takeariskao3 · 8 months
What are your go to Hinny fic recs? Got back into reading this pairing after a while and I am buzzing to read more!
i'm just going to put this out there: i feel like a really bad member of the community because i haven't been reading very much (or at all) lately. so i would like to open this ask up to reblogs/replies for people to share their all time favs too! my all time favs are below. i have read all of these at least four times. and would die for them. and also i want to inject them into my veins. and also i've been reccing them for years so sorry to these writers for getting tagged in yet another hannah fic rec ask.
the next day by @clarensjoy little sugar men by dopeythedwarf a circus ain't a love story by @barnabasthebarmy twenty-two days by @brightlybound such a beautiful blank (but smooth it) by pocketfullof ginny weasley by @ala-baguette why wasn’t he answering by @thegirlwhowrites642 warm front by flagpoles (@jiilys) we’d still worship this love by @harryissuchalittleshit build it better (the second time around) by @narukoibito unravel me by @narukoibito savior complex by @hiinnys heir to nothing but herself and scattering blooms on her watery grave by dirgewithoutmusic the changeling and the armistice series by @annerbhp
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heatherleighann · 11 months
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Yes hello I am back from lurking! I was challenged to do a “zodiac stack” challenge on my booksta account but have changed all the rules to fit my current vibes. So a mood board of fictional Aquarius ladies that I feel are also me, and fan fiction to spell out my sign! Wanted to post here because I couldn’t find insta accounts for a lot of the authors and wanted everyone to know how much I love their writing 💕
So the ladies we have are Wanda Maximoff, Lily Evans, Princess Anna, Jessica Day, and Ginny Weasley.
On to the fics!
Almost Chosen by itsgivingcamp (Panville, starts at Hogwarts, goes in after graduation. Really truly great.)
Quick-Fire by @jiilys (Hinny one shot. Cute little fic about when they find out they’re going to be parents)
Unfinished by @turanga4 (Fat Friar talks Harry through some tough emotions post Final Battle. This was really beautiful)
Australia by @tenpointstohufflepuff (Romione searches for the Grangers. This on is one I recommend a lot because I think she just does so great with both characters and all the complicated feelings and trauma they have.)
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing (Dramione required reading honestly. This story is so good and I like the softer Dramione vibes when a lot of the fics out there are much darker)
I Awaken With Your Name by @decemberistafic (Tedromeda My all time FAVORITE fic. I had it bound because I love it so much. I’ve posted about it on here before and will never stop talking about how perfect this story is.)
Underwater @maraudersftw and petalstofish (Jily muggle au. Little honeymoon fic that is just HAPPY)
Secrets and Masks by emerald_Slytherin (Dramione, another one I’ve talked about before. It made me FERAL)
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jilyarchive · 1 year
Do y’all have any fics where James and/or lily are poetry nerds? (Like in “I cant read your mind (though I’m trying all the time)” by bcbyroses. This one is fake dating but the poetry bits were so cute) idc which character is the nerd abt it and any length I don’t have much preference
Also ty for the amazing stuff y’all do to run this!!
We weren’t sure of poetry nerds, but this fic has Poet!Lily:
Title: the black hole, the light that fills it Author: jiilys Rating: Not rated Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~ Summary: “He lies in bed for a long time after he hears the door shut. It could have been days. Logically he knows it couldn’t have been that long, but logic does not apply to this situation. This situation is not logical at all.”
Do our followers know of any others?
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pebblysand · 1 year
if you’re in need of something to read, welcome to the crème-de-la-crème rec list. this rec list is multi-fandom, and contains all of my all-time faves, the ogs that will always stay the closest to my heart. i will keep it linked and accessible and try to update it... whenever. for a more up-to-date version, please see my ao3 bookmarks here.
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BEST OF 2021 SUMMER 2022
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BOY WITH A SCAR by @ink-splotch (SERIES) (MULTIPLE POVS) (AU) (<250K)
“This Ginny had never met a diary. But she had still died once, though in a flaming home and not a cold, damp castle basement. She had still been reborn into something her mother would always love and never fully understand.” this series by the same author explores canon through unbelievably well-written what-if AUs. i haven’t read all of them because they tend to give me a lot of feels and live in my head for days after that, so I’m taking my time. this being said, one of the ones i have read is the kids who choose themselves and i couldn’t recommend it enough. it might tear you up, though, consider yourself warned.
if you gravitate anywhere close to hinny circles, chances are, you've already heard of this fic. i'm not quite sure what to add to what literally everyone else has said before me, aside from the fact that it is absolutely amazing and 100% deserves the hype. it honestly took me ages to get to because i initially couldn’t get behind the idea of ginny being sorted into slytherin and what a mistake! as soon as i started, i could not put this down. i think what i absolutely love with this fic, above the fact that the writing style is gorgeous, is the characterisation. particularly, the work put into developing ginny's character, and the way growing up in slytherin affects her. it really makes you question nature v. nurture. and, i think a lot of what-if-so-and-so-was-in-another-house fics tend to irk me because they tend to gloss over how that house and the friendships developed (v. those of canon) would affect the characters. this fic is definitely the opposite. it dives in to characterisation, and makes you think about people in ways you probably never have before. nothing is really ever black and white, and the character work is stellar. the following works in the series are great as well, but this is really the one that got me hooked. this instalment is generally gen but the ultimate endgame of the series is harry/ginny.
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"Annie, eleven, watched her mother come to the decision that Bella was someone you pointed at people." this series is one of the most beautiful things i've ever read. it's a collection of character studies themed around the four hogwarts houses. the writing style is very unusual and so poetic and beautiful. i'm an absolute stan.
i fell in love with this story before making friends with the author, i swear. in fact, that's how we met haha. this is honestly one of the most beautiful things i have ever read. it's one of those beautifully nostalgic stories in which everything and nothing happens, and is my absolute ultimate headcanon for what happened during the summer of '95. it's beautiful, the style is flawless - go read it! i fell in love with this story before making friends with the author, i swear. in fact, that's how we met haha. this is honestly one of the most beautiful things i have ever read. it's one of those beautifully nostalgic stories in which everything and nothing happens, and is my absolute ultimate headcanon for what happened during the summer of '95. it's beautiful, the style is flawless - go read it!
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this is kind of fluff-with-a-plot post war fic that I adore. if you’re looking for a funny, well-written, feel-good and realistic fic to read, i would highly recommend this. additionally, it's another one of those fics where harry goes away/travelling directly after the war, which is a trope i definitely have a weakness for. the dialogue in this is impeccable and i love the presence of teddy and andromeda as well.
out of all the fics on this list, this is probably in the top 3. it's another (i know, i know) one of those harry-fucks-off-after-the-war but it's just - the most beautiful thing in the world. the writing is so utterly brilliant and perfect. it’s poetic, realistic, funny, sad, and is incredibly canon-compliant considering it was written before book seven came out. plus, the non-linear timeline is just So Well Done. i'm speechless every time i read it. it’s everything i wish i could write if i was better at writing. the way it intermingles the muggle and wizarding worlds as well is incredible. honestly can’t recommend it enough.
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this is probably one of the best fics I have ever read, period. to me, it's the harry/hermione classic, in a its-romantic-because-it-never-happened kind of way. the writing is gorgeous. it is about fate, expectations and things that don’t happen (and sometimes, that’s okay). it will break your heart. it's honestly haunting. (and the title is fucking perfect).
same as the above. on my top ten favourite fics of all time, similar themes. will rip your heart out with a sense of the way that life happens. also, good smut.
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this one is also incredibly sad, but beautifully written. it is a very dark take on post-war, with harry slowly slipping into alcoholism. it’s very subtle, very delicate, and one big heartbreak. tagged harmony, though honestly you could read it as gen. some of the lines in this are just heartwrenching and absolutely gorgeous. Hermione here is talking about her and Harry, romantically: "there was a time a time she thought about it. two, actually. (…) now she thinks about it all the time - wondering what she was thinking” it’s the slow and painful breakdown of the trio in this that gets me too in this. very dark but gorge.
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so, look: have i ever watched gossip girl? nope. did i solely jump on this bandwagon because i stan the author? sure. is it fucking amazing? absolutely. this is so, so beautiful. it’s the harry-dating-a muggle-trope done so, bloody, fucking well. it’s poetic, heart-warming, realistic, incredibly well-written and i absolutely loved it. you can 100% read this if you haven’t watched gossip girl before, trust me it's brilliant. it also broadens the wizarding world, normalises muggle/wizard relationships and opens up so many doors - i so, so, love this.
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i named this as my favourite fic of 2022, which is a bit unlikely given that this is not a pairing i typically read, but i could not put this down. this fic is an exchange of letters between grindelwald and dumbledore that spreads over years, after grindelwald's arrest. the character's voices in this are incredible, the characterisation is on point -- i could not recommend this enough.
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i'm placing these in a separate category because i know some people don't like WIPs, but in this house, we do, so here are a few recs for you.
THE SQUIB by @btelling (GEN) (POV MULTIPLE) (AU) (<25K)
this fic is also one of the best things i've ever read in my life. it lives in my head rent-free and is absolutely insanely brilliant. nargles' ability to say so much in such a small amount of words is absolutely unmatched. the basic pitch is: following the end of the second wizarding war, muggles found out about the existence of wizards and, seeking revenge for the hurt they suffered as a result of voldemort’s reign, they started to hunt wizards down. the fic takes place in this post-apocalyptic/dystopian post-DH world and centers on hermione, harry and ginny as they try to survive. the writing is absolutely stellar. it’s slightly harry/ginny and ron/hermione (as well as seamus/dean, whoop, whoop - funnily enough, it's partly what motivated to write the fault) but romance is not the main focus. it contains absolutely beautifully heartbreaking quotes like this:  Harry threw up and picked at the scar on his forehead until it bled. Like it’d ache again, and they’d have problems they knew how to solve. if you enjoy this fic would like to listen to nargles talk about her work, you can head over here!
this fic was in my summer 2022 wrapped but i could not fail to include it in the massive rec list as well. it’s a post-war story (and, we all know i love post-war) told from dean’s pov. the premise of this story is that dean takes on an apprenticeship with ollivander and, i suppose, life ensues. i cannot stress enough how much i truly adore this work. first of all, the writing is stellar. i totally fell in love with dean’s characterisation in this, which is so on point - i love the world the author has built around his family, his sisters, his parents (his mum!), their lives, ect. so many OCs that feel real. the fic also really explores what life looks like for muggleborns, existing with a foot in both worlds, especially after the war, and the impact magic can have (positively or negatively on muggles' lives). the worldbuilding around wandmaking is also frankly mindblowing and the amount of detail marycontraire has put into the creating and crafting of wands, as well as ollivander, his mind, his work, his shop, etc. is truly next level. the deamus is also the loveliest. i love seamus in this. i was in absolute awe. 
i like to think of knowing as castles' sister from another mister. it is a post-war, canon-compliant, adult continuation of the books, and literally everything i've ever wanted and loved in a post-war fic. the outsider's pov is absolutely incredible, the worldbuilding and wizarding politics are stellar, as well as the characterisation. the fic is regularly updated and honestly, every time i get an email notifying me, i get the brightest smile all day. also, @ala-baguette is one of the nicest people i've met in fandom, and interviewing her on the podcast was an absolute joy. if you fancy a listen, it's here.
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i re-read this recently and i don't think i've ever read a fic so perfect. it is the top-tier of the top-tier, the canon for georgetown era willicia and will shatter your heart into a thousand pieces. i would highly recommend reading the entire series (and anything by orbythesea for that matter) but this one is the ultimate gold. it really made me think of one of the key themes of the good wife, a dissertation on the decisions you make as a "kid" which then shape the direction of the rest of your life. both will and alicia are so in character in this, and the entire cast of recurring orbythesea OCs is lovely.
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when i interviewed tess on the podcast and she told me this was based off the myth of narcissus i was like "mmmh" and in my head "omgofcoursehowdidinotseethisbefore?!" despite what the author herself claims about it not being "legal" enough, this is a very good fic, which i would highly recommend. it's an interesting take on will/his own reflection, and is written absolutely beautifully. it has that heartbreaking tone all post-5x15 fics have, and no, i'm still not over it.
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i'm sorry. how can such a short story in fandom i've barely ever been in fucking HAUNT me this much?? it's an AU set in a world where the coup at the end of s4 isn't stopped, and the uk falls into a dictatorship. i don't want to quote it cause it's at the very end but the last three paragraphs are all i can think about when i can't sleep at three o'clock in the morning. swear to god.
FIVE FEVERS by ariadness_string (POV TOMMY SHELBY) (AU) (&lt;5K)
this fic is truly unbelievably beautiful. it covers the presence of illness/fevers in the shelbys' lives. there is so much soul and heart in this story, especially now in hindsight with what we know about ruby. part of it isn’t canon anymore (we know their mum didn’t die in childbirth but by suicide) but this is such a gorgeously written story. the characterisation is spot on, not only with tommy, but with all the characters as well. i love (love love) may in this, and tommy “detoxing” from grace. polly is so on point. truly unbelievably good. probably one of my fave PB fics ever. 
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brightlybound · 1 year
get to know me tag game
thanks for the tag @restandbloom🌼
rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better
relationship status: married (it'll be 10 years this July! 🤗)
favorite color: literally every single shade of blue
stuck in my head: "Old Wounds" by PVRIS
last song I listened to: "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High" by the Arctic Monkeys
3 favorite foods: burgers, roasted/grilled veggies, ricebeansandsteak (nearly the only bit of my Cuban culture I can tolerate: the food 😅)
last thing I googled: "dragon fruit" (my daughter asked me what it looked like)
dream trip: any and everywhere in the uk (yes, ma'am, I am keeping this answer because it really is THE DREAM)
TAGGING: (sorry if you've already been tagged, but that just means we love you) @takearisk-ao3 @whinlatter @katie-with-the-tea @displayheartcode @jiilys @narukoibito @gryffindorhealer @thedistantdusk @secretkeeper13 @blinkngone
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theroomofreq · 2 years
Love the fic rec game!
✨ and 💯?
oooh good ones !
✨ : The Changeling by @annerbhp, I absolutely could not put this fic down and I'm truly obsessed with it.
💯: i have so so many thoughts for this one - but let's keep it to 3 (for now)
warm front by @jiilys, this fic counts for so many things - a good rec, bookshelf, re-read millions, warm fuzzies, and definitely writer goals.
everything @abby10fanfic writes, but especially oil be there for you. I'm so obsessed with it.
Notes by @scriibble-fics - also wish i could read this for the first time, i just adore this premise so much it hurts.
fic rec (ask meme)
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jiilys · 1 year
i just wanted to let you know how much i love your writing. you are so talented and write characters so beautifully. will your work still be able to read or will the whole blog be deleted?
this is so kind, thank you so much. also dont worry jiilys will still be around!! i coud never delete this blog it has too much of me in it
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liiilyevans · 1 year
10 Songs, 10 People
Thanks so much for tagging me @harryissuchalittleshit! For some reason, tumblr decided to be rude and not let me reblog your post, so I guess I’m starting this one from scratch. 
List 10 songs I listen to and tag 10 people. And shuffle says:
1. Yeah! by Usher 2. Perfect by Ed Sheeran 3. Maneater by Nelly Furtado 4. Blow Your Mind (Mwah) by Duo Lipa 5. Could Have Been Me by Halsey 6. Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift 7. Happier Than Ever by Billy Ellish  8. Fingers Crossed by Lauren Spencer Smith 9. Jersey Giant by Elle King 10. Holy Ground by Taylor Swift 
Tagging: @alohaemora @sirenicc @hinnyfied @call-me-the-cassie @joyseuphoria @maraudersftw @thejilyship @jiilys @siriuslychessi @disneyprinceronweasley
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for the anon wondering about the jily texting fic, i think it would be from @jiilys on her ao3, should be easy to fibd even though ican't remember the title
Here you go anon!
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scarheaded-ferret · 6 years
Chapter Link for Things are Rough All Over
The wolfstar fic by me and Anna!! It’s based on the novel The Outsiders and go check it out!! :^)) 
(will be updated)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Is it bad form to ask you for recos similar to the path from you? Second chance romance is so good 🫠🫠🫠
hmmm i can probably come up with a few!
for a post war political drama you want castles by @pebblysand
for a post war auror mystery you want knowing where to look by @ala-baguette
for a murder mystery smut fic you want red right hand by fightsfortherightsofhouseelves
for post war trauma you want all the world's stage by leoasc
for something ginny centric and lore heavy you want the changeling and the armistice series by @annerbhp
for a 'ginny is the main character of this story' fic you want not from others by @floreatcastellumposts
other fics that are my ~vibe~ and also my *favs*
a circus ain't a love story by @barnabasthebarmy
persist and resist the temptation to ask you by @nuatthebeach
unravel me by @narukoibito
such a beautiful blank (but smooth it) by @pocketfullof and smuttyclaus
warm front by @jiilys (flagpoles)
savior complex by @hiinnys
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jilyss · 7 years
stood up
inspired by @jilys and @alrightpotter and everyone else who has made lovely group chat aus
this is one inspired by the prompt “i got stood up and you sat down and started talking to me who are you”
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: what would u say if i broke ur heels
Marlene McKinnon: i would murder u w. Out thinkng abt it
Lily Evans: ….
Lily Evans: i broke ur heels
Lily Evans: marlene
Marlene McKinnon: blocked
Dorcas Meadows to diagnose me dr lily: lily
Dorcas Meadows: i have a rash on my arm lily diagnose me
Lily Evans: pneumonia
Dorcas Meadows: ???,,,,???? Its getting worse???...
Lily Evans: did u try turning it off and on again
Lily Evans: geez i m not a doctor yet
Marlene McKinnon to all boys r twats: dorcas i just saw snape and rosier following after lily
Marlene McKinnon: oh shIr
Marlene McKinnon: Lils
Marlene McKinnon: im coming to get u stay there
Lily Evans to Severus Snape: if u come near me again i will grind ur balls in a blender
Severus Snape: you know I’m right
Lily Evans: you’re a white supremacist
Lily Evans: YOU are wrong
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas get me those spicy pita chips: what did snivelus say
Lily Evans: ‘’’’’im a nazi’’’’
Dorcas Meadows: rly
Lily Evans: no but basically
Lily Evans: i need booze asap
Marlene McKinnon: i got lots
Dorcas Meadows: omw
Dorcas Meadows to lily needs to get laid: mission imposible: how about Peter Pettigrew
Lily Evans: pass
Dorcas Meadows: u say that about everyone
Lily Evans: and
Lily Evans: i m focusing on school rn
Dorcas Meadows: do u even know who pettigrew is????,,?
Lily Evans:  y es
Marlene McKinnon: just one pls
Dorcas Meadows: lil if you go on one blind date ill take you to nandos
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans: but just one and not peter pettigreq
Lily Evans changed group name to i deserve better friends than these weeds
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: where am i meeting him
Marlene McKinnon: corner of 165th by tha t pizza plce
Marlene McKinnon: he said hed b inside
Lily Evans: he better b hot
Marlene McKinnon to tminus 0 days until lilys date: LILY
Marlene McKinnon: IM SO SORRY
Marlene McKinnon: EVANS
Lily Evans to blondie + inferiors with rat nests: marlene he was rly hot ur the best
Lily Evans:  wait what
Dorcas Meadows: ?,,,,,,,???
Lily Evans: he stood me up?
Lily Evans: then who was i with last night
Lily Evans: Marlene McKinnon get ur butt over here with the nandos Marlene McKinnon: it’s 3am lily why did u just get back ;)))))
Lily Evans to James Potter: who r u rly
James Potter: oops
Lily Evans: r u actly james ?
James Potter: yeah srry i didnt know what to say u just kind of sat down
Lily Evans: ?? I was there first twat
James Potter: u were rly cute
James Potter: what cna i say
Lily Evans: so u just sat down with a random stranger and pretended to know me
James Potter: yes ?
Lily Evans sent a picture to group: what Do I dO
Marlene McKinnon: James Potter SAT NEXT TO YOU?
Dorcas Meadows: the CUTEST guy at on campus???
Marlene McKinnon: to clarify
Marlene McKinnon: the star football player who also happens to be v hot and buff sat next to u bc u were cute??
Lily Evans: i got stood up and i guess i didnt know who he was
Lily Evans: he was a little concieted
Lily Evans: and not that hot
Dorcas Meadows: ur in denial
Marlene McKinnon: ur name together is lames
Lily Evans: .....
Dorcas Meadows: so what happened after the date
Marlene McKinnon: u didn’t come back until late late
Lily Evans: ..nothing
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: whats wrong with james
Remus Lupin: he went on a date with Lily Evans
Sirius Black: the redhead in his calc class
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: oh
Sirius Black: he’s in a daze and wont move
Remus Lupin: tell him theres a spider on his bed
Sirius Black: he didn’t move
Remus Lupin: woW
Sirius Black: im calling 911
Remus Lupin: nO
Peter Pettigrew: too late
Marlene McKinnon to Sirius Black: theyre the worst
Sirius Black: tell lily to meet u at the library
Sirius Black: ill get james to go to
Sirius Black: also how did u get this #
Marlene McKinnon: it wastn that hard
Sirius Black to James Potter: meet me at hte library in 10
James Potter: u never study
James Potter: r u trying to set me up again with evans
Sirius Black: no ?
James Potter: wanker
James Potter: leaving now
Lily Evans to James Potter: im not good enough to be a doctor
Lily Evans: i just got fired from the pizza parlor
James Potter: yike what happened
Lily Evans: fell asleep during my break n missed my shift
James Potter: im coming with nandos
Lily Evans: im in the tesco parking lot
James Potter: np
Lily Evans to James Potter: ur gonna crush it today!!
James Potter: are u coming
Lily Evans: ofc
Marlene McKinnon to lily ate the chocholate and deserves disembowlment: lily and james just hugged after he won the cup and
Sirius Black: most sexually charged hug i’ve ever seen
Remus Lupin: is that an apostrophe
Sirius Black: there are more important things to worry about right now
Peter Pettigrew: who put Marlene on this chat
Lily Evans to We”RE OUT OF CHOCOCLATE: so
Lily Evans: theres this guy who is hot and toned
Lily Evans: and also happens to be mischevious and smart and is good at literally everything
Lily Evans: but also has a big head and generous and super rich
Lily Evans: and i cant tell if i hate him or like him
Dorcas Meadows: r u kidding me lily
Marlene McKinnon: a match made in heaven
Lily Evans: i cant TELL
Marlene McKinnon: im texting him right now
Lily Evans: NO DONT
Lily Evans: mar i will kill you im not even sure yet
Lily Evans: some people said i just want him as my sugar daddy
Marlene McKinnon: who said that
Dorcas Meadows: snape
Marlene McKinnon: he’s an asshat don’t listen to him
Lily Evans: but what if potter just leaves
Lily Evans: there are way better girls for him
Lily Evans: ones his parents would approve of
Dorcas Meadows: thats bs and u know it
Marlene McKinnon: ^
Lily Evan’s Notes: u just do everything perfectly theres nothing you could do wrong and its unfair and you have perfect messy hair thats so beautiful and i could stare at the stars for hours with you just because nothing can stop you and u want to learn everything like i do and your the only person i can call at 2am without worrying and your tall and i think im in love
James Potter to Lily Evans: sitting on third floor by statue of humphrey
Lily Evans: can you pick me up
James Potter: we have a quiz in five mins
Lily Evans: its important
James Potter: ill b right there
Sirius Black to twats + grammer twat: LAMES HAPPEND
Sirius Black changed group chat name to LAMES: THIRE SNOGGING IN TH PARKIING LOT
Remus Lupin: IM COMING Marlene McKinnon: freaking adorable
James Potter: twat
Lily Evans: shut up black
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barnabasthebarmy · 2 years
i was stalking @jiilys one day when i read this and,,, i hate writing bc i think words r a bitch but i somehow was inspired to write this thing anyway. caro’s words r just. magic. i guess.
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aaronsminyardd · 4 years
“Before you - commit, to The Order, to anything,” Dumbledore says evenly, “you must know that you could die. It’s a very real possibility, and you’ll forgive me for being blunt, but it would do us all a great disservice if you were to go into this without full knowledge of the risks you’re taking.”
You’re listening - of course you are. You’re not stupid, but you are also in love, so your attention is divided.
Lily’s wrists are bony where they stick out of the too-short arms of her jumper, fragile in a way that makes your throat stick. Her jumper, rainbow-coloured and awkward-fitting, clashes oddly with her hair. You want to pull her sleeves down and cover them, cover every soft and fragile part of her, make sure that no one can ever hurt her.
If she heard you, she’d hit you, and you know it, so you let the thoughts slide away, try to focus on Dumbledore’s quiet reassurances. But you don’t look away.
“What?” She whispers to you after a few beats, disgruntled.
“You have something on your face.” You’re proud of the nonchalance of your voice even around the lump in your throat.
Her hand moves up, feeling for something that’s not there. “Where?”
“Here.” You press your lips to her cheekbone, feather-light and brief.
From beside her, Marlene fake gags and Remus looks disapproving, if a little amused. But she’s rolling her eyes and fighting a grin and that’s all you wanted, really, so the others don’t matter.
“Idiot.” She whispers, but the smile has won.
She settles a little more firmly into your body, her back to your side, scooting her chair even closer, and Sirius heaves in your ear but you don’t care. You drape your arms across her shoulders and hold her tight.
Dumbledore catches your eye and smiles at you, but you don’t miss the sadness lingering in the expression.
“Who’s wishes to be involved, knowing what you now know?” He asks.
Lily’s hand is the first one up, of course it is.
“I do.” Her voice is clear, even, leaves no room for doubt.
You may have taken more risks, thrown yourself in danger more than she has, so far, but she will always be braver than you are. After all, she takes risks everyday, by existing, and still has the audacity to wear a rainbow coloured jumper that clashes with her hair.
“I do.” You echo, but it’s lost in everyone else’s mutters and calls.
You could die, you think, and you would love to say that you don’t care, would love to say that you’d throw your life away for this cause - and you would, and you do - without a second of hesitation.
But you think of Lily’s wrists, fragile and bony, and you’re scared.
A/N: Currently doing a Harry Potter reread and it dragged me back into reading about these - which dragged me back into writing about them. Anyways this is super short but also the first thing I’ve finished in a while so like thanks to James and Lily for being so good to write tbh
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iftari · 5 years
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“She’s looking at him and her eyes are red, his heart is hammering against his ribs because he wants to exist in every room she exists in, but he doesn’t know how to say this with words.” -- bleeding for no reason by @jiilys // @fucshias
#hpedit#jiilys#jamespotteredit#lilyevansedit#jilyedit#this is gonna get virtually 20 notes bc its such a specific set for such a specific fic#like it doesnt even involve the actual hp actors and im screaming but also Mood#anyways this isnt like my Favorite Favorite fic of urs or anything#wait no that sounded mean good god IUEHRW#i meant like. uve grown a lot since this fic and ur talent + skill has gotten a lot better and isnt that smth after all?#i know u said u hated this fic bc it reminds u of all the terrible parts but like.....isnt that part of the charm? i mean this is what love#was to u at 15 or whatever it was james being there for lily and making her laugh#and idk i dont hate ur earlier work partly bc im an outsider source but also bc i can look at it and be like: yeah its not ur best but ur#15 when u wrote this ur 15 and u thought love was laughter that love was happiness and it just shows ur way of thinking and thats so nice#i mean i hope u still think love is laughing and being happy but also that it means other things to u now too that it means other shit 15#yr old u wouldnt have been able to comprehend and idk im not explaining this right but whatever#also the reason why i chose this fic is bc this was ur first jily fic i ever read#and isnt that insane that its been. 3 fucking years#okay thats more for me that u bc u didnt know who i was and i first started following u on my old blow wow hashtag tb#but whatever like..............3 years.........................thats so much time and so littleand now im getting more in my feels than abt#this fic which is so unsurprising but STILL anyways moving on#ive followed u for 3 yrs now and ur style has changed + gotten better and then i started following ur main but didnt realize that was ur mai#till like. a year after and i legit was so tripped out IUEHRIWUH okay whatever this is getting away from me and i feel like i sound like#a rabid fan meeting rihanna for the first time and if so i truly am v sorry IUEHRU ANYWAYS#and YES i do petition noah centino (?? spelling unsure??) to play james pants on fire no is flemont u idiot potter#and im still hesitant on kat mcnamara to play lily (with one l god how did i not realize that till JUST now and i honestly dont know how to#FEEL abt that like........one l but then again lilly also looks off and good god) evans but also there are NO fucking red heads#anYWAYS moving on#kcedits
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padfootdidit · 5 years
hi i wrote a third part of marble hearts collide for bonnie’s birthday
you can read it here if u so desire
comments are on if u would like to leave ur thoughts
pls note that the idea i had for this (james tackling peter bc he puts on taylor swift) is a lot better than the execution but hey ! at least i wrote something !
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