#jesus. give my beloved some peace oh my god)
tardis--dreams · 2 years
I am SUCH a sucker for seemingly emotionless and unempathetic characters having a complete breakdown, crying, sobbing, falling to their knees- good stuff
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diremoone · 10 months
sweet dedication | g. satoru
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a year after his fight with sukuna, satoru finally gets to enjoy his birthday in peace, with no one but his beloved wife.
w — fluff, post-canon, lots of food :3, i incorporated a doggo sue me, vv short but hopefully sweet 🥰
Happy Birthday, My Beloved Satoru ❤️❤️
[ line divider credit to @/saradika ]
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The last thing Satoru expected to smell coming through the front door of his home was a mixture of cinnamon and cherries. He shrugged off the jacket from his shoulders and curiously stepped further into his home. Upon seeing the kitchen table and every counter, his eyes went wide and mouth fell open.
On the kitchen table was at least four boxes of pizza, chicken wings, fried chicken, and brisket. Towards the end of the table farther fell the front door were sides, like green bean casserole and corn. His mouth began to water, his inner food junkie rearing it’s hungry head.
Across the counters and clearly in the oven were desserts, desserts, and more desserts — apple and cherry pie, cheesecake, fruit kebabs, crepes, mochi, brownies, kikufuku from Sendai. Gosh, what was the occasion?
And then the man sees above the hallway entrance that leads to the other rooms: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Satoru gapes.
Was it really December 7th?
He checks his phone and his brows raise in surprise. How in the world did he forget?
But you didn’t. You would’ve been the only one available to have made such a feast for him (even if it was mostly sweets), since everyone else was out on missions, still trying to tidy up Japan after the Culling Games’ toll.
He feels his heart swell with love and happiness, happy that you’ve remembered a date that he’s thrown to the side for so many years. He’s happy that you’ve done so much here for him, a genuine showcase of how much you really loved him and knew him by cooking all of his favorites. This must’ve taken you hours and hours to do; this being a clear proclamation of how much you’ve dedicated yourself to him and to knowing him.
“Babe?” he calls out to open air. No response. He’s smart by checking the kitchen first; you’d never leave cooking food unattended.
Satoru’s mouth quirks up into a sweet smile at the sight of passed out, sitting on the kitchen floor with your inseparable corgi Maple snoozing away right next to you. Although he squints at the sight of your neck lolled to the side in the corner of the cabinets. That didn’t look comfortable at all.
He’s not sure if he should take you to bed or wake you up right now. After a moment, he decides the former. But as soon as you’re scooped up and secured against his broad chest, your eyes flutter open. Maple wakes up too, barking and wiggling her butt, happy to see her dad.
“Oh, my god. Satoru!”
He winks. “The one and only baby.”
Your brain has always been fast about remembering all of the events prior to any sort of sleep or nap you’ve had. This time was no different, and he chuckles when you begin to groan and complain about your surprise being ruined.
“God, I can’t believe I fell asleep! How does one even sleep on the kitchen floor. My ass hurts, Jesus,” you complain. You burrow your head into the crook of his neck in embarrassment as he carries you to the couch and sits down with you on his lap. Maple bounds up behind him and miraculously uses her little legs to hop up on the couch. Satoru chuckles and takes a moment to briefly give her belly rubs.
“Thank you for trying to make this day special for me,” your ‘Toru says. It’s sweet, the tone of his voice, filled with love and adoration. “Don’t feel bad. That looks like a lot of cooking you did, so it’s only natural you’d fall asleep at some point. So don’t beat yourself up over it, okay?”
You grumble but nod anyway. It was true. You’d been awake ever since he’d left earlier this morning, putting the pedal to the floor on your attempt to swamp the love of your life with all of his favorite foods made by hand.
“I love you, Satoru,” you mumble, still tired and sleepy from overextending yourself.
“I love you, too, baby.” His lips press a long kiss to the side of your temple. He pulls away to gaze down into your eyes, chuckles escaping him again at seeing the sleepy haze in them. “Thank you for trying to make my special day special.”
“But I still didn’t get to surprise you,” you complain.
“I wasn’t expecting it when I came home, especially now with everything going on. I think that’s a big enough surprise for me,” he argues. “So come on, cheer up! We have some delicious delicious food to eat made by my sweet, adorable, wonderful wifey-poo! Except the pizza of course!”
You deadpan. “Call me that again and I’ll smash the strawberry shortcake I made as your birthday cake in that expensive jacket you bought last week.”
Satoru gasps dramatically in horror.
“You wouldn’t!”
“Try me.”
“Not if I eat it first!”
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@vagabond-umlaut @heresan @4sat0ruu and @/all my satoru lovers also i shouldn’t have taken that nap otherwise this taglist would be longer lmaoo
let’s raise a glass to this man who deserves the entire fucking world
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orthodoxadventure · 5 months
I ask for a prayer. I've been dealing with increased anger and anxiety recently. Certainly a symptom of neglecting my spiritual needs the past few months. If you will, pray that I get back on the right path. Please and thank you. God bless.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with anxiety and anger recently, and I pray that both of these things improve for you. Of course I will keep you in my prayers.
Some prayers you might find helpful are under the readmore
Prayer Against Fear
O Greatly-merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and cleanse me from every sadness and disturbance and cowardice. Drive away from me every spiritual choking and demonic sorrow, that I sense in my body and my soul. For You are our Joy, and the hope of all the ends of the earth, and those far off at sea. Be merciful to me, O Master, upon my sins. Take from me the heavy burden of sin and despair. Drive far away from me every sadness and laziness. Confirm me in Your Love, and with unassailable hope and unshakable faith in You, through the intercessions of Your Spotless Mother, and all Your Saints. Amen.
Another Prayer Against Fear
O Master, Lord my God, in Whose hands is my destiny:  Help me according to Thy mercy, and leave me not to perish in my transgressions, nor allow me to follow them who place desires of the flesh over those of the spirit.
I am Thy creation; disdain not the work of Thy hands. Turn not away; be compassionate and humiliate me not, neither scorn me, O Lord, as I am weak. I have fled unto Thee as my Protector and God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Save me for Thy mercy’s sake, for I have cleaved unto Thee from my youth; let me who seeks Thee not be put to shame by being rejected by Thee for mine unclean actions, unseemly thoughts, and unprofitable remembrances. Drive away from me every filthy thing and excess of evil.
For Thou alone art holy, alone mighty, and alone immortal, in all things having unexcelled might, which, through Thee, is given to all that strive against the devil and the might of his armies. For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship:  To the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
Prayer Against Adversity
Dear heavenly Lord, It’s as if I take One step forward and Two steps back. Things go wrong In the most unexpected ways. It seems like the whole world Works against me sometimes. And my failure ties me up in knots. Yet I know one thing, For Your Word has told me, That I am not alone. So once again I call out to You, Rise up, oh Lord, rise up! Strike down the resistance and fear That seek to silence my faith. Give me strength and clarity To continue, no matter How hard the wind blows against me. I believe in Your promise. You will not abandon me. I trust in the resurrection That sets my soul free. You are my almighty God And I am Your beloved child. Christ won this for me Upon the cross. Only by Your grace, According to Your holy will, In Jesus name, Amen.
Prayer to Overcome Panic Attacks
Lord, I come to You and I thank You for drawing near to me when I draw near to You. To think that You are mindful of me — it overwhelms my soul. But Lord, today my spirit is heavy and my body is weak. I cannot bear the weight of this anxiety and panic any longer. I recognize I can’t get through this alone, and I pray against the very active enemy who is trying to shake my faith and tear us apart. Help me stand strong in You. Fortify these weary bones and remind me of the truth that this pain and panic will not last forever. It will pass.
Fill me with Your joy, peace and perseverance, Father. Restore my soul and break the chains of anxiety and panic that bind me. I trust You with my panic and I know that You have the power to take it all away. But even if You don’t, I know I don’t have to be a slave to my fear. I can rest in the shadow of Your wings and I will rise and overcome by Your unwavering strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Bless My Enemies, O Lord
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.
Enemies have driven me into your embrace more than friends have.
Friends have bound me to earth, enemies have loosed me from earth and have demolished all my aspirations in the world.
Enemies have made me a stranger in worldly realms and an extraneous inhabitant of the world. Just as a hunted animal finds safer shelter than an unhunted animal does, so have I, persecuted by enemies, found the safest sanctuary, having ensconced myself beneath your tabernacle, where neither friends nor enemies can slay my soul.
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.
They, rather than I, have confessed my sins before the world.
They have punished me, whenever I have hesitated to punish myself. They have tormented me, whenever I have tried to flee torments. They have scolded me, whenever I have flattered myself. They have spat upon me, whenever I have filled myself with arrogance.
Bless my enemies, O Lord, Even I bless them and do not curse them.
Whenever I have made myself wise, they have called me foolish. Whenever I have made myself mighty, they have mocked me as though I were a dwarf. Whenever I have wanted to lead people, they have shoved me into the background. Whenever I have rushed to enrich myself, they have prevented me with an iron hand. Whenever I thought that I would sleep peacefully, they have wakened me from sleep. Whenever I have tried to build a home for a long and tranquil life, they have demolished it and driven me out.
Truly, enemies have cut me loose from the world and have stretched out my hands to the hem of your garment.
Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.
Bless them and multiply them; multiply them and make them even more bitter against me:
so that my fleeing to You may have no return; so that all hope in men may be scattered like cobwebs; so that absolute serenity may begin to reign in my soul; so that my heart may become the grave of my two evil twins, arrogance and anger; so that I might amass all my treasure in heaven; ah, so that I may for once be freed from self-deception, which has entangled me in the dreadful web of illusory life.
Enemies have taught me to know what hardly anyone knows, that a person has no enemies in the world except himself.
One hates his enemies only when he fails to realize that they are not enemies, but cruel friends.
It is truly difficult for me to say who has done me more good and who has done me more evil in the world: friends or enemies.
Therefore bless, O Lord, both my friends and enemies.
A slave curses enemies, for he does not understand. But a son blesses them, for he understands. For a son knows that his enemies cannot touch his life. Therefore he freely steps among them and prays to God for them.
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yhwhrulz · 3 days
Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for September 19
“Let your loins be girded about.”
Luke 12:35-48
Luke 12:35
Eastern garments require to be girded up when a man begins to work. The Saviour tells us to be prepared for service towards God, and for testimony before men. We are to get ready, and to keep ready.
Luke 12:36
We are to live in expectation, waiting to hear the knock of our Master at the door. Are we so living? Do we look for the coming of the Lord?
Luke 12:37
This is not according to the manner of men, for what master will wait upon his servants? Yet the condescending love of Jesus promises to us this high honour. Who would not cheerfully obey such a Lord?
Luke 12:38-40
Watch and wait: at any moment Jesus may be here. What manner of persons ought we to be, who live in such an expectation?
Luke 12:41
It had a bearing upon all, but the Lord, in answer to Peters question, proceeded to show its special bearing upon ministers of the gospel.
Luke 12:42
It was anciently the steward’s duty to allot to every member of the family his regular portion, and so are the stewards of Christ to instruct all classes of persons, giving to each the teaching most appropriate.
Luke 12:43-46
The most terrible punishments will be richly deserved by those who, being placed in the responsible position of caring for the souls of others, shall dare to neglect them, and shall even use their power and influence to tyrannise over them and oppress them. May the Lord send us faithful ministers, and keep them faithful.
Luke 12:47 , Luke 12:48
God’s judgments will be exactly according to right, and none shall have cause to complain. The highest degree of punishment will fall to the lot of some of us if we neglect the gospel, for we have much light and knowledge; and therefore, our sin will be the greater.
Ye servants of the Lord,
Each in his office wait,
Observant of his heavenly word,
And watchful at his gate.
Let all your lamps be bright,
And trim the golden flame:
Gird up your loins as in his sight,
For awful is his name.
Watch! ‘tis your Lord’s command;
And while we speak he’s near;
Mark the first signal of his hand,
And ready all appear.
“Thou art loosed from thine infirmity.”
Luke 13:11-17
We are now about to consider one of our Lord’s miracles, wrought upon a woman who had long been in sorrow. May it comfort any who are spiritually in a like condition.
Luke 13:11
Poor creature, to be so long deformed, so long made to suffer at every step she took! Her condition was very grievous, but she did not stay away from public worship. If she had done so, she would not have been found by Jesus in the synagogue.
Luke 13:12 , Luke 13:13
When souls which have long been bowed down are graciously made upright, they never fail to give praise to God.
Isaiah 49:13-16
There are many persons to be found who are bowed down with despondency of spirit, and cannot lift up themselves to enjoy a comfortable hope. Let such take heart from the case before us; and let them also remember that the Lord does not now forget the sorrowful and broken-hearted. We see this expressly stated in Isaiah 49:13-16.
Hebrews 2:14-18
That he might be able to sympathise with downcast souls, and bear with their infirmities, Jesus himself became a man like ourselves. Troubled hearts should think of this, and be of good cheer. The Holy Spirit speaks of him most sweetly in Hebrews 2:14-18.
Darkness and doubts had veil’d my mind,
And drown’d my eyes in tears,
Till, like the sun, my Saviour’s face,
Dispell’d my gloomy fears.
Oh, what immortal joys I felt,
And raptures all divine,
When Jesus told me I was his,
And my beloved mine!
In vain the tempter frights my soul,
And breaks my peace in vain;
One glimpse, dear Saviour, of thy face
Revives my joys again.
Copyright Statement This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
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borderlinehannibal · 5 months
(Unfinished) Top ten fics of the year!
Not counting dead dove content
These are all fics i threw in my bangers tag throughout the year :)) and now im sharing them with YOU! Also, these are in no particular order, because i can not rank these theyre too good <3
(*April edit! I nevee finished this post, but i still wanted to post it! So its just the six fics!)
1. For Whom the Bell Rings
“Why are you still here?” Xie Lian asked a small ghost flame. It was green with a purple tint, flickering in and out of existence, yet its core was oddly bright. The flame bobbed up and down slightly.
“There are people I care about greatly, and I want them to stay safe,” the ghost flame said, and Xie Lian felt distantly that he’d heard those words before somewhere.
Or: Jiang Yanli becomes a Calamity.
24k words, 20k hits and so fucking good it made me scream when it finished. If you give a single shit about Jiang Yanli and have even a passing recognition of TGCF, PLEASE READ THIS.
2. American Pie
Rodrick gets by on drums and hazing his little brothers and being alone in the basement while his family moves around upstairs. Sometimes you have to be thrown a life preserver before you realise you're not swimming, you're drowning.
14k words and 11k hits- A rodrick/OMC fic by my own best friend!!! And its so fucking good man, i love the character development, the fucking depression, the music, the family dynamics, the OC is so good it makes me tear my hair out, i just. Fuck, man. Read it.
3. Heap of Ashes That I Am
Sometimes, when Izuku allows himself to comprehend the sick reality of his life, he finds that it no longer resembles the roots from which he sprouts. He is a fickle rose bush that was cared for and raised and coddled in its early seasons by a loving mother, growing strong, interwoven roots and a reliable base. And, Izuku thinks, he would have been a lovely rose bush. He would have flourished and unfurled and oh wouldn't that have been nice?
Instead, along came Bakugou Katsuki: vegetation killer in a compatibly sized spray bottle.
But this is the life Izuku has. It is ugly and broken and unrecognizable and so unbearably his and, god, how Izuku wishes it wasn't. But it is. So he makes his peace.
Izuku finds out he has a revival quirk and uses the opportunity to become a vigilante.
226k words, 296k hits and it deserved every single one of them. Jesus H Christ, this fic is so good the characters, the angst, the development, the found family, the redemption, i just! I can't! Please!
4. Weaver of Silk and Dreams
Ben Parker sighed as he looked up into The Thing's eyes, so expressively human in spite of the rest of his rocky appearance.
“My fifteen-year-old nephew--who's practically my own little boy!--” he choked out with a tight voice, “h-he can't pass for human anymore. He's scared, and he's isolated, and he just needs someone else to talk to! Someone who can understand. Please."
Some alternate realities are unrecognizable, and some are indistinguishable. This one lies somewhere in between.
Peter Parker's life was derailed when he mutated into a strange human/spider hybrid, and he knows that's not the way things went down for him in other realities. Still, he's determined to forge a new path and make the best of it. Sometimes "the friends we made along the way" really is the greatest treasure anyone could ask for.
73k words and 58k hits - look me in the eyes and tell me this isnt a perfect fic. The fucking. The fucking descriptions, the prophecies, the spider totem nonsense, the instincts, the ANGST, the fantastic four in general, ben and may my beloveds, and the endgame spideypool? Jiminy!
5. A Villain State of Mind
Written for the Norsekink prompt: "SHIELD has Loki in custody, with the gag on to keep him from spellcasting, but they don't really know what to DO with him. They can't give him food or water or attempt to interrogate him with the gag on, and they don't dare take it off. Their solution? Call in a telepath! But Charles Xavier may find more things in Loki's head than SHIELD bargained for..."
53k words and 14qk hits- Not just this fic, but this whole series are some of the biggest bangers ive ever read. Loki's slow drinking of the mutant family kool-aid, and coming to respect Xavier and care about shit and be cared about and just. Aughhh!!! Please read this series i will cry.
6. Monster Culture
Written for the 2014 Norse Big Bang.
When Loki is injured by Kurse in Thor: The Dark World, Thor pleads his case to the All-Father and Loki is given the chance to repay his wrongs on Midgard in the care of Bruce Banner. Over the course of a year, the two navigate the city of Boston and try to figure out what it means to be human and what it means to be a monster.
40k words and 10k hits- Bro dont even get me started i will cry i will actually cry. I know gammafrost isnt the most popular pairing but like this deserves so much more attention and love.
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wodenscild · 2 years
Felt the need to scream for a second. Now i need to know how tf Nosoul is capable of making art in Microsoft Paint. Like that program is a pain is the ass.
Also i have been chatting with Fenix about my story (yes i call it that it does not have a name yet) and now I'm working on the designs of the important characters in gacha and then I'll draw them (probably without color but still)
Aaand nvm people have invaded my space. Ah shit i forgot to eat- THOSE BITCHES DID NOT JUST- HOW DARE THEY?!
I'm going to meetup with MA2 today :D so i have some food saved up, really he does not get enough food. So i have a sandwich and a cookie for them and those MOTHERF4ERSS TROED TO STEAL MY FOOD. I'm leaving this spot, i have been invaded.
I'd like to just eat my food in peace without some boys from the first year annoying me. That'd be nice.
Also like 3/4 of the classes i would ussualy take today- the teachers of those are either sick or teaching a different class so less stuff to do today :D
Also a while ago frog thought i was his brother "Rashe" turns out he reffers to me as his brother. So i guess he was right but my name isn't Rashe? Wth is he thinking??
Jesus Christ people need to stop invaded my personal space now i have to move again
The next ask will contain what i see as "pirate accent" and who knows it might be Australian talk but under a different name? :D i would put it in this ask but MY LESSON OH SHITTT
-Mystery anon 1
It is so so cute too omgs- she spent yesterday reorganising her room ready for me to come in <33 she has been floating the idea of us getting our own appartment some time next year <33 she wants to meet my family (we are gonna try to organise that next month)- & we having a study call/date this afternoon & I am just vv !!! right now-
I really wanna meet her family too they sound amazing ToT her brother is funny- & her ma is so beloved- massive Hindu. When she & her bro were younger & playing Minecraft together, their ma would come by asking them not to kill the cows & to instead eat carrots <3 <3 it might be a bit rash but gods I hope their family loves me- it makes me both giddy & nervous to think about-
ALSO THAT IS ADORABLE YOU ARE FROG’S LITTLE BROTHER THAT IS SO CUTE ToT SIBLINGS <33 Maybe Rashe is his nickname for you?? Also I am gonna call you Rashe here after-
Btw all I can think about are swim shirts & the ocean with that name- cos we call those kinds of shirts rashies here in Australia! Why? I think cos they can give you a rash if you wear them? DODOALSK it is funny
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messwriting · 4 years
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Golden Eyes
Demon!Kuroo Tetsurou x Female Reader  
Rating: E for explicit | Don’t read this if under eighteen.
This is my secret santa gift for my dear elf Alisha -- @rivendell101​! I do hope you enjoy, I just tried to channel all of Kuroo’s wicked energy into this and sprinkled it with our beloved monsterfucking. Sorry for all the questions, I just wanted to surprise you but also include only things you’d like. ;-; Hope you enjoy and MERRY SMUTMAS <3
Big thanks and lots of kisses to my dear Tay @deathcab4daddy who read this, betaed, and said it wasn't the train wreck I thought it was 😂🥺😘💕
Warnings: This is loosely inspired by the manhwa DEAR DOOR, by Pluto, from which the art above is also from (Satan is fucking hot)! Monsterfucking - Demon. Use of tongue and tail in a very uh naughty way. Magic makes you horny at some point (tho i don’t think is dub-con?), but just to be sure Magic Manipulation. Assplay with tongue and finger penetration. Denials, oh so many denials. Sprinkle of spanking. Soft pain play. Overstim. Oral sex. Rough sex. CHOKING. BITING. MARKING. Demon uhhhh lure? aijaisajisj He’s seducing you with his devilish powers. CORRUPTION. RELIGIOUS BLASPHEMY (sorry jesus).
Word count: ~7.4k. I can’t write anything short, why?!
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“So… you’re a demon?” You ask, weirdly not completely panicking over the fact that this brick wall of a man showed up out of nowhere in the middle of your living room as if this were just another Sunday night. The stranger smiles your way with a lopsided grin and the shivers that run through your body seem to support his affirmation.
“Did the horns give it away?” The dark-haired demon asks, with a smile that could make him the single male model of some sin’s propaganda. Your eyes flick to his tail, long and thick, moving calmly in waves behind him, and come up to the unbelievably wide black wings sprouting from his back and threatening to blow a hole in your ceiling. 
“Sure,” You say while your eyes come back to his face, taking a second look at the long, twisted black horns sprouting from his high forehead and mixing with his thick raven hair. “Let’s say it’s the horns.”
He snickers but his golden stare is very much sharp on you. Even before it pinned you in place you had found that your legs had begrudgingly refused to move in front of the massive presence in your living room. 
“You’re an interesting little thing, aren’t you?” He muses out loud, his arms crossing in front of his body while one hand cradles his own face while he looks down at you. The gold irises glint in the dark like a beacon, the small crystal-like black pupil like that of a wild animal. “Normally people would have been screaming by now. Or passing out. Maybe running.” He doesn’t move from where he stands, but his sentient tail floats over to you, lightly caressing the side of your face as a child stroking their pet; it moves under your chin, over your jaw and cheekbone, pats your hair back, and comes to circle your throat. 
It doesn’t squeeze -- but the threat is pretty much clear.
“I don’t think my legs can move.” You tell him in a breathless voice, panic eating away at the corners of your sanity the more you stare at the insanity in front of you. A monstrosity of man with a tail and wings to crown it swaying in your living room as if it’s all okay, as if this is real life. You shudder in place, a whole-body wave of dread that moves along your body and makes you tremble as all the hair on your being stands in place. He grins down at you, wicked and pretty, a cheshire air of mischief in the way his golden irises glint in the dark background of his eyes and mingle with the dim lit room to go with the roll of white pearls of sharp-looking teeth in his mouth.
“Am I dreaming?” Your thoughts escape from your lips in a breath as his tail grounds you to reality, burning hot and heavy around your neck. It contrasts awkwardly with the image in front of you, which your brain keeps trying to deny as true, but the weight of his tail pulls you from the edge of disbelief and pins you in place, your limbs turning cold as you feel unable to move. “Or am I going insane, somehow?”
“Do you think your brain is failing you, little one?”
“Well, seems like the logical reason why there’s a winged man in my living room. With horns and-- a tail.” Your voice stops and you gulp right before your eyes snap once again to his devilish black and golden eyes. “Wait. Are you a demon? Is… a demon in my living room?” The more you speak the least sense it makes. The thing in front of you seems to be very amused by the twinges of panic and disbelief coloring your voice and expression. “Why?”
He smirks and his wings do a fluttering thing before they curve inside his back, two massive black things even when they’re closed. “Must be your lucky day.”
You snort even through your scared haze. “Not exactly what one thinks when considering demons.”
“Ah, bad rep.” Kuroo says and he floats as if he’s sitting on a chair, his legs crossing as he supports an elbow on his thigh and his face on his hand. It’s both parts unnerving and enthralling, and you’re struck with the fact of how big he is once again. “God’s marketing team is hella good. We get the rep for everything going on now-- the crops died? Oh, the devil. Psycho kid? Demoniac. Fucked up government? Send from hell. Sex? Devilish.” He sighs, his pretty lips jutting in a pout as his beautiful face falls into a tired mask. “It’s tiresome to be the poster-boys to all things wicked.”
“Well, seems like you do the part just fine.” You hide yourself through some small sarcasm, as you grumble the remark.
“Hah.” His sharp teeth flash in the dark at the barked laugh, a gasped sound as if he truly found your remark funny. “We get used to it,” He nods your way and then shrugs, a never-leaving smirk on his lips. “And I like the style.”
“Sure,” you say, despite the clear unconvinced tone of your voice as your eyebrows shut up slowly, eating the distance from your hairline until you blink and tiptoe around your next words, “not to be rude, Mr. Demon--”
“Call me Kuroo.” He cuts you off charmingly, as one would in flirting; a playful arch in his brows as his smile spreads just that bit more over his face. You just now realize the appeasing traces of it, the sharp angle of his jaw, the high of his square cheekbones, and the elegant line of his nose; then your eyes fly over the protruding circles of his horns, and your eyes go round almost involuntarily. 
“Okay…” It breaches your lips along with a puff of breath. You blink a few times before continuing, still doubting your own eyes as they thread over the massive monster in front of you. You wonder if he’d look better if he’s bent to your height, but then again that wouldn’t do much about those broad shoulders, engulfing your wall where he stands. “Not to be rude, Mr. Kuroo, but…” you steady yourself with a deep breath before continuing, your hand flying to press against your eyes before you can reopen then and see the exact same thing from before -- a demon in your house. “What the fuck you’re doing here, exactly?” 
He smiles, pleased with your cussing, apparently. Then his eyes turn focused, predatory,  and they’re locked on you.
“I’ve come to offer a deal, little one.”
“A deal?” You parrot, lost in the pull of those golden eyes.
“Yes,” Kuroo smirks, lips splitting unnaturally over sharp canines. He keeps floating in his position, face supported on a big, clawed, hand. “And a quite good one, too.” 
“You… You’re at my home, to offer me a deal, right after the small rant on Devil’s bad marketing.” You list the things, doubt thick in your voice.
Kuroo smiles, but it looks wrong. “Yes, dear.” 
“Okay,” You risk, though it comes out as a question. Kuroo seems pleased, though. “Go ahead, I guess?”
“I need something from you.”
“Oh shit, is this the soul thing?” Your eyes widened again, hands coming to stand protectively in front of you even as you doubt you could do much to fend him off if he wanted to do you harm. “I’ve seen Supernatural, I’m not selling my fucking soul okay?!”
“Chill, kitten, I don’t really mind your soul.” He’s rather nonchalant, golden eyes completing a circle along his eyeballs before they fall once again on you while Kuroo comes out from his floating position to pace calmly over to you. Then, his sharp teeth split his face wickedly in two, an alluring characteristic in the way his lips form an overconfident grin as he bends over you in your place on the couch. “It’s your body I’m interested in.”
“My… body?” 
“Have you ever heard of hell portals?” His face engulfs your line of vision as his tail angles your head back to look up at him, a clawed finger gliding over your jawline at that.
“No? Should I? Who do you think I am to know about hell doors?” It happens again, your thoughts slipping through your lips at the same rate as you think them, the sarcastic tone of your mind also dripping out much as if that had been your intention all along. 
He seems rather happy at that, too.You wonder if he’s prying the truth from you somehow. “Well, you’re one.”
“What?” You ask, stupidly, as his face gets further from you and he straightens back into his full height.
“A door, to hell.” Kuroo finishes, cheerfully. It looks, once again, wrong on his face, as if it's more of a threat than a joke. 
 The seconds pass by as falling rocks over metal, loud and rattling, a restless moment in which you keep staring at the monster --demon-- face and even as his horns stay in place and his curved wings twitch, it stills feels wholly detached from reality; an insane, out of this plane moment in which you doubt your whole being - your eyes and your ears and your brain and your skin, where the weight and warmth of his tail still surrounds your neck.
“Now I know I’m losing my mind.” You murmur to yourself as you can’t make peace between reality and, well, this reality. 
“Ah, you humans are such disbelievers. I’m here in front of you, saying you’re a portal, and you still doubt your own eyes as if they’re the origin of your offense.” Kuroo mocks you, crossing his arms in front of his body and for a second your eyes linger on the blackness of his clawed hands, the weird way they’re shaped as if something is enveloping them, elongating claws on the point of his fingers with the color of a moonless night. Still, the acidic tone in his voice makes you perk up with infuriating annoyance, and it seeps from you at the same rate as it fills you. 
“Well, sorry if it’s hard for me to believe I’m a fucking hell portal.” You sass him, fiery eyes closing on gold. It’s even more annoying that he smiles through your taunt. “Ten minutes ago I didn’t even believed in hell.”
“You can keep doubting if you want. Aren’t you doing so even when you see me here? All I need is passage and then you’ll be free to doubt once again,” his eyes glow brighter as he closes in on yours in a way that has you swaying in place, a vexatious air around him that’s unmistakable; but then again he is a demon, so maybe that’s just the norm. “That is… if you want.”
A shiver runs down your spine at the promise in his voice, and your own trembles when you ask, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That this can be a one-time thing -- or not.” 
You blink, a bit lost. 
“What’s this, exactly?” Your brain pulses in pain at the quantity of information it has to make sense and still try to understand. It’s too much and soon you’re pressing your hands on your face in frustration, “Dude, you’re not making sense.”
“It’s easy.” Kuroo says and suddenly you’re yanked up by thin air, floating in front of his fingers at his will as he twirls your body in the air as if you’re some sick kind of roulette. “Inside you, there’s a portal. I’ll activate it, and go to hell. In exchange, I’ll give you something.” As he speaks, clawed hands slowly and maliciously thread over the valley of your breasts and then down your middle, his golden eyes like a lighthouse to your wandering attention. “Something I know you desire, but you may not even know so. May not even accept yourself.” As his fingers approach the appex of your sex, you’re rounded in the air abruptly and set right on your feet in front of him, safe and sound and dizzy, feeling like prey to those eyes. “It may be this single time, or, if you accept my deal, it can be more.”
You breathe some big gulps of air before speaking in a wavering voice, “Something I wish? And you won’t tell me what that would be?”
“Essentially, you know. You just may be in… denial.” His eyes flash that golden glint once again, twirling molten pools of liquid sun on his face. Their constant, slow motion never-ending circles seeping inside your consciousness, making your mind blank, slowly flowing into a haze in which you feel lost but safe; warmth flowing from it over you as if you’re being dipped in melted honey, weighted down but comfortable, as moving against warm waves in a tropic beach. 
It tips from your mouth as you’re swimming in the molten pools of gold, pulled out from your body as the warm breath from your lungs, heated and pliant. “Okay.”
The spell crashes as his grin spreads through his face, the self-satisfied smirk of a cat who got its prey. Just as you’re burning in embarrassment and ready to cancel whatever that was you just said yes to, a sudden wave of warmth spreads from your face to your feet, your hair undulating at the force it hits you, and travelling so quickly you can feel the way your toes curve while a buzz crosses them, a pleasant but foreign thrill settling in your bones. You send him a nasty glare. 
“The fuck have you done to me?”
“Me? Nothing, kitten.” Kuroo tells you but everything from his expression, to his stance and the fucking satisfied smirk he sports tell you it’s a lie. Your glare turns worse. His lips are curved up in a telling manner but he concedes with a tilt of his head.  “I just lowered your inhibitions, relax.”
“Why would you do that?” The questions zap from your mouth just as you think it, and in a fleeting thought you wonder if that isn’t exactly what he meant. 
“I told you, I’m going to give you what you want.” Kuroo says as he stops in front of you, a sexy, powerful sway in the way he moves and towers over you that you can’t help but appreciate. “But I need you to accept your darker wishes,” It’s a murmur, raspy in his deep voice, and you breathe the words in as the indecent, luscious feeling swell inside your being and seems to find it’s home in your chest-- and drip from your sex. “And then embrace me.”
“I don’t want you.” You tell him, but it comes breathless, weak, and as Kuroo’s golden eyes pierce yours, you can feel as he pinpoints your lie. 
“Then let’s change that, shall we?” 
He wastes no time in maneuvering you into his arms, pulling you through thin air until his feral hands close around your middle and neck. Kuroo tilts your head back while grazing a single clawed finger over your pulse-point and up to your jawline, and then his breathing comes loud and misty against your bared skin. 
“Wait--” You plead as your breath comes in long puffs and when you wet your lips before continuing, a freakishly long, wet and hot tongue comes to lick a big stripe of your skin and you yelp loudly, “-- the fuck!” 
Kuroo, on the other hand, literally hums approvingly and brings his nose to glide over your skin, soft breathing as his hands pull you closer into his massive chest. You realize now, at the proximity,  just how big and broad he is, somehow between terrifying and uncanningly acceptable. 
His body runs hot, the temperature difference between yours quite clear when your skin feels so heated by his touch, clothes you found nice now feeling constricting the more of you that touches him. 
The planes of his chest are hard and toned, lean muscle and strength as he moves you up without effort, your feet dangling way above the ground and still no hint of struggle as he supports your weight. As you get closer, those yellow irises centered in black globes seem to pry inside your mind, big and all encompassing; it makes something coil in your chest, much like panic but tame as agitation.
“Wait--” You breathe out and look down, shocked at the distance you found yourself from the ground. Something crawls from your chest as a distressed groan, “I--” 
Kuroo tilts your head back and -- not without sending you a smirk -- delves down to close your lips together.
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t this -- you’re swept away by the kiss, amazed at how well your mouths work together, how perfectly plush and soft his thin lips feel on yours, how pleasing the motions of his tongue are against yours, how tasteful his movements are, and before long, you’re breaking the kiss but because you need to breathe, to pull some air inside yourself to battle the haze settling in your mind.  
It does nothing to aid you though.
Your body feels achingly flushed, avid, weirdly pliant and it is with mild surprise that you feel yourself drooling inside your panties. Something tells you to be indignant, to kick him, to bite and claw, but instead you’re sighing the weakest of noises, spiralling back to his expert lips, falling deeper inside the slow seduction that this demon offers.
Kuroo moves you calmly, his big, searing hot hands threading across your body and working goosebumps in it’s trail even as all he does is touch you over your clothes. Your hands, previously abandoned by the side of your body start to move up his body, spreading your small palms over his chest, and instead of pushing him off, you’re pulling him closer, opening your mouth wider, your legs hiking over his side as if you’re begging for the moment he’ll pick you up.
“Hmm, what a nice little thing you are.” Kuroo murmurs over your lips, taking in the wrecked expression you sport with just a kiss. “So honest, too.” His claws glide over your thigh, hiked on his side. It doesn’t hurt, but the feeling of something sharp sliding against your skin makes your heart rate pick up and your panties grow wetter.
“You’ll like this too, kitten, don’t worry.” His syrupy voice enchants you as he hooks a razor-sharp claw on the side of your shorts, threads up slowly and precise until the ripping sound breaks through your haze. When you look down, your hooded eyes turn wide, taking in the fact he just ripped your shorts and how easily they slide to the ground once they’re free from your hiked leg. The panties stay, but they’re not exactly much. 
“Hey!” You turn to look up at him, puffed cheeks in indignation, and one of his hands yanks your head back, angling your body in a arch as his other hand glides over your thigh to your lower belly, sharp thumb swiftly climbing up your body and with such, ripping your comfy t-shirt. The feeling of something scratching along your middle and the valley of your breasts make your breathing catch up on your lungs, too afraid it will press enough to hurt if you move. You never knew a menace could be this seductive.
Still, the anticipation coils inside you, pours from between your legs as your skin feels too small to hold all the feelings cursing to you, your breasts heavy and your lips falling open in a breath that Kuroo drinks from your lips, attentive and dedicated as his tongue comes out and slides over your lips.
His eyes glint in the dark, sharp and focused. 
“You know what? I think I’ll like you.”
 The air feels cold on your heated skin, especially when he holds you so close. Small trembles pass through your frame as you melt inside his kiss, falling deeper inside the pleasure he offers you and Kuroo barely started. Your nipples perk up without attention and when his rough palm rolls over them, their new-found sensitivity makes it impossible for you to not let out a sound. It’s something meek and surprised, but Kuroo seems proud of it and decided to pull more out of you. 
Magically, you’re yanked up, floating until your middle is at the height of his neck. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Your head is millimeters from hitting the ceiling, your hands touching it as a way to protect yourself, you throw a nasty glare down at his face just for him to make a half-circle in the air and your upper body be launched behind. 
“No!” You’re laying on thin air -- your heart beating so fast your blood pulses in your head as you look over your shoulder and notices just how impossible is the situation going on, where you’re levitating a few meters from the ground. 
If he stops now, would you go down crashing? Would you die from such a fall? Questions swirl in your mind enough for you to forget whats going on - the way a sharp claw swiftly cuts the side of your panties - until something wet, firm and long prods on your dripping folds.
“What--” Your first action is to hitch your neck up so you can confirm that it is what you think it is, and, granted, Kuroo is slowly prying you open, his huge tongue threading on your most sensitive parts. As he laps a long stripe down your pussy, he looks up at you in flashing gold, seeming extremely pleased. 
Kuroo winks at you, depraved.
Your blood is rushing through your veins at such a haste that you feel dizzy, and your whole body is fervent as something very loud breaks through your lips as Kuroo’s tongue moves and presses on your slit, circles your clit, and moves in serpentine movements along your puffy cunt. 
You didn’t realize before how the texture of his tongue was a bit rugged but now you’re suffering the full extent of its benefits as he eats you out sloppily, enough that you’re dripping down on the carpet as his monstrously long and dexterous tongue plays with your cunt as if that’s his sole mission on earth. Kuroo hums against your clit, makes your whole body tremble with it, and at some point, he manages to press his tongue flat against your clit and still reach enough that it dips softly inside your entrance, slowly and deliciously prying the inner ring of your sex open, then broader.
You can’t help the noises falling from your lips and when one of his rough, clawed hands close around your breast, the pressure inside you peaks and you’re panicking at how close you are to your first orgasm, from his tongue alone, at an impossible long and sentient… demon tongue. 
But he retreats just as your mouth falls open, your throat constricted by the scream that instead becomes an indignated gasp. “Fuck--! I was--”
“Hmmm, I know.” Kuroo answers you, his hands coming to hold your thighs open as you tremble from the effort. His thumb pulls your cunt lips apart and his golden eyes glint, fierce and pleased at the same time. “Aren’t you an interesting plaything? Skyrocketing into pleasure head first when I was just getting a taste.” He licks his lips, his canines making an appearance as his ridiculous long tongue cleans his face and chin where your juices have leaked to. 
His grin should be illegal. “Delicious, by the way. But I’m not ready to end this so fast.”
“End this… fast?” You ask, still having difficulty in thinking straight when you’re floating up in the air with your legs spread open in front of his face, his thumbs spreading you open as if you’re his meal and he likes to play before eating.
“Maybe we should go somewhere more comfortable.” Kuroo muses out loud and before you can blink you’re falling, screaming in your surprise until you bounce on the comfortable cushion of your bed. The air is knocked out of you in a oof, but Kuroo just looks down at you happily, his smile still looking mischievous as if that’s his whole personality trait.
You know what, maybe it is.
“Warn a girl.” You tell him, and he winks your way, just as he pulls your naked body to the edge of the bed.
“Consider yourself warned: i’m about to eat you up.”
His massive hands engulf you and arch your body into his eager mouth, where his tongue lavish at your sex in a way that has you feeling as if they everywhere and at the same time. The muscle is thick and long, firm as it presses from your entrance to your clit, as it rounds your sensitive spot and slithers down through your pussy lips, slurping it with his lips as his wicked tongue never stops its prodding.
One of his hands circles your body, closes around your breast and tweeks your hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger, painfully, deliciously, something obscene curling inside you at the way the feelings mix, the pain and the bliss and it doesn’t help that Kuroo moves his mouth to the sensitive and fragile skin of your inner thighs and build a whole trail of bite marks and throbbing hickeys. 
Something firm, large and hot slither up your body, circling a breast but finding it’s home at a circle around your neck -- his tail -- and the more vocal you become, the more it seems to close around your throat, your heart beating on your fingertips as they claw at anything of Kuroo’s you can reach, hazy and breathless at the way he discloses your wicked desires so plainly, the way his every move seems to discover layer after thick layer of temptations that you have hidden so deep with partners before.
“Such a pretty little thing you are,” Kuroo coos to you when he presses a thick finger past the tight ring of your cunt. “So honest and eager,” It moves, prods, another one joins and soon they’re scissoring against your walls, opening your tender flesh so he can sink himself in further. 
The mere thought has you moaning out loud -- unbelievable and yet, you feel how your arousal drips from your cunt to your thighs.
 “Ahhhh~” Kuroo exhales as his tongue laps a long stripe of your juices. “So pure.” He says against your pussy lips, kissing them and then letting his long tongue slide further until it prods between the cheeks of your ass, immediately falling into circular motions on the furl of muscle. You yelp but midway it becomes an embarrassing moan. “This just makes me wanna ruin you more.”
It’s too much -- he has to know it’s too much, and as Kuroo curves his fingers just right inside your sloppy cunt and his tongue breaches just the tiniest bit the resistance of your ass, your eyes are falling open in huge plates, a long moan of his name on your tongue as you’re so close to cumming you can practically taste the high already.
“No, not now.” Kuroo chastises you as he retreats his tongue and fingers from you, the arch of your body ready to snap curling in a tremble of a denied release.
“Too soon, kitten. I want to savor this.” His tone comes out between pleased and patronizing, and it makes your cunt clench, empty. 
You heave, unfocused eyes blinking the wicked golden away. “What--” A deep breath. “What do you want from me?”
“Wrong question, kitten.” Kuroo tells you just as his massive frame bends over you, the wicked eyes seducing you in once again -- not that they ever stopped. “Now that I got a taste,” He murmurs practically against your lips, and you lick where his breath hits, captivated, “I want all of you.”
 He lets you fall on the bed once again and maneuvers your body without difficulty until your ass is high in the air and your thighs are spread, his tail lighter around your throat, fondly slithering on your jaw. His knee presses on the mattress until it squeaks and his hands massage from your thighs to your ass, prying it open and kneading it with hard, powerful hands.
“Beautiful.” He praises you and you swear your pussy throbs and flutters hard enough to make a gushing noise. By the way Kuroo snickers, it may be true. 
His tongue is the first thing you feel right after his laboured breathing on your cunt. It pries you open, thick muscle sliding inside you, big and wet and dexterous and you’re moaning against the mattress in seconds. 
Kuroo seems pleased even though all he does is hum, his large hands press on your back and the other opens your cheeks wide for his assault. Something hot prods your asshole, and you’re surprised at how careful his fingers can be while maneuvering the wetness left by his tongue there. They move slowly but surely as he presses and retreats, opening you from two fronts and still seemingly not enough.
He decides to change, his tongue coming out of your sex and then sliding to your ass as his thumbs open your lips for him to watch as he dips two big fingers inside your cunt. The stretch, the massive pleasure of being assaulted by both ends make you clench and cream around his digits, once again climbing up the familiar euphoric road. 
This time, however, Kuroo stops you differently.
His hard, heavy hand falls on your ass cheeks forcefully in what must be his intention of being light. You yelp loudly and groan, somehow caught between winding down and flying right over the edge. 
“Oh, hoho~” Sounds from his voice and he descends his hand once again on your ass, heavy and startling. It sounds so loud and so lewd in the empty room, your whole being burns in place, trembling from the effort of holding yourself in all fours and the pure elation growing inside you, spreading from your fingertips to the depraved center of your being. 
As the sting settles in your senses, it winds down your orgasm but makes a renewed wave drip from your cunt and down your thigh. You’re surprised at how it excites you, the pain, but fuck it still stings. His hand falls on your ass a couple more times but then his hot palms knead the stinging flesh, an exquisite feeling spreading over you as it throbs and burns and you melt.
“Ugh! Fuck!” You groan, biting the mattress, unable to tell him to stop and too embarrassed to tell him to keep going.
“You really are a nice plaything, aren’t you?” Kuroo asks but it seems as if it's more for himself, his digits collecting your wetness as he dips once again inside your cunt, spreading his fingers apart and sliding a third inside just as his thumb circles your clit lightly and you howl, sensitive and wanton, too eager into tasting bliss.
This time, at least you’re half-conscious he’s not letting you cum. Kuroo stops, leaving you clenching for something, anything and gives you nothing. His immoral smirk seems to sound in the air, much as the way his tail leaves your throat to circle your hair and yank you back, stuffing your open mouth with the fingers that were just inside you. You lap obediently at them and he groans in your ear, teeth nibbling at your skin. It’s almost as if he’s tempted.
“We’re almost ready, kitten.” He tells you with a hoarse voice, all sin and flames, “Hold on.”
“Ready?” You question poorly with a mouth stuffed of fingers, but he understands and nods your way, his tongue licking the spit that starts dripping from the corner of your mouth at how broad his fingers open it. 
You don’t see if Kuroo undress or if he just magically gets naked behind you, the startling thing being the incredible feeling of his hot skin on yours, the dazzling feeling of his hard planes of muscle on your back, the sublime sight of his skin marked by faint scars; When you feel the scalding, throbbing thick member at the side of your thigh, however, you have to look back. 
“Oh my God,” You murmur at the sight of his cock. It’s proportional to his form, but that just means it’s ridiculously big, a veiny, swollen thing that seems looming as it stands close to you, and it clicks in your slow mind just what he meant by almost ready.
“Nope, I’m on the other team here.” Kuroo grins at you as he turns you with your back on the bed, spreads you on the cushion until your thighs hurt from the effort. His tail sways behind him as if to paint a scene, and you realize his wings are nowhere to be seen now, “Though I do think it’s some kind of poetic justice to have you screaming and blaspheming jesus while I fuck you silly.”
The higher part of your cheekbones alights with flames at the implication and you gasp back the words you planned on speaking when Kuroo’s hand pivots your lower back up to his mouth and closes his efforts on your neglected clit as his freak thick tongue enters you in one go.
You cannot explain the sensation of such a soft muscle invading your walls, or the way in which it seems to focus so expertly on your weak spots, but you’re too wound up not to fall head first into rapture. 
When he stops this time, you actually curse him, in the most wrecked sound that has ever left your lips.
“Ughhhhhhh--Fuck you!”
The bastard laughs, debauched, then deposits a kiss over your pussy as his golden eyes fix on you. “Now you’re ready.”
Kuroo adjusts until you’re both at the bed, pulling you up on his powerful thighs until his cock bounces over your navel and reaches way too high for you to actually be calm. But then he retreats his hips, bent over you so his lips can steal the air from your lungs just as his large hand palms at your breasts and his tail slither by your side. 
“Try not to cum too fast, kitten.”
“Easier said than done,” you grumble back against his lips and let yourself fall into the ruthless ecstasy of being spread open on his cock. His lips thread on the side of your jaw, under your neck, biting and sucking on your skin as his hands divide themselves between holding you up and pawing at every bit of you they can reach.
Everything feels so good, as if he knows your inner thoughts by hint alone -- your toes curl at each newfound area that receives his onslaught, you’re contorting at how good his mouth feels on your pulsepoint as he slowly starts to sink his cock inside you. It’s a weird feeling, to feel so full and yet still so eager, but you’re welcoming him at each torturous inch he manages to squeeze inside your tight walls. Your body trembles from the effort, Kuroo’s tongue slides from your neck to your nipple as his hand climbs up and settles around your throat, his fingers enveloping your neck.
Your heart picks up enough that you feel it beating on your ears as you search for his eyes and finally you’re pinned in place under the sharp gold and their twisted intent. 
“Scream for god if you want me to stop.” Is the warning he gives you before his fingers start constricting around your neck, your airways blocked as your chest starts to heave. And in between the small twinge of anxiousness and alarm, you realize just how much that entices you, how much it makes you burn and crave. Somehow you feel corrupted, falling into desires that threaten to peel you apart and leave you exposed.
Kuroo’s cock keeps slowly stretching your insides and his tongue twirls your nipple, your lungs burning for air and your eyes rolling inside your skull as you skyrocket into blissful free-fall. 
“Oh, hell yes.” You listen but don’t register as your body seems to be crushed under the massive pressure of your climax, burning and bright, sound ringing in your head that you come to find out it’s from your hoarse moan, your breathing laboured as Kuroo allows you to suck in air during your peak.
It dawns on you as you’re coming back to your body that theres a twinge of soft pain indicating Kuroo has bottomed out, his muscular thighs pressing flush against yours, the feeling incredible but fuck so much right now. 
As Kuroo nestles himself entirely inside of you, you feel as if your focus shifts, the task to not concentrate all of your attention on the massive hot cock spliting you in two is difficult. Your body feels tight, and not just from your fluttering walls that are constricting around him.
Kuroo sends you a big smile above your head, twinkling eyes in the dark. “Now, hold on.”
You do your best to do so, your arms latching onto him with all the strength you can muster as his hips retreat and then slam back inside you. You’re jolted at each push and pull, the sensual motions so depraved as the noises echo in the room, and you’re dragged into the ferocious pleasure that threatens to overwhelm you, and despite the fact you’ve cum just few moments before, as his tail slides between your bodies and circles and pats at your clit, you’re screaming and, quite unbelievably, cumming again.
“Now we’re very ready.” Kuroo says in a grunt above you, shameless grin as his eyes do their golden thing once again. He lets you stop trembling, peppering small kisses along your collarbone until you’re breathing normally again, but something tells you you’re just being fooled. 
“What?” You tiredly question, the feeling of dread confirming your suspicion.
“We have the whole night ahead of us, little one.” Kuroo nudges at the side of your face, bites softly at the junction of your jaw. “Or we could have more. All you need to do is say yes and i’ll mark you nice and easy here--” His teeth softly nibble on your pulsepoint, “and you’ll be mine.”
“Oh, god.” 
“Haha, wrong again.” His eyes pierce yours, swirling gold as molten honey dripping over your body and weighting your mind down. “Go ahead, tell me what you want.”
It tips out, softly and raw, and you have to close your eyes to hide your emotion. “To belong.”
“Oh, my little thing.” Kuroo softly murmurs on your ear, “Belong to me, then.”
You’re swaying despite lying down, something big and heavy coiling inside your chest as you blink, “I don’t want to belong to someone who isn’t mine.”
It’s a big truth to leave out -- the need for companionship, but a mutual one, a lasting one, a trusting one. You don’t want to be alone, but you also don’t want to have someone who doesn’t belong to you, too. 
Kuroo just smiles, golden eyes on yours, melting you from the fierceness alone. “Exactly,” he speaks against your lips, the taste of his breath on your tongue and you eagerly gulp it down, wickedly licking at his lips. “But i’ll be yours, too.”
In your hazed state, that’s all you need to hear, so you just shyly nod -- and Kuroo growls, angles your head to the side, and sears a marking bite on your neck -- deep, and painful. You mewl, body arching into his touch, and his tongue laps at the fresh wound, making it nice and numb.
“Now, let’s go to the main course.” Kuroo gives you no rest, retreating his hips and slamming back inside. “Don’t forget to breathe!” He teases between your moans. 
Once the fucking starts, it’s a frantic mess, and it goes on forever until the mere feeling of Kuroo’s cock leaving your heat is enough to make you whimper at the loss. The feeling of him inside your walls, a thing that mingles with your being, seares your memory until you cannot remember the feeling of not being split open on his thick cock. As you melt away from the overstimulation of having no rest while Kuroo contently and incessantly keeps pistoning inside you, your painful pleasure mixes until you’re climbing into something that feels weirdly uncanny, your mind -- or is it your body? -- twirls inside itself as if there’s something more than just sweet release ready to burst out. 
Kuroo has made you both teeter on the edge of pleasure and fall into it so many times you can’t differentiate the feelings that come now, this sensation of something being pulled out of you like the many orgasms he caused.
“Hmmm… Yes, my time is coming.” Kuroo groans, his hips movements turning sloppy, apparently displeased with his fucking being cut short while you very much suck a thankful breath at being able to rest. Kuroo’s teeth descend on your neck once again, his hot tongue over the pulsating mark of his bite and you feel him shudder and groan your name as he finally - finally - peaks, the feeling of hot spurts spreading inside you. 
As he cums, Kuroo brings a finger to rub over your abused clit softly and between your oversensitivity and the fact he angles his fat cockhead to softly pound over your sweet spot as he sails his own climax, there’s very little you can do but be ripped apart in bliss, once again, by him. This time is weird. Even as pleasure keeps swirling inside you and building up with the eerie sensation, you can do very little but hold on and wait until the waves crash and pass and you can blissfully surrender into the darkness of exhaustion. 
However, the freakish sensation twirling inside yourself builds and builds until you’re light-headed from the feeling and you just then realize how you’re shining, and how Kuroo has disappeared.
You don’t even have it in yourself to panic. Your body feels heavy and used, spent in the best way possible, but still completely unused to such a frantic session as every muscle in your being throbs, and your eyelids weigh the world as they fall closed and you’re engulfed by darkness.
[bonus scene]
 When you wake up in the morning, you are engulfed in a nice blanket, dressed in some mismatched set of pajamas, feeling as if you just had the best sleep of your life - and a weird vivid dream to go with it. You’re blinking up to your ceiling, stretching on your bed and satisfied with how the knots break in small noises as you sit up, when you feel just how sore you are, how your body is heavy despite satisfied, how your thighs burn and your sex throbs. 
Everything crashes up on your mind way too fast, and you’re suddenly torn between passing out and bolting up, but as you try to get up your body falters and a big, hard, hot hand plants itself over your middle and pulls you right back at the bed. 
Of course, you scream.
“Shh, kitten, there’s people trying to sleep here, y’know?”
“What--How--What are you doing here?” You shriek, looking at what is definitely the demon you thought you dreamed, but in a way more humanized version if the absence of his horns, claws and massive wings are anything to go by. The golden eyes are sharp as ever, but no black background to them, and you can infer by that much that his sinful tail probably isn't around too.
The grin he sends your way gives you war flashbacks that make your skin prickle with goosebumps. 
“Well, yesterday was quite nice.” He tells you and you can feel your whole face burn from his tone alone. “So I decided that hell can wait a bit more while I have more fun with you.” His eyes flash with a weird energy, and Kuroo brings his fingers to glide over his bite mark at your neck. The throbbing mark you had forgotten about until now. “After all, you’re mine now.”
“Oh, fuck.”
You’re doomed.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
Gallavich Week Day 2: Fantasy AU
Summary: Prince Ian is offered up as a sacrifice to appease one of the dragons that haunt his father’s kingdom. Rather than being burned alive or eaten he is inexplicably left to wander the dragon’s lair in peace, as long as he never tries to leave and never enters the mysterious tower chamber. Then he meets fellow prisoner Mikhailo and starts to wonder if maybe this whole sacrificial gig isn’t such a bad deal after all.
Or, Ian Gallagher tells a bedtime story, and Mickey Milkovich is himself.
Fair Warning 1: There’s some Mickey-typical homophobic language in this one.
Fair Warning 2: I wrote all ridiculous 5K of this today (work? what work?) and it’s a little bit of a curious mess. Like, the sort of curious mess you get if you take Lip’s Hall of Shame, @gardenerian’s lovely bedtime stories, the novel “Dealing with Dragons” by Patricia Wrede, the Swedish picture book “Bröllop i Marsipanien” by Lena Karlin, the Greek myth of Andromeda, a bunch of folk tales about shapeshifting lovers, and the questionable old practice of MSTing fics, and then you stuff them all into a Kee and shake her around for a bit and then you pour it out into the shape of a 12 hour long and highly inadvisable speedwriting session.
Read it at your own risk, below or on AO3.
Very Important Note: I make fun of fic writing in this fic. Please note that I’m only making fun of myself and general tropes; any and all allusions to actual fic in the fandom is entirely coincidental.
Lest They Say, Here Be Dragons
Hush now, child; settle down. Close your eyes – yes, just like that – and listen:
Once upon a time and elsewhere, there was a kingdom. The people there were no happier than people anywhere else, and poorer than most, but they made do and lived and danced and grieved and died as people have always done.
Jesus, that’s gay.
That is, until the dragons came.
Okay, now you’re talking.
Like a plague they swept the land, winged beasts with fire for breath and ice in their hearts. Every night the fields burned, and the villages burned, and the cattle burned and was eaten. Many a brave people took up arms and went to confront the monsters, and then they burned too.
Heart-broken and terrified, the people went to the king to plead for aid. “Send an emissary to the dragons,” they said. “Reason with them and strike a bargain, or else we are sure to perish.”
What a bunch of pussies. What they should do is, they should use a bunch a cow shit to build a bomb and nuke the hell out of those dragons. Problem fucking solved.
Now, this king was a scoundrel and a drunk and the queen had an unfortunate habit of turning herself into a bird and flying off to more interesting lands whenever the mood took her. They had six children but rarely paid them any mind and fair Princess Fiona, eldest of the six, was left to raise her younger siblings as best she could. False King Francis would have been perfectly content to turn his desperate subjects away if it weren’t for the fact the dragons unchecked rampage threatened the production of the spirits the king so enjoyed. So, donning a mask of compassionate concern, for he was a skilled liar, he promised the people that he would help them. But as soon as they had left, comforted, he turned the task over to his children.
The second oldest child, foxy Prince Philip—
Foxy Prince Philip?
Yeah, you know. Foxy. Like clever.
Why not just say clever then?
‘Cause it’s not alliterative.
Starts with the same sound. Foxy – Philip. Fair – Fiona.
Oh, I get it. Like, Ian – idiot. Ow!
Foxy Prince Philip was known far and wide for being the cleverest in all the land, and by using all his cunning he managed to strike a deal with the leader of the dragons.
“By using all his cunning.” Skimming over the details a bit there, huh?
You really want me to turn this into a Prince Philip story? Hear me go on and on about what a genius he is?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
It was agreed that the dragons would spread out over the kingdom, each one building their own place to live near a village, and that the villagers would bring them food and drink. In turn, the dragons would refrain from casual pyromancy and protect the villagers from harm.
Protection racket, huh. Classic. Starting to like these dragons, man.
In addition, the cruel leader of the dragons demanded that each dragon be offered a child of the land in sacrifice. No matter how Prince Philip bargained he could not change the dragon’s cold heart on this—
Guess he wasn’t so clever after all.
—and so, with heavy hearts and much lamenting, each village drew lots to determine which poor child would be sent as an offering to their new resident dragon. However, in the village nearest to the castle the people grew angry when the beloved blacksmith’s only child, a small girl of just four, was selected, and they went to the king and they said:
“It isn’t fair that some people are asked to give up their only child to appease the dragons while you, who have six children, are exempt from the lottery.”
King Francis, fearing an uprising as much as he feared the dragons (since each was as likely as the other to leave him without a drink), quickly nodded.
“That’s true,” he said. “And fairness must ever be the true monarchs first and most important concern. Though it breaks my heart, I can’t in good conscience watch my people sacrifice their own children without offering up my own. You may take Prince Ian and give him to the dragon.”
At this, the other princes and princesses raised their voices in furious protest, for they loved their brother even if their father did not. But industrious Prince Ian—
Industrious? That really the best you can come up with?
—stepped forward and declared that he’d be happy to give up his life, so that the child of the blacksmith might be spared. And so, as the sunt set, he was taken away to the lair of the dragon that had made its home near the castle.
So let me get this straight… The king is happy to toss Prince Ian to the wolves ‘cause he hates him, and his siblings are all sad and shit but they still let him go off to get fucking eaten by dragons?
Oh, fuck you. It’s just a story.
Stepping into the lair, with heart a-hammering but on stubbornly steady legs, Prince Ian set eyes upon the beast that was to be his destiny. He was momentarily relieved to see it was not the terrible leader of the dragons, as he had feared, but a smaller monster he did not recognize. Black was its hide, its eyes a cold sparkling blue—
Gallagher, I swear to god, if you turn me into some lame ass henchman dragon—
Keep interrupting, asshole, and it’ll be a pink fucking unicorn. And hang on, you’ll show up in a little bit.
Setting his jaw, Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death—
‘Course he did, the stupid motherfucker. Hey, if Prince Philip was so fucking smart, and if he gave a shit about his brother, shouldn’t he have given him, I dunno, a knife or something?
Prince Ian prepared to die a heroic death, because unlike some other people he was not a selfish prick and he actually cared about the people of the kingdom, but much to his surprise the dragon did not burn him. Instead, it just stared at him for a good long while, until suddenly it declared:
“You must never leave the lair, and you must never set foot inside the tower chamber. Abide by these rules and you may live. Break these rules and I’ll rip your heart out and eat it while you watch, and then I’ll burn the castle down with your beloved siblings inside.”   
You tell him, dragon.
With that the dragon took flight and disappeared, leaving Prince Ian to stand alone in the great hall of the lair, confused but alive. The young prince remained where he was for a few minutes, thinking that the dragon might come back, but when it did not he set out to explore his new home. It was big, with endless rooms and nooks and crannies, but it was badly kept, with strange bits and pieces cluttering up the hallways and chambers. Prince Ian found some old blankets and he used those to set up a pallet in one of the nicer rooms, one that had a view over a small, overgrown garden. And then, because it was very late and he was not dead, he went to sleep.
The next day he continued his explorations and managed to find the kitchen. It was full with the meat that the villagers brought the dragon once a month, and remembering that the beast had only forbidden him from leaving the lair and going into the tower chamber, Prince Ian helped himself to a piece of pork that he cooked over a small fire.
Hang on, was there a fridge in the kitchen?
No. This was the olden days.
But the villagers came once a month with the meat? How did the dragon keep from rotting?
That’s not really—
Was it dried? Like a Slim Jim?
… sure. It was dried.
As he was eating, Prince Ian heard a sudden scraping noise behind him.
The hell did he cook it over a fire for then, if it was dried?
He looked up and spied another young man standing in the doorway.
I’m just saying, it doesn’t make any fucking sense, man. Wait, is this me?
Prince Ian frowned. “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you a prisoner of the dragon too?”
The boy shrugged. “Uh, yeah. I guess. I mean, I do some work around here. Clean up and shit, in exchange for not getting eaten. Name’s Mikhailo.”
About fucking time. Only, how is it fair that you get to be prince and I’m a fucking cleaner?
Prince Ian tactfully did not mention how the lair was impressively dirty for a place with a fulltime cleaner but invited Mikhailo to share his meal. As they ate, Prince Ian studied his new acquaintance. He was the same age as but shorter than the prince, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.
Hair as black as— The hell was that?
Yeah, okay, then why are you smiling? Eh, fuck you. Prince Ian’s fucking thirsty for Mikhailo, I get it.
Though his manner was somewhat brusque and uncouth, Prince Ian could not help but feel himself drawn to Mikhailo. The boy was funny and easy to talk to, even if he seemed reluctant to say too much about himself or where he came from. Prince Ian tried asking him about the dragon, but despite apparently having lived there ever since the dragon moved in, Mikhailo couldn’t tell him much.
“Hardly ever even see it, man. At dusk and dawn mostly, so I guess it spends the night flying around with the other dragons, terrorizing the peasants or whatever. During the day it holes up in the tower chamber. Guess dragons must sleep too, huh? Don’t fucking go up there,” he added sternly. “It ain’t fucking kidding about killing you if you do.”
Having found a friend, Prince Ian found that life at the dragon’s lair wasn’t all that bad. He missed his siblings and being outdoors and practicing with the soldiers at the castle, and he resented the loss of his freedom, but he enjoyed the peace and quiet, and enjoyed spending time with Mikhailo. However, one thing he soon grew very tired of was eating nothing but meat. The dragon didn’t seem to require anything else, for it was the only thing the villagers ever delivered, and Mikhailo – whose tasks included receiving the monthly tribute – just gave Prince Ian a weird look when Ian suggested he ask the people to bring some vegetables next month.
“That ain’t the deal they’ve got with the dragon,” he told Ian. “Ain’t nobody gonna listen to me if I go trying to change it.”
Yeah, real Prince Charming there, wanting Mikhailo to risk his life so Ian can stuff his face with fucking cucumber.
Undeterred by Mikhailo’s lack of enthusiasm and courage—
Fuck you.
—Prince Ian decided to take it up with the dragon himself. In the weeks since he arrived at the lair, he hadn’t met the creature again, not even once; he’d just heard the powerful swoosh of its wings when it came and went at dusk and dawn. Now he went up the stairs to the tower chamber and there he waited until night had fallen and he noted the scraping of claws against stone inside the room. Then he knocked at the door.
There was a long silence. Then the door slammed open with enough force to nearly undo it from its hinges.
“What are you doing here?!” the dragon roared, terrible in its fury. “I’ve told you to never come here!”
“You’ve told me to never set foot inside the room,” Ian reasoned, fighting to keep his voice calm. “And I’m not. I just wanted to ask if I may have the use of the small garden just outside the lair. I miss being outdoors and I could grow vegetables for Mikhailo and me.”
Jesus Christ, man, again with gardening? Thought you were over it.
“You may never leave the lair,” the dragon, a garden-hating meanie, snarled, and then he closed the door in Prince Ian’s face.
As he fucking should.
“Probably worried one of the villagers will spot you and, I dunno, mount a rescue,” Mikhailo said shortly the next morning when Prince Ian told him of his failed attempt. “Anyway, you’re a fucking idiot for going up there like that. You get it won’t hesitate to kill you, right?”
“Right,” Ian agreed. “But,” he added with a frown, “why hasn’t it yet?”
“You fucking complaining?” Mikhailo snapped, and then he stalked away, and Ian didn’t see him again for three days.
Listen, you get that I get that Mikhailo is the dragon, right? You’re not fooling anyone, Gallagher.
Then, one day, fed up with the dragon being a really annoying prick, Prince Ian grabbed a huge sword he conveniently found lying around in a cupboard, because the lair was a fucking pigsty, suitable for a pig like the dragon, and he went up the stairs and kicked in the door and he cut the dragon’s throat while it slept, and then he went off and found himself a nice prince to marry.
That’s not how the story ends.
Hey, where are you going? Come back- Jesus, I’m sorry, okay? Gallagher, I’m sorry. Just come back here. Tell me what really happened.
Prince Ian woke with a start on his pallet in the lair. He’d had the most vivid dream about killing the dragon—
A dream? That’s the lamest fucking— Ah, fuck. Sorry.
—but for some reason it hadn’t felt as satisfying as he had thought it would. For all that Prince Ian often fantasized about strangling the beast, it seemed he didn’t actually wish to see it dead. With that disconcerting realization in mind, Prince Ian went to break his fast, resigned to doing so on meat and yet more meat. But in the kitchen he found Mikhailo, and on the table in front of him was a pile of cabbage and carrots and onions. 
“Guess the dragon must have talked to the villagers after all,” Mikhailo muttered, refusing to look at the prince. “And, uh, there was this thing I wanted to show you.”
Without waiting for a response, he spun around on his heel and walked out the door. Curious, Prince Ian followed, through doors and up and down stairs he never knew existed. Eventually, he found himself standing in what appeared to be an inner courtyard. It was small and the walls surrounding it very high, but up above the sky was blue. Prince Ian turned his face towards it and for the first time since he came to live at the dragon’s lair he felt sunlight on his face.
“It’s a shithole,” Mikhailo said. For some reason he sounded a little nervous. “But if you wanna go outside, you can come here. And there’s dirt in those bins, so I guess you could grow stuff in them? Just gotta wear this hat. Anyone sees you, they’ll just think it’s me.”
Privately, Prince Ian wondered who’d ever be able to see him behind walls that high, but he wasn’t going to argue. Wearing an ugly had was a small price to pay for being able to go outside, and to have a garden.
He gave Mikhailo a small smile; Mikhailo smiled back.
“Mikhailo smiled back.” Yeah, you bet he was laughing his ass off, ‘cause he thought Prince Ian was a huge fucking dork.
Things were good for a long while after that. Prince Ian spent his days in the garden and in Mikhailo’s company, and though he still resented being locked away from the world it was easy to ignore that when he had something to do and when his plants started to grow and when he was with Mikhailo. The two young men became closer and closer with each passing week, and soon it seemed to Prince Ian as if they had always known each other. He could no longer imagine a life without his friend.
He suspected that Mikhailo felt the same. It was there in the way he laughed at Prince Ian’s jokes; the way he sought him out to do nothing but talk; the way his gaze sometimes lingered on the prince, the look in his eyes unreadable.
Prince Ian suspected that Mikhailo too wondered what it would be like to press their lips together and hold each other tight. Sleep together; map every inch of each other’s bodies.
Hang on a minute, you’re telling me they haven’t fucked yet? The hell they’ve been doing?
I told you. Hanging out. Talking. Laughing.
Jesus Christ, that’s so fucking gay.
Two men not fucking each other is gay? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. One day we really need to talk about all your internalized homophobia.
My interna-what? Ah, shut the fuck up. Continue with the story. All these interruptions ain’t doing much for the flow, you know.
Really? I hadn’t noticed.
Prince Ian became determined to find out if Mikhailo felt the same way as he did. He realized that he needed to be careful, however, and not push too hard, lest he spook the other boy. Even though he was almost sure he could see longing in Mikhailo’s eyes, there seemed to be some invisible hand holding him back. Every time Prince Ian was convinced they were finally getting somewhere, Mikhailo would suddenly pull back, as if stung.
Or as if remembering something. Himself, maybe.
Bu then came a cold, clear autumn day almost exactly one year after Prince Ian had been taken to the dragon’s lair.
Whoa, wait, now you’re telling me they’ve been hanging out for one fucking year and they still haven’t banged?
What can I say? Mikhailo’s a pussy.
Whatever. This story is unrealistic as fuck.
Prince Ian and Mikhailo had spent the afternoon together in the garden, as they almost always did whenever Mikhailo wasn’t busy with any of his mysterious chores (which he still refused to tell Prince Ian much about, but which sometimes took him away from the lair for days at a time). Once it started getting dark they went inside and dined on chicken and potatoes from Prince Ian’s patch, and as so often happened they started bickering and play fighting.
If that’s something that happens a lot you might have mentioned it earlier. Established it or whatever. Those mysterious chores too. What’s that all about?
Oh, my bad. Maybe I should start over? Once upon and time—
Nah, man, you’re good. Just a suggestion for next time.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
They were chasing each other around the kitchen when Mikhailo tripped over the muddy shoes he’d lazily left there the night before and fell to the floor.
You know these meaningful little comments ain’t actually clever, right? They don’t actually add anything to the story.
I like them.
Prince Ian, ever chivalrous, grabbed hold of his friend’s arm to break his fall, but ended up going down with him instead, pinning Mikhailo to the floor with his big, strong body.
Fucking finally.
Their eyes met and Prince Ian felt his heart starting to beat faster. He could see a faint blush spreading over Mikhailo’s face. Neither of them spoke; neither of them moved. Then, slowly, slowly, Prince Ian leaned in to brush his lips over Mikhailo’s. Mikhailo lifted his head to meet him in a kiss to end all other kisses, a kiss to inspire a thousand love songs.
Uh-huh, and then…
And then they went to Prince Ian’s room and had sex all night long. But when Prince Ian woke the next morning—
Wait, wait, what? That’s it? “They had sex all night long.” How about some fucking detail, man?
After having great sex using lots of good lube all night long, Prince Ian woke up alone in his bed.
I hate you.
He went in search of Mikhailo but couldn’t find his friend anywhere. He looked in the garden and in the kitchen and he went to the sad little cellar chamber Mikhailo called his room even though Prince Ian had never actually seen him sleep there.
Because he’s the dragon and sleeps in the tower chamber. Great hint, Gallagher. Real subtle.
Fuck off.
A week passed and Prince Ian was starting to suspect that Mikhailo was gone for good this time. Perhaps the dragon had found out about their tryst and had sent him away? Or maybe Mikhailo was disgusted with what had happened and wanted nothing more to do with the prince? Prince Ian wondered and worried and feared, and when finally Mikhailo returned, stepping into the kitchen like nothing had happened, Prince Ian was so exhausted with terror and regret that his relief immediately transformed into fury.
He yelled at Mikhailo, called him names and demanded to know where he’d been. He named him a coward and—
Hey, what’s the matter? You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, man, I’m fine.
You don’t look— Listen, Prince Ian’s just being an asshole, okay? He saying a bunch of stupid shit ‘cause he’s sick and tired of not knowing if he means as much to Mikhailo as Mickhailo means to him. He doesn’t mean it.
I mean… He probably means it a little. He’s not wrong.
No, he’s— Fine. He means it a little right then. But he is wrong, okay? He doesn’t really understand what’s going on with Mikhailo, but he’ll get it later. He’ll know he wasn’t being really fair.
… yeah?
Yeah. Okay?
Great. Maybe we should speed this bit up a little—
Once Prince Ian had finished shouting, Mikhailo just stared at him for a long moment.
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” he spat, and then he spun around and disappeared through the door.
Prince Ian was immediately overcome with regret, yet he was still too angry and hurt and stubborn to run after the other. He went about his day in a very foul mood and when he went to bed that night Mikhailo was still gone. Prince Ian slept fitfully and in the middle of the night he woke to a loud crash, soon followed by several more. He realized it must have come form the tower chamber and after a moment of hesitation he grabbed his nightgown and rushed up the stairs.
So, he brought a nightgown with him when he thought the dragon was going to kill him?
Of course not. He found it in one of the rooms.
Yeah, okay, but why are there so many rooms in this fucking lair anyway? What’s with all the old stuff there? Didn’t the dragon build the place to live in like right before Prince Ian was sent there?
Mickey. It’s getting late and I’d really love to wrap this up and go to bed. It doesn’t really matter about the rooms. Can I just continue with the story?
Whatever, man. Just thought you should know there’s a bunch of plot holes in your little fairy tale.
 Once he reached the door to the forbidden room, the crashing noises had stopped. Instead, Prince Ian heard whimpers and moaning, as if from someone in great pain. It could only be the dragon – something must be wrong with it.
Yeah, ya think, Sherlock?
Prince Ian knocked on the door. There was no reply, other than more whimpers and moans. Steeling himself, he tried the handle. The door was unlocked.
That’s awfully convenient.
Stepping inside, Prince Ian found the dragon on the floor. It was clearly hurt, for there was dark blood pooling underneath it. As Prince Ian entered, the great beast lifted its head but said nothing and made no move to attack him. It seemed it was too badly hurt to pose any threat.
It occurred to Prince Ian that he could kill the dragon. He could go down to the kitchen and fetch the biggest knife there and then he’d be free and he could go back to the castle and his siblings and—
The dragon made a low, pained sound and let its head fall back to the floor, closing its eyes.
Prince Ian went down the stairs, but he didn’t fetch a knife, he fetched bandages instead. Though part of him cursed himself for a fool, he knew he couldn’t bring himself to kill the dragon, monster or not, and couldn’t bring himself to let it bleed to death either.
That’s a huge fucking mistake. Maybe the dragon never hurt him but it still kept him imprisoned. Prince Ian should be getting the hell out of there when he has the chance.
Hmm, yeah. Choosing to be locked up just to be the person you love does sound like a pretty insane thing to do.
Oh, fuck off. That’s totally different.
Sure, Mick.
By the time Prince Ian returned to the tower the dragon had lost consciousness. The prince set to cleaning and bandaging his wounds, having learned the art of it while training with a medical witch who lived at the castle. It took a great long while; the dragon was large and heavy and the cuts in its side long, if shallow. But Prince Ian was nothing if not determined and eventually he had the beast wrapped up.
As Ian moved to rise, the dragon stirred.
“The hell are you doing?” it muttered, blinking up at Ian. Then it spotted the bandages, and the ice blue eyes widened. “What the— Are you fucking insane? This is a... is a… real bad fucking idea… ”
It sounded… strange, and not just from the pain and blood loss, Prince Ian thought. Sounded not just slurred but softer somehow, in spite of the uncharacteristic cursing; sounded almost familiar; sounded like—
“Mikhailo,” Prince Ian whispered.
Ooooh, big surprise! I’m so shocked right now!
You know there are other uses for plot twists than to shock the reader, right? Or actually, I guess you don’t know, but if you picked up a book once in a while—
Yeah, yeah, whatever. What happened after this great and totally unexpected reveal?
The dragon lost consciousness again so Prince Ian went to bed and slept soundly and when he woke the next day he spotted Mikhailo leaning against the wall of his room, looking tired ad unhappy. He was even paler than usually and there was a stiffness to his posture that suggested quite a bit of pain, but other than that he seemed well enough.
“So,” Prince Ian said, trying for casualness as he sat up on his pallet. “You’re a dragon.”
Mikhailo shrugged. “Seems like it.”
“But only by night.”
“Yeah… We turn when the sun sets, and turn back again when it rises.”
“I didn’t know that about dragons.”
“No one around here fucking does. People realize how helpless we are during the day, they’d kill us in a heartbeat. My dad says— “
“Your dad?”
“The leader of the dragons. The really big, white one? This whole terror and extortion thing was his idea, once he realized that no one in this kingdom has a clue about dragons.”
“He hates humans. Thinks they’re useless and weak. If he knew I kept you around instead of killing you, he’d have murdered us both.”
Jesus fucking Christ, laying it on a bit thick with the metaphysical shit there, don’t ya think?
You mean metaphorical?
I mean it’s fucking stupid, that’s what I mean.
Might be closer to allegory anyway.
Uh-huh. Nobody fucking cares, Shakespeare.
“So, anyway,” Mikhailo continued, “you should probably try to go as far away from here as possible. Find a ship and go across the sea or something.”
Prince Ian blinked. “What?”
“Yeah, man, you won’t be able to go back to your castle. No way to stay hidden there. I know this guy up in Dikno, he might—”
He fell silent as Prince Ian jumped up from the bed and crossed the space between them in two long strides, and then he gasped loudly as the prince’s lips found his.
It was another one to inspire love songs.
“You idiot,” Prince Ian said fondly when eventually they broke apart. “Of course I’m not going anywhere. Unless,” he added, suddenly shy, “you want me to.”
Mikhailo made a face. “No, you fucking moron, I don’t want you to go,” he finally said. “But my dad—”
“We’ll find a way to deal with him. We’ll figure out how to sort it out and set things right between humans and dragons. We’ll find a way, together. Okay?”
And Mikhailo the dragon looked at his prince for a long moment and then he smiled. “Okay.”
At his prince, huh. Surprised you got room for all those big words in your head when your ego’s taking up so much space. All right, then what happened?
They organized a rebellion against the leader of the dragons, I guess. I don’t really know. That’s another story.
What do you mean, another story? Is this it? You spend all that time setting it up but when you get to the good part with the fighting you just stop?
Yeah, it’s getting really late. Kid’s asleep anyway.
Kid’s been out cold since, like, before the dragons even showed up, man, don’t fucking pretend this story was for her. … you really not gonna continue?
Nah, I’ll continue. But for the next scene I figured we might try a little show, don’t tell…
Oh, really? What’s the next scene?
Make-up sex. Prince Ian fucking Mikhailo’s brains out. And hey, spoiler alert: Mikhailo comes four times.
Four times, huh.
Yeah. So… wanna know how it happens?
Okay. It starts like this—
So, yeah. There we have it. The things we write for Gallavich Week… XD
I am halfway outraged that this is the longest fic I’ve ever written for Gallavich, but I’m rather pleased I managed to write something for this theme! Guess I’ll go to bed both proud and embarrassed and dead tired tonight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Where I am, we’re half an hour past midnight, but seeing as it’s still Monday somewhere, I have decided that I’m posting on time. Yay me! @gallavichthings
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Here's Eclipse Lake, an episode that has been highly anticipated! Will it top Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door?
I'll skip the pretense: No. It won't.
You'll see under the cut.
Hmm, that list of ingredients for the Grimwalker...I'll let other people theorize about this (like @sepublic ), but it sure looks like a thing
Guess the mysterious green goo won't cut it, huh?
Belos face reveal already?! Huh, didn't expect it so soon.
Oh, no, he's hot! (And I'm mad about it)
Still an ass, though
Now we know why Hunter was wearing a different outfit (because people fixated on that for some reason)
Amity with the clipboard gives me strong Dipper vibes
GHOST! My beloved!
I need a moment because CAT!
(Also, someone pointed out earlier that Ghost was based on Dana's cat, and that's super obvious in hindsight)
Raine?! Oh, wait, you mean rain. Sigh.
Eda gets training tips from DBZ confirmed
(Also Amity's face when reacting to Eda's explanation is priceless)
Oh God Eda's a weeb I need another moment
Damn, Amity just straight up calling Eda old
Oh, loopy Luz
(The abomination holding the tissue box is adorable for many reasons)
Yeah, don't want Luz to eat the McGuffin
I have several questions about those Tamagotchis that I'll refrain from listing here
Amity your Odalia is showing
Girlfriend counter: 1
(Yes I am introducing a counting gag, deal with it)
Was wondering if they were ever gonna reference the dissection incident. We've come a long way, baby!
Oh, so that's what everyone was looking at
Luz honey your enthusiasm is admirable but no
Luz burrito is quite cute, though
Girlfriend counter: 2
(Damn, still wild to think that that's the case)
Just occurred to me that "Boots" is probably shortened from "Bossyboots" from earlier
Guess the Luz hiss compilation needs to be updated again
Those tunnels ain't the only thing around here that's unstable, amirite?
Oops, guess Kiki was justified, after all
Maybe don't talk so loudly about your plans, dude
That is her son, get it right!
Serves you right for having that stupid strand of hair sticking out like that
Is this just the episode where everyone dunks on White Boy? Because I can totally get behind that.
Already mentioned this, but I am loving the parallels between Katara and Amity with that bottle of abomination goo. Insert obligatory "Two Nickels" meme here about Mae Whitman.
We really are just dunking on the white boy and I am living for it
Hooty had to get it from somewhere, I suppose
Nothing says mother-son bonding like shooting things at each other (see also: Separate Tides)
I'm sure the magic bouncing off the veins won't come into play later at all
Oh well, at least the echolocation looked cool
At this point Amity would kill Hunter for a Klondike bar
Wait why does Hooty need a chair
Willow with the galaxy brain ideas
"A bad but sad boy" Luz is a genius at succinctly summing people up
Kikimora continues to be unhinged. Ironically she's not wrong about Hunter.
Motherfucker stop acting like you know what that says
(Also, projecting much?)
Girlfriend counter: 3
Friendly reminder that Hunter is still an antagonist
Uh oh
I know someone mentioned Willow having the brain cell, but honestly it seemed like Luz had it this whole time. And that's not good.
Aaaaand cue the getting screwed over
Further reminder that he's still an antagonist (Apparently there's a vocal segment who's Really Mad at him that seem to forget this fact)
You unhand Ghost right now!! And Amity too, I guess.
(I kid, she's literally my second favorite character)
For what she did to Raine it warms my heart to know Kiki has had zero peace of mind
Wait, the Abomatons are Transformers?! Okay, that's kind of awesome, actually. Alador might be a shit dad but he is a brilliant inventor.
Chucking kids off cliffs is a surpisingly common pastime in the Boiling Isles
Owlbert no!
Eda did spend literal decades fighting the Owl Beast within, so I guess she can't be blamed for not thinking to talk to it
Also hurry up guys I'm very concerned about Owlbert
Fuck yeah Harpy Milf!
Yay Ghost returns!
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She's glad they're okay (I didn't need to take this, I just thought it was cute. Also this is surprisingly high quality considering I just took a photo of my TV screen)
Oh, so they do have video games in the Demon Realm. That or Luz introduced them.
Trailer shot!
Oh dear, we about to have a fight over the key
Wow, being so high ranking under Belos is really bad for mental health
Jesus Christ Belos what have you been putting in this poor kid's head?
Leave it to King to give radical recontextualizations
Amity, I'm glad you remembered/realized this about Luz, please don't let the sad white boy play you like that again
Also, I appreciate the gesture you're making, and it's a wonderful summary of your character development, but goddamnit he's gonna go for that key because he's STILL AN ANTAGONIST
"Being nice usually works for Luz!" A) Not always, and B) Amity I love you but Luz you are not. A valiant attempt nonetheless.
Ooh, cool fight scene!
Always lovely to see such superb animation
I was privately griping about not seeing Amity use magic for so long, and now I am fed
Don't think I didn't hear the glass breaking
Appreciate your ass from a hole in the ground, Golden Boy!
(jk I don't actually feel that strongly about him still. That kind of threat still isn't cool, though)
Oh so that's why it's the Common Mold!
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It's kinda cute, actually. Or maybe it's just because it's Luz.
TIL Hooty is heat resistant
Apparently Owl Beast just wanted a snack
Girlfriend counter: 4
Also love how calling Amity her awesome girlfriend is literally the first thing Luz says to her upon returning.
Yesssss return the hug! You deserve it!
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(I know there are higher quality versions of this screenshot, I just didn't feel like looking around)
King demands huggies, too! (And gets 'em)
Reminder that Amity is smart as hell. I knew that glass breaking indicated something!
So once again I've been had. I let the fandom trick me into thinking this episode would be way more intense. Guess that one screenshot was from the next episode.
Overall this was...fine. Some nice Lumity moments, Harpy Eda strutting her stuff, that gorgeously animated fight sequence; those were all lovely.
I do wish Willow and Gus had a bit more to do. And I'm still rather unenthusiastic about Hunter, to be honest. I've seen his type several times before, and the path they have for him is rather obvious. I may never share the fandom's love for him, and I guess I'll have to deal with that.
Anybody who says this was better than KKKOHD is a damn fool.
Mid season finale next week! I think Yesterday's Lie will finally bring the pain!
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Callbacks & Cannoli Cake
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Requested by: The wonderful Wignony! (“If I haven't missed the cut off, could I request an imagine with Joe and reader? Something sickeningly sweet and romantic, maybe along the lines of a proposal/ wedding day/ honeymoon?”)
Summary: Joe got good news at work, but tonight you’ll have something even better to celebrate. 
Warnings: Language, literal sugary sweetness, a tiny bit of angst (I’m sorry, you know me, I couldn’t help it! 😂).
Word Count: 1.5k.
You’re reading the text for the fifth time when he walks through the front door. I GOT THE PART!!! See yo fine ass at 6:15 ;)
“Hey, firefly!” Joe calls brightly, racing into the kitchen and linking his arms around your waist from behind, kissing the back of your neck with loud, comedic smacks as you giggle and try not to massacre the icing you’ve been painstakingly smoothing with a spatula. He’s called you that since your first date, a picnic in Grand Hope Park that was supposed to just be lunch and turned into drinks, tapas, dinner, and ice cream for dessert as fireflies crept out of their shelters and freckled the sky with their harmless, inborn lightning.
“Joe, babe, stop, please stop, I’m going to ruin the cake—”
Joe gasps, spying it for the first time. “A cannoli cake? You made me a cannoli cake?!”
You lift up the heavy glass cake plate and gingerly show him, wearing a sheepish smile. “I thought we should celebrate. There’s lasagna in the oven, it’ll be done in twenty minutes.”
“So we get to eat the cake first.”
You laugh, ferrying the cannoli cake to the kitchen table as Joe picks up the spatula and licks it like a lollipop, moaning orgasmicly, mascarpone frosting peppered with miniature chocolate chips dotting his nose and chin. “Tonight, Mr. Mazzello, you get everything you want.”
Today was his third callback for the part, a co-starring role of the protagonist’s best friend in a romantic comedy directed by Richard Curtis. And while you are firmly of the belief that Joe is more than worthy of lead roles—especially in romantic comedies, a genre in which he has been criminally underutilized—you know he’s thrilled to have landed it. Rebel Wilson, Colin Firth, and Zendaya are involved in the project as well, and filming will take place mostly in the gorgeous island paradise of Turks and Caicos. Which means that Joe will soon be jetting off to the Caribbean for months on end, leaving you here in Los Angeles to tend your bakery and catch up on your reading list and snuggle with the cats and try not to grow bitter about the fact that most people don’t have to give up their significant others for vast, volatile stretches of the year, most people don’t constantly feel like they’re battling to keep a surfboard level over waves of impermanence. And that’s what you’re really trying to do tonight: not just celebrate Joe’s accomplishments, not just make him happy, but to make sure he doesn’t notice the sadness around your eyes, the mournful slump in the set of your shoulders.
But as he sits down at the table and cuts two messy, hulking slices of cannoli cake and gives you the bigger one, Joe does notice something. His dark eyes catch on you and narrow. His brow furrows in concern. “What’s up, firefly?”
“Nothing,” you reply, slipping into the chair beside him, running your fingers through his hair and forcing a smile. “I’m so proud of you, Joe. And I know you’ll love it. I just...you know.” You take an unenthusiastic bite of cake and shrug, apologetic, feeling childish and selfish and ridiculous. “I’ll miss you.”
“Aww, I know, firefly. I’ll miss you too. But we’ll talk all the time, we’ll text and call and I’ll comment heart-eyes emojis on all your Instagram posts, and you can take a few long weekends to come visit me...and we can FaceTime so I can say hi to the cats and our beloved apartment!”
“Our apartment,” you murmur; because it doesn’t feel much like both of yours. You’ve only shared it for three months, and Joe has easily been out of town for two of them. And although you have no right at all to be disenchanted with an arrangement that you knowingly signed up for, you can’t help but fear that it all has an inescapable aura of transience, that one day Joe won’t come back home at all, and that the apartment won’t even feel that different without him in it; like he’s a comet that comes with the decades, a passing marvel that you can see but never own.
Joe reaches out and takes your free hand, the one not holding your fork. “Hey,” he says softly. “I know. Believe me, I know.”
“I’m not mad, I’m really not, I want you to have this. I know it’s what brings you happiness, I know it’s what you’re brilliant at, I just...I guess I just wish this all felt a little more permanent.”
That seems to surprise him. “What, like, you and me being permanent?”
“Yeah.” You take another bite of cannoli cake. It’s good. It’s really freaking good, actually. Joe’s massive slice is gone already; he cuts another, peering uncertainly over at you. He still doesn’t appear to get it. “What I mean is that I feel like you’re never here long enough for the apartment to start feeling like ours. You’re more like a guest. Petunia and Iris might think you’re just my hot friend who occasionally sleeps over and takes bubble baths with me.”
“I don’t think cats have a particularly deep understanding of commitment anyway.”
You laugh, mostly to break the gravity. This is the precise opposite of how you wanted this night to go. “Never mind, I’m being dumb. Forget it.” You smile again, as convincingly as you can. The scent of lasagna now fills the small kitchen; the orange-pink light of the sunset pours in through the open windows. “Enjoy Turks and Caicos. Make a hilarious movie. Slurp down your weight in daiquiris served in coconut shells. And try not to get too sunburned, I want to be able to touch you when I fly down to visit. We don’t need a repeat of Miami, lobster boy.”  
Joe sets down his fork, crosses his arms over his chest, and grins at you thoughtfully, craftily.
“Uh oh. What?”
“Well, you see, it’s interesting that you brought up this whole permanence thing.”
You shake your head. “Joe, really, I don’t want to make tonight about me. I just want to celebrate. Can we do that?”
“Oh, we’re still celebrating, firefly. But I have one more thing to tell you about.”
“It better not be another cat. That’s really not the solution to this problem. Is it another cat? Jesus christ, if your mother is trying to get us to adopt another one of her rescue cats, I’m going to fucking scream—”
“It’s not a cat.”
“Then what is it?”
“Well,” Joe begins, grinning broadly now. “I guess it’s less of something I have to tell you and more of something I have to ask you.”
“...Ask me...what...?”
His hand slides into the pocket of his Hawaiian cargo shorts—not his best look, if you’re being totally honest about it—where for the first time you notice the faint outline of a tiny square. He takes out the ring box and sets it down between you on the table. Your fork tumbles out of your grasp and hits the floor, splattering frosting and cake crumbs. An ecstatic gasp rips from between your teeth. Your hands fly up to cover your mouth.
“No way...”
“Yes way.” Joe gestures to the box. “I don’t know what continent I’m going to be on six months from now. I don’t know how often I’ll find myself home in our apartment. I don’t know how great of a cat dad I am. But I know that I want you with me every step of the way. So, if you’re down to make this thing permanent, and to bake me cannoli cakes for the remainder of my earthly existence, I’d like for you to marry me. I’d love for you to marry me, actually. And if you need some time to think it over before giving me an answer, I completely understand—”
You rush out of your chair and into his shocked but welcoming arms, almost knocking him out of his seat as you climb into his lap, laughing, crying, kissing him as tears stream down your cheeks. “I don’t need time. I’m saying yes. Right here, right now, Mr. Mazzello.”
“You don’t even want to see the ring first?” he teases.  
“Nope. I’m in no matter what it looks like. I swear on our neglected feline daughters’ lives.”
“Oh thank god, because my bank account is super sparse until this new gig starts paying and it’s a literal Ring Pop.”
Joe’s joking, of course; he’s joking almost all the time, which is one of the innumerable things you love about him. But you really don’t care what the ring looks like. You care about what it means, about the promise it holds, about the peace it gives you to carry around like armor against all the uncertainties of the world.
And Joe whispers, beaming: “Now, future Mrs. Mazzello, I really do have everything I want.”
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butchhamlet · 3 years
And for the characters, peril wingsoffire, orsino twelfthnight, ippolit warandpeace and uhhhhh firestar warriorcats
PERIL WINGSOFFIRE (yes i run a shakespeare blog yes im about to encourage you all to read wings of fire the children's books about dragons because they genuinely hold up and still slap)
Sexuality Headcanon: i think peril is bi i think that's her right Gender Headcanon: on the one hand i'm hesitant to hc peril as a trans woman because she's. a walking weapon and i feel like that could get dicey. however it could also be interesting as a reason why kestrel might not recognize her as an adult. + in the sense of... scarlet supporting her gender as long as peril does shit for her as another form of manipulation A ship I have with said character: peril/sunny maybe? i can't think of a reason why that one would be bad and i think they both have so much bright energy just in different directions yknow... like sunny is so sweet in a way most people (dragons) aren't to peril, and also i'm envisioning sunny curling up to sleep near peril because her heat reminds her of the desert :) A BROTP I have with said character: i don't really ship clay and peril romantically because i feel like peril really needs to sort out her own self-worth with regard to clay (and i'm glad that, at least as far as i've read, the books haven't shoved them together + have put an emphasis on giving them time to figure it out! we stan actually well-written het romance). however i DO think they are buddies and character foils and he's the only one who can hug her so he should A NOTP I have with said character: i guess peril and scarlet?? because of the obvious reasons?? maybe peril and turtle as well because idk i just like them as friends A random headcanon: i know most jewelry melts when it touches her, but turtle's an animus, right. i think he enchants her some jewelry that won't melt & she's so incredibly touched because she's never been able to wear bracelets before (bonus points if it's ugly as fuck but she's enthralled anyway) General Opinion over said character: peril my bestie my beloved. i had mixed feelings on her until her POV and now she's my best friend she's so much fun and her arc is so good
Sexuality Headcanon: one of the most bisexual characters ever, actually Gender Headcanon: generally i think of orsino as a cis man (and presumed straight until he meets viola and Figures Some Things Out), but i also once read a fic where orsino is a trans bear and that concept is so god tier A ship I have with said character: orsino and violacesario :) A BROTP I have with said character: i think orsino and olivia become friends after the events of canon! i'd like to imagine he apologizes for being The Way He Was and they get to bond over being... very lonely people figuring out their relationships to love A NOTP I have with said character: orsino/olivia. dude she said to fuck off stop showing up at her HOUSE A random headcanon: he plays like five instruments very well but when it comes to singing he's tone fucking deaf. at first viola is like "why do you have other people make music for you" and then they hear him sing and they're like.... ah General Opinion over said character: i'll admit of TN characters i probably think about him the least? but i think his character arc is really interesting (and can be played in a very dark direction but i'm ignoring that because i'm in nice-headcanon-land)
Sexuality Headcanon: we know this man is gay Gender Headcanon: i haven't thought in depth about ippolit's gender but an agender ippolit could be cool. to balance out his siblings. the kuragins got one of each /s A ship I have with said character: ishpolit ofc <3 (the fact that this fic is unironically good. shakes my fist) A BROTP I have with said character: the obvious answer here is ippolit and lise but for whatever reason i read this and "ippolit and dolokhov" popped into my head. can you imagine dolokhov leaving either kuragin's bedroom in the middle of the night and ippolit is still awake doing weird shit downstairs and he's like "hi!!!" [waving] and dolokhov is like. hi? A NOTP I have with said character: ippolit and lise... he's a gay man and he wouldn't know how to have an affair if it bit him anyway A random headcanon: i'm partial to a neurodivergent ippolit but that's because i like to look at comic relief characters and go "oh me?" General Opinion over said character: i fucking love him im obsessed with him my war and peace blog url is literally lesbians4ippolit what else do i have to say
Sexuality Headcanon: am i allowed to stand here and be like "firestar is a lesbian because he's my oldest comfort character and i'm a lesbian" Gender Headcanon: see above. A ship I have with said character: firestar/sandstorm i know it's basic and canon but literally who is doing it like them. WHO is doing it like them! shoutout to the post that's like "firesand walked so hiccup/astrid in HTTYD could run" like fucking say that A BROTP I have with said character: i know the obvious answer here is firestar and graystripe and i do adore them but i feel so much more passionately about firestar and cinderpelt like. ;-; A NOTP I have with said character: firecinder there is literally no reason to be like "actually cinderpelt loved him!" let them be friends. i also have a seething hatred for firestar/spottedleaf, kept burning in my body from when i was ten apparently. he's a married man why is he getting homewrecked by a fucking ghost and why does this keep happening for like... sixty books A random headcanon: he and bramblestar never said so in as many words, but they both considered him bramblestar's real father. (and they both knew it; they didn't have to talk about it to feel it.) General Opinion over said character: . this is so embarrassing. hopping on my shakespeare blog to admit that my oldest and deepest and #1 comfort character ever in my life is cat jesus from cat game of thrones for children
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven: "..what on earth are you doing here...?"
Word Count 2.8k
Warnings: none
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A week has passed since Asta was born. Your week was hectic, painful and long but your daughter made it all a bit easier. Your people celebrated her birth with a huge feast that you attended to, of course. You remember thinking to yourself, 'now I can have some ale.' Ivar made it known that Asta was his child and everyone basked in his magnificence because he is indeed a cripple. Hvitserk bit his tongue and played along as you did the same. Ivar has his ways and it is easier to obey him than to argue and cause heartache. All you want is for Asta to be happy, that is of utmost importance. Today, you have to write to Daario Naharis. Time has slipped your mind and it has come to your attention that you have yet to write to him. 
Ivar "Would you like me to take her while you write?" You look up at him, "I don't mind." He offers a smile, "I do not think that you will be able to write a proper letter with her wiggling in your arms-" you two start to giggle. 
"Thank you. I won't be long." You hand her to him and he puts her on his hip. 
Ivar "Take your time, my sweet. I want to spend some quality time with her." You nod, "I love you."
"And I love you." He bends down and kisses your lips before crunching his way out of the chamber doors. You sigh and stretch your arms in the air, trying to ease the soreness from holding her for so long. But you long her so much, that when she is not in your arms, you feel as if something is missing. Nonetheless, you appreciate the help from your beloved while Hvitserk is out hunting with Ubbe. 
You pick up your writing instrument and began to write: 
To the Commander of Wessex,
I have to apologize for not writing to you sooner, but I have some wonderful news. I am now a mother to a healthy daughter. I shall return to Wessex when she is old enough to travel with me so that my people can meet her, as well as you Naharis. I wish to hear of all the things concerning my people and their wellbeing. I hope all is well, including yourself. I am doing alright, given my circumstances during my daughter's birth but I am indeed alright. Looking forward to your letter,
Y/n Lothbrok 
You stamp the letter and rise from your seat, to give this to your news carrier. 
"Thank you."
He bows, "My queen." You watch him get on his horse and ride off into the distance. You look up at your dragon's, feasting on their animals and of course, fighting over the biggest carcass. You chuckled to yourself but you get startled from your name being called.
"My queen!" You turn to face the woman. 
"Yes? Is something wrong?" 
"No, thank the gods." You nod, "I just wanted to personally ask you if you are alright?"
"Oh yes, I am quite well." 
"Are you certain, my queen?" She asked, "because you look quite exhausted.."
"Mm, the beginning stages of motherhood is not easy, madame-"
"Of course-"
"I am tired, but I am very happy."
"That is good to hear. I know of the things you went through..I only wish the best for you my queen."
"I appreciate your kind words, ma'am. Thank you."
"My pleasure. Would you like to come in?" You look where she points as she points toward her home in the village. 
"Oh thank you, but I must find Ivar. He is caring for Asta while I take care of some matters." 
"Oh, I see. Thank you for talking with me Y/n." 
You place your hand on her shoulder, "Any time. If you need me, you know where to find me." She nods and you two part ways. 
When you reach the throne room, you see Ivar chatting up a storm: boasting about Asta. At first, you get annoyed but then you overhear Ivar telling his people how proud he is to call her his own. Then your heart turned into mush. You make your way up to him and he notices you right away. 
Ivar "My love, there you are." You sit down beside him on your throne. 
"My queen, she is simply beautiful."
"Thank you. She is very-"
Ivar "Perfect. She isn't just beautiful, she is perfect. A real blessing from the gods." You smile and reach over and caress her rosy cheeks while she is still in his arms. 
"I would have to agree. I am surprised that she is here." Ivar looks up at the man from looking down at Asta and makes direct eye contact. 
Ivar "What did you just say?" The man gulps. 
"I said that I was surprised that Asta is here..it is a real miracle."
Ivar "Are you referring to Y/n?"
"She...she went through a lot, my king. Many of us doubted that she wou-"
"I suggest you bite your tongue.." the man looks at you and takes a step back. 
Ivar "Sweetheart, can you hold Asta for a moment?" You do not answer, only quickly grabbing her from his arms before he loses control. Ivar gets off of his throne and walks towards the man who was suggesting that you were weak. 
Ivar "What is it? Huh..what were you all doubting?" The man did not respond out of fear. Ivar took out his dagger and grabbed the man by his throat, "What were you all doubting?"
"We did not think that she would be strong enough to deliver! Many women parish during child birth..we were expecting it." You knew that was a fact. But to hear your people think that you were too weak to survive, saddened you. 
Ivar points the blade towards the man's eye, "How dare you, huh?! How dare you question my wife?"
"We were wrong, she was strong-"
Ivar "That should never be questioned, she is your queen!" The man nods, "Look at her," the man looks at you, "that woman right there, is stronger than any woman that you could ever meet. Do not ever question her strength."
"Ivar, just let him go-"
Ubbe "What is going on in here, aye?!" Hvitserk and Ubbe come into the building from a successful hunt.
"Just having a discussion, Ubbe."
"I shouldn't have said anything-"
Hvitserk "You said what?"
"I told the Ivar.. that Asta is a miracle child."
Hvitserk "She is-"
Ivar "He said that he amongst others have doubted Y/n's ability to have her." Hvitserk's jaw clenches immediately. 
Hvitserk "Is that so?" The man does not respond. "Well she proved you all wrong, did she not?" 
"Yes, yes of course! My queen, you have my full respect."
"If you'll excuse me." You walk out of the room and into your daughter's nursery. You place her down into her bassinet. She coos and reaches for you, so you lean down and kiss her entire face. 
"My sweet Asta, sleep now." You watch her close her beautiful eyes and fall into a light slumber. You sigh when it is silent in the room. Reflecting on your life, who you are and what you have become as a person, as a woman. In everyone else's eyes, you have achieved it all: you've won battles, you overthrown your father and took back your kingdom, you are married and now have a daughter. To you, you feel lucky and blessed but at the same time, you feel lost. If Ivar's people loved and respected you like they should, then you would feel wanted here in Kattegat. But today, that feeling is nonexistent. 
Wessex England a day later..
Daario has been working nonstop: making absolute sure that the people of Wessex are safe, fed and doing their duties. Helga has been working as well, and keeping Daario company. 
Daario "Helga.."
Helga "Yes?"
Daario "Have you heard any news from Y/n?" 
Helga sighs, "I'm afraid not." He hangs his head, "I am sure that she is fine, Naharis."
Daario "She didn't look good Helga. You saw her when she left."
Helga "She was in labor, Daario. It is very painful-"
Daario "I know that. But she fell-"
Helga "What? Why was I not informed of this-"
Daario "It slipped my mind. All I cared about was her, not informing her people." She nods, "But yes, she fell. Not too long before she went into active labor-"
Helga "Well that makes sense now. If something happens to the mother when she is that far along during her pregnancy, that can cause the child to come quicker. Much quicker."
Daario "I just hope that she is alright. She has gone through too much Helga, she can't be gone now. She can't be." Helga takes a rapid and deep breath, "She fought too long and too hard to lose her battle now. Especially right when her life got brighter with this miracle child." 
Helga "I don't think that she is gone. If she was, I would be able to tell."
Daario looks up at her glaring at the floor, "What? How?"
Helga "She is like a daughter to me Daario. If she was gone, I would just know." He sighs and looks back down to the floor. 
Daario "Helga, could you leave me for a moment? I would like to pray in peace please." He says standing up. 
Helga "Of course sir." She walks out of the door, closing it behind her. He wipes a stray tear that has fallen on to his cheek from the sense of fear of losing you. So he gets down on his knees, in front of a cross that he has hung up on his wall in his chambers and prays.
Daario "Please Lord, be with Y/n. I have not heard from her in days, and I cannot stop worrying, my Lord. Be with her and keep her strong. If her child is in this world, keep her safe and strong as well, my Lord. Be with them all, keep them safe and...alive. In Jesus's name I pray, amen." As he stood up, he got a knock on his door. 
Daario sighs, "Yes?"
"A letter, sir." He rushes over to the man and grabs the letter from his hands. He breathes out loudly when he sees your name on the envelope. 
Daario "Thank you, you may go." Once the man leaves, he looks up and whispers, "well that was fast."
After he read your letter, he wanted to travel to Kattegat to see you and the baby. He did not know how he would be able to do so, but he did not quite care about anything else but you and the child. So he left Helga in charge and set off to Kattegat.
It is now nightfall in Kattegat and things are happy as can be. Hvitserk has been spending quality time with Asta all day and Ivar has been spending quality time with you. Ubbe and Torvi have been spoiling Asta and she's only a few days old. It has been joyus to say the least. 
Ivar "How is she doing huh?" He asks his brother once he sits down next to him. 
Hvitserk "Y/n or Asta?"
Ivar "Asta, of course."
Hvitserk "She's perfect."
Ivar "Yes, she is." He looks at you holding her while talking to Torvi. "They both are true perfection."
Hvitserk "Yes they are. And yet we are the lucky one aye?" He says, nudging Ivar. 
Ivar chuckles but it soon fades when he hears the gates to his kingdom opening. 
Ivar "Did you just hear-"
Hvitserk "The gates? Yes, I did." 
Ivar "We are not expecting anyone.." You see the double doors opening and your grip on your daughter tightens. You did not expect to see the man come through the door that did. 
Daario "King Ivar-"
"Naharis?!" His eyes met yours and his expression turned to pure joy. He sees the beautiful daughter in your arm's. 
Daario "Y/n!"
"What on earth are you doing here?! My kingdom-"
Daario "Is in good hands."
"Who's hands?!"
Daario "Helga's."
"An old woman." You look at Ivar in complete disbelief. Ivar's eyebrows scrunch down to his eyes and his mouth is closed tightly. "So you are telling me, that you left my kingdom, which is filled with women..in an old woman's care?"
Daario "I had to see you."
"I told you when I left, that I would come to you. I left you in charge of my people for a reason. I did not want you to leave Wessex!"
Daario "I'm sorry, I-"
"Torvi, give her to Hvitserk please." She takes Asta from your arms and walks Asta to Hvitserk and you slap Daario in the mouth. Ivar immediately tenses every muscle in his body. 
"How dare you defy me!"
Daario "I did no such thing."
"You left my kingdom, when I told you not to! You are in charge because you are capable, Helga is in no way capable of keeping my people safe."
Daario "I just had to see you. I was worried about you." 
"I appreciate your concern Naharis, but I sent you a letter."
Daario "I wanted to meet her.." you realize that fighting with him is no use. You can't do anything about his actions now. All you can do is pray to the gods that nothing bad happens. 
"Fine, come with me." You walk towards Ivar and Hvitserk, who are sitting next to each other. "Her name is Asta."
Daario "Wow..she is beautiful."
"Thank you."
Daario "May I hold her?"
Ivar "I don't think so." 
Daario "Why not?"
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Ivar "Because I said no, so the answer is no. You came here..into my kingdom, unannounced, at night, and thinking that you can hold my daughter?" Daario takes a step back, "I don't think that you are in the position to do so."
Daario "I shouldn't have come here."
Ivar "No, you shouldn't have. But nonetheless, you are here..hmm?" He nods, "And you came all this way to..what exactly?"
Daario "Check on Y/n, make sure that she was safe, and okay after having Asta."
Ivar "You came here to make sure that she was safe..in her own home? Did I hear that correctly, Hvitserk?"
Hvitserk "You did, my brother."
Ivar "mm."
Daario "She is my queen and I was worried about her. She did not look very well when she left, and she wrote in her letter that there were complications during Asta's..arrival and I came here to make sure that she was indeed alright."
"I understand your worry, but I wrote to you that I was okay. You did not have to come."
Daario "No one has to do anything Y/n. It's what feels right in their hearts is what they end up doin-"
Ubbe "You have got to be joking, aye?" He said coming inside from checking on the village. "What are you doing here?!"
Daario "I came to check on her."
Ubbe "Y/n or Asta?"
Daario "Both, I suppose."
Ubbe "Y/n wrote to you, no?" He said, taking a bite of food. 
Daario "Yes but I wanted to meet her daughter." 
Ivar "Why did you want to meet her so badly, huh?" He said, getting up from his seat and walking towards him. "It couldn't wait until she got back to Wessex?"
Daario "I acted too quickly. I should go."
"You can stay the night here, but must leave by morning. Wessex is unsafe while you are here. I cannot allow you to stay longer than the night."
Daario "I accept that. And I appreciate that. I am sorry for coming."
"I am not mad at you, I am upset about the fact that at any given moment, I can lose my kingdom and my people. I fought too long and too hard to lose it now."
Ivar "You won't, my sweet."
"Well, if I do, you will lose your life..are we clear?"
Daario "Yes, my queen."
"Good, my maiden will find you a room." He thanks you and walks off. You sit down on Ivar's lap and sighed, "Well, we were having a peaceful day."
Ivar "We still are-"
"No we are not."
Ivar "Think of it this way, if anything were to happen, we can use his body as a sacrifice to the gods huh?!" He says in a high pitched voice to add drama, making you laugh. 
"But I would lose it all, and my people."
Ivar "I think that you are forgetting that these are your people, my love. Everything I have is yours."
"I love you."
Ivar "I love you most."
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @heavenly1927 @saldelys @krissydclayton93 @conaionaru
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authorized-trash · 4 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter 6: What Do You Mean The Hotel Room Only Has One Bed?
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
Content Warnings:
Self deprecation, elusion to character death, a character assumes another character is dead, tell me if i need to add more
Chapter Summary:
God, Damian is so GAY
Word Count:
What is that saying? Calm before the storm? Because that would be an accurate description of this chapter.
Rain began to pitter-patter on the windowsill. The crystal drops dripped down the glass, seemingly racing as they ran into each other, marking patterns as they went.
A flash of lightning followed by thunder rocked the coffee shop, lighting up the inside with a bright white light. The customers continued chatting, unbothered. One lonely college student looked out the window with longing, watching the outside world grow damp.
A draft from a cracked-open door caused a few of the hanging plants to sway, and one couple got up and moved to a different table due to the rain beginning to get in and making wet spots on their jackets.
A booth in the far back corner held a man dressed semi-formally, his hands hidden inside yellow gloves. His light hazel eyes would normally be hidden behind the brim of his hat, but as of now they were wide, staring in shock at another man who had approached the table with his friend.
The barista washed the front counter, looking outside to see no one approaching the small, family owned coffee shop. They walked to the back, near the kitchen. It was, again, a very small establishment, so they were the only one working. It was growing kind of late now and business was slowing.
The barista took out their phone, and dialed their brother, thinking now would be an alright chance to check in.
The phone rang for a few seconds, and just as they were going to hang up and try again later, their brother picked up.
“Hey Elliot,” their brother greeted, and the barista, Elliot, smiled.
“Wassup Virge, just thought I’d check in and say hi, it’s been a few days.”
“So it has. I’m doing fine, as usual. Some weird… uh… stuff as happened, but other than that I’m as dandy as a dandelion.”
Elliot laughed, shaking their head, “Uh huh, and when have you ever said anything like ‘dandy as a dandelion’? Seriously Virgil, what’s up? What happened?”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
“I have another soulmate.”
Elliot gave a long and low whistle, “Another? How does that even work?”
“Who knows, a new string just appeared the other day, we sent Logan to go and find them, haven’t heard any news yet.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Elliot said. Virgil laughed loudly.
“Yeah well, we’re expecting a call from Logan soon.”
“So wait, a whole ‘nother string just appeared out of nowhere, twenty years into your life?”
“Uh huh. We’re all in this state of shock, I guess.”
“I would be. Well, it seems like you got your hands full, then. I’ll get off here and leave you and your boyfriends to it. Oh! Wait, by the way, have you done it yet?”
“Yeah, you know, the thing. With the rings.”
“Uh, no, not yet. We just got a new soulmate, it’s safe to say I’m holding off for awhile,” Virgil gave an awkward laugh on the other side of the line.
“Ha, yeah that would make sense. So wh-” Elliot was cut off by a ding from the register, and quickly said into the phone, “Oh hold on Virge, I got a customer. I lied, stay there, I’m not hanging up yet.”
Their brother laughed nervously, but said okay and stayed on the line.
Elliot took the person’s order. It was a sweet looking little old lady. She nodded as she took her drink, before slowly making her way back to a seat.
Elliot raised the phone back up to their ear, but paused before saying anything.
“Hey, Virgil?” They asked, bewildered.
“What? You getting robbed or something?”
“Uhm no, Logan is here.”
“Wait really? What is he doing? Wait no, don't answer that I sound like a stalker.”
Elliot laughed, “He’s talking to another customer. Huh, I don’t see the sunglasses guy from earlier, it’s just them.”
“Another customer? Logan doesn’t talk to people, what does this person look like?” Virgil was sounding a little frantic. There was what sounded like a scuffle over the line, and suddenly there was another voice.
“You have found my beloved!” Shouted Roman into the phone, peaking the microphone and causing Elliot to take the phone away from their ear a bit.
“Yeah it’s definitely Logan. The other person- uh, I assume they’re male but I’m not taking any chances, looks pretty put together. Hat, gloves, oh! And they have a scar on the left side of their face.”
“And what does Logan look like?” Said a third voice, and Elliot knew this was Patton.
“Like Logan.”
“No you piece of shit, what is he doing?” Virgil snapped, and Elliot smirked at pissing their brother off.
“He looks… pretty smitten, actually.”
“It’s them! He found them!” There was a loud thump.
“Roman! Jesus, you didn’t need to eject yourself from the couch!” Patton exclaimed, and Elliot assumed he had jumped down to help his soulmate.
“Should I go talk to them?” Elliot asked, a little confused about what he should do at this point.
“Just finish your shift and let them talk, we’ll meet them soon enough it sounds like,” Virgil’s voice caught, and Elliot got the impression that he was excited.
“Alright, should I leave you guys to freak out in peace? I got more customers coming in and don’t feel like being fired for being on my phone too long.”
“Yeah alright, fine, bye,” Virgil hung up abruptly, and Elliot shook their head fondly, expecting no less of his sibling.
They looked up at Logan who was still chatting with what seemed to be their new soulmate, and smiled.
He was happy for them.
Damian was sure he had stars in his eyes as he stared into the other man’s blue eyes. He was gorgeous. He was tall, lean, and had a smattering of freckles across pale skin. His hair was a dusty blonde, and sharp, square glasses sat on his nose. As cliche as it was, Damian found himself lost in his eyes, a pretty crystalline blue behind thick lashes.
Remy cleared his throat, giving Damian a pointed look.
Damian gave a bright smile, fighting the urge to run, and stood up. He stretched out his hand to shake the other man’s.
“Hello, my name is Damian J. Lyer, and yours is?” He asked coolly with a flourish of his hand. The other man took it, nodding as he greeted him back.
“Logan Barry, pleased to meet you. Really pleased, in fact.”
Damian gestured for Logan to sit across from him, just as Remy took a few steps back.
“You know what? I’m going to go sit in the car and talk to my own babe, you lovebirds have fun,” Remy said as he turned and left, taking his too-sweet coffee with him.
Damian gulped as he watched him go, turning back to face Logan.
“Well, Logan, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? A few moments ago all I knew was your fatestring was the loveliest shade of indigo,” Damian said as he gave a wink, clasping his hands together on the table.
Logan’s face heated up, “Yes of course. I attend college at a town close to here, where I live with my- er- our three other soulmates.”
“Uh huh, and what are their names? Surely they’re just as pretty to the ear as ‘Logan’,” Damian decided he wasn’t going to think too hard about Logan referring to his soulmates as his as well, he wasn’t quite ready to face that truth yet.
“Oh, they are. Patton, Roman, and Virgil, all male,” Logan responded, ignoring the fact that he seemed to turn another shade of darker red at the compliments.
Damian nodded, his little gay heart pounding. All male, awesome. That was- wow, his brain was short circuiting. He had always hoped his soulmate would be male, and it looked like he hit the jackpot.
That awful gnawing feeling of guilt began to chew at his stomach again. 
Look at him, talking with a replacement soulmate. His original soulmate was probably looking down on him, angry. Perhaps sad. Disappointed. Disgus-
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, moving to place a hand on top of Damian’s. Damian’s face immediately flushed a deep crimson, and they both paused to stay at their hands for a second, before both of them took them off the table and placed them in their laps.
“Of course, what gave you the idea that I wasn’t?” Damian asked, giving another dashing smile to hide his growing pain.
“You were looking off into nothing, I grew worried, and therefore asked if there was an issue.”
“Nope,” Damian responded, perhaps a bit too fast and high, “Why don’t you tell me more about your soulmates?”
Logan frowned, “Ours,” he corrected, before continuing all the same, “And alright. Patton is a baker, very soft and sweet. Roman is an actor, loud, dramatic, and infuriating. He is very fun to argue with. In a healthy way, of course.”
“Of course,” Damian repeated, nodding. He completely understood the whole ‘fun to argue with in a healthy way’ kind of thing, he and Remy did it all the time.
“Finally, there is Virgil. He’s quiet, keeps to himself a lot of the time. Roman describes him as “ridiculously emo.””
Fuck, a theatre kid, a nerd, a kind baker, and an emo? Oh ho ho, Damian’s head was spinning, they were checking all of his standards boxes, shit.
“They sound exquisite,” Damian responded, smiling softly. Logan nodded.
“They really are. They are excited to meet you, you know.”
“Really?” Damian said, eyes brightening a bit, “I thought you- you know what? Nevermind.”
“No, don’t cut yourself off, you thought what?” Logan sat forward in his seat, suddenly appearing worried.
Damian slumped, “Well, I thought you wouldn’t like me… intruding, on your relationship.”
Logan looked at Damian. Really looked. He observed his posture, the way his hands seemed to tremble ever so slightly, and the way he was avoiding eye contact. He looked at him, and saw past the facade of a man who was confident in himself.
He saw how small Damian looked just then, curling in on himself. A swell of emotion (ugh) welled up in his chest, and right then and there he swore to himself that he would protect this man for the rest of his life.
“No, Damian. I must admit we were all taken by surprise when the string appeared a few days ago, however, it never even crossed our minds that you were an intruder. We aren’t looking at it like you’re intruding, but being added,” Logan assured him, his voice soft. Damian looked at him with glassy eyes and sniffed, giving an attempt at a smile.
“You’re cute when you’re not so serious,” Damian responded. Logan sat back in his seat and straightened his tie.
“I am not cute, and I am always serious, I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Damian laughed, eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Uh huh, sure Specs,” he said, snickering behind his hand. He wiped his eyes with a gloved hand, clearing away the tears that were both from near crying and laughter. 
“Thanks, by the way, I needed to hear that,” he added under his breath. The affirmation helped clear his thoughts a little, but the gnawing guilt was still there and still present, if a little lessened. If only Logan could say something that would make him feel less awful about replacing his last soulmate.
Logan inclined his head in response.
“Well, Damian, it is getting late. I must ask if you would like to come with me to meet with our soulmates.”
Damian felt a swell of anticipation, “Why not?” He replied.
A loud crack of thunder shook the little coffee shop.
Logan blinked, a bit startled. He fixed his glasses.
“It seems that it will be storming most of the night. I did book a room at a hotel nearby to stay in, if you would like to accompany me there.”
Damian nodded perhaps a bit too quickly. He stood up from the booth, heading towards the door.
“Yeah, let me just go tell Remy I’ll be going with you tonight.”
He went outside, wincing as the cold rain hit him. He half jogged out to Remy’s car, sliding into the passenger seat. Remy looked up from his phone.
“How’d it go? You seem to be in a hurry, babes.”
“I’m leaving with him.”
“You’re what?!”
“I’m leaving. With him.” Damian repeated, breathless as he leaned his head against the passenger seat.
“Isn’t it a little early to like… ya know, ‘do the do’? You met him twenty minutes ago babes. Like, no judgement, but I thought you were-”
Remy shut up as Damian smacked him in the back of the head.
���No you bird brain. I’m going with him to meet the others.”
“Oh. Oh shit! Fucking get some DJ, I’m proud of you. Now get out of my car and go meet the loves of your life.”
Damian nodded and left the car, ignoring how that comment made him feel like dirt as he closed the car door.
The ride to the hotel was not even fifteen minutes. The silence was right on that line of comfortable and awkward. Logan had asked if Damian listened to music in the car, and Damian shook his head no.
“Sometimes, but normally only when I’m going to be in a car for longer than thirteen minutes.”
Logan chuckled, “Well, I can’t be in a car for three minutes with Roman before he has some Disney song playing as loud as possible, belting out the lyrics.”
“I take it he’s good at singing?”
“Oh, he’s the best,” Logan said, passionately, “He could outshine most broadway stars in my opinion.”
Damian nodded, falling silent. 
That was the last thing said before they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel building.
Logan signed it at the front desk, and Damian just followed him. They took the stairs to their room, Damian didn’t have anything to carry and Logan simply had a backpack with him.
It wasn’t until they had made it to their room that Logan seemed to remember one small, minor detail.
“There’s only one bed.”
Damian barked out a laugh, “You’re kidding, right?” He had read his fair share of fanfiction in his life, he knew where this was going.
“Why would I kid? I wasn’t expecting to meet you so soon, and didn’t think ahead to get a room with an extra bed,” Logan said, running a hand through his hair.
“Listen, it’s fine, I’ll sleep in a chair.”
“Absolutely not!”
“Oh? Would you rather me sleep in the bathtub, then?” Damian said. Logan looked at him as he sat his bag onto the single bed in the room.
“Preposterous. You will simply have to sleep in the bed with me. If you are alright with that, of course,” Logan said, fixing his glasses that had slid down his nose.
“You offered,” Damian shrugged, ignoring the way his gay brain was absolutely screaming at him to shut up and just sleep on the floor.
“That I did,” Logan said with a small smile.
The two of them both went about their business. Logan brushed his teeth and took a shower while Damian went down to the lobby to purchase his own essentials he would need to stay the night. Or nights, if all went well tomorrow.
By the time they were both done, Logan was sitting at the end of the bed. Damian didn’t have anything to sleep in and Logan hadn’t brought any kind of extra pajamas so he had just unbuttoned a few buttons on his top and stripped to his boxers.
Logan averted his eyes when Damian entered the room, desperately trying to pretend like he didn’t know his face was firetruck red.
They had to admit, crawling into the bed was honestly really fucking awkward, but both were so exhausted neither commented. 
There was only one bed, but it was large enough that if they faced away from each other, they could pretend the other wasn’t there.
Of course, like all good sharing-the-singular-bed stories go, they ended up tangled together when they woke up.
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rosevanhelsing · 4 years
Chapter 3. Part 2
Back home he spent the whole afternoon and dinner with his head elsewhere, doing calculations. In bed, his wife Cassie hugged him and said:
- Charlie, are you okay? I know you have been paid very little for the harvest, maybe you should find another buyer ...
- Leave me alone, woman. I'm not in the mood…
- Charlie, you have to find another buyer. Jesus, you seem naive sometimes, they always tease you ...
-You shut up!
Cassie took offense, released him and turned her back to him. Charlie settled down and thought about his desired car and dreamed. In the dream he saw a majestic amusement park in front, he had his beloved daughter by the hand and the Wraith was behind. Christmas carols were heard from the radio in the east and the park and there was peace and happiness.
When they got up, Cassie elbowed him in the ribs, and said:
- Charles, go to work and start looking for another job. You don't serve as a farmer and you have to bring money anyway. Remember that you have a wife and a daughter to feed. God, I don't know what I saw in you ...
Charlie got up, got dressed, and when she went to wake her daughter up for school, she went to the dresser, grabbed the jewelry Cassie had inherited from her mother, and put it in her pocket.
- You do not need this at all, instead they will be useful to me. I can pawn it to get the Wraith and in the process I'll go back to work as a driver, which is what I was really good at.
When he went down to the dining room, he gave his daughter a hug and said:
- How is my sugar plum?
- Okay, Dad, I have a geography test today.
- Oh, well ... but you sure get excellent. Good luck darling.
- Bye daddy. Good luck to you too. Mom says you're going to find another job.
- Sure, dear. And when I have it, I promise I will make a lot of money and take you to an amusement park. The best there is. It's called Christmasland.
Cassie looked at him disdainfully, but said nothing in front of her daughter. Charlie went to the van to the nearest town, pawned the jewelry, bought some fancy new clothes suitable for driving the Wraith, and went shopping.
When he arrived, Manx almost had a heart attack when he did not see it displayed outside, he went to the seller and said aggressively:
-Where is?! Tell me you haven't sold it! It had to be mine!
- Calm down, Mr Manx. Haha, I knew he would come for her. I assure you that when I saw you I knew that you were the intended driver for that car. I always guess who gets each of my cars, they all end up with their ideal owner. Come with me to do the papers, the car is in the garage. He had kept it inside to clean and refuel and oil.
Charlie sighed in relief and followed the salesman, from the window he could see his coveted car.Charlie signed the documents and the salesman handed him the keys. Charlie treasured them and headed for the car.
- It's finally mine.
Charlie gently stroked the steering wheel and dash of the Wraith and headed home. Her arrival was well received by her daughter Millie, who was impressed, but not by Cassie who was enraged and gave her the ultimatum that either she would renounce the Wraith or she would have no choice but to go with her daughter to her sister Beatrice's house.
Charlie pretended to regret buying the Wraith and declared that he was selfish and had failed them and that he would at least let him personally take them to Beatrice's house. Cassie accepted at Millie's insistence, but what she didn't know is that Charlie was planning something, something very dark. During the trip, Charlie accused the woman of being a whore just like his mother, ruining his life and to top it off wanting to take his daughter from him. Cassie was terrified and Millie, who seemed to be getting sick, said:
- Look Mom, my teeth are falling out ...
- Charlie, what are you doing to Millie? Stop this damn car! You're killing her! You are becoming a Nosferatu.
Charlie ignored her and accelerating said laughing like a maniac
-Who wants to go to Christmasland?!
Millie said:
- I, I do - And she said to her mother-Don't be scared mommy, give me a kiss.
Cassie watched in horror as Millie had fangs out of her, Millie attacked her and began to devour her while Charlie accelerated the Wraith to the maximum and began to enter  in his inscape
 Charlie woke up after a few minutes, and looked at himself in the rear-view mirror of the car, his face looked less aged, without the marks of having been working in the fields, and his nails were longer and sharper. Millie was fine and excited she said:
- Look, Dad, it's just as you promised
Father and daughter got out of the car, held hands, and drove into Christamasland
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
03/18/2021 DAB Transcript
Numbers 26:52-28:15, Luke 3:1-22, Psalms 61:1-8, Proverbs 11:16-17
Today is the 18th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it's wonderful to be here with you today as we do what we do, which is take steps forward. Kind of hard…I don’t even know how we would take a step backward and read the Bible in reverse or something but we’re here to take steps forward. The only way is forward. So, let's dive in. We’re reading from the God's Word translation this week and we’re in the book of Numbers chapter 26 verse 52 through 28 verse 15 today.
Okay. In the book of Numbers today we have begun a transition and it’s gonna take us a while to get through this transition. But it's a major major transition, a transition of leadership, a passing of the torch as it were from Moses, who we've been traveling with so long…like a long time now - many many miles together with Moses, many trials and many of…of God's miraculous deeds and provision for His people. So, that transition is…is beginning. It will take us a minute to get there because we’ll conclude the book of Numbers less than a week from now but then we will enter the final book of the Torah, the book of Deuteronomy. And, so, we won't be leaving Moses. Deuteronomy really is the last speeches or discourses of Moses to the people, to the people that he's been leading before he dies. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We’ll talk about that when we get there. But there is a transition beginning here now, where God is instructing Moses that he will leave…leave the scene basically, leave the stage, die, join his ancestors and then we will continue to move on without Moses. Joshua is being commissioned to take the place of Moses in the future when Moses is gone. Ironically, Joshua or Yehoshua, or Yeshua in Hebrew might sound familiar because it's the same name as Jesus and this name means God's salvation. And, so, we see connecting threads and ironically they’re very…they're very connected in our reading today because when we turn to the book of Luke we are at the very inauguration or consecration of…of Jesus who is at the Jordan River being baptized by John and he comes up out of the water and the Spirit comes down on him and says, “you are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” The irony is that Joshua is being commissioned to lead the people forward. Jesus is God's son, leading the people forward and we have shared names with shared meanings with redemptive threads with stories of redemption kind of tying a thread between the two today. And we’ll be able to watch both of those stories unfold before us in great detail as we continue our journey forward.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for all these connecting points that connect over centuries in the Scriptures of an ongoing redemptive thread that winds its way into our lives as well as we carry the story forward. And, so, come Holy Spirit into all that we've read today. Plant it into the soil of our lives. We continue to open ourselves to You fully inviting You to rearrange our lives, shape us, conform us to Your image we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com, that's home base, it’s where the Global Campfire is burning, it’s where we all come together in this virtual community. And, so, be familiar with that.
Check out the…the Community section. Of course, on the web or in the app you can do these things. So, on the web there's like, you know, a navigation up at the top and you’d be looking for the Community section. If you’re in the app you would just push the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and look for the Community section. But this is where the different links to get connected on social media are. This is also where the Prayer Wall lives. And, so, we are a community of prayer and we have done a really, really beautiful job of praying for each other over these years through…I mean…we have brought each other through some really, really difficult things over these years. And God has honored that and been in it with us. And, so, Prayer Wall is always on. You never have to be without. You got stuff going on, you can poste it on the Prayer Wall and brothers and sisters will pray.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. If you are using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart or the top of my heart, from a full heart, from a heart that’s in awe that this is even happening. I’m grateful that we’re in this together. Thank you for your partnership.
And, as always, if you have prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
DAB family Kathleen Mount Zion IL I am calling today…I tried calling earlier on my way to work and for some reason I just kept redoing and redoing these recordings. So, I finally just stopped and said I will just wait till after work. But I just wanted to pray. I…I read something about Nigeria again and Nigeria’s always been dear to my heart. I have called in the past. It's been a couple of years at least calling for Nigeria and every once in a while, I call in about that. But I'm just asking you to pray with me right now because there was another recent kidnapping of Christian children right out of their school. They've done this before. The last time the girls came back many of them had children they had been forced into marriage with Islamic extremists. And, you know, I just…it's just awful. Anyway, just pray with me. Lord Jesus I pray for Nigeria. I pray for this country Lord. There are many many Christians in Nigeria. Lord you are the King of all, you are the one’s…with you we can walk on water we can move mountains and I pray that the people of Nigeria the Christians of Nigeria will bind together, they were bind together and they will force Boca Ram out of their country and they will first however retrieve what has been lost, their lost children, lost young Christians. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Hi this is Gloria calling from Florida. This call is for Tammy from the Adirondacks. She is in remission from ovarian cancer. I don't know what you're going through, but I want you to take comfort in a God who loves you. He has healed your cancer and He can also heal your heart and your mind in what you're going through right now. Jesus came to bind the broken hearted. Take heart that He has overcome. I pray that you would wear the full armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith and yield the sword of the Spirit of the word and pray. I pray that you reach out to those that are close with you, that you share your burdens with them so they can help you carry this burden. I’m so glad that you called so that we could pray for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. We love you.
Hey DABbers, this is Keira from Denver I am so grateful to God for everything He’s done for me. And y’all I would like continued prayer for my son, Nish. Tonight…today was the second day this week that I had to call the police because…because I had concern for my own safety in regards to my son. The earlier one last Tuesday they took him to the hospital and they…he went to the psych unit but then he got released the next day. Tonight, they took him to the hospital again and this time they took him to this city detox place. And I know this place is not that great. It’s not a rehab and it’s not a lockup. He can leave anytime. But I pray that he stays till…until tomorrow and I pray…I pray and I would like for you…you guys to stand in prayer with me that he…everyone he comes in contact with…with is Spirit filled and Christ filled and can give him guidance. And I pray that maybe this is…this is the moment, this is the moment that Nish makes a decision to change and that he can actually go into a rehab and get the help he needs. And he’s had these issues of psychosis ever since 2012 but he’s continued using drugs this whole time. So, it’s just a compounding of problems. And please pray, please pray everybody with me. Thank you. I love you DAB…
Good morning friends and family this is Justified Smile I am a new listener from late last year and this is my first time calling. It is the morning of March 16th and I just heard C’s prayer request about her postpartum depression and her feelings of worthlessness. And also, just last night dear friend and sister of mine that I’ll call M texted me last night about suicidal thoughts asking for prayer. I’ve seen in the past year that a spirit of death haunts this world. So, I ask you all to join me in prayer. Jesus, teach us to pray. Lord You are King, comforter and shepherd. You are goodness and life. And in Your name, we repel death from the hearts and mind of C and M and all Your children who it attacks along with its every backup replacement and contingency. Let Your life and joy rule in the lives of Your children. Protect those who pray for retaliation and comfort, those who have been hounded and antagonized. Keep us good Shepherd. All this for Your glory oh God my sovereign King.
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask for some prayer today. Been listening for a while and this is…Daily Audio Bible’s really been an encouragement to me. Last year I had a…a pulmonary embolism and it’s kind of been…otherwise been really healthy but it’s kind of since last year seem to have gone downhill. So, I had this embolism and then about…about a month ago I started getting these really bad migraines and…and some double vision. Went to the doctor and he told me to get an MRI. It came back with a…a…a…s brain tumor that’s 3.4 cm. It’s called an acoustic neuroma that kind of grows in my ear next to my brain but it’s pushing against my brainstem. And, you know it…it…it…it…it would be pretty dangerous. They’re gonna have to take it out in the next couple weeks. So, I am praying for obviously as a successful surgery but I’m also praying…there’s…there’s two risks. They…they have already told me I’ll probably lose my hearing in my right ear but also the…the risk that…that…that is possible is kind of almost permanent, is Bell’s palsy because it’s right there on the facial nerve as well. So, just praying for that, praying for my family. I can’t drive right now because…because my double vision and so my wife’s having to take me around everywhere and we have three small boys. So, I really…I pray…I pray for the prayers. I have lot’s of people praying for me but if, you know, more…more people going to the Lord on my behalf would be amazing. The only last thing I pray well…
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A Red Devil`s Valentine
Fuck Dante.
That the only thing that the part-time secretary/demon hunter of Devil May Cry could think about her boss and boyfriend.
Dante being his lazy self had pushed an easy job on to her. Not that like she had a mountain of paperwork and bills to sort through.
(Y/N) let out a sigh as finally pulled up outside Devil May Cry after being away for a week. Once the engine of her car was off (Y/N) took five minutes of peace before heading into the building, running her hand through (H/C) hair to calm herself down.
Grabbing her weapon and travel bag, (N/Y) got out of the car that when she noticed that the lights and the sign were turned off.
“Fuck off!” (Y/N) cursed. “He didn’t pay the fucking electric bills again,” She angrily cursed again as she rushed up the steps outside the shop.
But when she placed her hand on the door handle, when (Y/N) noticed the sound of music coming from inside the shop. It was soft piano music, the romantic type.
With her hand on her weapon, she processed carefully into the shop. Dante wasn’t at his desk like normal and the shop looked clean for once (Patty must of stop by recently). But what caught (Y/N) ’s attention was the set of candles on Dante’s desk. “Dante” (Y/N) called out for her boyfriend.
There was a sound from the kitchen before Dante appeared at the said kitchen door.
’Jesus Christ’ (Y/N)s mind screamed when seen Dante.
The half-demon was dressed in a tight pair of black leather trousers with a black dress shirt tucked into his trousers, all button-up with a red tie. And to top it off he had tied his hair back into a ponytail.
Dante’s appearance had left (Y/N) dumbfounded and hot that she didn’t notice the two plates in his hands, which he placed on top of his desk.
“What this?” (Y/N) questioned.
A white eyebrow was raised at the question.
“Well, if I’m not mistaken today is the fourteen of February,” Dante stated as moved closer to his girlfriend. Once close enough he wrapped his arms around (Y/N)s waist, pulling her closer to his body. “So, I want to spoil my adorable and sexy girlfriend,” he said before moving his face closer to her ear. “I’m going to feed her some tasty food then I’m going to fill her body pleasure that she won’t be able to walk for a week,” he whispered into (Y/N) ear.
Whilst he was talking, Dante pushed his knee in-between (Y/N) ’s legs rubbing it against her clothed entrance. A moan slipped passed her lips which made the half-demon smirk at her before he removed his knee from her legs. (Y/N) whined at the loss of it.
“Later babe,” Dante said which earned him a pout.
Dante pressed a light kiss against his girlfriend’s lips before leading her to his desk. Dante had placed another chair in front of his desk so the two of them could have a romantic dinner.
“Is this why you sent me away sent me away for a week?” (Y/N) asked, digging into her favourite Chinese meal.
“Just for the day but that was the only job that would get you away from the shop for a bit,” Dante confessed.
The two of them continued to eat their Chinese takeaway sharing a bottle of wine between them.
When dinner was finished Dante took the plates away to the kitchen and surprisingly clean them, giving them more time to let their dinner settle.
After drying his hands off, Dante walked back into the shop. Walking up to (Y/N) ’s chair and placing his hands on the arms of the chair trapping her in it.
Ice blue eyes stared lustfully down into (E/C) eyes. A sultry smile spread across the woman’s face before she reached up and wrapped her arms around her beloved’s neck.
“What’s wrong Dante?” (Y/N) asked as brought her face closer to his.
“Nothing,” he mumbled against her lips. “Just thinking how hard I’m going to fuck you,”
He smashed his lips down on her in a heated kiss. Their lips moved against each other but neither of them willing to open their mouths first to take the kiss to the level. But when Dante ran his hands down (Y/N) ’s achy body she released a moan, allowing his tongue into her mouth. A battle between their tongues began as they fought for dominant.
Dante’s hands continued wandered down (Y/N) ’s body until they reached her arse. He gave a good squeeze – which earned him another moan – before he moved down to her thighs. Once his hands were under her thighs, Dante lifted (Y/N) up. (Y/N) opened her legs her to let Dante in which he made himself comfy there.
When their bodies met (Y/N) could feel how hard Dante was against her clothes entrance. (Y/N) grind herself his erection. Dante growled at the feeling of his girlfriend grinding against him. He quickly turned around to place her on his desk so they could continue their fun.
Dante quickly stripped (Y/N) of her jacket and top as he won the battle of dominance of their kiss. Dante pulled away from the kiss to take a look at his girlfriend’s gorgeous body.
“Oh god,” he moaned.
Cladded over her breasts was a red bar with white lace around the cup with a black bow in-between the cups.
In turned on Dante even more to see his girlfriend dressed in his colours. Especially since she had adorable blush across her cheeks, breathing heavy due to their activities and her hands resting on her collarbone with her arms either side of chest pressing her breast together.
It a hot site for Dante.
“I wonder if downstairs matches?” He teased as he began to pull her jean down.
And to Dante’s happiness (Y/N) was wearing a matching pair of bra and pantie.
The pantie were the same colour red as the bra but the white lace sat in the centre of the underwear, a semi-circle with the black bow sitting top centre of the lace.
Dante growled as he felt his demon pushing to take over and ravish (Y/N).
Lending down, Dante kissing (Y/N) again, who this time happily opening her mouth for him. He soon grew bored of her lips and moved to (Y/N) ’s (S/C) neck kissing, sucking and biting at the skin resulting in a series of moans.
Slowly Dante moved from the neck to the breast. Pushing the cups of the bra away to reveal the beautiful site of (Y/N) ’s breasts and nipples. Dante kissed his way to her nipple. When he reached the nipple, Dante’s tongue circled around it before bringing his lips around it.
(Y/N) let a pleasurable sigh and breathy moans.
The half-demon didn’t leave the other breast neglect as he massages it and played with the nipple with his thumb and forefinger. Dante swapped between the nipples making sure they both got equal treatment.
When he grew bored with her breast, Dante kissed his way down the centre of (Y/N)’s body to what he desires the most.
Using his teeth, Dante pulled down the red panties that were covering (Y/N)’s core. Once the item was pulled off his girlfriend’s legs, Dante got to see how wet he had made her. And she was drench.
Dante buried his face between (Y/N) ’s legs, his tongue lapping at the tiny bundle of nerve hidden there.
The sucking, licks and tiny bites leaving (Y/N) a moaning mess.
“Dante, Dante,” She gasped. “Please don’t tease,” she begged.
Dante pulled away, licking up (Y/N)’s sweet nectar that was left on his lips.
“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, now looming over her.
“Please don’t tease me,” (Y/N) reiterated. “I just want you inside of me,” she begged.
Dante stared down at his heavily blushing girlfriend.
“Teasing?” He questioned before he trusted two fingers into her. “Like this?” he smirked at mewling girlfriend.
The pace of his fingers were fast not caring to give her any pleasure just teasing her a bit. Feeling quite devilish he lent over to sucking on her clit. Dante removed his fingers and lips once he felt that (Y/N) was flustered enough. He brought his finger to his mouth to lick them clean of her nectar.
“I hate you,” (Y/N) said.
“You do?” Dante said with a raised eyebrow. “I guess you don’t want this then?” He said moving to release his cock from the confine of this tight trousers.
A grumble came for (H/C) before she launches herself up to grab the top of Dante’s shirt and dragging him down to meet her face. (Y/N) smashed her lips into his.
Dante let out a groan. He grabbed her hips then trusted into her, earning a moan from both of them.
His thrusts started off slow and sallow but gradually speeding up with his trusts hitting deeply into her.
Dante broke away from their kiss to concentrate on leaving marks on (Y/N)’s neck.
The coil in (Y/N)’s stomach began to tighten. Dante could also feel her walls getting tighter around him. He let out a growl, his grip on her hips grew harsher as he ploughs harder, making sure he hit her G-spot as he trusts.
(Y/N) brought her legs up to wrap around Dante’s waist bringing them closer and him deeper into her.
Finally, the coil in her stomach snapped. (Y/N) cum screaming Dante’s name as she clenched around his cock but he manages to hold off cumming with her and continued thrusting into her, overstimulating her.
Once (Y/N) had come down from orgasm Dante flipped her over. She was now lying face on the desk with Dante looming over her with a bruising grip on her lips.
The half-demon panted into (Y/N)s ear as he trusted back into her warm, wet and tight cunt.
They both moaned when Dante re-entered her.
His thrusts started lazy before gradually building up speed again.
Dante sneaked a hand between (Y/N)’s legs so it could play with her clit whilst the other hand played with her hard nipples. He occupied his mouth with nipping and kissing the back of (Y/N)’s neck.
(Y/N) had become a moaning mess with all the pleasure she was receiving.
Soon (Y/N)’s cunt began to clench around his cock again. Dante also felt his own end coming as well.
A loud growl left Dante’s throat before biting into the juncture between her shoulder and neck not too deep but deep enough to draw blood.
The bite sent (Y/N) over the edge clenching harder around Dante, who after a few thrusts join his girlfriend pure bless, pumping his seeds into her womb.
Dante gave a few trusts before completely coming to a stop. He detracted his teeth from (Y/N)’s neck, giving the bite a few licks.
A hand fisted into Dante’s hair, dragging his face away form (Y/N)’s neck to her face. The hand pushed the white hair mans face closer until their lips meet. The kiss was slow passionate.
Dante pulled out of (Y/N) which resulted in a whine form her at the loss of his cock.
Dante chuckled at (Y/N) reaction.
“Don’t worry babe” he told her. “We’ve got all night,” He whispered.
He stepped away from (Y/N) and picking her in a bride style.
“I have some strawberry and cream upstair,” he said. “Sounds lovely,” She replied.
Dante smirked at her then processed upstairs to continued their fun all night and well into the next day.
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