#jesus fuckin' christ
duncanor · 1 year
Vash the Stampede is about to pay the fattest alimony known to man
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lionhxrts · 2 years
gonna delete that shit actually bc wasting my attention on it was making me ill
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zombified-queer · 1 year
Now currently sitting at 80 Hotelpod fics. That's four whole pages on Ao3!
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saintaviator · 4 months
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something something gman tommy something something gordon in stasis. you know how it is.
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jambiscuits27 · 1 year
Leaked video from the Splatoon 3 Side Order dlc
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 9 months
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If he’s evil why is he soooo babygirl???
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ohnogizm0 · 8 months
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it's been too long since i drew this man 👏 hey tumblr
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feral-and-or-horny · 3 months
Shout out to my partner who made me cum so hard on a call that I still can't feel my legs
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reds-skull · 2 months
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This took actually 4 hours, 3 of them just trying to make the easy way work (spoiler alert - it fucking didn't), last hour I just gave up and fixed the textures manually.
Thank you to @hauntedbubbles for the models and plug-in to import them to Blender! You can find that on this post.
You might ask why... I spend 4 hours trying to make this fucker dance. And that's because I wanna see them be silly and Activision is not gonna give it to me, so I'm making it myself.
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frnkiebby · 27 days
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pretty fuckin face~🎃
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lesliemeyers · 4 months
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silly guyz
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
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"the future of fall out boy starts now. save rock and roll."
happy ten years. words could never describe what it means to me, still.
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pinkchunder · 4 months
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The image above is a msg from a group chat i am in that organises coaches to london for protests. And the image below is a screenshot of the article
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This is madness. The bill that criminalizes face coverings hasnt even passed yet. You cannot arrest people for holding signs and covering their faces. Jfc.
The uk is fucked to the core.
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it would be really funny if ted's internal monologue actually has a lot of swearing he just almost never says any of it out loud bc like, he's a polite midwestern dad
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introspectivememories · 6 months
four months into getting to know each other, shouto finds him by touya-nii's shrine. his little brother gently sits down beside him and offers a small prayer.
"yumi-nee-san," natsuo wonders if his little brother will ever drop the second honorific, "said you were the closest to him," shouto says quietly.
after all these years and the use of past tense still makes his heart break. 'you are the closest to him' he wants to correct but that wouldn't make sense anymore. touya-nii hasn't been talked about in the present tense since before middle school. does shouto even remember a time before nii-san's dea-, disappearance?
"yeah, i was," he says, eyes never leaving the photo. it's the one nii-san took for sixth-grade picture day. kaa-san had got him all dressed up and he had hated it. somedays he thinks if he looks close enough, he'll see the displeased pout on nii-san face. "why?"
his little brother says nothing for a long time, back ramrod straight. natsuo has no idea what's going on in that head of his. shouto has so few tells that he's practically a blank slate. natsuo hates his father.
then slowly and so quietly, he has to strain his ears to catch it, shouto stammers out, "do-, do you think he would have liked me?"
natsuo's immediate reaction is to say 'yes'. yes, of course, touya-nii would've loved you. yes, of course, touya-nii would've crossed the heavens for you. yes, of course, he would've loved you shouto; you're his precious younger brother.
but he remembers the way nii-san used to spit out shouto's name when he was a kid. the way his brother's mouth wrapped around it, the face he made, like he had just eaten something disgusting. he remembers the way touya-nii had become almost crazed by the end, hellbent on proving himself the rightful heir to their shitty father's legacy. he remembers the way touya-nii had said, "i just need to prove that i'm better than him,"; the 'him' said with such bitterness and contempt.
he knows instantly that touya-nii would not have liked shouto. that this house and his father would have twisted any ounce of love, nii-san would've held towards shouto, into jealousy and hatred.
(this house may have ruined all of them but it only ever broke two of them.)
natsuo can't say any of that to shouto. his kind little brother who forgave him for not being there. his amazing little brother who falls in love with every cat he sees. his wonderful little brother who has a wickedly dry sense of humor. his soft baby brother who loves him and yumi-nee with a passion. his tender-hearted baby brother who still worries if his long-gone older brother would've liked him.
no, natsuo can't tell shouto that nii-san wouldn't have like him. shouto will internalize it like he does with everything else that hurts him. and there is already so much that hurts shouto, he will not add to that list. his baby brother smiles these days, nothing big like his green-haired friend, but quiet, lovely, ones all the same. shouto talks more these days. they have dinner together when natsuo is home. his baby brother laughs now. it's a miracle like nothing else in this world.
shouto is the best thing to come out of their house and natsuo will die before he ever hurts his little brother. so instead, he curls an arm around shouto's shoulders and pulls him into a loose side-hug.
"of course!" he lies cheerfully, ignoring the ache in his chest, "touya-nii would've loved you. you're his — and our —precious little brother after all. there is no universe in which he wouldn't have loved you."
the tips of his baby brother's ears go red and his pleased little answering smile makes the ache of lie go away. natsuo will tell a thousand more lies if it means shouto never stops smiling like that.
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saucy-mesothelioma · 5 months
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