#joan of arc is trans. I Just Know It.
v7n5 · 2 months
I was bored so I decided to revisit my oldest fic (monsoon), and I mentally prepared myself for the cringe but I was genuinely surprised and quite delighted with what I came up with back then. Something that wasn't really me definitely jumped out when I was writing that.
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nerevarbignaturals · 11 months
i'm driving the down with cis bus today because who the fuck gave them the audacity
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billcyp-her · 6 months
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
i am genuinely confused by something you said in your joan of arc post & i would love if you could clarify. you said "women afab can be trans. men amab can be trans." i understand how that applies to intersex people, who may be assigned a sex they identify with but have other sex characteristics that they get dysphoria from. or theyre assigned as one sex but once puberty hit they developed far more traits of the other sex, so they had to transition back to what they used to be. i understand those scenarios. but as far as we know, joan of arc wasnt intersex & you dont bring up intersex in your post. how can a non-intersex person transition to something they already are & have been for their entire life? changing how one presents, like changing their style of clothes to better suit their gender & personality, doesnt count as "transitioning" imo, cis people do that aaall the time, multiple times throughout their lives. so what do you actually mean by this??
So my definition of trans is very much inspired by Leslie Feinberg's definition of trans(gender): An umbrella term for "everyone who challenges the boundaries of sex and gender," in which ze specifically includes cross-dressing and GNC people who are men AMAB and women AFAB. I would define trans as being inclusive of anyone who queers sex and/or gender.
In my humble nonbinary opinion, we way over-rely on the idea of trans as being about identifying as a gender that isn't your assigned sex. I, for example, was assigned female and identify as (amongst other genders) a woman, but my womanhood is very much trans. For one, I was on T for two years and intend to get bottom surgery, but I was also alienated from typical cis girlhood for my entire life and my womanhood is inherently tied to me also being a man and abinary. My womanhood is not cisnormative at all.
"Woman" and "man" (and male and female) are all constructs. Just because someone may call themself a woman, and have been assigned female at birth, does not mean they identify as the same kind of woman that society expects and demands them to. There are different ways of constructing womanhood. The "gender identity that isn't AGAB" definition was built on the idea of trans people as going from one binary point to the other, with the assumption that "woman" and "man" are still Real Things with one natural meaning. Attempts at being nb-inclusive have basically just said "well nonbinary isn't a gender assigned at birth, so its trans!" which is completely true, but it also ignores all the nonbinary and genderqueer people whose genders are more nuanced than that.
On Jeanne d'Arc specifically, I actually have some relevant quotes on this:
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(from Vested Interests: Crossdressing and Cultural Anxiety and Clothing and Gender Definition: Joan of Arc respectively)
This is why I included that line: because we often assume, in our exorsexism, that a historical figure must identify as a man/woman (cis), as the opposite (trans), or maybe as neither, but those are the only options. We are still limiting ourselves and these historical figures' by limiting how we understand gender and genderqueerness. To Jeanne, being a cross-dressing female virgin soldier could be its own gender, something different than the genders of cisnormative mothers and nuns.
& as a note: I feel like, a lot of the time, non-intersex people in the community will make exceptions for intersex people (like "well, intersex people can be transfemmascs/male lesbians/etc" but no one else!!!") which. doesn't actually seem that great for intersex people? Like aside from assuming that these genderqueer experiences can only be had by intersex people, it also means that if you identify that way, you must Prove that you are Allowed to be doing that, by both outing yourself as intersex and arguing that you are intersex Enough.
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girlgerard · 2 years
something about last nights show specifically just felt so personal and vulnerable and intimate. but not in a timid way. in a loud and proud and "i'm not scared anymore" way. in an encouraging way. "BE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE" because its the most powerful way to fight back in this world
something i’ve been talking with friends about over discord is that gerard’s demonstrated so many times he’s really really terrified of like. appropriating communities he’s not part of. obviously they’re white so they do it anyway but in issue’s of feminism and the trans community they’ve always used extremely careful language to not. take what they think they don’t deserve? like for example i remember this interview from 2016 where a woman asked him do you consider yourself a feminist and he gave this really winding answer where they were like ‘of course i support it more than anything but i can’t call myself the title because i’m not a woman and have never experienced what a woman goes through and i don’t deserve such an honor :((‘ which obviously. not how that works BUT that’s how they think of things apparently sbejfbejf.
anyway they did that with the trans community too. they couldn’t shut up about how much they loved trans people from 2014-2015 like they talked about it every single HA show. but he never used language that included himself besides that one time they said ‘we’.
but this tour. this tour feels the opposite. not only are they including themself in the language but they’re literally dressing as traditional ig ‘feminist icons’ like joan of arc and jackie o and most importantly they’re not explaining it. if this was an ally moment he’d let us know. it just feels so warm idk. again i have a fever so please excuse me if this makes zero sense
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nothorses · 2 years
hey, sorry if this is old news i havent been officially following you for awhile (nothing personal serious posts just got too much for me) so i dont know if youve been told. have u ever heard/talked about lou alcott? (they were the author of little women) i just found out today that they were very likely a trans man and wanted to tell you since youre who i think of whenever someone mentions historical trans men. i cant send links on anon but lgbtqnation has an article that talks about it it just comes up on google when you search "lou alcott trans man"
I did not know! This is a great article, though, thank you for sharing.
Gonna file this one away under "would likely be considered some flavor of transmasc today" next to Joan of Arc.
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a-beautiful-crow · 2 years
st joan of arc discourse is always bad because most of the time it's just people trying to get rid of what made her st joan of arc. "She was actually trans" no she wasn't "she pretended to have visions" bestie i think when someone is trying to get a meet and greet with the king by convincing one of his generals, i imagine they would want to seem like a sane and normal person. not delusional. etc etc. and also one of the things that made her so remarkable was the fact that she was an expert at things she had no experience in. i mean you can argue that she was super smart and maybe! i believe so! but knowing about something can only get you so far (and it's not as far as you think)
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joanofarcs-stigmata · 11 days
do you have a patron saint? Did you pick it out? Sorry if that isn’t a part of your denomination (I’m not well educated outside orthodoxy) My patron saint has my deadname, I’ve just been wondering if that’s something you can change/pick for yourself.
so i didnt choose my patrons (though i mostly just consider them my besties more than my patrons. we vibe and i look up to them for guidance, and i see it more as a two way friendship then 'patronage') my patrons chose me? my middle name is joan, and being a trans man i was always drawn to joan of arc. it felt like a (forgive the pun) match made in heaven. for the longest time she was my saint, and while i dont have as close of a relationship with her now that i've transitioned, i will always see her as important to me. i am courting patronage with st. anthony now-- once again, i feel he chose me more than the other way around, as i chose the name 'anthony' when transitioning seemingly out of nowhere, and then felt a true rightness when i finally learned about him. like he influenced my name without me knowing, ya know? you can ABSOLUTELY change up and choose your patron for yourself! most people choose their patron when confirmed, but i know plenty of people who have 'grown out' of their patron and chosen a new one they feel close to. the point of a patron is to have someone to guide you and pray for you, not to shackle you down. if your patron saint makes you dysphoric, or you simply feel you don't mess anymore, there is nothing wrong with looking for a new one. They love you; they'll totally understand!
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Just spent a bit of time working t e r. F.s
(Edit: blocking. I dont know why i said working.)
1. A lot of them claim to be young. A lot of blogs that say minor, 17, 19, handful of others under say 24.
2. Theres some funny shit. "I hate all men" uh your header is my friends crowley and aziraphale.
3. Someones real mad "we trans people" have adopted blahaj (she called him "the ikea shark") and wants to re-adopt him as a terf dogwhistle. I dont think this is gonna happen probably but fyi.
4. Someone else mad we've "stolen" gender euphoria from masc lesbians. How dare we be joyful about short hair??? How dare that be about gender sometimes.
5. Naming conventions/lookouts: a lot of gyn a lot of rad a lot of joan of arc, the lesbian labrys flag (thats what its called right? The purple with the axe thing?), a lot of "adult woman" "adult human female" "pro women" "protect women", a lot of "baby radfem" and "aspiring radfem", plus the age thing is worrying.
Anyway fyi
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I just saw on Twitter that Baz Luhrmann is making a Joan of Arc movie and my reaction was “Huh, a Joan of Arc movie sounds interesting and I like Baz Luhrmann’s movies, this could be cool”
But then I had a horrifying thought: what if they portray her as trans or nb. I’ve seen people do that to her online before and if a mainstream movie does it then I just know it’ll get even more insufferable
Fingers crossed they won't. But tbh? There is a disturbingly high chance they might.
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thearoaceshark · 10 months
Splinter: I'll leave my children watching a sports anime with flashy characters, what could happen?
This character:
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Leo: – trans awakening –
(So, I was watching this series from my childhood because ✨️nostalgia✨️ and I realized that THAT character it's so transfem coded! I don't know, I think it's not just that it has a feminine appearance, it really gives me trans girl vibes. Literally its Keshin is a woman, a VALKYRIE, and its Mixi Max is with Joan of Arc... Valkyries and Joan of Arc are literally the Roman Empire of all the girlies!! So that's my hc now, Kirino is transfem and was the character with which Leona realized that she is a girl)
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actualmermaid · 1 year
Today's queer saint of the day is Joan of Arc: mystic, warrior, martyr, and young girl who had "something wrong with her."
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If you want a detailed analysis of Joan, her history, her afterlife, or the ways that her image has been used to advance almost every single cause you can think of, there are SO MANY BOOKS out there. Seriously: read a few, and you'll realize just how little you know about everything there is to say about her. So, I won't try to do it here.
Instead, I'm going to highlight Joan's patronage of queer people, because that's what this series is about. Her courage and transgression of medieval gender norms continues to intrigue our curiosity and inspire us to endure through homophobia, transphobia, and every other form of queerphobic bigotry the devil can dream up. She is revered by gay, lesbian, queer, trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people, and also by "weird girls" who see a kindred spirit in her as someone whose experiences and actions are often medicalized or pathologized or otherwise written off by so-called enlightened secular thinkers.
Joan was burned at the stake for "heresy." Due to the way medieval law worked (and depending on which medieval historian you ask), that might have been closer to what we might call "espionage" or "insurrection." (The Hundred Years' War was complicated, to say the least.) Every one of us "weird girls" who has ever been told that we're bossy, intimidating, not feminine enough, crazy, hysterical, or a "bitch" recognizes the burning of the fire that consumed Joan, and we will keep fighting back.
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Teeheee thank you for the ask !!!!!!!!!!
Roche Limit follows a (gay) (trans) guy named Halcyon in what is vaguely-not-vaguely the 1980s. His mental health state is horrible, he's struggling financially, he's recently dropped out of college and broken up with his boyfriend Abby (who by the way is his roommate), he's picking up very unhealthy habits (smoking and drinking. Oops!). The plot sets off when he reunites with his ex boyfriend Gabriel, who tasks him with killing an angel in exchange for ????. For Reasons. So Halcyon runs away to California with Gabriel to do that. Terrible decision. Soooo anyway he spectacularly fails at killing the angel and it possesses him ! His blood is like a pale colour and it glows now. And it's kind of a drug if consumed. Also his blood vessels glow. His eyes glow in the dark too. AND he's in constant pain because of the angel. Literally everyone wants to harm him. And he has to get an exorcism before someone succeeds in doing so. He's literally dissociating throughout the entire novella(?). Fun! The angel is a cutie btw. Literally the only valid character.
The main cast consists of Halcyon, Abby, Gabriel, the angel and two other characters I don't really know anything about (except that one of them is kind of literally Joan of Arc). A thing very much worth mentioning is that I've had Abby and Halcyon for like. Almost three years. But I technically abandoned them over a year ago and I've missed them sm and I'm so so happy to finally be writing in Halcyon's POV again.
Halcyon is my most special horrid pathetic little wet rat of a man. He's really cynical and bitter and angry at the world. He's incredibly self destructive and miserable and full of self loathing. Whenever someone tries to help him he pushes then away and becomes 10 times worse (relatable). He thinks he's SOOO fucked up but he's actually just a little guy. Also he's a punk and an artist. Also also he's half Korean. And he is EVERYTHING to me and I want to put him in my mouth. As you can see I am very normal about him.
Abby is my other pathetic little man. He's really gentle and romantic and soft, but like. He's also kind of manipulative and kind of shitty???? But it's okay because he too is everything to me and I adore him. He's also really self destructive but in different ways. Anyway, he really cares about Halcyon and REALLY tries to help him in every possible way but snaps under the stress that that causes him and ends up hurting Halcyon instead. He's bi and trans and his spirit animal would be a sewer rat wearing a cute little coat. I have like, several other ideas and WIPs in his POV because he fascinates me.
Gabriel is my slutty little bitch !!!!!!!!! I actually don't know much about him *yet* but what I do know is that he never shows any emotion other than Smirking Flirty Asshole and he wears sunglasses and suits even when he Really does not need to. Whore behaviour. He's also like. Really charismatic. And gay. And um . well, attractive. And very protective of the few people he actually cares about. I love him. If I met him irl I'd punch him in the face.
The little angel guy is just. A darling. It's very confused about everything that's happening and knows it's hurting Halcyon and Does Not Want to hurt him. So it tries to comfort him and protect him !!!!!!!! It is everything to me !!!! I say that a lot .
I could talk about these fucked up little guys forever but this post would be longer than War And Peace so we're ending it there <3 thanks for asking, again!!
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crystal-tit · 2 years
So back when I was younger I got really into Gacha Studio. I saw it in a LaurenZside video and I was like "omg that is so cool I have to try it". I made a persona (which had a trans flag colour scheme btw, even though I didn't know trans people existed back then) and I soon started watching gacha mini movies on YouTube. I was at that ripe age when a child is incredibly curious and that's unfortunately how I found out what sex is. Soon after that I found out what gay people are. I was like totally chill with it. I was like that one "ally" audio. I was like "yeah gay people are cool but that ain't me". A bit later though I learnt that there were not only lesbians and gay men and I was like "woah that's cool". I started to identify as asexual and I didn't really make a big deal out of it. I can't even remember whether I made an edit of my character holding the flag. But then I went back to thinking I'm cishet because "I have never had a crush on anyone and I'll just see when I grow up more" even though I had a crush on a girl. I unfortunately, a dumb ass, didn't recognise the feeling. It was mostly just aesthetic attraction because I thought she was so cool. I had this one book that I was absolutely obsessed with back then. I would often turn to the page she was on and just stare at how pretty she was. I felt quilty though for some reason because "what if my parents find out I'm looking at that page?" which was odd because I didn't even realise I had a crush on her. I just felt low-key quilty for looking at her for like no reason. There were like different paintings of her in the book and she wore this shiny armour and I was so enamoured. Years later, after I actually had the whole gender and attraction thing sort of figured out, I saw like a funny video about like people's first crushes and their current crushes. I was trying to remember who my first crush was and I remembered that it was probably Connor from Detroit: Become Human. Then I figured that I, actually, didn't have a crush on him. Sure, I found him aesthetically pleasing but he was just my favourite blorbo. (My first fanfiction was a self-insert fic where I shipped my character with him but that's a story for another time.) So years later, I finally realised that I didn't have a crush on him. That got me thinking. If it wasn't Connor, who could have been my first crush? Then I just thought more about it and one moment it finally hit me that it was that one girl from the book. I opened the book (100 people who made history) and looked at the page once again but this time it was sort of nostalgic. I smiled fondly at how much I grew up ever since.
Moral of the story: don't make fun of people who find it attractive when someone can speak French. Because sometimes it's because the person's first crush was Joan of Arc and it affects them to this day.
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idlyingabout · 1 year
re: mcr5 video - god I hope they go for it cause:
The look is not a costume; it's not drag. Feminine clothing on amab people doesn't typically happen in videos without it being a joke. But mcr has always been dedicated to championing self expression and keeping people alive, something that gender expression has a LOT to do with. I don't doubt they've been thinking of our political climate while using their platform - on top of finally having fun onstage - to uplift their nonconforming audience. So I doubt Gerard would shy away from fucking with gender on screen. He might even be banking on it.
Based on the quality of the shows and the confidence they had wearing those looks, I think the professional-secretary-person is another foundational character like the Patient, you know? It felt like they were locking her in.
I just have theories.
Gerard shouting "in the face of extermination say fuck you" while wearing the secretary clothes shows how much they were thinking about the recent wave of anti trans laws, with how many times he's talked about their connection to trans people and feelings of gender noncomformity it really doesn't surprise me, and honestly i feel like this next album could go into a lot more themes of gender and identity.
Also TRUE the secretary really feels like such a character, Strange Aeons pointed out in her video on this tour how many of the fem looks, specially the ones referencing real women (joan of arc, princess diana, jackie kennedy, the manson family girls, the black swan look) are all women close to tragedy and i feel the secretary could go in a similar route of a woman close to tragedy (maybe someone who worked on the world trade center since the drum messages in those shows had references to 9/11?)
(also check out this cool theory on what her name could be)
Genuinely I think she could be our main character in the next album (which will be REAL DAMN IT) and I'm so excited to see what her story could be aasdijalsjdaoisj
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sucresanguine · 2 years
*takes a swig of my diet coke* ok ok so something that has always driven me mad is the depiction of characters who are women who for the sake of the plot, narrative, whatever, crossdress to pass as a man. Specifically the way it's visually handled. Because it's very often boiled down to a pretty woman wearing various articles of male clothing. Maybe her hair is short, maybe it's under a hat, maybe she's wearing less lipstick, but she will often unmistakably still be a pretty- often young, often white, always cis, because we know that's a good way to assuredly convey white western femininity- woman. And yet within the narrative, no one will question her sudden maleness. As a trans guy who knows just how difficult it can be to pass with dainty features, its like????? Like they really didn't want the actress to actually look masculine- and that's what I think it boils down to. To have the actress visually transcend her gender on the screen would be to make a presumably cishet audience feel very, very uncomfortable. Because at the end of the day- we've got a pretty actress! That's what people want to see! Not a sudden butch transformation, let alone something that really embraces clear cut masculinity. It's comforting to see this woman take up a male role in the narrative while rarely blurring any real lines for a modern audience, who knows what a woman with short hair looks like. And even if Joan of arc has short hair, you bet it'll be bobbed to perfection and complemented by subtle lipstick.
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