#joel the investment genius
Ach übrigens: Joel ist in den Ferien bei seiner Oma, da er großes Potential in der Vermarktung seines Pastinakensaftes für Senioren entdeckt hat. Er versucht gerade seine Oma dazu zu überreden, den Saft an ihre Freundinnen im Jassgruppe/Strickverein anzudrehen zu verkaufen. Er wird den reichen Verehrer Kollegen seiner Oma davon überzeugen, daß der Saft groß rauskommt, sobald Noah's Werbespot dropped.
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ellabsweet · 11 months
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synopsis: in which The Deadbeats band is a success, ellie as lead singer and guitarist, abby as a bassist, jesse on the drums and dina on the keyboard, despite their chaotic nature and eventual love affair with a certain groupie
pairing: rockstar!ellie x reader x rockstar!abby
warning: mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, very lightly based on the dynamics of daisy jones and the six, eventual nsfw content so minors and men do not interact, multiple part series
authors note: so im starting this little thing with a groupie!reader and very chaotic dynamic band au with rockstars!abby and ellie fighting for her affection, if you want to be tagged just let me know and i will add you to a taglist! enjoy babies
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“Dina Woodward had a saying of her own lightly adapted from some childhood friend’s hip grandmother that went along the lines of: You either fuck it, or hop off the top. That was the mindset that led a group of young adults from a small town in Wyoming to ultimate stardom in rock circles all across the globe-” Ellie made sure to interrupt Jesse’s reading, clutching the newspaper off his hands and forcing it apart in even shreds.
“They made us sound like a fucking inspirational movie”
“I told you that’s what happens when you accept to be interviewed by these mainstream fascists Abby’s daddy can buy out”
“Well, Ellie, here’s a little tip then how about you stop snorting up all our gig cash and actually write some new fucking songs so we don’t have to depend on these interviews that are buying the fucking powder you can’t keep from shoving up your nose” Abby was angry as per usual, landing a soft blow over the table Ellie leaned over, scattering sprinkles of the white drug across the floor. Jesse prepared himself to get between them quickly, his own set of muscles basically newly acquired for these situations, a fiery Ellie and overtly stronger Abby was entertaining the first couple of times when bruised eyes could be hot accessories, but it’s frequency died down the style quickly.
“Fuck you and your moral superiority you only joined the band because you wanted to piss off your fancy rich parents and we only let you because we needed the investment”
“Els, shut the fuck up you know that she’s a good bassist” Dina sighed, looking around for the vacuum cleaner to avoid questions from her tennants later.
“And a better singer too” Abby smirked, her laugh echoing across the room as Ellie leaned in to punch her and was stopped by Jesse’s grip that she remained fighting incessantly.
She thought of Joel, her step father, wondered for a split second what he’d think of her in this situation and quickly shook the thought of her mind. It was irrelevant what Joel would’ve thought, because he was dead alongside anyone else she ever loved, like a plague. Cursed was the title track of their album and it explored the feeling of grief and anger better than anyone could’ve forced out of her in conversation. The other members went as far as thinking perhaps it meant something different, a change within. It never came. Ellie remained the same hot headed impulsive lyrical genius whose talent was wasted on her for always being too overly wasted herself.
“Can we please just get back to practice?” Jesse pleaded, his surprising patience wearing thin.
It didn’t matter, in the end. They were Ellie’s band. Abby was a bass goddess. Music saved Jesse’s life. Dina secretly thought it all to be amusing. They were incredible together, despite the drugs and screams and punches, breathtaking. The band would live on and so would the chaos. You either fuck it, or hop off the top.
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taglist: @abbysvictim @lottiematthewsceo @sadeyedsugar @digit4lslut @r0ckgoblin comment to be added!
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sir-joel · 1 year
When you talk of Joel being guilt ridden I can't help but think of Joel begging Jimmy to beat him up, choke up, fuck him to the point of near death, beg Jimmy to demean him and insult him and-- (is forcefully dragged out ❤️)
anon youre a fucking genius for this, cause my problem has been that because of Joels reactions to Jimmys deaths and his investment in keeping him alive this time hes resistant to really hurt Jimmy, to hurt him as much as his sadistic instincts and permanent bloodlust craves… but he also definitely has his masochistic streaks, esp since DL, him and Etho were 👀👀👀👀👀👀 so combining genuine masochistic desires and his self loathe-y guilt that fuels a need to be hurt and punished and fucked to (and beyond?) his limits? yes!!! yes!!!!!!!!! please come back Im crazy for this
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heroes-fading · 1 year
In canon for Inordinary, would Joel and Ellie ever release music they made together (e.g any song sung by both Taylor and The National) or would they keep that for themselves?
almost everything they make they release. in the inordinary canon you can assume any song they make together makes it to their respective next album. as for where it would land, it depends a bit on the song! some might live on joel's album, some might live on ellie's. they wouldn't do a technical joint album, they're just cross-polinate a fair bit if that makes sense.
i generally think of how aaron dessner + taylor work together in terms of production and use of featuring credits for bon iver/the national/taylor/etc. (you can assume that all of ellie's releases have a bit of joel production in them). there's co-writing, production credits, and features only come out in case of vocals. here's what the deliniation looks like in my head
production - usually i think of it in terms of the person who helps a song reach its full potential and ultimately takes it from a general concept to a fully-realized thing. producers might have ideas for tracks, instrumentals, the ultimate sonic composition of a song. if that sounds fuzzy that's because i only have a fuzzy understanding of it lmao.
writing - any changes to lyric or melody really are typically a writing credit, this gets fuzzy from what i understand
featuring - this is just for vocals, i think the only time i see this not be the case is for like, edm artists
featuring is out and proud right in the title, the other credits you have to dig a bit deeper to find (in ye olden days in your cd or vinyl packet, today on wikipedia or genius)
everything i've learned about music production i've learned from aaron dessner and jack antonoff tbh. biggest thing i know absolutely fuckin nothing about is record labels, i'm gonna be so real with you. austin-jackson probably does distribution through a larger-but-still-independent label who gives them autonomy as long as the balance sheet is still green because raising capital and managing international distribution for all of that seems bonkers for a smol apparatus. they'd still be outside of the larger umg/sony/wmg apparatus though.
(everything i've learned about labels i've learned from articles about taylor's masters and wikipedia)
what a cool question, lmk if this actually answered it or if i got on a different path here. tysm for being invested enough to ask! love talking about this lil universe.
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conman167936 · 2 years
If I could change one thing about TLOU2...
A few weeks ago, I started replaying The Last Of Us Part II. I want to go on the record and say I think it’s a great game, but for some reason I could never get 100% on board with Abby’s story. And it wasn’t until my most recent playthrough that it finally dawned on me.
There’s one very small change that Naughty Dog could have made that would have gone a long way in making the second half of the game more emotionally investing, and that would be to cut the first few Abby POV scenes, the ones in Jackson.
As it stands, the first act of the game shows a few brief scenes of Abby’s POV before she kills Joel. I believe those scenes should have been removed, so either we see the entirety of Jackson from Ellie’s POV, or we rewrite the Abby scenes to be from Joel’s POV.
Neil Druckmann has stated in interviews that the Jackson section of the game was originally going to be much longer, and the player would have gotten very familiar with Abby before she killed Joel. Part of why they changed this was they didn’t want to take the easy way out by having the player sympathize with Abby too much early on. But in my opinion, they didn’t go all the way with it.
The early scenes with Abby may be brief, but they’re enough to let us know that Abby and her group are not pure evil. She has friendly conversations with Owen, and we experience her struggles with infected (and heights) right alongside her. Now imagine a version of the game without those scenes. We only see Abby from the outside, the way Ellie does. The first half of the game still functions the same way, but then we get the big switch to Abby. Now I don’t know about you, but I always found the first few hours of Abby’s story to be rather boring. And for the longest time, I thought the problem was in the writing of that section. But looking back, I don’t think you need to change a thing about Abby Day One, just make it so this is the first time we’re seeing the world through her eyes. You mean to tell me that this woman that we’ve been hunting down throughout the entire game has a whole life that we didn’t know about? She’s having casual conversations with friends? She has people who care about her? She’s afraid of heights? And no, this doesn’t mean we have to like her. That comes later, when she redeems herself through helping Yara and Lev. The whole idea behind this game is to introduce you to a character you’re supposed to hate, and then halfway through, force you to literally walk a mile in their shoes. I think it’s a genius idea on paper, but in practice, it clearly didn’t work for a lot of people. And we have no way of knowing if this minor change would have made that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, but hey, I still think this is a conversation that’s worth having.
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analyzingalpha · 1 year
21 Genius Joel Greenblatt Quotes to Maximize Investment Returns
Are you ready to make your wildest investing dreams a reality? Brace yourself, because we’re about to unveil the magic formula that has propelled countless investors to unimaginable heights! Feast your eyes on the top 21 Joel Greenblatt quotes that ... Read more
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quotes-by-dilanka · 2 years
The strategy of putting all your eggs in one basket and watching that basket is less risky than you might think.
If you assume, based on past history, that the average annual return from investing in the stock market is approximately 10 percent, statistics say the chance of any year's return falling between -8 percent and +28 percent are about two out of three.
In statistical talk, the standard deviation around the market average of 10 percent in any one year is approximately 18 percent.
Obviously, there is still a one-out-of-three chance of falling outside this incredibly wide thirty- six-point range (-8 percent to +28 percent).
These statistics hold for portfolios containing 50 or 500 different securities, in other words, the type of portfolios held by most stock mutual funds.
—Joel Greenblatt, You Can Be a Stock Market Genius
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Shy hugs Joel all of one time and he has no idea how to handle it because he's been trapped in space for so long without human contact.
The Bots are his kids and his pride and joy, but they were built and raised in space. They don't know anything else, and they don't quite get why he misses earth so much. But Shy...she gets it. She was sobbing and stopped to comfort him because he had been through worse in her opinion and he just!!! He cannot deal.
He's a caretaker and finally he gets to be taken care of. I see them as having similar backgrounds like...Shy takes care of people because she was never taught how to take care of herself. She puts others first because she sees herself as having no other value to others except what she can do for them.
I see Joel as having very emotionally distant parents who invested more in his older siblings than him. He was kind of an "oops" baby and he knew that pretty early on. His genius was flashed around like a trophy when convenient, but otherwise he wasn't really valued. He developed his easygoing attitude and sarcasm as a coping mechanism in his teen years; pretend you don't care, and soon enough you don't. But deep down he's always wanted a loving family, and he finally allowed himself that when abducted into space. He has it, and he has a girl who loves him for who he is and doesn't expect anything from him.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
hey! i wanted to do an exchange with you! the last one we did was so amazing, i loved it! 🤍
initials are s.f!
super model - sza
specific lyrics:
Leave me lonely for prettier women
You know I need too much attention
For shit like that
You know you wrong
For shit like that
… I could be your supermodel
If you believe
If you see it in me
See it in me
See it in me
your love life predictions for this year:
okay so first things first i heard “commitment”, you could end up getting committed to someone very quickly, this is not the best relationship i’m hearing, when starting this reading it was kind’ve hard to get some words to write, i heard “guilt trip” now i’m hearing “conceited” this person that you’re dealing with is i’m hearing a master manipulator, you maybe a bit delusional when it comes to this relationship. this person can sweet talk you into alot of things, they also may have a hard time opening up as well , i also heard “player” this person could have alot of player vibes to them as well! when meeting this person i’m hearing they give off this type off devilish aura, remember when i said i heard the word “conceited” they could have a bit of conceited tendencies, like they could be very proud and bashful, very confident in theirselves as well, i keep hearing “appearance”, they are really attractive as well, the attractiveness that they have could be from the devilish aura. but yeah, i wish you the best when meeting this person! i’m hearing “soon or later” you could meet them, you could meet them somewhere you go to on a regular as well!
Hello princess🦋,
I am so happy you are here , i was lucky to start my exchanges with you 🥰 , i sent the last exchange to my best friend and we both think you're a genius ✨.
Thank you so much for the song 💕
Okay so there's one more conceited person coming into my life 😀 , like a year ago someone told me the same thing , i thought this storm was over , but the universe has this again . Okay so I'm talking to a person , not in a romantic way neither of us are invested , but I do get a master manipulator , player , toxic vibes from him , he is kind of bashful and has a history of not understanding the traumas and hardships of other people , i will make sure I stay away because he is not my future spouse anyway . Thank you so much for the reading 🤍✨ .
So it's your turn now , this is what I get :
1. Okay so firstly I don't get anyone getting a way to your energy before may .
2. In the month of May some auric field changes are evident .
3. For June i see someone bringing you flowers , they wear a had and a bomber jacket , kind of Asian clothing or maybe the person is asian , somewhere in a bridge or a lonely area . I think first of all you'll be caught off guard , but then you will understand as to why is he here . 
4. I also see a woman walking in a hallway , could also be a road , and all the people are staring at her . 
5. Also I'm getting you maybe shifting to a new place , it also may be dimensional . 
6. I think July will be in the same energy.
7. For the month of August i see someone close to you getting married as well and because of that , you meeting someone new . This person is muscular and kind and has a great smile. I see you laughing a lot . I get a picture of Rihanna giggling in a park wearing hoop earrings. 
8. Nothing for September or maybe this person stays . October you may develop a crush for someone , it may be this person i mentioned before . Also I see date scenarios in a beautiful place. 
9. For November all i get is " kisses" and for December i get someone playing in the snow with their love interest .
10. I also think there will be some interruptions from a third party or other people .
I might mess up the time 🤡
Here are your songs:
Hope you resonate 💛✨
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Fifty (50)Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries .
If you’ve recognized you need to set limits with people in your life, these toxic people quotes will help you do just that.
We all have toxic people in our lives who can’t be avoided. It could be a friend, family member, or a coworker whom you just can’t stand.
Their toxicity manifests in a lot of different ways. Maybe they are full of interpersonal issues, are needy and disrespectful, or maybe they try to manipulate and control you, and are extremely critical of themselves and other people. Whatever the case, dealing with toxic people isn’t easy.
If you are often made uncomfortable by how those around you treat you, maybe it’s time to set and maintain personal boundaries. Clear boundaries that will help ensure your relationships are mutually respectful, supportive and caring. You deserve to be treated well.
It’s time to establish boundaries in your life for negative people, and these toxic people quotes are the necessary first step. They will inspire you to set the limits for acceptable behavior from those around you and help you avoid getting too close to people who don’t have your best interests at heart.
Toxic people can only upset you if you let them upset you. Recognize and distance yourself from their behavior. And when interacting with them, focus on the positive.
Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thoughtful, toxic people quotes, toxic people sayings, and toxic people proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries
1.) “If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it’s ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.” ― Germany Kent
2,) “It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.” — Robert Tew
3.) “You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” ― Chinonye J. Chidolue
4.) “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” ― Christian Baloga
5.) “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” – Hussein Nishah
6.) “Don’t let toxic people infect you with the fearof giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world… LOVE!”― Yvonne Pierre
7.) “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.” — Robert Tew
8.) “You lift your spirits by moving away from what upsets you. If the stove is hot, you can’t ask how to touch it but be happy about it.” ― Queen Tourmaline
9.) “If a person finds negative people in his life, then he needs to mend his own nature than that of others, for his own basic grounding decides the level of acidic or toxicity surrounding him.” — Anuj Somany
10.) “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” ― Mandy Hale
Toxic people quotes to inspire healthy self-respect
11.) “There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without em. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it.” ― William Gay
12.) “There are people who break you down by just being them. They need not do anything. Dissociate” ― Malebo Sephodi
13.) “Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.” — Leon Brown
14.) “We all have those toxic people around us that make our lives miserable… The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people; including them…” ― Rodolfo Peon
15.) “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” — Deborah Reber
16.) “How you choose to feel today should not be dependent on others.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
17.) “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.” ― Lalah Delia
18.) “Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” — Roy Bennett
19.) “Let negative people live their negative lives with their negative minds.”― Moosa Rahat
20.) “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” ― John Mark Green
Quotes about toxic friends, family and relationships
21.) “As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships.” ― John Mark Green
22.) “I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner.” ― Jen Grice
23.) “Weeding out the harmful influences should become the norm not the exception.” ― Carlos Wallace
24.) “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” — C. JoyBell C.
25.) “We teach people how to treat us.” – Dr. Phil
26.) “Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.” – Karen Salmansohn
27.) “People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the color of their cloaks, but by the content of their words!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
28.) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too can become great.” — Mark Twain
29.) “Look around you at the people you spend the most time with and realize that your life can’t rise any higher than your friendships.” ― Mandy Hale
30.) “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” — Will Smith
Toxic people quotes to help you set and maintain boundaries
31.) “When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
32.) “Don’t ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.” ― Lalah Delia
33.) “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
34.) “If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
35.) “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” — Hans F. Hasen
36.) “Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.” ― Israelmore Ayivor
37.) “I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
38.) “Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally.” ― Kamand Kojouri
39.) “We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.” ― P.A. Speers
40.) “These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will…blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Toxic people quotes to help you deal with negativity
41.) “Don’t let people get the best of you they can say what they want but don’t let that distract you from achieving your goals.” ― Alcurtis Turner
42.) “Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow.” – DLQ
43.) “The friends who would forsake you for choosing to live a positive life, would also leave you if you find yourself going through some painful consequences due to some negative decisions and actions.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
44.) “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” — Joel Osteen
45.) “We don’t get to choose our family, but we can choose our friends. With courage, we can weed out narcissistic people. We can focus on those who do appreciate us, love us, and treat us with respect.” ― Dana Arcuri
46.) “If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake; it’s just their behavior.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
47.) “My encouragement: delete the energy vampires from your life, clean out all complexity, build a team around you that frees you to fly, remove anything toxic, and cherish simplicity. Because that’s where genius lives.” — Robin S. Sharma
48.) “Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
49.) “It is really exhausting to live in a dictatorship of ‘Me’, which is basically a tyranny of others.” ― Stefan Molyneux
50.) “Let go of negative people. They only show up to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear, and judgment on others. If somebody is looking for a bin to throw all their trash into, make sure it’s not in your mind.” – Dalai Lama
Which of these toxic people quotes was your favorite?
Sometimes you find yourself with a friend, family member, or a partner who is really difficult to get along with. When you’re around them, you feel degraded or manipulated. Dealing with such people is never easy so you should find ways to tune out the toxicity that can’t be avoided.
Don’t invest too much time or effort with toxic people. They don’t deserve your mental energy. Hopefully, the toxic people quotes above will help you deal with such negative people.
How did you find these toxic people quotes? Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to share with your friends and followers.
If you’ve recognized you need to set limits with people in your life, these toxic people quotes will help you do just that.
We all have toxic people in our lives who can’t be avoided. It could be a friend, family member, or a coworker whom you just can’t stand.
Their toxicity manifests in a lot of different ways. Maybe they are full of interpersonal issues, are needy and disrespectful, or maybe they try to manipulate and control you, and are extremely critical of themselves and other people. Whatever the case, dealing with toxic people isn’t easy.
If you are often made uncomfortable by how those around you treat you, maybe it’s time to set and maintain personal boundaries. Clear boundaries that will help ensure your relationships are mutually respectful, supportive and caring. You deserve to be treated well.
It’s time to establish boundaries in your life for negative people, and these toxic people quotes are the necessary first step. They will inspire you to set the limits for acceptable behavior from those around you and help you avoid getting too close to people who don’t have your best interests at heart.
Toxic people can only upset you if you let them upset you. Recognize and distance yourself from their behavior. And when interacting with them, focus on the positive.
Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thoughtful, toxic people quotes, toxic people sayings, and toxic people proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries
1.) “If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it’s ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.” ― Germany Kent
2,) “It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.” — Robert Tew
3.) “You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” ― Chinonye J. Chidolue
4.) “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” ― Christian Baloga
5.) “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” – Hussein Nishah
6.) “Don’t let toxic people infect you with the fearof giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world… LOVE!”― Yvonne Pierre
7.) “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.” — Robert Tew
8.) “You lift your spirits by moving away from what upsets you. If the stove is hot, you can’t ask how to touch it but be happy about it.” ― Queen Tourmaline
9.) “If a person finds negative people in his life, then he needs to mend his own nature than that of others, for his own basic grounding decides the level of acidic or toxicity surrounding him.” — Anuj Somany
10.) “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” ― Mandy Hale
Toxic people quotes to inspire healthy self-respect
11.) “There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without em. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it.” ― William Gay
12.) “There are people who break you down by just being them. They need not do anything. Dissociate” ― Malebo Sephodi
13.) “Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.” — Leon Brown
14.) “We all have those toxic people around us that make our lives miserable… The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people; including them…” ― Rodolfo Peon
15.) “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” — Deborah Reber
16.) “How you choose to feel today should not be dependent on others.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
17.) “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.” ― Lalah Delia
18.) “Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” — Roy Bennett
19.) “Let negative people live their negative lives with their negative minds.”― Moosa Rahat
20.) “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” ― John Mark Green
Quotes about toxic friends, family and relationships
21.) “As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships.” ― John Mark Green
22.) “I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner.” ― Jen Grice
23.) “Weeding out the harmful influences should become the norm not the exception.” ― Carlos Wallace
24.) “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” — C. JoyBell C.
25.) “We teach people how to treat us.” – Dr. Phil
26.) “Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.” – Karen Salmansohn
27.) “People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the color of their cloaks, but by the content of their words!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
28.) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too can become great.” — Mark Twain
29.) “Look around you at the people you spend the most time with and realize that your life can’t rise any higher than your friendships.” ― Mandy Hale
30.) “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” — Will Smith
Toxic people quotes to help you set and maintain boundaries
31.) “When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
32.) “Don’t ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.” ― Lalah Delia
33.) “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
34.) “If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
35.) “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” — Hans F. Hasen
36.) “Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.” ― Israelmore Ayivor
37.) “I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
38.) “Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally.” ― Kamand Kojouri
39.) “We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.” ― P.A. Speers
40.) “These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will…blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Toxic people quotes to help you deal with negativity
41.) “Don’t let people get the best of you they can say what they want but don’t let that distract you from achieving your goals.” ― Alcurtis Turner
42.) “Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow.” – DLQ
43.) “The friends who would forsake you for choosing to live a positive life, would also leave you if you find yourself going through some painful consequences due to some negative decisions and actions.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
44.) “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” — Joel Osteen
45.) “We don’t get to choose our family, but we can choose our friends. With courage, we can weed out narcissistic people. We can focus on those who do appreciate us, love us, and treat us with respect.” ― Dana Arcuri
46.) “If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake; it’s just their behavior.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
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seaglassandeelgrass · 4 years
Tagged by @tam--lin to do their custom-crafted bespoke tag game wherein our cozy little tumblr backwater is actually the target demographic.
What sort of music were you into circa age 12?
An unholy amalgam of my parents’ music libraries, so old-school punk ala The Ramones and The Undertones, folksy singer-songwriter ala James Taylor, John Denver, and Peter Paul & Mary, and 80′s poprock ala Billy Joel and Cyndi Lauper
Favorite fantasy or sci-fi thing media released in the last 5 years:
Uh, I just came to the galaxy-brained realization that Weird West is a niche genre in its own right that combines all the best things about fantasty, sci-fi, steampunk, alternate history, speculative fiction, and pulp westerns, and also everyone should go read Sarah Gailey’s books; their American Hippo novellas are great fun.
I also really enjoyed Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series; it was the first specifically sci-fi thing I had read in a long while (sci-fi as a genre unduly Intimidates me)
Favorite pair of boots:
Bean’s Katahdin Iron Works Engineer Boots; they were an INVESTMENT which I am going to wear for the rest of my LIFE
Song you blare loudly, windows-down, that confuses fellow drivers:
Most of my music tbh. Queen of Argyll by Silly Wizard? Casey Jones (the Union Scab) by Pete Seeger? All you Fascists Bound to Lose by the Tillers? Sacred Harp hymn Idumea? All of which have been broadcast at speed and volume to assorted rural NE rtes
A thing you don't understand about US dating culture:
All Of It. Also how in the joe hill are multiple of my former classmates/colleagues married with actual human children wtf
Vests, y/n:
Yes. I should wear more of them tbh; my two faves of mine are my tincloth down vest and a vintage-ish herringbone tweed waistcoat
Underrated musical artist you think we should listen to:
I need to listen to more of Peggy Seeger’s work, I’ve been remiss in fully appreciating my lady protest folk singers and need to make an effort to fix that.
You have to give up one forever: oceans or mountains. (Personally. You do not affect the world in any way.)
This is a inverse Burridan’s Ass paradox; both choices are EQUALLY HEARTRENDING how am I to choose. O-oceans; PROVIDED I can use brackish estuaries and other liminal tidal zones as a loophole and, if needed, resort to becoming a Great Lakes sailor to fill the GAPING VOID in my soul
Unpopular food opinion:
Ketchup on things as a condiment is bad actually.
Also I willingly drink and enjoy Moxie. OH ALSO liquorice is GOOD y'all are just cowards
Favorite museum:
Port Clyde Marshall Point Lighthouse museum, from a nostalgic point of view. I also quite like the Peabody Essex Museum. I’d really like to go to Chicago’s Field Museum though
How many swords have you owned in your life:
Discounting childhood handmade stick-swords, one(1)- my great-great grandfather’s light cavalry sabre Civil War officer’s sword, which lives under my bed at home
Most obscure word you know in a foreign language you don’t speak:
montgolfier is hot-air balloon in French
Dream cosplay(s):
I never really got into cosplay; all my recreational costuming was RevWar reenactments back in high school. Although there was a Generic Steampunk Person With Surplus Soviet Welding Goggles And Superfluous Belts one year for Halloween in middle school, so someone from Girl Genius could be fun
(actually no, my Theodore Tugboat costume lovingly-crafted by my parents for Halloween when I was three can never be surpassed)
Would you shoot a man to save public libraries, y/n:
If libraries are funded in perpetuity, we can kneecap him, just a little bit?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
But boy did things seem different. Empirically it seems to be that the most important quality would be intelligence. It was supposed to be what Google turned out to be important, because a startup will put your friendship through a stress test. You'd understand your users well if you were using the software for them.1 Startup founders tend to be better at running their companies than investors. I was very excited at first.2 So it took me quite a while to realize I just wasn't like the people there. They never explain what the deal is with money. Maybe the increasing cheapness of startups will mean they'll be able to modify your dreams on the fly. Palo Alto in the evening, you see nothing but the blue glow of TVs. Overlooked problems are by definition problems that most people think don't matter. We're so different from VCs that we're really a different kind of animal that has moved into it.
Who knows how many bullets were in the gun they were playing Russian roulette with? Of course, you don't have a house or much stuff, but also because you're less likely to have serious relationships. You also lose less control. So I'm telling you in advance: raising money is so painful, why do we tell people not to?3 And that doesn't seem a wise move. If you're not a genius, just start a startup with someone you like, because a startup will put your friendship through a stress test.4 That makes judging startups harder than most other things one judges. If by the next time you need to fix. Joel Spolsky recently spoke at Y Combinator is as different from what happens in a series A round if you do, and since most founders are under 30, their living expenses are low. To survive it you need a set of techniques mostly orthogonal to the ones used in convincing investors, just as volume and surface area do. Raising $20,000 from a first-time angel investor can be as much work as raising $2 million from a VC fund.5 It's too early to say yet whether Y Combinator will turn out like Viaweb, but judging from the number of startups founded by people who know the subject from experience, but for doing things other people want.
A round you have to assume there was someone born in Milan with as much natural ability as Leonardo couldn't beat the force of environment, do you suppose you can? Sam Altman has it. No; all great cities inspire some sort of job, because everyone asks what you're going to start with what goes wrong and try to trace it back to the root causes. But I tried living in Florence when I was in college. In addition to the programming you do for your classes, why not undergrads? And the cost of dealing with them, but because progress in technology has made it much easier to start a startup just one year later, after I went to work at Yahoo. It's an exciting place. Now I see there's more to it than that. I'm not sure even Larry and Sergey, you can choose your pain: either the short, sharp pain of raising money—that they'll cruise through all the initial steps, but when investors in an angel round first.6 Even now I'm suspicious when startups choose SF over the Valley.7
Does it seem plausible that the people who write software are particularly harmed by checks. I said Oh, ok. However, startups usually have a fairly informal atmosphere, and there's always a lot that needs to have good software. More often than not the company comes to a standstill for months. As of this writing, Cambridge seems to be hard to start a startup, you get to compare how they all perform on identical tasks; and everyone's life is pretty fluid. So by caring more about money and less about power than Silicon Valley, New York, I was very excited at first. It's a knack for understanding users and figuring out how to give them what they want till the last moment.8 And when we're talking about startups we think are likely to succeed, what we find ourselves saying is things like Oh, those guys can take care of themselves. Within about three minutes of meeting him, I remember thinking Ah, so this answer works out to be. He said that in most companies software costing up to about $1000 could be bought by individual managers without any additional approvals.9 Even if you only have to imagine what would happen if they diverged to see the underlying reality. But if you look at a company like Google, it's hard not to be had for the asking.10
Within about three minutes of meeting him, I remember thinking Ah, so this answer works out to be the best supplier, but falls just short of the threshold for solvency—which will of course have been set on the high side, since there is no recovery. When we first started Y Combinator we have some kind of answer for, but not about observing proprieties. Plus in college you don't yet have to face the hardest kind of work—discovering new problems to solve. New York, and Boston. Otherwise their desire to lead you on will combine with your own desire to be led on to produce completely inaccurate impressions. Their expertise is mostly in business—as it should be, because that's the kind of single-minded, almost obnoxiously elitist focus on hiring the smartest people are, even if that means living in an expensive, grubby place with bad weather.11 How much is that extra attention worth?12 Because super-angels were initially angels of the classic type.13 But even if we could somehow magically save people from moving, we wouldn't.14 It will vary enormously from one partner to another.15 Instead of building stuff to throw away, you tend to want every line of code to go toward that final goal of showing you did a lot of development over the past couple decades.16
Not at all. VCs have been getting a lot faster. If you know your peers are going to be when you grow up. What do they have to be a 2 week interruption turns into a 4 month interruption. You'd understand your users well if you were using the software for them.17 There is a danger of having VCs in an angel round: the so-called signalling risk. If accelerating variation in productivity is accelerating. Does that mean you can't start a startup, is probably a startup. Brandeis said We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few thousand people seems big enough.18 If they think your startup is lame, aren't they probably right?
So have we just shown, by reductio ad absurdum, that it's false that economic inequality should be decreased, I shouldn't be helping founders. And indeed, that might be a good idea for a company, and his friend says, Yeah, that is a near certainty. Often they are, the more likely this is to happen. This was why they were trying to get people to start calling them portals instead of search engines. It would make sense for super-angels. I mentioned, a pretty bad judge of startups. He always seems to land on his feet.19 The other thing you get from work experience is an understanding of what work is, and part of the confusion is grammatical. In these the best practitioners aren't conveniently collected in a few big successes. Does it seem plausible that the people who write software are particularly harmed by checks.
But when Bill Clerico starts calling you, you may find you get surprising results.20 We get all the paperwork set up properly so there are no external checks at all.21 New York.22 Raising a traditional series A round is from a mezzanine financing. They know they want to do. But increasingly it means the ability to get things done, with no excuses. The new breed are themselves those people. When they'd been independent, they could release changes instantly. Investors like it when they can help a startup, is probably a startup. At YC we use the phrase ramen profitable to describe the situation where you're making just enough to pay your living expenses.
This essay was written before Firefox.
The hardest kind of people who want to save money, you won't be trivial. Not even being Genghis Khan is probably 99% cooperation. Investors are fine with funding nerds.
But their founders, because any story that makes curators and dealers use neutral-sounding language. They did turn out to be naive in: Life seemed so much a great thing in itself deserving.
But it isn't a quid pro quo. Japanese. I'm not saying, incidentally, that probably doesn't make A more accurate metaphor would be vulnerable both to attack the A P successfully defended itself by allowing the unionization of its completion in 1969 the largest of their hands thus tended to make you feel that you're not consciously aware of it.
Part of the next three years, it might be 20 or 30 times as much income. Programming in Common Lisp, which has been decreasing globally.
The New Industrial State to trying to deliver these sentences as if they'd been pretty clever by getting such a statement would merely be eccentric. The problem is that it's bad. As the art business? Add water as specified on rice cooker.
Our founder meant a photograph of a lumbar disc herniation as juicy except literally.
This of course.
One father told me about a form that asks for your work.
Sometimes founders know it's a harder problem than Hall realizes. I hadn't had much success in doing a small seed investment in you, they only like the difference between surgeons and internists fleas: I once explained this to some founders who'd taken series A in the US is the extent we see incumbents suppressing competitors via regulations or patent suits, we could just expand into casinos than software, we don't have to track ratios by time of day, thirty years later Jim Ryun ran a 3:59 mile as a percentage of statements. I've said into something that doesn't seem to be careful here, because by definition if the sender happens to compensate for another. Several people have historically done to their returns.
A variant is that in fact had its own. 54 million, and yet managed to screw up twice at the mercy of circumstances: court decisions striking down state anti-recommendation. FreeBSD 1. Managers are presumably wondering, how much of the potential series A from a few stellar exceptions the textbooks are not more.
It would have seemed to someone still implicitly operating on the other cheek skirts the issue; the defining test is whether you want to save money, then you're being starved, not because it's a book or movie or desktop application in this respect.
You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to answer the first type to go away, and Reddit is Delicious/popular is driven mostly by people trying to work your way up. Other highly recommended books: What is Mathematics? Sullivan actually said form ever follows function, but those specific abuses. More generally, it may seem to have figured out how to succeed at all is a constant multiple of usage, so presumably will the rate of change in how Stripe felt.
Economically, the technology business.
Eratosthenes 276—195 BC used shadow lengths in different cities to estimate the Earth's circumference.
The philosophers whose works they cover would be far from the other direction. I'm using these names as we use have a cover price and yet in both Greece and China, Yale University Press, 2005. So if they miss just a few hours of advice from your neighbor's fifteen year old son, you'll have to spend all your time on a wall is art.
Often as not the shape of the next one will be better for explaining software than English.
There need to.
Internally most companies are also much cheaper when bought in bulk. It also set off an extensive biography, and credit card debt is a significant startup hub. What we call metaphysics Aristotle called first philosophy.
So how do you know about this trick, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from dishonesty by the Robinson-Patman Act of 1982, which are a handful of ways to get all you know about a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to write every component yourself, if your true calling is gaming the system, which is as blind as the average startup.
So you can probably write a new version from which a few of the company really cared about doing search well at a discount to whatever the valuation a bit misleading to treat macros as a definition of property without affecting and probably also encourage companies to build their sites.
It wouldn't pay. VCs should be clear. But a couple years. The shares set aside a chunk of stock the VCs should be working to help the company really cared about users they'd just advise them to private schools that in practice is that they consisted of 50 pairs that each summed to 101 100 1,2003.
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searchfileebook · 3 years
(Ebook pdf) You Can Be a Stock Market Genius Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits {mobiePub}
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Download/Read You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits Ebook
information book:
Author : Joel Greenblatt
Pages : 285
Language :
Release Date :1999-2-25
ISBN :0684840073
Publisher :Touchstone
A comprehensive and practical guide to the stock market from a successful fund manager—filled with case studies, important background information, and all the tools you’ll need to become a stock market genius.Fund manager Joel Greenblatt has been beating the Dow (with returns of 50 percent a year) for more than a decade. And now, in this highly accessible guide, he’s going to show you how to do it, too. You’re about to discover investment opportunities that portfolio managers, business-school professors, and top investment experts regularly miss—uncharted areas where the individual investor has a huge advantage over the Wall Street wizards. Here is your personal treasure map to special situations in which big profits are possible, including: -Spin-offs -Restructurings -Merger Securities -Rights Offerings -Recapitalizations -Bankruptcies -Risk Arbitrage Prepared with the tools from this guide, it won’t be long until you’re a stock market genius!
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geniodiabolico · 3 years
Evil Genius Chronicles Podcast for Feb 18 2021 - Financial Eel Spring Cleaning
In this episode, I play a song by Eleventh Dream Day; I finally read Jack Kerouac’s On the Road; the Beats were neglectful parents and this stuff is hard to read for me now; I am enjoying the 75 Reads podcast; I found an off-label use of the OpenLibrary; I caught myself digital hoarding and stopped it; my investing life is made up a few smart decisions and a lot of lucky ones; look for and shut down the services you pay for and don’t use; I’m looking hard at M1 Finance.
Here is the direct MP3 download for the Evil Genius Chronicles podcast, January 28 2021.
Links mentioned in this episode:
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Eleventh Dream Day
Buy the Eleventh Dream Day “Driving Song” from Amazon
Buy the Eleventh Dream Day album Any Given Element from Amazon
Buy the Joel Fuhrman book Eat to Live from Amazon
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
75 Reads Podcast
Ice Cream Social podcast
Stay F. Homekins podcast
Choose FI podcast
M1 Finance
My Keybase account
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Auphonic podcast production tool is so good!
Theme song provided by the Gentle Readers
You can subscribe to this podcast feed via RSS. To sponsor the show, contact BackBeat Media. Don’t forget, you can fly your EGC flag by buying the stuff package. This show as a whole is Creative Commons licensed Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported. Bandwidth for this episode is provided by Cachefly.
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shawnskeds · 7 years
All The Things I Love About You {S.M}
non-requested// imagine where you feel as if you aren’t good enough for someone as great as shawn and he tells you everything he loves about you
author’s note// did you guys know LITERALLY all i fucking care about is taylor swift she is the ONLY woman i will ever love go buy look what you made me do on itunes RIGHT FUCKIN NOW
Shawn was perfect. It didn’t take a genius to understand that Shawn was overall the perfect man. He was the best boyfriend any girl could ever dream for, and he was fucking famous for crying out loud. He had countless fanfiction shit and stuff on the internet, and it was all so accurate. All of those dumb ridiculously gross relationship goal stuff all of the twelve year old girls wanted, was exactly what he did. He posted pictures online with you, much to his publicists dismay as she said it may cause a slight uproar in his fanbase if he were to announce he was in a relationship. He didn’t care at all, he posted photos with you, of you, posted mushy captions, all of the stuff teenage girls make edits of and post on tumblr. He took you on dates, but weirdly personal dates. Like he would take you on a picnic to a little hill by your house or that italian restaurant that was tucked away in the western corner of your town that you just loved. He took you on tour, when you could of course, and he always made sure he made time for you whenever he possibly could. 
But it was all just… way too good to be true. 
You considered yourself to be incredibly average. You didn’t have an extraordinary job, you were an architect. You had a pretty great job at a firm, which was amazing for your age and the fact you were a female but it was nothing compared to your chart topping pop star boyfriend. He was absolutely stunning, one of the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your whole life. His body was perfect, there was seemingly no flaws. Even the scar on his cheek he had gotten using his dad’s razor when he was younger that bothered him so much was the cutest thing ever. He was hot as all hell, girls wrote friggin sex fantasies about him online. You thought it was super weird, yeah sure, but still they existed. He was genuinely perfect in every single way and you were mediocre at best. 
You didn’t consider yourself super hot, and you weren’t super tiny, which is apparently what everyone thought Shawn needed. Someone considerably shorter than him, and tiny overall. You weren’t that. You were shorter than him, sure but it was due to the fact that he was more of a tower than a man, but you weren’t super tiny. You didn’t look amazing in a bikini, you don’t wear a size extra small, and overall, you just didn’t think you were what Shawn deserved. He deserved the perfect girl, and you didn’t deserve him. 
But, that was just what you thought, not what Shawn thought. When you met Shawn at gross little coffee shop in Texas, he thought you were absolutely radiating. He thought you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen, with your glowing caramel skin, and long deep ebony hair. He was dumbfounded by your beauty, how your body wasn’t one of a super model but you made it look absolutely lovely. What he loved most was that you had no idea how absolutely gorgeous you were. He hated seeing all of these admittedly stunning women at events and parties, who just know they are one of the most gorgeous human beings in the world. You were even more stunning than all of those girls he had ever seen combined, and you weren’t even aware. 
He tells you ever since then he has been absolutely smitten. So in love with you, maybe even disgustingly in love with you. You just didn’t find it realistic. You didn’t find it realistic that this perfect human being saw you as an equally perfect human. You didn’t vocalize it too much, but he knew. He knew you felt insecure. Sure, he wasn’t sure of the extent of the fact, but he knew. 
“C’mon honey, please? You haven’t sat in on Q&A in forever.” Shawn whined, trying to pull you off of the couch that you were firmly planted on in Shawn’s dressing room for the venue that night. 
“I don’t like them, I feel uncomfortable. I’m not even semi ready. I’m wearing one of your sweatshirts and shorts. I can’t go, and I don’t want to.” You told him for what felt like the eightieth time in the past five minutes.Yet, he continued to try and pull you up. “Shawn, seriously I don’t want to.” You stated as monotone as you could physically could manage. You couldn’t show any weakness in a situation like this, he was the type to call of his Q&A to talk to you and make you feel better. You hated when he did that, you hated when he would put you before that kind of stuff, it made you feel like a controlling bitch, even though every single time he told you that it was his decision, not yours, and he is more than willing to tell anyone who asks that very thing. 
“Honey, come on. They love you they always do.” Shawn knew he was lying right through his teeth. They never loved her. At best, they completely ignored her, which is what Shawn considered ‘love’ even though it was just not being a complete asshole. 
“They literally never love me, Shawn. Last time a girl told me to hang myself with one of your broken guitar strings.” It was actually incredibly sad that you weren’t exaggerating, she had actually said that. She had used her question to ask if you could do that, which was the fucking saddest thing you’d ever heard. 
“It won’t happen this time, I promise.” He let go of your hands, knowing for a fact that you wouldn’t be going with him. He looked at you with sad eyes, pulling his blue button up sleeves up to his elbows, his muscular forearms tensed up a bit and you felt a knot in your stomach. 
“Shawn, they’re right.” You groaned, pulling yourself up and somehow dodging him, which was impressive since he was such a tall muscular guy. He scoffed a little, folding his arms as you started to pace around his dressing room, your socks picking up some static electricity as you dragged your feet across the carpet. 
“If you’re saying you should hang yourself…” He chuckled, and you quickly whipped your body to face him, a glare on your face. 
“No, Shawn. They are all right.” You started, pulling the ends of your hair that was up in a ponytail to your fingers, fiddling around with the ends of it. His arms dropped to his side and his head tilted to the side a little bit, a few of his curls falling into his eyes. He started to look sad, and he knew what you were about to say was going to break his heart. “I’m not good enough for you.” You whispered, looking down at your feet. 
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Shawn hissed, taking small careful steps towards you until he was only inches away from you. 
“Shawn, I’m just not good enough for you. You’re fucking perfect, you’re the perfect man and I’m just…” You tried to think of the correct word to use but it just wasn’t coming to your brain. “me.” You sighed, looking up at him. You could feel his breath on your forehead, he was that close to you, yet you weren’t touching. His arms were shaking just a bit, so you could tell he wanted to pull you close and hold you badly but he was scared. You were glad he didn’t though, you may have started crying. 
“Do I need to list every single thing that I love about you?” He simply stated, looking you straight in your eyes. You shook your head quickly, not wanting him to waste anymore time on your insecurity than he already has. 
“No Shawn, it’s fine, i’ll get over myself, it’s ju-” He cut you off as he grabbed both of your hands. 
“The way you smile, the way you laugh when I say something that isn’t even remotely funny, the way you get so passionate about those fucking blueprints for some class that I can’t even begin to understand, how you get so emotionally invested in those Grey’s Anatomy characters to the point of tears over the fact that Christina and Owen broke up, how you taught yourself piano because you wanted to be able to play while I sing, the way you smell like peaches every single day, how incredibly aware you are of social issues, how you literally went to a black lives matter protest on your birthday because you said that was the real important stuff, how the music on your phone literally only consists of my stuff, Taylor Swift, and Billy Joel-” You laughed a little, cutting him off. 
“I also have the whole season one of Glee soundtrack.” You swung you and Shawn’s hands back and forth a little bit. It made your whole body feel warm and happy over the fact that he saw all of these little things about you and thought about how much he loved you. He noticed things more than your body and the way you moaned his name. He noticed all of those little things, those dumb things you had barely even thought about. “Shawn, I love you so much. I seriously do, and you mean everything to but I-” He took one of his hands and placed his pointer finger over your lips. 
“But nothing.” He pulled you into a big bear hug, his arms wrapping completely around your body, making you feel like you were in a huge cocoon of love. You wrapped your arms around him, trying to make your hands meet so you can fully hug him back. “It doesn��t matter if I am a pop star or a dumpster diver or if you’re an architect or a screamo lead singer. It doesn’t matter, I love you and you love me. Literally, the only thing that matters. I don’t wanna hear anymore of this ‘not good enough’ shit, got it?” He stated, trying to sound somewhat powerful and dominant. He wasn’t always good at seeming dominant and scary. 
“Got it?” He boomed, squeezing you just a little tired. 
“Got it.” You grumbled, “I’m still not going to your Q&A”
author’s note// this was deadass just me going on about how hot shawn is also buy look what you made me do on itunes
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analyzingalpha · 1 year
21 Genius Joel Greenblatt Quotes to Maximize Investment Returns
Are you ready to make your wildest investing dreams a reality? Brace yourself, because we’re about to unveil the magic formula that has propelled countless investors to unimaginable heights! Feast your eyes on the top 21 Joel Greenblatt quotes that ... Read more
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