#heaven help me)
25,289 words written of Off the Record Part 2/3.
Two scenes left to write.
Then proofreading.
Then it’s yours.
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lunaticsandidiots · 2 years
I'm rewatcing pitch perfect, and now i 100% believe Adrian is the same way Jessie is about movies.
Big film geek type guy. Believing movies are the pinnacle of man, that music in movies is the best way to convey emotion, and constantly trying to get his love interest to watch his favorite movies. (and boy would he be excited if he got to watch you watch his favorite movie for the first time)
adrian + movies…
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adrian would be obsessed with his favourite movies. (as ND baddies we get to decide this HC for him <3).
If Adrian left the movie theatre with goosebumps, or was kept awake all night thinking about a good film he saw that day, it would consume his entire life for the next few weeks.
Obviously, his first point of call would be to show you, if you weren’t with him already on his first watch.
He’d squeal and stim at all his favourite scenes, recite the dialogue of his favourite quotes at double the volume of the television, and watch you like a trained hawk to gage your reaction to the biggest, best parts.
Of course, he’d need to debrief for hours afterwards, drawing out every last thought you had about it from you - your favourite character, your favourite quote, your favourite scene, any theories you had about the plot, anything and everything.
Adrian would love movies so much because they would be how he experienced love and affection in that simple, easy, intimate way that he heard so many people talk about.
He’d never be able to picture himself doing or saying half of the things he watched, like some sappy love confession in the middle of the rain, or a searing reunion kiss fuelled by months and months of perfectly planned out angst. (I mean, a lot of it isn’t realistic anyway, but it was even harder for Adrian to figure out all the hows and whys of even the more realistic stuff).
But Adrian would be so enthralled by and addicted to the way his heart leapt as Bender thrust a triumphant fist into the air as Simple Minds ushered in the credits of The Breakfast Club, or when Walter pulled The Dude into an awkward, but deeply needed and heartfelt hug after emptying the Folger’s can of ashes all over him in The Big Lebowski.
Despite their very nature, films were the thing that made Adrian feel real.
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babyjakes · 2 years
☀️ hey, sunshine! ☀️
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rizumuj · 2 years
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ughhh... I enjoy this show soo much! A refreshing mlm anime than the ones I'm used to, but the way I could never be in Mya-Chan or Sasaking's position!
Mya'Chan - He's just figuring out if his feelings for Sasaking are love, like, or lust... or something he ate a few days ago, which is valid, and I'm glad he's taking baby steps, and Sasaking isn't pressuring him (though his jealous streak LOVES to jump out!) But see, I couldn't allow myself to be around a guy who really likes me, and I can't reciprocate that back instantaneously.
Sasaking - He's giving Mya'Chan space to figure things out before expressing his true feelings towards his (Sasaking's) confession. See, I don't have that kind of patience. I'm also not a teenager, so the clock is TICKING for me as we speak 😂 (mind you, I didn't have that patience in my adolescence either). I'm really glad this anime show's a healthy romantic bond, because lemme tell you: if I confessed in August of 2021, and you have yet to respond in March of 2022, I'ma feel a ways. I would definitely think you hate me, or you are seeing people on the side, I might even do an image rebrand just to figure out why you can't seeeeeee you belong with meeeee (shout out to Taylor!)
Anyways, SasaMiya has a few episodes left, and I know I'm gonna get so emo at the finale!
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dewitty1 · 3 years
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captain-dad · 3 years
Writing Fanfiction
"I´m a writer"
"Oh so you´re busy writing and researching for your story?"
"No, I´m sitting here for the last 2 hours starring at a blank page because I don´t know how I want to start the next Chapter."
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chocobosdungeon2 · 2 years
I might fuck around and start reading the manga
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
If I don't stop blogging now I WILL hit my post limit before the episode even airs
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lovelikegravity · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Yang Hongseok
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astrangerlately · 3 years
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
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9w1ft · 2 years
Yoooo 9wing, the eye theory tiktok is almost at 100k views!!! Eye theory goin mainstream 😭 Taylor make it canon come on now!!
it only (only lol) looks like it’s at 14.6k likes… where are you seeing 100k…?
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snazzystarlight · 3 years
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Aaa this came out so rad! This is “Heaven Help Me” by Lizzo, as I see it because of synesthesia!
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Shade: A Story of the Legacy
In a world where friends are a liability, Night Riders like Shade have none. When a man who was once his friend—and knows the identity he cannot share with the world—chances upon him, Shade makes the mistake of making the smallest personal connection.  Set in the world of the Legacy, SHADE is a prequel to Night Rider, coming soon on Kindle Vella.  Read it for free today!
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dearest-darlingest · 3 years
so anyway. the september 2019 boot with hannah corneau and brittney johnson is quickly becoming one of my comfort wicked boots ,,,, and i haven't even finished 'popular' yet ..
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