#jet slootmaekers fanfiction
yoyok-era · 11 months
A Fathers Love | E. Stabler & J. Slootmaekers
Elliot Stabler & Jet Slootmaekers ♡ Law & Order: OC ♡ 0.8k ♡ Ao3
Jet, in her fever-induced delirium, reveals some truths about her past.
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Elliot knew that there was something wrong with Jet the minute she had walked into the office that morning. He could see it in the way she carried herself, the way she stumbled as she walked up the stairs, the way she slumped over at her desk as soon as she sat down.
He'd made her a coffee, placed his hand on the back of her neck as he put the drink down on her desk. "You're burning up, kid."
Elliot watched as her eyes flicked to him, then away, before returning to look at the black coffee in front of her. She didn't respond to the comment, just continued to stare down at the steaming mug. After a moment's hesitation, Elliot spoke again. "Jet, are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, just tired is all. Late night." She'd brushed him off, like she did whenever anyone asked her about things that bothered her, but Elliot saw the slight tremble in her fingers, the way she gripped the edge of the table in an effort to stop herself from slouching any further into her chair.
"Let me know if you need anything, okay?" He gave her shoulder a squeeze as he walked away, leaving her to get whatever work she needed done.
He'd found her asleep at her desk by the time he got back from the lead he'd been chasing with Reyes, and his concerned tripled. Her face was flushed when he'd woken her up, the bags under her eyes a stark contrast with her pale complexion.
Even now he could feel the heat radiating from her forehead through her clothes, could hear her rapid breathing. "Are you feeling alright? You don't seem too good."
The girl looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. "I… I'm fine, Elliot," she said, voice trembling slightly as she stood up. She swayed, gripping onto his arm as she blinked the dizziness out of her eyes.
"Alright, I'm taking you home. Try not to collapse on me, okay?" She nodded, letting him lead the way as he walked them to his car.
She could barely stand up as they made it to his apartment, but when she did she immediately sank down onto his couch. Elliot pulled her shoes off her feet, set them aside, and went to check his kitchen for any medicine he might need. There was a small stash of ibuprofen, some water, and a glass of orange juice waiting for him.
"Here, take these. They're gonna help with the fever." He sat beside her as she swallowed the pill, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. She let out a soft sigh as she nestled against the arm rest. Elliot smiled sadly at her. "Go ahead and lie down until your temperature goes down." His voice was soft and gentle, a comforting, familiar sound. She nodded sleepily and snuggled deeper into the couch cushions.
"I'm sorry about this," She mumbled, reaching forward to wrap the blanket tighter around herself.
That caught Elliot off guard, making him pause mid hair-stroke. "What do you mean?"
Her mouth tightened briefly, then relaxed. "My parents would get mad at me when I was sick. Cause one of them would have to stay home." She paused for a second, then spoke quietly. "My dad got really mad once, when I puked on this new carpet. Hit me across the face. My mom always said I went flying into the wall. Kinda funny, actually."
Elliot blinked the tears out of his eyes, surprised at how easily Jet opened up to him. He had never heard about her life prior to today, never knew what kind of childhood or family she'd come from. He wondered briefly if all of this was just the fever-induced delirium speaking, then decided it wasn't important at the moment. "Did he hit you a lot?"
His question made her stiffen a bit. "Me? Nah. My sister protected me, always took the most of it," She paused, her face contorted in thought, then shrugged. "She had this plan for both of us to get out. It worked for me, and when it didn't work for her, she killed herself instead. I think I was 15 when that happened."
Elliot nodded slowly, absorbing the information. Then, after a moment of silence, he spoke. "That's horrible, Jet. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
She shrugged, still curled up in the blankets. "It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I moved on. I have other people now." They lapse into silence again, his fingers threading through her hair as her eyelids started to droop.
"No one's ever done this for me before." Her voice was almost inaudible.
"I'm glad I get to do it for you then."
She hummed softly, nuzzling her face deeper into the pillow. "Me too. Thanks, dad."
His chest tightened at her words, the vulnerability in them more than evident. "You're welcome, kid." His hands stroked her head gently, a silent comfort to her feverish mind.
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specialfanficunit · 10 months
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Day 6 of #SVUHeartForTheHolidays❤️
Prompt #23: Elliot and Olivia team up to get Olivia the gift she wants in a lively game of White Elephant/Dirty Santa between the OC and SVU squads at a Christmas party.
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valentinesfrog · 5 months
The one where Olivia Benson adopts a young Jet.
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natashaolivia · 1 year
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Marauders: Bound in their Bones
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BEGGING Law & Order: Organized Crime to PLEASE have location and time cards (or if they have them and I'm forgetting, put them in more often) or for someone to definitively tell me which episode happens when because I'm trying to establish an actual timeline for Jet and Malachi's relationship by deducing the month from their clothes and it's hell
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captain-penguin2 · 8 months
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Law & Order: Organized Crime (TV 2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jet Slootmaekers/Jamie Whelan Characters: Jet Slootmaekers, Jamie Whelan, Ayanna Bell, Elliot Stabler Additional Tags: Undercover Summary:
Jet and Jamie go undercover in Quan's campaign building.
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Rating: T, this one is all fluff really
Request: Home for Christmas x Bensler
Spoilers: SVU - S9 and forward OC - S1 & 2
Trigger/content warnings: alcohol, references to extended family, family environment during the holidays
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Journey's Start: Season's Meetings
"I still don't understand why it couldn't just be you and me." Noah was dragging his feet through the powdery snow, his eyes downcast and stormy with disappointment.
Olivia exhaled, summoning her patience through the vapor that it created. "It's important to spend time with people you care about during Christmas. Remember, I explained that to you? It's just a visit, and there'll still be plenty of you and me time left. Okay?"
"I guess." They plodded on for another beat or two, then: "Why do you care about them, though? We don't even know them."
She stopped this time, causing the curly-haired youngster to bring up abruptly into the back of her coat. "You don't know them," Liv corrected. "I've known them since long before you were born."
He met her gaze uncertainly. Noah wanted to remind his mother that she'd told him something similar the time she'd wanted him to meet his 'Uncle Simon' - which had also been a waste of his time - but he thought better of it. Shoving his hands deeper in his pockets, they started off again while Noah turned over his understanding of family in his mind.
His dad was dead . . . grandma still in some kind of hospital; he wasn't sure if Uncle Simon really even existed. Then there was Ellie, who Grandma Sheila had liked to talk about, but he didn't exactly know where she fit. It had almost always just been him and his mom - how was he supposed to help it that he liked spending Christmas with just her?
They started down another street and in short order came to a stop in front of a door in an older brick building. The place had modern upgrades to the windows and doors, but had maintained its older wrought-iron details. It made Noah think of A Christmas Carol.
Olivia took a deep breath before she knocked. It had been Kathleen who had extended the polite invitation to come by on Christmas to visit, and Liv hadn't been able to think of a good reason to decline. She had a soft spot for every one of Elliot's kids - a spot that felt slightly less inappropriate in Kathy's absence, but still somehow unmerited. With the majority of El's time since his wife's death spent undercover, things between them had necessarily remained up in the air - where they couldn't be discussed. Even with the years, the distance, and Kathy's death between them, cryptic silences seemed their preferred language.
Liv knocked and resigned herself to the polite formalities of the day. Elliot, as far as she knew, wouldn't even be home; he was still out playing Eddie Wagner somewhere, perhaps snuggled up with his red-headed Albanian friend. All she had to do was make pleasantries with Bernie and the kids, enjoy some wine, and keep Noah in check for a bit.
Bernice Stabler opened the door with a bright smile, a mug of what looked like apple cider in hand. From behind her Liv could hear the murmured sounds of the five kids and their respective partners chatting spiritedly. There was the smell of Christmas: sweet and spicy, aromatic, adrift on the apartment's warmth.
"You made it!" She looked down at Noah curiously. "And who might you be, young man?"
"I'm Noah Porter-Benson."
"Well, Noah Porter-Benson, merry Christmas. Make sure you wipe your boots; come on in."
Olivia watched her son's face scan the upscale apartment, a hint of jealousy in his gaze at the space and character it had in comparison to their own. She helped Bernie with the jackets, hats, mitts and scarves while Noah went unhurriedly toward the family room.
"Merry Christmas, Bernie. Thank you for thinking of us."
"What can I get you to drink, dear?" the old woman asked over her shoulder.
"Oh - whatever's convenient," Liv answered as she followed along up the hall.
The large living room that made up one side of the apartment's biggest space was impeccably decorated, and brimming with people. Maureen with her husband, Elizabeth and her fiancé, Richard, his girlfriend, Kathleen sitting on the sofa with . . .
Liv stopped short in her inventory when she recognized Jet from Elliot's task force. She had a bottle of beer tucked between her knees and was holding Kathleen's hand.
"Hey, Jet," Olivia grinned, smothering the amused chuckle that climbed up her throat.
The pale young woman blushed a bit and nodded. "Captain Benson. Happy Holidays."
She noticed Eli off by himself near the tall, beautiful Christmas tree, just as Bernie was back, pushing a fragrant, warm Christmas beverage into her hand.
"Everything looks wonderful," she complimented, her eyes bright with the cozy contentedness of it all. It was somewhat overwhelming, for a woman so used to living without extended family, and she pushed back against the tide of emotions that moved to envelop her.
Noah was hanging back, a little shy, uncertain what to do or who to talk to, so Liv bent close to his ear and suggested he go say hello to Eli. There were six years' age difference between the two of them, but it was still the narrowest age gap in the room, so she crossed her fingers.
She sipped her drink - which was, it turned out, eggnog - and hovered among the Stablers, listening to their smalltalk. It was wonderfully normal, their talk of careers, starter homes, New Year's wishes. Olivia forgot, for a moment or two, how unaccustomed she was to this sense of family.
As the rotation of chatter in the room shifted, Kathleen finally made her way over to Liv. "Thanks so much for coming!" she smiled.
She had grown up so well and beautiful, and Liv's heart ached with the joy of it. Watching Kathleen struggle the year after Eli was born had been terrible - it definitely magnified the pleasure of seeing everything the young woman had become.
"Thank you, again, for extending the invitation. The place looks incredible; it's just a shame that your father couldn't get away from work."
Kathleen gazed at Olivia with confusion, her nose crinkling. "Dad's not working - he's here. We sent him out on the terrace to fix part of the Christmas lights."
As if the thought of him had summoned his presence, Elliot burst into the room like Yukon Cornelius.
"Ho-ho-holy crap is it ever getting chilly out there!" he announced, shaking snowflakes from his hat and scarf. "Good news is, I think I got those lights wor - " he looked up, stopping short when his gaze landed on Olivia.
The mug of eggnog in her hand trembled nearly imperceptibly as she drank him in, his cheeks pinked from the cold.
His cheeks.
His beard was gone. The realization hit her dead in the center of her belly as the implications of what that really meant made her head swim.
He's home.
Elliot cleared his throat and tugged his hat from his head, moving to take off his boots and jacket before too much water dripped onto the floor. Nervously, Liv slid her half-empty mug onto the kitchen island and smoothed a hand over her hair, which she had plaited into a wispy French braid. She shifted her gaze from the kitchen, to the tree, to the windows in her effort to avoid the appearance that she was staring.
He pushed up the sleeves of the blue-gray sweater he was wearing as he crossed to where she was standing. He cleared his throat as the sounds of everyone talking closed back in around them like Moses releasing the Red Sea.
"You're here," he stated.
Liv gave a shallow nod. "I am - and Noah is, too." She tipped her head in the direction of her son and his, side by side at the doors to the terrace. Eli was gesturing animatedly and pointing outside, perhaps explaining something, while Noah listened intently.
El watched the two of them for a brief moment, struck by the mismatched boys: the older tall and dark like Olivia, while the curly-haired younger one had Elliot's own steel blue eyes and lopsided grin. He thinks there must have been some lurid mockery involved on the Universe's behalf.
"I didn't realize you were done with your UC assignment."
His fingers went immediately to his naked chin, acknowledging what she had read into it. "We arrested and arraigned a chunk of the KO a couple weeks ago. I've been, uh ... decompressing, I guess y'could say." Elliot glanced into her mug on the counter. "Can I fix you a refill?"
Even just the low gravel of his voice had Olivia's skin flush with goosebumps beneath her sleeves. He sounded good ... he looked good. She had been the one adamant that he come home, but -
"I mean, that's not even what you drink, is it? How about wine?" El chuckled, going around the bar to grab a bottle.
In the eight months he had been back in her life, there had been so much, yet still so little.
He placed two wine stem glasses on the island and then twisted a corkscrew into a bottle of red. Olivia took a shaky breath and reminded herself what she had recently told Tori after the David Graham case: It's going to be uncomfortable. It's going to feel different. Be patient with yourself.
Elliot passed her glass as he raised his. She mirrored the motion, raising an eyebrow as to what they were toasting.
"To ... being home for the holidays," he offered quietly.
Their eyes never left each other as they drank to his words, Liv's thoughts racing along all the things they still needed to talk about.
"El - "
Her attempt was cut short by Noah crashing into her side. "Hi Mom!" he grinned up from her hip.
"That sounds like a hot-chocolate-fueled 'hi mom,' to me," she laughed, brushing fingers through his messy curls.
He looked shyly across the island at Elliot, arms still looped around Olivia's waist. "Hi. I'm Noah."
The smile that he returned to the boy rose emotion in Liv's throat, her heart fluttering. "Hey Noah - my name's Elliot. Merry Christmas."
In another beat, he was gone again, and Elliot moved around the counter into the living room, joining the murmur of smalltalk with a kiss to Bernie's cheek. Liv kept him always in the corner of her eye as he made polite rounds with all his guests, while she carefully shifted to the opposite side of the room. After all their years apart, sometimes she most wanted to watch him. Hear him. Absorb that he was really there again.
Outside the window, snow continued to swirl and cover the terrace - and that was where Elliot found her a short while later. She had escaped into the enveloping silence of the cold when nobody was paying attention.
The terrace doors clicked as they opened, then shut, behind Elliot. Liv couldn't help but smile when she felt him drape his jacket over her shoulders. Her gaze was fixed on the snow, and the sweet rustic decorations that complimented the lights.
"You okay?" he asked, "I know the family can be a bit much, all in one place like that."
Liv glanced over her shoulder into the apartment, then at Elliot. "I think it's wonderful. I wish I'd had more Christmases like this. Cozy. Busy."
You can have every one I have left, he thought, wanting beyond anything to offer her the world. But they were two people caught in the unraveling of a dual destiny. For some, a love story begins at 18, traveling outward over decades. They were standing at the edge of 55, not knowing how much life had left to hold for them.
But he loved her like he was eighteen all over again.
El supposed that made him a piss-poor widow, but he would make the argument that some of his grieving over his first marriage had taken place when Kathy was still alive.
He looked up at the steadily falling snow, clearing his throat softly. "Weather's supposed to continue to be messy. You and Noah can stay ... if you want. Here. Most of the kids are."
Liv looked at him, dark eyes twinkling through the swirl of flakes that caught in her equally dark braid. "Oh? And where will you be putting them all?" she teased.
Chuckling, he rubbed a cold hand against his beardless chin. "Eh - they're siblings. A couple will pile in with Eli ... the couch, the floor. You can stay in my bed, though."
There was a beat after he said it. Elliot thanked God that the cold covered the blush that crept up his cheeks as Olivia grinned at him. "Is that so?"
"I meant," he took a breath, "you and Noah can take my bed to yourselves, and I'll sleep elsewhere."
She rubbed her hands together, blew warmly into them. "Relax, Elliot; I was kidding. You don't scare me."
He took one of her hands into his larger, warmer ones. "I'm glad to hear that," he replied softly. Fifty-five but eighteen inside, and oh, how he wanted her.
As he leaned close, Liv pressed her other hand to his chest. He stopped. "El ... there's still so much to talk about," she murmured.
He nodded but didn't move. "I know. But you know what they say about a journey of a thousand miles ... "
Their chilly noses nuzzled against one another, setting sparks off in their bellies. "Mm - that some of them take 23 years?" she smirked.
"Something about a first step, I think," he whispered, snuffing her sarcasm by meeting her lips at last.
Inside the apartment, Noah was getting to his feet after pulling on his boots, hands poised to push open the doors to the terrace.
"And where are you going, Noah Porter-Benson?" Bernie asked him as her hand fell heavily on his little shoulder.
He looked up into her face. "My mom's out there ... I'm hungry!"
Bernie looked out onto the terrace, where just beyond the reach of Noah's view, she could see her son kissing Olivia warmly. Smiling broadly, she looked down again.
"Would you believe, Noah Porter-Benson, that I can cook?" She turned him from the window, guiding him in the direction of the kitchen. " How about eggs - you like eggs?"
Noah climbed up onto a stool at the bar, watching Bernie search the fridge. He narrowed his gaze at her, a little suspiciously. "I already have a Grandma, you know," he told her firmly.
"Oh yeah? That's great," she shrugged kindly as she pulled out a frying pan. "You can tell me all about her while I make your eggs."
With a breath, Noah relaxed a little. "Her name is Sheila."
Behind him, Elliot and his mom came stamping inside from the snow, both smiling.
Maybe family is not so bad, he thought.
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Gone baby gone…….
A LAW AND ORDER SVU fanfiction
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Fin: pov we just spent 2 hours doing some diversity class. Liv had suggested it to Garland saying it would improve the svu department. He agreed, it's now lunch time, we all are eating a chicken sandwich with soda and plain chips.
Captain Olivia Benson: pov I'm in my office on the phone with deputy chief Garland about a missing baby he is saying mercy hospita just called it in to him something about the missing baby being a newborn just hours old taken from the hospital. He said an amber alert is being made they are asking every officer to help. 
Amanda: Missing babies are so hard, especially newborns, we made it to the location Garland had everybody meet at. It was so all of the officers were on the same page as us. Even some civilians came to help. We paired them with an officer for safety reasons. Some volunteer EMTs even came to help; they were also paired with and officer same with the volunteer firefighters/search and rescue.
Kat: pov we were going to find this baby even if it took all day. Garland told Liv that organized crime was coming to help search and she should get them up to date on the search and everything we have so far. Carisi was even helping us by getting us rush warrants. 
Carisi: pov Liv said stabler used to be her old partner at svu now he works organized crimes. We were now back at the 16th precinct where we worked. The OC unit was meeting us here to get up to date on the case. 
Liv: pov I have not worked with Elliot in years. I'm happy to work with him again but I never thought it would be this way. Also he doesn't know I was promoted to Captain.
Elliot: pov we arrive at the 16th precinct where svu is and it looks so much different. My Sergeant Ayanna Bell talked to Garland on the phone. I noticed Fin, he said Liv was on the phone something important. I  introduced my team starting with my Sargent bell,  Lieutenant Marv Moennig, our commanding officer, Detective 1st Grade Freddie Washburn, Detective 2nd Grade Diego Morales, and our hacker Jet Slootmaekers. I introduced Fin as Detective and he says it is Sargent Odafin Tutuola now.
Fin: pov I introduced our ADA Dominick Carisi, Jr, detective second grade Amanda Rollins, detective first grade Katriona Tamin. Liv comes out of her office and says she just talked to Garland. They have a lead. A guy saw a woman earlier in a gas station parking lot near the hospital trying to shove a car seat in a car and it would not fit since it was an older model car. The car seat looked expensive. It even came with a box the guy threw away in a dumpster. Liv says that is fantastic because we can use the box's to see where the car seat was bought and surveillance cameras to get the car info.
Elliot: pov Liv just came out of another room. I think it was an office Fin said she was on the phone. I don't think it would be her office. I introduce her to my team as my former partner Detective Olivia Benson. Amanda says it is Captain Olivia Benson Now she got promoted from Lieutenant 3 years ago. 7 Years ago she got promoted from Sargent and 11 years ago from detective. Wow I had no idea she moved up in the ranks, the tip lines are so busy with people calling to say they saw the car. Fin and Freddie were going to the gas station to see what info they can find.
Amanda: pov  me and Diego went to the hospital to interview the parents again. Kat and Marv were going to talk to the hospital staff again. I got a text with a picture of a woman. Liv said Fin found out where the car seat was bought. He talked to the owner and got a name, address and phone number for the lady. The picture was what the lady looked like. She also texted that Elliot said  jet was tracking the lady's phone.
Kat: pov me and Marv are talking with the staff and they said the lady named Monique quill was in the hospital this morning. She had just gotten discharged after she had a stillbirth. I told Liv the new info we had found out.
Liv: pov me, Elliot his Sargent and some other officers swarmed her house Elliot busted the door down since he wanted to do it so bad. I told the others to  search the house then stay back when they found her. So the mother does not hurt the baby. I found the mother in the baby nursery rocking the baby. I told her everything was okay but I needed to check the baby. Because something was going around the hospital and it was deadly to newborns and if she wanted to keep her baby safe I needed to check the baby out. I was sent here to check on the child once she handed me the baby, I had some other officers arrest her. Fin told me quick thinking on the lie about the deadly disease spreading in the hospital. I said no problem, I'm just lucky it worked out. The baby got returned to her parents, we went out to dinner with the people from organized crime. We talked about our jobs and how I have been doing svu for 22 years which is awesome and an amazing accomplishment for a woman to be in charge. Some funny stories were also told and a few embarrassing ones as well.
Fin: pov the food was so good we don't go out to eat often because we work so much at svu Kat was laughing so hard at some of these stories. Liv talked about the time there was a dead prostitute in Captain Cragen's bed. It turned out he was framed. Elliot was so shocked that it happened to him. Afterwards we all said goodbye and went home. The end. ……
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specialfanficunit · 9 months
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Day 26 of #SVUHeartForTheHolidays❤️
Prompt #99: Office Holiday Party
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yoyok-era · 1 year
Look at us, you and I (back at it again) - story masterlist
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: It's been 4 years since Captain Olivia Benson was kidnapped, presumed dead. What will happen when she's been found? 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: PTSD, Kidnapping, Torture, Heavy Angst 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.6k (ongoing)
Chapter one (1.6k)
4 years after her kidnapping, Olivia Benson escapes from the man who's made her life hell.
Chapter two (0.8k)
Elliot, Noah and Olivia finally reunite
Chapter 3 (1.0k)
Some soft Finlivia content
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specialfanficunit · 1 year
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Day 3 of #SVUQuillsAndShutters🪶📸
Quote Prompt #131: “Every song has a coda, a final movement. Whether it fades out or crashes away, every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music?”
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yoyok-era · 1 year
Look at us, you and I (back at it again) - chapter one
Elliot Stabler x Olivia Benson ♡ Law and Order: SVU ♡ 1.6k ♡ Ao3
[Series Masterlist]
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 It's cold. It's so cold. The snow bites into her skin, turning her bones into aching icicles. 
She shouldn't complain. That's the whole reason she's out here, after all. Because she'd complained. Good girls don't complain. Good girls do as they're told.
She'd been bad.
He'd given her specific instructions to stay on the couch, no matter the circumstances, and she'd disobeyed. Her throat had been aching, phantom hands scratching the insides of her esophagus and crawling their way up to her mouth.
She'd moved slowly, legs trembling as she clutched onto tables and closets on her way to the kitchen. She wasn't allowed here, she was breaking the rules, but the punishment for puking on his floor was worse than the punishment for sneaking into the kitchen.
She'd managed to grab one of the cups on the counter, broken fingers screaming in agony as they curled around the glass. Her hands shook as she filled it with water, eyes glued to the liquid as it streamed from the faucet and into the cup, like it was a drug and she was an addict.
He'd come back just as she'd lifted the glass to her lips. The slam of his fist against the door rattled her, and she watched, horror stricken, as the glass slipped from her hand and landed on the floor, shattered.
"I thought I told you to stay put?"  His voice was low and growling, and it vibrated through her body. "I suppose I'm used to you breaking my rules, but breaking my things? That's new, Olivia."
Her heart raced and her head swam, nausea rising in her stomach as fear flooded her veins. She whimpered quietly, trying her hardest not to throw up.
"I was thirsty, I-"
There's a scoff, and she cuts herself off. "You know when you're allowed water, don't you Olivia?" He's standing in front of her now, staring down at her, waiting impatiently for an answer as she flounders for something coherent. There's a scowl etched on his face, and his expression makes her feel even smaller than she already does.
"When you let me."
"Exactly," He steps closer, if that's even possible, and she can smell the alcohol on his breath. "So why, pray tell, are you being an ungrateful bitch and disobeying me?" The word stings, like fire and acid. She knows what she did was wrong. Knows it was a mistake to break the rules, but that doesn't make the sting any less painful.
She licks her lips and says nothing.
His brows crease in frustration, confusion. Then he breaks into a smile. "I know exactly what your punishment will be for this little stunt of yours."
That's how she ended up here, tied to the tree in the garden, the bark digging into the skin of her back through the thin material of her shirt. He'd left her out overnight, wrists bound and mouth gagged as she sat through the blizzard that the news had been warning about for the last week. 
She looks up as the door to the house opens with a slam, blinking the snow out of her eyelashes. 
Lewis doesn't step outside. He stays in the doorway, smiling at her as he nurses a steaming mug between his hands.  "How's the weather out there, Livvie?." 
Olivia doesn't – can't – respond, humming weakly around the gag.
"The blizzard broke one of the window frames last night. I'll have to go to the store." He smiles, watching as her eyes fill with fear. "I can't take you with me, of course. But, to move you inside only to tie you up again is a bit of a hassle, don't you think?"
Her heart drops. The closest town is hours away, and she feels like she might freeze to death if she spends any more time outside. Of all the ways she thought she'd die, all the possibilities that had run through her head over the last few years, freezing hadn't been one of them. 
She watches helplessly as he closes the door, walks through to the front of the house, steps into his car, and drives away.  Her eyes follow him until the car fades from view, and then her gaze settles on her bound wrists, on the rope that digs into her skin, leaving red streaks in its wake.
If it wasn't so cold, if she wasn't gagged, she would scream. But there'd be no point to it; the cabin he's kept her in is isolated from the rest of society. No one comes here, and if they do, they don't leave alive.
There was a couple once, two hikers that had taken the wrong turn. Olivia had screamed, begged them to help her, to call the police, to do anything. Lewis shot them both, and she can still see the bodies as they crumpled and fell in front of her.
She's pulled out of the memory when something stabs into her leg, drawing crimson droplets to fall onto the snow. She maneuvers as well as she can, moving her hands to  the injury. There's a sharp pain in her thigh and she yanks, gasping as she tugs something out of the wound.
It hurts. God, it hurts so much. She stares at the bloodied shard of glass in her palm, tears burning as fresh blood drips from the open slice of skin. Must've blown over during the storm, she thinks.
She cries then, a sob wracking her body as her vision darkens slightly, threatening her with the darkness that's always lurked beneath her skin. She tries desperately to hold the bloody piece of glass between her shaking hands, moving it back and forth until the rope binding her wrists together breaks.
Her arms are stiff, frozen, as she moves them, the ropes around her chest biting deeply into her flesh as she tries to cut them off. She grits her teeth, harder and harder until it hurts. 
Blood. So much blood. It drips down her legs as she stands up, the ropes pooling beneath her feet. The only barrier between her and freedom, the only thing keeping her bound here, severed and laying at her ankles.
The realization almost makes her collapse. She can go. She can leave this place. She can get out and leave and go back to her family. Fin, Amanda, Noah. 
She moves as fast as she can, stumbling and staggering as the cold seeps deep into her bones and numbs them, slowing her down more than she already is. Her blood is trailing in the snow behind her, but she can't be bothered to care. 
It feels like hours until the lights from the town come into view. They shine bright enough that she knows where to go, knows which path to take and the quickest route to get there. She's free. She's escaping, and she's free.
She ducks into the first store she sees as she struggles for breath, each inhale painful against the ice in her lungs. She ignores everything around her and grabs at the nearest rack of clothes, clutching whatever item she can find. Anything to stop the numbness creeping up her limbs, the dizziness threatening to drag her down under the weight of it all. 
"Miss, you okay? We've had someone call an ambulance for you. Would you like to sit down?" There's an employee that's started approaching her, his hands stretched out in front of him, like he's trying not to scare her.
The world around her moves in a blur, her head spinning. She barely registers a voice shouting about a missing police captain, and another voice calling 911, and then there's nothing, only a darkness and a dull pain in the side of her head.
Saturday night means movie night in the Stabler household. It used to be Sunday, but then Noah moved in, and Elliot didn't want him going to bed late when he had school the next day.
Noah's recounting the story to Vincent as the two attempt to make a batch of cookies, though they're doing a better job of messing up the kitchen then they are of actually baking.
Elliot's watching from the couch as they do, Jet tucked against his side as she scrolls through their movie list. 
"We could do a Disney movie?" She suggests, raising an eyebrow at the rest of them.
Noah and Vincent break out into a fit of giggles. "After Dad cried during Frozen 2? No way." Noah laughs, throwing a handful of flour at his boyfriend in the process.
"It was a nice moment!" Elliot defends himself against his adopted son, glaring at Jet as she snickers beside him.
"Why don't you do something classic? Titanic or something?" The attention shifts to Joe, who's sitting on the other side of the couch with his arm draped around Kathleen's shoulders.
There's a series of boos around him as he finishes the suggestion, and he throws his hands up in surrender. 
Lizzie grabs the remote from her spot next to the coffee table, switching the TV onto her netflix account. "Since all of you are so indecisive, I'll pick."
They end up settling on the 2nd Hunger Games, a sequel to the film they watched last week, eating cookies and popcorn as one of them cracks a joke every few minutes.
Elliot's phone starts ringing an hour into the movie, and when the caller ID reads "Fin," his heart drops. Fin has no reason to be calling him at 9pm on a Saturday night; they haven't worked any cases together recently, and Fin's not known for initiating small talk this late into the evening.
He presses the green button, standing up and moving away from the laughter of the group. He freezes as the news leaves his speaker, tears springing into his eyes.
He's slow when he turns back to his kids, who've gone silent. 
It's Kathleen who speaks first. "Dad, you okay?"
"That was Fin." He pauses, his eyes searching for Noah's amongst the group of people. 
"They found her."
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specialfanficunit · 2 years
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Day 30, Story 1 of #AMerrySVUSeason❄️
Prompt #34: Liv basically unofficially adopts Jet, (and by proxy so does Elliot). They bond over literature and being kickass ladies, and El just loves that these two magnificent women found kinship in each other, he loves them both to pieces.
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specialfanficunit · 2 years
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On this #SVU-less Thursday, we bring you a little something that was stuck in Christmas traffic…
Day 35 of #AMerrySVUSeason❄️
Prompt #30: Joleen and some other revelations get outed at a Christmas party
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specialfanficunit · 2 years
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Day 29, Story 1 of #AMerrySVUSeason❄️
Prompt #8: Karaoke Night
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specialfanficunit · 2 years
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Day 11 of #AMerrySVUSeason❄️
Prompt #98: Christmas is almost ruined when Elliot is attacked/ambushed and injured by brotherhood sympathizers a few days before the holidays.
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