#jinxx bvb fanfic
holly-louisexox · 3 months
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 13
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices…
…But then things changed.
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"You what?" Shevy squeals slightly.
"Shev, please don't make me repeat that sentence." Delia groans before throwing her face into her pillow.
It was now the next day and they were travelling in the busses to the next tour destination. Delia was debating whether or not to tell Shevy about Andy, but eventually she found it to be eating her up and she had to spill. Besides, it was Shevy, she wasn't about to tell anyone else.
"I'm sorry just, I can't believe you slept with him. I mean, first off, called it. But I can't believe you actually had sex with Andy. Please tell me you used protection. I love Andy to pieces but he does sleep around a lot and the last thing I want for you is you potentially catching anything from him cause he's a bit of a man whore." Shevy rambles on.
"Yes we were safe Shevy, trust me the last thing I need is a pregnancy or an STD." Delia sighs placing her head into her hands.
"Okay something else is going on here, spill." Shevy is calm as she scoots next to Delia to wrap an arm around her shoulders; it was clear she was trying her hardest to be understanding and supportive of the tech girl she had become good friends with.
"I don't know how to explain it. I know Andy is a dick and I know it was a mistake but at the same time, I don't regret it." Delia starts. "I don't understand how I feel anymore Shevy."
"You like him, you're just not admitting it to yourself. Sleeping with him has likely made the way you feel stronger." Shevy states simply.
"But I don't like him, I shouldn't like him. I haven't even known the guy that long and in that time he's been nothing but a dick to me." Delia sighs feeling a tear run down her cheek.
"Oh honey." Shevy starts "tours like this you always get close with people, even if you don't want to. That's what happens when you spend basically everyday with a group of people. Work relationships and work flings aren't uncommon."
"I can't do it though Shevy, I can't allow myself to just be another fuck to him and there's no way in hell I'd ever date that guy." Delia shakes her head slightly whilst wiping her eyes.
"Hey, don't worry about anything of that right now or you'll make yourself more upset D." Shevy smiles trying to bring comfort to her upset friend. "If that's really how you feel though then stick to your guns and don't give him anything else."
"Thanks Shevy, you're honestly the best." Delia feels herself smile through her tears.
"I know I am." Shevy smirks jokingly "although I still stand by what I said before, Andy has changed since meeting you. He definitely has the hots for you."
"Oh my god, Shevy!" Delia shrieks before pushing Shevy off of her slightly.
"Hey, I'm just saying." Shevy laughs hysterically.
Surely she can't be right...
"What the fuck happened?"
That was all Andy could think about. He didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't help it. Yes he wanted to sleep with Delia at one point this tour, he thought it would help him get over the fiery tech girl, but instead he was left with more confusion. He thought it would put out the fire he felt every time he saw her, every time he thought about her. Instead, he just felt more interest and curiosity about Delia Vincent, he felt as if he was watching the walls he built to protect himself crumbling down with no way to stop them from doing so.
He felt a strong flutter in his stomach at even the mention of her name... surely this wasn't the whole cliche of getting butterflies for someone, was it?
"Earth to Andy?" Jinxx then cuts Andy from his daydream but placing a hand on his shoulder "you okay man?"
"Okay. Yeah, I'm okay man." Andy nods before pinching the bridge of his nose to ground himself and bring himself back to reality. How long was he daydreaming for?
"Okay something is going on, I haven't seen that conflicted look of yours for a while." Jinxx states feeling worried for his friend and lead singer. "Don't tell me you finally caught an STD." Jinxx was trying to lighten the mood at this point.
"What? No, no of course not. Fuck off you dick." Andy shakes his head whilst pushing Jinxx and his hand off of his shoulder.
"Just trying to lighten the mood, jheez." Jinxx rolls his eyes before shaking his head- all of this commotion had drawn the attention of the rest of the band to their lead singer and rhythm guitarist.
"whatever Jinxx, I'm not in the mood for this." Andy sighs before standing up. 
Andy was in no mood to talk about any of this. Hell, he never wanted to talk about any of this. He didn't want to risk CC thinking that he was right...
"One of these days you're going to catch feelings, especially if you keep sleeping around with women you meet."
Shaking away the voice of CC, Andy finds himself climbing into his bunk and just staring at the ceiling with his hands crossed over his stomach. He wished he could just be nicer to Delia, but it was too much of a risk. He didn't date, he would not allow himself to date, he told himself this after the divorce- emptiness is safe. Andy knew that he would never make her happy, especially with how they clashed. Yes, opposites attract so they say, but Andy and Delia were far too different which would not allow things to work, even if Andy wasn't so fucked in the head.
So why was it that he could not shake the thought of this girl from his mind? All he could think about was how nice it was to kiss her and how he wanted to do it again. He wanted to hear her gentle breathing as she slept next to him again. He wanted to hold her in his arms and protect her from everyone in the world, even if that meant protecting her from himself. No matter how much he wanted to, he knew he could never allow himself to get close to her; it was too much of a risk. Plus why would she be interested in him after the way he's treated her? Still, it was always Delia who would be civil, it was Delia who would try to talk to him to lighten the mood, he was always the one who would sabotage things between them. Every time the conversation would be civil and nice between them he would snap. 
"Maybe she is interested?" Andy whispers to himself whilst thinking. Surely not?
There was only one way to solve this issue in Andy's mind. He had to make sure Delia was not interested and if she was, he would have to let her down to save her further heartache, he had to protect himself as well. At some point soon, he would have to try to get some alone time with her and tell her not to bother with him, that he wasn't good for her, that she did not need him. Of course he did not want to do this, he wanted her and he wanted her badly, but it wasn't right and it wasn't safe. He could never allow himself to get close to someone again as it would destroy him. 
Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way.
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Hey BVB Army
So... I wrote a fanfiction. Not a smut one, there is absolutely zero romance or sex in this, but I also wouldn't quite consider it SFW as it does deal with some heavy subject matter.
It's based on the film Legion of the Black and the Story of the Wild Ones. Be warned, it gets pretty dark in places, but all content warnings are listed in the fic description and before each chapter.
Here's the link if you want to read it
I'd really appreciate any comments or feedback you guys could give
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skelenyxx · 5 years
2 - We Only Want to be Ourselves ~ WOR
"We are the in between, cast down as sons of war.  Struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we're torn.  We won't cause the pain, of living out their law.  Take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed." ~ Fallen Angels
Andy entered first. I was immediately struck by his height. Any fangirl with a computer knew that he was six foot four, but I'd never really taken in how tall that actually was. He was just about a foot taller than me. I was five foot five and he completely towered over me.
Even from where I was at, I could clearly see his intense blue eyes. Those were the same eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw a picture of him. Yeah, I'd had a fangirl crush on him, but I was well over it now. Him and I didn't have a chance, I knew that, but he was still a huge inspiration in my life.
He was wearing his signature clothes, tight black jeans, a ripped up muscle shirt that had the Legion of the Black mask on it, a black leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off revealing his many tattoos, and black boots. His black hair was teased slightly, making his punk-like hairstyle stick out slightly. It was nothing like it used to be back when the band first started out. It had been just past shoulder length until he cut it all off a year or two ago. It had grown out again, but it wasn't quite as long and it was a bit of a different style now. Longer in the back, and a bit shorter in the front. I liked it like that. It looked a little more mature on him, but I still missed his longer hair. It made him look more rebellious.
He was closely followed by both Jake and Jinxx. They were wearing similar clothes to Andy, dark pants, muscle shirts, black boots and leather jackets. Jake had his long black hair teased like Andy, but Jinxx had left his straight. It was different seeing it like that since he used to tease his like Andy and Jake, but recently, as the band's style started changing a bit, Jinxx stopped teasing his hair.
Behind them was Ashley, Ashley freaking Purdy. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a skull on it and a small 69 on the sleeve, and I internally rolled my eyes. Of course he would wear that. He had on black ripped jeans, boots, and his signature star necklace. He too left his long black hair straight.
Then of course, there was CC, who was grinning like a psycho, which was rather usual for him. He had on a simple black t-shirt, dark pants, a leather jacket, black shoes, and a black bandana over his usual long, straight black hair.
But the thing that caught me off guard was the war paint. Every single one of them was wearing their signature war paint. Andy had a horizontal black stripe going across his face along his cheekbones and thick, dark eyeliner around his eyes. Jake had his eye war paint that went out even further than the others' eyeliner and lines protruding from it and pointing down, almost making him look sad. Jinxx wore his diamond eye war paint where black diamonds were drawn over his eyes and a black line protruded horizontally from the corners of his mouth and black lipstick. Ashley was wearing his signature neck painting with a black line going down his neck and multiple horizontal lines going across it. He also had a couple small, black, horizontal lines coming from below his right temple and thick black eyeliner. And CC had his usual tear drop shaped paint on his cheeks and the thick dark eyeliner.
I did a double take on the war paint. Last I'd heard, they'd stopped doing it since they were getting older and their style was changing. I had no clue why they would do it now. They were going to get quite a few weird looks for it, that's for sure.
I took all of it in in less than a few seconds. I briefly looked out at the stands to see what everyone's reactions were. Some students were whistling, some were clapping, a few were grinning like crazy, but the majority of the students were gaping. They obviously had no idea who they were. I was in shock myself, but I couldn't help but smile. They were here because of me, I had gotten them here, even if I'd had no idea they were coming. It took everything I had to keep from fangirling there in front of everyone, but my smile continued to get bigger and bigger. When the guys saw my reaction, they smirked. Well, all except for CC, who was still grinning like a maniac. That's CC for you though. He's like a giant kid.
They joined us in the center of the gym floor which we used as the "stage". They were standing a few feet from me and their stance kind of intimidated me. I felt like shrinking into the floor. Then I realized there was nothing to be afraid of. I'd stood in front of this many people many times before, so why was I having a problem now?  Perhaps I was just nervous I'd make a fool of myself in front of my favorite band.
I pushed that out of my head, unable to afford the distraction at a time like this. It was, after all, my grade and graduation on the line with this project. I had to relax and focus on what lie ahead. I could do this. I kept repeating that in my head. Keep your cool. I can do this. I can do this.
Mr. Gulbranson handed the microphone to Andy to begin the introductions.
"Hey guys, my name is Andy Biersack and I'm the lead singer of Black Veil Brides," he said in his signature unusually deep voice. "We want to thank Katrina here for sending out that invitation for this to happen. Even though she didn't know we were coming, we wouldn't be here if she hadn't started this. We're really excited to be here and spend the week with you guys and get to know you all and, hopefully, help Katrina out with her Senior project." He looked over and smiled at me. Oh god, I could feel the heat rising to my face, indicating I was definitely blushing.
He handed the mic to Jake. "Hey everyone. My name is Jake Pitts and I'm the lead guitarist for Black Veil Brides." He grinned and handed the mic to Jinxx.
"Hey everyone, I'm Jinxx and I'm the rhythm guitarist and violinist for Black Veil Brides." He smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.
The mic was passed to Ashley and he too introduced himself. "My name's Ashley Purdy and I'm the bassist for Black Veil Brides." He winked. Ashley was the well known womanizer of the group, known for his constant one night stands with girls. Yet, somehow, he managed to get girls to fall head over heels for him, even though its pretty obvious that they mostly likely don't have a chance of lasting with him. I mean, yes, he was hot as hell and quite the charmer and a nice guy, but he was still a player.
Then CC took the mic from him, jumping up and down slightly, making him seem as thought he were and overgrown kid. "You motherfuckers ready for this!?" Mr. Gulbranson glared at him, which made people laugh and made CC smile even bigger, if that was even possible. "I'm Christian Coma, but you can call me CC, and I am the drummer for Black Veil Brides." He handed the mic to Jinxx who chuckled at his enthusiasm.
"So, just like Andy said, thank you Katrina for setting this up. We're excited about this week and we want you all to treat us like we're any other students here. But keep in mind, we're not going to change to your standards of 'normal'. The idea is you're supposed to try and accept us for us. If you really want, you can give us all your hate." I chuckled at his reference, but it appeared that I was the only one other than the guys who got it. "We know how to handle it, but we only want to be ourselves, so get used to it," he continued, smiling at the crowd. He then handed the mic over to me. I took it and carefully tried to recite what I'd been planning on saying if this day should come.
"Um, ok, so first off, thank you guys for coming. As the guys have said multiple times, they are the Black Veil Brides." Some cheers rose from the stands which made me smile. Maybe this week would turn out okay. I shifted my weight and continued, "Please, please don't swamp them asking for pictures and autographs. They are, as of now, everyday students at an everyday school. I can't stress enough how important that is. At the end of the week, I will assess how the student body treated them. Did we treat them as outcasts, or did we learn to accept them? It is your job to try to accept them, every single one of you. If you can learn to accept them, then you can learn to accept anyone. Please, at least try." I glanced over at the guys to see them smiling at me. Well, accept for CC who was still jumping around. Still? He must've had like 50 Monsters before he got here. It gave me a confidence boost, seeing them. "Before we go back to class, does anyone have any questions for any of the guys?"
Only a few hands rose, so I handed the mic to Andy and let him choose hands one by one.
First, a girl with black eyeliner, dark hair, and many band bracelets stood and asked, "Have you done this at other schools?"
"No, this is the first time, but you never know, this might become a common thing." Andy replied honestly, smiling.
The next girl shot out of her seat before she had even been called on and began spewing her question at Andy. She was thin as a twig, bleach blonde, and had a high pitched, squeaky voice. It was Savannah Pates, a particularly popular girl from my class, and one of my repeated harassers. I put up with her just fine, but I knew she would be one of the people to give the guys a hard time, and that was going to be a pain.
"What's up with the weird makeup?" She asked accusingly, a smug look upon her face. Another girl shot from her seat across the bleachers, an obvious fan since she was wearing Black Veil Brides bracelets, a Black Veil Brides shirt, and a BVB necklace.
"Number one, it's war paint, not makeup. Number two, they can do whatever the hell they want to. It's their style." I'm pretty sure I recognized the girl. She was a Sophomore, I think, probably in one of the classes that I was a teacher's aid in.
"Makeup is for girls, unless your gay." Savannah spat back. The Sophomore girl looked like she was about to say something, but Mr. Gulbranson got involved before she could.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled. He took the mic from Andy, who was looking sort of shocked. "Is thsi really how you want to present our school to our guests?" Crickets. "Everyone has five minutes to get to their second period class," he said into the mic, rage seething in every word. "Go." Students grabbed their bags and scrambled to the doors.
I looked over to him, silently asking if that included me. He nodded his head and I scrambled up the bleachers to get my bags and out the doors, not even looking back, but my heart soaring.
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ladylanky · 7 years
Hey guys!!!! It’s been a minute. Check out my story and see whats happening!!!! 
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Devil's Choir Chapter 1: My desire
As always, I felt the sting of guilt seep through my body. My chest rose and lowered, in a slow, rhythmic motion. It hurt all over. The pang of letting almost one million people down.         I heard my brother call out. “Yeah?”         “I’m going to work, I’ll be back in about four hours for dinner.”         “Alright, love you,” I yelled back. I then heard the door slam shut, echoing through the house and the dead bolts clicking closed, ceased to exist.         The pain in my chest didn’t go away; I tried to think of happier times, but all that managed to escape were the short, bled out memories of my old childhood friend, Andy. I was a freshman in highschool, just trying to get through the most scariest part of my highschool career, and he was a senior, not giving a single care about anything. He kept saying he was going to move, I never actually believed him. He was my best, and only friend.         Without realizing, tears soaked my cheeks. I slowly got up from my beige carpeted room and staggered to the bathroom across the hall. I sat on the toilet and reached to my side to pull my makeup bag from the drawer. I pulled my blade from the secret zipper at the bottom and angled it purposely so it would gleam from the light. I hesitated, but not long enough to actually think about what I was doing. My heart began to race. Pulling back and forth. I brought the blade down to my wrist. Very lightly, I slide it across. Not enough to do any damage, but still enough to bring that bright red liquid to see daylight.         Tears started to cease as I panted. The walls seemed to become larger. Everything was slowed down. Seconds seem like minutes. Minutes seem like hours. I decide keeping this up wouldn’t be a good idea. I put the blade back in my bag, not taking the time to put it in the secret sleeve. I leaned over to put my bleeding arm over the sink but failed to while sitting down, so I stood up and ran boiling hot water over  the open flesh. The sting of pain came back, now I can say it hurt me to leave my fans. I kept my arm under the water until it ran clear, I then proceeded to bend over the toilet.         Lifting the lid up and staring into the clear water, I looked at my traumatized hand and shoved my index and middle finger deep in my throat. Gagging and throwing up the contents of my breakfast. I sat still, looking at the mess I’ve made, until I stood up suddenly and flushed the evidence down.         ‘If I get caught,’ I thought to myself. ‘I’ll be in that hellhole for six months.’ I shuttered at the thought and went back to my room. I sat down at my camcorder and stared into space, thinking of all the crap I’ve  been through. I laid down on my side as my dog, Batman, came in the room. I sat back up, so he couldn’t like my face off.         I started to think of ways to lie to everyone, just to let them know I’m okay, but not telling them that I tried to kill myself. I sighed in frustration and tried to get my bearings back. I’m finally going to tell them. Then, why is it so hard just to get my head on right.         I straightened my clothes, though there was no point to it. Just baggy sweatpants and a plain white shirt. I decided to wait to make the coming out video.         I  started the camera and went into a joking mood.     I tried my best to hide my feelings all throughout the video.         “Is this thing even on?” I started. “I swear to god, if it’s not recording, I’m gonna. . . do something, that I will most likely regret.         “Alright, I think, the camera’s on. Okay, then, umn, sorry. I dunno if that’s going to be enough, but I’m just really sorry, guys. It’s been three weeks without a video and I don’t think any one will ever understand, how much I hated it. The sanitary smell every day in and day out, the sounds of moans and screams and deaths.         “Any way, I think, I should, um, explain.”  ‘I’d already gotten myself into this,’ I thought. ‘Might as well go all the way.’  “I’ve been sick, like, deadly sick. I’ve had pneumonia, which is okay, only mildly deadly. Then, I went to get my prescription and took it, I got this funny feeling, not the kind when you hit your elbow or see a clown. “ Oh, and what is going on this all these ‘clown sightings.’ Like what?         “Sorry, off track, but I took my medicine, then a few days after taking it, I like, could not breathe. So, I went back to the doctors and they were freaking out, and no one had told me what was happening to me, so I was freaking out myself. Soon enough, though, one of the nurses told me to go to a proper hospital, and I was just like:         “ ‘Wait,’ “ my costumed self said. “ ‘ Why? What’s wrong with me? Am I going to die? . . . Answers. I need answer.’         “Then she was like:         “ ‘ Well, ‘ “ I began in my nurse costume. “Ma’am, you’re slightly dying.’         “What the hell!? She outright told me that I was dying. I kid you not. This lady, should not be working as a nurse. Who in their right mind would tell someone that they’re dying.         “So, I went to the hospital, and the real doctors were calm and asked a crap ton of questions, but they got it done.         “The only bad thing, was the person I had to share the room with. I kid you not, he would say with every breath, ‘Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.’ I’m serious, he would not shut up. If you guys are ever in the hospital, I’m mean, I hope you don’t,” I laughed. “But, um,” I coughed, making people think I didn’t make that mistake. “If you ever share a room in a hospital, please keep your pain to yourself. Please, and thank you.         “Any ways, I think I’ve bantered enough,” I started closing. “ If you did enjoy me talking to a camera, then please press that like button, not the thumbs down. I know, the thumbs up and thumbs down are very similar, trust me I’ve gotten them mixed up as well. It’s the one that looks like this,” I gave my camera a double thumbs up. “ If you’re new to my channel, please punch that subscribe button in the face, and I will also link all my social medias in the description. Goodbye, my bunnies. Yes, I just changed your names, again. Bye!”         My throat was killing me at this point. I looked at my camera, twelve minutes. ‘I have some major editing to do,’ I thought. I groaned and went to the kitchen to grab one of my smoothies.         My special smoothies are supposed to clean out my body, my insane mother wants me to get rid of all the junk that the hospital put into my system, although it’s been two days since I got discharged.  I will never understand the motives of my mom.         I went back to my room. Batman had fallen asleep on my bed and I flopped down, scaring the living crap out of him. “Uugh, what’s up pup? Huh?” I started forcefully rubbing the sides of his face, so his ears flopped together. He sighed and looked at me like I had done him wrong. “I know, it’s so hard being a dog. Laying around the house, letting others just love you all the time, letting others feed and play with you. Life is just so hard for a Batman,” Sarcastically letting out a sigh.         I rolled over onto my back and let out a non sarcastic sigh. Hoping that sleep would come over me as easily as it does when it’s night time. Starring out in the distance in my Motionless in White poster, Chris’s eyes seemingly watching every movement I make. I wish I was going on Warped, but I missed the deadline to call back and make it sure that I was going, but I was going in the hospital when they called. I wonder if they would still accept me if I call back now, but Warped Tour starts in two days. They wouldn’t even think about letting me go with them, I’m pretty sure that My Digital Escape is going, I’m not sure, should I do it? I sighed again and picked up my phone. I scrolled through my recent phoning. I hesitated in redialing the number. ‘Should I do this? . . . Screw it, I’m doing it.’         I pressed the redial number, and was put on with an actual human being. “Hello, this is Vans corporation, how may I help you.”         “Oh, um, yeah,” I said, startled. “ I got a call about a couple of days ago, asking about if I wanted to go on Warped Tour as a Youtuber? I was wondering if that spot was still opened?”         “What’s the name of your channel?” the lady asked.         “It’s Annieishere, all one word.”         “Yes, we were waiting for your call back, the spot is still open, would you like to go on?”         “Um, yeah, that’d be amazing,” my voice took on surprise.         “Alright, I’ll let the Mr. Doren know. Thank you.”         “No, thank you,” I told her. We hung up to each other. ‘Wow, I’m actually going on Warped, I never thought that would happen.’         I closed my eyes and soon enough, sleep overtook my body.     I woke up to shouting. My mom and brother, Chase, were both home, which only meant one thing. They were fighting again. I sighed in frustration. They were shouting about something, but I didn’t care, I wanted to go home. My home, not this place with a reincarnation of a she-devil.         I stomped my way downstairs, making it clear I wasn’t in the mood to talk.         “See,” Chase yelled. “You woke her up. She doesn’t need to be here. She’s fully capable of taking care of herself.”         I ignored their conversation, grunting at both of them as I passed the kitchen door. I grabbed my laptop and iPad from the living room and snatched my iPod  from the electronics shelf opposite from where the two of them were fighting.         I went back up to my room to pack and go home. It was clear Chase was fed up with me, and mom only wanted me here to buy me my love back. I heard a soft knock on my door but ignored it, ‘cause it could only be one of two people in the house.         The door opened and Chase came in. “Hey, A-day.” Calling me by my nickname, always results in bad news.         “What?” I groaned.         “It’s not like we don’t want you here,” he started. “But-”         “Listen,” I cut him off. “Don’t lie to me, you know I don’t like people who hide stuff from me. Chase, don’t pretend like you want me here, you two are only in LA, ‘cause you don’t want me to try to kill myself again. Most importantly, I don’t even want to be here in the first place, so you’re going to get what you want any way, because there is no way in hell, that I am ever going to listen to you and mom bicker all the time. I spent eighteen years of my life to that, and now that I’m away, I want to stay away. I’m sorry, if this hurts your precious little ego, but you’re not that special anymore,” I finished as I zipped up the last of my suitcase. “I’m packed, so you don’t have to ever see me anymore. Bye, Chase.”         He was flustered. No words came out of his mouth, so, I took it as an invitation to leave. “You know,” he started.         “What?” I snapped.         “If anyone has an ego, it’s you.”         “Excuse me,” I gritted my teeth.         “Yeah, Miss. Annieishere, who has the biggest ego out of all? You do. Don’t deny it, you know you do. So don’t come over to me to yell at, yelled at yourself. You are the reason this family is such a wreck, and you know it. You’re just in your own little world, where everything is just absolutely freaking perfect. It must be nice, having everything you’ve ever wanted. Getting all you’ve ever wanted and you don’t have to lift a finger. You know what-”         “No I don’t know what? You do know who the hell you’re talking to, right? You are so high strung aren’t you? And I’d like to point out, you are the one who walked into my room, so if anyone should have any say in any matter, it should be me. My room, my rules. Got it? Yeah, I get days off work, don’t know if you know what that actually means, considering you haven’t been able to hold one down for more than a week. You don’t even know what is means to be stressed out. You’re the only one who gets everything, mama’s boy. Yes, I do think I’m the one who broke our family. No, I don’t have it perfect.  No, I don’t have everything I want. Yes, I think I’m a screw up, who doesn’t deserve a goddamn thing in my life,” my breathing got slow, I can’t breathe.         My chest hurt. Why does it hurt? What’s going on? I don’t understand.         “You little bi-, Annie? Annie? Are you okay? What’s going on? Is everything alright?” his voice went from gravel to butter.         “Can’t. . . breathe. . . .”         “ Where’s your inhaler? Bathroom?”         I nodded, that’s where it should be. Everything started growing dimmer. I knelt to the ground, using my fingers almost like claws and scraped my face with my nails. What seemed like hours, Chase came back with my spare inhaler. I used it and sat there panting, and soon tears streaked my cheeks.         Chase lifted my head to see if I was okay, and let out a sigh of relief. “Don’t scare me like that,” his serious tone, making the room’s tension rise.         “Sorry,” I sobbed out.         “Don’t be sorry, you can’t help your anxiety attacks. You just need-”         “No,” I cried. “I’m sorry for screwing this family up. You’re right, it’s all my fault.”         “No, you’re not,” he apologized. “I was mad, I’m still kinda getting used to having you back in my life. I’ve gone over five years with without you. You’re what kept me sane in jail.”         “That’s why you beat the crap out of me and mom?”         “You know the real reason. I’m sorry, and I know I say that every time, but you won’t ever understand how much I  regret those things. The things I did to you, to mom, to everybody I’ve hurt,” he began crying with me.         I turned around to face him and pulled him into a hug. The most loving thing he’s done to me, throughout my eighteen years of living with him.         We sat there in the middle of my room for a good hour, before mom came in half drunk, half high, and told us to get dinner on.         I told Chase that I’ll stay for dinner, but have to go home after.         We both did the preparing, mom coming in the kitchen to check on us, with a white piece of rolled up paper stuck hanging outside her nose. We chopped bell peppers of all colours and put the rice in the cooker. The chicken was on the stove and we put all the peppers in, along with a lot of other things that I can’t quite remember.         We got mom upstairs while she was still able to stand, and had dinner together before I left. Chase sat next to me, his eyes red from cutting up the onions, and of course mom at the head with me on her left. Chase leaned over to whisper in my ear, “Sorry mom isn’t sober.”         I giggled and whispered back, “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”         He smiled.         After dinner, mom passed out on the loveseat, and Chase helped me put all my bags in the car and dropped me off at my apartment. I always remember my apartment number, 69, yes, and I know what you’re thinking, and yes, that is how I remember it.         We each carried half of my stuff, which was all of about five bags. We chatted about what’s been up since last we met. He’s been seeing this girl, but she has something that he doesn’t particularly like, though he won’t tell me what that something is.         He dropped my stuff at the entrance to my bedroom and said he had to make sure mom didn’t suffocate.         I was left all alone in the tiny two bedroom apartment, besides my cat. Spider and Batman are mine, I love them. I wish I was a pet, then I wouldn’t have to worry about work.         ‘Crap,’ I thought. ‘I have work tomorrow.’ I let out a grunt of disapproval and let myself flop on my bed, allowing my body to bounce from the ricochet. Not even bothering to take my clothes off I crawled under my sheet and snuggled up to my pillow with the face of Tom Hiddleston and started drifting off to sleep.
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black-veiled-siren · 6 years
I don't even know how to respond. The reason had never really been important to me, it was just something we always did. We bickered, we faught, it's just how we have always been. But why did we act this way? What makes Andy get to me like this?
-The Warped Babysitter chapter 8
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Walk Away (Part 5) Ashley wakes up groggily and turns over to see if Alex is awake, but notices she's not there. He takes a few moments of realization, then says, "Oh, God. Alex?!" He jumps out of bed and runs to the living room, yelling her name. He looks down at the table where her keys should be, only to see that they are not there. "Oh my God," he says softly to himself. He quickly runs outside to see Alex sitting in her car in tears. He lets out a sigh of relief and walks over to her door looking worried. He slowly opens the door and bites his lip, unsure of what to say. "Alex...?" He puts his hand on her shoulder as she looks up at him in shock. "What are you doing out here?" He asks her. Alex shakes her head and shows him her phone. Numerous Instagram notifications are flooding in, all of them are comments insulting her. A few of them have to do with him too, saying things like, "Leave Andy and Ashley alone! They both deserve much better than you!" and "You're a little whore! You and your boyfriend break up so you cope with it by playing with his best friend's heart!" Ashley looks back up at Alex confusedly. "Alex, don't listen to them..." He shakes his head in disbelief. Alex unlocks her phone and shows him her post about him. He looks at her, pain showing in his eyes. "Alex, you don't think you're a burden on me, do you?" Alex sighs and shrugs, not meeting his eyes. Ashley runs his hand through his hair. "Alex, come back inside with me... Please... You're never a burden on me..." His heart breaks at the sight of her like this. Alex shakes her head. "I have to go away," she says, biting the side of her cheek. Ashley looks at her pleadingly and grabs her hand. "Please, don't. You shouldn't be alone right now." Alex looks at him with tears in her eyes. "Are you sure I'm not a burden?" Ashley leans in the car and wraps his arms around her tightly. "Alex, that's not possible. I promise." Alex wraps her arms around him too and cries into his chest. For a few moments, he sits in silence and strokes her hair comfortingly. Then, he picks her up, and she wraps her legs around his waist tightly, as he pulls the keys out of the car and carries her back in her house. He walks all the way to her bedroom and lays her in the bed, carefully pulling the covers up over her. "Rest. I'll be here if you need me," Ashley says as he sits on the edge of the bed. Alex sits up suddenly. "You guys have a show tonight!" She says. Ashley rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Yeah, we do..." He says, wishing he didn't have to go perform with Andy. Alex throws the covers off and and gets out of bed. "What are you doing?" Ashley asks her. Alex walks over to her closet and looks for something to wear. "I have to get ready! I can't miss your first show!" Ashley walks up behind her and looks at her with a concerned expression. "Alex, are you sure that's the best idea...?" He asks her. Alex turns to face him. "Ashley, I can't miss your first show. I'm going, and you can't stop me." Ashley sighs, knowing it's a bad idea, but doesn't stop her. Later that night, Ashley drives her to the stadium. He parks the car and turns to her. She's looking in the mirror, checking to make sure she looks okay. Ashley just stares at her and smiles. "You're beautiful," he says genuinely. Alex turns to look at him, her cheeks turning red. "Thanks..." She replies softly. Meanwhile, Andy is backstage in his dressing room staring at himself in the mirror. His eyes are bloodshot red from crying and his knuckles are bleeding from punching things. He is drunk, so drunk he's barely able to stand. His phone begins to ring. He sighs angrily and answers it. "How am I supposed to perform like this?" He yells into the phone. Thomas chuckles on the other end. "Put your anger into the songs, Andy." Andy flexes his jaw and swallows hard. "What if she's here?" He asks, afraid to hear the reply. Thomas pauses for a moment, then says, "She is. She came with Ashley, and she looks stunning." Andy goes to tell him to keep his eyes off of her, but stops himself. He takes a puff on his cigarette and stays quiet, tears falling down his cheeks as he thinks about Alex being with Ashley. After a moment of silence, he says, "She came with him. She came to see him perform. Not me." Thomas replies in a fake sympathetic tone, "It seems she's already forgotten all about you." At this, Andy breaks. Before he can stop himself, he forces his fist into the mirror, causing it to shatter and cut his hand. Andy scowls and says, "I gotta go," into the phone and hangs up. Ashley sits outside with Alex until nearly time to go onstage. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks her worriedly. Alex smiles at him and nods. "Yeah, I am. I'll be okay. Don't worry," she says. Ashley pulls her in for a hug and rubs her back. "Be careful, okay?" Alex nods and they let go, parting ways as Ashley heads backstage, and Alex goes to stand in the front row. Andy comes walking out of his dressing room as soon as Ashley gets backstage. He looks at one of the crew members and says, "There's a mess in there." He points at his room and keeps walking. He gives Ashley a look so hateful it's like he wants to kill him. He walks past him, making sure to bump into him as he does. Ashley sighs, trying to keep his cool, and just goes to get ready. About fifteen minutes later, the guys start entering the stage. Andy is the last to come on, and when he does, the audience goes wild. He spots Alex the second he gets on the stage, and his heart drops. He feels as though he's going to fall out right then and there. Alex bites her lip, trying to stay calm at the sight of him. She can tell he's drunk. She thinks to herself, "Why'd you go, Andy?" The guys begin to play "Heart of Fire" and Andy sings his heart out. Alex tries to keep her composure as she sits and watches them. She does everything she can to keep her eyes off of Andy, but it is nearly impossible. Tears fall down her cheeks as she thinks of how badly she wishes she was going to be in his arms again after the show. As soon as they finish, Andy falls to his knees and puts his face in his hands. Suddenly, girls in the audience begin to scream louder than before. Some of them say things about Alex such as, "Andy, good job on breaking up with that slut!" and "Forget Alex! You deserve much better!" More and more people join in on the jeering. Ashley steps forward angrily, getting ready to say something. Before he can, one girl nearby points at Alex and yells, "She's right there! Alex is here!" Alex's breathing quickens as she starts to panic. People crowd closer to her, screaming in her face. Ashley quickly puts his guitar down and jumps out in the crowd. "MOVE!" He yells out loudly into his microphone. All of the girls back away slightly, scared half to death. Ashley is so angry that he is about to explode. Alex is sitting on the floor, one of her shoes gone and her hair a mess. She is in tears. Ashley bends down beside her and picks her up, bridal style. "Let's get you out of here," he says softly. Suddenly, one of the girls steps out and says, "Ashley, you shouldn't protect that whore! She isn't worth it!" Ashley looks at the girl, fire in his eyes. "Don't ever say another bad word about this girl. She's better than you could ever dream of being." He nods up at Andy. "He's the one you should all be angry with. I don't know him anymore. That man up on that stage is a douche." With that Ashley turns to walk away. Alex looks up and catches a glimpse of Andy just before he's out of sight. He is glaring at both the audience and Ashley. His muscles are tensed up, and he is flexing his jaw. As Ashley gets backstage, he sets Alex down, looking at her with so much hurt and worry. "Alex, I'm so so sorry..." Alex shakes her head and wipes tears from her face. "I should've listened to you. I shouldn't have come." Ashley pulls her into a hug. "You should be able to come to our shows without being attacked like that. I'm so sorry. Please, don't listen to them." Suddenly, Andy, Christian, Jinxx, and Jake all enter. All of them are extremely angry. Jake walks in front of Andy and shoves him. "How could you let this happen?!" He yells. Andy scowls. "You blame me?!" Christian walks up beside Jake and says, "You're the only one to blame! Alex doesn't deserve this!" Andy grabs Christian by the collar and glares at him. "I didn't ask for this!" He yells at him. Jinxx walks over and pulls Andy off of Christian. It turns into a yelling match as Andy argues with the three of them. Ashley holds Alex tightly as if he's trying to shield her from it. After it continues for a few minutes, Ashley leans back and looks into Alex's eyes. "Please, don't hate me." Alex barely has time to question him before Ashley pushes her against the wall and presses his lips against hers.
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princeoneptune-blog · 7 years
I’m sorry I’m failing You
It was the last day of school. A total stresser for you. After the hell final ended, all the seniors saying goodbye and crying you were crying too but no one noticed. In your town everyone goes to the same school excluding pre-k and elementary.
You get home a pull your razor from behind your cork board it’s secret hiding spot. After being clean for months, your act was up and you knew it. Tomorrow was the first day of the Black Veil Brides awesome seats and backstage passes. After begging you mom to take you, you were finally going to see your idols. Being a newly teen right out of the gates at 13 and haveinh anxiety it was time to not sleep and go over the many ways this could go wrong.
Luckily it was only like 30 degrees outside which means you can wear a sweatshirt and get away with it. Again some luck the show has an inside venue. You have just put in your favorite BVB shirt grey jeans and your vans shoes, grabbed a few bvb cd to get singles and listen to in the car and headed down the stairs to the door. “MOOOOOOM LETS GO” “(y/n) Ok lets go!” Your mom shouts back at you. She’s the only one left in your family. No sisters no distant cousins no nothing it’s just you and mom.
You guys get in the car and
Your heads so foggy your bleeding from you face you hands your wrists. You should have never sat in the front seat at you heaight and weight(5’1” and 86 lbs)
You thought you were dead and you were doing the space floating thing from “If I Stay” bc you felt so light. But it was your mom that had gone not you.
You were alone. No family. No job. No real independence. Nothing at all.
*************i decided to try my hand at this so yeah hope you like it to be continued**********
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in case you may not have noticed I’m new to this blogging thing and though i want to keep it anonymous i’m still gonna say some things about myself 
I live in ireland i have just turned 15 years old on september 21st i am obsessed with Andy Biersack his solo work and his band Black Veil Brides  I can be a sarcastic bitch (hehe) and am facing a huge exam in june called the junior cert . its basically GCSES but its in ireland. on this blog you will probably see just random posts about me my life and maybe a little fanfiction here and there;) and bit by bit i will reveal more about myself. i have all these feelings and opinions but i am afraid to say them out loud. I tried writing in a diary but that shit went downhill pretty quickly to say the least hehe.
So now i guess i’m here. I figured i might feel better if i say all these things to somebody. I will also be here if anybody needs somebody to talk to about anything. I try my best to understand peoples views and I myself have been through some shit too so I might be able to relate to you in what you’re saying. I hope that anybody who reads this will follow me in my journey to opening up trying new things and talking to new people etc and i will try my best to help you guys in return:) I don’t really know how to sign off on a blog so i guess I’ll just finish lol. I guess i’ll just hope for the best
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andrewbeansack-blog · 7 years
Go check out my BVB fanfic on Wattpad called Promises of the Past! My user is MissOliSykes666! I would really appreciate it if you would ! Thanks!
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holly-louisexox · 4 days
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 18
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices…
…But then things changed.
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"Okay, earpiece test in 3, 2, 1." Delia states before sending the earpiece noise through to the guys who all give her a thumbs up in response; Andy does so without looking in her direction. "Okay great, if you could go ahead and start with Wake Up so I can get the mix correct then we'll move onto Faithless to test the backing of the bell."
Just as the band started playing, that's when Shevy walks into the sound tech studio and takes a seat next to Delia, a look of concern on the girl's face.
"How are you feeling today D?" Shevy asks "And please don't lie, I saw the tears you were fighting last night."
"Does it matter how I feel Shevy? Andy made his feelings very clear last night and even then I knew deep down it would never work between us anyway." Delia sighs. "Forgetting how cruel and unkind he can be, Andy will go back to Los Angeles and I'll return to Ohio, we'll be miles apart anyway."
"You know Andy is originally from Ohio, right? He's always going back to visit there." Shevy states.
"Shevy, I honestly don't care anymore, I'm done with him. I'm not going to keep torturing myself. I'm an idiot for even sleeping with the guy, whatever I'm feeling towards him I need to forget about it."
"You like him don't you?" Shevy smiles lightly.
"I do, I really do, and I know I shouldn't. Every single cell in my brain is screaming at me to let him go, but every fibre of my body almost begs for him to touch me again, not even for just sex. He makes out to be this guy who doesn't care for people and who doesn't believe in love, but sex with him he's so gentle and almost loving and that's what truly confuses me." Delia sighs turning back to look at the soundboard.
"Okay, I'm not going to ask more about the situation because you're starting to look upset and the last thing I want to do is make you cry. All I'm going to say though is just see what happens, maybe give him a chance to come to his senses. This tour he seems to be more willing and open with his emotions, something I haven't seen in a while, I like to think it's because of you." Shevy explains "If you need me I'll be backstage okay hun?"
"Okay, see you soon Shevy."
"So what's the plan after Seattle then boys?" CC asks "Are we getting drinks to celebrate the tour like always?"
"Is that such a good idea CC?" Lonny asks "With what's been going on in Seattle I'm not sure that's such a great idea."
"Nonsense, it'll be fine. We'll have security with us, plus if we stick together everything will be fine." CC tries to reassure the youngest member of the band.
Soundcheck finished about 10 minutes ago so everyone was just relaxing backstage before VIP started in 2 hours. Despite the conversations that had been happening in the room, the tension was still there; Andy's outburst yesterday made the group feel very awkward in the presence of both Andy and Delia, Shevy and Lonny feeling nothing but sorrow for their new friend whilst Jake, Jinxx and CC had guesses of what went down.
"I agree with Lonny, I'm not sure I'm fond of that idea CC." Shevy agrees with Lonny.
"Could we maybe talk about something other than Seattle please?" Delia speaks up whilst staring into space. All she could feel was Andy's eyes on her and she was trying desperately to ignore his gaze, if she looked at him she knew she'd crack.
"We better move from the conversation in case Delia faints again, I can't guarantee I'll be able to catch her this time." Andy mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear; Delia felt her heart shatter more. Why was he being like this? Was this all part of his game? To make Delia feel like she could love him only for him to rip the platform from underneath her and leave her hanging for her life?
"I'll be back, I just remembered I need to make a call quickly." Delia stutters slightly before rushing out of the room, Andy's eyes of course following her whilst the rest of the band look at Andy in confusion. They were pleasantly surprised with hope to think that he was changing back to his old self, sadly it seemed that they were all wrong.
"Delia honey, I thought you had a show today?" The voice of Delia's mum comes through the phone in shock and happiness.
"Yeah, we do." Delia smiles sadly as she speaks through the phone. "Mum, I think I've made a mistake." It's then Delia feels the tears start to roll down her cheeks; Delia has always been close to her mum, she would always talk gossip and men with her. Her favourite memory is how her mum would always make her a hot drink they would both share biscuits whilst sharing the news that had occurred, her mum was always the best at giving advice.
"Oh Petal, what's happened? I'm sure you've done nothing wrong." Her mum coos over the phone; this would be when her mum would wrap her up into a hug if they were together in person.
"I slept with the lead singer and... I think I've grown to like him." Delia admits letting out a broken sigh.
"Oh petal, I wouldn't call that a mistake." Delia's mum was always an optimist in situations like this "Trust me when I say that most people who sleep together end up catching feelings for one another, chances are he probably feels the same."
"But he doesn't mum." Delia whimpers as she feels more tears fall down her cheeks "I feel like an idiot, I knew he didn't do commitment yet I put myself in that position."
"How many times has it been Delia?" Her mum was never one where things were too much information, Delia had always been able to share things from the first time she had her period to when she lost her virginity and panicked about contraception and safe sex.
"Twice." Delia admits.
"Okay, well I would advise on not sleeping with him again and let him make the next move. But most men who are non-committable don't often sleep with the same person more than once." Delia's mum always was a voice of reason, always trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
"It hurts mum, he's said some really hurtful things and it's hard to hide that I'm not affected when really I am." Delia cries before telling her mum about yesterday's outburst.
"Do you want the truth Delia?" her mum asks her, her silence confirming to her mum that she in fact did want the truth. "I think he's damaged Petal and people do weird things when they are damaged. From what you've told me it seems that he holds an interest in you, but he's likely battling with his head." 
"What do I do mum?" Delia asks.
"Don't overthink it. Let him come to you. If he truly does hold interest, which I believe he does, he needs time to win the battle in his head. Sometimes our mind can be our own biggest enemy." Delia's mum states.
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Delia nods even though she knew that her mum could not see such a gesture. "I erm, I should head back. The VIP starts soon then we have the show."
"Yes, of course, good luck dear. I'll see you next week when you're home." 
"I'll see you next week mum." 
Time is what we want most but what we use worst. Life teaches us to make good use of time while time teaches us of the value of life.
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moxiewren · 7 years
Black Veil Bride Fanfic Alert!!!
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sleekervae · 4 years
Young God [0.4]
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It was early afternoon in Ventura, the muted brightness of an summer day having given away to a pale blue sky and the sun beaming down at full capacity. Nevertheless, the air was still fairly humid and Taylor fanned her face as a meagre means to ease the blistering heat biting at her skin. Her teal blue hair was tied up today, and what little makeup she had on had been melted down and quickly wiped away. And here, she thought Danny was exaggerating when he went on about the California heat.
Two days had passed and so far, aside from the brash heat, Taylor had found herself to be enjoying her brief American leg. Having close friends by her side eased some the nervous qualms she had carried, as did making many new friends in the wake of the festival. Within the few hours she spent with them, Black Veil Brides had taken Taylor into their circle as though they'd known her for years; laughing, joking around, and drinking, yes. But overall, Taylor had quickly grown fond of spending much of her time with Andy -- which hadn't gone unnoticed by Danny and Ben.
With a quick crack of the knuckles, Taylor plucked at the strings of her guitar in preparation for her next tent show. They certainly weren't her favourite gig to play, yet to her surprise, Taylor had found that she had gathered a small following in the crowds she sang to; quickly accumulating with every show.
The grass beneath her pricked at her bare legs and the heat made it difficult for her to persist with her practice. Despite that, her face lifted when she saw him out of the corner of her eye, and she smiled when Andy sat down beside her, placing the cool water bottle down and relaxing into the warm field.
"One water bottle, as per request," he said, then reached into his vest pocket again, "And one granola bar -- because food," he still wore that cocky grin, eyes twinkling like a mischievous child.
"My knight in shining armour," she spoke with a withered exasperation and quickly took the water bottle, "How much do I owe you?" she asked before taking a sip.
"Don't worry about it," he shrugged.
Taylor glowered at him as she swallowed, "Come on, Andy. Don't be ridiculous,"
"Taylor, it's a water bottle and a shitty granola bar. Hardly put a dent in my wallet," he said, "And don't argue with a cripple,"
"My bad," she chuckled and took the granola bar between her fingers, struggling to pull apart the foil, "How are your ribs, by the way?"
Andy shifted again at the mention, "Can hardly feel 'em now," he said, "Just watch: by the end of the month I'll be right as rain again,"
Taylor refrained from scowling despite the willful foil and adhesive, "Are those your doctor's words or you trying to put me at ease?" she rebutted.
"Perhaps a bit of both," he smirked, taking the granola bar from her and with a quick pull, the foil tore open. Taylor glowered then as he handed it back to her.
"... Showoff," she took the first bite of the sticky, chocolatey goodness before offering the bar his way. He took a bite and commented on how it was simply just a glorified chocolate bar for children. He chewed thoughtfully, watching her for longer than necessary; her long lashes grazing her cheeks, her nude pink lipstick leaving a slight imprint on the foil top and she blinked back at him, shrugging at his remark before taking another bite.
"Aren't you hot like that?" she asked then, pointing to his long, thick black hair.
Andy scratched his jaw with his finger nonchalantly and gave a small shrug, his lips pouty, "Haven't really noticed,"
"Ya' haven't really noticed?" Taylor mocked back in disbelief, "Mate, I'm hot just looking at ya!"
His face flushed then at her nickname, that and the way the twang in her Northern accent held a slight squeak to her outburst, "Honestly, I'm fine," he assured her, "Live in Los Angeles long enough, you get used to it,"
"Ugh, Americans," she joked, lying back and enveloping herself fully in the sun's rays, "Whatcha' doing after your show today?"
Andy bit down on the inside of his lip, "What do you wanna' do?" he replied. Taylor raised her eyebrows, unable to help but admire the strip of sunlight that fell over his face.
"I don't know. The beach, perhaps?" she replied, "Could use a good cooling off,"
He tried not to let his smile grow at that the insinuating thoughts in his head, instead he chuckled, "Taylor, do I look like somebody who goes to the beach?"
Taylor simply shook her head, "You look more like the monster that crawled out of the water to scare the horny teenagers off,"
" -- I won't argue with you there," Andy chuckled back, "But for you, I might entertain the idea of going to the beach,"
"For the prospect of seeing me in a me swimmers, I'd wager," she teased.
"Well," he nodded truthfully, trying not to let his smirk falter, "I wouldn't mind, personally,"
She laughed as she looked back at him, brown eyes bright and shining, "Got ya' figured out, Andy,"
He'd been trying not to lose himself in her too often, had purposely ignored the splash of colour of the thin feathers tied into her teal bun, the way the freckles he'd previously tried to count and memorize the pattern of were highlighted in the sun, had willed himself to focus on the conversation each time her lips had wrapped around the bottle of her water but now he couldn't not notice it all, admired her up close, fantasized about the mere idea of his hands being where she currently had them sitting atop her stomach, then bit the inside of his cheek at how lewd his thoughts were.
"That you do, Taylor," Andy drawled, his voice deeper than it had been before, laced with awe.
Taylor's eyes travelled up the gallery of tattoos that littered his arms. His body was close to hers and it radiated heat, he must have been sweaty with all that hair but she couldn't tell, could smell his cologne instead, the linger of cigarette smoke she'd inhaled before.
"Shall we go, then?" she asked, slowly sitting up, "You have another show and I have another tent to play,"
"I say fuck it," he shrugged back, lowering his face slightly to hers, desperate to win her over, "Let's just stay here for the rest of the day. Watch the clouds, eat glorified chocolate bars and that bullshit,"
Taylor smiled, her cheeks straining from how much his happiness was rubbing off on her.  Her heartbeat had sped up a little and she quickly blamed it on the lack of food since breakfast and the morbid heat, but there was something about his presence that still enthralled her too. She wanted nothing more than to hear him talk about everything and anything for hours, found herself so connected to his mind and the way he worked, couldn't wait to watch him perform again, especially now she'd done a little revision on his music. Her gaze locked on his fearlessly, she raised her chin.
"As enticing as that sounds, our agents will have our heads on spits if we ditch," she said.
Andy shrugged and wet his lips, "Do you often do what you're told?" he asked.
A smirk spread over her pearly pink lips and she leaned in closer, "Only when it suits me," she replied softly.
Despite all the control he'd fought for, the arrogance and air of nonchalance he was desperate to exude, his face lit up; he couldn't help it.
"I'll keep that in mind," he grinned back, untangling his long legs from their pretzel to get to his feet, "You coming then?"
Taylor only extended out her arms, a silent asking for him to take her hands and yank her to feet in one deft swoop. She squeaked at the sudden force and nearly tripped into him, falling straight into his chest. Andy held her steady and couldn't help his bemused giggle.
"You alright?" he asked, his left eyebrow arching in query. Taylor couldn't decide if it was nerves that had prompted the action, or if he was trying to keep up his act, but either way, he looked effortlessly cool doing it.
"Absolutely," she nodded and pulled herself away.
She stuffed her things back into her tote bag and picked up her guitar. After arguing back and forth with himself, Andy nervously threw his arm around her shoulders to bring her to his side as they began to walk. Taylor's eyes were wide with shock for a moment.
"Is it alright if I do this?" he asked, holding his breath for her reaction.
Taylor smiled back in kind, "Yeah," she settled into him with ease, didn't feel uncomfortable with his immediate closeness, his friendliness and need to make her feel comfortable reassuring her that he wasn't trying to put anything on her.
His thumb smoothed down her arm an inch or two as he kept her locked there, her skin smooth and silky but he tensed his jaw to stop himself from going any further, would hate to make her feel uneasy or to do something to scare her off.
"I like those feathers," he drawled, pocketing at his tight jeans for a smoke.
"Thanks," she tucked a stray hair behind her ear, "You know, Ben and Danny would probably have a fit if they saw us together like this,"
"How do you mean? Like -- jealousy?" he mumbled, popping the cigarette between his lips with his free hand, "Personally, I don't blame 'em for it. I got one of the hottest girls at Warped Tour on my arm today," he smirked with a cocky bravado.
"I don't mean like that..." she laughed back, nudging his ribs with her elbow gently, watching the smoke bob from where it was placed between his lips, "In a more brotherly protective manner, so to speak,"
"So, you've known them long?" he asked.
"Meh. Since I was about nineteen," she sighed, "Being young and reckless, trying to stay outta' trouble and shit. They've gotten me out of a few jams in the past,"
"Care to elaborate?" Andy asked, now pocketing around for his lighter.
Taylor shook her head, "Nah, not really," she replied with a nervous giggle, "S'pose I'm just grateful to having them look out for me,"
"Well, I'm very grateful that they introduced me to you," he said, biting the inside of his cheek at his own cheekiness as he brought the smoke away from his mouth to light it.
"As am I," before Andy could barely take the first puff, Taylor snatched the cigarette from his lips for herself.
"Naughty girl," he teased, to which Taylor giggled merrily and handed the bud back to him after her exhale, "I didn't like that, but I respect it,"
A few feet in front of them sat a newer indie rock band; three young hipsters with shaggy hair, baggy muscle tees, and leather woven jewelry. The lead singer noticed Andy and Taylor coming their way and turning his nose up at their loud, eccentric visage. Taylor wasn't so bad on the eyes, with a bit of cleaning up and she'd probably be one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever laid eyes on. Andy's appearance however puzzled him greatly; didn't this taller kid know that hair metal was out of trend?
The singer, with beady green eyes, glowered as the couple passed him by -- his bandmates hardly took notice until their singer suddenly shouted.
"Hey dude!" he called to Andy, "The 80s called, they want their hair back!"
Andy and Taylor stopped short at the whiny voice. Taylor then noted how Andy's face had twisted from pleasant delight to that of simmering irritation. She found that suddenly unsettling to her. He turned slowly to the hipster, cigarette still brandished between his lips with a glare that was sure to kill if looks only could.
"You talking to me, kid?" Andy asked the hipster.
The hipster shrugged without care, much to the chagrin of his bandmates who tried to tell him to shut up, "I sure as shit wasn't talking to her," he spat back, nodding in Taylor's direction.
Andy tore the cigarette away in a deft swipe, stepping over to give this little shit a piece of his mind. Taylor however quickly placed her hand over his chest, effectively stopping him in his tracks.
"Just leave him alone," she murmured to him, "He's looking for a fight is all, and he ain't gonna' get it out of you,"
As if by a sudden wave of magic, Andy's boiling rage simmered down to barely lukewarm. As much as it pained him to admit it, Taylor's words had some truth to them. He could see it in the way this little hipster bitch was smirking at him, just goading him into throwing the first punch. But when he looked down, he was met with Taylor's dark, pleading eyes. He didn't want to let her down. So, Andy inhaled deeply and stood back, taking the high road and placing the cigarette back in his mouth.
"Let's get out of here,"
Taylor, flush was relief, scowled at the twenty-something-year-old boy with disinterest. She instead took Andy's hand in her own and sneered at the hipster before walking away, "Twat!"
The air was much cooler in Asking's bus thanks to this ingenious invention called air conditioning. In turn, Taylor and Maxeen had let their hair down as they sat cloistered together on the floor of the bunk cave. With two bottles of beer before them, Taylor kept as still as possible as Maxeen applied the fresh coat of raspberry pink nail polish to her fingernails while Maxeen waited for her own toe polish to dry.
In the common area, they could hear the faint, muffled commotion of the Asking boys as they battled each other on the video game consoles, swearing and shouting every few seconds it seemed. Taylor's mind was preoccupied, Maxeen could tell from the lack of response she gave when she tried to initiate conversation.
"What's on your mind?" she asked. Taylor flickered her eyes up to meet her friend's, but she shrugged nonchalantly.
"Nothing much," she replied, "Why?"
"You just seem to be somewhere else," Maxeen said, "Were you alright after the gig?"
"Well enough, I suppose," Taylor said.
Maxeen dipped the polish brush back into the jar before she started on the other hand, "Sad we only got four days left?"
Taylor's chest rippled with apprehension, the sullen reminder that her time here was short was nearly enough to send her into a funk. She had enjoyed the time she'd gotten to spend with Danny and Ben, and Andy of course. The time she'd spent with Andy made her feel as though she'd known him for years, forming a bond she hadn't experienced in quite some time. She had told herself over and over not to become too attached to this boy, but like many things in her life that plan too went awry.
"Yeah. Back to the bleak fucking cold," she sighed.
"It's not cold right now back home," Maxeen pointed out, "It's July,"
"I'm aware," Taylor said, "I think it's just like -- you get a small taste for what you could have here but you don't have enough time to really enjoy it,"
Maxeen stopped mid paint-stroke, quirking her head at the mysterious notion Taylor was grappling at, "Whatcha' on about?"
Taylor quickly shook her head, figuring Maxeen would think her ridiculous if she was honest, "Nothing," she mumbled.
Maxeen pursed her lips as she finished the last coat, eyeing Taylor cautiously as though she expected to burst out into tears. Despite not having known Danny, Ben, and the others for as long as Taylor had, Maxeen could very well understand how sad she would be for leaving at the end of the week. However, she could sense from the aversion of Taylor's big brown eyes that she was miffed about something more than just having to leave her friends behind.
"You've been hanging around a lot with that goth-looking guy, eh?" she said, carefully gauging Taylor's next moves. The young rockstar only met her gaze for a brief moment with a nod, "What was his name... Andrew?"
"Andy," Taylor said in wallow.
"Yeah, that's right," Maxeen nodded, "Seems like a nice chap -- could do with a fucking hair cut, though,"
Taylor shrugged again, the tangy smell of nail polish slowly infiltrating her nostrils and making her scrunch, "I think it's alright, actually," she admitted, "It's more his face I notice. Underneath all that paint he's quite handsome,"
"Oh, I'm sure," Maxeen chided back, quirking her head as she tried to read off her friend, "Do you like him, then?"
"Oh course," Taylor nodded, "Him and his mates have been lovely,"
"Okay, but do you fancy him?" Maxeen asked again, "Like... in the same way you felt for Spencer?"
Taylor's ears burned at the sudden mention of her old flame. Thinking back now, that relationship felt like an entire life time ago, a distant memory that she didn't care to hold on to in that it kept her from evolving in her personal life. This however left Taylor with the question of whether or not she was ready to move on.
"It's been three fucking days, I couldn't tell you that, Max," she replied, "Besides, even if I did -- and I'm not saying I do -- but if I did, who's to say it would work anyway? I live on another bloody continent!"
Maxeen shrugged, "Well, that is to say if you did fancy him, I reckon you wouldn't give two shits about long distance. There are lots of couples out there separated, but they make it work,"
Taylor picked up her half-empty beer bottle, "You trying to talk me into a relationship that don't exist?" she took a quick swig and set it back on the carpeted floor.
"All I'm trying to say is if the opportunity presents itself, try it out," Maxeen replied, "So we leave in four days. How much you want to bet you'll be kicking yourself if you never saw him again and didn't at least entertain the possibility of what could've been? And besides, out of all the freaks and nerds we've met on this tour, Andy certainly wouldn't be the worst one to shag,"
A faint blush creeped over Taylor's face as she smiled, shaking her head at Maxeen's snide comment. That being said, the more she thought about it, the deeper Taylor's racing mind sunk into the gutter. Her face went redder and she snickered to herself.
Maxeen's own face meanwhile lit up, fascinated and excited by Taylor's meek and sly response. She shuffled in closer and leaned in to whisper, "Are you actually thinking about...?"
Taylor's nodding and anxious giggling gave her away in an instant, "I wouldn't mind, personally," she  murmured, blushing like a nun outside of a fetish shop.  
Maxeen's newfound glee reached a new height of mania. From the diabolical glint in her eyes, Taylor could tell in an instant that she was up to no good. And she was right. In an instant, Maxeen scrambled to her feet with a sadistic grin and started shouting, "Fuck me! Danny!"
Taylor was overcome with sudden horror, "Oh, god! Whatcha' think you're doing?" and she was then in hot pursuit.
Danny was currently caught up in a cut-throat game of Mario Kart with James. With some fancy thumb work, Danny desperately urged the Wario avatar to pass into first, however James' Toad proved to be a worthy opponent as the carts were now grill-and-grill in an effort to hit the checkered finish line.
"Danny! Ben!" At the sudden call of his name though, Danny lost his train of thought for a millisecond before Wario had veered off the track and had plummeted into the lava pit below. Toad meanwhile finished with a first-place victory.
"What the fuck?" Ben and Cameron turned towards the commotion in question.
Maxeen emerged from the bunk cave, eager to spill her gossip, "Boys! Taylor wants to shag -- oh!" but she stopped short, realizing that it wasn't just the Asking boys wasting their night in front of the tele.
When Taylor grabbed hold of Maxeen, she felt herself go a deep shade of red. Andy, Ashley, and Jake had come along for the digital race, they and everybody else taken aback and amused at Maxeen's outburst. Oh, for fuck sakes...
James however started snickering as he set down his controller, eager to hear this play out, "Who does Taylor want to shag, Max?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows at the blue-haired beauty. Taylor slapped her hand over Maxeen's mouth before she could say anything incriminating.
"Your ma!" Taylor snapped, "Don't mind her, she's just drunk. Carry on, then!" and she yanked Maxeen back into the bunk, scowling at the echoing howls of Ben, Danny, and the others pissing themselves with laughter.
When the girls had disappeared and the hysteria died down, Andy took a thoughtful swig of his own beer; while Danny demanded a rematch from James on account of unforeseen distractions. A cocky smile had come over Andy, just still able to makeup the silhouette of the girls in the dark shadows -- with Taylor no doubt reprimanding Maxeen for being so out of line.
"NO! AYE!" Andy suddenly sat upright in his bunk, not yet awake enough to sense his smaller enclosure and he smashed his head into the rock-hard ceiling.
"Motherfuck!" he groaned, holding his now-throbbing head. His bandmates were now awake as well, all thanks to their lighting technician who just so happened to have the bunk over Andy. The poor fellow had night terrors, and the band was sympathetic to the matter -- just not at five in the morning.
"Fucking -- Richard!" Jinxx pulled back the curtain of his own bunk and hurled his pillow into Richard's, promptly waking him. The older man snorted and grumbled before coming to, realizing what had happened and groaned to himself.
"Sorry," he called. Andy whimpered and slowly rolled out of the bunk, continuing to clutch his head. He had hoped that because his hair was so thick that it would've absorbed some of the impact, then he felt stupid for thinking such a thing. CC then poked his head out of the bunk, and when he registered what had happened he started to laugh to himself. The hungover side of him found the situation hilarious, the sober part of him found it sad, however.
"You okay, Andy?" John, their tour manager, had peaked out from his own quarters at the sudden commotion.
Andy didn't raise his head, instead he held up his hand in the A-OK sign. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, hoping to ease some of the pounding in his head. The reverberations of the bus' engine certainly weren't helping him.
"Are we there yet?" he called to their driver, Collin.
"Forty-five minutes!" Collin called back.
"Take an ice bag for that," John instructed, "Last thing we need is to take you back to the hospital for a cracked skull,"
Andy grimaced at the notion of going back to the hospital again. He staggered to his feet and grabbed his phone, using the light to guide him as wandered through the blacked-out bus and went for the cupboard that held the first-aid kit. He grabbed the plastic bag out of the red box and slammed it down against the countertop several times, trying to illicit a chill from the chemicals inside. When it was cold enough for his liking, he pressed the bag to his forehead and slumped down onto the couch.
He sat in the silence on his own, basking in vibrations of the bus engine. It compounded against his headache but Andy found the sound soothing nonetheless. The throbbing seemed to extend from his head down to his ribs, reminding him of another literal pain that he'd foolishly caused to himself. Knowing how Richard was with his sleep terrors, he pondered whether he and the other boys should get their bunks lined with some padding to avoid situations such at this.
From beside him, Andy's phone suddenly buzzed. It hurt to turn his neck, but he glanced down and squinted at the blue light coming off the screen. The scowl on his face however eased into a smile when he saw Taylor's text message.
Hello from the bus ten meters behind you.
Andy glanced at the time, confirming that Taylor was indeed up earlier than she needed to be as he texted back.
Ello, dahling. What are you doing up?
You're mocking my accent over text now?
I'm not mocking, I'm impersonating
... that's kind of stupid now that I'm thinking about it
Lol, it's cool. I just can't sleep, James is snoring and I have bad jet lag :(
Well, shit.
You think that's bad? Our lighting guy woke me up with his night terrors. I hit my head.
You poor kid! You ok?
Eh, I've had worse. I'll survive
Did you like the show yesterday?
You already asked me.
You just said it was fun. Any analytical criticisms??
I liked the band and the music was really good! Not quite sold on the frontman tho
Well, I thought he was pretty fucking charming.
I think you should give him a chance.
He's a bit of a poser, don't you think? All that body paint and his piercings...
I think you secretly find him really hot. ;)
Well, with all that hair on his head he reminded me of a goth cousin It.
That hurts me right in my core, Taylor
Whops, my thumb slipped :P
Andy couldn't remember the last time he had smiled as much as he did that morning. He stared at that little emoticon with endearment, the ache in his head and ribs quickly forgotten as the three little dots appeared under the message, and he waited patiently. In his head he could hear the ring of her accent speaking the words she'd written, could still hear her laugh tinkling in his ears.
Seriously though, I think I've had more fun with you the past three days then I have all year. You turned me on to glam metal
His heart thundered in his chest as he read over the words. He didn't think it was possible but his smile seemed to get wider. He'd promise himself not to flirt with her but fuck, she made it really hard. Especially with that English humor of hers. It wasn't as though she wasn't guilty on her part.
Darling, you just made my fucking day
Asking Alexandria's bus wasn't far behind from Black Veil. Within the confines of her bunk Taylor felt as though a candle had been lit was slowly glowing brighter and brighter within her chest. Her rapport with Andy was different from her past relations with men, different to what she had with Danny and Ben.
He was sweet and flirtatious, as well as playfully narcissistic in a way that boosted his own ego despite making Taylor laugh at him. And those eyes of his -- she could picture those beautiful eyes staring at her own text message, probably with a hint of irritation as his head ached. Those eyes could stare into her soul, find out her deepest vices and yet she'd welcome him fully.
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skelenyxx · 5 years
3 - Antics ~WOR
"You better hang on if you're taggin' along cause we'll be doin this 'till 6 in the mornin'. Nothin' wrong with goin' all night long. Tough to put the brakes on, doesn't matter when you'd rather get up, and go out. Me and all my friends. We drink up, we fall down and then we do it all again. Just sittin around, hangin out this afternoon." ~ This Afternoon - Nickelback
*Andy's POV*
I walked through the double doors of the office out into the school yard. The lunch bell had already rung, so many students were bustling about carrying books or trays of food.  I used to be like that once, and the thought actually made me shudder a bit.  Yikes.
I set out across the grass heading towards the cement area where the tables were. A few students stopped what they were doing to gape at me as I passed them, as if they hadn't already done enough of that at the assembly this morning.  "Fag," muttered a big guy in a football jersey as I passed him. I turned and flipped him off. Fuck haters, that's all I have to say.
I continued walking until I reached the tables on the white cement. I scanned the tables, looking for the girl who set up this whole thing; Katrina. I finally spotted her, sitting alone at one of the far tables with her nose in a book. Her long, straight, dark blonde hair was blowing around in the breeze and glinting like gold. She had on a brown leather jacket and had the sleeves pulled up over her hands. She was also wearing tight blue jeans and grey boots. She definitely didn't look like the typical, stereotypical girl who would experience bullying. She was pretty, in a sort of goody-two-shoes way.
I plopped myself down in the seat across from her. She looked up, eyes wide.
"Hey." I said, a smile playing on my lips.
"H-Hey," she stuttered nervously. She looked down at her feet, redness creeping up her neck.
"You're Katrina right?" I knew she was, but I felt like asking anyway.
"Yeah," she smiled thinly at me.
"I'm Andy. Andy Biersack," I told her.
She smiled. "I know who you are," she replied.  "I'm a fan."
"Oh. So you listen to us?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes," she chuckled.  "You guys are my favorite band."
"Oh really?" I smirked.  She nodded.  "So what are you reading?" I inquired, looking at the book in her hands.
"Well, um-" she began but was cut off by a high pitched voice.
"Katrina!" the voice exclaimed, sounding sort of pissed off. I turned around to see the same snobby blonde girl from the assembly marching towards us. I heard Katrina sigh, sounding kind of annoyed.
"So, this is your idea of a fun experiment?" she asked when she reached us. "By bringing these emo fags to our school?" She put her hands on her hips and glared at me.
I was about to say something back, but Katrina shot a look at me telling me to stay silent.  I clamped my mouth shut, watching the exchange.
"Savannah, just leave us alone," Katrina snapped. "They are not emo fags. They are real people who are living out their dreams, which is more than you can say about yourself."
Savannah scoffed at her and stalked off, walking right past Ashley who was walking towards us with Jake, Jinxx, and CC in tow.
"Hey Andy," Ashley said when he got to us, sitting down next to me on the bench. Everyone else followed suit by sitting at the surrounding benches. "We were wondering where you wandered off to. You're Katrina right?" He looked at Katrina.
"Y-Yeah," she stuttered in reply, redness creeping to her face yet again.
"Well, I'm Ashley, this is-"
"She knows who we are," I cut him off with a small chuckle.  "We're her favorite band." I smirked and her blushing got even darker, which I didn't even think was possible.
"Oooooooo. So the goody-two-shoes listens to Rock music, huh?" CC asked looking at Katrina who was sitting next to him.
"I am not a goody-two-shoes!" She gasped, glaring at CC.
"Oh please!" Ashley laughed. "Everything about you screams good girl, from your hair to your make up to your shoes. I'm sure you probably have straight A's and I bet you don't even cuss."
"I do to cuss!" she replied with a laugh.
"Then say 'fuck.'"
She looked him dead in the eyes.  And opened her mouth, before closing it again, somewhat resembling a fish out of water.
"Goody goody!" Ashley exclaimed.
"Am not!"
"Yes you are!"
"You soooooooo are."
She sighed in defeat. "You know what? It doesn't matter 'cause I could still kick your ass either way." A devilish grin curled on her lips, her blue eyes glinting.
Jake gasped. "Oooooooo the goody-two-shoes cussed!" He laughed.  Katrina just stuck her tongue out at him.
"Oh you're mature," Jinxx joked. Katrina laughed an airy, light-hearted laugh, one that made us all smile and laugh with her. All except for Ashley, who rose from his seat and walked over to Katrina, looking somewhat serious.
"So, you think you could kick my ass?" he asked, looking down at her. Her laughter died, along with ours.
She smiled. "Yeah, I probably could."
Ash sighed and picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder like a potato sack and began walking off with her.
"PUT ME DOWN PURDY!" She yelled, making us all laugh. She tried unsuccessfully to hit him and kick him, but just ended up making her self tired. Ashley just laughed at her. So did we. Since Ashley's back was to us as he walked off with her, Katrina was facing us. She glared at us, causing us to laugh even harder.
"I'm serious Ash. Put me down. People are looking at us like we're crazy!" she exclaimed.
"I don't care," he replied. They were about twenty feet away from us now and Ash was starting to turn around to bring her back.
As they got closer Katrina looked over her shoulder at us. "You guys better not be staring at my ass."
"You don't have anything to stare at," I replied.
"Just kidding!"
"Why are you looking?!"
I threw my hands up in defeat. I wasn't going to win this battle.
"Put me down," she whined with a laugh and tried once again to free herself from his grasp, still failing miserably. I rolled my eyes, still shaking with laughter.
They finally reached us and Ashley put her back down on the bench next to CC. She tried to look angry, but couldn't contain her smile and ended up laughing with us.
When we were finally out of breath and the laughter died, Jake turned to Katrina and asked, "So, how long have you been listening to our music?"
"Since 9th grade," she responded. "My best friend was in love with you guys and was constantly trying to get me to listen to you. At the time, I was completely against it. You guys, no offense, kinda scared me with the looks. I judged you by the way you portrayed yourselves and I didn't want to like you guys. But after a few months of her constantly nagging me, my curiosity got the better of me. I looked you up on Pandora, and as soon as I heard the first song, something just, just clicked. The message behind the music, the style, everything, it just fit." She sighed. "All of my previous thoughts about you guys just disappeared. I fell in love with everything about you guys, and as I listened to more and more of your music, the more and more I realized who I really was. I had been hiding who I was the entire time and as I listened to your guys' message, I changed. I became less worried about what other people thought and more about what I thought. Due to that though, I've kinda butted heads with the majority of the popular kids here. But I honestly don't care. They can think what they want." She smiled thinly when she finished.
"Wow," Jinxx started. "That's awesome Katrina.  I'm glad we were able to help you."
"Yeah, sorry to get all serious on you guys, but your music literally changed my life. It was the beginning of my love for Rock and it helped make me the stubborn, out-speaker I am today." She smiled again.
I had heard story after story about how our music had changed fans' lives, but hearing this story form her was just different. She had given up the potential of popularity and people accepting her for our music. We helped her find herself and she was proud of it. I was happy for that. I mean, I'm sure I'd probably heard fan stories like this one a million times before, but it's never really hit me like Katrina's story did. She just seemed so innocent.
"What was the first song you heard?" Ash asked her.
"Believe it or not, God Bless You." She grinned a cheesy grin.
"Really?" I questioned. God Bless You is one of our more heavy rock songs. She nodded in response. "Is it your favorite too?"
"No, In The End and Carolyn are my favorites."
"Good choices," Jake told her.
"So what classes do you guys have?" She asked us all as she checked her phone for the time. I did the same. We had five minutes until lunch was over. Oh joy.
"All of the classes you have," Jinxx replied, pulling out his schedule and scowling at it. "First period, Economics.  Second period, Advanced Choir. Third period, AP English 12.  Fourth period, Spanish II. Fifth period, Algebra II. Sixth period, P.E. And seventh period, Biology. May I ask why you have things like AP English and then you have low classes like Biology which should've been taken in your like Sophomore year?" He actually looked quite confused.
"That's because I don't actually take those classes, I'm a Teacher's Aid in them. The only classes I actually take are Advanced Choir, AP English, and P.E. Since I started taking summer courses, I've pretty much maxed out all of my educational classes. It was either be a T.A. or take electives like welding and stuff. Not my thing really so yeah... How come you guys are taking all of the classes I am?"
"You are the one who set this up. We figured that we'd get to know you better." Ashley told her, smirking at her for some unknown reason. She shrugged.
"So how come you guys are wearing your war paint?" She asked us. "I'd heard you had stopped doing it."
"We have. We just thought it'd be funny to see people's reactions to it," I laughed. "Needless to say, it had the desired affect."
She chuckled. "Yeah, it did."
I heard the bell ring, signally it was time to start heading to fifth period, which, according to Jinxx, was Algebra II. Joy... I'd passed that class once before, and I hadn't liked it much then. I doubt I will now. I was snapped from my day dreaming by Katrina's voice.
"So since I'm the only one her that knows how to get to class," she said as she stood up and began to gather her books from the ground. "Does this make me your chauffeur?"
"Yeah, I guess it does," I said as I too rose from my seat.
"Okay then," she replied cheerfully as she hooked her arm through CC's and mine. "Shall we?"
This should be fun...
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Slowly but surely every BVB fanfic I ever wrote is coming true. It started small, an alcoholic/drug abusing Andy, an Andy being abused by his partner, an Andy marrying a nasty blonde lady... slowly, more specific things have begun to happen, such as an Andy getting involved in a dangerous cult... now, it would appear Ashley and Jinxx have become unaging immortal beings who retain their youthful looks. Predicted it all in 2012, folks :/
For real son 
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He catches you doing something embarrassing
BVB Andy- You sat in the old living room chair, leaned back with your laptop in your hand, you pulled up YouTube and went to your most recent searches to finish you video from Earlier, 'Andy biersack Interviews' popped up and you clicked on it quickly, Andy may be your boyfriend, but his interviews were adorable,  you'd never tell him you watched them but you couldn't help binging on them when he wasn't around or when you missed him. You put your headphones on and pressed play already hypnotized by his sweet Voice, and the next thing you knew someone was tapping your shoulder, you took out your headphones and looked back meeting Andy's eyes, "You know, You don't gave to watch my interviews, i'm right here." Ashley-  You loved Ashley, and He knew that, but ever since you'd  started listening to 'Black Veil Brides' you'd been in love with Andy's good looks, after Ashley and you started dating you tried to refrain from fangirling over Him, but sometimes you couldn't help yourself, you sat with your phone in your hand scrolling through pictures of Andy, a small giggle coming out when a silly picture came along, Ashley sat beside you, giving you an odd look staying silent until you couldn't help yourself anymore, "Ohmygod. He's sooo cute" you said like a twelve year old One direction fan, This time Ashley grabbed your phone, you reached to take it back but he was to quick, already scrolling through your pictures. His face dropped, "Andy? What about me?" he said looking up his face in a pouty frown,  "Ashley, you know I think your way cuter then Andy" His face lightened up again, then a smirk formed "Prove it." you rolled your eyes "Can it Purdy"   Jinxx- You sat with your laptop on the floor laying on your stomach, you scrolled through your twitter messages until one caught your eye, it was a link to a book on wattpad, You clicked on it and it lead you to a Bright new screen with a book title 'Y/N and Jinxx; A love story.' you laughed a bit then clicked on the read section, you sat back a but and began reading.  About half way through the book you were in deep, gasping at the fake events almost even crying at one, of course you skipped the dirty ones seeing as it was a bit vulgar, a small tap came from behind you which caused you to slam your laptop shut, You met Jinxx's eyes and he cracked up laughing, "Were you reading Fanfic?" you rolled your eyes "A fan sent it to me." Jake- You turned up the music on the already loud speaker as 'Toxic' played, you used the broom you were holding from sweeping as a Microphone, Practically screaming the lyrics, you swayed your hips lightly as you hit the chorus, the music blasted loudly, so loudly you didn't hear the door open and close, and the next thing you knew Jake's hands were on your hips, you jumped slightly shutting off the radio instantly, your face going deep red, "Babeeeeee, That was my song." he teased singing the chorus in a high pitched voice, "Shut up Jake." CC- You sat plugged in your head phones and pulled up YouTube, you mind wandering off to the land of songs from '2010', you sighed and looked up 'Baby' you didn't particularly like Justin Bieber but you couldn't get the song out of your head, You turned up the music and closed your eyes humming along with the tune of the song, the song was about to end (In the end ;)) when someone pulled out your head phones, "Uhm, are you listening to Justin bieber?" you instantly went red, "N-No." you stuttered, he broke out into a fit of laughter, "Oh my God, you are Such a twelve year old!" you rolled you eyes "That makes you a Pedophile"
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