#jewish medic
king-casino · 1 year
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Jewish Medic truthing
(im so sorry for my handwriting....)
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Jewish Medic Theory
The person whose skeleton he removed was a Nazi. That’s why he’s a mercenary in the us(?? Where is the story even set? Australia?)
Either way, he has no reason to travel if not for a very serious reason. I can’t imagine him just Leaving his home in Germany just cuz, or just to experiment.
I mean…to experiment definitely, but it would have to be a monumental experiment to drag him away from the place he grew up in
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Let us be clear: The atrocities committed by the Israeli military in al-Shifa hospital are the direct result of the US government’s continued support. Today, the Israeli military ended its two-week siege on Gaza City’s al-Shifa Medical Complex, the largest hospital in all of Palestine, leaving it in ruins. The military left destruction in its wake, murdering over 400 people, executing civilians, kidnapping and torturing hundreds of medical workers and patients, and destroying what remains of the hospital.
Many of the Palestinians killed by the Israeli military were tied up and run over by Israeli bulldozers, unable to defend themselves. Israeli soldiers also executed Palestinian prisoners while they were handcuffed, some while their families were forced to watch. Hundreds of Palestinian bodies were left discarded around the complex, unburied.
The Israeli military carries out these atrocities against Palestinians because it is protected by the US government. With full backing from the US, the Israeli government is brutally and forcibly imposing the goal of Zionism: creating a Jewish ethnostate on the premise of “maximum land with minimum Palestinians,” which requires the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land.
These atrocities are not limited to al-Shifa. Last night, the Israeli military attacked al-Aqsa hospital, killing at least four people. The Israeli military is able to destroy the majority of all healthcare in Gaza due to the impunity the US grants it. While the Israeli military was attacking al-Shifa, the Biden administration approved more weapons to Israel.
Mass organized violence has been the Israeli state’s tactic since 1948, when over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed during the Nakba, using the very same tactics we saw at al-Shifa Hospital.
We unite against state-sponsored killing and ethnic cleansing. We demand an end to the US’ continual funding of atrocities. As the genocide against Palestinians escalates, it’s critical that we stand firmly in our anti-Zionism and oppose the ongoing Nakba perpetuated by the Israeli state.
We choose the struggle for justice over silence and complicity. Take action at the link in our bio. (@jewishvoiceforpeace on Instagram or at https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/tell-congress-end-us-military-funding-to-israel
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shalom-iamcominghome · 4 months
Big shoutout to the people counting the omer. Y'all are built different (affectionate)
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Good News From Israel
In the 3rd Mar 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An IDF veteran drove over 130 miles to take charge of Oct 7 rescue operations.
Israeli sunshine can help grow large families.
A mother of 3 secretly oversees the development of David’s Sling.
An Israeli pesticide makes weeds infertile.
A war cannot stop Israelis from starting new companies.
More sports gold medals for Israelis.
A brave rescued Israeli female hostage has returned to army service.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Not even a war can stop Israel building on its 75-years of success in rebuilding a Jewish State. Israel continues to build up its basket of subsidized medical treatments, create new remedies for global diseases, discover the secret for building bigger families, and construct medical centers for rehabilitating the injured. The latest news includes the Israeli woman who oversees the building of Israel's missile defense system; an Israeli app that rebuilds broken speech into coherent conversation; and 30 Israeli NGOs rebuilding lives in Africa. Israeli startups are restoring the environment, while building efficient EV batteries, hydrogen-powered flying cars, and creating sustainable aviation fuel. Meanwhile, many Jewish citizens of Europe and the US are realizing that now it is the time to build a new life in Israel. The photo (TY Sharon) is of Jerusalem's Hurva and the Tiferet synagogues, rebuilt and being rebuilt, after being blown up by the Jordanian army in 1948.
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beta-lactam-allergic · 8 months
Hey I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support of the Jewish community, it really means a lot to us (any time, but especially now).
I noticed that you said you're an Indigenous Australian, and I was wondering if there's any ways we can help support you and your community? (Indigenous Australians in general, or your specific nation) I'm not Australian, but I know y'all have definitely suffered discrimination and worse at the hands of the government and society (and still are).
I honestly wasn't expecting thanks. It seemed like the bare minimum, it should be the bare minimum. The fact that it isn't & is rare enough that you felt the need to thank me is more an indictment on the failures of most people in my opinion. I admit, it does feel nice to be thanked though.
If I had donated to multiple Israeli charities I would feel worthy of praise. But the only one I have donated to is Ogen's "Swords of Iron Emergency Economic Relief Fund". I donated about $100USD (they didn't give the option to donate in AUD).
If you still want to help my people than I would suggest donating to the Aboriginal Legal Service (for Aboriginal people needing legal support in NSW & ACT), North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, abbreviated as NAAJA (same as the Legal Service but for NT), ALSWA (literally just the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia), The Fred Hollows Foundation (it's owned by white people, but it does good work, & without it the blindness rate for us would be double what it is), or one of the many Aboriginal Medical Services. Each community has their own AMS with their own names (the AMS abbreviation comes from the very first such organisation, AMS Redfern, which is the one you will most likely find if you do a Google search, it serves the Aboriginal community in Sydney, which isn't where I'm from), with widely varying level of effectiveness depending on management. The one servicing people in my area is one of the less effective ones, though most of us rely on it for lack of alternatives.
Once again, most of us can't afford either legal representation or visits to the GP, so donating to an AMS or an aboriginal legal service will help most of the us. I actually have some money, so I don't use the local AMS, instead going to see a GP who mostly services the LGBTQ community.
Calling out antisemites when they are being antisemitic is just the right thing to do. From a moral perspective, letting people victim-blame Israel for the war Hamas started is wrong. Letting people peddle falsehoods & antisemitic libel without calling it out was the same as condoning it. I saw people celebrate the October 7th pogrom outside the Sydney Opera House, long before the Israelis were able to launch counter-attacks on Gaza. I saw people on this site act like Hamas were angels when those murderers bragged & posted the footage of their atrocities for the world to see. I couldn't stay silent as these terrorists were praised after murdering people, raping people, kidnapping people. I couldn't stay silent when people denied these crimes happened despite the overwhelming evidence, despite Hamas not only admitting to it, but proclaiming their desire to do it again & again until there were no more Jews to attack. To stay silent was at best condoning those who would deny what happened.
That alone was enough for me to pick a side, but that's just emotions. If emotions hadn't moved me, my logical side would have still intervened to back Israel & condemn antisemitism.
Defending Israel's right to exist is just basic logical consistency. Even without the moral component of the fact that Hamas committed atrocities on October 7th & are proud of it, I have other principles. Admittingly, some of these started pretty self-serving but applying these principles consistently rather than only when it benefits me leads to altruism, so here we are.
I was going to write the list of principles, but it's a very long list, so that's a separate document. In the meanwhile, I'll summarise two of the parts of the principles list affecting my POV here (though not the only parts, they're the easiest parts to point out).
In essence, I consider the Jewish people to have a better claim to being the native people of Israel/West Bank than the Palestinian Arabs do. I know that some Palestinian Arabs have Jewish ancestry, but I consider indigeneity to be as much about culture as blood, so if they fully adopted the invader's culture & identify as Arabs, they voided any claims to indigeneity they once had as far as I'm concerned. Yeah the first 9 points in the principles list were about native sovereignty. I still think a two-state solution is the best chance for a long-term peace, but that's pragmatism over the fact that the Arabs are there now & aren't going to leave, not an endorsement of their claims to indigeneity.
In addition, I'm a transwoman, not straight (bisexual, not sure where on Kinsey scale) & an atheist. Hamas would kill me if I was somewhere they could reach me for being myself regardless of anything else I did or didn't do. It's just logical to back the side that won't kill me for being a queer non-believer & which actually gives us rights. Actually LGBT rights also made up several more points in the principle lists.
Basically I was locked in to supporting Israel on basic morality & on ideological consistency. I don't see the point in thanking me, but it does feels nice that you did thank me so I guess thanks in return.
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my-jewish-life · 1 month
As promised, here are my other Jewish OC´s^^
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This is Leon Millard, he´s 25 years old and was born on June 15th 1919 and served during WW2 as a medic. He was born and raised in Malta, Montana. His family had a small farm and pets. He has 2 younger brothers and a younger sister, his family originally comes from Germany but his great grandparents moved to America to start a better life. Growing up he was taught both german and yiddish and can speak it pretty fluent and his family practices reform judaism. After his family learned what was happening during the war and they started getting fewer and fewer letters from their family in Germany, Leon decided to join the army. He wanted to do something and not just sit there and watch from home. But he wanted to save more lives rather than take lives, so he enlisted as a medic. There he joined the paratroopers, Easy Company. During the war something happen that he never thought would happen, he managed to find love. After they had captured a group of german soldiers he helped treating the wounded and there he met a man his aged, a young german soldier named Matthias Becker. They talked about everything and nothing when Leon came over to check on his wounds every day and noticed that they weren´t so different.
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This is Darla Liebgott, sister to Joseph Liebgott in Band of Brothers. She´s 22 years old and comes from a orthodox jewish family, she´s not married but she still loves to wear tichels and create cute looks. After her brother left to fight in the war she helped taking care of their younger siblings. Something she struggled with for a long time was that she´s a lesbian. The only one who knew for a while was Joseph, the two are very close and shared thoughts and secrets with eachother. He accepted her and loved her for who she was and before he left he told her to try and talk to their parents about it, not wanting the thoughts to eat her mind. One day when she was on her way to Shul she bumped into someone, a young woman in her age. The two went to Shul together and Darla had butterflies in her stomach the whole time, that young woman is now her girlfriend. Darla finally told her parents a few days later as they prepared for Shabbat, to her relief and surprise her parents had been waiting for her to tell them. That night she sent her brother a very happy letter, updating him on how their parents took the news and that she now had a beautiful girlfriend.
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This is Darla´s beautiful girlfriend, Tzeital Levine. She´s 26 years old and was born August 25th 1918. She grew up in the same area as Darla but had never seen or talked with eachother before, she comes from a Ashkenazi family. She loves to take care of her flowers and plants and loves to read and study as well, she learned pretty early that she was a lesbian and it took some time for her family to accept it but now they are her biggest supporters. When she met Darla during the war she finally got some light in her life and the two would often hang out at eachothers places, just cuddle and hold eachother close to comfort eachother.
If you want to know more about them, like how their lives were before or after the war i´m more than happy to write about it^^ Just comment down below^^
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hinotorihime · 15 days
i think that even beyond the complexities of halachic nuances, my biggest problem in regards to writing jewish characters is that: it is important to me that i actually put thought into their relationship with judaism and the way that they would engage with it on a practical level—i don't want to just decide to slap "oh they're incidentally jewish" on them and then decide they're secular for my own convenience as an author, you know? but also, there's a spectrum between "totally secular" and "100% observant orthodox", and i feel like i just don't know enough about how people make those decisions, what they prioritize and what they don't and how their background and surroundings affect that
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What the fuck. People think medic is catholic? Have we seen this man? He actively lives everyday just to spite god?
I mean I still identify as "kind of Catholic" and I'm certainly someone many would consider an affront to God, but that's not what people on here think being Catholic is! Catholic Medic always has the psyche of like, a psychosexually tormented gay 16th-century friar or something but with big honkers, when Medic tf2 is textually simply not guilty about anything ever, or extistentially tortured, or whatever. He's a bad fit for the Tumblrina "sexy edgy Catholic guilt devil emoji" thing. Even if he was Catholic (which I don't think he is, I have a good nose for this kind of thing), he'd certainly be far more lapsed and loose with it than the "repressed and tortured edgy boy" Medic that dominates this fandom sometimes. I guess this is just part of the larger fandom tendency to make him very dry and boring and/or serious and edgy when he's really just extremely fun lol. It all cycles back
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whitesinhistory · 5 months
Bernie Sanders just introduced legislation to wipe a stunning $220 billion in medical debt held by Americans across the country.
The bill, introduced with Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, California Rep. Ro Khanna and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib — all Democrats — proposes canceling all existing medical debt, removing it from credit reports and dramatically restricting the accrual of any future medical debt.
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dill-picle · 2 months
making mercs are circumsised headcanons is dumb.png
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let those skins hang brother
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jewish-vents · 4 months
My psychiatrist going from the best I've ever had to, since October, being brief and not terribly interested in anything I'm saying, not emailing me back and having to be reminded to call in my meds on time is just... I don't know. Maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe that's copium and this is exactly what it looks like. But it's exhausting regardless. I feel so irrelevant and easily discarded by everyone all the time.
Hey anon. I'm so sorry you're going through that. I can't tell you if your psychiatrist is indeed treating you differently, but if that's the case that's extremely unprofessional, not to mention hurtful.
If possible and safe you should consider bringing that up to them, in case it's a misunderstanding or they just hadn't noticed that their attitude had changed and are willing to correct that. If that doesn't work, I'd suggest finding someone new (and maybe filing a complaint if that's possible). Of course, this is all IF you are able to. Either way I hope this can be solved as peacefully as possible for your sake.
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Genuinely, for real.
Is there a bracha for cannabis?
Because I am feeling very grateful to Him right now for blessing us with a plant that gives me any relief from my blindingly severe migraine attacks.
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My dad all year: fairly secular like the rest of us, doesn’t keep kosher, doesn’t really observe Shabbat, the occasional temple service.
My dad on Yom Kippur: *putting on a kippah* hello family yes I am fasting and don’t ask me money questions. I am now extremely devout for the next 24 hours
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ween-kitchens · 1 month
sometimes you just gotta go insane over unpacking okay
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abomnibus · 11 months
The Magnetic Resonance Imagining Angel
She kisses with her Halo gently. . . ravenous for mercy like a scalpel.
As if she could cleave skull from brain, and fracture from lesion with her mighty voice of one hundred thousand icy, metal insects that speak only in languages of prayer.
Hold very still, Breathe; Synchronize with her.
G-d [G-d] which is You, Us, & Everything Harmonizes.
With Contrast: The dye injected into blood [blood] which is holy oil ignites under Their gaze.
to find to aid to see to warn to begin
To Love.
To Love,
To Love.
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