for fun?”
“I really missed your big mouth!” Sam chuckles.
Hands sliding up your thighs he waits for you to wrap your legs around his waist. Starting to roll his hips the grin on his face returns.
Licking your lips, you want to slap him again. Holding your thighs, he makes it impossible for you to move.
Sam knows exactly what he’s doing. He loves to have you at his mercy.
Pumping harder into you he brushes over your g-spot without any effort. All you can do is let him make you feel good.
Your eyes never leave his face while he snaps his hips against yours. Sweat is dripping down his forehead while he starts moving faster. Rough hands still holding your thighs he groans before his cock starts twitching.
Another hard thrust and he fills you with his cum. Screaming and cursing you climax around his thick member and the grin is back.
“You are still an ass!”
“Yeah, but I’m your ass!”
“We will see that,” you mutter.
“Did he hurt you?” Dean yells from his room.
“No, I only gave her another orgasm.”
“Don’t break her, Dude! She sounded like a wounded animal,” Dean talks back.
“My girl is unbreakable. She can take all I give her. Now shut up and let me cuddle my girlfriend, Jerk!”
“Bitch, don’t hurt her!”
Gently pulling out of you Sam kisses you softly. Lying down onto the mattress next to you he let you rest your head onto his sweaty chest.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Not physically, Sam.”
“I’m sorry. Please. I will prove to you I love you. That I only want you.”
“I love you Sam, but I will need some time…”
“I know…I love you, Y/N.”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @wayward-gabriel, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic
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planetsam · 5 years
i absolutely love the kid fic/secret married fic. could you do something in that with father's day?
“Okay, Mara,” Alex turns to her, “if you get scared at any time—“ Mara gives him a look, “if Mr. Bonbon gets scared—“
“You just tell us and we’ll leave,” Michael says, “okay?”
Mara looks at them with disgust at the suggestion but Alex gives her the look and she nods. Michael doesn’t like this and as they walk to the passenger section of the car, he can see Alex doesn’t like it either. But Mara is asking about her family and they are the family that she has. Even with all their ugliness. So they get her out of the car and head up the path to the house they’ve passed a lot but never stopped in front of. Mara is just as suspicious and whatever image she has, when Jesse Manes opens the door he is not what she’s expecting.
“That’s my grandpa?” She says.
“Yup,” Michael says, flashing Jesse the most evil smile he can manage, “say hi.”
“Hi,” she says warily.
Jesse Manes looks between them and down at Mara and then back to them. It’s probably the most surprised Michael’s seen him be and that’s only because he didn’t see his dumb face when he found out Michael had been his son in law for a decade. Something Michael is always going to be upset about. Alex watches carefully as Mara approaches and sizes Jesse up.
“You don’t look like the grandpas on tv,” she says.
“I take better care of myself,” Jesse says, “you have a child?” He says looking at Alex who glares, “this country’s going to hell,” Jesse mutters.
“That’s a bad word!” Mara tells him loudly. Jesse looks down at her, “you can’t say that.”
Michael holds his breath, ready to grab Alex and Mara and book it. He missed Jesse’s face when he found out Michael was his son in law and he’s seen his surprise. He hasn’t seen him look bashful though. Mara stares him down and through some combination of what’s happening, Jesse actually looks at her.
“You’re right,” he says.
“I know.”
“Sass is not becoming on a child,” Jesse says and ushers her inside, “we don’t talk back.”
“Or say bad words,” Mara says.
He and Alex trade looks before they go inside after the pair of them. Shockingly soon, they are sitting at the kitchen table and Mara is carefully taking Jesse through her artwork that she brought. Michael thinks he may have entered some insane alternate universe where Jesse Manes is an actual human being. Alex looks incredibly weirded out by the exchange as Jesse looks at the various crayon drawings their daughter shows him. Like most of them don’t feature her holding hands with two men Jesse has been adamant he hates.
“Do you want to color?” Mara asks.
“Sure,” Jesse says.
So they color.
Alex frowns and looks around the house that he can see. But he doesn’t look upset or like he’s reliving trauma. He looks confused. Michael gets up and pulls him over to a corner of the kitchen because there’s no way in hell they’re leaving Mara alone with Jesse. But he needs a second of privacy. Jesse glances over his shoulder at them and Michael dares him to say something but he only turns back to Mara when she asks for a different crayon.
“None of my brothers are here,” Alex says.
“Duh, why would they be?” Michael asks.
“They idolized him,” Alex tells him, “they thought he was good,” he looks around, “or right,” he shakes his head, “they’re not here.”
Michael isn’t an expert on the whole father’s day and visiting your abusive dick of a dad. He gets that he would never want to see Jesse again. Hell he thought Alex felt that way too. It’s Mara whose different. Not that he blames any of his nieces or nephews for not wanting to be around Jesse because, again, those kids are smart. They just aren’t as brave as his. Alex runs his fingers across Michael’s knuckles, and Michael sighs.
“Look maybe they’ll come later or maybe they’re not coming at all,” he says, “we’re here. That’s what matters right?” Alex nods, “come on.”
They go back to the table as Mara puts down her crayons and pushes her paper towards Jesse.
“Your fridge is bare,” she says, “I brought this too.”
She hands over a rainbow magnet to go with her drawing of the three men holding hands in front of a rainbow. Mara is riding a unicorn on it. Alex turns away so he doesn’t laugh and Michael dares his father in law to do anything but put the drawing up. He kind of wants him not to so he can have this fight, but to his unending surprise Jesse gets up and puts it on the fridge.
“Is this good?” He asks.
“More to the left,” Mara says, “perfect!”
They really are in some kind of weird parallel universe. Finally after coffee and affirming they haven’t been low-key poisoned so Jesse can save their kid, Alex glances at his watch.
“We should go,” he says.
“I have school,” Mara tells Jesse.
“I’ll walk you out,” Jesse says.
He does walk them to the door and the way he looks at them isn’t something Michael is sure he’ll ever be able to define. No more than he can wrap his head around them having a visit with Jesse Manes that has had one one half assed insult. He watches as Mara turns and looks at Jesse who gives her his undivided attention.
“It was nice to meet you,” she says, “we’ll come back soon.”
Jesse nods.
It gets awkward fast and before Mara can pick up on it, Jesse gives them both a quick nod of acknowledgement and goes back inside. But as they’re leaving, he sees the man standing at the window and he lifts his hand when Mara waves.
“Mara, honey, did you tell your Aunt Isobel we were going to see your grandfather?” Michael asks.
“Daddy,” Mara sighs, “Aunt Isobel and I talk about important things.”
That night as soon as Mara is in bed, Alex goes quiet and thoughtful and barely says two words. But when they’re in bed he fits their bodies together and rests his head on Michael’s chest.
“It’s his legacy,” he says.
“Oh my God,” Michael sighs.
“He wants to protect his legacy,” he says.
“Maybe he shouldn’t have been such a dick,” Michael says, tightening his arms around his husband, “seriously we can just never go back if that’s what you want. I’ll tell Mara I blew him up with my brain or something.”
“No, no,” Alex says and sighs against his chest, “this is the right thing to do.”
“Screw that,” Michael says. He feels Alex’s ridiculously long lashes blink against his chest as he looks up, “I mean, unless you want to.”
“I want to try,” Alex says, “I want Mara to have a chance to know her grandfather. Stupid as that might be—“
“Hey, it’s not stupid,” Michael cuts in, “don’t say that, “you’re the one person who can give her a grandparent. We want to give her everything we can,” he grips Alex tighter, “but maybe we only let the siblings babysit.”
“We are not leaving my father alone with anyone. Ever.”
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sasakisniko · 5 years
Kylo Ren or Jesse Manes?
Wow. This is a tough one. Both are genocidal and abusive. Oddly, I'd take Kylie Renner (not using the actual name, thanks), merely because he's an overgrown child in the body of a man, rather than a grown man. I mean, my nephew has similar tantrums, he's just less able to do actual damage.
Plus we know Jesse is experimenting on a bunch of people so he can properly and thoroughly kill every last one of them. And he tried to beat the gay out of his son. And then there's the toolshed incident and, yeah, I think he fully intended to kill his own child, until he realized that he could use Michael to control Alex.
So, I hate Kyle Ron a bit less than I hate Jesse Manes.
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