#jfc i need to step up my game
lady-margaret · 4 months
bridgerton season 3 episode 1 screaming thoughts (unedited)
colin oh my fucking gOd
i like sassy pen more like yes be straightforward to all these idiots to their faces
yES while i love yellow, the shade pen uses is so earth shatteringly ugly on her so YES BURN THEM all
gasp she still cares about colin’s opinion cuz of the fashions in france comment
Anthony is so dad
where the hell colin getting all this money OMG POCKET WATCH
eloise :(((( so beautiful tho
“she is colder now, i’m afraid” IS SO FOUL
NEWTON oh god kathony are at it again
kathony hand kink ? oh god hfedgdgdg
YES PENELOPE FUCK IT UPPPPPPP also her lady’s maid seems like such a real one
they need to pay more attention to franny methinks
YESSSSSSSSSS PENELOPE FUCK IT UPPPPPPPPP SO GORGEOUS cant wait for eloise and her to be friends again
pen……………. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 PENNN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
eloise loves her sm 😢
lord fife they could never make me like you
anthonys so WHIPPED
franny is so violet ledger coded
franny i love u
GASP its lord debling
yo debling got rizz…… 😳
oof oof oof OOF 🙃 this is sad OH lol here she goes
pen’s pen game be like 🔥🔥🔥🔥
portia’s nervous hair touching tick is iconic atp
featherington’s always stressed abt something (im actually interested in their storyline this season cuz it makes sense i didnt need them that much on screen as last season)
cressida girl its your fault ur bad at making friends JFC
JONATHAN UR SO HOT anthony ur too horny oml
….????? kate this isnt you HAHHAHAHAHHA ????????????????? idk abt this yall HAHAHAHHAHAH ????:)/₱:₱:!,
kate will prolly be forced to step up at one point in the season
franny’s getting married this season or at least will meet john im almost sure of it
we get it colin youve changed 🙄
PEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she wrote something about colin or someone didnt she
honestly colin…. valid
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itookyoudown · 7 months
Tooks! For the OTP ask game, is it fair to assume Givenson?
I have a few! Pick which ever ones speak to you :D
2, 3, 4, 11, 45
thank you willow!! and yes givenson is the otp of my heart 🖤
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
i'm going to imagine Raylan waking up after a night terror about nicaragua.
Tim usually wakes up first, slow and silent and still. he doesn't try to touch Raylan or make him wake up too. Tim just makes sure he's there for Raylan when Raylan wakes himself up. Tim doesn't try to mask his breathing or close his eyes as Raylan rouses himself out of bed. if it's real bad, Tim will get up and go sit across the room so Raylan doesn't accidentally hit him, but otherwise he'll just lay there and wait it out.
and he doesn't follow when Raylan bangs into the bathroom.
Tim knows about enemies that wait for you to close your eyes before attacking. he knows it's bullshit to try and cuddle it away. to remind Raylan it was all a dream. none of that helps.
but when Raylan comes out Tim is already in the kitchen making more noise than he needs to, heating them up two glasses of milk.
because if Raylan is a slut for vanilla ice cream i think he's a dairy bitch in general and whole glasses of milk outright.
he'll tell Raylan the time and that's better, kinder, than reminding Raylan where they are. not nicaragua. sometimes they talk about the dreams or the memories, but usually they'll just sit and watch tv together until Raylan's ready to go back to bed.
Tim doesn't try to be Raylan's hero. But he's always gonna be Raylan's back-up.
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Tim runs cold so he's constantly "borrowing" Raylan's pullovers, especially Raylan's flannel.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Oh jfc Raylan, of course. Raylan our cowboy always has to be the HERO. He's definitely more outwardly protective of Tim in the traditional sense and demonstrates it through showy displays even though GUARD DOG Tim is more consistently protective and lowkey about it.
See it's funny.
Raylan needs to be protected from others ... Tim needs to be protected from himself. Other people will harm Raylan if Tim doesn't step up, Tim will harm himself if Raylan doesn't take over.
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Raylan doesn't hide his emotions. It's very apparent when he's upset both from the looks on his face and he vocalizes it. Tim has a bad habit of hiding his emotions and Raylan is usually too busy and wrapped up in his own shit. Either they're outright fighting about something right off the bat or Tim has swallowed his upset and Raylan doesn't have a clue. It can take ages for Raylan to realize something is off and has been for a while.
Raylan: ...you're pissed at me - you been pissed at me.
Tim: Have been for a while, thanks for noticing.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
yes, they can do it but they both drink more at night to compensate for the absence.
Tim gets too used to falling asleep with Raylan around and can have a hard time adjusting when they have to be apart for long periods. Sleeping alone makes Tim feel vulnerable. Because Raylan is a night owl and Tim is an early bird, Tim likes that when he falls asleep Raylan is still awake. he sleeps like shit without Raylan as he wake up periodically throughout the night.
Raylan just likes the company, likes knowing Tim is there for him to look at and touch whenever he wants, so misses it something fierce when Tim isn't there. He also hates making his own coffee in the morning and is horrible at getting himself up. Raylan chronically runs late without Tim in their bed and Raylan's sleep habits suffer big time. he'll start taking more naps, dozing off on the sofa in the evenings.
(obligatory OTP asks meme)
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nikatyler · 2 months
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Long time no big Myri spam, so let me catch you up on what's been going on in my game! I believe we left off here, with some nice smooches.
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This was...ooof. Considering the way I want Myriam's love life to go (and end) with one of her partners...oof. Now I'm thinking post-epilogue Myri might become surprisingly good friends with Mayrina, who would've thought
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Just some banter from here and there that I haven't heard before that I enjoyed.
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Stop the presses quest went well. Used Astarion as bait then did some light barrelmancy that didn't work as expected, then Karlach finished them off with some nicely timed hammer smashes.
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I'm gonna be honest with you idk what you're supposed to do here, I just click things until it opens 😂 Not that I needed to do it, I had already gotten to the room behind it through the other way, but still.
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Time to hand over a guy just so we can get the hot robe 😍
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I've already posted this but jfc what a nice point of view. Step on me all of you
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u okay
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u okay pt. 2
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was this lil heist needed? no. but it was very fun
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hood of the weave more like hood of the snatched wig
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disappointed father stance x 3 ohhh y'all are so getting a family in ts4 when I'm done with you in bg3
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sometimes group therapy is murdering the cult that had kidnapped your friend and her parents
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❤❤❤ that's my wife ❤❤❤
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Alright, it’s finale time. Is anyone else nervous?
I think I’d likely be more nervous is paramount hadn’t released SO many fucking teaser stills from the episode. And I’m not even talking about ones from this week, the one of em all covered in soot and dried blood was released WEEKS ago. And most of the main team has the “Meredith grey/olivia benson effect” where we know that nothing serious is going to happen to them so there’s no stakes when they are about to get shot/blown up/etc.
But then they go and release even more promo pics that are practically spoilers.. like.. what are y’all even doing? At least the tik tok person knows how to run shit LOL.
Anyways, here we go!
Oh GOOD! He’s hallucinating again… wonderful
Okay… what fucking kind of game is going on here? Is frank bullshitting? Are him and jade working together? Who’s actually playing hardball rn??
Okay at least this answers the question of what happened to her vest lol.
“shes injured” I think she’s relatively okay girl, she’s just knocked the fuck out, she’s been through worse..
Ngl it would be a helluva good plot twist if peter b WAS just doug bailey under a different name and he was still alive. I need a fucking INSANE plot twist like that in one of my shows
Im also ngl, I’m hella here for unsub jade. I wish she would have been the primary unsub for the season, a female is bad ass enough but someone as young as her is awesome.
UGH YES BADASS PRENTISS, THANK YOU. Uuugggh yessss using that fucking big brain. I love her so much. I’m so glad we got to see all sides/layers of Emily this season and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the episode holds!
I feel like 55 minutes is NOT enough to fully resolve everything that has happened this season. Like, yeah I know that there’s likely gonna be a cliffhanger but come ON.
How TF is voit in THAT low security of a prison??? That looks like a cheap motel!??
Also.. im not mad about him being a regular (as long as he’s not imaginary) cause Zach is SO good and he’s charismatic and this season he really brought some comedy and major likeability to the character we hated last season
It doesn’t matter what I see doug bailey in he will FOREVER be the guy from Fired Up. Lol.
“the first time I was in the field I threw up…” “really?” “no. I was just trying to make you feel better.” LOOOL.
Jfc there are SO many times paget does her little tongue/lip tick thing
Man I was JUST wondering if we were gonna get more Phil Coulson this season or not
“can we turn down the testosterone for one second?” loooll Rebecca. I love you SO much. She just hates men.
So this ENNNTTIIIRRREEE thing could have been avoided if the director had just put his foot down and told doug no??!!! put the foot down for Emily and threaten her entire career she’s built but let little doug do whatever he wants to try and save  his family’s ass. Uugggh I hate it here
YEEESSS REBECCA WITH THE FUCK. She’s like, 5 foot 2 at the most and her dick is so big, I just know it
AHAHAHAHAHA again voit with the comedy, fucking clown, I love it.
OH MY GOD! The still of Emily walking away from brian she IS SO DONE WITH HIS FUCKING SHIT. She looks SO pissed
God bless everyone who gifs this episode cause I swear its darker than normal. You are all angels.
Emily being tortured like this should not be this hot. LOL
Also like.. a taser’s gotta be tame compared to a branding. Our girl will be fine.
“our special time in the cell”  *gags*
Oooohhhhhkay. THIS is why tyler’s in the field and in an fbi vest. Okay. I take back what I said to the besties earlier
How and WHY is voit not HANDCUFFED.
PENELOPE BEING THE ONE STARING VOIT DOWN OMG YESSSS (and even jj stepping up incase she needs to get inbetween them. LOVE that.)
Not her password (presumably) being a derek call back. This seasons REALLY did a good job calling back to previous cast! (now bring blake back you cowards)
Oh fuck you voit
At least we’re getting some kind of closure on this baugate shit. “neither does your wife” WHAT. Damn jj. YEEESSS DOM! FUCKING JJ COMING OUT TO PLAY. UUGGGHH everyone so fucking hot this episode
The tiniest hint of realization and fear flashing across her face?! Give her all the awards pls.
Okay that was some HORRIBLE continuity. Emily’s hair all mussed up, her bangs falling out of her ponytail all episode and suddenly one of them is curled PERFECTLY.
Holy FUCK luke thank fucking god
Tara and Emily in matching shirts.. girlfriiieeeends (they might not be the same but whatever lol)
“tell me if its real” this is legit our future on all sides of the law now, AI has come WAY too fucking far and it freaks me out.
Uuggghh jaaaadddeeeeee she’s literally been through so much hell and her breaking down to prentiss and Emily saying she knows exactly what she’s talking about and filling in the blanks?!!? UUGGH MY HEART
…where’s tyler… (like jj even said he would get to find out if Emily was alive and ….where tf is he??)
“I am a dad so I know a passive aggressive action report when I see it” HAHAHAH
So…do they only have the budget for garcia’s apartment now?
Ohh.. okay and now tyler’s gonna be a series regular?? God they’re still fucking flirting and there are still vibes there and I do not hate it. Im so sorry.
“Hooray you’re alive” LOOOOLLL Emily deserves that cake like 4 times over
Okay im glad Rebecca and tara are back together and happy but I do really wish we’d gotten a little bit of the “offscreen” development on that.
Jfc the hallucination of voit JUMP SCARE
Okay so most of it got wrapped up pretty well. It looks like jade is getting some help, voit is likely murdered in prison (shade to the cm team who said “someone’s gonna DIE” and all of us were barely concerned and they just made it him.. like.. you guys suck at promo)
I’ll rewatch Sunday or later, but overall, I liked this season. There were moments I was not into it and episodes that I loved. Sometimes that was just the jumping around and sometimes that was likely me being too tired to be able to connect the dots. I wish we’d jumped into things a little quicker and had jade around for more of the season, but I’ll take what we can get!!
Now imma either gonna go start from s3 again OR I’m gonna start with blake’s seasons cause I desperately miss her and I do need to watch the later seasons again….
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prettymorgueboy · 2 years
assassin levi x reader where levi's target is reader but falls in love with them <333
Work is as busy as ever and grinding IDV with you made me take forever for this, but here y’a go! I cant wait for thé new obey me game jfc… especially for our boy Levi.
Also a tad short but I might make a second part to this sobs I love our pathetic demon man
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Art by the wonderful @etherealsprout please go like his post <3
━━ ˖°˖ ☾☆☽ ˖°˖ ━━━━━━━
Leviathan x Gn Reader
A victim to beauty.
Snow hid many things, the silence of your foot steps, It soaked into your lungs like a victim to a deep frozen over lake. Parts of it stuck with you, the wind biting against your cheeks or the harsh slap to your hands when gloves don't sit right. Leviathan was used to all of it, The shot, the splatter, and then the silence that came with the fall of snowflakes. Something about it all was melancholy, a routine of sorts, something he had gotten so accustomed to that it was as natural as waking up. 
Was it some excuse for a schedule? For some sort of normality on this hellscape? He pondered to himself as he recounted his ammunition, once then twice, after the third time he realized he was fidgeting with the gun's trigger. It was a job he was the perfect fit for, but was it ever truly easy, surely someone like Lucifer or Belphegor could handle it, without any guilt too. He could hide it, swallow down the bile when the paper was handed to him, but all he could think of was the weight that came with the responsibility of taking the target's soul. 
To others he was seen as merciless, to himself, a coward. He never said no, never turned down the request, especially not one from the prince himself, Lucifer wouldn't allow it. Their gazes were colder than the snow melting into his knees, leaving a layer of frost smeared over the fabric of his pants. Everytime he questioned himself, If he’d finish the job or walk off from it.
He never did walk away though.
A quarter to 10, though the sun never did shine here. It was time for most stores to close down, the citizens walked around the plazas, chatting and gossiping. His eye glanced through the sight scoping out over the cities view, he was five buildings away, one that had been closed down for a few years, truth be told he didn’t have to be secretive, he was someone who could easily escort anyone in the public's gaze and simply walk away without question. 
But he didn't want to be known for this.
His sight peered down, gazing over the crowd mindlessly, hoping to capture the victim he needed as soon as he could; his breath hitched.
Were you looking right at him?
Your eyes wandered straight towards him, kilometers away yet you both held a shared gaze that made him drop the rifle in his hand, shuttering as he backed up. His heart raced horribly; face flushed in blooms that could put spring to shame.  His body curled into itself as hands grabbed his face, purple locks of hair dripping over his face as the sweat on his forehead began to bead. 
You were gorgeous, painfully deer like, your eyes shone perfectly in the lanterns light, the late night crowd swallowing your beauty with it, he fiddled with the rifle, bringing it up to his face, slowly but steadily the gun was aligned, he took a deep breath and peered through the sight. 
You were gone already, just as fast as he saw you, he missed his shot. How would diavolo react, what would lucifer do, he found himself fidgeting with his nails, peeling off cuticles until they bled as he paced furiously in the building. 
How could you have done that, his flustered state slowly sunk down into his stomach and was melting over into embarrassment, realizing he was thinking over your features again.
"Tsk, Next time for sure."
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Thank you so much again for the request daffodil you’re the best. And as always, my requests are always open to anyone! ⚰️🖤
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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i'm gonna say it: futaba is the character that can go toe-to-toe with the casts of P3 and P4. she is so well written, so expansive, just the way she talks feels more alive, like allusions to her broader self. she's the one character who feels like she exists when she's not being observed on the screen.
she is Reverie's little sister and I love her to death.
Also when Reverie gives her a head pat (which is a thing I do to my mother to say hello) it's adorable, and it's clearly been so long since it's happened that it takes her off guard and she leaps away.
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Baby steps, Futaba, you're getting there and I'm proud of you.
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oh man i love how this game keeps making it agonizing as i turn people down!!!!
tho tbh none was worse than Ann, my god the Ann scene was so good I almost dated her just because the set-up.
but no, Futaba, i really thought about it, and you are a little sister.
(also, I am morbidly curious how the obligatory Christmas date goes without a romance. in P4G it was fucking delightful, but P5R has proven to be a fucking bastard if you don't romance someone. I wanna see if it can be worse than the Hawaii trip somehow.)
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but jfc PERSONA! STOP THIS! LEMME SAY SOMETHING MORE PROFOUND! Lemme say "You're like a sibling to me" or "You're the best friend I could have hoped for," SOMETHING not just "Because we are teammates," it's so fucking cold!!!!!
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I love that they have an in-joke. Futaba is absolutely Reverie's key item too.
okay so that's Hermit nearly a wrap, rank 9.
Time for the latest Beige News.
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Akechi wants to go have a private conversation. Super private. No, even more private than that. He wants to have a chat in Mementos.
Morgana, I cannot BELIEVE you just let Reverie GO OFF TO MEMENTOS WITH AKECHI, who the fuck is gonna be around to drag Reverie's body back to the real world after? Someone needs to run up to Sojiro and meow like Lassie, okay.
But no, Morgana presumably is nervous about being an unwilling spectator to some hot makeouts so he's outie.
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Points to Akechi's VA because my god it sounds like Akechi is actually having an emotion for the first time in the game.
For the curious, his emotion is Barely Restrained Murder Boner.
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Unfortunately for you, bro, I just bribed Notigor with 60k yen to give me King Frost with Null Bless, so you are royally fucked. (Ba dum tish.)
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This is so fucking horny I just stopped and laughed to myself for a while.
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i'm fukcing cackling at this shit
Akechi would be like 50% more stable as a person if he just read Homestuck, honestly. The feeling that is burning in your chest/pants right now is called kismesissitude and it's totally fine, man. You are be max dramatic about your blackrom feels when you and Reverie could just be making out and leaving bruises on each other for fun.
But lets be real, if Akechi read Homestuck he'd unironically think Vriska did nothing wrong and then we'd have to kill him.
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He could be taking off a lot more than that if he stopped being weird about this blackrom thing but WHATEVER MAN, Y'ALL CAN HAVE HATE MAKEOUTS LATER I GUESS.
Pompous little windbag. I want to beat you up and make you wear something that isn't monochromatic to a hospital wall.
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mushiemellows · 9 months
Okay SO I've been thinking a ton lately about the post-monoculture american franchise vacuum and how american art is in this really weird stage. It's happening in all levels, too, like I left working in contemporary art spaces last year because they're struggling to figure out how to present american identity in an outward facing way (rn big name contemporary art spaces are still very much stuck in that 2010s neoliberal palatable acceptability politics rut and they refuse to get interesting with it anyways).
So like, a few different things are coinciding with the way american mainstream media is structured that make it so right now, we are producing literally nothing on a mass cultural level. In some ways, I think that this is a good thing, america needs to step the FUCK back and reanalyze QUITE a lot of things. But regardless, culture is a byproduct of existence and therefore will be created regardless. There's two sides of mass scale art production, internal propaganda (art made by and for the people of the same culture) and external propaganda (art designed to advertise/project the image of/signify/idealize etc for those who are of a different culture). The way art production in america woks (namely: film, tv, AAA video games, a particular caliber of pop record label music) has been so stratified under the creator class of capitalism that the blood flow of culture is being cut off. The way global exporting also works, the mass marketability of a thing outweighs its cultral connections (think like, what's going on with Disney/Pixar movies atm).
It's easy to associate propaganda, particularly internal propaganda, as having strictly a nationalistic context, but keep in mind that I'm using a much broader definition. All art is propaganda because all produced art is an artist trying to establish or normalize a particular worldview. And I am two minds about this (as one should be when engaging with ALL art) but it boils down to like, for example, Captain America TWS. I can both like that film as a film, enjoy the ideas that it plays with, AND maintain a critical eye about how a nationalized protagonist icon is being fed to me (a post-modern aryan buff super hero symbol of america is still an aryan buff super hero symbol at the end of the day. The russians are still the bad guys. the black man still plays support. the tropes are still old. I'm getting off topic)
Anyways, so in terms of how america makes art right now, I think the three things we make quite effectively are youtube videos, indie music, and steam games that go for $15 and under. Everything else is a fucking headless chicken because shareholders and those with the MEANS to make art are only motivated by the PROFIT of making art, and therefore generally do not fund things that feel culturally resonant. But at the same time, America in the 20th century made A LOT of it's money in global art export, so there's this sense of like, lost glory almost. Like the profits are still being made or whatever so this shit's still getting produced but like. I feel more culturally connected to Stardew Valley than I do to the Rise of Skywalker does that make ANY SENSE?!
This is only getting worse because in america, the production of essentially everything gets shifted into in import. We don't make many things (except fucking WEAPONS jfc), we don't grow as many crops as we once did (the majority of crops I believe are for feeding livestock, and the only reason we don't import meat is because it would go bad lol) and the big shift of the last 25 years has been to start importing essentially all of our art (hey! I'm posting this on my blog devoted to the biggest global export comic in the world! What a coincidence!).
This process has only been amplified by the writers/actors strike. We still havent felt the effects of it because of how the pipeline works, that'll catch up in about 6-10 months from now. Last time we played this game, the void was filled by low budget trashy reality tv, but they can't really play that card a second time in a row so it looks like the next move is eastern imported media (kdramas and shounen manga tbh) (Netflix isn't investing their whole pussy into one piece because they think Luffy's brand of leftism is cool, they're doing it because infinite tv generating box prints money) (one of the reasons i like studying this fucking show and fandom is that it has so much potential to be bastardized by ai and bullshit and then the people keep putting the heart back into it and I just think that's neat, but it still is valid to criticize the infinite money printing box is what I'm saying)
There's this really fascinating void that is being filled by export because the means of art production under capitalism prioritize what's cheap over how communities have naturally created culture over the years. I moved 3,000 miles a few years ago and I ate at the same restaurants and bought the same groceries and watch the same movies at the same amc's. If we were living just like 150 years ago that would not be the case, that big of a distance should take you to a culture wildly different from your own in most other contexts (or like. Europe.)
What I'm saying is that I don't want a new face of propaganda, I don't want art assigned to me. I want to live in community and make shit with my hands and i want that to be enough.
Anyways, in summation, Franky's one of the best post-modern caricature the american man ever penned to paper because he processes the external projected propaganda while also acknowledging that the real fun shit that is kinda commendable is when we're dirty angry kinky fuckin rock and roll queers and true freedom comes from relinquishing positions of power in this essay I will...
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jamesunderwater · 11 months
2, 8, 17, 21!
02: Lyrics from the most recent song that made you think of a Marauders Era character
Last night I was listening to July by Laur Elle (who is amazing btw and just put out a new album) and the lyrics below made me think of Sirius and the self-loathing of his teen years that he just...completely keeps to himself.
One step forwards, falling backwards I just wanna prove that I'm worth More than what my head tells me that I am I'll try again How do I fake a smile and feel the tension? Wait, I'm moving too fast in the wrong direction I've been running around in the dark with no light But I can't stop staying up looking for signs
08: Lyrics that make you FERAL about your favorite character
Muahaha I get to do another one >:) Okay so technically this is a prongsfoot song (or wolfstar if that's your vibe) but oh my FUCKING god I feel like Sirius Black wrote it and I scream and cry in the car to it and it tears me in two, so, uh, enjoy (giving you both the verses and then the chorus which is essentially the whole song but it's worth it).
[verse 1] Around the sun and around again You seem to look right through me Another year being your best friend Feels like you always knew me And I'm so proud to call you mine Feels like I know you from another life [chorus] [verse 2] Around the clock, we can talk for days 'Bout how we saw it coming Another sign written on my face 'Cause now my blood is pumpin' Can you just hold me for a little while? My skin is crawling, I feel vile [chorus] But what if it doesn't end well Would you still stay? What if I fuck it up like I always do And my shit gets in the way? What if it doesn't end well Would we still be fine? When the world is over and we go under Would you still be mine?
17: Lyrics you think perfectly describe Remus Lupin
Oh, the entire song Half a Man by Dean Lewis, hands fucking down. But here are the beginning lyrics. I mean ugh he literally believes he's half a man; the second line could refer to him telling Tonks things are over with him and Sirius when they're not. The rest needs no explanation imo. I mean, it's just. It's perfect.
I was wrong to say I loved her, I was wrong to think I'm right When I told her it was over, oh my darling I had lied I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand Oh how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?
21: Lyrics from a song you think the Marauders Era girlies would perform if they were an all-girl band (+ tell us what their performance would be like)
I fucking love that several people asked about this one. Hot of you all. Okay first of all I need to say imagining Lily Evans as the leader singer of an all-girl band is.......one of the hottest things I've ever thought of, jfc. Okay but um anyway I LOOOOVE this song for Lily, and I think it applies to all the first war Order girlies, who were FUCKING BAD ASSES and probably disappointed people by not being the same old girls they used to be. So please enjoy a snippet of EAT ME by Demi Lovato, feat. Royal & the Serpent.
Is this what you'd all prefer? Would you like me better if I was still her? Did she make your mouths water? Ugh I know the part I've played before I know the shit that I've ignored I know the girl that you adored She's dead, it's time to fucking mourn I can't spoon-feed you anymore I can't spoon-feed you anymore Dinner's served, it's on the floor I can't spoon-feed you anymore You'll have to eat me as I am You'll have to eat me as I am
Lyrics Ask Game: Marauders Edition
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apathyandmischief · 7 months
I haven't seen this done and it might be too niche, but I don't care and I want to do it so I am.
Burlesque Ask Game!
What's your stage name? What does it mean?
Lizzie Blaze. My middle name is Elizabeth and my partner's stage name ends with Blaze as well (based on his native name, Blazing Path) so I stole it lmao.
When did you make your debut?
October of 2019! I can't believe I'm headed up on five years doing this :')
Why do you do it?
For the rush, honestly. I grew up loving burlesque and old school pin up and always wanted to try it. It's such a heady, powerful feeling to command a stage. Also for all the shy girls who come up to me after my shows!! They're the best and like my reason to live!!!
Do you ever get stage fright?
I do! Nearly five years in and I still wonder what the fuck I'm doing every time I get on stage.
What's your pre-show ritual?
Panic, run through everything in my head, overthink, and if my sweet angel of a con bestie is there, get fed drinks 😭
First routine?
This is so fucking basic and everyone does this, but Jessica Rabbit 🥲
Last routine?
The last one I did was Miss Frizzle to Hot For Teacher. I loved it, the audience loved it, but my partner did not and kinda got upset with me over it (I went too far, in his opinion. He's a cishet man, so we've grappled with jealousy and internalized toxic masculinity. We both prefer I perform to a queer audience bc he's okay with me interacting with women and I prefer that anyway, but it's not always possible. We've worked it out though). Had a mini crisis and took a brief hiatus after that, but I'm back in it now.
Favorite routine?
That's such a toss up! I think either my Vegas showgirl inspired Vulpix routine to a custom mix of Bumps & Grinds by Sonny Lester and Fast Girls by Atom Smith, or my gay ass Daphne Blake routine to Crimson and Clover by Joan Jett (featuring Velma's sweater).
Dream routine?
God what I wouldn't give you have a femme partner to do gay routines with. I would LOVE to do a Loki and Mobius to Casual Affair by P!atD (I already have it choreographed) or a deeply dramatic and skillful Freddy and Nancy routine to the VCTRYS cover of Come To My Window. I also want to do a badass showgirl Oogie Boogie with a burlap blacklight costume that has a big ass bustle, break away corset with bugs, snake eye dice pasties, and a fuck all huge witch hat that has a roulette table underneath.
Favorite costume?
Definitely my Vulpix. I've already said it so much but it's just so showgirl! It's a gold corset, puff sleeve wrap top, open front bustle skirt, boa "tail", gold gloves, black stockings, red garter, and red strappy lingerie. After the aforementioned crisis though, I threw half of it away and I hate myself for it
Favorite prop?
I don't typically use props, but we have this magic act cane that like pops out (I'm so bad at explaining things jfc) that's super fun
Favorite reveal?
When I did a Grinch routine a while back, I had a pair of panties that said "I kissed Santa" 😈
Plain pasties or tassels?
I am not skilled with tassels 🥲
Upbeat or slow burn?
Usually I go for upbeat! But I do love a good slow burn sometimes
What's your style?
Definitely neo-burlesque, because I primarily do cosplay burlesque. But I love adding classic influence with big band jazz and sparkly outfits and classic inspired moves
Do you still/did you ever kitten?
I actually skipped that step in my burlesque journey? But I host and produce now, so I'll happily jump up and kitten for my cast whenever needed
I really love Lavendelle, Ginger Valentine, and the Les Vixens troupe!
Best performer you know personally?
Her name is Peachy Sweets and she's the biggest sweetheart and worthy of so much love, she's just the best 🥲💖
Do you have a stage mom? Are you a stage mom?
I don't have one, but I've dragged so many people into my world and now I love playing stage mom behind the scenes!
Plug your next show! (If you're comfy sharing location based details)
I don't have specifics for the next one yet, but I run the burlesque shows at my local comic con and can always be found there!
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redgemwink · 10 months
my games of the year!!
hey yall!! with the year coming to a close i wanted to list my top 5 favorite games that i played this year!
5. honkai star rail - i was really conflicted abt putting a gacha game on here, especially since i don't even play it much anymore but tbh the belobog arc was just too good not to put it here. maybe the next planet will bring me back in but i didn't really like the luofu at all. but the time i spent on the herta space center and belobog were so enjoyable that i rlly feel like it deserves this spot.
4. octopath traveler 2 - this came out this year?? jfc this has been a long year. but yeah this game is really good!! i would absolutely die for agnea. i feel like in just about every area this game was a huge step up from octopath 1, i found every character really enjoyable and i genuinely cried multiple times during castti's story (malaya.... she loved her) and in general just loved nearly every story, and the endgame and how the characters from each route tied in was so cool. i think there's still some qol needed in certain areas and that's why this is only fourth but overall very good game i recommend. also ochette is super fun to play, love beastmaster classes sm
3. fire emblem engage - sort of the opposite of octopath honestly, the story was pretty awful in this game and the characters were all very one note but the game is just so gorgeous to look at and so so much fun. what can i say, i like fire emblem dfkdfskdkdsf and while the characters and story are completely camp i found it charming in it's simplicity at times, lapis and citrinne especially were really endearing characters to me. this certainly isn't my favorite fe game bc i admittedly prefer story/character heavy ones like 3h but i still found it to be a really enjoyable experience with lots of fun customization! i hope they take a lot of what was in engage and put that into future games bc i rlly need more fe games where everyone has cute casual outfits like that and you can dress everyone up all silly. this game is just pure silly fun.
2. cassette beasts - so this one took me by surprise. this game is an absolute GEM and if you like pokemon at all you seriously owe yourself to play this!! it takes everything i love about pokemon and just brings it to a whole new level. the story, the characters, even the designs for the beasts are all so peak. the way types interact with each other is so fun and something i've never seen before in this genre. this is the type of game i absolutely see myself replaying every year just to try out new beasts and the randomizer mode and stuff!! ALSO THE WAY YOU CAN REMOVE THE MOVES AND PUT THEM ON OTHER BEASTS?? god. this game is everything i WISH pokemon was, and if it were any other year it probably would have been my goty. but..
baldur's gate 3 - yeah. i mean, do i even need to say anything on this one?? a strong demon lady held me in her strong arms and kissed me. we ate spaghetti together. we went to hell and fought demons together. this game is a lesbian love story and i- oh wait i probably shouldn't just talk about karlach for this whole section lol. really though, bg3 is just one of those games that hits different, there is SO much to do in this game and not a single moment of it isn't filled with fun. exploring the world was so fun, whenever i discovered secrets and stuff it felt amazing, there's just such a wonderful feeling of mystery in this world. there's so many ways every interaction can go, the story is amazing, the characters are amazing, the multiplayer is amazing. this whole game just fucks hard, and i think it's not only my game of the year but possibly my game of the decade. i think if this game's mod support gets better then we could be looking at a stardew valley situation where fans keep the game alive FOREVER by adding all sorts of cool stuff over the years. i can't wait to see what gets added as time goes on! anyways back to karlach so yeah i wanna cuddle with her and go on a pizza date and be pinned against the
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kosi-annec · 7 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 1
WOOO FREEDOM! Now time for some volleyball bois
Damn this intro monologue kinda makin me tear up. But also, i could not imagine having to bike that far jfc
Oh wow daichi's bruise thing hasn't disappeared yet?? Then again it's only been less than a day since he got it. Still tho gotta appreciate the consistency
Pft, sorry ma'am but dadchi is alr taken by sugamama. LMAO EVEN DAICHI DIDN'T REALIZE HER CRUSH ON HIM
HSKHSKSHAHAHA GODDAMMIT THESE TWO, keep dreaming simp duo, keep dreaming
Oh hey its the middle children trio of karasuno!
AYO THAT HINATA'S CHILDHOOD FRENDS?? Pft they still traumatized by kage all those years ago lmao. Ofc kage wouldn't remember them
Uhhh who's this rando old dude?? Huh he's been watching the games this whole time?? "Easy to spot" bish i don't remember him anywhere before
AWW THEY'RE ALL DRESSED UP TO SUPPORT THE CROWS THATS SWEET. Lmao not the principal leading the cheer hskshks
HSKSHSK "see how confident they are?" mhmm sure VERY confident indeed HSKHSKS
Oh hey it's tsuki's bro! Lol too late my guy he's very preceptive
Damn shiratorizawa has a fucking drum, step it up karasuno cheer leading squad!
Hinata's volleyball senses were tingling, legit felt them before he saw em
Flashback time. Goddamn, those papers are like 60 pages thick that's a lot of research, and it was just those 2 working on em??
So shiratorizawa doesn't have best defense but make up for their sheer offense and power, ok i think that's something karasuno can exploit
EYO QUIRKY REDHEAD! idk his name yet hskshs
Aight bg char girls shut yo traps up, this tiny giant is bout to blow yalls minds away. Also, he only has eyes on volleyball and kageyama
God i love how these new chars are being introduced, i am instantly in love w the redhead and flat bangs char (srsly need to get their names). Dang even getting me to semi like ushi, like he isn't really a jerk he's just blunt and aloof
I love the crow's entrances really showing their personality. Pft love the lil sneak of tsuki's bro in there lmao
Wait 5 SETS?? HOLY CRAP ok im worried for karasuno cuz idk if they all have enough stamina to play that many matches in a row...
AND IT BEGINS!! Oh boy ushi's spike- OH FUCK. OMG. Was that noya's first time not successfully receiving a spike?? Idk but i can't remember noya not being able to receive a spike before holy crap
But noya isn't deterred, cuz ofc he wouldn't he lives for these kinda spikes
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
The Most Public Private Meet-Cute [Episode 4]
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NHS: hello everyone my name is nie huaisang
Background Person: hiii huaisaaang
NHS: and fun fact about me is that i grew up around lan xichen and i know exactly what his type is
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NHS: ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE here is my dear and very single friend who desperately needs love and affection and probably a hug meng yao
MY: oh hey that’s me
NHS: say hi meng yao
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MY: uh ok how weirdly specific sure thing
NHS: the stage is set i give it 2 minutes
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MY: hello my name is meng yao and i’ve brought you a box hope u like it there’s a pot in it
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MY: uhhh ok some things about me i’m adorable i get bullied frequently i eat dry bread and my dimples are deep enough to hold all my war crimes see? *ping*
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Asshole 1: did someone order some loud and publicly cruel narration about your tragic and slightly damning backstory??
MY: no?? ?
Asshole 1:  too late
MY:  ugh do you allow returns
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Asshole 2: yeah totally and his dad fuckin hates him rolled him down the steps of jinlintai like a fuckin slinky
MY: well this feels a bit unwarranted
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Asshole 1: naaah his dad would have to actually CARE to hate him
WWX:  damn this is brutal hope this doesn’t foreshadow any major plot component that might outline the problem with the idea of reputation vs honor in our society and the place hearsay and gossip plays in the perception of the value of a person that would suck
Random Background person: sure would especially if it greatly impacted you as a person
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Asshole 1:  i love shitting on people with u bro
Asshole 2: awww bro
JYL: rude
JC: wow
WWX: jfc
MY:  this is fun so glad i came
LXC:  .......hm.
NHS: 10...9...8...
LWJ: xichen  n  o
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LWJ: u need to stop and not for the reason u think
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LQR:  CAN U READ THE ROOM PLEASE AND SHUT THE ACTUAL HELL UP what do you think this is? some kind of high school?? who do you think you are?? children? ? nONSENSE
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Asshole 1:  oh shit i thought talking at regular volume in plain sight of a silent room gave me anonymity
Asshole 2: oh no me too what an unforeseen outcome
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LQR: anyway, now for-- oh god oh no what are u doing r e s i s t, boy
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LXC: [i_need_a_hero.mp3]
Random Lan: love this song
LWJ:  jfc here we go
JC: is this a kissing book?
MY:  sure could use a hug
WWX:  ur gonna get more than that dude
JYL: aww good for him
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LXC: why hello.
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MY: ho- (where is the saxaphone music coming from)
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MY: -ly- am i in slow motion ur very tall did u know ur very tall
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MY: shit hey.
LXC: hey :)
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LXC:  o h .
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LXC:  good god i have gravely miscalculated my investment in the situation what did i come down here for again
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MY: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u have a mouth i have a mouth what a strange coincidence
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MY: i humbly present my body BOX my box this box right here it’s really cool it has a red thing in it it’s for u or maybe the grandmaster i can’t really remember anymore  or feel my legs fuck
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LXC: oh yeah the reason i came down here theoretically i should at least pretend to care about what’s in the box
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Ambience: [Careless_Whisper_on_Flute.mp3]
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WWX: HOLD THE PHONE that’s allowed?? i don’t have to sword fight the gay feelings? he’s beating me at public homoerotic subtext chicken this cannot stand i have to up my game
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Pot: I’m a metaphor or something it’s not really relevant at this point is it?
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LXC: nope so anyway i could probably fit you into my pocket and cherish you forever thoughts? i’m thinking gentians for the wedding
MY: i can’t feel my face currently but yes to all
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MY: ur touching my hands again
LXC: oh trust me i am VERY aware
NHS:  :)))
LWJ: can i go?
Random Lan: probably not
LWJ: ugh i have my own gay shit to deal with
Random background Guy: taking notes for my fanfic
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MY: message very fucking received
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MY: we are bowing now because we are very polite and definitely not experiencing a life changing sexual awakening in a crowded room
Random Background Person: u guys know people can hear u, right?
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LXC: yes very polite definitely nothing gay and certainly no lifelong connection that could potentially end in horrific tragedy for the both of us thank goodness
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NHS: guys i didn’t mean elope right fucking now
MY: did u like my box?
LXC: it’s the best box the most adorable box I’ll keep this box forever in my heart
NHS: dude it’s not for u it’s for ur uncle
WWX: i cannot BELILEVE i’m losing public gay chicken i’m gonna get lan zhan a box
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Random Asshole 2:
yeah technically he’s zixuan’s brother but jgs treated him like shit what’s ur raction to that zixuan?
JZX: think i’m gonna stick with haughty silence, if i’m honest
Random Asshole 2: that seems on brand
[more brief summaries because yeah]
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murfeelee · 2 years
Check In Tag
Thanks @ktarsims​​ for tagging me here!
I’m still not dead--luckily, I’m in the home stretch; just two more weeks and the semester’s done! I just have about a zillion papers and exams to get through, FML, LOL.
Why did you choose your URL?
Cuz all I could think of was my frikkin name, like a baby idiot with no creativity.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Too effing long. 2023 will make 10 whole years, good grief.
Do you have a queue tag?
No, but I queue up everything anyways.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Cuz TSR was making me mad, and I liked the simblrs that were already here, and figured this was a great way to have some autonomy over how I simmed and shared content, without the peanut gallery yelling at me every stinking time I tried to upload something.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It was part of a dumb silly little story I made for TSR back when Dragon Valley first came out, about how the gods blessed Sakura with a baby dragon. I reuploaded it on my simblr for the lulz. Don’t take it seriously, trust me, LOL.
Why did you choose your header?
It's from the same style of header/border I used way back in my TSR days.
What’s your post with the most notes?
My TS4 Rant - Still Unimpressed rant from back in 2015, jfc. It’s been HOW LONG since this wack AF mobile game in disguise was released? I can’t.
How many mutuals do you have?
How do we even tell anymore?
How many followers do you have?
A lot.
How many people do you follow?
Plenty. And I lurk even more.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Sadly no; I’m not clever enough. U_U
How often do you use tumblr every day?
Barely at all lately; this new grad school I’m in is effing annoying; their numbers are woefully low, especially after the pandemic, so they’ve got me doing way too much work on crap that I don’t even specialize in; it’s really starting to tick me off. I didn’t come here for this crap.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I have stepped on soooooo many TS4 simmers’ toes, it’s hilarious. I’ve had EA sycophants and paywall apologists cuss me out in my PMs, IMs, reblogs, etc. I don’t engage--I post my rants for posterity, not to hash crap out with people. My beef is with EA directly.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
My blog my rules. I reblog what i want, and post what I want, when I want.
Do you like tag games?
I lovelovelove questionnaires and games. I avoid tagging, because I’m always afraid I’ll leave someone out, and I don’t want people to think I don’t like them.
Do you like ask memes?
I don’t even wait around for people to send the asks--I always just answer all of them at once, LOL.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Tumblr famous and Simblr famous are 2 different things. I've had quite a few Simblr famous mutuals, but what even is being Tumblr famous anymore? O_o
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, but I am deeply in love with several simblrs’ art styles and gameplay aesthetics, in TS2, 3 AND 4. Pure chef’s kiss. So inspirational; I wish I had more time to sim, and try new things!
Thanks for reading!
I tag anyone; y’all know I can’t do this, pfft!
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queenofmalkier · 3 years
This is it :(
OMG OMG OMG - me, to myself the entire time. Okay but he's not the dragon reborn he's just the dragon.. okay fine. I get it's to help show-only people BUT STILL LTT should just be a bad bitch in his time. He made The Dragon happen! THEY DID IT. FAM THEY DID IT IT'S FUTURE PAST TIME AGE OF LEGENDS. He just wants to save the world, poor bby Lews. ~Mushroom Man~ Oh you mean LIKE RAND Moiraine? Egwene, just breathe. You poor thing. You're all so fucked. Look Perrin gets lines LET ME JOT IT DOWN. Oh we're talking about it? Interesting. I like that they're like "Hey, sooo we good?" Still hate that story choice but whatever. Moiraine is in like, some kind of manic state I swear. MALKIER. Okay if they can't touch things why can they SIT on them. Blight inconsistencies bugging me over here. Moiraine "I have three feelings and you are not privy to any of them" Damodred. NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Baby. Oh fuck all of this is so good but so sad. Nope, crying again. WE'RE GETTING THE FUCKING LINE. CRYING CRYING CRYING. It's so fucking good. Okay we didn't get ALL of the line, but it's enough. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This is a dream right? "That was rude" Sup Ishamael. Somebody definitely got lost in the cull (RIP Be'lal) Rand Means Business. He's such a baby though. Nobody takes it seriously. Maybe don't insult Tam, Ishy-boy. Tam is Everybody's Dad. Rand "I have more feelings but you're not privy to them, take that!" LITTLE GREEN MAN. WE GOT 'EM. Introduction of Rand's self-esteem issues in 3, 2, 1... Nynaeve can't hear the wind anymore?? :( Moiraine is stressssssed af. Interesting, so she had a block? I do love their bonding over trauma. The blight looks like a cluster of starfish starfish. That's what it reminds me of. Everybody harassing Min and she's just like "I didn't even want to be here today." Oh shit. OH SHIT. Rafe you had better not hurt my baby Nynaeve or I will fucking riot. Uno :D :D :D I am traumatized already but he makes me smile. Uh wait I don't know what they need to do? Agelmar :( IT'S A WELLLL!!!! OMG I recognize that from different photos, I think from India? Rand, honey, she's on a death march. She's not gonna stay. Lan :( I really do love Amalisa's dress. Focusing on that instead of being sad. Failing. Oh god it's going to fall. Fuuuuuuck. Crying again. jfc. Everybody is doing what they can but they have no hope in themselves. It's breaking my heart. Not exactly the dark one, kiddo. That's a cradle. That's a fucking CRADLE. The Rand/Egwene dream baby we expected. But that does but an interesting spin on Min's visions. OH FUCK. Did he just fucking STILL her???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Good on you to run Min! What have we here? "Let them buy every step they take with blood" Five fucking channelers. Fuck. I mean Egwene and Nynaeve are EVERYTHING but damn. Perrin's anger showing up! God I love his casting. It's so fucking good just allow him to ACT YOU COWARDS. Snap out of it Rand. You know this isn't real! Ishamael you fucked up, because Rand KNOWS Egwene. And he knows she wouldn't want this and it’s not real. Well nevermind. He looked like he knew. Whelp, he knows now! Ishamael, you're peddling to the wrong Good Boy. You can't say she wasn't prepared. I love that everybody supports the builders. Like they could be pissed as fuck and immediately pause to be nice. I'm not ready. It's coming and I AM NOT READY. Noooooooooooooo. They couldn't make the horse sit still lol. RAND. RAND AL'THOR. I don't know if I love or hate Ishamael's suit. I'm still deciding. Padan Fain has entered the arena, the motherfucker. The HORNNNNNNN. Wondering when it would come say hello. Alright ladies, put your fucking game faces ON. It's go time motherfuckers. But also like, maybe be careful Nynaeve is a beast and she might be able to burn you out. I don't know the rules in show world. GET HIM PERRIN. Rand please just tell me you're trying to learn how to channel. I think you are but I have concerns. Also why didn't Moiraine tell him that she couldn't teach him because men channel differently???? NOW HE'S LEARNING FROM ISHAMAEL. Foreshadowing? I like that the lines from Egwene and Nynaeve are stronger. But Amalisa come on, calm down. BE CAREFUL. Don't fucking leave it there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rand. Oh god. That look on his face. Ishamael you're about to have a bad day. FUCK UP THOSE TROLLOCS. WAIT WAIT WAIT AMALISA. AMALISA HOLD ON. THERE HE FUCKING IS. RAND IS A FUCKING ANGEL SENT FROM ABOVE. ANYBODY WHO HATES HIM APOLOGIZE NOW. Moiraine is confused. "I did it." Oh honey :( Perrin FUCK UP FAIN. NOW. Loial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to fucking god. If they kill Loial I will personally cancel the show. Rut roh, I told you Amalisa. Breathe. Stop it. Nynaeve. NYNAEVE NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Oh fuck, Amalisa burned out but FUCK. I knew it happened but to see it like that... I always imagined the aftermath was like when [redacted] went out, but this is... honestly kind of prefer this, as awful as it is, it highlights the awfulness. The dagger! Mat in Shadar Logoth, interesting way to use existing footage of the actor. Rand :( Suicidal ideation coming on strong. Don't do this Rand! Fain fuck you. God the fear he has, it's so GOOD. Give this boy more lines! She lied to LAN!? HE DID STILL MOIRAINE. Perrin I'm so mad at you, but also like, I get it. Hold up. HOLD UP. You better clarify she didn't die. Because you can't heal death and we know that. I wonder if Rand is going to end up in the waste? Yeah, yeah it wasn't. What do we got here? Here they come to wreck the daaaaaaaaay! Dig the ship choice. The historical references are on point. OH MY GOD. ARE THEY FUCKING GAGGED??????? THE DAMANE ARE GAGGED?????? Ummm. Guys. Guys I cannot handle that. You can't just end on that.
(Although I did see brief spoilers that made me think the production still were FAR more kinky - didn’t see th ephotos themselves, just chatter and it had me concerned..)
(Full disclosure: from first look... I hate the makeup choices for the Seanchan. But we'll see if they grow on me.)
And that's... that's it. What the fuck am I going to do for the next year?
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all or nothing episode 1: stream of consciousness comments
-not 30 seconds in and mikel is darting around in his all black outfit and Legs and dropping f bombs
-omg that cut from invincibles era to yakety sax fails in front of goal...ouch
-”as a manager you’re gonna be under pressure you’re gonna be questioned, but i’m ready for the fight”
-omg laca celebrating...my heart
-auba’s gold car....he and laca broing out
-”if you step to take the penalty, that’s a hero for me” thierry henry making me cry about baby b
-i want to talk to bukayo saka every single day
-babeys eating together!
-mikel’s office....does he have a little private patio outside? (also i like his backpack)
-mikel crossing himself THE LESS SAID THE BETTER OH BOY
-brentford fans clapping for B 🥺
-mikel’s grey sweater black pants and backpack getting out of his mercedes look...o hey
-(jealous of any country where you can wear a whole ass sweater and long pants in AUGUST)
-they had subtitles on ben white talking hjklsjgskfjsjfg
-the height difference between mikel and jo$h kroenke took me by Surprise
-mikel being like “the tsunami is coming 😁 the dark clouds are coming for me 😁🥲”
-aaron saying that when you’re a keeper you can be “dopey, a joker, stuff like that” shithouse king of my heart
-was that aaron’s mom kissing him when he signed his contract? i am dying
-where is gR A N IT
-oh there he is!!!  i fuckin love how suck-uppy he looks whenever mikel is speaking holy lord what a boyfriend what a couple
-”i know how hard you fucking try” listen i’ve never found spanish accents to be particularly s*xy but i might make the exception for mikel saying ‘fucking’
-granit giving shirtless advice at the half of the chelsea game...FUTURE MANAGER
-granit has such a fucking presence i’m
-these shots of them on the plane to manchester are really aesthetically beautiful? cold and stark and sad but with a weird warmth too
-O boy we’re about to get to granit’s red card 🍿
-granit’s mouth opens SO WIDE when he opens it 
-omg he goes to check on cancelo after fouling him but ferran torres pushes him aside...ICE COLD bruh
-ngl watching mikel’s interactions with josh kroenke i can See why he didn’t get sacked js...mf wants a thicc slice of that jamón ibérico (wrong region i know)
-”difficult things happen in your mind, you know” omg bby is barely holding it together
-ngl i’ve skipped through some of the footage of us getting our asses handed to us bc it’s too painful lol
-mikel is being emo and there's a shot of him really passionately texting someone and his voiceover is like. “You need the right people around you, to lift you and support you” and i thought he was texting lorena but then it cuts to him sitting with josh kroenke aldfAJLGAGLDG why is this like an awkward date
-uh hello mikel arteta eyelash king of north london
-F i still have 15 min left of ep 1 and i’ve been watching for over an hour
-why isn’t there more granit in thisssssss
-granit calling mikel a freak again jfc keep it in the bedroom (please don’t actually)
-everyone playing around at training how can you not love them
-”fuck me he’s fucking starting” AARON’S DAD....his family oh my gOD.  his mom....ahhhh
-oh here’s the inspirational speech but it still doesn’t show him drawing the circle holding hands!! come ooonnn
-when auba scores vs norwich i scREAMED even tho i already know this happens lmao
-bruh i had no idea how many emotions i would be feeling about aaron ramsdale after this!
-”your attitude was fucking spot on”
-F the next episode will have granit getting injured at NLD.......i’m not ready at all to relive this jfc (i was so fucked up when it happened lmao)
-WOW ok well!!!  wow! that sure was a journey, it only took me over an hour to watch the first ep lmao
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leefi · 3 years
Hi, I noticed you did the MBTI types of the ORV characters, and I was wondering what you think the MBTI types are for the Revue Starlight gals :D
Anon, I want you to know that this google doc is 14 pages single-spaced, and I'm still not done.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'm so glad you asked!! I'll be breaking this up into four parts so we don't have to scroll through one massive wall of text. The other schools will take a bit more time to publish as I'm still working on a couple from each (I think I have four girls left!).
But without further ado:
Starira MBTI Part 1 - Seisho
I had a lot of help with all of this reading @HalfACape’s wonderful character analyses of so many of the girls on twitter, as well as consulting the Personality Database page for the characters I was less sure about (though there were a few I disagreed with on there - none in Seisho, we'll be discussing the others later). But everyone feel free to discuss if you disagree with anything!
Karen Aijo: ENFP
ENFPs’ dominant function is Ne (extroverted intuition) (that running gag Karen has in the game where she mishears words, spouting off suggestions even if they make absolutely zero sense to the situation at hand - “telescope? telephone? telenovella?” - is such stereotypical Ne). Ne is always running towards any possibility, no matter how unlikely it seems, and I don’t need to spell out for you how much of that we saw from Karen in the anime. Ne-Fi feed each other to create a rebel/free-spirit type of personality (Ne seeks all possibilities, Fi holds strong inner values and selfish desires - what do I want, what do I need? How does this make me feel?). Her Te isn’t too developed yet, which is fine because it’s tertiary and she’s still so young. That tertiary, undeveloped Te shows up in her scatterbrained, lackadaisical, go-with-the-flow attitude (but when dominant Fi gets fired up by something - like an old childhood friend coming home - it kicks Te into high gear). Inferior introverted Sensing shows no respect towards rules or regulations - see her revue with Junna (Si-dominant) and the anger she draws out of Maya for (a child of the system and traditionally hard worker) in their Revue of Pride. Karen is the natural rebel, the forever optimist, the sunshine girl - textbook ENFP.
Mahiru Tsuyuzaki: INFP
If you want to see what leading with an introverted function looks like compared to an extroverted function, compare Mahiru to Karen! They share the exact same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis. So Mahiru is Fi, Ne, Si, Te. Karen is Ne, Fi, Te, Si. And Mahiru is a very clear example of an INFP - such a warm, brilliant, awe-inspiring person, but can also be her own worst enemy and others tend to underestimate her. And it’s hard, I don’t blame her! Leading with Fi and not having that physical/in the moment Se to support it (like ISFPs do, just compare her to Kaoruko--yes--they’re only one letter off from each other) means that it’s extremely hard for INFPs to naturally advocate for themselves...so instead, they retreat into their own imaginations where it’s safer (Ne). BUT THEY’RE SO INCREDIBLE!! THERE’S SO MUCH THERE TO RESPECT AND ADMIRE!! *shakes her like maracas* IF YOU WOULD JUST SHOW US!!!!!!! (and this is her whole arc in the anime i don’t need to tell her lol). It’s actually so interesting how she and Karen’s Fi and Ne escapism manifests in their respective introverted/extroverted personalities. These two really are more similar than most of us think!
I love INFPs so, so much because they’re like sleeping giants. Once they get a hold of and develop that inferior extroverted Thinking it’s over - nobody else can compare. They’re like the characters in video games that start off super weak, and then you blink and suddenly they’ve become the most powerful units near the end of the game.
Kagura Hikari: INTJ
ENFP’s stereotypical partner (I swear every other reserved person A/sunshine person B couple in fiction is this type pairing) and while it’s tropey it works because these two types play off each other so well. I actually originally had her pegged as an ISTJ, but I think that her bullheadedness earlier in the anime is more indicative of Ni being stubborn. Hikari is cagey, reserved (tert Fi/inferior Se), and an incredibly high-achieving individual (dominant Ni sets specific goals, auxiliary Te implements). Her tertiary Fi (which INTJs LOVE to keep locked up, right here, forever, until they die) is so obvious as you slowly learn just how much of a sap/romantic she is. It’s her weaker Fi that holds that sentimentality towards Starlight after all these years, her Fi that struggles to hold on to that childhood promise, her Fi that has her following Karen (and eventually Mahiru as well) around like a duckling (though we initially get the impression that the dynamic is the other way around). She grows to care deeply for all the other girls around her and that’s all her tertiary introverted Feeling getting stronger as the story progresses! Like so many people in the fandom have realized, she isn’t a mean person, she’s just socially awkward. Not too much to say on her inferior Se, that mostly manifests in how she’s a homelier person who would rather stay in than go out, and doesn’t actively try to seek new experiences (this was what had me thinking ISTJ at first).
Junna Hoshimi: ISTJ
Karen’s polar opposite - they actually share the exact same functions, just in reverse! So Junna leads with introverted Sensing where it’s Karen’s weakest, and Karen leads with extroverted Intuition where it’s Junna’s weakest. And we see this play out in their revue!
Junna is one of my favorite characters in the series for a reason and it’s because it’s SO rare to see the ISTJ in a rebellious role. Si is all about following and respecting order, and Junna breaks all of that to create her own! We see that dominant Si show up in literally every other facet of her life, though - from her by-the-book attitude to her stringency with deadlines and tardiness to her respect for the creatives of old - Shakespeare, Nietschze, etc. She’s an incredibly bright and successful student as well (any type can be of course but the “kind of student” she is is very much Te supporting Si - super studious and placing heavy weight on studying and getting straight A’s). And her Fi is SO GOOD. SO SO SO SO GOOD AND SO APPARENT - MUCH stronger than IxTJ’s sibling Hikari’s at the start of the anime. That’s where the rebellious part of her spirit comes from - her values, her strong sense of self and desire for autonomy (EXTREMELY Fi thing - Fi is all about the self, how I feel about something, what I want out of this, not feeling trapped by others’ expectations, etc.). Inferior Ne manifests in how she struggles with improvisation, ends up tunnel visioning (see her revue with Karen), and can sometimes struggle to accept new ideas or ways of doing things (Junna works so hard, but it’s evident in the anime and a lot of her starira bond stories that she can end up getting stuck in her old ways if someone else doesn’t come in to offer a new perspective -- see her Jekyll bond story dialogue with Maya!). Another example we see is when her extroverted xSTJ sibling Akira, who has Ne a step higher than her but understands where she’s coming from with their shared functions, guides her towards using it in the High Priestess bond story!
Nana Daiba: ESFJ
Textbook ESFJ!! Caring, motherly, affable; Fe doms are always looking to appeal to the group and make sure that everybody feels comfortable (and, likewise, are very keen on suppressing their own insecurities/emotions/discomforts). Nana is not ambitious for ambition’s sake, and in fact suppresses her own talents to appeal to the group. As for that Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :)
Unhealthy Si can manifest as an extreme fixation on past experiences and a fear of moving on (we’re going to see this later with Si-dom Fumi too). Her poor tertiary Ne had gotten absolutely quashed by her stronger auxiliary Si in the anime - it doesn’t want to change anything! Claudine and Maya can be the leads again. We don’t need to modify the script. The first one was already perfect, why are we risking failure by changing things?! Also, holding herself back for the sake of everyones’ happiness is so Fe dom it hurts. If you want to see the difference between ESFJ and ENFJ (the two Fe-doms of MBTI), compare her to Michiru, who also suppresses her talents -- yes to cultivate the other girls’ (specifically Akira’s) brilliance but also for the sake of her ulterior motives to one day create her own troupe (aux Ni at work vs. Nana’s aux Si). Nana’s is more deferrant, but still just as ferocious - she’ll defeat Maya 60 times over to get what she wants. And the craziest thing is that all of this comes out of love and fear - she’s scared, and all of that is coming from her unhealthy Si aux. Junna is a very good example for her to follow for healthier Si.
Claudine Saijo: ENTJ
“DON’T IGNORE MY LINES!!!” ENTJs LOVE being at the top - the leaders of the pride, the people in charge, the ones you have to answer to (AND she’s a Leo too. Jfc girl pick a struggle LMAOOOOO). You get the picture - except Claudine isn’t in that position. Maya is. Claudine doesn’t even get a revue or her own song, because she’s Maya’s eternal second. This is a really, really uncomfortable spot for an ENTJ to be in, and it’s evident in how hard she pushes herself - and how antsy she gets whenever Maya is around. But Claudine never blames an outside system or factors like Karen (inferior Si) does for her situation - she just gets angry and more driven to succeed, bulldozing her way to the finish line (dominant Te-tertiary Se interacting). The tragedy of her character is that she will never surpass Maya, so we see her Ni begin to reframe achieving the very top to becoming the only star in Maya’s eye (little does she know that she’s already succeeded). That ripping off of her cloak at the end of the revue duet - “the only loser here is me” - is her inferior Fi poking its head out. At the end of the day, Claudine is an interesting character because she’s a walking contradiction. She’s a star denied a spotlight, but she isn’t a failure either, so she’s forced to grapple with this ambiguous, there-but-not-quite-there middle ground. It’s one big identity crisis in the making, and it’s clear to see why so many people relate to her and love her as a character - a lot of us can empathize with never quite being satisfied, and looking up towards heights that can appear insurmountable.
Maya Tendo: INFJ
She seems so normal and established and then you look closer and realize there’s something seriously wrong with her and oh my god where did this massive god complex come from. Typical Ni dom
From her detached, more “mature” personality to her altruistic and often surprisingly keen insight towards people, she has so many key makings of an INFJ. That dominant Ni is strong in Maya - everything is poured into theatre. Everything. From her hobbies to her interests to her personality, everything Maya does in her life is deliberate and all of it is for the sake of theatre. Ni bitches LOVE to fixate on just one thing, and for Maya, that is the stage. “I have no need for those who lack willpower...Come climb up here if you have the resolve...A single step forward is a step closer to my dream” is just...yeah I’m being redundant. Dominant introverted intuition. Ni Ni Ni Ni. This girl embodies it - while Hikari is also a Ni-dom, Maya shows a TON more of it than her (can’t say I blame the writers - Ni is probably the most difficult function to write because it requires thinking so many steps ahead for your character). We can see a marked difference between INFJs and INTJs here in how Maya and Hikari practice solitude - Hikari purposely isolates herself from Karen to avoid hurting her, while Maya purposely isolates and crafts herself into an untouchable God to serve as an inspiration to others (auxiliary extroverted Feeling). Want to see how this looks with the INFJ’s extroverted sibling, the ENFJ? Look at how Michiru crafts Akira’s public image. That’s Ni and Fe at work, just in different priority slots (Maya is Ni dominant, Michiru is Fe dominant - they share the same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis). That tertiary Ti is very prevalent too - Maya mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and loves to mull over things. She definitely isn’t the first one to shout out an answer, she prefers to think things over.
One interesting comment that really stood out to me on her personality database page was how she’s an INFJ with an INTP persona in the anime, and I think I agree (INFJs and INTPs tend to present similarly and can be easily confused with each other anyway)! But I want to add on to that - I think that INTP presentation is her auxiliary Fe at play crafting a persona that better coincides with Claudine’s, as ENTJ/INTP matchups are extremely compatible (not saying Maya was thinking about MBTI LOL but rather she brought out and exemplified aspects of her personality that would better complement Claudine’s - their partnership is not a one-way street at all! Maya does so much for her!!). Just compare anime Maya to stageplay Maya, where she gives no headway and is absolutely brutal to Claudine.
Futaba Isurigi: ISTP
Futaba is such a great example of what a healthy ISTP can look like! Dominant Ti shows up in how she communicates with others - she's honest, direct, and to the point, but it's never utilized in a way that’s mean-spirited (contrary to how her girlfriend often can be) - it’s just how she communicates. Claudine (a Te dom which works SO well with Ti) actually points out in Starira that this is why they get along so well. Aux Se shows up in her physicality - her love and strength is in stage fights, she's into mechanics with her motorcycle and does all the maintenance herself, etc. Funnily enough, I think that tert Ni, while a slot above Fe, is actually Futaba’s least developed trait (or, at least, the one she's most guarded about) - she went into Seisho to follow Kaoruko, and her aux Se dominates that tert slot and gives her a … little bit of a lackadaisical attitude? Obviously not as much as someone like Karen, but in many senses she doesn't outwardly display a strong fear or anxiety towards the future like the other girls (completely understandably) do - and it’s that tert Ni getting angry when she feels as if Kaoruko is stagnating in her plans. There’s some inklings of her own plan for the future, but Futaba’s own individual plans are mostly kept to herself, so we don’t know how much or little she’s done about them. (I have more to add but will not continue as I’m venturing into movie spoilers territory, but for those that have watched/read them, try to draw your own conclusions based on what I’ve said!). I think that having such a close relationship with Kaoruko is what pushed her to develop that inferior Fe so early to support her girlfriend's dominant Fi. I actually originally had her typed as ESTP for how strong her Fe was (ESTPs have it a slot higher than their introverted siblings), but she really doesn’t strike me as an extrovert, and ISTPs with developed Fe can be very warm, affable people too!
Kaoruko Hanayagi: ISFP
“Kaoruko Hanayagi’s dream is world domination.”
Kaoruko is such a great example of what an unhealthy ISFP can look like! LMAOOO but no, I’m dead serious - if you want to know what unhealthy introverted Feeling looks like, look to Kaoruko. Everything is me me me me me me me, to hell with what anyone else wants (if you want to compare unhealthy Fe to unhealthy Fi, compare Nana and Kaoruko). Tertiary Ni shows up to support Fi in how surprisingly sharp she is towards other people - what makes them tick, exactly where to hurt, their inner thoughts and feelings (see her bathtub conversation with Mahiru).
BUT THAT DOMINANT Fi IS ALSO SUCH A POWERFUL THING. That “me me me me me me” is going to turn into “my vision, and what I want to create, and what I’m going to do” (once that inferior Te finally develops - which Kaoruko is going to be forced to put work into eventually). This is why, like Mahiru, I think that Kaoruko is seriously going to blossom later on in life - ISFPs and INFPs, the Pisces of the MBTI, have this weird penchant for going under the rader and then becoming insanely fucking successful OUT OF NOWHERE??? Like, they aren’t super motivated and driven with a specific plan like Ni-strong xNxJs, or disciplined and hardworking like Te-strong xSTJs, but???? You blink and suddenly they’re millionaires with four creative projects going on simultaneously (but if they get bored with any of them they’ll drop them instantly - you could not pay me all the money in the world to be an IxFP’s manager it must be an absolute nightmare <3). Just...legends out of nowhere? Rihanna is an ISFP Pisces so I have real world evidence to back this up.
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