#jjk kfc breakup
lxmelle · 4 months
KFC breakup.
I’m seeing it from a slightly different perspective which is still kind of aligned with what my thoughts were over what Geto meant when he posed the question:
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Are you Gojo Satoru therefore the Strongest? Or are you the Strongest therefore you’re Gojo Satoru?
Was this hinting at how he wanted Gojo to think about who he is, because he cannot be by his side anymore following his choice. Leaving him with this question.
He wished to push him away. Never asked him to leave with him despite needing strength to realise it. Was he intending for Gojo to remain as the Human Satoru, who was the Strongest?
Since he said, “if I were you, this foolish dream would not be impossible”. So he took on the role of what Gojo could’ve done, to do it to the best of his ability, knowing he probably wouldn’t be as strong, but was committed to anyway.
And tried to leave Satoru as the one who could retain humanity? (And he did, trying to realise Geto’s own dreams because Geto did model humanity for Gojo and he made it his own set of morals and philosophy - which he did fulfil as best as he could).
More context:
Spoiler for chapter 261:
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I’ll loosely translate:
Yuta says don’t become a monster all on your own, please. Gojo turns much like Geto did in chapter 78.
He then recollects his memory of Geto when Yuta expressed this concern for him, he thought to himself that it was an impossibility to not become a monster on his own. He was left behind then (when Geto left) and then in the white panel, that he has to catch up to him.
I think there is a parallel with how he has decided to proceed with the plan to kill mercilessly. To opt for moral greyness for the sake of his students and their future. Even if it is a future without him.
This is paralleled with what Geto was trying to do. Protect Gojo. Keep him humane. Since, he opted to do what Yuki thought was crazy. Since, he opted to do what he told Gojo not to do at the hideout in retaliation for Riko’s death.
Chasing after Geto could possibly mean he wished to repent for not killing him then and there, but I think it’s more about what Yuta said and the futility of it, with the burden he now bore to fight Sukuna and protect by weatherproofing the future. He had made up his mind like Geto did. Even if he isn’t alive to see it. To try his best for an impossible dream.
He seemed to understand and think about Geto’s motives then, and wished to wield his strength as The Strongest with a solid purpose this time. He would do it to protect those he cared about. He would chase the same dream as Geto. To catch up to him and not be left alone, for this (meaning/purpose) was all he had of his best friend lover all along.
That’s my interpretation anyway. Thoughts?
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saintpoems · 5 months
gojo is stronger than me bc i would have threatened suicide
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arctvros · 9 months
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in a better life, it’s just another christmas eve with your one and only
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beomgyutruther · 1 year
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satosugu in jujutsu kaisen chapter 78.
"in a dream you saw a way to survive" by clementine von radics / "armed cavalier" by richie hofmann / "the worm king's lullaby" by richard siken / unknown
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niinnyu · 5 months
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Rage (?)
+2 pages that didn't fit/were redundant but i liked them :)
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plasterdrain · 3 months
was it casual when the last time you met your best friend you were trying to kill him, you really killed him years later and now you met him once again, but this is not him (just his body), this time his soul was trying to save you.
isn't it ironically beautiful.
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hashtagloveloses · 1 year
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i cannot believe this is happening
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doodoodinklefart · 8 months
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did this based on the ending shots in the ed a day or two ago ughhhh it hurt making this
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sadbenedict · 9 months
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and then they broke up
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lxmelle · 2 months
The KFC breakup was about friendship more than ideology.
The question posited by Geto : Yes it was about identity. Yes it was about choice. Yes it was jarring.
It was also an expression of hurt and pain. It was (immature -ahem, they were kids) retaliation - that’s why Geto saw it as an argument. “They fought” and “that was it”. He regretted it, and that’s why he also told his family “not to argue amongst themselves.” Geto packed in the message in there: You left me figuratively; and I’ll leave you. You decided for me; I’ll decide for you. But you can choose based on what you want; I’ve chosen my path anyway.
Let me elaborate. But first: Let’s get a few things out of the way.
Gojo did not have an issue with killing humans.
He went after Toji. For what purpose? Revenge? He said he wasn’t angry. Let’s look at his mindset after near death or to any threat (like after the parade with Miguel’s cursed tool that interfered with his CT). Auto limitless. He eliminated all potential weapons that could harm him. Gojo did not like it. He wanted to eliminate threats. With Toji? He possibly wanted to try and see if he was more powerful than what felled him. So he killed this person who was no longer an active threat. Then he sincerely did not know whether or not to kill the clapping peeps. Why? Why even think about it? Geto didn’t think about it.
Why indeed?
He didn’t have an issue. Even after internalising what Geto said, he didn’t actually believe it, because he simply didn’t feel it.
Also, why spare Geto? After Toji and the spear, all that was left to his awareness at that time, that could hurt him, was Geto. He couldn’t kill him. Yes , we know it was because he realised he loved him. Geto’s life was precious. This was the message Geto wanted him to realise after all - life was precious. Not only his. With this experience, Gojo finally could feel what it meant.
So let’s go to the KFC breakup and their exchange.
Dissect it:
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It’s not about your parents. You told me it was pointless to kill non-sorcerers.
Geto interjects: But there is meaning; there is also purpose.
Gojo doesn’t want to know. Despite there possibly being meaning and purpose, he continued:
That’s impossible! There is no point in attempting the impossible.
He is asking Geto: Why are you attempting something impossible for you? Doing something you can’t do is pointless, at best! (Why did you go against what you told me not to do, even if you say there is meaning, purpose, and it is for justice, you shouldn’t attempt it).
In the original, the language is more condescending/belittling and implies that Geto’s chipping away at it would be inefficient 「できもしねぇことをセコセコやんのを意味ねぇっつーんだよ!!」
And Geto replied with: how arrogant.
Because: paraphrasing, “Are you determining for me what is impossible, when you can do it? Is it only because I’m not as strong as you, so you’re considering what’s important to me, as pointless?”
Also, of all the things he could’ve talked about, Gojo was focused on Strength. Viewing Geto in that black & white way. It was impossible for Geto, he implied. It reflected his lack of belief in his friend and respect of their shared bond.
Yes, Geto acted on his own. Gojo had a right to be angry. And so did Geto, who felt left behind by Gojo who prioritised training at the expense of other things like friendships - which were probably not seen as something he ever needed to treasure or be insecure about. Unlike Geto. Who knew loss all too well and felt it to his core. They were made very differently. I want to emphasise: Neither is better or worse.
Over this particular exchange, Geto was hurt and the conversation was pretty much over. Geto was always going to attempt this path despite not being the strongest. That wasn’t the point. He had already vehemently dedicated himself to this one path he cornered himself into.
The Crux of it was that: the friendship wasn’t mutual and Geto felt the disrespect and condescension in Gojo’s remark.
Geto had always focused on Gojo’s Humanity. Even if he saw that Gojo lacked meaning and purpose (parts that make us human; and btw Nanami was accurate in knowing Gojo was jujutsu crazy), he believed in Gojo’s capacity for humanity and love. He respected his friend and their shared bond. He recognised Gojo’s potential and wanted him to remain on the right path, as long as it was good for him.
So the breakup was about friendship.
It was about, believing in the other, not based on what one can or can’t do.
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Paraphrasing for clarity: “who are you to tell me what I can/can’t do, if you yourself can do it?”
I never stopped believing in you. Did our friendship mean nothing to you?
If there was meaning and purpose, Gojo didn’t want to know about it at all. Yet he knew enough for him to say it was pointless for Geto to attempt it. He knew nothing of Geto’s suffering and how he valued his fellow sorcerers. He was implying, Geto’s ideals and sacrifice were worthless because he wasn’t strong.
Because he, the strongest Gojo Satoru, deemed so. The strong. Keeping. The weak. In check.
But Geto doesn’t subscribe to this. It hit a nerve. He goes by the philosophy of the weak keeping the strong in check; about not abusing one’s power. 「弱きを助け強きを挫く」 ⬅️ This is a known proverb Geto used to advise Gojo in HI when they were in the classroom (anime would be the basketball courts?). And Gojo responds by saying that attaching meaning was for the weak.
But. After what Geto did, he realised it was hypocritical. He was strong. But also comparatively weak. The non-sorcerers were “strong” with the power to hurt the minority / “weak” / the sorcerers. In this context: He knew more than anyone that his crimes were an abuse of power. Hence his self-imposed death sentence to Gojo’s hand. The draft shows him saying: it wouldn’t be bad to die by your hand. In jjk 0 he collapsed to the floor immediately - conceding completely. Even saying “you’re late Satoru”.
Knowing his hypocrisy, that’s why he chose to live as he did - denying himself any pleasures of humankind by only opting for things made by sorcerers where possible, but never imposing this on his family. He didn’t feel he deserved it. He would just be a tool for the sake of this ideal. But. Back to Gojo and Geto.
What Geto saw, that Gojo didn’t, was...
The value of the person vs absolute strength of the person. Geto cared about people and saw Gojo didn’t naturally do that. So he asked him to think - who was Gojo Satoru? The Gojo who just thought about strength, or the Gojo who could care about someone beyond it?
See, Geto has never done that; he always encouraged Gojo. If he could do it, it was worth Gojo trying. Like having humanity. Caring for Riko. Protecting the weak. Having principles about meaning. Being respectful to elders. That was also why Geto felt they “fought” because for the first time, he imposed onto Gojo: I can do it, but you shouldn’t. He was knowingly hypocritical again. And this was also why he did not think Gojo would have any trust left for him after they “fought”.
Killing non-sorcerers aside (we know Gojo didn’t have much of an issue with it at this point in time), Gojo did not believe in Geto. Did not seem to respect Geto.
That’s what made Geto retaliate.
He thought there was weight in their friendship even if the power gap had increased exponentially. Even if he was going to walk down another path. He didn’t know if Gojo was going to just hunt him down or talk - that’s why he was “testing his luck”. Gojo the sorcerer could have just come to exterminate him. Gojo the friend could stop to talk. I think the latter happened but it was too clumsy between them both. Geto was childish himself, as Shoko said. But he was noble enough to not take Gojo with him.
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He turned away.
As if to say: Don’t even follow me. We are done talking. I’ve heard what you had to say; you don’t see me as someone equal to you. It wasn’t mutual. I’ve decided how to live my life. I know I’ve done wrong, so kill me if you want, I know there would be meaning to it.
We will part ways on this bad note. It’s clear you’ll only respect me if I’m “you” since you only respect yourself. He shoved him roughly into the righteous path instead of his usual gentle way. He never intended on having Gojo follow him anyway. He didn’t like the idea of others being tools - but just himself - he was okay being one. We know Geto didn’t hold too much value to himself.
Gojo was within his absolute right to be beyond upset. Left behind. This came out of nowhere. Geto going back on his own words. He belatedly probably realised what he really wanted to say was, why did you act all on your own, especially going against all that you preached to me? I’m strong, why couldn’t I be strong for you, with you?
And: Why was I the last to know...? I thought you needed me just as much as I needed you.
Geto… knew what he did was wrong. He was under no illusions but chose to walk that path and buried himself in the denial, so he could live pursuing something he could accept. For the sake of… something he felt needed his protection. He would not use Gojo Satoru as his weapon, even if Gojo Satoru chose so himself.
Sigh. My heart hurts.
You and Gojo Satoru both. Idiots. Why did you let yourself become tools?!?!?!
Sigh. One loved by clinging on. The other loved by letting go.
Angst. Aah, angst.
I feel like I’ve somewhat ruined my wip fic by writing posts like these, but nevermind, lol. It wasn’t a given that they’d be read anyway 😳
Take whatever Ive written with a pinch of salt. It’s just my take. I don’t think Geto was jealous of Gojo. I think they were both extremely hurt and both felt left behind. Both carried regrets and treasured the memory of the other, wanted to protect the other (and others like them), in their own ways. It was not enough to be anything (strong / idealistic) if they were alone. I think their reunion made it clear that they needed each other to be happy. I might be completely humbled by the release of the GIGA booklet on Gojo, but we shall see... if anything further on this KFC scene is revealed.
I probably have talked too much on this topic lol.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far 🫶
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all-encompassing-hero · 3 months
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baeglbites · 4 months
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There he goes
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tomiokagojo · 5 months
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he knows what makes me mad
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niinnyu · 2 months
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Moral compass
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applepi3-14 · 3 months
what people don’t talk about enough in the “is satosugu romantic” debate is the infamous Kfc in which they broke up at. The KFC is in fucking shinjuku. Little known fun fact about Shinjuku is that it’s the seattle ,washington of Tokyo. It’s known for being gay as fuck. There are a ton of gay bars there. I just find it horribly ironic that they broke up there in specific.
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