#job intervie
localserviceslist · 4 months
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spent like 6 hours in zoom meetings today all I want is freedom so I can go reread my story but it simply never ends please let me go ;;
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torahtot · 4 months
trying to drum up enthusiasm for college again and i just feel horrible and want to cry :(
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zathorn · 1 year
Workplaces looking for employees are so shitty and neurotypical coded. why tf we playing games?? You need an employee I need a job, you're aware I can do the job or be trained/refreshed on the position and so long as you're not gonna be a cunt I won't steal from you
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whate-bear · 2 years
apparently a lot of people dont do things just because
i keep joining some online courses just bc i want to and then when people ask me why i joined i dont know how to answer
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performativezippers · 3 months
This is a departure from what I usually do, but I'm hiring a bunch of people at my work right now and thought I'd leave you some tips in case you're going to be job searching anytime soon. Disclaimer: nothing applies to everyone, etc, whatever. I work in higher ed as a staff member which is big and bureaucratic and of like a dysfunctional nonprofit, but this will apply to many other jobs/industries as well.
tl;dr: make your resume relevant and clean, customize and personalize your cover letter, use every interview question as the chance to share an experience from a previous job that makes you look good, and remember the answer is never just "no."
Resume Tips
Include past job history for 5 years if you're young or 10 years if you're older. If your only experience isn't directly relevant (ex: you've only worked in fast food and it's a receptionist job), frame the duties in ways that make it seem more relevant, such as "customer service" instead of "500 hot dogs a day."
include dates of employment -- i fyou don't, i assume you have something to hide (you got fired after 3 months)
Each job should have 3-5 bullet points describing the duties. Don't lie, but you can make them sound cool. "Answered the phones" could be "First point of contact for all clients and contractors."
Format it so I can read it. I should easily be able to see position, company, dates, and duties. The page should have a decent amount of white space so my eyeballs don't explode, but it's very obvious if you have nothing to say and are making the margins big to make it look full. Don't do that!
Cover letter Tips
WRITE ONE, oh my god. We asked for resume and cover letter for the application and automatically rejected everyone who didn't write one. I know they suck, but if you're applying for the job, actually apply for the job.
Address it to the right person/job. We are hiring for a case manager, and we got several that said things like "i look forward to joining your company as a project specialist" or whatever. (a) not a company, (b) not a project specialist. I KNOW you use a template that you update for each job you apply to, but you have to actually update it, buddy.
Customize it. "I will bring valuable skills to your company" is nothing. That's meaningless. I ignore that. The cover letter is for you to tell me why you'd be a good fit for my job, not a job.
The format can be: "Dear X, I am writing to enthusiastically apply to the position of [job] at [company]." Paragraph on your related experience. Paragraph on why what you can bring is perfect for what they specifically need (include something you learned from your research on their website for bonus points). A sentence or two on what excites you about this job. "Thank you very much for your time and consideration, Your Name."
Interview Tips
Be on time. Dress in a way that demonstrates effort (like a button down shirt). If you have a natural resting bitch face, try not to for the interview.
If you're doing it in person (not on zoom or phone) bring something to write things down on, like a notepad. This is where you can keep your questions for them, as well as jot down ideas that occur to you as they're asking the question. Don't use your phone, it looks unprofessional.
Write down questions in advance that you have for them. DO NOT ask about pay or benefits or vacation (you can do that later). You can ask things like "what would a typical day in this role look like?" or "how would you describe the company culture?" or whatever. if you've done research, the more specific questions you can ask, the better. "I'd love to hear about the origins of X project, which I was reading about on your website." Nice.
Every question is a chance for you to share a specific story from your work history that paints you in a positive light. If they ask "How would you organize all of our client files?" don't say "in a filing cabinet or hard drive." That's because I know about filing cabinets and hard drives; assume the interview isn't stupid. You can say, "At my previous role, we had a lot of client files and what I did to organize them was ____." I KNOW you don't know how I organize my files, and that's okay because you don't work here yet. What I'm really asking is, "do you understand the ways that not organizing things is bad, and have you had experience with organizing similar stuff in an effective manner? Prove to me I can trust you with my files."
Do not ever speak about yourself or your previous job negatively. If they ask why you're leaving your current job (they shouldn't), be vague and polite. You're "looking for a new challenge," or "my current position has taught me a lot, and while it's really great, my future career goals are much more in line with [something this company or job does]."
If they ask about your experience with something you have zero experience with, like "have you used salesforce" and you're like, bro, no, i worked at wendy's, YOUR ANSWER IS NEVER JUST "NO." You can say something vaguely positive about yourself like "I haven't, but I learn new systems quickly and that's something I'm really looking forward to learning and becoming fluent with in this role" or you can mention something similar, like, "I haven't used salesforce, but my previous role used a different database to manage our client contacts and [some stuff you think is relevant about that and how good at it you are]."
Questions? feel free to ask!
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𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬
pairing: dieter bravo x ghost hunter!female reader word count: 4.9k rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
The producers of your hit ghost hunting show, Spirit Seekers, have picked your next celebrity guest. Dieter Bravo. You’re not looking forward to being locked in a reportedly haunted mansion with one of Hollywood’s biggest divas.
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
the first of my october spooky specials is here! ghost image in title art is from TO LIFE, TO DEATH by Jean-Marie GITARD. if you enjoy this fic, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment and thank you for reading!
explicit sexual content (18+ minors do not interact), drug use - weed, smoking, dub con - sex following drug use, vaginal fingering, handjob, dry humping, getting locked in a haunted house together, misunderstandings. let me know if any tags are missing!
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It’s not often you get called into an actual meeting with your producers. You’re on the road a lot filming for your hit ghost hunting show, Spirit Seekers, so they usually spare you from attendance and send you an itemized e-mail recap.
Not today, though. Today, all five producers were CC’d on the e-mail that requested a meeting to go over your next episode, which is set to start filming in two days. You tap your fingers against the shiny wood conference table, staring out at the Los Angeles cityscape through the panoramic windows as you wait for the suits to join you.
They all arrive at once, three men filing through the doorway with veneered smiles and abnormally smooth foreheads. They shake your hand one by one before taking their seats.
It’s Alec, a paunchy man with grey hair and round glasses, that speaks first, starting with a mumble of your name followed with, “I’ll cut to the chase. We’ve got a celebrity guest for the McCallister mansion episode that you’ll need to work into your production this week.”
“This is pretty late notice,” you reply, mind already running through what you’ll need to do to adjust for the format of a guest special. “Who is it?”
The three men exchange wary glances and you sit up straighter, bracing yourself for the response.
“Dieter Bravo,” Alec finally says, smoothing his tie with his hand.
“You’re shitting me.” If there’s one person you can’t stand, it’s Dieter fucking Bravo. “Is this how I find out Ashton is filming Punk’d again?”
The joke doesn’t land. Alec clears his throat before saying, “This isn’t a joke. And it’s an excellent opportunity to—”
“To what? Pander my show to a diva who’s just going to make my job difficult?”
“He has a very strong fan base that could bring in a large number of new viewers. Your show is popular, but only to a limited demographic,” Alec says. “We’re doing this for you. Spirit Seekers has a lot of potential but if you’re going to remain at the top and have a chance for another Emmy nomination, maybe even an award, you need to be willing to work with the guests that will bring in views.”
You sigh heavily. “I hate that you’re right.”
“I know. But I always am.” He slides a folder across the table to you. “Here are his requirements.”
“Requirements? He does know this isn’t a blockbuster production set, right?”
“This is the modified list,” the man to Alec’s right, Stephen, says. “Trust me, this is significantly better than it once was.”
You open the folder, scanning the document. “Alkaline water, glass bottle. Absolutely no plastic,” you read. “Organic, non-GMO, dye free, gluten free crackers. Did he just pick every Whole Foods buzzword and stick them together?”
“We will make this as easy for you as we can. We just need you to focus on the episode. Okay?”
“Fine,” you mumble, shutting the folder. “He breaks any of my equipment, I’m billing you.”
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Two days later you’re sitting in your makeshift command center with your crew mates, Andrew and Mike, making sure that all the monitors are displaying the feeds from the static cameras set up inside the mansion. You’ve already filmed solo interview segments with the owner, an elderly man who inherited the house over thirty years ago but left it untouched because of what he believes is a ghostly presence.
The sun is low behind the gorgeous Queen Anne Victorian home, orange sky haloing the steep roofed mansion. The historic building sits on six acres of land surrounded by a wrought iron fence that the owner, Paul, had to unlock for you to set up for the night filming session you would be doing this evening. He stands behind you now with his arms crossed over his chest as he watches you connect your equipment.
“So you’ll be in there all night?” He asks, voice wary.
“Most of it. We’ll get three hours of footage with Andrew following us through the house and then a few more hours of single camera action, coupled with the static night vision feeds that will roll all night. We’ll be inside until 3 a.m. and then work out here for a bit before packing up,” you reply. “Thank you so much for letting us come in and do an investigation.”
“I’ve got a bet going with a buddy of mine,” Paul says, puffing his chest out. “If you find something, he owes me a hundred bucks.”
You laugh. “I can’t guarantee anything. My goal isn’t to make a ghost where there isn’t one.”
“I know, I know. But I’m telling you, this place has always been weird.” He glances up at the house, his frame shivering despite the California warmth. “Doors always opening and shutting on their own, footsteps, voices. Whole nine yards. S’why I never moved in.”
You knew all of this, of course. You’d done a walk through of the property with one of your camera guys, letting Paul tell you his first hand experiences in the old house. You’re about to reply when the sound of a car barreling up the gravel driveway pulls your attention away from the conversation.
A black Escalade approaches, coming to a stop in a cloud of dirt that makes you cough. Paul pats your back as the back door opens and designer boots drop onto the gravel.
Dieter Bravo stands with one hand gripping the door of the car while he uses his other hand to tilt his sunglasses down his nose to squint at you. He’s wearing black joggers and a faded gray t-shirt with a hole near the collar, his hair a fluffy mess of dark curls.
“Hey,” you say in greeting. You hold a hand out and give him your name, forcing a smile on your face. “Welcome to the command center.”
“Command center? This some kind of secret army operation or something?” He asks, shutting the door and walking past you, leaving you with your hand out stretched for an unreciprocated handshake.
“Michael keeps an eye on the static cameras in case one needs to be fixed,” you explain, gesturing to the man sat in front of the wall of screens with a headset on. “Now that you’re here only,” — you check your watch — “an hour late, we can get started. Andrew, could you get him mic’d?”
Andrew approaches with a wireless microphone and the actor steps back and holds his hands up. “Hold up, I gotta make sure you got everything.”
“Got everything?” You ask.
“Yeah. My snacks and water?” He looks around expectantly.
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Yes, they got your snacks. They’re in the cooler. Can you please let Andrew get your mic on? We have to start the guest filming before the light is gone.”
Andrew approaches Dieter again, who lets him get close enough to hook the mic to the waist of his pants. Dieter smirks as he says, “You could at least buy me dinner first.”
You groan, grabbing your own mic. “Let’s get started.”
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“The mansion itself was built in the late 1800s and has only been home to two families since it was finished. It’s been in Paul’s possession for thirty years,” you say, walking backwards towards the house as the camera man follows. Dieter stands off to the side of the wraparound porch, waiting for his cue. “And tonight, we’ve got the exclusive opportunity to explore this gorgeous home with a special guest. Tonight’s Spirit Seeker is none other than Emmy Award winning actor, Dieter Bravo!”
Dieter steps into frame and gives a smile to the camera, clapping his hands together. “Let’s catch some ghosts!”
“Now, Dieter, we’re not the Ghostbusters,” you say, your voice deadpan. Dieter raises his eyebrows at you.
“That’s the best you’ve got?” He asks. Your brows pinch together.
“Excuse me?”
“‘We’re not the Ghostbusters’? Really?” He waves his hands to the camera. “Come on, sweetheart, give it a little more energy.”
Your teeth are clenched so hard your jaw aches. “I had energy over an hour ago. You know, when you were supposed to get here?” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Can we just get inside?”
He holds an arm out, gesturing for you to enter in front of him. Having toured the mansion already, you signal to Andrew to focus the camera on your guest for his reaction.
Dieter looks around the foyer, grand staircase and marble floors the centerpieces of the large space. “It’s a damn shame they don’t make them like this anymore. Look at the carvings! This has gotta be all original, right?”
“Yep. They’ve only upgraded the internal stuff, like plumbing and electrical,” you confirm. “The owner, Paul, inherited the house after his grandfather passed thirty years ago. He used to spend his summers here when he was a child and vividly remembers experiencing some…unexplained events that have left an impression on him.” You approach a table that’s been set up with your usually line up of equipment. “Tonight, we’re going to see if we can find an explanation for the inexplicable.”
“That’s so cheesy,” Dieter laughs. “You’ve got the cutest serious face, though.”
He thinks I’m cute? Your treacherous brain says, your face heating in response to the compliment. You quickly look at your equipment.
“Anyways,” you say, clearing your throat. “Let’s go through the equipment.”
You start with the basics. A digital recorder for capturing electronic voice phenomenon, night vision cameras, and dowsing rods. Further down the table you have thermal cameras, electromagnetic field meters, REM pods, and spirit boxes. Dieter listens attentively, to your surprise, and even asks a thoughtful question about the spirit boxes.
“How about we divvy up the gear? I can take the recorder and thermal camera, you can take the EMF reader—“
“No can do,” he interrupts, holding his hands up. “I don’t fuck with EMF.”
You blink. “What do you mean?”
“That shit is toxic. It’ll warp your DNA.”
“Dieter,” you say incredulously, “The entire planet is comprised of EMF.”
“No, that’s the geomagnetic field,” he argues.
“It’s the same thing!” You take a deep breath. “You know what? I’ll take the EMF detector. You can have the thermal camera,” you compromise, shoving the camera into his hands. You hastily gather the rest of the devices.
“Alright. Let’s do this.”
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It’s the last hour of the main filming session where Andrew films you and Dieter using the equipment. So far, there haven’t been many notable experiences. You’ve captured a few creaking floorboards and the EMF meter has gone off a few times, but nothing that you can undoubtedly point to as proof of the paranormal, which is par for the course. What people don’t realize when watching your heavily edited show is that you cut out hours of silence and empty footage.
“Alright, Andrew, you’re welcome to head out. We’ll do a bit more upstairs,” you tell the camera man. “Thanks for you help.”
“‘Night, boss,” he replies with a little salute. Dieter watches him as he leaves.
“So, it’s just us now, huh?” He says, his eyebrows raised suggestively. “All alone in a haunted house…pretty hot.”
“Oh, please,” you say nervously, fiddling with your thermal camera, “We haven’t gotten any evidence that this place is haunted.”
“Maybe the ghosts are just shy,” he suggests.
You grab the REM pod and turn on the device, the LED lights flashing. “Let’s do a REM pod session. Here, hold the camera.”
Dieter holds the expensive equipment delicately, staring at the night vision screen to keep you in frame. “Not often I get put behind the camera,” he comments.
You spend the next twenty minutes asking a series of questions in the quiet room, your digital recorder running in your hand. Dieter remains focused on the screen.
“Why don’t you playback the recording?” He suggests. You glance at him, his face illuminated in the dark by the lights of the camera and the faint moonlight that filters through a window.
“Good idea,” you admit, hitting the stop button and running the tape back. There’s some static feedback before your voice announces the date and time of the recording.
“Is there anyone here with us?” Your recorded voice asks. There’s a beat of silence and you fully expect your voice to be the next thing you hear but instead there’s a garbled, “Yes.”
“Holy shit!” Dieter shouts. “That was a fucking ghost!”
“Shhh!” You hiss, flapping your hand at him. You play it back and sure enough, the same disembodied voice echoes through the room, clear as day. “Holy shit!”
“Play the rest, play the rest,” Dieter demands. He steps closer with the camera trained on the recorder.
Together, you listen to the rest of the recording. There’s another moment where you think you might have gotten a response, but it’s not as clear as the first one. You play it back again and again, and finally Dieter takes the recorder from you.
“Alright, enough, if I hear you ask, ‘Do you mean any harm?’, one more time, I’m going to have to tattoo it across my ass,” he says with a laugh. “Actually, that would be kind of cool, right? Very…provocative.”
“Oh my god.” You can’t help but laugh and the man’s face lights up with a cute smile, the corners of his brown eyes creasing with the force of it. “Let’s go check out the study.”
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“How does this one work?” Dieter asks as you turn on the spirit box, the staticky feedback noise filling the room.
“It sweeps through different radio stations rapidly and, theoretically, a paranormal entity can manipulate it and use it to speak. Just ask question.” You fix the camera on him. “Ready when you are.”
“So…do any of the ghosts think I’m hot?” He asks, glancing around the room. You bite your lip to hold in your laugh as the static continues. “Tough crowd.”
You roll your eyes. “Be serious.”
“Okay, okay, fine. Uh…did anything like…bad….happen to you?” No response. “Do you…like having guests?”
Dieter jumps, eyes wide as he looks at the spirit box. “No fucking way,” he says excitedly. “Okay, uh, why don’t you want guests?”
“Oh my god,” you murmur. “Keep going!”
“Do you want to hurt us?” Dieter asks. The device is silent, no responses coming through. His shoulders drop in disappointment. “Damn. Some confirmation that we’re dealing with Casper and not that fucking thing from Insidious would have been nice.”
“Try one more question? I’m going to get the thermal cam,” you tell him, rushing to the desk in the center of the room for your equipment. You hastily power it on and point both cameras at him. “Ok, go.”
“You’re supposed to say action,” Dieter says, making you roll your eyes. “But I’ll let it slide. Hmm…ghost, is there a room we should explore next?”
It’s silent for a beat, and you think maybe the session may be over, but suddenly the device spits out the word, “Attic.”
Dieter stares at you with wide eyes. “Guess we’ve gotta go higher.”
“Let’s do it.”
You open the door to the attic, revealing a dark, narrow staircase that looks particularly haunting. The man stands at your back, looking up into the inky black darkness. He audibly swallows.
“Uh…how about you go first? You’re the professional,” he suggests.
“You scared?” You tease, taking a tentative step forward. “It’s just a little attic.”
“In a very haunted house!” He hisses. “What if it’s luring us here to kill us?”
“Then you would have had to film for this ‘stupid show’ with nothing to show for it. Tragic,” you reply sarcastically, placing quotes around the words stupid show.
Because that’s what you’ve heard him call it. Your show was up for a Primetime Emmy award last year for your Halloween special and it was your first time attending an award show. Dieter was there to present an award and was seated only a few seats down from you, talking to another actor you vaguely recognized, when you overheard his feelings for your show.
“I can’t believe they put such a stupid show in this category,” he said, loudly. “It doesn’t even belong here.”
“What are you talking about?” Dieter asks as you reach the open attic. There’s a circular window that looks out over the grounds, caked with dust and only allowing a tiny amount of light into the room. You turn to face him.
“At the Emmy Awards last year. I was sitting two seats down from you and you said — and I quote — ‘I can’t believe they put such a stupid show in this category’,” you snap.
He stares at you incredulously. “Are you kidding me? I love your show. I’ve been begging my agent to get me on as a guest since your first episode!”
“Yeah, okay,” you reply sarcastically.
“It’s true! Just ask him!” He steps closer, eyes wide and pleading, looking like a puppy who’s just been reprimanded. “I was talking about that stupid potato documentary. It was boring as hell and had no reason being nominated!”
“Wait…so...you like my show?”
“I love your show. It’s, like, the closest thing to being in an episode of Scooby-Doo.”
You laugh and Dieter’s face brightens, like he knows he’s in the clear. Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming has you both screaming and Dieter launches forward, his arms wrapping around your shoulders as he leaps into the air.
It catches you by surprise, all of his weight leaning into you and sending you crashing to the floor in a tangle of limbs and an echo of groans.
“What the fuck was that?!” You ask. “Dieter, get off, I can’t breathe!”
“Sorry, sorry,” he says, rolling off of you with a thump and another pained noise. “You were supposed to catch me.”
“Catch you?” You wheeze, flat on your back.
“Yeah, like in the shows. Scooby always caught Shaggy.”
“Why am I Scooby?!”
“I don’t know,” he shouts. “Listen, let me go check what that was.”
“You’re not leaving me up here,” you hiss. “We go together.”
The two of you make it to the bottom of the stairs, only to discover that the door to the attic has slammed shut. Not only that, but the damn thing won’t open. Dieter slams his shoulder into it as he twists the knob, cursing up a storm as he tries to shove it open with no luck.
“Remember what I said about the ghosts trying to murder us?” He asks.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a radio. I’ll tell Michael he needs to come try to open the door.” You tug the radio free from the waist of your jeans, pressing the button and asking, “Mike? You there?”
Silence fills the room. You try again.
More silence.
“Fucking Mike,” Dieter grumbles. He heads back upstairs to the attic and you trail after him. He makes a beeline for the small window, feeling around the edges of it. “Maybe we can get the window open and call out to him.”
“Good idea,” you tell him, coming up beside him and pulling a flashlight from your back pocket, shining the light on the windowsill to help him find the latch.
There’s a rusted crank that he starts turning, the hinges squeaking loudly enough to make you wince. The window opens the slightest bit, fresh air flowing into the stale room.
“Can you get it open a little more?” You ask. With a grunt, he forces the crank around, his biceps stretching the sleeves of his shirt.
Not that you’re watching his biceps. Or the muscles of his back as he moves. Definitely not.
“That’s as far as it’ll go,” he says. “See if you can see your little tent down there.”
“Command center,” you grumble, doing as suggested. You can can’t see much except a corner of the white tent fabric, but you call out anyways, “Michael! Mike! Hey!”
There’s no movement from below, no responding shout. You call out for him again and again, but it’s no use. He’s clearly not answering.
“I don’t have my phone during investigations. Do you have yours?” You ask. Dieter pulls his phone from his front pocket.
“Fuck, it’s dead,” he groans, tapping the black screen. You sigh.
“What are we supposed to do now?” You check your watch and find it’s 1:30 a.m. You have no idea where the fuck Mike went, but hopefully he’ll be back by 3 a.m. for debrief and a very stern lecture about abandoning his post. Dieter grins at you.
“Wanna get high?”
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“The episode you did at the asylum in Kentucky is my favorite. It’s so fucking scary. The gurney moving? The shadows? Fuck, I was hiding in a blanket the whole time,” Dieter says.
You’re sitting beside each other with your legs out in front of you, your backs leaning against the wall beneath the small window. You’re pleasantly buzzed, your head a little fuzzy and your limbs loose from the joint you’ve passed back and forth for the last half hour and you’ve been talking about your favorite episodes, yours to film and his to watch, the conversation flowing surprisingly well.
“You know, maybe I was wrong about you,” you say when there’s a lull in conversation. Dieter looks at you, his eyebrows raised. “Yeah, I just…I don’t know. I thought you were this high maintenance asshole, I guess. But you’re kinda cool.”
Dieter laughs. “Oh, baby, I’m definitely high maintenance. You weren’t wrong about that.”
Something about Dieter calling you baby makes you feel warm and gooey. You’d like to blame it on the weed but if you’re honest with yourself for once, it’s because of him. You tried not to like him, you really did, but he’s funny and nice and doesn’t think your whole ghost hunting gig is a waste of time like a lot of men you’ve dealt with in the past. Not to mention he’s so hot, with his messy hair and pretty brown eyes and warm tan skin. Sure, he’s a pain in the ass, but you’re realizing now that it’s actually part of his charm.
You must be quiet for too long or fidget too much because he’s smirking at you now, plush lips tilted up mischievously. “You liked that, huh?” He asks.
“Liked what?” You whisper. He’s scooches closer, his thigh pressing against yours and your shoulders brushing.
“Me calling you baaaaby,” he says, drawing out the word teasingly. “You got all quiet about it.”
“N-no I didn’t.”
“Riiiight,” he teases. He twists his body, reaching an arm across to grip your thigh. “C’mere.”
You go willingly, maneuvering your clumsy limbs until your legs are spread over his lap. He looks up at you with glassy eyes and a syrupy smile, sliding his hands into the back pockets of your jeans.
“You wanna try that again, baby?” He buries his face against your chest and you laugh, squirming in his grip. “Come on, be honest with me.”
“Maybe…maybe I kinda like it,” you mumble. His hands drift up your waist.
“Like what?”
“When you call me baby.”
He presses a kiss to your collarbone, the touch electrifying. “See? That wasn’t so hard.”
“You’re so annoying,” you huff, trying to pull away from him. He holds you tightly.
“Nooooo,” Dieter whines, peppering kisses along all the skin exposed by your tank top that he can reach.”’M sorry, I’ll be good for you, baby.”
Your eyes flutter as you sink into his hold. His light kisses turn into teasing nips of his teeth that make you gasp and grind yourself over his lap. You can feel him growing hard beneath you, the length of his cock pressing deliciously against the seam of your jeans to give you the friction you’re craving.
Dieter’s hand wraps around the back of your neck, pulling you forward to press his lips to yours. It’s awkward at first, just a lingering peck, but then he licks at your bottom lip and you open up for him, his tongue hot against yours as you explore each other. Your mouths are a little dry from the weed but the kiss quickly grows hot and wet, a little desperate and messy as you move together.
“Fuck,” Dieter groans when he pulls back for a breath. “Keep moving, just like that.”
You have a better idea, though. You move down a little bit until you can get your hands on the fly of his pants, popping the button and pulling the zipper. He helps you out a bit, lifting his hips to shove his pants down just enough for you to reach into his boxers and wrap a hand around his thick cock. His eyes are dark and his mouth goes slack as you slowly bring your fist up, palming the slick head and smearing the bead of precum around the sensitive tip.
You withdraw your hand, bringing it to your face to lick your palm, getting it nice and wet as you keep your gaze fixed on him. He’s breathing hard, chest heaving with the effort and he gasps when you take him back in your hand.
“Fuck, feels so fucking good,” he groans, tipping his head back against the wall with a thump. “Tighter, baby, squeeze it tighter. Fuck, that’s a good girl.”
His words have your clit aching with need and you reach down with your other hand to unbutton your jeans, trying to keeping your motions coordinated as you do. Dieter looks up and notices what you’re trying to do.
“You need a lil something, baby?” He asks. When you nod, his hand smacks yours away, successfully undoing the button and zipper. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
His hand slides beneath your jeans and panties, thick fingers quickly zeroing in on your needy clit with tight circles that have your hand stilling around his cock as you moan. His other wraps around yours, encouraging your movements as he plays with your pussy.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he groans, fingers dipping lower until they’re pressing against your slick entrance. “Keep moving your hand, baby.”
You hadn’t even noticed that you stopped, too focused on how good his touch felt. “‘M sorry,” you mumble.
“Don’t be sorry,” Dieter murmurs, one finger pressing slowly inside of you. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
You try to focus on his cock, sliding your tight fist over his length, twisting your wrist around the flushed head, smearing the wetness at the tip around with your thumb. He pumps one finger, then two inside of you in a matching rhythm, the heel of his hand brushing your clit and making you moan.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, rocking your hips the slightest bit. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Do it, baby, I’m right there with you,” Dieter replies, his own hips chasing your hand. “Come on, come on, all over my hand, baby.”
The wave of pleasure crashes over you, your muscles tightening before releasing all at once as you cum, clenching around his fingers and moaning his name. Warmth spreads over your hand and when you finally open your eyes you see that Dieter has cum as well.
“Uh,” you say awkwardly, “What…what do I do?”
“Huh?” Dieter mumbles, withdrawing his hand from your jeans.
“With the” — you nod towards your cum covered hand — “mess?”
“Oh, right. Uh…just kinda…wipe it into my boxers?” He says. You do as he suggests, wiping the sticky mess into the fabric. “I’ll just deal with it later.”
“Boss? You there?” Mike’s voice calls out over the radio, which sits discarded to the side. You scramble off of Dieter’s lap to grab the device.
“Mike! We’ve been locked in the attic for over an hour!” You hiss. “Come get us right now and maybe I’ll let you keep your job.”
Mike responds that he’ll be right up and you fix your pants, hooking the radio back onto your jeans. Dieter stands, pulling his pants up and gathering some of the equipment. You stand together, waiting for Mike in what you would consider an awkward silence until Dieter bumps your shoulder with his.
“We should do that again sometime,” he says. “Maybe without the audience.”
“Audience?” You ask.
He leans in close, lips brushing your ear and making your shiver as he whispers, “The ghosts.” You shove him away, both of you dissolving into giggles. His face grows serious once more. “No, really. You wanna like…get breakfast or something? I know this good farm-to-table place that opens super early.” You smile at him.
“I’d like that.”
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Dieter sits on the couch, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a box of gluten free crackers in his lap. “Hurry up! It’s starting!”
“Your fancy microwave burned my popcorn,” you whine as you rush back into the living room. Dieter sneaks a hand into your bowl, shoving popcorn hastily into his mouth. “Hey!”
“Boyfriend tax,” he explains. “Now, hush, or I won’t invite you over to watch anymore.”
“It’s my show!”
The opening theme music starts, some eerie instrumental that plays over a montage of scenes from earlier episodes. As the music fades, shots of the house and your recorded voiceover explain the location for the episode right before it cuts to you and Dieter.
“…And this, is Spirit Seekers,” you and Dieter say along with your recorded self, matching grins on your faces.
Dieter Bravo masterlist
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
If you have time can you do headcanons for HEARTSTEEL Ezreal x K/DA fem!Reader? It's totally okay if you don't want to!!(≡^∇^≡)
✖ Heartsteel!Ezreal x K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.3k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: Sorry for taking a while with this! I hope I did him justice. He is just a lovable idiot with your best interests in heart to me 💚💚💚
xxxx Day to Day xxxx
- He was a brat, an absolute whiny brat when your schedules don't line up. Ezreal is Complaining, begging and whining, incessantly pestering your managers to adjust things so he can spend time with you. His thoughts are plagued by you 24/7 and he wants nothing more than to just Be with you. Reluctantly he would still go to interviews and fan meets, but whenever he's on break he's sending you voice messages, sending you photos, drooping you messages on how he misses you.
- Ezreal would totally skip out on practices to run off and be by your side. Being in the same production studio totally helped. Blinking past higher ups and security to knock furiously on your studio door. Ahri sighing as she opens the door for him. Ezreal happily walking in like it is as much his studio as it is yours. " Here to visit my love, don't mind me girls!" Happy giggles erupting from his lips as he runs up to your side. He would totally just sit cross legged nearby, cheering as you pull off a dance move. Or jokingly learning the same set and joining in when you dance.
- If you were to visit him during his practice instead, he is ecstatic, suddenly a one take wonder whenever you are near. Of course he'd have to be perfect, you were watching him of course. Ezreal would also throw cute heart hands, heart fingers, blow kisses, throw his top off at you. All the embarrassingly cute things that just make him, him. The other boys in the band tease him of course, little loverboy becomes such a chummy mess around you it is almost surprising.
- This lovable loser would totally thirst trap and give you targeted fanservice. When you were apart Ezreal is the kind of guy to lift his shirt up and take a photo of him and his abs in the mirror to send to you. " Looked super cute today! Sucks that you aren't here to check it out yourself. Teehee." If you save any of these photos, don't tell him, it'll actually make him embarrassed instead. The way he immediately freaked out and told you to change it when he saw you set his photoshoot photo as your phone wallpaper, he cannot handle such love coming from someone he loves back just so much. One sided adoration was normal for him, seeing you love him back? His heart is thumping out of his chest.
- The kind of guy to serenade you in a high school boy kind of way, sneaking into the garden area below your window, throwing rocks at your window until you wake up and check it out only to see him with a ukulele loudly singing love songs he knows you like. The only reason it wasn't embarrassing was just because he was actually good at it, he was a singer so his voice was just so beautiful you can't help but forgive him. Of course he'd wait patiently to be let into your house after, laughing as you tell him he didn't have to sneak around to get in. He did it for the romantic fun of it, not because he has to.
- Ezreal is also rarely insecure, but when he is, he goes to you. You being a professional in the industry too, and also being his lover meant you were specifically the only one he trusts to hear his fears and appropriately comfort him. Worried about his voice not being good enough, his dancing being too erratic, his looks not being just perfect. Only when you tell him, with all your own experiences as a professional, that he was doing fine, amazing even. Or that everyone in the industry feels this way, it was just part of the job stress, would he finally calm down. " Thank you...I really needed that..." Soft whispers as he hugs you, your hands in his hair calming him down as he tries to breathe.
- And if it came to you? Panic setting in before a big interview or performance? He is your personal hype man. If anyone can make you feel better about yourself it was Ezreal. He loves you oh so much and has just as many reasons to back it up. Telling you how your cute smile always leaves his mind a fuzzy mess, how he loves your voice so much he sleeps to your solo records, how he watches compilations of your performances because he really loves to see you dance, there was nothing about you he doesn't love, and he is sure your fans feel the same way. He is just as big of a fan of you as you are of him, its hard not to love him for that.
xxxx Touring xxxx
- Ezreal hates that he has to hide his love for you on stage. Sure the adoring cries of cute girls and guys from the crowd was nice but where is yours! Why were you so busy that you haven't seen his selfie! Holding back any negative feelings he would still perform as well as he could on stage. He understands that you had your own performances so you couldn't watch all of his but he is still sad and pouty over it!
- If you were hidden in the audience, the moment he spots you its a 180. Suddenly even more energetic than usual, he can't help but to hop and blink closer to the audience, trying to give you a high five before blinking back on stage. Ezreal having to explain to Alune later why he was breaking rules. But all he would do is sheepishly laugh and apologize, knowing full well he would do it again. He was just so drawn to you afterall.
- Ez is the kind of loving boyfriend that would totally buy you over the top gifts and get them delivered. Almost every location you perform at, a bouquet is personally sent to your dressing room. Always your favorite flowers, sometimes a cheesy love poem written in the card, but always sent to you before your performance. The kind of " Hey, I can't be there but I will be watching you from here <3" reminder that leaves your chest feeling warm.
- If Ezreal is in the audience? He doesn't hide it, rumors be damned, he's a fan he loves you! He hides it enough at his own stage lives, he is going all out with your fans. Lightsticks, fansigns, tees, ita-bags, he has it all. He loves you and wants Everyone to know he's a fan. VIP tickets, man is always right in front jumping and cheering, screaming fan chants, embarrassing you but also just making it so fun! He is in queue with his VIP pass for a Hi-touch too, embarrassing considering how he is already always snuggling you in your private time, yet here he was in public sneaking even more skinship from you.
- It's no longer any doubt to fans that Ezreal loves K/DA but whether you two were a thing? That was a mystery. He loves the fans shipping the two of you together though, he might not be allowed to openly declare his claim over you but, this was cute enough to satisfy him. He has a side fan account for you that is surprisingly popular with fans because for some reason, this account seems to always grab sneakily good photos of you in public.
- When you do hop by backstage to wait for him, he goes fucking crazy. The kind to happily yell your name as he runs and jumps into your arms. He loves you so much and so brightly, peppering your face in kisses, bragging about his perfect performance, excitedly telling you how some fans threw him gifts on stage. A warm smile as he places his sunglasses on your face, " Not bragging to make you jealous, I hope you know you're my one and only." A small kiss on your nose as he pulls away, flashing you a charming smile.
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Interviewer: Hello everyone! Today we brought in a rather unique person here! Let’s welcome in model, Lilith.
Lilith: Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here today.
I: No, it’s our pleasure. It’s not everyday we see someone like you!
L: Oh you jest, surely I can’t be that interesting. I’m no different from those on Alien Stage after all.
I: I didn’t expect one of the highest ranking models to be so humble as you! You’re surely to be a once in a lifetime phenomenon. I must say, your guardia-
L: Hm? My guardian? Surely you mean my father correct?
I: Ah yes, I’m sorry for that. You look so much like a human, I forget you aren’t. I suppose that’s your magic.
L: I suppose so. My father was quite dedicated when creating me. I have him to thank for getting me this far.
I: What an intelligent man, his name is Dottore correct? Perhaps we should interview him eventually, haha
L: I don’t think he’d enjoy that, sir.
I: Ah-, well um, Anyways, we have some questions for you today, if you don’t mind answering some of them?
L: I don’t see why not, after all this is an interview.
I: Starting us off, You seem quite invested in this season of Alien Stage, have any reason why?
L: Oh, I’ve always been interested in Alien Stage, it being my favorite show ever. I even have all the merch. With how round with Aurien being taken away from that strange creature, this season so far might be my favorite. My bets are on Sai!
I: How interesting, do you have any other thoughts on this season?
L: These contestants are quite intriguing I must say. I haven’t seen a season this interesting since season 35. I still think Milo should’ve won but I rest my case.
I: Sorry to disappoint, but some fans have asked, outside of Alien Stage, what are your other likes and dislikes?
L: Ah, that’s a shame, I enjoy speaking about Alien Stage. Well that’s no worries, I suppose it would be writing. Well, not writing per se, but writing letters. I enjoy communication as it was in it’s golden era. And perhaps partially as when I’m not modelling, my father doesn’t allow me out. He loves me too much to be hurt.
I: Writing letters huh? How charming from a girl such as yourself.
L: I enjoy it so, in fact I heard the 40th class of Anakt Garden is open to outside letters. I might try something out.
I: That’s definitely going to be fun for you! However I believe you still have dislikes to cover?
L: Oh I’m sorry. If I had to say…. I dislike the rebels and unladylike behavior. Everyone, both boys and girls should keep themselves to proper behaviors.
I: Of course, I might just have to ask you to hold a class on ladylike behavior, hahaha!
L: I don’t know, it is quite ungentlemanly of you to ask a lady for something…
I: Ah. Well uh, Well how about that hair of yours? I must say, it’s gorgeous and definitely not something you see everyday! It’s always in a new and different style everytime I see it!
L: Thank you, I try to keep it nice. I actually have many different wigs. They’re all supposed to mimic human hair, but it was too difficult to attempt to get human donors for my wigs. And the ones who did donate, well their hair wasn’t…. up to standards let’s just say.
I: Oh, so what is your hair made out of?
L: It’s actually made out of thread. It’s a lot of strings all made to look and mimic human hair but it’s done it’s job, wouldn’t you say?
I: Wow! I would never have guessed!
L: Ah, I apologize but it seems I must go now. My father is here to take me back home
I: Wait! We aren’t even done with the intervie- Come back!!
-Interview End-
Sai ( @junebluues / @bittersweet-adagio ) Aurien ( @aurienneirua ) and ‘strange creature’ ( @solei-eclipse )
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fuck-customers · 8 months
Sorry in advance. This one is gonna be REAL long and vent-y.
So I currently have a retail job that I've been at for 4 years. I'll be honestly, it's never been a great job and since it's retail, I obviously never intended to stay there forever. Honestly, I've stayed there longer than I intended to, due to a lot of disasters in my personal life. (legal battles, house fire, homelessness) And because it was easier to just stay at a job that I already had and was already established and trained and knew the drill vs. going through these personal disasters at a new job, trying to give a good impression and perform well while hiding the fact that I'm miserable and going through a lot of difficulties that I do not want to bring into work/have bosses or coworkers be aware of. (I feel very hesitant to share any personal info at work, because I worry that any shared info not work-related can be used against me, in minor and major ways. But perhaps I'm being unnecessarily paranoid.)
However, after all this time of me dragging my feet, it is unfortunately clear to me that I am going to have to get another job. My job was always part-time (with a promise that was a lie about being promoted to full-time with good performance) but now my hours have majorly decreased from 12-30 hours per week when I was first hired, to now getting 3-6 hours EVERY OTHER WEEK.
So now I have begrudgingly resigned myself to accept the fact that I need to apply for jobs. I'm terrified. I've accepted it, but I'm terrified.
I don't have very much work experience. I had a seasonal job before my current job (3 months) and I've been at my current job for (a bit over) 4 years, which looks good because it shows loyalty, commitment, blah, blah, blah. But that's IT. 2 jobs. No degree or license or qualifications. I was in a few clubs in high school, but I'm too old to be listing my high school achievements. I can't afford college. And I know that a lot of job applications have auto-delete programs that will just trash an application if it doesn't have the correct buzzwords...but how am I supposed to know the correct buzzwords? I've also heard about ghost listings where companies post job listings they never intend to fill so they get a tax write off or whatever. (Idk if this is true, but the idea is enough to terrify me) I also have a hearing disability and I suspect (but am undiagnosed) that I have a learning/neurological disability, possibly ADHD or mild autism.
So there's ALL THAT weighing on my mind. And then on top of all of that, I'm scared out of my mind about my own personal situation.
I figure I can probably fake it well enough for the first week or so, maybe the first month if I'm really crafty and lucky (I figure I can get through the application process by listing my P.O. box as an address without putting that it's a P.O. box. And I have a lot of clothes from before becoming homeless that I can change into so I'm not constantly wearing the same clothes) but eventually people at this hypothetical new job will figure out that I live in a car (I can change my outfits and use dry shampoo on my hair, but trust me, from experience I know that I can really only go about a week and a half without a proper shower before it becomes very noticeable, no matter how much dry shampoo I use. I am a female woman with medium-length hair, for perspective) and will treat me differently and disrespect me and treat me as less than human. Or possibly take advantage of me, shoving extra work on me because I "need the money" and making me a scapegoat. Or worse, firing me. Sure, it's illegal (I think) but if they really want you gone, they can find any minor mistake you have made (and being new at a job, I will likely make a few) and use that as an excuse to fire me. Or lay me off due to "budget cuts" or some bullshit. If they want you gone, they can make it happen.
But most importantly, I don't feel good about myself. I've never had particularly high self-esteem, but in past interviews, I was able to list positive traits of mine and spin the less positive ones in a good light.
But now I don't even remember a positive thing about me. It doesn't help that my mother (whose car I live in) puts me down every chance she gets. Every day, she calls me a loser with a dead-end job and tells me I need to get a new job, without listening to what I tell her I need from her to do so. (She doesn't have a job, but of course that's not a problem) For example, I do not have word on my laptop. I need to go somewhere (library? the paperclips store? Unfortunately the work network place in my area that used to help with job applications, resumes, etc shut down) to use a computer with word to update my resume, as the one I have on my computer does not have my current job. (I tried to use the online version...what a nightmare. Also, sure there ARE resume websites where you can use their templates and make your resume....for a price. Usually $50+ that I can't afford for something I will use exactly once.) She refuses to help, even though I think her laptop has word, but I am not certain, and instead just repeats the same things over and over like a broken record. "You need to get a better job." "You're going to die a loser at a dead-end job if you don't quit." "You need to get a full-time job." (Sidenote: she herself has not even glanced at job listings. There are NO full-time jobs available, unless you are a licensed professional, a doctor, nurse, teacher, etc.)
But despite all of that, I need a new job. I held our for the holidays, thinking with the holiday rush, I'd get more hours and I could use that to keep me afloat while looking for a new job in the new year. Well. Our hours continually got CUT during the holidays and I suspect the store may go out of business and I do not want to still work there when it does. (Even though I would LOVE to watch it burn) The harsh reality is that I need a new job. I just have absolutely no faith that I can find anything much better than my current job. I expect the most I'll find is part-time of 20-30 hours per week, which is still better than 3-6 every other week, but I truly need a full-time job. Which will not happen.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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tooxmanyxships · 1 year
A Brocedes fic/ficlet where it’s Nico who had amnesia, but instead of forgetting the last few yrs, he forgot Lewis altogether. Others thought it’s just him getting tired of being constantly ignored, but when asked how his relationship with LH was, he’s genuinely confused and asked, ‘who’s that?’
P.S U can make Nico have a happy ever after with another, JB perhaps? 👀
P.P.S Just want to see what LH’s reaction would be when it’s his turn to be denied, forgotten even, but this time it’s permanent (or semi-permanent) choice is yours. 🤗
I hope you're ready for this pain
It had been a couple of months since Nico had come out of the hospital, mostly recovered.
They said he's been in a coma for a week in there , but of course he doesn't know that.
He can't really remember how he got into the hospital, only that there was some kind of accident with his car.
He does remember waking up to Jenson Button sitting next to his bed, holding his hand.
At first he was still quite out of it. Didn't know why Jenson was holding his hand.
At least he still knew his name and who he was, or it would have been even more awkward.
Jenson, of course, had panicked quite a bit when Nico had flinched away when he tried to cup his cheek.
The doctor had assured him that temporary amnesia was normal for people who've been in a coma. They still took him away to run some tests.
Turned out that Nico had gaps in his mind of things he couldn't remember. Things that were gone out of his memories. Would those memories ever come back? No one really knew.
However, the way Jenson cared about him and did everything he could for him would make Nico fall in love with him all over again.
But he did, eventually, remember his relationship with Jenson and they were happily together once more.
Miraculously they'd been able to keep their private life out of the media since Nico's accident, but now Sky sports was asking for an interview with their former reporter.
Nico had quit his job. Or rather a temporary leave. He wasn't sure if he was ever really going to go back though.
Jenson was still working for Sky and had told his employer that the only way they were getting this interview was if he could be there as well.
He just wanted to be there if Nico needed some help with his memory. He didn't tell Sky that though.
Nico said yes to the interview, if only because he knew he wasn't going to get out of it. And having Jenson there was a big plus.
The interview had been going pretty well, Jenson didn't have to help with the answers all that much at all, but then this weird question came - - -
"Has Lewis been in contact with you after the accident?"
"Who's that?"
There was complete silence. Even Jenson seemed to be rather shellshocked.
Nico just looked confused.
The reporter seemed to think Nico was playing a trick on him or something, because he repeated his question.
"Lewis Hamilton. Has he send you any messages?"
Nico frowned, glancing over at Jenson. "I don't - - -"
"No," Jenson jumped in, "He hasn't sent anything."
Jenson made sure that, on his face, it came across that the conversation about this subject was over.
The interviewer cleared his throat rather awkwardly and gave him some other questions once again.
Once the interview was done and the reporter was gone, Nico turned to Jenson.
"Who's this guy he asked me about?"
Jenson tenses, but manages to keep his voice neutral while answering.
"No one to be worried about."
Nico wants to ask further, but, something in Jenson's eyes tells him not to do it.
He forgets all about that name and the interview all together when he's lying in bed with his boyfriend that night.
Sometimes his partial memory loss is a good thing.
Especially for Jenson this time.
Lewis gets the link to the interview with Nico from so many people, with weird cryptic messages too, so he finally gives in and watch it.
He's retired now, so, he's got the time. That's when he's not playing on the piano and writing songs.
The interview is pretty bland, Lewis thinks, until the hears the interviewer ask Nico about him and he's suddenly all ears.
"Who is that?"
What does he mean? Who is that?!
Is he playing some sick mind game again?!
He hears the reporter repeat the question, Nico looking still completely confused, then Lewis hears and sees Jenson butt in to answer.
Something just doesn't seem right.....
He replays that scene again. And again. Againagainagainagainagain......
He finally closes the interview and grabs his phone.
He debates on texting Nico, but he ends up on some old conversation between him and Jenson and texts him instead.
- LH: Why did Nico ask who I was in that interview? -
- JB: He doesn't remember you. -
- LH: That's not funny, man -
- JB: That's because it's not a joke. Nico has some gaps in his memory since he got out of the coma. You're one of those gaps. -
Lewis just stares at his screen, gripping onto his phone way too tightly.
'You're one of those gaps'.
He's heard of people who completely recover their memories after some time. He's heard about people who haven't.
What if Nico doesn't fully recover his memories?
What if he'll never remember him?
Not even the good times.....
What if they, Nico and Lewis, become nothing but just another blip in time.
That thought alone makes Lewis feel cold and hollow.
Months after the interview, in which Jenson had to do lots of damage control, but people knew now that Nico had suffered from head trauma and sometimes couldn't remember things immediately.
It was a very weakened version of the truth, but it would just have to do.
But anyway... Months after that, it was that time for the F1 race in Monaco and Nico wanted to go and watch it. The first race he would watch live in a very, very long time.
Jenson would be there for Sky, so he wouldn't be alone.
It would be the first time since the accident that he's shown his face on any paddock, but he was sure he wanted to do it, despite Jenson's concerns.
He worried way too much, according to Nico. Everything would be completely fine.
And everything did go fine. Until it became a little too overwhelming.
So many people who wanted to talk to him. Jenson constantly hovering around him. That part was probably the first.
He finally excused himself to go and have a walk around the paddock. Alone.
Mark and DC had pulled Jenson into work business anyway, so that was his chance to get away from his watchful eye.
He was strolling along, looking around, waving to some people who greeted him, when he suddenly bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry, I----" The look on the man's face he just bumped into made him stop halfway his excuse. "Everything alright?"
As fast as it had appeared, the look on the man's face changed into something more neutral just as quick.
"Y- yeah," was that a small stutter? "Sorry. I didn't watch where I was going."
"Neither was I."
Both men were staring at each other, both with different expressions.
One was confused and curious. The other nervous and something else... Something Nico couldn't explain.
"So uh," the stranger started, "I should probably - - - “
"Do I know you?" Nico cut him off. "I know this might sound strange, but.... I feel like I.... Should know you."
And there it was. That look again. But now it was tainted with something else too.
Sadness. Pain. Longing.
"You did used to know me."
Nico feels the man's hand tentatively touch his arm and his eyes widen at the pulse he feels. The thrill that goes through his body, just by such a simple touch.
He was about to open his mouth and say something. Anything.
But then---
"Nico! There you are!"
Nico had never cursed Jenson's voice and presence as much as he did right now.
Then he realized that the hand on his arm was gone. So was the man who the hand belonged to.
He felt something against his leg and looked down to see a folded piece of paper falling down onto his foot. Maybe the man had dropped something.
He bend down and picked it up, shoving it in his pocket right before Jenson reached him.
"I was looking for you. Are you alright? "
Nico rolled his eyes but smiled, "Couldn't be better."
Jenson regarded him with a searching look, satisfied with what he saw, he drew Nico in against him with an arm around his waist.
There was no thrill through his body this time. Not even a little spark.
But it felt nice. Comfortable.
"Come on. Let's go watch this race."
Late that night, Nico wakes up to go to the bathroom. When walking back to the bedroom, he feels himself being drawn to where his jacket was hanging on a chair.
His hand dipped into the pocket of said jacket and pulled out the folded paper. His hands twitching to open it. To reveal its content.
As soon as he opened it, a quiet gasp left his lips. His hands started shaking.
In his hands was a picture. A picture of a younger him, in a karting car.
But, his eyes were drawn to the other person in the picture.
It was that man from the paddock. The younger him.
They were both smiling.
Nico wiped at his eyes when his vision blurred a little.
He'd started crying without even realizing.
But what was even weirder was that when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he was smiling through the tears.
No matter who this man was or what their relationship had been.....
One thing was clear....
They'd probably shared some of the best days of their lives together.
Even if he might never remember.
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misschanadlerbong · 11 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
PART 1 | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” 
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone. 
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie. 
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up. 
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically. 
“You got the job!” 
“Yes I did! I got the job!” 
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.” 
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.” 
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.” 
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased. 
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her. 
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger. 
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’ 
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.” 
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself.  He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?” 
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’ 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth. 
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him. 
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?” 
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena. 
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship. 
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone. 
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked. 
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.  
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books.  And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one. 
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.” 
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,” 
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?” 
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.” 
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.  
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.” 
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.” 
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately. 
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.” 
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
 “Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.  
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.” 
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely. 
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area. 
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?” 
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily. 
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work. 
@queenofstelena / @wiidestdrearms
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vestaclinicpod · 1 year
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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wullfric · 1 month
Oh yeah
There was this dude yesterdayer (monday) that roped me into an impromptu interview regarding his job at the soda megacorp from here
It was more of a quiz than an intervie, but he had to record the conversation and we yad to repeat it like four times because he did don actually want my answers he just picked me up to rig the results in favour of the brand he was working with
But ye did not tell me what I had to fo beforehand so I just had to guess what answers ye wanted (sometimes he made signals to inform me) and like thats dine if I can helo you push tour silly soder projest that is fine even uf you kinda tricked me into it, but the problem was that I ahd lideraly no.idea what a fucking CBD was, and there where yis questions that requires me to actually for.ulate an answer and not just choose from pre.ade options and I had no fucking clue what a mother fucking CBT wasso I just bullshited mu way to thise (I did learn that they are like olant based or do.ethimdb,
And at the end like a fill on hout had passed and I still had not been able yo get my chinese foof from the chinese food restaurant that I always eat at and from which I order the exact smesthing sll the time so I gave him a fake name anf phone number after the question where over
I do feel kinda baf fo him because the quiz had like limited cupons based on what was tour economics situation and like all of them where solf out (we also lied about my economic clds) and in ytje final version of the intersie I still fucked up a bit in sime parts so I am worried the whole thing ess useless for him and he just wasyed his time and lodt his job at the soder factory or CBSometh.jd idk
I fid lesrn thst companies deem to crar alot about thingj sthat I literally have neebe paid attention to this na products (but maybe it is like subconscious bullshit ot whatever) (i ma too cool for.fall that tjough)
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mjalti · 1 year
Hi Ana 💐 I remember reading about your experiences with job interviews and it seemed like your were successful in so many of them. I even have some of your posts screenshotted hehe. I have a phone interview on Tuesday for my first job out of uni and I wanted to know if you’ve picked up any new insights on how to nail interviews? Thank you so much!!
Congratulations on the interview!!!
For me, I treat it like a phone call with friends who are curious about what I’m up to… so I’ll have my fav coffee ready & an outline of the questions/answers printed (look at Glassdoor/look up the people on LinkedIn who have the same job + their Koala-Fications & mentioning those in the intervie) literally my iPad & me? BESTIES
Set up something fun for yourself after like indoor skydiving or a pedicure so you have something to look forward to after!!!
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bjrcrecruiting · 2 months
Expert Tips for Conducting a General Counsel Search in Toronto
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Finding the right General Counsel (GC) is a critical decision for any organization. This key executive role not only shapes a company's legal strategy but also contributes to overall business decisions and risk management. Conducting a successful General Counsel search in Toronto requires a strategic and thorough approach.
As a leading firm in legal executive search in Toronto, BJRC Recruiting offers expert insights into the process. Here are our top tips to ensure you hire the best legal executive for your organization.
Understanding the Role of General Counsel
Before diving into the search process, it’s crucial to understand the multifaceted role of a General Counsel. The GC serves as the chief legal advisor to the organization, managing both the in-house legal team and external counsel. Their responsibilities often include ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, overseeing litigation, advising on mergers and acquisitions, and contributing to corporate governance.
Defining the Job Requirements
The first step in successful General Counsel hiring in Toronto is clearly defining the job requirements. This involves:
Legal Expertise: Identify the specific areas of legal expertise required, such as corporate law, intellectual property, or regulatory compliance.
Experience: Determine the necessary expertise level, including years of practice and previous roles in similar industries.
Soft Skills: Emphasize essential soft skills such as leadership, communication, and strategic thinking.
Cultural Fit: Consider the candidate’s ability to fit into your organization’s culture and work effectively with senior management.
Partnering with a Legal Executive Search Firm
Engaging in a specialized legal executive search in Toronto can significantly enhance your chances of finding the right candidate. BJRC Recruiting has extensive experience in legal placements and a deep understanding of the Toronto market. Here’s how partnering with a search firm can benefit your organization:
Access to a Wider Talent Pool: Executive search firms have extensive networks and can reach candidates not actively looking for new opportunities.
Expert Screening: Experienced recruiters can efficiently screen and evaluate candidates, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are presented.
Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality during a GC search is crucial. A search firm can handle sensitive aspects discreetly.
Crafting a Compelling Job Description
A well-crafted job description is essential to attract top-tier candidates. It should be concise, highlighting your organization's unique aspects. Include:
Company Overview: Provide a brief introduction to your company, including its mission, values, and culture.
Role Summary: Summarize the key responsibilities and expectations for the General Counsel role.
Qualifications: List the required qualifications, including educational background, legal expertise, and relevant experience.
Benefits and Opportunities: Highlight the benefits of working with your organization, such as growth opportunities, work-life balance, and competitive compensation.
Leveraging Multiple Sourcing Channels
To reach the best candidates, leverage a variety of sourcing channels. This includes:
Professional Networks: Utilize your network and encourage referrals from trusted contacts within the legal industry.
Online Job Boards: Post the job on reputable legal job boards and professional association websites.
Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn to promote job openings and connect with potential candidates.
Recruitment Firms: Partner with specialized recruitment firms like BJRC Recruiting to tap into their extensive candidate databases and networks.
Conducting Thorough Interviews
Interviewing candidates for a General Counsel position requires a well-structured and thorough approach. Consider the following steps:
Initial Screening: Conduct initial phone or video interviews to assess the candidate’s qualifications and interest in the role.
In-depth Interviews: Arrange in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including senior management and board members. Focus on assessing both technical expertise and cultural fit.
Case Studies and Assessments: Provide candidates with case studies or hypothetical scenarios to evaluate their problem-solving skills and legal acumen.
Behavioural Interviews: Use behavioural interview techniques to gain insights into candidates' past experiences and how they’ve handled challenging situations.
Evaluating Cultural Fit
Cultural fit is a critical factor in the success of a General Counsel. Assessing cultural fit involves understanding the candidate’s values, work style, and how they interact with others. During the interview process, consider:
Team Dynamics: Evaluate how the candidate interacts with existing team members and other executives.
Company Values: Discuss the candidate’s alignment with your company’s values and mission.
Leadership Style: Consider whether the candidate’s leadership style complements your organization’s management approach.
Checking References and Backgrounds
Conducting thorough reference checks and background investigations is essential to validate the candidate’s credentials and suitability for the role. This includes:
Professional References: Speak with former colleagues, supervisors, and direct reports to gather insights into the candidate’s performance and character.
Educational Verification: Verify the candidate’s educational background and legal qualifications.
Background Check: Conduct a comprehensive background check to ensure there are no red flags that could impact their ability to perform the role effectively.
Making a Competitive Offer
Once you’ve identified the ideal candidate, making a competitive offer that reflects their value to your organization is crucial. Consider:
Competitive Compensation: Offer a compensation package that is in line with industry standards and reflects the candidate’s experience and expertise.
Benefits Package: Include attractive benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities.
Onboarding Plan: Develop a comprehensive onboarding plan to ensure a smooth transition and set the new General Counsel up for success.
Conducting a General Counsel search in Toronto requires a strategic and thorough approach. By clearly defining job requirements, leveraging multiple sourcing channels, and conducting comprehensive interviews, you can identify and hire the best legal executive for your organization.
Partnering with a specialized legal executive search in Toronto, like BJRC Recruiting, can further enhance your search process, ensuring you find a General Counsel who meets your legal needs and aligns with your company’s values and culture. With these expert tips, you’ll be well on your way to making a successful and impactful hire.
Know more https://bjrcrecruiting.com/2024/07/17/expert-tips-general-counsel-search-toronto/
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